> Hope / An Unexpected Ally > by brandsca123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After the battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 After the battle Celestia woke up in a hospital bed. She groaned as she started to look around the room. Her sister Luna was in a bed next to her. She felt a small pain on her back and grunted in pain. She noticed that her back was bandaged up, then she remembered the events of the night before. "Oh good your majesty, your awake." Nurse Redhaert said. She was busy writing down some notes on a small noteboard. "How did I get here?" Celestia said. Nurse Redhaert just smiled and said. "Why Twilight Sparkle brought both you and your sister here. She said smothing about a Mooneater of some sort." Celestia let a smal tear go down her face as she smiled. "How long till I can go back." Celestia asked. "Right now if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it seeing as you sustained heavy damage on your back." Nurse Redhaert said. Celestia just nodded and went back down to resting. 'That student of mine never ceases to amaze me' She thought as sleep took her. ><><><><><><><><><><>< The next day Celestia and Luna went back to Canterlot Castle. It was still night out though, mostly because the two princess's were in the hospital. Celestia immediately went to work trying to rase the sun. It took a bit longer than normal because she still had a sore back from when Mooneater had hit her. She still couldn't believe that there were monsters like him left in the universe. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was still off though. ><><><><><><><><><>< Yesterday ponyville was in a state of panic because the sun had not risen and that both princess's were hurt. Fluttershy couldn't stand all this exitement and spent most of the day/night in her cottage. But that was old news compared to today. Hard to believe that it was only about a few weeks since Fluttershy had found Hope. She could still remember the night she found Hope. It was raining and she took her in. Sure the princess revealed that Hope was a winged human called an arch-angel, but she still had little to no information on Hopes background. Not that it bothered her, she still loved her as a daughter. Hope was busy chasing butterflies through a small field with Angel close behind her. He had grown fond of Hope and never wanted to leave her side, which was strange because Angel never really liked company that much. Fluttershy only giggled at her adopted daughters antics. Most of ponyville had grown used to Hope by now. Though there are the occasional pony that tried to ignore her, so Fluttershy ignored those ponies. She was so happy that Hope was finally safe. "Hope it's time for lunch." Fluttershy said as Hope came running toward her. Fluttershy only smiled and they went inside. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Twilight Sparkle Had a hard time trying to calm Spike down when she came back all battered and bruised. She kept telling him to calm down and that it was nothing. Spike didn't believe her and kept pestering her for answers, but Twilight ignored him. "But Twilight...." Spike complained as Twilight sent him to his bed. "Enough Spike, I already told you to drop it." Twilight was getting a bit anoyed at her assistant. "Fine then, but don't go asking me for favors." Spike said defensibly. Twilight only sighed and shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "I only hope Celestia and Luna are all right." She said as she looked out a window. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Princess Celestia was busy in her study trying to research more on this shadow creature. She was about to explain to Twilight and her friends about him when Mooneater came and attacked the castle. "There has to be a way to destroy this shadow." Celestia was furiously flipping through page after page and book after book. "You know big sister you have been worrying about this disaster for a while now. Why not take a break." Luna was also looking through books trying to help her sister. "Luna dear you know we can't. If this shadow were to come to equestria we must know how to beat it." Celestia said as Luna sighed. They continued to flip through books tirelessly. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie was busy filling out orders and baking for hungry ponies. Even after the fight with Mooneater she couldn't let her customers down, let alone her caretakers the Cakes. She gleefuly bounced to and frow working hard untill her tail started to vibrate violently, cousing her to trip and drop a box of cookies that she was trying to deliver to a waiting pony. luckly the box went flying into the stallion's face and he cought it in his mouth. Paying for the treat he left the building leaving a disgruntled Mr. Cake to try and calm a violently shaking Pinkie Pie. The entire bakery shook as pot's and pan's fell to the ground and screaming ponies ran out of the establishment. Somehow with all her shaking Pinkie had managed to create an earthquake. Pinkie slowly settled down long enough to quickly run out the door. She needed to warn Twilight. Her Pinkie sense had just told her something terrible is going to happen. But that was short lived however as Miss. Cake grabbed her and dragged her back inside. "You can play some other time Pinkie, right now we have orders to fill." Pinkie struggled a bit and said "But Miss. Cake this is an emergency, and not just any emergency my Pinkie sense told me something super duper bad is going to happen." "I'm sure you were just having a seizure Pinkie." Miss. Cake said as she put an apron on Pinkie. "But..." Pinkie said as she was pushed back into the kitchen. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Rainbow Dash was having a grand old time as she flew through the air without a care in the world. She was working on some tricks to impress the wonderbolts. She didn't seem to notice a small sphere like object was falling through the air. A loud explosion rang throughout the everfree. That seemed to catch Dash's attention as she stopped in mid air and stared into the forest. "What the hay was that." Rainbow Dash said. Curiosity got the best of her and she went to investigate. She zoomed through the air untill she came to a smoking crater. She landed near the edge and looked down the middle. She gasped in wonder at the sight of a metallic sphere in the middle. "Wow an alien spaceship." She was exited at this point and flew down to take a closer look. "I've only seen these things in the movies." She placed a hoof on the glossy serface and pulled back suddenly when a loud hiss came from the sphere. A small door opened up and Rainbow looked inside. She herd a faint breathing coming from inside and she put a hoof inside to feel what was inside. She screamed when a furry white creature came shooting out. She retreated to a safe distance and turned around. The creature wasn't chasing her, but was lying down cluching its side in pain. She went forward a bit and stopped to get a better picture of the creature. The creature was about the size of a stallion and had whit fur covering its body It had two slits for nostrals and had long rabbit like ears that went down to the tip of its feet. The creature had a green egg like jewel that was fermly fused between its forehead and the tip of its skull. The creature looked up at her with a pained look on its face, and it reached out to her probably to ask for help. Its eyes were huge and cat like. Its pupils were yellow with a black slit in the middle. Rainbow Dash cautiously went forward and stared at the creatures side. She noticed it was bleeding badly, its breath was labord and sounded painful. Rainbow Dash backed away saying. "Hold on I'll go get help. Just stay there." She flew away and started making her way towards Fluttershys cottage. > An Unexpected Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 An Unexpected Visitor Rainbow Dash flew through the air as fast as she could. She needed to help this thing, regardless of it being dangerous or not. She couldn't explain it but when she locked eyes with it, she swore that something was tugging at her mind. She stopped suddenly and realised that the creature must have entered her mind somehow. She flew back to the crater and loomed over the creature. She wanted answers and she will get them. She landed next to the alien and sat down, the creature looked up at her and stared deeply into her eyes. Rainbow Dash shuddered, it felt as if this thing was reading her mind and looking directly at her soul. She then noticed the jewel on its head was glowing. She stared at it with curiosity and touched it with her hoof. She then felt a strong surge of energy enter her mind. The world around her dim and went black. ><><><><><><><><><>< Rainbow Dash awoke next to the alien with a small headache. She groaned and got up onto her hooves. She shook her head and glared at the creature, who just stared back at her with longing. "What the hay did you just do to me." Rainbow Dash demanded. She continued to glare at the alien, who answered her with silence. After a few long minutes Rainbow Dash sighed. "You don't understand me do you." The creature just stared. "You can stop staring at me now, it's starting to creep me out." Rainbow Dash was looking around nervously trying to avoid eye contact with the alien. She felt a small warm sensation on her right leg, she looked down and gasped. On her front leg was a marking, it looked like a dragon with its wings and mouth open. The marking was pitch black and looked more like a burn mark. She put a hoof on the mark and was surprised to find that it blended in with her fur. Rainbow Dash was trembling now as she took a few steps back. "Why did you do this." Rainbow dash asked. Suddenly she herd a voice in her head say, "Rainbow Dash" The voice sounded male. This freaked Rainbow Dash out and she started to back away some more. She then took off and flew away from the crater leaving the alien behind. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Fluttershy heard a knock on her door and a regale voice said. "Fluttershy darling are busy at the moment?" Fluttershy let out a small squeak of surprise as she flew to the door. "Just a minute Rarity." Fluttershy said. She opened the door to make way for her friend. The white unicorn then asked. "I was wondering if you and Hope would like to go to the spa with me today. Sweetiebell is with her friends at the moment and I have some spare time on my hands." Fluttershy had completely forgot it was her and Rarity's spa date today. "Sure thing Rarity just let me get Hope." She picked up Hope and went outside with Rarity. The two were gossiping while walking towards a small building. Hope was looking around in wonder, curious as to where they were going. "What's a spa Mamashy?" Hope asked. Rarity spoke up before Fluttershy had a chance to answer. "Oh that's right it's your first time here. A spa darling is a place where ponies go to relax and get their hooves done." Hope just stared in confusion, still unsure of what might happen. They got to the doors and went inside, where Hope was then bombarded by two mares. Alo and Vera were twin sisters that ran the ponyville spa. They were leading the trio into a back room where they were then seated onto chairs. Hope still didn't understand what was going on. "It's okay dear nothing bad is going to happen." Rarity said to Hope, putting a hoof on her shoulder. This seemed to calm Hope down a bit as the mares started putting a mud mask on them. Hope found this enjoyable and quickly fell into a deep sleep. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Rainbow Dash still couldn't shake the feeling of something tugging at her mind and was starting to panic. She didn't know what to do and ended up flying around in circles. No matter what she did she always ended up at the crater. After a few hours of flying she gave up. Rainbow landed next to the alien and sighed. "Why are you doing this?" Rainbow Dash asked, but her question was left unanswered. She fell down defeated, and sighed some more. "Look I don't know what you want or why your doing this but please leave me out of it." Rainbow Dash was begging, It didn't feel that good to her because she isn't one to beg. The creature just stared at her. Rainbow Dash was now starting to get angry. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!" She shouted. Just then the voice came back this time it said one word. "Danger" Rainbow Dash was confused. This alien was starting to anoy her. "What do you mean danger?" She asked. She waited for an answer but none came. She groaned and fell to the ground. "What have I gotten myself into." It was then she got an idea. Maybe this creature wanted her to carry it into town. She quickly dismissed the idea as crazy and continued to glare at the thing. 'But then again it might be worth a shot' Rainbow Dash thought. She bent Down and placed the alien on her back, it was surprisingly light for how heavy it looked. She felt the thing grip her as she took off. "It's now or never" She said. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope was woken up by Alo shaking her. "Good your awake, your mother is waiting for you in the main lobby." Hope got up and stretched, Alo then led her out of the room to Fluttershy and Rarity. "Never in my life have I seen somepony fall asleep while getting their face done." Alo laughed. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at Hope. They walked outside where Rarity then said goodbye. "I really have to get back to work now Fluttershy, oh and Hope please take care of yourself." Hope just nodded. Fluttershy and Hope were walking into town when they saw a crowd gathered around ponyville hospital. "What was that thing" "Why would she bring it here" "Is it dangerous" "Did you see her leg, what happened." Were some of the things they heard coming from the citizens. They made way for a tired looking Rainbow Dash as she trotted foreword with some difficulty. Fluttershy ran up to her friend and asked. "What happened?" Rainbow Dash looked at her friend and said. "I'm not to sure myself, so why not take a look at it." She said as she took off flying towards her cloud house. Fluttershy looked at the entrance of the hospital and gasped. There lying down in a heap was a bleeding bipedle rabbit like thing. She watched as a nurse pony dragged the creature inside. Hope just stared in wonder and pulled on Fluttershy's hoof. "Come on Mamashy I want to see it." Fluttershy hesitantly led Hope inside the building unsure as to what might happen. > A New Threat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 A New Threat Inside the Ponyville General Hospital, A group of nurse ponies and doctor ponies were busy examining the creature that Rainbow Dash brought into town earlier. It was like nothing they ever seen, most of the cuts the creature had already healed completely and the green jewel on its head never came off. They were baffled that such a creature could exist. They continued examining it, and took some blood and fur samples for further study. ><><><><><><><><><>< Fluttershy and Hope tried to get in to see the creature but none of the hospital staff would let them through, claiming that the creature had to stay in quarantine. Hope was a little disappointed that she couldn't see the creature and left with a sad look on her face. "Perhaps we could see it tomorrow." Fluttershy said to Hope. Hope's face lit up a little and she smiled. They went back to the cottage for the rest of the day, and Hope had a hard time falling asleep because she was so exited about tomorrow. Fluttershy told her not to get her hope's up to high though as they might not be allowed to see the creature. With that Fluttershy went to bed and fell asleep. ><><><><><><><><><>< Rainbow Dash had a hard time sleeping that night, as something kept bothering her. She tossed and turned in her sleep as a horrible scene was playing in her mind. It looked like she was seeing through someone elses eyes as her body felt different. She stood on two legs and had hands and feet instead of hooves. She was running from something and all around her she saw death and distruction. She was running through a metal hallway as explosions hit left and right. She kept running until a monster with a snake like head and body had appeared right in front of her. She rammed right through the creature as she continued running. She then came to a door and she put her hand on the keypad and punched in some numbers. As the door opened she was impailed on the side of her gut, she turned around to see a black cloaked, hooded figure, who was holding what looked like a sword. She punched the figure sending it flying against a wall and pulled the sword out of her side and threw it away. She limped into the room. Inside the room were metallic spheres lining the walls. She went up to one and opened what looked like a door and went inside. She pushed a red button and an alarm rang in the distance as the sphere was shot out into space. An explosion went of and shook the sphere and her head was banged against the side. Rainbow Dash woke up in a cold sweat, panting loudly. Never in her life did she have a dream like that. Her right leg was burning and the mark on it was glowing. "What the hay did that thing do to me." She said to no one in particular. 'Tomorrow I will get to the bottom of this' she thought as she laid back down. Surprizingly no more nightmares came that night as she fell into a deep sleep. ><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie was having trouble sleeping. Ever since her Pinky sense told her that something bad is going to happen she has been desperately trying to figure out what it was. It didn't dampen her spirits, though it did affect the way she worked. Most of the day has been one mishap after another down in the kitchen. Mostly due to her Pinky sense acting up. The feeling of something terrible coming to ponyville still bothered her. 'I should tell twilight tomorrow, she would know what to do' she thought to herself. With that in mind she fell asleep. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Down in the everfree two spear like objects fell from the sky and into the ground with a loud bang. Debris and dust scattered through the air as woodland creatures ran from the impact sight. The spears stood erect from the ground. On both spears near the top was a red gem like crystal that seemed to be fashioned into a single eye. The two spears shook as metallic arms with long blades at the end tore away from the middle. Legs appeared beneath them as the two robots came to life. The head was just a round circle with the red gem in the middle. Their body's were a dark purple color and they hummed to life as they crawled out of the ground. They looked around and made small beeping noises as they communicated with each other. A small howl came from the right as a pack of five timber wolves came out in the moonlight. They were not happy with the metallic intruders. One of the robots looked at them as its eye started to glow. Just then a long red laser beam shot out and crawled along the ground towards the wolves. They let out pained yelps as they cought fire and exploded. One of the wolves was still alive and badly burnt. It was in the fetal position and shaking. The two robots walked towards their helpless prey as they made clanking noises with each step they took. The other robot lifted its blade like hand and brought it down hard on the timber wolf's skull shattering it. The two robots looked at their handy work and continued walking, heading in the direction of ponyville. ><><><><><><><><><>< Down in ponyville hospital the creature that Rainbow Dash brought in woke up with a jolt. It looked around the room and spotted an open window. It got up and went towards it and proceeded to jump out. It landed with a thud on the ground and started running into the night with no clear destination in mind. > Jane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Jane The next morning all of ponyville was in a state of panic. Apparently last night the alien that Rainbow Dash brought had escaped, and was now running free. "What are we to do" "Protect the children" "It might attack at any moment." Last night it found a nice comfortable spot on top of the mayor's office and was curled up sound asleep oblivious to the many wide eyes that were staring at it. "What's it doing?" "Hey you get of the mayors house." The creature opened its eyes lazily and yawned. The town went into an uproar as the creature jumped down. Everypony took a step back once it landed. The creature then sat down and cocked its head to the side. The townsponies looked at each other nervously, unsure on what to do. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope who happened to be strolling through town with Fluttershy heard the commotion and went to investigate. They pushed passed the ponies and saw the creature sitting on the ground without a care in the world. "Look Mamashy it's the creature Dash brought with her." Hope was jumping up and down with glee. Fluttershy stared slack jawed at the thing in front of her, and took a few steps back. "Hope don't get too close to it." She said as she grabbed Hope in her jaw and started dragging her back. ><><><><><><><><><>< Rainbow Dash was woken up by the sounds of ponies panicking. She groaned and got out of bed and went to the window to see what the all the fuss was about. She saw ponies gathered around the mayors house staring at something that was lying down on the roof. She looked a bit harder and gasped, it was the alien she found yesterday. Now was her chance to get some answers. She spotted the creature jumping down and taking a seat in front of the crowd. Rainbow Dash shook herself Straightening her main as she did so. She flew out the window and charged at the creature. The creature seemed to notice this and quickly dodged to the right. Rainbow crashed into the ground face first. She got up dazed slightly by the impact and glared at the creature. The creature looked at her and crouched bringing its face to hers. What happened next shocked everypony. "Thanks" The creature said. It had a voice of a young stallion. "If it wasn't for you I would have died." With that the creature stood up and started walking away. Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth and stood up. "Hey wait, I have to ask you something." Rainbow Dash said as the creature stopped and turned its head. "Who and what are you?" She asked. The creature just turned away and continued walking. "You don't need to know, you will forget soon enough." The creature said. Rainbow Dash was confused at its statement. She scratched her head as the creature made its way back to the everfree. Rainbow Dash looked at the mark on her hoof and back at the creature who was begging to disappear into the forest. "Hey wait" Rainbow Dash took off and gave chase. Fluttershy worried for her friend ran after her, Hope soon followed leaving a shocked ponyville to stare in awe. "What the buck just happened?" A young earth pony with a brown mane said. Everypony just shook their heads and went back to their normal routine. ><><><><><><><><><><>< High above the rooftops of ponyville two shimmering figures appeared. The two robots were scanning around searching for something they looked around and saw four figures running towards the everfree. They soon gave chase. ><><><><><><><><><>< Fluttershy, Hope and Rainbow Dash were busy following the alien. It soon led them to the crater. The alien jumped into the hole and Rainbow Dash soon followed. Fluttershy just stayed back and stared at the metallic sphere in the middle. She shivered, unsure of what to make of this moment. Hope just stared in wonder but didn't leave Fluttershy's side. The creature was busy looking through the inside of the sphere to notice an annoyed Rainbow Dash tap him on the shoulder. "Hey I still want some answers." Rainbow Dash said. The creature just ignored her and continued rummigiing through the sphere. He finished and pulled out three interesting objects. One was a glowing blue crystal that seemed to be attached to string that looped around it. He put that around his neck. The other two were twin claw blades, they were gloves made of the strongest metal and had three knife like claws potruding out from the knuckles. He put those on and took a couple practice swings in the air. Satisfied with his work, he made the crystal around his neck glow as the gloves were surrounded by a blue light. They soon disappeared into thin air. "Just in case." The creature said to a confused Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash still wanted answers, and flew in front of him and said. "Look here mister, I want answers and I want them now. What is with this mark on my leg and who and what are you." Rainbow Dash was angry at this point. The creature just sighed and rolled his eyes and walked out of the crater. Fluttershy then spoke up silently. "Ummm...mister alien sir.....I was just wondering if you could.......um.....answer my friend, if you want to that is." Fluttershy hid behind her mane as she said this. Hope just stared in awe. "I can see there is no avoiding this." The alien said as he let out a sigh. "Damn straight you can't." Rainbow Dash said boldly. The creature sat down and put his hands on his lap. "Fine, I will tell you." The three then crowded around him and sat down. "My name is Jane, now before you make fun of my name, Yes I know it's a strange name for a guy so don't ask." The creature then continued. "Secondly, I am what you call a Celestial. My home planet is Seleona but that wouldn't matter anyway as I am the last of my kind and my planet is destroyed, so I can't return home." Jane then grabbed Rainbow Dash's leg and pointed to the maek on it. "Thirdly, This mark is special. It signifys the bonding of two minds. I didn't mean to do this but once you tuched this limiter," He pointed to the green jewel on his head," our minds connected together. That means all you thoughts and all your memories are now mine. The same thing applies with my thoughts and memories being yours too." He finished his story as Rainbow Dash stared at him with her mouth open. She then thought to the dream that she had the night before. 'could those be the memories that he had before he came here' she thought. "So what your saying is that, you and I are one in the same now." Rainbow Dash said as she let it all sink in. She didn't know what to say and she just started to babble incoharently at the thought of this thing having her memories. Fluttershy didn't take the news well as she had fainted and was now lying down on her side. Hope was busy trying to wake her up. "Pretty much." Jane said. 'My god this is so strange' Rainbow dash thought. Just then Jane said something to her that rocked her to her core. "I can hear your thoughts you know." Rainbow Dash just stared wide eyed and shouted. "STAY OUT OF MY HEAD" She gripped her haed in her hooves and started to shake it furiously. Jane only laughed, Hope then saw something in the corner of her eye. "Ummm....guys, I think we have company." Hope said as Rainbow Dash and Jane stopped talking to eachother and looked behind her. Two robots were making their way towards them at top speed. Jane stood up and outstreached his arms to his sides as the two claw gloves appeared back on his hands. "Rainbow Dash Take Hope and Fluttershy and run." Jane said. "Wait I didn't even tell you my name let alone theirs." Rainbow Dash said with confusion. Jane just looked at her like she was dumb. "Oh right, minds connected." Rainbow Dash said with a blush. She grabbed Hope and Fluttershy and dragged them into the crater. "What about him." Hope said to Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry about me, I can handle these creeps." Jane said as he took an attack stance. One of the robots charged as Jane sliced downwards, cutting the thing in half. Both half's fell to the ground and exploded. "Next." Jane said. "Hey save some for me." Rainbow Dash said as she jumped out of the crater. "Anyway, what are these things." She asked as she narrowly avoided a laser beam that was shot at her. 'Scouts, I believe. They were probably sent here to find me." Jane said. "Then who sent them, and why would they be looking for you." Rainbow Dash said as she charged at the second robot, sending it flying into a tree. "I don't know," Jane answered, "Maybe whoever sent them hates me or they really don't like the thought of a world inhabited by talking ponies." Jane chuckled at his joke. He ducked, avoiding a punch from Rainbow Dash. "Horse apples, there's something your not telling me." Rainbow Dash said. The second robot disappeared and reappeared behind Hope in the crater. She screamed as the robot took a jab at her. "Rainbow Dash hlep me." She said as she rolled away from the blade coming at her. Jane and Rainbow Dash jumped at the robot who shot them with its laser knocking them back with a thud. Fluttershy then woke up. "Huh...waaa....." She groaned as she stood up. "Mamashy." Hope shouted as the robot began chasing her. Fluttershy looked at the destruction around her. She noticed Rainbow Dash and Jane lying unconscious on the ground, and then noticed the robot chasing Hope. She let out a squeak of surprise as she jerked to attention. "Hope hold on." She said as she charged at the robot. "Leave her alone you big bully." She said as her head connected with the machine, knocking it back again. She stood in front of Hope, wings raised in defense. "You shall not touch her." Flutershy said as she let loose her famous stare. It didn't effect the robot much as it just stood up and started walking towards them slowly. "I said stay back." Fluttershy growled, but it didn't work as the robot raised its bladed arm and took a swing at her. The blade was only inches from her face when a clawed hand bashed its way through the chest of the robot. The robot sparked and jerked around for a few moments, before exploding into a pile of scrap. She looked at the one who saved her. Jane stood there holding an unconscious Rainbow Dash above his shoulder. Fluttershy stared in awe at the alien in front of her. "uhhhhhh........thank you..." She said as she started to blush. Jane just stared as he started making his way back to ponyville. "Follow me, it's to dangerous out here. More might be coming." He said. Fluttershy just nodded and grabbed Hope, and started to follow behind Jane. > The prophecy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 The prophecy Inside the castle princess Celestia and princess Luna were in the Starswirl the bearded archives. "It has to be here somewhere." Celestia was frantically looking for a certain book. "Tia are you certain that the secret of defeating the shadow is in here." Luna was about ready to give up the search. "I'm more than certain Luna. Out of all the magic users in this land Starswirl must have soom knowledge on this being." She looked through some of the shelves until she came about a small brown book. It was wrinkled with age and she had to use her magic to move so as to not distroy its contents. She gently placed it down on the desk and began to read. Luna eyed the book with curiosity. "Sister," Luna began "What kind of book is that." Celestia took a moment to look up at her sister and answered. "This my dear is a book of prophecies, written by Starswirl himself." Luna looked at the book with wonder and asked. "What does it say?" "I don't know sister so lets find out." Celestia said with a smile. They looked through the pages and stopped at one in particular. They stared at the picture that was on the page, and gasped. The picture was of four figures lined together in a defensive stance. The first two they recognized as pegasi, one seemed calm and quite, the other was bold and had a strange marking of a dragon on its right leg. The other two were different, as they weren't ponies at all. One was of a young winged girl holding a staff, the other was of a tall rabbit creature with clawed gloves that nether of them recognized. They continued to look at it then started to read the passage next to it. "Four heroes, two chosen by harmany, one from a completely different world, and one raised by harmony, will rise up and strike down the shadow with their light." Celestia and Luna were silent for a moment before the elder one spoke up. "Luna do you know what this means." Celestia said. "Should I inform the elements sister." Luna answered "No sister, I don't think we will be needing the elements just yet," Celestia put the book away as she said this, " First I think we need to learn more of this prophecy before we involve Twilight and her friends." Luna only nodded as the two left the room and went back to the study room. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Meanwhile in the ruins of the twin sisters, a dark humaniod figure was sitting in the middle of the room in a deep trance. He opened his eyes and laughed silently to himself. "So the pawns have been lined up." He got up and walked out of the room. "This should be amusing." The figure laughed maniacally as he walked deep into the forest. > Omega > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Omega The four companions left the forest and were now on the outskirts of ponyville. "I believe this is where we part ways." Jane said to Fluttershy, he was still holding an unconscious Rainbow Dash over his shoulder. "Is she going to be okay." Fluttershy asked Jane. "I'm sure she will," Jane then paused for a moment before continuing, "Do you know where the library is?" Fluttershy looked at him with confusion. "Why would you want to bring Rainbow Dash there, It would be better if you brought her to my place or the hospital." Fluttershy said. Jane was silent for the moment before he spoke. "This girls memories are telling me to go to the library." Jane said. "Oh, then you might want to go that way..... and don't you mean mare not girl." Fluttershy pointed in the direction of the library. Again Jane was silent. He shifted Rainbow Dash into a more comfortable position before running off in the direction Fluttershy pointed. "Hey wait...." Fluttershy said, but it was to late for Jane had gone. She sighed and started making her way back to her cottage with Hope close behind her. "What were those things?" She asked herself, " And what did he mean by her memories?" Fluttershy was more confused then ever. Hope then spoke up. "Mamashy, do you think he could be trusted." Fluttershy looked at Hope and said, "I don't know Hope, I just don't know." ><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane was busy running towards the library at top speed. He was nearing the front door, when he tripped dropping Rainbow Dash in the process. The initial shock of hitting the ground woke up Rainbow Dash. Both Rainbow Dash and Jane hit the ground, bouncing across the ground and crashing face first into the door, knocking it of its hinges. Twilight who was in the middle of sorting through her books let out a scream of surprise as the sound of a door breaking open echoed throughout the house. She ran towards the door to see a dazed Rainbow Dash and a creature lying on the ground. Rainbow Dash shook herself and regained her composure. She looked around and saw Jane lying on the floor. "Hey you wake up." She said as she tried shaking him awake. Twilight was stunned that her friend knew this creature. "Ummm...Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here and who and what is that thing?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash froze up and turned. "Oh hey Twilight didn't see you there." She put a hoof behind her neck as she sweatdropped. Spike Twilight assistant was walking down the stairs looking a little tired. "Can't a dragon get any sleep in ......." he stopped suddenly when he saw Jane. "Holy sweet celestia what the hey is that!" he said pointing at Jane. "That's what I would like to know myself." Twilight added "Looks like I have some explaining to do." Jane said as he sat upright. ><><><><><><><><><><>< At Fluttershy's cottage Hope was busy trying yo help out her adoptive mother feed the animals. "Try not to force feed them Hope, they don't like that." Fluttershy said to Hope who was busy shoving a chicken in a pile of birdseed. Fluttershy had to separate the two before they ended up hurting eachother. Angel was busy laughing his head off at the sight, never in his life had he seen a chicken being shoved head first into a pile of birdseed. "But Mamashy miss chicken won't eat." Hope whined as Fluttershy gently pulled her away from the chicken coop. Not wanting to start an argument she sent Hope to pick up some supplies in ponyville. With bits in hand Hope and Angel went on their merry way into town. Once there she stopped at Applejack's apple stand to pick up some macontosh apples. "Well howdy there Hope, what can I do ya for." Said a smiling orange earth pony. Hope told her what she was sent here to pick up some groceries for Fluttershy while she was feeding the animals. "Anyway how is yer stat in ponyville Hope." Applejack asked trying to start a conversation. "Mamashy is great to be around, though she tends to worry to much." Hope said. "Well that's Fluttershy for ya, always worryin fer somepony or another, anyway that will be ten bits." Applejack said as she handed hope a bag full of apples. Hope gave her the bits and continued walking around the market occasionally stopping to buy what Fluttershy needed. She passed an exited pink mare who gleefully waved and smiled at her. Hope returned the favor and went about her business. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight," Twilight was in her library talking to Jane and Rainbow Dash, "You mind merged with my friend here in order to save your own life, and now you have full access to both her memories and abilities and vice versa." She still couldn't understand what was going on. "Well it's not all just a bad thing," Jane began, "though there is some side effects." "What! Side effects, you didn't say anything about side effects." Rainbow Dash said with a hint of surprise. "Let me finish, what I mean is that though we share eachothers mind, we still have to be careful about what we do. If per chance you were to injure yourself then I would feel the effects of the injury and vice versa" Jane said. Spike then spoke up. "So what your saying is, if one of you ends up dying the other would die too." This time Rainbow Dash was panicking. "What! You mean if you end up getting hurt then I would too." She was sweating bricks now. "And vice versa." Jane added. "You act like it's a bad thing." "It is a bad thing." Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash said outloud. Jane sweatdropped and laughed nervously. "Surely there must be a way to reverse this." Twilight said as she started to look through book after book. "Trust me when I say this," Jane began, "But there is no reversing a mind merge once it happened. The only way out is death." Twilight dropped her book with a shocked expression on her face. "You mean to say that you and Dash are stuck together." Twilight then dropped to the floor and fainted. "Does she always do that?" Jane asked Rainbow Dash. "Only if something big happens." She said. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Meanwhile in a far of corner of the multiverse, a group of eight hooded figures were sitting around a large table, when a flash of light went off behind them. A human like figure with spiked hair and black pupiless eyes and pointed ears walked in. "How is the status report from the scouts we sent going." The figure had a young males voice, and spoke with an eeriely soft tone. He walked up to a large white seat at the end of the table. "Not good lord Xorn," A skinny yet tall figure said. he had a voice of a well learned man. "We seemed to have encountered a small problem when trying to locate the celestial." "What kind of problem Dr. Lumin." Xorn said. Dr. Lumin coughed into his arm. "Well we might think that they encountered an arch-angel sir, probably the last of its kind." "What! I thought the deamons killed them all off in the angel deamon war." Xorn said while banging his fist on the arm of his chair. Just then a tall well built figure spoke up. "If I may interupt sir," He had a very deep gruff voice. "May I suggest going in there myself and destroy the angel scum." Xorn thought about this for a moment and said. "It is tru that this arch-angel may pose a threat to us and our plans, I see no point in dealing with it. If what Lumin says is true then it poses no threat." "But sir if it's chaos gene has activated then it already poses a threat." The well built figure said. "Now, now there Omega, if Xorn doesn't want us to worry about it then we shall not. I suggest that we observe the angel to see if she does." Luman said. But Omega was already worked up and he pointed a large finger at him. "Lumin you know as well as I do that any angel is a threat to us." Xorn sat back and listened to the two argue before saying. "Enough," The two froze and went silent, "Omega, you may go and take care of this angel." "But sir...." Lumin stutterd, " Surely observing the angel will provide more..." But he was cut off by Xorn. "My decision is final, we shall destroy the angel before it poses to much of a threat, then we go after the celestial." Lumin swallowed his words as Omega left the room. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope had finished shopping and was walking back to the cottage with Angel, when she spotted a beam of light over the everfree. "Come on Angel we have to get to Mamashy." Hope said as she picked up her pace. Angel only sighed and soon was hopping along with Hope. "Mamashy, Mamashy." Hope shouted. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise at the sudden noise. "Oh... Hope please don't startle me like that." Fluttershy said as she went up to Hope. She then noticed the look on Hopes face and asked. "Hope.....What's wrong." Hope hugged herself close to Fluttershy. "Mamashy there's something happening in the everfree." Hope said as she pointed to the beam of light. Fluttershy went wide eyed and said. "Hope get inside." Hope quickly did as she was told and went inside the cottage. Fluttershy was about to follow when she heard a gruff voice from behind. "Well well well, it seems I found the threat." It said as Fluttershy froze in place. She slowly turned around and squeaked at what she saw. It was a large well built figure, wearing a black hooded cloak, its left arm, if you could call it that, had a large battle axe embedded in it. The figure lifted its hood off its head to reveal a wolf like head. Its left eye was scared, and its lower jaw was covered by metal armor that was attached to its jaw bone. It had a smug grin on its face as it loomed over Fluttershy. She backed away slowly never taking her eyes off the beast in front of her. "Wha...what do you want" Fluttershy stammered. The thing let out a small growl and said. "I'm here for the child." A/N I Hope you like how the story is going so far. Please comment and like the fic. Your support is well needed and appreciated. > The Power of Kindness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 The Power of Kindness. "I'm here for the child." Omega took a step forward, as Fluttershy backed up in fear. She couldn't speak let alone run away, she had to protect Hope from this thing. "Mamashy run." Hope called out as she peeked out the window. Fluttershy gulped and stood tall, she wasn't about to lose Hope to this monster. "Hope stay inside." Fluttershy said as she let loose her stare at Omega. It didn't seem to effect him at all as he kept walking forward. "Stay where you are!" Fluttershy said. She bowed her head and raised her wings trying to look menacing. Omega only laughed as he raised his left arm, and brought it down hard. Fluttershy dodged the axe as it splinterd the ground around her. Fluttershy continued to stare down Omega, as he turned to face her. Inside the cottage Hope was looking at the scene in front of her. A small tear came down her face. She didn't want the one who cared for her to die. She picked up Angel and said. "Angel we have to do something, otherwise that thing will hurt Mamashy." Angel pointed at some pots and pans in the kitchen. Hope smiled and said, "Good idea, lets go.". "Do you really think a pathetic meatbag such as yourself could stand against me." Omega said as he raised his axe again. "I am Omega of the northern flame, number eight in the cult of the fallen. I will kill you were you stand." "You leave Mama alone." Hope shouted as she ran out of the house, holding a cooking pot in one hand. Angel did the same and had a smug look on his face. "Hope get back in the house." Fluttershy said. Omega was staring at the three with a confused look on his face, but quickly came to his senses. "How cute the little arch-angel thinks she can beat...." Omega was interupted by a pan hitting him square in the face. Angel was raising his little fist in the air in triumph. This seemed to piss off Omega as he growled loudly. "How dare you strike me," Omega opened his mouth as a blue flame appeared in his mouth, "Lets see how you can handle my Ice-Fire." A long stream of blue flame shot out as Fluttershy quickly grabbed Hope and Angel and jumped out of the way. The flame disappeared and what was left was a thin sheet of ice. "I will chill you to your bones." Omega said as he readied another flame. This time Hope ran in front of it and raised the pot she was holding up like a shield deflecting the flames away from Fluttershy. "Hope?" Fluttershy said, surprised that her daughter came to her rescue. She looked at Hope and saw a tear run down her face. "I won't run away anymore Mamashy. You cared for me and showed me kindness that I thought never existed. Since that night when Mooneater attacked, I thought that it might be the end, but you and your friends saved me and defeated him. I won't run away again, I won't rely on others to save me anymore." Hope was struggling to hold the makeshift shield up as the blue flames continued to spew from Omega's mouth. The force was too strong, for Hope was the hurled into a nearby tree. She looked up slowly as she started to shiver in fear. Omega stopped for a second and started walking towards Hope a smug grin on his face. This was too much for Fluttershy, as she stood there a tear went down her face. "Leave her alone." Moved by Hopes words she took a step forward and launched herself headfirst into Omega's back, sending him sprawling across the ground. "Mamashy." Hope said as another tear went down her face. Fluttershy then hugged Hope close and said. "I won't run too." Omega struggled to his feet. He loomed over the two and took a swing at them, but was then kicked hard in the face by a blue blur. Omega was sent flying and crashed to the ground. Rainbow Dash was hoovering in front of them when Jane came running towards them. "Sorry were late, I ope ou saved some for me." Jane smirked as he came to a stop by Rainbow Dash. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< A few minutes earlier outside the library, Rainbow Dash spotted a beam of light land at the edge of the everfree right next to the general direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Jane came walking out of the library and closed the door. "She's still zoned out in there." Jane said. Rainbow Dash tapped him on the shoulder and pointed. "Looks like we got trouble." She said as Jane stared at where she was pointing. "What about Sparky in there." Jane said as he pointed behind him. "Forget about her for a mome, she's fine where she is." Jane shrugged as rainbow dash started shoving him forward. "Come on lets go, I have a feeling Fluttershy is in danger." Rainbow Dash said as Jane pushed her aside. She glared at him for a moment as he smirked. "Then what are we waiting for, lets go." Jane then ran as fast as he could towards the cottage with Rainbow Dash close behind him. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Back in the present Jane and Rainbow Dash were glaring at Omega, who was once again struggling to his feet. "You know it's not nice to pick on my friends." Rainbow Dash said as Omega glared back. "Well Jane shall we teach this bully a lesson." Rainbow Dash smirked as Jane returned the gesture. "Hell yes, besides I think it's a good time for you to learn what that mark on your leg can do." Rainbow Dash looked at the mark on her leg and thought. 'This thing has powers?!', She quickly looked back at the enraged Omega and said. "Well then, lets get started." > Hidden Powers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Hidden Power At the edge of the everfree, a shadowy figure lay hidden in the bushes. The sounds of battle could be herd. The figure looked up from his hiding spot and chuckled to himself. "This looks interesting. Lets see if they can handle my shadow posseser" The figure said as it pulled a small bit of itself off its arm. It placed the mass of shadow like flesh on the ground and it sprang to life. It slithered to where the fight was happening. "Go forth my pet, and teach these fools the meaning of fear." The figure suddenly vanished without a trace. ><><><><><><><><><><>< "All right Rainbow Dash raise your right hoof and point it at that ugly fellow over there and say ACTIVATE." Jane pointed to Omega, who was still struggling to his feet. She raised her right hoof and said "ACTIVATE." Her hoof suddenly burst into flames. Rainbow Dash was surprised at what was happening and jerked back suddenly. "What the buck, get it off." Rainbow Dash said as she shook her hoof up and down. Jane only laughed as he said. "Don't be scared, it's your flame after all." Rainbow Dash just glared at Jane, but then noticed that the fire wasn't burning her. "So I guess this is the power you gave me." A small thought came to her as she grinned. Rainbow put her hoof on Jane's head, which then cought fire. "ARRRGGGGGHHHHH, HOT HOT HOT!" Jane was running around now trying to put out the fire. He jumped to the ground and started to roll. "What was that for" Jane shouted "That's for not telling me my hoof would catch fire." Rainbow laughed as hard as she could as she said this. Jane managed to put out the flame, and proceeded to glare at Dash. They didn't seem to notice that Omega had gotten up, and was now running towards them. "Umm....guys I think maybe you should look out for the....." Fluttershy said as an axe came crashing down. Fortunately Jane noticed on time and delivered a strong kick to Omega's axe, shattering it into pieces. Omega was dumbfounded at what just happened. "But...this can't be, that axe was made of Orecalco the strongest metal in the universe." Omega held his broken axe/arm and growled. "You will pay for this." He said as he opened his mouth wide. "ICE FIR....." Omega was cut off as Rainbow punched him hard in the jaw with a flaming hoof, the magic flame giving her an unnatural strength boost. Omega reeled back from the force of the powerful uppercut and fell hard on his back. "Wow, that was awsome." Rainbow Dash said as she raised her hoof in the air. "Great job Dash now deliver the final blow." Jane said. But they didn't seem to notice a small shadow like mass enter into Omega's body. Rainbow Dash was about to ask how to deliver the final blow, when a large claw swatted her hard. Fluttershy let out a small scream as Omega's body was then swallowed up by a black mass. Rainbow hit the ground hard with a thud, Jane ran to her and proceeded to help her up. Fluttershy was busy trying to shield Hope who was clutching her close. Angel just stared in disbelief. The black mass melted and started to take shape. What appeared was a large black wolf with glowing red eyes, unnaturaly long claws and two saber teeth hanging from the top of its jaw. Its two front shoulders had long spike like appendiges that looked like frozen flames. Its tail was bony and metallic, and looked like it could be used as a whip. The monster let out a large roar as blue flames came out of its mouth. Jane glared at the creature and clenched his fists. "DESTROY!" The monster roared. Jane took a step foreword. "Fluttershy take Hope and run, me and Dash will take care of this." Jane was glaring at the creature as Rainbow Dash hoovered next to him. Fluttershy stood up and said. "No, that thing attacked my home and now has the nerve to threaten me and Hope. I will stay and give that thing a sterne talking to." She took a couple steps foreword before Jane turned around and delivered a small punch to her gut, knocking the wind out of her. She crumpled to the floor as Hope ran to her and glared at Jane. "What the buck was that for." Rainbow Dash said surprised that he would attack her friend like that. "Please forgive me, you would have gotten in the way," Jane said as he turned around to face the monster, "Hope take your mother and go It's to dangerous here." "Hey!," Rainbow Dash took a swing at Jane who blocked it, "Why did you hit Fluttershy." "It was for her own safety, she would have gotten killed if I hadn't knocked her out." Jane said as his hands started to glow. Blue flames wrapped around his hand and transformed into claws. Rainbow Dash was dumfounded at his statement. Angel who was still staring at the monster was quickly shoved to the side by Rainbow Dash. "You had better explain yourself afterwards, otherwise I will beat the snot out of you." Rainbow Dash was fired up at this point. "As if you could even hit me." Jane said with a smile to reashure Rainbow Dash that he was joking. She let out a small "heh" as she flew beside Jane. "ACTIVATE"Rainbow Dash said as flames snaked their way up her front hoof. "DESTROY!" The monster said as it shot its tail at them. Rainbow Dash and Jane split and ran to ether side of the beast. Jane punched it hard in the jaw sending it flying towards Rainbow Dash who slammed her flaming hoof down, smashing the monster on the ground. The beast got up and lunged at Rainbow Dash who dodged out of the way. Hope just stared holding onto Fluttershy protectively. Fluttershy stirred and groaned. "Uhhh...whaa." She said as she came too. She shoke her head as Hope hugged her close. "Mamashy, that big meanie knocked you out." Hope said as Fluttershy hugged her back. She remembered what happened a few minutes earlyer adn turned around with a look of anger on her face. It quickly went away as the monster was thrown by Jane, and was now flying towards them. She squeaked in surprise and grabbed Hope and dodged to the side. Jane raised his hand in the air as the flame claw grew to an enormous size and slamed down on the creature. Rainbow Dash then raised her hoof and pointed it at the beast and charged headfirst at it. A cone of flames erupted from her hoof and circled around her and formed a spike. She connected with the creature, who the split in half and exploded. The creature screamed in pain as shadow like smoke drifted upwards from it, and soon it disappeared. Jane and Dash landed next to Fluttershy as the magic flames went away. Jane raised his hand in the air and shouted. "Victory" His to index fingers formed a V as he did this. "Hey that's my line." Rainbow Dash said as she playfuly smacked Jane upside the head. "Anyway you still owe me an explanation, for all this weird stuff thats been happening." Jane only smiled an nodded. their victory was short lived though as an angry Fluttershy rammed Jane hard in the gut sending him flying in the process. "That's for punching me earlyer." Fluttershy said as she started to calm down. Rainbow Dash only laughed as Hope picked up Angel, who was still shocked at what he just witnessed. > Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Explanations Back in the dark corner of the multiverse, Xorn was busy watching a holoscreen. The events of the battle with Omega was playing on the screen, when suddenly it went blank. The words "Omega Deceased" played out on the screen. Xorn clenched a fist in anger. "It seems we have underestimated these creatures abilities for combat." Dr.Lumin who was sitting in a chair next to Xorn said. "I suggest that we send Flora, I believe her ability to control plant life would be useful on this world." "Very well, Lumin we will see to it that she gets there." Xorn pushed a button on the screen and a female figure appeared. "You called Xorn." Flora said, she had a regale tone to her voice. "Flora I want you to go to this world and destroy the child." Xorn demanded. Flora let out a small laugh as she bowed. "Very well my lord I shall see to it that these creatures don't survive the next day." She lifted her hood off to reveal, long blonde hair and a young face with pointed ears. She had flower like earings that gleamed with an unnatural light. "Do not fail me, Flora." Xorn said as he turned off the holoscreen. Lumin let out a small cough as he walked up to Xorn. "Sir I think you might want to look at this." Lumin said. "What is it Lumin." Lumin turned the holoscreen on and put a small disk in a slot. An image of a planet with only one land mass appeared on the screen. "I've done some research on the planet Equestria as you asked, and I would like to point out there seems to be a large energy spike somewhere in this area." He pointed to a small mountain that was next to a forest. " I suggest that we send some scouts to investigate this phenomena." Xorn thought for a moment before saying. "No, I don't think it's necessary for such measures." Lumin looked surprised at his masters answer. "But sir surely we should at least send someone to investigate." Lumin was trying to reason with Xorn, who then said. "Very well, I will send you and Matsu to investigate this energy spike." Xorn then turned the holoscreen off again, and dismissed Lumin. "Thank you sir, I promise to not fail you." Lumin said as he walked out of the room, leaving Xorn alone with his thoughts. "For your sake Lumin, you better not fail me." In the dark hallway Lumin to meet with Flora and Matsu when he heard a voice talk in his head. "why do you bother with him, you know he would destroy you in a heartbeat if he wants to." Lumin was scared and was looking around for the source of the voice, but couldn't find it. "Who are you?" Lumin said nervously. "Let us just say that we both share similar interests." The voice replied. Lumin was interested now and was listening closely. "Go on..." He said. The voice let out a small chuckle and said. "Now listen closely to what I have to say...." Matsu was waiting beside Flora and was becoming increasingly frustrated. "Where is he." Matsu demanded. He had spiky lightning-yellow hair that popped out at odd angles. His ears were covered by metal disks that had a spike in the middle. His hands sparked with electricity as he clenched his fists. "Now now, Matsu we don't want you blowing up another wall." Flora teased. This seemed to anger Matsu more as he let loose a bolt in her direction, missing her head by a hairs length. "Can it Flora, can't you see I want to go destroy these pesky creatures. I haven't killed anything in weeks now and I don't want to be kept waiting by some eggheaded baboon." Sparks were flying from his hands as he said this. Just then a hooded figure approached from the shadows. "Calm down Matsu, we don't want another black out." The figure joked obviously referring to Matsu's ability with electricity. "Ha ha very funny Lumin." Matsu said irritably. Lumin put down his hood to reveal a pale face person with long silver hair that touched his shoulders. He had glasses on his face and he was carrying what appeared to be an egg of some sort. The egg was see through and had moving shadows inside it. This caught Flora's attention and she pointed to the object. "What is that thing?" Flora said. Lumin looked at the egg and said. "Just in case we should fail." Flora let it go for now and shrugged. "Then lets go already." Matsu said. A small pillar of light appeared and the three walked inside. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane was sitting on a couch at the library, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Hope and Pinkie Pie were around him. "I guess I owe you some explanations girls." Jane said as Twilight nodded. "Right first question." Jane said. He was then suddenly tackled by Pinkie who then proceeded to bombard him with questions. "Who are you what are you where are you from is it nice there do you have any friends how about a party." Applejack pulled the pink pony off him and said. "Give the man some space ta breathe sugarcube." Jane sighed in relief that the pink party pony was off him. "I think I should ask the first Question, since I found him first." Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to Janes face. "Why are you here?" Jane gently pushed Rainbow Dash aside asn started to talk. "As I told you I have no place to go, my planet was destroyed and thats all there is. As for why I chose to mind merge with you, I was on the brink of death and I needed some energy to regenerate myself. The only way I could do that without overloading my body is to mind merge with someone." "What do you mean by overloading?" Twilight was the one to ask this. Jane then replied. "The energy on this planet is enormous, if I was to tap into it then my limiter would have been destroyed and the energy buildup would have exploded out of me with enough force to reduce more than half the planet into a burning wasteland." The groups jaw dropped in amazement. Applejack then spoke up. "Catastrophe aside, what this here limiter dohicky ya keep talkin about and what does it do?" Jane pointed to the gem on his forehead. "This here is a limiter, all celestials are born with it. It reduces the amount of natural energy we filter, if the flow of energy was to build up then...." Jane was silent, Applejack seemed to have gotten the message. "If you don't mind me asking darling, but what is with that necklace of yours it is simply devine." Rarity asked pointing to the blue crystal around Janes neck. "It's a life crystal, as long as it shines bright then it signafies that I'm still alive. If your wondering where I got it, It was given to me by someone I hold close to my heart." Jane clenched the crystal as a tear rolled down his face. "What happened to this pony?" Pinkie pie said. Jane looked up and answered. "This PERSON, is no longer with us. She was killed long ago and I miss her very much." "Oh....sorry I didn't know." Pimkie said softly as she looked to the floor. Jane pat her on the head and said. "Don't worry about it." Pinkie immediately jumped up and gave him a hug, Jane was struggling to get the pink pony off him. "Choking not breathing." Jane said as he heard some bones snap. Again Applejack pulled her off. "Ummmm.....do you know what that thing that attacked us was." Fluttershy asked. Jane went silent as his eyes shrank. Hope seemed to notice this and said. "Your hiding something, I know it." Jane sighed and regained his composure. "That was Omega, a hunter for a bad cult calling themselves The Fallin. My world was attacked by them and I was the only one who managed to escape their slaughter." Hope put her hands over her mouth and gasped. "So their deamons." Hope said. Jane looked up. "No, The Fallin are a group of angels that were left behind by time itself. Their exposure to dark energy has left them shells of their former selves, though i wouldn't be surprised if they were in touch with deamons. As to what they want I don't know. I was sent to investigate them by my people, but......" "They found out and destroyed your planet." Twilight said. Jane looked surprised at the unicorns ability to figure this out fast. "Yes" Jane said. "Then you must know how to stop them, right?" Twilight asked. "I'm afraid to say that, I didn't get enough info on them to know how, our best bet is to fight them off if and when they choose to come here." Jane was finished with his story and refused to answer anymore questions. He got up and left the library leaving six confused ponies and a young Arch-Angel to ponder what was said. > Tragedies of the past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Tragedies of the past Jane Had a look of pain as he left the library, a tear running down his face. "Why did they have to mention her. I thought I moved on but it keeps coming back to haunt me." Jane was referring to when Rarity asked about his life crystal. Right now he just wanted to be alone. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< "What's with him, he just went up and left." Twilight Sparkle was looking out the door which was still open. The others did the same. "You don't think we might have offended him." Rarity asked concerned. The other ponies were still confused by his blunt explanation and still wanted some answers. "I think maybe we should leave him alone fer now." Applejack said. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Jane. "Well I still want answers." Rainbow Dash said as she made a break for the door, but was pulled back by Twilights magic. "Lets wait till tomorrow girls, I don't think he is in the mood to be talking to us." Twilight said. "Oh my.... I can only imagine what might be going through his head right now." Fluttershy said trying to console a sniffling Hope. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!," Hope said pushing back Fluttershy. Everypony in the room was surprised by her sudden outburst, Hope could sense this and quickly calmed down, "I mean couldn't you feel it." "Feel what Hope?" Twilight was confused. "He......Just now when we were talking to him, I felt his memories. Painful memories." Hope was fighting back tears, "I don't know how to explain this but I have a strange feeling that I might have known him in the past but, it's all foggy." "Ya sure it wasn't yer imagination Hope." Applejack said. "Hey has anypony seen Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash interrupted the conversation at hand. "Rainbow Dash! I'm dissapointed in you. Besides Pinkie Pie is right here." Rarity said as she pointed a hoof behind her, but instead of a pony there was nothing but air. "Uh oh." Rarity said noticing that their friend wasn't there. Everypony in the room started looking around for her, but she was nowhere to be found. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane continued walking, untill he found a secluded area. There was a tree in the middle of a small hill, next to it was a small river that ran through the everfree. He sat down leaning against the trunk of the tree and clutched his life crystal. "Harmony." he said as a tear ran down his face. "Why did you have to sacrafice yourself for me." He clenched his teeth and fists and let out small sobs. He didn't seem to notice a pink mass out in the distance walking towards him. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie was following Jane closely, making sure she wasn't seen. She had sensed that he was hiding something from her and her friends. She wasn't sure what it was but she had to know. Suddenly she noticed Jane sit down on a small hill at the edge of the everfree. She stopped and listened, and could swear she heard small sobs coming from him. Whatever it was that was bugging him was painful, she couldn't help but shed a small tear as she walked over to him. "What's wrong?" She said, Jane lifted his head and put it back down in his arms. "Go away." He said, but Pinkie was not one to leave somepony or something sad like this and ignored him. She was close to him and she put a hoof on his shoulder. "Come on, you can tell me." Pinkie Pie said putting on a smile. Jane rubbed a tear from his eye. "You wouldn't want to know, and besides it's private." Jane said defensibly, but Pinkie Pie persisted. "Well then I promise not to tell any pony," She then proceeded to recite a pinky promise, " Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." But still Jane didn't open up. Pinkie Pie sighed and proceeded to walk away when. "wait. I'll tell you" Jane said. Pinkie Pie pricked her ears up and ran to Janes side. She let out a smile as she sat down next to him. Jane sighed and started. "This isn't easy for me to say but.... I trust you." Jane then proceeded to tell his story. "Long before I came here, I lived in a place called Seleona. The main inhabitants of the planet were the Celestials and the Arch-Angles, both species co-operatedwith each other. It was a wonderful paradise, where magic and technology co-existed with one another. Airships filled the sky and everyone was at peace, for the time. I was only a young furling about to receive the right of passage, as it was my time to become a full fledged celestial. The king and queen at the time were, queen Harmony, and lord Chaos. I was tasked to protect them for the rest of my life, as is the tradition of a furling becoming a celestial. I was happy and I became the best of friens with the king, but it wasn't ment to last. Shortly after their daughter Hope was born into the world calamity struck. An assassination attempt happened to the king who died shortly after. I tried to save him but I couldn't, my dear friend died in my arms and tasked me with this mission, protect Harmony. It was then he gave me this crystal, and told me of it's powers to protect the holder from harm. I managed to find the assassin and corner him, but something happened. He killed himself and opened a portal to the void, freeing the deamons. I barley managed to escape with my life, when I found Harmony and her daughter Hope. I warned them of the danger and proceeded to escort them out of the palace, But we were ambushed by a group of Arch-Angels calling themselves the fallin. They attacked us but, Harmony threw herself at them to protect Hope dying in the process. I quickly grabbed Hope and ran to The Gateway, a place where the worlds meet allowing easy access to different worlds. Sadly there was only enough power for one though, and without thinking I sent Hope through the portal with a message hoping that whoever was on the other side would protect her. I was then captured by the fallin and taken to their ship and locked away. I thought all hope was lost for me when the life crystal opened a way for me to escape. I ran through the ship fighting the fallin untill I came to the escape pods. I managed to highjack one and escape, but I received heavy damage in the process. I floated through subspace untill I ran into this planet here. Your friend Rainbow Dash knows what happened after that." Pinky couldn't believe her ears, as her main and tail straightened out and some color faded from her. Tears were running down her face as she started to cry. "I had know idea...... I....... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Pinkie hugged Jane. "You've been through so much and my friends and I kept bugging you for answers, I'm so sorry." Jane couldn't help by cry too as he hugged Pinkie back. Together they sat there in eachothers arms crying. > It Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 It Begins Down in the everfree three figures walked out into a clearing. Flora, Matsu, and Lumin started to set up camp. Lumin placed a silver cube down on the ground and stood back as it started to expand. what came out was a large metallic bunker. Inside was a working station complete with a holoscreen projecter and scouts, all lined up and ready to be activated in times of war. "Lumin, Matsu you two can do your thing while I do mine." Flora said as she started to walk away from the camp. "Xorn gave me a mission and I expect it to be completed by days end." Flora then disappeared into the forist leaving Lumin and Matsu alone. Matsu walked towards the edge of the clearing. "Lumin, while you do your info gathering I will be ruffing up the town a bit." Matsu punched his fist into the other hand. "Matsu do try to remember that we are supposed to be gathering energy samples for experiments." Lumin said, but Matsu had already disappeared. Lumin sighed and took the egg like object out of his pocket, and placed it on the table in front of him. ( Remember these words well. When you land in equstria I want you to open this pod, inside is an instrument that I believe might be able to help you. It is a demon flute that goes by the name Lullaby. When all else seems lost I want you to place it in the ground to summon him. ) Lumin remembered the words the voice told him back on the ship. He opened up the pod and pulled out a wooden flute. The bottom of the flute had four spikes that resembled legs sticking out from the edge. The top of the flute was a three eyed skull, The sockets glowed with an eerie light and sent chills down his spine. He placed it aside and then proceeded to turn on the computer screen to start collecting data. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie and jane had finished their hug and were now walking to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie had invited Jane to stay with her, as he had no home yet. She was bouncing up and down happily as they walked. "Your going to love it at my place Jane, though it really isn't my place it belongs to the Cakes, I only stay and work their." Pinkie was bouncing around Jane as she said this. He was starting to feel a bit nervous around the pink pony, but quickly put that out of his mind. They got to Sugarcube Corner and opened the front door. "Mr and Miss's Cake I brought a friend." Pinkie said as a large mare with swirly hair walked in, she had a baby unicorn colt on one side of her and a baby peggasus on the other. Her jaw drooped when she saw Jane, who waved hello to her. Mr. Cake strolled out from the kitchen with a plate of Pinkie's special cupcakes, but dropped them when he saw Jane. The cupcakes exploded when they hit the floor, splattering frosting all over the place. Jane could sense the tension in the air and slowly backed out the door. "No no silly in here." Pinkie said as she dragged jane back in. Mr. Cake spoke up. "Uhhhh, Pinkie what's that." He pointed a hoof at Jane, who proceeded to glare at him in anoyance. "It's starting to get tiresome having others point and stare at me." He whispered in Pinkies ear. "This is Jane, though please don't point and stare he hates that." Pinkie said. "Welll uhh.....okay Pinkie but if your planning on keeping him, he isn't aloud on the furniture." Mr. Cake said. This was the last straw for Jane as he stood upright and tried to look intimidating. "I'm not some animal off the street you cur." Janes hands went ablaze to show how angry he was, the ground seemed to shake as he spoke. Pinkie seemed to notice this and quickly brought out a bucket of water from somewhere and put out the magic flames on his hands. It was short lived though as they went ablaze again. "Ri...right your not a pet I'm sorry." Mr. Cake was cowaring in fear at the sight of Janes anger. Jane sensed this and quickly put out the flames and calmed down. The Cakes let out a sigh of relief and quickly went back to work, trying to avoid eye contact with Jane. "Well the introduction went well." Pinkie said with a nervous smile, "Though try to control your anger next time okay." Jane breathed a sigh of relief as Pinkie dragged him upstairs. "Do you think we should call animal control." Miss. Cake whispered to her husband in the kitchen. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Matsu was at the edge of the everfree. He looked around at all the ponies and laughed. "This should be fun." He raised his hand in the air and let loose a ball of electricity at a passing unicorn filly wearing something that looked like a crown on her head. The ball impacted and exploded sending Diamond Tiara flying. Everypony looked at Matsu with fear. "Attention maggots, I am Matsu of the storm. I challenge you all to a fight to see who is the strongest. If any of you cowards can beat me in a fight then I will accept you as the strongest fighter, if not then I will slaughter you all." He removed his cloak to reveal a white muscle shirt with matching white pants. He had a red fabric belt that was tied in a knot at one side. His hands had large metal knuckles with spikes at the end. He crossed his arms and laughed into the air, as the ponies around him coward in fear. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Fluttershy and Hope were walking home with Rarity. "I still can't believe the poor dear was hurt by a question." Rarity said. "Don't beat yourself up auntie Rare." Hope said, Rarity couldn't help but smile at the young angel. "Thank you dear, that means alot to me." She said. Suddenly Fluttershy stopped and pricked her ears up, as her eyes went wide. "Did you hear that." Fluttershy said as she looked around for the sound. She didn't have to wait long as a vine with thorns smacked her hard sending her flying. "Mamashy!" Hope ran to her mothers aid. Another vine whipped out and smacked Hope against the ground. Rarity let out a small scream as a third vine smacked her against a tree. "Well, well, well, this looks easier than I thought." Flora said. Surrounding her were thorny vines, they snaked their way around her covering all but her head. The vines seemed to be coming from a large rose above her head. She let out a smile and said. "You should be honored, to be witnessing buitey in it's natural form. To bad you'll be dying by my hands, for I am Flora of the forest and I will destroy you." > Battle for Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 Battle for Ponyville Rainbow Dash was sleeping peacefully on a cloud over the Ponyville Park without a care in the world. Suddenly a pink unicorn filly came flying through the cloud screaming waking her up. Fortunately the filly landed in a bush off to the side somewhere. Rainbow Dash looked around to see if she could spot the jerk that woke her up. She looked down only to see a strange man in a white fighters suit laughing maniacally at a group of cowaring ponies. "Who dares to challenge Matsu of the storm." The figure said. Rainbow Dash couldn't stand to see someone bully everypony like that, especially after he threw that young filly at her. Rainbow Dash floated down to stand in front of Matsu, she glared at him and said. "Who do you think you are. If your looking for a fight then bring it on." Rainbow Dash was upset that her nap was disturbed by a creep like him. Matsu only smirked at her with a cocky grin, he laughed as he rushed at her. Rainbow Dash narrowly avoided his fist which created a huge hole where it connected with the ground. She then delivered a swift drop-kick to his skull. It connected, but instead of Matsu getting hurt, a wave of electricity shot forth and zapped her, sending her flying to the ground with a thump. Rainbow Dash got up shakely grunting in pain as the bolt shot through her nerves. "Did you really think it would be that easy to defeat me with such a pathetic kick." Matsu moked Rainbow Dash while laughing, "I am Matsu of the sto...." "Shut-up" Rainbow Dash said cutting him off, "I don't know who you are, but nopony kicks me around like that and gets away with it." "My my my, such a mouth you have there," Matsu said with a glint in his eye, "It would be a shame if someone shut it permanently." Matsu let loose another punch. Rainbow dash would have dodged it but, the initial shock she got from hitting him prevented her escape. The fist connected with her jaw, a sickening crack was heard as Rainbow Dash was sent flying into a tree. She quickly got back up panting in pain, a small drop of blood dropped down from her mouth. She spat it out and braced herself for another attack. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie was busy helping Jane set up the guest bedroom when, a small drop of blood came pouring out of his mouth. He then felt a sharp pain as if someone had hit him with a bolt of lightning. He calapsed onto the floor coughing up blood. Pinkie noticed this and ran to his side. "Ohmygosh, Jane are you all right." She gave him a concerned look. Jane was silent, then a thought came to him. "Rainbow Dash is in danger." He said as he bolted out the door. "Hey wait for me." Pinkie said as she ran behind him. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Meanwhile, Hope was in a battle of her own. She was protecting Fluttershy, using her wings as a shield. Flora continued to whip at them with her vines. The wings were scratched and bloody, but still Hope stood strong. "Why....Won't....You.....Die!" Flora screamed with each hit she got in. Flora then lifted a small boulder and brought it down hard. Hope would have been crushed if it weren't for a white unicorn using her magic to hold the boulder at bay. "Hope...run." Rarity said, straining with the task of holding up a heavy object up for so long. Hope refused to budge. "Hope what are you doing? Run!" Rarity pleaded. But Hope would not move, something within her started to rise. She looked around, first at the unconscious Fluttershy, then at Rarity still holding the boulder at bay. ' These ponies always protected me, and all I ever did was sit back and watch them throw their lives away for me '. Hope thought to herself. She clenched a fist as a tear ran down her face. Hope started to feel a faint power build up within her. "No, I won't run," Hope began, "I'm tired of running and it's about time I took a stand and did some of the fighting." Hope outstretched her right arm as a faint glowing ball of light appeared. The ball started to grow and change into a long spear like shape. She grabbed it and the light disappeared leaving behind a light neon blue wand that was more than half her size. The top had a red gem in the shape of a heart, that was enclosed within a golden circle with wings jutting out from ether side. Above the circle was a silver spike with sharp edges. "Wha...what is this." Hope was dumbfounded by what she just done. "Is this mine?" She didn't have long to think though as Raritys concentration broke. The boulder that Flora was using as a makeshift hammer came down. Hope raised the spear/wand in a defensive pose, closing her eyes and bracing for contact. A pink bubble incased her, and as the boulder hit, it shattered into pieces. Hope opened her eyes and stared, she let out a sigh of relief as she sat down surprised at the fact that she used magic. "Impossible, She is to young." Flora was furious, "Her chaos gene shouldn't have activated yet." Hope stared at her attacker and said. "Chaos gene?" Her voice had confusion in it. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane and Pinkie Pie ran to the Ponyville Park. "How can you tell that Dashie is in danger?" Pinkie Pie asked. "The mind merge combines more than just the mind. It combines the soul, the abilities and memories of both hosts. The downside is that both share injuries too, so if Rainbow Dash is hurt then I would get hurt in the same way." Jane said. Pinkie was shocked at what was just said. If Rainbow Dash was getting hurt then Jane would too, for some reason she didn't want him to get hurt. She couldn't really explain it but, when Jane told her his story she sensed within him a strong heart. Pinkie picked up the pace with determination, overtaking Jane and speeding down to the park. Both of her friends were in danger, and she would do anything to help them. > The Battle Continues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 The Battle Continues Down in the everfree in the camp sight, Lumin was busy collecting data. Little did he know Lullaby the demon flute started to glow as a black mist escaped its eye sockets. Lumin started to feel a chill down his spine as he worked. The black smoke floated towards the inactivate scouts, and entered them. They activated and came to life. Silently they left the camp and started to fly towards ponyville, leaving Lumin none the wiser. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Pinkie Pie ran as fast as she could to the park, leaving Jane in her dust. "Don't worry Dashee I'm coming." She shouted as she disappeared down the road. Jane was still hurt from the effects of the mind merge, so he limped as fast as he could down the road. "Hey wait for me." But Pinkie was already gone. She kept running until she came to the park. Her ears pricked upwards as she started to listen, she could hear the faint sounds of a fight going on to her left. She B-lined towards the sound and stopped, Rainbow Dash was struggling to stay standing up. She had sparks of electricity jumping on her body kepping her rooted in place. A large muscle bound man was slowly making his way towards her, he cracked his knuckles and let out a small chuckle. Pinkie couldn't believe her eyes, Rainbow Dash in danger. She grit her teeth and stomped a hoof, she charged the man while shouting. "You leave her alone you big meanie!" Matsu looked to his side and saw a pink mass ram into him. He was knocked back by the force, but used his feet to slow himself down. "So a new contender comes into the game, this should be interesting." Matsu said with a smirk. Pinkie looked into his eyes and nearly toppled over. His eyes had a small hint of madness and bloodlust, she never seen anything like this and it made her sick. But she couldn't back out now, her best friend was in danger so she stood her ground. Matsu charged at her full speed, electric sparks surrounded his fists as he ran. He thrusted his fist at her, she dodged and delivered a kick to his face. Matsu staggered back covering his face, blood was trickleing down his face. He clenched his fists and screamed to the sky as electric arches surrounded him in a bright light. He let loose a wave of energy sending both Pinkie and Rainbow flying backwards. Matsu ment business now, it was apparent on his face. "Out of all I've fought, you were the first one to make me bleed." He clenched his fists in anger. "I guess there's no holding back now." A bright light surrounded him once more as his body began to change. His fingers streached and changed into blades, his feet changed into claws. Horns burst out of the top of his head, and his muscles twitched and swelled with veins popping. His body hardened into steel like scales, and electricity was flying everywhere. "You should be honored to have seen my true form, though...." He charged at Pinkie, " I doubt you'll live through it." Pinke Pie tried to dodge but, Matsu delivered a knee kick to Pinkie stomach. It landed with a sickining crack as she was sent tumbling to the ground. She would have hit a tree, but at the last moment Jane appeared and grabbed her. He gently placed her on the ground and said. "Looks like I got here on time." ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope was glaring at Flora, her spear still in her hand. Hope overheard her say something about a chaos gene and couldn't help but ask. "Chaos gene?" She cocked her head to the side. Flora couldn't help but laugh. "You mean you don't know." Flora advanced on Hope who stood her ground. "All living things have a hidden gene called the chaos gene. It differs from person to person, though I doubt this info would be of much use to you." Flora raised a vine and took a swing at Hope who dodged it. Hope was still confused, though she knew now was not the time for questions. A vine snaked its way towards her, but Hope stabed her spear into it. Flora let out a cry of pain as magical energy shot out from the spear, causing the vine to snap of her and deteriorate. "You little brat!" Flora said with anger. She took another swing at Hope, but was interupted by a loud explosion in the distance. Flora looked behind her and growled. Over in the distance was a pillar of light that touched the ground. "Looks like that idiot Matsu is going all out. I wonder what could of caused him to do so." Flora started to make her way to the source. "Our fight is over for now. I will let you live, Right now I have an idiot to destroy." Flora was fuming with anger. ' Why would that idiot follow me here. I thought he was supposed to be helping Lumin. ' Flora thought to herself. "Hey get back here!" Hope charged at Flora who batted her to the side. She landed with a thump as Flora disappeared into the everfree. Hope was left with more questions than answers. What is a chaos gene, and whats with this weapon, were some of the questions that were running through her head. Hope heard a groan to her left and went to help Fluttershy up. Rarity was unconscious because of the strain of using her magic to hold the boulder away from Hope. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The two scouts that snuck away from Lumin had somehow managed to get lost, and found their way into the back end of Sweet Apple Acres. "SCANNING" One of the scouts said. "TWO LIFE FORMS DETECTED ENGAGE ATTACK MODE" The other said. "COMMENCING FORMATION DELTA" Both said in at the same time. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Applejack was busy bucking trees , with each thump of her hooves more and more apples fell into the baskets below. Her brother Bigmack also did the same. Applebloom was out in the orchard somewhere with Winonia, not that it bothered her any. Winonia was a reliable female dash hound, she wouldn't let any harm come to Applebloom. As Applejack went to pick up the baskets when she heard a scream in the distance. Both Bigmack and Applejack said at the same time, "Applebloom!" They ran down to the back of the orchard as the sounds of their little sisters screams got louder. They stopped to a gastly sight. There was Applebloom, screaming and squerming in the clutches of a giant metal robot. It resembled a beefed up scout with horns on its head and claws for hands. Its chest looked like a cage and opened up. Winonia was barking like mad at the beast as it brought Applebloom into its chest and closed the cage. "NEW LIFE FORMS DETECTED, COMMENCE EXTRACTION MODE." The robot said as it turned its head to look at Bigmack and Applejack. "Big brother, big sis, help me." Applebloom cried from the cage. Both Bigmack and Applejack lowered their heads, getting ready to attack as the metal beast towered over them. Winonia was still barking as the battle began. > Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 Victory Applebloom was kicking the bars of the cage trying to get out. But whenever she made contact she was treated to an electric shock. Winonia was still barking at the robot that captured her. The robot took a step forward, knocking down nearby trees. Big Macontosh ran forward and delivered a powerful kick to the robots shin. Applejack used her laso to tug at the robots arm. Winonia jumped up and bit down on one of the many wires on its lower torso. With the combined effort of all three, they managed to knock the robot onto its back. Big Mac then jumped up on the bot and grabbed a bar with his mouth and tried to pull it off. He got a shock for his efforts, but he still wouldn't let go of the cage. The robot then shook him off sending him flying to the ground. Applejack who still had the rope in her mouth was lifted of the ground. Winonia still held on to the wire she latched onto. Applejack who was now dangling off the ground swung around and used the momentom to circle around a nearby tree, holding the bot in place. Big Mac got back up and ran at the bot and delivered a flying kick to its face, shattering the jewel in the middle. Winonia managed to get the wire she held onto loose and pulled it out, disabling it. The machine groaned as it fell to the ground with a crash. Applejack sighed in relief as Big Mac worked on getting the cage open. Applebloom jumped out and hugged her brother close, tears streaming from her eyes. "Who do ya think sent this here contraption." Applejack asked Big Mac. He then pointed to a small picture on the robots side. Applejack went over to the picture, passing Winonia who was still barking at the now dead robot. She looked at the picture which looked like a blackend eye surrounded by what appeared to be a snake circling around itself to bite down on its tail. She stared at it for a minute before saying. "Twi should know what this means, Big Mac take Applebloom to the house, I'm going over ta Twilights fer a bit ta get me some answers." "Eeyyyup" Big Mac replied as Applejack left the farm. ><><><><><><><><><>< Matsu and Jane stared at each other intently. Pinkie Pie was still laying on the ground in pain, the kick from Matsu shattered a few ribs and knocked the wind out of her. Rainbow was still paralized from her battle with Matsu, though now she can move her wings slightly. "Long time no see, Matsu." Jane said while glaring at him. "Well, Well, Well, If it isn't our resident celestial knight, I see that you still choose to stand against us." Matsu said. "Matsu, why? Why did you decide to betray her?" Jane asked Matsu. "The celestial knights were weak, I wanted more power and Xorn promised me that, I also hated you. You were always her favorite, I wanted to see you suffer," Matsu clenched his fist as he said this. "Besides, now Harmony's dead, and she forever will be." "Your wrong," Jane said. "Harmony still lives on, her daughter Hope still lives." "Oh, so that child really is her daughter," Matsu grinned, "Knowing that will make it more fun when I do kill her. I guess seeing you suffer some more won't hurt." Jane clenched his fist and ran at Matsu. "You bastard, I won't let you lay a finger on her." Matsu quickly dodged to the side. Jane followed him, swinging punch after punch trying in vain to hit Matsu. "Come now Jane, surely you can do better than that." Matsu teased. He then flicked his wrist, sending electricity towards Jane. Jane was then sent flying and he landed on his feet, still glaring at Matsu. Matsu only laughed, but behind him Pinkie Pie struggled to her feet. Matsu was still laughing at Jane, when a rock hit him on the back of the head. He flinched and turned around and glared at Pinkie who was glaring back at him. "You *huff* leave him *huff* alone." Pinkie said while panting in pain. Matsu growled at her and went straight for her. "Pinkie run!" Jane called out. Matsu was about to land a punch when out of nowhere, Matsu's back burst open. This surprised everyone as they stared in shock. Two thorny vines snaked their way around Matsu and lifted him off the ground. "I thought I made it clear to you, that I wanted to complete this mission alone." Flora said as she walked out from the forest edge. She dropped him beside her. "Besides the mission was a bust, her chaos gene activated so we need to regroup." Flora looked at Jane. "I take it your the celestial that escaped," Flora said. "No matter, we'll kill you once we finish with the child." Flora went back into the forest and disappeared, dragging Matsu with her. "This isn't the end Jane, I will beat you and destroy the child." Matsu shouted as he too, disappeared. The three of them stared into the forest for a long time before they left. Jane was carrying both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash this time as he made his way back into town. "Jane?," Pinkie Pie asked, "Would you mind telling me, who that meaniee was." Jane sighed as he stopped. "That man was Matsu. He used to be a dear friend of mine, before he betrayed me and went after Princess Harmony." Jane continued his walk into town without saying another word. 'I Just hope, that Hope is okay' Jane thought to himself. A/N: To be continued in book three. The series will be put on hiatus for a bit mostly because I want to write about something else for once. Anyway the story will continue in book three.