Laughter has two faces.

by ParadoxPony

First published

-Ask Fic- Queen Pinkamena Diane Pie. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? If only her former friends thought the same way! Why can't they see she is just doing this for everyponys' good. So they can all be...happy.

If you cry, you're dead. If you frown, you're dead. If you in some way do something to make others unhappy, you're dead. And that is why everypony's perfectly happy. They can't afford not to be.

Queen Pinkamena Diane Pie. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? If only her former friends thought the same way! Why can't they see she is just doing this for everyponys' good. So they can all be...happy.

This is an ask fic.
2 sided story. 2 first person characters.

Ch.1: long live the queen.

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Vinyl Scratch.

"Another day in hell." I said in a voice much too chipper for my liking. I was looking at a reflection I did not recognize. this mare staring back at me in the mirror. That wasn't me. Her mane could be related to a field of blue, round flowers. And I hated it. I missed the scruffy thing that once lay peacefully on my head that I called a mane. I missed my purple lens shades. But most of all, I missed my roommate. I could almost smell the rose scented perfume that I disliked so much, and her gray fur was almost tangible! Now, I know what you're thinking, go get her Vinyl! That's your mare Vinyl! Well, you're wrong. Octi and I never had any of that go'n. I mean, come on! The awesome Vinyl Scratch getting in a relationship? P-lease! Beside, I'm interested in stallions, not mares.

My thoughts were interrupted by my doorbell, a cheerful harmony of high-pitched notes and whistles. I gritted my teeth and forced a more than fake smile in the direction of the pony standing before me.

"Chipper Wing! What a pleasure to see you!" i said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Vinyl!" The neon purple pegasus lunged himself at me in a bear hug. I hated him, even more than I hated my house.

"You know what would make me happy Vinyl?" He said in a sly tone, but still cheerful.

He leaned in until his mouth was a mere breath away from my ear and said, "You."

I gritted my teeth again between my every heartbeat. I defiantly hated him. Thanks to our new queen, this was law. What this stallion was suggesting was perfectly legal! Anything to make a pony happy, those were the rules. Anypony to brake them, and...well..

His gross, wet tongue graced my cheek. Eww.

"Oh?" That was as much as I could getting out without beating the horse out of this stallion.

"Ye-ah." He whispered suavely, still close to my ear.

"Right... Oh! Hey, it's berry punch!" To my relief, Chipper's eyes followed in the direction I was pointing to. The one thing e loved more than mares, was to drink.

"You'll have to excuse me Vinyl," he said in a hurried tone, " but I, uh, I need to, uh... Talk to her! Yes! About...A party!"

"Sure thing!" Yuck...I never said that.

Queen Pinkamena.

The parties and drunken ponies around me twisted my smile into a mess of odd shaped lines and curves, and I could feel sanity slipping away...

"Your magissssstyyy." A drunk pony wobbled up to her balloon throne and waved a hoof at me in a slurred voice. "You....Wait. YOU! Are. So pretty. I just can't."

The stallion fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. And this...Didn't make me happy.


immediately, two rainbow colored guards, each with a bright smile on their face, dragged the man outside and dumped him into the the streets, but not before bringing out a red hot brander, and pressing it against the drunkard's flank. He howled on pain as it burned his skin, everypony stopped to look, all smiles. That meant they were happy, right? The guards let off him and stared at their work. Sure enough, three balloons were branded on his flank, covering his cutie mark. They grabbed a hold of him once more and did the same thing to the other side of his body. My smile grew wider, wouldn't yours?

With one last cry of pain the job was done and the guards disappeared as quickly as they had came. I did not stay for the last part, for I knew what was to come...

Vinyl Scratch.

Happy, happy happy!
Everypony's happy!

I sat next to my studio. At first glance, it would be hard to believe that this place once was a home to my many wubs. now the pink paint covers over a once black and neon blue wall. I have to play this "Happy joy" song all morning long! The only thing that could make this day worse is if-

I heard the screams and instantly knew what was going down. Somepony was being punished, that meant a party. that meant....

Twenty or so ponies burst into my shop, putting decorations up just as quickly as they had appeared here, if not faster! I smiled on through the rush, and even helped some. Stay happy...Stay happy...

The stallion whom I heard screaming earlier was dragged in by a couple of cheerful earthponies. This was a good thing, and a bad thing. A very bad thing... They tied the drunk and hurt stranger 's hooves behind his back and then hung that rope to the ceiling. They all cheered as the first blow was struck and the drunkard yelped in pain. A nasty looking bruise formed on his eye and I cringed. Then something else, a hoof was stroking my flank. Then I knew who it was that just joined the party...

"Hey Vinyl...It would make me so happy if you were to join me in the other room."

Anger boiled up inside of me.

"Um," I said. "You know, I think standing over there would make me happy."

Before he had a chance to answer, I was already trotting to the center of the room where the large amount of ponies stood, and where the man was hanging. I thrust my back hooves into his side, earning another cheer from the crowd and cry of pain from my victim. I knew it was wrong, but I knew why we did it to. It is the only way to get any other emotion other than happiness out of our system, even if it means at the expense, and possible life, of another.

The party lasted all night and much of the morning. By daybreak all had lost interest in the now unconscious stallion. I wasn't sure if he was dead or not, and wasn't about to go check either. For his sake. If any interest was to be re-shown in him, the crown would too. No, I'll just wait till after the party.

Everypony had gone home, including Chipper Wing- thank Celestia's ghost- and I had cut the ropes that bound the stallion down, toppling him to the floor in a heap of blood and fur.

"Hey." I said, poking his side. There was no reaction. I kept my smile on and poked him a few more times. he was dead, beaten to death. I wonder if he even saw it coming? How long has this dead stallion been hanging up there?

Who ever said I was happy?

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Queen Pinkamena.

"Discord...I'm howling at the...The?Um...Moon...Sleeping...In the afternoon..." I hummed a familiar tune for the entertainment of this empty room. My voice echoed around it, sending me somepony to listen to.



I allow myself a giggle. This throne room was fun....and empty....and lonely.

"You are the best party pony ever!"

You are the best party pony ever!

I will play with this wonderful little voice a bit longer and then find something to do...something....Fun?

"Come on! Say something I haven't yet...Please..."

Dear Pinkamena,
What are some ways you have fun by yourself?

I pursed my lips.




Vinyl Scratch.

After dumping the body in a wagon a hauling it the the edge of the everfree, I notice something, something I wished I would NEVER hear again. This time there was no word bubble or anything, it was just...just a voice.

To Vinyl Scratch: Terribly sorry, but it would appear that we are a bit behind. I know that you're probably going through quite a bit of psychological trauma, so tell us what happened so we can help in any way we can.

"Go buck yourself! Help, my flank! This is all your fault! If you want to help so badly, pay Tartarus an eternal visit!"

I took a few more steps away from the woods, ready to drown out these terrible voices until something made me stop. It was quiet at first but then grew slightly louder.


"Be quiet! I'm try'n to listen! And you should know! It's your fault! I can't believe I actually thought I could trust you!"

I put my ear to the air, listen for the faint noise...I had it, it was a soft, quiet, weeping sound. My first instinct was to run, to not get involved in the brakeing of the rule, but this pony was crying! Crying! With the all night parties, who would cry? Oh, right...I do. I checked left, then right, then reluctantly inched my way into the deep brush.

After a few minutes of hopeless wondering, i call out, but no answer could be heard. Then something else grased my ear...A music I had not heard since...Well, a long time.

Queen Pinkamena.

To Pinkamena: Seeing as you "punish" anyone who doesn't show happiness, what'd you do to Maud, seeing that she shows no emotion whatsoever? Did you show any form of mercy to your own sister? Or did she get the same treatment as anypony else who breaks the rules?

I dropped the gray balloon I was blowing up and raised an eyebrow.

"What rules?"

Queen Pinkamena: How'd you become queen, where are the Princesses, and where are the other main six characters?


I spoke to the gray balloon.

"I never took anything over in my life....except maybe the dance floor."

Dear Pinkamena,PS- Do you like making cupcakes?:pinkiecrazy:

I then untied a pink balloon and held it up to my face.

"What in Celestia's ghost is a cupcake? Cake in a cup?..What kind of a flank -loving pony would ever eat such a thing!?"

I took a deep breath, printing a lopsided smile on my face. The balloons were not giving me anything nice to talk about...

I pulled a needle from the floor.

In fact, these balloons were making me very unhap-

So how much is under your control Queen Pinkamena.?

"What? I don't control anypony!"

The needle inched closer to its target, this time shifting to a light blue one.

Queen Pinkamena: You do realize that your rules and the punishment that follows, makes everypony but you unhappy. Therefore the only logical step is to let everypony throw you a party.

I dropped the needle and something exploded inside me and a burst of confetti flew from my newly puffed mane. I immediately started at the box of streamers at my left, hanging them with lightning speed.

To Princess Pinkamena: What is happiness? Don't give me some bullshit answer, that wouldn't make me happy. Think long and hard about that.

I stopped mid jump as the confetti had had just put up felt to the ground in messy heaps. my pink mane flatted once more, covering one half of my face.

"...My friends."

Vinyl Scratch.

The soft music grew louder with my every step. What ever happened to the crying anyway? Melodic notes seemed tangible in the air around me as I walked. It seemed so naturally happy, so pure of the fake and cheery music I was forced to play back home...If you can call that a home. I cringed at the thought of it, and with it, the thought of Chipper Wing, Pinkie's personal adviser. I prayed to Celestia's ghost that he would be caught being unhappy. I would pay my tail to get one good shot at him. Or maybe an eternity in Tartarus would suffice?

As I ventured further and further into the EverFree, the moon began to raise higher and higher above my head. I wondered if I would ever find the music that seemed to be growing in more complex tones and rhythms. That's when I saw it! About 20 or so yards ahead of me was a hut built into a tree. Finally! My happiness was short lasted for the howl of a timber wolf could be heard not too far behind me. I launched myself into the air and down the side of a tine cliff-like structure toward the hut...Only to find myself lodged to a thicket. My hooves began to scramble franticly for a way out. I lit my horn and the thorns melted around me. I took a moment to examine my injuries. Not too bad. Blood oozed from my side and hind legs as the poison seeps into me. I cringed.

Another howl sounded, followed by it's colleges and that was all I need get my hooves back into action! I bounded back toward the hut and swang the door open. My head throbbing from what I guessed was the poison, I topple to the floor. The music continued to play, blocking out my sense of touche, and then smell, and then taste, and finally sight...

You made me do this...

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Queen Pinkamena.

I had to swallow down the vomit that was inching its way up my throat to watch the scene in front of me. Another punishment. This one was harsher than the last. This mare had made somepony else unhappy, denying him her body. The court of "Cheery Pain" therefore decided for me to choose the punishment. Obviously, I chose my favorite. It was a combo I once used on my first mean, first to wish to be unhappy. It started with the games. "Pin" the tail on the pony had to be my second favorite, though "operation" came pretty close. There are a great many more games I don't feel like mentioning. All I know is my last game has to be my favorite. The one that always leaves the victo-...pony with a smile on their face!

We were just finishing operation when the finale was rolled into my game room. I earned first place, along with everypony else in the room. The blue ribbons were handed out and we took our seats. The terrified mare sat in the center of my game room, shaking like a streamer. Why was she so scared? She should be happy! We are playing games!

Everypony fell silent at the sound of that squeaky cart rolling its way in. It held my most prized possession...Or at least my second most... A tarp that covered the wagon's contents was removed and the struggling- er, enthusiastic mare was placed dead center in front of it, it being an overly large closed door with a crystal shaped rock atop its crest. The accused froze in her place, still holding her side tightly from where the stitches were placed from our little game of operation until one of my happy guards nudged her flank and she took a step toward it. Her hoof found the door's handle and twisted it cautiously and then pulled, revealing the empty blackness that could not be found on the other side. Her eyes fogged over into a green miss and her bottom lip began to quiver. Probably in preparation to smile like all the ponies did...Right?

A horrible noise escapes the pony's mouth and tears- happy tears, ran down her face and began to create puddles on the tile floor beneath her hooves. A odd and twisted smile formed on the mare's face and the same could be said for her laugh as a few strands of hair popped out on end. See? I told you they were always happy by the end!Her laughing fits grew louder and more obsessed as the rest of us joined her. On my personal joy comity stood screw ball (at the advice of the head chairman of "Cheery Pain"), Derpy Hooves, Queen Chrysalis, and a few others that I won't bother mentioning.

To Pinkie Pinkamena Bucking insane scourge of Equestria (I don't even know): Mind telling us where Twilight and the others went? I would imagine not having them around would make you very unhappy. Very unhappy indeed...

"You don't think I've looked for those traitors?...Yes...I am'm fine...just...just leave me alone before I hurt you too.."

Vinyl Scratch.

Though my eyes were still closed, I knew I was inside. I let out a sound somewhere in between a purr and a sigh as I snuggled into the soft, fluffy pillow under my head. Maybe I was just dreaming. Maybe I will open my eyes and find that old brown couch that once sat in Octi and my apartment. Maybe, if I lift my head from this soft cushion I will hear my roommate making breakfast. And maybe I can go to my room and blast some wubs...


I cracked one eye slightly open.

...Or maybe not...

No sooner had I opened the other eye did an incredibly strong migraine storm inside my head, forcing me to rub my temples and shut my eyes once more. The three hooves rubbing at the sides of my head slightly calmed the-...Three.... My eyes snapped open quicker than I thought possible (not helping my headache) and matched them with those of a gray earth mare.

"Hello Vinyl."

My voice was sore but I managed to squeak out her name. "O-octi?"

She gives me a lighthearted giggle and shushes me before I say more. "Just lay down. Zecora will fix you up an antidote before you can say..." She rolls her eyes. "Wubs."

A smile, a true smile creeps onto my face. Then a reality sets in and those curves to my lips quickly disappear.

"Hold on a hoof! Where the horse did you disappear to? WHY didn't you tell me! How could you have just-just got up and left me like that! HOW!? "

Octavia's eyes drift away from mine into a darkness only she can see.

"Vinyl. It wasn't meant to be that way. But I had to leave you. I had to go alone.'

"Your kidding me, right?!" A heat boils in my stomach at the memory of the night she left. " So let me get this straight, you had to go alone and couldn't bring me, but it was fine and dandelion to bring those five mares with you? Total strangers Octavia!" The heat freezes to something else inside me. "Y-you didn't even say goodbye...You just left! Why?"

"I couldn't Vinyl. if I brought you, you would be in more danger! And you would endanger the rest of us too. You are a unicorn Vinyl. That's why."

"Well aren't we racist."

"Vinyl!" Octavia took in one of those long, drawn out breaths she always does when trying to explain something to me. "A magic that my sister possesses can sense any other magic being used."

I ran her words through my head a couple of times before answering.

"But those ponies you went with, two of them were unicorns."

"I know. but they know when not to use magic...And let's face it Vinyl, you have a habit of...Well, you know."

My ears drooped as a single tear dro- "HOLD ON A HOOF! Did you say...sister?"

Octavia groaned. "Yes! How many time have we gone through this!? I am a Pie."

my face quickly formed into a deadpan look to which received a quick roll of the eyes from my former roommate.

"Pie, as in my last name. remember? you met her at the royal wedding she invited us to?"

I put a hoof to my chin. "Oh yah, she was rock'n the wubs with me!"

"Right....wubs. Anyway Vinyl, I had to bring them. They knew where Maud and Zecora were."


"Maud is my other sister i-"

Vinyl scratch:
I have feelings the ones who ruined your life were Anons, we are not

"Vinyl..Y-you can hear then too?"


"This is...Wonderful! Now they can help you too!"

"Help? No way! These guys showed up after you left. A lot of help they were!"

To Vinyl: We can assure you that we are not the one's responsible for this madness, We quite seriously have no idea what is happening right now. And to my knowledge, we are incapable of causing any physical harm, so we couldn't hurt you or anyone else even if we wanted to. But tell us what exactly DID happen?

"I said I'm not talking to you!"

"VINYL! Don't scare them! Ahem...Thank you, sir or mam, and yes. I'm sure you're not. Vinyl, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have known to run. I would still be in ponyville right now."

"So it is their fault you left too!"

*wispers*To Vinyl Scratch: I'm sorry, if other bubbles ruined your life, but we aren't those ones. They probably got fired, or something. We aren't the bubbles that misguided you, and we don't know what's going on. We don't know anything about Queen Pinkamena, but we are appearing in her head as well. She's... well it's hard to describe, but who were talking to has no idea what's going on. I can't tell you too much, less I get censored, but... we might not be talking to Pinkamena... We might be talking to a shadow of her former self.

Anger threatened to burst inside of me.

"Please Vinyl." Octavia's hoof found is way to mine. "Please."

"Fine... and, no, I didn't even really know Pinkie Pie. I mean, yah i was invited to a lot of her parties as the DJ, but that's it."

"You say that Pinkie doesn't know what's going on? I hope it means she is just under a spell or something."

"Octavia. Your sister...The Princesses...They are all one in one way or another...Please. i don't know how to help you. Show me."

"We need to find twilight and her friends...We need the elements of harmony."

Queen Pinkamena.

I lay on my bed, trying to get thoughts out of my head while I stroked the brown mane of the gagged stallion laying next to me. He liked it when I would pet him. I know he does. Tears of joy were streaming down his face and his body was shuddering every time I touched him.

Queen Pinkie: What about the super duper party pony Cheese Sandwich?

"He likes being my king...My pet...Don't you Cheesy?"

A muffled sound came from his mouth as he pulled at the bounds around his hooves.

"Yah, he's happy."

To Pinkie Pie: Would you do me a favor? Look in the mirror Pinkie...Tell me what you see.

"I'll be right back my Cheesy pet.''

After a wet kiss on his snout, I walk over to my fullpony mirror and gaze at my reflection.

"I see a Pinkish grayish mare...With long, straight mane...And her face...GUARDS!"

The minute my words echoed through the hallways, three guards rushed into my room, searching for the danger.


I pointed to the pony in front of me and she pointed back.

"Take her away!"

The mare glared angrily at meas the guards took her away...Or was that me?...

"Now, where were we Cheesy?"

The truth isn't always what is true.

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Vinyl Scratch.

"Please Vinyl Scratch! To these poison thorns, your body is no match!"

"Ugh! I need to stretch my hooves! I need some wubs lady!"

I squirmed uncomfortably in my bed. How long had this zebra been pulling at my thorns? An hour? Two?! It feels like forever, and the poison seeping into my veins isn't helping much either. When Octavia said this mare could get me fixed up, I thought she meant, 'slap-on-a-bandage-and-lolly-for-good-behavior' kinda thing.

"Vinyl, please! With that amount of poison in your blood stream, you could sleep for a thousand years!"

"since when did you become such an expert on plants Octavia?"

I instantly regretted my choice in words. Zecora took a glance at Octi, and then back at me. What was it with these two?

Are you sure Octi isn't hiding anything?

What the voice was saying seemed logically possible...But I wasn't ready to trust it yet...

Octavia cleared her throat and began to leave the room. I would ask her about it later.

Queen Pinkamena Cheese sandwich

Cheese Sandwich lay numbly on the soft, pink bed. He didn't remember when he had fallen asleep... He couldn't believe that he did fall asleep! There are moments like this for the super-duper party pony Cheese Sandwich that provide the his sanity, if any, to stay with him. At least, that's what he thought.

To Cheese Sandwich: Well, you seem to be in... quite the predicament. We can probably read your thoughts so, try to answer questions through thought. How the fuck did you end up like this?

For a brief second, cheese thought about answering the voice. And then that second ended and the stallion remembered that he was still gagged. He was told about Pinkie Pie's crazy fits, but this was even crazy for him! Cheese shifted among his bounds in order to get a better look at the...voice, only to fall off of the bed with a new nasty headache and cut across his cheek and forehoof. therefor, undoing his bounds. The party-pony stood up to full height, got back onto the bed, turned twice,and lay back down in a more comfortable position...

Queen Pinkamena.


I count the graves..


I wonder how they dies...nope, I know how that one did...

Twenty three...Twenty four... twenty five...

I wonder if the rock for the gaves came,no.

Thirty eight...Thirty nine...Forty...

How did I get here? Did I walk?...

Sixty...sixty one, no, that's a rock...sixty one....sixty two...

I will count these forever if I want to find the end....The whole field is just...stones...

eighty nine...

Why didn't that one have a name on it?

one hundred...

To: Pinkie Pie (Thats right NO RESPECT!!!!!!) Why did you become evil and why not force Tia or Lulu to make you an alicorn?

"Isn't it obvious?! If I became an alicorn I would need an alicorn party, and if I had an alicorn party, I would need streamer! ...And I'm fresh out of streamers."

Why were these voices soooo dumb? Didn't they understand?...Maybe one of these graves has....their names on it.

I decide to go back to the castle... What else to do....I can through a party...I can...blow balloons. I pull out six differently colored balloons from my mane...


I poked a hoof at the blue one and came snout to snout.

"I won't be taking that from you!"


"W-why would you say that?!"


I stroked the yellow one passionately. "Thanks..."


"I know! Why would she?"


"Aw! You're just say'n that."


"NO. WAY?"

I turned my attention to the pink balloon.

"Is that true? Huh?!"

"..." Those few words from the orange balloon gave set my mind to rest.

"Your right. Lets go home..."


To Queen Pinkamena: Alright, I can see that the mentioning of these so called "Traitors" makes you unhappy, and we don't want that now do we? Although, seeing as we haven't seen any sign of any of the former deity's around Equestria (such as the princesses for example) I have to ask...what'd you do with Discord?

"Who's Discord? I know a Dhiscord, the "h" is silent. He's the head chairman of Cheery Pain!"


"I'm just glad he dealt with that traitor last night."

Pinkie that's a mirror, it shows your face....
Wow you have really gone insane

"I'm not talking to you..."

Octavia led me through the brush, still holding tightly to the giant cello case.

"Why are you taking that thing with you? It'll just get in the way."



"Vinyl! Seriously. Stop acting like a filly. We're almost there."

Octi pushed through another mess of branches, sending most of them whipping back at my face.


"Oops! Sorry Vinyl."

We came upon a clearing that led to a large canyon. Across it was a not so stable bridge and past that, one of the most wicked castles I had ever seen. I started a trot in that direct when Octavia's gray hoof stopped me.


I put my ear to the air...


A shiver ran down my spine....Timber wolves.

My intentions of trotting became a full on gallop toward the castle.

"Come on Octi! We're almost-"

I turned over my shoulder and saw Octavia standing a few 10 hooves from the edge of the tree line.


She didn't answer, didn't even look...She just, pulled out her cello and....waited.


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Vinyl Scratch.

A soft melody of music danced in the air from the cello. Not a single note was failed to be played, not a note I didn't hear. The angry howls of the wolves were drown out by her deafening lullaby. I backed away from her, hoping it would clear my head. Octava played the song till I fell to the ground, covering my my ears, but by then I had almost passed out. How was she still standing, I didn't know.

"Octi!? What was that?" Octavia lent a hoof for balance and I gladly took it. "That, that right there, that was awesome! How'd yuh learn to do that!?"

"Oh, that song?"

"Yah, yah. The whole, hypnosis thing back there with your guitar?"

"Vinyl, its called a cello, we've talked about this."

"Fine! How did you do it! Aw man! Teach me how to do that on the turntables!"

"It isn't done just like that. Here, old my cello." Octavia handed the cello to me and I began racing back and forth with the...stick thing she was using. "It took years of practice and concentration for an earth pony like me to put so much power into a-"

"Got it!"


I dropped the stick and began plucking strings. If a cello ever sounded close to dubstep, it was now. I used my magic to channel each musical note to reality through the instrument. It helped that I had a cutie mark in music....and a horn.


"Eh, not as hard as you made it look. I just needed th-" As each note grew faster and more rapid, I grew more weary and disengaged. I dropped the cello and began gasping for breath.

"Not s easy as you thought, eh Vinyl?"


Dhiscord snapped his talons and the pile of unsigned paperwork disappeared in a puff of smoke.

To Dhiscord: So, Chairman of Cheery Pain, do you have anything to do with "Queen Pinkamena's", ahem, mental state?\

The draconequus looked up, but no one was to be found. He shrugged and thought he'd answer anyway.

"Oh please! Why would I do a thing like that? How terrible of you to blame me of such a thing!"

Queen Pinkamena.

What did they mean? Why don't these voices like me? Everypony likes Pinkie....Everypony but them.

I snuggled up closer to my pet in the sense that it might make me warmer on this cool night. He's such god boy. I found him n my room, ropes gone and all, but he had stayed put. I was so glad he was here. Te best birthday git ever from my best friend.

So Queen Pinkamena was it? I thought that only princesses could rule in Equestria?

"Rule? I was given the throne silly! And besides, Cheesy like me! Don't you cheesy? Oh! You know what? I'm gunna o get you a snack!"

Cheese Sandwich relaxed his muscles once she was gone. The room was his once again.

To Cheese Sandwich: Well, since you "know" that there isn't a way out for you, why don't you tell us how you got in your position. Also, we can read your thoughts, answer us through thought if you can't answer us aloud.

Cheese took a deep breath and let it out slowly to buy himself time to think." I don't leave because she would find me. She doesn't have wings, or magic, but she would. And Pinkamena wouldn't show me mercy like Pinkie would. She is two different mares in two different ways. Now, leave me. I know what you things do to ponies."

Pinkie's decree

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Vinyl Scratch.

Octavia lifted me to my hooves.

"I'm actually surprised you lasted as long as you did there Vinyl."

The pounding in my head turned Octi's playful jests into what I could later interpret as the screeches of a banshee. where did she learn such powerful magic? She wasn't even a unicorn!

"Octa- UGH!"

I rubbed my temples, trying to dull the pain.

"Shh...Take a deep breath vinyl. Relax. "

I did as told and was rewarded with a newly cleared mind.

"remind me never to try show you up again Octi."

She smile in response and we continued our way to the castle.

To Vinyl and Tavi
Do you two at least have a general idea of the whereabouts of Pinkie's friends? Or at the very least somepony who would?

"Yah, how do you know where they are Octi?"

"Because I was there."

Another pulse of anger fired through my veins and on an impulse unlike my own. I was tired of being lied to. I held Octavia to the ground, pinning her with both hooves.

"I Want answers! NOW! You said you were there, what the hay does that mean Octavia?"

To my surprise, and slight disappointment, Octavia's composure did not seem the least bit shifted by my outburst. Instead she just...smiled at me, as if trying to explain something to a filly only big colts and mares were supposed to understand.

"When they left,, remember?"

she pushed my hoof gentle off of her and dusted off.

"Octavia! Why are you lying to me like this? Please, tell me why we're here, what we're doing!"

My former room mate glanced to her left, and then her right, finally gesturing me forward. I nodded and continued on to the castle gate.

"No Vinyl, down there."

She led my gaze down bellow the bridge where I could faintly see an odd glow just out of sight a ways down the cavern. Octavia wordlessly began her treck down a set of stairs I hadn't seen before. Wait... this is where the tree of Harmony is! My pace quickened to keep up with the earth pony. It was amazing how she could keep such a pace down a steep slope with that cello on her back! When we reach the bottom, the glow is even stronger now and a faint buzzing noise could be heard.

"I was hoping I would find you some time, but you can understand that I couldn't simply march into town and pull you into the everfree without an explanation."

"That was practically what you did..."


I rolled my eyes. Then I heard a bit more than a buzz because it wasn't a buzz at all but the hushed whisper of voices.

Queen Pinkamena/Cheese sandwichCheesy.

"So much fun to have! Aren't you having fun cheesy?"


He must have been because he was crying tears of joy! And that's good.

"Oh! I'll go and get you a cheese sandwich! HA! Get it?"

Cheesy released the breath he had been holding and got up, returning to his dog bed that Pinkamena had given him, the week old bruises were finally healing and his strength was coming back to him slowly.

Well at least you answered our question cheese, thanks for that

He grunted as his injured body settled into the cushion.

"I thought I told you to LEAVE ME ALONE!? Just-just stop it! Stop talking to me!"


As my eyes adjusted to the glow from the tree of Harmony, 5 familiar figures formed into view.

"T-twilight sparkle!? Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity... and spike."

The 6 turned our direction. They looked terrible; their coats were matted with a layer of dirt and their manes tangled.

Twilight ran to Octavia and wrapped her arms and wings around her tightly.

"Octavia! I can't believe it!"

Huh, so Octavia had new friends. New famous friends. I wonder if she ever thought to come looking for me, to say sorry, or at least explain what the hay she was doing that night. My muscled unintentionally tensed. Did she not think I could help? I thought back to her words you're a unicorn. Yah, sure. THAT was the reason she wouldn't bring me with her. Even if it was, that meant she didn't trust me!?

Lost in thought I didn't notice Rainbow Dash approach me.

" What is she doing here?"

I got up in her face "The name's Vynal Scratch."

"Hay now Scratch! Aint no reason to get offended. She just upset cuz're a... well, you got a horn there."

ok, so maybe she was telling the truth.

"It's not like I'm going to use it."

Octavia nodded to Twilight, who's horn began to glow like the tree she stood by. The air was instantly knocked out of me and I fell to the ground. A feeling that could only be explained as being burned and drown at the same time was roaring in my horn.

Twilight released the spell and collapsed, taking in deep breaths. I found myself doing the same.

"What...was that- about?"

"I'm sorry Vynal but we can't risk you using magic and Pinkie-er... pinkamena fining us."

"But I would never! A-and you JUST used magic!"

Octavia stood defensively between us. "You already did, with my cello. And one spell is better than risking how many you will probably use!

I couldn't BELEIVE what I was hearing. Octavia; my roommate, my best friend, basically family to me trusted a pony.... ALICORN more than she trusted me when it came to not using magic!

I sneered at the so called princess who had just taken my magic from me. "So what do you plan to do about all this?"

Twilight smiled and pulled a beaten up suitcase from behind her. She pressed the unlock button and 30 or so scrolls and parchment flew out of it. Each was covered in hoof writing.

I groaned and took a seat on the hard dirt grownd.