> A Journey of a Scavenger > by NightFr0st > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was the first day I go to the Academy, a school for soon-to-be warriors protecting Equestria from beings that could cause harm around Equis. After the aftermath on Willow City, only a few students remained due to being either scared and left or half of the students got expelled. Due to the incident reports said that Headmaster Crow sealed the demon inside a boys body almost the same as my age, and he's the son of the two warriors, Rosario Vermillion and Orion Comet, and he was still accepted in the Academy under Crow's supervision well, since that day, that kid... Crimson Storm I guess was at the other side near the entrance of the vast forest. I'm an indigo haired pegasus, well to be honest a royalty changeling born by two Royals; Queen Carapace and King Darkwind. Me and my brother joined the academy days ago before the real test starts. We waited for this day to come, today we will finally be accepted by the academy and become fully pledge warriors. The objective was to get a weapon and reach the Grand Hall before the clock strikes midnight or get expelled. I saw headmaster Crow at the front of us gaining attention from the other students. “Students!” He barked getting the students’s attention. “Today is the day we see if you’re Academy material.” Everyone buzzed in excitement. The green eyed man then pointed towards the forest. “Within the forest lies a series of ruins. Within them are weapons you will need to complete your stay here.” “The forest is teeming with different types of creatures and the ruins themselves have guardians that are ever watchful and will try to stop you.” He said as the crowd grew silent. “I will not lie to you, I cannot promise that all of you will come back alive,” I gulp as I felt a lump on my throat, “and those that do come back, you will not be the same.” He said with a sigh. “We will also assign you all into four man cells upon your return.” 'Hope I could get stationed with my brother.' I thought, my brother Day Blaze, his hair was bright orange and dark red for his eyes. I waved at him at the edge at the other side line. 'Still the 'blind' guy I knew.' I chuckled at the thought. “You have until midnight to claim your weapon and reach the grand hall where we will all be waiting for you. Those who fail will be expelled from the Academy post haste.” 'Well shit.' I thought as he continued, “Now then. Begin!” He said as his body turned into a flock of crows and flew away. The students looked at one another and immediately took off running towards the structures in the distance. I saw a green haired girl following Crimson, unbeknownst of me, I bumped into a black haired pegasus girl in front of me as we tumbled across the bushes, "sorry we" both said in unison. I 'gave her a hand' as I pulled her up, I saw her companion ran towards us as she pointed at the ruin ahead of us, "Hey as much as I like to stay and ruin your moment, I think we should probably head to that ruin." the pegasus' companion (a brown haired girl) said, the girl I tumbled upon was blushing heavily, "Hey wanna' come?" she asks. I nod in agreement as we fled at the ruin ahead. I already notice some students running to the ruin; only to be stopped by a giant roar, a student a blue haired pegasus guy run at us joining our group, "Hey, mind if I tag along?" he asked, without time to speak the the girl nodded as we four made our way. I noticed my brother own small group enter a ruin not far from us. "I'm Breeze Silversky, by the way" the blue haired pegasus introduced. He raised his hand to invite a shake. "Night Frost Valkyrie" I shook his hand. "Firefly" the black haired pegasus said. "Volt Char-" her brown haired companion said. she was cut off as an audible roar what seems to be from a chimera inside the ruin we are at can be heard. A group from before I saw entering the ruin was running away to the entrance, we all turned our heads as we saw both of the yellow haired guy group mates were badly injured; one of them has a large gash at his right shoulder and the other have two small puncture wound on her hand. Breeze gulped as he saw the gash, and the girl's eyes widen at the puncture marks. "Definitely, a chimera" Volt said. "Well, it's almost ten o'clock we must get going." I said As we entered the ruin's inner chamber, I saw eight pedestals with a specific statues; an Angel, a Revenant, a Windigo, and a Beetle was on the end, where the chimera is currently at. The first four pedestals where four weapons used to be located where now blanks with black stains that use to form the weapons before. We all sighed as we saw the only weapons were behind, protected by the chimera. "I'll distract it while you guys get the weapons." I commanded as they looked at each other then at me, they nodded as we execute the plan. Breeze started making his way to the angel dodging the chimera's tail bites. I saw a rock next to where I was standing, I used a simple levitation spell and threw it at the tail which almost bit Breeze. The chimera saw me as he snarled and charged at me. I barely dodge the tiger's bite of the chimera, as its fangs sunk deep at my left arm, I screamed in agony for many seconds and started to dissipate as seconds passed. For which I thought for ages he released my arm. Seeing the opportunity to escape its bite range, I started making my way to a small entrance near the statues and hid between the small entrance. The chimera gave chase at me and started to bite rapidly near my head as it arrived at the entrance. I saw Volt get the revenant's sword which started making small sparks at striking the ground around her. smirking she held it high as sparks of electricity shot out to the ceiling. "Volt!" I screamed getting her attention. She looked at her sword and made a brave face, she then charged at the chimera (who is still trying to eat my head off). As she reach near the chimera's tail she swung her sword sending sparks of electricity immediatley cutting the tail of the chimera. "I got this! Go get your weapon Frost!" she yelled as she baited the chimera out the entrance then made her way to the center. I saw the opportunity and made my way to the windigo's pedestal, I saw two retractable arm blades with a series of runes marked at the fuller of the sword. As I set both of them at my arms, I had trouble getting it fixed at my left arm due to the large incision wound. Minutes later the blade finally fixed at my left arm. I saw already Firefly, and Breeze fighting the chimera alongside with Volt dodging the swipes of the chimera. I made my way to the target and used my 'sense' to detect its weak spots. The chimera's weak spots is usually at the neck of the chimera's goat head but this one is at the base of the location where the two heads separates. I grinned as I charge at it and jumped landing on its back and started stabbing it constantly at the 'weak spot'. The chimera finally gave in as Firefly stabbed her lance below the two heads intersection point. "You alright there Frost?" she assured as she saw the large incision on my left arm. "Nope." I looked at my watch only to see that we only have one hour and twenty-nine seconds left, "Guys! We need to move" I ordered as we made our way to the exit. "Hey Breeze what did you get?" Firefly asked as we made our way to Grand Hall "This one," he raised his sword it appeared like the wind crafted the blade and it dissipates like the wind a he retracted it. "Cool, but not cool as mine!" Volt bragged, making another set of sparks imitating from the sword. "Well at least I got these." I raised my two arms, wincing at the intense pain from the large incision on my arm. "Ow, we need get that seen by a doctor, Frost." Firefly started "Yeah." I groaned "Phew, that was a long walk." Breeze exaggerated. We all rolled our eyes as we wiped our sweat. After a "long walk" from the ruin, we finally made it to the Grand Hall, it's 11:49 at my portable clock hidden in my hoodie. "Welcome! Please join us at the feast, warriors!" Crow greeted as we entered the Hall. We smiled as a series of cheers echoed the room. Something tells me this will be a good day.