The Story of Emerald Key

by Golden Flare

First published

Because his dad got transferred by his boss, Emerald Key and his family move to Ponyville for a year. While continuing his education, Emerald becomes attracted to a certain gray earth pony with glasses.

Emerald Key and his family move away from Manehattan after his dad's boss transfers him to another workplace in Ponyville for an entire year, much to Emerald's dismay. Trying to adapt in this small, strange town, Emerald Key continues his education at Ponyville Elementary, hoping for some normality, but instead falls in love with one of the school's bullies, Silver Spoon. He wants to date her, but a pink coated, tiara wearing friend of hers, makes that extremely difficult.

Prologue: Manehattan

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Emerald Key, a normal unicorn colt with a dark green mane, a neon green coat, and yellow eyes, was just trotting his way home from school without a care in the world, happy as can be. Until he got home, he would get the worst news he ever heard.

"WE'RE MOVING!?" he screamed.

"Now, son," his father, Mineral Stone, began, "you know my boss, he's all about business, and he thinks that this transfer will be best for us and the company."

Emerald tried his best to contain his anger as he continued to interrogate his father, "Did you ever think to tell your boss, no?"

His father knew he wouldn't understand at his age, "I need this job, son, I've lost many already, and money's tight, so this is something that we have to live with."

Emerald became silent.

"I'm being transferred to Ponyville to work with Filthy Rich at his company for the next year, so-"

"PONYVILLE?! A YEAR?!!" Emerald interrupted his father, "Dad, my friends at school said that Ponyville was nothing but a one-horse town! You can't make me go there!"

"Son, they, like you, are kids, they don't know what they're talking about half the time." his father responded.

"Your father's right, sweetie." his mom, Topaz Locks, agreed, "Besides, I think a nice change of scenery would do some good for this family, right, Amber?"

"I... guess it would be ok." his older sister, Amber Shine, replied.

"AAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!! Whatever! But don't come crying to me when you realize that I'm right!" Emerald yelled as he stormed up to his room.


"What a kid." Amber commented.

"He IS a kid, Amber." Topaz deadpanned.

"Exactly, glad you understand." Amber said with triumph as she went to her room to pack.

Everyone began to pack their belongings, getting ready to move in the morning. Emerald was completely dreading the relocation, believing what everypony at school told him. Amber found a bit of humor in this, seeing her little brother squirm. Topaz was hoping that her husband was right about this move. Mineral was hoping he was right, too.

Day 1: Arriving In Ponyville

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The train slowed to a stop as it reached it's destination, Ponyville, the town where a certain family was going to get a fresh new start, well, for a year, at least. The family began to get off the train except for a little green colt.

"Come on, Emerald." Topaz commanded, sternly.

"Hmph!" Emerald huffed as he sat on the floor, cross-hooved, and glared at his mother.

"Don't make me do this." Topaz warned as her horn flickered to life.

Emerald turned his back to his mother.

"Okaaaaaay, you asked for it." Topaz said, lifting her son in the air.

Emerald put all of his legs in the way of both sides of the door, trying not to leave the train.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!! I DON'T WANNA GO! I DON'T WANNA GOOOOOO!" Emerald whined at the top of his lungs.

Everypony near the train station stared in confusion.

"Emerald, stop it! You're making a scene!" Topaz said. "Honey, a little help?"

"I got him." Mineral replied.

His horn began to glow, and tried to use his magic to pull Emerald free of the doorway.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Emerald shrieked.

"*sigh* Ya want somethin' done right, ya gotta do it yourself." Amber commented.

She slid under her brother into the train with her back turned to him. Emerald knew what she was going to do.

"DON'T. YOU. DARE." Emerald ordered.

His sister raised her hind legs and kicked him out of the train, knocking him into his parents, who grabbed him before he could even think about running away. Amber walked out of the train with a triumphant smile upon her face.

"You're welcome." Amber said.

Emerald just scowled at his sister, not believing what she just did. To her own brother, no less! She knew how much this bothered Emerald, she knew all too well!

One of these days, Amber... Emerald thought to himself.

The family finally made to their new home, it was near the local library, which made Emerald even more angry. He would have to read books from a library that probably had information on useless stuff, like how to act like a farm boy, or at least, that's what he thought. They got inside and began to start unpacking, Emerald Key just sat on his bed in his room, looking down at the floor, thinking about how his life could get worse.


"Hey," a familiar feminine voice spoke. Emerald didn't even have to turn around, he knew it was his sister, Amber. "Can I come in?" Emerald just nodded his head lazily. Amber walked in and sat in front of him, Emerald knew it would get worse now, his sister will probably taunt him for being such a baby earlier today.

"So. Why are you here? Come to mock me? Tell me I'm such a kid?" Emerald angrily asked, knowing that he's heard it all before.

"I'm sorry for kicking you, ok?" Amber apologized in a guilty tone of voice.

"That's a laugh." Emerald rudely stated. "Since when are you sorry for anything?"

"Huh?" Amber asked, confused.

"Don't pretend you don't know." Emerald began to get serious. "You've been mocking me for a looooong time, and you know what? I'm actually used to it." Deadly serious.

Amber began flashing back to previous times when she teased and mocked Emerald. Her heart began to tighten as she remembers what she's been doing to him, and she didn't even realize it. Guilt began wash over her like a tidal wave over a seashell.

"I.. I swear, I didn't realize what I was-"

Emerald stomped on the floor very hard as he got of his bed.

"LIAR!" Emerald yelled.


"JUST. GET. OUT." Emerald commanded.

Amber walked out of his room, hanging her head low and her ears flopped down. She returned to her room, crying into her pillow.

How could I have been so blind?! Amber thought. I never thought I was ruining his life, I thought it was all in good fun! She kept emotionally attacking herself, hating every fiber of her being. I wish I could take it all back, sooooooo much. Then an idea popped in her head. I got it! I'm going to make it up to him! I'll do whatever it takes to make Emerald's life here a living heaven! But I don't wanna go TOO overboard, I'm not the kind of mare to be taken advantage of. She kept thinking and thinking as the night went on. I better write this stuff down, just in case. And maybe I'll keep record of our days in Ponyville, I'll DEFINITELY need a reminder of what goes on here. She took an old journal from her saddlebags, and lucky for her, it was blank. She magically took one of her quills and a jar of ink and began writing down her ideas. After that, she started her first entry in her journal, recapping everything that happened today.

Dear Diary...

Day 2: New School, New Friends

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Emerald groaned as Celestia's sun shone in through his window, waking him up from Dream Land, the only place that he can go to get away from this "One-horse Town", as he calls it.

"Emeeeeerald, breakfast is reeeeeaaaaaaady!" Topaz cheerfully called for him.

"Uggggggggh." Emerald moaned as he tried to get out of bed.

"I wish this was a nightmare, at least I can wake up from nightmares and be glad that it wasn't happening. AT ALL!!!" Emerald thought to himself.

Emerald came out of his room and lazily walked into the kitchen, where on the table awaits a stack of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Emerald rushed to the table like a flash the moment he saw his breakfast and he began chowing down like Nightmare Moon was going to take it away from him. Amber came into the kitchen soon after Emerald did, he stopped for a second to scowl at his sister and she winced a little bit, Emerald soon resumed eating.

"Oh! Morning, Amber!" Topaz said. "Your dad just went to work and Emerald has to go to school, it's his first day at Ponyville Elementary! So it'll just be us girls!"

"Yeah. Great." Emerald commented.

Emerald finished his breakfast, grabbed his saddlebags, and headed to school. And he was dreading this the entire time. He made to the schoolhouse and was stopped by the schoolteacher, Cheerilee.

"You must be the new student, Emerald Key, right? Wait here while I introduce you to the class." Cheerilee said.

"Oh goodie, another problem to add to my ever-growing list. Now, a bunch of kids, who live in this terrible place, are gonna know who I am and make me into some kind of lame farm colt. This is going to be like living in Tartarus." Emerald thought to himself.

Everypony in the classroom were chattering away until their teacher spoke up, there was hardly any students in class that day.

"Attention, everypony!" Cheerilee called out. "Today, we have a new student joining us, and he's come all the way from Manehattan!"

"Heh, I betcha whoever it is has GOT to be a stuck up snob." an orange Pegasus filly commented.

"Yeah! Ah heard from ma sister that TONS ah ponies there are jus' like that!" a yellow earth pony filly agreed.

"Let's hope whoever it is isn't like that at all." a white unicorn filly stated.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, please welcome, Emerald Key!" Cheerilee introduced.

Emerald walked into the classroom with extreme caution, hoping that nopony would pounce on him for being a city colt.

"Oh... ma stars." the yellow earth pony filly said, staring at him with an unreadable look.

"Now Emerald, why don't you tell everypony a little bit about yourself?" Cheerilee asked.

"How bout we start with why you moved HERE, of all places, for a city boy like you? Had enough of the FANCY big city, and all it's FANCINESS?" the orange filly suggested.

Out of nowhere, she was gripped by a yellow magical aura and pulled close to Emerald.

"SAY THAT AGAIN!!!!" Emerald shouted.

"Emerald! Put Scootaloo down!" Cheerilee chastised.

Emerald soon realized what he did and let his magic die down.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Emerald apologized.

"It's all good." Scootaloo said, walking back to her desk.

"I can't believe I just did that." Emerald thought to himself.

"Well, to answer your question... Scootaloo, right?" Emerald said.

"Yup." Scootaloo replied.

"Anyway, the reason I'm here is that my dad switched jobs." Emerald said, answering the question from before.

"Well, that's not so bad." the white filly said. "Who does your dad work for?"

"Um, some guy named, 'Filthy Rich'." Emerald replied.

"WHAT?!!" the three screeched in unison.

Emerald flinched instantly.

"That's Diamond Tiara's dad!" the yellow filly said.

"Oh, that's just prefect! Another colt who's gonna suffer!" the white filly commented.

"If you need any help, I will back you up 100 percent!!" Scootaloo stated. "Right, girls?"

"Right!" the yellow filly and white filly agreed.

"Oh, um, my name's Sweetie Belle." the white filly said.

"Um... My name's Apple Bloom." the yellow filly said, blushing slightly.

"..." Emerald stood there, completely silent, just staring at them.

"Guess this place is a little different from what I imagined it would be. At least now I have some friends to help me through this." Emerald thought to himself.

"Ok! Um, Emerald, could you take your seat?" Cheerilee said.

Emerald nodded and walked up to the seat next to Apple Bloom and sat down.

"Ok, class, today we'll studying about..."

The day progressed quicker than Emerald had expected. Amber came to the schoolhouse to pick Emerald up, along with a rainbow-maned Pegasus, a purple curly-haired unicorn, and an orange earth pony with a cowgirl hat.

"You must be the new girl, I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" the rainbow-maned Pegasus said, introducing herself.

"I'm Applejack, nice ta meet ya!" the orange earth pony introduced herself as well.

"I'm Rarity, charmed." the white unicorn did the same.

"Hello, I'm Amber Shine." Amber said.

The school bell rang and the few kids that showed up left the schoolhouse.

"Hey, Applejack!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hi, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Sup, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo said.

Emerald just walked past the three fillies.

"Hey there, Emerald! I see you made some new friends." Amber said.

"Keep your mouth shut." Emerald said as he walk past his sister.

Everypony just stared him in shock by what he said.

"What was THAT all about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Emerald's mad at me." Amber answered.

"Whatever for, Amber?" Rarity asked.

"I've teased him since he was a little kid." Amber answered.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed.

"I never thought I was hurting his feelings! I was just playing around!" Amber defended. "Right now, I'm trying to think of a way to make it up to him."

"Well, good luck with that." Applejack said. "We'll probably see ya tomorrow, bye!"

With that, everypony went back home. Amber was walking back to her house while gathering her thoughts.

"Emerald's pretty peeved off at me, which means I'm gonna need to do something REALLY special for him. But what? None of my ideas are good enough to cheer him up, and he's getting even madder every day! I need to brainstorm ten times harder than before if I'm going to-"

"Oof!" Amber exclaimed as she walked right into the door of her house. "Heh-heh, oopsie."

She opened the door with her magic and walked in. Emerald took the long way around to avoid her sister and went in the house a few minutes after Amber did. When he did, he saw an unfamiliar sight.

"Ah, Emerald, you're home." Mineral said. "Son, meet my temporary boss, Filthy Rich."

"Nice to meet you, Emerald." Filthy Rich said, holding his hoof out.

Emerald reached out, grabbed his hoof, and shook it. He then went back to his room.

"Not much of a talker, is he?" Filthy asked.

"He's still upset about the move." Topaz replied.

"I see." Filthy said. "I would be too, if I had to leave behind my hometown, my friends, a lot of things that I care for."

"That's the thing," Topaz began, "his friends told him that Ponyville was a 'One-horse Town', but I don't understand why, this place seems pretty peaceful, definitely a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of a big city like Manehattan, that's for sure."

"That's the high-class for you, they hate anything regarding the lower class. ANYTHING." Filthy replied.

"Wow." Mineral said. "Glad we got outta there, huh?"

"Yup." Filthy said. "You seem like a nice guy, I look forward to see you at work. Good night!"

"Good night, Mr. Rich!" Mineral called.

"Finally! Somepony who says my name right! I think we'll get along just fine, Mineral Stone." Filthy thought to himself.

Amber sat in her room, writing in her journal,

Day 2, Thursday, September 16
Dear Diary, I spent my day helping mom with a lot of the chores at our new house, we managed to get the place cleaned up before everyone got home. Unfortunately, Emerald's still mad at me, and I'm still trying to think of how I can lift his spirits. I'm sure something will come to me.
Amber Shine

Day 3: The First Crush

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Emerald continued his routine again, wake up, eat breakfast, and head to school. When he got to his seat, he noticed more students coming in the classroom, but they weren't there yesterday.

"Ah! Welcome back, everypony!" Cheerilee said. "I suppose the flu bug was a little stronger than you all thought, huh?"

"It was, like, terrible!" a pink filly commented. "I've had a sneezing fit for, like, weeks!"

"You've only been out for a couple of days." Cheerilee deadpanned.

"Yeah, but it felt that long!" the pink filly replied. "Right, Silver Spoon?"

"Yeah! I, like, HATE the flu!" a gray filly said.

Emerald sat there, wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the gray earth pony filly named Silver Spoon, he noticed how silky-smooth her braided mane was, the way her glasses glinted in the sunlight that was coming through the windows, and best of all, the way Emerald sees it, the way her eyes sparkled. It was love at first sight.

"Ok, class! Everyone take your seats!" Cheerilee said.

Emerald remained silent the entire day after that and he couldn't help but take a quick glimpse of Silver Spoon every now and then. After school, he went home, ate his dinner, and went straight to bed.

Amber began to write in her journal,

Day 3, Friday, September 17
Dear Diary, today was just as uneventful as ever, more chores and all that. But something was weird with Emerald today, he came home with a blank look on his face, when he looked at me he didn't even scowl the slightest bit! Maybe the answer will come to me tomorrow.
Amber Shine

Day 4: Approaching Silver Spoon

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Emerald got out of bed much earlier than usual, despite the fact that it's a weekend; a lot of colts his age are probably sleeping in around this time, 7:30 to be exact. He didn't want his family to know about his crush. Not yet. He made a quick breakfast, left a note for his parents, and rushed out the door, trying not to wake his family up. Unfortunately, he forgot to close the door quietly.


"OOPS!" Emerald thought to himself. "I gotta run! FAST!!" Emerald quickly sprinted away from his house, hoping not to be caught by his family, especially not his sister.

"What was that?" Topaz asked, startled.

"I'll go check." Mineral replied, quickly getting out of bed.

Mineral went downstairs, but he saw no signs of an intruder of any kind, instead he found an unfamiliar note on the fridge and smiled.

"Come down, honey, it's just a false alarm." Mineral said.

Topaz came downstairs and into the kitchen, "Then what was that sound?" she asked. Mineral just pointed to the note on the fridge.

Dear mom and dad, I woke up early and made my own breakfast, if you're wondering where I am, I'm hanging out with my friends I met at school. Sorry if I worried you guys.

"See, honey? He's getting used to this place already." Mineral said.

"I knew he'd come around." Topaz replied with a reassured smile on her face.

Amber came down and read the note Emerald left. "Hmm..."

"Friends, huh?" Amber thought to herself, suspiciously.

Emerald walked around Ponyville, looking for the gray filly named Silver Spoon He searched everywhere, but had no luck, he was about to give up, but then, he saw her in the distance, looking as beautiful as ever, as he would say. He began to approach her, feeling a little nervous, but then...

"What do you, like, think you're doing?" a female, snobbish voice asked.

The pink filly, named Diamond Tiara, stepped in front of Emerald, blocking his path to Silver Spoon. He tried to maneuver around her, but to no avail. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" she spoke up. Emerald soon gave up trying to get away from her.

"I just wanted to talk to her." Emerald finally answered, pointing to the gray filly behind Diamond Tiara.

"Silver Spoon? Ha! Like she'd ever talk to a blank flank like you! What, you got, like, a crush on her of something?" Diamond said, bluntly.

Emerald looked away and blushed, Diamond soon figured out she was right, "Let's get one thing straight, Silver Spoon is MY friend, not anyone else's, and she'll especially NOT be anypony's FILLYFRIEND!! You're not good enough for her!"

"And what makes you think that?!" Emerald asked, furiously.

"For starters, you don't even have a cutie mark!" Diamond bluntly stated.

"Cutie mark? I could care LESS about that!" Emerald retorted.

"Whatever. Just stay away from her if you know what's good for you!" Diamond said.

She joined up with Silver Spoon and left the poor colt behind.

"AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emerald screeched as loud as he could.

Everypony around him stared in surprise, he just ran off after that.

Emerald got back home, trying not to look mad. He walked over to his mom, who was sitting down on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, mom? I need some advice." Emerald said.

"Why, sure dear." Topaz said, putting her book down.

Amber came through the hallway and stopped at the edge of the doorway to the living room when she saw Emerald talking to their mom.

"What's Emerald doing with mom? I thought he was with some friends of his." Amber began to think to herself. "I know he's still upset with me, but he hasn't shown it for a while now. I just wish there was SOMETHING I could do to make it up to him!"

"You see, I have this friend who really likes someone." Emerald said.

"Oooh, a friend of yours wants to make another friend?" Topaz asked.

"No, I mean my friend like likes someone." Emerald replied.

Amber's eyes widened and a smile quickly emerged on her face. "JACKPOT!!!!" she screamed in her head.

"Oh. I see." Topaz said. "Well, Emerald-"

"Wait, mom!" Amber said, interrupting her. "Let me try and help him!"

Emerald soon had a sour look on his face.

"Uhhhh, why?" Topaz asked, completely confused.

"Because! Um, you might not, uh, understand the fillies of this generation." Amber hesitantly began. "They're a lot different from the fillies back then, heh-heh."

"...Ok, then." Topaz agreed. "But Emerald, if you or your friend need any advice, you two know you can talk to your parents, right?"

Emerald stayed silent, trying not to show his sour face to his mother.

"Y-yeah, mom, I got it." Emerald forced the words out of his mouth.

"Ok." Topaz said. "I'll get dinner started."

She went into the kitchen after that. Emerald began to think, "Is it really that late? Guess time flies when you're-"

"Ok Emerald, enough beating around the bush." Amber stated clearly, pulling him out of his thoughts. "I know it's not your friend who's in love, it's you."

"S-So what?!" Emerald retorted. "I bet you're just gonna make fun of me again, aren't you?!"

"No! I WANT to help you!" Amber retorted back.

"Stop playing comedian, Amber!" Emerald ordered.

Amber grabbed Emerald head with her hooves.

"LISTEN TO ME!!" Amber shouted.

"..." Emerald couldn't speak, he was in shock.

"I can help you, Emerald." Amber began. "I feel bad for everything I did to you in the past, so I want to do everything that I can to make you happy here, and maybe, regain your respect."

Emerald just stared for a moment longer and sighed. "Ok. if you can help me with this, I'll help YOU out by forgiving and forgetting."

"You're not just saying that, are you?" Amber asked.

"No. I'll be really grateful, because the filly that I like is being guarded by her friend." Emerald clarified.

"Hmm... If that's the case, then you're gonna need a carefully planned-out strategy to get to her." Amber replied.

"Alright, then." Emerald agreed without hesitation.

After their fight/conversation, they ate their dinner and went to bed. Amber wrote in her journal before calling it a night. She needs to have a record of EVERYTHING that happens during their temporary stay in Ponyville.

Day 4, Saturday, September 18
Dear Diary,
I finally figured out why Emerald was acting so weird, he's in love! I never would've guessed it! This is my big chance to win back my brother! But it may be difficult since the filly he's in love with has an overprotective friend. To me, that doesn't matter, Love always prevails! Emerald will have a plan to get to that filly, I believe in him. And maybe, just maybe, I'll show him this journal so he can write his own entries in here. It'd be boring if only one pony was telling the story of our temporary new lives.
Amber Shine

Meanwhile, in Emerald's room, he carefully plans his next move. Emerald used the next three days to do so.

Day 7: Just Five Minutes

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For the next three days, Emerald carefully thought out what to do to at least get close to Silver Spoon. He found out that Diamond Tiara was going to her father's workplace so she could be introduced to Emerald's dad and Filthy's new employee, Mineral Stone, which gives him the perfect opportunity. After school, he saw Silver Spoon in the marketplace and mustered up all of his courage to walk up and talk to her.

"Okay, I can do this. I can do this." Emerald kept repeating in his mind.

He came up to the filly and their eyes met.

"Um, hi." Emerald said, trying to stay calm.

"Hi..." Silver replied, having no clue what the colt was doing.

The two stood there, silent for a few moments.

"Is there something that you want?" Silver asked, impatiently.

"Um, I just wanted to talk, that's all." Emerald answered with a shaky voice.

"And what makes you think I want to talk to YOU?" Silver retorted. "I'm outta here."

Silver Spoon turned to leave.

"I did NOT come this far for nothing!" Emerald thought to himself.

"Wait!" Emerald stopped the filly, "Just give me five minutes, and that's it."

"Look, I just-"

Emerald looked at her with pleading eyes, "...Five minutes. Nothing more."

Silver Spoon began to think, and quickly decided, "Fine. Five minutes."

Emerald smiled. "Great! Um, so, is Ponyville really a One-horse Town as I heard?"

"One minute." Silver thought, "Some might say. Mainly the upper class. Why do you ask? You're not exactly Upper Class."

"I, uh, heard it from my friends in Manehattan." Emerald answered.

"Oh, yeah, you're not from around here." Silver Spoon commented, "Your friends are Upper Class?"

"I guess." Emerald said.

"Two minutes, he, like, better have a reason for doing this." Silver Spoon thought.

C'mon Emerald! Just do it!" Emerald shouted in his head.

"Um, I wanted to give you this." Emerald said, holding out a white rose.

Silver Spoon blushed slightly, "Oh, um, thanks. You know, boys usually give girls red roses."

"I know," Emerald began, "I got a white rose for you because of, well, your white mane. It's... well, beautiful."

Silver Spoon's blush intensified, "Really? Wow. That's... really sweet of you."

"Wait, how many minutes have passed? 3? 4? ARGH! I forgot!" Silver Spoon cursed herself in her thoughts.

"Is it working?" Emerald questioned himself.

"Um... anything thing else you wanna say? Like, do you think I'm-" but Silver Spoon couldn't finish.

"HEY!!" both ponies looked towards the voice. "I told you to stay away from her!"

It was none other than Diamond Tiara. Perfect timing.

"You're really cruisin' for a bruisin', aren't you?!" Diamond Tiara screamed with her balled up hoof in front of Emerald's face.

"Diamond!" Silver Spoon yelled, catching both her and Emerald off guard, "He's, like, not worth our time." she had to sound as convincing as possible.

Diamond Tiara looked back at Emerald and scowled, "You're, like, so right, Silver Spoon." Diamond put her hoof down and turned around. "Let's go."

Emerald just stared in disbelief at what just happened. Silver Spoon couldn't help but look back at the poor colt, with the rose he gave her hidden safely in her mane.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." Silver Spoon thought to herself.

Emerald made it back to his house just before dinner, with his sister waiting for him in the living room.

"So, how'd it go?" Amber asked with a smile.

"...I almost had her, but Diamond Tiara ruined everything. Again."

Amber's smile quickly faded, "Oh. I'm sorry, Emerald."

"It's ok, sis." Emerald reassured her.

"Hey, Emerald, I wanna show you something." Amber said as she walked to her room.

Amber came back with a journal in her magic. HER journal.

"What's that?" Emerald asked.

"A journal that I used to keep track of everything that happens while we're here." Amber explained, "And I want you to write in it."

Emerald took the journal in his magic, "Really? You mean it?"

Amber crossed an X on her chest and smiled, "Cross my heart."

"Ok, here it goes." Emerald took a pencil that was in the wire lining of the journal and began writing.

Day 7
Wednesday, September 21
Today I got a couple things accomplished, I talked to Silver Spoon, gave her that rose, but I couldn't talk to her any more because of her friend, Diamond Tiara. But I'll find a way. There's always a way.
Emerald Key

Emerald put the pencil down and turned to his sister, "Hey, Amber... Is it ok if I wrote in here more often?"

"Of course, little bro." Amber said with a smile. Turns out, Amber's smile was contagious for Emerald.

"Dinner time!" Topaz called.

Emerald and Amber both rushed to the kitchen saying, "Race ya!"