> Logical Randomness > by HyperBlossom7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Did Somepony Say Cupcakes? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight, we're out of cupcakes, " Spike said walking out of the kitchen. Twilight was currently reading a book on dimensional magic when she heard Spike walk in from the kitchen. At his statement she froze, hearing the key word 'cupcakes.' Ever since she had become Pinkie Pie's marefriend, she had developed an obsession with cupcakes. It was partly because of the taste, and it was partly because of Pinkie Pie. After all, the party pony worked at a bakery and naturally she was skilled at making baked goods. "What. Did. You. Say?" Twilight asked Spike slowly. "Um..." Spike swallowed, seeing the half frightened half mad expression on Twilight Sparkle's face. "We're out of cupcakes." Spike had barely finished his sentence when Twilight went dashing into the kitchen. She checked all the cupboards, she checked the fridge, she even checked under the sink. The kitchen was completely void of cupcakes. Twilight tried not to panic as she ran to her secret stash, which was in her bed. Actually she had two. One was underneath a trapdoor under her bed, and one was in one of her pillow cases (which she took great care not to sleep on). Twilight Sparkle checked both locations only to find no cupcakes. Now it was a problem. "Twilight, are they really that important?" Spike asked cautiously. Twilight whirled around towards her assistant. "You don't understand Spike. Cupcakes are VITAL! If I don't have a cupcake, and Pinkie Pie finds out, she will be sad. You don't want to see Pinkie Pie sad do you?" "Well no..." Spike began. "Exactly! Which is why it is crucial that I go to Sugar Cube Corner straight away!" Twilight Sparkle explained. "Now you're in charge of the library while I'm gone. Bye!" Twilight hurried out the door without another word. She ran down the streets of Ponyville, quickly thinking about how to get more cupcakes without Pinkie Pie finding out. She also really hoped Pinkie Pie wasn't at the shop right now. That would only make things worse. Twilight Sparkle was so deep in thought she didn't see the farmer pony before she crashed into her. "Well hey Twi-WOAH!" Applejack was cut off as Twilight sent them both tumbling to the ground. Twilight blinked, realizing what she had done. She pushed herself off of her friend and held out a hoof, helping Applejack up to her hooves. "I'm so sorry about that Applejack, I have to go to Sugar Cube Corner right now," she explained quickly. "Well all right then, y'all be careful okay?" Twilight nodded. "Of course Applejack." She smiled and ran past Applejack, continuing her way to the shop. She finally reached Sugar Cube Corner and went inside. She saw the Cakes doing business. There was no pink pony in sight. Twilight let out a sigh of relief and went to Mrs. Cake. "Hey, do you happen to have a batch of cupcakes available?" she asked, hoping to grab a box before Pinkie Pie saw her. "We do!" said Mrs. Cake. She went to one of the shelves with various boxes of sweets and got some cupcakes. She hoofed the box over to Twilight who took it gratefully. "Thanks so much, Mrs. Cake!" she said. Then to herself she thought, "Disaster averted." Just then, Pinkie Pie walked in. She saw Twilight and beamed at her marefriend. "Twilight!" she bounced over to her happily and gave her a hug, followed by a kiss. "Whatcha doing here?" "Um..." Twilight sighed, knowing she had been caught. Besides, she couldn't lie to Pinkie Pie. "I'm really sorry, but I ran out of cupcakes. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be upset, please don't hate me." Pinkie Pie giggled to Twilight's surprise. "Oh Twilie, I'm not upset! The fact that you're out of cupcakes means we can have fun making more!" "Oh, well good point Pinkie Pie," said Twilight with a giggle. "In that case, would you like to make some more?" "Abso-tute-ly!" Pinkie Pie squealed. "Come on!" Twilight followed Pinkie Pie excitedly into the kitchen. The two ponies got to work. Twilight was still a little new to the cooking process, so once again Pinkie Pie taught her how to make cupcakes. This time they made cotton candy cupcakes and chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles. At one point, Twilight got cotton candy in her mane. "Gah!" she yelped, tugging at the cotton candy. She ran a hoof through her mane, trying to take out the cotton candy. Pinkie Pie giggled and came over putting both hooves in Twilight's mane and trying to comb the cotton candy out. Both ponies ended up getting cotton candy all over their hooves and faces (due to Pinkie Pie trying to use her teeth). When Pinkie Pie started vigorously tugging at Twilight's mane, the unicorn yelped in pain. The tugging caused both of them to fall over, and get tangled up even further. "Pinkie Pie!" Twilight cried, the party pony laying on top of her, her flank covering Twilight's face. "Woops!" said Pinkie with a giggle. She rolled off of her and stood up. "Ugh...we need to wash up," said Twilight with a grimace. "But we're already a quarter through making this batch of cupcakes. We have to finish!" Pinkie Pie protested. "Fine..." Twilight reluctantly agreed. They finished making the cotton candy cupcakes before going to get a bath. Once done, they returned to the kitchen to make a second batch of cotton candy cupcakes. Then they made three batches of chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles on top. Now Twilight had a total of six batches of cupcakes, including the one that the Cakes gave her. The two of them decided to celebrate by eating the first batch of cupcakes they had made. They sat at one of the tables in Sugar Cube Corner and ate together. Pinkie Pie noticed Twilight had gotten some icing on her nose, and she giggled softly. Pinkie Pie leaned over towards her marefriend and licked the icing off. This caused Twilight to blush, and she smiled slightly. Twilight nuzzled her marefriend lightly and finished the cupcake she was eating. Then she scooped one up and fed the cupcake to Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony allowed Twilight to put the whole thing in her mouth, and she chewed while making 'mmm' noises. Then Pinkie Pie took a cupcake and fed it to Twilight. Twilight giggled and ate the cupcake, licking the icing off of Pinkie Pie's hoof. The earth pony and the unicorn finished off the batch of cupcakes together. Pinkie Pie kissed her marefriend goodbye and Twilight took the remaining five batches back to the Library with her. She allowed Spike to have a few before stashing the cupcakes away and returning to her studies. > How I Met Your Mother: The Twinkie Edition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well my little foals, let me tell you the story of how I met your mommy!" Pinkie Pie told the young filly and colt in the crib before her. "It all began a very very long time ago, when your mommy was still trapped under the curse of Studyin-citis." "Pinkie, that's not even a word," Twilight interrupted her wife. "Don't teach them words that aren't real." "Aww my silly filly," Pinkie Pie kissed Twilight Sparkle's cheek. "They won't even remember. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Studyin-citis. It's a terrible curse, that forces you to do nothing but study and read books all day long! Now mind you, Twilight was living in Canterlot at the time, so it wasn't really her fault. She was Princess Celestia's star student after all." Twilight smiled at the memories as Pinkie Pie brought them up. It had been a very long time since she had lived in Canterlot. Now she was a Princess herself, and she and Pinkie Pie had a castle to themselves. Their friends would often visit, since the castle was so close to Ponyville. Despite the fact that it was in the Everfree Forest, Twilight had put up many magical wards to make the journey to the castle as safe as possible. Now she and Pinkie Pie were in the castle, with their two foals who were just born a month ago. One was a pinkish unicorn with hints of purple in her fur. The other was a dark violet earth pony with a deep blue mane and bright eyes. Pinkie Pie had convinced Twilight to let her tell the story of how they met, provided that Twilight could stay in the room and supervise as Pinkie Pie did so. "Now Princess Celestia is a very wise alicorn," Pinkie Pie continued. "And she knew about Twilight's curse. So she sent Twilight to Ponyville in hopes of her finding a cure! Now when I saw your mother, I was heartbroken. This poor pony was under the curse so bad, I could see it in her eyes." Pinkie Pie stroked Twilight's mane lovingly. "I knew I had to save her from this evil curse! And there was only one way I could do so: Throw a party!" Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled as Pinkie Pie went on. "Unfortunately the Party didn't seem to work, since she was still going on about Nightmare Moon. Now that is a story I will tell you another time, because Twilight thinks it's too scary for you two. I will tell you this however, Nightmare Moon was a big bully and your mommy, me, and our other friends; your auntie Applejack, auntie Rarity, auntie Rainbow Dash, and auntie Fluttershy; worked together to return Nightmare Moon to normal. I'll give you the details when you're a little older. "After everything that happened with Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia let Twilight Sparkle stay in Ponyville! I was overjoyed, because that meant I could free poor Twilight from her curse! It took a very very long time however, and I had to get all of our friends to help her! We finally managed to pull her out of the evil clutches of Studyin-citis, but that was after your mommy became a princess!" Pinkie Pie giggled and looked at her wife, "Of course she was already my princess in the first place." Twilight blushed at that and nuzzled her wife gently. Pinkie Pie laughed softly and hugged Twilight Sparkle tightly. "Of course I love her so much! She is the smartest, most amazing, wonderful, coolest pony in all of Equestria!" "And I love you too Pinkie Pie," said Twilight with a smile. "Now I'll tell them how we actually fell in love and decided to get together, okay?" "Okie dokie lokie!" said Pinkie Pie. Twilight looked at their two foals and started, "Well I realized my feelings for Pinkie Pie after the Changeling Siege of Canterlot. That is a story I'll tell you another time, since you're too young to hear that one. It started with a cupcake, or rather a cupcake batter." "It was the first time your mommy ever made cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie added in, giggling. "It was really funny. She burned the first batch actually, and when-" "Pinkie, I'm telling this one okay?" Twilight cut her off. "Right, sorry," said Pinkie Pie. She mimed zipping her lips and nodded for Twilight to continue. Twilight chuckled and continued her story, "Pinkie is right, I did actually burn the first batch. The second one I tried using magic, and I ended up making the cupcake batter explode. Cupcakes are best made by earth ponies, not unicorns. Oh you should have seen the mess, there was batter everywhere!" "You should have seen her face!" Pinkie Pie said, laughing. "She looked so a-dork-able!" "Yes..." Twilight's face went slightly red, remembering that moment. "It was a bit sticky too, so I had to take a bath. And Pinkie Pie...well she took the bath with me, since she was covered in cupcake batter too." "It was a lot of fun!" said Pinkie Pie. "After the bath, I helped her bake the cupcakes Pinkie Style!" "And that was the best batch we made," Twilight finished. "Pinkie Pie shared the cupcakes with me, and that was when I decided I really loved your mother. Much more than just a best friend." "She realized I'm great for cuddling!" Pinkie Pie added. "I'm her favorite cuddle buddy!" Twilight laughed softly and said, "Pinkie Pie, you're my only cuddle buddy." "Duh!" said Pinkie Pie. She hugged her wife and Twilight hugged her back. "And that's the story of how we met and fell in love," Twilight concluded. Then the two mares noticed their foals had fallen asleep. They giggled softly and decided to let the little ones sleep. Pinkie Pie followed Twilight out of the room, turning off the light behind her. Twilight was actually a little relieved that they hadn't heard the last bit, but Pinkie Pie didn't seem to notice. That was okay too. > Let it Snow! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie put on her pink and white striped scarf before she left Sugar Cube Corner. She stepped out into the chilly winter air. The cold wind brushed against her pelt, making her shiver slightly. Ponyville was currently covered in a blanket of snow, which would be a preview of the blizzard the weather ponies were planning for the coming week. She giggled as her hooves sank into the deep snow. It was quite cold, but Pinkie knew a certain librarian would warm her right up. The pink pony made her way to the Golden Oaks Library, trudging through the snow. She almost knocked before she remembered it was a public library, and anyone could enter. Giggling to herself, she went inside and looked around for the alicorn princess. Just then, Twilight Sparkle came down the staircase from the upper level of the Library where her home was. She smiled at the sight of Pinkie Pie and came over to her. "Hey Pinkie!" Twilight greeted her marefriend. "Hey Twilight! I got a list of super fun things we can do today. So you're going to have to hold off your studying and book reading, okay?" Twilight nodded, "No worries Pinkie. I was hoping you would come over anyway! I actually have something for you." "Oh really? What is it?" Pinkie Pie quipped. "Is it candy?" "No Pinkie Pie, it's not candy. Come on, follow me," said Twilight. Pinkie Pie smiled and followed Twilight Sparkle into her kitchen. As soon as she stepped into the room, she caught the scent of fresh but slightly burnt pie. She raised a brow as Twilight led her gaze towards the table. On the table sat a medium sized chocolate pie with strawberry filling. The crust looked slightly burnt, a product of Twilight's cooking skills (She had improved since dating Pinkie Pie, however). Still, it smelled delicious, obviously freshly baked. "Happy anniversary, Pinkie Pie," Twilight said with a warm smile. She brought her head closer to Pinkie's and kissed her on the lips. Pinkie Pie smiled and kissed her marefriend tenderly, and kept her lips on hers for a long moment. Then she pulled back and looked at the pie. "It looks delicious, Twilight!" "Want a piece?" Twilight offered. "Sure!" Pinkie Pie squealed happily. Twilight used her unicorn magic to levitate a knife up and cut out two slices of pie. She got two plates and put a piece on each, before setting them on the table. The two of them ate their pies together, a smile could be see on both of their faces. Pinkie Pie licked her lips and looked at Twilight. "I stand corrected. It is delicious!" she said with a giggle. Twilight Sparkle beamed at her. "Sorry it's burnt, I'm not as good as you Pinkie." "Oh please Twilight," said Pinkie Pie. "Anything you make is amazing! No matter what." Twilight blushed deeply at this and leaned over to give her marefriend another kiss. Pinkie Pie returned the kiss and smiled warmly at her. "Ready to go out?" she asked finally. "Yep. Spike will clean up for us," said Twilight. Pinkie Pie nodded and the two of them got up from the table and left. They headed outside into the cold, and Twilight moved closer to her marefriend for warmth. She extended one of her wings and rested over the earth pony's back. Pinkie Pie smiled and walked slowly with her so Twilight could keep her wing over Pinkie Pie. The party pony walked with the Princess of Magic down the snowy streets of Ponyville. Twilight walked with Pinkie Pie until they reached the park. There were a few other ponies there, but they were already used to seeing Twilight Sparkle around, even as a Princess. So the couple could still have some time to themselves. Pinkie Pie grinned, getting an idea. She pulled out from the shelter of Twilight's extended wing and walked a few feet away from the princess. Then she scooped up some snow and rolled it into a ball. Twilight saw what she was doing and giggled, only to be rewarded with a snowball in her flank. This got a laugh out of the alicorn princess and she used her magic to make three snowballs. She threw the snowballs playfully at Pinkie Pie, who dodged all but one of them. The third one hit her in the leg, causing her to temporarily lose balance and stumble to the side. Pinkie Pie paid Twilight back with a few more shots of snowballs. Soon it turned into an all out snowball fight. The fight was accompanied by shrieks of joy and laughter. The two ponies continued the fight until their limbs grew weary. Finally they collapsed in the snow, lying on their backs next to each other. Pinkie Pie rolled over onto her side and came muzzle to muzzle with Twilight. The alicorn smiled lovingly at the pink mare and licked some snow off of her nose. Pinkie Pie giggled and the two joined hooves. "What do you want to do now, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked her. "Hmm..." Pinkie Pie thought for a moment. "Can we just relax here for a bit? I'm enjoying this." "Me too," said Twilight softly. Unfortunately the snow was far too cold for the two of them. They started shivering, and the sight of each other trying to look tough while covered in snow made them both break into laughter. The two mares got to their hooves and Pinkie Pie huddled close to Twilight. "What do you say we go to Sugar Cube Corner and get some hot chocolate?" she suggested. "That sounds good to me," said Twilight. "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie smiled and the two of them headed to Sugar Cube corner. > A Knight in Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm sorry Pinkie, but this is goodbye," said Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie frowned, unable to take her eyes off of the ring on her horn. She had failed to protect Twilight Sparkle, and now they would be separated forever. The guards closed in around Pinkie Pie, forcing her to leave her lover's side. Pinkie Pie was taken back to the dungeons, bound by chains. She could hear the echo of cruel laughter behind her as she was forced into her cell. There was a loud clang, and the sound of the door locking. Pinkie Pie was stuck in the dungeon while Twilight Sparkle was in the clutches of King Sombra. It was supposed to be a fun trip to the Crystal Kingdom. Just a holiday for the two of them. Twilight would get a break from her books and Pinkie Pie would get a break from working at the Sugar Cube Corner. Unfortunately when they entered King Sombra's former castle, it turned out that he had somehow returned. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were at a special assembly in Canterlot, meaning they weren't there to oversee the kingdom. Somehow King Sombra had taken control, and bewitched the Crystal guards into serving him. When King Sombra had seen Twilight Sparkle, as an alicorn princess, he knew he wanted her as her crystal slave. However it wouldn't be easy, since Twilight was fully aware of who he was and had already defeated him once before. So he hypnotized her while Pinkie Pie was looking at an old painting, and put an enchanted ring on her horn. The ring prevented Twilight from performing any magic, and by the time Pinkie Pie had seen her and King Sombra, the guards had already been summoned to capture the pink pony. Pinkie Pie knew this was her fault. She shouldn't have taken her eyes off of Twilight. Ever. It was all her fault. Pinkie Pie knew she needed to save Twilight, but first she needed to get out. She felt useless without wings or a horn. The best weapons she had at the moment were her Pinkie sense and her hooves, where most of an earth pony's strength resided. She decided to try bucking down the door. She knew her legs weren't as powerful as Applejack's, but Twilight had taught her how to focus the magic an earth pony possessed towards her legs. Pinkie Pie went to the door and turned. She started kicking at the door viciously. Even if it didn't work, it was sure to get somepony's attention. She kept at it until her legs grew tired. Then she felt one of her Pinkie senses coming on. It was an ear flop, eye flutter, then knee twitch combination. That meant opening doors, which meant her bucking hadn't been in vain. Pinkie Pie smiled and backed away from the door. She crouched, ready to tackle the pony who would come in. The door opened and she saw a guard's hoof come into view. She lunged forward at the pony, thrusting her hooves into his face. The guard was completely taken by surprise of course and knocked off his feet. The guard tried to fight back, but Pinkie Pie tugged at his mane and started pushing him into the dungeon. Pinkie Pie backed off as soon as the guard was all the way in the cell, shut the door, and brought down the bar that would prevent it from opening. The guard had been a pegasus, so Pinkie knew he wouldn't be able to use magic to escape. Still, the guard was sure to escape somehow, and Pinkie Pie wasn't about to waste anymore time. Twilight Sparkle needed her. Pinkie Pie raced down the hall. She used her Pinkie sense to guide her to where Twilight was. It wasn't that hard actually, since she found her being held captive in the throne room. King Sombra was using powerful dark magic. Twilight Sparkle was now in a crystal prison, meaning she was encased in a large crystal. She appeared to be sleeping inside, and Pinkie Pie was relieved to see that she wasn't dead. If she was, that would have been worse. King Sombra turned towards Pinkie Pie. His eyes flashed in anger and he shot a powerful jolt of dark magic from his horn. Pinkie Pie quickly dodged the bolt and threw herself at King Sombra. The evil tyrant shot at her again. She leaped out of harm's way, and the king fired one more time. The shot hit Twilight's crystal casing, and the crystal began to crack. Both ponies turned towards the crystal as the entire structure began to crack. The casing eventually became shattered and fell to pieces. Twilight was freed from her prison. As soon as she was, the alicorn princess woke up. "Twilight!" Pinkie Pie ran to her side. She immediately used to her teeth to take off the ring, and Twilight snapped out of King Sombra's spell. Pinkie Pie sighed in relief, "Thank Celestia you're okay!" Twilight smiled at Pinkie Pie, but then her eyes widened as she saw King Sombra coming up behind her. "Pinkie Pie!" she cried. Pinkie Pie whirled around and glared at King Sombra. "You meanie! How dare you do that to Twilight!" she yelled at him. Twilight knew she had to protect Pinkie Pie. Yes the earth pony had saved her, but she didn't have magic like Twilight did. The alicorn princess got to her hooves and walked around Pinkie Pie. She took a defensive stance and looked at the evil tyrant before her. "Pinkie Pie, run!" Twilight shouted as King Sombra started to create a powerful ball of dark magic at the tip of his horn. King Sombra threw the ball of dark energy at Twilight, who countered with a blast of her own. The two forces collided, causing a small explosion between them. Twilight briefly glanced over her shoulder and saw that Pinkie Pie hadn't moved. The element of laughter was looking at her with a stubborn frown. "I'm not leaving you Twilight, we're going to fight him together!" said Pinkie Pie. Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but then a loud roar behind her drew her attention. King Sombra was now cloaked in a dark aura, his eyes flashing a deep red. Twilight knew it was a better idea for both of them to run now. She turned to Pinkie, who nodded in return. The two of them ran from the room, and they could both hear King Sombra in hot pursuit. > Fall of the King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pinkie Pie, turn left!" Twilight shouted at the pink baker who was ahead of her. Pinkie turned around down a left corner, with Twilight Sparkle close on her heels. They could hear the heavy hoofsteps of the insane King Sombra behind them. Twilight slowed down momentarily to fire off a shot from her horn at King Sombra, hoping to slow him down. It worked, but it also made him angrier. Twilight started running faster, hearing King Sombra's roar of anger echo down the halls behind her. Pinkie Pie could see the exit up ahead. She motioned for her marefriend to follow and Twilight understood. They raced for the doors and hurried out of the castle. Twilight was relieved as soon as they were outside. She looked upward and saw a pink chariot in the sky. It was Princess Cadence and her brother, Shining Armor. The couple spotted the two running ponies below moments later and Cadence motioned for the chariot to land. Princess Cadence came to them with a smile, but it faded when she saw the looks of panic on their faces. Shining Armor saw something was wrong, as his goofy grin had faded as well. Pinkie Pie and Twilight both panted hard, trying to catch their breath. Then the two started talking at once. "King Sombra-" "-Back and trying to-" "-Crystal ponies are-" "-The heart-" At this, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor both broke into laughter. Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie both exchanged looks of surprise and then back to the royal couple. "Princess Cadence, we have a serious issue on our hands!" exclaimed Twilight. "Why in the world of Equestria are you laughing?" "Oh Twily," said Shining Armor as his laughter died down. "The King Sombra in the palace isn't real." "Huh?" was all Twilight said, as she was in complete and utter shock. Princess Cadence smiled warmly and explained, "As you already know, this palace is the old one. We use the newly erected palace on the other side of the Empire, since the Crystal Ponies are too frightened to enter this one. However, there are still occasional daredevils and brave souls that like a good challenge. So we created the illusion of King Sombra for their entertainment. It's literally a playground for the Crystal Ponies now." "But..." Twilight was shocked beyond words. "I don't get it," said Pinkie Pie. "It was all so real! There were guards and a dungeon and crystals and everything!" "All created by yours truly," said Princess Cadence, still smiling. "You two were never in any real danger. Think, did King Sombra actually bring any harm to you?" The two mares thought for a moment, and then shook their heads. "No, but he did fire dark magic at us!" Twilight pointed out. Princess Cadence laughed again and said, "His shots are supposed to miss. And even if they did happen to hit, it would have only been a little tickle." "Wait, what about the crystal Twilight was trapped in?" Pinkie Pie asked. "That was meant to break at the slightest impact," Princess Cadence replied. "I'm sorry though, I probably should have told you this before you arrived." "Oh it's okay!" said Pinkie Pie cheerfully. "We still had fun, right Twilight?" Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes, we did Pinkie." "Now how about we go to the actual palace and have tea and cupcakes?" Princess Cadence suggested. "I like that idea! But I wanna help make them!" said Pinkie Pie. "Let me help too!" said Twilight Sparkle. "We can all make some," said Princess Cadence. "Come on everypony." The four of them headed to the palace and enjoyed the rest of the day there. > Pinkie Pie's Song to Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie had a small guitar in front of her. She had had Applejack help her with the music part, and she had done the lyrics herself. Tomorrow was Twilight Sparkle's birthday, and she wanted this song to be perfect for her. After all, Pinkie Pie only wanted the best for her bestest friend. She also hoped this would move their relationship past friendship status to something special. So she sat in her room, deep in focus. She began to strum a bit on her guitar, warming up the strings a bit. Then she began to sing. Twilight Sparkle, how can I say. You always take my breath away. You always seem to make my day. So now Twilight if I may I want to say I love you. I don't know how I just do I hope that you love me too This feeling I have is something new I always love all of my friends Treat each one equally But Twilight you mean so much more I want to treat you specially. I aim to make everypony smile I aim to rid the world of frowns And now you make it all worth while Even if we have our ups and downs You questioned my Pinkie sense But accepted it in the end And you know that tells me You are a true true friend But Twilight Sparkle don't you see I want something more You mean so much to me You make life worth living for Twilight Sparkle I wish you were mine Because you always make my heart shine And when I see you I know for sure That everything is just fine. > Ponies on Ice! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie was on her way to see Twilight Sparkle. She had on a scarf and two saddle bags. She had plans for the two of them today, and she intended to pull the bookworm out of her library. Pinkie Pie bounced up to the door of Ponyville's Library and knocked several times. She knocked at a rhythm she knew only Twilight would recognize. A few moments later the door opened and Pinkie Pie saw a slightly annoyed baby dragon. "What a surprise to see you here," said Spike sarcastically. "Did you want to come in?" "Duh," said Pinkie Pie with a giggle. "Now let me in, it's freezing!" Spike sighed and stepped out of the way so Pinkie could go inside. Naturally she found the bookworm reading a book while taking notes at her desk. She walked to Twilight's side and smiled at her studious marefriend. "Hey Twilight, whatcha doing?" she asked her usual question. Twilight gave her usual answer, "Studying." "That's what you did yesterday, and the day before that," Pinkie Pie said, her voice almost rising to a whiny tone. "I want to do something fun with you today! Please?" Twilight looked at her marefriend and saw that the party pony was using big blue teary eyes on her. She sighed and saved her place in the book she had opened. She could never resist those eyes, and Pinkie Pie knew it. She set her quill back in its spot and turned to Pinkie Pie. "Did you have something planned for us?" she asked. "Yep!" Pinkie Pie turned her head towards the saddlebag she had on her back. She pulled out four pairs of ice skates. "I'm going to teach you how to ice skate." Twilight's eyes widened at the skates and she swallowed nervously. "I don't know Pinkie, you know how my first time went when we did Winter Wrap Up." "Aw Twi, don't worry!" said Pinkie with a grin. "First of all, we won't be on a schedule. This will just be for fun. And I'll be right by your side the whole time." Twilight glanced towards her desk and then back to Pinkie Pie. "Well, all right. Why not, I could use a break," she finally agreed. "Yay!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Come on!" She put the skates back in her saddle bag. Twilight looked towards Spike, but the baby dragon had already gone to bed. She shrugged, deciding her number one assistant should have a break as well. Twilight Sparkle went to get her own scarf before following Pinkie Pie out of the library. The two walked through Ponyville together to one of the frozen lakes just outside the earth pony town. They trudged through the snow to the edge of the lake. Pinkie Pie took the skates back out and handed one set to Twilight. The young unicorn used her magic to put on the skates and Pinkie Pie helped her onto the ice. As soon as they were on the smooth surface, Twilight felt her legs start to tremble slightly. She remembered how badly her first time had ended. Pinkie Pie pressed her body against her marefriend to keep Twilight steady, which seemed to calm the mare's fears slightly. "First you need to push off using your hind hooves," Pinkie Pie explained. "Use your front hooves for steering." Twilight attempted to move some of the weight in her body to her hind hooves and push off, but ended up sliding flat on her belly. Pinkie Pie smiled and helped Twilight back up. Twilight took a deep breath and tried again. She managed to go a little ways, and Pinkie Pie moved with her for safety. Then her forehooves gave out from under her and she fell face forward. Twilight's nose was pressed hard against the surface of the ice and she yelped in surprise from the cold. Pinkie Pie giggled and skated around to the front of Twilight. She helped Twilight back up and kept one hoof on her shoulder. "I got an idea, hold on to my tail, and I'll pull you around, okay? All you have to do is stay on your feet," Pinkie Pie suggested. "We could try that," said Twilight with a nod. So Pinkie Pie turned around and extended her tail towards Twilight. The unicorn took the tip in her mouth and kept her legs firm underneath her. Pinkie Pie pulled forward and Twilight instinctively crouched slightly. Luckily the pink earth pony was going at a slow pace, so Twilight found she could easily stay up right. She smiled, feeling more confident about being on the ice. The couple slid around on the icy lake for a few minutes, Pinkie Pie leading and Twilight riding along. She felt a little bit more steady and tried using her hind legs to push herself again. Pinkie Pie noticed what Twilight was doing and dared to go a little faster. It worked, and Twilight allowed herself to let go of Pinkie Pie's tail. Now she was going a little faster, but was managing to stay on her hooves. She smiled and focused on using her hooves to steer. She made a slight turn and maintained her balance. Pinkie Pie grinned and said, "You did it Twi!" Twilight looked over to her marefriend and nodded, "I know!" Then the smile changed to a look of fear on Pinkie's face. "Twilight, look out!" "Huh?" Twilight looked forward and went head first into a snowy bank. Pinkie Pie raced to the fallen unicorn's side. Twilight's upper body was buried in snow, her rump the only thing sticking out. Pinkie Pie held back a giggle and helped her marefriend out of the snow. Twilight shook her head and her horn glowed warmly, using her magic to take the snow off of her coat. "Twilight, are you okay?" Pinkie Pie asked, worried. "Yeah, I am!" said Twilight, a goofy grin on her face. "That was actually really awesome!" Pinkie Pie smiled at that response and hugged her marefriend. "Good, but you really need to pay attention when you're ice skating. You shouldn't be trying to do tricks until you're as good as me." Twilight's grin became sheepish and she shrugged. "Oh well, it was still fun at least." "Want to try again?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Sure!" said Twilight eagerly. So the unicorn and the earth pony went back onto the ice and continued practicing for the rest of the afternoon.