
by the frank

First published

Vampire. Prey. Hunt. Think you got it? Wrong.

So, Fluttershy... your date with a girlfriend turns out to be a date with a Vampire?
Well... that's what you've always wanted, isn't it?
Yes... let's just hope the Vampire is woman enough to handle you...

//note: couldn't decide if this was going to be pony or human... so I did both. Enjoy!

The human version

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Fluttershy's plan for the evening had been a simple one. Just dinner, a few glasses of wine, and perhaps returning to her place in the same taxi. Not that she really was in love with Rarity. But, she couldn't deny the fact that she found her extremely attractive. The long slim legs, the well-shaped ass, her beautiful neckline, her eyes with that certain sparkle...

So, when Rarity asked her out, she said yes. Girls got needs, girls get lonely at times, girls just wanna have fun, and from all the girl talks she had over the years, she knew it was always buisness time for Rarity.

But apparantly this time was more buisness than usual.

Arriving to the restaurant, she looked around, trying to spot Rarity when she noticed a woman walking towards her. She wore a dark, very tight dress, that covered her whole body. It was a brilliant peace of work. It followed every curve of her body, and it made her movements look like she flote over the floor. With every step, the dress enhanced every move of her hips and the fabric...hmm. Fluttershy couldn't really say more than that it looked like something she couldn't really place... she had very high heels, but she walked straight and steady. Her hair was black and it floated down her neck and over her shoulders. She looked like... like...
But it wasn't until she was right beside Fluttershy, until she recognized Rarity. And then, finally, she knew what she was reminded of.

Wow...but...she looks like Malificent... what is this? she thought.

"Hello dear" Rarity spoke with a low voice that probably was supposed to sound seducing. "You look absolutely wonderful. Sexy too... would you mind if I..."
Rarity took fluttershys hand and started to kiss it. Long, elaborated kisses.

"Ehm...Rares...I think...people are looking at us..."

"So let them look, my dear... we got nothing to be ashamed of...hmmm??"

That sent shivers down her spine and that smile...she could feel it in her left pocket. There was another feeling as well... but she fought it.

"Shall we...shall we take a seat?"

"Oh, but of cource dear... afterall, girls night need to rush things, are we?"

They sat in one of the more darker parts of the restaurant. The lights were dim, and the majority of light came from two candles on the table. They ordered, both took caesar salad. When it came to drinks, Rarity said
"Hmmm... let us have a bottle of l'ile noir 73...I haven't tasted a good, a while..."

Oh celestia , Fluttershy thought to herself, this is really to much. It's almost just cheesy... and still...I feel so...excited... well okay. Lets play along.

A bit to her dismay, Rarity spent most of the dinner talking about other things. Gossip, work, life in general. Apparantly things were good again between Flash and Twilight. Those two...

"Well, dear, thats the way it goes when it's only about sex... you need to give in more if you really want a relationship to work... you need to...give yourself away...totally."

Damn it, it almost looked like Rarity was making out with the glass. She drank her wine slowly, showing Fluttershy the every move her tongue, mouth and finally throat made. And finally she satthe glass down. A small stream of wine ran from the edge of her lips. Almost like... Fluttershys had to really restrain herself hard not to jump out of her chair to kiss the wine of Rarity. She HAD to hold herself back.

Except for that incident, the evening went smooth. Now, they shared a taxi home to Raritys apartment. They were mostly silent.

But it changed rapidly the moment they entered the apartment. Rarity locked the door.

"Rares...what are you doing...?"

"Sit down Fluttershy... you are going to be mine tonight."

Rarity walked slowly towards her. Fluttershy was feeling excited, but nevertheless she backed against the couch.


"Be silent, Fluttershy. Come here... let me touch you... let me hold you... let me kiss you..."

Rarity opened her mouth, not much, but just enough to reveal her fangs.

"Let me...feed..."

Fluttershy couldn't recall that Rarity had those fangs during dinner, but screw realism! This was her fantasy, her dream. Finally, it would happen... she would never be...alone...again...

Rarity lay her arms around her, and placed her lips against hers. It was a great kiss. The ones you dream about being a lonely teenager with too many romance-novels...

Apparantly Rarity wanted to move along quick, she, gave her some quick kisses down her neck. Then, she opened her mouth wide, revealing the fangs in all their sharpness. She was so close now. This was the moment. She was ready to give in. Ready to show her trueself to Rainbow. She was so close now.

" it" she whispered.

Then, it happened. Raritys fangs fell out of her mouth and landed on the floor. Fluttershy stared at her friend, who completely had lost the act and just blushed.

"Eh... sorry dear...ehm... that wasn't supposed to happen."

"What is this, Rarity? Fake teeth?"



"Actually... I did this for you."

"For me?"

"Yeah...I know you like vampires. Youv'e read the whole Twilightseries and Anne Rice...."

"Yes... and"

"Well...I just...wanted to..."


"I wanted to be with you. You make me hot, flutters. And I thought 'since she likes vampires, why not make an act for her?' And well... I did. "

"But why an act?"

"Well...I wanted to sleep with you. But I know you have high standards and... I thought I would make myself more interesting."

Fluttershy felt a bit sad. This, to meet a vampire and...let it do...things....with her had been a dream for a while. No, not a dream. An urge, a wish, a thing that would make her life complete. And now her hopes had been high...

Oh well , she thought, looks like it's going to be the usual saturday routine again. But lets be totally sure first.

"So...Rarity... you are not a vampire?"

" I'm sorry dear."

"It's okay"

Rarity sighed, but then she suddenly froze.

"Because even though I am dissapointed...a girl feels lonely at still are good enough for your other purpose."

Fluttershy's voices had changed to a deeper, more seductive one. Rarity had no chance. The vampire threw herself over her, pinned her body to the ground, let her lips tease her neck for a bit and then, she buried her fangs deep in Raritys neck, finally satisfying the screaming hunger she had felt in her body the whole evening.

The pony version

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Fluttershy's plan for the evening had been a simple one. Just dinner, a few glasses of wine, and perhaps returning to her cottage together. Not that she really was in love with Rainbow Dash. But, she couldn't deny the fact that she found her extremely attractive. The muscular legs, the well-shaped flank, her beautiful neckline, her eyes with that certain sparkle...

So, when Rainbow asked her out, she said yes. Mare's got needs, Mares get lonely at times, mares just wanna have fun, and from all the bridletalks she had over the years, she knew it was always buisness time for Rainbow.
But apparantly this time was more buisness than usual.

Arriving to the restaurant, she looked around, trying to spot Rainbow when she noticed a mare walking towards her. She wore a dark cloak, that covered her whole body. It was a brilliant peace of work. Itwas black, like the night, but somehow it shimmered. And the inside was dark purple, which blended perfectly with her whole appearance and it made her movements look like she flote over the floor. Fluttershy couldn't really say more than that it looked like something she couldn't really place... Her hair was black and it floated down her neck and over her shoulders. She looked like... like...

But it wasn't until she was right beside Fluttershy, until she recognized Rainbow Dash. And then, finally, she knew what she was reminded of.

Wow...but...she looks like Malificent from Cinderpony... what is this? she thought.

"Hello dear" Rainbow Dash spoke with a low voice that probably was supposed to sound seducing. "You look absolutely wonderful. Sexy too... would you mind if I..."

Rainbow took fluttershys hoove and started to kiss it. Long, elaborated kisses.

"Ehm...Dash...I think...people are looking at us..."

"So let them look, my dear... we got nothing to be ashamed of...hmmm??"

That sent shivers down her spine and that smile...she could feel it in her left pocket. There was another feeling as well... but she fought it.

"Shall we...shall we take a seat?"

"Oh, but of cource dear... afterall, mares night need to rush things, are we?"

They sat in one of the more darker parts of the restaurant. The lights were dim, and the majority of light came from two candles on the table. They ordered, both took caesar salad. When it came to drinks, Rainbow said

"Hmmm... let us have a bottle of L'Île noire 73...I haven't tasted a good, a while..."

Oh celestia, Fluttershy thought to herself, this is really to much. It's almost just too cheesy... and still...I feel so...excited... well okay. Lets play along.

A bit to her dismay, Rainbow spent most of the dinner talking about other things.The wonderbolts, her own awesomeness, work, life in general. And a little gossip. Apparantly things were good again between Flash and Twilight. Those two...

"Yup, Flutters... thats the way it goes when it's only about sex... you need to give in more if you really want a relationship to work... you need to...give yourself away...totally." She took another sip of her wine. Slowly...

Damn it, it almost looked like Rainbow was making out with the glass. She drank her wine slowly, showing Fluttershy the every move her tongue, mouth and finally throat made. And finally she put the glass down. A small stream of wine ran from the edge of her lips. Almost like... Fluttershys hade to really restrain herself hard not to jump out of her chair to kiss the wine of Rainbow. She HAD to hold herself back.

Except for that incident, the evening went smooth. Now, they flew home to Flutteshy's cottage. They were mostly silent. But it changed rapidly the moment they entered the cottage. Rainbow Dash made sure no animals were awake, and the she locked the door.

"Dash...what are you doing...?"

"Sit down Fluttershy... you are going to be mine tonight."

Rainbow walked slowly towards her. Fluttershy was feeling excited, but nevertheless she backed against the couch.


"Be silent, Fluttershy. Come here... let me touch you... let me hold you... let me kiss you..."

Rainbow opened her mouth, not much, but just enough to reveal her fangs.

"Let me...feed..."

Fluttershy couldn't recall that Rainbow had those fangs during dinner, but screw realism! This was her fantasy, her dream. Finally, it would happen... she would never be...alone...again...

Rainbow lay her hooves around her, and placed her lips against hers. It was a great kiss. The ones you dream about being a lonely teenager with too many romance-novels...

Apparantly Rainbow wanted to move along quick, she, gave her some quick kisses down her neck. Then, she opened her mouth wide, reaviling the fangs in all their sharpness.
She was so close now. This was the moment. She was ready to give in. Ready to show her trueself to Rainbow.

" it" she whispered.

Then, it happened. Rainbows fangs fell out of her mouth and landed on the floor. Fluttershy stared at her friend, who completely had lost the act and just blushed.

"Eh... sorry Flutters...he he he... that wasn't supposed to happen."

"What is this, Rainbow? Fake teeth? "


"And the hair?"



"Actually... I did this for you."

"For me?"

"Yeah...I know you like vampires. Youv'e read the whole sparkling vampires-series and Anne Hayes...."

"Yes... and?"

"Well...I just...wanted to..."


"I wanted to be with you. You make me hot, Flutters. And I thought 'since she likes vampires, why not make an act for her?' And well... I did. "

"But why an act?"

"Well...I wanted to sleep with you. But I know you have high standards and... I thought I would make myself more interesting."

Fluttershy felt a bit sad. This, to meet a vampire and...let it do...things....with her had been a dream for a while. No, not a dream. An urge, a wish, a thing that would make her life complete. And now her hopes had been high...

Oh well , she thought, looks like it's going to be the usual saturday routine again. But lets be totally sure first.

"So...Dash... you are not a vampire?"


"It's okay"

Rainbow Dash sighed, but then she suddenly froze.

"Because even though I am dissapointed...a girl feels lonely at still are good enough for your other purpose."

Fluttershy's voices had changed to a deeper, more seductive one. Rainbow Dash had no chance to escape. The vampire threw herself over her, pinned her body to the ground, let her lips tease her neck for a bit and then, she buried her fangs in Rainbows neck, finally satisfying the screaming hunger she had felt in her body the whole evening.