> Prototype: Epilogue in Equestria > by Chetzi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Killing is the only instinct you need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Alex Mercer. That's what I call myself, anyway. I'm not Alex Mercer. He's dead. I'm the virus. I just took over his body. But, that's unimportant, for now anyway. Let's go back, all those years ago. Damn ponies, I murdered countless of them, and their fucking magic.... it changed me. I didn't think I could have gotten any more fucked up, but I did anyway. I don't regret any of it. I had just dropped the bomb into the ocean, and now I'm desperately trying to escape the blast. My hands were sweaty and I pushed the Helicopter to the limit. But, it wasn't fast enough. The blast hit me and I went spinning. I didn't die, I was just split into many pieces. I slowly crawled all of my biomass back together and when I could see again, I wasn't in New York. I couldn't have died. The virus- I mean me,-would just found another host. I was in some forest, but this didn't even look remotely like a forest should. As the rest of my body collected itself, I flexed my fingers and I could see feel everything, see everything, hear everything. Could I have been slung so far, that I hit a forest? No, that made no sense, there weren't any forests even remotely close to were I was. I felt like I did when I first got this body, when I thought I was Alex Mercer. I made my hand grow the Claws. I then turned it back to normal, learning that I still had my powers. That was good enough for me, I shook off the feeling and walked out of the forest. It was only about 2 minutes before I had enough of this forest and turned my arm into a shield. I bashed my way through every tree until I found myself in a clearing. There was fresh air, something I haven't had for a long time. My head started to throb and I fell to my knees. I grabbed my head and trashed about while a memory came to me. It was random pictures of blueprints for the bomb, with scientists saying random things such as, wormholes, vortexes, black-holes, and just other space terms. The memory was from Taggard. I came back to reality and got off the ground. I could put 2 and 2 together and I knew that I just needed to get home. Fucking Blackwatch is probably trying to find a way to stop me right now. I ran trough the open fields, ground shaking with each step. The wind flying past me as I went near the speed of sound. Consuming Greene had a 'after effects'. I came across a small village, with houses that looked like they were built in the dark ages. So, I guess this means that I just went back in time. Now, how I'm a suppose to get home, no wait, I'm home, just not the right time. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I took note of the houses and put the evidence on the forefront of my mind. Traveling through space should be easier then bending time. I heard something walking near me, so I looked toward the source of the sound. It was... some kind of horse, no a pony. It had a brown coat, with spiked brown hair and some kind of hourglass tattoo on it's ass. It might have some answers. They can't talk, at least not English, so I'll consume it and get this over with. I sprinted toward the creature and grabbed it by the neck then held it up in the air. My tendrils shot out, but it yelled, "STOP!" I become shocked and drew the tendril backs in. I still held it in the air as I said, "So you can talk. English, oddly enough. Tell me, where are we?" The pony just looked at me with fear as I held it there. I've had enough of this, I threw the thing on the ground and started to beat it up, blood flying everywhere. My tendrils absorbed it and it's memories became mine. The amount of new knowledge caused me scream as I flailed about, taking in everything he's every done. Apparently, his name was Doctor Hooves and we all live in some pony-infested world. There's magic and flying and they're all ruled by a princess. Pictures of ponies, and other things on this planet came, flashing in head, with them talking about things such as parties and Elements of Harmony. This Element of Harmony I might need. I also learned a few names, such as Derpy and Colgate and Rainbow Dash, to name a few. They all had stupid names that were real words in English. It just made no sense. The memories stopped and I came back to reality. I got up of the ground noticing the blood all over the grass. It would be bad if anyone found this, but I really didn't give a fuck. I disguised as the brown pony I had just consumed and returned to walking through out the town. The only current way of getting off this fucked-up little girl's dream, is to get the Elemants of Harmony. I need to consume a few more ponies to find out more about this. I had no clue of any weapons, expect magic, that they might have had. They were peaceful, but that doesn't mean I'm going to assume they can't use magic to hurt or have any weapons. I should stick to stealth for now. I blended into the crowds with my head down. I came out of the crowd, near some stand selling food. I went to a small secluded part of it that held the food. The pony that was in it didn't notice me. I walked behind him and stealth consumed him. My head started to throb again, this time less painful, and my head filled images of various ponies, but I heard some female voice say in the memory, "Hello, Twilight Sparkle here. Would you like to check out a book?" Okay, so she's a librarian. Why did I see that? Wait, I reviewed the memory again, and felt some kind of powerful aura around her. She also had a horn, which glowed when objects were lifted near her. I need that magic, I need to consume her. I took the form of Doctor Hooves again, and walked out of the stand. I pushed and sprinted my through the crowd until I came across that tree I saw in the memory. I pushed open the door, and there she was. By the looks of it, she was organizing a bookshelf. I turned human again, and mutated my hand into the Whipfist and launched it at Twilight. She noticed it and her horn glowed. The attack stopped in mid-air. She's more powerful then I thought. I brought out my shield and slammed it on the ground then charged. She teleported in a flash of light, and I went right trough the wall. Something shot me in the back, and it burned. I turned around and saw her, with her horn pointed at me. I was washed over with a warm feeling as I was lifted into the air. This flimsy bubble can't hold me. The purple pony walked toward me and yelled, "What are you doing!? Why did you attack me?!" I smashed my fist together and created a shock wave that broke the magic bubble. I charged at her, again, this time with Claws. I slashed at her when in range, but she just teleported away. Something big fell on me, and I looked up. It was a large desk, I mutated with Musclemass and threw the desk forward. It made a loud crashing sound and went through the tree, leaving a big hole in the wall. I felt the same warm feeling wash over me as I was lifted in the air. This hasn't worked before, and it won't work again. I looked to my left, the library was a mess, there were books thrown everywhere from the fight and Twilight looked exhausted as her horn glowed brightly. I smashed my fists together again, but the bubble held tight. I felt a burning sensation go through my body and become tired quickly. My power was draining and I went into critical mass. I shot my tendrils all throughout my body in every direction. Time slowed as they covered everything in the sphere they created. The bubble broke and the pony fainted. I was badly injured as I trudged toward the pony. I picked her up and sent my tendrils crawling toward her. Another female voice yelled, "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Something smashed into me and I was sent flying before I could consume Twilight. I crashed into the wall and fell down. I looked toward the source of the attack, and saw a cyan pony with rainbow hair. The name Rainbow Dash came to mind. I was badly injured, I couldn't fight anymore. I grew Hammerfist and smashed through the wall. Then I ran out, as fast as I could. I needed something to consume or to regenerate. Rainbow Dash didn't follow me. These fucking ponies are stronger then I thought, but like any good predator, I will find their weakness and end their lives for my benefit. I was in a crowd, transformed as Doctor Hooves. I slowly regenerated as I thought about any weakness they might have. They seemed to care for each other a lot, I could use that: Impersonate one of them and consume when them they aren't looking. It's always been so easy before, mutate, run up, kill, and ran away. I made my way through the crowd, looking for a place to be alone and think. I found an exit out of the market walked down the field. Once no one could see me, I turned back human. I mutated my arm into the Blade. I waved the Blade around, when it started to get got hot, not warm, but really starting to burn up. I pain shot through me, as I collapsed to the ground. I pushed myself back up, in pure agony. My Blade arm was mutating, it had turned red, and there was steam coming off it. I lightly touched it with my other hand, and it burned through my skin, much like that magic thing Twilight shot at me earlier. I sliced the new Blade through the air, watching the steam run off of it. A small line of fire grew at the end of the Blade as I waved it around. I then struck it on the ground and turned my arm back to normal. This is just what I needed. I wanted to just burst into the city, killing everything in sight, but, they would get away. Twilight can teleport so I need to take her out stealthily. A/N: I thought this was a good place to stop. I'm replaying prototype, and I thought about what would happen if Alex Mercer was in Equestria, then I realized it may be even harder than on Earth because of magic. I think this would be a better prototype 2 :D Looking back over it, it's pretty dark, but, that's the way it's suppose to be. This won't be a long seris, nor will it be a 1-shot. I plan around 5 chapters, all about this length. > Rainbow Crash is going down. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stealth? No, the're ponies for fuck's sake! I walked toward the large tree from earlier, in human form. I was ready to take them down, no reason to hide anymore. I reached the market, it was bustling with activity. One of the ponies stopped, then looked at me. A split second later, they all dashed off. They screamed in unison, as doors and windows slammed shut. I took note of the abandoned market, looking like a ghost town already. My eyes darted toward that tree again, and my feet moved forward. I calmly walked toward the tree, with my biomass turning into a hard shell, that completely covered me. I was sluggish like this, but nearly invincible. My arm grew a long, thick blade that ran across it, with fire and heat distorting the air around it. When I was finished transforming, the door to the tree was inches away. I reeled back my blade arm, then smashed the door open. The place was still in disorder, with books thrown everywhere. I looked through thermal vision, checking for anything glowing. My eyes spotted something, it was a small humanoid creature. I saw things normally again, and noticed that the humanoid was hiring behind a desk. I shuffled over to the desk, and lifted it up. Under the desk was a baby dragon of some sort. He was shivering, eyes starting right at me, in fear. I threw the desk to my side. Then I picked up the dragon, high in the air. My blade arm then sliced him horizontal in half, blood and fire spurting everywhere. The blood dripped on the floor as the fire caught and started to spread. My tendrils shot out, consuming him. When that was done, my blade turned back into my arm. I dropped to my knees, thrashing around. A picture of the dragon waving to that purple pony from before came to my mind. The dragon said, "Have fun in Manehatten, I'll miss you!" Then a female voice, who I recognized as Twilight, said, "I'll be back in a few days, just have this place clean." Then the memory ended, and I then knew what and where Manehatten is. I lost the armor, and sprinted out the door. It wasn't long until ponies crowded the streets. No matter, I just shoved them out of the way before they could slow me down. I came across a large horse cart, and jumped over it. It was only a few minutes, at this speed, before I came across a modern city, similar to New York. Good, I'm better in this type of environment. Now to just do a bit of recon. Or not, there's the blue pony that attacked me from before. I jumped on top of a building. She was just flying, looking fairly bored. That is, of course, until she saw me. (Play this in the background.) It was only a few seconds before she slammed into the ground, mere feet from me. With angry eyes, she said, "Don't you dare attack Twilight or anypony ever again." "I won't attack them, I'll kill them." And with that, I slammed into the pony, sending her a few feet off the building. She caught herself, balancing herself with her wings. I didn't let up; I ran and jumped toward her, but she just flew off. "Get back here, you coward!" She just kept on flying. I sprinted across the rooftops, jumping and gliding my way to her. I quickly closed in, and kicked her. She fell down, onto a high building. I slammed into the ground next to her. She choughed out a bit of blood and said, "So, that's it, huh? You're just going to kill me, just like that. Well, I'm not that weak" She wobbly stood up, ignoring the blood trailing down her wing. She coughed out more blood. "You will have to try harder than that to kill me." I let her recover. We just stood there for a minute, until she crouched down, and shot back up. Straight back up. I couldn't follow her there, but I don't think she's escaping. She turned around, pointed herself toward me, and shot downwards. She was very high up, but I could still see some kind of cone form around her. What is she planning? I squinted my eyes as she got closer and closer, the cone becoming more and more apparent. Then there was a loud, boom, and she shot downward even faster. There was a trail of the rainbow following her as she plummeted toward me. Oh please, we have aircraft on Earth that can go 3+ times the speed of sound. What's a small pony going to do? But, I have noticed something is different here. Either way, I'm not going to stay here when she crashes into me. I ran and jumped toward the next building. But she just re-targeted, yet again aiming right at me. I attempted to move to another building, but it was too late. I grew a shield, and braced for impact. Time and sound appeared to stop as she was feet from me. There was one look on her face, the look of determination. She hit my shield, breaking it into many pieces. Her body kept going forward, hitting my chest and sending me flying backwards. Time was still in slow-motion as blood flied everywhere, shooting out from both me and her. Time returned to normal, and we landed on another rooftop. I heard sound again, and we were both breathing heavily. I pushed myself up, with all my remaining strength. A long trail of blood was flowing down me. I clutched my arm as I limped over to the blue pony. A dark crimson pool of blood expanded from below her. I spit out blood and yelled, "IT'S TIME TO END THIS!" I slammed my foot onto her neck, breaking it. She stopped breathing and her eyes closed. She was dead. I sent my tendrils out, and they absorbed her, her memories becoming mine. > Flutterbitch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Rainbow Dash's memory, I saw Twilight, in some room at a hotel name, 'The pony inn'. I had no clue where it was, and I was still injured badly. As the memroy ended, I felt myself transforming. My back burned, and felt like some long knife was being slammed into it. I stumbled around, in extreme pain, until it subsided. I looked at my back, and there were wings. I flapped them, and they responded. I had also learned about flight, the best moves, too. I knelled on the ground, then shot up, leaving trails of blood following me. My wings flapped, and I was soaring through the air. I looked around the towering skyscrapers, for a hotel that was named The Pony inn. Ponies below me either ran or feinted at seeing me in the air. After a few minutes, I found a large skyscraper that had the words 'The Pony inn' on the front, in glowing green neon. There was no design, just a plain, rectangular blue building. I called back in my wings, and slammed into the ground. The place was a ghost town, expect for some winged pony with pink hair and yellow skin. She was hugging some bunny, being completely oblivious to me. I walked up to the front door, and smashed the glass. The yellow pony looked up at me, and whimpered. She then curled up into a ball, looking scared. How pitiful, I stepped over the door frame, a few pieces of glass slipping underneath me. I heard a small squil, and turned around. That bunny had a piece of glass stuck in its leg. The yellow pony took note of this, then stood back up. She glared at me, with no fear. His eyes went fierce, piercing my soal. I instinctively took a step back, scared out of my mind. Then she started to breath heavily, and screamed, "HOW DARE YOU HURT ANGEL!" The force of the scream cause me to fall backwards, landing on my back. She walked toward me, her feet causing small earthquakes with each step. She reached me, and slammed a hoof onto my neck. I drifted in and out of consciousness, while she repeatedly slammed her hooves into me. A felt a burst of energy as my death drew near, and I shot out tendrils in every direction. I coughed blood, and shakily stood back up. It was only about 2 seconds, before she came back, slamming her hooves into my face. I felt my life draining, as she relentless pounded my face. I lost feeling in everything, and my fingers laid out. There was a dark circle, encasing my vision. It closed in, more and more. I couldn't feel anything, and all I could see was those eyes of her's. I screamed, "THAT IS IT!" I burst forward, shooting spikes into the ground. The building collapsed as spikes shot out of it. Everything around me turned into a ruin as it all crumpled down. I called the spikes back in, hardly able to breath. The ground was cracked and shattered, the buildings laid in ruins as a thick smoke covered the sky. The yellow pony was on the ground, turned into a bloody pulp. Thick lines of blood gushed out from under her, her body not even recognizable. I walked over to her, then slammed my foot onto her head, causing brain matter to squirt out. I wanted to make sure she was dead. I was done here. I jumped off the destroyed ground and grew wings. Then I flew forward, blood trails following behind. My eyes scanned the area, looking for anything that looks like Twilight. It wouldn't last long until I was interrupted. A large boulder came rushing at me. I stopped mid-air, then slammed my feet into the rock, shooting it back to where it came from. A black shadowy figure came darting out from behind it. The figure whipped forward, slamming into me. It was too fast, I couldn't see anything. Within seconds, I was on the ground, being pinned down by a hoof. The smoke cleared, and I could see who it was. A dark blue pony with both wings and a horn had pinned me down. Her starry hair flowed into the wind as her fierce face glared at me. Her hoof was crushing my chest, I said, "Before I kill you, tell me what you name is." "Luna. Now die!" She lifted a boulder up above her, and slammed it down. I twisted my body, and slipped out of the hoof before the rock connected. She threw another rock at me with magic, I grew muscle mass and redirected the stone back toward her. "You're going to have to try harder than that to beat me." She dashed forward, crashing into me. She then flew upwards, carrying me with. Once we were extremely high up, she changed directions, heading straight downwards with me between her and the ground. I needed to use this against her. I grew full-body armor, and called all my strength to my legs. We slammed into the ground, dust covering everything. I landed on my feet, holding Luna above me. The ground sunk as large cracks circled me. I pulled Luna back, then slammed her into the ground. She struggled to stand up. Luna breathed heavily and spat out blood. She then said, "You think you've won? You think killing us all will save you? No," she took a step forward, "you come into my kingdom," she took another step,"you kill innocent ponies," she stood 3 feet away from me as she said, "and you expect to get away with it. WELL I WON'T LET YOU!" She burst forward, grabbing onto me. A large sphere of black energy grew out from her. It got bigger, and I felt an insane amount of power from it. "IF I'M GOING DOWN, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" The enormous sphere shrunk back into Luna, and then it exploded. I jumped up, and dashed away. A large white sphere covered the city, rapidly expanding. It threatened to consume me as my wings moved as fast as they could. The sphere got closer and closer until it came upon a foot. It burned, and my foot disintegrated. Blood was the only think left behind. I shot forward faster, the sphere encasing me more and more. A thin white cone surrounded me. The white field almost consumed all of me, but I went faster. I heard a loud boom and the sphere seemed to stop following me as a trail of red and black followed behind me.