> Queen Darkness > by Roxanne10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It happened more than a thousand moons ago, but I still remember like it as yesterday. I still remember how I had betrayed my friends and mentor. . .I regret it so much. . . I wish it had never happened. . . I wish that I could just go back and change everything. But you can't change the past, nor can you change the future, but you can affect it. Everything happens for a reason, I just haven't figured out the reason for something like this to happen to me. And maybe I'll never find out, but all I can do, is hope for the future. . ." It was a dark, stormy night, and I, Twilight Sparkle, was sitting in my usual spot in the nice toasty library. I was curled up with a very interesting book called "The Lone Wolf". I had never laid my eyes on something so dark and suspenseful. I smiled as I read more. Crash I pried my eyes from the book and turned my head quickly towards the window. The rain was beating hard against the small circular window. Hesitantly, I turned my head and looked back at my book. It was just lighting, Twilight, I told myself in my head. Just Lighting. But for some reason, I felt that apart of me knew that this was more than lighting, that this was more than rain. I tried to suppress that thought out of my mind, but it wouldn't go away. I groaned and laid my head on the book I was read. The pages were surprisingly soft. They weren't as soft as pillows, but they were soft enough to allow me to slowly drift into an uneasy sleep. . . I had a horrible nightmare that night. I don't exactly remember all the details, but I do remember the heavy and foggy air in my dream. I also remember running from something, not wanting to get caught in its grasp. I remember it was so dark that I couldn't see my own hoof in front of my face. And for some reason, my magic wouldn't work. I couldn't even produce the tiniest bit of light. But one thing I do remember clearly is the voice that had appeared in my head after the nightmare. That mocking voice that teased me and told me that I was worthless! I wished more than anything I could make it stop, but I didn't know where the voice came from, nor did i know how to get rid of it. I remember the first mocking word it had spoken. It was almost dawn and I was still sound asleep when I heard the voice say my name, Twilight. . . I slowly began to open my heavy eyelids. Not yet know who had said my name, I lifted my head and sleepily looked around the library, expecting to see Spike or maybe one of my friends. But there was nopony there. Twilight! the mysterious voice said again, only louder and much more clearly. I was able to make out some of the characteristics of the voice. I could tell that it was a older mare, maybe a year or two older then me. And even though the voice spoke loudly and clearly, I could still hear the weakness and faintness in it. You are wrong, Twilight, the voice said. I could her the sneer in its sbeer. And I knew it was happy to tell me that I was wrong. I am a mare, I'll give you that, but I am more than just a few years older than you, I am over a thousand! The voiced paused, as if waiting for me to take in everything it had just said. And I am not weak! I am just not fully recharged, yet. “R-Recharged?” I asked out loud to the voice. I didn't fully understand what it had meant by, "recharged". Yes, recharge. And I would like it better if you didn't call me 'it'. “then what should I call you?” I asked. “I don't who or what you are. I don't even know where you came from in the first place. And how did you know I called you that?” Where I came from is none of your business, as for my name, you can just call me her or she, the voice said. And the reason for me knowing what you call me is because I can read your thoughts. I am a voice in your head, after all. I began to breath heavily as panic set in. “T-This. . .This can't be happening.” “What can't be happening, Twilight?” I turned and saw Spike standing by the wooden door that led to the kitchen. “N-Nothing. I was just. . .” I paused, trying to think of something to say. And luckily, it came to me. “Reading my book! I was reading my book and something bad happened in it.” You're such a bad liar, Twily “Shut it!” I tried to say under my breathe. But instead it came out louder than expected. Spike cocked his head to the side. “Are you sure you're alright, Twilight? You don't look so good.” I put on a fake smile and did my best to act calm. “Yes, Spike, I'm sure that I'm perfectly fine.” Since when is it perfectly fine for somepony to have a voice inside their head? the voice asked. Anger flashed in my face. I wanted so bad to just blow this voice to bits, but I knew I couldn't act, not without making myself look like a crazed pony that talks to herself. I began to form a plan inside my head. I know that there must be a answer to something like this in one of my books. But what if there isn't? What if I'm stuck with this voice forever? “Alright, if you're sure,” Spike said. But he didn't leave yet. I had completely forgotten that Spike was there. And for a moment I just sat there, thinking about what to say next. I didn't want Spike —or anypony else for that matter— to know that I have this voice inside my head. So I'll just have to act like I'm studying. Such a flawless plan that is, the voiced mocked. I'm sure that nothing can go wrong. I breathed in deeply, not responding to the voice. “Spike, if you could go make me some breakfast that would be wonderful, I have some studying I have to catch up on.” “Of course, Twilight, anything for you.” Spike smiled and waved one last time before he left the room, leaving me alone with Her. I began searching the bookshelves, take every book down off the shelf and quickly looking over it. And never in my life was I so glad that I was a fast reader.