> Showmare > by Bleedin 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The whisper of the crickets singing. The light of the fireflies dancing around jubilantly. Needle like green stuck out from the many branches of the pine trees that were spread so much that one could hide easily in the dense forest. A small carriage was sitting alone in the brush of the trees. Its coloration a mixture of painted reds and yellows on its wooden structure while four-eight pronged metallic wheels were holding them in place. A sign stood on the front base of the carriage with painted on symbols of a crescent moon and a star wand. It hanged off a brass stick with a ball holding the sign in place. Nice as the paint job was, the colors were still a bit faded and lost in luster. The wheels were workable although the metal was rusted and rugged from overuse. A few rotting tomato splotches desecrated the carriage from the door to between the prongs in the interior of the rusted wheel. Along the dirt path the wind whispered silent dreams and peaceful memories from beyond. It cooled the touch of a light-blue unicorn sitting atop of a recently cut stump on the fork of the road. She was currently crying to herself while her hat sat near her, tomato stains messily wiped off from its cloth. Next to the nearest tree was a newly tied noose hung from a tree branch. It was over Trixie's head just waiting to be used. The noose shook as the wind went through its hole. Leaves calmly flew through the noose; almost hiding the dark purpose of its creation. Such a peaceful forest was going to endure a terrible death. It was almost ironic how a place of wonder and peace was the last resting place of pain. She slouched as the tears continued to be let loose, staring into the ground lamenting her cruel fate. The dirt and the old sticks stared at her with their age, sitting on the ground wasting away. Trixie angrily kicked the sticks considering the fact that everything reminded her of the constant failures she had as a pony. If anything gave her an impression her first instinct would be to destroy. Nothing would keep her from forgetting the pain of being a failure. The suffering that was deep within would make her stay like that and torture her like it was some private hell. The tears paused, now there was only the grating headache and stress that would nearly kill her by itself. She decided to look around her resting place, such an ancient forest must have lived longer than many a pony. It housed so many lives and left their deaths happy and fulfilling. Little creatures and big alike, this place would be most welcoming for a show-mare of her status. True, she won't have the splendor of living a full life, yet this place was enough given the circumstances. She looked outward seeing the little squirrels climbing up the trees searching for food. Such simple lives for the little creatures. Just eating nuts and climbing around. Something alluring to an easy life without the complexity of reality with pony society. No ponies throwing tomatoes everywhere she goes, no need to feel ashamed from the inability to entertain as a legendary show mare. Now the frivolity of watching nature has worn off and the mocking noose awaits her. She bides anyway she can to stave off the looming hour. Anything in a bid to justify her existence from this life. Then, a tsunami of memories light up in her mind. The first thing she does is reflect them off. She doesn't want the pain of her past to be recalled. All of the memories are lost once again and she strives to find something to do. Trixie stares at the noose all tied up on the tree, it watches from above like a haunting inevitability. The history of that thing to her was something thrown while she was performing. Remembering like it was yesterday that when she was in the rural parts of Nieghtario deep in the north. An audience member threw it at her in a bid to humiliate at her failed attempt of pulling a rabbit out of the hat. When it came out, it was long dead and they lauded her performance. How she remembers such a terrible memory is beyond her, but she found it in the sea of sufferings of her mind. It was like a flash that she had no control of. All this agony, Trixie breathes a deep breath and tries to remember a good memory. She soon recalls an unconventional time when she lived as a filly in an orphanage. The memory spiraled into a moving picture that warmed her heart from the very moment it appeared into her mind. It was her caretaker, she was an old pony with saggy eyes and a snow white mane with old jittery legs. Her mane was smooth and flowing that reached all the way to the ground. She might have been the prettiest grandma in all of Manehattan. In this flowing memory in her hooves was the hat Trixie coveted for so long. The cloth so new and freshly made that was based around stars like Trixie herself. She gladly wore the hat, where then the granny said, "Never forget how valuable you are.". The memory faded quickly for Trixie. Pain filled her from the failure to make the granny she once knew proud. She wondered what ever happened to that pony she once knew. Well, it didn't matter to Trixie anyway, there was no reason to care anymore where she was going. Again she was lost in the area she was in. Wasting time in the little stump she was on and only remembering nightmares in a stake to keep going on. What was the point of all this pondering and remembering? What did she do to deserve this fate? Asking herself these questions that have been done to death. The same thing done repeatedly for all eternity. Its always the usual darkness flooding her mind and that pain that stains her body without her getting dealt a single physical blow. All of it has gotten... old. How could Trixie become a failure!? Why her of all ponies!? Then, a memory shoves itself through. That moment when she met that one pony. The one who upstaged her and humiliated her every single time. The Alicorn Amulet, the accessory that surged with power was not enough to overcome Twilight Sparkle. Even her debut in Ponyville was a constant pain to even think about. It's almost funny how that mare became an amazing and powerful alicorn with her own kingdom no less. Anypony who would look at Trixie and they would say that Twilight became everything that the sad pony wanted. A transient emptiness opened within Trixie. She realized what was happening to her and just wanted an end. The realization gave her peace and a freedom from the past and the future. Trixie smiled and looked at the key to her cage, the noose hanging in the wind. Standing atop the stump on two hooves and letting her head through the hole. Tears of joy pressed against her face. To think that her existence was truly meaningless. The work she put in, the sacrifices to become recognized. Nothing was going to stop her now. She was going to be free from this world for good. It's not what she really wanted, but its the best she can get in this point of her life. Those thoughts fooled her into wanting freedom and she leaped from the stump. She struggled, shaking and coughing furiously. Wiggling about with her noose slowly killing her. Her erratic movement slowed down and then everything was absolutely still. The sound of the birds chirping, footsteps of the little creatures from the forest resounded near.