> A Lost Princess > by Raichu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight. Shining Armor. I believe you know why I brought you here.” Princess Celestia said from her throne. Twilight and Shining looked at her with determined faces. “Yes Princess.” They both said, saluting the princess. Twilight took a step forward. “We were tasked with finding Princess Cadence.” She said and Shining took a step forward. “My wife has been missing for five months. I searched everywhere but I could not find her.” He said. “So you can find her?” “Yes. My guards have too. I think we have a lead. It leads to a world of creatures called humans. I will need you to do some research though before you go to the world so you do not get lost among their things.” Princess Celestia said. “I do not know how she got there, but she did. Check the ever free. If you find something report back to me. Don’t do anything dangerous or stupid.” “Yes ma’am!” They both said and marched toward the library. After four hours of reading for Twilight and two hours of reading then snoring into a book for Shining, they went into the ever free. It was thick and jungle like, but Twilight’s magic had cut through like a sword through paper. “Shining, don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Twilight said as they followed the unmistakable hoof prints of Cadence. “Yeah.” He replied. Twilight stopped and patted his back. He nodded and kept going. Suddenly, the prints stopped in front of a giant portal. It was on the ground so anyone could have fallen into it. “Look at this thing. A portal. Cadence must have fallen in it!” Shining said. He bent down and looked around. Then he saw something sparkling in the bushes. It was her crown. He picked it up and kissed it. “Look! She must have fallen in this!” Shining Armor said as he pointed at the portal. A bunny hopped over to it and sniffed it. It turned around to leave, but ended up falling in. Some dirt fell in after it and the portal shook. “Good now let’s report this to Princess Celestia.” Twilight said. She looked at Shining’s gleefully happy face and sighed. “Wait, let’s go in after her.” Shining said looking at it. “It would be the perfect chance to rescue her, right?” “No. We have to report it. And besides, it’s unstable. It could collapse at any moment.” Twilight said sighing. “You know how portals work. The bigger the creature that falls in, the more in could collapse in on itself. We don’t want that.” “Then that means by the time we get back here, we won’t be able to rescue my Cate.” He said sadly. Then he perked up as Twilight began to walk away and grabbed her. Twilight squealed as Shining ran by the crown to grab it and then jumped in the portal. “SHINING!” Twilight yelled. The portal shut on the Equestria side and they fell into another world. > Memory loss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Go Pikachu!” I shouted. It was just another day in Unova. I was trying to battle some odd trainer. She had challenged me and my Pikachu was going to defeat her for sure. Yes, Pikachu needed some levels. But he was still pretty powerful. After I beat her, she went on her way. I kept Pikachu out in case there were any more trainers in these woods. I then saw something move in the bushes. It was two people. One was a girl and one was a guy. They seemed exhausted and they both collapsed in front of me. “Pikachu, bring me some Oran berries, stat!” I shouted and it ran off. I knew that Oran berries were mainly for Pokémon, but they worked almost as well on humans too. I knelt down. The one had a fever and the other one seemed fine. Pikachu came back and I smashed up the Oran berries and put them in both of their mouths. They moved a bit then swallowed. The girl looked up at me then tried to get up. “What happened? Shining, where are we?” She asked the guy. I thought that was a weird name, but I guess I couldn’t judge. “I don’t know Twilight.” He answered back then he looked at me and gasped. “Cadence, is that you?” I didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about. He must have thought that I was someone he knew. The girl, Twilight gasped looking at me. “You’re Cadence.” She whispered. I shook my head and looked at Pikachu. “I’m Cate. Not Cadence. I think you have me mistaken.” I said but Twilight shook her head. “No, I’m not. But I guess she’s lost her memories somehow Cadence." Twilight said to Shining like I wasn't there. "Don’t worry, what are you called in this world? Cate?” She asked me. I back up as the guy named Shining stood up. He was very tall and kind of handsome. I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Maybe he was a gym leader? “Do you know how we could get back, Shining?” Twilight asked him. He tapped his chin. “I think that we’d need to overcome some challenges in this world. Then we’d open a portal by beating the master here and we could leave.” He stated. “I hate to interrupt, but you could challenge the gyms.” I suggested and he clapped his hands together. “That is good. Can you show us how?” He asked. “Uh, sure. Where do you guys come from anyways?” I asked. “Oh, Equestria.” Twilight stated as though I should know what that was. Pikachu gave them a funny look as I called in back into its pokeball. “What’s Equestria?” I asked them. “It’s…” Twilight began but then shook her head. “Never mind. So how do we defeat these gym leaders?” “With Pokémon. I’ll take you to the professor to get your starters.” I said and began to walk down the trail. They followed me. “Shining.” Twilight whispered. “That’s Cadence.” “Yes, I know, but her memories are gone. She thinks she belongs here. But we have to get them back. I think defeating these gym leaders things are the way.” “Yes. We’ll get ourselves whatever they call a Pokémon then defeat the gym leaders and leave.” Twilight whispered back. “So.” I began as I walked down the trail. “How did you get here?” First there was silence. Then one of them coughed. “You wouldn’t believe me.” Twilight said. “Try me.” I replied. “Well, a princess from our world had been missing for a few months. We were looking for her when we stumbled upon a portal in the middle of the ever free forest and we saw her crown on the ground in front of the portal. We jumped in it without thinking and ended up here. The portal had closed behind us trapping us here.” Twilight explained. “So you come from Equestria? What kind of place is it?” I asked stopping at river. “Well, it’s a place full of ponies. Talking ponies.” Shining said. “We were ponies and now we’re humans, I guess.” “Talking ponies.” I repeated. These people were probably crazy. But I somehow believed them. “So you think I’m Cadence the long lost princess.” “Yes.” Twilight answered simply. “Why?” “You look just like her.” Shining said. “You have pink hair that has light yellow and dark purple stripes in it. You’re wearing a pink shirt and a skirt that’s pink and fades into purple like her wings. You smile just like she used to. You even sound like her.” “Uh huh.” I said. “Now let’s see. I think if you guys think you can get home, you don’t need gym badges. You just need to defeat the champion and you can challenge him anytime. So let’s go get you some Pokémon.” “Right.” Twilight agreed as I sat down by the river. They sat down on the right side of me. Twilight twirled her purple and pink hair with her hands. Shining stared at the river right as a magikarp jumped out and splashed water on top of him. “What was that?” He asked looking at it swim away. “A magikarp. So what do you guys do in this Equestria?” I asked. They looked at each other. I just wanted to see how far their crazy thoughts went. I wanted to see how much they could make up about this Equestria before they realized that it was fake. “I’m a student to the Princess.” Twilight said. “He’s captain of the royal guard.” “Then what does this Cadence do?” I asked cupping some water into my hands drinking it. “She’s a princess. She’s also my foalsitter.” Twilight said while Shining looked like he had something to say. “Do you have something to say?” I pointed at Shining. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. He brushed back his blue hair and looked at Twilight. “We don’t want you to freak out.” Twilight said. “How bad can it be?” I laughed and they looked at each other. “You know what? Never mind. Let’s find a Pokémon center before it gets dark.” I said looking at the setting sun. We all stood up and waded across the river. We finally after it was already dark, made it to the Pokémon center. We all walked inside and Nurse Joy waved at us. “Hello. Welcome.” She said. I handed her my pokeballs. “They need a good rest and so do we.” I pointed back at them. “Phone?” “Over there.” She pointed to a small corner. She took my pokeballs as I walked over to the phones and sat down. Twilight and Shining walked up behind me. I called Professor Juniper. Her face came up on the monitor and she smiled. “Hello Cate! What can I do for you? Would you like to switch out a Pokémon?” She asked but I shook my head. “As you know, I’m very far away from the lab now and these two,” I pointed behind me. “Would like to start on a journey. So I was wondering if you could send the starters over from your lab.” “Sure thing!” She looked up at Twilight who smiled and waved and Shining who made a small smile. “Hold on while I get them.” I turned around. “Well, all you have to do is train your Pokémon really well and you can challenge the champion.” “How long will that take? Why can’t we just challenge them right away?” Twilight asked. “Because your Pokémon will get squashed if they do. You’ll lose right away. It shouldn’t take too long. It would help if you battled others and then they would level up faster. It would be even more helpful if you had a whole team. But these things take time and I’m not sure how much time you have.” I explained. “And I’ll teach you how to battle, so don’t worry.” “Here we go.” The professor had come back and held up the pokeballs. “I’m sending them over right now.” The pokeballs showed up through the pokeball receiving machine on the side of the phone. “I’ll take whatever they don’t pick professor.” I said and hung up. I picked up the pokeballs and looked back at them. “So the starters are sort of Pokémon that are a bit weak that will be sort of the starting point of a Pokémon journey. You can pick any one of these three. You can’t give any back so choose wisely.” I said and threw them out. Out came a tepig who sneezed, a oshawott who smacked his shell and a snivy who crossed its arms. “Um.” Twilight bent down. She reached out to the Snivy who turned away from her. “Snivy.” It said Twilight jumped back. “They talk?” She said to me in surprise. “Uh yeah. But they only say their own name.” I said. She reached out and rubbed Tepig’s head. He seemed to enjoy it. Then he sneezed out a bit of fire. “He sneezes fire?” Twilight asked. She picked tepig up. “I want this one!” “Great. Here’s his pokeball. You just tell him to go back into his pokeball by saying things like return and you can have him come out of it by saying this like come out.” I said handing her the pokeball. She nodded while Shining looked down at the Pokémon. Then someone tapped me. I looked behind me to see Nurse Joy. She handed me my pokeballs back and I took them. “Which one do you want?” I asked Shining. He looked at Twilight. “Twily, which one would go better with me?” He asked. “Are you two dating?” I asked. Twilight shook her head. “No! He’s my older brother.” She said. “Besides he’s already married.” “To whom?” I asked. Suddenly he had that uncomfortable look again. I shrugged it off. “Never mind. Forget I asked. I’d pick oshawott. It seemed like a good choice.” I advised to Shining. “Ok then.” Shining said. I handed him oshawott’s pokeball which he returned the pokemon’s to like I showed Twilight. I went up next to Snivy. “Looks like you’re coming with me buddy.” I said and returned it to its pokeball. “Ok guys let’s sleep at the Pokémon center tonight and tomorrow I’ll show you the ropes of battling.” I said and went up to Nurse Joy who showed us were the rooms were. I fell asleep instantly. > Found a way home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up. I got up and stretched. Shining was gone and Twilight was still sleeping. I threw out Pikachu. “Pikachu. Pick a harmless way to wake Twilight up.” I said. It saluted me then hopped on top of her. I stepped out of the room. Shining was in the front. He was sitting at a table drinking something. I sat right across from him. “So this Equestria. Is it nice?” I asked. He looked at me oddly. “Yeah it’s nice. But we came here to find Princess Cadence.” He said looking at me. “While you do seem exactly like her, we could be wrong.” “And what if you are right? What if I’m this lost princess with memories of your world?” I asked. “I do know what I’ll do.” He replied looking out of the window. “So…” I began trying to think of a conversation starter. “You said you were married before. Does your wife know you’re gone?” He didn’t answer. He simply drank his drink and stared outside. I looked outside too. I noticed that I could see my reflection in the window. My hair was a mess. But I noticed something outside the window in particular that caught my attention. Cheren. My rival. If Equestria was real, then Cheren would know what to do. He was coming this way even. He was more scientific than anything. I stood up and ran outside. “Cheren!” I yelled. He stopped and looked at me. “Oh. Hi Cate.” He said looking at the Pokémon center. “What’s up?” “I need your help with something scientific.” I said and he hugged me. “Oh! I have been waiting for you to say that!” He yelled. I pushed him back. “I’ll show you.” I said and ran back into. I saw Twilight sitting across from Shining. Her hair was all poofy. I knew Pikachu gave her the Thunderbolt but Pikachu wasn’t around, so I sat down. Cheren sat down on the other side of the table. Shining looked at him then me. “So are you two… dating?” He spat out like that word was hard to say. Twilight patted his arm. “No.” We both said. “Yuck.” “No, he’s just my friend.” I said. “And he might be able to help you guys get home!” “Really?” Twilight said. “That’s wonderful!” “Ok, what do they need help with?” Cheren asked. “Ok, so they said that they came from a magical world called Equestria and they need to get home. Now hypothetically if they weren’t crazy then could they get home?” I asked as Cheren put on their crazy face. “Well, yes. Portals have been popping up all over Unova. If they wanted to get home, we’d have to find the right portal and go through it. The only portal that’s open all the time though is in the hall of fame and you need to defeat the champion to get into the hall of fame.” Cheren said. “But are you sure these people aren’t crazy?” “Maybe. I had a dream last night. There was a magic talking white unicorn with wings. She was neighing and it was weird.” I said. Twilight looked at me. “Did she have a sun on her butt and wavy hair?” She asked. I nodded. “How’d you know?” I asked. “She’s Princess Celestia! This proves it! You are Princess Cadence!” Twilight yelled and hugged me. “Oh! Now we just need to get your memories back!” “Yeah, how did she lose them? That’s my question.” Shining said. “We’ll restore them when we get back to Equestria. First we need to beat the champion and maybe I didn’t think this through, but I think only one of us needs to beat the champion and we can all go into the hall of fame together.” I said. “Cheren doesn’t have to come with us.” “No I want to. I want to be there to prove that you all are completely insane!” He yelled. “Fine.” I said crossing my arms. “I’m going to take a nap.” I said to Cheren. *** I had a weird dream. I was a pink pony with a horn and wings. An evil and ugly pony with a horn and green eyes was laughing at me. “Your husband is mine!” She shouted at me. I raised an eye. “Who?” I asked. She stopped and looked at me and raised up a very zombie looking pony. He looked familiar but I couldn’t think of who he might be. “You don’t want your husband?” She said shaking him around. “Wait, I’m married?” I asked. She rolled her eyes then turned into the giant white unicorn with wings and a sun on her butt from before. “Normally, I wouldn’t say this but, duh. Of course. I know your memories are gone, but I sent Twilight and Shining Armor to find you. It’s you for sure. Twilight’s your best friend and Shining is your husband.” She said. “I don’t how you got in this world, but Twilight will return your memory. She’s my most faithful student. And since your memory is gone, I’m Princess Celestia since you don’t know.” She said and she began to fade away. “What is happening?” “I’m waking up.” I replied calmly. “But wait, I’m married?” I woke up. The curtains were open for some reason and Pikachu was on the dresser looking out of the window. He looked at me then out of the window. I got out and combed my hair then looked outside. Shining was talking to oshawott and it was nodding like it understood. I ran of the room. Pikachu ran out right behind me. “Pikachu, I had a dream where this princess horse thing tells me I’m married to Shining. Doesn’t that sound stupid?” I asked it. It shrugged and rolled its eyes. “No. It’s not possible. I would have remembered right?” I asked. It pointed at its head then at it then at my head then outside. “So what you’re saying is even if I don’t remember it could have happened?” I asked and it nodded. “Well, it doesn’t matter.” I said. “I don’t have to believe it.” “Pika.” It muttered and ran after me. I walked around the side of the Pokémon center and saw Shining. He looked up at me and so did oshawott. “Cheren told me he wants to talk to you.” Shining said. “Thanks for telling me.” I said and ran off the find him. I found him inside on his computer. I sat down across from him and he looked up at me with a frown. “So there’s a problem. We have to challenge the champion within three days because the portal will close in four days. It’s going to close for a long time, so it’s our only chance. Which means you’ll have to challenge him because you’re the strongest. Twilight and Shining don’t have time to learn. We’ll have to leave today too. Also we need all of the gym badges to challenge him and only you have all the badges.” He said as Twilight walked up with a backpack on. “Did cheren tell you we have to leave now? Because we have to leave NOW.” She said impatiently. “Ok.” I said standing up. I ran to the room and packed up all my stuff quickly. Then I ran back out and saw Shining, Twilight and Cheren out there waiting. “Let’s go.” I said and we all stepped out and began to walk along the trail again. “So, Cate is the only one strong enough to take on the champion.” Cheren said to them. “So that’s what we’re going to do. Let her take him on.” “Cate.” I heard Shining say behind me. “What do you remember when you first began your journey?” “I remember I was on the ground and I didn’t remember how I got there. When I got up I met this Pikachu who became friends with me and when I heard the people here were supposed to go on journeys with Pokémon, I did with Pikachu.” I said. “What do you remember before that? Why didn’t you question where you came from?” Twilight asked. I didn’t know. Why didn’t I question it? Why did I just accept I wasn’t where I was supposed to be? “I don’t remember anything before that.” I replied. “Well, I do.” Shining said. “You were a wonderful Princess and a wonderful-” He stopped talking suddenly and I looked back at him. I slowed down and let Cheren take the lead. “A wonderful what?” I asked. “What was I good at?” I remembered the thing Celestia had told me. But he probably wasn’t going to say wife right? “Nothing.” He said staring at the trees. “Yeah right nothing. I’m sure, I’ll just say a sentence and then stop in the middle because I’m scared.” I taunted doing a terrible voice impression of his. He turned toward me with a deep red face. “I’m not scared!” He shouted at me. “And my voice does not sound like that!” “Whoa!” I said putting my hands up. “Okay. You don’t sound like that. But question, did we date in Equestria?” “Uh. Yes.” He said. “So you’re like my ex-boyfriend.” I said. He rubbed his neck and Twilight gave him a look. “Something like that.” He replied. “No wonder you were so eager to find me.” I said walking ahead. “Cheren. How much more do we have to walk?” “Well,” He said typing on his computer. “Turns out we’ll be there tomorrow. But it also turns out you have to fight the elite four first.” “Oh great.” I muttered. “So do you mean we’ll walk all night or not?” “Well, we’ll get there tonight if we walk all night. However, I located a Pokémon center so you should be good to go.” Cheren said and looked up. I could see bright city lights ahead. “That would be opelucid city.” Cheren said. Then we began to walk down the trail. It was night by the time we got into the city and Cheren looked around. There were bright lights everywhere. There weren’t a lot of people walking around and then I spotted the Pokémon center. “There it is!” I yelled pointing at the tall building. We all walked into it. I sat down at the nearest bench and they all sat around me. “Ok.” Cheren said. “So when we get to the hall of fame, the portal will be at the end of the hall. Just jump into it and whatever species you were originally, you’ll be sent to the world you come from or are meant to be in. Which means if I get in, I’ll be sent back here.” Cheren said. “Yeah.” I said. “And maybe I’ll get some memories back and this will all make sense.” “So Shining, if we used to date then why’d we break up?” I asked him. He looked at Twilight who shook her head. “It’s more complicated than that.” He answered. “Look, since you don’t have your memory, I’m not going to scare you.” “Yeah, but how bad is it?” I asked. “Bad enough to scare you off. But once you get your memories, you should be fine.” Twilight said. “So, I had a Princess Celestia dream.” I began and Twilight yelped. “Wow! That’s great! What’d she say?” She asked. “Stuff.” I replied. Twilight frowned. "Cool?” She asked. It was cool. I was glad she didn’t try to ask for more, but soon we stopped. We finally made it to the Pokémon center. I went to the back room to think about the elite four when Twilight burst in. “We have to train!” Twilight shouted. She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. “We have to train. If you don’t defeat this champion we can never go home!” She said avoiding what just happened.” Go tepig!” She yelled and threw out tepig. “I can’t fight him.” I said pointing at it. “I do know where I could get some real training.” And with that I walked off into the nearby woods. 12 hours of training later. I walked out of the woods twelve hours later. It was night time so I figured I sneak in bed for some rest but when I got inside, I walked into the Pokémon center in the middle of a fight. “I won’t let you do this!” Shining yelled. He was holding onto the back of Twilight’s dark and light purple striped sweater. Twilight was waving her fists around and there was a semicircle of a crowd around them chanting. “I think I can try!” Twilight shouted wriggling around. “NO!” Shining yelled. I walked inside and took out a pokeball. “Go Beartic!” I yelled throwing him out. “Break them up!” Beartic came out and walked over calmly. He grabbed them by the back of their shirts and held them in the air. I rushed in. “Break it up.” I said and the crowd broke up. Soon Twilight was just swinging her fists into empty air and Shining was looking down at the floor. “What the heck happened?” I asked looking up at them. “I leave for one moment and you guys act like kids!” “Just like Cadence would say.” Shining chuckled. Twilight opened her eyes and looked down at me. She stopped moving then looked at Shining. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it.” She apologized. “I don’t know what happened, but it’s over.” I said. “Beartic, drop them.” Beartic dropped them and they hit the floor. I called Beartic back after thanking him and looked at those too. “I can’t even leave you for a moment.” I said. Shining chuckled. “Just like the old Cadence.” He laughed. “Yeah, well like the old Cadence, I’m going to bed.” I said yawning. I stretched and walked off to the room. “I suggest you guys get some sleep too.” > The elite four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, everybody was dressed and packed and ready to go. I had a sweet strategy for beating the elite four then the champion. As we walked toward the place where they’d be; Shining walked up next to me and handed me something. “Here.” He handed me a crown. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s your crown. You lost it when you fell into the portal into this world.” He said. I took it. It was a gold colored tiara with a purple jewel in the center. “Cool.” I replied and kept going. Finally Cheren stopped. I stopped and so did Twilight, but Shining kept going and bumped into the back of me. It was a tall building. It was huge. It had an emerald green roof and gold colored walls. It was more wide than tall it seemed the closer we got to it. As we walked up a dude at the front door put out a hand. “Stop. Only those with all the gym badges can get in.” He said. I held out the badges and he counted them even though they were all there. “Good. What about them?” He eyed my friends. “They’re watching for lessons.” I said and he nodded. “Right this way.” He said and brought us inside. The whole building on the inside was one giant battle field with bleachers to sit on to the side. Cheren, Twilight and Shining all sat over there while I stood on my side of the field. “Go Cadence!” Twilight yelled. A man stepped onto the other side of the field. He was wearing shorts pants, a short shirt and a headband. He had lots of muscles and when he stepped out onto the field he laughed at me. “You are about to get crushed under my fighting Pokémon!” He yelled at me. I rubbed my fingers on Pidgeot’s pokeball while I waited for him. “Oh well.” He said. “Go!” He yelled throwing out his first Pokémon. It was of course a sawk. “Go Pidgeot!” I yelled. “Use Hurricane!” Five minutes of resistance later, Sawk who was trying to hold out to Hurricane, lost to hurricane. The dude wasn’t fazed. He pulled it back in and brought out a sawk look alike, throh, which fainted under the mighty rain of hurricane. Then he brought out his Mienshao which fainted after a hurricane and two gust attacks. Then he brought out Conkeldurr which he said was the strongest of them all. It fell over once Pidgeot hit it with direct contact with a brave bird attack. He fell onto the ground after his defeat but finally got up and left, sobbing while a lady stepped out of the shadows. “Hello. I’m Shauntal. I will be your opponent after I write these last words.” She said trying to scribble some words onto a book. “Ok. Done. I’m sorry. I’m actually writing a novel. But let’s get going!” She shouted. “Go!” And that's when the battle really began. > Taking them down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She threw out a Golurk which would be harder to beat since it was only part ghost type. But I could try. “Chandelure, come on out and use shadow ball!” I shouted throwing out my Chandelure. He came out and shadow balled the sucker right back into his pokeball. “Fainted on the first try? You’re going to be a toughie.” Shauntal said. “But I like it. So come on out, Cofagrigus and use night shade!” It came out and used night shade which my wonderful Pokémon dodged. I ordered it to serve up another shadow ball which it did with a side of faint. The Cofagrigus was knocked out and she brought up her next Pokémon. It was a Jellicent. “Use Hydro Pump!” She yelled. “And make it quick!” “Use Shadow ball and dodge!” I shouted. Chandelure dodged all of the hydro pumps except the last one. It got hit, but floated back up and hit Jellicent with a shadow ball. Jellicent took it like a pro. “Jellicent, use Water Pulse!” She shouted. Jellicent made a big ball of water and tossed it at Chandelure. “Counter it with Inferno!” I shouted. The fire shot straight through the water making smoke. I heard a thud and I knew one of our Pokémon fainted. Jellicent was knocked out when the smoke cleared and Chandelure floated onto the ground. It got hurt pretty bad by the rest of that water pulse. “My last one! Go Chandelure!” She shouted. I was surprised she had one. “Shadow ball!” We both yelled. The two shadows balls they threw both hit together creating a huge explosion and when the smoke cleared they were both knocked out. That was really fast and it was a good thing that they both got knocked out because if just my Chandelure was hit that shadow ball then we’d have a really hard time defeating that lady’s very strong Chandelure. She pulled hers back in and I pulled mine back in and she just walked out. The next guy walked in. “Hello miss. I shall be your opponent today.” He said all fancy like. “Ok.” I replied as he threw out his first Pokémon. “Go! Bisharp!” I knew which Pokémon I should have thrown out, but I wanted to save it for a later time, so I threw out Beartic. “Seismic toss!” I yelled. Beartic grabbed Bisharp and slammed it into the ground. It got up for a second then it hit the ground, fainted. He pulled it back in and threw out his Liepard. “Use Night Slash!” He yelled. “Seismic toss!” I yelled. The Liepard slashed at my Beartic faster than I thought it could move, but because of Beartic’s bulky defense it didn’t feel anything. Then Beartic slammed it down with Seismic toss and Liepard stood up did one more night slash and then fell to the ground. He was down and out the elite four member pulled it back into its pokeball. “Let’s take a break, shall we?” He asked. I nodded. “Beartic, take a break.” I said and put it back into its pokeball. I walked up onto the bleachers and Twilight hugged me. “I never knew that these battles could get so intense.” She said. “But who’s the champion?” “His name is N. He claimed to have defeated Alder and he’s the known champion.” Cheren said while typing into his computer. He adjusted his glasses. “They say that he’s a tough opponent even though he only has four Pokémon on him.” “Well, I have to beat him. There’s no other choice.” I said. “Or we’ll never get home.” “I hear you’re going to battle me.” Someone said. We looked to our right. A man with light green hair was standing to the side. “Who’s going to challenge me?” He asked walking up to us. I pointed at myself. “Oh. You.” He said simply. “Well, I’ll be seeing you on the battle field, I suppose.” He then walked off. “He’s probably a pushover.” I said. “Let’s hope so.” Twilight said. I jumped off the bleachers and onto the battle field. I ran to my side and as the elite four member came back out. “I’m ready. Are you?” He asked. I nodded and threw out Beartic who roared. He threw out Scrafty. “Beartic, use Blizzard!” I yelled. It opened its mouth and unleashed a blizzard attack. It got extremely chilly for a second. The Scrafty appeared out of the blizzard and walked right up to Beartic. “Scrafty, use focus punch!” The man shouted out of the cold. Scrafty hit Beartic right in the gut. I knew Beartic was hurt, but he would hold out. He stopped with the Blizzard and got down on all fours. “Beartic, use Ice beam!” I shouted and he sent an ice beam straight toward Scrafty. It hit and the room got ice cold and mist formed. Then when the mist went away, Scrafty was knocked out cold. The elite four member pulled his Pokémon back in and bowed at me. “I believe you win, my friend.” He said bowing. I returned Beartic to his pokeball and stared at him in confusion. “Don’t you have one more Pokémon?” I asked. “Nope. Afraid not. But you have one more member to defeat and she’s the hardest.” He said backing out. I stood there as a lady walked in. She had huge hair and a hat on. Floating hearts kept her hair off the floor and she was wearing a pink dress with a thin white sweater over it. Twilight stood up on the bleachers. “Princess Celestia?” She cried out. We both looked at her. “Who?” She asked in confusion. Twilight sat down. “Never mind.” She said. “I will bring out my Pokémon. I only have two, I’m sorry, but I hope you win. Go Musharna!” She threw out the one Pokémon I never really like because of its huge amount of defense. But this time I had something I didn’t have last time. “Go Ditto!” I yelled. I threw out the purple blob and as soon as I put him out there, I heard Twilight whisper something. “We are going to lose.” She whispered to Cheren who waved his finger. “Ah, but wait and see. Cate knows what she’s doing.” Cheren said. “She’s got this in the bag.” “Change into Umbreon and use Punishment!” I shouted. Ditto changed into an Umbreon, Twilight gasped, and Umbreon attacked Musharna with speed and force. “Use lucky chant!” The lady shouted. Musharna did something that made it glow, but Umbreon kept up the attacks. The Musharna hit the ground, out of energy. “Come back and go metagross!” She shouting switching out the Pokémon really fast. “And use meteor mash!” Metagross smashed Umbreon under its foot. The Umbreon squirmed from underneath and looked back at me. “Change into Lucario!” I shouted and it changed instantly. “Use Aura Sphere!” Lucario ran up to Metagross, who couldn’t move out of the way in time and slammed an aura sphere into its face. Metagross made an odd sound as Ditto Lucario leapt back. “Meteor mash!” The lady shouted. Metagross looked up. “Jump up and use Aura Sphere!” I yelled. Ditto Lucario jumped up and slammed an aura sphere down on top of metagross. Metagross fainted and she recalled her Pokémon. She bowed to me as I returned ditto. She stepped out and N stepped in. He looked at me and I frowned at him. “Well, beautiful. Shall we battle?” He asked holding up a pokeball. “I will have a good victory and you can go back to the gyms. I’m sure they’d love your pretty face.” “Shut up! I’m so going to win.” I said holding out Ditto’s pokeball. “Whatever. Go my beauty, go my wonderful Zoroark!” He shouted and threw up the pokeball. Out came his Zoroark which slashed at the air. “Well, your turn.” He said. “Yes. Go Ditto!” I shouted. “Change into Machoke!” Ditto came out and transformed. I looked at N. “You may have the first move.” He said nicely. “Ditto, use low kick!” I said. Ditto Machoke ran up to Zoroark and tripped it with a low kick. Then it kicked its ankle and stood back. “Now give it a Focus Punch!” I shouted and it slammed its fist into Zoroark’s face. Zoroark cried out. N had a pained expression on his face as I yelled for Ditto to keep hitting it with focus punch. Then Zoroark fainted. I looked at the bleachers. Twilight had her hands covering her eyes. “Return.” N sadly said and took out his next Pokémon. “Go Leafeon!” His tiny leafeon jumped out. I knew exactly which Pokémon I wanted to use here. “Ditto return.” I called it back into its pokeball. “Go Emboar!” I threw out my one and only Emboar. It looked back at me smiling and gave me a thumbs up. “Use Flamethrower!” I shouted. It ran up to leafeon who was too slow to run off and flamethrowered it directly in the face. An explosion happened and when the smoke cleared, Emboar had hopped back to his spot and smiled at me. “Come back Leafeon.” N sobbed. He pulled his hat over his eyes as tears came down. “Go my wonderful Vanilluxe.” “You just have so many of the wrong Pokémon.” I muttered. “If you don’t like battling why do it?” I shouted. “Because I can’t let you get to the portal!” He shouted. I froze and looked at the bleachers. Twilight shrugged. “I know what you want. You want to destroy it! Well, I can’t let you. You see nobody challenges the elite four anymore not since they made that Pokémon league where you challenge trainers instead. So when you came here, I knew you must have been after my precious portal. That’s why I must defeat you with my last Pokémon!” He explained lifting up his last Pokeball. “Dude, this is like your third.” I said and he looked at the ball. “Yeah. I knew that.” He said and tossed it up. As usual, as soon as it hit the battle field I was ready. “Emboar, use heat crash!” I shouted and Emboar jumped up then down on top of the Pokémon. N obviously wasn’t taking any chances because he returned his Pokémon as soon as Emboar lifted up his bottom. “My last.” He said stroking his last pokeball. “Go Rhyperior!” “Finally! A hard one!” I said to myself despite the accidental rock pun. “Emboar! Use arm thrust!” I shouted. “Rock Throw!” N shouted. Rhyperior moved faster than I thought it could and smashed Emboar under a boulder. Emboar fainted on contact. I pulled it back in and threw out Pidgeot and Rhyperior took out it with a rock throw. I took out Beartic, but it went the same way. I threw out Ditto and changed into a Machoke, but it took it out with a rock throw and earthquake. Then I threw out Pikachu which it took out with Earthquake. That’s when I had one more Pokémon left. My only. I wondered if it could make it. But I had to try. “Go Sylveon!” I shouted and threw it out. Sylveon growled at Rhyperior. “Well.” I thought sadly. “This is it.” I took the crown that Shining gave me out of my pocket. It was a beautiful crown. I put it on my head for a second and kneeled on the floor. N looked at me. “Are you all right?” He asked. I felt crazy. Memories were flooding my mind. I was somehow remembering everything through a crown? I remembered becoming an alicorn, my parents, my friends, my boyfriend, foalsitting Twilight, becoming her friend, marrying my boyfriend, everything. It flooded back so quickly and I kept my Pokémon memories. It was all so fast that I got a serious headache. But it was great to be back. And even better I knew how to win. “N.” I said and stood up. I took the crown off my head and looking at Shining Armor, my wonderful husband. “Shining.” I looked at him. “Hold this for me.” I threw the crown at him which he caught. Now with the plan I just made to beat N using my new headache, I looked at N. “N. I’m going to beat your last Pokemon.” I said. “Sylveon, use moonblast and aim for the ceiling. Do it a lot of times then use protect!” “No! Not my precious ceiling!” N shouted surprisingly. Sylveon shot the moonblasts up about fifty at a time. Then she used protect as moonblasts rained down from the ceiling and hit Rhyperior so much that it fell on the ground trying to protect itself. Then it fainted as the last one hit its head. N recalled it back. “Ok. You all may use my portal. Follow me.” He said. I waited for the others and he took us to the hall of fame. The portal was right there. N pointed at it then left. “Well, now we can go home.” Twilight sighed as Cheren gasped. > Going home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s real?” Cheren gasped. Twilight stepped forward. “Let’s get you those memories back.” Twilight said, “Well…” I began and they looked at me. “What?” Twilight asked. “You don’t want your memories back?” “I know you probably don’t want them back. You want to stay here right?” Shining said walking up to me. He hugged me. “It’s ok-” “Quiet!” I said a little forcefully and looked up at him then Twilight. “So it seems odd, but I kind of got my memories back when I put on the crown Shining gave me.” I explained and Twilight gasped. “Your memories in a crown? But that’s not possible! I’ll need to analyze the crown when we get back and everything!” Twilight said pacing. “But first you guys need to get home.” Cheren said. He bent down near the portal. “It could be unstable, so you need to go as soon as possible.” “Right.” Twilight said. “Then let’s go.” “Yes. But before that…” Shining said and dragged me in closer. “Maybe you’d like a kiss?” “You didn’t have to ask me.” I whispered and kissed him. “Twilight. You may do the honors.” I said bowing after Shining stepped away to talk to Cheren. I walked up to Cheren and hugged him. Shining watched as Twilight jumped in first. “You’ve been a great friend for five months. But it’s time for me to go.” I said and he nodded. I handed him my pokeballs. “Take good care of them. I won’t need them anymore.” I watched Twilight jump in then I grabbed Shining’s hand and jumped in after her. The portal was long but we all crashed out onto the ground in the middle of the ever free forest. I stood up, happy to be in pony form again. I looked at Shining then Twilight who were back to normal too. The portal closed and I looked around. “How long have we been gone?” I asked. “Three days. Time is obviously the same here as it is there, so three days.” Twilight said. “Now let’s get back to the Princess. We have a lot to tell her.” “We sure do Twilight.” I agreed. “We sure do.” “Question. Why were you in the ever free forest?” Shining asked me. “Didn’t Fluttershy tell you? She wanted me to help her look for Angel and she thought it might have run in here. So I came in here to look for it and I fell in a portal in the ground.” I explained. “Though I never found her bunny.” “We’ll have to talk to Fluttershy about this later. First let’s go. This place is creepy.” Twilight said and we all left. Little did they know, a little bunny named Angel popped his head out of the bushes. He did a funny dance in the center of the ground then stepped back and laughed maniacally while another portal opened up.