What happens after?

by Mr_Allusive

First published

Button gets a new life

Right after hearts and hoofs day but whole life changed becuase of one little kiss and he tries to get use to his new life.

This is a Sequel to my first Fimfiction called First hearts and hoofs if you haven't read it then go read it , it wouldn't make sense if you didn't read it.

First Hearts and Hoofs:http://www.fimfiction.net/story/172345/first-hearts-and-hoofs

What happens after?

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Many people may ask this question to themselves. "What happens after..." It a question even ponies ask to themselves. "What happens after you save the princess gets saved"."What happens after you defeat the bad guy". But this question may not concern everypony , especially this one young colt named Button mash. He always know the answer to the question "What happens after..."."What happens after you defeat the bad guy". "They always come back". He respond to the question but , there was this one certain question that was stuck on his and our mind: "What happened after Sweetie and Button parted ways". "Was everything going to be the same , Are they still seeing each other..." there may even be over millions of question that will be unanswered but during the meantime let us continue the story of our hero ,Button Mash, and lets answer some of the questions.
It was a calm and peaceful day in ponyville , everypony had finished with Hearts and Hoofs Day And just continued with there normal , boring life everyone exept a young chestnut coated colt named Button Mash. Button didn't know if his life had change for the better or for the worst he had no clue what to do. Trying to get up from his bed button slips off and hits the floor with his covers right on top of him.

"Uuuuaaaagggg" he moaned as if the zombie from his favorite game , Mane-craft.

Putting the cover back on his bed all he could remember is on that faithful night is that he got a kiss from sweetie belle and the rest is just a big giant blur. Button went downstairs adjusting his cap on his head and said to his mom which , by the way , was making breakfast:

"Good morning mom." he said in a low toned voice but Button's mom was still able to hear him.

"Oh my ... are you okay?" she said worry like.

"Yeah just fine why?" Button said not know why he wouldn't be ok.

"Somepony found you in the middle of the street at night , you passed out you were sent to the hospital." she stated.

"We thought something terrible happened to you ... " she went on and on how worried she was.

"That explains why I can't remember what happened!" Button said to himself.

"I thought you said you went on a date with sweetie belle?" Button's mom said in confusion.

"I was , is just that something happened." button said.

"Ohh ok , that still doesn't answer my question on why you fainted in the street at night." Button's mom demanded to know right away with a some what angry face.

"Well you see when our date ended she kissed me and I probably , maybe , possibly have fainted." Button stated with embarrassment.

"hhhaaaahahahahaha...." Button's mom started to crack up in laughter. "You fainted over a little tiny kiss" she said trying not to make Button feel bad.

"You don't get it , that was my very first kiss." Button said with cheeks as red as cherries.

"I was young once too you know" she said trying to remember when her first kiss happened.

"I remember my first kiss it was magical ..." She continued with her love story.
As Button checked the time on the kitchen clock he was going to be late to school and he was going to face sweetie belle soonier or later.

"I gotta go to school" he said bursting out the door as fast as he can. Then his mom got up so she can clean the dishes when all of a sudden Button bursted threw the door running upstairs then quickly running back down and said:

"Forgot my bag!" Button said before he started to run to school , as his mother chuckles at what she just witnessed.
Button was walking down the street as he got a certain distance away from his house then he reached in his bag pulling out his joyboy and his most treasured toy ever since he was two and he still has it since then. As Button turned it on it looked life was just playing anyother normal game but to him it was different. When Button's playing his games it's like he is a whole new world like everything around him is a game and Button was about to finish his long time conquest. Button was on the last level , ready to finish this whole thing. Th Button this was like a one of a life time opportunity and he was not willing to lose it all without a fight. Button was giving it his all every single force he can put in it , it was very knowsitable that he was putting so much effort to it becuase he was sweating , he was dripping wet. As Button continued walking but his total focus was on the game , doing everything he can do.His heart was bumping faster than it usually does. At last, after 2 month of traveling , upgrading , fight , and many death he finally finish the game and the last objective was to save the princess and live happily ever after. After he finish the game he looked up as he heard a familiar voice that he wouldn't ever forget and said to himself:

"It looks like it my turn to get the princess"

As he got closer to sweetie belle and her friends he put his joy boy away and was getting prepared to do the most embarrassing thing he could think of during this moment. Button went up to the group and prepare of to do what he had to do.

"Oh hi Button , look I had a really had a nice----" Sweetie belle was instantly stopped as Butask came close and kissed her.

"I see y'all need to some space for your own." Apple bloom said

"Yeah if you need anything just call us." scootalo stated
Apple bloom and Scootalo walked away as they left Button and Sweetie Belle to have time for themselves.

"Button , what was that all about" Sweetie Belle said as her face was red like a cherry.

"Well you know , were practically a couple know." he said nervously.

"R-r-really , we are" She said nervously.

"Well of course we all ready kissed remember" Button said.

Button got closer and went in for another kiss and they went on with there new life. Button thought to himself and realized that he finally won the game , the game. Nothing in his life really changed except his relationship with sweetie. The last think he said to himself after he started his new life was:

"Objective... Complete"
The morale of the story is that life is just a giant question waiting to be answered by yourself and may take longer than you think but when you finally answer the question your whole life will change for the worst or for the better. You just probably think I'm making a bunch a think stuff up , there's another question for you to find the answer of.