> Love Knows No Bounds > by Autum Breeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- A Light in the Snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 1 A Light in the Snow _________________________________________________________________ The wind howled, sending the snow in one direction, then the next, whipping her mane again and again, making it even harder to see. Rose Aphid struggled to pull the large bag of bits along the ground. It had been several hours since she was given the kindness from that pony. That kindness was keeping her warm and was helping her keep up her form of a blank-flanked pegasus filly with a pink and white mane and tail. She was wearing the apron the pony had wrapped around her to keep her from getting cold, along with the kindness also warming her. Now she was wearing it like a jumper. Though, much of the physical heat had left it since she’d left the alley and started walking through Canterlot again, the gesture of its being given to her was what kept it warm. Rose let the fabric fall from her mouth and looked around, squinting her eyes. White. That was all she could see. Nothing, but white snow, blocking everything out, making it impossible to tell which way she was going. After the first few minutes, she’d thought about heading back to the alley behind that shop. Maybe the pony would be kind enough to give her shelter, if only until the storm lessened? But, finding her way back was impossible. She had no idea if she was walking towards anything or just going in circles. Rose shivered. Though it was sad to admit, she knew the energy she’d gotten from the pony would not last long. It would still last longer than her last bit of energy from before that, but not much longer. How had she gotten that small bit of energy again? She couldn’t remember? Had she consumed a memory? Which memory? She had nobody during her time in the hive that were happy enough to be worth consuming, even for a few seconds worth of energy. The wind grew stronger, more vicious and Rose dropped down, trying to conserve heat. What was she to do? She couldn’t see where she was going and the chances of finding anywhere to ride out this storm were looking bleaker every second. “Hello?” a voice faintly called out, so quiet Rose was sure she’d just imagined it. “Is anypony out there?” Rose did not answer. She knew the voice was not real. It was her mind playing tricks on her. Nopony would be out in this storm. Nopony, but her. “Can you hear me? Do you need any help?” the voice called out again. Rose noticed it sounded female. Maybe her mind was trying to make her think her mother had come for her. She snorted. Her mother? Her mother was the changeling queen. Why would have mother be looking for her? “Can you hear me?” the voice called out again. “If you can, come towards the light.” To Rose’s surprise, a lavender light suddenly appeared from within the white surrounding her. Deciding she may as well indulge her herself with the fantasy she was subconsciously creating for herself, she stood up, gripped the bag in her teeth and, keeping her eye on the light, slowly made her way over to it. But, as she drew closer, Rose noticed the light was not fading away, as all illusions do when you get closer to them. In fact, it was getting brighter. Within a few minutes, she’d reached the light, hearing the sound of a magical aura as she passed through a field of magic the same colour as the light. Her mouth dropped open, the bag of bits hitting the ground and spilling open. She did not care, for what she was seeing she dared not believe. It was an alicorn. A lavender mare with large wings tinged a darker purple at their edges. The horn on her head was much larger than a unicorn’s horn. She was not as tall as Rose had heard Princess Celestia or Princess Cadence were. This alicorn looked more the size of a regular pony. She had heard of this alicorn shortly before she’d had to leave the hive. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newest of the alicorns and the bearer of the Element of Magic. Rose began to shiver and not from the cold. She knew the very alicorn Chrysalis, the former queen, had impersonated was now this alicorn’s sister-in-law. How could she get away? If the princess found out what she was, Rose knew the kind gesture from that other pony would mean nothing, for her end would surely come at the hooves of this alicorn. It was then, she saw the look on the princess’s face. Concern. The princess leaned her head down, so she was level with Rose. “Are you okay?” The question dumbfounded Rose. Having forgotten she was still disguised as a Pegasus, she had not been expecting such a question, nor for it to asked with such gentle care. “What is your name, little filly?” Princess Twilight asked, her face showing nothing but concern for Rose. Rose shuffled her hooves a few times before answering, very quietly. “Rose Aphid, your highness.” Rose thanked the Goddesses that, when she’d taken on this form, the distorted sound in her voice had gone. The princess smiled. “Rose Aphid. That’s a very pretty name.” Rose felt a small blush of red appear on her cheeks. She had always been teased in the hive for her name. To hear it being called pretty, with no malice, was a wonderful thing. Princess Twilight looked around, frowning at the snow outside the magical field. “Where do you live, Rose? Do you need help getting home?" Rose looked away, tears welling in her eyes. “Rose?” Twilight put a wing around her as the tears slid down her muzzle. “What’s wrong?” “I-I—” Rose stuttered, her voice shaking, before the dam burst. “I don’t have a home!” Twilight gasped, then regained herself and asked, “But, you have a family somewhere, don’t you?” Rose shook her head violently. “No, I don’t! They kicked me out! I have nowhere!" She began sobbing, sitting down on her haunches and holding her forehooves over her eyes as the flow of tears streamed down. “I-I— I d-d-don’t have an-any-wh-where! N-n-n-nopony loves me! I-I-I’m worthless!” Her body was shaking from the sobs erupting from her. Rose had thought the kindness from that pony would be enough to force away all the pain, but, now, it was all coming out and she couldn’t hold it back any longer. She had no one and no home. Nopony would want her. Why would they? She was an exiled changeling, abandoned and left to die by her own kind. Who could love a changeling anyway? Rose stopped suddenly, when she realized Twilight had pulled her into a tight embrace. “You are not worthless,” Twilight said firmly and the tone in her voice made the young changeling hesitate. “Never say that again, Rose. Never even think that you're worthless, do you understand?” Rose did not say anything. She had been surprised at first, but now was basking in the warmth coming from Twilight. It was compassion, the same as she had received from that other pony. Only, this was stronger, somehow. Almost like love, though Rose did not believe for a second that one of the princesses could love a creature like her. Twilight spoke again, and this time, her words left Rose speechless. “You can stay with me. I won’t leave you out here all alone.” Rose looked up into the princess’s eyes. There were tears in them. The princess was crying, for her. Twilight gently loosened the embrace, letting go of Rose. The bag of bits at Rose’s hooves glowed with the same coloured aura as the field surrounding them and lifted up, every bit that had fallen out, returning to the inside. “Mind telling me where you got these, though?” Twilight asked, cocking an eyebrow. Rose looked down at her hooves. "A pony gave them to me." “From that apron, I have a good idea who,” Twilight said, indicating the apron around Rose’s body. “You will have to thank Joe when you next see him.” Rose nodded, not wanting to tell why that would not be possible, since the pony named Joe had already told Rose not to let him see her near his store again. As they trudged through the white-covered city, Rose kept glancing up at Twilight. She did not understand how she could be so kind as to offer a perfect stranger her own home to stay in. Yes, she was still disguised as a Pegasus and Twilight didn’t know she was actually a changeling, but Rose still couldn’t understand why she’d be so kind to somepony she didn’t even know. ________________________________________________________________ The sounds of Hearth’s Warming music and songs could be heard, muffled. A door shone with Twilight’s magical aura, as if appearing out of thin air to Rose. The door opened and the two trotted inside, the magical field disappearing as the door closed behind them. The sight before her made little Rose Aphid’s heart scream with joy. They were in a house with beautiful yellow painted walls, all covered with Hearth’s Warming decorations. Baubles of red and green and gold. Tinsel stretched from wall to wall. A tree decorated with all the above and more by the fireplace, which was lit and roaring with flames. And the warmth, oh, praise to the mother, the warmth. It was heaven. “Twily,” a loud voice said. “Where’ve you been?” Rose was suddenly aware of the other six ponies in the room. They were all dressed in Hearth’s Warming clothes, jumpers and scarves, all with Hearth's Warming patterns. There were three unicorns; two stallions, one white, the other a dark-blue, the other a mare, also white. But, the other three ponies? They were alicorns. They were Princess Cadence, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. She gulped. "Sorry I’m late, everypony,” Twilight smiled, putting a wing around the little Pegasus. “But, I found young Rose here out in the snow, so I brought her with me.” "Hello, there, dear,” the unicorn mare said, taking a few steps forward. “I’m Twilight Velvet, Twilight’s mother and, yes, it is very confusing having two ponies with the name 'Twilight' in the same household.” Rose said nothing. The kindness and warmth coming from them all was filling her, making her a bit giddy. "I am curious, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna said, looking at Rose. “Why did you not take her to her home? Her family must be worried.” Rose looked away and Twilight glanced at her, then at Luna. “She... doesn’t have a family.” To this Luna raised an eyebrow. Twilight walked over and whispered into her ear, “She says they kicked her out.” Luna’s eyes widened. “You are not serious?" she said in hushed voice. "She was joking, was she not?” Twilight stepped back and shook her head sadly. “She was sobbing as she told me. I don’t think she’s making it up. Her family really did kick her out.” “If I ever get my hooves on them...” Luna muttered, her right eye twitching with the effort of keeping her calm demeanor. “Well, it looks like we’ve one more guest for Hearth’s Warming,” Velvet said, nudging Rose towards the fireplace. “Come on, dear, let’s get you warmed up.” As she sat down in front of the fire, and a red and green scarf was magical wrapped around her neck, Rose looked from Velvet to Twilight. “You... you mean I can really stay?” Twilight smiled. “Of course. And you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” Twilight walked over to Rose and lay down next to her, wrapping a wing around the small filly. Rose did not protest. The fire was lovely and the love she was feeling from Twilight and Velvet was wonderful. Even Princess Luna and Cadence’s love towards her was wonderful. Celestia was giving a kindness, but there was something behind it. She snuggled into the alicorn mare and felt her eyes closing. She’d never thought she would be this lucky. She was exiled from the hive, left to die, and yet, she’d found a place to stay, if only for a few days, where she was surrounded by love. As she felt herself drifting off to sleep, Rose was looking forward to the next day. Whatever was to come, she knew, she would be happy, for this was the best night of her life. > Chapter 2- Happy Hearth's Warming Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 2 Happy Hearth’s Warming Day _____________________________________________________________________ As the lights in the living room turned off, Luna turned to look back at Twilight Sparkle and the small Pegasus wrapped safely underneath her wing. A warm smile broke across the night princess's lips. She had always worried that, because of her nature to become so wrapped up in books, Twilight would never find somepony to settle down and start a family with. Looking at the scene in front of her as Twilight closed her eyes and slept alongside the small filly, she knew she needn’t worry anymore. Twilight had found her filly, without even realizing it. She’d seen it as soon as she noticed the way Twilight looked at the small pony and the way she’d gone right over to her and wrapped a wing around her tiny body for extra warmth. As she watched this, it did, however, bring back memories she wished she could forget, of her own child. A child she’d lost more than a thousand years ago. “Luna.” The dark alicorn turned at the sound of her sister’s voice, to see Celestia was standing close to her, her eyes also on Twilight... but with a different look in her eyes than Luna’s. “Yes, sister?” Luna asked in a whisper, moving a little closer. “Do you... sense something, about Rose Aphid?” Luna raised an eyebrow. Her big sister’s tone was not that of one happy to see a child find a new mother. It was a tone of one holding back worry. A tone of hidden fear. “I do not know what you mean, sister,” Luna shook her head. “I sense nothing from young Rose other than happiness to have a place to stay.” There was a pause before she asked, “What do you sense?” “... I’m not sure,” Celestia said, looking away. “It’s... I feel like I should be worried.” “For Rose?” Luna asked. “For Twilight.” Luna’s eyes narrowed, ever so slightly. “What do you mean, sister? Why do you feel you must worry for Twilight?” “I don’t know,” Celestia sounded angry with herself. “I feel like there’s something I’m missing. Something familiar.” Luna shook her head. “You were worried about Twilight when she was taking so long to return,” she murmured in a reassuring tone. “You probably still feel a little jittery is all. Come morning, it will be gone and you will see you have been worrying for nothing.” Celestia looked like she wanted to press on, but seemed to think better of it. “Perhaps you’re right, Luna,” she sighed and shook her head. “Maybe I’m just a bit tired.” Luna nodded. “Indeed. Now, come, sister. It is high time we joined all our subjects in sleep.” Celestia nodded and turned, heading towards the guest room Twilight’s parents had given them to stay in. Luna made to follow, but paused, turning back to Twilight and the filly sleeping soundly under her wing. Now that her older sister had mentioned it, Luna could sense something familiar as well. And for some reason, it gave her a feeling of foreboding that ran back to a thousand years ago, yet she could not understand why. She decided to put it out of mind for now and followed her sister, readying to embrace the sleep of night. _____________________________________________________________________ Rose felt so warm. She didn’t want to move. She had never been in such warmth before, it was heavenly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a living room, lovingly decorated for Hearth’s Warming. It hadn’t been. It was real. She’d been given a place to stay for Hearth’s Warming. There was a small noise next to her and Rose turned to see Princess Twilight lying with her, a wing wrapped around Rose’s body. She snuggled closer, enjoying the heat coming from the alicorn’s body. It was so wonderful, kind and gentle, like she’d always wanted her mother to be— Rose stopped her thoughts right there. She didn’t have a mother. Not one who loved her, anyway. As far as her mother was concerned, Rose had been a disappointment from her birth, all because she’d been born female. A tear slid down Rose’s cheek and she let out a small sob. She felt a stir and looked up to see the princess was looking at her, a concerned expression on her face. “Is everything okay?” she asked, her lavender eyes showing no sign of the distain Rose was so use to seeing from before she had been exiled from the hive. Rose nuzzled her face into Twilight’s fur. “I was just thinking... about my mother.” Twilight gently nuzzled Rose’s mane. “Are you sure she won’t be worried about you?” A few more tears leaked from Rose’s eyes, damping Twilight’s fur ever so slightly. “She doesn’t miss me,” Rose sniffled, her voice cold. “I was nothing but a disappointment to her. She couldn’t wait to get rid of me.” Rose felt the wing around her tighten its grip a little. She looked up to see Twilight’s expression was gentle, loving and full of sympathy. Something her mother had never shown her and she’d only heard of from other changelings, who’d been fortunate enough to be born male. “Then that is her loss,” the princess said, nuzzling Rose again, but this time, with a loving gesture behind it. “You are a wonderful little filly.” Rose signed as she enjoyed the love coming from Twilight. It was the best feeling ever. She would make sure to stockpile as much as possible, so as not to get feeding off of the kind mare too often. It was then that she noticed it was bright in the room. She opened her eyes and looked around. The room was lit by the morning sunlight streaming through the windows. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Day, Rose,” Twilight murmured. Rose turned to her, a small smile on her muzzle. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Day, Twilight.” When Twilight’s parents, brother and the princesses all got up it was presents time. Rose was very surprised to find that she had some presents. She got a Hearth’s Warming sweater from Twilight’s parents, a peril bracelet from Cadence, an alicorn doll from Shining Armour, a star map from Luna and a small broach of silver from Celestia. But it was Twilight's’ gift she loved the most. It was a book about flying techniques. Though Rose had chosen the form of a Pegasus, in truth, she’d never really flown too much as a changeling. She was teased and ridiculed by her follow changelings so often she had stand grounded, so as not to make herself stand out more. But the fact that Twilight had given her a book about flying meant Twilight wanted to see her fly, which made Rose’s heart swell with happiness. She hugged Twilight tightly, never wanting to let go. She could not believe the kindness of the ponies around her. They didn’t even know her and yet, they’d gone out of their way to find present for her that was so caring. And Twilight was the best of them all. She felt like what a mother should be, something Rose never thought she’d ever get to experience. As they all sat in the living room, listening to Hearth’s Warming songs on the radio, Rose leaned into Twilight and just let herself go. Nothing could spoil this. Even though she knew it wouldn’t last forever, nothing could spoil this moment, right now, where she was surrounded by ponies who cared about her and wanted her to be happy. _____________________________________________________________________ Celestia watched Twilight and the small filly leaning into her. She wanted to be happy for Twilight, she really did. Like Luna, she had seen the bond that was between those two, even if they didn’t quite see it yet. But this also worried her and she could not fully tell why. She assumed it was just that fact that her little Twily was growing up and she scared she would get hurt. Being a mother was a big step and Twilight didn’t even realize she was taking it yet. As much as Celestia wanted to believe that was the reason, something deep in her gut told her it was something else. Something that made her feel as bad as she had the night she’d banished Luna to the moon. She searched and searched herself, trying to find what it was, to root out the problem and get rid of it so she could truly be happy for her faithful student. But, no matter how hard she searched within herself, whatever was giving Celestia these uneasy feelings eluded her, keeping close enough that they were on her mind, yet just out of range for her to see clearly what they were. Sister? Celestia glanced to Luna, who was on the other side of the room. Luna was looking at her, but her lips did not move. Is something still troubling you? Celestia gave a small shake of her head, one only Luna would be able to notice. Something is troubling me, indeed, Luna, she thought telepathically to her sister. I have this feeling that keeps reminding me of that horrible night so long ago. Luna nodded. I have had a similar feeling, sister. Can you tell where it comes from? Celestia gave the smallest shake of her head. No. It eludes me every time I try to find it. It remains enough for me to still feel it, yet I can never discover its source. Luna nodded again. This was something they would have to discuss soon. The fact that this feeling had started after Rose Aphid’s arrival was a very bad sign. Luna did hope that Rose was not the cause of these feelings. She hoped it for Twilight’s sake as much as the filly's. The young mare would be devastated if things turned out as Luna feared they may. “Princess?” Luna and Celestia both turned to Twilight, who was looking at them with a raised eyebrow. “Is something wrong? You’ve both been very quiet.” “Nothing’s wrong,” the sisters said in unison. “Don’t worry, Twilight, it is nothing you should worry about,” Celestia lied. Twilight smiled and returned to playing charades with her parents, brother, Cadence and Rose. Celestia looked down as Twilight returned to having fun with her family. She did not like lying to Twilight, but did not want to worry her. Twilight was still a young alicorn, an infant in immortal sense, and was yet to have to deal with the painfully hard decisions an immortal princess has to go through. She did not want Twilight to have to face those decisions. Not yet. Celestia looked at Rose, who was laughing at whatever Shining Armour was trying to describe as his charade. She clapped her hooves, her face full of joy and childhood innocence. Yet, Celestia sensed something Rose was hiding. Something no ordinary child would know. Something troubling, that she was trying to hide, yet that Celestia could just see, even though it was blurry as to its identity. Oh, Twilight, she thought, suppressing a few tears that tried to escape her eyes, I do so hope I am wrong. > Chapter 3- New Home, New Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 3 New Home, New Friends _____________________________________________________________________ Rose Aphid stepped off the train and looked around. The Ponyville train station was different from what she’d expected. While Canterlot’s was extremely busy, here was more calm, with ponies gingerly walking around, not too worried about time. “Rose?” She turned to see Twilight standing next to her, levitating a small suitcase. Next to the alicorn was a purple dragon, named Spike. Rose had been quite surprised to learn that a dragon was living among ponies and getting along with them too, it gave her a little hope for her own future prospects. “Yes... Mommy?” Rose said quietly. ____________________________________________________________________ Three days after Hearth's Warming Day Twilight had received a letter from somepony named Mayor Mare, requesting Twilight’s return to Ponyville as soon as possible to ensure Winter Wrap Up came on time. Rose had been anxious, thinking she should leave at the same time as Twilight and be on her way, so as not to cause any problems. However, Twilight surprised Rose by asking her to come with her. Part of Rose told her to just leave and never look back... but another part of her told her to stay, that Twilight was where she belonged. Against her survival instincts, which were what had kept her alive til she reached Canterlot, she’d agreed. For some reason, Twilight had also asked Rose to start calling her her mother. Rose knew Twilight cared for her, the amount of love she’d stored inside herself was proof of that, but she didn’t know why Twilight would ask some random filly she found to call her her mother. But, she didn’t protest. It felt good. It felt... right. ____________________________________________________________________ Twilight nuzzled Rose gently and indicated with a nod to the exit. Rose followed her “mother” and Spike out into the small town of Ponyville. It was a nice place, Rose had to admit. It looked like a cosier version of the towns she’d passed through before going to Canterlot. “Twilight!” Rose quickly hid behind the princess as five mares ran up to them. “Welcome home,” they all chanted, a pink mare among them leaping into the air, confetti coming from somewhere Rose couldn’t see from her hiding place. ____________________________________________________________________ Applejack noticed the small Pegasus filly hiding behind Twilight. “An’ who’s this little filly?” she asked and Twilight turned and wondered why she hadn’t noticed Rose hiding behind her til now. “Girls,” she said to her friends, a small smile on her muzzle. “I’d like you to meet Rose Aphid. Rose, come out. Everything’s fine.” Rose hesitated, then did as she was asked and came out, hiding her face behind her mane. Twilight couldn’t help feeling like she was looking at a filly Fluttershy and a glance at her friends told her they all were thinking the same thing. “Ahem, why exactly do you have a filly with you, dear?” Rarity asked, noting how Rose eeped as she spoke. Twilight face saddened a little and she wrapped a wing around Rose. “I found her all alone in the streets on Hearth’s Warming Eve.” As she anticipated, her friends all looked confused. Rainbow Dash frowned. “Why wasn’t she with her family?” At this, Rose gave a small squeak, and buried herself into Twilight side. Twilight sighed. “Her family kicked her out.” There was silence for several seconds. “Uh, could you repeat that, sugar cube?” Applejack asked, shaking her head. “I coulda sworn you just said her family kicked her out.” The look on Twilight’s face was all the answer she and the other needed. Everypony grew extremely aggressive, then compassionate, then aggressive again, til they became dizzy from the cacophony of emotional responses their minds were trying to sift through. Fluttershy was the first to gain hold of one emotion and came over and started saying soothing words to comfort the small filly. Rarity looked offended, as if somepony had told her she had no sense of fashion what so ever. Applejack, having such a close bond with her own family, was understandably outraged, saying that if Rose’s parents were heartless enough to throw their own filly out into the streets, on Hearth’s Warming Eve no less, then they weren’t worth a sack a cow dung. Rainbow looked like she was going to charge to Canterlot right at that moment, despite not knowing who and where Rose's parents were and give them a beating. Pinkie Pie... she had the weirdest reaction of them all. She had stopped moving and was staring into space. A passerby could’ve mistaken her for a furry life-size statue of the party pony. Their reactions seemed to give Rose a little more confidence and she came out a little from under Twilight’s wing. After several minutes, everypony managed to calm down and an obvious question was asked. “So, um, why did you bring her to Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked. She’d been comforting Rose, who was now standing out from under Twilight’s wings, but was still not meeting anypony’s eyes. Twilight smiled. “I’m going to adopt her.” Silence fell again, but a different silence. This one was of pure shock and confusion, Rose included in this. After a few minutes, Applejack coughed. “Uh, no offence, twi, but I ain’t never seen ya’ll as the type to settle down and raise a filly.” “I must agree with Applejack on this,” Rarity said, her brow slightly creased. “You already have the library to run and you’re a princess on top of that. Are you really sure you’ll be able to care for a filly as well?” “I won’t know if I don’t try, will I?” Twilight asked, ignoring the slight anger that had flared when her best friends had basically just said she couldn’t care for a foal. “I think it’s wonderful,” Fluttershy smiled, then giving each of their friends a stern look. “Twilight wants to help this poor filly. She could’ve simply left her in an orphanage in Canterlot, but she’s decided to care for her herself.” Fluttershy’s Stare was making the other ponies nervous, even Pinkie wasn’t meeting her gaze, her smile replaced by a look of shame, meaning even she hadn’t thought Twilight would take care of a foal. Rose was just staring up at Twilight, her eyes wide. “You... You’ll be taking care of me?” she asked, her voice sounding like it would crack at any second. "You'll really be my mommy?" Twilight nuzzled the small filly. “Only if that’s okay with you?” Rose gave a squeal and hugged Twilight tightly, who returned the embrace. Twilight knew her friends were right about one thing. This was a huge change in her life. She’d have to consider many things now. She’d have to make sure Rose had a good educations, she’d need to ensure Rose was always happy and most of all, she would always need to love the little filly like another mother would. The six mares and filly headed further into Ponyville, Rose staying close to her new mother. _____________________________________________________________________ As the ponies walked off, a mare wearing an overcoat watched them from a dark corner of the station. She did nothing but watch until the ponies were all multi-coloured dots in the distance. She nodded to herself then walked off, disappearing in a flash of golden light. > Chapter 4- Worries and Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 4 Worries and Friends _____________________________________________________________________ Celestia paced back and forth in her study, a frown on her brow. She could not understand why she couldn’t simply forget about this situation and be happy that Twilight was now going to have a daughter. She’d helped Twilight with the paperwork the previous day, the same day Twilight received Mayor Mare’s request for her return for Winter Wrap Up. In a few days, it would be legal. Rose Aphid would be Twilight’s daughter. But something kept nagging at her. Something about Rose unsettled her, something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on. Celestia stopped and shook her head. No. No, she knew exactly what was unsettling her, what she suspected. She just didn’t want to believe it. Not now. Not after a millennia since that horrible day. “Sister?” Celestia turned to see Luna walking in, her face concerned. The Sun Goddess looked away, so Luna would not see the worry in her eyes. “What is it, Luna?” “I am worried for you.” She took a few steps forward and made her big sister turn around so she could see the emotions in her eyes. “You have been uneasy ever since Hearth’s Warming.” Celestia looked away again and sighed. “My gut tells me what’s going on... but my heart says I’m over thinking things.” “It would not be the first time.” Celestia winced at the smarting from Luna’s words, though she knew she deserved it. “Had you been like this back then, things might have been different the last thousand years.” Celestia sighed again, a few tears appearing in her eyes. “What do I do, Luna?” Luna’s tone became softer, the kind a loving sister should have. “Don’t rush to conclusions. Keep an open eye and assess what you see. Do that and this may turn out better than the last time.” Celestia nodded and nuzzled her sister. In her heart she knew Luna was right, but in her head... she couldn’t ignore the warning bells ringing in her ears. _____________________________________________________________________ Rose was trying hard not to feel nervous. They had arrived at the library her mother told her about while they’d been back in Canterlot. She'd thought her mother had been playing a trick on her, but the inside really was bigger than the outside. She’d flown outside and spent at least three minutes trying to figure it out, before Spike told her it was a spell that allowed the inside to be bigger than should physically be possible by non magical standards. Shortly after they’d arrived, Rose had been brought face to face with three fillies calling themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders and, upon seeing Rose had no Cutie Mark on her flank, made her a member before she could even say “Huh?” She mentally cursed herself for not giving herself a Cutie Mark for her disguise. Since she was a changeling, she’d never get one, which would eventually cause a few problems. Though, if she was careful, she might be able to change her form to have a Cutie Mark when no pony was looking and turn any suspicion away before it happened. At first, she tried to find a way out of her new situation. She’d just wanted to get to her new home and read with her mother. While in Canterlot, Twilight had shown her a lot of books and helped her learn how to read. It turned out that Rose loved to read, which made Twilight delighted. Though, as much as she loved to read, she loved to fly more. However, after a few minutes trying to get away from the CMC, Rose decided it might be easier to just go with it. She made a mental note, however, to figure out what she was best at and create a Cutie Mark to match it as soon possible. From some of the adventures she heard the fillies had been on, the sooner she had her Cutie Mark, the safer she’d be. _____________________________________________________________________ Twilight smiled as she watched Rose accepted into the CMC. She knew those three would be great friends for Rose and make her feel more welcome in Ponyville. Suddenly Spike belch a green ball of fire and a scroll landed at his feet. Twilight levitated the scroll, unrolled it and read. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I thought I would congratulate you on your new daughter. Though none alive today know of this, long ago, I was a mother myself. I hope you and your daughter love each other just as much as my foal and I loved each other. If you would be willing, four days from now, would you mind meeting me at the outskirts of Ponyville. I feel I need to speak with someone of this, and you a now the only other aside my sister that I feel I can confide in. If you accept my meeting proposal, I will see you in four days. Best wishes and I hope Rose is settling in well, your fellow princess Luna Twilight finished reading the letter but said nothing. She just stared at the letter with wide eyes. Luna had been a mother? When? Why were their no records of her child? She had read as much into the past before Luna became Nightmare Moon and had never seen anything about a daughter in the royal family. “Twilight?” Applejack asked, poking the alicorn hesitantly. “Is everythin’ alright?” Twilight nearly jumped, but relax, rolled up the scroll and smiled. “Don’t worry. Just a letter from somepony wanting to meet me in a few days.” She could tell Applejack was about to ask further, when there was a loud crash from across the library. All the mares turned to see the CMC and Rose buried under a pile of books that had fallen from one of the shelves. As Twilight ran over to see if the girls and her daughter were injured in anyway, Spike muttered, “This’ll be interesting.” _____________________________________________________________________ As she raised the moon, Luna thought about the letter she had received several minutes ago. Dear Princess Luna, You had a daughter? I don’t believe this. Why is there no record of her? I will meet you on the outskirts of Ponyville in four days. I must know more about your daughter? Was she a Pegasus? A unicorn? An earth pony? I guess, sadly, that I can assume she wasn't an alicorn? Rose is doing fine, she’s even made friends with the CMC. I just put her to bed before I wrote this letter, so she wouldn’t be too curious about why I’m writing to you so late at night, even though you explained to her that you are the mare of the night. I look forward to seeing you and please give your sister my best wishes. Your fellow princess, Twilight Sparkle Luna was glad Twilight had agreed to meet with her, though she still did not know how to talk to Twilight about this matter. She needed to warn Twilight to be careful, without actually saying so. Luna did not want to believe her sister’s suspicions, but she could not shake the feeling Celestia was on to something, something she wished her sister would just overlook, but knew she wouldn’t. Luna finished raising the moon, then returned to her room and went to sleep, entering the Dream Space, where she had the feeling she would be meeting with a young pink and white maned Pegasus filly tonight in need of protection in her nightmares. > Chapter 5- Fitting-In and Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 5 Fitting-In and Love _____________________________________________________________________ “Class?” Miss Cheerlie called out to her students, who all went quiet. “We have a new filly joining us today.” She indicated to Rose, who cringed the tiniest bit. It had been a week since she had started living with Twilight. The previous day, a letter had arrived confirming that Rose was now officially Twilight’s daughter, meaning Rose really had a family now. All those ponies she’d met at Hearth’s Warming were now here family. The only downside to this was now she had to go to school, something her time in the hive left her with no experience in or preparation for. In the hive, if you were female and not the queen, you only needed to know one thing: once you were old enough, you were never to return and were on your own. That was the only real lesson she’d ever been taught and now that she was in a real school, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle it. “... expect you all to welcome her and be kind,” Miss Cheerlie’s voice brought Rose out of her thoughts and back to the present. A pink earth pony with a slightly light-purple and white mane and tail, blue eyes with a tiara on her flank that looked like the one resting atop her head held up a hoof. “Yes, Diamond Tiara?” Miss Cheerlie asked. “What kind of name is Rose Aphid?” she asked in a snide voice. “Since her name means bug, does that mean she is one?” Rose stiffened. Bug? Had this Diamond Tiara figured out she was a changeling just like that? How? Oh, why? She has a mother now? Why did things have to go so bad now—? “Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerlie’s voice, suddenly very stern, made Rose turn to her, shocked. “That’s incredibly rude.” “Well, whoever her parents are, they clearly didn’t care what they named her,” Diamond Tiara continued as if she hadn’t heard Miss Cheerlie. Rose felt tears well in her eyes. She’d always been told ponies were kind, her new mother, her mother’s family and friends had proved that. Why was this pony being so mean? “Her mother,” Miss Cheerlie said, sounding very angry “is Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The sneer was wiped clean off Diamond Tiara’s face as the other foals gave loud gasps. Miss Cheerlie took a deep breath and calmed herself. “Twilight Sparkle adopted Rose just a few days after Hearth’s Warming,” she explained, narrowing her eyes when Diamond opened her mouth, who then closed it. “The paperwork for the adoption only came through yesterday,” Miss Cheerlie continued. “She is Twilight's daughter, so I would prefer if everypony did not tease her simply because of her name. Do I make myself clear?” She was looking at Diamond as she finished. Everypony nodded. Diamond Tiara was just staring dumbstruck. “Okay,” Miss Cheerlie said, returning to her cheerful self and turning to Rose. “You can have the spare seat at the back by Dinky.” Rose nodded and walked over to an empty seat next to a blueish-grey unicorn filly with a blonde mane and tail and yellow eyes. Dinky smiled and said hello and Rose replied back. She noticed no Cutie Mark on Dinky and wondered whether she was a Cutie Mark Crusader too. As if knowing what she was thinking, Dinky nodded, shifted her eyes to her own flank and winked. The day went differently than Rose had expected. All the fillies and colts kept asking her if it was true that Princess Twilight Sparkle was her mother. Every time she told them it was true, them stared open-mouthed, then asked what having her for a mother was like. She mostly hung out with the CMC and Dinky though. Rose found Dinky’s life story very interesting. Her full name was Dinky Hooves. Her mother was a Pegasus mare by the name of Derpy Hooves, looked a lot like her daughter, only as a Pegasus and with a light-grey coat, who was a mailmare and a moving mare. Rose realized she’d seen Dinky’s mother the previous morning. She’d delivered the letter with the papers officially making Twilight her mother. Scootaloo decided they’d all try getting their Cutie Marks after school. Rose had been planning on going straight home and be with her mother, but she decided, since the fillies were now her friends, she should join them. Who knows? If they did something Rose was good at she could use any opening to give herself a Cutie Mark and while it would mean no more crusadering with her friends, she’d still play with them and help them try to find their Cutie Marks. _____________________________________________________________________ Twilight walked back into the library, lost in her thoughts. Her meeting with Princess Luna had gone on for a long time. It was almost six o’clock. But the time wasn’t a pressing issue right now. The issue was what the two princesses had talked about. Pricness Luna’s daughter, Antumbra, had been lost at a very young age, several days before Luna turned into Nightmare Moon. This meant the history was slightly off, even though she’d only seen Luna talk about not standing by and letting everypony bask in Celestia’s light from the memories she experienced when she drank that potion during Discord's Plunder Plants incident. The main reason Luna had become Nightmare Moon wasn’t because of jealousy at Celestia, that had only been part of the reason. It was grief over the loss of her only daughter. Luna had told Twilight that she had loved her daughter dearly and made her Pinkie Promise if any caused her to lose Rose (Twilight had been horrified at the mere thought of this) that she would not let it turn her into a monster like she had let it do to her. With this on her mind, Twilight didn’t hear the door open again or the flapping of small wings. When Rose jumped onto her back, Twilight screamed and leaped several feet in the air. “Got you, Mommy!” Rose laughed as Twilight hyperventilated. “Yeah,” she gave a weak grin and a small chuckle, looking over her shoulder at the filly hanging there. “You got me pretty good.” What Princess Luna said about what she mustn’t do if she lost Rose came back to Twilight as she looked into the smiling face of her daughter and her smile vanished. “Mommy?” the small Pegasus looked worried, clearly wondering why her mother had gone from happy to sad so quickly. Twilight took Rose and held her tightly, a few tears leaking down her muzzle and into Rose’s mane. Twilight gasped when she felt Rose give her an even tighter hug than she was giving as she said, “Don’t cry, Mommy. I’m back. Everything’s gonna be okay.” Twilight couldn’t hold it. She wept loudly, cradling her little filly, never wanting to lose her. > Chapter 6- Loss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 6 Loss _____________________________________________________________________ “Come on, Mommy!” Rose cried as she flew towards Sweet Apple Acres. “We’re gonna be late!” “I’m coming, I’m coming,” Twilight laughed as she struggled to keep up with Rose. For a small filly she was a lot faster than Twilight would’ve thought possible. Even Rainbow Dash hadn’t been so fast at Rose’s age. It had been a month since Twilight had become Rose’s mother. Things couldn’t be better. Rose was getting along with all the foals at school, everypony in town loved her and what was more, she’d gotten her Cutie Mark. Twilight had been sorting the lasted returns to the library when Scootaloo, Appebloom, Sweetie Belle, Dinky and Rose had come charging in, screaming with glee. When Twilight had inquired as to why, Rose showed her her flank. On it was the image of a golden lightning bolt. Apparently, she’d flown into the air on a dare from Scootaloo about whether Rose could perform a sonic boom. She had and when she’d returned to the ground, she had her Cutie Mark. That last one had happened only yesterday and today was Rose’s Cute-ceañera, which Applejack had offered to host in the Apple Family barn. “Come ON, Mommy!” Rose shouted, going even faster as Sweet Apple Acres came into view. “I can’t be late for my own Cute-ceañera.” Twilight chuckled, a little sad at how fast her little Rose was growing up and she’d only gotten her a short time ago, but happy to see her enjoying herself so much. When they arrived at the barn Pinkie jumped out of nowhere and her party cannon fired, sending confetti and streamers everywhere. The two walked in to see all their friends. The CMC and Dinky all came over with a big present. Rose looked to Twilight, who nodded and she ripped it open wildly to find a blue blanket with her and all her friends stitched on it. She smiled at the fillies and they embraced in a ground hug. “Well, now, don’t that just melt the heart?” Twilight turned to Applejack on her right and nodded. “My little Rose is blooming.” “I’m happy for ya, Twi,” Applejack said, a distant look in her eyes. “Ya have a daughter and things’re going great for her.” Suddenly Applejack sighed, which caught Twilight off-guard. It was a sad sigh. “Applejack?” she asked, putting a wing around her friend. “What’s wrong?” Applejack sighed again and watched as the fillies playing around, pretending Rose was a ghost as she wore her blanket over her head. “I’m happy for Rose, Twi, I really am. It’s jus...” she gave another sigh and said in sad voice, “It makes me wonder if I’ll ever have m’ own li’le filly, ya know?” Twilight nodded. She knew what her friend meant. Though she’d never told anypony, when the Cakes had their twins, she’d wondered if she’d ever have her own children. Now she’d unintentionally done the same thing to Applejack. The farm mare gave a cough then took a deep breath. “Sorry ’bout that, Twi. Don’t ya’ll feel guilty now, ya hear?” Twilight chuckled. Applejack knew her too well. She looked to see Derpy smiling at their children. She made a mental note to plan a day out with Derpy and Dinky, so their daughters could have some more fun together. It was at this moment that there was a huge flash of golden light from the centre of the room, blinding everypony and causing Rose to scream in fright. When the light faded Princess Celestia was standing in the middle of the room. “Princess,” Twilight began, her smile widening, “how nice is to see—” she cut herself off. Celestia was glaring at Rose in a way Twilight had never seen her do so. It was an even darker glare than the one she’d seen her give Discord when she and Luna had turned him to stone. “Um, Princess?” Twilight asked, stepping forward. At that moment a barrier of golden magic appeared around Celestia and expanded til it reached Rose, sealing the two within. _____________________________________________________________________ Rose shrieked when the magical barrier surrounded her. Now she and Celstia were sealed within it. Rose looked to Celestia with fear and confusion. All the kindness she’d felt from the Sun Goddess back on Hearth’s Warming Eve and Hearth’s Warming Day was gone. Now she could only taste hatred. Cold, deep hatred. “I had hoped I was wrong about you, Rose Aphid,” Celestia said, her voice booming. Celestia’s voice made Rose wince and she saw all the others outside the barrier wince as well. “I had hoped the past would not repeat itself,” Rose’s attention was fixed on the princess. “But I was wrong. You are no different than Antumbra.” Despite her fear, Rose paused. That name. She knew that name. She’d heard it before. It was the name of the very first changeling, her ancestor. What did Celestia mean by she was no different...? Her eyes widened in horror. Celestia knew. She knew what Rose was. “I was foolish enough to allow your ancestor to make my sister think she loved her and almost caused her death!” Celestia’s mouth was pulled back in a hiss. Her mane and tail were now a blaze, making Rose shiver despite the intense heat. “I will not allow the same to happen to the pony I consider like my own daughter!” Celestia’s horn flared with golden light. As everything turned white, Rose could hear her mother crying out, but could not tell what she’d said. All she heard were Celestia’s last words. “You are hereby banished, Rose Aphid. You will wander the Waste Lands for the rest of your horrible existence, just like your accursed ancestor. Ever return to my kingdom again and you will not be spared.” And the world became nothing but white. _____________________________________________________________________ When the light faded everypony stared at Celstia as she stood in the middle of the room. Rose was nowhere to be seen. “Rose?” Twilight cried, looking around frantically. She ran over to a hay bale and started sifting through it like a madpony. “Rose, where’d you go?” Her voice became hysterical. “If this is a joke you wanted to play with mommy it isn’t funny!” “Twilight.” The soft voice made Twilight freeze. She slowly turned around to see Celestia with a sad look on her face. “I’m sorry—” “Where is she?” Twilight rushed at Celestia and almost slammed into her, in not for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who’d gotten to her just in time to hold her back; though they were giving the princess glares as dark as Twilight’s. “Twilight, I—” “Where is she?” Twilight shrieked, her eyes filled with a rage no pony had ever seen in her before. "Return my daughter, Celestia, now!" The fillies were so scared they were all huddled with Derpy, who was holding them all, trying to comfort them as best she could, while giving her our cross-eyed glare at the princess. “What did you do to her? Why did you do that to her?” Twilight’s rage did not falter, but tears were streaming down her face. Celestia had just sent her daughter away. Her own mentor had just taken her daughter away from her. Why? What possible reason could Celestia have, for taking Rose from her? Celestia seemed to know these were the questions in Twilight’s mind, because she sighed and said, “I swear, I did not want to cause you any pain, Twilight.” “Bit late fer that, I reckon,” Applejack snarled. She’d always been on Celestia’s side and was ready to die if it meant saving Equestria, but what she’d just seen made Celestia seem worth no more than a beaten old rug in the farm pony’s eyes. Celestia’s horn glowed and a moving image of Rose appeared before them all. It showed her diving through the air, heading the ground. “That was yesterday,” Apple Bloom squeaked. They all watched what the girls had told Twilight play out. When it ended, Celestia rewound it to just after Rose had made a sonic boom and the other fillies had been shielding their eyes from the winds it had created. But as they watched, they saw a green magical aura appear above Rose’s head, the place where, on a unicorn, the horn would be, and her Cutie mark appeared on her flank in a green flash. The image faded away and there was silence for a few minutes. “What... was that suppose to show?” Twilight’s voice was low and menacing. Had Celestia just banished her daughter for faking a Cutie Mark? Was that what this was all about? Celestia looked to Twilight sadness on her face. “Rose was a changeling, Twilight.” Silence fell once again as everypony took in what those words implied. “So... she wasn’t a pony?” Sweetie Belle asked, her voice quivering. Celestia nodded. “She did not truly love Twilight, nor did she want to be your friend, Sweetie Belle. She only wanted to feed—” “That’s a lie!” Everypony turned to Twilight. Her horn was blazing, ready for a spell. Which spell, no pony knew nor were they sure they wanted to know. Celestia blinked, staring at Twilight with shock. “Twilight, I promise you, that changeling only wanted to—” “That changeling is my daughter!” Twilight spat, cutting Celestia off. Celestia faltered for a second, then her face became firm. “Twilight, she did not—” “Love me?” Twilight practically screamed. “How would you know, Celestia?! How would you know how she felt about me? Did you care for her? were you the one who packed her lunch and watched her go to school? Were you the one that slept by her side when she had nightmares?! Were you the one who saved her from freezing to death in a snowstorm?!” Applejack and Rainbow had backed away. Twilight was bristling, her wings out, her horn glowing even brighter than before. “Now I know what Luna was trying to tell me a month ago.” Everypony, including Celestia’s eyes widened. “She was trying to warn me,” Twilight took a step toward Celestia and the Sun Goddess actually flinched. “I heard you. You said my daughter was no different than Antumbra—” Celestia’s eyes filled with fear at the name “— that you hoped the past wouldn’t repeat itself! It took me a second to understand, but now I do. Now I know why history never says Luna had a daughter. You banished Antumbra, just like you did to Rose, just now! You were the reason Luna became Nightmare Moon! You stole her daughter from her, just like you stole Rose from me!” All eyes were on the princess and not one showed even the smallest shred of respect. “Twilight—” “You said you didn’t want history to repeat itself?” Twilight asked coldly, her body glowing with the aura of her magic. “Nice job. You repeated it.” “Twilight—” There was a flash of lavender light and Twilight was gone. > Chapter 7- Pure Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Chapter 7 Pure Love _____________________________________________________________________ Rose opened her eyes. She was standing in a desert she remembered all too well. She had walked through this desert after being exiled from the hive. Her legs were shaking and she found it hard to stand. Celestia had just banished her, just like she had Rose’s ancestor. Now Rose had nowhere to go at all. She was exiled from the hive and now she was banished from Equestria. Where did she have to go now? No, she told herself, shaking her head. You’re not giving up. Mommy loves you, you know she does. And you will be with her again. She looked around at the empty desert. All she had to do was go in the opposite direction as the sun. As long as she did that, she’d eventually find her way home. Even if Celestia had banished her, she was her mother’s daughter, not Celestia’s. Celestia could not keep them apart. The journey would be a very long one, but she had just restocked her mother’s love only this morning while her mother had still been asleep. It would be able to sustain her for at least a month. Plenty of time to find her mother again. Taking a deep breath Rose started in the opposite direction to the sun, determined to find her way home to her mother. _____________________________________________________________________ “Rose?” Twilight shouted into the sand storm raging around her magic shield. “Rose, can you hear me? Where are you? It’s Mommy! Please, tell me where you are!” It had been hours since Twilight had teleported away from the barn and reappeared in the desert. She’d tried to follow the teleportation line Celestia had used on Rose, but it had stopped abruptly and she’d appeared alone in the Waste Lands, with Rose nowhere in sight. She had been searching ever since, using her magic to try and sense Rose’s presence. She didn’t care that Rose was a changeling. Did parents that adopt foals care if the foal they chose isn’t the same race as them? Did parents care if their children were born a different race than them? No. It wouldn’t have mattered if Rose were a manticore, Twilight still loved her; she was her daughter and nothing and no pony, not even Celestia could change that. Twilight called out again, this time sending a wave of her love out with a burst of magic. If Rose was nearby, she’d sense it and head in the direction it came from. _____________________________________________________________________ Rose struggled to keep her eyes open as the winds whipped around her. It would be dark in an hour and she had been about to try and find shelter and continue looking for Equestria tomorrow when she sensed it. Her mother’s love. Forgetting all thoughts of finding shelter, Rose had headed towards the direction she’d sensed her mother’s love coming from. Her mother was out here, looking for her. That was proof Celestia was wrong. They’d be together even if it meant being in exile together. even in exile, as long as they had each other, that was good enough. they could be happy. Suddenly she heard something. A buzzing sound. A sound she knew all too well. The buzz of a changeling’s wings. But there was more than one. There were three at least. Rose was about to turn another way, to try and avoid her former family, when a scream came from within the wind. The scream rooted her to the spot. It was her mother’s scream. Rose’s ignored all rational thought, the green aura of her magic glowing above her forehead. There was an enormous flash of green magic and the sand storm vanished. With the air now clear, off in the distance, Rose could see three black things attacking something purple. Rose opened her wings, leaped into the air and bulleted towards her destination. _____________________________________________________________________ There was a purple flash and the changeling that had just attacked her recoiled, then sneered. Twilight grimaced. The changelings had taken her off-guard. She had used a lot of magic to get to the Waste Lands the way she did and she’d been using her magic to try and let Rose know where she was. This being the case, when the changelings had attacked, she had been taken by surprise and was already low on magic. Each changeling licked their lips. She knew they recognized her. She knew they planned to take her back to the hive and have her feed all the changelings until she had nothing left to give. Twilight staggered as the three changelings advanced and fell to the ground. She couldn’t fight them. She’d used up too much magic trying to find Rose. She’d never see her daughter of her friends again. Her last moments would be spent feeding the creatures that had tried to turn Equestria into their personal feeding grounds. There was a flash of green light that blinded Twilight. “Leave my mommy alone!” Twilight’s eyes widened as she stared at the being that had dropped from the sky in front of her. Rose. She wanted so much to hug her daughter then and there, to hold her close, but was too weak to do more than watch as her little filly stood her ground against her own kind. _____________________________________________________________________ Rose glared at the three changelings. No pony hurt her mommy. Not even her former family. One of the changelings, the one to the far left frowned. “She’s one of us.” “Why would she protect a pony?” the one to the far right said, raising what would have been an eyebrow, if changelings had eyebrows. The one in the middle snarled. “She’s an outcast. She wants to keep the pony all to herself.” “Wrong, bug-face,” Rose snarled, her form returning to that of a changeling, her horn glowing with a fierce light. “This pony’s my mommy and you. Won’t. Hurt her!” There was an enormous flash of green light as Rose dug into the reserves of her mother’s love. The light grew brighter and brighter. The changelings cowered, the light blinding them, the intensity of the magic scaring them. “NOW LEAVE US ALONE!” Rose’s voice boomed, followed by an enormous explosion that sounded like ten sonic booms at the same time. When the dust settled several minutes later, the changelings were gone, a huge crater in the sand where they had all been all that was left. _____________________________________________________________________ Twilight stared at the changeling in front of her. There was a flash of green light and the changeling returned to her Rose. “Rose?” Rose turned to her, tears in her eyes. The two embraced, crying into each other, never wanting to let the other go. Though she was weak from using so much of her magic, Twilight managed to sit up and hold her daughter close. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispered, burying her face in Rose’s mane. “Mommy!” was all Rose could manage as she sobbed into Twilight’s chest. After several minutes, Twilight felt strong enough to stand again. The two released each other and stood, smiling at each other. Even if she had to be exiled too, Twilight was going to remain with Rose. Nothing would stop that. A flash of golden light made Twilight’s heart stop and Rose shriek with fear and hide behind Twilight’s legs. Celestia stood in front of them, her face a mixture of sadness and rage. “What do you want?” Twilight demanded, bracing herself. If she had to fight her mentor to save her daughter, she would do it. A fear tears slid down Celestia’s cheeks. “I’m sorry, Twilight. She has poisoned your mind. You do not love her.” “Yes, I do!” Twilight shouted, her face flushing with anger. “She’s my daughter, Celestia and nothing you nor anypony or anything in this entire world can change that.” Celestia’s sadness turned to determination. “As long as she is around you won’t believe a word I say. The only way to make you see reason is if her hold on your mind is gone.” “What’re you—?” Twilight couldn’t finish, Celestia’s horn glowing with light. “NO!” To Twilight’s horror, Rose leaped in front of her and fired a huge surge of magic at Celestia. Celestia, not missing a beat, fired her own spell. The two beams smashed into each other. For several moments neither budged, both of equal power. Twilight’s love was giving Rose more power than she’d thought. “Celestia!” Twilight cried, her voice no longer angry, but filled with desperate panic. “Please, stop!” Twilight lit her own horn and tried to move her daughter away, to stop her being in danger. This cause Rose’s magic to falter, ever so slightly and Celestia took the chance, increasing her magic tenfold. The magical energy slammed into Rose, who flew backward, knocking Twilight back as a bright light blinded them all. When her eyesight returned, Twilight was lying on the ground. She got up slowly and looked around. Celestia stood a few feet away, panting slightly. Twilight smirked at this. Celestia should have known but then to underestimate her... her... “Rose?” Twilight looked around, but there was no sign of her daughter. “Rose!” “Twilight... she’s gone.” Twilight stood still for several moments, her back to the voice from behind her. Then, she slowly turned her head back to glare at her former teacher and said just six words. “You are dead to me, Celestia.” With that, she extended her wings and flew off into the sky, a few tears streaming behind her and landing at the princess's hooves. _____________________________________________________________________ Celestia just stood where she was, tears streaming down her face. Again. She had done it again. Only this time it was worse, so much worse If Twilight had turned into something like Nightmare Moon, she might have found a way to solve this, like she had with Luna. But those words... they cut into Celestia’s very soul, tore at it, ripping it to shreds. She fell to her haunches and sobbed like a little filly. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Home for the Homeless Epilogue _____________________________________________________________________ Celestia lay on her bed, her tears having soaked the mattress long ago, but she did not care. She was dead to Twilight. Celestia had thought, when the changeling poisoning Twilight's mind was gone, she would realize she had not loved the creature at all and would thank Celestia for what she did. But it had not happened. The look in Twilight's eyes, the words she spoke, they'd all been true. Twilight had truly loved the changeling Rose Aphid and Rose had loved her back. She had broken down as the realization hit her like a manticore on a rampage, She had just killed Twilight's daughter for no reason and now Twilight hated her to her very core... and Celestia could not blame her. She and she alone was to blame. She had ended an innocent life. Several hours after their time in the Waste Lands, Celestia had tried to return to Ponyville, to try and apologize to Twilight, only to find there was a magical barrier around it she could not cross. No matter what spell she used to try and dispelled it, the barrier around Ponyville and the lands around it were out of her reach. Celestia tried to send letters to Twilight, but every time they came back unopened as she learned it was with any letter she sent to Ponyville. For months Celestia stayed hold-up in her room, coming out only to raise and lower the sun, which looked just as sad as she felt. She barely ate, she barely slept. With Twilight out of her life, the world had become a lot darker for the Sun Goddess. Then, one day, Luna had received a letter from Twilight. It stated that Twilight was three months pregnant and she was wondering if Luna would like to be the Goddessmother. While the news should have made Celestia happy, the fact that Twilight did not want her to be the Goddessmother and did not even mention her in the letter, broke Celestia’s already shattered heart. As the months wore on, Celestia heard news of Twilight’s pregnancy second-hoof from Luna. Twilight was doing fine and the baby seemed completely healthy. But not once did Twilight try to contact Celestia about it, only through Luna did she hear of it. She tried many times to go to Ponyville and talk with Twilight herself, to try and apologize, but the barrier always prevent her passage and she would return to Canterlot, her heart heavy, her eyes filled with tears. Finally, after almost nine months, Celestia tried once more to go to Ponyville. When she had come out to eat lunch that day, as little as she would eat at all, one of the guards informed her that Luna had gone to Ponyville after receiving an urgent message. Twilight was in the hospital. Forgetting about lunch, Celestia had set off for Ponyville again, determined to find out what was happening. As she neared the outer boarders of Ponyville, Celestia braced herself for when she hit the barrier... but did not feel it. She looked down and saw she was flying over Sweet Apple Acres. Her spirit’s rising for the first time in ages the Sun Goddess increased her speed, heading directly for the Ponyville Hospital. She landed outside the hospital and entered. When she asked the pony at the front desk which room Twilight was in, she answered happily. Celestia hurried down the corridors until she reached the door with the number pony had told her. Taking in a deep breath, she lifted a hoof and knocked. “Come in,” called a cheery voice Celestia thought she’d never hear again. As soon as Celestia walked in however, all the cheeriness she’d sense vanished, replaced with a cold feeling that ran right down her spine. Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting around the room. Luna was standing next to a bed in the centre of the room as were Derpy Hooves and her daughter, Dinky and the CMC were there. And in that bed, holding a small bundle of cloth in her right forelimb was Twilight. All the ponies aside from Luna gave the princess a cold glare, even Pinkie Pie. Celestia knew why Pinkie was glaring at her. Aside from making her best friend horribly sad, Celestia had broken a Pinkie Promise the mare had forced her to make that she would never do anything that upset Twilight. There were several moments of eerie silence before Twilight broke it. “If you all wouldn’t mind, I’d like to speak with my ex-mentor.” A wound that had only slightly healed was torn open again. All the other ponies, including Luna nodded and exited the room until Celestia, Twilight and the bundle in her forelimb were all that were left. There was another silence for several seconds. “I sorry—” Celestia tried. “I’ll start off by saying, I can never forgive you for what you tried to do, Celestia,” Twilight cut her off coldly. Celestia’s heart sank further. “However,” Celestia looked up, slightly hopeful, “I must thank you for what you ended up doing.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. Twilight lowered her forelimb a little and Celestia saw what was inside. A tiny Alicorn filly, with a white coat and a tiny crop of pink and white mane. “Is That—?" Celestia gasped. “My daughter,” Twilight nodded. “When you hit Rose with that spell, she was still filled with my love. When she hit me she became magical energy and was transferred into my womb. And just to let you know, she is a full pony now. She is no longer a changeling." Celestia stood there, absorbing this. “It can never be the same between us as it was, Celestia,” Twilight said, her voice no longer cold, but not friendly either. "Not after what you did to my family, or Luna. Celestia lowered her head. “However,” Celestia looked up again, “Since I don't want my daughter thinking I’m cruel towards the princess of Equestria or that you must be bad for me to treat you as such... do you want to be friends?” Celestia’s eyes lit up. “Not like it was,” Twilight said, holding up her free hoof. “We will be starting all over, understand?” Celestia’s heart sank a little, but she nodded. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.