Rarity and Dash Heart to Heart

by Techogre

First published

When Rainbow Dash needs romantic advice, she talks to Rarity.

When Rainbow Dash needs romantic advice about a mysterious stallion, she talks to the best. She talks to Rarity.

This side story takes place between chapter 17 and chapter 18 of Memoirs of a Reality Jumper, but I'm happy to say it stands alone.

Chapter 1

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It was another grand day at the Carousel Boutique, and Rarity felt satisfied and creative. She made dresses at every price point but was no longer concerned with making a profit. Thanks to the generosity of a stranger, now a friend, she could concentrate on making beautiful dresses to bring out and accentuate the beauty of any mare. She kept the store closed most mornings, with an 'Appointment Only' sign instead of her closed sign.

There was a knock on the door. Rarity glanced at her appointment book and saw no appointments. She sighed, opened the door, and started saying she was closed at the moment when she saw the multicoloured hues of Rainbow Dash's tail and mane. “Rainbow Dash, please come in.”

Dash walked in nervously, looking both embarrassed and maybe a little confused. She entered gratefully, knowing her friend was an expert on the subject that was bothering her.

“Tea?” Dash shook her head, “No? Alright, what can I do for one of my dearest friends?”

Dash looked abashed, keeping her eyes down, her front hoof tracing a little circle on the floor, “I... I'm thinking about a stallion.”

Rarity's eyes lit up, “Oh, how romantic! Is it someone I know? Is it Big Macintosh?” she smiled mischievously, “I've heard he has his eye on you.”

Dash looked at Rarity confusedly, “Wait, Big Mac?” She shook her head, “No, no, that's not who I'm talking about. If it's okay with you, I would rather not say. Just in case it blows up in my face, I'd like to keep it, you know, private.”

“Oh, I understand, darling. One must be discreet in affairs of the heart. With that in mind, how may I help you?” Rarity smiled warmly and thought, 'Rainbow Dash with a crush? How adorable!'

Dash looked a little sad, “Well, usually, when I see someone I like or think would be fun, I just go for it. I've never been in a, what do you call them, a long-term relationship. But, this time, I feel something different. I'm looking for a way to do it right, ya know? I've been with stallions before. Heck, I've been with mares and a gryphon once. But that was just fun. If I'm honest with myself, it never meant anything to me, just a thrill. But this time, I don't know. It's different.” She looked at Rarity, her expression begging for an answer from her friend.

Rarity took this all in, “Rainbow Dash, dear, does this stallion return your affections?”

“I don't know, Rarity,” She sighed, “I'm no good at this kind of thing. He seems to, but he's a little distant too, like he's afraid of, I don't know, something. But we've had long talks about everything and nothing, you know? He's told me things he never told anyone, and I know I have. We have a good friendship, Rarity, really good, and I don't want to lose that by coming on too strong.”

Rarity sighed, feeling a twinge of jealousy, 'Why was it the only Prince Charmings I can find are royal pains, underaged dragons, or married monsters? Oh well. One must focus on one's friends’, “Rainbow Dash, dear, if you could just tell me who it is, I might be able to give you specific advice. Of course,” Rarity gave a slightly lecherous smile, “you could seduce him. I could help you with perfumes, makeup, some clothing, always exciting to a stallion, and a few moves to really get his attention...”

Dash cut her off, “Come on, Rarity. I'm not pretty like you, Fluttershy, or Applejack and no matter how much makeup you slather on, it won't change that. Anyway, I don’t think he cares about my looks. He’s not that kind of guy.” She seemed to consider her options and smiled a small, hopeful smile, “Maybe a little perfume and do something with my hair, I guess.”

Rarity gave her tomboy friend an appraising look. She slowly walked around her, examining her from every angle. She then leaned close to her, closed her eyes, and took a short, lady-like sniff. She then looked at the ceiling, thinking intently. "I think the scent that would best accentuate your natural musk would be lilac. A very pure, unmodified perfume would be best. Sweet and simple yet bold, like you."

Once again, Rarity circled her friend like a fashionista shark, searching for the elusive prey of fashion perfection. She pursed her lips in thought, "I think a simple style would best serve you." She levitated a brush, "First, let's brush it and volumize it, then use a simple hair tie. Yes, this will be something you can do yourself. Here, what do you think?"

She looked at herself in the mirrors all around the store. "I guess I do clean up good, but," Dash sighed, “I’m just worried he won’t like me in that way, you know? Usually, if someone is attracted to me, they make it very clear. I don’t know; he's too classy to come on to me, so I can’t tell.”

Rarity looked at her friend with a hint of sadness, “He sounds like the very model of a gentlecolt. You’re lucky to have a chance to make him your own.”

“But, what if he’s not into me? What if he’s just not attracted to me that way?”

Rarity leaned forward and gestured with her hoof, “If this stallion is worthy of your affections, he will adore you no matter what. And I, for one, think you are a lovely mare.”

Dash flashed her trademark confident grin, “You know it. If A... that stallion doesn't think I'm good enough or pretty enough, then he's not worth my time, right?”

Rarity smiled at her friend warmly, “He would be a fool to lose you.”

"So, I know he would be an idiot to give me up, but how can I get him? What if I, you know, kiss him on the lips? That way, he knows. But is that too much?"

Rarity smiled slowly, "Any other mare, I would say that would be foolish. But I think that would suit the brash and bold Rainbow Dash, who is my dear friend. Yes, show him your passion. Win your stallion."

Dash hugged her friend, “Thanks Rarity. I appreciate your advice.”