> Open Up Your Heart > by Dream Bolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > We've Found the One! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo zipped up to the schoolhouse on her scooter, quickly parking it and dashing inside. “Sorry I’m late, Miss Cheerilee.” she apologized, sitting down next to her best friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “I had to run to the store to get some supplies for tomorrow.” “Couldn’t you have gotten them after school, dearie?” Cheerilee asked with a patient smile. “Well, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have to prepare for the biggest Hearts-and Hooves Day ever!” Scootaloo cried. “We wanted to get a head start. Your card is the first one we’re working on!” “And it’s already gonna take most of the day to finish!” Apple Bloom added. “Because you’re the best teacher ever!” Sweetie Belle finished. “Well, that’s very sweet of you girls!” Cheerilee replied with a smile. Then she narrowed her eyes. “You have learned your lesson about matchmaking though, haven’t you?” “Of course, Miss Cheerilee!” the three fillies cried. “You don’t force anypony together.” Apple Bloom stated. “Yeah! Ponies have to find love for themselves!” Sweetie Belle added. “And never, ever use magic potions to make ponies fall in love!” Scootaloo cried. “That’s good to hear.” Cheerilee said with her usual sunny smile. “Now, everypony, turn to page 35 of your science textbooks. After all, with Hearts-and-Hooves Day coming up, you’ll want to learn about those flowers you’re giving your special somepony.” ******************************************************* Later on, in the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had just finished the arduous task of finishing Cheerilee’s special letter. “Do you think Applejack might help us carry this over to the school?” Sweetie Belle asked. “It’s pretty heavy.” “Ah told ya all them jewels would wear it down.” Apple Bloom stated. “Well, that’s what makes it so pretty!” Sweetie Belle replied, staring proudly up at the enormous card. “Speakin’ of which, where in the hay did you get all those gems?” Apple Bloom asked. “Rarity uses them for her dresses.” Sweetie Belle answered. “I asked if I could have a few, and she said yes!” “I don’t think that’s just a few.” Apple Bloom muttered, staring at the jewel-encrusted card. “Come on, you guys!” Scootaloo cried, already working hard on another card. “I have to make a super-awesome card for Rainbow Dash! But I can’t make it lacey or anything. It has to be… you know… cool.” “So, what is Rainbow Dash doing tomorrow?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Does she have a special somepony?” “Of course!” Scootaloo cried. “I mean, I’ll bet every stallion in Cloudsdale and Ponyville is lined up waiting for her!” “But do y’all know who it is?” Apple Bloom asked. Scootaloo suddenly stopped, and a worried look came over her face. “I… guess I don’t.” “Well, let’s go find out!” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Yeah!” Scootaloo cried. “We have to make sure that she gets only the best pony!” ******************************************************* The Cutie Mark Crusaders rode through the street, with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom being pulled along in a wagon by Scootaloo on her scooter. As they zipped along, they drove past Applejack, who was selling some apples in town. “Hey, sis!” Apple Boom cried, motioning for Scootaloo to stop. “Could you help us deliver our letter to Cheerilee tomorrow? It’s kinda big.” “Sorry, sugarcube, but I have plans for tomorrow.” Applejack replied. “I can drop it off later today, so that Cheerilee gets it first thing in the mornin’ when she comes to the schoolhouse. How’s that?” “That’d be swell of you to… do.” Apple Bloom suddenly looked suspiciously at Applejack. “Wait a minute. I thought you usually just catch up on chores and stuff on Hearts-and-Hooves Day.” “Well, you see, I….” “Sweet Celestia! Does my big sister finally have a special somepony?” Apple Bloom cried, leaping up in Applejack’s face. Applejack sighed. “No.” she muttered, as if she wasn’t altogether pleased. Then her face brightened up happily. “But Pinkie Pie and that nice new pony Dream Bolt is havin’ a little get-together for the ponies who don’t have special someponies. Jes’ so we don’t miss out on the fun.” As she spoke, a light yellow unicorn stallion with a blue mane trotted up. He was about Applejack’s age, and had a blue thought bubble for a Cutie Mark. Beside him, Pinkie Pie was bouncing along. “Hiya, AJ!” the stallion cried. “Howdy, Bolt!” Applejack replied. “Howdy, Pinkie! How’s tomorrow’s little shindig comin’ along?” “Oh, it is gonna be so super-splendiferous!” Pinkie Pie cried. “There’s gonna be cupcakes, and pie, and cake, and candy, and more cake. Oh, it’s gonna be so fun!” As Pinkie Pie continued jabbering about the upcoming party, a few other ponies began to approach. The Cutie Mark Crusaders quickly recognized Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, of course, and saw that Fluttershy and Spike were also with them. “Hey, everypony!” Twilight exclaimed brightly. “We were on our way to the spa, and we saw you talking about the party.” “It was hard to miss, with Pinkie Pie’s voice.” Rarity replied. “I do look forwards to having something to do rather than wallow in self-pity all alone.” “Yeah, now we can wallow in self-pity together!” Dream Bolt exclaimed cheerfully, despite the less-than-cheerful statement. He was always a bit odd, but considering how he hung out with either Pinkie Pie or Lyra most of the time, that was hardly surprising. Sweetie Belle looked up at Rarity. “You don’t have a special somepony either, sis?” Rarity sighed. “No. I have of course had quite a few offers, but none that I would consider. I do have standards. I am a highly intelligent and sophisticated mare, after all, not just another pretty face.” “Yeah, Rarity!” Spike gushed. “You’ve got beauty and brains!” Twilight rolled her eyes at Spike’s blatant adoration. “Not to mention, every stallion who approached me received an anonymous threat saying that they would be sent to the moon if they dated me.” Rarity added. “Although I have no idea who would say such a thing, or who other than the princesses even has the power to send things such long distances in the first place.” Twilight scowled at Spike, who gave an awkward, not-so-innocent grin. “I must admit though, I am rather surprised that you don’t have a special somepony, Fluttershy.” Rarity exclaimed. “After all, you’re quite charming, in both appearance and personality.” “I just… um… well, I don’t think I could have a special somepony.” Fluttershy stated in her usual soft voice. “I’m too shy. And, um… well, I don’t think I could handle talking to a handsome stallion.” She suddenly squeaked, catching herself. “Oh, no offense, Dream Bolt.” “None taken.” Dream Bolt replied. “I’m actually kind of glad you’re not considering me. The last thing I need is to have a heart attack from an overload of cuteness.” “Um… thank you.” Fluttershy mumbled, her face lighting up bright red. “I really don’t see the allure of having a special somepony.” Twilight stated. “Books are far better companions any day.” Rarity sighed. “Dearie, you may have learned quite a bit about friendship while you‘ve been here, but I daresay you need to get out of the house more often.” “I get out of the house all the time.” Twilight replied. “Ever since we encountered Mobius during the whole Sol Umbrae incident, I’ve been visiting the Mobian libraries and getting a lot of useful research done. And anyways, I prefer books to colts any day.” “But what about that guard pony guy from the Crystal Empire?” Pinkie asked. Twilight blushed and pretended she hadn’t heard. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash shot over the sky, swooping down to hover a few feet above her friends. “’Sup, everypony?” she cried. “We were just talking about the party Dream Bolt had planned.” Twilight explained. “The Singles Awareness party.” Dream Bolt added brightly. “We can all cry into our milkshakes together!” “Nah, we’re gonna have a blast!” Rainbow Dash chuckled. Scootaloo gasped. “Wait… Rainbow Dash… you don’t have a special somepony?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Nopony cool enough for me really gave me any offer.” she huffed. “Same thing every year.” She sighed, then brightened up. “Hey, squirt. Maybe you could come to the….” But as the ponies all turned, they saw only a cloud of dust as the Cutie Mark Crusaders shot off into the distance. ******************************************************* “We have to find Rainbow Dash a special somepony!” Scootaloo cried as she zipped down the street. “How the hay are we gonna do that?” Apple Bloom asked. “Rainbow Dash said nopony cool enough for her has any interest in her.” “Well, that’s just in Ponyville.” Scootaloo exclaimed. “I know someone who’s perfect for Rainbow Dash. He’s almost as cool as she is!” “Who’s that?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Sonic!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Come on! We have to get to Twilight’s house! That’s where the portal is!” ******************************************************* It took a bit of time to get inside, since Twilight had magically locked her door, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had to climb up through the observatory window. “Couldn’t… we… have just asked… Twilight?” Sweetie Belle panted as she pulled herself in the window and plopped down on her rump. “That was… tough. And we didn’t… even get… a tree-climbing… Cutie Mark… for all that.” “We can’t tell anypony!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Remember what Miss Cheerilee said? ‘Don’t force anypony together.’ If this is going to work, it has to be a secret, otherwise they won’t fall in love on their own!” “Can a pony and a hedgehog even fall in love?” Apple Bloom questioned. “Well, Sonic’s not like the hedgehogs in Equestria.” Scootaloo rationalized. “He can talk and stuff.” “And I suppose that if Spike has a crush on my sister, it could work.” Sweetie Belle added. “Wait.” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Spike likes Rarity?” “Yep. She knows, but she isn’t letting on.” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “She said so in her diary. I’ve known, like, forever.” “Okaaaay.” Apple Bloom said, making a weird face. “The portal’s in the basement!” Scootaloo cried, dashing down the stairs. “Now, wait up a second!” Apple Bloom called down. “Ain’t that thing supposed to be powered by a unicorn?” “I could do it!” Sweetie Belle suggested. ******************************************************* After about ten minutes of fruitless attempts to produce anything more than a small shimmer, let alone affect the portal, Sweetie Belle sat down dejectedly. “Guess I need some practice.” she mumbled. “Now what are we going to do?” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom looked thoughtful. “Well… we may be able to get somepony who won’t spoil the secret to power it for us.” she suggested. “But we don’t know any foals who have that kind of magic!” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “Yeah, and what grown-up pony would be fun enough to go along with this?” Scootaloo asked. “They’d all reprimand us, and spoil the surprise!” Apple Bloom looked thoughtful. Then a grin came across her face. “I think I know somepony.” ******************************************************* “Are you sure this will work?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Rarity says she’s kind of… immature.” “That’s what we want!” Apple Bloom replied cheerfully. “Immature is jes’ big pony talk for lots of fun!” “Yeah! After all, lot of ponies have told Rainbow Dash she’s immature!” Scootaloo agreed. “Okay, but I don’t know about asking a big pony for help.” Sweetie Belle stated. “Trust me. She’ll be dyin’ ta help us!” Apple Bloom said confidently, walking up to the door of the house and giving a rap on the wood. “I’m coming!” a voice called from inside. There was a crash, and a “whoops”. After a few clattering sounds were heard, the door was opened by a mint-colored unicorn mare with a teal and white mane. “Hey, kids!” she said cheerfully, looking down at the fillies with her large, golden eyes. She seemed to tower over the three fillies, mostly because she was standing in the most unusual position: on her back legs, like Pinkie Pie sometimes did. “Sorry, Bon-Bon isn’t here right now.” the mare said. “She’s at her shop, making candy as usual. I hear she’s giving out free samples of a new type, if you wanna go down and try some!” “Actually, Miss Heartstrings, we wanted ta talk to you.” Apple Bloom stated. The mare looked surprised. “Okay, first, call me Lyra. Miss Heartstrings makes me feel like an old mare. And second, what’s up? I don’t get a lot of fillies who are interested in a lyrist around here. You looking for your lyre-playing Cutie Marks?” “It’s kind of different than that.” Apple Bloom replied. ******************************************************* “So… you want me to help you activate this magic portal in Twilight’s basement?” “Yeah.” Scootaloo replied. “It’s not like we’re breaking into her house, because it is a public library. It’s just kind of… closed at the moment.” “No problem.” Lyra replied, waving her hoof. “I’ve broken into Twilight’s library before. And you say that this portal is the one that goes to Mobius?” “Uh-huh.” Sweetie Belle said with a nod. “The land where… humans come from?” Lyra asked, her face slowly being taken over by a huge, excited grin. “Yep, that’s the place!” Apple Bloom said brightly. Lyra leapt to her hooves, throwing her front hooves in the air. “What are we doing here?!” she cried. “Let’s go!” ******************************************************* As they trotted down the street, the fillies gave Lyra a few stares, as did many passersby. “Um, Miss Heart… Lyra, may I ask you a question?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You just did!” Lyra exclaimed jokingly. “What is it, kid?” “Why are you walking on your back hooves?” “Practice.” Lyra replied. “I got some lessons on balance from Pinkie Pie and Zecora. Ponies have no idea just how useful walking like this is! My hooves are free to do whatever I want to do with them! I can carry stuff with ease now!” “But… ain’t y’all got magic ta do that?” Apple Bloom asked quizzically. “Um… yeah, but that isn’t the point.” Lyra stated. “This is how humans walk. When I walk like this, I’m practically the same height as them! Well, some of them, anyways. I wanted to get a little exercise in so I can fit in better on Mobius. Nobody walks on four legs there!” “That sounds silly.” Apple Bloom stated. “It’s all unstable-like. And a lot of ‘em ain’t even got tails ta balance them out!” “It’s human magic.” Lyra replied as they trotted up to the library. Lyra levitated the three fillies into the window. Then, clawlike hands of golden magic encased her front hooves. She used these to quickly scale the side of the house and climb inside. “Woah!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “That was cool!” “And kind of creepy.” added Sweetie Belle, looking a little uncomfortable. “Thanks.” Lyra replied. “I’ve been working on it. I use them mainly to play the lyre. Seriously, hands are pretty… handy.” Lyra tossed the Crusaders a cheesy grin, as the three fillies slapped their foreheads at the awful pun. “Well, the portal’s in the basement!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, dashing down the stairs. “Come on!” ******************************************************* The portal activated easily enough for Lyra, and suddenly, warm sunlight and the sound of the surf filled the dimly lit basement. “Woah.” Lyra breathed. “Awesome.” Scootaloo muttered. Sweetie Belle stuck her hoof through the portal, tapping the ground to make sure it was real. As the Crusaders and Lyra stepped through the portal they looked about at the city they were now within. It was bright and sunny, with a lot of white or light grey buildings which helped it appear even brighter. The sound of waves crashed not too far away, and the ponies could see the beach. “Ooooh.” they all crooned. Scootaloo was the first to snap out of her amazed daze. “Come on! We’ve got to find Sonic!” she cried. “Mm? Oh, yeah, you kids run along and have fun now.” Lyra said distractedly, not taking her eyes off the view. She turned to see something coming down the street. The Crusaders thought it was kind of odd-looking. It was hairless except for its mane, and was walking on two feet. Lyra squealed excitedly, bouncing like a little filly. She quickly stood on her back hooves, and began confidently trotting off after the creature. “Hi!” Lyra exclaimed, hardly unable to contain her glee. “I’m kind of new here! Do you know where I could find some information about this… human city?” The creature, which looked female, looked a little uncomfortably at Lyra’s somewhat creepily excited grin. “Um… they offer tours of Solianna over there.” the woman exclaimed, pointing a finger. Lyra stared in awe at the manicured digit for a couple seconds before actually following where it was pointing. “Thanks, human!” she cried, bounding off on her hind hooves with the skill of a pony who had walked like that for quite some time. “Now, don’t wander too far, girls!” Lyra called back. Scootaloo slapped her forehead. “Well, she’s no help. Let’s ask around and see if we can’t find out where Sonic is.” ******************************************************* Being as famous as Sonic was, it didn’t take long for someone to point the Crusaders in his direction. He was sitting at a beachside stand, munching on a chili dog. Actually, three chili dogs. “Sonic!” the three fillies cried, running up to the blue hedgehog. Sonic grinned at them. “Hey, kids!” he exclaimed. “You here on a field trip or something?” “Er… not exactly.” Apple Bloom admitted. “Are you free tomorrow?” Scootaloo asked, cutting to the chase. Sonic chuckled, taking a bite of his chili dog. “I’m free every day.” he replied. “I run my own life, make my own schedules. Well, mostly, at any rate. I still help out Sal and the gang from time to time, and Eggman does have a habit of messing with my plans. But yeah, I’m free tomorrow. Why, what’s the big deal?” “We were wondering if… um….” Scootaloo said, trying to find the right words, “…if you would like to, um… spend the day with Rainbow Dash. Since she’ll be kind of… lonely tomorrow. And we thought only a cool guy like you would be the kind of guy who could hang out with her.” Sonic shrugged. “Sounds fun! I haven’t seen Dashie in a while. It’d be nice to have a good race again.” “Great!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “So you’ll be by tomorrow?” “You can count on it, big girl.” Sonic replied with a grin, finishing off his chili dogs. “Now… since you’re here, why don’t we hit the beach?” “Yeah!” the little fillies cried. “Cutie Mark Crusader Beach Explorers! Yay!” > Love is in... Bloom? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, Sonic’s offering to spend the day with me?” Rainbow Dash asked the next day. The other ponies were all gathered for the private party in Sugar Cube Corner. “Yep!” the three fillies replied with wide grins. “Aw, sweet!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pumping her hoof in the air. “Finally, a chance to try out some of my awesome high-speed maneuvering techniques!” “He should be by any minute!” Apple Bloom announced. As if on cue, a blue blur blasted up to Sugar Cube Corner and zipped through the door. “Hey, Dash!” he cried. “And nice to see you girls as well!” “Good to see you again too, Sonic!” Twilight said cheerfully. “So, what brings you here?” “Aw, I just thought I should hang out with my pal Dashie for a day.” Sonic replied casually. “Unless you girls are doing something?” “No! Not at all!” Twilight exclaimed, shaking her head. “You two go and have fun now!” “Alright, sweet!” Rainbow Dash cried, zipping to Sonic’s side. “Hey, Twilight, could you give Sonic a cloud-walking spell? I wanna take him to see Cloudsdale.” “Sure thing, Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. Her horn flashed, and a bolt of magenta light stuck Sonic. Sonic looked about, then wiggled his foot. “I don’t feel any different.” he stated. “Don’t worry, it’ll work out fine.” Twilight assured him. “I used to use it myself all the time, before I became an alicorn, that is.” She flapped her wings in demonstration. “Well, thanks, Twi!” Sonic said with a wave. “Come on, Dash! I wanna see this cloud city you’ve been telling me about!” “Well, come on! Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash cried. The two of them shot out the door, zooming off together., The Cutie Mark Crusaders winked at one another and gave each other a high hoof. “Well, that was odd.” Applejack stated, raising an eyebrow. “So Sonic jes shows up for no reason, and wants ta hang with Rainbow all day? What’s up with that?” “Oh, darling, it isn’t our business.” Rarity stated demurely. Then she gave a little giggle. “Although he did choose to come over on Hearts-and -Hooves Day!” “Wait.” Applejack said, raising her eyebrows. “Are y’all sayin’ that Sonic and Rainbow Dash… are special someponies? Would that even work?” “Well, ponies have married other races before.” Twilight stated. “ Like some ponies married griffins. That’s how we got hippogriffs. And there have even been pony/ dragon marriages.” “Really?” Rarity and Spike both asked at once, the former looking curious, the latter looking overjoyed. Twilight sighed. “Don’t get me started on that.” “Why not?” Spike asked. Twilight turned towards Spike. “Think about it. Dragon plus equine. Dragon equine. Draconequus.” “Oh.” Spike said quietly. “You mean…?” “Discord hides his origins well, but I have my suspicions about them.” Twilight said cryptically. “Oh darling, do we have to talk about such things?” Rarity asked. “Frankly, I’m more interested in Sonic and Rainbow Dash.” “Now that sounds like chaos.” Dream Bolt put in, munching on his sundae. “More chaotic than your tastes?” Rarity asked. “Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, butter pecan, and birthday-cake flavored ice creams mixed with orange sherbet? And with how many nuts, berries, candies, and Celestia knows what else is mixed in there?” “It’s chaotic harmony.” Dream Bolt replied, taking a bite of his ice cream. Rarity swore that she saw a piece of hay bacon in there. “Anyways, if Sonic and Dash can get along together, good for them. But if you ask me, they’re too alike. A competitive streak from here to the moon, and some rather large egos. That, my friends, is chaos waiting to happen.” “Oh, I don’t know.” Fluttershy put in. “They seem to be getting along together very well. Maybe they respect one another as equals.” Applejack laughed. “Rainbow Dash admittin’ someone’s her equal. If love can do that, no wonder Princess Cadence could beat all those changelings so easy.” “You really think that those two…?” Twilight trailed off, giving a little giggle. “Well, they are perfect for one another.” Scootaloo stated with a grin, trying to press the matter. Rarity gave a dreamy sigh. “Oh, that is sweet. I do so with we could see what’s going on with them now.” “Probably a race.” Dream Bolt replied, taking another bite of his atrocious ice cream. “Sonic and Dashie aren’t much for the mushy stuff. They’re the type who will just be going along, like ordinary friends, and then POW! One day, they get married out of the blue. I don’t necessarily mean to each other, but that’s how I see things working out for their futures.” “And Dream Bolt is really, really good at predicting these sorts of things!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, coming out of the kitchen with a horrifically large cake she had just finished icing. “He predicted that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were going to get into trouble, and they did!” “Sugarcube, that’s about as surprisin’ as predictin’ the sunrise.” Applejack stated, casting a glance over at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who all gave angelic grins. “But what if you’re right?” Twilight asked Dream Bolt. “I always am.” Dream Bolt replied nonchalantly. “Just last Tuesday, those girls covered Bon-Bon and her entire sweet shop in powdered sugar. On purpose.” “They did what now?” Applejack asked, pushing her hat back and glaring at the Crusaders, who grinned awkwardly as they remembered the infamous “Cutie Mark Crusader Hoofprinters” incident. “No, not that.” Twilight replied to Dream Bolt. “I mean about Sonic and Rainbow Dash.” “Um… well, what if I am right?” Dream Bolt asked, looking confused. “It would just mean that they both would probably surprise us when their weddings came up.” “But you said they would just be going along like good friends, and then, POW! Married!” Twilight cried. “Yeah… so?” Dream Bolt asked. “They’ve already been going along like good friends!” Twilight stated frantically. “And then out of nowhere, Sonic asks Rainbow Dash out on Hearts-and-Hooves Day? He could be proposing this very minute!” “Really?!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “Ooh! I get to set up the bridle shower!” “Woah, nelly!” Applejack cried out. “I think y’all are blowin’ this a bit out of proportion. Y’all are turnin’ a couple of friends hangin’ out into a full blown wedding! Y’all didn’t do that when Dream Bolt spent the day with Pinkie Pie at that fun park.” “You mean Dream Bolt wants to marry me?!” Pinkie Pie shouted. She stuck her face in Dream Bolt’s. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” “I don’t want to marry you!” Dream Bolt cried, shrinking back. “I’m sorry, Bolty, but I’m too young for that right now.” Pinkie replied. “But I just said….” “But I’m flattered that you would think of me.” “I do not want to marry you!” Dream Bolt cried. “Geez louise, can’t a colt be friends with a mare without wanting to be her special somepony?” “Exactly!” Applejack stated. “Why can’t Sonic and Rainbow Dash jes be bein’ friendly? That’s what friends do!” “Hmmm. I guess you have a point.” Pinkie Pie mused. “It would be kind of silly for somepony to act like two ponies are in love just because they hang out together.” Suddenly, the bell over the door rang, and in walked Lyra and Bon-Bon. The Crusaders turned towards Lyra, giving her pleading looks to remain silent. Lyra gave them a knowing wink. “Hey, everypony!” Lyra exclaimed. “What’s going on here? Some sort of party?” “Yep! A Singles Awareness Party!” Dream Bolt exclaimed. “Cool! Is it open for all singles?” Lyra asked. Bon-Bon sighed. “Lyra, we’re here to pick up some croissants, not have a party.” “Aww!” Lyra sighed. “Can’t we stay for just a little bit?” “No.” Bon-Bon said curtly. “We have errands to run.” “Aw, but you’ll miss out on the cake!” Pinkie Pie cried. “And besides, we have an extra seat since Rainbow Dash is off on a date with Sonic!” “A date?” Bon-Bon asked, her ears perking up. She was known for being one of the town’s biggest gossips. A nice one, and she rarely said anything bad about anypony, but she was notorious for being rather nosy about other ponies’ love lives. “We ain’t certain it’s a date.” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. “We aren’t sure it isn’t!” Twilight replied. “He did ask her out on Hearts-and-Hooves Day!” Bon-bon turned toward Lyra, who was grinning and staring hungrily at the cake. “I… guess we could stay for a slice of cake.” Bon-Bon said, sitting down. She put her chin in her hooves. “So… what’s this about Rainbow Dash and Sonic? ******************************************************* The Cutie Mark Crusaders met in their clubhouse, and high-hoofed one another. “Mission completed!” Scootaloo cried, marking off a check list that read, ‘Get Rainbow Dash a dayt.’ “Y’all misspelled ‘date’.” Apple Bloom pointed out. “Aw, who cares?” Scootaloo replied. “We did it! And without a magic potion!” “We’re matchmakers!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed joyfully. “Maybe we got matchmaking Cutie Marks!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. The three fillies turned to look at their flanks, but sighed in disappointment to see that they were still blank. “Oh, well.” Scootaloo sighed. “I wouldn’t want a mushy matchmaking Cutie Mark anyway.” “So… now what?” Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo shrugged. “I dunno.” Apple Bloom looked about. “Anypony up fer tryin‘ ta git our spa pony Cutie Marks?” ******************************************************* “Trust me, sweetie, I know how these things work.” Bon-Bon stated. “Those two are just playing it cool. But that competitiveness is probably just a cover for their deep admiration.” Bon-Bon had been going on for some time now, and had convinced most of the other ponies of Rainbow Dash and Sonic’s secret relationship. Only Applejack and Dream Bolt remained skeptical. “Well, Rainbow Dash did confide in me that she and Sonic felt rather close.” Twilight stated. “Yeah. She said like they were kin er somethin’, not like they were in love.” Applejack stated firmly. “Y’all are turnin’ a molehill into a mountain.” “But darling, they would be so perfect for one another!” Rarity exclaimed. “Yeah!” Pinkie Pie added. “They’re both fast and blue and have big egos….” “Exactly!” Applejack stated. “They’re too much alike! They may be friendly, but they’re rivals. Rivals. Like Trixie and Twilight here! They’re stuck halfway between bein’ best friends and bein’ enemies.” “Oh, but that kind of relationship can lead to unexpected love.” Bon-Bon replied with a giggle. “I’ve heard stories of rival who eventually fell in love and got married.” “And I’ve heard tales of rivals who stayed rivals and kept on fightin’.” Applejack retorted. “I say Rainbow Dash and Sonic may be good friends. Heck, they may even have a crush on each other. But no relationship’s gonna work out between two people who both have to be the best.” “Oh, but they would be so cute together!” Fluttershy exclaimed. Dream Bolt sighed. “Look, I’m tired of this.” he stated. “We’ll settle this in the most logical, scientific way possible.” “What’s that?” Rarity asked. “We spy on them!” Twilight cried. “We spy on….” Dream Bolt trailed off, as he and everypony else turned towards Twilight. “Why was that so obvious to you?” Dream Bolt asked. “Er….” Twilight said, grinning uncomfortably. “Hold on a sec.” Applejack exclaimed. “Spyin’ on Rainbow Dash? That ain’t nice!” “It’s just casual spying.” Dream Bolt stated. “You know, we just happen to decide to visit Cloudsdale, and see what they’re up to while we’re there. Nothing unfriendly about that.” “I don’t know….” Applejack said hesitantly. “Oh, come on, Applejack!” Bon-Bon exclaimed. “It’s just a friendly visit. We won’t disturb them or anything.” “Since when were y’all invited ta come with us?” Applejack asked. “Well… um….” “Hey, chill, Bon-bon.” Lyra said casually. “I’ve got a cloud-walking spell. We can catch a balloon up to Cloudsdale if they don’t want to bring us.” “Yeah, I’m all for bringing them!” Dream Bolt piped up. “Well, I personally think the more the merrier!” Twilight exclaimed gleefully. “Now, let’s go do some spying!” Applejack gave Twilight a frown. “I mean… friendly observing.” Twilight corrected herself with a blush. ******************************************************* “So that’s where the pegasi make the weather?” Sonic asked, pointing towards a large building surrounded by thunderclouds. “Yep!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Being a weather pony, I drop by there often. I’ll show you around if you like.” “Sound cool!” Sonic said cheerfully. As they walked along, Rainbow Dash turned towards Sonic. “So, just what made you choose today to come over?” she asked. “I mean, I’m really glad to have you here, but… why today?” “Well, that little orange filly who likes you so much said you might be a bit lonely and use the company today.” Sonic replied casually. He shrugged. “I dunno. You seemed to be having fun with your friends when I got here.” “Scootaloo asked you to come?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow. “And she specifically said today? Were here little friends with her?” “Yes to all of the above.” Sonic answered. He gave Dash a curious look. “Why?” Rainbow Dash broke out in a grin, then a chuckle, then a laugh. She fell on her back, kicking her hooves with mirth. “That little squirt must be trying to set us up on a date!” she laughed. “Those girls!” Sonic looked confused. “A date?” he asked with a smirk. “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash replied, calming down. “You do know today is Hearts-and-Hooves Day, right?” Sonic gave Rainbow Dash a blank look. “The day where ponies celebrate having a special somepony?” Rainbow Dash clarified. “Oh, you mean like Valentine’s Day!” Sonic said in realization. “And those girls tried to get me to go on a date with you?” “Yeah, I guess they heard that I didn’t have a date for today, and decided to get me one.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Aw, that was nice of Scoots to go to all the trouble, but… seriously? Us on a date?” Rainbow Dash burst out laughing again, this time joined by Sonic. ******************************************************* “See? Look at how they’re laughing together!” Twilight stated. She was looking through a pair of binoculars at the blue pegasus and hedgehog. Beside her, the other ponies sat with binoculars or telescopes, except for Applejack, who was sitting nearby, looking bored and uninterested, and Lyra, who was trying to play cat’s cradle with a piece of string and remaining utterly indifferent to Bon-Bon’s rapt attention to the alleged couple. “Friends laugh together all the time!” Applejack cried. “Y’all are seein’ more than what’s there!” “Oh, Applejack, you know the two of them are too ‘cool’ to be openly romantic.” Rarity stated, lowering her binoculars to make quotation marks in the air with her hooves as she said ‘cool’. “Dream Bolt said so.” “Dream Bolt also thinks Discord is cool.” Applejack deadpanned. “Well, he’s reformed now.” Dream Bolt said in his own defense. “And I agree, everypony is blowing my statement about Sonic and Dash out of proportion.” He was wearing a blue hat covered in cotton balls as camouflage as he stared back through his telescope. “Lack of visible romance does not mean hidden romance.” “I would thank y’all fer bein’ reasonable, but y’all are the one who suggested this whole spyin’ business in the first place.” Applejack deadpanned. “Well, I’m a seeker of truth.” Dream Bolt said matter-of-factly. “I always must know what is true and what is not. And nopony here was going to rest until they knew anyway.” “An’ yer a conspiracy theorist who overanalyzes everything.” Applejack added. Dream Bolt shrugged. “That too.” “Plus, it makes a great story.” Pinkie Pie said, looking through her binoculars the wrong way. “Hey, AJ! You don’t have to sit so far away!” Applejack sighed and gave Pinkie a tap with her hoof to let her know she was right in front of her, despite what Pinkie saw through her backwards binoculars. “Hey, you learned to stretch like I do, Applejack!” Pinkie cried happily, still staring through the backwards binoculars. “Everypony, hush!” cried Bon-Bon. She was on the trail of some juicy gossip, and nothing would get in her way now. “Look! Sonic looks like he’s pulling out a present for Rainbow Dash!” ******************************************************* “Okay, you’re going to have to not take this the wrong way, considering that little revelation earlier.” Sonic chuckled. “I brought you something I thought you might like from Mobius.” Sonic pulled out a small box and handed it to Rainbow Dash, who opened it up. She gasped for a moment, then chuckled as her face lit up. “Oh, wow! Twilight told me about these!” she exclaimed. “Don’t they give you extra energy or something?” “Nearly limitless stamina.” Sonic replied. “Plus, this can protect you from pretty much any injury. But taking a hit will break the connection, so make sure to grab it again quick if you do get clobbered.” Rainbow Dash grinned at Sonic. “Thanks! So… this one’s mine?” “All yours.” Sonic said. Rainbow Dash looked excitedly into the box, then chuckled. “You know, I gotta say it was a bit surprising when I first opened the box.” she said. “I mean, in the context of today and all….” “Yeah, I’ll bet it looked strange!” Sonic laughed. “So… wanna give it a go?” “Sure thing!” Rainbow Dash stated. She reached into the box. And pulled out a Power Ring. ******************************************************* Twilight dropped her binoculars, her jaw going completely slack. Spike followed suit. Pinkie Pie gave a dramatic gasp. Fluttershy’s face lit up as she gave a cute little squeal. Rarity gave a small gasp and covered her mouth with her hoof. Dream Bolt’s eyes shrunk to pinholes, unable to look away. “Sweet Celestia.” Twilight breathed. “Woah. Did not see that coming.” Dream Bolt muttered. “Told you.” Bon-Bon said with a triumphant grin. “What? What is it?” Applejack hollered, suddenly curious. Twilight wordlessly levitated her binoculars over to Applejack. The orange earth pony looked through them, only to have her jaw drop as well. “Well, I’ll be a pickled pumpkin.” she uttered. “Yer crazy gab looks ta be right after all.” “Huh? Did something happen?” Lyra asked. “Yes.” Bon-Bon said, her face aglow, a big smile creasing her cheeks. A single tear slid down from her eye. “Yes, something did happen. Something wonderful. Sonic just gave Rainbow Dash a ring.” “No way!” Lyra gasped. “You mean like, a proposal?” “It certainly looks that way.” Rarity stated with a grin. “Oh, this is so sweet!” Fluttershy exclaimed dreamily. “Yes! I get to throw the wedding!” Pinkie Pie cried. Dream Bolt backed up, looking a little dazed. “But… this is so not canon.” “Technically, neither are you.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. Dream Bolt shrugged. “Touché.” Twilight shook her head in shock, before getting back to her old, organized self. “Okay, everypony! I have a plan!” Twilight exclaimed. “We’re going to throw a big, special wedding for them! And we’ll make it a wedding that everypony will remember for years to come!” > We're So in Love? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was making certain that all the preparations were in order. Word had spread fast, and there were now lots of ponies preparing the wedding, all eager to help two of the heroes who had saved them from Eggman not so long ago. “Pinkie Pie, how goes the decorations and refreshments?” Twilight queried. “Super-duper-loopty-looper!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in her usual exuberant fashion. “Just a few more shots of the party cannon should finish them all up!” “Perfect!” Twilight stated, scratching a mark on her clipboard. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake?” “The wedding cake is almost done!” Mrs. Cake replied cheerily. “Oh, how I do love making wedding cakes! They’re so… oh, they just bring back such fond memories!” “Oh, remember when we used to make wedding cakes together when we were dating, sugar bun?” Mr. Cake asked. “My eyes were rarely on the cake! Remember when I accidentally frosted a pot because I was staring at you?” “How could I forget?” Mrs. Cake laughed. Twilight grinned as she heard the couple reminisce. Something about weddings made ponies sentimental. Including herself. “Hey, Twilight?” Lyra asked as she walked up to the lavender princess. “Question. Why are we throwing a surprise wedding? Isn’t it kind of up to the couple to choose when they have the wedding?” “Well, I heard Sonic tell Rainbow Dash that today was the big day just a few days ago.” Twilight stated. “By spying on them?” Lyra asked with a raised eyebrow. Twilight blushed, and pretended she hadn’t heard that last statement. “Anyway, if I know Sonic and Rainbow Dash, they would try to elope in secret. But we’re going to surprise them with the most wonderful wedding they could hope for!” “But there won’t be an awesome Changeling battle this time!” Dream Bolt shouted down from a tree, setting up some streamers. The wedding was being hosted in a large, beautiful meadow, dotted with a few trees, and was surrounded by wildflowers. All in all, it was very romantic. Twilight ignored Dream Bolt. “Okay. Fluttershy, how’s the bird choir?” “Oh, they’re doing very well.” Fluttershy assured her. “That is, I’m sure they’ll do their best. They all like Sonic too, because he helped save them from being put inside that mean old Eggman’s robots.” Twilight made another scratch on her clipboard. “Okay, now Rarity….” “I’m fiiiniiished!” Rarity sung as she trotted out of her boutique. Beside her she was levitating a gorgeous wedding dress, made for a pony, and a dapper tuxedo. “Thank goodness I kept the Mobian’s measurements from when I made their Gala outfits.” Rarity exclaimed. “It simply would not do to have the lovely couple show up to their wedding without a new and lovely ensemble!” “They certainly look fantastic!” Twilight admitted. “Rarity, you’ve done it again.” “Well, thank you dear.” Rarity said, giving a little toss of her man as she smiled coyly. “Note the shimmering crystals which reflect little rainbows all about. Just perfect for our beautiful little Rainbow.” She gave a sniff, and blew her nose upon a silk handkerchief. “I’m sorry. It’s just… oh this is so… and Rainbow is finally… and… and… it’s so wonderful!” Rarity collapsed into joyful tears on Fluttershy’s shoulder as Twilight checked off another box on her checklist. “Applejack, how’s the dinner coming?” Twilight called. “Fine and dandy!” Applejack called in return. “We got more food than you can shake a stick at.” “Really?” cried Pinkie Pie. She immediately grabbed a stick and began shaking it at the tables of food. Twilight gave a small chuckle as she rolled her eyes, making another mark on her checklist. “Okay, that just leaves guests.” she said with satisfaction. “Spike, did you send out those invitations?” “Done and done!” Spike replied proudly. “Sonic’s friends will be here shortly. Even Shadow’s coming, although he said it’s because he won’t believe it until he sees it.” Twilight checked off the last item on her list, grinning happily. “Oh, Spike.” she sighed. “Rainbow Dash is probably the luckiest mare alive!” ******************************************************* “I have got to be the unluckiest mare alive!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She stomped her hoof angrily as she sat on a stool. Zecora was bandaging up her wing, while Sonic stood nearby looking sympathetic. “I mean, this was the day of our big marathon!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “We were supposed to go through Appleoosa and back, and I didn’t even make it out of the Everfree Forest!” “Hey, who knew we would run into a hydra?” Sonic asked with a shrug. He gave Rainbow Dash a grin and gently punched the shoulder furthest from her injured wing. “You were pretty cool out there. At least we still had some fun kicking that thing’s tail!” Rainbow Dash smirked. “Yeah, I was pretty awesome. Ow!” She flinched as Zecora pulled the bandage tight. “Hey, watch it!” “Oh, don’t be such be such a big foal. You were barely hurt at all.” Zecora replied with a roll of her eyes. “Your wing just got scratched up a bit. My potions should take care of it. By tomorrow’s day, it will all go away, and you will finally be able to play.” “Yeah, thanks, Zecora.” Rainbow Dash sighed, still rather disappointed about having to wait for the race. “Tell you what.” Sonic said with a grin. “How about we head into town and get some of those veggie chili-dogs? You know, get some extra energy for tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash grinned as she got to her hooves. “Sounds good with me. Maybe we can see what the others are doing.” ******************************************************* “Hey, Twilight, the Mobian guests are arriving.” Spike announced. “Perfect!” Twilight said with a grin, checking a mark off of her check list and flipping over to her guest list. Tails showed up first, looking about in a rather confused fashion. He was wearing a suit which Rarity had insisted he put on. At the moment, he was talking to Applejack trying to make sense of things. “Well… Sonic did say he liked Rainbow Dash, but I didn’t think he would marry her!” Tails was exclaiming. “Believe me, I’m as surprised as y’all are, sugarcube.” Applejack admitted. “Rainbow Dash ain’t said a thing ‘bout it ta us, neither. I guess they jes’ wanted ta keep it a secret. Ya know, ‘cause they’re too ‘cool’ ta be all mush an’ stuff.” “Yeah, they’re the type who would be going along, acting normally, and then POW! Married!” Twilight exclaimed as she trotted up. “Hey! That’s my line!” Dream Bolt shouted from one of the tables, where he was trying to sneak a few early snacks, while Rarity kept smacking his hoof. The other Mobian guests had begun to arrive. Knuckles was there, along with a pink female echidna, and Cream and her mother were also present. “Sonic’s marrying a rainbow-maned flying pony.” Knuckles muttered to himself. “Well, now I’ve officially seen everything.” “I admit, it’s a little unforeseen.” Rarity stated as she trotted up to greet the new guests. “And who is this lovely young lady with you?” “I’m Julie-su.” the pink echidna replied with a grin. “I’m Knuckle’s girlfriend.” “Well, I must say, Julie-su, that is a fascinating accent to your quills.” Rarity exclaimed, admiring an unusual metallic quill hanging from Julie-su’s head. “It’s actually a cybernetic implant.” Julie-su explained. “I have a few gadgets in it for communications and such.” “Yeah! You should have seen her when Knuckles was using her for a radio dish!” bellowed a deep, raspy voice as Vector approached, clad in a stylish suit with a pair of sunglasses atop his head. Julie-su glared at Vector. “Unless you want me to show Miss Rarity here how to make alligator-skin boots, you’d better keep on my good side, toothy.” Twilight checked Knuckles and Vector off the list, as well as Cream and her mother, who were both looking very confused as Fluttershy showed them Angel. Twilight looked over her list. “Okay, let’s see… now we only have….” “Get out of my way, pathetic pony.” The ponies shied away from the menacing figure approaching the wedding area. His black and red coloring would have made him see rather ominous anyways, but the perpetual scowl he wore served to make him a rather unnerving person to be near. “Hello, Shadow!” Twilight said as cheerfully as possible. “I didn’t expect you to show up!” Shadow shook his head. “I won’t believe it until I see it for myself.” he snorted. “Well, we’re almost ready, so feel free to….” Twilight trailed off as Shadow walked away as she was talking to him. “Okay, he’s still as surly as ever.” Twilight mumbled to herself. “I’m just surprised more Mobian guests aren’t showing up.” She sighed. “Well, that’s what I get for throwing a surprise wedding. I guess they’re busy fighting… bad Mobian people or something. Something really important.” ***************************************************** On a beach in Solianna, a young dragon was lying beside a young lynx, performing the very important task of attempting to get a tan. “Hey, Larry.” the dragon asked. “You think we should check out that wedding between Sonic and a rainbow pony?” “Nah.” Larry the lynx replied. “It’s probably just another crazy rumor. Don’t worry about it, Dulcey. Believe me, working on my tan is far more important than paying attention to idle gossip.” The two lay on the beach for a while before Dulcey finally spoke up. “You do realize you’re covered in fur, right?” ***************************************************** “Well, it can’t be helped.” Twilight said with a shrug. “I guess you don’t get days off when you’re saving the world. Although I do wish at least Rouge and the rest of the Chaotix had been able to come.” Her thought were interrupted by the disproportionately loud voice of Sweetie Belle shouting. “Everypony get ready! They’re coming!” All the ponies scrambled to their positions, with the Mobians following suit in a rather confused manner. Twilight dashed over to her friends. “Okay, like we rehearsed.” she whispered. “Now… let’s do it to it!” ***************************************************** “Wow, the town sure is quiet.” Sonic noted as he and Rainbow Dash strolled through. “Is it a holiday today, too?” “Or maybe they were attacked by zombies.” Rainbow Dash suggested. Before the point could be further debated, the two of them were approached by three young fillies who had large, grins of ill-concealed glee upon their faces. “Hey, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cried. “Hey, Sonic!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “We were just looking for you!” Sweetie Belle announced. “We wanted to, um… have a special picnic for you two!” Rainbow Dash gave Sonic a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Sonic returned the smirk. “Should we just humor them?” Rainbow Dash whispered. “Yeah, why not?” Sonic whispered back. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Well, thanks kids!” she stated. “That was really nice of you!” “Just come right this way!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, prancing about with ill-contained excitement. “And close your eyes.” Scootaloo ordered. “We want it to be a surprise.” “An’ no peekin’!” Apple Bloom hollered. Sonic and Rainbow Dash glanced at one another and shrugged, both smirking at the young fillies’ exuberance. “Okay.” Rainbow Dash agreed, and she and Sonic allowed themselves to be led by the Crusaders. ***************************************************** Sonic and Rainbow Dash followed the Crusaders out towards the field, where everything was prepared. “I said no peekin’!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, giving Sonic a swat with her hoof as she caught the blue hedgehog trying to peer through his fingers. “Ow! Okay, okay!” Sonic conceded. His famous impatience was adding to the curiosity he already felt. He had a feeling the three fillies were up to another attempt at setting up a date, but he still wanted to see what they had planned. As Scootaloo and Apple Bloom led Rainbow Dash and Sonic beneath the flowered arch which Rarity had set up at the entrance to the wedding area, Sweetie Belle signaled Twilight. Twilight, seeing the signal, sent off a beacon of light to signal the others. Everyone readied themselves. “Alright, you can look!” Scootaloo shouted. As Rainbow Dash and Sonic opened their eyes, they suddenly found that they were surrounded by ponies, (and a few Mobians,) who were all dressed formally. A group of pegasi began to dump flower petals down from above. A musical quartet began to play. Rainbow Dash’s mouth dropped open. So did Sonic’s. They were utterly speechless, immobile with shock. Nothing, not even their wildest ideas of what the Crusaders had planned, had prepared them for this. “Isn’t it just smashing?” Rarity exclaimed, trotting up to the alleged couple. Her horn flashed, swiftly wrapping the two in the wedding garments she had made them. “Shame on you two!” Rarity chided. “Trying to elope without telling us! We’re your friends! We don’t think you any less ‘cool’,” she waggled her hooves to mimic quotation marks, “just because you have feelings for one another!” “Yeah!” Tails added, soaring up. “You don’t have to hide something like that from me, Sonic! You know I’ll always think you’re awesome! I won’t judge you if you decide to marry someone other than Sally.” “Yes, we still think that you are really amazing.” Fluttershy exclaimed in her quiet, gentle voice. “You rock! Woohoo!” “So we prepared you a super-duper-looper awesome-spectaularific wedding!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in her not-so-quiet voice. “Yeah, we support ya all the way!” Applejack exclaimed. Twilight walked up to the couple, who still were staring into space with shocked expressions, mouths agape. “Well?” she asked excitedly. “What do you think?” “Wuh… wuh… wuh….” both Rainbow Dash and Sonic stuttered. “I knew it! They’re speechless!” Rarity cried. “So… we’re ready when you are.” Twilight announced. Rainbow Dash and Sonic just stared in shock, unable to speak. Finally, Rainbow Dash found her voice. “Wh… where did you get the idea we were getting married?” “Well, we saw Sonic give you a ring.” Twilight answered. “You were spying on us?” Sonic asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yes. I mean, no! I mean… well… sort of….” Twilight stuttered. “Hold it.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Why were you even spying on us in the first place?” “Well, Sonic did ask you out on Hearts and Hooves Day, dearie.” Rarity replied. “You can’t blame us for being curious.” “Yes, especially considering how much time you two spend together.” Bon-Bon added, trotting up. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I should have guessed you were involved in some way, Sweetie Drops.” Bon-Bon blushed, both at being discovered, and at Rainbow Dash mentioning the birth name she was rather embarrassed of. “Er… actually, spying on you was Twilight’s idea.” “No it wasn’t!” Twilight exclaimed. “It was Dream Bolt’s!” “Dream Bolt? The colt with all those crazy conspiracy theories?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “You listened to the pony who thinks that half of the Equestrian government are changelings? He tries to hang out with Discord, for crying out loud!” “Well, he’s reformed!” Dream Bolt cried defensively from the crowd. “And I was trying to prove that you two weren’t in love!” “But they are!” Bon-Bon insisted. “Who told you that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Wait… I’m confused.” Knuckles uttered. “Who’s told who what again?” “And where did you get the idea me and Dash were even dating in the first place?” Sonic asked. “I came over on Hearts and Hooves Day because those three little fillies told me Rainbow Dash would be lonely that day. I didn’t even know of the holiday!” “Wait a minute.” cried a voice in the crowd. The Cutie Mark Crusaders gave one another worried glances as Cheerilee squeezed through the surrounding ponies. “Would those three little fillies happen to be Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle?” Cheerilee asked suspiciously. “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash confirmed. “They brought Sonic to Sugar Cube Corner that day.” “Did they now?” Cheerilee mused, casting her “what-did-I-tell-you-about-doing-that” look at the three fillies who now stood awkwardly among the stares of everyone present. “And they said that Sonic and Rainbow Dash were perfect for each other.” Applejack recalled. “And you turned that into a full-blown marriage?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. “But… Sonic gave you a ring.” Twilight exclaimed confusedly. “Yeah. A Power Ring.” Rainbow Dash replied, rolling her eyes. “Geez, Twilight. I thought an egghead like you would know one of those when you saw it. It’s like a magical energy booster, not an engagement ring.” “So… you’re not in love?” Twilight asked. “No!” both Sonic and Rainbow Dash shouted at once. “Oh.” Twilight mumbled, not sure what else to say. “But… you said today was the big day.” Fluttershy spoke up. “That’s because we had a really big race planned for today.” Sonic sighed. “Me and Dash were looking forward to it, until Dash hurt her wing.” “In a fight with a hydra, which I totally clobbered.” Rainbow Dash emphasized, puffing her chest out proudly. “Really?” exclaimed Scootaloo, her eyes wide with excitement. “That’s so awesome!” Scootaloo suddenly realized her mistake as everyone’s attention turned back towards her and her friends. “Girls.” Cheerilee’s stern voice called out. “Do you have anything you want to tell us about all this?” “Nope.” Apple Bloom answered truthfully. Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. “Do you have anything you don’t want to tell us about all this?” The three fillies shuffled uncomfortably. “We… might have tried to set Sonic and Rainbow Dash up on a date.” Sweetie Belle admitted. “But it was only because Rainbow Dash deserved only the coolest date ever!” Scootaloo said in her own defense. “I just… I just wanted you to be happy, Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash and Sonic both looked at one another. A small smile came over both of their faces. “Hey… that’s real sweet of you, squirt.” Rainbow Dash stated, putting a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “But a special somepony is something I have to find for myself.” “And while I’m flattered that you think I’m the coolest guy for Dash, I’ve already got a girlfriend.” Sonic stated with a warm grin. He patted Scootaloo on the head. “But you meant well, and me and Dash had fun, so… thanks, I guess.” “Wait. You have a girlfriend?” Bon-Bon asked. Sonic shook his head, waving his hands in front of himself. “Oooh, no. I’m not getting you ponies involved in my love life again!” Rainbow sighed and shook her head. “And… I guess I should thank everypony here for their efforts… even if you all are a bit too nosy… and crazy.” “Do not include me in this pathetic scheme.” Shadow grumbled. “I knew something was wrong about this whole idea.” Twilight looked awkwardly at the other Mobians. “Sorry.” she apologized. “Next time, I’ll try to check the facts more before I send out invitations.” “It’s no problem.” Tails replied. “I’m just glad that this was all just a silly misunderstanding.” Vector looked around at the wedding decorations. “You know….” he mused. “… this could still make for a pretty cool party.” Sonic shrugged. “Well, we’re already here….” “And we did spend a lot of time putting this together.” Rarity admitted. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” Pinkie Pie squealed. In a pink blur, she shot over to the orchestra and pulled out a DJ system which she had apparently hidden there earlier. “Let’s party!” ***************************************************** Twilight Sparkle sat at one of the tables, watching the party going on. She chuckled as she saw Rainbow Dash and Sonic chucking chunks of cake at one another, then turned back to her letter. Dear Princess Celestia, While you should always look out for your friends’ best interests and try to make them happy, you should always make sure that you’re doing what they want, and not what you want them to want. You also should be careful not to jump to conclusions. Rumors can quickly be blown out of proportion, and before you know it, a molehill can have become a mountain. Your friend and former student, Twilight Sparkle “Hey, Twilight!” Sonic shouted. “Come on! Vinyl Scratch and Vector are about to start the music!” Twilight smiled, and got up from her seat, trotting over to Sonic. “So, care to be my dance partner again?” Sonic asked. “You were a lot of fun at the last Gala.” Twilight grinned. “I’d love to.” As the music started, Sonic began moving to the music with impressive skill, while Twilight moved with… not so impressive skill. “So… no hard feelings?” Twilight asked. “Not at all.” Sonic chuckled. “Not a bad party, though.” As the two of them danced, they happened to pass by Rarity, who was staring very intently at them first looking at one, and then the other. “Sonic… when you said you had a girlfriend….” Rarity began, but Twilight quickly interrupted her. “Not again, Rarity.” she chuckled. “I think we’ve all learnt a valuable lesson about jumping to conclusions today. Friendship doesn’t mean shipping friends.” Rarity sighed. “Ah, well. I suppose you’re right. But I do so wish that I could go to a wedding sometime soon.” “Me too.” Spike gushed, staring at Rarity with an entranced gaze. Twilight grinned and chuckled, shaking her head knowingly. As the music played on, all the ponies and Mobians laughed and danced and chatted, each enjoying the magic of friendship. Except for one pony. Dream Bolt snuck up to Twilight’s letter, looking around to make certain nopony noticed him. Pulling out a quill, he quickly made a small edition. P.S. I want to marry Discord. I hope you understand, and approve. Please inform my parents, my brother Shining Armor, and Cadence. Dream Bolt then took the letter and waved it in the air. “Hey, Spike!” he shouted. “Twilight left a letter for you to send!”