> Happy Hearths Warming Eve > by Eros > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up was never something Big Macintosh enjoyed. He never had a problem with getting up early in the morning and applebucking all day, but it's difficult for anypony to leave the warmth and quiet of one's room. Opening one bleary eye, he looked out the window at the rising sun, something a farmpony gets used to after a while. Big Mac's room was simple. One window, a bookcase, a closet and a bed covered in sheets that almost matched Big Mac's coat. The sight of the sunlight streaming across a thick white blanket of snow brought Big Mac a sense of joy. Smiling, he remembered that it was winter and there were no apples to be bucked. More then winter, it was Hearts Warming Eve, one of the best holidays there was. A day for family and loved ones. Speaking of loved ones, Big Mac turned his attention to the pony snuggled up against him. That tan coat was really so cute, and the soft brown mane was extremely calming to run your hooves through, as Big Mac had discovered. Pulling the smaller pony ever so gently, Big Mac stroked his mane tenderly, enjoying the way it made Caramel wriggle closer to him. Slowly opening one blue eye, Caramel looked up into the eyes of his coltfriend. "Hey big guy" he cooed softly. Big Mac gave him a warm smile. "Mornin' Sugarflanks" he whispered back. Caramel blushed. He lay back on Mac's large chest, looking up at the stallion who was almost twice his size. Caramel loved these moments of lying in Big Mac's strong forelegs. He felt safe, like nothing could bother him. Nuzzling deeper into Big Mac's red fur, Caramel savored the warmth Big Mac's hot body was giving off. The rest of Equestria was covered in the cold snow, but his stallion always kept him warm. Mac enjoyed having Caramel hug him like this, especially on cold days. The tan little pony was like a hot water bottle, so very warm and comforting to have. After laying like that for another hour, Caramel tentatively licked Big Mac's chin. Big Mac grinned. "Tha's not how yah kiss your coltfriend" he said, pulling Caramel on top of him and connecting their snouts. Caramel didn't resist and melted into Big Mac's loving embrace, opening his eyes as he did. Most couple's closed their eye's when they kissed, but Mac and Caramel liked to look into each others eye's as they expressed their love for each other. They lost themselves in the kiss and each others eye's and felt their very souls connect. Caramel slipped his hooves under Big Macintosh's front legs, wrapping him in an even tighter hug. Big Mac whinnied at the personal nature of Caramel's hooves as they gently stroked his back. They literally couldn't get closer. Their heart's jumped erratically and Big Mac began to get short of breath. Breaking their kiss, Caramel looked down at Big Mac, who had somehow managed to get under him. Not that he minded. "There yah go" Big Mac said to the panting tan stallion. Caramel giggled. "I wasn't even trying to kiss you, silly." Positioning himself on Big Mac, he lay on top of the bigger steed only to be surprised at the deep rumble emanating from Big Mac's stomach. "Hungry?" Caramel asked, reaching a front leg into Big Mac's mane and twirling it around in his hoof. Big Mac certainly was."As a horse" he said while grabbing some of Caramel's mane in his front hooves. "How'd yah get yer mane so soft?" Caramel tried to get his mane out of Big Mac's hooves by shaking his head, but that only hurt. Squinting, Caramel summoned his best angry face. "Let go of my mane and maybe I'll tell you, you big foal" he said, unable to keep the snicker out of his voice. "They don't call me Big Mac for nothin'" he answered, still holding Caramel's oh-so-soft mane. Thinking back to the night before, Caramel grinned to himself. It was true. He had certainly earned the name Big Macintosh. Finally releasing Caramel from his torture, Big Mac got out of bed and stretched. It was always good to stretch after... a workout, even if that workout had been a few hours ago. Caramel rolled his eyes and pulled the covers up to his chin. "But I don't wanna get up yet" Caramel whined, making the most foalish face a fully grown stallion could make. With an evil glint in his eye, Big Mac scooped Caramel up and began walking to the dining room in a bride and groom fashion. Caramel tried to squirm out of Big Mac's grasp, but the red steed was far stronger then him. "What the hay do you think you're doing Mac?" he protested, trying to get down. Big Mac's evil smile grew wider. "Yah shoulda gotten outta bed like a mature colt." "Mac, put me down" It was that moment that a small yellow and red blob dashed out in front of them, then stopped and turned around. Applebloom cocked her head for a second, then let out the loudest laugh a filly could make. " Ha hahe he he ha ha heha" she half giggled half squeaked with laughter. "Applebloom, what tha apple's goin' on there?" Applejack asked, poking her head around the corner. At the sight of the two stallions ahead of her, Applejack bit her bottom lip and screwed up her eyes. Unable to control herself, she did the exact same thing as Applebloom. The fillies could barely stand. Caramel was wrapped in the blanket in such a way that it seemed to be a dress, and Big Mac was balancing on his hind legs trying to carry him. They looked as if they had just been married. The apple sisters fell over in uncontrollable fits of laughter, as Caramel fumed and Big Mac gloated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roughly 15 minutes later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Would tha perdy bride like some oats?" Caramel tried to scowl at the smiling Applejack, but just couldn't keep a straight face. Adopting a high voice he tightened his lips, making him look very feminine. Big Mac failed to suppress a titter, while Applebloom openly cracked up. "Yes, indeed my dear Applejack, I would love some" he replied, sounding almost exactly like Rarity. "Now what're yah little ponies laughin' bout'?" Granny Smith frowned over her bowl of spiced apple oats. "T'ain't nothin' important granny, jus' Caramel and Big Mac here bein' all silly" Applejack answered, wiping her eyes. Granny Smith smiled at the colts in front of her, while Caramel tucked into his breakfast. Applejack always made the best oats. "So Mac, yah got any plans for today?" Granny Smith asked kindly. "Me n' Mel got some stuff ta do in town" he told her vaguely, his face not leaving his oats. Caramel looked at him sideways. "We do?" he asked, not realizing what Big Mac was trying to do. Big Mac gave him a small kick under the table. "Yah know, that thing we had ta go see." Getting the message, Caramel looked back at Granny Smith, who was looking suspicious. "Oh right, yeah that thing" he said, slapping a hoof to his forehead. What was Mac up to? Applejack and Applebloom kept silent. Granny Smith narrowed her eyes, while looking at Big Macintosh. "Now ah don't want you two gettin' up ta no funny business, yah hear?" Granny Smith had woken up around 11:30, and didn't know that Caramel had stayed over the night before. Nor did she know that Big Mac had already gotten up Caramel's funny business. Big Mac's eyes glued themselves to his oats as he replied."Course' not Granny. I ain't that kinda stallion." It was all Caramel could do not to smile. Granny Smith eyed Big Mac more closely. "Yah better not be. And you." She turned to look at Caramel. "Ah don't want you temptin' mah grandson with none o' yer fancy unicorn magic." Caramel's eyes turned up to look at his forehead, noting the lack of a horn. What the hay did Granny Smith mean? "Uh, Granny? Caramel ain't a unicorn" piped up Applejack, always the voice of reason. Granny Smith looked confused. "What caramel? We don't have no caramel." Applejack was about to answer her, but noticed the ghost of a smile at her frail lips. Granny Smith let out a crackling laugh, looking from Applejack to Caramel. "Ah'm just teasing yah. Hee hee hee, you young ponies take everything so seriously." Before long, the whole table, even Big Mac was laughing their flanks off at the pure silliness of Granny Smith. Eventually Applejack finished her oats and got up. "Well, ah gotta get goin' y'all. Got a lot a apples tah sell. Mind helpin' me load em' Mac?" Big Mac resumed his stoic expression almost instantly. "Sure thing Applejack." The siblings placed their empty bowls in the sink and walked out the back door to the apple-filled barn. Caramel got up to follow them, but Applebloom suddenly pulled him back. "Uncle Caramel, can yah help me please?" Caramel bent down to look at the little filly. "What do you need help with Applebloom?" he said kindly. Applebloom thought a moment. "Ah uh, need tah um... find mah saddlebag" she mumbled while staring at the ground. Caramel was confused. Why would she need his help for that? Oh well. Caramel was always happy to help. "Sure thing sugarcube" he told her, sounding remarkably like Applejack, who happened to be just around the corner. Applebloom smiled. "Come on then. Ah think ah left it under my bed, but ah can't remember." With that, she galloped down the stairs at full speed. Caramel was just about to follow her ,when Applejack suddenly poked her head around the door and eyeballed Caramel. She stepped into the doorway, lightly tapping a baseball bat in her hooves. "That's mah line." Caramel blanched and ran after Applebloom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That coltfriend o' your's sure is mighty easy tah scare." Big Mac looked up from his crate of apples to see Applejack with an evil grin on her face. Big Mac summoned his most terrifying voice, a deep rumble."You cut that out Applejack. Ah don't like you scarin' mah Caramel." Applejack giggled. "He knows Ah'm only teasin'." Big Mac placed the last few apples carefully into the almost full crate in front of him. The apples were a little wizened, being winter and all that, but they were kept in an airtight seal and the age made them sweeter. Most ponies didn't seem to mind. "So Applebloom’s got him occupied?" he asked in his rich baritone voice. "Eeyup. She made up some nonsense bout' losin' her saddlebag and asked Caramel tah help her look." Big Mac was surprised Applejack was okay with it. "Don't yah hate lyin'?" he asked her, attempting to gauge her true reaction. Applejack smiled innocently. "It's for a good cause. Sides', Applebloom probably did lose her saddlebag" came the orange mares reply. Applejack fidgeted with her hooves. "So can Ah see it?" she asked shyly. Big Mac looked around the barn one last time, before reaching behind a crate and producing a black box the size of his hoof. He opened it and allowed Applejack to look at the contents. "Wow... It's real perdy." "Eeyup" Big Macintosh replied, snapping the box closed. "So it's set up then?" he asked his younger sister. "Yeah, I talked tah Candy Corn about it an' she was so happy. She said she would handle the lights an' stop it at tha right time." Big Mac sighed in relief. Applejack cocked her head. "You should try tah at least look happy. Don't know why you're doin' this if yah don't want to." Big Mac shook his head. "Ah really wanna do this. Ah'm just so nervous, I can barely handle it." Applejack affectionately bumped his shoulder with her hoof. "Just relax. Everythin's all set up, it'll go perfectly." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure it's around here Applebloom? I don't see anything." Caramel was half under her bed looking for he saddlebag. Applebloom looked at the barn through her window. Smiling nervously, she thought they would be done by now. "Ah'm sure Ah left it here somewhere." Finally, she saw her brother leaving the barn. Big Macintosh started walking inside, but tripped and dropped a black box that was hidden in his saddlebag. Caramel began extracting himself from the underside of Applebloom's bed. With all the speed the little filly could muster, she pushed Caramel back under the bed. "Applebloom what the-" "Ah'm sure it's there, just take one more look!" she shouted, looking over her shoulder to see Big Macintosh trotting inside with the box safely hidden. With an audible sigh of relief, she called out to Caramel. "Ah'm sure Ah'll find it myself. Thanks for the help uncle Caramel" she smiled widely. "Okay..." Caramel knew something was up with the filly, but he couldn't guess, and if it was important, he figured she would tell one of her siblings. He wriggled out the underside if the bed, shrugged, and went to help Big Macintosh load apples. He got to the back door and promptly collided with Big Mac, he head falling into the steed's chest. Caramel's nose ended up buried in a tuft of red fur and the strong scent of apples assaulted him. It was a few minutes before he realized he still had his snout pressed against Big Mac's fur. "Caramel?" "Mhm?" "What are yah doin'?" Ignoring the question, Caramel pressed further into Big Mac's chest. "You're warm." Big Mac gently eased him away. "Save it for tonight cloppy hooves." Big Macintosh enjoyed the way Caramel's eyes lit up at that. Nudging him towards the door, Big Mac grabbed a rather large bag of bits and motioned for Caramel to follow him. "We going somewhere?" "Eeyup" Deciding not to question the red stallion's vagueness, Caramel pulled on a striped blue scarf and followed him out. The snow gently wrapped the orchard in it's frigid embrace. Snowflakes softly fell through the cold air, spinning as they did. They melted on the backs of the couple, making Caramel shiver. They walked side by side, pressing as close to each other as they could while still maintaining the ability to walk. The path to Ponyville was long, but neither of them cared,as long as they had each other. Next to the town was a huge field on which was set up the Hearths Warming Eve fair, an event that everypony enjoyed for the sense of community, fun and festive love. The main attraction was the massive Ferris wheel that stood almost 60 meters tall, but there were plenty of games and stalls selling a multitude of holiday gifts. Caramel's ears pricked up in excitement as he realized where Big Mac was taking him. "Are we going to the fair?!?!?" he almost screamed like a little colt, his blue eyes shining with youth and happiness. Big Mac simply looked at him. "Eeyup." Caramel clapped his front hooves together in glee. He was a very childish pony, and still loved going to fairs. Mac smiled at his exuberance. Caramel's adorable childish nature was one of the many reasons Big Macintosh loved him. That and his tendency to knock things over which Big Mac still hadn't understood his own attraction to. Bumping Mac's shoulder, he pointed towards his house. "I'll just go get some bits, be back in a few minutes." The tan stallion began to walk home, when Big Mac suddenly grabbed his scarf in his teeth, making Caramel trip. Again. "That won't be necessary. Ah got a lot spare bits from the cider we're sellin' and Granny's been pressurin' me tah spend em', so Ah really need tah get rid of em' today." Caramel's cheeks reddened. "But I can't let you pay for me. You work hard for your bits." Big Macintosh pulled him into a hug. "Now sugarcube, Ah insist." he whispered into his ear. Without moving, he nibbled the tip of Caramel's ear, making blood rush to his cheeks. Caramel almost gave in to the tingles Big Mac was sending down his spine, when he realized they were being watched. "Mac, ponies are watching" he managed to whisper. Big Macintosh snuffled. "Ah don' care." Pushing him away with a trembling hoof, Caramel allowed his eyes to acquire an evil glint. "What did you say about waiting for tonight?" Big Macintosh shook himself away and pouted. "You're no fun." Caramel closed his eyes and pulled his tongue petulantly at his coltfriend. "I am so fun." Leaning forward before Caramel could stop him, Mac planted a light kiss on Caramel's lips, the owner of said lips opening his eyes in mock irritation. "Gotcha." With that, the big red stallion turned and galloped towards the fairground. Snow crunched underhoof as Caramel chased him, splattering cold wet ice everywhere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around about 11.6 minutes later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So what do ya wanna do first?" "How about the Ferris wheel?" Big Macintosh went white. His voice shook. He had to do this, he wanted to, but he wasn't quite ready yet. "Uh, h-how 'bout we go on that later?" Wrapping his foreleg around Big Mac's, Caramel gazed into his apple-green eyes. He knew his coltfriend well enough to know that something was wrong. He also knew that if it was serious, Big Macintosh would tell him. Or would he? What if it was so serious, Big Mac couldn't tell him? But what would be so serious? Caramel was quite the paranoid little pony. "Is there something wrong sweetums?" Big Mac simply shook his head. "Nah, t'ain't nothin' wrong. Let's just go on the Ferris wheel later okay? It was then that Caramel remembered Big Macintosh's fear of heights. While he loved seeing Equestria from high places, that very thing was almost the only fear Big Mac would ever show. "Let's go on the Screaming Death then" Caramel said boldly. The Screaming Death was one of the top 5 fastest roller-coasters in Equestria, and not for nothing either. It ran impossibly fast on unicorn magic and every half hour, a group of ponies could be seen stumbling away from the ride with green faces and empty stomachs. For a pony like Caramel, who was introverted and shy, The Screaming Death was not a good time. But Caramel was determined to make Mac feel better about his fear by facing one of his own. "Feelin' brave are we?" Big Macintosh smiled at the courage of his coltfriend, who wouldn't guess why he was so reluctant to go on the wheel until after they had been. The car screamed to a halt in front of them, and they watched in horror as a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane stumbled out, giving everypony there a pretty good idea of what she had had for breakfast. Caramel gulped. If Rainbow Dash, one of the best fliers in the country couldn't handle it, what chance did a little earth pony have? Climbing onto the Screaming Death was like getting drunk for the first time. You knew what was going to happen, and you looked forward to it, yet you were also wary, worried and bucking terrified. Giving Big Macintosh one last look of slight fear, Caramel climbed into the car. Big Mac slid in next to him, placing a strong hoof on Caramel and easing his fear somewhat. With a loud metallic click, the cart began it's accession to the top of the first drop. Which just happened to be 45 meters tall, which was an incredible height for an earth pony. Big Macintosh was his usual self, strong and silent. Meanwhile Caramel was having a less then good time as they slowly climbed to what Caramel was sure would be his death. As they made it to the top, the aura on the cart changed from green to yellow, signifying the beginning of the end of Caramel's stomach. As the aura gradually went orange, they stopped completely and were treated to a beautiful view of Ponyville. At that point, Big Macintosh inched closer to Caramel, and the steeds held each other in fear. The magic went red. "I changed my mind. I don't like this ride" --------------------------------------------------------One mane-raising ride later----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh god... Celestia save me" was all Caramel could say. It was impressive enough that he hadn't thrown up, but his stomach had certainly tried. Even Macintosh was fairly rattled, which was a very difficult thing for anypony to do, much less a ride. Once they felt better and had gotten more acclimated to being still, Big Mac bought them a huge caramel apple and they ate it from opposite ends, their tongue's touching every few licks. Honestly, it was kind of gross, but they had fun. It was more the affection behind the action then the act itself that Caramel enjoyed. They trotted around the fair hoof in hoof admiring all that was going on. There was a blue unicorn performing magic tricks (most of which didn't work), an off-white unicorn set up with huge speakers pumping out electronic music that made the snow on the ground jump in time to the beat and numerous other food stores. They were just passing a cupcake stall when a bright pink pony bounced out to meet them. "Hiya CaraMac" she grinned happily, her fluffy pink mane still moving after she stopped. Big Mac and Caramel were confused. Big Mac said nothing, so it was Caramel who spoke up. "CaraMac? Who's that?" Pinkie Pie's smile widened to impossible proportions. "That's you sillies! Caramel and Big Macintosh make CaraMac!" Finally getting it, Caramel shook his head at her oddness. "Nopony calls us that Pinkie. I have never heard anypony refer to our relationship that way." Pinkie seemed hurt. Her eyes turned downwards and she pawed at the ground. "So you think I'm a nopony?" she asked in a small voice. Caramel blushed. "N-no that’s not... well I... I don't..." he was a blabbering idiot right now. Pinkie Pie lifted a hoof to her mouth and giggled. "I'm just pulling your petunias. You're so silly Melly." She reached around the stall and brought out two white cupcakes with rose shaped frosting. Leaning forward, she placed one in Big Mac and Caramel's hooves. It was time for Caramel to be confused again. "Umm... thanks Pinkie. What is this for?" Pinkie Pie's eyes gleamed. "Oh nothing in particular..." Her eyes trailed up to Big Macintosh, who iris's became pinpricks under her gaze. He could barely speak. There was no possible way she could have known. No. Way. "Well, I gotta go. Everypony seems to like my cakes today!" She bounced away again, leaving a scared stallion, a confused colt and two very delicious cupcakes. The way Big Macintosh was acting, there was no question that something was bothering him, and Caramel was determined to find out what. "Big Mac? What's wrong?" His coltfriend said nothing. Caramel continued. "I can tell something's wrong, honestly, I know you too well. Please just tell me?" He made his best puppy eyes, but Big Mac looked away. "Let's go on that wheel now sugar." He deep voice made Caramel's heart flutter in excitement and reassurance. And yet more confusion. Today was proving to be a very confusing day for the tan stallion. There was Granny Smith being weird, Applebloom, Pinkie Pie and then Big Mac, who had been on edge all day. They made their way over to the wheel, which stood very high and very imposing. Bic Macintosh visibly quivered as he looked up. One look back into Caramel's warm loving eyes was all he needed to control himself. A lime green pegasus with a candy corn cutie mark smiled at him. "Big Macintosh? You here for you're ride?" she grinned knowingly at Caramel, who found it disturbing. "That's right. You'd be Candy Corn?" She giggled, which Caramel noticed a lot of mares seemed to be doing today. "Yeah, that's me. Don't you worry about a thing, it's all done. Wasn't much to do anyway. Big Macintosh avoided both of their eyes. "Ah don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. She led them to a cart and clipped them in next to each other. By this time the day was almost over and the sun had began to set, casting an orange glow across the fair. Most ponies had left, and Caramel and his coltfriend were the only ponies on the wheel. Big Mac shifted uncomfortably, his saddle bags making it difficult to sit properly. Now that he thought about it, Caramel noticed that Big Mac had been wearing those saddle bags all day. The wheel shifted as Candy Corn activated it, slowly lifting their cart upwards. The warm rays of the setting sun failed to boot the red stallion's confidence. He shook like a leaf, desperately trying to hang on to a tree during a gale. The thought of what he was about to do was so frightening that he almost gave it up then and there. But there were other thoughts too. The night they met in a bar, with Caramel slumped over a drink after a break up. The days Caramel would volunteer at the farm and surreptitiously watch Big Macintosh, thinking he didn't realize it. The night they played spin the bottle with Lyra, Bon Bon and June Bug. The night there was a storm and Caramel couldn't make it home. Big Mac offered to let him stay the night and they talked into the early hours of the morning. Big Macintosh admitting to never having kissed anypony. Caramel giving him the chance to try. Big Macintosh held Caramel's hoof in his own, savoring the soft fur of his lover. Caramel turned from the frozen landscape, his eyes sparkling in the blazing light of the sunset. A gentle breeze blew, making their manes and Caramel's striped blue scarf flutter. The red farmpony's emerald eyes glowed with happiness. This is right. I need to do this. I have to this. I want to do this. The cart grinded to a halt at the top of the wheel. "Caramel?" Big Mac's voice was soft and husky. "Yes?" Caramel whispered. "You are the best pony Ah have ever had the pleasure tah meet. Before Ah met you, Ah didn't realize how meaningless mah life was without you in it. This past year has been the best year of mah life, and all because of you. But Ah don't wanna be just your coltfriend no more." "Mac..." Caramel could hardly believe he was hearing this. Was this really happening? "Ah love you Caramel. No matter what happens in life, no matter how many ponies may disagree and no matter what anypony says, that will never change." He reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a hoof-sized black velvet box, opening it as he did so. "Caramel Blueshoe?" He slowly lent in closer to the blushing stallion until their breath danced across each others snouts. He snapped open the box, revealing a golden hooflet nestled on a pillow of black silk. "Yes Macintosh Apple?" The tan stallion's voice trembled as he realized exactly what was going on. "Will you make me the happiest stallion in all of Equestria?" Caramel shook. Words failed him. There was no way words could ever describe how he felt right then and there, those weak paltry things called words. But who needed words anyway? Actions speak louder. Leaning into his coltfriends embrace, Caramel drew him into a deep kiss, stroking his mane as the sun sank below the horizon. This wasn't a sexual kiss. This was a kiss that said 'I love you' in a way words couldn't express. They wrapped their forelegs around each other, getting as close as possible as their eyes opened. Big Mac's eyes reflected Caramel's beautiful face, while Caramel's reflected the face of the most important pony in Equestria. Pulling away, Caramel placed a hoof on Big Mac's firm cheek. Their eyes unable to leave each other, showed all they were feeling. There was only one answer Caramel could ever have. "Yes."