Mi Amore, My Sunshine

by The Princess Rarity

First published

Who would have ever expected Princess Celestia to adopt a child? This mini-series chronicles the beginning of a irreplaceable bond, proving what family really is.

Nopony would have expected the Princess Celestia to take in and adopt a young, timid filly who had just lost both of her parents to war. Yet, Celestia saw so much potential and light in the child, who was called Cadence. So now, while they are both hitting several bumps in the road called life, in a different point of view, Cadence realizes that even while all seems lost, somepony still cares about her.

My whole world is changing, I don't know where to turn...

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Mi Amore, My Sunshine

by The Princess Rarity



No one would have seen it coming, nor would they have expected it. But before anypony could ever guess, Equestria had gained a new Royal practically overnight. Celestia was no longer the only Princess in the monarchy. She had adopted a young filly, one she was familiar with. A daughter of two highly respected Royal Guards -- Cadence.

Celestia couldn’t deny that she had admired the child for quite sometime: she found Cadence very intelligent and bursting with brightness.

Yet she never would have imagined that she would take Cadence in for good.

Once in a while, Celestia enjoyed a visit from the girl, but that was it.

Now, here she was, a legal guardian.

To make things a bit more comfortable for Cadence, Celestia had suggested the title “Aunt Tia” in order to relieve the tension. After all, somepony so young had just lost both of her parents, to war, no less. The battles in Zebrica against Russtallion were getting violent, but nopony would have guessed terrorism. Now, troops of all sorts were being sent to the far Eastern sections of Equestria. Of course, the general and sergeant were some of the first to leave…

...and now, their eight-year-old daughter was all alone.

General Skylar, and her husband, Sergeant Bluenote were killed in combat.

With no will left behind, Cadence had nothing.

Celestia may have been the Almighty in Equestria, but there was nothing she could do to repair the broken heart of a young filly who wanted nothing more than her parents back. Everyday, Cadence would mull around the Castle, and Celestia suggested typical things young girls liked: shopping in the plazas, going to school to make friends, even the proposition of buying a pet, but nothing seemed to do the trick.

Cadence always said how grateful she was -- she still insisted on “Your Highness” -- and by no means was she cruel towards her new caretaker, but Celestia understood. Nopony could truly replace a real mother and father, not even a Princess.

And to be fair, Celestia had no idea on how to be a proper guardian. Why exactly she had taken in Cadence was a very popular question: and the answer Celestia gave the media, and the one in her true heart were completely different. According to the news, she had said it was because she knew Bluenote and Skylar very well. While that was true, deep down, Celestia adopted Cadence for another reason. It wasn’t quite sympathy or pity, but the fact that seeing somepony so young with a shattered heart, Celestia couldn’t help but feel like it was the right thing to do.

Anypony in their right mind would try and do something, wouldn’t they?

These were the thoughts flooding Celestia’s mind, as she stared at the documents scattered on her desk. Amongst new laws, propositions for taxes, and newspapers with demanding headlines criticizing everything the monarchy had done, she was trying to separate the adoption papers and other information of her “niece”, as she had affectionately dubbed Cadence.

Many stressful events had made their way into Celestia’s life, and she had to admit, that this one of the hardest she had ever dealt with. Ruling a nation was hard enough, but now, she had thrown a foal into the mix? She didn’t quite regret it, but it was frustrating nonetheless…

“Your Highness?” a voice spoke up.

Celestia looked up from her work, and noticed her secretary standing in the doorway.

“Yes, Raven?” she asked. “What is it?”

Raven adjusted her glasses. “Cadence is home from school and she wishes to see you,” she announced. “Also, the press have demanded several meetings. The local news want to speak with you, the Fillydelphia Inquirer are still desiring an interview and--”

Celestia waved a hoof and shook her head. “I have called the newspaper and declined, again,” she replied. “Let Cadence in.”

Raven nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

She turned around and left the room, but kept the door open behind her. Moments later, young Cadence hesitantly shuffled in, still in her school uniform and holding out a slip. Celestia couldn’t help but notice the young filly’s slight discomfort.

“Hello there, Cadence,” she spoke up.

“Good afternoon, Princess,” Cadence said. Her voice wavered a bit, and she slid the paper onto the desk. “I… if it isn’t too much trouble, I need you to sign this.”

Celestia arched an eyebrow, and levitated up the slip. She was surprised at what she read.

To the guardian of: Cadenza

This student has been reported for:

[ ] disorderly conduct
[ ] misbehaving in class
[ ] disrespecting a teacher
[x] improper use of magic
[x] attacking another student (verbally) or physically

Guardian’s signature: _____________________

“I’m sorry,” Cadence muttered, keeping her gaze on the floor.

Celestia ignored the checkmark for magic -- promoting the young filly to alicorn just because of her royal status may have been going a bit far -- but she was extremely concerned about the supposed verbal abuse Cadence had inflicted onto another student. Celestia signed the slip, and gave it back to Cadence, who was avoiding eye contact at all costs…

“What happened?” Celestia said.

“He started it,” Cadence defended. “I… I didn’t say anything that bad. My teacher is too strict. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“What did you say?” Celestia asked.

“I tried to defend myself, but--” Cadence clutched the slip, and kept staring at the carpet. “I-it’s nothing. I’m ok now.” She turned around, and headed for the door. She looked over her shoulder, and stammered, about to continue, but instead, she left.

Celestia tapped her pen against the edge of her desk as she thought.

Ever since she had enrolled Cadence in the local academy, problems had been arising. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. Nothing too extreme, but still something worth paying attention to…

...then again, so was everything else about this young filly’s life.

Before, when they had first met, Celestia always saw Cadence with a smile.

Lately, it was rare when that would happen.

It had been close to a month since the sergeant and general were announced dead and it was almost a week since the funeral of Cadence’s parents, so for somepony so young trying to comprehend everything, the mourning process seemed to still be ongoing.

Celestia’s only wish was that she could fix it all, but it wasn’t as simple as she had hoped…