> Karaoke > by Cirrus Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sake and Singing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allright Everypony! This one is full of links to music. The ones with an (L) are important to the story as a whole. These linked songs have the youtube link (A blue word or words after each pony makes their selection) but for those less inclined the (L) is a link to the lyrics. Please read them or listen to understand my story. Hope you enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karaoke Six friends piled rowdily from a Canterlot hotel. “Three cheers for Rarity!” an orange earth pony with a cowboy hat shouted. “Hurray!” came a squeak from a pale yellow Pegasus. “Way to go Rare!” A cyan and multi-hued blur in the sky yelled. “Party! Party! Party!” A pink whirlwind could be heard to chant. “Are you sure this was the best idea?” A white unicorn sighed as passersby stared in amazement, amusement and bemusement at the loud crowd. “Heh, they’re just enthusiastic Rarity. You did really well today. Your fashions took Canterlot by storm! I know just where to celebrate!” With that a purple unicorn, with the confident air of a local, trotted off. Her excitable friends and their embarrassed focus towed along by ribbons of magenta magic. * “Kah-ree-oh-kee” Rainbow Dash read the unfamiliar word off the magically lit building. “What’s that Twi’?” “Well, it’s from Neighpon, a recent official export. You have lights and music and a prompter and you sing songs.” “Oh, right, like the thing they have at that frilly bar in Ponyville. I prefer jukeboxes.” She pulled a dismissive face but her friends pulled her inside. Pinkie Pie in particular was looking especially eager. * Settled in a spacious room the five ponies had a good look around. Twilight was setting up, prodding buttons and turning dials. This whole place was a lot more impressive than the machine in the corner of The Flaming Carrot back in Ponyville, not that anyone present would admit to even the most inebriated attempts to use it. “So, that bar over there,” Applejack pointed to an elegant semi circular table at the far end of the room, its shelves well stocked. “We can just drink from it right?” “Oh yes! I decided to go for the full package, all night access and the bar is ours!” Twilight cheerfully supplied from behind a large cabinet. “Well, I for one am going to help myself to some imported beverages!” The pony of the hour said, levitating a selection of spirits and glasses. “If I am to sing, I shall certainly need to keep my vocal chords well lubricated!” Rarity grinned, there were some impressive vintages and high quality mixers adorning the shelves. “It’s all set up!” Twilight called from the stage. “Who wants to go first?” “Me! ME! Pick me!!! Writer, I have got to go first!!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Who are you talking too Pinkie?” Twilight asked as she levitated the microphone over to the exuberant pink earth pony. “Oh, no one in particular. I just wanted to make sure my turn was early on. Then all you can sing significant lyrical numbers for the light shipping tone of this fanfic.” She explained. Pinkie made her selection and jumped up to the stage. The lights began to blaze, the stage up, the screen began to display lyrics and some music began. “IIII Want Candy!” The party pony sang. It was to kick of a night of fun that nopony would soon forget. * Sometime later Rarity and Pinkie were tied first place on points but everypony was having a great time. A few of the colourful bottles were now empty of their contents and the jollity of liquor was getting the girls to more enthusiastic heights of melodic choices. Applejack had surprised them all with a great rendition of a track no one had expected her to like. Twilight had belted out a passable True Colours(L), a strange choice for the bookish unicorn but Rainbow had been especially congratulatory when the machine scored her a 7/10. Fluttershy had scored a special with her soulful Sitting Down Here (L) that seemed to suit the pony to a T. Now it was Rarity’s turn. She made her selection, covering it up from the others as she did so. Trotting elegantly onto the stage and holding the microphone with her magic she took a breath and began(L). It was mesmerising. No one noticed that she seemed to be singing to somepony in particular. After finishing she demurely left the platform, blushing lightly as she took a light sip of her rosehip wine. * Later still and after quite a few more of the fine drinks, “Well, it would be rude to the establishment and Twilight not to partake of this fine provision to the fullest!” Rarity had proclaimed with only the slightest slur in her usual eloquence. The friends had lost track of the points and were getting more random with their choices. Pinkie had belted out Call Me Maybe, an unashamedly poppy number (“Well, I’m not trying to woo somepony am I?” *Shush Pinkie!*) which had got them dancing around the room. Now they were ganging up on Rainbow. “Dashie! You haven’t sung anything at all!” Pinkie yelled, pouncing on the pegasus. Fluttershy nodded. “Rainbow, please sing something, I mean if you want to, I would love to hear something...” “Yeah Rainbow, Ah reckon that you are just a mite scared of that high ol’ score Rarity got.” Applejack drawled, a fine Tackensee whisky in her hoof. “Darling, you simply must join in! We’d so adore to hear you.” Rarity was pulling her best beseeching face, eyelashes fluttering. The cyan pegasus was backed into a corner, looking from face to face as they approached. “Please Rainbow. I’d really like to hear you sing.” Twilight’s voice was quite under the cacophony of the others but Rainbow gave up at that request and the look in her lavender friend’s eyes. She took some time scrolling through the choices, muttering to herself about each track she passed. Making her selection and taking a lasting look into the purple eyes she so adored Rainbow alighted onto the stage. "Just when the sky runs out of rain, Just when the sun runs out of light...” (L) Not once did she mover her gaze, not once was their line of sight broken. Fluttershy squeed quietly in the corner, Applejack nearly choked on her ice and Rarity burst into tears “Oh how romantic” she kept whispering under her breath, not wishing to interrupt. Twilight was stock still. The lyrics and their many meanings washing into her brain and letting off all the fireworks, even the big rockets. They melted her heart and dissolved all the boring parts of her brain into compliant goo. Rainbow finished and flew carefully from the stage, maintaining her eye contact with the stunned unicorn. Landing in front of Twilight she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I meant every word of it.” She whispered. “Thank you....” Twilight breathed, returning the kiss. Both would have taken it further but a cough, albeit a reluctant one, from Rarity pulled them from the little world. “I think I’ll sing next, if no one minds that is.” Fluttershy said, breaking the not unwelcome, but somewhat awkward, tension in the room. * The night was drawing later, closer and closer to the cusp of tomorrow. Rainbow and Twilight were curled up together on a couch, a tangle of hooves and varicoloured manes. Pinkie was still gamely working her way through the bar, apparently aiming for an all Equestria tour in alcohol, according to her tally, she had got stuck in Mexicolt. Fluttershy was dozing quietly on a floor cushion, usually well asleep by this point on the clock. All that remained were Rarity and Applejack, talking and joking with each other. “Ah’m pleased the day went well for you Rarity.” The orange earth pony said. “You won’t be taking all your business out this way though? Not permanent like?” “Oh no dear! I would never dream of leaving y... Ponyville and all my friends!” The drinks lent her cheeks a rose like blush as she looked at her farming friend. “I will create my masterpieces and send them here to Canterlot. A win for all no?” Applejack grinned. “That’s good to hear. Now, Ah am sure Ah saw a certain song on that doohicky over there. Ah’m gonna sing one last thing.” She set the machine and jumped up onto the stage and took a bow to her audience of one. It was a little less surefooted due to the fine spirits making themselves at home inside her, but not far from her usual well placed movements. Rarity looked on eagerly, pleased that this little treat was all her own. The music began, Applejack providing the lyrics. (L) As she came to a close and the music subsided she noticed the pretty white unicorn sleeping in her chair. Applejack left the stage and took up station besides the seemingly oblivious object of her affections. “Love you sugercube.” She whispered before she too was claimed by sleep. * The next morning six slightly hung-over ponies left the bar, magic tidying up was a blessing to their thumping heads. One pink ball of energy hopped ahead, her pale yellow friend fluttering along behind, some early birds joining her in joyful song. A unicorn and a pegasus walked flank to flank, revelling in the deeper level of their relationship and two walked behind, neither still sure of how the other felt. The memory muddying affects of alcohol and a late night obscuring the obtuse signs of their mutual affections last night’s singing had been. * “Those Elements of Harmony really are entertaining aren’t they Celly?” “Spying Lulu?” “Oh no, I simply sought out those ponies who enjoyed my night. It seemed those six were by far the most appreciative last night.” “Were they indeed? Maybe we should try a hoof at Karaoke then?” “Celly, you’re on!” The End Author Says: So, what do you think? Comment and crtique, feel free to ask me what I was thinking with music choices. This was a bit of fun while I wrestled with my ending to Facets of the Equestrian Sky, which I hope to have in place soon!