> Trixie Lulamoon: Child of the Moon > by FenixBlaze979 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Not So Great and Powerful > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “All right, boys, the show’s over! Trixie will be here same time next week!” The silver-maned cyan unicorn bowed to her audience as the red curtain closed on another great magic performance. Working at the Main Stable in Fillydelphia for a few months now, “The Great and Powerful” Trixie Lulamoon heaved a sigh of relief as she trotted off backstage. She went into her ready room to strip off her costume and makeup. The owner and producer of entertainment, Winding Clock, barged in at the usual time, just after Trixie was ready to go home. He had been a gracious stallion, taking in Trixie for his entertainment club. He spoke with sort of a Brooklyn accent. “That was anodda great performance from ya, Ms. Trixie!” Winding Clock smiled warmly on a job well done. “Thank you, Mr. Clock”, Trixie smiled back, “I feel like I’m really home here at the Stable!” Winding Clock’s expression then changed to a more solemn look. Trixie hesitated, anxiously looking at his eyes which had shifted down and away from her presence. “Ms. Trixie, I dunno how to tell ya this. I’ve really had the pleasure of a beautiful mare like you coming in and entertainin’ the folks out dere”, he hesitated for a brief moment before continuing. Trixie’s expression now grew more worrisome, “It pains me to have to do this. You’ve been a real peach, Ms. Trixie, but people have been grinding my ass trying to run ya outta town. I tell ‘em the fellas love ya out dere, but the general public, and now the mayor is on my case about you, Ms. Trixie. You have to understand that I need to stay in business. I’ve been making a profit here for many years now, and Fillydelphia has been nothing but kind to me.” Trixie’s heart sank after hearing what the people of Fillydelphia were saying about her. It had been about seven months since she took over Ponyville out of revenge against her rival and former classmate of the Canterlot School for Magically-Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle. Trixie had used the Alicorn Amulet to enslave the ponies after beating Twilight in a magic duel. When Trixie was eventually bested by Twilight in a rematch, she later apologized for her vengeful ways, and vowed to become a better unicorn pony. Ever since then, she has lived in the outskirts of Fillydelphia, away from the glaring public eye, which had not been as forgiving as Twilight was. Even though word got out that she was sorry for her actions, Trixie still had her detractors. “Isn’t there anything Trixie can do to sway the people?” Trixie asked. “Nope, I’m afraid not,” Winding Clock said solemnly, “Pack ya things here, Ms. Trixie. I’ll escort ya out when ya done packin’” Trixie hung her head in disappointment as she slowly gathered her performance things together. Her horn glowed as she lifted the costumes from the studio closet into her travel suitcase. Then, Trixie put her makeup and brushes into the suitcase before finally closing it up. She followed Winding Clock out of the backstage area, into the narrow studio hallway to the back door with her suitcase levitating behind her. Winding Clock opened the door, and Trixie slowly walked out of the club. “It’s nothing personal, Ms. Trixie. It’s just business”, Winding Clock pointed out; “Take care of yourself out dere. Hope some otha boss will take ya in.” Trixie looked back at him and smiled weakly. Hope was something she never really had these days. “Goodbye, Mr. Clock. Thank you for everything”, Trixie uttered, trying to hold back tears. “See ya, Ms. Trixie”, Winding Clock said softly. He closed the door, letting go of the only thing that made him so much profit for the Main Stable. Winding Clock tried to hold back his own tears as he walked into his office, trying to find someone who brought a crowd like Trixie did. Trixie had walked for about a couple miles before finally reaching her trailer home in the middle of the woods. After her old wagon was destroyed, Winding Clock had bought a new trailer for Trixie to use so she could live in a cozier atmosphere than when in her old wagon. Gray streaks ran down from her eyes where her mascara had run from her tear-laden eyes. She needed to make herself dinner since no one in town would serve her. Trixie went off into the forest path, looking for sticks and dry leaves to make a fire. There was usually a good place that she had found many large sticks and dry leaves over the edge of the path where it drops off about a couple feet to a lower part of the forest. Trixie always liked the edge because she could see the moon standing on the edge where the trees gave way to the bright, loving moonbeams. Somehow, looking at the moon gave her a warm feeling inside, as if it was a compass of sorts to her destiny. Even though she never really believed in hope, Trixie felt different whenever she looked at the moon. After gazing at the round, heavenly source of nightlight, Trixie worked her way down to the bottom of the forest to the place where the stash of dry leaves and large sticks were found. To her surprise, she found a squirrel laying in the pile of leaves. The squirrel seemed startled for a moment, as the squirrel and the blue mare locked their gazes onto each other. “What do you want with the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she asked in her typical smug fashion. The squirrel ignored Trixie’s boisterous icebreaker as it scurried around Trixie. They locked eyes again. The squirrel then pointed over the horizon of the tall trees. “What are you pointing at, little one? Do you want Trixie to follow you?” Trixie asked the squirrel still with a sly grin on her face, “I guess I’ll amuse you, go ahead, Squirrely!” The squirrel, satisfied with Trixie’s answer, darted ahead towards the dark horizon. Trixie followed, galloping right behind it. A few minutes later, they reached the horizon to a small clearing in the forest. An alicorn mare with a flowing, starry mane was passed out on the forest floor. It was tough to tell if the dark blue mare was hurting or not. Trixie surveyed the area to see if there was anything suspicious. While looking around the mare, she found her cutie mark. It was a navy blue spot marking with a holy white crescent moon over the marking. Trixie’s eyes widened. It couldn’t be her; how come she is just lying here, she thought. After looking around one more time for anything dangerous, Trixie sparked her horn, and attempted to levitate the sleeping mare. It was moderately successful, as only the mare’s back hooves dragged along the forest floor. Trixie, satisfied with that result, headed back up the path to her house, taking her dry leaves and sticks in tow. She wondered if this mare would be alright. Surely, this must be a dream for Trixie to find a golden opportunity like this. > 2. The Graceful Moon: Trixie's Fresh Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie was exhausted when she finally made it back to her trailer. She placed the mare near the campfire base, and then flopped down, heaving the leaves and sticks over to the base. Trixie took a few moments to catch her breath. She was sprawled out near the campfire closest to the trailer home. Her eyes glazed over to the sleeping mare, which still lay silently. Trixie, struggling to lift herself up, sparked her horn, lighting the dry sticks and leaves, creating a fire. While the campfire blazed on brilliantly, Trixie hurried inside to get the ingredients for her dinner, and some of the cookware necessary for preparation. Trixie placed the ingredients into the cast-iron pot, hanging in a stick stabilized with two upright sticks, and began to stir. Vegetable stew was the only thing Trixie could make for herself, but sometimes, Winding Clock would give Trixie groceries as a bonus wage, which added to the miniscule pantry she had for herself in the trailer home. With little variety to work with, Trixie just had to get creative with her soups. As Trixie continued cooking, the starry-mane mare stirred awake from the sounds of the campfire. She looked around, dazed in wondering where she was. Trixie found it amusing as the alicorn pony still looked around the area confused as ever. “So, you’re finally awake, huh?” Trixie smirked with her usual swagger. The mare was taken aback by Trixie’s presence, but almost as instantly as she was startled, she quickly calmed down. “Where am I?” the mare asked, still confused. “Well, I found you lying in the forest, passed out, while I was gathering campfire fuel. You know, normally, the Great and Powerful Trixie wouldn’t help just an ordinary soul lying on the ground, but a woodland creature was so concerned about you that I couldn’t resist getting you out of there”, Trixie then furrowed her brows, “What in the hell were you doing there anyway?” The dark blue mare seemed to get her bearings as she answered Trixie’s question. “After I raised the moon up for the night, I heard someone calling for help towards Fillydelphia. I flew over there in a hurry, but then I felt something blunt hit my back. I don’t remember anything past that point, I’m afraid. Sorry to have troubled you…Ouch!” Her face grimaced as she tried to move her wings. “Well, there goes trying to fly.” “That doesn’t seem right…” Trixie then caught herself, giving herself a shocking expression on her face, “Wait a moment, did you just say, raised the moon up for the night? There’s only one pony that can do such a thing…are you…?” The mare stood up through her pain, and spoke with a royal fervor in her voice, “Indeed! I am Princess Luna, Keeper of Dreams, and Ruler of the Night!” “Aha! Trixie knew it all along!” Trixie exclaimed, “You’re cutie mark is unmistakable, Your Highness!” “Yes, it is true”, said Luna as she looked at the spots on her rump, “You must be the Great and Powerful Trixie, then, the one from the incident about seven months ago?” Trixie’s jubilation was quickly shot down from Luna’s last sentence. “Yes, you’re right, but I am a changed mare now!” “I know, my loyal subject”, Luna responded with a calming tone. “Wait, how do you know?” Trixie asked. “Do you not remember?” Luna cocked her head quizzically, “I said I was the Keeper of Dreams in my introduction.” “Oh, right”, Trixie vaguely recalled the booming intro by the princess, “Trixie finds that interesting…and creepy.” Princess Luna chuckled when Trixie gave her reaction to Luna’s dream walking ability. “I know it is strange, but do not be afraid. It is only with good intentions that I enter pony’s dreams just to make sure there aren’t any bad ones. I will say they are…interesting to say the least”, Luna looked on, still wincing from the pain as she continued, “I have noticed within your dreams, there is a lot of darkness. It also looks like you were crying recently as well. You will have to face those fears, eventually.” Trixie hid away her face from Luna as she tried to distract her. “Looks like the soup is ready, Your Highness! I hope you still have an appetite.” Luna smiled at Trixie’s kind gesture. “I am quite famished. Thank you, for saving me in the forest, and for the meal. You can be a kind mare, when you want to be, I guess.” Trixie, pretending not to hear the princess’ last remark, poured herself some soup. She loved the taste she whipped up with her mixed vegetables. The princess seemed to enjoy her soup as well. Some time passed before they finished their meals. Trixie’s horn lit up as she gathered the cookware and the bowls and spoons to head back into their respective storage places. She floated the bowls and the spoon in the wash bin where she would wash and rinse the bowls and silverware. Luna yawned, still feeling groggy and hurt from her predicament. She was mellowing in her thoughts; something about a child of the moon prophecy that her sister, Princess Celestia, had talked about one time. It was so vague that Luna could hardly remember, but it had to do with Luna having her own protégé, similar to how Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia’s protégé. The princess’ ears perked up as Trixie came back outside from washing dishes. Trixie, tired herself, plopped down near the campfire and shut her eyes for a little bit. Luna felt it was the opportune time to share her thoughts with her new companion. “O, Trixie. Thank you for being so gracious. I need thy rest however, so I’ll be heading to sleep.” Luna said as she lay down, closing her eyes. “Good night, Luna”, Trixie yawned as she went into her trailer. Trixie felt that she needed her rest too. She got ready for bed as she covered Luna with a worn and tattered blanket Trixie had stowed away in her closet. > 3. A Lesson in Empathy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun broke across a beautiful sky as another day began. Trixie stretched her legs as she woke up. Luna was still sound asleep, mumbling something about her sister as Trixie went into her trailer. She got an apple from the fruit bowl and bit down on it. Satisfied with the taste, Trixie noticed that there was a banana in the fruit bowl as well. She rarely ate bananas, so she thought Luna might like one. Trixie grabbed it using her magic and floated it along near her as she trotted out of the trailer. Luna’s legs twitched slightly as she continued to sleep. “Wake up, Moonbutt!” Trixie quipped as she noshed on her apple. “I got a banana for you if you want breakfast.” Luna’s eyes flew open. “No! Get that away from me!” she shouted and jumped back in a panic. Trixie was taken aback by this. “What the hell’s going on with you? Bad dreams?” “It’s not that,” Luna shuddered, “I just, really don’t like bananas.” “Well, hate to break it to you, Princess, but that’s all I got”, shrugged Trixie. “Please, Trixie, find something else for me to eat”, Luna pleaded as her stomach growled. Trixie raised an eyebrow. “What’s got you worked up over a silly piece of fruit? Honestly, I don’t like eating them too often either, so that’s why I offered it to you.” “You wouldn’t understand”, Luna muttered. “Try me. I’m sure Trixie would be able to…” “YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND!” Luna screamed, knocking back Trixie with great force. Luna then galloped off towards the forest, tears streaming down her face. Her wings were still sore from her fall, preventing her from flight. Trixie got up and tried to gallop after Luna, but she lost her in the thickness of the forest. She couldn’t understand why the princess would have such a harsh reaction like that. Could something have troubled her when it came to bananas, she wondered. Trixie tried to figure Luna out inside her mind, but still nothing she thought of made any sense. What was even the point of saving Luna in the first place, she thought. It seemed like things didn’t want to work in Trixie’s favor when it came to turning things around for the better. Just then, Trixie remembered something that made her heart skip a beat. “Damn it all! She may run into them. I have to stop her!” Trixie said as her concern for Luna increased. Trixie was referring to two ponies that had gone rogue recently. Quake and Shake Tremor were two brothers from Fillydelphia that were in the local Earth Shock gang. They caused trouble for businesses and demanded money and food from them. Law enforcement could never catch them, as their hooves could create shock waves by slamming their hooves on the ground. They helped the gang get away on numerous occasions. However, their performance had been slipping recently, so the boss had the brothers kicked out of the gang. They had gone rogue, terrorizing random towns, and robbing strangers. It is rumored that they have a hideout inside the forest near Trixie’s trailer. No one has ever found the brother’s hideout, but Trixie was worried that since Luna could not take to the air, they would overpower Luna and hold her hostage. Trixie grabbed the banana and her special saddle bag filled with her illusionary performance tricks, and rushed off deep into the forest. She had no time to waste. Who knows how far Luna went into the forest at this point, Trixie thought as she looked through the trees. She continued to run in the apparent path Luna took, even though it may not have been the right one. Suddenly, there was a loud scream, and the ground trembled upon the sound. “HELP ME!” The sound cried out. “It came from that direction!” Trixie whirled around and galloped towards the loud voice. A minute later, Trixie ran upon an egregious sight. Luna was barely able to stand, her magic exhausted. “Gee, this pony’s pretty powerful, huh, Shake?” “Yeah, Quake, too bad we got this armor on to deflect her attack!” Trixie then saw the two imposing figures of Quake and Shake Tremor. They both had very muscularly features, but Quake had a navy blue coat, and Shake had a brown coat. They seemed to have a bubble around them that formed a shield against Luna’s magic beam shots. “Leave me alone, you ruffians! I don’t have time for this!” Luna exclaimed. “Now we just can’t do that for ya, Princess”, Quake smirked, “We’ve got a date with destiny, you see. All your riches will belong to us as we hold you ransom!” Shake laughed at the sound of his brother’s thought. “Just think, brother! We won’t have to scrounge around for money or food! We’ll be filthy rich!” Quake nodded in agreement with his brother. “Now, let’s get down to business, shall we, brother!?” “The princess is ours!” cackled Shake, as he rose on his hind legs along with his brother in unison, as they prepared their final attack. “DOUBLE SHOCKING DRAGON!” The moment before the flaring white shock waves were released from their hooves, cyan smoke bombs exploded, filling the forest with a hazy, bluish mist. The Tremor Brothers were surprised, but their eagerness allowed them to continue their attack. The waves traveled through the trees, uprooting some of them and cracking the ground in the process. When the smoke cleared, Luna had vanished from her position. “Where’s the princess!?” gasped Quake as he frantically looked around. “C’mon, now, boys!” said a snarky voice, “You really need to pay more attention to your surroundings!” Trixie appeared behind them. With locks in her mouth, she threw them to the side. “Really, guys? Magic Armor Locks? It’s really too bad you ran into somepony who knows magic items frontwards and backwards, like the Great and Powerful, Trixie!!” “You wench!” Quake shouted, “Give us our moneymaker! That princess is ours!” “You fool, Luna doesn’t belong to anyone! She’s here for all of Equestria!” Trixie responded. “It doesn’t matter to us!” said Shake, “Besides, what’s a show pony like you going to do to the likes of us!?” “Let Trixie show you what she’s got!” she confidently announced, “First, she has a little something for you!” She then opened her bag with her magic, and tossed at the brothers two sets of fireworks that were used for her performances. “TRIXIE’S MAGIC BLAST!” The brothers were then blinded as the fireworks display shot out at them. “Luna, now is your chance to strike!” With the magic she had left, Luna fired two beam shots, striking both Quake and Shake, and sent them reeling down the rocky path they had made from their shock waves. “Damn it; let’s get outta here, bunch of freaks!” Shake yelled, his eyes still burning from the flash of the explosives. He and Quake dashed off into the forest as Trixie fell back, exhausted from her efforts. She noticed Luna was lying next to her as they both looked up at the sky. The branches of the trees provided plenty of shade as it served as a partial curtain to the sun’s rays. “Princess…I was only trying to be considerate”, Trixie said quietly, “I had no idea you would react that way.” “I’m sorry for yelling at you, Trixie”, Luna sighed, “It was wrong of me to snap at you like that. You couldn’t have had any idea about my issue with bananas.” “Well”, Trixie replied, “I guess I had a similar issue with pine cones. The other ponies made fun of me because I would collect them all the time. Sometimes, I would eat them. I thought they looked, and tasted so interesting.” “I had enjoyed eating bananas when I was a filly”, Luna explained, “I guess I ate them in a strange way, because other fillies made fun of me when I was in schooling. It was always a running joke, even when I was with my sister, Celestia, who reminded me of it all the time. Thus, I’ve always hated bananas.” “I still have the banana with me if you want it”, Trixie said, getting it from her bag, “I promise I’ll look away when you eat it.” “Promise?” asked Luna. “Sure!” As Luna ate the banana, Trixie felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. She actually cared enough about a princess. She had never cared about the princesses of Canterlot before. She always felt like she was way out of their league. Now here Trixie is, helping to understand and befriend a princess, who by all accounts, had her own struggles with fitting into society. “You know, Luna”, Trixie said, “When you always get ostracized by fan ponies, you develop a thick skin. Sometimes, only my words are an effective weapon to keep them away. I always felt sick just seeing those people. I knew they didn’t like me, but I guess I learned to never give a damn. I guess that cost me trying to at least have a bond.” Luna smiled weakly hearing Trixie’s words. “I believe we just need to understand each other. It seems that we are both loners. We’ve always followed our own path. I think you can do well in this world, Trixie Lulamoon. The path you have taken thus far hasn’t been good to you, but the choices you make from this point forward could affect your future in a positive or negative way.” Trixie smirked at all the notions Luna put out there. “Guess you’re right. If I hang out with you, I think it’ll be better for me. I do have a question for you, though. What was up with you muttering about your sister in your sleep last night?” Luna cleared her throat before beginning to speak. “My sister spoke of a ‘Child of the Moon’ that I could take under my wing. She was unclear if they were of pure magic like Princess Twilight Sparkle, or some other way. I then remembered that incident with the Alicorn Amulet, and it got me to thinking; since you, Trixie, are a performance magician, you use little items and props that are activated by your magic. It may not necessarily be pure magic, but I believe you still may have the potential and the desire, but I need you to do me a small favor.” Trixie was amazed. She had read in the paper that there was a new princess coroneted a few days ago, but she never looked more into the story. Trixie felt happy for Twilight, but at the same time, she was disappointed because now she knew that there would never be a chance to be at the same level as Twilight since she became an alicorn. Trixie started to believe that nothing would be able to get better for her, but now, after hearing Luna’s synopsis of the vague prophecy and telling about her potential, Trixie may have a definite future after all. Trixie answered, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I have nothing else better to do.” Luna smiled as she received Trixie’s somewhat positive response. “I see. Then during the early morning, we shall depart together. The place I have in mind for you to prove yourself is in a remote location in Equestria. We can walk there together while I pull your trailer along. It should only take a day or two. I visited this place when I was younger.” Trixie felt pumped. She would get to travel with the Princess of the Night. Although it felt strange to Trixie that all this was happening so soon, she knew she had to take it one day at a time. Trixie may finally be able to prove ponies wrong; she could prove that she could be just as good with what she could do with her magic like Twilight Sparkle did. > 4. The Gifts from the First Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie had a restful nap back at her trailer after a long trip back from the forest, and already had gathered her clothes and accessories for the journey with Princess Luna as the sun slowly began to set. Luna was waiting for Trixie as she looked while Trixie locked her trailer with one of the magic locks she took away from the Tremor Brothers. As she slowly raised the moon with her magic, Luna was affirmed of the fact that Trixie was able to understand such a complex pony as herself. “Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie, is ready for her wonderful journey with the Princess of the Night!” Trixie boasted when she finished locking up her trailer. “I am glad to see you are excited, Trixie”, Luna said warmly, “I will lead the way for you. There’s a town we can stop at to eat before we get to the place.” Luna felt invigorated by Trixie’s words, and then sparked her horn. The bluish light enveloped Trixie’s trailer, and it started rolling along near Luna as she and Trixie set off on their journey to find the place that Luna was talking about. It was around 8:30 pm when Luna and Trixie arrived near the town of Petalburg. They could see a few lights were on, meaning that a few businesses were open during the evening time. “I must ask that you go find us something to eat, Trixie”, Luna said softly. “Why’s that, Luna?” Trixie looked puzzled. “I really don’t feel like attracting unwanted attention right now. I don’t think my subjects would be able to sleep after they met someone from Canterlot, much less a princess”, Luna mused as she wrinkled her face. “Fair enough”, said Trixie as she trotted towards Petalburg, “I’ll see what I can find. Anything suit your fancy?” “Anything should suffice, as long as a store is open!” called Luna. Trixie entered town, and found only a couple of stores were open. Their lights were blazing through the darkness as Trixie walked closer. She could see a pastry shop and a clothing store where the lights were on. Clearly, the pastry shop was far more enticing to Trixie than getting new duds, so she confidently trotted towards the wonderful dessert shop and opened the door with her magic. Inside stood a stallion wearing an apron, looking really gruff and ready to go home. “Hey, yous. We ain’t got time fo’ window shoppers”, said the shopkeep, “I’ll be closing soon, so make it snappy, will ‘ya?” Trixie exchanged a quick glance at him, almost mirroring his expression, and then she looked at the glass display near the register. There were a few things that Trixie liked, but there were only one of each kind. She then noticed two flat rolls of bread with what looked like to be pumpkin filling inside. “Excuse me, kind sir, what are these two bread roll like desserts?” Trixie asked nicely with a hint of sarcasm. “Those ‘ah called pumpkin empanadas. You want ‘em or naht?” “Yes”, said Trixie, “I’ll take them both. How much for them?” “I’ll sell them to ya fo 2 bits.” Trixie opened her bag with her magic, and floated two golden coins over to the shopkeep. “Thanks for ya business. Have a good evening.” “Chin up, Sunshine!” Trixie grinned, “You have a magical evening, yourself.” “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, yous!” He said trying to hide his smile. Trixie then trotted out of the shop and back towards the place where Luna was staying. “Well, Moonbutt!” Trixie said haughtily, “Hope you like empanadas, or whatever. Didn’t think we imported here in Equestria!” Luna chuckled at Trixie’s quip. “Honestly, do you have to call me that? Anyway, they do bring fine Latino caballos from Mexico…” Trixie started to furrow her eyebrows after Luna said that, “I mean, yes, I do like empanadas! They’re very good!” They started eating as they continued to walk along the path. The moon softly lit up the road nicely as Trixie and Luna both enjoyed their delicious pastries. The stars dotting the sky twinkled every so often as Trixie wondered how a princess could make nighttime so beautiful. It was in the overnight hours that Trixie and Luna were getting tired of the long journey. “How much further?” Trixie whined. “It seems we’re almost there”, said Luna, “Let’s stop here for now and get some rest. We’ve traveled long enough.” “Thank the heavens!” Trixie sighed as she plopped on the ground. Luna slowed the creaky trailer to a halt and released it from her magic. She then levitated the sleepy Trixie into her trailer where her bed laid. Luna placed her on the bed, then sat down and closed her eyes for a little bit. Dawn arose as Luna started to lower the moon from its perch in the sky. After her short recess, Luna had begun to move the trailer again while Trixie was asleep. Only now did she start moving the moon slowly to allow her sister’s sun its time to shine. As she was doing that, Luna discovered the place she was searching for. Finishing her routine, Luna stopped the trailer and went inside to wake up Trixie. Trixie’s stomach wasn’t feeling too good, probably because the empanada did not agree with her as much as she thought. She stumbled out of her bed as Luna excitedly rushed outside to find herself staring at a wide and dark cave that looked similar to a foul beast of Tartarus. “I think I’m going to hurl,” Trixie uttered, almost ready to throw up from her new pastry experience. “Well, while you are hurling,” Luna explained, “I shall tell you about this cave. This is called the Cave of Pandora. It is said to be the resting place of the First Alicorn Pony.” Trixie looked after her queasiness went away a bit to see the gaping, dark mouth of the cave stand before them. Many jagged rocks and stalactites gave way to the harrowing entrance of the cave. A chill ran down Trixie’s spine just gazing at the hellacious façade. It was almost similar to that time when she faced the Ursa Minor back in Ponyville. She swallowed, building up her courage as Luna led the way inside the cavern. Ten minutes past, and Trixie was starting to feel beads of sweat form on her body. Whether it was nerves, or just the condensation, she pressed on as she followed the soft, glowing light from the princess’ horn. From the light, Trixie could see the analog pattern of the stalactites reaching out to the cave floor. As scary as this was, Trixie found a thrill in this small adventure; not knowing what she and Luna would run into next. Continuing onwards, Luna suddenly stopped, as Trixie slightly bumped into the princess, unaware why she stopped. “Princess, why did you stop all of the sudden?” Trixie asked. “We are here, Trixie”, Luna answered, as her horn glowed brighter to reveal a temple-like room. Inside, there scattered a few bats that loved the darkness of the cavern. The room was somewhat gilded, almost like it held the resting place of a pharaoh. As they looked around to gaze at the wonder of the room, Trixie and Luna then saw a few feet in front of them an altar. Lying on the altar was a box. Luna stepped forward while Trixie stayed at the princess’ side. “The spirit of Pandora is in this box”, Luna explained as Trixie looked on curiously, “Her spirit lies in a dreamscape created long ago to seal her inside this box. I can use my dream walking ability to send you there; however, I can only do this for about thirty minutes before I exhaust my magic power, so proceed with haste.” “What will I do once I’m inside?” Trixie wondered. “You must complete the trials of the spirit”, Luna said, “Only then will you receive its reward. I’m not sure what exactly the reward is, but it will help you greatly. I have faith you will pass the trials.” “Thanks…I guess”, Trixie said anxiously before gathering herself with boastful fervor, “Now, it’s time for the Great and Powerful Trixie to show this Pandora that Trixie is a high-level unicorn!” Luna nodded in response. Her horn then sparked as she prepared to send Trixie into Pandora’s dreamscape. “DREAM WALK! PANDORA’S GATE!” Luna summoned a spatial door near the box. “Now, Trixie, please enter with caution! Have courage!” Trixie, gritting her teeth, stepped inside the door, awaiting the unknown. Luna closed the door, and focused on keeping her magic power up to keep the door in reality. As soon as Luna closed the door, Trixie instantly felt like she was falling. She gasped as she floated out into the space, where it was almost black, but it had multiple waves of dark colors as far as she could see. “Who goes and disturbs the peace of Pandora!?” a voice boomed, shocking the weightless Trixie. “It is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie responded in her confident manner. “I see”, said the voice of Pandora, “I know who you are, child. You are merely an illusionist, a show mare if you will…” The voice then revealed its true form; a gray alicorn with a flowing purple spectrum of color. Her golden eyes leered through Trixie, showing her massive presence, “That hotshot of a princess believes my spirit rests in eternity, but as a matter of fact, I have the gift of omnipotence which goes through any dimension of space-time. Even though I have no direct influence, I see everything from Equestria and beyond. This power was granted to me by the divine, among many other powers that have been passed down through millennia!” Trixie gaped with a flabbergasted look on her face as the alicorn continued. “Everything that is good, I have passed down, but I also passed down the evil power in the world, which is why I was deemed too dangerous, and sealed away for eternity. I was blamed for the evil in the world. Even though the divine granted me all the powers, there remained my omnipotence. I have watched you in particular. You remind me of myself in a few ways; not knowing what your true purpose is or what your power truly serves to accomplish in the grand scheme of things. So, I offer you this challenge, O Great and Powerful Trixie! If you can answer three questions to the best of your ability, I shall determine the quality of your answers. If I am satisfied, then you will be rewarded; if not, you will never be allowed to come here ever again for the rest of your pathetic existence! Shall we begin?” Trixie nodded with confidence. “I am ready!” “Very well, then!” Pandora bellowed once again, “Your first question; why exactly have you come to me, child? Answer me please with the best integrity!” Trixie thought her answer over for a moment; all the experiences she went through led up to this very moment. “I came to seek knowledge; knowledge of myself, and what my power entails. For years, I had been jealous of Twilight Sparkle ever since we were at the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns. Magic came so easy to her, and for me, not so much. I had my tricks and such, but her magic was always pure. When she showed me up the first time in Ponyville, I was bitter, resentful even. I walked the path of vengeance, which culminated with me getting the Alicorn Amulet, and wreaking havoc upon Twilight and her friends. I then understood that the path of vengeance was not the correct path to take, and I continued towards a better path for myself. I know the amulet corrupted me, but what truly corrupted me was my vengeance. I know now what I should seek, and what I seek, is my true power, the power that I was born with. This is why I have come to you, Pandora!” Pandora grinned slightly at Trixie’s answer. She seemed satisfied as she readied the next question. “Why do you seek knowledge of your own power?” Trixie answered, “I want to know what my true power is because I know I have a place in this world. Somehow, I keep living, but for what? If I find out what my true power is, I will use it for good, not for vengeance. Revenge is never the answer. For the first time, I actually worried and cared about not just any other pony, but the Princess of the Night herself! She’s been through things like I have, and we both share a lonely road, but for now, I travel with her. I hope that she will guide me towards seeking what I need to know.” Pandora closed her eyes for a moment to mull over Trixie’s words. “I see you have learned from your past. Now tell me, for my final question, what is it you most fear?” Trixie closed her eyes and thought about the question for a moment. As she was thinking, memories flooded into her mind of her younger days as a filly when she was with her mother. Trixie’s eyes shined like a beautiful star as her mother was reading a story to her. Then, her father came home from doing a magic show and he came over and hugged Trixie and his wife. For that brief moment, Trixie felt warm and comforted. She was at peace. She had parents who loved her, and did amazing things for her. Then the feeling turned cold, as now a grown mare, her parents started to fade away into nothingness. Trixie tried to reach out to them, but they seemed too far away from her grasp. “Mom, Dad! Don’t leave me!” she shouted to them as they continued to drift away, “I need you guys! I’m nothing without my family! I love you, don’t leave me! Mom! Dad!” Trixie then opened her eyes as they filled with tears. Through her tears, she tried to look Pandora in her steely eyes as she found it difficult to speak. She closed her eyes again as the tears streamed down her countenance. “I’m afraid…that I’ll be alone…forever,” Trixie muttered as her mouth quivered while she spoke. Pandora, having barely heard Trixie’s sorrowful words, brightened up the darkness with her awesome power. Trixie then felt the same warmth she felt in her memories as Pandora’s light flowed through her. She wiped away her tears with her hoof as Pandora spoke in her usual booming voice. “You’re a fool, Trixie Lulamoon! For as long as you roam this land with a dream in your heart, you will never be alone! Do you not see the ponies that care for you at this very moment? I shall tell you that you cannot lose those that care about your well-being! Your parents, Beatrix the Powerful, and Stalliodini the Great, are not in your life right now, but their love and kindness for you will always be inside your heart! Live for now and for the future!” Trixie beamed with pride as Pandora then produced a golden bag from the bright space and floated it over to Trixie. Trixie’s eyes were drawn to the bag in wonder as Pandora continued her speech, “Since you have the same affinity for magical artifacts like your mother and father, I want you to have these items blessed by my power. There are three items in this magical bag that has virtually unlimited space. These items will help you as you tap into their magical properties. If you truly want to have a place in this world, you will learn to use my items for protection instead of destruction, but it is ultimately your choice whether to follow a positive path or not. Now, I shall return you to the entrance of my cavern, but heed these words, Trixie Lulamoon! There are two other items of mine that are missing out in the world of Equestria. One is in the form of a key; the other is a magical, elemental rod. Please find them before they fall into the wrong hands. Good luck to you. May the light shine upon you, child…” Pandora’s voice started to fade as Trixie felt her body being pulled in an uncomfortable position as her eyes glazed over while she was transported back to the outside of Pandora’s Cave. Trixie fell from the portal’s area, but Luna was waiting for her outside to catch her on her back. “Nice of you to drop by, Trixie!” Luna smiled, still wincing a bit from her sore wings. Trixie struggled to open her eyes for a second, but she was able to slide off of Luna’s back onto the rolling plains near the cavern. “That was certainly an experience”, Trixie said as she tried to adjust to being on solid ground again. Luna noticed the gold bag that housed the gifts from Pandora, and her eyes lit up with joy. “I see you have the items from Pandora, then?” Luna asked just to make sure. “I’m not sure what they are yet”, Trixie answered, “But I guess we’ll figure it out when we get you home.” Luna suddenly gasped upon hearing that revelation. “Starswirl’s beard! I totally forgot that I needed to get back home! I’m sure my sister and the royal guard have been out searching all over Equestria for me, even though I have just raised and lowered the moon since I was with you, so they must know I’m doing all right! We must return to Canterlot at once!” “Where are we going to find a train station out here?” Trixie wondered, “Did Petalburg have one?” “Not really”, said Luna, “It’s over at the next town at Trotstown.” “Is it close by?” Trixie asked. “It’s relatively close to here”, Luna explained, “We can make the next one if we hurry!” Trixie was already off towards Trotstown. “Come on, slowpoke!” Trixie called. “What about your trailer, Trixie?” Luna wondered what would become of Trixie’s trailer. “It’ll be fine!” Trixie shouted, “It’s protected by that lock, anyway!” Luna, satisfied with the magic locking mechanism, hurried along to catch up to Trixie as they set off towards the Trotstown Station. Next stop, Canterlot Castle, as Trixie goes to return Princess Luna home. > 5. The Quest for Redemption - Luna's Own Student > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours had passed before Trixie and Luna had arrived at their destination. Trotstown, although not as sprawling as Fillydelphia, was at least bigger than Petalburg. There were plenty of things to do in town, which is why they had a station built at this town. Annually there is a festival held here to celebrate ponies coming together with the royalty at Canterlot. Usually, at least one of the princesses comes down to this festival to celebrate with the townsfolk. As they traveled to the station, some of the ponies bowed to Luna as she and Trixie walked on with fervor as they tried to hurry and get to the station. Luna smiled at them as she walked past, but she knew her sister was very worried about her, so she had no time to lose. Trixie caught sight of the ticket counter, and nudged Luna when she spotted it so Luna could stay with Trixie. “We need two Great and Powerful tickets to Canterlot, please!” Trixie smirked. “I’m afraid we don’t have any of those tickets, but if the princess is escorting you, you can ride for free together in the first car”, the pony at the ticket counter said. He had a black coat with strange glasses and a proper guard hat. Luna raised an eyebrow, “Well, you see, kind sir, I’m…” “Yes, of course Princess Luna is escorting me!” Trixie interrupted Luna, “The Great and Powerful Trixie has a performance at Canterlot today that she doesn’t want to miss!” Trixie winked at Luna, letting her know to roll along with the opportunity presented to them. “Ah, is that so?” said the ticket guard, “Very well, then!” He produced a roll of tickets and snapped two of them off using his magic. “Good luck and safe travels, you two!” The guard smiled as he gave the tickets to Trixie. Luna and Trixie then gave the tickets to the guard near the first train car, and entered the nice and somewhat posh interior of the first train car. “This car is usually reserved for royalty, but now we have it to ourselves! How exciting, isn’t it, Trixie!?” Luna beamed as Trixie was lost in wonderment over the inside of this train car. “It’s beautiful, Princess!” Trixie said with amazement. “All right, everypony”, announced a voice over the intercom, “We will now be departing for Canterlot. Please go to your designated cars, and prepare for departure! This has been your conductor speaking; we’ll be taking off shortly!” After a few minutes, the train began rolling forward toward its destination. It then started to chug along at a fast clip, as the colorful grasslands and forests quickly became blurs of blending colors. Trixie wondered what was even in her new golden saddle bag. Her curiosity got the best of her as she opened the bag to try and look inside. In it, she found a small cylinder, what looked like a small cape, and a strange looking lens that looked like an Egyptian eye seen from the paintings inside the Egyptian pyramids. There was also a note that happened to fall out of the bag as well. Trixie tried to catch it as it fell to the floor. When she picked it up, she saw that it was from Pandora. She unfurled the note as she read it to herself: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Use My Magical Artifacts- Dear Trixie, I have given you three of my magical artifacts in this golden bag. You will find that they consist of a cape, an eye, and a canister. I know they look small, you whelp! However, when they are activated by your magic power, they will grow to their normal sizes. I have them shrunken down like that so they can easily fit into the bag. The bag’s interior is virtually limitless, and will respond to your magic, as you choose in your mind which item you want to retrieve. Speaking of those items, to activate them, you must shout my name and the item while you have your magic power flowing through them. Only certain unicorns or alicorns with affinities towards magical artifacts will be able to take advantage of their abilities. Now for the important stuff; what do these magical items do? Pandora’s Cape will allow you to become invisible. In addition, it also serves as a magical armor against harmful spells and toxic gases when you’re not using its cloaking capabilities. Both of these functions will not occur at the same time. You can either go invisible, or stay visible and use the magical protection. Pandora’s Eye allows you to see the unseen, and lets you see things that may be magically hidden from pony sight. It will also let you see the strength of the magical aura of other unicorns and alicorns too. Pandora’s Cylinder can absorb magical energy fired from any type of pony. It will then fire the energy back like a cannon with double the original energy’s power. It cannot take physical attacks. Finally, I should mention that at your current magical level, you will only be able to activate one of my items at a time. I suggest you train to improve your magical capacity and your skill with my magic artifacts. Once you get used to the level of power these items can have on you, you’ll then be able to activate more than one at least. Make sure you find the items I told you about that are missing from the bag. May the light shine upon you, child, Pandora, the First Alicorn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie then folded the note back up, and put it inside the bag. She felt she understood how they worked, but now, she needed to test them in a real fight. When she would get to do that was up in the air as far as she was concerned. “This is your conductor speaking; we are now arriving at Canterlot! Please stay in your seats until the train comes to a full stop!” A few seconds later, the train lurched to a stop, and the exhaust sprayed as the brakes were released. Trixie put her golden saddle bag on her back, as she and Luna walked out of the posh first class train car. When they left the train, guards in golden armor were waiting under the pristine-looking Canterlot Station. They were amazed as Princess Luna came to them and told them about Trixie. They hurried away as they went to summon an escort for them to Canterlot Castle. Trixie gulped nervously as they were being escorted. Of course, she liked being in the spotlight when it was her time to shine, but she became quite embarrassed, especially when it came to the impending glares from the highly proper public eye of Canterlot because Trixie thought a traveling show magician would never be seen next to a regal princess. It would be appalling to the elites, who appreciated only the best talent in Canterlot, and Trixie wasn’t at that level yet. As the escort closed in on the entrance to Canterlot Castle, Trixie’s eyes shimmered in the bright sunshine as she looked up at the massive and beautiful white structure with gold trim, and many flags dotting the points of the roofs where inside laid the beautiful, fancy rooms fit for royalty. It had been ages since she first gazed upon the castle as a filly going to Canterlot’s fantastic magic school for all the budding unicorns. Despite having a father that was away most of the time, Trixie’s mother had always wanted the best school for her child to become a well-rounded user of magic, especially since unicorns were usually heralded for their wisdom and flexibility in many situations. The escort marched on inside to the foyer as Trixie and Luna humbly gazed at the amazing view of the rotunda of the castle. The designs were simply magnificent as Trixie’s eyes moved about looking at each one of the very detailed pictures of the princesses, Celestia and Luna, as well as some of the past generals of the Royal Army and other members of royalty that resided in Canterlot Castle in the past. Waiting for them at the top of the large staircase close to where the throne room is located, was a regal-looking pale fuchsia pony with a sun as her cutie mark. She had a flowing mane similar to Luna’s mane, but was colored with lighter shades of blue with only one section having a light purple streak. She also had a golden ring around her neck with a purple diamond-shaped stone in the middle, and fancy golden covers for her hooves. “Sister!” Luna exclaimed with joy. “Luna, my dear sister, I am glad to see you are all right!” she said as she embraced Luna, “I was afraid we would not be able to find you, but as soon as I saw the moon rising and lowering, I knew you were okay somewhere.” Luna’s sister then looked over to where Trixie stood. Trixie appeared calm, but on the inside, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she looked upon the humbling gaze of this majestic alicorn. “Ah, sister!” Luna pointed to Trixie, “This is the one who rescued me. Please, Trixie, come and introduce yourself to my sister, Celestia.” Trixie walked up the stairs to greet Princess Celestia. She bowed to Celestia to show respect and said, “It is an honor for the Great and Powerful Trixie to meet a wonderful princess such as you.” Celestia was flattered by Trixie’s kindness. “Ah, yes, I have heard of you, Trixie. You are a traveling magician that had a little tussle with my faithful student. Please, come inside to the throne room. We have much to discuss.” Princess Celestia then opened the double doors behind her leading to the throne room. As Celestia, Luna, and Trixie walked in, Trixie noticed all the stained-glass paintings that lined the room. They were just as beautiful as the paintings she saw in the foyer. Celestia sat down on her throne as Luna found her empty throne, and sat down next to her sister. Standing near Celestia on the other side of her was a pale, purple-coated alicorn with a navy blue mane with two streaks of a violet and a brilliant rose color. Trixie’s mouth dropped open as she locked eyes with her. “Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie said in shock, “Trixie cannot believe you’re a real princess, now! After all that you and I have been through…” “Yes, I know, Trixie”, Twilight said calmly, “I’m still getting used to it myself, but I hope to be of help for all of Equestria now.” “The Great and Apologetic Trixie would like to say she is sorry she couldn’t make it to the coronation ceremony”, Trixie stated as she put her head down, “I was working at the only job that would take me in Fillydelphia, so I couldn’t have made the trip. I do want to congratulate you, Twilight Sparkle. I know I’m still paying for the pain I’ve caused you and your friends, but I am working towards a better life for myself, and I want Princess Luna to help guide me through that path!” Twilight couldn’t help but smile at Trixie’s words. It reminded her of the first time Trixie apologized to her back in Ponyville. Celestia, having heard enough sentimental talk, cleared her throat before she began to speak. “Speaking of Luna, what happened to you on that night after the coronation ceremony, dear sister?” Luna closed her eyes as she tried to think about what had happened after the ceremony. “After the ceremony, I went to go raise the moon on the massive hill overlooking the castle. Afterwards, I could hear someone crying for help towards Fillydelphia, so I flew over there to see where the sound was coming from. As I was flying over a forest, I felt a blunt pain on my back, and then the next thing I remember, I woke up near the campsite next to Trixie’s trailer home.” “Are you all right, Princess!?” Twilight gasped, “Were you seriously injured!?” “No, Twilight”, Luna said reassuringly, “I just felt my wings were really sore, so I was not able to fly for a while. I’m sure they will feel better after some rest here.” Celestia was trying to figure out how such a thing could happen to her sister. She had sensed something was amiss in Equestria, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. “Luna, you must be careful, now”, warned Celestia, “Something is not adding up about this, and I do not want you getting hurt or anything worse.” “But, sister, I…” “With all due respect, Princess Celestia!” Trixie shouted over the royal sisters, “Luna can take care of herself! Trixie has been with the princess, and she has gotten to know Luna! Trixie sees no reason why anyone would target her! She saw nothing that could have harmed the princess!” “Even still”, Celestia spoke, “There are bad ponies out in this world that would love nothing more than to dismantle and ruin the bond of friendship and love the royal family has for Equestria. I believe even you, Trixie, had it out for one of us at one point. Am I correct?” Trixie clenched her teeth in anger. “How many times does Trixie have to prove that she has changed!? That’s why she’s here in the first place; to show that Trixie can be a good pony!” “Yes! I’ve heard your wish, loyal subject”, Celestia smiled, “However, you must prove yourself if you want to be the change that you see now!” Trixie took a deep breath, and then put on her vintage smug grin as she leered at the throne through the brim of her pointy hat. “Fine, I’ll show you what the Great and Powerful Trixie can do for Equestria! PANDORA’S EYE!” Suddenly, the right flap of the golden saddle bag flew open and out came the strange lens that looked like the Eye of Horus. As it enlarged to its proper size, Trixie then levitated it over to her right eye. As she focused her eye to the lens, Trixie could see the magical aura of all the alicorn princesses standing before her. She could see the shining, golden aura Celestia emanated. It almost was like the sun was right in front of Trixie the way the aura shone. Luna’s aura in contrast was a glorious cobalt blue color. It was considerably large in volume, but not as large as Celestia’s massive aura. Trixie then glanced over to Twilight Sparkle. While her magenta-colored aura was not as large as either one of the celestial sisters, it still looked quite formidable as it pulsated rapidly around Twilight. “Luna, what is that eyepiece Trixie is using?” Celestia asked as she tried to squint to see what Trixie had on her eye. “That is one of the Artifacts of Pandora I was researching about for a while”, Luna answered, “It allows her to see our magic aura, as well as invisible objects hidden by magic.” “Oh, wow!” Trixie yelled in excitement, “Trixie can see all of your magic auras! This thing really does work! Now, for my next display, I’ll need a little help from the audience!” “What do you want us to do?” Twilight asked. Trixie put away Pandora’s Eye, and summoned Pandora’s Cylinder. It was a large can that looked like a cannon, and was black with gold trim. “Here, Twilight, fire a magic beam into this cylinder!” Trixie called to Twilight. Twilight charged up magic with her horn, then fired a beam into the cylinder. The cylinder absorbed all of the energy, and was primed to fire back. Trixie noticed it was ready, and used her magic to teleport the cylinder outside so that nothing inside the castle would be damaged. She had the cylinder pointed at the sky. “FIRE!” Trixie bellowed. BOOM! The cylinder shot out the beam now powered with its own magic as it doubled its collected energy with Twilight’s magic beam. The princesses watched in awe as the beam traveled like a rocket towards the sky. Luckily, there weren’t any pegasi or other flying creatures in the sky when the beam was fired. The cylinder was then transported back inside using Trixie’s magic. Trixie panted from exhaustion after using so much of her magic power. “You said that I should have a student of my own, sister”, Luna said, “She may need work, but I would like to mentor this unicorn before you.” Celestia mused at the possibility of having Trixie being taught by Luna. She felt it was about time for her sister to have someone look up to her as a mentor. Luna had always gone into the dreams of young ponies to help them defeat their nightmares, but she never interacted with them in a greater capacity. For a unicorn to be able to wield the Artifacts of Pandora with ease takes a special kind of unicorn. “I see now, sister”, Celestia said warmly, “There’s not much I can offer as advice for you, Trixie, but I ask that you please listen to Luna and just be there for her when she needs it. I do not want her to feel lonesome because of me. You two will get along great!” Luna looked elated at the sound of her sister’s approval. Twilight was also smiling for the happy news. Trixie weakly smirked, still trying to catch her breath. “Thank you, Your Majesty”, Trixie uttered before she collapsed to the floor. Trixie slowly opened her eyes. She could smell very fine cuisine near where she laid. Luna was at the small table eating her share. She munched quietly as she then noticed her friend starting to stir from the cushion she laid on. “How long was I out?” Trixie wondered. “It was only for a couple of hours”, Luna said as she put down her fork, “Since you passed out, I laid you down on my cushion inside my bedroom. I decided to sleep for a little bit myself because I have to return to my nightly duties tonight, which starts in about thirty minutes. The royal kitchen fixed us a lovely dinner!” Trixie rolled from the cushion, and got up to see the food. The display was so divine, too divine for Trixie to fathom. It was quality-made angel-hair pasta served with Alfredo sauce, breadsticks, and two bowls of salad for each of the ponies to enjoy. “Whoa, this is too much!” Trixie gaped, “Are you sure Trixie can have this?” “Of course, Trixie!” Luna laughed, “It’s for us to enjoy. Besides, I don’t want my new student to learn on an empty stomach!” Trixie smiled one of the biggest smiles she ever had in a long time. The sheer joy on her face lit up the whole room as she began to eat the wonderful Italian feast. Trixie tasted the pasta, and it wasn’t like anything she had ever tasted before. The texture and the richness of the sauce and the pasta pleasured her tongue. She tore off a piece of a breadstick and ate it. Trixie was pleased with its taste as well. The royal kitchen must have been the best if it made this food so delicious. “So, I guess I showed off a little too much, huh?” Trixie asked Luna as they continued to enjoy their dinner, “It is a force of habit for the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Luna nodded as she slurped up the last noodle from the bowl, “It was quite the display, but you pulled it off very well. Sister and Twilight were in awe as well. They didn’t think they would see someone wielding the Artifacts of Pandora with such ease. It reminded Celestia of someone that used to fight and command the royal army.” Trixie stopped eating for a moment. “Do you think she was talking about my mom, Luna?” Luna pondered that question in her mind, “I’m not sure, to be honest. I’ve only heard a few mentions of the heroics of Beatrix the Powerful from my sister.” “Would you mind if you shared a few of those stories with me?” Trixie asked, “Mom never shared any of those stories with me.” Then Luna started to share a story that Trixie had not heard from her mother. As Trixie was quietly listening to her friend, she began to admire the scene she was in now. Just having a conversation with a friend so wise and so much like her was a good sign that things seemed to pivot towards a positive direction. Trixie now had a goal, and someone to help guide her towards that goal. Luna then finished up, and had to hurry on to her tasks for the night. She had given Trixie some reading material, which Trixie had groaned at, but Luna assured her it was interesting. As Trixie drank some water that came with her food, she started to read one of the books Luna had left for her. Trixie was thinking that at this point, she couldn’t have asked for anything better. The road would be tough; that much Trixie knew in her mind, but she also knew that it would be a journey that she would remember for many years to come. > 6. The Key to the Sylvan Temple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie gasped in terror as she was trying to get away from Nightmare Moon. She was trying to scoot away from the dark, foreboding figure, but she ended up hitting a black wall. Trixie’s panic grew with every passing second as Nightmare Moon continued to stalk her prey. “Leave Trixie alone, you monster!” Trixie shouted, “What have you done with Luna!?” Nightmare Moon cackled as she crept closer to Trixie, “You fool! Luna’s pathetic heart is weak and soulless. I am the only one that allows her to breathe, I am the only one that resides within her, and I am the one that gives her the powers she has to wield! Your withering mentor cannot live without my power.” Nightmare Moon was now a few inches away from Trixie’s face. Trixie could only watch in horror as her body froze in fear. She knew she was going to be outclassed if she decided to fight. All Trixie could do was just hope someone would come to her rescue. “Now, I am going to tear you apart, limb from limb”, Nightmare Moon licked her lips menacingly, “Until there is nothing more I can ravage!” Trixie had no other options. She had to find the courage inside her and fast. She did not want to be another victim of this terror of the night. Trixie struggled to think of what to do. This can’t end here, she thought, still trying to think of something to get out of this dire situation. Nightmare Moon had waited long enough. She raised her scythe up with her hazy blue magic. Trixie yelled out, “Someone help me! Please, I don’t want to die!” CLANG! The scythe was thrown to the side as Nightmare Moon was forced backwards. Standing in front of Trixie was a lavender-coated mare with a dark, pale rose mane wearing silver armor. She was wielding a golden staff that coarsed with magic at the tip of the pole. Trixie’s eyes widened. She just couldn’t believe what she saw. “Mom? Is that you!?” Trixie asked. “Run away, Trixie!” The mare answered hurriedly, “I’ll try to fend her off!” “You bitch!” Nightmare Moon bellowed, “You will rue the day you opposed me, Beatrix the Powerful!” Trixie, finally able to get up; felt this was her only chance to say something to Beatrix. “Mother! I love you! Kick her ass!” Trixie shouted with vigor. Beatrix looked at her courageous daughter as a grin spread across her face. “I love you too, my little Trixie!” As soon as she heard her mom finish her sentence, Trixie galloped away from the ensuing battle to come. “How dare you scare my only daughter, you cretin!? Off with your head!” Trixie heard Beatrix’s words echo in the darkness as she berated Nightmare Moon. Trixie continued to gallop away from the battle. As she maintained her fast pace; suddenly, the clanging and slashing became louder and louder. Trixie tried to gallop faster, but the noises gradually continued to get louder. Trixie shut her eyes and ran as fast she could. The sounds became unbearable. Trixie could endure no more of the harsh vibrations on her ears. She gritted her teeth as the sounds became more excruciatingly painful. Then, a sound pierced the lonely darkness. “TRIXIE!!” Trixie’s eyes flashed open as she breathed intensely. Luna appeared before her with a worrisome look on her countenance. Trixie was still attempting to catch her breath, but she continued to hyperventilate as she was now sitting up on Luna’s bed, her mane frazzled and her face flushed with heat. “Are you all right, Trixie?” Luna asked. “I’m fine now that you’re here”, Trixie said with bated breath, “Why did you not enter my dream?” Luna answered, “I had peered into your dream when I returned from my nightly duties, but I saw that you were handling it just fine. It was another nightmare, of course, but I let it play out because I wanted you to at least have the opportunity to remember your mother for who she was to you.” Trixie smiled. “I see, so you sent Beatrix over to stop Nightmare Moon. Thank you, Princess. You have a funny way of showing Trixie these things, but I always know you do this out of kindness.” The princess thanked Trixie for her intervention. Then, there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Luna responded. Twilight Sparkle trotted into the princess’s quarters with a small list in hand. The parchment was floating in front of her face as she greeted the princess and the fatigued Trixie. “Good morning, ladies”, Twilight smiled pleasantly as she magically folded the parchment, “So, I was doing a little research into the Artifacts of Pandora, and I may have something that Trixie can use!” Trixie’s ears twitched with intrigue as Twilight was talking about her research. Could it be a clue about where to find the missing artifacts? Twilight opened up a book she had bookmarked earlier containing the specific page she was referring to. “It says that they are hidden in temples. One in a spirit-laden forest, and the other in a parched desert. It doesn’t say which one is where.” Trixie then clicked to something in her mind. “I remember Pandora telling me what exactly they were. One was shaped like a key, and the other was a magic rod…” she paused as her eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open. In her dream, Trixie had seen her mother wielding a golden rod that extended into a staff when she was fighting Nightmare Moon. “In my dream, I saw something that may have looked like Pandora’s Rod”, Trixie remembered, “It was gilded like all the other items I possess.” Twilight looked through her notes on the book she was studying. “I think I remember reading about that rod. It harnesses five elements found in nature: earth, water, wind, fire, and lightning.” “That’s all well and good, Twilight”, Luna yawned, “But do forgive me, I need my rest now. Trixie, gather your things. You need to head to the Sylvan Forest now, on your own. Twilight will help to guide you to the entrance near Canterlot, but this task is for you alone. Do you understand?” Trixie nodded in response. “I’ll be off to bed now. Best of luck, my new student”, Luna said softly as she embraced Trixie. Luna then flew over and sprawled out on her bed while Trixie grabbed her gold bag and followed Twilight out of the room to let Luna sleep in peace. Once outside of the castle, Twilight guided Trixie to the entrance of the forest path. The trees looked lovelier than the ones that filled the Everfree Forest which were more foreboding. “Okay, here’s my stop, Trixie”, Twilight said, “Now please remember your manners when you deal with the Sylvan. They don’t really like outsiders.” “You got it, Twilight Sparkle”, Trixie quipped sarcastically, “The Great and Powerful Trixie knows a thing or two about being an outsider. I at least have something in common with them.” Twilight rolled her eyes in response. “Just don’t get into trouble, okay? There are already enough diplomatic issues as it is.” She then gave Trixie an earring, “Use this if you need to communicate with me.” “Trixie is sure that won’t be necessary”, Trixie scoffed, “But thank you anyway.” Trixie tipped her hat goodbye to Twilight as she walked into the forest. Twilight had a little grin on her face even though Trixie smarted off to her. Some things never change, Twilight thought. As Trixie walked deep into the Sylvan Forest, she heard thunder off in the distance as rain started to sprinkle the trees. Trixie tightened the pointy hat over her head to block the incoming drops of rain. The trees formed a partial barrier from the rain until the rain fell at a heavier rate of speed. It sounded like a waterfall was near Trixie as the heavy rain drenched the forest. Trixie plowed through while cursing under her breath, looking up only slightly through the brim of her hat so the rain didn’t get in her eyes. She then noticed a raccoon following her, trying to get under her to protect itself from the rain. “Ah!” She cried out, “Go away, you simpleton!” The raccoon gave her a seemingly sad look as the rain continued to wash over its face. Trixie sighed as she took some shelter near a large tree. It blocked most of the rain driving towards Trixie and the raccoon. “Come here, would you? Trixie already feels bad enough for you as it is!” She said as the raccoon joined her near the tree. Trixie looked around up into the branches of the tree. She could see an abundance of medium-sized leaves. She wanted to make an umbrella for her new forest friend. Trixie plucked some leaves from the tree and snapped a few twigs as well. She floated over with her magic so they were at her eye level. She then closed her eyes as she pictured the umbrella she wanted to form from her mind. Trixie transmuted the jumbled mess into a functional umbrella for the raccoon. “Here you go, little guy”, Trixie smiled as she hovered the umbrella over to her new friend; “Do you know where I can the hidden Sylvan Village?” The raccoon shook its head yes and smiled. “Could you please lead the way for Trixie?” Trixie pleaded. The raccoon giggled and clapped its hands in response. “Well, lead the way!” The raccoon started to walk ahead of Trixie. She had the umbrella over her friend as they walked deeper into the forest. They crossed the thick brush as Trixie spat out a couple of leaves that went into her mouth inadvertently. Trixie and the raccoon came across a giant tree in the open. The rain had lessened its intensity to a moderate shower. The raccoon rushed to the tree and sniffed around its base. Trixie looked puzzled as the raccoon continued to search for something. Attempting to get another perspective, Trixie summoned Pandora’s Eye to look for anything that may have been hidden. She saw a magic switch near where the raccoon was sniffing earlier. She walked up and activated it with her magic. Suddenly the ground shook as an opening caved in at the front of the tree. Trixie and the raccoon stood firm as the rumbling of the earth slowed to a halt. Cautiously, the two entered into the trunk of the tree. When they arrived on the other side, the light shone on a quaint village with a few houses with thatched roofs. Small trees were scattered around the center of the village. The raccoon then spotted something and ran towards it. “Wait for Trixie!” She called out to him. The raccoon found an opaque-looking pony sobbing near a small tree. It had tiny leaves woven within its mane. This has to be a Sylvan pony, Trixie surmised to herself. The Sylvan pony looked to their right as the raccoon wiped away her tears. “Buddy! It’s you! I thought I lost you!” She exclaimed when she realized the raccoon was next to her. Buddy smiled as Trixie went over to where the pony was sitting. “You found my Buddy for me?” The young Sylvan asked Trixie. “Of course, The Great and Powerful Trixie saved Buddy from being drenched in the pouring rain”, Trixie said as she delivered a fantastic pose. The Sylvan looked confused for a moment, “Sorry, I’m a performance magician. It’s a force of habit.” “I’m Ali’a”, said the Sylvan pony now on its feet, “It’s a wonder you’re able to see us, let alone find this village.” “Well, I did have help from this little guy”, Trixie remarked, looking at Buddy. “Let me take you to my father”, Ali’a said as she beckoned Trixie and Buddy to follow her. They arrived at a house that was a touch bigger than all the other thatched houses. On the porch was an older Sylvan pony with a large, scraggly beard. “Father, I’m home, and this pony found my Buddy!” He rose from his chair and saw Trixie next to his daughter. “Ah, I see you are from outside. Only royalty know about our village, but you have no regal garb like the princesses do. How were you able to open the entrance?” Trixie bowed her head a little before speaking. “It’s an honor to meet you. I used a magical item known as Pandora’s Eye.” “I see”, the old Sylvan thought, “I remember someone from my younger days using that very thing, but my memory is hazy at the moment. However, I sense something familiar in you from that moment in the past.” Trixie looked puzzled as Ali’a and her father went inside while Trixie followed them. “Now then”, he continued, “I presume you are on a mission from the princesses?” “Yes, from Princess Luna”, Trixie replied. “Well, then, I do trust that you need the knowledge about the temple?” Trixie nodded as the old Sylvan produced a scroll. “Vocare ad Regnum Silva, this is what is said when one enters the temple. After that, it is up to you. Even I am not skilled enough to face what lies inside the temple.” “Please, tell Trixie what lies inside”, She said anxiously. “I do not know too much”, the old Sylvan spoke softly, “According to legend passed down through word of mouth, a guardian of the forest is said to protect the temple and all the Sylvans in this realm. Some say it’s a monstrous figure, but that’s all I know.” Trixie became nervous, but she smiled in spite of that. Her heart had a sinking feeling, but she needed to get Pandora’s Key before someone else did. The thrill was just beginning. “May I cone along with Trixie, Father?” Ali’a asked. “No, it is too dangerous for a young Sylvan.” Her father answered. “But, Father…” “I said no, Ali’a!” he shouted growing impatient. The old Sylvan turned to Trixie. “I apologize for the outburst. Please go on to the temple.” Trixie looked at Ali’a who was facing the corner. She pouted as Trixie exited the elder’s home. Behind the house was a straight path that led to the Sylvan Temple according to a sign posted on the village entrance gate, warning ponies to stay away. After taking the path, Trixie found the temple. It was small for a supposedly important temple, but it did not matter to Trixie. It was time to prove that she could do this. As she approached the front of the temple, she took out the scroll that the old Sylvan gave her and began to read the words. “Wait, don’t say anything!” shouted a familiar voice. Ali’a came up to Trixie just in time. “My father had forgotten to mention that only a Sylvan can open the temple door. If an outsider says them, bad spirits will appear to haunt them for eternity.” Trixie heaved a sigh of relief. She did not want them following her forever. Her detractors were crazy enough as it was. “Here, let me sing it for you”, Ali’a suggested. Trixie slid over and levitated the scroll to where Ali’a could read it. “VOCARE AD REGNUM SILVA” she chanted. A rumbling sound could be heard from inside as the door to the temple slowly began to rise. Ali’a stayed close to Trixie as the door fully opened. Trixie really didn’t want to put Ali’a in danger, but she still could be useful as she goes deeper into the temple. “Stay close to Trixie, Ali’a”, Trixie warned, “Luna knows what’s inside this place.” “I’m scared”, Ali’a shivered. “It’ll be fine”, Trixie smirked, “Fear just tells you how lofty your goal is, and it shows you how much courage you need to have. Wow, didn’t know Trixie had that in her!” Ali’a laughed; making her feel better knowing Trixie was determined to face what was inside. The two pressed onwards inside the temple. Whatever was waiting for them inside, their courage needed to be on point to face what lies ahead.