> Submission > by PeanutButterAndMilk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Submission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Thin strips of sunlight shone through the light cream blinds of your kitchen window. The sun had only just risen over the mountains near Canterlot, far off in the distance. Perhaps Celestia had gotten up a little later today. You mulled this thought over as you drove your spoon into the bowl of oats that lay before you on the kitchen table, and began to eat them. You reached for the cup of steaming coffee next to you, smelling the rich aroma of the freshly ground beans as you took a long sip. As you put the cup down, you flinched as you wrist twinged in pain, a piercing feeling travelling up your entire arm. You groaned as you recalled the events of yesterday: taking part in another of Dash's stupid challenges. More like suicide pacts, you thought. Ever since you had came here, she had always been giving you the stink eye. She was fine when you were around Twilight and the others, but whenever she caught you alone, there was always this sense of unwariness and hostility about her. Sure, she was still your friend in the sense that you'd hang out together and laugh and joke, but even so, things always seemed a little tense when you were alone. And of course, this was highlighted in the little contests that she'd constantly challenge you to. Yesterday had been arm wrestling. Running a thousand hooves, climbing trees, eating contests, trying to get the fastest time in the Running of The Leaves, snowball fights during Winter Wrap Up, whenever there was a challenge to be won, she was there. And you were always the challengee. But you didn't need to think about that today. No, today was your off day. Applejack had everything covered at the farm, Rarity had collected her quota of gems, and Twilight had all the supplies she needed from the market. Today was your free day, your day of relaxation. No challenges, no chores, nothing. Just peace. After you finished your oats and downing the rest of your coffee, you got up and washed them up, placing them back into their respective cupboards when you were done. You looked around at your kitchen. The whole house wasn't too bad, really. You had a bedroom, a kitchen, living room, and a large basement. It was very kind of Celestia to gift you this house, just because you were an ambassador from another planet. You struggled to see how that warranted free citizenship and reduced food prices around town, but you certainly weren't complaining. Just as you were about to leave the sunlit kitchen, you heard a sound come from outside: the desperate flapping of pegasus wings. You stood on the spot and slowly turned towards the kitchen window, sighing deeply. You knew what was coming. Sure enough, there was a blue pegasus flying dangerously fast towards your kitchen window. And sure enough, it was Rainbow Dash. The pony continued to soar through the air until she was mere metres away from the window ledge. Opening her wings and using them as a sort of parachute, she landed surprisingly gracefully on the tip of the ledge, her windswept mane draping across her face. With a quick upwards blow and the shake of her head, her rainbow mane was fixed perfectly back into place. She tapped on the window with her hooves, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Hey Anon, let me in! I have something to ask you!” she yelled, her brash voice clearly audible even through double-glazed windows. “Wonder what that could be,” you grumble, reaching for the small handle of the window. As soon as the window was opened just a crack, Rainbow Dash wedged one of her hooves into the gap and pryed it open, flying into the kitchen as soon as the gap was big enough. “Hey, you could've waited until I-” “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she said, cutting you off. “Listen, I have another activity for us to do!” she continued, her voice getting higher and higher as she went on. You sighed once again. “Look Rainbow, as much as I like spending time with you, and doing these, uh, challenges, I'd much rather relax for a bit. Y'know, just...chill.” You watched as she processed this information through her mind. She looked at you with surprise, disbelief almost. Her smile grew even wider, and she flapped her wings until she was at eye level with you. “Bwahahaha, yeah right, Anon. You're afraid of being beaten by me, again.” This angered you more than you'd expected. She really knew how to push your buttons. “That's not true, Dash. I'm just tired, that's all. We've been doing all this stuff for weeks, non-stop. Can't we just have a rest for once?” The pony eyed you quizzically, her smile fading from her face. Her hooves clopped down on the stone floor below you, her wings folding in on themselves. “Aw c'mon Anon, it'll be fun. Besides, what're you gonna do anyway? Sit home and look out the window feeling lonely all day?” “No, I was going to-” She cut you off again. “Exactly, now come on.” You looked her dead in the eyes. They shone up at you like diamonds, the dim sunlight glistening in her pupils. “Please? For me?” she said, almost seductively. She bent down slightly, so that most of her weight was on her front hooves and her rear was sticking up. You wondered for a split second if she was suggesting something else, but you soon threw the thought from your mind. “Oh, alright then, fine. What do you want to do?” you say begrudgingly. “Yes, woohoo!” she exclaimed excitedly, her wings flapping in excitement. “Follow me, I've got it all worked out.” With that, she turned on a dime and headed towards the stairs, down to the basement. She looked over her shoulder to see if you were coming. “This the way to the basement, right?” she asks, a twinge of excitement still lingering in her voice. “Uh, yeah, but what're you doing? I thought we were gonna do something.” you respond, confused. “Yeah, we are. Just wait and see, 'Non.” she said with a wink. Your mind went back to what she'd done just moments before, the way she had bent over. Was she suggesting that? No, of course not. She would never want to do it with you, anyway. She had all the dicks - or pussy - she could ever want, being a Wonderbolt and all. And not to mention one of the best friends of a princess. And yet, you found your gaze reach Dash's ass as she descended the steep stairs down into the basement. Her colourful tail swished from side to side at just the right speed, just the right amount of time for you to get a tiny glance at her pussy. Her lips were small and tight, and her asshole was even tighter. At the bottom of her lips you could see a flash of pink, perhaps that was her vulva. You gulped as you watched her curvy body travel down each step with ease; her lean, muscled body not jiggling an inch as it went further and further down into the basement. You had to restrain yourself from looking even closer, for fear of her turning and catching you looking, You'd never hear the end of that one. As you both reached the bottom of the stairs, after what had seemed like an eternity, Dash began to speak. You readjusted your gaze onto her face. “Alright, we're gonna wrestle.” she said, her voice cracking at the end of her sentence. “W-wrestle? Like...fighting?” you splutter, still recovering from the mezmorising images of Dash's ass. “Uh-huh, that's right, fighting. The ultimate test of speed, agility and strength!” She flew up into the air, throwing her hooves up and backflipping down to the ground. “Well...that's great and all Dash, but wouldn't it kinda be dangerous wrestling on the stone floor?” you said, tapping the floor with your foot. “Yep, and that's where these come in.” she said as if on cue. She flew back up the stairs, narrowly missing your head as she did so. A few seconds later she emerged carrying a stack of foam mats, holding them above her head. You had to admit, she was strong for her size. The sunlight from the kitchen above shone down on her as she flew back down the stairs. Rainbow Dash threw the mats down on the ground before you. She picked one up in her mouth and dragged it to the corner of the room. She returned to the pile and did the same for three others, until the room was mostly covered in mats. Dash picked up the final one, but failed to lift it. “Need a hand?” you said, a hint of snideness in your voice. “N-No!” she grunted, still trying to lift the mat in her mouth. You picked up the other end of the mat with one hand, but she failed to lift her end. You looked down at her, seeing the strange look in her eyes. She was staring at you with wide eyes, her pupils enlarged. She moved her eyes up and down your body, slowly and gently. She obviously wasn't aware you were still looking at her. “You alright there?” you said, chuckling. You lifted up both ends of the mat, and Rainbow let go of her's. You placed the final mat at the end of her arrangement, almost covering the entirety of the room. “H-huh? Oh, yeah, I'm great. I'm awesome.” You hear come from behind you. You could almost feel her blushing. Dash regained her composure and flew over to the opposite end of the room from where you were standing. “So, you know how to play right? How to fight?” she asked, already knowing the answer. “Uh, no, not really.” you say apoligetically. “Alright, well just try your best. Now, the rules.” She put on a serious, professional tone. “No mane pulling, no tail pulling, no biting, scratching, or kicks to the, er...privates. No headshots, no eye-gouging and no wing-pulling. The goal is to get the opponent to submit and tap out. Got it?” Those rules seemed awfully tailored to her. Whatever, you thought. She needed the advantage anyway, her being so small compared to you. You nodded swiftly. “Got it.” A sly grin came across the mare's face. She bowed to you, and you instinctively did the same. She walked menacingly towards you, her grin still spreading across her face. She began to circle you, and you did the same. You realized how tense you were; your shoulders were up, your back was hunched, your fists were clenched. How stupid you must have looked, tensing up at the sight of a four-foot pony whose head took up most of her body mass. You loosened up your stance, lowering your fists and widening your legs. This'll be easy, just grab her and keep her still, you thought. Just as you were thinking on your tactics, Dash leapt towards you and wrapped her arms around your legs, digging her hooves into the back of your knees, going for a takedown. You pushed her head down, hoping she would lose balance. She managed to push you back into the wall, but not before her head was pushing into your crotch. A thought came to you in this moment. Here she was, a little pegasus pony who wanted nothing more than to win, than to take you down. She was trying so hard to pull you down, and she was so consumed with this that she didn't even realise where her head was. And her mouth, with her hot breath tickling your crotch. It wouldn't hurt to try it, would it? Just a little mess about, she wouldn't even notice, what with her trying to take you down so hard. Screw it, you thought. With a gentle push, you guided her head slightly lower, and then reached around to the back of her head. From there you pulled her inward, thrusting your crotch into her face, hot breaths still emitting from her mouth. The next few moments felt like pure ecstasy as Dash’s warm breath was felt on your member. You felt a tightness in your pants, but as expected, Rainbow wasn’t even paying attention, and was still dead set on taking you down. Your little moments of indulgence were quickly brought to an end as you felt your knees collapse from beneath you. You slumped down on the mats, landing hard. “Ah, Dash!” you complained, only just coming down from your high. Dash quickly pinned your legs and feet, stopping you from getting up. From there she kept a low stance and crawled up past your knees, before sitting on your chest. She was stronger - and heavier - than she looked. Letting out little gasps for air, the pegasus pony sat triumphantly on your chest, her hooves now moving to pin your shoulders too. “Ya see, told ya you were afraid!” she said, letting out a chuckle in between her words and exasperated breaths. Dash grinded her ass on your chest slowly, her teeth biting her bottom lip. If it hadn’t been so embarrassing, you would’ve been turned on. Now that you think of it, the tightness in your pants was still there, alive and well. There she was once again, alone in her narcissism and self-indulgence. How cruel it would be to kick her off her high pedestal and send her confidence back down to the earth. How cruel. “Alright, Dash. Now it’s my turn.” With a swift movement of your hands, and a slight smirk on your face, you reached underneath the pony’s arms and grasped her by the armpits. “H-hey, no fair!” she stammered, clearly not happy with you being stronger than her. Straining only slightly, you lifted her up off your chest and held her above you. You held her in your hands like you used to with your cat back home, only this time the eyes staring back at you were much angrier than at home. Dash went red with embarrassment, her soft cheeks turning a pale red. “P-put me down, that’s not fair!” she continued, hints of embarrassment creeping into her voice. You drew her closer to you, and pressed your nose against her muzzle. “No.” you said, your smirk widening into a full blown smile. It felt good to watch Dash squirm after all the bullshit she had put you through these past few weeks. The little pony wriggled in your arms, tiny beads of sweat dripping down from her toned ass and onto your hands. You watch these little beads run down your hands and onto the foam mats below. Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain down below. Snapping back to Dash, you saw that she had driven her hind hooves into your balls, and from the amount of pain you were in, it felt as though she had done so at full force. An agonising scream erupted from your mouth, and soon you felt Dash’s body slip out of your sweaty grasp. “Argh, what the fuck, Dash? You said no hits to the privates!” you cried, the pain showing in your voice. She was floating up at eye-level with you. “Yeah, well...you were embarrassing me. And I don’t like to be embarrassed.” She took in some air. “And besides, you only did that because you have to cheat to have even the slightest possibility of--” That was it, that was fucking it. You had had enough of her egocentric, narcissistic horseshit. This little mare could go get fucked; you were gonna show her who’s top dog, top fucking alpha, top fucking cunt. With a mighty first stomp, you ran towards the pegasus at full speed. You spread your arms out wide, going for a takedown, or a strike, or something. Something that hurt, something humiliating. However, Dash saw this coming, and at the last second, she stuck one of her hind legs out in front of you, tripping you up. Damnit. You tumbled to the floor, heavily. Within seconds the mare was on your back, putting you into Celestia-knows what kind of knot or twist or lock. You sighed not with anger, but with a feeling of clarity and understanding. For as Dash flipped you onto your stomach, your mind became entrenched with a new wave of thought. As Dash went for your legs, her perfect ass facing you once again, you thought upon these things. Perhaps Dash was a lot better than you, perhaps she was the alpha in whatever distorted kind of relationship you two had. Maybe she was the dominant one, and you were the lesser, the grunt, the weakling, the runt. As you watched Dash’s ass move side to side, her surprisingly soft hooves tying your legs into something you’d rather not think about, you thought upon this. And then, as if by divine intervention, it came to you. The opportunity was right there. With a mighty struggle, you took your left hand and grasped Rainbow Dash’s technicolour tail, wrenching it high into the air. A waft of fresh pussy juice and sweat entered your nose, and you inhaled every last molecule of it. Dash’s blue lips were tight, just as you had seen them minutes before, but this time, this time they were wet. With sweat, or something else, you did not know, and frankly you did not care, for the time being. You pushed your tender tongue out of your mouth, still holding Dash’s tail high in the air. You hadn't looked to see if she had reacted, for you did not care; this was your time to shine, to fucking dominate this little mare. Starting at the very base of her tiny pony pussy, you ran your slender, wet tongue over Dash’s sloppy lips. Her pussy began to pulse and wink as you, sometimes grabbing at your tongue and almost pulling it into their depths. Your tongue continued its path up Dash’s vagina, stopping at the top to suckle on it. Then, you moved onto her asshole. It was clean, very clean, but much tighter than her pussy lips, which were now dripping, sopping wet with sweat and saliva. You continued up to Dash’s tail dock, which was also wet. Running your tongue up over her tight little ponut, you licked and sucked at her dock, ensuring her whole crotch was completely saturated with sweat, saliva and her own pussy juices. At the end of it all, when your tongue had finally returned to the inside of your mouth, the basement was filled with one of the most orgasmic moans you had ever heard. The walls shuddered from the long, drawn out moan that Dashie was making. You bit your bottom lip in deep admiration of the cute little pony, who’s pussy now winked and convulsed at such a rate that you thought she was going to cum all over your face. Which of course, you wouldn’t have minded. Dash’s head snapped around to meet your gaze. “Oh. My. God.” You were taken aback at Dash’s blasphemy, despite the situation. “Dash, you know you can’t say th--” The pegasus spun round from her position, and pressed her head against yours. “Shut the fuck up. Fucking do that again.” she said, her teeth gritted. Her once-brash voice had taken on an altogether more demanding, more...desperate tone, one that you could really feel the emotion in. Dash pressed her head against yours again, this time harder. “I said, do it again.” her commanding tone was fading, fast. Rainbow looked around in desperation, completely disregarding everything that had happened that day, perhaps even everything that had happened between you two. “Oh my god, of my fucking god.” she said in a half-whisper that made the tightness in your pants just that little bit tighter. “Do it again, please.” Dash turned towards your throbbing member, as if she had found the key to the puzzle. And she had. With rabid desperation, she ripped your pants from your legs, ripping down your underwear and clamping her wet mouth down on your throbbing penis. Gently, she ran her soft hooves up and down your hilt, massaging every inch of you. She stopped momentarily to suckle on your head, just as you had done with her pussy just moments before. You threw your sweaty head back in both admiration of her work and in pure lust. “Fuck, do it harder, Dash.” you said, between grunts of pleasure. She locked gaze with you, her dark magenta eyes glistening in the dim sunlight. With a look of determination and lust, she clamped down harder on your dick and went to work, taking your full length, coming up, massaging your entire penis, rinse and fucking repeat. You got lost in yourself as you grasped her colourful mane, pushing her head down on your cock with some force. Within mere seconds, you were close to the edge. “Fuck, I’m gonna come, Dash.” you whispered through gritted teeth. She winked at you, but did not let up from your dick. “Dash, did you hear me? I said I’m gonna, I’m gonna--” The next few words did not manage to escape your mouth, for their energy was stolen by your huge load launching out of the tip of your throbbing cock, and into Rainbow Dash’s mouth. You watched on as you saw each individual drop travel down her supple throat, Dash’s eyes still locked on yours. Dash ensured that she kept every bit of your pearly cum in her mouth, or down her throat. Then, once your cock had gone soft, she released it from her clamp and slumped down on your chest. You tried to catch your breath, still recovering from the intense orgasm. “That...that was amazing, Dash. Thank you.” “Yeah, whatever, now fucking tongue me.” she said. That viciousness in her voice was back. That craving, that lust, that unparalleled desire. Dash span round once again, placing her rump on your chest. You stretched out your tongue once again, reaching for her dripping pussy lips. You could hear her breathing heavily, panting almost. Fuck, if you hadn't just came you would have such a hard-on right now. Once again you ran your slippery tongue over Dash's hot pussy lips, watching as he clit dived in and out of her pussy. After a fee more seconds of teasing, you lapped at her crotch, your tongue travelling that distancd again, from the bottom of her sweet cunt, to her quivering ponut, to her sweat dreanched dock. After many minutes of this, her convulsions stopped, and out came a spurt of thick white marecum, covering you in its sticky goodness. Dash let out a cute yelp of pleasure, her muscled thighs kicking from the pleasure. Throwing your head back, Dash came and sat next to you, still dazed from her orgasm and the light headedness she felt. The two of you sat in the dim beams of sunlight as they washed over your face, until Dash finally piped up: "OK, I think you won that one...babe." - By PeanutButterAndMilk