> The Heart of A Soldier > by Always Shipper6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue/ Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm John Morrison, or as many call me, Reaper. I'm your above average sniper. I kill without question. I always do what I'm told, but of course, that's how I was raised, to be a ruthless non-emotional killer. My dad was a drill sergeant, and my mom was a medic on a military base in Georgia. I was born on February 14, but theres no need to relese the year because that's classified. Most people laugh because I was born on Valentine's day, and how I'm in the military. However, I have grown to hate Valentine's day. It's all about love and happiness, but on Earth, it's never possilbe to achieve true happiness, even if there is a holiday based on it. My parents died when I was maybe 12 or so, I remember how it went word for word. It started out with the principle of the military school I was in calling me up to the office. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "John Morrison, please come to the office." The speaker announced in the lunchroom, and then went silent. I got up from my lunch table, and as I'm leaving everyone makes the usual "Ohhhhh" sounds because they think I did something. I left the lunchroom and walked down the hallways, noticing the usual military colors splattered along the walls and lockers. Every now and then I'd walk by a teacher and nod, and they would nod back. Once I got up to the door that lead to the principles office, I noticed two other shadows in the room with him. I just shrugged it off and walked in. "Ah, there you are John, we have some...news about your parents." It scared me there for a minute when the principle paused between those words. I got even more scared when one of the two soldiers in his office pulled out an envelope and handed it towards me. I saw that it was sealed with some weird red colored stuff, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I pulled the letter out, and with it, I saw a silver locket that my mother wore around her neck. I wondered why that was in there. I never saw her take it off, ever, so that means...oh no. I quickly opened the letter and read: Dear John Morrison, We are sorry to say that you parents have died in an attack on thier base in Afghanistan. The whole place was burned to the ground before it ended. Your father and mother got trapped inside a burning building, and were burned alive. We found them huddled together, hugging each other, holding something in their hands. Inbetween their hands was this locket- I stopped reading and opened the locket. I saw the picture of us the day before my parents left for Afghanistan. My mom had her usual military uniform on, in the upper left corner of the uniform, you could see a white box with a red cross inside. My dad was in his best uniform, an Army green suit that had all these weird gold strings hanging off of it. I also noticed all the medals attached to the left side of the uniform. There wasn't much, but enough to notice. Then there was me, I was sad because my parents were leaving. They ensured me everything would be ok, and this was the last picture I ever took with my parents. I was trying process what happened to my parents, but it didn't click. I just went back to reading. We are terribly sorry for your loss, we mourn for your parents, just like everyone else who died that day. Once again, we hope you live on in a happy, peaceful life. The U.S Army and Staff Then it hit me. My parent's, the ones who raised me, the ones who loved me...are gone. I hardly have any friends, so right now. I might as well say it's just me..alone..up against the world. I looked back up, tears in my eyes, and the principle spoke again. "I'm sorry John, but you must decide on two things here and now." The principle said with a stern look on his face.I stopped myself from crying, there were tears yes, but no full sobbing. I may only be 12, but I know how to control my emotions. "W-What are my two choices." I asked, regretting it. "One, you can enter the military after you turn 15. Usually we wait untill your 18 or older. But due to your militarized background, we suspect great things from you in the military. That's why we want to give you a head start. However, that means school will have to be rushed. You will graduate two years before any of your fiends do. The second choice is not to join. You can go on, living your normal life, hanging out with your friends, having fun. While other people are off dying in other countries to keep you safe. Now, which one do you want." I was getting ready to say the second, but I stopped before I said anything. I thought for a minute. 'Do I really want people to wase their lives for me? Am I really that important. No, I am just anothr human being. I want to do something with my life, I want to help people, I wan to save people. I want to protect people.' I knew my decision, I was going to join the army. "I've made my decision...I'm joining the military. I want to protect those people who are close to me. My friends, no matter the number. I want to protect families from the same pain that I've felt today. So to do that, I'm joining the military." The principle just nodded at my statement. The two military soldiers looked at each other, then back to me. I guess they were judging me by my size. I was a bit taller than everyone in my grade. I was very slim, and almost no muscle on me. I had hazle eyes, straight black hair that went down to my shoulders. I also had on a shirt that had the band Five Finger Death Punch on it, as it was my favorite band at the time. I also wore glasses, I preferred not to wear contacts. I thought I looked better with glasses anyways. The soldier to the right of me pulled out a roll of papers, and sat them down in front of me. "Ok, sign here..here..here..and here, oh and here." I followed his orders, sighning all the spots where he said to sign. After I was finished, he rolled up the papers and stuck them inside a pocket. I was then ushered out of his office by the soldiers. Before I went back to lunch, I turned to look back. I saw the principal in conversation with the two soldiers. I thought about eavesdropping, but decided not to and just go back and finish my lunch. 3 years later I was finally 15. Today was the day where I went to the army. I stood outside with the other people who decided to join. There were 2 boys and 1 girl. I watched as an army jeep pulled up, and saw that the usual minigun that's supposed to be on the top was removed. Probably not to scare any of us. However, I actually would like to see the minigun on it, maybe even shoot a few thousand rounds. I laughed a bit on the inside, then watched as two people got out of the car. One looked like he was very high up in the ranks. He had a fancy suit on, almost like my dad's old one. I still had the locket of my parents around my neck, and had it tucked under my shirt. I pulled it out to look at the resemblance...yep, that's pretty close to it. The second guy was a soldier, he was bigger and more buff than the two soldiers I saw 3 years ago. He seemed to have an LMG on his back, a few grenades, and I believe he had a revolver on his side. I guess he was ther to look intimidating because the other 3 backed up a bit. However, I stood my ground. I knew these people weren't here to hurt us, instead, they were there to take us to basic training. I later named basic training Hell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the 4 of us got to the base, we were taken away from each other for the usual checkup. I was taken with the other two boys, and the girl was taken over to another tent, probably undergoing the same thing. The nurses there inspected everything: height, weight, everything in a usual checkup. However, they gave us clothes and other standard issue stuff for new people in the army. We walked into what looked like a barber shop, and we saw a man in a white suit, wearing a while apron, and a smile on his face. "Oh hello, so you three must be the new recruits, come on over here and take a seat. I promise this won't take long." The other two casually walked over and took a seat. I was the only hesitant one, if there was one thing I liked about my body, it was my hair. It's usually the only reason people were scared of me. After my parents died, I just let it grow out. Eventually, it got to the point of where it came behind my knees. Most people steered clear of me thinking I was some kind of monster. Not that it bothered me, I've always preferred being alone. Especially in this hellhole of a world. "Oh, your in dire need of a haircut son, come on over here. We'll get you first." I stepped back, even though he was ushering me to the seat, I still resisted. I didn't want to lose my hair, I know I may sound like a girl, but I love my hair. I eventually faced the facts, my hair had to go. He put a smile on his face, almost like he was going to enjoy this. He brought up the tool he was going to use to shave my head. It started with a furious buzz. I flinched as I felt it hit the top of my scalp, and felt the cold air nip at my newly exposed scalp. I watched as he did it a few more times. After he was done, I felt...bald. I felt around the top of my head, and of course, not a single strand of hair was left. I looked to the floor, noticing the pile of what used to be my hair. I sighed 'All those years...for nothing'. Soon after the other two got their haircuts we were brought back together. The girl also got a haircut, although, it wasn't as severe as ours. Before, she had hair midway down her back, now, it was a little above her shoulders. We began to introduce ourselves. The first boy was maybe a few inches shorter than me, he said his name was Christian. He had, well, did have brown hair, and was slightly more built than me. He then introduced his friend, Chuck, who apparently didn't talk much. He was maybe an inch or two shorter than I was. He had a gruff look to him, and had a much better build than the three of us. Christian said that he and Chuck were on the football team. Chuck was the star lineman and he was the star runningback. I just nodded and introduced myself, then the girl introduced herself after I was done. She said her name was Sarah, she said that she was nothing special, she was only that smartest one in her whole class was all. After introducing ourselves, we were brought to attention as a drill sergeant walked into the room we were in. He began to introduce himself."So, there are the...FOUR...maggots I have to deal with...hmph. Anyways, My Name is Major Benson Winifred Payne. As of 0800, I am replacing Major Frankfurt as your commanding officer, call me anything else, and you will regret it...you hear." He said you hear while giving us a one-eyed stare. The other ones, including Chuck, backed away. I didn't move as he got closer to us with the stare he was giving. He then looked over to me, I didn't flinch. "So, seems like we have ourselves a brave one. We will see how brave you are after this." He then led us all outside to show us our daily routines. For weeks on end we went through the same hellish routine while Major Payne sat around and did nothing. We tried getting revenge on him by pulling a few tricks on him, but all that got us was running around in pink dresses and tutus. Finally we got to the shooting range, the one place I've always wanted to go to. Major Payne gave us standard issue M4 Carbines, and told us to put it on semi-auto fire. We all flipped the switch we found on the side of the gun. We watched as a target popped up in the middle of the field. Everyone started shooting but me, and Major Payne noticed this. "Whats wrong Jonh, to scared you'd piss youself when you finally shoot something." Major Payne said in a smartass tone, and this pissed me off. "Fuck no sir, I'm just waiting for everyone else to finish, so you can watch me hit the target dead center, first shot." Major Payne looked pissed with my crude remark, he began to get red in the face. I swear I could see steam coming off his bald head. He turned to the other three and told them to hold fire. They did as ordered, then he turned back to me. "Alright then, if you're so damn sure of yourself. Try it, and if you do it, I'll let you do it again, untill you miss." I turned, nodded, and looked down my guns sights. I breathed slowly, and took in the slow breeze as it hit my head. Since the target was so close I didn't have to pay attention to wind speed. I just had to pay attention to bullet drop. I looked at the target, adjusted my aim, and fired. I watched as the bullet tore a hole through the red dot on the white sheet of paper. I noticed that the bullet hit dead center, I looked back up at Major Pain, and he was expressionless. "G-Good job John, shoot again." He then ordered them to move it to 250 yards away. I did the exact same as last time, and hit it again, dead centre. "H-How...are...you doing this...are you sure you've never shot a gun before Private?" "N-No sir, this is the first time, why, did I mess up?" He had a look of bewilderment on his face. "Well, I thing we found the groups sharpshooter, but to make sure...one more test. Set the target to 800 yards!" He yelled to the soldiers down range, they did as they were told. They moved the target down range by a marker that said 800 on it. I looked, and noticed my vision was a bit blurry. I then proceded to put my gun down and took my glasses off. "What are you doing Private, shoot the target!" "It's kind of hard with dirty glasses sir!" I responded in a half-assed tone. "Ok then Private, first thing tomorrow, we're getting you contacts." "Why sir, I'm perfectly fine with my glasses." "Not if you're going to be a sniper your not." With this, I nodded and aimed down my guns sights. I had to aim pretty high cause of bullet drop, and had to aim to the left due to the wind. The sarge gave me a weird look. "Private, what the hell are you doing." "Judging by wind and bullet drop sir, isn't that how your supposed to shoot?" "Well, most people don't take that into account. They just shoot, but you seem to know things most people don't, so if you hit this, dead centre or not, you're the team sniper." I nodded and took aim again, adjusting for the same things as earlier. I took in a deep breath and held it. I let it out slowly, and then I took in another, only this time holding it. I slowly squeezed the trigger, and heart the gun fire. I heard "Ohhs" and "Ahhs" in the background, but one stuck out. "Holy shit son...you're the new sniper of the team." Major Payne said, dumbfounded at the skill I had with a gun. The other team mates congratulated me at being the team sniper. 1 Year Later My team and I had finally got out of basic training. We had everything we needed for a perfect team. Me, the sniper. Chuck, the heavy weapons and explosives expert. Sarah, medic and technicians expert. And finally Christian, the shock trooper, fast and light on his feet. We were going to be based in Afghanistan, not far from where my parent's died. 'I hope I kill some of those bastards that killed my parents.' We were set to leave next week, so that meant a full week of rest and relaxation, and did I mention parties? We went to two parties in total. One was a boring military party for high up officials, they wanted to meet this so called Special Team and congratulate them before they went to Afghanistan. I must say, that is the most boring party I've ever went to, and that's saying something. The next was a rave, and I absolutely loved it. Lights, hot girls dancing in a sexy style, crazy music with insane bass..yea, my kind of party. That was the first time I had alcohol. Since I was still underage, I wasn't able to get any legally, but my superiors let me ave a few beers that they passed to me. Curious, I drank some. Only to become drunk off my ass the rest of the night. I woke up the next day in my bed, shirtless. "Oh god, what happened last night." I muttered, and immediately looked around for a girl, thinking I brought one back with me. Thankfully I didn't, I let out a relieved sigh before getting up out of bed. I walked over to my locker, but noticed something...different on my back. I turned my back the best I could towards my mirror, and I noticed a tattoo of the Grim Reaper on my back. It looked like he was watching the land below him, reaching his arms out and casting a deadly shadow on the unsuspecting people below him. He also had a very sadistic smile on his face, almost waiting for someone to mess up so he could claim their soul. When I though about this, Death is a lot like a sniper. 'Death creeps in shadows and watches over those souls he is to claim. He stalks them, waiting for their guard to be down. He then strikes with such deadly force that it leaves nothig but a gust of wind as they disappear into darkness, never to be seen again. Death is much like the sniper. He waits for his prey to make one wrong move, and when they do, the sniper pulls the trigger. The last thing that poor soul gets too see is nothing but blackness, with death not far behind.' I thought about that for a minute, and let it sink in. I then shook my head a bit to bring myself back into reality. "I need to finish gathering up my stuff, it's almost time to go get on the boat." I gathered a few more things like my iPod, headphones, and anything else necessary for the long sail, and flight ahead. Before I walked out I checked for the locket that contained the last memory of my parents, and sure enough, it was there. I did one last runthough of my mental checklist and walked out to meet the rest of the squad. "Hey guys, you ready." I looked over, and they all nodded. "Allright then, let's get on that ship!" I grabbed my stuff and ran onto the ship. The ship istelf was just a normal cruiser. It was nothing special, even though it was part of a massive fleet out in the Atlantic at this time. It had recently been brought in for repairs due to massive damage it recieved during and attack mostly by RPG's. They didn't do much, but the hull was damaged badly, and all the guns were pretty much out of operation after the barrage of RPG's ended. Once it had been repaired they offered to give us a lift, then they'd have two helicopters take us the rest of the way. We all agreed that would be better, it'd give us more time to rest. We got settled in soon after that, and would soon be transported by helicopter. After 2 days of non-stop sailing on the ship, we finally got the order to pack our bags, and we all hurried;y got your stuff together. I had one dufflebag full of things, and the othey guys had one. However, Sarah, she had two duffle bags, and a carry-on bag filled to the brim with stuff. We all laughed a bit because of her being overencumbered. "Guys, come-on! Help a lady out will you?" We laughed even harder, Christian finally spoke up through the laughter. "Haha, not our fault *snicker* that you women always carry so *snicker* much stuff." He then resumed laughing. "Hmph, fine then. Well could you all please hurry, I want to leave this metal hellhole." The guys and I laughed a bit more before finally grabbing our stuff and walking up the stairs that lead to the deck. Once we got out, we noticed that there were two Huey helicopters waiting for us. I got one one, and the three of them decided to get on the other one. They said they had things to dicuss about me. I'm pretty sure they just wanted to make fun of me as they always did. However, I didn't mind. Those three were the only friends I had, and I was glad I had them. They were the only things keeping me from having a mental breakdown about everything we've been through. We took off about 15 minutes later, and once we hit city limits I noticed a little skirmish going on down below us. I looked over to the helicopter that had my three friends in it. They all had looks of horror, suspence, and awe at the fight below us. Then I started to hear some beeping go off in the helicopter, then what the pilot said scared the living hell out of me. "SHIT, RPG INCOMING, PREPARE FOR IMPACT!" I braced myself for the inevitable explosion, but I watched as the RPG passed by my head, and out the other side of the helicopter. I felt around to see if everything was there. Thankfully, it was. I then looked over to my friends to see if they were okay. What I saw next, is what made me what I am today. I saw my friends, cheering that I survived through that, then I heard a faint beeping from their helicopter. A thought immediately went through my mind 'Oh god, please no, anything but those three'.I watched as someone on a building shot an RPG towards their helicopter. Sadly, they didn't have the same luck as I did, the helicopter was hit, dead on. I watched as the helicopter exploded into a ball of fire. I just watched my only three friends die, right in front of my eyes. 'God, WHY, WHY GOD, WHY DO YOU DO THIS! DO YOU HATE ME! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU! I JUST WATCHED THE ONLY THINGS I HAD LEFT IN THIS WORLD DIE IN FRONT OF ME!..Why...why me...why am I always the one to survive...why wasn't I the one that got hit instead of them. They still had a chance at life, me, I chose to spend my life with the military. They could've gotten an honorable discharge and lived happy lives, but now. There nothing but a burning pile of ash and metal falling from the sky.' I broke down into tears right there, ignoring the battle below. I just wanted to mourn for my friends. I remembered all the good times I'd had with them. The pranks, the parties, the good times, the bad. Now, that can never happen again. I cried the rest of the way to the base. Once we got there, I was led to a tent to where I would rest for 2 years of my life. It was nothing to be proud of. Without my friends being here, I felt empty. I'd lost everything in my life. So now, I became a hollow shell of nothing, just someone who followed orders without question, and one who killed without remorse or regret 1 year later I was with my new squad. I didn't bother to get their names, just their nicknames. There was me, Reaper. Tank, our Heavy Weapons Specialist. Splitz as our shock trooper. Finally there was Sparky, our technician and medic. I was the most skilled in my squad, but I was also the youngest. The other three just made fun of me for being the youngest. That is untill I saved their asses so many times out in the field it wasn't funny. They then took name of the tattoo I had on my back. They said it was like that tattoo described me, like I was the Grim Reaper, so from then on I was called Reaper. Since basic training, I haven't missed a shot. I always hit my target on the mark, and with my Cheytac .408 Intervention, it makes it a deadly combination. I usually let my teammates move to the destination as I give them covering fire, and we have never failed a mission yet. No casualties, no screw ups, everything went perfect, and we even had a few parties at the base congratulating our work. However, one mission...things went horribly wrong.It was just another day for my squad and I. We just lingered around the base, admiring what little view we could get through the dessert that we were in. We were maybe ten or twelve miles from the closest town. So the base itself was used for an H.Q. It was the biggest base, and most operational in the sector. Our squad was the best of the best there, me being the best shot in the camp, and I usually got greeted by everyone. I usually nodded and walked on. Everyone was at lunch, so I decided to go to the computer room. We had access to internet, although we mainly used them to just goof off on. We already had all the things we could ever want at the base. I brought my own personal computer with me, that way no one would know what I was doing. I sat down at the nearest table, back facing towards a wall. That way if someone came in, they would'nt know what I was doing. That would give me enough time to close the tab and shut down my laptop. I opened the laptop up and turned it on, and there was my usual background. It was of the Grim Reaper, of course. He was sitting on a throne, had both arms grasping the edges of his chair, almost like he owned hell itslef. So, I opened up Google Chrome and decided to go on youtube. I clicked on the search bar, and made that line thing blink, making me know that it was ready for me to type my search in. I was in the mood to listen to some music, so I thought about the first song that popped in my head. I typed it in, let the video load, and hit play. I loved this song, because it describes me so well when I'm mad. I literally turn into a schizophrenic psyco, and maybe turn a little sadistic. There's a long story to how my squad found out why to not piss me off, but that's for another time. I let the song finish, then I brought my attention to the tent opening that opened, then closed. I saw it was my squad coming in, and they had something for me. It was in a long package, and almost as tall as me, it made me curious as to what it was. "Hey Reaper, this came in for you. It has no address on it, no name, and we don't where it came from. All it has was addressed to John Morrison." Splitz said. So I stood up, put my laptop back in it's case, and walked over to my squad. I looked at the box to see a note attached to it. I open the letter, which looks like it's been through a war entirely, in fact, it was stained with a little blood. Dear John Morrison, If you are reading this, then I have sent you my last posession. It is my greatest work of art. The Yawarakai-Te or otherwise known as Tender Hands. It will cut through steel, and never go dull. I hope you choose to do great things with this sword, because it only desires to do good. It won't hurt anything that has good intentions, it will keep the weilder at bay when enraged as well. However, if something evil tries to harm those who do good, it will have no mercy on their souls. It absorbs the souls of the wicked, and thus the more you kill, the stronger you get for a certain amount of time. From- After that, I couldn't read the name. The box looked like it was ages old, somehow left for me. It was just a simple wooden box, I could see hay sticking out of the boards that had holes in them due to age. It looked like it was buried, and somehow there was another letter. This one looked more modern, and written not to long ago. I sat the box down and read the letter. Dear John Morrison, We have absolutely no idea how Masamune knew who you were. Maybe there was something..no, he was Japanese. Back then, they didn't even know that there was another land besides theres. We are still trying to figure out some things. Like how he knew how to write in English, or how he knew your name, and here it is thousands of years later. We thought we might as well send it to you. We would like to have it for one of our museums, but it was strictly sent to you by Masamune himself, so we had to fulfill the anchient blacksmith's request. We hope you enjoy his greatest creation, and use it well. Tim Smith, Archaeologist I walked over to the box now setting on the table, and opened it. I saw a sword, way longer than a katana, but shorter than myself. It kind of reminded me of Sephiroth's sword off of Final Fantasty, only a few inches shorter. It had a slight curve to it, like most swords do. However, this sword had gold embedded in the blade. You could see gold lines spiraling from the handle up to the tip of the blade. I picked it up, and noticed it glowed slightly.It didn't weigh that much, so I decided to swing it around a bit. I was having tons of fun just goofing off, even though I didn't have a single expression on my face. That is, untill I hit one of the tables with the sword by accident. I would've though that the sword would just leave a little cut, but no, it cut the whole damn table in half. I stood there, mouth agape, then stared back at my new sword. "Damn, I'm keeping this thing!" I said, wondering how everyone else would cope with it. I looked back into the box, noticing a sheath created for it. It was also embroidered with fancy gold designs, almost like it was meant to be something to show off. I put the sword in it's sheath, and tried to figure out where I should put it. On my thigh, where it would be in order, or on my back where I would look like a total badass. I pondered for a minute, and eventually decided to put it on my thigh opposite of my pistol. I thought it would be better there anyway, since my back is usually covered in weapons. "Hey Reaper, we have a new mission. It's in a nearby town, apparently infested with enemies. We are ordered to go in and take them out." Sparky said. I looked up, nodded at them, and gathered my stuff together. I then regrouped with my squad inside our tent. We were all gathering out stuff together for the mission. Splitz made sure his weapons and everything were ready, as did everyone else. I was the only one who wanted to take my iPod with me, which I usually listened to while sniping. They've tried to tell me that if I take it with me that will surely be the death of me one day. However, since I have nothing left to live for, what have I got to lose. I popped in a headphone and just hit random, and it surprised me what popped up first. It was one of my favorite Dubstep songs, so as everyone finished getting their stuff together I just headbanged to the music. It starts out with a girl talking about her and her lover, I think. I know it's weird for a guy like me listening to a song related to love, but hey, I've had my fair share of rejections. Still, no girlfriends though. However, I'm ok with that, I've accepted the fact that I may be meant to be alone for the rest of my life, and I'm fine with it. Then after a bit more of singing, the drop hits, and I start headbanging a bit harder. Few minutes later, after the song was over and another one started, the squad said they were ready. We walked out to the jeep, it was standard issue, and had the minigun mounted on the top. Tank got on the minigun, I got on the passenger side, Sparky got in the drivers seat, and the other two got in the back. Sparky started the car, and off we went into the desert, again. About two hours later, we were in the town. My squad dropped me off at a nearby building, and as I made my way to the top I decided to pull out my water to take a drink. The building was pretty high up, good enough to overlook the whole town, which wasn't that big. So when I got to the top I went to the edge of the building and started setting up my gear. Once I sat my bipod up, I checked my mags to see how many I have. "Yep, still have 14 spare clips, and one loaded. I also have plenty of clips left for my Desert Eagle, and my sword, so I'm good to go." I went over to my long distance radio so I could tell the squad I was ready. I turned the knob on the radio, and I heart the usual static before I heard Tanks heavy set voice come in. "Yea Reaper, you set up and ready go?" I heard the familiar whir of the minigun in the background along with a few cuss words from Tank. "Fucking Shit! Reaper, get to your spot now! We've just been ambushed." With that, I dropped the radio and went over to where my sniper was set up. I loaded a bullet into the chamber and stared into the scope. What I saw was insane. Enemies, hundreds, and they were still emptying from buildings and appearing on rooftops, so I turned on a song on my iPod and went to work.Once the song got to the chorus, I couldn't help but sing in my head, I also timed my shots with it as well. *BANG* "One shot and she's feeling better. *BANG* Two shots and she's on a roll.*BANG* Three shots and she's telling me to go-o-o-o-o-o." I did that every time when the chorus came along. Sadly though, somewhere near the end of the song I had to reload. Which completely ruined the timing. "Dammit, that always happens. Oh well, I guess I'll radio back in and see how it's going. I grabbed the radio on the ground, and called to the team. "Tank...Tank do you read me....TANK!" I began to get worried, Tank was the toughest, and biggest one out of us all. However, my worries were soon relieved as I heard the insane gun fire from an MG3, knowing that was Tank's personal weapon, then I heard the static of the radio again. "We read you Reaper, were on our way to pick you up now, the missions a bust. It's too hot down here. We'll be there in about 3 minutes, so get your shit together and get to the bottom floor!" With that I heard another wave of static as the radio cut off, so I quickly gathered my stuff together and started running down the stairs. I got to the bottom, Desert Eage drawn, and checked my surroundings. It seemed clear, then I watched the jeep pull up and everybody got out, and I noticed that someone was injured. "Sparky get over here! Tank's been hit! He needs medical attention!" I ran towards the jeep as Sparky ran over to take care of Tank. Once I got to the jeep, what I saw wasn't pretty. The normal nice looking jeep was now black from explosions, had bullet holes riddled in the side, and it just looked awful. I looked towards Tank who was laid out on the ground. I noticed that a few bullets hit him in the stomach and arm, so I went over to see if everything was going to be ok. "Hey, is Tank going to be ok?" I asked, with a very worried tone. "Yes, the vest he was wearing saved him from most of the impacts, but they still got through. However, we don't have our gunner anymore. His right arm took a bullet, and he can't move it. The bullet seems to have went straight through the bone." I thought for a minute 'Well, I think I could be the gunner. I know I'm accurate enough, but I would miss a few shots...ohh well, I won't count it towards my streak anyways.' "Tank, can you stand?" I ask, and I heard a slight grunt as the now bandaged up Tank began to stand up. "Yea Reaper, it hurts like a son of a bitch, but I can stand." I went back over to the jeep and opened the door for him. He and the rest of the squad got in, and I walked around to the unoccupied side of the jeep and opened the door, and crawled to where the gunner would be. I poked my head through the bottom of the hole, and noticed that it was clear, so I got myself ready. My torso was the only thing that came out of the jeep as I stood, and I told the squad I was ready. "Alright Sparky," I hit the top of the car with my fist "Punch it!" With that, the jeep took off, spinning tires in the dirt. We were almost out of the city, when I noticed something, and what I saw scared me to death. Along the buildings to our left and right were lines upon lines of enemies. They all had machine guns and RPG's, and I noticed one soldier pulled the trigger on his RPG. It flew out with the usual whoosh and I saw it coming towards me. I yelled the first thing that came to my mind. "HOLY SHIT!" I ducked inside the car, and noticed the trail of smoke the RPG left behind passed right through where I was standing just a few seconds ago. I lifted myself back up to the gun, hit the triggers on both sides, and heard a whirring noise before a hellstorm of bullets went towards the enemies on the left. I think I may have hit an RPG that a guy had ready to fire, cause all I saw was an explosion, and these rounds are not explosive. I took out who I saw on the left, but I forgot about the right side. I looked to the right and saw an RPG heading straight for the car, and I said the first thing that came to my mind again. "INCOMING RPG! EVERYBODY BAIL!" I stayed in the jeep as I saw three doors open, and 3 bodies fly out and start rolling on the ground. 'Good, my turn to bail'. It was too late though, the RPG hit the jeep on the very top. I felt the heat from the explosion as the shrapnel embedded itself in my skin. I yelled, but nothing came out. The jeep began to flip, throwing me out of it, but I never felt the ground on my backside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt the grass on my back, and the warm rays of sunlight on my face. I began to set up, eyes still closed as I began to rub my head. "Ow, what the fuck happened?" I opened my eyes and saw I was in a forest, surrounded by trees, flowers, and many other odd looking plants. "The fuck? Where the hell am I? Why is everything so colorful?" I stood up and looked around. I checked to see if I had everything, and I did. I then sat back down. "Wait a fucking minute...I was just in a desert...and now I'm in a fucking FOREST! WHAT THE HELL!...how the hell did I get here!...I need to find someone, and fast. But before that, I might as well look around a bit, maybe figure out where I really am." I walked into the forest, looking for a river, and somehow found one. "Oh thank god, my throat is dry as can be!" I layed on my stomach and stuck my face into the river, taking a gulp or two before pulling my head back up. "Wow! That is by far the best water I have ever had!" I stuck my head back into the water, and just let the cool current flow over my face. I eventually pulled my head up out of the water and filled my water bottle with that delicious water and moved on. "Now, let's try to find someone to talk to, if there's anyone to talk to. Who knows, I may be the only person within miles of he-." I was cut off by a loud yell for help, and my instincs kicked in. I drew my sniper, and ran through the forest the best I could. When I saw a clearing up ahead, and two shadows I immediately thought I had found my way out of here. 'FINALLY! A way back to the base. If my squad is still alive, were going back in, and bringing the big guns.' I walked out into the opening, and what I saw made so many questions run through my head at once that they were all just jumbled words. Not a one I could recognize, except for one. "What. The. Fuck. Is. THAT!" I watched as this weird creature chased a smaller one. It had the body of a lioness, a snake for a tail, and had a goat protruding from it's back. It looked like a Chimera, one of the beasts of legend. What happened next however, made me want to kill that Chimera. It was chasing something small, and it looked over and saw me sitting down, and started running towards me. However, from where I was sitting, I looked like an animal on all fours, don't see how I got that. I laughed a bit, then I heard something that made me think I was hallucinating. "Somepony! Anypony! HELP!" said the smaller creature, still running towards me. I thought two short words, 'The fuck?', before the Chimera's snake tail hit the small creature, making it fly towards me. "OOF!" was the sound I let out as I fell backwards on the ground from where the small creature hit me in the chest. I lifted up my head, and looked to see what hit me. It was a small pony, it had a yellow coat, a red mane and tail, and had a red bow in it's hair. 'The hell? What is this, some kind of stoner pony? Am I high? Is this what it's like to be high? Weird, note to self: Never get high again.' I sat up, setting the pony to my left as I stood up. The Chimera was still running towards us. Knowing it was going to kill the colorful little pony, which I thought was totally wrong, I decided to protect it. I ran towards it, and ducked under it, and punched it in the bulge coming out from it's stomach. I saw white liquid pour out from it and onto me. "OH GOD, WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST PUNCH!" I turned and noticed 6 little nipples on it's stomach, and it took me a minute to process what happened. 'So this white stuff that's now covering me is...milk?' "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I PUNCHED YOU IN THE BOOB! BAHAHAHAHA!" I rolled on the ground laughing, but I quickly regained my composure because it let out a very angry sounding roar. "Oh shit." Was all I said before I started hauling ass through the field. I guess we ran around in a circle, cause I saw the same pony on the hill over to my left, but was now standing and watching ME take on this Chimera. I thought for a second, then facepalmed 'What the hell am I doing. I'm a soldier, and I'm utterly loaded from head to tail with weapons.' I pulled out my Desert Eagle, and not knowing I slowed down when I did that, I turned around to a claw coming down and across my chest. I flew back across the field and hit the ground rolling. After I stopped rolling, I stood up and looked down. There were 5 gashes on my chest from where the Chimera hit me. 'Well, this is going to be one hell of a scar once, and if I survive this.' I grabbed my Desert Eagle on the ground, and pulled the slide back, letting a bullet enter the chamber. As it ran at me, I put all seven rounds into it. Two in the snake/tail. Two into the goat, and three into the lion's head. It actually hit the ground, slid towards me, then stopped just a few inches in front of me. I saw a pool of blood come out from under it "That's why you don't fuck with a sniper!" I said, kicking the head of the now dead Chimera. I started to walk towards the small creature, but it must have ran off. "Well...shit...what the hell am I supossed to do now, bleed to death?" I started to walk in the direction that the pony went in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appleblom just watched the whole thing play out in front of her. This weird creature catching her and gently setting her on the ground ran at the Chimera, not showing a bit of fear. He was tall, and looked very scary. It had weird things on its back, and has a sword on his left leg. 'What is that thing? It..it..saved me? I..I don't know what to do. Ah better go get Applejack. She's got ta know what to do.' Applebloom looked back over to John, and noticed he'd been hit, but watched him pull out one of his weird looking things, and watched him do something to it. She then heard noises coming from it, and holes appear in the Chimera. She watched as it fell over and skidded towards the creature. It walked up to the Chimera and kicked it, probably making sure it was dead. 'Oh no, it's coming this way, ah better go get Applejack now.' Applebloom ran off towards Sweet Apple Acres to get her sister. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked a bit, following the trail the little pony left. I then saw an Apple Orchard, but this one was gigantic. Appletrees as far as the eye can see. "Oh great, just great, a farm. Where am I going to find any medical attention? Well, might as well go on up to the house, if I can find it." I started walking, until I heard a gasp to my right. I looked over and saw the same little pony from before. It ran and hid behind a bigger one. This one was orange and had a blonde main and tail that were tied up at the bottom. It had a stetson cowboy hat on, and then the weirdest thing happened. It talked. "What in tarnation are you, and what are you doin on mah farm." The orange pony said while taking an defensive stance. I started talking to myself. "Oh great, not only one talking pony..BUT TWO! Wow, I..I don't know where I am, I got in a fight with a Chimera, heard two talking ponies, what else is going to happen today." I said, still trying to figure out where the hell I am and why I'm here. "Hey AJ, whats up?" Said another pony. "Where the hell?" I looked up behind me and I just about lost it. I saw a flying pony, that right, a FLYING pony! "Woah, what are you?" Said the cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail. "Rainbow, get away from him! He may be dangerous!" Yelled the orange pony. "How can he be! Can't you see he's hurt! He probably can't hurt a fly!" the cyan one yelled back. "Hey Applejack, I noticed that you weren't at the market today, so I thought I'd stop by and buy a bit of...what are you?" I turned to see who said this, and to my right I saw a lavender colored pony, and a purple mane that had a violet stripe running through it, tail mached the mane as well. What I saw on it's forhead finally made me lose it. It had a HORN! THE FUCKING PONY HAD A DAMNED HORN! "Rainbow, Twilight! Get over here!" Now the orange one was yelling at them both, and they walked over there. I finally lost it. "Ok, I just fought a damned Chimera, saved the one that's cowering behind your leg, got myself cut up and am now bleeding like crazy and am slowly losing my sanity. Now I see a Unicorn and Pegasus, boy..what the hell am I on. I am probably hallucinating, or stoned off my ass. Ha...that's it...HA..I've finally gone crazy! After all these years of death and war, THIS! is what makes me go insane...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...I've finally lost it. Anybody know where I can find a staright jacket? Anybody...no? WELL, THAT'S JUST FUCKING GREAT!" I lost it, I'd finally gone crazy. I thought I acted crazy before, but now it's a whole different story. I started laughing, uncontrollably, then I started getting light headed. "Looks like this thing is off his rocker. Twilight, anything you can do?" the orange one said to the lavender one, whom I assumed was Twilight. "I know a sleeping spell I can put on him. I don't know what it will do. Maybe he will act more sane after he gets treated. Here, let me cast the spell, then we will take him to Fluttershy's so she can fix him up." Twilight said, this made me go even crazier. "Magic, great, not only do they talk, BUT FUCKING MAGIC!" Twilight's horn started glowing. "Oh great, now your damned horn is glowing, what are you going to do. Shoot me with a purple lazer, or does it come out of your mouth? Either way I don't see how this day could get any weirder. Wait a minute? Why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden?" I then hit the ground, out cold. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight, what in tarnation is that thing?" Applejack said to Twilight. "I don't know Applejack, but let's get him to Fluttershy's before it die-" Twilight was cut off by Applebloom. "ARE YOU CRAZY! HE TOOK DOWN A CHIMERA BY HIMSELF!" "I'm sorry Applebloom, but yes, we must. He's something I have never seen before, and he said he saved you. So he deserves a chance to explain himself. Now, let's get him to Fluttershy's before he gets any worse." Twilight picks up John with her magic and starts carrying him to Fluttershy's, and everybody else just follows in silence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/N: Well, I've read through this time and time again. I've consulted with a friend on here about this, went through 3 different versions. I like this one out of all, but my friend has yet to return feedback on it. If he says that he doesn't like it, then it's up to you guys if I change it or not. So until then. Comment, Criticize, or just...idk...punch a Chimera in the boob? That personally made me laugh the hardest XD > Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up laying on a couch from what I could tell. However, my feet were hanging over the edge of it. I tried to sit up, but I seemed to be stuck on the couch somehow. I looked around and noticed six faces staring at me, one in particular had a giant smile that seemed to go up to her ears. The one that had a giant smile had a pink poofy mane and tail, almost like they were made out of cotton candy. Her body was also pink, and she had 3 balloons on her flank. The next one beside her was a rainbow maned, cyan pony that had a cloud and a lightning bolt on her flank. She also had wings. "Oh great, I must be seeing things. Right now I can't possibly be seeing a Unicorn and a Pegasus." I looked over to the lavender coated Unicorn. "Well, I'm pretty sure your not dreaming, so it's bound to be real." said the lavender colored pony that had a six pointed star on her flank that was surrounded by smaller stars. Her mane and tail were a dark purple and had a lighter color of purple running by a horn. The Ivory unicorn spoke up again. "Have you never seen a Pegasus or Unicorn before?" "Um...no...wait...WHERE THE HELL AM I! THIS ISN'T RIGHT!...I SHOULD BE BACK AT BASE..wait...now I remember...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I retraced my steps from the day before, or from what I could remember. 'I got hit by an RPG, woke up unscathed in a new land, saved a smaller pony from a Chimera, got hit in the process. Wait, am I hurt from that?' I tried to sit up, but something was keeping me down, and the only thing I could move was my head. I looked down to my chest and stomach, and there it was. My stomach and chest had been completely covered up by bandages and gauze. Then I noticed the rope that tied my legs and arms to my body. I could wiggle around, but not move either freely. "Woah there, just calm down. We're not gonna do anything to ya." said the country sounding pony I saw yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday. "Ok...calm...I can do this...calm...wait?...what the fuck am I doing...FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OUT OF HERE!" I rolled off the couch and started scooting across the wood floor like a caterpillar towards what I thought was a door. However, right before I could ram my head into the door and hopefully open it, I was picked up by something. "WOAH, WHAT THE FUCK! WHY AM I FLOATING!" I yelled, noticing that nothing was holding me up, however, I was glowing purple. "...why am I glowing purple?" I look over and see the lavender pony's horn glowing. "Oh right, magic, Dammit." She levitated me back over to the couch, and since I figured out resistance if futile, I just laid there. Eventually, all six of them looked at me again, and now I could see a shy yellow Pegasus hiding behind a white and purple maned Unicorn that had three diamonds on her flank. The yellow Pegasus had a long pink mane and tail, and had three butterflies on her flank. I saw them walk closer, almost like their inspecting me. Eventually, I started scooting back on the couch as far as I could. I then saw red appear on my chest. 'Dammit, these ponies made me open up my wound again.' I just ignored them, and just laid down flat on my back on the couch, hoping the blood wouldn't seep through. What happened next surprised me. "Oh no, you shouldn't have overexerted yourself, now you've opened up that nasty wound again. Here, let me go get my medical supplies." The yellow Pegasus said as she hovered into the kitchen. I tried to get up, but something was holding me down again. I saw that this time it was the white Unicorn instead of the Ivory one. I decided to give up, seems like I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon, so I might as well try to converse with these ponies. "Could you please let go of me with your magic, I won't try to leave again I promise." I let out an annoyed sigh, knowing I'd have to deal with this. She didn't cooperate, so I let out an annoyed groan. "What will make you guy-erm ponies believe me?" I saw the lavender Unicorn writing a letter, and handing it to someone whom I couldn't see. I slightly sat up, grunting in the process. What I saw made me want to open my jaw in awe. I saw a purple and green baby dragon, 'Well, that's the coolest thing in this world so far that hasn't tried to kill me.' He spit out green fire, turning the letter to ash. I watched as it neatly flew out through an open window in the house. After that, the yellow Pegasus came back with more bandages, and an apple from the looks of it. "Here now, sit up and let me bandage you back up. I-I also brought this apple i-in case y-you were hungry." The pink maned Pegasus said as she undid the ropes so she could get to my wounds. "Oh, thanks. I haven't had anything to eat since I first came here. Whenever I came here, and thanks for untying me, I was really starting to get stiff." I moved around a bit so Fluttershy could replace the bandages, and began to think to myself. 'Ok, why am I so open with these ponies. I already feel comfortable around them, and yet I'm in a new unknown world? Is it me, or am I going slowly crazy?' 'Nope' 'Wait who, or what the hell was that?' I guess you could say I'm the little voice in your head. You know, the one that keeps you sane in weird and crazy situations.' 'Then how come I could never hear you before?' 'This land gives off a weird aura, different than the one back on Earth. From what I know, it's an entirely different world, maybe even a universe.' 'How do you know all this?' 'Well, I don't exactly know either, it kind of just happened...weird...I'm going to have to find out what made me do that.' "Ok, you work on that while I try to figure out where I'm at....I said that out loud didn't I?" The six of them just nodded their heads. "Well, can anyone tell me where I am?" "Well, you're currently in my friend Fluttershy's cottage in Equestria." "Fluttershy? Lemme guess, she's the one that's bandaging me up as we speak." I hear a squeak come from behind me, and can make out a very quiet "Y-yes." 'Wow, sticks to her name doesn't she. Wonder who everyone else is.' "And everyone else is?" I ask while doing some hand gestures like I always do when I'm either telling a story or wanting someone to answer me. They all get startled expressions on their faces, besides Fluttershy who just blushes. "Oh my, how rude of us darling. I'm Rarity, and it's nice to meet you Mr...Mr?" "John Morrison, and pleasure to meet you miss Rarity." I reached my hand out to shake her hoof. 'Should I tell them my nickname? I mean, it is the symbol of death from where I'm from, but what does it mean here? Should I ask?' 'I advise to do it either when they find out about your tattoo or whenever you find out what the reaper actually represents here, or whenever you decide to tell them. I'm your brain, and I can't make all the choices now can I' 'Please tell me you're trolling right. You're the one that's made to do all the thinking. 'Well yea...technically I was made to do all the thinking. However, sometimes you know there's always a war going on between my thoughts, your gut's feelings, and your heart's feelings.' 'So your telling me that you, my gut, and my heart all have voices as well?' 'Well, not exactly. We have our quarrels yea, but mostly I'm the only one that can hear them. So if you ever hear me talking to myself, I'm basically talking to one of them. But who knows, this world has weird ways of working. They may get voices, or they may not.' 'I'll make sure to keep that in mind.' After shaking (hoofing?) hands with Rarity, the others began to introduce themselves. The next one was the blue Pegasus with the rainbow coloured mane. "Hey, names Rainbow Dash. Also the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" She boasted, almost sounding like an old squad member of mine. I began to tear up a little remembering how he and I would be so competitive together, and we'd always be evenly matched, and apparently they noticed. "Hey why are you crying? Come on, smile! Be happy!" said the pink pony. "Oh yea, I'm Pinkie Pie. You can call me Pinkie!" I did my odd half smile that I'd always do. One half of my mouth would rise to the smiling position, while the other just stayed where it was. "Nice to meet you Pinkie, and I'm ok. I just remembered something from where I came from, no big deal." I said, trying to forget the memory of my friend that I lost around a year ago. "Hey come on now, can't you put a big smile like this on your face?" Pinkie said while doing a eye to eye smile. She spoke through the smile, almost like she constantly did it. "See, like this." "Sorry Pinkie, I haven't been able to fully smile since I was little. Something happened and I lost all feeling. I never felt love, happiness, or anything else. I may have acted like I was happy and *in love*, but it was all a facade, a false appearance. I've always been someone who likes to deal with things himself. I've never really had any friends, at most I had 3. My squad...but since a year ago, I've been alone." I said the last part with a saddened voice. It was hard holding back the tears, but I managed to do so. Why am I getting all these emotions around these ponies, I've never opened up to anyone like this, and here I am, telling these ponies everything that's wrong. 'Well it would only make sense. I mean, they do give off a friendly aura. Besides, you've kept these feelings and memories held up inside me for too long. I get tired of seeing them. I hate it when I try to organize stuff up here, and then you remember that particular day and it ruins everything.' 'Well, I will eventually. I mean, what could possibly go wrong. Besides, it's not like they can read minds...can they?' 'I...don't...know. They could possibly be listening in on our conversation right now and we don't even know it.' 'Your right. But they wouldn't do that without my permission would they?' 'Probably, I mean they do seem to be very kind. Besides, there's probably nothing like that here...I hope.' 'Yea, me too brain, me too.' 'If there was something like that though. They would figure out everything about you. From the day you were born till the day you arrived here. They would even find out about that embarass-' 'DON'T BRING THAT UP! I was drunk, and didn't know what was going on, ok.' 'Yea...you player. Who else could get 5 insanely hot girls to sleep with him?' 'I SAID DROP IT!...And besides, I don't remember anything that happened. Except for that ungodly hangover I had the next day.' 'All right, I'll drop it. So should I bring up the other time that you went to a party and happened to-' 'OKAY YOU CAN STOP THERE!' 'Yea but, I mean, who knew that you could do...that...that's just...damn...lucky girls.' 'Can we please drop this...I don't feel comfortable talking about this, especially with these six faces staring at me like I'm crazy. Wait a minute...have I been doing hand gestures to this whole conversation?' 'Yes, why?' '...shit...ok, time to stop talking to you now.' I put my attention back to the ponies in front of me, and ignore my brain for a while. "Sorry about that, just thinking about things." I said, hoping they would just let it slide. "Like what? Oh and by the way, I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you John." She walks up to me and puts out a hoof. I shake it and try to come up with an answer to her question. I just simply decide to fib the whole thing. "Oh, it was nothing. Just me talking to myself, and it's nice to meet you too Twilight." I let out a nervous laugh and let go of her hoof. The last one left was the orange pony I saw yesterday before things got over the top crazy. "And now it's time for the last one, the pony I saw yesterday on the farm." I looked at her, and she stuck out her hoof for a hoofshake. "Howdy, names Applejack, and it's nice ta meet ya John. I want ta thank ya fer savin' Applebloom yesterday." She said while shaking my hand and arm like crazy. "No problem Applejack, my protective instincts kicked in when I heard her scream. I was glad I could help." I said while being shaken like crazy by Applejack. She finally let go so I could regain my focus a bit. I had finally been introduced to everyone, except for the little purple dragon. "Um Twilight, if you don't mind me asking, who's your friend." I said while pointing to the little dragon. "Oh, he's my number one assistant Spike." She said as Spike walked over to me. "Nice to meet you Spike." I reached out a hand, which he grasped and started to shake. "Nice to meet you to John." He let go of my hand, letting me relax now that all introductions were accounted for. "Well, now that everybody-" I was interrupted by Twilight. "Don't you mean everypony?" She said. "Um, well I guess it would make sense here. I mean, where I come from everyone and everybody was used to express multiple human beings. So I'm guessing you ponies use everypony for both?" I said while trying to figure out how I'd get used to their way of vocabulary here. "Um, yea. That sounds just about right." Twilight said as she started to pull out a scroll and quill. "Hey, what's with the quill and scroll?" She began writing a bit. "Oh, I'm taking notes about where your from of course. Why?" She looked up while the quill kept writing surrounded by a purple aura. "Oh, no simple reason. Haven't you ever seen a human before?" They all give me this quizzical look. "No, we haven't your the first and only one Equestria has ever seen." Twilight said while studying me. "Um..wow...so you mean I'm the only human here?" I said, hoping not to get an answer really. "As far as we know yes, you are the only one in Equestria." said Twilight. 'Shit....well, might as well deal with it. I thought as I heard something appear outside. My military instincts kicking in, I grabbed for my Desert Eagle, but it wasn't there. "Hey, why are you standing like that John? You look funny." Pinkie said as she proceeded to laugh at my weird stance. "Who, or what is outside the door." I said in a serious tone. "Also, where are my weapons." "Oh, don't worry. There all locked away in a chest over there." Rarity pointed towards a chest in the corner of the room. I walked over to open it, but I noticed my sword beside it. "Why isn't my sword in the chest with the rest of my stuff as well?" I asked as I heard knocking on the door. I grabbed my sword, and took a stance. "Here, let me get the door." Twilight walked over to the door and opened it. What I saw was a tall, white unicorn/ pegasus pony. Everypony bowed as the tall unicorn/ pegasus walked into the house. It eventually spoke up when it looked to me. "So, this is the thing you messaged me about Twilight. I'm afraid I've never seen anything like him before. He is certainly...unique." She said while inspecting me. "And what is your name?" "Oh, I'm John, John Morrison." I said while trying to dial in my brain. 'Am I seriously hearing a damned ring tone while trying to get my brains attention?' I seriously heard the ringing of a phone in my head. 'Fucking retarded brain.' 'What do you want. I was trying to get some rest and...oh shit...she, the unicorn/ pegasus...what is she? 'Your my brain, aren't you supposed to know? 'Well, I don't exactly know...so I'm no help here.' 'You know brain, your kind of stupid at times.' 'Look who's talking Mr. I-act-like-an-idiot-out-of-soldier-mode.' 'Touché Mr. brain. However, who's the one that makes me have stupid thoughts? 'Whatever, I'm out of here. Good luck dealing with the unicorn/ pegasus pony!' 'WAIT!...hello...brain? Wow...douche.' "Well then John, sit down and put your sword back down as well." She said while giving me a warm smile. "My name is Celestia, and I want to welcome you to Equestria, wherever your from." "Is it ok if keep my sword on me? I mean, I am in a new world, and you ponies are the only thing that I've seen that are friendly." I say while I put the sword on my back. 'I think it's best I put it on my back for now. It'd be hard sitting down with the sword on my left thigh.' I walked back over to the couch and sat down, a little pain running throughout my body from the hit I took fighting the Chimera. "Well, you are safe where you are. However, I must know if you mean good intentions here in Equestria, and if you're a threat. So if you don't mind, may I look into your mind?" She said while walking towards me. 'Hey brain, you know what?' 'What?' 'Revenge is a bitch.' I though while I nodded. "Sure, I don't mind. Just a warning though. You may see things you may not like. I haven't lived a very happy life." I said, an evil grin appearing on my face, knowing what was going to be happening to my brain. "I'm pretty sure it's something I can deal with. I mean, I do have to rule over this land and provide law and punishment when needed." She put her horn to my head, and I watched as it started to glow. A warm feeling went throughout my body, and I felt sleepy all of a sudden. After a few minutes she took her horn away and backed up from me, giving me a horrified look. "I told you it wouldn't be pretty in there. I will tell you I mean no harm here. I was born and raised to be a killer yes, but I'm actually a nice person. It's just sometimes I can be a bit...how should I put this?" I thought for a minute. "I guess I should say protective of the people I care about. So I'm not a mindless killer. and I don't like killing people. Back in the military I never showed this, I kept it all to myself. We were supposed to kill the enemy, and since that's the only choice I had, I chose to give them the quickest death possible....a .408 bullet to the head from my rifle. However, I hated doing it. Thoughts constantly ran through my mind like what if he had a family, and if he did what would they do without him. I never wanted to kill...honest...it was just my job." The other ponies gave me horrified looks in the beginning, but when they saw the tears start to appear in my eyes (Yea, I know. I'm a big softie.) they all calmed down. "Well, I must say...your life back on where you came from was very...tragic. Where did you come from anyways?" Celestia asked while I cleared up my blurry eyes. "I come from a place called Earth. The country started out good, based on freedom of religion and other good things. However, over the years, the country has become corrupt with power and money. There are good people on Earth. Kind, caring, and loving. However, those people are in a small numbers. Most people are greedy, selfish, and only care for themselves, and Earth is constantly being torn apart by wars. Giant fights in between two different countries over land, religion, terrorism, or just because of some stupid reason. War is awful because families get torn apart, people get killed because of religion, race, or beliefs. I hated it, even though I was one of the best at it." I looked down, trying to hold back the anger and tears I felt coming up. "I was a monster back on Earth, however, here I want to change it all. I want to be good, I want to do things right this time. Is it alright if I stay here? Well, not here, but somewhere's else. A place of my own, once I get the necessities that is." They all looked at me again, however they were showing looks of sympathy and sadness. Before I knew it I was being hugged by the six, and it was...nice. "Were so sorry. It must have been horrible back on Earth." Fluttershy said, hugging me tighter. The others joined in as well. "Really girls, it's ok. I'm glad to be away from that horrid place...and could you please let go...I...can't...breathe." They all let go, letting me get my breath. "Well, it seems that you already made some friends here." Celestia let out a little laugh. "I guess since the heroes of Equestria have befriended you, i guess it will be ok for you to stay here." "W-What?" "Congratulations John, I am making you a temporary civilian of Equestria." "Temporary?" "Yes, we must wait till everypony else gets used to you, then we will make you a permanent citizen of Equestria." "Ok, thank you Celestia, I'll work hard to get everyponies trust and become a true citizen of Equestria." 'Why am I getting so used to this world so fast? This is just...odd...I don't know what it is, but I'm not on edge anymore. Also, I finally have friends after so long. They may be ponies, but their friends nonetheless. 'I feel violated.' 'HA! Serves you right for ditching me.' 'Yea, whatever. Let's see how you like it when you feel violated by some unknown force that seems to be studying every nook and cranny of your being.' 'Meh, can't be that bad can it?' 'You have no idea.' 'Well, I'll deal with it when the time comes. But for now, I need to use the bathroom.' "Anypony know where the restroom is? Cause I really need to go." I said, sitting up on the couch. they all pointed to a door downstairs, apparently by the kitchen. I walked up to it and noticed that it was incredibly short. 'Only makes sense, I mean, I am the tallest one here, besides Celestia that is.' I opened the door, ducked, and walked inside. It was just like the bathrooms back on Earth, except just smaller, and shorter. After finishing my business I walk back out into the living room, being careful not to hit my head on the door leaving the bathroom. "Well, it was nice meeting you John, but I must be going. I have some royal duties to do before nightfall." Celestia said as she began to walk towards the door. "Nice meeting you too Celestia, and see ya later." Everyppony gave me a flabbergasted look. "What? Did I say something?" "Well, no one has ever responded to the Princess in that manner before." Twilight said. "Waitwaitwaitwaitwait....you mean Celestia is a PRINCESS!" I was never told none of this. I thought she was just a normal pony, or you know, the offspring of a pegasus and unicorn. "Why yes, I rule this land with my sister, Princess Luna." She said turning around and looking at me. "O-oh, I'm sorry for my disrespectful tone before Princess. I hope I didn't annoy or anger you." "Oh no, you're fine. It's nice to see someone who isn't so uptight around me just because I'm royalty. I may be special, but I'm just like everypony else." "O-oh...ok then, well...I guess this is goodbye for now?" "Yes, bye for now John. Until next time." She says walking out of the door. She closes it with her magic before a bright light is seen outside. I run and open the door, but nothings there. 'Knowing she's the mix between a pegasus and unicorn. She could have done one of two things. Either fly away, or use some kind of teleportation spell. 'She teleported. Can't you see the scorch marks on the ground?' I looked around, and finally saw the burns that were burnt into the ground. 'Now I do, thanks for the info.' 'Yea yea, whatever. I walk back inside and continue having small talk with the other ponies there. 'You know, for me being in a new world. It's pretty great being here. I have six friends, a new life, and nothing could possibly go wrong as of right now.' 'Or so you think.' 'I swear to god if you make me have a what the fuck brain moment I'm going to make sure to put you in the weirdest position you've ever been in.' 'Oh, no...not now at least.' 'I swear you have a mind of your own.' 'Well, I am your brain, so it would only make sense.' 'Wait...so does that mean I have a brain, inside my brain. But wouldn't that make every brain have a brain. Then those brains would have a brain, then their brains would have a brain....I think I'm going to stop there.' 'I don't even know where you went with that, and I'm you brain.' 'We will continue this talk later. For now, it looks like it's night out, so I think I'll go lay outside for a bit. The girls were still conversing with themselves about things they were going to do this week. I just listened, answered whatever questions came up about me, but I mostly nodded while I sat there quietly. I decided to interrupt them. "Hey girls, do you mind if I go outside for a bit? I won't wander off or run away. You know, just find someplace to lay down and stare at the night sky." "Oh no, we don't mind. Just don't go to far away ok?" Twilight said. "Ok Twilight, I'll make sure not to." I said as I opened up the door into the night sky. I walked to a little hillside not far from the house. Thankfully, there wasn't a town nearby, so I wasn't seen walking towards it. I walked up the hill and sat under a tree. Every now and then a gust of wind would blow by, causing a few of the leaves to fall off the tree. I looked up to the night sky, and noticed that it was so much better than the Earth's. "Ah, the night. Beautiful, yet so mysterious. Each star has a different story, some better than others. The moon, dimly lighting everything the darkness touches. Whenever it becomes night, I feel at ease, I feel calm, almost like there's no more troubles or war anymore. Just me, myself, and the beautiful night. Sometimes though, the night can be lonely and depressing, much like my life has been. The night has been a friend of mine for so long, almost my whole life. Night is when I thrive, and when I'm deadliest. So, night, as I head back inside I bid thee farewell. However, our friendship shall never end. The darkness shall, and will always be my friend." I didn't really think hard about saying that. I always suck at saying very touching things. I just said what felt natural. I decided to keep staring at the night sky and listen to some music on my iPod. I pulled it out of my pocket to see it unscathed from everything. 'Thank god, this thing is my life. I don't know what I'd do without my music.' I hit the shuffle button, and listened to the song that came on. It didn't seem very suitable for the situation, but a good song nonetheless. I have always been a fan of drum and bass, and Pendulum is a great band. I laid there for a while, then I started to doze off. I closed my eyes for what felt like a few minutes, but I felt the wind suddenly pick up. I ignored it and kept listening. I opened my eyes, and what I saw startled me. "Woah!" I yelled, scooting back up against the tree while paying attention to the blue eyes that were staring at me. A/N: I think that last line rhymed did it not? And sorry this took so long to get out. Tell me if I misspelled something, or messed up entirely. I'm trying my best to make this a good story. I'm still kind of new to this, so I plan on being much, much better soon. > Chapter 3: Getting Settled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood up against the tree for a minute, slowly catching my breath. It usually wasn't easy to scare me, but since I let my guard down it was a different story. I was staring into the eyes of another unicorn/ pegasus pony. I really need to find out what those are called. Still, I don't want to be rude though. She was dark blue, and her mane and tail seemed to be flowing freely, just like Celestia's, and they resembled the night sky. She had an imprint of the moon on her flank, guessing night was her time of day. I calmed down a bit, and began to speak. "Phew, don't do that. That's the first time I've been scared since I was 14." I said, sitting down again. The pony stood beside me, and sat down, looking up at the night sky. "Do you really think of our night sky like you said?" She said. "Yes, I do. The night is where someone like me thrives. The day is too noisy, too warm, too bright. The night however, is the perfect temperature if you ask me. It's quiet, the only sounds you hear are the chirping of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves as the wind flows through them. The night is wonderful, and I love every second I can bask in it's glory." I said this while closing my eyes, imagining the image in my head. I was laying in a field, no forest or anything around. I was just in an endless sea of green. I was staring up at the night sky, watching the moon scoot it's way across it. Every now and then a gust of wind would go by, making me shiver a bit. I would watch the night sky until I fell asleep, knowing I would be awoken by the warm rays of the sun the next morning. I reopened my eyes after viewing the image in my head. I saw the unicorn/ pegasus pony stand up out of my peripheral vision as she trotted over to me and looked me in the eyes again. She started moving closer, uncomfortably close. I was still up against the tree, so I had nowhere to go. I tried to flatten myself up against it, but to no prevail. "Finally, somepony who appreciates our work." She said as she hugged me. 'Our work? What does she mean by that?" 'I don't know. Wait, did you see what was on Celestia's flank earlier today?' 'Yea, a sun...why?' 'Think about it.' 'Well, Celestia has the sun, and this one has the moon...so that means.....OH!' 'What, did you get it?' 'They must be mortal enemies!...this isn't good...is it?' 'God, I'm your brain and I'm not even this dumb. Their sisters you idiot. The sun and moon go hand in hand...well, in this case hoof and hoof.' 'Oh, ok then..I feel stupid now, thanks a lot brain.' 'Your welcome!' I didn't feel like replying, so I just went back to the pony hugging me. "Your work? What do you mean?" She let go, and rubbed her eyes a bit. "You mean Celestia didn't tell you?" "Um, tell me what?" "Dear sister, why are you so forgetful." She said while facehoofing. 'So Celestia is her sister.' 'Brain: 1, John: 0' 'Shut up, before I have her read my mind.' 'Oh, your evil.' 'Bite me.' "So, if your sister is Celestia, then who are you." "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I introduced myself. I am Princess Luna, the one who controls the night here in Equestria." "Controls the night?" "Yes, my sister controls the day and raises and lowers the sun, while I control the night and raise and lower the moon." "That's...awesome to say the least. Also, I like that name..Luna...It's very beautiful, much like the night." Luna blushed a bit. 'Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...why did I say that' 'Trollface. jpg' 'Seriously brain, what the fuck.' 'Revenge for earlier, but that's only the beginning.' 'Still, when I think about it I really do like that name.' '...' 'Brain?' 'Your telling me...that after all these years of not going for a relationship with the girls you've slept with, which I must say, six is still your record. You decide to go for a PONY!' 'No..I just really like her....name.' 'Whatever, you're falling for a pony at first sigh-' 'NO! Fuck you! I'm not falling for a pony! I prefer human...HUMAN women! 'Whatever you say...Pony fu- 'DON'T. YOU. SAY. IT!' 'Gees, fine, whatever. I have better stuff to do.' "Do you really think that." She said, still blushing, and slightly looking away. 'Damn you brain.' 'HA!' "If you want me to be honest, yes I do. I love anything that relates to the night." She blushed even more, turning around to try and hide it. "W-Well, it's nice to know there's one person who appreciates the hard work we go through." She said, probably trying to get her mind off what I just said I guess. "Yes, it surely is magnificent." I said as I let out a yawn. "How late is it?" I looked over to Fluttershy's house, and noticed all but one light was turned off. "It's about 12:00 why?" Damn, spent more time out here than I thought. "Wow, that's pretty late. I guess I'm going to head back in and get some shut eye." I said, letting out another yawn. "Well, I guess we will see you later..um..what is your name?" She said, blushing again. I managed to hold back my laugh. "My name is John, John Morrison, and it's nice to meet you Princess Luna." "Oh, no need to call me Princess Luna, Luna is fine." "You sure, I don't want to be rude." "No, it's perfectly fine. Besides, you've been the only one to comment on my wonderful night." "O-Okay then. I guess it's farewell for now Luna, goodnight." I said, letting out yet again another yawn. "Yes, farewell John. Until we meet again." She said as she flew off into the night. 'Well, that was beyond awkward.' 'You don't say?' 'Shut up, your not helping.' 'Hahaha, I know right?' 'You know, for a brain you really are a dick sometimes.' 'No, it's the dicks job to be a dick.' 'Sup.' 'Oh, hell no.' 'Trololol. Just kidding.' 'I. hate. you. Even though you are my brain.' 'Yea, well look who I've got to deal with.' 'Meh, can't get along with everyone now can we?' 'Nope.' 'There, problem solved. Now, can I go get some sleep without being disturbed by you.' 'Don't forget about me!' 'Brain...quit trolling, or I will purposely give myself a concussion.' 'Fine fine. Go get some sleep, besides...I need it too. I am part of you, you know,' 'Yea, don't remind me.' 'Chuckle chuckle' 'Did you just chuckle at me?' 'Maybe.' 'If I ever get the chance to physically come into my mind, I'm kicking your ass.' 'Come at me bro.' 'Just wait, you won't even have time to say that once I get a hold on you.' I ignored his reply, and walked back into the house. I saw that everypony was waiting for me, except they were all asleep. I woke them up one by one, and they all said their goodbyes and went home. So now it was just me and Fluttershy left. "So, I guess that means I'm staying here?" I said, looking over to Fluttershy, who squeaked and hid behind her mane. "U-u-um, y-yea. I guess so." "I'll take the couch!" I said, trying not to crush the couch as I jumped on it. "O-oh no, t-there's a spare room upstairs you can use. If you want to, that is." "You sure, I don't mind taking the couch down here." "No, i-it's fine...really. No one uses the room anyways." She began walking up the stairs. "H-Here, I'll show you w-where it is." "Ok, lead the way." I started following her up the stairs. As I began to put my foot down, the stair creaked loudly. 'Must not be able to hold much weight.' 'Either that or your a fatass.' 'I thought I told you to shut it.' 'Nope.' 'Well I am now, shut it.' 'Fine fine. I'll leave you alone this time.' 'Thank you.' Once I got upstairs, Fluttershy lead me to a door that had was just like the rest of the doors in the house. It had a heart shape cut out of it in the center, and had designs of flowers and vines carved into the door. As she opened the door, wanting me to go in. The gentleman side of me however, wouldn't let that happen. "You go on in Fluttershy, I'll be right behind you." I put on an assuring, well, the best assuring half smile I could. "N-no, y-you can go in first." She said, blushing while hiding behind her mane again. "I will argue all night if I have too. Either you go first, or I'm not taking a step inside. I'm sorry, it's just I like to be a gentleman, and the wom-erm mare enters first." She didn't reply, she just nodded and walked in. 'Good, I don't like to argue.' 'Seems like to me you do' 'Leave. Me. Alone. Now.' 'Alright, Alright. I'm done...for the rest of the night anyways.' 'Good.' I walked into the room and noticed that it was normal, but much smaller than the usual room back on Earth. There was a bed, maybe just a bit smaller than the average sized kids bed. Still, I wasn't arguing. I haven't slept in a soft bed in years. It had just one pillow, and had a green sheet covering it. Still, in all its simplicity, it was still very, very inviting. I ignored the bed, and started looking at my surroundings a bit more. I saw one glass door to the right that seemed to lead out to a small balcony. There was a curtain covering the glass door, hopefully blocking out the rising sun in the morning. I saw that there was a small desk beside the bed, just big enough to hold all of my belongings, except for my weapons that is. They were all still in the chest downstairs, except for the sword which was neatly leaning against it. I sat down on the bed, feeling the mattress sink a bit under my weight. I saw Fluttershy beginning to walk out. "Hey Fluttershy." I said while looking from the bed and back to her. "Y-Yes John?" She said turning around, hiding behind her mane again. "Thanks for letting me stay here. It means a lot, knowing I'm completely new to this world and have nowhere to live or stay. Still, except for all the weirdness that has gone on tonight, I'm glad to be welcomed here. I've finally found someplace where I can change my life. I'm glad I met you ponies, I hope I never leave you girls." That was by far the most touching thing I have ever said if I do say so myself. "Y-Your welcome John." She said while giving me a smile. I tried to smile back, but all I got was that weird half smile. "I really have to work on that." I said, letting out an annoyed sigh. "W-Who knows, it may straighten itself out. I mean, it's not bad or anything its just....I'm sorry." She said, blushing and hiding behind her mane again. "It's fine Fluttershy," I said while laughing a bit "Your right though. I may truly smile for the first time, and me not even know it. Still, the way I do that half smile sometimes is just plain creepy." I said, laughing at myself. "O-Ok then. I-I guess I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Jonh." She said as she turned around and began to walk out the door. "Goodnight to you too Fluttershy. Sweet dreams." I heard a squeak, the trotting of hooves, and another door open and shut down the hall. "Well John, what have you gotten yourself into. Your life has been flipped upside down. You now have friends, people to care about and protect, a place that is peaceful...well, slightly. Just make a mental note of not going into the forests around here. Also, keep mind from wandering into thoughts that aren't supposed to be thought of. If I can do that, and keep my self control, I should be just fine here...I hope. Anyways, time to get some sleep. I have to find a job tomorrow...well...we will have to wait and see." I said as I pulled the covers up to the bottom of my neck, my head laying on the soft pillow. I sleep on my side, arm under the pillow and angled at 90 degrees, arm coming out of the right side of the pillow, same way my head is facing. My other arm goes under the pillow, resting on the other arm's elbow. That was the only position that I could sleep comfortably in. I tried others, but they just didn't feel as relaxing. Eventually I fell asleep, waiting for the day to arrive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crack........Crack........Crack "Muahahahahahahahahahaha." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was awoken by the smell of food. "Mmmm...food." Was all I could get out before I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to see what was up. I was never the morning type of guy, I hated them. I was always so groggy, so slow, so hungry. Also, seeing as all I seemed to have eaten yesterday was an apple, I was starving. I made my way down the stairs, trying not to fall down them since they were about half the size of normal stairs width wise. Once I got down them, I made way towards the smell, only thinking of one thing. 'Food.' 'Food.' He said in a question like tone. 'Food.' I replied, sounding groggy. Even brain was thinking of food, which I find oddly weird. I apparently found myself standing in the kitchen, looking at Fluttershy cook. Wondering how hard it was to cook with hooves, I walked closer to her, and began to observe how she did it. As I watched, I got closer, and closer, and closer. Till eventually she bumped into me. She let out a yelp, and flew under the table and looked around. Once she saw it was me, she got out from under the table. "D-Don't do that John, you scared me." She said before she went back to work on the delicious smelling food. "Hmm, oh yea, sorry." I said, still groggy from sleep. "U-Um, how do you like your eggs and toast?" She said, turning to me. "Eggs, scrambled. Toast, crispy, no butter." I said, not caring about anything but eating some food. "O-Okay, here, let me get you a glass of milk. Y-You do like milk don't you?" "Hmm, ohh, yea. I love milk!" It's been so long since I've had a nice cold glass of milk. All I've had is lukewarm, or hot water. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a jug of milk. She sat the milk jug on the marbled counter, and went to the cabinets above the sink and pulled out two glasses. She poured the milk into the glass and handed it to me. I instantly drank the whole glass, which woke me up instantly. "Phew, that was great Fluttershy. Care if I get another glass?" I said, trying to get that little bit of milk that's always left in the bottom of the glass. "O-Oh, s-sure." She said, going towards the refrigerator again. After she poured me another glass, which I didn't chug, she brought me my food. "What? No bacon?" I said, stupidly. 'Dude, their ponies, they don't eat meat.' 'Oh yea....fuck.' 'Fuck is right.' "Y-You e-e-eat meat?" Fluttershy said, giving me a strange look. I just simply opened my mouth, and pointed towards my canines. "See, I have canines, meat eating teeth. However, I don't necessarily need to eat meat. I can get all other necessities I need from fruits, vegetables, and so on. So, I can live without meat, besides, it would be more healthy anyways." I said, shrugging while stating what I was going to about the food situation. "O-Oh, alright then." She said while taking a seat at the table. I proceeded to eat my food, which was amazing by the way. So much better than the military stuff I used to eat. Feels good having a home cooked meal again. As we finished, she put the dishes in the sink, and began to wash them. "Here," I said as walking towards the sink. "Let me do the dishes." "Oh, no. I'll do them. Besides, you need to rest and let that wound heal." "No, the wound is doing just fine. So here, let me at least help clean them. It's the least I could do for the pony that let me stay the night, and fixed me breakfast." All she could do was nod, letting me know I could help. Thankfully, brain didn't have anything to say, so it went pretty well. After that, she said that she would show me around town, so we stepped outside and made our way towards Ponyville? I think that's what she called the town anyways. As we entered the town, I noticed something. Almost all the buildings were alike, until we got to one that had a sign that said Sugarcube Corner. That reminded me of something, I needed a job, but I didn't know where. "Hey, know where I could possibly get a job Fluttershy?" I said while walking into the town with her. "Y-You s-sure you need a job John? I mean, you r-really haven't been here long." "Yes, I'm sure. I may be new here, but I'm wanting to get settled in my own place, and have a steady income as fast as possible. That means first thing, getting a job." "W-Well, can w-we wait t-till everyone else has t-time? That is, if you don't mind." She said quietly. "Sure, but isn't everyone available today?" "N-No, today is the first day of the week, s-so everypony has to work." "Oh, well then, what should we do?" I said as we entered the town. The first think that happened was probably the funniest thing I'd ever seen, even though I felt bad for it. Everypony that was in the town looked at me, and got the widest eyes I have ever seen. What happened next though, made me cringe. "MONSTER! EVERYBODY RUN!" Yelled somepony as she ran inside the nearest house. I heard the locking of doors, closing of windows, and someone apparently dragged Fluttershy off because all I saw was a pink and yellow blur fly somewhere to my right, either that or she flew off at the mention of monster. 'Well, that was a warm welcome.' 'I know right?' 'Your not helping brain.' 'I know, but you know what?' 'What?' 'Apparently Celestia likes bananas.' 'What. The. Fuck. Brain.' 'I don't know where I got that, and I don't know why either...I just have the odd feeling that she really li-' 'Ok, stop there, please, before you make it sound any worse than it already is.' 'What do you mean>' 'I don't know. Still, might as well leave since I'm not welcome here.' 'Meh, they'll come around eventually. Who knows, something may....is it raining?' 'More of a sprinkle, but are the clouds usually- 'I don't know...I think we better go grab our gear. 'Good idea.' Thus, I start walking back to Fluttershy's, hopefully remembering the way there. I got lost here and there, but I somehow managed to find my way back. As I walked in, I saw that nopony was home. "Hm, wonder where Fluttershy is?" I began to talk to myself. I really need to break myself of that, because apparently it leads to insanity? Still, oh well, what do I care. I'm in a world full of talking ponies, I have a brain that I can converse with, so what does it matter if I go insane? I ignored the questions I asked myself as I grabbed my sword and tried to open the chest, but it was locked. "Damn, locked. Oh well, guess the sword will have to do." I pulled the sword out of its sheath, and it still gave off that golden glow as always. "Yep, still looks sharp. Still, quick test to see if it is." I said as I ran outside and sliced a giant cut in a tree. "Well, at least the guy was right about one thing, this sword doesn't go dull at all. I re-sheathed the sword and started walking back into Ponyville, but something was different. "What the?" A/N: Ok, this was kind of rushed. However, I'm sorry if this chapter is worse than the others. I tried to make it a good read, but I'm positive the next one will be better. (May be shorter though, depends). Also..seriously...what is with Celestia and bananas? Remember, I'm always open to criticism, so comment away. I always take criticism, good or bad. See you guy's next time. one other thing. I tried making Luna talk like the old English ways, but I just couldn't get it down right. Too may thous, doths, etc... (English really is NOT my best subject...Period). > Chapter 4: Chaos Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town literally looked like it was hit by a tornado, but the tornado didn't destroy anything. Instead, it just threw everything around. Houses were upside down, there were pink clouds, the same ones we saw earlier flying around raining some kind of brown liquid. I saw ponies running around, panicking screaming something like "HE'S BACK! EVERYBODY RUN!" I didn't get it though. Who was back, why was everything strewn into chaos, and why is a pink cloud following me? "Ok, why are you following me you pink cloud." It just floated above my head, and drenched me in the brown liquid. "I swear if I die cause of this, I'm going to find a way to kill clouds, and I will track you down and kill you." I said as I shook off a bit of the brown liquid. 'What is this stuff?' 'Liquid shit?' 'No, then it would smell like shit...maybe I should try it?' 'I don't know if that is such a goo-' He was interrupted by me licking a bit of it off my arm, then I facepalmed. 'It's chocolate milk.' 'I like chocolate milk.' He said, sounding like a hyperactive kid. 'Seriously, you can't even taste let alone feel.' 'Dude, that's low. That hurt man.' 'Oh, I'm sorr-' 'It's fine, but lets try to find Twilight and the others.' 'Good idea.' I began running through the town, looking for Twilight, or any of the others, but to no prevail. I looked everywhere too. I went into the building called Sugarcube Corner, but instead of looking like it was made out of pastries, it was just a giant block of tofu. I ran inside, and nopony was in there, so I walked back out. I went into a spa looking place, but instead of being neat and smelling of skin care products, it was dirty, filthy, and there were pigs everywhere. "Okay, not even going in there. It smells bad enough." I stepped back outside, to see that the sky was just random colors, and I swore I could see a pony flying with her tail, and making weird noises as she did a weird thing her her hoof and mouth. 'Okay, awkward.' 'I've came up with two possibilities of what's wrong. One, we're high. Or two, we've finally lost it.' 'Or, it could be me.' 'What the fuck? Who are you?' 'My my, such a way with words. How about I limit you vocabulary a bit.' 'What do yo-shit....fuck....fucking fuck fuckity fuck?' 'Ha, now you can do nothing but cuss.' 'Well, now when I think about it. The people that are reading this probably don't like an excessive amount of cussing, so I think I'll change him back to normal. Still, he is going to be a problem. I wonder what I should do?' 'Ok, what was that? I tried to think, but all that came out were cuss words? Okay, never mind, too many crazy things going on at once. Why did that surprise me?' 'So I see you noticed my handy work.' 'Brain, who the hell is this guy?' 'I don't know...and how can he converse with us in your head?' 'I don't know.' 'I see you still don't know about me. Twilight, your slacking, tisk tisk. Anyways, I am Discord, the master of chaos and everything it brings. Everything you see around you was though up by, and done by me. It's wonderful isn't it.' 'Where are Twilight and the others!' 'My my, such hostility already. Their just fine, but they may be a bit...different so to speak.' He began to let out a laugh that echoed through my mind. 'Tell me where they are...now.' I said, my voice sounding madder and madder. Everyone that knows me, knows to not do one thing, and that's to make me mad. I let my anger fuel me, which turns me into another person entirely. My personality changes, my physical strength, stamina, skill with weapons, everything increases to incredibly high levels. However, I have no control over who I attack. I'm so lost within my anger and rage that I have no idea who is friend or foe, so that's why I had built a barrier to block back those feelings, but they were now quickly being tore down. 'Well, looks like you have a temper, and from what I see, when you get mad things aren't pretty. That means you could become a potential problem, but I can take care of that.' 'What do you mean.' 'Look in front of you.' I did what Discord said, and there stood by far the weirdest creature I had ever seen. I'm not even going to describe what he looks like. Let's just say he's the definition of clusterfuck. Mostly because he's made of multiple animal's body parts. Now, he was just leaning up against a tree, one leg crossed over the other, his arms were crossed as well. He also seemed to have sunglasses on. "Sweet shades." I said as I walked towards him. He stood up from the tree and began to look at me. "Well, did my chaos turn you into what you are, or are you really a human? Also, I know, these shades are amazing." "How do you know about humans? And yes, I am one." "I know about everything. I don't only cause chaos in this world, but others as well. This one is just my favorite." He said as he pulled a lawn char out of nowhere and sat down drinking a glass of chocolate milk. After he was done drinking the glass, he grabbed the now solid chocolate milk. "Hey human, catch." "What do you mea- OH SHIT!" I yelled as I dodged the solid chocolate milk, hearing the explosion and feeling the chocolate hit my back and knock me to the ground. "...Ow." 'BAHAHA, you got owned by-.' 'Shut the fuck up brain.' 'Okay.' "Come on now, that's not a nice way to treat your brain now is it?" Discord said as he got up and started walking towards me. "Get the hell away from me." I said backing up while putting my right hand on the hilt of the sword. "Aww, you hate me already. I thought we were becoming pretty good friends. You and I, we're not that much different. Humans, they cause chaos, they cause death, war, and any other possible bad thing that could happen. Back on Earth, where you come from, they are now in a nuclear war thanks to you and your squads stupidity. Your squad got out safe, but since they couldn't find you, they went back in. This time though, they didn't come back. Instead, they were captured and tortured to death. The new recruit they got, let's see here....I think they called her...Oh yea, Shadow. You should remember her. She was the one that you were told to train." Memories flew through my mind, one of a twenty year old girl who had jet black hair, deep blue eyes, and a nice figure. It wasn't the type that was too big or too small, but just right. Considering that I was considerably younger than her and was better at shooting, it took her a long time to warm up to me. Once she did though, we became great friends. However, she was sent to a different base due to problems that happened. I haven't seen her since. "Yes. I remember her, she was like the sister I never had." I said as anger began to rise. "They took her very nice body, and did so many naughty things to it." I could see a smile appear on his face. "She tried to resist, but once they cut off her tongue, she shut up. However, the blood didn't really help. Still, after they were done with her they killed her. So, at least she had some fun before she died." He had a sick, sadistic smile on his face. I swear it felt like I was going to catch on fire out of pure rage. "And to think, if only you would've stayed on Earth and died in that blast like a good little boy, then you could have saved everyone's lives. But no, you had to come to Equestria instead. Now look what has happened." He said as he began to put a finger on my forehead. "Don't you dare fucking touch me you sick sadistic son of a bitch." His finger kept getting closer and closer, and my right hand gripped the hilt of the sword more and more. "Oh come on, I was just telling you what happened after you left. Besides, your too filled with anger, you need to calm down, way down." He said as I felt his finger touch my head. I swear I could feel something draining, but I didn't let it happen but for a few seconds. I withdrew my sword from it's sheath and cut his finger off. All he did was jump back in pain and began wrapping it up in medical supplies that seemed to appear out of nowhere. It felt like I had been drained of a little of my rage. The killing intent was there, but it just wasn't as strong as before. "I am going to fucking KILL YOU!" I put myself in a stance, and charged at Discord. "Nope, sorry. You've become too much of a problem. So this should take care of you for a while." He said as he sidestepped, dodging my charge. I fell into a hole, a deep one. Once I hit the bottom, face first, I felt something hitting the back of my head. That crazed laughter from Discord followed, which is all I heard as I slowly lost consciousness. I was laying on something, something cold. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see around, but yet it felt like the room I was in was gigantic compared to the normal sized ones. I just could tell by how the constant humming and beeps echoed in the room. I could hear the faint beat of a heart monitor, and it felt like I was hooked up to something. I heard a hiss, and heard the sound of heavy metal hitting what sounded like a metal floor, so I acted like I was still out cold. I heard that they were talking, so I tried to listen in. "..mus, but it doesn't seem to be made of what we are. It is all made of organic material, living tissue, so all I could do is try my best. I was hoping that it wasn't hurt, just knocked out. I mean, that thing landing on my console during the middle of a very important research project I was working on wasn't that pretty." I heard the metal footsteps get closer. "Besides, he doesn't even seem to be awake." I felt something cold, something that made me jump. "FUCK THAT'S COLD!" I said as I flew up, ripping the cords that I had strapped to me. I looked around for a minute. "Holy. Shit." I was in a giant room, completely made of metal. There were monitors all over the place, which described the constant beeping and buzzing I was hearing. What was in front of me though, got my attention. 'Brain...do you see this shit...please god tell me I'm dreaming, cause if I am I never want to wake up.' 'Yea...I see it.' I also don't think your dreaming either, cause your bleeding. Look at where you ripped out the cord.' I looked down to see the level of sheer stupidity I just pulled. I seemed to have many wires attached to me, and they were all ripped out as I sat up, so now I was covered in tiny streams of blood. "Oh now, look what you've done. It was so hard doing that. With these giant hands of mine it took forever to get the needles in the right spot. Now you've ruined it all." The robot said as he began to look at the one that was standing beside him. "Optimus, do we even know what this thing is?" "I don't know Ratchet, but I intend to find out." He said as he walked forward and looked down on me. I swear, I felt like I was having the biggest fangasm of my life. I loved transformers as a child, and here I was, standing in front of Optimus Prime! I managed to hold back the giddy squeals and oh my god's. "Hello, my name is Optimus Prime, and I would like to welcome you to Cybertron." "U-Uh yea, glad to be here. My name is John Morrison, and how exactly did I get here." "Let me tell him this Optimus, since he did interrupt my research." Ratchet said as he turned to me. "You see, it was a normal day for me. Repairing systems, checking life support systems for the ones that were hurt, and I was helping out my pet and her litter of kittens. Don't ask how metal cheetahs are made, it's very...complicated. Anyways, I was helping them out in their habitat, and as I was pressing a few keys, I saw a portal open up in front of my face, dropping you onto the keyboard, releasing the baby cheetahs and their mother. The mother and three kittens went back in, but I can't find the last one. He's the type that likes to exp- oh never mind there he is." I looked to my right, and there was an almost fully grown cheetah. He let out a metallic purr, and began rubbing up against me. Optimus looked back to the cheetah and then back to me. "Well, looks like you've found your first companion John, but Ratchet, you said a portal appeared out of nowhere." I tensed up, and the cheetah stopped purring up against me. "You said portal? Knew it...Discord." "Discord?" Ratchet asked. "Yes, the ruler of chaos. He was back on Equestria, a planet that is inhabited by ponies who can talk, fly, and do magic. It's normal there, but it's not where I come from." I proceeded to tell them how I made it into Equestria, and how I came here. "So your saying, is your an intelligent life form from a planet called Earth, and you somehow got teleported onto a planet the was inhabited by ponies?" "Yea, that's exactly how it happened. If you don't believe me, check my iPod, I have songs and videos from my world on there." I said as I pulled out my iPod. I showed it to them, and Ratchet began to inspect it. "It seems to be dead, it has no power." "Oh, my bad. Ir must have died shortly after I entered Equestria, maybe after the first day." I reached out to get it back, but I heard the sound of transforming, and another newer, sleeker version fell into my hand. "What the?" "Are you sure you want to do this, won't your mother be mad?" Ratchet said pointing towards my iPod. I looked down and watched as it started transforming in my hand, I let go of it and saw the same cheetah standing before me. It simply let out a metallic meow and transformed back into my new iPod. "Well, looks like you've got yourself a new pet John." Ratchet said as he began to laugh. Optimus was just standing there being quiet. I checked the iPod and to find out, it had everything I had on my old one! Also, this one looked like it was constantly on charge, so it would never die. This, Cibertron, and meeting Optimus Prime has made my day. "So, John,do you mind if i get some scans of you? We've never seen a species like you before, and I'd like to record some things if you don't mind." "Sure, I don't mind as long as it's nothing painful or weird." "Oh no, it's perfectly safe." Ratchet said as he grabbed something and began scanning my body with it. It emitted a red light, which proceeded to move up and down my body while making a buzzing noise. After it was done it made one more run through, this time it was fast, and green. "So Optimus, do you know any wa-" I was interrupted by the opening and closing sound of another door. I heard another robot run up in a panic-like manner. "Optimus, Decepticons are attacking!" An explosion rang out through the building we were in, shaking it to where a little debris fell from the roof. "Ratchet, go help out the others our front! I'll try to help John here." He instantly changed figure. Before he was relaxed, calm, and cool to be around. Now he acted stern, in control, and still cool to be around. "John, do you know how to get back? Cause I need to get out there and help defend the base." Optimus calmly said as he lowered himself down on one knee and looked at me. "I have no idea, but can I help!" I swear I sounded like a child who wanted to do something, but their parent's wouldn't let them. "No, you just stay here, and don't think about coming out to watch." Optimus said as he began running out of the door. 'Hey brain you think?' 'Totally.' 'Alright, let's do this. LEEEERRROYYY JENNNNNKIIINS!' I thought as I ran at the giant metal door, but was stopped when it didn't open. "Oh, come on! Just op- is that an open switch?" I looked beside the door, and there was a switch that had a green button on top and a red button on bottom. I walked over and hit the green button, opening the door I couldn't get through. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" I said as I ran through the doorway. I ran towards the sounds of explosions, clashing metal, and laser fire. Once I got out, I saw that Optimus and the rest of the Autobots that were there were being pinned down. I saw Optimus touch the side of his head with his hand. "Roadblock, you to your position?" I heard Optimus say, and all I heard were three loud shots coming from somewhere, and I saw three Decepticons fall. I walked up to Optimus, who looked pissed when he saw me. "I thought I told you to stay inside." He didn't sound mad, but he made it clear that he did NOT want me coming out there, and I see why. The Autobots were being overrun by the sheer number of Decepticons. I pulled out my iPod to take a picture of this, so I could remember it forever, but I was interrupted by the cheetah transforming and letting out a growl at something. 'How do cheetah's growl?' 'Well, it is a robot cheetah, so I'm not surprised it can talk or anything. However, it is weird though. I'm guessing it's sound box is a mix between a cat and dog, as in he can sound like both.' 'That's crazy!' 'I know right?' The cheetah jumped up towards something flying through the sky, and dragging it towards the ground with a loud thud, then I saw a ball of metal battling between each other. I saw that the thing that the cheetah was fighting was in fact a bird. "Laserbeak?' 'Looks like it.' I watched as laserbeak shot through the cheetah, and I looked at Ratchet who tossed something to me. "Here, I made this in time before the fight got serious." It was just a thin glove that went on my left hand, and once I put it on I saw a little green laser start shooting towards the cheetah, who I think I'll name Gizmo. It began to heal Gizmo, gradually fixing the wound, reattaching the sparking wires, and after it was finished he looked as good as new. He transformed and leaped back into my hand. I put him into my pocket, patting the pocket. "Good job buddy." The fight was almost over, but it was still pretty crazy. I swear it looked like a light show that went on forever, and I was amazed by it, that is until one laser hit the wall I was hiding behind. "Oh shit!" I hid behind the wall more, and heard a familiar sound of a rocket launching. I didn't even have time to think before I was blown back. I hit the ground, hard, but I heard a voice. "It's not your time yet young one. You still have much to do. For now, we shall help you in your time of need, however, after this all we can do is supervise." I felt the ground disappear below me. I was falling, falling fast. I felt the wind flow through my hair, and I could tell the ground was getting closer and closer. I was relieved when I hit water, still feeling a ton of pain. I crawled out after swimming to what I think was the edge, and as I began to lose consciousness I saw a human-like figure walk up to me. However, it was covered in armor from the looks of it. It also looked like it was covered in dust, and had a weird weapon on it's back. It walked up to me and bent down, staring at me. I saw yellow lenses that seemed to be dirty from dirt, blood, and other things. "Better get you some help. There's a clinic near here. They should be able to patch you up." I believe the damage from that rocket followed me this time as I felt pain go throughout my entire body. As I lost consciousness, I let out two words. "T-Thank.....y-you." With that, I passed out, again. A/N: Well, seems I've done pretty good so far without an editor or pre-reader. I know these are some weird crossovers, but the finale shouldn't take more than two or three more chapters (Not the end of the story)...so yea, no ponies sadly, but awesome adventures. Don't worry though, ponies will be back...soon..(Insert author's weird/ creepy smile here)....also, early update BOO YAH!..I worked ahead for you guys, who knows...I may have another one up by Sunday...besides...this next crossover is going to be my favorite. =D > Chapter 5: The Courier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I smelled something foul. It smelled like rotting corpses, but I quickly got used to it. I was always one who got used to smells quickly. I felt myself laying on something hard, but it had a pillow. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was in a medical building from the looks of it. However instead of being clean and neat, it was dirty and unsanitary. I stood up and began to walk. I felt light headed from where I stood up too fast, but I had a goal to get to; the door. As I walked through, I saw a nurse and someone who was wearing armor talking to her. "Yes, I know Mr. Courier I-" "Please, just Courier is fine." "Ok then, Courier, that will be 200 caps." The person who I guess went by Courier pulled out 200 bottle caps and sat them on the counter the nurse was standing behind. "Thank you, he should be getting up any- Oh, there you are. Better be glad this man found you, you were dying from blood loss." I looked over at the man in the armor, who proceeded to walk towards me. "Names...well, that doesn't matter. You can just call me Courier." He reached his hand out, and I shook it. "Nice to meet you Courier, my names John, and do you know where we are?" We stopped shaking hands, and I finally got a good look at him. He had a weird kind of armor on. It covered his entire body, and didn't give him any way to breathe. I wondered how, then I noticed the breathing filter on his helmet. I saw that he had a weapon on his back, and it looked like an ordinary M4 Carbine. The armor had insanely large pieces that went from the back to over the shoulders, and eventually to the front of the armor. The armor piece on the left had an E that was surrounded by stars. It was an emblem I had never seen before, so I began to get curious. "Your in the Mojave Wasteland, why?" "Mojave?" "Yea, you know, what used to be California before it got hit by nuclear war?" "Nuclear war?" "Nevermind, long story short, humans screwed the world over with nuclear war. Now everything is either irradiated, mutated, or dead. There are very few of us who are normal anymore, and those are usually down in the vaults." "Vaults?" I felt like Twilight since I was asking so many questions, even though they were only one word. "Yes, a long time ago giant underground housings a.k.a 'Vaults' were made to save people form the nuclear holocaust. They had to get a specific invitation from Vault Tec. in the mail, if they didn't get an invitation they would either request one, or just die once the nukes fell. Either way, many people survived the nukes, while people in the Vaults did not. Most Vaults around here were used as experimental facilities, where the people would undergo changes that they didn't know about. I remember one time where I had to go into...I think it was..Vault 32, or something close. Anyways, the Vault was covered in vines, grass, plants, stuff that's very scarce in the Wasteland. When I got deep inside the Vault I found an elevator that I could fix, so I fixed it. I proceeded to look throughout the Vault, running into experiments that were basically people that had green skin, walked on all fours, and were very hostile. I killed I don't know how many of them. However, the worst Vault of them all was Vault 34, the most irradiated place I had ever been into. I had to do something for someone there, I think I had to get something in the Overseer's office, but I ended up going back and forth throughout the Vault like maze. I ran into ghouls, which are basically humans that were so irradiated that they went feral, attacking anything but their own kind. They are easy to kill in small numbers, but find them in a big group and your in trouble. Thankfully I only ran into one group of 5, which with my Missile Launcher, made it easy to take them out. The Overseer was a different story. he had two Mark IV turrets in his office, and those are tough and do a lot of damage. It took me a while, but with the weapon I found in the armory called the 'All-American', it made things easy. After I killed the Overseer and took what I needed, I opened the staircase under his desk by activating a computer behind it. I walked down the stairs, and out back into the open. I would go into more detail, but I think that's all you need to know about the dangers of the wastes. Now, I'm giving you two choices. Stay here and find a normal job and live a peaceful life, hopefully without raiders and other creatures bothering you. Or, you could come with me, and help those who need help, and save those who need saving. Ever since I quit being a courier, I guess you could say I became the hero of the wastes." So many thoughts were running through my mind, but the last thing he said made all of those go away. It brought me back to the time where I found out my parents died, and to choose to join the army, or live a normal life. I had a chance to have one here, but the good in me wouldn't let me. I walked closer to him. He stood maybe a few inches taller than me, either that or it was his armor. I gave him a look, and said one thing. "Come at me bro, I'll take anything you've got." "I take it that your coming with me then?" He said as he looked through his thing on his arm and pulled out a few weapons. "Yes." I said, looking as he pulled out a black and gray sniper rifle. "Okay, I'll let you pick what you want to u-" "Give me the sniper." "You mean the Anti-Material Rifle? It's a lot stronger than your ordinary sniper rifle you know." "I know, but...let's just say I used to be a soldier, and I was the best shot around." With this he nodded and handed me a few clips of ammunition, and a rifle. "What's the rifle for?" I asked looking it over, it looked like an M1 Grand, almost in perfect condition. "You'll need something for when enemies get in close won't you?" "Well, I do have this sword on me." I had totally forgotten about my sword on my left thigh until I started putting the Anti-Material Rifle on my back. I noticed it was unharmed, and as I drew it out people began to stare at it's golden glow. "Well, looks like you have two special weapons now." He said as he pointed towards the sword and the rifle. "I know about the sword, but the rifle?" I said inspecting it again. "That rifle is special, it's the best of it's kind. It has a name, they call is 'This Machine', and it definitely is a machine." I think he meant that as a compliment towards the gun, not that it literally was a machine. "Ok, one more thing...where can I get armor like that, because I want it!" I said enthusiastically while looking at his armor. "Oh, I got this from a friend. I know where we can find another suit like this, but we have to go through a camp of Legionares and then a whole horde of Deathclaws, including a Deathclaw Mother." He said while giving me a stare through his helmet...at least I thought it was a stare, maybe one of challenge. "That sounds tough, and deadly." I said, giving him another stare. "Who's keeping score." He said while hopefully smiling under the helmet. "I guess I will, I always keep score. Just letting you know, I NEVER miss...never." "Well, I am a killing machine. I did take out a whole camp by myself, not to mention a whole robot army." "Well maybe you should have kept 'This Machine' instead of me." "No, your going to need the firepower if you want to keep up with me." "Oh really?" "Yea, really." "Alright then, your on." I said as I started towards the door, opening it. "Ladies first." I laughed as he didn't go through. "Naa, I think I'll let you go first." "What's that? Badasses first, ok then." I walked through the door. The nurse behind the counter shook her head. "Those two are so much alike it's not funny, their going to be one deadly duo." She shook her head even more thinking about what those two could possibly do. We were approaching the camp, and it was filled with people dressed out in red. The armored one's weren't even that covered, but looking at how many of them there were, this was going to be a problem. I looked over to the Courier, who was just standing on the cliff edge like a badass. "Well Mr. Badass, what are we going to do?" I said the first part with a sarcastic tone. "Simple, kill em' all." He said as he shrugged. "You think as you go don't you?" "Yep." "So do I. I can tell we're going to be great friends." He laughed. "Me too." We began our walk down the mountain to the camp. there were a few buildings, one was two stories that had stairs on the side of the building leading to the top. The others were single storied building that were old and run down, and some were barred up all over to where you couldn't get inside. Others were probably used as barracks, and I constantly saw men walking out of them. There were a few tents, but not many. However, the one thing that caught my eye was the people in the cages. They looked nothing like these so called 'Legionares'. Instead, they looked poor, starved, and dehydrated. I wanted to save those people. "Hey Courier, how do you think we could save those people over there in the cages?" I asked, pointing towards the cage far in front of us and off to the right a little. "Simple, after killing everyone we deactivate their collars and let them go." He said while shrugging. "Wait, collars?" "Yes, those people over there are slaves, used for many purposes." "You mean like back when African American's were slaves?" "What?" "Nevermind." I said. 'They must not remember history that far back.' "Okay then, we're getting close to the camp now, so stay quiet." He said while crouching down. I joined in, and followed his every step since he knew more about this world than I did. I must say, it is vastly different from the California I knew of. However, that one wasn't torn apart by nuclear warfare. We were getting ever closer, and the only sound we made was the slight scuffle of where I would accidentally forget to roll my feet. That's the one way I know that can make your steps silent; just take it slow and roll your feet. He was dead silent even in the armor he was wearing, and I wondered how he did it. We got to the camp, still crouched and slowly moving, but I was quickly becoming stiff as from where I hadn't changed positions in a while. Once we got up to the camp he motioned me to stay back, and walked forward. I heard a slight groan, and the sound of a body falling to the ground. He walked back around dragging a body of a Legionare to me. He pulled off the armor, and tossed it over to me. "Here, put this on for protection." I did as he said and changed, first I stripped down to my boxers and put on the underclothes, and then the armor. "This good enough?" I asked, trying to get used to the new weight added to my body. "Yes, that should be fine." He whispered as he walked back around. "Follow me, were getting ready to start the attack." "Alright finally, some action." I said as I pulled out the Anti-Material Rifle. "Just in case, I recommend armor piercing or explosive rounds." He said as he began to pull out a big gun. It wasn't a minigun, it was more futuristic. "Alright, let's do this." He said as he walked out into the open. "Hey limp dicks." He yelled as they looked as him. Some drew melee weapons and ran at him, and others began to pull out a variety of rifles and machine guns. "Eat laser freaks." I heard a slight spin up, then green lasers mowed down anyone that came near him. 'Are lasers usually green?' 'Are gatling guns supposed to shoot lasers?' 'Well we are in a futuristic world...I think.' 'Well, since we are pretty much anything can happen, so watch your back.' 'Oh trust me, I know to watch my back.' "Hey John, I could use some help over here!" I looked over to the Courier, and he was literally being swarmed by Legionares. He was basically surrounded, and the only way he could escape was by backing away, which he was quick;y doing. I came out from behind cover and loaded some explosive rounds into the rifle. "Gotcha!" I said as I shot one group of enemies. The explosive rounds worked miracles. Every time I would hit someone in the head, it would kill them and scatter everyone else around them. This gave enough time for the Courier to get back to me. "Phew, thanks John. I could have got out of that myself, but my ammo count was running low. Plus, my V.A.T.S. was already used up." He said while catching his breath. "V.A.T.S.? What's that?" "I'll tell you later." He said while pulling out another weapon. "Ready for round two?" "You know it." I said as I pushed the bolt forward on the rifle, putting another explosive round in the chamber. We both dove out from behind the building and took cover behind some rubble from a house that was destroyed by a rocket launcher. There were maybe 15 people left in the camp from what we could see, so we both looked at each other and nodded. Since the Courier had the armor he walked out into the open, taking most of the fire while I took the enemies out one by one. However, since I had explosive rounds I aimed for big groups first. I saw what looked like a squad huddled together, so I aimed for them. I looked into the dirty scope, trying to get the right shot on them. "Damn this scope for being dirty, can't see shit....wait a minute, what's that?" I saw something tan and big running at the group. It has it's arms stretched out like it was going to attack them. I saw the Courier react to this thing. "HOLY SHIT, JOHN, GET THE ARMOR PIERCING ROUNDS!" He screamed at me as I frantically looked for the clip that had the armor piercing rounds in them. I grabbed the clip, ejected the one that was currently in the gun, and put in the new one. I looked back and saw the thing jump at the group, practically tearing through them like paper. It was honestly the first thing that has truly scared me. I aimed at it, but before I pressed the trigger I heard fast, deep breathing. I looked behind me to see another one of those monsters charging me. It jumped into the air, and aimed for my head. Thankfully I ducked as the claw hit the concrete above me, making it turn to dust. I saw it reach it's other arm back, so I flinched and fired the rifle. I felt blood splatter across my face, and a heavy body land on me. I opened my eyes to see the monsters face falling towards me. I tried to move, but it landed on me; and it was heavy. As I began to move out from under the body, I saw the Courier fly into a building, leaving a big hole in it. I knew he was screwed if I didn't do something. I got out from under the body as fast as I could, watching the other tan creature walk towards the Courier, who was now getting out from under the rubble. I pulled the sniper up and aimed at the monster's head. I pulled the trigger, but all I heard was a click. I facepalmed. That was by far the most stupid thing I have ever done in my sniping career. I pulled the bolt back, ejecting the shell, and pushed the bolt forward which put another armor piercing shell in the chamber. I aimed once again for the monster's head. The Courier was now standing still in front of it, basically starting death in the face. I fired just before the monster hit the Courier. As the bullet hit the monster in the head, it hit the Courier's body. He flew back into the house again, so I ran over to see if it was okay. "Hey Courier, you alright." He let out a moan and began to move. "Yeah, your going to be just fine." I walked over and helped him up. As I let go he began to stumble a bit, but I caught him before he fell again. "Ok, thanks for saving me there. I usually get the Deathclaws before they get that close, but that one got lucky," I began to think for a minute. 'Deathclaws...why does that seem so familiar...I have a feeling I've heard it before, but I just don't know where.' 'Dude, he said if you wanted to get to the armor then you would have to go through a whole horde of them.' 'Oh...great, just great. Now I have a death wish, but I might as well go along with it. Besides, what could possibly go wrong.' 'Dude, never say that.' 'Say what?' 'What could possibly go wrong, you know why?' 'Why?' 'Because something ALWAYS goes wrong.' 'Meh, I don't believe in that kind of stuff.' 'You will soon.' 'Whatever you say.' Now that the camp was empty we could look for supplies, and scavenge off the dead bodies if we needed to. We searched all over for items. We searched on the dead bodies, in cabins and tents that were set up, and finally the main building. We discovered that to get in we needed a key, so the Courier went to the leader's dead body and found the key. After he got back up the stairs, we entered inside the office. There was just a desk with a terminal and light on it, along with a row of lockers. While the Courier hacked the terminal and lockpicked the desk, I took a look at the lockers. Inside one was a ton of dog tags made to look like a pair of brass knuckles. I took them out and brought them over to the Courier, and he willingly took them. After our search through the camp, we made our way to a nearby river. "Here comes the fun part, you know how to swim?" He said while stretching and pulling off his helmet. I finally got to see his face. He had a tunnel snake hair style that was jet black. He had hazel eyes, and looked to be Caucasian. As he put his helmet up, he pulled out something else that just went over his mouth. He pulled out a second and handed it towards me. "You'll be needing this for the long swim." He said as I grabbed the mask-like thing and put it on my face. It felt weird, and it was just a bit harder to breathe in as well. "Alright, see that opening way down there." He said pointing down the river and to the other side of the bank. It looked to be pretty far, but I was always a good swimmer. "Yea. Let me guess, that's where we've got to go?" I said while putting away my weapons, hoping not to get them wet. "Yep, now get ready. I suggest if you don't have anything waterproof, then you hand it to me." "Wait a minute, let me check something first. Hey Gizmo!" I called for Gizmo, who transformed once I pulled him out of my pocket. "You can go underwater right?" I asked, Gizmo simply nodded and rubbed up against me letting out a metallic purr again. "I guess we're ready then." I said while giving the Courier a thumbs up. "What is that?" He said while pointing towards Gizmo. "Oh, that's my pet transforming cheetah...long story, not enough time," I said while readying myself to jump in, "CANNONBALL!" I yelled as I did a cannonball into the water. When I hit the water, water went everywhere. I looked over to the Courier and laughed as he was covered from head to toe in water. "Yea yea, very funny...wait a minute, be right back. You better stay there." I nodded and watched as he ran to the top of the cliff we were below. "Hey kid!" He yelled down to me. "This is how real men do a cannonball." He said as he jumped off the cliff, armor and all. I swear I could hear whistling as he hit the water, practically making a wave engulf my entire being. I let out a muffled scream as the wave hit me, making me do flips under the water. After I regained my balance, I went to the top of the water. As I surfaced, I saw the Courier backstroking past me. "Come on slowpoke, I thought you said you knew how to swim?" He said while slowly swimming by me. "So you want a race?" I said while backstroking alongside him. "Nope, it's best we save our energy for the horde of Deathclaws we're getting ready to face." "Good point." "Care for some music?" He said while lifting up his arm and slightly sinking in the water. We stopped and just waded in the water as he chose a radio station. The music was old, but I liked it. It was relaxing. We just floated down the river, listening to the steady beat and western sound of the music. After it was over, we were halfway to the area where we would hopefully not die. "Mid if i put on some of MY music." I said while getting out my iPod, which was Gizmo transformed. "Sure go ahead, play anything you want, I like all music." He said while turning off his radio on his arm. I just grinned a bit. "Okay, you got it boss" I hit the play. Hollywood Undead is by far one of my favorite bands, and like I said, I listen to a wide variety of music, so expect the unexpected. The Courier nodded his head to the beat. "Hey, this isn't bad, I like it! However, your going to have to change it to some fighting music soon, because we're coming up on it now...do you have any fighting music on there? Cause the music here isn't that...well...you know what I mean." He said while we got out of the water. "Fighting music? Oh yea, I have plenty of those." I turned on one of my favorites. As we walked farther into land, I notices we were surrounded by a cliff edge. We heard the approaching footsteps of Deathclawes nearby. "You ready for this John?" The courier said while pulling out a weird looking cannon that emitted a yellow glow. "Oh yea, let's do this!" I yelled as the first Deathclaw came at us. It didn't make it far due to the Courier's weapon. It shot out a blue beam of what looked like energy, sending electricity through the Deathclaw, and killing it almost instantly. I saw two more run around the bend, so I got the Anti-Material Rifle ready. I loaded armor piercing rounds into the weapon, and fired at one of the Deathclaws. The bullet hit it right in the eye, and came out behind it's head. I watched as it fell over and skidded at me, much like the Chimera I saw back when I first entered Equestria. I was instantly reminded of all those people I left. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, and Luna. I left them all behind, no, it was Discord that did this, and I will kill him for it. Being reminded of how Discord had caused all of this, I was filled with rage, and put explosive rounds into the sniper. "Explosive rounds at close range, are you crazy!" The Courier said as he was backing away from me before I shot. I hit a jumping Deathclaw, and watched as it flew into a million pieces. Blood covered my entire body as a wave of it from the now dismembered Deathclaw hit me. I didn't flinch, I just kept on putting more bullets into the chamber and kept on pulling the trigger. The Courier stayed back and provided support fire, but eventually he had to intervene because they were beginning to get too close. I watched as one jumped at me from the side. I ducked, dodging the claws and another Deathclaw hit that one and took it's head off. I laughed on the inside out of the sheer stupidity that just happened. "John, LOOK OUT!" I looked behind me as I saw a claw come across my chest. It sent me flying back across the field. From what I could see, the field was almost wiped out except for a giant black one and a few smaller ones as I flew past them. I hit a rock, and heard a cracking noise. "Oh shit, that's not good." I laid there as I saw three orange lasers come down from the sky. They all acted on one pinpoint location, the Mother Deathclaw, or at least I think it is. I saw the lasers form into one orange laser. Then, I saw a massive blue light come down from the sky, immediately vaporizing anything that was inside the blast area. I felt the heat coming from it as I laid there against the rock. I instantly thought about the Courier, and if he was okay. I managed to stand up, only to see him walking towards me like a badass. He was walking away from the explosion as it went off, and as it did he put some badass aviators on. I sat back down, and laid my head up against a rock. "There's one thing you can't beat me at, and that's danger close." He laughed as he looked me over. He tossed something to me. It looked like a syringe, but it had a big round top on it, and had some weird liquid inside it. "It's a Stimpak. Should heal you right up." I did as he said and injected the weird liquid into my bloodstream. I felt my wounds slowly closing. It took a few minutes, but eventually I was back to my old self. I stood up and stretched and looked to my left. I saw the armor I was looking for. I was right beside it the whole time, I facepalmed. I picked it up, and damn it was heavy. "Heavy isn't it?" He said while laughing. "You don't say." I said in a smart remark. "Here, I'll tech you how to use it professionally like I do." He said while tossing me the boots to the armor. "Now suit up soldier!" He said while giving me a pat on the back. "Alright, give me a minute." I said while putting the suit on. It took me a while, but I eventually got it all on, and I could hardly move in it. "Alright, ready." "Alright the first thing you have to do is-" After a few hours I was just as skilled in wearing power armor as the Courier, and we were heading back when I noticed something. I saw something colorful, so I made my way towards it. "Hey Courier, come over here for a sec." I said while waving at him. He walked over and looked into the weird portal thing that was there. It showed, I couldn't believe my eyes. It showed Ponyville! "Courier, this is the place where I came from! I can finally go home!" I said while jumping around like a happy little kid, but I soon stopped. "Wait, Discord is still there, and I know just what I'm going to do." The Courier looked at me. "What are you going to do?" I looked at him and pulled out the Anti-Material Rifle, and looked at him. "I'm going to shoot an explosive round right down that bastards throat, that is, if you'll let me have this rifle." "Go ahead, consider it your going away present." He looked at me and took off his helmet. "I'm pretty sure your going to need these more than I do, besides, there's more of them out here in the wastes." He said while handing me the aviators that he wore earlier. "You sure? I mean, I know these mean a lot to you." I said while looking at him thankfully. "Yes, take those and the rifle. Something to remember me by. Goodbye friend, I hope to see you again someday." He said while reaching out his hand. "I hope so too. Who knows, maybe next time we could go into a Vault and fight some ghouls, or some other crazy kind of adventure. Anyways, until next time." I waved as I put on the aviators and stepped into the portal. However, as I was halfway through I forgot something. "WAIT!" The Courier turned around and looked at me. "We forgot to set free those slaves." His eyes opened wide, and he facepalmed. "Knew we forgot something. Oh well, you get going, I'll set free the slaves. No need to worry, I'll be just fine." He said as he gave me a thumbs up. "I know you will, your a badass like me." We let out one final laugh before we waved and went our separate ways. I finished stepping through the portal. I appeared in some kind of throne room, and I saw eight cages aligned on the walls. I looked to my left, and there sat Discord in a silky red chair, asleep. I walked around, trying not to wake him. I noticed that the eight cages held Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia. They seemed to be held in by some kind of powerful forcefield. I turned around and noticed Discord began to stir. I pulled out the Anti-Material rifle, and as he turned to look at me, I shoved the barrel of the gun down his throat, literally, it was at least halfway down his throat. He looked at me wide eyed, and just stared. "Hey motherfucker, I'm back, miss me?" I fired the gun. A/N: Wow, uber long chapter O.O...Shows how much I'm beginning to write now that schools finally coming to an end (There be a shitstorm a brewin' in two weeks). After schools out, I practically have all summer to write =D...still, I don't know if I got my facts straight about the story about the vaults and the stories I described...I kind of did it off the top of my head (I vaguely knew what they were, but I just couldn't remember...that's the one thing I have...a very bad memory). But I hope you all liked this chapter, now it's back to ponies...YAY! =D...now we can finally stop with all the random transportation XD (And he didn't get knocked out this time either O.o) Oh well, see everyone next chapter! > Chapter 6: Back to Normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I drew the gun from Discord's throat, also drawing out a long line of saliva with it. "AW, COME ON! I JUST GOT THIS GUN!" I said as I slung the heavy rifle towards the ground trying to sling the saliva off. After I managed to get a little of the saliva off I looked at Discord. 'What the hell? The round should have gone off by now. What happened? 'Is his stomach expanding?' 'Oh you've GOT to be shitting me.' I let out a very annoyed sigh. Apparently Discord can't be blown up. From the round exploding inside his body, it should have blown up; but it didn't. All he did was expand into a ball like shape, then burp out fire and shrapnel. "Seriously man, if that can't kill you what can?" I said as I threw my arms up in the air. "Oh well, seems like that finger that I chopped off is still gone, might as well use my sword instead." "*Cough* My my, *cough* what a rude awakening. You didn't even give me enough time to *cough* show you my welcoming party I had planned. Besides, you've only been gone for about half a day." I've only been gone half a day? Well, that's good news. Maybe I can finally kill this son of a bitch and get on with my new life. "Okay," I said as I drew my sword, "Which part you should I cut off next?" My sword was fully drawn and was emitting a stronger glow than usual. "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you," He said while floating lazily around me in the air, "You see, I cannot be killed by any normal means; not even by your sword. The only thing that can kill me is, wait what am I doing? I'm not telling you that." He said while he began to laugh. "I'd like to see you try and hit me with that puny sword of yours." He popped up in front of me, literally, he just popped up out of nowhere. I swung and he popped out of existence and back into it again; completely dodging my sword. "Okay, you've got to be hacking or something. Unless those horns on your head actually use magic, which I don't see how they do. Besides, when you use magic aren't they supposed to glow in some sort of aura? Because if they do, either your's is invisible, or it's not magic." "Well now, seems like he's more observant than you Twilight, I'd be ashamed." He said as he looked to Twilight's cage. She looked up at him with a hateful glare, and began to yell. Apparently the barrier was soundproof, with judging by how much the cage is shaking, I'm glad I'm on the other side of it. "Well, I know my way around a few things, but seriously, how do you do it? How do you do all the stuff that you do?" I said while disarming myself, hoping to look as peaceful as possible. "Seems like I have an admirer, finally decided to go for the winning side I see." He said as he began to touch my head again. This time, I could feel myself being drained of my anger. However, I was no longer angry; I was beyond furious with the way he treated my friends. This clusterfuck of animals deserves to die for what he's done, and he's going to get it. "Well, now that you are under my control, I will answer one question, and one alone." He said while sitting back down. I stood there for a minute pondering on how to ask the question. "How do you do what you do? As in, how do you use all of your powers without magic? How do you randomly teleport and change the whole world with just the snap of a finger?" He sat up in his chair and looked at me, and smiled that evil grin. "My minion, I simply hack. That's right, I can hack into realities and change them the way I see fit. I go into their molecular structure and begin my work, which doesn't take long since I've had tons of practice." He said as he put on sunglasses. 'If there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's hackers. They always try to cheat to get their way, and it isn't right. I know of one way to take care of hackers. It didn't really help back on Earth, it just made things funny. However, since everything here is magic....it may work. I got a grin on my face, and the color appeared back on my body. "W-What b-but how did you do that?" He said as he stood up. "Discord, there's one thing you must know about me. Before I joined the army, and before I came here, I was a hardcore gamer. Games and reading were my ways of escaping from society, and there's only one thing I hated more than anything in the world; hackers. Now I know only one way of taking care of them, and sense there's no ban hammer here, there's only one thing to do." I stood straight up, arms at my side. Discord was giving me the 'what the hell' look. I put on my shades with my left arm, and slowly raised my right arm; pointing at him with my index finger. I yelled the only thing that came to mind. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXX" I yelled as I quoted my favorite character from the g-mod idiot box. God, I loved those as a kid. I wonder if he's still making those? I saw a big white computer monitor fly out of nowhere and hit Discord across the face. 'Holy shit that worked! Hell yea!' Discord fell to the ground, out cold. I saw the barrier around the cages flash and break apart, sending pink dust everywhere. God, I hope this stuff isn't harmful to breathe in. I don't feel like dying to something called the 'pink death', that would just be discriminating. The cages opened, and out walked the 8 ponies, thankfully unharmed. They all rushed and hugged me, except for Celestia, and Twilight was the first to speak. "Thank Celestia your here! We thought you were gone for good when he told us what happened. You were finally getting used to being here, and then Discord showed up and ruined everything. I'm sorry." She said as her and the rest of them let go of me. "It's okay, but now we have to deal with that." I said gesturing to the unconscious body of Discord. I looked back to Celestia, awaiting an answer. "Well, Discord had broken out of his stone prison twice now, so I don't know what to do. Do you have an Idea John?" She said looking to me. "Yes, but it's not a pretty one. Anyone who can think they can stomach it can look, if not, then look away while you can." I said as I drew my sword and walked over to Discord's unconscious body. I looked back to see just Celestia, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash looking at me. I sighed and put my sword above Discord's body. The sword shined in the daylight, right before it got covered in Discord's blood as I began to carve into him. I must say, I did a very brutal job. All I simply did was disconnect all his body parts and set them in close proximity, then severed his head from his body. I watched as the force I put into the slash made Discord's head roll over and over across the floor, eventually stopping and turning to dust. I wondered why he turned to dust, and when I inhaled it by accident, I wondered why it tasted like coffee beans. "Well, now that that's over, I'd like to listen to some music. Gizmo, you there?" I said as I pulled out my iPod. Everypony looked at me weird, so I just shrugged it off. Gizmo let out a purr, then transformed and began rubbing up against me. "Hey buddy, sorry I haven't given you much attention lately. I've been...caught up...in things." I said as I began petting the cybernetic cat. Yes, I know, a cybernetic transforming cat in Equestria, weird right? Well so is a human, so shut the fuck up. Anyways, as I was petting him, Fluttershy got curious, and walked up to him. He didn't pay any mind to her, as he was concentrating on getting me to pet him with both of my hands. When Fluttershy got close though, he took a defensive stance and looked at everyone. I heard something say 'Attack mode initiating', and instantly I jumped in front of her. "WOAH! Gizmo, it's ok, their friends." He backed down and walked up to Fluttershy, sniffing her to get her scent I guess, and started rubbing up against her like she did me. "Well, seems like someone found a new friend." I said as I looked towards Gizmo, who let out a meow and walked back over beside me and sat down, then began lick his paw and scratch his ear. 'Damn robot even acts like a cat.' 'You don't say?' 'Where the hell have you been? 'Oh, just here, there, and getting drained of anger. You know, the everyday stuff.' 'Okay, you have fun with that, I'm getting back to the thing at hand.' "So, what do we do now that that's over?" I asked to Celestia. "Well, since Discord is now gone for good, we can now reward you for your bravery and celebrate." She said while walking towards me. She stopped just in front of me, "You don't mind being rewarded do you?" She said as she stared me down. "N-No, not at all. However, I just don't want to be big and famous. I just want to live a normal, peaceful life with my six new friends, find a job that pays well, and hopefully live a good life." This is how I wanted my life to be. I wanted it to be peaceful, normal, happy, and fun. Just ignore what else is going on in the world and just be happy. Still, my mind won't let me do that. 'Hell no man, your meant to do great things. Become a guard or something like that. Something to keep you in shape, unless you want to be a fatass.' 'Can you please just let me relax a bit...just a little, that's all I'm asking for.' 'Nope.' 'Well fuck you too.' 'Kinda hard when I'm a brain.' I ignored his reply. I wasn't in the mood to argue. I was tired, wore out, smelled like shit, and looked awful. I was covered in blood, had small cuts and bruises all over my body, my armor needed to be repainted, and many other things. However, I still looked back to Celestia, who just nodded and walked out of the room. I turned around to see how much damage was done, and surprisingly, it was pretty clean. When Discord died his blood went with him, cleaning up the floor and everything else. I guess the world got cleansed as well, seeing as the sun is shining and the sky is no longer covered in pink clouds that rain chocolate milk. "Well, now that that's over, how about we head back to Ponyville so I can get some much needed sleep." I said to the girls. "We can't John, Celestia has to reward you for your service to Equestria, so we're staying here tonight." Twilight said while putting me in a violet like aura. "Now come on, you really need a bath; you smell really bad." I just nodded as she floated me down the hallways until we went into a room. I'm guessing that it's a guest room because it's mainly empty except for a giant bed in front of us as we walked in, a small desk to the left of the bed with a lamp on it, and a dresser to the right of the bed. I was just relaxing as Twilight floated me through a door I didn't see as we entered. It was right beside the door we entered in, and out of my line of sight. She opened it with her magic, somehow still carrying me; she just floated me in and dropped me on the floor. "Ow, be a bit easier next time will you?" I said as I rubbed my ass from the fall. I thought that the armor would save me from the fall, but no, it makes it worse. "Sorry, it's just you smell really, really bad." She said as she nudged me to get in the shower. "Okay Twilight, I get it, I'll take a bath. Just get back to the others, I should be able to find my way back." I said as I took off my armor. Twilight watched with curiosity as I began to take it off, revealing all the scars across my chest. Not to mention the one I got from the chimera when I came here. "What happened to you John? That looks...awful." She said with a hint of sympathy. "Long story, if you can get everyone into the room, I'll tell you when I get out. Well, some of them at least." Twilight nodded and walked out of the room. Now I can get a good look at the room around me. It was the usual white that bathrooms always were. It looked just like the bathrooms back on Earth, but much smaller. I finished taking off my clothes and armor, and proceeded to get into the shower. *Bonk* "Ow, damn shower head." I said while rubbing my head. I turned on the water, got in a crouching position, and began to wash myself down. After I was done, I got out and dried off. I looked into the small mirror in the bathroom. My eyes were bloodshot from sleep deprivation, and my hair has grown out a bit. I wouldn't mind my hair to grow back out, but I'm used to it the old way. I shrugged, and put my pants on. I had worn my old clothes under my armor, even though you didn't have to; I wanted too though. I walked back out and sat the armor on top of the dresser, and sat on the bed, shirtless. I don't really find it awkward being shirtless. I mean, it's an easy way to cool off in the summer time. However, I see why some people are self conscious about being shirtless back on Earth. Here though, ponies are always naked, so I don't really need a shirt, but I like to cover myself every now and then. Plus, there's that tattoo on my back. If I walked around in the open with a tattoo of the Grim Reaper on my back , ponies would get scared, and I don't want that. I sat on the bed for a few moments before the door opened, and walked in the mane six. They looked as I waved, looking at all the battle scars on my body, however they have yet to see my back. "Oh dear, John what happened to you?" Rarity said as the girls began to trot up to the bed. "Long story short, these are all scars from the fights I had been in back on Earth." I randomly started pointing to scars across my chest and body, describing how I got them. After describing the stories, they all felt sorry for me and did a group hug. I stiffened up because they may see the tattoo. "Hey John, what's that there thing on yer back." Applejack said while pointing to my tattoo. 'Dammit, I hope I wouldn't have to describe this to them.' 'INTRUDER ALERT, THERE'S A RED SPY IN THE BASE!' 'The hell is wrong with you brain?' 'Don't ask, it's me being me.' 'Anyways, what am I going to do about this?' 'I don't know, can't help you here.' 'Thanks a lot.' I thought very sarcastically. 'Might as well tell them' I sighed. "Well girls, this thing on my back is a tattoo. It's when someone takes a needle and embeds an image under your skin. There are many shaped, sizes, pictures, and many other things. However, this one is where I got my nickname from." "Your nickname? What was it?" Twilight said as they all let go of me and sat down beside me. "Well, it was Reaper, as in the Grim Reaper." They didn't seem to be affected by the name. So I guess their not that scared. "What's the Grim Reaper?" Twilight said again. 'Why all the questions, why.' "Well, technically the Grim Reaper was a spiritual being said to come for your soul when it was time to die, or if he just wanted to kill you. He's nothing but a human skeleton wearing a black robe; you can tell by the tattoo on my back. You can't see him, you can't hear him, you don't know he's there. Heck, a pony version of him could be pointing at me right now, telling me I'm next." The girls gasped at this. "However, I will die one day, but not today. If you ever get touched by his hand, or hoof in this case, you just die. No heart attack, no falling, no anything, you just fall over dead." The girls looked scared. "But it's alright, you have the human version here now. I was called Reaper because I was much like the real Grim Reaper back on Earth. I was deadly, efficient, didn't get seen or heard, and I killed all targets first time. I killed with no emotion, no regrets, nothing." They all backed away. "Come on, you can't be scared of me after all that's happened. It's noticeable that I'm not going to hurt anypony; unless it's an accident. I tend to be clumsy at times." They all relaxed and got back in their old positions. "Now, can you excuse me, I need to get some sleep. Goodnight." They all nodded "O-okay John, sorry for bothering you." Fluttershy said hovering behind the rest of the group. "No problem Fluttershy, goodnight." I said while laying down in the bed. "Goodnight, and sweet dreams." She said while closing the door to the room. 'Oh man, what have I gotten myself into. I still need to find a job, get a home, get settled in, and get a decent life going. I've still got a lot of work to do.' I sighed. 'You don't sa-' 'Shut the fuck up brain, I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans.' 'Okay.' 'Goodnight brain.' 'Goodnight.' I finally got some much needed rest that night. A/N: I am SO sorry for this being late. My friends just graduated yesterday. I knew I said it should be up Friday, but I had to prepare for their graduation (band and all that good stuff -_-). Yesterday my friends and I hung out all day, having parties, watching movies, swimming, driving around town, playing Magic (the card game) at a local game store, and staying at a friends house until a good 3 in the morning, my friend and I driving home sleep high (it's so much fun XD (no actual drugs or anything were involved)), and not waking up till 1 (eastern time). Still, this chapter is shorter than the others, and I'm sorry for that. Still, I hope it's a good one. =D > Chapter 7: Party Time! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning I awoke with a surprise. I was just laying in the bed like I always do. I usually act like I'm asleep, then get up maybe 30 - 40 minutes later. However, today was not the case. It all started when I heard the door open to my room. "Hey silly, Princess Celestia told me to get you up!" Pinkie said while hopping into the room. I just rolled over in the bed and rolled up into a little cocoon. "Mmmmm, na, don't wanna." I said while motioning her to go away. "Well, I know one way to wake you up." She said while going out the door. After a few minutes I heard her come back in. I was a bit more awake now, but still didn't feel like getting up. "Pinkie, if it's the old ice cold rag trick, it doesn't work on me." "Nope, now set up please." She said while walking up beside the bed. I opened one eye, and all I saw was one giant blue eye staring back at me. "Mmmm, fine, might as well. Besides, can't go back to sleep now." I threw the covers off, revealing the pajamas I wore underneath the covers. (a/n: Yes, real men wear pajamas!) They were just a simple red and black pair, nothing big. Still, the silk that they were made out of was so smooth and comfortable, and I loved it. I rubbed my eyes, and eventually opened them to see Pinkie sitting on her haunches staring at me. "What." I plainly said as I got out of bed. She smiled and began walking beside me. "Oh, nothing...just." She stopped talking. "Just what Pink-" I said looking at her. "PIE TO THE FACE!" Well, that was unexpected. Wake up, and first thing that happens is a pie to the face? Oh well, it's Pinkie. What's not to expect. "Where. did. that. come. from." I said while wiping the whipped cream off my face. "Oh, I have them hidden all around Equestria just in case somepony has been bad and needs a pie to the face." She said happily bouncing towards the door way. "Now come on and get ready silly, breakfast is almost ready." "Alright, let me get a shower and everything first." I said while walking towards the bathroom. The bathroom was anything but normal. The tub was too small, the shower head hung too low, and the toilet was too small. "Well now, what a great way to start off the day. First a rude, but random awakening, and now this." I said while throwing my hands into the air. "How could this possible get any worse." 'Goodmorning!' Came the cheery yet annoying voice in my head. I facepalmed. "I just had to say it didn't I?" 'Yep. By the way, you know what today is right?' "Uh, no. I can't remember." I said while beginning to take my clothes off. 'Today's the giant celebration that Celestia told you about yesterday. Remember?' "I said a small Celebration, nothing big." I began to turn on the water. I turned the knobs, and felt the water. "Ow, too hot. Let's see here." I turned the cold knob more and felt again. "Okay, this will do." I stepped in, and the shower head went to about my shoulders, so it was annoying to wash my hair. Still, I got it done, got out, dried off, got dressed, and went to see Celestia in the dining hall for breakfast. "Wait a minute...where are we in the castle?" I said, talking to myself. "....fuck." I was lost, and had to find my way to the dining hall. I walked to the nearest guard. He gave me a cold stare that sent shivers down my spine. "U-um excuse me sir?" I said while looking at the pearl white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. He had a shield with a giant pink star in it, and had three smaller stars above it. "Yes?" He said while staring daggers at me. "Do you happen to know where the dining hall is." I shuffled a bit in my position. "Of course, follow me." He led me down the hallway we were currently in, went down a set of stairs, and made a left. We stood in front of two giant white and golden doors. He looked at me again. "Now listen here," He said, yet again staring daggers at me. "If I even hear of you hurting my Twily, or any of her friends, your dead. Got it." "Y-yes sir, I wouldn't even think of it." I began sweating a bit. This guy, he seems like the kind you don't want to mess with. Still, I killed Discord, and all of those Deathclaws, and a few Legionare's with the Courier, so I was a force to be reckoned with as well. However, this guy was a unicorn, and I know not to mess with those. Magic, you don't want to mess with it. "Good, but you've been warned. If it does happen, you don't want to know the consequences. Now, I believe this is the room you were looking for. He said opening the doors with his magic. He and I walked in, and saw the mane 6 along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting at a table waiting for me. "Ah John, we've been waiting for your arrival." Celestia said, motioning me to sit down by pulling out a chair with her magic. "Here, have a seat." "O-Oh, thank you Cele-" "That's Princess Celestia to you." The unicorn said beside me. "Now Shining. There's no need for formalities between friends is there?" "B-But Princess." Shining said, most likely not believing what he was hearing. "It's okay Shining. John, you can call me Celestia from now on, ok?" She looked over to me. "O-Okay, thank you Celestia." I sat down in the seat, however the table was too low so when I scooted in I hit my knee on it. The table jumped, and it was a pretty big table too. All the food slid across to the other side, and some food even fell off the table. "Ow. Oh, I'm sorry, here, let me get the food that fell off." I stood back up and walked over the the other side. I began to pick up the food, but it was soon surrounded by a purple aura and was put into the trashcan across the room. "There, now sit down. Before you make another mess, and try not to hit your knee this time." I looked over to Twilight who began to lightly giggle. "Yea, I'll keep that in mind." I walked back over to my seat, and carefully scooted to the table. "Now that that's over, how have the preparations been going for the party Pinkie?" Celestia looked over to Pinkie, who was currently stuffing her face full of lettuce, tomato, and anything else they had there. "Mmmmph mmmmph." She said while having a mouthful of food. "Pinkie darling, have some manners please. Learn to chew and swallow before you speak." Rarity said while graciously eating a piece of lettuce. Pinkie ignored the chewing part, and just swallowed everything whole. "It's going great! The stage is already set up, the DJ has been picked, and the whole towns of Cloudsdale, Las Pegasus, Salliongrad, Appleloosa, Ponyville, and Canterlot have been invited to it." I abruptly stopped drinking my milk from the glass it was in, spewed it all over the place, and began coughing. After my coughing fit, I looked over to Pinkie. "What?" "I invited everypony that could fit in Canterlot to attend! Sadly, I wish I could invite everypony, but the town just isn't big enough." Pinkie's mane deflated after saying that. "Don't worry Pinkie, I'm sure everypony that won't be able to come will forgive you Pinkie." Fluttershy said, finishing her meal first. "Pinkie promise?" "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She did all the movements while saying the words. Pinkie instantly cheered up and finished her meal. "Okey dokey lokey." She began to go for more food, until she got wide eyed. "Oh my gosh! I almost forgot, I have to get the strobe lights in place!" Pinkie dashed out of the dining hall, and was never heard for the rest of the breakfast. "Well, now I'm nervous." I said while finishing up my meal. "Why? I would love to be in your spot now. Just in front of everypony, getting awarded for you heroism and maybe even get a-" Spike just got quiet, and just began to stare off into space. "Um Spike?" I said. He shook his head, getting him out of whatever he was doing. "Sorry, zoned out, but you get my point." By this time everyone was finished eating. "Well, guess it's time everyone got ready for tonight." Celestia said while getting up out of her chair. Everypony else got out of there's as well. "Now John, I expect you to look your best for everyone." She said looking over to me. "Will do." I said while giving her a salute. She laughed a bit. "Well, I guess I'll see everypony later tonight!" I ran back to my room, and didn't manage to get lost. I opened the door to my room, and looked at what was sitting on the dresser. I picked it up and looked it over. "Perfect, tonight's going to be interesting. I feel bad for doing this to Celestia, but it's going to be great." I said while putting it all on. I walked to the nearest mirror. Looking through the yellow eyes in my Remnant's suit. I looked at the emblem, and began to think. 'I think it's high time I do something to this suit, but what?' 'I have an idea, if you'll listen to me for once that is.' 'Alright, fire away.' 'Okay, here's what you do...' He put a mental image into my head. A smile grew onto my face. 'Not bad, I like it. You know, maybe your not as bad as I originally thought.' 'Meh, every now and then I like to do something out of the ordinary, and this is one of those times.' 'Okay, that works.' I decided to wait until after the party to initiate the plan. Until then I guess I'll just do something to keep me amused. Of course, the only thing that came to my mind was to clean my guns, so that's what I did. It's almost time for the party, and I am nervous as can be. I was sitting on my bed, preparing for the walk onto a stage, and in front of thousands of ponies as well. After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door. "Sir, the Princess is asking for you to come to the stage now." The guard said through the door. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I stood up, took one more look at myself and my armor, checked to see if everything was in order, and made my way to the stage. I was surprised I didn't get lost, all I did was follow all the cheering, and I soon found it. I must say, pinkie did a great job setting up the party. There were streamers all throughout the town, and to one side was a gigantic stage with a red curtain behind it. It looked like Celestia was giving a speech, and she saw me, grimaced, and went back to giving her speech. I avoided all ponies, which meant taking back alleyways towards the stage. I eventually there, and not a moment to soon. "This person isn't a pony. So, my loyal subjects, don't be frightened when you see him. He may look scary, but he is in no way going to harm you. So there's no need to fear him. Now, welcome the Hero of Equestria, John Morrison! She motioned me to go onto the stage. 'Alright, it's now or never.' I walked out, and the cheering and shouting instantly stopped. I have to admit, I almost laughed when I looked at them. Everypony had the 'deer in headlights look', and I just sighed and took off my helmet. I saw a few faces calm down, but some still look scared. I breathed in, and slowly calmed myself down as I let the breath out slowly. "Hello everypony, my name is John Morrison, but you all can call me John. I know I'm different than you ponies, but I in no way mean any harm at all. In fact, if Celestia will allow me, I'd like to become the protector of Equestria." A few ponies gasped. I looked over to Celestia, who just calmly nodded. "I am someone who lives to protect others, one who puts their life on the line every day for somepony, somewhere who is in trouble. I will help them in any way possible, and in any way I can. Still, I live, breathe, and think just like all you ponies out there. So when I say I'm just like you, I am. I'm just in a different body, and don't have the use of magic. My race, they are more for technology than magic, so we don't have it where I'm from. So, don't treat me as a stranger. I am a friend, protector, or just the guy that lives next door whom can help you with a problem. Whether it be a physical, mental, or any other kind of problem, I'm always here to help. Now that the introductions are over, how about we get this party started." I pulled off the rest of my armor to reveal just simple clothes underneath. The rest of the ponies just stared, and some got more relaxed. I looked over to Pinkie, who just nodded. "Alright DJ, HIT IT!" The DJ just nodded, and began playing music. I have to admit, it was pretty good. Still, nothing compared to what I listen to. It was a few hours into the party, and it was crazy. There were ponies on rooftops cheering and dancing, and I saw a few were drunk and having simple fun. I saw the DJ just relaxing in a chair while the music played, so I decided to go and ask to see if she would let me play some of my music. I walked up two or three steps and walked over to her. "Sup, I like the music your playing." She pulled down her sunglasses and looked at me with red eyes. "Thanks man. Made this music myself." She said proudly. "Hey you mind after this song if I play something from where I'm from." I say pulling out Gizmo, who is currently transformed. "Sure, I don't mind. where are you from anyways?" She asked. "It's...a long story. You don't want to hear it, trust me. Alright Gizmo, you want to party too?" the iPod transformed into my cybernetic pet, who let out a meow and nodded. "Alright, but first you mind playing a song." I pulled up a cord, and Gizmo nodded, and I plugged the cord in. "Alright, lets see here, what should I pick." I was scrolling through my songs on a small side panel on Gizmo's side. "Ah, here we go. This will do." It was one of my favorite songs that a good friend of mine introduced me to a bit before I came here. I don't have much, but this one was good. Also, it kind of fit the theme of the party, sense everypony was going crazy. I mean one it started playing, the party got even crazier, even the DJ started bobbing her head and dancing a little to the beat. "Hey, this is pretty good, where'd you get it?" She looked back over to me. "Oh, this is a band back from where I'm from. Good friend of mine told me about it, and by the way, I didn't get your name." I said while bobbing my head to the music. If there's one thing I can't and won't do, is dance. I can't dance, and don't want to. "It's Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch." She said, still bobbing and dancing to the music. "Mines John, nice to meet you Vinyl." She looked at me. "I know, I heard the speech. Why were you wearing that armor, it actually made you look kind of scary if you ask me." "I don't know," I shrugged, "just felt like wearing it." She laughed. "Good enough for me. Say, how about we go get a drink. Besides, I have a disc set up for the rest of the party. I'm done being a DJ for right now." She said as she put a disk in a CD player. "Sounds good to me, you lead the way." "Aright, follow me, and don't fall behind." "Trust me, It'll be hard for me to find you if I do." I smirked a bit. "Besides, you'll have to be the one to find me. I stick out like a sore thumb here." "Well, I guess that makes sense." She led me through the crowd. Some cheered for me, some gave me weird looks, and others didn't care, they were all just having a fun time. We eventually arrived to an old school looking tavern. She opened the door with her magic, and I followed in behind her. I was surprised at what I saw. I saw the mane 6 sitting at a table. They saw me and waved, and I waved back. "Hey Vinyl, mind if we go sit with my friends over there?" I said while gesturing towards the mane 6. "Sure, I don't mind, lets go." We walked over to the table and sat down. I looked around the place, and it looked pretty old as well. There was the usual bar in the middle, and a few tables scattered throughout the place. Some were filled with ponies, others had a few drunken buddies at the tables that were just having a good time. Others were just casually talking, laughing the night away. Me, I was just glad I didn't decide on getting drunk. It's not a good thing when I do. Last time was a big mistake, and I don't want a repeat. 'Yes you do.' 'Shut up, and let me have at least one good night with my friends without you interrupting.' 'Fine, I'll just you know, be here when you need me.' "So John, how are you liking Canterlot." Twilight asked from across the table. "It's nice. I bet it's pretty boring when there's not a party going on though." "No, it's actually quite the busy city, being Equestria's capitol and all." Rarity stated. "Well, how about some drinks. Anypony thirsty?" Applejack said. "I'm up for one, anypony else." I said, and everyone else nodded. Applejack raised her hand. "Round of cider over here fer mah friends please!" "Alright, coming right up!" Said a bartender behind the counter. He soon brought out 8 giant glasses of cider. "Alright, 8 cups of cider. 7 for the lovely mares, and one for the Hero." We all nodded and thanked him, and he went back to serving orders to the other ponies. "Well, let's try it." I said picking while picking up the glass. "Now John, ya know this is alcoholic right?" I stopped bringing it up to my mouth. "How bad?" I sat the cup back down on the table. "Well, Ah don't know bout you, but tha rest of us can handle one or two before any of us has to go back, except for me and Rainbow that is. We usually have a drinkin' contest whenever we do. Ah usually win though." "DO NOT!" Dash said. "Really, since when have you won one?" Applejack said, glaring daggers at Rainbow, who was returning the stare. "I don't know, too many times to count?" I swear I saw a spark run between the mares eyes. "Well, want ta see who wins tonight then?" "Your on!" Rainbow lifted up her glass and began to chug it, Applejack not far behind. Once they finished, they sad the glasses down, and let out a sigh. "Nother round bartender!" Applejack said. "Comin' right up!" "Oh brother, this is going to be a long night." I brought the glass up to drink it, and when I did I barely tasted any alcohol at all. "Are you kidding me? I used to drink stuff ten times stronger than this." I said while staring into the glass again. "Want ta prove it?" Applejack stared at me. I sighed. "Might as well." I chugged the rest of the cider. 'This is going to be a long night ahead of me.' I am SO sorry I didn't get this chapter out sooner. I haven't been able to do anything for BOTH of my stories...Fucking writers block -_-. First time I've ever got it, and I absolutely hate it. I managed to get this chapter out through it, and I think it's beginning to clear up as well, thank god. Still, sorry about the delay. However, if you see any mistakes, grammatical errors, or anything else, please tell. So, see everyone next time! > Chapter 8: What Happened Last Night? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in a bed in the castle, but I don't know how. I began looking around at my surroundings. I was on a nice red round bed, had a few things scattered around. Mostly clothes and such. I lifted up the covers to see I was just in my boxers, then I heard it. I heard snoring coming from my left and right, so I looked. I about shit myself at what I saw. To my left and right, sleeping soundly, were none other than Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I began to panic. 'Oh man, ohhhhh shit. Brain, what happened last night?' I didn't get a response. 'Brain? You there.' 'Oh man, don't bother me please. Your stupidity killed me last night. Plus, I am hurting so bad right now. Why did you have to participate in the drinking contest. Why! I began to think why. There was no real reason why, so I didn't know. 'I don't know? 'Well, thanks for putting me in a lot of pain jackass. I think I lost some brain cells. I don't feel...here right now.' 'Sorry man, maybe the princesses know something that can help with that.' I scooted myself off the bed and grabbed my clothes off the floor. I began to get dressed when I saw the most adorable thing ever. I looked back to the bed, and saw Applejack and RD just sprawled out on the bed snoring away. RD was kicking her legs, don't know why, and Applejack was trying to blow some hair out of her eye while asleep. I swear, if I wasn't panicking about last night right about now, I would've died of a heart attack. Anyways, I finished getting dressed and quickly started roaming through the halls. I heard a lot of chatter coming from the room to my left, so I opened the door. The door happened to be the door to the maids dressing room. Of course, a lot of them were changing, but some were undressed. I stared, and they stared back as I walked inside the room. "Hey, you guy- oh crap." Apparently changing rooms have the same effect here. I was currently dodging cleaning supplies and other stuff trying to get out. All the while I'm yelling sorry, which really wasn't helping. I ran out of the room and down the hall, still being chased by mares. "Oh come on! Give me a break people!" It's final, the world hates me. Eventually the mares ran me into the throne room, where Luna and Celestia was having a conversation with Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie. I ran through the room. "HELP ME! I'm being chased by crazy maids!" I said as I ran by Celestia and Luna. "Somepony please tell them to stop!" I said running by Luna's chair. Celestia's horn glowed, then I felt myself being lifted off the ground. "Woah, wait, what the? Why am I being lifted off the ground?" I looked back to Celestia. "Oh, that's why." I sighed in defeat. The mares who were chasing me now backed off and went back to the changing room, thinking I was in big trouble. "Well, you seem to be causing quite the ruckus today." I sighed, and Celestia laughed a bit. "Now, how are you feeling after last nights...events." She put me down, and I grabbed my head and moaned. "Well, now I feel even worse thanks to the adrenaline rush, alongside the yelling, screaming, and other stuff that made it worse." I said, still grabbing onto my head. "Do you not remember anything that happened last night?" Celestia said. I shook my head no. "Well, I guess it's good you didn't. It would be really embarrassing if you did." I stumbled a bit. "What did I do last night?" I said looking at Celestia and Luna. They all looked at me and laughed. "What? Was it really that bad?" I began looking at them. "Well," Celestia said through chuckles, "I really don't want to say anything. You embarrassed Rainbow Dash and Applejack more than anything. Who knew you had a side like that to you John, I'm surprised." Celestia and Luna laughed, and the other mares in the room blushed. "W-Wait what, what did I do?" I looked to the door, which happened to open at the time I did. In walked RD and Applejack, who still had a bad case of bed mane. They looked to me and blushed. "G-Good mornin' John." Applejack said as she sheepishly stood beside me. "Y-Yea, what she said." RD said as she walked to my other side. They both had giant blushes on their face, and I was lost in the whole thing. "Morning girls, do you have any idea what happened last night?" They both looked at me and then looked away blushing again. Celestia sighed. "Okay John, if you really want to know what happened last night, then come up here and I will tell you." Celestia said as I began to walk up to her throne. She bent down and began to whisper into my ear. After a while, my eyes widened, and I began to look at my hands. When she finished I had the biggest blush I believe I've ever had, and Applejack and RD did as well. I turned to look at Celestia. "You mean I-" Celestia nodded. "With them-" She nodded again. "In your bed-" She nodded again. "And that long-" She nodded again. "With my hands-" She nodded again. I stood there, blown out of my mind. I began to think. 'Hey brain?' 'Yea, by the way. ASK HER FOR THAT SPELL. I'M HURTING LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER HERE!' 'Fine fine, just give me a minute. I looked back to Celestia. "Hey, think you could use a spell to fix my hangover?" She nodded, and her horn began to glow. I felt a warmness overcome me, then the pain in my head was gone. "Okay, thanks." She smiled. 'Anyways, think I should do it again? In front of her friends?' 'Oh man, that's better. Anyways. Do it man, do it! I want to see this for myself, since I was currently incapacitated the last time.' 'Alright man, you got it.' I smiled as I walked over to Applejack and RD. I stood in between them again. "Hey girls, you know what?" I said as they both looked at me. I smiled. "This." I said as I put my hand behind their ears and began to scratch. They sat on their haunches immediately, and proceeded to lean into me. I laughed, then smiled. They both stopped, opened their eyes, then backed away. Everyone else in the room laughed as RD and Applejack sheepishly looked away. Twilight looked to me. "John, was it just that you did last night?" She said. I nodded. "Yea, Celestia told me when she started whispering to me to have that reaction, that way to fool you guys into thinking it was something bad." I looked to Celestia and we both laughed. "We got them good didn't we Celestia." She nodded. "Yes John, we sure did." We both proceeded to laugh again. The mane 6 just had blank looks on their faces, and Luna wasn't even paying attention. She was currently trying to get her mane out of her face because the wind changed directions in the room. I walked over to Applejack and RD and got down to their level. "It's okay girls, I don't mind scratching you two, or any of you guys," I looked back to the rest of them. "behind the ears. Besides, hands are a big help getting to areas you can't scratch. Mainly because we have nails, but whatever." I shrugged as I stood up. They all nodded, along with RD and Applejack. Celestia stood up from her throne. "I forgot to tell you all. You all shall be heading back to Ponyville today. Besides, I think it's time you guys get away from the bustling city." Rarity sighed. "I know Rarity, you like it here, but face it. You all belong in Ponyville, you too John." I looked to her. "Now, how about you all go gather your stuff and I'll see you off within the hour." They all nodded and walked off. I entered the room I woke up in, which was supposedly Celestia's. I gathered my armor, weapons, and anything else I could think of. After a while of double checking my stuff, I was ready to go. I walked back into the throne room and saw that everyone else was ready to go as well. Celestia looked around at us, then nodded. "I see that everyone is ready to go." She walked over to Twilight. "Are you ready to leave my faithful student?" Twilight nodded, then nuzzled Celestia's neck. Celestia nuzzled her back. "Very well, I shall teleport you all to the train station." Celestia's horn glowed, then I felt the feeling of being thrown really fucking hard, then I felt something that made me feel like I hit a brick wall. I looked around and noticed we were at the train station. I instantly dropped to me knees. The girls all looked at me. "John, are you okay?" Fluttershy said as she hovered over to me. I nodded the best I could. "Yea, just give me a minute. My stomachs still back at the castle." I burped and covered my mouth. "Nevermind, it caught up. Um, Twilight, where's the nearest trashcan?" She pointed to one over near a corner. I nodded and ran over to it, then proceeded to puke my guts out. After I was done, I walked back over to the girls and looked at Twilight. "Thanks. Does that happen to everyone, or just me?" She laughed. "No, it usually only happens the first time and that's it." I sighed in relief, and Twilight giggled. Eventually the train pulled up, and we all got on. The train was simple. Just a few cars on it, and a steam engine in the front, pulled by stallions. It made no sense to me. Why would they have stallions pull a steam powered train? Oh well, this is Equestria. Shit happens here that doesn't happen back on Earth. After a few hours on the train, we arrived at Ponyville. I got off and was greeted by the whole town. Apparently I was accepted here now due to the whole Discord thing. The girls and I walked through the streets of Ponyville to Twilight's library, looking at all the celebrating that was going on. "And here I thought Canterlot knew how to Celebrate." I laughed as I looked around. It was pretty crazy. Confetti everywhere, drinking games happening out in the open, constant dancing and partying everywhere. This town was more active than Canterlot was when we celebrated. Pinkie hopped up beside me. "Well DUH! This is my home town! You'd think they'd learn a thing or two from me." She said as she bounced alongside me. "I guess they paid attention to my lessons." I smiled. "O-kay then?" They learnt how to party from Pinkie. Seems legit. I shook my head, putting everything back in order. "Anyways, when are we going to be bac-" "We're here." Twilight said as we all began to walk into her library. I sat down on the floor as everyone else greeted Spike. He looked to me. "Hey John, congrats on beating Discord. Don't know what we would've done if you hadn't shown up." He walked up, and we brohooved. "No prob man. I mean, some crazy stuff went down, but I pulled through." What can I say. I like to brag every now and then. "Anyways, looks like that train ride took quite a while. It's already getting dark. Hey Twi?" She looked over at me. "You don't mind if I call you that do you?" "No John, most of my friends call me that." Everyone else shook their heads. "But what were you saying?" "I was wondering where I was going to stay tonight?" I looked around to everyone. The last place I stayed at was Fluttershy's, but that was kind of awkward. Twilight looked around at everyone, until Applejack finally spoke up. "Well, ah do have a guest bed you can use. That is if ya want to." She looked away, blushing. I smiled at her. "Of course, I don't mind." She smiled at me. "Okay then. Twi, I guess I better go ahead an' leave. Big Mac is probably wantin' help on the farm tomorrow. So that means ah gotta get up early." Twilight just nodded. "Goodnight everypony, come on John." I grabbed my stuff and followed her out the door, waving goodbye to the others. It was a nice, calm night out. The partying ended before the sun went down, which was surprising. Now the streets were covered in confetti, there were drunk ponies stumbling around everywhere, but the night is what made it beautiful. The night sky, the full moon, the starts, it was just perfect. Applejack was trotting along beside me. Every now and then I'd catch her looking at me, but when I looked back, she'd look away blushing. Eventually, after our silent walk to Sweet Apple Acres, we made it there. She showed me inside her house and then introduced me to everyone. Big Mac, he lived up to his name. He was definitely the most built stallion in the town, probably the most built one I've seen yet. He looked like he could break my back with just one buck to it, or probably completely knock a tree over. Applebloom, probably the cutest filly I've seen yet, and finally Granny Smith, who was asleep in her rocking chair. Applejack led me upstairs to the guest room and opened the door. It was a very simple room. A decently sized bed, a dresser near the other end of the wall, a window right by the bed, and a desk to the other side of the bed. "Here's were you'll be stayin'." I looked over to her. "Thanks." I said as I walked into the room and sat my stuff on the dresser. "Now, we all wake up early round here, so be prepared to be woken up early. Big Mac is usually the first one up, but we all get up somewhere close near sunrise." I nodded as I sat on the bed and pulled my boots off, along with my socks. "Also, ah hope you like apples. Cause that's mainly what we have round here." I nodded as I pulled my shirt off. Applejack went silent. I turned around and looked at her. "Uh, Applejack, you okay?" She shook her head. "Uh yea, sorry, Ah got distracted." I laughed a bit. "As Ah was sayin'. Be prepared to wake up early." I nodded and layed down. "Well, I guess that means I should get to sleep shouldn't I?" I heard Applejack sigh. "Yea, Ah guess so. Goodnight Jonh." She said as she began to close the door. "Goodnight Applejack." I managed to say before the door closed. 'Dude, are you blind?' So, he finally decides to talk. 'Uh, no. I have perfectly fine vision if that's what you're asking.' 'No idiot, can't you tell that- He was interrupted by my snoring. 'Jackass fell asleep. Now, what to make him dream about. Ah, there we go. That's an idea.' Well, that's the end of the first arc people! I hope you liked it. The chapters for this story will be coming out a bit slower due to my other story The Tale Of Colossus. Don't worry, chapters will still be coming out. You all know why? Because the writers block is gone! Oh yea, I'm back baby. XD