Tales of the Equestrian Outpost

by ZeroChill

First published

The Mane Six and Spike head out to the Equestrian Outpost to visit Rainbow Dash's Aunt. Several adventures happen.

After Rainbow Dash's aunt visited Ponyville, the two ponies finally got to see each other eye to eye. Now, Rainbow Dash is going to take up her aunt's offer of visiting her in the Equestrian Outpost alongside her friends. With a mash of various different cultures and customs, this visit is going to be anything but just a family get-together.

NOTE: In need of an art cover and a proofreader. If anyone is interested, please PM me.


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A brown and green-painted cargo train with golden framing and red rooftops soared along the tracks of a snowy landscape. The smoke that came from the locomotive billowed into the sky. A dark green earth pony stallion with a red cap, messy, blond mane and blue eyes pulled the rope on the ceiling with a navy blue-gloved hoof. The whistle of the train roared loudly as the sun began to rise from the horizon of the landscape. As the train continued along the set of tracks, a large, wooden wall rose from the land. The driving stallion pulled a silver microphone from the dashboard of the train with his hoof. He cleared his throat with a cough before he spoke.

“Ladies and gentledrake, we are en route to the Equestrian Outpost. Please prepare yourselves ready for departure.” The voice echoed through all the cars of the train. In a cart filled with piles of colorful gems and bits, as the six mares and purple drake slept, the voice from the intercom caused them to stir in their sleep. The first one to wake up, Applejack, stretched her legs and body. She looked out of the window towards the front and saw a town on the horizon.

“Yeehaw! Get your lazy flanks up everypony, because the Equestrian Outpost is just a skipping stone away.” She shouted. Twilight Sparkle was the next pony to awaken. She yawned as her lavender eyes were cracked red from exhaustion.

“Looks like you really do get up at the crack of morning Applejack. Still, I can’t wait to see what it’s like in the Equestrian Outpost.” She stated with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Rarity, who had a magenta sleep mask over her eyes, removed the sleep mask. Her eyes appeared refreshed along with the rest of her body.

“I knew that it would have taken a bit of a while, but I really did not expect the ride across the lands of Equestria to be two complete days.” She said as she yawned.

“I know right?! I wanted to be in the pastry cart, but the mean conductors put us all in the mineral and bit cart.” Applejack, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity all jumped and shrieked as they heard a familiar voice behind them.

“Pinkie! You nearly scared us half to death! Since when did you wake up?” Twilight Sparkle irately shouted. Pinkie Pie shrugged her shoulders.

“I dunno. I was just sleeping on that pile of stones when I heard the train operator’s voice over the intercom.” She stated. As she said this, Fluttershy gently lifted her eyes open with an exhausted smile. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves and stretched. “Good morning sleepyhead! How did bunny watching go last night?”

“Oh Pinkie, it was so nice to see so many different species of rabbits frolicking in the night sky. I guess I kind of let the excitement of the night put me to sleep.” She said with a bit of exhaustion.

“You know, everypony but Rainbow Dash and Spike is awake.” Rarity noted. On the ceiling, Rainbow Dash lied on her back on a net hammock. She slept soundly on her crossed forehooves serving as a makeshift pillow. Pinkie Pie climbed up on a pole that the hammock was connected to. She pulled out a brass horn with one hoof and blew into it. A raspy trumpeting noise echoed through the cabin. Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened on pure instinct and surprise as she jumped up into the ceiling above. She dropped down onto the hammock and rubbed the sore spot. Pinkie Pie covered her hoof as she giggled at Rainbow Dash’s injury.

“Pinkie! Why did you do that?!” Rainbow Dash irately screamed.

“Because silly, the train is heading into the Equestrian Outpost soon! You didn’t want to be asleep when we got there, do you Dashie?” Pinkie Pie reasoned.

“Well, I guess not. After all, I need to be in tip-top shape for when I meet my aunt!” Rainbow Dash happily stated. Meanwhile, Spike snored peacefully as he lied back on a pile of gems. As his mouth opened, a loose emerald fell into it. Spike’s eyes opened widely in shock as the gem was lodged in his throat. He gagged and grasped his throat with his claws as he struggled for air. Twilight’s horn was wrapped in a pink aura. The aura coated the inside of Spike’s throat as the emerald was magically forced out of it.

“Thanks for dislodging the emerald from my throat Twilight.” Spike gratefully stated.

“It’s no problem at all Spike. I wouldn’t let you suffocate on a gem now would I?” Twilight stated. As she said this, the window’s scenery changed from a snowy wasteland into a city of wood and stone. Along the streets of dirt and cobblestone, there were various ponies, deer, griffons, bovines, goats and even teen-sized dragons. Almost everybody outside wore a brown parka and cowl combo. The train slowed down as it reached a station made of wood and iron. As it stopped along there there, a cerulean-coated earth pony mare with purple eyes and a lacy rainbow mane and tail and a dark purple-coated unicorn stallion with red eyes and a thick, dark purple mane and tail that ended with splashes of white stood along the station platform. The two ponies grinned widely as the train came to a stop. The doors of all the train carts opened up as various griffons and bovines entered in them. They took out various products from the freight train. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike walked out of the mineral car of the train. The mare and stallion that waited outside ran up to the group. The mare hugged Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash! You made it to the Equestrian Outpost!” She said. Rainbow Dash giggled as she returned the hug.

“How have you been doing auntie Rainbow Dash?” She replied. The two Rainbow Dashes released their hugs. Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled towards the group.

“I’ve been doing fine darling. I see that you brought all of your darling friends, including darling Rarity!” She said as she walked over towards Rarity. She lifted her hooves and embraced Rarity. Rarity did the same as the two fashionistas embraced each other. The two ponies walked away from each other. The stallion by Aunt Rainbow Dash’s side smiled as he walked up to Rainbow Dash and embraced her with his thick hooves.

“You have grown so much since I last saw you as a foal!” He stated. Rainbow Dash nervously looked over his shoulder.

“Remind me again who you are?” She said. The stallion grinned nervously as he walked back.

“Sorry. I just got a bit excited with seeing you for the first time in such a long time.” He said as he cleared his throat. “I’m Vitriolic Shot, your uncle. Rainbow Dash here told me a lot about you from her visit to Ponyville a few months back.” Rainbow Dash looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash with a smile.

“You never told me you were married auntie.” She said.

“I did send you a letter after our visit detailing how my life here is. Didn’t you get it?” Aunt Rainbow Dash asked. Rainbow Dash placed her hoof on her chin and pondered back towards that time-frame.

“I think that the mailmare lost that letter. When I met her a few days after, she looked scared and said sorry so many times. She kept mumbling something about the boss room? Anyways, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is how is my uncle Vitriolic Shot doing this fine morning?” She happily asked.

“I’m doing positively fine today Dashie!” When Vitriolic Shot said this, Rainbow Dash blushed a red color and shifted her eyes towards her left and right.

“Errr, why did you call me ‘Dashie?’ Only Pinkie Pie calls me that.” She said bashfully and defensively as she pointed to Pinkie Pie, who waved happily.

“Well, I’m sorry that I offended you with the nickname. It’s just that I now have two Rainbow Dashes in my life. I got to give you some kind of nickname to designate you apart from my wife.” Vitriolic Shot reasoned.

“Well, you can just call me ‘Dash.’ It’s cooler that way.” Rainbow Dash requested. Vitriolic Shot rubbed Rainbow Dash’s mane affectionately.

“Well Dash, if that nickname works for you, then it works for me. I hope that the ride here wasn’t too bumpy for you. Ol’ Spirit Locomotive can be very fast with that cargo train, but he’s real good with handling it.” As he said this, the driver, Spirit Locomotive, walked a few steps away from the locomotive. His Cutie mark was a U-shaped stand with a single triangle in the middle. He nodded towards Vitriolic Shot’s direction before he went back into the locomotive. Aunt Rainbow Dash walked over to Vitriolic Shot and planted her lips on his cheek. She faced Rainbow Dash and her friends.

“Would you mind introducing me to your darling friends?” She asked. Twilight Sparkle walked up towards Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot with a warm smile.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. I recently became a princess and wish to expand my knowledge on this remote area of Equestria.” She introduced.

“Well Miss Sparkle, I’ll be my honor to introduce to you to life in the outpost.” Vitriolic Shot stated.

“You may have heard your wife say my name, but allow me to formally introduce myself to you darling. My name is Rarity and I hope to see what this town offers in the area of fashion.” Rarity stated with a bow.

“Rainbow Dash was right! You do sound a lot like her!” Vitriolic Shot exclaimed. “If you are as great as a fashion designer as she claims, then I really can’t wait to see how far you’ll go when you reach her age.”

“Hi Mr. Vitriolic Stroke and Mrs. Rainbow Dash!!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “My name is Pinkie Pie and I am Ponyville’s premier party pony! I can’t wait to make everyone here smile!” Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled serenely.

“Aren’t you adorable for a grown mare darling? You are so energetic. Well, I do want to see more inhabitants of the Equestrian Outpost smile. After all the work everyone here does, a party would be an excellent morale boost.” She said in agreement. In that moment, Pinkie Pie zipped away from the entire group and into the town. Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot were left staring at the spot where Pinkie Pie previously was. The two of them looked towards Rainbow Dash.

“She’s just Pinkie Pie. Don’t worry too much about her because she always springs back towards us.” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack faced the ponies in front of her with a smile.

“Y’all said that everypony-“As she began to speak, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere by her side.

“Everyone Applejack. There are more than just ponies in this city.” She corrected. She immediately dashed back into the town. Applejack facehoofed.

“My mistake. So, y’all are saying that everyone here is a hard worker?” She asked.

“That’s right. Everypony, even the children, have a role to play in this town’s economy. We have miners, builders, harvesters, hunters and more. Some ponies from out of the outpost say that sentient beings that grow up here grow up to be respectable workers in the working world.” Vitriolic Stroke added. Applejack grinned widely.

“Ah like this place already! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Applejack, proud member of the Apple Family and one of the proprietors of Sweet Apple Acres.” She finished.

“So you are the one who’s responsible those delicious apple products that gets shipped here from Ponyville? I have to say darling, I’m impressed that a mare so young bucks a cargo-load of apples every day! You’ll be a fine worker in this town.” Aunt Rainbow Dash complimented. Applejack blushed from the positive words.

“Aw shucks, Ah have my older brother to help me with bucking apples. It ain’t my credit alone.” Aunt Rainbow Dash faced Fluttershy, who looked around in curiosity. Fluttershy’s attention focused back on the couple instantaneously after looking around.

“Oh my, I’m sorry. I was just so caught up with how different this place is from Ponyville that I got a bit lost.” She apologized.

“It is not a problem darling. When I first came to the Equestrian Outpost, I was surprised with how different it was from the Earth Pony section in Cloudsdale.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated.

“I never knew there was a settlement in Cloudsdale for Earth Ponies. My name is Fluttershy. I want to say that all the wildlife out here is amazing so far.” Fluttershy replied. Aunt Rainbow Dash looked keenly into Fluttershy’s eyes. Fluttershy trembled a bit from the piercing stare, but she was relieved to know that Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled acceptingly.

“I can tell you are very fond of animals. You see, the Equestrian Outpost is in need of a temporary tundra ranger to make sure that the natural life around here is preserved. If you are interested, then there is a request center in the work district of town where you can apply.” When Aunt Rainbow Dash said this, Fluttershy grinned happily.

“My, this place amazes me even more and more. A job where I can preserve the natural life of animals is a dream come true! So where is the work district again?” She asked.

“After you leave the station, take a left towards Griffon Avenue, take a north through Deer’s Road and head left towards Pony’s Street and you should find a large, green building with a 72-step set of stairs.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. Fluttershy turned to her friends with a large smile on her face.

“This is a dream come true! You wouldn’t mind if I went ahead to see that request, do you?” She asked.

“Well, I really don’t want us to separate from each other. However, since you want to do it badly and Mrs. Rainbow Dash was kind enough to give you directions, then I suppose that it is okay.” Twilight Sparkle said. Fluttershy cheered in a low-pitched voice as she ran down from the station onto the streets. “I think I might regret my decision of having Fluttershy go off by her lonesome.” Twilight Sparkle said with a bit of discomfort.

“Do not worry. Most of the townsfolk here are friendly, and the ones that are unsavory usually get dealt with by enforcers before they become a problem. My son happens to be an enforcer around that area.” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. When she looked around, she noticed Spike, who was sleeping on the floor near Twilight Sparkle. “And who is this darling drake?” Twilight Sparkle looked back and the strands of her hair rose in fear.

“Spike! Get up! We’re supposed to be making an impression for her!” She shouted. Spike’s eyes slowly opened before he irately got up. He yawned.

“Twilight, can’t you see that nearly choking to death got me exhausted?” He looked forwards before he noticed Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot. He screamed in panic and turned around towards Twilight Sparkle’s direction. “You didn’t tell me they were here already!”

“You were awake just a few moments ago Spike. This shouldn’t exactly be a surprise to you.” Twilight Sparkle sarcastically said.

“Heh, sorry.” Spike quietly apologized. He faced Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot once more. “My name is Spike, personal assistant to her highness.” He stated with a bow. Aunt Rainbow Dash pinched his cheeks with her hooves. Spike reeled back in surprise and rubbed his cheeks.

“He’s so adorable! I didn’t know that dragons come in such cute-sized packages. Normally, the dragons here either help the town out or are hunted down for either their materials or for preserving the outpost.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. Spike’s eyes shot open as he heard the terms ‘dragons’ and ‘hunted down’ in the same sentence.

“Wait, you mean you actually kill dragons here?!” He shouted fearfully.

“Yes we do. In particular, I slay dragons so that I can rip out their skins, scales, claws and even internal organs for my glorious fashion lines!” Aunt Rainbow Dash cheerfully exclaimed. Spike looked back towards the train. All the doors were opened. He opened his eyes in panic as he dashed over towards the train. Just as he was about to enter, all the doors on the train were slammed closed. The train slowly moved before it accelerated into full motion. Spike fruitlessly chased after the train.

“Wait!!! Don’t leave me here with these psychotic ponies!!!” He shouted to the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, the train left the station platform before Spike could have gone on. He slowly turned around and looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot. The both of them waved innocently and cheerfully into his direction. Spike collapsed in place and fainted.

“Well, what got into that young drake?” Vitriolic Shot naively asked. Rarity walked over towards Spike before she picked him up by his arm and threw him on her back.

“While I, for one, detest dragons in general, I can’t really say that I am a fan of those rather grimdark terms you used in front of Spike.” She dissented.

“Well, maybe ‘ripped’ was too strong of a word. I probably should have said something along the lines of ‘removed’ to lessen the impact. Now, who wants to go to my house now?” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. Rarity thought a bit before she smiled.

“Well, I do want to check out your storage area for materials. Just imagine what kind of fashion I can make from dragon leather!” Spike slowly stood up only to faint on Rarity’s back during the midst of her expression.

“Let me just tell you Rarity, once you work with dragon products, your life will never be the same again. You’ll be mesmerized with just how versatile they are.” Aunt Rainbow Dash said. The group of ponies walked away from the station and headed towards the town.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy gawked at the various sights of the diverse streets. She noticed a buck talking business with a pony over the price of the pie between them. She noticed how two griffons were carrying a hunk of red meat into the back of a butcher shop. She even noticed a group of foals, fawns, griffon chicks and calves running around the street she was on laughing loudly. A smile formed on her face from the sight of the children.

“All of these children looked so adorable playing with each other in harmony like this…” She softly said to herself. Unbeknownst to her, a group of griffons looked down towards her from the rooftops and stalked her. As she walked down the street, she noticed a street and two green, rectangular signs that said ‘Deer’s Road’ and ‘Pony’s Street.’ She squealed in delight. “I’m almost there!” Just as Fluttershy was about to take the left turn, she heard a very unsavory voice in her midst.

“Hey there good-looking. Are you just going to go down this street without batting those beautiful eyes towards us?” She turned back and saw a group of seven brown and black-feathered griffons each with eyes that are different colors of the rainbow spectrum. Each griffon came equipped with a brown knapsack hung around their heads. The griffon that made the comment stood on his two legs with his back resting against a pole. This griffon, who had red eyes, slowly walked over to Fluttershy.

“Oh my, am I really that pretty?” Fluttershy responded naively.

“Oh man girl, are you that pretty?! Those eyes and that mane and body! They drive me wild! You really shouldn’t tease me like that.” The griffon said. His comments brought sudden, uncomfortable shivers down Fluttershy’s spine.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t even know you.” She responded shyly. The griffon rushed towards her side with sultry eyes. He placed his talons on her shoulder and quickly shuffled them along her back.

“Then allow me to tell you my name. My name is Merah, leader of this band.” Merah said as he pointed towards himself. He then pointed towards the rest of the griffons in corresponding order, each of which responded with a wave of their claw. “Green-eyes over there is Verde, blue-eyes is Melyna, orange-eyes is Oring, purple-eyes is Lilla, yellow-eyes is Meava and indigo-eyes in the end is just named Indigo. You know, we’ve been watching you ever since you left that train station. Don’t you know what they say about the lone, pretty female that walks alone in these streets?” Fluttershy walked a backwards, away from the griffons.

“Ummm… no I don’t. Should I know?” She said nervously. Her path was intercepted when the long forelimb of Meava walled her.

“Well then, this makes things a lot more fun then.” Merah jeered on. Most the griffons in the band laughed with Merah. “Then I’ll make it simple for you; you give into what we say without any resistance and we’ll let you go on with your life. If you have to put up a fight, well then let’s just say that I really hope you didn’t have any plans for your future.” Merah said as he pulled out a red-hilted steel switch knife from a brown knapsack on him. He flipped the blade into position. The other griffons have also switched their blades into position. Merah grabbed Fluttershy by the top of her head and put the knife near her neck. “Either you make this easy for us or we’ll do it the hard way and make sure you never reach anywhere alive.” He threatened. Fluttershy froze in place as she felt the chill of the steel brush against her neck.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” A masculine voice echoed. Fluttershy and all the griffons looked up into the sky and saw an indigo-coated pegasus stallion with purple eyes and a thick rainbow mane and tail that ended with splashes of white jump down doing a 180-degree flip vertically and landed with a 360-degree spin. Small blades attached to aluminum braces on his hind hooves cut the knees of Melyna and Oring, which caused them to become incapacitated. The stallion then dropped onto the ground on all four hooves. His stare pierced directly into Merah’s eyes. “Let the mare go this instant or else things will get messy between us.” He said. Merah returned the stallion’s stare with an angry stare of his own.

“You may have dispatched Melyna and Oring, but it’s still five against one. On top of that, I have a hostage. You are between a rock and a hard place there my enforcer friend. What are you going to do-“As Merah spoke, he was interrupted by the sounds of slices that struck through the air. The blows knocked back Maeva, Lilla and Verde. The stallion then stared towards Indigo’s direction. Indigo trembled before he screamed and flew away from the area in fear. Merah angrily stared towards the stallion’s direction and threw Fluttershy to the ground. “You could have made this easy on me by just letting the cons of the situation beat you. I’m afraid you’re going to have to pay me back by going into the afterlife.” He said with violence dripping in his voice. The stallion smiled cockily as he went down on all fours again.

“Then you better hope that your skills can keep up with those words of yours.” The stallion said as he revealed two curved blades attached to metal braces from his hooves and stood up. “Because if they don’t, then you’ll see just how wrong you are.”

Criminal Bashing and Throwing Bashes

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Merah and the stallion faced-off against each other as the two sidestepped around in a circle. Merah lunged forward with a scream as he directed the knife towards the stallion’s chest. The stallion sidestepped to the right and kicked Merah into his hip. Merah was kicked into the floor nearby. As he got up, he saw the stallion throw the blade in his right hoof towards his direction. He lithely rolled across the ground as he dodged the blade. The stallion, however, pulled a seemingly invisible wire with his fetlock and the blade returned to his hoof. Merah flew into the air with his wings and dove kicked towards the stallion. The stallion brought his two blades onto his forehooves and held them together in a cross guard position. Merah kicked the stallion’s blades. The blades took the brunt of the energy before the stallion slashed Merah’s foot. Merah flew back before he looked at the x-shaped laceration on his foot. He grunted as he touched it.

“You’re dead meat enforcer!” He shouted as he threw the knife in his hand towards the stallion’s direction. With precision and timing, the stallion tossed his left blade into the knife that flew towards him. The two blades collided with each other, forming a noise of clashing metal. The knife was knocked into the ground while the stallion’s blade flew into the air. The stallion pulled back his blade using an invisible wire attached to it. The stallion went down on all fours again as he walked towards Merah with a threatening air around him. Merah trembled in fear as the stallion closed the distance between the two. As the stallion was just a foot away from Merah, he lifted his right foreleg and twirled a blade on his hoof. A soft smile crept onto his face as he tossed the blade towards the ground to the side of Merah.

“It seems that your words carried no weight on them whatsoever.” As the stallion said this, he pulled out a badge from the brace on his right forehoof. The badge was golden and an emblem of a planet was depicted on it. “For your crime of assaulting an innocent sentient being, you are hereby under arrest by the authority of the enforcers.” Merah stared onto the eyes of the stallion before he chuckled to himself.

“If I am going to be arrested by an enforcer like you, than can you at least check on my foot? My foot was cut-up real bad, and I’m afraid that it might be serious. Maybe you should check it out to see if no lasting damage was done?” He said with a twinge of fear in his voice. The stallion raised an eye of suspicion before he knelt down to check on Merah’s foot. Fluttershy, who was lying on the ground and saw the skirmish, eyed Merah. Merah grinned precariously as the stallion was about to check the injury. Merah revealed a hidden compartment with a black-handled knife on his back. Fluttershy gasped as Merah slowly unsheathed the blade and aimed it towards the stallion’s chest. She stood up from the ground and flew towards Merah and the stallion. The stallion checked the injured foot of Merah. His keen eyes revealed the extent of the injury; the bleeding was low and the cuts were shallow.

“You’ll be fine. It’s just a scratch.” The stallion said.

“Oh, I know that it’s just a scratch. However, what I’m going to do to you will be more than a scratch!” Merah silently said as he pulled the blade. Just as he was about to move his claws, a sudden paralysis stripped him of his will to move. Before his eyes was an angry Fluttershy whose eyes pierced into Merah’s soul.

“You are NOT going to be playing dirty! This stallion wanted to check up on you because he was concerned for your well-being! You had your chance to keep to your word and you will keep to whatever honor you have left! I already find it disgusting that you attack singled-out, defenseless mares. Now you have to resort to playing dirty just to win?! You are nothing but a weak, spineless griffon who always tries to claw his way for every single little advantage. You would probably do the same thing to teeny, weeny defenseless fireflies as well!” Fluttershy shouted with the angriest expression she mustered. Merah’s beak was open in shock as the muscles gripping the blade became unresponsive.

“W-w-what’s wrong with my claw? I can’t move it!” He shouted in primal fear. Fluttershy closed the distance between her face and concentrated her stare. The stallion turned back and noticed that Merah completely lost his will in the face of his prey. He giggled to himself.

“A sudden shift in role reversal. How ironic…” He thought to himself. Fluttershy’s anger then reverted into her calm, happy expression.

“Now, I want you to apologize to this nice gentleman over here, accept defeat and surrender to the authority without a fight like a good griffon, understood?” She asked politely. With defeated will, Merah nodded and turned towards the stallion.

“Ummm… I’m sorry for trying to trick you sir. I will think about the error of everything I have done as I am imprisoned against my will.” Merah painfully stuttered against his will.

Pinkie Pie was in the center of as she randomly threw streamers along the metal and wooden railings across town. Balloons of various colors were blown into the air, creating a rainbow in the sky. Those that passed by the balloon-blowing storm directed their attention towards Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie turned towards everyone around her and grinned widely.

“Hi everyone! I heard that you are all very hard workers. So, I’m going to make sure that all of your work is appreciated by throwing a street-wide party!” She exclaimed over an orange megaphone she pulled out of nowhere. The entire audience looked at one another before large grins appeared on each face. They all cheered loudly after Pinkie Pie took out one wooden cannon from hammerspace and blasted it. A large table and a carpet were shot onto the center of the street. A large, pink stereo blasted loud, energetic music and a thin, long table filled with steaming party food and soft, sweet cakes covered in white and pink frosting rested along the curb. Everyone dropped what they were doing and either danced to the beat, hungrily plated pounds of food from the table and ate or talked. Everyone there had a good time, and two ponies, two deer, two teen-sized dragons and two minotaurs picked Pinkie Pie up and tossed her into the air several times in celebration.

“This party pony rocks!” A goat from the audience bleated out.

“I agree with what he said!” A donkey in the audience concurringly shouted. As the partygoers stopped tossing Pinkie Pie around, a griffon with a black-feathered head and a brown-feathered body flew down into the chaos of the party. His eyes were colored with the shade of an indigo orchid. The griffon nervously walked around the partygoers until he bumped into Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie turned around before the Griffon dropped down onto the ground, held his claws out and cowered.

“Please don’t hurt me! I didn’t do anything!” He shouted. Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Silly, I’m not going to hurt you.” She said as she extended her forehoof. The griffon looked towards the hoof and grasped it. Pinkie Pie pulled the griffon up from the ground. The griffon smiled uneasily.

“Errr, thanks.” He nervously said.

“It’s no problem. My name is Pinkie Pie! What is your name?” She asked. The griffon looked left and right before he softly spoke.

“My name is Indigo because of my eye color. I shouldn’t even be out here right now! I’m just a coward…” Indigo distressingly stated before he erupted in tears. Pinkie Pie looked into his face with a frown on her face.

“Awww, don’t be sad. Turn that frown upside-down. Now tell your Auntie Pinkie Pie what happened.” She consoled as she pat his back.

“Well, me and my gang were about to ambush this lone mare on the streets towards the work request center.” As Indigo said this, Pinkie Pie suddenly adopted a look of disgust on her face. Indigo panicked. “Wait! It’s not like that! I didn’t want to hurt her or do anything of that nature! It’s just that… I didn’t know where else to turn. I just lost my position at my job and I was kind of down on it until a griffon by the name of Merah offered me a position in his gang. He said that he liked my indigo eyes and said that ‘rainbows should stick together.’ So I did that. At first, I thought that we were just a group of griffons looking for good work. Then, he gave me this knife.” He said as he slowly pulled out a red-handled knife. Pinkie Pie gasped.

“That knife! It wasn’t used to carve wood yet!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Indigo impatiently screamed.

“Please listen! He gave me this knife and told me that we are all going to cut up anyone of our interest. He means for me to cut into sentient beings of who we consider to be targets. I choked up when I heard this and looked around. Every griffon happily accepted the knives. They all stared down towards me as I haven’t even picked my knife up. I didn’t want to resort to being a criminal, but the big boss himself said that he would leave at death’s door if I didn’t accept. I had to take the knife. We found our first target, but everything went down as an enforcer came into the midst of the assault and dispatched most of the griffons. I fled for my life. I betrayed the only other folk who looked at me as something more than just a tool, and now I am forever branded as a criminal!” Indigo cried out. Pinkie Pie smiled.

“I don’t think you are a criminal or a coward.” Indigo looked up towards Pinkie Pie in confusion.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Well, it’s not exactly good to join a criminal organization. But, I do understand that you were alone and desired attention of your own. But… you didn’t commit any crimes against anypony, did you?” She asked.

“The most I did was just pull-out a knife on someone because everyone else did. I just didn’t want to be a part of the crime itself.” He admitted. Pinkie Pie touched his talons before she looked into his eyes.

“You just need a good friend to guide you in the right way Indigo.” Her words brought a smile onto Indigo’s face. She also picked up a cake with her spare hoof and tossed it into his face.

“What was that for?” Indigo retorted angrily.

“First thing about being friends is learning how to have fun with them.” When Pinkie Pie said this, she threw another cake into his face. Indigo abrasively wiped the cake away from his face and stared into Pinkie Pie’s face.

“So, you like throwing cake, do you Pinkie Pie?” He threateningly said. Pinkie Pie nodded before frosting and cake were thrown into her face. “Then how was that for a throw?” Indigo sarcastically said. Pinkie Pie licked the cake away from her face before she smiled.

“Pretty good throw there Indigo.” She responded as she threw a cake into his face. Indigo grinned before he took two cakes in hand.

“Food fight!!!” He shouted loudly.

A black, metal carriage with bars of iron was in the middle of the streets before the six griffons, who all had black chains cuffed onto their talons and ankles. They were escorted by other griffons. The stallion that defeated the griffons turned back to Fluttershy.

“Thank you for alerting me to that griffon’s knife, errr…”

“Fluttershy. But I really have to thank you for saving my life back there. Who knows what those griffons would have done with me have you not shown up.” Fluttershy responded happily. “What is your name?” The stallion smiled before he saluted towards her direction.

“My name is Typhoon Clap, enforcer of this area of town.” Typhoon Clap stated. “So, what’s an out-of-town mare like you wandering around here alone? Don’t you know that’s dangerous?” He asked.

“I know it was dangerous, but I had to risk it in order to take the request for tundra ranger at the work request center!” Fluttershy cheerfully stated. Typhoon Clap scratched the portion of his mane near his forehead.

“You want to be a tundra ranger?” He asked.

“Yes! Very much so! I want to be the pony that preserves the animals and the laws of nature around the outpost! I never knew that this was one of the jobs here until Mrs. Rainbow Dash told me about it!” Fluttershy exclaimed in awe.

“I noticed that you used the term ‘Mrs.’ when you referred to Rainbow Dash. In the outpost, it’s uncommon for ponies to refer to others through specific titles unless if it was their profession.” Typhoon Clap informed.

“It’s just that one of my best friends who came with me into this town’s name is Rainbow Dash. She has an aunt who is named Rainbow Dash as well. We all wanted to visit her aunt to spend time with her.” Fluttershy said. Typhoon Clap stood there for a few seconds before he warmly smiled.

“So, that job offer as a tundra ranger isn’t going to stay there for long. Do you mind if I escorted you to the work request center and escort you back to Rainbow Dash’s house? I wouldn’t want to see you attacked again.” He offered.

“That would be lovely, if it is alright with your work schedule.” Fluttershy replied.

“I’m actually on the last hour of my shift today. If I make sure that you are okay for the rest of the trip, then I will be fulfilling my duty as an enforcer.” Typhoon Clap stated. The two ponies walked down the road to the work request center.

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot have made it towards the front of a white, manor-sized building. Aunt Rainbow Dash took a set of silver keys out before she inserted one of them into the golden lock on the white door. She twisted the door and slowly opened it, which revealed a brown, cream-colored carpeted living room with a fireplace and the head of a green dragon with blue glass eyes hoisted upon a wooden plaque above the fireplace. The glass table was large in size and the sofas and loveseats had a fuzzy red exterior. All of the visitors looked upon the sight with dropped jaws and bated breaths.

“Wow… this place looks wonderful!” Twilight Sparkle mouthed.

“It seems like the perfect place for a get-together with kin.” Applejack happily said.

“I never expected these sets of colors to go so well with each other.” Rarity replied.

“I like the head above the fireplace.” Rainbow Dash mused. Twilight Sparkle eyed Vitriolic Stroke’s flank and noticed that his Cutie mark was a green and wood-brown crossbow from a top perspective. The bow was spiked and the string being pulled had steel bolts covered in a sticky, green substance. Vitriolic Shot looked back towards Twilight Sparkle and smiled.

“Eying my flank I see? Aren’t I a little bit old for you?” He jokingly said. A deep shade of red came upon Twilight Sparkle’s cheeks as she looked away.

“N-n-no! It’s not that! It’s just that your Cutie mark looks a bit intriguing.” She bashfully said. Vitriolic Shot laughed.

“I know that it was just that. I got to have some fun here and now you know? Anyways, I bet you would like to hear about what my Cutie mark means, don’t you Twilight?” He asked.

“I would love to hear about it.” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Very well then Twilight. Around these parts, I am considered one of the better marksmen in the area. I can aim for the smallest of targets and fire at it with the most precise shots. My assaults leave no creature alive as they take upon my bitter fury! Also, let me tell you about the Equestrian Outpost. It is what you want from the visit after all.” Vitriolic Shot started. During that time, Spike, who was still on Rarity’s back, woke up from his comatose state. He looked around the area in confusion until his eyes came upon the dragon head hoisted above the fireplace. He screamed in terrible shock before he collapsed onto Rarity’s back and fainted again.

“Oh, Spikey-Wikey always keeps waking up at the worst times, doesn’t he?” Rarity noted. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and shrugged.

“Eh, what can you do? I do want to know more about the time my aunt slayed this dragon though!” She said.

“And I will be happy to tell you darling.” Aunt Rainbow Dash replied. “You see, this is the head of Carnage the Wicked. He was a vicious dragon that tore everything in his path apart. He was no match for the combined forces of my Dragonbane Scimitar, my husband’s Wyvern’s Death Desire and my son’s Dragonator. Not only did we have the weakness element exploited, but I made the killing blow with a quick stab through his heart. Then, the three of us carved away Carnage’s flesh and bones and took his head as a trophy. Now, I want to show you the storage where I keep all of my materials if the three of you are interested.” Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all happily nodded before Aunt Rainbow Dash walked down a set of stairs. The three ponies and fainted dragon followed in suit.

The basement’s walls were made with stone and the floor was cemented in concrete. The house was held up by a series of wooden pillars and held together with some more concrete. There were neat stacks of materials all organized in some sort of method. Spike’s nose began to act as he smelled something suspiciously similar. He sat up and sniffed some more before he opened his eyes. Before his eyes was a mound of large, light-blue gems. He drooled profusely as he jumped over to them.

“Those gems look so tasty!” He shouted.

“Ummm, Spike…” Aunt Rainbow Dash began to say before Spike took one of the gems.

“Yes Mrs. Rainbow Dash?” Spike responded. “I can have one of these gems, right?”

“Well… you can have them, but-“As soon as Aunt Rainbow Dash was about to finish, Spike tossed the gem in his mouth and began to crunch it. The shards were surprisingly soft and fatty, but he swallowed them and rubbed his abdomen in satisfaction. Aunt Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all facehoofed.

“That gem tasted a bit funny, but it was still delicious.” Spike happily stated.

“Spike, those aren’t exactly gems…” Rarity began to say. Spike suspiciously hummed towards the ponies’ direction.

“I know what a gem is when I see one and that was a gem.” Spike stubbornly said.

“Hey Spike, you should try to let my aunt finish before you eat something that you shouldn’t eat. I’ve seen those gems on her boots the time she came to Ponyville, and she said something about those gems being made inside dragon livers.” Rainbow Dash chastised. Spike’s eyes opened widely at the realization of his action. He looked onto his tongue, which was saturated in dragon fats, and he looked onto his claws, which grasped the dragon’s organ. He gagged profusely.

“Awww noooooo! Why didn’t you tell me this before I ate it?!” He shouted.

“But I did darling. You just didn’t let me finish.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. “If you let me finish, then you would not have eaten it.” Spike sat down on the floor, curled into a ball and rocked in a fetal position.

“Happy place Spike, happy place. You’re not a cannibal. You’re not a cannibal. But, you just ate a part of a fellow dragon! You are a cannibal and it’s your fault for eating it!” Spike shouted as his mind dripped into utter insanity. Rarity walked up to him and smacked him across the face. Spike rubbed his cheek as the stinging sensation set in. “Owww…”

“Spike, that is no way for a gentledrake to act. You simply made a mistake of not hearing the whole truth and now you realized a bit too late.” Rarity stated.

“Well… thank you for the smack. It got my head working like normal then. Despite the sudden insanity, the gem really didn’t taste that bad for something that came out of a dragon.”

“Because darling, these gems were created by mineral build-up of gem consumption in a dragon’s lifetime.” Rarity explained.

“Rarity does have a point darling. The more gems a dragon eats, the purer these dragon’s stones are, and the better they become as catalysts for enchantments.” Aunt Rainbow Dash finished saying. “Anyways darlings, this is my stockpile of monster spoils. Everything I hunted and carved ends up in here for future use.” She walked over to a pile of glass jars filled with a strange, green, bubbling slime. “For example, this is mystery slime that I gathered from a dragon that likes to blow everything up. It’s very explosive, so it has to be kept away from anything that can set a spark. Ironically, if it undergoes a polymer process, then it can become spindles of fabric that are safe to use for clothing that provides warmth even against the worst of cold seasons.” She explained. Rarity vocalized in awe while Rainbow Dash looked upon the slime and inspected it. In his curiosity, Spike tapped the glass of the jar. The slime bubbled considerably and caused Spike to jump back startled. When Rarity looked around the piles of materials, her eyes drew themselves over to adjacent stacks of colorful, scaly bolts. She ran over to them.

“Ohhh! Mrs. Rainbow Dash, was this the dragon leather you are talking about?!” She questioned energetically. Aunt Rainbow Dash walked over to Rarity’s side and smiled.

“Why yes, these are piles of dragon leather. If you want darling, we can collaborate with each other and work on a new line of clothing that will shake the fashion world to its core!” She enthusiastically said. Rarity squealed in delight.

“After hearing about your fashion and seeing them, I do have to say that I cannot wait to work with someone as magnificent as you darling.” She stated. She looked at the various colors of tanned dragon skins before she enveloped a few light-blue and crimson red dragon leathers in a light blue aura. “Seeing these nice colors, I feel like making a blue dress with bold red stripes to catch the eye’s attention.” Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled.

“You have a very healthy imagination if you can just think up an idea for a dress on the spot darling.” She commented.

“Well darling, I was just inspired by the striking colors that the leather brings.” Rarity replied. She grinned widely. “I couldn’t help not waiting! Let’s start immediately!” She enthusiastically stated. Rarity and Aunt Rainbow Dash trotted up the stairs in excitement. The sounds of clopping and stairs creaking echoed throughout the basement. Rainbow Dash looked around before she looked at the set of stairs going back upstairs. She scratched the back of her head nervously.

“Ummm, I think I’m going to help my aunt and Rarity with their dress idea.” She slowly said.

“Nopony’s sayin’ that ya can’t Rainbow Dash. It’s mighty respectable that ya help yer kinfolk and yer best friend on something ya don’t like to do… or do ya like to design clothes?” Applejack stated with a questioning expression near the end. Rainbow Dash blushed.

“It’s not that I don’t like making clothing, but it’s just that I want to unselfishly help them out.” She blurted out quickly before she ran towards the stairs. Applejack and Spike were left alone. Spike’s knees trembled as his perception of the smell of death in the room. Applejack playfully bumped Spike with her right foreleg’s knee. Spike jumped, startled by the sudden strike.

“Applejack! Can’t you see I’m trying to muster up my nerves in this place of macabre!?” He shouted angrily

“Geez, sorry Spike. Ya should’ve said something sooner. Anyways, ah think that Rainbow Dash actually likes working with fashion.” Applejack said. “Now come with me Spike. Ya know that you don’t want to be down here, right?”

“I guess…” Spike unconfidently answered looking downwards. The two of them walked up the stairs. “Still… that dragon’s gem was kind of tasty once you get past the weirdness of the flavor.” Spike subconsciously said to Applejack.

“Spike, please keep yer weird dragon-eating ideas away from me. Ah don’t feel like having a sick stomach today.” Applejack gently snapped back.

“S-sorry…” Spike stated.

The street that the party was on had become a complete mess; paper plates, plastic cups and tins were scattered throughout the street, popped balloons and confetti was hung around various parts of railings and the street and walls of buildings were pelted with cake and frosting. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie pulled a corner on her carpet and brought it forward. Strangely, the carpet acted like a tarp that removed all traces of the party from the area before it was rolled up in a cylinder. Pinkie Pie then threw the rolled-up carpet into a green-barred trash can.

“Cleaning up after parties is never fun. Good thing I always prepare every party I make with a disposable tarp that removes the messes of parties.” Pinkie Pie said to Indigo, who stood by her.

“Well, that party was actually fun.” Indigo slowly admitted. Pinkie Pie had a huge smile on her face that was complimented by her large, white teeth.

“I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself Indigo. You know, I already have the feeling that we will be bestest friends!” She exclaimed.

“R-really?” Indigo questioned with shocked stutters.

“Yeah! Nobody here actually gets to know you because you look a bit scary, but you are a very fun griffon to be around! Definitely better than the last griffon I met.” Pinkie Pie stated. Indigo exhaled a breath of relief.

“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear about your acceptance Pinkie Pie. Everyone around here tends to avoid me, so I really didn’t know where to turn next.” Pinkie Pie looked around Indigo before she hummed in thought.

“You know Indigo, those police are going to be looking high, low and middle for you. Why don’t you come with me until the heat goes down? I have a bunch of friends who will be happy to care for your emotional needs!” She shouted softly. Indigo’s eyes opened hopefully and a grin on his beak appeared on his face.

“You really mean it Pinkie? That’s wonderful! Thank you!” Indigo stated as he embraced Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy and Typhoon Clap walked down the cobblestone street. Fluttershy grinned as she held a beaten, cream-colored sheet of paper with a red ‘x’ stamp on it by her mouth. Typhoon Clap giggled slightly as he looked towards Fluttershy.

“You got so excited about being accepted for the request that you forgot to put your paper inside of your document tote.” He said as he pointed to the brown bag hanging from Fluttershy’s shoulder. Fluttershy craned her neck before she neatly moved the paper into the bag. With her right wing opened, she maneuvered it to close her bag.

“Sorry. It’s just that it’s a dream come true for me! I couldn’t believe that they let job offers like this sit unattended for weeks in a city. Don’t they know that the critters around here need to be cared for?” Fluttershy questioned in a higher-pitched tone.

“You make it sound like being a ranger should be a high-priority job.” Typhoon Clap happily said.

“But it should! I looked up a bit on the populations of animals while we waited in the work request office and found out that the silver-tailed snow rabbit has a lower population than normal due to unauthorized hunting for its pelt. If this keeps up, then the adorable species of rabbits is going to go extinct within three-years!” Fluttershy shouted in panic. “With a major animal of the ecosystem removed, then the predating animals that rely on the silver-tailed snow rabbit are going to go hungry and also die off! I can’t see that happen! Extinction due to meddling with the food chain is the worst possible scenario to see in the wild!” Typhoon Clap winced at the information given to him.

“You know, when you put it that way, I guess that the entire city should be more considerate with how we treat the wildlife around us. With your love for animals, you’ll make for a great ranger.” He stated with new understanding. Fluttershy smiled hopefully towards him.

“I’m glad you believe in me. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to go out into the wilderness and derail any further threats that will happen to animals that need to increase their numbers.” She confidently said.

“Trust me, you have a gift that not many folks around here have. You are very much in-tuned with nature and animals Fluttershy.” Typhoon Clap stated.

“Well, it is my talent. It’s what my Cutie mark tells me.” Fluttershy stated as she pointed towards her flank. Typhoon Clap visibly sweated and shook his head.

“I-I’m not going to look at your flank! It feels a bit perverted for me to do on-duty.” He blurted out.

“I understand. I can look at your Cutie mark though, if you don’t mind?” She shyly asked. Typhoon Clap shrugged his shoulders, closed his eyes and nodded. Fluttershy looked towards his flank and saw an image of a gray, violent whirlwind with various blades flying into the air. Fluttershy ducked her face into her mane. “Your Cutie mark looks a bit frightening.” She remarked.

“It’s nothing to be afraid of. What my Cutie mark tells me is that I bring order to chaos by fighting against it. It’s what encouraged me to be the enforcer you see now.” Typhoon Clap stated.

“Well, I’m glad that your Cutie mark told you to save me from those awful griffons.” Fluttershy said as her face popped out of her mane.

“I know right?” Typhoon Clap said before he laughed. Fluttershy smiled before she giggled along with him. “You’re pretty funny Fluttershy. Are you sure that your Cutie mark tells you that you are just good with animals?” The two walked down the street until a white, manor-sized building came into view. “Well, it looks like we are here.”

“Well, thank you for walking me to my friend’s aunt’s house Typhoon Clap. You think I’ll see you again?” Fluttershy asked. Just as Typhoon Clap was about to open his mouth, his eyes caught the sight of Pinkie Pie walking towards the house with a very familiar-looking griffon. The griffon looked back towards him and paused in his tracks.

“Indigo, why did you stop?” Pinkie Pie asked. However, she turned her head towards Indigo’s head’s direction when she noticed a trembling Fluttershy and an angry pegasus stallion with eyes gunned towards Indigo. Her jaw dropped as she looked back towards Indigo and the pegasus stallion. “This might not end so well…” She said in a bummed-out tone.

Monster Hunting 101

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Typhoon Clap stomped over towards the direction of Indigo. His hoof stomps shook the very earth he was upon. Indigo twitched and sweated profusely as Typhoon Clap was a few centimeters away from his face.

“You better give me a good reason why I shouldn’t wring you by the neck for the criminal scum that you are.” Typhoon Clap shouted. Indigo pranced backwards slowly as his face shuddered underneath the hot and heavy pressure. His muscles stiffened as Typhoon Clap stared into his eyes. In that moment, Pinkie Pie popped up from underneath the space between Typhoon Clap and Indigo. She stood on her hind legs and held her forelegs out as if forming a wall. There was an incandescent fire burning within the pits of her eyes.

“You leave him alone right now you meanie! What authority do you have for picking this poor griffon?!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Typhoon Clap bumped his forehoof onto Pinkie Pie’s nose and pushed her slightly back. From his brace, he pulled out his badge.

“I have been given authority by the citizen government of the Equestrian Outpost to do what I have to do to this so called ‘poor griffon.’” Typhoon Clap ushered in forcefully.

“Well I’m not going to let you take him away you big meanie! He’s just a tagalong of a gang, not a criminal!” Pinkie Pie said defensively.

“Look miss, I’m not going to make this any easier for you. Move out of the way or I will have you arrested for aiding a criminal.” Typhoon Clap directly stated. Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and crossed her forelegs together. She turned her head away from Typhoon Clap.

“Make me.” She plainly said. Typhoon Clap’s stare suddenly flared with anger as he stood onto his hind legs and pulled out his blades.

“You want to take it the hard way? Fine, I can do hard!” Typhoon Clap shouted. Fluttershy gasped as she quickly fluttered over to Typhoon Clap and Pinkie Pie.

“Please Typhoon Clap! Don’t hurt my friend!” She stressed. Typhoon Clap turned back to Fluttershy, went down on all fours and disbelievingly stared into her eyes.

“Would a friend of yours assist a criminal you were nearly hurt by?!” He shouted. Pinkie Pie covered her mouth as a gasp escaped from her mouth. She turned back to Indigo, who sweated a storm of bullets.

“You mean to tell me that your gang assaulted my friend Fluttershy?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” She screamed in a very upset tone.

“I didn’t know that she was your friend! I swear! I was just following on what I was tasked. I didn’t mean to assist in hurting her!” Indigo defensively stated.

“Yeah, well you did. I’m going to bring you downtown now.” Typhoon Clap interrupted.

“Butt out of this ‘copper! Can’t you see that Indigo and I are talking right now?” Pinkie Pie said. Typhoon Clap grinded his teeth together as his blood came to a dangerous boiling temperature. He clenched his blade in impatience. “I know you don’t know Fluttershy, but I want you to know that she had a very bad encounter with a griffon once. Now, because of your lame, cake-for-brains gang, she’s going to be distrusting of all griffons now!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Ummm, Pinkie Pie, it’s alright. I don’t harbor negative feelings towards griffons…” Fluttershy barely whispered out.

“Look! I’m sorry that my gang targeted your friend Pinkie Pie.” Indigo impatiently stated. “I didn’t have any control over what happened, yet I still played a part in antagonizing your friend. I acknowledge that. Just don’t think the wrong things about me…” His voice dipped into a lower tone as he tilted his head downwards with a frown. Pinkie Pie somberly looked up towards Indigo’s face.

“It’s not me who you should apologize to.” Pinkie Pie uttered. Indigo sighed before he stood resolutely. He marched over to Fluttershy and softly looked into her eyes.

“May you ever forgive me for my disgusting actions Fluttershy?” Indigo pleaded. Fluttershy softly smiled.

“I already have forgiven you Indigo. You don’t have hostile eyes like the other griffons that attacked me.” Fluttershy slowly began before she turned her head to Pinkie Pie. She then turned her head back to Indigo. “And one of my best friends thinks well of you, so you definitely can’t be bad.” She turned around towards Typhoon Clap, whose current, twitchy disposition warmed away with the falling action of the conversation. “Won’t you let him free to go? He doesn’t wish to attack me and just doesn’t understand what it means to have good friends on his side.” Typhoon Clap paused for a moment before he sighed. He turned towards Indigo with a serious expression on his face.

“Indigo.” He began before he grasped onto Indigo’s right shoulder with his left foreleg. “Because the victim decided to forgive you for your crime combined with what the victim’s friend said about you, I hereby clear you of all charges.” He stated seriously. Indigo’s beak curled into a wide grin before he gave a crushing hug around Typhoon Clap’s chest. The sound of gas releasing from Typhoon Clap’s bones was heard as he winced. “Please let me go.” Typhoon Clap uttered out. Indigo quickly released his grip and allowed Typhoon Clap to fall onto the pavement on his hooves.

“Sorry.” Indigo stated. Typhoon Clap swiped his hoof over areas of his torso before he spoke.

“On the risk of getting hugged again, there is one condition that you have to keep. Please, for the safety of everyone in the outpost, learn how you can be a better griffon. I honestly don’t feel like chasing after you again when I hear that you were involved in another form of criminal activity.” He irately stated.

“Understood enforcer!” Indigo shouted as he saluted Typhoon Clap.

“In the meantime, I want you to stay with us for a while. I want to make sure that you have a clean act.” Typhoon Clap requested with a happier tone in his voice.

“Us?” Fluttershy quizzically stated. As she said this, the front door to the building opened. Both Twilight Sparkle and Vitriolic Shot walked out from the door with faces drenched in concern.

“I heard shouting out here! What happened?” Twilight Sparkle asked. Vitriolic Shot looked onto the group of two mares, one stallion and one griffon in front of him. He smiled.

“Ah, Typhoon Clap! I didn’t expect you to be out of enforcer duty so early.” He stated factually.

“Umm, dad, I’m kind of in a conversation right now if you don’t mind.” Typhoon Clap softly spoke.

“Wait, you’re his son?! Then that must mean that you are also Mrs. Rainbow Dash’s son, and by extension you are Rainbow Dash’s cousin!” Fluttershy exuberantly revealed. “What a stroke of luck! The pony who rescued me is related to my best friend!” She continued.

“Umm, Fluttershy, it’s not really that special.” Typhoon Clap nervously stated.

“But son, didn’t you know that your mother made a bet with me that you would meet this mare? Aaaand, it looks like I owe her five bits now.” Vitriolic Shot said with dissonance. Twilight Sparkle looked into Typhoon Clap’s direction before she gazed down towards the gauntlets. She smiled as her eyes began to unravel the metal within the braces. She walked towards Typhoon Clap.

“The alloys on these braces look very strong and the slots on them look wonderful. Whoever made these must have been an expert blacksmith.” She admirably said.

“Actually, these braces are issued to all enforcers as a way of storing weaponry, holding our badges and establishing communication networks via magical crystals inside of them.” Typhoon Clap stated. Twilight Sparkle’s eyes examined the devices in utter fascination.

“The Royal Guards have inter-communication crystal with their armor in case if a situation goes awry. I guess that makes you the Equestrian Outpost’s version of the Royal Guard then?” She asked. Typhoon Clap smiled slightly cockily.

“In a way, it does. Being an enforcer is just one of the many jobs here. Anyways, I don’t think I have ever actually seen an alicorn before. Mind telling me your name?” He asked.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, one of the princesses of Equestria.” Twilight Sparkle formally introduced herself.

“And my name is Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie Pie shouted happily in interruption. Vitriolic Shot walked over to the group with an uncomfortable smile.

“Alright everyone, it’s time to go inside. I’m sure your cousin would like to see you, and I’m going to assemble a meeting on monster hunting soon.” He ushered in. Typhoon Clap shrugged, Twilight Sparkle’s eyes glimmered in interest, Pinkie Pie jumped around happily and Fluttershy meekly walked through the entrance. Vitriolic Shot looked towards Indigo, who just stood there clawing at the stone. “Aren’t you going to come in with us? I did say ‘everyone’ and not ‘everypony.’” He specifically stated. Indigo’s head jumped up in shock.

“Are you sure sir?” He asked.

“Why, of course. You appear to be friends with my son and his other friends.” Vitriolic Shot stated. Indigo giggled nervously.

“Yeah… let’s go with that.” He stated uneasily. Both Indigo and Vitriolic Shot walked into the home.

Rarity, Aunt Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash walked down a set of wooden stairs with content smiles on their faces. Aunt Rainbow Dash patted Rainbow Dash on her head with her right forehoof.

“I do have to say darling, you really made a good choice with having a red stripe orbit around the dress.” She complimented towards Rainbow Dash.

“Well… it just needed something to be 20% cooler was all, and having something fly around something large is pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash happily stated. Rarity softly grinned towards Rainbow Dash’s direction.

“And you believed that you didn’t have an ounce of creativity in you. With all those tricks that you seem to come up with every other week, I had a difficult time believing that you thought that way.” Rarity contently said. As they walked down the stairs, their eyes came upon the sight of Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Typhoon Clap and Indigo standing at the center of the living room. Aunt Rainbow Dash ran over to Typhoon Clap and grasped him by the neck with her forelegs. She pulled him in for an embrace.

“Typhoon Clap, darling! How was work today?” She asked.

“It went pretty well mom. I beat down some criminals and rescued a mare.” Typhoon Clap bashfully stated. “Speaking of which, I heard that dad owes you five bits?” He asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice. Vitriolic Shot directed an unamused stare over to Typhoon Clap.

“Ah, so you met Fluttershy? Isn’t she a darling sweetheart?” Aunt Rainbow Dash asked. Rainbow Dash looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap in curiosity before she rushed down the stairs.

“Who is this?” She questioned interrogatively. Typhoon Clap walked up to Rainbow Dash and stared her into the eyes.

“And who are you to ask who I am?” He asked in a straightforward tone. Rainbow Dash hovered above the ground and crossed her forelegs together.

“Rainbow Dash.” Typhoon Clap fluttered into the air and mimicked the foreleg cross.

“Typhoon Clap. So, I heard from Fluttershy that you are related to me?” He asked. Rainbow Dash maintained her stare into his eyes.

“Maybe. After all, that’s my aunt you are talking to over there.” She stated directly. Typhoon Clap hummed twice.

“I was talking to my mom. So, if you really are my cousin, then how tough are you?” He said in an unimpressed tone.

“I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast the other day.” Rainbow Dash replied coolly.

“So?” Typhoon Clap stated unimpressed.

“Without any milk.” Rainbow Dash stated with a cocky smile. Typhoon Clap’s eyes opened widely before he smiled.

“You’re definitely tough enough to be my cousin. So, I heard from my mom that you are going to be representing Ponyville in the Equestrian Games.” He replied.

“Yep. You’re looking at the fastest flyer in Equestria.” Rainbow Dash confidently stated with closed eyes and a sweep of a hoof. The left portion of Typhoon Clap’s lip rose in confidence.

“Somehow, I don’t believe that.” He stated rebelliously. Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened in surprise.

“What? You don’t think that I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria?” She startlingly stated. Typhoon Clap hummed to himself before he shook his head.

“Nope. I think I’m faster than you.” He stated confidently. Rainbow Dash flew up to his face with anger burning in her eyes.

“Look, I didn’t see your name anywhere in the Equestrian Games, so you can’t be all that faster than me. In fact, I think that you might be as slow as molasses!” She stated insultingly. Typhoon Clap brought his face down to Rainbow Dash and smirked.

“The Equestrian Outpost never competes in the Equestrian Games. It’s a waste of time and is just an excuse for cities to gloat about being better than the other. Now, if you want me to show you why you are slower than me then allow me to race you later on.”

“Anytime, anyplace, anything does.” Rainbow Dash shouted confidently. Vitriolic Shot raised his right forehoof and loudly coughed into it. Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap looked down towards Vitriolic Shot, whose demeanor was unusually calm.

“As much as I would love to see my son race my niece, we have more pressing matters on hooves. After we get through them, then the both of you can discuss whatever race you want to have.” Vitriolic Shot stated with a notable sting of impatience. Both Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap flew down with fear etched onto their faces. Everyone in the room gathered around the fireplace. From the left to the right, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Indigo all sat in front of the fireplace. Fluttershy and Typhoon Clap sat in a row just behind the seven other attendees of the meeting. Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot walked towards the front of everyone with militaristic stomps. They both glared down upon the audience. Spike, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy moved a bit backwards.

“Now darlings, let me say this to you all: monster hunting is serious business!” Aunt Rainbow Dash shouted as she stood up on her hind hooves and pounded her left forehoof into her right one. All of the audience save Typhoon Clap flinched. “You see, monster hunting is more than just a job. It is a situation where your life is always in danger. You make one wrong move-“Aunt Rainbow Dash moved her right forehoof over to her neck and moved it across her neck while making the sound of flesh cutting. “-and you are a dead pony, or dragon, or griffon, or whatever creature you are. Do I have your attention darlings?” She asked. Everyone nodded shakingly. “Good.” As she said this, Vitriolic Shot’s horn flashed a dark green color. The plaque that was on the fireplace shifted towards the left, which revealed a big, red button. Vitriolic Shot smashed the button. As he did, the fireplace moved back several inches. A large, pointed, silver pillar rose from where the fireplace was. The point on top of pillar flashed a green color before it shot a beam that struck a portrait containing a younger Aunt Rainbow Dash in a white bridal dress and a younger Vitriolic Shot in a black groom’s suit. The wall that the portrait was on lowered, which revealed an iron chamber filled with weapons.

“Now everyone, I want you to select a weapon in this storage room. Pick the weapon that best resonates with you.” Vitriolic Shot stated. Everyone that was seated on the floor walked over into the chamber. Twilight Sparkle curiously looked through the assortment of swords, axes, combat knives, bows, crossbows and more. However, a pair of black scythes with silver sickles and long guns for polehandles placed on black stands grasped her immediate attention. As she looked upon it, she saw that there was a white wing near the end of the pole where the barrel ends. At the opposite side where the sickle is attached to, a black horn was adorned onto the other end. She stared at it for a few moments before Vitriolic Shot walked over to her. “So Twilight, it seems as if Le Croissant de l’Alicorne has caught your attention.” As Vitriolic Shot stated this, Twilight Sparkle jumped up in surprise from the noise.

Le Croissant de l’Alicorne ? Isn’t that Prance for ‘Crescent of the Alicorn?’” Twilight Sparkle asked with a hint of happy interest in her voice.

“It is. Out of the many weapons we have in here, this weapon is by far the most unique. It doubles as both a powerful, short-ranged weapon and functions as a way to snipe monsters from afar. Despite these advantages, it has some very visible disadvantages. For example, since you have to hold these scythes in reverse with your forelegs rather than your forehooves, it makes it very awkward to handle, which would make the sickles difficult to strike with. In addition to this, it’s very high recoil from shooting with it hurts the wielder more than it would harm the target in a long run. Even using unicorn magic to use this would result in a dangerous situation, as there is a very high chance that the magic holding the weapon would break and render the caster unable to fight back. It’s definitely not a weapon for a novice hunter to use, so I really don’t recommend that you don’t use it.” Vitriolic Shot described. Twilight Sparkle continued to look onto the object before a smile erupted from her face.

“Buuuuuut, what if I find a way to consistently strike with the sickle and avoid the recoil? Would I then be able to use it?” She asked hopefully. Vitriolic Shot looked left and right before he moved his head over to Twilight’s left ear and whispered into it.

“Tell you what Twilight. If you find a way to nullify the downsides of Le Croissant de l’Alicorne , then I’ll let you keep it for free. To be honest, I, my wife nor my son has the confidence to wield it without suffering some form of permanent damage. It’s a shame too since it can be a very powerful weapon in the right hooves.”

“Well Vitriolic Shot, I will do more than my best to master this weapon.” Twilight resolutely stated as she grabbed the pair of scythes from the stands with her magic.

“I’m sure that if anypony can do it, it would be an alicorn with a strong will.” Vitriolic Shot added. As she grabbed them, she saw that everyone else had selected their weapons; Applejack grinned widely as she held a giant, sharp, silver battle axe. Rainbow Dash had a pair of some very sinister black and red knives that exuded dark power. If one listened closely to it, one can hear the wails of tortured souls. The hilts on the knives were decorated in a skull-like fashion. Rarity carried a white, florally-designed bow with a blue string. Pinkie Pie carried a thick, black and blue sword that appeared to be three times her maximum height. The hilt on the titanic blade was of a wood-brown color. Fluttershy held a purple, twisted crossbow whose handle was made of light brown-colored wood. Indigo held a long, green katana whose shine looked as if it had cut off the heads of many of its victims. Finally, Spike carried an orange, one-handed blade and a vermillion-colored shield with the emblem of an orange heliotrope in the center of it.

“This stuff is cool! I can’t believe that Rainbow Dash’s aunt and uncle are actually letting me use a sword and shield!” He said enthusiastically.

“That’s nothing Spike. I got dark and edgy daggers with a tragic backstory! That’s so cool!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Rainbow, ya know that just because something is cool doesn’t make it any better than other weapons here. Take for instance my battle axe. I would knock you away before ya can hit me with ‘dem puny, Mary Sue-like blades in your hooves.” Applejack stated confidently as she plopped her axe’s handle onto the floor.

“I don’t care if you can knock me away. I have the advantage of speed and accessibility on my end. You just got raw power. Besides, it’s not like we are going to fight each other anyways. After all, we have these weapons so that we can hunt down monsters.” Rainbow Dash finished as she quashed the rising tensions between her and Applejack. Applejack smiled conspicuously before she continued.

“I guess yer right there. It don’t matter whose weapon is better as long as the both of us hunt down vicious…” She paused as the words she was about to say brought shiver down her spine. “Do ya find it rather criminal that we are going to be tasked with taking the lives of creatures?” She replied. Rainbow Dash raised her shoulders in neutrality and closed her eyes.

“It feels a bit weird, but it’s perfectly legal over here. Besides, my aunt said that these monsters are vicious and try to attack the town from time to time. So, if they want to attack this town without a good reason, then I say that they perfectly deserve what they’re going to get.” She stated.

“If ya put it that way Rainbow Dash, then it does make sense. Well, I’m ready.”

“Darlings! I see that you have all gathered your weapons of choice. Now, please return into the meeting area where we shall discuss monster hunting.” Aunt Rainbow Dash called out. Everyone in the chamber walked out of there and back into the living area. Each pony, Spike and Indigo sat in their previous areas. Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled as she saw that everyone had selected a weapon. “Now that we have got weapon selection out of the way, it’s time to discuss hunting an actual monster.” As she said this, she grabbed a small, plastic, yellow ring hanging from a brick on the fireplace with her mouth. She pulled on it, which revealed a long, white string at the end of it. A clear slab emerged from the ceiling as it fell down and landed with a large thump. On the slab, a crudely-etched image of a bear sitting was shown from the front perspective. Vitriolic Shot pointed his horn towards the head of the bear.

“Now everyone, the first thing you must know about fighting dangerous creatures is that you have to exploit their weaknesses as much as possible in order to gain advantage in a fight. If you see that a creature doesn’t like something, and then press that element against them whether it is a weak area, which is usually the head, or an elemental weakness. In addition to exploiting these weaknesses, you have to know about how each creature would attack.” He pointed towards the claws of the bear. “For example, the Runite Bear is always aggressive and will attack anything that moves. It is an incredibly bulky creature and its claws are made of runite. In case if you didn’t know, runite is considered one of the hardest materials in the physical plane. This means that you should all avoid the claws whenever possible. Fortunately, because it has a skeletal structure made with 65% runite, it is very weak against ice, fire and lightning-based elemental strikes.” Vitriolic Stroke finished.

“…Wow… we have to fight that?!” Indigo blurted out. His voice had a bit of a slight tremble.

“Oh darling, don’t you worry about the Runite Bear. After all, there are weaker and stronger enemies than it. It’s just the most general example I can give at the moment. However, you do have to steel yourself regardless. If you let a potentially dangerous creature smell your fear, then you will be mauled. But, I have faith in you darling. I know you will be a fine monster hunter.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated as she patted Indigo on his back. Indigo smiled and chuckled nervously.

“Gee… that does mean a lot to me err…”

“Mrs. Rainbow Dash. And what is your name darling?” Aunt Rainbow Dash asked.

“Indigo ma’am.” Indigo replied.

“Alright Indigo. Since you have the Jaded Decapitator, I expect you to be among the front line attackers of the group. You think you can handle it?” Aunt Rainbow Dash happily requested. Indigo jumped back an inch in shock.

“Hold on there Mrs. Rainbow Dash! I grabbed this sword because it looked pretty cool. I don’t want to go into the front lines, because that is where most of the casualties happen!” He screamed. Aunt Rainbow Dash gently placed her hoof on Indigo’s beak and covered the sound. She looked into his eyes with a motherly expression.

“Listen Indigo, I understand that you are afraid. It is true that when someone is in the front lines, then they are exposed to sixty percent more of a risk. However, you will not be alone. Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and I shall also be on the front lines with you. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap shall be our hit-and-run hunters, and Vitriolic Shot, Fluttershy and Rarity will be covering our backsides with their range. As long as you believe in yourself and all those around you, then you will not have a thing to worry about.” Her words and advice were like sweet honey cascading down onto the fearful Indigo. Indigo dropped his shoulders and exhaled his stress. Aunt Rainbow Dash walked back before she pulled out a white, beaten sheet from behind the glass plaque. “Now darlings, I took the liberty of getting our first assignment ahead of time. It’s nothing complex, and I’m sure that you’ll be able to do it. All we have to do is hunt down one hundred Spleegs.” She finished. Rainbow Dash raised her hoof into the air with a confused expression emanating from her face. “Yes Rainbow Dash?”

“Ummm, what’s a Spleeg? That sounds like something inside a body rather than a creature.” She asked.

“Well, I’m glad you asked. You see, Spleegs are very unusual creatures that exist on the archipelago of islands nearby here. They are all slimy little things with bug-like faces and dinosaur-like claws. They have slug-like pink bodies and are normally small. However, they do have a tendency to kill off all the other creatures around them when they become overpopulated, so some form of control has to be done to prevent that. While they are low on the danger rating, they still can rip through your sides and devour your spleen, which is their favorite thing to eat.” Aunt Rainbow Dash stated. Rainbow Dash looked wide-eyed towards Aunt Rainbow Dash. Spike smiled viciously and pounded his fist into an open set of claws.

“That sounds like an awesome first job! It’s just the eleven of us against one hundred creatures that can eat our spleens out. So cool!” He shouted happily. Everyone in the room looked at him curiously. “What? You don’t find it cool that we get to fight against spleen-eaters?” He barked out with an angry stare while his claws rose in the air.

“Yes Spike, it's so cool to fight against spleen-eating creatures…” Twilight Sparkle stated sarcastically.

“So, when can we fight these Spleegs auntie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, we can fight them right now. It’s only one in the afternoon. If we run to the docks right now, then we can start our objective at two in the afternoon.” Aunt Rainbow Dash finished. “Now, I expect you all to be in tip-top shape. When we get on the boat, we can plan out our attack on the Spleegs. Is that alright with everyone here?” Everyone in the audience nodded. “Splendid.” As she finished, she walked out of the door. Vitriolic Shot walked out with her followed by Typhoon Clap. Twilight Sparkle looked towards everyone else in the room. She scuffled with her forehooves on the floor nervously before she spoke.

“Look everyone; I’ll be honest with you. I’m really afraid of what is going to happen. I know that this is life on the frontier, but I have never actually had to kill something before. It makes me feel uneasy about killing even a pest like the Spleeg.” She stated. “I want to know if everyone in here will be alright with what will happen next.”

“Well Twilight, Rainbow Dash and I just talked about this a few moments ago. Eventually, we came to the conclusion that, though we are visiting, we are expected to help in any way we can. Since these creatures will be a problem down the road for the entire town, then we just have to bring their numbers down.” Applejack stated.

“And what about you Pinkie Pie? Are you alright with taking the lives of others?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Well, normally, no. However, these Spleegs sound like real party poopers. You can’t party without a spleen after all, so I’m all for it.” Pinkie Pie energetically responded. Twilight Sparkle turned her head over to Fluttershy’s direction.

“We’ll be taking the lives of innocent creatures Fluttershy. Do you think you would be able to live with that?” She asked. Fluttershy looked down towards the ground for a moment before she looked back into Twilight Sparkle’s eyes.

“While these Spleegs may be just a part of nature, an overpopulation of Spleegs would hurt too many other creatures, including the Spleegs themselves. For the sake of keeping all the creatures safe, I will be able to give the Spleegs the ultimate form of mercy.” Fluttershy stated with a resolute shine in her eyes.

“And you Rarity? It doesn’t seem like you would want to get your hooves dirtied like this.” Twilight Sparkle questioned. Rarity nonchalantly shut her eyes and flipped her right forehoof.

“Please Twilight. While it is dreadfully dirty to kill animals, we actually have a purpose in killing these particular animals. I trust Mrs. Rainbow Dash and her request of helping to clean up the island of those dreadful things. Besides, if all goes well, then I might be able to find something on them that I can use for a new line of clothing.” Rarity reasoned. Twilight Sparkle turned to Indigo, who acknowledged her focus of attention with a small hop.

“I know that we have only just met, but I want to know if you are comfortable with what we are going to do.” Twilight Sparkle said.

“I have been in a bit of a dark pit. I was involved in gang activity and nearly attacked Fluttershy. However, Pinkie Pie guided me on the path to redeeming myself in my own eyes. For a part of this redemption, I will take on this quest alongside everypony and dragon in here. I want to be useful in the Equestrian Outpost, and I want to be useful for my new friends.” Indigo stated.

“Well then, if it is okay with all of you, then it is okay with me. Spike shows a lot of interest in hunting these creatures so let us all do our best and strive for success.” Twilight Sparkle happily said. Everyone in the living room clamored before they all rushed out of the house. Rainbow Dash tailed the crowd. As she left the door, she looked back and pulled on the knob. The door closed with a click. She then flew over to the group in front of her.

The Boat Trip

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Everyone walked down the streets of the town until the smell of cold salt filled their nostrils. Up ahead, a very lively port that crawled with ponies, minotaurs, donkeys, griffons and more different intelligent creatures appeared on their horizon. There were various wooden stands headed mainly by donkeys, ponies and griffons. Each stand had several different colorful fish hanging from a string. Each one had an overpowering scent of salt and decay. There were various boats that soared as high as black and red cargo ships to small, wooden dinghies. The sea was a thick green-blue color and had waves that constantly pounded against the cobblestone walls. Aunt Rainbow Dash took a large whiff of the area before she exhaled contently.

“There’s nothing like the brisk smell of the sea to get one ready for hunting dangerous creatures. Isn’t that right Vitriolic Shot?” She stated.

“I couldn’t agree more Rainbow.” Vitriolic Shot looked back towards Rainbow Dash and the group. “Dash, do you like what you see there?” He asked.

“It’s kind of cool, but the dead fish kind of freak me out.” Rainbow Dash stated with a hint of being unnerved in her voice.

“It’s understandable Dash. If you didn’t live near anypony who fishes for a living, then the first sight can be quite unusual.” Vitriolic Stroke assured. The group walked down the seaside street until a brown ship with a large mast and a white cloth sail appeared. Aunt Rainbow Dash, Vitriolic Shot and Typhoon Clap headed towards the dock where the ship was stationed. A knot tied to a steel peg was gently loosened apart with a green aura, which emanated from Vitriolic Shot’s horn. Aunt Rainbow Dash kicked a neatly-placed plank into the air. The plank landed between the dock and the boat. She stepped on the plank and pressed her hoof against it. The plank slightly creaked and moved slightly. Yet, Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled.

“It’s safe to walk on darlings. Come aboard everyone, because this ship isn’t going to disembark by itself.” She stated in a voice of challenge invitation.

“If you say so Mrs. Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy whispered out in an unsure tone. Typhoon Clap nonchalantly smiled towards her direction.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy. My mom has good instincts about these sorts of things. You’ll be fine.” He consoled as he opened his wings and flew onto one of the front seats on the dhoy. “Though, if you are a pegasus or another winged creature, you can just simply fly onto here.” He added. Fluttershy turned her head back towards her wings and unfolded them. Her eyes widened in epiphany.

“Ohhh…” She whispered to herself. She fluttered over to the boat and landed on a seat that is in the back of the dhoy. Indigo looked down towards the plank and looked back to himself. His eyes compared the sizes between the plank and his body.

“It would be better if I just flied with them.” As Indigo said this, he unfolded his wings and jumped into the air. He flapped them twice before he landed onto the dhoy near Fluttershy. The dhoy shook before it stabilized itself. Typhoon Clap looked back towards Indigo and vehemently stared towards his direction.

“Watch where you’re flying Indigo! Can’t you see that your large jump nearly capsized the boat?!” He shouted. Indigo and Fluttershy reared onto the back of the seats from the shout. When Typhoon Clap looked towards his right, he saw that Aunt Rainbow Dash and Vitriolic Shot cast disappointed glares onto his direction. He frowned as he scratched the back of his head with his right forehoof. “Errr, sorry. I kind of let my temperament get to the better of me.”

“It’s alright. You still don’t fully trust me yet. I can understand. I’ll try to do better next time.” Indigo said in a slightly somber tone. Rainbow Dash gazed down towards Typhoon Clap before she opened her wings and flew over to his side.

“Eh, don’t worry Typhoon. That happens to me as well.” She stated as she put a comforting hoof on Typhoon Clap’s shoulder.

“That means well to me Dash. Thank you.” Typhoon Clap gratefully accepted. Rainbow Dash looked into the eyes of Indigo and moved her hoof over to her eyes and pointed them back and forth between her and Indigo. Indigo gulped under his breath. Afterwards, Pinkie Pie hopped down the plank and sat in the last available space on the seat where Fluttershy and Indigo sat. Applejack, Spike and Rarity walked down the plank and sat on the seat opposite of Fluttershy, Indigo and Pinkie Pie. Aunt Rainbow Dash, Vitriolic Shot and Twilight Sparkle then walked down on the plank and then became seated on the seats between Applejack, Rarity and Spike and Typhoon Clap and Rainbow Dash. Aunt Rainbow Dash pulled on a rope of the mast with her teeth, which allowed the sail to open up. The sail caught a gust of wind and began to drift on the sea.

The boat had been set adrift on the sea. The half-foot waves of crystal-green water pounded upon the boat as everyone on board discussed various topics. Aunt Rainbow Dash looked towards Twilight Sparkle, who sat to the left of her.

“You know Twilight, you have wings. I’m wondering why you didn’t just fly onto the boat like the others who had wings?” She questioned curiously. Twilight Sparkle smiled as she faced Aunt Rainbow Dash.

“If you want to know my reasoning Mrs. Rainbow Dash, it would be because I would like to have a feel for what it is like to live like a hunter. This includes even the simplest of tasks such as walking down the plank.” She replied. “Honestly, if I had used my wings to board the dhoy rather than walk the plank, then it wouldn’t feel authentic.” Aunt Rainbow Dash smiled softly from these words.

“I can see why you ascended to alicornhood now darling. You are always willing to place yourselves in the hooves of ponies that do not have the same luxuries as you do. Humility strengthens a pony after all.” She stated. She looked towards the front of Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap and slightly frowned. “It’s really a weird thing darling. I understand that pegasi are in my ancestry, but can you imagine if you had a son or a daughter who was a different species of pony than you are? In a way, I’m both jealous that Typhoon Clap is a pegasus, but grateful that I’m not a pegasus myself. Flight would be dashing as a power, but it would also come with a set of downsides as well. I remember all the times when Typhoon Clap was just a little colt. He injured his wings so many times when trying to fly. I always had to take him to the hospital. However, those moments that we shared at his bedside were worth it. He always smiled as we conversed, and we even played a few games. But, when little Typhoon Clap grew up, his injuries lessened and he started to become a full-fledged stallion.” She looked into the sky with a face of longing.

“It sounds like you love your son very much Mrs. Rainbow Dash.” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“Very much so darling. Vitriolic Shot and I cared and nurtured him like loving parents despite him being different from us. I value his happiness, but I’m thinking that he may want more out of his life than what the outpost gives him.” Aunt Rainbow Dash finished. Vitriolic Shot listened onto the conversation before he craned his neck towards Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap, who appeared to have been engaged in a conversation themselves.

“So Clap, I heard from Fluttershy that you are quite the stallion. Wish to tell me more about it?” Rainbow Dash asked. Typhoon Clap smiled condescendingly and beat his chest with his right forehoof.

“Well, I don’t mean to brag, but I did take down a bunch of griffons all by myself. While I did have these handy blades on me, I threw them with such skill that none of them stood a chance against me.” Rainbow Dash slyly smiled towards his direction.

“Oh, I’m not talking about how you took care of those griffons. Fluttershy told me how you escorted her to the work request center and talked with her in a way that is very casual for somepony who is supposed to be guarding another pony.” She stated this as she slanted her eyes and extended her neck towards Typhoon Clap. “I think that somepony has a soft spot for dear Fluttershy in their heart.” She said in a teasing voice. A slight blush of red came upon Typhoon Clap’s cheeks. Typhoon Clap gulped on a pocket of air.

“Errr, I was just doing what any escort would do. You want to keep who you are protecting comfortable around you so that it would be easier to deal with.” Typhoon Clap replied coolly with closed eyes. Rainbow Dash smugly grinned.

“Are you sure you weren’t trying to be the other kind of escort? You know, the ones that cater to their clients’ needs before they-“

“Okay Dash that’s enough! Why would I have those kinds of thoughts about somepony that I just met?!” Typhoon Clap defensively screamed.

“Who knows? I heard that many stallions and some mares found Fluttershy to be quite the gem for their eyes. Maybe her demeanor and looks make you horny for her as well?” Rainbow Dash smugly egged on.

“Watch your language there Dash! I am not a promiscuous stallion as you say.” Typhoon Clap stated. Rainbow Dash sarcastically backed away and gasped in fake offense.

“Geez Clap, I wasn’t saying that you were promiscuous. I’m just saying that you were horny.” She teased.

“I am not horny Dash!” Typhoon Clap shouted to the top of his lungs.

“Careful there Clap. If you get to excited, then you just might become an alicorn… maybe.” Rainbow Dash continued. Typhoon Clap facehoofed and grunted.

“Look Dash, there is nothing going on between me and Fluttershy. It was just a simple escort.” As he said this, Rainbow Dash inhaled a large amount of air and cuffed her mouth with her hooves.

“Horny stallion! Horny stallion! Horny stallion! Mayday, we have another alicorn onboard!~” She shouted teasingly. Typhoon Clap trembled with the urge while Vitriolic Shot stifled a giggle from his son’s increasing frustration. After she teased him, Rainbow Dash rolled on her back and began to laugh. “You should’ve seen the look on your face Clap! Priceless!” As she said this, a sinister grin crept its way towards Typhoon Clap’s face as he looked down towards the churning sea. The boat steered into a rough patch of seawater.

“So you like a little humor Dashie? Well then, I hope you can stomach a splash of seawater.” As he said this, Rainbow Dash stopped laughing and stared towards Typhoon Clap’s direction.

“Did you just call me Dashie?!” She screamed. In a state of distraction, the boat hit a rough spot of the water and a wave splashed against Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap. As the wave subsided, a green and white-striped tuna flailed about on the boat. With a burst of sudden energy, the tuna hopped into the air and slapped Rainbow Dash across her face with its tail. It then jumped back into the water. Everyone on the boat ceased their activities for the moment before a surge of maniacal laughter overcame Typhoon Clap. He began to roll on the floor in laughter.

“Wow! What just happened there? Not even the sea likes your teasing Dash!” He shouted in laughter. Rainbow Dash just looked towards Typhoon Clap with an unamused expression on her face.

“It’s not funny.” She flatly stated.

“You’re right it’s not funny. It’s bucking hilarious!” Typhoon Clap finished. On the other side of the boat, Pinkie Pie burst in a roar of laughter.

“Dashie got slapped by a Tuna. I never thought I would ever see that in my life without some situation involving me!” She stated. Fluttershy softly smiled towards Pinkie Pie’s direction.

“Nature can be so fascinating sometimes. That tuna had a good amount of stamina to ride the wave, slap Rainbow Dash with its tail and jump out of the boat back into the water.” She said in a voice of soft awe. Applejack looked towards Indigo’s face, who hid behind his shoulders as to not draw attention to himself.

“Ya been awfully quiet back there Indigo. Are ya alright sugarcube?” She asked with a concerned voice.

“…I’m fine Applejack. I just wish to not talk to anyone right now.” Indigo softly replied.

“Well, I for one am not a fan of your silence Indigo.” Rarity interjected. “While I understand that some ponies want to be silent from time to time, you look as though you always want to be by yourself darling. In fact, you seem to be rather uncomfortable around us. A friend of Pinkie Pie’s is a friend of ours darling, so you can feel free to tell us what is on your mind.” Indigo sighed before he looked towards Pinkie Pie’s direction, who innocently smiled and waved towards his direction. He then faced Rarity.

“Guess there’s no use in trying to avoid it now. I just feel like a loser. Everything I have been a part of, I have always never succeeded. I couldn’t hold down a job because I always make some sort of stupid mistake. I can’t even be a competent criminal. So I just asked myself ‘Hey Indigo, you suck at life. Why do you keep trying?’ Sometimes, I just lose the will to live. Pinkie Pie was nice enough to allow me to open up my feelings to her and I found something that may be worth living for. But…” Indigo looked towards Fluttershy and frowned. “…I just feel constantly reminded of my own guilt and failures. I just can’t see why I should live sometimes.” Spike looked curiously upon Indigo before he scratched his chin in thought.

“You know Indigo, it’s not really healthy to feel that way. From one non-pony with some tendencies to feel sad to another non-pony with some tendencies to feel sad, you just have to accept that no one is perfect. Some may fail more than others, but sooner or later, you’ll find something that you are good at. Heck, you’re traveling with a group of good ponies, even if some of the ponies on this boat are dragon killers.” He replied with a drip of spite near the end. “Just remember that even though you may fail at some things, you won’t fail at all things. In fact, you may even find a talent in monster hunting.” Indigo looked down towards Spike with a hint of a smile on his face.

“I think you are right. To be honest, the sound of monster hunting scares me, but I’m willing to try it. After all, I don’t have anything to lose.” He stated with a hint of happiness in his voice. Vitriolic Shot looked keenly towards the horizon until the sight of a verdant, forested mound appeared in a haze. He smiled.

“Everyone! Our destination is nearby! We are about to hit the shores of island codename ‘D-1,’ Wood Island! Please grab your hunting supplies and your weapons and get ready to have the time of your lives!” He shouted enthusiastically. Rainbow Dash looked towards Aunt Rainbow Dash.

“Is he always this chipper aunt Rainbow Dash? He seems really happy about landing on an island.” She questioned.

“Sometimes darling, wind and water currents lead the boat astray from the intended path. The fact that we make it to an area in a safe and sound manner is reason for excitement. Just look at your friend Pinkie Pie right now.” When Aunt Rainbow Dash said this, Pinkie Pie blew a pink party whistle. She smiled. “She has the right idea since usually, just reaching the island is half of the work. The other half is the task itself. Then, all island shores have major water currents that lead back to the Equestrian Outpost. It’s a nice tidbit of information to know, isn’t it darling?”

“I guess so…” Rainbow Dash said with an unsure tone.

“Just remember Dash, if any of my parents gives you any information on travel and hunting, I’d highly recommend that you’d take it. After all, they’ve been hunting for over twenty years.” Typhoon Clap informed.

“Typhoon Clap, would you be a dear and survey the shores of the island with Rainbow Dash? We want to check the conditions of the island before we hit the shore.” Aunt Rainbow Dash asked. Typhoon Clap stood on all fours and saluted.

“Yes mom!” He shouted in an almost militaristic fashion.

“Hey, anything you can do I can do better Clap.” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Are you sure you want to challenge me Dash? I have more experience in surveying lands than you.” Typhoon Clap asked in a confident tone. Rainbow Dash flipped her front hoof.

“Please Clap. I can reach that island, explore it and come back here faster than you ever will.” She stated in a very confident tone as she stood up on all four of her legs. Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap stared at each other before the both of them jetted into the air with rainbow trails behind them. Aunt Rainbow Dash turned towards Twilight Sparkle and bumped her shoulder with her front knee.

“My little Clap will always have a competitive spirit within him.” She stated.

“Well, looks like competitive nature is really is in Rainbow Dash’s blood. I’m going to have to examine her genealogy more carefully when I get back to Ponyville.” She stated.

Rainbow Dash and Typhoon Clap both landed on the shores of Wood Island simultaneously. The island stayed true to its name; large, thick trees covered a majority of what was in the island and some trees were even sparsely sprinkled throughout the shore. Underneath their hooves was soft, grainy sand with a few tufts of green grass underneath. The two pegasi walked along the shores of the island with examination present on their minds. The two walked around for a minute before the both of them smiled.

“Well Dash, looks like we can report to my parents that this island is safe to dock upon.” He stated.

“You know, I think I can beat you over to the boat.” Rainbow Dash stated with eyes brimming in challenge. Typhoon Clap competitively smiled towards her direction until his eyes picked up on a small, pink, slug-like creature. The creature set its eyes toward Rainbow Dash’s side. With a shrill roar, it jumped towards her. Rainbow Dash turned around only for her eyes to go wide-eyed at the creature aiming directly towards her. Panic overcame her face as the creature jumped at lightning speed. Just as it readied its claws, a blade was thrown through its body, impaling it. The creature screamed and squirmed in agony before it stopped moving. Rainbow Dash turned towards Typhoon Clap, who was on both of his hind legs. His forelegs were positioned for throwing, and his face sweated with panic. He breathed heavily. He dropped onto all of his legs.

“We have to warn the others about the spread of the Spleegs! They should not be at the shore at all!” He screamed.

“Woah there Clap, calm down! That was just one Spleeg. Sometimes creatures wander out of their areas.” Rainbow Dash stated with a mix of a nonchalant expression and a worry.

“Dash, that one Spleeg nearly ripped your flesh apart to reach your spleen! If that was one Spleeg, then there will be more. Come on now, we have to warn everyone else!” Typhoon Clap shouted as he flew quickly into the air. Rainbow Dash looked back towards the dead Spleeg with clear juices permeating from the wound. As realization hit her, a spell of fear was cast upon her.

“That could have been me laying there dead…” She softly said to herself in worry before she flew into the air.

Everyone on the boat looked towards the island with varying degrees of worry expressed on each of their faces. Finally, Typhoon Clap and Rainbow Dash arched towards the boat at fast speeds. The two of them had panic fresh on their faces.

“So Clap, Dash, how did the survey of the shore go. Is it safe for us to land?” Vitriolic Shot asked. Typhoon Clap grasped Vitriolic Shot by his shoulders.

“Dad! The shore is infested with Spleegs! We have to take caution when docking on the island lest we are the victim of a Spleeg ambush.” Typhoon Clap shouted with a twitchy eye.

“Yeah! One of those little things nearly tried to go after my spleen! If Typhoon Clap hadn’t saved my flank back there, then it would have been my flank that was feasted upon!” Rainbow Dash stated in panic. Vitriolic Shot tilted his head, slanted his eyes and hummed in rumination. He then looked back to Fluttershy and Rarity.

“Fluttershy, Rarity, the both of you have weapons that are capable of long-ranged assaults correct?” Fluttershy and Rarity looked down upon their crossbow and longbow.

“We do.” Fluttershy stated.

“Good. Then I want you to come to the bow of this boat with me. We’re going to launch an assault of bolts and arrows upon the shore. We want to kill as many of those nasty Spleegs as much as possible.” Vitriolic Shot stated. Twilight Sparkle looked towards Vitriolic Shot with despondent eyes.

“But… Mr. Vitriolic Shot. I also have a long-ranged weapon. Why can’t I be a part of the assault?” She asked. Vitriolic Shot looked down upon Twilight Sparkle. His eyes possessed a menacing look upon them that brought shivers down her spine.

“Listen very well to me Twilight. You have just only picked up Le Croissant De l’Alicorn and you don’t even know how to use it. As of now, you are carrying dead weight and you expect to be a part of this assault?! That is a very foolish thought coming from your mouth princess. It is words like those that have caused foolish warriors to die in battle and take their comrades with them! Next time you speak out of place and time, these words will seem like a light breeze compared to what I will do to you next!” He stated in a heavily angry tone. Twilight Sparkle’s eyes became wide-eyed and her mouth was agape. Tears flowed down from her eyes. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all gasped in shock from how Vitriolic Shot spoke to Twilight. Aunt Rainbow Dash looked back and uneasily shushed the clamors of everyone behind her.

“Why, Mrs. Rainbow Dash, why are you telling us to be quiet?! Can’t you see that your beast of a-“As Rarity shouted in a very offended tone, Pinkie Pie covered Rarity’s mouth with her own hooves to shut her up.

“I understand your frustrations darling, really I do. He isn’t named ‘Vitriolic Shot’ for nothing. However, he is very experienced in his field. He knows what is best for everyone. Just… please do what is best for everyone on the boat and follow what he says. Rarity, Fluttershy, get your weapons out please.” Aunt Rainbow Dash somberly stated with a sigh. Rarity and Fluttershy frowned, but looked towards each other and nodded in resolve. They both got their weapons and walked over to the bow of the boat with Vitriolic Shot. Vitriolic Shot’s horn emanated with a green aura alongside a sinister-looking green crossbow which was levitated in the air. Rarity levitated her longbow and took out a red-feathered arrow with a mithril tip. Fluttershy grasped her crossbow with her forehooves and hovered over into the air. Twilight Sparkle sobbed, but Pinkie Pie pulled her in for a comforting hug. The boat arrived within meters of the island.