Working Together

by Flying High

First published

Twilight and Celestia have a little fun in the bedroom

Twilight is called out to Celestia, and wonders what is wrong. As she arrives, she is welcomed with a sight she never thought she would get. A little bit of fun.

Hit the Popular Stories box: June 3rd 2014

"Working" Together

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Twilight made her way to Princess Celestia’s bedroom. Only an hour ago, Celestia sent Twilight a letter saying that she needed help.

Of course, Twilight tried to get to her mentor as quickly as she could, but sadly, she couldn’t get rid of a certain pest problem down at Sweet Apple Acres. When she finally could leave, after Fluttershy convinced the animals to make their home somewhere else, Twilight teleported herself to the Castle in Canterlot.

As Twilight grew up in the Castle, she knew where everything was. It did feel, however, like the hallways had gotten longer. Though she had noticed whenever something needed to be handled with, it always seemed longer to get to that place than it should.

Twilight made her way down the final hallway, and gazed upon the huge doors that marked the room of Princess Celestia. Twilight reached up to knock on the door, so the Princess would know that her student was there, but as she knocked, the large door swung open.

Twilight peeked her head into the room. Suns decorated the bedroom. A vanity mirror hung on the wall to her right, and the room was painted gold.

“Princess Celestia? Is everything alright?” Twilight called out as the stepped hoof into the Princess’s room.

As she stepped in, she noticed a different, aroma, in the air. “Princess? Are you- are you in heat?” Twilight slowly asked as she noticed the alabaster pony on the yellow and gold bed.

“Oh, Twilight. I’m so glad you are here. I would ask some of the guard ponies to help me with my little problem, but I felt that it would be a little awkward. So I have come to ask for your help, as it would seem.”

Twilight blushed under her purple coat. She had always felt a love for her mentor, but couldn’t pluck up the courage to ask the tall alicorn out on a date. “Princess-”

“Please, just call me Celestia, my dear little pony,” Celestia interjected.

“Er- Celestia, I’m flattered that you would come to me in this time of need, but surely there are other ponies that could help you. Other ponies who are more qualified. How about a nice Stallion to suit your needs?”

Celestia laughed as she rose from her bed, placing her hooves on the marble floor. “Oh Twilight. You don’t seem to know me at all. I am in fact, attracted to mares,” noticing the look on Twilight’s face, the alicorn added, “I have had stallions coming up to me and helping me in my time of need, but I wasn’t that pleased,” Celestia made her way over to Twilight, swaying her hips. “And I thought, ‘well Twilight seems to like you. So why not ask her?’ so I did. And here you are.”

Celestia moved down to Twilight’s level and kissed her on the lips. Twilight’s eyes opened at the gesture, but then soon fell into the kiss. The kiss became deeper and deeper, until they were twining their tongues together.

Celestia separated from Twilight, much to her students dismay. “How about we take this over to my bed?” Celestia whispered into Twilight’s ear.

Twilight simply nodded and made her way over to the large bed, with Celestia not trailing far behind.

The purple unicorn adjusted herself so that she was comfy, and Celestia sat upon the smaller pony. Celestia bent down, and began to kiss her student again and again, moving a hoof down to Twilight’s nether regions.

As Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight’s pussy, she gave out a moan. “You like that?” Celestia asked sweetly.

Twilight could only nod as Celestia began rubbing her hoof over Twilight’s vagina. Celestia removed her hoof, and placed her muzzle right at Twilight’s slit. Celestia’s tongue slithered into Twilight, causing her to moan with ecstasy.

Celestia explored this new place with her tongue gracefully. Moving her tongue around Twilight’s walls, gave Twilight a pleasure she could never give to herself. “Oh, Celestia. Hmm. You’re so good at this,” she cried out.

Celestia removed herself from Twilight and looked up at her. “I have had over a thousand years of practice. I have learned a few things over these years,” Celestia laughed.

Celestia moved back up Twilight’s body, placing kisses everywhere as she moved up. As she placed a kiss on Twilight’s soft lips, Twilight flipped, causing Celestia to be on the bottom, and herself on top. “Now, let me pleasure you,” Twilight said in a sultry voice.

Twilight snaked a trail of kisses down the Solar Princesses body, stopping at each teat, sucking it slowly. As Twilight got down to Celestia’s regions, she moved her head up to the Alicorn. “Beg,” Twilight said.

Celestia looked down at what was happening, for she was so lost in moans she had closed her eyes. She saw Twilight’s horn just out of her vagina, waiting to be granted entrance. “Oh Twilight. Please give me your horn. I want it so badly. I’ve been a naughty pony and deserve to be punished. Please, Twilight,” the monarch begged.

Twilight moved her horn closer and closer, until her horn reached the entrance. She moved her horn up and down, careful to make sure that she didn’t enter her teacher just yet.

“Twilight. Stop teasing me, and fuck me,” Celestia begged.

That’s all it took for Twilight to enter. She moved her horn in and out, causing Celestia to moan in pleasure. “Faster,” she begged once more.

Twilight obeyed, pumping her horn faster and faster in and out of her teacher. She was careful not to move to far in any direction, so that she wouldn’t hurt Celestia.

“Hmm. Hmm. Twilight- I- I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum!” Celestia said.

Hearing this, Twilight tried even harder to get Celestia to reach her orgasm. She could tell it was about to happen, as Celestia’s walls clenched. Cum soaked Twilight mane, and Twilight pulled out of her teacher.

She made her way up to her teachers lips, and kissed them softly. “How was that, Celestia?” Twilight asked as she cleaned herself up.

“It was amazing,” Celestia kissed her lover’s lips again, and Twilight fell upon the Alicorns chest.

“Celestia, I love you, “ Twilight said as she drifted off to sleep.

“I love you, too.”