A Mare's Tail

by Southpaw

First published

Twilight Sparkle, in the library, with a magician. Romance novels may be involved.

Twilight just wants to read, preferably without any third-pony interruptions. But Trixie clearly has her own idea about what Twilight really wants, and it doesn’t seem to include reading.

Note: No romance novels are harmed in the telling of this story, though maybe they should be.

A Happy Ending

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A Mare’s Tail

Trixie strolled about the library with a disinterested air, turning the briefest attention to an occasional tome on a random shelf here and there; a thin pretext for her being there at all, Twilight suspected.

It was almost noon, and their long argument – ignited by Trixie almost the moment Twilight got up – continued, to the lavender mare’s dismay. And she hadn’t even had her coffee, yet.

Doesn’t Trixie have anything better to do?

She ached to say the words, but she knew it would do little good. Instead she bit her tongue and held her eyes to the pages before her, hoping that Trixie would just give up and let her wake up with her coffee. And her studies.

So many books, so little time

Trixie snorted loudly.

Oops, did I say that out loud?

“Come, Twilight, Trixie knows that you want her. Everypony does! Your eyes continue to follow the Beautiful and Amazingly Sexy Trixie even while you deny it.”

Twilight turned to growl at Trixie in exasperation. “Trixie, for the last time, I have not been watching you—” And found herself staring speechless at the azure unicorn’s curvy, swaying flanks as the mare paced seductively away from her, oblivious to Twilight’s outburst. Trixie’s tail swished in lively, soft white-blue arcs, not quite revealing herself with every sensual motion.

The magician stopped and turned her head with a fast swirl of lovely mane, capturing the stunned librarian’s gaze. Twilight squeaked in surprise and blushed intensely as a devilish little smile curled at the azure unicorn’s lips.

“Oh yes, Trixie sees how you most definitely do not look at her! Especially not at her lovely flanks. Clearly you were not peeking at her amazing cutie mark, and you certainly were not glorying in her remarkably alluring... tail.” She flung her tail in a wide fan for effect, and smirked as Twilight’s eyes widened. “Trixie could not blame you if you were watching her, of course.”

The confident mare turned again and continued walking away with her detached air. Her tail moved slowly now against the gentle sway of her hips, as though unconsciously teasing... inviting.

Twilight sat for a stunned moment, face burning, and then simply turned away. She banged her head into the open book, partly in frustration... and partly to hide her growing embarrassment at having actually been caught doing something she emphatically did not want to do.

She really didn’t. Really.

“Why, look at what Trixie has found, here! An unmarked stack,” Trixie called out from before a book case near Twilight’s private quarters. “How interesting! You really should fix this, Twilight. It is scandalous to have unmarked shelves in a library run by you. How will your patrons ever find these books?” she asked innocently, clicking her tongue in mock disdain.

Twilight lifted her head in surprise and turned to Trixie, studiously trying to avoid watching the blue mare’s hind quarters, which always seemed to be pointed straight at her. Trixie turned her eyes from the shelf and stared at Twilight with a triumphant look.

Romance novels, Twilight? Trixie is quite shocked! Let us pull a sample from the stack, shall we? Hmmm, the top shelf just might prove the most... I don’t know, gratifying.”

“Trixie! I do not read romance—”

“Oooh, look at these!” the actress exclaimed with a melodramatic air. She pulled several paperback books down from the shelf. “‘In the Hooves of a Mare’s Love’ and oh my, ‘The Reluctant Mare’, and goodness this one looks quite special: ‘Rhapsody of Love: A Mare’s Tail’. Twilight, Trixie is simply... well... stunned! There appear to be two mares on the cover of this novel, and wow that is quite a kiss they’re sharing, isn’t it?”

Trixie held the well-worn book in her hoof for Twilight to see, a heavy smirk sharpening her features, but the lavender mare looked away and shook her head.

“Trixie thinks we can safely judge this book by its cover. But she wonders how such a provocative novel could make its way so close to your bedroom... much less into a public library run by you.”

“Yes, it’s a library, Trixie! I categorize and place the books... I mean, I don’t choose every book that comes in here. Some of them are even donated—”

Trixie waved a dismissive hoof.

“Let us see who last checked out this enticing lover’s tale, shall we? Hmmm yes, this is scandalous; Trixie would not have painted the Mayor in that light, would you? Roseluck, perhaps, and certainly Lyra! Hmmm... Applejack, too, apparently. And Rainbow Dash, what a shock! But then one never knows, does one, Twilight?” Her eyes narrowed. “Almost never, anyway; let’s see who really read this little novel last, shall we? Just a simple trace spell...” Her horn lit with a pale lavender hue that encompassed the book.

“Wait, you can do that?!” Twilight said with rising panic.

Trixie smiled, and her aura faded. She tossed her mane and then held the book to her chin.

“No. Trixie admits this, but she has no doubt of your ability to perform such a spell, Twilight Sparkle, prodigy and prized student of the Eternal Princess Celestia. By all means, tell Trixie who last read this literary masterpiece.”

The magician hoofed the book casually at Twilight, who reflexively caught it mid-flight and then slammed it back into its place on the high shelf with a brief magical glow. Her eyes were wide and dark, now, and her lavender face glowed a bright, fetching shade of rouge.

Twilight sighed and then covered her glowing face again with her hooves. “Trixie, Please! Why are you doing this? I... I have a lot of reading to do,” she said, exasperation plain in her voice.

“Well clearly, Twilight! And there is apparently quite a stunning range of topics to choose from in this little library of yours,” Trixie stated with a sage nod. She peered at more provocative titles on the high shelf. “And a surprising amount of it is rather... deliciously controversial, apparently. Trixie will definitely come here more often.”

She turned and began a slow sashay toward the lavender and rouge unicorn, who she caught watching cautiously, a wide eye peeking just above her protective arm. That lovely amethyst eye tried to follow Trixie’s lips as the mage leaned in closer... and closer... until she finally spoke with a soft, sultry tone right into Twilight’s twitching ear.

“Trixie continues to be more and more impressed by the intensity of your supposed lack of interest in her, Twilight Sparkle.” She paused for a moment, clearly thinking, and stepped back unexpectedly. Her ears drooped and her tail lost its swaying energy. “But it is beginning to make Trixie sad, actually. Do you... do you truly find Trixie so horrible, so repulsive to look on?”

Twilight was surprised by the sudden shift to sincerity in the magician’s voice, and her eyes looked up to find Trixie staring at her intently. Her pretty, azure face was devoid of its previous smirks and judgments, and there was a sadness now in Trixie’s features that touched Twilight, something that brought her out from behind her protective shield to look more closely...

With a careless little smirk, the sadness in Trixie’s eyes instantly disappeared, and Twilight couldn’t tell if the mare had put on one mask or simply taken another off. Her empathy evaporated into a mist of anger.

“Trixie, you’re a performer; an actress. There’s no way I can believe anything you say even if I wanted to. Sheesh! It doesn’t matter, anyway!”

“Well of course you are correct, Twilight Sparkle. Trixie is a performer, as you say; a powerful magician and an actress.”

The blue mare stepped closer to Twilight again, until her eyes were mere inches away from the lavender unicorn’s wide gaze. Somehow her voice was even softer and huskier, the swaying lilt of her words even more seductive.

“Have you enjoyed Trixie’s little performance, Twilight? She believes you have, and she has most definitely appreciated your quite obvious response—” Trixie noted Twilight’s widened eyes, her radiant blush, the fluttering intensity of her breathing. She smiled and casually pulled away again. “—as an actress, of course. Trixie is very pleased to see that you desire her.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. She growled and slammed her book closed from both sides and let it drop flat to the table.

“Wait, you really... you’ve really been acting this whole time? Stars, Trixie, what is your point? Why am I even letting you do this? Are you just trying to aggravate me?”

Trixie stood still for a moment, then rolled her eyes and sighed. Then she pulled a low chair from the table and sat next to Twilight, a comfortable distance from the frustrated mare. Her voice was calm and even when she spoke, now; disarmingly so.

“Of course Trixie has been acting, Twilight. After all, a performer without an audience is merely alone in the world, is she not? Why do you ask? Are you... disappointed that Trixie has no interest whatsoever in mares?”

Twilight groaned and looked at the ceiling as if searching for help. Her head throbbed, and once again she covered her eyes with her hooves and lay her head against the table.

She sensed that her repetitive, changing view was fated to be the measure of her productivity today: Eyes, hooves, table, Trixie’s hind quarters, repeat. Surprise, embarrassment, frustration... other feelings, repeat. And she still hadn’t had her coffee.

“It is enough for Trixie to see that Twilight Sparkle desires her,” the blue mare continued. “Trixie admits that her magic is not as powerful as yours, but perhaps she has a different, stronger kind of magic for you to appreciate.”

A few moments of silence passed between the two mares. When Twilight finally, slowly lifted her head, there was a sharp look of resolve in her eyes.

“So you’re just acting,” Twilight stated pointedly.

“Well yes, of course!” Trixie said, surprised at Twilight’s sudden focus.

Twilight’s brow furled. “I do not believe you, Trixie. This isn’t just some game you’re playing to get me to watch you perform.” She stabbed an accusing hoof toward the magician. “You want me.”

The magician’s brow furled right back. “Trixie has stated that she is not interested in mares; only in their interest in her.” She grew nervous as she realized that she was now on the defensive in her own game. She drew a breath to begin taking back the ground she’d somehow lost to Twilight, but she’d pushed the lavender mare over a line she hadn’t been aware of.

Twilight Sparkle had had enough.

“You know, Trixie, I really think we should test that. Right now.” Twilight stood up abruptly, startling the other unicorn. She twisted Trixie’s chair out and gripped the mare’s arm with an insistent hoof. “Let’s go,” she stated with authority, nodding towards the bedroom door.

“What do you mean ‘go’? Trixie is not ‘going’ anywhere, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie insisted. She tried to pull away, but Twilight held on tight and responded with a mischievous grin. “There is no reason for Trixie to follow you — mmmph!

The blue mare stared in wide-eyed surprise as Twilight’s lips pressed firmly into hers, soft and so very compelling. She pulled back in shock, but Twilight smiled and circled her lavender hoof around Trixie’s neck, quickly pulling the unicorn back into a ravenous kiss.

Trixie squeaked as Twilight’s hold grew tighter and her kiss grew more passionate. A needy little mewl escaped somepony’s throat – at that moment she couldn’t tell who – and she flung her arms around the lavender mare, kissing back eagerly.

A moment later she shoved Twilight back a hoof length, her eyes scrunched and her breath ragged. Her tail whipped back and forth like a cat’s, and a feral, triumphant grin drew on her lips.

“Well it’s about damned time, Sparkle!”

Trixie pounced at Twilight, bear-hugging her and kissing her even harder, but her momentum easily threw them off-balance. With a matched pair of surprised squawks, the two unicorns tilted over and toppled to the floor, hitting the soft rug together with a dull thud and a loud “Oof!”

The two mares held on tightly, staring at each other in surprise as they recovered their breath and wounded composure.

And then Twilight began to smile.

And Trixie’s cheeks flushed hotly.

And Twilight began to giggle musically beneath her.

Twilight stroked a hoof tenderly along Trixie’s back and then held on even tighter as she began to laugh. Finally a reluctant smile and a laugh escaped from Trixie, and in another moment she’d buried her face into Twilight’s neck as their bodies shook together with uncontrollable laughter.

After a few long moments their laughter died away, leaving the two mares conscious of their position, yet neither moved to change that. Trixie grew impatient and nipped playfully at Twilight’s neck until the mage squeaked and rolled over atop of her.

Twilight composed herself a little and pressed a light kiss onto Trixie’s cheek. “You put those all of those books in that stack this morning,” she accused, giggling softly. “You know that if you wanted me so much, all you had to do was tell me.”

Trixie shrugged in Twilight’s embrace and gave her a soft smirk. “Well, yes of course Trixie put those books there, Twilight — mmmph!

A long, sweet kiss later, Twilight pulled her lips away from the magician’s, allowing her to breathe again.

“Third person, Trixie?” Her lips hovered a hair’s-breadth away, wanting. “Put away the actress for me, would you? I need to know that you’re sincere.”

Trixie reached up and ran her hoof lightly through Twilight’s fallen mane, brushing it gently behind her ear. Then she nodded and kissed Twilight’s nose, and gave a rare, shy smile.

“You always sleep so late! I was quite bored, and... I missed you.”

Twilight’s hoof drew delicate circles on Trixie’s chest, and she stared into her lover’s eyes. “I missed you too. But maybe you should consider another way of getting my attention instead of winding me up like that. Hey wait!” she said. Her hoof tapped Trixie hard. “You said you weren’t interested in mares.”

Trixie shrugged. “Well, I was acting. Besides, I meant other mares.” She nuzzled the lavender unicorn’s cheek, and then she pushed her muzzle into Twilight’s neck, nibbling playfully again until the mage squealed for Trixie to stop. “I am quite enthralled by the Gorgeous and Enchanting Twilight Sparkle... and only by her.”

“Ohhhh,” Twilight breathed. “Wow, that is so the right answer.” Her voice trembled with a sexy little quiver, and her body flushed hotly. “I’m going back to bed, now. Come with me?”

The azure unicorn looked thoughtful and chewed on the edge of her hoof for a moment. “Oh, I don’t know, Sparkle... So many books, so little time,” she teased. “Trixie thinks she might stay down here and read a steamy romance novel, instead.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Good! Leave the actress here to read. But I need the Beautiful and Amazingly Sexy Trixie—” She leaned in and breathed demanding words into the real mare’s ear. “—in our bed, right now.”

The young mage stood up and began to walk away, and Trixie turned on her side to watch.

Twilight’s lavender hips swayed almost seductively, and her dark tail swung just a little too sharply... but when she stopped and studied the book case next to the bedroom door, her surprised laughter was throaty and golden and sincere, and it thrilled Trixie right down to her hooves.

Twilight turned her head and leveled her best smoky gaze at the lovely blue mare behind her. Her tail swished, drawing Trixie’s eyes with exciting lines of blue and violet and pink.


Twilight Sparkle, you are the most adorable mare I’ve ever met, Trixie thought, but she knew better than to say the words. To observe Twilight aloud was to change her...

Instead she stood up, and her gaze made absolutely sure that Twilight knew that her effort hadn’t been wasted.

“Alright, Sparkle, you talked me into it.” Trixie’s eyes continued to take in the gorgeous tail and flanks her lover had been hiding away all night and all morning, and she smiled. “I’m right behind you.”