Dawn and Nightfall

by Drax

First published

Her sister was right this was how it was supposed to be. The two of them, together at the end of the world."

Her sister was right, this was how it was supposed to be. The sun and the moon, two sisters who walk two different paths. One brilliant and shining but too hot to touch, the other cold and mysterious, yet others are drawn to her. The two of them, together and alone at the end of the world.

Dawn and Nightfall

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Dawn and Nightfall

Luna’s hoofsteps echoed as she walked toward the entrance. She had been putting off this meeting for far too long. It was her job as a sister to smack sense into her sibling when they needed it, a job she’d never been very good at

Luna sighed, taking a quick glance at the ruins around her. Canterlot used to be so beautiful, her sister kept it beautiful. After the incident however she just couldn’t bare it anymore, even going so far as to let the magic that secured the city to the side of the mountain fail.

Luna shivered, she still remembered how the ponies had screamed. The ensuing chaos as building’s collapsed, and the foals of nobles were abandoned in the street. It was only with the work of Luna, The Elements of Harmony, and several other brave ponies that so many lives were saved that day. He sister was still too distraught over her loss, though the tragedy had served as a sort of wake up call.

They’d moved the city to the base of the mountain. Celestia claimed that she no longer had the strength to keep it as it was. Time had passed, ponies had passed, and now all that was left of the city was rubble.

It didn’t hurt though. The sister’s had known it would be like this at the end. The two of them, all alone, standing in the ashes of their empire. Watching as the world crumbled around them. It was almost laughable in a way, how they always been hailed as the eternal rulers.

Finally, after walking down the tattered and broken tones of memory lane, Luna arrived at her destination. Here I am, Canterlot Palace in all its prestige. Luna chuckled at her joke. The only thing left of her former home was the arch where the gates once stood. And on the other side of that arch, bathed in the light of her red sun was her sister, sitting exactly where she’d left her five hundred years ago playing a game of chess.”

“How art though Sister,” she cried out.

Celestia looked up, her tired gave locking on her sister. “Hello Luna.” Her eyes flickered back to her game and then back to her sister who had yet to move. “Well what are you waiting for, it’s your castle as well.”

Luna grinned, this grumpier version of her sister had taken some getting used to, but she found that she still loved her all the same. And that was part of the problem.

“It is good to see you too, Sister.” With her magic Luna pulled out her small chair to sit directly across from her sister. Celestia didn’t even look up, as her eyes dashed across the chess board, eyeing every piece, looking for an answer.

Luna looked at the board and chuckled, “Still trying to find a solutions to your little games, aren’t you Sister.?” Still no response. Luna sighed, “Cadence sent me.”

That got a response. Celestia looked at her sister long and hard before saying, “I know.”

“She wants to die, Sister, she cannot take it anymore.”

“She has no right,” Celestia bit back. “She can wait, just like us, because if you haven’t noticed,” she pointed at the sky. “She won’t have to wait much longer.”

“Yes, but that could still take many centuries.” Luna pleaded.

“She’s trying to piece together the spell sister,” Celestia’s eyes widened, “The same one that Twilight used.”

“Absolutely Not!”

Luna nearly fell out of her seat in all the years since she’d been freed, never had she heard her sister use the royal Canterlot voice. Perhaps, a long time ago, she would have just yelled back, but now she just. “You should have expected it.”

You knew Twilight better than anyone else, you should have predicted that she’d never let things play out the way you planned. That she’d never allow herself to live forever like us, watching her friends die and the small town she loved turn into a bustling city that burned to the ground. Huh, I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew what you were planning from the beginning.”

“Yes, but poisoning herself like that!" Celstia screamed Casting a spell that turned her own magic against her, forcing herself to age. That was not what I made her into a princess for.”

Luna brought her hoof down onto the table, causing all of Celestia’s pieces to topple over, “I know exactly why you made her into a princess. It was so that when all of this happened,” she pointed her hooves to indicate the wreckage, “You wouldn’t be alone!”

Celestia scoffed, “It doesn’t matter. I’m not giving Cadence the spell, she’s out of her mind anyway. Her mind started to break into pieces as soon as the Crystal Empire showed signs of cracking.”

“Yes,” Luna seethed, “but she is thinking more clearly than she has in a millennium. She knows what she wants, and she wants to die.”

“Then why don’t you help her, hmm,” Celestia pointed an accusing hoof at her sister. “You know that our life force is tied to our powers. Just as we are tied to the sun and moon, Cadance is tied to love," Celestia’s eyes narrowed, “and you know very well that the love we give to her isn't enough.”

Luna shuffled nervously in her seat. “Instead of having me drag up some drab old spell, all you need to do is say those four little magic words,” she said her voice sickeningly sweet, ‘Sister, I hate you. Sister, just die already. Sister, go buck yourself,' it doesn’t matter!”

Celestia blew a puff of air, crossing her hooves as she looked at her sister, “Just say it already and get it over with.”

Luna bowed her head, “I had hoped to return to Cadence with good news and a spell to ease her pain. Now I’m afraid you’re right sister and she’ll just have to wait until we’re gone. Because, I do love you sister,” she nodded.

“Bull, I know you hate me. You have absolutely no reason to love me other than the fact we’re related. I’ve dragged you through hell over the years. Whether it was Nightmare Moon or Canterlot’s collapse, I left the weight on your shoulders.”

Luna looked her sister square in the eyes. What she was about to say next was very important, because nothing but the truth would appease her sister now. “It’s true, Sister, you have given me little reason to care for you. You’ve have wronged me in many ways, the events you’ve stated are only a few, but no matter what I still love you.

“It’s true that I don’t love you because we’re sisters or even because I want to. I love you because someone has to. I believe that’s part of the reason I exist, to stand either by your side or in your shadow and care for you. That's the only reason I haven't pried that spell from you already. Because if love you nopony else will, at least not in the way you need it.”

Luna smiled, and Celestia quavered for a second, opening her mouth as if she were about to say something. But she didn’t. Instead she gave her same stone faced glare and started to stand up the pieces on her board. “I’ll give you the spell.” she said.

Luna smiled, “Thank you, Sister. I’m sure Cadance. . .

“On the condition that you won’t leave again. You won’t go off on another of your quests into the stars to find other life forms.”

Luna smiled, “You know, Sister, some of those ‘other life forms’ are quite nice. There’s still time left for us, we could go visit a few of them if you wish.”

“No Luna, you know this is how it’s supposed to be.”

Luna felt saddened, but she still smiled. Her sister was right this was how it was supposed to be, what they'd always agreed to. The sun and the moon, two sisters who walk two different paths. One brilliant and shining but too hot to touch, the other cold and mysterious, yet others are drawn to her. The two of them, together and alone at the end of the world.