Bullies' Revenge

by JusSonic

First published

A midquel in "Brave Heart's Visit". The bullies' attempt to get payback on Brave Heart fails big time.

(takes place during "Brave Heart's Visit") After getting spanked in public by Brave Heart for bullying Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, making fun of his accent and disrespecting their elders, namely him, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon plot revenge against the Scottish pony for their humiliation. But will they pull it off?

Chapter 1

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Bullies' Revenge

"And that's how we got the boxes and that's the bottom line." Rainbow explains to her cousin while the gang hangs out at the local park. Ben had arrived after promising to meet Hobo Ken later for the music store. He didn't want Twilight to worry if he himself heads off on his mission on his own.

"Ah, the mystery of the boxes, how mysterious," Brave Heart said to Rainbow and her friends proudly. "It will be a noble and interesting quest for all of ye."

"If we could find those keys," Applejack mumbles a bit in concern. "So far, we didn't find any info on them, y'all."

"Well, I don't have any info meself or I would track them down meself. Perhaps the Mystic Ponies has clues."

"No, even they don't know." Twilight said to Brave Heart with a sigh. "Sometimes..."

Suddenly some cruel laughing is heard. Rarity frowns deeply while saying, "Not those two again."

Sure enough, the group saw the usual sight: Diamond Tiara and her pal Silver Spoon mocking the main three CMC members Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara taunts, "I mean, so far, none of you three got your cutie marks. Maybe it's because you may never get them."

Diamond Tiara pauses, waiting for Silver Spoon to respond. Then she frowns and nudges her, causing the latter to say, "Oh right; Lame blanky flanky!"

"Come on, can't y'all give it a rest fer once?" Apple Bloom asks the bullies with a frown.

"Yeah, I mean, Equestria just been through a big disaster. Save it for another time." Sweetie said to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in concern.

"Uh, yeah, doesn't concern us." Diamond Tiara remarks with a scoff. The adults frown a bit...but Brave Heart is frowning even deeper as if he isn't pleased at all. In fact, the stallion isn't. "We're only little fillies so we still got our lives ahead of us."

"Your lives would've been cut short if Rainbow and the others haven't done the right thing." Scootaloo remarks to the bully.

"Yeah, giving up their Elements? That's taking the coward's way out."

"Yeah, what she said." Silver Spoon said quickly. In reality though, she is siding with Diamond Tiara due to loyalty and friendship though the filly is secretly not liking this. "Anyway...if you were them, you would, uh..."

"Oh let me Silver!" Diamond Tiara groans at her friend trying to figure out what to say before turning to the rivals. "You would never be Element holders because you are too cowardly to do the right thing anyway; Plus, stupid and...yes, blank flanky!"

The bullies kept on laughing. Twilight and her friends frown deeply. They were about to butt in but a certain male Alicorn beats them to it.

"How dare ye two!" Brave Heart roars angrily to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, causing them to stop laughing. They and the CMC were startled to see an Alicorn heading their way. "So ye brats think it’s fun to be cruel and heartless to ponies without cutie mark, eh?!"

"Hey, bug off, ugly!" Diamond Tiara snaps to Brave Heart with a scoff. "This is our affair, not yours."

"Watch it, he's Rainbow's cousin Brave Heart." Scootaloo warns Diamond Tiara in concern.

"Oh, well, that makes him ten times uglier! And where did he get that accent; From Planet Dork?"

Bad move, very bad move. Brave Heart growls as he suddenly uses his magic to lift the bullies into the air hard. The others gasp as the Alicorn then uses his magic to break a branch off a tree nearby, floating it over. What happens next? Well, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon found themselves floating with their behinds shown and...

"Whoa!" Pinkie exclaims in shock as Brave Heart uses the branch to spank the bullies' behind hard. The CMC's eyes widen in shock as they watch a punishment in action.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said in alarm. Spanking ponies seems a bit harsh, even for her. Even Rainbow is cringing.

When Brave Heart is done, he put the two bullying fillies down, they felt their flanks hurting big time. That branch really hurts!

Brave glares as he asks sternly, "That hurts doesn't it? Well, maybe that'll teach ye wee fillies not to bully those without cutie marks, make fun of other ponies' accents or disrespect yer elders. If I ever catch you doing that stuff again, I'll make ye wish yer were never born!"

"Ow....Ow...it's so hard to trot when you've got welts like these on your flank." Diamond Tiara groans in pain from the spanking that she endured.

Silver Spoon groans in agreement, "I probably won't be able to sit for a week because of it."

Diamond Tiara turns to Brave Heart with a vengeful look on her face, snarling, "You won't get away with this, Brave Heart! If it's the last thing Silver Spoon and I do...we'll get you for this!"

Brave Heart glares at Diamond, making her a bit nervous. He then spots Filthy Rich who just arrived and saw what has occurred from the bullying to right now; The Alicorn calls, "You there. Are you Diamond Tiara's father?"

"Yes, Brave Heart. I'm Filthy Rich, Diamond's dad." Filthy said with a nod.

"Then Mr. Rich, I suggest that you teach your daughter some PROPER respect towards her elders, or she will be spanked by me again and again and again. Are we clear?"

"I understand, Brave Heart. My daughter has never had anything resembling manners. I'll see to it that she learns them."

"I hope so, sir." Brave Heart said sternly. Diamond Tiara better learn or else!

"Ow! Daddy, you traitor," Diamond Tiara groans as her flank is still hurting like mad. "This funny voiced barbarian attacked me and you're-"

"Silence! When we get home, you are going to be grounded for a month." Filthy said sternly to his daughter.


"No buts, young filly! How's that, Brave Heart?"

"It'll do, sir." Brave Heart said with a chuckle. "Run along home, little bruised flanks."

As the Snotty Duo left with Diamond leaving with her upset father, Twilight in concern spoke to Rainbow, "Rainbow, you should have stopped him."

"I'd have loved to, Twilight, but Brave's family." Rainbow admits to Twilight with a shrug. "And besides, when he's angry, he won't stop until he's satisfied."

"Wow, that was...awesome!" Scootaloo squeals to Brave Heart in delight.

"Yeah, crazy though but awesome," Sweetie admits to Scootaloo in amazement.

"Aye, thanks lasses." Brave Heart said proudly.

"I don't think you should have done that, Brave Heart." Twilight spoke out to Brave Heart in concern. She worries of what would happen. The mare recalls how Tough Apple got into trouble after pulling Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon up the flagpole by their dresses and fears of what would happen to Rainbow's cousin.

"Why not; that's how we punish naughty children and bullies like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon back home."

"Yes, I understand that, but...that's not the way things work around here. Besides, your actions would have upset their rich and powerful fathers even though Filthy let Diamond's spanking slide this one time."

Brave Heart scoffs at this, "Bah! I eat rich snobs like them for breakfast back home."

"You eat rich snobs for breakfast?!" Pinkie yelps a bit shocked and disgusted by the comment.

"It's an expression, Pinkie. It means I deal with money grabbing ponies like them every day, and I'll bet Filthy Rich is like the rest of them; a bloody coward who is afraid to face me alone."

"Then you don't know Filthy Rich at all, Brave Heart." Twilight said to Brave Heart sternly. She knows that Filthy used to be a member of the cult that brought back Nyx.

"No, and I don't need to know him; they're all the same to me." Brave Heart said, brushing off what the princess just said.

"Well, an' Ah thought somepony Ah knew had quite 'de ego." Applejack comments, giving a smirk to another ego like pony AKA her pal Rainbow Dash.

"Very funny, Applejack," Rainbow remarked dryly to Applejack then turns to her cousin. "Listen, Brave Heart...maybe if you could just low for a while then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon won't be able to find you and get their revenge on you."

"Let them try." Brave Heart challenges. He loves to see those brats do anything.

Then a mysterious voice, Fafnir's, is heard, "That's what you think, Brave Heart, son of Strong Wind; Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"You girls hear something?" Pinkie asks spooked when she thought that she heard a voice.

"No." The other members of the Mane Six remarked with shrugs.


"I can't believe it!" Diamond Tiara shouts out in rage as she paces around in her room. Silver Spoon was watching her. "Daddy won't do anything to sue Brave Heart for abusing us like that. That brute deserves life in the dungeon for spanking us in public. It's thanks to him that we're the laughing stock of Ponyville."

"Tell me about it. Look at this article in the newspaper." Silver Spoon said as she holds up a newspaper. There's an article that shows the incident as well as a headline. "'Local School Bullies Put In Their Place by A Male Alicorn'. This will surely ruin our lives and our reputations."

"Just wait 'til I get back at that arrogant blank flank lover for what he did to us! Nobody humiliates DIamond Tiara like that and gets away with it!"

"But how are we gonna get revenge on Brave Heart? I mean he's a seasoned warrior from Eatinburgh and we're...well, you know what we are. We have no chance against him openly."

Diamond Tiara looks frustrated. There must be something she could to...but then, an idea enters her head. The filly smirks evilly. Yes, it could work!

"Wait! Brave Heart doesn't know who Nightmare Moon really is, or her freak daddy, or how Twilight's little Dragon's brother nearly destroyed Ponyville, right?" Diamond Tiara ask Silver Spoon evilly.

"I think he knows, everyone in the world does. But what's that gotta do with anything?" Silver Spoon ask Diamond Tiara in concern.

"Once Brave Heart finds out the truth about his new friends' secrets, he'll be sure to leave Ponyville in anger and disgrace. Then we'll be free to torment those blank flanks and their friends without any inference."

"Good idea. But how will we do that?"

"Perhaps I could offer an idea." A voice spoke sinisterly, making the two fillies jump. They see a figure outside the window , flying a bit.

"And who are you?" Diamond Tiara demands to the figure with a frown.

"Oh, just someone who understands your pain and vengeance; I believe I could help."

"H-h-h-how," Silver Spoon ask, getting frighten by this newcoming creature.

"You can't tell Brave Heart directly. He won't believe you...but the Alicorn has a Mystic Guardian whose name is Mama Heart, Mighty's mother." The stranger explains to the Snotty Duo sinisterly. "She tends to be...overprotective over her foal but most of all, she is overprotective of Brave Heart. Give the info to her and Mama Heart will spring in."

"Yes, that sounds perfect." Diamond Tiara remarks with a cruel laugh. "Used a mother's caring to an advantage. Brilliant, Mr..." She notes that the figure is now gone. "Where did he go?"

"Don't you think that maybe we should not go after Brave Heart?" asked Silver Spoon who is now having second thoughts over this. "I mean, we're no match against him."

"We still have to make him pay!" yelled Diamond Tiara. "We have to! We have to! No pony has spanked me cruelly like that except..... except..."

"Her?" answered Spoon in a quiet voice. "You know, why don't we just ask the Mane Six, or your dad? I'm pretty sure they can help."

"After the fact that my dad didn't even care that I was being attacked by a total stranger and grounded me anyway? After the fact that those so called "Mane Six" allowed it to happen and didn't bat an eye; The fact that the Princess's daughter kicked me in the face at the tyrant's funeral and no one cared; The flagpole incident? No one cared! Even after the fact that the CMC didn't even care, and in fact applauded that monster for what he did?! No! I refuse to let them help me if they didn't even care about me at all!" shouted Tiara in a voice that made Silver Spoon feels afraid. She could tell that there were tears in Tiara's eyes that were just leaking out. "Sometimes... I feel like you are the only pony that I can truly trust in this world.

"Right; I see..."

Outside, the figure known as Fafnir the Black-Hearted smirks evilly as he comments, "They get easier to be used every time..."


Golden Heart was hanging with his sister as Pinkamena says, “I really can't wait to show myself so I can make spiess not be calm because I know they are around and reveal them. Also the bullies maybe planning something but that might be the only one.”

Golden Heart spoke, “Ok but for now we wait.”

The others nod.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn't take long in locating Mama Heart. They found her sitting in a café, sitting some food. The leader smirks as she goes up to Mama Heart, speaking, "Excuse me, Miss Heart?"

"Yes, what can I do for you two dears?" Mama Heart asks curiously.

"Yeah, first off, your friend Brave Heart spanked me and Silver Spoon for making fun of the Cutie Mark Crusaders earlier today."

"Really; Is that so? Well, whatever you did, you deserved it plenty!"

"Yeah, we did, we did." Silver Spoon said nervously. "Ahem, we really regret doing so and want to make it to Brave Heart by giving you this."

Mama Heart looks puzzled. She ask, "That's fine, but shouldn't you give this to Brave Heart himself?"

"I prefer to stay away from him...don't want him to get the wrong idea. It involves the new princess's daughter, her pet Dragons and her colt-friend." Diamond Tiara remarks, hiding a smirk behind her face.

"You mean Nightmare Moon, the brother of Lorcan, the Moon Dragon and the Demon Pony? Why?"

"Well, we got this bad feeling that Brave Heart may end up getting hurt; Right, Silver?"

Silver Spoon hesitates but was elbowed by her friend. She said quickly, "Yeah, right, right. Sure. Uhhhh....also, I think your boy may be hurt by Nightmare Moon's...dark magic?"

"What?! Is that what happened?! Oh dear, I better warn Brave Heart and check on my colt! Thank you for the warning!" Mama Heart exclaims frantically as she got up and gallops off in a hurry.

Diamond Tiara smirks while Silver Spoon looks worried over what she say. The leader commented, "Did good. Silver Spoon. Now for the main fireworks..."


A while later...

The bullies yell as they run for their lives. They have another confrontation with Brave Heart. Yes, he did found out about Nyx, Ben and the Dragons and cut off ties to Rainbow and the others...but thanks to Nyx however, Tao and Mama Heart, Brave Heart came to his senses.

Of course, Diamond Tiara confronts him again and made the mistake of provoking him, causing her and Silver Spoon to run off once more. That was a close one.

"He did it again! I almost got hurt again!" Diamond Tiara exclaims frantically, "Why must bad things happen to me?!"

"Because you were a bully," Silver Spoon asks Diamond Tiara who glares angrily at her, "Sorry, my bad. I know you didn't mean it..."

"Bad enough that my dreams kept on coming!"


"I've been having nightmares lately," whispered Tiara through her stifling sobs, "Nightmares of a hooded figure, everyone, the blank flanks, my dad and even you saying that you hated me. The figure was in a sense torturing me to admit that the Elements of Harmony were in fact real and not a fairytale. It was telling me that the Elements of Harmony were not fake and that how I should be grateful for them. Well, where were they when I needed them?! Where were they when I was being abused by that so called 'mare'?!"

"And because of that hooded figure," whispered Silver Spoon trying her best to put things together. "You've been getting memories of Miss Quartz again?"

"Don't mention her name!" shouted Tiara. "It's bad enough that she got away with her crimes and no one, not even the princesses or my father know about but now she haunts me even though she's disappeared!"

"Look," said a rather calm Silver Spoon. "No matter what happens, I'm going to protect you and I'll never abandon you. Got it?"

"Yeah." whimpered Diamond Tiara. "Listen...let's go and hope Brave Heart is gone by now..."



At this very moment, Ponyville citizens were going about their daily routine despite the rumors of the things that have been happening. Rumors that began to spread since Brave Heart first came into Ponyville, and that they keep the gossip down so that the certain Alicorn stallion won’t hear them or know if they speak badly of him. Right now, the CMC of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo & Nyx were busy playing at bit outside while some were thinking up ways to earn their Cutie Marks, some pony suggested a Cutie Mark for always having fun, and so hence forth…a Playtime Cutie Mark became a subject. But while the four fillies play, Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon watched from behind some tomato stand in seeing the fillies trying to try another attempt for cutie marks. Unknown to the two though, they are about to play a role in the CMCs' plan of getting Brave Heart out in the open.

“Ugh, look at them! Playing around without a care,” Diamond Tiara huffs off to roll her eyes, seeing those blank flanks having such a time without a care.

“Well, it’s not like they can’t play outside for grownups to watch.” Silver Spoon spoke in feeling that this wasn’t a bad thing, those fillies aren’t being a bother; they’re just doing what’s natural for their age.

“Well I DO mind, those blank flanks are ruining my day by being all happy after what happened to us. TO US,” Diamond Tiara protest out loudly in arguing what happened to them recently during Brave Heart’s visit, and that image has not left her mind.

“I know, I know. But what can we do?” Silver Spoon tried to calm her friend down with a worried expression, they maybe being mean, yes, well mostly Diamond Tiara, but what they got as punishment might have been too much of a just-serving.

Suddenly, Diamond Tiara noticed they were near a cart with lots of tomatoes and the seller guy wasn’t around. At this moment, the sneaky filly made a sly smile in suddenly hatching a sly plan of action for…payback.

“I think we’ll have some fun of our own. Quick, grab a tomato!” Diamond Tiara spoke off in seeing they’ll use the tomatoes towards the CMC, by throwing them.

“Um, are you sure about this?” Silver Spoon asked off with a worried face while unwillingly taking two tomatoes.

“Trust me, Apple Bloom won’t mind, we’ll just say we were giving her some tomatoes and thrown them to them, they messed up and get tomato juice all over their coats and manes.” Diamond Tiara spoke off with a cocky smile while taking her tomato to explain how they’ll make such an excuse. “Now hurry up, here comes our chances.” She snapped to bark her order that they must be ready, their chance is coming.

Now things seem like Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon are near their spot, hidden and will pick the right moment to strike. Thus making the humiliating mark on the CMC for being blank flanks and for what happened to them as payment.

“Ready, set, and…” Diamond Tiara was counting this down, as they prepare to throw their tomatoes….or would they?

“And just wha in Scotland Yard are ye sneaky lassies up to?” A Scottish voice interrupted Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon’s ‘little’ attempt to play a nasty trick. And when the two fillies looked up saw a stern look from Brave Heart. “Now ye wouldn’t be thinking of throwing perfectly good food at them little lasses playing by me twitching ear?” He sternly asked with a very serious look that weighed the fillies to feel….pushed down from being at the top.

“Wha-wha; us, no way; we…um….we’re gonna present them! Right! Silver Spoon,” Diamond Tiara spoke nervously with a nervous reaction to seeing Brave Heart here, if he catches on to their bully act, they’ll really be in for it.

“Um, yes, that’s it!” Silver Spoon nervously replied to go along with it of their cover up, not good, if this Alicorn of strictness sees their act as bullies; they’ll have their flanks handed to them again.

“Oh, and what wee bit of self-action be this? A gift to which to cover a blank flank ye seem to disregard them as a shame for not having a blarney talent be found, are we?” Brave Heart responded off in asking in demand in not being played the fool, he sees right through the naughty fillies’ game to be bullies to the CMC, and the Alicorn can’t stand it.

“No, no, that’s not it!” Diamond Tiara spoke with feeling scared here, the stallion is catching on now.

“Ri-right, we’re just...” Silver Spoon was really starting to sweat, he’s gonna realize that the two are fibbing and that’ll lead to problems.

“I be thinkin’ from here to be Billy goat, ye be seeing red fly when I see through those little nah lies you be spitting off on me bottom hoof to be kissing to.” Brave Heart spoke off in sternly gazing at the troublemakers for trying to lie & be a kiss up, he ain’t falling for that.

And soon magic caught the two snotty fillies before they could even react and this stallion was gonna play a little ‘lesson’ to the bullies.

“Waaaugh…Gaaugh!” Soon the screams of Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon filled the air when they were flung by magic in a tomato cart that crashed into a wall. “Uuaaaguhh…” The CMC saw their old rivals sitting in a broken cart of tomatoes and covered in them, looking worst for wary.

“And ye better shape up, if ye be knowing what’s a good to your toot-sweet toot, lassies!” Brave Heart called out from where the crowd sees him and realizes that he was the one that did that act.

“Gosh, at first, it was kinda great seeing some pony show Diamond Tiara not 'ta pick on us, but...” Apple Bloom spoke from feeling a weird emotion about what’s happened to the bullies of the CMC.

“But isn’t he taking the harsh action a bit too far? It’s almost…being mean right back.” Sweetie Belle spoke from feeling a bit worried about seeing how Brave Heart was enforcing his justice to such an extent.

“Yeah, I mean, Diamond Tiara can be a pain, but Silver Spoon is just following her orders.” Scootaloo stated in thinking that while one filly was a pain in the neck, the other was just following her orders and can be good on ‘some’ terms.

“If Brave Heart can’t learn to be a little more self-control over his act of delivering justice, things might be too much out of hand.” Nyx stated in seeing that Brave Heart’s actions are getting to be too rough, even if they were meant for a good cause. "Still...our plan worked and my mom and my aunts should show up soon..."

Yes, folks. The CMC knew that the Snotty Duo were going to show up and tried to make their lives miserable, doing so in hopes that Brave Heart wouldn't show up...and that's what the four needed to bring Rainbow's cousin out in the open.

Soon Brave Heart was noticing the town folks looking & whispering things about him from seeing that last action. Sure they’ve known that Diamond Tiara can be a brat to the CMC, but that action might have been a little much even for a filly.

“Wha’s this now? Are ya all deaf in de face?” Brave Heart spoke off in feeling like everyone’s gone to give him the eye when he done no wrong. “The little lasses were up to no good, so it doesn’t be hurtin’ to enforce their behavior!” He issued off that Diamond Tiara was gonna be mean, so he stopped it by teaching a harsh lesson of served justice to the cause.

“But, wasn’t that being mean back at them?” Derpy asked a bit puzzled by the act performed was more mean than good.

“Aye, but don’t be letting them eyes fool ye! They had it coming, as will all bullies, crooks, and villains alike, justice will be served. It…” Brave Heart was in the middle of his monologuing moment to rant until….

“Brave Heart,” A sudden voice cuts off Brave Heart to turn around to be seeing who else enters the fold…but the Mane Six group followed by Spike & Phobos, “We need to talk,” Twilight was the one speaking to the Alicorn with a very stern tone.

"Yep, they're here." Nyx said with a pleased look. Her mother has come thanks to Brave Heart showing himself just as the filly expected.

“Oh, to talk ‘bout wha lass,” Brave Heart asked off in staring at Twilight puzzled, what is the mare here needing of him?

“Your act of performing justice is not right.” Twilight stated off with a direct statement to the stallion performing ill manners of justice to those that are behaving like bullies & being bad.

“Top true, why, after how you’re described what you do and even push over the limit seems….brutish.” Rarity stated off in feeling that the performance by this pony was too much, even a criminal or average villain may seem a bit more better than that, except for the Superior & Dark Curse, and especially Grimmore.

“Yeah, it’s a not very nice thing to be doing.” Pinkie Pie nods with a stern face in having to make this clear issue be heard.

“Wha’s this then? Ye sayin’ I be wrong in me claims?” Brave Heart tap to his chest in asking in disbelief in what he’s hearing from the six mares.

“Buddy, yew maybe acting fer a just cause, but 'de act now ain’t even 'dat.” Applejack sternly points out that even though Brave Heart means well, he’s doing it all wrong & mis-confusing the difference of justice & revenge.

“You’re being too hard on anypony even on those you see their act of being bad.” Fluttershy was debating this fact before yelping by the stare Brave Heart gave her in what she said, “Um, if you don’t mind me saying.” She shyly stated out in looking away, she doesn’t wanna be mean, but it’s the truth.

“Well I be mindin’ alright? Rainbow….” Brave Heart protest out to say before turning to Rainbow Dash here. “Tell me cous, ye not be rumblin’ ‘round with such claims. Ye be too cool to be daff.” He knows his cousin is not to actually be going along with this, would she?

“I’m sorry cous, but my friends are right, you’re getting WAY out of hand here!” Rainbow Dash issued off to say in sticking by her pals, even if Brave Heart’s family, he’s stepping over boundaries.

“Yeah, you may be a guest visiting, but you need to not take the law into your own hold!” Spike stated off that this guy needs to kern to follow their customs, not be acting as the voice of justice when even that act seems overdoing it.

“Yah, you be as bad as Lorcan was in ruling us with power & fear! Guuugh,” As Phobos was making this claim, he got jabbed by Spike, “Whaaaa?” He asked off in what he did wrong, but Spike knew since the guy was speaking bad of his brother.

At this moment, Brave Heart stared at the Mane Six and of course, all the other ponies gossiping about what has happened. It’s true that he’s done too much on the little bad acts, but the stallion doesn’t seem to see it that way. After realizing his situation, Brave Heart opened his close eyes to come to a conclusion to this.

“So this be how ye be to me & all I have to offer?” Brave Heart issued off in stating with a stern face at the six mares. “Very well, then lets settle the matter of who’s right of their own justice! I challenge ye!” He spoke forth in seeing if they wanna settle whose actions are right & justified then they shall challenge the other to the terms.

“No! We challenge you!” Pinkie Pie spoke off in making a claim to challenge this guy.

“Well then lass, I challenge your challenge!” Brave Heart responded off in making this claim of challenging the mares once more.

“And we’ll challenge your challenge….with our challenge…” Pinkie Pie was trying to think up of an answer while being confused, “With a challenge!” She then got tough looking in following along with that calm.

“Okay, that’s a little weird.” Twilight raised an eyebrow to her friend in what she just said there, that’s hard to follow.

“Very well, then let us settle things the old fashion way.” Brave Heart declared forth in preparing to make the conditions. “We battle in the field of honor!” He howls out in announcing this shall be a battle where their honor will be at stake. “Bring me a challenge of one or a lot of fighters to represent your side! I shall prepare in one hour!” Brave Heart instructed that if they want to settle things, then he’ll face the challengers that want to prove him otherwise.
And then with that, Brave Heart used his horn to teleport out of there. Now the towns folks were gossiping even more, it sounds like there’s going to be a fight, but where, hopefully not their home! It’s just been fix after the last few incidences from the last evil attacks.

“One hour? Oh dear, do we have enough time?” Fluttershy yelped in thinking they don’t have a lot of time, they have just an hour to prepared.

“Well, it should give us time to prepare against him.” Rarity stated with a cautious concern that with just an hour, they’ll need to be extra prepared.

“Count us in!” Spike spoke out to stand by his friends.

“Me too,” Phobos stands up near the others in saying that he’ll join too.

“Don’t forget me!” Nyx popped up to wanting to be a part of this as well. "I've managed to get him here so you and my aunts can find him, mommy, since I know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wouldn't resist bothering me and my friends and I know he wouldn't resist trying to stop them and...you get the idea!"

“Sorry you guys, but this is a personal stake, trust me, Brave Heart is tough!” Rainbow Dash objected the little ones offer to help, but their opponent is not a big villain, just a tough & misunderstood soul that’s not getting the clear view of his actions.

“Awww….” Nyx, Spike & Phobos mopes to hearing this, looks they are cut out of this.

“Sure do wish Ben was around 'ta help. Where did he go off 'ta?” Applejack spoke off in wondering where Twilight’s love is, if they had him with the Mane Six, the odds be more in their favor.

“Wherever he is, it must be very important, but right now. We’ll need to prepare.” Twilight stated with a stern face in knowing they’ll have to do this on their own without Ben’s aid. “Rainbow Dash, if your cousin wants some worthy foes, then he’ll face us, the ponies that represent the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight told her friend that if the tough Alicorn wishes to have some fighters to represent what is right on their side, then the Mane Six will be those fighters.

“But we don’t have the Elements, remember?” Rainbow Dash issued off in stating a reminder that the six are not the wielders of their old Elements since returning them to the Tree of Harmony.

“Yeah, how do we fight him without them?” Pinkie Pie pops up to ask a puzzled question, this was a riddle that needed to be solved.

“We each have our own skills, remember? We’ll figure out some way to show Brave Heart the true meaning of the right form of justice…” Twilight spoke to encourage her friends, like a princess leader that she is that they’ll fight with their own skills even without their Elements to give them a much bigger fighting chance. “And that’s through the power of friendship. You girls with me,” She stated this final claim that they’ll have their great strength of friendship, to help them move along the path to show Brave Heart what they got.

“Yeaaahhh,” The other members of the Mane Six cheered in agreement, time they show that even when they can’t make a rainbow with the Elements of Harmony, their friendship is the next thing to give them hope.

Chase, who is on the scene, chose that time to speak up, "Twilight, remember, whatever you think you're doing, always know that you had rights. You are the ruler of Ponyville. Brave Heart had no right to take and lead Ponyville."

"Yeah. Thank you, Chase. We better get going and find Brave Heart before its too late." Twilight said, preparing to get to Brave Heart and accept his challenge before he causes trouble some more.

"Of course," Chase said with a nod. The Mane Six and the CMCs heads out. The villain in mind says quietly to himself, "I look forward, dear Twilight. I would be honor to see how the battle goes. I will learn everything from you and my enemies."

And with that, the scene begins to close for very soon, the Mane Six will be facing a great opponent that is not a villain, but a tough warrior who needs his eyes to open on his surroundings. One thing’s gonna be clear, this is was Ponyville will see the great Brave Heart in action and what the Mane Six can do now….without relying on the Elements of Harmony to bail them out. Everything goes dark now while the mystery lies in wait for an answer….

Nyx goes over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who comes out. She speaks, "Listen, my mom and my aunties are going to fight Brave Heart. Wanna see?"

"Fine. I hope he gets pounded." Diamond Tiara remarks angrily as she and Silver Spoon surprisingly goes on to see the fight.


Diamond Tiara is more irritated than ever. Brave Heart was beaten...but he wasn't killed. In fact, the jerk of an Alicorn has been forgiven for his arrogant ways. And what's more insulting is that she and Silver Spoon has to attend a party in honor of the Mane Six's defeat over him as well as Ben's return with a creature known as Mangani.

The two came into Sugar Corner, wondering whatever or not they should stay around or not. Then Brave Heart came over. Diamond Tiara glares while demanding, "Well, well. What do you want now; Planning to harass us some more?"

"No...I...I wish to give ye lasses my apology...for the spanking and for the tomato cart thing." Brave Heart apologizes, doing his best not to throw up. "It was wrong of me to take justice to the extreme and I know ye can forgive me lasses."

Diamond Tiara just glares. Silver Spoon comments, "Well...I guess I can forgive. I mean...come on, Diamond Tiara. He is willing to apologize, right?"

"He spanked me in front of everypony and got daddy to ground me!" Diamond Tiara snaps furiously. "I'm going to get me a bodyguard. What you did, Brave Jerk, I will never forgive or forget!!!" The bully scowls as she heads off, making Silver Spoon sighs."

"Sorry for her behavior, Brave Heart."

"Aye, it's no problem, lass. I am trying to learn...and trying to see that ye shouldn't be punished for going along with her." Brave Heart said with a sigh. The Alicorn see that Silver Spoon may pretend to be a bully or a jerk but deep down, she's more than that. "Ye shouldn't have to do so."

"...you got no idea of why I do." Silver Spoon said with a sigh, shaking her head while following Diamond Tiara.

The Snotty Duo came out, with Diamond Tiara remarks, "I can't believe this. Worst yet, I know daddy is going to ground me some more...I need better protection. Or this will be like the incident with 'her' all over again!"

"Not like you know of a way to do so."

Diamond Tiara pauses then smirks. Silver Spoon looks worried. She doesn't like the look on her face.


The Snotty Duo is wearing cloaks and hoods, coming into a home. A figure in darkness snarls, "Who is it?"

"My name is Diamond Tiara. Listen, I've read in the newspaper how you wishes to give services as a bodyguard. Well, I need one." Diamond Tiara said with a smirk as she drops a big bag of bits onto a table in front of the figure. "Will this be enough to pay for your services?"

The figure came out. Silver Spoon gulps to see that the figure is a big gray stallion with a red short mane and tail, black eyes, a short white shirt and a bar bell for a cutie mark. He grunts a bit while taking the paid.

"It is acceptable Miss Tiara." Maxin Talos remarked making Diamond Tiara smirks. "Anyone who messes with you, get slammed."

"Good. Welcome to my services, Maxin Talos." Diamond Tiara said sinisterly.

Silver Spoon gulps a bit. That stallion looks huge! The Mane Six and their friends may get into trouble with this one...

The End for now

Cast list
Chantal Strand: Diamond Tiara
Shannon Chan-Kent: Silver Spoon
Ewan McGregor: Brave Heart
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Derpy Hooves
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Daviegh Chase: Nyx
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Brian Drummond: Filthy Rich
Amy Hill: Mama Heart

With special voice appearances by
Jeremy Irons: Fafnir the Black-Hearted
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Jason Marsden: Chase the Warrior
Jim Cummings: Maxin Talos