Power Ponies in Hostess Ads

by Grenazers

First published

Six short stories involving the Power Ponies saving the day y using Hotess products.

The City of Maretropolis, home to the superhero team called the Power Ponies. These six heroine have save the day numerous times before, but now they are going to do it with a little help from the good ponies of Hostess.

Note: So yeah, I decided to write a story about the Power Ponies and Hostess products. I did this because I found the lack of this crossover, disturbing. So now here I am presenting the Power Ponies in... Hostess Ads.

Mistress Mare-velous

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Mistress Mare-velous in The Shoplifting Streak

The Greystone mall, the largest mall in Maretropolis. It is the home to over hundreds of stores, each one selling their own unique goods to the many ponies that comes to the mall.

However, just recently many of these stores has been experiencing a lot of thefts in their shops. The thief behind this is none other then the menacing Shoplifter. This stallion has been stealing items from the various stores he visits. At first only a few stores suffered from his thievery, but now he is targeting more stores.

The mall security tried to apprehend him, but he always escaped by rolling away on his roller skates. With them unable to stop the shoplifter, they decided to call for an aid from the Power Ponies.

Later that day the ponies of Greystone mall receive the arrival of Mistress Mare-velous.

"Mistress Mare-velous, thank goodness you're here!"

"What is the problem citizen?"

"It is the Shoplifter! That stallion has been constantly stealing things from our stores, if he keep this up our business will be ruined!"

"Don't worry ponies." Mare-velous assured the store owner. "Mistress Mare-velous is here to end the Shoplifter's reign of terror."
So the super heroine left and went after the villain. Despite her best efforts the roller skating villain kept on evading her. She tossed her lasso and horseshoe at him, but they prove to be ineffective.

"Darn it, I'll never catch the Shoplifter if I keep doing this." She said to herself. "I need to think of a new plan to catch him."
Thinking for a bit the heroine came up with something. "That's it! She said loudly. "I know how to capture him."

Meanwhile on other side of the mall. The Shoplifter was in a middle of stealing some items when he heard the announcements from the mall's intercom.

"Attention all shoppers there is a special of Hostess Cupcakes available at the Sugarcube corner, better come quick or else they'll be gone."

Hearing this the Shoplifter's mouth started watering. In his mind all he could think about was the cupcakes. The delicious rich chocolate and cream filling kept replaying over and over in his mind. Wanting them so badly, he immediately dash towards the Sugarcube corner, hoping to snatch himself a Hostess Cupcake.

When he arrived at the store, the cupcakes were presented right before him on the table. If he had taken the time to look, he would've seen the obvious trap . But, the alluring taste of cupcakes clouded his mind and he went for it.

The trap sprung and the Shoplifter found himself hanging upside down, with a rope tied to his rear legs.

"Nice going Mistress Mare-velous, you captured the Shoplifter."

"Don't thank me, thank Hostess Cupcakes for being so delicious!" The heroine said while holding a cupcake.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Mistress Mare-velous and The Rise of the Dead

Outside the city of Maretropolis Mistress Mare-velous was trotting through the dark woods. It was night time and air was cold. The costume heroine was searching for one of Power Ponies greatest nemesis, the Necromarecer.

The Necromarecer is truly a dangerous villain, for she has the ability to raise the dead.

Mistress Mare-velous received a anonymous tip that the vile villain was out in these woods. Apparently the Necromarecer was looking for the ancient burial site of the ancient moon warriors.

If that mare reaches the site and raise them up, she'll have an army of powerful warriors under her control. With this knowledge in her head, the heroine quicken her pace through the woods.

She eventually found the ancient burial site, but she was too late. Right in the middle of the site the Necromarecer was conjuring up a wicked spell.

“Rise, fallen warriors of the moon, rise!”

The ground beneath the pony was starting the shake.

“Rise, fallen warriors and serve me!”

Suddenly a rotted hoof sprung out of the ground.

“Rise up and trot once again!”

A series of zombie ponies emerged from the dirt ground. Sound were rotting to the point of having their bones exposed.

“Brrrrraaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnssss” One of the zombies moaned.

“Don't worry you'll have plenty of that, but first why don't welcome our guest.” The Necromarecer pointed to where Mare-velous was hiding.

“Uh oh.” The red costumed heroine said as she saw the horde of undead ponies started slowly trotting towards her.

“Must act quickly! What do zombies want more then brains?”

A light bulb appeared over her head and light up.

“That's it!”

Going through her saddle bag, the pony pulled out a bunch of Hostess Twinkies and throw them into the undead horde. This showed to be effective as the zombies fought over the Twinkies. Zombies were tearing each other apart one by one.

Finally once the dust cleared, the zombie horde was reduced to pieces.
With the undead taken care of, Mistress Mare-velous tied the Necromarecer with her lasso.

“Curse you Mistress Mare-velous for foiling my plan!” She said angrily at the hero.

“I didn't do anything Necromarecer.” Mare-velous stated.

Picking up a Hostess Twinkies, she showed the delicious treat to the tied up villain.

“It was the Hostess Twinkies that defeated your army. They couldn't resist the moisty spongy taste and cream filling of the Twinkies.”

“Yes its true, the Hostess Twinkies are truly a delicacy that is superior to all deserts out there. Just thinking makes me crave for them. Please give me some!”

“Don't worry Necromarecer you'll have all the Hostess Twinkies you want, in jail!”

Mistress Mare-velous pull the rope and dragged the villain back to the city, where she was put in jail with the rest of kind.

They left the area, leaving the scattered pieces of zombies, trying desperately to get the Twinkies, but to no avail.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Twinkies


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Zapp in The Marching Band Brigade

In the city of Maretropolis, a large marching band was trotting on the road. They were playing various musical instruments, from the cornet to the tuba and the clarinet to the saxophone.

However, this was no ordinary marching band. Leading the band at the front is the dreaded Major Drum. A villain that is able to take control of ponies through the hypnotic spell from his music.

All the ponies in his marching band are ponies who fell under the control of his music, they are now forced to march along with him while playing one of the many instruments he has.

“Ha ha ha!, soon I'll have everypony in this city under my control.” Major Drum stated. “Once I'm done with this city, I'll send my armies to other cities and they will be assimilated into my marching band army!”

Meanwhile up high in the sky, a certain costume heroine was watching the marching band brigade from her cloud.

“Thank goodness Major Drum's music can't go this far out.” Zapp said to herself. “I must find a way to stop Major Drum without harming the mind-controlled citizens. Man, I sure wish I was an egghead like Mask Matter-horn.”

Then all of a sudden she struck an idea.

“Wait a second! I know how to take down Major Drum and not hurt the citizens.”

Using the lighting bolt shape pendent on her necklace, Zapp created a huge gust of wind that took all the Hostess products in the city.

She then brought them all into a large cloud. Moving the cloud over the Marching Band, Zapp used her pendent again and the cloud was raining hostess products.

Twinkies, cupcakes, and fruit pies were pouring out of the clouds and into the large group of ponies below.

Upon seeing the delicious products falling before them, the mind-controlled ponies broke free from their mental restraint and grabbed the nearest hostess food.

“What is this?” Major Drum said, alarmed. “How could they broke free from my control?”

Before the villain could do anything, he was suddenly sucked up by a tornado and was toss into the back of a awaiting police carriage.

“Well Major Drum, it looks like not even your strong hypnotic control can beat the irresistible taste of hostess product. After all who could resist the soft spongy taste of a Twinkies, the rich chocolate of the cupcakes, and the real fruity taste of the fruit pie.”

“Jeez when you put it like that, I want one them.” Major Drum said.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Twinkies/Cupcakes/Fruit Pies

Zapp vs Old Mare Winter

The city of Maretropolis was having one of biggest snow storm ever. Normally this would fine if it was winter, but it's not, it is in fact suppose to be summer.

The super heroine Zapp is currently investigating the cause of this unnatural weather. Searching up high in the skies, she was looking around for the culprit of this freezing weather.

After hours of searching, Zapp finally found the one causing this weather. It is one of the seasonal spirit, Old Mare Winter.

“Old Mare Winter!” Zapp shouted to get her attention.”Why are you doing this? You are ruining the summer for everypony!”

The winter spirit glared at the heroine. “Bah, that's the problem with your kind. You all never appreciate my winter! You are all either inside your homes or shovelling my snow precious snow away, but no more. You are all going face new ice age!”

Zapp was shocked upon hearing this. Old Mare Winter was usually a nice old mare, sure she may seem cold, but her heart was warm as the sun itself.

Then sudden came to mind. That's it! He said in his thoughts. Old Mare Winter's heart must have frozen over. I must somehow melt the icy cage that entraps her heart.

Thinking long and hard, Zapp finally knew what can melt that icy cage.

Quickly flying down below, the super heroine grabbed a hoofful of hostess cupcakes and took them up in the sky.

Zapp then proceed to dump the dozen chocolate cupcakes into the winter spirit's mouth.

Getting the taste of fudge in her mouth, Old Mare Winter started feeling something from her chest. The ice that encase her heart, was now starting to melt away.

With the ice gone, her warm heart started pumping again.

“Oh no what have done?” the winter spirit said, shock at what she has done.

“Old Mare Winter, you have to get rid of the snow!” Zapp shouted.

“Of course.” she acknowledges and used her power to remove all the snow. “Thank you young hero, you have freed my heart from its icy imprisonment. Now I must go and allow Summer Stylin' Stallion to take control of the season.

And with that the Winter spirit left, leaving the heroine to watch as the clouds that once cover the skies dispersed, allowing the sun to shine its radiant rays upon the city.

Thus the day was saved by the delicious Hostess Cupcakes.

You get a big delight in every bite of Hostess Cupcakes


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Radiance in First Contact

In a observatory located near somewhere near the city of Maretropolis, the scientist has just made a amazing discovery. Looking through the telescope they found a alien spaceship heading towards their planet.

Calculating the trajectory of the UFO, they estimated that it will land in the Maretropolis national park.

The scientist inform the news to the media, soon words of alien arrival spread rapidly. Eventually a huge gathering of ponies headed to the spot where the scientist said they will land.

As this group grew larger, the mayor worried that something might happen at this event and called in the Power Ponies for assistance.

The Power Ponies responded to his call for aid and they sent Radiance to the landing spot.

Upon arriving the heroine was surprise to see such a large gathering of ponies.

“My word, there are sure is a lot of ponies here.”

“Of course lady, this is ponykind first ever contact with extraterrestrials.” said a news reporter.

Radiance was offended for being called a lady, but nevertheless even she got to admit that meeting aliens would be really exciting.

So with nothing else to do, but wait, Radiance went around and mingle with some ponies there.

Finally the alien ship arrived, they landed on spot and everypony waited with anticipation for them to come out.

Minutes passed and the door to the craft slowly opened.

When the door fully opened, the ponies gasp at what they saw. Standing in the doorway is a big blob like creature. Every part of its body constantly wiggle around. The color of the alien was also strange, it constantly changes its colors.

The blob creature made its way down the steps of its ship and met the pony scientist. The scientist tried to communicate with the alien, but it did nothing.

Then all of a sudden the stallion did something and the alien became red and was growing bigger.

“Egad, what is happening?” Said one of the ponies in the crowd.

“It looks like our new extraterrestrial friend there took offense to something and is now about to attack.” The heroine answered.

“Oh no, you have to stop it!”

“I wish it was that simple, but if we attack a foreign alien diplomat, It might cause a galactic incident.”
“But' if you don't it's going to harm everyone!”

“That is why I got another solution.”

Radiance then created a flying carpet using hr construct and rode it towards the growing red blob. Without wasting anytime, the heroine toss a Hostess Fruit Pie at the creature.

The blob alien absorbed the bakery goods and was soon calming down. It was reducing in size and the colors went back to changing around.

“Jolly gee Radiance, you just save day again.” The scientist said. “If you weren't here, who knows how this first contact would've turned out.”

“Well it just goes to show that even Hostess products are a universal delicacy beyond the stars.”

You Get Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Fruit Pies

Radiance in Street War

The city of Maretropolis, one of the greatest city ever built is facing some hardships.

Just recently a two rival gangs of youngster has emerged and are fighting against each other for territories. The two opposing faction are Ghetto Gangsters and the Roughhouse Ruffians.

With the threat of gang violence increasing, Radiance has been called in to help the poor ponies who are caught in the crossfire.

The costume heroine flew to the bad part of Maretropolis, following the address she landed front of run down police station. When she entered the building she was greeted by the police chief.

Apparently word on the street is that the two rival gang are going to have large fight. But, this was no ordinary fight. This was a fight that will determined which side will live and take all the turfs.

The chief feared that many citizen will be harmed if this battle happens.

Radiance listen to the police chief's story and found herself conflicted. She doesn't want to harm the gang since the majority are made up of troubled teen. However, she can't ignore the fact that they harm any innocent ponies caught in their conflict.

Thinking long and hard, Radiance came up with a brilliant plan to stop the coming battle.

Later that day a huge mass of ponies was heading to someplace. This large group consist of many teens and young adults, carrying a variety of sharp and blunt weapons.

Meanwhile far away from this group another mass of ponies was marching to the same location as the other gang.

The two groups finally arrived and were glaring at one another. Both sides brandishes their weapons and waited for the call to battle.
Suddenly a whistle was blown and both sides charge at each other. But, before they could even hit anyone, they noticed something falling from the buildings.

Twinkies, the little spongy cake was falling into the massed below. Soon every gang member dropped their weapon picked up a Twinkie.

“My word Ms. Radiance, just how did you know that this would work?” The police chief asked.

“Simple chief, nopony can resist the alluring taste of the Hostess Twinkies, their soft spongy cakes and their creamy goodness inside, which makes every bite of this food irresistible.”

You Get Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies


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Fili-Second vs Duke Duplicate

In the city of Maretropolis, the superhero speedster known as Fili-Second. She is currently chasing after one of the Power Ponies villain, Duke Duplicate.

Duke Duplicate is villain with the ability to create illusionary copies of himself. Known for stealing, the Duke uses his copies to distract the police, while he escape with the stolen goods.

On his latest theft, he just happens to cross Maretropolis fastest pony, Fili-Second. Fortunately for him, Fili-Second was unable to apprehend him.

“Ha ha ha!” The many clones of Duke Duplicates laughed. “Run, run, run as fast as you can. You'll never catch me. For I am Duke Duplicate! The hundreds of Duke Duplicate gloated.

“I hate to admit, but he is right! Even with my incredible speed, I'll never the find the real Duke Duplicate at this rate.” Fili-Second stated. “If only there was way to get the real Duke to reveal himself, but how?”

Taking the moment to think, one second later she came up with something.

Using her super she went into a nearby bakery, bought something, and returned to the scene.

“Hey all of you Duke Duplicates!” She shouted.

“Yes?” They all said in unison.

“Look at what I got!” She then showed the horde of Duke Duplicates a Hostess Fruit Pie.

“Is that a-”

“That's right! It a Hostess Fruit Pie, now come and get get it!” The mare chucked the Fruit Pie a few hoof ahead of her.

Soon all the copies began rushing to the Fruit Pie.

“It's mine!”

“No, it mine!”

“I want it!”

“Well I want it more.”

The copies argued amongst themselves, while trying to grab the Fruit Pie. Unfortunately, since they were just illusions they couldn't even pick up the tasty treat.

Out of all the horde of copies, one stood out as he picked up the Fruit Pie. This indicated that he is indeed the real Duke Duplicate.

Just as he was about to eat the fruit pie, in a matter of seconds he found himself hoof cuffed and in prison. But, worse of all his hostess fruit pie was gone.

“ Where is it?” He shouted.

“Right here buddy” Said a familiar female voice.

Turning his head around, he spotted Fili-Second holding the fruit pie in her hoof.

“Please give it back to me.” He begged.

“Don't worry Duke you'll get it back, but not before you serve your time in jail.”

“NOOOOOO!” The Duke shouted at the top of his lungs.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Fruit Pies

Fili-Second in Slow Down

The city of Maretropolis, this massive city is currently being inspected by super heroine Fili-Second. She searching the city for any signs of her arch-nemesis, Slow Poke, the slowest pony in Maretropolis.

Slow Poke had made a live announcement, telling everypony of his latest scheme. He is targeting one of the many banks the resides in this city, but does not give any detail which one.

With this information Fili-Second uses her power to travel between every bank in the city. She kept on doing this until she got a call from the police.

“Fili-Second come quick!” Said a distressed officer. “The Royal Equestrian Bank has been robbed.

“What! How can that this be? I was there a second ago.” Fili-Second said as she made a beeline to the robbed bank.

Upon arriving, she immediately asked a nearby officer.

“Officer what happened here?”

“We don't know Fili-Second, the vault was full when we arrived. Then all of sudden the vault is empty!”

“Interesting, show me the vault.”

The police officer showed the heroine to the bank's vault.

“This is it.” He showed. “Once it was full of bits, but not anymore.”

Fili-Second quickly examined the room and found something interesting. The floor was brand new, this was strange since this bank was really old. She theorized the Slow Poke dug a tunnel directly under the bank vault. He then proceeds cut a hole through floor, took all the bits, and fix the floor right up.
Meanwhile down below, Slow Poke and his minions were each carrying large sacks full of bits.

“Ha....Ha.....Fili....Second.......Will......never......find........us.” Slow Poke said. “She......is......always.....rushing......never......slowing......down......for.....anything.

“Well you maybe right about that Slow Poke.” Said a familiar voice, the villain recognized. “But, I do know that not even you can resist the alluring taste of Hostess Twinkies.”

When Slow Poke saw the small yellow spongy treat in her mouth, something changed within him.

“Those Hostess Twinkies are the most delicious snack ever!” He yelled, no longer pausing between words. “The soft bread, the cream filling, those things are just to die for.”

“Well then come and get it!” Fili-Second challenged him.

With speed he never knew he had, Slow Poke chased after Fili-Second. He chased all over the city.

Eventually he saw the heroine tossing the Twinkies inside a room. Not bothering to slow down and look around, the villain entered the room and the door was closed and locked right behind him.

“Good job Fili-Second, you caught the slowest pony in Maretropolis.”

“Don't thank me commissioner Badge, thank Hostess Twinkies for that.” Fili-Second said. “These snacks are quite good and you get a delight for every bite.”

“I'll say.” Hum Drum said while stuffing several Twinkies in his mouth.

“Oh Hum Drum.” Fili-Second responded and laughed afterwards, soon joined by everypony else in the vicinity.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Twinkies

Saddle Rager

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Saddle Rager in Road Rage

It was beautiful day for the city of Maretropois, the sun was shining and the skies were clear. However, this great weather there is a huge amount of ponies who are not enjoying this day.

The streets in the city is having a huge traffic jam. Carriages of all shape and sizes found themselves stuck and moving very slowly.

Among the many trapped ponies, is a Power Pony named Saddle Rager.

“This is ridiculous!” The costume mare said. “How am I suppose to get all my stuff to my new home.”

The wagon behind her was carrying all her possessions. They range from books, furniture, plants, paintings, and some miscellaneous things.

“At this rate I won't be at my new home till night!” she said angrily.

While waiting for the line to move, Saddle Rager heard something of in a distance. Hearing it coming from behind, she turned around and saw a bunch of ponies running away from something.

“Hmm, something strange is going on, better take a look.” The mare said, as she flew up in the air for a better view.

The heroine saw something approaching fast from the opposite direction. Squinting her eyes, she saw who they were.

“My goodness, its the Wild Riders! Those gangs are known to members made up of the fastest ponies around. They enjoying running, but don't care about the ponies they hurt from their roughhousing.”

Saddle Rager flew back down to her wagon and search its contents.

“I must stopped them before they reach here, but how?”

She continued to search and then found something.

“Aha I found what I was looking for!” She exclaimed and left to confront the Wild Riders.

She stopped right front of the gangs and they stopped in front of her.

“Listen to me Wild Riders!” The mare shouted. “Turn around this instance and you'll receive a free Hostess Cupcakes.”

“We don't want your stinkin' cupcakes!” Said the leader of the Wild Rider.

“Well then let me change the proposition, either you take the cupcakes and leave, or I put your head two hoof beneath this road.” Saddle threaten.

“Ha, so little missy thinks she all though.” The gang leader said as he trotted up to her. “Well missy I'm waiting.”
At that moment the Saddle Rager started to grow in size, her outfit also started to tear a bit, but still held on. After her transformation was finished, the once cocky leader looked frightened.

Saddle Rager then proceeds to grab the little stallion and smash him to the road beneath them. Once she was done, the Wild Rider leader was incredibly beaten up.

“Yeah I'll take that cupcakes to go please.” Said a gang member and ran. Soon he was joined by the rest of his, not wanting to face the wrath of Saddle Rager.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Saddle Rager vs Jail Bot

There was a big battle going on in the city of Maretropolis. The two combatants are super heroine Saddle Rager, and the colossal robot called Jail Bot.

Jail Bot was created for the sole purpose of effectively arresting criminals, however it suffered virus attack and it can no longer distinguished good from evil.

Now it is on a rampage, picking up ponies of the streets and storing them inside its body. Saddle Rager came to the scene and currently trying to defeat the massive prison robot.

“Oh, I wish I could just tear that piece down, but I can't risk the safety of the civilians inside.” The mare said to herself. “I must find way to free the ponies inside, but how?”

Then an idea struck her.

“Wait I just got an idea!” She said, the mare then took out a bunch of Hostess Fruit Pie out of nowhere. “Hey ponies inside! Look at what I got!”

The ponies trapped inside looked out through their windows and saw the tasty treat outside.

“Are those Hostess Fruit Pies?” ask one of the prisoners.

“Yes, they are! Hostess Fruit Pies, filled a variety of fruity flavours.”

'Apples, lemons, peach, blueberry, cherry, and blackberry.”

“Just thinking about makes me just want to burst out of here.”

Suddenly Jail Bot's body started to started to shake. Then multiple holes started to pop all over the robot's body. Apparently the ponies inside broke out of their imprisonment, their one motivation is their desire to get the fruit pies.

With all the civilians out and in safety, Saddle Rager was free to wreck havoc on the massive robot.

While she was tearing Jail Bot to pieces, the freed ponies are enjoying themselves a delicious Hostess Fruit Pie.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Fruit Pies

BONUS ADVERTISEMENT(Warning not a hostess ad)

In the throne room of the royal castle, Princess Celestia was busy looking over a many scrolls detailing current events in Equestria.

The sun princess was working in complete silence, she preferred this way, gets work done faster.

Suddenly she heard a crunching nearby. Turing her head to the direction of the sound, the princess found herself staring into a certain spirit of chaos.

“Discord what do you want?” She queried.

“Oh come now Princess, can't an old friend just hang out with you?” The draconequus responded. He then took out a candy bar and was opening it up.

Curious to know what he has in his claw, she asked him a question. “Discord, what it that?”

“Oh this?” He pointed at the chocolate bar. “This my princess is a butterfinger bar.”

He then took a bite of it and chewed it. “Oh and before you ask, no you can't have any.”

“Why not?”


“Because why?” She said it more harshly.

Instead of answering he kept silent and chewed his chocolate bar.

Celestia decided that it was not worth the effort and just continue her work. Unfortunately this prove to be difficult with discord here.

He stayed and continued to eat his butterfinger bar. Her nose caught the scent of chocolate and peanut butter. It made her want discord's candy even more.

But, she has a strong will and she endured it until he was done.

Finally Discord finished his chocolate bar and threw away the wrapper. Celestia sigh in relief, glad it was over. Now she can focus on her work.

Then all of a sudden she heard the same noise again. Turning her head in the same direction from before, her eyes widen upon what she saw. Discord was now carrying a big bag of butterfingers, the label on the bag reads Butterfingers Bites.

Meanwhile at the same time two identical royal guards were standing guard of the door leading to the throne room. It has been very quiet today, but nevertheless the guards are ever vigilant in case something strange happens.

Suddenly the door exploded, surprising the two guards. Out came a fleeing draconequus and a enrage alicorn right behind him.

“Discord, give me those butterfingers !” Celestia shouted, using her royal Canterlot voice.

“Nuh-uh Princess.” Discord replied.” Nopony lays a hoof on my Butterfingers!”

Masked Matter-Horn

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Masked Matter-Horn in The Mane Course

In a abandon warehouse, located in the harbour of Maretropolis. Two ponies were engaged in battle. The hero Masked Matter-Horn was flying around and blasting out various beams from her horn. The opponent she was up against is none other then the Mane-iac.

Using her extending tentacle like mane, the villain evaded the heroine's attack and return with a couple of swings of her own.

Eventually Mane-iac got close enought to Matter-Horn that she completely wrapped her up in with her green mane.

“Ha ha ha!” She laughed. “Foolish mare, you shouldn't have face me alone.”

Using her mane, the villain pulled a lever. All of a sudden a large water tank filled with sharks appeared from the floor.

“Because now you'll be the mane course for these hungry sharks!” The villain said as she laughed again.

OK Matter-Horn think, I need to come up with something quick or else I'll be fish food. The heroine said in her thoughts. Wait a second, that's it!

Struggling in her restraint, Masked Matter-Horn pushed something out of her pocket.

The super-villain notice dropped item and turn her head to face it. When saw the item her eyes quickly widen.

“Is that a Hostess Cupcake?” She asked while using her mane to point at it.

“That's right Mane-iac, its a Hostess Cupcake.” The heroine confirmed. “The cupcake is made up of rich chocolate and filled with white cream that are just heavily. Combine those two together and your taste buds will feel like they're walking on clouds.”

The Mane-iac listen in to the Matter-Horn's speech and slowly losing her focus. She shook her head rapidely and refocus her attention to the heroine

“Ha ha ha! Nice try hero, but it will take more then a cupcake to distract me!”

The Mane-iac then release her hold on the hero and awaited the sound of splashing water and the screams of being eaten alive.

However, the villain didn't here either of those noise. Turning her head again, she was shocked that her mane was still holding the heroine.

“Ha, you said that the cupcakes doesn't distract you, but your mane says otherwise.”

Turning her head once again, Mane-iac was shocked a second time. Her mane ignored her control and is slowly moving towards the Hostess Cupcake.
“What? Nooo!” She yelled. “I command you to obey me!”

The Mane-iac's mane continued to ignore her orders. Seeing this as perfect opportunity, Masked Matter-Horn broke through her restraint and blasted the villain, rendering her unconscious.

Half an hour later, the police arrived and took the villain to jail.

“Good work Matter-Horn, you really showed her” Said a police officer.

“Well I wouldn't have done without the help of my delicious little friend here.” She held the Hostess Cupcake in her hoof.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Masked Matter-Horn in Back to the Future

In the secret headquarters of the Power Ponies, two occupants were just sitting around and reading. The heroine Matter-Horn was reading old records of the team, while Hum Drum was reading comics.

“Hum Drum did you know that this team was founded by a one pony?” Matter-Horn said.

“Really?” He responded. “Who was the guy?”

“The guy's name was Power Pony, he was Maretropolis first ever superhero.” She then showed the picture of Power Pony, who was an alicorn. “Our team was named after him in his honour.”

“Boy this guy was something, huh?”

“He sure was, this guy was a one pony team. He could fly, move super fast, super strength, heat vision, ice breath, and many more powers.”

“Geez this guy was amazing, what happened to him?”

Matter-Horn then frowned. “He died during his battle against Darkside, while he managed to defeat him and save the city, it cost him his life.”

“Wow that's a downer.” Hum Drum said. “If only we could turn back time and help the guy out.”

An idea struck her. “That's it Hum Drum, you're a genius!”

“I am?” Before he could ask, the Masked Matter-Horn channel a spell and she instantly disappeared.

The Masked Matter-Horn has used a time travelling spell, she then sent herself 15 years into the past, the exact date when Power Pony fought against Darkside.

When she reappeared the mare found herself standing in a destroyed city of Maretropolis. In front of her was Power Pony fighting against a large dark alicorn, presumably Darkside.

Behind the two, is large portal with swarms of Parasprite coming out and spreading into the ruined city.
Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, Matter-Horn took out a couple of Hostess Twinkies she kept in her pocket and fling them at Darkside.

The soft spongy Twinkies splatter over the dark alicorn's face, causing him to be temporarily blind.

“What is this?” The dark menacing alicorn shouted as he tried to wipe away the Twinkies.

Power Pony took advantage of his opponents distraction and blasted with his horn. Darkside was pushed further to his portal.

He was about to return with an attack of his own, but was suddenly interrupted by something. Turns out that his parasprites has smell the aroma of the Twinkies and started to swarm all over Darkside's face.

This caused Darkside to move even further back to the portal, leaving himself for another attack. Power Pony charged up his horn and fire it the dark alicorn, blasting him straight into the portal, which closed shortly after he entered.

Seeing that her goal was done, Matter-Horn cast the spell to sent her back to the future.

Humdrum was just sitting in his chair reading, when suddenly he hears a loud sound of magical popping coming from behind.

“Hum Drum I'm back!” The mare announced.

“OK, um where did you go?” He asked.

“I went back in time and saw the moment when Power Pony was about to die.”

This earned her a confused look from the little sidekick.

“Matter-Horn what are you talking about?” He questioned. “Power Pony isn't dead.”

“Yeah not after what I did.”She stated. “So where is he?”

“He's at the Maretropolis retirement home.”

“Well then let's go and meet him!” She then used her magic and drag Hum Drum with her.

“But we already visited him yesterday!” He complained while.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies.

BONUS (Warning not related to Hostess)

"So I'm getting paid for this?" Asked Applejack.

That's right Applejack, now say your lines.

"Alright ahem, Howdy y'all my name is Applejack and I endorse this cereal, Applejacks."

Good now take a bit of the cereal and eat it."

"Alrighty then. " She then used the spoon to pick up a few and bring it to her mouth. She chewed them for a bit until she stopped. The mare then proceed to spit the content out of her mouth.

"What the hay! This doesn't taste like apples at all."

It not suppose to Applejack, it's cinnamon.

"Then why call it Applejacks?"

That's just how it is alright.

"Forget this I'm out of here." She stormed of.

Great now how I'm gonna finish this?

"Hey can do this one?" Rainbow Dash asked.

No Rainbow Dash you're doing the Skittles one.

"Oh come one, that things embarrassing."

How so?

"Taste the rainbow, really?"

Don't blame me, blame the people who came up with that.

Bonus: Hum Drum

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Hum Drum in The Great Cake Heist

It was another beautiful day for the city of Maretropolis. In the Maretropolis national bank, the ponies were doing their usual business when suddenly the front door burst opened. Several armed ponies wearing mask rushed and pointed their firearms at the everypony.

“Freeze this is stick up!” One of the mask pony shouted.

One of the crook trotted up to the counter and held a large sack. “You, fill this bag up with bits now!” He ordered the stallion and he obliged.

While the crooks were stealing bits and watching the hostages, one bank employee stealthy press the hidden red button under the counter. Within a few minutes the Power Ponies arrived outside the bank.

“Alright girls, you heard the call.” Masked Matter-Horn spoke. “A bunch of ponies are robbing the bank and has taken hostages.”

“Those no good scoundrel.” Mistress Mare-Velous commented.

“Yeah!” Saddle Rager said. “Lets smash these jerks.”

“Now Saddle we can't do that until we freed all the hostages.” Masked then turn to face Fili-Second. “This were you come in.”

The speedster pony then did a salute. “Don't worry boss, I'll those ponies out of there in a blink of an eye.”

“Good, now does anypony else have a question?”

“Oh, what can I do to help?” The little colt asked.

“Sorry Hum Drum, but these guys are dangerous. Just stay out here while we deal with them.”

“B-but I can fight too!”

“Hey kid, don't sweat I'm sure you can.” Zapp remark. “But Matter-Horn is right, these guy are dangerous.”

“I absolutely agree.” Radiance said as she rubbed her hoof gently over the little colt's head, rustling his mane. “I don't want our little Hum Drum getting hurt.”

“Then its settled, Hum Drum you stay here while we go take care of the crooks.” The Power Ponies then went in and fought against the robbers, leaving the poor little sidekick alone.

“This is not fair.” He grumbled to himself. The colt continued to be mad, until a filly came up to him.

“Hey are you part of Power Ponies?” She questioned, seemingly to be in a rush.

“Well yes, but-”
“Thank goodness I need your help, my parents bakery has been robbed.”

“Holy smoke!” The colt said, shocked. “How many bits were stolen?”

“Oh, well bits were stolen.” She corrected. “Instead forty of our cakes were stolen.”

“Forty, that is as many as four tens.” Hum Drum replied.

“And that's just terrible.” The filly then grabbed the colt and started to drag him.

“Hey where are you taking me?”

“I'm taking you to confront the thief!”

“But I-”

“Look there he is!” She exclaimed. Just as she said, the thief was pulling a trolley contain forty cakes of different variety.

The little filly then pushed the sidekick right in front of the stallion. “Well what do I here?” He said as he looked down at the colt. “If it ain't Hum Drum, what's wrong are babysitters not around?”

“Shut it scum, I can take you down myself!” The little colt then went into a defensive stance.

Rather then be intimidated the thief just laughed. “Please, why don't ya go and play in a park before you get yourself hurt.” He then started to trot away from him.

Hum Drum must think of something fast, otherwise the stallion is going to get away. Then a lightbulb appeared over his head, indicating that he has an idea.

“Hey dirtbag!” The colt said, earning the attention of the theif. “How about you ditch those cakes for this cake.” He raised his hoof up showing a Hostess Cupcake.

The stallion's eye widen and his jaw dropped. “Is that Hostess Cupcake?” He questioned, while his mouth started watering.

“That's right, this delicious hostess cupcake have a sweet chocolate taste with rich whip cream within.” The colt then swinging the the cupcake wrapper around. “You want it?”

The stallion nodded in response. “Then go and get it!” Hum Drum toss the cupcake away from him. This caused the thief to rush after it, leaving his trolley full of cake behind.

As he watched him go after the tasty snack, Hum Drum spotted a potted plant hanging near the edge of a window. Taking out his slingshot, the colt fling a rock and hit its mark. The potted plant fell down and smash onto the stallion's head, knocking him out.

Hum Drum trotted to the down pony and put a hoofcuff on him. He was then interrupted by the appearance of the pony speedster.

“Hum Drum where were you?” She spoke in a single fast pace. “When I came out you were gone, so I search the entire city for you and-” She was stopped when Hum Drum shove his hoof into her mouth.

“I'm fine Fili-Second.” He assured her. “A filly came up to me and asked me to help her stop this guy.”

Turning her head back, the heroine spotted the stallion with a pile of dirt with flower over his head.

“Wow, you did this all by yourself?”

“Well I couldn't have done without Hostess Cupcake, its the snack that made this guy forget about the forty cakes he stole.”

“Forty cakes!” She said surprised. “That's like four tens.”

“And that's just awesome.”

You Get Big Delight In Every Bite Of Hostess Cupcakes.

Special: Mare-Do-Well

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Mare-Do-Well vs The Mechno Monster

The of city of Maretropolis, home to a group of famous super heroines, the Power Ponies. These courageous heroines have save the city multiple times in past. With everything they've done, the ponies of the city decide that heroines needed a break.

So they convinced the Power Ponies to go on vacation. At first they refused, but the civilians insisted and soon enough they were already gone.

However, before they left, the team called in a another hero to watch over their city as they went on their vacation. This hero they called in goes by the name of Mare-Do-Well.

This purple costumed, cape wearing, and fedora wearing heroine hail from the city of Trotham City. She is well known because she she able to defend her city all by herself, without the aid of anypony else. Its how she prefer doing it, solo.

Our heroine is currently on top of tall building. She was standing near the edge of the building, keeping watch for any criminal activities. The streets below was fairly quiet, then again it was early in the morning and most ponies are still asleep.

Regardless Mare-Do-Well still remain vigilant, always listening and watching. Still she does enjoy the serenity of the moment she's currently in.

Then all of a sudden the tranquility was ruined when the sound of a large explosion came from the distance. Hearing the noise, the costume heroine trace the source and made a beeline to it.

Arriving moments later, Mare-Do-Well found the cause of the explosion. It was a large grey mechanical creature. It stood on two legs, it had two arms with three fingers, and a helmet like head with metal jaws and a hole above it, showing two glowing yellow eyes.

Mare-Do-Well recognizes the robotic beast as the Mechano Monster, a regular villain of the Power Ponies.

The Mechano Monster was destroying the building around him, the mare needs to act quick.

“Hey buddy, catch!” Mare-Do-Well yelled.

The giant metal robot turned around and saw three pellets being thrown at him. The pellets hit his body and soon his body was slowly in case with foam.

Mare-Do-Well was about to turn the robot off, until the robot broke through the foams.

“Ha, foolish hero you think you can stop me!” The Mechano Monster roared. “It took all the Power Ponies to stop me, what chance do you think you can do against me!”

The robot then return to the destroyed building, used his large metal hand and grabbed something. It pulled it out and was about to toss it at our heroine.

Mare-Do-Well was about to evade it, until he saw what the Mechano Monster was holding.

“Wait Mechano Monster!” Mare-Do-Well shouted. “Don't throw that!”
“And why shouldn't I?” It questioned.

“Those are Hostess Twinkies!” She answered. “They are Equestria's greatest snack cakes, it will be a great waste if you throw them away!”

The Mechano Monster lowered his arm and stared into his metallic hand. In it was a huge bundle of soft yellow Twinkies.

“You are right Mare-Do-Well!” The robot stated. “Hostess Twinkies are a great delicacy. They are the softest of cakes and filled with delicious white cream.” The tone of the robot's changes, from a threatening one to a one full of pure bliss.

“Wait a second, how can you enjoy Hostess Twinkies if you're a robot?” Mare-Do-Well questioned.

The Mechano Monster then stopped and took in what the mare just said. “You are right, how I can a machine knows the deliciousness of a Hostess Twinkies? It just does not compute!”

Inside its head, the computer brain was trying to comprehend what it had just said. It desperately was searching for a logical answer, but came up short. Soon the Mechano Monster's head was smoking. This total breakdown destroyed its brain, causing it to shut down.

After that ordeal, Mare-Do-Well smiled at her accomplishment. She had tricked the robot into thinking about the Twinkies. Its logical mind couldn't comprehend its desire over it and was forced to shutdown.

And thus the day was saved all thanks to the Hostess Twinkies.

You Get A Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies.

Mare-Do-Well in Harsh Criticism

Today was the tenth annual Baking contest for city of Maretropolis. Ponies from all across Equestria gather here and show off their amazing baking skills.

Why even Mare-Do-Well is here participating in this contest. While she was putting her cupcakes in the oven, her eyes caught the sight of pony she hadn't seen in a long time.

It was Ms. High Standard, the meanest critic in all of Equestria. Everywhere she goes she leaves behind a trail of crushed dreams and crying ponies.

Mare-Do-Well needed to do something or else she'll crush everyponies passion for baking. She created a new batch of cupcakes and put them in the oven. Once done she added the chocolate frosting over it and added a finishing touch to it.

The results of her quick work was a chocolate cupcakes, with chocolate frosting and whip cream line going in a loop.

Mare-Do-Well place the finished cakes on display, just in time for Ms. High Standard to arrive.
“Well if it ain't Trotham greatest heroine.” She said in a mocking tone. “Hope you are good at baking as you are fighting villains.”

Not affected by her mocking, Mare-Do-Well picked up a cupcake. “See for yourself.” She hoofed to her.

The brown unicorn mare grabbed the chocolate cupcake and took a bite out of it. She chewed slowly, analyzing the taste and texture. She then stopped upon realizing how delicious it was.

“My goodness this is the most delicious cupcake I have ever tasted. The rich chocolate flavor, the smooth doughy bread, and the sweet cream filling!”

“Mare-Do-Well your cupcakes are absolutely scrumptious!” High Standard praised the costume heroine, who blushed under her mask.

“Well technically to be fair this was recipe for a Hostess Cupcake.” She answered honestly.

“Doesn't matter you win!” She announced. “Better yet everypony here is a winner!”

All the pony contestant cheered joyfully and celebrated with the biggest party ever in Maretropolis.

You Get A Big Delight in Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.