Break My Heart, Break Your Heart

by Lokimen

First published

Spike takes Rarity on a date in his ultimate attempt to win the mare's heart

Spike tried time and time again to win Rarity's heart, and time and time again he failed. But now things will be different, this night Spike will finally show Rarity how much she means to him, tonight is the night that Rarity falls in love with Spike.

And what makes this night different from all the others is one simple reason:

Spike has a plan.

Inspired by Kraven's Last Hunt.

Look into his Eyes

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‘Dragon! Dragon! burning bright
In the forest of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?’

I’m Spike.

Spike reached out and grabbed his white suit that hanged from the bathroom’s doorknob.

The Dragon.

First he put a white shirt over his body.

My mind is free from even the smallest clouds.

With sharp and precise movements he put the suit over the shirt.

My will is unbreakable. My desire burns with the force of a thousand suns.

Spike rounded the red tie on his neck, and on the blink of an eye he knotted the tie.

Nothing will stand in my way.

Lastly, he looked at his reflection on the mirror. But not to see how he looked; instead stared at his own eyes.

Eyes that no longer were round and soft, but sharp and narrow, erasing any childly from his face and the atmosphere that surrounded him.

I’m Spike The Dragon. And I’m ready.

With a firm pace Spike walked down the library’s stairs, the sound of his footstep hitting against the steps resonated through its wooden walls.

Twilight looked away from her book and to the stairs, her wide eyes following Spike as he descent it. When he reached the bottom, Twilight approached him with a big grin.

“Wow, Spike. You really outdid yourself, there’s no way Rarity won’t fall for you,” Twilight finished by playfully winking at him.

In return, Spike looked at her with a stone cold expression where not a single trace of emotion could be seen. “Yeah, there’s no way,” he said with tone devoid of as much emotion as his face.

The smile that Twilight had immediately disappeared from her face, and she could only stare with shrunken eyes as Spike turned away and left the library. His eyes, she thought. There’s something in his eyes.

Out of the library, Spike took a deep breath that filled his lungs with the crisp night air before heading out to his destination: Carousel Boutique.

The cold wind that blew from time to time was like knives on a pony’s skin. But it did nothing to slow Spike’s progress who marched on without even trembling at the cold barrage’s assault.

After a few minutes, Spike reached the boutique. Without losing any time, he walked to the door and knocked three times. “Coming!” Rarity yelled from inside.

Soon after, the boutique’s door opened to reveal Rarity’s figure. Covering her body was a blue dress that had shining white points across its surfaces creating the image of a starry night sky. Instead of being in its long and curly form, her mane was tied on a bun. The parts of her ivory fur that weren't covered by the dress shined with the moonlight, and from her body emanated the sweet smell of perfume.

Before, such divine image would cause Spike to enter a love induced trance where the only thing on his thoughts and eyes was Rarity. But now the only reaction it got from him was a small smile.

“You look divine, Rarity,” Spike said, his tone one of pure calmness.

That simple comment caused a faint blush to appear on Rarity’s cheek. “Thank you, Spikey Wike… Spike. Thank you, Spike. You aren’t looking bad either, it must be the suit. I wonder what kind of talented pony made it?”

“Only the most beautiful pony in the entire world,” Spike responded, giving her a warm smile that she immediately reciprocated with a smile of her own.

“Come on, Spike. We don’t want to be late for our reservations.”

Their voices and laughter filled the air as they walked through the night side by side.

“And then when I get home I see Sweetie Belle and half of the room covered in glitter. All because of a school project gone wrong as she told me.”

At the end of the story, Spike let out a light chuckle. “I know how you feel. There was this one time when Twilight read a horror novel, and she was so scared afterwards that I had to spend the entire night making her company because she was too scared that the ‘Boogie Man’ was going to get her.”

Rarity let out a light laugh at the mental of image of someone as rational as Twilight cowering in Spike’s arms like a little filly. “I’m sorry,” Rarity said. “I know I shouldn’t laugh at my friend’s misfortune. But that’s just too funny.”

“Don’t worry about it. I like to hear laugh anyway.”

At that moment, their talk was interrupted by a cold wind that blew through them, causing Rarity to shiver and even chatter her teeth for a moment.

Without missing a beat, Spike took off his suit and put it over Rarity’s body. “Here,” he said. “It might not be much, but I think it can keep you warm.”

Immediately, Rarity could feel the piece of Spike’s body heat that was captured by the piece of clothing spreading over her back and completely erasing the coldness she was feeling before.

“Thank you, Spike,” Rarity said, a deep blush coloring her cheeks

After a few more minutes of walking and talking they finally arrived at their destination: a restaurant by the name of The Eden.

Spike sprinted to the restaurant's door and held it open for Rarity, following her and closing the door behind him once he entered it.

“Do you have reservations?” A grey unicorn behind a counter asked.

“Yes. On the name of Spike The Dragon,” Spike responded.

With his magic, the unicorn opened a thick book that rested atop of the counter and began reading it in search of Spike’s name.

While he scanned the book, Rarity looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. From the varnished wooden floor that didn’t had a scratch, to the expertly crafted mahogany tables, the soft red fabric that covered the tables and didn’t had a single stain, and lastly the bronze chandeliers that hung above them. Everything on the restaurant was just perfect.

“Ah, yes!” the grey unicorn exclaimed, finally had found what he was searching for. “Reserve for two on the balcony. Wait a moment while I call the waiter to take you to your table.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Spike interrupted. “I think it would be better if we went unaccompanied.”

The unicorn looked from Spike to Rarity and then back at Spike. “Say no more. Have a pleasant night, you two.”

Spike led Rarity through the full restaurant, that was bustling with sound of other couples, to the large balcony that was separated from the rest by a glass door.

“I still can’t believe that you got reservations for The Eden. Even the high class of Canterlot are killing themselves for a table here.”

“But I didn’t got only a table for us.”

“What do you mean?”

“See it for yourself.” Spike opened the glass door and stepped out of the way for Rarity.

Rarity entered the balcony and looked around in search of anything out of the ordinary, but only found empty tables. “I don’t get it,” she said turning to Spike.

“Simple. I didn’t reserved just a table, I reserved the entire balcony.”

Rarity’s mouth hung open as she tried, in vain, to say something. “Spike… How much did this cost you?” she finally managed to say.

“Just a few gems I had lying around. Besides, no price is too much if it means to make you happy.”

A wide smile spread from ear to ear on Rarity’s face. “I see.”

“Come on, let’s sit down.”

When they approached one of the tables, Spike immediately pushed Rarity’s chair so she could sit on it. “Thank you, Spike.”

After Spike sat down, a unicorn waiter, that was wearing a red suit, appeared as if out of thin air and handed them the menu.

Rarity looked through the menu for a moment and then handed it back to the waiter.

“I would love the Rainbow Salad, please.”

“I would like the same as her,” Spike said, also handing his menu back.

Without saying a word the waiter grabbed the menus, gave them an affirmative nod, and walked away.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” Rarity asked as she rested her head on her hooves.

“Before we start talking, there’s something I want to give you.”

With a snap of his fingers, three ponies dressed up as mariachi appeared just outside the balcony, each carrying a guitar. The middle one cleared his throat and they began.

“Quero ver
Outra vez
Seus olhinhos de noite serena

Quero ouvir
Outra vez
Suas palavras acalmando a minha dor.”

The raw and heartfelt sound produced by the guitars and the mariachi’s voice made Rarity choke as she tried to hold back tears. It didn’t matter if the song was on a language she didn’t understand, the power of music translated those words into a language she understood very well: the language of love.

“Spike, I…”

“Shhh…” Spike put his hand over Rarity’s hoof and stared directly into her eyes. “Let’s just enjoy this.”

Rarity stared back, losing herself on his sharp emerald eyes that could see into her very soul. Nodding her head up and down was all the answer she could muster on her captivated state.


The sudden sound snapped them from their trance. Standing to their left was a mustard unicorn caring two bowls with his magic.

Without saying a word, he put the bowls on the table and then walked away.

Both bowls were filled to the brim with all sorts of fruit, sliced pineapples and watermelons, pilled off oranges, clusters of grapes, passion fruit, small strawberries that could be eaten whole in one bite, and many others.

“Wow, this looks delicious!” Rarity said as she smacked her lips in anticipation.

And so they began to eat, but not in silence of course. From bite to bite they talked about the new trends of fashion.

“I don’t like her new design. It just too colorful for a social dress and the colors clash too much,” Spike said.

“I thought I was the only that thought that. I highly prefer Coco new line than hers. I honestly don’t know what the magazines were thinking calling her a ‘trend maker’.”

“I guess they just don’t have as good taste as we do.”

The latest musical of Manehattan.

“That scene on the balcony was just beautiful. That actress has such a powerful voice,” Rarity said.

“I loved that scene too. But my favorite part was that song playing at the very end. It was the perfect closing for that type of story,” Spike added.

And even about some books they read.

“Count Vanity is the perfect stallion for Lady Greeta,” Rarity said.

“Of course not! Greeta needs a stallion, or in this case minotaur, that can take care of her. That’s why General Swarchtz is the one that should get her in the end,” Spike retorted.

All the while having some good laughs together.

“And then he said: ‘You didn’t came here to hunt, did you?’,” Spike finished.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s horrible!” Rarity put her hoof over her mouth as she tried in vain to keep her laughter down.

Until hours had passed like seconds, which was noticed by Spike who got up from his chair.

“Where are you going, Spike?” Rarity asked.

“The night is far from over. And I have one last surprise for you.”

Hearing that, Rarity quickly got up from her chair. “Well, show the way.”

Before leaving, Spike gave a thumbs-up to the mariachis as a sign that their job was done, in response they tipped their sombreros to him before leaving too.

Once they were already outside, a thought appeared on Rarity’s mind causing her to look back at the restaurant behind them and then at Spike. “Hum… Spike? Aren’t going to pay the bill?”

“Don’t worry about it. I already payed them upfront when I reserved the balcony. Enough for us to eat the entire menu twice.”

At that answer, Rarity let out a sigh of relief. “Good to know. So, where are we going exactly?”

“I can’t tell you, that would ruin the surprise.”

They walked for a few more minutes until they arrived at Ponyville’s park. “The park?” Rarity asked while looking at Spike. “This is where we are going to?”

“Just keep following me,” Spike replied.

Soon they found themselves walking among the trees in the edge on the park, until Spike saw something in front of him that caused him to stop completely and look at Rarity. “We are here,” he said before disappearing behind a tree.

“Here…” Rarity followed Spike, and the moment she passed the trees her eyes widen at the scenery before her.

They stood at a clearing, where the only thing there outside of plain grass was a perfectly circular pond. Its water without even the smallest of disturbances, which created a liquid mirror that clearly reflected the image of the shining moon and starry sky on its surface. Moon that shone brightly down on them lighting up the darkness around in a way not even the sun could

“Spike… this is beautiful.”

“And is not even the best part. Look up.”

And Rarity did so.

The image on the sky caused tears to form on her eyes, tears that also shone with the moonlight. What cause such reaction from her was just three simple words, but that combined together were the most powerful thing someone could say to someone else. Written with stars on the dark night was ‘I love you.’

Rarity looked at Spike, tears streaming down her face. “How?” Was all she could ask.

“Being friends with the Princess of the Night has its benefits.”

Without saying a word Rarity slowly walked towards Spike and stopped in front of him. They stared at each other eyes, her on his green and his on her blue. Then, Rarity closed her eyes and slowly approached her lips to Spike’s.

But instead of a passionate kiss, Rarity got something else.


When Rarity opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Spike’s sharp and narrow eyes, but while before they gave him an air seriousness now their vibrant green burned with the intensity of a thousand suns and stripped of her fur and flesh, staring directly into her soul. They were no longer the eyes of a normal creature, but of a hunter that stared at its helpless prey.

His eyes, Rarity thought, taking a few steps backwards. There’s something on his eyes.

“What- what do you mean?”

“I’m tired. Tired of running around answering to your every request; of trying to please you with everything I say and do. That’s why I did all of this tonight, to give you the perfect date.

To show you that all this time you spend chasing stallions that didn’t even paid attention to you, you could have had that prince charming you have been wanting all along.

The truth is that I don’t love you anymore, Rarity. That doesn't mean I hate you, I just don’t love you the same way I did before.


And with that Spike walked away leaving a speechless Rarity sitting alone with her mouth hanging open.

On his way back to the library, Spike walked with a loose pace as if he was dancing on air. For the first time in this night a big smile adorned his face, and with a joyful voice he let out a high laugh.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”

I can feel it! It’s like a knot, a hank of fear and hate has been untied inside me; as if a weight in my heart has just been lifted. This… this is freedom!”

When Spike arrived at the library and opened the door, Twilight zoomed down the stairs and ran up to Spike.

“Spike? Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

Spike looked at Twilight, his eyes no longer sharp and narrow but once again round and soft like they should be, and with a wide grin that spread from ear to ear he answered.

“I’ve never been better.”

‘Little dragon, who made thee?
Does thou know who made thee,
Gave thee life, and bid thee feed
By the stream and o’er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?’