Shadow's Curse

by Fire Spirit

First published

Fire Spirit leads a normal life if you consider living with a dead alicorn in your head that wants nothing more than to make everyone suffer normal then yeah Fire Spirit the flightless pegasus is very normal.

Shadow was once the alicorn of fear but one terrible day something bad happened. Shadow drove his brother to insanity and had to suffer for his actions, Shadow may have died but his soul still roams looking for someone who can house him so he can go through with his plans.

Fire Spirit is a young pegasus who is a bit weird. He wears an eye patch, talks to himself, and has this odd habit of bleeding at random moments. Fire Spirit wants nothing more than to be normal, yet even he knows that him and normalcy will never happen.

Fire Spirit has a secret. A life threatening secret. He has been chosen by Shadow to be his container, but Fire Spirit doesn't want to. What will Fire Spirit do? Well he succeed in living a normal life or will he lose his own life in favors to Shadow's? How will he cope with all this on top of all the regular stuff that comes with being well...Fire Spirit?

My Dead Mother's Birthday

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I look up at the shining sun that is surrounded by nothing but a clear blue sky. Wearing solid black on a day like this was a big mistake. I adjust my tie losing it slightly and look around at the dozen people that came out to celebrate. There is awkward small talk and forced smiles everywhere.
My dad was look straight at it.
At the tombstone that had her name carved into it.

Flower Bed

Everyone has been avoiding me him and the grave sight. My dad hasn't said a single word to anyone and barely looked up from that spot. His usually bright green eyes look awfully dark and filled with tears. He is going to break any minute and i can't bring myself to leave him despite the air around him so heavy and it feels like it pulling my shoulders down. He is my dad after all, the only person i have left being that my mother has been gone for the past 13 years.
As i look at everyone that came out for my mother’s birthday they are giving me and my dad hard glances like we are ruining their fun. I can't stand them. the only reason i'm here is because that is my mother in the hole. They are the ones who wanted the party and the insisted on us coming. There are children running around in bright dresses and suits. Everyone is bright colored except me and my dad who are in solid black. Its not like i have bright colors anyways. What colors would even look good on my grey skin and flamed hair and tail besides black?
My dad was about to cry so i grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the wine table. I poured him a big glass of the cheap wine they had and gave it to my dad then i grabbed a soda out of the cooler. Some of the better members of my mother’s family came over to my dad to try and start a conversation. Seeing him with some people made me feel a little better but I still didn't want to leave him but some girls pulled me away for a game of jump rope and i do have a soft spot for kids.
“What’s your name? Why haven't i met you before? Who are you related to,” the little girl in the blue picked up one end of the rope. Another girl in pink grabbed the other and they started to turn it.

I jumped in, “I’m Fire Spirit, My dad and me don't really participate in family functions. And um i'm related to Flower Bed.” I felt kind of embarrassed to talk about my mother.

The pink girl got a confused look on her face, “Isnt Flower Bed the one who died all those years ago?”

I looked down at my feet, “Yeah she is.”

“Who are you to her cause she is my aunt?”

I stopped jumping and let the rope hit my feet, “She was my mom.”

The girls’ faces instantly turned sour at my words. I hated myself for saying that to them. They are so little and I didn't want them to even think about the poison of losing your mother of any parent of that matter.

"Rose. Lily. Get away from him." one of my older cousins gave me a nasty look and spit on the ground.

The pink one, Rose, looked up at me and grabbed my hand, "why big brother I like him. He's good at jump rope."

"Yeah and his mom was Flower Bed," Lilly took my other hand.

There brother who looked to be 16 looked me up and down, "he's lying Flower Bed didn't have kids. She was like 21 when she died how could she have kids that young?"

"well I know how," I pushed my hair from my face and made my eye patch viable, "she did it with her husband which is my dad that's how. Any more dumb questions."

He spit again and stomped over to me, "I'm not going to let some kid talk to me that way," he grabbed my shirt in his fist, "and if he does I'll knock him out."

I pushed myself away from him and straighten out my tie, "don't grab my suit that way it is a designer brand. My dad paid a lot of money for it."

He pushed me to the ground into a fresh pile of dirt and he was getting ready to spit on me. Before he knew it I rolled out of the way and held his arm behind his back with lighting fast speed.

I brought my mouth close to his ear, "I with thick twice about that because I can kill you. Wouldn't be very hard either. A simple snap of my fingers would do the trick." I pushed up on his arm some more.

I felt him shaking in my hold. His eyes were so big and he couldn't even form a word. He was terrified. I loved it. I looked around and noticed the little girls and loved the petrified stares. I pushed the boy to the ground and stood over him. I took my eye patch off and let the dark magic wash over me turning my left eye as black as the other.

I snapped my fingers and my scythe came flying into my hands. I stood above him with a sick grin. The frozen horrified look on my face made me laugh. I loved it.
Mm yes Fire Spirit. Kill him. He made you angry so he must die. Look how scared he is. I know you like this power. Do it fire spirit. Do it.

My smile faded as I looked down at him. He was shaking with tears streaming down his face. I lowered my weapon and that's when Rose and Lily screamed. It was ear piercing.

more screams came as they saw what was happening. I got a look at my dad's face and how horrified he looked.

I don't like this.

I don't like that look. I don't want them to be scared of me.

I dropped my scythe and took a shaky step back. I reach up to my face and it felt wet. Looking back down at my hands all I saw was blood.

There was this awful pain in my head. I drop to my knees as blood rose up my throat and i began to choke. My whole body felt like it was on fire. When i tried to cough up some of the blood i let out this awful scream. All the blood that fell on the ground made the grass wilt and die.

I felt like i was dying.

I closed my burning eyes and when i opened them Celestia was standing in front of me. Her own eyes were wet and full of worry. Her tall figure bent over me and she placed a tender hand on my back. I was warm like the summer sun and with that gentle touch she made a magic bubble that slowly eased my pain.

Then i broke down. Im ashamed of my self.

I really did that. I couldn't even keep myself under control for a few hours.

“Celestia,” I look up at her with a tear stained face, “Im sorry. Im so so sorry.”

She got down on her knees in front of me and took my face into her hands, “Fire Spirit what you did today was wrong and you need to take control of him. I dont want to see your destruction. I have a lot of faith in you. I know you can do this. But you need to understand that to beat him you need to stay strong and you need to stay brave. Do you understand?”

I whipped my tears away and looked her right in her eyes, “Yes I understand.”

She popped the bubble and turn to addressed the boy i almost killed. I stepped toward him and he step back. His look made me hate myself more. How could i be so weak. How could i ever let that happen. I want to protect people not hurt them. I will rise and overcome this hell that is inside my head. If Celestia believes in me then i have to take control.

I dont want to let her down.