Getting What You Wanted

by silvadel

First published

Rainbow Dash has always wanted to be a wonderbolt. When her acceptance letter comes, she finds out that getting what you want can end up more complicated than one would think.

Rainbow Dash has always wanted to be a wonderbolt. When her acceptance letter comes, she finds out that getting what you want can end up more complicated than one would think.

Getting What You Wanted

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The light from her bedroom window shone directly on her closed eyes. She gave a grunt of annoyance and made to turn over in her bed for another bout of sleep when the fog retreated from her mind. She stretched herself out to the melodious cracking of bones, and gave a good look at her wings. She deftly preened three errant feathers then flew gently over to her night table.

She opened the drawer and produced the letter she had received in yesterday's mail. It was still there and she was not dreaming. A space had unexpectedly opened up on the main wonderbolt's squad and she was supposed to quietly, and without telling any other pony, head over to Spitfire's private office for her induction.

She brushed her teeth then gave her feathers yet one more glance before flying down to the front door. Soarin was sitting on the cloud platform just outside her door. It was obvious that he had not preened and from the look of him, it was very likely that he had been out there all night.

"You look terrible," stated Dash. She quickly re-assessed the situation and added, "Sir, I am sorry if I..."

"No, that's all right," interrupted Soarin. "I do look terrible."

"I still have a couple of slices left of one of AJ's apple pies, if you want some," said Dash.

"I am fine," said Soarin. "Well, I am not fine, but I am resolute. I did a lot of thinking since the Equestria Games tryouts, Dash, and I think you deserve to know a few things."

Soarin took a deep sigh. "Spitfire forced me into retirement. There is going to be a lot of press coverage and all of that, and Spitfire would...well what can she really do now anyway?"

Rainbow hugged the ex-wonderbolt, and quietly whispered, "That is just wrong. You were one of the foundations of the team." Her voice became louder as she pulled out of the embrace. "How can she do that to you?"

"That is the thing," replied Soarin. "When we were both Lieutenants in the bolts, we were great friends, but ever since she became captain she has become...distant, cold, and more than a little hungry. I couldn't see her doing this three years ago."

He paused for a while then added, "She has been watching you closely since the young flier's competition, and you have been top of the list for two years."

"Really?" said Dash as she pumped herself up for a second then came back down to reality. "It is still wrong though. I c-could wait a year and give you some time?"

"No, Dash," said Soarin. "The decision has already been made, and I am an up and coming has-been. Stupid signings and events. And yes I am not as swift as I used to be, but I am still better than the average team member. There is no way to appeal her decision."

"I guess the main thing I wanted to say is that it is not worth it," said Soarin. "If you think what Lightning Dust did to you as lead pony was bad, Spitfire is on a completely different cloud. She will use you up and throw you out, and Celestia help you if you get seriously injured. You have it good here in Ponyville."

Dash simply stared slack-jawed at Soarin. After an uncomfortable several minutes, she said, "I-I am tough enough. And if she pushes beyond reason, I could always quit, right?"

Soarin shook his head. "The contracts are pretty iron-clad. You would essentially have to get Spitfire to discharge you, and she wouldn't do that so long as she saw your potential benefit to the team."

"Well, if she wants me that badly, maybe I can have a better contract, or a hoof-shake," replied Dash.

"You are free to try, but I doubt she will budge on that issue," replied Soarin.

"And I also have a lot on my mind to tell Spitfire," pondered Dash out loud. "Some things that she might not enjoy hearing but thoughts that need to be aired."

Dash noted the sun's position in the sky, and seeing that she was risking being late, said her farewells to Soarin.

For his part, Soarin just sighed and dropped down into the town. Ponyville was a good town in which to put down roots.

Dash simply flew in a straight line to the wonderbolt's encampment in Cloudsdale. The normal tricks she would do on the way left undone as she deeply thought on what she would say to Spitfire. What was to be the best day of her life was reduced to a complicated set of feelings that even she couldn't adequately relate.

She nodded to Fleetfoot as she entered the encampment. Fleetfoot saluted in return before falling into formation behind her.

She navigated the maze of corridors to Spitfire's private office. Ancient and precious wonderbolt artifacts were proudly displayed on every wall. Spitfire stood up from behind an ornate mahogany desk and lifted a letter with her wing.

Dash swallowed and hoped her nervousness was not showing as she blasted out, "How dare you do what you did to Soarin. We both know he had several years left in him and he is the heart of the wonderbolts. Ma'am."

"You were always one for overt displays of emotion, Dash," said Spitfire, "but I think after you have read what I wrote in this letter, you will come around."

"Yes, I am also retiring," said Spitfire. "It will be a bold new era of the wonderbolts with you as the new captain. All we need is your signature on the line and it will all be set."

Rainbow Dash shivered as she held the page that felt like holding onto a stormcloud. She walked it over to the desk and grabbed the quill. She signed her name to the paper.

Almost immediately afterward she felt a burst of pain as the changeling that was posing as Fleetfoot sunk her fangs into Rainbow's neck.

She felt woozy as she turned back towards Spitfire.

"A changeling has always been captain of the wonderbolts," were the last words she heard.