> Diamond Tiara Eats the Universe > by Eddepicman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nom Nom Nom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara sat in the summer sun, licking an ice-cream cone. Strawberry, as pink and smooth as her coat, both with a cute little tiara, both glistening from moisture, DT from sweat, ice-cream with saliva. They were both just as round as the other too. Diamond loved her food, it was true, and nopony could deny it. Her family’s wealth always allowed them an excess of everything, it just so happened that DT got caught up in her munchies. It increased her girth, giving her much more of a presence in a room (if only ‘cause she took much more space in said room, but no matter). She wasn’t caught up in the “oh, I need to lose weight!” deal like some other ponies would’ve done in this situation, she would just shrug, accept who she was, then eat some seconds… and then thirds of course. She had long finished said ice-cream when her fillyfriend Silver Spoon showed up. They had planned to hang out this evening, get a dinner, catch a movie, just things couples do. Unlike DT, SP was quite skinny, her metabolism hard at work. “Hey DT!” Silver shouted, running up to give her belly a squeeze and a peck on her nose. “You ready to go?” “You know it Silver!” DT exclaimed, grabbing her hoof as they dashed down the street on their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Same as it always is, rows of cupcakes, muffins, and other baked goods lined the shelves and glass displays, enticing anypony with bits to come take a gander and a bite. Pinkie wasn’t in the area, so it was Carrot Cake manning the counter, greeting DT and SS. “Hey fillies! What’ll it be?” Diamond and Silver gazed over the selection, stomachs yearning for the sweetness of them. One near the back caught Diamond’s eye. It was a jet black cupcake, with a pale red frosting. Queer color for a cupcake, even for some weird flavor like licorice or near burnt coffee. Red frosting could be anything, raspberry or strawberry or just a food colored plain. She thought it over, and decided the risk was worth it, she couldn’t take her eyes of it or her gut from wanting it. “I’ll take that one.” She spoke, with a grace and poker face showing trying to hide her obvious curiosity and excitement. “…the appetizer surprise…?” Carrot gulped, breaking out in a slight sweat. “I thought I took that one down, it’s far too old to eat. I’ll just get rid of…” Diamond slammed down her bits. “I said I’ll take it.” Silver just stood there wondering why Diamond would want it so much, it looked like a regular expired cupcake to her. But she saw Diamond had a fire in her eyes, brighter than a stove’s, so she said nothing. Carrot cowered slightly as he grabbed the baked good and hoofed it over the counter. Diamond grasped it, observing the smoothness of the frosting. She took note that it was fresher than previously stated. The cake had a paper cup around it, same color as the food within. Silver ordered a cookie, but didn’t eat it. Diamond just kept staring at the cake, gazing deep into its soft cake-y goodness. She took a bite. The taste was overwhelming. Sweet and bitter and sour all at once, with no known food to draw comparison. She puckered up till her lips were halfway in her mouth. Her stomach clenched, causing a deep empty feeling down to her core. Diamond snatched Silver Spoon’s cookie and ate it in one loud gulp. “Sorry Silver! I’m just so…!” Diamond sobbed, but she grabbed her throbbing belly and lunged behind the counter at Mr. Cake. He gasped and ducked, and then Diamond was upon all the various sweets. Whole cakes and their small cupcake brethren. Muffins by the dozen, baker’s dozen, and in grosses. Miscellaneous candies used to decorate. All devoured by her voracious appetite. She swelled up, increasing in diameter, yet she still ate. Her girth outran her legs, and soon she was like a ball. “More food!” She wailed, and started rolling towards the exit. She rammed past the other patrons, ingesting everything on their tables. Food, drink, plates, glasses, flowers, table cloth, even the table itself. Once the room was stripped of everything even remotely edible, Diamond smashed through the glass pane window and entered the streets. The market of Ponyville was bustling with business. Ponies were walking from stall to stall buying all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables. They lined the streets, so one would have to meet up with one to get anywhere. Some of the more evil malevolent ponies got their fillies or their friends fillies to advertise their wares. Diamond’s shadow fell among the crowd. On the nearby hill, she got a perfect vantage point on the festivities. Her stomach growled, and then roared. She did the same as she leaned over causing her to roll. The momentum of gravity on her decent of the hill brought her to a blur, mouth wide open to catch any food objects to fill the empty pit she was feeling. The ponies screamed as their wares were eaten. Everything not nailed down was lost in a flash. Diamond kept growing and growing, practically doubling in size each second. Soon she was literally the size of a house, much to the dismay those who teased her, who if they were lucky and didn’t fall into Diamond’s maw, got caught in her fur and disappeared, still adding to her size. Still she ate, edibility not mattering anymore. Streetlights and small homes were eaten as if children’s candy given out on Nightmare Night. The entire of Ponyville was soon leveled, replaced by a round fat filly with a hunger for more. She rolled along the countryside, eating everything in her path. She went from Manehatten to Canterlot, Appleloosa to gain height enough to ingest Cloudsdale. Hills were her appetizer, mountains her side dish. Still she grew and grew, rolling over the planet, eating a trail of destruction wearing down to its core. She then sucked on the core like a jawbreaker, wearing it down enjoying the metallic taste. Floating through space, she continued her feast. First she plucked the moon from the sky and took a bite. “Mmm… pie…” she quipped, making the most of her situation. The Sun went next. It gave her a slight heartburn, but she washed it down with Neptune. Then she got all the other planets and Pluto. She floated through the asteroid belt, opening and closing her mouth ingesting the rocks as Pac-man ingests pellets. The stars went dark at her leisure, for they were quite far away from each other, and it gets hard to roll fast when there is nothing to roll on. Soon all the stars were dark, all their light in her gut. Diamond shivered, finally satisfied in her stomach, she burped. She grew lonely, then cold. Very cold. Since there were no longer any stars to spread heat and light, Diamond shivered. She started to feel something weird. He poked her stomach and it morphed, all the while ice cold. She licked her face and she tasted something familiar. “…strawberry…” She cowered, getting colder, losing sense of what was going on around her. She felt herself landing on something. Soon after she felt something lick her. Diamond Tiara sat in the summer sun, licking an ice-cream cone…