The Sleep Snuggling

by HoofBitingActionOverload

First published

During a sleepover, Applejack learns a shocking truth about one of her closest friends. Rainbow Dash is a sleep snuggler. But Applejack is okay with that. So okay with that, in fact, that they start doing more than just snuggling.

During a sleepover, Applejack learns a shocking truth about one of her closest friends. Rainbow Dash is a sleep snuggler. While they sleep in bed together, through nearly the entire night, Rainbow Dash has got her hooves around Applejack. But Applejack is okay with that. So okay with that, in fact, that they start doing a whole lot more than just snuggling.

The Sleep Snuggling

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Rainbow Dash hopped on top of her bed, rustling the already messy sheets. She had never understood the whole ‘make your bed’ fad. Why straighten the sheets in the morning when she was just going to mess them up again at the end of the day? She grabbed her favorite blanket and hugged it to her chest before rolling over and looking at Applejack.

Applejack stood by the bed, outlined by the many Wonderbolts posters that covered Dash’s bedroom wall, and looked down at her, one eyebrow raised. Rainbow Dash waited for her to say something, but Applejack only stared.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack still stared. “Are… are you cuddlin’ with that blanket?”

“What? No!” Rainbow Dash pushed the blanket away. “I was just holding it.”

A smirk spread across Applejack’s face. “You have a blankey.”

“I do not!” Dash cried. “It just helps me sleep!”

“It’s nothin’ to get upset about. I used to have a blankey, too. Carried it ‘round with me everywhere.” Applejack’s smirk widened. “When I was a little foal.”

“Oh, shut up.” Rainbow Dash threw the blanket at her, which Applejack easily caught.

Applejack tossed it back. “I’m kiddin’. I think it’s cute.”

“Whatever,” Dash muttered. She let the blanket lie where it fell. “This is the only bed I have, so you’ll have to sleep with me tonight.” Dash blushed slightly when she realized what she had said. “Um, unless you want to crash on the couch.”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah. That’s fine. You got any extra pillows, though?”

“Yeah. Should be some downstairs on the couch. I’ll go get them.” Dash sat up.

Applejack stopped her with a wave of her hoof. “It’s all right. I’ll get ‘em.”

“If you say so.” Dash shrugged and laid back down. “Just grab whichever ones you want.”

Applejack nodded, turned, and walked out the door.

Rainbow Dash listened to her friend’s fading hoofsteps. When she was sure Applejack was out of earshot, she grabbed the blanket again and giggled. Now this was officially the best sleepover ever, and not only because this was the first sleepover she had ever had with Applejack.

Sure, Rainbow Dash had gone to sleepovers with Applejack and their other friends, but she had never had a sleepover with just Applejack. Rainbow Dash had tried, but Applejack’s family and busy schedule, and the ever unfortunate fact that Dash lived in a cloud house had all conspired against her attempts at getting the farm pony to herself for a night. But finally, that very evening, with a post-harvest lull for Applejack and a cloudwalking spell from Twilight, Rainbow Dash had flown Applejack up to her house for their first ever sleepover.

While Rainbow Dash would admit that she had a tendency to use the term ‘awesome’ pretty liberally, this sleepover had been awesome. She and Applejack had spent nearly the entire day together, talking, eating, and playing games. No one could keep up with Rainbow Dash like Applejack could, and Dash found she even didn’t mind losing so much when it was to somepony as strong and talented and cool and hardworking and dependable and who would always help get her get out of a bind or rein her in when she went a little overboard and as beauti—

Rainbow Dash stopped herself and frowned. Even in her own head she was starting to sound like a filly in flight school with a crush. Not that she ever did have any crushes. Crushes were for ponies who read novels with hunky stallions on the covers, and unless that stallion was a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash never read any such novels.

The point was that the sleepover had been awesome, and now, like the final, show-stopping trick of one of her best flight routines, they were going to finish the night by actually sleeping in the same bed together. With the house all to themselves. Alone.

Rainbow Dash stifled another excited giggle. Not that she actually expected anything to happen besides sleeping. And she had gotten over her crush on Applejack years ago. Mostly. Almost completely. Not that it even had been a crush. But a mare could dream, right? Could there ever be a more perfect moment for Applejack to realize how awesome and hot Rainbow Dash was, and how great they could be together, than when they were actually spending a night alone in the same bed?

Dash held the blanket tight. If it ever happened, it would be to—

Applejack reappeared in the doorway carrying two pillows on her back. Rainbow Dash quickly pushed the blanket away. Applejack laughed as she dropped the pillows on the bed.

“It’s not a blankey!” Dash’s face and ears became uncomfortably warm.

“Okay,” Applejack replied with a smile before yawning widely. “Boy, I’m dog-tired. Keepin’ up with you is almost as tough as apple buckin’.”

Dash decided that was a compliment and smiled, stretching her forelegs. “Yeah, I get that sometimes.”

Applejack snorted. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get some sleep.” She trotted over to Rainbow Dash’s bedroom dresser. Its surface was bare besides a few unlit, red candles. “Sure is clean in here.”

“Yeah.” Dash agreed. The floor of her bedroom was as clear as the dresser, no dirty laundry or bits of trash anywhere to be seen. So was the wall, besides all the posters. “So?”

Applejack shrugged. “I just always pegged ya for a litter bug. Guess I was wrong.”

“Yeah...” Rainbow Dash elected not to mention that the only reason no dirty laundry or trash lay on her floor was because she had gone through the room an hour before Applejack arrived, hurriedly grabbing up all the refuse and cramming it into the closet.

“Never pegged ya for the candle type, either,” Applejack said, pointing to the candles on the dresser.

“Oh, uh…” Dash poked at her blanket. “I wanted those just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

“Nothing,” Dash said quickly. She elected not to mention the bag of rose petals she had stored in the top dresser ‘just in case’, either. “What are you doing, anyway? I thought you said you wanted to go to bed?”

“I’m takin’ out my hair ties,” Applejack answered. She reached for the tie in her mane. “I don’t sleep in ‘em.”

“Do you need any help?”

Applejack paused, one hoof stretched behind her head. “Uh, no.”

“Are you sure?” Rainbow Dash cringed as soon as the words left her mouth. “Never mind,” she covered quickly.

Applejack only raised an eyebrow at her and then began undoing the tie in her mane.

Rainbow Dash tried glancing over at her without being obvious. As the hair tie came undone, Applejack’s mane fell loose around her face and neck in a straw-colored shower. Rainbow Dash realized how few times she had seen Applejack with her mane down. She followed the long locks of hair, falling down Applejack’s cheek, along her neck, and resting on her withers.

“You like what you see?”

Rainbow Dash looked up and saw Applejack grinning at her like she had just caught Dash with her hooves in the cookie jar. For a moment, Dash froze, her voice gone and her heart hammering in her chest. Then she swallowed, found her signature smirk, and grinned right back. “You wish,” she replied easily.

Applejack laughed and turned away, and Rainbow Dash sighed.

Applejack moved to undo the tie in her tail. She didn’t give Dash’s behavior a second thought. It had been a good night, and she was tired. In truth, Applejack had long been putting off Dash’s invitations for a sleepover. She liked Rainbow Dash, but the pegasus could be a hard pony to get along with at times, always boasting and bragging. Applejack hadn’t been sure she could handle being alone with her for an entire night. It had been with no small amount of trepidation that she had allowed Dash to carry her up to her house that night.

To Applejack's complete surprise, the sleepover had been a lot of fun. She found that without any other ponies around to show off to, Dash didn’t boast nearly as much, and the two of them were able to simply relax and have a good time. Really, though, she shouldn’t have been so surprised. She would easily consider Rainbow Dash the most fun of her friends, and the friend she most enjoyed spending time with. Besides, a night of simple fun was just the break she needed after a week of farm work. She had decided that she didn’t get enough nights like this one, and maybe she focused the teensiest bit too much on working. She knew no better pony to amend that with than Rainbow Dash. She was already planning ahead to the next time she would be able to stay over.

Applejack noticed Rainbow Dash glancing at her again as she undid the tie in her tail, but Dash quickly looked away.

Applejack let it slide. Dash had been acting strangely all night, more touchy-feely than Applejack had ever seen her before. She kept getting up close to Applejack, sitting next to her so that their sides touched or leaning against her when they were relaxed. She had even nuzzled Applejack once. Applejack couldn’t remember a time she had seen Rainbow Dash nuzzle anyone. Not that she minded—just the opposite, it was nice seeing a softer side of her friend. It seemed there was something more to Rainbow Dash beneath all that braggery and bravado.

But of course there was, Applejack thought as she worked on the tie in her tail. Rainbow Dash had proven herself an incredibly hardworking, gifted, and caring friend on a whole host of different occasions. Applejack couldn’t think of a single time when Rainbow Dash hadn’t come through for her when Applejack really needed her to. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered why she had ever put off accepting Dash’s invitations to a sleepover, and the more she looked forward to spending more time alone with her in the near future.

Applejack smiled as she set her hat and hair ties on the dresser. She expected farm work would go by a little faster when she had somepony like Rainbow Dash to look forward to seeing when she finished. She turned and trotted to the bed.

Rainbow Dash lay on her back in the middle of the bed, head on a pillow, her wings splayed behind her among the sheets and twitching slightly. Applejack thought she looked sort of cute lying there next to her blanket. Actually, Rainbow Dash looked pretty good all the time.

Applejack paused. Where had that thought come from? She pushed it aside. She must have been more tired than she had realized.

As Applejack came closer, she noticed that Dash’s eyes darted this way and that way and every other way that wasn’t towards her, as if she couldn’t decide where she was supposed to look, but had decided for certain she shouldn’t look at Applejack. Applejack wondered if she had never slept alone with another mare before.

“You okay?” Applejack asked.

Dash’s eyes settled on her, and she rustled her feathers. “Yeah, why?”

“Ya look like a varmint who’s just made off with one of Granny’s apple pies.”

Rainbow Dash blinked at her.

“You look nervous.”

“What?” One half of Dash’s face scrunched up while her other eyebrow raised. “Why would I be nervous?”

Applejack shook her head. “I don’t have any idea.”

“Well, I’m not,” Dash said.

“If you say so.” Applejack stepped over to the bed and yawned again. “You mind scootin’ over?”

“Sorry.” Dash quickly moved over to the side of the bed.

Applejack climbed in and pulled the sheet over them both. She lay down with her back to Rainbow Dash. “Good night,” she said over her shoulder.

“Night,” Dash muttered.

Rainbow Dash stared at Applejack’s back. Applejack lay so close, Dash could have easily reached out and touched her shoulder, then Applejack would turn around, and they would be lying face-to-face. All Rainbow Dash would have to do then was lean forward a little and kiss her...

Dash swallowed. “Hey, Applejack.”

“Yeah?” Applejack asked without turning around.

“I… uh…” Dash’s tongue felt like it had just gotten a dose of whatever that stuff was that the dentist kept in his needles, numb and absolutely refusing to do what she told it to. “Good night,” it said instead.

“Good night.”

Rainbow Dash glared at the back of Applejack’s head. So much for this being the best sleepover ever. Here was her one, perfect chance, and her tongue was totally blowing it for her. Stupid tongue.

Applejack turned around, and Dash’s breath caught. Applejack handed Dash the blanket, smirking again. “Thought this might make ya feel better.”

Dash rolled her eyes and let out a long breath through her nose. “Whatever.” But when Applejack turned back around, Dash hugged the blanket to her chest. Almost instantly, her breath slowed, her heart quieted, and her wings stilled. It wasn’t so bad. She and Applejack had a great night together, and she had gotten over her crush on Applejack years ago, right? Not that it even had been a crush.

She relaxed against the pillow and the soft mattress beneath her. She just barely eased herself a little closer to Applejack’s warm body and closed her eyes, still holding the blanket close. No, she decided, it wasn’t so bad at all.

As she drifted to sleep, she didn’t notice that she had accidentally pushed the blanket away, and that her hooves had begun wrapping around Applejack instead.

Applejack lay in bed, half asleep and listening to Rainbow Dash’s gentle breathing behind her. Applejack had slept in the same bed in the same bedroom in the same house on the same farm all her life. No where else could ever feel the same. She couldn’t not notice how Rainbow Dash’s bedroom smelled different than her own. Her room smelled like the farm, like hard work and family close by. Dash’s room smelled like… like something else altogether, something familiar but that she couldn’t quite place—like rain, or maybe snow?

Behind her, Rainbow Dash’s breath stopped. Dash shifted, rustling the sheets, and pressed close to Applejack’s back. Then Applejack heard her gentle, rhythmic breathing resume.

Applejack couldn’t fall asleep. Dash’s blankets felt different. Not scratchier or less comfortable, but different. Thicker, maybe softer—she didn’t know. It was cooler in Dash’s bedroom, too. She remembered that they were in the sky. It was an odd realization to have while lying in bed.

She heard Rainbow Dash sigh, and then a blanket slid over and covered Applejack’s side. It felt so soft, Applejack immediately felt more relaxed. She thought it might have been the softest blanket she had ever felt, fluffy as unspooled cotton or downy feathers. She looked down and saw that it actually was feathers, blue feathers. Applejack hesitated.

“Uh, Rainbow?” she asked.

As if in response, Rainbow Dash reached a hoof across her waist and held her, not roughly, but just held her close. Then Dash rested her cheek on her shoulder and nuzzled her gently, murmuring something too quietly for Applejack to hear.

Applejack glanced back and understood. She saw Dash’s blankey at the end the bed where it had been pushed away. Applejack chuckled softly. So Rainbow Dash was a sleep snuggler, then, and Applejack was the closest thing she could get her hooves on to snuggle. Applejack probably should have minded, but she found that she didn’t at all. The slow rise and fall of Rainbow’s warm chest and the feeling of Dash’s soft heartbeat pressed to her back were surprisingly soothing. She soon forgot that the room smelled different or the sheets felt different or that the room was cooler or that she wasn’t on the ground anymore at all.

Applejack closed her eyes and relaxed, and let Rainbow Dash pull her closer. She knew she would fall asleep soon.

Between dreams, Rainbow Dash wondered at how incredibly warm and coat-like her blanket had become. It was almost like it wasn’t a blanket at all. It seemed to mold to her body, like she and it had been made to be with each other, and Rainbow Dash held it tight. She stroked its neck with her cheek and it responded with sounds like soft laughter, and even nuzzled her back a couple times. And it had never felt so pleasantly warm before, like another body in bed with her.

In her sleepy haze, Rainbow Dash’s imagination took hold of the blanket, and the blanket ceased being a blanket altogether, and became Applejack. She imagined that it was Applejack that she held to her chest, and it was Applejack who laughed when she nuzzled her, and Applejack breathing beside her, and Applejack whose heart beat she felt echoing her own.

She dreamed that after she had carried Applejack up to her home, she had lit those candles and scattered those rose petals on the bed, and then she had lifted Applejack up and carried her onto her bed. They lay together, and Applejack told her that she was beautiful, and Rainbow told Applejack everything that she meant to her. Then, Applejack leaned over and kissed her.

Applejack lay on the very precipice of sleep when the pony behind her kissed her. She felt the lightest touch on her cheek, and then another on her neck. A hoof straddled her and gently stroked up and down her side as the feathers brushed her flanks and Applejack cooed appreciatively.


Her eyes shot open.

She looked down at the blue feathers on her flanks and her whole body tensed.

But she relaxed again almost immediately when Rainbow Dash kissed the nape of her neck. Suddenly, it all made sense. All the invitations to private sleepovers, how strangely Rainbow Dash had been acting all night, how nervous she had looked when Applejack got in bed, even the candles on the dresser.

Again, Applejack probably should have minded, but the thought that Rainbow Dash liked her, had kissed her, only brought an unfamiliar, but not altogether uncomfortable, nervous flutter to her chest. Rainbow Dash liked her. Dash’s methods could have used some improvement, though. Applejack would be the first to admit she wasn’t any authority on romance, but she was fairly certain kissing your friend in her sleep wasn’t the most appropriate way to tell her that you liked her.

“Sugarcube,” she whispered as Rainbow Dash stroked her cutie marks, “if you wanted to do that, you should’a just said so.”

Rainbow Dash “Mmm”ed and continued kissing at Applejack’s cheek and neck.

“Rainbow?” Applejack asked, but Rainbow didn’t answer. Applejack looked back. She couldn’t possibly still be—she saw Rainbow Dash’s face, and her eyes were closed and her breathing still easy—asleep.

Applejack laughed. Rainbow Dash was actually sleep-kissing her, sleep-snuggling and sleep-kissing. The laugh died in her throat. Rainbow Dash was kissing her. She turned around so she fully faced Rainbow Dash. What exactly was one supposed to do when her friend began kissing her in her sleep?

Rainbow Dash repositioned herself, responding to Applejack’s movements, so that their chests pushed together and hind legs intertwined. She wrapped both her hooves around Applejack's waist in a loose embrace, then buried her muzzle in the crook of Applejack’s neck and murmured, “Applejack…” so quietly Applejack almost didn’t hear.

Applejack paused. Was Rainbow Dash dreaming about her? She stifled another laugh. That confirmed it, then, Rainbow Dash really did like her. Applejack was a practical mare. If she liked somepony, or they liked her, she didn’t have any interest in doing any of that silly fooling around that fillies did. Wooing, Rarity called it. Applejack had said herself that very night that she enjoyed spending time with Dash more than any of her other friends. If Rainbow Dash liked her, Applejack was willing to give it a shot. More than that, she insisted they give it a shot. Take care of your business or get off the john and let somebody else have a go, as Granny Smith’s only advice on relationships went.

She really should wake Rainbow up, though, Applejack supposed. She shouldn’t let Rainbow embarrass herself like this, and she certainly would have liked to have been woken up if she were in Dash’s place.

But then again, the way Rainbow Dash was nibbling the tip of her ear felt so nice… Applejack watched Dash smile and listened to her murmur dreamed sweet nothings. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, too.

Applejack relaxed further and let Dash pull her closer. She decided it wouldn’t hurt anyone to let her friend dream for a little while longer.

Rainbow Dash’s dreams came to her in fragments, flickers of sounds and smells and touches. Sometimes Applejack was on top of her, pushing her down against the bed, and sometimes she was on top and sometimes they were side by side, holding each other. She brushed her lips along Applejack’s shoulder, up her neck, to her cheek, and finally their lips met.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened slowly. She saw Applejack’s eyes, and she saw herself kissing Applejack, not the dream Applejack, the actual, real Applejack. She froze.

Then she cried out and pulled away. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” she yelled.

“Just hold on,” Applejack said, grabbing at her.

“I swear I didn’t mean to!” Rainbow Dash cried, suddenly wide awake and hearing her heart pounding in her ears. She tried to twist away and flap her wings, but got all her limbs twisted in the sheets. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry!”

“Calm down. I said I don’t mind,” Applejack said to her, but Dash barely heard.

She kicked wildly at the sheets, but only got herself even more stuck, and kicked Applejack at least a dozen times. “Sorry!” she yelled again. She finally managed to roll out of the bed, falling to the floor with a thud and carrying half the blankets with her. Her eyes darted across the room. She needed an escape, any escape at all from the—her face burned as she realized what she had done. She had kissed Applejack.



“Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.” She was such a stupid idiot. She needed to get out of there before she made it any worse.

She saw the window. There! All she needed to do was get out that window, and fly and fly as far and as hard and as fast as she could. It didn’t matter where, just anywhere that wasn’t in that damned bedroom. She never should have brought Applejack up here. It had been an utterly stupid idea. She heard Applejack saying something behind her, but she didn’t bother trying to understand what. She hurdled forward, still carrying the blankets with her, and fell.

She finally shook the blankets off. She ran forward and pulled the window open. She felt the cold chill of the wind and jumped forward, but she didn’t go through.

Applejack held her tail in her mouth and yanked backwards. Rainbow Dash tried to scramble away, but her hooves couldn’t find any purchase. Applejack dragged her backwards into the room and away from the freedom of the window. Dash twisted and kicked and did anything she could to get away, growing more desperate with each passing inch that Applejack dragged her back. But as strong as she might have been, Applejack was stronger, and the farm pony held her tight.

Applejack slung her fully back onto the bed, and before Dash had a chance to run, Applejack pounced on top of her and pressed her down against the bed. With Applejack’s full weight on top of her, Rainbow Dash couldn’t do anything. Slowly, as she wore herself out, her struggling eased.

“There ya go. Deep breaths,” Applejack said, breathing heavily herself.

“Applejack, I’m so, so sorry,” Dash said when she caught her breath. “I swear I didn’t me—”

Applejack shoved a hoof in her mouth. “Shush!” she shouted, and Rainbow Dash immediately fell silent. Applejack’s face softened. “Now, I want ya to listen real carefully when I say this, ‘cause I know you have trouble listenin’. I don’t mind. Ya hear that? I don’t mind.” She smiled, so softly and kindly that Rainbow Dash’s heart nearly broke right then and there. “Actually, I kind’a liked it,” Applejack said, blushing a little.

Rainbow Dash tried to make sense of the words. “You… liked it…?”

Applejack nodded, and trailed her hoof down Rainbow Dash’s cheek to her chin.

“So… you didn’t mind?”

Applejack laughed. “That’s what I said.”

“And you’re not mad?” Dash asked cautiously.

“No—actually, yeah. About one thing.” Applejack mock-scowled. “I always thought you were the kind of girl that when she started a job, she finished it too.”

Dash became very aware of Applejack’s warm breath, mingling with her own. “What?”

Applejack smirked down at her. “I’m sayin’, I thought you knew better than to get a girl all riled up and then leave her bed cold.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed. It wasn’t possible. There was no way. “You mean you want to…?” She couldn’t even bring herself to ask it out loud, it was so unbelievable.

“I mean I want to.” Applejack kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose.

Dash silently opened and closed her mouth several times before she finally managed, “Am I still dreaming?”

Applejack grinned. “Let me ask ya this…” She leaned down, slowly closing the space between them, and Rainbow Dash lay absolutely still, as if hypnotized. Applejack’s lips reached her own, and Dash melted into Applejack for a single incredible moment. But Applejack pulled away all too soon. “Did that feel like a dream?”

“Yeah,” Dash slurred, licking her lips. They still tasted like Applejack.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Applejack said, and kissed her again. Applejack barely knew what had come over herself. Her head was going hazy, and it was becoming hard to concentrate on anything but Dash’s lips and soft moans. As the kiss deepened, Applejack stopped caring. She pulled back to take a breath, still pinning Rainbow Dash down beneath her. But she almost immediately dove down again and threw their lips together.

Rainbow Dash was already utterly lost. Applejack was on top of her. Applejack was kissing her. She could barely make sense of it, and she still worried it might only be a dream. Was this even possible? Applejack forced open her lips and thrust her tongue inside. Dash never had a chance, and Applejack quickly took a hold of her mouth, swirling her tongue with Dash’s own. With what little sense she had left, Dash spread her wings, the only limbs she could move with Applejack holding her down, and curled them around Applejack’s sides. Dash wanted to feel every part of her, feel Applejack's body against her own to know she was really there. She pulled Applejack down so that from their mouths to their chests to their thighs and flanks, Applejack’s warm body pressed firmly to her own. She felt Applejack’s heart beating madly in time with her own. All the while, Applejack never broke the kiss. Rainbow Dash let out a low moan into Applejack’s mouth that she didn’t bother trying to hold back.

Applejack felt Dash’s moan vibrate down her own throat, and she attacked Rainbow Dash’s mouth even more fervidly in response. She had never done anything like this before, never felt so untamed or wild. She didn't think she could have let go like this with any other mare, and she absolutely delighted in the feeling. She thrilled in holding the pegasus down beneath her and in every little sound her lover made. She broke the kiss and moved to Dash’s neck instead. She got her teeth around a tuft of Dash’s coat and bit down hard. Dash gasped, but the gasp quickly fell into a moan.

Applejack let go and nibbled and kissed at the mark she had left. She moved down to Dash’s chest and bit down again, so hard that Dash cried out in both pain and pleasure. Applejack massaged the spot with her lips and tongue, a little worried that she might have hurt the pegasus, but Dash let out a whine as soon as Applejack started to go easy on her.

Applejack took the hint. She wouldn't let up again. She moved down again, slowly working her way down her lover’s body, marking her trail with sharp, quick nips, harder each time, and each time Dash cried out louder.

Rainbow Dash called out Applejack’s name in a hoarse, incoherent shriek. The feeling of Applejack all over her, on her neck and her chest and her stomach and her thighs, left her near senseless, and the stinging pain that came with each bite only further clouded her mind. As great as it felt, though, she wanted to respond Applejack’s ministrations somehow, to take charge, but she couldn’t think past the hazy fog in her head to do anything more than whine and beg for more.

Applejack gripped Dash’s flanks tight and nipped at the inside of her thighs. She looked down, pausing for the first time since she had begun. Rainbow Dash’s marehood glistened beneath her, dripping and winking. Applejack’s breath came hot and shallow. She wanted to take a moment to tease her lover and make her beg, but she was already so aroused, and the sight of that marehood pushed her ever farther over the edge, she only would have been torturing herself.

“Don’t stop, please,” Rainbow Dash pleaded, her voice little more than a drunken whimper. The tension and flaring heat between her legs had become unbearable.

Applejack couldn’t have stopped herself anyway. She leaned down, tongue lolling out of her mouth, and licked from the bottom of Dash’s slit to the top in one quick stroke. Rainbow Dash gasped, but Applejack didn’t give her even a moment to catch her breath. Applejack lunged forward and assailed Dash’s entire marehood with quick, constant flicks of her tongue.

Each and every stroke of Applejack’s tongue was a strike of cool lightning on Dash’s burning marehood that coursed between her legs and all the way up her spine, again and again and again. She cried out with every one. Not even dreams could feel this good. She tried to buck her hips in time with Applejack, but she couldn’t summon the concentration to do even that.

Rainbow Dash wholly surrendered herself to Applejack, as she had waited to do so for so many years, longed for this moment. She tried to remember every little detail, the sounds of her and Applejack's moan's mingling in the air, a short glimpse of Applejack's muzzle between her legs before her eyes squeezed shut again, the shuddering of her wings, the sweet tension growing deep inside. Applejack’s flicks came faster and faster, and the pressure between Dash’s legs grew tighter and more tense until it reached breaking point. Every muscle in her body clenched at once. She arched her back and her neck, and her mind shattered and spilled over the edge as she screamed and lost herself in bliss.

Applejack gave Dash’s pulsing slit two more long licks for good measure before pulling back. Beneath her, Rainbow Dash’s body lay completely limp and still. Her breathing was heavy. She whispered something unintelligible between moans. Applejack crawled up so they were face to face. She lay beside her and nuzzled her beneath her chin, feeling a dazed kind of satisfaction at what she had just done. She hadn't even known she was capable of anything like what she had just done. “You okay, sugarcube?”

Rainbow Dash twitched. “Mmmm…”

Applejack wrapped her hooves around Dash and held her close, waiting for her to come to. She pushed the burning arousal between her own legs out of her mind. She figured it was only fair. It was Rainbow Dash’s sleepover after all, her bed, her bedroom, and her house.

“You… You’re the best,” Dash finally stammered. “That was so much better than I ever thought.”

“Thanks.” Applejack kissed her on the cheek, and then rolled over on top of her. “But we’re not done yet.”

“I wanna do you,” Dash said.

Applejack stroked her cheek. “Then do me.”

Rainbow Dash wrapped her wings around Applejack, but she couldn’t muster the energy to do much more than that. She was still so sensitive that spikes of lightning shot up from between her legs with every little movement. “Unh, give me a minute.”

“All the time you need, sugarcube.” Applejack leaned down and kissed her, gently this time. She moved in past Dash’s open lips, found Dash’s quivering tongue, and began a slow, careful lovers’ dance. She stroked Rainbow’s splayed wings, up and down the trembling feathers. Rainbow Dash soon pressed back against her, and their kiss deepened. Rainbow Dash reached her hooves up, running one through Applejack’s mane to pull her down closer, while she slid the other along Applejack’s side. Applejack felt the hoof move over her flank and massage her cutie mark in tight circles.

Rainbow Dash moaned and squeaked into Applejack’s mouth as the fire lit deep inside her again. The sounds nearly drove Applejack wild, and the kiss became more passionate with each passing moment. Applejack felt Dash’s hoof move from her flank to the inside of her thigh and settle perilously close to her glistening mound.

Applejack couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She needed release. Without breaking the kiss, she began grinding her wet slit against Dash’s thigh. She breathed short, shallow gasps into Dash’s mouth as she bucked her hips faster and faster. Finally, she couldn’t hold the kiss any longer. She broke away and buried her mouth in Dash’s neck, grinding still harder.

“Okay, get on your back now,” Dash said in her ear.

“Make me,” Applejack breathed.

Rainbow Dash laughed. Then, instantly, she flipped Applejack onto her back with more strength than Applejack had thought the flighty pegasus capable of. Dash didn’t give Applejack even a second to prepare. She didn’t waste any time talking or teasing or nipping or kissing. She wanted to—no, needed to show Applejack that she could make her feel as good as Applejack had made her feel. She had imagined this moment for too long to mess it up now. She placed a hoof on both of Applejack’s thighs and forcibly spread the farm pony’s legs apart so she had double-wide access to Applejack’s slit. Then she dove in.

Dash didn’t waste any time with playful, wussy licks, either. She only played to win. She went at Applejack’s full marehood, lapping up Applejack’s sticky, sweet juices with long strokes of her tongue, from her thighs to her slit to deep inside. It tasted so different than she had imagined, so much sweeter. When she had tasted all she could, she went straight for Applejack’s hard nub. She wrapped her lips around it and sucked then licked then blew cool breaths, and quickly switched from one to the other to another.

Applejack shuddered as her whole body was wracked by waves of pleasure. Her legs shook and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Applejack looked down into the darkness of the bedroom and saw Rainbow Dash’s glowing magenta eyes looking up into her own, Dash’s muzzle half-buried between her legs. Dash paused for a single moment to grin up at her and then lunged in again. Applejack’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head at the sight. She bucked her hips into Dash’s mouth, and Dash timed her licks with Applejack’s bucks.

Applejack reached down and grabbed Dash’s head with both her hooves, pulling her lover deeper inside. She bucked harder and harder against Dash’s mouth. Streaks of fire ripped up her body and then all exploded inside her at once. She fell back against the bed as her mind fell into ecstasy. Rainbow Dash still didn’t let up her onslaught, desperate to let Applejack feel all she could. She sucked and flicked her tongue at Applejack’s firm nub even as Applejack’s essence flowed past and around and into her mouth. Applejack cried out and came again, and then her mind was completely gone, riding far away on waves of pleasure.

Rainbow Dash lapped up all of Applejack’s juices, from off her slit, off her thighs, and off the bed, cleaning up her mess. She even licked it off her own face as it dribbled down her chin. When she finished, she crawled up over Applejack’s twitching hind legs and panting chest, smirking at the results of her performance.

She rested beside Applejack and nuzzled her cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“A-anytime,” Applejack managed between heavy breaths.

Rainbow Dash drew the sheet up over them. She lay down, leaving a space between herself and Applejack. She waited, listening to her friend’s calming breaths. They lay beside each other in easy, relaxed quiet for a long time while Rainbow Dash thought.

“Hey, Applejack?” she finally asked.

Applejack roused herself from sleep. “Mmhmm?”

Dash prodded at a moist spot on the mattress and took a deep breath. “I like you.”



Applejack smirked. “I never would’ve guessed it.”

“Yeah,” Dash admitted again. “And I have for a pretty long time. Like, since the very first day I met you.” Dash hesitated, but she had already come this far. There was no stopping now. “Applejack, I’m pretty sure you’re the most beautiful, most awesome pony I’ve ever met. More awesome than me, even.”

Applejack rolled over so they were facing each other, her expression stern. “Why didn’t ya ever tell me?”

“I dunno… I just didn’t.”

Applejack shook her head and then smiled. “Well, you know what?”


“I think I like you, too.” Applejack reached over and stroked her cheek.


Applejack rolled her eyes. “‘Course I do. You really think I would have done this with you if I didn’t?”

“Well…” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“What kind of mare do you think I am?!”

Dash cringed. “Um, the coolest mare I’ve ever met?”

Applejack huffed. “Well, I guess that'll do.”

They lay in silence until Dash worked up the nerve to speak again. “Do you, uh, do you wanna have another sleepover?”

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, I do.”

Dash bit her lip. “Like sometime soon?”

“Sometime real soon.” Applejack’s breath came slower and slower, and her eyelids became heavy. “One condition.”

Dash looked up. “Yeah?”

“You have to let me take ya out to eat first.”

“You mean…” Rainbow Dash hesitated. “Like a date?”

Applejack grinned. “More than just like a date.”

Rainbow Dash silently hoof pumped, rustling the sheet. “You got it.”

“Good.” Applejack smiled and yawned. “Now get over here so I can hold ya while I fall asleep.”

Rainbow Dash happily complied. She scooted over and felt Applejack’s hooves embrace her. She rested her head on Applejack’s chest.

“And one more thing,” Applejack said, and Dash could feel the words rumble through Applejack’s chest.

“Yeah?” Dash asked, yawning.

Applejack shook her gently and kissed her forehead. “I think you’re the most beautiful, most awesome pony I’ve ever met, too.”

Rainbow Dash grinned and nuzzled into Applejack’s chest. No, she decided, now this was the best sleepover ever. “Thank you.”

They lay very close together, and fell asleep.