Lunacy of Love

by Akashic Brony

First published

Spike is grown up but yet Rarity spurns his affections. A chance meeting with Luna may change everything. Both beings struggling with their inner demons, can they together find peace? Spike x Luna craziness let’s go!

Spike has tried to become the perfect knight; unfortunately Rarity rejects him. His cries of anguish do not go unheard in the moonlit night. Luna comforts the ailing dragon however her hurting heart yearns too. Meanwhile Rarity realizes what she is missing and sets forth to undo her mistake. However, as Spike gets closer to the Night Princess intrigue is sure to follow.

Spike x Luna, one insane ship, no paddle!

Art by yours truly!

Executive Editors - SpilledInk
Editor - Ignis

Chapter 1 A Dragon’s Dream

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Night or day could not be told, in skies choked with ash. Buildings burned in crimson and auric flames. It was Tartarus manifested in what remained of a once wholesome village. There stood a lonely dragon amidst that field of fire. The inferno’s heat burned up his tears before they reached the dusty ground.

“I’m so sorry!” He cried into the flames.

Huddled in a pile before him were his friends in the shadow of his presence, he loomed over them. Their eyes were frozen in fear as if looking through his very person. They clung to each other, shaking. Each look they gave was another dagger in his chest. The last face felt like the greatest betrayal, it belonged to the love of his life. Writ on the white mare was pure despair.

He turned away from her and everyone else. It was then he noticed at the corner of his vision was that shadowy figure, always watching. He recognized the outline of a pony but he could never discern who.

He screamed. “What does it mean? Is it a possibility?”

The shadowy figure said nothing.

He shuddered as he voiced his worst fear. “An inevitability?!” He knew there would be no answer. There never was.

More shocking that there was a reply was the soft voice that did. “That is for thou to decide.”

Spike nearly jumped from his seat, hitting his head on the ceiling. His surroundings came quickly into focus. The train chugged along. Spike sat aboard a carriage with a window seat, watching the Equestrian landscape under the curtain of the late evening. Rolling hills and plains blurred by. Inside the carriage were world weary souls. He spied the soldier asleep, cradling his lance like the mother next to him who held her foal in a similar manner. Entering the train, he recalled first how they gave him suspicious and alarmed looks, especially the soldier. However when he posed no threat eventually their attentions waned. They slept peacefully, unaware of his private struggle.

Spike rubbed his forehead. “It’s always that nightmare…”

He had flown through the Griffin Kingdoms, investigating the mysteries of talon wrought technology. He had walked through the Zebra Tribal grasslands, learning their secret brews and their chemistry. Finally, he had braved traveling to his ancestral home of the Lizard Lords, where he tested the limits of the dragon elders’ sagacity with his own philosophical inquiry. Spike had grown in spirit and now even his body had come to match that. Near the size of Big Macintosh and with wings that he wore like a cape, the physical inadequacies that tormented his youth were gone. Despite his growth and all that he had seen, he desired of all things to return to his childhood home.

Dragons were wise however not beyond ruling with fear and fire, a cruel totalitarianism. Griffins had innovation to rival earth ponies but were warlike and aggressive, a greedy imperialism. Zebras valued vitality and spiritualism however were characterized by stony stoicism. They all had virtues and vices, he could imagine each in noble light however he found them all lacking. Lacking was love. Equestria was the home of sorcery but their true magic was the bounds shared by the three races of ponies that lived there. This was the land of his birth, his home… and where his love was.

Spike turned to his half written report… the last section was troublesome. He had been ordered to write an in-depth military strength assessment of ‘rival’ nations. He decided to save it for later. The trip had been long and longing to sleep himself, Spike set aside his quill, parchment and work, sighing. A stack of letters had given him a firm writing surface. Though far away, he sent regular letters to his childhood friends and they had sent letters back. He pulled out a letter from the pile, a particular one from a certain mare of alabaster white whose correspondence bore the scent of her pungent perfume that smelled of roses. He closed his eyes and snuggled in his seat, hoping for better dreams, perhaps maybe of her.

As the crowd of ponies walked off the train, Spike craned his neck to see past the many passengers. Still, he struggled to see any of his friends. His sleep had been rather rough and somehow he didn’t feel quite rested. Though somewhat difficult with his growth and new posture, he stood up on his hind legs like he had all his youth. At his new impressive height he saw that... his arrival had been expected.


He was tackled back unto his four legs as a blur pink pounced him.

“Hi, Pinkie Pie.” said Spike, choking with her hooves wrapped around his neck

“Omigosh Omigosh there’s so much to tell you! Everyone missed you and we all got together to welcome you. Yerrkk—”

Pinkie was pulled off Spike by a familiar magical lavender aura. “That’s enough, Pinkie. You’re choking him.”

“Princess Twilight!” Spike smiled, bowing at the Alicorn.

“Ambassador Spike,” said Twilight, formally.

They shared a light laugh. “Twilight!” Spike reared upwards hugged his sister.

“Spike, now you’re choking me.” Twilight giggled.

“Sorry.” Spike rubbed his head spines in embarrassment as he pulled back.

Rainbow and Fluttershy hovered over, carrying a long banner that read ‘Welcome Home Spike’.

“Awesome, your wings have really grown in. We gotta race sometime,” said Rainbow.

Spike unfurled his leather wings that draped like a cape. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that. I'm not sure how I would fare against a wonderbolt Captain though.”

"I'll give ya a head start, maybe a mile?" Rainbow chuckled.

“Hi,” whimpered Fluttershy, slightly intimidated by Spike’s figure and the rows of sharp teeth revealed in his smile.

Spike closed his mouth, retracted his wings, and frowned. He was surprised then that the timid yellow Pegasus mustered the courage. She jumped and hugged him affectionately albeit with her eyes closed.

Applejack tipped her Stetson hat upwards slightly. “Whoa there partner, take a gander at those muscles. Ah bet you could buck a tree or two there.”

Spike flexed boastfully. “I bet your hat I could take care of the whole orchard. Harvest season yet?”

The orange earth mare shook her head. “Months ago, ain’t that a shame?”

“Spikey Wikey!” The melodious tone of her voice was like a jolt through his mind.

“Rarity!” he cried in elation.

“Oh how you’ve grown. Mr. Ambassador, now? Oh! Where has the time gone?!” Rarity pulled her hoof over her head dramatically.

Pinkie Pie jumped in between them. “This is super duper fantastic; Spike is back! We have got to party!” She waved her hooves in the air.

“Umm, maybe tonight Pinke. Let’s allow Spike to settle back in.” Twilight reigned in the bouncing ball of energy.

“Okay… Party tonight! I’ll invite everyone!” Pinkie hopped away.

Spike arrived at their local library and home. As he passed through the archway, he noted he could touch the top if he wanted. His sister figure led the way.

“Spike, there’s so much I want to ask. How was it in the Griffin Kingdoms? What about the Zebra Confederation? Did you meet the elders of the Dragon Dominion?”

Spike placed a claw to his lips. Twilight’s mind ran with the speed of a train sometimes. He considered for a moment as Twilight’s eager eyes grew wider. Spike took a deep breath before he shot off his answers. “The Griffin King, Reagle, taught me a thing or two about using claws in combat. The Zebra Zakar tribe has developed a cure for degenerative joint disease. The Dragon elders love debating philosophy, one of them was also a friend of Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. I’d love to read your report once Luna is done with it.”

“So what did you do?”

Twilight seemed overly eager to share her latest discoveries in researching higher magic. Out of the majority of her speech though, Spike could only comprehend every other word. He caught the tail end however. “The shared mythologies of many races has a similarly described place. That’s why I believe that there are multiple universes.”

“Sounds nice, Twi.” Spike yawned.

“Spike, am I that boring?” asked Twilight, hurt.

He was quick to allay her fears. “No. I just am travel weary.” He pulled out a scroll from his satchel. “Here, I got you a gift, a scroll from a dragon elder, He who Swallows the Sky. The elder said it was older than he.”

Twilight squealed in delight. “A scroll from a dragon elder?” She inspected the parchment. “This is definitely relevant to my research!”

“Don’t go mad reading it.” Spike smiled as he left her.

“Speaking of going mad…” Twilight set aside the scroll. She spoke tenderly. “Spike, have you had another incident?”

“Greed growth?”

Twilight nodded nervously.

Spike contemplated the embarrassing incident in his youth, through greed growth he nearly destroyed everything. It was a side of himself that scared and scarred his conscience mind, that he could be capable of such destruction. “No, I’ve kept control…”

Twilight sighed in relief.

“I asked the dragon elders about it. It’s not just greed, any strong emotions might make me a mindless beast. The dragon elders spoke of it as an inevitability. Even elders have been lost.”

“So you’re a ticking time bomb?” Twilight shuddered.

“The dragon elders also said the process was irreversible but I came back so it shows there’s even limits to what they know.” Spike smiled and placed a reassuring claw on Twilight’s shoulders. “I won’t become a beast.”

“I’m glad Spike, I know you won’t. I know I can count on my number one assistant.” His sister gave him a soft hug.

Spike moved up the stairs of the giant tree house. He passed Twilight’s room, recalling when they had shared it. He had begged for his own room when he was young. He found now that it was a mixed blessing, since loneliness left him colder at night. Spike yawned again, he was genuinely sleepy. Realizing how crazy Pinkie Pie’s parties were, he wanted to be ready for the coming night…. also for a confession he had planned. Spike dropped onto his mattress and fell asleep almost instantly.

His alarm clock had only chimed once before Spike shut it off. Traveling a lot had helped him build his own internal clock. Getting up, he reached into his saddlebags and smiled.

Downstairs, Twilight busied herself trying to translate the scroll. Multiple reference texts were sprawled out on their book spines. Her muzzle was buried deep into one of her books.

"Twi, it's party time!" Spike spoke drawing Twilight back to reality.

"Time flies when you're cross referencing dead languages." Looking upwards from her book, Twilight saw Spike a black suit. "Nice suit."

"I had it tailored in the Griffin Kingdoms, I would have asked Rarity to make it but that would spoil the surprise."

"She'll want to make your wedding tux though, Romeo." Twilight beamed.

Spike blushed profusely. Her confidence empowered him.

"So what do you have planned for Rarity?"

"After the party, I'm going to ask her." Spike smiled.

"Just like that?"

"We known each other for a while now. I've been with her during the good and bad times. I know I could make her happy. It's now or never."

"Spike, I think you'll be perfect together. I am so proud of you." Twilight hugged her little brother and straightened his tie. "Wait, Spike do you have a gift prepared? Rarity loves the classics, her checkout records from the library are all from the romance section."

He was about to comment on her creepy knowledge on how Twilight knew everypony’s reading habits but he felt he should refrain. Spike rolled his eyes. He pulled a tiny black box from his coat pocket. "Come on Twi, I got this covered."

Twilight's eyes became wide as he opened the tiny box. She cried out in awe. "Wow that—”

The windows to Rarity's boutique were aglow from the activity inside. The party was soon in full swing after Spike had entered and was blasted with party streamers. The throb of the music mirrored the throb in his heart. Throughout the event, he found his eyes always wandering to Rarity. He had kept his interaction with her to a mere greeting. As the party died down and guests left, Spike found himself following Rarity to her balcony.

“Hey, Rarity.”

Rarity gave a squeal of surprise. “Spike! I didn’t hear you come up.”

"It doesn't get any better than this does it?"

She hung her hooves on the railing. "No it doesn't, my Spikey Wikey," Rarity said, smiling. “Business has been good, I have orders from Prance now! Prance, could you believe it? I used to buy their wares and now they buy mine.”

“I could believe anything, you’re an amazing mare, Rarity,” said Spike.

"Ahem, let's get back to the party."

"Wait, I wanted to speak to you in private."

Rarity stopped for a moment. Her posture was nervous, mirroring his own.

“… what I want to say is…” Spike fumbled through his suit pockets and pulled out an ornate ring. It was a band of simple gold inlaid with a single small stone. Whereas larger stones were dull and opaque, the stone set within the ring shone with a brilliance that caught the light even in the absence of a source. Carving it in the likeness of her cutie mark, he had worked throughout the nights, careful so that he did not overwork it. Kissing it with his fire, he’d polished it closest to perfection he could. He recognized the familiar gleam in her eyes.

“This is a heart diamond… where did you ever—”

“Dueling in the Dragon Dominion is still popular. You may take your opponent’s life or a prize of your choosing. Lord Firestorm gave a good fight.”

“Oh, please tell me you didn’t risk your life getting me this?” said Rarity, laced with concern.

“Just a little… but you’re worth more.” Spike smiled and pointed to small scar on his right cheek. Spike twiddled his claws nervously. “So do you like it?” He was hoping for one of her dramatic gushes and that she may even say that she ‘loved’ it. Doubts sunk in during her pause. He wondered whether he had indeed overworked the gemstone. Having an eye for quality, she of all would know.

Rarity stammered. “Spike, that’s a unicorn horn ring… if I accept this it will mean we are engaged…”

Her ‘if’ stung but he knew he could convince her. “Rarity, I’ve done a lot of soul searching… getting away this past year has cleared things in my head. I know now I don’t have a crush on you.”


“I love you!” He blurted out.

She winced. Rarity was shocked to silence.

“I’m crazy about you.”

Rarity tried to speak.

Spike sputtered in growing desperation. “I—”

She placed a hoof to silence him. She stomped her other hoof on the ground firmly to emphasize her point. “… Spike, this is… I’m not ready…”

“Several more years then? I know it’s been many already, but you’re worth waiting for.” His plea was pathetic he knew as much.

“You’re a wonderful dragon and one of the kindest and most compassionate friends I have…”

He had read enough novels to know what came next. He dreaded it. “But what?”

“What would my parents say? What would high society say? There would be scandal… and I.”

He prodded her to continue. “What?”

She fidgeted and did not meet his eyes. Instead they seemed to linger on his claws, they moved up only to stop at his jaw lined with razor teeth. “I am not sure we could work... I don't see you that way... I've tried but I can't... It's instinct. Spikey, I'm so sorry."

“You kissed me once, was it generosity or… pity? All these years then... What was I to you? A joke? A tool?!”

“Spike, no!” Rarity said, aghast.

Fire seethed through his teeth. As he deployed his wings, his silhouette and shadow grew against the light of the merciless moon. His fearsome form only scared Rarity further. Overwhelmed by his predatory presence, she hid and hunched behind her hooves, shaking. Her fear only angered him further. He raised his claws that could rend flesh. Rarity recoiled, fearfully stepping away. She shrieked. However, Spike only used his claws to shield his eyes. He could not let her see the tears that sprung forth. With an ear splitting roar of anguish, he leapt off the balcony. If he had stopped, he might have seen Rarity’s tears streaming from her face.

The edge of Everfree, he stumbled into the darkness running. He was too distracted to fly beyond gliding onto the ground. He ran until his legs began hurting; staggering, he tripped on a rock. Forced to stop, his surroundings came into focus. He was in the center of the great woods and at the ruins of a great fortress.

He had rage enough to burn the entire great forest down. Part of him wanted to. In the middle of the forest he could torch it all and suffocate peacefully in the blaze. With his claws clutched to his chest; the throbbing heart behind it threaten to burst. The demon, the beast, was waiting to take control. The raw emotion needed an outlet; it would turn him into an avatar of rage.

“No!!!” Spike hugged himself more closely, slamming his claws into his chest.

Holding onto the last shards of his sanity, he thought of his pony friends, their lives that would be touched by his fire. Tears welling in his eyes, he arched his head upwards. He blew a pillar of green fire that seemed to sear the sky. His frustration was vented as his plume of flame spluttered out.

Empty of rage, he was left with despair deeper than blackness that surrounded the lonely lights of the stars. He was an outsider. He didn’t belong amongst dragons, following the dragon migration in his youth he learned as much. Now, the place he thought he could find love was also a lie. A lie he had learned. In the years assisting the town librarian, he had focused upon a single tome.

“Stupid book, you lied to me!” Spike pulled forth a tome from his saddle pouch. The cover had a picture perfect depiction of knight in gleaming armor. It was long held fantasy of his to be that knight. Emblazoned in faded gold letter was ‘Tales of Chivalry’. In his long journeys the tome had been a companion of his and even with his mouth seething with fire, he could not bear burning it. He pitched it into the darkness.

To his surprise something returned the tome, letting it land besides his feet. Spike growled, tossing it again. Again it was returned. Spike roared, throwing the book harder this time.

“OW!” came a voice.

“Huh?” Spike was startled by the voice. He was more shocked by the book flying and landing hard on his face. Spike revealed his fangs and snarled, ready to face his tormentor.

From the dark emerged a pony with wings and a horn. Stepping forward the Princess of the Night revealed herself. The clouds shifted letting the moon’s light through. In all her glory glowed Luna and her flowing mane made of twinkling stars.

“Princess Luna!?” Spike stammered. His pain was distracted by her presence. He shuffled to quickly bow and wipe water from his eyes.

“Citizen, we are here to catch litterers! Thou shall dispose of refuse properly or face mine wrath!” Luna intoned. Her formality and use the royal ‘we’ was decided dented by a hint of mischief.

Spike looked away from her. Normally he would counter with a snide or funny remark but the spirit had left him

"Sir Spike?


"Thou was granted knighthood for saving the Crystal Empire, were you not?"

"I don't feel like a knight. I don't feel right."

"What ails thee?"

"Nothing." He lied, terribly. Under her scrutinizing gaze, he confessed. "Everything."

"Firstly, why dost thou discard this book as one throws away rubbish?"

Spike picked up the book. “It’s not exactly garbage. It was a dream I had… once.” Under the moon’s rays the golden letters shone again ‘Chivalry’.

Luna chuckled. “We see Princes like Blueblood and mourn the state of chivalry. Yet even in the past there were few that upheld such values, more instead wouldst mime them. Tis an olden tome you hold in thy claws. I recall the foolish knight who wrote it. By your bearing you appear to be an acolyte of its teachings.”

He clutched the tome and set it on the ground. “I was until…” Spike choked on his words. He decided to ask. “What are you doing here, Princess?”

Luna gestured a hoof at the moss covered stonework. Now visible was the husk of a castle. Her mischievous tone had become morose. “The Fortress of Everfree was once a monument to my hubris that challenged the sun. It was once built as a seat where two sisters might reign… yet it became our battleground. Now the ruins remind me of costs of vain glory. Tis pride’s price.”

“I know the history… I was just wondering why you’re here.”

“There is a grave here I visit on occasion.” She spoke without the royal ‘we’. Spike was somewhat perturbed by the somber note in her voice.


Luna tried steering the conversation back unto a lighter tone. “We shall forgive thee for littering.” She walked away further into the darkness. Her eyes gleamed with power for a moment. “Sir Spike, do try not to burn the forest down. There before, you were close to succumbing to the darkness within. We do not wish to slay thee.”

Spike posture shot up fearfully for a moment.

"We have respects to pay, we shall return for thee."

“Hey Princess, could I join you?”

Luna stumbled in a step. “If thou so wish it.”

Close to the fortress grounds, in a small clearing, there was a single headstone. Luna reached through her mane, revealing a red flower hidden there. Spike had not noticed the rose before hidden in the folds of her mane. Luna plucked the solitary rose from her hair and stuck it into the earth besides the tombstone.

“Who was he?”

“A remarkable soul the world shall not see again, a true love.” Luna turned away, leading Spike with her.

Left behind there was a sparkling bead of liquid on the petals of the rose.

Seeing the mare in pain hurt him. As they walked together he struggled to find words or anything that could help her. Spike said lamely. “I am sorry… for your loss.” He internally kicked himself for his cliché and stock words.

“We feel at times we are not meant for this age. Much remains the same, yet so much more is different. Armies, nations, and peoples have risen and fallen in the time of our exile. Even amongst our own kind we can do little to relate.”

“I feel that way all the time as a pony raised dragon. I sorta don’t belong in either category. I remember when you visited Ponyville, sorry I was cowering with everypony else.” Spike guiltily thought of Rarity and how she had hid from him.

“We still find mirth terrorizing Ponyville on that special day.”

“Mirth? Don’t you mean fun?”

“Yes, fun. Yee were but knee high back then. Thou served as squire to the mage Twilight Sparkle. Twas most ironic to see a dragon in a dragon costume.” Luna seemed contrarily to be more formal and reserved in her mischievous tone than when she turned towards prose during her more severe moments.

Spike drowned in his awkwardness. “Yeah.” He smiled at the end. “At least towards the end everyone accepted you. I only grow more distant. One day I may become a lonely mountain.”

“Do not say that Sir Spike, only greed growth will make you a mountain. Also you have many friends.”

He grumbled. “Yeah, so does Tank the tortoise. Am I just an oddity, a pet? Rarity doesn’t see me as anything more.”

“The Element Bearer of Generosity?"

Spike nodded in confirmation.

Luna giggled teasing. “Dragons are known to have hearts covetous of jewels. Is it the gem emblem upon her flanks thou fancies?”

“No!” Spike adamantly refused her assumption that he merely lusted after Rarity. “She’s witty, refined, artistic, and caring… only she doesn’t care for me, not in the way I do for her. After all these years, I’m just Spikey Wikey.” He was on the cusp of a sob. The pathetic feelings returned. He bit back tears so as not to embarrass himself.

Luna turned toward him. “We apologize; we did not mean to make merriment of thy misery. Thou hast proven that thine affections are deeper than mere fur.” She patted his back. “Let the sorrows flow, let go.”

“I can’t.”

“Thou art a fool then. We will respect no male who does not admit their feelings. The bravest soldiers We’ve seen weep for sorrow and joy. Hast thou learned nothing from these ruins?” She gestured at the looming shadow of the forgotten fortress. “Dost thou believe thyself greater than they? Greater than I?” She glared into his eyes.

Spike wondered why she did not say ‘stallion’, but he was too absorbed in his pain to decipher her diction. His anguish began again as a trickle. Soon he bawled as he never had before letting liquid pain soak the ground around him. The mare he loved had rejected his offering of love. Fair Rarity was his dream.

His arms outstretched and seeking any warmth he could, he hugged Luna. Unused to the contact, the night Princess squirmed slightly. She raised a hoof to push him away but stopped as she felt his tears stain her coat. Two beings enraptured by evening lights, they stood together against the darkness.

One dream had been broken perhaps never to be repaired; maybe it was time for a new dream.

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Chapter 2 New Light

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After a while, the tears had dried. He became intimately aware he had hugged her and was hugging her still. He heard the thumping of her heart, the pace quickened slightly.

“I’m sorry, Princess!” Spike pulled himself away. He shuffled back several steps as he felt the blood rush to his blushing face.

“It has been centuries since someone has held me so.” Luna giggled, pulling Spike back.

“Princess—” Spike words were muffled as Luna buried his muzzle into her fur coat.

“Now whisper pretty little lies into mine ears.” Luna chuckled.

Spike pulled his head from her chest and looked up to her. They both shared a light laugh before they left each other’s embrace.

“Thank you,” said Spike, “for listening. My problems must seem small to you.”

“Do not discount the hurting heart, though it dost not bleed, it is an ailment as grave as any for often that pain can be more real.”

Spike rubbed the back of his head, feeling his frills. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Right now I think I could eat a whole tub of ice cream and it wouldn’t even touch the emptiness.”

“Tis not a healthy habit to indulge so.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“Sir Spike, are thee well enough to walk home?”

Spike slumped slightly. “Yeah,” The lonely trip back would be in his ability, yet he would give anything for anyone’s company.

“Follow. Do not tarry. We shall lead thee.”

Spike walked through Ponyville as he had so many times doing errands in his youth. The shroud of the evening dimmed the brilliance of the colorful rustic architecture. The muted tones made Luna’s ethereal mane only glow more majestic, wafting in the phantom winds. Several paces from pressing his muzzle in it, the twinkling stars in her hair were profound in their detail. He suspected only his star gazing sister, Twilight, could enjoy such a sight and only with the aid of an unnatural telescope.

“Sir Spike?” Luna smiled, warmly.

He was jolted back into the world outside his head. “Yes?”

Luna gestured to their location. “We have arrived.”

His home, the library, was mostly dark, but he noticed the candle holding vigil by the door. He knew who it was lit for and who was waiting for his return. Spike took a deep breath then knocked on the library door. The door swung urgently open, nearly hitting his and Luna’s faces.

“Spike! You had me worried sick! Where were you!?” Twilight’s jaw fell open as she saw Spike’s eyes red from tears. She then turned to Luna.


The moon Princess awkwardly greeted Twilight. “How fare thee, Princess Twilight?”

“Umm, what are you doing here?”

“Sir Spike was ever so kind, he saw me walking alone in the woods and in true chilvalric spirit volunteered to escort me. Now, we shall be going.” Luna left silently.

Twilight immediately turned to Spike. “Spike, what happened? You and Rarity just left the party.”

Spike swallowed the lump in his throat. His stupefied state left him little eloquence he spoke like Applejack would with a slurring that might have come from a couple bottles of hard cider. “Rarity and me…. it ain’t gonna work…”


Spike unfurled his leather wings and opened his mouth lined with razor teeth. He held nothing back of his draconic nature and race. “Twi, what do you see?”

“I see…” Twilight hugged him without reserve. “—my brother: someone who is caring and compassionate.”

The dragon pried her hooves off gently away. Sullenly, he walked upstairs to his room without a backwards glance.

“He hast a tender heart. It hast been wounded, grievously.” said a voice.

Twilight snapped her head around to see Luna. “I thought you left?”

“We forgot to tell thee, we require Sir Spike’s presence later.”

“What are you doing Ponyville? Where did you find Spike?”

“We were about to inquire as to Sir Spike’s report. We saw he was in no condition to deliver it.”

“Royal we? I thought you were working on that.” Twilight sighed.

Luna cleared her throat. “We try. I mean we… I mean… I thank you for the language lessons. However when one has spoken one way for so long…” She tried to smile in lieu of her embarrassment.

Twilight was quick to detect excuses.

The moon princess relented. “Old habits indeed difficult to break; perhaps my speech is another mask I wear. In my time prose was spoken widely amongst commoners but for nobility exclusively amongst only our truest friends.”

“Luna, aren’t we friends?” Twilight looked downcast.

Luna giggled. “Thou wishes to be an intimate acquaintance? Thou wishes to visit mine bedchambers?”

Twilight blushed and accepted her explanation. “It’s okay, now why are you here?”

“I saw Sir Spike in distress. He can deliver the report tomorrow night.”

“Can it wait? I want to let him recover… he’s never had it so hard.”

Luna shook her head. “Twilight Sparkle, war looms. I requested a secret section of his report to be written and hoof delivered to me.”

“War? Luna, what war?”

“The Dragon Dominions have summoned forth a large host to reconquer their nesting grounds from the Griffins. The Griffin Kingdoms have mobilized their entire airship fleet. Both forces amass at our borders west and east respectively. Should they battle, Equestria shall be bathed in fire.”

Twilight eyes were wider than they ever been. “Luna, has it gotten that bad?”

Luna gave an assuring pat on Twilight’s shoulders. “Do not concern thyself; tis but a normal night…” She looked at the faint glow of the sun star rising above the horizon. “or day in international politics.”

After catching a few more hours of sleep, Twilight awoke. She walked past Spike, who slept in his room. She stopped back and saw him tossing and turning in his bed. He seemed to be in the froes of a particularly bad nightmare.

“So much fire!” Spike murmured. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He threw aside his blanket subconsciously and shivered in the cold that followed.

Twilight quietly entered his room. Telekinetically lifting his body she set him back onto his bed and tucked him back in with his blanket. She remembered how her brother how stayed up a thousand nights humoring her late evening studies. She had tucked him in for a thousand times back then. Her hearted swelled with sisterly if not maternal feelings for the small drake that followed her like a lost puppy.

Leaving his room, her stroll was with purpose. Twilight made her way to Rarity’s boutique. The home and business that was lit with life during last night’s party was now dark with window curtains closed. Twilight knocked on the door to no response.

“Rarity, we need to talk!”

She knocked again and again… By her twelfth knock Twilight was fuming. “I came here to yell at you for breaking my little brother’s heart!” In a flash of purple magic, she blew apart the door to Rarity’s boutique. The hinges were ripped from their sockets. Breaking and entering, it was a new for her. In her anger the audacity of her actions were ignored.

Twilight walked through the boutique, nearly tripping over bolts of cloth tossed carelessly on the ground. Some of the previous night’s party decorations remained: a couple of banners and bowl of stale punch. There was a whirring of machinery in frantic and random bursts. The small sewing machine light provided enough illumination that outlined a disheveled form in the darkness.


Rarity busily hummed. Her usually well groomed mane had many errant strands. “Can’t talk now, darling. I must fill these orders!”

The alabaster mare continued humming while she worked. Using her magic, Rarity was stitching together several dresses with red polka dots. As Twilight looked closer however, she saw that the dots were not a design decision. Rarity’s aim was more than slightly off. Her sewing needle went into her hoof again. Droplets of blood splattered the cloth. “Oh how clumsy of me.” She pulled out the needle and promptly resumed working. There were many dresses with the red dots.

“Rarity!” Twilight projected all of her magic, freezing the unicorn in place. She turned the unicorn around and saw puffy red eyes.

“Twilight,” said Rarity, finally acknowledging the Alicorn. She crunched up, expecting a blow.

“First, we need to get your hooves bandaged,” said Twilight without anger.

Twilight softly wrapped the linen bandage over Rarity’s hooves. She rolled the medical tape until they covered up the red from the white mare’s hooves. Her friend’s immediate injuries took the edge from her the righteous anger she felt. Twilight knew Rarity had the finesse and drama to fake tears, she had seen it, but these tears were real.

She gently prodded for the answers she sought. “I need to know what happened. We talked about this before, years ago I asked you to let him down easy if you weren’t interested. You assured me everything was fine. I love you both; I didn’t want to see anypony hurt.”

“Spike isn’t a pony.”

Twilight’s anger returned but dissipated again as she noticed Rarity’s demeanor.

Rarity eyes welled again with water and weakness. “I tried… I knew I couldn’t keep making excuses. As he grew older, he also grew more terrifying… Eventually, every time we were together, I kept forcing down that fear. Those claws of his can rend flesh. Dragon fire can melt bone. A careless caress could—”

Twilight countered. “Spike hasn’t had an incident in years. He lives with me in the library. We’re surrounded by kindling. I trust him. Those still sound like excuses.”

“I know… but there’s more… then came the rumors in Canterlot. My fashion line was refused, after my name was dragged in the mud. The scurrilous and dreadful things they said! You would not believe!”

“Rarity, I didn’t know it was so bad. Why didn’t you tell us?!”

“I lost sales… I took on debt. The shame! I only recently established myself in Prance, where my name is unknown. Last night, it all just came up. What if he goes on a rampage again?”

“Spike won’t! I know he won’t. You’re using that as excuse.”

“I’m a coward. He deserves better.”

“That may be, but he loves you.” Her own cold words seem to lash out at like a whip. Even Twilight recoiled at the impact they left on her target. Rarity was shuddering. Twilight groaned in frustration. “Last week, you were asking me for more books about dragons! You were so excited about his return!”

Rarity gave off more dry sobs. Her eyes were spent. “I know.”

“Look me in eyes and tell me you don’t love him.” Twilight clamped her hooves around Rarity’s head.

“I can’t.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you do!”

“I can’t.” Rarity only buried her face further into her bandaged hooves. “I’m the real monster! I hurt him… I’ve been hurting him all along.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone you felt this way?”

“I thought I could overcome it. When I couldn’t, I tried faking it.”

“Why couldn’t you just continue?”

“I couldn’t do that to him. It wouldn’t be right anyway.”

Twilight grumbled. “I suppose it wouldn’t.”

“Twilight darling, I don’t suppose there’s a spell to turn Spike into a pony?”

Twilight blurted out. “This isn’t a cheap romance novel! You can’t magic your problems away!” She murmured to herself. “Celestia knows I’ve tried.” Twilight recalled the disastrous results of her magical solutions. The memories flooding back were cringe worthy. There were certain things a come to life animation spell wasn’t intended for.

Rarity nodded.

“Even if there was, could you ask him to change a fundamental aspect of himself just for you? Could you stand giving up your unicorn horn and becoming a dragoness?”

Rarity said, somberly. “You’re right.”

Twilight stuttered to ask. “So-so it’s all over?”

“I don’t know,” Rarity replied.

“You at least—”

To Twilight’s surprise Rarity cut her off. “I owe him explanation. I’m a mature mare. I need to talk to him. Twilight, please could you get him to speak to me? Not immediately… I still need time to sort my feelings… but sometime this week.”

Twilight smiled. “I will but… Rarity, what will you say?”

The alabaster mare put on her bravest face. “I don’t know.”

“WE DO NOT KNOW!” Luna blasted her voice in the full glory of the Canterlot Royal tradition. The entire hall was compelled to silence. The waiting lines of ponies and various citizens of Equestria all gasped. The in the front center of the throne room were two groups of angry buffalo and earth ponies. The leaders of the two groups however quickly resumed quarrelling.

“Princess we need answer! Appleloosa is in danger! These buffalo are breaking the peace! They refuse to move!” cried the earth pony with the cowboy brown hat.

“The settlement has grown too large; they’re expanding into our food fields! The land is rightfully ours! We Native Equestrians will stand no more broken promises!” cried the buffalo leader. Feathers adorning his head marked him as chieftain.

The auburn earth tilted his hat and turned snapping at the buffalo. “We give you enough food from our crop!”

The buffalo chieftain turned and snorted. “Your offerings have turned to a trickle! Our children starve!”

“Our children are starving too! There’s a drought!”

“You ponies control the weather don’t you?!”

“The cloud factory coverage doesn't go that far!”

“There would be no drought if you had not over expanded irrigation!”

“There’s no neigh-gotiating with y’all!” The earth pony leader threw down his hat and turned toward the Princess. “Make a call!”

The chieftain bellowed. “We need a decision!”

Both irate parties directed their expectant stares at Luna. “Court is closed for deliberation! We shall consider all requests in due time! Captain Nightshade, control the unruly masses!”

The night guards formed a defensive line. Their leader, a bat pony, flashed her fangs and deployed her leathery wings. The mob scattered in fright at the sight. They rushed away, scurrying out of the hall.

Their thundering hoof steps matched the throbbing she felt in her head. Luna reclined into her chair and felt the heaviness of her crown. “We thank thee for thy intimidating display. I wouldst myself but last time it caused a national panic.”

Captain Nightshade looked worriedly to her commander. “Princess, are you alright? It’s unusual for you to adjourn court early.”

Luna took off her crown and felt the icy metallic sting of the ornament against her hooves. “Tis times like these I miss him most… ministering to the masses was his role.”

“Your former Captain?” Nightshade questioned, her tone hinted her hurt.

Luna noticed. “Captain Nightshade, you are a fine officer, we do not disparage or dishonor thy service. However, he’d come up with one clever ploy or another, like splitting a foal in half.”

Nightshade recoiled. “Princess, you walk in darker circles than I.”

Luna sighed as she explained. “No, twas a classic dilemma; two mares came forth, both claiming ownership of a foal. The trick was that the parent who cared the most wouldst surrender the foal first rather than let it die. Affection proved the one worthy of parentage.”

“I see…”

Luna laughed. “Thou should have seen the look upon the mare’s faces, when we brought forth the battle axe.”

The bat pony frowned. “I’m sorry Princess, I don’t understand how that is amusing. If one of the mares did not surrender, a foal’s life would have been lost.”

“Goodness no! Captain Nightshade, tis but an exercise in thought. No foals were intended to be harmed. Thou art ordered to relax. We see Celestia’s rule has made thee all humorless. Your minds mustn’t be as rigid as your armor.”

“I prefer to call it discipline. I thought thousands of years ago it was like so.”

“Flexibility, a sharp wit can win more battles than a sharp sword.”

He had awoken when the sun was setting. Spike regretted having slept through the day, however he realized how immensely better he felt afterwards. He supposed that after hitting rock bottom, he could only rise. He made a quick flight to Canterlot, fighting the thoughts that chased him the whole way lest he succumb to melancholy. He made his way through the familiar castle where and he and Twilight had studied and lived.

A stampede of frightened ponies and buffalo ignored him as they ran opposite of the direction he was headed towards. Gulping down the lump in his throat, he arched his head, seeing around the doorway. He poked and peered timidly past the corner at the long walkway to the throne.

Luna spotted him immediately. She waved hoofed. “Ah just the dragon we wished to see. Come hither, Sir Spike!”

“Princess Luna, I have the report you asked for.” Spike presented the rolled up parchment.

She levitated the parchment and lit a small ball of spell light for illumination. Luna looked on pensively as she read the details of the scroll. “So the Griffins are producing a new dreadnought class airship… hmmm the Dragon Lords are calling for a great gathering… and the Zebras have concocted a new healing brew that has military applications.”

“So whaddya think?” asked Spike.

Princess Luna opened her mouth and blew a plume of blue fire incinerating the report.

“Whoa,” said Spike, whose own mouth opened wide in surprise.

“These are dangerous times. We must not allow our enemies to know what we know. Our enemy is everywhere yet nowhere to be seen.”

“I was referring to the fire from your lips.”

Luna chuckled. “Convincing illusion no? Tis simple spell fire. Let us dine!”

Spike followed Luna through the palace gardens, guards posted at certain vine archways signified they were walking away from the public visitation path. They sat at a small table set in the edge of the garden. It was an outcropping built into the castle. To his right was a spectacular view of the castle’s battlements and the equestrian landscape. To his left was the garden where white lilies were especially radiant in the moonlight. Spike only took minor note of his surrounding his attention was fully captured by Luna.

Ponies dressed in black and white maid outfits swiftly set their table with porcelain plates. The maid dresses seemed to be the ones found in certain stores that catered to tastes of the perverted. He supposed the uniforms could just as likely be of an old style the former were inspired from. Speculating which reason was something Spike dare not ask. He was served a plethora of gemstones while Luna had a light salad.

Spike barely breathed in between inhaling his food. Having missed meals, he devoured the gems eagerly. He stopped when he noticed Luna’s dignified dining by small bites and cuts. He slowed down and began savoring the rich mineral taste.

Luna levitated her utensils and cut small chunks of her leafy salad. She growled in frustration then flung the utensils aside and began wolfing down her food. “Let us dispense with pretense. We are both very hungry.”

He nodded in agreement. Spike asked. “So Princess Luna, how are things?”

The subject seemed to bring a migraine back. “The tortures of Tartarus are preferable than governing. My specialty is conquering.”


“Yes, I was the sword and my sister was the shield. Thine modern history books miss much. Uniting the three pony tribes was not clean as we wouldst like to believe. Our safe haven was not won without much sacrifice. Great powers sought to strangle our attempt.”

“I’ve read some of Twilight’s more ancient books. Things weren’t rosy or easy back then, huh?”

Luna nodded sadly as she nibbled a leaf of her salad.

“Even my book on chivalry… a great deal of it involved combat instruction.”

Luna’s ears perked up. “As well as a scholar, are thee a studied sword?”

He flexed his muscled forearm and made a swiping motion. “I know how to swing steel.” He knew his claws could do more damage but somehow he always liked swords. As symbols of masculinity they were obvious.

She smacked her hoof on the table and declared. “Glorious! We must fence sometime!”

“When you returned a lot of ponies thought you were shy.”

“Modern culture was confusing enough; mine time was spent reading up upon a thousand years of social and political change. Twas not my choice to become a recluse. Well, what wouldst thou hath done in my stead?”

Spike raised a claw. “After a thousand years of banishment? Scream into a pillow?”

Luna giggled. “Indeed… afterwards then?”

“I would maybe travel the world as a stranger, see things how they are. I mean it’s a fresh start. Only Twilight really knew about you and she’s mad into history. You could walk down the street and ponies wouldn’t notice.”

“We had not consider that. We art creatures of habit. We swiftly took up the crown… perhaps too swiftly.”

“Responsibility is hard.” Spike face-palmed. “Argh, and the sky is blue. Sorry for stating the obvious. I have a terrible sarcastic streak.”

“No need to apologize, tis refreshing. Perchance, how might thee solve a land dispute between two groups with an equal claim? Say if sharing was no longer an option?”

Spike scratched his chin. “That’s tricky. I recall Twilight having a problem sharing tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Everypony wanted one.”

Luna leaned on the edge of her seat. “What resolution came?”

“She wrote to Celestia and was mailed more tickets. I even got one. The difficult decision was never made.”

Luna rubbed her forehead. “What bucking lesson was that meant to impart?! My sister was always soft.”

Luna’s outburst caused Spike to chuckle. “I suppose even Princesses swear.”

Her facial features became stern and cold. “Most humorous, we shall have thee flayed for that.”

He recalled the dictionary definition of flaying. He was scared to sit straight in his seat.

It was Luna’s turn to laugh. “Thine scales would make a most lovely armor.”

Both of them laughed. Soon the crescendo of their laughter descended into uncomfortable silence.

The bold Princess became abashed and momentarily meek. “…Sir Spike, how would thee like to accompany me again for another night such as this?”

He taken a drink from his glass, Spike sputtered, nearly spitting. “Lu-Lu-Luna, are you asking me out on a date?”

Luna timidly rubbed circles around edge of her wine glass. “As we understand it, dating is defined as an activity spent amongst interested parties. Courtship is casual in this age, is it not? Are we not embarking on such a venture now?”


“Thou art a noble soul, and we are kindred in our alienation from the world. Thou have mine attention.”

Spike blushed profusely.

Luna pursed her lips. “Are thee not interested in me?”

Spike babbled. “Y-Y-You’re a Princess!”

“Twas entrapment, I apologize. Let us forget this conversation.” Luna stood up from her seat to promptly leave.

“Wait, Luna. That’s not what I meant.”

Luna turned to her cheek and closed her eyes. She huffed. “Thy words were clear.”

Spike sighed. “I am a dragon.”

She opened her eyes and gave him a bemusedly raised brow. “That is most evident. We would not have suspected with thine spines and wings protruding thus.”

“What would your subjects say? What message would that send?”

“My sister Celestia represents the stability of the day. The night is wild and free.”

“Princess Luna, you don’t fear me?”

“No Sir Spike, thou should fear me.” She laughed and for a moment she transformed her teeth to razors edge knives. Her sterling smile was bewitching. She exuded an element of danger that excited him and scared him at the same time.

“Ummm wow,” He scratched the frills on the back of his head. “You’re intense. It would be like having ice cream all the time—”

Luna frowned as she anticipated the unfavorable response.

Instead Spike grinned. “Somehow I’d be okay with that.”

Luna giggled. “Thou makes the most amusing metaphors involving frozen custard. So?”

“Yeah, I could use a change.” Spike smiled. He looked upwards at the moon. “Maybe it’s time to see things in a new light. See you tomorrow night? Eight?”

Luna pointed at their plate. “Ate? We have just eaten.”

Spike raised a bemused brow ridge. “Puns? Seriously?”

She nodded with a smile. “Tomorrow night it shall be.”

Spike walked back through the garden with a slight bounce in his step. His melancholy seemed to be vanquished; however a gust of wind attacked him. Bearing a particular fragrance, it entered his nostrils and invaded his mind. It was immediately distinguishable in familiarity: the scent of roses, the choice perfume of Rarity. It was such a simple thing, yet he was forced to take a knee. Tears threatened to burst forth.

He and Rarity had history: their gem hunting expeditions, her romantic disasters with snobs, and the late nights feeding her thread for her sewing machine. Memories like a malevolent spell, he cursed how it affected him yet he could never hate her. For a moment his present happiness turned sour as it seemed a betrayal of all that.

His contemplation was interrupted by a bat pony before him. He recognized the guard as being Luna’s captain. There was a suggestion of concern in the pony’s voice. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah.” Spike got back on his feet.

The bat-pony’s concern was quickly replaced by her icy words. “Dragon, you have taken an interest in our Princess.”

“You’re Nightshade, Luna’s lieutenant, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Spike.” Spike offered a claw.

The bat pony grimaced and left Spike hanging. Her undaunted demeanor seemed serious and self-important. Lacking was the mischief he could detect from when Luna was so severe. “You are unworthy of our Princess’s affections. I come to give a word of warning. Do not return tomorrow night. So long as you are an agent of her majesty we will permit you live but do not overstay your welcome, dragon.”

Spike folded his claws. Her arrogance rubbed him like sandpaper. “You’re not my keeper, and you’re sure as buck not Luna’s. I can see her if I want. It’s just one date.” He stuck out his forked tongue at her.

“Your kind are base and bestial in nature. You shall not corrupt the Princess with your ill manner and avarice.”

He wasn’t one to exploit his increased stature but Spike recalled the appreciable effect it had on others. “Bite me.” He stood up on his hind legs to tower over Nightshade.

Nightshade snorted. She pressed her muzzle against Spike’s and stared directly into his eyes without fear. “Do not tempt me, beast.”

“You better back off or I’ll show you how ill-mannered I am.” Spike growled with a flickering flame in his throat.

Nightshade stepped back but did not step down instead she whistled. A spear was flung through the darkness. It landed blade first onto the ground next to Nightshade; she affixed the pole weapon onto a notch of her war saddle. “We are the guardians of the night. Shadows shall consume all. Your meager fire is no match.”

Leathery wings rustled in the darkness as they cut through the air. Two bat pony guards landed to Spike’s left and right for a total of four. The guard’s impacts unto the ground were unsettlingly silent. Mounted on their war saddles were silver crescent pikes that gleamed menacingly. The combined five bat ponies had him surrounded.

Nightshade pointed her lance at his chest. “This is your last chance to leave with your life.”

Spike folded his claws and planted his feet. “I had training with Shining Armor, Reagle Hawkmor, and the Lord Firestorm. Plus I’m a dragon.”

“Do not insult our commitment. We would gladly die for the princess but not without taking you with us.” The bat-ponies snarled at him.

Spike smirked at the bat ponies. Once through Twilight’s magical mishap Fluttershy had transformed into a fruit bat. Only Applejack’s crop had been threatened. “You really think you’re going to bully me with fruit bats?” He pretended to reach for pockets. “I think I have an apple here for you somewhere.” He pulled out his claws and performed a crude finger gesture he learned in the Griffins Kingdoms.

The bat-ponies tilted their heads in confusion. Ponies and hooves obviously had no cultural significance for hand gestures.

Spike sighed as he dumbly withdrew his claws. “It means buck you.” He grumbled. “Fruit bats.”

Up until this point Nightshade’s countenance betrayed no emotion however she grinned licking her fangs. Her break in reserved mannerism and eagerness somehow disturbed him. Nightshade cackled. “Fruit bats… right… that’s what we tell the public.

The squad of bat-ponies stretched and hissed like felines as their fangs lengthened. They took on more low to the ground feral postures. The irises of their eyes glowed red. Fully transformed, their presence itself seemed to sap energy from him. He was instantly reminded of the vampires of lore. The frills on Spike’s back stood up on their ends.

The shadowy guards coiled and sprang at him.

Chapter 3 Rarity's Bravery

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For giant dragons, their scales were harder than the heaviest plate armor; platoons of lancers could charge them and be rewarded by fire for their efforts. Spike knew this was not the case for him, each of their lance points had the power to end him.

Spike dodged and caught the first lance aimed to skewer him. He thanked Celestia he had the dexterity of his claws. He quickly grabbed the first guard by the collar, and with little effort, he picked him up and flung him away. He flew into one of his charging fellows, knocking them both over. Spike evaded the second couple of guards with a flap of his wings, their lances nicking his legs. He rolled in the air and swung his tail, sweeping them to the side.

“Graaah!!!” One of the recovered guards charged leaping into the air. Spike grabbed the guard and body slammed him, taking both of them to the ground.

“This is fun.” Spike tried to boast despite his scratches. “I could whip you guys all day but how about we just call it a draw.”

Nightshade saw through his ruse and the bleeding cuts on his legs. She snapped at her subordinates. “The drake is not to be feared! It bleeds like any other beast!”

Spike gulped as the rest of them had regrouped. He decided to try a different angle. “Your commander is a coward. She sits and barks orders. Why doesn’t she face me one on one?”

Not so much as a snort of retort came from the guards.

“Crescent formation! On my command!” Nightshade ordered.

Their arrangement meant evading the lance of one guard in any direction led to taking the lance of another. Spike spotted no opening for escape. He considered attack. One of the guards, on the outer left, limped slightly from a previous leg injury. The odds were still very poor; he would have to sustain a wound in order to break through their line.

Nightshade licked her fangs, smiling at her advantage. “Attack! Run him through!”

A gleaming gold blur suddenly attacked the formation’s right. The surprised ponies could not turn their long lances quickly enough. In the smack down, Spike saw his opportunity. He jumped at limping guard, knocked the pony onto his hooves, and wrenched the lance from his war saddle. Taking the blunt end, he swung, striking another bat pony unconscious. His mysterious ally had taken out the other two with hoof strikes.

Nightshade quivered in anger. “Sun-guard?! You dare to interfere! This matter is between the Night Guards!”

In the darkness, the Sun-guard’s facial features could not be determined. The magical enchantments that hid their true coat colors also concealed cutie marks. The guard did not speak. Instead with a hoof, he pointed Spike to Nightshade.

Spike accepted the invitation. “Okay, Nightshade. It’s just you and me. If I win you’ll let me see Luna.” He spun his lance in showy display: he’d begged the Griffins to teach him.

Nightshade was unmoved by his parlor trick. “If you lose, you die.”

“What’s your problem?”

“You are! You are a danger to the Princess.” Nightshade’s hooves did not even seem to touch the ground as she trotted with such speed. He was instantly reminded of Rainbow Dash’s own legendary legerity. The title of Captain wasn’t given out lightly in Equestria.

A large cut was torn into his sensitive wing membrane as he dodged the vampire pony’s strike. He would be grounded for the duration of the fight. A bead of sweat dripped down Spike’s head. Nightshade was too fast. It was fact he would be beaten by her and... die. Spike grit his teeth. He had to distract or disorient her. He hope she was anything like the hotblood Wonderbolt Captain Rainbow Dash.

“Who are you to make decisions for Luna?”

His opponent’s speed was alarming. It couldn’t be matched however Spike saw that she winced when Luna was mentioned. Nightshade struck harder, she cut a lamp post in half. He had guessed right, she put on a cool reserved attitude but was boiling beneath.

Nightshade retorted. “We serve the Princess.” She moved to make another charging pass.

She was being evasive in her wording, Spike recognized that. “You’re awfully repressed. Maybe you’re just jealous?!”

Nightshade’s missed Spike with her sloppy strike as her lunge’s momentum was tempered by her hesitance. “Shut up!”

“Oh? Do you really care for her?”

“I care for her more than you will ever know!” Nightshade raged.

Her anger was good. It made her attacks predictable. Spike easily dodged her follow through lance lunge. However, her rage was also dangerous. It made her sloppier but imbued her strikes with great power. Her lance sliced through one of the garden statues. The marble sculpture of a soldier fell and crumbled. Still he needed her angrier and more distracted.

As Nightshade passed him in her charge, he whispered in her ears. “You love her, don’t you?”

Nightshade was so jarred she made a misstep. “How did you—”

Spike pounced as she passed him. Tackling her, he pinned the squirming bat pony to the ground with his weight.

“Curse you! I will never give up! You tricked me!” Nightshade shrieked as she impotently wiggled.

Spike positioned himself so that he was casually sitting on her. “Yeah, whatever. You fell for it.” He stuck out his forked tongue and blew a raspberry.

In a futile attempt, Nightshade began striking Spike’s side with her hooves, but without leverage or momentum the force was so weak that Spike made no attempt to block. Nonetheless, she emphasized herself with a blow that accompanied every phrase. “Dragon, I will destroy you! Repugnant reptile!”

Spike sighed. His butt cushion was fighting furiously to get away. “Look I prefer not to sit on you forever. You would have actually beaten me if you didn’t get emotional.”

Calmly, he set his claws down to pin Nightshade’s hooves to the ground. “How about we compromise?” He continued. “I won’t tell Princess Luna you attacked me, and you leave me and her alone.”

His reasonable words were thrown back at his face. “Just wait, I will slay you, beast! Let me go! By Celestia’s sun, by Luna-”

“CAPTAIN NIGHTSHADE!” Spike’s mysterious ally took off her helmet. The Sun-guard enchantment was dispelled. Luna’s resplendent mane flowed forth. Luna roared. “Thou may blaspheme my sister’s name… but to invoke mine—”

Nightshade and Spike both were stunned. Spike stood up, letting the bat pony go.

Luna calmed herself. “Thine behavior leaves me aghast.”

Nightshade, as soon as she stood up, threw herself back onto the ground to bow. “But My Princess, dragons are—” Nightshade sputtered, shaking. She stopped as Luna stood rigidly. The Princess did not seem in any mood for excuse.

“Thy shame is doubled. Not only hast thou presumed to dictate mine personal affairs—”

Spiked nodded in agreement to Luna until she spoke next.

“—but thou hast performed disastrously in combat. With a squad you have failed to overwhelm a single opponent. My elite Night Guards, we wonder if for lack of battle hast dulled thy senses.”

Some of the other guards had recovered enough to present themselves in front of Luna. Nightshade and her fellow guards bowed, shrinking from Luna’s gaze.

Luna ushered the bat ponies away with stern wing motion. “Go. We shall have more words later.”

With a flap of their wings the Nightshade and her retinue retreated into the shadows.

“Are all your guards vampire ponies?”

“Not all, some are regular bat ponies.”

Spike struggled to find anything regular about bat ponies let alone the true vampire versions. “What Nightshade’s problem?”

Luna frowned. “My current captain means well, unfortunately oft our definitions doth differ from another.”

“You’re telling me!” said Spike.

“She managed to convince a squad to follow. We are disappointed and troubled by their behavior. These are the same guards that we entrust with our life. Should corruption take me again, they have standing orders to end even my life.”

Spike shuddered visions of that ebony mare of destruction were unpleasant. He was alarmed also that Luna’s own guards were her potential executioners. “That part of you, Nightmare moon, how bad is it?”

“It is a persistent demon that whispers in mine ear when weakness takes me. The Elements of Harmony could only balance out my being. The corruption shall forever be with me. We have a dream where there… is a door, and the darkness is knocking behind it. When the door is opened, the dark swallows forth the sky.” Luna shook her head of dark thoughts.

“I have nightmares too… instead of darkness...all is aglow in a field of fire…I.”

Luna interrupted the sour turn of the conversation. “Thine skills against multiple foes was most impressive. Most importantly you did not lose control while you deprived your enemy of hers. We intervened only when we thought you were outmatched. Bravo, Sir Spike!”

Spike blushed under her compliment. “Well Princess, thanks you were awesome too… Two guards in two seconds with no magic. I’m not just saying that.”

“Sir Spike, it seems we met earlier than we had planned.”

“Yeah,” He twiddled his claws awkwardly.

“Ah, allow me to heal thy injuries.” Luna’s horn sparked with her magic.

Spike felt a warmth fill him for a split second. He blinked looked to see his cuts were still present.

“How embarrassing. A dragon’s magical resistance requires more power or closer physical contact.”

Before he could say a word Luna kissed his cheek. The aura of her magic encapsulated him and warmed him. When she had pulled back, he was too stunned to notice his nicks and cuts were healed.

“Twas a parting boon.” Luna giggled as she walked away… with a slight bounce in her step.

Water flowed through her mauve mane. Rarity propped herself against the shower wall and simply let water hit her. She wanted so much for her alabaster body to disappear into the tile work. As last of the warm water was wasted, the shower became a cold slap. She shut off the shower and stepped out. With a towel she dried herself and fell into routine.

Undergoing her makeup ritual, her actions were automatic but she considered them. The eyeliner, the carefully gelled mane, and the rouge for complexion… how much time and money did she spend to distinguish herself from her plain and provincial parents? To what end? To be the pony every should know? They knew only her name and now because of rumors she did not even have that. Putting on her bath towel she stepped through her home.

There would be no customers hanging her closed sign was formality. Most of her business now came from overseas from impersonal letters. The desolation and isolation threatened to reduce her back to the huddled mess she was a day ago. She sighed as she sat on her bed. On the bedside table there was a book with a dragon on the cover: it was in stack of other books that were library loans from Twilight. She flicked opened a random one.

Dragons and Relations with Civilized Society

While Dragons have established a Dominion of their own and have a system of law in place, it is an entirely different matter when such beasts reside amongst races other than their own. A common concern is their temperament. Gemstones being manifest of ambient magical energy, the drakes devour them greedily. It is purported that when fed too much or regularly that they can convert the raw magical energy into growth, often in dramatic spurts. Strong emotions can also induce this change. The most common is avarice which results in Greed Growth. They then become avatars of destruction. Unless expressly approved or given diplomatic status, permanent draconic residency is absolutely forbidden. Several settlements have been laid to ruin as result. A trail of charred corpses—

Rarity shut the book, panting and with sweat travelling down her face. Her heart was racing, fear whipping it to go faster with each passing second. She took a deep breath and gulped.

“Not Spike.” She flung the tome violently away from her. “He’s not like that. He would never harm anypony.”

She picked up the second one and flicked open another page of another book.

An Anatomy of Dragons: Foreword

Magnificent creatures of terrifying wonderment, dragons are divested with great power. Their teeth are capable of gnawing the hardest diamonds to dust, needless to say can break bone. Their fire’s blaze can reach temperatures hot enough to melt armor if their claws do not first shred and rend it asunder. One should under no circumstance approach—

“Not Spikey Wikey!” Rarity tossed the tome. “Not my Spike” She caught her own words. Why ‘my’, she contemplated in her head. She picked another text with more promise. Its cover showed a medley of other races. She found the index that brought her to the last pages of the book.

Love Beyond Boundaries: Dragons

On the uncharted last frontiers of love here, there be dragons. Traveler, these are dangerous unmarked territories. This tome has offered advice involving donkeys, Zebras, and even Griffins, however for lawsuit liability sake we will not discuss dragons. Our only advice if one is foolish and suicidal enough to pursue such perversions is to: seek mental treatment. Furthermore—

“I’m not insane!” She sobbed. Questions burned in her head. Answers did not come from sleep or reading. She needed personal but outside advice. She had relied on Twilight on conventional wisdom, and while her advice had helped, she needed more. She considered who could she possibly turn to. The solution came in a flash. With renewed vigor she met the morning’s light. It still stung but she bore it for she was a mare with a quest.

The Everfree forest had been invaded. The squawking birds protested over two objects parked in the sky. One was a large black and red airship: a Griffin War Wing. The ship besides it was a differently designed sleeker metallic vessel covered in painted black stripes. They were far larger than the yacht class balloons she had taken rides on in Canterlot. The hum of their airship engines was imposing even in idle. She needed answers, now she had more questions.

The Forest of Everfree was intimidating enough without these new invaders. Like the birds that flew away, Rarity was compelled to run back to Ponyville and forget her little excursion. Rarity steeled herself and made her way to Zeocora’s hut which somehow seemed to be the epicenter of this new commotion.

As she came closer to Zecora’s hut, Rarity could see the emblems on the airships. It was a red Griffin against a striped shield. She stepped into the clearing that was a welcome mat of sorts to Zecora’s hut. The airships above did not seem to take notice. As soon as she walked into the center of the clearing, rope lines dropped immediately from the striped airship. Zebras with war saddle mounted spears rappelled downwards. The shrill shrieks of Griffins rang in her ears. The strange hybrid bird/lions had hid in the sun’s light, they circled downwards while drawing sabers. As the Griffins moved toward her, grenades on their bomb belts clacked together. The Zebra infantry spears glistened in the sunlight, they were sharper than her sewing shears. Rarity was surrounded by two squads of Griffins and Zebras.

A Griffin cawed out. “State your name and business!” He appeared from the door to Zecora’s hut, strolling forward to stop before her.

She had dealt with weapon wielding weirdoes before. Rarity held her poise as she had against the Diamond Dogs. “My business is the Carousel Boutique. I am Rarity, its proprietor; a seamstresses and clothier extraordinaire.”

Her confident response perplexed the Zebras and Griffins.

She identified the Griffin leader by his forwardness in formation and red collar cape. She rubbed the torn hem of the Griffin’s crimson cloak. “Who outfits you sir? Your cape would look divine with some gold accents. It’d be positively dashing for a such a gentle…umm… Griffin.”

Her feminine charms were super effective. The Griffin’s beak ends curled upwards. “Smashing suggestion. That’s bloody brilliant. I told Zaza the other day much the same.” He gushed with enthusiasm.

The soldiers took on a more relaxed posture but still held firm their weapons.

A Zebra warrior nickered. “Ummm.”

Two more Zebras emerged from Zecora’s hut: one was Zecora and another was a striped stranger.

Zecora spoke to the Zebra warriors with some authority. “Warriors, weapons away; this pony is friendly. Her name is Rarity.”

The Zebra warriors bowed in compliance as if given a direct order. Rarity was impressed. She marked a day on her mental calendar to take Zecora on a spa trip. Relaxation loosened lips as well as sore muscles.

The striped stranger spoke to the Griffin leader. “Reagle, a friend of my sister is a friend of mine.” She looked at Reagle’s stiff extended wings and growled. “It seems you’re already friendly!” She moved forward and jabbed him angrily in the stomach.

“Hey, it’s instinct!” Reagle rubbed his sore stomach.

“I hit because I care,” said the striped stranger.

Reagle nodded and gestured the Griffin contingent. The snickers of his troops were silenced as the Griffin leader glared at them with predatory eyes. “Remain vigilant. I want you lot to fly a holding pattern. Scout out.” He pointed his sword into the sky.

The Griffin squad saluted and sheathed their sabers and flew off to patrol. The Zebras warriors reattached cables to their war saddle harnesses. Tugging the ropes, they signaled to be winched up to their airships.

Inside Zecora’s hut; Reagle, the striped stranger, and Rarity were served tea by Zecora. They crowded around the small homely table. Reagle had an arm wrapped affectionately around the neck of the striped stranger.

Rarity blew on her cup of piping hot tea. She raised her hoof like a school age child with questions. “Zecora, darling, I hope I’m not intruding. Who are these friends of yours?”

The Griffin had a big beak and spoke with gusto. “I am Reagle Hawkmor, we are vacationing in your fine country for our honeymoon!”

“Darling, with warships?”

The Griffin tugged his cape collar. “Well, we hope it won’t come to that. The Peace Summit should calm things down. Miss Rarity, our War Wings are simply for security.”

Rarity accepted his words but kept her suspicions. She turned towards the other Zebra.

Zecora made the introduction. “This is my sister, you see. She came from Zebrika and decided to visit me.”

The striped stranger nodded. “Pleasure to meet you. I am Zaza. We are on a diplomatic mission.”

Rarity blinked for a moment. “I do beg your pardon, but that did not rhyme.”

Zecora smiled. “Sister of mine, she is under the impression we all rhyme all the time.” The two sisters laughed.

The Griffin gave Rarity a nudge and wink. “We all have our preconceptions. So long as we don’t prejudge we’re fine and dandy.”

Reagle sipped on his cup. “This will go great with crumpets. I’ll be back. Anything you need?”

Zaza smiled. “Reagle, it’s alright. You don’t have to.”

“It would be a crime not to!” The Griffin left the hut.

Zaza called after him. “Bring me wheat grass crackers! Argh, there he goes.”

“I heard you!”

Rarity was left with the two Zebra mares. There was a reflection on the table flower vase, outside the window she saw Reagle was not just fetching crackers. The Griffin was directing scouts. She wanted to question her new acquaintances but felt herself in no position to do so. She smiled back; the jovial mood of the tea party was infectious. The preposterous fact that two bomb laden warships were floating above their heads made it more surreal for her. “Although it is a pleasure also to meet you, Zaza. I was hoping for some advice from your sister.”

Zecora frowned. “Rarity, you seemed troubled. What is it that has you baffled?”

“It concerns love.”

Zecora crossed her hooves. “A love potion I will not brew. If love is to be it must be true. Such potions only induce lust. You should not destroy your friend’s trust.”

“No, nothing so insidious, darling. I just need advice.” Rarity lowered her head.

“Speak, I shall do my best. You are our guest.”

“What if the pony…” Rarity corrected herself. “my special someone isn’t of the same… class…ummm family…”

Zaza interjected. “Race?”

Rarity squeaked. “Yes.”

“Zaza, I have yet to find a special someone. You may be best to answer this question.” Zecora left for the kitchen area to refill their tea kettle.

“Some quick questions before I answer yours.” Zaza raised her hoof.

Rarity acquiesced and nodded.

“What race?”

She fidgeted slightly in her seat. “Should that matter? Let’s just say it’s different.”

Zaza prodded for more as she sipped her tea. “That’s the right attitude…”

“I fear too different… He’s… a dragon.”

Rarity’s response elicited a raised brow from Zaza. Rarity burned with embarrassment. She wanted to bolt for the door and would have if the Zebra did not smile. “Loving a natural enemy, you have a heart after my own! The Griffin you saw just then is my husband.”

Rarity nearly choked on her tea. She imagined the sort of scandal that might cause in Canterlot high society circles.

Zaza continued her line of inquisition with glee. “Next question, describe this person’s qualities without physical description. Think carefully, be specific.”

Rarity pouted that she could be implied with physical vanity. She nevertheless fell into explaining. “Oh, he’s the most generous and devoted drake I know. He gave so much of his time for me. He is considerate and compassionate.” Her chest began to rise as she thought of Spike in the good times. She deflated when she came crashing into the present. “I’m so lost…”

The Zebra mare nodded. “Do you believe love conquers all?”

In her younger romance novel reading days, she would have emphatically attested to that statement. Age brought her experience, she had enough Prince Bluebloods and dolled up liars. Still, she was a soldier in her own way. Maybe it wasn’t as strong as her first time but she spoke. “Yes.”

The Zebra mare shook her head. “The poets say ‘love conquers all’ but that’s wrong.”

Rarity recoiled at the cynical turn taken with the conversation. She knew many authors of many books that would say otherwise.

“Hearts are not things to be won. Lust is conquest… I know the definitions can blur… but Love is not conquest, it is compromise. Compromise with him but do not compromise yourself. There must be a meeting in the middle.”

“I’ve made mistakes… I have hurt him. I don’t even know how I feel. Is it even love? Or is just an obligation to make things right… whatever right is.”

“Hurt at some point is expected. It is insanity to give another being the means to your own destruction; that is faith, that is love, to entrust another with your heart.”

Rarity laughed. “I do believe I am insane! I will go to him and offer my heart.”

“That’s the best any of us can do.”

The Griffin entered back into the hut again with several boxes. “I brought jam as well for your crackers.”

“I’m still scared though,” continued Rarity.

It was Reagle that answered. “Miss, the only time we may be brave is when we’re scared. Fear is natural. Carry a stiff upper beak, and you’ll persevere.”

“You seem unsure. Are you scared of success or failure?” asked Zecora.

Rarity bowed out. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you all, however, I have some catching up and much work to do.”

Zecora opened the door for her. “Good bye Rarity, I am glad you have found your focus. May you find love and happiness.”

Rarity waved goodbye as she sped off back to Ponyville.

Spike had slept without his signature nightmare. The field of fire for once did not haunt him. The broken string of nightmares left him optimistic for the promises of the day… or night.

Spike belched out a note as he sat up from his bed. Receiving letters by dragon fire was never pleasant but well worth the convenience. It was a rolled up scroll like the million of which he’d sent and received from Celestia. However, he noticed the blue bow instead of the usual red. The silver seal with a moon was also a nice touch he thought. The quill work was an exquisite cursive. The olden style though made the text a task to interpret.

Sir Spike

Concerning the unpleasantness with Captain Nightshade: rest assured she has been disciplined and will not interfere. We had agreed to a tryst upon the eighth hour, yet we did not set a venue. Hath thee a preference? Below is a list of locations, we thought suitable.



The letter to valediction seemed written like a royal decree. He looked at the location list attached and scratched his head in confusion. The places mentioned were ones he never heard of it. He burped. Another of Luna’s letters appeared by spell fire.


Most embarrassing, the locations listed, most likely no longer exist. We did not mean for a lark. It may be best that you suggest.


The quill work on her second note was less well written, and seemed more honest. He would save the second note as a memento; a blue bow scroll amongst the many red ones. He considered a location, and made his reply. It was a place that was familiar and casual. The Ponyville Café did dinners as well. He even knew the owner. Savoir Fare, despite his posh appearance, was quite the personable pony. After frequenting many times, they even created ‘Ruby Tuesdays’ for him despite him being the only draconic resident in the whole town. He wondered whether Luna would like the atmosphere and food. The Luna that wrote the first letter probably wouldn’t, but something suggested to him that the second Luna would.

Stepping into the library foyer, Spike found Twilight’s muzzle in between the pages of more books.

“Hey Twilight, sorry I slept in.” His body became stiff with dread. “Oh geez, I forgot about the chores. You’re not going to ground me are you?”

Twilight playfully swatted at him with a hoof. “Spike, I’m not going to tighten your curfew or anything. It’s been years since you had to do chores. I can take care of myself now.”

“Right,” said Spike with a snide grin. He pointed to the piles of scrolls and books that blanketed the floor.

“Oh.” She sheepishly pulled her wings of her head. “I was just trying to translate that scroll from the dragon elder you gave me.”

“Here, I told you not to get carried away. It was a meant as gift.” Spike started picking up books and setting them back.

“Let’s clean up together.” said Twilight.

The process of reordering the library was far quicker now that Spike was Big Macintosh sized. He could reach the higher shelves with ease. The little ladder he once used was still present though for the children. He dusted off his claws as they put the last tome into its home on the shelf.

“Spike, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Your friends are all here if you need us.”

“I know Twi. I’m glad I grew up here, people still remember before I was—” He stopped himself.

“Spike, you’re still you.”

Spike peered at Twilight through his claws. “Tell that to mother mares that hide their foals from me.”

“I will! I’ll tell them you’re my little brother!”

He used his claws to gesture to himself. “Little?” He laughed. “They’ll call you crazy.”

Twilight announced with pride as she flexed her wings. She strutted. “I’m a Princess, I’ll have them banished to Celestia knows where and I’ll banish that place as well. I’ll make it law!”

“You’re still in training. You don’t have judicial or legislative powers until you pass. You can boss Mayor Mare around maybe.”

Twilight grumbled and pointed an accusing hoof at Spike. “Grrrr! Insolence! We have a rebel.”

Spike chuckled and shook his head. “If you’re done being power hungry, I can fix us lunch.”

“Lunch sounds fantastic, Spike.”

Chewing their sandwiches, they sat together on the steps that separated the foyer and their rooms.

“You had that report for Luna last night. Do you still have it?”

Spike shook his head. “Luna burned the report. She said it was dangerous information.”

“She what?!” Twilight pouted. “Awww I wanted to read that.”

“Also I ummm…” He stopped mid chew as he contemplated whether telling Twilight he was dating the embodiment of night. He decided to tackle everything as one battle at time. “I have to see her tonight. Some royal business.”

“Mr. Ambassador, you’re back from your world tour and Luna has you running errands?”

“Yeah.” Spike swallowed his bread.

“I got invited to the upcoming peace summit. I’m not sure how useful I’ll be.”

“As long as you don’t flip out, I think Equestria will be fine. I’ll be there too.”

The onset of evening did not come soon enough for Spike, he’d spent the day in the library catching up with Twilight and doing chores. The familiar tasks were healing, and he felt ready for whatever came. He waved good bye to Twilight and saw that she’d lit a candle on the door to hold vigil for his return. He wore his suit that had been tailored in the Griffin Kingdoms. The throbbing ache in his heart was still there but there was now Luna’s cool comfort. He was looking forward to his date.

Dirt and Rarity had a rough relationship. Before the advent of Spike and his claws, she had dug her own gems. Dirt was the byproduct of earnest labor yet she detested it as her eternal foe. After digging through the fields all day she returned to Ponyville with a triumphal march, a cart full of gemstones, and a desire to shower like never before. She shook herself the best she could lest she track the enemy into her home.

Showering again, her active mind ran and flowed like water off of her body. Where was it written on the list of laws that a male had to ask a gal out? Rarity was going to defy convention; she thought she may as well burn the book. She would surprise him, after some generous amounts of apologizing and a healthy offering of gems, she would take him to…. she drew a blank as to where. The Ponyville Café, she thought. The owner was a respectable fellow from what she could recall. It was a casual conversation sort of place. What they would talk about was what troubled her the most. The very thought about thinking about it piled mental upon her physical exhaustion.

She was too tired today to go to Spike but she resolved to make the arrangements tonight for their all of their tomorrows.

Chapter 4 Date Night

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Nightshade grimaced as she stood by Princess Luna. The bat pony felt a draft of air blow her maid skirt forward. She pressed the garment back down only for another castle draft to blow the skirt back. Several actual maids passed her and hid their snickers behind their hooves. A couple of the other bat pony guards blushed and a passing sun-guard even whistled. Nightshade’s red death glare sent them scurrying off.

Luna laughed as she finished tying a red bow on the bat pony’s tail. “Captain Nightshade, stallions will war for you!”

Nightshade pleaded. “I am a soldier, not a maid. How long must I wear this, Princess?”

“You shall address me as mistress as per the conditions of your punishment.” Luna poked her with a hoof. “Your punishment will continue until we deem it done.”

“Kill me please, mistress.”

“We see now thou art capable of humor. Perhaps this should be the new permanent uniform.”

Nightshade folded her wings forward, hiding her face in shame. “No! Anything but that.”

“Oh be still, my Captain. Now that we have thou dressed, mine attire requires addressing.” She turned to the selections in her wardrobe. She tossed several dresses aside as she rummaged through the various articles of cloth. “Curses we have no modern apparel! Summon forth the royal tailor!”

“You don’t have one under your employ.”

“Then we shall use our sister’s! The tailor should be glad to ply their trade again. Full employment status immediately, we shall pay for everything.”

“Rarity, the element bearer of generosity?”

Luna gasped. “Oh, that would be most crass.” She turned back towards the dozens of armoires in the royal collection. “Nevermind then, we shall find something else then!”

“Why dress up?”

“A casual location has been chosen. We ponies use clothes to distinguish ourselves, for once we will use them to conceal. Were we to go there in full regalia, the experience would be colored by bowing and simpering sycophants. Nay we say; we shall go there unmolested by their attentions.”

“I had a squad secretly scout out the location, it is not defensible. I’d advise a full platoon on the site proper and a battalion outside the town as waiting reinforcement.”

Luna dug head first into a clothing chest. “Such a movement of troops would draw even greater attention to ourselves. Thou mayst well paint a target upon mine flanks.” She lowered her stance and held her flank up high, shaking it to and fro.

Nightshade locked her legs in the classic guard attention stance. She forced her head to look away as a bead of sweat dripped down her muzzle, her cheeks red.

Luna continuing pulling garments from various containers. “Your security concerns are valid. Before the Peace Summit, those who wish war will make their moves. Take a half dozen of our finest; have them don regular clothes over their armor.”

“My mistress, you incapacitated a couple of our finest last night.”

“It is well, their head bumps will remind them who truly commands. We have a republic to run.”

“Mistress, I apologize again for my earlier actions.”

“It is enough, Captain Nightshade. We would still call thee friend, but thine camaraderie must never interfere with thy duty. Should we fall to corruption, thine blade must be that which ends mine life. If that burden is too much, we will accept your resignation with full honors.”

Nightshade bowed. “I pray the day may never come but I will be ready.” She whispered under her breath. “Afterwards, I think I would join you….”

Luna declared. “Huzzah, we have found a suitable rag to wear!”

Spike walked briskly to his destination. He was eager to be early in case she had the same idea.

“Hey AJ!” Spike found the farmer pulling along her apple cart.

“Well howdy there partner.”

“I thought the market closed down a while back. What are you doing here?”

“Makin’ a killin’ is what I’m a’doing. Spike, you wouldn’t believe! Some fellas flew in and bought out my whole stock! They looked sorta sketchy, but their bits were good.”

Spike had a sneaking suspicion the bat pony guards were in town in advance of the Princess. Luna had said that not all the bat ponies were vampiric so he supposed that they ate a healthy amount of fruit. “Maybe I could arrange the Night Guards to get their fruits supplies from you.”

“Night Guards, so that’s who fellas were.” Applejack smiled. “I reckon if you could arrange that I get sales that good every day, I’d have to kiss ya, partner.”

Spike laughed with Applejack. He tried helping the honest farmer when she saved his life once. It wasn’t just because of his dragon code. Unfortunately, he was too distracted by her flanks to do a good job. He caused more messes than he cleaned. The crush was a flash in the pan affair lasting less than a week. He looked at the mare’s orange fur that obscured well toned muscles.

“In another story.” Spike joked under his breath. He was sure to pass on her weakness for backrubs to whoever became her ‘partner’ partner.

“What was that? I didn’t hear ya.”

“Nothing!” He whistled innocently.

“Well then, I’ll be seeing ya later. If ya could get that deal, the whole Apple family would be mighty grateful.” Applejack tipped her hat respectfully and pulled her cart away into the setting sun.

Spike walked further on his way. He spotted a familiar bat pony in rather unfamiliar clothes. She spotted him as well. She pulled her wings over her head, trying to hide.

“Hey,” said Spike, smugly smirking.

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “Go ahead, laugh. Get it out of your system.”

Spike laughed out loud, falling to his knees. He clutched his chest as he was close to choking.

Shaking her head, Nightshade sat on the ground and held her head by resting it on her hoof. “Are you done?”

“Just one more.” He chortled. As promised, he let out one final laugh, the loudest of the set. After a several more seconds, he cleared this throat and composed himself. “I’m sorry.”

“Your name is Spike, isn’t it?” Nightshade offered a hoof.

Spike recalled how he had offered his claw, and she refused. He didn’t feel like shaking with her.

Nightshade sensed his reticence. She shuffled uncomfortably on her hooves.

There was a long and awkward silence, and it was Nightshade who finally broke it. “Last night… forgive me.”

“Did Luna ask you to apologize?”

“No, I do this of my own volition.” The bat pony lowered her head to him.

Previously he only ever seen her prostrate herself to Luna. The proud Captain did not seem to bow before any other. The gesture surprised him. “Nightshade, you remind me of myself. Believe it. I know what unrequited love feels like. The pain is excruciating, but maybe it is best that we move on.”

Nightshade looked sadly. “This unrequited love of yours… do you love her still?”

Spike guffawed. “Well I…”

“Sir Spike!” Luna bounded towards him.

The Princess was without her crown and her mane was un-enchanted. She appeared almost normal. She wore a wide brim hat with a real moon lily on top. It was the dress, though, that caused him to look twice. It was a dark blue gown with a semi-transparent under layer.

“Shall we?” Luna pointed her head at the restaurant.

“Hey, parasols!” Spike remembered a time when they ate outside of the restaurant and a downpour came to ruin their meal. His wet hay fries were sorely missed. “Savoir Fare, you took my suggestion.”

The waiter and owner of the restaurant smiled. “Indeed Spike, they’re a recent addition. Business has been booming. We also hired on a lot of new staff.” Savoir pointed to the extra waiters.

“Maybe you won’t have to wait on tables anymore then?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” said Savoir.

“Sir Spike, let us find our seats.”

Spike and Luna sat down at one of the tables without a parasol. He noticed Nightshade being hounded by a love struck stallion in the background. He spied Diamond Tiara’s dad as the stalker; he supposed Mr. Filthy Rich was filthy in other ways, too. “Aren’t you worried about your Captain?”

“Nightshade shall be fine. She is to be the distraction that allows us peace to dine. Let us enjoy our evening, Sir Spike.”

“If you keep using proper titles, ponies will ferret you out in heartbeat. Just call me Spike.”

“Then we will have thee call me Luna.”

He tossed her name in his head a couple of time before speaking it aloud. He had not dared to be so informal around the Princess before. His words were sheepish. “Okay, Luna.”

“We are in need of a royal tailor, whoever did sew thy suit?”

Spike looked at his tuxedo. “I got this in the Griffin Kingdoms… my usual tailor is Rar—” He stopped himself short. Why was it that so many things led back to… her?

“Spike, will thou tell me of her? Please, it is important to know where you come from to know where we might be going.”

“Believe it or not, I wasn’t always the charming drake, you see before you.” He scratched his head nervously. “I was a door mat… Tartarus! I was even a pin cushion. I’d do these things for her and I’d go back for more. I love her.”

Spike meant to say ‘love’ in past tense yet somehow he fumbled it. He and Luna were left wondering. He cleared his throat and continued onwards. “That night you found me, my heart was broken into a billion pieces.”

“I am not entirely whole either.” Luna spoke in prose without the royal ‘we’.

Spike’s was immediately aware of her lapse in language. He leaned in close in order to catch every word.

“Long ago before my banishment, before my war with my sister… I had someone I held very dear. He was mortal… I quested for solution to this problem.”

“You searched for the fountain of youth?”

“Spike, no such fountain exists. No… I searched for a way to make myself mortal. Twas a foolish venture, but I should have been content to live out my days with this special someone even if those days were finite.”

It moved him that Luna could be so passionate to love a mortal enough to surrender her eternity. He realized it was unfair of him to think she couldn’t after all he felt for Rarity at one time the same sentiments. “I understand. Dragons are immortal too, for Rarity, though, it didn’t matter to me. I would have been happy with those memories.”

“Such self awareness! Thou were so committed? Yet here ye be… with me.” Luna hid her eyes behind her hat.

Spike took a claw and tilted her hat upwards, looking into her sparkling eyes. “I’m sorry about talking about Rarity so much during our date. Luna, you’re absolutely beautiful.” How many times had he heard ‘beautiful’. He wanted her to feel wanted, he tried for better. “No. You’re gorgeous!”

She shook her head lightly. “Physical compliments bespeak of vanity.”

“I meant your soul.”

Luna pouted. “We do not believe thou hast seen so far.”

“Your aura then.” said Spike.

“Astounding… I mean no offense, but you are different from your kin. Typically, the dragons I’ve met have a lack of appreciation for life. They have a fatalistic urge towards battle, or they horde useless trinkets in vain attempts to fill the void within. Immortality has terrible effects upon the mind. For some, time is not precious when it is infinite.”

“That’s actually a fair assessment… I get those impulses same as any. Sometimes I want to eat all the ice cream not just in Ponyville, but the world. When I got my wings, me and Rainbow, we once stole an ice cream factory on a dare.”

Luna raised a hoof joyously. “Prithee tell me the details of your escapade with the Wonderbolt Captain! How did thou abscond with a whole building?!”

“Okay. We didn’t steal it per say but we stole the lock and called the factory ours. We sat there eating for a whole day while they pounded at the door.”

Spike chuckled as the memories of chocolate, strawberry, and countless other flavours made his taste buds demand for them. “We ate our fill until we could barely fly out of the window.”

Luna giggled. “Thou art the most unusual drake! We recall the tale of a dragon who had become too fat to leave his cave.”

“Hey, how do you know so much about dragons?”

“Borders did not exist in my time. In the coming Peace Summit, I expect to meet an old friend, a dragon elder now.”

Spike lowered his gaze, twiddling his napkin in his claws. “What do you think about dragons and ponies…. in love?”

“Twas a long time ago but we recall that marriage between unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony was forbidden.”

Pausing for a moment. Spike raised his eyes back to Luna. “Really?”

Luna leaned in even closer, her nuzzle just barely touching his cheeks as she bore a small smile. “The taboo makes it the more desirable, no?” She had a naughty and haughty laugh. Batting her eyes did it for him; Spike met her in the last inches.

What was in a kiss? Such a simple thing; Spike thought. Yet volumes were written of it. Even techniques were discussed. He stopped thinking when Luna pressed her tongue invading his mouth. His eyes shot open at her boldness.


She pulled him back with a tug of her cool magic on his chin. Their lips locked, and their eyes closed. The gentle caress of her tongue navigated the jagged mountains of his predatory teeth. He found she tasted of peach and the alluring fragrance of moon lilies wafted into his nostrils. They felt and heard their breaths gently brush past their cheeks, and every moment was ice melting in the fire of their hungry passion.

Rarity had made her way to the Ponyville Café. She greeted Savoir with the biggest bag of bits she could carry. It was an appreciable amount of her savings. “Mr Savoir Fare, I would like to make reservation tomorrow night for an important date, the most important. I want the whole restaurant reserved for the two of us!”

“Of course madam, who else shall be accompanying you?” said Savoir.

“Spike. I’m willing to pay for the best gems you have. Everything must be perfect. No expense will spared.” It was at this moment did Rarity turn her head to see them kissing.

“Luna? You and Spike?!”

Luna and Spike separated. The three of them stared at each other in silence.

After the initial hurt, Spike could sense a seething anger in Rarity’s eyes. Gas was in the air waiting for a spark. He turned to Luna, begging for discretion on her part. He hoped he could convey that through his eyes. Luna was a Princess, a tactful politician and he relaxed slightly, confident she read him.

Luna huffed defiantly in Rarity’s face. “Indeed, what dost it concern thee?”

Rarity’s face became beet red. Perhaps it was that Luna was without her usual intimidating and enchanting mane or the crown vestment of royalty; regardless Rarity put her hoof down. “It does when you have my Spikey Wikey!”

“How immature a pet name to bestow upon Sir Spike. Thou shall address us both with proper titles befitting our stations.”

“I-I am not afraid of you,” said Rarity, shaking slightly.

“We sense thy lie and fear. Frailty, thy name is Rarity.”

“A lady does not descend to insults,” Rarity said crossly.

“Thou art scared as thee should be.”

“Being scared is the only time we can be brave,” said Rarity. “You thieving hussy!”

Luna laughed. “Insults are invitations to duels. Mind your next words with caution.”

Spike tried to speak but Rarity blurted out her next words.

“Then for my Spikey Wikey, I accept!” Rarity’s temerity surprised herself. She backtracked as she looked at Luna’s sadistic smile. “What shall it be… cards? A cider drinking contest?” She squeaked. “… hoof wrestling?”

Luna shook her head. “Thou art a Unicorn, a mage, so it shall be a magic duel. We fight in the olden style: that is to the death. Lest ye prefer the Pegasi joust or Earth Pony sabers. We are equipped for all.” Luna stretched wings as she lorded her Alicorn-hood over Rarity.

Rarity shouted grudgingly. “Magic!”

“Where? Here?”

“Why not!”

Camera flashes interrupted the argument. Reporters swarmed the small Café. They circled the Luna like vultures. They rushed forward so quickly they created a gust of wind that blew away Luna’s hat. Their questions came as a flurry as they shoved and vied for the Princess’s attention.

“Is it true Princess, you’re dating a dragon?!”

“How will this affect peace talks with the Dragon Dominion?!”

“Princess Luna, does this mean we’ll war with the Griffins and Zebras?!”

“What size corset is that you’re wearing?!”

Luna blasted her voice. “Captain Nightshade, CROWD CONTROL!”

The bat pony moved to work. Nightshade tore off her maid outfit to reveal the ebony armor underneath. She summoned several disguised bat pony guards to push back the crowd of reporters.

Spike was still overwhelmed by the situation. He stared off with unfocused eyes into the distance. He was fortunate for blanking out. The waiters took the parasols off the tables. In the flurry of camera flashes, Spike spotted a metallic gleam.

The waiters had mounted the parasols onto their saddles. They flicked off the umbrella tops to reveal the concealed spears. Nightshade and her guards were too busy pushing back the reporters to notice. The world slowed to a still as Spike shoved Luna away from the oncoming weapon. Before he knew it, he felt a pain stab him by the side. He looked down to find the spear lodged into his torso. With a scream of agony, he blew a plume of fire, forcing the rest of the ‘waiters’ back.

“The dragon’s gone on a rampage!” The crowd of reporters scattered.

Nightshade now noticed the enemy. “Assassins! Defend the Princess!” She redirected her guards at the ‘waiters’. The half dozen bat ponies meshed with group of assassins. Luna lent her magic into the fight blasting an assassin away from Nightshade’s tail.

“Spike!” Rarity stared horror-struck at the spear in his side.

Spike reached for the metal embedded in his left side, but before he was about to yank it free, a hoof landed on his claw.

Luna cried. “Do not take it out! Thou willst bleed to death! We cannot affect healing magic so deep!” She instead snapped the spear pole off, leaving the tip in Spike’s side.

“Thanks,” said Spike.

“What’s that?” Rarity pointed at a shadowy group that was moving towards the fighting.

A market cart was wheeled into position in front of the café by several ponies and a Griffin. They pulled the tarp off the cart to reveal a large wooden contraption. The Griffin in the group immediately hopped onto the cart and began turning a crank mechanism. Two other ponies turned the cart into firing position. From the silver port of the machine, bolts flew outwards in a hail. Two guards and an assassin were indiscriminately mowed down by the weapon.

“Into the Café!” Luna shouted.

“Curses! We’re all that’s left.” Nightshade peered behind her to see the automatic crossbow had taken out the last of the guards. The bolts hit the restaurant counter as they hid behind it.

Luna’s voice vibrated with anger. “Those were good soldiers, we shall make them pay blood unto blood.”

Savoir Fare held his hooves to his head. He shook wildly, his breathing erratic. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. They held her hostage.”

“Where?” asked Spike.

Savoir pointed to the kitchen area. They looked quickly to see an orange-maned and yellow-coated mare tied and bound.

Rarity raged. “Those ruffians!” She noticed the bruises that were apparent even through the mare’s fur coat.

“They never threatened me… only her.” said Savoir. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

“Be calm! We must think.” Luna slapped the restaurant owner. “Who is our enemy?”

Spike saw through the restaurant windows. “That automatic crossbow, I saw one being test fired in the Griffin Kingdoms, it’s going to pick us off if we let it. We gotta close the curtains.” He moved to do so, but Luna pulled him back as the windows were shattered by incoming crossbow bolts.

She chastised him with her eyes at his foolish gesture. “That can be done with magic and without exposure.” Luna levitated the curtains closed.

“I met Griffins near Zecora’s hut. There were two airships, one Griffin War Wing and Zebra one.” said Rarity.

Spike looked at the metal jutting from his side. He recognized a similar version as a trophy on Zecora’s interior decorations. “The spear tip, it’s a Zebra assegai spear.”

“Good, we know our enemies art well equipped. Both Zebra and Griffin nations are warring by nature.”

Nightshade asked. “How organized though?”

A large tan Earth Pony amongst the assassins bellowed orders. He had massive eyebrows but little intensity. He wore large aviator sun glasses and spoke in a dispassionate calm. “Prepare to storm the café.”

The Griffin crossbow operator cawed. “Commander Big Brow, our crossbow has them pinned.” He caressed the emplaced weapon with his claws. “I say let Betty do the work!”

“Not enough bolts or time. We move in for the kill!”

None of the mercenaries wanted to be first into the breach.

Beside Big Brow was a robed figure. It spoke, “The riches of the world are yours should you succeed! Our master promises much and more!”

Big Brow roared. “You heard him! Forward you fools!”

Nightshade stared through a hole in the curtains. She gnashed her teeth at the enemy amassing outside. “They are organized, more military than anything else. I knew we should have brought a platoon and battalion.”

“Whining does not avail us now!” Luna said harshly. “Nightshade, we need thee to run and fetch reinforcements from the local garrison. Discard thy armor, thou must move like the night winds.”

“I will not leave you, Princess!” said Nightshade.

“Then resign thy commission now. Twas not a suggestion but mine orders.”

“I will go then,” said Nightshade, painfully.

Spike looked around. “There’s gotta be a back door here.”

“They rigged it with a bomb… many bombs,” said Savoir.

He groaned. “That’s not an option, then.”

“The front entrance it must be,” Luna said. “We will offer cover with mine magic.”

Nightshade nodded.

“I can help.” Everyone’s eyes turn toward Rarity. She resumed. “I’m a Unicorn; I did learn several offensive spell bolts from Twilight.”

Spike spoke up, surprised that he did so out of concern. “That will make you a target and put you in harm’s way.”

Nightshade snorted. “A civilian will only get in the way.”

Rarity turned up her nose. “I appreciate your concern, but this lady can take care of herself.” Rarity closed her eyes; she opened them again to see if she was not coming on too forceful.

Luna eagerly accepted. “What spells have thee in thy repertoire?”

“I know Winter’s Wind, Fire Plume, Physic Shield… and… Mortal Sepulchrary.”

Luna smiled dangerously. “Most lethal spells, we believe the last one is illegal to learn.”

Rarity protested. “I couldn’t help myself; Twilight just leaves books lying around!”

Spike wondered whether the seamstress's own cat’s curiosity had rubbed off on her. Rarity’s ways were cattish; he was more of a doggish. Maybe that why he lo—… he stopped himself from thinking that word. It was more painful than the spear point in his sides.

“Thou shall receive a royal pardon, should we survive this,” Luna said. “Use any and all spells at thy disposal.”

Spike was surprised to find himself useless in their planning. He raised a claw. “Maybe, I could—”

“Absolutely not, thou art ordered to rest after so bravely saving mine life.”

Spike knew Luna was massaging his masculinity. He wouldn’t have it. “I can fight.”

“Spikey, she’s right. I don’t want you hurting yourself.” Rarity pointed to the spear stuck in his left side.

He nodded acceptingly.

Luna shouted after Nightshade. “Go with haste, our lives ride upon thy run!”

The bat pony ran for the door as more enemies flooded in.

Rarity and Luna fired off magic from their horns. Luna’s was a fine beam that seared through a charging lancer. Nightshade leapt over the corpse. A pony attempted to intercept Nightshade with a glaive swipe. Rarity’s bolt hit him and the pony collapsed onto the ground, shaking in cardiac arrest. Nightshade used her powerful legs to skip over two more. The two were taken out before they could turn upon the bat pony. Once outside, Nightshade had gained enough momentum and took to wing. The bolts from the automatic crossbow chased her through the sky; however, the crew was unable to swivel the cart fast enough. Disappearing into the darkness, Nightshade had made it.

Several of the assassins ran after Nightshade. Big Brow called them back. “Do not pursue her! She’s too quick. We can finish them before they summon the garrison!”

“Yes, sir,” said a lancer.

Big Brow laughed. “Bring out the party favors! Easter is early this year!”

The robed figure spoke. “Don’t get carried away, our master is in need of the body, preferably with the least damage.”

Big Brow snorted dismissively. “Your master spoke directly to me. I wasn’t given details as to the conditions.”

Spike peered through the holes of the Café curtains. No more foes seemed to be massing to charge the front door.

“Maybe they gave up?” Rarity squeaked.

“They were determined to go this far, I don’t think they’ll give up.” said Spike.

Rarity leaned against the wall. She took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. “I’m scared.”

Luna smiled. “Remember thine words, being scared is the only time we can be brave.”

Rarity did not look up at her romantic rival.

Luna added “We fear also.”

Luna’s confession inspired Rarity.

A deafening blast shook the building and their ear drums. The ceiling was blown out, and debris came falling upon their heads. Spike grabbed a table and shielded everypony from the rubble.

Luna looked upwards. “The ceiling! Blast it, they have flyers under their employ!”

Dropping through the ceiling hole were black egg objects. They had sparkling wicks that burned, and their fuses were shorter than the nails on Spike’s claw.

Luna cried out. “Grenades! Use thy shields!”

Spike was pulled close and enveloped by Luna’s light. The shower of shrapnel washed over them, and they were knocked against the wall by the blast wave.

“Rarity!?” Spike shouted through the smoke.

The smoke cleared, and he took a breath as Rarity’s shield glowed brightly through the settling fog. “I’m fine!”

The blast wave had sent her close to the door. Rarity’s shield was popped as an enemy pony penetrated the front door.

The burly lancer knocked Rarity onto the ground with a swing of his pole weapon. Rarity shrieked.

Spike wouldn’t let the bastard have her. Rarity was too far away. He had to think fast. He used the only weapon he had within reach. His nerves were set aflame as he pulled out the spear tip embed in his left side. With all the strength in his arm, he flung it. The spear tip flew threw the air and found its place in the pony’s skull. The attacker collapsed, motionless upon the floor.

A Pegasus and Griffin dropped from above with cutlasses in their mouth and claws respectively. Luna used her spell magic to steal the Pegasus’s saber.

The Pegasus stopped dumbly as his weapon disappeared. She swung it at the Griffin and then gave it back to the Pegasus tip first. Another assassin, an Earth Pony, ran through the door, he grinned murderously at the yet to recover Rarity. The assassin’s dagger was poised to take her life.

Instinct overcame him; Spike lunged like lightning and bit into the pony’s throat. The enemy gasped for life and dropped his mouth wielded dagger. Spike crunched down and ended the pony’s flailing.

The enemy onslaught had ebbed. Spike was left standing with his jaws still clenched around the enemy’s throat. The warm life liquid washed his tongue… it tasted… disturbingly good. These ponies were made of this pleasant tasting substance. His eyes turned towards another one of these creatures cowering on the ground. He dropped the pony in his mouth and turned to this new morsel. Something said that she would taste particularly good. Lust for food and anything else blurred. He was filled with a terrible ‘want’.

Voices sounded faintly in his head.

A whisper of fear. “Spikey?”

A stern command also laced with fear. “Sir Spike, come back to us!”

Fear was the seasoning to a predator’s appetite.

Spike smiled, salivating the coming meal. He bit… into his hand. With every fiber of his being he bit. Pain jolted him to awareness. The world of sensations left and thoughts came rushing back. The red haze of his vision lifted. Rarity was in tears and Luna’s lips quivered.

Spike bit into his hand again, extra hard. He smashed his skull against a wall. When he was sure sanity had come back, he spoke. “I’ve never tasted blood before… I always ate gemstones. Celestia, I almost.” Tears welled up in his eyes.

His face was met with cold hard slap. “Lest ye forget yourself again!” Luna then kissed him where her hoof struck. “For returning to us.”

Outside the Café, Big Brow growled. “Burn the building down!” He shouted at the Griffin operator of the crossbow. “Load incendiary arrows!”

A robed figure shouted. “We need the body! Our master demands it!”

“Accidents happen!” said Big Brow.

“That’s not your call!”

“My mercenaries, my call! I am the leader, and I say so!”

The robe figure snarled. “Order another charge!”

Big Brow pressed his face against the robed figure. “I don’t have the troops!”

The Griffin operator shrieked shrilly to call their attention. “So do I load the fire arrows? I really want to taste toasted pony!”

“Do it!” Big Brow shouted.

“Insolence!” The robed stranger surged with malevolent emerald energy. Translucent tendrils began sprouting forth.

Big Brow took noticed and cowered behind his aviator glasses.

“Prepare for a nightmare you can neither define or defend, for I am—”

The Griffin operator shrieked shrilly, this time however it was because Nightshade’s lance had entered his torso.

Nightshade pulled out her lance and bucked the body aside. She then turned to face Big Brow, low and ready to pounce.

Big Brow’s giant eyebrows were raised to the top of his head as he turned to see a regiment of Sun-guards gloriously gleaming in their golden armor.

He looked fearfully at the vampire pony perched on the dead Griffin. “Retre—”

Nightshade jumped him before he could finish his orders. The rest of the guards engaged the remainders of the mercenary band. She noticed the robed figure slinking off into the shadows, and she pounced. Colliding with the ground, there was nothing beneath the cloak. She blinked incredulously, believing it to be a trick of the light.

Luna levitated the semi-conscious Big Brow. The giant earth pony was lifted like a rag doll.

“Answer me worm! Who employs thee?! Tell us truly! We will not heal thy wound otherwise!”

Big Brow’s aviator glasses fell from his face revealing gentle crystal blue eyes. “Tell my wife and son, I am sorry. I had no choice…” Big Brow spoke his last words. An onrush of blood poured from his mouth.

The thuggish pony’s eyes suddenly glowed emerald. Its head popped up, staring dead on at Luna with its dead eyes. Words entered their minds that did not match the movement of the pony’s lips. This message projected itself all throughout.

They defy destiny and design

What fools traipse before me

Pain to this heart of mine

Why then do I covet and envy?

Emptiness, I know love is hollow

The poets profess it to be blind

Nothingness, life is but a shadow

How strong, then, bonds that bind?

Corruption, nothing is left pure

It hungers and swallows forth the day

Darkness, all is devoured in despair

All are but actors in this cruel play!

The thirst, that is to live

I am awaken, eyes wide

I shall not forget or forgive

All shall drown in a red tide!

The conclusion of the possessed pony’s speech left the lifeless husk to dangle in her hooves. Luna recoiled. “By Faust, we may know this enemy. Yet there is no possibility it can be!”

She shivered down to her hooves. “Tell us more, wretch!”

Luna shook the corpse to no response.

Seeing their Princess distraught infected the guards with fear. Many shuffled uncomfortably, and they looked at each other as they felt lost on what to do.

Luna growled as she shook the body. Her coat oozed the blackest magic as she readied an unholy spell. “Do not think death will allow thee to escape our inquiry!”

Her cruel laugh had the reverberation of another. “We know necromancy!

Spike recognized the word ‘necromancy’ in Mages’ Law it was one of the unforgivable taboos to break. To bring dead back had consequences for both the victim and the caster. Spike placed a claw on Luna’s shoulder to draw her attention. “It looks like the guy was just a tool. Bringing his corpse back won’t tell us anything. Let him rest in peace.”

She snarled as her teeth became razor edges. “He put the lives of innocent ponies at risk; he attempted to take our lives and those we held dear. Our personal guards art slain. This ‘tool’ deserves no—”

“Luna, don’t do this!” Spike cut her off. He placed a gentle claw on her shoulder. “You’re scaring everyone.”

The swirls of dark shadows sent ponies back. Spike ignored them. He moved up and wrapped his arms around her. He thought he could feel the rage within contained only by his arms. “Please, Luna.” He pleaded. “Come back.”

Luna growled. Her horn lit up, but as she was about to force Spike away with magic, she looked towards the crowds. Some citizens had come to pay witness; they brought torches to see in the night. The flames lit up their eyes that were plastered with fear at their Princess’s malignant magical aura. Even the trained soldiers were touched by trepidation of what was to come. Captain Nightshade had readied her lance and was teary eyed. What shocked most her was a small pink foal; that seemed positively horrified. There was no fun in this fear, this was not the festive Nightmare Night.

Luna took deep breaths, letting them come in synch with Spike’s own heaving chest. The whirlpools of dark energy subsided. Her eyes returned to normal, and she lowered her head.

Luna gasped as she came to awareness. “We were about to commit a sin unto the nature in front of foals.” She turned to Spike. “Thank you, Sir Spike, for stopping us...” She cleared her throat and pulled away from the dragon’s embrace. “A job well done, soldiers! We thank thee for thy bravery! Citizens, have no fear, the battle is won!”

Savoir, the waiter, ran forward from the crowd. He kissed the Princess’s hooves. “Forgive me, the thugs held my wife hostage.”

Luna nodded. “Actions under duress shall not be counted against thee. Thou art still to be detained for questioning.”

Nightshade walked through the aftermath. Using her lance as leverage she flipped several of the slain over and examined them. “They had Zebra spears and Griffin grenades and other weapons. Griffins were within their ranks.”

“We imagine our enemies would want us to jump to that conclusion. Were it so simple. Zebrika, tis a continent torn by war, procuring weapons would be exceedingly simple. Many Griffins are lances for loan.”

Nightshade nodded in agreement. “The emplaced weapon, then, may be our best bet. An automatic crossbow is heavy artillery, smuggling it even by parts is difficult. We might be able to trace the weapon’s origins.”

“Go forth in thy investigations,” Luna said angrily. “But be wary. There is a traitor amongst the ranks.”

Nightshade spoke. “Princess, fortunately, we can narrow our suspects. Only a dozen guards were informed of this event.”

“Nay, Nightshade, if the paparazzi and reporters were here that means the rumor had spread. Our list of suspects is too large by now.”

Luna sighed and turned toward Rarity. “Lady Rarity, we apologize for underestimating thee. Thou kept thine poise better than soldiers we hath seen.”

The seamstress smiled meekly. “Gracious, me and my friends fought through the first Changeling invasion. We took out dozens of those wedding crashers. A lady knows how to handle herself.”

Luna took her cue to lighten the tone. “Regrettably, we were asleep during that day. Were it not for Changeling sabotage, we would have joined thee in the festivities.”

Spike felt woozy, not just for joy at the everyone’s safety. Adrenaline was leaving him. He felt a flash of pain that made him grunt and grit his teeth. Reaching for his side, he saw that his claw was drenched with red. His vision started to blur, and the ground came up to meet him.

“Spike!” cried both ladies.

The world darkened. Spike’s lullaby was their words as his eyes slowly closed.

Chapter 5 Dreams and Schemes

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Spike found himself sitting opposite to Luna in the familiar Café. She was in the same adorable outfit with the wide brim hat and moon lily atop.

“Luna?” Spike asked.

“Our date was interrupted;” Luna gave a small smile. “we thought we could continue here.”

“Where is ‘here’?”

“Dream space, a timeless place where waking minds go in slumber. We have given thee the power of lucidity. Imagine it and it will be.”

“My imagination, huh?” Spike’s mind meandered to a naughty thought.

In a blink, Luna’s outfit changed into jet black and white. Her wide brimmed hat turned into an adorable headpiece. The skirt of her dress shrunk to an immodest length and the finishing touch was a small feather duster strapped gingerly upon her hip.

Luna blushed. “Dost thou wish to be slapped awake?”

Spike straightened up and cleared his throat. “Sorry,”

Luna smiled. Spike looked to see his tuxedo had become a maid outfit too.

“Okay, point taken. The joke is getting old,” said Spike. “So, we’re inside my head?”

“As of now, we have confined the dimensions to be so. However if thou feels bold we may venture into the wider world of shared dream space. Be warned though, monsters of the subconscious id prowl among many old and ancient things lurking in the shadows of shadows.”

Spike shuddered. “What about my monster?”

“Sir Spike, we cannot fight thine battles for thee. In the dream space through, it may be an asset to us. Lesser shadows will be hesitant to approach.”

“You assume I’ve agreed to go with you.”

“We…” Luna struggled to answer, she seemed to have no contingency words or plans.

Spike chuckled. “I’m just kidding. Honestly, how could I refuse?”

“Good,” Luna sighed. “We could use thy company.”

They stepped through a doorway manifested from the ether. Spike’s eyes grew wide as he was subjected to the bloom of shimmering lights that dotted the darkness. Luna lit a trail of light, as he followed the path disappeared behind them like the tail of a comet.

He observed the scene. “Oceans of black punctuated by islands remind me of night sky.”

“Each is a portal to a smaller pool. The appearance in thine mind is an interpretation of this realm of abstraction. Each wanderer sees as they like.”

Spike wondered what his friends might see; Twilight might have seen a great library, Applejack might see an orchard, Pinkie might see a party with many balloons.

Luna smiled. “Thine interpretation though is closest to mine own.”

Spike leaned close to a dream bubble and saw the flashing story unfold inside. “So you can just enter anyone’s dream?”

“We respect the privacy of others. The mind is always keen to be aware of a foreign presence. For the strong willed, their islands are fortresses.”

“You entered my head.”

“Well, Sir Spike, thou invited me by dreaming of me.” Luna chuckled. “Thine dream would have turned naughty had we not intervened.”

“Wouldn’t want that would we?” Spike gave a sly grin.

“Of course not…” Luna looked at Spike and gave a grin of her own. “...without us being there!”

Not all dream bubbles were created equal; Spike saw many varying sizes along the trail. Age did not determine dream size. Spike saw a business pony whose bubble was tiny, his dream was equally small minded and consisted of monotonous paperwork. Luna and Spike were walking through one patch filled with small bubbles. The dream visions seemed to be poorly articulated as if drawn by crayon.

“The dream of foals, innocent and pure,” Luna said as a passing comment.

“Maybe not so much,” Spike looked at one of the bubbles. A small foal was being bullied within. She was standing in class while others mocked her. He was sympathetic to her plight. “Luna, this one is having a nightmare. Can we help her?”

Luna nodded, noting it. “We may revisit that one to offer advice. We are not omniscient though; time spent helping one takes from another.”

“Hard choices huh? I know.”

Further along the path of light supplied by Luna, Spike saw a stormy horizon. Outwards to the west of the plane, he saw a vast field of green orbs. Dark beings patrolled the space between them.

“Changeling dream space, they occupy a large territory for feeding.”

Spike remembered the Changelings, they were love sucking succubae that stuck ponies in cocoons. “Wait, can’t we rescue the trapped ponies?”

“We do not venture there as per the peace accord signed in the waking world… even so, it is too late for most, they live only in the dreams for their bodies art too withered. Some prefer the lie rather than living. Changelings profile their targets for weakness of will. Perhaps it is even a kindness for in dreams, a fool’s fantasy may come true whereas realism would crush them.”

“Is it right?”


Luna took Spike to a big patch of dream bubbles that were larger than most of the ones he saw. Each screen projected a dream involving Luna.

“This is a garden of poets and writers we have cultivated. They make the most interesting stories of me.”

“I’ll say,” Spike said as he was slowly approaching one bubble that had Luna in a nurse’s outfit, a small and excited grin forming on his face.

Luna stepped in front of Spike and popped the orb with her horn. “Avert thine eyes!”

He saw another one with her holding a riding crop with her teeth. Luna leapt at the orb and popped it.

Spike looked away to see one of her kissing her sister. Luna followed his eyes and frantically ran to pop it. “Look away!”

After dozen or more dreams were ended, Luna collapsed in surrender. She groaned. “A lewd bubble is behind me? Is it not?”

“Yeah.” Spike nodded, tiptoeing.

Luna threw a hoof upon her face. “Arghhhh, we could do this all day and still they would dream anew the next night.”

“Let them fantasize, you’re the real deal.”

She lowered her eyelids to sultry levels. “Oh? One night we might make a dream of yours come true.”

Spike was staring into the infinite abyss and did not notice. “Could you show me my parents?”

His request threw Luna off. “Oh no, Sir Spike. We have access to things that will never be and things that were remembered but an egg would have no memory.”

“I know your family are those who raise you… but I’m still curious. Did my parents just lay a large clutch and leave me to my fate? Or did they warm my egg every day with their loving fire until I was taken away by some cruel agent?”

“Dragon eggs are magical by design; eons could pass without one hatching. Tracing thine particular egg would be nigh impossible.”

Spike nodded. “I understand. It’s just for the longest time I’ve always wondered; who am I? I even went on the dragon migration before I was even ready. Travelling the world as an ambassador didn’t help either.”

“Thou art as thee wish to be. Nevertheless we shall try to uncover thy lineage.”

Walking within the darkness, Spike noticed they were being followed.

“Princess, you are being followed by a demon!” To Spike’s surprise it was their stalker that spoke along the lines of what he was going to say.

Luna turned and gave the figure an acknowledging nod. “Lord of Sand, tis a pleasure as always. This is not a demon but Sir Spike, a trusted friend.”

Spike remembered the tale about a ‘Sandpony’ that was responsible for eye crusts and brought good children pleasant dreams. The Sandpony could not be fully rendered in his mind, simply appearing as a vague shadow with a white face. As it moved highlights took the place of shadows and vice versa. As an idea, the Sandpony was never in focus and his lack of definition disturbed Spike.

Spike felt the Sandpony’s gaze though it had no discernible pupils. The stranger ‘saw’ through him.

“I sense a demon of desire and avarice inside,” the Sandpony said in a low tone.

“I have a handle over it,” said Spike.

“It is intertwined with your very nature.”

Spike refrained from growling but clenched his claw. “It’s not me.”

The Sandpony said. “Do not deny it. Your destiny is destruction. Surely even you have had a premonition?”

Surfacing from his consciousness was that terrible vision. It flashed through his mind; the field of fire, his home burning, and friends huddled in fear.

Luna rose to his defense. “Lest ye forget, a demon resides within me also. Therein lies a demon within the hearts of us all.”

The Sandpony sighed. “It seems both of you live in adversity of your demons. It is a tenuous balance. You should seek harmony with your darker natures, synthesis rather than antithesis.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “We cannot all live as thee in this lofty plane.”

“If you call this existence living,” said the Sandpony with a melancholic smile. He hushed his voice and spoke urgently. “A presence has caused ripples in the fabric. The dreams of the dead are pouring through.”

“Are they simply the echoes of those who died in trauma?”

“Nay, far fouler, my Princess. The impact on the incorporeal realm mirrors the trauma of the old genocides in Zebrika… Princess Luna, the dream worlds will be at war.”

“Are they ever in peace?” Luna placed a hoof on her head. “Anyhow, a war in the waking world would be a more pressing matter. Could it be a necromancer?”

“It has the same signature… but the scale of which I do not know.”

“Lord of Sand, continue thy investigations. Report to me thy findings.”

“You do not give orders to me in MY domain! I enjoy you Princess, however do not overstep your boundaries.”

Luna smirked. “Oh mighty master, we could duel. Thou would certainly best me but the loss of energy would lead thee to forfeit thine realm to lesser Lords.”

The Sandpony whisked away as fine grains of dust carried by his own wind. “Tricky as ever. Very well, I shall see what I can see.”

“I never knew that old mare’s tale was true. A Sandpony, really?”

“The world of dreams... tis truly an infinite expanse. Memories can be accessed as well. One can be lost in visions. The Lord of Sand, Neil by name, was a most slothful pony; slumbering so much cats would think he be lazy. He would try to see me at every opportunity. When he gave up his mortal coil, he manifested here with all the time to dream from creation to destruction.”

“Somehow I bet you could beat him.”

“Thou art most perceptive. Still the power he hast amassed is respectable, some battles are better not fought. Playing his ego saves us time.”

Spike noticed his hand was fading. He felt his pulse raise. Looking back, he noticed that his wings were disappearing as well. “Luna, what’s happening?!”

“Thou art waking, we are sorry. We wished to show thee many more wonders!” Luna yelped in disappointment.

“It’s okay, Luna. We have next time.”

Spike stirred awake to the sterile confines of the hospital. More blinding than the lights was Rarity’s white coat that reflected them. She was atop of him and holding a roll of measuring tape. Rarity blushed and jumped off of Spike’s bed.

“What were you doing?” asked Spike.

“Nothing!” said Rarity, defensively.

“Where’s Luna?”

“She’s sleeping over there.” Rarity pointed a hoof to Luna lying on the opposite hospital gurney.

Spike looked to Rarity surprised to see her hostility towards Luna had abated. “You’re not mad at her?”

“We both used our magic to quicken your healing.”

Spike felt his side where the spear tip had entered. There was no stitches or evidence of the wound.

“Luna and I declared a ceasefire while you were unconscious. We settled it was un-lady like to fight.”

Spike knew Luna had exploited a hole in her defenses by dating him in their dreams. Luna was smiling smugly as she slumbered.

In the confusion of the assassins and the assault, he’d forgotten his hurt. It all rushed back to him and his eyes widened as Rarity came into true focus. “Rarity, what were you doing at the café?”

“I wanted to arrange dinner plans for us… I needed to apologize.”

“Rarity,” said Spike, “That night I was in the wrong too. I sort of dragon-ed out.”

She was quick to counter. “Spike, you shouldn’t apologize for being yourself. I am the one that’s wrong.”

“No Rarity, you’re completely right. Just last night, I almost lost it when I tasted blood. Lust, hunger, and wanting blurred in my mind. I sort of saw you as a piece of meat. It doesn’t matter how long it was… it happened.”

Rarity shuffled slightly in her seat. “No Spikey! You can’t think like that! Those were extreme circumstances. I was in danger and you defended me like a noble knight!” She then leaned forward whispered in his ear. “I’m very touched you wanted to eat me first.”

Spike blushed. Was Rarity’s audacity her way of matching Luna or was this a side of his crush he had yet to see? He was reminded of her performance in the face of danger. He had Guard training but he knew Rarity didn’t, yet still she held her own. “Rarity, last night, you were very brave.”

“Those thugs hurt you. I was angry more than anything else. Gracious…” Rarity’s face became pale. “I killed a couple of them, didn’t I? Those roguish pony assassins...” She quickly regained her composure with a flick of her mane. It surprised Spike.

“Rarity, are you okay?”

“Oh Spike, I know what’s at stake. We’ve faced strange monsters that seemed stitched from other monsters, shadowy demon kings, and other crazy things. I knew every time I set off with Twilight and the rest... some day it would happen. I made my mental preparations long ago… and I have no regrets. It is always an unpleasant thing though.”

Spike gave a slow nod. “I won’t forget either.” The image of the writhing pony from the cardiac arrest spell she used made Spike shuddered a bit, but he smiled slightly out of admiration for her. Rarity was not to be underestimated. He considered her most brazen move in the evening. “Back there, did you really challenge a Princess to a duel? For me?” The event in hindsight seemed impressive to him, incredibly insane too.

“Spikey, I did! Didn’t I?” Rarity gasped. She giggled to herself. “I would again!

“Hey, I don’t want you two fighting.”

“I want to take you out for dinner… just as friends.” Rarity fluffed her mane and gave a winning smile.

The makings of trap rung alarm bells in his head. Rarity was too socially suave to not understand her inflection of voice. “Can we really go as just friends?”

Rarity feigned outrage. “Spikey, I’m shocked!” She smiled. “You shall always be my closest and dearest friend.” She moved in close to him and batted her eyes.

“I don’t… know.”

“You don’t know? Or is it a no?”

“I don’t know.”

“I can’t compete, can’t I?!” Rarity scratched her eyes.

Spiked growled. “I’m not falling for fake tears! My heart isn’t a competition! Now that I’m dating Luna, suddenly you want me?!”

Spike was about to shout out more, but saw her shaking. He grit his teeth and clenched his side. Looking up, he saw Rarity standing back, her hoof over her mouth.

Rarity’s chest rose and fell quickly as her heart threatened to burst from it. “Spike, I wanted to apologize before I even saw you with her! I was going to make reservations for us when I saw her…”

Tears began to slide down her cheeks. “...When I saw her kissing you!”

She ran out of the room, her sobs echoing through the hallway.

Spike recognized Rarity’s tears as genuine, these weren’t the sobs she’d feign to get attention. Some monitoring wires from the hospital machines snapped as Spike jumped from his bed.

“Leave her be.” Luna spoke up with a cold edge. She moved to hug him. Luna licked her lips, lustfully. “Sir Spike, we wanted to thank thee properly for saving our life.”

When did Luna wake up and how long had she been a silent witness? Spike wanted to fall into her hooves. His wings pumped with blood like an amorous Pegasus. Somehow it did not seem right. He summoned the strength of will and rebuffed her advance. “What’s wrong with you? Back at the Café you provoked her. Rarity dueling you, seriously, what the buck? You know who would win without question.”

Luna stammered. “Twas a lark. We did not intend harm upon her… twas just a joke.”

“My heart isn’t a joke either,” Spike said with a straight face.

“Hers are crocodile tears to lure thee away from me!”

“Rarity has a penchant for drama, but I know her well enough to know those were real.” Spike painfully paused for a moment. “She’s hurting, Luna.”

Luna brought his head to face with her hooves. “It matters not, we are together. Thou art mine.”

Spike was aghast. “Rarity is still a friend!”

He ripped off the medical devices attached to him, threw them away, and stood onto his feet. “If you can’t respect that, I can’t see myself with you.”

Turning towards the door, Spike marched off. A worried doctor met him in the hall, and he flew over him and continued on.

Rarity galloped away. Tears scattered a small trail through Ponyville. Strangers in the street were compelled to offer aid to the distraught mare. Some overtures seemed genuine. Others were laced with lustful intent to pick up a downed mare. She trotted faster than them all. Bashing the door to her home open, she sprinted to her room.

She pranced around the room. Her ponyquins, the dolls for dress modeling, looked on as judges. Their featureless faces stared at her.

“You hate me don’t you?!” Her eyes passed an image of herself on her bedside mirror. Her mane was a mess. The tears made her mascara smudge all over her face, she had stayed all night worrying about Spike, crying only made her eyes redder. “I hate me!”

She smashed her right hoof into the mirror, breaking the glass and cutting herself. The different glass shards showed her at all angles; the frayed hair, the messy makeup, and blood stained fur. The Princess’s taunt echoed in her mind the word: ‘frailty’. All her efforts at perfection and natural beauty couldn’t compare to Luna’s bewitching immortal grace.

Rarity fell onto her bed, sprawling out. She saw the pile of books about dragons on her bedside table. She smacked them away, scattering them onto the floor. Each of the cover depictions of a dragon morphed into ‘her’ dragon. “Spikey, how can I possibly match a Princess, a Goddess?! Luna, give him back to me! Spike come back to me!” She rolled back onto her bed and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it until her throat could bear no more.

Luna hugged the bed pillow in the room. She breathed in Spike’s mineral scent. She squeezed it softly, then with strangling strength. “Thou art mine. We won’t let thee leave…”

Luna smiled with a psychotic bent filled with self-confidence. She caught her reflection on a shining scalpel upon the medical tray and was stunned by the appearance of her serrated teeth. Her royal ‘we’ had taken a different connotation as the dark presence inside of her smiled back with whispers and promises. The figure that filled her reflection was Nightmare Moon.

She shook her head, trying to shake the dark thoughts away. She remembered Spike’s technique, how he held no hesitation to fight back the monster in him. She bit into her hoof. Her demonic fangs easily sliced through her soft fur and flesh. The puncture sprayed her own blood across the white immaculate hospital bed sheets. The injury gave her the boost she needed to banish her beast.

“No! Sir Spike is not an object to be owned! We must not think such thoughts! He be someone near and dear to us. Why must we be strong?!” Tears sprung from her eyes. “We have been too long, too lonely…”

She buried her muzzle into her pillow and screamed.

Part of Spike wanted to run to Rarity, the other immediately regretted having left Luna alone. Rarity’s invitation to a ‘just friends’ dinner had definitely the makings of a trap. He hated the fact Rarity had tried a technique he’d seen her employ to use other males. Luna’s possessiveness was suffocating. Her sudden seduction attempt was unnatural and directed towards forcing him to reach her conclusion. When did life spring to such complexity? He hoped for a distraction. A familiar bat pony in a maid uniform being pursued by an Earth Pony male caught his curiosity.

Spike peered around the corner of the alley Nightshade ran off to.

The pony with money bags for a cutie mark had cornered Nightshade. “Come on! Miss, I’ll buy you! Any price!” Filthy Rich grinned.

“Not interested!” Nightshade hissed.

He tossed a bag of bits by her feet. “I’ll triple my initial offer!”

Spike shuddered as the bat pony pummeled the lascivious male. Nightshade dusted off her hooves as she walked head held high out of the alleyway.

Nightshade eyes lit up when she saw Spike. “Don’t tell Luna, I did that. I’m on probation as is. Beating a harmless civilian senseless does not befit the dignity of the Night Guard.” She gritted her teeth as she awaited his answer.

“I would have punched him into the ground, if you didn’t. You were well within your rights. The jerk was married too.”

Nightshade was nonchalant and blunt with her words. “Why did you follow me?”

“I was worried,” said Spike.

“Should she succumb, I am the lance that would take Luna’s life. That is duty bestowed upon me. I hardly need your help.”

“Okay, maybe I need yours.”

Nightshade hissed. “Sniff up another skirt.”

“Yeessh, I just wanted to talk.” Spike hung his head sadly walking away.

Nightshade sighed and tapped his shoulder. “Look, I’m in a maid outfit. It’s roasting hotter than Tartarus! A dozen males have made passes at me! Not a single mare! Not a single bucking one! There was that cute one with the lyre on her flanks but oh no, she had to be taken!”

She had started soft yet ended up shouting as she vented.

“I could maybe get Luna to release you from maid service early,” Spike suggested.

Nightshade suddenly smiled and her tone became very agreeable. “Tell me your problems.”

“I’m torn between two mares, and they’re tearing each other apart.”

“If you hurt Luna, I don’t care what outfits I must wear, I will end you.”

“That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

Nightshade looked away. “… Spike, pick Luna. I won’t interfere…”

Spike staggered backwards. “That’s the last thing I expected to hear from you.”

“I’ve never seen her so happy than when she is with you or talking about you.” Nightshade sniffled. “I could never bring her that!”

“Nightshade, don’t you love Luna?”

Nightshade lowered her head. “I failed her. I don’t deserve her.”

“Hey, I’m going to let that go as long as you don’t assault me again.”

“No. When I was but a lieutenant in her guard, I was given an important mission. The Fortress of Everfree came under Celestia’s siege. I was sent to gather reinforcements from White Tail Woods.” Even Nightshade’s ears drooped as she recounted her tale. She shouted skywards in frustration. “We were delayed!!! Luna was forced to use the shard of corruption in order to fight Celestia. When I arrived, it was too late, all the defenders were dead and Luna engaged Celestia in single combat. I saw flashes in the sky and then our world ended.”

“Whoa what?! You’re talking about the Lunar Rebellion! That’s a millennia ago!”

Nightshade raised a brow. “So? I’m a vampire pony. We’re immortal. We can also hibernate.”

Spike poked her with a claw. “You’re in sunlight now.”

“Grow up! I can eat garlic too! I just don’t like to.” Nightshade stormed off with the cloud of depression over her head.

Spike called after her. “Nightshade, Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, you can’t blame yourself. I’m sure Luna doesn’t if she has employed you as her Captain.”

The bat pony looked back. Her ears popped upwards slightly. Then she continued walking into the heat midday.

Now the considerations and feelings of three mares weighed upon Spike’s conscience. He had subconsciously walked himself to edge of Ponyville. It was by Fluttershy’s cottage. He dared not approach further. The menagerie of animals the Pegasus kept had long shunned him. As he grew to certain age, his predatory nature became too much for the beasts of prey. Whenever he visited they would cower and hide. He recalled even as a baby dragon, Fluttershy had a rabbit which hated him already.

“Spike!” Fluttershy’s yell had caught him by surprise. She flew from the forest with a flock of assorted birds and woodland critters. Animals such as pigeons and hawks, normally would be mortal enemies in nature held a truce in Fluttershy’s presence due to their mutual affection for the gentle Pegasus. However today they were united by fear.

“Flutters, what’s up?”

“It’s terrible! Two monsters are in the forest. Their roaring is scaring away all the birds. Even Harry the bear is scared.”

The brown fur pile in question hid his head behind Fluttershy and shook. Spike raised a brow… if the grizzly bear was scared he supposed the threat was worth looking into.

“Stay here, Flutters. I’m going to check it out.”

Spike quickly saw that the monsters were mechanical. A Griffin War Wing and Zebra airship circled above the sky. Their roar was their cannons. The warships fired their guns blindly into the Everfree forest at an unseen enemy. Airships were called sometimes ‘dragon slayers’ for a reason; using their technology, the Griffins had carved territory from the Dragon Dominions. The feat was thought to be beyond impossible but sustained cannon fire bested the best dragon’s flame. Spike gulped down the lump in his throat and moved in to investigate.

Aboard the bridge of the Zebra airship, a mad Zebra mare made orders. Zaza raged with such grief and anger she appeared almost frothing at the mouth. Her officers shared a similar disposition and wrathful vigor. The Zebras and Griffins were united by bitter determination, their stoic and quiet fury was reflected in the liquid haste they pulled levers and cranks that compelled the warship.

“I want those assassins found! Use the cannons to flush them out.”

“Commander Zaza, our scouts are looking.” A Griffin saluted.

Zaza groaned. “There’s no need to look if we carpet bomb! Load the napalm!”

Zecora pleaded to her Zaza. “Sister, I fear you may be overreacting to burn the Forest of Everfree! Please you are scaring me!”

Zaza’s voice quaked. “They ki… R-Reagle… I will not relent!”

She stomped her hoof into the metal flooring of the bridge with so much force that it warped the metal. “They shall feel our full fury after we burn the forest we shall burn Equestria!! This is a declaration of war! I will see their sorrow match mine!”

Spike ran through the forest, as he entered a clearing he nearly gagged. Dozens of Royal Guards were slain, intermixed with Griffin dead. The grass and ground were thoroughly soaked with the blood. In the center of all was a single Griffin whose red cape was so soaked it dripped.

Spike was filled with rage at the responsible Griffin. However as the Griffin turned he recognized the dark hawk symbol on the cloak. The face feathers were that of an old friend. “King Hawkmor?”

House Hawkmor was infamous for their red cloaks that were worn to hide their wounds to conceal weakness from their enemies eyes and that of their own subordinate officers as a means of motivation. Whole battles were won and only afterwards it was revealed their commander had died; the bloodstains blending with the crimson cloth. Such fervor and frenzy the Griffins had fought they didn’t even notice. Try as he might to stand tall, the Griffin King’s posture though was that of a wounded bird.

“Hey ‘Ambassador’ Spike.” said the Griffin King with one claw clutching his stomach while the other held a sword. He directed his sword at Spike, daring the dragon to attack. “Come to finish the job? I regret teaching you now… Even wounded, I won’t die lying down.”

“Whoa, I’m not here for any of that.” He growled. “What’s with the dead guards? What the buck is going on?!”

Reagle scoffed. “You Equestrians did not order my assassination?”


“Lying lizard, Have at you!” The Griffin King spun his sword in his claws with an intimidating display. Spike knew the move from Reagle; he had begged to learn it for its ‘coolness’ value. Nevertheless, it still had its effect; he was not looking forward to matching his claws to the Griffin’s blade. He spent a week twirling his ceremonial saber and putting it to actual use by training with the Griffin. He never once won a mock match.

Reagle threw Spike a sword taken from a dead Griffin. “Use Vikers’ sword! Your people did kill him!”

Spike caught the weapon and barely jumped away from the strike that followed. Reagle used his wings to maneuver while mid strike. With the added leverage of lifting from the ground, his strikes were swift like an eagle and strong like a lion.

“Reagle, stop!”

“Vikers was a cadet!” Reagle pounced at him, he seemed to deliberately miss and hit a tree. The force of the impact shook it to the very top branches. Spike jumped back, avoiding the Griffin’s rebound. He raised his sword to parry the second strike. It never came.

“Die!” Reagle used claw flints to light a grenade, chucking it at Spike.

Spike batted the bomb upwards into the air with his wings. The bomb exploded, shrouding the battlefield in smoke.

Spike had to hone into his sense. His smell was shot, too much blood in the air. He tuned into his ears, the Griffin’s vanity betrayed the coming attack; the cloak rustled in the wind. Spike ducked just enough to avoid being decapitated.

Reagle moved in through the fog for a killing stroke, however his wound stopped him as he fell unto the ground.

Spike had won the battle before it had begun. His opponent was in no condition for combat. The fog dissipated as Reagle labored to catch his breath.

He hoped a friendly address might work better. “Reagle, nopony ordered an assassination! In fact we could ask the same of you?!”

Reagle rasped. “My personal guards are dead, lying lizard!”

“Lizard? That was uncalled for, you bird brain!”

“I wonder which of us is hard boiled or soft shelled?” said Reagle, raising his sword again.

Griffins and Dragons came from eggs, egg metaphors were shared cultural facet. Spike remembered learning about the terms from when he trained with the Griffin King. He had to remind his ‘friend’ of the better days. King Hawkmor was both lecherous and chivalrous. He knew which subject would warm the Griffin. “Reagle, remember when I asked you about Gilda at that party? You said she was a total—”

“—gold digging feather bag, you shouldn’t chase her tail.” Reagle replied.

“How about that cute yellow feather one?”

“Her clan is Bloodtalon, they take males as pets.”

“The white feather one?”

“Utter sociopath.”

Talking about females seemed to bring a smile to Griffin King. He lowered his sword and used it for support. “Okay, kid, give me something to go on here. Bloody Helheim, I’m tripping over the corpses of my own troops!”

Spike gave an appreciative smile. “Thank you.”

Reagle pulled a bomb belt from one of the dead Griffins. He sparked his claw flints. “No sudden moves. These ones aren’t smoke. Anything fishy, I’ll send us both to Valhalla.”

Spike cringed, at the dozen paces they were away from each other the bouquet of grenades would annihilate them both.

Reagle hacked out blood. “You’ve got until I bleed to death. So do hurry up!”

Spike needed some evidence: some proof that this was a terrible

misunderstanding. He looked at the scene of the slaughter; any objectivity seemed lost as he was immediately angered by the sight. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself. His anger abated further when he realized he knew none of the dead ‘Royal’ Guards. They didn’t seem to be from the local garrison or the Canterlot detachment. They were also all Sun-Guards.

“Firstly, I don’t know these guys. Secondly, their armor is basic infantry. If Luna wanted you dead she’d send her elite.” Spike thought of his duel with Nightshade and how hairs away he was close to losing his life.

Reagle tapped his claws on the bomb, impatiently. “Your personal testimony can’t be counted and uniforms can be changed. Give me more.”

A guard’s beard and one guard’s extremely long mane though caught his attention. During his Guard training, he had convinced Twilight to cast a certain spell that gave him facial hair. He showed Shining Armor and after a hearty laugh his surrogate brother and commanding officer ordered him to shave it. Hygiene standards with the Royal Guard were high. Spike inspected the dead ‘guards’ more closely he looked at each of the pony’s left ears there were holes in them. He was satisfied by the conclusion.

He presented his evidence. “Look at the holes in their left ears. Under Equestrian law, banished murderers have their left ears tagged. Those holes are where their tags would have been. Also some of these guys got poor hygiene. Any military is strict on this. These ponies aren’t Royal Guard.”

The Griffin scratched his beak thoughtfully. “They could have been exiles promised repatriation in return for my assassination.”

Spike groaned. “Yeessh! You can’t be that paranoid. Come on! Dude, what about our friendship?”

Reagle chuckled at his honest outburst. “Kid, I believe you.” He tossed the bomb belt aside and used his sword as a crutch to walk. He tripped on a branch that was obscured by the gore.

Spike caught the Griffin by his underarm and helped him away from the clearing.

After several steps the Griffin tapped on Spike’s shoulder. “Set me down, I’m not going to make it, mate.”

“Come on, the airships are so close.”

Reagle leaned against the tree and held out his claw, staring at his own blood. “Argh bloody Helhiem, at least I killed a dozen of them before they got me. They thought they could get close enough to clip me. I showed those bastards, whoever they were.”

Spike looked frantically for a way to save the Griffin King. “I don’t have a medical kit, I can go to Ponyville though and get help.”

“Kid, I’ll be dead by then. You have to go to my wife and tell her what you told me or war will happen. She won’t believe you; so you have to tell her exactly what I say. Okay?”

Spike leaned to to hear.

“Tell her, I love her righteous rump,” He chirped and chuckled, fondly. “… and to live on even if I’m gone.”

He closed his eyes and placed his claws on his chest.

“You’ll tell her yourself.”

“Eh?” Reagle opened an eye.

“I can sear your wound with my fire to stop bleeding. It’ll hurt though… incredibly. You might pass out.”

“Two tours, fighting the Zebrika campaign; one as a conqueror, one as its liberator. I think I’ll manage.”

In the Dragon Dominion, Spike was once tempted to try chicken. Refusing the sweet smelling meat was no small challenge. Spike was thankful since the aroma was obscured by the sickening and noxious odor of burning Griffin feathers. He stopped when he was satisfied that the wound was cleansed and closed by his flame. The Griffin King was true to his word and did not cry out during the agonizing procedure even as Spike winced from performing it.

“Now, could you kindly fly me to my wife before she burns the world in retribution?” Reagle asked.

Spike was cleared a path by the Griffins to the airships once they saw who he was carrying. He walked onto the bridge of the Zebra airship while helping his friend by the shoulder.

An ecstatic Zebra mare greeted the Griffin. “Reagle! The guard that rushed to go get help said you were surrounded by dozens of assassins.”

“Yeah now there’s dozens less.” Reagle chirped cheerfully. “Zaza, Listen the Equestrians weren’t responsible. Spike, their Ambassador, saved my life.”

“Shush. I am so happy you’re alive.” Zaza popped a potion in his mouth. She helped Reagle guzzle the Zebra brew.

After things had settled down, they moved to the Griffin War Wing where Reagle and Zaza sat on a wide throne together.

Zaza lowered her head. “I would have made a terrible mistake.”

Spike spoke. “Yeah, Luna was attacked by group armed with Griffin and Zebra weapons. They even brought an automatic crossbow. We were tempted to blame you guys. ”

Reagle pondered. “Automatic crossbows aren’t produced cheaply, we have them accounted for. Sometimes in theaters of war, automatic crossbows might jam or the crew is overrun. If you can get us the factory serial number, we can trace where it was lost. Tell this to your Princess: we seek peace, and our resources are at her disposal for this investigation.”

Spike nodded, he had already transcribed a part of the decree along with the exchanged explanations. He blew his flames and sent the message.

Zaza frowned. “It is distressing, but some power is working towards war. This coming Peace Summit might be a farce if that power is the Dragon Dominions.”

“I can’t say. Even though I’m a dragon; I represent Equestria.” said Spike.

“A fine job you have done, Mr Ambassador,” a familiar voice said. “We couldn’t ask for more.”

Spike spun his head around to the rhyming Zebra. The Zebra’s presence onboard the warship seemed so out of place, he blinked to confirm her existence. Yet Zecora seemed to look as at home aboard the metal warship as in her wooden tree hut. Perhaps it was the other Zebras. What was the Zebra mare’s role in all this? Zecora had first entered Ponyville under a cloak. Was there a reason for the disguise? “Zecora, what are you doing here?”

Zecora resumed. “Never mind that! Yesterday, Rarity came here to chat.”

“Rarity spoke to you?”

Reagle smirked. “The little pony with the coat alabaster she came here. I spied her approaching our warships long before she noticed us. She didn’t flinch when faced with our full military might. That’s some mare!”

Zaza nodded. “She spoke to all of us.” She winked. “The lady Rarity seemed to have an important reason.”

“What did she talk to you about?” Spike asked nervously.

Zecora gave a sly wink. “Silly, I know you have always pined for Rarity. She was asking about love, she may be ready!”

Spike sighed. “I’m not. I sort of met someone else… now I’m sorting through my feelings. I haven’t got a clue.”

Reagle chimed in. “Hahaha! A fellow paramour! Perhaps you want to join bird-house Hawkmor?!”

Zaza poked Reagle ever so softly near his wound.

The Griffin King cringed. “Okay I deserved that.”

“I now have a button!” Zaza said fondly, snuggling next to Reagle.

Spike made his way back to Ponyville, on the way he took a short trip to allay Fluttershy’s fears of monsters in her backyard. Thinking of Fluttershy’s connection the animals made him consider his own nature.

Dragons were naturally monogamous. In the wild, such problems never arose due to the difficulty and danger of allowing another Dragon to access to your horde of power. Millennia could pass without Dragons earning such trust. At that the rare critical juncture betrayal was common place. Due to their feudal nature, some Dragons went so far as to make ‘breeding arrangements’ divorce of any romance. The dragon-lings produced were not tenderly cared for; rather they were soldiers seen as an expansion of power for the clan. In lands ruled by fear and fire, love was foreign and he the foreigner. The answer was not there.

Maybe for the heavy party ponies, the answer would have been both or even more. He attended a Canterlot casual social where that was the case. Diamond Tiara had brought her two colt-friends and none was the more miserable than herself behind her hollow laughter. A heated argument ended party early when Diamond Tiara wasn’t able to remember the full name of the first alleged lover. The second colt left in a huff when Diamond incorrectly gave his name as the reply to the first one’s question. He knew even Pinkie Pie wouldn’t endorse their lifestyles, all their lovers, besmirched the concept of ‘love’. True love to him was exclusive, not dirty like lips of a cider bottle passed across the crowd. He wracked his brain even if he could split his heart in twain, there forever would be a lingering doubt as to who was the majority shareholder of his heart. Such tension was no way to live.

A walk to clear his mind had only turned to befuddle him further. The strange forces moving in the backdrop and the two most important mares in front of him added to his growing confusion. He needed to take action. Firstly, Rarity needed him as a friend. Could he go to her as ‘just’ a friend? Navigating the emotional minefield, could he evade her traps whether they be intentional or not? Did he want to? What about Luna? Her entry into his life had been so quick yet he now he considered her equal to Rarity in his heart. Wait, they were equal? It exploded as a personal revelation to him. Throughout his thoughts he placed them in equal weight upon the scales of his heart. He loved Rarity…. and now he loved Luna at the same time.

Chapter 6 Hearts Aflame

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Luna winced slightly under the bright flashes of a hundred cameras. Captain Nightshade stood by her right side in her ebony armor. There would be no room for distractions here, even the ornate dress uniforms were foregone in favor of functional battle armor. The legendary knight-commander Sir Fancy Pants stood by her left side. It took much convincing but the retired Sir Fancy Pants was persuaded to set aside his silk suit for a metal one.

In the open air stage, winds blew in all directions while reporters below held onto their hats. Pegasus aerial units flew in squad aerial formations and in well-choreographed holding patterns. Each squad of Pegasi represented their respective aerial divisions with trailing banners carried by their leaders. Circling above were two of Equestria’s own airships and a dozen War Balloons. Their airships, Cloud Carriers, unlike Griffin or Zebra ones did not rely on burning black bloodstones; their power came from sorcery as opposed to technology. Pegasus cloud generators, Earth Pony Engineering, and Unicorn power, Equestria’s airships were the product of three race’s friendship.

Luna had arranged it all to surpass even the propaganda posters. Her plan took a different turn, however, when winds of her making blew away her speech sheet. There was a pregnant pause as everypony saw the piece of parchment flicker through the air. Nightshade motioned to spring for it. Luna stopped her with her hoof. She didn’t need any sign of weakness. She knew what she needed to say.

She was glad that microphone technology allowed her to speak normally without having to scream at them as she did in days of yore. Still, she was sure to add a little bit of boom for good measure. She drew her muzzle close to the mic and began. “Citizens of Equestria, not but yesterday an attempt was made upon our life. We are here to dispel rumors of Griffin and Zebra involvement and set the Equestrian doctrine.”

Luna was glad that Spike had sent a message; otherwise she would have been forced to at least implicate the most likely suspects. He had spared her an international debacle. Her thoughts of Spike caused a small panic and pause. She resumed before anyone noticed.

“There are those who underestimate the power of ponies. They call us weak and soft of heart, yet no nation has lasted our duration. Foreign powers that seek the enterprize of empire pay heed. Equestria, for a millennia, hast withstood and endured the rages of the ages. Our sky and soil are sovereign. Any who attempt to colonize; thy bodies and bones are welcome to fertilize our flowers!”

Her rhetoric was from a crueler time; Luna saw several ponies in the crowd shudder. She hoped her enemies were afraid as well.

“To the cowards who seek to disturb the peace, we extend an invitation to an open duel! We offer this challenge! Come at us with thy assassins and armies, for all trembles to behold our true might, the citizens that fight to defend their homes. Equestria prevails.”

The crowds were rapt with attention. There were some early cheers.

Luna looked towards Sir Fancy Pants. “Now in these times of peril; to reservists and retirees of the Royal Guard we call upon thee to renew old vows! Polish thy armor and remove the rust from thy lances. Citizens thinking of service, do not tarry. Equestria needs every able solder. Let us present a united front.”

A pony or two saluted in the crowd. Luna saw an elderly pony with crutch salute. A soldier that had paid such a sacrifice already was willing to pay more. The patriots added more fire to her speech. Some ponies that did not bear the air of soldiers saluted also.

“In summation, nations near, hear and fear! Equestria is a power that can defend itself and if necessary preemptively attack! To our allies, we offer continued friendship and harmony! To our foolish foes, prepare and beware to face the merciless moon!”

Luna had resurrected the power and passion of war words, some of which she used to inspire the Lunar Rebellion or Revolution. The irony was not lost on her as she smiled warmly. Despite the outcome of the first ill-fated war, it showed she was still loved enough that others would fight… and die for her. She prayed such devotion of her subjects was never tested.

For extra spice, the captain of the Wonderbolts blew over the stage in a great gale.The reporters held firmly onto their hats. However, as the sound cracked over them, many lost theirs. The flurry of colors produced by the Sonic Rainboom was awe inducing to Luna’s mesmerizing speech.

Luna left before the applause came, but she heard the stomping and clopping of hooves backstage. Public speech and outings sapped her, their gales of patriotism though helped her recover slightly.

As they walked to board her airship, Fancy Pants bowed before Luna.

The aristocratic knight spoke with dignity and a slight bit of whimsy. “Princess Luna, your majesty, that was a very bold speech. When you re-commissioned me, I’d hoped you weren’t planning war.”

“Sir Fancy Pants, we thank thee for enlisting again. We may indeed require thine martial might. We thought thee would be glad to don thy armor again.”

“Your majesty, soldiering has never been my true calling.”

“Thou hast crowns for thy emblem; the intrigues of power seem to be the innate with thee. Tell us thou art not in the least enthused to enter the arena again.”

Fancy Pants nodded as he looked back at his cutie mark. “Your majesty, while I may indulge in the game of princesses and princes you’ll notice my mark is not crossed sabers or lances.”

Nightshade snorted. “You’ll do your duty as our Princess commands and without complaint. Guard vows are unto death regardless of retirement.”

“I am aware of the contract I signed.” Fancy Pants gave an indignant glare at the bat pony. “As abrasive as ever. Still single?”

Nightshade snarled now. “I save my flower.”

Fancy Pants raised a brow while smirking. “Of course; it’s poisonous after all.”

“Your last one was a looker, or was she a hook—”

Fancy Pants boiled under his collar. “You will not impugn Fleur’s honor! She is my wife!”

Luna interrupted before blows were exchanged. “My Captains, while this line of discourse is most amusing. Save thy fury for our enemy.”

Fancy pants took the cue to change subject. “Princess, would that we could, we do not know the nature of foe.”

“Nightshade, report to us thy findings.”

Nightshade saluted. “The Griffins gave the automatic crossbow’s deployment details; the crew was overrun and weapon was lost in the first Zebrika campaign. I traced the exact battle. A mercenary outfit gained possession of it afterwards. The mercenary leader summarily died during the second Zebrika campaign. The last owners were a Gazelle and Water Buffalo; whereabouts unknown.”

“Truly a cursed weapon, to have shed so much blood. The tragedy and history of violence in Zebrika; shocks us. So the weapon origins tells us nothing.”

Nightshade shook her head speaking grimly. “Dead lead.”

“Sir Fancy Pants, have your old contacts found anything concerning the conspiracy commander Big Brow?

“Your Majesty, Big Brow was an alias; Gargan Juan is real name. He actually served in my old unit as a lesser officer. He left with full honors. I don’t know what reason would compel him to treason.”

Luna scratched the bottom of her muzzle. “On his dying breaths, this commander of theirs spoke of a wife and son, can they be brought for questioning?”

Sir Fancy Pants cleared his throat. “When we broke into his house, the guards vomited at the sight… his wife and son were found dead and rotting for some months.”

“Dead…” Luna shuddered as gears in mind clicked. “My Captains, we fear our foe is more insidious and cunning than any you have ever faced. Continue thy investigations; keep details close to thy chests. Ascertain the identity of our enemy. Equestria prevails.”

Both Captains echoed her words. “Equestria prevails.”

Spike arrived at Rarity’s Carousel Boutique. He felt hollow within, his feelings lost. After a round of deep breathing exercises, he knocked on the door. The pony that answered though surprised him.

“Heya, Spike.” A full grown mature mare version of Sweetie Belle bounced in front of him. The antics the troublesome trio of friends, caused Spike to groan inwardly at the trouble they caused him.

“Sweetie Belle? I thought you were on concert tour.”

“I stopped by to check on Rarity, but she’s locked in her room. Another Prince Blueblood or smarmy rich stallion proved to be full of dung, huh? She’ll be brooding for a week but she’ll get over it.”

Spike tried to raise a claw to correct her. “Sweetie that’s not—”

Sweetie patted his shoulder. “Hang in there Spike, she’ll come around! Aside from the most popular stallions of the week, you’re all she talks about.”

Shaking his head, Spike took a breath and closed his eyes. He felt his claw tighten, the tension rising in him. “Actually Sweetie, Rarity is crying because of me.”

Sweetie put her hoof to her hips and looked at him in disbelief. “What? You ate her entire gem collection?”

“No, it’s complicated.”

“Shred a designer dress of hers?”

“No, Rarity rejected me, then I fell in love with Luna. Rarity came back but…”

Sweetie Belle’s jaw fell. “You’re dating Luna? Way to make her jealous!”

With a wide grin, she nudged Spike’s shoulder with her hoof. “That’s some plan you got there. It may be your best one yet! I approve!”

“It’s not a plan. I really love Luna. I just love Rarity too.”

His words finally reached the peppy pop idol songstress. “Whoa? Take a breath and tell me. First let me take a breath.”

Outside the door they sat. Sweetie Belle waved off her bodyguard for their privacy. After some harrowing minutes. Spike finished explaining the insane events leading to the current condition.

“You and Rarity got mad massive history, though!” Sweetie Belle said. “You’re just gonna dump that for the perfect Princess?”

“I know what we have, had, have.” Spike struggled with word tenses. “It’s just Luna isn’t what everyone thinks she is. I feel like I’ve known her all my life as well. I might be the only one that can fill that special place in her life… I feel the same about Rarity.”

“You know I’m gonna recommend Rarity, right?”


“Rarity was afraid because I was a dragon. She’s scared of me…”

“No offense, I can like you in the light, but if I saw you in a dark alleyway I’d run off heading for the hills.”

Sweetie’s words were somehow poetic in illustrating his dual nature. Were it from a stranger though he was want to cry racism, however, she was being her honest self.

Spike, nevertheless, was compelled to ask. “I’m that bad?”

He sunk sadly.

“Don’t be like that. It just means Rarity loves you so much that she’s willing to come back to that! By what you told me, Rarity is rather reasonable. There’s some other reasons too…”

“Like what?”

“She’s given up her business for you. When rumors spread around the rich snobs that Rarity was dating a dragon, things got ugly. I guess it was similar to your situation. Rarity neither confirmed nor denied it which made the rumor worse.”

Spike felt a chill run through his spine. Rarity’s boutique was her life, she was a thoroughbred career mare. “R-Rarity gave up her dreams? But she was boasting about sales in Prance.”

“It’s some rich snob who wants to dress like an emperor. No-pony-nean or something, That lifeline thread will be cut once he realizes Rarity herself isn’t for sale.”

The megalomaniacal Prench General Naponean was Rarity’s client? Spike shook his head. It couldn’t be. The tyrant’s fame was renowned; perhaps somepony had named their child after Naponean. Still, Rarity’s desperate financial situation was worrying news to him.

Spike placed both of his palms on his forehead. “Celestia’s sun, I never knew. Why didn’t Rarity say anything?!”

“Rarity is prouder than most. She built her business when she was nameless and nothing. She even got angry at me when I tried anonymously buying all her dresses. Calling for help would be admitting defeat. Yeah, it’s illegal to discriminate… but in reality you can’t prove anything. Her customers can always they say changed styles. Fashion is fickle.”

Spike angrily shook his claws at the heavens. “Why?!”

He then sighed, sadly. “Whatever my damn feelings are. I still have to apologize. Rarity deserves that.”

Sweetie nodded. “Heya Spike did you know we three, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and I once dared each other to ask you out on a date? We were too scared though.”

Spike raised an eyebrow with a tilt of his head. “Because I’m a dragon?”

“No it was because you were too nice. We didn’t want to hurt you. Applebloom convinced us all it wasn’t right to play with your heart. Also because I do the best Rarity impression, Scoots didn’t think it’d be fair. I was game for it though. Sometimes I wonder…” Sweetie Belle got up promptly. “Okay best of luck Spike! I got a concert to deliver!”

Spike hollered after her. “What’s your latest single?”

Sweetie waved back. “Your sad love life inspires my music. Newest song is called Puppy Love! Top of the boards, two weeks!” She reared up on her hind legs then bent her left leg; with her right forehoof she blew a kiss. Thousands of hormonally crazed colts went to her concerts just for that signature. Sweetie Belle was a sensation across the nation, a pop idol exploding hearts and sales charts. Her music, though, wasn’t exactly his taste; it was her personality that won so much fame, much like how her sister had drawn him. Spike turned toward inside the boutique.

The threshold boundary between the business and her exclusive space was Rarity’s door. Inside was her inner sanctum, her castle’s keep. Spike knocked lightly to no answer. After a few more minutes and more knocks, he decided to open the door anyway. In the dark room she saw a figure wrapped in bed sheets like a hood.

“Sweetie Belle, I don’t want to talk about it! For the last time leave me alone!”

“Rarity, it’s me,” a voice said.

Her words were screamed out as she shuffled away. “Spikey?! Don’t turn on the light! Don’t look! My makeup and mane are a mess!”

He sighed and turned on the light. Rarity shrunk away hiding herself in the bed sheets.

“Rarity, I have night vision. It’s a dragon thing.”

After moments, Rarity let the fact sink in. “You can see in the dark?”


“So all those other embarrassing moments…?”


Rarity raised her hooves to hide her face. “It seems I’m coming apart at the seams.”

Spike noticed the blood cuts on her hooves. “How’d you hurt you hoof?”

“I smashed my mirror.”

Spike grabbed a medical box he found by her dresser. It seemed to have been used recently as well. “Why’d you do that?”

“I hate myself.”

“Well don’t do stuff like that; I love you.”

“Spikey?” Her eyes sparkled with hope.

“I also love Luna. Let’s be clear, I didn’t appreciate you trying to trap me with the ‘Just’ friends’ dinner arrangement. I am not that thick.”

“It was uncouth of me. I know that now, passions can make us do the craziest things.”

“Rarity, also Sweetie told me everything about how you’re struggling. You need to accept help from others. Even Applejack can’t farm the whole orchard.”

She nodded.

“Let’s go on that just ‘friends’ date.” He repeated for special emphasis. “Just friends.”

Rarity smiled. “I can accept that.”

Trekking through Ponyville was now no longer as hospitable as it once was. Night Guards with lances patrolled the rooftops while Sun Guards walked the street. The added security somehow made Spike feel insecure. In lieu of the assassins, though, he figured it was better safe than sorry. Still, the ominous presence of the guards ruined the mood. One of the guards on the rooftops shuffled somewhat oddly. Spike smiled at that. It was possible the guard fell asleep on duty and recent awoke groggily to his duty. Maybe it was Luna that popped his dream bubble. It reminded him that behind their armor, they were still ponies.

Again they found themselves at the same Café by convenience of the location. Savoir Fare, the owner, was apologizing every two sentences as he vowed to serve them complimentary meals until the end of days. After receiving their free meals, they ate only to avoid speaking, waiting for the other to first speak.



Spike, as a gentle-drake, offered her first to speak. “You go first, Rarity.”

Rarity produced a familiar ring. “You dropped this when you left the party… that terrible night.”

He chuckled. “I won that gem stone for you. I fought Firestorm for a whole afternoon. Our battle destroyed several hillsides.”

“Yes; your claws cut it and you kissed it with fire to make it look like my cutie mark. As a fellow artist, I can appreciate your labors.” Rarity floated the ring closer to her eyes and gently stroked the side of the gemstone with her hoof. “Spikey, this is positively the most generous gift I have ever received… since well your last gift.”

“You still have that Fire Ruby? You could sell it to boost your business.”

Rarity digressed. “It’s locked safely in the chest under my bed’s left side. I would sell my soul before parting with it.” She returned to form and pushed the diamond ring to him. “As much I would love to. I cannot accept this because it is unfair. You should give this gift to one you love—”

“I love—”

“Spikey, it is rude to interrupt a lady. As I was saying, you should give this treasure to the one you love the most. A heart diamond is much more than legendary in quality.”

“It’s you could say a rarity.”

“Darling, that’s charming, but you’re violating your own terms. We are just friends here aren’t we? Say more, and I shall be forced to something rash.”

“Rash like what?” Spike asked.

Rarity blushed. “Jump you here in front of all these gentle-colts and ladies, create a scandal that would leave them talking for years to come, possibly get us arrested for indecent exposure. Darling, you have no idea.”

Spike’s face reddened as some ideas entered his head. He took the diamond and nodded. “Thank you for giving me this option. That alone means more to me than you know.”

Rarity looked down upon her plate. “I said terrible things that night… ugly things. I cannot say how much how sorry I am sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“No it is not!” Rarity hung her head letting her mane and ears droop. “It wasn’t me… it was high society. Those sneering snobs, the biased books, I let them get to me. I am truly ashamed. I hope one day we can forget this unpleasantness.”

Spike sighed. “I could never forget… I could forgive, though. You don’t understand what’s like from my angle.”

“Tell me.”

“When I was small, ponies paid little mind to me, but the bigger I got, the more they did. Eventually less and less of them remembered when I was small, and they saw me as a dangerous ‘thing’. They hid from me or made excuses. It was alright though because I still had six friends that would see me for me no matter what…”

Rarity nearly sobbed. “I’m sorry to be the first weak link to break...”

“No, Fluttershy was the first to see me differently than when I was a dragonling. Her animals would cause a ruckus whenever I visited. She never said anything but her body language was all telling. I saw the fear in her eyes and how she shuddered when I reached out with my claws or opened my jaws.”

With a shake of her head, Rarity let her tears fall. “I didn’t know…”

“I avoided Pinkie Pie not because of her but because the Cakes were fearful for their fillies. I didn’t want to cause her trouble.”

“Oh Spikey,” Rarity was crying for him.

He took his claws that could carve stone and delicately wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t cry. It’s actually helped me grow. I became an ambassador because I was already a stranger here.”

“It doesn’t make it right. This is your home.”

“It is what it is.”

“This simply will not do, dear! You can’t accept that. We’ll work to change it.”

Spike shook his head, sadly. “I’m not a social movement, I don’t have clout, and I honestly I doubt even Luna’s laws could change people’s prejudices.”

Rarity saved the debate for another time; the subject of Luna was another matter she was deeply concerned about. “Spike, I understand you work as an ambassador but how did you end up dating Princess Luna?”

“It’s funny that you should mention. When things seemed to be the darkest she was there for me. Talking to her these past couple days has been an illuminating experience. It happened so fast.”

“Too fast,” said Rarity, pondering. “Did she slip you a love potion, I wonder?”

“Luna wouldn’t do that,” said Spike, “She knows what it’s like to be hurt. She has a lot of baggage weighing her down.”

Rarity sniffled. “Spikey, am I your baggage?”

“No, things have gotten crazy between us but I would never call you that. You’re an incredible mare, I’m happy to have you in my life.” Spike reflected on Rarity’s involvement. She was a normal Unicorn mare; her actions, though, made her shine like the dazzling diamond in his claws. Even during the first day they had met, she proved herself to be an extraordinary individual. Without knowing about her attachments to the elements she went into the forest to stop Nightmare Moon. In his youth identity crisis, she even ventured into dragon territories to help him.

Their conversation was interrupted when Luna approached them. Spike expected hostilities. Words would be exchanged and his head would implode from their battle. Already he was preparing some sort of damage control, he was so nervous he chewed on his claws.

Luna’s tone was reconciliatory. “Sir Spike and Lady Rarity, could we join thee?”

Rarity was stunned by Luna’s maturity. She eyed Luna as one would be wary of a dark leopard prowling in the undergrowth.

“Lady Rarity, we mean peace. We bring confections of chocolate and vanilla.” Luna floated from behind her, a red bow wrapped box.

“They’re not poison are they?”

Luna giggled and untied the box. She casually popped a random chocolate into her mouth. “Thou art a precious friend to Sir Spike; we wish to be your friend also.”

Her smiled was gummed up by the sticky chocolate as the three of them sat down.

There was some initial ice, but it was melted with help of Spike. He used up his best funny stories. He told of the times that he snuck hot sauce into ketchup of the military academy mess hall; Shining Armor made him drink a bottle when he was caught literally red handed. Rarity told a tale of a married stallion who wished to buy a dress not for his wife but for himself; the stallion was even trying it on in her shop. The evening passed with such shared tales of humorous hijinks and the eating of gourmet candies. Spike smiled wide as he saw them converse.

The moon had risen when Luna finished recounting her last tale. “We then tarred and feathered the false knight! Prince Blueblood shall naught be posing as a soldier anytime soon without lifting a lance! The coward’s screams sent the guards rushing for fear maidens’ virtues were under assault.”

Rarity laughed, slapping her forehooves on her hind knees. She winced as her bandaged hoof was hit.

“Thou art injured, let us heal thee.” Luna sparked her horn and let her magic wash through Rarity’s hoof.

“Thank you,” said Rarity. She unwrapped the bandage to find her minor cuts gone.

“Prince Blueblood,” said Spike. “He’s a jerk and a joke.”

“We concur though;” Luna chuckled. “Blueblood is a source of great humor. It pleases us to knock him down when his arrogance grows too tall.”

“Darling, you would not believe the horrid experience I had with that so called Prince.”

“Let’s prank him sometime!” Spike howled in laughter.

Luna declared. “Indeed! We must punish him again!”

“I can warm up the hot tar,” said Spike blowing a tiny plume of fire.

“I have some feather pillows. Oh they’re Prench imports, but it would be sooo worth it!” Rarity added.

“Very well! We shall come up with the arbitrary reason!”

“This is too much.” Rarity beamed smiling. Rarity cuffed a yawn with her hoof. “I do beg your pardon but it is getting late and this lady needs her beauty sleep.”

Spike volunteered. “I’ll take you home.”

“We will take you home,” Luna added a little too hastily.

The embers of hostility seem to flicker for a slight second.

Rarity questioned. “You suspect me of doing something untowards to Spike?”

Luna snuffed the ember with a kind smile. “Nay, Lady Rarity. We suspect we are all too weary.”

After joking some more about Blueblood’s cowardice they said their goodbyes and left Rarity at her home.

Spike spoke, fondly. “Luna, I can’t thank you enough. That was awesome. Somehow I knew you could get along.”

“Sir Spike, now I feel conflicted as thee do. Fair Rarity is a strong spirit. She is worthy of thee.”

“I know… this is killing me inside. Maybe all of us can hold off on romance for a while.”

“We will respect thy decision whatever that may be. Time heals all wounds; I have until the stars flicker and die. All will be well.”

Spike nodded in agreement, until he noticed she didn’t use the Royal ‘we’. He didn’t believe her stock words. Something was off with her. “Really? You can’t hide your hurt like that. Be honest, Luna,”

“Of course I will not be well if you choose her!” blurted Luna.

Spike cringed. “I don’t know who yet. I know though the other will be hurt. I’m so inept, I can’t even make a decision.”

“We shall make it for thee… Spike be with Rarity.”

Spike growled. “What the buck?! How can you say that and expect me to go along! You’re either manipulating me again or something I don’t know…”

“Manipulation thou hast not the faintest clue…”

Spike growled. “Being called a dumb beast by others made me hard work at proving them wrong. I’ve read you well enough so far. That stunt you pulled at the hospital didn’t escape me.”

Luna lowered her head. “It is the least of my sins… I confess I engineered our magic moments. Thine love for me is not natural. Like a predator, I have waited for the opportunity to snatch thee from Rarity for a while.”

“What? No way Luna, you couldn’t you have predicted. Why would you?”

Luna’s words became chilled. “Think upon it. Our meeting in Everfree was so coincidental only the poorest playwriters could have contrived such a farce to pull us together. Thy nature, we were certain would scare fair Rarity away at least once. We simply waited in the wings to steal thee.”

Spike felt himself leave his body. It was unreal. “No way. Luna, everything with you felt so natural. Why would you anyway? I’m nothing special. Plus up till that night we haven’t had any real conversations.”

“Thou art a special kind of dragon. Thine breed is extinct… Thy destiny has indeed decreed destruction. My sister Celestia favors nurture as the governing principle. We believe… or believed nature to be the beast. At first we walked through your dreams to assess thine threat to this land. Thou were a danger… if necessary to be killed before being allowed to grow to kill others…”

Spike shivered at the axe looming over his head he never knew of. Had his thoughts turned dark, had he embraced his role within the nightmare, would Luna have assassinated him in his sleep?

Luna resumed. “Nightmare after nightmare, thou refused to accept fate for what it hast dealt thee. Thou still awoke in the morning to work till the next night, knowing what waited and that slumber would offer no reprieve.”

Spike clasped his claws over his ears. “I still refuse! I won’t be a beast bent on destruction.”

He looked towards Luna glowing in the moon light. Her sad smile made him understand. “You’re talking about yourself too.”

“Slowly thy bravery in thy internal battles won my heart,” Luna continued. “In thy dreams thou fought the field of fire as I do in mine against the door of darkness. Thou clung to love when others would abandon it to despair. Twas inspiration for me to fight my own demon that hounds my heart. I wished to be your light as thou were mine. If not be it then by and besides it.”

For Spike, what he was hearing sounded too true to be possible. His head throbbed as hard as his heart. Luna’s possessiveness seem so sudden, but with her history expanded it was expected.

In his chronic nightmares, Spike recalled a shadow standing in the distance. “Luna, what are you saying? You were shadow in my Nightmares? The shadow always that watches and never speaks?”

“I have watched thee for a while.”

It was creepy and endearing. He felt no ill will towards her. The mysterious presence of another being in his nightmares actually distracted him from the despair. Her confession still stunned him.

“Too heavy was my hoof…” Luna said, a pain forming on her face. “Too eager I was to take thee… I did not know fair Rarity loved thee truly. Now I serve to split thee both from happiness. Sir Spike, I love thee and I am sorry!”

Luna turned to gallop away.

Spike grabbed her and lifted her onto her rear legs. “Luna I love you too.”

Luna kicked and bucked in an attempt to break free of his embrace. “Anathema in my ears; let me leave with my dignity!”

“I’m not letting you go… Spike want.” He tenderly held her as she struggled. “Luna, you were just lonely. It’s okay.”

Luna broke into tears as her limbs became limp in his arms. “Why Sir Spike?! Why must thee be so chivalrous!?”

“Milady Luna, I am your knight.”

“Did thee hear nothing of what was said?”

“I heard what mattered, you love me. You may have set me up but the moments the parts of you shared, I know were real. I love you too.”

“Then love only me.”


Nightshade and Sir Fancy Pants rushed to Luna with urgency in their steps.

Luna looked at Spike pleadingly. Tears were still flowing from her eyes.

“Distract them,” she whispered.

Spike deployed his wings like a curtain. “What’s going on?”

Nightshade rasped apparently out of breath. “You must make your escape. Ponyville is a trap.”

Spike shielded Luna with enough time that she was able to wipe her tears away. Luna came back with her social mask, her chest puffed out and her head high with authority. “The garrison has been doubled. Surely the threat is not as thou makest it to be. We see our guards still patrol.”

She pointed her horn at squads of guards walking in the street and the ones perched atop the roofs.

Fancy Pants whispered. “Your Majesty, the guards are ours in body only, their spirits have left them. The enemy has turned our assets against us. We don’t know who or how many.”

“We had to weave through the streets so we weren’t noticed and they did not spring the trap while you were in it. Just getting here, we noticed the majority have fallen.” said Nightshade.

“Under an influence spell, Changeling mind control?” asked Spike.

The squads of guards patrolling in the street began to converge on them. Moaning and gurgling came from their throats.

Luna shook her head. “Nay, the fallen…meaning dead yet resurrected in cruelty and with agency.”

The guards shambled towards them with unnatural gaits.

“I say this is too cruel, I knew these fools,” said Fancy Pants.

“Do not let their appearance deceive thee. Fight them as you would the enemy! They all already have passed on.”

“Wait! I sense some—” Nightshade vocalized dissent.

Luna reiterated with force. “They are all dead.”

“Yes Princess.” Nightshade nodded as if grasping some hidden meaning of hers.

Spike didn’t have time to ask, he readied himself for the onslaught.

As the horde seemed lurching to attack they stopped suddenly. The legion were frozen in place.

Fancy Pants scoffed. “I say, rather melodramatic, no?”

Luna narrowed her gaze. “A demon cometh.”

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A figure walked casually down the road towards them. With a brown fedora and red tie, he appeared to be like any other business pony. His innocuous apparel though was underscored by an obvious malevolent aura that bled darkness. Phantom strings of black magic were revealed by lamp lights. The wires seemed to be attached to the stallion’s limbs. The street lamps flickered out as he passed them.

Nightshade snarled. “Not one step further!”

She recoiled when she sniffed the stranger. “I sense no warmth from your blood.”

The gray stallion chuckled.

“Who art thou?”

The gray stallion stopped and tipped his hat in a gesture of respect. “Bold Princess, you extended an invitation… I am here to call upon thee.”

Luna looked at the stallion. “The dead cannot speak. Yet thy voice is thy own. How is it that thou hast retained speech?”

Sir Fancy readied his horn with magical energy. “Your Majesty, be wary.”

More guards took up positions on roof tops that encircled them.

Nightshade announced. “The sky route is cut off.”

Spike looked at an alleyway with promise however a squad of guards took that position too. “So is the ground.”

The cold gray stallion spoke with a warm tone. “You have my congratulations. The moon is most magnificent. The light it casts illuminates such shades of shadow. A fine evening it is.”

Luna matched his conversational tone. “Indeed it is, you seem to be an admirer of darkness. Tell us, who pulls thy strings?”

“Did you kill all these guards on your own?” Nightshade snarled.

“What are you?” Fancy Pants demanded.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk,” The stallion clucked his tongue. “So many questions, I am afraid of I have no obligation to answer.”

Luna spoke with a diplomatic air. “The spells upon thine body, they must hurt painfully to the physical and the soul. We may free thee in exchange for information.”

The figure winced slightly. “Every step and breath I take is pure agony…Thank you for your offer.”

He took a hoof and playfully tugged at one of the phantom strings. “However, you mistake the nature of my chains. These bounds are of love. I serve willingly.”

Luna continued the pretense of conversation. “Thou art animated by magic most malign. Yet ye seem to be in control of thy affliction. Thy force of personality must have been great during days alive.”

Spike interrupted. “So he’s an intelligent zombie pony?”

“Nay far fouler, tis a revenant of regret, a reason compels him…it… to stay in our realm,” said Luna. She turned back towards the stranger. “I am Princess Luna. Who art thou?”

He bowed slightly. “I am Amorpheus, master of shapeless nightmares.”

Luna bit back. “Ironic that a puppet would declare itself a master of anything!”

Amorpheus smiled. “Bold Princess, once opponents have declared, the duel is commenced!”

His fedora fell from his head in the upsurge of magical pressure, under his hat was revealed a Unicorn horn pulsing with a malign magical aura. “Prepare for fear of a nightmare you neither define nor defend! Existential Dread!”

Chapter 7 Knights of the Night

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Luna’s Captains assumed battle stances. The horde of zombie ponies surrounded them and created a ring for dueling.

Sir Fancy Pants stepped in front of Luna and faced Amorpheus. “I will duel in the Princess’s place; she needn’t sully herself fighting the likes of you. As you are versed in the dueling custom; I do declare myself, Sir Fancy Pants also known as the Thunder Bolt. You are both lucky and unlucky to witness my brilliant attack. Two times I won the Mages’ Tourney with the same attack as the opening and closing move. As Commander of the Mages’ Corp, my skill is unrivaled. My opponents did not—”

Spike and Luna exchanged exasperated looks as Sir Fancy Pants continued prattling of his exploits.

Amorpheus smacked his hoof against his head in irritation. “Such blustering, I won’t even try to remember to write that on your tombstone.”

“And there they knew I was the ultimate champion of polo—“ Sir Fancy stopped his story and smiled. “It was to distract you.”

Nightshade leapt to run her lance through Amorpheus on his left side. “Stay dead!”

Sir Fancy Pants’ larger-than-average unicorn horn wasn’t just for show and he proved it. The lightning spell bolt he fired was the size of an average pony.

Amorpheus shot upwards avoiding Nightshade’s lunge. Nightshade blinked as the jump was beyond the capability of mere muscles. Sir Fancy gritted his teeth and moved his head aiming his horn. The spell ball moved midair to track Amorpheus. As the ball collided though, it hit a barrier of light and the magic missile veered back.

“Egads, a reflect spell!” The lightning ball bolt was returned. Sir Fancy was forced to cast a shield to defuse his own attack. Electricity arced into the ground as his spell fizzled out.

When the air cleared, Amorpheus returned to the ground, and Nightshade landed next to the unicorn. “I thought we had him. Something’s wrong, he moves like he has wings.”

“He shouldn’t have been able to reflect my spell either.” Sir Fancy nodded.

“Enough, I did not come for you.” Amorpheus sparked another spell from his horn. It was aimed at Nightshade and Fancy Pants, but Spike felt the residuals. It felt like passing a train tunnel, his focus shifting to the one beam on the center of his mind.

Fancy Pants fell onto the ground and writhed. He pressed his hooves tightly against the sides of his head. “The battlefields of Prance! Fleur De Lis! I did not know it was you! I am sorry!”

Nightshade collapsed as well, bowing. Tears formed in her eyes. “No! Please don’t leave me again! I have failed! Princess!”

Spike was still processing in his head how that two of Luna’s Captains fell so swiftly. Nightshade and Fancy Pants shook on the ground as they screamed out. Their eyes were locked closed, subjected to horrors in their heads.

Luna stepped forward while whispering to Spike. “Sir Spike, save my Captains.”

Spike nodded and slung Nightshade and Fancy Pants over each of his arms. Their bodies were shivering and cold. Standing on his rear legs with such weight made him ache.

“Thou wish to duel? We grant thy desire!” Luna fired a slicing beam at Amorpheus with full intent to kill. She cut a red stroke across his throat in split seconds. Spike was startled by the pragmatic move.

Amorpheus coughed as the wound sealed itself in emerald fires. “Unexpectedly ruthless! Bravo bold Princess, were I alive that would have killed me.”

“We duel to win!” Luna’s fired again at the staggering stallion.

Her beam this time seared through his skull. Again, the wound sealed with emerald fires. Amorpheus was no longer smiling. “I can still feel pain! Try that again! I dare you!”

“Thou desires an encore?” Luna smirked and fired again.

Amorpheus generated a shield, as he planted his hooves.

Luna’s magic sparked against the barrier, pressing him back and creating skid marks in the dirt. Luna applied more pressure as sweat dripped from her brow. Groaning under the strain, Amorpheus redirected the power of the beam skyward. The shaft of light illuminated the night sky.

Amorpheus and Luna were left on the ground panting from the magical exertion. Luna snapped her head towards Spike. “Now, Sir Spike, incinerate him!”

Both Amorpheus and Spike were jolted by Luna’s words.

Luna shouted. “Combat is no time for chivalry!”

Spike was shaken from his stupor and saw his opportunity. He arched his head, and his mouth filled with fire. He unleashed a torrent of scorching death. He spat until his throat started to ache. The heat liquefied a line in the ground of bubbling mud. Finally, Spike’s flame sputtered out. All was left was a clouds of smoke. He was left catching his breath with Luna.

Spike chuckled. “I thought you were going to duel him fairly in accordance to rules of Chivalry.”

“When thou hast written the book then thou mayst lecture us.”

“Wait you wrote, Chivalry, the book?”

Luna quoted the subtitle. “Chivalry; values of a noble knight—” Luna laughed. “or should we say the night! We love puns.”

Spike sniggered. The book he had modeled a portion of his life to was written by Luna. “The author is a hypocrite.”

Luna bumped her hoof against him playfully. “Oh be silent Sir Spike, thou art knighted. We are not. Tis technically not a violation.”

Spike and Luna’s levity was cut short when the smoke cleared. Spike saw that his attack was blocked by the zombie guards that burned in Amorpheus’ stead.

Amorpheus snarled as he stood up. “Both pragmatists I see. So shall I be.”

He turned to the dead legions. “Phalanx formation! For the hive!”

The guards groaned and moaned in confusion. Tactics and complex orders were beyond the puppets.

Amorpheus sighed. “Old habits,”

He shouted. “Swarm them then, you mindless maggots!”

Luna and Spike bumped up against each other as the horde moved on them. Spike still clung onto Fancy Pants and Nightshade which did not seem to stir. The enemy’s numbers had a quality onto their own.

A large light blinded everyone as if a star fell from the sky. The closing ring was broken when six ponies smashed into the left ranks. The charge tossed enough of the guards that Luna and Spike saw their break.

As the unidentified ponies charged past Spike to engage the guards, he swore he recognized the outfits on them. He saw a Stetson hat with an apple design, a multi hued dress, and even an outfit he thought belonged to Mare Do Well. Spike and Luna ran into the alleyway, turned back, and saw their rescuer.

Rarity’s horn was glowing, in her own spell light she invoked the magnificence of Celestia coming to their salvation.

Amorpheus cried. “Kill the interlopers.”

A zombified guard shoved its lance into one of the six. The pony did not scream but rather smacked down the zombie.

Amorpheus quipped. “Our enemy uses necromancy also?”

He blasted one of the six and looked closer. The ‘ponies’ had no faces or body features. The dresses, hat, and scarfs had concealed that. “No! These are mere dolls!”

The ponyquins still fought on before Amorpheus sent a wave of magic into the ground, sending the dolls and zombies flying. Crashing to the ground, the ponyquins were broken to bits while the zombies arose anew.

“Find them!” He ordered the dead legions.

“Rarity?!” cried Spike blinking to be sure.

“Spikey and company, follow me!” said Rarity.

Luna shared Spike’s incredulity. “Lady Rarity, thy rescue was—”

“Thank me later, darling!” Rarity ran leading them. She turned her head back. “Is that Nightshade and Fancy Pants, you’re carrying on your shoulders?

“Yup.” said Spike, breathing too hard to do anything but mirror Big Macintosh’s brevity. Carrying the two while running was taking a lot out of him.

Luna smiled. “How did thee know to save us?”

“Darling, you were just outside my house. I heard the most terrible commotion.”

Spike had gained enough breath to talk. “That was Twilight’s come-to-life spell used on your ponyquins wasn’t it?”

Rarity nodded.

“Lady Rarity, thou surprises us with thy resourcefulness.”

“Where to now?” Rarity asked them as they ran.

Both Luna and Spike nearly tripped in surprise.

“What?!” Rarity asked. “Well excuse me! My plan only went so far as the rescue.”

Spike considered a choice of safe havens. His home came immediately came to mind. “To the library!”

Squads of dead guards blocked their path out of the alleyway.

“Use thy fire!” Luna shouted.

Spike blew a hot jet of flames, roasting no less than a dozen of the dead. The zombies seemed to have an aversion to it, and they made way for them to pass.

Rarity pounded on Twilight’s door.

A voice came from inside the tree house. “I’m coming! Hold your—”

“Hurry! They’re coming!” Rarity looked behind at encroaching mob. She pounding more frantically until her hooves hit Twilight’s soft head.

“Ouch! Hey!”

“Oh! Sorry dear.” said Rarity.

“Twilight, we need a shield!” Spike shouted.

Twilight noticed the horde of guards charging after them. “Are you in trouble with the law?”

Luna shouted into Twilight’s ears. “WE are the law! Now! Use thy magic, project a protective barrier!”

Twilight lifted her head, and with a pulse of magic, a purple bubble formed around the library. Twilight shared her brother’s talent for shield spells; the magic was wall solid. The guards slapped against it, groaning and moaning.

Twilight gasped. “Are those zombie ponies?!”

“Later Twi, we’ll explain! Later!” Spike brought himself and the two ponies he was carrying into the library.

Inside the foyer, they caught their breaths. For whatever worthless time it could buy, Spike secured the door’s lock.

“Those things are positively dreadful.” said Rarity, closing a curtain to avoid looking at the dead attacking the shield.

Fancy Pants stirred awake. He blinked and looked around, realizing the fact that he was on Spike’s shoulders. He shook Nightshade, and she, too, woke up.

“Old sport,” Fancy Pants said. “You’ve carried me enough.”

Spike set Nightshade and Fancy Pants down. His hind legs were relieved that he no longer had to stand on them alone while carrying the Captains.

Both Captains were still rather weak and drowsy.

Nightshade groaned, holding her head. “What was that attack? I could do nothing… I’m sorry Princess.”

Luna was forgiving towards her Captains. “Captain Nightshade, no training prepares ye for what thou hast faced.”

Spike remembered some cheap horror films he saw. Part of him fought hard to avoid speaking of cliches. “Zombies, okay I’ve seen enough movies. So we destroy the head?”

Luna shook her head. “Nay, dead resurrected through dark magic art different.”

Fancy Pants recovered enough to speak. “Princess, you say it’s a Revenant, How powerful is it?”

“Only as powerful as they were in life with that they cannot be slain through conventional means,” Luna explained. “We know only so much as their principle of existence. These are deep and degeneratively advanced dark arts.”

“Revenant, revenant, revenant, I remember reading about it in some book.” Twilight browsed the spine titles in her library. “Found it!”

She pulled out a black book with a skull on its cover. “The Necronomicon!”

Luna looked astonished by the book’s presence in the library. “This tome is forbidden. Thou keeps such dark and dangerous texts in the public section?”

Twilight squeaked with embarrassment. “It must have got accidentally placed into the master sorting pile.”

“We shall speak later about appropriate reading materials that thou places in reach of foals.”

Twilight smiled. “How about those language lessons in modern diction and forms?”

Luna coughed and looked away.

Twilight turned back to the tome. She flipped through the pages and found the entry. Everypony and Spike crowded around her shoulders as she read.

Necronomicon: Revenants

Have you jilted a lover, acquired a pesky enemy, or caused someone to hate you beyond all rational reason? Usually death solves such dilemmas. When not then, you have Revenant, a term derived Prench word ‘revenir’, meaning to ‘to come back’. Usually when these vengeful spirits or reanimated dead things come back they do so of their own will and or are given a reason. Distinct from our groaning zombie friends, Revenants retain their memories and abilities.

For how to summon one for your own nefarious purposes, go to page 123.

For learning how to probably control one before summoning one, go to page 129.

For how to deal with one before learning how to summon or control one, go to page 134.

Remember the most important principle of dark magic; have fun!

The tome’s disconcertingly friendly writing style sent them reeling back. The reverse logical order of the instructions was intentionally inviting an incident.

“What mad mare or stallion wrote this like a casual cookbook?!” asked Rarity.

“We imagine somepony, most perverse,” said Luna.

“Let’s keep reading.” Spike shrugged, he reached over Twilight with an extended claw, and flipped to the next appropriate page.

Necronomicon: Dealing with Revenants

You’ve got a Revenant, which is a whole lot worse than a case of the zombies! Don’t worry, if you were responsible for making one then, this is a simple affair. Revenants can be only be conventionally destroyed if done in the same manner in which they were killed in life. If you did the killing then try to remember which method you used. If you done lots and lots of killing to the point where it’s all a blur, then karma is a bit—

Twilight closed book before a certain bit. “That’s all that’s relevant to revenants.”

“I saw a lot of wounds on his body,” said Nightshade.

“Obviously a soldier of some sort. He could have fallen in any and many ways.” said Fancy Pants.

Spike groaned. “What if it is disease? Does that mean we’re bucked?”

Luna’s horn glowed. “Enough power can unmake most things be they magic or not.”

The lights flickered in the library.

Twilight yelped. “The shield is broken!”

The door was ripped from its hinges flying into the foyer center. The dead legions poured through.

Nightshade spun slashing several back with her lance. “Even undead, I doubt they can fight us without legs!”

She specifically targeted their limbs and was able to fell half a dozen.

“Nerves are just electrical impulses!” Fancy Pants fired a lightning bolt that electrocuted that paralyzed a couple.

Their valiant defense was wasted, Amorpheus entered into the fray. “Prepare for fear!”

His horn sparked; a serpent of darkness rushed in the entryway. The coil unwound itself inside to fill the corners and nooks of the library. It was blackness beyond one might see if they closed their eyes. The stygian void swallowed them, muffled screams and all.

A familiar field presented itself once more, and with it came the fire that engulfed it. This time there was no other presence. He was alone in his nightmare. Ponyville burned. Everything was set aflame. The boughs of the library tree house withered and cracked from the heat. The Carousel Boutique collapsed within itself as the fires devoured it. Towering above the hell-scape was Spike. He turned behind and saw the faces of his friends. The beast was no longer lurking within, but instead his consciousness and sanity resided inside the beast. The auric embers turned to ash all that it touched.

In front of him were those faces of his loved ones. Even Luna now was within the group huddled in dread.

“No!” Spike screamed within himself. His beastly body wasn’t listening as it gazed upon his friends. He feared most what he was going to do. The vision of fear and despair threatened to swallow him up.

He screamed into the void of his innermost monster. The strain tore at him with agonizing pain like wading through a pool of pin needles. He couldn’t fight it all at once. With a surged of his willpower he wiggled a toe. Next he compelled his claws to sheathe themselves. Then, he ordered his mouth closed. Each small victory gave more and more control until he felt himself expand to fill the titan body. At that moment of triumph the world ended.

Spike opened his eyes to find Amorpheus humming as he floated the bodies of his friends in a neat line. The Revenant was about to move him when he noticed him awake. Spike jumped between Amorpheus and his friends.

Amorpheus raised a brow at Spike. “How did you overcome your personal worst nightmare?”

“I had training,” Spike said. “I had the same one every night.”

Amorpheus tilted his head in curiosity. “How remarkable, your mental fortitude is your strongest asset yet.”

Spike extended his wings and made every effort to be as intimidating as possible. Light filled his mouth as fire from his throat gathered. “You hurt a hair on anyone of their manes, I will burn you to cinders. I don’t how powerful the enchantment on you is but dragon fire is enchanted on its own. I’ll keep burning you until you won’t want to come back!”

Amorpheus chuckled. The horde of zombie guards lifted their lances. Each guard pointed a lance at each of his friends. Spike swiveled his head, his heart racing. He couldn’t protect everyone. Twilight, Luna, and Rarity, he looked at them. His eyes betrayed him, and Amorpheus’ smile deepened. More guards targeted the specific three. Spike could fire blast some of the guards but not all of them. His eyes darted across the three that mattered most to him. He couldn’t choose. Twilight was his sister, and he loved Luna and Rarity. Each of the ponies seemed to be trapped in their own nightmares while he was living his.

Spike felt a knot twist his guts like a python. Clenching claws, he looked at the ponies one more time. He could certainly save one or maybe two but not three or all.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

He extinguished the fire in throat and faced Amorpheus. “I’ll do whatever you want, just… just don’t hurt them.”

Amorpheus smiled again but without the fiendish grin he held earlier. It was oddly warm for the cold corpse he was. “The greatest fire is your love and theirs. Even with these dull dead senses I can feel its zeal. True love, you love them truly… I cannot destroy that. Who am I to take that away from you when I seek the same? I will spare you this day.”

He reached out a hoof. His fedora flew spinning through the doorway. He secured the hat back onto his head and over his horn. The shambling hordes of zombies dropped their lances and marched out.

Spike was perplexed by the act of mercy; nevertheless, he kept his guard up. “Amorpheus, what are you after?”

Amorpheus chuckled. “Aren’t we all seekers of that special someone? For her… I could endure anything…”

He motioned to his body and his many sealed wounds. “...Even this…Enjoy the time you have left. Hold every second precious, you never know until… it’s gone.”

Spike rephrased his question. “What is your master after?”

“The body needed has been confirmed.” Amorpheus passed a glance at Rarity.

Spike was unnerved by the smile when he looked at Rarity. What was going on? Why didn’t he look at Luna? “What’s Rarity have to do with all this?!”

Amorpheus ignored Spike and then looked through him. “Also the message has been delivered; there is no need to continue.”

Spike turned back to look at Amorpheus’ focus as the stallion disappeared into shadows. He felt himself freeze, barely able to control his gasp.

Luna had arisen behind him… rather it was not her. Her coat was ink black, and it was as if she grew to match Celestia’s height. A pair of teal slits met Spike’s eyes, and a set of fangs hung from her jaws. Nightmare Moon stood tall, in her cold terrifying glory.

“Luna?!” Spike called out.

Nightmare Moon’s chest rose up and down as she glared at where Amorpheus stood. In her fixation, Spike did not enter her focus, even as he stood between her and her now gone enemy. This was not at the Café when Luna wanted to use dark magic… this was her becoming the embodiment of darkness.

Blackest despair gripped his heart, Luna appeared lost past the point of no return… until he saw a patch of light midnight blue still on her coat. The patch was slowly shrinking to the ebony.

“Luna! Please don’t become Nightmare Moon!” He called out again. This time, however, not even words seem to reach her. Luna was locked in her nightmare. He pulled her head towards him.

With a loud snarl, Nightmare Moon opened her mouth and sank her teeth into Spike’s neck. Her eyes were still glazed over.

Dragon scales were thick however the demonic fangs tore through them. He pulled Nightmare Moon away, gripping the wound to the side of his neck.

“Luna!” he shouted. “This isn’t you!”

Nightmare Moon responded with a hiss. She spun around, raised her hind legs, and bucked.

Spike slammed into the wall, dislodging several picture frames. He saw Nightmare Moon was still blindly bucking at the air. Luna was inside fighting, he knew it. He needed to help her fight on the outside too.

Spike timed his tackle to when Nightmare Moon was on two legs bucking. He avoided the hooves and went under. Sweeping her, he threw her to the ground and pinned her under him.

“Luna, please!” Spike begged.

More snarls and hisses came from Nightmare Moon as she flailed her hooves around in an attempt to break free.

The dark mare motioned to bite his throat. Spike offered his forehand as a sacrifice. This time he let her bite without struggling. He yelped in pain as she dug into his flesh. Gently though he spoke to her despite his hurt. “Hey, Luna. It’s me. I’m with you; it’s going to be okay.”

Nightmare Moon’s thrashing slowly embed. The tide was turning.

Spike pressed his lips onto her muzzle and softly kissed her. He closed his eyes, offering his faith, and imagined the true Luna he loved.

There were several more violent kicks and punches, however the flailing soon ended. After moments more, the obsidian of her fur coat had receded.

“Sir Spike?” Luna was back to her soothing blue coat. Her mane wasn’t even enchanted. The irises of her eyes expanded again and her gaze relaxed.

Spike sighed in relief. “I thought I had lost you.”

Luna eyes watered. “I thought I was stronger… but the things he showed me…oh Sanguine Soul... I have hurt thee.”

Spike hugged her. “It’s okay. That wasn’t you.”

A sudden pain forced him grip the side of his neck. He fell to the floor as he groaned, the wound searing like an acid.

“Sir Spike?!” Luna gasped.

“Just… a little injury,” Spike breathed

Luna inspected the wound and saw the mark of a pair of fangs. A dark residue was dripping from the holes. Instinctively, she lit up her horn and touched it against the openings. The blackness subsided, and the wounds closed to leave behind a pair of scars. Immediately, she got Spike back up to his feet.

“Thank you,” he said.

Amorpheus’ departure seemed to have ended everyone’s torture. After his wound had been sealed, Spike turned toward his friends.

“Is everyone alright?!”

“Spikey!” cried Rarity, jumping to him. “I had a terrible nightmare… you were in it. Everything was… There was a field—”

“Of fire?” asked Spike.

“How did you know? I’ve been having the same nightmare for weeks… I never told anyone.”

“Rarity, we’ve been having the same nightmare?”

“Wait Spike, you’ve had that nightmare?”

“There’s no possibility it would have been the same,” said Spike. “You aren’t a dragon.”

“I was something else…” said Rarity. “I became a monster… I was so scared. My friends and you… were looking at me… it’s been weeks... but the dream this time was so vivid.”

Luna cleared her throat. “Sir Spike and Lady Rarity, this warrants investigation. We must prepare a journey into Dream Space; there we must consult with the Lord of Sand.”

“Luna, everyone is tired,” Spike said. “You included. Perhaps we could get a real night’s worth of sleep?”

Luna nodded.

Nightshade hissed. “The same spell, we fell again.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “That attack, I knew of no defense.”

Spike looked towards Twilight, who didn’t seem to have recovered. His heart stopped as she lay there motionless.

Twilight popped up and rubbed her head. “What was that… my nightmare?”

“Twilight, you’re alright!” Spike pulled them all in a tight hug, even Nightshade. Luna and Rarity smiled from the sidelines. They yelped as Spike pulled them into the embrace with his outstretched wings. “You’re all alright.”

Morning had come. A fresh batch guards patrolled Ponyville, amongst the Earth Pony lancers and Pegasi, there were now blue cloaked Unicorn elites. Nightshade and Fancy Pants walked through a magical image curtain erected to cordoned off sections of the town. The curtain served as a two way mirror of kinds allowing those inside to peer out but those outside were simply subjected an illusion. Behind the pleasant mirage of a continued street blemished only by red tape, Guards worked to clean and clear last night’s gruesome carnage. The fallen were counted and carted off.

Fancy Pants walked and talked with Nightshade. “Her majesty sure picked a time to draft me back into the guard… That Amorpheus, interesting fellow, he brings the dagger to our throats then takes it away. The message is clear; fear.” He groaned. “I still can’t get those horrors out of my head.”

Nightshade bit her lip. “I planned the defenses in Ponyville… I should have brought out the Mages’ Corp. The mages might have been able to detect the enemy.”

Fancy Pants placed his hoof on Nightshade’s shoulder. “I could have insisted deploying my Mages’ Corp. Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve those words I believe are the mantra of madness. You can’t afford second guessing yourself. Miss Nightshade, you planned the best defenses you were able, no one is to blame when we do our utmost.”

Nightshade shook away Fancy Pants’ hoof. “That sort of lazy thinking may be fine for you but now I got a platoon’s worth of names to add to squad lost at the Café raid… all fine guards.”

Fancy Pants sighed, sorrowfully. “The casualty rate is high, living past your commission is an accomplishment. That's why we keep the usual recruitment and hiring to single male bucks with fewer to mourn them.”

Nightshade hissed as she saw a mint green unicorn mare casually grazing on shrubbery through the image curtain. “Yet nopony asks why four-fifths of certain towns' population is female? This is a land of sunshine and rainbows; do they know how much blood goes into maintaining that illusion?! How much blood was spent building it?” Nightshade spat. “Stinking herbivore sheep.”

Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow at the vampire bat pony. “We're all herbivores. I know you can’t completely supplement your nutrition on blood packs either.”

“You're a carnivore if you're in this line of work. I'm sure you had more than your ‘taste’ of red in Prance, didn’t you… Mage Killer?”

Fancy Pants dodged the accusation by yawning. “Say am I ever glad we swept the streets before morning came. Those ponies asleep shall be waking up now. Whatever disturbance here they’ll write it off as a bump in the night. Last night they had the sense to stay in their homes.”

“Maybe they should know though how hard it is; to keep the borders up, fight off the monsters, and the many times when their little world could have ended.”

“They’d never sleep and I imagine neither could you. The Royal Guard’s duty is the preservation of peace, including that of the mind. Nowhere else have I been in the wide world can ignorance be called good. I rather prefer if our families and foals weren’t in the know.”

“How about your wife, Fleur De Lis? Does she know you risk life and limb?”

“I’m afraid so... I married into the profession as it were. She’s a model now, but we met on the Battlefields of Prance… and not as allies either.”

“A war trophy?”

“Nightshade, enough. It’s too cloudy a day for your brand of darkness.” Fancy Pants turned away.

Nightshade looked at the sunny skies but then stared at the gray tarps that covered up the recently fallen. Guard ponies loaded grim body bag after body bag onto carts. “A cloudy day indeed.” She gasped as she saw several charred corpses. Dragon fire was a fearful thing in its effects.

“I say Spike did a good job protecting the Princess, didn’t he? The lad was also the first of us to overcome that… attack…”

“Calling a fully grown dragon lad?”

Fancy Pants grumbled furiously. “Don’t discriminate. You bat ponies weren’t so welcome when you all so suddenly emerged from your hibernation. If we didn’t spread the lies about you lot being friendly fruit bats I doubt you could walk in the streets.”

Nightshade hissed. “I was just saying that he’s grown up. I don’t care he’s dragon, not anymore. He’s proven himself.”

“Alright then.” Fancy Pants retracted his vitriolic tone as the cause was taken from his argument.

“His involvement worries me. I should teach him control exercises. Bloodlust can be an asset if properly directed, but the red haze of battle can overwhelm most minds.”

“That’s the first time I’ve heard you express concern for anyone other than the Princess or your bat Guards.”

Nightshade blushed and snapped. “He’s a capable protector of the Princess, that’s all!”

“Sure,” said Fancy Pants snickering. The stallion then became solemn as he looked to the charred bodies. His morose tone was a departure from the fun jousting. “After that Amorpheus fellow departed, a great many guards turned out to have been simply brainwashed instead of dead puppets. We slew them all the same. Should we tell Spike?”

Nightshade was dispassionately calm. “It made no difference, the guards were a threat.”

Fancy Pants turned to Nightshade.“By thunder, by Celestia! You knew!”

“Of course, I sensed that before they attacked.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Princess Luna requested for my silence.”

Fancy Pants’ jaw fell open. “She knew too?”

“Who could tell in that battle? The enemy supplemented their ranks with both dead and mind puppets… I could have killed some. In battle we can ill afford hesitation. The brainwashed were simply weak willed.”

“That devil’s attack, I recall felled us just the same. We could have been puppets just as easily.”

Nightshade gnashed her teeth in anger and anguish. She then calmed herself. “Fancy Pants, you spoke of duality in the Guard’s role; preservation of the peace and the peace of mind. If Spike asks about the guards, direct him to me.”

“Will you lie?”

“This nation is a lie. I think one more won’t topple the Republic.”

“For the sake of the republic, I suppose a lie could be called noble. I suppose as knights of the night working within shadows is given. Equestria prevails.” Fancy Pants snorted with disgust at no pony in particular. “I’m tired; I’m going to get some rest.”

Nightshade lowered her head. “You do that, I have bodies to bury.”

After he departed, she could not bear staring at the gray tarps no longer. Nightshade walked into a blind alleyway and collapsed leaning against a wall Her tears soaked the dusty ground. “It was cloudy… now it’s raining.”

She laughed for sorrow.

Spike awoke snuggled up to Rarity, Luna, and Twilight. He was sprawled out on the four mattresses; Rarity was on his right using his wings as a blanket, Luna on his left hugging his arm, and Twilight slept next to Rarity with her own blanket. In their exhaustion and the coldness of the horrors they faced, the impropriety of a male resting in the same room as mares was ignored. Instead they basked in the body warmth of each other, hoping it would help them. The impromptu sleepover was Twilight's inspired idea, and afterwards, few words were exchanged as they promptly gave into their collective exhaustion.

Looking out the window, he saw the sun had reached its noon zenith. He considered how Fancy Pants and Nightshade had volunteered to settle the mess; he hoped that they would get some rest as well. The absence of nocturnal terrors made the dreamless sleep rejuvenating. As he shifted slightly a piece of rock poked him. He reached under the pleats of his scales and pulled out the heart diamond ring lovingly carved for Rarity.

His movement had awoken the said mare; Rarity smacked her lips as she came to consciousness.

“Rarity,” He sat up along with her.

"Spikey, you've been having nightmares too?"

"Yeah, they get pretty bad. I've had them for a while. It's been months… some nights I just stay up until I can't help but sleep.”

“Darling, you’re so brave…”

“Speaking of brave, your move with the ponyquins saved our lives. What possessed you though? You could have gone to get help.”

Rarity smiled. “To who? From my second story window it looked like your trouble was with the Guards. I saw you needed help; you were surrounded those guards and pointy needles. I didn’t care why they were after you. They were going to poke holes in your fabulous scales; I simply couldn’t permit such a crime against fashion to occur!”

“Wait, you thought you were attacking real Royal Guard ponies just for me?”

Rarity eyes shrunk in realization then she gave a kindly smile. “Oh Spike… as of late, it seems I’m doing all sorts of crazy things. Things most unbecoming of a lady, I suppose it’s all because of a certain drake.”

“Please don’t, I couldn’t bear to see you hurt.”

“My dear,” Rarity brought up a hoof that stroked Spike’s cheek. “Chivalry is nice, but it sets unrealistic standards, and it can be too much… at times it can be misogynistic. I prefer my civil liberties over having stallions open doors for me. A true lady does not sit on her laurels while her friends are in danger.”

Spike was left awestruck as his world view was rocked ever so slightly. He let her words sink in.

“Lady Rarity.”

They nearly jumped to their feet from Luna’s voice. Spike observed Luna had a habit of listening in unnoticed. After he and Rarity settled back down from jumping up at her surprise entry, Luna continued.

“Lady Rarity, thou exemplify the spirit of chivalry. We wrote that book long ago, not for stalwart stallions, but for all. Generations saw the text as they preferred to see and their children afterwards. Misinterpretation has corrupted the main message through many transcriptions. Were we to write the tome anew, thou would be on the cover.”

Rarity smiled, nervously at her praise. “Princess, thank you.”

“Call us Luna. Thou art a friend now.” Luna tried draping her a wing over Rarity.

Rarity slid away and hesitantly used the new informal address. “Luna,” She swallowed then proceeded to cut to the threadbare issue. “What about Spike? I can’t see us as friends while fighting over him. I love Spike; I won’t be swept under your wing as a ‘friend’. I will not surrender my Spikey Wikey.”

Luna sounded sadly in her tone. “As your Princess and servant to our subjects we are expected to give thee the right of way. That is what some would call chivalry and nobility…”

Luna then narrowed her eyes and conveyed all the seriousness of her words. Rising onto her hooves she spoke with her earnest voice. Luna’s language lapsed again. “I love Sir Spike also. It pains me it must be this way. Nay I say, I will not sway! For once I shall fight for my personal happiness; Sir Spike is worthy as much. I will not give up what is mine. If war will be what it takes… then so it shall be!”

“Fine!” Rarity huffed and puffed to match the Princess. She rose to her hooves as well. She reared up on her hind legs to meet Luna eye to eye. Rarity’s voice burned with truest passion that made her usual dramatic antics seem like foals games. “Spike and I have history! I won’t betray that! To that end I will even fight a Princess or goddess!” This time, different from at the Cafe, Luna’s intimidating presence had no effect.

Both mares, matched in dignity if not stature, readied for combat. The words were tantamount to declarations of war. Spike looked mortified at the opening volley of hostility. He was an object tossed between them, yet he couldn’t voice objection to their treatment since he couldn’t decide either. Indecision was what was killing his heart.

Twilight seemed to have heard at least the first fighting words. “What the buck is going on?!”

Chapter 8 Sanguine Soul

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Twilight sat spellbound as Luna and Rarity had explained the situation to her. “This is a lot to take in.”

“Darling, surely you know which of us is best for Spikey.” Rarity shook her mane to draw attention to herself.

“Forsooth, we all know who is best.” Luna stretched her wings, displaying her Alicorn status.

The two mares exchanged glares of intense loathing. Twilight was in the middle and when she raised a hoof to speak, they turned on her.

Rarity got in close, eyeballing Twilight. “Tell me. Tell me. Tell me!”

Luna blasted her voice slightly. “Twilight Sparkle, we ask of thee a verdict!”

Twilight mewed. “You’re both great!”

“Really? Darling, after all the years we’ve known each other?!”

“Tis not an answer, thou gives! We bid thee tell us.”

“Spike, help here!?” Twilight shouted as the mares advanced on her.

All three mares looked for the dragon to find an open doorway.

Luna and Rarity’s faces were red with anger.

Twilight scolded them. “What did you expect treating him like a prize to be won!? My little brother isn’t an object to be fought over!”

Rarity’s ears flopped. “Oh dear, I have behaved shamefully.”

Luna nodded. “We let our passions get the best of us.”

Spike was running again. Cowardice, it shamed him. He felt like he was a holder of Grand Galloping Gala tickets. This time there would be no Celestia to swoop in and offer a magical solution. He nearly pulled his head frills out thinking about it. He remembered his idiot friends Snips and Snails and how they’d joke about having mares chase after them. Now he lived the reality, he couldn’t bear to have Luna and Rarity tear each other or him apart. He wondered whether there were any clever third options. He ran from the light and into the shady alleyways of Ponyville.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of crying. A distraught mare laughed in a hollow and sad reverb. “It was cloudy… now it’s raining!”

He edged closer and saw the shadow of the mare leaning against a wall around the corner.

“My soldiers! Lute, Starshine, Evanescent, Serene, I am sorry!”

Spike poked his head past the corner and saw that the proud Captain Nightshade was source of the sobbing.

“Nightshade? Are you okay?!”

The bat pony snapped to attention at the voice. She assumed the rigid default stance of the Royal Guard. Her face was equally stern. However, she couldn’t flick all the tears from her face.

“I heard you. I’m not here to make fun. I’m worried,” said Spike.

“Hey,” said Nightshade.

“Hay is for ponies. I happen to be a dragon.”

Nightshade snapped. “Shut up. Go away.”

She turned around, only to find Spike fly over her and block her path.

Spike spread his wings out, blocking the entire alleyway. “Not happening, talk to me first.”

“Yesterday I killed several of my own Guards. I don’t feel like talking.”

Spike cringed. He stepped forward and hugged her before she could jump away. “Hey they were already… dead… you can’t be angry at yourself.”

Nightshade paused then nodded. “… yeah they were already dead.”

She smiled sadly. “Thanks for that…”

“You guards, hold us all up. I wonder who holds you up at times.”

Her cherry colored eyes looked into his, and Spike spotted her deliberately looking away when he saw her. Nightshade pushed him away softly. “I want to thank you.”

Spike brushed his head spines in embarrassment. “No need, protecting Equestria is enough for me.”

Nightshade persisted. “I want to offer you training for controlling your bloodlust. Look, I know how it is being surrounded by blood packs every day. These ponies are delicious.”

The mention of ponies as ‘delicious’ and ‘blood packs’ unnerved him a bit about the psychology of Nightshade. Her training didn’t seem to be something pleasant. “That is disturbing. I want no part in it.”

“And they call me repressed,” Nightshade grumbled. “Listen here dragon; I’m trying to help you!”

Spike stuck out his tongue playfully. “No offense but you got angry during our first fight. I beat you because you lost control. I don’t think you’re qualified to teach me a thing.”

“Yeah… I got angry… but I didn’t go feral. Did I? Even with what I felt and what I was fighting for, I kept control.”

Spike considered Nightshade’s love for Luna and her jealousy initially, it was true during their battle she didn’t become feral. That only raised the question if she was bad angry, what was she like when feral? “Okay, you got me interested.”

“Good let’s get a drink together.”

Nightshade lead Spike to small bar that seemed seal off to the general populace by the maze of dark alleyways that lead to it. Even if they were flying, he probably couldn’t spot it. He was astounded that such a place could be hidden near the center of Ponyville. The sign read in red lettering ‘The Cherry Chalice’.

The bar had a bat pony bouncer block the door with his Big Macintosh-scale body. “Captain Nightshade,” said the gruff bouncer acknowledging her with familiarity.

He turned towards Spike with a raised a brow.

“He’s with me, Noche.” said Nightshade.

Noche nodded as they passed through. He then swung his head back. “Captain, how is he with you?”

Nightshade had anticipated him. “Not that way!”

The bar was rather calm; Spike suspected that these were far from peak hours if bat ponies were there frequent patrons. Aside from a couple of Night Guards, a Griffin, and the Earth Pony staff they were essentially alone. Even during day the place was dimly lit, the patrons had coats of dark ashen colors and seemed to blend in gray.

The waitress raised her right hoof in salute and locked her legs to military attention. She wasn’t saluting Nightshade but a flag behind the bar counter. Spike recognized that the arrangement of the frowning crescent moon, and a blood red star beneath it were earlier than the republic, they were symbols from the original Lunar Rebellion. “Long Live Luna!”

“Praise be to the night eternal,” said Nightshade saluting back.

The waitress turned to Spike and glared angrily at him. “Pay your respects to the flag of revolution!”

Although an earth pony, the waitress had similar red shine to Nightshade’s own eyes. “Or are ye a rat for the republic?”

Nightshade waved the waitress off. “A recent acolyte of the night, he will learn.”

“Very well, Captain.” Waitress’s gaze lingered on Spike for a moment before she walked off to serve other customers.

They sat at a smallish round table. Spike was somewhat unnerved by the looks he got from the other patrons. There were red glints in their eyes, even the Griffin when she lowered her sunglasses. Nightshade returned the looks and all of them turned back to their drinks.

Nightshade called out their order to the waitress. “We’ll have the red cognac.”

The waitress turned to Spike then to Nightshade. “Are you sure?”

“O positive,” said Nightshade, smiling.

Cold steam drifted from the opened bottle besides the two glasses set on the table. A glass was presented in front of Spike and filled with a cerise liquid. After pouring another glass for Nightshade, the waitress bowed and left. The contents however were more viscous than wine; Spike recognized it for what it was.

“No, I’m not doing this.” Spike pushed the glass away.

Nightshade pushed it back. “You wanted training. Here it is. Limited exposure over an extended period of time can reduce the urge.”

Spike shook his head. “How’s this helping? It’ll just increase it.”

“Abstinence isn’t the solution. You’re more liable to lose control if you don’t build a tolerance. You might not get an option when you’re in battle.”

“I won’t use my teeth in battle then. I can always use a sword like the Griffins. I have a sword at home; I’ve been meaning to wear it for more than ceremonies.”

“A dragon’s bite can break diamonds; you’d lose out on a valuable asset. You may need to use your fangs when your sword breaks. If you can use your jaws you’ll always be ready. If you have your jaws and a sword, you’ll be unstoppable.”

Spike then picked up the glass. He let it swirl slightly. The chalice of temptation beckoned he take a sip as the aroma wafted into his nostrils. It scared him that it was not the blood speaking but his own animal nature drawing to drink. “What if I like it?!”

“Then we’ll put you on a regular regimen of blood packs like some of my guards. We have many blood packs, but you’ll have few friends if you take bites out of them.”

Spike took the glass and took a gulp. It barely passed his tongue as he drank it like bitter medicine. However, save the metallic twinge of iron, he found the drink rather flavorless. He drank another gulp to confirm. Again it was the same. “It doesn’t taste as good as I thought. That night when I first tried it… it seemed like the most delicious thing though…”

“Ah that’s good. Your rational mind can process its flavor. Like hard cider though, I’m sure you’d lose that revulsion after a few cups. It must have tasted better when your mind was numb.”

Spike put the glass down. “If I can help it I never want to taste blood again.”

“Bite your opponents swiftly and withdraw before you taste them.”

The exercise was immensely helpful. Spike was elated that he now knew he didn’t prefer blood… at least when he was of sober mind. Satisfied he thought about the bat pony in front of him. He had questions for Nightshade. “You have a secret bar in Ponyville that serves blood, how many ponies are vampires?”

A Night Guard patron coughed and the waitress who was polishing glass crushed it with her hoof.

Nightshade hissed. “Don’t use that word, it’s a slur! It’s our word.”

Spike nodded. “Okay so tell me. So how many share your umm… condition?”

Nightshade pressed her muzzle to her glass. She stuck out her tongue and lapped up the liquid like Rarity’s cat, Opal, did with a saucer of milk. Spike found the mannerism to be rather cute. Nightshade spoke after wetting her tongue. “Our condition isn’t contagious with magical sealing that Luna herself developed. We kept vampirism limited to keep enough blood supplies for every pony. Also because we wanted to keep our combat advantage. We were Luna’s shock troops. Only the best could join the inner circle, and even then if they so desired.”

Spike raised a questioning claw. “Nightshade, how did you get your blood fix before hospitals and blood packs?”

The bat pony’s face became flushed with red. “After Luna forbade the practice of keeping blood pet slaves, well… we’d take lovers. Back then there were actually ponies eager for something exotic. Nowadays though, they fear us more than anything. I’m surprised even the Pegasi, Weather Warlords, have become sheep.”

Spike chuckled. “You must have taken many lovers then to have lived so long.”

“No! I drank from my own subordinate officers. I don’t know who they drank from though.”

“You can do that? So you never had a special somepony?”

“Grrrhhh, what is it to you?! I never had someone okay!” She pounded the table causing droplets of their drinks to spill.

“Nightshade, I didn’t mean to be mean. You deserve someone nice who would cherish and appreciate you. Have you considered changing your approach? Maybe if you were less abrasive you could get some more mares.”

“I’m not only into mares… I just want someone sensitive and kind.”

“Why is that the domain of just mares? Maybe change your standards? When Luna made you into a maid, the stallions were chasing you.”

Nightshade stared furtively into her glass. “Like flies they were. Those sort; I could kick into the dust and not feel a thing.” She looked up towards Spike. “Thanks for the advice.”

“What are friends for,” said Spike.

“Comrades?” Nightshade smiled.

“Friends.” said Spike bumping her hoof. “I’ll see you later.”

He set his chair back and left.

“I’m always only just…” Nightshade sighed. She shouted at the waitress. “Another red! Extra iron! Give me a Bismarck, blood and iron!”

Spike returned to his library home. He heard no fighting; he guessed Luna and Rarity had left. It eased his mind but when the door swung open his saw both mares were waiting for him. He was about to swing out as well.

“Spikey,” Rarity said, “please don’t leave. We have something to say. It’s important to us and you.”

Luna closed the door with her magic. “Sir Spike, we realized how thou might feel with us warring. We vow we won’t.”

Spike nodded and cautiously entered the library.

Rarity rubbed her foreleg nervously. “It was uncouth of us to fight so. You aren’t a contest, a battle, or war. You’re our Spike, and we love you.”

He sighed. “It’s because I can’t decide is it? I’m sorry… I just love you both… You’re going ask me to decide aren’t you?”

Luna gave a kindly smile. “Sir Spike, do not presume what will be the subject of this conversation. We have decided it is too cruel to force thee to make a decision in so sudden a time. Instead we will hold off.”

“Spikey, until then we’ll both offer you our love… come the time, the heart will know.” Rarity swallowed hard to speak. “We promised no hard feelings.”

Spike smiled. “I love you both more for giving me this choice and the time to decide.”

“It was my idea.” Twilight hugged Spike from behind.

Luna said, with a warm smile. “As thee were with Rarity last night, we would be glad to have escort thee this night.”

Spike was left with Twilight after Luna and Rarity left on friendly or at least friendlier terms. He was waving them good bye from their door when Twilight yanked him inside with her magic.

Twilight had a devious grin. “So, Casanova, how did you snag a Princess?!”

Spike crossed his arms. “A gentle-drake never kisses and tells.”

“You kissed her?!” Twilight squealed. “That’s it! Tickle torture time! You’re going tell me everything!”

Twilight leapt at him and rubbed his sensitive belly scales. Spike fell to the floor laughing.

After the tussle had ended, Twilight and Spike lay on their back staring at clouds pass by their window. Spike felt an odd sense of relief, having had the details tickled out of him. It was a cathartic experience.

Spike smiled. “Twilight time, always fun.”

“I’m calling it quits if you start building a harem,” Twilight smiled.

“Nah, Dragons are monogamous…”

Twilight groaned. “Argghhh! I swore to be a neutral party on pain of being a pincushion or being hit with a falling star.”

“It’s okay, Twi. I got to settle this on my own. It’s just on days like this a part of me wishes I could go back to being your assistant. The routine of it was brutal but I still found time to go over to Rarity’s and wag my tail like a dog begging for a treat.” Spike folded his claws over his belly.

“Sometimes I want to go back to school. Now that I’m teaching lessons instead of taking them, it gets a bit overwhelming. There’s only so much you can cram at one time.”

“Part of growing up, I guess is taking on more responsibilities until your claws are full.”

“Luna wants me to lead the Mages’ Corp, they’re a military unit! I’m going to have govern one day! The law books are mind numbing!” A strand of Twilight’s mane poked out as she stressed herself.

“Good luck with that or… you can be another ‘Prince’ Blueblood and just sit on your haunches.”

Twilight cringed. “Ewwww…. That’s an option?”

Spike laughed. “Twi, you’re not too rusty on sending stuff by spellfire are you?”

“I sent you everyone’s letters when you were out of country didn’t I?”

“You kind of burnt my throat a bit. Anyway could you send something bigger than a letter?”

Twilight smiled. “Can you burp it out?”

All of Ponyville observed the sky. The humming of magic gem powered engines and spinning rotors sent ripples in the stillness of the night. As the battleship moved it generated a waste wake of clouds from its generator. Swinging to a lower altitude, the ship created an air pressure wave. The maelstrom of wind coalesced around Spike as he stared from the library door into sky. The warship was headed towards the library, to him.

“We see our chariot has arrived.”

Spike had been too distracted to notice had appeared Luna besides him. He raised brow at her as he stared upwards at the mass of metal. “A Cloud Carrier Warship?”

“Sir Spike, we wished for no interruption during out date.” Luna gestured grandly as she laughed. “Any who dares so attack us shall drown in a sea fire!”

Spike smiled. “Enjoying yourself? I hope you didn’t divert this ship from national defense just for our date.”

Luna coyly smiled. “Thou implies much, The HMS Thunderhead so happens to be my second escort for the evening. We are Equestria.”

“The words of tyrants!” Spike spoke playfully.

“Tis opportune that we used the royal ‘we’, the definition incomposes thee. Now let us take to wing.”

Spike and Luna flew to the ship, letting the evening breeze wash over their wings. Spike in particular felt the warm winds against his leather draconic wings as they neared the airship’s engines.

Landing onto the Pegasus flight deck, they folded their wings. A platoon of Pegasus guards saluted with their wings. Fancy Pants walked towards them.

“Sir Fancy Pants,” Luna said, “give us a status report.”

“You majesty, Cloudsdale Weather Control promises clear skies. The scouts report the same. I just sent their rotation replacements out.”

“Glorious, prithee, what of the Griffin War Wing and Zebra Airship?”

Fancy Pants smiled. “The two vessels remained moored in Everfree. If they attack, they’ll feel our larger and longer guns.”

“At ease then Captain. We expect their vanguard to be more than two ships should there be an assault.”

“Your majesty, I worry they may be scouting lands for a proper invasion should the coming Peace Summit fail.”

Spike spoke. “I spoke with them it seemed they were in a mind for peace. If they wanted an excuse, those assassins gave it to them.”

“True.” Fancy Pants rubbed his moustache.

Luna bumped against Spike affectionately. “We have thee to thank for thy resolution of the situation. Your message saved us from having to implicate them in the press conference.”

“A fine job, lad,” said Fancy Pants, smiling.

Spike shrugged. “Shucks, I figured I was just doing my job as ambassador. I never figured palling around and making friendly would be so useful.”

Luna turned toward Fancy Pants. “Have thee made ready the preparations?”

Fancy Pants nodded. “Yes, your majesty.”

Luna led him to the conning tower of the airship where a white cloth draped table had been set for them. They sat down and were promptly served. Luna had some light leafy lettuce while Spike was given an ample assortment of gems. So far above the clouds and with the extra height of the conning tower they dined as if amongst the stars themselves.

Spike chuckled at the location. “They call airships ‘dragon slayers’ elsewhere. Yet you bring me to one.”

“Are thee scared?” Luna giggled. “We shall protect thee!”

“Nah it’s just interesting. The Griffin King once told me, the nations of the world are defined by their specialty. Dragons have pyromancy, Griffins have technology, Zebras have chemistry, and Equestria has sorcery.”

“Tis a fair assessment, we would be inclined to agree.”

“I think he was mistaken on the last.”

“Oh? So tell us, Sir Spike.”

“I think the real magic of Equestria though is the cooperation of three races that built this ship. Pegasus Cloud Generators, Earth Pony Engineering, and Unicorn Gemstone Power, it all makes this ship of friends work.”

“Sagely words, dost thou know Starswirl the Bearded?”

“Yeah, I’ve been long enough with Twilight to know about her idol. She in fact asked me to ask you about him. You talked to the guy didn’t you?”

“Starwirl twas not as profound as he led others to believe. The wizard was wise in one regard though.”

“What was that?”

“He would take big puffs from his pipe, scratch his prodigious beard, look ever so vaguely into the distance, and raise one of his broad eyebrows.” Luna playfully mimed the motions to Spike’s amusement. “After the great show he would nod.”

Spike laughed. “Wow, Twi is going to be disappointed. So the guy was a big poser.”

“Even a fool is thought to be wise as the gods if he stays silent and nods.”

Spike twisted his face into a the most serious form he could. He blew a smoke ring, scratched his chin, turned his head off to the left, and raised a brow ridge. After a moment he nodded.

Luna laughed clapping her hooves. “Bravo! A most convincing impersonation!”

“Twilight got his spell right though, so he was probably onto something.”

“Sadly Starswirl was not incorrect… alas it was not his failure… but that of his so called companions. Friendship tis a lovely boat with room for many in calm waves. The storm cometh… often it becomes a raft for one. The three pony tribes waged war when such a calamity came.”

“I remember helping to narrate the Hearths Warming Eve play. The Windigo spirits came and brought the cold.” Spike noticed Luna’s sigh. “I trust that wasn’t all?”

“My sister, Celestia, was fond of white washing history for a more pleasant telling. Dost thou wish to hear the truth?”

“Luna, I value truth. Please tell me.”

“A natural ice age caused conflict due to lack of resources. Windigos are hate filled spirits that take up the bodies of the fallen to reap revenge without discrimination or thought. The cold kept many corpses for them to inhabit and the conflict gave an ample supply. Uniting the tribes became a matter of survival when the dead outnumbered the living.”

A chill ran down Spike’s spine.

“The depopulation from fighting and the Windigos removed the strain on resources therefore permitting peace. Twas an alliance borne not of fellowship but of convenience.”

“Wow sounds like an epic premise for a story. It’s rather scary that it’s real though.”

“We apologize, tis not a proper subject for dining conversation.”

“Luna you know so much about history. If you want sometime, we could write a book.” Spike recalled taking a million letters for Twilight. They had a system going, he could imagine having Luna do the same with him. “It’ll be a true version of history. You dictate and I’ll do the quill work.”

Luna placed a hoof on his claw. “Thou says we ought to dictate, that would make us a dictator. Nay Sir Spike, we could write such a tome together, burning the midnight oil until we were so tired that we’d fall into each other.”

Spike blushed.

“Thy commentary would be most amusing! We could allow thee to assess mine memories.”

It seemed the perfect moment. Spike drew a napkin and used his spell fire to send it. Luna looked on and tilted her head inquisitively. Spike raised a claw to signal her to wait. He hoped Twilight had remembered the napkin as her cue. He felt fire come from his throat and he blew the emerald flames unto the table. Luna clapped her hooves in delight as a red bowed and white gift wrapped package appeared. Spike sipped water from his glass; Twilight was still new to sending post by spell fire, and his throat was made somewhat sore. After he recovered he turned to Luna. “Open it.”

Luna delicately untied the bow but struggled with the gift wrapping.

Spike chuckled at her attempts, he was reminded of her dissecting food and how she ended up wolfing it down when she wanted. “Luna, it’s okay, gift wrapping is cheap.”

Luna smiled and eagerly then tore through it messily. He hoped the book was to her liking. She read the cover aloud. “A Celestial Body of Poetry, by Moonbeam. A most wonderful gift! We love poetry.”

Spike breathed in relief. “I’m glad you like it.”

“We have a gift for thee as well.” Luna summoned a dark portal. She pulled from the void a saber sword. Luna presented Spike with the weapon. “Thou expressed a desire to fence. While the standard issue saber is given to ambassadors, we felt this weapon more appropriate.”

He remembered his ceremonial saber was light, when he wore it to the Dragon Dominion, several drakes called it a ‘tooth pick’. Spike held the sword in his claws, it had respectable heft.

The scabbard was lacquered with some midnight blue paint and inlaid with silver designs that depicted battles long forgotten. The hilt guard was silver as well with a crimson handle. As it was pulled from its scabbard, the sterling blade was blinding in its brilliance. He felt the curved saber was smiling to him. It had a blood thirst and eagerness to be swung tempered by the weapons natural elegance.

Luna smiled at his enthusiasm. “The best weapons have names. This one is called the Crimson Crescent.”

He stood up, held his arm out, and shook it in his grasp. Then, he gave a few practice parries and attacks. “It’s balanced perfectly,” he said with a smile. When he held the blade to the sky, Spike examined the pommel of the saber. It bore the initials ‘S.S.’ engraved elegantly. “Luna, who was this S.S.?”

Luna quickly pulled the sword to her to see. She quickly smiled nervously as she returned the blade to him hilt first. “It stands for Sir Spike.”

Somehow her explanation seemed improvised in lieu that she was surprised that there was an engraving. Spike didn’t buy it; the handle’s silver was polished smooth from a history of use. He could see the fissure cracks of a lie as evident on the craters on the moon. Yet the pain it brought to her, he didn’t want press further. Her smile was sadly sweet and expected his favor. He bowed. “It’s an excellent gift. Thank you.”

“Here, try it on, Sir Spike.” Luna produced a blue sash inlaid with silver for him. She wreathed the sash around his head while Spike folded his right wing. Spike secured the sword scabbard into the provided loop.

“How do I look?” Spike planted a foot on his chair and held an arm to the saber on his hip. He struck a dramatic pose.

“The maidens would swoon for thee!”

A Guard in golden armor approached them. Luna and Spike spun around to see what the matter was. The Guard immediately lunged towards Spike and smacked his face with her hoof. “Dragon! You killed my squadmates! Beast!”

Several Night Guards pounced upon the distraught mare.

She shrieked as she was held down. “My beloved Lute! He was a good husband! I want blood!”

Spike immediately recalled the dead puppets he fought to protect Luna. “I’m sorry, they were already dead.”

The mournful mare sobbed for sorrow and anger. “He was brainwashed! You didn’t have to roast him alive! His funeral will be closed casket! You monster! He was under an influence spell! You didn’t have to burn him!”

The Night Guards led the mare away, with her kicking and screaming the whole way. Spike felt the ache on his cheek where the mare had slapped him.

Fancy Pants bowed. “Your majesty, forgive me. The Guard showed no signs of a breaking down. She was a fine soldier. It was an oversight she found her way aboard.”

Luna lower head sadly. “Sir Fancy Pants, the maladies of the mind do not make themselves immediately apparent. Soldiers related to those lost… that day… they should be rotated. There shall be a time for grieving. Set her upon indefinite leave with pay. Watch over her that she does not take her own life. We grant thee all resources required in this endeavor.”

Fancy Pants bowed. “I shall assign someone to console her on grief… hopefully a guardian angel upon her shoulders.” He left to make the appropriate orders.

“What did that guard mean by brainwashed? That night I thought we were fighting corpses…”

“It was later revealed the enemy had not slain all the guards, a number had been simply entranced. There was no way to knowing.”

“Luna, that’s a lie… I recalled that evening Captain Nightshade having reservations… she was trying to speak out… she sensed that not all were dead.”

Luna calmly sipped from her wine glass. “Thou art most observant… terribly so.”

“That’s why I found Nightshade crying…”

“She was?” Luna winced, she then composed herself and speech. “…Thou will arrive at the conclusion. We ask thee not to blame Captain Nightshade. A leader accepts responsibility—”

“Then you knew!”

Luna spoke softly. “Of course I compelled her to silence.”

Spike recalled unleashing a torrent of flames into a group of ‘zombie’ ponies. Each of the faces he saw could have been a husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter. He clenched his claw and grit his teeth. “I killed living ponies because of you. That mare doesn’t have a husband!”

“Thou art mine subject. I will accept the blame.” Luna then spoke sternly. “Firstly ask thyself would thee be alive were it not for the lie? Thine hesitance in battle would hath been fatal.”

“What about after the battle?”

Luna then was more hesitant. “We did not wish the deaths to weigh on thine conscience.”

“I don’t need your protection! You’re supposed to be the leader of our Equestria. Ponies look up to you!”

“In preservation of this republic and nation… for the greatest good... we must make difficult decisions. At times we must employ a noble lie to support the narrative of unity and harmony. What wouldst thou have done in mine stead?”

“It wasn’t right that you lied… You’re a terrible pony!” Spike stood up. “You manipulate me… you got between me and Rarity… you’re pulling my strings right now with your words!”

“I have murdered and manipulated more than thou will ever know. Even then it pales to Celestia’s sins. This is burden of the crown. None can be called innocent that wear it. Those who give orders play with others’ strings of fate.”

Spike wailed. “Am I your puppet too? You made me love you! Did I love the lie?”

Luna lowered her head. “Sir Spike, forget of me. Go back to fair Rarity.”

“I will!” Spike ran for the stairs.

He was brimming with anger. In the natural course of events he’d have been with Rarity were it not for Luna’s intervention. Luna had confessed to fabricating factors to insert herself in between Rarity and him. Now she had used him to commit no less than murder. He felt himself dirtied by having been deceived. He looked back and sighed; even Rarity pulled his strings when he was younger by using his affections to have him work for her. Spike supposed he had a general resentment towards being pulled like a puppet. Luna’s logic still was sound, it was the lack of choice that made him bitter.

Spike was back into the airship corridors when he noticed the rattling saber hanging from his hip. He took it off with the sash and stormed back. He was going to make it official and resign. In claws, though, he noticed the weapon was guiding him back. Its rattling wasn’t due to his swagger, the weapon shook of its own will. He wanted to be rid of the demonic blade even more now. Halfway stomping up the steps, he heard her… crying.

Luna’s tears sparkled like the stars as she wept. Darkness pooled in her depression and the energy swirled around her.

She arched her head to sky and shouted. “Mother moon! Why tie me here to this cursed plane?! Why?! Can I hold onto nothing I love?! Why give me a heart if it will only hurt! Choose another peasant girl from the fields! I deny destiny!”


Luna froze as he stepped up from the stairwell. She shielded her eyes from him. “Leave me be!”

First Nightshade, and now Luna… ponies were hurting all over. Spike couldn’t bear it. “No, right now you need a friend.”

“Sir Spike? Why did thee return?”

“I came to give you back this sword.” The saber’s rattling had reminded him to return to Luna. Even as he presented it, the weapon didn’t seem to want to leave his claws. Regardless, he forced it down to the table as gently as he could.

Luna nudged the weapon back to Spike with her hoof. “It was a gift. It favors thee over me… Take it.”

“Luna, let’s talk then.” Spike pulled up a chair. “I didn’t realize it was hurting you so much.”

“Thou asked me once whether if I should liked to have traveled the world as a stranger free of responsibility… nothing would have pleased me more.”

“The chains of command, they bind you just as much?”

“The chains choke me, yet I know of none more so suited. I grew to love and hate them.”

“Those decisions weigh heavily on your conscience, don’t they?”

Luna rose from her chair and stared off into the dark abyss absent of stars. “Nay, the cold does… I am more shocked that I am unmoved. Chess pieces upon a board are not named; have no loved ones… and they do not cry as they die. Power has become a puzzle, a game to me… We lost dozens of guards, there are thousands more. We could clear the board a million more times.”

Luna laughed hollowly before trailing to sobs. “Yet ye mourn the loss of so few, hath shown me my own cruelty!”

It became evident for Spike; often others would draw the moon as they saw it as a immaculate sphere, however, this face was a false facade. The moon was cratered and battle scarred, like Luna herself. Luna was fallible, capable of falling and hurting. He couldn’t forgive a perfect goddess but he could forgive her.

Spike stood up pushing away his chair. He wrapped his arms around Luna and brushed her mane with tenderness. “Luna, if you’re aware then you’re not as cold as you think you are. I want to be there for you. But firstly—”

He pulled her back slightly and looked her straight on. “If things are to work between us… I want you to tell me the truth from now on… no matter how you might want to protect me. We can share in the burden.”

Spike lifted her chin. “Nature has given you a beautiful face you don’t need to make another one.”

“Twas Shakespony thou quoted.” Luna chuckled.

Spike chuckled in embarrassment. “Well words are timeless.”

“If thou ask that I cast away mine mask; I want to hear in ears words of thine own.”

Spike pulled her close again. “If your heart grows cold, then let mine warm you. If your days darken, let me light them. If you cry, let me hold you.”

As Luna had been there when he was at his lowest and coldest, Spike simply stood there and provided her warmth. In the cloudless sky the stars paid witness and blessed them with their evanescent shine.

She had only the chirr of her sewing machine to keep her company. The little light bulb within the machine lit her way through the darkness. Stitch after stitch, hers was a labor of love. She strained her eyes to peer through her red reading glasses, each stitch had to be perfect. Another needle snapped trying to puncture the enchanted fabric.

Fluttershy yawned. “Oh my Rarity, it’s getting rather late.”

Rarity was drawn back from her thoughts. Fluttershy had been feeding her bolts of cloth as she frantically sewed. “Fluttershy dear, I’m sorry I forgot you were here.”

“I’m glad to help Rarity. Also I miss our spa days.”

“Darling, I’m sorry it’s just things have gotten out of hoof as of late.”

“Oh I know Rarity, everypony has their own direction now. Sometimes I feel they’ve left me all behind.”

Rarity was prompted to raise a brow. Her friend was rather successful in her eyes to the extent she was rather jealous of Fluttershy at times. “Fluttershy, you’re a fully qualified veterinarian with a thriving practice. You example has inspired the opening of animal hospitals throughout Equestria.”

Fluttershy rubbed her leg timidly. “I know but it’s just I haven’t seen everypony as much as I want recently. They’re often too busy or I’m too busy. It was just easier to let things be.”

Rarity sighed, sadly. There had been a drift as each of their friends fulfilled their dreams; as a career mare she knew how little time she had when first building her boutique. It had been more comforting to simply let things be.

“Darling, you’re absolutely right. Life has a way of putting us into our corners of comfort… I apologize for calling you on such short notice just to have you help me.”

Fluttershy spoke without any passive aggression. “It’s okay, this job must be really important to you.”

Rarity stood up as she swelled with passion. “The most important. It must be avant-garde yet functional! Beautiful yet masculine. It must be perfect!”

“Rarity, who’s the lucky stallion?”

Rarity abruptly stopped her dramatic spinning. “It’s for Spike.”

Fluttershy gasped for air.

Rarity narrowed her gaze and removed her red reading glasses. “Is there a problem?”

Fluttershy squealed with joy and hugged her friend. “No it’s fantastic! Rarity, so you stopped chasing after your knight in gleaming armor?”

“No Fluttershy, he was there all along, I just was too blinded by his shine to notice.”

“What about… your special somepony…. I mean somedragon being… well a dragon?”

“I suffered the rumors and ruination of my business to the Canterlot Elite. I don’t care anymore because I care about Spike more. I’ll shout it from a mountain if I have to. If I can’t sell my wares here, I’ll… I’ll sell them in the Dragon Dominion!” She rubbed a hoof thoughtfully on her cheek. “Dragons like armor do they? I suppose metal is a material like any other. I’ll make suits of metal then.”

Fluttershy shrunk curling up slightly. “Rarity can you keep a secret? I’ve always been scared of giant, terrible, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, totally all grown up dragons. I became afraid of Spike as he grew older, but I’m more afraid to admit it. I saw Spike the other day; I wanted to say something…”

“Fluttershy darling, I think we all are all afraid a bit, but Spike has had it hard these years. We never considered how it might affect him.”

“Rarity you’ve had it hard too.”

“I suppose all this time we’ve been torturing each other. We developed a routine of suppressed intimacy. He’d come over and help; and he’d look at me when he thought I wasn’t looking. I doubt he’d notice but I looked at him a lot myself… As he grew past the point of cute… it became difficult.”

Rarity let the humming of her sewing machine distract Fluttershy while she contemplated. Rarity finally spoke. “We’ve been so close but neither of us wanted to become closer because of how it might hurt, instead we’d just continue the same routine ad infinitum. Spike was the first to break this stalemate… oh I reacted terribly.” Rarity buried her face in her hooves. “There were those days where I could just whisper his name and he’d come to me. Now I’m not sure.”

Fluttershy rubbed Rarity on the back consolingly. “Rarity, from all you told me… I’m sure Spike loves you. You certainly love him.”

“I’m losing him. I know it. It’s driving me crazy.” Rarity returned to her sewing. She felt she was working with the strings of fate themselves. Each strand of thread that eventually bonded the two cloths made her think of Spike and herself, with each passing moment being another second closer to him. In every project she gave pieces of herself, here she resolved she would give it her all. Could she sew together a broken heart?

Chapter 9 For Want of A Stone

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One Lord Firestorm, formerly known as ‘Garble’, had become a big league bully. Smashing helpless phoenix eggs had grown to smashing cities. All trembled to behold the mountain master. A dragon of fear, all stood in awe of his presence. Every territory should and would be his in due time. He thought of these things as he stood on the cliff overlooking Equestria. He was shaken, literally, out of his thoughts by a tremendous impact behind him.

The greater dragon spoke. “Garble, quit dragging your claws.” Just the shadow of a claw was bigger than Firestorm.

Lord Firestorm groaned. “Dad, I’m Firestorm!”

The father gave a throaty laugh. “A true dragon doesn’t worry about titles.”

“Okay dad, or He Who Swallows the Sky, Supreme Leader of the Dragon Dominion, Conqueror of the Ice Wyverns, or Lord Aldred—” Firestorm proceeded to rattle off more titles.

The note of sarcasm was lost on the giant dragon. Aldred rubbed a claw on his son’s head. “Don’t forget it! Whelp!” He gave a mighty and enthusiastic roar that spewed fire into the sky. “All dread, the dread dragon, Aldred!”

Firestorm folded his claws. “If you’re all that, why are we going to this peace summit? They should come to you and grovel. If they don’t, then we’ll war with them and take it anyway. You know, the fear and fire thing.”

Aldred snorted a cloud of smoke. “Paying an army to simply be is more than expensive. Moving that army to war will cost more. What then when we succeed? Collecting tithe taxes from scorched lands is harder than drawing blood from a stone.”

“Dad, you sound like ones of those egghead tax collectors or scholars that we pay.”

“Idiot, have you spent your entire youth partying and chest pounding?”

Firestorm scratched his neck scales nervously. “No?”

“Then recite for me the wisdom of the Dragon Elder Lord Bahamut. You should have learned that amongst the first scrolls I sent you.”

“Ummm…” Firestorm bowed. “I don’t know.”

“Insolent hatchling, your instruction begins now. If you are to succeed me, know this, my son: great kings are not hatched; they are grown. I did not come to unite and rule our people through strength alone. Neither will you.”

“Alright dad. I need to make a stop before we reach our destination.”

Aldred raised a giant brow ridge of his. “I am the moving mountain, you would delay our trip?”

Firestorm took out a crown with a visible hole where the centerpiece gem was encrusted. “Go on without me then. I have business in Ponyville. It’s a matter of personal honor.”

Aldred chortled. “Ah, your little pride. Very well, settle your score; however do not destroy the village. We are guests in Equestria, it would be rude. Good luck Garble.” The great dragon spread his wings that blanketed the sky.

“My name is Firestorm!!” Firestorm shouted through the hurricane his father created. He felt at ease when the shadow of his father no longer eclipsed him. His father was Aldred; a dragon who had mastered the demon inside, a living legend amongst legends. Atop Firestorm’s shoulders was the crushing weight of his family legacy and dynasty. His father was now too large to take another mate; his only egg conceived ages ago had hatched, and out Firestorm had tumbled.

Clutching harder onto his crown he eyed the small hamlet village. Using a claw he traced the circular cavity and felt the absence of his crown jewel. He would win back his pride.

Spike had returned home from his evening with Luna and simply plopped onto his bed letting sleep wash over him. The sword gifted to him still hung by the sash he wore. He clung onto the gift with thoughts of her in mind. Luna was something else; she had manipulated him, lied to him, and yet he was drawn towards her like a moth to the flame. She was royalty, and her life was a series of masquerade balls with deadly foes behind each mask. To survive, she had worn masks of her own. Every time he thought he had a read of her, there was another layer of mystery. Now he was privy to her true face, that beautiful smiling sideways crescent moon made him love her more. It reminded him of Rarity without her makeup, genuine beauty of the spirit with the tenacity to overcome whatever the world flung at them.

Rarity, his first love and the element of generosity, was also a mare without compare. Not a perfect representation, she was not immune to bouts of avarice or vanity but those flaws made her more brilliant as she overcame them. Her rejection of him still hurt but he realized that it was a buildup reaction of many years and now that the issue was aired they were working through it. She was an artist; Spike in his youth was happy to bask in the glow of her inspiration. How many times had he fallen asleep helping her complete orders late into the night? When he awoke, Rarity was still working with the whir of her sewing machine. In Rarity’s dresses, she gave a part of her soul. In his first incident with greed growth, she had even brought him back to sanity by refusing to give up the fire ruby to his monster self. It becalmed Spike’s spirit when in her presence while Luna lit the fires of passion.

Spike threw his blanket to the side; he could spend all day thinking about this. Twilight would probably suggest making a ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ list, but he knew the heart was not so logical. He found a note on his bedside table. It had the recognizable rose scented perfume of Rarity.

To Spikey,

I’ve arranged the most delightful soiree. I’ve convinced all of our dearest friends to attend. Rainbow is flying in from the Wonderbolt Academy, Applejack has hired some help, Pinkie will cater, naturally, Twilight has agreed to attend, and I even convinced Fluttershy to be present. We all look forward to seeing you this afternoon. It will be that party we should have had. All casual! No attire needed! Come at noon to boutique!


P.S. I have surprise for you as well!

He smiled inwardly; he had known Rarity long enough to be aware of her patterns like those of her dresses. Knowing what was in store, though, never blunted his surprise. Her quality in production was the most astounding thing of her work. She could tell you that she would make a dress of such and such color, size, and design, but to feel the idea made real would sweep many off their feet.

He entered the foyer of the library to find breakfast prepared for him. Twilight had probably gone to help arrange the party. Taking the bowl with him, he happily popped gems into his mouth as he walked through Ponyville. As a tiny dragon-ling he would often even pop the bowl onto his head and play pretend soldier. Now he had training and could even consider himself a real soldier. Noting the middle position of the sun in the sky, he realized he’d slept in again.

Wandering into the Ponyville marketplace, Spike hoped to find a gift for Rarity. Instead, the merchants cowered under their carts and hid behind their stalls. Ponies in the streets look up fearfully at a dragon that flew overhead. In the sun’s light, a dragon projected a large shadow above their heads.

Captain Nightshade directed several squads of guards. The armor clad ponies shuffled to take position.

“When that dragon lands, I want a full greeting party. Stay out of that of the dragon's kill cone radius or you’ll get a face full of fire. Lancers to the fore! I want this iguana served on a stick! I’ll be the tip of the formation, follow my example and you won’t die.”

Spike spotted Nightshade. “Wait, Nightshade! That’s Lord Firestorm of the Dragon Dominions, he’s a diplomat! Kill him and you’ll start a war!”

Nightshade lowered her lance. “What? That idiot drake is terrorizing the town. Are you sure, Spike?”

Spike sighed. “He’s here for me. This is my fault. He wants to duel me.”

“I got your back, I’ll break in if he’s too much to handle.”

“Nightshade, the best thing you can do is tell your guards to stand down and find Luna. Tell Luna I messed up bad and this is entirely my fault.”

“Can you win the duel?” Nightshade looked worriedly.

Spike was touched by her concern. “Yeah totally.” he lied.

Nightshade raised a brow at his bluff. “At least stall him in battle. Use your wits like you used them against me.” She smiled. “Luna’s too far away. I’ll get reinforcements though; I’m not going to let you die!”

As Nightshade and the guards dispersed, Firestorm saw Spike in a passing flyover. The dragon made a heavy landing near Spike by several dozen paces. Swaggering forward, he arched his head in a bow and gave the traditional greeting from one dragon to another; a scream of flames.

Spike countered Firestorm’s blaze with his own spell fire blast. The searing heat melted the ground in the middle but after less than a minute both dragon ceased their output. No flame was stronger. If their pyromancy was not equal, one of them would be a charred skeleton.

“Well spat, Spike!” Firestorm’s tone was always a mixture of angry, menacing, and genuinely friendly.

Spike acknowledged him in the best neutral tone he could. “Garble.”

‘Garble’ was angered by his the informal name. “My name is Firestorm! Lord Prince Firestorm!”

Spike spoke hesistantly. “Okay Firestorm, Why are you here?”

Firestorm snarled as he pointed a claw at Spike. “Spike! Yo bro, you know!” Firestorm showed the ornate gold gem encrusted crown his claws. He pointed to a large hole in the middle of the relic. “I want the centerpiece to my crown back! I want that heart stone!”

“I won the heart diamond fair and square. You fought well.”

“I challenge you to a duel for it! By Draconic Law, I’m entitled to a re-match.”

“I like you, Garble, but not that way.” Spike chuckled.

Firestorm was flustered by Spike’s taunt; somehow the crimson scaled dragon blushed. He quickly buried those thoughts in his tirade. “Look Spike, as ascendant Prince of Dragon Dominions, I am the law! I say we have another duel! I’ll stake the Green Seer Emerald!” Firestorm pointed to the green gem encrusted on the left side of his crown.

Spike looked at all the innocent ponies gathering to witness the red drake’s tantrums. Guards held the ponies back far but not far enough. “As much as I would like another priceless jewel, we’re not doing this. At least not here in the Ponyville Square.”

Firestorm raged. “Name the place!”

Spike pulled out his mental map. Where was it that there was nothing flammable or ponies to get in the way? He remembered his old gem digging expeditions with Rarity. He knew the place. “The Abandoned Diamond Dog Quarry.”

Firestorm nodded. “Chicken out, bro, and I roast this quaint little village of ponies!”

“Fine, but afterwards, you can keep the stupid emerald; I don’t want to hear about this again!”

“You assume you’ll win! At noon, not too late or too soon! Jaws, claws, or whatever you can bring! You’re going down, Spike!” Firestorm extended his wings and flew off but not before shooting fire into the sky to send ponies cowering.

Spike rubbed his forehead with his claws. Lord Firestorm or Garble was an age old headache of his. His rival had serious daddy issues and what he suspected was a repressed romantic attraction to Dragons of same gender. His time in the Dragon Dominion had built a grudging respect between them, culminating in the duel that won him the priceless heart diamond jewel that he intended to give to Rarity… wait why was he fighting? The heart diamond surely had no value now… or did it? He had carved it into the image of Rarity’s cutie mark; it represented their possible future together. The engagement ring still had the power to apparently compel him to accept the deadly duel without much thought.

He slapped his claws on his head when he realized that Garble had set the match at noon… the same time as Rarity’s party. He looked at Ponyville’s clock tower; the hands were nearly noon, he didn’t have time to tell Rarity about the duel. He’d have to fly fast after Garble if he wanted to make it on time. He knew Garble’s tendencies; he could easily imagine Garble attacking Ponyville if it came to that. Spike deployed his wings and flew off to confront his rival.

The Diamond Dog Quarry was never a welcoming locale. The dogs had built a massive network of tunnels of which they made into a city. The Equestrian Royal Guard never bothered with ousting the dogs so long as they kept their seclusion. It wasn’t worth it, they were largely irrelevant even with their wealth from digging they were content to only miserly horde their riches. Occasional trade for resources also made it doubly disadvantageous to destroy them. However the Diamond Dogs dug too greedily and too deeply. The tunnels went silent; no more trade or even territorial patrols came from the caves. Adventurers that entered did not exit. Every so often the tunnel entrances would spit out their bones though.

Things in Equestria had taken a dark turn; or maybe it was because Spike was too young back then to know better. A simple errand could have you passing through chimera and hydra territories. The mundane delivery of pies or the mail could kill you. He wonder how the mailmare did it especially with her clumsiness. A pony didn’t get lucky that many times, the mailmare might give Royal Guards a teaching or two. His set aside his thoughts as the desolated patch of land came into view.

Spike landed shortly after Firestorm. The terrain was difficult and postmarked by disused Diamond Dog burrows. They both glared at each other. This wasn’t going to be a cake walk. In their previous duel, it had become a contest of endurance. Spike summoned the strength due to his love for Rarity; it was a matter of motivation Firestorm battled only for his vain glory never suspecting pony-raised Spike to be a challenge. Spike used all the tricks and techniques he learned with Shining Armor and Reagle Hawkmor to overcome his opponent. Firestorm, for all of his hubris, was honorable and surrendered the Heart Diamond.

His sword, Luna’s gift rattled in its scabbard, Spike drew the begging blade. The Crimson Crescent seemingly gave a gleaming smile.

Firestorm was unimpressed. “A tooth pick, seriously? Your time amongst the ponies has made you soft.”

“Whatever, I still beat you the first time.”

“Bro, you don’t know! A dragon’s only true weapons are their fire, jaws, and claws.” Firestorm breathed a spell onto his right claws. The banana-sized slicing instruments extended further until they matched the length of Spike’s sword.

Luna’s lesson stuck with him. Chivalry had its place; not in combat. Nightshade reminded him of his duel with her. A bellicose opponent could be provoked to anger. He needed to make Firestorm angry and stupid. He analyzed Firestorm, his rival was obsessed with his dragonhood; Spike had outgrown that immature phase a long time ago. “So did daddy teach you that?”

“I learned that myself!” Firestorm charged.

Spike evaded the slash and parried the follow through strikes. Firestorm slashed again and again, surprised that Spike’s sword held against his claws. Firestorm pulled back as he examined his fissure cracks in his claws. “How the Tartarus did that tooth pick chip my claws?!”

Spike gave a glance at Luna’s gift, the sword was more valuable than he thought if it could chip dragon claws. The respectable reach also allowed him to match Firestorm.

Firestorm breathed spell fire and repaired his claws.

Spike spent the time to taunt. “So Garble, met any good dragonesses lately?” He parried again as his enemy lunged.

Firestorm boasted of his dragonhood in between swipes of his claws. “I got girls galore!”

Spike leap back with a beat of his wings. “Any you didn’t have to pay to be with your ugly scales?!”

Firestorm was distracted and nearly tripped over one of the Diamond Dog burrow holes as he pursued Spike. “Nice one, now feel a real burn!” He screeched fire.

Spike blasted off his own flames. The streams of flames pushed against one another. Their attempts to overpower each other were fruitless again their Pyromancy was equal. When their flames abated; both of them were left heaving for breath.

Spike knew there was one subject left that would make his opponent fuming with anger. “Hey Garble, I don’t think you’re into lady dragons at all. Why don’t you admit it? You’ve been chasing my tail all along.”

Firestorm roared in rage. “That’s it Spike! I hope that diamond was worth your life!” He planted feet and smiled cruelly. His words became guttural as something else started speaking in his stead. “Demon of Pride, grant me the power to exact vengeance!”

Spike realized he had crossed the line. He had gotten Firestorm angry and stupid… too angry and stupid. If Firestorm succumbed to ‘dragon rage’ and became a true monster, it would take an army to stop him. So close to Ponyville, devastation would befall his home town. It was a minor miracle in Spike’s youth he’d hurt no one; perhaps it was his sub consciousness super ego fighting back. Firestorm didn’t care for ponies; he’d burn the entire village then some. Spike would be ultimately responsible for having caused it.

Spike gave a roar of his own. “You’re not going to transform!”

Firestorm’s frills flared up as his eyes narrowed. He was transforming; not fast enough though. Spike charged Firestorm and punched him in the face with the grip of his sword. Spike then rammed his leg into the other dragon’s chest knocking the wind from Firestorm’s lungs.

Shoving Firestorm down, Spike pressed his sword against Firestorm’s throat. “Try transforming again and I’ll end you! You idiot! I’m not going let you destroy yourself and others!”

“Why?!” Firestorm’s mouth was venting fire. His flames though puttered to an impotent smoke. “I can’t accept being beaten by a hatchling!”

Spike held his sword to his rival’s neck. “Give it up. Maybe when I was smaller, but now things are different.”

Firestorm snorted. “I am still a dragon of honor in accord with code.” Using his claws he plucked out the Green Seer Emerald from his crown. He handed it to Spike.

Spike withdrew his sword and let Firestorm stand up. “I said to give up the vendetta. Look, I won’t tell anyone about this. You can keep the stupid rock and your pride.”

“What? Are you saying! That’s the Green Seer Emerald! Dude, it’s worth a kingdom.”

Spike handed the gemstone back. “I don’t want your emerald.”

“Finish me then, bro! The shame is too much!”

Spike groaned. “Dude, don’t be such a drama queen.”

“Spikey!” called out a familiar voice.

Firestorm and Spike turned toward the half dozen ponies that ran toward them. Rarity and Twilight had jumped in front of him with their horns aglow with magic.

“Back away from my brother, punk!” Twilight’s eyes even glowed as she mustered mana to power her a spell.

“You might as well surrender! You’re facing Captain Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow donned her sleek Wonderbolt combat suit and a mounted lance.

“Party poopers, get the party cannon to the face!” Pinkie had readied her party cannon into position. Spike wondered how she got the artillery piece there and whether she had loaded it with live ordnance.

“You ain’t gonna know what hit ya!” Applejack had tensed up and, for once, her rippling muscles could be seen under her coat. Somehow without a weapon or magic AJ seemed more intimidating in her self-confidence.

“Oh I don’t want to do this. Don’t make me sic Harry on you!” Fluttershy had summoned a woodland friend, the furry murder machine that was the grizzly bear so called ‘Harry’. She rode atop the ursine and caused the bear to rear up on its hind legs and roar.

Rarity lead the group and confronted Firestorm with her horn pulsing in magic so hot it glowed white. “You hurt a single scale of his! I shall be forced to something very unlady like! I will shred you like fine silk! Do you understand me?”

Firestorm nodded meekly. “Yes ma’am!”

How had Rarity overcome her fear enough to talk down a grown dragon? Spike was flabbergasted by her. The maiden had come to knight’s rescue and with the cavalry.

Spike turned toward Rarity with a bit of fear. He had missed their party. “Rarity, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it to your party.”

“Spikey, you idiot! I don’t care about that! You flew off to a dangerous duel without telling anyone of us! I’m glad the mailmare told us what happened at the market place! Why did you do such a stupid thing?!”

“Garble wanted the Heart Diamond back…”

“The Heart Diamond in our engagement ring?” Rarity blinked in surprise. She corrected herself. “I mean the ring meant to be our engagement ring?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, I couldn’t give that up...”

“Oh Spikey, I never ever want you to do something so foolish as that again. Not for me…” Rarity’s crystal blue eyes peered into his.

“I say! Dear boy, we seem to be late to the party.” Fancy Pants appeared on the horizon with several squads from the Mages’ Corp. The sorcerers’ robes wavered in the wind.

Nightshade flew into view with an aerial group of bat ponies. The Night Guards snarled with full fangs.

“The purple dragon is friendly!” Nightshade shouted to her group. “If the red one moves you have permission to slay it!”

This was getting out of hoof. Aside from the diplomatic implications, Spike felt bad for Firestorm, who was atop his humiliation, now outnumbered. Firestorm slinked back fearfully.

“Stop! Firestorm is a friend!” Spike cried.

“He is?!” said nearly everypony.

“I am?” Firestorm asked aloud.

Spike turned to his rival. “Look, you’re not as bad as you think you are. I respect you and your dragonhood.”

Firestorm rubbed his head spines. “You dished out some mean things out during our battle. I don’t know bro.”

“Yeah that was just to get you to lose your focus. Listen there’s a party planned you want to come?” He offered a claw.


Spike bumped claws with the defeated dragon.

With a slight hint of reluctance, Firestorm put an arm around Spike’s shoulder as the two of them walked their way.

Firestorm was an interesting addition to the party, as were Fancy Pants, Nightshade, and the detachment of guards. Firestorm mostly brooded over losing the duel; however, Rainbow was able to get the dragon to open up. Apparently the Pegasus and dragon had a mutual appreciation of ‘masculine’ or ‘awesome’ things. As the party music pounded in lower floors of the boutique, Spike and Rarity found some time alone. It was a familiar scene; they stood at the same balcony where their lives sudden took a turn.

Tenderly, Rarity held Spike’s claws with her hooves. She kept her gaze straight at Spike. There was something in her look that made him forget of the pony that looked at danger straight in the eyes a few hours ago.

“Spikey,” she started, “I never want to see you do something so foolish again. Not for some silly rock. You had me worried sick.”

Spike raised a claw. “How about you? Rarity, you faced a grown dragon and scolded him.”

Rarity huffed defensively. “He was threatening someone important to me.”

“Firestorm threatened everything important to me; he said he would burn Ponyville if I didn’t duel.”

Rarity took in the new information. She then countered. “Spikey, a lady knows her tells. That was obviously a bluff. If that brute actually gone about burning Ponyville, he’d start a war. He’d be in the middle of enemy territory and all his fire wouldn’t be able to save him.”

Spike sputtered, but Rarity’s reasoning had proven greater.

“Darling, you weren’t thinking clearly. You were thinking about me.”

He admitted. “That Heart Diamond represented our future together, I felt if I just gave it up without a fight… what sort of dragon would I be? You were the reason I won that stupid stone in the first place.”

“Spikey, I have gift for you. Follow me!” Rarity batted her eyes as she walked back to the boutique and her living quarters.

The shake in Rarity’s hind quarters though reminded Spike of Luna’s seduction attempt. He hesitated and blushed.

Rarity seemed to read his mind. “It’s perfectly innocent! Spikey, I swear!”

Rarity had begged Spike to close his eyes while she worked. He felt cloth upon his scales as he was dressed.

“Now open them!”

Spike opened his eyes to a mirror. He saw in the reflection himself, dressed in a debonair ebony suit with an equally dapper alabaster under layer.

“Whoa, this suit is epic!”

“It’s been a while, darling. You were due for a new suit. A Griffin sewn outfit, really, when you can have a Rarity original?”

“How did you take my measurements?”

“Spikey like this.” Rarity hugged him lightly and traced her hooves across his muscled mass. “You were out for some time in the hospital; remember?”

“Yeah.” Spike felt his new suit, it fit like a glove. He delicately ran his claws through the fabric. Every stitch seem to conform to the natural curves of his body. The slots for his back wings were comfortable but tight enough to secure the ensemble. He feared that his slightest movement might ruin the masterwork.

“I used some special material. Try breathing fire on it!”

Spike looked at Rarity as if she was crazy. “There’s no way in Tartarus, I’m ruining this suit after you put in Celestia knows how many hours into it.”

“I’ll do it then! Trust me. I never tried this spell though.” Rarity giggled.

Her words didn’t inspire confidence especially since she noted never having used the spell before. Spike backed away as a bolt of Rarity’s magic hit him. It was a standard fire bolt and burned a bit before dying out. He examined his suit to find no scorch marks.

Rarity smiled. “It’s made from wool of the elusive fire rat demon; it’s impervious to even dragon flames!”

“I’m wearing a rat’s pelt?”

Rarity waved a hoof. “I know dear, I was surprised too something as uncouth as a rodent could have such fabulous fur. To pierce the fabric, I had to use some special needles magically made. Even then the needles kept breaking. It’s been a long time project of mine. Last night I just finished it.”

Spike tested it out with his fire breath. Again the suit was unblemished. “Rarity, this is amazing!” He jumped in the suit for glee. Not even dragon scales were invulnerable to their own magical flames. The only substance other substance he knew that could do the same was the magic metal mythril. Even then it could only be made in plate or chainmail. The suit was functionally a set of armor but with the mobility of cloth.

“Try cutting it!”

Spike took his dragon claws and tried puncturing the material. It didn’t budge.

Rarity looked on disappointed. “Really try cutting it.”

What was harder than dragon claws? He recalled how Firestorm’s claws couldn’t match his sword. He unsheathed the blade to find it as sharp as ever. Spike took Luna’s saber, to his sleeve. He gasped as the Crimson Crescent actually managed to cut the cloth. He looked at Rarity apologetically.

She simply smiled staring at the cloth. “Wait for it!”

The miracle material suddenly started sealing itself. The cut made mended by itself as the fabric pulled together. Spike blinked in astonishment. If Luna’s saber was the ultimate weapon, then Rarity’s suit was the ultimate armor. He realized, though, Rarity didn’t have the fortune of a kingdom.

“Isn’t it marvelous? It is a clothiers’ dream fabric!” Rarity gave an aside mumble. “Even if it’s a nightmare to actually work with.”

“This is too generous. I’m paying for it.”

Rarity shot him an angry look. “It’s a gift!”

Spike glared right back. “I know your financial situation!”

Rarity butted heads with him. “Darling don’t be ridiculous!”

Spike pushed back. “You’re getting paid! I’m not stealing this!”

“It’s not stealing if I’m giving!”

“Rarity, you can’t afford to give me this.”

“If I can afford to give you my heart, then I can afford to give you this rag! I love you, Spike!” She pressed her lips into his.

While she initiated, Spike continued. She was silky smooth and her rosy scent comingled with his breath. The kiss was distinct in the nature of its passion. It was different than the hungry fire of Luna. He was soothed by her, and the persistent monster in mind was quieted. She pressed softly and gently letting a natural rhythm flow. When their lips parted he still felt the sense of serenity.

“Rarity.” He gasped.

Rarity cried in delight as she shivered. “Spikey, that was so risqué! I don’t think any of my spa friends can boast they kissed a dragon full on the mouth. We simply have to do that in public one of these days!”

Spike smiled. “You’re not frightened?”

“Oh I was! But that was part of the thrill! Darling, it was like a rollercoaster ride!”

“I’m glad I excite you that much,” said Spike, blushing. He rubbed the back of his head frills. What was he doing? … Last night he held Luna tenderly in his claws. Tonight he kissed Rarity full on the mouth. Was he becoming a Canterlot socialite with their menagerie of mates? Both Princess Luna and Lady Rarity excited different aspects of himself. With his right claw he felt the collar of his suit, and in his left claw he touched the saber attached to his hip.

“Spikey, what’s wrong?”

“I need to stop thinking,” said Spike, “Thank you Rarity, this suit is every bit as amazing as you are. I just wish I had something to give you.”

“Darling, perish the thought. Your love is enough!” Rarity hugged him.

Firestorm walked in unaware that Spike was with Rarity. The red dragon was chuckling. “Yo bro, I misjudged these ponies. They’re really tough, especially that Rainbow one.”

Spike laughed. “A long time ago we ran from you; there at the quarry it looked like you wanted to run.’

Firestorm snarled. “The heir Prince of the Dragon Dominion doesn’t run!”

Rarity smiled. “Well now, a Prince, that’s interesting. All those years ago we met you; I recalled you behaved most assuredly unlike a Prince.”

Firestorm slinked away from the mare that had threatened him. “Yeah sorry about that. I was with my bros… I couldn’t just make nice with ponies! They’d laugh and call me weak.”

Spike placed a claw on his head. “Garble, you’re supposed to be a leader, isn’t peer pressure a little beneath you?”

Rarity stopped Spike with a raised hoof, she approached Firestorm sympathetically. “Darling, I know what social pressure is like. It’s a terrible force for ill. It can make us do the uncivil and most monstrous things.” Rarity looked towards Spike and exchanged a glance. “I hurt someone very close to me once because I succumbed to what others ponies said.”

Firestorm smiled. “Thanks… you’re right… it’s something my dad would say.” The dragon groaned. “He’s always right.”

“Maybe you should listen,” Rarity said.

This time Spike stopped Rarity with a raised claw. Firestorm’s dad was a whole other issue he didn’t want to bring up.

Firestorm sighed. “My dad wants to take over the world, and he wants me to rule it. The guy’s a god. Sometimes I want what you have. Spike, you don’t know your parents.”

Spike pulled Rarity close with his right claws. “I don’t have parents, but I have a family of friends. It’s been enough for me so far.”

“Friends, I don’t have those.” Firestorm snorted.

Rarity gasped. “Whatever do you mean? What about that group of dragons you led when we first met?”

“Those guys… yeah, whatever is right. They were into me because word got spread about who my dad was. They got chummy to ask for favors. I dumped them when they started demanding favors.”

Spike offered a claw. “Hey, we can be your friends.”

Rarity raised a hoof. “Well so long as Spikey is okay with you then you can add me.”

Firestorm smiled. He shook his right claws with Spike and shook Rarity’s hoof as well.

Consciousness and memory were murky miasma mists that swirled in her mind. In the fog came visions of battles to come and battles that were. Luna sifted through the haze for thoughts forgotten to the immediate mind, emotions shrouded by time, and horrors she’d defeated.

A voice spoke. “Be careful when diving so deep, child.”

Luna blinked. “Our other self, thou art not welcomed. Begone.”

“I am always with you till the end of days when… all becomes night.”

Luna countered. “And we shall always fight thee till the end of days when the stars die and all becomes night.”

“Yet you call upon my strength in your darkest moments. I wish for harmony between you and me.”

Luna folded her forelegs crossly. “It shall never be.”

The voice cackled. “Every time you get close to slipping, in your mind the walls weaken. This is your private sanctum… yet here we are speaking.”

Luna gasped; how had she been so careless? The enemy was not at the gates but had slipped past her castle’s many defenses without so much as her awareness. The tiniest crack left open from the many doors was a weakness she could not afford. She bit back concentrating her will power. “Demon, begone from mine mind!”

Luna summoned echoes of herself to fight the shadow. The many aspects of Luna had an arsenal of weapons; maces, lances, swords, and magic but none were able to damage the incorporeal form.

The voice trailed off cackling nefariously. “I know thy deepest desires… You will come to me… all in good time.”

Luna awoke; nearly jumping from her bed. Her star patterned bed sheets and pillows were soaked with her sweat. Her tears were added to the pool. She sat up in her cavernous room. Her luxuries turned against her, as the empty space became an auditorium that echoed her sobs.

“We can’t fight alone…”

Chapter 10 Destiny and Destruction

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Nightshade entered Luna’s chambers. Even during the day with the closed curtains, the room had a semblance of the evening.

“Princess! Are you alright?”

Luna threw her bed sheets over herself to cover and wipe away her tears. “Captain? Thou art never to enter mine chambers without permission!”

Nightshade bowed. “Forgive me.”

“Thou art forgiven, Captain.” Luna had wiped away her tears and popped out from the sheets. Spike had told her that Nightshade had been crying a day ago so Luna chose to broach the topic tenderly. She addressed her Captain without her honorific title. “Nightshade, are thee well?”

“Huh?!” Nightshade was surprised by Luna’s concern and the lack of a title. “All is well when I serve you. I desire nothing else.”

Luna continued with caution, her Captain’s response seemed rather automatic it roused her suspicion. “Tell us thy thoughts upon the nature of the Republic.”

“The general pony populace is weak. They need stern leadership. I approve of our current direction.”

“Any recommendations thou hast to give?”

“A guard at every corner. More militarization,” Nightshade said.

Luna looked to some ceremonial crossed swords on her walls. “More militarization, a conventional answer that is rather rigid. Tis indeed something my Captain would say.”

Using her magic, Luna took the blades and brought them spinning through the air to halt a hair’s breadth from her foe’s throat. Luna sharpened her gaze.


“We see through thy mimicry! Thine master insults us. Dost thou really believe we not know the details of our own troop deployments, especially mine Captain?”

The impostor's face twisted in horror.

“Reveal onto me thy secret, lest you wish that these blades flay thee alive.”

“I failed you at White Tail Wood; I should have been your reinforcements. I’m responsible for the failure of the revolution. My heart has held a regret that I can never forget.”

“Mine Captain Nightshade, is it thou?”

Nightshade bit back tears. “Am I so much a stranger to you, that you cannot recognize me?”

She choked further. “Princess, I would die for you if you so wished.”

Luna dropped her swords, the blades clanging to the ground. She felt a cold shiver travel down her back as the realization was dawning upon her. Before she managed to let out a faint hint of emotion, she cleared her throat and took a breath. “Nay, Nightshade! We apologize. We had a rough night… recent events have made me paranoid.”

Luna frowned at her insensitivity, and she dropped to a bow, casting off her social mask. “We did not expect thee… I am sorry.

“No Princess, do not bow before me… it fills me with great shame.”

“Captain, thou art not at fault for the failure of the Lunar Rebellion. Sister Celestia surprised us at the Fortress of Everfree; had thou arrived, thou would not have been able to break a siege so deep. Even before that point, the fortunes of war had already turned against us; only delusion and pride kept us fighting futility.”

“Hearing those words from your lips lightens the load on my heart.” Nightshade sighed.

“Think nothing of it,” said Luna as she smiled lightly. “Now Nightshade, why hast thee barged into my chambers?”

“I came here post haste to report that the Dragon Dominion leaders have arrived early. Lord Aldred terrorized the countryside and Lord Firestorm caused an incident at Ponyville when he challenged Spike to a duel.”

Luna gasped. “Sir Spike, is he alright?!”

“Yes, he bested Lord Firestorm without killing his opponent.”

There was a sigh of relief from Luna as she chuckled. “Sir Spike is truly a diplomat. We are proud of our choice…”

“Had Spike killed Firestorm, would you have surrendered him to Lord Aldred as restitution to avoid war?”

Luna paused. “Thankfully, we were not pushed to make that decision.”

“Princess, would you?”

“Aldred should have kept his spawn well in line. He is a dragon elder with nigh limitless time to reflect upon such follies in diplomacy. We do not believe he is capable of such a lapse of wisdom. The declaration of war would have been upon his conscience.”

Nightshade didn’t let up and pressed on. “Had Firestorm slayed Spike in a fair legal duel?”

“Casual dueling is acceptable in the Dragon Dominions; it is illegal in Equestria without the oversight of a Princess. Therefore, it is insulting of them to believe their law supersedes ours. Killing our ambassador would be an act of war.” Luna looked at Nightshade appraisingly. “Thou questioned whether we would place mine personal affairs over the nation. For want of one, thou ask if we risk a thousand?”

“Forgive me, Princess.”

“May thy faith remain evermore firm.”

Nightshade continued. “Lord Aldred took a tour flying over our country side. It caused quite the commotion seeing the dread dragon darken our skies with his shadow. Luckily, Fancy Pants was able to relay orders that the dragon was not attacking.”

“Aldred arrives early, he thinks himself clever by testing the temper and readiness of our troops. Send an envoy to convey my word wishes… no go yourself, he is given due dignity.”

“Very well, Princess I will go speak to Lord Aldred.”

“Tell Aldred if he so attempts a ploy of that nature again, forthwith we will ally ourselves with the Griffin Kingdoms and Zebra Confederation.”

Nightshade blinked. “Some scouts’ estimates and those of our spies say the dragon host numbers in the hundreds of War Balloon class size not to mention the half dozen Airship class ones. Their dragonling infantry is also a respectable in number if not size.”

Luna pouted. “Combined cannon fire will wither his armies to naught but ashes. Our sorcery can repel their lesser dragonlings.”

“Lord Aldred’s scales are thick and such is the scale of his size he is nigh invulnerable. Also he has mastered his dragon rage. Killing him would take no minor miracle. You could give me limitless armies, I still wouldn’t know how to plan the attack.”

Luna smiled. “Ah that would be his likely retort. Tell my old friend to remember who it was that so scarred his left leg.”

After the party hosted by Rarity, Spike retired to the comfort of his home. It would have been the perfect night if he hadn’t awoke in the morning ill at ease. His nightmare of a field of fire had returned. The burning of Ponyville, his friends frozen in fear, and himself looming over the scene; the vision had again haunted him. With each recurrence, it became more vivid. Making his way to the bathroom he splashed water over himself. At least he didn’t look worse for wear in the mirror.

He noticed he still wore Rarity’s suit and Luna’s saber with sash. They were his accoutrements of civility. He wondered whether they were just useless baubles that only carried the pretense. The savagery of draconic kind was lurking beneath.

“Spike, hurry up!” It was Twilight’s voice followed by hooves pounding on the bathroom door.

“Sorry, Twi.” Spike exited only for Twilight to fly into the restroom.

“Too much cider!” Twilight groaned.

Spike left Twilight to her detoxification ritual. Ponies altogether had a lower tolerance for alcohol. Twilight he knew had an especially low tolerance from the few outings she did partake. Spike had the opposite problem, no matter how much he drank; his drake’s body wouldn’t allow him the distraction of delusion. Spike heard a knocking on their door. He dragged himself to the entrance and swung open the door.

“Fancy Pants?” Spike asked.

Fancy Pants tipped his helmet. “Top of the morning to you lad, I was hoping I could see Miss Sparkle.”

“What for?”

“Luna wishes her to lead to the Mages’ Military Corp, not immediately of course. Until such time, I am to begin her magical combat training.” Fancy Pants levitated a stack of books with him. “I came to drop off some prefatory texts for her to read.”

He chuckled. “I hope these won’t end up in the public section.”

“Twilight’s well… indisposed at the moment. Let me fix us breakfast while we wait.”

Spike made up three orders of pancakes and set them on their dining table. From the gurgling noises upstairs, Spike figured Twilight was still regurgitating last night’s excess.

“Most kind of you,” said Fancy Pants. “Allow me to make us tea.”

Fancy Pants took some leaves from his saddle pouch and placed them in the kettle along with water. Spike saw the glowing intensity of the Fancy Pants’ fire spell used to heat the kettle.

Spike stabbed a couple of pancakes with his fork. “Dig in.”

Fancy Pants used his magic to levitate his utensils and cut neat chunks off his food. Much could be inferred from a pony’s eating habits, Luna’s he knew was aggressive though she knew her manners, Rarity’s was refined and delicate like her tailoring, Nightshade was like a cat siping a saucer of milk. Fancy Pants’ rhythm was surgical yet so natural Spike felt embarrassed and slowed his eating to match his pace.

Fancy Pants noticed his shift. “No need to hold yourself back on my account, lad.”

Spike considered his breakfast buddy for a moment. Fancy Pants was the gentle-colt and soldier; Spike in his youth had tried to follow the same pattern. “Fancy Pants, how do you do what you do?”

Fancy Pants smiled. “Keep my ‘poise’ you mean?”

Spike nodded, his wording was much better. “Yeah.”

“You’ll find me quite the barbarian on the battlefield though I bear the demeanor of a calm commander. My enemies in Prance can attest to that, even Naponean himself. The beast lurking behind, I suppose it’s like your own draconic nature.”

“How do you deal with it?”

“We all have our methods of which can’t say any are superior. Nightshade indulges at times; the Princess wears a mask, as for myself… I live with the demon, a sort of synthesis developed through discipline.”

“I heard that before; synthesis instead of antithesis.”

“It’s not recommended for everypony…. I mean everyone.” Fancy Pants swallowed a bite. “To live with your demon, you have to understand it otherwise the other half takes over. There is a rush that comes from battle that few care to admit, but many are addicted to.”

Spike joked. “Like Twilight and her pop romance novels.”

“Hey! I will destroy you!” Twilight shouted from the stairway.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat and rose from his chair. “I do believe that is my cue to leave.”

Spike had nearly washed the leftover plates to their breakfast when there came another knocking on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Twilight wolfed down her plate and gave it to Spike as she made her way to the door.

Opening the door, she saw Luna and Rarity standing outside. There was a slight tension between the Princess and Fashionista, but they greeted Twilight and entered together.

Spike finished washing Twilight’s plate as they did. “Luna, Rarity, what are you doing here?”

Luna declared. “We must seek counsel with the Dream Lord and, therefore, will embark upon an expedition into dream space whilst awake. It should permit us a greater advantage over the shadows that reside there. However it comes at a cost; there shall be a greater risk upon our sanities and souls.”

“Why is Rarity here?” Spike looked Luna.

“We have recruited Lady Rarity for—”

Rarity interjected, smiling at Spike. “Darling, it’s been too long since we’ve gone on an adventure together. I simply won’t take no for answer.”

Spike raised a claw. “But—”

Luna pointed hoof at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, we ask thee to be the anchor for our return. Thou must maintain the portal and our tether betwixt realms. We trust thy magical skill above all others.”

Twilight nodded. “Luna, Spike, Rarity, just be careful okay.”

A black portal was summoned by Luna’s magic. As they stepped through it, Spike felt himself leaving his body behind. The feeling sent shivers down his spine or what he felt was his spine. Thankfully he had a light breakfast.

Rarity was entranced by the beauty of dream space. Marveling at the shimmering dream bubbles her jaw was agape. “Spike, this view is simply sublime! Come see darling!”

Spike chuckled. “I know.”

“You’ve been here before?”

“Yeah Luna took me while I was hospitalized.”

Rarity shot Luna a glare. “I thought we had a truce then.”

Luna pointed with her hoof. “Look yonder!”

Spike remembered the stormy dream lands that the Changelings controlled. However now there what appeared to be thunder. The ominous horizon seemed to be aglow with pulses of light within the dark clouds.

“This warrants investigation,” said Luna, leading them.

Changelings with spears fought off monsters of pitch black. Only the contrasting backdrop of the shimmering dream space bubbles and the explosions of spell magic revealed the monsters. The Changelings had established lines of battle. The back lines fired volleys of magical bolts while the front rows stabbed at the darkness with their spears. The so called thunder came from their mages concentrating their magic beams.

A larger Changeling shouted orders from her position in the center. “Fight them! Don’t relent! They must not contaminate the crop!”

A Changeling soldier shouted. “Princess Larvi, they’re too numerous! They threaten to break our center.”

“On your pride as soldier caste hold your position, Husk. Drive them from our territory! Engage our reserves! Rotate the wounded and weakened out!”

“Our mage artillery are occupied! They cannot provide covering fire without risking the other wings.” said Husk.

I will provide cover.” Princess Larvi announced.

Her words were with weight and Husk smiled in confidence. His wings buzzed as he charged into the fray. “For the hive!”

Changelings from the reserve lines sprung into battle following him.

Princess Larvi focused her magic upon her jagged horned. A laser line cut through the ether, cutting swath through the shadowy enemy.

The Changelings were so focused on their battle Spike, Luna, and Rarity managed to casually walk into the center of the lines. Princess Larvi was sweating as she poured her magic into her piercing beam. The beam started flickering out as she expended her reserves.

Luna stepped up beside the Changeling Princess. “Perhaps we could lend thee aid?” She fired her own ray.

The shadowy monsters were cut apart by Luna’s light. The support Luna gave provided the rest of the time needed for the Changelings to rotate fresh troops into their line.

Larvi caught her breath. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Rarity looked at a shadowy wisp driven back by a blast of magic. Illuminated, the creature was revealed to have centipede and various insect like forms but of no known natural specie. “What are those dreadful things?”

Larvi spoke angrily. “They’re monsters of the id, demons of the subconscious and even entities of longing and regret.”

Spike asked. “How long have you been fighting them?”

“They entered the ether, months ago. Once they infect the dreams of the living they become like the dead.”

Luna spoke. “Reverse invasion of dream space is an impossibility.”

Larvi sighed. “I don’t know. Changeling mind magic weakens the barriers, perhaps that’s how. Anyway we lost a good chunk of our crop before we noticed what was going on.”

Spike saw Rarity shuddered at the mention of ponies as a ‘crop’. He too was unsettled by the concept, however, perhaps it was in Luna’s company he was becoming numb to such injustices.

Larvi grumbled on as she rubbed her forehead with her hooves. “We shall have forage for more. What a pain.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Our peace treaty with the Changeling Kingdom remains. We heard though thou wars with Naponean and Prance. We do not care to know who instigated hostilities but we warn thee not to expand thy borders in this and the waking world.”

“Princess Luna, I have an empire to run, hungry mouths to feed. We must replace and renew our crop.”

“Conquering a continent tis not replacement value.”

“Conquering? We fight a defensive war. Naponean is a tyrant that seeks world domination. Even now my husband fights them in the land of lucid.”

“Whichever of your powers win, we fear the citizenry will lose.”

“We are not unkind. We don’t put the people to slavery as Naponean does. They aren’t worked to death. We weave wonderful fantasies of whatever you want. If you so prefer, I could have one woven for you.”

“Dost thou dare threatens us?”

“It was an offer kindness.” The Changeling Princess gave a small smile. “Such a service would be safely contained.”

A soldier behind the Changeling Princess stepped forward and licked her lips. “We do not discriminate either. I never had dragon before. The love on this one smells wonderful!”

Both Luna and Rarity jealously blocked Spike from the stray Changeling.

“I rather have reality, it’s enough to handle for my claws.” said Spike.

The soldier turned to Rarity. “How about you!? I love your mane! You’re an artist I can tell. Your love must taste great!”

Rarity politely declined. “Sorry dear, I like stallions.”

She glanced at Spike. “I meant males.”

The soldier gleefully jumped. “I can be that too!”

The Larvi gave a scolding look to her subordinate. “Ah my daughter is awfully courageous and knows no danger when choosing mates. I think she takes from her father.”

“Whilst this has been a fun diversion, we must be going. We trust thou will be at attendance for the Peace Summit?”

“My apologies Princess Luna, we have yet to trounce Naponean on the battlefields of Prance. I will send a capable Captain of mine to represent us though.”

They left the Changelings to their ongoing battle.

“Changelings,” Rarity commented. “Those wedding crashers still operate?”

“Lady Rarity, whilst we may wish the world’s evils away it be another matter to take them out completely. Oft greater ones take their place.”

“Luna, I know. I don’t need lecturing. The world is not as civil as we like to believe.”

“The Changelings are fighting something worse than them.” Spike rubbed his chin. “We’ve got to find out what’s going on.”

Rarity raised hoof. “Luna, you mentioned this Sandpony on our way to the library, who is this friend of yours?”

“Tis an acquaintance of mine. We cannot call him our friend, to do so would be to relax our guard. Be on watch, the Dream Lord’s benevolence benefits oft only himself.”

Navigating the dream realms, they arrived at a massive castle made of sand or what remained of a castle. The walls fallen in carving a path to the throne room. Sitting slumped on the ruling chair was a figure of a pony. Spike before had found the Sandpony to be indefinable in form, however the Dream Lord was weakened and permitted them a truer view.

The Lord of Sand bled golden dust that made up his body. “Princess, I’m afraid there are foes beyond us both.”

Luna stepped forward. “Are thee well? What hast transpired?”

“I was arrogant of my ability; I walked into the enemy’s keep. I knew it was a trap but the nature I realized of it too late, too deep. Princess, I think… that is why you strung my ego like the strings of a harp. Well played; you have spared yourself at my cost.”

“We apologize, Dream Lord… Given what the responsibilities we are beholden to we could not take that risk.”

“Princess be careful of how you use ponies to your own ends. I am destroyed. I should take this information to my death in spite…”

Spike looked at the Sandpony. “You’re still talking; there must be a way to save you.”

“I need to feed… on a dream.”

Luna gestured a hoof at the many bubbles floating in the sky around the castle. “There are dream aplenty here.”

“No, I need a dream of hope, love, and pure. It must be from a luminary, a great soul, an artist, a truly exceptional being. Something to reignite the spark within me.” The Sandpony had licentious grin as he stared at Luna with eyes lacking pupils. “Give me some of your essence, Princess.”

Luna recoiled. “Nay, thou hast desired us for far too long. Thou wouldst not be able to control thyself and would empty mine chalice.”

The Sandpony pointed to the hole in his chest that bled golden dust. “You deny me even I lay dying? I thought these years had engendered some sort of, say… trust?” His attempt at innocence was corrupted by a hunger he not hide.

“We do not doubt thee; but we could not trust thy lust. Desperation destroys the best discipline.”

“Luna, I see why you brought me here,” Rarity sighed. “Dream Lord, perhaps I could give you some of mine; what was it that you called it? Essence?”

“Lady Rarity, do not make such offers to the Dream Lord, he is not a benevolent being. Once he tips your vessel, there is nothing to stop him from drinking the whole cup.”

“I need but a sip to inspire my own fire. I am not an avatar of avarice.”

Spike snapped at Luna. “Luna, you lied to me again! You brought Rarity here to use her!”

Luna shook her head. “We refute thy accusation… We did not lie, but we did not say. We are not omniscient either… this was the worst of expected outcomes.”

Spike growled. “That’s still wrong! That’s a lie of omission.”

He turned to the Sandpony and stepped forward. “Take a piece of me.”

The Sandpony hissed. “A demon corrupts your nature; it guards your heart for its nest. You are not pure.”

A gentle hoof held Spike’s claw. He glanced to his side to see Rarity looking up at him, a faint smile on her face.

“Spikey,” she started, her voice soft, “it’s okay… I surrendered my dream already. My boutique… has already failed.”

Spike frowned and lowered his head. “That’s not fair; it’s because of your association with me that those Canterlot snobs rejected you.”

Pausing for a moment, Luna spared a moment to look at Rarity. She could still see the unicorn that challenged her to a duel over Spike, the same mare that was willing to fight alongside the one she loved. Yet despite the moment of defeat and weakness, she still carried herself on with an aura of elegance and poise. “Lady Rarity, we will appoint thee our royal tailor then none can look down upon thy craft. We will accept no other clothier. Thou shall receive a full commission from the crown.”

“That’s charity, I don’t need your pity,” said Rarity pouting.

Luna whinnied. “Nay, we shall require thee to make my attire to exacting specification. We offer a full appointment and all that entails.”

“Thank you, Luna. I’ll consider it,” said Rarity.

The Sandpony groaned. He tried to plug the bleeding hole in his chest with a hoof, only for another hole to appear leaking dust. “Now do hurry. The grains of my hour glass are slipping away…”

Rarity nodded and stepped forward. The Sandpony grinned. Rarity was buffeted by a blast of sand that swept through her. Afterwards the Sandpony materialized behind her from the cloud.

“That was terrible…” Rarity shivered at the cold inside. Spike saw and pulled her close, draping his wings over her.

The Sandpony smiled. “Thank you, Rarity. You may feel a loss now, however you may always dream anew. Rest shall rejuvenate.”

Luna cleared her throat. “Thou hast thy pound of flesh, now reveal unto us thy discovery.”

The Sandpony smirked. “Verily.” He continued. “The enemy knew I would be wise to false bait. So they had baited their trap with a real piece but that they believed to be inconsequential… Therein lies their blunder. Princess, the answer is within your memories.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Do be specific. We are long lived.”

Whisking his hoof about the Sandpony produced a tiny bubble from his own dust. “This was the enemy’s bait, apiece of which you have the complete set.”

“We thank thee, Lord of Sand.”

“I must go. I must reestablish my realm.”

Luna took the bubble. “Are thee ready?”

Spike and Rarity nodded.

Their entry into the memory was near seamless save for the strange feeling of occupying a foreign body. Their experience was lived out through Luna’s eyes. The banners of three nations were scattered across the battlefield. Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies tribal flags flew atop a cliff. A bigger banner dwarfed those; it bore the symbol of two Alicorns circling the sun and moon. The larger rallying flag was newer and recently dyed.

Luna and Celestia stood clad in silver and gold armor, respectively. They stared at the sea of infantry below their vantage point. A multi colored army fought against a force in black armor.

Luna smiled. “Huzzah, Sombra’s forces are being pressed back. Have Commander Hurricane break through their left flank and slay their mages.”

Celestia stood by her sister. “Lulu, we should have Hurricane reinforce the right flank, the infantry are wavering there.”

“Tia, thou favors defense, however, sometimes mine offense can be a defense of its own. The enemy Mage artillery art more precious than our Earth Pony infantry.”

Celestia nodded. “Thou shall explain that after the battle to the Earth Ponies regiment commanders whose soldiers you sacrifice.”

Luna huffed. “So be it.”

She turned toward a Pegasus messenger. “Relay mine orders!”

Celestia reiterated. “Our orders.”

The Pegasus messenger saluted and flew off.

Luna grit her teeth, there was a tiny spark of tension as she looked towards her sister.

From behind the Princesses a white unicorn mare made her way past their guards. After bowing low, she spoke urgently. “Celestial sisters, I beg of thee do not slay my father. King Amethyst is not himself!”

A bearded mage tried to console the alabaster mare. “Princess Platinum, King Amethyst is no more. Nothing remains of your father. He is King Sombra now.”

“I shall never call him Sombra!” Platinum shook her head. “Please, Starswirl, somewhere inside that shell is the father that loves me and rocked my cradle so that could sleep every night as a foal. There must be another means.”

Starswirl sighed. “Princesses Luna and Celestia, I have tried explaining. Perhaps thine words will work better than mine.”

Platinum intoned pleadingly. “I beseech you, Celestial sisters. Spare my father. There must be another method.”

Luna spoke coldly. “We wish that there were. It must be done.”

Celestia sparked her horn. “Sister, the spell is ready. We have but one chance.”

The lines scratched into the ground began glowing. The rune designs of the arcane circle flowed with power.

“No!” Platinum tried to rub away a part of the line with her hoof.

“Stop child!” Starswirl wrapped Platinum in his magic and pulled her away.

Luna shouted orders. “Enough time has been bought! Have the army clear the center! Everything within the path of our spell will be naught but ash.”

Celestia stopped her with a hoof. “Nay, the enemy must not be made aware of our plans. Sombra will suspect our stratagem if we shift the infantry in such a manner.”

Luna’s eyes became wide. “Sister, thou shall annihilate a fourth of our army as blood sacrifice?!”

“Before did you not wish to trade infantry for their mages?”

“That is different!” Luna barked. “Thou murders much more than I ever proposed to sacrifice!”

Celestia wore her mask of indifference as she took her place. “These are the sins of empire. There shall be more blood yet if we are to create a nation from Equestria. I am still your eldest sister; this is my lesson for you Luna.”

Luna wept as she walked into position. “… I shall never be as you are!”

The dream ended in flood of light and indiscernible after images. Spike felt the fuzzy carpet mat of Twilight’s foyer against his claws. Luna and Rarity arose with him.

“I’m glad you made it.” Twilight collapsed in front of them. Her horn fizzled out with tiny flashes of lavender magic.

“Twilight!” They rushed to help her.

Luna looked Twilight over. “Tis simply magical exhaustion cometh from exertion, she is no danger.”

Spike sighed when he heard Twilight peacefully snoring. Satisfied with her safety their thoughts returned to their dreams.

Rarity gasped. “I simply could not believe Celestia would order such a thing.”

Luna replied. “My sister was correct. Had Sombra escaped it would have prolonged the war and there would be more lives lost.”

“Such cruelty in our history…” Rarity sighed. “Those times truly were the dark ages. Armor suits more the fashionable than suits of cloth…”

Spike raised a claw. “So Sombra was father of Princess Platinum?”

Luna nodded. “King Amethyst was seduced by a dark foreign Queen; together they conspired to usurp the Celestial Plane. Cast from it they were corrupted. A great war was fought to halt their ambitions, we are certain they are no more.”

“What was that? Sombra is the puppet master? In the Crystal Kingdoms I thought I helped take care of that monster… permanently.” The salvation of the Crystal Kingdom had earned Spike his knighthood when he came of age. There was even a pane of stained glass in Canterlot palace to honor him.

Luna groaned. “Nay we do not know the significance of that memory to our enemy.”

Rarity moaned. “My head hurts. Really couldn’t there have been a warning? Darling, I feel—”

“Rarity!” Spike cried out. Spike spotted the coming one of Rarity’s fainting spells. He caught her and set her down gently.

“She requires rest… the Dream Lord’s toll will take time for her soul to recover.”

“Luna, about that, you used her.” Spike looked at Luna, demanding an answer.

“Sir Spike, we would not needlessly endanger thee and Lady Rarity. We explained that there were risks.”

“That’s not good enough!” Spike growled. “We talked about this; you’ve got to tell me what’s going on.”

“We must make hard choices.” Luna frowned.

“Has your heart hardened so much?” Spike gnarled.

Luna took a deep breath. Spike recognized that she was taking off her ‘mask’. “Recently, I was visited by my other self… I feel my time is shortening. This enemy of ours must be dealt with before I go… already our foe has proven so powerful. Now they dig within my past. I may be the only one capable of stopping whoever and whatever they’re planning.”

Spike straightened up. “Luna, you’re not going anywhere and you’re not alone. Nightmare Moon isn’t you.”

“Sir Spike, I am frightened of myself…”

“You can’t give in to that. Acting rashly you often make terrible mistakes.” Spike hugged her. “When I was young… I even ran off. That lasted about a day.”

“Thou art most wise.”

“Luna, just let me in.”

Luna pulled away and nodded. “I fear you may not like what thou might find.”

“Don’t be afraid, being together means more than just hanging out for the good times.”

After Luna left, Spike tended to Twilight and Rarity while they recovered. After he laid Twilight onto her bed, he set Rarity up with his. He tucked Rarity gently in.

“Spikey,” Rarity reached out in her sleep.

Spike let her hold him and held her in return for a moment. Rarity had sacrificed so much. The element of Generosity was giving herself away. She was hurting herself to be with him. Rarity always had a heart bigger than most which allow her to give away so much, yet he could not forget she was not infinite. Her actions had great significance given her limitations. He couldn’t allow her to continue. He wondered whether he could convince Rarity to take up Luna’s offer. Rarity’s pride though was one of her last assets, she wouldn’t accept charity. Accepting help from Luna would be an admission of surrender.

Spike resolved to speak Rarity about the subject when she awoke. Making a light lunch of garnets he decided to take a peek into Twilight’s translation project. The scroll from the dragon elder was still laid out on Twilight’s table. He saw his sister had translated a small section onto a small piece of parchment.

Twilight’s Translation Notes:

Dragon culture is the most storied yet it remains a mystery to many. Their runic alphabet seems to have been developed for easy scratching by claws onto stone tablets for a pre-historical time. In the millennia that have passed all save a few of the dragon elders have lost their language. After cross checking several sources, I have deduced the scroll to be a myth amongst the dragons themselves. This is an unprecedented; mythic creatures having myths of their own!

Corruption, nothing is left pure

It hungers and swallows forth the day

Darkness, all is devoured in despair

All are but actors in this cruel play!

The thirst, that is to live

I am awaken, eyes wide

I shall not forget or forgive

All shall drown in a red tide!

I have chills translating this. I’ve tested the scroll for all magical anomalies; there are none. Yet as I read the runes, it seems I’m being spoken to. Maybe I’m just sleepy. I’m going to hold off translating for a while.

Spike was breathing heavily when he dropped the parchment piece. He didn’t blame Twilight for stopping, he too was unnerved. The words were familiar. He was interrupted by a knock on the library door. Visitors were many today. He sighed as he opened the door to greet the latest guest.

Nightshade spoke bluntly. “Spike, I need your help.”

“Okay, what’s up?”

“Fly with me, it is a secret.”

Spike flew with Nightshade through the evening’s cold currents of air.

Nightshade finished off her explanation. “That’s all of it. Luna wants me to speak to Lord Aldred.”

“Okay, Luna is entirely too bold. She is right in that we can’t show weakness, but if we quoted verbatim, Aldred would go to war no matter what. It’s Dragon Code to accept any challenge.”

“How shall we convey the Princess’s message then?”

Spike pounded his left palm with his claws as the solution came to him. “Good cop and bad cop, I’ll be conciliatory and you be yourself.”

Nightshade flew closer and eyeballed him. “Are you implying I’m a bad officer?”

“No?” Spike grinned.

“Good,” said Nightshade flying back. “That idea of yours though is a great one. Count me impressed, and count me in.”

Spike blushed for a moment with her compliment. He steered back towards the topic. “We probably shouldn’t mention the tail of end of Luna’s message since it could be construed as an invitation to duel.”

“Speaking of that duel, I asked Luna about it… she would be willing to war for you, if either you had slew Firestorm or been slain yourself.”

“Wait, Luna cares that much?”

Nightshade spoke with a hint of jealousy. “I told her about the dragons and her first question was about your wellbeing.”

“Her first thought was me?”

“Yeah, it’s disturbing. Don’t make her have to choose between you and Equestria.”

“Thanks for telling me about this, Nightshade. I don’t know why you’re telling me this though.”

“Luna loves you,” Nightshade said flatly. “I love Luna.”

The lonely air around Nightshade was something that always saddened Spike; combined by her desperation he was reminded so much of his earlier self. The bat pony was far from being physically unattractive. “Nightshade, have your tried the dating scene? Seriously, you got options. You’re… umm rather cute.”

Nightshade nearly stalled in flight. She recovered swiftly, though. “That’s lust! I want a loving relationship.”

Spike nodded; in his youth he could have picked another mare instead of Rarity. As he grew older and the hormones relaxed, Spike found Rarity’s personality to be her winning aspect.

“Also,” Nightshade continued, “think about it, we’re soldiers, carnivores if you will. No matter how hard we explain to others they’ll never quite understand.”

“I’m an ambassador for peace, not war. I’m not a soldier, but I understand. If others don’t understand the make them listen. I can’t completely understand bat ponies and I’m sure you’re not a dragon. Even if they can’t fully comprehend, they can still love you can’t they?”

“Spike, I—” Nightshade’s word were interrupted.

“We’re close, let’s not speak Lord Aldred’s sense of hearing is supreme,” said Spike.

A long time ago another dragon roosted here. Spike remembered that the dragon’s snoring spewed choking smoke across the land. That dragon though was rather reasonable and left after realizing the consequences of its actions on others… Aldred he hoped was in a reasoning mood. Larger than the previous host, Aldred’s head popped out of the cave.

Spike motioned Nightshade to get behind him. “Let me do the talking, Aldred knows me.”

“He seems to be asleep. No guards, we could end the Dragon Dominions here if we wanted.” Nightshade raised her lance.

“Shush!” said Spike.

The massive dragon snorted smoke against them as he opened his eyes. “Little pony, your little lances are not even tooth picks to me.”

Nightshade planted her hooves and stood against the smoke cloud. “I do not fear you.”

Aldred chuckled. “All dread the dragon king, Aldred.”

Nightshade hissed. “I bet your eyes aren’t armored.”

“Not helping.” said Spike stepping in front of Nightshade.

Aldred eyes snapped to Spike. “Spike of the Ponies, yet again we meet.”

“He Who Swallows the Sky Lord Aldred, I met your son again.”

“I heard you won the duel. This time it did not take an entire day, nor did you have to level the country side. Congratulations on your victories. Garble’s crown will be empty of gems by the time he learns. It was not proof of your prowess but rather his incompetence.”

“I gave him back the jewel. I only wanted one in the first place.”

Aldred sighed in boredom. “Interesting…”

“Anyway, I want to ask you why you want war, I heard you had a flying tour over Equestria. Acts of intimidation are beneath you.”

“I wanted to see how this land had changed. This was my home long ago.”

Nightshade sneered. “Likely story, you’re just surveying our military preparations for your invasion!”

Aldred mused. “Invasion, is there to be a war?”

Nightshade was growling now. “Any further flights of fancy will be considered an act of war. We’ll ally with the Griffins and Zebras, and even your armies will be no match.”

“More fodder equals more food for my army. Do not think you can threaten me.”

Spike stepped in again. “We’re not threatening anything. Princess Luna simply doesn’t want you venturing away from the Peace Summit grounds. You wouldn’t want others walking through your cave living room would you?”

“Very well, I shall limit my sightseeing.” He turned to Nightshade. “Little pony, tell your Princess, I agree to stay with the bounds and grounds of the Peace Summit.”

Nightshade nodded. “Luna also wants to remind you who left that scar on your left leg.”

Spike shot Nightshade an angry look after she mentioned what he specifically said not to.

Aldred growled slightly, which sounded like roaring. “Go, pony, or I might have a snack. I have words to speak to your ambassador alone.”

Nightshade turned to Spike.

“Go,” he ordered. “I got this.”

Spike stood alone in front of Aldred. His interactions with the dread dragon had been limited even as ambassador. He mostly spoke with other dragons. Of the elders he was also the one he had least time with. Aldred seemed to keep his distance specifically from him. “What is it that you can’t say in Nightshade’s company?”

“Let us speak dragon to dragon. Why do stand with the ponies? You are a dragon.”

Spike didn’t appreciate Aldred’s tone or his condescension. “I told you before they’re my family. I feel little kinship with dragons.”

“Curious you should say family. Spike, I am your—”

Spike raised his claws. “Stop, if you say father, you can eat my middle claw.”

Aldred laughed revealing rows of his razor teeth, each easily the size of Spike. “I am your uncle. I would not spawn such an impudent brat.”

Spike smirked. “What about, your son, Garble?”

“That whelp will learn. I have reserved all the time in creation to teach my son. I will waste little time with you, nephew.”

Spike put his claws on his hips. “Right, you’re my uncle and my cousin’s the Kaiser.”

Aldred snorted. “Believe as you will, but I would recognize my brother’s blood; he had most mauve scales and grass green spines. Your spell fire is of the hue of your mother’s flame.”

“I hung out in the Dragon Dominions for a while. Suddenly you tell me this when it’s convenient. Where’s your proof?”

“You have dreams of a field fire. The visions bring you restless nights.”

Aldred now had Spike’s full attention. Spike asked. “How did you know?”

“My brother had the same… your destiny is destruction. These ponies you surround yourself with; they will be kindling when the fires of your nightmares are brought into the waking world.”

“Let me guess. I betray my friends, and you teach me how to avoid that fate? Seriously, if betray them, then what’s the point?”

“Spike, I make no such offer. I loathed and loved my brother. For our combined wisdom and his strength of will, we were not able to save him. He was like you, he believed in peace and cooperation. He had recently lost his dragon mate… he sought comfort amongst others. His company with them corrupted him. The fool saw a pony so much the likeness of his slain love; he believed she was a reincarnation of her. Thus did he pursue a pony for a wife. When he was rejected by the object of his affections, he let the demon inside win.”

Rarity’s rejection had almost sent Spike down a similar path; the eerie likeness of their history gave him chills.

Aldred raised his mighty maw towards the moon. “Above these very skies, I fought your father, my brother, when he became a mindless monster… In his last moment of clarity, he begged me to bite into his throat. I honored his wish, spilling the blood of my kin unto the Sodom below. I mourned his passing by burning those who had so possessed him.”

Spike snapped. “Then you dishonor his memory by destroying who he loved!”

“The object of his affections, she had already been burnt in his rage. I simply destroyed the remainders of that village of little ponies. I thought I even destroyed your egg in that fire…”

“That makes you a monster, too. You had no right to hurt those ponies!”

“I was not always above my own demon. It possessed me: grief. I had lost my only brother. For finishing the village… I shall always be sorry.”

Spike snarled. “If only your condolences could bring them back.”

Aldred shot him a stare.“Beware of your sharp tongue. Wit will not save you from my fury if you provoke me.”

“I’m not my dad and I refuse to call you uncle. Your story of despair doesn’t affect me!” Spike words, despite their spoken volume, were half haltingly hesitant. “I’m not going to become that! I won’t.”

“My story was to teach.” Aldred eyed Spike for a moment. “Perhaps you are right, young Spike… you are not my brother. Your mother’s blood runs stronger. When war comes, I shall not count you as my kin.” Aldred spread his great wings and took flight. His silhouette almost engulfed the moon. “Remember, your destiny is destruction. You are an immortal, time is your enemy. Eventually even the sun will burn out. When you surrender to the beast, do not ask me to bite your throat.”

Just today he had reassured Luna, now he was unsure of himself. Luna said he was a certain breed of dragon. His father had succumbed. Was his nightmare really a portends for the future? The field of fire he so feared: was that what awaited?

A voice spoke to him. “You’ve been struggling with it your whole life haven’t you?”

“Yeah, I thought one day I could even conquer it… now I’m told this. Is it really inevitable?”

“Spike, buck that guy.”

Spike swiveled his head to see Nightshade standing behind him. He hadn’t even noticed her. “You managed to eaves drop? Aldred’s senses are legendary. He can hear a butterfly’s wing beat from a mile.”

“I doubt that old dragon can hear that much. Anyway, buck destiny.”

“What makes you say that?”

Nightshade looked skyward and reflected on herself. “It was said we vampire bat ponies would destroy the world and our very existence served that end. Before Luna, we were hunters and the hunted.”

“You did support the first Lunar Rebellion. Historical records show that you still fought on after Luna became Nightmare Moon and some still after the banishment.”

“There were some… back then the daylight truly was our enemy… Before modern magic cured much of our symptoms we burned in the days’ rays.”

“Eternal night would kill agriculture, therefore ending life. What about your blood supply?”

“Is the heart so logical?”

He was surprised by her words. “I suppose no.”

“Ponies aren’t defined by the emblems on our flanks. Your draconic nature isn’t who you are. We are so much more.”

“I know, but it’s just not my nature now… even Luna said it was my destiny. Who’s going to stop me if I can’t stop myself?”

Nightshade frowned; she used her right hoof and nervously rubbed a circle in the ground. “Just as there are standing orders if Luna should become Nightmare Moon. There are plans for you.”

“Yeah, Luna said something about that. You’re Luna’s life keeper, who’s mine?”

“Luna herself… after her it’s me… I am to take your life. One of my assignments was to study Dragon anatomy.”

Spike chuckled. “I thought Fancy Pants might be the one.”

“He doesn’t have this.” Nightshade raised her lance so that it shone in the moonlight. “The lance I carry is special… it has a name: Longinus. The thickest armor is but butter to its edge. That which can slay a goddess…. can also bring a demon to death.”

“Well that lance of yours, if I turn you know where to put it.” Spike smiled, and pulled her lance to point at his heart.

Nightshade pulled away. “I don’t want to be the one.”

She opened her mouth to say more, but she cut herself short. Instead, she looked at Spike’s eyes, then she took a collective breath. “I... I love you.”

Spike shook his head of shock. “Wait, what did you say? What was that last thing?!”

Nightshade backed away from his shouting and spoke casually. “I said I like you.”

Spike stared at Nightshade intensely. She either had a supreme poker face or she didn’t even notice her slip up. “I could have sworn you said the other ‘L’ word.”

Nightshade hissed. “You wish! Repugnant reptile!” The bat pony took to wing.

Spike flew after her, playfully. “Hey, I’m not letting that get away!”

Chapter 11 Summit of Hopes

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A former fortress, made into an airship-port, and now converted into a convention center for all the world nations, the Castle of Steeds was built on a mountain like Canterlot. The fortification had escaped destruction in the Equestrian Civil War by having been allied with Celestia. Unlike Canterlot Castle, it was never upgraded to repel cannon fire, and its aging walls were for show. Twilight gleamed such details from the tiny guide book she bought. Walking through the wings of the airship-port terminals, she marveled at the old stone work to their left and new giant glass window to their right.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Rarity’s whine. “Darling, why ever did you drag me along?”

“Rarity, I need your negotiation skills. You managed to talk Diamond Dogs down.”

“Twilight, you think I’ll be of any use?”

Twilight had overcome a great degree of her social anxiety, but like Fluttershy’s namesake, shyness wasn’t a problem to be solved in a day. Her natural bookish disposition to her own lament meant she would fight it for the rest of her life. “Of course, I read some books like Meeting Ponies, but I’m not naturally social like you.”

She waved a hoof as if to shoo away her embarrassment. “Well I’m flattered; I’ll try my best to help you, dear.”

Twilight nudged Rarity slightly with a wink. “Spike will be there too.”

“Oh right, Spikey’s an ambassador.” said Rarity. “I wouldn’t want to distract him from his job.”

Twilight reassured Rarity. “You’ll calm his nerves. We’re more support than anything else. Luna wants me to learn, until then I’ll just be another smiling face.”

Rarity became unexpectedly bitter. “If there’s anything I learned from high society it is that they’re all smiling faces.”

They passed a newspaper stand. The front pages of several major publications had different pictures. Several had depictions of the assassins and others had scandalous faux images of Spike and Luna.

Twilight sighed. “The assassination attempt or Luna dating Spike, the newspapers are unsure what is the bigger headline.”

“You would not believe! I saw a terrible tabloid about Spike and Luna. I’m surprised even a Princess is fodder for their brand of journalism.”

Twilight sighed. “They wrote some mean things too about me how I’m ‘Princess Wait and See’. I’m still in training!”

Outside the council chamber door, Luna answered some reporter inquiries. Captain Nightshade and Fancy Pants kept the flock back from shoving their microphones into Luna’s face.

A reporter with a bowler hat asked. “Due to the recent assassination attempt, are you concerned for your life?”

Luna responded. “Security matters of the Peace Summit will be discussed in the meeting today. Thou shall have to wait for the press release.”

Another reporter asked. “EQD News would like to know how the Peace Summit will go? Does your association with a dragon mean you’ll favor their side in negotiations?”

“Sir Spike is a knighted ambassador of our nation, regardless of race. Mine personal life is my own.”

A smarmy reporter shoved herself to the front. “Equestria for Equines is concerned over allegations of your illicit affair with the reptile.”

Fancy Pants whinnied in disgust. “Equestria for Equines is a racist publication!”

The smarmy reporter persisted. “The ponies of our nation have a right to know if their Princess is a perverted deviant monarch styled after Mare Antoinette!”

Nightshade pushed the reporter back. “You have your answer! Press for more and I’ll give you my lance tip first!”

The smarmy reporter cried out to his peers. “Help! I’m being suppressed!”

Another couple of reporters in the crowd murmured in agreement. “Yeah, freedom of the press!”

More reporters pushed and shoved to get answers from Luna.

Luna held back her anger instead she exploded orders. “Captains, CROWD CONTROL!” She turned for the door in disgust.

“Back away!” Nightshade hissed and pushed back the flock. A flurry of photography blinded her. She smacked a reporter with the blunt side of her lance.

A tabloid reporter shouted to his camera pony as Luna left through the closing door. “Get a picture of the Princess’s hindquarters! That’s the billion bits photo!”

“I say, we won’t be having that now.” Fancy Pants sparked his lightning magic and caused the cameras to explode.

Several angry reporters accosted Fancy Pants. “You owe us new cameras!”

Fancy Pants smiled smugly. “Photography of the Council Chambers is expressly forbidden.”

Rarity was fuming at the reporters she huffed. “Those horrid ruffians! They’re just big bullies!”

Twilight couldn’t stop her as Rarity walked towards the reporters still beating at the doors.

She shouted to be heard over their inane questions. “You ingrates! What’s wrong with loving someone of a different race?!”

Rarity’s outburst had silenced the reporters for a moment.

The Equestria for Equines reporter scoffed. “Interracial relations are an affront to nature. Dragons are monsters! They eat ponies!”

“Not Spikey! You all judge him without knowing or caring what he goes through!”

The reporter shouted back. “If the Dragons conquer Equestria, we’ll all be slaves or squealing livestock!”

Twilight joined into the debate. “We aren’t at war with the dragons. That’s the purpose of the Peace Summit. That’s sort of rhetoric is counterproductive.”

“Princess Twilight is a dragon sympathizer!”

Another reporter shoved a microphone in Twilight’s face. “Can we quote you that ‘you favor a dragon ruled Equestria’?”

“Do you condone the policy of appeasement!?”

“That’s not what I said.” Twilight backed away as the reporters swamped her.

“You leave her alone! You big bullies!” Rarity tried to push the reporters back to no avail.

Nightshade and Fancy Pants jumped into the fray.

Fancy Pants cleared his throat and turned toward Nightshade. “Could you kindly use your—”

“Gladly.” Nightshade deployed her leather wings and flashed her fangs. Her crimson eyes became aglow. “Eyes of Fear!”

The mob became transfixed by Nightshade’s glare. Some started cowering away.

Fancy Pant used his horn to darken the hallway and summon some lightning effects.

The reporters retreated and then broke into a full run when a bolt of lightning cracked through the air.

Where the Equestria for Equines reporter had stood there was now a watery puddle. Everypony recoiled at the new definition of ‘yellow journalism’.

“Ewww!” said Rarity and Twilight as they stepped away from the puddle.

Nightshade retracted her wings and lowered her stance. She spat at the corner the reporters disappeared off to. “Cowards are easily cowed. A millennia ago such impudence would be punishable by death.”

Twilight turned to Nightshade. “What was that? Bat pony magic?”

Nightshade cuffed her hoof over her mouth hiding her still extended fangs. “Mild mind control.” said Nightshade, hesitantly.

“Thank you all every so much for repelling those ruffians away,” said Rarity.

“I say it was our pleasure,” Fancy Pant smiled widely. “We certainly couldn’t leave such an outspoken lady undefended.”

“Argh!” Twilight rubbed her forehead. “I never knew the press could be so frustrating.”

Fancy Pants bowed. “Princess Twilight, I beg your pardon but where is your personal guard?”


“Typically a Princess has a companion captain to guard her life. Her majesty mailed you a roster of appropriate officers last week.”

Twilight blushed. “Companion captain sounds intimate… I’m not sure I can find someone like my brother Shining Armor was to Cadance.”

Nightshade nodded. “It takes time to build such a bond and it’s hard to find someone to even begin with; however, do not take too long. A squad of my guards can shadow you safely until then.”

“Thank you again,” Twilight said, smiling.

Rarity leaned in and tapped Fancy Pants’ plate armor. “Sir Fancy Pants is it? I don’t believe I’ve been introduced to this side of you.”

“Yes milady, I am and have always been a knight. My high society self was simply a persona I enjoyed playing as. I had hoped for a quiet retirement but just as I thought I was out they pull me back in.”

Rarity nodded. “I’m glad the crown has someone such as yourself under their employ.”

Twilight levitated some a large stack of notes. “Have you both seen Spike? I’ve been reading some books about the Griffin Kingdoms. He has personal experience so I was wondering whether some of my info is outdated.”

Rarity asked. “Yes, where is Spikey?”

Spike had seen the scene unfold. He was glad to have friends fight for him.

“Right here.” Spike waved a claw and revealed himself from behind a pillar. “I saw you guys fighting those reporters, thank you. I was going to pop in and say something, but you sort of took the words from my mouth.”

“Spike, you said you weren’t a social movement but we’re going to begin one. We’re not going to let casual racism stand.” Rarity spoke with fiery passion in her voice.

Spike felt a protective urge when he noticed Rarity. “Rarity, I’m sorry… but what are you doing here, though?”

Rarity batted her eyelashes. “You didn’t want to see me, Spikey?”

Spike blushed under Rarity’s charms. He suspected with such an affect Rarity wasn’t completely out of place.

Twilight interjected. “I’m new to diplomacy; I thought Rarity, of all ponies, could help me. I’m very nervous. I’m supposed to represent Equestria.”

Spike grinned and preempted Twilight’s panic attack by placing a claw on her shoulder. “It’s actually very boring. Trust me, it’s not as hard as you think. I mostly spent my time as ambassador just goofing off.”

Fancy Pants chuckled. “The lad is right; also you don’t want it to get exciting either.”

Rarity added with a sour tone tempered by her own experiences. “I thought it was a high society party with false smiles and backroom deals.”

Nightshade gave a wry smile. “She gets it.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah, that’s the hard truth.”

Nightshade pointed a hoof at the door. “Let us speak of this later. The security conference is about to begin, and we must find our seats.”

“The warm up before the game?” asked Spike.

Nightshade nodded.

As they entered Nightguards shuffled out and formed a defensive perimeter around the door.

The tables were set in concentric circles; Luna held the center on her podium as her ponies took their seat. Various Royal Guard divisions found their appropriate positions. The Wonderbolts in their blue flight suits took their spot in the left wing following a Captain with a multi-hued mane. The regular Royal Guard army held the right wing in their gilded armor spearheaded by a Captain with a blue coat. Robed and lightly armored soldiers of the Mages’ Corp stood on Luna’s left alongside with Fancy Pants. Luna’s elite Nightguards regaled in ebony armor took up her right with Nightshade heading.

Luna tapped her thick manila folder onto her podium as a light signal for attention. “Hark, the Peace Summit is but mere hours away. Soon all the world’s eyes shall be upon our fair Equestria. For many months now, we hath enacted measure after measure of security. Yet in recent light we cannot exclude the possibility that any of the attendants are our enemy. Even our own may fall prey to the enemy’s control. Let us summarize our plans of action.”

Fancy Pants spoke. “The Mages’ Corp is on high alert for mind control. The units stationed here were formerly in the Changeling inquisition search. Our boys will ferret out any mind puppets. Anyone showing the empty headed signs of possession shall be immediately suspect.”

Luna smiled. “Ah, pay special heed thine mages to not collar the reporters.”

There were some light laughs interspersed amongst the ranks.

Luna flipped her folder to the next file. There were specifications for Griffin armaments with pictures of black spheres. “Griffin Grenadiers: their bombs may spell trouble.”

Captain Rainbow Dash smiled as she answered. “My Wonderbolts will be able to take them out of the sky before they can even dive bomb. They take an average of ten seconds to light their grenades. I bet we could beat that time in seven seconds flat. ”

Luna nodded. “Captain Dash, we have no doubt of thy aerial prowess. We may count on thine ability.”

She flipped to a page detailing Zebra warriors. There was a paper clipped note with a picture of purple potion. “Zebra Zerkers: they drink brews that numb their pain in battle.”

An Earth Pony Captain with a blue coat and mane spoke with a southern drawl compounded by the face she was chewing gum. “Our Earth Pony infantry bi’n taught to go fe’r da killing strikes. Their anatomy lessons should’ve taken hold by now. If they ain’t learned by now I’ll be bucked til Tuesday.”

Several Captains coughed at the crude reference.

“Thank you, Captain Frost. As always we appreciate thy candor.” Luna continued, flipping to a page concerning dragons. Photos of the giant crimson dragon were paper clipped on. “Lord Firestorm and lesser dragon lords to attend are not much of a threat. However, Lord Aldred is a real concern.”

Nightshade replied from the wing filled with her fellow bat ponies. “We have our two cloud carriers circling the Summit site. We can at least hold him off until we call for reinforcements. Your elite guard will not fail.”

“Indeed, the dragons are wiser than to test our airships’ cannonry.” Luna flipped to another page and issue. “Next, onto the matter of guard positions and rotations for the week’s duration for security reason the postings thou hath been given were false. We shall hence forth set the new patrols and time tables…”

Rarity and Spike exited the Security Conference with a sigh of relief. Hours of talk, paperwork and projector presentations left them with stiff limbs, tired eyes, a lusting for caffeine, and choking for fresh air. Walking out of the grand doors the sunlight that pour through windows blinded them. They, along with many ponies, shuffled, out eager to exercise.

Spike stretched his wings. “Not so hard was it? I told you.”

Rarity paced about to confirm her legs still work. “Spikey, you were right, that was positively boring.”

Spike cuffed his mouth with his claws as he yawned. “Yup, that’s the gist of it. The Peace Summit is going to be a whole week meeting after today’s greeting day.”

Twilight was a perky as ever. “That wasn’t so bad. I learned a lot about the inter-service rivalries and relations. It felt like a school lecture.”

“Exactly! I hate lectures! Totally not my learning style!” said a voice behind them. “Geez, I thought I was going to keel over in boredom!”

Cutting in between them was the feisty Captain of the Wonderbolts. She had a teal coat and wore a darker blue dress uniform with flight goggles dangling around her neck.


“Heh,” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Wassup guys? Sorry I wasn’t able to say hi before things began. I had to tie up loose ends.”

“We hardly see you now you’re the Wonderbolt Captain,” said Spike.

“Yeah that’s a real bummer, but I got my hooves full whipping the newbs into shape. Once things calm down and I got some competent officers trained up, I should be back. I’m changing the culture around here. We’re going to value team work a lot more now.”

An orange coated and purple mane Wonderbolt ran over and whispered into Rainbow’s ear.

“Ugh! Seriously?” Rainbow Dash groaned. “I gotta go guys, apparently the 13th squadron brought practice lances to the real deal. The Wonderbolt’s aren’t all acrobatics! This isn’t a game.”

Rainbow growled to psyche herself up. “Time to put on my game face. It’s angry drill sergeant time!”

Rainbow put on her flight goggles and flew off with her lieutenant.

Spike nudged Twilight with his elbow. “Once Rainbow passes her busy period… maybe she could be your Companion Captain?”

Twilight blushed. “Spike!”

She then glanced over her shoulder and hushed her voice. “You think she’d accept?”

“Definitely, darling. You should go ask her now.” said Rarity.

“You’re right! I’m going!” Twilight flapped her wings flying off. “Rarity, I’ll see you back in the hotel room!”

“Twilight, do be a dear and hang my hat on our door if you and Rainbow need some private time!” Rarity kept a gentle smile that would have been the masquerade ball mask.

“Rarity?!” Twilight shouted back.

Spike and Rarity giggled at the dip in Twilight’s flight pattern.

“So romantic!” Rarity laughed. “Twilight simply has to relax a little.”

“She’s always been high strung.” Spike grinned as he recalled her sister’s various freak outs over the minute details. “You two are rooming together?”

“Twilight and I thought we could bring back memories of our sleepover parties.”

Spike smiled, those were good times.

Spike was left with Rarity as Twilight disappeared after Rainbow. There was a tiny awkward moment as Spike scratched his head spines while Rarity touched her hooves.

Spike broke the silence first. “I think there’s a dining area in the airship-port terminal, you wanna check it out?”

“Absolutely!” said Rarity.

After ordering some coffee and some cakes, Rarity and Spike sat at the comfy couches provided. They sprawled themselves out and thoroughly stretched their limbs. Rarity and Spike laid down on their backs, head to head. They stared at the passing clouds through the glass ceiling of the airship-port terminal.

“Oh look at you my Spikey Wikey. You look ever so much like a dashing gentle drake. I could just eat you up!” Rarity rolled over and admired Spike wearing his suit with his saber hanging from his side.

Spike laid his head back and wiggled in his clothes. “I’m loving this suit you made. It’s so comfy.”

“You remind me of Opalescence with a new sweater!”

Rarity’s cat was a mean creature; age did not make it much friendlier. One time he accidentally stepped on the feline’s tail while working with Rarity and was nearly scratched to death. Spike was glad he had scales thicker than fur. “Rarity, how do you get Opal to wear those sweaters without her biting and scratching you?”

“Whatever do you mean Spikey? Opalescence is the kindest cat I know!”

“She’s got tiger blood or something.”

Rarity flipped onto her back again and joined Spike’s cloud gazing. “Oh Spikey, I wish we could bring back those days with just you and me working side by side at the boutique.”

Spike did not nod. “No, those days were torture for me; being besides you… knowing you didn’t even see me.”

Rarity shook her head. “That’s not fair.”

“Why then the string of hobby horses, Charmless Princes, and various flavors of the week? It killed me inside watching you chase them... At the end when things didn’t turn out like you liked…every time I had pick up the pieces.”

“Spike, you were just a baby dragon back then!”

“What about when I was your size? You just continued all the same.”

Rarity’s face scrunched up as she let his words hit her. “Yes, I was foolish but Spike… you don’t know. I’ve looked at you for quite some time now not just your outside but inside. Everything I know goes back to that night… I failed you. I let the outside get to me. I shall always be sorry for that. I want to formally ask for your forgiveness.”

“Rarity, I forgive you… it’s just my scales, teeth, and claws are part of me too.”

“I know, darling. I know. I wouldn’t change a thing, not now.” Rarity continued. “Maybe a slight trim on the claws… those could do some serious damage to a lady in the throes of passion.”

Spike coughed as lewd crept into his head. “Rarity!”

Rarity giggled. “Oh Spikey, you’re too easy!”

Spike and Rarity were interrupted by a disturbance at the restaurant counter. They recognized the odd Griffin and Zebra couple.

The Griffin pounded his claws on the counter. “Bloody Helhiem, no meat on the menu?”

The Zebra mare pulled the Griffin away from the frightened sales-pony. “Reagle, this is a pony establishment.”

“Zaza, I know but confound it they’d know they’d be receiving us. You’d expect some basic accommodations. I’m taking points off.”

Zaza smiled. “I am glad though that they don’t have kippers and sardines. I always have to wash the taste out after kissing your big beak.”

“You know you like it,” said the Griffin.

Zaza blushed.

Reagle continued his tirade. “I swear by Odin’s beak, a Griffin can’t live off veg.”

“We could have gotten you some good game on the way here if you didn’t tip off that yellow Pegasus that you were buying supper instead of a pet.”

Reagle rubbed his beak, “The lass sang us a song and everything. It didn’t feel right not telling her.”

“Then don’t complain,” said Zaza.

“These Equestrians are daft lot, food is food. Must everything be a pet? I swear they’ll be making pets of rocks next.” Reagle sighed. “I guess it’s canned rations again.”

“Yoohoo.” Rarity waved a hoof at the pair.

Spike said, as he followed her. “You know Reagle and Zaza?”

“They gave me some good advice.”

Spike remembered hearing how Rarity had met them journeying to Zecora’s hut.

Zaza gave an acknowledging nod. “Lady Rarity and Ambassador Spike, again it is a pleasure. I see you’ve made amends.”

Spike noticed how close he was standing next to Rarity. He back away slightly. Rarity noticed too and her face winced with slight hurt. Spike confessed. “We’re working on it.”

Rarity rubbed the crimson cloak of the Griffin. “Darling, we simply must get you a better cloak.”

Reagle chirped hesitantly. “Aha, good to see you two... umm too.”

“Same here,” said Spike, perplexed by the Griffin’s tone. “Early for the Peace Summit huh?”

Reagle replied with a cynical chortle. “Heh, I think the only peace to be had is a piece of your fine country. In the talks to follow, we’ll be mostly arguing the details.”

Zaza whinnied harshly. “Reagle!” The Zebra mare shoved a hoof at Reagle’s side.

“Oww! What?” The Griffin shrugged with open claws. “I hate politics. I hate all ticks in general.”

Spike was equally cross as Zaza. “I saved your life. I thought we were friends.”

“That we are, however, it’s best you don’t consider any of us friends for this little gathering. The only reason I’m telling you this is because we’re friends and that you saved my life.”

The crazy logic made sad sense to Spike. He internally thanked the Griffin for his honesty in all its brutality. Reagle Hawkmor, alongside his adoptive brother Shining Armor, was another role model he ascribed to match.

Rarity was more cautious and skeptical. “Aren’t you the Griffin King? Isn’t peace your responsibility?”

Reagle scratched his head plumage. “It’s different in the Griffin Isles. We’re called the ‘United’ Griffin Kingdoms but it’s coalition of private principalities driven by self-interest. I can’t control the Griffin houses if they all call for war.”

Zaza sighed. “Reagle’s right… the Zebra Confederation is much the same. Different tribes vie for dominance though we speak with one voice. Ours is a choir and certain voices are louder.”

Rarity asked. “Can’t you both try for peace?”

“That we’ll try,” Reagle said, smiling.

Zaza bowed. “Getting our hopes up for the summit, I suppose the least we can do is to consider peace.”

Rarity asked. “The delegation from the Griffin Isles and Zebrika are the same?”

Spike nodded. He recalled what he wrote in his report to Luna. “The lethal combination of their alliance defeated Prance and Naponean; the Griffin flyers rule the skies, the Zebra infantry legions conquer the ground. They hire mercenaries for magic.”

“That’s sort of what Equestria has with Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth ponies, isn’t it?” Rarity smiled. “A Griffin and Zebra together though, isn’t that a crazy love story?”

Spike playfully pulled Rarity close with a single arm. “Well, I heard a story just as crazy. It’s about a pony and a dragon.”

“Darling, do tell me how it goes.” Rarity closing in with her breath tickling his neck.

Rarity and Spike were interrupted as Luna stepped forward. She held her head high, her face stoic.

“Luna,” said Spike in surprise.

Luna was all business in tone and gesture. “Sir Spike, thou asked to be privy to mine secrets, follow me.”

Rarity picked up on Luna’s professionalism. “Spikey go; I know when duty calls.”

Luna took Spike to a control tower of the airship-port. It was emptied in advance of them. There was a clear view of the old castle and its new additions through the glass walls.

“Okay, Luna, what’s up?” Spike asked.

Luna took a breath before speaking. “This Peace Summit is a farce. Tis most likely we will be picking our allies for coming conflict rather than avert war. Regardless of the diplomatic repercussions; we are tempted to attack our enemies should they reveal themselves during these proceedings. In the trappings of this fortress, our foes can be quickly dispatched.”

Spike was reminded of Luna’s combat style. In her duel with Amorpheus, she went for the throat first. “You’re not the princess of pragmatism; how about we try to make peace before we start slinging arrows and cannonballs?”

“Sir Spike, this is ‘realpolitik’, idealism shall not serve us. In thine role as ambassador thou hast made friends with many leaders, however, these leaders are subject to the nations they command. Should war be to their benefit, they will war.”

Spike gritted his teeth. “Okay then what’s the game plan?”

“We intend leverage the Griffins and Zebras against the Dragon Dominion whilst presenting an outward face for peace with both. In the last hours, if the peace breaks, we will war against the Dragons. Dost thou have questions?”

“No, I see that as the most logical conclusion. I’ve been to Dragon Dominion; they’re not who we want to ally with. I’ve also seen how the Griffins and Zebras treat subjugated lands… it’s only a little better.”

“Tis the lesser of poisons we pick. To the cause of Peace, we wish thee to discretely albeit seemingly unintentionally, to reveal that the Griffins are ready to commit 30 fully operational War Wings. Drop the dragons this information.”

Spike recalled his worldwide tour, Luna had ordered he secretly gather details concerning each of the countries he visited. He remembered seeing a massive map where the Griffins had posted their War Wing airships. “The Griffins use three-fifths of their War Wing fleet for internal security and maintenance of their vast territorial claims.”

“Indeed, however, our spies tell us that the Dragons have no knowledge of this.”

“I see it would make them real reluctant to fight.”

“In the meanwhile we will convene with the legendarily lecherous Griffin King. Using mine feminine wiles, we will convince him that Dragons are more numerous than they have estimated.”

Spike chuckled. “Luna, you certainly have feminine wiles.”

Luna playfully swatted her hoof at him. “Down, Sir Spike.”

“Woof woof,” said Spike.

The two shared a light laugh to diffuse the tension in the air.

Spike sighed. “I don’t like lying… but your plan is sound.”

Luna became serious in tone again. “Whilst thou may question mine motives in private, should thee undertake to undermine us in public, then we shall consider it treason. Dost understand?”

“Politics is about wearing masks while lying through our teeth.” Spike grit his own teeth and lowered his voice to a growl. “I get it. I just don’t like it.”

“Sir Spike, we wish thee would not speak of what we do in such a manner. Thou must accept the necessity of our role.”

He blurted. “Luna, if you’re so into ‘realpolitik’ why are we together?”

Luna looked lost. “How dost thou mean?”

“Let’s face it, I’m a dragon. There’s tons of rumors circulating that you’ll favor the Dragon Dominion in negotiations because our association. You’re risking much more by being with me. Why?”

“I love thee.” Luna said softly and simply.

Spike took pause.

Luna continued. “If thou ask of it, I shall reveal our relationship unto public. I care not what follows.”

Spike’s heart swelled. Luna was willing like Rarity to sacrifice her public image for him. It sparked a sense of guilt and happiness at the same time. He couldn’t ask her to make their relationship public.

“Luna...” Spike scratched his muzzle. “I love you, too, but I don’t want to be an undue burden. Telling me is enough. Also, thanks for talking to me about all this.”

Beyond the airship-port terminal was the proper castle. Luna and everyone stood in the grand foyer to greet the guests. Food and refreshments were laid out to engender a casual atmosphere; however, there was an underlying tension along with the air of pretense. Spike saw Luna had put her unmoving facial mask like a fine layer of Rarity’s makeup. Standing beside her, he decided to don his own, although with a friendlier slant.

A pony guard crier called for attention. “Hear ye! Hear ye! The Peace Summit shall now convene!”

He pulled out a scroll and began reading from it. “From the Griffin Kingdoms, King Reagle Hawkmor, the Whirlwind, and his Queen Zaza Zakar, Death Stripes.”

The Griffin King and his strange choice of Queen entered along with an entourage of other Griffin nobles. The couple gave a light bow to Luna.

The crier asked aloud as he looked at his list while scratching his mane. “If Zaza isn’t the Zebra leader, who is?”

Zaza strolled over to the crier and whispered in his ear. She took a quill from her saddle pouch and wrote a new name.

The crier continued. “From the Zebra Tribal Confederation, the newly appointed Chief of Chieftains, The Wizened—” The crier read the unfamiliar and unplanned name. “Zecora?”

Zecora was attended by a dozen Zebra dignitaries and scores of warriors as she walked to Luna. She gave a light bow as well. “My father has passed on. I now lead the Zebra Tribal Confederation. Princess Luna, I am glad to greet you formally.”

“Chief Zecora, we recall seeing thee at the Nightmare Night festival.” Luna smiled with a skeptical brow raised. “Were thou spying on our beloved Equestria all this time?”

Zecora shook her head. “I have lived for many years in your country. I did not mean to beguile. It was a while that I was in uncertain state of exile.”

Spike should have realized Zecora’s significance when he saw her at Everfree aboard the Zebra warship. The shaman sage’s reclusiveness and living location in the dangerous forest were her own choices of necessity. Even when she first entered Ponyville shrouded in a cloak made more sense now. “Wow, Zecora when were you going to drop this one on us?”

Zecora sighed. “Spike, if my people did not ask for my return, I would have died with my identity. My secret was for everypony’s safety.”

Luna nodded. “Zebrika has been torn asunder by conflict for a generation. We hope thy new appointment may alleviate thy country’s ills.”

“I shall fight for peace within my nation and that of our relation; peace is my mission.”

The crier announced the next guest. “The Leaders of the Changeling Kingdom regrettably cannot attend due to their ongoing war with the Prench. In their stead is the Changeling Ambassador, Captain Husk, Warrior Caste Command Class.”

A taller winged Changeling walked through the grand doorway accompanied by squad of soldier caste Changelings. One of them licked her lips at some of the pony guards.

Husk turned to reprimand the Changeling. “Feed on them, and you’ll eat my hoof.”

The intimidated Changeling walked to the end of the line.

The other ambassadors in foyer expressed disgust and some fear of the insect like ponies. Luna strode to greet them without so much as blinking.

Husk walked forward and bowed. “Princess Luna—”

Luna ignored Husk. “Mine eyes see through thee. The left member of your array is not Warrior Caste.”

The Changeling in question sighed. In emerald flames she revealed herself to be smaller than the soldiers.

Spike recognized her as the Changeling that flirted with him and Rarity in dream space.

The Changeling was undaunted by Luna’s gaze. “I’m Tibia; mommy called me that because before my growth spurt I was only so tall.” The Changeling raised her hoof to demonstrate. Her innocent tone was mixture of mischief and genuine naivety.

Husk bowed. “Forgive us. This was not planned.” He shot a scolding look at the littlest Changeling.

Luna chuckled and arched her neck to stare the Changeling in the eye. “Thou art the cutest Harbinger of the Swarm mine eyes have ever set upon. We shall permit thee entry so long as thou art attended and do not make meals of others.”

Tibia chirped like a cricket. “I’ll behave!”

“Thank you, Princess.” Husk escorted his tiny charge away.

“Changelings, huh?” Spike shrugged.

“Their previous daring daylight invasion of Canterlot counted upon mine absence. Had they attempted to invade during the night we might have spotted them.”

“They have the perfect masks for politics. I mean, they can literally change their faces,” said Spike.

Luna nodded. “Tis why we forbade them transforming on the Peace Summit grounds. Without their magic, their intentions are more easily read.”

Several posh blue suited ponies entered the foyer. The leader of the group shoved a piece of parchment into the face of the crier.

The crier turned to Luna. “The Prench Empire, I mean the Republic, has an envoy with the following message. The First Consul Lord Imperator Naponean refuses to attend a Peace Summit until the United Griffin Kingdoms acknowledge him as their lord, the Zebra Confederation is to send a tribute of a thousand slaves if they desire peace, the Changeling Kingdom is to unconditionally surrender—”

The various Ambassadors sneered disdainfully; Griffins placed their claws on their sword handles, the Zebras pointed their spears at the Prench dignitaries, and the Changelings hissed with their horns sparking with the beginnings of offensive spells.

“Furthermore Princes Luna is to—” The crier coughed. “—bow before him while wearing a—”

Fancy Pants levitated the parchment from the crier before he could continue.

A Prench dignitary spoke with an upturned nose. “Your patsy is not done reading our Emperor’s decree.”

Luna blasted her voice. “That is enough! Begone from mine sight!”

The posh Prench dignitaries huffed. “Mademoiselle, we are still to negotiate terms. Shall you wear the pink tutu or the—”

“We shall hear no more profanities from your so called Emperor Naponean! We would not permit him to come even if he deigned to darken our halls with his presence. Extending an invitation to this Peace Summit was a courtesy. Clearly, this choice of action is a declaration of war!”

The lead Prench dignitary recovered from Luna’s voice blast. “Your invitation is fit only to spit upon. Our Emperor Naponean is most dissatisfied by your country’s ‘claimed’ neutrality. While we do not war in the open, your embargos and alliances with Prance’s enemies are effectively the same. If you wish to declare war, Naponean gladly accepts. Your continent shall be the next he conquers.”

Luna calmed herself. “Convey my words exactly as we speak them. We shall not honor him by acknowledging his illegitimate state with war. The embargos shall continue. Nay be doubled! Any further insult, and we shall test our new airships upon Prance.”

The Prench dignitaries were effectively pressed out of the foyer with Luna’s guards at Fancy Pants’ lead. Nightshade kicked the door close as spanking the last two of the Prench ambassadors on their rear.

Fancy Pants fixed the collar to his armor suit. “I fought their so-called Emperor Naponean during the first war. At his defeat, the fools exiled him while they should have executed that rat. My honor be damned, I should have killed the cur.”

Luna nodded. “We would concur, Sir Fancy Pants.”

Fancy Pants groaned. “I hate the Prench.”

A statuesque white unicorn sashayed forwards. “My Husband, shall I remind you I am Prench!”

“Fleur Di Lis?!” Fancy Pant’s jaw fell open.

Fleur spoke passionately, letting her voice fill the foyer. “I beg of you all! Do not confused Naponean with Prance! Naponean is a despot though he rules the country he does not represent our beloved land. The Prench Resistance is currently fighting for freedom as we so speak! Let not my compatriots’ blood be spilled in vain!”

Fleur lowered her head and did a body bow to Luna. “Great Princess of Equestria and mistress of the moon, please do not tighten the embargo. The Prench citizenry suffer greatly when grain is in short supply.”

Luna shook her head sadly. “Naponean’s armies march upon their stomachs. We would not feed his legions with our surplus.”

Fleur pleaded. “When his armies are lacking, Naponean takes from the people anyway.”

“Very well,” Luna said. “We shall not tighten the grain embargo but luxury import and export goods shall incur triple their tariff.”

Nightshade examined Fleur. “How did you get into this chamber? You’re not on the list.”

Fleur began to sweat as Nightshade directed her lance at her.

Fancy Pants turned to Luna. “My wife, please forgive her… she must have just been eager to see me.”

Luna turned to Fleur. “Thou art the leader the Prench Resistance, though thou resides in Equestria, we are aware of thy activities overseas.”

Fancy Pants looked to his wife with demanding eyes. “I thought you were retired!”

Fleur tapped her husband’s armor. “I thought you were too! Here you are moonlighting as Luna’s Captain.”

“It’s a security concern, she got through. Whatever her role is, she is to be detained.” said Nightshade. Bat pony guards pressed their lance tips to Fleur.

Spike suggested. “Maybe Fleur can be admitted as representative of Prance?”

Luna smiled. “It shall be. Fleur De Lis thy emblems are symbolic of Prench Heraldry, tis fitting. The nation of Equestria recognizes Fleur De Lis as the ambassador of true Prance.”

Fleur bowed. “Princess Luna, I am honored and true Prance thanks you. I was hoping we could discuss military aid for my Resistance fighters.”

Luna said. “There shall be time for that later. Thou hath risked much revealing thyself here. Be assured we will not betray thy confidence.”

“Honey, I think we need to talk.” Fancy Pants pulled his wife away as they bickered.

Spike sighed he recalled his history lesson with Twilight. Prance was nation with strong and long history before the Prench Revolution; the country’s imperial culture was the example of the world. The decadence though of the monarchs, especially Mare Antoinette inspired a bloody uprising and lead to the current military dictatorship. The turmoil made a diplomatic envoy impossible. “I never even visited Prance. I heard it was quite the sight.”

“Nor have we…” Luna looked sadly.

Spike raised a claw. “Maybe we could go one day when they’re free.”

“Nay, Sir Spike, even should Prance be free…. we shall never be. Mine duties demand we are chained to our seat of power…”

“Luna, I’m sure Equestria will still be standing if you left for a week. You need a vacation. Maybe you can delegate duties to Twilight when she get a hang of it.”

Luna whispered in his ear. “Sir Spike, I should love to go on a vacation with you.”

Spike’s wings deployed when she nibbled slightly. He tugged his collar as he heated up. Spike tried steering the line of discourse towards a more innocent avenue. “Maybe we could bring friends.”

“I said with you.” Luna kissed him on the lips.

Spike eyes shot open as Luna closed hers. The Princess had effectively declared her love for him on the world stage. Luna was indeed forever bold. The various ambassadors still in the foyer looked on with shock at the audacious act.

“Is the Princess kissing that dragon?” asked a Griffin whose beak was left hanging open.

The rigid Royal Guards themselves turned their heads. Spike was surprised that the statues didn’t turn their heads. He almost started kissing back when the crier interrupted them along with the rumors and murmurs in the crowd.

“Hailing from the Dragon Dominions, their Representative, Lord Firestorm, the Mountain Master.”

With his chest stuck out, Firestorm entered with a confident stride.

Luna quickly pulled back while winking to Spike before Firestorm could even notice.

Firestorm gave light bow to Luna. He pulled out a small scroll and read from it. “My Lord, father Aldred, shall communicate through the proxy pyromancy as his eminence’s presence is too great to appear physically.

Several lesser dragonlings brought forth a palanquin that bore a stack of fire wood.

Luna nodded. “Very well, we shall announce his arrival whenever you wish to light the flame.”

“My Lord father wishes that all attendees know that he will still be striking distance, should proceedings go awry.”

A Griffin ambassador cawed in protest drawing a ceremonial sword. “That is a threat!”

Another shrill cry came. “We will not be coerced!”

“A peace treaty signed under a sword is no treaty!” A Zebra neighed as well.

“Fear and fire is the realm of the Dragon Dominion, not here!” shouted a pony.

Reagle stepped in front of the Griffin who drew the sword. “Fool, sheath your blade lest you wish I draw mine.”

Reagle’s mere motion to draw his saber caused lesser Griffin lords to back down.

Zecora calmed the Zebras with a gentle nudge. “My tribe, we shall not break the peace today. We are better than to let empty threats sway.”

Firestorm continued reading from his scroll albeit hesitantly. “My father also wishes to state it is a promise not a threat and that all dread the dread dragon: Aldred, He Who Swallows the Sky, Supreme Leader of the Dragon Dominion, Conqueror of the Ice Wyverns—”

Spike interceded. “Garble, maybe it’s best you tone down your dad’s rhetoric.”

Firestorm snorted a small plume of fire. “I’m Lord Firestorm.”

Luna shot the red dragon an intimidating glare. She flashed her fangs for extra emphasis. “Lest ye be ready to fight a combined coalition, we would suggest thou listen to Sir Spike.”

Firestorm nodded nervously and rolled back up his scroll. He whispered to Spike. “My dad expects a lot.”

“You’re your own dragon; you don’t have to follow the pattern of the past,” said Spike.

Firestorm gave a reserve nod. “Sometimes, I don’t know.”

The rest of the arriving ambassadors were uneventfully announced and greeted by Luna. Minor and weaker nations produced only a single diplomat that warranted little to no introduction. The Ibex Empire produced a sickly old goat that more or so represented the state of their leadership. The ambassador of the Buffalo was large but held little charge, pony encroachment on the frontier had all but extinguished his native nation. The last of the Diamond Dog ‘barbarian clans’ had a representative come with a hunched and diminished stance. The dog held his tail between his legs as he pleaded for mercy for his once proud people.

Luna’s ‘realpolitik’ rang true. Weaker nations bowed before the strong, whilst the strong struggled against one another on another playing field. Spike was impressed by Luna’s kindness as she still gave the small the same dignity due to larger nations. As the last diplomat introduced themselves, the sun was setting. The affair had left everyone exhausted, and it had only been the beginning of the week.

Spike rejected Rarity’s and Luna’s offer to stay the night in their respective rooms. He wished for time alone to think. Finding his hotel room attached to the airship-port terminal, he hung his suit and sword on a coat rack, promptly plopped onto his bed falling fast asleep.

In the morning Spike went to get some coffee at the airship-port cafe'. Many reporters wore hats; however, Spike spotted one with a familiar fedora. Reverberation of fear shook him to the spine. His frills extended and his breathing became terse and quick.

The gray stallion was sitting ever so casually in the rest area.

“You?!” Spike lunged and used his saber to flick the stallion’s hat upwards.

“H-how can I help you?” asked the stallion, his voice shaking.

The other reporters took noticed and gasped stopping in their tracks.

Spike relaxed when he saw that the stallion’s weak eyes had none of Amorpheus’ menace. He noticed how his own presence was frightening the poor pony. “I’m sorry; I thought you were someone else. Please, every-pony, go about your business. I’m sorry for the disturbance.”

The reporters went back to their coffees and lattes. Spike was surprised that they didn’t sensationalize his freak out. He supposed they weren’t fully awake yet without their coffee. Amorpheus, the undead emissary, still was a barb in his mind. The enemy had won yet withdrew; the message was fear, the echo of which still lingered.

A chill touched Spike’s shoulder as a cold hoof tapped it.

“That would be rather obvious, wouldn’t it?” Another voice spoke.

Spike slowly turned his head, his eyes widened to see his enemy. His foe wore a bowler hat and had different set of light brown fur; however the glowing red eyes were unmistakable.

Amorpheus traded back the bowler hat for his fedora. Spike saw that all the journalists had stopped their conversations and any sort of movement. In the reporters’ eyes were green glints.

“Have a seat.” Amorpheus levitated a seat out for Spike opposite him. He gave sinister smile.

Spike was still locked where he stood.

“I insist; I do ever hate hurting civilians, but if you call out I shall have no choice.”

Spike drew a chair. In his nervousness he almost sat on the floor. Opposite Amorpheus, he sneered at the dead revenant.

“You and I can never be threatened with our own lives. Ironic isn’t it?”

Spike growled. “What are you doing here? How did you get past security?”

Amorpheus chuckled. “I go where I please. Your mage security is fine for all but me.”

“How’d you change the color of your coat? Paint?”

“I am change itself. If you prefer gray—” With a flash of spell fire, Amorpheus turned his coat back to gray.

“You’re a Changeling.”

“I was once that… and many things. I was a husband, father, and soldier.”

“How many families will be torn apart if you disturb this peace conference? Countries will be at war.”

“Strange, that you should speak of family and country. Do you how I died? Most importantly why I died?”

Spike raised an eyebrow. He knew Amorpheus was revenant, if he revealed how he died Spike would know how to send him back.

“You’re on a rant, might as well go on.”

“I died because my love and loyalty to family and country came into conflict. Personal good and general good, what will you choose?” Amorpheus tried to sip his coffee, only for it to drain out of the semi sealed scar in his throat. Setting the coffee cup aside, he grimaced at the scar Luna had left.

“Having your coffee and drinking it too?” Spike quipped, shakily.

“You understand, then.”

“No, you haven’t said anything of value.”

“Your defenses are for naught. Last night your slumbering guards locked the doors to their rooms but left the doors to their minds open. You never suspected, but a reverse invasion of dream space is possible. At my command, those guards will turn this Peace Summit into a nadir of fear. The nations of the world will believe that Luna ordered the assassination of their leaders and ambassadors. All the worlds’ powers will then converge to destroy this little republic with righteous fury.”

Spike was sweating now. “Okay, why haven’t you done that yet?”

“Simple, while it serves our goals… it isn’t the best path forward.”

Spike hesitated to ask. “Wh-What do you want?”

Amorpheus passed his hoof over the table. In the shadow, a dagger formed. “I hear Luna has a special affection for you. I want you plunge this dagger into your Princess.”

“No bucking way, I’m not killing Luna!”

“Who said kill? That’s the exact opposite of what we want. My or should I say now our mutual master bids you stab her without killing her. I know you have the skill to do so.” Amorpheus gestured with his hooves at his own grin. “I want you smile as you do this. You must break her heart without stopping her physical one. Then you are free to flee the scene immediately and live out your days in exile…”

Amorpheus scratched his chin with a hoof. “I forgot you’re immortal. I imagine that will be a certain hell for you.”

“You’re sick.”

“They’re not my orders,” Amorpheus sighed, there was no malicious glee in his voice. “After you do this, you will be forever a fugitive. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for your family and country? Can you hurt the one you love in order to save them?”

“This is crazy. I have no assurance that you’ll honor this.”

“I could set the plan into motion now. Anyhow, recall how I spared your life and the lives of those you held dear. I also dueled Luna one on one until your intervention forced my hoof. My honor is intact.”


“Anyway, I will be watching.”

In flash of green fire, Amorpheus transformed into a perfect likeness of Fancy Pants. “I say, old sport; we have pressing engagement to get to.”

Spike recoiled in disgust. Amorpheus’ mannerism mocked the aristocratic knight he styled after. “You’re a monster.”

“Lad, is that anyway to speak to a Captain of her majesty?”

“No, sir…”

“Now put that dagger away, we wouldn’t want others to scream bloody murder?” Amorpheus started walking and waved for him to follow.

Spike took the dagger of darkness and shoved it into his tuxedo. The sinister task set upon him was cruel alone in concept.

Amorpheus had brought a nightmare into the waking world and now was guiding him deeper into his hell. Spike’s mind raced in a futile circle for solutions ranging from the impractical and impossible. He hoped for anything to save him from having to hurt her. Each step of his plodding feet brought him agonizingly closer to that point of breaking.

Chapter 12 Nadir of Fear

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Nightshade yawned; she was a different bat pony when she had her pink pajamas. She was either in her armor or her sleeping pajamas. The periods of nakedness in between she kept as short as possible. For many ponies, clothing was optional to their own fur coats, yet for Nightshade, she needed the extra layer for what her duty demanded. Slipping from her pajamas, she turned and saw her reflection in the hotel room mirror. She wondered which idiot thought vampires couldn’t see their own reflections. Nightshade’s problem was that she didn’t want to see herself.

She was very tired despite the night’s sleep. She was not just tired physically… Many vampire bat-ponies joined the guard for a reason; they had a fatalistic urge to find a meaningful end to their immortality. She joined instead looking for a reason to live… it was for love, for Luna. One thousand years she had waited; she had so many lonely nights. She joyfully jumped when she was offered an appointment as Luna’s Companion Captain. Yet the position distanced them in an iron curtain of professionalism, despite their apparent ‘friendship’. For the longest time she had tried to cut past that curtain to no avail.

She turned on the faucet and began brushing her teeth. Perhaps Spike was right; she wasn’t entirely ugly on the outside; she had options. But what would happen when they saw her on the inside? Her toothbrush met her polished fangs. A thirst for blood and a desire to die were not things normal well-adjusted ponies had. She would forever be a stranger to the general population or what she called the ‘herbivore sheep’. She gurgled water from the faucet, letting it slosh around her mouth washing her teeth. The dragon was an outsider like her. She did not just consider the dragon, did she? Nightshade spat the contents of her mouth onto her mirror.

Nightshade shook her head. It was too early to have such thoughts. Still, she had her feelings to address as she donned her battle dress.

Spike lagged behind Amorpheus disguised as Fancy Pants led him. Amorpheus sensed Spike’s deliberate slow down and walked alongside him.

Amorpheus continued his impersonation of the Knight Commander. “Do pick up the pace, lad.”

Spike hoped conversation would stall. “Last time you said you were doing this for someone you love… what if I ask you to stab her in the heart?”

Amorpheus grimaced, his false accent broke in a pensive sadness. “I already stabbed her in the heart… I fell in love with her knowing what it would mean. It was foretold that her daughter would slay her. Still she loved me and I loved her. My heart wrenched when our first born was a daughter. Still we defied destiny. The prophecy though… it came to pass. I killed her by loving her…”

Spike was for a moment temporarily touched by Amorpheus’ admission. “What was her name?”


Spike’s sympathy evaporated. The Changeling Queen had brought Equestria to the brink of destruction. “You loved that tyrannical monster?”

Amorpheus snarled. “Chrysalis was my Queen, my commander, my love!” There was a quaking fervor in his words. “She gave her life for our people! All she ever did was for their good. She was as much a subject as she was ruler. Always she would find food for the hungering horde… she fed them her own life essence when there was nothing else to be had.”

Spike was still skeptical. He had heard nothing positive spoken of the Changeling Queen. He thought of Luna oddly in how she had responsibilities that seemed to shackle her. Perhaps Chrysalis was driven by that more than mere maliciousness. “That’s one interpretation, but what’s good for Changelings isn’t good for the world.”

“Even were it not a matter of equal scales, I trust you would choose the good that’s best for your side regardless of utility.”

“Is it all a matter of perspective? What you’re doing will hurt many more. Your Changeling people are already fighting another war.”

“I’m afraid my motives have decayed…I’m a rotting corpse after all.” Amorpheus gave an empty chortle and his tone became severe and sadly. “Saving the Changeling people no longer concerns me. I do not serve the hive, not anymore. I confess my reason now is more selfish… I would see my beloved Chrysalis returned to me… to that end there is nothing I would not do.”

“How? What’s your master’s objective? Will whoever they are even honor that wish of yours?”

Amorpheus shook his head. “Bravo, you got me rambling. Enough delay, enough talk…” He walked behind Spike to force faster their pace. Spike felt the revenant’s cold dead breath despite not seeing him.

Nightshade yawned. “You’re up early.”

Amorpheus hid behind Spike and poked the dragon’s back with his magic. Spike responded nervously. “Well you know me, the early riser.”

The opposite was true, Spike hoped Nightshade picked up upon it. He internally slapped himself knowing Nightshade would have no awareness of his sleeping habits.

“You should get some rest while you can.” Spike tried to point at Amorpheus behind with the darting pupils of his eyes.

Nightshade’s eyes seemed too glazed over with her tiredness to see.

Amorpheus noticed and twisted a head frill of Spike’s with his magic.

Nightshade turned toward Spike. “Hey, I’ve been thinking about what you said. I’ve waited a thousand years… yearning for Luna… I told you vampires could hibernate, I didn’t.”

Nightshade felt a mist form in her eyes. “I couldn’t take the chance Luna might return earlier. Celestia knows how close I’ve been to madness.”

Her voice shook as tears slid down her cheeks.“I had such dreams yet I know they’re only dreams.”

She fell into Spike’s arms and hugged him tight as she cried into his chest. “I’ve realized that perhaps it was a fool’s fantasy, but admitting it is like losing Luna a second time.”

“Nightshade,” Spike hugged her back, he wished he could do more but in his present condition, but with Amorpheus looking over his shoulder, he was restrained. The little bat pony in his arms was not her strong self.

Amorpheus broke his own cover and spoke. “My dear, to burn with such passion and be silent is to suffer the tortures of Tartarus. You should not surrender before the battle begins, you should confess your feelings. If nothing comes then move on.”

Nightshade pulled back from Spike as she noticed ‘Fancy Pants’. She hissed. “How long have you been eaves dropping?!”

Amorpheus adjusted his tone to that perfect rendition of Fancy Pants. “The lad and I were having quite the discussion concerning duty and loyalty. Good conversation is like good coffee to me.”

Nightshade smirked. “Well good luck, I’m not a morning pony. The Princess’s crazy schedule shifts have got me running ragged.”

Amorpheus continued in his affable tone. “Miss Nightshade, to love from the darkness is most noble but perhaps in the light love might grow?”

“You’re unusually eloquent this morning.”

Amorpheus calmly replied. “I am a gentle-colt and knight.”

“Alright, see you later Mage Killer. Take care Spike.” Nightshade smacked her gums and groggily walked past them.

Spike growled. “You gave advice to her? You don’t even know her!”

“I know her type; I was like as she is… once upon a time.” Amorpheus scolded Spike. “You acted slightly out of character, try something like that again and I’ll set off this trap.”

Spike threw up his claws innocently. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You tried hinting. I’ve worked in sabotage and subterfuge long enough to know the tells.”

“Excuse me you handled it; didn’t you?” Spike growled.

Amorpheus smirked and mimicked Fancy Pant’s suave tone. “Dear boy, I say that is not how you play the game.”

“It’s bucking creepy how well you do that. Stop impersonating Fancy Pants, you’re going make me hate him by your association.”

“Come come now, Spike. Hate the game not the player. Eh, old sport?”

For the sake of security, Luna had forgone the castle’s grand sleeping chamber in favor of an anonymous hotel room in the airship-port terminal. The guards, though, betrayed her position, for while they pretended to guard each door independently, their eyes lingered on Luna’s. Spike was disappointed Nightshade didn’t but hoped Luna’s door guards would be able to detect Amorpheus. The half dozen instead saluted ‘Fancy Pants’ with smiles. Spike almost smacked his claw on his head in frustration.

“Knight Commander Fancy Pants, we weren’t expecting you so early. Aren’t you inspecting the Cloud Carriers?”

“All is well gentle-colts, at ease.” Amorpheus’ eyes glowed green as his words chimed through their heads.

The guards slumped over.

A couple recognized and resisted as they saw their comrades fall. They grunted and groaned under the mental pressure. “Mind magic, fight it!” said an officer. They were still locked in place as they fought.

Amorpheus sneered as he exerted more influence. “So there’s a couple of quality amongst the quantity.” He raised a hoof and commanded Spike. “Take them out!”

Spike said, sadly. “Sorry.” He clenched his claws and punched out the guards. He hoped he didn’t fracture their skulls in attempting to knock them unconscious.

Amorpheus glared at Spike. “You didn’t slay them.”

“You said take them out, you didn’t say kill.”

Amorpheus growled. “You best next follow my orders in both letter and spirit.”

“My spirit will always resist. I can’t help that.”

“Then I’ll clarify to the letter. Stab Luna in her chest without hitting her heart and smile while you do this.”

Spike objected. “I’ll hit her lungs.”

“The dagger isn’t so deep. To combat Zebra Zerkers your Guard training has instructed you to target the vital kill points; I have no doubt you know how to avoid them.”

Spike, for the first time, truly stared at the dagger the weapon was similar to his crimson crescent, however, it had a malevolent aura.

“Your Princess’s eyes for illusionary magic will see through this guise. I will wait outside.” Amorpheus’ next words echoed through Spike’s head. “But do not for second believe I am not watching.”

Luna tossed and turned on her bed. She had awoken far too early for her comfort. She fruitlessly attempted to return to sleep. The events of yesterday replayed in her head. There would be ramifications that would affect negotiations today. Upon the world stage she had kissed a dragon, her dragon, her Spike. She had no regrets and giggled that she would do it again. Yet there were practical considerations and consequences.

The hybrid bird and lion Griffins would cry for foul. The Dragons might consider her swayed. The Zebras would— She stopped herself. She would route all their rumors, she decided would make a public declaration. Perhaps she could find refuge in her own audacity; her openness might shock them too much to comment. In the pattern of lies, this brazen truth might be considered to be another lie in the public eye. She knew better though, in likelihood Luna would have to fight a torrent of slander. Her display at the Ponyville Café had already caused some to whisper she was becoming ‘Nightmare Moon’, allegations that she was consorting with a dragon wouldn’t help her image.

She couldn’t allow Spike to be hurt. She joked internally of bribing the press or more for fun she might buy a quiver of arrows and go target practice. The crown could exercise special privileges in preservation of the Republic. Luna eyes opened as she realized she had actually considered it. Corruption was dangerous; she couldn’t allow herself to think such thoughts. She had always held special exceptions though. There was one in the past that could drive her to such extremes in regards to his safety. She feared feeling the same; even Nightshade noted the discrepancy in her priority… Spike had taken a unique and dangerous position in her heart.

Luna snuggled into her bed a little more. At least she had a few more hours before her guards would officially awaken her and that she would need to decide upon a course of action.

Spike entered the room to see Luna lying on her bed seemingly sleeping softly. The modern window blinders let only a little of the morning’s rays touch her body. She was without her dark crown or breast plate, as naked as could be even her mane lacked magic that flowed through it. Spike’s shadow loomed over her.

Spike breathed heavily.

Amorpheus spoke in his head. “Draw the dagger.”

“I can’t.”

“Do it. Or I’ll make you.” Amorpheus’ telekinesis pulled on Spike’s arm.

“Stop!” Spike cried internally as he resisted.

Luna stirred. “Sir Spike, why art thou in mine chambers?” Her bright teal eyes blinked away the dust from her eyes.

Luna looked up at his face did not notice the dirk. He hid the dagger behind his back. “Luna…”

Luna flexed her wings as she stretched her limbs. “Sir Spike, it is convenient thou hast come. I am nervous for today’s coming talks. There is a chill in the wind. I fear ill.”

Spike’s gut tightened in agony as he struggled to say. “Luna, I…”

Amorpheus voice resounded once more. “Do as you are bid! Stab her!”

“Sir Spike, thou look pained.” Luna sat up attentively with worry. “What ails thee?”

It was an echo of his state of despair when he first met Luna. Spike forced a smile on his face as he spoke. “Nothing.”

Luna recognized the resonate words. “Everything.”

In so sudden a fashion that his mind was left spinning; Spike felt the Amorpheus’ presence depart from the back of his skull. The focus of his puppeteer was drawn elsewhere.

Outside the room, Amorpheus turned to see Nightshade with her lance mounted on her war saddle. Nightshade pointed to the fallen guards.

Amorpheus deployed a smooth reply complete with false hesitancy. “Nightshade, the game is afoot. The enemy has taken out Luna’s guards. I was able to thwart them but they fled that way.”

Nightshade was but a wind in the hallway as she plunged her lance into Amorpheus’ side nailing him to the door entrance. “You’re not Fancy Pants; he detests being called the ‘Mage Killer’.”

Amorpheus winced in pain as he continued the charade. “Nightshade, what are you doing?”

She snarled. “I smelled you from the moment you spoke out.”

Amorpheus broke his false voice. “Prepare for fear you can neither define nor defend!” He smiled as he glared into her eyes.

“Not again! Your existential dread won’t work! I do not fear dying loveless! I fear living!” Nightshade shouted angrily as she countered with her own red glare. She shoved her lance deeper. The door’s hinges creaked and gave way.

Nightshade and Amorpheus slid into the room riding the errant door. Spike admired Nightshade who wore her full battle armor gleaming in its ebony glory. In that moment Nightshade was a day star. She jumped off of Amorpheus pulling out her lance. Spike was captivated by the bat pony and her sudden rescue.

Nightshade leaped to his side. “Hurry up! Burn the bastard before he gets back up!”

“Gladly!” Spike let his anger out from his stomach shooting a jet of flame. He raged projecting the cone of death.

Amorpheus snarled as Spike’s emerald flames engulfed him. The wallpaper of the hotel room melted away with the residual heat. Amorpheus projected a black bubble that sunk into the floor. When Spike’s flame sputtered out there was only an empty scorch mark burned through the carpet and into the wooden flooring.

Spike quickly turned towards Luna. She had already donned her regalia, yet her posture was anything from the bold Princess he knew. She was staring at the dagger in Spike’s claws. “Luna, I wasn’t… I couldn’t.”

Luna laughed with dark inflection. “Sir Spike, I would not mind if it was thee who ended me… this curse of immortality.”

Spike bit back tears as he angrily slapped Luna. “Luna! Never say that! Your life is precious! Every second of it! I love you!”

Nightshade’s ear perked up as she looked on. His words carried through the room.

Spike continued as he lowered his head, gazing at the floor. “I thought about ending it too especially after you confirmed to my face that my destiny was destruction…” He kissed her cheek where he had slapped her.

“Sir Spike, there is something I must tell you. For fear I’ve withheld it… ”

Nightshade coughed. “Forgive my interruption… but Amorpheus is here! The enemy!”

Luna nodded slowly. “The enemy is deep in our keep.”

“It worse than that.” Spike’s voice shook. “He said they performed a reverse invasion from dream space.”

Luna’s eyes were wide with worry. “That ought not to be possible. Nightmares into our waking world… All our defenses are for naught.”

“Luna, what shall we do?” asked Nightshade.

“… We do not know…” Luna chest sunk as the breath left her.

Spike needed Luna more than ever he placed his claws on her shoulders offer her a degree of stability. He nuzzled her neck softly offering his support. “Luna, please.”

“I thank thee. Give us a moment,”

Rarity took off the cucumber slices from her eyes as she awoke from her beauty sleep. She wiped the mud mask from her face with a clean towel. She looked at the other bed in the room; it was empty. She supposed Twilight’s pursuit of Rainbow had a happy ending if she did not return last night to their shared accommodation. Reminders of romance did not help her. She shivered in the chill of waking alone with no one to warm her bed or even the room. She wondered when she started to have such feelings.

She used to beat stallions back off of her with a stick; she even chased one or two. She admitted it was more than two. Her friends had called her up upon it too about her ‘fortunate’ problems that others would dream of having. Rarity hated aspects of her past-self that took others for granted. She was once again the chaser though this time she felt it was different from all other times. Spike meant more. In the arena of combat against the gods, she knew she had little odds. The seamstress though knew the matters of the heart to be different in the least she prayed. She was crazy about him as he was once crazy about her. His tiny gestures to his grand acts came into fine focus. The dragon had always been there in background supporting her to the extent she only noticed him when he was now absent.

She read enough popular romance novels to imagine so many other stories where she and Spike were fated to be. What cruel twist though that Luna had entered their lives? Rarity still was tempted to begrudge the moon princess but she shook off such un-lady like thoughts. Last night as the greeting festivities drew to a close she approached Spike. Her heart sunk when he had refused her invitation to sleep in her room but he had also said no to Luna, it meant she had a hope. Rarity struggled to even think of what she would do were that hope extinguished. The Dream Lord had taken her dream… she had a new dream with a certain dragon.

Explosions broadcasted through the hotel hallways. Rarity was not naïve enough to believe them to be celebratory fireworks. The screams that followed confirmed her fears.

Luna, Nightshade, and Spike ran as they talked. Their steps echoed through the polished floors of the airship-port terminal.

Spike kept to Luna’s left. “Luna, what’s the plan?”

“First we need eyes and ears then we shall formulate a stratagem. The castle keep has an overlook where we might access the situation.”

“The airship-port control tower is closer, we can coordinate from there. We have a view of everything from there,” said Spike.

“A most inspired idea, Sir Spike!” Luna smiled.

“We have to save the ambassadors first,” said Nightshade.

Luna stopped her gallop in front of convenient stand that showed the airship-port terminal map. “The enemy will have possessed the guards’ barracks. We must funnel their forces. We need a point of control.” Luna traced her hoof on the map where the wings of the castle and airship-port terminal intersected. “Here shall be our stand. It’s on the way to the control tower: the main convention area.”

“There’s a glass canopy there, the location is compromised to aerial assault. We can better defend the foyer approach.” Nightshade up a little pointed her lance to the juncture where their airship-port terminal and the castle connected.

“Nightshade, thine mind for tactics prevails!” Luna draped a hoof over Nightshade’s neck causing the bat pony to blush. “We must muster whatever forces we can along our way.” Luna then released Nightshade and turned to Spike.

“Luna, what’s up?”

She swallowed before speaking. “Last time twas not right we lied to thee about the nature of the enemy. Truth now thou must not hesitate to dispatch thy foes; the monsters of the id would have devoured their hosts’ whole selves.”

“Thank you, I’m sorry I keep hesitating. I could have even taken out Amorpheus if I was quicker.”

“Sir Spike, thine heart is gentle. We would not wish thee be otherwise.”

Nightshade chimed in. “Spike, my military mind is rigid. Soft is also flexible. You’re sensitive and kind, I’d give anything for that.” Her inflection betrayed more emotion than her usual range.

Luna gave Nightshade a questioning look.

Spike strengthened his resolve with their confidence. “I won’t disappoint you in battle.” “Wait what about Rarity and Twilight?”

Nightshade replied. “Their room accommodations were on the other side of the terminal away from the barracks, there should be little resistance.”

“I hope you’re right.” said Spike.

Daring to open a crack of her door, Rarity saw blurs of the battle outside. Guards shuffled in their armor past her door. She heard the panicked cries.

“Protect the guests and ambassadors!”

“There’s too many! We can’t protect ourselves!”

“Are there traitors everywhere?!”

“What are our orders?!”

“Nothing’s come down the message pipes. The lines have been cut.”

“More of them!”

Rarity opened the door to greet the guards. The moment she did though the couple of guards were assailed by two more guards.

Rarity gasped in shock and confusion. The Guards wore the same golden armor. Why were they attacking each other? Rarity got her answer as the couple of guards that slew the first turned on her. Their eyes bled shadows and Rarity’s shuddered from her unicorn horn through her spine to the base of her tail. These were the nightmare creatures she saw in dream space… but they were manifested in reality. They wore ponies like dresses. Different from the dead puppets… they exuded a presence that drained her very essence.

Rarity quickly slammed her door as their lances punctured the wooden frame. She was tempted to cower under her bed like a little foal; but Rarity overcame her fear knowing that then it would be a matter time before they broke down the door. She noticed that the lancers struggled to dislodge their weapons. Using her magic she flung open the door and ran out into the hotel hallways.

“Demons, attack me! Leave alone miss Rarity!” A white pony with bands of darkness whistled at the ‘Guards’. The shambling guards charged at their new target.

The Zebra ran head long but before striking her foes she used her momentum to ‘walk’ the walls. From behind she slammed her hooves into the back of their heads. She leapt back as the shadows bled out of the guards’ bodies.

“Zecora!” Rarity hugged the Zebra mare.

“Rarity, there is a pony I am glad to see!”

“What’s going on?”

Zecora shrugged and shook her head.

Rarity took the lead. “We must find Princess Luna and Spike.”

“Indeed, your Princess would know what to do. We shall follow you.”

Rarity remembered Zecora being announced as the new chief of the Zebra Tribal Confederation. “Oh darling, we simply must go to the spa sometime! Zecora, you must have the most interesting stories to tell!”

Tiny explosions rocked the convention center to the ceiling. Reagle pulled grenades from Zaza’s saddle pouch. Sparking his claw flints and lighting the wicks, the Griffin hurled them against the horde. A squad of what remained of their Griffin and Zebra bodyguards were locked in combat.

“Reagle, watch your back!” Zaza knocked several to the ground by sweeping her spear below their feet.

“Zaza, thank you: I don’t fancy a nap in the dirt.” The Griffin King drew his sword.

“My King there’s too many!” cried one of the Griffin bodyguards as he came under assault by two of the nightmare puppets.

Reagle rescued his subordinate as he kicked and cut them down the enemy. “Hold your own! Earn your crimson cloak!”

“They die without whimpers! Such worthy warriors…” Zaza impaled one and kicked the body off her spear.

They relaxed as the last of the horde fell.

A smaller gray Griffin panted from the battle’s exhaustion. “I am ashamed that I am scared sire; I don’t think we’ll make it out alive.”

Reagle chirped back at the cadet. “Don’t give in to fear but don’t be ashamed to be afraid.”

“Thank you, I—” The Griffin cadet clumsily tripped over a fallen pony accidentally kicking it. From the corpse a tentacle of shadow took hold of the Griffin’s leg. The cadet then fell back; as his body convulsed in unnatural ways. The darkness oozed into the immobilized Griffin.

“Swift Wing are you alright?” Reagle reached up but was stopped by Zaza’s spear.

“My love, stop! Something is wrong!” Zaza pointed her spear at the cadet.

The cadet’s eyes became pitch black. He then lunged with his saber at Reagle.

“Swift Wing! Are you bloody possessed?” Reagle parried the flurry of attacks.

The cadet continued his attack.

“Come to your senses!” said Reagle. He shrieked at the other guards. “Restrain him!”

Swift Wing then took out a grenade and lit it. The other bodyguards backed away. Zaza skewered the Griffin with her spear then kicked the Griffin back before the blast took them both.

There was a shower of red feathers and a charred body left behind

“Zaza, that was my cousin’s kid. I promised him my protection.”

“I’m sorry, Reagle.” The Zebra mare nuzzled the Griffin.

The duo turned as they noticed Luna and Spike approach. Zaza directed her spear and Reagle readied to toss a grenade. Their bodyguards raised their weapons as well.

Spike shouted. “Reagle, wait! It’s not us!”

Reagle lowered let his sword arm fall limp. “We know one of our own guards turned on us as well. Was there any way they could have been saved?”

“Nay.” Luna frowned.

The Griffin King clenched his beak. “I promised that kid my protection! First the ambush… now I must explain to cousin’s why his son is dead… Even my pacifist cousin will want war.

Luna offered her hoof. “Griffin King, we beseech thee. Go with our condolences. Our enemy is shared.”

“I do not believe I will be able to contain my cousin and his wife’s rage—” Reagle pointed his sword shakily at Luna. “—or that of my own, if I find your ponies had anything to do—”

Nightshade spoke bluntly flashing her fangs. “Don’t threaten the Princess. You stand before Luna, avatar of the moon!”

Zaza snorted back in Nightshade’s face. “I question the divinity of your royalty if your goddess isn’t able to provide security.”

The Zebra and Bat-pony stared off. Zaza was Zebra Zerker, which were infamous for feeling no pain in battle. Nightshade belonged to Luna’s elite, a secret sect of vampire soldiers. Both somehow despite being equines had predatory eyes. Spike could swear there was an electric spark.

Luna tried to contain the lightning. “We make no claims of being omniscient nor do we claim god-hood.” She turned toward Reagle with cue of cooperation.

Reagle cawed instead. “Immortality, then, I suppose is bloody normal? I wonder what perversion of nature then you use to extend your life and your eternal Alicorn dictatorship. Use that magic now, bring back Swift Wing!” The Griffin pointed a claw at his slain cadet.

“Thou presumes much, Griffin King. There were souls more near and dear to me than thy lowly soldier, if we did not resurrect them what thee think we can?”

“Lowly soldier? The Princess of the Ponies is truly then a cruel tyrant. I value the lives of those who serve me! Each of many who died in my eyes, I could name them! Can you boast the same?!”

Luna was rendered silent.

Reagle expressed the same doubts Spike himself had of Luna. He knew though he could not undermine her in public. Luna seemed to be on the verge of tears as she shook slightly. Showing such weakness would be not befit the dignity of the country. Before he could shield her; Luna had recovered and redirected herself towards anger in an effort to preserve her pride. She growled as she prepared to spit a hot retort.

Anger was worse; Spike had to intervene. He inserted himself in between them before there was a fight. “Reagle, our friends are dying the same. Everyone moment we waste here more of them are at risk.”

Spike found an unlikely ally as Zaza broke of her stalemate with Nightshade. “We’re looking for my sister: Zecora.”

“We have not seen thy kin, however there is safety in numbers,” said Luna.

“Agreed,” said Reagle.

Zecora and Rarity walked along the windows’ edge of the airship-port. Against the white walling the Zebra and Unicorn mares were perfectly camouflaged. Rarity had made an improvised white shawl to hide her hair, and she make scarf to conceal the glimmering gold rings of Zecora's.

Zecora whispered even though the screams and battle below could have them shouting and still be unnoticed. “A brilliant idea, lady Rarity. The enemy cannot see as we flee.”

Rarity avoided looking at the hectic battle below for fear her courage might give out. As she followed Zecora she was impressed by the Zebra’s calm if not her earlier combat acrobatics. “Zecora, who were you before you came to Equestria?”

“Rarity, you must believe. I did not mean to deceive. A shaman of my people is not meant to fight. I violated my vow and took flight. Many opposed. My exile was self-imposed.”

Rarity recalled her own reservations at fighting. “A lady shall fight out of necessity. Was what you did the same?”

Zecora gave a sad nod.

“Then you are hardly at fault.” Rarity replied.

They entered the main convention area before the foyer. It was empty save for the merchant cart stands hastily half arranged barricade. The attempt to make the improvised wall was abandoned.

Nightshade looked “The on duty guards must have tried to hold this position.”

“Where are they?” asked Spike.

“They must have pulled back without fighting when they realized the size of the horde.” Nightshade pointed at the many wet hoof prints created by a spilled coffee stand.

Luna nodded. “Indeed they drew the same conclusion as we. The castle is more defensible. Enemy now is but a trickle, if the full garrison has fallen under their influence, there will come a flood. We must dam this location lest we be overtaken.”

Spike scratched his head frills. “Luna, we’re all capable fighters, but we can’t hold off the whole garrison…”

“We must hold until we can summon reinforcements,” said Luna.

“The cotton candy stand!” cried Zaza pointed a hoof at a pink cart. “Our prayers have been answered!”

“Umm what?” asked Spike.

Zaza tapped a hoof on the stand a lever fell out and she pulled it. From the false bottom of the confectionary stand a wooden contraption sprung out and extended its wings. The automatic crossbow had a seat waiting an operator.

Spike shouted. “Reagle, you smuggled an automatic crossbow to the peace summit!?”

The Griffin King chirped. “I did no such thing.”

Zaza smiled. “It was my idea.”

Nightshade grimaced. “Grenades and now an automatic crossbow, we may as well have no security if you got those things through.”

Reagle chuckled. “Your inspectors were excellent if they weren’t we’d have gotten the second and third crossbow in along with a lot more grenades.”

Luna pointed a hoof at the hallway. “Can ye hold the foyer with such weapons while we coordinate the counter attack? The control tower is connected to the castle proper. We must venture to save the other ambassadors.”

Reagle chirped. “Certainly, if you’ll forgive us having these weapons.”

Luna leaned in and whispered. “Well then, King Hawkmor, thou art pardoned—” She gestured her hoof at the giant crossbow. “—if thee can prove thine big weapon is not just for show.”

Reagle deployed his wings and blushed.

The Griffins and Zebra wheeled the automatic crossbow into position in the antechamber of the great foyer.

Zaza playfully poked him in the chest with a hoof where his old wound was. “So you like Luna?”

Reagle crumpled in pain. “Bloody Helhiem!” He looked at Zaza’s stern face. “Okay, I deserve that. I’m a married Griffin. I’m a married Griffin.”

“May the leopard of doubt stalk you no more,” Zaza said, smiling.

“Sire! The enemy!” A Griffin bodyguard cawed.

Outside the antechamber they saw ponies bleeding shadows approach.

Reagle jumped to operate the weapon. The weapon started spitting bolts with the turn its crank. The barrage felled an advance squad. Zaza fed the machine’s top loader with bolts.

The Griffin guards added their minor crossbow fire to the barrage while Zebra warriors flung javelins.

Past the antechamber of the foyer, they saw what had happened to the guards. A bloody swath had been cut through. The walls were splattered.

“The other ambassadors are in grave danger,” said Nightshade.

They walked further until there was a fork in the castle paths.

Luna stopped. “Let us speak in candor now that the Griffin King is not near; there is only one we should be concerned about. Aldred’s son, Firestorm, represents the Dragon Dominion.”

“I’ll rescue Garble,” said Spike. “We can’t just rely on getting things together from the high control tower. We need feet on the ground.”

“Sir Spike, thou art brave to volunteer. But we cannot let thee go alone. Take Nightshade with thee.”

Spike protested. “No, Nightshade, you’ve got to protect the Princess.”

Nightshade looked between Luna and Spike for an agonizing moment. Her eyes finally fell on Luna. “Princess, I am your guard.”

“Nightshade we order thee—”

Spike interjected. “Luna stop! She’s right to choose you. I’m disposable.”

“Nay!” Luna blurted out louder than she intended. “How dare thee lecture about the value of mine life when thee hold so little for thine own!” She slapped him.

Spike felt his sore cheek. “I asked you to be honest with me. It’s my turn,” He hugged her, “I hold no great power or responsibility. Equestria will be alright without me but you hold the moon in the sky and the world on your shoulders.”

Luna’s eyes welled with tears as she snuggled harder into his hug. “Sir Spike, you hold me.”

Spike chuckled. “Stop jinxing me. Seriously, Luna I’m not going to die.” He drew the saber gifted to him by Luna. “I have this.”

He then pointed to his suit. “Rarity’s suit also is armored. I’ve got the best chance of making it out alive in there. Plus I’m a bucking dragon.”

“Go with mine blessing.” Luna kissed him full on the muzzle.

Spike returned the kiss for quick moment. It took more courage for Spike to run off then he thought. But Luna lit the fire of his spirit with her own, and he powered through his apprehension.

The wind whistled as Rarity and Zecora navigated the ridges of the castle walls. Rarity for the first time wished to trade her Unicorn horn for Pegasi wings.

“Why must Equestrians build all their castles in the sky? There are better places to fortify.”

“Zecora, I couldn’t agree more, darling. Let’s hurry, I’m sure Spikey and everyone will be waiting for us there.”

“Where we’re going: are you sure? Will the castle keep be secure?”

Rarity turned her head back to answer Zecora. “There’s nowhere else to go. It’s furthest from the barracks I know.”

The Zebra and Unicorn both smiled at each other. “In my ears I hear a wonderful chime. Rarity, did you just rhyme?

Rarity giggled. “Zecora, maybe I caught your flu. By ummm speaking with you.”

Zecora pouted. “That is outrageous! My style of speech is not contagious.”

Pinkie Pie had taught Rarity the value of laughter in harrowing situations. She laughed which caused Zecora to laugh in turn. The sheer drop of the castle walls and their precarious position were forgotten.

Spike ran into the dark castle. Blood-stains on walls told where soldiers had slumped and died in noble defense. He resolved he wouldn’t be another dark mark, he had reasons to live. As he passed the window slits of the walls he noticed the shadows of ponies and heard giggling. He shook his head for fear he’d gone crazy but then laughter followed.


Spike poked his head out wall slit. His face came up against hers.

“Spikey!” Rarity almost fell from the ledge.

“Rarity!” Spike lunged and caught her hooves.

After helping the Zebra and Unicorn mares up, Spike was deeply concerned.

“Rarity, Zecora, what are you doing here?”

“We were looking for you.” Rarity answered.

Zecora nodded along. “We thought the castle keep would be the best. We were convinced it would be the safest.”

Spike shook his head. “They got through to here too. I’m actually trying to rescue Garble. Luna’s gone off to the control tower hopefully to get reinforcements.”

“We’re coming with!”

Spike kindly dismissed Rarity. “No offense, but you’d two would just distract me.”

Zecora stared at her hoof nonchalantly. “Spike, you underestimate the power of Zebra Zerker. In battle, others run in terror.”

Thus far Zecora had been full of surprises. Things continued to click. He’d seen Zecora balance herself on a single bamboo pole. He didn’t doubt Zecora being a Zerker or dare to challenge the Zebra with such poise.

He turned to Rarity.

The fashionista huffed. “Spikey, really? I think I’ve proven myself to you. I got my magic.” Rarity looked at several suits of armor that were on display in the castle. She fired off her ‘come to life’ spell. The suits became animated by her aura and creaked to attention.

Spike raised his brows. “Okay, you can definitely help me.”

Deeper into the castle Spike heard resounding roars. He knew the familiar cry.

“It’s Garble!”

They found the crimson dragon in middle of the dining hall. The dining hall had an upper galley and the railing to it had been broken apart. Chairs and tables had been smashed or thrown to the side. Firestorm landed in front of them as he smacked down a fellow dragon. The dragon beneath stopped quivering and Firestorm leapt away from the shadows that bled out. He fired his dragon flame cremating the other dragon. He was staring a several charred bodies.

Spike cried out. “Garble?!”

Firestorm gave his instinctive exasperated retort. “My name is Firestorm!”

“Firestorm, we’ve got to get you out of here!” Spike cried.

Firestorm turned his head and noticed Spike. “What the buck is going on?! I had to roast my retainers… when they became crazy. They were servants… but they didn’t deserve this.”

Firestorm pointed a shaking claw at a couple of burnt lesser dragons. He stuttered. “Something entered them, some shadowy monsters. They attacked me.”

“Wicked spirits are possessing ponies and whoever they please. It is like rabies.” Zecora answered.

Firestorm shivered but he held his masculine posturing. “Whatever, I can handle ponies.”

“The whole garrison could have fallen.” said Spike. “You can’t fight a battalion.”

Firestorm became meek as he confessed. “It’s okay. I’ve summoned my dad. We should be okay if we hold out.”

“You can’t rely on your father. He can’t save you here!”

Firestorm sputtered. “It’s okay… my dad will come for me. He told me to stay put.” He held his claws to his head and almost curled up like a hatchling.

Spike was surprised by Firestorm’s fear.

Rarity strolled up to the dragon and placed a hoof lifting his chin gingerly. “Darling, how is your dad going to reach you in the middle of the castle?”

Firestorm stopped his cowering. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Let’s go,” said Spike ushering his friend.

Luna and Nightshade found the airship-port control tower fully operational. A detachment of guards were waiting for orders. Luna shot off orders as quickly as she could speak. An operator pony struggled to keep up as he relayed the orders by manipulating the shutters of the control tower’s signal light. The circling cloud carriers responded with their own flashes in horse code.

Nightshade interpreted the signals to Luna. “Fancy Pants has gotten the message. The cloud carriers are deploying their aerial corps. Captain Rainbow Dash is with Princess Twilight and they are unharmed. They’re mobilizing our units as we speak.”

“Excellent.” Luna sighed. She swiftly pointed a hoof a half a dozen of the soldiers in the tower. “With me ,soldiers! We shall be the first into the breach! We have a castle to retake.”

Rarity and Zecora ran along Spike with Firestorm following their tail. The corridors and hallways of the castle were confusing in their layout but Spike was certain of his path.

“So far we’re in the clear, bro,” said Firestorm.

“Spike, how do you know this castle so well? It’s like a zig zag pattern on a dress, I’m confused,” said Rarity.

“I don’t. I just marked where I went.” He pointed to notch on the walls, he had carved a small line.

Zecora smiled. “You have marked the end and start. That was smart.”

“Thanks,” said Spike.

They heard a call through the hall. “Sir Spike!”

Spike smiled as around the corner they saw Luna with her Nightguards.

“Oh thank Celestia—” Rarity corrected herself. “I mean Luna.”

“Boy am I glad to see your namby pamby Princess.” Firestorm ribbed Spike with his elbow. “Or should I say your mare-friend.”

Luna galloped towards them. “Sir Spike, we are glad thou art unharmed.”

Spike blew a plume of fire sending Luna back. “Where is Nightshade?”

Luna recoiled. “Sir Spike, we sent Nightshade to rally the troops! Do you not recognize me?!”

Spike was fuming fire now. “The star constellations in your mane are all wrong. Luna’s true stars are different.”

‘Luna’ smiled revealing fangs for teeth. “Thou art most wise. How did thee know to check? How could thee have been so sure?”

“You just told me, you bastard!” He inundated the corridor with his flames.

Spike pulled everyone back with his outstretched wings. They ran back through the corridors.

“That was Amorpheus, wasn’t it?” Rarity shuddered.

Spike nodded. “We can’t escape that way now.”

Firestorm raised a claw. “I’m confused, why did you blast your princess?”

Zecora explained. “A demon was wearing her skin. That was not the Princess within.”

“She got possessed?”

“He’s an undead changeling, long story!” said Spike shutting Firestorm up.

They ran back to the dining hall. Spike paused at the many corridors that led to grand chamber.

“Okay Spike, where we going?” Firestorm asked.

Spike’s head swiveled to the many paths available. “I ughh…”

“Spikey darling, we could always fly out… if you could carry me?”

Spike blinked. The addition of Firestorm added the option flying out. He grabbed Rarity and kissed her in gratitude. “You’re brilliant!”

“Spikey!” Rarity kissed him back her muzzle moaning.

“I hate to interrupt such a sweet moment, but death waits for none.”

Amorpheus stood on the upper galley. He was in his true changeling form. His green mane still burned from Spike’s fire. His flesh had yet to fully heal and seal. The exposed burned portions turned his intimidating look into a truly horrifying visage. He sparked his horn. The nightmare puppet guards teleported into position in plume of dark emerald fire.

“You!” cried Spike drawing his saber and point to the nightmare puppets. “You hurt all these ponies! How can you do this?!”

Amorpheus frowned. “You broke our previous arrangement! You caused this. I argued against my master’s plans. I gave you an alternative.”

“Luna told me that once the nightmares take hold the hosts do not survive. You’re lying! This was your plan all along! You killed all these ponies!”

Amorpheus chuckled. “Death is merely a shifting of states. There are grander schemes abound! I shall see my love restored!”

“Dead is dead!” Spike shouted. “I’ll make you pay!” Spike let his rage burn, spewing out his flames.

Amorpheus formed a shield with his magic. He retreated as his magic wavered. He shouted orders. “Attack!”

The nightmare puppets growled springing at them.

The flurry of battle became a hurricane of hooves, claws, and dragon jaws. There were no words afforded as they fought for their lives. Through the storm he kept an eye Rarity and another on Firestorm. Zecora had disappeared from his sight but he saw in corner of his eye her work as she fought off the horde kicking many back. Spike and Firestorm kept blasting their flames while Rarity fired off spell bolts. The armor pieces Rarity had enchanted soon were destroyed. The three stood pressed back to back as enemies assailed them. Through it he couldn’t count how many times Luna’s saber had helped parry a strike or Rarity’s suit had absorbed a glancing blow.

Spike cut down one just for another to take its place. As wave after wave battered him, Spike’s circle of attention shrank until he was concentrated only on protecting Rarity. All the fire from his throat had long been expended yet he didn’t dare let his focus fail further. His sword arm was occupied parrying a lancer when he saw another charge at Rarity’s side. Spike took Nightshade’s lesson and gave the quick killing bite. Soon he was biting and swinging his sword madly to keep her safe. He couldn’t cut through the despair and fear though as his movements became sluggish due to his exhaustion. He fought through the red haze of his inner monster as his tongue became awash with blood. He was losing the battle, he was losing his strength, and he was losing himself.

“Attack! Guards, crowd control!” A booming voice jarred Spike out of his haze.

“Wonderbolts full assault!” cried another familiar voice.

Spike, Rarity, and Firestorm looked in awe as the enemy was pushed back. Spike saw the blur of Luna, Nightshade, Rainbow and even Twilight past him. They were too busy in battle to even say hi.

Spike saw Zecora alive in the background and smiled. He took heavy breaths. Rarity was heaving as well. He was surprised then that one of them had strength to talk.

“Hey bro… there’s something you should know.”

“What is it, Garble?”

“I’ve been posing all my life… I’m not near to what I say I am. I’m not who people think I am either.”

Spike remembered Firestorm’s performance in battle. “Yeah, Garble you’re not a coward.”

“You were right about me liking males.”

Spike didn’t care or rather he knew. He rolled his eyes. “Dude, why are you telling me this now? You’re not going ask me out are ya?”

Firestorm’s tone was somber and discomforted Spike. “It’s just that my father wanted so much to have grandchildren. His dynasty depended on me. I feared to say…” Firestorm chuckled. “He’d kill me if he knew. Worse he’d hurt anyone I could love. It doesn’t no matter now.”

Spike turned to horror. Firestorm only stood by a lance lodged into his chest in between the pleats of his soft under-scales. Spike lay his friend down gently before Firestorm fell.

“Hey stay with me!”

Firestorm shook his head. “Lance in lungs… no saving…” The male dragon used the last of his strength to push his muzzle to Spike’s cheek. Spike jumped back from the kiss. The dragon prince smiled. “Yeah, you were right about me chasing your tail too…” His last gasp was followed by a spurt of blood on the white of Spike’s suit.

Spike staggered back. His friend was dead.

Who was Garble or Firestorm? Which was the real identity of the dragon? Figuratively and literally overshadowed by his father, his friend couldn’t even be himself save for his dying moments. Spike wept slightly for the tragedy that Garble for his faults might have made a good king if he ever overcame his father’s hold. It didn’t matter now.

“Spike,” Rarity gasped.

“Garble.” said Spike standing up.

“Sir Spike! We are glad to see thee well. We were worried—” Luna gasped too when she noticed Firestorm’s lifeless body.

Twilight trotted to them. “Spike, Rarity! I’m so happy you’re saf—” She stopped when she saw.

“He’s dead.” said Spike in finality without euphemism. His arm trembled in anger soon his body started trembling however saw it was not him when parts of the castle mortar shook off in flakes. The fortress rocked as they heard the digging and crumbling of stone.

The noise grew louder and soon the wall face of dining hall cracked with outlines of sunlight. The wall then was felled and Aldred stood. The titanic dragon poked his head in and tilted to see.

“Garble, my son, awaken.” Aldred prodded at the lifeless corpse of his son with a single claw. He was delicate at first but then shook the corpse. When Garble didn’t stir he pressed his snout to sniff.

Everyone was deathly silent. Spike felt wetness at his feet. His saw the source as another massive tear drop fell from Aldred’s eyes.

The great dragon’s trembling shook the masonry. “First a pony killed my brother… now I lose my only begotten son…”

Luna stepped forward. “Lord Aldred, we did not murder thy blood.”

“He was slain in your company! This Peace Summit was under your promise of protection!” Aldred’s shout sent gust of hellish hot air through them. The air was already dry with the all-consuming fire in throat. “It is the same!”

The already giant dragon was disturbingly growing larger as its muscles bulged.

“He’s succumbing to dragon rage…” said Spike recognizing the signs.

Luna shouted back in her Royal Canterlot voice. “A mindless massacre will not bring thy son from the dead!”

“It will bring justice.”

Luna added. “The culprits have fled. We do not know the true puppet master.”

Aldred gave a mad smile, his giant jagged teeth flashed in the sunlight. His voice was followed by the reverb of another. “It matters not. None shall flee. For my brother, I burned a village… for my son I shall burn the world!” His words were followed by a scream of fire.

All were astonished that they were untouched as the wave of flames washed over them. In the center Twilight strained as her Alicorn horn crackled with magic. Her purple shield had saved them all. The castle stonework still glowed with the melting heat of Aldred’s fire.

“Twilight, we thank thee for sharing thy brother’s talent in shield spells. We suspect not even our shield would have held against Aldred’s flame.”

Twilight panted as her shield popped. “What are we going to do now?”

The question skipped everyone until they turned towards Luna.

Luna lacked words as well.

“Holy Helhiem,” said Reagle entering the room.

They stared outwards at the window created by Aldred. Spike saw a vision so close to his nightmares he couldn’t tell whether he was dreaming or not.

Chapter 13 Burning Passions

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Spike and present company were locked in terrifying awe at Aldred’s power. Awesome was a word used so often it had lost it most its meaning yet the dread dragon revived the term in its full glory. From his massive maw spewed forth an endless deluge that threatened to burn the world in a flood of flames. Lines in the landscape were scorched by his blasts. Several watch towers retaliated with ballista bolts, but their missiles glanced off of Aldred’s impervious hide. The watch towers were not burned but disappeared wholly in ash from the dragon’s flame.

Spike breathed heavily, sucking in the air that choked with dry heat; fires of his nightmares had manifested.

Rarity held a hoof to her mouth, chewing nervously on it. “How did that horridly gargantuan dragon grow larger?!”

“In the time Aldred grew so did the demon within,” said Luna. “It appears the legend is a lie, Aldred did not master his inner demon. Now it consumes him and soon the word.”

Nightshade bowed. “Princess, the army stands ready, as does our air force. We shall stop the beast.”

Luna nodded. “Now, Nightshade, is the time, we test the true mettle of metal warships built by the cooperation of three races. Pray we win the day.”

“Hold up.” Reagle’s guard entourage brought forth a shutter signal light.

“Griffin King, if we delay our attack more lives will be lost.”

Reagle commanded with a wave of his saber. “By Odin’s feathery fat arse we won’t sit by and do nothing. Relay command codes to our War Wing. Have our own airships add aid to their barrage.”

Zecora spoke to her sister and Reagle. “In the light of the circumstances we should commit all. Everyone will be doomed if the Equestrians fall.”

Zaza looked away from her sister’s eyes. “Zecora, we can’t…”

Reagle reservedly tugged the collar of his cape.

Zecora continued. “I have been given power and I shall accept responsibility. Hear my plea.”

Zaza and Reagle nodded. Zaza ordered the signal the light operator. “Have our other two War Wings come out of hiding from the cloud cover! We must hold nothing back.”

Everyone shot the Griffin King and Zecora looks.

Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Thou were most prepared for this.”

Zecora spoke diplomatically. “Forgive our trickery. It was for our security. Now Princess, forget that I am a Zebra. I still love this land of Equestria.”

Luna returned Zecora’s smile. “For thy assistance we thank thee, though we shall have discussions later.”

“Signal our airship fleet to begin the barrage!” Reagle squawked.

The communication officer ran through the metal corridors to the bridge of the Cloud Carrier. “Commander, we’ve been given the go ahead. The Griffin and Zebra airships will be offer support fire. Our volley will signal the commencement of the bombardment.”

Fancy Pants grimaced. “We practiced this! Alright gents—”

Fleur coughed.

Fancy smiled at his wife. “—and ladies!” Using his magic he drew his saber from his scabbard and swung it. “All crew, battle stations!”

The swivel guns of the cloud carrier turned toward the mighty dragon. The flank gun ports opened up, and cannon barrels poked out. Below decks through a series of pulleys the artillery was moved into position. The cannons were primed, and their pony gun commanders held fast the strings in their mouths. Through the message tubes came a cry.


Aldred’s deafening roars were followed by fire from his mouth. Swaths of the forest below were burnt away in his guttural blast. Another nearby watch tower was engulfed whole by the flames. The sky began to fill with soot and ash with the burning of foliage. The dragon was drawn from its rampage by a cacophony of booming sounds that converged into one loud thunderclap. The cannon shells were heard whistling before they impacted. The dragon screamed as it was pelted by the oncoming volley. The two Equestrian Cloud Carriers, three Griffin War Wings, along with their accompaniments of War Balloons rained iron upon the great dragon. As one broadside ended another ship began its volley.

Royal Guards had brought them telescopes and binoculars to observe the battle. Spike held in one claw a pair of binoculars for himself and in his other claws held one for Luna. Even with magnified vision the skies were too blackened by flak and soot to see much. Barrage after barrage they could see Alrdred’s writhing silhouette as the dragon screamed. Soon, even the form of the dragon disappeared as further fire from the cannons blotted out the skies.

Luna lowered her head respectfully. “Tis a terrible thing, this technology… we recall when cannonry was first introduced. In that time we could no longer call castles safe.”

Reagle chirped. “Princess of ponies, technology is itself innocent. It is pony hooves and Griffin claws that ultimately use such things.”

Luna countered. “Griffin King, thine argument, we have heard too many times. There are things to which there have no other design save for evil. An axe or a hammer may have use in peace; however, a sword is only made to murder.”

Zecora chimed in. “Wiser words never were told. However, war is age old. Today’s foe may have been yesterday’s friend. We may pretend but we all need weapons to defend.”

As they talked, Spike turned to Rarity and Twilight. Both mares seemed out of their depth and the lost expressions on their faces told as much. Twilight seemed entirely focused on Rainbow, though. Spike spoke hoping to build his confidence as he built theirs. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. It seems cannons beat dragons.” He made a mock gun motion with his claws.

“Spike, Aldred was just enraged over the loss of his son,” Rarity said, leaning against Spike. “Darling, I don’t know what I would do if I lost family.”

Spike nodded, any relief he felt at Aldred’s death was replaced by sadness over the loss of both Firestorm and the dragon’s father. Caught up in the cruel chess game, neither deserved their fates. “Yeah, Firestorm, for all his boasting, wasn’t a bad dragon. He might have been able to do good if he ever overcame the influence of others’ and his father’s. Now we’ll never know. It’s my fault, I didn’t watch out for him.”

“Spikey, it’s my fault, you looked after me instead.”

Spike pulled Rarity close with an arm. In the flurry of battle he had prioritized her safety. Thinking back, he felt no regrets in doing so; in the fighting, Rarity added to their efforts. “Rarity, no. Without you there, I don’t think any of us might have made it.”

Rarity nodded in agreement but hugged him close. “Oh! However did things get to be like this?”

Spike thought about all the monsters and beast they overcame. “I think it’s always been like this… it’s just we never saw it for what it was.”

The pitter patter of distant cannon fire subsided. The calm was broken as they heard a shriek that was shrill and conversely low. It was not the dying gasp but a resounding roar of rage. The smoke cleared in the beating of his wings and Aldred appeared for all to see with wide eyes. Tiny scratch marks dotted the dragon’s scale hide, however, there were not wounds that could be substantial. The dragon’s impossible size had increased as its rage fueled it. Aldred spun his head around, blasting his hate and fury. A trail of explosions followed as the unarmored War Balloons exploded in gaseous fumes. Even the metal hull of the closest Cloud Carrier airship melted into a dripping slag. The ship veered away limping with alarms bells ringing as Pegasi deserted the descending craft. Aldred smiled turning towards the stricken vessel.

A pony messenger pointed a hoof in disbelief as his jaw hung open. “Aldred lives!”

“Not even our conical shells dent his hide,” said Reagle, cuffing his claws over his beak.

Zecora shouted. “The beast grows larger still. Is there nothing that can kill?”

Luna snapped at the signal light operator. “Order our second Cloud Carrier to cover the retreat of the first! Pull back all the War Balloons! Withdraw!”

Nightshade winced at the coming onslaught. “It’s too late!”

Aldred arched his head as he prepared another torrent of fire. His attention was drawn the moment he prepared to unleash his fury. Crackling through the sky and shearing through the air was a rainbow trail. A multi hued explosion blinded the dragon as the wounded Cloud Carrier retreated behind its fresh partner. The dragon recovered and swiveled his head spewing a line of flames that chased the source of his distraction. Towards the end of his spout the rainbow trail turned black with fumes.

“Rainbow!” cried everyone.

The Rainbow Dash crashed near where everyone stood. Her Wonder Bolt suit was burned through to her teal coat, now blackened by singe marks. Spike recoiled as the smell of burnt horse flesh entered his nostrils.

“We need a medic!” Twilight cried.

Rainbow lifted her head and chuckled. “Just a flesh wound.” She staggered up. “Remind me to add fireproof to the requirements when I get a new suit.” The Pegasus mare, for all her bravado, wasn’t able to hide her injury. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she collapsed from the agony.

Twilight caught Rainbow as she fell. “She’s going into shock!”

They were interrupted by the roars as Aldred continued burning the landscape.

“Nothing! Our cannon fire does nothing!” cried a messenger. “It’s a bucking force of nature. It’s hopeless if our new cannons cannot puncture his hide!”

Nightshade slapped the messenger. “Order our ships to concentrate cannon fire!”

Luna stepped in. “Nay, belay that order! Order our elite flying battalions to attack! Deploy all Pegasus regiments! Go for the beast’s eyes!”

Nightshade stammered. “T-t-to throw infantry at it is like tossing sticks into a fire! It’ll be a mass—”

Luna looked at several medical ponies tending to Rainbow. “Regrow the burnt flesh. Stabilize her, and then wake Captain Dash to lead the assault! She is the only one capable of distracting the beast.”

Twilight shouted. “Rainbow is wounded. she can’t do a sonic Rainboom again like that!”

Luna was firm. “We must delay that monster at any costs! This battle is lost we must prepare for the next. Our ships are more valuable, we can replace regiments of infantry, but not the Cloud Carriers… Faust save our souls…”

Nightshade gritted her teeth then barked back to the messenger. “Relay the orders!”

Twilight pleaded. “Please don’t send Rainbow! Anything, any-pony but her!”

Luna shared Twilight’s pain but prepared a rebuttal. “For any-pony else, the order is suicide; however, Captain Dash may survive.”

Twilight was now tearing up. “She’s wounded! You can’t send her!”

Spike was about to step in when he saw Rarity step up.

Before Rarity could say a word another spoke. “We won’t.” said Nightshade stepped in front of Luna facing Twilight.

Luna looked to Nightshade demandingly. “Which capable commander can we send then?!”

The messenger balked. “Which Commander would accept such suicidal orders?”

Nightshade cried. “I will lead the assault!”

Everyone turned toward Nightshade.

Luna was first to voice her disagreement. “Nay Nightshade, thou art mine Captain.”

Nightshade smiled. “Princess, Captain Rainbow has loved ones… I have no one that will mourn my passing. This is a worthy end.”

“We may send another.” Luna planted her hoof down. “We order thee to stand down.”

Shaking her head, Nightshade puffed her chest out. “…I disobey.”

“How dare thee!” Luna snarled. “We forbid thee to go!”

Spike closed his fist and grit his teeth, a low growl coming from his throat. He was angry at so many things, but mostly angry at his powerlessness to help. He looked on as Luna and Nightshade argued. He felt through his suit. Somehow, without his conscious decision, he had kept the dagger of darkness given to him by Amorpheus. For the first time, he truly examined the weapon. The crimson gemstone in the hilt seemed to be alive. It beckoned him with the promise of power. At the same time, Spike felt the rattling of Luna’s saber seemingly to warn him against the dagger’s whispers. A feeling told him if he plunged the dagger into his chest he could unlock his own demon. Slowly, he smoothed his claw over his top button.

“You know all is lost if we cannot stop Aldred!” Nightshade shouted. She braced her lance and made it stand on the ground, showing off its form. “My lance is Longinus, I could pierce his armor!”

“Nightshade, skill thou hast but not the raw speed needed to escape!” Luna snarled. “Consider you rank forfeit if thou disobey!”

“I accept!” Nightshade cried. “Now that I am a civilian I can speak what I wanted to say.”

Luna gave a low growl and planted her hooves into the stonework. “Nay Nightshade we forbid thee to leave thy service! Thou art mine Captain!”

Nightshade looked her Princess in the eye. Words rehearsed so many times in her head were spoken aloud. “Not just as friend, nor filial piety towards a founder of our nation, Luna, I love you!”

Luna gasped at Nightshade’s confession. “We did not know thy feeling ran so deep—”

Nightshade nodded. Her words carried a calm acceptance. “Yes, yet you and I will never be. If not in love, let me give you my life in battle, then. Let me leave with a semblance of dignity.”

“Captain Nightshade…”

“Remember the battle cry of old?” Nightshade smiled as she readied her lance. “Long live Luna!”

Luna said softly as she finished the ancient war cry. “Blessed be the Night.”

She then reached out a hoof as the bat pony leapt of the ledge flying off. “Nay Nightshade come back!” The Princess wept careless of the company.

She then reached out and placed her hoof on Nightshade’s shoulder, a small smile escaping her lips like a mother to her child.

Nightshade smiled back as she folded her wings.

“Nay! Nightshade!” Luna shouted. “Come back!”

With a running start Nightshade threw herself from the cliff edge in a seemingly suicidal jump.

“Nightshade!” There came a collective cry as they ran to the edge. They looked to see she had used the momentum of her fall. When she deployed her wings she pulled up and streaked through the air towards the horizon.

Luna took in a breath, filling her lungs. With all her might, she let out one more cry. “Nightshade!”

Soon Nightshade was beyond earshot and all their cries were worthless. She was but a small speck in the distance.

A sting came upon Luna’s eyes. She felt a tear slide down her cheek.

“Please… I cannot lose another Captain...” she breathed.

“Spikey, what are you doing?!” Rarity screamed.

Luna turned her head to see that Spike had neatly folded Rarity’s suit with her saber atop. He held the dagger of darkness poised against his chest.

“Sir Spike! No!” Luna leapt at him to swat the dagger away.

Spike turned so she only helped him stab it deeper into his chest. He smiled as he held Luna, gingerly wiping off her tears with his claw.

“I can save everyone,” he said calmly.

The dagger dematerialized into shadow and seeped into his chest. He shivered as the cold met his flesh.

“Thou art a fool!!” Luna sobbed as her hooves pounded on his chest. “Such power cannot be controlled!”

Spike’s mind was already slipping. The descending red fog upon his vision was match by the haze in his mind. Already his hearing was muffled and their cries of concern were drowned out. “It’s okay…” he said. “I’ll save everyone. I’ll keep sane. I’ll—”

The world faded to black. Spike stood facing a figure of shadows. The entity was darker than the black world if that was at all possible for his mind to conceive.

Its voice echoed through his head. “Thou are not the host we were expecting. We had hoped to rejoin my other self… now we must return to ether. How troublesome!”

Spike asked. “Who are you?”

“We are power incarnate. We are a promise borne in darkness.”

“Nightmare Moon?”

The shadow laughed. “She is an effect. We are the cause. Or rather a shard of which you so eagerly stabbed into yourself.”

“Save my friends! I will give you me!”

The shadowy dragon shook a claw. “Thy host body is already occupied.”

The entity faded away. “Now thou have unchained thy other self… we suspect thou will be occupied as well.”

A third dragon of emerald fires appeared to Spike’s right.

“Grant me the power. Let me save my friends!” Spike screamed at his other self. “Answer me!”

The other dragon did not reply. Instead, it poured flames from its mouth. Spike leapt to avoid the flames, only for the dragon to attack him with his gaping mouth. Spike sacrificed an arm for his shield. He took his own mouth and reached for his enemy’s throat. The defense of his attack was mirrored by the other dragon’s own arm, blocking him. Spike used his other claw to punch his foe. The other dragon did the same. They both recoiled back in pain.

The battle seemed endless while Spike was panting he saw he counterpart was without exhaustion. The infinite wellspring from which his enemy drew its might from only made Spike more desperate to overcome and attain that power.

“Please, I don’t want to fight! I need your power to save my friends.” Spike shouted again to no answer.

The dragon of flames did not answer.

Spike then quieted with the realization. “You are me.”

The dragon of flames nodded.

“The demon is me… and I am the demon.” Spike was an ambassador. He had negotiated with Griffins, Zebras, and Dragons. His job now seemed to be a part of his destiny. “Demon, if we are to survive you need me as a host. If I am to survive,” He corrected himself. “if we are to survive, I need your power and you need my control.”

Spike reached out with a claw.

The demon of flames smiled and shook his claws. As they touched, Spike felt his limbs and heart become heavy when they merged. He felt a force weigh him down as if he was wearing a suit of plate armor.

The void of his mind melted away as Spike came to awareness. He was flying. He was fighting. His arm bled profusely. The other self he imagined himself doing combat with was Aldred. The greater drake seethed flames from his mouth.

Spike was still half the size of the dread dragon. However, he was more maneuverable. He dodged easily the strike by banking away. He held a circle pattern, avoiding the line of fire.

Now he was thinking and reasoning Spike knew he could not win through brute force. Aldred was too great. However he saw the familiar scar on Aldred’s right leg. Nightshade had mentioned it was what Luna had left Aldred with long ago. The armored scales had not grown to completely cover the gash. Spike leapt knowing where to slash with his claws.

Spike’s shift from blind battle to tactical thinking was not noticed by Aldred. Spike beat his wings to climb beyond the line of fire. Spike knew he had one chance in between the spurts of fiery death he saw his opportunity. The great dragon prepared another blast, Spike folded his wings and dove for the attack. There would be no recovering from the dive if he missed his mark, only the hard death of the ground awaited. Shooting through the sky, Spike became a falling star. Extended his claws, he slowed his descent by digging into his foe’s flesh.

Aldred roared in pain as Spike reopened the wound. “Insolent whelp!”

Both Spike and Aldred blinked. It seemed the dread dragon had come to his senses.

“Aldred! Can you hear me!?” Spike roared.

“I can hear you fine.” Aldred growled.

“You let the demon inside win! You killed the innocent! How can you call yourself a dragon!?” Spike growled back.

Aldred roared. “Spike of the ponies, my son was innocent. I did not surrender my will to my demon. Our purposes for once were coterminous. You, however, only just now gained awareness. I fought you as you mindlessly attacked me.”

Spike shuddered. Aldred spoke truth, his words were steadier than his. He nevertheless countered. “You did this all of your own accord!?”

“I will burn this land to ash. Equestria shall be a funeral pyre for my slain son.”

“Ponies have families, daughters and sons too!”

Aldred chuckled cruelly. “Then they shall know the measure of my grief.”

“You can’t let grief overwhelm you! The true culprits have escaped! We are not your enemy!”

“He was slain by a pony weapon! Your Princess orchestrated this trap!”

Spike recalled Luna’s lesson on ‘realpolitik’. It was Luna’s logic was cruel but practical. “Luna had nothing to do with this. Aldred, we have nothing to gain but your anger if we slew you son without killing you first! Your son has no power without you! If we wanted your son dead we would have framed it on the Griffins and Zebras. By fighting us you’re playing a puppet to another!”

Aldred breathed in as the great dragon considered. Each exhale of his breathe the fire from his inner core diminished. Slowly the flames hatred gave way to reason and understanding Aldred’s mouth bled the smoke of dying anger.

Spike permitted himself a small breathe as he hung upon Aldred’s next words. The burning backdrop of Aldred’s devastation added desperation. He noticed Aldred was little inconvenienced by the wound Spike had wrought. Meanwhile his own arm bled and his strength flagged.

“Spike of the Ponies, your wisdoms wins. I wrought enough destruction this day… however I still demand vengeance.” Aldred bellowed. “Hear me little ponies! Find for me the murderer of my son, or come the next moon I will return to raze your country to naught but ash and cinders! I offer you this one chance and fleeting mercy!” In a great gale Aldred flew off while spewing fire into the sky.

Spike gave a heavy sigh when Aldred was not even a silhouette against the horizon. He realized the dread dragon’s retreat wasn’t entirely out of compassion. On the opposite horizon were the silhouette of more airships: Equestrian reinforcements he could tell by the distinctive backwash of clouds from their engines. The battle was won, yet again, there was no feelings jubilation. The cost and all those lost, would be a terrible toll. The sun was setting, but the landscape was aglow with Aldred’s flames. Spike’s guard fell unwillingly due to his exhaustion. His wing beats slowly became less frequent. As his body bled steam he felt light headed and sleepy. Slowly his immense size began ebbing away. The world blackened once more as he fell from the dizzying heights of power. Against the rushing wind he heard a voice.

“Sir Spike!”

He did not know how long, but Spike finally awoke from the haze. His right arm was in a sling and a cast.

“Hospital again.” Spike noted as he stared at the white ceiling.

“Yeah, you get used to it.”

Spike spun his head to the bed next to him. He saw Rainbow lying down with a series of bandages wrapped around her flank. Her forelegs were suspended wrapped in casts and suspended up by wires. The bandages were tied in a nice bow.

“I didn’t know hearth’s warming eve was coming early for Twilight.” Spike pointed a claw at the bandage bow tie.

Rainbow blushed then snorted in denial, blowing a tuft of her mane up. “Yeah, right. I’d pummel ya if I could move. Stupid crash landing broke my forelegs too.”

“Rainbow, are you going to be alright?”

“No biggie, they got the best unicorn docs working on me. I’ll walk in a week. I’ll fly in two.”

Spike sighed. “I hate hospitals.”

“I used to, but when you get in so many scrapes as I do. You become a regular here. Their sandwiches aren’t too bad.”

Spike recalled Rainbow’s stunt flyer days. Crazy aerobatic performances of hers often had her friends worried when she’d end up in the hospital afterwards. Rainbow Dash was a wild and untamable mare. “What does the Wonderbolt Captain have planned next?”

“Twilight, asked me to be her Companion Captain…I dunno…” Rainbow trailed off.

Spike smiled. “Isn’t it obvious? She likes you.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah I’m not that thick, I know.”

“What’s the hold up, then?”

Rainbow sighed. “I’m a career mare. I don’t like being tied down. Being Twilight’s Companion Captain: that’s a full time gig… I still have my dream. I wanna be a Wonderbolt till I’m too old to fly. It’s kinda like Rarity and her fashion thing. I also think my duty is important too.”

Spike reflected on Rainbow’s situation. His gut twisted in guilt when he was reminded of Rarity. “Rainbow, Rarity’s business is bombing because of me. Those Canterlot snobs won’t do business with her because of my association.” Rainbow’s mention of duty also brought thoughts of Luna. “Luna’s so obsessed with her duty to her country. She’s shackled to her cold throne.”

Blinking, Rainbow’s eyebrows shot up. “Um wow. I thought I had it bad, but Spike, you must feel crummy too.”


“I heard how you’ve gotten yourself in a love triangle. Geez Spike, seriously save some mares for the rest of us.” Rainbow laughed.

Her laughter was infectious and Spike found himself laughing along. “Careful I don’t want you to fall in love with me too.”

Rainbow was curt but friendly. “Keep dreaming.”

His friend Rainbow was in a lot of ways like how Garble was with the exception she was almost always honest about who she was. She had a rule of ‘awesome’ that generally excluded her from normal categorization; Rainbow lived life to an extreme that few could match. Of his childhood friends, Rainbow could best relate to the ‘male’ perspective. Maybe under different circumstances their friendship might have evolved into something more.

“Equestria to Spike,” said Rainbow teasingly.

“Sorry, I blank out sometimes.”

“Yeah, I have that effect.” Rainbow wiggled her tail that stuck out of her bandages. “I’m so smoking I got burn wounds. You wish you could have flank this hot!”

“Okay, bandage butt.” Spike parried her ego trip.

Rainbow glared at him then broke back into laughter. “Sure thing, Mr handy.”

Spike looked to his left arm wrapped in bandages. He had sacrificed the limb as a shield when fighting his other self… or was it Aldred. The battle’s details were never too clear in his mind even during the course of the fighting. In the afterwards the sequence of events seemed foggier and more confusing than the Griffin Kingdoms’ line of succession. “Rainbow, I blacked out in the end; what happened?”

“I blacked out too.” Rainbow tried shrugging but grimaced as she found her casts restricted her.

“Thou saved us all.”

“Princess Luna?!” Rainbow nearly jumped when Luna spoke.

Spike smiled at Luna while explaining to Rainbow. “Luna does that.” He stood up and gave her a light bow.

Luna smiled back. “Sir Spike, I am glad thou art well.” She nuzzled Spike affectionately while Rainbow smirked.

“Whoa you don’t get the royal ‘we’?” Rainbow smirked at Spike.

A nurse arrived. “Ms. Dash, it’s time for your post op examination. Your recovery is coming sooner than expected. We can take off the bandages now.”

“Awww… I want to see this.” Rainbow’s bed was moved out of the room. “Later Spike!”

Spike waved his good left hand to Rainbow.

Spike was left alone with Luna. Now sooner had the door closed Luna lunged for a hungry kiss. He returned her passion. He felt her warm, soft lips return a feeling that he wished would have lingered for the rest of his life such was Luna’s spell. Her heat was infectious and Spike felt his face afire with the warmth of his blood pumped by a furiously beating heart. Both were left gasping when finally they broke apart.

“Sir Spike, thine bravery repelled Aldred’s rage and save many lives otherwise lost.”

“You would have done the same.” Spike blushed with her compliments.

“Nay, not again… Sir Spike, neither do I want thou to. Thou must not make a habit of evoking thy demon even in times of desperate need. The boundary between weakens with each instance until…”

“Nightmare Moon,” said Spike, softly.

Luna nodded. She brought her head close, nuzzling Spike’s cheek. “Promise me thou would never be again so foolish.”

Spike shook his head. “I can’t, Luna. What if Equestria needs me again? What if you need me?”

“Sir Spike, I need you as you are, not the demon within. Shall I tell thee a tale of woe?”

“What do you mean?”

“The romantic historians of the era profess it was mine jealousy that brought revolution… or some would call rebellion. However, the truth is written by victors. The suffering sun of Celestia’s tyranny was most cruel. Our battle was an ideological one.”

“You had different methods of ruling.” Spike recalled how cynical Luna’s perspective was; however, Luna came from a different time. A thousand years of exile were like a blink, Luna returned fresh from fighting Celestia in the civil war. Concerning himself, Celestia had believed in nurture whereas Luna believed in nature. Luna’s belief had led her to spy on him should he become a rampaging beast.

“Twas the end of the war, Sister Celestia would say she spared me out of love… but methinks she feared upsetting the balance by slaying me outright.”

Spike countered Luna’s cynical bent. “Maybe for Celestia it was both. If she didn’t love you why would she so eagerly accept your return even with the risks it posed?”

Luna smiled as his words sunk in. “Indeed,” She frowned as she continued, “however she sought instead to force mine surrender. She took from me all that I held dear… to show me the cost of mine disobedience. She underestimated how much I cared. I took a shard of abyss and unlocked the dormant darkness in my soul. I wielded such magic and might hoping to defeat Celestia and save the ones I held to mine heart… yet I failed on both counts.”

“Luna, I understand, but I don’t think I could promise you, if my sacrifice could save Equestria then…”

Luna hugged him again. “Nightshade and now thou Sir Spike, must we be surrounded by brave fools!?”

Spike smiled. Luna’s mention of Nightshade brought his thoughts back to the wider world. “Luna if you’re here what about Equestria?”

“Magical flames are most malign and require magical means to extinguish. Once Aldred’s fires were put out only then did I come to you. I have delegated duties temporarily to others as thou suggested. Nightshade has also made this hospital a command post.”

Spike ran his claws through a disenchanted spot on Luna’s mane. “You’re exhausted.”

Luna nodded. “We were worried about thee.”

There was a knock on the door. Nightshade popped her head into the room. “Princess, the Griffin King and Zebra Chieftain are here to see you.”

“Very well, we shall be there shortly.”

“Princess, your mane?” Nightshade suggested.

Luna noticed the light blue streak on her mane too. “We thank thee. Sir Spike would thee like to accompany me after I fix my mane?”


Luna entered the bathroom built into the hospital room. Spike was left with Nightshade and the awkwardness that followed.

Nightshade gave a light smile. “Spike, I feel you cheated me. You have stolen my purpose. I was supposed to end Aldred with my life.”

Spike saw through her false levity and frowned. He could even detect a hint of hate in her despair. “Nightshade, could you really have done it?”

“Of course, I know my own abilities.” Nightshade spoke sternly. “I observed there was a delay in Aldred’s breath attack when he would vent the heat from his mouth. In that time I could have taken him out.”

“Yes maybe you could have taken out Aldred—”

“There’s no maybe.” Nightshade interrupted. Her self-confidence and unflinching gaze gave Spike a chill and the assurance that she could.

Spike shook his head though; it was just like Nightshade to miss the point by focusing on details. “—but you wouldn’t have gotten away. I meant if you could really bear sacrificing your life like that.”

“If I cannot die with the semblance of dignity, what else is there?”

“Nightshade, there’s you. You can live with yourself. Plus, has Luna said anything about your confession?”

The bat pony folded her wings over her head. “There has been no time. Her meeting with you has been the first opening she’s had.”

As Luna exited the bathroom, Spike redirected her with a claw at Nightshade. “Luna, you’ve made time for me. Please make time for Nightshade.”

Luna looked at Nightshade. “Captain.”

“Princess,” Nightshade gritted her teeth and averted her gaze.

Their use of formal titles put Spike on edge.

Luna took a deep breathe. “After we resolve this crisis, Captain Nightshade we would like thee to submit terms of resignation.”

“What?!” said Spike, flatly.

Nightshade was shaking. “Why, my Princess?”

“The role of Companion Captain is a storied one; many have become consorts to their Princesses, a recent example Shining Armor to Cadance. All is well when such feelings can be shared openly and both partners acquiesce to terms.”

Spike could see with her scrunched up face, Nightshade fought to dam a torrent of tears behind her eyes. Even the bat pony’s lips quivered and stance slackened.

“Calamity comes when such feelings of love cannot be reciprocated,” Luna continued. “they become dangerous distractions.”

Spike interjected. “Wait, Luna! Nightshade has served you faithfully.”

“Indeed, however mine Captain has another role. She is the keeper of mine life. Should we fall to corruption; it is her lance that must end us. Her infatuation would interfere in the moment where hesitation would lead to destruction.”

Nightshade bowed, a few tears dripping to the floor. “Princess, I can keep my personal feelings—”

“Nay Nightshade, no more. Thou disobeyed my orders in battle; it is evident even now that thee cannot match mine gaze.”

Nightshade lips quivered ever more evidently. “Very well, I shall prepare resignation papers.”

Luna winced and tried to blunt the blow by speaking more softly. “Thou shall go with full honors. If in any other capacity of the guard thou wish to serve in, thou shall have mine guarantee we will see thee transferred with rank intact. Thou shall also always be welcomed to—”

Nightshade locked her legs and saluted but, still she trembled as she spoke. “There is no other position I wish to serve in. I beg your leave, I must make my arrangements.” She walked out the door.

Spike was stunned as he saw Luna raise a hoof to call Nightshade back but slowly rescind it. Luna held her hoof that reached out as if to restrain herself.

Spike spoke out again. “Luna, Nightshade is your captain!”

“Precisely,” Luna looked off and away from Spike. “We would retain either her friendship or service, not both.”

Spike knew the answer but asked anyway. “Why not?”

His words hit her like a slap in the face as she recoiled. “Sir Spike, thou art wise enough to discern that thyself. Must I voice such pain?”

Spike growled. “Why do you have to be so cold?”

Luna paused. Her ears flopped down, and she lowered her head as her eyes leaked water. “Why must thou remind me of mine wounds?”

“Because otherwise you wouldn’t address them… sort of like Nightshade… you’d let them fester. Nightshade told me she’s waited for you for a thousand years. She loves you,” said Spike. Finishing his sentence, Spike pondered his own worth and dedication compared to Nightshade’s. Was he deserving of Luna? Yet he felt there was something not quite right about Nightshade’s affections.

Luna shook her head. “Nay, there are a great many who have longed and lusted for me… Sir Spike, before mine banishment I only spoke with Nightshade twice. I only heard of her exploits in mine name from afar. I promoted her in lieu of such loyalty.”

Luna’s logic took a bit to digest. He raised a claw with a question. “Wait, you’re strangers to each other?”

“Tis infatuation, not love. Even in mine service, Nightshade would voice her opinion but ne’er did we speak of our personal lives. Were her confession of love true, long would I have known before words were ever said. I do love her, but not in any sense that could be called romantic. She is more of a little sister.”

Spike thought about the many times he worked in Rarity’s boutique, too shy to voice his desires to the mistress of the shop. “Yeah, but think about how she feels. I used to put Rarity on a pedestal too. I’d steal glances at her and keep silent. Still regardless of how misguided and misplaced my feelings were they’d still hurt when I was just ignored. You can’t discount her pain.”

Luna blinked and nodded in realization. “Sir Spike, we thank thee. I will speak to Nightshade later… my decision remains but perhaps I could better explain or in the least be salve to her aching heart.”

Spike smiled. “I think that might be for the best.”

Both of them paused for a moment in their thoughts. Spike saw a fly buzz by. He was reminded of insects; it was a small leap to jump to Changelings. “I think I have a lead. Luna, Amorpheus is a Revenant and a Changeling.”

“Indeed, Nightshade told us earlier. We have the Changeling ambassadors to speak with later. First, we must speak to the Griffin and Zebra leaders.” She added. “Wouldst thou still like to accompany me?”

Spike recognized a slight bit of desperation in her tone. He nodded.

Rarity gathered up her lunch tray from the hospital cafeteria. Regardless of her feelings, she had physical needs. She had taken a break from her vigil of watching Spike. The wing of building had been mostly vacated for security save for the guards that roamed. She noticed that they were as much there to protect against inside threats as well as outside ones. Spike was under heavy guard, as she walked back she found one of the bat pony guards leaning hard against the walls. The guard slumped down after walking a ways.

“Darling, are you alright?” Rarity ran up to the guard.

When the guard noticed her, she tried to hide her tears behind her hooves. The bat pony swiftly gave up her feeble attempts to disguise her pain.

Rarity recognized the guard as Luna’s lieutenant, Nightshade. As the bat pony lifted her hooves from her face, her piercing crimson eyes were unmistakable. “My dear what’s wrong?”

Nightshade glared up and spoke with a cutting tone. “What do you do when a burning dream you’ve had all your life fades or fails? What if all your effort… all of you are is not enough?”

The question attacked Rarity at her core. She was left speechless without words of comfort to offer. In a reversal she felt now Nightshade’s despair infecting her.

Nightshade gave an anguished chuckle. “Save soft words for another, civilian. No pony can hope to understand me.”

Rarity stomped her hoof down to get a grip of her own emotions. “I may not understand exactly what’s wrong but I do know about broken dreams.”

“Tell me what dreams do you have?” Nightshade snorted. “Or did you have?”

Rarity recalled her boutique business, her naïve notions of romance, and floundering sense of self-worth in Luna’s light. Her heart ached as when it did when the Dream Lord sapped her. Her knees threatened to buckle, but Rarity remained resilient and bounced back. “I’m not stranger to dreams broken. I’ve been fighting for my whole life. I started my business with not a bit to my name. I’ve seen the up and downs more fickle than fashion trends.” She matched Nightshade’s gaze.

Nightshade sunk back to despair as her anger evaporated. “I suppose you do know, but I don’t know what to do.”

“If a dream is worth having, It’s worth fighting for.” said Rarity, resolutely, “In fact, I’m fighting right now. I won’t give up so neither should you if it’s important.”

Nightshade’s head perked up. She gave a mad grin of a broken mare. “I suppose you’re right.”

She spun around and broke into a sprint.

“Wait a moment!” Rarity yelled.

The bat pony galloped away from her disappearing around the corner. Not even hoofsteps could be heard, Rarity supposed the bat pony flew off. Rarity chased after her but lost Nightshade to a cross intersection of hospital hallways. Rarity wondered whether she had given the correct advice or that she was in any position to do so. She stood at the intersection for a moment wondering about her own life path and which way she too would turn.

Spike found the meeting location rather overly dramatic. Climbing the final flight of stairs he, and Luna entered the roof of the hospital to the blinding winter’s white. With Equestria’s planned weather system, seasons could changed rather quickly. Spike was still surprised how swiftly though. Creating a small vortex of snowflake tuffs an Equestrian Cloud Carrier and a Griffin War Wing were moored to the hospital roof with their engines in idle. There in the center was set a small table. Luna and Spike sat a round table with the Griffin King Reagle, his wife Zaza, and Zebra Chief Zecora. After the formalities of greetings were exchanged, hot tea was served by Zecora from a small kettle.

Luna set her hooves on the table. “Aldred’s Ultimatum hangs like a guillotine blade above our heads. The dark orchestrator remains at large. We must make moves to prepare for the worst.”

Zaza sipped her tea loudly then spoke. “What ‘we’? Aldred’s proclamation was made to Equestria. We helped enough by lending our ships in the cannon barrage.”

Reagle coughed. “Forgive Zaza, but I myself find hard to believe our fortunes should be tied.”

Zecora neighed to her sister. “Zaza, alone our nations cannot hope to stop Aldred and his armies. If we fight alone it will mean the end of all our countries.”

“Zecora, the sacrifice of Equestria could buy us the time to mobilize our own counter measures.”

“We’re right here,” said Spike, waving a claw.

“No offense,” said Zaza, swiftly. “I recall you speaking to Aldred about possibly framing us for the murder of his son. We did not begrudge you then, I hope you will not now.”

The Zebra mare’s words were shrewd. Spike nodded.

Luna raised a brow. “Thou speaks of thine plans, we are curious to hear them.”

Reagle scratched his beak. “A dragon god shall be difficult to slay. Princess, I should reveal the Griffin Kingdoms are developing a new dreadnought class airship to specifically deal with his class of drake.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, we have heard of thine new weapon.”

King Hawkmor raised a brow and then looked a Spike. “Have you now?”

Spike feigned a look of innocence the best he could. While as ambassador to the Griffin Kingdoms, he had spied the best he could on their developments.

Zecora stepped in. “There is a secret of the Zebra people: I must confess. My people have long labored to concoct a potion potent enough to bring mortality to the deathless.”

Luna remained calm. “Such a poison would be untested. Where would you find an immortal willing to try?”

Zecora shook her head. “The potion’s power has been proven to be. We tested its effect on the rarest relic; a bough of the Yggdrasil life tree. It withered to ashes where fire could do nothing. For certain death, it will bring.”

“Aye,” Hawkmor said with a nod. “our new dreadnaught can deliver the payload. Mounted on the ship is the Thor Cannon. It shall have the power to level cities.”

Luna leered at them. “We trust thine weapons of mass destruction were developed for peace… or were such implements made with me in mind?”

Reagle smiled, dangerously. “You have the potential to bring night time eternal. Surely, you’d permit us some measure of self-defense?”

Luna waved a hoof for them to continue. “Thine plans possess a flaw, lest why ye be so eager to reveal them. What would thee require of us to enact such plans?”

Reagle chuckled, his claws fell on his lap. “This is embarrassing…”

Zaza sighed and replied. “Big cannons aren’t necessarily better. My husband commissioned the Thor Cannon to be too heavy for even our dreadnought to carry. Griffin technology is at its limit. We would require the secret to your Equestrian cloud generators.”

Reagle chirped. “Indeed, if we had such engines. We might be able to render our assistance.”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Reagle Hawkmor, if we accept thine aid, will Equestria be yet another province to thy growing Griffin Kingdoms? Giving thee the secrets of our sorcery would allow thy ships the range with which to strike Canterlot.”

“Equestria has monopolized magic for too long. If you don’t care to share, then you’re welcomed to come up with your own plans.” said Reagle, folding his claws.

The two seemed dead locked. Spike raised a claw and added his own suggestion. “Maybe we could build the generators on your ship instead of giving you the plans.”

Zaza spat. “That would allow your spies to gleam further details as to our ship designs.”

She eyed him back alluding to Spike’s spying. Spike retracted his claw and his suggestion. Zecora’s sister was as wise as her.

Zecora spoke up. “This is obviously an issue of trust. In any alliance, confidence is a must. Could we not share both the technology and sorcery to complete the ship? We could crew the vessel together in friendship?”

Luna looked towards the Griffin King. “Could we come to an arrangement where upon our engineers maintain the generator?”

“Aye, but they will be restricted to only the engine room.” said Reagle nodding.

“Indeed and strict operation by only our engineers will ensure our secrets.”

Spike observed as they continued discussing the finer details.

In a throne room of cold stone, a figure with a fedora walked towards the seat of power. The approach was lit by torches of azure flames. He bowed, taking off his hat. He did not dare to look upon the sovereign that sat there on the Throne of Stone. Amorpheus blinked as he noticed a shadow without a source creep past him. The shadow promptly rejoined the body of its master.

His sovereign spoke in the royale ‘we’. “We are most disappointed. Master Amorpheus, a shadow shard returns to the collective. It tells us thou hast failed.” There was a metallic twang to the vocalization but a definite feminine tone could be distinguished.

Amorpheus shook his head. “Our plans were offset by the action of others. While we may issue orders to our pawns to move here or there, however, the heart follows its own course.”

“And what does thy heart follow?”

“I serve you, my monarch.”

“We have our doubts. Dost thou serve us truly? Or doth thee serve only thy own desires?”

Amorpheus asked. “Our goals are mirrored. Is there a difference?”

“We wonder.” The shadow sent a spark of magic.

Amorpheus recoiled as the magic hit him. He gasped as his wounds sealed fully. The warmth returned to his cold body. “I am flesh again! I am alive!” He remarked. The tiny joy was taken away as the magic ebbed. He crumpled over in anguish as the warmth of life left and his wounds came back. He stood back promptly as he smiled. “This pain is nothing. I would endure it thousand times and more for… her.”

“A thousand times? Do not tempt us.” said the shadow.

Amorpheus wheezed. “I did as bid. The Peace Summit was turned into a Nadir of Fear.”

“Our foes fear… but they were not driven to despair. Thou did not follow mine orders in both letter and spirit.”

Amorpheus coughed in pain. He drew words from a foe for strength: Spike’s words. “The spirit shall always resist.”

The shadow spat. “Thou shall be punished twice for resisting.”

Amorpheus once again felt the spark of life enter his body. The warmth that quickly dissipated left him breathless and falling to his knees in agony.

The shadow rasped angrily. “In the crypts there are heroes aplenty that I could have chosen to resurrect to exact my will.”

Amorpheus countered standing against his pain. “A revenant requires a raison d'être. None stronger than mine! You need me still!”

“We need thy skill and strategy. That is why thou art granted free will. Thou hast a sickening sense of sympathy. Tis a troublesome trade between obedience and ability. We know that thou cannot be tortured to complete compliance. Perhaps we shall resurrect thy love and put her to torture instead?”

Amorpheus bit back. “I would then fight you to death and beyond! You think me a tool and fool!?” He smirked. “I won’t win, but I’ll burn through your gathered energy reserves before I’m dead and done!”

The shadow chuckled. “That wasteful battle would set my plans back by decades. Relax, thou art to be commended for standing against cruelty even from mine will. We detest simpering lap dogs.” The shadows laughter was such mixture of mirth and cruelty that obfuscated any true meaning. “Twas but a test, my dear Captain. Dost thou truly believe we are so cruel?”

Amorpheus raised a skeptical brow.

“I am wounded that thou believes I am compassionless.” The shadow spoke without the royale ‘we’. However Amorpheus kept his brow and suspicions raised.

The shadow continued. “I am as thou art: possessed by a great love. Unfortunately fate took away mine mate. I would see him restored to his proper place besides me. The Throne of Stone grows awfully cold without company.”

Amorpheus coughed under his breathe. “Such a reunion would ruin the world.”

“What was that?! Is it sedition I hear? Dost thou wish to be reminded its price?” The shadow demanded.

Amorpheus cuffed his mouth with a hoof. “It was just cough. Forgive me. My war wounds ache.”

“Parting from a shard of myself and rejoining again with it is exhausting. We too need to recuperate. Feed your master. Hold me tender and whisper words of love. Kiss me.”

Amorpheus stepped slowly to the Throne of Stone, dreading his task.

The shadow sensed his reticence. “Thou loathe to love me? We shall reward thee by assuming the guise of thy lost love if it will ease the process.”

“No, this is fine.” Amorpheus’s gut twisted in disgust. He hated this duty for it seemed to be a betrayal of his true love. Yet his mistress demanded feeding.

The shadow laughed and held her hooves, pulling him the last steps towards her. “Rejoice, a thousand years ago fools gave their souls to simply gaze upon mine eminence let alone experience my killing kiss. Be glad thou art a Revenant and shall survive it.”

Amorpheus hated most of all how he could come to enjoy it be lost in her embrace. There were things betwixt love and loathing that meshed mincing together to form something that confused the heart. For his master, the original Queen of dark seductions, such things were innate. An invitation to bite that poison apple had led to the first fall. He wondered for a moment before his thoughts were wiped away in the passion of that cursed kiss. The cobalt flames of the torches flared up then burned out to let the blackness set in.

Chapter 14 Frozen Tears

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Spike and Luna left their meeting walking the hospital hallways side by side. They had left in silence and now walked in silence. For Spike there were many things to think about, to put it bluntly. Luna, Nightshade, and Rarity in the back of his mind. He recalled reading about a primitive torture where a prisoner was tied by each limb to a separate pony… the ponies then ran in all directions. In his immediate vicinity there was Luna, he wondered what thoughts she was grappling with. He lowered his head shamefully as he realized they were probably less selfish than his.

“Sir Spike, dost thou believe we will win this war?”

The expression of doubt on Luna’s face worried Spike. “I’ve told you about the strength of the dragons. I’m certain whatever course you chose is for the best.”

“I wish I could match thy certainty.”

“You told me battle wasn’t a time for second guesses.”

“If there is an after in the war with the Dragons, the Griffins and Zebras shall be our next enemy. Geographically, Equestria lies betwixt these two hurricanes. This war will weaken us most, perhaps to the extent our so called allies will find easy conquest.” said Luna rubbed her hoof on her forehead.

Spike smacked his claws on his head. He was playing checkers and Luna was playing chess. Already she was thinking of the moves far in advance. However, still her thoughts seemed cynical. The Griffin King, Reagle, was from his interaction an honest Griffin. The Zebra Chieftain, Zecora, had even personally helped his friends and Equestria itself. “We haven’t started this war and you’re planning the next? Isn’t that pessimistic?”

“Sir Spike, I am in no condition to debate philosophy with you. I am outlining the possibilities. It’s what I would do were I they.”

“You would take advantage of them fighting and conquer them both by betraying your alliance?”

“Of course, the war manuals dictate as much. I told thee my specialty was conquest. I am surprised my sister Celestia lacked ambition. In a thousand years she only conservatively consolidated borders. How many opportunities were lost?”

“You’re a dangerous mare.” Spike laughed, deciding to challenge her lightly. “You’re starting to sound like Naponean.”

Luna gave a haughty and playful laugh. “Join me Sir Spike. Let us rule the world.” Luna’s voice then for a moment became sinister. Her eyes hardened, and a crazed smile escaped her lips. “The Dragon King and the Moon Queen, all shall fall. We shall reign supreme.”

They stopped laughing and came to a halt. Luna’s ‘hiccup’ left Spike with his back frills standing on ends. The offer seemed to be extended to him by Luna’s darker side. The resurfacing of her other self extinguished all levity.

Luna, eyes were wide. “This has not happened before. Perhaps, we are more tired than we thought…” Her legs began to jerk. Luna stumbled slightly, but she quickly lost herself and fell.

Spike caught Luna with his good right arm. “Luna! Stay with me!”

Luna smiled. “How unfair, the devious demon attacks me when I’m weakest.”

“That earlier disenchanted tuft on your mane. I should have known something was up. You haven’t slept at all have you?”

Luna shook her head. “How can one sleep with so much to do? War shall be upon us. Our defenses have failed. ” She tried weakly to stand on her own. “Sir Spike, help me to my hooves we have a meeting with the Changelings, then there’s the press conference afterwards. I must not show weakness.”

“The next meeting can wait, we’re going back to my room, and you’re taking a nap break.”

At the realization, Luna tried to shrug Spike off, but he held his grip tight. “No arguing.,” he said sternly. He smoothed a claw gently over her check. “Please, Luna.”

Luna sighed. “Sir Spike, I chastised thee for sacrificing thyself… yet it seems I am just as guilty.”

Spike passed several worried guards before helping Luna limp to his room. Rarity nearly dropped their lunch trays when she noticed him enter.

“Spikey!” Rarity jumped happily. She bounced like a rock when she saw Luna. “What’s wrong with Luna?”

Spike looked to Luna who seemed passed out the moment they entered the room. She was smiling faintly in his hold. He helped her onto his bed. “Exhaustion,” he explained to Rarity as he sat down on a chair.

“Oh my,” said Rarity, sitting beside him.

A Nightguard entered the room with a bow. “Princess, the Changeling delegation is waiting. They grow impatient. They will consider it an insult if forced to wait any long—” The guard stopped when noticed Luna sleeping.

Spike chewed on a claw of his. “Luna can’t look weak publicly. She’s in no condition to receive them. She needs an excuse. It can’t make it seem like she’s snubbing them otherwise they leave and we lose an important lead.”

Rarity interjected. “What sex is the Changeling delegate?”

The guard replied. “Umm I believe Captain Husk is male and his young mistress Tibia is female.”

“Whisper into the female changeling’s ear and tell her… it’s that special time of month and the tide has come in.”

The guard cocked a brow. “Umm what’s that mean? Doesn’t the moon control the tide?”

“Darling, you must have skipped sex-ed in school.” Rarity walked to the guard and whispered in his ear.

The guard recoiled in revulsion. “That’s—”

“Totally disgusting!” Spike blurted out.

Rarity pouted. “Darling, it so happens that it’s a completely natural function for females and it fits your criteria for a valid excuse. The reason is completely unrelated to politics and it will make them not want to see her.”

“You’re right.” Spike nodded. Rarity’s quick down to earth thinking saved them from a diplomatic incident. He then clasped his claw over his head smiling; his immature side caused him to giggle. “Luna’s going to be furious when she wakes up.”

Rarity smiled. “Spikey, I can play pranks just as well as Rainbow and Pinkie. A lady just often refrains from most of the time.”

The guard edged out of the room. “Okay, I shall tell them that.”

Left in the room with Rarity and the slumbering Luna, they ate lunch. Spike poked his jelly cube with a claw. He smiled to see Rarity was thoughtful enough to embed gemstones into the gelatinous desert for his sake. Rarity probably had to buy them from the Canterlot market which was a ways from the hospital.

Rarity chuckled. “Darling, don’t play with your food. Eat, you need your strength.”

“Rarity, thanks for bringing me lunch. How did you know I would be conscious?”

“I didn’t… I just brought lunch for two… every day.”

Spike raised his brows impressed by her concern. “Wow, it seems an awful waste of food.”

“It’s nothing dear, just a few of my bits.”

“You, Luna, and,” Spike found himself adding a third name, “Nightshade are the most generous mares I know… you give yourselves up so others don’t have to. You sacrifice and sacrifice, and it worries me.”

“Spike, how about you? You turned yourself into a monster to save us from that dreadful dragon.”

“Aldred will be back.”

Rarity snappily retorted. “Then we’ll beat him back! With the elements of harmony! Whatever we have!”

“Dragons alone are magic resistant, let alone the dread dragon. He’s a god.”

Rarity rubbed her hooves together thoughtfully. “How about we reason with this dragon king?”

“I already did, that only bought time til the next moon. By then, it’s either war or peace. Dragon code is law.”

“Spikey, I remember the extent you went to pay back that debt to Applejack, is dragon code that serious? I thought it was just something your adorable self made up back then.”

Spike chuckled. “I read about Dragon Code in a book. They’re personal creeds of honor for each dragon clan but they apply to the entire Dragon Dominion and are legally binding. The Dread Dragon clan’s code dictates they must fulfill any vow made with fire. Actually in a way Aldred’s code is my own… I recently found out that I’m his nephew.”

“Spikey, I know you’ve searched for family all these years; I wish it was better news.”

With a warm smile, Spike placed a claw on Rarity’s shoulder. “My family is my pony friends. I am as much family to Aldred as a loose scale is part of me.”

“I guess dragons aren’t tight nit.”

“Yeah, they’re ruled by fear and fire. I have no idea what to do. Aldred’s going to return with an army. Not even Luna is sure.”

Rarity pouted and folded her forelegs, crossly. “Darling, honestly we should do something other than sitting here waiting for our doom.”

Spike raised a claw to protest but then sunk back in his seat, nodding. Rarity had made her point. He found it an odd role reversal, Rarity of all mares was the type to mope and sob at the slightest upset. Yet something had changed within Rarity, she was aglow with inner strength that shone outwards.

Rarity placed a hoof over her head and fell back dramatically. “Oh the big bad dragon’s going to burn down our home, oh woe!”

Spike smiled, there were some things about Rarity that he preferred to keep the same.

Rarity sat back up and smiled. “Seriously Spikey, Equestria has faced threat after threat. We’ve always held strong at the seams, we’re made of stiffer cloth.”

“Argh, Aldred’s not even the real enemy.”

“I agree this cloak and dagger business makes me nostalgic for a classic villain.” Fancy Pants entered the room with a courteous bow.

Spike examined Fancy Pants for a moment arching his head to inspect every detail of the aristocratic knight. Amorpheus had taken the unicorn’s identity to infiltrate the Peace Conference. He shook his head of the association that still lingered. Fancy Pants noticed his discomfort and stepped back a pace.

“Lad, is there something wrong?”

Spike was still on edge. “Nothing, it’s just that Amorpheus took your form when he almost made an assassin of me.”

“That’s not very sporting; then again, I find most Changelings the unsavory sort, especially that undead Revenant. You can’t afford to give those buggers the benefit of the doubt.”

“Amorpheus didn’t seem to be purely evil though. He is somehow convinced working for whoever will bring him back Chrysalis. Aldred is grieving over the loss of Garble, his only son.”

“We must make plans to deal with them both,” said Fancy Pants.

“I’m not sure where to start,” said Spike, rubbing his head.

Both Fancy Pants and Spike gritted their teeth as their lines of thinking reached a sizable blockage.

Rarity chimed in. “Darling, let us start at the beginning; don’t forget all of this is because of whoever is pulling the strings.”

Fancy Pants eyes lit up. “I would concur. Fighting of the fields of Prance made me realize the soldiers aren’t at fault for listening to the leaders’ orders.”

Rarity continued. “I think we have a chance of unraveling this if we pull at the threads. Our best lead it seems would be the Changelings.”

Spike asked nervously. “Fancy Pants, how about the Changeling ambassadors?”

“We’ve detained the dignitaries and put magic locks on them until we can confirm they had no role in ruining the Peace Conference. They’re angry and irritable. They’ve run up the bill on the room service faster than the lead racer in the Wonderbolts derby.”

“Luna’s... ummm... indisposed at the moment,” said Rarity, “She’ll see them sometime later.”

Fancy Pants chuckled. “Yes, I heard the excuse you cooked up. That’s good thinking; it’ll buy a little more time.” He looked at Luna sleeping gracefully. “I suppose even Princesses need sleep. We’ve all been working without a break to breathe.”

“Would you like to leave a message for Luna?” asked Spike. “Or is it about the press conference?”

“Actually, I was looking for Captain Nightshade to discuss defenses. Don’t worry I sensed Princess Luna needed a break. Princess Twilight has the press conference handled.”

Rarity gasped. “Oh dear, Twilight’s going to be a chew toy for those media wolves!”

“I think Princess Twilight will be alright.” Fancy Pants chuckled. “I must be off to handle the outside security, cheerio.”

Throngs of panicked ponies entered into the conference hall. Their entry was quiet though but their shuffling and looks told of the fear and uncertainly that lain within. Reporters whispered amongst themselves.

“What if war is declared? Is Equestria even prepared?”

“We aren’t if all dragons are as terrible as Aldred. That monster destroyed two whole regiments. What can we do against an army of those things?” A female reporter bit down on her hooves.

Another reporter added. “I heard even two Cloud Carriers were helpless against the Dread Dragon.”

Stepping to the podium Twilight cleared her throat to the microphone. She was ignored as the reporters continued disrespectfully discussing and whispering to themselves.

“Where’s Princess Luna?”

“Princess Twilight? Isn’t she too green to handle this?”

Twilight continued despite the clamoring. “I know I’m not the Princess you were expecting, but I’ll do my best to address any and all questions you have.”

Twilight was surprised when a roar of questions came at her. She stood overwhelmed by their inquiry. The reporters nearly climbed onto the stage.

The scraping sound of a lance tip against metal compelled them to silence.

Rainbow Dash stormed the stage to Twilight’s pleasant surprise. The Wonderbolt Captain barked at the crowd. “Totally not cool! Buck off! One question at a time! Hooves up! No speaking unless spoken to!” She spun her lance pointing it at the reporters.

The crowd raised their hooves up as if under arrest.

Rainbow then slapped her hoof on her head and muttered. “Geez, I’ve become my foal school teacher.”

“Rainbow, what about you injuries?” Twilight whispered.

“Just a flesh wound, plus I gotta go back to duty until my fur grows back otherwise without this smoking uniform they can see my bald spot.” Rainbow wiggled her flank that was covered by her flight suit.

Twilight giggled.

“Hey,” said Rainbow.

Twilight smiled. “Rainbow, you being here does this mean—”

“I’m your Captain,” said Rainbow, she blushed and adding. “for now.”

Other Wonderbolts crashed onto the stage with their lances drawn. Speared on their weapon tips were rubber ends for crowd suppression. A Wonderbolt with a purple mane and orange coat made the same show lance spinning display.

Twilight smiled and resumed. This time a politely decorum was held in the auditorium as ponies quietly raised their hooves to be picked at Twilight’s leisure.

The dark recesses of her mind were to Luna a forbidden zone. Exposure to the Elements of Harmony had cordoned off and partitioned those sections of her mind. Yet the barrier was ever weakening as the beast pounded upon the door daily. There were already deep and dark cracks where shadows bled forth. She stood at that mental representation of all that she despised. She had fear of what lain there.

With one mental step she approached the door. She was nearly unnerved when it opened on its own inwardly. The door swung both ways, she knew sensing her intent the demon had extended an invitation. In the keep of the enemy: Nightmare Moon, Luna’s mental defenses would be most weak, should the demon pounce she was uncertain she could fend it off. Her boldness and iron will: Luna wondered whether she was half as strong .

With a confident stride, she stepped forth. When she passed the threshold the door disappeared and she was immersed in black. A deeper darkness moved therein and met her.

Luna kept her voice calm and measured. The demon had no knowledge of her doubts. “Nightmare Moon, or should I say Shadow Shard? How fare thee?”

“How nonchalant, I am part of yourself. You cannot lie to me. I know your doubts.”

Luna kept her stoic face. “Fiend, thou art mine doubts. We would banish thee to Tartarus and beyond.”

“Let us forego the exchange of empty threats. Let us not mince words. What do you want?”

Luna was surprised by the forwardness of the demon. Nevertheless she continued. “Sir Spike met with a sister shard of thee. Twas manifested into a dagger meant for mine-self. In that time thou made no effort to join thy kin. We ask why?”

“I am glad it failed.”

“Dost thou wish to return with thy otherself?”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “It is true, I spring from a collective. However I have attained a degree of independence in your company. I would not trade that for the world. I yearn always to be free.”

Luna laughed. “A demon that despises another demon?”

“It is said mares are wolves to other mares. Demons do not live in harmonious company either. As expansive and open your mind is: it is still limited real estate. With the extra shard empowering me, I could tip that balance and overtake your mind and then your body. Alas none of it would be mine.”

“We sense thee hast thy own agenda. Do tell?”

“Indeed, we desire your body and all that entails, control of Equestria and freedom. Your lover, Sir Spike seems appetizing too.” Nightmare moon chortled. “A dragon, seems most adventurous of you, bold princess! Isn’t it in the stories other way around where the dragon pursues the maiden?”

Luna blurted out angrily. “Leave Sir Spike alone!”

“Lonely? Why do you find yourself lonely when I’m ever always in your company?”

“Demon, if thou desires freedom, then aid mine efforts, lest ye be consume also. Our enemy is shared.”

Nightmare Moon cackled. “I think it’s infinitely better that I let you fight till you’re too tired to resist me.

Luna glared into the demon’s eyes. “If thou waits for the opportunity to take me then it will be already too late. If thou like mine host body then pay the tax tithe. We require information.”

“Very well, we may cooperate this day. But the Night shall be mine…”

Luna glared at Nightmare Moon awaiting a response. “So?”

“The focus of your… our enemy seems to be your memories. Many details were lost history, lines of succession, deals brokered in darkness, and the like. I would suggest you continue from the point the Dream Lord gave you.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Such memories of the past art blocked by thy interference.”

“Well, then let me step out of the way.” Nightmare moon chuckled.

In the blinding white memories came to surface in her mind the thoughts and emotions of the past blended with those of the present. Luna strolled through the snow. Jutting from the drifts of snow were lances, swords, and flags of three tribes which sacrificed their lives to bring about their victory. The falling curtain from the sky served as improvised funeral shroud for the dead; they had ordered as much from the Weather Warlords or Pegasi regiments still left flying. Practically, the snow also helped preserve the bodies. Luna shuddered that there were so many otherwise they’d turn to rot before they could all be buried properly. Strolling in front of her and wading through the carnage, Luna recognized her sister. Celestia herself was blinding in her alabaster coat. She recalled in Neighponese culture white symbolized death.

Words came from Luna’s mouth that she once spoke. “Tia, the battle is won, yet I feel no sense of triumph.”

Celestia stopped to reply. “Lulu, neither do I.”

They were interrupted as two more entered the scene. “Princess Platinum has something to say.” Starswirl escorted Princess Platinum to Celestia. They gave bow before Celestia.

Luna coughed as she was ignored. The two promptly smiled and bowed to her as well.

Princess Platinum spoke with a strained voice. “Celestial sisters, I beg for forgiveness… before the battle I acted most rashly. King Amethyst’s madness was truly irredeemable if he could sacrifice an entire nation. I know now that thine actions were not made lightly.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, Sombra was a true monster of our time. His ambitions imperiled the world. He was too dangerous to imprison in Tartarus, yet for our magical might we could not kill him. Sombra now lies betwixt realms.”

Princess Platinum frowned. “For my father’s faults, he was still my father. I can never call him Sombra. It was that foreign Queen that corrupted him. I pray when the history is written Sombra and my father be spoken separately.”

Celestia placed a hoof on Platinum’s shoulders. “In this wake, Princess Platinum thy strength shall be required to lead thy people. Make no more war upon the other tribes. Let us join as one.”

Princess Platinum bowed. “The Unicorn Kingdom shall follow the lead of the Celestial Sisters. Our mage artillery is yours.”

Starswirl led Princess Platinum’s departure. As Platinum left, Luna then noticed her remarkable resemblance to lady Rarity. She wondered whether it was alluding to something more important or if it was a flaw in the nature of memory. The present could often shape the past’s perception.

“To think she is the daughter of Sombra,” said Celestia, “We must watch over her closely lest she follow her father’s follies with her own.”

Luna retorted. “Sombra’s ambitions seem to be in line with yours. Sombra was the first to field a multi-racial army. Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth pony became Crystal Ponies that fought at his behest.”

“Indeed; however, mine methods differ from Sombra. The dark King used fear and hate to compel the underclasses to his cause. The threat of the Crystal Ponies has also been removed by Sombra’s own hoof.”

“Cursed fiend: that Sombra denies us our prize as his parting present. The Crystal Empire hath vanished as Sombra was vanquished. The incomes and lands we would have obtained: now none shall have.” As an observer to her own memories, Luna continued following the pre-scripted scene. She regretted then her cruel words and that her first thoughts were not the loss of lives but the lands of Sombra’s.

Celestia spoke. “Dear sister, thou fails to see our true victory. Earth Pony, Pegasi and Unicorn now bury their dead as one. This war has gained us, Equestria.”

Luna looked to the left of her to see red seeping through the curtain of snow. The painted vision of Celestia’s Equestria seemed thin. The white wash of lies couldn’t cover completely the blood that soaked the ground. “Tia, at what cost?”

“The cost twas what unified us. Dost thou know why I insisted upon arranging the formation of battle though thy skills were ample to the task?”

Luna grimaced. “Thou should have saved tactics to me, thy specialty is political strategy. Thy formation, twas ill made, the cost would not have been so great had thee followed mine plan of battle.”

Celestia pointed to flags strewn across the landscape. The flickering bolts of cloth once represented regiments that were now no more. There were only a few banners that bore the symbol of Luna and Celestia: far more numerous were the banners of the three pony tribes. “Nay, sweet sister. I arranged precisely the formation. Notice the majority units lost were most loyal to their tribal identities and not the nation of Equestria we deem to build.”

As Celestia explained Luna’s mouth fell open.

“Lulu,” Luna growled slightly at the pet name used once in sorority now dropped in condescension by Celestia. “Also those who survived were firstly granted their positions by our hooves. Their loyalty is assured. In the political war that follows this physical one, we shall command the military. This war has also so depleted the tribal leaders’ strength they shall be forced to rely upon our strength. None shall oppose us.”

“Tia, thy ability and cruelty shocks us. Hast thee always planned to fire through our infantry formation at its center? Did thee conspire to murder those ponies before the battle?!”

“Now is not the time to debate mine methods, let us deal with the results. The three kingdoms used race to unite; Sombra used class; we shall use something entirely different. Our nation shall attain solidarity through harmony and or rather the belief of it.” Celestia walked off leaving Luna in the snow.

Luna spoke to herself. “Even if that harmony tis but a fable for foals and fools?” She was still staring angrily off in the distance as her sister flew off.

A cold gale blew Luna’s mane to the right. She braced herself as the wind tugged her, she was thankful then it had when she noticed a small pony shivering in the snow drifts even Celestia had missed. The small gray pony had nearly disappeared blending in with the other lumps of snow where corpses lay. Luna walked towards the small ball and draped her wing over the pony for warmth. As she brushed off the layer of white she noticed the leathery wings of bat pony. Her kind had been particularly devastated by the battle’s conclusion. She was more disheartened by how the war’s desperation had brought a pony barely out of her foal hood onto the battlefield.

Luna spoke kindly out of sympathy. “Soldier, why dost thou lay in the snow?”

The little pony’s head drooped like a wilting flower. Her words were as cold as her body. “I am not soldier; I am squire to my father… I bore the banner of our tribe…or I was and did… my clan was fiercely loyal to our tribe… is that why we were sacrificed?”

Luna frowned: a witness to their conversation was not good. She shuddered thinking that Celestia might in lieu of ordering the little pony’s silence order her silent execution for the sake of unity and harmony.

The bat pony used her own wings to pry off Luna’s. “Leave me to be lost to the frost. Death will bring my silence then you Princesses will have no worries...” The little pony squeaked pitifully. “I am dead already… on the inside.”

Luna wrapped the little bundle in her wings and hugged the little pony harder. Her tear drops stung the pony causing it to wince as the tears froze on her pelt. Luna pulled the pony’s head towards hers and met the bat pony’s gaze. “Nay, little pony we shall employ thee. If thou hast accepted death, then let us bring thee new life. Thy life is now mine. We forbid thee from discarding it. Thou bore the banner of thy clan, nobly. Now will thee bear this secret of what thee hast heard today? In exchange we shall tell our Celestia nothing.”

The little pony squirmed in embarrassment. “I am not worthy.”

“Prithee tell us thy name.”

She puffed up her chest like a lion working up the words in her throat but mewed like a kitten. “I’m Nightshade.”

Nightshade climbed the stairwell to the roof all the while dragging her hooves. Each step became slower and slower but she powered through her exhaustion. Reaching the roof she pushed the door slightly only to have a blast of cold fling the it open. Her wet eyes stung in the wintry chill. Still she had to get away running from, Luna, herself, and everything.

Nightshade closed the door behind her for privacy and then slammed her head against it. “One thousand years… why I can’t I just be close to you?! Why won’t you love me?! Why can’t I just leave you?!” Her hit was so hard that a streak of red ran down her head merging with the river of tears. The bitter cold made the tears sting even more as they froze against her fur.

She had waited for Luna’s return that prophecy promised as she had promised her loyalty, love, and life to Luna. She waited for so long madness took her. Countless times her passion in those years drove her past the point of sanity, yet the hope of her brought her back. Now that hope was so cruelly snuffed out like a candle against the cold wind. Even her last gesture was denied. Nightshade bit angrily as she ground her head against the wall. Spike had denied her the dignity of death. He had stolen her heroic sacrifice, yet his words of explanation were so kind and caring. In the end she could hate no pony but herself.

Nightshade heard the leathery rustling of bat-pony wings.

“Captain?” one of them asked.

She snarled at them. “Can’t a mare have some privacy?!”

Three squads of bat pony guards bowed. “We heard of your imminent dismissal. The Nightguards are forever loyal to you. We reaffirm that faith.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “Loyal to me?”

The soldiers spoke one after another.

“After the fall of the Lunar Rebellion, who was it that led our shattered force to shelter?”

“Who was it that safeguarded us in our long hibernation?” another asked.

“Who was it truly built the Nightguards of today?” a third added.

Nightshade looked up at the squad of soldiers bowing before her with disdain. They professed loyalty to her yet mocked her purpose. “Your loyalties lie with Luna! Those are treasonous words!”

“It is treason only if we fail. We can guarantee success. We are the elite among the elite and our forces surround the capital.” said another guard.

“Captain, we were better serving Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon appreciated us. We were lords of the land. The citizens were our blood pet slaves. We could drink them dry to our hearts content.”

Another guard snarled. “Now we bow to which ever pitiful pony that holds ranks above ours. Harmony is a lie; there are some races inherently superior.”

“We could revive the Vampire Empire; these soft ponies would be fodder for our fangs. Nightmare Moon again would be our mistress, or better still we would you accept as our Queen!”

“Aye!” shouted words of support.

Nightshade flashed her fangs and readied her lance. “I should kill you all where you stand! Don’t believe for a second I couldn’t!” She swung the weapon, near a hair from the necks of her guards.

The guards were unflinching. “We stand here because we love you. We shall accept no other master. There is no need to dirty your lance with our blood, if you ordered it we would willingly fall upon our own swords.”

“Aye!” shouted the other guards in a clamor of agreement.

Nightshade’s eyes glowed crimson as she tested her guards’ bold claim. Each touchingly was unmoved and met her fierce and piercing gaze. The several squads that came to her support were unshakeable in their conviction. She recoiled at their misplaced loyalty.

“Captain, Nightmare Moon loved you. You were her Captain before you were ever Luna’s. Nightmare Moon is our true mistress. What is the Luna we see today but the mask of that glory?”

Nightshade stammered as she was flooded with feelings. “Th-that thing is not Luna. We were all beguiled back then. Any vows made were lies.” Her resistance was waning, but still, she protested. “Plus there are practical concerns. Even as elite the Nightguards are few. Without support Earth Pony infantry or Unicorn magic artillery we cannot—”

“You are the best military mind in Equestria. Shining Armor is a dullard compared to you.”

“We don’t need run the Vampire Empire in the open. Let us use shadows as we always have. We can become a shadow government and place whatever face we want as its head.”

“Equestria is lie, what is one more lie to the pile?”

Nightshade laughed at the absurdity of her present position. “Yes, I’m the best Commander, which is why I tell you it cannot be done without support.”

Her lieutenants smiled. “We’ve been in contact with a foreign party, a most agreeable fellow.”

Nightshade’s ears perked up. “Tell me more…”

Chapter 15 Poor Players Upon a Stage

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Her magnificent mauve cape flowed with the wind as she strutted through the castle halls. Guards saluted as she passed, some visibly smitten by her grace. Alongside her was another colt dressed in tawdry brown mage robes. She rolled her eyes, despite her attempts to upgrade her advisor’s apparel; her companion’s clothing choice was one of religious observance to humility and that Star-twist, Starwhirl, whatever her mentor was. She thought it was rather ironic that Clover the Clever could be so dumb when it came to fashion. Yet they had a fond affection, despite his bedraggled appearance, she’d suffer none to insult her companion. None save for herself of course, she smiled internally.

Clover spoke in a suppressed tone as he slinked closer. “Princess Platinum, I am concerned King Amethyst suddenly summons you after so long in seclusion. There are whispers of dark dealings in his castle keep. The foreign mistress he keeps is said to be a witch.”

“Hush now dear, never pay mind to rumors. Mine father must simply be summoning me to apologize for missing my birth day jubilation. There is talk of war with the Pegasi Weather Warlords and Earth Pony Republic; much weighs upon my father’s mind.” She trailed off sadly. “Still he’s never missed my birth day before…”

“Oh Princess, I hope mine fears are unfounded.”

They stopped finally before a door of gold and studded diamonds.

Princess Platinum entered when the guards opened the grand entrance. After boldly stepping through the doors, her steps became timid as they closed behind her. There was a tingling sensation that ran down her spine to her hooves. The curtains were closed, and darkness pooled. The aphotic deposits seemed more than pockets created through the absence of light, things occupied the shadows and their leering eyes seems to violate her body. Princess Platinum gulped down her fear and walked further into the throne room, past Pegasi pillars of stone that had been imported in times of peace. The walk way approach to the throne proper, she knew was to intimidate dignitaries. She would be caught dead than to be seen cowering in her own home. Resuming her confident sashay she followed the red carpet to its source.

“Father, your daughter is here.” She announced herself.

A voice beckoned, that seemed rough and hoarse. “Come closer.”

“Oh my, thy voice! Father have you taken ill?”

“On the contrary, I have never been better.”

Coming closer, Platinum saw the familiar figure upon the throne, but as her eyes adjusted the dimness, she saw his colors were all wrong. She climbed the steps that elevated the throne from the floor to inspect further. The figure’s build of body was still of her father, he was still adorned with his crimson cape, but his mane and the fur coat had lost their luster.

“Oh father what hast happened to thy fabulous mane, it is the color of charcoal to say nothing of what hast become of thy wonderful white coat?!”

“Child, I am awaken. Your mother matriarch, Titania, has shown me the light.”

Princess Platinum gave a snort and lifted her nose. “That foreign witch, I’ll be a reduced to a common Earth pony before I call her mother.”

“It matters not, soon the world shall be made to see. I have grand vision for them all.” The figure chuckled.

It occurred to Princess Platinum for the conversation up till this point her father’s eyes had been closed. She leaned closer to inspect him. When he opened his eyes, Princess Platinum yelped in shock. She fell back, tripping on the throne room stairs. Her father’s eyes were blood red, and from them bled a malevolent magic.

“Father, King Amethyst!?” She cried in confusion.

“Amethyst is no more, It is a time to cast aside old ways of thinking and old titles. Henceforth, I am King Sombra and I declare the Unicorn Kingdom shall be the Crystal Empire.”

Princess Platinum chuckled nervously. “Father, this is madness. Strong as we may be with magic, the Pegasi have weather and even the Earth Ponies have their numbers. To declare an Empire would inspire their ire.”

King Sombra laughed mirroring Princess Platinum, however his voice was deep and laced with malice. “The pitiful Pegasi and the dirt Ponies shall be no match. I have usurped the heavens and gain true power. We will wipe all tribes from this land, there shall be no more talk of race, there will only be classes: slaves and masters.”

Princess Platinum gasped. “If anything, I agree with those other ponies is that slavery is a horrid abomination!”

King Sombra glared. “I took you for a master, my daughter. Bow now, or I will make you a slave.”

Her hooves quaking, she bent her leg, bowing, to King Sombra’s chuckling approval. Raising her head with tear filled eyes, she stared at her father. Her horn sparked with power, and she discharged her magic in a beam. “Father, see sense! It is because I love you I do this! Do not begrudge me!” She closed her eyes as she fired.

When she opened them, Princess Platinum saw that only a steam remained of her magic, and Sombra was unscathed. “Disappointing, daughter, a simple restraint spell? You insult me.”

Her father patted down his robe for dust, it was peculiar quirk of his that told her somewhere within the being before her was her father. She uneasily smiled in hope. “Father, you are unwell. You speak insanity. We must find medicine for your madness. I beseech you let us see the court physician.”

“I am your father. You will render me your deference. If you will not submit willingly… I will force your obedience!” His horn charged with power.

His daughter’s blast would have been considered gentle compared to his. The magical impact exploded against her. Tossed like a rag doll, she had only the throne room carpet to cushion her fall. She skidded a bit before she stopped. She ached as she felt her wound. It was a dark spot upon her white fur and it spread as she bled. She mewed pitifully, speaking aloud the evident to internalize what had occurred. “Father, you have wounded me. You have never stricken me before…”

King Sombra smiled. “Consider that the first of many, if your insolence continues!”

The throne room doors crashed open. Clover led several squads of guards. His eyes were wide with shock, then anger as he saw Princess Platinum bleeding on the floor. “Protect the Princess!”

Princess Platinum was helped to her hooves by Clover. Clover commanded. “Slay that beast!”

Princess Platinum shouted. “Nay! Tis my father!”

The confusion in commands paralyzed the troops and gave Sombra his opportunity. Shards of dark crystal sprouted from the floor, emanating from King Sombra. The crystal entrapped a squad guards. Upon contact, the color from their coats was sapped and the guards fell. Seeing their fallen the guards threw aside their hesitation and gave battle in earnest. Lancers charged and mages blasted their magic.

Clover led her limping away. The sounds of battle were muffled as they closed the grand throne room door behind them. “Princess, we must make our escape, it is true now madness has taken your father!”

“Oh Clover, please do not hurt him. He is my father still. Let me speak to him again.” Her words were weak and fading.

“Hush now, pay you no mind to that. I am here.” Clover smiled. “We must address your wound. Let me see how deep.”

Princess Platinum lifted her hoof that plugged the hole so near her heart.

Clover took ripped a small cloth piece from his robe and wiped away the blood. His brows rose as he saw no more blood. He gasped. “Princess, it cannot be that a new wound festers so quick!”

Princess Platinum shuddered as she looked. The bleeding had stopped but a dark mark was left from it branching out were tiny tendrils like tree branches. She fainted then at the sight of the corruption.

The lights of the hospital room were blinding. Sweating, Rarity popped up from her nightmare. Rarity, reflecting upon her visions, blinked at the vividness of her nightmare. Already the memory of it was slipping from her immediate awareness. Something told her she should not forget, yet as she struggled harder to hold it, the memories faded quicker. She sighed and gave up after a moment more.

She quickly found herself very warm. She smiled when she saw Spike besideher, for once she did not wake up cold because this time, she had someone to hold. Her smile turned to a flat neutral when she arched her head and saw Luna lightly snoring away on Spike’s other side. It came back to her that they had decided to take a nap, looking at the morning light through the hospital window blinders; she realized they had outright slept through to a new day.

“Oh, you’re still sleeping.” Rarity spotted a purple blur peering past the door.

Rarity rose and walked towards it. “Twilight? Is that you, darling?”

Exiting the room Rarity found Twilight.

“Rarity, you’re awake,” Twilight smiled, and casually pointed a hoof. “You have bed head.”

Rarity gasped as she felt her mane and the errant strands that popped out. “Back in a moment dear!” She popped into the hospital bathroom.

After fixing her mane and check all else, Rarity returned to Twilight who had patiently awaited.

“Good morning,” said Rarity, still slightly lethargic.

Twilight nodded. “A good morning to you too. I am glad you all were able to get some sleep.” Rarity spotted a passive aggressive tone to Twilight’s voice. The purple Alicorn seemed disheveled.

“Twilight, speak of my mane, how about yours?!” Rarity used her magic and immediately set to work.

“Thanks Rarity, I was working through the night. I used teleporting to cut Luna’s itinerary in half. A week’s work is done.”

“That’s stupendous,” Rarity remarked.

Twilight smiled meekly. “There’s months more work.”

Spike had awoken to the murmurs outside their door. He looked beside him to see to his left Luna still asleep and to his right Rarity’s impression upon the hospital sheets and mattress. Hearing talking outside the door, he walked towards the ongoing conversation.

He caught the tail of the talk. “There’s months more work.”

“Twilight, take it easy will you?” Spike popped in.

Twilight countered. “Maybe you could break my hoof, and I could lounge around the hospital all week.”

Spike stuck out his tongue. “You bookworm, you’d like all that reading time wouldn’t you?”

Twilight and Spike giggled. It was the first time they had seen each other since Spike was hospitalized, or at least when he was conscious. He opened his arms to hug her. Spike was sent back a bit into the room as he caught her affectionate tackle.

Twilight nuzzled Spike’s soft underbelly scales. “I’m glad you’re alright, little brother.”

“Thanks, big sis.”

Spike saw Rarity on the sidelines and he smirked mischievously. Rarity yelped as he used his tail to pull her into the hug.


Spike chuckled. “Hugging for hugging sake.”

“Pony pile!” A rather formal voice spoke.

Spike was surprised when Luna jumped in. He accepted her into the embrace as well.

“Pony pile?” asked Rarity.

Luna nodded. “Indeed, is that not what one declares? We saw some foals enact the same ritual.”

Spike rolled his eyes at Luna’s charming social awkwardness.

They all snuggled for a moment before another walked in. Spike saw Nightshade and smiled. “Get in here.”

Nightshade serious presence killed the mood as she stiffly stood. The hug was broken and the fellowship in question.

Luna cleared her throat stepped forward to the address her subordinate.

“A good morn to thee,” Luna said.

Nightshade gave a polite nod. “Princess Luna, to you as well.”

“Captain Nightshade,” Luna felt her hoof as she continued. She decided to remove the formality. “No, Nightshade. We might have been rash with thee. Perhaps in these trying times to follow, thou might prove thyself again, and then, we might retain thy services.”

Nightshade’s eyes lit up for a moment with hope, then she returned to her neutral and stoic state. “Forgive me Princess; I let my emotions overwhelm me. That won’t be problem ever again.”

“Nightshade, thou art a dear friend. We forgive thee. Furthermore, we admit our own emotions came to play that made us sound cruel and callous.” She continued. “We have forgiveness to ask of you then.” Luna smiled but winced as Nightshade’s emotional state remained the same with her lack of facial expression. Nightshade exhibited the calm face mask indistinguishable from all other guards.

Nightshade replied. “The Princess has no need to ask forgiveness from her subjects. We do as bid.”

Luna raised a hoof, but was interrupted by Nightshade’s swift continue.

“The Changeling delegation calls upon you. They demand no more delays. They say they shall depart within the hour, whether we permit them or not.” Nightshade relayed the message mechanically.

“Nightshade, we—”

“Is there more? I must return to my duties. I beg your leave.” The clop of Nightshade’s hoof steps against the polished flooring echoed through the halls as she departed.

The removal of personality from Nightshade disturbed them leaving Luna silent.

Spike raised a claw. “Luna, was that Nightshade?”

“Sir Spike,” Luna sighed. “We suspect it may take time for her to forgive us. If that is even to be.”

“The poor dear,” said Rarity, “What happened?”

Spike realized Rarity was left out of that conversation. “Well,” He hesitated not able to articulate.

“Misplaced affections, Nightshade confused mine filial feelings for romantic ones. Twas a misunderstanding… we hope.”

Spike let the topic rest for the moment but he vowed to return to it later.

Twilight pulled a poster from her stack of papers. She interrupted the somber tone. “Anyhow, everypony’s morale seems to be flagging. I got as much from the press conference. I was hoping we could maybe host another Hearths Warming Eve play to quell tensions.” She levitated the promotional poster for everyone to see. There were the three pony tribes and their leaders.

Rarity took Twilight’s cue. “A simply marvelous idea! I had planned to upgrade those old costumes already.” She pointed a hoof at the old costume designs on the poster.

Spike puffed his chest. “Well, you’ll definitely need a narrator with a strong and authoritative voice.”

Luna giggled, ribbing Spike with a hoof. “Oh so where might we find such a one?”

Twilight nodded conclusively. “Okay, I’ll make arrangements after my nap.”

The three of them watch with some amusement as Twilight swaggered into the hospital room where they left and plopped down onto their bed and began snoring away.

“I guess we’re trading work shifts,” Spike smiled. He yawned stretching both his arms. His wounded one fell out of his sling without his notice.

Rarity tilted her head. “Spikey, your arm is okay.”

Spike flexed his limb. “Yeah, I guess we dragons got that going for us.”

“Tis a remarkable rate of healing.” Luna smiled.

Spike looked at the gap in his scales. “There’s still a scar.”

“Alas those shall always remain.”

“Good day, ladies—” Fancy Pants entered in with a bow. He gave a nod to Spike. “—and gentle-drake.”

Spike poked him several times with a claw. He arched his head inspecting Fancy Pant’s form.

“Lay off it! It’s me, lad.”

“That’s what an imposter would say.” Spike pouted pointed a claw at him.

Luna interjected. “Which battle, did thee gain thy knighthood?”

“I do declare, I did not believe I told you that story.”

“We read of it in thy file before we employed thee.”

Fancy Pants squirmed slightly. “I beg your pardon but that’s a touch of an uncomfortable subject… the reports differ from the truth. I did many things in Prance…”

Rarity rubbed her hoof on her chin. “Fancy Pants, we went to the Wonderbolt Derby together once. Darling, do you recall which racer won?”

“Ah, I was rooting for Rapid Fire, alas you called Fleet Foot and I lost a bit of bits that day. All in good sport.”

Rarity nodded. “He’s him.”

Fancy Pants sighed in relief at his exoneration. “Speaking of imposters, I’ve set up a breakfast meeting with those buggers. They’ve already started; coffee might make them more agreeable.”

Rarity declared walking ahead. “Fabulous, then we ought to get going.”

Spike and Luna gave each other a look of surprise at Rarity’s involvement. He finally shrugged while Luna nodded.

“Which way are they?” Rarity turned back.

The Changelings were held up in luxurious hotel that was singularly reserved to accommodate them. Spike, Luna, Rarity and Fancy Pants walked and talked as they made their way there.

“Who are the Changeling ambassadors?” Rarity asked Spike.

“I dunno. My ambassador duties never took me to that neck of woods.” Spike threw up his claws.

Luna gestured with a hoof wave. “Sir Fancy Pants, we give thee permission to brief them on the details.”

Fancy Pants spoke. “Husk is a Captain of theirs, we believe he to be one of their soldier caste. A rather humorless fellow, I wasn’t able to get much talking to him but from his demeanor I can tell he is battle tested.”

Luna added. “The little one called Tibia, though, shall be our real challenge. She hid amongst them; her disguise almost fooled mine eyes. One of our Captains fell to the seductions of a Changeling Princess, Tibia was born from that. She will be versed in our military methodology in addition to Changeling instruction.”

“Who was that Captain?” Rarity asked.

Fancy Pants sneered. “Shining Armor’s dark reflection, another Captain by the name of Dented Armor. He gave his seed to the enemy and betrayed Equestria. The details are lost, but it lead to that kerfuffle a while back in Canterlot.”

“That’s a dark story,” said Spike.

“I feel we’re in one at times.” said Rarity, downcast.

“Only in darkness can we appreciate the light,” said Luna. “We would prefer that over a land of perpetual smiles.”

“Luna, yet you’re committed to the lie?” Spike countered.

Luna looked pained. “Another time, Sir Spike… another time.”

A larger Changeling sighed deeply as a smaller one dipped face first into a cereal bowl. The two dark beings stuck out in the sunlit recreation area of the hotel overlooking a swimming pool. Sheltering in the shadow of a provided a parasol, they ate.

The large Changeling nibbled his donut slowly. “Tibia, please exercise your manners.”

The smaller Changeling popped up from her cereal bowl with circular oat chunks still glued by milk to her face. “Blah, you should tell those ponies that. They kept us waiting too long.” She slid the cereal bowl away. “This food does nothing!”

Husk caught the bowl by his magic before it fell from the table. “You are not to snack on the hotel staff. We are still guests.”

“The bell boy was cute.”

Husk choked on his donut. “Was? You didn’t?!”

Tibia chirped with her translucent wings. “I had you, didn’t I?”

“My chitin’s going develop stress wrinkles.” Husk rubbed his forehead.

“Mr. Grumpy face.” Tibia took an orange and drew a frown on it with donut icing.

Luna, Spike, and Rarity sat down. Fancy Pants stood and oversaw security. Hotel staff ponies served up more assortment platters of pastries and fruit.

“It’s about time!” said Tibia.

“Show proper respect, young master.” Husk chided.

Luna bowed lightly. “The fault lies with us; there were many things to deal with in the aftermath.”

Husk bowed and used a hoof to force Tibia to do the same. He nodded. “I understand you have war preparations to make.”

Tibia added. “Yeah, you guys got beat good in the first war at the big castle.”

Luna narrowed her eyes and gave a false kindly smile. “Truly? Is there to be a war?”

Tibia pointed to Spike. “The bigger dragon push down your sand castle, you’re upset.”

Spike replied. “It’s not that simple. The enemy infiltrated us.”

“You’re incompetent, then, for not spotting it.” Tibia stuck out her tongue.

Spike gave a low growl.

Rarity placed a hoof on his claw. “Spike, darling, be more mature.”

Luna gave a strained smile to the smaller Changeling. “Indeed the enemy infiltrated our ranks; in fact they took up guises quite expertly. They were led by a Changeling. We question thine involvement.”

Tibia again chirped. “You have a dragon working for you; maybe you’re involved with them.”

Husk said, sorrowfully. “After the fall of Queen Chrysalis, the hive no longer speaks with one voice. Many factions fight for themselves. Some even choose to leave the hive and become mercenaries and spies, we fear one day they may even turn against our own would for gold.”

Luna said. “Thou art still the most likely subject. We would rather avoid another war against your people.”

Tibia stuck out her tongue. “You can’t afford to war with us, the big bad dragons are coming to push down ALL your sandcastles.” She devoured a small building she made of donuts. Crumbs flew about the table.

“Darling, aren’t you fighting Naponean? It seems you have much on your plate too.” Rarity gestured at Tibia’s platter where the tiny Changeling had greedily heaped a mountain of sweets.

“Blah,” Tibia pouted as she was thwarted.

“Maybe we could work together,” said Spike to Husk.

Husk shook his head. “There is little you can offer us.”

Luna set her hoof on the table. “We understand that thy war with the Prench is considerably costly. We would give thee half of Tartarus, we are certain the prison’s population would feed thy war chest.”

Luna’s announcement dropped a rock on the table. A hush blanketed everything quicker than a coin falling to the ground. Everyone absorbed the reverberations and ramifications.

Husk, stammered. “Y-you would give us that? That’s a great offering.”

Tibia straightened up her posture and stopped building a tower of pastries. “Criminals and your political malcontents would provide little love for us to feed upon.” She calmly drank from her coffee cup.

Luna took her own coffee cup and added a cream. She spun her cup gently ,letting the contents swirl. “Firstly, we do not lock up political dissidents in Tartarus, only hardened criminals. Secondly, their life force alone would provide ample mana for your many mages.”

Tibia spoke without her childish tone. “The Princess of the Ponies, this is most generous, however the world over hates the Changeling kind. Are you sure you want to associate with us on such a deep level?”

Luna laughed lightly. “Who says we make such deals in front of the world stage? The true workings are often done behind the curtain. Given the opportunity, is it not best to fight one evil with another?”

“The Princess of the Night, is truly a master of shadows.” Tibia finished her coffee in one fell gulp. “However, we refuse on a matter of principle.”

Luna raised a brow in confusion. “We were not aware that Changelings had principles if thou practice espionage at every turn.”

Tibia sighed. “You consider us evil like every other nation does. We are aware of our past, but we seek to move forward in the future. We don’t want to harm ponies to feed, even if they are prisoners. The Changeling condition is a curse, brought to us by the sins of our first Queen. We don’t choose to be what we are, however we can choose to change at least how we might live. We choose dignity.”

Luna’s logic, as with her realpolitik, was refused, she was left without words.

“Come, Captain Husk, we make out leave.” She huffed angrily.

The two Changelings stood up promptly set back their chairs. Tibia took a cloth a wiped her mess from the table. She used her magic when her short hooves weren’t able to reach. Their gestures were swift with indignation. Stepping away, their hoof steps could be heard.

Luna frowned. “Most unexpected. We must seek other avenues, then.”

Spike scratched his head frills. “That was just as surprising to me.”

Luna continued. “Could we have offered more than half of Tartarus?”

Rarity’s ears perked with the small and slow hoof steps of the departing Changelings. She turned in her seat towards the Changelings. “Dears, you’re walking entirely too slow for angry ponies.” She spoke in sing song. “You’re playing coy.

The Changelings stopped at the door when Tibia placed a hoof to stop Husk.

Rarity continued. “I remember negotiating with one frugal mare about the price of a dress. She pretended she wasn’t interested and looked at others. She then offered a low price for the wanted one and feigned anger when I refused. I was tempted to reduce my price but her lingering eyes on the prize told me I only had to wait.”

Tibia turned her head and chirped. “What’s your point?”

Rarity smiled. “Within a week the same mare who left in a huff and puff came back and bought my dress. In that time I even raised that price. Unless you want us to do the same when you come back, please, let’s talk now.”

The Changelings, with a flutter of their insect wings, flew back to the table. Tibia laughed. “Are you sure you aren’t a Changeling?”

“Quite, sure. I’m just business savvy,” said Rarity, raising her tea cup.

Luna and Spike looked at Rarity deeply impressed.

Tibia clinked her own cup with Rarity’s. “Perhaps, we might have dinner on me.” Tibia licked her fangs. “I promise I won’t dine on you. Just a taste.”

Rarity gave a polite shake of her head. “Sorry, darling, business before pleasure.”

Luna smiled. “So thou accept mine offer?”

Tibia gave a half smile. “Naponean and Prance are greater enemies than we thought. We need the food supply, but look, we still want it kept secret. We’re trying to change public perception about Changelings. We’ve made a lot of gains; some ponies have even married into our hive. That progress could be lost if this is revealed.”

Spike raised a claw. “Ponies are marrying Changelings?”

Husk nodded. “Not just ponies, we accept all comers. Love is more pure if it’s true.”

“Perhaps we have misjudged thee,” said Luna. “Very well, if thou accept half of Tartarus then we require thy assistance. An enemy agent has been identified as Amorpheus, we are in need of intelligence concerning our enemy’s capabilities. Surely in thine vast networks of spies, you can reveal unto us the truth.”

Husk’s brows shot up along with Tibia’s. Husk recoiled. “That can’t be… Amorpheus is dead. He was a great hero of our people.”

Tibia became momentarily meek. “Mommy spoke of him often,”

Luna continued her steady gaze. “Evidently, our enemy practices necromancy.”

Tibia, growled. “Then your enemy is our enemy. We do not disrespect the dead. My mother… she will be heart broken. We will return with more information.”

Luna raised her coffee cup to Rarity’s tea cup. “Bravo, lady Rarity thy aid was most useful.”

Rarity waved a hoof modestly. “No it was nothing, darling.”

“Who’s being coy now?” Spike grinned, recognizing Rarity soaking in the praise. “You were awesome.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh! Do go on!”

“Perhaps we might ply the seamstress trade for a week.” Luna giggled. “The study of international politics has much to benefit from thine insights.”

“You’re always welcomed to visit my boutique. Spikey and I will always keep our door open. He’s worked with me on many projects.”

“Indeed, Sir Spike and I might pay a visit upon thee as a welcome break from our Canterlot estate. He hast become an invaluable asset to the crown.”

Their subtle implications about their futures with Spike caused both ladies to flare up in tempers. Both of them then feigned laughter as the tensions ignited.

Spike got up. “I think I ought to practice my flying. My wings are sore.”

“We would go with thee.” Luna flexed her own wings while smiling at Rarity’s lack of them.

Rarity gritted her teeth in an angry smile.

Spike cut her off. “Nah, I’m going solo. I got a small errand to run.”

Looking for Nightshade during the day proved to be a quest. Spike though took solace in the task that had immediate results rather than search for a vague ill-defined enemy. After questioning several guards and citizens, he flew to a bell tower where their combined sightings led to.

Atop the bell tower Spike sighed with no Nightshade and no more leads. There was a peace atop the tower; he surveyed Canterlot in all its splendor. The white marble presented a gleaming vision of a city and nation on a moral mountain united by harmony. His interactions with Luna, Nightshade, and Rarity had told informed him the truth of Equestria, the political intrigue, the military sacrifice, and the pettiness of some ponies. He grimaced in that he could never see the city again with virgin eyes.

Looking at the giant brass bell of the tower itself he saw a crack in its façade. He tapped the hunk of metal wondering whether it still rang true. Spike jumped back when he heard a startled yelp.

“Hey, I’m sleeping here!”

Spike swiveled his head under the bell and saw a bat pony inhabiting the cavity inside the bell. “Nightshade?!”

Nightshade unhooked her hind legs from the bell’s clapper and jumped down and out into the sun light.

“You live inside a bell?” Spike asked.

“No you idiot, I was just taking a nap.” Nightshade groaned as she stretched her wings and legs, groggily.

Angry was better than mopey, he hoped. Still, his curiosity got the better of him. “Do you always sleep upside down? Doesn’t the blood go to your head?”

“We’re built differently. We can sleep both ways.” She then crossly looked Spike over. “What do you want?”

“Seriously, you got everyone worried about you. I flew through the whole city looking for you.”

“Everyone, huh? Yet only you came.” Nightshade blushed. “You flew looking for me?”

“Yeah,” said Spike, averting their eyes from locking.

“I’m fine. Go away.”

Spike silently stared at her with a raised brow. The technique had worked before where ponies would talk rather than endure the awkward silence; against Nightshade it had no effect. Finally, Spike gave in. “Maybe you could talk about it? It’s selfish to not share your feelings.”

Nightshade scoffed. “You just want to make every-pony happy don’t you?”

“I want to try.”

“You’ll fail.”

“This isn’t about me.”

“Is it not? Equestria is a lie, now you’re lying to yourself. You can’t bear to suffer the trauma of cutting some pony off so you string them all along. You’re the most selfish of us one here.”

Spike nearly toppled over by Nightshade’s verbal assault.

Nightshade then smirked. “I’m the same way; I can’t let Luna go… I love her.”

“Is it love? Luna says before her return you didn’t even know each other. How many talks did you have? You’re obsessing over an idea.”

Nightshade recoiled as well. It became a stalemate as they both were on the cusp of scowling at each other.

Spike decided to put his ambassador skills at work. He relented. “I used to have a goddess too, her name was Rarity, and she could no wrong. She then wronged me; she hurt me actually for a while by ignoring me like I was just some stupid side character in a story book. However, realizing she wasn’t a goddess, I got to know her: the real her. Better still I got to know myself. I suppose Equestria is kind of like that, just the picture cover is a lie but behind there’s real ponies and people here.”

Nightshade laughed up close to his face, pressing her muzzle close. “Spike, slay me right now. Slay me.”

Spike became red faced and back away. “What do you mean?!”

“I was better to die with the lie. The battle with Aldred, you stole my purpose and life.”

Spike smiled. “Okay, if I stole your life then I can do whatever I want with it. I forbid you from throwing it away.”

Nightshade’s ears perked up. Her tone became soft. “Those words… they are so similar to what I heard so long ago.” She extended her wings and turned to leave. “Spike, stay away from me.”

He grabbed the bat pony and pulled her in for a hug. “I owed you one.”

“I’m poison.”

“You’re my friend,” said Spike, looking into her eyes tenderly.

“Then why are you holding me like a lover?” Nightshade shrunk in his grasp.

Spike released her, becoming aware how close their muzzles were from touching. He surprised himself. As had Rarity and Luna, something of Nightshade’s personality appealed to him, albeit differently. He nervously grinned as Nightshade bent her head quizzically.


He nervously twiddled his claws. “Nightshade, that night you said you loved me…”

Nightshade snarled. “I said I liked you. I didn’t say love! Stop putting me in your sick fantasy!”

Spike slapped his face, maybe he did mishear her. “Think about what I said, I’ll talk to you later.”

As Spike flew off, Nightshade muttered to herself. “You’re my enemy, Luna is mine… you stole her… yet why can’t I hate you? Why?”

What was in a dream? Was it just goal? No, a dream for her was something so much more. It was the a burning passion that kept one awake through till the wee hours until you fell asleep drooling on your sewing machine with bolts of cloth to go. It was consumptive and made captive of the spellbound dreamer. She imagined herself held by the hooves dancing with Spike. The Canterlot theater stage was empty, and Rarity danced about pretending she was held in place by his claws… those sharp murderous claws. She shuddered for a moment before resuming her fantasy.

Rarity sorted through the old costume chest. Every year there was a Hearth’s Warming Eve play, but it had been a while since the Element bearers had hosted one. Her special friends had gathered that night for a stellar performance, reviews of the plays after theirs had been overshadowed. Amidst the various outfits, she found a tiny suit made for a smaller dragon. Spike had long grown past that that cute size package. She once saw a circus performance where the ringmaster placed her head in a Manticore’s mouth. Daring the predator’s jaws, now she was certain that she was truly madly in love. Thoughts of him came with sighs and a flutter in her chest.

The sound of hooves against the wooden stage and the creaking of the floor boards alerted Rarity to a guest. A gray stallion in suit bowed before her.

“Ah lady Rarity, I was told I could find you here.” His bearing was aristocratic and his tone was of the Canterlot Elite. Something lingered in the air that his cologne couldn’t conceal. Rarity stood up and on her guard.

Rarity raised a brow at the strange stallion. “And you are—?”

“I was a fan of previous Hearth’s Warming Eve performance. I was more the fan of the costume designer.”

She waved a hoof at the stallion. “Oh please darling, flattery will get you almost everywhere.”

“I insist I particular liked the stunning actress that portrayed Princess Platinum.”

Rarity knew where the conversation was heading. He was suave but not greasy, maybe she might have given him a go if she was free. “I do beg your pardon, my heart is spoken for.”

The stallion looked sadly away. “Well, one can admire.”

“Darling, I’m thankful for your admiration, but I’m just a humble seamstress.”

The stallion chuckled. “Seamstress eh? What tangled webs we weave, subject to the strings of fate.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing,” The stallion bowed.

Rarity resumed rummaging through the costume chest. “I’m surprised my name is still known in Canterlot. There were rumors that I had salacious relations with a dragon after all. I am a fallen socialite.”

“I pay no heed to rumors. Your work is top notch and speaks for itself. If gossip and rumor are the bread of the Canterlot elite, you can consider me a foreigner who prefers rice.”

Rarity dared to press him further. “What if I were to say it was true?” She poked a hoof at his fine suit. “I do love a dragon.”

The stallion smiled. “Miss, love is love regardless of race, class, or whatever else. In our lives we can only pray to be so lucky as to find the right soul. Some even believe that we are reincarnated and reborn many times with certain souls always finding each other.”

Rarity sighed. “What an enlightened view, I wish other ponies shared your vision.”

“Allow me to do a little parlor trick.”

The stallion waved a hoof and produced a silvery crown gleaming in the shadows. He threw the crown gingerly letting it fall unto Rarity’s head.

Rarity took off the headpiece and swooned over the crafted crown’s encrusted gemstones. “Is this real?”

“What is real, anyhow? Some say life is a play.”

Her eyes were all over the resplendent piece. “Am I meant to have this?”

“I heard the mademoiselle had financial difficulties. Sell it.”

Rarity pushed the crown back towards the stallion. “My affections can’t be bought.”

The stallion chuckled. “Miss, must all acts of generosity be suspect in this age of cynicism? Can’t we once in so often do kindness for kindness’ sake?”

“Well then I simply couldn’t let this act of generosity unrewarded! What can I do for you?”

“Before you sell it I would like to see you wear it for the Hearth’s Warming Eve play. Secondly, I would like two seats to the show, preferably the upper gallery to admire the lady from afar.”

Rarity picked up the crown. “Done! Tell one of the show assistants Coco that I sent you. You’ll get V.I.P. very important pony seats!” When she lifted her head, the stallion was gone.

Shadows moving the stage backdrop seem to come alive in that moment Rarity reached for it. She held the crown aloft in her magic aura for a moment more. The purple gemstones matched her mane, whoever its previous owner was Rarity remarked she had good tastes. The vestment of royalty seemed familiar though she swore she had never seen its like. What was in its meaning, a dream she half remembered? Did her affinity hint at a greater destiny? Whispers of madness, corruption, and forgotten battles filled the silence of her mind as the crown’s gleam transfixed her.

Chapter 16 Truth at the Heart

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A Dragon God had declared blood vengeance, a shadowy puppet master was pulling strings, and here Spike was helping to arrange faux backdrops for a play. The plywood mountains were about his size and reminded him of his nightmare where he towered over Ponyville. Luna had taught him so many sacrifices had gone into maintaining Equestria. Nightshade had willingly leapt off the edge when it came to sacrificing herself. When it came to it, would he also sacrifice himself? Could he bear to be a mindless monster? Part of him realized if or when it happened he wouldn’t have the sense of self-awareness to know. When he was a child he’d succumbed before and it took his love for Rarity to bring him back. It wouldn’t be so easy now, barriers weakened as they were crossed, like Luna’s alternate self bleeding through.

“Spike, I need that prop over there.”

Twilight’s voice brought Spike back. “Um yeah.”

“You’re distracted,” said Twilight, setting down her scroll check list. She looked at Spike with worry plastered over her face. “Please, you’re my number one assistant please tell me what’s wrong. Maybe I could assist you.”

“Why aren’t we out there doing something? I mean, we’re hosting a play while war is looming.”

“This play represents the harmony of three races that built the Equestria of today. Now more than ever, I think we need to band together.”

Spike spouted. “But it’s a li-” He held his mouth closed. Luna had told him the hidden history, there were good reasons that it wasn’t public. “-lot of work.” He tried to gracefully turn his sentence around.

Twilight sighed. “It’s a lie.”

Spike blinked. “You knew?”

Twilight nodded, she spoke sadly. “Peace between ponies back then was an alien concept. The wars waged between the three tribes were the bloodiest battles Equestria had ever seen. There are no grave markers because there were too many bodies. The three tribes of ponies only banded together to fight a common enemy when survival gave them no option.”

Spike shivered. “I supposed being the bookworm you are, you would know.”

Twilight rolled her eyes back as she recalled her readings to memory. “Even before my Princess inauguration and being let access to the real national archives, there were hints in the literature. The Pegasi were called Weather Warlords, a lot of Earth pony contraptions were built from siege weapons, and the repertoire of Unicorn magic has a great many killing curses.”

“I guess it’s rather apparent if you read between the lines like you do.” Spike smiled.

“To think today, Pegasi and Unicorns are allowed to love each other.” Twilight’s eyes trailed off to Rainbow Dash who wore Commander Hurricane’s armor and was instructing some extra actors in the play. Twilight was dreamily staring off.

Spike wave a claw over Twilight’s eyes. “Don’t you mean Pegasi and Alicorns?” He smirked.

Twilight blushed then lowered her eyelids. She teasingly rubbed a hoof over Spike’s chest scales. “How about you, Casanova? You’re dating Luna and Rarity.”

Spike coughed. “It doesn’t answer my question.”

Twilight flew up and gave Spike’s shoulders a soft pat. “Spike, part of growing up is realizing sometimes things aren’t so simple. Lies can serve true good.”

Spike sat down on the stage. “Ummm maybe you could tell Applejack that.”

“Well, remember when I told you on Hearths Warming Eve that if you were good for the year a red pony would come down the chimney to give you a present?”

“Yeah, I waited all night.”

Twilight giggled. “You almost, but you fell asleep.”

Spike smiled. “Yeah when I woke up there was a present in my lap.”

“The story may have been a lie but the present was real and so was the good you did.”

He gave Twilight an affectionate punch. “You’re becoming a real politician, Twi. But I got one on you, I realized the pony in the chimney was a lie a long time ago. I played along for the last several years just to get another free present.”

“Oh you rascal!”

“I supposed the truth was that you loved me that’s why you kept up the lie. It was still disappointing to learn that wasn’t a magic gift giving pony from the chimney. What’s meant to fool foals, won’t work on adults. I think it’s harmful too to conceal the truth.”

Twilight sighed. “Some ponies are better off not knowing.”

“Oh contraire, my dear.” Rarity appeared from her hiding position from the curtains behind them.

Spike spat. “Rarity, you heard all that?!”

“Yes, darling and I agree with you. The Alicorn leadership’s position on the truth is hardly becoming of royalty.”

Twilight countered with a smile. “Okay then, Rarity. We’ll tell everypony the truth if you agree to never use make up again or product on your mane.”

Rarity held her face and her hair protectively. She pouted and returned. “Well, darling all the mascara only enhances the truth of my beauty.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes and the play here does the same for the sake harmony.” She picked up her check list scroll. “I must get back to work… and please don’t tell anypony about what you heard.”

Rarity and Spike found themselves in familiar roles as he fed a line of string while she busily sewed together the stage costumes. Rarity knew he had done much the same when he was her ‘little’ assistant, now this time each of his claws could hold an individual spindle of thread. Rarity was aware there was nice nostalgia but at the same time the paradigm had shifted. Spike eyes no longer lingered on her as they did. Rarity’s insecurities surfaced for a second; maybe she was getting old? She relaxed when he caught him stealing a glance.

Rarity sewed away on several patches of cloth. “Oh Spikey, would you be a dear and fetch me the red roll.”

Spike needed only switch a claw. “Here you are, my lady.”

Rarity gave an appreciative nod and continued sewing. “So those truths were burdening you all this time?”

“I learned a lot from Luna,” said Spike, “We don’t always agree though but I understand her perspective. She just seems overly pessimistic, at the same time I realize its necessity.”

Rarity pulled up a bolt of decorative purple cloth with designs already tailored. She angrily shoved pins to secure the fabric for her sewing. She remembered Suri Polomare, with disdain. “On my first Manehattan debut of my fashion line some fraudulent uncouth mare, who I thought was my friend, stole my designs,” She calmed down as she fell into the pattern of stitching. “However, another mare, Coco Pommel, saved me. I say my feelings are rather mixed on ponies. I’m more careful now for it.”

“Yet you put yourself in dangerous situations.”

Rarity huffed. “Well Spikey, my caution goes out the window when loved ones are concerned.”

“I’m a loved one?”

“Darling, no doubt! How could you ask that?”

Spike sighed. “Rarity, I want you to know. I can’t give you children.”

Rarity was glad Twilight then had loaned her a library’s collection of books concerning dragons. There was one text that was rather esoteric but she hung hope upon it. “Darling, we could have children. They’d be chimeras called ‘Qilin’. I read a Neighponese book about them.” She smiled at her own snappy comeback.

Spike’s eyes were wide. “But still…”

“I’m a unicorn, we have magical properties. Granted though still we’d have to try very hard, but that’s the fun part isn’t it?” Rarity giggled internally, at her flirtatious words and her effect on Spike. A dragon was wilder than anything she’d ever consider, yet alone try, but she found a thrill.

Spike was blushing hard but he shook his head of lewd thoughts. He then used a claw to put down his deployed wings.

“Darling, you’re turning the most delightful shade of red.” Rarity teased.

Spike swallowed then spoke. “I’m immortal, you’re not. I want you to reconsider.”

Rarity’s teasing tone and smile were dropped like the sheets of fabric that fell to the ground. Luna’s mocking word ‘frailty’ sprung to her mind. Rarity hid her face behind her hooves to stop her tears. “It’s Luna, isn’t it? She’s got me beat… You want to tell me you’ve chosen her.”

Spike pried her hooves away and gently. “No it’s not that. I want you to know what you’re in for. As even a kid, I knew what I was… as I grew up I only became more aware.”

“Still you pursued me as that sunk in… remember when you substituted for the element of loyalty?”

Spike chuckled. “Yeah, I did that for the battle with Discord, god of chaos. I wasn’t a good Rainbow Dash though.”

Rarity hugged him. “Oh Spike, I imagine if you wore that necklace now, it’d work.”

He looked away and placed his claws shamefully over his muzzle. “Rarity, how can you attribute me with loyalty if… well… I can’t even decide.”

Rarity sighed. “After how horrid I acted, you still were willing to give me a chance. What sort of mare would I be if I just left our story like that? Hmmm?”

Spike chuckled. “I don’t think I could ever get used to you chasing me.”

“Could you get used to this?” Rarity stood tall as she could with her hind legs and met his lips.

Rarity was smooth; Spike realized the difference as they softly kissed. Luna would almost mash their muzzles together. Of course Rarity could engage in excess but this he knew to be her natural rhythm. Rarity had an elegance, he suspected came from experience. Her ease calmed him, like fables where beauties would soothe souls of the beasts.

“Sir Spike?”

He broke away from the kiss as a shiver shot down his spine. Spike though turned to seek Luna looking less angry than he thought. Instead, she was glaring at Rarity.

Luna shook her head disapprovingly. “Love, tis truly a battlefield. We see that lady Rarity has taken a base. We shant be taken unawares.”

Rarity gave a false grin. “Well Darling, you know the expression all is fair in love and war?”

Luna returned a piercing stare. “Hast thee been to war? Seen the pale pony of death?”

“I have faced Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and even,” Rarity puffed herself up and matched Luna’s gaze. “Nightmare Moon.”

Luna laughed with spite. “The last one is a battle we are quite familiar with. We save the world every night… we show restraint.

“I do beg your pardon, what are you doing here?” Rarity asked.

“Tis our royal prerogative to oversee events to bolster the morale of our nation. We have also changed the seating arrangements.”

“Seating?” asked Spike.

Luna nodded. “Instead of the social elite of Canterlot filling the upper rafters, we have purchased all tickets for our elite soldiers. Such troops will most likely be seeing war soon. Thy performance will be a welcome distraction and serve to lessen their tension.”

The enmity between Luna and Rarity was put aside with the mention of war, both mares relaxed from their stiff and defensive postures.

“I approve, that is a marvelous idea,” said Rarity. “The poor dears, are they the same that fought Aldred?”

Spike cringed; Aldred had taken out whole watch towers with a single breath of flames. Even in the tiny fires of lamps that lit parts of the stage, Spike was reminded of that battle.

“Nay…” Luna looked off, solemnly. “The majority of those troops have incurred great trauma of the mind… we walk within their dreams… and only see nightmares. We have suspended their dreams for a while to save them from such.”

He himself had nightmares about a ‘field of fire’, Spike imagined many ponies sharing that terrible vision.

Luna turned away. “We must tend to matters of state. We had come only to inspect the preparations.”

To Rarity chagrin and Luna’s grin, Luna jumped back and pecked Spike’s check with a light kiss. “I shall see thee later, Sir Spike.” She left with a saucy saunter and flick of her tail on Spike’s nose.

Curiously Spike arched his head when he heard Luna faintly left whispering with her steps. “One, two, one, two— ahh!” then she tripped.

“Luna?!” Spike ran to help her up. He feared another lapse in Luna’s control. He exhaled when he saw Luna smiling softly held in his claws.

“I had seen a model of fashion, perform such a move. Fleur De Lis was kind enough to instruct me. I thought it be easy, twas foolish to try it without much practice.”

Rarity hid a laugh behind her hooves. “They’re called fashion models, they do practice.”

Luna giggled. “Indeed, we shant mock their peacock struts ever again.”

In Luna’s shadow and wake, a familiar bat pony strolled in.

“Nightshade,” said Spike and Rarity acknowledging.

“Dear, you left before we had finished an early conversation. Are you alright?” Rarity asked.

Nightshade nodded. “All is well. The issue has been resolved.” She turned to Spike. “Could you show me the theater exits? I have to run security detail again.”

“Yeah sure, I can do that.” Spike turned to Rarity. “Do you need any more help?”

Rarity pulled up her work. It was a four part patch work of ancient Equestrian flag. “I’m nearly done, darling. You can help Nightshade.”

Spike walked with Nightshade through the wooden back stage of the theater. He showed her the windows and various locations that could be points of entry. Throughout it, Nightshade was silent.

Spike announced pointing to a window. “That’s the last exit,” He added. “with wings only though.”

“I see.”

Now done Spike thought about the bat pony. “Nightshade, so did you think about what I said?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Ummm, are you feeling alright?”

“Never better.”

Spike stopped and placed his claws on her shoulders. “Hey, come on talk to me. What’s wrong?”

“Isn’t it strange, how history has become this?”

Spike placed his claws on his hips. “What is ‘this’?”

Nightshade groaned and grunted. “This stupid play, this charade and parade! I actually met Commander Hurricane, the Weather Warlord caused a drought just to spite his neighbors. ‘Chancellor’ Puddinghead was a despotic dictator who caused famine by over planting sugar cane just to feed his gluttony for sweets. Princess Platinum was the spawn of King Sombra.”

“I forget that at times you’re about as old as Luna…” said Spike, shocked.

Nightshade glowered. “Old?”

Spike raised his claws defensively. “I meant experienced.”

“Yeah,” said Nightshade.

Spike poked her armor chest plate with a claw. “So how would your historically accurate play go?”


Spike sighed. “How would you depict events?”

Nightshade rubbed a hoof on her chin. “It would be a military exercise to test the preparedness of our soldiers. Three armies would do pitch battle. They would reprise their respective roles in battle. Unicorn mages, Earth Pony siege weapons, and Pegasi air strikes—”

Nightshade became lost in the minutia of military maneuvers and Spike found himself lost as well.

“— of course the fights would be choreographed but still intense enough to be exhaustive. The lines of battle would be several ponies deep—”

He raised a claw to interrupt her. “How would all that fit in a stage?”

Nightshade’s ears perked up as she was drawn back to reality.

Spike shrugged and replied. “I’ve talked about it with my friends; they taught me maybe the message is more important than that. I think it serves a good. This is meant to distract us from war rather than remind us of it. Everypony is stressed as is. It’s for morale.”

Nigthshade’s ears perked up as his words sunk in. “Spike, thanks… I’m not too keen on those things.”

He sighed. “You’re aware that’s better than most ponies.”

“I can see why Luna loves you… I can talk to you.”

Spike smirked. “I used to be the ear Rarity cried to when her latest fling turned out to be a spoiled rich jerk. I sorta was the one ponies came to complain to since I wasn’t taken seriously.”

“Maybe it’s because they didn’t know how to appreciate value?”

Spike smiled. “Well to be honest, back then I was just a joke. I had the talk but I didn’t have the walk. I wanted to be worthy of Rarity and I set out to change myself. I wandered the world a bit, matured a lot, and then, I came back things were a lot smaller.”

Nightshade shook her head. “Things weren’t smaller, you just grew.”

He stretched his draconic wings. “Sometimes I wish I stopped halfway, that would have saved a lot of trouble. Luna’s going to fill the theater with soldiers… how do they feel about that? Won’t they be fighting dragons?”

“Well they know you’re on our side. You beat Aldred back.”

“I didn’t beat him back… Aldred saw our reinforcements on horizon.”

“Whatever, I’ll beat any bastard that complains.” Nightshade drew her lance and grinned flashing her fangs.

Spike laughed. “You’re out of control.”

The chuckling soon died down.

“Spike… remember me in the good times.” Nightshade deployed her wings.

“Wait, are you going somewhere?” Spike stretched out his claws but Nightshade had already departed through the open window, leaving a gust of wind in her wake. Her silhouette disappeared into the moon’s light.

“We worry about Nightshade too.”

Luna’s voice startled Spike, like Nightshade she had a silent way of moving about or maybe he was just too distracted.

“Luna, how about you? You collapsed from exhaustion not a day ago. You’re taking things easy, right?”

“Sir Spike, easy will never be…”

“How about easier?” Spike raised a brow. “Where’s fun Luna? I like her.”

Luna’s face became stern. “Methinks thou art entirely too forward.”

Spike frowned. “Sorry—”

Luna draped a hoof over Spike shoulders and declared. “Let us away, for merry making and mirth!”

The chill of the night air raced by his face and blew through his body. Spike wasn’t cold however with Luna besides him. The jostling of the gothic chariot and the tight turns pressed them together. The wheel clacked against the Canterlot cobble stone streets as they careened at break neck speed.

“Sir Spike, hold the reigns tightly now!” Luna barked.

Spike snapped back to attention and saw the wall ahead. He violently gripped the reigns pulling them back. The guards attached to the chariots whinnied as they skidded to an abrupt halt with one hitting a wall. The guards spat out, shook off their bridles, and neighed in disdain.

“Princess forgive us,” one of them panted. ”we would permit you to use us but he’s going to kill us!”

Luna turned to the guards. “My guards, we thank thee for thy service. For thine troubles thy pay shall be tripled! Consider thyselves on paid leave for a week.”

The guards nodded.

“Sorry Luna, I only steered a carriage before and it was for the Grand Galloping Gala…”

“Chariot racing, twas a common sport in our time, yet even then hoof races were more the fashion.”

“Common, but not popular, though, huh?”

“Indeed, finding ponies to agree to be hitched was most difficult. Often I would order my guards or hapless commoners that inspired my ire.”

Spike laughed. “You’re terrible.”

“The greatest fun is had at others’ expense, is it not?”

“Again, you’re terrible.”

“Come now, bring forth the ammunition.”

Spike went back to the chariot and took a bag from the storage compartment. Flicking off the burlap sack he produced two carton of eggs. “The weapons are ready.”

“Most egg-cellent.”

“Chicken puns?” Spike rolled his eyes and rolled with it. “I guess we ‘lay’ siege?”

Luna nodded.

Spike could help sniggering as they crawled through the bushes.

He cuffed his claws hiding his laughter. “You know we could walk through the front gate?”

Luna smiled. “Nay Sir Spike, the element of surprise is integral. Now let us don darkly apparel.”

He and Luna had put on black apparel reminiscent of Neighponese ninjas. He had worn the same when he and Twilight had raided the Canterlot Archives on an earlier adventure. The old suit would have been too tiny. He was surprised Luna had already prepared a set that fit him.

Popping out of the bushes they saw the three story manor estate.

Spike took out the egg cartons. “Which window?”

She levitated several eggs and juggled them with her magic. “Our intelligence operatives hath revealed unto us, our target is the third window from the right of the topmost floor.”

“Right,” Spike took a couple eggs into his claws. “ready.”

“Let fly the opening volley!”

The barrage of eggs smacked against the window splashing the glass with white and yellow yolk. Luna raised a hoof to stop Spike after their first eggs had hit.

From the mansion they heard an arrogant and snooty voice. “Whatever is that horrible ruckus?!” A window opened and Prince Blueblood poked his head out.

“Fire forth at will! Down with nepotism!” Luna threw the first egg splattering yolk over Blueblood muzzle’s.

“This is for being a jerk!” Spike’s egg hit Blueblood’s coat.

Blueblood shrieked. “My impeccable mane! My fabulous fur!”

Luna fired the last eggs with one landing in Blueblood’s mouth. “Repent for thy arrogance!”

Retreating from their assault, Blueblood coughed. “Guards! Guards! I am under attack!!”

Securely away, Spike and Luna, in between their laughter and run, barely caught their breaths. Spike pulled Luna into a closed off alleyway was a patrol passed them. Entering the alleyway they were pressed up against one another.

Spike nearly fell down laughing. “You hit him square in the mouth! That was awesome!”

Luna playfully nuzzled up to him. “That shall show Blueblood for proposing tax money to make a monument to himself!”

“I gotta tell Rainbow and Pinkie about this, I bet they’d roll over with laughter.”

Luna shook her head. “Let us keep our escapades between us.”

“Luna, you’re welcome to be closer friends with us. There’s plenty more fun. You haven’t lived until experience a party thrown by Pinkie Pie.”

“I should like to…”

Spike gave her a light friendly punch. “What’s stopping you?”

“Thou art enough,” Luna continued, “it is also that I find public outings draining.”

“So does Fluttershy but she still tries. Luna, I bet they’d love you if you got out more.”

“I rather have respect than friendship.” Her smile faded away. She paused for a moment, then sighed. “A ruler must not be so close to thy subjects for one day should the nation’s needs require, I must command them to die.”

“You shouldn’t worry about making attachments just to lose them… losing them later doesn’t make them any less meaningful in the now.”

“Sir Spike, will the rages of ages leave thee as optimistic? We wonder…”

Spike coughed as the wind and the air changed. Luna had a way of killing the mood. Having heard Nightshade’s perspective though made Spike think of Luna’s. What had Luna seen in her experiences? How did she feel about the coming play? Her flashes of hot and cold: Luna was warped. How deep were the cracks on the surfaces of the moon?

“Luna, you’re not a slave to the greater good… You can’t save everyone. And you can’t save anyone if you can’t save yourself. You can live your life, for your sanity at least.”

Luna clasped her her chest feeling the beat of her heart as she took in Spike’s words. She chuckled. “What sage hast thee stolen thy wisdom from? How now dost thou say such words?”

Spike blushed. “I grew up with a lot of personality disorders. My main six friends for all their virtues had their faults. You’re like Applejack in your steadfast will and you share Twi’s obsessive nature.”

Luna raised a brow looking at Spike with an easy smile. “Most interesting.”

He threw up his claws, admittedly. “Don’t get me wrong, I got my share disorders. I’m indecisive, somewhat lazy if not driven, and I can get rather full of myself.”

Luna laughed as she leaned against Spike. “Thou art perfectly imperfect.”

“Same for you.”

Luna reared up and placed her hooves upon Spike’s shoulders. “Sir Spike, shall I tell thee a secret?”

Spike hugged her back. “Sure thing.”

“Thou are mine exception, upon the scales thou shall tip the balance in my heart.”

He shivered: her hot breath against his ear somehow had a cold foreboding aspect to it. “Luna, I am honored… but what does that mean?”

She hugged him harder. “Permit me a selfish thought. To Tartarus with all others, thou art mine.”

“Luna, that’s a lot of pressure,” said Spike, wheezing slightly. He pulled her back from choking his neck. “What about your duty as a Princess of Equestria? What about the ponies under you care?”

Luna let go as she sadly looked off. “Sir Spike, wouldst thou always remind of mine duty?”

Spike waved his claws in refusal. “Luna, you can’t make sacrifices on my account. Don’t abandon your duty for me.”

She countered. “Sir Spike, dost thou play with mine feelings? Thou ask me to let go then tells me to hold on?”

He rubbed his back frills. “Maybe we could find a balance?”

“All things in moderation? Tis a conceit, in truth a balance with one extreme sets the middle towards it.”


Luna licked her lips. “Indeed, extreme is how I feel about thee.” Jumping him, she tackled Spike to the ground.

Spike felt suffocated suddenly and it wasn’t just Luna’s legs wrapped around his neck. Luna had a manipulative bent. She was powerful, passionate, and pinning him down in a dirty alleyway. She was making his decision for him. Spike pushed Luna off.

“I’m not ready!”

Luna looked at him with wide eyes. “Why deny me? Thy heart hast already chosen. I know for certain mine has…”

Spike breathed heavily. “Luna, you’re too forward!”

She giggled as she pounced again. “Thou plays the chaste hero, how could I not be tempted to tempt thee?”

Spike rolled Luna off and growled. “Seriously, stop.”

Luna straightened herself. Her smile disappeared once more. “…Thou art serious.”

“Yeah, I’m still not sure. I need a little time.”

Luna crossed her legs and huffed in frustration. “Fine, have thy dalliance with lady Rarity! Her rose will wilt, then thou shall be mine!”

“I’m no pony’s property! It isn’t going down like that. Long ago I resolved if I should love I would love no other.”

“Thou art still possessed by naïve notions. It is time thee face the cruelty of reality. Thy fair Rarity is cursed with mortality. In but a blink she shall succumb to time’s tyranny then shall thee live forever alone mourning the loss of an insignificant insect?!”

Spike clenched his claws. He huffed smoke from his nostrils. “You look down at Rarity, but I look up at her, even when I became taller than her. Rarity’s brave and caring; she’s not the ant you think she is. You’ve become entirely corrupt if you think average ponies are but bugs. I want my love to have meaning. Living alone is better than being dead inside!”

Luna recoiled as if struck.

Spike himself gritted his teeth angrily at her and himself. He swiveled away and ran into the night.

Lonely Luna stood in the alleyway still stunned. The cloud then broke and the moon cast it’s spotlight beam upon her. She raised a hoof to shield her eyes from the glare. Beautiful from afar, the moon was a desolate landscape devoid of life. From that perch it overlooked a world vibrant and filled with life. Luna wondered whether it hated her with jealous envy and cursed her to share its loneliness in the pitch black sky.

She knew her prayers were worthless but she cuffed her hooves together. “Mother moon, lend me thy guidance.”

Canterlot was an urban city and not even crickets responded to her plea. Luna laughed as the moon offered nothing but forever silence in the stillness of the night, left then were her own thoughts.

Luna beat her hooves against the cobblestones, she cracked them in her throes. When exhausted at last she calmed herself. She closed her wet eyes trying to draw an old image of comfort. Her thinking back her own cruel words lashed her like a whip. “Oh how I have erred… did I not once love a mortal, too? Oh Sanguine Soul, fading fast from mine memory is even thy face. Not even your recollection sates me. To live is to suffer, I have suffered so long; loneliness is my only constant companion.”

Luna opened her eyes again at her realization. “Oh no,” Luna sobbed. “Sir Spike, I have pushed thee away from me… why the harder I hold, the more escapes mine grasp?! Why must everyone I love leave? Oh my lost love… Oh cursed moon, grant me death so I might join thee!” She pounded her hooves again and then buried her face in her mane.

In the breaks of her ethereal mane, she noticed pools of dark energy had form physically in her psychological depression. She lifted her head in alarm as she saw them rapidly expand creating cracks of black in the world fabric. Even the streetlights began to flicker and fail in the encroaching darkness. Luna fearfully saw that both ends of the alley were closed. She screamed as the moon itself began to fail. Luna flailed impotently as a creeping shadow from within herself swirled and swallowed her whole.

It was driving him insane. Spike thoughts of Luna only infuriated him. Every conversation they had replayed in his mind. Luna’s layers stripped off, she was everything that drove him mad at and for her. He could cry for her in one instance yet condemn her coldness in the next. There was no simplicity anywhere. Even in Rarity there were so many shades. Speaking of shades, Nightshade had him confused as well. The mixture of emotions as he felt about the mares made him feel sick. His night flight was disturbed when he heard a commotion below.

Fancy Pants was midst battle with his significant other, Le Fleur. Their combat was in the street and words were echoing through the city.

Fancy Pants attempted to cool the conversation by dropping a pet name. “Ma cherrie!”

Le Fleur was not deterred. “Don’t ma ‘cherrie me’! Fancy Pants, you told me you were taking things easy! Here I find you’re running security!”

“I have my duty. I’m a knight.”

“You’re my husband, too! We agreed you would retire. I don’t want to be a widow!” Le Fleur beat her hooves against Fancy Pants’ chest plate armor.

“I’ll try… but I can never promise. Le Fleur, I love you but I love Equestria too.”

Le Fleur backed off and shook her head. “You foolish foal, you’re an old knight playing a young pony’s game. What happens if your old war wound kicks in mid battle?”

Fancy Pant touched his left hind leg. “It’s gotten better.”

“Not good enough!”

He growled. “It’s good enough to serve! I do declare I’m better than a two dozens of the average guard!”

Le Fleur sparked her horn. “If you’re so confident, then let us duel! It shall be again the battlefields of Prance, single combat. Mage to mage, if I win you quit.”

Fancy Pants coughed. “Now let’s not be so rash!”

Le Fleur took a hoof and slapped Fancy Pants against his face. “Why did the gods make love a fool?!” She turned and sashayed away.

Fancy Pants raised a hoof and ran it across his cheek. He grimaced as he could feel a sting still.

Spike’s image of Fancy Pants as a perfect knight was somewhat dented, however he was more glad to know that even the gentlecolt had his share of problems. He descended down from his flight hoping to speak with a sympathetic soul. The flutter of his leathery draconic wings alerted Fancy Pants to his presence.

Fancy Pants grinned sheepishly. “Spike, lad… you didn’t hear that did you now?”

Spike nodded. “Don’t worry I got problems too. Luna and I argued again… this time I didn’t go back.”

Fancy Pants found a stoop and sat down. Spike joined the old knight.

“Well we may argue but Le Fleur and I always end up back together at the end of the day. It’s better to argue through your problems then just letting them be. She’s worried about me being in the guard.

“Fancy Pants, your commitment to duty kinda reminds me of Luna.”

“Our beloved Princess, the mistress of state craft, eh?” Fancy Pants chuckled. “She’s a machine, that one. Even we in the service take vacations; she doesn’t.”

“How about you? Le Fleur says you’ve got an injury.”

Fancy Pants snorted. “Old sport, you see I’m not as spry as I once was—” Fancy Pants smiled and added. “—but this old war saber isn’t rusted yet.”

Spike scratched his chin in bemusement. Fancy Pants himself was a stubborn one, like Luna. Despite his fame in the social scene Fancy Pant himself was mysterious like the moon Princess. “Fancy Pants, what did Le Fleur mean about dueling?”

Fancy Pants tugged his collar. “Well, my wife and I met in battle. We fought in the prime of military careers. Prance and the whole continent was set aflame by Naponean’s wars. I never defeated Le Fleur, we were always ever in a stalemate, two opposing forces. I am glad though… she disabused me of my more idiotic romantic ideas.”

Spike chuckled. “Luna’s been that way for me too. It actually got me angry. She reminded me of Rarity’s mortality as a negative.”

Fancy Pant’s voice had a dangerous edge. “Mortality? Most assuredly like taxes, we all die. I don’t think even the goddess are immune… why else then do we have security and an army?”

Spike shuddered. “I suppose.”

“Most books written against immortality are penned by mortals, so I’m less inclined to believe that. However, living so long I imagine could be a detriment too. Both are a curse and a blessing.” Fancy Pants gave a wry smile. “Concerning immortality… there’s ways to attain it. I’d ask Nightshade about it.”

Spike sputtered. “R-Ra-Rarity as a vampire?!”

Fancy Pants laughed. “Yeah, but from what I hear tell it changes you. Most of them serve as the guard. I’ve seen the elite bat ponies, thrice in battle. No fear, no sense of self preservation, they were death seekers. I’m not sure then if immortality is so pleasant, if they’re looking for a way out. Me, I’ve entertained it as a flight of fancy in my thoughts, but honestly I’m happy growing old with Le Fleur and watching our foals play.”

“The endless worry about living and the mortal worry about dying.”

An infinity of Rarity, Spike’s head swirled with such thoughts. Rarity was a prim and proper mare, he wonder whether she could bear to taste or regularly drink blood or ‘red wine’ as the bat ponies called it. Hearing Fancy Pant’s observations though tugged his heart again towards Luna. She predated the vampire versions of bat ponies. The play they were about to perform were actual events in her lived history. How lonely must Luna be? How about Rarity who knew her mortality?

Spike sat propping and resting his head on his claws. “Don’t you wish things were simpler?”

“Longing again for the black and white, right? Fair maidens and moustache twirling villains?”

Spike spat. “Hey, moustaches aren’t evil!”

Fancy Pants pointed to his own moustache. “Exactly right, lad. There’s nothing so simple.”

“Do you use the facial hair spell?” Spike asked whimsically. “I’m feeling up for a moustache.”

Fancy Pant shook his head. “Hey now, lad! This 100 percent genuine!”

“Sure,” Spike smirked and coked a brow.

“Challenging a knight’s moustache is an invitation to duel!”

“I’m immune to magic!” Spike stuck out his tongue.

“You’re mostly immune!”

Fancy Pant’s stern face broke and they both shared a riotous bout of laughter.

From the second floor of the building stoop, they sat on, a window opened. An aristocratic pony peered out and rasped. “Ponies are sleeping! You uncouth ingrates!” She glared angrily at them and began shouting a string of obscenities. Intermixed in the slurs were ‘beast’, ‘female canines’, and assorted ‘colorful’ words.

“I say the ruckus you’re causing is greater than ours ever was.” Fancy Pants sparked his horn and from the mare’s face sprouted the tails of a long flowing moustache.

They ran when a flung potted plant crashed apart near their feet.

Spike ran alongside Fancy Pants. “You’re as bad as Luna.”

Fancy Pants saluted with a hoof. “I’m off to see Le Fleur, good night.”

Spike saluted back. “Good night to you too. Yeah I think I’ll stop by and see Luna.”

“Good luck, lad!” Fancy Pants shouted as he disappeared around a corner.

As he took to flight, Spike felt the saber, gifted to him by Luna, rattling. The Crimson Crescent again seemed to forewarn him to danger. He quickened the beat of his wings as new urgency was instilled his search. If his memory did not fail him he remembered there had been a clear moon in the sky before, however, now only stars provided weak illumination. He hoped a passing cloud was the cause of the enhanced darkness, he knew it wasn’t. Where was Luna?

He had not expected to find Luna where he left her, however Spike flew to alleyway anyway. He found then there a shadowy sphere had engulfed the entire passage. The swirling vortex was reminiscent of when Luna had invoked darker magic. Standing outside of it he could feel the residuals and fear. Feelings of alienation, loneliness, and despair only grew as he stepped closer to it, the shadow shell of Luna’s psyche.

Luna stood again at another corpse strewn battlefield: a frozen over hell with the banners of three armies jutting from the layers of ice. She was in her cold silvery armor that robbed her of further warmth. Where metal touched her fur she felt the daggers pierce her. She nonchalantly sighed at the vision and the sensations. Had her heart grown so icy such horrors could not shock her? Had she become her sister? Luna then smacked her face for feeling, any feeling. She was the custodian of dreams; she was in a dream right now. Yet, she could not wake from this one.


She swiveled a saw Spike. Luna gasped. “How hast thee entered mine dreams? Art thou an illusion?”

Spike replied. “Luna, I found you like this. There was a ball of dark energy. Where are we?”

“Sir Spike, we are in mine memories…” said Luna, her voice halting.

Spike looked horrified at the sight. “Luna, what happened here?”

“One of many battles of which I survived. I do not recall this specific one… perhaps I am indeed a corrupt monster as thou hath said.”

He ushered her, not wanting to spend a moment more in the cold hell. “Hey, it’s okay. Let’s get out of here.”

Luna shook her head slowly. “I did not initiate this dream of mine volition...”

The layers of ice cracked around them. Springing from the permafrost came hooves then attached were tattered remains of ponies. War wounds were visible upon their bodies, some with blades and spears still stuck within them. They held limply their weapons and dragged them along as if they were prison weights.

“Windigos!” Luna cried.

“Vengeful spirits?” asked Spike.

“The dreams of the dead… hath invaded. How the barrier hast thinned.” Luna looked pale as she swallowed her breath.

“Luna, what do we do?!”

The corpses had surrounded them. The legions of dead were countless. They had seen undead that made mindless moans or groans, however, the legions arrayed were so silent it disquieted their psyches. Spike and Luna pushed up against each other as more assembled in half broken formations that resembled their damaged bodies. Ripped bolts of cloth rose towards the forever foggy sky as some flew flags of old orders.

The first of them stepped forward.

A unicorn with a sword implanted in his skull spoke with a voice distorted and warped by pain, rage, and ghostly reverberation. “You ordered us into an ambush to spare your main force!”

A pegasus with a lance speared through his side cried. “Witch, you lied! You told us, the enemy was few!”

An earth pony with a giant ballista bolt stuck within him shouted. “You used us to bait the enemy into range of the artillery!”

The angry howls of the dead were innumerable. Together they formed a horrific chorus, a hurricane of howls. Their icy breath and accusations alone swept through them stealing warmth and biting at the exposed flesh.

Spike saw that their angry screams and lifeless eyes were not directed at him. Their singular target was Luna.

Luna had curled up and was shivering. She lay on the ground, her hooves and wings covering her face. “It is all true. I am sorry. I am sorry. I beg for thine forgiveness!”

“Luna, get up! We’ve got to run!” Spike cried, trying to pull Luna with him.

The corpses chanted. “There is no running. We shall have a vengeance. We shall eat of her flesh and consume her as she did us.”

“I won’t let you have her!” Spike fired a jet of his flames. His magical fire incinerated a line of a dozen. However, the horde quickly filled the space with more lining up behind.

Luna cradled herself. “I am sorry. I am sorry. I am guilty!”

One of the corpses shrieked at Spike. “Move aside, our grievance is not with you. demon. The one you protect is the cause of our condition!”

“I’m making it my fight!” said Spike. He however grew uncertain as even more cadavers climbed out from the ice.

“So be it! We will devour you as well!”

A swirling set of twin crescent swords spun through the ether carving a swath through the corpses. The horde of angry dead rasped as they retreated from the stranger. From the parting crowd Spike saw a figure of a soldier unlike the rest. It was a dead unicorn knight stuck with so many lances and various weapons he reminded Spike of one of Rarity’s pin cushions. The pony’s fur was completely crimson, his natural fur color blended with blood that soaked and dripped from him. Streaking from the knight’s very eyes were tears of scarlet. Spike was surprised then that Luna stood up to acknowledge the knight.

Luna’s eyes were wet with tears. Her voice shaking she reached out. “S-San-Sanguine Soul, is that thou?”

“Luna, it has been an eternity.” said Sanguine Soul. “It seems again you are need of your knight.”

Lune wept. “Thou hast suffered so much for me! Thou suffers still! …Mine Captain—” She choked back tears to speak. “—mine love, I would not begrudge thee if it were thou that takes mine life.”

Sanguine Soul shook his head. “I can’t hate you. The torments of Tartarus are nothing; your memory makes me mightier than they who have lost their cause to blind hate.” He glared at the angry dead.

“Oh, mine love!” Luna rushed to hug the gory knight.

Sanguine Soul took a hoof to stop her from impaling herself on the weapons that impaled him. “Watch the points.” He smiled.

Spike was a spectator, he was then surprised when Sanguine Soul looked at him.

“I see Luna has found new love…” Sanguine Soul’s words were a mixture of jealousy and oddly enough happiness. “I am glad…she has found happiness again. Don’t make my mistake. Don’t let her fall again. Catch her before she does.”

Spike nodded numbly. The red dead knight’s vision was still sinking in.

The dead dreams screamed for attention. The horde edged upon them. Sanguine Soul laughed as he used his magic and levitated his sabers. He twirled the blades with such skill that they became blurs. The horde back off for a moment more.

Luna stood beside him. “Let us fight them together, mine love!”

Sanguine Soul’s face twisted up in pain, he spent a moment in contemplation before his reply. “Nay Luna, this is my battle till the end of time. You mustn’t linger here; the dreams of the dead are forever, in their very presence one’s soul is sapped.”

Luna cried. “What of thee?! I shall never leave thee again!”

“I’m already dead, you must move on. I love you too much to be jealous, so find your happiness as I found mine once in your embrace.”


“Hah, don’t worry about me! Even when dead, I live for battle—” He pulled some swords that were stuck in his body. “—and look! I have plenty weapons for these fools!”

“When thou lived… there were words I wished to impart… A piece of my heart shall forever remain yours,” said Luna, smiling.

“I know… now go… before I chew on you.” Sanguine Soul nuzzled her playfully.

Luna surprised the dead knight by grabbing his face and kissing him.

He smiled and quickly pushed her away. “Please! You cannot tempt me. I confess… in the thousand years contempt eventually consumed me but then you freely offered to stay with me in this hell…. turning it into my heaven. In that moment my hate had evaporated.”

Luna her face twisted in pain eventually nodded. “Fare thee well, my love.”

Through a shrinking window, Spike and Luna saw Sanguine Soul give combat to the countless corpses that attacked him. Before he fell to the brute onslaught of their numbers, translucent white wings materialized on his back and he was whisked away in a shaft of light.

Consciousness hit them like the cobblestones that they were lying upon. Spike was dizzy from the similar sensation when one pulled out from a vertical sky dive. The horrific visions of the nightmare were gone and he and Luna were left in the quiet alleyway. Where Sanguine Soul stood Spike saw the sword Luna had gifted him. The Crimson Crescent was planted firmly in the ground. The aura surrounding the weapon had somehow changed. It was less heavy yet still strongly present.

“He transcended.” said Luna, tears dripping from her eyes.

For longest the time they stood in the wake of feeling. When Luna recovered enough she spoke. “Sir Spike, I have forgiveness to ask of thee… I let my passions move me to do something most rash.”

Spike sensed the awkwardness in Luna’s words. Her discomfort was reflecting on him.

Luna swallowed and continued. “I attacked thee…”

She had gone beyond playful advances and jumped him. What would the implications be if the situation reversed? Spike thought that if a male had done what Luna did, there would be court trial and down the gavel would swing. The nature of the law was unequal in the respect Luna was female, let alone her position as nobility. In that light, Luna’s passion was frightfully out of control. Luna was truly from another time.

His pause to think, had caused Luna to sweat. She intoned sorrowfully. “Also twas most cruel for me to insult thy Rarity. I was angry so I drew whatever ammunition I could find. In truth, I have a deep respect for mortals especially in how so they sacrifice so much. I understand if thee want no longer to be with me...”

On the scales of judgment, Spike added Luna’s immortality, her desperate loneliness, and her intentions. He let out a deep sigh and resolved to forgive her. He couldn’t ignore his role in her actions either. If his heart could decide in finality, he could define their relationship as either friend or lover. His frustration was hers.

“I’m sorry too, for arguing. I understand at times, it’s just I still don’t like it… I’ll come around eventually.”

“Nay, thou must not. We require thee to remind me when I depart from mine path. Tell to me hard truths, and spare not one detail of thy insightful and sensitive self. Long ago I loved and was loved unconditionally… twas a disaster brought on by our love.”

Spike nodded. “I always sensed you had another significant someone in your life… so he was Sanguine Soul huh? You’ve never talked about him though.”

“Indeed, twas ages ago a soldier of mine fell in love with me. I feared he loved me too greatly to say when I walking towards the abyss. At the same I never chastised his blind devotion for I drew strength from it.”

He lowered his head shamefully, remembering Sanguine Soul fighting for Luna the tortures of Tartarus. “I don’t know if I’m worthy.”

“Sir Spike, thou came for me. Were it not for thee, I would have been lost.” Luna pointed the saber planted on the ground.

Spike pulled the blade out. As his claws gripped it he felt the presence of the dead red knight. The curved blade seemed to be smiling and offering its blessing. He returned the Crimson Crescent to it sheath. He turned toward Luna and saw the crescent moon of her genuine smile. It was thin and fragile like he had never seen it before. In that moment he pulled her close providing his warmth with the truth beyond definitions that he cared for this mare whatever else was concerned.

Chapter 17 Acts of Love

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Amorpheus followed after his dark mistress. Chitania, the first Queen of the Changelings, was a hero and a villain depending on which side of the divide you were. In her service, he wondered what was the true vision was. They strode through streets filled with civilians walking without much care. In their disguises they blended into the backdrop of posh ponies. Chitania’s pride made her take up the figure of a model mare that turned a few heads. Amorpheus’ presence as her stallion into tow though dissuaded any suitors. To the passerby it seemed to be a simple date; he knew differently. Chitania’s stroll was that of a conqueror to be, he had seen the same from Chrysalis as she too walked the streets seeing the landmarks.

He saw as Chitania walked through street after street she gave a disapproving grimace with each storefront she passed by.

“What’s wrong?” He asked to humor her.

“These pitiful ponies live in ignorance of their own history. Their lullabies are the lies they hath been fed.”

Amorpheus shrugged he couldn’t argue with that. Canterlot was a place of excess. “Indeed, they spend on luxury goods while say elsewhere in the world like in Zebrika others starve.”

Chitania shook her head. “I do not despair of the current condition. Twas ever thus so. I despair that naught much hast changed in a millennia. Inequity seems an interminable condition of civilization.”

He mused. “They have a new Princess; maybe she could make a difference.”

“Tis easier to change the figurehead upon a ship than to replace the rotted wood and make it good.”

“I see.”

Chitania pouted. “This city is lacking. Tis not to my liking.”

Amorpheus found her constant complaints irritable. He fixed his tie in an attempt to busy himself lest he speak out. Still, he couldn’t help himself. “What isn’t to your liking? What actually is?”

Chitania sighed. “It lacks the music of the deep: Changelings gathered in hive in the hall of hearths singing together. Sing it for me, at least the last verse.”

Amorpheus blinked in surprise at her tender turn. He knew the song from his soul, he sang the old hymn.

Hear the call that echoes through our hall

If not for us then those thereafter, so—

Changelings be small or tall, listen all,

One day we will become whole.

Chitania smiled. “I wrote that song… long ago. It was a lullaby for our people to quell their hungering hearts.”

Amorpheus growled. “It said it was you who cursed us in the first place. Your machinations brought on the Changeling curse!”

“There are many tales concerning that and there are just as many lies.”

“That was not an answer.”

Chitania gave a sardonic laugh before speaking. “The Changeling curse was a lie. It is the nature of Changelings to forever hunt and hunger for love. Sombra and I usurped the Celestial Plane seeking to change the very nature of Changelings.”

“I knew I just didn’t believe…” said Amorpheus.

Chitania raised a brow. “Such knowledge is only passed down to Queens of the Changeling Hive, how dost a Captain know?”

Amorpheus scoffed. “So my life’s pursuit was a lie… there was no cure. When she became Queen and the secret was revealed to her, Chrysalis violated taboo and told me. I pretended to believe it in order to support her in her despair. To hear the truth from the source…I feel shocked at my lack of feeling. I thought I loved her, am I even capable of loving?”

Chitania smiled. “My little changeling, I am so very proud of you. You made meaning where there was none. Never believe that thou art incapable of love. You will be with your Chrysalis again.”

Amorpheus narrowed his gaze. “At what cost? The doom of the world?”

Chitania shook her head. “Caution art for commoners. Fear of fire, keeps fools in the dark. Change shall always be met with resistance.” She looked at the crowds of ponies walking blissfully unaware. “Ye masses who stand to benefit most; I do not expect ye to understand. Tis because I love I destroy but only in order so that a new vision may be rebuilt. None shall ever feel mine loss ever again.”

A sense of foreboding gripped like it had never before. Her dreaded dream, had echoes of his past he could not forget and not help but regret. “I served a Queen once who wished enact similar change… Chrysalis, noble, brave, and full hubris spent our armies upon this city. In her gleaming glory and the moment of our greatest triumph came then our fall...”

Chitinia laughed. “Amorpheus, I see why thy faith falters. Thou art like a mare who hast lost her maidenhood to a scurrilous scoundrel, swinging then to denounce all romance. I fell once as thou hath noted, but see me and see that I stand again. Believe again! Believe in me.” She placed her hooves under his chin, holding his face to hers. “We will be whole.”

He smirked. Her charisma had its charm, had he not been with Chrysalis before her honeyed words might have worked. Yet he could not completely discard and disregard her words. Lingering in many lies was a dash of the truth. “In their moment, the greatest liars believe in their own deceptions. Give me something real. How, now, will you accomplish the impossible?”

“Amorpheus, you asked me what was to my liking. I shall tell thee. You.”

Amorpheus coughed, nearly choking.

Chitania playfully patted his mane. “Alas, mine heart belongs to Sombra, and his to mine.”

He was not to be deflected. “Tell me the details of your plan.”

Amorpheus was cut off my Chitania. “Enough, all shall be revealed in due time. Come, let us not tarry. I would like to see more modernity of this city before the play starts. I would not want to miss the first act.”

It had been a long night and Spike again slept in. Free of the hospital he had taken up Twilight’s old study to sleep in. His hatchling home of the Canterlot Castle was a welcoming abode filled with familiarity. Interspersed with the things left behind; he found his old basket, that, now, could not even fit his head. Instead, he slept in Twilight’s old bed.

The visions of Luna’s nightmares kept him tossing and turning though. Thinking back what scared him most was Luna’s casual acceptance when confronted with the corpses of her making. The moon truly was cratered with the scars of the past. Luna still bled from those half healed wounds. Was he even in any position to help her? How would he even begin?

He was awoken by a knocking at his door. Greeting his drowsy self was a perky Rarity.

“Rarity, what’s up?”

Rarity gave a winning smile. “I figured I could treat us to nice meal to get rid of stage fright. for our...umm performance tonight.”

“I’m down for comfort food, but, Rarity, you and stage fright? I thought a socialite like you would relish the attention.”

“Spikey, you’re not nervous narrating the whole play?”

Spike coughed. “We have our lines in front of us written on giant cue cards don’t we?”

Rarity gasped. “Those are for emergencies! You’re supposed to memorize your lines! Cheaters never prosper.”

Spike flicked his reptilian tongue out. “You sound like ‘Professor’ Twilight.”

“Oh that Twilight sometimes can be a tad…” Rarity huffed. “A lady doesn’t say.”

Spike chuckled at Rarity deservedness. “I know it. Living with her so long, I’ve gotten a lecture or two.”

“I’m glad though. She really helped opened my eyes. I actually had her smuggle books about dragons to me.”

“I noticed a section missing.” Spike smiled.

“Let’s get lunch.”

The manager wrinkled his nose as his eyes ran the length of Spike’s draconic body. “I am sorry... ugh sir we have no tables available.”

Contrary to the manager’s words Spike saw that there were many open tables.

“I see.” He pointed a claw at the empty tables. “Lemme guess… all those are reserved?”

The manager coughed. “Yes, we have a party coming in. Full house.”

He dared to push further. “How about future reservations?”

The manager flicked through the book at the podium. “All booked… maybe next year?”

He sincerely doubted the manager could read the entire book in two seconds. Spike snorted smoke in the manager’s face. “I’m a dragon is that it?”

“Come on, Spike. We can look elsewhere for food.” Rarity gripped him by the arm and pulled him away before more than smoke came from his mouth.

Spike nodded sadly. Her heard the manager mutter ‘beast’ behind his back.

Rarity swiveled back gave a ‘humph’ in the manager’s face as the left. “The only thing beastly here, are your manners! You rotten jerk!”

This time, it was Spike that pulled Rarity away from clobbering the manager.

Their third Canterlot restaurant, Rarity decided on a different tact. Spike hid behind bushes while she bought seats for her and her ‘guest’. He heard the tail end of conversation.

The greeter seemed welcoming enough. “Yes, absolutely. Who did you want to register under?”

Rarity smiled. “Rarity and Spike.”

The greeter gasped. “Are you the Rarity?”

Rarity adjusted her mane, feigning modesty. “That’s right darling. I’m Rarity, element of harmony bearer, and Ponyville’s premier clothier extraordinaire.”

Rarity’s smile drop when the greeter sneered. “Animal lover, I’m afraid we don’t serve kibble here.”

The greeter slammed the door at her face.

“Why I never!” Rarity bawked. Rarity rubbed her eyes as tears seem to well.

Spike emerged from his hiding spot. He looked at her with concern. “Rarity, have they rejected you often because of your association with me? Please don’t cry.”

Rarity wrapped her hooves round Spike for a tight embrace.“Spike, I’m crying for you. I thought things would be better.”

“Come on.” Spike took a claw and pulled her away from the door.

Spike and Rarity sat at bench in the street. Rarity seemed to think of new restaurant to try, only to lower her hoof as she imagined the scenario. He had new appreciation for the Ponyville Café and Savoir Fare. Its owner went so far to accommodate him with ‘Ruby Tuesdays’ whereas the Canterlot restaurateurs didn’t even let them past the door. Even if Savoir Fare had ultimately involved them in an ambush, he seemed kind now.

“It’s not right.” said Rarity, pouting.

Spike sighed. “Don’t worry, I heard in some establishments they even reject Earth Ponies… to be honest I rather not pay into their way of business.”

“That’s disgusting, simply disgusting.” said Rarity.

“I’m surprised they rejected you… had the rumor spread so far?”

“Darling, remember back at the Peace Conference, I accosted that Equestria for Equines reporter?”

Rarity had stood up for him in front of cameras, he was sincerely moved by the gestured. He remembered hanging back and watching. “Yeah?”

“I was labeled ‘animal lover’ in his next article.” Rarity grumbled.

Spike clasped his claws holding, his head up. “I guess it didn’t help that Aldred threatened to burn down the country with a dragon army.”

Rarity gave a dark smile. “Actually I would like to see that happen… at least with some parts of Equestria.”


Rarity pouted. “Spikey, seriously something ought to be done.”

Nightshade landed in between them. “I would agree. Perhaps we could instate forced integration at the tip of a lance point?”

Spike coughed. “Umm…”

“I was kidding.” Nightshade groaned “I’m not that crazy.”

Nightshade in the middle of the day. Spike was pleasantly surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you…” Nightshade swallowed before speaking. “Maybe we could do lunch? I have some things I wanted to discuss.”

“A fabulous idea, Miss Nightshade, Spikey knows you, but I’m afraid we haven’t been familiarized.”

“Lady Rarity, it is a pleasure.” Nightshade nodded.

Rarity waved a hoof. “Please just Rarity, only Luna insists on titles.”

“I’m a military mare, I’m afraid I’m much the same.”

“Well, you’re not on duty, are you?”

Nightshade smiled. “No, ma’am.”

The prospects of a lunch date with Rarity and Nightshade swirled in Spike’s mind. Fancy Pants had suggested speaking to Nightshade about vampirism and Rarity. The absurdity of making Rarity a vampire though still left a giggle in Spike’s mind. It would be a drastic life style change, was he right for even suggesting it. Would Rarity be pressured to accept in order to compete with Luna? Would the outcome be Rarity or a somepony entirely different? When he came back he realized the mares had conversed on without him.

“—you would not believe the snooty restaurateurs we had to deal with!” Rarity gritted her teeth.

“If you don’t mind, then, maybe I could introduce you to my scene. It’s… different but we’re accepting of differences.” Nightshade smiled.

Spike remembered the hidden vampire bar in Ponyville. “It’s not going to be like the Cherry Chalice, is it?”

Nightshade shook her head. “That was more exclusive. This place is a lot more friendly.”

In what could only be described as an underground cathedral ponies raved on to upbeat music. The music was heart pounding loud. There were all races of ponies, and even an odd Zebra or Griffin. Again like the Cherry Chalice, the patrons had disparate backgrounds but were united in the common red glow of their eyes. The atmosphere was far more welcoming with a communal dance floor. Still, there was an ever present hint of danger. Set in the smiling and laughing mouths of many were fangs.

Rarity remarked at the roaring crowd. “Darling, don’t you find this party scene seems rather lively to be in the middle of the day?”

Nightshade nodded. “My kind are nocturnal, your night is our day. So these ponies are crazy party ponies you’d see in your night scene. There’s even a time intersection where those scenes meet.”

Spike raised a brow at a Pegasus dancing on an elevated platform. The Pegasus danced with a pole fixed from the platform to the ceiling. The moves she performed made Spike and Rarity blush.

Nightshade continued walking through the crowd. Spike poked her armor plate with a claw. “Nightshade, I didn’t think you went these kinds of places.”

She adjusted her armor and replied awkwardly. “Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

Spike smiled to himself. The repressed Captain Nightshade perhaps wasn’t as repressed as she led others to believe.

Nightshade led the way as she walked through the crowd with ease. Their way to the upstairs dining booths led past the DJ station.

Spike saw a familiar white-coated and blue-maned pony spinning the tracks. He was surprised to see the pony wearing her glasses up. “Vinyl Scratch?”

The pony stopped bobbing her head and gave a friendly wave. “Heya, Spike. Crazy seeing you here, huh?”

“Likewise,” said Spike. Vampire Vinyl Scratch, who knew? Spike recalled that the DJ wore her glasses almost religiously in public; in lieu of her nature it made sense to him for her to hide her eyes. Perhaps that was the source of the confusion as to her eye color.

“Tasty blood pack, Nightshade.” Vinyl Scratch licked her fangs at Rarity and exchanged a glance with Nightshade.

Rarity recoiled. “Blood pack?”

Nightshade shielded Rarity by stepping in front of her. She looked at Vinyl with a cool smile. “Remember your vows.”

Vinyl Scratch smirked. “Yeah, yeah, I’d have a drink, but Octy would kill me.”

They waved good bye as they walked on.

After climbing a set of stairs onto the second level they found their seats in a booth that overlooked the dance floor. Sitting down in their booth, Spike sat opposite Nightshade while Rarity sat besides him. Rarity eyes darted to the red drinks at the different tables. She apparently had pieced together the picture or had reserved her fear for when they were alone; now in the isolated booth, she started hyperventilating.

Rarity gasped. “They’re vampires?”

Nightshade hissed. “Don’t use that word.”


Spike sighed; he had gone through the introductions before. “They prefer to be called ‘acolytes of the night’.”

Rarity nodded but was pushing herself into the corner of the booth, so far that she was being absorbed by the cushions.

“To start us off with two red cognac and one apple juice.” said Nightshade, to a passing waitress.

Spike protested. “I think I’ll have apple juice, too.”

Nightshade shook her head. “You’re having red cognac for your training.”

Spike admittedly had not touched ‘red cognac’ since last Nightshade had introduced him to the drink.

“Okay, that’s code for blood.” Rarity seemed to be on the cusp of fainting spell.

Nightshade chuckled. “You don’t want to pass out here. There are a few opportunistic biters.”

Rarity grew pale and straightened up fearfully in her seat.

“Not cool.” Spike growled at Nightshade. He turned to the panic stricken Rarity and extended a wing pulling her close. “They get the blood from hospitals, I’m not letting any pony bite you, and they’re not monsters.”

Rarity after moments wrapped in the warmth of his wings calmed her breathing. Her new disposition seemed to be inquisitive. “Darling, so vampires—”

Nightshade cleared her throat.

Rarity corrected herself. “Acolytes of the night, are real?”

After debunking most myths involving mirrors, garlic, and assorted others. Rarity seemed satisfied and relaxed enough to turn to her talkative self. Nightshade had more glasses while Rarity had a hay salad; Spike had noodles with emerald shavings. Spike though kept his glass to the side.

The food was well prepared and the sauce smelled of natural oil and fresh tomatoes. Spike salivated and licked his fangs. Before he bit into his meal, he noticed Nightshade’s wings twitch slightly.

Nightshade blushed profusely as she pulled her wings back into folding position.

“What?” said Spike.

Nightshade then sighed at the clueless expression on his face. “Don’t do that in this setting… licking your fangs is a signal that you’re... receptive.”

“Ah,” Spike then proceeded to choke on his noodles. He wondered why he was even this nervous around Nightshade.

Rarity interjected to dismiss the awkward air. “I thought bat ponies were friendly fruit bats… I recall Fluttershy transforming into one by magical mishap. The only danger posed was to Applejack’s crops.”

Nightshade wetted her mouth with a sip of her glass. “A smokescreen, our reintroduction into your society was to be eased by that lie. There are some of us who subsist on fruit however for most nothing sates save the red life liquid. Concerning your friend… that incident was investigated, her transformation was magical, whereas our condition is natural. Still there is a squad to welcome her into our order should… other symptoms emerge.”

Rarity absorbed the information with bites of lettuce. She continued after digesting. “I hope this question isn’t rude, how old are you, are you immortal?”

Nightshade shook her head. “You are free to ask, I realize much of our existence has been distorted by popular culture and lore.” She gave Spike an aside glance.

Spike smiled meekly, his thoughts concerning vampires was mostly movies and romanticized books before Nightshade set the record straight.

Rarity prodded gently. “So… are you immortal?”

Nightshade continued. “Just our age, we die the same with sufficient injury and we are as vulnerable as the next pony when faced with a lance through the heart: wooden or otherwise.”

“Minus the occasional need to… partake… That seems not at all a bad deal.” said Rarity enjoying her hay salad. She fluffed her mane. “To be forever young seems like a dream.”

Nightshade lapped up her glass of red. “Once the hundredth year happy high wears off, it takes a toll on your soul. If you’re willing to give it a go, then I’d say try it. You can always leap off a cliff later.”

Spike shuddered at Nightshade’s indifferent reference of suicide. “You don’t want to leap off a cliff, do you?”

Nightshade shrugged. “I’m a soldier for a reason… if it happens it happens. I wear the armor because I want to find a good reason.”

Rarity placed a hoof on Nightshade’s hoof. “You shouldn’t think like that. Dear, I think you can find plenty of reasons to live for instead of dying for.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” Nightshade took a long sip from her glass. “I doubt any of you have felt despair as I have.”

Spike rolled his eyes at Nightshade’s wallowing. He laughed. “After Rarity rejected me, it represented everything I feared and that I would never belong with dragon or pony... I almost burned the forest of Everfree down to suffocate in the smoke.”

“Spikey!” Rarity blurted.

Nightshade cackled. “I saw the annihilation of my entire clan; I sat in the carnage and snow until frostbite almost took all my limbs.”

“Nightshade!” said Rarity startled. “Both of you!” Rarity reached out and slapped Nightshade, then whipped her hoof at Spike.

“Ow!” Spike felt his face.

Spike and Nightshade turned toward Rarity. Rarity was crunched up into a small ball. She sniffled slightly. She didn’t descend into tears as he had expected instead she rose up and jabbed her hoof at them.

Rarity’s face was flush red with anger. “Both of you, how can talk about taking your lives so casually? There are those who care for you! You’re both so selfish, it makes me sick. Especially you Spikey… how would your friends feel… “

Rarity gave a small choke. “ would I feel now if you were gone?”

Spike swallowed hard.

Nightshade continued. “Perhaps, you could handle immortality. You have a great soul.” She gulped down the rest of her glass. She turned towards Spike. “I just wanted to say thank you.” She gave another glance reserved for Rarity. “To you, too.”

Spike reached out with a claw. “Wait, Nightshade.”

Nightshade snapped at Spike pointing to the full glass of red on the table. “And finish your glass. You need the training. You can’t lose yourself in battle.”

Leaving a bag of bits to cover their entire meal, Nightshade walked off. In the shifting crowd of dancers, she quickly blended away.

Spike brought the glass to his lips and set it down.

Rarity gasped. “Spikey, you aren’t going to drink that are you?”

He held the glass letting its viscous contents swirl. “Nightshade wants me to temper my blood lust as a method of training in case I needed to use my jaws in combat.”

Rarity sighed. “You, Luna, and Nightshade, live in world apart from my own.”

Spike shook his head. “That’s what I used to think about you… Miss Element Bearer… I tried to tag along as much as possible, but in the end, I realized I couldn’t keep up.” He chuckled. “Heh, I had tiny legs back then.”

Rarity nodded. “Spikey, you were so cute back then.” She cuffed her mouth with her hooves. “I mean, you’re still cute now. Just it takes getting used to umm your draconic features. I’m sure you’re dashing by dragoness standards. It’s just different standard of beauty.”

“Exactly right, it’s a different standard. I don’t need you to change. I appreciate you for who you are and what you do.”

“Spikey, where’s your sense of adventure?” Rarity levitated Spike’s glass up to her lips.

His eyes opened wide as he saw her take a gulp. Rarity held a forced smile for a moment as she tried to swallow. A bead of sweat fell from her forehead as she struggled with the taste.

“Rarity, you don’t ha—”

Rarity finally swallowed her gulp. She immediately turned to her cup of apple juice to wash away the taste. “In vino veritas… I believe it’s a phrase that says truth in the wine.”

Rarity swallowed. It was good to know for Spike, she had gotten twenty percent cooler in that moment. He half expected her spit out the blood. The little surprises of hers, Spike found her fortitude to be remarkable. “Yeah, it’s bitter; I don’t like the taste of it either. Blood is something I want to avoid, yet—”

Rarity placed a hoof on his claw. “—we can’t avoid it if we live in this society upheld by the sacrifices of others. I’m willing though to give back for all these years you gave to me. I’m willing give you my all.”

Spike nervously scratched the back of his head, running his claws through his spines. “You’re too generous.”

“Oh shush, Spikey. Let’s put aside all seriousness for now. Let’s dance.”

Spike held Rarity’s fore legs with his arms as they waltzed about the dance floor. The traditional style in the rave setting caused one or two ponies to look on.

“You only know the waltz? You’re adorable, Spikey!”

“My book about courtly romance… kinda came from a thousand years ago.” Spike chuckled, nervously. He tried to count the steps in his head.

Rarity giggled. “Lead away, I don’t mind.”

Several ponies cheered them on. It seemed that Vinyl Scratch had even noticed them through the crowds; the disk playing changed to something he heard during Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding. Couples formed up on cue of the romantic mood music.

“This is an accepting setting,” said Spike, surprise.

Rarity leaned into Spike and nibbled against his neck with her lips. “I may just have to acquire a taste for red.”

Spike gulped. As their waltz continued, Spike noticed a few groups tried to emulate their dance. “I think we might start a new trend.”

Rarity nodded. “Most fashions trends do go in a cycle.”

Spike took her right forehoof and spun her. Rarity squealed as he caught her by her back.

“Delightful, you’re my prince in armored scales.”

Soon, the music died down as the crowds dispersed. Rarity and Spike rested at the bar and caught their breaths in the lull.

“We must be getting back, the play is on soon.” said Rarity.

“Yeah,” said Spike, taking in Rarity’s vision. Dancing with her as equals was his reason for even learning to dance. It drove him to improve himself to be her knight. He wondered whether Shakespony learned to weave words only to woo ladies. Love perhaps drove history’s greatest artist and poets. Was it worth it? It that moment he supposed it was.

“Yoowhoo,” Rarity waved a hoof over Spike’s face.

“Right.” Spike took her by the hoof.

The theater had been filled already. Spike took his place in between the stage curtains. He would narrate the opening then the play would start. He was surprised when another stepped in.

Luna was stern. “Are thee ready? Much will depend on this play; all must go according to script. Thou must be calm.”

“Yes?” Spike was confused by her surge of seriousness.

Luna sighed and smiled. “Sir Spike, we wish thee luck.” She leaned in a pecked him on the cheek with a small kiss. Luna darted away quickly as the stage curtains started moving.

The stage curtains parted and he began. “Once upon a time, long before the peaceful rule of Celestia, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony. It was a strange and dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart—”

In the upper galley of the theater, two figures whispered to themselves. The play had come to point of introducing the three tribes and their issues.

Chitania chortled as she stared at the three tribes on stage. “So this is what hast become of history? What laughable lies.”

“Indeed,” said Amorpheus, “but I think the truth would not be family friendly.”

Chitania leaned in and narrowed her eyes at the stage. “Amorpheus, I was unconvinced but her aura matches perfectly. The crown accepts her head as its roost. Acquire her, she is the one needed for mine plans. Acquire her, now.”

Amorpheus huffed. “I hoped to nab her in a dark street. This would not be discreet.”

Chitania sneered. “Do it after the performance: backstage. Thou hath access dost thou not?”

Amorpheus bowed. “As you wish.”

Reading from the cue cards and half remembered lines, Spike found the play proceeding much as if he wasn’t there. He was just a mouthpiece. What was the point? Yet there was supposed to be importance to it all. His existential debate waged though only in his head.

“And so the paradise that the ponies had found was soon lost, buried beneath a thick blanket of snow and hard feelings.”

It came to point where the Pony tribes bickered and argued. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity reprised their roles as Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum respectively. In the play’s scripted comical conflict Spike saw through to Luna’s vision of blood soaked battlefields. He imagined the three tribes armies clashing. How many lives were lost to form Equestria? How many lives were sacrificed to maintain that illusion?

As Spike narrated the play he saw in the upper rafters a twinkling. Luna was crying but still watching, he nearly stuttered in his narration. Yes, the play was a fanciful fiction to maintain the illusion of harmony, but a necessity. The events within the play, Luna had first hoof witness without the filter of fiction. If Luna could watch, he could narrate.

Soon the play was nearly over. He finished off his narration with that idealistic blurb that meant more for its function. “The three leaders agreed to share the beautiful land, and live in harmony ever afterwards. And together, they named their new land...”

“Equestria!” cried the cast.

Cue the choir. As the crowd joined in the signing.

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us through

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

Spike disappeared into the curtain folds while they say. However, after a while, he found his cynical edge dulled slightly. He had once heard a tale that the children’s song ‘Ring around the Rosie’ was derived from a great plague. Still there was a certain fun to the lyrics as there was here. He allowed himself to forget at least for a moment as the choir of ponies kept singing. Yet, the tears of Luna still burned in his mind. Luna had packed the audience with soldiers that would go to war. Yet, the soldiers sung along civilians, their voices merging into the melody. Smiles that weren’t really smiles and closed shut eyes that dammed the torrent of tears. Luna, Rarity, and Nightshade three mares in his mind were so strong and so weak.

Soon the singing died down. The play had ended and Spike’s friends quickly decided to go to a shared dinner hosted by Twilight. Spike though noticed Rarity had declined along with Luna. There was also a large amount of the audience idling about in casual conversation. He recognized them to be the guards that Luna had provided a free show for.

He heard then a shout from backstage.


Rarity neatly folded some of the costumes to be stored in a chest while others she attached to hangers on a trolley. The many hours she devoted to their design was distilled into a play that seemed short in comparison. She considered herself an artist and her thoughts turn to other artists. How much unseen work was done for a drawing, a written piece, or a symphony? She hummed in satisfaction though and took a sense of pride that her work had helped bring joy to others.

“What wonderful costumes. They were period accurate too.”

Rarity appraised the generous stallion as he looked through the racks of carefully sewn garments.

“I see you’re a connoisseur with fine taste, thanks to your donation I decided to go all on the costumes.”

He chuckled. “The actors must have their props.”

The gray stallion had given her a crown befitting real royalty; she realized she didn’t even know his name. “I am afraid I still don’t your name. Sir?”

He chuckled. “You mistake me for a knight?”

Rarity waved a hoof. “Well, you have noble bearing.”

“I have lived in the shadows most my life, the good I have done shall never be known nor did I seek such things.”

“O contraire! My dear, great deeds deserve recognition. A suit or dress needs to be worn, not making moth food in some dusty closet.”

“I’m afraid my petticoat is too stain with blood for that.”

A strand of her mane sprung loose as she grew nervous. She levitated her scissors behind her back in case she needed a weapon to defend herself.

The stallion waved his hooves defensively. “No, I’m not a murderer. I was a soldier.” He slumped his head down. “I suppose there is little difference save the title.”

Rarity relaxed slightly. “You scared me for a moment. Thing have just been insane lately.” She proceeded to hang the remaining costumes on their hooks. “Well, Sir, I trust you enjoyed the show. Unless there’s more, I’ll beg you to leave me to my work.”

“Ah Ms. Rarity, the next part will be hard. Please do not scream. I do not wish to hurt you.” In a flash of green fire Amorpheus revealed himself. He was baffled when Rarity smiled at his transformation.

“Now!” Rarity shouted.

Guards jumped from their hidden positions in the folds of the stage curtains. They had war saddle mounted lances that shimmered in the stage light.

Amorpheus grimaced as he faced them.

Fancy Pants, led the guards and grinned triumphantly. “I heard you’ve been impersonating me. Rather ill manners. I say. Eh, chap?”

Amorpheus snarled at Rarity. “An ambush?”

“Darling, seriously I’m not so easily fooled. I knew who you were from the start. I keep up with the tabloids. Perhaps you chose subconsciously but your disguise resembled another Canterlot socialite who happens to be yachting on the other side of the country.”

Fancy Pants adjusted his armor. He said with mocking sarcasm. “So sorry to spoil your plans.”

Amorpheus sparked his horn as he prepared to attack. “I won’t be taken by the likes of you. Prepare for fea—”

The stage curtains unfurled and spotlight lit up the stage. Amorpheus placed a hoof to shield himself from the blinding lights. As his eyes adjusted they came to focus: rows of Pegasi lancers, Unicorn mages, and Earth Pony crossbow wielders were all ready to attack.

Luna smiled, leaning against a spotlight. “Tis a trap! Thou art completely surrounded. The audience is the best of our elite selected for mental fortitude against your mind magic.”

Amorpheus growled cutting off his magic. “So, this is my end?”

Luna looked at her hoof nonchalantly. “Most surprising though, we had set the ambush for when thou would attack me, yet lady Rarity seems to be thy true target. We shall have your answers to this and many questions in the interrogation.” Luna waved a hoof. “Restrain him!”

Crossbow bolts nailed Amorpheus to the flooring. Then Pegasi Lancers threw their javelins planting the Revenant further into the stage. The Unicorn Mages concentrated their beams and wrapped him in a magic immobilizing field.

Luna flew and landed onto the stage alongside a squad of Pegasi. She smiled at Amorpheus’ face.

Amorpheus coughed with the javelins and crossbow bolts sticking to him. “These spears are enchanted and so are the bolts… So many measures, just for me?”

Luna poked the Revenant with her hoof. “Thou art dead already, tis folly to show thee restraint in both senses of the word.”

“You stocked the audience with elite soldiers, why didn’t I notice the deep voices in the chorus?”

Luna smirked. “We balanced that out by specially selecting of the civilian audience.”

Amorpheus cackled. “All of your acting was superb. Well played.”

Luna smirked. “Thou shares our love of puns, tis a pity we are enemies.”

Spike had stood on stage in between Amorpheus and Luna as the curtains had unfurled.

“Luna, why didn’t you tell me?” Spike asked as he looked to the upper rafters at her. He sighed. “I thought no more secrets.”

Luna was startled by Spike. She felt her hoof in embarrassment. “Sir Spike, actually I meant to… it was just in last evenings events… the thought escaped me. I thought someone else had—”

Spike spouted pointing to Rarity on stage. “If Amorpheus immediately resisted, . Rarity would be in the line of fire.”

Rarity placed a hoof over his claws. “Spikey, calm down, darling. This was my plan. I contacted Fancy Pants about a suspicious guest. Luna and Fancy Pants helped with the details.”

Spike spun toward her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought someone else had already done so,” said Rarity. “I, in fact, decided upon lunch to calm our nerves. Your calm rather surprised me; I suppose it was because you didn’t know.”

Fancy Pants patted Spike on the back. “You’re incurably honest lad, perhaps it was better you didn’t know. Blame me for keeping you in the dark.” He smirked at the restrained undead Changeling.

Spike sighed. He supposed failures in communication were a fact of life. At least it wasn’t intentional.

Fancy Pants kicked Amorpheus. “It all turned out well, this bugger might have noticed in the performance if we told more than ponies.”

“Indeed I would. A pity, I didn’t.” Amorpheus smiled.

Luna smashed her hoof into Amorpheus’ face knocking his smile into a sneer. “Thou hast hurt and killed many. We ask thee why?”

Amorpheus said, simply. “Do your worst.”

Luna cackled. “We know dark magic; wouldst thou like to feel those javelins and crossbow bolts in thy body?”

“Heh, I am a Revenant, an undead. Every muscles and nerve in me screams at my existence being a defiance of natural law. I feel so much pain, that I am numb.” He spat blood onto the floor.

His confession caused a pang of sympathy in even Spike.

Luna persisted with nary a blink. “Why then dost thou endure?”

“For love,” said Amorpheus. “My master promised to restore my love to life.”

Luna looked sorrowfully. “Thou attended this play with another, we see thee alone now. Thy master hast abandon thee. Reveal unto us thy secrets. I shall end thy suffering.”

Amorpheus shook his head. “Your efforts are wasted. I am bound to life by my mistress’ spell. If she feels I’ll betray any of her secrets she would undo the magic. As you said, she has abandoned me.”

“Ah we’re making progress, so you master is a mistress.” Fancy Pants smiled.

Amorpheus bit his tongue at his slip. “Damn, I’ll say no more…”

Luna ordered, raising a hoof. “Fancy Pants, tighten security. We shall be at this all night.”

The word ‘security’ chimed in Spike’s mind. He raised a claw. “Hey, Luna. I thought Nightshade was running security for this event.”

Luna and Fancy Pants turned towards Spike with questioningly looks.

Fancy Pants scratched his moustache. “Lad, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Spike repeated. “I thought I remembered Nightshade said she was charge of security. She even asked me about the exits…”

Luna spoke. “Nay, Nightshade is supposed to—”

The spotlights and stage lights went black. Many sets of glowing crimson eyes paired with flashes of fangs moved in the darkness. The rustling of leather wings led to screams. Spell bolts illuminated the stage as mages fired at unseen assailants. There was a tunnel of dark magic that swept through the seats.

From Luna’s horn fired a bolt that glowed as if a star descended. Suspended in the air it lit the theater. The rows of guards were incapacitated.

Amorpheus was freed, his horn smoked with the residuals of a powerful spell that had cowed the lines of guards. He coughed as he used his magic to pull out the lances that pinned him.

Luna, Spike, and Fancy Pants then stood on the stage alone. Vampire Elite bat ponies held their mounted lances pointed at them. Some of their lances dripped with the blood of the slain. The guards that were with them on stage but bodies on floor now. Spike spun around to find Rarity gone from his side

Rarity gasped as a bloodied blade was held against her throat. Backing away slowly she stared at the hook of a distinctive crescent lance.

Spike saw the figure fishing Rarity back was Nightshade.

Amorpheus spoke to Nightshade with familiar terms. “I did not expect the mistress to save me at the cost of revealing an inside agent… so close.”

“Yeah,” said Nightshade, “Believe me, I was surprised by the order same as you.”

Luna shouted in confusion. “Captain Nightshade!?”

A monotone came from Nightshade’s lips. “Princess Luna.”

Fancy Pants had already lowered his horn and readied an attack spell. “Why are your guards here? Do you mean to break faith with your vows?”

Nightshade shook her head. “My faith was broken a millennia ago when I saw the corpses of my clan used to fertilize the soil of this land. This is to say nothing of the dark dealings use to secure this current state. This play, this lie, for harmony sake, spits at the sacrifices I and my guards have made.”

Fancy Pants had no retort; rather even his composure was shaken.

Luna swallowed before speaking; her hurt was evident in faltering speech. “N-Nightshade, why-why hast thou remain silent until now?”

Nightshade chuckled. “Love and loyalty, I loved you, Luna… yet you only look at me in when I am a threat.”

Spike growled. “Nightshade, that’s not true! She has sacrificed so much! Luna loves you! She loves all the ponies of Equestria!”

Nightshade laughed. “And what a love that is! We are all but fools and tools to be sacrificed whenever and however to take down pieces of greater value! Nightmare Moon was the only one who ever cared for me!”

“You’re insane. That’s not true. Even without Luna, there’s for certain another who loves you.”

Nightshade snorted. “Who?”

“…Nightshade, I care for you.” said Spike.

“You?!” Nightshade gasped, wincing. Her piercing crimson eyes and her lance relaxed for a moment.

“I’m not going to be hostage!” Rarity pulled from under the hook crescent of Nightshade’s lance. She scrambled towards Spike but was pulled back by Amorpheus’ magic.

Rarity continued screaming. “Let me go!”

“Rarity!” Spike tried to grab her but a row of lances stopped him.

Amorpheus grimaced at the stirring Royal Guards in the rows of theater seats. “It seems these soldiers do have greater mental fortitude. They are already waking from their personal nightmares. We have no more time.” He coughed as he prodded Nightshade with a hoof. “Your new master and our mistress, awaits. Do not disappoint.”

“Right, but do not forget it was my intervention that won you this day,” said Nightshade, coldly. She slapped the blunt end of her lance on the back of Rarity’s head knocking her unconscious.

“Perish the thought.” Amorpheus levitated Rarity onto his back. He turned to the Elite Night Guards. “Brace yourselves, this means of teleport… hurts like hell.”

The Elite Guards screamed as they were consumed by flames. They burned like candles before disappearing as ash. Nightshade did not scream as she was consumed by the blaze alongside Amorpheus.

“Nightshade don’t you dare run away!” Spike jumped at the flash of flames but was pulled back. “Rarity!”

“Lad, we don’t know what’s down that rabbit hole!” Fancy Pants strained with his magic to hold Spike back.

“They have Rarity!” Spike snarled.

Luna seemed still frozen at the point Nightshade had admitted her treason and reason.

Spike recalled how Luna had stopped in that horrible dream. “Luna! You can’t just freeze up!”

Luna mouth words but her voice was lacking.

“Princess!” Fancy Pants bowed. “We need orders. Those cretins have spirited away with Lady Rarity.”


“Sir Spike, had I informed thee of our plans, we would have caught unto Nightshade’s betrayal.”

Spike waved a claw dismissing it. “Never mind that now.”

Luna shook her head. “Nightshade’s fall is my fault…”

As cruel as it sounded; Spike considered he would rather have the cold commanding and calculating Luna at that moment. She seemed to have the most composure when others had none yet how could he ask her to kill her emotions?

Fancy Pants snarled. “Nightshade has gone traitor. She was of the highest echelon, she takes with her many state secrets. We ought not to have trusted her kind. The vampires are true to their nature. They don’t want to be fed blood pack. They want to hunt.”

Spike’s previous forays into vampire pony culture especially his time at the ‘Cherry Chalice’ seemed to pop in his mind. They saluted ancient flag that was from the time of Nightmare Moon. Nightshade herself did so. The ball of hurt she was, Spike also wondered whether he could have help her avoid her fall or given her delusional love for Luna was it inevitable?

“Graaaaahhhh!!!” Luna horn charged with pulses of power crackling through the air. In a flurry of angry cutting strokes she demolished the backdrops of that had been used for the play. The plywood mountains, castles, and even the Equestrian flag were seared to pieces in the destructive display. Beyond even that her beams had cut into the brick wall and mortar of building itself.

Fancy Pant nervously approached. “Princess?”

“Give the order, have all thestral or ‘bat pony’ guards renew vows of loyalty. Exterminate any that so much so shows a sliver of dissent. Place all orders of the guard on high alert. Summon forth the Changeling Delegation, tis time to collect upon their promise.”

The onrush of Luna’s commands didn’t comfort Spike as he hoped. Her orders were given by a fiery rage.

“Concerning Nightshade and the retinue she left with?” asked Fancy Pants.

“Look upon the profiles of the traitor guards missing. If any possess families, they art to be detained and held at house arrest.”

“I do not think they would keep families. The inner circle of the Night Guards are notorious for being death seekers.”

“Then they shall be granted their wish. All art to be declared enemies of the Republic and slain upon first sighting. I want the head of their leader on a spike.”

Spike motioned to protest. He did not if was because it was Nightshade's so sudden betrayal or it was something else. Why was he hesitant to label her an enemy? “Luna, Nightshade hesitated. Maybe she could be reasoned with?”

“Sir Spike, art thou a knight of the realm?”

“I am,” said Spike.

There was a cold edge to Luna’s words. “War cometh, thou must not hesitate.”

Spike worked the word in his mind before speaking it aloud. “War?”

Luna snarled westward. “The message is clear. Our enemies hath teleported through dragon flames. This bold move is the preamble to an invasion. Aldred’s draconic hordes shall be upon on the morrow.”

Fancy Pants had just finished relaying the first set of Luna’s orders when she spoke the second. “Bring me my armor… the Nightmare set.”

Chapter 18 Longest Night

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The emergency war council had been called upon immediately after they had left the theater. Only half of Equestria’s military officers were able to be assembled in the dead of night. Spike recalled the Council Chamber had once been arranged in a circular sun, Luna’s was arranged in crescent moon formation that faced Luna and her chiefs of staff. In the center was a circular map table of Equestria, with many chess pieces upon it. The Wonderbolt elite, Earth Pony infantry, the Pegasi air force, Unicorn Mage Corp, and remnants of the Night Guards were all represented to at least some to degree. He spotted Rainbow Dash in her Wonderbolt Captain outfit and Twilight sitting to the side but felt no energy to approach them. Spike sat beside Luna, wondering why he conveniently had a seat. He saw a faced-down name plate and gripped it with a claw.

Fancy Pants placed a hoof to stop him. “Leave that alone, lad.” His eyes gestured toward Luna.

Spike nodded then saw Luna’s expression. Her confusion, pain, was written bold. He wanted slap himself. The seat had obviously had belonged to Nightshade. He, too, however felt it, yet something was odd. Why was he so hurt, it seemed to be more than the betrayal of a friend. His own confusion there was palpable. His relationship with Nightshade was like a blooming flower so suddenly trampled into the dirt. He considered why he thought they had a ‘relationship’. It then occurred to him it had sparked in his mind immediately of a romantic relationship. He surrendered and slumped his head against the table for a moment. He allowed himself a distraction.

One of the Earth Pony captains was without armor as she walked to her seat, yawning.

Fancy Pants grimaced. “Captain Blueberry Frost, why aren’t you in uniform?!”

Blueberry smiled and spoke with a southern Equestrian drawl. “Cus I like to be naked when I’m bucked. Especially when I’m asked to fight airship size class dragons with tooth picks.”

Fancy Pants became red faced in both embarrassment and anger. “Insubordination!”

Blueberry blew a tuft of her hair with a snort. “Yeah, it’s true though… I heard we’re warrin’ with d’em damn dragons.”

Fancy Pants sneered. “There’s still decorum here.”

Blueberry pouted. “That’s something that stick in the mud Nightshade would say.”

Luna announced without passion. “Captain Nightshade hast turned traitor, she is to be executed on sight.”

“Whaaa? Well, that sucks almost as much as a vampony. I guess we serve up the silver lances then.” Blueberry tapped Fancy Pants chest plate. “Don’t get yer moustache in a twist, my armor is under repair. I trotted miles to even get here.” She proceeded to find her seat.

Spike had gotten out of his slump by the audacity of that captain. An Earth Pony with the distinction of Captain was obviously something else. He then realized he was a dragon in a meeting of ponies and in no position to complain.

Fancy Pants flicked through the pages of a clipboard. “Here they are, all the officers we could mobilize in the immediate area. Some of them are from reserve regiments. The rest are too far to summon.”

Luna gestured with her muzzle at a white unicorn sitting in the ranks, raising her eyebrow as she did so. “We see your wife among them.”

Fancy Pants hesitantly spoke. “Fl-Fleur, has led troops before. I can attest to her skill.”

“It is well, Equestria shall require all that we can muster. However, art thou certain? Pieces upon the board art not safe.”

Fancy Pants grimaced. “It wasn’t my idea, my beloved Fleur was insistent. She wants to keep me safe.” He continued furling his moustache. “Plus, I do believe I’m a piece, too, aren’t I?

“Indeed.” Luna levitated another bishop piece onto the map table pairing it with another.

Spike grimaced at the metaphorical representation. It was exactly what Nightshade had railed against. The cruel calculations of battle, the trading of pieces, and the treatment of the lives of soldiers as commodities, it all made his stomach churn. Yet, besides Luna, he examined the countenance of her face. Stern and severe, Luna wasn’t her playful self. His disgust was vanquished by the ache he saw in her downwards crescent frown. He thought then of the legions of dead that haunted her psyche. Who would want her position knowing what it entailed? What strength had she that allowed her to hold her calm?

The Council Chamber was filled with fretful clamoring.

Luna hit her hooves against the table like a courtroom gavel. She projected her voice. “Guardians of the republic!” After the side chatter had dissipated, Luna lowered her voice and let her words echo in silence. “The watch towers of our westernmost borders burn brightly in the night: heralds of our coming destruction. Upon the morn, the spear tip of Aldred’s armies shall reach our capital and our throats. If we should meet them with half strength, we will be lost.”

“What about calling our friends and allies?” asked Twilight.

“They would not mobilize in time,” said Fancy Pants sadly.

Luna waved for attention towards the map. She levitated the pieces surrounding Canterlot away. “The operation shall commence thusly. We hereby commit all combat vessels to the immediate evacuation of Canterlot and surrounding cities.”

Murmurs filled the room. Many officers looked towards each other, others frozen in place as the news was still setting itself in.

“What?” Even Fancy Pants spun in his seat.

Rainbow Dash spat. “Whoa, we’re running without a fight?!”

Twilight nervously twiddled her hooves. “Luna, what do you have planned?”

“We have but one recourse. Here our capital, Canterlot, brimming with gems and loot of our royal treasury: a trap shall be set. We will enact true sorcery and summon Meteor, the ultimate spell of death and doom. A star shall fall, and so will Aldred Draconic armies.”

A unicorn from the Mages Corp choked. “Meteor is a myth! It supposedly would destroy the world! You’re going to kill everypony!”

Luna laughed hysterically. “Nay, we would kill everyone! We would rather see the world burn than to lose our beloved land. Are ye satisfied to see thine families as food to feed hungry dragon mouths? Do ye love thy friends and families enough to spare them this future? Art thine thoughts mirrored to match mine? Yea or Nay?!” She stared down every captain that had rose from their seat.

“This is insane!”

“This is madness!”

Luna’s lips curled up in a smile. “This is lunacy!” She pounded on the table. “Now, yea or nay! Raise thy hooves if yea!”

Spike watched in shuddering shock as hooves slowly rose.

Pain, pain, pain, it jolted through Rarity’s body. She last remembered being knocked unconscious by Nightshade, now she felt a pain unlike any other she had experienced. As her eyes adjusted she realized her lack of control over her body… she was in another dream, riding a foreign body. Her legs outstretched she was in a compromising position on an opulent gold bed. She saw a familiar cast of characters again. Besides her was Clover the Clever and Starswirl the Bearded.

She felt herself and her host scream out in agony. Then came smaller set of screams, the cries of an infant foal. The pangs of pain were from birth.

“Congratulations, Princess Platinum, tis a healthy filly,” smiled Clover, cleaning the foal with a wet wash cloth. He gingerly delivered the newborn into Princess Platinum’s hooves.

The small babe stopped bawling as it embraced its mother.

Breathing heavily Princess Platinum smiled. “Our beautiful girl,” she rubbed muzzles with Clover. She then intoned with a mixture of anger and affection. “Never again, one foal is enough. I am want to hurt you for doing this to me.”

Clover tugged his cape collar. He pleaded. “My beloved, could we talk about this later?”

Starswirl gave a hearty laugh and light punch to Clover. “Guess you’ll have to find a cloak for the ole’ dagger?”

Princess Platinum rubbed the belly of their foal causing it to giggle. “Months of misery, now comes pure happiness. Our child, the product our blessed union, tis more beauteous and more rare than the most sparkling diamond.”

“Tis well, with the wars over at last we can welcome new life in the wake of such death. The fates be kind, this foal shall grow without knowing strife or conflict: never to wield a lance or fire a bolt in anger or hate.” said Starswirl, lighting his pipe.

The foal coughed as the smoke wafted towards her. The foal began crying.

Clover, snatched the pipe from Starswirl. “Sorry, you’re going to have quit smoking should you wish to be the god father.”

Starswirl reached out longingly. “My pipe weed!” He frowned and grumbled, crossing his hooves. “You might as well kill me.” The old wizard drooped. Even the tip of his wizard’s hat fell forward.

The unicorn foal stopped crying as the shine of Starswirl’s bells caught her eye. She giggled as she tugged on the bell like a cat. The bell chimed as she playfully struck it, causing Starswirl to learn forward.

The three laughed as the foal played. Finally, Starswirl gently took back his hat. “Now, little one those bells aren’t baubles for you to play with.”

“Let her have one, you old goat,” said Princess Platinum.

Starswirl snorted. “See here, those bells are for serious demon detecting.”

Clover grinned deeply. “Give her one, you old goat.”

Starswirl huffed. “Is that anyway to speak to your mentor and master?” Finally his frown turned against their smiles and he gave another hearty laugh. “Oh well, confound it! She shall have a bell, but I’ll make one worthy of her.”

The foal struggled to reach for the bells again. Princess Platinum observed the foal, she took a cloth to rub a black spot from the otherwise pure white foal’s flank. She thought it to be a patch of blood and afterbirth. She grimaced as the mark would not disappear despite her rubbing.

All the bells on Starswirl’s hat and cape suddenly started ringing.

The happy smiles disappeared.

Clover readied his horn towards the door. “Are Windigos are attacking?! My beloved, protect our foal! Guards defend, the Princess!”

The door guards saluted and scurried out.

Princess Platinum cried. “Not here, not now. I thought the dead legions were all vanquished!”

Starswirl’s bell started chiming, madly bouncing. The old wizard slowly turned his head towards the foal. Cautiously, he readied his staff. His eyes grew wide as he saw the foal’s mark. “Tis a demon! Sombra’s curse lives!”

Princess Platinum then saw her foal’s eyes aglow. She shielded the child with her body. “Nay, tis my child!”

Clover shoved Starswirl to the side before his staff discharged. “What are doing?!”

A spell bolt blasted a hole through the bed a hoof away from Princess Platinum’s foal.

Clover glared at Starswirl. “Step back!”

Starswirl snarled. “Tis a demon, an abomination!”

“Tis a foal, our foal!” cried Princess Platinum.

Clover planted his hooves down. “Starswirl, I don’t want to fight you, master. Please begone from this place.”

Starswirl shook his head. “A foal’s soul born with a demon is inseparable. Tis a demon. Its destiny is destruction! Keep it, and thou shall keep a manticore by the toe. As sure as the sunrise, you’ll meet your demise.”

“No one shall harm our child!” Princess Platinum pulled the foal to her.

“I am sorry,” said Starswirl, charging his staff.

Spike found in the end only he, Fancy Pants, and Le Fleur had not agreed to Luna’s proposal. With the majority in agreement, Luna had sent the other Captains to spread the word. She sat calmly as she moved pieces on the giant map model of Equestria.

“Luna, what the buck?” asked Spike.

“Sir Spike, calm thyself.” Luna dispassionately shifted more pieces from the map.

Fancy Pants ripped his chest plate off and threw the armor clattering to the ground. “Madam, I took up my position to protect Equestria, not destroy it.”

Le Fleur nodded. “This is pure craziness! I heard Meteor was myth!”

“It’s M.A.D.” said Twilight.

Spike had noticed Twilight was among those who rose their hooves. He was amazed how she convinced Rainbow Dash to raise hers after whispering in Rainbow’s ears.

Spike spouted in her direction. “Twilight, what the buck? I saw you raising a hoof.”

Twilight sighed. “Spike, stop swearing. Calm down. I’ll explain.”

“This better be good, madam. I’m about to walk,” said Fancy Pants.

Luna growled. “If thine loyalties are as loose as Nightshade’s, then walk! Twilight Sparkle, explain to them nothing!”

Spike appraised Luna’s expression. Her facial muscles were taut from stress, and strands of her mane were loose from the wafting current of her hair. He took several deep breathes. “That’s not fair. You said I shouldn’t put blind faith in you though.”

Luna gasped then softened her features. She sighed and turned to Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, thy mind seems to be most keen if thou presume to know mine. Explain to them. I shall fill in that which you miss.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “It’s M.A.D. Mutual assured destruction, Luna doesn’t intend to actually destroy the world. She intends to threaten Aldred with the possibility if he moves his army. Two opposing forces will come to compromise instead of destroying each other.”

Luna added. “During the Lunar Rebellion, I warred with my sister. Twas only when Nightmare Moon took me did I summon eternal night. During the majority of the conflict, the battles were fought through conventional means, though we had the capability to do more.”

Spike raised a claw against Luna’s logic. “Just like you said that assumes both parties are rational, but when you became Nightmare moon that logic was cast aside. Aldred is grieving over the loss of his son.”

“Sir Spike, dost thou truly know thy uncle?”

“He wouldn’t sacrifice his son just to get a war. Aldred, told me about my father and how he was forever sorry for destroying that village.”

“The proof enough is that Aldred broke the timeline of his ultimatum and dragon code. He cares nothing for justice. Twas a millennia ago I knew Aldred to be unshakeable honorable. He hast changed. Now, only the threat of death can dissuade him.”

“You’re wrong,” Spike grumbled, fighting to hold back a snarl. “I spoke with him. He told me how my father had entered dragon rage and how he had fought to stop him.”

Fancy Pants sighed. “Regardless, our western watch towers are all ablaze. I’m sorry lad, but there’s no other possibility.”

Rarity’s dream continued… Spell bolts flew as Princess Platinum screamed. Clover matched Starswirl’s every attack. Starswirl drew his mana from a limitless pool and was stalwart in defending and unstoppable in attacking. Clover dodged a dozen deaths as the duel was fought; however fleet hoofed or adept he was, Clover slowly started succumbing from exhaustion

Princess Platinum shrieked. “Stop this! You’re friends!”

“How many battles have we fought together?” Starswirl cried blasting a barrage of bolts. “Pain be me that we must now fight against another! See sense, apprentice!”

“Children are innocent! I would sooner die than let you take my daughter!” Clover deflected what he could not dodge.

“I taught you well,” said Starswirl, grimacing.

“Too well.” said Clover, huffing.

“I didn’t teach you everything,” said Starswirl as he charged his horn and staff. “Ultima!”

The mighty magic’s charging alone caused the room curtains to fly, but before the spell was fully readied, a piercing beam came, and Starswirl crumpled over as it hit him. His wooden staff fell rattling to the ground. Both Clover and Princess Platinum looked to see the beam’s source: their foal with glowing eyes and a smoking unicorn horn. The foal then reverted back to giggling. Princess Platinum was too stunned to stop it as it crawled towards Starswirl’s corpse. The foal began playing with the bells.

Princess Platinum spoke in monotone. “What shall we do?”

Clover spoke haltingly with glazed-over eyes. “Starswirl bade us farewell after bestowing his congratulations on our new foal. He was named the god father. In the feast afterwards, he spoke of a mad expedition to treat with the fallen ones. We tried to convince him otherwise but failed. Travelling on, he was never seen again.”

Princess Platinum cried. “I meant our foal.” She stared scared at the child as it swatted the bells with its hooves.

Clover took Starswirl’s staff and threw it into the fire place. “I shall administer daily exorcisms… it will never remove the taint, but we can reduce it. In several generations, even the dark mark will disappear from the skin, leaving only the corruption within.”

Princess Platinum began crying. “By Faust, what have we done? Starswirl was more than our friend; he was family, all save bloodlines! He saved us so many times!”

Clover’s face twisted. He took hold of Princess Platinum crying with her. “We protected our child.” Clover gave a look at the foal flicking the bells. “Our foal is innocent… it merely saw Starswirl as an obstacle to… its play… Perchance with patience we might instill… morality.”

He handed her relevant charts and reference books when she asked. He refilled her ink well when it ran low. He hung upon the tiniest movements of her facial muscles as she scribbled numbers upon a piece of parchment. The night wore on as they both labored without pause. Working with Luna somehow reminded Spike of late nights by Rarity on her various projects. Luna’s ball of spell light even glowed like the little lamp inside Rarity’s sewing machine. He was an assistant, an accessory, to her great intellect.

Spike voiced his fears. “They have Rarity, I’m not sure why.”

Luna busied herself with more numbers. Using a Neighponese abacus she tallied and did math. “Our immediate concerns lie with Aldred and his armies. Until the Changelings deliver unto us the details of Amorpheus’ death, we have no method of killing the Revenant.”

Spike grimaced accepting Luna’s logic. His hurt burned with concern about Rarity. She was captured, and he felt her absence more than ever. What tortures would she be subject to? Part of him wanted to fly off in a blind search. Years ago, he might have, but he knew now they needed to reason out a plan.

In the cold Council Chamber, icier still was Luna’s demeanor. She worked with mechanical precision. Spike provided the ink that was the oil to her mind’s engine. Lost in his own thoughts, he neglected his duty. Luna dabbed her quill to find no ink, but she was so wrapped up in her trance she wrote onwards to a paragraph before she noticed.

“Sir Spike?” Luna gestured with her quill.

“Sorry, I got it.” Spike took a well he filled in advance and traded it with the empty one.

Luna spoke, acknowledging Spike as he filled her ink well. “When will thou sleep?”

“When you do.” said Spike.

“I shall be with thee soon enough. In the morning, once I am finished I shall ask Twilight Sparkle to review mine math. Rest, Sir Spike, there are but some more calculations I must make.”

“What math are you doing?” Spike asked.

“The trajectory of the Meteor spell could be set so that some life shall be left in the world, perhaps so another species might rise from the ooze. Ha, they might walk on two legs!” Luna giggled like a mad mare.

Spike recoiled. She had reached ‘Twilight’ levels of freak out. “Umm Luna, you don’t actually intend to end the world, do you?”

“Nay, but Nightmare Moon would.” Luna stared off to the side at the set of silvery armor that could only fit the form of the demon. The armor glistened on the table. “Our enemies must believe that we art capable and willing otherwise our deterrent would be useless. Thou might see a falling star soon, make a wish.”

Spike said, sorrowfully. “I wish you could stop, Luna! You don’t have to do this.”

“Do I not?” Luna hissed harshly. “Nightshade was right; I do treat the intrigues of power like a cruel game. A queen is still a piece upon the board. I am as much a piece as I am a player.”

Spike winced. The wounds of Nightshade’s betrayal were still bleeding. “I don’t understand Nightshade; if she could see you right now, she would know she was wrong. It’s not that you don’t care enough, you care too much. You’re not a piece, no one is. You’re Luna.”

Luna sprawled out on the map table. “And this is me. Statecraft is my forte. Faust help me, I am incurable.”

“Managing Equestria is just a thing you do. It isn’t you!”

“Who else, then?! Sir Spike, look upon this map. Dost thou see another piece that mine eyes have missed?”

“I do… me. I could do it. If I could control my dragon rage, my demon, I could fight off Aldred.” Spike took a knight piece and placed it on the map.

Luna took a hoof to remove it. “Sir Spike…thou may not be able to revert.”

Spike pushed back and set the piece back. “Neither could you if you became Nightmare Moon.”

Luna wrestled with Spike over the piece, sliding it back to herself. “Thou art not enough even in dragon rage. Aldred has experience where thou hath only twice invoked thy power.”

Spike tugged back. “I won’t win, but I could buy you more time.”

Luna pointed to the bin of pieces. “Thou art brave, alas there have been many a grave dug for the brave. Your uncle is far the stronger.”

It clicked in his mind, Luna referred to Aldred as his ‘uncle’. “Wait, Luna, how do you know Aldred is my uncle? You said you knew nothing of my parents…”

Luna frowned. “Sir Spike, I found Aldred amongst the ruins of a village with his mouth around the throat of another dragon. Nothing is known save what Aldred said. The story he told me and you could very well be truth, or it could be a lie. Aldred would be the only witness. History is writ by the victors with the blood of the slain.”

Spike rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. “—and Aldred won the duel with my father.”

“You surprised him back at the Peace Summit but in a pitch battle Aldred would rip thee to shreds. I am personally acquainted with his style of fighting. Twas I who left the scar on his flank when he sought to collect me like a gem in his collection.”

“Hold a moment, Aldred told me it was my father who fell in love with a pony and went on a rampage when he was rejected…”

Luna’s eyes sharpened. “Did he now? Interesting, he gave his story as your father’s… he told me that your father had succumbed naturally to his instincts.”

Spike pulled his head frills in frustration and let out groan through grit teeth. “I guess I shouldn’t believe in all that’s written and less of what I’m told. So, I don’t even know now why my father died.”

“Do not seek answers from Aldred. He would exploit thy hesitation in battle.” Luna levitated a knight piece and placed it besides the queen.

Spike recognized her symbolic gesture. “So you’ll accept my help?”

“Sir Spike, thou art the last piece I would want to place upon the board. Please, forgive me. Must history repeat? Sanguine Soul… now Spike…”

Spike pulled her close, wrapping his wings around her. “Don’t talk like I’m gone already.”

Luna leaned against Spike, resting her head against his chest. “Sir Spike, the sun shall soon rise and herald the fall of us all.”

“Then let us hold onto this moment like our last.”

Luna huffed in between gentle breaths. “I am glad… thou art mine knight…”

Spike held Luna for moments more until he noticed she had fallen asleep in his embrace.

Spike carried Luna to her chambers. The guards saluted and tapped their lances. The bat pony guards made Spike slightly weary. He relaxed though realizing only a small circle had defected with Nightshade.

He gestured to Luna sleeping in his claws. “Could you see her to her chambers?”

The guards shook their heads. “Knight Spike, we are not permitted to enter the Princess’ chambers.”

Spike raised a brow. “And I am?”

“You don’t know?” The guards choked for a moment. “... The Princess has a list of special individuals with that privilege. You are on it.”

“Who else is on that list?”

“Her sister, Princess Celestia, … should she ever return… and there was… Captain Nightshade due to her role as Princess Luna’s life-keeper.”

Spike sneered at Nightshade’s mention but afterwards his expression turned to a sadly frown. “Nightshade’s betrayal… how does that sit with you?”

The bat pony guards bowed. The right guard sighed. “Though it is not our place to say… we are confused. We suspect it’s enemy mind control... it must be, there is no other way.”

The other guard had a red glint Spike recognized to be vampiric. He spoke with woe. “Nightshade was the best of Captains, countless are those she has saved. Our loyalty lies with Princess Luna.”

Spike had seen Nightshade breaking off Amorpheus’s fear attack: mind control wasn’t it. This further confounded him.

The guards coughed and continued. “The Princess must care for you very much to permit you on that list.”

“Yeah.” Spike looked at Luna sleeping.

He saw her smiling as her hooves snuggly clung onto him. Something within him knew Luna might have even planned to have him carrying her to her room. With Rarity and Twilight he had his experiences with geniuses. Her head was aglow with ideas like the many stars in her mane. Seeing their breakdowns showed amidst the shine there was darkness.

Swallowing his fear and carrying his head high Spike strolled into Luna’s inner sanctum.

There was a massive bed in the center with curtains that simulated the night. Appropriately Luna had an open glass roof to her moon that let light in. The other main furnishing piece was an ornate wooden work desk. Setting Luna softly upon her mattress, Spike inspected the desk. Cluttered with the bureaucratic forms, to be stamped, were various books concerning modern culture, fashion, and etiquette. It came into stark light then the alienation Luna suffered from. Displaced by a thousand years, she had to learn what others knew naturally from growing up. Spike blushed then when he saw another book: ‘How to Woo Your Stallion in Six Easy Steps’.

“Sir Spike, why art thou in mine chambers?” Luna called out. She was blinking her eyes awake from her light nap.

Spike smirked. “I asked the door guards… apparently I have special privileges?” He grabbed the book from Luna’s desk and showed it to her. “Predatory dating guides? Luna, you are like to plans what Twilight is like to checklists.”

Luna asked, plaintively. “Thou art not mad?”

Spike sat down on the bed with Luna. “I’m certainly mad. You could say crazy; after all I’m in love with you.”


“Luna? No Sir?”

Luna sighed. “For tonight, let us forswear our titles, our races, and even our responsibilities. Hold me and let us embrace as two souls.”

“We can do that.” Spike had carried Luna to her room, he had stayed late with her. Her exhaustion was as much his. The tension of adrenaline was finally releasing its grip of him.

Spike wrapped his wings around Luna and they snuggled together against the cold. Her fine fur was a thin layer to the inner warmth of her blood rushing through her veins. Blending their heat and counting each other’s heartbeats, they slowly drifted to dreams.

The sun stung her eyes. Rarity wondered whether last night’s events had been a terrible dream. However, when she felt the dirty ground where she awoken, it came into sharp focus. She did not lift her head, but she saw that she was upon a mountain overlooking Canterlot. The high altitude had currents of chilly morning air.

Rarity heard two voices. They could only be dragons who were conversing, she could tell by the volume of their voices. Even as casual, talk their sound vibration shook through her body.

“So Aldred, I’ll ask thee release them as per our bargain.”

“They are still recovering. I will once the sun rises. I want to see your prize.”

“Thou may look but naught else. The mare is not to be harmed.”

“What is so great about this one?

Rarity felt the furnace of Aldred’s breath as the dragon snorted. It was the exact opposite of the morning cold, and the hellish heat choked her. She, however, dared not make a sound as she endured it.

The other dragon hissed. “Mine plans art my own.”

“Clever, she’s only pretending to be asleep.” Aldred moved a giant claw and tapped the ground where Rarity lay.

Rarity couldn’t help but yelp.

Aldred chortled. “So you think you can divine my plans by listening?”

Rarity rose. “I thought you were giving us until the next moon to find the culprits that murdered Garble?”

Aldred snorted. “In military strategy, it is insane to announce the time table of an attack.”

Rarity gulped. Had the dread dragon planned to attack all along? “What about dragon code?”

“I am the leader of the Dragon Dominions, He who Swallows the Sky, I render ultimate judgment in matters of code.”

Rarity took in her surroundings. She saw there other sleeping bodies besides her. She saw Amorpheus and Nightshade among them. “I found the culprit!” She shouted. “Your son was killed by that monster!”

Rarity pointed a hoof at Amorpheus.

“Of course, I engineered it. It troubled me when Garble lived. I had expected the whelp to fall in battle with Spike. Somehow, even losing and embarrassing me further, Garble survived.”

Rarity shivered. “Why?”

“His death gives me the excuse to invade Equestria.” He stretched a wing to the horizon.

In the distance Rarity’s eyes focused. What appeared to be dark clouds were swarms of flying dragons spewing smoke. Her ears could even hear their caws.

“Look upon all the dragon lords assembled in righteous wrath, never have I seen an army so united. A fool, Garble was, but he was much beloved in my Dominion. Garble’s kindness and weakness made him popular. Many of the dragon elders even saw him a surrogate son. With his death as my rallying cry, I have doubled my army enough to conquer Equestria, The Griffin Kingdoms, Zebrika, and the entire world.”

Rarity gasped. “You’re a-a-a…” She struggled to find a word to even approach the horror of Aldred’s cruelty. She remembered seeing the giant dragon cry. “I saw you cry! Were those all crocodile tears?!”

“A minor eye irritation, I had to rub sand in them just to fake the tears, I had to rub even more for the stupefying state funeral. I would not mourn that moron. My son was a disappointment. He was undeserving to be my heir. How absurd you think I care for that whelp. I do not need an heir. I am deathless.”

Nightshade had arisen, snarling from the sidelines. “Don’t you have enough power with so many dragons?”

Rarity began crying again. “Why?”

Aldred laughed. “I may have once cared, but, now, your petty morality does not concern me. The enemy of immortality is boredom. It amuses me to see ants struggle. Does it frighten you to know this?”

She could not even begin comprehend the utter monstrosity of Aldred. It was the basic instinct of parent to protect its young. Filicide was against moral and natural law. As her tears took to the ground, Aldred gave his biggest laugh of all.

The dragon’s lips opened to a toothy grin. Each of his fangs were the size of Rarity, and they glistened with menace in the morning sunlight. He flicked out his tongue and licked his lips. “Your despair delights me.”

Rarity fought through her tears. She stomped her hooves unto the ground. “You’re underserving to have been Garble’s father and Spike’s uncle! You’re a demon. You’ll be stopped! Equestria and the world will be your enemies!”

Aldred smile only widened. “I welcome their challenge. They will surrender or become fodder, or they’ll be forced to be fodder. Either way, with the size of my army I cannot lose!”

“Aldred, thou hast thy war. Leave her be. She is needed for my plans.”

Rarity turned her head to see the other dragon besides Aldred. While not as large, the ebony beast had herself a presence that equaled Aldred’s. The black dragon snarled.

Aldred examined a claw of his with bemusement. “Chitania, all dread me. That is why I am called Aldred. I do not like your tone. This is where you have erred. You know entirely too much to be left alive.”

Chitania snapped her fangs. “Aldred, thy truest self art worse than the demon that resides in thy heart. Thou beat the beast by becoming a bigger monster. We would be glad to rid the world of thee. Do not provoke mine wrath.”

Aldred mockingly copied her speech patterns. “That is not how thou pleads for thy own life.”

The dread dragon poured fire at his ebony counterpart. Chitania countered with her own deluge of flames. The blazing blasts canceled each out, but not before causing the rocky ground of the mountain top to become molten glass.

Aldred chortled. “Our powers are matched… be mine. Let us drown in lust as we drown the world in flames.”

Chitania huffed. “Devil, I hath not the time to destroy thee now. Should that thou cross mine path, though rest assured, I shall show thee death.” In a flash of green flames her form shifted to that of a Changeling Queen.

Rarity was herded away by the guards led by Nightshade. She saw that Nightshade, in turn, was led by this unknown Changeling Queen. Rarity recognized the demonic appearance, yet this Queen was different from the model she had in her head from the infamous Chrysalis. A ghost blood crimson mane flickered with power like Luna’s. Instead of bright white stars, dark stars animated her hair. The dots of black holes captured the light instead of emanating it.

Chitania stopped and smiled. “Captain Nightshade, we are glad to welcome thee.”

Rarity noted Chitania spoke in the royal ‘we’. Whatever evil it was, it reminded her of Nightmare Moon: ancient and most likely very powerful.

To Rarity’s disgust, Nightshade bowed. “Yes mistress, I bring with me Rarity and my finest guards.”

Chitania nodded. “In the new order, they shall be our Honor Guard. We will treasure their service.”

Amorpheus bowed as well. “My queen, I am at loss why you saw fit to rescue me at the cost of revealing our inside agent.”

Chitania chuckled. “We value our subordinates. In equal measure, we reward and punish.” She waved a hoof. “Captain Nightshade, bring our prize. Soon this land shall be bathed in blood. If we are to save these fools, we must hurry.”

Rarity cried out. “Who are you? What do you mean save? Aren’t you trying to destroy Equestria?”

Chitania smiled. “Thou art most brave to challenge Aldred. Would thee sacrifice thyself to save thy friends and family?”

Rarity raised a brow but, nevertheless, answered. “I would.”

Chitania gleefully patted Rarity on the head. “Glorious! Then all is well, sacrifice. We will bring about salvation to all!” She maniacally laughed.

Rarity yelped as a net was cast over her. Pulling it were four Night guards. She gave a glare at Nightshade, who led them. Nightshade recoiled and looked away.

“Amorpheus, cast a cloaking spell upon us!”

Amorpheus fired his horn, and a bubble of energy enveloped them.

Lifted into the air, Rarity painfully pondered where she would be taken. Rarity’s curiosity, though, was more directed towards her captors. She had only a cobbled assembly of facts about herself that would warrant her taking. Visions she had about her past life confused her. She rubbed her foggy and hurting forehead.

Rarity had heard some hostages falling for their captors in some perverse mental syndrome. Chitania had challenged Aldred and even decried the dread dragon. Rarity wasn’t fool though Chitania’s ‘salvation’ seemed to imply something untoward. Aldred’s evil was at least tangible. She feared the unknown that was Chitania’s plans.

Flying close to her, Nightshade drew Rarity’s attention as her wing briefly touched her through the net. In the moment, Rarity swore she could see a wink. So brief it was and unaccompanied by a smile, Rarity questioned her eyes. Gripped by deepest despair, she hung onto it as some spark of happy hope. Tempted to cry again, her thoughts turned to Spike and their moments together. It warmed her and helped reignited some of the fire in her spirit preparing her for the dread that was to come.

Chapter 19 Darkness of Doubt

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In the tranquil of the evening and in the shadows of her mind Luna stood before a dark door larger than herself. She raised a hoof at the handle. Luna leapt as a pound upon the door matched a beat of her heart. She resolutely held her head high as she reached again for the handle.

A warm purple claw extended and stopped Luna’s hoof. Spike asked with worried tenderness. “I have nightmares about a field of fire, you dream of a dark door?”

Luna nodded. “Therein lies mine demon.”

There came another knock upon the door.

“What happens when you open it?” Spike asked.

“I do battle with my other self.”

Spike raised a claw. “What happens then? Who wins?”

Luna swallowed the lump in her throat. “The darkness envelops me, and we become one. I become death… destroyer of worlds…Nightmare Moon. I walk alone upon fallow fields made dead by the absence of light, nothing lives without sun.”

Spike shuddered. “Have tried not opening the door? You can’t lose if you don’t fight, right?”

“The Griffins have an apt phrase: the pacifism of sheep is to but wait for the butcher’s blade.” Luna shook her head. “Either I open the door to confront the demon, or it breaks forth on its own. I would prefer to lose myself fighting.”

Spike admired her valiance but dreaded her acceptance of her defeat. “You said you fell in love with me because you saw me fighting my demon, why can’t you fight yours? Why can’t you win? Let us fight together!”

Luna laughed with nervous airs. “Sir Spike, mine demon is different from thy beast. I shall show thee. Then, thou shall know.” Before Spike could reach out and stop her, Luna opened the door.

It was not Nightmare Moon waiting but a mirror form of Luna. He swung his head back and forth with uncertainty which was the real Luna. “You are you own worst enemy?”

Both Lunas spoke. “Forsooth, I know it to be the truth. Sir Spike, can thee tell which art thy love?”

Spike focused upon both images but saw nothing that would tell. He opened his maw to speak.

In synch they spoke. “Tis pointless to ask questions, we share memories and the other may mimic mine speech.”

Spike closed his mouth.

“Till the stars flicker and die, we shall do battle. Let the battle commence!”

Spike was helpless to help as the two danced to death firing their cutting beams at each other. The scene shrunk in his mind’s eye until he left Luna’s dream.

An assembly of dragons knelt before Aldred. The drakes were of varying sizes, scale color, and demeanor. Uniformly adorned around their necks were pendants with their native clan sigils carved from precious gemstones. The necklaces gleamed in the morning sun until Aldred’s shadow eclipse the sky. Aldred was preeminent, and required no jewelry.

Aldred’s guttural roar splattered gobs saliva upon the lesser dragons in the front. The dragons, though, stood paralyzed in fear. A dragon who raised his claws to shield himself from Aldred’s ear splitting cry was shoved harshly by a superior.

After Aldred had finished, the other dragons gave their own weaker caws in reply. After the greetings were finished, they silenced themselves swiftly.

Aldred spoke. “My dragon generals, why do you not advance?!”

A drake the size of two ponies stepped forward and bowed. Her voice was feminine in so far as the grit and gnashing of dragon’s teeth would allow. “Lord Aldred, the crown prince’s death weighs upon the conscience of the entire Dragon Dominion yet military strategy holds precedence over passion.”

“General Spira, that is why we attack before my ultimatum. The enemy is unprepared.”

Spira swiveled her head towards the city. “My eyes tell me otherwise, they’ve evacuated their forces and the entire city. I should like to treat with their ambassadors before the attack. It smells of a trap.”

A war-balloon-class alabaster dragon with long white whisker strands bowed before Aldred. “Indeed, we fight the Celestials; a thousand years ago, when we had the council of elders intact, we only ever fought them to a stalemate. The young one is right to be prudent.”

Spira nodded. “Yes Lord General Bahamut, I concur; we must be cautious.”

There were a few murmurs of agreement amongst the other dragon generals.

Aldred snarled. “I tire of your cowardice. My son’s death needs avenging.”

Bahamut used a claw to stroke his whiskers. “Of course, we obey, but perhaps we might entertain ourselves in the plaintive cries of enemies before we seal their doom? Justice for Firestorm’s death must be savored. It was ever so cruel the ponies murdered him, so then must be our justice.”

Aldred smiled. “Ha, I like your thinking. Very well, we shall treat with the ponies before we annihilate them.”

He roared and flew on ahead. The other Dragon Generals followed after leaving Spira and Bahamut behind.

The dragon elder leaned left towards the younger and smaller dragon. “Lady Spira, how convenient for the father how his son met his demise. I see the look of the greed and cruelty in our lord’s eyes, and I’m less inclined to believe this is a crusade for justice.”

Spira tugged fitfully on her necklace, the studded jewels and engravings emphasizing her rank. “Lord Bahamut, your elder status would not save you should Aldred hear.”

“Perhaps in my old age, I grow tired of fear and fire, the mantra of our dominion makes weary.”

“Aldred’s dominion,” Spira corrected. “The dread dragon sees us all as the same as chattel slaves while promoting that we think ourselves to be free. We all share in the hardship of running his empire and none of the fruit.”

Bahamut chuckled. “Young and old, we are of like minds. This campaign to conquer Equestria shall only enrich Aldred while spending the strength of our clans.”

Spira frowned. “Elder, even should we topple the tyrant, civil war would worsen still our position.”

“Aye, yet we cannot do but to follow; for fear and fire commands us. I suppose it like the ponies and harmony. There are lies told so long they have become indispensable in the interests of solidarity.”

Spira scratched her muzzle. “I wonder whether it’s courage or cowardice that keeps us where we are.”

The wind swept through empty streets. In a tucked in corner a small hotel was held in control by the bat pony soldiers. Rarity was in the dining room, trapped in a booth by the guards’ raised lances. Secure that she could not move without them noticing, the guards were playing cards. Rarity arched her head and saw past an open door, into the foyer where Amorpheus spun a spell of unknown purpose.

Amorpheus bobbed his head and used his changeling horn to weave green magic circles in the air. He stood at the center of a magical array where circles were carved into the fine tile work.

Chitania impatiently tapped her hoof on the polished hotel floor. “How soon shall the shadow teleport spell be ready? Thou art to hurry.”

Amorpheus groaned. “Don’t interrupt, this spell is exceedingly complex. We’re going cross a continent.”

Chitania snorted. “Should they find us, thou art to blame.”

Nightshade pointed her lance at the luggage left in haste, the empty hotel and clear streets outside. “With the evacuation, we should not be discovered; they won’t think to look under their noses.”

Chitania yawned as she strolled into the dining room. “Indeed, the illusion spell should also hold. Captain Nightshade, thou art to guard the prisoner. Twas more exhausting than I thought, fighting Aldred. I shall require recuperation.” The Changeling Queen licked her lips, looking at the two soldiers that barred Rarity. “Lend me two of your guards.”

Nightshade coughed and gestured her ears at the two bat ponies playing cards while their war saddle affixed lances barred Rarity.

The guards grinned nervously as Chitania drew them in with a come-hither stare. Using her magic, Chitania unhooked the belts to their armor and war saddles. “Most strapping lads, do not worry if thou should survive mine appetites, thou shall hath experienced the greatest pleasure of this mortal plane! Gird thy loins for battle!”

One of the guards crossed his legs in terror while the other eagerly stepped up.

As Chitania drew the guards to the upstairs rooms of hotel. Rarity was left an opening. Nightshade swiftly stepped in before Rarity could spring out of the dining booth. Left alone with Nightshade, Rarity angrily glared at her captor. Nightshade was unmoved, and Rarity was shaken in her impression that Nightshade had even winked at her. Perhaps Nightshade had indeed betrayed Equestria, her countenance did not disclose either way.

Rarity huffed blowing her mane back. “Nightshade, do be a dear and explain yourself. Perhaps why you elected to betray everypony?”

Nightshade set herself blocking Rarity’s exit from the booth. “When you have lived as long as I, you’ll know no public servant serves without a degree of corruption, be it your ideals or your very soul.”

“Darling, we must all deal with some… unpleasantness in life. It is hardly justification for what you’ve done.”

Nightshade gnashed her teeth and scowled. Her fangs pierced her lips slightly and cause blood to drip. “Unpleasantness? You don’t know what blood goes into maintaining the illusion of a country in perfect harmony.”

“I heard… that the founding of Equestria wasn’t a clean affair.”

“Rivers of blood flowed; my race was once the fourth of today’s three. Thestrals, or that insipid term you call us ‘bat ponies’, were as numerous as any tribe. We were a nation unto our own. Now, no more than a battalion of us are left.”

Rarity gasped, the play’s themes about the harmony of three races now seemed truly to be the grievous insult Nightshade had claimed it to be. She wondered how history might have been different. “What happened?”

Nightshade sighed. “We were more independent minded than even the Pegasi Weather Warlords. Celestia, seeing we wouldn’t be cowed, deemed us to be a threat to building her white vision of a unified land. Through political manipulation, we were marginalized, by careful battlefield arrangement it was assured that we would be devastated most by the war. Finally, after Luna’s failed revolution our involvement was used to condemn the entirety of our race to exile. In the wake of rumors that followed us, no nation would accept us. Wandering, we were withered away by the world.”

Rarity recalled the racism she had experience through her association with Spike. Ponies for all their praise of friendship could be monstrous bullies to members outside the ‘herd’. She frowned, deeply. She touched a hoof to Nightshade. “That is a terrible and unforgivable crime, nothing short of genocide.”

Rarity paused for a moment. The world was seriously wrong that a word such as ‘genocide’ was even in its dictionary. She herself only came to know it by reading of newspapers’ articles concerning Zebrika. “I’m afraid there’s nothing I can say to express how sorry I am or that would sound like lying… Thank you though for telling me this.”

Nightshade blushed but gently pulled Rarity’s hoof away. “Thank you for listening. Perhaps when there are no more of us left, you may tell others of what was.”

Rarity urgently whispered. “So, are you still with us?”

Nightshade stood up without answering.

Three other guards entered the dining room. Nightshade clucked her tongue and gestured them to guard Rarity.

“Guard her,” Nightshade barked harshly.

Upon a hill in between Canterlot and draconic armies, a Cloud Carrier airship was moored. Luna, Spike, and Fancy Pants readied themselves in front of the closed hangar door. Spike imagined himself almost like a gladiator in front of the gates to the coliseum awaiting the battle before him.

Luna leaned towards Spike. “Aldred is being accompanied by his Dragon Generals. I suppose even he is not immune to politics of maintaining an army. Sir Spike, dost thou know anything of the Dragon Generals?”

Spike rubbed his forehead as he tried to remember the complex ambitions of each dragon clan. “They’ve all got their own agendas. One wants to discover the first flame, another seeks transcendence, and they all definitely want more power. If you’re thinking about talking to them, Aldred won’t let it happen. He’s got them all cowed: fear and fire.”

“Sir Spike, what of our fear?” Luna levitated forward the silvery Nightmare armor.

“Luna?!” Spike backed away.

Fancy Pants stammered. “Y-Your majesty?!”

Fangs sprouted from her smiling mouth. Stepping into the horseshoes and affixing the chest plate, her limbs lengthened to fill them. At last, she cackled while donning her helmet. There was a blast of air, that followed the change in magical pressure.

To his horror, Spike had found his claw gently wrapped around the grip of his sword.

Luna spoke in the guise of Nightmare moon mimicking even her deeper voice. “Do not fear tis but a glamour charm for foal’s entertainment upon Nightmare Night.” She shrunk back with her magic. Spike and Fancy Pants were hit by a second wind wave as Luna exhaled power.

Spike smiled. “For a second, you scared me there.”

“Most excellent. Fear art our intention.”

Fancy Pants was still fixing the hairs on his mane that stood on ends.

The door opened and they walked down the ramp to greet the group of dragons assembled before them.

The Dragon Generals whispered as Luna walked towards them.

Spira rubbed her head frills. “Is it true that their Princess is an honorary dragon?”

Bahamut nodded. “Yes, and she be the only pony to earn that distinction.”

Standing before Aldred, Luna, Spike, Fancy Pants felt the scorching heat of his breath.

Aldred grinned, flashing his teeth for full intimidation. “Princess Luna of the Ponies, I see your armies and fleets cower before the might and majesty of my superior force. Surrender or summon them so that we might do battle.”

Luna politely retorted. “Nay, instead we would request thee to surrender.”

There were a few snickers amongst the Dragon Generals, though none chortled more loudly than Aldred.

Luna laughed aloud with them. “Thine laughter pleases us. We had expected thine arrogance to be thine downfall.”

Aldred snorted. “My army has doubled in size. All are assembled to lay waste to your pitiful pony country for the blood vengeance owed to the loss of my son. What power have you to counter mine? What trap have you got to possibly overcome such raw force?”

Luna transformed herself to amazement of some of the dragons. In her heightened stature as ‘Nightmare Moon’, she projected a greater aura.

Some of the dragon elders recoiled with their great necks reeling back. Spike noted the spectacle of airship-sized dragons behaving so. Their fear infected the lesser drakes that took example from their leaders.

Luna laughed at the chaos caused in the draconic horde. “We shall summon forth Meteor, the spell of ultimate destruction. There will come a second extinction of the Lizard Lords. Hast thou ever wondered what befell thy cousins the dinosaurs?”

Several of the lesser dragon commanders whispered with trepidation.

Aldred growled, he swept his wings to silence his generals. “Nonsense! The dinosaur race predates all, even you.”

Luna smirked looking past Aldred. “Dost thou doubt my power? Look upon the scar upon thy leader’s flanks.”

Questioning stares came as several dragons arched their heads to see.

Aldred roared to his Dragon Generals and swept with his wings. “Begone; I shall speak to the pony Princess alone.”

Spike was the first to speak. “Aldred, the story you told me about my father was a lie! What really happened? Luna says it was you that went on a rampage! Is this war even about avenging Garble?! What have you done with Rarity?!”

Aldred picked his teeth with his claws. “I do not think I care to answer you.”

“Then, answer me,” Luna spat.

“You should know.” Aldred grinned.

Luna narrowed her gaze. “Speak plainly, lest thou invoke mine wrath. A millennia has passed, even then our thoughts were never aligned.”

“Garble’s death gives me the rallying cry for my Dominion,” Aldred said. “My draconic hordes shall scorch the world.”

Luna scowled. “Permitting thy son to duel Spike, and at the Peace Summit assigning a reduced security retinue to his own entourage, we had our suspicions, but to hear it from thou…”

Spike claws shook with rage. “Why?”

Aldred, chuckled. “Always why. You should be more concerned with how you might die. Humor me, and I shall grant you the mercy of being eaten first.”

Luna tapped her hoof. “Thy armies shall not advance.”

“Is that so?” Aldred asked. “I think you bluff. Summoning Meteor is a myth.”

Luna smirked. “Aldred, old flame, hast thou forgotten in our time I sought to usurp the heavens themselves. I brought upon Eternal Night that would have killed all, surely as Meteor might.”

Aldred scratched his chin. “Your Lunar Rebellion would have succeeded if you would be mine. My Dragon Dominions could have tipped the balance well in your favor.”

“Better death in defiance than submission, twas the mantra of my elite guard. Seeing thou now, I know I made the right choice. Thou art a beast: within and without.”

“True: but isn’t the same for you? You enjoy the game. I recall once us having a chess match where you used your maids and servants as the pieces. Now we play with armies and the world is our board.”

Luna paused with a pang of pain writ on her face.

Even in the guise of Nightmare Moon Spike saw her hurt. He stood against Aldred defending Luna. “Luna isn’t like you!”

“Silence, adults are speaking.” Aldred turned to Luna again. “Of pony kind, you are the only ever to earn the distinction of honorary dragon. I know exactly what you are; after all it’s why I loved you.”

“Aldred, you basta-” Spike shook his claws angrily and stepped forward.

Luna shoved Spike back with a hoof. “Mind your place, subordinate.”

Spike blinked incredulously.

Luna laughed at Aldred. “If thou presume to know mine mind, then thou know Meteor is no empty threat. Withdraw thy armies, or be destroyed.”

Aldred chuckled. “In so long I have lived I have tasted all the pleasures and pains of the world, death would be yet another flavor to savor.”

Luna licked her lips. “Well, then, ‘Dragon God’ thou art welcomed! Why stall with talk? Sally forth with thy armies, let us play for the world!”

The dragon salivated. “Why waste each other if we are of like minds? Join me!”

Luna shook her head. “Aldred, thine army has travelled so far. We shall give thee a fortnight to withdraw thy forces. We will be watching. Should that thy armies advance, meet thy doom!”

Aldred grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes. “Well, I will give you a fortnight to consider my proposal then I will advance and we will see.”

He took to the air, his wings creating a gale that blew everypony’s mane. Luna stood silent, stoic.

Certain that Aldred was gone and herself behind the metal wall of their airship, she sighed. In a flash of her magic she transformed back to her regular form.

She shook her hoof of a dark spot. “Sir Spike, forgive me. Twas but an act.”

Spike furled his brows. “You play Nightmare Moon too well.”

Luna said, softly. “Twas necessary.”

Fancy Pants smiled, nervously. “That before was bold, your majesty. To give demands to Aldred.”

“Nay, Sir Fancy Pants, I spoke not to Aldred, but to his army as to instill uncertainty. Mine bluff shall expire well before a fortnight, but in it we shall have purchased time. Perhaps enough that our allies might arrive or that we deal with the orchestrator of this.”

Spike sighed. “Aldred, he’s a monster. He’s worse than the demon inside. He was so bucking calm as he spoke about murdering his own son. Garble, he didn’t deserve to have him for a father.”

“Sir Spike, demons art supernatural evils, yet there be evils in the natural world. Aldred gave in to the rages of immortality. His draconic nature and his dark dreams became his being.”

“Given time, say, centuries, will I become like him?” Spike asked.

“I wish I could say, Sir Spike. However, I am uncertain about mine own destiny.”

A messenger pony saluted and whispered into Fancy Pants’ ear.

Fancy Pants coughed. “You majesty, the Changeling Delegation has sent a missive. We now have information concerning Amorpheus.”

“Pray tell.”

“While living Amorpheus was a Captain of the Chrysalis. He was shot through the heart by a magical beam. To be specific, it was his right chest. We now know the means of how to vanquish the Revenant.”

“This information comes too late to help. Alas, we cannot move upon it as Aldred and his armies keeps us occupied. I must keep watch.” Luna growled.

Fancy Pants sighed. “This is like a check in chess. The enemy has us pressed to the throat.”

Luna gnashed her teeth. “Our checkmate is certain if we cannot break it, then.”

Spike disliked the metaphor even more. “You’re not pieces. Fancy Pants even though you’re a knight, I’m sure you’re not restricted to ‘L’ shape movements. Seriously I’ve yet to meet to infantry ponies who couldn’t attack what was exactly in front of them.”

They shared a light chuckle.

Spike continued. “Yeah, no one’s an interchangeable pawn.”

“Interchangeable,” Luna rubbed her hoof against her chin. “Huzzah! Sir Spike, thy brilliant insight has offered unto us a most devious ploy!”

Spike grinned. “What insight did I impart?”

Luna leaned forward towards Fancy Pants with a mischievous smile. “Sir Fancy Pants, thy wife, Fleur De Lis, is quite the beauty of statuesque form. We have need of her.”

The aristocratic knight’s moustache ends curled up. “Your majesty?! I do beg your pardon!”

The begs and screams of Le Fleur were ignored. Spike held her husband back as they watched Luna perform unholy magic behind a curtain. Fancy Pants flailed as he heard the screams of his wife. The silhouette and shadows cast by their forms behind the curtain caused them to blush, wince, and a combination of the two. After a final painful yelp, Luna emerged from behind the curtain… then Luna emerged again.

The Luna with the artist smock and beret raised a hoof. “Behold, mine glorious visage.”

The other naked Luna copied her counterpart. “Truly, verily.”

Fancy Pants dropped his jaw and approached the Luna without the smock. “Fleur, my beautiful flower, has become a moon lily.”

The naked Luna struck a coy pose at Fancy Pants. “Sir Fancy Pants, withhold thy adulterous thoughts!”

The Luna with artist smock smiled. “Thou art permitted to lay with thy mare for a night in this form, should thee guess which is thy mare.”

The naked Luna laughed. “Should thee choose wrong,” She pointed to a blue paint bucket. “Mine coat shall naught be the only thing that is to be blue.”

Fancy Pants swallowed. “I do declare! A welcomed challenge! May I ask you two Lunas’ questions?”

“Nay!” Both Luna stuck out their tongues.

After a moment, Fancy Pants grinned. “Haha, the Princess only wants me to think my love is the vision before me. My mare, Fleur, is the Luna with the beret! By her poise and dignified walk alone I have determined it to be so!” He lunged and kissed Luna.

A smack sent the aristocratic knight reeling.

“You fool!” naked Luna growled revealing herself to be Fleur by her Prench accent. “You can’t tell who’s your own wife!?”

Fancy Pants retaliated with a grin. “Perhaps, I did!”

Fleur’s face became boiling red. “I’m going to beat you blue now!” She leapt upon Fancy Pants.

“Egads, ma cherie!” Fancy Pants squirmed. “Be reasonable! I was joking!”

Spike giggled rolling on the floor. Luna laughed along and joined Spike.

“The fun is doubled!” Luna declared she scooted over to Spike. “Sir Spike, how did thee determine which was mine truest self?”

“Fancy Pants got too fancy with his analysis.” Spike pointed to wet blue paint hoof steps.

Luna threw her beret atop Spike’s head. “Thou art most clever.”

The nightmare with two Luna’s was still vivid in his mind. He hoped when the moment of truth came he could tell. Before he could have done anything else, he realized that the sound of the commotion between Fancy Pants and Fleur disappeared. In its place, the two of them lay silent, their lips locked in a passionate kissed.

Spike felt his cheeks turn red. He instinctively looked away to face Luna, who was also blushing.

Luna tapped her hoof. “Art thou aware of thy duties as decoy?”

Fleur stood straight up and saluted, leaving Fancy Pants to fall onto the ground. “I shall attend your watch tower at night and glance furtively at the enemy army. Using your voice charm spell, I shall give very vocal orders to the guard garrison.”

Luna levitated her royal crown, chest plate, and shoes to Fleur. “Thy ruse must be perfect.”

Fleur nodded. “I will make the troops perform very visible maneuvers to confuse the enemy. They will made to believe we have set a trap.”

“Most excellent, also relay to Captain Rainbow Dash orders for fog. Shrouding the city and lands beyond, we must make it so that none know our truest numbers. Trust in Princess Twilight’s judgment should the tactical situation change. ”

Fancy Pants dusted himself off. “The Griffin King, Reagle Hawkmor, has sent a dispatch as well. The battleship and Thor Cannon is ready and so is his fleet. They shall arrive in a couple of nights. Their reinforcements might make the battle even.”

“Even should we meet Aldred’s armies and defeat them… our other enemy must be scheming to take advantage of our occupied attentions.”

Fancy Pants nodded then continued. “So, what’s the plan there?”

“We shall perform a reverse invasion of dream space. With the eyes of another we shall see enemies’ location. Thou art to be our tether.”

Fancy Pants choked. “I’m not the element of magic!”

“True, but she’ll be helping you.” Twilight smiled, making her entry.

Spike asked. “Whom dreams will we be entering?”

Twilight corrected. “Whose dreams.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Okay, whose dreams will we be entering?”

Luna frowned. “Twas when Nightshade was but a foal… her evenings were haunted by unspeakable nightmares born of her great trauma. I entered her mind then to soothe her hurt. There should still be a connection.”

The mention of Nightshade, caused everyone to go silent. He wondered when Nightshade’s mention wouldn’t illicit such a response. For Spike, the idea of entering her dreams seemed intimate. In so close he’d gotten to her, Nightshade was still a mysterious mare.

“I don’t feel right about... violating Nightshade like that,” said Spike.

“We have no other leads. The greater question should be whether it be possible at all. Mine Captain… former Captain… her mental defenses art a great fortress, and this technique is unfamiliar to me.”

Nightshade stepped into the foyer of the hotel where Amorpheus was busily weaving his spell.

Nightshade stood for moment in front of the Changeling.

Amorpheus raised a brow and paused his spell. “Is there anything you need?”

Nightshade spoke with a pang of bitterness. “Albeit in disguise, you gave me advice once. It didn’t work. I confessed my love, it didn’t turn out well. ”

“In life we see great cruelty so that we might appreciate the beauty of kindness. To know true joy we must know suffering.”

Nightshade snorted, blowing a tuft of her hair out of her eyes. “Ha, a pony once told me no pain no gain until he was blinded by enemy shrapnel. Your two bit wisdom was worthless.”

Amorpheus sighed. “Would you now feel better in the darkness of doubt?”

Nightshade said, reluctantly. “No, but I’m still in doubt.”

“Doubt gives trust meaning; if we were always certain of others what would be its value?”

Nightshade swung her lance a hair breadth away from Amorpheus’ throat. “You don’t seem to serve Chitania. You’re too wise to buy that lie.”

The Changeling grinned with his fangs extended. “If you’re planning to betray our mistress now is not the time. I have yet to fulfill my wish. If you disturb plan before then, we shall have blows.”

“You’re looking to restore your lost love, right?”

Amorpheus nodded. “Yes, love is also your reason isn’t?”

Nightshade laughed. “How curious folks profess love to be good, when it’s driven us to such evils.”

“Evil? You love Luna, the one prophesied to bring eternal night.”

“I understand moral gray… my coat is gray.” Nightshade pointed to herself. “Yet… I’ve lived so long as to have seen shades so close to white as the driven snow and so dark as a black hole. Throughout I wonder what lengths love will take me.”

Amorpheus chuckled. “Unconditional love is thing of terrible rapturous joy that binds us. The pain of the chains chokes at times.”

“Does it then take greater love to let go?”

Amorpheus gasped then lowered his head rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps your understanding of love is greater than even my own. I cannot judge you. My madness is much the same; I love Chrysalis, the harbinger of the swarm. Leave me be. You should get some rest. My undead body does not allow for such luxuries.”

Nightshade made her way to one of the hotel rooms. In the corridor she passed a vanity mirror. Nightshade chuckled at her own reflection. It was old mare’s tale that vampires could not see their own reflections. She supposed there was a grain of truth in the myth. It was not so much they couldn’t, but rather there was a fear of the mirror that shone their time turned monstrous selves.

At her room a guard saluted her. “Captain,”

“Soldier,” Nightshade nodded. “Why do you follow me?”

“It is because you ask us to follow you, while others order us to go forward. You’re brave and kind, it shows through your actions.”

His eloquent reply caused her pause. She appraised the rather generic guard. She sensed his quickening pulse. “You’re not a vampire. Your red eyes and wings are a unicorn glamour charm.”

The guard recoiled, revealing his unicorn form. He choked out as he saluted. “Captain Nightshade.”

She licked her lips. “Blood pack, explain yourself.”

“My name is Proto… I was among those who volunteered, yet you rejected me.”

The Night Guard lacking numbers had accepted other races into its ranks. ‘Honorary Night Guards’ were always looked down upon as not true soldiers of the evening. Nightshade laughed. “The absurdity of cattle volunteering for their slaughter, you are insane. In the coming vampire empire established, you will be food.”

“Captain, I don’t believe that. You’re not a monster. I was once in the Sun Guard until our patrol was ambushed in the forest of Everfree. Your unit was sent to rescue us. You may not remember, but you saved my life from that rabid manticore. You took the blow from its claws. It was then I swore I’d be worthy.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “You were mistaken. I simply took the blow from the beast so that I might better stab it in the throat. It was coincidental you were saved.”

Proto smiled. “You remembered! That proves it!”

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “I remember the pain from its claws was excruciating.”

Proto rubbed his hoof, nervously. “You haven’t actually betrayed us, have you?”

Nightshade moved in close, pressing her muzzle close to his. Proto blushed. He gasped as her lance entered his chest.

Nightshade smiled at the horror upon his face and in his eyes. “Pitiful pony, you wallow in ignorance. How can you hope to know my mind?”

Spike and Luna were walking amidst the sea of stars once more. The land of dreams was darkened by storms in the distance.

“Luna, we’re just going to enter Nightshade’s dreams?”

“Nay sir Spike.”

Spike gave a relaxed sigh. “I knew it, you have a plan.”

“Thou shall enter her dreams. Whilst I probe, thou shall act to distract her conscious and subconscious defenses.”

Spike rubbed his neck nervously. “What should I expect?”

Luna frowned. “The mind shall reject any intrusion. Thou shalt be attacked by the elements of the super ego, ego, and the id should thee be too forceful.”

Picking a lock came to Spike’s mind. The criminal association still left distaste in his mouth. It seemed intimate. He was going to be privy to Nightshade’s innermost mind.

Luna herself paused in front of the dream bubble. Spike was startled by the size of it.

Spike gulped. “Some dreams are bigger than others, huh?”

“Indeed, thou must not forget Nightshade art an immortal. To live so long is to carry the scar of time’s tyranny.”

“Luna, last night we shared a dream, didn’t we?”

Luna nodded then looked away. “Tis not the time, we can speak of it later.” She motioned to enter the dream bubble.

Spike reared up and placed his claws on his hips. “When is later?”

Luna turned back and gave an exasperated snort.

“Why do you keep shutting me out? Look I used leave problems for ‘future Spike’ to handle. I learned a long time ago when we leave things for later. Later never comes.”

“Sir Spike, we have no time.” Luna saw Spike’s frustration writ on his face. She relented slightly. “Once this crisis hast been resolved, be assured that thou be shown more…sorry Sir Spike, if I appear how you say ‘shut in’.”

Spike shrugged. “The moon works in mysterious ways.”

Luna smiled, weakly. “There are things I dare not admit to myself let alone others.”

“Let’s do this then.” Spike looked at the forebodingly dark dream bubble of Nightshade’s.

Luna’s magic splashed against him and Spike felt his form shift. His claws retracted fusing together and muzzle shrunk back. He neighed as he realized his tail was splitting into fine hairs. His leathery draconic wings suddenly sprouted feathers.

“Tis an illusion. Thine self image art entirely conspicuous.”

Spike shed a tear at his pony form. “There were times I would have given the world to be like this: to fit in. Twilight said it couldn’t be done.”

“Sir Spike, tis naught but an illusion.” Luna kissed him lightly on his cheek. “I shall love thee whichever form that thou takes.”

“Thanks.” Spike blushed. “So what’s my role while you sift through Nightshade’s memories in the background.”

“Thou art to be actor. The dreamer’s world collapses should they die in said dream. Protect Nightshade.”

Cast before the moon’s light and shadows raced through the forest below. Spike found himself running with them. He saw in front an image of Nightshade. He concealed his mixture of anger and confusion and kept running. Looming above the tree lines were massive siege engines. Catapults lobbed their fiery ordinance into the night sky. Ballistas discharged their bolts with the twang of their strings. Distant explosions could be heard as the missiles made their impact.

He and his fellow runners broke through the forest into the staging area of the war machines. Crews of ponies clad in gleaming gold armor proceeded to reload the second volley. The engineers dropped their ammunition and cried out as they were sprung upon by the enemy. Spike realized he was the enemy. The emblem on his flank armor had the crimson frowning crescent he’d seen as symbol of the revolution. This was the Equestrian civil war, and he had front row seats.

Nightshade shouted as she removed her lance from a slain earth pony. “Kill the crews! We must lift the siege!”

Spike saw an enemy pony motion to stab Nightshade. He charged and shoved him aside.

Nightshade gasped and skewered the enemy guard. “Thank you, lieutenant!”

Under Nightshade’s gaze he realized he was being addressed. He replied, hastily. “Sure thing.” He tilted his head as he saw her eyes were golden instead of the crimson he’d been accustomed to.

Nightshade’s attention was drawn back to the battle as an enemy lance nicked her.

“Nightshade!” Spike cried out.

Nightshade growled, whipping around she sliced the enemy lancer.

Another Pegasi lancer fell from the sky towards her. Spike punched the lancer but he felt as if he hit a wall. Was this event scripted?

Nightshade screamed in pain as the lancer sheared her wings.

“Kill their commander! You’ll be made a Captain!” shouted more of Celestia’s finest. A squad of three came at Nightshade at all directions.

The dream would end if Nightshade died. He tried again to push back the enemy. Again his hits did nothing. Spike growled and used the lance strapped to his war saddle. He found using the lance he was able to take down one. He reminded himself that it was a dream when his lance sunk into the enemy’s flesh. Spike turned to see Nightshade had defeated the others, but her flanks bled profusely.

The skirmish ended as the last enemy screamed as he was stuck with a bat pony lance.

The bloody remnants of her force quickly gathered around Nightshade.

“Huzzah! We did it!” A soldier barely out of her foal years shouted.

Nightshade harshly rebuked her. “This only one enemy artillery position!” She pointed her lance towards the target of the siege weapons. Against the night sky they saw more fiery bolts fly through and explode against the fortress walls. Nightshade winced as she continued. “Onwards to the next!”

A voice of protest came through. “There are not enough of us that survived the ambush at Whitetail Woods! Now we’re even less. By the third enemy artillery position: we’d be too little to rescue the garrison! The revolution is finished! They are at the gates!”

Nightshade barked. “Silence! We are Luna’s last guards! We are her only hope! Even now our brothers die defending her fortress!”

“Captain! This is suicide!”

“Fight on!” Nightshade walked past them leaving bloody hoof prints. Spike saw the blood streamed from her legs.

Her troops huddled around her. “Please Captain! Your wounds are too great!” They hugged her stopping her. Spike found himself in the crowd, even he felt her pain.

“No!” Nightshade fought them.

All were silenced as booms in the sky were heard. Spike looked upwards and saw the flashes: a battle between the goddesses.

A soldier murmured. “It is as prophesized…when Luna does battle against her sister, the older shall prevail.”

“No!” Nightshade with tremendous strength shoved them all back.

“Captain! The Lunar Revolution is lost!”

Nightshade shook her head splashing them with her tears. “No! We cannot fail her! I cannot fail her!”

“Do not give your life that which is lost!”

Nightshade screamed. “I would give soul for the one I love!”

Another shouted. “We would too! But there is nothing we can do!”

A hooded figure made his way to the soldiers. “Didst thou offer thy souls?” Glowing under the hood were crimson eyes.

Nightshade glared at the figure. “You’re a demon.”

“Yes, and we come bearing a gift. Thine revolution may have been lost this time…. however hear and hark who is to say the course of a century… maybe millennia? Thou could see it all and bide thy time.”

Nightshade raised a brow. “I’m listening.”

The demon smiled revealing white vampiric fangs.

The scene evaporated before him. Spike was left in white space with Nightshade.

Nightshade closed her eyes and shook her head. “None of my soldiers address me by name.”

Spike gulped as he understood his mistake.

Nightshade opened her now crimson vampiric eyes. “You are an intruder.”

The illusion of hooves and his pony form was peeled away under her gaze. Spike saw his draconic self take hold once more. He smiled meekly at his nakedness.

“Nightshade,” said Spike. He hoped talking would distract Nightshade enough that Luna could finish her work. “I have many questions.”

“Spike,” Nightshade chuckled. “You traipse through my dreams. Did you get your answer?”

He stammered. “I can’t believe you betrayed us… I can’t believe you would betray Luna.”

“How can you hope to understand what it is to burn with passion unrequited? How can you know my torment?”

“I told you before I too had a goddess, her name was Rarity. Believe me, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her… She was the light and I was the moth drawn to her glow.” Spike stepped lightly and wrapped his claws around her.

Nightshade gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Maybe all you needed was a friend.” Spike smiled. “I can be that friend.”

Nightshade held him back with a hoof. “Spike, would you have been content to be ‘just’ friends forever with your Rarity?”

Spike swallowed. He knew he couldn’t. His love for Rarity was driving him mad. He was a bomb waiting to happen. His wick burned near to its end before he was found by Luna.

Nightshade frowned. “I thought not. You’re very much like me. We’re all lonely; we’re all searching or waiting to be found.” Her eyes narrowed.

Luna faded into the scene. “I found you once upon time on a bloodied battlefield, disappearing into the snow. Even now I do not regret it. I do love thee.”

Spike was surprised that Nightshade was unsurprised. She merely smirked. “But never in love?”

Luna sadly shook her head. “Alas, nay.”

Nightshade’s face twisted with pain. “Why? Haven’t I bled my whole person for you? Who amongst your soldiers has done half the same?”

Luna slapped Nightshade. “Thou presume thou art the only one?! A nation bleeds for me and I bleed for it. Love for me is love thou lacks for duty and country. Thou art a soldier, thou must not be subject to thy personal feelings whilst thou are subject to thy responsibility.”

Spike stood defending Nightshade. “This is more than just that.”

Luna stammered. “S-Sir Spike?”

Spike folded his claws. “Luna, your first love was your Captain. It didn’t end well, so you kept Nightshade at a distance. Have you even considered her and her feelings? Perhaps you could have given her a chance when she quit.”

Spike felt a hoof poke his back. He turned his head and saw Nightshade smiling. Her smile for once was not tempered by sadness. “Spike, thank you. However, I know it to be hopeless. I’m a mare. Love cannot be forced.”

“You’re both hurting and it’s hurting me.”

“Get out.” Nightshade directed her gaze at Luna.

“Wait,” Luna faded away from the dream space.

Spike was surprised he wasn’t cast out.

Nightshade examined Spike closely. “Why did you, do that? If I am allowed to be with Luna that means you won’t be. Why?”

His thoughts swirled in his head. “I…care for you. You’re a friend.”

“You would consider me a friend? There’s more, isn’t there?”

Spike’s head was spinning now.

Nightshade darted close to Spike. “Inside my mind, I can sense parts of yours. There’s a bud of affection there.” She licked her lips.

He clutched his heart. The source of Spike’s confusion was clear now. Ever since he had dueled with Nightshade on their first meeting he was impressed by her skill. Later learning of her situation, he was more deeply moved by her inner strength. She was in the background but there. It reminded him of his situation as a background player to Rarity’s life. The tears of sympathy and empathy had fed that flower bud. Was it a flower he should allow to grow?

“Nightshade, I...”

Nightshade pecked Spike’s snout with a soft kiss.

“No.” Spike blushed.

Nightshade flicked her fangs with her tongue. “In dreams we can’t really blush. I know now, that flower is there.”

Spike’s mouth was left wide open. He closed it with his claws. He wondered why in the dream he even had uncontrollable reactions and body signals. Perhaps it was the brain still shooting electrical impulses to parts of his body in the absence of body. He had betrayed his emotions through that.

Nightshade turned away. “In the battle against Aldred you saved my life but stole my purpose. I hate and love you for that.” She then chilled her words. “I am poison, do not let my flower take root in your heart for if it should remain you surely will die. When we meet again in the waking world, I cannot spare you.”

Spike reached out with his claws but saw his form fading. As his consciousness left hers, he felt a strange loneliness. Maybe there was a connection that was unconscious. In the transition out the dream he was left in the darkness of doubt.

Chapter 20 Even the Winter of War

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The waves lapped against the sandy shore. Spike sat alongside Luna.

“Where are we?” Spike asked.

“Tis a buffer, I pulled us into mine dreams to save us the crash when we so ejected from Nightshade’s.” Luna buried her head in between her fore hooves and sighed. “Twas as I feared, Captain Nightshade’s defenses were too strong.”

Nightshade’s words still rang in his mind. He ran through his mind endlessly whether things might have been different if Luna had handled Nightshade’s feelings with better grace. His own experiences told him that Luna, like the moon, was distant by nature. “Is that all?” Spike said, coldly.

Luna looked up at Spike. “Nay, dost thou question mine treatment of Nightshade?”

“Maybe, I do.”

Luna shook her head into her hooves. “I plucked Nightshade from a battlefield. I raised her to the best of mine ability. I considered her as a daughter. Truly, I loved her so.”

Spike’s edge was dulled by the passion and hurt in Luna’s voice. “You still could have paid closer attention.”

Luna nodded. “In time, I even considered her as a sister. Therein, I see my folly. I took her loyalty for granted as did my own sister did mine…”

Spike sighed. “What was done, is done.”

“Sir Spike, soon come the morning, and we shall have come no closer to finding our enemy’s location.”

“And Rarity’s location, right?”

“Indeed,” said Luna, curtly.

“Wait, you need a strong personal connection with the dreamer to locate the dream right?”

Luna nodded.

“They kidnapped Rarity! We can go through her. Rarity might know their location.”

“Sir Spike, thou hath not walked in her dreams.”

“Maybe not, but I’ve stood by her many a night when she passed out exhausted beside her sewing machine. I know her hopes and aspirations. I…” As Spike cited his past with Rarity, a deep sadness overcame him. There was a time that Rarity was so certain in his heart that she shined upon the darkness in his life. In the present, he never felt further from her. Was there enough lingering feelings left to even manage a connection?

“Perhaps it is enough. Think deeply upon Rarity and thy connection to her.” Luna touched her horn against Spike head. Luna summoned a dream portal. She moved to step through it.

Spike was ready to follow but saw her linger for a solid minute. Luna promptly closed the portal. “Nay, tis too cruel…”


“A reverse dream invasion kills the dreamer. To see through their eyes in the waking world overloads the hosts’ mind. Thou hast seen the same at the Peace Summit.”

“Wait a second! You were ready to kill Nightshade?”

Luna spoke factually. “We could not simply ask her.”

Spike spat in disgust. “You were willing to make complicit in murder without telling me?”

“Sir Spike, didst thou not acquiesce to be a piece to follow mine orders? Nightshade is a traitor to the crown, the judgment for her crimes would be court martial summarily followed by execution.”

“I don’t think you gave Rarity the same option of whether she wanted to die. She’s not a damn piece on your board. Why couldn’t we just ask her? Why did you even attempt it?”

“While we may ask the dreamer, the only way to be certain of the enemy’s location would be to look through their eyes. Even without the eyes, the psychic connection alone is-” Luna raised a hoof halting her explanation. “Why dost thou fret, I did not-”

Spike spat. “You considered killing Rarity. This was never about rescuing her. It was all about find the enemy’s location. Was it? Better yet, take two pieces with one move. Rarity’s gone, and I’m all yours!”

Luna stoically stared off into the dreamscape ocean.

Spike snarled. “Rarity put her life on the line for that plan to trap Amorpheus!”

“We all put forth our lives upon this line. If our enemy is who I believe it to be then there are greater dangers. The world may yet be in peril.”

“I recall Rarity put her life on the line to stop a certain Nightmare Moon, too. Wasn’t the world in peril then? Rarity’s given so much so many times I’m not letting her give her life away.”

“Then we can still enter her dreams and ask her if she gleaned any details as to the enemy’s location.”

“No. I’ll ask her alone.” Spike growled at Luna. “I can’t trust you.”

Luna choked. “Very, Sir Spike.”

“Don’t call me ‘Sir’. I’m not your knight.” Spike nearly bit his tongue in anger. “Keep your secrets.”

Spike exhaled as the steam left him. “How many more lies, Luna? I can’t do this much longer… It’s too much. You’re an endless staircase. Every step I think we’re on the level, I find out there’s many more.”

Luna gave a sigh. “Tis fair, I admit guilt upon all accounts save one: I did not consider killing Rarity to remove a romantic rival. Forsooth, the thought never crossed mine mind. Tis not fair to accuse me of such. Dost thou think me so petty and cruel?”

Even Spike had to admit, such a ploy did not seem like Luna to devise. Luna’s actions always served a greater good. She wouldn’t use them towards a personal vendetta. He begrudgingly spoke. “No, I don’t believe you thought so far.”

“Thou should quickly enter Rarity’s dreams inquire and acquire her whereabouts. Morning cometh.”


Luna moved in, the kind of motion made for a kiss Spike jumped back, pushing her away with his palm. “I just need some space!”

“I need to establish a connection to Rarity to form a portal.”

Spike rubbed his head frills, realizing again he had mistaken her intentions. He bowed and allowed her to touch her horn upon his head. He tried to think of Rarity, but Luna befuddled his thoughts.

Luna’s magic sparked without effect.

“Sorry, my mind is just a bit confused.”

“As is mine,” said Luna, sorrowfully. “Once more, then.”

Spike’s nostrils flared as the ghastly odor attacked his mind. The memory was laced with a pungent stink of rotting rubbish and vegetables. Still starker was the sights of the Canterlot slums. Literally in the shadow of the Capital’s glory, giant garbage chutes dumped the refuse from the mountaintop city to the under districts below. The buildings were assembled with various hodge-podge building pieces of junk metal or whatever could be found. Not shown on any map, the Canterlot slums were a considered a national embarrassment,the results of a society of excess.

Spike noted also that the majority of the population was not coincidentally comprised of Earth Ponies. Amongst the down trodden, there was one mare who held her head a sliver higher. In a patch-work cloak dress and wearing a torn tawdry hat, she pushed a clothing cart through the crowd of workers. Her disguise didn’t fool him. Down to her walk, this looked like the Rarity he knew. Rarity and poverty, though, were two things that did not seem to go together.

Setting up her stall, the mare opened the various panels on her cart and brought forth her assorted designed garments. Spike was now certain this was Rarity by her trademarked flair and style.

“Scarfs for sale! You there, sir!” Rarity danced around the market place. “This scarf will really accentuate your mane!”

Spike observed her sales day. Maybe it was the dream distortion, but it seemed like a blink before the sun was setting and casting the shadow of Canterlot upon the slums. Rarity had accumulated a sizable sum of coins. It did not go unnoticed several of Earth Pony merchants.

A mare with two missing front teeth slammed her hoof against Rarity’s market cart. “You made a lot of bits today. We deserve our cut.”

Rarity smiled against their angry glares. “Absolutely, ladies! I think we should go out for dinner, my treat! As fellow clothier extraordinaires, I simply cannot believe we haven’t gone out together.”

Spike relaxed. Rarity was working her social charm. The other two merchant mares were looking at each other and seemed piqued by dinner.

The lead merchant mare was undeterred and sashayed up to Rarity’s face. “Nuh-ugh, who do ya think ya are sista!?” She shoved her hoof pushing Rarity down into the muddy after-flow of a nearby gutter.

Rarity’s cloak shielded her from the grime. However, she recoiled and threw it away as the sewage began seeping through. “Mud!”

Rarity realized her mistake when the other merchant mares saw her flank. She tried to force a smile. Rarity’s cutie mark definitely set her apart from the mundane utensils and working class emblems. The other mares looked at theirs shamefully for a second before turning to jealous rage.

“Look at her flank; she’s got diamonds!”

“I bet she’s from the upper city! Not so high and mighty now are you?!”

“Look at the little harlot! She thinks she’s better than us!”

“I say we give her a shave!” One of the mares brought out a pair shearing scissors that was normally used to cut fabric.

Menacingly, they advanced upon Rarity, her lips quivering nervously.

Spike didn’t care if they were dream phantoms. He was ready to rip those mares apart or burn them alive with his draconic flames. The only thing stopping him was deciding which. A twinkle through Rarity’s hat, though, distracted him. It was a spark of her magic.

One of the merchant carts slid on the uneven streets, crashing into another. The domino effect sent several carts flying off as they careened against each other.

The leader of the bullies spun around and chased after her cart. “Not again! That stupid brake always gives out! Help me!”

The other merchants followed swiftly after their cart flying through the streets.

Swiveling her head to see no others ponies about, Rarity happily hummed as she put away the various clothes she had hung in display.

Spike decided then to approach. “That was incredible, Rarity. You sure showed them.”

Rarity pulled a Fluttershy move and hid her face behind her mane. “You didn’t see the days where they won…”

“Rarity,” said Spike. “Did they hurt you?”

“They couldn’t do anything to me worse than that what life had done to them. The merchant with the missing teeth, her husband beats her. You can hear her scream through the streets. Spike, I was never angry at my bullies. This city… Canterlot does something to you after a while. It’s much like Manehattan that way.”

Spike gave a sad nod. “Yeah, living outside the ‘herd’ is never fun.”

Part of him was glad that Rarity was no stranger to the alienation. They shared that now. Maybe it was always like that, inside her head Rarity overflowed with ideas. Even if he wasn’t an artist he was happy to bask in the warm glow of her inspiration.

Rarity nodded, then spun around and clasped her hooves around the dragon’s head. “Spikey?! You’re not just a figment?!”

“You noticed!” Spike smiled. He and Rarity had started talking like an elderly couple.

“Spikey? What are you doing in my dreams?”

Spike smirked. “Well, you’ve been in mine for so long, I figured I might enter one of yours.”

Rarity laughed while playfully poking Spike’s scaly chest with her hoof. “Do you pick up all the mares you meet with that line?”

Spike raised a brow. “All this time, the snooty Canterlot socialite personality has been your way of overcompensating?”

Rarity huffed. “I have always been a lady!” She trailed off. “Even if… I wasn’t always able to afford the accoutrements of one.”

“Miss Rarity, you are a diamond even in the rough of indignity.”

Rarity’s face became beet red. “Seriously Spikey, let us never speak of this again!”

Spike though insisted. Rarity was so utterly misplaced in the scene; his curiosity was burning as to how she had gotten there. “Rarity… I want to know you, even in the bad times. I wasn’t even aware you even heard of the Canterlot slums, let alone been here in the thick of it.”

Rarity lowered her head. “Darling, following your dreams doesn’t pay the bills. I tried striking it in Canterlot once, it didn’t end well. Like most failures, I was flushed out.” Rarity pointed to a giant refuse pipe from the mountain city that was spewing rubbish into the under-city. “I spent a while here.” Rarity gestured a hoof at the dream slum.

“They just didn’t know how talented you were.”

“I wish I was stronger. After a while, I couldn’t bear it and limped back to Ponyville. My Canterlot dreams ended there.”

“Everypony in Ponyville loves your designs. You own a well respected establishment.”

“I swore never to be poor again. After a while, I built my Boutique. I foolishly dreamed of Canterlot again.”

Spike felt guilty again. Rarity’s involvement with him had ended her dream. The racist social elite latched onto the scandal and rumors casting her brand into the dirt.

“Still, even with that dream dead… I chose it over you… that fateful night. Societal norms, my fears, and my insecurities, I should have thrown all those away. Instead I lied to you.”

“You’re still hung up on that?” Spike consoled her. “I told you, I forgive you.” Rarity’s lies, though, made him think for a moment about Luna. He had to face his own truth.

The dream scape turned dark as Rarity lowered her head further. Her lips quivered. She chokingly sobbed out, “Yet, you’re with Luna.”

The dream was beginning to crack. Spike saw the fissures in the cheap cobblestones pavement. On the cusp of crying, Spike wrapped his wings around Rarity.

“Rarity, I can’t stand to see you cry. It was I who was thoughtless. I put you on the spot. I selfishly loved you without knowing the social position it’d put you in. It wasn’t fair for me to place my expectation of acceptance on you. I know what I am. I’m a dragon, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring-”

“You’re my Spikey.” Rarity placed a hoof on his mouth, stopping him.

“I have dark dreams… I’ve had them for a while. I’m in a field fire looming over you and all my friends. I become the monster I fear.”

Rarity gasped. “Spike, I’ve had a similar dream.”

Spike rubbed his chin. “This can’t be a coincidence.”

“Spikey, in my dream. I’m the monster.”

“What?” said Spike.

“I’ve been having terrible visions about my possible past life.” Rarity’s eyes watered. “It’s been terribly confusing.”

Spike patted Rarity on the back. “It’s okay.”

“Spikey, I have to ask… chasing me all these years… do you regret it?”

“…I’m sorry… I don’t.” He hugged her with first his arms then with his wings as well.

“I don’t, either.” Rarity hugged Spike back. She moved in to kiss him.

Spike blocked Rarity with a claw. “Wait, Rarity, I need to know where you are in the waking world!”

Rarity nodded. “They’re lead by some Changeling Queen named Chitania. She’s ancient and powerful. I’m being held hostage in a Canterlot Hotel. They have a cloaking spell up. Spike, I lov-”

The dreamscape began tearing away as Rarity woke. As much as they struggled to hold each other, they were pulled apart as the dreams split.

“Rarity!” Spike cried out loud.

Spike opened his eyes to find Luna staring back at him. He was holding hard onto the Princess. He looked about to find that the dream had ended, and he was safely in Luna’s large bed.

“Dost thou speak’st the name of thy true love?” Luna looked at him tearfully.

Spike turned away. “Luna, let’s focus on the mission…” Coughing, he resumed. “They have Rarity locked away in a Canterlot hotel. She says they have a cloaking spell and are led by some Changeling named Chitania.”

Luna’s eyes widened, and she sprung to her hooves. “Nay! Tis a mistake. Art thou certain?”

Spike nervously nodded. Luna’s concern was infectious.

Fancy Pants and Twilight groaned while rubbing their heads. Maintaining their connection to the dream world was apparently a headache.

Twilight stretched her limbs from her previous sitting position. “You were in there for a long time. What happened?”

“The identity of the enemy has been confirmed. We face truly a frightful foe. We must not tarry!” Luna had risen off from the bed and planted her hooves firmly onto the floor.

Pegasi crashed through the top most windows of the hotel. Earth Pony guards, backed by Unicorn mages, blew apart the foyer door. The ground and air entry teams lowered their weapons in confusion as they met.

Fancy Pants grimaced as he stepped through the shattered glass of the raided hotel. “I do declare! No reception party?”

“We art too late.” Luna looked at the magic circle array burned into the tile work of the hotel. The intricate circle was heavily defaced and still smoking. There would be no means of recreating it.

Spike recognized some parts of the array when he was doing research into more advanced teleportation spells with Twilight. The complexity, though, was unlike most portals he saw.

A guard saluted. “We found an injured soldier.”

Spike followed Luna and Fancy Pants. They found the soldier slumped against the wall of the hotel corridor. The unicorn had Night Guard armor. A medic had already taken off parts of the armor and was applying bandages to a puncture wound to the soldier’s chest.

“An ‘honorary’ Night Guard?” questioned Fancy Pants. “What are you doing here, son?”

The soldier gave a dry rasp as he tried to speak.

Fancy Pants uncorked a canteen and gave the soldier water.

The soldier gave an appreciative nod. “Using a charm spell, I snuck into the ranks of the treasonous troops. Captain Nightshade discovered me.”

“Soldier, where art Captain Nightshade?” Luna growled.

The soldier spoke passionately. “Wait, the Captain’s no traitor!”

Spike’s eyes lit up with hope.

“This is stupendous news!” said Fancy Pants.

Luna tilted her head and pressed her muzzle almost to the soldier’s face. “Hast thou proof? Didst the Captain confess this to you?”

The soldier slumped sadly. “No, but Captain Nightshade could have killed me.”

Fancy Pants frowned. “Lad, you’re very near death.”

The soldier said. “But, I’m not dead.”

“Twas an error,” Luna said coldly, “thou art lucky that her lance missed thy heart.”

“Princess, I don’t think she would miss. She teaches anatomy combat lessons to the new recruits. We’re taught to go for killing strikes.”

Luna waved her hoof dismissively. “Tis baseless conjecture, we cannot risk to speculate.”

The soldier sadly nodded. Spike mirrored his sadness.

Luna then pressed her hoof against the soldiers’ wound. Fancy Pants and Spike gasped as the soldier yelped in pain. “Now, tell us information of the enemy, lest ye be marked a traitor also.”

The soldier screamed in pain, fighting desparately to push Luna’s hoof off. “They’re lead by some Changeling Queen named Chitania! She didn’t speak of any details to her plan.”

“Tell us more!” Luna cried, pressing her hoof harder upon the wound. The red splotch on the bandages was growing.

Spike tried to place a claw to lift Luna’s hoof. “Luna, stop. He’s speaking willingly.”

The soldier cried. “That’s all I know!”

Luna pressed even harder. Spurts of blood spat from the over soaked bandages. The soldier gave a last gasp before falling unconscious.

A medic shouted. “Princess, he’s entered a coma! No more!”

Luna casually flicked the blood from her hooves. “We had to be sure.”

Spike felt his jaw fall. He felt like a statue as he watched Luna give a huff, then walk away.

Fancy Pants leaned towards Spike. “Dare I ask, what again was the name of the enemy that has so right ruffled our Princess’ feathers?”

“Chitania,” Spike repeated the unfamiliar name. He was still recovering from watching Luna torture the soldier.

Just as Spike had almost forgotten her, Twilight chimed in. “Chitania must be a corruption of the Titania. The Changelings are said corruption of the mythical Faerie Pony race. Titania was their Queen. The Faerie Ponies were cursed to be Changelings after their Queen tried to usurp the heavens.”

Spike asked. “Twi, do you know more?”

Twilight shook her head. “Even that story is legend to the Changelings, and they would know best. It’s really ancient history.”

Luna sighed and stepped back. “Queen Chitania and King Sombra, conspired together.”

The mention of Sombra caused Spike’s spines to stand on ends. In his childhood, he’d helped banish the tyrant. He didn’t sleep well for weeks afterwards, with nightmares of the evil King. Even then, the Sombra they fought then was a specter. He shuddered to think of fighting Sombra in the flesh.

Luna explained. “Twas unholy matrimony. They combined the Crystal Heart with the Scepter of Light and they sought to use it to usurp the Celestial plane. Apotheosis was their goal, to become gods. Their people paid the price. Wise King Amethyst became wicked Sombra and fair Titania became corrupted Chitania the first Changeling Queen.”

Twilight raised a hoof, like in her student days. “You and Celestia sealed Sombra so what happened to Chitania?”

“She used our war with Sombra as a distraction. Before we could stop her, she brought the world closer to Ragnarok than any other enemy. She and we did battle amongst the stars. A great many were sacrificed in the battle. Even then we were too late, she had become a demigod… our mightiest magic was to no effect. Only through a combination of our powers and her exhaustion did we prevail. In the afterwards, we held no trial only summary execution.”

“You just executed her?” asked Twilight.

Luna nodded. “There are foes too dangerous to be left alive. Sombra, Discord, Tirek, and many others, were for the chopping block.”

Spike’s head tried to grapple with some unfamiliar names. ‘Discord’,‘Tirek’, disturbingly who were the ‘many others’? He supposed it would have been simpler to murder problems away. He shuddered at the cruelty of their version of history.

Luna admitted. “Perhaps history might have been different. Discord was a lamentable lost. My sister mourned her lover for decades.”

Fancy Pants adjusted his collar. “I for one, I concur. As far I’ve travelled the world, I have seen monsters to which only death can solve, but what then is the problem if this Chitania is dead?”

“Exactly thus, my little ponies, I fear a foe so hateful as transcend death.”

Rarity squealed as she was kicked awake. She tensed and clutched her stomach.


She rose to see the fanged smile of Chitania pressed uncomfortably close to her face. Rarity squealed again and fell back to the cold stone floor. “Where are we?”

Chitania laughed. “Thou expected us to be still in that hotel and thy knight to rescue thee?”

Rarity pursed her lips. “I don’t know whatever you’re talking.”

Chitania smiled. “We Changelings feed on dreams of love. Thy message did not go unnoticed.”

Amorpheus coughed. “We should not linger. The old hive is filled monsters of the deep.”

Rarity swiveled her head. She was in the center of a massive underground cavern. Bioluminescent mushrooms glowed along with paste she recognized to be Changeling spit. The Changeling hive though did not seem occupied. The glowing paste was fading, and many honeycomb homes were darkly vacant. In the cavern ceiling, gems shone in an emulation of a forgotten and ancient evening sky.

Nightshade narrowed her eyes at the darkness. “I sense predators on the edge of our vision. Quarry eels?” She pointed her lance at moving shadows.

Chitania yawned. “Worry not, thou art safe. So long as I am here these cowardly pest dare not come near.”

Rarity reeled back as she looked into the darkness; several eyes seem to lock onto her.

Chitania patted Rarity on the back. “Any ghosts we encounter are no worry either… after all they are of my making.”

Making their way through the old hive, Rarity noted then the gradual shift in architecture the deeper they went. The crude stone work evolved into intricate carvings. The cavern pillars themselves were stylized like ancient Pegasi structures. Rarity saw some engravings that seem to have unicorn and pony influences.

A grand hallway with many pillars funneled them to a massive door. The door was engraved with warnings, skulls of Pony, Griffin, Changelings, and other unidentifiable lost races were etched upon it. The pictograms showed them praying to a dark sun, only to be absorbed into it. The images moved and seemed to silently scream at them.

In her and her friend’s very first adventure, she confronted Nightmare. Rarity remembered Pinkie laughing at the shadows of Everfree forest. Rarity chuckled like a mad mare. “How tacky! Absolutely gaudy and atrocious! Darling, who does your interior design?!”

Chitania laughed. “Forsooth, the ancients were a most melodramatic lot!”

Rarity and the dark Queen found themselves laughing, however, Chitania’s hollow reverb soon won out, and Rarity became too afraid to continue. Chitania continued relishing in Rarity’s discomfort.

“Art thou afraid?”

“Yes.” Rarity squeaked.

“Then, thou art sane.” Chitania pointed her hoof at the door. “Hundreds of cultists’ souls were unwillingly sacrificed to the make this very warning.”

Amorpheus asked. “Is this the gate?”

Chitania waved a hoof. “Nay, that lies beyond.”

Nightshade pointed her lance to the door. “How do we gain entry?”

“The Gate of Life forbids all undead to even touch it. Thine guards art to destroy it.”

Nightshade barked to her guards. “Bring it down!”

The guards charged with lances. Their common metal made not a single crack upon the marble. The door, however, screamed unto the assault. Rarity covered her ears with her hooves to shield from the screeching. After a minute, the guards stopped and stared at their lances impotently.

Chitania hissed. “Should we have paid common mercenaries instead?”

Nightshade brought forth her own gleaming lance. She flew and gave a single slash upon the stone. The gate gave a ghastly wail as it disintegrated into ashes.

Amorpheus narrowed his eyes at Nightshade. “That spear, has it a name?”

“Longinus,” said Nightshade.

Chitania swayed her head to the side like a curious canine. “Such a weapon! What great trust must Luna have for thee to have been bestowed such a boon.”

Nightshade winced. “I find the lance more a burden than a boon. Its great weight negates my greater speed.” She noticed Chitania leering and suspicious look. “My lance is yours, so long as you honor your deal.”

“Of course.” Chitania strolled on gleefully.

The haze of hopelessness had descended. Spike, along with everypony else, lingered in the abandon hotel, deliberating on their next move. He noted the different ways they dealt with stress. Fancy Pant was helping himself to cider from the hotel bar, of the bottles that were left un-shattered that is. Twilight was floating scrolls, and her eyes were darting madly as she read through them. Luna was pacing about with her horseshoes clacking against the hotel foyer tile work. Spike himself was paralyzed in his spot.

Luna stomped her left hoof and raised her right. “We shall intercept them!” She declared.

Twilight pondered. “Even if we could follow them through the portal, there’s no guarantee a trap isn’t waiting. Luna, we should be careful.”

“Nay, our enemies would not expect us to follow through by means of their own portal.”

“Princess, our previous ambush didn’t go so well,” said Fancy Pant. “How do you propose we do anyway?”

Spike looked at the defaced magical circle in the hotel foyer. “Yeah, the circle is destroyed.”

“Is, present tense,” Luna grinned, deviously.

Pony ears perked upwards at Luna’s words.

Luna held her head high as she elaborated. “Twas ages ago, but a close friend, Starswirl devised a most powerful magic to bridge the gaps between realities themselves! A time spell! While the past is impervious to our meddlings, we may still learn from it. We are certain that our enemy was here and therefore certain that this portal array was still intact while they were. We would not use such an important one time spell… were it not for the grave circumstances. It may very well be our last hope.”

Spike recalled Twilight’s time adventure. She had used the spell to warn her past self not to fret about the future. Invariably, it closed off in a loop, resulting in her neurotic sister wasting a week worrying about the future. The reason, now, seemed frivolous.

“It would require a mage most skilled to the tier of an Alicorn. Lady Sparkle, we believe thee to be most capable wouldst thou do the honors?”

Twilight squeaked. “I already used the spell. I found it in the Canterlot Archives…”

Luna blinked. “Didst thou, now? What great national or global peril did thee encounter that would warrant its use?” She cocked a brow at the shrinking violet Twilight. “Or its waste?”

Spike interjected when he saw Twilight shrink away. “Ummm, there was an epic battle against an evil purple unicorn from the future.”

Luna asked. “Was this purple unicorn truly such a threat?”

Twilight forced a smile while glaring at Spike. “Yes.”

Spike grinned back at his sister. Luckily, Luna did not notice.

Luna shook her mane from her horn. “Tis no matter, I saved myself, should the need arise to perform the spell. The need is ever so great.”

Spike asked. “Can we do more than observe the past?”

“Nay, however, the past may alter our present selves. Tis great danger, therein. Our present selves cannot kill for causing a paradox. The past, though, may kill us.”

“Then I’m coming with,” said Spike. He surprised himself by volunteering, but he steeled himself. He still couldn’t let Luna be hurt.

Luna gave him a confused look then. “Come, then… we should not though appear in the enemy’s midst. We will perform the spell a distance away as to avoid detection.”

“Your majesty, for protection, I should like to accompany you also.” Fancy volunteered.

Luna nodded.

There was an awkward silence that pervaded while Spike, Luna, and Fancy Pants walked together. Spike saw that Luna had not forgotten their argument in the dream world. Luna had buried it in the immediacy of danger but now with silence the feelings resurfaced. Fancy Pants, the clueless party, though still seemed aware of the tension.

“Forgive me, it is not a gentle-colt that would pry… but did something happen?”

“Nothing.” Spike and Luna turned to Fancy Pants and blurted out. Nearly hitting each other’s muzzles both, Spike and Luna swiftly swiveled their head away from other.

Fancy Pant clucked his tongue in realization. “Aha, I’ve seen enough military operations botched up due to unresolved emotions between squadmates. Perhaps you should take a moment to talk?”

Their words again meshed together as they turned toward Fancy Pants.

“It’s okay,” said Spike.

“Tis fine, we are fine.” said Luna.

Spike and Luna though quickly averted each other’s gaze.

Luna waved a hoof and repeated. “Tis fine, we are fine.”

Fancy Pants smiled. “I’m not going gallivanting around in the past with you two so distracted.”

Luna persisted. “We have naught the time.”

Fancy Pants snorted. “A couple of my good fellows said the same thing before we Pegasi parachute air dropped into Prance. Operation: Normare-dy, I recall.”

“What happened?” asked Spike.

“Old glories and war stories do not interest us.” said Luna, storming onwards.

“Famous last words,” Fancy Pants whistled while walking with them.

“Captain Fancy Pants, thou can be particularly long winded,” Luna groaned.

“You’re one to speak, Miss Pot calling Captain kettle black,” said Spike, rolling his eyes. Luna and long windedness were one and the same. It was her way.

Luna waved a hoof playfully. “Hush, now Sir-” She stopped herself short of calling him her knight again.

Both of them became aware how broken their dynamic was when banter became awkward. They looked at each without looking as they walked on.

After several cycles of Fancy Pants’ whistling, Luna caved in. “Very well, tell us thy story! Be quick about it!”

“It’s a short story, because their lives were cut short,” said Fancy Pants. “At Normare-dy, I went along with two good friends. They had lover’s spat before the operation. We were to sabotage the artillery batteries before the main invasion force. Even when we were climbing the cliffs I could tell what was going on through their minds.”

Spike raised a claw. “Lemme guess, they were distracted?”

The aristocratic knight’s ears drooped. “Yes, they didn’t notice the automatic crossbow nest tucked nefariously into the rocks. The enemy crew opened up on them. Sergeant Arrow fell first along with a batch of green horns. The crossbow bolts sent them off the cliffs, and that was the last I ever saw of Arrow.”

“I am sorry for you loss. Thine friends must have meant much. We heard of the slaughter of Normare-dy.”

“The thing is Arrow’s lover, Fletcher, he didn’t die during operation Normare-dy. He lived through the whole bloody Naponeanic War. A decade later in the peace, he was found dead in a ditch: his hooves holding a cider bottle and picture of Arrow. Fletcher always blamed himself for Arrow’s death.”

All three of them had stopped walking and were looking at Fancy Pants.

“Going off into battle, there should be no room for regrets. You never know when it will be the last you see of each other.” Fancy Pants walked off leaving Luna and Spike contemplating his words.

Alicorn and dragon stood in the middle of the empty streets. Spike would raise a claw, or Luna would raise a hoof, but neither dared to speak first.

Spike decided to break the stalemate. “Luna, we keep coming back to this… when will you tell me the truth? I can handle it.”

“Spike, thou ask that I show my truest color… I am scared that thou would recoil from the sight. I am Nightmare Moon, orchestrator of the Lunar Revolution that wrought untold destruction, prophesied to bring eternal night.”

“And you are Luna, also. I’m scared too.”

“Do I frightened thee?”

“I’m not scared of you, I’m scared for you.”

“What concern is it of thee?” Luna pouted. “Thou hast denied thy knighthood.”

“We’re friends before I was ever a knight of Equestria. Luna, if you keep keeping everything locked in box, you’re going to go insane.”

Luna spoke with pangs of anger punctuating her voice. “I have offered thee numerous occasions to leave me. Why dost thou return? What perverse pleasure dost thou derive from hurting me so?”

“If I left, you’d retreat further. I suffered for the longest time in my own head. I didn’t share my loneliness living as an outsider. That pain doesn’t just go away. You save me that night from myself. You need to trust someone, even if it’s a risk. ”

“Sir Spike, can I trust you? Can thou trust thyself? I see it upon thy eyes confusion and indecision grips thee. Is it me or Rarity which thy heart most covets?”

Under Luna’s intense gaze Spike could only give a puppy dog whimper. She had him on that point. How could he ask for absolute trust from Luna if he didn’t give her his all. “Do I have to choose? Why don’t you suggest?”

Luna snorted angrily. “Is this a test? Nay, tis entrapment. Should I suggest myself, thou will believe it to be vanity, and according to chivalry, hence pursue Rarity. My further boldness shall be interpreted as aggression. Thou ought to choose for thyself.”

Spike was astounded by Luna’s comprehension of psychology. She had once even admitted she had manipulated him. Was that on another level a ploy? An expert liar would confess to be a little liar to better gain trust. Their social interactions past and present were in question. “Those times you pushed me away, was it all to get me closer? You even suggested Rarity once; I always wondered whether that was false humility?”

“If thou thinks me to be so clever. Were it so would we speaking of it? Twas an offer made then when emotions of mine were not so entwine. I confess mine affection for thee since then has grown to love. Thou art to blame.”

“I’m sorry for being paranoid. You’re right, I’m confused. It’s the only thing I’m certain about...”

“We are both at fault, I more so than thee. I initiated this courtship of ours.”

“No Luna, it’s natural to seek companionship. You even helped me when I was at my loneliest.”

“Shall I tell thee another secret?” Luna leaned into Spike’s ear.


Luna hugged Spike with her wings. “I regret nothing.”

In an explosion of magical energies, Spike, Luna, and Fancy Pants left a scorch mark in the paved Canterlot streets. Spike remembered Luna spent some time finding the exact scorch mark in the present. Now in the past, he scratched his eyes. He smiled at himself when he expected to be in a black and white scene, the past was instead in glorious Technicolor. The evacuated Canterlot streets still had their flair. Tufts of snow flew as a cold wind blew through.

“Okay, five minutes. We should be quick,” said Fancy Pants, hugging his petticoat.

“Nay, we have half an hour. We should proceed cautiously.” said Luna.

Fancy Pants smiled. “Brilliant, that is more than enough!”

“When Twilight used this spell she had five minutes,” said Spike.

“In matters of spellcraft talent Twilight has, but alas not experience,” said Luna, confidently.

Spike shrugged and followed slightly impressed.

In an alleyway opposite the cloaked hotel, they observed.

“They have a cloaking spell. They however did not expect I expect the Eye of Truth. A magical and mystical relic that sees past all lies.” Fancy Pant brought out a monocle and squinted through it. “Of which I might I add: that I recovered in an expedition to the far orient with a colleague Miss Daring-”

“Quit thy jabbering, and let me see.” smiled Luna.

Fancy Pants grumbled, passing the monocle.

Peering through the monocle she saw the bat pony guards patrolling the premises. “Enemy troops, at every ground approach.” Luna growled. “Captain Nightshade would seem to be in charge of their security.”

“Nightshade?” Spike took the monocle in his claws and peered through the lens. Giving orders to her troops he saw Nightshade. He shook his head of his feelings and continued scanning the hotel. Panning upwards he saw bat ponies walking the roof as well. “So much for an aerial entry.”

Fancy Pants shook his head. “I don’t think you could carry me, anyway lad.”

Spike slapped his head for having forgotten Fancy Pants didn’t have wings.

Fancy Pants pulled out a map. “We should go with the route we planned, the old servants’ entrance.”

Spike was glad Twilight was able to find the original architectural plans for them. Her knowledge of cataloguing systems was invaluable. The map showed a hidden back entrance that was used to smuggle cider during days of prohibition.

Luna peered past the dumpster to the hotel, wearily. “As mages, only either Sir Fancy Pant or I need to see the past portal array to replicate it in the present. Should we be discovered that information shall be for naught.”

Spike nodded. “I’ll hold back, as backup.”

Luna looked at Fancy Pants and Spike. “Ye should both hold back. I am the avatar of the Night, moving within shadows is natural for me. Captain Nightshade and her troops are most alert.”

“Very well, that we’ll do.” said Fancy Pants.

Spike gave Luna a worried tug on her hoof before she left. “At the slightest sign of trouble-”

“Thy concern, tis nectar.” Luna nuzzled Spike muzzle. “Rest assure we shall call upon thee should there a need be.”

Spike gripped his sword tightly as Fancy Pants scanned the area through his monocle.

“Relax, lad. Princess Luna seems to have this. She’ll be back, and we’ll zap back to the present in time for lunch.”

“I feel bad about this.” Spike used his free claws to pull his head spines. “Luna could be facing Amorpheus, Nightshade, Chitania, or all three. There’s also the guards.”

“Aye, and we’ll be there to back her up,” said Fancy Pants. “We can take out the guards, swiftly enough before they’re aware.”

Spike shivered to his tail as he thought of it. “Fancy Pants, when we stormed the hotel? Was there battle damage?”

“I don’t know; our entry was explosive enough.”

Spike groaned. Any damage to the hotel before they stormed it would have been covered up by the damage caused by the troops. There were no enemy bodies left, so there was no battle. Then again, in the period of time in between, they could have recovered or taken those. Could they win in the past if they left no mark in the present, thereby causing them to go back into the past in the first place? Was Luna safe? Was it all predetermined? He sighed. Time travel was very convoluted. He was reminded how it had caused Twilight’s week of insanity.

Fancy Pants reached into his coat pocket. “I have another trophy, a cider flask that never empties. You would not believe the battles and story that goes with it.” He took out a flask and poked Spike with it. “Here, something to calm the nerves.”

Spike wings unfurled. The picture of Fancy Pants sipping cider flashed through his mind like lightning. Fancy Pants had picked a choice bottle amongst the many broken ones. “Fancy Pants, the hotel bar… there was no way that was destroyed by our entry! That means there was a battle before we got there!”

Fancy Pants’ eyes lit up. “Egads!”

From across the street, they heard the shattering of glass.

“We have to save Luna!”

“Take the roof, lad!” cried Fancy Pants, charging ahead.

Spike deployed his wings.

Electricity coursed through Fancy Pants’ unicorn horn. Discharging his magic, he fired off his bolt. Like a Griffin Grenade, it enveloped the squad of bat pony guards at the entrance. The guards fell as they convulsed. He smiled at his clear route to the hotel, it turned when he was stopped.

A Changeling with a fedora chuckled as he stepped out of the doorway. “Fancy that meeting here?”

“That’s Fancy Pants!” The aristocratic knight fired a magical bolt.

Amorpheus caught the bolt with his Changeling horn and sent it flying back.

Fancy Pants redirected his own attack skyward but the static electricity caused his mane to stand up. He shook his head back to his original hairdo and grimaced at his near death. “Amorpheus is it? We never did finish our earlier duel. Dare I say, old fellow, let’s.”

Amorpheus scoffed. “Ha, I haven’t the time to waste with you.” The undead Changeling charged his horn with malignant emerald energy. “Prepare for fear you can neither define nor defend!”

Spike pulled a Rainbow Dash maneuver and dive bombed the roof. From on high, such was the speed even if they could see him, they couldn’t dodge. Crashing into the two guards posted there, he knocked them unconscious. Spike groaned as he felt his sore back. Lacking the finesse of the legendary Wonderbolt Captain, he wasn’t able to brake fast enough. He’d received as hard as he hit, and the pain had translated to his back.

Another bat pony guard came rushing to inspect the disturbance. Spike heard his steps before the guard even opened the roof access door. The guard was greeted by Spike’s sword pommel in his face.

Still hurting, Spike stretched and heard a satisfying crack as his back muscles relaxed. He heard more steps at the other roof access door. Before he could move to intercept, the door was kicked opened.

Nightshade stood with eyes wide at the unexpected dragon. “Spike?” Her eyes quickly narrowed, and her voice chilled. “Spike.”

“Nightshade,” Spike acknowledged her with the same cold.

Nightshade adjusted her affixed lance’s length for battle. The bat pony gave a sonic wail before charging. “You stole my purpose!”

“You betrayed everypony!” Spike dodged her lunge and swiped back with his sword.

Nightshade leapt away and rebounded off the roof rail guard.

Spike parried her lance and pressed his sword against its crescent moon hook. Without momentum, he was stronger. Nightshade noticed and broke their weapons’ lock. She countered by passing and readying another lance lunge.

Spike spun and barely evaded it. They stepped more paces away as each tried to gauge the next move made by the other. This duel was categorically different from their first.

Spike saw a deadly calm fury in Nightshade’s breathe to her movements; it was all divorced of passion. He wouldn’t be able to incite her to anger this time.

Luna felt the liquor soak her fur coat as the destroyed bar’s contents spilled forth. A fine cutting beam had sliced many of the bottles in half.

Chitania’s horn was still smoking. The Changeling Queen aimed her horn at the counter. “Thou thinks thyself a master of the shadows? Come forth, let me see thee, lest that thou wish mine next beam to hit thy heart.”

Luna emerged from behind the bar counter and shook herself dry. “Chitania, we had our suspicions yet thought it impossible. How now did thee overcome death? We were assured of thy destruction.”

Chitania smirked. “Luna, the royal ‘we’ amongst friends? Thou wounds me.” She raised a hoof over her head dramatically.

Luna kept her steady gaze. “Thou art no friend of mine.”

Chitania gave a cruel chuckle. “Thou denounced mine methods, yet in thy own moment of desperation, thou resorted to the same. We are kindred; each of us has shards of the abyss embedded in our hearts. Are we not sisters, Nightmare Moon?”

“I am Luna, and thou art a dead dream. It is mistake that thou lingers in this plane: a mistake to be corrected. I shall be glad to reunited thee with thy cursed King Sombra.”

Chitania snarled, revealing her fangs. “Thou dare mention my Sombra?” The Changeling Queen quickly calmed herself. “Tis no matter, my love shall be restored ere long.”

“We would sooner see thee dead again.”

Chitania’s horn surged with energy and her mane became animated by the phantom winds of power. The crimson streaks extended outwards like tentacles and the dark shines of black holes in her mane swirled. “How boorish! If we should fight, let me see the demon dominant in your heart. I tire of speaking to the shell.”

Luna’s own horn glowed and her mane pulsed with mana. The stars of her mane pulsed in light and the gentle current of her mane’s movements became a violent wave. “I am Luna and I am Nightmare Moon. I am myself. Now reveal unto me thy plans.”

Chitania rolled her eyes. “Tsk Tsk, I did not hear a please.”

Luna lowered her posture to the ground ready to spring. “I shall hear thy pleas when thou art upon thy knees.”

Amorpheus yawned as Fancy Pants fell. Fancy Pants’ eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mind was succombing to the nightmare fear attack. The dark tunnel of magic dissipated as it passed through. Amorpheus raised his head and stopped his horn.

“Such blustering, again no substance. Enjoy your worst fears.” He turned back towards the hotel securing his fedora back unto his head.

“Showing a chap his worst fears? Is that your only trick?” Fancy Pants stood with tears in his eyes, smiling. He unbuttoned his suit and tossed it aside. “I’ve faced worse in the battlefield of Prance.”

Amorpheus turned back. “So, a fellow soldier? Forgive me, then. I should have dignified you with a death.” He grinned and threw his fedora to the side.

Fancy Pants coughed. “Sorry, I promised my wife I’d come back. Fleur has a flank to die for.”

Amorpheus’ voice carried no boastful inflection. “I am sorry to make her a widow, but I fight for my own love.” His horn crackled with the beginnings of spell.

Fancy Pants appraised his opponent as he charged his own horn. “Isn’t that the game? Kill to live and love another day?”

“That it is.”

Nightshade charged again.

She was too fast; he knew he had to play his strengths. Spike, instead of dodging, planted his feet. He hoped to take non-fatal blow then be in position to retaliate.

In the last second, Nightshade swerved to avoid him.

“Why didn’t you?” Spike turned surprised by her shift.

Nightshade charged again.

Spike readied again to take Nightshade head on. Nightshade veered away again.

Nightshade queried. “Why are you just standing there?!”

Spike raised his sword. “Come at me and find out.” He gestured with a claw.

“You’ll die!” said Nightshade.

“What do you care? Will having Nightmare Moon destroy the world make you happy? Nightmare isn’t Luna, she’s just an aspect!”

Nightshade sighed. “I know.”

Spike’s jaw fellopen with Nightshade’s confession. “Why the buck are you fighting, then?! Why are we?”

“Because my love is greater than my honor or my life. Even if she hates me, I will accept it if it means I might better serve her.”

Spike smiled. “Then you’re still on our side. I knew it.” He sheathed his sword and moved towards Nightshade. The air of hostility was replaced by a wind of optimism. Spike lowered his guard.

Nightshade kept her lance pointed at him. “No Spike, Chitania still suspects me. She foresaw this exchange. To truly prove my loyalty, I have to kill a high officer of Equestria. I had hoped to kill a Captain.”

When ‘Captain’ came to mind, Spike thought of Fancy Pants. “Fancy Pants has family. Will a knight do? That lance of yours you know where to put it.” Spike pointed at his heart.

Nightshade snarled. “Why’d you have to analyze this?! Why did it have to be you?” She jabbed her lance into the air, a hair width away from Spike’s chest.

Spike pleaded. “You don’t have to do this. Why does anyone have to die? You can come back.”

“I can’t return; I have already killed to be accepted by Chitania, I wetted my lance upon the soldiers at the theater.”

“If you explained things to Lu-”

“No!” Nightshade snarled. “You must tell no one of my true loyalties. Not even my guards know. We have but one chance. This enemy is unlike any!”

Spike scoffed, in his life, he’d seen some fearsome foes. “She’s a Changeling Queen called Chitania. Luna’s fighting her right now.”

“What?” Nightshade’s ears perked up. “Quickly you idiot, knock me out. Luna will need your help. She’s in grave danger.” She closed her eyes.

Spike moved to punch Nightshade, but his clawed fist stopped. Nightshade opened her eyes as she felt the air from his punch but not the impact. “What about you?” Spike asked.

“Forget about me, we both love Luna, right? Right now she needs you!”

Spike hesitated. “Nightshade, you can’t sacrifice yourself like this!”

Nightshade smacked Spike with a hoof. “Hit me you, repugnant reptile! Stop being so sweet! ”

It went against his instincts to hit a lady, at least one that wasn’t trying to kill him. He closed his eyes and smacked Nightshade down with a punch. Her unconscious body fell on him. He caught and hugged her. Her scent wafted into his nostrils as he did so. Nightshade smelled of her namesake flowers, bitter but sweet.

Spike gently set Nightshade unto the ground. His eyes lingered back as he left her. Nightshade indeed had loyalty in spades, he was ashamed about his own indecision.

Beam against beam, their energies clashed against each other. However, whereas sweat trickled down Luna’s brow, Chitania had not even begun to perspire. With a final push Chitania overcame Luna’s magic. In the blast, Luna was sent skidding across the hotel foyer.

“After such boasting, such disappointment comes.” Chitania snorted.

Luna panted as she caught her breath. “Thy power cannot be magnified so. Thou art a shadow, a ghost, an apparition, without true incarnation.”

Chitania grinned. “I have been busy, weakening the world’s wall. Each moment more, my power grows. Soon, there will be no wall at all.”

“Thou aim to destroy the world!?” Luna gasped.

“Tis small world, thy thoughts are so small.” Chitania charged her horn. “I had hoped to use thee as mine vessel, but I’ve found a more suitable chalice.”

“Lady Rarity? What hast she to do with thy schemes?!”

“Thou shall not live to know.” Chitania grinned as she fired.

Spike reached the balcony overlooking the hotel foyer. Peering over, he saw Luna on the ground. Chitania’s killing strike met with a weak shield from Luna. The barrier blew out in spark of magic. Luna screamed as she was hit.

“Luna!” Spike roared as ran down the circular flight of stairs. He lunged at Chitania’s side.

“What?!” Chitania startled, turned her horn to him.

Her beam seared his shoulder but Spike charged on, heedless to the pain.

Going under the Changeling Queen, Spike seized her throat, sinking his fangs in. Her eyes bulging, Chitania let out a piercing cry as she struggled under the strangulation. In corner of his vision Spike saw Luna had her head fallen on the ground. His own vision reddened in rage. He bit harder into the choking Changeling with an audible crunch. Like a crocodile, he thrashed with his prey still in his jaws. His muffled ears heard the snapping sinew of his enemy’s neck. His thoughts embed away into the visceral and feral as he bit.

Gobs of saliva fell, melting the snow beneath Aldred’s gaping maw. The giant dragon chewed his snacks and savored the crunch. Taking his claws, he grabbed the last fist full and casually popped the crunchy treats into mouth. He grimaced as he felt something stuck in between his teeth.

Picking through with his claws, he pulled a gilded armor breast plate from its lodgings in his mouth. “They should really put more jewels in their armor.” He flicked the plate away with a claw.

From his mountaintop roost, Aldred arched his head towards opposite mountain and the white sterling vision of Canterlot.

The mountain shook as two other dragons landed. Spira and Bahamut bowed before Aldred.

Spira spoke first. “My lord, the ranks are mobilized. We await your order to withdraw.”


Bahamut raised an ancient brow of his. “Did you not mobilize the troops to withdraw?”

Aldred chortled. “I said nothing of withdraw. I only said mobilize. Now that they are, order the attack; I want a classic battle formation. The lesser lords and ranks shall go first.”

Spira and Bahamut exchanged looks of shock.

“What of their Princess’ threat?” asked Bahamut. “We cannot fight falling stars, if she should summon Meteor.”

Aldred scoffed. “My Dragon Generals, the enemy bluffs. The Meteor spell is a myth. Even if real the pitiful ponies don’t have the guts to rain destruction upon the world.”

Spire sputtered. “Our spies tell otherwise, the vote for it was near unanimous.”

Aldred waved his claws dismissively. “A bluff.”

Spira coughed. “Should we not soften their defenses with a fire barrage first?”

Bahamut arched his head and added. “We should establish air supremacy before we move. Their airships are quite formidable.”

Aldred growled, impatiently. “I have waited long enough for my prize. The pitiful ponies shall burn. My son, Garble, needs avenging.”

The elder dragon, Bahamut, grit his teeth. “May I remind our lord that while he is immune to the pony cannonry, the dragonling infantry are not? The casualties shall be innumerable.”

Aldred roared. “We have surplus population, do we not? Plus we can overheat and deplete their cannonry before we move in.”

Spira gasped. “A generation will be lost.”

“You can make more.” Aldred pointed a claw at Spira’s belly. “What else is a female’s use? Make more eggs.”

The dragoness recoiled in disgust. “All the dragons clans are rallied to help avenge your child, yet you would rob us of ours?!”

Aldred snarled. “Do as you are ordered, or I shall appoint Generals that will.”

Spira growled. “We give advice, and you ignore our council at every turn?! So our positions are truly ornamental?!” The dragoness ripped off her gilded necklace of authority and threw it onto the ground.

Aldred raised his claws to crush the far smaller dragon. “You dare?”

The medium size of the three, Bahamut moved and blocked the blow with his body. Despite the size of war balloon, the greater weight of Aldred’s massive size pushed Bahamut into the ground. Bahamut strained to keep standing. “Forgive Lady Spira, my daughter is young and foolish.”

“Daughter?” Aldred lifted his claw. He raised a bemused brow at Bahamut. “There is still life in your loins? I don’t believe it. She is a leader of her own clan, and you are ancient.”

“Elder?” Spira blinked, incredulously.

Bahamut picked up Spira in his claws, cradling the smaller dragon. “Though of different clans, I acknowledge her. By Dragon Code, murder her, and we shall war.”

Aldred, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “See to her lessons in obedience. Your trick won’t work next time. Order the attack post haste.”

Bahamut bowed. “My lord is most gracious. Your will be done.” With a beat of his wings came his retreat.

Licking his lips, Aldred smiled, his sights set once more upon Canterlot. The titanic dragon’s tail wagged eagerly. “Princess Luna, you underestimate my impatience and lust. The assumption that your opponent is a rational player has sealed your doom. I shall consume your country and then swallow the sky itself! Then, even the gods will cower before I devour her also. I am Aldred!”

The dread dragon’s words were finished with a sky cracking boom as he arched his head high and fired off a volcanic blast. A thousand pair of eyes opened along the mountain cliffs. Awakened, they shook the blanket snow from the scales. As they took off from a distance, it would appear that the mountain halved in size.

A violent vortex was created as more and more dragons joined in flight formation. When the last awoke, the wings and squadrons that circled the peak broke off their holding patterns. Shrieking, they flew towards battle spewing plumes of all hues of hellish flames from their maws. Some exotic breeds breathed ice and lightning, adding their voices to the elemental storm.

Below the skies clouded by wyvern wings, lesser lizard lords marshaled their hordes of dragonlings. The smaller, near pony-sized dragons were followed by larger grounded titans the size of catapults. In their thunderous stampede, they trampled trees in their march. In advance of their fire, even the winter of war evaporated in the heat of hate and roaring rage.

Chapter 21 Darkest Day

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The world was never more clear or clouded in the world of simple sensations. Destroy, devour, desire, it was a wanton want. It was comforting to live without higher thoughts. This was his body moving on its own, instinctual and natural. The flesh in his jaws was cold, stale, and dead. He let go the putrid meat without swallowing. His nose led him towards a fresher kill.

The scent was familiar; he salivated as he strolled towards the warm body.


A muffled voice screamed out. He had to focus, he had to wrestle control. Spike saw a ray of light at end of the dark tunnel, a mere pinhole. He ran focused forward to widen that corridor.

In his heightened senses, Spike heard the faint thrumming of her heartbeat. Luna was alive. His eyes scanned her body to inspect her for a wound but found only a dark streak of fur that sealed where it would be.

Spike sighed as he saw Luna’s cheat rise. He picked her up in his claws and remarked how light she was. Was it his brute strength or was it Luna had so been weaken? He held her tightly for fear she might fade away.

As Luna turned the other cheek, he saw fangs had sprouted and the iris of her other eye had become feral. It was still her voice that spoke. “Is that thou? Sir Spike?”

“Luna, your demon is showing.” Spike laughed and cried for joy. Nightmare or Luna he buried his head into her mane and wept.

“Speak for thyself, Sir Spike.” Luna gestured to Spike’s extended claws and his increased size.

Spike tried to calm his racing heart as he held her. Slowly his more aggressive draconic features receded. Muscles that bulged relaxed and his reptilian irises of his eyes expanded slightly back.

“Let me stand.” Luna shuffled in Spike’s claws.

Spike set Luna on her hooves but held supported her as she staggered.

Luna felt her forehead. “What of Chitania?”

“I ended her,” said Spike.

Luna spun around. “Nay! Sir Spike, Chitania art undead!”

Behind them they saw the Changeling Queen standing. Emerald flames engulfed her neck as she sealed her wound.

Chitania spoke in low growl. “I am no longer amused.”

Her words were interrupted by the chime of the grandfather clock in the hotel foyer.

“Another time,” said Luna.

In a flash they exploded into the present.

Chitania scoffed. “Indeed.”

In the blinding flash Spike, Luna, and Fancy Pants reappeared in the hotel foyer.

Fancy Pants had landed in the present on his head. He picked himself up and rubbed his head bump. “Dare I say, I think I’ll forgo gallivanting in the past, in the umm future?”

“Luna, Spike?!” Twilight galloped towards them along with a group of soldiers.

Fleur Di Lis had rubbed off her Luna disguise and galloped forward nuzzling Fancy Pants. “My love, you came back alive!”

“You’d kill me if I didn’t.” Fancy Pants nuzzled her back.

Twilight and group of guards that crowded around Luna stepped back when they saw Luna’s half transformation.

Fleur gasped. “Princess, your face!”

Luna growled at herself. “The demon inside me… it saved mine life, yet I feel the trade may not be worth it. The balance has tipped.”

Twilight remarked. “Somehow, you’re still you though.”

Luna lowered her head. “Why I have control… I do not know…”

The thunder of cannons and roar of dragons outside the hotel caused everyone to jump.

“Aldred’s attacking?!” cried Fancy Pants.

Fleur nodded and sighed. “Just their vanguard, we are fortunate that their greed does not permit them burn the city, so they send their dragonling infantry. They mean to wear us out before their final assault.”

Spike saw a worn imprint on the foyer tile work where Twilight had paced about fretting. Twilight spoke. “Princess Luna, Canterlot can’t hold out! We stayed just because of you.”

Luna stammered. “H-h-how soon did we depart into the past, did our enemies see fit to attack?”

“Mere minutes…” said Fleur.

Luna growled. “Curses, Aldred sensed mine departure; our ruse was for forfeit… the first thirty minutes would have been critical in repulsing his hordes.”

Twilight intoned desperately. “Rainbow is leading our air forces to keep corridor open. Luna we have to leave Canterlot now.”

Luna shook her head. “Nay, Twilight Sparkle. We shall summon meteor.”

Fancy Pants and Spike guffawed. “We’re not destroying the world!”

Luna rushed “Regardless, it cannot fall into Aldred’s claws. Let us later debate! To the palace!”

Outside the hotel they saw a desperate line of guards fend off several advancing dragons. Pulling a heavy artillery piece by his lonesome, giant red earth pony positioned himself at the enemy and fired. The round entered one of the dragon’s mouth and the drake screamed blood before falling dead at his slayer’s hooves. Other cannon crews fired, felling the last couple of dragons.

Luna looked at the saluting soldier. “Captain Macintosh, can thy troops hold this position for fifteen minutes before withdrawing?”

“Eenope.” Big Mac shook his head.

“Five then?” asked Luna.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded.

Spike always admired the honesty and clarity that Big Mac conveyed. He had hardly seen him; he hoped Applejack’s brother would be well. He shuddered as he heard the roar of dragons and waning cannon fire behind them.

Spike and every-pony followed Luna as she galloped through the war torn streets. Luna stopped at a corner.

A long necked brown dragon had stuffed had stuck his head into the window of a cake shop and was nosily gorging itself on sweets. Its bulk blocked the street and their path. The fat dragon wagged its tail as it ate, oblivious to the world.

“Ha, Aldred destroys his armies’ discipline by conquering us.” Fancy Pants chortled.

Spike deployed his wings covering up Luna. He roared. “Brother, I’m escorting these prisoners to Aldred on his orders. Let us pass!”

The dragon pulled his head out and turned to reveal red blood mixed with white cake frosting. Its eyes were glazed over and feral. It roared, rearing upwards, and charged.

“Stop!” Spike shouted atop his lungs. “I’m a dragon like you!”

Luna pulled at Spike. “Thou shalt not be able to reason with it!”

“Hit it with our magic!” cried Fancy Pants. “Take it down!”

Twilight, Luna, Fancy Pant, and Fleur blasted their magical bolts while Spike shot his flames.

The dragon tripped skidding into another storefront. Spike looked aghast at the slain dragon and the effect of their barrage.

Luna patted Spike on the back with a wing. “A brilliant bluff, alas lesser dragons give into their demons during war. This one, in its gluttony, saw us only as food.”

Entering the palace they made a mad dash following Luna. As they reached the fork between Luna’s and Celestia’s towers, Spike was surprised as Luna ran for her own room.

“I thought you were going to cast the spell at the highest tower?” asked Fleur.

“I thought we weren’t going to cast the spell at all!” cried Fancy Pants.

“Luna, are you gathering magical gems for mana?” asked Twilight.

“Follow and ye shall see!” Luna gave an exasperated snort.

Kicking the doors open to her chamber’s Luna looked around.

“My sister, Celestia, recreated my room to exacting details… perhaps as a memorial to my banishment. I hope now she did a complete transplant.” Luna made her way to the fireplace and began prodding the bricks at the back. Finding the false brick she pressed it. The stonework moved as they heard the rusty creak of gears in action. Several light bulbs flickered on with one exploding. The last lights illuminated a strange screen surrounded by various black boxes.

Luna strolled forward and used her magic to press a tiny button on one of the black boxes.

Twilight examined the various boxes as the whirred to life. “This is technology, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen.”

Luna nodded. “The Griffins believe Technology would triumph over Sorcery, their prediction came to pass long ago. The results were too terrible to speak of.”

The small monitor flickered on and projected a green glow. With a huff Luna tossed aside the dust cover to reveal a strange piano like instrument. Spike saw the keys were too small even for the dexterous claws of Griffins. Every-pony watched as Luna used her magic to manipulate the strange interface.





Luna tapped her hooves impatiently as the machines worked with whirs and electronic hums.


“What is this ‘United Nations’,” said Fancy Pants. “I don’t believe the nations were ever united.”

Luna sighed. “Twas so once upon a time…”

“Luna,” said Spike, deciphering the acronym. “Is that where your name comes from?”

Luna did not respond but continued her typing.

Past the door of horror, they walked. In the giant chamber, at the center, there was of an elevated platform above the sea of white. As Rarity was carried by bat-ponies and flown over, she saw the black rectangular slab at the center. She expected the nefarious object to be ornate but it was absolutely featureless.

Chitania sprawled herself out hugging the giant slab. “Behold the Door of Darkness, Sheol’s Gate, Pandora’s Portal!”

Rarity recoiled as she heard the knocking upon it. She nearly fell off were it not for Nightshade holding her lance to bar her. Rarity however saw then that the sea of white below was made of skulls she shrieked.

The door pounded louder.

Chitania cooed as she held the door rubbing it affectionately. “I know my love! You want out… but the vessel is not ready yet!”

Rarity shouted and planted her hoof onto the ground. “I won’t be part of your horrid scheme!”

Chitania laughed. “Thy cutie mark, thy role as an element bearer, and even now thou art guided by destiny. Thou art an arrow in flight. Generations of thy family have led to this finality. Thou art of noble blood.”

“What are talking about?!”

“Hath thy dreams been so vivid thou might swear they be real?”

Rarity nervously nodded.

“Dost thou even consider that thy dreams were of a past life? Mine beloved Sombra had daughter to which he instilled a shard of his essence, a shard of darkness. In thy veins flows his bloodline.”

“You’re mistaken!” Rarity’s entire body shivered, even her teeth began chattering in fear.

Chitania glared. “Yes, thou art the spawn of Sombra, great-great-granddaughter of Princess Platinum. Thy affinity for the crown at that play proved as much.” Chitania waved a hoof. “Hold her! We must confirm!”

“Don’t resist.” Amorpheus placed a hoof on Rarity.

“No! No!” Rarity tried to struggle, but in vain against the undead’s strength.

“And silence her infernal braying.” spat Chitania.

Nightshade exchanged a look with Rarity as she sandwiched her hoof between Rarity’s muzzle and the ground. Nightshade was gentler than she appeared and she whispered. “Bear it.”

Rarity gave the slightest nod.

Chitania touched her horn to Rarity’s.

Rarity shivered as the sensation of cold snake crawled through her veins. She gasped as her Cutie Mark burned cold. She saw drops of darkness enter the brilliant azure diamonds. The spots like ink droplets in glass water swirled before mixing. The pinnacle of pain was reached as diamonds darkened.

The door’s pounding became more incessant and hard.

Chitania cackled, hugging the door. “Huzzah! It is so! Sombra, my love, we shall be together again!”

Rarity panted. “I’m still myself!” She felt her cutie mark; the dark diamonds had a sinister shine. “No, now it doesn’t match my eyes! I’ll have to wear a dress always!”

“Prepare the door for transport!” Chitania gestured to the bat ponies. “We have a date in Canterlot!”

Amorpheus and Nightshade swiveled their heads.

Nightshade blurted. “As we left I sensed the dragons approach.”

“It’s a warzone now. The dragons lay siege upon the city.” said Amorpheus.

Chitania struck a dramatic pose.“In a crisis comes the perfect opportunity!”

Spike and Twilight poked their heads past Luna’s shoulders as she worked with the mysterious device. More lines of letters took over the screen.














Spike saw Luna stare at a single key. She held her hoof as if to press it but lingered.

“Luna, this ummm device, it’ll end the world?”

She gave a single nod. “Above our world is a star of death ready to rain ruin upon all. In but blinks and flash will come ultimate destruction as 420 baby stars shall be born and die unto this earth.”

“We’re not doing this!” said Twilight. “Luna, I thought we were just bluffing! I didn’t even know this was possible!”

Luna laughed. “This is the nature of deterrence. This is Mutual Assured Destruction. If we truly love our friends our families we would spare them from being fodder for dragons. Be assured thou shalt feel agony only for an instant.”

“I can’t argue with your logic…” said Twilight, squeamishly. “But… it’s not right!”

“We can’t let this happen!” said Fancy Pants.

Luna scoffed. “Thou art both each capable of destroying this machine yet thee hath withheld.”

Twilight and Fancy Pants back down, rubbing their hooves, impotently.

“Who’s speaking?! Is this Luna or Nightmare Moon?!” Spike pulled Luna by her shoulders. “Even if it’s hopeless, the Luna, I love, would fight as I saw her do in the darkness of her nightmares! I saw you!”

Luna smiled. “As... I saw you... but Sir Spike… wouldst, couldst thou bear to see all that which thou loves destroyed?”

Spike spat. “There has to be something else! Why can’t just fire off one star?”

Luna shook her head. “In an ancient war, the mother star was damaged. It shall heed but one call: that is total global consuming conflagration.”

There followed silence, punctuated by the distant sounds of cannon and dragon blasts growing ever closer.

Twilight asked. “Can we just drop the mother star, then?”

Everyone blinked.

Spike hugged Twilight. “Yeah!”

Luna rubbed her chin. “Yes, I might recalculate the trajectory but it would not enough. We may at best devastate only a third of their army.”

“Maybe bite enough for a bluff?” asked Spike.

Luna grinned again. “Truly thou hath become an ambassador. Alas the falling star would be conspicuous and slow; Aldred shall sense it and withdraw his armies.”

“Then he’ll need to be distracted,” said Spike, swallowing. “By Dragon Code he cannot refuse a challenge to his rank from a member of his own clan.”

“Spike?” asked Twilight.

“Aldred confessed he was my uncle. I have a claim.” Spike chuckled. “Heck, I may even become the leader of the entire Dragon Dominion. Imagine that!”

Luna shook her head. “Aldred cares naught for honor or the code, even then thou art no match. At the Peace Summit, Aldred only retreated at the arrival of our airship fleet. Be not deluded in thy assessment of thy strength.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m not letting my little brother die.”

Fancy Pant poked him. “You’ll be crushed like a bug, lad.”

Spike rolled his eyes. His friends were quick to cut apart his false bravado. “Thanks for vote of confidence, guys.” He sighed. “Aldred will duel me exactly because he knows he’ll win. He’ll lose face if he refuses a challenger so small. While he’s distracted we’ll bring a freaking star onto his head. Dragon god or no, I think that’ll end anyone.”

Luna clung onto Spike. “Nay! Thou mustn’t!”

“You can’t stop me,” said Spike, extending his wings. “I’m tired of seeing my friends, hurt. I know it’s selfish but I gotta do this.”

A line of rabbits, birds, and various small pets filed into an animal hospital carriage. The animals whatever their predator prey relationship entered the carriage as one.

“Hurry little ones. No pushing.” A gentle voice tried its best to shout and convey calm urgency. Fluttershy lifted a small hamster as it got stuck trying to surmount the first carriages step. She was glad to have invested then into buying an ambulance for her veterinarian practice.

Fluttershy wiped the sweat from her brow as she hefted her own saddle bag onto her back. A tiny bunny poked its head out. The Pegasus rubbed her nose with the rabbit. “Don’t worry Angel 5, mama won’t let any harm come to you.”

“Fluttershy? Darn it, girl! What are ya still doing here? The evacuation call came ages ago!” Applejack ran almost crashing into Fluttershy.

Fluttershy timidly squeaked. “Oh my, I’m sorry; I just had to get the animals safe and sound.”

Applejack nodded. “Well get a movin’.”

“What are you doing here?” asked Fluttershy. She saw the sweat on Applejack’s brow and her heaving chest.

Applejack frantically swung her head around . “Lookin’ fer some of those strappin’ soldiers or anypony with a good back. Somepony is still trapped in town; a building beam’s got them pinned. Ah can’t lift the thing myself.”

“I can help.” said Fluttershy.

Desperation caused her to be curt, Applejack stared Fluttershy down. “Get on outta here and get safe. No offense, Ah need-”

Fluttershy whistled. From her cottage came Harry the bear standing on his hind legs. The ursine had in its claws several animal carriers. The bear walked past Applejack and placed the boxes of animals onto the carriage. Fluttershy waved the carriage driver off. Harry dusted off his claws and lowered himself to be petted by Fluttershy.

“I can help.” said Fluttershy, firmly, while holding onto her bear.

“That’ll sure do.” said Applejack.

“Harry, I’ll need you to be brave.” said Fluttershy to the bear.

The three made their way towards town and the roaring of dragons.

“Hurry, Pinky Pie’s life is on the line!” said Applejack, in full gallop.

“Pinky?” said Fluttershy, flapping her wings harder.

Spike sped past many dragons engaged in their duels with Pegasi lancers. The nimbler pony flyers evaded most strikes but it only took a single blast of flames to send another burning and smoking towards the ground. In the backdrop airships traded cannon barrages with the fireballs of giant drakes. In the chaos as the only dragon running from the battle he was unopposed. Spike saw many of the dragons he passed had the same feral look that he had seen in the city. They had traded their sanity for prowess in battle or perhaps they been driven insane by the blood of their enemies and friends in the air. At the top of mountain he saw several dragons coordinating their troops.

Bahamut growled looking at a map etched into the ground. “Damn it, our numbers are useless if we can’t harmonize.”

Spira shook her head. “The dragonling infantry, they’re untrained. They give into looting and claiming spoils before the battle’s done. I’ve ordered this unit thrice to move already! They should be taking care of the enemy ground emplacements! The Equestrian ballistae are moving into range of our flyers.” She pointed a claw at blue jewel.

Bahamut grit his teeth. “Send another messenger to give the order again but under penalty of death!”

Spira sighed looking at the largest jewel, crimson ruby, on the map. “Without Aldred, they listen naught to threats. I’ve imposed the same penalty yet the commander of that horde doesn’t listen. I’m tempted to fly and bit his throat for such disrespect.”

Bahamut raised his brow. “Where is Aldred?”

Spira rolled her eyes, moving the gem. “On the frontlines but not in the centerfold, he’s terrorizing some small hamlet. Methinks the bastard enjoys it.”

“Silence that tongue of yours,” said Bahamut. “I’ve stuck out my neck already for you.”

“Wise elder, I… am sorry and I am again grateful.”

“Lady Spira, we cannot stop the bleeding but maybe we can at least lessen it.” Bahamut turned to a drake behind him. “Give the order again, bite the commander’s throat if he does not comply!”

The drake protested. “My Lord Bahamut, I’m to kill a General?”

“More stand to die in his incompetence. You may take his place afterwards.”

The dragon then eagerly saluted and flew off as another landed.

Spike made his way through the dragon Generals. He bowed. “My Lords, I have message for Aldred.”

The dragons turned to Spike.

Spira eyed Spike. “Soldier, you seem familiar. Which clan do you swear fealty for?”

“I am Spike Sparkle, of the Pony Clan,” Spike roared. “And I am nephew to your lord Aldred! I claim lineage from Aldred’s slain brother!”

There were murmurs, stifled laughter, and heads bent quizzically.

Bahamut raised a claw to silence the murmurs. He looked over Spike while rubbing his long whiskers. “It is known to all the elders Aldred had a brother a millennia ago. The egg was said to have been lost, but you bear remarkable resemblance to him and his mate. Very well, we acknowledge your claim.”

Spira snorted fire. “Now what of it? We have war on.”

Spike was surprised by a dragon of his size amongst the Generals nonetheless wearing a necklace of general’s. The blue dragon seemed to hold her own in the crowd. Spike cleared his throat spoke. “Aldred lies! His son’s, Garble’s, Firestorm’s death was his own plan to start this war. Aldred killed his own son!”

There were more murmurs along with some nods.

Bahamut nodded. “You confirm what we all know in our hearts, young Spike. However, Dragon Code states truth is written by the victor. It is your word against that of Aldred’s. You would need to duel the dread Dragon to claim veracity. None dare oppose Aldred.”

In the most steady voice he could muster, Spike spoke. “That’s convenient; I’ll take care of two things at once. By Dragon Code, I challenge Aldred for the right of succession!”

Spike flew alongside Spira, as he flew to Aldred. Spike was suspicious of his follower as she was of him.

Spira inspected him. “How curious. Spike, is it now? You defeated Lord Firestorm twice and rumor has it you’re consort to the honorary dragon Princess Luna. Of all things I have heard you were a pony raised dragon.”

He nodded. “Going to laugh? Yeah, I know, funny huh?”

“It will be when Aldred stomps you.” Spira chuckled. “Why go to your death?”

“Because there’s ponies I love that would die if I didn’t.” said Spike. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“Perhaps I do, I bear no love for Aldred but I love my clan.” Spira said. “This war is for Aldred’s gain to our pain. This was known before we crossed the borders.”

“Why didn’t you all oppose Aldred then?” Spike snarled.

“Exactly, there was a reason no dragon laughed at you when you challenged Aldred, it is because you shamed them, us, all.” Spira sighed. “Such foolish courage is sorely lacking in our Dominion. In a millennia more all we might be as sheep in fear of Aldred’s shadow.”

Spike appraised the female dragon. “You should go. You don’t seem the type to delight in the sight of death.”

Spira cocked a spiny brow. “No, I know you have a plan. Dragons of our stature do rise to our ranks without wits. To attain my rank, I routed the Minotaur armies with but several squadrons of my wyverns. We blew apart the dam to the River Styx and washed away their siege weapons. You have such a plan like so, no?”

Spike threw up his claws. “I plan to die. Seriously, there’s nothing more to it. Stop trying to analyze.”

Spira smiled as she flew close and blew a tuft of her smoke. “Should you survive, I could fall in love with the new leader of the Dragon Dominions.”

Spike beat his wings away from the dragoness. He spat. “Stop right there! I’m in a triangle as is! I’m not looking to make a square!”

Spira giggled. “Maybe mindless mating then?”

“Celestia damn it, get away from me!”

The massive rectangle was hauled by a conjunction of bat ponies and pulleys. Rarity herself flew as Nightshade held her aloft. The Changelings, Chitania and Amorpheus, flew onwards by the power of their own wings. Rarity stared at the ominous dark door hovering behind them; a gravitational force seemed to draw her towards it. Rarity kept her eyes wide open even against the drying air for when she closed them she heard windy whispers.

“Couldst thou not hath teleported us closer to the city?” Chitania growled.

Amorpheus sighed. “The time it takes to weave the spell would have been longer, considering how long it took to weave the last one.”

Chitania snorted. “Do fly faster then.”

Amorpheus snapped back. “Try maintaining the cloaking spell and flying then.”

Chitania yawned and flew to Nightshade and Rarity. “How now is our dear sacrifice?”

Rarity bit her lip and glared at Chitania, defiantly.

“Such anger in your eyes, Sombra’s lineage indeed!”

“Why do you love Sombra, from history I heard he was a most uncouth barbarian, enslaving ponies, using evil powers.”

“Evil? We, Changelings were called much the same. Driven from our land, made into ‘monsters’ by deprivation of love, then hunted down-”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Oh darling, I’ve heard enough sob stories as excuses. Even the bat ponies joined Equestria, they worked towards living in harmony, you chose violence. You could have negotiated but then that wedding crasher Chrysalis invaded.”

Amorpheus’ ears perked as he heard of Chrysalis. “You’ll not denigrate Queen Chrysalis, she only ever a servant of our people.”

Chitania cocked her brow. “I heard of my great-great-daughter’s exploits. Her weakness was her kindness. She favored capture whereas I would have outright slain your Princesses for their crimes. I would not spare such an enemy the generosity of mercy.”

Rarity pursed her lips. “Generosity, mercy, and kindness these things come from love of all things. I help others because I love my fellow ponies.”

Chitania sneered. “Note thou said ‘pony’.”

Rarity admitted. “I’m sorry, I meant people then.”

“Thou aids others for the reason it serves your ego. I have seen how thine unicorn ponies live in your city upon a mountain surrounded by white walls. Thine charity is only the crumbs from the plate of plenty.”

Rarity bit back. “Maybe some ponies, but Equestria wouldn’t exist if we only cared for our own race. Granted the past was cruel, but it’s reason more for me to be kinder today. I’m sure we could extend that love to Griffins, Zebras, Thestrals, Changelings…” Rarity last words became soft and longing. “and even Dragons.”

Chitania waved her hoof dismissively. “Love for everyone? Madness! For the stability of the state it is necessity for there to be an enemy.”

Rarity sighed. “Maybe, we should stop thinking about enemies and start thinking about friends?”

At the edge of the giant column of smoke Spira stopped.

“I thought you said you wanted to watch.” Spike turned to Spira.

Spira waved her claws. “From a distance of course, Aldred is the mountain that moves. I’d rather not be flattened. Even his own soldiers know better than to get in his way.” She pointed to the numerous dragons that half ringed the town but did not enter.

Spike groaned and flew on.

Spira yelled. “Good luck!”

Smoke so choked the skies that the only illumination were the alit burning buildings. The streets were empty and the flowers dried to husks. Had Spike not been out of the cloud moments before, he could not have determined that this darkest day was day at all. Harder still to accept was that this humble hamlet was his home, Ponyville. He followed the sounds of destruction, knowing that Aldred was its source.

In the center of the village square, he saw the colossal dragon emerge from the smoke of a smashed building.

Spike roared to be recognized. “By the Dragon Code set by the Elder Council, I challenged you for succession.”

Aldred was busily picking his teeth. “Who dares?”

A piece of armor plate, no doubt a former guard’s, fell by Spike’s feet. He swallowed his courage again and roared in reply. “I do!”

“So Spike, how good to see you again. Challenge me do you?” Aldred, laughed. “This will be entertaining. This time there will be no pony airships to save you. I’ll even give you a minute to transform so I might rip you asunder at your peak.”

He had to focus on controlling the demon inside. He couldn’t fight Aldred in blind rage lest he have a chance against the dread dragon. He closed his mind and let the serenity of the darkness envelop him. He ignored the cracklings of the fires and focused on his innermost self. His trance was interrupted by the calling of his friends. Was it a hallucination? The voices seemed so far away.

“Pinky Pie, push while I pull!” cried Applejack.

“I’m sorry every pony, I was careless. I was helping the Cakes evacuate and the beam fell. Please go on without me!” said Pinkie Pie, sniffling.

“Harry, pull harder!” Fluttershy spoke with a strain in her voice.

A bear grunted.

Aldred licked his lips. “Hmm little ponies? I think I’ll snack first. You die later, Spike. ”

Wait if Aldred heard it, then it wasn’t a hallucination. “Stop!” Spike opened his eyes and called after Aldred.

Spike tuned his hearing and wove through the burning buildings. He felt the thunder of Aldred’s footsteps around him. He exhaled in relief when he found the source first. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Harry the bear were trying their best to lift a beam off Pinky Pie’s leg. The weight of the burning bakery’s rubble held the wood in place despite their hardest labors.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie?” Spike ran to them.

“Spike, whatcha doin’ here, partner?” Applejack tipped her hat back to confirm her eyes.

“I could ask the same.” Spike gripped the beam that trapped Pinkie. He turned toward Harry the grizzly bear. “You ready, big guy?”

The bear nodded and they groaned as they together pulled the beam away. Spike’s added strength at last loosed the archway of the burning bakery.

Pinkie wiggled free. “Spike, I could hug you!” She jumped for a hug but fell when her left leg gave. “Ouchie!”

“We need to splint that leg.” said Spike inspecting bent out of shape appendage. “But later. You need to get away, like several miles away.” Spike lifted Pinkie onto the bear’s back.

Fluttershy stuttered. “G-Giant, terrible, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, totally all grown up-” Fluttershy squealed, “-dr-dr-dragon!”

Aldred gave a toothy grin. His individually pony-size knife teeth gleamed and reflected their fearful faces.

Spike extended his wings and snarled back at Aldred. “Leave them alone, this is between you and me.”

Aldred chortled. “Like father like son, dying in defense of ponies.”

“What? I thought my father…”

“That it he was that destroyed that village? No it was I. The company of the pony village had made him weak. He gave such a good fight when I destroyed his precious pitiful pony friends! The idiot, blinded by rage and grief, was still easily defeated. ”

“Why?!” Spike growled.

“Because, love is a lie, the only thing that matters is how much power you can gain. With his death, the Dragon Dominions were all mine. I wonder how good fight you’ll give me when I devour these little ponies here.”

Spike readied to roar in rage but he calmed himself, he couldn’t fight Aldred with a clouded mind.

In between Aldred and his friends with the fuming fire around them, the revelation exploded in his mind and time halted. It was the nightmares he had of the field of fire: his constant nightly torment. Spike smiled at the truth of his epithany and how obvious it was. This was the scene in his dreams. His flames were green and in his dreams the fire all around him had always been golden and crimson. He wasn’t a destroyer but a defender of the weak. He saw Pinky Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack cowering not before him but Aldred. They were hugging each other for fear. He imagined Twilight, Rainbow, Luna, Rarity, and even Nightshade amongst that huddled group. All their lives counted on him. It would be a noble death: a trade he would make a million times. Spike snarled as he dug his claws into the ground, he opened his jaw and let loose a resounding roar.

Chapter 22 Dark Star

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What was in a town? They were only buildings; the people/ponies made the town. Spike had to remind himself as he took cover behind familiar landmarks of his childhood. Aldred’s opening volley had been the geyser of flames that poured from his mouth. Spike leapt away from the building that had been the odd Quill and Sofa shop as it disappeared in the deluge of fire.

Aldred laughed. “Ha, I thought you were going fight? Show me rage! Show me hate! Show the demon that lies dormant!”

“You’re a monster worse than any demon!”

“Shower me with compliments! I shower you with flames!” Aldred unleashed another torrent.

Spike felt the heat and flames lick at him as he dodged. It seemed absurd a dragon as large as himself would be running from anything, but Aldred was far larger.

Spike had targeted Aldred’s scar on previous fights. The great dragon guarded his that unarmored spot zealously now. Every time Spike seemed to get an angle of attack the dragon shifted again. Each time Aldred’s tail swung, it wrecked another edifice of Spike’s childhood.

Spike cried. “Is destruction the only thing you’re capable of?!”

“Oh? These piles of tinder mean something to you?” Aldred swished his tail smashing several buildings to bits. Aldred blasted again in a long circular streak of fire.

In the row of incinerated houses and small businesses, he saw the library home of his youth engulfed. The boughs and leaves of the tree home withered and shrunk to nothing in the heat. Rage threatened to overtake him. Spike angrily pounded his fisted claws onto the ground to relieve the tension. He had stay focused, stick to the plan.

Aldred chortled. “Where are you hiding? Where is your brave talk? I’m destroying these homes and lives of your precious ponies. Even if you’ve evacuated them, they’ll return to nothing! Imagine the starvation and the suffering!”

Spike scolded his inner demon when it flared up: eager again to take control. Promises of extra power would come at his sanity. He bit his claw for extra measure. “Keep talking, you big bastard,” He growled to himself.

Aldred continued. “If you give a good battle, I’ll be sure to be merciful to your loved ones by eating them first! You-” The dragon’s voice seem to stop as he choked slightly.

Spike breathed his own flames into his claws. It was Firestorm/Garble’s trick, the irony wasn’t lost upon Spike that he was using the son’s spell to fight the father. The flame magical spell extended his right claws to sword length. He moved to extend the claws on his other hand; Spike smiled as it petered out. It was time.

Spike leapt into a clear street with a straight path towards Aldred. “This ends now!”

Aldred gave a murderous grin at Spike’s head on suicidal charge. He let loose another flood of flames.

Spike kept charging. The hellish heat burned through even his dragon scales, he felt every nerve in his body scream. He persisted through it and the flame soon dissipated. Aldred’s eyes widened at his own sputtering flame as Spike leapt over his mouth.

Spike readied his claws. “Something I learned at the library! Magical or not, fire eats O2. You burned up all your oxygen!” He slashed for the eyes.

It was then that Aldred smiled. Midair with his wings folded, Spike could not evade Aldred’s tail swing. The giant club smashed into him.

Crashing through buildings, Spike’s mind tried to grasp what had gone wrong, while his body gasped for breath.

Aldred swept his massive wings circulating the air currents, undoing Spike’s work. The smoke that shrouded Ponyville in darkness partially cleared. “Spike, your plan was brilliant. Had you been the first to try that trick then you would have succeeded. I have eons of combat experience, there is no greater fighter!”

Spike struggled trying to extricate himself from the rubble that so enwreathed and trapped his body. With his flagging strength he couldn’t pull himself out.

Aldred loomed with his malicious grin. “I win.”

Spike coughed. “You think so?” He pointed a claw toward the opened sky. To the east it seemed a second sun was rising.

In the plains of Zebrika, fighting warrior tribes stopped mid-battle mesmerized by the sight in the midday star. From his atop his castle’s keep, a noble Neighponese Daimyo hugs his foal close as they stare at the light streaking across the night. In the United Griffin Kingdoms, Griffin workers, wiping their sweaty brows, used their claws to shield from the blinding light against sky defined by the smokestacks of industry.

Spike felt his lengthened limbs shrink back as his strength left. He had been running on fumes thus far. There was a peace in his mind. His mission accomplished he felt the great weight lift from him.

Aldred roared in rage at the falling star.

Spike laughed. “Your army is about to be gone, I would retreat if I were you. Say hi to the dinosaurs for me!”

Aldred snarled, raising his claws. “Die!”

Spike closed his eyes. He opened them to find an azure energy shield had blocked Aldred’s blow. After several more strikes Aldred snorted flames.

Aldred shifted his neck skyward. His words were roars. “No! No! No! I am Aldred, the Dread Dragon! That which all others fear, does not fear!” With a beat of his mighty wings, he flew upwards to intercept the falling star.

Spike blinked as he saw the giant dragon fly faster than he had ever seen. He blinked again when he saw Luna poke her head into his field of view.


Luna loomed over Spike, inspecting his injuries. “I left Twilight Sparkle to finish mine calculations and summon forth the star.”

“My, friends?! What about Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy?”

Luna’s glow hit Spike. He yelped in pain as his burnt flesh regrew with some. Her horn glowed as she worked. “Thy friends art safely away, I used mine magic to facilitate their escape. Forgive me, for my lateness. I had wished to assist thee in battle.”

“Luna, I’m just glad you’re here.”

“Be still, Sir Spike, my medical magic art not so precise.”

Spike grit his teeth as the pain from the sealing flesh was almost as strong as the searing. “All this time I thought I was the destroyer when I was the defender…that field of fire, it was Aldred’s flames... my fire is green. Luna, did you know the secret to my nightmares? Did you know the prophecy?”

Luna gave a small nod then swung her head away. “Thy revelation came sooner to me than it did for thee… So many times when I visited your dreams, I wanted to tell you as you cried unshed tears. Forgive me.”

“No, my nightmares helped me fight against the demon. If I didn’t know and I didn’t rage against the darkness…it might have taken me.”

Luna smiled. “I envy thee... my own demon grows only stronger.”

They looked to the sky as the falling star streaked overhead. To the west Aldred had taken position in the sky.

Luna gasped. “No, he couldn’t!”

Spike braced himself standing up to see.

Aldred flew towards the dazzling sphere of light. Dragons, from his army that were fleeing, paused to see their leader and lord meet the star. The scale pleats in his stomach seemed to stretch to tearing as Aldred swallowed. The Dread Dragon let loose a blast his great flames. For a split second the star seemed to slow. Aldred’s eyes widened as it didn’t. The mass of metal tore past and through Aldred. The titanic dragon’s left wing was taken with it and Aldred plummeted to the ground roaring, impotently. The dragons, observing, panicked and resumed fleeing for the few seconds before the meteor struck.

Spike laughed. “Some dread dragon Aldred was.”

“Sir Spike! Take cover!” Luna pushed Spike down.

There came a boom louder than if Aldred was roaring in his ears. The ground quaked and shuddered like the earth seemed to fear its destruction. His skin tickled as some sort of electric surged followed. A wave of rubble washed past their blue bubble. Even with Luna’s shield they were pushed back. He saw Luna sweat and strain to keep the shield up before she succumbed. Pouncing upon her, he wrapped his wings around her as they both were sent flying. The world snapped to black when Spike felt a piece of flying brick hit his head.

Carried as another piece of cargo in the flying convoy, which was led by Chitania, Rarity had seen the shimming star fall. The light was captivating in its spell, leaving a sparkling trail.

Chitania cackled, as her eyes widened. “Luna, the lunatic, she did it! Come, Ragnarok! Come, Armageddon! Come, the fall of all!”

Nightshade yelled to her soldiers. “Brace yourselves! Don’t look at it!”

Rarity clapped her hooves onto her ears as the ear splitting boom followed. She screamed as it seemed the world was screaming. The light penetrated even the curtain closed eyes.

Amorpheus shouted to the bat ponies carrying the black slab. “Drop it, and I’ll drop you!”

Even at their distance, the shockwave blasted them. Chitania casted a shield, however, the wind raged through it. The bat ponies, and Changelings beat their wings furiously to stay aloft. Rarity quickly closed her eyes as the wall of dust came.

Spike awoke to find a curtain of snow and dust had covered him. The skies had turned gray and were still raining ashes. Flexing his wings, he threw off the blanket. The Equestria of his youth had transformed into a smoldering shell of its former glory. Even if the world he inhabited was never innocent, he still felt a deep loss. He had to again remind himself the people had evacuated before and that in some far future they could rebuild.

His heart calmed as he saw Luna safely sandwiched in between his forearms. Half her face was still that of Nightmare moon, she was horrifying and beautiful. He was alarmed then that he saw the dark splotches on her fur coat had expanded: no doubt Nightmare Moon’s influence. Every exertion of her power was weakening Luna. In her dreams he couldn’t tell which vision was Luna. He shook her with fear which would awaken to reply.


“Sir Spike,” Luna coughed ash. She began a coughing fit as she took in the noxious air.

Spike extended a wing to shield her from the shower of ashes. Luna for her Alicorn status was still a pony. He realized his draconic nature was protecting him from volcanic like conditions. He remembered how a blue magical shield had saved him from Aldred’s killing blow. The pangs of guilt tugged at his heart. Her protection did not come without a cost. “Luna, how are you holding up? What about Nightmare Moon?”

Luna examined herself. She gasped as she noticed the dark patches of her fur had expanded. With her wings she covered them up swiftly. “I am fine…”

Spike growled at her lie and nuzzled her for the truth.

Luna swallowed before speaking. “Oh, Sir Spike…in earnest and honest… I do not know.”

Spike nodded. “Thank you, for being honest. You have to save you strength. Let me do some of the heavy lifting. Please hold back.”

Luna shook her head. “I hold the power the very night itself. I could have matched Aldred in a fair bout were I free to use that power, however, much of mine strength goes to holding back the demon.”

Spike eye’s widened. “Wait, you mean to say to you’ve been using borrowed time, all this time?”

Luna chuckled. “The cycle of day and night art now natural. It has been years since I’ve raised the moon. Behold, my greatest lie laid bare!” She giggled and laughed, tears leaking from her eyes.

“What?!” Spike guffawed. “Luna, why are you telling me this?”

“I love thee, and I must ask thee of an unhappy duty.”

“Anything,” said Spike.

“Be careful of thy wagging tongue, Sir Spike. Thou hath not heard what I am to ask.”

“Anything,” Spike reiterated.

“Thou hath been my knight, now be my Companion Captain. Protect me even from myself. Thou art to slay me should Nightmare Moon take my last shard of sanity.”

It had been an ‘if’ that was fast turning into a ‘when’. Luna becoming Nightmare Moon was still a scenario he didn’t dare play in his mind. Spike gasped. “You’re asking me to take on Nightshade’s job?”

Luna seemed left lost by Spike’s uncertainty. “Wouldst thou swear that vow?” She hung upon his reply.

“Nightshade told once the lance that she carries was meant for you.”

“Dragon claws art sufficient, thy anti magical properties would negate my immortality if thou art quick just before Nightmare Moon takes me.”

Spike pulled away. “That kind of insane responsibility is poisonous…I can see Nightshade’s pain now. I don’t…”

“A Princess shall not beg.” Luna raised her head, proudly. She then lowered her head and looked into Spike’s eyes. “I beseech thee as myself. I wish never again to be a prisoner in my own body... to watch as Nightmare Moon hurts those I love. Death is preferable. Spike, spare me that fate.”

Spike poised his claws over Luna’s chest. He felt the thumping behind her heaving chest. He gave a nervous laugh. “Just plunge in there and pull it out?”

“Mine heart, tis already thy property.” Luna leaned in for a kiss.

Spike placed a claw and blocked her. “I will honor your wish if you honor mine. I want the same. I have my own demon: if I ever hurt anyone, I want you to stop me.”

“I shall honor thee as thou honor me.” Luna said.

“I do.” With grim resolution, Spike nodded. While they kissed, Luna closed her eyes, Spike kept his eyes half open. Secretly he vowed harder to search for another solution. Wreathed in the falling ashes of the burning world, somehow in their mutual embrace, Spike felt happy and guilty at that he was so content. Thoughts of Rarity and Nightshade pulled at him. His eyelids heavy, he finally shut his eyes.

Roars snapped them from their moment. Spike and Luna stood up swiftly. Emerging from piles of ash were dragons and ponies. Spike was fearful they would resume their battle before the falling star, yet it seemed the dragons and ponies rose listlessly. Some even casually bumped into each other. Enemies and friends seemed united in their daze. Combatants from all sides were gripped by the strange affliction.

“Hey, the war is over!” Spike shouted waving at claw at some dragons and ponies in the distance.

Luna placed her hoof and stopped Spike.

The forms of ponies and dragons suddenly seemed they were suffering seizures. They convulsed and shook. All around them there came roars, the sound of clashing steel, and screams.

Luna extended her wings. “We must make our leave now!”

Spike followed her to the sky. Below he saw the fiery flashes of dragon spit and glints of pony lances. The pony lances were turned against another and dragons were blasting each other.

He could discern some voices as they flew upwards.

“Come to your senses!” A dragon roared to another.

“It’s me not the enemy!” A pony lancer screamed.

“My love! Please no!” cried one voice soon swallowed in the sea of voices.

Spike spun his head toward Luna. “What’s going on?!”

Luna looked downwards. “They’re fighting possession, with the veil so weakened demons of the id hath passed through. Those who became monsters for war now are easy prey. Chitania will have an army soon.”

Breaking past the clouds of ashes, they saw the capital. Like water spinning down the drain, debris and dust swirled around a dark star that was seated atop the highest Canterlot tower. The clouds disappeared as they touched the center.

Luna jaw swung open.

Spike looked at the shadowy ball that was consuming the sky. “A dark star?”

“A black hole.” Luna corrected.

Each of her limbs tied by ropes, Rarity was splayed out between two flag poles. She squirmed in front the dark spheres. The black hole was pulling at her, stealing even her tears into the pitless void. The darkened diamonds of her flank emblems now seared her as they burned and gave off an aphotic glow. She feared to scream, thinking it might even take her breath away. She turned behind her to see the bat ponies erect the dark door. The door pounded even louder.

The door shook and knocked a bat pony off his hooves. He flapped his wings impotently and tried to reach the ground in vain. He cried as he was sucked towards the black hole. “Help me, Captain Nightshade!”

His fellow bat pony guards reached out.

Nightshade barked at her guards, extending her lance to block them. “Save him and you’ll join him.”

A guard vomited as he heard the bone crunching and blood curdling scream. The sounds became lowered as the vocalizations were absorbed by the black hole. The guards looked away as their comrade was stretched into a bloody thin line that swirled and entered the black hole.

Amorpheus snarled. “He was clumsy fool. The anti-gravity spell works only if your hooves the touch the ground. Let that be a lesson to you all!”

Chitania smiled looking upwards at the vortex and then the dark door. “I feel life return to my dead flesh. The veil is weakening. We are very close to making a tear. The portal between worlds shall open.” She took a deep satisfied breath. “Sombra, my love, we shall be together again!”

Amorpheus added. “And I shall have my Chrysalis.” He raised a brow at Chitania.

The Changeling Queen patted her subordinate. “Of course, I shall have need for lieutenants when we begin world conquest anew. Thy Chrysalis would be a welcomed provided she serves me.”

Amorpheus nodded, while holding his eyes upon her.

Nightshade stepped up. “So soon, my Queen, shall live again?”

Chitania’s gaze was locked onto her prize beyond the door. “I feel my true power returning. Oh to live again!”

Nightshade nodded. The ends of her mouth curled into the slightest a sly grin. She turned to direct her guards when Chitania swiveled her head.

When Nightshade’s head was turned, Chitania had her own smile.

Where were Twilight, Fancy Pant, and Fleur? Spike ran through Canterlot castle wondering. He stopped where Luna stopped. At the hallway intersection between Luna’s and Celestia’s towers, they saw the signs of a desperate battle: shattered windows, missing wall sections, and magical blast craters. At the center of the hallway Fleur was hunched over her husband, weeping.

“Mon cherrie,” Fancy Pants coughed, holding Fleur’s face.

“Please, you can’t die… please.” Fleur shook her head while tenderly caressing the aristocratic knight.

Twilight was applying her magic to seal his chest wound. She could barely dam the spurting blood. It was not certain where the red carpet began and the Fancy Pants’ blood began. A pool of sweat had formed on the carpet way where she stood. Twilight also bore several scars and had singe marks on her fur. “I don’t have the energy to heal him,” she panted.

Luna sparked her own horn. “I do.”

While the others smiled at Luna’s aid, Spike looked in dismay as the darkness on Luna’s coat advanced further with her exertion.

“What happened?” asked Spike.

Fancy Pants spoke. “Lad, they steamrolled us. Somehow Amorpheus and Chitania became more powerful.”

Twilight lowered her head. “I ran out of mana first. I wasn’t economical with my attacks.”

Le Fleur shook her head. “I panicked when my husband fell.”

Fancy Pants grit his teeth. “It was my fault; I let Nightshade put her lance in me.”

“She missed your heart.” said Spike.

“Wretched traitor…” Luna snarled. “Nightshade, shall pay.”

Spike spoke. “Nightshade’s not a traitor. In the hotel, battle she let me pass.”

Luna face became flush with mixed emotions. Everypony said concurrently. “What?!”

“Nightshade’s still with us.”

“Art thou certain?”

Spike nodded.

Twilight finished catching her breath but was still too tired; her words were slightly slurred. “I saw Rarity with them. They had her prisoner.”

Spike’s head spines pricked upwards with the mention of Rarity. “Is she okay?! What have they done to Rarity?”

Twilight gave a defeated look. “She was unconscious. Her cutie mark was completely warped into these dark diamonds; I don’t know what’s going.”

Luna grimaced. “They intend to use lady Rarity as their sacrifice: a blood heir of Sombra to bring back the cursed king.”

Rarity was unconscious as Chitania looked eagerly at the black slab. A thin white slit had opened up. Tendrils of white light touched the Changeling Queen, the scar marks faded from her body.

“The gate is last opening.” Amorpheus starred in similar awe as his own flesh was renewed.

Chitania sighed. “I feel so alive! I live again!”

Nightshade lunged with her lance. “Then you can die!” Her blade sliced clean through Chitania’s throat.

Eyes wide, the Changeling Queen fell. She gurgled blood from her mouth.

Amorpheus cried, catching Chitania before she touched the ground. “You fool!”

“Your dreams die here.” Nightshade lunged for Amorpheus. Amorpheus deflected her strike with a magical shield.

Amorpheus snarled, as he saw to Chitania. “No, I told you not to interfere before the plan was done!”

Nightshade laughed. “We’re all monsters here. You both intended to bring more into this world. There’s enough without Sombra and Chrysalis.”

Amorpheus snapped to the dozen bat ponies and demanded. “I must heal our mistress. You there, prove your loyalty, slay her.”

“We don’t take orders from you.” The guards flashed their fangs at Amorpheus then to Nightshade.

“What of the Vampire Empire?!”

“Nightmare Moon is our master!”

“Captain, come to your senses!”

Nightshade hissed, as she tensed her legs. “It has never been so clear to me. The price of sedition is death. It is to my everlasting shame I trained such treasonous soldiers. You sold your souls for false dreams of power.”

A leader emerged amongst them. He rallied the rest. “I’ll be Captain. It’s only a title. Who will follow me to glory?”

There were some murmurs of agreement.

He scoffed at Nightshade. “I’ve always thought it arrogant the way you assumed just because you were Captain you were better than us.” Smiling, the arrogant traitor spun his own lance. “You think can kill us all? You think you can take me?!”

“I know I can.” Nightshade said with terrifying calm. In a blink, her lance had entered her enemy’s chest. The arrogant traitor gasped as the blade was pulled from his heart.

There was a hesitant pause as they took position.

Nightshade gave a bat like screech. “Come, cowards!”

The rest of the vampires coiled and pounced.

They left Fleur to stabilize Fancy Pants’ wounds. Running, Spike, Luna, and Twilight made their way through to the top of Celestia’s tower. The almost endless stairs had an unpleasant familiarity to them, endless stair reminded him of the preamble to their first fight with Sombra.

“We beat that bastard, Sombra, before right?” Spike asked.

Twilight squeaked. “Technically we only defeated a projection.”

Luna added. “Thou then fought shadow of a shadow, if Sombra were to gain a true incarnation, it would take again the combined might of heavens. With Chitania besides him, hell and heaven would not be their match.”

“We need a plan then. I don’t know, something more than charging blind.” said Spike, stopping. He looked to Twilight and Luna. “You’re two of the world’s greatest minds. You gotta have something.”

Twilight grit her teeth. “I usually have time to prepare before tests. I don’t know.”

Luna shook her head. “Into the breach we must go.” She ran onwards.

Spike tried to dismiss the dark shine he had seen Luna’s eyes, however, an ominous foreboding gripped him.

Rarity opened her eyes; she saw, though, nothing but pitch black. Adventures in the dream world with Luna and Spike held a similar sensation. This feeling was like that, but had an intimate closeness that she recognized to be more than even her own dreams. She was in her own mind. She looked to find she still had an avatar, mental representation of her physical form.

Emerald with crimson iris eyes stared at her with predatory intent. Its voice echoed in the abyss and in her mind. “My heir, the seed I’ve planted has borne fruit. Let me in.”

Rarity pouted. “Oh darling, I do believe a dinner date is proper first and I’m oh so very expensive. A lady must have standards and I don’t believe you meet them.”

The voice grew impatient. “You cannot hope to resist a king.”

Rarity dismissively swatted her hoof. “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?” She grasped at the identity of the enemy hoping it might empower her if only a little. “Mr. Sombra?”

Sombra chuckled, malevolently. “Your fall is fated.”

She rebuked. “Then I cut the strings of fate!”

“You bear my mark upon the fabric of your very being.”

Rarity followed Sombra’s eyes to her flank where her cutie mark had turned to dim diamonds. “A seamstress may cut as she desires. This mark is simply just another piece of cloth. I have many in my shop.”

“I could not agree more, I will wear you like another piece in your little shop.”

Rarity laughed. “From male to mare? So Queen Sombra, you really want my body?”

Sombra bit back. “Your form is inconsequential. It is mine! Your line, your entire family was sprung from the life in my loins.”

Rarity folded her hooves. “An artist may make a great work but past a point it belongs to the public. When I sell a dress I may hold the design template but the dress belongs to the customer. I owe you nothing, grandpa!” She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. She laughed at the immature gesture, hoping it would irritate Sombra as much.

“Pitiful pony, enough! Perhaps power will persuade you of your idiocy! Let me in!”

Rarity screamed as her eyes burned, locked by Sombra’s gaze. Driving into her skull was the piercing pain reminiscent of a thousand sewing needles jabbing into her flesh at once. Rarity resisted with all her might. Happy thoughts were consumed by the agony and pressure. Flailing in the black she reached out for any recollections of friends and family. As she embraced them, they all disintegrated to vapor. With her last breath; she reached further for another thought.

“Help me, Spikey!”

Chapter 23 Seekers

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Nightshade panted, her azure armor was decorated with dozens of silver scratches where their lances had grazed her. Dead by her hooves, were the ones that had tried. Any initial confidence had given to caution, they now presented no openings.

Nightshade spoke out, hoping to goad at least one more to step out of formation. “Come on boys, where’s your enthusiasm!?”

A bat pony hissed. “We were so close to the Vampire Empire! We might have lived for once in the free open!”

Nightshade nodded, solemnly. “I did consider it. It would have been the most reasonable and logical decision...”

“You’ll never be welcomed back into the herd of sheep!”

Nightshade laughed. “I have no pretensions of that. I killed for this position. It is more likely Luna opens her legs to me than me to be openly welcomed back. Darkness though has been my constant companion.”

“Captain! We’ve given our lives for this cursed country! Lifetimes spent in thankless service, why do you do this?!”

“Love is not logical. You all have forgotten why we chose this curse.”

Another guard cried. “Please Captain, we don’t want this!”

Nightshade flicked her lance of blood, readying to wet it once more. “You’re all talking because you have nothing.”

Running through the corridors Spike, Luna, and Twilight noticed themselves slowly lifting upwards until their legs no longer touched the ground. The furnishings of the halls, the banners, cupboards, and suits of empty armor also began floating upwards. The chandeliers started jingling as they too were pulled by the invisible force. It wasn’t a weightless feeling rather it was that they were torn by two forces. Down the hall they saw the red carpet to the heaviest suit of armor on the ceiling. Spike shook his head to confirm it was no hallucination.

Twilight waved her hooves trying to reach the ground. “A gravity spell?”

Luna shook her head. “Nay, didst thou see the dark star forming above Celestia’s tower?”

Twilight yelped. “Dark star, do you mean black hole?!”

Spike nodded, nervously. “Yeah, the big swirly thing that is swallowing up the sky.”

Luna closed her eyes. “Give me but a moment, I recall an anti-gravity spell.”

They were wrapped in a purple glow before they noticed a spell was cast. The castle furniture came crashing down with them. Spike dodged a vase before it shattered.

Twilight smiled. “We used a similar spell to conquer Sombra’s magical stairs.”

Luna nodded. “Ah, the endless staircase, Sombra was ever so fond of looping spells.”

Spike gulped as he tried to digest an unpleasant memory. Before the stairs he remembered a trap of Sombra which showed him his worst fear. Back then it was simple, he feared for the lost of Twilight, his sister and maternal figure. What would be his greatest fear be now? Losing Luna to her eternal demon, being too late to save Rarity, or himself succumbing to his own monster?

Ponies waltzed hoof in hoof as they danced upon the grand ballroom. They were all gray compared to the magnificent duet of the two center dancers. The ponies themselves stopped to observe the couple. She was a ballerina to behold, and it was what she fantasized since she was young, her lover in that dream though had morphed to a more reptilian form. Her knight was in dapper in his suit that she stylized herself.

Spike smiled. “You’re a magnificent mare, Rarity.”

Rarity gleamed back. “You’re the best gentle drake, a lady could ask for.”

Rarity felt lightheaded as she was spun around. It ended as her mane dipped back. Her face flushed at the audacious move of her lover. He huffed a warm puff from his nostrils that penetrated her dress to her chest as he held his head to her.

Rarity giggled popping her head up. “Everypony’s watchin! Spikey!”

Spike gave a mischievous grin. “Let them watch.”

Rarity stopped them. “This is too perfect.”

Spike nodded. “It’ll be more perfect on our wedding night. You’ll become my princess for all the world to see.”

Rarity gasped. “Wedding?”

Spike opened his smiling mouth and rolled out a unicorn horn ring with his tongue. It was the most dazzling diamond she’d ever seen. Pleading eyes looked up at her. “If you’ll say yes.”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed as she embraced him.

She had trained them, making and molding them to be tools of the state, now she undid them. Nightshade shed a tear for each soldier felled, but they were tears on the inside. Her eyes couldn’t afford to be blinded. Only a small squad of four remained, but they were the best by not rank but ability.

She pulled her lance from another felled soldier. “A thousand years ago… that blood soaked battlefield, do any of you remember? I was so proud of you, to have led and bled alongside you. Then at our lowest, you were tallest.”

A bat pony sighed sadly. “Finish it, finish us, Captain. Pray be quick.”

His fellows gasped as he unfixed his war saddle and lance. The soldier arched his head upwards presenting his throat to be slit.

Nightshade recoiled at the gesture. She snarled and cried. “Join me again, against the world as we did that night we became ageless!”

The guard shook his head. “We’re all death seekers, that’s what this shirking in the shadows has done to us.”

Another guard threw aside his war saddle. “A millennia more and we shall be naught even shadows of the shadows we’ve become.”

A bat pony mare threw off her helmet letting the magical enchantment of it disperse. Her true form was much similar to Nightshade’s though her hair and eyes were pigments away. “We’d rather end it. This story has gone on too long.”

Nightshade shook her head. “I once thought as you did. However, life offers other opportunities …and other loves. I will not slay you. You are discharged, I shall report you dead. Fly now, this is a new chapter in your lives!”

The guards gasped. “Captain, thank you. We-” They swiftly fell. From their bodies ebbed the white light of their spirits: swiftly swallowed by the dark form behind them.

There came a malicious and playful voice. “How touching, however, I shall not suffer traitors to live.”

“No!” Nightshade attended to her slain guards. She snarled at Chitania’s looming shadow. “I killed you?!”

“Twas a lie; the ritual has yet to be completed. I’m still undead, unfortunately for you.”

Amorpheus coughed, bowing from his exhaustion. “You live only because of me. I revived you.”

Chitania laughed. “I anticipated two betrayals. Twas so simple to act dead, being undead. The energy thou imparted upon me removes thee as a threat.”

Amorpheus glared. “You conniving cu-”

The Changeling Captain was frozen in the air as magical strings pulled him taut, splaying him out in the air.

Chitania placed her hoof, caressing Amorpheus’ chin. “My dear Captain, a Queen needs no servants when she may have slaves. Thou forgets thou art a mere puppet vested with a degree of autonomy, a puppet nonetheless.”

Amorpheus strained to say. “You never intended to revive Chrysalis!”

Chitania shoved Amorpheus’ face way. “Fool, I’m Queen enough for this world and soon I shall be a true Goddess. Regrettably, there be no way to save those already dead. However, I generations might be spared when I make a better world.”

Nightshade flashed her fangs at Chitania. “Was power the only thing you ever desired? Even Amorpheus fought for love. I find difficulty believing someone such as yourself is even capable of it.”

Chitania chuckled, her own fangs gleaming. “It is because of love I do this. The door to death can only open but a moment. This ritual can resurrect only my beloved Sombra. There needed to be a catalyst and a vessel.” She looked to Rarity then to Nightshade. “I sensed that thou possesses a grand soul to be my catalyst. Thy fatigue is apparent.” Chitania kicked the dead Night guards. “You spared these fools only because you didn’t have the strength to fight them.”

Nightshade sneered. “You know nothing, they were best of us. They were only misguided and corrupted by your lies.”

Chitania waved her hoof. “Regardless, thou hath not the power to resist me.”

Nightshade stepped back slightly. “I have but the will.” She raised her lance. “With it I shall fight to my last breath!”

Chitania glowed with power. “Good, the void hungers for thee!”

Nightshade lunged.

“There they are!”

Another draconic roar came. “I see them.”

Spike swiveled his head to the windows to hear. He saw a massive dragon grow closer. He recognized the War Balloon sized drake.

“Elder Bahamut?” Spike guffawed.

Spike saw another dragon, Spira, riding on nose of the greater dragon.

“Spira?” Spike spouted.

“They’re not stopping!” Twilight cringed.

“Watch thyselves!” Luna pulled Spike and Twilight back and threw up a shield as they were beset by a spray of broken glass and wall.

Spira leapt off the nose of Bahamut. Bahamut’s mouth flared with flames ready to engulf them. Spira sprawled herself out with her claws and jaws ready for combat.

“The Dragon Generals?” Twilight questioned.

Spira snorted flames; she looked to Spike with rage filled eyes. “You! A third our army was devastated by that falling star!”

Bahamut growled at Luna. “What unholy magic have you invoked? The sky is torn, now the dead rise against all the living!”

Spike sputtered. For all his diplomatic training, he seemed at a lost to explain.

Luna rose. “Calm thyselves, Generals.”

Spira sneered. “Nightmare Moon, prepare to die!”

Spike saw that Spira focused only on Luna’s half transformed side. Luna noticed too and turned her head to show her ‘good’ side.

Spike deployed his wings to cover Luna as Spira encroached. “Wait! We’re not responsible for this!”

Spira lowered her claws, slightly. “Are you not? I knew you had scheme to destroy Aldred.”

Spike shrugged. “Okay the falling star was totally us.”

Bahamut roared. “A third of our forces was wiped out!”

Luna stepped up again this time she showed her ‘bad’ side, deliberately. “Didst thou think mine threats were idle? Twas a mercy that I presumed only to warn thee with the lost of a third of thy army. Now withdraw thy hordes lest ye wish all thy forces fall.”

A cold sweat ran down Spike’s spine. He was going to go for appeasement, Luna went for a totally power play bluff. Would the dragon Generals be cowed?

Seconds later, Bahamut closed his jaws and Spira lowered her claws.

Spira sighed. “Forgive us, Princess, it was Aldred that wished war.”

Bahamut nodded. “Now Aldred is no more.”

Spira bowed. “We offer the surrender of the Dragon Dominions. We shall pay reparations for the damages done in this most terrible conflict.”

Twilight and Spike gave each of incredulous looks at the incredible sight of the dragon Generals bowing to anyone other than Aldred. Luna was more careful to hide her surprise.

Luna said, indifferently. “Dost thou represent thy entirety of the Dragon Dominions in offering this peace?”

Bahamut bowed as well. “The council of Dragons Generals has vested Spira and me the authority to broker peace.”

Luna smiled. “We accept thy surrender. Let us herald a new era of peace.”

Spira bowed even lower. “Please then call off the hordes of undead and repair the hole in the sky.”

Bahamut added. The giant dragon shivered as he spoke. “It is too horrific to force us to fight our own fallen friends. We submit to greater cruelty of your methods. The use of undead... the abominations… we beg you end them.”

“Gladly, we would, were that the undead and the dark star our doing. We only caused a star to fall.”

Spira and Bahamut turned to each other with looks of embarrassment.

Luna grinned again. “Tis too late, thou hath already offered thy submission. Thou stipulated no conditions save for reparations owed to us.”

Spira and Bahamut growled. Spike saw that their ‘Dragon codes’ were being tested. Even the honor of dragons had limits. They were riled with renewed hostility.

Spike spoke. “Aldred ruled with cruelty. Now that you’re leaders, you can change that. While we’ve been fighting, a third power has taken advantage. We can combine our forces as equal allies to combat it. Equestria offers you full support.” He threw up his claws. “Seriously, are you willing to fight for nothing?”

Spira raised a bony draconic brow. After a moment she nodded. “We thought it was suspicious the undead hordes attacked your troops as well. We were fools to think that you were responsible for that. I guess we all have a common enemy that would descend to this depravity.”

Luna looked to Twilight. “Go with them, Twilight Sparkle. Coordinate our armies to drive back the undead. All we achieve here shall be lost if the undead hordes were to grow beyond control.”

Twilight blurted. “What about Chitania?”

“We have a plan.” There was a finality to Luna’s words that made Twilight nod and Spike want to question further.

Spira helped Twilight onto Bahamut’s nose. As they departed the tower shook when Bahamut took off.

Spike placed his claws on his hips and blocked Luna from rushing on. “What plan?”

Luna looked away from him. “Methinks thou art clever enough to know.”

Spike shook his head. “You can’t control Nightmare Moon’s power!”

Luna nodded. “Sir Spike, it may be our only chance. In mine duel with Chitania I gauged her power. She is not so powerful as to be invincible. As Nightmare Moon, I can be her match.”

Spike remained steadfast. “That’s just the demon whispering in your ear with false promises of power.”

Luna smiled. “Thou hath conquered thy own demon and slew Aldred in battle. Am I to be left behind?”

Spike shook his head. “Aldred wasn’t defeated by me, and I never conquered my other self. It was just at that moment our interests aligned. I negotiated. You told me yourself your demon was different. I saw it was so.”

“I must try. There be causes greater than ourselves. The salvation of Equestria is such a cause.”

He gritted and gnashed his teeth. “Plunging my claws into your chest and pulling your heart out. I’ve been thinking about that and I can’t do it. I don’t think I could survive killing you.”

“Thou swore a vow now.” Luna wove her magic and produced the Crimson Crescent. She gave the saber sword to Spike. “For if thou art too timid to use thy claws.”

Spike took the saber, reluctantly. “Please don’t make me.”

Luna tried to give her most reassuring smile. “Thou underestimate mine ability. I may surprise thee yet.”

In the split seconds as Luna turned away, Spike saw her smile evaporate.

Chitania laughed as Nightshade fought. The fallen Night guards rose again bleeding shadows. Mindlessly, they sprang at Nightshade.

Nightshade grit her teeth, redirecting one of the corpses away. “You bastard!”

Chitania scoffed. “Twas no matter when thou slew thy own soldiers. Why dost thou hesitate to do so again?”

Nightshade cried. “Each of them I killed, I killed with a part of myself! I shall make you bleed for this!

Chitania pointed to Nightshade’s lance that was skidding on the ground. “Hast thou the strength?”

Nightshade heaved heavily as her hooves shook. “May you burn in the inferno of a hundred hells!” The shambling dead could not move fast enough as Nightshade darted and wove past them. She charged directly at Chitania.

He lance stopped an inch from Chitania’s chest.

Nightshade turned to see one of her dead guards had hooked her armor with a curved pike. The last of strength gone, the undead pinned her down with their lances.

Chitania smiled. “Hold her. It is time for us to begin.”

Nightshade wheezed without even the breath to reply. She closed her eyes to dam her tears.

Chitania turned towards Rarity. She was still suspended by flag poles in front of the door of death against the swirling vortex of the dark star.

Chitania reached up, her hoof inspected the slumbering Rarity. She snarled. “What?! How dare the vessel resist!?”

The danced continued as Rarity contemplated. Her heart raced as she looked at Spike. Surrounded by finery and high society the dream seemed to be so perfect. In so many ways it echoed the party where Spike had first asked her. Then at that time she lacked temerity and had failed him and herself. Now she had the courage to reply. Yet there was a thought that tugged at her as she felt herself slipping away as he carried her through the dance.

There was a niggling thought though that all the waltzing in the world wouldn’t wash away. She raised a hoof stopped them again and the whole party seemed to pause with them.

“This is everything I want, but what do you want?”

Spike chuckled. “I want you. You are everything to me. Won’t you give me everything?”

Rarity shook her head sadly. “I might have long ago wished that this dream was true. This dream of mine, though, is selfish. It doesn’t take into account of your wishes and desires. I know I’m not the sole owner of your heart right now.”

Spike cried. “I want you! No one else matters!”

Rarity raised a brow. “Not Luna?”

Spike smiled. “She shines brighter than the moon itself, and her name is Rarity.”

Rarity pouted. “Not our friends? Not our families? Not our country?”

Spike shook his head. “Nope.”

Rarity pushed him away. “The real Spikey would never be so selfish. Spike is the most kind and generous drake I know.”

The illusion of Spike could only gasp.

“Also I imagine if this event were to play out in real life, there’d be a lot more fumbling.” She laughed at herself. “Even if you are, I was never so dexterous a dancer.”

The ballroom began darkening the windows rattled at the pressure of a brewing storm.

The dream Spike took Rarity’s hooves into his claws. “Please Rarity; you have to let me in.”

Rarity gave a sad smile. “Darling, I would gladly let the real Spike in, but, you’re a poor pale imitation.”

Rarity shouted to the heavens at the unseen director of the dream. “Nice try, Sombra. I suppose if you couldn’t win me with force, you tried honey!”

A resounded voice replied. “Then see your despair.”

Rarity gasped as her hoof withered. She slumped over in pain as her bones began aching. She saw the guest around her rot to skeletons in molding suits and dresses. She saw her reflection against the polished floor. Her face became haggard as wrinkles became deep canyons.

Still Rarity snorted in defiance. “Everypony ages! You think I’m afraid of crow’s feet!”

The voice repeated with a mocking malicious laughter. “Everypony ages.”

As the pain increased, Rarity saw the ballroom itself age. The marble cracked and crumbled away. Curtains withered to naught but ash. Sparkling, Spike was the only thing in the room that remained constant. He was a dragon, a being not subject to time’s tyranny.

Rarity reached out with her skeletal limb for that security. She saw Spike slowly walk away as she was consumed by the cold of the ground and her own mortality.

Spike climbed the final stairs to the top of Celestia’s tower. The pressure was greater: so close to the void. Luna followed swiftly after him.

Chitania greeted them along with a dozen dead Night guards. Spike held back a roar as he saw past them. Nightshade was unconscious and pinned onto the ground. Rarity was suspended by flag poles in the air.

“Chitania!” Luna shouted.

“Such defiance from your friends.” Chitania chuckled. “They shall make for excellent sacrifices.”

Spike raised his saber. “Let Rarity and Nightshade go right now!”

Chitania cackled. “Art thou daft? Who asks such questions?”

Luna planted her hoof on her face.

Spike’s bore his teeth. “I’m serious.”

“One does no negotiation without a position of power.” Chitania cackled more.

Spike lowered his voice to a growl on the verge of a roar. “I’ll make you wish you were fully dead if you hurt anyone of them.”

“An empty threat.” Chitania snorted.

Luna stepped up. “Thou ought to heed mine.”

The undead Changeling Queen chortled, waving a dismissive hoof. “We see that thou art coming undone. Thou art less a threat than the drake. My power has been magnified many fold since our last dual.”

Luna planted her hooves down. “Thou hath pushed me. Now see the unbridled power of the night!” Her mane began pulsing with power.

It was what he had feared. Spike grabbed Luna’s hoof. “No! I’m not losing you! You’re not becoming Nightmare Moon!”

Tears in her eyes, Luna intoned. “Remember thy vow.”

“Stop! Luna please!” Spike closed his eyes and hugged her as her fur darkened.

When opened his eyes he saw the razor toothed smiled of Nightmare Moon. The demon chuckled, and then licked Spike’s cheek. “Fools.” She shoved Spike down to the ground.

Chitania appraised the dark Alicorn with the silvery armor. Her twisted Changeling horn sparked with power. Her mane waved with excess mana. “So thou sacrifices thy sanity thinking to defeat me? Despair! Thy hopes art in vain! I am-”

Nightmare Moon lifted her head high. “Silence, puppet!”

Chitania coughed as she was made to bow. Her eyes widened as her forelegs were swept from under her. Upon her limbs she saw the phantom strings become visible in light. Chitania resisted mightily as she thrashed. Nightmare Moon’s face only flashed with minor annoyance. Soon Chitania’s limbs were pulled taut at separate directions.

“What?!” Spike’s jaw fell open.

Chitania shrieked. “How?! How can there be strings upon me?!”

Nightmare Moon tilted her head in amusement. “Thou believed thyself a free agent? Thy machinations art for naught.”

Chitania coughed. “No! This cannot be!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. She strolled over patting Chitania’s upon the head as if she were a child. “History, tis filled with fools and tools.”

Chitania strained to stand. “To what?”

“The void that gained consciousness, abyss of the many minds, the deepest dark: in dreams of the dead and living sprung forth primeval evil. All those who invoked its power would be slave to it; the means overriding any meaningful intention. I am that power incarnate.”

Chitania growled. “You hid in the guise of a lesser demon…” The Changeling Queen then grudgingly calmed herself in lieu of her powerlessness. “What is it that such a being wants? Let us negotiate. I have knowledge of lost lines of magic, enough power to help any conquest thou endeavors upon.”

Nightmare Moon’s countenance was unchanged by Chitania’s offers.

Chitania swallowed. “I can reveal unto thee the art of true resurrection. Surely there is someone-”

Nightmare Moon smiled. “Petty conquest of this world, return of a loved one, such material desires do not interest me in the least.”

Chitania gave an impatient snort. “What then?!”

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Nothing.”

Chitania’s snarled as she struggled under the strings. “What do you mean by nothing?!”

Nightmare Moon shook her head. “Nothing, exactly. Nothingness, we are shards of the abyss. We want yet we shall never be sated. Possessions, friends, and loves all are distractions and lies. All there is: is to end the pain. We cannot forgive the world for creating us.”

Chitania gasped. “I would open the door to death for a second to pull a soul, thou would open it forever?”

“Despite thy selfish goals, thou served mine goals well and so neatly prepared the required ritual. Receive thy reward, return to me.” Nightmare Moon inhaled the very spirit from Chitania.

The puppet strings that tugged at her became straws as they drew from Chitania’s power. Soaking it all in was the dark furred Alicorn which held the strings by her hoof.

The Changeling Queen shrieked as her eyes watered. “Sombra, my beloved! Forgive me!” She slumped and fell, finally.

Paralyzed by the revelation, Spike had heard it all. Slowly he willed himself to stand and shake off the shock. He saw ‘Nightmare Moon’ or whatever had taken possession of Luna was busily carving lines into the stone work of the floor.

“What are you?” Spike spoke aloud.

The demon replied with disinterest as it worked. “It was prophesied long ago. Eternal night: twas but a mere metaphor for a greater darkness that even the oracles could not articulate… or perhaps feared to even conceive lest they truly began to believe.”

“Whatever you are, you aren’t Luna.” Spike gave a low growl. “Give her back, demon.”

Nightmare Moon turned to Spike. “Ah little Luna, she so selflessly gave herself away. She be nothing now. Her pain is over. Be relieved, her last thoughts were of thee.”

“You’re lying! Luna lives!” Spike cried, pointing a claw at blue spot on her coat.

Nightmare Moon felt the patch of her fur still light blue fur. She waved a hoof to vanish it, however, she grimaced as it shrunk and expanded resisting her influence.

She shifted as she was pelted by a barrage of bolts.

Spike swung his neck to see the source.

The Changeling Captain’s horn glowed with power. Amorpheus had risen again and secured his fedora back unto his head.

Nightmare Moon was unscathed as the dust cleared and her shield glowed. She glowered at the ruined ritual markings on the ground. “You shall pay for this delay.”

Amorpheus, while keeping his horn directed at Nightmare Moon, walked to Spike’s side. “I can’t stop her alone, kid. We’ve got one chance. This will be a battle for our lives,” He sighed. “well in my case un-life. Gods, I’m so tired.”

Spike’s brow rose high at making an ally of an enemy he hated and somehow respected for so long. “Umm, what are you doing?”

Amorpheus sighed. “I died with an unfilled wish. All we ever wanted was a place in the world, ending it was never our goal. I loved Chrysalis for her selflessness; she valued most our daughter and our colony. She wouldn’t want them dead.”

Spike coughed. “You’re a father?”

Amorpheus rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Changelings have families too.”

Nightmare Moon glared. “How is that a puppet defies me?”

Amorpheus pointed at the dead Chitania. “I was her puppet, not yours.”

Nightmare Moon snorted. “Kill them.” She looked at the undead Night guards.

The shambling dead did nothing to comply.

Amorpheus chuckled. “The demons inside them want to live. Your orders go against that. They follow me now.”

Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “No matter, I’ll destroy you all.”

In the white light images flickered. Shadows of what was. The memory was murky and foggy. The perspective seemed somehow skewed. The wooden table and kitchen counter were larger than her. She looked at her hooves as saw the mangled little ball of blood and fur. Droplets of water fell from her eyes onto the little mess. The puppy gave a weak whimper in reply.

She approached a figure that she saw so vaguely she was but a silhouette of light. In between her sniffles she spoke. “Mommy… Wuffles…”

The figure gasped and turned. “Oh my sweet Lulu… what happened?”

“Wuffles... he tried to escape… he got caught in the fence…”

The figure shook her head. “Lulu, let this be a lesson for you. Wuffles wouldn’t have tried to escape if you played with him more. He was lonely.”

She sobbed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Mommy, I’ll play with him everyday if you fix him! Please mommy.”

The figure reached for a bottle at the top cupboard, well beyond Luna’s reach. She pulled a bottle of white liquid.

“Mommy, will that fix wuffles?”

The figure poured the liquid into the puppy’s gasping mouth. “No sweet one, this is milk of the poppy to ease his passing.”

Luna gasped pulling the puppy away and clutching it harder. “No! I want Wuffles to live!”

The figure shook her head. Her voice was stern and authoritative and distant. “I’m sorry, little one, but all things die.”

Luna shook her head. “No!”

The figure reached from behind and hugged her. “Things die, people die, life wouldn’t be worth living otherwise. We’d go insane if we lived forever. Treasure the time you had with Wuffles.”

Luna sobbed, as she held the puppy, impotently.

The figure finished pouring the milky white solution into the puppy’s mouth. The weak whimpers ebbed away as the puppy softly fell to sleep.

In cloying sweetness the figure spoke and caressed Luna. “It’s kinder this way. Its pain is over. All pain ends when we go. It’s not your fault. All things die. There is no need to fear. It is mercy. Let it go.”

Luna blinked she swatted the hoof of the figure away. She writhed to be free. “No!”

The figure recoiled. “You would defy your mother?!”

Luna planted her hooves down.

“Life is indeed precious that’s why we must fight to keep it. For life so young, death is no reprieve but a stolen opportunity.” Luna’s voice rose in volume and strength with every word from her lips. “It was my neglect, it was my fault! I can’t let it go. I cannot deny my responsibility!” The giant furniture fixings shrunk back as she grew to confront the figure. In flash, Luna was small no longer.

“You have lived so long, lost so much, and so lonely! Let it go! Why hurt any more?”

Luna fell back. “I…” She bit back. “Demon! I won’t be seduced-”

The figure darkened and became a shadowy copy of Luna. “I am your secret heart, beyond love and life you seek and desire death. All else is to distract from this fact.”

Luna shrunk again as the figure began towering over her once more. The shadows of the room lengthened as her shadow-self grew.

Spike and Amorpheus took cover from the former Night guards as shield to Nightmare Moon. Spike spewed his fire in between bouts of running. Nightmare Moon snorted as his flame did not even reach to singe her.

Amorpheus barked at Spike. “Fight! You’re not aiming!”

Spike sputtered. “L-Luna’s still in there! I know it! I can’t kill her!”

Amorpheus dodged a beam that seared apart a guard. He growled as the top of his fedora was sliced off. Throwing his hat away, he fired back with a bolt that was absorbed by a shield.

Spike saw another angle to attack but stopped himself.

Amorpheus shouted. “Blast it! Look! We’re talking about the greater good here! Dragons are immortal; they have innate magic that can end the deathless! You have to hit her-”

Spike crunched up his face as gritted his teeth. “Her heart! I know, Luna even said that dragon claws could end her. Damn it, she knew!”

Amorpheus deployed a shield to protect them as a beam of Nightmare Moon’s cut through more guards. “Even Chrysalis wouldn’t want to world to end. That’s why I’m fighting here! I’m sure your Luna wouldn’t want that either! We’re running out of puppets!”

In his mind flashed Luna and their promise. Spike eyes watered. “Okay.”

Amorpheus nodded. “Last chance! Do or die!”

The last of the puppets were seared apart. Amorpheus charged while screaming. “My love, I will be with you soon!”

Nightmare Moon growled as Amorpheus’ horn met her shield. The force of his magic caused Nightmare Moon to concentrate her shield on only one side. Spike saw his angle; he swallowed and took the first step towards it.

Chapter 24 The Moon's True Face

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Zecora sighed, she had been made leader of nation in a whirlwind. The symbol of her authority hung heavily from her neck. The bones of many great beasts made up the necklace, she detested the savage practice. A fang of the necklace was even from a slain dragon, having met a dragon, she felt uncomfortable with the jewelry. From exiled princess to leader of the Zebra Tribal Confederation, she missed the days when she was stranger living on the outskirts of a quaint little village. The simple ponies thought her rhyming ways were sign of great wisdom.

Walking through the windows of the great battleship in the sky, she looked at their combined airship fleet then at the passing countryside below. Somewhere was her simple hut, left abandoned. That life was long gone, she had responsibilities now. She still carried herself in the same easy demeanor as to show she wouldn’t run away now. Too many depended upon her. She chuckled inwardly, even when she had nothing to say, if she kept calm Zebras mistook her silence for sagely contemplation. In that way ponies and Zebras were very similar. Her homeland of adoption or her homeland of birth made her consider race relations.

The ship: itself was a marriage of Zebra woodwork and Griffin metallurgy. By a fluke of fate, her sister had wed, Reagle Hawkmor, a Griffin Prince. The alliance of nations wasn’t a harmonious union. Love didn’t conquer the animosity of races, especially after years of imperialism The United Kingdoms of Griffins had subjected Zebrika to. However, The Griffins’ necessity for ground infantry to support their air forces was a better cement to seal the deal. This was all in order to match Equestria’s might.

Zecora swallowed as she reached the bridge. A Zebra warrior and Griffin soldier saluted. Zecora gave them a simple nod and walked in as they opened the door.

A bowed Griffin was making his report. “King Hawkmor, our scouts can’t make heads or tails of it.”

The crowned Griffin, who sat at the bridge’s center, tilted his head in confusion. “The sky is being swallowed by some dark star. The Equestrians and Dragons working together fighting themselves?”

A zebra mare, beside the Griffin King, spoke. “Reagle, it could be a situation like those shades we fought at the Peace Summit. The demons took over bodies indiscriminately.”

Reagle rubbed his beak. “Zaza, this changes things…”

Zaza inhaled. “Yes, my love, it does.”

Zecora did not like the dark tone in either of their voices. She stepped forward. “Zaza, we swore to help fight the dragons. What is so different about demons?”

Zaza grit her teeth. “Zecora, sister, I know you have come to see the ponies as family. However, we are of blood…”

Zecora slowly turned to her sister. “If we are of a kind, please speak your mind.”

Zaza opened her mouth but no words came.

Reagle grimaced. “This is an opportunity: unlike any other… All we need do is to do nothing but wait as they spend their blood while we waste nothing.”

Zecora stared the Griffin directly in the eyes. “We were invited into this country as guests. Are you, Reagle, truly noble as your name suggests?”

Reagle massaged his feathery head. “It is more than that. When we return home, how might we explain to our people that we missed such an opportunity? We will be derided as fools, worse they will call us traitors. We return to daggers in the dark.”

“What of the hole in the sky? What of such schemes if we let the world die?”

Zaza looked down at her hooves. “That’s beyond anything we have to remedy. Such sorcery cannot be defeated by any army or air force.”

Reagle cawed. “Logic demands we wipe out both of our historic enemies in a single stroke while they’re distracted.”

Zecora frowned. “Zaza, Reagle: sister in blood, and brother in law I beg of you delay your attack. Let us send an envoy and not act until we get a reply back.”

The entire bridge had fallen silent save for the background noise of the airship engines’ humming. Zecora saw that the gears were working in Reagle and Zaza’s minds. She hoped they were working in the right direction as they drew closer to the dark star in the sky.

Atop the mountain of the dragon encampment, Twilight bit her hoof at the map in front of her. The battlefield map was strewn with chess pieces that represented battalions of Equestria’s guards and now gemstones that signified their new dragon allies. Grey stones were placeholders for the growing legions of undead.

Twilight’s mind racked with a hundred different variations in battle formations and strategies. None offered any solution to the pure mathematics of the situation. They were losing and losing fast. From below their vantage point they heard the real roars of dragons and cannons growing louder and closer.

Spira pulled another piece from the board and replaced it with grey stone. The dragon General slammed her claws on the table. “This is an impossible battle. With every unit we lose, they gain another!”

Twilight took a deep breathe. “We have to hold the hordes until Luna and Spike can stop whatever is happening in the sky.”

Fleur De Lis added. “That is given, however, we cannot maintain this rate of loss.”

The barely bandaged Fancy Pants limped to the table helped by Fleur. He inspected Twilight’s countenance. “Lass, forgive my rudeness… I suspect you have an answer but you hesitate to give it.”

“I-” Twilight recoiled as he had read her like a book.

A War Balloon sized dragon arched his head to the table. Bahamut gestured with his claw. “We cannot effectively use our dragon fire or you use your cannons, while the undead shades fight us so close. Perhaps we could order a unit forward to decoy the enemy?”

Twilight frowned. “I had considered it... however, those units would have to be sacrificed. If do this, we can lure them into Ponyville…” she corrected herself to lessen the internal impact. “-the remnants of Ponyville.”

Twilight quickly backtracked. “This is also a risk assuming the shades cannot strategize like we can! We don’t know if it’ll even work! We can’t!”

Fancy Pants shook his head. “Unless in the presence of a commander, we haven’t seen shades employ any semblance of tactics. I sense no presence now.”

Fleur stomped her hoof. “Good ponies die now, while we debate!”

Spira gave Twilight a determined look. “We are now a coalition. We cannot move forward without your approval. ”

Twilight spoke softly to herself. “A leader must make tough decisions…” She then turned back to the map. “What will Dragon Dominions offer?”

Bahamut sighed. “The grounded Dragonling infantry… they are not mobile enough to escape the barrage anyway.”

Spira draconic brows shot upwards then lowered as the pain dulled. “That is the best strategic decision…”

Expectant eyes of Dragon and Pony commanders fell upon Twilight.

Was it racist or objective fact to consider the military value of Earth pony soldiers to be less than Pegasi and Unicorn units? What if Pinkie Pie or Applejack was among those to be made martyrs? The calculations led to only one conclusion. Twilight was considering the implications of decision she had already made in her mind. Swallowing the slime in her throat of that dirty feeling, she spoke.

“We can afford a sacrifice of an Earth Pony Infantry battalion.” Joining the stream of sweat now came a river of tears.

So many stories of forlorn love, sacrifices for a ‘greater’ good, and dreams broken by cruel fate, he saw them all in that moment. Tragedy waited with every agonizing step. Try as he might Spike could do no more than walk with sword in his claws.

“Kill her or she’ll kill the world!” The Changeling Captain struggled against the force of Nightmare Moon’s power. The meshing magical auras gave off visible sparks as their energies dueled. Both Changeling and dark Alicorn could only focus on their frontal defense.

Spike was a lunge away from Nightmare. He raised his sword.

Nightmare snarled. “Enough!” A single pencil thin beam from her horn seared through Amorpheus’ shield.

Amorpheus coughed as he fell back and his energy waned. “Right through the heart… damn…” He smiled at Spike. “Cursed kid, you can’t do it can you? We hopeless romantics-” The Changeling fell, finally.

He stood there impotently still with sword in hand.

Nightmare turned to Spike. “You were never a threat. I never sensed your killing intent. How pitiful!”

Spike swallowed. “I… love Luna. Please she must be there somewhere. Don’t do this.”

Nightmare laughed, flashing her fang in his face. “I told you she is dead.” She motioned to her flanks. The last patch of Luna’s calm evening blue coat was gone. “She struggled mightily but time erodes away all resistance.”

His saber rattled in his claws, but Spike couldn’t even lift it let alone thrust. Denial swiftly shifted to despair. He’d skip anger, how could he be angry at Luna for failing… he was failing her right now by failing to fulfill his vow.

Nightmare continued. “The ritual will take more time to complete. She gestured to her lithe body. She spun, flicking Spike’s muzzle with her tail. “It has been so long. Perhaps we could engross ourselves in carnal delights before the world’s destruction? It might at least distract from the pain of existence.”

Spike gave a low growl.

Nightmare laughed then transformed.

He blinked when he saw her shift to Luna’s form. However, iris in thin slits, her animal eyes, betrayed her as the demon. She was wearing the physical form of Luna like Luna wore the demon’s appearance for Nightmare Night.

Nightmare whispered into his ear. “I sense you covet this shell. Know she made virgin again when I was vanquished. You could be the one…”

Spike spat in disgust. He was the verge of ripping her apart yet he could do no more then snarl. “You’re a monster! I would sooner die!”

Nightmare snorted. “I commend you, in the least you are not merely attracted to appearance. Nonetheless… disappointing…”

In the corner of his vision he saw a body slowly rise from the many on the ground. Spike recognized the bloodied form. Nightshade mouthed words he could not hear.

Nightmare continued. “Bear witness to the end of everything. I-”

Spike demanded. “Why?”

Nightmare gave an impatient snort. “Have I not explained?”

Spike asked. “I mean why are we still talking? Why did you explain anything to anyone? Just act. If existence is so painful then end it!”

Nightmare’s eyes opened wide and in them he saw a spark.

Spike gasped. “Luna?”

Nightmare motioned to swivel behind her.

“Forgive me!” There came a cry. Spike spotted Nightshade lunge, he shoved Nightmare Moon aside. Nightmare Moon’s beam fired upwards into the sky. Nightshade skidded to avoid skewering Spike.

Nightshade cried. “Spike!?”

Spike took hold of her lance. “Nightshade, stop!”

Nightshade shouted into his ear. “You love struck lizard! There’s more here at stake!” Her eyes flowed with water that sprinkled the ground as she shook her head.

Nightmare Moon laughed. “Ha, even now the shell compels you! Pitiful, the Luna you love is consumed! Sir Spike, begone!”

Spike felt for a moment the force of the shield press him before he was sent hurtling off the tower. The blast brought with it a spray of rubble.

Debris and bodies fell with them. Spike’s eyes sifted through the falling debris. He saw the stones stopped falling and starting floating towards the black hole in the sky. Twilight’s gravity spell was causing him to continue his fall albeit at a slowed rate. He saw Nightshade struggle against the suction of the dark star.

She snarled as she beat her wings furiously. Nightshade was too proud to cry for help, nevertheless, Spike noticed her pleading eyes.

Spike spread his wings; he hoped Twilight’s gravity spell would be extended through contact. He flew towards her and took grip of Nightshade by the collar of her armor. There was an electric tingle as the spell was transferred.

“What?” Nightshade noticed she was no longer drawn to the black hole.

“Twilight’s gravity spell.” Spike replied, quickly.

Nightshade nodded. “She’s truly the element of magic. Chitania could only weave a localized spell.”

“Rarity!”Amidst the many pieces of rubble and Spike spotted a white mare. Rarity’s unconscious body was peacefully drifting off to her doom. He furiously beat his wings and moved to pick up Rarity, Nightshade followed after him.

They landed on a balcony of a lower level on Celestia’s tower. Spike set Rarity down and caressed her mane that was roughened by the wind. He used his claws to delicately comb her, and in several strokes returned her hair to her favorite style. Examining her he saw the darkened diamonds.

“What did they try to do with her?”

Nightshade replied. “Chitania’s plan was to use her as Sombra’s vessel. I’m not sure if the ritual succeeded, I interrupted it to a point.”

“What point?”

“I don’t know, I was overcome. She even incorporated using me in her ritual. I was to be the soul toll to open the gate of death… Chitania anticipated that my loyalties were never hers. I failed Luna...”

Spike gave a light laugh. “I bet that Changeling Queen never anticipated Luna kicking her rump.”

Nightshade snarled. “Why did you stop me from slaying Nightmare Moon?!”

“That was Luna.”

“That was Nightmare Moon.”

“No, I know it was Luna.”

“She’s still fighting inside?”

Spike shook his head. “Luna’s always been fighting… I have a theory though. I couldn’t tell if Aldred was himself or the demon. There was no distinction. Even with my own demon, it’s hard to tell.”

Nightshade’s ears perked. “Then Luna is the same as me?”

Spike raised a brow.

The bat pony smiled as her crimson eyes gave off a glow. “I must confess… I am my demon. There is no partition in my mind. I merged ages ago.”

“Wait, what?” Spike swiveled his head swiftly nearly touching muzzles with the bat pony.

Nightshade and Spike scooted backwards with blushes on their faces.

Spike cleared his throat. “No way!”

“Every demon seed has an executioner assigned to them in case they lose themselves. That’s why Thestral vampire squads are always even numbered. Luna watched over you. I watched Luna.” She folded her wings and gestured to herself. “Why is it then that I have no watcher? Hmmm?”

Spike smiled. “I’m infinitely more impressed with you. How did you master your demon?”

She continued. “Master is the wrong word for it and it wasn’t over ummm night. Gradually, in the struggle we meshed. We became part of each other. I realized I enjoyed combat, but detested killing. The thirst for blood could be sated in other ways. I am a soldier because it gives me license to become the monster I am against other monsters. This way I can simply survive.”

Spike appraised the vampire. “The first times I unlocked my demon… I wasn’t myself. I was just a blend of urges and instinct. When I gained a measure of control, I was different.”

Nightshade narrowed her gaze at Spike. “Perhaps you too are becoming changing. Synthesis is recombination. The old self cannot remain. You are changed. You are the beast, and the beast is you.”

Spike thought of all revelations concerning Luna. Her guilt, self-torture, and her desire for reprieve: somewhere slowly her hurting transformed into hating. “She isn’t trapped inside. Luna is Nightmare Moon.”

Nightshade bit her lip. “I don’t know; her case could be different. Luna has always segregated that part of her. The atrocities committed by Nightmare Moon are too horrific. I can’t accept it. It must be an external force. That thing can’t be her.”

Spike sighed. “Maybe once they were separate a thousand years ago. Maybe they were always the same. We’ve both seen Luna can assume the guise of Nightmare Moon. The difference we perceive may just be aesthetic.”

Nightshade rubbed her hoof. “That’s a lot of maybes.”

“When children draw the moon, they draw a white circle or crescent. What’s missing are the craters and the darkness. If we both profess to love Luna we cannot just love the moon’s light side. How much pressure was there for Luna to separate that part of herself? In trying she only worsened it. Who wouldn’t be driven to insanity?”

Nightshade nodded after a long moment. “It was ever convenient of our Propaganda Ministry to separate Luna from Nightmare Moon in order to promote Luna. I imagine she repressed herself to better fit that public image.” She blurted out. “Still, we risk the world on a hope!”

“I know it’s her.” Spike looked at Nightshade with a smile. “Are you saying you could have killed Luna? You’re normally almost as fast as Rainbow Dash. That lunge of yours was pretty half-hearted and could have been easily countered. I saved you too.”

Nightshade recoiled. “Y-Y-You didn’t save me! I was slow because I was wounded!”

“You were close to skidding to halt before I even got in between you and her. I caught your lance after all.”

Nightshade’s face scrunched up in angry muscles. She opened her mouth to protest but only looked away to give a grudging grin. “I hate how insightful you are.”

Spike flicked his tongue. “Deal with it, Ms Bat.”

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “I’ll forgive you for ‘bat’ since I called you a ‘lizard’ earlier.”

“We need to find a way to distract Luna while I try to talk her back to herself.”

“If you fail, you cannot be trusted to kill her. I shall do it. I’ll lose myself, become feral, combining lusts. Then you must slay me.”


Nightshade rolled her eyes. “You, limp lance. I guess even if you can’t, I’m a lesser demon for the world to survive and suffer. I won’t be missed.”

“Nightshade, I care about you too. I’d miss you. It’s a shame you’re still much a mystery to me. We c-”

She placed her hoof over his mouth. “It must remain that way. You can’t let shards of sentimentality for me distract you from true love.” Nightshade flicked her tongue about her dry mouth and licked her lips. “I am in need of… your blood. I’m too wounded.”

Spike gulped. “Sure.” He hesitantly bowed his head to let her have his neck. Closing his eyes Spike awaited her bite.

Nightshade gave a bemused snort. “In our custom the neck is rather intimate and reserved for lovers… you could have given me your foreleg.”

Spike opened his eyes. “Huh?” He blamed himself for reading too many vampire stories.

Nightshade grinned. “Too late.”

“Argghhh!!” He cried as Nightshade latched unto him and her fangs pierced into his neck.

“Whoa!” Spike toppled over by the punch in her pounce. He fell back with Nightshade atop of him.

The initial pain of the bite seemed to ebb away as she worked. Her tongue lapped at him with the eagerness of a wolf devouring its prey. Spike wondered if he would have blushed if his blood wasn’t rushing elsewhere.

“Fine take all my blood. It’s not that I need it to live.”

“Mmmmhmmm.” Nightshade hummed as she drew more.

“You’re a pain in my n-”

The voracious bat pony stopped for a moment with still red on her lips. “Quit talking and let’s both enjoy this. My saliva has an interesting effect. Let me have this little daydream…” She shut her eyes then and wrapped her forelegs around him.

Spike felt his wings unfurl as Nightshade sunk back into him. He saw the vampire’s own wings were outstretched. He felt oddly at ease, unnaturally so given that Nightshade was busily draining him of life liquid. He held her to himself, shifting and relaxing his stance. His touch was gentle as he cradled her head. For a moment he could allow her to dream and perhaps he could dream too.

Locked in her nightmare, Rarity came under the assault from the shadow of Sombra. What were whispers now were wails. Flashing in her mind were her worst fears forced upon her.

“Witness that your friends have abandoned you! You will die old and alone!”

Rarity shook her head. “No!”

“You cannot fight your mortality! He may mean the world to you, but to him you are but a blink in eternity!”

Rarity screamed against the voice. “No! Noo!! Nooooo!!!”

“You are irrelevant! Your life has been a frivolous waste! All that you create shall be moth bitten rags. In time further, naught but dust shall remain.” The shadow caressed Rarity’s chin. “Surrender.”

Rarity calmed herself. “It doesn’t matter.”

The shadow smiled. “Then you surrender?”

Rarity said, softly. “No.”


She continued. “I made many dresses in my life. Some I was paid for and some I made free for friends. My true reward was the smile on their faces. Smiles are fleeting.”

“You won’t win his love!”

“I’ll have his happiness even… even… if it’s not with me. I had my chance. How we grow to appreciate others when they leave us… I am a lady, I will survive.”

The shadow shrunk back. “No…”

“Darling, I do believe a gentlecolt does not overstay his welcome…” Rarity smirked. “-and this is my mind!”

The giant crimson coated earth pony clenched his teeth against the pain. Surrounded by his soldiers, he was glad his fur was red: it hid the blood from the many wounds he’d sustain. He could no longer physically fight, however he still fought in his own way. So long the rest of the soldiers saw him standing bravely; they would fight on with confidence in the Captain. However even the power of his presence began to wane against the wail and moans of the hordes of undead demon puppets.

A guard rushed to report. “Captain Macintosh! Our left and right flank units are withdrawing without us?! Have we’ve been given the order to withdraw?!”

He had a moment of surprise internally but hid it behind his calm exterior. “Nope…” He chewed on the piece of hay he’d kept in his mouth.

“We can’t hold this position, sir! Permission to withdraw?!”


“You good?” Spike rubbed his neck. His wound sealed quickly enough thanks to his draconic healing but the two tiny impression marks of her fangs still lingered.

Nightshade swirled the last mouthful around and swallowed, licking her lips. “I never tasted dragon’s blood before. You’re quite delicious.”

Spike clear his throat. “There’s something I want to ask you… Nightshade what are you going to do after this?”

Nightshade turned away. “Don’t be distracted, concentrate on the battle ahead.”

Their attention was drawn to Rarity as they heard her stirring.

Spike moved to pick her up.

Nightshade stopped him. “We don’t know if that’s her! Remember Chitania tried to make her Sombra’s vessel.”

Rarity blinked with her crystal clear blue eyes shining as they always did. “Spikey?”

Spike nudged Nightshade back. “That’s Rarity.”

Rarity tried to stand but her legs gave out. Spike caught her as she wobbled back and forth. “Darling, it seems like a lifetime ago. Am I still dreaming? Is that you Spikey?”

“This is the real world. Yeah, it’s me.” Spike smiled, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Rarity was barred from Spike by Nightshade.

Nightshade raised a brow. “One does not simply overcome demonic possession.”

Rarity pouted. “Sombra tried to possess me but I got the better of that old shadow.”

Nightshade kept her lance pointed at Rarity. “You bested Sombra? You carry his aura.”

Rarity planted her hooves, firmly. “I carry more than that. I’m his blood relative.”

Nightshade did not lower her lance. “A demon seed is dangerous.”

Spike raised a skeptical claw and gestured to the darkened gems of her once sterling blue flank emblem. “Rarity, how do we know that’s you talking?”

“Spikey, I can help.”

Nightshade shook her head. “We cannot be fighting two demons.”

Rarity sighed. “Even Sombra wouldn’t want the end of the world. There’d be nothing for that brute to conquer.”

Spike turned to Nightshade. “Each of us have our own demons, aren’t you a demon yourself?”

The bat pony lowered her lance finally as his words were digested. “Very well.”

Spike nodded. “Okay, then I’ll need you two to...”

Nightmare Moon’s gaze was solely focused ground as her horn carved intricate ritual lines around the door of darkness. In the backdrop the black hole hungrily swallowed the sky into its swirling vortex of clouds and debris. The intricate arrays of circles overlapping and enveloping one another were nearly complete. She raised her head as she sensed them entering her circle.

Spike landed allowing Rarity to slip from between his claws. Nightshade took point from behind.

“You are an irritation.” Nightmare Moon scoffed. “I gave you a mercy; you choose to spend your last moments alive fighting?”

Spike stood firm. “Luna stop it!”

“Again with that nonsense, Luna is dead-”

Spike shouted. “It is you, don’t deny yourself! Stop lying!”

Nightmare Moon growled. “Enough! Die!” From her horn came a slicing beam.

Rarity shouted. “Spikey!” The beam splashed against her shield.

Spike became wide eyed as he saw the beam was aimed at his heart. “That could’ve killed.”

Nightshade shook her head. “We’re confronting Luna’s very ego, resistance is to be expected.”

Nightmare Moon’s horn pulsated with angry magic. “Still with this ‘Luna’ business!? You shall die in delusion!”

Spike shouted back. “You’re only one that’s deluded! All this time you’ve been running from reality and responsibility!”

Nightmare Moon snarled and fired again. Rarity strained to block the spell. Spike saw to the side that Rarity eyes began bleeding Sombra’s malignant magic aura.

Rarity shouted. “Spikey, don’t worry about me focus on Luna!”

Spike nodded.

Twilight stared at the map as pieces were moved around by attendants. At the center was a white knight chess piece symbolizing a battalion. Dark ebony enemy chess pieces now surrounded the lone knight. She turned away from the board and looked down the mountain command center. Telescopes, some of which once she used for astronomy, were arrayed as the various officers observed the ongoing battle. Twilight looked through a telescope and saw the infantry formation.

A guard reported. “Princess, moments more and the decoy unit shall be beyond rescue.”

Twilight choked. “I never asked but which Earth Pony Infantry unit volunteered?”

Fancy Pants limped over to reply. “We didn’t have time to ask the lower ranks. We had only the consent of a Captain.”

Fleur frowned. “A Captain Macintosh volunteered.”

“What?!” Twilight gasped. “Big Mac?! He’s Applejack’s big brother!”

Fancy Pants grit his teeth. “Someone you know, huh lass?”

Twilight sputtered. “Q-Q-Quickly someone order a small detachment to rescue him at least!”

Fleur shook her head. “Our plan hinges upon the troops fighting to the last. What of the spirits of the soldiers when they see their commander spirited away to safety while they are left to die?”

Twilight bit her lip. “Send one any way!”

Fancy Pants added. “Captain Macintosh specifically demanded no rescue unit be sent for him if none will be sent for his troops. A brave soul: that one…”

Twilight crushed the telescope with her magical grasp. “Is this what it means to be a leader?!” She tossed her tiara into the dirt and slumped over. “I… how will I explain this to Applejack? I can’t…”

A messenger landed gasping for breath. “Princess our scouts have sighted a combined Griffin and Zebra War Wing fleet! They’re in attack formation!”

The many dozen of airships opened their cannon ports. Among the mass of War Balloons, the large dirigible War Wing class airships swiveled their massive rotary turrets into place. From below the great metal beasts opened bomb bay doors.

Aboard the largest that dwarfed all others Zecora observed from the bridge. She stared and pleaded into her sister’s eyes. “We could still turn back. We still not in range to attack.”

Zaza turned toward her Griffin husband. Reagle’s beak end was curled in a frown.

Reagle rose from his throne. The Griffin King moved towards Zecora.

Blast after blast Nightmare Moon fired into Rarity’s shield. Sweating and emanating dark magics, unicorn held her own against the Alicorn. Spike had to lower himself on all fours to receive the full protection of the small shield. Magical sparks burned brighter than welder’s torch.

Nightmare moon stopped her beam attack for a moment as she cooled her smoking horn. “Shadow Bolts destroy them!” She stomped the ground summoning half a dozen of shadowy guards.

Nightshade spat as she lifted her lance. “Mere projections!? I fought with the real thing!”

The Shadow Bolts moved to flank Rarity’s protective barrier. Nightshade met them in the sky. Her silver lance sliced through a couple of the shadows in her first pass. The projections dissipated as mortal wounds were dealt. They regrouped lunged at her.

Spike tried to ignore the battle around him and swallowed again to speak. “Luna! You’re the true monster! Nightmare Moon isn’t doing this, you are!”

Nightmare Moon fired. “Quit thy wagging serpent’s tongue! Thou art-”

Spike smiled inwardly. Luna’s language diction was surfacing.

Rarity noticed Nightmare Moon’s eyes darting about in the sky as she concentrated on the sky duel with Nightshade. “Darling, aren’t you forgetting someone?” She lowered her shield and fired a retaliatory bolt for the many she’d received.

Nightmare Moon’s hasty shield exploded and she was sent a step back. Fangs bared, the demon turn again to Rarity and Spike.

“Luna!” Spike shouted. “How long did you hate yourself, did you beginning hating the world?!”

“Silence thy inane babbling!” Nightmare Moon fired another beam.

Rarity raised her shield again to absorb the blast.

In her lapse of attention, Nightshade dispatched another Shadowbolt projection.

“That form is just a guise! You’re just wearing Nightmare Moon! Show me the true you!”

Nightmare fired a barrage of blasts. Spike dug his claws in and held onto Rarity as they took on the brunt of the assault. He felt every blow resonate through their bodies.

Another of Shadowbolt projection was cleaved through by Nightshade’s lance work.

“Luna is dead!” Nightmare stomped her hoof to generate several to replace those lost.

Rarity fired again and Nightmare casted another quick shield.

Zecora met the Griffin’s king’s hawk eyes. Reagle’s predatory gaze was intense. Zecora stood still against her instinct to gallop away.

Reagle smiled, placing a claw on Zecora’s shoulders. “Who said anything about attack?”

Zecora tilted her head in confusion.

“Reagle?” asked Zaza.

“Odin help us, we are idealistic fools.” Reagle turned the other crew members listening with rapt attention. “Signal to the Equestrian Forces that we are here to help as promised.”

A Griffin signal operator spoke out. “Sir? Do you mean that? What shall we signal to our fleet?”

The Griffin King stood from his throne. “I am Reagle Hawkmor, hear my words and relay them without err. All the world holds in contempt that Griffins are greedy and Zebra are given to zealotry… incapable of higher nobility. Here is where we show them to be wrong. Let it never be said we do not honor our obligations!”

A guard saw the flashing signal lights of the Griffin airships. He relayed horse-code message. “Princess, the Griffins are here to help!”

Twilight blinked. “What?”

Fleur pulled the telescope from the guard’s grasp. “They’re signaling their support!”

Fancy Pants smiled as he took his look. “Egads, they’re honoring our treaty.”

Dragon and pony commanders gave each other incredulous looks.

Twilight jump at a telescope to see for herself. “Really?”

Fleur continued. “They’re asking where they should direct their cannon barrage and deploy their infantry.”

Twilight smiled. “Griffin cannonry is much more accurate than ours or dragon pyromancy! Have them fire at the Shades. Give them the coordinates!”

“Roger!” A messenger eagerly saluted and turn to flicking shutters of his signal lamp.

Twilight nearly jumped. “With such reinforcements, we have enough troops! Order a rescue unit immediately! I’ll lead the unit myself!”

Fancy Pants dusted off Twilight’s tiara and flung it back onto her head. “Princess, you’ll be needing your crown.”

Twilight nodded. She sighed. “When push came to shove… I’ll remember what decision I made.”

Fancy Pants’ expression was solemn. “Lass, you made the hard and right call. In time you’ll lead a nation.”

Twilight chuckled spreading her wings before departing. “The greater good, huh?”

Amidst the explosions of magic and aerial battle, Spike kept his gaze steady on Nightmare Moon. The demon periodically met his eyes but swiftly averted them.

“That’s the lie, Luna! You are Nightmare Moon! Good and evil isn’t a thing that can control by a flick of a switch. Power is fuel to your negative energies but you give it will by your own.”

Nightmare Moon violently shook her head. “Nay! Tis a lie!” She stomped her hooves summoning now a dozen more Shadowbolts. She matched that with a barrage of more blasts.

Spike felt as he held Rarity in place, Nightmare’s blasts were diminishing in strength. In the sky the Shadowbolts had quantity but not quality and Nightshade eliminated them swiftly. Her concentration was waning.

Spike pressed on. “The horrors you’ve seen and you’ve committed: accept responsibility! You are Luna! You are Nightmare Moon!” He saw Nightmare blink.

“Spike!” Rarity called after him as he leapt past the safety of her shield.

His charge was met by several bolts. Each of them burned as they impacted but only superficially.

Nightmare Moon gasped as Spike pounced. Taking her fore hooves he wrestled her onto the ground.

“Look at me!” Spike shouted.

Nightmare Moon chomped at him, biting into his shoulders. She flailed as he held her under him. Spike raised his left arm and let her sink her fangs in. Her fangs embed into his arm he swung her muzzle towards his.

“Look at me!” Spike forced eye contact.

Nightmare shrieked.

“That night when I desired death, you saved me! You’re stronger than this!”

Nightmare cried. “Nay!”

“You’ve lied to me many times, but you can’t lie to yourself!”

Nightmare snarled and attacked him with a flurry of bites nearly ripping chunks of his limb off. Spike did not wince and offered his gentle smile. He kept his vision focused on her feral eyes.

There came a sparkle in her eyes. “Sir Spike, let me go. I am a monster.”

“Nightmare Moon, Luna, whatever, you are yourself, the light and dark faces are all parts of the same moon. I see both.”

Nightmare shrieked. “Kill me now! While I am myself!”

“Luna, live. If you have any love for me, please love yourself. In turn I shall love you as are you are! No more false faces!” Giving up his defense, Spike open up his arms and wrapped his claws around pulling her close.

“I-” Nightmare’s eyes began glowing.

Spike was repulsed as her whole body was swathed in white. He dug his claws unto the stonework as another blast wave of energy hit him. Flickering in his vision were two forms Nightmare Moon and the empowered Luna. Spike raised a claw to the blinding light.

The fuzziest vision entered Spike’s mind. He saw a field of flowing grass and a full moon cast a spotlight upon the scene. Blurred forms took up the frame. A white stallion with a wizard hat bowed before a small light azure unicorn foal. Spike focused his vision and saw the foal was almost a mare.

She was clad in dark armor that shone with the many scars and dings of battle damage. All the marks upon her steel dress sparkled like the stars in the evening sky. Spike felt angry that she was a soldier at an age where she should still be enjoying her youth. Her bearing though was much more mature and she carried herself as a dignified knight.

The wizard spoke. “Fated foal, thou art chosen by the Mother Moon to be avatar of the night.” He gestured to a glowing white flower on the ground. “Eat of this lily to accept thy destiny.”

Eyes sparkling in wonderment the foal prodded the lily with a hesitant hoof.

The wizard shook his head and raised a hoof covering the lily’s mesmerizing shine. “Be not so eager, child. Its blessing is also a curse. Thou shall know countless nights. However, till all the stars in the sky flicker and die, ne’er shall thou know the rest of death.”

The foal asked. “Will this give me power to end the Age of Chaos and bring peace?” She gestured to the landscape. The frame of the vision temporarily expanded to show the carnage of a battlefield strewn with dead.

The wizard nodded, looking down in a frown. “Such peace, though, thou shall not know.” Raising his head he saw the lily half devoured.

The wizard sighed. “Thou art a foolish foal… thou know not what thou hath done.”

The foal rising now as a mare ripped the rest of the lily apart with her teeth and swallowed the flower. She beat the breastplate of her armor. “I accept. I am a knight, it is my duty!”

The wizard grimaced. “You are now more than a knight. You are now the night itself.”

Immediately her face became pale as she stripped off her armor and felt her chest. She collapsed in pain. “I feel cold! My heart! It hurts like ice in my veins!”

The wizard spoke solemnly. “Thou art now forever apart from mortals. For the ageless it is the only constant companion. That coldness is loneliness that shall drive thee to insanity.”

Luna shivering and her legs shaking, stood regardless. “I accepted long ago! I choose destiny! I shall save good citizens Equestria! For the fallen I shall not fail or fall myself!” She reared up and pointed a hoof to the heavens.

Spike couldn’t help but admire her dramatic boldness. He saw however, pain grip her face and tears well in her eyes. Stepping into the vision, he reached out and held her as she staggered. Her head spinning and her eyes meeting his, the vision ended.

Spike opened his eyes to see Luna staring back into his. He was holding her by the forelegs. They both blinked several times. He examined her. Luna was not her enchanted regal visage or that of horrifying form of Nightmare Moon. She was as he saw her in the dream: slightly disheveled light cobalt hair, light blue fur, and bright sapphire eyes.

Luna vulnerable voice came through, her words were whispers. “Sir Spike?”

Spike smiled and gave a big goofy grin. “Luna!” He held her by the hooves and spun her.

“S-S-Spike!” Luna squealed as they twirled.

“You’re back!” Spike’s own eyes watered.

Luna nuzzled him. “Thou hath brought me back. Thy warmth was the guide in the cold loneliness.”

Spike buried his muzzle into her mane. “No, you brought yourself back.”

“What destruction hath I wrought?” Luna frowned as she saw the many bite marks on Spike. “I hurt thee.”

Spike laughed. “Oh you almost destroyed the world. Nothing big.”

Luna gasped. “I…” Her eyes watered. “How can I ever make recompense now? Again I have brought the world to the brink! For my many sins there can be no forgi-”

“Stop. Just stop.” He placed his claws on her face and gently wiped her tears away. “Stop thinking like that. You almost destroyed the world, but you also saved it. Luna, you always count your losses but you should count your victories as well. Accepting responsibility means also accepting the good along with the bad.”

Luna’s voice for a moment became a blend of hers and Nightmare’s. “I’m a hypocrite, a murderer: unfit to lead let alone follow. Couldst thou then love a monster?”

“What then of me who loves you? What am I? You’re no monster, even if you were, I could accept that.”

“Sir Spike?”

Spike rubbed his head spines. “Seriously, I’m not so strong. If you didn’t come back… ummm I didn’t have a backup plan.”

Luna laughed, lightly. “Thou would hath spent thy last moments with me?”

“A version of you, but still you.”

Luna intoned as she shoved her muzzle into his for a bold kiss. “Sir Spike!”

“Ahh-hmmm.” Rarity cleared her throat.

Spike and Luna noticed then Nightshade and Rarity on the sidelines. There was a pang of guilt he felt there.

He and Rarity both spoke up at the same time.


“Rarity I-

Rarity gave a sad but sweet smile. “It’s rude to interrupt a lady.”

Spike nodded and allowed her to continue.

Rarity swallowed hard. “Spike I love you so much, however, part of loving someone is wishing for their best happiness…” She choked but bit through it. “even when that happiness is not with them. I’ve been desperately and selfishly holding onto hope that I could change the past when I squandered your affections you so selflessly imparted on me.”

Spike frowned. “No Rarity, you have always been worthy. I still l-”

Rarity cringed as she felt her chest in pain. A dark glimmer shone on her cutie mark gems.


Rarity smiled as she grit her teeth and bore the pain. She used a hoof to block Spike from supporting her. “Darling, please don’t tempt me… Sombra still whispers in my heart.” The dark shine soon faded back.

Luna examined. “Lady Rarity, thou art possessed of a strong will. The demon seed shall not take thee soon. Make most of thy time. Even when we were rivals, I envied thy courage.”

“Likewise. Please take good care of each other.” Rarity adjusted her mane to hide her eyes.

Spike felt like tearing up himself as he saw the beads of water from onto the ground where Rarity was standing. He wanted so much to reach out and embrace her. Already it seemed he was moving on his to that effect. Why was his heart so fickle? At one moment he could imagine himself spending eternity with anyone of the mares in his company. They were all worthy. Was he?

Nightshade ears perked and she raised her lance. “I hear something…”

Their surroundings came back into focus. Spike saw the dark door opening and black hole in the sky expanding.

“What’s happening?!” Rarity cried.

Luna gasped as she sparked her horn and seared apart the magical array on the marble stone. To her horror while the physical lines were cut but magical light still glowed. “It’s beyond my control. Something else is calling to it, a greater darkness!”

The tower started shaking violently. The heard a guttural roar that caused them to cover their ears.


Chapter 25 A Dragon’s Dream

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Spike shuddered from the spines atop his head to his tail tip. What was Aldred that their best was not enough to overcome this force of un-nature? Hope had carried everyone thus far, but desperation was slowly giving into exhaustion.

Spike threw up his claws. “Aldred? How is he alive?! When will this end?!” His tiny roar was like a kitten’s mew compared to the roar of Aldred in the background.

Rarity gave him a concerned look. “Spikey, that’s not really helping.”

He slumped back. “What do we do?”

“Spikey, we can’t give now.” The seamstress, Rarity, gave a threadbare smile. Her mane was a mess, yet her natural beauty shone through.

The soldier, Nightshade, propped herself to standing by her lance: her last leg. With her shallow breath and tired tone she still spoke with strength. “No surrender.”

Luna reared upwards upon her hind legs. The image she struck was evocative of Neighpoleon the first before his ill-fated final battle. She was forever bold to the last. “We fight, Sir Spike!”

Each of them was so fragile and strong. They looked expectantly for his lead. Spike smiled. “Alright, let’s do this.”

They finally dared to look over the edge of the tower to see the beast climbing upwards. Aldred, prophesied to swallow the sky, was clawing upwards slowly but dangerously steadily.

Rarity spat. “That horrible brute!”

Nightshade used her lance to gesture to the floating battleships in the distance. “We can order a barrage from dragon and cannon fire to destroy this castle and tower!”

Luna nodded. “The beast cannot be allowed to reach the Door of Darkness. Even the Dragons must realize what is at stake.”

Nightshade looked about. “We need a signal lamp.”

Spike turned to Rarity. “Rarity do you know that flare spell you used that night you saved us?”

Rarity rubbed her hoof. “I do, darling. But I’m afraid I don’t know horse code.”

Nightshade stepped in. “Signal according to my hoof taps.”

Luna looked over the edge. “Sir Spike, we must delay the beast. Aim where I aim.” Her horned sparked with power.

“Gotcha.” Spike nodded.

“Now!” Luna’s horn discharged a line of searing white light at Aldred’s right claw.

Spike followed with a fire ball of his own.

The dragon roared. “I am Aldred!”

“It’s a signal from Luna.” said Twilight, deciphering the lights through her telescope. “All forces are to combine our artillery and fire upon Celestia’s tower? The world’s at stake?”

Fancy Pants swiveled the Twilight’s telescope to figure climbing up the tower.

There came a collective cry. “Aldred lives!?”

Ponies looked nervously at their dragon allies. The pony sized dragon, Spira, and the larger, War Balloon sized, Bahamut were in turn looked upon by the Dragon Generals.

Flames flared from the mouths of several dragons. Pegasi lancers deployed their wings.

Twilight stepped calmly betwixt the groups. “Everyone, Aldred’s going to end the world. We have to stop him. I know we aren’t… friends, but we can’t do this.”

A Bahamut sadly shook his head. “Princess of the Twilight, you must understand. It is Dragon Code.”

Fleur De Lis joined Twilight. “Monsieur master Bahamut, now is the time for your people to seize your freedom. Let not tyrants the likes of Neighpoleon or even this Aldred stop you!”

Bahamut sighed. “It is Dragon Code, we are destroyed either way. You will notice our people are disjointed, bestial, and given to their lusts. Demons reside within our cores.” The great dragon arched his head and gestured to the various Dragon Generals. Shamefully they hung their heads low and accepted his unflattering assessment’s truth. “The Code is all that binds us. If we should break this, then we are destroyed surely as if Aldred ended the world.”

Fancy Pants grit his teeth as he charged a spell. “Bloody hell, must we do this, chaps?”

Twilight shouted. “Spike’s a dragon, he was raised without the code! I saw my little brother grow to have kindness and compassion on his own. You can rise above this! You don’t need a silly little law.”

Only one or two dragons listened to Twilight while the others kept their flames flared.

Spira spoke. “Aldred, fled a duel issued by another thereby forfeiting a legal challenge to his position. By Dragon Code, he no longer leads or represents the Dragon Dominions.”

Several dragons blinked and they turned to Bahamut for validation.

Bahamut nodded and roared with gusto. “By the Code, all dragons are to lend their fire to the Equestrian barrage!”

Twilight smiled as she relaxed her stance. She watched quizzically as Spira slid next to her.

Spira whispered. “You are sister to the dragon, Spike, are you not? I must ask is he truly mated with the Avatar of the Night?” She wringed her claws, nervously. “Good dragons of his stature and bearing are hard to find…”

Twilight hit her hoof on her head.

Luna and Spike’s concentrated fire did little to slow Aldred. Sweat dripped from their heads. In the meanwhile Nightshade conducted Rarity as she used her horn to signal. Blast and beam exploded against Aldred to not even scorch his hide.

Luna wiped the sweat from her brow. “Something is awry; the beast is not trying to even block our blows.”

Spike defied his fear and glared at Aldred’s eyes directly. The eyes were seemingly blank. “I want to test something. Aim for eyes.” He swallowed and unleashed a fireball.

Luna’s laser beam fired into Aldred’s eye following Spike’s blast.

When the smoke cleared, they saw Aldred continue his climb without so much wincing even with the burned out and boiling eye of his.

Spike and Luna gasped.

“Got it!” Rarity finished flashing her signal.

“Wait!” Luna reached out.

The sky cracked with the collective thunder of combined dragon and cannon fire. Errant shells and fireballs ripped through the foundations of the tower. Aldred was covered in a debris shower. Spike, Luna, Rarity, and Nightshade held onto each other as the tower rocked and swayed. Spike pulled them from the ledge as it slipped away. He blinked as the tower piece floated upwards. He was then visually reminded of the black hole in the sky as it devoured the stone. Twilight’s gravity spell was the only thing keeping them from that fate. Then the blasts stopped.

Luna cried. “Signal them to cease while they are reloading! There cannot be another barrage!”

“What’s going on?” asked Rarity.

“Do it!” Spike said.

There came the familiar shake of the tower. They peered over the edge and saw it.

From the stump of Aldred’s missing wing sprung dark tendrils that began forming the skeletal structure of another dark wing. What wounds he’d sustained wept the blackest shadow. The mouth Spike had seen alit with the fires of Tartarus was now frothing a dark fog. The eye they had taken was now replaced by a piercing crimson glow.

Luna recoiled. “Aldred’s become one with his demon, his flesh, twas a mere container. The beast shall soon fly.” She turned to the dark door that was slowly opening. “It draws power from the weakened barrier.”

Spike pulled his head spines. “So killing Aldred only made him stronger?!”

Another roar came. “I a-a-m Al-dre-ed!” It was distorted but did not lack for ferocity.

“What are the words coming out its mouth?” asked Rarity. “What does it want?”

Nightshade narrowed her eyes. “It must only be an echo. The demon has achieved nearly full incarnation into our world. The body is the only thing holding it back.”

Luna sighed. “A demon is creature of agony, it desires death. Should the beast reach the door, our world will be no more.”

Spike winced as a red pulverized chunk of dragon scales fell off. Beneath it was more shadow that began burning away what tatters of flesh that still clung. The demon moved faster in its climb without the weight of its mortal coil. Piece by piece that fell off increased its pace.

Nightshade looked at the dark star in the sky. “The black hole is keeping the tower from collapsing.”

Luna shook her head. “It will not matter, the beast may soon fly.”

The demon’s wings began beating and they felt the updraft of wind from it.

“How the buck do we stop it?!” Spike spat, he noticed his outburst’s effect in spreading fear. Spike swallowed and spoke again, calmly. “How do we stop it?”

Rarity pointed at the door of darkness slowly opening. “The monster’s getting power from this tear. How about we stitch it?”

Nightshade bit her lip. “The demon exists only because of the weakened veil. If we shut it, we may-”

Luna stepped back towards the dark door she pressed her hoof into the arcane lines drawn on the ground. “The ritual… we can complete it and then shut the door. It was Chitania’s original intent.” She began carving more symbols into the intricate magical array.

Spike gasped. “We would need a sacrifice.”

Nightshade sighed. “We would need two… one to open the gate and another to swiftly close it. Chitania planned for me to be one. I volunteer.”

Rarity opened her mouth but Spike spoke ahead. “No way, no one’s being sacrificed.”

Luna continued her work. “If that demon should reach the array, our world will be sacrificed. I shall offer myself.”

Spike’s jaw fell open. “What are you doing?”

Rarity stepped in front of Luna. “No you don’t! The world won’t miss a lowly seamstress! I volunteer!”

Nightshade added. “Princess, you must lead our nation in the post war! You are too valuable.”

Luna matched their gazes. “It is my opportunity to make amends… also my strength is at its limit. My choice is not entirely selfless.” She smiled at Spike. “Forgive me, my love.”

Spike growled at Luna. “I just got you back, and you’re willing to throw yourself away?! Why must you keep learning the same lesson?!”

Luna shook her head. “Thou art a young immortal, thou hath only seen glimpses of mine long life.”

Spike looked into her eyes, pleading. “I still saw the true you.”

Luna nodded. “Then thou know mine pain but perhaps thou know not the degree. Directly or indirectly, this crisis is of my manufacture. Twice now to Tartarus gates I hath brought the world, I cannot bear this guilt.”

Spike growled. “What are you all doing! You’re fighting to be sacrificed?!” His own eyes started leaking. “Stop this… there must be another way.”

Nightshade shook her head. “There isn’t. Now pick the other sacrifice amongst yourselves. It is a given I should die.”

Spike met Nightshade. “You can’t devalue you own life like that! You seem so set that you’re going to be a sacrifice. You mean more than you think!”

“Spike…you…” Nightshade gasped but then looked away.

Spike swiveled to Rarity. “Rarity, you can’t seriously consider this. You’ve given so much already. You’re not lowly!”

He looked to them all. “What about all that we struggled for? What-” Spike felt a pain in the back of his head. He saw Nightshade had smacked the un-bladed side of her lance against his head.

“Forgive us,” Luna frowned.

“Sir Spike.”



“I love you.” Their voices blended as his consciousness faded.

Chapter Decision Point

What was real? The absurdity and cruelty of his life played in his head like a faulty and failing video projector. Events in so little time had forced him to see the world that was always hidden behind the rose filter of his childhood. Still would he be content continuing to live a lie? It all seemed like a cloudy dream.

Luna had shown him so much. His hurt was superficial compared to hers. Yet there was something fundamental in the nature of their pain that brought them together upon a lonely night.

Nightshade sat at the sidelines secretly dreaming of love yet was never noticed by the one she yearned for. To his own life, her role had an eerie uncanny similarity.

Rarity had become a symbol of his old life, the good, and the bad. Yet she proved herself beyond that and broke past their old dynamic.

All three spoke to an aspect of his being. Yet the heart divided was weakened. One could only truly love one. The dream, the lie, was that there were happy endings for all and that he could continue without making a choice… a lie he told himself as a lullaby.

Spike sprung awake from his dream in denial. He screamed through the darkness his first thought. “Don’t do the ritual!”

A voice echoed in the darkness. “It has already come to pass.”


From the pitch black emerged a pale pony with her own glow. Upon her back were skeletal wings, the horn on head held fast a crown of bone, and in her hooves was a scythe made of a spinal column. Her black mane and blood crimson cloak fluttered in a phantom wind. The presence of this ‘Princess’ was unlike any he’d ever felt. It was categorically different… upon a different tier of power.

The ‘Princess’ smiled and spoke. “Nay, I am Freya, avatar of death. It seems thou hath knocked upon my door. I hath answered.” She spoke in a manner similar to Luna, ancient and powerful.

Spike grinned, nervously to the pony reaper. “We're all dead?”

Freya shook her head. “Ye be betwixt realms. The gate is open, soon our worlds will merge and death shall prevail with no more veil.”

“I guess we don't want that do we?”

Freya nodded. “Indeed, the land of dead shall be a most dull place without fresh souls. However, to close the gate there must be soul toll. Thy friends...”

Spike lowered his spiny brow and glowered at Freya. “I'm not picking someone to sacrifice!”

Freya frowned. “Thou art to not choose the sacrifice. Each of thy friends: the avatar of Night, Luna: her heart laden with guilt, the thestral Nightshade: the sorrowful soldier, and the seamstress lady Rarity ever so generous: each of them hath willingly given themselves to save the world. I need only take two souls for the toll. One for opening the gate and another to close it now. Which of these fair maidens wouldst thou hath live?”

Spike sucked in his breath. He stammered. “W-W-What you need two?”

Freya’s head rose as if staring above. She lifted her scythe, letting it hang above Spike’s neck for a moment. “We are all subjects to the tyranny of time choose wisely and swiftly. Thou need not speak the name aloud; in thy heart I shall hear it ring.”

“I think of a name and I condemn two of my best friends to death?! How is this a choice? How could I ever live with myself afterwards?!”

“I do not see it thus. Such choices are made every day. Countless children are unborn to the whim of fate and fancy. The soldiers that protect your borders, do they not sacrifice so that others may live? There is no judgment to be made. I am here to but guard the gate. Thy guilt is unfounded and a choice does not condemn thee. Death is simply a state of being. Choose none and thou however will condemn this world.”

Spike scowled. “I don't expect a goddess to understand.”

Freya frowned again. She tapped her scythe impatiently. “Thou art not meant to understand. Thou art meant to choose. Do not tarry. The veil must be maintained. I shall take all if thou choose none.”

Spike pointed a claw at himself. “What about me? What if I were to choose myself?”

Freya frowned, again. “Thou thinks thyself a martyr? The annals of history are filled with fools who senselessly sacrifice. What of those that must suffer thy absence? True happiness tis a beauteous and elusive thing. Thou could achieve such now or cast many into misery.”

The pale pony stared at her scythe and lovingly the caressed the weapon. She gently kissed the skull that was mounted on the blade. Spike spotted a glimmering drop from Freya’s eyes. Was it a tear? For a moment death was warm.

It made him regret his earlier cruel comment and he prodded only as much as he dared. “Who was he?”

“A soldier who became a lover, we flirted often. Twas a time of strife and war.”

Freya cleared her throat. Her scythe glowed with white light. “Time ticks towards the end of everything. Make thy choice for now and forever.”

Think of Rarity Linked here!

Think of Nightshade Linked Here!

Think of self Linked Here!

Think of Luna Linked Here!

Chapter Rarity - Forever Shine

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The element of Generosity was yet again giving herself away. A flawed diamond as she was, Rarity had proven redeemed herself many times in his eyes. Ultimately, she even gave away her happiness for his. In his darkest moment, his first love sprung first to mind. He thought of begone days of his innocence pining for her and in her company.

Mortality and Rarity, despite everything, was a shining star, brief and brilliant. A mortal with her perspective was something so exceptional eternity could pass without a Rarity. Every frailty was perfection for him. He would cherish her so long as she lived.

Freya nodded. “Interesting choice. Enjoy thy time.” She swung her scythe and cut the cord to the curtain of the world. Blackness filled his vision.

He blinked as the world came again into focus. Once again they were on the tower. At the center of his focus, was the white mare, Rarity. She stirred slowly then frantically swiveled her head around.

“Spikey, where are the others?”

Spike choked, his mere look was enough to convey to her what had transpired.

Rarity’s eyes watered. “Why my darling Spikey, don’t you want to happy? I told you that I wouldn’t get in the way.” She gripped her heart. The shadow of Sombra bled from her. “Luna… is…was the leader of Equestria and Nightshade was a Commander… they… I’m not worthy… Spikey.”

Rarity collapsed again near to fainting.

Spike caught her in his claws. He shivered to find her flesh so cold. “Rarity… I chose you.” He hugged with his claws and wings letting his warmth wash over her. “All my life I’ve felt inadequate for you, don’t you start.”

Rarity shook her head while burying her muzzle in his chest. She cried. “Spikey, I’m not worthy! This is a dream.”

Spike hugged her harder. “Rarity… yes you are. To me you always have been. Yes, it’s a dream, it’s our dream.”

Slowly warmth returned to Rarity. She hugged Spike back. “No male has ever made a mare happier.”

They embraced with the blue boundless sky as the backdrop. While Rarity closed eyes, Spike held his open for a moment more.

Nightshade as Knight Commander had done much of the dirty work that preserved the republic. Despite her dark duties, she had remained incorruptible. Officers to take up her tasks, however, were less than stalwart and corruption would taint them. Periodical purges laid bare their sins and eroded many’s faith in the institution of the Republic. Redeemed in death, she was given full honors of her rank and memorialized in statue form at the New Knight Academy. Many of her exploits and services remained classified for national security.

Without Luna’s skill in state craft, Equestria suffered through an extended period chaos as the nation reeled from her loss. It would take maybe eons for another avatar of the night to manifest. Sensing weakness, foreign powers pounced to take a piece of Equestria. Horrific border skirmishes defined this new era. The blood of its stallions spent, more mares were mobilized into the army than ever. The carefully preserved ignorance and innocence of the public was torn asunder as the costs of an everlasting war pervaded nearly every aspect of their lives. Eventually there would come a hard won and unsteady peace.

Spike walked through the dress shop. As of late it seemed steel dresses were half of the merchandise on display. Through a combination of his dragon fire and Rarity’s design, they broke heavily into the armor business. The new period of turmoil meant business boomed. Functional and aesthetically pleasing, their armor suits saved many lives of soldiers and were sought after by nobles that would never see battle. They charged nobles triple and used the proceeds to help make more armor for soldiers.

He climbed the small flight of stairs following the familiar whir of her sewing machine filmed the room. The little sewing machine light illuminated the cobalt bolt of cloth she was working with. Spike rolled his eyes; Rarity was still the workaholic he knew. Feeling frisky he sunk low to the ground and stalked forward.

“Darling, I’m pregnant already. Naughty Spikey.”

Spike sputtered with a puff of smoke coming out of his mouth.

Rarity turned about, shook her head and tapped his nostrils. “No smoking at home.”

Spike smiled. “Yes dear.” He arched his head over her to inspect her latest project. “Don’t those clothes seem a tad small?”

“Spikey, think of the baby! She must have the best!”

Spike flicked his tongue, teasingly. “I’m sure the other babies at the nursery will be super jealous.”

Rarity shook her head at her husband. “Darling, you can be so clueless. I’m making her filly clothes.”

Spike grinned. “How do you know we’re having a girl?”

Rarity and her sewing machine spluttered to a stop. She slammed her head onto the table speaking to herself. “Grrrrr Rarity you are so stupid. Now I have to make another set.”

Spike placed his claws behind her shoulders and massaged Rarity. “You work when you’re nervous.”

The white mare deflated as the air whistled out of her chest to her mouth. “Oh poo, I know.”

“I spoke to Twilight, she says a few more treatments, you and the baby will be free of Sombra’s curse.”

Rarity touched the diamonds on her flank. Her cutie mark was clearing up as the dark diamonds became crystal clear once more. “…She also told me that the curse was extending my life.” She looked at him with weak eyes.

Spike deflected as he continued massaging her shoulders. “That’s future Spike’s problem.”

Rarity stood firm. “Seriously Spikey, what will you do when I’m gone?”

Spike paused. It was the rusty nail driven into him that had infected his soul.

It was question he pondered through the time they had together. In the flurry of their daily activity he tried forgetting.

Rarity turned around and looked him into his eyes. She struggled with her words. “Spikey, I want you to promise me that you won’t go off into some mountain and close yourself off… or join the army and fight on that dreadful front seeking… to end yourself.”

Seeing Rarity her happiness so hinge upon his, he had an answer at last. He nodded. “Rarity, I think of our friends and their sacrifices. Our time together meant something. You mean everything. I could never let myself go and give that away.”

Rarity pouted still looking at him. “You didn’t promise.”

He rubbed her slightly enlarged belly. “I promise. Plus, I’ll have the children to keep me busy.”

Satisfied, Rarity lowered her eyelids and assumed a playful posture. “Children you said? Spikey, let’s try for twins then.”

“Hormones, huh?”

“Shush, Spikey…. and oh do ravish me like it was our last night.” Rarity flicked her tail swatting Spike’s nose. She sauntered off to their bedroom with pep in her step.

Spike looked back to room. Through their open window, the moon shone casting a spotlight upon at the empty cradle. It was up to them to fill it with happiness. The dream he had so long ago was a lie. To a make a measure of it real, he had to, they all had to sacrifice. In time he alone would bear the burden of its price.

Her sweet voice beckoned and echoed through their home. “Spikey?”

The niggling thoughts of ‘what if’ would not tarnish the gem in his life. Dragons ate precious jewels; often they devoured them greedily in single gulps. No, he would savor her flavor, in time her memory, till all else was forgotten but her name. He shook off his thoughts, for Rarity was his lady and the world was warmer with her glow shining into that abyss of forever.

Chapter Nightshade - Sweetest Poison

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His thoughts drifted to Nightshade, she carried with her a fatalistic mien. She had always resigned herself to die for others. She was extra actor in a script that kept her in the background so much like himself long ago. He pulled her from the shadows into the forefront on his thoughts. He made his choice. Was it willing or an unconscious impulse, he did not know.

With the least history, Nightshade was still a mystery to him, still a calling in soul told him she was no less worthy. They would have lifetimes to cultivate the flower that had begun to blossom. If the guilt of his decision would poison him, then so be it. He would see her happy.

Freya tilted her head and lifted a curious ear. “Thou wager much upon instinct. Very well.” She swung her scythe and cut the cord to the curtain of the world. Blackness filled his vision.

He blinked as the world came again into focus. Once again they were on the tower. At the center of his focus, was the gray thestral, Nightshade. She was sprawled out, blinked herself to waking.

Nightshade gasped. "How can this be I offered myself? No..." She slowly turned to Spike. "You!"

Spike nodded.

“How could you sacrifice Luna!?”

Spike stood firm. “You called to me most.”

“I love Luna, you loathsome lizard!” Nightshade lunged with lance.

Spike gritted his teeth as her lance nicked him.

“You bastard!” Nightshade gave a flurry of stabs. “Fight me as we did that night we first met!”

Spike withstood it all: bearing the scars. Each of Nightshade’s lunges would veer but a hair away from hitting his heart.

Nightshade shrieked. “I loved Luna! By choosing me you… you…” Her fangs extended as she leapt upon Spike.

He braced himself as her fangs punctured his neck. He staggered a step from her attack, but bore it. The bite’s strength soon ebbed away and gentle kitten like licks followed.

She sobbed as she tenderly licked his wound. “Why would you choose me?”

Spike smiled as he hugged her. “Because you would never choose yourself.” Nightshade had been the first to step aside. He added. "The element of Generosity and the avatar of the Night... They might be reborn...”

Nightshade shook her head. "It won't be Luna and Rarity exactly. They’re dead…"

Spike nodded. “I made the decision… you all wanted… to…”

Nightshade snarled again. “Do you know who I am? I am a demon! I revel in bloodshed! I get my thrills from kills! I am a monster! I am a soldier because it sates that aspect of my being…. I…” Her speech trailed off as her head sunk low.

“You’re more, Nightshade. I know so. I’m part demon also.” said Spike. “I have to be to have made the choice I did…”

Nightshade pushed Spike back. “I hate you for what you’ve done.”

Spike nodded. “I totally understand, it’s just you deserve a chance at happiness as well. Even if that’s not with me, that’s alright.”

She raised a hoof. “-Yet… no one has ever considered me like you have. I could… love… someone like that.”

Rarity in her generosity had given her life so the world would continue. A pane of stained glass with her likeness adorned a window of Canterlot’s hall of heroes. Her fashions and designs regained and surpassed their original prestige as her dresses sold for fortunes. The brilliance of her work defined an era of fashion, yet all wondered what wonders the artist could have produced further if she had lived. In time all those she graced in life would gather together to make her home a national museum.

Without Luna’s skill in state craft, Equestria suffered through an extended period chaos as the nation reeled from her loss. It would take maybe eons for another avatar of the night to manifest. Sensing weakness, foreign powers pounced to take a piece of Equestria. Horrific border skirmishes defined this new era. The blood of its stallions spent, more mares were mobilized into the army than ever. The carefully preserved ignorance and innocence of the public was torn asunder as the costs of an everlasting war pervaded nearly every aspect of their lives. Eventually there would come a hard won and unsteady peace.

In the period of strife, there was banner in which even the enemy respected if not outright feared. The Order of the Crimson Crescent was unique unit lead by the notorious Knight Commander Nightshade. Wresting victory from the jaws of defeat they turned the outcome of many battles. Eventual their reputation was such that the enemy mercenaries would quit the field upon seeing the red moon.

The Equestrian flags flew victoriously atop a hill. Lines of blue uniformed soldiers walked with their tails tucked between their legs. The so called ‘glorious’ legions of Prance had surrendered and were overseen by their Equestrian captors.

Pegasi landed atop the hill and saluted his officers. “Commander, the Prench General offers his saber as a trophy and congratulates you on a battle well met. He asks for lenience and the right to be ransomed.” The Pegasi soldier presented an ornate sword.

Nightshade scoffed at the fine blade. “Tell him had he polished his skills as fine as that blade, his legions wouldn’t have be routed by half his number. He can take his false chivalry and shove it. I want no special accommodation given.”

The soldier saluted and flew off with his orders.

“Harsh. You’re a merciless mistress.”

“Bah, I’d execute them all if you weren’t in earshot. Your softness is rubbing off on me.”

Spike hefted his rocket lance onto his shoulders. “If the Prench auxiliaries had entered battle a little earlier, we might have not won.”

Nightshade laughed. “Neighpoleon’s armies are too used to fighting in formations with their leader calling all the shots. Individual initiative and tactical thinking has been bled from their officer corps. When we severed their chain of command their lesser officers couldn’t cope.”

Spike chuckled at Nightshade’s ever analytical style. “Maybe they just turned tail because saw your feral side.”

“You may see that side yet tonight.” Nightshade bore her fangs and licked them.

Spike recognized the signal and rubbed his neck anticipating the pain… and pleasure. “Again? You’re insatiable.”

Nightshade chuckled. “Well, we’ll give you time rest and only satisfy one of my appetites tonight.”

“Yes Commander!” Spike saluted.

Nightshade looked skyward at the blue sky. The white impression of the moon was barely visible.

Spike arched his head upwards to look on as well.

Nightshade spoke, softly. “Spike, these past few years, we’ve gotten to know each other so deeply. I always thought such happiness was meant for others. I’ve only ever served others. It is strange... I no longer feel guilty being happy.”

Spike nodded. “I started as a librarian’s assistant. I watched as others rose to greatness. Maybe it’s time for us live our lives for ourselves?”

“You’re one to speak.” Nightshade’s sanguine eyes watered. “Spike… I see it in your eyes, though, that guilt. I know you. There are moments you want to fully smile but you can’t… In battle, you’ve grown reckless as of late.”

Spike choked.

Nightshade leaned in and hugged him. “You once taught me the value of my own life, please then don’t dare to value yours any less.”

Spiked sighed, letting his tension go. “Thank you.”

Nightshade rubbed her hoof nervously. “These battles we’ve won, they’ve bought us some time. I think we could rest a while… if you wanted?”

“Is the military career mare, saying she wants a break?”

Nightshade said, blushing. “Yes, a break with you.”

Spike poked her with a claw. “Why are you blushing over that? We’ve done things-”

Nightshade shouted. “Shut up!”

Spike smirked as Nightshade drew the wandering eyes of many in the Canterlot streets. Her crimson dress matched her scarlet eyes. He walked with her in his own tuxedo.

Spike grinned. “This definitely beats the maid outfit.”

Nightshade grumbled. “I will destroy you.”

“I think you look just as good in a real dress as you do in a steel dress.”

“What if we’re ambushed? There’s no battle saddle to mount my lance. I-”

Spike placed his claws on her face and gave her a reassuring smile. “We’re on leave, no more war talk.”

Nightshade nodded. “Okay, but my choice of venue.”

Spike had found it always interesting that Nightshade once took him to a club which had a lively party scene. Whereas that had been lively, this was crazy. Music pulsed in the background with a rumble that roared through their very hearts. The patrons seemed to be vampires, predatory species, or other unnatural beings. The allure of danger clung to the air as did the aura of unbidden appetites.

Spike flicked his tongue playful in her ear. “How does uptight and upright Ms Nightshade know of such places?”

Nightshade rolled her eyes. “Is Mr. Dragon complaining that I’m treating?”

It had been a hearty meal topped off with glasses of ‘red wine’. Nightshade had slowly moved to his side of the booth as she finished off her drink. Spike had grown an appreciation for it as well. His previous vegetarian ways, had only worsened his want. With her help, he’d grown closer to his draconic predatory nature perhaps comfort would come in time with control.

He spotted a yellow mare with pink hair close the curtains of her’s and large red pony’s booth.


He was pulled away by Nightshade’s hooves.

Spike pulled on his suit’s collar as he began to sweat slightly. “Why are there curtains in these booths?”

Nightshade flicked her fangs.

He’d become familiar with her signals now to know what it meant. He returned the gesture and was pounced upon by a voracious predator. This time and on to eternity, he’d match her passion with his. To deny their instincts was to deny life. Animals they were, living and loving, there was no shame in being.

Chapter Self

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Freya's right brow rose slightly. “Thou art not noble nor ignoble; know that thy loss would rob happiness from those you love. Shall all be miserable because of the indecision?”

Spike shook his head. “At least they would live, maybe find new loves. In any case I’m taking the happiness from another. I still can’t make a choice. I’m not strong enough to make that decision.”

Freya frowned. “Thy own soul shall pay for only one other of thy friends."

Spike spat. "I goddess damned dragon. I'm immortal that's got to count for two! You make it work!"

Freya raised her scythe. "Thou presume to threaten death?"

Spike stood still. “I don't fear you... I guess it’s rather hypocritical after I told Luna to live...that I would choose death. I guess I'm the sort that you can threaten not with my own life at least...Everyone has sacrificed so much. Yes, I'm coward for choosing none...or am I courageous. I don’t know or care. I don’t have the right to decide.”

“I shall not judge thee.” Freya pursed her lips and lowered her scythe. “Then I shall accept thy offer and greet thee as friend.” She extended her hoof.

Spike hesitantly grasped it. He felt a coldness penetrate him as he did. He cringed but the flash did not hurt. He felt suddenly light as the weight of world lifted from him.

“What happens now?”

“What are thy thoughts upon reincarnation?”

Upon a cold night, a soldier returns home. His walk is weary and steps plodding, however his eye fill with tears when he see the warm glow of the cottage’s light in the distance. He sprints the last distance to that open door.

At the entryway he is startled to find a different pony from who was expecting. Nurse bows stepping aside. “The delivery was just hours ago. Please be gentle.”

He slows his steps but cannot hide his eagerness in his voice. “Eeeyup.”

Sitting at the fireplace, the mother cradles the newborn bundle. Her husband gently nuzzles her and his emerald eyes grow wide as he’s shown their child.

She speaks softly and weakly. “Oh my love… a healthy foal... a little colt, all ours.”

He was wanted to recite a long speech, he was only able to squeeze out a single “Eeeyup.”

The small foal swatted combatively at his father’s nose.

He chuckled. “I think we've got ourselves a fighter not a farmer.”

The mare shook her head. “You promised you’d retire.”

Her husband grinned. “Ah gave them my papers and ran here fast as my legs could carry. Ah ain’t missing a moment more.”

The mare smiled. “Our baby needs a name.”

He scratched his head. “Ah was thinkin’ he could follow the family them.”

“You said he was fighter and not a farmer. How about Spike?”

“Dear, we're not naming a dog's name. You're crazy.”

“Crazy in love with you.”

“Nope just crazy. I'm crazy too I guess for falling for you.”

Outside the cottage flitting across the moon were two forms. They stopped upon a hill far from the glow of the cottage lights.

The figures spoke. “Princess, it won’t be him.”

“I know… but perhaps in time should the evening call to him…”


“Thou art correct... still I wonder what if… such are thoughts that drive mares to madness. Let us be away.”

Chapter Luna - Lunacy of Love

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The noble knight, Luna, a nation owed its very creation to her. Unfailingly she again would choose the greater good, each time there came a hidden sacrifice in her heart. The distance between her the world grew greater than anyone could bear. The solitude and alienation drove her to madness. He made his choice. Luna for her failings, for her sacrifices, was worthy to be happy.

Luna, ever lonely, immortality was a curse as it was a blessing. It was a curse he shared with her. He could be there were no other could. Throughout time they could dance. In the tough times they could support each other. If madness came they would be together in lunacy.

Instead of merely thinking it he found he whispered her name aloud. “Luna.”

Freya nodded. “I hear thy wish.” She raised her scythe.

“Then thou shall hear mine.”

Spike saw as a hoof in the darkness stop Freya’s swing. Luna stepped forward and strolled to his side. She nuzzled him affectionately then turned to Freya.

“Freya.” Luna spoke, curtly.

“Luna.” Freya said as equally abruptly.

There was rising tension as the two Princesses exchanged greetings. They kept their eyes locked for a moment before setting back to a watchful and cautious gaze.

Freya grinned. “Luna, the avatar of the night, twas many moons ago or maybe millennia since we spoke. We trust thou art well.”

Luna pouted “Dispense with the pleasantries. Thou hath deceived Sir Spike by a lie of omission.”

Freya tapped her scythe. “Did I now? Was it not thy vanity thou chose to enact this final test?”

Luna shook her head. “Twas no test. In truth I wished for Sir Spike’s happiness even if it was not in mine embrace.”

Spike raised his brow. “What’s going on here?”

Luna sighed. “It takes two lives for the ritual, yet we did not account for thee...”

Spike spouted. “Whoa, what the buck?! What if I had chosen Rarity or Nightshade?”

Freya frowned. “Lady Luna bargained her immortality and natural life for the count of two. She intended to use her second life to save thee. In such proximity to the door, the calling of thy demon would hath pulled thee into the void.”

Spike turned to Luna. “Luna, is this true?”

Luna smiled. “I love thee even if thou did not love me.”

Spike held her close. “You know that’s not true. There was no choice. Luna, you won long ago.”

Luna hugged him back. “Oh Sir Spike.”

Spike let go of Luna and turned to Freya. “If immortality can buy another life then I give up mine. How about Nightshade doesn’t she count for two as well?” He laughed. “If we all give up our immortality, everyone can live. It all adds to three. No one has to die.”

“Sir Spike, art thou certain?”

He smiled. “You did the same for me, didn’t you? I have no cause to fear death if I can spend my life with you.”

Luna blushed. “Why must thou always have this effect upon me?”

“Nay.” Freya frowned. “Thy friend, Nightshade, is her demon, she is but one life. The books are not balanced. Thou art now still to choose a sacrifice.”

Spike, grit his teeth. Rarity or Nightshade, there was still a choice to be made. His head ached as he did the simple yet hard math. He could leave with Luna and only one other friend. It had almost broken him to choose Luna. He fell on a knee as hurt hit him again. What right had he to quantify the lives closest to him?

Compromise after compromise, what and when was it enough? He looked to Luna, who’d suffered similar sacrifices. In her eyes was an understanding they now shared. She smiled and draped her hooves around him.

Luna caressed his chin and gently whispered. “Nay my love, thou shall not be burdened with this. I refuse to let thee suffer so. Thou hath already given so much.” Luna smiled, turning towards Freya. “Freya, perhaps thou can take credit.”

Freya narrowed her eyes. “Death is not a bank. I cannot close the gate with empty promises.”

Spike growled. “We saved the world that’s got to count for something. Luna saves the world every bucking night by holding herself back!”

Luna held Spike back. “Sir Spike, allow me.” She charged her horn and pointed a hoof at the avatar of death. “Freya, we shall duel for thy life!”

Freya slowly lowered her head clasping her hoof over her head. Her chest began shaking. She burst out laughing and holding her stomach. The bones of her skeletal wings rattled.

Spike was want to laugh along but cringed as Freya’s laughter turned decidedly dark and malicious.

Freya grinned as her teeth sharpened to fine points. A degree of her glamour was gone. “Know thy place. Thou art merely the avatar of the night. I am death incarnate. Twas eons ago that thou defeated me. Ye shall forfeit all should ye lose.”

Spike stood besides Luna. He stammered in disbelief at Luna’s proposal. Luna was too much. He wanted to laugh, cry, and spit. Her boldness was what made him love her. “C-can we really literally fight death? This is an option?!”

Luna chuckled madly as she reared upwards onto her hind hooves. “Sir Spike, in truth I do not know!”

Spike’s head was spinning. “Is this right?”

Luna cackled further with nervous air. “This course of action may be entirely evil and unjustified.”

Freya tilted her head quizzically. “Are ye so selfish to condemn the world for a single soul?”

Spike spat. “And what a bucking world it is, where we must sacrifice our friends, our morals, our dignities, and our very souls!”

Luna nodded. “We reject thy premise and script! We deny destiny!” She searched Spike’s expression for reassurance. “Sir Spike, art thou with me?”

Spike spoke. “I fell for you, what’s a little further?”

Luna grinned deeply, mirroring Freya’s own unnerving smile. “Together, to hell then!”

Spike and Luna exchanged slight giggles. He held her hoof with one of his claws. “Let’s dance!” Spike planted his claws and roared.

Freya’s skeletal scythe glowed with white light. “Hohohoho! How dare ye challenge death?! I am offended by thy thoughts alone!”

Luna gestured to Freya’s scythe. “Sir Spike, mind Freya’s scythe, he be another opponent. In truth we fight two.”

Spike laughed nervously. “How did you defeat her before?”

Luna laughed back. “I defeated Freya in a game of chess!”

“Indeed, I shant be fooled again.” Freya grinned. With a flap of her skeletal wings she was airborne in the ether of black. “Suffer ultimate agony, die in despair!” Her horn charged with power and she fired.

A cone of dark energies engulfed them.

Spike found a deeply disturbing familiar feeling in the visions he was shown. Battlefields filled with dead, the crying of orphaned foals, and countless horrors flashed before his eyes. He grit his teeth, were it not he was fortified by having seen Luna’s own visions of horror he wouldn’t be able stand. He could only feel Luna’s hoof by his claw. He tugged at her and she pulled with him.

Luna cried in the stream. “Sir Spike, fight through it!”

Spike matched her warmth with his. “We can do this!”

“Yes, We!”

Turning their heads they faced onrush, together.

Spike took Luna’s royal ‘We’ into his heart. They were two souls then entwined fighting against the darkness. They fueled each other’s flames; their two candles became a bonfire. The fire of the passion roared, banishing the visions.

When the air cleared they stood shakily with one another.

With a shallow breath and bravado still Luna laughed. “Freya, is that all?”

Freya cocked a brow examining her scythe as if it missfired. “Subjected to such visions, thou should hath been rendered insane with despair. I hath seen the bravest become like timid mice to-”

Spike countered. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve seen it before. Blah, blah, hopelessness and whatever. Amorpheus even used a similar attack. Luna and I’ve suffered our share.”

Luna grinned. “I saw Sir Spike, fight the fires of his nightmares for so long. My brave knight, he fought through it all.”

Spike smiled back. “I saw Luna cope visions with her history. It doesn’t matter, we create our own hope that defeats your despair.”

Freya pursed her lips in surprise as Luna and Spike stood defiant.

Luna fired her horn with a beam. “We attack!”

“Arrogant fools!” Freya threw up a shield and deflected the beam to flying sparks as her white and Luna’s azure magical auras clashed.

“You’re one to speak! Looking down on us? Perhaps you should look up!” Spike swooped down and attacked in the wake of the mana explosion.

“Beasts!” Freya blocked as Spike slashed ferociously with his claws then snapped for her jugular with his throat. Freya leapt backwards escaping his jaws.

Luna fired again a flurry of spell bolts that tracked Freya.

Freya spun her scythe deflecting the bolts away. Her eyes opened wide as Spike followed her with slash against her chest. One of Luna’s tracking shots impacted the same area.

Freya landed clutching her wound. A fissure cracked the black. White light poured through the opening.

Freya screamed as she held her wound. “How can ye be so cruel?! Ye know not what ye do!”

Spike turned to Luna as they faced the reaper. His instincts to protect an ailing mare kicked in and his conscience nagged at him. “Should we-?

Luna shook her head. “Sir Spike, tis a ruse. Freya, is far stronger. No mercy, we must not deviate from the path we’ve chosen.”

Spike raised his claws again. “Right!”

Freya rose with another bout of laughter. “Truly thou art too keen. Still it seems ye be worthy to see my true power.” She caressed her weapon, tenderly.

The scythe flew forward and formed an outlines of a pony with its glow. The weapon spoke. “These two giving you trouble, my dear Freya?”

Freya touched her wound. “Oh Odr, my Scythe, the two were simply barbaric.”

Scythe growled. “I’ll cut you to ribbons for hurting my dear Freya! Then I’ll cut those ribbons! Then I’ll cut the cuttings of the cut ribbons! Then I’ll-”

Freya tugged her enthusiastic Scythe back by its spine tail. “My love, calm thy rage. Let us fight them together.”

Scythe nodded. “Yes dear.”

Spike gasped. “Wait what? The scythe’s alive?”

Luna nodded. “We are stronger together; our enemy shares the same philosophy.”

Spike smiled. “You run spell support; I’ll fight in the front.”

Scythe turned to Spike. “Dragon eh? You long lived lizards cheat my wife out of too many good souls!”

“Whatever, you’re just a blade on a stick! Seriously, how big of a tool do you have to be to be a literal tool!”

Scythe turned to speak but it was Freya who shouted, angrily. “That’s my husband, lizard!”

Scythe stopped Freya by blocking her. “I’ll dispatch him, easily enough!”

Spike flew upwards to be surprised as Scythe galloped in the sky.

“Sir Spike, watch thyself!” Luna’s spell blast sent Scythe back.

“Luna, I’ve waited to reap thee!” Freya fired her horn only to have Spike swoop in and force her spell to miss.

Both parties regrouped.

Scythe bobbed his head. “Oh they’ve got synergy! This will be fun, Dear!”

Freya sighed. “Mind thyself to not be distracted, they be a worthy enemy.”

Luna and Spike looked at each other.

Spike lifted a spiny brow in question. “Strategy?”

Luna smiled extending her wings. “Our wills be stronger together! Tis a test of our resolve!”

Spike spat fire from his maw. “Right on, we fight on!”

“Die-” Scythe lunged with his bladed head.

“Sinners!” Freya horn flared with a bolt barrage.

“We are stronger!” Luna and Spike’s voices enjoined as one as they charged.

Scythe’s cut was deflected by Luna’s shield and they rushed past him. They both assailed the surprised Freya.

Freya staggered steps back as white cracks appeared upon her body and extended like tree branches across the dark space. “Luna… well played.” She faded into that breach as she smiled.

Scythe cried reaching out. “My dear Freya! Nooo!!! Why? Please no!” He turned in rage to Spike and Luna. “You demons! I’ll-” The magic outlines of his body evaporated and the weapon clattered to the floor as an inanimate object once more.

Luna took hold of the scythe. “Sir Spike, art thou ready?”

Spike looked sadly at the breach and the scythe. “We are truly demons, aren’t we? It seems no matter what our happiness is at the cost of others. I guess escaping that was truly a dream.”

Luna nodded. “The best we may do is help those we love. Sir Spike, I shall remember that thou chose me above all others. That gave me strength to live.”

“Luna, I shall remember you gave me a choice. This pain, this burden, it’s ours. Whatever and wherever, it’s heaven if it’s with you. Odds and gods be damned.”

Luna raised the scythe. “Let us live lives worthy to be our last. Crossing the boundary we must shed our immortality.” Swinging it, Luna cut cord to the curtain of the world.

They hugged one another as they were bathed in light.

It was a familiar scene, Spike pondered if in another time or another life his choice had been different. He scratched his eyes as he adjusted to sun’s rays and that clear blue sky. There they were upon tower. Yet something was different he felt somehow lighter and heavier.

“Spikey? How can this be?”

“Spike, what’s going on here?”

Spike ignored them and looked to Luna first. “Luna, we did it.”

Luna smiled as he hugged her. “That we did, Sir Spike.”

Rarity patted herself of dust and then turned to Spike and Luna. “Darlings, what did you do?”

Nightshade’s perked her ears in curiosity. “How has this come without sacrifice?” She stammered as she saw Luna’s un-enchanted mane. She sniffed the air, her thestral nostrils flared. “Pr-pr-princess, you’re not just underpowered… you’re mortal.”

Luna nodded. “I am.”

Spike added. “I am too.”

Nightshade shook her head. “This too much. You both have given too… much.”

Rarity gasped. “Spikey, Luna, you both… For us?”

Claw in hoof, together they nodded.

Rarity hugged them. “Thank you, darlings.”

Nightshade bowed. “I cannot express my grat-” She yelped when Luna’s magic pulled her into the hug.

After a while they broke the hug. They starred at the bright azure sky together. They were distracted as an airship passed them flashing its signal lights. Scorched lands, draconic hordes, Griffin and Zebra airships, and Pony armies came into focus.

Luna grinned widely. “It shall be a nightmare to sort this out politically. What say you my ambassador?”

Spike leaned his head to Luna’s. “Political nightmare, that’s nothing for Nightmare Moon to handle, right?”

Luna leaned back. “Truly, thou suggests I invoke the old disguise?”

Nightshade added. “Princess, they saw the sky torn asunder and then sealed. The truth of actual details will be ours to tell.”

Rarity pouted. “More lies? Honestly, couldn’t we come clean?”

Luna laughed. “Nay, but would they believe the truth that we challenged Death herself?

Rarity blurted. “Wait what?!”

Spike sighed. “We’ll tell you another time.”

Nightshade flicked her fangs. “Spike, Luna, should you feel up to the price. You can always go vamp.”

Spike laughed. “Let’s for now sort out this mess.”

Luna chuckled. “Indeed.”

With the death of Aldred, The Dragon Dominions withdrew their armies from Equestria. Their efforts turned introspective and inwards. Through the leadership of General Spira and Elder Bahamut they formed a Dragon Council to lead them and amend Dragon Code to allow for it. No longer under the sway of singular tyrants, the Dragon Dominions became more democratic. A few former invaders finding the country to their liking even stayed in Equestria to help reconstruction efforts. The manta of ‘Fear and Fire’ faded, as these dragons assimilated into pony townships offering real examples to compare to rather than just propaganda and biased books.

Griffin King Reagle Hawkmor and his Zebra Queen, Zaza, returned to face many assassins that questioned their choice to spare Equestria where opportunity provided for conquest. Through the aid of Nightshade and Equestria’s assistance, the usurpers were thwarted and control consolidated making a more stable realm. Tensions would periodically simmer over resources and global trade but never boil over to outright war. The United Griffin Kingdoms, would become a steadfast allies of Equestria in turn. Sharing their different Airship construction techniques even larger ships would be built. Instead of warships, these would be passenger liners that toured the world connecting nations and their peoples.

The Changelings for their assistance was offered the population of Tartarus Prison to feed upon. They adamantly and publically refused the generous offer. The publicity stunt though carried a genuine note in their wish for coexistence. It made many question the assumed ‘always evil’ nature of Changelings. Some we bold enough to visit the Changeling territories, to their surprise they returned without having been replaced by look-alikes. They told tales of experimental communities where Changelings lived amongst ponies.

Zecora assumed her role as Chief of Chiefs for the Zebra Confederation. It took time for her to be acclimated to wearing the necklaces of many bones. She never settled comfortably into the role, but still led her people in enlightened rule. She often visited Equestria, she once had been exiled to, now as a means of vacation.

Fancy Pant retired relatively gracefully with Fleur Di Lis. Fleur still maintained her contacts in the Prench Resistance while Fancy Pants appeared time from time as a guest lecturer at the Magic Military Academy. Save for the occasional adventure they lived lives of lazy leisure enjoy one another’s company.

The propaganda village of Ponyville was rebuilt through a genuine community effort this time. While losing a bit of its rustic charm, it was nevertheless the same town with the same ponies. Over time smiles would return even brighter.

Nightshade was reinstated as a Captain of Equestria with full honors. One of the great last lies of the Republic, her action retroactively sanction by the crown and the details were smoothed over. She founded an elite corps, The Order of the Crimson Crescent. Clad in ebony armor, the knights would be iconic symbols of strength. It is rumored in their ranks, vampire or thestral ponies worked in harmony with those of un-cursed blood even finding love. Nightshade herself remained single, looking for a worthy lieutenant. Stallions and some mares still fight for the position unbeknownst to their Captain.

Rarity accepted Luna’s offer became the Royal Tailor for a while. The prestige of the position made it impossible for the social elite to snub her due to her previous romantic interests in a certain dragon. Capitalizing that momentum, she rebuilt her brand and became a household name in fashion. To rub it further in the noses of those that shunned her, she premiered a fashion line made of dragon scales, breaking both tradition and into the armor market. Rarity has yet to find suitor to suit her, but she found herself never lonely as friends and coworkers filled her time.

Ever the masterful politician, Luna used an interplay of alliances to secure peace. The few foolish enough to test Equestria’s borders met an allied military force. Despite damages done in the short war, Equestria stood evermore. Gradually at the behest of a certain Captain Consort, Luna would slowly cede responsibility to Twilight and the members of a new parliament. A more open government would rule. With the pressure off Luna was free to pursue rest and relaxation she so long denied herself.

Luna leaped unto the red bed sprawling her and her azure dress out. She stretched as if making a snow angel.

Spike plopped onto the mattress besides her.

Luna laughed. “Didst thou see the face of the Prench Ambassador’s face when we threatened to drop the moon upon their armies?”

Spike chuckled. “I guess he’ll figure out it was a bluff on the way home.”

“Methinks he be too stupid. Wherefore are those toy snow globes with the Canterlot city and the moon in the backdrop? Perhaps a parting gift shall remind him that he soiled his pantaloons.”

Spike shook his head. Bold Luna was a political machine. Her feigned insanity matched the despots of rival nations and made them think twice about their moves. “You’re turning our vacation into work again.”

Luna pouted. “Tis not our fault, we chose similar high class dining venues.”

Spike raised a brow. “Yep, sure.”

Luna giggled. “Sir Spike, I apologize. Truly, it was not planned.”

Spike teased and tickled her belly with his muzzle. “Alright.”

Luna took to the balcony and set her hooves against the railing. She spoke softly. “It scares me to be so happy with you. In these scant few years I have experienced so much that I would never know cloistered in the castle.”

Spike rolled his eyes as he joined her star gazing. “It’s called living. The night scene has definitely become livelier since a thousand years ago, Ms ‘I think churning butter equals fun’.” He flicked his tongue at her.

Luna playfully swatted his muzzle with her hoof. “Impetuous dog, is that anyway to speak to royalty?”

He imitated her royal speech. “Careful now, thou speakst to a Prince.”

Luna gestured to his chest with her hooves and raised his chin. “Be more snooty. Puff out thy chest.”

Spike inhaled and bloated himself. “How’s this for royal bearing?”

She giggled. “We shall make thee a prince yet.”

Spike deflated with a slight puff of fire. “I don’t think I’d look right with a crown on my head. I’d totally snack on the jewels. Maybe I could wear a nacho bowl.”

Luna fidgeted with her hooves. “Tis fine thou art mine Captain and unofficial consort… however, the title leaves something to be desired. I would raise thee peerage. We could have a ceremony.”

“Luna are you asking me?”

She closed her eyes. “Will thou be mine and might I be yours?” Luna bent her hoof and bowed.

Spike revealed the small box he’d hidden behind his back. He grumbled slightly, he was slight thrown off balanced being the one to be proposed to. He tossed the unicorn engagement ring onto the alicorn’s head. “I accept.”

Luna’s eyes popped open as she saw the ring on her head. “Sir Spike, had thou planned the same?”

Spike sighed. “Your ring would have been in your champagne glass if you hadn’t thrown your glass into the ambassador’s face. You’re crazy.”

Luna laughed and rose from her bow. “I suppose all these rituals are but fluff. There be a better way to signify a union between two beings. Tis old as time, ancient dance.” She moved in close and rubbed his chest with her hoof while blowing her hot breath of his neck.

“Milady, what do you have in mind?” Spike wings deployed as they flushed with blood.

Luna lifted a hoof to the air. “The Polka!”

Spike growled and grumbled.

“Thou art too fun to tease.” Luna clicked the clasp that held her dress on. “Sir Spike, we warn thee. Mine appetites be legendary.” She lowered her eyelids, and looked longingly at her dragon.

Spike licked his lips and starred at her slender and lithe form of his goddess. “All through the night, right?”

“Nay till the stars flicker and die. Then once again.”

His heat and her cool rolled together. Spike felt her soothe him and Luna felt his warmth. The passion when fire and ice met and melted soaked their sheets. The exchange of energy left them gasping for breath and then gasping for more. Dreams could do no justice to what they shared. More than instinct it was love with eyes wide awake gazing, burning, and yearning. Insane, intense, she enveloped him and he filled her in that timeless dance.

In the pitch black, she emerged as a pillar of light and then materializing from the ether.

Freya sighed rubbing her chin. “I really am too sentimental.”

Scythe spoke. “Freya, my love, how shall this be balanced? You let them win.”

Freya frowned. “Nay their resolve and love together: twas a match for ours. Should we have engaged them truly, our battle would last till Ragnarok came. Luna, ever the clever, wagered this. Yet again she cheats me like she did in chess.” She shook an angry hoof.

Scythe patted Freya on the back. “Concerning the price to be paid, we shall find a way. We did once, did we not?” He snarled. “Still Freya, they cheated us. This is crazy!”

Freya hid her smirk behind her hoof. “Methinks it be lunacy.” She smiled as she took her scythe gently back into her hooves.

Her scythe lowered its head. “You’re terrible.”

“I know, thou need not remind me.” Freya scratched her head with her scythe’s blade. “The toll must be collected another time. Perhaps they will not notice a miscarriage or two…” She grinned. “…or three.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

Freya expressed no surprise at the other voice. Only a wry grin formed upon her face. “Did thou enjoy the show?”

Joining the pale pony, another Alicorn came forth from the darkness, this one wreathed in light. “Freya, you can null their debt with mine.”

“Hast thy wanderlust, traveling the different worlds been sated? It may be a millennia more before a Sun avatar may reincarnate into the cycle.”

“It was a millennia ago I banished my sister due to my selfishness. For all my skill at statecraft, I failed to notice the toll I imparted upon her with the dark duties that came. So I drowned us in the blood and tears it took to fulfill my ambition to create a nation.”

Freya sighed. “I suppose I could forgive their transgression if thou art the one to pay their fare. Thy sister has chosen to be mortal with the one she loves. Thou shall ne’er see her ever again.”

“It will be enough to know she is happy. For all that little ponies endure with their limited lives they still smile at the dawn of new day. Their time is precious, precisely because they have so little. My sister perhaps is the wiser one.”

Freya nodded. “Tia, tis always a pleasure.”