> Embodiment > by Bother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Embodiment Part 1: Applejack The stars above shifted and moved. At long, long last, one below had been chosen. The one would rise up and know her destiny anew, to become something more than she could ever hope to be. All she had to do... was realize it. ()()()()() Applejack sat at the dining room table, drumming her fingers on its surface. She fidgeted her hooved feet against the ground, scratching at an itch on her snout. She idly nibbled at an apple while her thoughts wandered. Something was amiss, but she wasn’t quite sure what. Had the fields not turned up any fruit? No, the crop was coming along nicely. Was something wrong in the family? No, not that she was aware. Maybe she was just tired? It’d been a long day of work… maybe she was slowing up, getting old? Well, yeah, but it wasn’t like she could just stop aging. Big Mac strode into the house. His whole shirt was soaked with sweat, the tight garment was clinging to him like a second skin. He peeled it off and wiped his brow, slinging the garment around his shoulders. “Phew… South field’s done, sis. Sorry I got started so late.” Applejack glanced up at him. “Hmph. Better’n nothing, I suppose. Guess that means I only gotta deal with the east field tomorrow.” Mac caught the odd-note in her voice. “Ya alright?” Applejack ran a hand through her mane. “I… y-yeah, I’m fine. Just somethin’ on my mind, is all. Don't go worryin’ about it.” Mac leaned against the wall. “AJ, the only time you tell me to not worry is when there's something to worry over. I’m headin’ out bright and early tommorrow for Manehatten to pick up Granny and Apple Bloom, so you better tell me what’s wrong before it starts festerin’ in your mind.” Applejack hated it when he was right. “I don’t—look, it’s… ugh.” A fiery blush formed on her face. “It's weird, alright? You don't need to worry about it! Honest!” “AJ.” Crap, he was hitting her with the Big Brother Stare™. She wasn't getting out of this one. “...It’s just a stupid dream, alright? Been having it a few nights now, and it’s been buggin’ me.” “What’s it about?” he asked. Applejack was already regretting this. “It starts with me looking up at the sky. There are stars—so many stars, filling up the whole sky like the most amazin’ thing ya ever did see. And while I’m lookin’ up at them, I start to feel good… really good.”  Her face now felt even hotter. “Then I notice my hands are moving on their own—they’re rubbing my belly, which is all big and round. And every time I touch my bellybutton, I feel little wiggles… like kicking.” Mac raised an eyebrow. “And?” “And?!” Applejack gripped her apple harder. “Don’t you get it? Being pregnant felt right! It felt like I was… like I was doing somethin’ I’m supposed to do! I don’t—why the hell are you laughing?!” A smile had crept up on Mac’s face, his deep, rumbling chuckles like shifting gravel. “Are you pregnant?” She wanted to smack him. “NO, ya jackass! Can ya be serious for one damn second?!” But Mac just kept snickering. “Sounds to me like your clock’s begun tickin', is all.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Well it can keep ticking. I don't have time for a foal alongside all the other stuff we gotta do on this farm, and you know it! Apple Bloom and Granny are enough responsibility as it is.” Mac picked at a loose edge of wallpaper. “Granny won't be around forever, AJ. And Apple Bloom ain’t exactly a foal no more. Hell, when we were her age, we were already buckin’ trees and planning harvests. The only reason she ain’t is because we don't want her to.” Applejack didn’t deny that. Her eyes strayed to a framed picture on a cabinet beside her, showing off a happy family of five. “She deserves a normal childhood," said Applejack. "She didn’t get any time with ‘em, so the least we can do...” Mac followed her gaze. The shadow of some emotion crossed his face before going stoic. “If I were you, I’d think long and hard about this. If you keep sayin' ‘I don’t have time right now’, you’re gonna wake up one morning and realize it’s too late.” Applejack grunted. She took a bite of the rosy red apple, staring off at the far wall. “Just don't get knocked up while I'm gone, alright?” Applejack threw the apple at him. Mac laughed as he dodged, running upstairs before she could find more ammo. With him gone, Applejack sat there as she had before. Mac’s words had left her feeling more frazzled than before, but she couldn’t deny his point. Not really knowing what to do, her thoughts turned back to the events of the dream itself. Thankfully, Mac hadn’t picked up on how heated that dream had left her, nor the strange feelings that still remained afterwards. If things kept up like this there’d be a lot of questions on why she was doing laundry so often. ()()()()() AJ took the braids out of her mane and tail, letting her blonde hair go free. She didn't always go to bed without them (her long hair tended to get everywhere) but tonight she wanted to relax. The house was locked up for the night. After Applejack and Mac had had dinner and gone their separate ways, Applejack had spent the last hours of the day running into to town to see Twilight about a book on dreams. Of course Twilight had had plenty of recommendations, presenting Applejack with a double-wide stack of books that came up to her waist. Applejack had dodged the explanations and just taken the top-most one in the stack. Applejack wasn’t sure why she’d gotten the book in the first place, to be honest. Wanting to look up a bunch of mumbo jumbo? That wasn’t like her at all! But still... she looked over at the given book on her dresser, the concern on her face reflected in the mirror behind. “I did go out and get the damn thing...” Begrudgingly, Applejack retrieved the book, turned on a bedside lamp, and began to read. She started by looking up any entries about pregnancy. It turned out there was a whole section dedicated to it, but Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at what she found. Apparently, dreaming about being pregnant could mean anything to that she actually was, to that she was having two or more foals. She skipped all that hooey and instead looked for what had her more concerned about her dream, which was the stars. Stars were an important symbol in everyday life in Equestria, and having dreams centered around them was more than a little troubling. “Destiny?” Applejack double checked the short entry she’d found. All that was written was a single word, written in plain, black font. “Whaddya mean, destiny? I’m destined to get pregnant, then? Is that it?” She looked up from the book to stare back over at the mirror. It wasn’t long before she was laughing even more. “Great job there, author!” Applejack shook her head. “Destined to get pregnant… so are most other mares! That’s like sayin’ the sky is blue!” She set the book down, still snickering as she turned off the light. “Destined to get pregnant…  Hoo boy, if there wasn't a more vague, silly set of beliefs, I might be an alicorn. Maybe I should make somethin’ dumb up and write a book about it, too. Could use the money to expand the north field.” She was quiet as she laid there in the darkness, curled up in her sheets and blankets. Her two-piece pajamas were the only thing she needed to wear under the home-stitched covers, even on the coldest nights. In the autumn like it was now, she was more than comfortable. Idly, Applejack looked out her window at the clear night sky above, the stars shining bright in the night sky. Suddenly, one of them moved. Applejack did a double take. She stared at the spot she’d seen, but all remained black and still. She was about to dismiss it when another one moved, right out the corner of her eye. “The hay?” She got out of bed and opened her window. The cool breeze greeted her as she watched closely for a time, but no matter how long she stared, the sky remained like a portrait. Applejack shook her head clear. “What’re you doing, girl?” She reached out the close the shutters, but then, she noticed a glimmer in the east field—a small, silver light flitting between the trees. Applejack groaned. Damn it all, those two colts from Apple Bloom's school were at it again! Probably trying to get away with a dare about stealing a bushel of apples from the farm or something. Applejack swore, some of the kids in Apple Bloom’s class could be ornerier than a bull with poison ivy. “HEY!” Applejack yelled across the homestead. “I warned you two last time! Ya'll are trespassin' on private property! Don't think for one minute I won’t come out there and buck your sorry flanks into the next county!” Normally that did the trick, but the light continued to move about in the field, unworried and unhastened. It didn’t seem to move with any purpose, but it wasn’t really moving away... “Consarn it.” Applejack grabbed one of her plaid overcoats. She didn’t bother re-braiding her hair; she wouldn’t need to for chasing off a couple bratty colts. She was the biggest, strongest mare in town, and she was well-aware she struck quite the imposing figure when the mood struck her. Having a body built from a life of farmwork didn't hurt, either. Applejack left her room and went downstairs, re-locking the door as she stepped outside. She dashed across the homestead with surprising speed, an orange blur vanishing off into the inky night. ()()()()() Applejack wasn’t sure how long she’d been running. She’d gone into the east field chasing after the light, seeing it clearly in the distance between the apple trees. She’d followed and shouted, but just when she’d thought she’d caught up to it, it slipped away. She’d kept following deeper and deeper into the fields, but it continued to stay ahead of her, no matter how quick she moved. Applejack finally stopped after losing sight of it. She rubbed at her temples, her frustration mounting. “Alright, c’mon now!” she called. “It's already late, and I gotta buck all this tomorrow—oh, Celestia, I gotta buck all this tomorrow—I SWEAR TO LUNA! IF YOU TWO KEEP GIVIN’ ME THE RUNAROUND—” The light appeared a few feet to her left. Applejack about jumped out of her skin. The light wasn't a lamp, a flashlight, or any sort of spell. It was a floating orb of light the size of a baseball, like a star fallen out of the sky. “The HAY?!” Applejack raised her arms. “What’re you?!” The light zipped off deeper into the orchard. “No, wait!” Applejack gave chase, slapping away branches that got in her way. Farther and farther into the trees she went, the foliage growing denser with every step, all the while reprimanding herself for even doing this in the first place. Had she gone insane?! Idiot decisions like this were how horror movies got started! Applejack was now running downhill. The leaves and branches got heavier and thicker, no longer just trees around her. A part of her noted that both those things should be impossible—the east field was nothing but flat land! What she was traveling through couldn’t have been even on her property anymore; the outskirts of Ponyville were just past the east field! There was no dense forest in this direction! Applejack didn’t know what to think. She just kept moving forward on some strange impulse, each step feeling more like a forest than an orchard. The foliage blocked more and more of her view, yet she could still always see the far-off light, guiding her way through the increasingly-dense brush. ()()()()() “Great going, AJ,” Applejack muttered. She wasn’t able to run anymore—the undergrowth had gotten so thick that even walking had become a chore. “Follow a ghost light in the fields after dark, all because you’re rattled about some stupid dream. May as well apply to Mensa while you’re at it, ‘cause clearly, you’re a fucking genius.” She kept walking another few minutes, each step harder than the last. The light was still there off in the distance, guiding her to who-knows-where. “I’m lost in a place that ain't home, ain’t anywhere I know, and ain’t gettin’ any easier to trek through! What the heck’s wrong with me?! I get a few odd feelings about bein’ pregnant, and suddenly I fly completely off my rocker?! Swear to high heaven, if Rainbow ever finds about this—WHOA!” The ground became a sharp, slippery slope. Applejack lost her balance and slipped, sliding downhill very fast. “Whoa, nelly!” Applejack put her arms up over her face. She expected to be swatted and scratched by the passing branches, but all she felt was the occasional leaf brushing past. It was almost like the forest was getting out of her way. But before she had any more time to think on that she was falling, shot off the side of a grassy cliff. “AHHHHH!” Applejack windmilled. She felling into an oppressive dark like an abyss, her heart launched into the back of her throat. Darkness  encompassed her as she fell, swallowing her whole as the wind rushed past her ears— SPLOOSH! Applejack landed in a body of water. Panic nearly set in as she sank down deep, her hooves not feeling the bottom. She stopped flailing and swam upwards with all her might, breaching the surface with a loud gasp. “Greh… zeh…” Applejack looked all around. She could make out shadows and silhouettes in the distance, but not much else. She worried she might be in the middle of some huge lake, until she heard the sound of crashing waves breaking against a shore to her right. Applejack’s eyes adjusted as she swam. She was in some kind of forest grove, the surrounding trees so large, they seemed to touch the stars. The body of water was merely a pond, its waters clear and strangely warm. Only a corner of said grove was taken up by it, the rest a meadow of soft grass and large stones. The cliff she’d fallen from was just behind, some thirty feet high. The base was a vertical stone face without any grips or handholds to be seen. Applejack realized the water was becoming shallow enough to stand. She stopped swimming and walked forward with tentative steps, the surreal strangeness making her head spin. She looked up at the sky just to see something familiar… “Oh…” The heavens were filled to the absolutely brim with stars. Comets, constellations, shooting stars, nebulae, and galaxies, they streaked the horizon in wide, thick lines. Colors of blue, green, violet, navy, and white, all painted in patterns that spanned light years. The view was enough to take Applejack's breath away, and for several minutes she just stared, her neck craned upward, jaw hung slack. “Just like in the dream...” Applejack waded out of the pond. She was sopping wet, her clothes already starting to give her a chill. Suddenly, a strong, warm gust blew past her, as if she’d been blasted by a hair dryer. Within seconds she was as dry as if she’d never been swimming all. “What kinda hay did I roll myself in now?” Applejack walked out into the open meadow. She wasn’t having trouble seeing anymore; the entire space had a strange glow to it. It felt odd to disturb anything here, as if her mere presence was sacrilege. The whole place just felt unnatural, but not wrong, per se. If Applejack had ever had one, she’d say it was like a lucid dream. Her ears twitched at the pleasant chime of a bell behind her. It was the ghostly light again. It was hovering a few feet from her, swaying back and forth as its light cast long shadows. Applejack waited for it to do something. Almost a minute dragged by before she found her voice, although it was weak and uncertain. “What... do you want?” The orb chimed like a bell. It shot straight up into the air like a rocket, ascending towards the sky. “Oh, come on!” Applejack called. “I can’t follow ya up there! S'not like I got wings—GAH!” Something swept her off her feet. It was a giant spongy leaf, cradling her if she were a newborn. Before Applejack could have more than a thought she was soaring through the canopy, and all she could do was grab onto the edges for dear life. Within moments she could see clouds shooting past them, but there were still trees all around, their tops high, high above. It was some time before Applejack realized she’d stopped ascending. It was longer still before she gathered the courage to open her eyes. But when she did... “Whoa, there!” There were lights all around her, each one chiming a different note. A whole cloud of little lights surrounded her, entirely filling her vision. Some of them were smaller, some of them were bigger, but all of them had their own unique presence. “Are ya’ll… stars?” Applejack scratched her head. “Huh. Well, I’ll be! I never thought stars were so small! I thought you were humongous things far, far away! Color me surprised!” She watched as one of the stars descended, a tiny thing the size of a thimble. With a wary hand she reached out to it, and the little star landed in her palm. There were suddenly... thoughts in her head. Applejack realized the chimes and musical notes were the stars speaking to her, each chime a whole distinct phrase. They were quite happy to see her... and surprised that she’d come so readily. “Heh…” Applejack put a hand behind her head. “I, uh… don’t know how much ya know about me, but I got a knack for tellin’ when someone’s intentions are honest.” The stars twinkled. They spoke to her in numerous voices, yet oddly, they all said the same thing. They’d brought her here to ask for help with something only she could do, out of all the creatures on Equestria. She listened as they sang of their history, of how in truth, stars were the special seeds of countless unborn individuals. For untold eons this was the way of things, but then one day, something happened. They could no longer come to be as they once had, and now, they needed special creatures to be realized. For another span of time those special creatures helped the stars come into being, but then... they too became lost. Since then, the stars had searched for a replacement... any replacement, and Applejack was the first that they'd found. She could provide what they needed to come into existence, and if she agreed to help them, her efforts would be rewarded. Applejack blinked. She wasn’t entirely sure what they were saying after that part—they were all speaking very fast. All she got out of it was that the process had something to do with the littlest star she had in her hand, which merely rested there, shining softly. “Wait… you’re givin’ me a choice?” Applejack cocked her head. “Choice for—yes, I know what you want me to do, the dream you’ve been givin’ me clued me in… I’m just surprised ya’ll aren’t trying to force this on me! It sounds like ya’ll have been waiting a long time.” The tone of the stars’ chimes grew somber. “So I can help ya with this here proposition, and if I do, you'll reward me. But if i say no, you’ll let me go home, scot-free?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Really? Just like that?" The answer seemed to be yes. “Well, I’d be lyin’ if I said I weren’t tempted..." Applejack clicked her teeth, her jaw moving like she was chewing on something. "Even without them dreams, I’ve always kinda wondered what it’s like, y'know? Buuuuut, I’ve a feelin’ this ain’t gonna be your run-of-the-mill kinda pregnancy. What’s all this gonna do to me?” The stars… struggled to describe it. They bickered between themselves a few moments before settling on three simple words. Quick. Wonderful. Fulfilling. Applejack frowned. She tried to get them to elaborate, but it seemed they couldn’t explain it any better. The whole idea of pregnancy seemed foreign to them. They were pretty clear on the amount of power involved, though... Something to do with funneling the energy into her through a shared link? Although that link would be unstable at first, prone to leaking and spreading to others, which is why they’d brought her here. Otherwise she ran the risk of ‘contaminating’ others. Applejack looked at the tiny star in her hand. It, too had a voice, although it was the weakest and quietest of them all. If she listened carefully, she could hear it whispering to her in the back of her mind beneath all the others. Grow. Life. Give. Need. Applejack chewed on her lip. She could feel a faint tingling from the little spark, but nothing more. Strange that such a small thing could be the beginning of so much, but that was often how things were. Could she really refuse when the stars themselves were asking—BEGGING her to help them? She still wasn’t sure she understood all of this yet, but if all she had to do was grow this little guy in her for a while, and they were saying it’d be quick while feeling rather nice... “...Alright. I s’pose I could give it a try.” The stars all chimed at once. It would’ve been beautiful, had Applejack not nearly been deafened. “Yes, yes, you’re welcome! Settle down already, yeesh!” Applejack gingerly rubbed her ears. “So what do I gotta do here? Anything special?” In reply, the little star leapt from her hand, dancing on top of her coat near her belly. Sensing where this was going, Applejack slowly rolled up her overcoat until her smooth stomach was exposed. The star traveled along her exposed surface, sending a warm tingle across her skin wherever it went, pausing right before her bellybutton. Without warning, it dove inside. “Mmmmrhhh...” Applejack could only coo as a sensation shot down deep in her gut and buried itself farther into her. Her mind began to feel hazy, the stars feeling farther away, the smell of a forest teasing her senses. ()()()()() Applejack didn’t know where she was. All she knew was that she was still resting on the giant leaf, her whole body warm and cozy. Her head was still spacey, lost in a lovely relaxing fog, and so she just concentrated on breathing, feeling the muscles in her abdomen rise and fall. A soft, gentle sensation kept tingling across her midriff, and then without warning, she felt her breaths getting shorter, like someone was sitting on her chest. Applejack sat up. It helped a little bit, but she was struck by a stronger desire to stand. The sensation was still rising, the breathlessness mixing now with an ache. She realized she was back in the grove, so she started walking around, keeping to the edge of the western side. A strong, pleasant shudder ran through Applejack. It was so great it made her knees buckle, having to lean against a tree to catch herself. She just stood there a moment, red-faced and panting, a familiar feeling stirring in her loins. Why it was so hard to catch her breath?! Was all this supposed to happen? Applejack became aware of a new feeling in her chest. She looked down, curious, and that’s when she noticed that that her breasts looked a little... off. Just then, the hand around her lungs let go, and Applejack took a deep, filling breath, her already-impressive rack ballooning a size larger. Applejack blinked several times. Had… had she really just seen that? As her chest rose and fell, she registered her breasts’ increased weight, their heavier press against her chest. Her nipples were now showing a little bit underneath her overcoat, bigger and more pronounced. Applejack didn’t have any time to think further on it, for now another sensation sprouted, this time in her gut. It was like her heart had migrated down deep into her belly, thumping and growing something inside her. A breathless sigh escaped her as she leaned heavily against the tree, feeling it fill out bit by bit, her midriff teasing against the fabric. When her heart finally began to slow, Applejack regained enough of her faculties to see. Her cleavage was indeed a bit more, but what truly caught her eye was her belly. It had swollen to the point that she looked four or five months pregnant! Curious, she brought her hands to its surface, gingerly placing them beneath the coat and upon her skin, stroking it just as she had in her dream. “Ooooh nelly, that’s good...” She couldn’t believe how sensitive she was. Simply rubbing her hands across her womb’s surface brought all kinds of fluttering sensations to the surface, her insides feeling like they were alive. She continued to stroke herself, struck by the knowledge that she was carrying a new life, revelling in the rightness of it all. gurrrrrgle Potent hunger pangs had struck Applejack like she hadn’t eaten a thing in days. And considering that she was now obviously needing to eat for more than just herself, this was cause for alarm. “Ya still there, starfolk?” Applejack said aloud. “I’m feelin’ real hungry all of a sudden! Got any grub around here?” Plop! A heavy vine dropped right in front of her. Applejack stared. It was as big around as one of those rainforest snakes she remembered seeing in a book once. She hefted up the end and examined it, noting that it was heavier than she’d expected. The tip ended in a smooth taper, dripping some kind of sap that had an amazing aroma. Before Applejack could stop herself, she’d brought the tip to her lips for a taste. It was some kind of sweet sap, but with a hint of… apples? Yet it wasn’t actually apples—it was something different, something she’d never had before. Well, whatever it was, it was considerably filling, and she wasn’t about to be picky! Applejack began sucking on the vine without a second thought. The delicious apple-like ambrosia washed over her tongue, her taste buds alight as the thick syrup sank into her gut. She started teasing the vine, not entirely sure why, but every once in awhile she could feel more of the delicious concoction pump into her. She gulped down as much as she could, so much so that she could feel her stomach bloating further with every long drag, but even still she didn’t stop, her hunger coaxing her to swallow every last drop. The vine squirted one last immense load into her mouth before going dry. Applejack swallowed it all despite coughing and spluttering, her middle now a somewhat-uncomfortable size. The empty vine retreated back into the treetops, and Applejack was left alone once again in the grove, staring up at the watchful stars. Her belly sloshed from the heavy meal she’d just had, but the uncomfortable feeling shifted with seconds, more gurgles and grumbles sounding within her. “Well, then.” Applejack could only watch in wonder as her stomach shrank back down, every bit of the thick sap processed by her body. “Guess this is just all part of it—AH!” A feeling like lightning lanced through her. She fell back against the tree as vibrations rocked the surface of her middle, like pleasureable fire burning inside her. A low moan escaped her as the heady sensation of her growth washed over her, tiny hooves kicking and moving. She soon realized there was more than one. Her womb was expanding faster now, her overcoat having trouble holding her. The buttons strained as they fought to stay fastened, trying to contain the orange orb beneath. Applejack grunted as the foals all kicked in unison, and she arched her back along with her belly’s growth, trying to push it free. Yet the stubborn coat refused to break, stretching more and more. Applejack felt a tickle around her navel. It turned into a building pressure, becoming greater and greater with each surge. The pressure sent more flutterings across her skin that now spread to other parts of her body, making them feel deliciously hot. Her navel became shallower and shallower, the pressure ever-increasing. Her breasts swelled again, now aching to be set free. The stitching in her pants strained as her now-growing plot pressed against them, and all the while her womb continued to grow, greater and ever more prominent than anything else, more… and more… and more— RIIII—IIIIII--P! Applejack sighed as she was released from her coat, the smell of warm, confined flesh washing over her. Her navel popped out audibly as her once-flat crest grew a small mountain atop it; a smooth line marking her pregnancy that only broke in the middle. She could see her belly now, burgeoning before her with life that’d occasionally bump its surface. Her perky breasts pushed at the limit of her pajama top, the nipples noticeably thicker, a fresh, milky wetness soaking through. She ran a hand upon her flank, feeling the added meat onto her thighs, her already-immense hips now the greatest example of foal-bearing legs she’d ever seen. It was no small wonder how her pajama pants had stayed together, and she had a feeling if she moved the wrong way, they might very well explode. Applejack could only take in the sight as she pushed down her hot and labored breathing. Her breasts had grown to the size of her head, and her belly was like she’d swallowed a couple watermelons! Full, thick, and round, her womb was well beyond the size of a full-term pregnancy, its round shape distorting and swaying with her movements. She smiled as she stroked herself, feeling the warmth and movement of the lives within, her hefty breasts aching to feed them. Her hips gave her the strength to bear their weight until they were ready to be born, and for a time she just stood there, leaning against the tree and revelling in the new sensations. But as the minutes dragged on... Applejack yawned. The drowsiness was returning in full force, and it wasn’t taking any prisoners. “So, can I just sleep anywhere?” she asked. “Or ya want me to—oh. That’ll work.” Another huge leaf had appeared before her. She stepped into it with care and laid down, the leaf cradling her so that she was able to rest without feeling the weight of her womb. She rested on her side and continued to stroke her heavy middle, her eyes feeling heavier by the second. Another leaf descended and draped over her like a blanket, leaving her warm and at peace. ()()()()() Applejack squirmed. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air of the grove. She emerged from sleep to notice that her middle felt tight, constricted by some outside force. Her eyes snapped open to see, but what she saw only made her confused. Her paunch was encased in a wooden... bulb of some sort, like a seed made of bark. It definitely hadn't grown from her, but she could feel her bump inside of it, almost like a kind of protection. It wasn't very cumbersome, at least, and after the initial panic subsided, Applejack found she didn’t really mind. All it really did was act like a blanket for her womb, letting the warmth spread throughout her body. GUUURRRRGLE Applejack blushed. She’d never heard such a loud noise from her stomach! She didn’t even need to ask for food this time—her leaf was still beneath the shade of the tree, and a new vine had already snaked down beside her, oozing the same sap as before. She wasted little time in sucking away. This vine had more sap than the first one, and it pumped it out faster, feeding Applejack to her heart’s content. She welcomed every strong push of ambrosia, lovingly suckling every time it surged a particularly large batch into her gut. She could feel her greedy stomach expanding, adding to her already-impressive size, pushing against the limits of the bulb. There was some kind of oil seeping into her skin from the bark, like a cooling lotion that left a potent tingle. She couldn’t help but grind against it, and every time she did, more sap would flow out of the vine, punching her gut just a little bit higher, forcing the bulb’s limits a little more. Another grind, more sap, more growth, more oil onto her skin. The process went on again and again, Applejack’s hunger seemingly endless, her stomach expanding almost as much as her womb— CRACK! Applejack saw it happen. Her bellybutton had punctured straight through the bulb, standing round and proud for all to see. It’d grown to the size of her palm, now less of a nub and more a bump in and of itself! She cast the vine away and brushed off the splintered debris, but when she did, she accidentally brushed her hand across the smooth crest. She cooed as the touch sent a tingle throughout her entire womb, feeling it swirl and move inside the bulb. She touched her navel again, and once more that wonderful feeling sent her insides fluttering, sensations coursing through her body. Applejack began heedlessly stroking her navel, pushing the nub into her palm. The oil from the bulb had left it so soft and smooth, and the feelings only grew stronger as she continued, her stomach gurgling in approval as she continued to please herself. Without warning her womb swelled again, now almost twice the size it’d been before going to sleep. Her breast swelled as well, growing larger than her head and still filling with more milk. Applejack ignored the sound of her clothes and bulb straining—she could feel her navel growing in her grasp, slowly filling out into her fist as it pushed her fingers apart, the soft flab squishing in the space between her digits. She sat in wonder a moment, stroking the fleshy bump in her hand. Every supple stroke gave way to an amazing pressure that built down in her womb, growing ever stronger as the sensations never ceased to fire across her skin. She was practically kneading it, her heart throbbing strong enough to send waves of warmth through it. Her womb fluttered stronger and harder with every stroke of her navel, greater and greater sensations constantly battering her body as she let herself go completely. A strong pressure foretold more growth. Appleack’s pregnant belly pushed harder and harder into the bulb, spidery cracks forming on its surface. Her bellybutton continued to swell larger as well, escaping the grasp of her hand as it became larger than most fruits! She could only breathe hotly from the release, watching the mass move about as the bulb barely held her. But her eyes kept straying back to her navel. It was so large now, rosy red and still oh-so-wonderful to touch, it gave off a flustering warmth that drove her wild. She placed her other palm upon it, the nub large enough that not even two hands could cup it, gently stroking it again... Applejack threw back her head and moaned. The sensations returned threefold, their strength aided by her navel's newfound size. Every squeeze, every soft stroke, it was so intense as she used both her hands to coax herself onward. It seemed endless as she kept pushing, groping, doing whatever she could as the sensations left her shuddering for more. Even greater pressure began to build in her gut, churning with the forces that she’d provided and stoked, but she barely even noticed as the bulb creaked more and more... A mighty throb struck her, the surprise of it making her grab onto her navel.  The second one tested the bulb’s measly limits, the cracks becoming greater and greater. Applejack held onto the sides of the leaf as the sensations overwhelmed her, a coiling spring winding tight in her core. The third surge caused her to THRUST out her womb, sudden spasms contorting the mass that was her midriff. She continued to grunt and thrust, pushing alongside her throbs as the bulb's cracks slowly grew larger, giving her belly more and more space. Each pulse of growth sent shivers across Applejack’s body. Tingling goosebumps covered her from head to hoof, fueling the lusty flames within. She could feel her breasts swelling with extra milk, dripping readily now through the failing fabric of her pajama top. The stitches of her pants POPPED as her flanks bulged further, her thick rear getting thicker. But she just kept thrusting and pushing throughout it all, her middle churning and groaning, wanting more room to grow… grow past her limits! The bulb was barely holding itself together, parts of Applejack’s immense gut poking out between the fissures in its surface, but those fissures were getting wider by the second, more of her size showing through... Applejack pushed one last time, and with all her might, she held herself forward as a humongous pressure ripped through her. The bulb SHATTERED as her gut doubled in size in seconds, the stitches in her pants breaking as her hips grew in tandem. Her pajama top burst to shreds, her suffocated breasts bounding free to grow to the size of over-inflated beach balls. Her navel was now truly immense, far larger than she could ever hope to encompass alone, and the sight of it was enough to push her over the edge. She came with a lewd, girly squeal, squirting marecum all over her meaty thighs and soaking the leaf with her essence. Applejack lay there, breathing hard. She almost couldn't believe how large she’d become—not just her womb, but everything else as well! Her hips could decimate an unsuspecting tree with a forceful enough bump, and her breasts... well, she had no worries about feeding the brood inside her, that was for sure! She stroked herself a bit, letting the warmth of her body just blossom through her, feeling the multitude of hooves that gently teased the walls of her womb. She reckoned she could’ve fit two full-grown stallions inside her gravid gut. She picked off parts of the bulb that hadn’t scattered from her rather explosive conclusion, trying to collect her scattered thoughts. It occurred to her how much of a mess she probably was. She fidgeted, making to stand up, but the leaf lifted a few inches in the air, gently moving her over to the pond’s glassy waters. Applejack tossed aside the tattered remnants of her pajamas and cleaned off the bark proper, then scooched off the leaf to ease into the warm waters. Every ache and pain she’d accumulated over years of hard work swiftly melted away, and Applejack sank deeper up to her chest, her huge belly only halfway submerged. She was still in the afterglow of all. She could feel the blush swimming through her navel, as well as in two other places further north. Intrigued, Applejack took a nipple in each hand, each one much larger than they had ever been before. She felt the dark, tougher skin of her areolae, then gently massaged them like she did with the cows. Dear Celestia, did they ache to be milked. The feeling of her hands slowly pressing harder into the firm masses was heavenly, and it only made her groan. Just that simple touch alone was enough to make them both spurt, breastmilk trickling down the sides of her island of a womb like waterfalls. Applejack stopped herself before she ended up emptying herself for no good reason. Considering how good that’d felt, she might now have trouble stopping herself from doing that more. A part of her worried she should be more concerned with what’d just happened, but the more time that passed, the more accepting she became. She’d agreed to this, after all, and so long as the stars held up their part of the bargain, she saw no cause for alarm. This place was wonderful, and everything here only left her feeling better and better. “In fact,” she said aloud. “I think this is the first real vacation I’ve ever had.” She sank a little lower into the warm waters, slowly drifting off into a daydream. Her womb rocked and bounced with life all the while, sending small ripples out into the pond. The only thing missing was her hat to pull over her eyes. > Chapter 2: Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Embodiment Part 2: Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash flew through the sky, the wind whipping through her mane. As directed, she’d gone along the path Twilight had given her asking everypony if they’d seen their missing friend. Applejack hadn’t been seen or heard from by anyone since last night, and with the sun almost setting, it’d been almost twenty-four hours. “Damn it…” Rainbow put on a fresh burst of speed. She was now on her way back to Sweet Apple Acres. She hoped one of the other girls had better news. As she got closer, Rainbow noticed one of her friends was on the property already—Fluttershy by the looks of it. Coloration aside, she was the only one who wore halter top sweaters. Rainbow adjusted her angle and came to land a few feet behind her, landing softly despite her speed. She fixed her windswept mane as she closed the distance to her friend. “Hey Fluttershy, you find anything?” she asked. Fluttershy didn't answer. She was staring over at the Apple family house while twiddling her thumbs. Rainbow poked her friend on the shoulder. “Fluttershy? Hellooooooo?” Fluttershy shrieked. She whirled around in a yellow blur and SLAPPED Rainbow across the face. “OW!” Rainbow staggered backwards. “Fluttershy! Jeez, hold your fire, girl!” Fluttershy’s hands flew up over her mouth. “Rainbow! Ohmygosh, I didn’t—” “Eh, it’s alright.” Rainbow rubbed her sore cheek. “You hit like a girl, anyways.” “Oh… um, r-right.” Fluttershy stopped as she registered Rainbow’s question. “No, I haven’t found anything yet. My animals haven’t, either.” Rainbow sighed. “Great...” The two of them cast glances back towards the house. They’d known Applejack was going to be alone working on harvesting the fields by herself, and so they'd all planned to surprise her by helping out. But when they’d all arrived early that morning, the homestead was like a ghost town. Rainbow sucked on her teeth. It wasn’t like they were was any real reason to think Applejack was missing, but in all the years they’d known Applejack, she’d never once failed to tend to her fields during a harvest, not even when adventure came calling. Rainbow had never even seen her go anywhere without her hat! They’d found it still hanging on a hook by the door this morning. “Why IS the front door open?” Rainbow asked. “Was it like that when you got here?” Fluttershy nodded. “I was just trying to remember who was the last one out.” Rainbow knew the answer to that, at least. “I was, but I made sure the door was closed because I know the latch is sticky.” Fluttershy tapped her chin. “But then why would it be open now?” Rainbow squinted at the darkened entrance. She was sure she’d made a point to close it! It shouldn’t be open now— Applejack’s hat was gone. “Stay here!” Rainbow rushed into the house. All was quiet and still, not a sight or sound at all. Nothing was disturbed that she could tell, but that didn’t mean… Rainbow decided to take the risk. “YO, AJ! YOU HERE?!” Creeeeak! A floorboard above her squeaked. Rainbow zipped to the stairs in a flash. She flew up them in less than a second, and caught sight of movement rounding the corner at the end of the hall. She took off in hot pursuit, rounding the corner to see... Rainbow skidded to a halt. A beautifully toned ass greeted her, partially hidden by a silky blonde tail. Wide, foalbearing hips and thighs branched off from them, thickly muscled in the best way. The pony spun around to face Rainbow, but all that did was show off her glorious front. The pony’s hand covered the plump lips of her marehood, but that did nothing to conceal her flat, smooth stomach, her steely abs just visible. Her other arm was wrapped around her fantastic, perky breasts, so large and full, they might give Fluttershy a run for her money! Her face had a teardrop-shape, her bright, emerald eyes deep and alluring. Her smooth, supple skin had a healthy sheen to it, and her whole body gave off a noticeable warmth that washed over Rainbow like a wave. Rainbow stared. The heat alone coming off the mare made Rainbow’s heart pound, her hormones not so much stirring as roaring. She dimly registered a voice shouting at her from a great distance, but she only had eyes for those magnificently huge tits. The voice may have been starting to get angry or impatient, but Rainbow wasn’t sure. She barely even registered when the fist landed against her jaw—all she knew was that she was falling, the world growing dark... ()()()()() Twilight Sparkle kneeled beside the fallen Rainbow. She was still out cold, but this healing spell would undo any minor damage she may have suffered. It’d already mended the bruise on the side of her face. “—I followed after when I heard Rainbow call out Applejack’s name,” said Fluttershy. “There was a thump and a door slam upstairs, and when I came up here, Rainbow was slumped against the wall like this…” Twilight was only half-listening. Even in the throes of her dirt nap, Rainbow still wore a goofy smile like she’d just seen the promised land. It was true Applejack and Rainbow didn’t get along the best at times, but they hadn’t come to blows for years! Twilight wasn’t sure what baffled her more—what Rainbow did to push Applejack over the edge, or her own personal lack of foresight to have someone stay back at the farm. Twilight looked to the end of the hall. Pinkie and Rarity were speaking to the now-found Applejack through her bedroom door... well, not really speaking, more like yelling. They’d all arrived only a few minutes ago, and of all the things Twilight had expected to find upon returning, this definitely wasn’t one of them. “No, she’s busy right now,” Rarity snapped. “...What do you mean, 'what’s she doing?!' She’s making sure you didn’t give Rainbow a concussion, you oaf! What in the world’s gotten into you?!” “Yeah!” Pinkie said. “Why’re you being a big meanie-jerk all of a sudden?! Come out and tell Twilight yourself if you’ve got something to say!” Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose. It’d already been a stressful day, and now it was promising be a stressful night. Times like this made her wish she was still a loner. Twilight made sure Fluttershy saw to Rainbow, then got up and went over to the door. “I’m here, Applejack.” A pause. “...Rainbow alright?” came Applejack’s muffled voice. Twilight sighed. “She’ll probably have a headache when she wakes up, but yes. You’re lucky you didn’t break her jaw.” “Why’d you hit her in the first place?!” said Rarity. “I know that she can be crass, but that’s no excuse—” They all jumped from the WHAM of the floorboards rattling. “It’s complicated, alright?!” There was a sound of things being shuffled about inside. “Just… ergh, Twilight, I need ya to come in here, okay?! ONLY you! Nopony else!” Twilight exchanged a look with the girls. Predictably they were cross, but they turned and walked off down the hall, going over by Fluttershy. “Go ahead then, darling,” Rarity's voice was like acid. “Have your little chit-chat with Twilight! I’ll just be back here, figuring how the best way to tell your family about this. I’m sure they’ll LOVE to hear about how you socked out one of your friends after they discovered you skipped your chores to play hooky.” “I’ll say!” Pinkie put her hands on her hips. “What the heck, Applejack? You go off somewhere and don’t invite us?! We could’ve had a party!” Silence. Not a sound from beyond the door, not a retort, not a rustle, nothing. They all knew Applejack tended to have a hot head, but apparently, she wasn’t rising to the bait this time. Twilight sighed. She cleared her throat and put her hand on the knob. “Okay Applejack. I’m coming in.” There was the sound of a latch being undone. Twilight looked back to her assembled friends a moment, then slipped in and closed the door behind her. Clothes were strewn everywhere. The floor, the dresser, the hat rack, the nightstand, the bedposts, all over the place. Mostly it was undergarments, but Twilight supposed her own room got in a similar state from time to time, so she dismissed it. Applejack was sitting on her bed in one of her usual outfits, as normal as Twilight had ever seen her. Twilight studied Applejack. “You okay?” Applejack stared out the window. “More or less.” Silence again. Applejack was still as a statue, barely even blinking. Twilight shuffled back and forth on her hooves, but her discomfort did nothing to prompt a further response. “Applejack.” Twilight crossed her arms. “I’ve spent all day running and teleporting around the Canterhorn Valley looking for you, half worried you were kidnapped, injured, or worse. I’m tired, dirty, frustrated, and the only thing I wanna do right now is go home, shower, and finish reading Daring Doo and the Magical Monster Menagerie. Please tell me why you wanted to talk alone.” “Because the others ain’t genius students of Princess Celestia with more cleverness than a den of foxes.” Applejack met Twilight's eyes. “No offense to the others, but this is a little over their heads. I figure the best one to hear all of this first is you.” Now it was Twilight’s turn to be silent. She blinked several times, the gears in her head turning. Thoughts of her Applejack's past tendencies, her personality under stress, her reactions to significant events. All of that and more, Twilight processed in just a few scant seconds. “...You were kidnapped, weren’t you?” Applejack shrugged. “They did bring me somewhere, but I was free to leave any time I liked. Was my own dang fault for goin’ out there, anyways...” “‘They’? Wait, wait, wait.” Twilight held up a hand. “Let's start from the beginning. Did they take you last night, or early this morning?” Something seemed to click for Applejack. “Ya’ll have been sayin’ all day… Was I really only gone just a single day?” Twilight frowned. “Not even twenty-four hours. Why? Did it seem like longer to you?” Applejack’s eyes unfocused. “Coulda swore it was a few months...” Twilight was starting to see why Applejack had insisted on this. Questions hung between them, igniting Twilight’s familiar, insatiable desire to know. Her curiosity was drawn like a moth to a flame, and with it, her attention and focus resurged. “Context, please.” Twilight snapped her fingers, a parchment and quill appearing in her magic. She brought over the desk chair to sit face to face with Applejack. “Tell me everything you remember, best as you can. The more details, the better.” Applejack smirked. “Told ya you’d be best for this.” And so Applejack told her. She told her about the dreams she’d been having, the light in the fields late last night, and how she’d gone chasing after it like a damn fool. She told Twilight about the starry grove, the otherworldly feeling of the place, and the meeting with the stars themselves. She tried to be as thorough as she could with her explanations, but predictably, Twilight stopped her several times, picking Applejack’s brain for every possible detail. “Applejack...” Twilight said after she'd finished. She looked up from her notes, her eyes wide. “I think I know what this is! I’ve heard of it before!” Applejack laughed. “Forgive me if I’m not surprised.” Twilight stood up to start pacing back and forth. “So THIS is why you came to the library last night asking about dreams! You trying to figure out what the recurring one meant!” Applejack nodded. “I didn’t wanna make a big hullabaloo about it. The book you gave me is on my nightstand, if you want it.” Twilight snatched the book and began flying through the pages. “I remember you said something about stars... In dreams stars represent destiny, but a pony’s destiny is unique to them, so that doesn’t really say much. Pfft, yeah, even in here, it’s just a single word entry. Not exactly helpful.” Applejack snorted. “Nope.” Twilight checked a few more entries before setting it down. “Ugh... I wish you'd told me more about what you were researching! I did tell you this book wasn’t the best one to reference, but you left in such a hurry I didn’t get the chance to suggest anything else! If you had just—” Applejack cut her off with a flat look. “I didn’t want to spend all night lookin’ through volume after volume of hokey-pokey hooplah, Twilight. I wanted a quick somethin’ to glance through, nothing more. You came back with a three foot stack.” Twilight threw up her hands. “Because you were vague! You asked me for ‘some books on dreams’, and when I tried to get you to clarify, you clammed up on me! If I came to your food stand and asked you for ‘some apples to cook something’, you’d want me to be more specific, wouldn’t you? What kind of dish I’m making? What I’m serving with it? How many ponies I’m serving? My experience cooking said dish? You wouldn't just toss a bunch of random apples at me and wish me luck! You'd grill me for more info!” Applejack… hadn’t really thought of it like that. “I-I—” "Oh, look at Twilight Sparkle, getting all nerdy and obsessed about books again! I'd better make up some excuse to leave before this awkward cringe-fest gets any worse! Twilight glared at her. "You gave me vague parameters, so I tried to cover my bases. You shouldn’t have withheld information if you wanted narrower search results, and if you keep pigeonholing me like this, I may not be inclined to help you at all!" Applejack's ears drooped. "I'm... I'm sorry, Twilight." Twilight crossed her arms. "Princess Celestia has a saying: 'Good info in, good info out'. The better and more clearly you communicate your intentions, the better others can help you. Assumptions about me aside, you need to stop being so afraid of making mistakes. I get you were embarrassed, but that embarrassment prevented you from telling me more about your situation." Applejack bowed her head. "I reckon that caused more problems than it solved, didn't it?" "I'll say." Twilight's voice gradually lost its edge. "Now, tell me more about this grove. What did it feel like while you were there?” Applejack felt her face grow hot. “It was… special. Really dream-like and hazy, if that makes sense. It was magic, definitely, and while I was there…” She stroked a hand across her stomach. “Everything felt right.” Twilight noticed the subtle movement. “Were you pregnant while you were there?” Applejack jolted like she’d been shocked. “Yes! Man… you really do know what this is, don’t you?” Twilight scratched her chin. “I’ll need to run a few tests to be sure, do some supplementary research, but if the new star I saw last night is any indication… But either way, if my hypothesis is correct, then you have nothing to worry about... For the most part, anyways.” Applejack hesitated. “The most part?” Twilight looked Applejack over—properly looked her over. Her tall friend was fairer, her mane full and shiny. Her skin was smooth and supple, her hips wide and strong, and her breasts were larger and perkier. Even her muscular legs were now like a model’s, and to put it plainly, it was like every feminine aspect of her had been dialed up to eleven! “You hit Rainbow because she was ogling you.” Twilight gestured to Applejack’s body, particularly her chest. “Should've figured, I've caught her doing that sometimes—well, not to me, but…” Applejack snorted. “Called her name over and over, but she just kept on starin’. Didn’t help none that I was stressed from waking up naked out in the middle of the east field, so I wasn’t exactly in the mood... Still though, I shouldn’t have let my temper get the better of me.” Twilight cocked her head. “They brought you back naked? Why?” Applejack shrugged. “I outgrew my clothes.” Twilight repeated those words to herself. “Outgrew your clothes how, exactly?” Applejack chuckled as she remembered how big she had gotten, how grand she had become.  “How do you think?” Twilight stared at her a few seconds. “...We might need to limit your contact with others for a while,” she said at last. “At least until we’ve confirmed my suspicions.” Applejack picked a speck of lint off her shirt. “Eeyup.” ()()()()() “Oh, come on, that's impossible,” Rainbow said. “You’re saying the stars took AJ? Just so they could knock her up somehow?!” “Look, I know how far-fetched it sounds, but there’s been reports of this in the past,” Twilight said. “Applejack’s recount matches up to a T.” Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy had assembled around the Apple family's dining room table. Applejack and Pinkie were in the kitchen, preparing a 'welcome back' cake that Pinkie insisted on. They knew better than to argue with her. “What did you mean by, ‘special seeds’?” Rarity asked. “Were these baby stars that took her?” Twilight adjusted herself in her chair. “According to the entries I’ve read, they’re more like souls. Souls of future stars, waiting to be brought into the world.” “Oh, my…” said Fluttershy. Twilight looked to the kitchen. “That sound right, Applejack?” Applejack poked her head out. “They, uh… weren’t real clear on that part. They just said they’d been searchin’ a long time for somepony like me.” Rarity needed a moment to get her head around that. “...I’ll admit I’m not well-versed in the life cycles of stars, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard of something like this! Are you sure these things were actually stars? What if they were something else altogether?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I’m the Element of Honesty, Rares. You think I can't tell when someone’s tryin’ to pull a fast one on me?” Rarity had to give her that one. “Okay, so they were stars. Did they say why they chose you?” Applejack shook her head. “It was hard for 'em to use words. They kept using ideas and emotions to talk, and even then, there were some things they just couldn’t get across. Was hard enough for them to say what they wanted.” Twilight nodded. “Souls tend to have trouble with constructed speech. They just don’t quite grasp the idea of communicating like that.” “TELL me about it!” Pinkie called. “You try to ask them a simple thing like, ‘where’s the sugar’, and they act like you want them to explain differential calculus! Jeez!” Silence. “Pinkie’s talked to souls before?” Fluttershy whispered. “She knows what differential calculus is?!” said Twilight. But Rainbow wasn’t interested in any of that. “Stars, star-souls, whatever! it doesn’t change how nuts this is! Heck, the only thing more nuts is that if it’s true, Applejack AGREED to all of it! Why in the world would you want to bog yourself down with getting pregnant?! Being pregnant sucks!” Applejack’s laugh floated out from the kitchen. “I wouldn’t say that...” Twilight felt her frustration mounting. “Rainbow, you barely even know what she agreed to in the first place! If you’d just let me finish instead of interrupting me every five seconds...” Rainbow leaned back in her chair. “I only stopped you when you started to use big words nopony understands. Not everyone here’s a magical unicorn prodigy, ya know.” “Actually Twilight, could you please start over?” Fluttershy asked. “I didn’t quite understand the part where the stars made Applejack a stallion.” Twilight groaned. “That's not what 'transcendent' means—ugh, nevermind. From the beginning it is, then...” She snapped her fingers, and a large open tome appeared on the table. The pages had occasional pictures of stars and mares, as well as a few illustrations of pregnancy. “According to legend, every once in a while, the stars need to pick a female—a surrogate—to carry special kinds of stars inside her,” said Twilight. “The reason for this isn’t fully understood, but apparently, a new generation of stars can’t be created otherwise. Once chosen, the surrogate is blessed with powers and gifts, some lasting only the extent of the pregnancy, others lasting for the rest of the mare’s life. The powers and gifts are meant to allow the star to grow, but in the event of an emergency, the surrogate can also use them to make others ‘like’ she is. Examples of these gifts and powers include: Youthful appearance, increased health, vigor, and stamina, drastically increased fertility, and most notably, the ability to use Life magic.” Applejack’s voice was smug. “Still think I got a raw deal, Rainbow?” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I’m still not convinced you didn’t just dream all this up! Why don’t you prove to me that any of this other stuff is true, huh? Come out and cast some Life magic or whatever!” Twilight quickly looked up from the book. “You don’t want her to do that.” Rainbow regarded her. “And why not?!” “Because Life magic is some of the strongest magic in existence! If Applejack doesn't know how to control it...” Twilight thought how best to explain it. “Imagine that you’ve never sneezed before in your life. Suddenly, your nose gets itchy, but you have no idea what it means, and by the you realize what’s happening, you've now gotten germs everywhere because you didn't know to cover your mouth or cough into your sleeve.” There was a long, heavy pause. “And what would getting Life magic everywhere do?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight twiddled her thumbs. “Well, the book does say she can make others ‘like’ her…” Rarity perked up. “She could make all of us youthful and healthy?” Twilight winced. “I thiiiiiiiiink it means more she can turn others into fellow surrogates. Become pregnant with stars, and all that. Everything else is a side-effect.” The potential power that Applejack now wielded now started to sink in with the group. Well, most of the group, anyways; a certain skeptical somepony was still obstinately shaking her head. “Hey!” Applejack called. “Ya’ll hungry for somethin’ beside cake? I got some eggs here in the fridge from last night’s dinner!” “NothankyouIhaveplenty!” Fluttershy yelled out in a burst. Everypony stared. Fluttershy meeped and shrank down in her seat, hiding behind her pink bangs. “I-I mean… I’m not very hungry, thanks…” Rarity leaned in to whisper to Twilight. “It almost sounds like you’re saying we’re running a risk being around her right now. But we can’t just quarantine and abandon her out on the farm—we have to help her somehow! What can we do?” Twilight ran a hand down her face. “She needs to learn to control her powers, but I’ve no idea how to help her do that. I’m only operating off what I remember reading in this book here during my research on Nightmare Moon, but I don't know how accurate these entries are... they make it sound like a star surrogate was some kind of demigoddess! About the only other thing in here is that the last known account of a surrogate was before Princess Luna’s banishment.” Rarity chewed on her lip. “I imagine there’s a bit of a backlog now, depending on how frequently a star surrogate was chosen...” Twilight hadn’t thought of that. “Oh, jeez… Okay, I’ll write a letter to the Princesses tonight. Princess Luna’s gonna know the most about this, but I’ll send word to both of them, just in case. We’ll just have to play it safe until then.” “Twilight...” Fluttershy scooted closer. “Didn’t you say that the six of us have a magical connection to each other because of the Elements? If the connection really IS magical, does that mean what affects one of us magically could…” Twilight’s eyes shifted back and forth. “It might mean we’re more vulnerable to her, yes. But there’s not really anything we can do about that. The best we can do is limit our interactions with Applejack until we know more.” Rainbow could only roll her eyes. "This is stupid." She pulled back her chair and walked out of the dining room, the outside door slamming a moment later. The remaining girls exchanged a dark look. “Oh, for the love of…” Rarity scoffed and slumped in her chair. “Damn it all, Rainbow Dash… She wasn’t really serious about not believing all this, was she?” Fluttershy stared out the window. She watched as a prismatic streak took off at near supersonic speed, zooming up towards the puffy clouds. “...No, she believes. She was just mad about something.” Twilight looked to Fluttershy. Out of all the six of them, she knew Rainbow best. “Any idea what?” Fluttershy sighed. “Yes, but I promised I wouldn't say. I think she’ll tell you if you ask, though. You should talk with her about it the next time you see her. Both of you.” Rarity’s face was sullen. “I can hardly wait.” ()()()()() Applejack sat on her bed, still thinking about what the day had brought. The girls had stayed for the dinner despite the potential danger, expressing their support as she worked her way through this. Applejack appreciated all of it, really, she had, but her thoughts had kept drifting to the absent member of their group. Rainbow had gone off without so much as a peep or a goodbye, and the others hadn’t said much about it save for that she wanted to be alone. Applejack stared at the mess of undergarments strewn around. None of her underwear fit her anymore, simply unable to contain her foalbearing hips and thick rear. Same went for her bras—she guessed she’d gone up at least three sizes! The only bra and panties that even came close was a frilly red number that went with some pajamas Rarity made her years back, and that was only because they were made of a stretchy fabric. Applejack had resigned to going commando until she could get refitted, but she had a feeling she should hold off on that, as her measurements may very well yet, uh… fluctuate. She was starting to miss the simplicity of the grove. All her needs had been catered to there—she hadn’t a worry or care. All she’d had to do was be, and her body had taken care of the rest, becoming so much more than she’d ever thought. She couldn’t wait to experience it again, but when exactly that would be... Applejack began stripping off her clothes. There wasn’t much point in dwelling on things like that now, and a good night’s sleep in her bed would do her good. Her thoughts wandered while she changed, glancing out the window out into the yard— A blue blur zipped behind the barn. Applejack grit her teeth. She went to the window and threw it open. “RAINBOW DASH! QUIT YER DAMN PEEPIN’!” A pause, but then… “Who is dis Dosh you speak of?” said a stilted voice on the wind. “I am—” “That accent is terrible and you should feel terrible!” Applejack scrambled to get her shirt back on. “Enough! Enough already, okay?! Just… get your skinny blue ass up here and TALK to me, or I’m gonna come out there and knock you out cold again!” A few seconds later, Rainbow showed herself. She fluttered up to Applejack’s window, and with a quick gesture Applejack motioned her to come in. Rainbow was the first to speak. “Hey.” Applejack glared daggers at her. “‘Hey’? That's all you’ve got to say for yourself?” Rainbow swished her tail. “Fine. I'm sorry for staring at your rack.” But Applejack still wasn’t satisfied. “And?” Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “If you think you’re getting more after punching me, you can go fuck yourself.” Applejack relented. “I... didn’t mean to do that. I just meant to get your attention, is all.” Rainbow snorted. “Little tip for next time? A tap on the shoulder works just as well.” An awkward silence fell between them, neither one knowing what to say. Applejack played with a stray thread on her bedspread, Rainbow trying not to stare at the underwear all over. “You, uh...” Rainbow finally met her eyes. “You look good.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Is that why you keep tryin’ to sneak peaks on me? I hadn’t gathered that!” "Come on, Applejack!” Rainbow voice went soft. “Are you seriously going to pretend what did three days ago didn't happen?” Applejack's face felt hot. “I... I don't know what you're talking about.” Rainbow snarled, SLAMMING her fist against the wall. “Element of Honesty, my ass! Now I know why you really don’t bother to lie—you suck at it!” “Rainbow!” Applejack felt her face growing hot. “Things got out of hand! I know I said some things, but I—” She was cut off by Rainbow pouncing on her. Their lips met like magnets, Rainbow wrapping her arms around Applejack’s waist. Applejack moaned and ran a hand up Rainbow’s back, making her wings pop open and free, Applejack leaning full into the kiss. They began grinding on each other, Rainbow snaking her hands up Applejack’s shirt to fondle her immense tits, all the while Applejack mashing her stomach against Rainbow’s feeling the warmth of their bodies together— “Nnnnngh!” Applejack tore herself away. “NO! No, no, no… I’m sorry… I can’t… n-no…” Rainbow stared into Applejack’s eyes, her own watery and lost. “Rainbow Dash.” Applejack loudly cleared her throat. “I-I know I said some things... DID some things... but the bottom line is that I’m an Apple mare, and Apple mares grow up to become Apple moms. The ones that don’t are no better than dirt, so while you’re a good friend, I…” Rainbow barely heard anything else. The world faded to grey around her, washed out and faded. A knife twisted its way into her chest, stabbing deeper with every mention of the word ‘friend’. “...just wouldn’t work.” Applejack let go and stepped away. “You understand, don’t you?” The walls were closing in around Rainbow. The ceiling was too low, and there was too much brown where there should’ve been blue. This whole room reeked of Applejack, and it was threatening to make her sick. Gravity taunted Rainbow as it weighed her down, it's laughter echoing in her ears. “You should go,” Applejack said. “Twilight’s worried I may infect the rest of ya somehow. I know said you don’t wanna ever have foals—” ZOOM! The force of Rainbow’s departure pulled Applejack forward. She had to catch herself from bashing her head against the wall, a small tornado of undergarments flying around her room. Applejack looked out the window in time to see Rainbow’s multicolored streak vanish into the horizon. “I shoulda let her punch me back…” ()()()()() That Night- Rainbow squirmed in bed. She’d been trying to go to sleep for a while now, but her mind and feelings were a whirlwind. Stabbing pain of heartbreak aside, something else was amiss that she couldn’t place. She tossed and turned in her sheets, trying to bury the angst, but it just left her muddled and lost. She finally threw off the covers and got up, chucking a pillow across the room. “Bitch…” Rainbow slammed a fist on the bed. “BITCH!” Three days ago, Applejack was supposed to meet Rainbow so they could have a day together to hang out. Applejack hadn’t shown. Rainbow had gone looking for her, eventually finding her in a grove of apple and pear trees. Neither of them had remembered what day it was when scheduling. It’d taken some time for Applejack to open up, but she had. Things had been said, emotions had been laid bare. The heat of the moment ignited a flame long hidden, and the night had been one of passion. Rainbow had thought it was going to be the start of something amazing, something that potentially would last for a long time… Three days later, it was over. The world could burn for all Rainbow cared. She would watch it burn. She’d dared open her heart only to be led along like a kite on a string. Fuck everything and everyone. Fuck it all straight to Tartarus. A loud stomach growl snapped Rainbow out of brooding. Cursing, she put on some fresh clothes from a basket she hadn’t gotten around to folding—a plain pair of panties, some old jeans with holes in them, an oversized shirt from her parents. She didn’t have the assets to merit a bra. She only owned one or two anyways, and about the only time she bothered was on cold days when she might… draw attention to herself. Rainbow went to her kitchen and opened the fridge. She’d just gotten paid and gone grocery shopping, so there was plenty to choose from. Normally she’d just grab a granola bar and wash it down with milk, But she felt rather picky right now… Rainbow started grabbing select things that looked appealing. She placed it all on the table in a small pile, but the goodies before her didn’t quite feel like enough. So she next turned to her cupboards, also filled with many kinds of treats, emptying them as she saw fit.  When she finally finished pillaging her stockpiles, she had more in her grasp than she did when she'd raided the fridge! With no small feat of balance she managed to make her way back to the table without dropping a thing, dumping it all out in an impressive-sized feast. Rainbow hesitated upon seeing the spread. Was she crazy?! How in the world was she going to eat all this? This was more than she typically had in a week! She was about to start putting things back when a sharp hunger pang lanced through her gut, so strong that she nearly doubled over. She didn't feel hungry, she didn’t even feel starving—it was like a bottomless pit had formed where her stomach was! Rainbow started stuffing her face without another word, obeying the voracious need. Bags of snacks were ripped open, their contents poured down her throat. Leftovers from nights previous were sucked down, their tastes barely even registering. An assortment of heavily-laden sandwiches were hastily made and devoured. Cartons of juices and milk were swigged from in rapid succession until they were empty. It wasn’t long before Rainbow felt the weight of it all building up, pushing her gut out more and more, the food sloshing within her ravenous stomach. The full feeling she sought finally did approach... after plowing through half the food she’d laid out. It had to have been enough to feed a family of five for a whole day! Rainbow fell back into a waiting chair, a sloppy belch signaling her satisfaction. “Holy cow… Can’t even remember the last time I binged this hard! Think the last time I even came close was at Twilight’s brother’s wedding!” Rainbow lifted her shirt and felt her overstuffed stomach, the contents shifting around with barely any room left inside. The combined weight of five different sandwiches, tons of assorted snacks, four separate cartons of fast food leftovers, and three different jugs of drink were packed in there. “Jeez…” She let her shirt fall back over her gut, idly scratching herself. “Gonna have to work hard tomorrow to—” She stopped when she noticed something odd. There were two small wet spots around her nipples, and while it was possible they were from spilling something, their exact positions hinted at something else. Gingerly, Rainbow pressed her fingers to one, then shuddered as a sensation fired through her, the spot suddenly feeling damper... Rainbow got up and left the kitchen, absently grabbing a powdered doughnut along the way. She went to the bathroom and flipped on the light, shucking off her shirt and staring at herself in the mirror. Her reflection stared back, her distended food belly giving her an impressive muffin top. She turned from side to side to examine her profile. Her breasts (if they could even be called that) were the same as always, flat and unassuming. She’d been mistaken for an effeminate stallion on more than one occasion, and she’d long accepted that she’d never look like a real mare. Yet for some reason now, as she turned from side to side, her breasts somehow seemed a little bigger? Maybe? Possibly? It was likely just wishful thinking on her part, but yet she couldn’t shake the thought. She’d always had fantasies, and in her younger days she’d even drawn doodles of herself, sketching out what she thought she’d look like with nice, fat tits... Without thinking she ran her fingers along both nipples this time, and her legs nearly buckled from the titillating feeling within. Rainbow gasped. She’d never known herself to be so sensitive, but she wasn’t about to question it! Slowly, she cupped her hands around her flat chest, rubbing her nipples with care. A quiet moan escaped her as imagined all kinds of scenarios, and her body could only shudder in response, a strange heat flowing through her. Pressure built in her chest as she groped herself, and slowly but surely she started pinching her nipples, actually feeling them leak. Rainbow lost herself to it. She started massaging her breasts outright, playing with them as the pressure pushed them tighter against her palms. With every leak they felt a little firmer... a little greater… but her mind was such a mess that she barely noticed, her eyes falling closed as she chased the high. Without warning, her nipples squirted, and her breasts filled out into her palms a second later. Rainbow’s eyes shot open to witness her boobs squish into her hands proper, slowly forcing her fists wider as they grew. Rainbow moaned louder and kept rubbing herself more, barely able to hold herself in check as her nipples caught up to her new size, and every throb expanded her chest larger, her whole body shaking as the new weight registered. Suddenly, the pressure surged, and she grunted as her breasts lurched a whole cup size, two ample streams of breastmilk coating her mirror in a sheen of healthy nutrients. Rainbow leaned upon her sink, panting hard. She allowed her new perky friends to fall where they may, a fog lifting from her eyes. She looked back at the mirror, the milk already draining away. “Well, hel-lo!” Rainbow stood up straight again, ignoring the rumble in her gut. She took up her tits in each hand to examine them, feeling their softness and warmth. Confused as she may be, she wasn’t about to question the good fortune of going boobless to boobtastic! She had to at least be rocking a double D! In fact, they were almost a little too big for her proportion-wise, but even still, she couldn't stop herself from imagining the sexy things she could do with any potential suitors... And that was to say nothing of her nipples. They were smooth and sensual to the touch, complete with a lovely hard nub at the center that still dripped with fresh dairy. Rainbow bit her lip as she tested them, and was delighted to find they were still fully capable of making her body surrender at the slightest touch. “God, I hope this is permanent…” Another rumble shook Rainbow’s gut. “Eh?” She snapped out of her reverie. She let go to let her girls bounce (a rather welcome sensation) and placed her hands over her food belly. What in the world was making her stomach so noisy? Had some of those leftovers gone bad, or something? As if on queue, the tension and pressure in her chest now travelled down to her abdomen, a tantalizing heat washing over her. Rainbow staggered as her insides fluttered, like a bag of snakes slithering in a writhing, coiling mass. Her gut churned and gurgled, making her feel heavy and bloated... until it finally started growing right before her eyes! “A-Ah…” Dizziness struck Rainbow in a wave. She sank onto the toilet and just breathed, her hands roving over her middle. She watched her hands slowly push outward, her abs vanishing as her toned, smooth belly filled out her lap. Something inside her was wiggling, every movement caused her whole body to flutter, and she could only look on fascinated as each exhale ended farther out from her body. She was coaxing it on before long. Each new moment left her skin more sensitive, and she started rubbing and massaging her paunch, finding one spot in particular that she liked—a line that ran across the widest point of her belly. It was becoming more prominent as her womb swelled, and running her finger along it left a tingle across her girth, one that ran into a single point she couldn't quite place. At least, not until she followed the line to its conclusion. Curious, she ‘accidentally’ let her finger fall into the growing cavern at her belly's crest, grazing the insiders of her navel… “OH!” The feeling of her finger entering alone was enough to steal her breath away. She went farther and hit her bellybutton’s deepest depths to tickle the soft mass inside, and she almost came right then and there. She cooed as the pressure in her womb spiked to a higher degree, continuing to press her finger into her navel’s soft flesh. She didn’t notice that her was growing faster, her only interest was in twisting and touching that wonderful spot. Strangely, it was beginning to push back, trying to force itself past her finger... Rainbow kept at it, inserting more of her finger, trying to drive the mass deeper, keep the pressure building. The sensation sent butterflies across her stomach, the warmth spreading more through her body with each touch. She jammed her navel back down, but it just welled back up with more pressure, seeking sweet, blessed release. The mass started pulsating, her womb bulging out farther than it ever had before, making her look six months pregnant. Then Rainbow’s gut caught her off guard with an immense throb, and she groaned as the soft, flabby flesh of her bellybutton wiggled, releasing sensations into her growing girth. Her womb was disturbed by another shake as it swelled even larger. and this time, Rainbow couldn't hold it back. Her finger popped out of place as, the nub just on the verge of escape. It tickled her endlessly on its way up and out, and she couldn't stop herself from placing both hands on her gut, pulling against her movements and thrusting herself forward. The pressure punched through her womb with each thrust, and she grunted as she tried to force the nub out, her skin hot and flushed from her pounding heart. With every rise of her hips her stomach swelled just a bit more, again and again without stopping, until without warning, her womb was rocked by the largest shake yet. Rainbow bent her whole body into a final thrust, holding her breath as the throbs arced across her… but yet her navel still refused to advance, remaining shallow and stuck. Rainbow could feel the strain everywhere. Unable to advance, the pressure leaked out to other places, her pants feeling tight against her hips. Her breasts ached with the promise of more size, but then Rainbow cried out as her womb experienced a sudden and final spurt of growth, filling out to the sides and surging forward, her navel poppingout into the world. Rainbow was breathless. Her breasts had leaked a bit from that release, and she swore she’d heard a pants seam break. But she didn’t care all that much—she was more focused on the precious thing inside her, full-grown and wiggling about. Shivers raced down her spine as she felt her freshly grown womb, and against her hand, her belly distended briefly in the shape of a limb. The daze and heat eventually left Rainbow, and she was able to regain her faculties, the world returning as though from a dream. “Whoa!” Rainbow about jumped out her skin. “Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! What is this?! What the hell happened?!” She could feel it well enough, of course. A foal was kicking inside her, and she looked like a full term momma-to-be! Her hips felt wider than she’d ever known, her rear felt cushier and softer, and her breasts… well… “Okay, the tits are cool, but the rest?” Rainbow had been serious when she’d said she’d never wanted to be pregnant; both her mother AND grandmother had told her the horror stories of what it’d been like. Pregnancies varied from mare to mare, but a pattern spanning two generations wasn’t something Rainbow wanted to test. But yet as she slowly stroked her womb, feeling its pervasive warmth, she was having trouble holding on to that mindset. The sensation of the newly grown foal tickling her insides almost made her laugh, and occasionally, it’d kick just hard enough to rock her belly. She pressed a hand against her forehead as she tried to think, think past everything that just happened. She was not dwelling on the odd feelings of satisfaction cropping up, nor was she focusing on any of the bizarrely pleasant sensations! This wasn’t a good thing, damn it! “Life magic…” Rainbow groaned. “Oh, for fuck’s sake! Damn it all, Applejack! First you jerk me around, then you go and get me knocked up?! Can I SERIOUSLY not catch a break?!” She realized it had to have happened when they kissed. Twilight had said Applejack didn’t know how to control her new powers, and the contact and emotions had likely triggered something. Rainbow kicked herself for not taking Twilight’s warning seriously, but there wasn’t much she could do about it now. There was a real live kid inside her, and she couldn’t very well just zap it away. May as well deal with it best as she could. “Of course Twilight didn't say what to do if we DID get pregnant.” Rainbow blew her bangs out of her eyes. “Terrific. Guess I’ll just have to figure this out—” Another grumble sounded from her gut. Rainbow could only sigh. “Whatever. I can't think when I'm hungry, anyways.” She idly wondered if the correct phrasing was 'when we're hungry', but she dismissed that as redundant. She put her shirt back on and exited the bathroom, her steps awkward from her loose hips and off-kilter balance. Her pants were tight to the point of pain, but at least her shirt covered the entirety of her bulging belly, albeit barely. Her boobs hadn't stopped leaking, soaked through the soft fabric and then some, but Rainbow kinda enjoyed that. The way they now swayed back and forth, their weight heavy on her chest... The hunger only got worse as Rainbow walked back to the kitchen. The gurgles grew into immense growls that once more became that want... that need… that bottomless pit that demanded to be filled! Walking faster, Rainbow crossed the threshold and spied the remains of the food on the table, the sight making her mouth water. “Mine.” She wasted little time in starting round two. Store-bought treats, homemade pastries by Pinkie Pie, bags of salad, cans of soup, jars of pickles, jars of peanut butter, and jars of jelly, she ate them all. She shoved every edible bit of calorie-laden food into her maw, barely even stopping to chew. Each new mouthful reduced the demand of her stomach by a tiny fraction, but it was a fraction better than nothing, so she kept right on stuffing her face. Her stomach bulged further with every bite, and her womb wiggled and shuddered all the while, as if gleeful for the newfound fuel. SNAP! Rainbow’s jeans gave up the ghost. The button careening off, the zipper flying open as her growing paunch lurched lower to once again rest on her lap. Rainbow kept right on eating, heedless, mashing foods together so as to go faster, her gut bloating wider and wider. The tastes mixed wonderfully over her tongue, dancing on her taste buds before sliding down her throat. She punctuated every few bites with glugs of heavy cream, a wonderfully thick compliment that tasted closer to frosting than a drink. But before long her gluttony got the better of her and she chugged the whole carton in one go, her stomach sagging even lower and heavier with each gulp. It wasn’t long until Rainbow polished off the rest of the food. The entire stockpile she’d just laid out for herself, all swallowed down her gullet. All that was left was wrappers, empty containers, and the satisfaction of how full Rainbow felt was. “Ahhh…” Rainbow got up from her chair, letting loose a loud belch. Her gut was now twice the size it’d been before her second course, but she felt too good right now to care. “Guess there’s more upsides to being pregnant than I thought, heh. But I think I’m gonna go back to bed now, sleep off this food coma…” Slowly but surely she sauntered to her bedroom, her stomach’s contents threatening to tire her out halfway. She couldn’t even begin to guess how many pounds of food she’d just consumed. She got back to her bed and sat down, then rested against the headboard with her pillows around her. She spread her legs and let her belly fall to the bed, holding it in her hands with a gentle touch. She was so large now that her formerly-roomy shirt only covered three-quarters of her paunch, and she could already feel it churning away, working away at the food as her body prepared to do… whatever it was going to do. “I’ll just go see Twilight in the morning,” Rainbow said with a yawn. “She’s probably figured this all out already, knowing her… Heh, I’ll even bet she still awake reading about it!” More than anything else, Rainbow hoped Twilight would have a clue on how to control Applejack’s powers. True, this had all felt pretty good so far, and the breasts were definitely appreciated, but the bottom line was that Rainbow only had so much room in her womb. It sounded silly, but considering everything else, she couldn’t dismiss the possibility that Applejack could get her MORE pregnant somehow— There was a flutter in her gut. Rainbow gasped. Warmth swept over her like an invisible blanket, and her belly glinted, now swelling even larger! She bit back a moan as her outie grazed her retreating shirt, breaking free to properly kiss the air. Somehow, Rainbow knew a new life had formed within her, the food she’d provided fueling her blossoming form to new heights. Then a third life sparked within her. “Wh-What…” The third was followed by a fourth… then a fifth… and a sixth! Rainbow’s eyes rolled back as her womb filled out in steady spurts, more and more little ones coming into be inside her. She lost count and instead just caressed her gravid form, her doubts fading out as she revelled in it all. “Ohhhhh, yesssss…” Her belly pressed harder into the bed, slowly inching forward and sending lovely tingles across her skin. Rainbow grit her teeth as her pants protested more than ever, the stitches popping off one by one, the world catching glimpses of her cutie mark upon her growing flanks. Her popped-out navel grew as well, and while she wanted to stroke and caress it like she had before, she was getting too large to do it now. Her shirt was swiftly becoming a makeshift bra for her rapidly-expanding bosom, her productive milk glands going into overdrive behind increasingly-sensitive nipples. And said nipples were pressing harder and harder into her shirt as more healthy blue flesh peeked out the sides, the smell of sweet dairy soaking the air. Yet Rainbow couldn’t stop thinking about her navel. She wanted someone to stroke it, to rub it… maybe even lick it. She could just imagine somepony’s hand on it, the soft nub squishing between their fingers as it throbbed. Every touch would be the best kind of tease, playing with Rainbow’s womb as it grew faster. The attention would make everything inside her feel a little tighter, but tighter in the best way. She now only cared about the fingers that danced around her crest, pushing and poking it, intensifying the blissful sensations swimming through her. The world faded out around Rainbow. A dim part of her questioned what was happening, but that part was quickly dismissed. She cooed as the flutters within renewed, making her belly surge forward across the soft grass. Her breasts were constantly leaking now, stretching her tight shirt further. Her plot was nearly free of its constraints, her pants giving way to Rainbow’s fertile body. A real hand now played with her navel, and it just spurred Rainbow onward, goading her to thrust herself into the touch. The warmth of her womb bathed everything around her as a red sheen formed around her whole body, intensifying as the power within her kept gathering. A tightness built up within Rainbow, one fueled by her despite her desire for release. She clutched her huge womb and kept thrusting into those immense throbs, rocking her belly as new lives wiggled and grew with each pulse. The ghostly hand began kneading, forcing pressure into her through her navel, and it made the tension build until Rainbow could hardly stand it. Her breasts surged to the size of pumpkins, her nipples tearing the shirt open, and she couldn't stop herself from stroking their needy surfaces without pause. She were working up to a point of no return, but she didn't care—every inch of her ached with need, the tightness inside her womb threatening to tear her apart! Suddenly, a mouth pressed itself onto her navel, licking and sucking with fervor. Rainbow screamed. Her womb surpassed all limits to expand mightily, becoming like a massive, pregnant hill! Her breasts burst out her shirt shortly after, spurting healthy streams of rich cream like fountains. Her foal-bearing hips burst out of her ruined pants, and all the while her navel pulsed and swelled, thick layers of soft flesh overlapping as it pushed the prominent bounds of her womb’s crest. Rainbow moaned loud as the warm throbs kept pushing her larger, far past the point of reason, so large that, had she still been sitting on it, she likely would’ve broken her bed. Wait... Rainbow saw clearly for the first time in minutes. Beyond her titanic womb and tits was a forest of some sort, yet ‘forest’ wasn’t quite the right word. The trees were too sparsely spaced, there was too much of this strange soft grass, and that calm pond to her left was kinda weird for some reason... “What the hay?” Rainbow looked up, only to have words fail her. The sky was covered in bright stars, twinkling and singing in a chorus of faint voices. She was leaning against a tree larger than any she’d ever seen… ...and leaning next to her was a mare, her arm casually draped around her shoulders. “Hey.” Applejack scooched a bit closer, giving Rainbow’s shoulder a squeeze. “Guess neither of us is too good at listenin’ to Twilight.” It took Rainbow a few seconds to find her voice. She was naked, she was pregnant, she was in a strange place that she’d never seen before… ...Yet as Applejack nuzzled her, her soft, perfect lips along Rainbow's collarbone, she didn’t have a care in the world. Rainbow leaned into Applejack’s touch, all the tension leaving her at once. “Where are we?” Applejack gestured all around them. “I call it The Grove. Not really sure where it is exactly, but it’s where I went when I vanished on ya’ll.” She bent closer and whispered into Rainbow’s ear. “I’m pretty sure time’s different here. Felt I was here for MONTHS, just me and this wonderful place, growing and growing just letting myself go again and again. Now, it’s all gonna happen to you...” Rainbow shivered. She couldn’t help but get a little excited, especially with Applejack so close to her... “Applejack.” Rainbow swallowed hard. “About earlier... about us—” “Shhh.” Applejack put a finger to Rainbow’s lips. “I didn’t mean to hurt ya like that. I turned you down because I was thinkin’ about what my family wants, not what I want. That was wrong of me.” Rainbow winced. The memory still stung something fierce, but the context helped to soothe some of the pain. She didn’t like it, but she did understand the position Applejack was in. “But then I started to realize.” Applejack ran her fingers through Rainbow’s hair, straightening it out like a comb. “What happened a few days ago… what’s happening here, and now… maybe it’s all for a reason. If something’s pushin’ us together, and we both WANT to be together, then I don’t see a reason to fight. To Tartarus with expectations! If my family don’t like it, they can go soak their heads! Forget what I said earlier, Dashie! Let’s give this a—” Rainbow kissed her. She kissed her long and hard, and Applejack immediately joined right in. A wonderful feeling spread through Rainbow as she let herself go, and her breath was stolen as she felt Applejack's hand on one of her nipples. Applejack squeezed, and thick cream spurted out, running down Rainbow’s chest in a generous milky stream. Rainbow never wanted this to end—she just wanted to be here, forever, letting Applejack do whatever she wanted to her. It’d be just them in this peaceful place, the stars watching over them for all eternity. Yes, just them, the stars... and their brood of healthy foals. > Chapter 3: Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Embodiment Part 3: Rarity Two Days Later- Rarity stood at the precipice of disaster. It’d been a long, harrowing series of events, but now she was unable to continue without dire consequences. All she could do was stare in disbelief at her creation before her, wondering how she was to correct this grievous mistake. How could she have allowed for such a catastrophe? How was she— “Oh, there they are.” Rarity picked up the scissors she’d been looking for. She snipped away at the excess fabric on her latest project, taking care not to fray any seams. She couldn’t afford to have any ragged edges—this was to be the centerpiece of her next line! “Hmm…” Rarity inspected her near-finished work. She was about to call this good, but she sensed there was something yet missing... something important. She was basing the outfit off a beautiful ensemble a Saddle Arabian had worn at a party they’d all gone to a few months ago, and she hadn’t had the time to sketch it out then. Rarity stared at the mannequin before her, squinting as she tried to remember more details. She was pretty sure most of this was right, but there was one big thing it needed, something that went on the midriff— “A gem!” Rarity pointed at the mannequin’s navel. “She had a gem in her bellybutton!” Humming, Rarity waltzed over to her stash of various gemstones stored in a trunk. Yet as she began sorting through,her grin slowly began to fade. Each gem felt far too rough to be placed in such a sensitive place, and none of the ones she had were the right color. A few were close, but she couldn't find one that was perfect, and that’s what she was striving for. “Oh, phooey.” She took off her horn-rimmed glasses, her lips curling back in a sneer. “It seems I have no choice. I'm going to have to visit… him. Ugh, I’ll need to put on something conservative...” ()()()()() It’d been a productive day at Everfree Thrift and Pawn. A pair of unicorn stallions had come by in a strange-looking car to purchase everything in the store under five bits, claiming that they could find a use for it all. Nevermind that most of the stuff was clearly useless junk that nopony in their right minds would pay any more than five bits for—they seemed to think it was worth more, so the store owner wasn’t about to complain. Said owner, Rough Cut, had his back turned when he heard the shop door jingle. “Sorry, but I'm not taking any pawns or trades today!” he called out. “I just got cleared out by—” “Good evening, cousin.” Rough Cut hesitated. Whenever he heard that voice, it always promised trouble. Biting back a wince, he turned around with a smile that showed off his perfect teeth. “Rarity!” He tipped his hat to her. “What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in.” Rarity’s smile was equally false. Every time she stepped hoof in here, it was always the same. This... stallion was so crooked she could almost feel the greed oozing off him. “I need a sapphire, Cutty.” Rarity walked right up to the counter, her piercing gaze never leaving his. “Got any decent ones?” Rough Cut smirked. “Always to the point. But whyever would you come to ME looking for sapphires? You’re quite the accomplished gem hunter, as you so often like to brag. Why, just this last Hearth’s Warming, you were going on how you found a cache of mystic topaz while suffering an eldritch migraine!” Rarity rolled her eyes. “A special kind of sapphire. Tourmaline blue, oval shape, smooth as a river stone, about the size of a blueberry. I’m on a timeline and I don’t have the hours it’ll take to find, cut, smooth, and clean one myself.” Rough Cut snickered. He’d already figured as much—she only ever came to him when she was in a bind. “Well, you know where my gem case is by now. See for yourself.” Sadly, Rarity did know. Rough Cut kept his jewelry selection front and center, right beneath the main counter. It was the reason why she’d put on a properly fitting top—the first time she’d come in and looked, he’d gotten a faceful of her cleavage. Thanksgiving dinner had been awkward that year. It didn’t take much looking before she spied something promising. A sapphire, perfect coloration and size, marvellously smooth and rounded. She squeezed the straps of her purse upon spotting it; blast it all, that ruddy gem was perfect. About the only thing off about it was that she could’ve swore it was glowing slightly, but that was undoubtedly from the store’s poor lighting. “I thought that one might catch your eye.” Rough Cut cleared his throat. “That sapphire is—” “A Saddle Arabian catseye.” She met his eyes with a shrewd look. “Is it real?” Rough Cut glowered. Just once, he wished she’d let him finish the sales pitch. “Yes, it’s real. I had it verified by Silver Sterling this morning. Here’s the certificate of authenticity.” He produced an embossed sheet of parchment to show Rarity. It bore both the logos of Ponyville Precious Purveyors and the Equestrian Traders Guild. Rarity chewed on her lip. She knew Silver Sterling, and while his daughter was a little beast, his ability to recognize authentic gemstones was second to none. It seemed this really was the real deal. “I’ll take it,” Rarity said. “How much?” Rough Cut steepled his hands together. “Five-hundred bits.” Rarity didn’t bat an eyelash. “Three hundred.” Rough Cut laughed. “This is an exquisite piece from Saddle Arabia! Do you know what I had to do in order to get it in the first place?! The merchant I purchased it from—” “Smuggler, you mean.” Rough Cut narrowed his eyes. “Merchant. He excavated it near Maredina, but then barely managed to evade the cutthroats trying to steal it from him! He wouldn’t part with it for anything less than four seventy-five, so I’ll need at least five hundred to make a profit.” Rarity leaned forward onto the counter. “You don’t make high-risk, pricey investments, Cutty. You buy things for cheap from ponies even shadier than yourself, then try to price gouge ponies that don’t know any better. The only reason I haven’t reported you is because I’m afraid they actually will find something in here that’s illegal or stolen.” But Rough Cut didn’t budge an inch. “Suppose I do have something in here that’s illegal or stolen. If you report it and the cops find it, then you’d better have a good lawyer, because willful ignorance is a prosecutable offense. No matter what kind of deal you make, cousin, your reputation will suffer from the fallout. I wonder how well your clothing store will fare then?” The two of them stared at each other, neither one of them moving a muscle. … … ... Until finally, they both hung their heads. “Why do we always do this?” Rarity stepped back, pinching the bridge of her nose. “One-upping and lies, suspicions and threats... Can’t it just be like when we were kids?” Rough Cut drummed his fingers on the table, staring off at the wall. “What do you want me to do? I can’t do a background check on every single pony that comes in here trying to hawk their wares. I try my best to make good judgment calls, but I also gotta pay the bills. Sometimes things slip through the cracks.” Rarity crossed her arms. “That doesn’t explain why do you price gouge so much. I’ve seen you do markups on things over twice what their worth! Are your bills really THAT outrageous?” Rough Cut’s eyes dimmed. His grit his teeth so hard his head shook, his posture falling into  a slump. Rarity stared at him for a few seconds, but when the answer wasn’t forthcoming, she turned to see what he was looking at. A framed picture of a middle-aged mare, hanging on the wall behind the counter. “Oh, darling.” Rarity murmured. “Don’t tell me Auntie Culet...” Rough Cut suddenly looked very tired. “We… found out yesterday that the cancer’s come back. She’s scheduled to go back in for treatment start of next month, but considering how much the last round took out of her…” There was a long, heavy pause. “...How much did you really pay for the gem?” Rarity asked. Rough Cut looked away. “Two seventy-five.” Without another word, Rarity took out her purse. She produced a full, heavy sack of bits, tossing the whole of it on the counter. CLINK! Rough Cut raised an eyebrow. Slowly, he opened the bag, his eyes going wide upon seeing the number and color of bits inside. “Rarity…” “Do me a favor.” She put her hands on her hips. “The next time you’re struggling with family-related things like this, put aside your fucking pride, and TELL me about it. Petty rivalries and grudges aren’t worth it, okay? Family is more important. Your mother is more important.” Rough Cut clutched the moneybag like it was his firstborn. “Y-Yeah. You’re right.” Rarity gave him a sharp look. “Promise me.” Rough Cut held up his hands. “Okay! I promise! I’ll come to you if there’s ever problems like this again! Jeez...” Rarity smiled. “Good. Now, the gem?” “Right…” Rough Cut fumbled for a set of keys on his belt. He undid the lock and floated out the gem, putting it in a black case for her. “Fabulous.” Rarity placed the case in her purse. “Do keep me updated on Auntie’s condition, won’t you? Sweetie Belle and I will come visit once she’s settled. I’m sure she’d appreciate someone sprucing up those dull patient rooms they always stick her in…” Rough Cut felt dazed as he watched Rarity walk towards the door. “When… when do you want me to pay you back?!” Rarity flippantly waved her hand. She was out the door before he could say more, the entrance bell jingling in her wake. ()()()()() Rarity walked through Ponyville’s streets at a brisk pace. Her creation beckoned her, and she didn't have much time to complete it. The looks on her customer’s faces when they saw what she’d cooked up would be divine, and she couldn’t wait to see how many orders this piece alone brought in! Sure, not everypony would be interested in something so... risqué, but there was definitely a market for such attire. Her thoughts drifted to the final piece she’d acquired. Without even thinking she took out the box and opened it, wanting to get a look at the gem in proper light. Sparkling and flawless, it was even more extraordinary than she’d first thought. She delicately took it in her hand, shivering as its smooth, smooth surface touched her skin. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She barely even noticed the strange sensation seeping into her. She suddenly felt an odd urge to place the gem into her navel, and her hands began straying to her stomach, an odd ache forming in her belly. Untold wonders raced through her as she hovered the gem over her bellybutton, her shirt the only barrier between an undoubtedly glorious sensation. It was almost as if something was trying to find its way inside her— Rarity quickly shook herself out of it. What was she doing?! Not only was she a lady, but she was in public right now! She couldn’t go lifting her shirt and start sticking things inside her navel! Just think of the scandal! “I’ve been working too hard again...” Rarity put the sapphire away before she changed her mind. The warm, pleasant feel of the gem had lingered, along with the memory of the wonderful feeling that’d blossomed inside her for a split second. She knew it was going to be hard to forget, and that meant that today would be a long day indeed. “Well, forget it I must.” Rarity tossed back her mane and quickened her pace. “I have a dress to finish.” ()()()()() Victory was hers. The dress had been completed in short order, and all messages and advertisements were well on her way. The original dress wouldn’t be one that she sold of course, it was merely for display. Although she might very well use it as her Nightmare Night costume this year. She wasn’t going to be a no-show fool because of all the last minute orders she had to finish the night before this year! Oh, no! She was going to be the talk of the town for sure in a getup like this! Unique and one of a kind! She was enjoying a reasonably-sized portion of low-fat ice cream to celebrate when she heard a knock on the door. “Hello? Rarity?” she heard a familiar voice call. “Are you home? I need to talk to you!” Rarity frowned. Of course she recognized that voice, but it was well past sunset already! She set aside her half-finished dish and went to answer the door. Twilight stood on her doorstep with mussed-up clothes and an unbrushed mane and tail. A manic look was on her face as she smiled toothily at Rarity. “I did it!” She tittered to herself. “I did it, Rarity! I figured it out!” It took all of Rarity’s willpower not to facepalm. So it was going to be one of those days, was it? She stepped aside to let Twilight in. “Figured what out, dear?” In reply, Twilight lifted Rarity’s shirt, jammed her thumb in Rarity’s navel, and fired off an unknown spell. “!!!” Rarity jumped like she’d been shocked. She shoved Twilight away with a yelp, a mighty blush on her face. “Twilight Sparkle!” She backed away a more few steps for good measure. “What in heaven’s name?!” Twilight may as well not have heard. She was too busy holding up the thumb she’d just used. “Look!” Rarity felt a chill. Twilight’s thumb held a golden glow, so bright it was almost painful to look at. “Twilight,” Rarity said slowly. “What did you do?” “It's like this all over Ponyville,” Twilight burst out. “Every mare I’ve tested! At first I thought I crafted the spell wrong, but I triple-checked the matrix and my calculations are perfect! Do you realize what this means?!” Rarity almost stopped listening at 'every mare I’ve tested'. “That you have a poor sense of personal space?” “That this is worse than I thought!” Twilight lifted her own shirt to stick her other thumb in her navel. Her horn flashed, and she pulled it out to show it was glowing, too. “Life magic is everywhere, Rarity! Every mare in town is saturated in it! It might even be all over Equestria for all I know! There’s no way Applejack is responsible for this level of exposure!” She was speaking so fast that Rarity could barely understand. The tone was clear, but Rarity wasn’t very good with panicked yammerspeech. Especially not when the speaker’s mane and tail were in a horrid state, with bleary and bloodshot eyes, a greasy face, and a rather ripe smell to boot... “Twilight,” Rarity said. “When was the last time you slept? Or showered? Or ate something, for that matter?” Twilight threw up her hands. “There’s no time for that! If we don’t do something, all of Ponyville could erupt into one big maternity ward! A single catalyst could ignite the life magic of any mare in town, and WE’RE the most vulnerable! Our life magic levels are over fifty times that of any other mare I’ve tested, Rarity! We’re ticking time bombs on a hair trigger!” It was a tricky call. Sometimes Twilight freaked out over nothing, other times there was a legitimate crisis. It was about a fifty-fifty call, in Rarity’s experience. Sighing, Rarity gestured for Twilight to follow. They went into the parlor, where Rarity forced Twilight to sit while summoning a comb and brush. “What are you doing?!” Twilight made to get up. “I just told you there’s no time for—” Rarity silenced her with a look. “You’re rambling and raving so much that I can barely understand you. I know you want to help, but you can't keep pushing yourself like this. You need to dial it back a notch and get your bearings.” Twilight shook her head. “I’m fine! We need to focus on—” “Twilight.” Twilight grumbled something under breath. A huge part of her was still screaming at her to take action, but she relented and let Rarity tend to her. “Have you heard back from the Princesses yet?” Rarity asked in a calm voice. Twilight grunted. “Princess Luna wrote me back almost right away. You remember when I’d said the last record of a star surrogate was before her banishment?” Rarity began brushing Twilight’s hair. “I do.” “According to her, this used to be a pretty regular thing. The stars had some kind of relationship with us through her, and every couple of years, a surrogate would get chosen to carry however many stars that were scheduled to be born. But after the Nightmare Moon incident, that relationship was severed and the star spirits were left unable to come to be. They’ve been accumulating and accumulating since then, stuck in limbo without a way to come into the world.” Rarity carefully worked to untangle a rather stubborn knot. “How many spirits are we talking, exactly?” Twilight winced. “I-It’s impossible to say. About the only definite is there’s a LOT—so many that Princess Luna isn’t able to regulate the process. That means the star spirits are essentially free to clear the backlog as they please, and if they want to go fast, a lot of mares might end up...” Rarity paused. She had to admit that sounded bad, but only at first glance. When you really thought about it, was the harm in a whole bunch of capable mares across Equestria serving as star surrogates for a while? It’s not like the ‘children’ they’d be having would be their responsibility... “From the way you described it these stars before—or whatever they are—they sound rather benign.” Rarity snapped her fingers, and a stick of deodorant appeared. “Does being pregnant with these spirits pose a risk of injury?” Twilight took the deodorant and applied it. “I-I, well... n-not really, no. Princess Luna said there’s the whole process is steeped in life magic, and the restorative and regenerative properties essentially guarantee a healthy, full term gestation. About the only oddity she’s observed as that the star spirits temporarily take the form of foals while in the womb.” Rarity laughed. “Then if you want my opinion, I’m not sure there’s anything to worry about! It may be strange for many, but if the whole experience is harmless, we may as well let it happen. I know I wouldn’t mind, especially if provides a beauty boost…” But Twilight was still torn. “You don’t even know how many you could get pregnant with! It could be one or two, it could be as many as a hundred! Maybe more!” Rarity scoffed. “A hundred foals? Really, Twilight?” Twilight bit her lip. “Well, maybe not a hundred... But it could still be a lot! We shouldn’t be so quick to accept this when we don’t know what we’re getting into!” Rarity could only sigh. “Then perhaps Applejack can tell us more. Why don’t you go speak with her again tomorrow, hmm? Time might’ve refreshed her memory.” Twilight considered that. “She’s probably still awake right now. I could—” “No.” Twilight fiddled with her shirt. “...Fine. Tomorrow, then.” “Good.” Rarity looked over at the calendar. She didn’t have the store open tomorrow, but she had to get started on her next project for her fall lineup. She’d be busy for the majority of the day. “Stop by afterwards to let me know what you learn, alright? Maybe we can go watch a movie with the others, or something. I’d offer to take you to the spa, but they’re closed for a while, sadly.” Twilight raised her eyebrows. “Really? What happened?” “I honestly don't know,” Rarity said. “I was at the pet groomer’s this morning, and I watched from across the street as Aloe and Lotus shooed everyone out the spa doors in a hurry. I believe I heard them say they had some kind of family emergency…” Twilight’s ears drooped. “Aww, I really would've enjoyed a trip to the spa.” Rarity used a bit of magic to smooth out Twilight’s clothes. “You’re not alone. But we don’t always get what we want, I’m afraid. Although… if you want, I have more than enough beauty supplies here to give you the next best thing. Perhaps we could do that, instead?” “Ooh!” Twilight perked up. “That sounds like fun!” Rarity patted her shoulder. “It’s a date, then. But don’t expect me to offer a full body massage, darling. It’s not that kind of date.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Har, har. Well, if that’s that then, I have a date before that with this nice guy called Pillow. We’re meeting at this nice place called My Bed, so I should probably get going.” Rarity chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll have a marvelous time.” She made sure Twilight was suited before seeing her out. Rarity closed and locked the door, then turned off the front lights and started getting ready for bed. She wasn’t particularly perturbed by what Twilight had said, but the news lingered in her mind nonetheless. Specifically, that their own life magic levels were so much higher than everypony else’s. Although, given that the bond they shared with Applejack through the Elements was quite powerful, that wasn’t too much of a surprise. Rarity traced her fingers around her navel. The feel of Twilight’s thumb shoved in there, tingling with arcing magic... it made her shudder even now. She was tempted to do it again just to see if she could elicit the same reaction. It almost felt similar to the sensations of the gem from Rough Cut, to be honest… “Enough!” Rarity put a hand to her forehead. “Stop it, Rarity. A lady doesn’t fantasize about such things.” After a visit to the privy, Rarity entered her bedroom. Her finished Saddle Arabian dress was on a mannequin in the corner, perfect and ready to go. She’d gotten the design down to a T! She was going to make bank on it for sure! The hardest part now was to stifle her creator’s impulse to fiddle with it further and just accept that it was done. Yet as she made her way to her bed, a thought struck her. “I never tried it on...” She slowly grew a sly smile. “I was so caught up in finishing that I never bothered! I always try on my own outfits, don’t I? It’s my own little reward.” Her eyes drifted to the gem box on her nightstand. “Yes. I think I deserve that much...” ()()()()() Rarity watched herself in the three sided mirror, admiring herself from every angle to take in the beauty of her creation. Lace and silk weaved from a foreign land's best supplies draped over her figure, woven into art by her skilled hands. Rarity knew of her own ravishing qualities, but this amazing outfit made her drop dead gorgeous! “Hel-lo, Rarity!” She might have to be careful who saw her in this, as she might very well make somepony pass out. The amount of bare skin alone would surely make any soft-hearted lover weak-kneed, and there was just enough cleavage to entice but not seem crude. Little more than a brassiere with sleeves covered the top half of her body while a thin veil hid most of her face, her beautiful eyes peeking out to haunt somepony, even with her reflction alone. But the design was outdone by the quality of the fabrics she’d used. Chineighse silk and Arcturian lace, both so soft that her skin tingled whenever she brushed against it. The loveliness of the silks in the undergarments hidden away under the long skirt were enough to make her shiver. She ran her hands down her bare midriff until they met up with her wide hips, her generous curves emphasized to the point of jaw-dropping. Why had she never designed something like this before? Rarity revelled in her own vanity a while longer before realizing she was still missing something. The one part of the outfit that’d eluded her until this evening, the pièce de résistance! She went to her nightstand and retrieved the Saddle Arabian catseye, taking it out to admire in the moonlight. It was so bright and shiny it almost looked like it was glowing, and as she took it out to hold in her palm, it was just as smooth as she remembered. Rarity stroked the sapphire with her fingers. Quickly warming from her touch, its cut was so fine it didn’t feel abrasive in the slightest. One side of it was a simple rounded cushion cut, the other was a smooth, featureless dome. She’d never seen such a strange design before. The feeling of it touching her skin was wonderful to say the least, and even though it sounded crazy, she’d even go so far as to call the stone soft. In fact, it felt SO amazing, it almost felt there was a strange power coursing through her, thundering its way into her body. She couldn’t believe she’d lucked out finding such a specimen! She slowly began to take it where it needed to go, but she didn’t do so with haste. Rarity let the gem's delightful surface run across her bare skin, starting just under her right breast and letting it slowly run down the length of her stomach. Every inch made the gem feel more and more alive, and Rarity moaned as the the wonderful sensation danced along her midriff. She could swear the gem was pulsing now, and every surge it gave off fired unspeakable sparks of power that worked their way into someplace deep inside her. Every muscle in her abdomen relaxed as the gem slowly approached its final destination, her gut feeling warm and loose, surrendering to the sensations. Carefully, she placed the gem on top of her tight navel, holding it there a moment as she watched herself in the mirror. Then, she pushed it in. A spark of lightning shot into Rarity’s belly. She gasped as that spark continued to send power down into her gut, hands moving on her own to gently stroke her soft coat. The powerful feeling slowly spread out across her belly, every rise and fall of her breath letting her know just how real it was. Something started happening to the gemstone. It was moving, twisting itself about and pushing farther into her, embedding itself in her navel’s deepest recess. It was strange to Rarity, but its activity was making the sensations grow stronger, slowly pushing them to greater heights. It went so deep she actually lost sight of it, and Rarity moaned as something inside her changed, her insides fluttering about in such a manner that made her legs quiver. She now felt something within her start to grow, expanding from her most sacred of places. Rarity continued to move her hands across her madly sensitive surfaces, almost unaware of the blossoming womb inside her body. It wasn’t until she realized her hands were getting farther apart that she noticed, but when it finally registered, all she did was coax it on. Her belly continued to push itself out farther, her soft skin allowed to stretch and make room for the womb growing inside her. She almost lost herself in a daze as the first tiny kick sent a tingle through her flesh, the sign of her motherhood causing her body to start changing even more. Rarity’s breasts swelled and ached, pushing her brazier tighter as the clasps popped off one by one. She gasped for air when the last one was finally undone, healthy new flesh growing from her chest with every breath. She could feel her breasts begin leaking as they slowly began to put on pounds of new weight. Every small drop that left her nipples only made her realize how needy they were, and how bad she’d been to forget their needs. Her mind was made up as she opened the broken brazier completely and allowed her far heavier breasts to fall softly against her body. She began to stroke them softly, each shudder and release causing her nipples to push wider into her palms. She had to coax them on, for they would be needed one day, and they had to be as ample as possible to feed the womb still slowly growing beneath them. Rarity grunted as the first proper release coated her hands, large streams pouring through her fingers and down across her belly. Any lost was replaced twofold as her breast kept pushing themselves outwards, further and further than ever before. Rarity opened her hands wide in a futile attempt to cup her gradually growing rack. Bigger and healthier her tits became, her arms wobbling as their weight kept piling on. By the time they’d finally stopped she was unable to gauge their size anymore, but she was sure that even the largest bra in her collection would be unable to contain them. And even if it could, the milk still leaking from her rosy nipples would swiftly soak through... Rarity attention returned to her still-blooming belly. Already she could feel the bottom of her breasts teased by the softness of her stomach’s fur, the firmness of her womb pushing itself larger. She felt another kick, this one far stronger than the last, and her hands stroked through the immense flutter that fired through her body as her breasts spurted another stream of milk that leaked onto womb. It only enticed her further as she allowed it to lubricate her hands, her flesh softening with each stroke, her womb pushing itself even higher and farther until it was a cradle for her generous breasts. Yet it still had a ways to go before it could truly give her weighty chest any relief... A wonderful sensation took root in Rarity’s nethers. It spread to her ample hips, and she could feel the tingle spreading out across her flesh with goosebumps echoing the sensation. Her already-curvy hips filled out and pressed into the expensive fabrics that contained them, and she stood fully erect as her legs felt like they were being stretched, mounds of soft healthy flesh piling onto her thighs. She let her hands slip beneath the beltway so she could feel them expand, her skin pressing harder and harder into the silks and satins. Little by little, her hands on either side of her body grew farther apart, the maternal form finally taking shape wholly in her thighs, signalling her foalbearing status as a worthy mother. Rarity admired herself in the mirror. This was a form of beauty only a mare could accomplish, yet somehow… she seemed incomplete. Just then, she gasped as a fire ignited within her womb, the warmth bathing over her flesh in ever greater pulses as it began to push forward ever so slowly. The tenderness of her belly only caused her endless bother, the sensations driving themselves all over her body like a maddening itch. Her breasts started leaking again, more now than before, the liquid running down in rivulets as she kneaded and pressed her boobs in firm strokes. The little one inside her needed the room, she had to grow. She found herself thrusting her belly out as its shape continued to elongate and widen, relentlessly surging and pushing softly ahead. Now something else besides her womb was pushing itself forward inside her, something that charged ahead toward a point on her unfinished mountain. Her bellybutton pulsed and throbbed oh-so-pleasantly as her paunch pushed farther on. Her flesh was billowing forward, her maternal form nearing its perfect stage, her belly escaping the limit of her grasp. Rarity grunted as her entire womb filled out both forward and to her sides in a sudden, potent bulge. Her teats ached greatly as they ballooned as well, and the sound of stressed fabric cried out below as it began to bite into her hips. Her navel was a storm of sensation. The force which charged toward her belly's crest was in the forefront of her mind, pulsing… growing… widening. A soft tickle wormed its way toward the exit, and Rarity leaned back as she allowed her stomach to churn itself forward. Something wiggled within her button, folding time and again, each soft release of her navel's flesh growing larger. It continued to do so even as a bit of her belly's own flesh wrinkled from her navel’s tender expansion. Her womb kept pressing outward in all directions as warm flesh grew and grew, making her body prepared for what it needed to be. A final grand push pulsed through her body, accompanied by a warmth that spread through her maternal form... And then it all ceased. Rarity was left to bask in the soft throbbing grace of her button's grand reappearance… along with a familiar presence lodged into the surface of her innie. There was no scream, no cry of fear. Upon regaining her faculties. Rarity just looked at herself in the mirror and basked in what she had become. The sapphire was lodged within a wrinkle of flesh on the topmost part of her exposed navel, and while it was perhaps just her imagination, it seemed a tad larger than before. Although that hardly seemed important next to the sight of her foalbearing womb, radiating such a marvelous sense of completeness. She seemed like she was so much more. So much greater, so much better than what she’d been previous. She hummed as she let the dress fall from her perfect body, drinking in the unrivalled beauty of her nascent motherhood. It all meshed together so perfectly. Full, firm, ample breasts, her teats eager and ready to give. Her hips a testament to her ability to bear the young within her prodigious girth. Her overall curves a jaw-dropping sight, so much she couldn’t help but run her hands along them, caressing and fondling their immense size. But of course, the greatest sight sat between them, a wonderful shape that pushed out from the core of her body. Her belly was flawless save for a line running down its entirety, a telltale sign of her womb's fullness. It wasn't something she had realized at first, but now it couldn’t have been more clear that this was something she’d felt incomplete without. Now as she stood there, enraptured by her motherhood and her womb freshly grown, she only wanted to see her foal grow and be healthy. She was so big that she had no hope of exploring every inch of her girth's immeasurable beauty,  and her body had grown her foal to such a healthy size that she could only warmly hold and stroke her progeny lovingly, feeling it wiggle and kick in fits of new life that tickled her senses. Rarity couldn’t help but be curious as to how far she could go. True, she knew this was something that had to be done, but she understood enough to know that the reward would be great. Perhaps it wasn’t pure charity that motivated her, but either way, she accepted her role within it all. She would do what she could, as best she could. Things would work out in the end. The aftereffects of it all began to take their toll. Rarity felt the weariness creeping up on her, her body crying out for rest. Without protest she heeded the call and made her way to bed, giving her new form one last look before turning out the lights. “Won’t Twilight be surprised when she sees…” ()()()()() Rarity drifted in a sea of fog. She was in a place where clouds extended in every direction, yet the sky was all around. The only thing that registered with her was her womb, radiating warmth as it kicked and wiggled before her. A soft light emanated from the sapphire embedded in her navel. Someone’s hand rested upon her belly. She looked to see who it was, only to find it was a ghost made of the same fog that was around her. It seemed to be saying something, but its voice was a whisper she couldn’t make out. She asked it to speak louder, but it vanished, scattering to nothing to merge back into the fog. Rarity’s mind was blurry. She could barely even move her own limbs. She fought to free herself from the sluggishness, but then something inside her became alive. The sapphire in her navel shone brighter, and an unseen energy pumped into Rarity, filling her womb with power! “O-Oh…” She could feel it swelling and growing with such intensity, both the gem and her bellybutton. Her paunch was wiggling ever so subtly, just enough to send a wonderful sensation across her skin, and the sapphire responded by pushing further into her. Wider it became as it carefully inserted itself, beating like a second heart and rubbing her havel flesh, tightly tucking itself away as it basked in the warmth of her body. Rarity could feel her navel pushing against the gem. It shifted and moved with greater insistence, her innie desiring to become a proud outie. She could only softly groan from that wonderful feel, unable to do nothing as gem and navel fought for the limited room. Eventually the gem won out, somehow expanding until it’d taken up all the room it possibly could, lodged so tightly that it was practically a part of her. Rarity revelled in the sensations as she tried to understand what was happening, but before she could, the world started to fade away, much like a dream before one awoke. A whisper reached her ears before everything went white. It was faint, but the words couldn’t have been more clear. “Restore what we lost.” ()()()()() Rarity opened her eyes. She was safe and warm in her bed, the morning sun peeking in between the closed curtains. On impulse her eyes traveled down to her body, only to sigh in relief as she found that yes, it all had been very real. A small hill rose up from the wool blankets, her pregnant belly heavy with swirling weight. Her breasts were become uncovered during the night, but she could tell they’d been leaking in her sleep, dried lines of milk running down the sides of them. Her nipples were even still glossy from a recent splurge. She could tell they’d gained another size or two in her sleep. Rarity put her hands to them—just a normal, simple touch—and cooed as she was greeted by a jolt of pleasure. She couldn’t believe how sensitive they were, so large, plump and filled to the brim with her milk! She started rubbing them with care, and was quickly rewarded with a squirt of cream. The nutrient-filled liquid swiftly sank into her flesh like a lather, and she just laid there for a few minutes to bask in her own fertility. She finally managed to leave her teats alone and glimpsed at the wonder of her womb, still covered by her silky sheets. The life within her occasionally kicked and wiggled, the sensation of its movements alone enough to entice her. The fabrics brushing against the mountain’s sensitive surface was just as lovely, sliding back and forth across her flesh. Her hands travelled up to stroke herself, and the same electric tingle sparked to life to creep across her gut. Her skin shivered from the buzzing, combined with her mere breathing making her womb sway beneath the sheets. She could feel the unspent energy pulsing through her, each hearty thud trying to push at the limits of her flesh. The warmth of her belly began to spread out into her body. If only her limits would go... if only she could grow. Suddenly, a thousand tiny pinpricks tickled her womb. Rarity watched as her stretched flesh was covered with abrupt bumps and small twitches, and a firmness took hold inside her, one that bade her to thrust upwards, hard. Her belly shook within the sheets as a great pressure bloomed inside her, followed by a great tightness that rocked her belly. Lightning fired through her with such force she saw white, and a great gurgle resonated through her gravid girth. “AH!” The internal sensations made Rarity mad with need for more. She goaded the sensations on as her belly expanded once again, shivers running through her as a the prickles and tingles teased her. Her baby bump jostled as it filled out more and more, taking up the lion’s share of her lavish sheets. The sheets began to tug and pull, testing Rarity’s ability to tuck herself in at night, but it proved to be no match for her growing womb as the blankets were pulled out from beneath the mattress. Pressure was building within Rarity. She moaned as another wave of tightness struck her before one final surge to pushed her belly to its new final size. She stared in awe at what she’d just witnessed, the hill beneath her covers now twice the size of what it’d been. She could feel two sets of hooves kicking inside her, sending her insides fluttering and swirling about, and the her newest addition only added to her pristine maternal glory. “Oh, yes…” Rarity lay there in a daze, basking in the warmth of her even greater motherhood. Her teats had seemed ample before, but now they seemed meager compared to the task they’d be now set with. At first she wondered what might have caused such a blessing, how she could’ve gone from one to two, but then she remembered the dream from last night. The power that’d coursed through her, the sensations she’d felt… it all had to be connected, didn’t it? Was this the work of the star spirits? Rarity rested a hand on her belly. Yes, it had to be. These little dears, they’d been waiting for so long, and all they’d needed was a mother to carry them. She vowed she’d do so for however many that needed her, swearing a silent promise that she’d willingly do her part. A feeling of life welled up within her almost as in a reply, and her breasts each squirted a healthy stream of milk as they swelled one… two… then three whole cup sizes in seconds! Rarity let her eyes fall closed. The weight of her womb pressing down on her was marvelous—so very real and full. Her burgeoning belly carried within it two nascent lives, and judging from the wiggles and tingles, possibly more very soon. She could hardly wait for the next ones to come in, pushing her womb to greater sizes, the warmth and delicious feelings only intensifying— A loud gurgle sounded from her stomach. Rarity snickered. “I suppose I’ll be needing a big meal after all that.” Carefully, she made her way out of bed, hefting her rather large obstruction of a womb easily thanks to her sultry curves. She’d see to feeding herself and the little ones soon enough, but first, she needed a proper outfit. She may find herself rather ravishing in her natural maternal state, but a lady had to have standards. Suppressing hunger was something she was used to, so she strode off to her wardrobe with a song, ignorant to how the gemstone still in her navel had not only grown to fill the space, but was now glowing with a soft, barely noticeable light... ()()()()() The decision was a hard one, but in the end it was the reasonable choice. Rarity had gone through many old outfits, but none of them even came close to fitting so instead she’d decided to make use of an old design she thought would never take off. For a time she had been experimenting with maternity wear (it always sold well at a certain time of the year) but she wasn’t satisfied with her designs so she’d put them away for later. She still had the prototypes, though, so it seemed the old dresses would now see some use. She settled on a light blue little number made out of an experimental fabric that was supposed to be form-fitting. Key words there being ‘supposed to be’, as it didn’t quite hug one’s curves the way Rarity had envisioned. Still though, it worked plenty well for her curves at the moment, so she couldn’t really complain. It annoyed her that she didn’t have anything that even resembled a big enough bra, but she supposed there could be worse things than letting her girls stay free for the time being. All she hoped was that if she decided to go out, nopony took much notice of her nipples bleeding through the soft fabrics. Rarity's stomach grumbled again. Her hunger was getting greater with every passing moment,  the hole in her tummy constantly gnawing away at her. She pushed past it as she managed to get some pants on—an old, very stretchy pair from when she’d been working out to lose some inches off her waist. Rarity smiled to herself. “Oh darn, it appears I gained those inches back. I sure hope I don’t keep right on gaining inches—that’d be a terrible shame…” KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK! Rarity hesitated. That knocking was coming from outside, and it almost sounded like someone was trying to break down her door! She tried to think of who in Equestria would be trying to see her today—she was supposed to be working and hadn’t had anything planned! “Oh, pins and needles.” Rarity put a hoof to her head. “I invited Twilight over…” But that was supposed to be later in the day, wasn’t it? It was morning right now, not even half past nine! Why would Twilight be here already? “Hmm…” Rarity looked down at her womb. It wasn’t like she could hide it, and besides, why would she? Why would she want to hide her body when it was in such a beautiful state? She was positively radiant! Surely Twilight would want to see what had happened! But then again, She had seemed rather anxious about all this... “Bah.” Rarity summoned a silk scarf to accentuate her neck as she walked out the door. “If it’s not her, I’ll just send them away. If it is.... well, Twilight’s a calm, reasonable unicorn. True, she overthinks things, but rarely does she let that interfere with her logic. I’m sure she’ll understand just fine.” ()()()()() Twilight pounded on the door again, “Rarity! Are you home!?” It wasn't looking good. The window shutters were all closed on the first floor, and she couldn't see any indication of activity within. Rarity was usually quite prompt in answering the door, too, so there was a good chance... “RARITY!” Twilight pounded on the door, hitting it so hard pain lanced through her arm. “Rarity, this is important! Please come to the—” “Twilight Sparkle! Refrain from trying to break down my door this instant!” Twilight's eyes widened. She looked to her right and saw Rarity glaring at her through the kitchen curtains. “Rarity!” Twilight rushed over to her. “Oh, thank goodness... They're gone, Rarity! Applejack and Rainbow Dash are gone!” Rarity cocked her head. “What do you mean, gone?” “I mean Applejack is missing again! And now Rainbow!” Twilight looked around like she was afraid of being mugged. “This has to have something to do with the star spirits! We need to gather the other girls and see if anypony else was taken!” Rarity hesitated. “I uh, would positively love to, darling, but I'm afraid I'm not quite up for traipsing all over Ponyville at the moment.” Twilight realized that she could only see Rarity's head through the curtain. The rest of her was concealed, hidden off to the side. “Did you not hear what I said? This is an emergency! The longer we stay separated, the greater chance something could happen!” Rarity frowned. “Like what, exactly? You told me last night Princess Luna said this whole process was harmless. What are you so afraid of?” Twilight now also noted Rarity's whimsical tone. They may have been discussing the weather for all Rarity was concerned, not the news that two of their friends had vanished to likely become impregnated with interstellar beings. “Rarity,” Twilight said slowly. “Why are you hiding behind the curtains like that?” Rarity pursed her lips. She stared long and hard at Twilight, an unspoken battle raging in her mind. “I'm half afraid you'll have an aneurysm if I show you,” she finally said. A pit formed in Twilight’s stomach. “Rarity...?” Rarity sighed. Come inside. I've a feeling you're not going to be amenable as I'd hoped.” ()()()()() Rarity could only wait and watch as Twilight stared agape at what she saw. It was something she expected to happen, but she didn't expect Twilight to remain silent quite so long. That she also let her mouth hang open didn’t help, either. “Twilight?” Rarity took a step towards her. “Twilight, are you alright?” Twilight recoiled like Rarity had the plague. “Am I alright?!” Twilight began pacing back and forth. “Ohhhhh Rarity, this is bad. This is really, really bad!” “Bad?!” Now it was Rarity who took a step back, resting a hand on her pregnant belly. “Twilight, everything you’ve said about this has made it sound like there’s nothing to worry about! Yet you’re freaking out worse than I’ve ever seen! What’s gotten into you?” Twilight threw up her hands. “You’ve had some of the most powerful magic in existence used on you by a bunch of non-entities that don’t even have the mental faculties to speak, and you’re wondering why I’M freaking out?! It’s been only half a day since I last saw you, and you look nine months pregnant with twins! These spirits clearly don’t have the slightest bit of reservation to what they’re doing! It doesn’t matter if there’s never been a recorded incident to date—if these things keep wielding life magic recklessly, there will be!” Rarity was beginning to regret even answering the door now. “First off, they’re more intelligent than you give them credit. They may not be able to talk, but I can tell there’s a method to what they’re doing. They’re not blank slates like our babies are. They know what they’re doing.” But Twilight wasn’t buying it. “No. Princess Celestia wrote me a response when I got home last night, and she warned me to be very careful dealing with the stars because they will lie to get what they want. You don’t think they wouldn’t butter you up to try and get you on their side? They’ve been waiting to have bodies for one thousand years! If that’s not a motive, I don’t know what is!” Rarity put her hands on her hips. “Oh, for Luna’s sake… What’s got you so ruddy scared?!” Twilight gave her a flat look. “Alien entities are using mind-affecting transformative magic on us without our consent, two of my friends are missing, likely spirited off to become complacent baby factories, and another’s having it happen right before my eyes. You’re right, I’m overreacting. That’s not a reason to be scared at all.” Rarity had had quite enough. Quick as lightning, she lunged forward and grabbed Twilight’s hand. She pulled Twilight forward closer, then set Twilight’s hand upon her upon her fertile swell. Twilight’s eyes went wide. “What are you—” “Stop thinking.” Rarity rested both her hands atop Twilight’s. “Feel.” They stood silent as Rarity held her there. After a few seconds she let go, but Twilight didn’t shy away. She let her hand feel the warmth of the womb under the dress, the beat of the heart racing through its mother's body. She felt the movement of the foals wiggling the gravid form of Rarity's belly, safe and sound as they prepared to come into the world. “Oh…” she managed. Rarity smiled. “Does this seem like something to be afraid of?” It was something that tugged at Twilight’s mind. For years her life had been dusty books and lonely nights, sequestered away in towers, studies, libraries, and lofts. She’d told herself children were too much work, required too much time, effort, and sacrifice. She was someone who was being groomed for greatness! Protégé of Princess Celestia herself! Being a mother wasn’t a luxury a pony like her could, or ever would be able to afford. But as she felt the miracle taking place inside her friend's body, the little lives blooming right in front of her eyes... … ... Maybe… perhaps she could— “NO!” Twilight teleported with a BANG! She reappeared on the other side of the room, teeth gritted, eyes flickering white. The furniture around hem rattled as the air pressure rose. Rarity cringed. “Oh, dear.” “Get out…” Pulses of magic surrounded Twilight in scintillating magenta waves. “Get out, get out, get OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT OF MY HEAD NOW!” The carpet beneath Twilight was burning. The windows rattled and shook as if there was an earthquake, dishes and cups clattering within the kitchen cupboards. Twilight clutched her head as if it would float away, pulling so hard on her mane she threatened to rip out clumps. The magic built and built around her, so dense that Rarity was having trouble withstanding it, until… Poof! A tiny spark of light jumped free of Twilight. It jetted from her as if it were shot from a gun... making a beeline instead for Rarity. It passed straight through her dress to dive right into her womb, entering via the sapphire snug tight in her navel. Rarity squeaked. She felt the spark drill deep inside her, fast and frantic like it’d just fled for its life. She shushed the terrified thing and rubbed her belly, murmuring soft nothings in a low voice. “Hah… hah…” Twilight’s magic died down, but not entirely. It reformed into a magenta shield that encased her whole body like an eerie silhouette. “I’m going to ASSUME… that you’re not in your right mind at the moment! There’s no other reason you do something like that… Or at least you’d better not be in your right mind...” Rarity gave Twilight an icy glare. “This is my choice, Twilight. Not the stars’, not anypony else’s, mine. I will carry as many spirits as I’m able, and I’ll thank you to respect my wishes. If you don’t like it...” Twilight stayed silent. She studied Rarity carefully, now noticing a slight glow under her dress near her navel. The entity, the presence Twilight had felt worming into her mind, it’s magic signature was all over Rarity. “Listen up, star spirits,” she said at last. “The pony you’re using right now as an incubator is one of the six that purified your mistress. If it weren’t for Rarity—if it weren’t for Applejack and Rainbow Dash—if it weren’t for ME, eternal night would now reign! Nightmare Moon would be ruling over the entire world with an iron fist, and the precious opportunity you’re all clamoring to exploit now wouldn’t even exist! That you’d even THINK to use any of us in such an intimate way without asking makes me want to rip your ungrateful plots out right now and fling the lot of you back into the aether!” Silence. Rarity didn’t say anything, didn’t feel anything. Twilight may as well have been talking to herself. “I’m giving you one warning, and one warning alone.” Twilight’s eyes crackled like lightning. “Let ponies decide whether they want to help you themselves, and if they refuse, leave them be. Do NOT try to influence their decisions with magic. If you keep pulling that stunt, I’ll find out how you’re all connected to us, and sever the damn link myself. I’m already starting to see how it’s done; it won’t be hard to see through to the end.” For emphasis, Twilight raised her hand. A shimmering aura appeared around Rarity, one that held a distinct golden glow. It wavered ominously as Twilight swivelled her wrist. Rarity felt her insides shiver. “Twilight, STOP!” Twilight narrowed her eyes. “I am Twilight Sparkle. Element of Magic, Protégé of Sol Invictus, and Defender of Equestria. You may not want to listen to Princess Luna, but you WILL listen to me. If you make ANY of the mares you’ve already affected do anything they don’t want to do, there’ll be hell to pay. Hurt any of them, and there’ll be double hell to pay. And I swear by all that’s holy, if you try to use Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, or any other of my friends as leverage against me…” Twilight’s eyes shone pure white. Her aura flared as bright as a miniature sun, her glittering mane and tail waving in an unfelt wind. The windows cracked and whined, the walls groaned, and the lights around them flickered on and off. Twilight’s power was so great that Rarity nearly fell to her knees, and for an instant, she even swore she saw a ghostly set of wings sprout from her friend’s back. Twilight spoke in a voice that boomed like thunder. “You’ll wish that you’d never existed.” Then she teleported off with a BANG! ... The house slowly returned to normal. There were a few creaks as the foundation re-settled, the windows and furniture going still. Rarity was left to collect herself in Twilight’s wake, smoothing out her mane and surveying the damage. “Blast it all, Twilight Sparkle…” Rarity crossed her arms and scoffed. “She even listed out her titles… I swear, she can be more stubborn than Applejack sometimes! What am I going to do with her...” A pair of gentle kicks tickled her womb. “Oh, don’t worry about her, darlings.” Rarity stroked the top of her belly. “Twilight will come around, she’s just a tad… protective. She hasn’t had very many friends, you see.” As Rarity was thinking, the hunger pangs suddenly returned in full force. Her stomach growled LOUD, and Rarity found any and all actions that weren’t stuffing her face to be woefully unimportant. She put the little incident behind her and made her way to the kitchen posthaste, adjusting little things here and there as she went. “Not everything is a wicked super-evil sworn to take over the world, Twilight.” Rarity’s gaze lingered by the door. “I just wish you could see that.” ()()()()() To say that Rarity was voracious was an understatement. The hunger pangs were starting to make her want to hunch over, and she needed something in her stomach, NOW. Her concerns over what’d just happened faded as she made her way to the kitchen, every step only serving to fuel her hunger more. When she finally crossed the threshold the thought of stuffing everything she could get her hands on was already set in her mind, and nothing was going to change that! Rarity’s eyes fell upon a box, something she must’ve left out from yesterday. It was giving off such a heavenly sweet smell, and yet she couldn't remember what was in it. It didn't matter though, not with her gut grumbling and shaking like there was an earthquake inside her. She was almost across the kitchen when the box suddenly disappeared. She was confused for a moment, but then realized that the box was already in her hands! A slight blueish sparkle was surrounding the box, but Rarity hadn’t summoned her magic… She reached up and saw that her horn was indeed glowing, though. Apparently, her cravings were so bad that she couldn’t even control her own magic! Rarity fell back into a kitchen chair as she ripped the box open. What entered her mouth was nothing short of paradise itself: A strange mixture of chocolate and peanut butter, so thick and filling, her mouth watered from the first taste. Without remorse she dug into what remained, the king-ized treat disappearing in chunks down her gullet, eventually reduced to a satisfying weight in her stomach. Yet even after she finished the box she was starving, so she fired off her magic to start pulling things from the fridge and cupboards. Even as Rarity consumed every piece of food that appeared before her, she couldn’t help but think of the delectable treats she had stored away. Creamy pumpkin spice eggnog, sandwiches coated in layers of assorted cheeses, secret stores of ice cream and candy that she occasionally dipped into. Her eyes fluttered closed as she envisioned the assortments of fattening and enriching food she had access to, all perfect for giving her body the necessary foalbearing improvements. Each one sounded so good, and she wanted every picture of food that floated through her mind so bad! “Mmmm…” Rarity opened her eyes, but when she saw made her blanch. The table before her was filled to the brim with all manner of foodstuffs, many of which that had been on her mind recently! It was as if she’d summoned them just by thinking about them! “Yes…” Rarity grabbed the nearest thing and shoved it in her mouth An explosion of cinnamon fired across her tongue, an apple fritter, she realized. She finished it off in seconds and went for a second, then a third… a fourth… over a dozen she devoured messily in less than a minute, the divine, delectable pastries leaving behind only crumbs. Rarity tried her best to control herself after the prior binge of slobbery, but her stomach quickly vetoed that idea, grumbling and groaning at how empty it was. “Oh, very well.” There were seven apple fritters left, the remains of a baker’s dozen. She took three of them at a time and magically mashed them together into a super fritter, then stuffed the entire sticky treat into her mouth. The taste of the cinnamon and the apple mixing together was only outdone by the immense satisfaction of Rarity’s stomach finally receiving another morsel of food. But even then, it only issued one single, solitary command. More... All form of manners or self control disappeared. Rarity began grabbing larger and larger items from the table, devouring them without remorse as her greedy stomach bloated and swelled. Her hands eventually were not quick enough for her, and she found herself eagerly accepting floating piles of shimmering food as they were poured down her throat faster and faster. Her girth was starting to pinch against the table, her underbelly creeping below the drape of her maternity dress, her behemoth gut gurgling and churning inside her as it processed load after load of food piling in within her. Rarity couldn’t stop eating. Every bite continued to expand her paunch, driving a needy warmth through her body. It was all so fattening, all so heavy and calorie-laden! It was against every dietary rule she’d set for herself, and she loved every minute of it. It was all so good that Rarity fell into a trance-like state, binging and feasting endlessly with nary a thought or care. The only thing that was certain was that she had to eat. She needed to eat! That was all that mattered! Nothing else! Just satiating the HUNGER! It was only when Rarity needed something to wash down a particularly dry piece of food that she fell out of her daze. She had a split second of awareness before her lips were suddenly met by the mouth of a jug, and a rich sweet cream washed over her tongue. It only took a swig to clear her throat, but before the jug could get away she wrapped her hands around it and suckled at it eagerly. The haze returned as she tilted her head back and chugged eagerly away, the immense amount of thick liquid pouring into her stomach. Each long drag was loud and intense, so much that she felt streams of it pouring down the sides of her face, but she didn't care. The immense satisfaction of it expanding her gut further was enough to egg her on. Every second left her stomach larger than it had been before. She could feel her soft flesh stretching as fast as the sweet liquid poured in, her oiled skin made to fit her larger shape. Finally, when the last drop was gulped, Rarity was there again. She saw what she’d been drinking—a large jug of chocolate mint eggnog she and Pinkie Pie had experimented in the kitchen to make. She could only sigh in relief as she tossed the empty container aside, letting it rattle on the floor with an unladylike belch. “...Well, then.” Rarity needed a moment to survey the damage. “I seem to have gotten a bit carried away.” The pure amount of food she’d just eaten was absurd. Rarity couldn’t even begin to venture a guess how much was packed in her gut, but that didn’t seem all that important. What was important was that the binge was now catching up to her, and she felt a powerful need to take a nap. “I believe a spell in the sitting room sounds nice.” As she stood up from the table, she got a proper look at the devastation she’d just wrought on her prior diet. By the looks of the amount of wrappers, crumbs, and emptied boxes and cartons, she very well may have not just emptied her house of food, but a few around her as well! Such a realization normally may have frightened Rarity, but right now, she could only laugh. Even through all that she was happy, especially as her foals jolted to life, keenly aware of the food soon headed their way. “It’s all for you, my darlings.” Rarity put a gentle sway to her step, rocking her mammoth belly back and forth. “You, and any others I can carry.” As she walked towards her sitting room, Rarity couldn't help but notice that her maternity dress was stretched quite far. The meal had grown her belly to the point that she looked ready to pop with five well fed foals—a thought that was rather enticing to her. Speaking of which, her thoughts drifted back to the light that’d fled Twilight and zoomed straight to her, wiggling and buzzing almost in the same way as when the other two had entered her womb. Could that have been what she thought it was? “Are you in there, sweetheart?” Rarity gave her womb a light poke. “Did you come to me after Twilight scared you off?” Immediately, something fluttered inside her. Or perhaps what might be more accurate to say, a certain something in her navel began to wiggle quite vigorously. By the time Rarity had entered the sitting room and eased onto her favorite couch her body was already in shivers, the gem in her bellybutton vibrating with ticklish shudders that cascaded through her. The sapphire pushed on her sensitive navel, wiggling and gyrating against the soft flesh, and Rarity moaned and thrust her womb outward, trying to push back against the smooth gem. The feel of the slick surface brushing against the inner walls enticed her to continue the action, and when she did, her navel pushed out a tiny bit, her flushed innie fighting to escape. Suddenly, the gemstone punched back in, hard and fast. An electric charge raced through Rarity in a burst, centering in on the fluttering sensation... “Ohhhhhh, yesssss…” Her womb began to swell again, and she could feel the third foal growing within her. Her girth hung out more and more beneath the bottom of her maternity dress, the lower half of her ivory belly showing itself to the world. But that wasn’t all. A second charge raced through the gemstone, and a fourth and fifth foal flowed into her, nestling in her nourishing womb before beginning to grow up strong. Rarity rubbed and stroked her belly as it grew. She could feel the enticing shivers race across her body, and every passing second her dress seemed smaller, the seams stretching and pulling apart as they fought a losing battle. Her stomach gurgled and rumbled alongside the waves of passion, warm layers of flesh piling on top of her womb, each one groaning and stretching her further outward. The floor began to be approached by her enticing mass, but this only spurred Rarity on. The bottom half of her navel soon peeked out from her dress, the gem within continuing to shudder and push with her navel's movements, pushing her belly ever larger. The shudders and shivers now spread upward to focus instead on her breasts. Rarity she gave in to the desire to fondle them, moaning upon realizing how much they ached to be free. Her nipples were twitching and spasming and leaking without pause, relentless in their quest to be touched. Rarity’s hands found their way under her dress, and without a moment to spare she pressed into them, carefully circling the hardened towers as they leaked more milk. Her finger’s motions only served to lubricate the moist surfaces as her dress was soaked to the core, yet while they gradually spurted out more and more, no matter how hard she pressed they refused to fully free the built up nutrients within them. All they did was leak and ache, leak and ache, leak and ache... Rarity whimpered. Her hands were drenched in thick cream, but there was so much more within! She finally wrapped her fingers around her stiff nipples and yanked in a milking motion, only to  gasp as the action lead the milk down the canals of her breasts. At last the milk came charging out proper, spurting relentlessly into her dress and everywhere else in a torrent. “AH!” The explosive action bloated her nipples, surging forward even as her tanks began to fill faster than they drained. Rarity’s two behemoths only slowed after they’d lathered her womb with gallons upon gallons of enriching milk, only held back by her dress that’d quickly become her bra. It was lifted up over the curve of her belly now, showing off her still growing womb, which was alight with fresh tingles as a fresh electric sensation coursed through her... Rarity giggled. Her five foals kicked one by one, then there was a new duo of lighter, smaller kicks. She could only smile and caress her womb, feeling the newest twins growing inside her. She shuddered from each fresh thud of growth, her womb becoming as flustered and blushed as her face as the sensations picked up pace. Shivers arced through her flesh as her womb hung ever lower, bloating wider, now only inches from the carpet beneath her. The warmth of her belly radiated more and more, nothing holding it back from displaying all its maternal gifts. Rarity’s hands wandered along every contour and shapely curve forming before her, blossoming to ever greater heights that would be the envy of any mother. She felt so unworthy, so very grateful. So very blessed to receive such a wonderful gift. But she knew she could do more... Rarity knew well enough now what was triggering this. She could still feel the gemstone quivering in her navel, the epicenter of pleasure that continued to grace her. It was almost as if it had a mind of it’s own! Smirking, she grasped her enormous womb as best she could and thrust her hips into her belly, coaxing the weight to be pushed up and out. Her navel was immediately thrust forward, and almost as if it were surprised, the sapphire dug itself deeper into her bellybutton, accompanied by a delightful, life-giving jolt. Rarity groaned as a sensation like butterflies came alive inside her, her girth pushing outward in every direction to house the new foal. “Ah-ha.” Rarity’s fingers danced along her belly. “So that’s the key, is it? You naughty spirits, you. You led me into getting this gem, didn’t you?” The foals inside her squirmed. “Twilight’s right, darlings. You should’ve—mmhhh—just asked me.” Rarity thrust her hips again, her navel getting bigger with each new foal. “I’m the E-Element of—oh yes—of Generosity. I wouldn’t have said no…” The gem was slowly engulfed again by her bloating navel, only to then surge back out from Rarity’s efforts. The process went faster with every gyration of her hips, each time swelling her larger as she became pregnant with more foals. She became addicted to the wonderful sensations, unable to stop even when she felt her belly graze the floor, her navel only barely held back by its glittering captor. She lost count of how many foals were inside her. Her mountainous womb was throbbing constantly, housing more and more tenants by the second. Every movement sent shudders through Rarity, the gem vibrating from the sheer number being welcomed inside. Her legs felt weak as a familiar coiling tightness gathered in her core, shivers crawling up her spine to herald an amazing peak. She surrendered to it as her body groaned and rumbled with life, her navel stretched across a greater surface as its wrinkles grew deeper and softer, dozens of tiny kicks resonating just beneath. It crashed into her all at once. Fireworks exploded in her brain in a tumult, making her yell loud and lewd. Rarity flew high among the clouds as an eruption of warmth bathed over her, accompanied by one last mighty pulse of growth greater than any she’d had so far. The couch sagged lower under her increasing weight, creaking and squeaking as it fought to support her fertile form, the pillows swiftly soaked from a gush of marecum. The rush lasted less than a moment, but it was the best moment of Rarity’s life, and when she finally felt it cease, she was left to bask in the afterglow of the movement of her foals and the ache in her titanic breasts. Only then did she truly realize how great she had become. Rarity could barely contain herself, smiling and blushing as she placed one hand on an ample breast and another on her burgeoning womb. The fact that she had been chosen to do something so significant made her feel so honored, and each life that wiggled within her prodigious girth left her in a state of absolute bliss. Both the gemstone and her navel were now the size of a cantaloupe, and as the former re-secured its position in the latter, Rarity felt a tingle across her skin as the mess that she’d made was cleaned. Rarity’s eyes began to feel heavy. She leaned back into the couch pillows, her distended womb wiggling with life as it hung out before her. The sun peeked in through a window to warm her, and she couldn't help but admire herself. She realized her teats had also swollen several sizes, sloshing with milk needed for the days ahead, noted by a pressure that waited to be fitfully released by eager lips. Even Rarity’s hips seemed to have grown without her knowledge, larger and healthier than they were before, ready to burst forth from their once ample constraints that now barely fit her. “Think I’ll just…” Rarity let the world fade away, her beautiful body feeling more complete than ever. “Just rest my eyes for a bit…” ()()()()() “Wow, Twilight! She's HUGE!” Rarity felt someone wrap their arms around her womb, or rather at least as much of it that they were able. “It's like a wiggly little funhouse in there!” The only thing evident to Rarity in slumber was the movement of her womb, the little twitches cascading into her teats that would leak into the soft fabrics of her dress. The lulling sensation was quite soothing, and she likely would’ve stayed drowsing had the sound of two voices roused her. “Pinkie, I already told you not to touch her!” Twilight’s voice sounded like she was across the room. “Just stay here and watch her, alright? I thought I had enough reagents, but it looks like I’m gonna need more. A LOT more...” Rarity heard the front door open and close. It seemed she was now alone with her bouncy pink friend, who she heard grumbling and grousing under her breath. But whatever grumpiness Pinkie had didn't last long, as when Rarity opened her eyes, Pinkie was skipping around as usual with that boundless smile on her face. “Hey there, sleepy-eepy!” Pinkie was encased head to toe in magenta magic, much like Twilight had been before. “Did the foals keep mommy up all night?” Rarity rolled her eyes. Of course Twilight would start putting shields around others. There very well might be a quarantine forcefield around the whole town by now. Rarity rubbed the left side of her womb, smiling as she felt her precious foals bumping and tickling her skin. “Something like that.” Pinkie gradually ceased her bouncing. “You know, I think Twilight is overreacting a little bit.” Rarity snorted. “Did she put that shield on you without saying anything? Or did she at least explain before doing it?” Pinkie snickered. “Just appeared in my kitchen and did it. I almost dropped my souffle!” Yeah, that was about what Rarity expected. “Has she told you anything?” In response, Pinkie inhaled a huuuuuuuuge breath. “She said that the star spirits were being mean and not listening to Princess Luna and all the mares in town might become surrogates even if they don’t wanna be because there’s so many spirits waiting they’re starting to mess with ponies’ heads and that’s really not nice at all plus since Applejack is gone again along with Rainbow Dash they might not have gone willingly and Twilight’s worried the rest of us are next seeing as you’re like this but you look happy and besides I’m not really seeing the problem because my fingers aren’t cramping.” Rarity wasn’t sure what was more astounding, that she’d been able to follow all of that, or how accurate that information was. She stared at Pinkie a few seconds with her mouth open before remembering herself and clearing her throat. “U-Um… I’m assuming finger cramps are somehow tied to your Pinkie Sense?” Pinkie beamed. “I get them whenever spirits try to do things to ponies that the ponies don’t want. Although... I did feel a little bit of a twinge about an hour ago combined with a telltale Twilight earlobe pinch. Maybe that’s what’s got her all up in a tizzy?” Rarity had long ago ceased questioning Pinkie’s ability to predict oddly vague flashes of precognition, even when she wasn’t in the immediate area. “...There was an incident earlier involving her, yes. One of the spirits got a little overzealous.” Pinkie’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?!” “He’s very sorry!” Rarity added. “He knows better than to do it again! They all do! Twilight... erm, got rather angry, you see, and she felt the need to issue an ultimatum…” Pinkie winced. “Did she break out the titles?” The silence that followed spoke volumes. “Bad spirit!” Pinkie glared at Rarity’s belly. “That’s a bad, bad spirit! You should know better than that! You should go to the back of the line!” Rarity couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not sure there really is a line. I believe that’s part of the problem—” “Don’t make excuses, buster!” Pinkie marched up, staring at a specific spot on Rarity’s womb. “You made her really, really mad! …What do you—oh my agates, that’s even worse! Even if she hadn’t noticed, you still shouldn’t have tried to convince her that way! That’s one of the biggest no-no’s in the spirit book! Now she thinks you’re ALL going to be trying that stunt, and it’s going to be really, really hard to convince her otherwise!” Rarity was at a loss. She could put two and two together, but seeing it happen in front of her… “You’d better think long and hard about what you did wrong while you’re in there,” Pinkie snapped. “And the rest of you better not follow his example if you know what’s good for you! If Twilight doesn’t punish you, then I sure as sugar will!” Rarity sighed. It was only quarter after noon, and it’d already been quite the confusing day. Pinkie frowned at Rarity’s stomach a little longer before returning to her usual cheery self. She met Rarity’s eyes with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll do damage control. I’ll bet I can talk her down.” Rarity nodded. “I appreciate that, dear. Celestia knows she won’t listen to me.” Pinkie waggled her eyebrows. “Not while you’re like that, at least. You’ve certainly got quite a few in there, eh? What’s it like?” Rarity needed a moment to think how best to describe it. “...I’m not sure I can put into words. Good, certainly! But even to say it’s been marvelous doesn’t come close to doing it justice.” Pinkie’s smile turned sly. “What if I told you I knew a way to make it even better?” Rarity’s heart skipped a beat. “I’m listening.” Pinkie rubbed her hands together. “Carrot Cake liked to give Cup Cake belly rubs when she was pregnant with the twins. Although judging by how often they wound up going to the bedroom right after, I’d say she liked them just as much as him. Think that you’d enjoy one?” Rarity’s mouth went dry. She knew how sensitive her bump was, and the thought of someone else’s hands roving all over her was enough to make her nethers ache. “Who would do it? You?” Pinkie smirked. “I’m gonna need a lot of lotion...” ()()()()() Rarity was resting with her head on a pillow when Pinkie returned. She’d gathered every moisturizer Rarity had in the house, which considering it was, you know… Rarity, an ample supply. Probably enough to rub a belly three times the size of Rarity’s and still have some left over, to be honest. “I wasn’t sure which ones to get, so I just got a little of everything!” Pinkie dumped the bottles in a pile beyond Rarity’s line of sight. “You don’t mind, do you?” Rarity waved her off. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, darling.” Pinkie first set to work squirting the lotions into a bucket she’d found. The mixed smell of aloe, berries, and herbs crossed Rarity’s nose amidst the squelching sounds, a combination of familiar and unique aromas that set her mind at ease. She’d almost zoned out again something slimy and tingly suddenly splattered onto her belly, making her jolt upright in her seat. “Cold!” Rarity waved her hands. “Gah, warn me next time, darling…” “Sorry!” Rarity’s startle faded as the combined lotions lathered onto her skin. A coo escaped her as aches buried deep in her flesh faded away, her womb wiggling and throbbing once more. The movements amplified the pleasured sensations, her insides churning and fluttering with the motions of the soft hands on her belly. And the sensations only grew as Pinkie spread out to reach farther along Rarity’s engorged girth, a tingling warmth now igniting deep within. Rarity felt a fresh jolt. Her skin was tight for a moment, her womb swelling larger as a new foal came to be. It grew to full size quickly before settling alongside its brothers and sisters. “Ohhhhh, Pinkie…” Rarity could barely speak. “D-Did… did you feel that?” Pinkie giggled. “I saw it.” Rarity was fully aware of where Pinkie's hands were as they encompassed more and more of her foalbearing belly. She heard Pinkie laugh from every wiggle and throb she felt beneath her fingers, yet her attention was becoming distracted, as she noted she was starting to feel… full. Each curious pulse that shuddered through her body made her womb feel more cramped, yet it relieved itself when Pinkie rubbed and push more lovely lotion into her smooth skin. Whatever this strange ache was Rarity wanted it gone—no, she needed it relieved. She was about to say something when Pinkie suddenly stopped. Rarity squirmed as the fullness built up more and more, the cramped feeling intensifying without the constant attention. “Silly gem is in the way.” Rarity’s eyes flew open. Before she could stop her, Pinkie placed her hands on the edges of the humongous sapphire in Rarity’s belly button, giving it a mighty pull. Rarity’s breath was stolen away. A storm fired through her body, jolt after jolt pumping into her. The gem was suctioned into her navel, sealed almost perfectly, and the act of pulling upon it had yanked at the soft nub beneath. Rarity shivered as her flesh rubbed against itself, the conduit to her womb flaring to life from the sudden attention, a feeling deep in her core stirring once more. It didn’t happen immediately. Rarity’s womb wiggled and jostled, her skin blanketed in shivery anticipation from the gathering energy. The sapphire tried to pull itself back in, spiking more pressure into her womb as it pressed itself harder into her navel. It was actually fighting Pinkie’s grip, wiggling and pushing like it was trying to escape into her body, but Pinkie wasn’t giving up. The two going back went as they both inadvertently ravished Rarity, her motherly traits aching and shuddering from the building surge. Suddenly, Rarity felt Pinkie place something near her navel. She wasn’t sure what it was, but Pinkie forced it around the edge of the gem and into her navel’s spongy flesh. It was the nozzle of a lotion bottle, and Pinkie was oozing some lotion past the edges of the sapphire and into the depths within. “!!!” When Pinkie pulled again, the room was greeted to the sound of Rarity's flesh slicking against itself, the shuddering pleasure she was enjoying increasing twofold. The lubrication let Rarity’s navel rub against itself, the walls of her tunnel squeezing against the body of the sapphire as it gyrated and wiggled against Pinkie's grasp. Rarity was nearly overcome by the divine sensations, her navel throbbing and pulsing against her captor, pushing and squeezing at the contours of the sapphire as it slowly began to encompass it. Pinkie propped herself up on Rarity’s belly. She started yanking with all her might at the gem, but it was resisting. Nevertheless Rarity could feel it slipping, the suction getting greater as her flesh pulsed and pushed for the needed room, her navel crying out to be free amidst the still-rising waves of power. Suddenly, Pinkie slipped. The gemstone plunged back down into Rarity's depths, and her belly glowed as all the gathered energy released. New foals started to come into be inside her, first two… then five… then TEN at a time! Her womb grew in blissful, tingling throbs that then cascaded out into every part of her, suffusing her with more and more amidst the divine, swirling magic. Her legs were spread wider as her size took up more of the floor, the maternity dress finally giving way to her advancing motherhood. Rarity’s pants popped and snapped as her thick rump made the couch sink lower, her curves pushing out beyond the range of her clothing. Meanwhile her breasts spurted and bloated further as her nipples quivered beneath the shredded cloth, pushing themselves larger and larger in the now-free space. “YES!” On and on Rarity grew, dozens of foals entering her at a time. She welcomed them with open arms, rejoicing that she’d been blessed with more. Her skin tickled and stretched without pause even as the number of foals inside her reached triple digits, her maternal form being taken to another level, her breasts, hips, butt, and belly readying to swell even further... She suddenly heard a familiar voice. “PINKIE! What in Equestria did you do?!” “Ah, heh-heh... Oops?” Rarity ignored them. All her attention returned to her womb, so grand, so round, filled with so many safe and sound. The little lives within bumped and kicked at the walls of their sanctuary, even as more and more of them crowded in to become real. Her watermelon-sized navel pulsated endlessly, straining to escape the obstruction that still taunted it, wiggling and moving with shudders that shook her whole body. Waves of pleasure bloated her belly as she thrust it forward, feeling it expand into her living space proper. Her navel pushed yet again at the entrapping sapphire, and again she pushed and thrust her belly button against it, feeling air bleed into her cavern as it began to bloat wider than the gemstone. Another lance of lightning and she thrust again, so many foals rushing into her womb as the growth rocketed, her navel and belly swelling even faster. It was so close to being free, the white glorious button starting to peek out behind the sapphire as the flesh stood out, blushed red. Rarity’s belly was starting to touch the walls of her home. Yet even still she yearned to carry more, as many as she possibly could. She cried out as her crest billowed out deeper into her house, her belly button undulating against the boulder-sized sapphire. The greatest fit of tightness yet struck her, and she screamed out her joy as her lotion-soaked swell punched ]forward in fitful growth. At last her navel broke free, the gem shooting out to crash through her house, smashing against a wall to break into a million pieces. Two more familiar voices arose in her mind. “Alright, time to get her outta there.” “Awww, but this is just getting good!” “Rainbow, that gem was how I was puttin’ magic into her. I can’t control anything without it.” “Hmph. Well, I suppose she can come here then… But she can’t have my napping spot! I just got it how I like it!” “I was actually thinking of lettin’ the stars give her the deluxe treatment before bringing her here. Think she’d enjoy that?” “Oh-ho-ho... She’s gonna LOVE you for that...” Rarity could feel eyes upon her as a strange energy surged into her. Her vision blurred and went foggy, and she was suddenly aware she wasn’t in her house anymore. Then all at once, warm bodies surrounded her as they began to pamper and rub at her aching body. Every touch poured more growth into her with each passing second, feathers tickling all across her skin as her womb blossomed further… Rarity groaned. Unseen hands were caring to every needy inch of her body's flesh, coaxing her ever larger as she became pregnant with ever more foals. Some of the hands found their way to her aching nipples, and a few swift tugs later, warm cream poured over the caring fingers as her breasts expanded further. The hands scooped up the bounty and lathered it into her skin, letting it soak into her flesh and shudder through her body as it made her madly sensitive skin stretch with ease. It was utter bliss. The constant indescribable pleasure of her womb growing alongside her milky tits, both constantly being milked in a steady endless stream. A loud SNAP sounded as her waistband gave way, shards of black fabric revealing layers of healthy white flesh. Her plot billowed outward to match the rest of her size, and the rest of her body followed soon after, making her a giant in every way. Before long her womb a literal mountain that rose above the clouds, one that was only becoming greater as the minutes passed. When Rarity finally looked to see where she was, she realized it was not Equestria. It wasn’t really anywhere. She was surrounded by clouds and sky, strange spirits floating around her gargantuan size as they saw to her every whim. They brought constant gifts of food and attention as they pampered her pregnancy without end. The ones which grew inside her were a great blessing to bear, and the spirits that served her saw to it she never had worry or need. Rarity smiled. “Well, now...” She relaxed and stared up at the sky. “A girl could get used to this.” ()()()()() “Twilight?” Pinkie said. “What just happened?” Pinkie and Twilight stood outside Rarity's ravaged home, still in awe from the spectacle and strange flash of light they’d just witnessed. “I don't believe it,” Twilight whispered. “She’s gone.” “Gone?!” Pinkie looked frantically between Twilight and the house. “What do you mean, ‘gone’?” Twilight struggled for words. “I-I mean she—” “She means young Rarity has been taken to the Forest of Origin,” said a calm voice from behind them. “You needn’t fear, she is safer there than she would be anywhere else.” Twilight and Pinkie turned. Approaching them from down the street was a navy alicorn, her starry mane and tail flowing like water in a stream. Twilight and Pinkie immediately bowed. “Princess Luna...” Twilight murmured. “Hello, Twilight Sparkle. And you two, Pinkie Pie.” Luna bade them both to rise. “Please, come with me. We have much to discuss.” End Part 3 > Chapter 4: Pinkie Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Embodiment CH 4 Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie carefully squirted out another dollop of cake frosting onto the cupcake with all the care of a seasoned professional while Twilight rambled once more over her shoulder. “-with Rarity gone that means only three of us are left, and i don’t know who is the most likely candidate because I can't figure out how it's spreading! Rainbow Dash made sense, she probably made out with her, but Rarity finding a crystal star laden with ancient starborn looking for a womb to call home? Are they orchestrating these events or is it all just happenstance?” Pinkie set aside the tray and went over to the oven to check on the next batch, “I don’t know Twilight it still seems like you're making a boulder out of a pebble.” “What? How can you say that! Our friends are being kidnapped and forced to breed an army of stars that allied themselves with nightmare moon!” The pink one shrugged, “I don’t know about that whole nightmare idea. Though Rarity seemed awfully happy to be doing it, and she was getting so big she had to go somewhere. This garden thing just sounds like where she’s supposed to be right now.” “But!” “But nothing!” Pinkie planted her hands firmly on her hips, “Seriously Twi, you’re acting sillier than me and that’s saying something. Our friends are doing just fine, and maybe for once the big weird thing happening to ponyville isn’t malevolent.” Twilight got a little red in the face, seemingly steaming, then turned about and quietly walked out of sugarcube corner’s backroom. Pinkie Pie sighed, “She’ll learn, one way or another.” A chill ran up her spine, “Sheesh I’m starting to sound like my mom.” She was about to return to her baking when a shudder crept up in her breasts. They had been feeling a tad odd ever since she had tried to give Rarity that belly rub, even now she wasn’t quite sure if her top was always this tight. When she gave them a curious touch she winced as the tips of her nipples bled through her bra and wetted the fabric ever so slightly. There was merely a shrug, “Eh, I’ll worry about it after I fill the orders.” She trotted over to the fridge and peered inside, finding it rather barren, “Oh shoot, I was so keen on helping the cakes pack for that vacation I forgot to stock up. Well… I got plenty of stuff but...” SHe looked at the single gallon of milk in the fridge, “Maybe I can make it to lunch and just do a dairy run then.” She closed the fridge and went back to mixing some dough for the latest confectionery treat, not aware of the gentle sloshing in her bosom that was growing louder with every bowl of ingredients she mixed. {}{}{1}{}{} Pinkie Pie was doing her best not to run, but she had to, but she couldn’t. Her lunch break didn’t last long, barely enough time to cover the distance to the local grocery, but gosh darn it every time her boobs bounced it felt like they were going to explode. Her mind so preoccupied with getting her hands on some milk she didn’t hear the head turning burbling coming from her tits, or the fact that they were so big now they were pulling her top up enough to reveal her belly, which seemed to have a bit more than the normal amount of pudgy pinkness to it. Not to mention the extra bounce in her butt. When Pinkie made it to the grocer her heart soared, then immediately plummeted when she saw the sign. “Closed!?” She ran up to the front window and smooshed her face against it to look for any employee that might still be inside. Ignoring the ache in her tits as they smooshed against the glass and spurted two rivers of cream out of her shirt and down the face of the window. Then a whistling came from around the corner and with it a pony with a thick mustache and a janitor’s uniform. He stopped in his tracks when he heard Pinkie call to him, however his whistling only cut short when his eyes went wide at the rack that was bouncing towards him. Biggest he had ever seen in his life. He barely heard her rambling until his thoughts caught up with the words assaulting his ears. “W-What was that now?” He said while trying to stop staring at the bulbous fist sized nipples that almost protruded out from under the top’s immense cleavage. “Can you let me in? I just need some milk, that’s all!” He scratched at the back of his head, “Sorry miss but the manager is the only one with the key and he went home this morning to get ready for the equinox festival tonight. Door locked behind me. You’re just plain outta luck it seems.” Pinkie Pie growled in her throat and stomped around a bit, every bob marked by a burble or deep slosh from her rack. When she finally petered out she slunk down, even her tail dragging on the ground, “Thank you for your time.” She said as she meandered her way back whence she came. The janitor merely adjusted his cap and let out a sharp sigh as she left, “Poor mare, remember when the wife’s hormones were gettin’ to her like that. Should be a good mother though, that rack could feed a village.” {}{}{2}{}{} The pink one entered the kitchen through the back door, her shirt once a comfortable tee now riding a bit high and showing off her not quite round tubby tummy while her girls teased a healthy bit of underboob and soaked up more and more of the fabric’s face. “Oooh, what am I gonna do? I got so many orders to fill. Ugh, stupid Pinkie, should have done this yesterday… but then they wouldn’t have been as fresh. Oh think, think!” She danced on her hooves, making her whole body bounce. Particularly though her breasts bounced up and down, as if her bra wasn’t cutting it anymore to support the yoga balls adorning her frame. Her attempts at stimulating her brain interrupted from the sloshing in her chest, and the odd tickle from the extra large fists protruding from under her shirt’s wet spots. She groaned and stopped her bouncing, then grasped her tits firmly, “What is with you girls, ever since I left for the store you two have been so-” She winced as her firm grip tightened and her nipples puckered, a moment later two thin streams of liquid sprayed from her shirt and all over one of the kitchen’s counters. Pinkie had to take a few short breaths to recover, her breasts still tingling after that weird sensation rolled through her boobs. Then, as she looked at the white substance on the counter, she gasped. “Girls, oh girls I’m so sorry I wasn't listening before!” She rushed over to a cabinet and started rifling through it, “If I can’t get any milk-” she grasped something and pulled it out, holding it triumphantly over her head, “-I’ll make my own!” She quickly flicked the switch on the device and the sounds of Ms.Cake’s milker from her days feeding the twins whirred to life. Pinkie quickly set up the machine and started to pull off her shirt and bra, lifting the clothes just enough for her tits to fwump free and jiggle upon her chest. They hung so low and wide she wondered if she was giving Misses Cake a run for her money. “Nah,” she said plainly to no one in particular, “misses Cake is like… humongous from all the milking she had to do for the twins.” Pinkie flicked the milker off for a second so she could attach the cups to her yoga balls, “I just hope I can make enough for a few orders of cupcakes.” She looked over to the order keeper folder, which looked more like a small book than a folder at this given point in time. She sighed, “Okay… here goes.” Her finger hesitated over the on switch, then she balled up her fist and shook it with great intent, and then quickly snapped out a finger and flicked it on. The machine whirred to life, and almost immediately Pinkie began to feel… odd. Her tail was twitching and her breasts were… aching. That ache got louder and louder as her nipples grew puffy and pumped rhythmically inside the cups. Pinkie grabbed her breasts and gave them a little shake, hearing them slosh, “Come on girls, just… just a little milk. Please?” Pinkie’s gaze went over the milker and she saw a dial. It seemed to control the intensity of the machine, and at its current setting it registered as ‘Low’. She placed her fingers on the dial and held them steady for a moment, “Well if you girls want it rough,” She clicked the dial up one setting, the milker getting louder as the pumping of her nipples grew rougher and quicker, still not a drop of milk, “then we’ll m-make it rough!” She clicked it all the way up, three more times, to DADDY NEEDS HIS CREAMER. The sound of the milker grew louder until it filled the whole kitchen with noise. Pinkie moaned as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she grasped her tits and pumped on them tenderly as the pores on her areola and nips were sucked for all they were worth. Ten whole seconds of this as Pinkie had to try to not whimper and moan out loud when suddenly her left nipples gushed, and then the right. Again and again they went off in tandem into the milker, filling the attached container more and more. “Yes, YES!” She shouted in both victory and pleasure as her whole chest tingled and buzzed eagerly giving all it had into the machine. The elated pony was unable to grasp the subtle and notice her slowly enlarging  bosom with every drag that yanked more milk out of her tits. Her mind was distracted with more ‘important’ matters, such as getting a hair tie around her large poofy mane. Pulling it all back into a single puffy ponytail, with the exception of a single bang sproinging like a spring from her brow, before saying, “Time for serious baking time.” [][][3][][] The timer dinged just loud enough to be heard over the whirr of the milker. Pinkie’s flour speckled face lit up as she shut off the milker and hefted her oversized cider barrel sized tits off the counter and let them flop free and slap against her lap. Which was still covered in fabric despite the pudge pushing up from her hips and rump trying to bleed out over the top of her waist for air. All this barely phased the pink one as she happily bounced all of her sloshing assets over to the oven and took out another piping hot baker’s dozen platter of muffins, after equipping some oven mitts of course. She went over to a nearby counter that was full to the brim with sets of baked goods and set the tray on a cooling rack, then grabbed a different tray that had cooled and brought it over to the central island. “Alright batch number ninety four, let’s make sure I got the cinnamon mixture just right~” She grabbed the thirteenth confection, meant for the baker to taste, and bit down deep. It tasted perfect of course, Pinkie had been doing this for years, but these ones just felt… special. While she took her third and fourth bite of the rather large muffin she didn’t pay attention to the loud growl from her belly, nor the tingle and slosh in her tits as they leapt forward with thicker nips and wider breasts, all the while her pants begged for mercy as three seams split open along her thigh and let pudgy pink flesh through, the meat of her rump trying to push free of its confines grew thicker along her waistline more and more until it seemed that her can was capable of clogging even the largest of barrels and to any onlooker the strain of her pants seemed to suggest her rump was capable of far more than that if only it could have its freedom. Pinkie finished off the muffin, and even licked the crumbs off her fingers, “There, I think that will suffice.” She marked off another order in the folder and began putting her baked goods in a proper tray to be delivered at a later time. She took the bucket she had been emptying milk into and filled another empty gallon bottle or two. After that she eyed the milker and let her fingers squirm a little. “Well, I am all caught up… but.” She grabbed the bucket and put it under the milker once more, “Doesn’t hurt to be extra prepared!” She went to turn the milker on then stopped. She looked at the current ‘succ setting’ as it was turned to DADDY NEEDS HIS CREAMER and quietly changed it down to LOW. She didn’t have to let this go over quickly now after all, her girls had been working hard all day. She gave a heavy grunt and let her breasts slap loudly against the central island, the flesh rippling for a moment as it sloshed. The cups had to be stuffed full of nipple and areola, and barely fit. Odd, given how easily they hooked on earlier that afternoon. She chalked it up to overuse, but the notion didn’t stop her from flicking the machine on. A low coo escaped her throat as her flesh undulated and pulsed, yet not a drop of milk came out. That was all fine to Pinkie however, she was just enjoying the slow buzz tingling through her tits while gently wagging her rump to and fro. For a time this went on, for how long she wasn’t sure, but eventually the sun was hanging low in the sky and the sound of the front door bell dinging roused Pinkie from the pleasureful trance. “Miss Petalleaf is that you? Your order isn’t due for a while yet, but if you can wait I can start up the batch right now!” A very familiar voice called back from the front room, “Don’t worry Pinkie it’s just me!” “Twilight!?!” she almost shrieked, and she almost shrieked again as her eyes opened and gazed upon her teats. They had slithered forward, growing and filling with cream, until they filled up the entire central island of the kitchen. Conversations she had with Twilight that morning filled her head and she almost panicked, “Oh no if Twilight sees this she is gonna freak!” She looked about, trying to think of how to hide this when she spied the closed window that seperated the kitchen from the front room which could be opened just enough to let her head through. Pinkie beamed full of hope, then shouted at her friend who was undoubtedly almost to the kitchen door, “Hold up Twilight, baked up a storm, it’s a mess in here i’ll meet you out there.” “Alright, I wanted to share some new information with you regarding this whole stars and applejack business.” Pinkie almost rolled her eyes, but was glad her plan was working out nonetheless. She stuck her tongue out as she scooped her hands under her breasts and groaned as she heaved to hold them up. Thankfully they went airborne, a few precious inches off the island, but they kept tumbling and burbling as they shook in her straining arms. She couldn’t reach the cups of the milker, not even if she tried with all her might, so she just left them on while the milker dangled off her nips like a keychain and whirred. Step by step she waddled over to the window until she stood a few feet away from it. She thought as hard as she could and sighed, she did her best to ease her tits down but the effort to lift them this far turned it into a controlled drop that made them slap loudly against the floor, THE FLOOR!? She observed in disbelief as she could probably lose an adult pony in her cleavage. She had to shake herself out of it, that didn’t matter right now. She reached for the window to try and open it so she could just stick her head through, but couldn’t reach. Slowly she realized this was going to take a bit of outside the box thinking. With a sigh she leaned forward, let her tits rest on the ground, and bent all the way forward and slowly rolled most of her body atop her tits with her ass in the air like she was inviting somepony to come along and have their way with it. However silly it looked, it worked, she reached the window and opened one of its doors and stuck her head through. “Heya Twilight, What’s up?” “Hi Pinkie… Look about earlier when i stormed off-” Pinkie interrupted her, “Oh, no big deal Twi, if I got scared of a little angry grunting and storming off I would have never survived growing up with Limestone. Besides, friends do as friends do.” Twilight blushed, “Thanks Pinkie, you’re a good friend.” “You are too, when you’re not freaking out.” “I’m not freaking out, I’m-” Twilight stopped and took a deep breath, “alright maybe a little, but you have to admit this is a little crazy right?” “Alright yeah, a little, buuut,” Pinkie looked at her friend with lidded eyes, “Is it bad crazy or good crazy?” Twilight seemed like she wasn’t even sure how to answer, so she changed the subject, “Pinkie, when you were with Rarity while I went off, did you… touch her at all?” Pinkie squinted slightly, “Why?” “Because it’s touch pinkie! Touch is how it’s spreading! The star touched applejack in her story, Dash kissed her, and Rarity got her hands all over that gemstone chalk full of latent starborn that made her a womb, a sponge for star-kin! So I need to know, did you touch her?” She wiggled about atop her breasts, back and forth, the weight of her entire bloated body bearing down on the milker trapped under her tits. It started to creak and crack, “Noooo~” Pinkie Pie said lightly while looking at the ceiling. “Pinkie, please. I need to know. If you are contaminated you could be spreading that contamination into every baked good you are making. You could start an epidemic!” Her pink friend looked around a little more, the rocking turning into a little bit of nervous bouncing that only made the milker creak and crack more under her weight. “I did not.” “Swear on it.” Twilight said sternly. “Twilight I-” “Swear!” Pinkie sighed, “Okay.” SHe leaned a bit farther forward and brought a hand out from behind the window and began the chant. However now the full weight of her pudgy body was pressing down on the milker relentlessly, and as Pinkie pie neared the final few syllables of her pinkie promise the dial that controlled how intense the milking was popped off, “Stick a cupcake in my e-” Her words interrupted as she felt the milker tugging harder and HARDER on her nipples, the whir thankfully deafened by the plush thickness of her tremendous titflesh. Twilight raised an eyebrow, “Pinkie?” Pinkie Pie began to sweat and bite her lip, before she panted a few times and shouted, “J-Just remembered, lots of orders to fill, come back tomorrow, kay-thanks-bye!” She hated to slam that door in Twilight’s face, but the sensation building in her bosom demanded attention. Pinkie grunted, long and loud, as she lifted her tits off the floor. She waddled her way over to the central island, probably the only place she could set down her tits now while the sensations built. Fluttering, buzzing, tingling, pulsing, waves undulated through her breasts and pounded inside her nipples. Her tits feeling heavier and heavier as the seconds dragged on, the sloshing of their wobbling getting louder. She dropped her milk tanks on the island with a meaty thwap that elicited a hearty blurble-slosh from both mounds of pink dairy dribblers.  The stranded baker looked around knowing her arms were nowhere near long enough to reach the cups that were pumping her tits for all they were worth. THe best thing she could manage was a spatula to try and reach, but even as she leaned into her breasts to try and reach she was barely able to do more than slap at her bulging skin halfway to her objective. “Oh, oooh, OOOH!” She mewled as she bit her lip and dropped the spatula, mashing her hands into her filling tits, knowing something inevitable was coming, “I’m gonna… huff, I’m gonna...” she grunted low and stood on her tippy hooves as her nipples grew puffier and puffier in the milker’s grasp. She tried to hold it in for as long as she could, hoping Twilight was gone, hoping she wouldn’t hear her- MOO Her mouth opened to let loose a pleasured primal noise as white cream filled the milker in a split second. Dairy spitting out of its open output hose but it couldn’t process it fast enough. The cracks on the device growing wider, and sputtering cream into the air. In the scant moment of three seconds of pure pulsing milkgasm the milker exploded, the cups split open, and Pinkie’s cans sprayed freely into the air, fueled by their own pleasure to gush and gush more and more. All the while the pink horse girl shouted and moaned as she mashed her tits for more pleasure while they sprayed everything in the kitchen down in a layer of white milk. Pinkie Pie didn’t care, she was lost in the heat of lust as she just kept gushing and gushing. It had to have been minutes, of constant pulsing goodness, before it finally ended. When it did, Pinkie’s weary brain was finally able to take stock of the damage. “Oh no.” She said in a breathy tired tone. The baked goods she had been stacking in trays all over the kitchen were now soaked with her own breast milk. She sighed, and for a moment seemed morose, then that pinkie pie spirit of optimism shined brightly in her mind. “Well,” she began, “If I’m contaminated, then all of these were probably contaminated, so I guess no big loss. Guess I'll just have to… throw them all away.” She shuffled about, slowly rotating herself around the central island as her tits took up most of the space in front of her and were now almost reaching the floor from sheer girth. SHe grabbed a tray of goods that were only lightly milked and looked at them with disappointment. She looked around for the trash can when suddenly a thought struck her. “Wait, if these are contaminated, and some animal at the dump eats them, does that mean they will be contaminated? Can animals be contaminated?” She nibbled on her fingers as she looked at the tray of goods, trying to think of what to do. When suddenly her belly let loose a light roaring grumble. Pinkie Pie lit up, “Wait, I’m already contaminated! I can… I can dispose of all of them! Then nopony has to worry about becoming like me.” She snickered and laughed with joy, “Besides, it’s not like I can get MORE contaminated, hehe.” As she said those words her pants popped another seam, and her tits burbled and sloshed just a little louder. Pinkie looked at them one at a time, then smiled and wiggled her body to feel the heft of herself swing about, “Not that I would mind a… little more~” She grabbed a muffin off the tray and held it up to her face, “Welp, down the hatch!” She opened her mouth and gobbled it in one bite, gulping it down in a single cartoonish lump down her throat where it landed with a guttural thwump in her belly, “Ah~, Pinkie, I forgot what a mean cook you are.” She gulped down another, and another, slamming them down one after the other until a full dozen were grumbling in her tummy that still seemed empty and ready for more. Pinkie stuck her hands under her nearly floor dragging tits and rubbed her belly, “Oh, yeah~” she gazed at the ninety or so other trays that still needed to be ‘disposed of’, “Now what next… cupcakes? Donut holes?” Then a loud gurgling came from her belly. Loud enough to shake even the airheaded Pinkie Pie out of her piggie planning. She looked down at her gut, or where it should be anyway, as it growled. She put her hands into her cleavage and opened it up so she could get a view at her stomach. When she saw it another growl came from it, and the surface was… wriggling. “What in the?” Suddenly there was a fluttering in her belly, like when she bounced and pronked about town except it was getting stronger and stronger. She gasped, her eyes going wide and her mouth hanging open, “Wait, am i? AM I!?” THe fluttering pulsed, and suddenly her insides were pushing outward in every direction. Her stomach going from pudgy, to portly, to protruding, to engorging, to lurching forward. Pinkie shook slightly as she watched it grow, whispering encouragement under her breath as she witnessed herself filling more and more. Past the size of a beach ball, soaring over the girth of a medicine ball, and landing heavily into the taut shape of a massive, marketplace feeding, extra large apple barrel standing stoutly from her midriff. She couldn’t believe what she looked at, she reached down and placed her hands on her belly and gently began to rub. A few strokes after her hands made contact… there was a single mighty kick, then another, and another. At least seven sets of foals tumbled about in her womb as she beamed. “I’M PREGNANT!!!” She shouted in her loudest voice. In that moment tears welled up in her eyes, her hands going to her face, just looking at the belly she now held effortlessly in her frame. A guilty, guilty, want that she felt deep in her soul ever since she saw misses cake heavy with the twins was being fulfilled, “Oooh~ you guys are so cute,” a mental image flashed of Rarity’s belly breaking out of carousel boutigue’s west wall and without thinking she said, “I wanna be bigger than that.” She caught herself and stammered slightly, “I mean, I’ll gladly hold any amount you need me to mister stars,” but she whispered under her breath, “but bigger is better.” There was a noise from her belly, and for a moment she felt like her gut was agreeing with her. She gazed around at all the remaining confections that needed disposing then looked at her foals, “Well I hope you guys are hungry, cause mommy has a lot of eating left to do!” She waddled sideways, still stuck on the central island for support to carry her tits for her. However with all the mass piling onto her hips that seemed like a burden soon bound for another place, meanwhile she snickered to herself, “Mommy, i’m a mommy!” [][][4][][] Pinke gulped down another cupcake in record time, letting its tray clatter to the floor to join several dozen others. She licked her lips and patted her belly, which had yet to grow from the latest feast. Her post meal ministrations were interrupted by a tickle in her tail, and a sudden buzzing feeling in her butt. It made her gasp, then smile wide as she looked over her shoulder at her derriere  Why was there a mirror in the kitchen? She didn't know, she didn't care, all it did matter was that it allowed her to ogle her own massive doorway clogging butt from all the right angles. More importantly it hadn’t ‘hatched’ yet. Her pants were currently a tattered mess, enough holes and frayed edges to be a story filled battlefield. Her tail was set to buzzing just like the flesh of her rump. SHe rubbed and stroked her cartoonishly plump patties and whispered to them sweet nothings, “Grow for mommy, burst those panties, make me the widest of them all!” Ha, you wish. Pinkie’s ear twitched, “Huh, AJ, was that y-youuu-ooo-oh!?” Suddenly the buzzing spiked through her flesh and she squealed as her belly groar-bled and suddenly the pounds pushed onto her rear. SHe moaned and groaned and bent half over while sticking her ass out as far as it would go, begging for every strand of clothing to snap and fray to let it go. Then suddenly one by one it did, every pop, every snap, made her butt grow bigger and bigger. Past the terrifying door clogging wobbler and into a monstrous beast far past its own classification. Her rump casting a shadow onto the mirror itself, that seemed to sweat with anticipation as the final frays of her pants started to give way, leaving only the panties that were flossing her cheeks straight down the middle. One stubborn string remained, pulled tight, digging into pink flesh. Pinkie Pie wobbled her butt, stood on her tippie hoofs, and whined like a deranged schoolgirl. “Little more, little more, p-please mister stars just a little more!” Her entire rump seemed to shiver, shake, then suddenly push outwards and not stop even against the strained screams of the final string. It creaked, cracked, and finally, POPPED. Her twin mountainous mounds wobbling free, yet still oddly perky, gently clapping and shaking as Pinkie wailed and wetness poured down from between her legs.  She sighed more than once, and looked back, barely over the rise of her rump, at the mirror where her ass consumed every square inch of glass and more than it could offer. She grabbed a hunk of her butt and squeezed, whining at the delicious sensation of pressure oozing through every inch of her flabulous rear. The sensation of the teased back end making her lean back, and the central island sigh with relief, as her hips tensed and lifted both her womb and her tits with barely a tender shake. Pinkie cooed as she looked at herself, naked save the tooth floss thong she still had on, “Let’s see AJ top this!” Girl, you are mixin’ a fight with a cattle you can’t even fathom. “Oh shut up Applejack!” She fumed to herself, the goods weren’t cutting it, she wasn’t getting big enough quick enough. Even if she ate the sixty or so trays left over she still had no way to know if it would be enough to put AJ in her place, she winced slightly, “I mean no way to know if I’m really doing my part.” She innocently smiled to nopony in particular. “I mean, if some magical way to make myself bigger were to like…” SHe was honestly flummoxed until she said the first thing that came into her head, “waltzed through the front door and-” Suddenly her left ear perked up and she heard the front door open, one-no two pairs of hooves enter. “-and a pair of studly studs decided to donate to the cause~” She said succulently to herself. A somewhat nasally voice that reeked of whining broke her mental image, “hey Miss Pie you here? The sign said back soon but the order is running a little late and-” Another voice, just as telling, joined it, “Dude come on, we shouldn’t be in here, the cakes are gone and Miss Pie is all that’s here someone might think we are breaking and entering!” She groaned, “Boulder and Brick.” Two fine names for the wimpiest Earth Pony and pegasus in town. They liked her, that much she knew from the parties they dared to attend. They always started out so strong when they approached her then finished so… half cocked and unsure. “If only I had some way to give them a confidence boost...” She swung her midriff about and sent a pair of trays clattering to the floor without meaning to, her eyes then trailing across the assortment of contaminated goods as a mischievous glow took hold of her eyes. “M-miss Pie, was that you?” came shakily from the foray. Two donuts once drenched in her own milk plucked into her hands, still moist and warm as if fresh from the oven. Her belly loomed towards the large double doors to the main floor. “Be with ya in a sec boys, do me a favor and lock the front door!” Her belly went through first, easily swatting the double doors aside. Her tits squished close to the tip of the doorframe, but after a quick gush they passed. She sighed a bit of relief only to feel her ass catch during the victory celebration, “Look I’m really proud of you guys but now is not the time!” SHe grunted and made the doorframe snape wider, splintering and cracking along the edges as she managed to land her bull rush handedly. She sighed and then witnessed the two dorks staring at her with wide eyes. She quickly posed herself to give off radiance to all her curves. SHe lidded her eyes and said in her best voice, “Hey boys~” Gawking, staring, silence. At this rate they would probably become catatonic. Quickly she thought of something to say to engage them in the fantastical situation. “Probably wondering why you’re not super hunky like you are in your dreams.” They looked at each other through thick rimmed glasses and started to speak. “Well yeah-” “Was about to say-” “Just eat these and that will get fixed right  up~” I hope. She curled up her tail and was making every promise and swear she knew of to make this pay out in spades as she handed them the donuts. They each took a curious bite, then shuddered and began to eat like a stallion possessed. When they finished they even licked their fingers, hmming and hawing thoughtfully. “Very sweet.” “Must have been the milk she used.” She struck, “And do you know what milk I used?” She didn’t wait for their obviously confused response, she just grabbed her tits and spritzed them with a glaze of her cream, “My milk~!” The two stallions gasped and then Brick shuddered. Heat was washing over him, radiating in pulsing waves from somewhere deep inside him. “Boulder something was up with-!” He gasped as he shot up half a foot, a few precious inches of his midriff showing from under his shirt as he stretched out. His knees went wobbly as he groaned again and this time shot up nearly a foot and a half, very quickly going from a runt in colt’s clothing to a stallion pegasus in too tight to fit fabric. With one last gasp from a deepening voice he sprouted over the top of his friend’s head he was once eye level with by a good four feet. Across his barely contained chest and stringy legs his skin rumbled, his form tightened, with a grunt he flexed and a rolling wave from out of his chest muscles sprouted one after the other. Taking him from lanky nerd to well muscled athlete in seconds, shredding his shirt clean off to let his pecs breath and his shorts hung on by threads as a throbbing erection pounded beneath the fabric. The pegasus grabbed at his head, opened his eyes and tried not to fall over as he felt so high up. Then it hit him, how tall he was, how well developed his muscles were. He grinned like an idiot and fluttered his wings like a hummingbird for a quick little jump of movement. “Aww yeah, primo stud right here! What do you think of that Boulder!? Now I'm the tall one!” WIth a triumphant thumb pointed at his imposing body he looked down at his friend. When suddenly his friend started to shake, harder, harder. THe floorboards quaking as the earth pony tried to stand steady as the waves overcame him. The first tidal wave hit him and he sprouted three feet to his friend's chin in a moment, but his muscles didn’t wait to fill the stringy limbs like his friend did. He pulsed and grunted deeply as sinew and flesh surged under his skin and he became an athlete in moments. THen the rumbling returned, now everyone in the room able to feel the floor quake, the walls shake, and the roof rattle as BOulder moaned and tightened every muscle and limb moments before he exploded another four feet skyward, his arms triumphantly flexing over his head as the wave of muscles washed over him in a sensation of heat and power pumping into every cord. From athlete to dedicated bodybuilder over the course of several staggered pulses into his body with each one eliciting a deeper and deeper growl from his throat as his shirt was gone long ago and his baggy pants were turned into a pair of tight shorts, his chiseled abs, bulging legs, rounded bulbous pecs, and every other conceivable muscle shuddered from a combined birth-flex from the earth pony as he shuddered and groaned a few times as his tightened stance ended and he gathered himself. The first thing he did was smirk as his now long curly mane covered his eyes and said in a deep gravelly tone, “you were saying pipsqueak?” His friend still tried to stand proudly tall before he uttered, “Yeah well I bet my cocks gonna be bigger!” “You wish!” Pinkie Pie groaned, why did dudes always act like this in a threesome? “Dudes come on, it's not like it matters much your cocks are not that hu-” Suddenly both of them were quivering, shaking. Their loins pulsing and growing. The silhouette of balls getting bigger, past the size of cantaloupes, basketballs, until they burst from overly tight pants at the size of full on yoga balls. Then their shafts took hold, pitching tents, big tents, huge tents, MONSTROUS TENTS. Getting thicker than their arms, thicker than their legs, getting big and long enough they could probably actually pitch a real massive tent as they erupted from their prisons in a mess of pre and force. Hard enough to slap against Pinkie’s tits and ass even from halfway across the room. Pinkie just smiled a succubus’ smile, “Now that's what I call a pair of COCKS!” Both the guys blushed and thanked her. “Alright uh…. I don’t think there's enough room for us to use both the holes down under so somebody gets the vagoo and the other gets the titjob-” “NAVEL!” Brick shouted out. Both the others looked at the pegasus oddly. “Look, some weird conjoined dream or not I want the navel. It’ll work, i know it will, it always did in my dreams it will work here.” Pinkie shrugged, coincidence helped her this far, maybe somehow the contact with her navel would put her on Applejack’s level. Wow you really think ur gonna surpass me?   “One more word applejack and I swear to the stars I'll poof over to the garden early and show off just how big you think I'm not.” All she heard was that dang country mare’s snickering. The two stallions looked at each other. “Did you hear a second mare?” “Yeah I thought I was going nuts.” “Alright enough DICKIING AROUND.” Her womb let loose a warbling yowl like that of a hungry dragon, “Mommy wants her cummies and she wants them NOW LITTLE MISTERS!” Both of them shot to attention, cocks and bodies ready to go. Little ceremony of preparing or foreplay as they took up positions in front of and behind her. Boulder putting his cock between her cheeks and sawing slightly as his hands mashed her massive, well, BOULDER smashing ass. She did grow up on a rock farm afterall. As for Brick she didn’t expect much, but when he started pressing his flare against her navel and started to PUSH IT BACK IN. She moaned like a whore from the pressure alone, not to mention the tingling sensation that was firing across her wombs face. “Knew you would love it~” Brick said smugly. “Less talky you two… huff-huff… more fucky wucky~” They two best friends locked eyes… somehow, despite the walls of pink flesh between them… and simply started railing her navel and cunt. THe sound of wet sex filled the air, and Pinkie Pie couldn’t even totally process what was happening to her body in totality. All she knew is she had less sensory input coursing through her when she got struck by lightning that one time. All over her body she was already growing, or more like, tensing up. Her body getting ready for the flood she heard churning inside the four swelling balls that were already touching the floor and getting more orbular by the second. Then they started pumping faster, and faster still. “Oooo~” She didn’t even care that they had such little sexual endurance, she wanted more foals and she wanted them NOW!, “Cum for me boys, CUM FOR MOMMIEEEEEEE~!” And Cum they did. Both of them hilting into her at the same time. SOmehow enough hammerspace inside of her to take two eight foot cocks at once from opposite ends. THen their rods jerked and swelled, pumping her mommy furnace full of delicious fuel. Her womb gurgling, growling, and purring with desire for the wonderful additives it flooded her body with. Eventually even their titanic orgasms had to cease, but not before they flooded her with enough horse semen to bloat her womb to twice its former size. Her tits both brushing against the ceiling they rested so high atop her belly. Pinkie was just panting. Leaning against her womb and gently rubbing it, her mane still up in a ponytail was a mess but a good mess, “Oh you boys did such a good jo-” Her tail twitched, her nose itched, and her booty quaked. Her eyes went wide, “uh oh.” The two stallions were on the floor almost passed out, “W-wha-oh uh-oh?” One of them asked. “You two need to clear out of here,” She winced as her womb was already starting to quake, “NOW!” They felt her insistence and cleared out, but not before grabbing some table clothes to hide their pride with some mock toga’s. The quaking got worse and worse, and felt better and better. Pinkie slowly lost the ability to think as silverware on the tables around her were being vibrated off the surface from the sheer OOMPH of her womb jittering about now. “Pinkie, is my order ready?” Came from the backdoor. The pink horse in over her head in pleasure just said, “Y-yeah Fluttershy?” “Good, Big Mac is going to love these. Thanks again for making a triple thick batch! Gotta go, he's coming back home tonight!” “Y-yeah… THICK!” She said, grabbing her own quaking ass and tits. [][][5][][] “You think she actually did it?” Rainbow said to Rarity as they skulked in the alleyway behind sugarcube corner. Before they could answer they saw Fluttershy come and go. “Right on time,” Rarity said as she pulled her pants up tighter, “You’d think I'd be able to conjure better compression suits than this.” “Eh we can’t ALL be Applejack tier, not yet anyway.” “Well we’re also not ALL her lover Rainbow Dash~” Rarity said teasingly. “Oh please, I know you drank straight from her tap at least TWICE.” Rarity harrumphed in a ladylike tone, “Well how else was I going to get enough protein to grow my hips so I could actually waddle around the garden off my poor derriere.” “You and your ass.” “You and your boobs.” They said to each other with all the malice best friends could have for each other. Then they both shuddered as they felt a disturbance. “Holy crap she actually did it.” Dash said with disbelief. Dash, Rare’s, in position now I'm gonna need help focusing with this one, dang pinks just ignited an ocean inside her and if we don’t get her out soon she’ll squish ponyville flat. Buildings around them were quivering and shaking with serious intent as they split up. Rarity to the front Dash to the back.AS rarity turned the corner she saw a pair of overtly masculine males floundering trying to run away with massive cocks between their legs. She rolled her eyes, then, she saw Twilight appear in a spark of magic. “I knew it. I knew those stars were making her LIE TO ME!” Rarity didn’t have time for this. She sprinted into the clearing right in front of twilight and took up a wide stance as she held a single palm toward sugarcube corner and formed an aura around it. “Rarity? Your back? And… oh no they made you give birth to their army.” “Twilight stop thinking you know everything and stay back, Applejack has this she just needs some help!” Sugarcube corner started to bloat, shift, and turn into an egg as the sound of ripping and rending floorboards filled the air. “Come on, Pinkie just show a little skin!” Rarity said. Without warning the shape of SUgarcube corner detonated, splinters, wood, and nails caught in the bubble she and Dash set up around the building. Eventually revealing the massive pulsating pink orb that was pinkie pie. “Well she did wanna TRY to get bigger than applejack.” Rarity said exasperated. She leapt into the air, her pants ripping slightly as her fat ass exposed itself to the world, “Oh poo~” she said as she landed on Pinkie Pie and placed a palm on the still growing mass. Dash appeared soon after to place another palm on Pinkie Pie. “You alright Rarity?” “Just my dignity, now focus Dash just like Applejack said.” THey thought of a calm place, a warm place, a safe place, they thought of… “The garden…” They said all as one. And in a blink of an eye they disappeared into stardust and out of the equestrian reality. Twilight was just dumbfounded at what she had seen, her heart hammering in her chest. “Four down…” She had to do something, she had to fight this she had to… “OOF” Somepony barreled into her and caught her off guard. “Sorry miss.” It was some meathead earth pony and his friendly pegasus compatriot helping him off the ground. Both of them half naked and wearing togas? Then she saw it, their cutie marks. “Boulder?... BRICK!?!?” They looked at her, “Oh hey twilight. How's the book club?” “W-what happened to you guys!?” “Our deepest dreams came true, heh… although I wonder if any of our clothes are gonna fit anymore.” ‘Your telling me.“ The other finished. Twilight grabbed at her head, “The stars can affect MALES TOO!?!?!?” “Stars?” The two nerdy meatheads looked at each other and shrugged. “Look you need to come with me, you're a danger to EVERYPONY right now, in fact.” Twilight cast a spell of light that washed over herself, then a second one that summoned a hazmat suit over herself. “We can’t be too careful. You two are now quarantined.” “WHAT!?” The two exclaimed as magical shackles formed over their arms and legs. “Just a precaution till I can get you to the library.” Her voice was fuzzy and robotic from the transceiver she had conjured. There were more protests and more as she lifted them with her magic and hovered them down the street toward the library. Meanwhile… At her mountainous throne… Applejack sighed, “How am I gonna make that girl see the light?” A star appeared next to her left ear and whispered into it. Applejack's eyes went open wide, “Wait really? I should’ve known. Get her on the horn. And as for YOU!” She pointed at the pink blob growing in the southern ocean. “... I’m sorry for egging you on Pinks.” “All… g-g-g-gooooooooood~” Applejack laughed, she was still pleasure drunk. She remembered that, in fact, she felt another wave coming on. “Alright Big Mac you better treat Fluttershy right or I'm coming out just to whoop your ass. Now… let mommy enjoy herself~” She felt trillions more stars flooding her womb seeking forms and lives to live, all for the Embodiment they so desired. END CHAPTER 4