Luna's Reprieve

by Kwinohiro

First published

Luna comes back after her banishment and meets a kind soul who will help her more than either of them realize.

Luna is shunned by society. Her sister is still distant from her. She is told to investigate strange magic in the Ever-free. Can she handle what she finds, and the emotions she has bundled inside of her?

Edit: Logged back on one fateful day, years later from making this. I'm sorry, truly, to anyone and everyone who followed this story for it's short time, as I, like most others, have seen the beginnings of fics that could be great but just get dropped. Not saying my fic is great, of course, was my first attempt at real writing at all. I just didn't have the time to work on this, and when I did have the time, I wasn't the same person with either the same inspiration or motivation. I made this a long time ago when my heart yearned for something I did not yet have and I let it out in a form of a fanfic. I would come back to this, and maybe someday I'll be able to be that person, but I don't forsee it. So I apologise to all those who wanted to see this journey to the end.


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Chapter 1: Discovery


Kwin rolled over, and checked his head. There was no bleeding, but it felt as if whatever happened had left him with a bruise. Wait a minute. What had happened?

"Ouch, yep, that hurts. Did I fall off the bed? I don't think that would hurt that much, 'cause the bed isn't that high u... whoa. When did I get here?"

As he had looked up, he had seen that he was no longer in his home, and the scenery had changed drastically. Originally, he had been on the outskirts of town, in a more plains-like location, but now... now, he didn't even know where he was. It was a forest, that much he was sure, but that didn't make any sense, because where he was from, there weren't any forests for about half a state.

"Where the hell am I?"



Luna heard her name called by Celestia in the throne room. Well, who else would call me? No one is ever comfortable around me... even Celestia is a bit unnerved, and has been, ever since the... she grimaced as she thought of the recent incident that had, while re-united them, set them farther apart than they had ever been, while still under speaking conditions.

She walked into the majestic hall, admiring the glass portraiture lining the walls, as they never ceased to amaze her. Then she passed a particular one she didn't like, one with the elements of harmony expelling shadow from the guise of a certain blue alicorn.

"You called?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yes, I did." Celestia said, sounding rather worried. "I detected some magic, from here, that took place in the Ever-Free Forest, about half-an-hour ago. It's strong magic, magic that would leave both of us weakened for a number of days if we both helped each-other cast it."

Luna put on a worried look herself at this. Something stronger than both I and Celestia? I wonder what could possibly muster such strength?

"Does it mean well? Or for bad?" She asked, uncertainly.

"I do not yet know of either, but it is a problem that we must face carefully, or rather, you must face carefully, I should say."

Luna was confused. What does she mean, me?

"I do not understand, sister. What do you mean by me, and not we?"

"I have been informed, after detecting this and informing the guards of my departure, that I cannot investigate."

"And why ever not? Not to sound disrespectful of course, but is there another issue that needs dealing with? What could be more important than this?"

Celestia looked annoyed at this. "Well, it's not that important of a problem really, but its... I have to show in royal court to judge some things, and they would be very sore if I ignored them, so I can't go to find out what it is myself. I can't go tomorrow, as whatever it is would have a chance to do whatever it wants before I can stop it, if it's bad. You understand then, why I send you instead."

Luna did understand, and simply said, "Okay, I'll keep my eye out for anything suspicious."

"Good, but also check Zecora's home, as she might have had something to do with it."

"The zebra?"

"Yes, I hear that the ponies of Ponyville have accepted them into their community."

"Okay then." Was all she said before she was out of the balcony of the palace.


Kwin was looking around, and so far, had not found any signs of civilization. It unnerved him. Sounds came out of the shadows of the forests, and when he questioned their darkness, the answer to his inquiries was left unheard. Finally, when he had given up for that day, and had decided to look for some shelter, he heard a growl from directly behind.

"Oh god... what was that?"

His answer came forth as he reared his head and came face-to-face with a menacing creature. It had the head of a lion, a pair of leathery bat-like wings, and the tail of a scorpion, including the stinger, which, he had no doubt, was filled with poison.

It roared into his face, and he turned as quickly as he could and ran, barely avoiding the singer, singing as it whipped through the air at him. He was running as fast as he could for dear life, as he was acutely aware that if he faltered, his life could be taken away from him as quickly as the fire of a candle being blown out.


"Ah! That, déjà-vu. Where have I seen this before? Well, the only difference is, this time I'm trying to staunch bleeding instead of nursing a slightly bruised head. He looked up at the dimming sky, and had reminisced. Even though I've almost died, the sunset here was more beautiful than I remember it usually being...

He had managed to get away, but not before the beast following him had gotten in a few rakes at him. The worst part was, its claws were dirty and he had to wash the cuts out thoroughly as to avoid infection, an activity he did not enjoy. He warmed his chilled limbs near his campfire. He had built it to warm himself, and also to boil a few parts of his shirt that he had ripped off, so as to sanitize them, so he could use them as bandages to stop his bleeding.

He looked up again and something caught his eye. He thought he had seen something go across the sky. Must be a bird, he thought. But it was too big to be a bird. It was coming quickly towards him, and as it got closer, he saw that it had more of an equine shape, with wings as well.

What is that? Another creature meant to bear me harm? Several thoughts similar went through his mind as he saw the horse land. No, not horse, horses are bigger. Pony, maybe?


Luna had seen a smoke trail, and of course, the fire from which it trailed. That must be something, of anything. It could be another pony, but I have no other leads. She had been to Zecora's, and had found that the zebra in question had not done much that day, except read and make soup for her evening meal.

As she drew closer, she saw a strange shape sitting by the fire. It looked like it was kind of in the shape of some monkeys. It was looking towards her, that much she was certain, but it hadn't moved much.

She landed and looked towards it. It had bandages on its lower right leg, left shoulder, and right forearm. It was hurt, and she was concerned.

"Hello, I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria. I am here on the behalf of Princess Celestia. I assume you mean no harm, as you haven't moved to injure or impede me, but may I cast a spell on you, just to make sure you don't?


Had the pony just spoken? "Um... I guess so. But it won't hurt anything, will it?"

She, and she was unmistakably female, by her voice and more feminine features, responded, "Oh, no, of course not, but if you wouldn't mind, after I do that, if I can heal your wounds?" She said while looking towards his bandages


"That would be appreciated, thank you." He had replied, as he was obviously male, with his strange, yet enticingly masculine features. He had on a white t-shirt, and pale-blue pants, which looked a bit rugged, and again to the bandages.

"Okay, I'm about to cast the first one."


The Horn on her forehead acquired a blue sheen as she closed her eyes and concentrated. He felt a funny feeling as she did this, and it was a questioning feeling. He lobbed a bit of his mind and memory at it to answer its questioning tampering. It seceded after a moment and she re-opened her eyes, looking pleased, and, he noted, a bit nervous.

Her spell had proven, without much of a doubt, that he was not of malicious intent. He had shown, with some searching, that he was not of any ill intent.

"Okay, so now let's tend to those injuries of yours."

"My thanks for your help and concern." He smiled.

She returned the expression, with a bit of thought in it.

She turned towards his leg, and cast a healing spell, as she did with his arm, and could see his expression turn from pained to relieved. It wore her down a bit, as whatever had given him the lacerations had cut rather deeply.

She then leaned down, towards his shoulder, and as she did, she looked into his eyes, his frost blue eyes, and almost got lost in them. She blushed. In them, she found a friend, or perhaps more.

"Sorry, I'll get right to it." She laughed nervously.

"Oh that's fine, but don't hurt yourself. I don't want to share my pain with someone who's been so friendly towards me, even if I just met you."

She looked into his eyes again, and felt something right then.

He cares.

Whispers in the Night's Shadows

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Chapter 2: Whispers in the Night's Shadows

Kwin still didn't understand where he was, but he knew it couldn't be anywhere near his home area. He liked it better though. The differentiating factors were that, well, the scenery, foliage, although menacing, and air were more pleasant than where he was from. Then there was the sun, and the stars, as well. They were both beautiful... so much so, that he was at a loss for words. The sunset, moonrise, moonset, and sunrise were unbelievably extravagant. They were so much more filled with color. And the other difference, of course, was that he was acquainted with a midnight-eve blue pony. An alicorn, she had said, and had said also that her kind, usually immortal, was the most rare of all ponies, both gifted with magic and flight.

She had said, the night before, more about her kind, as well. Not alicorns in-particular, but of all ponies. She had said that there were the main three types of ponies. There were pegasi, who were gifted with wings, unicorns, who were gifted with the horns and the ability to consciously use magic, and earth ponies, who weren't gifted with a special gift, but were usually more hardy, and had a connection with nature that most unicorns and pegasi didn't.

She was the co-ruler of equestria, co to princess Celestia, high ruler of equestria, and the sun goddess. When he implored about her, all she had said was that she, too, was an alicorn. Luna got more quiet after that, and eventually, they had realized how late it had gotten. She asked him if he had wings under his clothing, but he had, of course, told her what was truth.

She looked worried, but relented, and said, albeit under her breath, "She can wait a while, I'm in no rush." She had turned to look at him, and said, "We must make camp then, for the Ever-Free is not a friendly place at night, or much ever, for that matter, but if we cannot see, then we could easily be overtaken in the shadows. And, aside that, I could only do so much to heal you, as I am not fully aware of your anatomy, and your leg will still be weakened, so we might as well not take the chance of chase."

"Okay," he had responded, adding, "but where will we sleep? I don't imagine you'll be comfortable on the ground, not that I would want you there in the first place, and I don't much mind it myself, but... what are we to sleep on? And if it does freeze, how will we stay warm?"


She had taken his words to thinking. He is right, and so kind. He would lie on the ground to make me feel more comfortable? And as for keeping warm... her thoughts trailed shook her head, in thought. No. Now is not the time for that. Where would we sleep? And how would we keep warm aside from... Maybe we can ask Zecora for some supplies? She discounted the thought, almost at once. No, her hut is too far away... Oh!

She cast a spell, aware of Kwin's watching eyes, and before her appeared a bedroll, medium sized, that was just big enough for two ponies to fit in. Hey, I didn't mean to grab this one... this is the bedroll that Celestia got for me when we went... She stopped herself again, but this time for a different reason, one that was not as pleasant as before. Whatever reason I summoned this particular bedroll, it doesn't matter. It will do. She looked over. He was watching intently, it had seemed, but when she looked over, he looked down a bit, realizing he was staring.

"Where did that come from?" He asked, a bit distractedly.

"I summoned it, but from all the way from Canterlot to here is a long distance, so that took more out of me than I would've liked, and I don't think I can repeat it again without draining too much, if a problem should occur." She wanted to ask if he would like to share it with her, but she was too nervous to inquire.

"Oh that's fine, like I said, I don't mind much." He had simply said, and had gone for more firewood, assuring her that he wasn't trying to escape, for he was still to be questioned by Celestia. The small pile that he had built was now nothing but a fading bed of charred timber.


After he had gone, he had, of course, got to thinking of Luna. I wonder what was bugging her. Before she summoned the bedroll, it seemed as though she had wanted to ask me something, and after she did, it was the same case... Ah well, let her thoughts be her own, and if she shares them with me, I'll know, and if not, so be it. He collected the old, dry, and fallen branches that he had seen around earlier, but had not traveled too far from camp, on one hand to avoid suspicion from Luna if she saw him walking too far, and on the other to avoid any more confrontations with other beasts of the forest.

He soon came back and relit the fire, as It had gone out some moments after he had arrived, and arranged the branches to burn efficiently over some amount of time. She had set her bedroll against a nearby tree, to offer some support, and he had cleared a ground patch of stones and excessive dirt. As they set to go to sleep, he found he couldn't. It might have been that he was too cold, but the only thing he could think of was the blazing inferno that was held before him. The dance of the flames, each wraith-like tongue trying to gain dominion over another, but to be overtaken a second later by a slighted adversary. He was soon shivering, but he had never realized that he was beginning to lose his body temperature at an alarming rate.


Luna had noticed, that he jittered at some times, irregularly, but all he did was stare at the campfire. He soon began to shiver rapidly, and she was very worried about him, as she knew that he didn't notice this at all. If I don't do something, he could... She got up, a movement which took his gaze away from the flame. He only just seemed to be aware of the coldness that had crept into his limbs.

"Get up, and come over here, please. I can't stand to see you trembling the way you are." She had finally worked up the nerve to say. He looked a bit awkwardly at this, but she reassured, "Don't worry, it's big enough for the both of us." He then got up and stood next to her, not really knowing what to do from there.

"Well? Get in, get in. It's too cold out here now to stay without some kind of warmth." She had said, knowing that the bag was well insulated and that their combined body heat would keep both of them warm. He did what she said and got into it. She did the same after, daring to snuggle closer to him. His chest was warm, albeit being out in the cold a moment ago, and as for her own, she was too occupied with the butterflies that so desperately wanted to escape from inside.

She soon fell asleep like this, cradled into his side, dreaming pleasantly, until late into the night, when dome of her deepest thoughts entered her dreamscape...


She was flying over the city, her thoughts muddled, not her own, controlled by something else.

"Hahahaha! These ponies will never see the light of day again! I will keep them bathed in eternal night!" The not-her exclaimed. They had scorned her beautiful night, and now, she was going to never let the sun they oh-so revered ever pierce her night ever again!

"No, you won't." said a stern voice behind not-her. A voice she knew all too well, one that would help her rid herself of the nightmare haunting her.

"Ah, my beloved sister, so nice of you to show." Were the words that came out of her mouth. 'She's not YOUR sister, she's mine!' Luna yelled inside, but the horror shoved off her shout and resumed speaking, "Don't you love it? The night sky is simply marvelous, isn't it? It's much better than that overgrown star you call a sun." The not-her said with a wicked smile.

"Nightmare Moon, you have been found guilty of disturbing the peace by throwing night over all of Equestria. For this you are to be banished to the place you covet so much."

"Just try it, Sister!" she retorted, and prepared to cast a spell. The resulting bolt of darkness was absorbed by a shield that Celestia had cast on herself and had failed. Celestia in turn began to cast a new spell. It was bright, and it hit Luna and as it did, Luna yelled inside, 'NOOOO--


"...nooooo! Celestia, it wasn't my fault, I swear! It will never bother anyone again, but please don't do this!" Luna mumbled in her sleep. Kwin overheard all of this, and was wondering what Celestia had done, and if this was why Luna was so distant about her sister. These mumbles and whispers went on through the night, and Kwin had no choice but to endure all of the pained cries and moans of the troubled mare.

A Show of Disaster

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A Show of Disaster

The warm sun warmed Kwin's back, but there was a chill in the air, but that was because it was early in the morning, and the sun's renewing rays hadn't had much time to spread their heat over the land yet. After a few short exchanges, they had picked up the bedroll, put out the fire, and made sure that the glowing coals would not cause harm to the forest. She had been a bit quiet, and kept her reasons unknown, but he didn't have to make any wild guesses.

"We'll have to get up early in the morning so we can get a head start on the day. Because of your leg, we'll be slowed, but we will get to our destination." She had said, later. She was right; his leg had a constant ache, and he had to favor it with a bit of a limp, so they couldn't run. But they made good time. They covered about a mile or so every fifteen to twenty minutes, which, he thought, was good, giving consideration.

"Where exactly is our destination?" He asked, curious.

"Oh. Well first, we'll go to Zecora's; she is a zebra who is rather talented at making special potions and tonic, such the kind that could help you with your injuries. Then we'll have to wait until nighttime, and we'll slip into Ponyville, the main town around here, and find a way to get back to Canterlot with as much haste as we can afford."

A zebra? He thought. Well, that'll be interesting. And I'd like to see what a few other ponies are like, considering the only one I know is Luna. "Alright, then." Was all he replied then let his thoughts drift around, to old thoughts, and then ones about recent events, and often landing them on Luna. I hope she's alright. I wonder what all that was about last night?


"...and find a way to get back to Canterlot with as much haste as we can afford." She finished.

He had simply replied with, "Alright, then." And had gone to his own thinking. She looked over at him, trying not to think about the obvious as she looked over him. He seemed to be deep in thought, sometimes with a pleasant face, or a questioning one, but most often, it was one of deep sympathy.

"Is something wrong?" She asked him, wanting to know what was troubling him.

"Oh, um... I'm just wondering if the... other ponies will freak out over me." He didn't seem certain of the answer, but she put it off.

"Oh, that's fine. You won't have to worry about Zecora. She is pretty strange herself, and as for the ponies of Ponyville... more than likely only a few people will know you were ever there."

"Oh, good then." He responded, looking a bit nervous, and she wondered at it. Was there something else on his mind, and did he make that up just to divert suspicion? She wished she had the answer, but felt pestering him for it would not be a good way to get it out of him.

They had continued walking, and, after some time, had made it to Zecora's hut. "Well, here we are. That didn't take as long as I thought it would."


Kwin looked up. It was a gnarled tree, but it had a few windows and a door at the base of its trunk. It had strange decorations, such as bottles, jars, and even a few tiki masks.

Luna stepped up and knocked at the door. After some moments, the door opened. He could see the top of her mane, which was in a type of mo-hawk.

"Hello, my Princess of the Night. Have you found what gave your sister such a fright?" Her accent was African-American, of that he was sure, but had she just rhymed?

"I have, but it seems as though her worry may have been unneeded." And with that, Luna stepped aside, giving them both a view of each other.

Zecora was obviously a zebra, but he already knew that. She had gold rings all around her neck and legs, and looked a little more masculine than Luna did. She was less curvy, but still had more than a male, he assumed. Her muzzle was squared off, unlike Luna's, and she didn't have the same kind of eyelashes.

She looked at him, in awe, he noted, instead of the fear he had expected. She looked him over, at his side, his hair, and all around him. Then to his bandages, and their size.

"I have never seen such a creature, with such strange and so outlandish features. But what sort of beast gave you such injuries? And how have you handled them, with any ease?"

He liked her way of speech. It gave her a sense of wisdom and mystery. "It is nice to meet you miss Zecora." Her ears perked up at the mention of her name. "My name is Kwin, and as for the strange thing that caused me harm, I do not know. It had the head and body of a lion, bat-like wings, and a scorpion tail."

At this, her eyes widened. "You fought with a manticore without protection? Surely you made sure that you had no infection!"

"Well, that's the reason we came to you. You know more about anything in this forest, and more about potions and brews to heal ailments. We were hoping you could help him with that." Luna said, looking hopeful.

"Oh, a remedy I can brew up, for sure." Zecora smiled at this. "But you will have to stay, and tell me more."


She had brewed a concoction that, when he consumed, had started to heal the cuts from the inside, while purging them of any infection they had. Now, as he looked, they were only shallow scratches.

Now they were closer too Ponyville. However, when they had finished walking out of the forest, they saw lights coming out of it in a back and forth motion.

Ponyville was beautiful, even from the outside of it, he could see the unique shape of the buildings. He even saw a hearty oak tree with windows and a balcony.

"Oh no, this isn't good." Luna had said, very worried about something.

"What is it?" Kwin asked, confused. He didn't understand. They had made it, so what was bothering her?

"Look for yourself. You see the source of those lights?"

He looked on, and did. It appeared to be a fashion show, but one that was bombing. He could see a few ponies up on the walkway, and the dresses they had, if they could be called such, were horrendous. The crowd was booing, in evident dislike of the clothing.

"What about them?" He asked, still puzzled.

"Well, you don't know of course, since you haven't met her yet, but twilight is up there. She will be up there for at least a while longer, and she will more than likely be up for a long time. Even if she's not, she'll probably be too tired to help us. We'll have to wait another day, unfortunately."


As they made their camp, they were unaware of the creature that was watching them, full of hate in his eyes. It despised both of them, neither one in-particular, but the feelings they shared as they fell into sleeps embrace. They were unsure, but he knew. He wouldn't strike now, for that would be too foolish. He could wait.

And that He would.