> Her Giant > by THEqwabik > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: First Night Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna awoke from another dream, the dream was terrible, it was about Nightmare Moon. She wanted to get those thoughts out of her head but she couldent, they just stay there. She goes out side on to her balcony and her horn glows, the moon rises high above the sky and stars begin to shine throughout the night sky. Luna is proud of her work and takes care of her night, she try's her best to hold in all thoughts of keeping it up in the sky but she states the other side. "I wish somepony will cherish my night," Luna mumbled as her wings spread apart and her body took flight. Luna flied to her personal resting spot near a tree, yet she didn't her usual resting spot, there was another pony. It was a stallion, with a telescope looking out at the sky. The stallion had a grey coat and his mane was white and it was slicked back. It was obvious he was unicorn with the horn on his head. He was taking notes while he looked at the sky, he wasn't too old, he looked twenty at his age but still had the physical traits as an old stallion. Luna gently landed behind him, hoping he didn't hear, she started walking towards him slowly. With all of her courage she finally said, "Hello sir.... Um.... May I ask what are you doing," The stallion turned his around and looked at Luna, he could sense that she felt guilt and regret. "What am I doing? I'm looking at your beautiful night sky with a group of people! I don't know if you heard, Princess, but I'm in astronomy," the stallion replied with a smile. "What is astronomy? I've heard my sister talk about it," "Astronomy is where you study the night sky! Look at the stars! Find constellations! Look for other things too, like shooting stars!" he replied with a chuckle. "I guess we should introduce ourselves, my name is Princess Luna," Luna said. "My name is Giant," the stallion replied. This puzzled Luna, who would name their colt Giant? Luna needed some answers. "Why did your parents name you that?" saked Luna. "Well, there's a story behind, it's long story," Giant said, his head was moving in different directions. "I would like to hear it," Luna said politely. "O.K. It's a long story so I would lay down. When my parents got married, they wanted to know their childs destiny, and their child held many destinies, he would have a giant selection of, oh let's just say 'things to do' and because of this, I have many talents and a giant selection of 'things to do', so they galled me Giant," Giant explained, "But there were some drawbacks to having this name." "Would it be O.K. If you shared the drawbacks?" Luna asked with regret, she didn't know what she was getting into. "It's fine! It's a funny story really! Everypony was saying how their the giant and I'm a dwarf. So a few comebacks couldn't hurt like 'you're saying your giant? Well, let me stand up and... Hey! Where'd ya go? Oh, your down there.' that was my best one," Giant explained, Luna tried to hold back her laughter but it got the best of her and she was rolling around on the floor, "and guess you got out of high school first? Me." Giant seemed proud of standing up to his bully all the time, he shared stories with Luna, then they even shared same interests and talked to each other like old friends. While in the middle of chat the sun started to rise. "Well, yeeeaaaah I've gotta get home and take a nap, so, same place 'tomorrow'," Giant said. "Yeah, I have to go back to Celestia, so same place 'tomorrow'," Luna said. They both chuckled at their joke and went their seprate ways. Luna was glad she found a friend, someone to talk when she feels down and someone to be with for the most of it. When she got home to her castle, she had to tell Celestia, she had to tell Celestia about everything. So that's what she did. "Tia! Tia! I met somepony!" Luna said cheerfully. "I'm very happy for you Luna! Why don't you come and sit down with me so you can tell me all about your friend," Celestia said as she started filling cups with tea. Luna told her about Giant. Every little thing about him. > Chapter 2: Strange Enough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant got to meet the pony that made the night come up for more than a thousand years, his role model when he was little. We walked with excitement, I can't believe I was able to meet my role model, he thought. When he was done taking his nap, he went straight to work and told his buddies that he got to meet Princess Luna last night. They all asked him did you ask some night related questions. Giant said that he was too shy so he will ask next time they meet. === They were there, again, under the same tree. Giant got his answers, he was happy, Luna was happy that she found people that just love her night so much that they study it, and would be happy to help. Giant was so happy that he's getting so much knowledge about the night and meet his role model! It was like a win-win situation for the both of them. They were acting like they were in love but they never thought about it that way. They thought it was normal, like when ever giant found something cool or strange, he'd show it too Luna. Then Luna would talk about it and vise versa. When Luna found something weird on Giants note pad, he'd tell her about it. But they felt something new, something that the didn't know what it was. Was it anxiety? No, it couldent be that, a start of friendship? No, it was something more. They both went back to their homes. Giant took his nap, but Luna, oh Luna didn't sleep, she discussed this feeling to her sister, all day long. Celestia said that it was love! But Luna denied this, she didn't want to admit it. She never went to sleep that day, she just payed in her bed thinking it over. Now, you may be wondering about Giants side of this story, Giant went to his group and told his group all the answers they wanted, and they were all intrigued. Luna, on the other hand, was fantasizing about Giant in her mind, she couldn't dream, so that's what she just did. She imagined, them, at that same tree, with one fillie and a colt, and Giant teaching them about her night. She imagined them married. Luna was in love, but not this kind of love in many, many years. It was nearing nighttime again. Giant was getting his equipment ready for the sunset, and the rise of the moon. When this magnificent thing happened, he could see stars appear in the night sky. It was the best thing he ever saw, and he gets to see it every night of his life, now he gets to be by his role model for the rest of his life! Luna was proud of her night, and she gets to share it with those who appreciate it, those who smile at the moons rise. Those who smile, at the stars first glow. > Chapter 3: Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna flew gracefully to the tree, the tree that held the memories of their friendship. Giant was already there, looking in the sky and taking his notes like he usually does. Luna is going say something life changing to him, she doesn't know how he will react but, she can at least try. She lands, making sure he didn't hear her. He didn't hear her, good. She clears her throat. "Hi Giant," Luna said nervously. "Hello Luna! What are you doing?" Giant said easily. "l...um...have something...to...um...tell you," Luna said nervously. "Well? Don't pause, tell me!" Giant said, a bunch of scenarios were in his head at this momment. "I...I think I love you," === The past few days, they were in love. Giant was fine with that, he wanted to marry Luna when he was younger, you know when he gets older he's gonna find Luna the marry her. Giant knew that this would would never happen because he wasn't really into mares. But when a Princess says "I love you," do you turn that down? That's what ran through Giants head when she said that, he was in shock and disarray that Luna cocked it the whole thing up and she started saying sorry really fast, like a hundred sorries per second. It did take a while for Giant to comprehend the situation, the he told Luna to not worry its fine. Now when everytime get together, they exchange smiles, not regular old friendly smiles, they are smiles of love. By the tree, they keep close together, they never want to leave each other's side. Luna hasn't told Celestia about this yet, but Giant is pushing her to do so. But Luna's too shy, but ther're pretty sure, things will be known, somehow. > In Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The past two years they were in love, they thought about marriage but never spoke of it. Until one night Giant hid a ring in the grass. When Luna came to the tree it was normal until giant took that ring, sat down and said these exact words "Will you marry me, my dear Princess?" And this changed Luna forever and with an outstanding "Yes! Yes I will marry you! How could I not!" and their love was going to last forever until death due them apart. *** Of course they had to arrange a marriage, a royal marriage. Luna had to tell Celestial that she was getting married and giant had to tell his partners and his parents plus his relatives. Giant handed out cards to the marriage and Luna did set design, sorta. Since Giant was getting married to Luna, he was able to move into the castle, so now he has a great view of the stars so he can collect more data, and now, it's gonna be a long wait till marriage day. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though it's been fourty years since they said "I do." And till death due them apart, their love was strong. He started a bond that connot be undone. He started a bond that would start something great for eternity. He started by leaving a imprint and making a trail out of it. His name was Giant, even though he was small, he did something giant. Other ponies heard of him and surprised that he was in love with a maniac. But he proved the maniac stereotype of Princess Luna and made her love able. And the proudest of them all, was herselft, Clestia. Even though she did nothing, she was proud her little sister was able to find somepony to care about her. When Giant went a away in a gold casket, Celestial and Luna became closer than ever. Nothing stood in their way.