Red Eye

by Fonypan

First published

After an undead creature attacks Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia sends Fluttershy to attempt to reform the assailant. That brief contact leaves an irreversible mark on Fluttershy's life. Follow her descent into a whirlwind of misery and despair.

After an undead creature attacks Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia sends Fluttershy to attempt to reform the assailant. That brief contact leaves an irreversible mark on Fluttershy's life. Follow her descent into a whirlwind of misery and despair.

Original author: KWF (He decided to leave the fandom.)

All art by Aisu-isme.

Session 01 - An Eye is Upon You

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“Got you!” said Scootaloo.

“Where?” said Sweetie Belle. “I can’t see.”

“Here, diagonally.”

“Pretty sneaky, Scootaloo.”

“My turn!” said Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle switched places with Apple Bloom, content to sit out and watch for a round. Scootaloo reset the game, and then she and Apple Bloom took turns dropping plastic discs into a vertical grid.

Something on the edge of vision caught Sweetie Belle’s attention. She glanced up at the window for a better look. A pair of piercing, red embers gazed back from the darkness outside. Staring through her, deep into her soul.

Sweetie Belle fell back with a shriek of terror. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo jumped in surprise, and looked at the same window.

They saw only the silhouettes of apple trees against the night sky. The unseen predator had vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

“Why did you scream?” said Scootaloo.

“There was a monster outside!” said Sweetie Belle.

“A monster?” said Apple Bloom. “There aren’t any monsters at Sweet Apple Acres!”

“I saw eyes! Glowing, red eyes!” said Sweetie Belle. “Whatever it was moved when I screamed, but it was just outside the window!”

“Ooh, spooky!” said Scootaloo. “What do you think it was?”

“There ain’t nothin’ out there!” said Apple Bloom. “I’ll prove it!”

“Apple Bloom, no!” said Sweetie Belle. “I know I saw something out there! We should all just stay inside tonight.”

“What if there really is something out there?” said Scootaloo. “It is kind of spooky, and dark. Not that I’m scared, or anything!”

“You two just wait here. I’ll go outside and show you there’s nothin’ out there.”

Apple Bloom exited the crusaders’ clubhouse. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat in silence, nervously eyeing one another. A sharp scream tore through the air, and both fillies jumped. They ran outside and looked around in a panic.

“Apple Bloom! Where are you, Apple Bloom?” said Scootaloo. “Come on, this isn’t funny!”

“Apple Bloom, are you all right?” said Sweetie Belle. “Say something!”

“Let’s split up and look for her!”

“Are you crazy? That’s a terrible idea! Apple Bloom could be seriously hurt, or worse! We need an adult! Let’s go get Applejack!”

“But... Fine, let’s go!”

The two fillies made a mad dash for the Apple family house. After a brief sprint through the orchard at midnight, they made it inside safely. They charged upstairs, into Applejack’s room.

“Applejack, Applejack!” said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo leapt onto the bed and began jumping up and down. “Come on, wake up! We need you!”

Applejack stirred. “What are you two carryin’ on about? Where’s Apple Bloom?”

“That’s the problem!” said Sweetie Belle. “We saw some kind of monster, and it got Apple Bloom!”

Applejack sighed. “You fillies have been readin’ too many scary stories.”

“No, really!” said Scootaloo. “She screamed, and then she was gone!”

“Well, where is she?” said Applejack.

“We don’t know!” said Sweetie Belle. “She went outside and screamed, and then there was no trace of her. She might be hurt, or even—“

“Simmer down,” said Applejack. “She probably just spooked herself and ran off into the orchard. I’ll go look for her. You two stay here. We don’t need three fillies runnin’ around in the dark.”

“Be careful!” said Scootaloo.

“Don’t let it get you, too!” said Sweetie Belle.

“There’s nothin’ out there. Everything’s fine! You two just calm down. I’ll find Apple Bloom, and the three of you will laugh about this in the mornin’.”

Applejack crawled out of bed and stretched. The tired and slightly annoyed farm pony trotted down the stairs. She lit a lantern, then hung it from her neck by a cord. Armed with light, the orange pony ventured out into the darkness.

"Apple Bloom~! Come on out now. There's nothin' to be scared of, your big sister's here. It's time to quit hidin' and come inside!"

Applejack wandered the Apple Family's property, calling out to Apple Bloom again and again. Her calls went unanswered. The farm pony checked the clubhouse first, then searched the barn. She systematically eliminated every hiding place she knew Apple Bloom to use. Her best guesses followed.

As more and more time passed without sight of Apple Bloom, Applejack began to worry. She ran between the trees, loudly calling out for her little sister and hearing nothing in response. Her swift trot shook the lantern, making it bounce against her chest. The light it cast wobbled and danced, bending the shadows into wicked shapes.

Just as the sun began to rise, Applejack tripped over something. She landed on her lantern, pressing her bare flesh against hot glass. Applejack winced and shifted to her side to keep from burning herself further. The lantern, fortunately, remained intact after the fall.

Applejack looked back to see what had tripped her. A lump of yellow fur, bearing two tufts of bright red hair. Apple Bloom lay motionless in the grass. A long, deep incision meandered from the side of her neck to the middle of her back. The fur surrounding her wound was soaked with blood, but only the slightest trickle came out of the cut itself.

“Apple Bloom!”

Applejack checked her little sister for a pulse. Faint, but still alive. She gently lifted the filly and laid her across her back. Then, she set off towards the hospital in a swift but cautious trot. It took every ounce of the farm pony's will to contain her panic.

“Hang in there, Apple Bloom! I’m not gonna let you die!”

Session 02 - Everything Evil

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Apple Bloom lay all but motionless on her hospital bed. If not for her shallow breathing and the occasional twitch, she could be mistaken for a corpse. A series of thick bandages trailed across her neck, and disappeared beneath a green hospital gown. Twilight Sparkle sat nearby, speed-reading her way through a stack of books.

Opposite the bed from Twilight, Applejack paced. Her expression was lost somewhere between anger and worry. Spike sat next to Twilight, watching Applejack and twiddling his claws. None of them said a word. Only background noise filled in the otherwise absolute silence.

Suddenly, Spike belched. A scroll popped out of his mouth, along with a puff of green flame. Twilight snagged the scroll with her magic the instant it appeared. She unfurled the letter, allowing an enclosed triangular shard to fall to the floor. Temporarily ignoring the shrapnel, Twilight read the letter aloud.

Dear Twilight,

Though I am loath to admit it, I fear the attack on Apple Bloom can only mean one thing. Forgotten has resurfaced. I have done battle with this being in the past. On different occasions I have turned her to stone, thrown her into space, and even destroyed her body with a magical explosion. All to no avail. No matter how thorough my methods, Forgotten always finds a way to return. I can, at best, buy a few decades of peace.

I am happy to hear that Apple Bloom is alive. Most of Forgotten's victims do not survive. Forgotten is not a true immortal, but a lich. While she cannot die, she must use the blood of young ponies to restore and preserve her body. This obviously cannot be tolerated, but I have come to accept that violence is not the answer.

As fighting Forgotten has never once worked as more than a short-term solution, I have thought up an alternative. She was, at one time, a pony. If any of her former self remains, it may be possible to reason with her.

This requires a gentle touch. I suggest that Fluttershy speak to Forgotten. If Fluttershy can convince Forgotten to coexist peacefully, she will have saved countless foals. Please do not send her to do this alone. Forgotten has proven herself to be very dangerous. Should things go awry, do not attempt to fight her. Get yourselves to safety, and let me handle the rest.

I wish you luck in peacefully resolving this situation. Please write again as soon as you have an update. I am enclosing a fragment of Forgotten's skull, which you may use to track her with your magic.

Princess Celestia

Twilight put the scroll aside, and telekinetically lifted the skull fragment from the floor. She eyed the bone piece with a grimace. "Eww. This was part of somepony's skull?"

Applejack fumed. "That thing tried to kill Apple Bloom, and the princess wants us to talk to it? No! I ain't havin' that! I say we track that critter down, march right up to it, and kick its head clean off!"

"Applejack, you need to calm down," said Twilight. "Princess Celestia said violence isn't the answer. If blowing Forgotten up didn't keep her away, I don't think kicking her head off is going to work any better."

"We don't know that! Maybe she's like a cat, and her nine lives ain't run out yet?"

"I think we should follow the princess on this one. She knows what we're dealing with a lot better than we do."


"Applejack, just breathe. You look like you're about to blow a fuse. I know you're upset about what happened to Apple Bloom, but anger isn't helping anything. If we go at this carelessly, we might just make everything worse. Go for a trot and cool down for a while. Get some fresh air."

"Well, all right. Can't say I won't be just as angry when I get back, though."

Applejack left the hospital room. Twilight turned her attention to Spike. "Run and fetch Fluttershy. I remember seeing the word 'lich' in one of these books. I'm going to learn all I can about what we're dealing with before she gets here."

"Right now? She's probably still asleep."

"Yes, right now! This is important! Apple Bloom almost died!"

"O-okay! I'll be back in two shakes of a dragon's tail!"

Spike scampered out of the room, leaving Twilight alone with Apple Bloom. Twi flipped through her books until she found mention of liches. She studied intensely, pushing herself to read as fast as possible.


A short while later, Fluttershy stepped into the room. Spike lounged lazily on her back. The yellow pegasus pony's concerned expression turned into one of dread when she saw the bandages on Apple Bloom's neck.

"What happened to Apple Bloom? Was she in an accident?" said Fluttershy.

"This was no accident. Apple Bloom was attacked." said Twilight.

"Goodness! Does Applejack know?"

"Applejack found her like this. She isn't taking it well. I convinced her to go for a trot to calm down just before I sent for you."

"Why would somepony do this to Apple Bloom?"

"The creature responsible isn't a pony. At least, not anymore. What we're dealing with is a lich."

"A what?"

"An undying monster. A dead pony who still walks! She calls herself Forgotten, but I did some research. Forgotten's name first appears right around the time stories about a lich named Varinia drop off. I think they're the same creature! If that's true, she's been around for over a thousand years! In life, Varinia was—“

"Um, I don't mean to cut you off Twilight, but why would a lich attack Apple Bloom?"

"To steal her blood. Princess Celestia says she has a history of attacking fillies this way. Apple Bloom is lucky Applejack found her in time. Most of Forgotten’s victims don't make it."

"Why would she take Apple Bloom's blood? That's awful!"

“Forgotten uses filly blood as a catalyst in rejuvenation spells to preserve her body. You see, liches live forever and are immune to illness, but their bodies fall apart over time. Their cells die at an unnaturally slow rate, but new cells are never made. This book on the undead has a fascinating section all about liches!"

"Can't Princess Celestia do something to stop her?"

"She's tried, a lot. Forgotten will stay gone for a while, but she always finds a way to come back within a few decades. Princess Celestia can't kill Forgotten permanently, for no lack of trying. She wants us to take a different approach."

"What do you mean?"

"Fluttershy, you can find the good in anypony. It's your specialty. Fighting Forgotten gets us nowhere. The princess sent me a letter asking that you use your talents to fix this mess without violence."

"I'm flattered, but what can I do?"

"Just go talk to her. Try to appeal to any good that might still exist in her. Try to make her see that what she's doing is wrong."

"What if she attacks me?"

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting nearby. If things go sour, just scream. I'll defend you with my magic."


"The princess wouldn't ask you to do this if she wasn't confident in you. I won't let that monster hurt you, I promise. If she comes at you, I'll protect you."

"Where am I even supposed to find Forgotten?”

"That part will be simple. The princess sent me a skull fragment so that I can track her. I can take you right to her hiding place. After that, it's up to you."

Session 03 - Bye Bye, World

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Fluttershy stood at the mouth of a large cavern. She had been hesitating for a long time, and didn't know what to expect on the inside. An unnatural chill hung in the air, warding away most animals and insects. Despite the summer heat, the temperature near the cave was downright cold. She breathed deeply of the stale air, then headed inside.

An undulating corridor twisted every which way. It would be all but impossible to navigate in the dark. The lantern around Fluttershy’s neck guided her safely. The further she went into the cave, the more she felt something. It wasn’t just cold, still air. There was something wrong here.

Fluttershy’s stomach did backflips. Her heart tried to crawl up her throat and escape. The ominous feeling only grew stronger with each step she took. It made her physically ill. The very fabric of reality had been stained by some dark perversion against nature, and even coming near it repulsed Fluttershy.

Then, Fluttershy stepped on something squishy. She looked down. Round, shiny. It took her some time to recognize what she was looking at. More so to admit to herself what she was seeing. Eyes.

A pony’s eyes laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. Flesh, muscle, and optic nerve still clung to them. They even had eyelids and eyelashes. One had been crushed under Fluttershy’s hoof. The other stared upwards, returning Fluttershy’s gaze. The golden iris shimmered in the light of Fluttershy’s lantern.

Fluttershy had the foresight to push her lantern aside before puking. She hadn’t eaten anything yet, so all that came up was a thin stream of bile. She spent a few seconds retching. Each glance at the disembodied eyeball brought on another dry heave. She closed her eyes tight and whimpered. It took every fiber of her being to resist sobbing.

Ahead, the narrow corridor opened into a cavern. Fluttershy could just barely see light in the distance. She took a deep breath, only to be reminded that the air sickened her. Steeling her reserve in a less breathy way, Fluttershy marched. Onward, into certain death.

The interior of the cave had been furnished with the opulence of a palace. Expensive rugs stretched across the floor, marble sculptures stood upon the few patches of even flooring, and badly water-damaged paintings hung from the cavern walls. Fluttershy followed the distant flicker of light deeper into the cave.

Fluttershy soon found herself in another large chamber. Golden sconces lined the walls, bearing scented candles. Dim, flickering light danced throughout the room. Other corridors snaked off into the darkness. In the center, resting upon a chaise longue, was a bony unicorn mare.

Her dark teal mane and tail stood out against a pale, beige coat. She had no eyes, but each empty socket bore a speck of unnatural luminescence. Two motes of red light, like hot coals amidst a black abyss. Blood oozed from the skin around her eye sockets.

"You really are a terrible assassin, my dear," said the lichpony. "I heard every step you took."

"Um, I'm not an assassin," said Fluttershy.

"Oh? Then why are you here? You're a bit old to be a sacrifice, but I could still kill you if that's what you're after."

"N-no, I'm happy being alive. I just want to talk, Forgotten. I-I mean, Varinia.”

"Vah-rin-ee-ah. Yes, that is my name! I haven't heard it in so long that I had forgotten what it sounds like. You have earned my respect, little pony. You may say your piece. Just watch that you don't arouse my ire."

"I want you to stop hurting foals.”

"Why would I do a silly thing like that?"

"Um…because it's wrong?"

"What was that, dear?"

"It's wrong to steal blood from foals, please stop."

Varinia laughed, then stood from her chaise longue and approached Fluttershy. "Wrong? You mortals and your ethics. If not for taking in the blood of youth, I'd be nothing but bones! Would you allow such beauty to fade for the sake of a few commoners? Their deaths are a small price to pay for my eternity."

"What if somepony took your daughter from you? How would you feel?"

"Daughter? How ludicrous. No stallion is worthy of planting his seed in me. I have my way with males, and then kill them before they finish."

"Well then, what if it happened to you? What if somepony had captured you as a filly and bled you dry for their own vanity? You've lived your life and then some, you must let everypony else live theirs."

Fluttershy continued to expound the moral ramifications of cannibalizing foals for eternal youth. Varinia appeared to lose interest in the sermon, and allowed her gaze to wander. Undaunted by the lack of attention, Fluttershy continued to lecture the undead horror before her. Suddenly, Varinia’s expression softened.

“You’re right,” said Varinia. “I can’t keep doing this. Blood magic or not, I’m old. Old, and scorned, and alone. To think I used to take it as a challenge when ponies told me I’d never defeat Celestia.”

“But that’s not what I—“

“Your words have moved me. I see now that I’m irrelevant and powerless. Why, I haven’t even been able to raise a proper army in over eight hundred years. What hope do I have of taking back what is rightfully mine? You’re absolutely right. I should just give up.”

“But I didn’t s—“

“Thank you for talking to me like another pony, and not some supernatural monster.”

“Oh, um. You’re welcome. I think?”

The air wavered, and an ornate wooden box appeared beneath the chaise longue. Lacquered mahogany, with finely polished gold accents. Varinia lifted the box via telekinesis and placed it in front of Fluttershy, then opened it. The velvet-lined interior held a glass ball, about three inches across. A dense, colorless fog danced just beneath the surface of the glass. Varinia removed the orb from the box and placed it on the floor of the cave. The lid of the box fell of its own weight.

"This case was made to house my phylactery," said Varinia. "Custom designed, and built of the finest materials and workmanship that money can buy. There is truly nothing else like it. It would mean a lot to me if you, the mare who showed me the error of my ways, were to keep it.”

"This is beautiful, but don't you need it?"

Varinia rest her hoof atop the fog-filled glass sphere. "No. Not anymore."

No sooner than she'd finished speaking, Varinia crushed the glass globe underhoof. The colorless fog inside escaped and quickly dissipated into the air. Varinia emitted an ear-splitting howl of agony. Her eyes went dark and great fissures appeared in her skin.

Blood flowed freely from her sudden wounds, and flesh fell from her bones. The lichpony hung her head low and allowed a rush of blood and organ fragments to flood out of her mouth, then collapsed into her own crimson mess.

The foul magic holding Varinia's cursed body together had been dispelled, and she was reduced to a blood-drenched pile of flesh and bone in seconds. The wrongness in the air faded almost instantly. Fluttershy stared at the remains in abject horror. Varinia's death was by far the most stunning and grotesque display of suffering Fluttershy had ever seen, and it had been motivated by her words. She couldn't help but feel a sharp pang of guilt, in spite of Varinia's actions.

When the shock wore off, Fluttershy turned her attention to the phylactery case. The yellow pegasus hesitantly reached for the box. The instant she touched it, a spark of electricity stung her hoof. Fluttershy drew back in surprise, then picked up the box and cautiously placed it on her back.

An instant later, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity rushed into the cave. The two unicorns stopped in their tracks at the sight of the bloody mess in front of Fluttershy. They stared for a long time before either spoke.

"Good heavens, Fluttershy!" said Rarity. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do it," said Fluttershy. "She, um, killed herself."

"Suicide! How uncouth!" said Rarity.

"Are you sure, Fluttershy?" said Twilight. "She's been 'killed' before and has survived to butcher more fillies."

"She smashed some kind of glass ball. She called it a phylactery,” said Fluttershy.

“A phylactery?” said Twilight. “My book says that’s where a lich keeps its soul. They need to keep it safe to remain immortal.”

“It was awful,” said Fluttershy. “She screamed, and then fell apart. Like her body tore itself to pieces from the inside. S-so much blood…”

"You poor thing, that must have been a traumatic sight,” said Rarity. "Come, let's get out of this icky place. I'm treating you to the spa, immediately!"

"I'm not entirely convinced this isn't some kind of trick,” said Twilight. "Stay alert, you two. I'm going to check on Apple Bloom. Hopefully Applejack has calmed down since this morning…”

Session 04 - Safe From the Storms

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"You're going to see Apple Bloom again?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Why not? We used to hang out every day!" said Scootaloo. "You should come, too. She misses you!"

"I...I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't stand to see her so helpless. Remember last time I visited? All I did was cry!"

"What's with you? You've been weird since Apple Bloom got hurt!"

"Every time I look at her, I know she could have died. All three of us could have died. I don't like to think about it. Foalnapping monsters, dying before we even get our cutie's just too much!"

"But she's going to be okay! Fluttershy got rid of the monster. Everything's going to be fine!"

"I'll hang out when she gets out of the hospital. She's the toughest of the three of us, and seeing her too hurt to even get up is just… I can't do it. Tell her I said hi!"

"Fine, be that way."

The two fillies went their separate ways. Sweetie Belle went home. Scootaloo went to the hospital. She checked in at the front desk. Then, she dashed down the hall. She knew the way to Apple Bloom's room like the back of her hoof.

When Scootaloo entered, she saw Applejack standing next to the hospital bed. Apple Bloom sat up a bit more, with a slight wince. Both earth ponies smiled at Scootaloo.

"Howdy, Scootaloo!" said Applejack. "We were just talking about you!"

"Oh? Good things, I hope!" said Scootaloo.

"Of course!" said Apple Bloom. "Applejack just said you'd be here any minute now, and here you are!"

"Where's Sweetie Belle?" said Applejack.

"She didn't want to visit," said Scootaloo. "She's, uh. Well…”

"It's okay," said Apple Bloom. "What happened to me was really scary. She's probably still spooked."

"That's pretty much exactly what it is," said Scootaloo. "She's being a scaredy-pony."

"Scaredy-pony or not, she still ought to come see Apple Bloom in the hospital," said Applejack. "It ain't right, avoidin’ Apple Bloom like that.”

"It's okay, really," said Apple Bloom. "I'll see her when I'm all better. We'll get caught up, and go back to crusader business, and everything will be back to normal!"

"I'll leave y'all be so you can have some filly time. Take care!" Applejack kissed Apple Bloom on the forehead, then left.

Scootaloo trotted over to Apple Bloom's bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little stronger every day! The doctor says I can go home tomorrow if I promise to take it easy. Big Macintosh and Granny Smith brought me some apple pie, and Applejack read to me just like she did when I was little. Today has been pretty good!"

"Great! You sound a lot better, too."

"You know, you don't have to come visit every day. I'm sure you want to hang out with Sweetie Belle, too."

"I know I don't have to visit every day. I want to visit, because I like you."

"Aw shucks, Scootaloo. I like you too!"

"I mean I like you. Like-like."

Apple Bloom blushed. "You're kiddin', right?"

Scootaloo blushed deeply, and stared at the floor. After a moment of awkward silence, Scootaloo put her hooves up on the hospital bed and craned her neck to kiss Apple Bloom on the cheek. The gesture of affection caused both fillies to blush more intensely. Scootaloo rushed out of the room without another word.

Something caught Apple Bloom's eye just before Scootaloo made it out the door. "Scootaloo, wait! You got your cutie mark!"

Session 05 - Swimming in the Smoke

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A thousand shades of orange danced amongst the trees and throughout the outer edge of Ponyville. The Everfree Forest, outside the care and maintenance of ponies, had suffered a long drought. In the heat of the summer sun, the dehydrated vegetation took flame. The fire spread quickly, engulfing much of the forest and a small stretch of Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle gazed through the library window with a worried expression. The early evening sky was illuminated and tinged orange by bright and abundant flames. Dark clouds of smoke rolled up from seemingly everywhere. Rarity wedged in beside Twilight, mashing cheek-to-cheek with her to get a better look.

“It’s awfully intense out there. Do you think everything will be all right?” said Rarity.

“I don’t know,” said Twilight. “The pegasi are working their hardest to put out the fires, but there’s only so much that rain can do. They have it contained, at least. Your boutique should be safe, though you’re still welcome to stay the night here.”

“Thank you. I believe I will! Fire or no fire, it’s been entirely too long since our last sleepover. Perhaps Spikey-Wikey could join us this time. Where is he, anyway?”

“He went to check on Fluttershy. The fire was spreading towards her end of town.”

“I hope the poor dear is all right!”

“Spike’s a dragon. A little fire won’t bother him.”

“I meant Fluttershy.”

“She’ll be okay. My number one assistant wouldn’t let anything happen to her!”


Fluttershy found herself in a small clearing, with flame to every side. She had braved the fire with the intent of leading animals to safety, only to find that the animals had long since fled. Her courage evaporated quickly in the heat of the forest fire.

Spike dashed through the woods, running as fast as his stubby little dragon-legs would carry him. His only guide through the inferno was a trail of hoof prints in the dead grass and dusty, dry dirt. He soon spotted Fluttershy and broke into a full sprint.

“Fluttershy!” said Spike. “Come on, we have to get out of here!”

“No, I can’t!” said Fluttershy. “There’s too much fire! There’s no way out!”

“Come with me, I’ll get you out safe! We’ll just go back the way I came in!”

“It’s too narrow, I’ll get burned! Let’s stay here until the fire goes out. It’s safe here.”

“No, it isn’t! There’s too much smoke! One of these trees could fall! We have to get back to Ponyville!”

Spike grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof and made a futile attempt to drag her. Fluttershy leaned away from Spike and flapped her wings. The two of them managed to go nowhere, neither able to summon the strength to move the other.

“Come on Fluttershy, stop fighting! I’m trying to help you!”

“No! I don’t want to die!”

The base of an old maple tree began to give out. The telltale cracking went unheard over the mighty roar of the flame. While the two friends struggled, the tree leaned ever further to one side. The dry, dead wood finally gave way, and the burning tree was felled by its own weight. Spike had the misfortune of standing just where the timber fell, and was smashed beneath the mass of burning wood. The tree also pinned Fluttershy’s left foreleg and left wing.

Fluttershy shrieked in agony, and struggled against the weight of the tree. Her efforts put strain on her leg and wing, and did little more than bring her further pain. Neither the tree nor her flesh would give, leaving her trapped. Fluttershy screamed herself hoarse in between fits of coughing, but there was nopony around to hear her.

Session 06 - Rust and Veneer

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Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity sat near a hole in the ground. Many other ponies sat further back from the four. A small, stone marker protruded from the dirt on the other side of the hole. Simple block letters were engraved into its surface.


Twilight Sparkle stood behind the headstone. The other ponies remained silent, with heads respectfully bowed, while Twilight orated. Tears twinkled in her eyes, but she held herself together well enough to deliver Spike’s eulogy.

“Spike was the best assistant I’ve ever had, but he was more than that. He was also a beloved friend. He gave his life trying to rescue Fluttershy, and I know he’d have done the same for anypony in danger. What he did was brave, and selfless. A true act of heroism. He will be sorely missed, but I have never been more proud of him.”

Twilight stepped around the grave and joined her friends. The gravediggers approached and began shoveling dirt into the hole. The sound of dirt hitting Spike’s coffin broke Twilight’s composure. She shut her eyes tight, and tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She opened her eyes when Rarity hugged her, and saw streams of mascara running down Rarity’s cheeks.

“He lived a good life,” said Rarity. “Not a long one, but a good one. He was always surrounded by friends and loved ones.”

“Yeah…” said Twilight.

“That was a beautiful eulogy,” said Rarity. “A fitting send-off for our dearly departed dragon.”

Rainbow Dash hugged Twilight from the other side. “I hear he died instantly. He probably didn’t feel a thing.”

“That doesn’t really make me feel better,” said Twilight.

“I’m sorry,” said Rainbow Dash. “That sounded better in my head.”

“It’s okay,” said Twilight. “Your heart’s in the right place.”

“Why isn’t Princess Celestia here?” said Rainbow Dash. “She knew Spike, too. She should come pay her respects.”

“That would be incredibly insensitive,” said Rarity. “Think about it. Princess Celestia is immortal. For an undying pony to come to a funeral would be an insult to the deceased.”

“H-hello, am I too late?”

Twilight looked up to see Fluttershy approaching. Bandages covered much of her left side, hiding the burns beneath. Her left leg and left wing had received particular care. She walked with a severe limp. Despite her attempts to hide it, she was clearly in a great deal of pain.

“Fluttershy, you shouldn’t be up so soon,” said Twilight. “Your wounds need time to heal.”

“My doctor told me the same thing,” said Fluttershy. “I’ll go back to the hospital, I promise. I just didn’t want to miss Spike’s funeral. Especially since this is all my fault.”

“Fluttershy!” said Rarity. “My goodness. What would make you say such a ridiculous thing?”

“If I had followed Spike when he came for me, he would still be alive.”

“Nopony blames you for what happened,” said Rainbow Dash. “You were scared!”


“Fluttershy, you’re one of the closest friends Spike had,” said Twilight. “You were so important to him that he gave his life trying to save you. Do you think he’d want you to feel bad about that?”


Twilight hugged Fluttershy, causing her to wince. “It hurts me deeply to know Spike is gone, but it would be even worse to lose two friends on the same day. You survived, and that’s nothing to feel guilty for.”


Fluttershy’s friends gathered around her for a group hug. The affectionate gesture put uncomfortable pressure on Fluttershy’s injuries. She grit her teeth and bore it, grateful to have such loving friends. After a few painful moments, the group hug ended.

“School’s lettin’ out soon,” said Applejack. “I still ain’t told Apple Bloom about Spike. I don’t even know what to say, but she’ll figure it out on her own if I don’t tell her.”

“I don’t think Sweetie Belle knows either,” said Rarity. “I think our parents should be the ones to talk to her about death, but I feel like I should tell her something.”

“I should get back to Sweet Apple Acres,” said Applejack. “Sorry to leave early.”

“No, it’s okay,” said Twilight. “I understand completely.”

“I must be going, as well,” said Rarity.

Applejack and Rarity each hugged Twilight, then went on their way. Pinkie Pie hugged Twilight next, but didn’t let go. She rest her head on Twilight’s shoulder. Her hair hung straight down, as it often did when she was in a poor mood. Her face was wet with tears. Most unusually, she hadn’t spoken a single word all day.

“Pinkie Pie, are you all right?” said Twilight.

Pinkie sniffled and shook her head. Twilight gave Pinkie a friendly squeeze. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy joined in, group hugging Pinkie. The four mares held each other and quietly cried, just a few feet away from Spike’s final resting place.


Elsewhere, school let out. A crowd of colts and fillies dispersed and went their separate ways. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. Suddenly, Scootaloo stopped.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle. Hang back for a minute. I need to ask you something,” said Scootaloo. “Go on ahead, Apple Bloom. We’ll meet you there.”

Apple Bloom resumed walking. “All right. See y’all soon!”

“What’s up, Scootaloo?” said Sweetie Belle.

“Could you, uh. How do I say this without being mean…”

“Say what? What’s going on?”

“Can you hang out somewhere else today?”

“But we’ve been hanging out every day since Apple Bloom got out of the hospital! And almost every day before that!”

“I want to be alone with Apple Bloom for a while.”

“What? Why?!”

“Because I think I’ve finally figured out what my cutie mark means.”

“Really? Don’t leave me in suspense!”

“My destiny is to spend the rest of my life with Apple Bloom. She and I were meant to be together! It’s what my cutie mark is telling me!”

“Are you sure? How do you know? What if it just means you really like apples?”

“Don’t question love, Sweetie Belle! You have no idea what kind of powers are at work, here!”

Scootaloo turned and ran away. Sweetie Belle sighed, then began a long and lonesome walk home. She passed by a small herd of unicorns. All of them bore artwork-related cutie marks. Palettes, chisels, pencils, and more.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle!”

Sweetie turned to face the crowd of unfamiliar faces. “Hi, do I know you?”

“No,” said a blue pony with a green mane. “We go to the same school, but we have not spoken. My name is Bebe. These are my friends; Marble, Clay, Sketch, and Florence.”

“It’s nice to meet all of you!”

“Why are you walking home alone?” said Clay. “Where are your friends?”

“They’re hanging out with each other,” said Sweetie Belle. “They want to be alone, they said.”

“Why not hang out with us, instead?” said Marble.

“Really? But I don’t know how to do any artsy stuff.”

“You could be a model,” said Florence.

“Yes, your mane is fabulous!” said Sketch. “You must let me draw it!”

“I’m flattered. You guys really want me to model for you?”

“Of course,” said Bebe. “Landscapes and abstraction have grown ever so boring. A live model would be a nice change of pace for all of us. If you want to, that is.”
“Sure! That sounds a lot better than sitting at home by myself!”


Apple Bloom sat in the crusaders’ club house, alone. She idly traced her hoof along the ugly scar on her neck. It was still a bit tender, despite the months since the attack. After a few minutes of silent solitude, Scootaloo joined her.

“Howdy, Scootaloo!”

“Hey, Apple Bloom!”

“Where’s Sweetie Belle?”

“She had something important to do, so she won’t be joining us. It’s just you and me today.”

“Oh, all right.”

“I’ve been thinking about some stuff. I know what my cutie mark means, now. My destiny is to always be by your side.”

“How do you know It doesn’t just mean you like apples a whole bunch?”

“We were meant to be together. I didn’t get it at first, but now I know. It has to be true. Don’t you see? We’re soul mates!”

“I like you and all, but I don’t know about us bein’ each others’ special someponies. I need to think about this.”

“That’s okay! I can wait.” Scootaloo moved closer, until her nose was touching Apple Bloom’s. “I’d wait until the end of time for you.”

Applejack poked her head into the clubhouse to check on the fillies therein. The sight of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo standing nose-to-nose furrowed Applejack’s brow. “What are you two doin’?” The sudden boom of her voice made the fillies jump.

“N-nothing!” said Scootaloo. “Apple Bloom just had something in her eye, and I was helping her get it out!”

“We were just standin’ here, talkin’. She wasn’t tryin’ to kiss me.”

“Uh huh. New rule: you two ain’t allowed to spend time together unless there’s an adult present.”

“That’s not fair!” said Scootaloo.

“We didn’t do anything!” said Apple Bloom.

“There ain’t gonna be no hanky-panky on my watch!” said Applejack. “Y’all are too young!”

“What’s hanky-panky?” said Apple Bloom.

“It doesn’t matter what it is, because it ain’t happenin’.”

“I don’t think she knows, either,” said Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo, go home. Apple Bloom, it’s time to do chores. Tomorrow, you two can have some good, clean, supervised fun.”

“What chores? I don’t have anything for today!”

“I’m gonna find something for you, to keep your little mind out of the gutter.”

Scootaloo left, and Applejack put Apple Bloom to work. With only a break for dinner, Apple Bloom was made to perform various forms of busy work until bed time.

Session 07 - I'll Smile When You Speak

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A trio of soft knocks drew Twilight Sparkle's attention from her book. She left her studies and answered the door. Rainbow Dash stood outside, wearing a soft smile.

"What's up, bookworm?"

"Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. I'm just studying."

"Still? You've had your nose in a book for weeks!"

"I'm trying to figure out what's up with Fluttershy. Her wounds don't seem to be healing, but they're not festering, either. Her injuries just stay the same. It's weird."

"Yeah, that left wing is a mess. Did you find anything?"

"No. None of my medical textbooks cover this. It doesn't make any sense!"

"You need a break. Forget about Fluttershy for a while."


"Come on! I want you to watch the sunset with me!"

Twilight eyed her friend strangely. "That doesn't seem like you."

Rainbow Dash blushed. "What? I'm a pegasus pony. I'm allowed to think the sky is pretty!"

"Well, it has been pretty lonely here since Spike passed away. It would be good for me to get out for a while."

"That's the spirit! Race you to the top of the big hill!"



Rainbow Dash took off in a blur, leaving her friend behind. Twilight closed up the library, then ran after Rainbow Dash. She quickly became winded, but put forth her best effort at keeping Rainbow Dash in sight.

"Rainbow, slow down!"

"No! You run faster!"

Twilight kept her eyes on the blue pegasus and did her best to catch up. Rainbow Dash led her through the outskirts of Ponyville, and then out of town. As the two ponies started up a tall hill, Rainbow Dash sped up and vanished. Twilight Sparkle reached the top of the hill alone and stood, panting.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash took Twilight to the ground with a flying tackle from behind. She rolled in the grass with Twilight held snugly in her forelegs, giggling like a filly.

"You got here first! You beat me, Twilight!"

Twilight laughed. "Did you let me win?"

Rainbow Dash sat up and feigned indignation. "Me, throw a race? Never! You won fair and square.”

Twilight sat up as well and hugged Rainbow Dash. The two ponies leaned on each other and stared at the sky. The brilliant blue had already begun to pinken. The sky shifted through a dozen shades of red-gold before fading into a deep indigo.

Countless stars dotted the night sky. Twilight searched for constellations with a smile spanning her face. For the moment, all of her troubles were forgotten. There was nothing in the world except for the night sky, and the two mares relaxing beneath it.

Twilight nuzzled Rainbow Dash’s neck and whispered, "You're my best friend, Rainbow."

"Just a friend?"

Twilight gave Rainbow a strange look, and opened her mouth to speak. Before she could say a word, Rainbow Dash planted a forceful kiss on Twilight's lips. Once the initial shock wore off, Twilight leaned in to the kiss and surrendered herself to Rainbow Dash. Time stood still. It seemed that nary a second had passed once the kiss ended.

"Dash, I had no idea!"

"I love you, Twilight Sparkle."

"I-I love you too, Rainbow Dash!"

Session 08 - My Destiny Lies With Her

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Harvest season had come to Sweet Apple Acres, and the trees were brimming with big, juicy apples. Applejack and Big Macintosh were hard at work bucking apples. Apple Bloom helped to carry the apples, but her siblings were cautious not to overwhelm her.

Scootaloo came trotting into the orchard, as she had done daily for the longest time. With a spring in her step and a smile upon her face, she made a beeline for Applejack as soon as she saw her.

“Hey Applejack!”

“Howdy, Scootaloo! It’s applebuck season, so Apple Bloom won’t be able to play today.”

“I know. I actually came by to help out, if there’s a place for me.”

“Well, shucks! It’s right nice of you to be so neighborly! I think I can find something for you to do.”

“I should prove my worth to the family if I’m going to ask for Apple Bloom’s hoof in marriage some day.”

A little misty-eyed, Applejack hugged Scootaloo. “You’re a good mare, Scootaloo. I’d be honored to call you my sister-in-law some day.”

“Thanks, Applejack! I feel the same way about you.”


Apple Bloom came charging out of the orchard. Applejack released Scootaloo just in time to watch Apple Bloom hug-tackle her. Apple Bloom moved her muzzle dangerously close to Scootaloo’s.

“On the cheek!” said Applejack.

Both fillies froze in place and stared at Applejack. After a moment of awkward silence, Scootaloo turned her head to the side. Apple Bloom planted a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“Great! Now, let’s get to work! I think if both of y’all work together, you might even be able to buck some apples!”

Within a couple of hours, Applejack, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom worked their way through a significant stretch of orchard. Scootaloo stopped when they came upon a tree with no apples. It was healthy looking, like all the rest, but only bore buds.

“What’s up with this tree?” said Scootaloo.

“No idea,” said Applejack. “It’s long overdue, but it’s never once made apples.”

“It looks like it’s budding.”

“It buds every year, but the buds never blossom. No blossoms, no apples. We might have to cut it down if this keeps up.”

“No, don’t cut it down!” said Apple Bloom. “It’s a late bloomer, but so am I!” Apple Bloom stepped closer to the tree, and stroked the bark with her hoof. “There, there. Nopony’s gonna cut you down. Just take your time, and bloom when you’re ready.”

Suddenly, the buds on the apple tree began to blossom. One after another. Applejack watched in utter astonishment as dozens of tiny, white flowers popped up all over the tree. The image of a trio of apple blossoms appeared on Apple Bloom’s backside.

“Did that tree just listen to you?” said Applejack.

“Apple Bloom, look! You got your cutie mark!” said Scootaloo.

“My special talent is soothing apple trees!” said Apple Bloom. “I’m a tree-whisperer!”

Scootaloo took Apple Bloom in a fierce, celebratory kiss. The smooch momentarily stunned Apple Bloom, but she quickly recovered and returned the affection with equal passion.

“Hey, you two! On the— Aw, hay. I guess just this once is all right.” Applejack looked away and tried her best to tune out the sound of fillies kissing. “Y’all can stop any time. This is gettin’ mighty awkward.”

Session 09 - Mirrored in Devotion

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Rainbow Dash shifted and stirred. She was awake, but too comfortable to move. The mattress beneath her wasn’t as soft as her cloud bed, but much warmer. When Rainbow finally opened her eyes, she saw Twilight Sparkle staring at her.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” said Twilight.

“How long have you been awake?”

“About an hour.” Twilight stretched her legs. “I didn’t want to wake you. You’re so cute when you’re asleep.”

Rainbow kissed Twilight on the nose. “You’re cute all the time.”

“I am not.”

“You so are.”

“Even right now, with bed head?”

“Adorable. The disheveled look really suits you.”

Twilight blushed. “Thank you.”

The two mares cuddled for a while longer. Rainbow was the first to leave the embrace. She detangled herself from Twilight and crawled out of bed. She stretched her legs and wings. Twilight remained in bed.

“Hey, Rainbow?”

“Yeah, Twi?”

“Do you want to move in with me?”

“Wow. I don’t know, Twilight. That’s kind of a big step.”

“How so? You’ve slept here every night for a month.”

“That’s true. All right, I’ll move in with you. On one condition.”

“Name it.”

Rainbow Dash re-joined Twilight Sparkle on the bed and touched noses with her. “I want you to marry me.”


“Not right away. Just promise me that, some day, we’ll get hitched.”

Twilight kissed Rainbow on the lips. “I promise.”

“Then I’m all yours.”

“Can you stick around for a little while? I mean, you don’t have to clear the skies right away, do you?”

“I don’t think anypony will mind if I stay just a little longer.” Rainbow grinned. “Why? Do you want to play some more?”

“Actually, I was going to offer you breakfast, as a thank-you for last night. But, I don’t see why it can’t be both.”

Twilight gave Rainbow another kiss, then crawled out of bed. She swayed her hips while she walked, confident that Rainbow would stare at her rear. Rainbow indeed stared. She followed Twilight’s rump with her eyes until Twilight rounded the corner and disappeared from view. Rainbow relaxed on the bed, and reminisced on the events of the previous night whilst awaiting her breakfast.


A while later, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle got cleaned up and went their separate ways. Rainbow set about her duties as a weather pony, while Twilight went for a trot through town.

Twilight Sparkle had no pressing duties for the day. Only some re-shelving that she could do any time. Being alone in the library only reminded her of death, and made her miss Spike. Twilight intended to preserve her good mood for as long as possible, and that meant avoiding the library unless she had company.

Fluttershy stood in the market. Her body language expressed profound confusion. The other ponies went about their business as though she weren’t there. Those who knew her respected her anti-social tendencies. Those who didn’t barely even noticed she was there. Twilight spotted Fluttershy and trotted over with a smile.

“Hello, Fluttershy! How has your day been?” said Twilight.

Fluttershy turned to have Twilight. Her eyes were cloudy and unfocused. “T-Twilight? Help me, I can’t see.”

“What happened to your eyes?”

“I don’t know. I just woke up like this. I’m scared.”

“How did you get to town?”

“I was trying to find the library. I just did my best to keep the road under my hooves. But then I started to hear so many other ponies talking around me, and I don’t want to bump into anypony, and—“ Fluttershy’s voice degraded into a series of incomprehensible mumbles and whimpers.

“All right, just calm down. I’m here now.”

“I want my sight back. Please, Twilight.”

“I’d love to, but I’m not a doctor. Come with me, I’ll guide you to the hospital.”

“Can’t you just zap my eyes with your magic and fix them?”

“There are limits to what magic can do. I’ll try to find a vision spell, but I’m not sure one exists. Just put your wing across my back and stay by my side no matter what. I’ll get you to a doctor. If there’s no way to get your sight back, you can move in with Dashie and me. We’ll take care of you.”

“You live with Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah. We’re sort of engaged. Isn’t that great?”

“Oh my…”

“Is something wrong?”

“N-no. I’m just really happy for you. For both of you.”

Fluttershy put her good wing over Twilight, and the two ponies walked through town together. Fluttershy turned her head in the direction of sounds she heard, but never left Twilight’s side. Her world had become a dark and frightening place, but Twilight provided a beacon of comfort and certainty.


Meanwhile, Rarity made her way through Sweet Apple Acres. Her mane and tail were immaculately primped. Even more so than usual. She reached the Apple family home and delicately rapped on the door. A few seconds later, Applejack answered the door and smiled.

“Applejack, darling! Just the mare I was looking for!” said Rarity.

“Great timing, Rarity!” said Applejack. “I was just fixin’ to come see you!”

“Oh my. What a wonderful coincidence! It must be fate.”

“Well, I don’t know about fate, but you are the best dressmaker in town. I need you to make me a weddin’ dress.”

Rarity blushed. “A wedding dress? My goodness, isn’t this moving a little fast?”

“I don’t reckon. Prairie Song an’ I have been talkin’ this out for two years now.”

Rarity furrowed her brow. “Prairie Song? Who is Prairie Song?”

“My pen pal from Dodge City. We’ve been real sweet on each other for a long time. He’s movin’ to Ponyville, an’ he wants to get hitched as soon as he gets here.”

Rarity’s eye twitched. “Why are you only just mentioning this?”

“I wanted to keep the weddin’ a surprise. I actually plan to tell everypony today.”

“You didn’t think to say anything at all about this pen pal of yours to any of your friends, until there’s a wedding planned?”

“Nopony ever asked.”

“You could have told me you have a coltfriend!”

“Are you all right? You seem awful mad.”

Rarity audibly gritted her teeth. “Not at all, darling! I’m just so excited for you!”

“Good. I’d hate to think you’re sore at me.”

“Why would anypony be sore at you after such a wonderful and sudden announcement? Does anypony else know?”

“I told Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom this mornin’. I was fixin’ to come see you next.”

“Well, isn’t that thoughtful? I should probably start planning your dress, so I can have it done in time.”

“Hang on. Didn’t you say you had somethin’ to tell me?”

“Er, yes. I did say that. Well, see, I have some free time in-between projects. I feel like making a dress for a dear friend, and I thought ‘Gee, it certainly has been a while since I made something for Applejack!’ So, I came over to see if you’d like a dress. That makes sense, right?”

“Wow, that’s some coincidence! It must be fate, like you said.”

“Yes, it really must. Well, ta-ta for now. I’m sure you have a lot to do.”

“Take care, Rarity.”

“You too.”

Rarity turned and trotted away. She strained herself to smile all the way back to the Carousel Boutique. She walked inside, went upstairs to her bedroom, and leapt into bed. Rarity buried her face in her pillow, and let out an ear-shattering scream of frustration. The pillow could only do so much to muffle it.

Session 10 - I'll Make This Dream Come True

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Fluttershy squirmed and whimpered. It was her least favorite part of the day, and being blind only made it scarier. Twilight Sparkle delicately peeled off Fluttershy’s bandages. They had a tendency to stick, and Twilight could tell it hurt her friend to remove them. She did her best to minimize Fluttershy’s suffering, but there was simply nothing to be done.

One bandage proved to be particularly stubborn. Twilight did her best to remove it gently, but it would not budge. Twilight pulled hard, making Fluttershy cry out in pain.

“It hurts!” said Fluttershy.

“I’m sorry. Just hold still,” said Twilight.

“Stop pulling!”

“I have to get this old bandage off and give you a fresh one. If I don’t, you’ll get an infection.”

“But it’s stuck!”

“Just relax. I’m going to count to three, and then pull it off with one good yank. It will only hurt for a second.”


“One, two, three!”

Twilight gave the bandage a mighty tug. The bandage came off, followed by a splash of blood. Some of it splattered onto Twilight’s face. A single drop made it into her mouth. Twilight spat on the floor with a grimace.

“Bleh! I got some of your blood in my mouth!”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. Now, let’s get a fresh bandage on that wound.”

“Thank you so much for taking care of me.”

“It’s no trouble. I know you’d do the same for me if I were blind.”

“Of course!”

With the last bandage removed, Twilight set about cleaning Fluttershy’s wounds. Once she had finished, she applied fresh bandages to Fluttershy’s various injuries and burns. Then, she mopped the blood from the floor.

“What shall we do today?” said Twilight.

“I feel kind of silly saying this, but will you read to me?” said Fluttershy.

“That’s not silly at all! I’d love to read to you. Anything in particular?”

“Do you have any books about animals?”

“Plenty! Follow me, I’ll tell you about a few and you can pick one out.”


Elsewhere, Sweetie Belle stood perfectly still. She did her best not to move a muscle, save for breathing. She’d been in the same position for much of the morning, and her neck was getting stiff.

Bebe’s brush slid smoothly across the canvas. He delicately added some swirls of purple to the mass of pink. After just a few minutes more, Bebe put down his brush and stepped back.

“Finished!” said Bebe.

Sweetie Belle stretched, then walked around to the other side of the easel for a look.

“Beautiful!” said Sweetie Belle.

“I just paint what I see. I’m lucky to have such a lovely model.”

Sweetie blushed. “How did you get so good?”

“Practice. I try to finish at least one practice painting every day.”

“This is a practice painting? But it’s incredible!”

“Every painting is a practice painting.”

“What do you mean?”

“Creating is a nonstop learning experience. There is no mastery, only improvement. Every work must be an earnest attempt to outdo the last. The day I decide I can’t improve any further is the day I’ve given up on art.”

“Do you think I could paint as well as you some day?”

“Of course. If you practice daily, your skills will grow just as mine have.”

“I don’t even know where to start.”

“I’ve improved much more quickly since I started painting you. Let’s switch roles for a bit. You paint, and I pose. I think painting a live model will help you as it helped me.”

“What if it’s not any good?”

“Don’t think about it that way. No masterpiece was a first attempt. Just do your best.”

“All right.”

Bebe set aside his painting of Sweetie Belle, then placed a fresh canvas on the easel. He walked around to where Sweetie Belle had been standing moments ago, and struck a pose. Sweetie took a long look at Bebe. With some reluctance, she picked up a brush and dabbed it in paint. Glancing from Bebe to the canvas and back, Sweetie finally touched the brush to the plain white surface. She did her best to follow Bebe’s contours with her eyes and replicate them with the brush.

Sweetie Belle took her time and tried to nail down the basic shape of Bebe’s figure. It wasn’t as daunting a task as she’d imagined, but still wasn’t coming along as well as she’d hoped. After a while, she finished her depiction of his body and stopped to rinse the brush.

“I don’t think this is going to come out so good.”

“That’s okay. Just do your best now, and make the next one better. All you have to do is set your mind to it.”

Sweetie Belle dabbed the brush and resumed painting, with a grin. Her brush danced across the canvas. It didn’t take her long to mimic the shape of Bebe’s mane. She finished up by adding detail to his eyes, then stepped back to admire her work. The wet paint blended at the border between Bebe’s coat and mane in a quite unintended way.

Bebe made his way to the other side of the easel and smiled. “Not bad for your first time. You have a lot of potential. I don’t remember making such a goofy expression, though.”

“Don’t be silly. Colts’ faces always look goofy.”

“Only when we’re around pretty fillies, like you.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Flatterer.”

“Flattery? Goodness, no. I mean everything I say. An artist has eyes for beauty, and you are beautiful. Oh, and I see you’ve earned your cutie mark.”

Sweetie Belle gasped and twisted around to examine her own flank. The image of a palette and brush greeted her. “I did! Gosh, it looks almost just like yours!”

“It is as I suspected all along.”

“What’s that?”

Bebe touched noses with Sweetie. “From the moment we met, I felt we were soul mates. Now, I know for sure.”

“Is it normal for a painter to fall in love with her subject?”

“It must be. The same thing happened to me, as well.”

“Kiss me, silly colt.”

The two little ponies tilted their heads to either side, and shared a tender kiss. Bebe broke away after a moment to whisper in Sweetie’s ear.

“Let’s celebrate your newfound discovery.”

The tone of Bebe’s voice sent a chill through Sweetie Belle. She stepped back, wide-eyed and blushing. A hoof on Bebe’s chest kept him at distance.

“N-no. I mean someday, sure, but I’m not ready for that sort of thing now.”

“Don’t apologize, my dear. It is your choice and yours alone what you do with your body. I will wait for you, and when we share that moment, it will be all the more special.”

“Thank you. You’re a true gentlecolt.”

“Always. I hope you won’t mind joining this gentlecolt for dinner, tonight? Earning a cutie mark is always a special occasion, and should be treated as one.”

Sweetie Belle kissed Bebe on the nose. “It’s a date. Though you could have offered dinner before propositioning me.”

“I’m a colt. Our priorities are different.”

Session 11 - Is This the Way You Watch the Body Die?

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Applejack stood perfectly still, scarcely breathing. Rarity worked meticulously to put the final touches on Applejack’s makeup. She double- and triple-checked, then stepped away with a smile.

“Well? Tell me, darling. Do you love it?” said Rarity.

Applejack tilted her head from side to side, examining Rarity’s work. “I gotta tell ya, Rare. I was skeptical about those fancy make-up skills of yours, but I really do look good.”

“Skeptical? Why on earth would you be skeptical?”

“I was worried you’d make me look like you. Not that you ain’t beautiful, it just ain’t my style. But this you just did, this is great.”

“I know my friends. As much as I’d love to fancy you up, I think you’d have a heart attack if I did.”

The two mares shared a laugh, then left Applejack’s room. Big Macintosh was waiting outside. Applejack gave him a hug.

“It sure was sweet of you to put off your trip until after the weddin’,” said Applejack.

“I wouldn’t miss your special day,” said Big Macintosh.

“Why are you moving to Appleloosa, anyway?” said Rarity. “That’s a bit far.”

“Yeah, you never told me, neither,” said Applejack.

Big Macintosh blushed. “Reasons.”

Applejack’s lips curled in a knowing smile. “Uh huh. Tell him I said ‘howdy’ when you get there.”


The trio made their way outside, where some of the guests had already gathered. Mostly Applejack’s family, but her friends and their families had come as well. The younger ponies, and Winona, played in the orchard. The adults stood around and talked.

Fluttershy stood near the Apple family home, alone. She turned towards the sound of ponies walking behind her. Applejack grimaced at the sight of Fluttershy’s eyes, but said nothing. Rarity looked around, eyeing the gathered guests.

Applejack got within whisper-range of Rarity. “How do I communicate with Fluttershy? Do I have to speak in braille?”

“Braille isn’t a language, it’s a— wait, what?” Rarity sighed. “She’s blind, she—“

“I can hear just fine,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh. Uh, sorry,” said Applejack. “I heard about your eyes goin’ bad, and all. I meant to come visit you at the library, but I’ve been busy plannin’ for the weddin’."

“It’s all right,” said Fluttershy. “I’m glad I could be here today.”

“Twilight and Rainbow Dash still aren’t here?” said Rarity.

“They’ve got time,” said Applejack. “Prairie Song and his family ain’t gettin’ here until the next train comes in.”

“Twilight’s been pretty sick. Rainbow probably won’t wake her until the last minute,” said Fluttershy.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly why they’re late.”

“You don’t think Twilight’s really sick?” said Applejack.

“I’m sure she is. I just don’t think a tummy ache is what’s keeping her in bed all day.”


“Come on, Twilight. We’re going to be late!” said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle stumbled down the stairs. She nearly fell twice. “Sorry. I’m coming.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t go, after all. You’re really not looking good.”

“Nonsense. I wouldn’t miss Applejack’s wedding! Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She went ahead with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Come on, let’s get you to a doctor.”

“I have an appointment on friday, remember? I’ll be okay. I’m just tired because the cramps kept me up all night.”

“You’re sure you still want to go?”

“I appreciate the concern, but we can’t miss A-App…“

Twilight fell to the floor with a thud. Her hooves scratched at the floor in a vain attempt to get up. She panted and wheezed with increasingly labored breaths. Rainbow Dash rushed to her side and tried to help her up.

“Twilight! Are you all right?”

Twilight attempted to speak, but could only manage a weak groan. Rainbow hoisted Twilight onto her back and charged out the door. In a full-blown panic, she barely stopped to consider that they were expected somewhere. Rainbow ground to a halt at the sight of a colt.

“Hey, kid!”

“It’s Chip Mint. Whoa, what’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know. Hey, how would you like to make five bits?”

“Okay, sure!”

“I don’t have it on me, but I’ll pay you as soon as I get back from the hospital. Do you know where Sweet Apple Acres is?”

“Sure I do!”

“Great. Get there as fast as you can. Tell Applejack that Rainbow Dash sent you, and that Twilight collapsed, so we can’t make it to the wedding.”

“I can do that! Wow, this is the third time this week somepony has paid me to deliver a message. I should become a courier!”

“That’s great, just go!”

Rainbow Dash stuck around just long enough to make sure Chip Mint was headed in the right direction, then spread her wings and took off. She flew towards the hospital as quickly as she could without losing Twilight.

Rainbow hit the ground in a full sprint and opened the front door of the hospital with her face. She charged past the reception desk, all the way to the urgent treatment center.

“Help! Please, help! My fiancée collapsed!” said Rainbow.

“What happened to her?” said the doctor.

“I don’t know! She’s been sick for two weeks. She had an appointment scheduled for friday, but she just collapsed today! Please, save her!”

A pair of nurses rolled a gurney up next to Rainbow Dash. They moved Twilight from Rainbow’s back to the gurney, then started to roll away. Rainbow tried to follow, but the doctor placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I need you to stay in the waiting room for now. Okay?”


“We’ll do everything we can for her, I promise. I just need you to sit tight in the waiting room and let us work.”

“A-all right.”

Rainbow Dash returned to the waiting room and took a seat. She did her best to remain calm, but couldn’t keep her breathing steady. Her mind would accept no distractions. Nothing could take her thoughts away from worry. Rainbow buried her face in her wings and quietly sobbed.


Later that evening, Twilight Sparkle awoke. She opened her eyes to see Rainbow Dash standing next to her. She tried to sit up, but Rainbow placed a hoof on her chest.

“Don’t try to get up. Just rest,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Have you been crying?” said Twilight Sparkle.

“Yeah. I was scared.”

“What happened? Where am I?”

“You collapsed, so I brought you to the hospital. Just in the nick of time, too. The doctor told me you nearly…” Rainbow sniffled. “I’m glad you’re awake. How do you feel?”

“Tired, and a little sore. What’s wrong with me?”

“I don’t know. They had to give you a blood transfusion. I offered my blood, but they said it wasn’t compatible.”

“A transfusion? Are you sure?”

“That’s what they said.”

“But why?”

“I didn’t ask. This medical stuff goes over my head. I’m just happy you’re alive. The doctor can explain in the morning.”

Rainbow mounted the bed and gave Twilight a hug. Twilight did her best to return the gesture without dislodging the IV in her foreleg. Nurse Redheart entered the room and politely cleared her throat.

“I hope this isn’t a bad time,” said Nurse Redheart.

“Oh, not at all,” said Twilight. “But can you tell me what happened to me?”

Redheart removed Twilight’s empty IV bag and replaced it with a full one. “Heart failure, brought on by an unknown toxin. We resuscitated you and removed all traces of the toxin from your system, but the damage is done. You have degradation in multiple organs, particularly your heart and liver. You’ll recover to an extent, but much of the damage is permanent. We’ve placed you on a donor list, but the donor pool is pretty small. Not many ponies suffer accidents that leave their organs intact. And given your blood type, well…I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

“What do you mean, an unknown toxin?”

“Something nopony at this hospital has seen before. A sample has been sent to Canterlot for testing. Whatever it is, it’s extremely lethal and mildly corrosive. Even the trace amount we found nearly did you in. A larger dose would have killed you in seconds.”

“How would I even come into contact with something like that?”

“I was hoping you’d know. Do you remember eating anything strange? Being bitten by something? Perhaps you stepped on something sharp? It has to have entered your bloodstream somehow.”

Twilight Sparkle racked her brain for any relevant event. “No, nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me recently.”

“Very strange. Hopefully the specialists in Canterlot can figure something out.”

“How long until I can go home?”

“You can check out at any time, but I’d recommend you stay here for at least a few days. You’ll need to stay in bed for at least a week. Don’t drink any caffeine, and don’t do anything…” Redheart looked at Rainbow Dash. “Strenuous.”

“No more jogging. Got it,” said Rainbow.

“For how long?” said Twilight.

“Indefinite,” said Redheart. “You’re in a fragile state, and you will be until we find you a suitable donor. Caffeine can shut down your damaged liver. Anything that gets your heart beating too fast can kill you. You’ll also have to avoid staying up late.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess that means no more all-nighters studying.”

“Absolutely. Your next all-night study session could be your last. You have limits, now. Just take it easy. If you pace yourself, you can still lead a normal life. I’m going to finish my rounds. Ring the buzzer if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”

Nurse Redheart turned and walked out of the room. As soon as she was gone, Rainbow Dash kissed Twilight on the nose.

“Are you going to be all right only reading sixteen hours a day?”

“I suppose I have to be. I’ll get used to it. Gosh, so many books unread. What if I don’t have time to read them all?”

“Shh. None of that. You have plenty of reading left in you. The bookworm I fell in love with would take this in stride.”

“Thank you, Rainbow. Um…will you stay with me?”

“Of course I will. I don’t mind to sleep here.”

“No, I mean after this. When I’m out of the hospital, do you still want to be my special somepony?”

“Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

“You heard what the nurse said. I can’t do anything strenuous. That means we can’t…you know. Maybe not ever again.”

“That’s the farthest thing from my mind right now.”


“I love you, Twilight. I just want you to be all right. I can live without sex, but I don’t want to live without you.”

“That’s so sweet. I love you too, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow kissed Twilight on the lips. “After I clear the sky tomorrow morning, I’ll bring you some books so you’re not bored.”

“You’re the best, Dashie!”

Rainbow smiled. “You know it!”

Session 12 - I am Just Beneath the Surface

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Fluttershy stumbled through the library. Her eyes opaque and unfocused, she navigated by sound and feel alone. She soon found herself walking face-first into a bookcase, for the fifth time that day. A book fell from a high shelf and landed on Fluttershy’s head. She let out a sharp yelp and hopped back, then started feeling around for the book. She inadvertently kicked it, and sent it sliding across the floor.

Twilight came running at the sound of Fluttershy’s yelp. “Are you all right?”

“Y-yes, I’m fine. I just dropped a book.”

“What do you need with a book?”

“I walked into one of your bookshelves, and it fell. I’ll put it back. If I can find it.”

“I’ll get it.”

“No, let me. I knocked it off, I can put it back.”

“Fluttershy, just let me help you.”

“No, Twilight. I used to be so independent. I miss being able to live on my own. Now, I can’t even get a drink of water by myself. Blind ponies figure out how to get around on their own all the time, I’ll be okay.”

“That takes time. You have to re-learn how the world works. Please, just let Rainbow and me help you until you’re a little more comfortable getting around.”

“I can do it. I don’t need somepony to hold my hoof. Also, I kind of feel like I’m getting in the way.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because since I moved in, the two of you haven’t —“

“That has nothing to do with you, and it really isn’t any of your business.”

“I was going to say, you haven’t gone on any dates. One of you is always here, at the library, because I’ll hurt myself if you aren’t. You never get to go out and do fun things together.”

“OH! S-sorry, I made that more awkward than it had to be. We really don’t mind having you here, though!”

“I just wish I weren’t so helpless. I rely on somepony for every little thing anymore. I feel like such a burden.”

“I know Rainbow and I aren’t the best teachers, but just give us some time. There’s no reason to hurt yourself learning to walk around without help.”

“Okay. Can we go outside for a while? It’s not that I don’t like the library, I just haven’t been out in weeks.”

“Sure! Let’s visit Applejack.”

“That sounds wonderful. I haven’t seen her since the wedding."

Twilight Sparkle led the way to Sweet Apple Acres. She walked slowly, did her best to maintain a clear path, and talked the whole way there. Fluttershy followed the sound of Twilight’s voice, and stayed right behind her.

Before long, the two ponies had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was busy trying to shoo away a murder of crows. In spite of her enthusiasm, they clearly had no intention of leaving. Any attempt to shoo them out of one of the apple trees only saw them take roost in other trees, on fences, and on an entirely non-functional scarecrow.

“Hello, Applejack!” said Twilight.

“Hey Twilight, hey Fluttershy!” said Applejack. She momentarily ignored the crows and approached her friends. “How are y’all doin’?”

“I’m feeling a little stronger than I have lately,” said Twilight. “I’m still not the same mare I once was, though.”

“I’m still blind,” said Fluttershy. “Are there crows here? I hear crows.”

Applejack groaned. “These crows. They came out of nowhere, now they’re into our food storage and they’re making a mess on everything. I don’t suppose you can talk to ‘em and ask ‘em kindly to leave?”

“I can try,” said Fluttershy. “I’m sure we can reach some kind of agreement. Now, where are they?”

“Hear all that awful squawkin’?” said Applejack. “They’re over thataways.”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy followed the sound of crowsong until she tripped over a root and bumped her nose on an apple tree. She stood up straight and rubbed her nose, then tilted her head up. “U-um, hello friends. I know you like it here, but if it’s not too much trouble—“

One of the crows landed on Fluttershy’s face. Its head jerked forward, sinking its dagger-like beak into Fluttershy’s left eye. Fluttershy screamed and stumbled back from the tree. The crow jerked its head back and forth, trying to loosen Fluttershy’s eye from the socket.

“Get it off, get it off!”

“Hold still, Fluttershy!” said Applejack. “I’ll smack that varmit off for you!”

“No, don’t hurt it!”

“It’s eatin’ your face! Why do you want to protect it?”

“It’s just hungry! It— AAAA! OOOW! Get it off, get it off! Get if off, but don’t hurt it!”

Twilight telekinetically plucked an apple from one of the nearby trees. “Turn around, Fluttershy. I’ll get the crow off of you, and I promise not to hurt it.”

The crow finally succeeded in digging out Fluttershy’s eye. It tore its prize free of her eye socket. Fluttershy’s cries rose into a shrill scream. The crow flew away with her destroyed eye hanging from its beak. Fluttershy covered her face with a foreleg and sobbed. Blood ran freely down her cheeks.

Twilight launched the apple at the fleeing crow. She missed by a wide margin, but the crow soon fell to the ground anyway. It flopped around in the grass for a few seconds, then went completely still. Applejack approached Fluttershy and put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Are you all right?” said Applejack. “How bad is it?”

Fluttershy moved her bloody foreleg away from her face. Light and color came surging back into the dark void of her existence. She stood in stunned silence for a few seconds. Once the initial surprise wore off, excitement took its place.

“I can see! I can see! This is amazing!” said Fluttershy. She turned towards her friends with a broad smile on her face, but was greeted with expressions of shock and horror. Applejack backed away. “What’s wrong?”

“Y-your face!” said Twilight. “Your eye! You’re… oh no. Get away from me!”

“Twilight, what are you—“

Before Fluttershy could finish speaking, a magically propelled apple smashed into the side of her head. The high-velocity fruit shattered on impact, and carried nearly enough force to knock Fluttershy down.

“Nice try, demon!” said Applejack. “You had us goin’, but now we see you for what you really are! You stay away from Ponyville! Stay away from my sister and her friends! Now, get out of here before I stop bein’ so friendly!”

“Applejack, what are you talking about? I’d never hurt anypony. You know I wouldn’t!”

“I told you to get!”

Fluttershy approached Applejack. “What’s gotten into you? I’m your friend!”

Applejack turned and delivered a swift kick. Her hooves smashed into Fluttershy’s jaw with enough force to shatter bone and rip connective tissue. The attack coincided with a trio of apples launched by Twilight, which impacted Fluttershy’s neck and side.

“When I say get, I mean get!”

Fluttershy fled as fast as her legs could carry her. She tried to take flight, but an explosion of pain in her left wing halted the effort. The motion shook her splints loose and shrugged off her sling, allowing her busted wing to hang free at her side. Already a compound fracture, the attempt at flight had twisted her flesh. Broken bones jutted out from Fluttershy’s remaining feathers, and blood dribbled from newly formed wounds. The strain of running was too much for the sutures in her leg. They soon gave way, leaving her laceration open and bleeding.

Fluttershy avoided Ponyville, and didn’t stop running until she reached the lake. She gazed upon her own reflection in the water and retched. Her left eye socket was empty. Jagged, torn flesh framed the gaping hole. A speck of red light hovered within, resembling an ember. Fluttershy’s lower jaw hung low, attached by flesh alone. Her mouth gaped unnaturally wide.

“N-no. This can’t be!” said Fluttershy.

Unable to control her mouth due to her newest injury, Fluttershy could not speak normally. Instead, the sound emanated from deep within, with no apparent source. Fluttershy’s voice now came in an eerie, perverse parody of its former sound. The wicked noise forming her words only made Fluttershy’s heart sink further.

“I’m a monster!”

Fluttershy started crying, but only blood flowed from her tear ducts. Crimson droplets fell from her face and landed in the clear water below. A small school of minnows came to investigate the disturbance in the water’s surface. Just as Fluttershy’s blood passed through their gills, the little fish went still and floated to the surface.

“A-ah! No, please don’t die! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to kill you!”

Fluttershy dipped her hoof in the water and tried, in vain, to rouse the minnows. They didn’t respond to her prodding. In a fit of frustration, Fluttershy punched her own reflection.

Not knowing what else to do, Fluttershy shambled home. Her various wounds bled freely, leaving a trail of blood in the grass and dirt. Avoiding town as widely as possible, Fluttershy managed to sneak into her own house without being seen by any other ponies.

For the first time in weeks, Fluttershy stood within her own home. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie took turns caring for the animals and maintaining the cottage itself, in the hopes that Fluttershy could recover her sight and return home. Everything was neat and tidy, save for an errant bit of confetti here and there.

Fluttershy knew the time had come to leave Ponyville, but didn’t know where to go or what to do. Fluttershy started packing her saddlebags with the things most precious to her. Pictures of friends, trinkets and knick-knacks with sentimental value.

As an afterthought, she reached for the box that Varinia had given her. Filled with dread, Fluttershy lifted the lid of the formerly empty box. A glass sphere rest inside, filled with colorless fog. Fluttershy stared for a long time, dumbfounded by its presence and the resulting implications.

A knock at the door broke Fluttershy’s trance. She closed the phylactery case and hurriedly stuffed it into her saddlebag. Then, she turned her attention to Angel. He slept peacefully, content to ignore his pet pegasus.

Fluttershy gingerly lifted Angel from his bed. The knock came again, this time much louder. Angel stirred in Fluttershy’s grasp.

“Fluttershy, open up! We need to talk to you,” said Rainbow Dash.

Angel opened his eyes, and saw the horror Fluttershy had become. He immediately began to struggle with all his might.

“Angel, stop squirming! It’s me, Fluttershy! We have to get out of here. There’s no time to be fussy!”

Ignoring her pleas, Angel continued to thrash. He bit Fluttershy’s foreleg with enough force to break the skin. The sudden sting made Fluttershy drop Angel. The instant he hit the floor, he dashed into the next room.

Fluttershy hesitated. The banging at the door became more insistent. Much as she wanted to search for Angel, she knew she had to escape. With a frustrated grunt, Fluttershy turned towards the back door.

“Fine. You win. Stay here. I won’t be back.”

“Fluttershy, I know you’re in there!” said Rainbow Dash. “Come out, or we’re coming in!”

The ire in Rainbow’s voice propelled Fluttershy in the opposite direction. She exited her home and snuck away as subtly as possible. She knew the area well, and remained out of sight until she could safely break into a full run.

Just seconds after Fluttershy’s escape, Rainbow Dash came crashing through the window. She unlatched the door, allowing Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack to enter as well. Blood had been dripped, smeared, and splattered all over the floor and shelves.

“Good heavens,” said Rarity. “This place is a mess!”

“Did she get another foal before we showed up?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I think this is all Fluttershy,” said Applejack. “She was bleedin’ pretty good when she ran off.”

“Everypony split up,” said Twilight. “Let’s see If we can figure out where she went. Be careful, though. She might still be here, somewhere.”

The ponies spread out and searched different parts of Fluttershy’s house. Most rooms were clearly untouched, as they were entirely devoid of blood. Minutes later, the ponies regrouped in the common room, with the exception of Rainbow Dash.

“I couldn’t find any clues,” said Twilight. “She didn’t leave any hints about where she’s going or what she’s planning. Anypony else?”

“All I found was some tacky decor,” said Rarity. “I think I stepped in blood. I hope it doesn’t stain my hoof!”

“I didn’t find anything useful,” said Applejack.

“Neither did I,” said Pinkie Pie. “Nothing but a trail of blood leading out the back door.”

“Good work, Pinkie Pie!” said Twilight. “We may not be able to set a trap for Fluttershy, but we can at least follow her. Wait, where is Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash rejoined her friends, holding a rabbit carcass. The fur around its mouth and paws was stained with blood. “Look what I found!”

“S-she killed Angel!” said Applejack.

“Why would Fluttershy do such a despicable thing?” said Rarity. “Angel was her friend!”

“Because that wasn’t Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “There’s no doubt anymore. Fluttershy is dead, and her body is possessed by Forgotten’s spirit. Angel’s corpse is all the proof we need.”

“Maybe we can still save her,” said Rarity. “Let’s go get the elements of harmony.”

“That isn’t going to work,” said Twilight. “We’re one short. That evil thing stole kindness away from us.”

“Then let’s chase her down and break her in half!” said Applejack.

“What good will that do?” said Twilight. “She’ll just possess one of us next! Body-hopping isn’t something we can solve with brute force.”

“I have an idea!” said Pinkie Pie. “You said Forgotten lives in a cave in the mountains, right? Let’s blow up the mountains! All of the mountains! Then she’ll have nowhere to hide! I even have some explosives we can use!”

“Why do you have explosives?” said Rainbow Dash.

“How do you think I fire my party cannon?” said Pinkie Pie. “Come on, Dashie. Try to keep up!”

“Let’s just let the princess handle this one,” said Twilight. “Her solutions may not be permanent, but she can at least buy us a few years of peace. It’s better than the five of us getting killed, or worse. We’re clearly out of our league, here. Spike, take a— Oh…”

Rarity hugged Twilight. “Let’s go to Canterlot and ask her face-to-face.”

Session 13 - It's Time to Go

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Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie piled out of Twilight’s hot air balloon and made their way to the castle. The guards at the entrance smiled at the sight of Twilight.

“Good to see you again, Twilight Sparkle!” said one of the guards.

“Yes, hello,” said Twilight. “Is the princess very busy? We have a matter of grave urgency to discuss.”

“The princess always has time for you, Twilight. Go right ahead.”

“Thank you.”

Twilight and friends entered the castle. They passed by many attendants on their way to the throne room. Princess Celestia sat upon her gleaming throne. Her iridescent mane billowed, even without any wind.

“Hello, it is good to see all of you,” said Celestia. “To what do I owe this visit? And where is Fluttershy?”

“Fluttershy is the reason we’re here,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, she’s been possessed by Forgotten!” said Twilight. “She’s turning into a monster!”

“I saw it myself,” said Applejack. “She’s got the devil’s eye! Like a burnin’ coal, just like the monster that sliced poor li’l Apple Bloom!”

“And she killed Angel!” said Rainbow Dash.

“We have to blow up the mountain!” said Pinkie Pie. “All the mountains! It’s the only way to be sure!”

“Do you know where she’s hiding?” said Celestia.

“Yes, she left a blood trail,” said Twilight. “We can easily follow her.”

“That may be a trap,” said Celestia. She stood from her throne, wearing a grim expression. “You were right to come to me. If Forgotten is swapping bodies, she may be legitimately unstoppable. But if I can stop her from hurting foals, even temporarily, I have to try.”

“There’s something more. I can’t be certain, but my studies suggest Forgotten may be the same being as Varinia.”

“I do not know that name, but it sounds as though she has a history of body swapping.”

“My books say Varinia once ruled Equestria,” said Twilight. “Surely you’ve heard of her?”

“That name is not familiar to me. If this Varinia were anypony significant, I’m sure I would have mention of her in my own records. But enough. We can discuss history at a later time. For now, I must deal with Fluttershy.”


The dimly flickering light of a single candle illuminated a dank cavern. Fluttershy had spent the last few hours arranging and re-arranging her few meager possessions in the dark. No layout made the cave feel any more like home. Nor did the pictures of Fluttershy’s friends look any less hurtful in one sequence than another.

Hoofsteps echoed through the cavern, announcing the arrival of more ponies. Fluttershy extinguished her candle with a flick of her tail, then tried to hide. An exercise in futility, given the open emptiness of her chamber.

Princess Celestia rounded the corner, accompanied by two lantern-toting guards. Fluttershy cowered at the sight of the princess. She laid herself upon the floor, unwilling to even attempt to flee.

“H-hello, Princess Celestia,” said Fluttershy. “The others must have told you what happened. Please, just make it quick.”

Celestia approached Fluttershy and raised a hoof. In spite of her best efforts, Fluttershy could only close her right eye. The left remained permanently open, seeing everything. Gut-wrenching despair set in as she realized she would have to watch Celestia kill her.

The Princess’s hoof came down gently, though. Not to smash Fluttershy’s head, but to stroke her mane. A simple gesture of comfort, but an effective one.

“There, there. I’m not going to hurt you, Fluttershy. Please, stand. I only want to talk.”

Fluttershy stood, and did her best to calm down. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop trembling. “H-how did you find me?”

“That was easy. You bled all the way here. Are you all right?”

“Yes. I mean, no. I’m in a lot of pain.”

“What did they do to you?”

“A crow pecked out my eye. Then, Applejack and Twilight went crazy and attacked me. Applejack kicked me in the face and Twilight pelted me with apples. I ran, but they followed me to my cottage. And Rainbow Dash was there, and everypony sounded so angry. I thought they were going to hurt me.”

“I don’t doubt that. They are misguided, but I will try to talk some sense into them. I am so sorry for what happened to you.”

“No, I’m better off dead. I saw my reflection. I can hear the sounds I make when I try to talk. I know I’ve become a monster. I should be dealt with before I hurt somepony.”

“You’re not a monster, Fluttershy. You’re just undead. It isn’t a good thing, but it doesn’t make you a monster.”

“How can you tell?”

“Evil doesn’t worry about not being good. No part of the liching process changes who you are. You are the same pony you have always been.”

“So I’m not going to lose my mind and kill foals?”

“Of course not. In fact, your mind will be preserved for all eternity. As long as your phylactery remains intact, your thoughts and personality will be as they were in life. Your body will be…partially preserved.”


“You won’t decay like an ordinary corpse, but…”


Celestia sighed and put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “All of your skin is going to fall off. Slowly, over time.”


“Your flesh is immune to death and decay, but will weaken until it pulls apart under its own weight. Within a few decades, you’ll be a skeleton.”

“Is there any way to stop it?”

“Forgotten’s crime was stealing foal blood to fuel her foul magic. She restored her own flesh with the taken lives of others. She was the only lich I know to have fought the process.”

“So, no, then.” Fluttershy quivered. “I don’t want to be a spooky skeleton.”

“It won’t be so bad. One of my former instructors at the School for Gifted Unicorns is a skeletal lich. New students were always a little uncomfortable, but they learned to like him.”


“Yes. He once called himself Cygnus the Undying, but he went by Professor Cygnus when I knew him.”

“Why past tense? What happened to him?”

“He embarked on a long journey. He told me he wanted to read every book ever written. He’d already read every book in Equestria by then, you see. He resigned from his position and left to travel the world. He still writes letters to me, occasionally.”

“That’s nice. But what about my friends? I think they all hate me.”

“They don’t hate you, they’re just scared. I’m going to have a long talk with them. Just give them time. Trust me, they’ll get used to the change and accept you.”

“What if they don’t?”

“Have faith in your friends, they’re good ponies. If I’m wrong, you can always make new friends. Time is something you’ll never run out of.”

“Who would want to be friends with a scary pony like me?”

“You have a good soul, Fluttershy. Just keep being you, and other ponies will see beyond your appearance. I must return to Canterlot, now. I’ll talk some sense into your friends. Farewell, Fluttershy.”

“Goodbye, princess. Thank you for talking to me.”

Celestia nodded to Fluttershy, then turned away and dropped her fake smile. Her guards stood at attention, right behind her. Celestia spoke through grit teeth, quietly so that her guards could hear and Fluttershy could not.

“Get me out of this icky place, now.”

Celestia’s guards turned and led the way out of the dark cavern, followed closely by the princess. Fluttershy watched the trio leave, then sat and stared into the endless nothingness that surrounded her. Alone, in the dark, with nothing to do.


The trip back to Canterlot was uneventful. Celestia found Twilight and friends waiting for her in the throne room. Twilight came bounding up to Celestia as soon as she saw her.

“Welcome back, princess! Did you eradicate that evil spirit?”

“I most certainly did not.”


“Fluttershy dealt with that evil spirit six months ago, as I asked. Forgotten is gone. All I saw was a lonely, scared, abused little pony.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me! Didn’t you see her eye?”

“I did. I also saw the damage you and Applejack caused. You can’t treat your friends that way. You should know better! She’s taking this hard enough as is. Attacking and shunning her will only make things worse.”

“That’s not Fluttershy! It’s Forgotten!”

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Twilight. What makes you think Fluttershy is Forgotten?”

“Her eye! That evil, red eye!”

“Every lich has eyes like that.”

“But nopony just becomes a lich! It’s old magic. There are incantations, rituals—”

“That part confuses me, as well, but you’re jumping to conclusions. Forgotten may have cast a spell on Fluttershy as a final act of spite, but I assure you Fluttershy is not possessed.”

“What makes you so certain?”

“I spoke with her, and I detected no evil presence.”

“You didn’t detect an evil presence in the fake Cadence, either, and Canterlot was nearly lost because of it!”

“This is different. The foul magic used by Forgotten leaves a mark. It’s something that can be felt as clearly as the wind. An aura of corruption, if you will. Fluttershy has no such aura. Her soul is clean.”

“So you assume she’s not possessed just because she hasn’t yet killed a foal? Are you going to refuse to act until she takes a life?”

“That isn’t going to happen. If even a fragment of Forgotten’s soul were in Fluttershy, I would have felt it. You would have felt it. Fluttershy would not have needed to lose an eye for you to notice something strange.”

“What makes you think she hasn’t figured out how to hide her presence?”

“What makes you think she has?”

“Come on! It’s so obvious! Fluttershy talked to Forgotten, Forgotten disappeared, and now Fluttershy is a lich. She’s clearly Forgotten in Fluttershy’s body. How can you not see that? Stop doubting me and protect Equestria!”

“Watch your tone, Twilight.”

“Or you’ll what?”

“The last mare to tell me how to run Equestria spent a thousand years on the moon.”

“Is that a threat?”

“It is a warning. I am your teacher, and you are my student. Do not forget your place, again.”

“Then teach me! What is the lesson, here?”

“If you want to be a princess some day, you must learn to admit when you are wrong.”

“You’re one to talk!”

“I was wrong about Cadence, but you are wrong about Fluttershy.”

“How blind can you be? You are so full of yourself!”

Celestia glowered. “Apologize. Now.”

“I won’t apologize for speaking the truth.”

“I demand an apology.”

“What makes you think you’re owed one?”

“That does it! I was clearly wrong about your potential. You are hereby expelled from the School for Gifted Unicorns and banned from the castle. You may return when you’re ready to admit to your mistakes.”

Twilight recoiled from the announcement, but swiftly regained her composure. “You aren’t fit to mentor me.” Celestia’s guards approached Twilight. “Don’t touch me! I’ll show myself out.”

“One more thing. I forbid any of you from harming Fluttershy. That goes for everypony in Ponyville. If I find she has been attacked again, there will be dire repercussions.”

Twilight didn’t respond, or even indicate that she’d heard. She stomped out of the throne room, and her friends followed in stunned silence. Rarity stopped before leaving and politely bowed to the princess.

“Thank you ever so much for having us.”

“You are quite welcome, Rarity. I hope our next meeting is under more pleasant circumstances.”

“As do I. Take care.”

Twilight made it all the way to the hot-air balloon in silent fury. She broke down in tears the instant she was safely in the basket. Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Twilight, and held her close.

“I don’t care what Princess Celestia says,” said Rainbow Dash. “I believe you, Twilight.”

“But what if the princess is right?” said Rarity. “What if Fluttershy is still Fluttershy?”

“You didn’t see what we saw, sugar cube,” said Applejack. “Take my word for it. Our friend is dead, and somethin’ wicked done took up roost in the body.”

“Twilight was right about Cadence being a monster in disguise,” said Rainbow. “None of us believed her, and it was a big mess. She was right then, and I believe she’s right now.”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight.

“Blow up the mountain!” said Pinkie Pie.

“No, Pinkie,” said Twilight. “The princess threatened to punish anypony who attacks that monster. As much as I hate to say this, we have to wait until she kills again.”

“Y’all think Fluttershy is gonna come after Apple Bloom? You know, try an’ finish the job?”

“I don’t know, but keep an eye on Apple Bloom all the same. We’re dealing with a very old, very clever, very dangerous monster.”

Session 14 - Subtract Me From Your Heart

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Sweetie Belle stared out the window. She wore an expression as dark as the night sky. She had gown into a lovely young mare. Tall, and graceful. Her hair had relaxed in adulthood, but retained some of its youthful waviness.

Outside, just barely visible in the starlight, were two tiny headstones. The grave on the right was still fresh. Two foals, born dead. Denied their very existence.

Bebe entered the room, looking every bit as dour as Sweetie Belle. Not even his jovial goatee could brighten his face. He joined his wife in staring out the window. It was the closest they could come to spending time with their children.

“Sweetie Belle, we need to talk,” said Bebe. “I’ve been thinking about this for the last few days. Since…”

Sweetie Belle gave Bebe a moment to finish his sentence. He never did. He didn’t have to. The patch of disturbed dirt outside said it all.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“This isn’t working out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t keep doing this. How many foals must I watch die? One was too many.”

“You’re blaming me?”

“I know you would never intentionally harm our foals. That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“Your womb is a barren wasteland. I don’t think any foal can survive inside you for eleven months, and it isn’t fair to expect otherwise.”

“Bebe, that’s hurtful.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s true. And that’s why I think we should divorce.”

“I thought you loved me.”

“I do love you. I just want a family some day. All we’ll make together is a cemetery. As much as I want to believe we were meant to be together, I know I can’t achieve my dreams with you.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “I’ll come for my things in the morning.”

“I’m not throwing you out. You can stay here until you find a place.”

“No, I can’t. I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now.”

“I see. Goodbye, my love.”

“Yeah, bye.”


Rarity stirred. She’d awoken for no clear reason. Just as she was about to drift off again, three rhythmic thumps startled her. Was somepony knocking on the door? Preposterous! It was far too late for visitors.

Another trio of knocks roused Rarity from bed. She removed her blindfold and headed downstairs. The knocking continued even as she approached the door. Her patience with the late night visitor wore ever more thin with each knock.

“Keep your saddle on, I’m coming!” Rarity finally reached the door and tugged it open. “Sweetie Belle? What are you doing out in the cold? It’s three in the morning!”

“I’m sorry to wake you up so late, sis. Can I crash here for the night?”

“Of course! Come in and tell me what’s going on.” Rarity moved aside so that Sweetie Belle could come in, then shut the door behind her. “Goodness, you’re a mess! Have you been crying?”

“Bebe wants a divorce.”

“What in the world is going on? You two were so good together!”

“We had another foal. A stillbirth, just like our first.”

“Oh my goodness. Sweetie, I’m so sorry.”

“Bebe thinks it’s my fault.”

“He what?”

“He told me my womb is a barren wasteland.”

“That cad! How dare he?”

“He says we can’t be together because I can’t give him a foal.”

“Unbelievable! How does he know he isn’t the problem? Maybe he has weak seed!”

“It’s not about whose fault it was.”

“Nonsense. He made it about whose fault it is. Hmph. That miserable wretch really showed his true colors. Don’t worry about finding a place. You’ll stay with me until you can find a real stallion. Or a mare, even.”

“You don’t ha—“

“I won’t take no for an answer. I have a spare bedroom and I insist you use it.”

“You’re the best, sis.”

Rarity smiled. “Yes, I know.”

Rarity and Sweetie Belle shared a hug, then said good night to each other.

They went upstairs, Rarity to her own bedroom and Sweetie Belle to the guest room. Little had changed since the last time she slept over, even thought it was years ago. The familiarity offered some much-needed comfort. Sweetie crawled into the guest bed and tried her best to relax. She spent hours tossing and turning. It wasn’t until sunrise that she finally drifted into a light sleep, devoid of dreams.

Session 15 - Don't Get Any Big Ideas

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Rarity came downstairs to find Sweetie Belle curled up on the couch with a book. Her daily routine for the past two months. Rarity joined her sister on the couch.

“Sweetie, when is the last time you were out of the house?”

“I bought some groceries last week.”

“Grocery shopping doesn’t count. You need to get out and have some fun, before you go stir-crazy.”

“I’m all right.”

“Why don’t you hang out with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for a while? They must miss you terribly.”

“I don’t know. It’s been so long since the three of us spent any real time together. And they’re married, now. They probably don’t want a third wheel hanging around.”

“Nonsense. They were your best friends! I just know they’d love to see you.”

“So, what? I just go to Sweet Apple Acres and ask if they want to hang out?”

“Yes, exactly!”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

“That’s the spirit! Be sure you take a scarf, it’s cold out.”


A short while later, Sweetie Belle found herself in Sweet Apple Acres. She hadn’t come around since arriving as a guest at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s wedding. The trees were all bare, and a thick blanket of snow covered the ground.

Sweetie Belle walked up to the door of the Apple family home, and knocked. Applejack answered the door and smiled widely.

“Hey there Sweetie Belle!” said Applejack. “Long time, no see.”

“Hello, Applejack!” Sweetie Belle eyed Applejack’s tummy bulge. “I see you’re expecting. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I wasn’t going to say anything, I heard about your troubles.”

“It doesn’t bother me. I can’t have foals, and that’s okay. I’m happy for you and your future foal.”

“Well thank you kindly, Sweetie Belle. That’s a very mature outlook.”

“Do you know if you’re having a filly or a colt?”

“A colt. We’re gonna name him Red Streak.”

“That’s a cute name!”

“Yup! It was nice seein’ you again, but you’re probably lookin’ for Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, right?”

“Yeah, I came to see if they want to hang out.”

“Those overgrown fillies are in the orchard, playin’ in the snow.”

“Thanks! I’ll see you later, Applejack.”

“Uh huh.”

Applejack shut the door. Sweetie Belle turned and trotted off into the orchard. She followed a dual-trail of hoofprints in the snow. It didn’t take her long to spot Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo flung snow at Apple Bloom with her wings, while Apple Bloom tried to dodge.

Scootaloo noticed her old friend approaching, and grinned. “Hey Sweetie Belle! Heads up!”

Sweetie lifted a foreleg just in time to intercept a clump of snow aimed for her face. “Snowball fight, huh?”

“No!” said Apple Bloom. “I don’t have wings or magic powers! It’s not a fight if I can’t return fire. This is snowball abuse.”

“You make me sound so mean,” said Scootaloo. “I thought you wanted to play?”

“Yeah, I thought we could just make snowponies in peace,” said Apple Bloom.

A snowball thumped Apple Bloom on the nose just as she finished talking. While Scootaloo readied another projectile, Sweetie Belle telekinetically lifted a mound of snow. She dropped it on Scootaloo, coating her head and back with snow.

Scootaloo exhaled sharply, blowing snow away from her mouth. “Pretty sneaky, Sweetie Belle.”

“I try,” said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo vigorously shook, tossing the snow off of her body. “So, what’s going on? You haven’t really kept in touch.”

“Yeah,” said Apple Bloom. “How are things going with that stallion of yours?”

“I, uh. I had another stillbirth. Bebe blamed me and asked for a divorce. We’re still working that out.”

“What a jerk!” said Scootaloo. “Let’s go pelt him with snowballs.”

“I don’t think that’s going to help,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Well, why else would you come by?” said Scootaloo. “Especially since it’s snowball time.”

“I thought we were past snowball time?” said Apple Bloom.

“It’s always snowball time,” said Scootaloo. “As long as there’s snow on the ground, snowball time never ends.”

“Actually, I thought we could all just hang out,” said Sweetie Belle. “Like we used to. You know, go on an adventure or something.”

“We went on adventures tryin’ to earn our cutie marks,” said Apple Bloom. “We already have ‘em. I guess we could go on some kind of tree whisperin’ love adventure with paint?”

“I have the perfect idea!” said Scootaloo. “Sweetie, you need to get laid.”

“That is a pretty good idea,” said Apple Bloom.

“What?” said Sweetie Belle. “I’m still technically married. You realize that, right?”

“Was your ex any good in bed?” said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle blushed. “That’s personal!”

“That’s a ‘no’,” said Apple Bloom.

“He was,” said Sweetie Belle. “I just don’t want to talk about my sex life. Or anything involving Bebe.”

“See? That’s exactly what we’re talking about!” said Scootaloo. “You’re all hung up on your ex. You need somepony to jar you loose!”

“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t swing that way.”

“We aren’t going to do it,” said Scootaloo.

“Yeah, that’d mess with our dynamic,” said Apple Bloom.

“But you two are—“

“That’s different,” said Scootaloo. “Look at my cutie mark.”

“I still think it means you really like to eat apples.”

“She sure does!” said Apple Bloom. She and Scootaloo shared a glance, then giggled together.

“All right, I get it. You two can stop, now.”

“Wow, you’re a real stick in the mud,” said Scootaloo.

“So if you weren’t propositioning me, what were you talking about?”

“We’re going to hook you up!” said Apple Bloom.

“With who?”

“A stranger at the bar!” said Scootaloo.

“That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”

“That’s because you’re sober!” said Apple Bloom.

“So, then what? Some stallion spends the night with me, becomes the love of my life, and we live happily ever after?”

“No,” said Scootaloo. “You find a cute guy, let him warm your bed tonight, and then you never have to see him again unless you actually want to.”

“But my divorce with Bebe isn’t even final.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder. “Sweetie, a divorce is never final.”

“If you really don’t want to do it, we can just play in the snow,” said Scootaloo. “It is, after all, snowball time.”

“Well, no. Now that I think about it, I suppose I could use a little attention.”

“That’s the spirit!” said Scootaloo.

“To the bar!” said Sweetie Belle.

The three mares made small talk on the way to the bar. They traded stories, and caught up on the years they’d spent apart. Time flew by, and they were at the bar quite soon. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo led Sweetie Belle to a hightop that provided a good view of the rest of the bar, but was also out of the way enough that they wouldn’t be bothered.

After just a moment of sitting, a peppy young mare in a black apron strolled up to the table. “Hello! What will you be having tonight?”

“Appletini,” said Apple Bloom.

“I’ll also have an appletini,” said Scootaloo.

“And I’ll have the last word,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Great! I’ll have those right out for you, ladies.” The server left the three mares for the bar.

Apple Bloom snickered after the server left. “That was almost clever, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie shrugged. “I just like gin.”

The server returned just minutes later with three cocktails. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle exchanged jokes while sipping their drinks. They laughed together, like they had so many years ago. Though they had long since grown up and discovered their special talents, they were still the crusaders.

Sweetie Belle was the first to finish her drink. “I’m having second thoughts about cheating on Bebe.”

“Don’t get cold hooves now!” said Scootaloo. “It’s not even cheating, he dumped you.”

“There’s a guy sitting alone over there,” said Apple Bloom.

“What if he’s waiting for somepony?” said Sweetie Belle.

“You won’t find out if you’re over here with us all night,” said Scootaloo.

“Shoo! Go talk to him. And don’t come back unless you want to watch us make out,” said Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle stood from her seat and approached the lone stallion. She cast a glance over her shoulder to find that Apple Bloom wasn’t joking.

“Hey there. Is anypony sitting here?”

“Looks like somepony is, now. Long time, no see, Sweetie Belle.”

“Snips?” Sweetie Belle mounted the barstool next to her childhood acquaintance. “Wow! What are the chances?”

“Pretty good, I’d say. I come here every day after work. Sometimes alone, sometimes with coworkers.”

“How have you been?”

“Up and down. Mostly good, though."

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“What about yourself? How are you doing?”

“Not great. I’m going through a messy divorce. My friends think I need to get my mind off of my ex.”

Snips grinned. “Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sent you over here to hit on me, huh?”

Sweetie blushed. “How did you know?”

“They set Twist up with Snails two years ago. Must have gone well, they got married that spring.”

“I’m not looking for marriage. If we do this, I want to keep it casual. No strings or commitments, just…you know.”

“Friends with benefits?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Sounds good to me. I don’t think I’m cut out for a real relationship.”

“Even then, I’m not sure I should do this.”

“Let’s just share a drink as old friends and catch up. Whether or not we spend the night together is up to you, and you can decide that later. No pressure. The important part is that we have this chance to hang out.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“Great! What are you drinking?”

“I could go for a my fair lady.”

“Barkeep! A my fair lady for my friend here! And I’ll take another greyhound.”

Snips and Sweetie talked the night away. Later, they did indeed leave together. Both a little tipsy, but neither totally hammered. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo watched on with ear-to-ear smiles.

“We did it again,” said Scootaloo.

“We’re in the wrong line of work,” said Apple Bloom. “We should be matchmakers.”

Session 16 - Like You Never Have Known

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Snails shuffled around like a zombie. He’d awoken to the sound of crying, as was typical now. He’d taken care of an early-morning diaper change and feeding. He was about to prepare some breakfast for himself and Twist when he heard a knock at the door. He yawned, and made his way to the front door. He opened it, and found Snips on the other side.

“Hey, Snips. You’re up early.”

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“No. Gumdrop took care of that. Come on in.”

“I’d love to, but I can’t stay. I just came over to say goodbye.”

“Goodbye? Where are you going?”

“I don’t know, yet. I’m going to get on the first train out of Ponyville and see where it takes me.”

“What’s going on with you?”

“I knocked up Sweetie Belle.”

“Already? You’ve only been going out for like three days!”

“Five days. But you see my problem.”

“No, I don’t. You need to do the right thing. That foal is your spawn. You’re a father, now. You have to take responsibility.”

“You don’t get it! I can’t be a dad!”

“Fatherhood really isn’t that bad. Tiresome, but rewarding. If I can be a dad, anypony can.”

“Sweetie Belle deserves a better stallion than I can be. When she finds him, that foal will have a real father figure.”

“She chose you for a reason.”

“She went slumming to get her mind off of her ex-husband!”

“Did she actually say that?”

“It was literally the fourth thing she said to me when we ran into each other at the bar.”

“That still doesn’t get you off the hook. A foal changes things.”

“So, what? She has to be stuck with a scrub like me? If I stay, she has to either marry me or sacrifice her reputation to be with somepony else. But if I run away, then it’s my fault. She’ll be free.”

“So you’re doing this for her sake? Not yours?”


“Are you sure about that?”

“Don’t you have any faith in me at all?”

“It’s kind of hard when you came over to tell me you’re running away from a pregnant mare.”

“I know this looks bad, but trust me. She’ll meet somepony new. Somepony a thousand times better than me!”

“You’re going to regret this.”

“I already do. Goodbye, Snails. Tell Twist I said goodbye, as well.”

“Yeah, sure. Bye, Snips.”

Snips turned to leave, and Snails closed the door. Snails returned to the kitchen just in time to see Twist come downstairs. She didn’t have her glasses on, and had yet to fix her mane. The two ponies shared a kiss.

“Who was at the door?” said Twist. She had mostly outgrown her childhood lisp, and only the faintest hint remained.


“This early in the morning? The sun isn’t even up yet.”

“He came to say goodbye. He impregnated Sweetie Belle, and he’s running away.”

“What? How could he?”

“I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“That’s despicable!”

“Yeah, I really thought he was better than that.”

“You think you know a pony…”


Sweetie Belle sat alone at Rarity’s kitchen table. She stared into the immaculately polished surface. The sun had only been up for a couple of hours.

Rarity came down the stairs and smiled. “Good morning, Sweetie Belle. You’re up early.”

Sweetie turned to face her sister, revealing her grim expression. “I’m pregnant.”

“Wh— h—“ Rarity blinked in surprise. “Did this happen here? In my guest room?”

“Is that really important right now?”

“Sweetie Belle, I wash those sheets! You could have asked, or at least given me a warning! I wash my own bedding in the same—“


“Oh, right. I’ll freak out later. Does Snips know you’re carrying his foal?”

“Yes, I told him last night after I found out myself. He was gone when I woke up.”

“Maybe he just had an early shift.”

“He left a note.”

Sweetie Belle held up a scrap of paper. It simply read ‘There are better stallions out there. - Snips’

“That low-down, rotten, no good… When I find him, I’ll—“

“Forget it, just let him go.”


“You said it yourself, he’s no good. We already know what kind of stallion he is. Hunting him down won’t magically turn him into husband material.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, but I’m done with stallions. There’s no special somepony out there for me.”

“I think that’s a bit dramatic after two bad relationships.”

“Then how many? How many times do I have to deal with the frustration and grief before I’m allowed to give up? How many times do I have to let somepony disappoint and discard me?”


Sweetie sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow up at you like that.”

“I forgive you. So, you’re going to have his foal and raise it yourself?”

“I don’t have much of a choice.”

“There are options.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I’d have two of my own if n—“



“I can’t believe you’d—“

“My career is very stressful, and that stress is dangerous for developing foals. I had a long debate with myself each time, and decided it was more ethical to terminate early on than risk developmental problems.”

“I could never do something like that.” Sweetie Belle ran a hoof across her own tummy. “If this little one has a chance to live, I can’t take that away.”

“What if you lose the foal? Can you handle that a third time?”

“I don’t know, but I have to try. I need to know I’m not broken inside.”

Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle. “You aren’t ‘broken inside’. You never were.”

“Thank you. I don’t agree, but thank you.”

“You’re a wonderful mare. Don’t ever let anypony tell you otherwise. Even if you can’t have foals, you’re still you. Fertility isn’t what validates you.”

“I know that. I just don’t want to be barren. I don’t want Bebe to be right.”

“Bebe was rude, presumptuous, and self-centered. You’re better off without him.”

“Thank you.”

“If this foal lives, I’ll help you raise it.”

“You don’t ha—“

“Nonsense, I insist. What kind of sister would I be if I let you go bounding into motherhood all by yourself? I helped our parents take care of you, after all. If this little one takes after its mother, you’re going to need all the help you can get.”

“I wasn’t that much of a hoofful as a filly, was I?”

Rarity burst into laughter, but quickly stifled herself when she saw the look on Sweetie Belle’s face. “Come. Let’s get cleaned up, and I’ll treat you to breakfast. I’m going to turn today into a good day for you if it kills me.”

Session 17 - From the Other Side, She'll Save Me

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Chip Mint raced through Ponyville like a swift wind. He’d grown into a tall, lanky stallion. His light build made him an excellent flyer. Not only was he the fastest courier in town, he also acted as a crier when needed.

“Red Eye is coming! Red Eye is coming!” said Chip Mint.

Chip Mint put his speed to good use, warning the others in town. The other ponies dropped everything to heed his warning. Merchant stalls were abandoned mid-transaction, carts were left in the streets. Everypony made sure to get themselves and their foals behind a latched door.

Once Ponyville had taken on the appearance of a ghost town, Chip Mint retreated to his own hiding place. Not a face to be seen, and not a sound to be heard.

A dark figure stalked the deserted streets. Blood dripped from beneath a heavy cloak. A faint, eerie, red glow cut through the darkness beneath the hood. Four ensanguined hooves left bloody tracks upon the ground.

Red Eye wandered Ponyville, keenly watching for any who dared brave the streets in her presence. Her black cloak hid much of her appearance, but her lower legs were clearly visible. Above her left-front hoof rest a pile of badly burnt flesh, loose and wrinkled like a fallen sock. Beyond it, a length of exposed bone rose up and vanished beneath the cloak.

Just as Red Eye was about to give up the hunt, an unfamiliar voice called out. “Hey, Fluttershy!”

Red Eye stopped instantly. That name felt completely foreign to her, but she still remembered what it once meant. A white unicorn filly came bounding out of an alleyway. Jagged, purple bangs bounced above a pair of green eyes.

“H-hello,” said Red Eye. “Do I know you?”

“Nope!” said the filly. “I recognized you from stories my mom and aunt have told me. Mom says you want to cut me up, but my aunt says you used to be a nice pony. You are Fluttershy, right?”

“I was. You can call me Red Eye, like everypony else does.”

“Why do they call you Red Eye, anyway?”

“It’s all anypony sees when they look at me. It’s become my identity.”

“What has?”

Red Eye sat and reached for her hood. She pulled it back slowly, revealing the horror show where her face once was. Red Eye’s lower jaw had fallen off, and much of her face had gone with it. Her mouth gaped, perpetually open. Rivulets of blood ran down a freely hanging tongue.

Much of the left side of Red Eye’s skull was bare, devoid of flesh. Blood flowed from her severed scalp to fall from her exposed teeth in thick droplets. Her right eye was intact, but unfocused and cloudy. Her left eye was but an empty socket. Within rest her namesake; a mote of unnatural, red light.

The filly stared, wide-eyed. Red Eye stared back, expecting the poor thing to scream and run away. It was, after all, a natural reaction when faced with a monster.

“Cool!” said the filly. “You look like a real, live zombie!”

“I don’t know if ‘live’ is the right word.”

The filly reared up. She planted one hoof on Red Eye’s chest to support herself, and reached up with the other to touch Red Eye’s face. She first felt the exposed skull, then pressed in on Red Eye’s nose.

“Does your face hurt when I poke it?”

“It hurts whether you poke it or not. Please do stop, though. Um, if that’s okay with you.”

“Heh, sorry.” The filly stepped back and smiled at Red Eye. “Your skin is all cold and mushy. It’s like you’re made out of mud!”

“I-I suppose.”

“How come you’re moping around, all sad-like?”

“My closest friends turned against me. I’m hoping that, some day, they stop being so angry with me so we can all be friends again. I visit Ponyville every so often to see if anything has changed, but everypony is so scared that they hide as soon as I show up.”

“They’re all silly for hiding! I’ll be your new friend!”

“You’re so sweet, thank you.”

“You can thank me by smiling!” The filly grinned widely. “See? Like this!”

“Oh, but I am smiling. Or, um, trying to.”

“Oh! Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I know it must be hard to tell with half my face missing.”

“As long as you’re smiling on the inside, that’s what matters!”

“Thank you, um… What is your name?”



Both Timpani and Red Eye looked in the direction of the shout. A white unicorn mare with a wavy, pink and purple mane stormed up the street. The image of a palette and brush graced her backside. She grabbed Timpani with her magic, and dragged her away from Red Eye.

“I told you to stay inside!” said Sweetie Belle.

“But mom—“

“You’re lucky I found you in time! That monster would have cut you up!”

“She’s not a monster! I talked to her, she’s nice!”

“Oh, I’m sure she put on a very convincing act to draw you in!”

“I wouldn’t hurt her, Sweetie Belle,” said Red Eye. “You should know that. I would never hurt anypony.”

Sweetie Belle glowered at Red Eye. “Stay away from my precious little filly. I almost lost a friend to you, I won’t lose my only daughter!”

“I used to foalsit you.”

“How dare you abuse memories of Fluttershy to try and manipulate me?”

“Mom, stop! She’s not like that!”

“Quiet, Timpani.”

“Really Sweetie Belle, I was just—“

“Shut up.”


“Stay away from my daughter. Stay away from all of Ponyville, unless you’re looking for trouble. We’ll find a way to stop you someday, permanently.”

Sweetie Belle turned and trotted off without another word. Timpani floated along behind her, suspended in the air by Sweetie Belle’s magic. She twisted around, and raised a hoof to wave at Red Eye.

“Bye, Fluttershy! I’ll see you later!”

“You most certainly will not! Don’t even say that!”

Red Eye returned the wave. Then, she stood awkwardly by herself for a while. It was clear nopony else intended to speak to her. With a disappointed sigh, Red Eye began the long and lonely trot home. Her greatest social accomplishment in two decades had been getting her newest and only friend in trouble.

Session 18 - Waiting Up All Night For You

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Red Eye returned to her blood-drenched hovel. The lonely, unwanted feeling was something she’d grown accustomed to. That she’d actually managed to talk to somepony this time made it all the more frustrating. Red Eye settled down on the floor, intent to forget meeting Timpani. She sat, motionlessly staring at the wall, for several hours. The sudden sound of a voice broke her trance.

“Hi, Fluttershy!”

Red Eye sat up and turned to see a tiny unicorn standing in her doorway. “Oh, hello Timpani! How did you get here?”

“I snuck out of my room after mom went to bed! It wasn’t hard to figure out where you went. I just followed the trail of blood.”

“Aren’t you going to get in trouble?”

“Nope! As long as I get home before morning, I’ll be fine.”

“Well, then. In that case, welcome to my home! It’s kind of a mess…”

“You don’t have a bed?”

“I don’t need one. I don’t sleep.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t. Sleep is just something that doesn’t happen for me.”

“You don’t have a kitchen, either?”

“I don’t need to eat, anymore. If I did need food, I’d have starved by now. I can’t eat without a lower jaw.”

“That’s so sad! Isn’t there a way to fix you up?”

“No. Well, yes, but it’s horrible.”

“Really? What is it? What do you need? I’ll help you get the stuff together!”

“Slow down. I don’t actually know how to do it. Even if I did, I wouldn’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s evil.”


“Yes, evil! The only other lich I know of kept herself intact by draining foal blood. Everypony is afraid of me because they think I’ll do the same.”

“That is so cool!”


“That’s totally wicked, I love it!”

“You are a strange, strange filly.”

“So, like, you could take my blood and put yourself back together?”

“Well, no. I don’t actually know how. And besides, I would never—“

“How much blood?”

“A lot. All of it, actually. From what I’ve heard, the process is usually fatal.”

“Cool! Then I could be an awesome zombie, too!”

“I don’t think it works that way.”

“I’ll be your loyal minion! The first of your undead army! Then, you can get revenge on the ponies who shunned you!”

“I don’t want revenge!”

“Why not?”

“I’m not angry, I’d just like to have my friends back.”

“As zombies?”

“No. This is a very painful way to live, I’d hate to see anypony else go through it. Let’s just talk about something else.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, um… So, you’re Sweetie Belle’s daughter?”


“With that mane, you look a bit more like Rarity.”

Timpani suddenly grew nervous and looked from side to side. An empty gesture in Red Eye’s cottage. “Aunt Rarity’s mane isn’t naturally that dark. She totally dyes it! I walked in on her touching up her roots, and now she shares her dye with me in exchange for keeping her secret!”

Red Eye giggled. “Rarity dyes? How scandalous!”

“My mane is naturally orange. Mom says I get it from my father. I think the purple looks better, though.”

“It does look good on you. Who is your father? Anypony I know?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never met him. Mom says he ran away before I was born.”

“Oh, goodness. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—“

“It’s okay! I don’t even know him, so it’s not like I can miss him. Sometimes I wish I could have a dad, though.”

“Sweetie Belle never got married?”

“No. She says stallions are nothing but trouble, and that you can’t trust them or count on them for anything, and that she’s ‘just done’. She tells me not to talk to colts because they all just want one thing, but she won’t tell me what it is.”

“Well that doesn’t seem like a very good attitude.”

“Have you ever been married?”

“No, I never had the chance. I was single when this happened to me, and you’re the first pony to want to come near me since.”

“Ever been in love?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say love, but I used to have a crush on a friend of mine. She was my best friend growing up. She stood up for me when I got bullied in flight school. I’ve always admired her, and that admiration turned into affection when I got older. She moved in with another mare before I had the courage to say anything, though. I don’t regret it. They’re so happy together. I’m glad they found each other.”

“Aww, that’s a sweet story!”

“How has Rarity been? Did she ever find a special somepony?”

“She married a few times. Never for very long. Whoever she was with, they’d just end up arguing a lot after a while. Then, they’d break up. A couple of years ago, she just stopped dating. Pinkie Pie comes over every now and then, though. She and Rarity hang out with the door locked for a long time. If I ask what they’re doing, mom just says ‘talking’. If I ask what they’re talking about, she tells me to play outside.”

“Oh, um…” A sudden rush of blood ran down the inside of Red Eye’s cheek, and spilled onto the floor.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. That’s just how I blush.”

“Why are you blushing?”

“No particular reason. How is Pinkie Pie?”

“Pinkie is the best! She’s always so excited and happy about everything! When she’s done talking to Rarity, we make cupcakes together! Pinkie Pie makes the best cupcakes!”

“She does! Gosh, I wish I could still eat cupcakes.”

“I’m sorry. Do you want me to mash one up and stuff it into your neck-hole next time I visit?”

“N-no, thank you. That doesn’t sound very pleasant.”

“Yeah, it sounded a lot better in my head.”

“How are Apple Bloom and Scootaloo doing? Does your mom stay in touch with them?”

“Yeah! They come over once a week to hang out. Mom says they’re her best friends, but that they didn’t hang out together for a while. She never said why.”

“Did either of them find a special somepony?”

“Well, yeah. They’re married! They live together at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Goodness, I’ve been away for too long. Everything has changed so much. How is the rest of the Apple family?”

“Good, as far as I can tell. They mostly keep to themselves. I heard Applejack hurt her back and can’t buck apples anymore, but she still does the less demanding stuff. I go to school with her son.”

“Wow! Applejack has a son?”

“Yeah, his name is Red Streak.”

“Is he cute?”

Timpani giggled. “No! He’s a dork! He wears a cowboy hat that’s much too big, and he’s always talking about apples and all the stuff you can make from them.”

“I wouldn’t have expected any different. Don’t worry, he’ll grow into the hat.”

“If you say so. He’s so scrawny, I’m not sure if he’ll ever grow up.”

“Is Applejack still with Red Streak’s father?”

“Yeah, they’re married. Red Streak says his dad is a country-western singer, but I don’t think he’s famous or anything.”

“How about Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle? Do you know them?”

“They hang out with Rarity sometimes, but that’s about all I see of them. They’re married, too. What have you been up to all this time? You must have some cool stories.”

“I’ve done nothing.”

“What? Really?”

“My closest friends drove me out of town when they discovered my curse. I gathered all I could carry and fled. I built this cabin to keep me out of the wind and rain. Every now and then, I return to Ponyville, hoping everypony will have calmed down. I’m just here the rest of the time, thinking. And bleeding.”

“Is that why there are drain-holes in the floor?”

“Yes, those are a necessity.”

“What about before you were driven from town? Tell me how this all happened!”

“This all started on an otherwise normal morning. I was out feeding the animals when—“

“You had animals? Were you a farmer?”

“No, I just took care of a lot of animals. Working with animals is my special talent, but most of them are afraid of me now.”

“That is so cool! I mean the animals part is cool, not the afraid of you part. Mom won’t let me have a pet.”

“Anyway, Spike—“

“Who’s Spike?”

“He was the most adorable baby dragon. He used to live with Twilight Sparkle, as her assistant. He was a friend to us all.”

“Was? What happened to him?”

“I’ll get to that. Do you have any other questions?”

“No, I think I’m good. For now.”

“All right. So, Spike showed up and said Twilight wanted to see me at the hospital. He said Apple Bloom was there. I thought she just had her tonsils removed, or something. I assumed Twilight just wanted me to come by and wish her well.”

“What happened next?”

“Spike and I went to the hospital. He told me how to get to Apple Bloom’s room, but he didn’t say what happened to her. I went in and Apple Bloom had bandages down the side of her neck.”

“Whoa! What happened to her?”

“Twilight told me Apple Bloom was attacked by a lich, and that Princess Celestia wanted me to confront it. Twilight had a little piece of the lich, and said she could use it with a tracking spell.”

“Did you find the evil lich and have an epic battle?”

“Well, yes and no. We found her, but there was no battle.”

“Why not?”

“The princess just wanted me to go talk to the lich.”

“Apple Bloom almost dies, and Princess Celestia’s solution is to talk?”

“The princess had tried to kill this lich a few times already. If blowing her up didn’t work, I don’t know what a little pegasus like me is supposed to do in a fight.”

“Okay, good point. So, how did talking work out?”

“She wanted to kill me at first, but I called her by name and—“

“What was her name?”

“Vidalia, I think. Or maybe Valencia. Something like that. It definitely started with a ‘v’ and ended with an ‘a’. Everypony just called her ‘Forgotten’, though.”

“Kind of like how everypony calls you Red Eye?”

“Yes, exactly like that. I don’t think she and I were really all that different. The poor thing must have just given in to temptation. But Twilight said Forgotten had been around for more than a thousand years, and I don’t know her history. For all I know, she could have been crazy and evil the entire time.”

“So, um, how did the talk go? Sorry I interrupted.”

“It’s okay. I called her by her real name instead of calling her Forgotten. She was impressed and said I’d earned her respect.”

“That was easy!”

“Well, yes, but I’m not done yet. I tried to convince her that hurting fillies to keep herself in one piece is wrong. I finally got through to her, but the revelation she had isn’t what I was going for.”

“What happened?”

“She said she was old and that she didn’t need to exist anymore. So, she gave me her magic box—“

“A magic box?”

“Yes, it’s right over there on the shelf.” Red Eye gestured at an ornate box.

Timpani gasped and walked over to it. “Pretty!”

“Don’t touch it, it might be dangerous! I don’t know what kind of wicked magic is in there. I think it might have something to do with my condition.”

“Fine. Hey, what’s that over there?”

Timpani pointed, and Red Eye looked. “Oh, that’s just an old mirror I brought with me from Ponyville.”

While Red Eye was distracted, Timpani reached for the phylactery case. In a simple act of defiance, she pressed her hoof firmly against the wooden exterior of the box. No sooner than she’d made contact with it, a spark of static electricity stung her hoof. Timpani jerked her hoof away from the box. The shock had startled her, but she managed not to make a sound. She put her hoof back on the floor and put on her best innocent act before Red Eye’s attention turned back to her.

“So, what happened next?”

“Forgotten killed herself.”

“For real? How? You said she couldn’t be killed!”

“Not by conventional means, no. She smashed her own phylactery.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a glass ball that has something to do with keeping a lich alive. I don’t know the details. Twilight Sparkle has a book about undead creatures, but I doubt she’d let me read it.”

“Do you have one of those filtery things?”

“Phylactery. And yes, it’s in the box. Let me show it to you.”

Red Eye walked over to her shelf and lifted the lid of the phylactery case. Inside rest a glass sphere, cradled within a velvet liner. Dense, colorless fog swirled just beneath the surface of the glass. In the dim light, Red Eye’s phylactery put off a soft glow. Timpani immediately reached for it, but Red Eye intercepted her hoof.

“Please, don’t touch that. I have no idea what will happen if you do.”

“Sorry. So, what happened when Forgotten smashed her filly-ackery?”

“She—“ Red Eye took on a haunted expression. “She fell apart. It was terrible! I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sound of her screaming. Her skin just split open, and she collapsed. So much blood…”

“Whoa. So, what happened then?”

“I took the box and went home. Apple Bloom recovered from the attack, and she got to go home from the hospital. I had nightmares for a while, and I’m sure Apple Bloom did, too. Other than bad dreams, everything pretty much went back to normal.”

“So then how did you die?”

“That was a few weeks later. There was a forest fire—“


“No, it really wasn’t. I went into Everfree Forest to try and rescue the animals, but they had already fled. I ended up trapped. Spike came to save me, but I was too scared to move.”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing. I wanted to wait until the fire went out. Spike tried to drag me out of the woods, but I wouldn’t budge. Then, a tree fell. It crushed Spike, and trapped my leg and wing. I was stuck there, screaming, until everything went dark.”

“Wow. That is terrible.”

“Yes. I didn’t know it at the time, but I’m pretty sure that’s what killed me.”

“You didn’t know you were dead?”

“Nopony did. I woke up later, still pinned by the tree. The fire had been extinguished by then. My friends found me and helped me get to a hospital. I thought I was going to be okay, after my cuts and burns and broken wing healed. But none of it ever healed.”

“How did you find out you’re a lich?”

“After a couple of months, I went blind. Twilight Sparkle invited me to move in with her and Rainbow Dash. They took care of me and helped me get around without my eyesight. One day, Twilight took me to visit Applejack. A crow attacked me, and tore out my eye. I could see again, but Applejack and Twilight turned on me.”

“Wait, you could see after you lost an eye?”

Red Eye gestured at her left eye socket, and the namesake within. “My real eye had stopped working, and was blocking whatever this is.”

“So you could see better if you lost the other eye, too?”

“Well, yes.”

“Cool! Want me to pop it out for you? I’ll go get my scissors! I can trim off some of that hanging skin, too. You know, even out your face.”

“Please don’t.”

“Why not?”

“Well, for one, it would really hurt.”

“Oh yeah…”

“Also, I want to keep what I have left of myself. I used to be so pretty, and I took my looks for granted. I know I’ll never be pretty again, I’m a monster! But I still have most of my body and a chunk of my face. I’m still a little pretty, not just a spooky, talking skeleton.”

“I think you’d be a pretty skeleton!”

“Thank you, Timpani.”

“So, you really just sit here and stare at the wall and think?”

“Yes. There isn’t much more for a pony like me to do. Sometimes, when it’s storming, I like to stand outside on the cliffs. The wind blowing through my feathers makes me feel like I’m flying. It makes me feel alive again. For a little while, at least.”

“You need a hobby. Want me to bring you some puzzles and books and stuff?”

“That would be lovely, but you don’t have to. Just having somepony to talk to is wonderful.”

“How about I bring a board game and we can play together?”

“I’d really like that. Just please don’t get yourself in trouble for me, okay? I’m already dead, so don’t ever put me before anypony living.”

“But —“

“The most important thing I’ve learned from all of this is that you have to hold onto what you have, before it’s gone. Cherish every moment with your friends and family. Most importantly, cherish yourself. Life can lead to some unexpected and dark places. It’s important to enjoy the light for as long as you can, because you never know how long you’ll get.”

“O-okay, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m getting sleepy, so I’m going to go home. I’ll see you next time!”

“Goodbye, Timpani, and good night! Thank you for hanging out with me. Sleep well.”

“You t— I mean, bye bye!”

Timpani trotted off, leaving Red Eye to her own devices. Red Eye looked around her home. Empty, save for a few old pictures, a mirror, and her phylactery case. What Timpani had said about needing a hobby suddenly felt spot on. Red Eye resigned herself to lying on the floor, staring at the wall, and waiting for her friend to return.

Session 19 - I Need You More than Anything in My Life

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Twilight peered into an open book. Numerous candles flickered nearby. Their combined luminescence provided more than ample reading light. She explored the twists and curves of every letter, savoring each word like a fine morsel.

A mug sat nearby, half-full of coffee. Hot, but no longer steaming. Twilight spent many a night this way; not only disobeying the doctor’s orders but outright defying them.

Rainbow Dash awoke. She saw the light coming from downstairs, and glowered. Groggy and half-asleep, she went downstairs and marched right up to Twilight.

“What are you doing? You should have been in bed hours ago.”

“I’ll come to bed when I finish this book. It’s a really good one!”

“No, you’re going to bookmark the page you’re on and come to bed. The book will be there when you wake up.”

“And the bed will be there when I finish reading.”

“You aren’t supposed to stay up so late! And is that coffee you’re drinking? You know that’s bad for you!”

“I’m not a little filly anymore, Dashie. I can make my own decisions.”

“I’m putting my hoof down. No more coffee, no more late nights. Now, come to bed.”

“Just because I’m wearing your bracelet doesn’t mean you own me.”

“Twilight, I’m serious!”

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Rainbow.”

“Upstairs. Let’s go.”

Twilight groaned. “You go upstairs. I’m sleeping down here tonight. I can’t stand it when you get like this.”

Rainbow Dash sniffled. “I’m sorry.”

Twilight turned around and saw Rainbow Crying. “Whoa. What’s this?”

“I didn’t mean to get bossy. It’s just that I’m scared. I don’t know how much longer we have, and it makes me crazy to see you shorten that time.

“I’m scared too, Dashie. I look at every day like it may be my last. I want to read as much as I can before the end.”

“But if you come to bed at a sensible time, you’ll live longer.”

“I know that. I just worry that when I go to sleep, I might not wake up. That’s why I have a hard time putting a book down.”

“Every time I wake up and you’re not there, I’m terrified. I worry you’ll never be there again. I think ‘this is the night I find her slumped over her desk, dead.’ Sometimes, I feel like those books are more important to you than I am.”

“Dashie, you know that’s not true. Books are finite. There are only so many of them in the library, and I want to read them all before I go. But I know you’ll always love me.”

Twilight stepped forward and embraced Rainbow Dash. Rainbow wrapped her forelegs and her wings around Twilight for a particularly close hug.

“You’re everything to me, Twilight. My whole world. I’d be lost without you.”

“I need you more than anything in my life, Dashie. Even more than reading. I’ll come to bed as soon as I finish this chapter, I promise. This is my last late night.”

Rainbow kissed Twilight on the lips, then released her. “I’ll wait up for you.”

“I’ll be there. I promise.”

Twilight went back to her book, and found herself reading quickly. The discussion changed something in her, and she suddenly felt more eager to savor a night of cuddling than a good book. After all, she had hundreds of books, but only one spouse.

Session 20 - You Couldn't Last a Lifetime

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Red Eye sat up at the sound of approaching hooves. The few days she’d spent alone somehow felt longer than the years before she met Timpani. It wasn’t long before Timpani passed through the doorframe. She wore a set of saddlebags, a small lantern, and a bright smile.

“HI, Futtershy!”

“Hello, Timpani. It’s good to see you, again. I was afraid you wouldn’t come back."

“Of course I came back. I said I was going to, didn’t I?”

“You did, indeed.”

“I brought you some stuff.”

“Oh? How thoughtful!”

Timpani removed her saddlebags and dropped them on the floor. “I brought a book from the library. It’s about the undead, and I think it’s the same one you were talking about. It has a section on liches, either way.”

Timpani telekinetically pulled the book from her bag, and offered it to Red Eye. Red Eye accepted the book, and read the title aloud. “Ghosts, Ghasts, and Ghoulies: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Undead Horrors, but Were Afraid to Ask. This is probably the one. Is Twilight all right with letting me borrow it?”

“She was all right with letting me borrow it. She doesn’t need to know where it is until I give it back.”

“That seems a little dishonest.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine. Just try not to get any blood on it.”

Red Eye looked down at the book. It was already smeared with blood, just from brief contact with her hooves. “Oops. Too late for that.”

“Oh, well. I’ll just tell Twilight I lost it.”

“I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“The worst she can do it put me to work to pay it off. It’s really not a big deal.”

“Well, if you’re sure, then I won’t worry about it. Thank you for bringing this to me, Timpani.”

“You’re welcome! I read part of it before I brought it here. It mentions that Forgotten preyed on foals to preserve her youth, but didn’t explain how it’s done. I’m afraid to ask, but I’ve been looking for old magic books in the library. If I can find the right spell book, I’ll—“



“I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more about my condition, but I will not drain anypony to restore myself. I miss the mare I used to be, but the price is too dire.”

“Even if you had a willing filly to drain?”

“No. Even if I wanted to do something so despicable, I’m not a unicorn.”

“What if I learn the spell, and do all the magic parts, and you just reap the benefits?”

“Timpani, stop. Life is beautiful. You should cherish every moment. Don’t throw it all away for a long-dead wretch like me.”

“I know life is great! That’s why I wish I could live forever, like you.”

Red Eye dropped the book, and put her clammy hooves on Timpani’s shoulders. “Don’t say that! Don’t ever say that!”

“I don’t understand. What’s wrong with eternal life?”

“Undeath isn’t eternal life! It’s a never-ending whirlwind of misery and pain!”

“Fluttershy, you’re scaring me!”

“Good! This is scary! Ponies need to be able to die! Life is wonderful, but it eventually comes to an end. Death is a precious blessing, too. Undeath is nothing but a terrible curse. Look at me. I’m falling apart and I can still feel. I’m in constant pain! Nothing inside me works, anymore. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve had food in my belly, or air in my lungs? Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve slept? You don’t want this. Nopony wants this.”

Timpani’s lip quivered, and her eyes grew misty. “I’m so sorry, Fluttershy.”

Red Eye emitted a breathless sigh. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m not upset because of what you said. I just never realized how hard this is for you.” Timpani hugged Red Eye, and sniffled. “I’ve said a lot of rude things. I’m so sorry, I had no idea being undead was so terrible.”

Red Eye returned the hug, inadvertently smearing blood all over Timpani in the process. “It’s all right. Just enjoy life while it lasts, and accept death when it comes.”

“What if I become a princess?”

“Well, I suppose then you could live forever without consequences, but—“

“Cool! I don’t even want to be a zombie anymore!”

“Great! I’m glad we could put that behind us.”

“Ooh, I nearly forgot! I have another present for you.”

Red Eye released Timpani. “Oh? What is it?”

“Just wait, you’ll see.”

Timpani removed a roll of fabric, a pair of scissors, a tape measure, a marker, a needle, and a spool of thread from her saddlebags. She found a clean spot on the floor to arrange her things. Then, she approached Red Eye with the tape measure.

“What is all of this? What are you doing?”

“I thought about what you said last time. Aunt Rarity has been teaching me to sew. I thought I could help you become pretty.”

“I don’t follow you.”

“I’ll cut some canvas, then sew it onto you! It won’t be perfect, but you’ll be whole again. The canvas I brought is thick and waterproof, so it should last a long time. And it’s almost the same color as your coat!”

“Oh my. I never thought of trying something like this. What a good idea!”

“I just have to take some measurements, and then I can make patches for you.”

Timpani measured the circumference of Red Eye’s left leg. Then, she attempted to straighten out the loose flesh to measure the length of the burn.

“A-ah! That’s tender!”


Timpani held Red Eye’s flesh in place and stitched her torn skin back together. Once the leg bone was concealed, she measured and cut a piece of fabric. Timpani covered Red Eye’s burn, and stitched the fabric to her leg.

Each time the needle pierced Red Eye's skin, she winced. She did her best to remain still while Timpani stitched the canvas to her leg, but could’t prevent the odd twitch or squirm. Timpani guided the needle with as much precision as she could muster. She made a series of strong sutures along each edge of the canvas patch.

Red Eye squirmed and whimpered the entire time. The cold steel punctured her over and over, dragging rough thread behind it. In time, the patch was in place. Timpani finished the last suture and stepped back with a smile.

“That worked better than I expected,” said Timpani. “Have a look.”

Red Eye held up her left foreleg and examined Timpani’s efforts. She turned her leg from side to side, admiring the stitching.

“Excellent work! It’s like my leg is whole again!”


“No, thank you.”

“Let’s do your face, next. I wish I could cover your eye without blinding you.”

“Yeah, so do I. I think the eye is what freaks a lot of ponies out.” Red Eye put her hoof down and returned her full attention to Timpani. “Oh my gosh, you got your cutie mark!”

Timpani twisted around and examined her own flank. “I did! Sutures are my special talent!”

“That’s unsettling. Oh, but still, congratulations!”

“I can be a doctor! Or a mad scientist who sews corpses together and—“

“Stick with doctor.”

“You’re no fun. Ah, well. I should patch up the rest of you before it gets too late.”

Timpani measured Red Eye’s head. She took measurements at several different angles, and made sure to get the circumference of Red Eye’s empty socket. After very thoroughly measuring, she drew a pattern on her canvas and cut out an oddly shaped piece of fabric. She pressed the patch against the side of Red Eye’s head, and re-threaded her needle.

“Hold still, this might hurt.”

Once again, Red Eye endured the pain of having canvas stitched to her flesh. This time onto the ragged edges of her torn scalp and neck. The face patch covered the left side of her skull, and kept her tongue neatly tucked away.

For nearly an hour, the process repeated. Timpani measured, re-measured, cut, and sewed until all of Red Eye’s larger wounds and burns were hidden. Soon, only a few scrap pieces of canvas remained.

“There! All done!” said Timpani.

Red Eye admired herself in the mirror. “I do look much better. Thank you, Timpani.”

“You’re welcome! I’m happy to help! I’ll patch you up again if that canvas wears out.”

“You are wonderful, Timpani. Don’t ever stop being who you are.”

Timpani blushed. “Thanks, Fluttershy. That’s really sweet.” Timpani gently poked Red Eye’s nose and said, “boop!” Then, she turned and started to pack up her things. “I have school in the morning, I should go.”

“Good night, Timpani. Take care.”

“You too! I’ll see you next time!”

Session 21 - The Ghosts of All My Guilt

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Rainbow Dash stood before an open casket, her lost love lying within. She hid her eyes behind a foreleg, but the tears streaming down her face defied concealment. Twilight lay amidst a silken liner, her eyes closed for all eternity. Her wedding bracelet still rest on her left-front ankle, and Rainbow Dash still wore its match.

Rarity approached Rainbow and rest a hoof on her shoulder. “I can’t begin to imagine what you’re feeling right now. If you need a shoulder to cry on, your old friend Rarity is here.”

“Thanks Rarity. Are you sure it’s okay for you to be up and about like this?”

“I’m not that sick, it's just the flu. A few hours outside won’t kill me. Twilight was a dear friend of mine, I owe it to her to be here. She deserves a proper send-off.”

“Just don’t overdo it. I don’t want you to end up in a casket, too.”

Surprised murmurs from the other funeral attendees distracted Rainbow Dash. She looked to see what the fuss was about, and glowered. Red Eye shambled down the hill, making her way towards the funeral gathering. Blood seeped from her stitches, bordering patches of fabric grafted onto her flesh. Her blood had already begun to discolor the thick canvas.

“What is that doing here?” said Rainbow Dash.

Though Red Eye did nothing to call attention to herself, everypony at the funeral was soon staring. Her gaze remained on the ground, her head hung low. She could feel how unwelcome she was, and silently pleaded for the glaring to stop. The hate and fear hung thick in the air, so intense as to be palpable.

Red Eye stopped in her tracks when Applejack stepped in front of her. The farm pony had foregone wearing her favorite hat, but had a black shawl draped across her shoulders. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood on either side of her. Prairie Song was a short distance away, standing protectively in front of Red Streak.

“I thought I told you to stay away from Ponyville, monster,” said Applejack

“Applejack, please, I don’t want any trouble,” said Red Eye.

“I haven’t bucked in a while, but I’ve got two good work horses here who’ll gladly kick you to pieces. Now get lost!”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo advanced, menacingly. Red Eye cowered and backed away. Scootaloo suddenly rushed forward, but stopped mid-charge at the sound of a voice.

“Stop! Everypony just stop!” said Rarity.

“You saw what that thing did to Apple Bloom! I ain’t lettin’ Red Streak get sliced up!”

“That thing killed itself, decades ago,” said Rarity. “I seriously doubt Fluttershy is going to hurt your son.”

“T-thank you, Rarity!” said Red Eye.

Rarity glared at Red Eye. “Don’t think that I’m happy to see you, just because I know who you are. Do you have any idea how insensitive it is for you to come here?”

"I don't understand."

“You’re immortal. There’s a reason the princesses didn’t show up. We’ve all lost one of our dearest friends, but you’re alive beyond death. Then you come here and just flaunt it.”

“But I’m not fl—“

“How do you think we feel, trying to cope with the loss of a friend when you show up? How do you think Rainbow Dash feels? Twilight Sparkle is gone, but you’re dead and you’re still here. You’ll be around forever! You’re going to watch us all die!”

Red Eye quivered, and a stream of blood dribbled from her tear duct. “B-but I—“

“And just look at you! What’s left of you hasn’t aged a day! We keep getting older, but not Fluttershy! Oh no, you just let all that aging nonsense pass you by! All in the same glance you mock us with your youth and remind us of our impending death.”

“I didn’t ask to be like this!”

“But you’re enjoying it, aren’t you? You even had my niece patch you up with fabric she stole from me. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know those sewing lessons I gave her are going towards making you into a walking doll. Do you feel pretty in your fake skin? I can’t believe you when you pretend to suffer. Not when—“

Rarity suddenly broke into a violent coughing fit. Sweetie Belle approached and began thumping her on the back with a hoof whilst staring daggers at Red Eye. The other ponies at the funeral continued to glare as well, though Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had refrained from attacking her.

“Why is everypony being so awful to Fluttershy?” said Timpani. “Leave her alone! Twilight Sparkle was her friend, too!”

“Quiet, Timpani,” said Sweetie Belle. “The grown-ups are talking.”


“Quiet, Timpani!”

Rarity recovered from her coughing fit, but it left her voice a hoarse croak. “You’re dead, Fluttershy. No amount of talking and fabric is going to change that. Stop trying to re-integrate. Just let us mourn in peace. Nopony wants to remember you as a hideous revenant, but you aren’t giving us a choice.”

Red Eye turned away from her former friends. Tears of blood ran freely down her face, accompanied by quiet sobs. She started up the hill, but stopped when Timpani rushed to her side.

“Fluttershy, wait! Don’t let her talk to you like that!”

“Timpani, get away from that thing!” said Sweetie Belle. “I don’t care what Rarity says, I still don’t trust it!”

“But mom!”

“Right now, or you’re grounded!”

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“You need to learn the difference between right and wrong! Get over here this instant, or you’re going to be punished! This is for your own good, that thing is dangerous!”

“Listen to her, Timpani,” said Red Eye. “Your mother just wants what’s best for you.”


Red Eye resumed her march uphill, sullenly dragging her hooves. Timpani returned to her mother’s side, and watched Red Eye leave. The little filly trembled with rage, but dared not speak out against her mother more than she already had.

Session 22 - Away We Go

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Red Eye passed through the door of her blood-stained hovel. What was said at Twilight Sparkle’s funeral hung heavily in her mind. Rarity’s words were particularly cutting. She pulled her phylactery case from its shelf and placed it upon the floor.

For a long time, Red Eye stared at the box. Her eye traced along the wood grain, happy for a distraction from her miserable thoughts. The numbing reprieve couldn’t last, though. The barbs of her recent experience began to sting again, just seconds later. It was all drops in the bucket compared to what Red Eye had already been through, but the cumulative effect was more than she could bear.

Red Eye glanced at her mirror in the corner. Her own horrific visage was thrown back at her. Even with the canvas patches, she was clearly not a regular pony.

“You’re dead,” said Red Eye. “You’re dead, and nothing will change that. Your friends just want to mourn you in peace. I-it’s time to go…”

Having steeled her resolve, Red Eye opened her phylactery case and removed the glass globe inside. She placed the sphere on the floor and rest her hoof upon it. For several minutes, she remained motionless. Her courage faltered with the feel of smooth glass beneath her hoof, and the knowledge that crushing it would end her curse.

“Come on, you can do this!”

Flashbacks of Forgotten’s gruesome death surfaced. The incredible suffering she had endured in her final moments only strengthened Red Eye’s doubts. She put more pressure on the glass sphere, but began to quiver. Forgotten’s final shriek of ultimate suffering echoed through Red Eye’s mind.

In the end, fear outweighed despair. Red Eye returned her phylactery to its case and slammed the lid shut. The frustration from her most recent failure did nothing to help her already turbulent emotions. She threw herself to the floor and began to sob uncontrollably.

Late that night, Timpani let herself in unannounced. Her saddlebags were packed full, nearly bursting. A bruise was beginning to form on the side of her head. Red Eye had finally stopped crying, but hadn’t moved since she flopped down. She didn’t even look up when Timpani entered.

“Come on, we’re leaving,” said Timpani.

“What do you mean?” said Red Eye.

“I’m running away from home. Your cabin is too easy to find, so we have to go somewhere else.”

“This is a bad idea. Just go home, Timpani. Your mother is better to you than you realize. I’m clearly a bad influence, so just pretend you never met me.”

“No! I don’t like the way my mom talks to you, but what aunt Rarity said today was especially unacceptable! I can’t let them talk to my friend like that.”

Red Eye finally looked up, and gasped when she saw Timpani’s bruise. “Did Sweetie Belle hit you?”

“What? Oh! No, it’s just dark outside. I banged my head on something on the way here. But that’s not important! There’s a new life waiting for us, somewhere. Let’s get out of Ponyville and find it!”

“No. There isn’t a life for me, anywhere. New or otherwise. I’m dead. Go home and live your life. Enjoy your youth while you can. Leave me to rot, alone. In time, you’ll realize that your aunt was right.”

“She was right about one thing; Fluttershy died a long time ago. So, stop being Fluttershy! Be Red Eye! Make a new mare of yourself! New name, new home, new friends!”

“I don’t know…”

“What do you have to lose?”

“Not a thing. I’m more worried about you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t just drop out of school, abandon your family, and run off to another town to live with a gross freak. That isn't a reasonable goal for a filly to have.”

“You aren’t a freak! I think you’re cool! I know we can find a place that will accept you if we try! There’s got to be someplace in Equestria where ponies won’t judge you for your looks. I'll enroll in school as soon as we find our new home, I promise!”

“You aren’t going to give up on this, are you?”

Timpani giggled and gave Red Eye a hug. “Nope! It’ll be great, trust me. You can be Red Eye, and I’ll be Stitch!”

“Wait, why are you changing your name?”

“I don’t know. Doesn’t it sound cool?”

“I like the name you have.”

“Okay, fine, whatever. Point is, I know that if we look, we’ll find a place.” Timpani released Red Eye and began to sing. “Where you can be you, and I can be me. How great it will be, when we can be we—“

“Timpani, stop. I’ve heard far too much singing in my time.”

“What? B-but I spent like eight entire minutes coming up with all the words!”

The sight of a quivering lip broke the soggy lump of flesh that was once Red Eye’s heart. “Oh, um. What I meant was, why don’t we wait on the song until we get to our new home? You don’t want to be here singing when your mother comes looking, do you? You said yourself that my cabin is easy to find.”

“You mean you’ll go?”

“Well, I can’t let you run away from home by yourself, can I? That’d make me a bad friend and a bad grown-up. If anypony asks, I’m just your adult supervision.”

“Great! I’ll help you pack!”

Session 23 - Love is Watching Someone Die

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Timpani moved her needle with the utmost precision. Her brow furrowed in concentration, she completed the last in a series of sutures. The procedure was complete — she has successfully re-attached the torn leg of a doll.

“Be more careful with her from now on,” said Timpani. She gave the toy back to its owner.

“I will! Thank you, Doctor Timpani!” said Glitter Blast. She bounded out of the clinic with her newly repaired toy.

The years of travel had been hard on Timpani. Now an adult, she looked tired all the time. Even when she wasn’t. Purple dye had become difficult to come by in her travels, and so her mane had long since returned to its naturally orange coloration.

Timpani’s boss, Doctor Primrose, watched the filly leave with a bemused expression. “You’ve got a real talent for sutures, but you fix more dolls than ponies.”

“That’s a good thing. Dolls don’t feel pain.”

“True. Speaking of dolls, word is you stitched together a live pony from pieces of dead bodies.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No need to be shy. Everypony in Reignton knows about that ‘roommate’ of yours.”


“Word travels fast in a small town like this. Now, I’m not scared like the others. I’m just wondering how you brought it back to life. The medical applications of that sort of magic… Think of the lives that could be saved!”

“I didn’t make her that way. She’s been undead for longer than I’ve even known her. All I did was patch her up so she doesn’t bleed everywhere.”

“So you don’t know how to reanimate dead ponies?”


“That’s disappointing.”

“She’s not really alive, you know. At least not in the way we understand life. She tells me undeath is very painful.”

“I suppose it’s for the best, then.”


“You can go home early, if you want. I’ll still pay you for the full day, but I don’t think anypony else is coming by. I’ll send for you if I’m wrong.”

“Thank you!”

“Here’s your pay for this week. Enjoy your weekend!”

“Thanks, you too!”

Timpani accepted the bag of bits and left the clinic. Though she’d only been in Reignton for two weeks, everypony recognized her. She did her best to ignore the stares, but all the unwanted attention made her uneasy. Timpani ducked into a fabric shop, happy to be separated from the townsponies.

Clothyard looked up from her novel to acknowledge Timpani’s presence, but didn’t say a word to her. Timpani offered a friendly smile, but didn’t receive one in return. Clothyard went back to her book, and Timpani browsed the fabrics for sale.

For such a small shop, the variety of prints and patterns was impressive. There was little in the way of solid yellow, however. Timpani found herself eyeing two bolts of fabric. One labeled ‘daffodil’, and the other labeled ‘cream’. She felt the material. Neither fabric was very durable. These were suitable for dress-making, or light curtains.

Timpani left the yellow fabrics behind. She searched the store for something, anything more solid. There was nothing to be found. Not one roll of fabric suitable for so much as a heavy coat. Timpani selected the cream-colored cloth and brought it to the counter.

“Three yards, please,” said Timpani.

Clothyard looked up from her book. “Is this for that thing?”

Timpani scowled. “She’s not a ‘thing’, she’s my friend.”

“Whatever you say, doc. Your money’s as good as anypony else’s.” Clothyard put her book away, then retrieved her tape measure and scissors. She measured and cut three yards of fabric, then folded it up and put it in a bag for Timpani. “Six bits.”

Timpani paid for her purchase and accepted the bag of fabric. Clothyard went back to reading as soon as she dropped the six bits into her till. Timpani left the store, a bit irate for the clerk’s rudeness. Still, she was happy to have the fabric.

Timpani also went by the general store for some groceries and sundries on her way home. Her saddlebags loaded down, she made her way back to her shack on the edge of town.

An ugly, wooden eyesore stood up amidst a sea of unruly grass and wildflowers. It was the last remaining remnant of Old Reignton. The structure had been spared replacement or remodeling only through the former owner’s stubbornness.

With the old owner refusing to maintain the property and nopony else willing to constructively vandalize, it had fallen into extreme disarray. After the old owner died, it was to be demolished. Had Timpani and Red Eye not shown up, it would have been. It was the closest anypony in Reignton would tolerate Red Eye.

Timpani waded through the tall grass. She worried, as she did daily, that she would reach her front porch covered in ticks. Once Timpani got closer, she noticed a pony standing in front of her window. She trotted towards the nosy stranger.

“What are you doing?” said Timpani.

“My job,” said Sheriff Goldstar.

“Your job is looking in my window?”

“I’m keeping an eye on that pet monster of yours.”

“She’s not a monster. She’s a pony, like you or me.”

Goldstar laughed. “Who are you trying to convince? I saw that thing’s eye.”

“She’s not dangerous. Princess Celestia said so herself.”

“Yeah? Well Princess Celestia isn’t here right now. Unless she shows up, I’m the law. I’m keeping my eye on both of you. If that thing goes nuts, I’m going to put it down and arrest you for having it. I’d better not see it wandering around town, either.”

“Thank you, sheriff. I feel so much safer with you here,” said Timpani.

Sheriff Goldstar glared at Timpani, then walked off towards town. Timpani entered her home and found Red Eye curled up in the corner. Large sections of Red Eye’s body were covered in patches of random fabric. Timpani had kept her in one piece with whatever material she could find over the years. Red Eye’s artificial skin was covered in dirt, holes, and blood stains.

“Welcome home, Timpani,” said Red Eye.

“Hey, Red Eye!”

“How was work?”

“Good! I got paid today, and I bought you something special.”

Red Eye stood up. Her face was drenched in blood. “You shouldn’t have.”

“Have you been crying?”


Timpani moved to hug Red Eye, but Red Eye backed away. “What’s the matter?”

“I heard what the sheriff said.”

“Pfft. That blowhard? I won’t let her hurt you. I promise.”

“I’m not worried about me. I know I’m holding you back.”

“Where did you get a crazy idea like that?”

“None of the towns that ran us off would have a problem if not for me. You could have found a home by now. Even here, they made you live in a dilapidated house on the edge of town, and now the sheriff is giving you trouble.”

“We’ll find a place, some day. I know we will.”

“No, Timpani. There is no place for me. Go, find yourself a home and ponies that care about you. I’ll crawl into a cave and wait for the world to end.”

“I’ll never leave you behind. You’re my friend!”

“You’re my friend, too. That’s why I can’t stand what I’m doing to you.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s these close-minded ponies we keep trying to live with. I know we can find a place more accepting.”

“I don’t think we can. This is the closest we’ve ever come to acceptance, and they still treat me like a monster and you like a madmare. If you were traveling alone, you wouldn’t have any problems.”

“I’ll never abandon you, Red Eye. Even if we have to travel for the rest of our, well, my life.”

“I know you’re trying to be a good friend and help me. This is me being a good friend and asking you to leave me behind.”

“We may not even have to leave. Perhaps the ponies here will warm up to you in time.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, not with that attitude. Know what might help?” Timpani took the yellow fabric from her saddlebag. “I bought you some new ‘skin’.”

“Timpani, you shouldn’t have.”

“Nonsense! I wanted to.”

“You’re so sweet.”

“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t take care of you? Hang tight, I’ll get my sewing stuff and replace those rags you’re wearing.”

Timpani put the groceries away, then retrieved her sewing kit. Red Eye waited patiently for Timpani to get her things together. Finally, Timpani returned with her sewing kit. She used a small pair of scissors to delicately snip the sutures connecting tattered cloth to Red Eye’s face. She was cautious not to cut Red Eye’s skin whilst doing so.

“Do you think you could ever be more than friends with a mare like me?” said Timpani.

Red Eye was silent for a long moment before responding. “This isn’t a good idea, Timpani. I’m dead.”

“But you can still feel. Don’t tell me I’m the only one who feels the bond we’ve built traveling together.”

“I care about you, too. That’s why this can’t go anywhere. I’ll never be a whole pony again. You deserve somepony warm, at the very least. Somepony you can cuddle without bloodying the bed.”

Timpani finished removing the last of the sutures from Red Eye’s face, leaving her gaping maw exposed. She reached up and stroked Red Eye’s remaining cheek. “Everypony deserves to be loved, and I want to be the one to love you. I don’t care how cold you are, I can be warm enough for us both.”

Red Eye shivered. A stream of blood poured down the inside of her cheek, onto the floor. “You are amazing, Timpani. If you’re sure you want to do this, I think I can be your special somepony.”

Timpani smiled. “Kiss me.”


“If we’re special someponies now, let’s kiss.”

“We can’t! I’m poisonous!”

“Yes, you’ve told me about the little fish. I don’t mind if I get a tummy ache.”

“What would I do if you died? Please, don’t kiss me.”

“The amount of poison it takes to kill a school of minnows probably won’t even affect a grown pony.” Timpani hooked a foreleg around Red Eye’s neck and leaned in close. “A first kiss is something very special. I don’t care how sick I get. It’ll be worth it.”

“I do care! Timpani, please reconsider! This is dangerous.”

“Shhhh. Just relax.”

Timpani pressed her mouth to what was left of Red Eye’s mouth. The kiss was awkward, at best, thanks to Red Eye’s lack of a lower jaw. Despite having only one lip to smooch, Timpani tried her hardest to make it work.

Red Eye trembled. Her stomach tied itself in knots out of worry. The feel of Timpani’s tongue swabbing her palate did little to abate the fear that she would accidentally kill Timpani.

Timpani finally broke the weird kiss and shakily stepped back. Red Eye’s blood dribbled down her chin. She was panting like she’d just run a marathon. She looked exhausted, and she could barely remain standing.


Timpani’s eyes rolled back in her head. She collapsed in a heap on the floor, and started convulsing. She thrashed on the floor, but made no meaningful attempt to move. Red Eye dove to the floor and embraced her.

“Timpani! Please, don’t leave me! I need you to live! I love you! I can’t go on alone!”

Timpani didn’t respond. Red Eye could feel her heart beating irregularly, and also extremely fast. After a few seconds, Timpani went still. Her rapid-fire pulse came to an abrupt stop. Red Eye tightened her grip on Timpani, and began to cry.

Session 24 - We'll Hold Each Other Soon

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Red Eye looked up. It was dark outside, and Timpani’s corpse had grown cold. Red Eye had lost track of time. She didn’t know how long she’d been holding Timpani. She checked, again, for a pulse, and found none.

Just a short while later, Red Eye shifted. She pulled Timpani’s corpse onto her back, and struggled to stand. Her disintegrating body had grown weak, and she could only just barely hold Timpani’s weight.

Red Eye left the shack and made her way towards Reignton’s cemetery with short, strained steps. The moon hovered high in the sky, bathing the land below in silver-blue luminescence. Soon, a cluster of grave markers came into view.

Red Eye struggled uphill and into the cemetery. She found an empty patch of land, close to the existing graves but not so close that she would disturb the resting dead. She lowered herself to the ground and rolled Timpani off of her as gently as possible.

Red Eye borrowed a shovel she found leaning against the wall of a nearby shed. The cold, hard ground fought her every attempt to dig. Despite the dirt’s firmness and her own enfeeblement, Red Eye dug undeterred.

When the first rays of sunlight broke over the horizon, Red Eye had managed only a shallow grave. Fearing she would be discovered before she had time to finish a proper resting place, Red Eye dragged Timpani’s body into the hole.

“I’m so sorry,” said Red Eye. “My evil blood wouldn’t spare even you, sweet angel. I tried to tell you. Why wouldn’t you listen?” Red Eye started crying again. She leaned down to hug Timpani one last time. “I’ll avenge you. As soon as I get back, I’ll smash my own phylactery. I promise.”

Timpani stirred. Her eyes snapped open. She was bleary and disoriented, as if waking from a long nap. “Don’t do that, you’ll die. Silly pony.”

“Timpani? You’re alive!”

“Why am I in this hole?”

“You died. My blood killed you! I checked for a pulse and everything. You were ice-cold.” Red Eye pressed a hoof to the side of Timpani’s neck. “Oh no. You’re… Just like me.”

“That’s a good thing, right? Now we can be together forever!”

“This isn’t a good way to li— exist. It’s very painful.”

“Any pain is worth enduring if I can be with you. As long as we’re together, I consider this a blessing, not a curse.

“Timpani…” Red Eye touched noses with her. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Red Eye.”

A sudden shout shattered their tender moment. “The monster is loose! It’s stealing corpses!”

Red Eye looked to the base of the hill. A small mob of ponies was already assembling. Some of them were armed with axes and pitchforks.

“We should go,” said Timpani.

“Yes, quickly,” said Red Eye.

Red Eye helped Timpani up from the dirt, and the two of them fled. Despite Red Eye’s sluggishness, they had a significant head-start. They managed to evade the villagers just long enough to find a hiding place.


Later, after nightfall, Timpani emerged from the hollowed-out trunk of a massive, dead tree. The townsfolk had long since stopped their pursuit. Timpani rubbed dirt in her coat, sullying the solid white.

“What are you doing?” said Red Eye.

“I’ll be harder to see this way. I’m going back for as many of our things as my saddlebags will hold.”

“Timpani, no. It’s too dangerous. We can make new memories.”

“At the very least, we need your phylactery case and my sewing kit.”

“I’m going with you.”

“Then put on some dirt.”

Timpani finished dirtying herself, then helped Red Eye darken her own coat. The two mares snuck back to their house. They watched and listened carefully for the presence of other ponies.

The house had been trashed. No possessions had been taken or damaged, but no piece of furniture remained upright. Some of the walls even had holes kicked into them.

“Were they trying to demolish the place?” said Red Eye.

“They were looking for us,” said Timpani.

The two mares located their saddlebags and loaded up. Between the two of them, they managed to gather all of the things they’d brought with them when they moved to Reignton.

Red Eye and Timpani left the house as quietly as they’d come. They trudged off into the darkness, following a dirt road to parts unknown. They would visit town after town, until they found a home.

Session 25 - I Will Never Feel Alone

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Far away from the hustle and bustle of Canterlot was the town of Hayslee. Nestled away into its own quiet little corner of nowhere, and bordered by steep cliffs and mountainsides. Only a single road stretched to the south. Hayslee’s isolation shielded it from many happenings of the outside world.

It had come as a surprise to everypony when the town’s newest and strangest residents moved in. There was no explanation as to where they had come from, or why they’d sough out such an isolated place. Even less explicable was their bizarre and frightening appearance.

The ponies of Hayslee weren’t a judgmental lot, though. They were willing to give the strangers a chance. The larger of the two, Stitch, wore a full-body suit of sack cloth. She told the villagers she had no skin underneath, and they had no reason to doubt her. The only openings in the suit were two eye-holes, and a hole for her unicorn horn.

Stitch was always smiling, because a smile had been embroidered into her face with yarn. She had no eyes. Only mysterious red lights that hovered in her eye sockets, like hot coals on a dark night. Her voice had a warped, disturbing sound to it. But in spite of her terrifying appearance and even more terrifying voice, she was as friendly as anypony else in Hayslee.

Stitch offered her services as a doctor, and proved to be quite a good one. She had particular skill with sutures, but that wasn’t her only talent. With a small library of medical texts, she could easily figure out how to solve any problem she didn’t recognize right off the bat.

Stitch’s companion was little more than a talking skill, the unfortunate result of a run-in with some hungry diamond dogs. Like Stitch, she lacked eyes, and instead had the same specks of red light in her eye sockets. She called herself Red Eye. When she first arrived in town, she would only speak if spoken to, and never initiated conversations with the townsfolk.

Stitch brought Red Eye along for walks through town every so often. Red Eye got past her shyness a little at a time, and grew accustomed to making small talk with her neighbors. It took time to get her talking, but once somepony did, they found she was full of stories to tell. The places she’d seen, the ponies she’d known, the things that had happened to her and Stitch.

The Hayslee ponies grew to accept and appreciate their new residents within just a few short months. So it came as a surprise to Stitch when she headed home from the clinic to find a crowd of ponies barring her path.

Such situations had always ended badly before. Terribly, even. Every single time. However, these ponies weren’t brandishing weapons. They were even smiling. Stitch suppressed her panic reflex and came closer.

“Stitch, we noticed you’re starting to show some wear and tear,” said Rosemary. “So, a bunch of us got together and made you a quilt.”

The unicorns in the crowd used their magic to lift and unfold a quilt, holding it open by its corners for Stitch to see. No two squares were the same. Fabrics, colors, and patterns differed across the entire work. Some squares had images or short messages embroidered. One in particular said ‘Welcome to Hayslee’. If Stitch had tear ducts, she’d have cried.

“There’s a little something from each of us in this quilt,” said Whisperwind.

“We’d be honored if you wore it,” said Midnight Oil.

“I-I’m touched! Thank you, all of you,” said Stitch. “I’ll sew it into a suit right away!”

Stitch accepted the quilt and draped it across her back, folded over once so the edges didn’t drag on the ground. The crowd of ponies cleared a path for Stitch. She walked through, offering thanks to each pony she passed.

Inside, Red Eye stared at the door. Sometimes she went to work with Stitch, but not always. She valued her solitude, but the soul-crushing boredom of being just a skull made her pine for Stitch to return. Stitch finally did return, proudly strolling through the door with a quilt on her back.

“Oh my, what a lovely quilt,” said Red Eye. “Where did you get it?”

“Our neighbors made it,” said Stitch. “They wanted to make us feel more at home.”

“That’s so thoughtful! The ponies here really do like us, don’t they?”

“They do. After all this time, we’ve finally found a place we can call home.”