> THAT Night Mare Night > by xXElite AlicornXx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > THAT Night Mare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part One The schoolhouse door burst open as many frisky and excited foals and fillies scattered abroad to prepare or finish preparing for that evening's main event... Night Mare Night. "Oh ah jus can't wait!" Apple Bloom gushed, "This is gonna be th' best Naht Mare Naght ever!" "Why do you say that, Apple Bloom?" Sweetiebelle asked as the three members of the CMC slowly descended the school house steps. "Because!" Apple Bloom said, stretching out her neck, in emphasis, "Ah came up with more ways for us to get our cutie marks! It's gonna be great! "Yeah, uhh..." Scootaloo said, turning her head from the other girls and glancing at every other pony, "I don't know about that, see... I kinda just give cutie mark crusading a rest, on Night Mare Night... I mean, it's a night to just have fun and scare ourselves silly! Not to worry about... you know, cutie marks. "Oh, come on, Scoot! This could be it! This could be our big chance!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Yeah, well... I dunno... I kinda just like enjoying the celebration... Hey! I know what I can't wait for!" Scootaloo's eyes were wide and she was grinning. "Oh?" And what's that?" Sweetiebelle asked. "To see Princess Luna! Scootaloo beamed, "She's awesome!" "Hmp. Ah wish ya'll was as happy as that when ah mentioned th' cutie marks," Apple bloom said, "Hey, Sweetie, what about you?" "Er... what about me?" Sweeitebelle asked, seemingly very surprised by the question. "Yeah!" Scootaloo cut in, "What are you going to be for Night Mare Night? "Oh, well, I - "I'm going to be a creepy old mare - wahahahaha!" Scootaloo crowed. She looked over at Apple Bloom, her eyes still shining, "What are you going to be, Apple Bloom?" Apple Bloom was un-amused. "Uh.... don't you mean a witch?" Sweetiebelle said, glancing from Apple Bloom to Scootaloo. "Huh? Oh, yeah, something like that." Scootaloo answered, dismissively. "But anyways, Apple - "Ah WASN'T talkin' about costumes! Ah was talkin' 'bout our cutie marks!!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Ohay, ohay, Apple Bloom... just asking a question..." Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom sighed, "Ah know... It's just... though ya'll'd be happy to hear my ideas..." "Oh, well... Sorry, Apple Bloom." Scootaloo said, smiling sheepishly, "What were your idesa?" "Ehem!" Apple Bloom cleared her throat. "Ghost huntin'." "...Uh... what?" Scootaloo said, raising an eyebrow. "Ghost Huntin'." Apple Bloom repeated, "But if ya'll don't like that one, here's another. Ehem... Raisin' th' dead!" Sweetiebelle shot a concerned look at Scootaloo, who returned it with an awkward glance. "Uh... Apple Bloom, I'm not sure if - "Oh fahn! I was saving the best for last anyways. We could get Zecohra to teach us voodoo! And then instead of bein' the CMC or Bowling Dolls, we'd be the Voo-doo Dolls! It's perfect!! Scootaloo and Sweeitebelle, looked about at their surroundings. They were standing just outside of Apple Acres...As they pretended to interested in ever other aspect of the environment, Apple Bloom just stood there with a big smile on her face, evidently proud of herself. Opening her eyes, she said, "So girls, what do ya'll think? I say Naht Mare Naght is the perfect time for this sorta stuff! Ah mean - with Zecohra's help we can't loose! Our cutie Marks are in th' bag!" Scootaloo answered, saying, "Yeeeaaahhhh I think you're kinda hooked on the last one, aren't you." "Eeyup!" Apple Bloom's grin was followed by a "squee". "So what do ya'll think?" "Sweetie?" "Oh...well..." Sweeitebelle bit her hoof and mumbled something. "What was that?" Apple Bloom said, cocking her head at Sweetiebelle. "That is to say...uh..." "Oh, for pony's sake just say it, already!!" Scootaloo yelled, her rapidly fluttering wings barely taking her a foot of the ground. "Oh, Scootaloo - you don't know what Sweetie is gonna say. Ah'm sure whatever it is, though, it'll be nicer than anything ya'll have to say. Go on, Sweetiebelle." "Uh... actually... I have to get home and help my sister with... uh... stuff - see you two later!" Sweetiebelle sped off into Ponyville. "Well that went well." Scootaloo said, raising her eyebrow, after Sweetiebelle. "Aw, come on..." Apple Bloom said, kicking the dirt, "Ya'll don't like the whole idea, do ya'll?" "No." Scootaloo said, "But after tonight we'll be back the the regular Cutie Mark Crusader... uh... what we do! So no worries there, Apple Bloom." "Yeah..." Apple Bloom said, slowly entering Apple Acres. "Cya later!" Scootaloo said, skidding off, as she half-pulled, half dragged herself over the ground, wings flapping aggressively. * * * * * Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked about the streets of Ponyville, searching for Sweetiebelle... "Sweetie?! Sweetiebelle!" Scootaloo called. "Sweetiebelle!! Where are ya'll?" Apple Bloom yelled out. "Shoot, Scootaloo, I don't think we are ever going to find that - "Here I am! H-here I am..." Sweetiebelle said, panting as she finally caught up with her friends. "Sweetiebelle!" So glad you could make it! Apple Bloom smiled, turning to her friend. "You ready to go get our cutie marks - "Vhat do you theenk?" Sweetiebelle asked, posing, her fangs altering her speech. "Nice!" Scootaloo exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "Hello! Girls!! Don't ya'll want to get your cutie marks?" Apple Bloom said. "Yeah, sure we do, Apple Bloom..." Scotaloo said, but we also want to get enough candy to satisfy Night Mare Moon! Wahahahahaha!" Scootaloo ran off into Ponyville. "Yes! Come on!" Sweetiebelle said, running after Scootaloo. "Oh for the love of Celestia!!" Apple Bloom slowly followed after her friends, eyes narrowed as her head was low to the ground. "Come - comf - urg!" She spat out the fake fangs. "Come on, Apple Bloom!" Sweetiebelle called. Apple Bloom sighed and then picked up the pace. ~ Two hours before time/ Location: Canterlot ~ "Sister? Sister, where art thou?" Luna walks through the corridors of the palace until she comes to Celestia's chambers. On entering, she sees Celestia curled up on her mat. Celestia stands. "Hail, Sister - you called?" "Yes." Luna responds. "I... I mean to speak to you..." "Whatever about?" Celestia asks, discarding a book with her magic. "Well..." Luna begins, "Thou... dost know about my... issues..." "Issues? What issues, Lulu?" Celestia looks concerned as her sister uneasily approaches her. "It... it's about... that time..." Luna said, quietly. "That...time...? Oh. I see... What about that time?" Celestia asks. "Well, Sister," Luna says, "I kind of am feeling a little... well... nervous. What if I do not do well, this evening? I am afraid the village-ponies may not appreciate me as much anymore... For the sun does rise and the sun does set - over and over t does this, yet not one pony is sick of it. They honor and glorify it - even it the heat of the summers they take in its rays with acts f pleasure and joy... What if my continuous appearance sickens them? What if this... this Night Mare Night really will be a Night Mare? Not for them... but for me?... I want my subjects to love me... not hate me..." Luna shifts uncomfortably, rubbing a foreleg. Celestia is momentarily taken aback before saying, "Lulu... I know it's hard. I know it might seem hard, but... as far as we can tell, everypony does love you. And they love Night Mare Night - with you as the main event! They do never tire of the events of this evening, sister, and neither will they tire of you. True, the sun does constantly rise and set but t is because of the sun things are as they are, that there is life. And because they live, everypony has found ways of entertainment and the like - they celebrate holidays like Night Mare Night, which might as well be in your honor! For just as the sun allows for such wondrous reactions as life which gives life, your presence gives way and adds to more fun and entertainment to the celebration!... So you have only made Night Mare Night better, Lulu... our subject could never hate you." Luna just blinked. "Well, sister, when you put it that way... I do suppose..." "Yes, Lulu." Celestia said, nuzzling Luna, "And it is just as the first Night Mare Night you participated in - if you were to stop participating altogether, do you think they they would appreciate it? They certainly did not the first time you were uncertain - in fact they encouraged you to continue. So then, why would you stop? Why or how could they tire of you? I certainly don't see any clouds on the horizon..." "I understand, sister. Luna said, beyond Celestia who had gone over to her window. "Yes, so... If you still feel wary of tonight, why not go see Twilight? Surely she would be able to help you..." Celestia turned back to Luna and gasped. "No! Luna said, rising into the air, her eyes bright and her form changing, "I will not allow myself to be positioned for destruction!" "L- Luna!" Celestia said, her eyes wide, "What - why?!" "Wahahahahah! A bolt of lightning surged towards Celestia. Celestia gasped and shielded herself. She waited... Slowly the barrier was put down and Celestia dared to look beyond it... Luna was nowhere to be found. Celestia gasped and walked to the enter of the room. "Lulu!... Lulu!" "Aha! Sister, I fooled you! The fun has been doubled!" Luna exclaimed, from somewhere behind Celestia. "...." Celestia turned and saw her sister who wore large grin on her face and a hoof extended towards Celestia. Luna lowered her hoof. "Are you not amused, sister?" she asked. "No...no, Luna, it's...it's just... I thought you were serious." Celestia said. "Well of course! Luna exclaimed, "All the more proof of how good the joke was! Aha!" Celestia just chuckled, "Alright then, Lulu - you got me." She smiled. "Of course if you are still a bit weary about this evening, then you can go see Twilight. I am sure she and her friends would be able to help you, further..." "Well I am sure I do have something to discuss with your student Twilight, Sister..." Luna said. "Very well, Lulu - I will see you later." Celestia said. ~ Fifteen minutes later/ Location: Ponyville ~ Twilight is busily searching through the book cases when a great flash of light lit up the room. "Wha-oh!" Twilight fell down from the ladder she was on and landed in a heap of books. Rubbing her head with a fore-hoof, she stood. "Ooohh..." She groaned. Looking about, her eyes all wacky, she said, "Uh... Spike?" "TIS NOT YOUR ASSISTANT, STUDENT SPARKLE!" Luna unintentionally roared. "Wha - Oh, Luna! Princess Luna!!" Twilight said. "Please forgive me... You startled me so I wasn't think pro - "It's alright, Twilight Sparkle." Luna said. "And forgive thou my tone, I... I've come to speak with thee - with you - about something." "Oh?! Really?! What is it? Whatever is I'll be happy to help, I mean of course I'll be happy to help - you're the princess so why wouldn't I be - I mean anypony who's anypony would be so heh heh heh... I can help..." Twilight said. "Uh... yes... well... I did speak with my sister, earlier on, about tonight..." "Yes?" Twilight said, dropping on her rump and smiling encouragingly. Luna walked over and sat before Twilight. "I told her that I was.. weary of tonight... as in.. what if what I am doing is... not the best thing to do?" "What do you mean, Princess - Princess Luna?" Twilight asked. ".... What I am saying is that I feel that may be instead of scaring everypony, I could try something different, this time? "Oh! Uh...Oh... I see..." Twilight said, "Well what makes you think that what you usually do won't - "That is just it, Twilight Sparkle..." Luna said, shaking her head, "I feel as though it might be a mistake to continually doing what it is a do... Regardless of how I alter the way I collect the candy my subjects give, still feel it is all the same, in the end. They collect the candy, the bring it to me, I scare them, they run away and then... that's it..." "Oh, I see... Well don't see where anypony else agrees with that, Princess, I - "Nay. Nay I shall not do it again... I must think of something else this time... hmm..." Luna rested her chin on a hoof... "Well..." Twilight said, rubbing her head, uneasily, "Princess I don't think - "Aha!!" Luna said, "I know what I must do! Twilight, get me your books on some of the scariest monsters or myths ever to walk the imagination of the inhabitants of Equestria!!" ~ A hour and a half later/ Location: Ponyville ~ Part Two "Whoo-hoo!" Wouldya look at all this candy?!" Scootaloo exclaimed, "We've got lots of it!" "Yeah!" Sweetiebelle chimed in, "I'm sure Luna would love it - "It's Night Mare Moon, Sweetiebelle, not Luna." Scottaloo said, rolling her eyes. "Oh, well I just like Luna better." "Whatever." Scootaloo said. Turning to Apple Bloom she said, "Isn't this a lot of candy, Apple Bloom?!" "Yea... sure." Apple Bloom said, lightly kicking a piece of candy across the ground. "Aw, come on, Apple Bloom! You've been this way all night!" Scootaloo said. "Ah know." Apple Bloom said, walking off. "Hey... Apple Bloom..." Scootaloo began to say. "Come on back Apple Bloom - we're gonna go give the candy to Luna!" Sweetiebelle called, "And with everypony helping we won't have to worry about going on and finding more candy... Apple Bloom!!" Apple Bloom just continued to walk back into the darker streets of Ponyville, away from center town where everypony had gathered and were putting together baskets and piles of candy together. * * * * "Apple Bloom!" Sweetiebelle panted, "Wait up!" She had had to chase her a while - "What?" Apple Bloom asked flatly, as a panting Sweetiebelle caught up with her. "Where are you going?" "Back home." "What?! Why? Sweetiebelle squeaked. "Because... it's just no fun when you know your 'friends' aren't up to doing what you planned for all day and all last night and may be even all week!" Apple Bloom stomped ahead. "Aww Apple Bloom... You just - Sweetiebelle's speech momentarily can to a halt. "Uh... Apple Bloom? Di...did you see that?" "See what?" Apple Bloom asked, raising her head and looking around. "Th-there was this thing... i-it... it was all crazy looking and had these big eyes and... and... IT'S RIGHT THERE!" Sweetiebelle shrieked. "What!? Where?!" Apple Bloom squinted into the alleyway where Sweetiebelle's trembling hood directed. She saw something sink back into the shadows. It was all dark and black and seemed to have whip-like blank things slapping the air around it. "Uh..." Apple Bloom wasn't sure what to think or say. "Uh... come on." We'd better go..." "Yeah..." Sweetiebelle said. They both turned around and took off. "W-wait!" Apple Bloom said, "Where're we goin', again?" "Ba - back to the others." Sweetiebelle panted. ~ About ten minutes earlier/ Location: Ponyville: ~ Scootaloo watched Sweetiebelle run after Apple Bloom. "Boy, those apple sure are stubborn, sometimes," she muttered. "Oh Blaaank! Flaaank!" Scootaloo turned to the direction of the voices. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were waving at her, menacing grins on their faces. "Uhg." Scootaloo groaned, "I'd rather be bothered by Snip and Snails - " "Gain way-hay-hay-hay!!" Snips and Snails dashed past Scootaloo, tails flying, heads back, eyes shut tight. "Hey!" Scootaloo called after then, "What's the big deal, you two?!" Her wings flapped madly, taking her off the ground as she yelled after them. Both Snips and Snails opened their eyes, and tried to slow down - the attempt was to no avail as they slid an smacked face-first into a wall. WHAP, WHAP! "Oooh..." Snails moaned. "My head..." Snips moaned, as well. "Oh Pa -lease!: Diamond Tiara said, "What could you two possibly be running from? Your own shadows?" "Tee-hee-hee!" Silver Spoon giggled. "No - no, you... you don't understand!" Snips said. "Yeah." Snails chimed, "We - we saw it!" "Saw...what?" Scootaloo said, raising an eyebrow. Looking to the left and right of him, Snips then whispered, "The bucky monster..." *Gasp* There was a unanimous gasp through out the crow of foaldren who had suddenly formed around them to see what was going on. "Ha! There's no such thing!" Diamond Tiara sneered. "Come on, Silver!" "Cya loosers." Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara began to walk off. "Wait!" Scootaloo said. "What?" Diamond Tiara said, stopping mid-step, looking over her shoulder. "Why don't we go and see what they are talking about?" "What?! Did you just say, we? Ha! No way would be doing anything with you loosers! Hmp!" Diamond Tiara turns and walks away. "Wait." Silver Spoon speaks up, "Diamond, don't you think we should go with them just to prove what scaredy-foals they all are?" She bumps Diamond Tiara with her elbow. "Oh... why not?" Diamond Tiara said. Shrugging, she turns and heard them talking. "Yeah and that's when it happened." Snails narrated. "Snips and I were getting ready to go out for Night Mare Night and Snips here had forgotten his outfit under the bed - * * * * * "Come on, Snails, we're gonna be late!" Snips calls from the room. Exiting the bathroom, Snails said, "Yeah I'm coming - hey! You don't even have your outfit on yet." "That's because I was waiting for you, moron." Snips retorted. "Oh, sorry..." Snails said, rubbing a foreleg. "Yeah whatever - here, let me get my - huh?! Snails, where's my costume?!" Snips exclaimed, dashing from one place to the other. "Dah - I don't know, Snips. I thought you had it." Snails replied. "Now why would I have it, Snails? I brought it over to your house, today - it should be here!" "Doh yeah...Sorry, I forgot..." Snails blushes with embarrassment. "Uuugh!" Snips and Snails frantically search the room. "Boy, what a mess it it in here..." Snails muttered. "Well it's your room, Snails." Snips said, besides, I - wait! I know! It must be under the bed! BONK. "Ouch! Hey, watch it, table, that wasn't nice." Snails said, rubbing his head. "Oh forget that, Snails! We gotta get my costume!" Snips reaches under the bed, grunting. Mmpf! Mmmyaahh - hay! Hey I think I got somethin'! "Oh goody, is it your costume, Snips?!" Snails asked. "Uh..no... it's...some....something else...uh... Snails?" "Yeah Snips?" "I don't think I am touching costume..." "Oh. So, uh... then what are you touching, Snips?" Snails moved up besides Snips. Snips takes his hoof from under his bed and backs up. "I'm not sure, Snails, but it felt... weird..." "What do you mean Snips?" "I don't know! It just - it was - it - IT'S THAT!" "Wha?" Snails and Snips stood gaping at a tall, goopy, gassy creature that suddenly appeared from under Snip's bed. It began to get bigger and bigger and stood taller and taller until it reached the ceiling. Two large eyes appeared and looked down at the now incredibly speechless colts. "Uh - uh - uh - Sn - Snails?" "Y - y - yeah, Snips?" I - I - I think we b - b - better go, now..." Snips takes a step back. "Y - yeah, Snips, I think so, too..." Snails backs up several steps and trips over one of Snip's toys. "Omph!" Snails hits the floor just as soon as Snips turns to hurry out the door. "Oof! Snails!" "S - sorry Snips! You're toy got in the way!" "My toy?! You gave that to me on my birthday, remember?!" "Well it's still your toy - urrrgh! She struggles to get Snips off of him. There a rumbling, gurgling sounds comes from the gloopy monster behind them. "CLEEEEEAAAN. YOOOOOUURRR. ROOOOOOM!!!!" The monster bellowed. "AAAHHHHHH!" Snips and Snails scream in unison and are out of there within seconds. * * * * * "Uh... Clean your room?" Scootaloo said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's what it said?" "Yes! Yes!" Snips and Snails answered. "Right." Diamond Tiara said, "Like anypony would believe that. I mean - it could have been your mother, for all we know. I'm sure she looks pretty gruesome. Heh heh heh." "Hey!" Snips said. Silver Spoon didn't laugh that time Instead, she said, "Yeah, but not as gruesome as that thing..." "What thing?" Scotaloo asked. "Oh, well - "Silver!!" Diamond Tiara said. "But - "Gain way, everypony!" Sweetiebelle cried. "Look out!" "Yeah! Run for your lahvs!!" Apple Bloom and Sweetiebelle dashed past the little group. "Wait!" Scootaloo called. Both stopped dead in their tracks, panting. "Wha - what is Scoot?" Apple Bloom panted. "Why do we have to run? Or gain way - look out or whatever - what's the big deal?" "Well it's - " Apple Bloom began. "IT'S BECAUSE OF THE MONSTER!" Sweetiebelle cried. "Uuuuhg." She plopped down onto her stomach. "What.... monster...?" Silver Spoon asked, a worried expression on her face. "Oh, I don't know, just one ah made up!" Apple Bloom retorted. Silver Spoon raised a concerned eyebrow and was about to speak again when Diamond Tiara cut in, "Silver!?!" The CMC exchanged glances. "Uh... So... Basically everypony's been seeing monsters or something?" Scootaloo asked. There was murmuring through out the group of foaldren. "I... haven't seen anything." A small pink filly said. "Me neither." Another said. "I don't think I have." Another chimed in, "Unless you include Pinkie Pie." Giggles and murmurs of agreement followed. "Uh, no." Scootaloo said, "How's about you, Rumble?" She turned her head to the grey little colt. "Nope, haven't seen a thing." Rumble answered... Er... except..." "Except what?" Silver Spoon asked. All of them turned and looked at her. Glancing around, she was quiet again. "Silver." Diamond Tiara hissed in her ear, "What are you thinking?!" "But Diamond I'v got to tell them - "What was it, Rumble?" Scootaloo asked the foal. "What did you see?" All attention was on him, again. "Er... it was a shadow, I think..." Rumble answered, shrugging bashfully. "You mean like a ghost or some-thin'?! Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Uh... not really." Rumble said, quietly. "Alright well as much as I hate to say it - Silver Spoon!" Silver Spoon and Tiara had been sneaking away the whole time. They froze - Diamond Tiara jumped out of crouch position and turned to Scootaloo. "Hey! Only I talk to Silver! None of you loosers get to say anything to her, got it?!" Scootaloo made a face as the rest of the foaldren turned their heads away. There was a small rumbling sound heard from Rumble, but he said nothing. "Aw come on! At least tell us what you saw!" Scootaloo said, finally breaking the brief silence. "Well, it's... it's like this..." Silver Spoon began. Part Three "Silver! What's taking you so long?" Diamond Tiara asked, as she constantly stroked her hair with her favorite pink brush. "Coming!" Silver Spoon answered, "I... I am just not sure if this looks good on me..." "Oh come on, Silver." Diamond Tiara said, turning away from the mirror, her brush floating back down onto the dresser, "Even you can look beautiful once in a while." "Yeah... How does it look?" Diamond Tiara asked. She looked down at the sparkly, silver-greay dress. There were patterns at the hem that looked like spider webs, with a few spiders crawling on it. All of them made out of black thread. "It looks great, Silver!" Diamond Tiara said, "Even I agree to that." Approaching her friend she said, "But your mane could use a bit of a touch up..." "What do you mean, Tara? Silver Spoon asked, walking over to the mirror. "I mean what I say - and I'm just calling it as I see it." Diamond Tiara answered, "Now. I will give you perission to sit before my special mirror. It was a gift from Daddy, you know..." Silver Spoon sits before the dresser's mirror. "I know..." "Now then... You just sit tight and let the Diamond do her work!" Diamond Tiara disappeared into the bathroom. After a little while - Silver Spoon sitting uncomfortably all the while - she got up off of the chair and called for Diamond Tiara. "Tara! I... Where are you?!" She went to go investigate where her friend had gone off to... When she entered the bathroom - * * * * * "Silver Spoon, STOP!" Diamond Tiara screamed. She turned, then and ran off. "D - Diamond - !" Silver Spoon called after her. "So? What happened next?! Apple Bloom said. Turning back them Silver Spoon cleared her throat. "E-hem. Well. Evidently my best friend just ran off because of this little story I was telling... And now... now..." She took her glasses off, wiped them, put them back and, straightened them and then said, "And you think I'll tell you just because you asked me too?! As if! I am going to go find Diamond and when we come back I am going to make all of you apologize!" With that, Silver Spoon ran off in the direction Diamond Tiara had taken. "But what did we do?" Rumble asked, quietly. A corus of "yeah?s" and "I know right?s" and "What?s" backed up his question. "Whatever." Scootaloo said. "Let's just - "Whatever?!" Apple Bloom said, "WHAT-EVER?!! Scootaloo, do you know what ya'll are sayin'?! Don't ya'll know what this maens?!" "No. What?" Scootaloo said, dryly. "It maens we' still gonna go-a-huntin'!! .... "....Even if it ain't ghosts..." Apple Bloom added, quietly. * * * * * "Uh... Are you sure you want to do this, Apple Bloom?" Sweetiebelle asked. All three fillies were standing at the entrance of the Everfree. Each one of them wore some kind of "protective gear" as Apple Bloom put it, over top of their outfits. "Yesh, definitely!" Apple Bloom's speech was altered by the net in her mouth. Scootaloo sighed. "Whatever.. Let's just get this over with." "Uh...right..." Sweetiebelle said. They all stated into the forest. "Uh... So.. why are we going into the Everfree, again?" Sweetiebelle asked. "Becaush - "Uhg! Because Apple Bloom is convinced that all of the monsters seen tonight will be hiding in it, Sweetiebelle!" Scootaloo said, "But I know better. I know that - "Fooh!" Apple Bloom spat the net out of her mouth, "Carry that for me, won't you, Sweetie?" "Um... alright... I'll try." Sweetiebelle said, her horn beginning to glow. "In the meantahm - Scootaloo, you're just chicken!" "Am not!" Scootaloo said, I just know this this is a complete waste of time!" "Are too!" Apple Bloom taunted, "Are too, are too!" "Grrr - AM NOT!" Scootaloo said. With that, she ran off into the Everfree. "Hahahahaha! Come on, Sweetiebellie!" Apple Bloom said, taking off after after Scootaloo, "Whoo - hoo!!" "Uh... alright - hey - wait for me!" Sweetiebelle ran into the forest, calling after her friends. "Scootaloo, Apple Bloom?!... Apple Bloom?! Where did everypony go?!" She ran further, deeper into the Everfree... "A - Apple Bloom?! Sc - Scootaloo?" Sweetiebelle said, slowing to a trot. "He - hello?" Looking this was and that Sweetiebelle began to get worried.... Where was she anyways? Where were the girls? Where - a shadow past just beyond the bushes, beside Sweetiebelle. "Wah - !" Sweetiebelle retreated to the middle of the very small clearing she had found herself in. "Wh - who's there?" She squeaked. Another swift ghastly movement just beyond the trees - but this time it was behind her. "Ah - ! Sweetiebelle turned around, bracing her hooves, "Wh- who.... h - who's there?" Sweetiebelle heard something behind her. It seemed very close, as if it were just over her shoulder... she heard a low hissing, swishing sound. And... sounds like whips...slapping the air, only softly, very... very... softly... Yet oh. So. Close... Sweetiebelle started to look over her shoulder but on receiving the tiniest glimpse of figure behind her, she yelped and the sped off into the trees. "AHHHHHHH!!" She screamed. "AHHHH - OOF!" "What? What the - ? What in tarnation?! Sweetiebelle!? Well, I'll be." "Apple Jack!" Sweetiebelle grabbed and squeezed Apple Jack. "Hold on there, Sugar Cube. Ah may be an Apple, but I sure weren't made for squeezin'!" Sweetiebelle let Apple Jack go. "Sorry." Sweetiebelle said. "It's al-raht, Hun. You didn't bother me, none.... I was jus' worryin' 'bout and wonderin' about Apple Bloom... You seen her, lately? Th' celebration's almost over...." Apple Jack looked about. "Well... actually..." * * * * * "Ah'm tellin' you, Twah-light! It's the darndest thing!" Apple Jack exclaimed, "After I found Sweetiebelle way out in the Everfree, last naght - "Sweetiebelle?! What ever do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked, taking a sip of drink and then lifting her mask off of her eyes. Sweetiebelle grinned, took the empty cup and dashed off. Everypony was in Rarity's boutique, just hanging out. Twilight sat; reading, Apple Jack stood; talking, Pinkie went from here, to there, to everywhere. Rainbow dash flew around, while Fluttershy dressed Angel in gems and ribbons and bows - Sweetiebelle had been servicing Rarity all morning and Rarity, though she couldn't figure out why, didn't think it was all that strange that she hadn't complained once when asked to do thing. "Uhh...yeah..." Apple Jack said, "What ah was sayin' was that I found the little three all out in th' Everfree, last night." "Um, all three?" Rainbow Dash asked. "All three." Apple Jack said. "So?" Rainbow Dash said, folding her wings and floating back down to the floor, like a leaf. "So," Apple Jack said, "When I met them they all were tellin; be creepy stories about monsters they had seen. They were all tellin' things that the other schoolhouse foaldren had seen, as well - no joke. Ah mean - Snips and Snails story an' then that pink filly's story - " "Oh, oh! You mean me?! I've told stories before!" Pinkie Pie said, appearing suddenly before Apple Jack, bouncing up and down. "No." Apple Jack said, pushing Pinkie Pie out of the way. "I mean that... other one.. Well anyways, she had a story, that grey colt had a story - a few of 'em had stories - and all about monsters!" "Pah-hahahahaha!" Rainbow Dash laughed, "AJ, don't tell me you actually believe in monsters! Haha!" "No, honestly, I don't." Apple Jack responded, pulling her hat off and walking over to one of the windows, "But ah don't think the foaldren were tellin' tall tails, neither..." She put her hat back on her head and looked back at the rest of them. All of them exchanged glances, before Twilight spoke up. "Well... it... couldn't hurt to try and figure out why they said what they said.... Although..." "Yeah?" Apple Jack and Rainbow said, in unison. "Although I might need to talk to Princess Luna." Twilight said, rising to all four hooves. "I think I am part of what went on last night and I am going to fix it before anypony get hurt."