> Bloodlines > by Zeck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Out The Window > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What? No, that’s her stage name. What’s her real name? It’s…you know what? I don’t know. I don't know any pony who does.” —Club patron, when asked about the club’s D.J. Two thoughts went through Vinyl Scratch’s mind as the window shattered around her and she sailed through the air. The first thought was odd, she decided, even by her standards. She was hungry. She hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast, and the food at the inn she had stayed at wasn’t what she considered delicious. She barely considered it eatable, or even food. She would need to find some real grub for lunch, otherwise she was certain that her stomach was going to eat its way out of her belly and devour her. The second thought going through her head was that being thrown through a window hurt. That became even clearer as she hit the street outside and tumbled across the ground. She felt a shard of glass cut into her back and she winced. She came to a stop when her head slammed into a cart across the street. Yeah, getting thrown through a window hurt a lot. “Uh…” Vinyl’s head lulled from side to side as she lay in the gutter. She shook herself and blinked her read eyes. She was worried when her vision refused to clear, but then she realized it wasn’t her eyes that were the problem. Groaning, both from annoyance and actual pain, the Unicorn used her magic to pull her shades from her face. Her eyes recoiled slightly as the world lit up, but they quickly adjusted as she looked at her shades. One of the lenses had a big crack running right down the middle. Fifty bits down the drain. “There she is!” a voice shouted. Vinyl looked away from her broken shades and back toward the shady bar she had literally just been thrown out of. Three very big stallions were climbing out of the window, and all three of them had their eyes locked on her. She swallowed and put her glasses on top of her head and then picked herself up. “Come on, boys,” she said as she gingerly stood up. She felt a sharp pain race through her back and she looked over her shoulder. Blood was dribbling down her white coat from the wound in her back. She was probably going to have to get that looked at, which was going to cost her even more money. “I’m sure your mothers are lovely ladies. It’s not my fault if they’re the only ones who—whoa!” Vinyl ducked as one of the stallions threw a glass at her head. It shattered against the cart she had crashed into and she felt the tiny shards rain down on her. These stallions weren’t fooling around. Fine. If they wanted to get serious, then she would too. “You little boys might want to be careful,” Vinyl said as she casually flipped her blue mane. “Like I said, you can’t handle all of this.” One of the stallions huffed and charged her. Vinyl took a deep breath and crouched, pawing at the ground as if she meant to meet his advance, but at the last second, she jumped to the side and stuck her hind leg out. The stallion tripped and fell forward, crashing into the cart and causing it to break apart around him. He, and the remains of the cart, tumbled to the ground. He groaned and tried to get up, but Vinyl used her magic to pick up a wooden board and smacked the stallion on the head. He grunted and then remained still. “One down,” Vinyl said as she turned and looked at the other two stallions, twirling her broken board with her magic. “Next?” The next stallion ran at her. Vinyl swung the board at him, trying to keep him back, but he simply lowered his shoulder and charged into the blow. The board broke across his back and he didn’t even break his stride. Vinyl frantically tried to back away, but she slipped on some debris. The stallion’s head slammed into her stomach and he lifted her off the ground and into the air. She was briefly thankful that the stallion was an Earth pony and not a Unicorn, but that thanks vanished as soon as she crashed on the ground and the air was knocked from her lungs. The stallion towered over her and pushed his hoof down on her neck. “What’s the matter, babe? Nothing to say this time?” Vinyl struggled under the hoof, hitting it with her front hooves as hard as she could, but it was like punching a tree. She began to panic as the stallion pushed down harder, cutting off her air. These guys were really serious, and she began to wonder why nopony was helping her. Didn’t Hollow Shades have some sort of law enforcement or something? As Vinyl’s vision began to blur, she made a desperate move. She kicked up with one of her hind legs as hard as she could. She heard a groan and the pressure on her throat instantly eased. Glorious air flooded her lungs and she sucked in as much as she could between her coughing. She rolled out from under the stallion’s hoof, fully expecting him to punch her in the face as she stood up, but the blow never came. When she finally managed to stand, she saw that he was struggling to stay on his hooves and had his back legs cringing in pain. “Yeah, being a guy can suck like that,” Vinyl said with a smirk. “Don’t worry though, you probably can’t even use it that well.” The stallion glared at her, but Vinyl simply punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. Her hoof hurt from the blow, but she smiled anyway. She was doing pretty well. Two of these guys were already down, and they were twice her size. How hard could the— Vinyl felt something yank on her mane, hard, and she was suddenly being dragged across the street. She struggled to free herself, but then she was swung through the air like a bat and her body slammed into something that was clearly sturdier that she was. She went limp for a moment and her vision went black. She groaned as she sank to the ground for the third time in as many minutes. “O…Okay, you win,” she said as she lay on the ground. She felt like she had just come back from a rave, and not in a good way. “I’m sorry.” “Shove it,” the last stallion said. Vinyl looked up and saw that he had a chunk of her mane in his teeth. Great. So these jerks hadn’t only broken her glasses and injured her, they’d ruined her mane too. Why was everything going so wrong? The stallion looked around until he spied a broken board from the cart that had been smashed during the fight. He bent down and picked it up with his mouth. As he started walking toward Vinyl, she noticed that the board had a rather large nail sticking out of the end. “Whoa now, easy there fella,” she said as she forced herself to stand. “Let’s not do anything that rash now. This was just a friendly—ah!” Vinyl ducked frantically as the stallion swung the board at her head, the nail aimed at her skull. She scrambled away as the pony swung again, this time trying to bring the board down on her backside. This stallion was really out to kill her. What in Equestria was wrong with this town? “Okay, fine. You want to play for keeps, we’ll play for keeps.” Vinyl spun around and glared at the stallion. She couldn’t fight like him. Swinging something around with her mouth wasn’t her specialty, but she did have another option. Vinyl reached out with her magic and grabbed two more broken pieces of wood. She pulled them to her sides and spun them with her magic, then grinned at the stallion. That would give him pause, no doubt. No pony in their right mind would charge a Unicorn when they— “You’re magic’s not going to save you, little pony,” the stallion growled as he ran straight at her. Vinyl blinked in surprise and then sent her two makeshift weapons forward. She swung the first board at the stallion’s face, and just as she expected, he blocked it with his board. She immediately brought her second board around, trying to sweep the stallion’s feet out from under him. She was confident it was going to work, but at the last second, the stallion jumped and the blow went under him. The stallion smacked her other board away and resumed his charge. He brought his board down as hard as he could and Vinyl barely managed to call her two back in time to block the blow. He continued to press down as hard as he could. Vinyl stared at the nail that was just inches from her eye and was slowly moving closer. She heard her boards crack and she knew she was moments away from going blind, or worse. She had to think of something, and fast. She strained against the stallion’s strength, and for the first time in her life, she wished she was an Earth pony. At least then they would be on kind-of sort-of equal terms in relation to strength. But she wasn’t. She was a Unicorn. That’s right! I’m a Unicorn! Vinyl smiled nervously up at the stallion as an idea came to mind. She closed her eyes and focused on her horn. She was already pushing her limits controlling the two boards and trying to hold back the stallion’s murderous intent, but she knew she could do more. Just a small spark, that was all she needed. Vinyl fired a blast from her horn. It wasn’t powerful. It wasn’t even meant to cause harm. She wasn’t good at combat magic, but she was good at lighting. She had to be, seeing as she loved to throw parties. So she knew to close her eyes just before the spell went off. The stallion, on the other hoof, did not. Vinyl heard the stallion scream as a blinding flash went off right in front of his eyes. She immediately felt the pressure ease and she shoved her boards forward to completely push the stallion off. She opened her eyes and smiled to see that he was staggering backward and rubbing his eyes with his hoof. “Hope you like the taste of wood,” Vinyl said as she swung both of her boards at opposite sides of the stallion’s head. “And splinters!” She clapped the boards on the stallion’s skull. His board dropped from his mouth and he fell to the ground like a rock. He was done. “Another one bites the dust,” she said as she looked down at the stallion. She quietly sighed with relief when she saw that he was still breathing, but the rest of her quest wasn’t off to a brilliant start. She hadn’t even started it and ponies were already trying to kill her. It was terrifying, but at the same time she had to admit that her confidence was brimming. If she could deal with these three losers, then she could deal with anything. Except a dragon, but there was no way she was going to face one of those. She wasn’t going to rescue some princess after all. Vinyl took a deep breath, her body shaking from both terror and excitement, and turned to leave. She took one step and collapsed as her entire side screamed in pain. Apparently, getting thrown through a window and then smashed into a wall wasn’t good for her body. She gingerly picked herself up and looked at her side. No bruises or blood, but the pain was real enough. Plus, she still had that gash on her backside from the glass. “Probably going to have to visit a hospital,” she mumbled. “Do they even have those here?” She began to limp away, each step reminding her of how much pain she was in and her stomach growling at her for food. She decided she could at least do something about the second issue. The Unicorn looked around and grinned. Apparently the cart she had crashed into was an apple cart, and there was a big red apple right in the middle of the wreckage. She looked around for any sign of the clerk but saw none. Well, if no pony was going to help her, then they wouldn’t mind if she helped herself. She shrugged and picked the fruit up with her magic, then took an extra large bite. It was delicious, and in another four bites nothing remained except the core. She tossed it away and then began to make her way down the street. Hollow Shades certainly wasn’t Manehattan. In fact, it wasn’t like any other place in Equestria that Vinyl knew of. Everywhere else was always so full of light, with open skies and fresh sunshine streaming down during the day. There was a since of lightness and joy everywhere else, but not this town. Hollow Shades was smack in the middle of a forest, and the trees blocked Celestia’s sunlight. But the shadow that lay over the town wasn’t just from the trees. There was some sort of magic to it. There had to be, because it was just past midday and yet the lighting in the town barely qualified as dusk in Vinyl’s mind. Shadows stretched long and far over the shacks and buildings. Lanterns burned brightly, suspended in the air by ropes that were strung from building to building. Candles burned in some windows, while other places were completely dark. Even fireflies seemed to be confused because there were swarms of them flittering about. The entire town oozed shady and underhoofed activities with its makeshift shacks, dim light, and hidden secrets. All of that was what had made Hollow Shades the first place Vinyl had decided to visit. All throughout Equestria, there were always whispers of the reputation the town had, and since Vinyl was hunting a thief, it had sounded like the perfect place to start looking. She hadn’t expected the town to live up to her expectations so completely though. She had barely walked into the seediest bar in the seediest part of town before she had been forced to fight for her life. She decided that she was going to need to be a bit more careful. “You’re an Outsider,” a voice said from right next to Vinyl, causing her to jump. “Uh, excuse me?” she asked after her heart stopped racing. She turned and saw that a mare was looking at her with a flat expression. She also noticed that there were suddenly ponies everywhere. Where had they all come from, and more importantly, where were they just minutes before when her life had been in danger? “I said you’re an Outsider,” the mare said. “You’re not from Hollow Shades.” “Er, you could tell?” Vinyl said with an awkward smile. She rubbed the back of her head with her hoof and winced as her body reminded her of her pain. “Go up the street three blocks, take a left, and ask for Potions,” the mare said. She turned and began walking away. “Um, what?” Vinyl asked. “You got the traditional Hollow Shades Outsider Welcome by the looks of you,” the mare said over her shoulder. “Go get yourself patched up. And then you might want to think about getting out of here as fast as you can.” The mare didn’t say another word and in a moment she was gone, vanished into the crowd of ponies. Vinyl looked around in stunned silence. Where in Equestria had all these ponies come from? The wooden sidewalks and muddy streets were now full of ponies, and she couldn’t help but notice that a lot of them were looking at her. Some of them just gave her a quick glance and moved on, while others stopped and stared, whispering to one another and simply grinning at her. Vinyl noticed that the city became less creepy the further away from the bar she got. It still had that haunted feeling about it, but the buildings became less rundown, the wood didn’t seem to be rotting under her hooves, and brighter lanterns were strung above. She decided that that made sense though, seeing as she had headed straight for the roughest part of town the moment she had arrived. Vinyl finished limping the three blocks and looked around. She asked a passing Pegasus where she could find the potions shop and the Pegasus pointed with his wing to a white building with strange writing above its door. Vinyl attempted to thank the stranger for his help, but he was gone by the time she looked back. “What is everypony’s problem in this town?” she mumbled as she walked over to building. She again looked up at the writing above the door, trying to figure out what it said, but after a moment she gave up and limped inside. Her pain took priority over some weird sign. The first thing the Unicorn noticed when she entered was the smell. Her nostrils were assaulted by so many different fragrances that she nearly gagged. The only thing that stopped her was the fact that none of them smelled disgusting. In fact, after the first initial shock, Vinyl began to find the smells soothing. She stood in the doorway, closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths as she tried her best to pick out individual scents. There was lavender, honey, some sort of mint, and…was that the scent of new electronics? How in the Equestria was she smelling that? “Welcome, welcome,” an green Earth pony said as she stumbled out from somewhere in the back of the shop. “ What can I—oh. An Outsider, I see.” “Okay, why does everypony keep calling me that?” Vinyl asked with more than a little annoyance. “I’m starting to feel insulted.” “It’s not an insult,” the mare said as she walked forward. “Well, I suppose it is, actually. It’s not meant to be cruel though. It’s just the town’s way of branding you.” “And why do I need to be branded?” “So we know what to expect,” the mare said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure you’ve noticed, but Hollow Shades isn’t like the rest of Equestria.” “No kidding,” Vinyl said as she looked back at the wound on her back. “Normally a fight that bad will bring some sort of security, but I’m pretty sure no pony would have batted an eye if those three had killed me and left me in the street.” The mare laughed. “Oh yes, you’re an Outsider all right.” Vinyl rolled her red eyes. “Look, somepony told me to find this potions shop. I’m guessing you’ve got something here that can heal me.” Again the mare laughed. “This isn’t a potion’s shop. You were no doubt told to find Potions. That’s me.” “Oh,” Vinyl said, blushing a little. “Well, in that case…” “Have a seat over there on the bed,” Potions said. She disappeared behind a wall of bottles, some empty while others were filled with all sorts of different colored liquids. “I need to find something that will seal that wound up first. Need some disinfectant too, and probably some Cold Fritz…” Potions continued to mumble about things that Vinyl assumed were different potions or mixtures. She gingerly laid down on what was a surprisingly comfortable bed. Without thinking, she rolled over and immediately let out a sharp hiss as her sore side screamed in protest. “Sounds like Sour Plumb Root might be needed too,” Potions called over the clanging of glass bottles. “Lucky for you I keep it well in stock.” “Uh, yeah,” Vinyl said as she carefully repositioned herself on the bed. She looked around the shop, trying to spot the source of the fresh electronic smell, but she didn’t see it. Finally, she asked, “So…what’s that smell?” “Depends,” Potions called from somewhere in the back of the store. Moments later two bottles parted on the wall and a pair of bright blue eyes peered out. “What smell are you talking about?” “The electronic one,” Vinyl said as she took another deep breath. “Smells like my turntable did when it first arrived.” “Interesting,” Potions said. “That’s a special mixture I keep burning in the back. Fills the shop with a special scent that ponies find pleasant.” Vinyl chuckled. “I find it hard to believe that ponies in this town find the smell of fresh electronics pleasant.” “No, but you do.” Vinyl heard the sound of something being stirred and then a huff of fire. “What do you smell now?” “Elect—” Vinyl stopped as the scent in the air changed. She knew it immediately. It was shampoo, but it was mixed in with another scent. It made her ears perk up and her heart beat faster. It made her skin tingle and her legs quiver. It made it hard for her to sit still and she longed for the embrace that always followed. And it made her heart ache. “Um…shampoo,” the Unicorn said quietly. “Shampoo is what you desire most?” Potions asked as she poked her head around the corner, balancing a beaker of something in her white mane. She raised an eybrow. “Why? Have you not had a shower in a few days or something?” “Could you just change it back, please?” Vinyl asked. “Oh,” Potions said. “My apologies. Here.” A moment later the comforting smell of electronics filled the air. “How did you do that?” “Magic,” Potions said as she came back around the corner with a plate balanced on her head with four different bottles on it. “Well, not really. It’s a special mixture that smells different to everypony. Right now I have it set to pleasant, but as I showed you, changing a few minor details can make it into something else.” “I have a friend in Ponyville who would probably love to meet you,” Vinyl said as she remembered some of Bon Bon’s more…questionable candy experiments. Especially the one involving the giant marshmallow pony. “Ah, a fellow alchemist then?” Potions asked as she set the tray down without spilling a drop from any of the bottles. “Lovely. It wouldn’t happen to be Zecora, would it? I learned a lot of my stuff from her.” “No. Her name’s Bon Bon.” “Oh,” Potions said and Vinyl swore that she saw a quick look shoot across the mare’s face. “Well, enough talk. Let’s get you patched up, shall we? Fair warning, this is going to sting.” “I can ta—OUCH!” Vinyl yelped as her backside felt like it was stabbed with a thousand pins. She hissed in pain and looked over her shoulder to see Potions dumping an entire bottle of white liquid on her open wound. She clenched her teeth and struggled to keep her eyes open as pain shot through her, but just as quickly as it came, it was gone. “There, disinfected, cleaned, bleeding stopped, and on the mend already,” Potions said as she set the bottle back down. “What the hay was that stuff?” Vinyl asked, her eyes still a bit watery. “My own special disinfectant,” Potions said with a smile. “Stops the bleeding almost instantly, but here. You need to drink this before it stops the blood flow in your entire body.” “Before what?” Vinyl asked, but as she opened her mouth, Potions shoved another bottle in it. Without thinking, the Unicorn gulped down the liquid, choking slightly as the minty fluid spilled down her throat. She felt a cooling sensation on the inside of her skin right where her wound was. It went from cool to cold to freezing in the matter of three seconds, and then the feeling vanished, just like the pins. “Better?” Potions asked as she set the empty bottle down. “Um…yeah, actually,” Vinyl said. She stretched her leg and twisted her back, but instantly regretted the movement. The pain from her wound was gone, but the side of her body that the stallion had slammed into a wall was still tender. As she looked herself over, she saw several bruises starting to show up on her white fur. Big bruises. “Yeah, those are going to take some time I’m afraid,” Potions said. “Drink this. It will reduce the internal swelling.” She held a bottle out in front of Vinyl. The Unicorn lifted it with her magic and gingerly brought it to her mouth. She sniffed it twice, and then drank the entire thing in one gulp. Surprisingly, it had no flavor whatsoever. “Do I need to drink that last one?” she asked with a smile. “Not if you want to keep breathing,” Potions said. She pulled out a large towel and draped it over Vinyl’s body and then slowly poured the contents of the final bottle onto the towel. Vinyl noticed that it came out like syrup and it foamed the moment it touched the towel. She instantly felt her muscles loosen and she sighed in relief. “So, what are you looking for?” Potions asked as she set the last bottle down. “Oh, and don’t move. That needs to sit for a good ten minutes in order for it to take full effect.” Vinyl put her front hooves under her chin and tried to be casual as she lay on the bed. “What makes you think I’m looking for anything?” Potions snorted with laughter. “Oh please. What other reason does anypony come to Hollow Shades? Let me guess: you’re after some big treasure, and you figured that coming to the roughest, shadiest, darkest town in all of Equestria was a good place to start? Where else is going to have all those seedy rumors about a treasure only spoken of in whispers and is said to have claimed the soul of every pony that has ever gone to look for it?” “I’m actually trying to find a thief,” Vinyl replied in a slightly cold voice. That didn’t stop Potions though. “Even better!” she said as she walked around and sat down in front of Vinyl with a smile on her face. “Because clearly, all thieves live in Hollow Shades, right? I mean, what thief wouldn’t want to live here? It’s dark, spooky, ponies mind their own business, everypony walks around with a hooded cloak, we all hold meetings by firelight, everypony here would sooner stab you in the back than help you, and we’re all looking out for our next big score.” Vinyl couldn’t help but notice that Potion’s expression soured with every word she spoke, until her smile had completely vanished and she was now glaring at Vinyl in a none-too-friendly manner. The Unicorn suddenly felt very uncomfortable. “Well, um, I didn’t…” “Save it,” Potions said, her cheerful demeanor gone. “That is what makes you an Outsider here. You come into our town already full of assumptions about everypony that lives here. You don’t even bother getting to know any of us. You just figure we’re all criminals and scoundrels. Well tell me something, Unicorn, do you even know who founded this town?” Vinyl had the desperate urge to get up and run out the door, but she doubted Potions would let her do so. She swallowed nervously and shook her head. “No.” “Bat ponies,” Potions said. “And do you know what the vast majority of Bat ponies do?” Vinyl smiled in relief. “Of course. They make up Luan’s Royal Guard. I actually got to meet their Captain once. She saved my life.” “So now do you see the problem?” Vinyl opened her mouth, but stopped before any words managed to come out. She blinked several times and then raised her head to look at the Earth pony. Potions was smiling at her with an annoying look on her face that said she was rather enjoying teasing her client. “Er…no?” Vinyl said after a moment of silence. “Do you really think that a town founded by, and populated by, ponies who devote their lives to protecting one of the Princesses is going to be overrun by crime?” “No,” Vinyl said as she lowered her head in defeat. Potions was right. Luna’s Royal Guard was made up entirely of Bat ponies, and as far as Vinyl knew, Hollow Shades was basically the Bat pony capital of Equestria. Of course there wouldn’t a huge crime rate here. She sighed and buried her face in the bed. She was back to square one before she had even started. “Now, now, don’t be like that,” Potions said as she removed the towel from Vinyl’s back. “There might be hope for you yet. You said you were looking for a thief, right?” “Yeah,” Vinyl said. Potions gestured for her to slide off of the bed and she did. She was amazed to find that the soreness in her body was completely gone, although she still had some fairly visible bruises on her side. “A really good one. He stole my marefr…he stole something that is really important to somepony, and I need to get it back.” “I don’t suppose you have a name?” Potions asked as she folded up the towel. “My name’s Vinyl.” “I meant the thief’s name, Vinyl,” Potions said with a smile. “That’s a pretty name, by the way.” Vinyl blushed. “Uh, thanks. And no, I don’t know his name. He has a short blue mane, a dark brown coat, and he’s a Pegasus. That’s all I know.” “Hm…” Potions scratched her chin. “Well, I’m afraid I can’t help you, but you shouldn’t give up hope. You see, you’re not the only pony who makes the wrong assumptions about our little town. Criminals do all time.” “But…I thought you said Hollow Shades doesn’t have a crime problem.” “It doesn’t. L.R.G. has crime well under control here. In fact, they encourage it.” Vinyl’s mouth fell open. She was completely lost now. How could ponies in charge of Princess Luna’s safety actively encourage crime? Wouldn’t that make them a danger to the very Princess they were sworn to protect? Or worse, what if it meant that they were all on the take? Did that mean that Princess Luna was also a criminal? Did she have this whole secret crime ring that she kept hidden from Celestia? That was crazy! But, also kind of cool. “I seem to have given you the wrong idea,” Potions said with a laugh. “What I meant is that all those rumors you hear? The Bat ponies are responsible for them. They want Hollow Shades to have a dark reputation and attract some of the more…unsavory types.” “But why?” Vinyl asked, still trying to picture Princess Luna sitting in a dark room, glaring maliciously at some poor soul who hadn’t paid his protection money for the month. “To keep their skills sharp. When criminals arrive here, they think they’re safe. Some even go so far as to try to set up organized crime rings. Sometimes they’re even allowed to, for a time. But they never last. The Bat ponies are always watching. They gather evidence, hone tracking skills, and often have new recruits lead an investigation in order to prove that they are worthy of being in L.R.G.” “So this is all just some big game to them?” Vinyl asked. “More like a training ground,” Potions replied with a flick of her hoof. “But they always make sure to keep the crime in check. The moment it spills into our lives, the hammer comes down. If a criminal robs a shop owner, you can bet he’ll be caught before he reaches the end of the block. Unless it was planned, in which case the Bat ponies reimburse the victim and continue their investigation.” “That sounds complicated,” Vinyl said. Her head was starting to hurt as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing. She thought the social order of Canterlot was a nightmare, but this was on a whole other level. “But why do criminals keep coming here if they know it’s all a trap?” “They don’t,” Potions said. “What I just told you is a secret outside of Hollow Shades, understand? You can’t tell anypony about this. Not that they’d believe you. The Bat ponies are very good at keeping Hollow Shades’ reputation exactly the way they like it. Plus, even if the truth did get out, I doubt it would stop criminals from coming here. This place is too appealing.” “Uh-huh,” Vinyl said. “Well, um, thanks for the information I guess. How much do I owe you?” “Twenty bits,” Potions said. Vinyl pulled out the money and paid, shocked that her treatment was so cheap, and turned to leave. “Oh, and Vinyl? The whole point of me telling you all of that was so you would realize there’s a very good chance your thief is here. And if he’s not, somepony might know where he went.” Vinyl’s ears perked up. “Thanks,” she said as she walked out the door. “And be careful,” Potions called after her. “As you saw, this town can be a bit rough, and I wasn’t joking when I said they’re always watching.” Vinyl swallowed and looked up at the trees. She couldn’t help but feel that there were dozens of eyes on her now, watching her every move. With thoughts like that, she wondered how anypony could stand to live here. * * * “Thank you, come again,” Potions said as she scooped the bits off of the counter and gave the Bat pony the elixir. He nodded, blushed, and then disappeared out the door without a word. She didn’t understand why he was so embarrassed. Lots of Bat ponies came in with sprained wings after they tried certain activities. Potions sighed and looked around her shop. That Unicorn had been the most exciting part of her day, and that had at least an hour ago. Everypony else who had come in had just been regular customers. Not that she was complaining. Regular customers kept her business afloat. It was just that Vinyl had been something new, something different. She had been a true Outsider, instead of just another criminal, thug, or some other unsavory sort who thought it was a good idea to try and shake her place down. She smiled as she remembered the last pony who had tried that. She wondered if he could see out of his left eye yet. Probably not. Potions was wondering if the Unicorn was okay when she heard another customer walk into her store. “Hello, and welcome to…” she trailed off when she saw the customer. This pony wasn’t from Hollow Shades, but she wasn’t an Outsider like Vinyl. She carried herself differently. There was a fierceness to her stance and an air of elegance that seemed to radiate from her despite the fact that she was shrouded in a black cloak with a hood. She didn’t have that uncertainty that so many other visitors had. Her amethyst eyes took the room in at a glance and then locked on Potions, betraying nothing. She flipped her hood down as the approached the counter, revealing an onyx black mane that streamed down her neck in a beautiful waterfall. This pony was a stranger to Hollow Shades, no doubt, but Potions got the feeling that she was familiar with how the town operated. And if that was the case, she was not a pony to be trifled with. Potions carefully shifted her stance so that she was near her special stash of potions. “May I help you?” she asked. “There was a fight earlier today,” the pony said. “One of those injured came here. A white Unicorn. She has a blue mane and red eyes, if you managed to get her to take her sunglasses off.” “I remember her,” Potions said. The pony took a deep breath and looked visibly relieved. She smiled for a moment, and then continued. “Could you tell me where she went?” “I’m afraid not,” Potions said flatly. “Please,” the Earth pony begged. “It is important that I fine her. Quickly.” “I do not see how my customers’ dealings are any of your business.” “It is not, but Vinyl is. Especially after this.” The Earth pony pulled out two fliers and put them on the counter. One was an official bounty poster with Vinyl’s picture on it. Potions smiled. The bounty was only for fifteen bits, and all it said was that Vinyl was wanted for questioning in a fight. That probably meant that whichever new recruits were working the case wanted to get Vinyl out of the investigation as soon as possible. She wasn’t in any real danger. “So what?” Potions said as she looked up from the flier. “You’re a bounty hunter? We get your kind here all the time. Think you’re going to make a name for yourself, do you? Hate to break it to you, but you’re going to need to bag a bigger bounty than that.” “Then what about this one?” The pony shifted the official wanted poster aside to reveal another and Potions’ ears dropped along with her heart. This one was offering a five hundred bit reward for Vinyl, and it wasn’t being offered by the L.R.G. Whoever Vinyl had rumbled with was apparently somepony important, because only a gang would offer that much for a newly arrived Outsider. And judging by the poor wording, it was Left Eye’s gang. So that was why the official wanted poster had been put out. The Bat ponies needed to get Vinyl to safety, fast. “That…might do it,” Potions said as she slid the two fliers back to the pony. “But I still don’t know why I should tell you anything.” “I do not care about the bits!” the mare replied, raising her voice slightly and causing Potions to flinch. “I need to know where she went before she gets herself in more trouble.” Potions noticed that there were hints of tears in the purple eyes. She sighed and shook her head. “Look, I can’t tell you where she went. I’m sorry. She didn’t even know where she was going. She said she was looking for a thief.” “I know…” the pony whispered as she hung her head. “But, I can tell you where to find these guys,” Potions said as she tapped the five hundred bit poster with her hoof. “If they’re after Vinyl, and they somehow beat the Guard to her, they’ll take her to their hideout. They think it’s secret, but it’s not.” “Where?” “South end of town, on the outskirts. You’ll have to brave the criminal end of Hollow Shades, but I get the feeling that that won’t be a problem for you.” “Thank you.” The pony nodded, flipped her hood back up, and left the store. Potions watched her go, her curiosity truly peeked now. Vinyl’s visit had just been a small dose of Outsider excitement, and despite what the Unicorn had said, she had dismissed it as just a foolish little errand. Now though, with the arrival of this second pony, it appeared that there was more to Vinyl than she had first thought. Potions sat at her counter and tapped her hoof as she thought. It was probably nothing, but Vinyl’s mention of one of Luna’s agents, her supposed meeting with Captain Silent Wing, and this strange new pony that was after her all suggested that there was something more going on. “It’s still probably nothing, but…” Potions mumbled as she pulled out a quill and a piece of paper. > Sharing A Drink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘I think the Guard might want to keep an extra close eye on this one. Not only did she mention Princess Luna, but she said the Captain saved her life and she’s friends with one of Luna’s Agents. She might be making all of that up, but just in case she’s not...’ —A letter addressed to Luna’s Royal Guard Vinyl had thought that Hollow Shades was creepy. The town oozed atmosphere that made her constantly want to hide, and after Potions had told her that Luna’s elite guards were always watching, she could feel the eyes burning into her from every direction, even though she never saw them. She had spent an entire hour looking over her shoulder every few seconds, and jumping any time somepony spoke to her. She had finally worked up enough courage to ask a passerby where she might find a thief, but the look she had received had made her so uncomfortable that she had bolted before she had received an answer. Now the sun was setting, and what little light it had managed to sneak into the village was quickly fading. And Vinyl realized she had no idea just how unsettling the town could be. Owls began to hoot in night, causing her to frantically look up into the trees and huddle against buildings. Crickets chirped and she was positive she could see tiny yellow eyes looking at her, but whenever she turned to spot them, they vanished. “You lost little lady?” a voice asked and Vinyl screamed. Before she realized it, she was halfway across the street. She heard laughter and finally managed to calm herself. She turned around and saw a stallion grinning at her. “Um…yeah,” the Unicorn said as she sheepishly walked back to the stallion. “Maybe you could help me?” “I don’t know,” the stallion said. “Are you going to run away screaming again? Ponies might get the wrong idea about me.” “Um, sorry about that,” Vinyl whispered as she looked at the ground. She really wished her glasses weren’t broken. “I’m…new here.” “I can tell. It’s written all over you. I saw you freak out probably a dozen times from when you turned the corner until you got here. It was pretty damn funny.” “Is everypony a spy in this town?” Vinyl mumbled. “Nah, we just don’t get many visitors, so they tend to draw a lot of attention. Mainly because most of them act like you.” The stallion thumped Vinyl on the back and laughed. “Some of us feel it’s bad for business, having all of our tourists scared out of their wits, but most of us find it a good source of amusement.” “Oh, ha ha,” Vinyl said as she rolled her eyes. “Glad everypony is having such a grand time at my expense. So why are you talking to me instead of just carrying on with your good times?” “Well, you see, that’s the thing,” the stallion said, and his brown eyes suddenly lost their merriment. “Hollow Shades is generally safe. Sure, the Thestrals like—” “The what?” Vinyl asked. The last thing she needed to worry about was some sort of monster stalking about the town too. She didn’t think she could deal with that on top of everything else. “Oh, sorry,” the stallion replied. “That’s just what some of us call the Bat ponies. Anyway, they may enjoy their little game of painting their town in a shadowy light, but like I said, it is pretty safe. But you’re getting into dangerous territory.” Vinyl’s ears perked up. “Dangerous territory, you say?” “Yeah. You’re starting to head down into what we call Training. It’s the place where all those criminals and lowlifes that come to our town hang out. The Guard keeps it still relatively in check, but their presence isn’t as heavily felt there. At least not right away.” “Let me guess. They try to stay out of their until they’ve got enough evidence, and then they go in to see who might be ready to join the…what did she call it?” Vinyl cocked her head as she tried to remember the name Potions had used. “The L.S.R.?” “L.G.B.,” the stallion corrected her. “I see you’ve already had the town explained to you more than most. But you’ve got the right idea. Basically, that’s where they go for their final exam.” “Perfect,” Vinyl said. She puffed her chest out and grinned, trying to be more confident than she felt. “That’s exactly where I need to be.” “Look, I don’t think you get,” the stallion said. “It’s not the place for visitors. Most of us locals don’t even go there. The ponies and griffons there aren’t to be trifled with. They’re not like those three thugs you fought earlier today.” “How did you…?” Vinyl stopped. She shouldn’t have been surprised. Everypony seemed to know more about her business here than she did. “Forget it. Look, just tell me which way I need to go to get to Training.” The stallion shook his head. “Lady, are you trying to prove something? Do you think this will make you tough?” Vinyl’s ears fell and her chest deflated. “No…I’m trying to save something.” “Is it worth you life?” “It is my life!” Vinyl shouted. She glared up at the stallion as tears fell from her red eyes. “She’s my life! I have to get it back!” The stallion backed up and put his hooves up. “Okay, okay. Calm down.” He took a deep breath. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you though. Keep going down this street. You’ll know when you get there.” With that, the stallion turned and walked up the street. “Thanks,” Vinyl said as the stallion left. She took a moment to collect herself and brushed the tears from her eyes, and then set out down the street. The sun had to have set now, and as Vinyl looked up she froze. She could see the moon. It was so big, and its light was beaming down in glorious white rays to illuminate the entire town. She felt a sense of calm come over her as she stared up at it, and she had to fight the urge to simply lie down on her back at stare at it. And then there were the stars. Vinyl had never seen so many of them. There were hundreds more than she could count, and each one glistened in the dark sky. She gazed up at them and they seemed to twist and dance as she watched them. They made the night sky look like an inviting blanket, and not the cold void she always saw it as. For a moment, she believed that everything was going to be okay. Hollow Shades seemed peaceful and inviting for a brief moment. Vinyl shook the thought from her head and forced herself to look down and continue walking. Everything would be okay, because she was going to make it that way. Even if she had to go to the ends of Equestria. Or beyond. Vinyl decided that the stallion hadn’t been lying as she reached what must have been Training. Again, she found herself realizing that every time she thought Hollow Shades couldn’t get any worse, she was wrong. On the plus side, Vinyl now saw plenty of ponies out and about. They were leaning against buildings, sitting around makeshift tables playing cards, entering and leaving buildings, and walking along the street. On the down side, all of the ponies looked like they fit perfectly in with the reputation Hollow Shades had. Vinyl saw unicorns filing their hooves or horns with knives. Pegasi were sitting on overhangs and whispering just out of earshot as they watched other ponies walk beneath them. Earth ponies were more walking masses of muscles and scars than actual ponies. Low-pulled hats and flipped up hoods seemed to be the fashion choice. Cigarette was the go-to scent, and barred doors and shaded windows were the visual appeal. Vinyl would have found the entire scene comical in its sheer story-time villain appearance if it wasn’t for the fact that every single pony was glaring at her. Some of them continued to sharpen knives or swords, occasionally drawing the blade across their throats when she stared back at them. Others were clearly sizing her up to see if she was worth the time to rob, especially the few Pegasi she saw above her. Others were giving her extremely inviting looks, while others wanted the same thing but clearly weren’t going to bother asking her permission. Vinyl did her best to look straight ahead as she walked through the neighborhood. Sometimes a pony would drag a sword across the side of a building as she passed and chuckle when she quivered from the noise. A group of ponies playing cards watched her approach and froze as she did, huddling down over their cards while she passed. “Hey sweet thing.” A mare stepped in front of Vinyl and blocked her path. Vinyl supposed she could be attractive with her dark emerald mane covering half her face and the…minimal leather clothing she was wearing, but when she leaned in close, Vinyl’s nostrils were flooded with countless odors. And she thought the stallions she had fought earlier smelled bad. “Er, no thanks,” the Unicorn said as she sidestepped the pony and continued walking. “Aw, where ya going?” the mare called after her. “I can show you some new tricks with that horn…” Vinyl was wild, and yet she didn’t doubt for a second that the mare spoke the truth about the tricks. And Vinyl had no interest in learning any of them, but the mare had raised a very good point. Vinyl had no idea where she was going. She supposed she could just ask one of the many, many ponies that were looking at her, but she got the feeling that each one would ask for a steep price. Or just kill her. After all, the three stallions she had spoken to at the bar had tried just that, and that had been in a relatively safe part of the town, if its citizens were to be believed. Vinyl was still pretending like she knew what she was doing while she walked down the street when another Unicorn called out to her. “Hey! Hey, you!” Vinyl stopped and looked across the street, and immediately realized her mistake. Not a single other pony so much as glanced at the Unicorn who had been calling out, but she had stopped and looked right at her. No wonder she stuck out so badly in this town. “I know you,” the Unicorn said as she crossed the street. She had a muddy brown coat and wore the same tattered hood and cloak that so many other ponies around here favored. Her dirty yellow mane was cut short, shorter than even Vinyl’s, and she had a huge scar running across her forehead. “Uh, no, I don’t think so,” Vinyl said and she turned to leave, but the Unicorn reached out with her hoof and stopped her. “Psh, nice try,” she said and Vinyl noticed that she was surprisingly strong. “You’re famous.” The Unicorn spit on the street and then smiled. She was missing several teeth, but at least her breath wasn’t horrid. “Yeah, I’m getting that impression,” Vinyl said nervously. “The way you thrashed those three stallions back at the bar? Most excitement we’ve had around here in ages.” The Unicorn snuggled up next to Vinyl and put her foreleg around her neck. “The whole town’s talking about it. You’re a hero around here.” “R-Really?” Vinyl asked as the hilt of the mare’s dagger dug into her ribcage. “I didn’t really do anything.” “Nonsense!” the mare said and she hugged Vinyl, pulling her closer so that the hilt of her dagger jabbed even further into the D.J.’s ribs. “Come on, let me get you a drink! There are tons of ponies who want to meet you.” “Um…no thanks,” Vinyl said, trying to slip out of the pony’s grasp. “I’m actually looking for somepony and really can’t—” “Really? Why didn’t you say so? The best place to get a pulse on this backwater town is right this way.” Before Vinyl could protest, the mare was dragging her across the street. She decided it wasn’t all bad though. If this mare was telling the truth, then wherever they were heading was a good place for her to gather information. The mare finished pulling Vinyl across the street and then kicked open the door to a building. She looked at Vinyl and then pulled her inside. Vinyl was terrified that she had just walked into a trap and was, at best, about to be robbed blind, but then the mare holding her spoke up. “Listen up you sick bastards,” she shouted. “And fine ladies too! This here is that Unicorn Outsider we’ve all been hearing about. She says she’s looking for somepony!” “Well if she found you, Fang, I’d say she can’t do much better!” a pony called. The room erupted with laughter and Vinyl wanted to bury herself in the ground. Fang had dragged her into a bar, and if it was anything like the first bar she had visited in Hollow Shades, things could get out of hoof very quickly. “Damn right!” Fang shouted back. She turned and laid a wet kiss on Vinyl’s cheek, causing the Unicorn to flinch in shock and disgust. “Why don’t you come sit over here with me, sweet thing? We can talk about this pony you’re looking for.” “Uh…” Vinyl said as she looked at everypony but the Unicorn next to her. The place was much livelier than the other bar she had visited, with ponies clanking drinks, counting bits, and in many cases making out on tables. In fact, judging by the way those two mares were rubbing together in a booth, Vinyl knew that some of them had gone past that point. “Great! We’re right over here.” Fang dragged her through the crowd, shoving any pony that got in her way to the floor. Finally she reached a booth and smiled at the two ponies and the griffon sitting there. “Hey everypony.” “Griffon,” the griffon said as she swung her head sluggishly toward Vinyl and Fang. “And Clair,” Fang said. “This here is…hey. What’s your name?” “Vinyl,” Vinyl replied as she looked at the three figures sitting at the table. Clair was clearly well past drunk. Her eagle eye was tracking something that only she could apparently see, and she kept whistling to herself. The other two, a Pegasus and another Unicorn, were sitting comfortably together, with the Pegasus’ wing wrapped around both of them. “Nice to meet you,” the Unicorn said. “I’m Dusk and—ooooo…” Dusk shuddered with pleasure as the Pegasus’ wing twitched. She leaned in closer to the Pegasus and kissed her on the cheek. “And this is…mmm…” “Hey! Bang each other later,” Fang said as she slid in and deliberately knocked into the couple. “Seriously, Feather, can’t you keep those wings out of Dusk for two minutes?” “You’re just jealous they’re not in you,” Feather replied with a smirk. “Ha!” Clair laughed. Vinyl stared at the four beings before her. She had been told she didn’t belong in Hollow Shades since the moment she had arrived, but she hadn’t understood what that meant until now. She had often teased Octavia about these sorts of things, but even in her wildest moments, she would never go this far in front of others. Vinyl suddenly wanted to leave and go back to the safety of her apartment. Her quest wasn’t worth this. She’d just buy a new one and then do whatever she had to do in order for Celestia and Luna to make it again. Dusk’s hoof slid under the table and Feather’s wings stiffened for a moment, and then she melted into the seat. Dusk leaned over and slowly licked her face and then gently bit her ear. Vinyl’s heart ached as she watched and she knew she had to press on. If she ever wanted to experience that again, she had to. Vinyl carefully sat down next to Clair. “You said this was a good place to get information?” “Oh yeah,” Fang said. She nudged Feather and Dusk hard, snapping them out of their little world. “Stop it. You’re making our guest uncomfortable.” “Riiiight,” Feather said. She stretched her other pink wing out and tried to wrap it around Fang, but the Unicorn pushed her away. “I’m serious, Feather. You too, Dusk. Head in the game for a few minutes. Our friend here needs help.” Dusk and Feather both sighed in annoyance and pulled away from each other. “Fine,” Dusk said as she rolled her eyes. “Feather, get us some drinks.” “Right.” Feather’s wing whipped across her chest in a flash and she pulled out a knife. Vinyl’s heart jumped into her throat, but before she could say a word, Feather’s wing snapped out above Fang’s head and the knife went flying. Vinyl saw it sink into the wall on the other side of the room. The bartender looked at it, looked at Feather, and then nodded once. “So what information are you looking for, hot stuff?” Dusk asked as she batted her silky orange eyes at Vinyl. “I’m looking for a thief,” Vinyl replied, ignoring Dusk’s advances. “I was told that he might be here.” “Told?” Dusk asked. “Or assumed?” “Well, first I just assumed it, but then somepony suggested it too.” “You want to talk to Left-Eye then,” Fang said. “I’ll get him for you.” The Unicorn’s horn glowed dark red for a moment and then she smiled. “Here he comes.” Vinyl looked out into the crowded bar and saw a rather large dark blue stallion walking toward their table. He wore a tattered vest and was carrying a sword on his side that was bigger than Vinyl. She briefly wondered how he was able to swing something so massive, but judging by the sheer mass of muscles, she decided he probably didn’t have any problems. He had an eye-patch over his right eye and several burn scars surrounding it. “H-Hey, Lefty!” Clair hiccupped as the stallion reached the table. She raised her glass with her talon, but then she fell face first onto the table. “S-Sorry. I blame it on the…al…al…al…” “Alcohol?” Vinyl offered. “Psssh,” Clair spit as her beak pressed into the table. “You saying I’m drunk?” “Good evening, ladies,” the stallion said. Without a word, he sat down next to Vinyl. “Fang, I see you have a new toy. Care to introduce me?” “This is Vinyl, Lefty,” Fang said as she nodded toward Vinyl. “She’s looking for a thief. I figured that’s your territory.” “Hm…you figured right, babe.” Lefty turned and his brown eyes gazed down at Vinyl from a long muzzle. “I run the thieves guild in this town. What are you looking for?” “And how much you willing to pay to get it back?” Dusk giggled as she snuggled once again into Feather’s wing. “A bow,” Vinyl said, making a deliberate effort not to look at the Unicorn and Pegasus or at the massive sword that was just inches away from her. “You into archery or something?” Lefty asked. “Not that type of bow,” Vinyl replied, really wishing that Cliar wasn’t passed out drunk next to her so she could scoot away. “I mean a bow for a cello. One of a kind. It’s a family heirloom.” “Hm…” Lefty stroked his chin and glanced over at the three mares. Vinyl noticed that all three of them were looking back at him. “As it happens, I know exactly what thief you’re looking for.” Vinyl was grateful that she hadn’t been drinking anything because she would have spit it out in disbelief. “You do?” “Yeah,” Lefty said. “The thief you’re looking for headed north, toward the Crystal Empire.” Vinyl’s heart raced and for the first time in a long time she felt genuine happiness. She finally had a lead. If she could get that bow that, then everything could go back to normal. Octavia would forgive her and the cellist’s parents wouldn’t think she was the worst mare to ever exist. Her life could finally go back to the way it was, with Octavia at the center of it. “Thanks a lot,” the D.J. said as she moved to leave. “I better hurry.” “Yeah, he’s got a few days head start on you,” Lefty said, but he made no move to vacate his seat. “But how about a drink first?” “Um, no thanks. I really should get going. Like you said, he’s got a pretty big head start.” “Come on, one drink won’t kill you. Besides, they’re already here.” A Unicorn walked over to their table, levitating a tray with six glasses on it. He dropped it on the table, causing all of the drinks to spill over their rims a little, and then walked away without a word. Dusk, Feather, Fang, Lefty, and even Clair, who somehow seemed to be completely sober again, all instantly went for their drinks, leaving Vinyl’s sitting alone on the tray. “Well, I guess one won’t hurt…” Vinyl grabbed the glass with her magic and took a small sip. “That’s the spirit,” Lefty said. Vinyl lowered her glass to say something, but the words wouldn’t come. She looked around the table and noticed that they were all grinning at her. She thought that was odd, but then her head started swimming and she realized she was in trouble. She tried to move, but her body felt like stone. Her vision blurred and then her head fell forward and slammed into the table. “I better get my cut,” she heard Clair say. “Let’s go,” came Lefty’s voice just before Vinyl blacked out. * * * Flint hated sentry duty. All he ever did was stand at the entrance and kick stones against a nearby tree. Nothing ever happened. No pony, not even the L.G.B., was going to mess with Left-Eye’s gang. He was just too big, too powerful, and too engrained in Hollow Shades. If those guards wanted to challenge him, then they would need to call in the Princesses themselves, and even then, Flint wasn’t sure if it would be enough. The Pegasus kicked another rock into the shadowy forest and laughed when he heard several creatures scamper away in fright. There had been some excitement a little bit ago, when Left-Eye, that whore Fang, Feather, Dusk, and Clair had come back to the hideout dragging a white Unicorn. Flint had asked what was going on, but the boss had told him to shut up and keep watch. The three mares had all given him mocking looks, but Clair had been nice enough to at least brush her tail gently under his chin as she passed him. That had been the highlight of his night, and he really wanted his shift to be over so he could go find the griffon. Hopefully she would still be in the mood and not completely drunk. Then again, if she was drunk, it might make things easier… The light grey Pegasus was dreaming about the things two winged creatures could do, so he didn’t notice the hooded pony walking toward him until she was practically standing in front of him. He shook himself out of his fantasy and grabbed his spear with his wing. “You lost?” he asked. Left-Eye’s hideout was outside of Hollow Shades, in a rundown building that Flint was pretty sure most ponies had forgotten about. The only ones who came this far out into the forest at night were either drunk, stupid, or stupidly brave. None of those options were good ones. “Is she here?” the hooded pony asked. She walked up to Flint and stopped in front of him as if she was just asking him for directions. What was wrong with her? Did she not see the weapon he was carrying? “Who?” he asked. “I mean, beat it, little lady. This ain’t no place for you.” “The white Unicorn with a blue mane,” the mare replied. “Is she here?” “Yeah, she’s here,” Flint replied with a grin. “The boss is probably having fun with her right now. Why? You want in? I could make it—” Flint grunted as a heavy sack hit him square in the chest. He was about to attack the hooded pony, until he looked down and saw what had spilled out of the bag. “Fifty bits,” the pony said quietly. “It is yours if you walk away right now.” Flint stared at the gold coins in the moonlight. That was a lot more than the boss was paying him. “I can’t do that,” he said. “The boss would hunt me down.” “Then take it and step aside,” the pony said. “Do not run away, and that way he will not be able to hunt you down.” “What is your deal?” Flint asked. He folded his wing a little tighter over the spear, not as a show of force but out of fear. “What do you want?” “Simply, to get inside. I would rather avoid conflict, but perhaps you need the proper motivation.” The mare moved in a flash and Flint’s spear was suddenly gone. He blinked in shock and heard a snap and then saw that his spear was on the ground, broken in two. He took several steps back, but the mare matched his pace until he was pressed up against the door. The mare drew closer, until her face was just inches away from his. Purple eyes, he thought as his heart pounded in his chest. “Are you motivated now?” the mare asked in a dark whisper. “If I were you, I would take those bits and go turn myself in to the local authorities. After you have served your time, use them to start a new life far away from here. Maybe your griffon friend will come with you.” “How did you—” “Listen. In a few moments, Luna’s Royal Guard is going to come crashing down on this place. In fact, the only reason they have not is probably because they are interested to see what I am doing, but I doubt their patience will last, so I need to hurry. Which means you need to step, or even fly, aside, or I will open the door by smashing you through it. Decide.” Flint gulped and looked up at the trees. He wasn’t sure, but he swore that he saw yellow eyes staring down at him. A lot of yellow eyes. * * * Vinyl groaned as her mind swam back up from darkness. Her eyes fluttered open, but she immediately closed them again as the light stung them. He tried to raise her hoof to block the light, but she heard a rattling noise and her hoof refused to leave the ground. Confused, she slowly opened her eyes again looked down. “Wh…” Vinyl’s forelegs were in shackles. She immediately tried to turn to her head to see if her hind ones were too, but she instantly found out that the collar around her neck was chained to the floor. She panicked and jumped up, but the chains pulled her back down and laughter flooded the room. “It seems our guest is awake,” came Lefty’s voice. Vinyl tried to stand again, slowly this time, and found that her chains allowed her to at least stand up. She looked around the room and her heart sank. She was apparently in the middle of a warehouse and dozens of ponies were standing or sitting around her in a circle. None of them looked very friendly, but her eyes stopped when she spied four familiar faces directly in front of her. “You know, when an Outsider comes to town, we tend to avoid them,” Lefty said as he stepped forward. Fang was standing next to him, while Dusk and Feather were sitting together on a bunch of stacked crates. “The Guard tends to keep an extra close watch on them. But you? Well, there’s dumb, and then there’s you.” All the ponies in the room laughed and Vinyl felt her skin crawl. She was in way over her head now. “Um, listen, Lefty. I enjoy a good—” Lefty walked up and slammed his hoof into Vinyl’s face, causing her to crash into the ground as the onlookers cheered. “I was paid a small fortune for helping you out,” he said. “This pony told me that if a pony came to Hollow Shades asking about a bow, I was to tell them to head to the Crystal Empire.” “Wh…what?” Vinyl asked as she tried to pick herself up. The stallions at the bar had nothing on Lefty. “I was also told that, under no circumstances was I supposed to interfere with that pony.” Vinyl had managed to get her hooves under her when her ribs exploded as Lefty kicked her. She coughed in pain and collapsed back on the ground. “W-Well, you’re not…doing a very good…job on that second part,” she said as pain flowed through her body. “Here’s the thing,” Lefty said as he bent down and put his mouth next to Vinyl’s ear. “The pony I was supposed to pass the information on to doesn’t match your description.” Vinyl was about to ask what he was talking about, but instead she just screamed as Lefty bit down on her ear and yanked her to her hooves. He let go and she tried to collapse again in pain, but he caught her chin with his hoof and held her up. As she stared into his one good eye, she could feel the blood trickling down the side of her head. “That fight you got into was pretty impressive. Most Outsiders can’t hold their own like that. Under other circumstances, I might have even tried to recruit you. But thanks to you, three of my best boys are now rotting away in a cell. Which means I have to spend precious time and effort busting them out. Time that I could have spent doing something more productive.” “S-Sorry,” Vinyl whispered. She expected Lefty to hit her again, but instead he just pulled his hoof away and let her head fall. “So I had to get my revenge, you see,” Lefty said as he walked away. “No pony challenges Left-Eye and gets away with it. Not even the L.R.G. Those bats know full well to stay away from me and my crew, and let me tell you, that reputation wasn’t easy to build. And it’s something I have to maintain at all costs, otherwise any young upstart might start trying to muscle in on my turf.” “I…I told you,” Vinyl said as she struggled to stay on her hooves. Her face was burning and her stomach was in agony. “I’m…just trying…to find a thief.” “So I put a bounty out on you,” Lefty continued, ignoring Vinyl’s words. “I knew it would only be a matter of time before somepony got greedy and turned you in to me. But then, wouldn’t you know it? You were dumb enough to come to my girls. I only had to pay that griffon a fraction of the bounty, because these fine ladies all work for me. I mean, the only way it could have been better was if you had had a bow on your head.” All the ponies laughed and the noise stung Vinyl’s ears. “Listen, I’m sorry—” “Oh, you’re going to be sorry all right,” Lefty said and Vinyl’s eyes drifted toward the massive sword he was carrying. “Believe you me.” “Hey!” Fang said as she stepped in front of Lefty. “I get her first. You promised.” Lefty looked down at the Unicorn in front of him and then up at Vinyl. The smile that crossed his lips made her want to throw up. “You’re right. Give us a good show.” Fang turned around and Vinyl’s stomach fell out. If Lefty’s smile had made her sick, then Fang’s smile made her heart stop. The Unicorn walked up to her and stopped just a hair’s breath away from Vinyl’s nose. She licked her lips and then kissed Vinyl on the mouth. Vinyl recoiled in horror, but Fang’s hoof came up and slapped her across the face. All the ponies roared. “This is going to be fun,” Fang whispered as she walked behind Vinyl. Vinyl suddenly felt her tail being lifted up and all the ponies in the room started whistling and cheering. “Mm…I’m going to enjoy that.” “Yeah!” “Go Fang!” “Room for one more?” The cheers and shouts kept coming and Vinyl began to cry. She wanted to go home. She hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were. She just wanted Octavia to love her again and fall asleep wrapped around— There was a loud crash, followed by a groan and a thud, and then several gasps. “Who the buck are—” Fang’s question was cut short as Vinyl heard another thumping noise. She felt the magic on her tail disappear and Fang staggered back in front of her. She had her hoof on her nose and blood was streaming from her nostrils. “Well, that’s one way to make an entrance,” Lefty said. “Can I help you with something, dear? You’re kind of interrupting what was promising to be a very good show.” “I think that bitch broke my nose,” Fang said. She pulled her hoof away. It was covered in blood and Vinyl couldn’t help but smile at the sight. “I apologize,” a voice said from behind Vinyl. Vinyl’s ears perked up immediately. She knew that voice! But…it couldn’t be. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her in some desperate attempt to escape the horrors around her. Carefully, the D.J. turned her head as far as she could to look behind herself. Clair was lying on the floor, covered in the remains of what had once been the room’s door. She groaned and tried to get up, but couldn’t. A rather large piece of the door was resting by Vinyl’s back legs and she saw that it had blood on it. She guessed that was what had hit Fang in the face. And walking through the middle of the destruction was a mare in a cloak. She had the hood up to hide her face, but Vinyl recognized that walk instantly. It was really her. Octavia had come to her rescue. “I apologize to your trophy girl,” Octavia said as she walked past Vinyl. Vinyl wanted to say something, but the cellist didn’t even look at her as she passed. She stopped just in front of Vinyl and kept her gaze front. “However, I am in a bit of a hurry, and I did not have time to wait for her to satisfy her…basic desires. No matter how quick that might take.” “Why you!” Fang hissed, spraying blood on the floor. Vinyl heard several quick breaths from the other ponies and even a few short laughs. “Well, perhaps we can help you be on your way,” Lefty said as he walked forward. “You applying for a position in my gang?” “Hardly,” Octavia said. “I already have a profession.” “And what’s that?” Lefty asked with a smirk. “If you’re a call girl, your rates must be pretty high to pay for the damages you cause.” “Bounty hunter.” Vinyl’s mouth fell open. “And I have come to collect the bounty on this Unicorn.” Vinyl’s mouth fell open even further. “You must be new at this,” Lefty said as he stepped forward. “You don’t get to collect the bounty after the target’s already been turned in.” “I am not talking about your offer,” Octavia said. She reached into her cloak and Vinyl saw her pull out a piece of paper with her mouth and show it to Lefty. “You’re joking, right?” Lefty asked as he started laughing. The other ponies started laughing too, all except Fang, who was still nursing her nose. “I assure you, I am quite serious,” Octavia replied after she put the piece of paper away.” “Okay, sweetheart,” Vinyl’s skin burned when Lefty called Octavia that, “I’ll play your little game. What in Equestria makes you think I’m about to let you walk out of here with the very pony I just put a bounty on myself? She cost me a pretty high price.” “This.” Octavia tossed her head and Vinyl heard the sound of something falling onto the floor. “There are enough bits and gems there to double the asking price of your original bounty. Which, by the way, I know you only paid a fraction of to that griffon back there.” “A thousand bits…” Lefty said. Vinyl did her best to scoot to the side and crane her neck so she could see past Octavia. Sure enough, there was a bag filled with riches resting in front of Lefty. Where in Equestria had Octavia gotten that kind of scratch? “It is all yours, if you simply allow me to leave with my prize. No trouble.” “Feather!” Lefty called over his shoulder. The Pegasus flew down from the box she and Dusk had been cuddling on and looked at the bag. She brushed a few of the gems with her wings and then looked up at Lefty and nodded. “I don’t think this mare understands how the bounty hunting game works, boss,” she said. “You make money when you catch a mark, not spend more trying to catch one.” Again, all the ponies in the room chuckled. “A tempting offer, babe,” Lefty said as Feather scooped up the bag and took it back up to Dusk. “I take it you accept?” Octavia asked, but Vinyl was still fuming over Lefty calling her babe. No pony called Octavia that except her! “No, you see, I’ve got a better offer,” Lefty said. Vinyl’s blood ran cold at the tone in his voice. “Octy, get out of her,” she whispered. “I’ll be fine. I promise.” Vinyl knew full well she wouldn’t be, but she couldn’t stand to see her cellist get hurt. Octavia’s tail whipped up and slapped Vinyl on the nose. “You, be quiet,” she said without turning around. “What is your offer?” “Any pony that carries around that type of money has to be pretty important. Perhaps the daughter of a diplomat? Or even related to one of the Princesses maybe? I bet whoever it is would be willing to pay a pretty sum for your safe return. Am I right?” Vinyl looked around the room and saw that all the ponies were grinning now and slowly closing the circle around her and Octavia. She swallowed and tugged on her chains, but they wouldn’t budge. “This is your last chance,” Octavia said calmly as Lefty drew closer. Vinyl saw that Fang was right behind him, and the look in her eyes was not one of taking prisoners. “I will still allow you to take the money and let me leave with this Unicorn.” Lefty turned his head and pulled the massive sword out with his mouth. He growled with it in his teeth as he dragged it across the floor and started laughing. “Babe, I don’t know if you’re brave or just incredibly stupid,” he said. Octavia flipped her hood down and Vinyl’s heart jumped at the sight of that beautiful onyx hair and lush grey neck, but the feeling quickly passed as Fang used her magic to draw her dagger as well. Octavia shook her head once. “So be it.” > Chains and Fears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Octavia is who you replaced me with, huh? Well, you could do worst. She’s not as hot as me, naturally, but I won’t deny she possesses a certain…elegance. I’m happy for you, Vinyl. Really.” —Spitfire, five months after the breakup “Pull back on the chain around you neck,” Octavia said. Her voice was still calm and quiet, but Vinyl could hear the tension building in it. “What?” she asked. The gang was slowly closing in around the two of them, and despite the danger the Unicorn was in, she didn’t care. All she cared about was Octavia. “No! Octy, you have to—” “Do it now!” Octavia snapped. Vinyl blinked in shock and pulled back on the chain holding her to the floor. It was hard to gain any solid leverage with her legs also shackled together, but she managed to back up enough and tilt her head back so that the chain went stiff. She struggled to breathe as the pressure around her neck increased, so she closed her red eyes and focused on putting everything she had into pulling on the chain. Whatever Octavia was going to do, she had better do it fast. There was a loud breaking sound that echoed through the building. It rang inside Vinyl’s head and caused her ears to wince, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it because a moment later her entire head was shaking. Her teeth snapped against each other and she tumbled backward. She tried to keep her balance, but her shackled legs wouldn’t have it. She fell onto her back and groaned as her head smacked against the ground. Vinyl shook her head to clear it and looked up. The chain that had been attached to her collar had been snapped. She stared at the few links left on her collar in confusion, and then looked to where she had been held moments before. Octavia had one of her hind legs out and the rest of the chain was draped over it. Had she…broken it with a kick? Was that even possible? “Doesn’t matter,” Vinyl grumbled as she stood up. “I have to help her.” She looked down at her leg shackles and grinned. Now that she could move her head freely, she could easily get these things off. She focused her magic into her horn and— “OW!” Vinyl yelped. Her forehead suddenly felt like it had been stung by a dozen bees. What in Equestria had that been about? She carefully reached up with one of her hooves, but the shackles made it impossible for her to reach her horn. She stood up on her hind legs, thankful that Octavia had taught her how to dance, and brought both of her front hooves to her horn. There was some sort of ring around the base of Vinyl’s horn. She gingerly tugged at it with her magic, but again the stinging sensation returned. Next she tried to simply pull it off, but the thing wouldn’t budge. Was it glued on or something? What if she was never able to get it off? “Vinyl, get out of here!” Octavia shouted, and Vinyl forgot all about the ring on her horn. Octavia didn’t really expect her to leave her here all alone, did she? “But I can help!” the D.J. said, though she had no idea how. Without her magic and still being in shackles, she wasn’t sure what good she would be. “You have helped enough!” Octavia said. She allowed the chain on her leg to fall to the ground. She stepped on the broken end and dragged it across the floor until the chain was once again tight. The Earth pony then brought her other hind leg down on the end of the chain that was bolted to the floor. Once again, the chain snapped and Octavia flicked it up into the air with her back leg. She held out her front leg and allowed the chain to fall around it. “You will only get in my way. Wait for me outside.” “But I…” Vinyl whimpered. “I will not tell you again!” Octavia snapped. She still hadn’t turned around to face Vinyl. Her eyes were locked straight again, watching Lefty, Fang, and all the other ponies slowly drawing toward her. She flicked the chain so that it wrapped around her hoof once. “Oh no,” Fang said. “She’s mine. Every. Last. Part.” Fang licked her lips and her gaze shot to Vinyl for a second. The Unicorn shivered. “If you think I’m letting a tasty plot like—” Octavia moved in a flash. She bolted straight at Lefty. The stallion froze from the sheer surprise of the move, but he recovered quickly. He swung his sword with his mouth, and even Vinyl could tell that the strike was meant to sever Octavia’s head, not wound her. The Unicorn was about to cry out, but Octavia slid under the blow. She then came up with blinding speed, jumping straight over Lefty’s head. She flipped once and kicked her hind legs out, smashing her hooves into the back of the gang leader’s head. He staggered forward and nearly dropped his sword, but he managed to retain both it and his balance. He growled and spun around, readying himself for the next attack, but Octavia wasn’t there. After the flip, the cellist landed on her front hooves and rolled forward once. She came up just in front of Fang. The Unicorn blinked in surprise and then brought her dagger down, aiming for Octavia’s neck, but the Earth pony was too fast. She swung her chain-wielding hoof out and the chain snapped forward like a whip. It wrapped around the dagger and then Octavia swung the chain through the air, using the dagger as a counterweight. The dagger end of the chain flew past the right side of Fang. Octavia spun past the left side and then reached out to catch the end of the chain. It whipped around her other front hoof and the dagger clattered to the ground. Fang, completely stunned by what had just happened, simply stood there, not realizing that the Earth pony had just made a makeshift clothesline right around her neck. Octavia pulled on the chain like she was pulling on the reins of a stagecoach. It snapped back on Fang’s neck and her eyes bulged. She tried to bring her front hoof up to stop it, but Octavia pulled harder, forcing her head back until the Unicorn was forced to stand up on her hind legs to stop herself from choking to death. Everypony in the room was frozen. The only sound was Fang gasping for breath. Octavia, standing behind her on her hind legs, leaned in and whispered something into the Unicorn’s ear that caused her to go completely still and the color to drain from her face. Octavia tugged the chain once and whispered again, causing Fang to cough and then nod her head. “Vinyl is leaving,” Octavia said coldly to the rest of the room. “Any of you who try to stop her are going to end up in worse shape than your resident plaything here. Understand?” Again, Octavia pulled on the chain and Vinyl felt a sick pleasure when she saw tears start to well in Fang’s eyes. “Sorry Fang, but we can’t let an opportunity like this pass us by,” Lefty said as he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure we can find another two-bit bitch like you in no time.” Lefty turned and faced Vinyl. “Don’t let her leave.” “L-L-Lefty…please…” Fang pleaded in a barely audible voice. Octavia quickly silenced her with another tug on the chain. Was she really going to kill Fang just like that? “Why are you still here?” Octavia demanded as she glared at Vinyl from across the room. “Wait for me outside. And if you try to run, I will find you. I am going to collect that bounty.” “Um…okay,” Vinyl said. The tone in Octavia’s voice suggested that she wasn’t kidding about the bounty. Was that really the only reason she had come to save Vinyl? Didn’t she mean anything more to her anymore? Vinyl turned to go, but her path was blocked by an Earth pony. He grinned at her and shook his head. “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.” “I warned you,” came Octavia’s voice. Vinyl looked over her shoulder, both as a silent plea for help and to see what Octavia meant to do. The cellist pulled one last time on the chain around Fang’s neck and then shoved the Unicorn to the floor. Fang hit face first, coughing frantically and pawing at her throat and nose. Octavia fell forward, bringing her front hooves down on Fang’s back. The Unicorn screamed as Octavia twisted her legs once, driving them into Fang’s back, and then she jumped to the side. She stomped on the hilt of Fang’s dagger, launching it up into the air, and then she turned around and kicked her hind legs out. The hilt of the dagger caught the full force of the blow. It spun through the air as if a Unicorn had launched it with magic. Lefty whipped his head to the side to avoid the blade as it shot by, and then Vinyl’s eyes went wide when she saw that it was coming at her. She stepped to the side and nearly tripped again on her shackles, but the blade came nowhere near her. Instead, it shank into the shoulder of the pony who had been blocking the exit. The stallion screamed in agony and staggered backward. Blood flowed down his chest and spilled onto the floor. He tried to grab the dagger with his mouth, but he couldn’t turn his head low enough to reach the hilt. He took a step to the side and his legs gave out. He collapsed on the floor, gasping for air and still trying to pull the blade out. “Out, Vinyl,” Octavia said darkly. “Now.” Vinyl took one look at Octavia and decided to book it. She moved as quickly as she could toward the door, he shackles clinking loudly with each step. She noted that no other ponies were moving to block her escape, and as she passed the bleeding stallion, she understood why. Octavia had just taken out two of Lefty’s ponies in a matter of minutes and she hadn’t even broken a sweat. That had to have made them a bit more hesitant in defying her. As Vinyl reached the door, she took one last look back at scene. Fang was still sprawled at Octavia’s hooves, whimpering and still letting out a few rasping coughs. Lefty was glaring at her, but wasn’t making any move toward her. All the other ponies were also frozen in place, some of them glancing at Vinyl, but most of them had their eyes glued to Octavia. After a moment, Lefty finally spoke. “And now what? You can’t possibly expect me to just let you walk out of here after what you did.” Octavia eyes narrowed. “You have that backward. I gave you all an opportunity to resolve this peacefully. That opportunity has come and gone. None of you will be leaving here under your own strength.” Lefty let out a deep laugh. “You think that just because you got a lucky knife shot in and you took down one of my whores that you’re hot stuff? I am going to make you so sorry for what you’ve done here. In fact, I think I’ll just make you into Fang’s replacement.” Octavia cracked the chain wrapped around her hoof on the floor. The sound echoed through the entire room and caused Vinyl to jump, but it was the look in Octavia’s eyes that truly frightened her. She had seen Octavia upset before. She had seen her cross, sad, angry, and even heartbroken. But she had never seen this look. The look in Octavia’s amethyst eyes was terrifying. They were cold and bitter, and burned with a fire that Vinyl knew offered no warmth. “I do not think you are grasping the situation, Left-Eye,” Octavia whispered. “You were foolish to decline my offer. Then, you added to that by allowing the only piece of leverage you had over me to walk out that door. I do not need to worry about holding back now. You, all of you, are trapped in here with me.” “Kill her already!” Lefty shouted, but his command was quickly drowned out by his only yell of pain as Octavia snapped the chain against his face like a whip. Vinyl turned and scrambled the rest of the way out the door. Screams, yells, grunts, and the clashing of metal flooded her ears as she did, and to her shame, it made her move faster instead of turning back. She hated herself for leaving Octavia behind in such a hopeless situation, and she hated herself even more because she wasn’t sure she would go back even if she had her magic and her legs were free. What had happened to her, and what Fang had almost done to her, had shaken her to her very core. She just wanted to get as far away from this place as she could. Vinyl wasn’t sure where she was going, but as she half ran, half stumbled down a hallway, she noticed that the sounds were growing fainter, but as long as she could still hear them, she was still too close. She kept moving through the building, frantically trying to find an exit. Finally, with her legs chafing from the shackles and her heart pounding in her head, she came to what she assumed was the front lobby of abandoned warehouse. The door was open, and even though it was the middle of the night, she didn’t hesitate. She ran out the door as fast as her legs would carry her. “Clair?” a voice called as soon as Vinyl was out in the night air. She jerked her head to the left to see who had called out, and once again lost her balance and fell on her face. She looked up to see a Pegasus standing over her. “Oh, it’s just you.” Vinyl gulped. This pony was probably another one of Lefty’s gang. He had used Clair’s name, after all. If he decided to try anything, Vinyl wouldn’t be able to stop him. Carefully, she got to her hooves and took a step back. “Back off, buddy. That bounty hunter in there is currently thrashing your boss. Mess with me, and she’ll be coming for you next.” To Vinyl’s amazement, the bluff seemed to work. The Pegasus took a step back and waved his hoof in surrender. “Whoa, I want nothing to do with you. There’s something…off, about that mare. I took her bits because I was afraid of what she’d do to me if I didn’t. I’m not about to go back on that.” To prove his point, he held out a small bag filled with golden coins. “Yeah,” Vinyl said as she looked back at the warehouse she had just escaped from. “Your boss is probably wishing he had been smart like you right about now…” At least, I hope so, she added silently. How could she just abandon the cellist like that? Maybe she should go back in there and try to help. Vinyl turned to the Pegasus and was about to ask him if he had a key to her shackles and how to get the ring off of her horn when she heard the sound of glass breaking. Both her and the Pegasus looked back toward the warehouse just in time to see the body of another one of Lefty’s gang come flying through one of the side windows. He disappeared into the forest, and while Vinyl wasn’t sure, she thought she saw several shadows dive from the trees after him. “W-What…?” the Pegasus whispered as he unconsciously took a small step away from the building. “But…she’s just one mare.” Vinyl chuckled despite herself. “Apparently that’s enough. She took out that griffon, Fang, and another stallion and probably turned Left-Eye into No-Eye all on her own.” “Clair!” the Pegasus shouted, and without another word he dashed toward the warehouse. He reached the doorway but skidded to a stop. He started to back up and moved to the side, allowing Vinyl to see into the doorway. Dusk was limping out of the doorway. Her coat was covered in cuts and blood, and on her back she carried the body of Feather. Whether the Pegasus was still alive, Vinyl couldn’t tell, but she was certain that Feather’s wing wasn’t supposed to bend that way. Or in so many places. Dusk herself looked like she was about to drop dead any moment. “Dusk!” the Pegasus said. “Where’s Clair? Is she alright?” “I…I don’t…” the Unicorn collapsed on the ground with Feather on top of her. It was then that Vinyl noticed that she had a chain wrapped around one of her hind legs, and judging by the bruising and blood, it had been wrapped tightly and then yanked painfully. Vinyl watched in horror as blood oozed from the leg and slowly seeped into the ground. What had Octavia done to these ponies? And how had she done it? Wasn’t she just a Canterlot cellist? “The griffon is currently unconscious in the main room,” came Octavia’s voice. Vinyl looked up to see the cellist walking out of the doorway, her cloak dancing behind her and her hood covering her head once again “She was not as…understanding as you. If you hurry, you may be able to drag her out of there before the authorities swoop in, but I would not count on that.” The pony opened his mouth to say some, but Octavia flashed him a look. He simply nodded, carefully walked past her, and then disappeared into the building. Octavia turned her attention to Dusk and Feather. “I will be taking my bits back now,” she said. She walked up and stood over the two ponies. “You had your chance.” “N-No…please…” Dusk whimpered as she tried to crawl away, but Feather’s body was too heavy for her. Vinyl gulped as Octavia stood over them. She wouldn’t really…kill them, would she? “Stay calm,” Octavia said. She put a hoof out and gently rolled Feather off of Dusk’s back. The Unicorn flinched and covered her head, but Octavia ignored her. Instead, she bent down and took the large bag of bits that was still attached to Feather’s waist. Without a word, she put it back into her cloak and Vinyl could only assume that she had placed it in her saddlebags. With that, she began to walk toward Vinyl. “What…what are you?” Dusk asked as she cowered in the dirt. “Some sort of…demon pony?” Octavia froze, and even though her eyes were partly hidden beneath her hood, Vinyl still saw them narrow slightly. Slowly, the cellist turned around. She walked forward until she was standing over Dusk once again. “Um…Octy? I-I don’t think—” Vinyl said, trying to figure out why she was standing up for a pony who had treated her like trash a little bit ago. “Let me see if I understand this correctly,” Octavia said in a cool voice. “I decimated your boss, your hideout, your marefriend, and you. And yet, I let each one of you live despite what you were about to do to my bounty” Vinyl flinched a little at that word “and despite the fact that you were all trying to kill me. And you have the nerve to insult me?” “N-No! I didn’t mean—“ “Silence!” Octavia said with a stomp of her hoof. “You know, your marefriend is not going to be able to fly for a while, but if she gets proper care, her wing will heal. Would you like to see what a demon would do?” Without waiting for an answer, Octavia walked over to Feather’s body. She raised one hoof and then brought it down on Feather’s crumpled wing. The Pegasus let out a howl of agony and her eyes snapped out. She frantically looked around until she saw Octavia, and the fear that flashed through her eyes made Vinyl’s heart ache. “Your marefriend called me a demon,” Octavia said darkly. She carefully twisted her hoof and Feather screamed again. “What do you think?” “Please! Stop!” Dusk screamed. She struggled to stand, and after a moment she managed to get on all fours. She tried to take a step, but ended up collapsing right away. Still, she managed to wrap her forelegs around Octavia’s hind leg. “I’m sorry! Please, you’ll cripple her!” “Shall I tear off your horn instead?” Octavia asked as she turned her head toward Dusk, still not taking her hoof off of Feather’s wing. “Because that is what a demon would do. Cruelty for cruelty’s sake.” Dusk froze. Her tears stopped and her mouth hung open. Vinyl could see her mind racing. Vinyl wanted to say something, wanted to tell Octavia to snap out of it, but the cellist was acting so unlike herself that she was terrified of doing anything. “Y-Yes,” Dusk whispered, tears streaming down her face as she buried it in the dirt. “I-If that will…make you…stop, then…” Octavia froze as she had been hit by a blast of cold water. She didn’t seem to know what to do. Her mouth opened slightly and her eyes changed back to the gentle soul that Vinyl knew. Was it all an act? No, that wasn’t possible. What Octavia had done had been too real for it to be an act. There had been genuine anger in her eyes. “Thankfully, I am not a demon,” Octavia said after a moment of silence. Her voice was quiet now, without a single trace of the anger she had had moments ago. She removed her hoof from Feather’s wing and gingerly stepped over Dusk. “However, I will require that chain I fear. It may hurt.” Vinyl watched as Octavia carefully leaned down and removed the chain wrapped around the back of Dusk’s leg. The Unicorn winced and whimpered several times, and each time she did Octavia winced too, but she finally removed the chain. She held it in her mouth, careful not to have the bloody part in her teeth, and then walked toward Vinyl. Vinyl unwillingly took a step back at her approach, and Octavia paused for a moment as pain flashed through her eyes, but she blinked it away and resumed walking toward the Unicorn. “So, um…thanks,” Vinyl said as Octavia drew closer. “For saving me, I mean. I really thought—hey! What are you doing?” “I am on the hunt,” Octavia said as she wrapped the chain around the collar on Vinyl’s neck. She gave it a quick tug to make sure it was secure, and then she wrapped the other end around her foreleg. “I am after you. Remember?” “Wait, you were serious?” Vinyl protested as Octavia walked back into the forest. She gave the chain a slight tug and Vinyl stumbled after her. “Octy, come on! You’re not really going to turn me in for a bounty, are you? “Of course I am,” Octavia said without looking back or stopping. “Fifty bits is a decent amount of money for simply turning you over to Luna’s Royal Guard.” Vinyl nearly fell on her face again as she tried to walk with her leg shackles. “Okay, fine. You’re upset. I get it, but this is—” “No, Vinyl, you do not get it,” Octavia said, and Vinyl heard the slight shift in her voice. “If you did, you would never have walked into the middle of Hollow Shades like this. We will discuss your foolishness after I turn you in and collect my payment.” “Fine,” Vinyl said, feeling like she was getting a lecture from her mom. “But can you please take the chain and shackles off? And this blasted ring on my horn?” “Certainly not,” Octavia said as she continued to lead Vinyl back through the forest and toward Hollow Shades. “I am a bounty hunter, as I said. What type of reputation would I have if I came back with my prize completely free? No, I think you shall remain in those restraints until I have safely traded you to the authorities.” “Octy, come on…” Vinyl pleaded. She hoped Octavia was joking, but she couldn’t tell. The mare’s voice was rather serious, and after what she had seen her do, Vinyl wasn’t sure she knew Octavia as well as she had thought. “Besides,” Octavia said in a sly voice. She stopped and looked over her shoulder as a grin came to her face. “You like it when I tie you up. Come along.” Octavia gave a little tug on the chain and started moving forward again as Vinyl felt the blush come to her cheeks. Okay, things weren’t all bad. * * * Vinyl sat in the dimly lit room, still struggling to believe what was happening to her. Octavia had done it. She had truly done it. She had walked into the L.R.G heardquarters with Vinyl still chained, and turned her in. After she had collected her bounty, she had turned and walked out of the building without saying a word, leaving Vinyl at the mercy of the Bat ponies. At least she had finally had the shackles removed, along with the ring on her horn. Apparently it was a common item in Hollow Shades. The Bat ponies used them on Unicorns to keep them in check when they were arrested. How Lefty and his gang had managed to get a hold of one was beyond Vinyl’s understanding. The Bat ponies hadn’t been mean, but they hadn’t been exactly kind to Vinyl either. If anything, she got the feeling that she was being treated like a little filly that they had to tolerate for a while. They had removed her shackles, asked her a few basic questions, and then escorted her to the room she was now sitting in, and then left her alone. She had been sitting in the room for several minutes now, and she was starting to get anxious. As if responding to her thoughts, the door to the room opened. A Bat pony, clad in the familiar dark blue and purple armor of Luna’s Royal Guard, walked in. Without saying a word, she sat down at the table across from Vinyl. She didn’t speak or make any other moves. “Um…hi,” Vinyl said, unable to bear the silence. “You want to tell me what’s going on here?” “Why don’t you tell me,” the pony said in a very matter-of-fact voice. “You come into our town, start a fight that results in damages to a few businesses, travel down into Training, and nearly cause the collapse of an operation that we have been planning for several months. If there’s a picture of what an Outsider is, I think I’m looking at it.” Vinyl blinked several times and swallowed. She couldn’t tell if this pony was going to lecture her or toss her in prison. “Um…sorry?” she said sheepishly. “Tell me, what in Princess Celestia’s name were you thinking, Vinyl Scratch?” The Unicorn blinked at the mention of her full name, but she realized she shouldn’t have been surprised. She had given it when she had been brought in. “You could have been killed. Left-Eye and his gang were not to be taken lightly.” “Um, yeah,” Vinyl said. “I…figured that out. If Octavia hadn’t shown up when she did, I don’t think I’d be here right now.” “No, you would be,” the Bat pony said casually. “You’d probably have a few bruises on you though. We were right outside. When we heard that Left-Eye had finally abducted a pony in plain sight, we knew we had our chance. We had a fresh batch of recruits waiting for a chance to pass their final exam, and you gave them the perfect opportunity. Even if it meant we had to rush the operation timetable forward a bit. If anything, Octavia delayed your rescue.” “What?” Vinyl asked, dumbfounded. “She knew we were there, which is saying something,” the Bat pony said. “We were told to wait, because we couldn’t tell what this lone pony was doing walking straight into a gang leader’s hideout. She seemed to have a plan though, so we watched. I almost feel sorry that we did. Some of those ponies are in pretty bad shape.” Vinyl shuddered slightly as she remembered Octavia looming over the crumpled forms of Feather and Dusk. That building had been full hardened criminals, thieves, rapists, and murders, and Octavia had thrashed all of them. Vinyl had often been afraid of how Octavia would react, or how she would yell at Vinyl when she found out that the Unicorn had done something wrong, but Vinyl had never feared Octavia herself. Which was why the memory of her torturing Feather shook her so deeply. Was that what Octavia was really like? “So, you still haven’t answered my question, Vinyl Scratch,” the Bat pony said, snapping Vinyl’s mind out of the dark memory. “Um…what question is that?” “What were you thinking?” The Bat pony leaned forward slightly, and Vinyl got the sense that she was actually curious. “There’s stupid, and then there’s what you did.” “I…was trying to find a thief,” Vinyl said. Before the Bat pony could respond, Vinyl rushed on. “I know, I know. Potions already gave me the whole speech about assuming this town is full of criminals and blah, blah, blah. I’m sorry, okay? Clearly not all of you are criminal masterminds.” “Go on.” The Bat pony crossed her forelegs on her chest. “Looking for a thief hardly seems worth the trouble you endured. I take it the thief didn’t just steal bits from you.” Vinyl hung her head. “That’s just it. The thief didn’t…he didn’t take anything from me.” “Now I’m really interested.” “He stole an heirloom. It belongs to my mare—er, somepony I know. I need to get it back.” “Not to sound cold, but this doesn’t sound like your problem. If this heirloom is so important to that pony, why isn’t she trying to track it down? Why are you after it? I hope you’re not intending to ransom it, because I won’t let you leave this room if you are.” The Bat pony’s eyes narrowed and darkened with the words. “No,” Vinyl protested. “I’m going to give it back so she’ll…I mean, I’m the reason it was stolen. I threw a party and that’s how the thief got into the house. I—” The door to the room opened and another Bat pony walked in. He dropped folder on the table in front of the first pony and whispered in her ear. Vinyl’s companion flipped through the few pages in folder, nodded once, and then gave the folder back to the new arrival. He took the folder in his mouth and walked out without even looking at Vinyl. “Well, Vinyl, it looks like you’re free to go,” the Bat pony said. She stood up and walked over to the door. “Your fine’s been paid in full.” “Fine?” Vinyl asked. “Why was I fined? I’m the one who got taken and nearly killed!” “Did you pay for that apple you took after your little brawl?” the Bat pony asked with a smirk on her face. Vinyl’s ears fell. She had completely forgotten about that. “No,” she whispered. “We see everything that goes on here, Vinyl Scratch,” the pony said. “That’s called theft, and while it wasn’t as serious as what happened to you, it’s still a crime here. Plus, according to statements at the bar, that first fight was not entirely the fault of Left-Eye’s boys.” She opened the door and waved Vinyl out of the room. “Try to stay out of trouble for the rest of your stay, if you don’t mind. Although, with Left-Eye’s gang shut down, we could always use a new target to practice on.” “N-Nope, I’m good!” Vinyl said and she scurried out of the room. “I’ll be leaving right away, actually. My thief apparently headed up to the Crystal Empire.” “Good luck with that, although I don’t think you’re leaving right away,” the Bat pony said as she followed Vinyl out. “The pony that paid your fine requested that you be released into her custody. Since you seem to know her, we decided that was acceptable.” Vinyl’s ears shot up. She was about to ask if that pony was Octavia, but as she looked around the main office of the L.R.G, her voice left her. The room was full of Lefty’s gang. Vinyl would have panicked because she thought they were overrunning the Guard’s headquarters, but she knew that was impossible. Most of them were in chains or shackles, and every Unicorn she saw had one of those strange rings on his or her horn. There was also the fact that most of them were wearing bandages, or leaning against walls or tables. They were beaten, and Vinyl saw several wounds that hadn’t fully healed, as evidenced by the dark blood on many wraps. Octy did this, Vinyl thought as the gang members were processed and escorted down hallways, whether to receive more treatment or just to be locked in a cell. She did all of this by herself. How…? “YOU!” a frighteningly familiar voice shouted from across the room. Vinyl jumped and moved back as her eyes fell on Lefty. He was across the room, but he was glaring at Vinyl. Or at least, Vinyl thought he was. It was hard to tell now. He had a dark welt over his one remaining eye from when Octavia had snapped the chain on his face. Vinyl wondered if Lefty would ever be able to really see again, but the thought left her mind as he suddenly lunged at her. Vinyl reflexively jumped back behind the Bat pony that had escorted her out of her room, but Lefty didn’t manage to take two steps before he crashed to the ground thanks to his bindings. “Get that trash off the floor,” the Bat pony said. Two other guards walked over and picked Lefty up, and then none-too-gently shoved him down another hallway. Vinyl thought she heard him yelling some sort of death threat at her, but he was too far gone for it to carry properly. “He…won’t be getting out, will he?” Vinyl asked nervously as she began to follow her escort through the crowded main office of the L.R.G. “Not for a long, long time, Vinyl Scratch,” the Bat pony said over her shoulder. “And when he does, we will be keeping a very close eye on him. Left-Eye and his gang are no longer a threat. You don’t need to worry.” “Worry? Who said I was worried?” “No pony,” the Bat pony said with a smirk. “Although, maybe you should be. After all, we’re releasing you into the custody of the pony that did all of this. Just between you and me, she frightens a little. That was on par with military soldiers, not street thugs. She’s dangerous.” Despite herself, Vinyl gulped. “Who, Octy? Nah, she’s cool.” The memory of Octavia standing on Feather’s wing and offering to tear Dusk’s horn from her head flew back into Vinyl’s mind. “I’ll…I’ll be fine.” “I hope so, because here she is.” The Bat pony stepped aside and there was Octavia. She was still wearing her cloak, but she had her hood down. Her onyx hair was spilling down her neck like always, and despite everything she had been through it still looked perfect. Her purple eyes were wide open, as if she was simply examining a tourist attraction instead of standing in the middle of a law enforcement facility. She looked beautiful like always, but for a brief moment she seemed to shine like she used to, before things had changed. Vinyl wasn’t sure when the change had started, but she knew it was because of her. Over the past few months, Octavia had slowly closed down around Vinyl. She thought she was doing a good job of hiding it, but Vinyl knew her too well. She could tell that Octavia was keeping something from her, and she hadn’t pried at first. If it was important, Octavia would tell her. But as the days had dragged on, it had slowly grown worse. When Octavia had been asked to preform at a private showing for the Princesses, Vinyl had been certain that would cheer her up, but she had come home seeming even more withdrawn. Vinyl had planned to throw only a small party for her in celebration, but seeing her marefriend like that had been too much. So she had decided to go all out, throwing a massive party at Octavia’s parents’ house and inviting all their friends, consequences be damned. And then things had fallen apart. And it was all Vinyl’s fault. Octavia’s eyes fell on Vinyl and her shine vanished. Her eyes dimmed instantly and closed slightly. The faint smile she had been wearing faded, replaced by a fake smile that managed to drive a knife straight into Vinyl’s heart. Octavia still didn’t trust her enough to talk to her, and Vinyl couldn’t really blame her. Not after what had happened. “Thank you, Officer,” Octavia said as she walked up to Vinyl and the Bat pony. “Try to keep her out of trouble, okay Miss?” The Bat pony said. “Of course,” Octavia replied with a smile. “That is the very reason I am here in Hollow Shades, actually. Honestly, she would be lost without me.” “Hey!” Vinyl said. “It is true, and you know it,” Octavia said with a flick of her tail. “Come along, Vinyl. Thank you again, Officer.” “Take care,” the Bat pony said. “We’ll see you around, Vinyl Scratch.” Vinyl couldn’t tell if the Bat pony meant anything by her parting remark, but the wink she received pushed her toward one end of the spectrum. Then the Bat pony turned and walked away, leaving Vinyl and Octavia alone in a crowded office. “Any word on Feather?” Vinyl asked suddenly, but she instantly stuffed her hoof in her mouth. She hadn’t meant to imply that Octavia frightened her. Not at all. “She is currently at the local hospital,” Octavia replied, and Vinyl noticed that her eyes seemed to glaze over for a bit. “The doctors are working with Potions. She…should make a full recovery. Dusk…is with her, although she is under guard.” “Oh, okay,” Vinyl said, and the two stood there in silence again for a long moment. Finally, Vinyl couldn’t take it any longer. “Did you see what you did to Lefty? I mean, damn girl. You messed him up good! They might have to start calling him No-Eye now. I thought you were awesome before, but now—” “Can we please not discuss this?” Octavia asked quickly. “Um, okay,” Vinyl replied. She silently cursed herself. She had been trying to show Octavia that she still thought the world of her, but apparently all she had done was make her even more uncomfortable. “Uh…you want to get a bite to eat? I’m starving.” Octavia gave her an exasperated look. “Vinyl, it is past midnight. We should be in bed.” “I’m good with that idea!” Vinyl said with a grin, but she instantly realized what she’d done. “Uh, I mean…sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m tired. Yeah, bed sounds nice.” Vinyl wasn’t sure, but she thought Octavia’s ears drooped just a hair. “Perhaps we could pick up a quick meal somewhere. Hollow Shades in a Thestral town, so plenty of places are still open.” There was that strange name again. “Okay. Sounds good.” “You will be paying,” Octavia said as she turned and began to walk toward the exit. “Seeing as I had to use my bounty reward to pay your fine.” “It was that much?” Vinyl asked, stunned. “Fifty bits for a lousy apple?” “More,” Octavia said. “It wasn’t just the price of the apple. You committed a crime. Speaking of which, you will be paying me back for the fine.” The two began to walk out of the lobby. Vinyl noticed that a few of Lefty’s gang had glared at them as they passed, but none of them had dared to make a move. Whether it was because they were surrounded by Bat ponies, or because they were terrified of what Octavia would do to them, Vinyl didn’t know. Vinyl sighed. “Fine. How much?” “I will tell you when you have paid me back the proper amount. A quick dinner would be a good start though.” Octavia looked over her shoulder and batted her eyes a few times. It was good to know that Octavia didn’t completely hate her. “Okay. Where would you like go?” “Somewhere we can just grab a bite, maybe even take it back to the room.” Octavia rolled her head and Vinyl heard her neck pop. “I am rather tired.” “Um…don’t you mean rooms?” Vinyl asked. “Mine’s down by the—” “No. You will be staying in my room. I promised to keep an eye on you while we were here. Now, where shall we go to eat?” The two ponies wandered around Hollow Shades for a while, and Vinyl was stunned at how different the town was at night. While the forest surrounding the town was still blanketed in darkness and did not look inviting at all, the town itself felt like a warm jewel. Lampposts burned brightly every few paces, and many buildings had dozens of warm, friendly candles burning in their display windows. Strings of lanterns hung above the streets, and now they were all beaming with light instead of flickering dimly. Fireflies were flitting through the air in numbers that Vinyl had never seen before, and it gave the illusion of the night sky and its stars being much closer. And then there were the sounds. When Vinyl had first arrived in Hollow Shades, the town had been muted. Only the occasional creaking door, hoofsteps, or grumbled greetings were the only noises she had heard then, but now the town was absolutely alive. She heard laughter and cheerful greetings from everywhere. She heard the clanking of drinks and the shouts of ponies having a grand time around a dinner table. Music flooded the streets and many ponies were outside dancing under the streetlights. Vinyl cocked her head to the side and stopped walking. Octavia stopped as well and looked back at her. “Is something troubling you, Vinyl?” “Are we still in Hollow Shades?” the Unicorn asked. “I mean, the place is completely different. It’s so full of life now, and light. And the ponies here no longer look like they want to skin me. Most of them are even smiling. I didn’t think any Bat pony except Silent Wing knew how to do that.” To prove her point, she pointed up to the second story of a nearby inn, where two Bat ponies were sitting on the railing and laughing as they downed their drinks. “Of course we are,” Octavia said. “Although, I understand why you are bewildered. Hollow Shades does not really come alive until the night begins. Once Princess Luna’s moon comes out, that is when the Thestrals, as well as the others that live here, truly begin their day. So to speak.” “I…guess that makes sense,” Vinyl said as she looked around. It really did feel like she was back in Manehattan with all the activity going on around her, but she was still having a hard time squaring it in her mind. This town had seemed like a ghost town when she had arrived. “Also, we are not in the…less desirable parts of the town,” Octavia added with a smirk. “Unlike other ponies, whom shall not be named, I am aware of which areas should be avoided.” Vinyl blushed. “Um, yeah. Good to know.” Vinyl looked up and saw that they were standing in front of a small fruit stand. The Bat pony clerk smiled at them and waved them over with a flap of her wings. “Welcome, ladies. Care for something to keep you going while you tour our town?” “Thanks, but we’re just looking for a bite to eat,” Vinyl said. “We’ve had a long day.” “Indeed you have, Vinyl,” the Bat pony replied. Celestia, did every pony in this crazy town know about her now? “And so has Miss Octavia, I presume?” “Unfortunately,” Octavia said with a polite nod. “We are simply looking for a small bite to eat, and then we shall be retiring to our room.” “How about these then?” The Bat pony offered two plump pears and Vinyl’s mouth instantly watered. “Four bits.” “Sold!” Vinyl said and she reached into her saddlebag for the coins. Or at least she would have, if she had been wearing a saddlebag. She smacked her forehead with her hoof. She had left all of her traveling gear back in her room at the inn she was staying at, and the few bits she had been carrying she had used to pay Potions. Between getting tossed out the window, visiting Potions, and the entire episode with Lefty, she had never had a chance to go back to her room and collect her belongings. Sheepishly, she looked over at Octavia and gave a weak laugh. Octavia rolled her eyes. “I was wondering how you were going to pay with no money.” The cellist rummaged through her cloak and pulled out the required bits. “Thank you kindly,” the clerk said as she scooped the bits off of the counter and out of sight. “Enjoy your stay.” Vinyl reached out with her magic for her pear, but Octavia flicked her horn and caused her magic to flicker out. “What was that for?” “First, I save you for your own foolishness,” Octavia said as she took the first pear and took a huge bite out of it. Vinyl’s mouth watered even more as she watched the juices seep out of the pear. Octavia swallowed and continued. “Then, I had to pay your fine. And now, you think I am paying for your dinner? I am not so sure. This pear is rather tasty.” “Octy, come on…” Vinyl whimpered as she looked at the pear. Octavia was rolling it back and forth on the counter with her hoof. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I get my bag from my room.” “That will not be necessary.” Octavia flicked the pear once and it nearly wobbled off of the counter before Vinyl caught it with her magic. “The going back to your room part, I mean. You will still need to pay me back for the pear.” Vinyl raised the pear to her mouth and was about to take a bite when Octavia’s words sunk in. “Huh?” “I found where you were staying. I paid for your room for the day and took your belongings back to my room. It is in a much…kinder part of town. Now come along.” Octavia took another bite of her pear and began to walk away. Vinyl stared in stunned silence for a moment, then took a quick bite of her pear and trotted after Octavia. The two ponies arrived at the inn and Vinyl’s mouth fell open, allowing a small piece of her pear to fall out. She had chosen to stay at a rather shady looking place, with rundown boards and flimsy doors. The rate hadn’t been bad, and she had only intended to stay for a day or two, but it had still made her a bit uncomfortable. This place was a mansion by comparison. In fact, it was a mansion. It was a huge home, with wooden pillars out front of the stone-white building. Torches were burning brightly along each pillar, and as Octavia lead Vinyl between them, Vinyl felt like she was walking into a place that belonged in Canterlot, not Hollow Shades. The marble double doors opened as Octavia and Vinyl approached, and the inside’s appearance caused Vinyl to stop cold. ‘Plush’ didn’t even begin to cover it. A soft blue carpet covered the entire floor. The walls were painted a midnight shade of blue, and countless stones were scattered along the walls, giving the illusion that they had just walked into the open sky. A staircase spiraled up to the second floor and was painted in a soft grey color, with wisps of dark grey scattered about, making the stairs look like clouds. “Um…I don’t have to pay you back for this, do I?” Vinyl whispered in awe. This place was out of her price range, period. She didn’t even know how Octavia was able to pay for a place like this. Sure she was from a rather wealthy family, but still… “Do you think you could?” Octavia asked as she strolled up to the front desk. She rang the bell once and an Earth pony appeared behind the counter. “Welcome back, ma’am,” the mare said with a polite nod. Her eyes turn to Vinyl and she smiled. “Ah. Is this your guest you were telling me about?” “Indeed she is,” Octavia said, glancing back at Vinyl still standing in the doorway. “I thought I should inform you that she has arrived.” “Very good, and thank you,” the mare replied with a smile. “Are you retiring for the evening then? Not staying up to see the town at its peak?” “No, we are rather tired. We are still on the day cycle. Perhaps another time.” “I will have the spell placed on your room then. Sweet dreams.” Octavia turned and waved Vinyl over. The two ponies then walked up the cloud staircase and stopped in front of a room with a glorious white moon painted on the door. Octavia pushed it open and walked inside and Vinyl followed. “Spell?” Vinyl asked as she walked in, trying not to be impressed by the room, but failing. A queen-size bed was in the middle of it, with plush pillows and silk sheets. A sofa was pressed up against the wall, with a small table at the end with two glasses and a bottle of wine, along with a lantern that was burning brightly. Vinyl considered taking a drink, but her experience with her last one had left her a little sour on alcohol. She also noticed that her saddlebags were at the foot of the sofa. “The ponies here live and work mostly at night,” Octavia said as she pulled off her cloak and hung it on a hook on the wall. “But they know that the rest of Equestria does not. As such, most inns here have Unicorns put sound-cancelling spells on the rooms so visiting ponies can still sleep.” “Oh,” Vinyl said. She could have done that herself, but not every pony could use magic, so it made sense. She walked over to her saddlebags and dug through them until she found a few bits. She pulled them out with her magic and floated them over to Octavia. “Here you go.” Octavia held out her hoof and the bits dropped onto it. She looked at them for a moment, and then looked up at Vinyl. “Vinyl, what are you doing?” “Paying you back,” Vinyl said with a smile. She looked at the couch. It wasn’t a bed, but that wasn’t a problem. She had crashed on couches before. She gingerly sat down on it and sighed as her aching body sank into the cushions. “Well, for the pear at least. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer for the rest.” “That is not what I meant,” Octavia said as she absentmindedly put the bits into her own saddlebag, and then placed it on the floor next to the bed. “I meant, what are you up to? Why are you here? You left Canterlot without a word, and when I returned to Manehattan, your landlord said you had left.” Vinyl laughed nervously. “Oh, well, you know…” Octavia walked over until she was standing directly in front of Vinyl. “I do not know. That is why I asked.” “I just thought it would be nice,” Vinyl said, try to squirm her way further into the couch. Octavia was leaning in very close now, and Vinyl felt extremely uncomfortable. Looking into those beautiful purple eyes reminded her of how bad she had screwed up. “A change of scenery, you know? Thought it might help me with my music.” “You are trying to get it back,” Octavia said flatly. Vinyl instantly flinched, and she knew she been caught. “What…? No, I’m out here just because…” “Because you thought getting involved with a gang would help you with your music?” Octavia asked. “That nearly getting yourself killed would help? That starting fights in bars would help?” “No…” Vinyl said, looking down at her hooves. “I just…I…” “Tomorrow, I am going back to Manehattan,” Octavia said. “I will pay for your ticket too.” Vinyl sat up straight. She couldn’t go back. Not now. She finally had a lead! “Uh, thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I, um, need to go up to the Crystal Empire. I have…some business I need to attend to. Yeah, that’s it! Business!” Octavia closed her eyes, hung her head, and turned around. She walked over to the bed, but she didn’t get in. Without turning around, she asked, “You are not going to stop, are you? Even if I ask you to?” Vinyl swallowed. “No, I’m not,” she whispered. “I…I can’t, Octy. I’m sorry.” “Even though you almost died?” Octavia snapped, spinning around so quickly that Vinyl jumped. She could see the beginning of tears in the cellist’s eyes. Octavia didn’t understand. Vinyl was already dead. She had been dead the moment she had overheard that conversation between Octavia and her mom. Mrs. Melody’s words had been enough to rip Vinyl’s heart in two, but it had been Octavia’s response that had been the killing blow. Octavia closed her eyes and forced the tears away. She took several calming breaths and then opened them again. “Very well. If you insist on this foolishness, then I shall accompany you.” “Octy, you don’t have to—” “But, once we get my family’s bow back, we go back home. No matter what. Understand?” Vinyl thought that was a weird thing to say. Of course she was going to go home once she got the bow back. The only thing that could possibly make her stay any longer would be the chance to smash that thief’s face in for ruining her life, and she wasn’t even sure if that was worth it. Octavia did have a point, after all. She had nearly died, and this was just her first stop. “Yeah, I promise,” Vinyl said. “But listen, you don’t have to come with me. I can handle this myself, honest. I’ll get it back.” She had to be the one to get it back. It would prove Mrs. Melody wrong, and it would hopefully change Octavia’s opinion of her. “I am coming with you,” Octavia said as she climbed into the bed. She pulled her bowtie off and set it on the nightstand. “Your chances of getting it back increase with my help. Please blow out the lantern when you are ready for bed.” “Right.” Vinyl watched Octavia pull the covers up over herself, and then she turned to the lantern. So Octavia was going to come with her then. She was glad for the company, and even gladder that it was Octavia, but she hoped things wouldn’t get awkward between them. After all, Octavia didn’t think much of her anymore. But if that’s true, then why is she coming with me? Why did she save me? Vinyl wondered as she blew out the lantern. She then snuggled down on the couch in the darkness and wiggled around until she felt comfortable. Her mind began to drift off to sleep when she heard Octavia’s voice in the peaceful stillness. “Vinyl, what are you doing?” “Sorry? Was I snoring or something?” the Unicorn replied. Celestia, she was getting sick of that question. “Are you sleeping on the couch?” “Um…yeah?” There was a long silence. Of course she was sleeping on the couch. There was no way Octavia wanted to share a bed with her now. Right? “Um…should I not be?” “No,” Octavia said in the darkness, and Vinyl could hear the strain in her voice. “If…if that is where you are more comfortable, that is fine.” Vinyl thought for a long moment. She noticed that the sound muffling spell was doing its job, because all she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat. “Um…do you want me to sleep in the bed with you?” Vinyl considered adding ‘Tavi’ into the question, but decided against it. There was no way the cellist would go for that right now. “It is up to you,” Octavia whispered. For a long time, Vinyl lay on the couch on her back, staring up at where the ceiling would be. Finally, she carefully stood up and used a spell to create a small glow from her horn so she could see. She quietly walked over to the bed and then climbed in. Octavia didn’t say anything and she didn’t budge. Vinyl wanted to reach out and stroke her mane and kiss her cheek, but she refrained. Instead, she simply crawled under the covers, moved around until she was comfortable, and then allowed herself to fall asleep. As she did, she couldn’t help but smile to herself in the dark. At least Octavia was letting her sleep in the same bed with her. * * * Octavia Melody stayed perfectly still. She felt the Unicorn crawling into the bed, and she desperately wanted to turn to her. She wanted to wrap her forelegs around her, drown her in a fiery kiss, and…what was that phrase that Vinyl used? Ride her until her brain exploded? Something like that. She wanted it all and more, but she dare not move for fear that her emotions would betray her, and she would start saying things she would rather keep silent on. And so, the Earth pony waited in darkness and silence until she felt the familiar and comforting sensation of Vinyl gently kicking. It was a sure sign that the Unicorn was safely asleep, and was also one of her most adorable habits. Feeling safe, Octavia rolled over so that she was facing Vinyl, and even though she could not see anything in the darkness—the Thestrals were experts at manipulating light and dark—she reached out and stroked Vinyl’s face. As her hoof touched the white fur, she felt the tears start. She had almost lost Vinyl today, and that was something she could not stand. When she had walked into that room and seen what that Unicorn had been ready to do to Vinyl, she had wanted to snap the mare in two. Nearly choking the life out of her had been like therapy for her rage. But as that filthy Unicorn had pleaded for her life as the chain was pulled tighter across her neck, Octavia’s eyes had seen Vinyl’s face for a brief moment. The look in those red eyes had terrified Octavia more than anything else, because they had been filled with fear. Fear of Octavia. She had seen the same look again when she had been torturing—torturing!—Feather and threatening Dusk. That was something the cellist could not stand, even more than losing Vinyl. The fear that Vinyl would look at her that way for the rest of their lives threatened to break her. It made her unable to focus on anything, and all of her upbringing and walls broke in the face of that fear. She was terrified that Vinyl would look at her that way, and that was why she had to help Vinyl on her quest to get that stupid family bow back. Not because she cared about the bow, but because the sooner they got it back, the sooner Vinyl would stop looking, and the sooner the risk of her finding out the truth would go away. Octavia sniffled and snuggled closer. She gently lifted up Vinyl’s foreleg and slid under it, and then allowed it to fall on top of her. She then wrapped her own forelegs around Vinyl’s body and buried her face in the Unicorn’s chest. She cried silently as Vinyl’s familiar scent flooded her nostrils. She wanted to tell her the truth. She wanted to tell her everything because she loved her. She hated keeping secrets from Vinyl, because despite what most ponies thought, Vinyl was no fool. She knew that Octavia was keeping something from her, and being the mare that she was, she was not prying into the matter. Which only made Octavia hate herself more for not telling Vinyl. Vinyl trusted her, but Octavia couldn’t return that trust. She couldn’t risk it because she dreaded Vinyl hating her. It had happened to Octavia’s family before. While her father had stayed once he had found out the secret, he had been an exception, not the rule. Almost all the other ponies in her family left once their wives told them the truth. Octavia’s grandmother had gone through it, and she had said that the hatred and fear in her love’s eyes had been the worst thing she had ever had to endure. Octavia could not deal with that. The idea of Vinyl fearing her, of hating her, was too much. And so, Vinyl could never find out the truth. Octavia would do whatever she had to in order to keep Vinyl safe from it. “I love you, Vinyl,” she whispered as she slowly drifted off to sleep in the Unicorn’s embrace. > Ancient Oaths and Wounds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Truly, you have a gift with music, Octavia Melody, but you know that is not the true reason why we have asked you here. While my sister and I have not seen nor heard anything specific, with the return of the Empire, we felt it only proper to warn you that threats may return with it.” —Princess Luna, after Octavia’s private performance Vinyl’s head began to bob back and forth. She was waking up, but she didn’t want to. She mumbled and adjusted her sleeping position. She smacked her lips together a few times and smiled as something soft brushed her cheek. She leaned into the item and hummed in contentment. Whatever was brushing her cheek smelled nice too. “Octavia…” the Unicorn said as she recognized the scent. It was the scent of Octavia’s favorite shampoo. She always used it, and her mane always had a faint hint of lavender and lilac. Vinyl loved those scents, and whatever dream she was having that was making her smell them, she didn’t want to wake from it. Vinyl’s entire body bounced once and she slipped further into consciousness. She was awake now, but she refused to open her eyes. Her mind was still foggy. Perhaps if she kept her eyes closed and pretended to stay asleep, she could trick herself into falling back asleep. She was comfortable, warm, and smelling Octavia. She knew that reality wasn’t like anymore. Vinyl bounced again and her mind cleared. She was on the train to the Crystal Empire. Apparently, she had fallen asleep in her seat. She sighed and opened her mouth in a yawn. Something tickled the inside of Vinyl’s mouth. The Unicorn spit it back out and opened her eyes. Whoever was trying to— “Oh crap,” Vinyl whispered as she looked down. Octavia was asleep on her lap. She had her front hooves tucked under her head for a makeshift pillow, but one of them had wiggled free and was now wrapped about Vinyl’s body. She looked adorable. The cellist moaned a little and adjusted her head on Vinyl’s lap. The movement caused the Unicorn to stiffen instantly as Octavia’s hair tickled her stomach and between her thighs. Vinyl closed her eyes and tried to remain perfectly still. It’s fine. I’m not doing anything. I didn’t do anything last night. She’s probably just—Octavia stirred again and Vinyl bit her lower lip to keep from moaning—tired! Yeah, just tired! Oh jeez, this is really bad! If she wakes up and I’m…like this, she’s gonna think I tried something! Vinyl looked around their small compartment for something to distract her, but panic rose even more when she saw where her left hoof was. It was resting on Octavia’s gloriously soft flank and was dangerously close to sliding under her tail. Celestia, Octavia was going to think she was a perv! She had to get out of this mess before the cellist woke up. Vinyl slowly began to move her hoof away from Octavia’s tail, trying extra hard not to pay attention to the soft grey fur and the fluttering she was getting as her hoof slide across it, but froze when the cellist groaned. “Mm…do not stop, Vinyl…” Octavia whispered, half asleep. Vinyl gulped. Octavia was waking up. Vinyl had to get their positions sorted out now or she was going to be in serious— “Enjoying yourself?” Octavia asked from Vinyl’s lap. —trouble. “Um…no,” Vinyl said, quickly whipping her hoof off of Octavia’s backside and up into the air. It was now clear of Octavia, but she had no place to put it because the cellist was still on her lap. “Really,” Octavia said, still not moving her head or even looking up. “Because you seem rather…hot. Especially in certain areas.” “Octy!” Vinyl shouted. She instantly crossed her lower legs and bumped Octavia’s head off of her lap and then crossed her forelegs across her chest. She turned her head to the side and glared out the train window. “Relax, Vinyl,” Octavia said and Vinyl could hear her adjusting her sitting position. “It is a natural occurrence. I cannot really hold how your body reacts against you, can I?” “R-Right,” Vinyl stammered. She turned away from the window, expecting to see Octavia sitting on the seat across from Vinyl, but the Earth pony was still sitting next to her, staring at her with those beautiful amethyst eyes. “I…I didn’t do anything, just so you know. Honest.” Octavia’s eyes looked down for a moment. “I know,” she whispered. Was she sad? No, that was just wishful thinking on Vinyl’s part. As if to prove that point, Octavia’s eyes looked back up and gleamed. “I know you would never do anything like that.” I would if you didn’t hate me… “So…let’s just pretend this whole thing never happen, okay?” Vinyl asked, pushing the thought away before it consumed her. “Very well,” Octavia said, and again Vinyl could have sworn that she saw a flash of sadness in those purple pools. “We have arrived. Best collect our belongings.” “Yeah…” The two ponies stood and began to collect their bags. Vinyl tossed her saddlebags on her back and reached up for her sunglasses but she was instantly reminded that they had been smashed in her little brawl. Octavia had already collected her own saddlebags and she was currently pulling her cloak out of one. Without a word, she slipped it over her body and raised the hood over her head. The shadow hid her face, but her eyes still gleamed through the darkness as she looked at Vinyl. “Um…Octy, I know the Crystal Empire is up here in the Artic North, but the city itself isn’t cold. The Crystal Heart’s magic keeps the Empire pretty comfortable.” “I know,” Octavia said as she turned toward the door. The train came to a stop and she walked out of the compartment. “Oh,” Vinyl said as she followed her out. The conductor was walking through the train now, calling for all ponies heading for the Crystal Empire to disembark. He nodded to Vinyl and Vinyl smiled back as she and Octavia left the train and stepped out onto the station. The first thing Vinyl noticed was how bright the sky was, and it made her miss her glasses all the more. It was a stunning blue, with long, curly clouds scattered about. She had never seen them formed that way, and she wondered if the Crystal ponies had ancient weather techniques that the rest of Equestria had forgotten. The next things she noticed were the buildings at the station. She had heard that the buildings were made out of literal crystal, but she hadn’t understood what that meant until now. The buildings in the rest of Equestria, from Canterlot to Ponyville, looked like they had been built. Their walls were smooth, their edges were sharp, and their angles were crisp. They were ponymade, no doubt about it. But the crystal buildings looked like they had been grown and carved out. They were angular in ways that other buildings simply weren’t, and the way light was reflected off of their uneven surfaces made them sparkle in ways that dazzled the Unicorn’s eyes. “Wow…” Vinyl whistled as she stepped off of the station platform. She stopped and looked down when her hoof didn’t hit stone, but grass. All the way to the Crystal Empire there was nothing but bright green grass covering small, rolling hills. The place looked like paradise. The train whistle blew, startling Vinyl out of her admiration. She turned to watch the train leave, and that was when she got the biggest shock of all. As the train pulled away, it revealed the scenery behind it, and it was nothing like the Crystal Empire. A constant storm raged in the distance, its snow so thick that all Vinyl could see was white and grey. She thought she could make out the darker shapes of mountains, but it was impossible to tell through the maelstrom. “An eternal storm,” Octavia said as she stood beside Vinyl. “The magic of the Crystal Heart keeps it back.” “What causes it?” Vinyl asked. “Magic,” Octavia said. Before Vinyl could ask more, the cellist turned and began walking toward the Crystal Empire. Vinyl trotted to catch up and the two ponies walked in silence. Vinyl loved feeling the warm sun on her coat and she swore that she could feel the magic of the Crystal Heart in the air, but she kept looking back over her shoulder at the raging blizzard. Why type of magic could keep a storm like that going for so long? The two ponies finally reached the outskirts of the Crystal Empire and stone streets replaced the rolling hills. Vinyl looked around the city, taking special note of the Crystal ponies and their strange appearance, but she quickly noticed that Octavia was no longer walking beside her. Surprised, she turned around. Octavia was standing at the edge of the city, perfectly still. Her eyes were the only things that were moving, and they were scanning the city frantically. A few ponies had stopped and were looking at her now with confused or concerned expressions. “Octy?” Vinyl called as she started to walk back toward the Earth pony. “Vinyl, I need to go,” Octavia said. “Go?” Vinyl asked. “But…we just got here.” “I need to go speak with…someone. It might help us recover the bow.” “In that case, should I come with you?” “No!” Octavia said quickly with a quick step back. “I…I need to go alone. You stay here and see if you can dig anything up, in case my contact is not able to help.” “But Octy…” Vinyl said. “Trust me, Vinyl,” Octavia said as she turned and began to walk into another section of the city. “I will find you once I am done. Please stay out of trouble.” Vinyl watched the love of her life walk away. She wanted to run after her, to follow her no matter where she was going, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. I trust you, Tavi. I just wish you trusted me. Vinyl looked around the city until she spied a familiar sight. Smiling to herself, she trotted over to the building. As she neared it, scents flooded her nostrils. Some she recognized, while others were clearly from drinks she had never heard of. She opened the door and walked inside, remembering her promise to stay out of trouble. “Welcome to the Crystal Cave,” the bartender said when he spied Vinyl. “What can I get you?” Vinyl smiled. This bar was nothing like the one she had entered in Hollow Shades. It was full of life and happy ponies, some happier than others. She walked over to the counter and sat down. “What’s a specialty of the Crystal Empire?” The bartender grinned. “A brave girl, I see. First one’s on the house.” * * * Octavia vainly wished that she was still on the train with Vinyl. She wanted to be back in the Unicorn’s warm lap with nothing to worry about. She wanted to feel Vinyl’s hoof stroking her mane and flank again in the gentle way she did when she was half asleep. She wanted to take the teasing a step further and lock the door to the compartment, but the shadow of doubt in her mind had stopped her. It was stopping her more and more, and if she did not do something about it, she would lose everything. She could see Vinyl’s own doubt growing in her stunning crimson eyes, and the look in them when Octavia had left had almost broken her spirit. “Please let him know something useful,” the mare pleaded to herself as she trudged through the snow. She had left the protective magic of the Crystal Empire a little while ago and was now struggling to walk through the snowdrifts that surrounded the city. Thankfully the storm wasn’t too strong where she was heading, so she only had to endure nipping cold and bitter wind instead of the freezing torture that no doubt surrounded the rest of the Empire. Her hooves were starting to go numb by the time she reached the base of the small mountain. She shuddered, not entirely from the cold, and began to make her way up. There was a very poor pathway up the mountain, and while it was covered in snow, it was still easy to follow because it was the only smooth way up. Eventually she came to the cave she had been looking for. She stopped at its mouth and stared into it. She could turn back. She could go back, find Vinyl in the city, and say that she had not been able to learn anything. But that would mean Vinyl would stay longer in the Crystal Empire, and it would only be a matter of time before she stumbled across things that Octavia would rather keep buried. And so, she had no choice but to go forward. The first thing she noticed was the smell. It reeked inside the cave and it caused her to gag immediately. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping to make her senses adjust, and then continued forward. The next thing to hit her was the heat. The cave was warm, much warmer than a mountain cave in the middle of the Artic North should have been. At least that meant he was still alive. Or it could mean that a new dragon had moved in, and she was walking to her death. A few more steps and Octavia’s hoof kicked something metal. It skipped across the ground in the darkness, clinking against other pieces of metal. She froze, knowing that she had reached her destination. She took another deep breath. “Dragon!” she called into the darkness. “I have come to speak with you!” For a long moment, only silence answered Octavia’s call. But slowly, her ears began to hear the low growl of the dragon breathing. Eventually it was replaced with a deep chuckle. “Well, well,” came a deep voice from the darkness. “Now here is a scent I have not smelled in ages.” There was a flash of blinding flame and Octavia shielded her eyes. When she opened them again, a dozen torches were burning in the cave and a pair of massive eyes was focused on her from the shadows. “Tell me, pony, what brings you here?” “My name is Octavia,” Octavia replied shortly. She did not care for the way he said 'pony'. “I see no reason to call you by your name, seeing as you refer to me as nothing but dragon.” “I…apologize,” Octavia said, bowing slightly. “What is your name?” Dozens of teeth shined beneath the two massive eyes as the dragon grinned. Octavia found the sight terrifying, but she dared not allow that fear to show. “You can call me dragon, of course.” Octavia rolled her eyes. Typical dragon response. “Very well. Dragon it is.” The sound of falling gold coins and gems filled the cave as the dragon moved, and Octavia saw countless riches spill down into the firelight. “So tell me, what brings you here? Come to reclaim your rightful throne?” “No,” Octavia said darkly. “And it was never mine to begin with.” “Hm…I suppose you are right,” the dragon said in a mocking tone. “So, if you did not come back to relive the past, then why did you come?” Octavia allowed the dragon’s mocking to flow over her like water. She had been raised in Canterlot. She was used to backhoofed insults and she would not rise to the bait. She took a calming breath before she opened her mouth. “Something was stolen from me. A family heirloom. Where is it?” “Why would I know?” “Because of your oath.” That got a reaction from the dragon. His eyes narrowed and his toothy grin vanished from the firelight. “My oath! HA!” His forced laugh echoed through the cave and Octavia struggled to stay standing. “That oath was not made by choice. It was forced on me, by way of unimaginable pain. I endured torture that would shatter your feeble body and break your soul, and still I resisted. It wasn’t until my wings were taken from me that I finally swore that oath.” “Then will you honor it?” The dragon stomped forward, revealing his massive head in the firelight. His scales were bent in many places, and the spikes on the back of his head were broken and cracked. A terrible scar ran down one side of his face and over his right eye. “You see this wound?” the dragon asked as he turned his face so the scar was right in front of Octavia. Its pale color was sickening to look at, but she did not look away. “This should have blinded me, but he didn’t let it happen. Do you know why? Because he wanted me to see what he was doing to me and not just feel it. That is the type of monster that made me swear that oath.” “I…” Octavia swallowed, at a loss for words. “I…am sorry.” “Save your sympathy, pony,” the dragon spat. “I do not want it. And that oath was not sworn to you, so you have no claim to call for it.” “Please, Dragon,” Octavia said as she bowed. “I…need your help.” That caused the dragon to pause. He pulled back into the darkness until only his eyes were visible in the light again. “Hm…you are an interesting one, Octavia. I wonder what drives you to seek my help. Most of the others stay far away from me. You are the first in many generations to speak with me. Are you trying to hide your secret from somepony, perhaps?” “No,” Octavia said quickly. Too quickly, she realized, when the dragon’s eyes narrowed and his teeth appeared in a grin. “Isn’t it? I recognize the panic in your eyes. I smell the fear radiating off of you. The very air quakes with your terror. What is it, Octavia? It can’t be family, since they no doubt already know. Perhaps…it is somepony you are hoping to add to the family? A strapping young stallion? Why did you choose him? For his looks? Or maybe he was just the first one to get you on your back. Or maybe he’s the only one willing to get you on your back?” “Be silent,” Octavia whispered as she struggled to remain calm. She could not let the dragon get to her. “Are you afraid of losing him? You wouldn’t be the first. I’ve seen it happen to your family before. He will abandon you, just like all the others before. Once he finds out, he will look at you in disgust. His voice will fill with nothing but contempt for you and your filthy coat and your cursed mane and traitorous blood. His love for you will burn away, leaving nothing but seething hatred.” “No!” Octavia shouted, glaring at the dragon’s eyes in the dim torchlight. “Vinyl is not like that! I know it!” “Do you know that for certain?” Octavia heard a slithering sound in the cave. She tensed as she felt the dragon’s tail slide up behind her and slowly push her forward as he leaned down again. “Have you told him? Have you told him everything?” “I…” Octavia struggled to look away, but the dragon’s face was so close that she could not. “You haven’t, because you know I’m right. I can see the doubt in your eyes, and it is delicious. It’s consuming you like a disease. Shall I tell this Vinyl for you? It would be my pleasure, watching the look in his eyes as he—” “You stay away from her!” Octavia shouted, snapping her eyes up to glare at the massive pupils looking at her. “Her?” the dragon asked, pulling back in surprise. His massive eyes blinked once, and then he began to laugh. He sniffed Octavia, sucking in the air around her and causing her cloak to almost rip from her body. “Her! Ah, yes, I smell her now. You reek of her scent. Do you think you can break the curse by choosing a mare? Ha! Well, I suppose you can, in a way. It’s not like you can have foals with her.” He sniffed the air again. “Although apparently you certainly try. Do you think this Vinyl will be different? Do you think that, because she’s a mare, she won’t bolt the moment you tell her the truth?” “Yes,” Octavia said with as much defiance as she could muster. “Liar,” the dragon replied immediately. “But my offer still stands. I will be more than happy to tell her for you. I do have her scent now, after all. It would be easy. All I need is to—” “You go anywhere near her, and Celestia help me, I will tear you to—ugh!” Octavia was cut off as the dragon wrapped his tail around her body. He began to crush her, smashing her legs together and slowly forcing the air from her lungs. He lifted her into the air and glared at her. “You do not threaten me, pony,” he said in a dark whisper. He squeezed harder as he spoke, and Octavia’s vision began to dim. Her joints popped and her eyes bulged. She opened her mouth, desperate for air, but none came. She tried to keep her eyes focused on the dragon’s face, but they were beginning to roll into the back of her head. The pain was unbearable. “You are not Celestia, or her little sister Luna. You are not even that little princess living down in that Empire right now.” The dragon pulled Octavia closer and squeezed even harder, causing a new definition of pain to flash through her body. “And you are certainly not him. You are just a pathetic little…what do they call your kind? Earth pony? You have no power over me. You don’t even have the ability to fly. You are nothing but a little ant scurrying about on the ground where you belong.” “V…V…Vinyl…” Octavia gasped as blackness began to drown her. “I could kill you now if I wished. It would be easy. I could squeeze the air from your lungs, like I’m doing. Or I could crush you with such force that your eyes pop out of your head. Or I could simply bite your head off and use your bones to pick my teeth.” Air rushed back into Octavia’s lungs as the dragon’s tail loosened and she fell to the cave floor. “But I won’t.” Octavia stayed on the ground, struggling to breathe. She curled up into a ball and tried to ignore the pain she felt everywhere. It wasn’t possible and tears came to her eyes as she cowered on the ground. Thoughts of Vinyl rushed into her mind. She grabbed them with everything she could and tried to use them as a shield against her pain and fear. “I won’t, because I know what is coming for you,” the dragon continued. “And it is far worse than anything I could do to you.” “Wh…What…are you…talking about…?” Octavia struggled to stand, but her legs refused to support her. “Forces are arrayed against you, Octavia. Ancient forces, and they are patient. But their patience is not eternal. They will move soon, and when they do, your world will come crashing down. And when it does, I will finally have my revenge for what was done to me so many lifetimes ago.” “What…forces?” Octavia asked, finally managing to summon to strength to stand. Her legs felt soft and her joints still screamed, but at least the darkness was finally fading from her vision. “They don’t have to be against you,” the dragon said with contempt. “They could very easily be persuaded to join with you. But you won’t allow that, because it would mean betraying everything you are. And what would your precious Vinyl think of you then?” “Stay away from her,” Octavia whispered. “Please…” The dragon’s laughter roared through the cave, so loud that Octavia’s ears hurt. “I almost feel sorry for you, pony. I think it would be a kindness for me to tell her the truth, because it would stop it from eating at you.” “Please, do not…” Tears were once again in Octavia’s eyes, but they weren’t from pain. “Oh, you do not need to worry about that. I said it would be a kindness, and I owe you no kindness. No, my tongue shall stay behind my teeth, little pony. Your suffering amuses me. By not telling Vinyl, you are doing more damage than I could ever hope to. Tell me, can you see the hurt in her eyes when you look at her?” Octavia’s heart jumped into her throat. She tried to speak, but it was worse now than when the dragon had been crushing her. Her eyes began to sting as the dragon’s truth tore into her. She wanted to rush back to Vinyl and tell her everything, not only to get rid of her guilt, but to show the dragon that he was wrong. Wrong about her, and Vinyl, and everything else that he spouted from his mouth. But the same terror stayed her hooves. What if Vinyl did react the way that Octavia dreaded? What if the Unicorn, like so many before her, turned on her and shut her away? The worst possible thing that Vinyl could ever say was that she never wanted to see Octavia again. No, she could not tell Vinyl. Defeated, the cellist hung her head and turned to leave. She began walking toward the exit, when the dragon’s voice echoed through the dark cave once again. “Leaving so soon?” he asked in a mocking voice. “A shame. I haven’t had enjoyable company in…many years. Why not stay and talk some more?” “No thank you,” Octavia said as she continued to walk away. “You have made your position clear. I will not impose longer.” For a long moment, the only sound in the cave was Octavia’s hoofsteps, but then a new sound flooded the room. It didn’t make sense at first. It was like a breeze, but its force was too strong for actual wind. It took the pony a moment to realize that it was the dragon letting out a heavy sigh. “What was taken from you, Octavia?” he asked from the darkness. Octavia paused. What game was this beast playing with her now? “I thought—” “Speak quickly, before I find good nature diminished!” the dragon growled. “A bow. It was given to my ancestor long ago,” the pony said quickly, turning around and trying hard not to get her hopes up. “Was your family’s blood used in its making?” “No,” Octavia said. “It was made from Princess Ce—” “Then I cannot help you retrieve it,” the dragon said darkly. “The oath forced on me only allows me to sense your blood.” “I see,” Octavia said, feeling her hopes fall despite her best efforts. She did not understand what game the dragon was playing with her—perhaps he just wanted to make her suffer more—but she bowed in gratitude. “Thank you for trying.” “There is something else though,” the dragon continued before the cellist had a chance to turn again. “I am not sure if it relates to your missing heirloom, but…” “Yes?” Octavia asked, unconsciously stepping forward. “Two days ago, a band of ponies set out from the Crystal Empire, and their direction was...unusual.” “How so?” “They went north. Very rarely do ponies go further north than the Crystal Empire.” Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me, Dragon. I do not wish to sound ungrateful, but…I fail to see why you are telling me this.” “I just thought the timing seemed convenient, seeing as you are chasing a thief.” “Why would a thief head north, beyond the Crystal Empire?” Octavia asked. “The only thing out there is—” She stopped as she remembered how ponies had first come to Equestria. “Ah, you remember your history,” the dragon said. “So…what?” Octavia asked, truly perplexed. “The thief is taking my family’s bow up to the old settlements for a show? That makes no sense. Surely they have craftsponies up there capable of making bows.” “As I said, it may not be related to your missing heirloom at all. After all, what could the thief possibly want with a bow that he knew you would chase him all across Equestria for?” Octavia’s purples eyes widened in the dark cave. “You…know something.” “I suspect something,” the dragon clarified in a smug tone. “No doubt you do as well. You are, after all, Octavia Melody. I doubt you were raised as a fool.” “Please, Dragon,” Octavia pleaded. “If you know something else, anything else, please tell me.” “I have told you all I wish,” the dragon said and the cave filled with sound as he withdrew into the cave until only the faintest hint of light from his eyes remained. “I fine my goodwill has come to an end. Be gone.” The tone in the dragon’s voice booked no argument. Octavia lowered her head in gratitude. “Thank you, Dragon. Truly, I mean it.” She turned to leave again, but stopped before she completely left the dragon’s inner cave. “Might I ask one last question?” “I grow tired of your company, Octavia,” the dragon growled from the shadows. “Do not try my patience.” “Why did you tell me all of that?” “I have lived in this mountain for a long time. It was rather amusing to have someone else to talk to for a change.” Octavia could not help but smile in the darkness. “I could come back another time, if you wish.” The dragon let out a low laugh. “You mean, if you survive.” * * * “But don’t you ever, I don’t know…wonder about it?” Vinyl cocked her head to the side and put her cheek on the counter as she stared at the bartender through her glass. “Nah, not really,” the stallion said as he poured a bit more into Vinyl’s glass. “We’ve been like this forever, so it’s nothing special to us. Although, it is a good point.” “I know, right?” Vinyl said as she stuck her tongue out and tried to pull her glass closer with it. She wasn’t drunk, not even tipsy, because whatever the stallion was serving her didn’t have any alcohol, but boy did it taste good. “I mean, I can see through you. That shouldn’t be possible, right?” The bartender shrugged. “I guess not.” “I mean, you guys have hearts, right? Lungs, organs, and all that other stuff. But I can see through you. Shouldn’t I be able to see them if I can see through you?” The bartender chuckled again. “I don’t know, kid. That sort of thought is way out of my field. Try asking somepony who studies this stuff. Like a doctor.” “I will!” Vinyl said as she finally managed to move her cheek far enough for her tongue to hook the rim of the glass. She pulled it closer and then carefully titled the cup until the liquid flowed into her mouth. She couldn’t think of any other way to describe it except for sharp. It felt like she was swallowing tiny rocks as it flowed down her throat, but instead of being painful, it felt like a massage. She licked her lips and finally picked her head up off of the counter. “What is this stuff? she asked. She guessed it was made from some sort of crystal food, but she wanted to know what it was, and more importantly, if she could find a way to make it herself. The bartender ignored her. He was glaring over Vinyl’s shoulder at the entrance, and his eyes were slowly narrowing. He had stopped polishing the glass and was slowly setting it, and the rag, on the counter. Remembering what had happened the last time she had entered a bar, Vinyl tried to make herself very small. She hunched her shoulders and scooted further on the seat, hoping that whoever had just entered wanted nothing to do with her. The Unicorn suddenly became aware of the fact that all noise had stopped. There was no music, no clinking of glasses, or even hushed whispers. She shifted her eyes to either side and saw that not a single pony was sitting at the bar with her anymore. Panic began to rise in her, and she quickly moved her hooves. Good, she wasn’t drugged. Whatever was going on, she’d be able to get away quick if it came to it. The sound of hooves began to echo through the silent building, and a chill ran down Vinyl’s spine with every step. They were getting louder, and worse, closer. She began to shudder with each one, until she was visibly shaking when the hooves came to a stop directly behind her. Vinyl swallowed and stayed still. “Ain’t I seen you before?” the bartender asked darkly. “I think I remember those eyes.” “I do not think so. This is my first time in the Crystal Empire.” “Octy!” Vinyl spun around as she instantly recognized the voice and relief flooded her body. Before she realized what she was doing, she threw her front legs around the Earth pony and gave her a big hug. Octavia tensed immediately and Vinyl quickly pulled away in embarrassment. “Er…sorry. I, uh, didn’t mean…” “Hello, Vinyl,” Octavia said from under her hood. Her head was bowed slightly, and in the dim lighting of the bar, it gave her an unsettling appearance. All Vinyl could see were the hints of her face, a few strands of black hair, and two strikingly purple eyes. She knew that something was troubling the cellist the second she looked at the eyes, but she didn’t want to pry so she didn’t say anything. “Did you finish…uh, whatever it was you needed to do?” “Yes,” Octavia said, her eyes shifting under the hood’s shadow for a second. “Why am I not surprised to find you in a tavern? I hope you were staying out of trouble.” “Of course I was!” Vinyl protested. “Tell her!” “She’s been a bit of a chatter, but no harm done,” the bartender said, his friendly nature back in full swing. “Although I’m probably going to be up all night thinking about what she said.” “Vinyl, what did you do?” Octavia asked. Vinyl wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw a smile flash across her face in the shadow. “What? It’s a legetament question!” “Legitimate, Vinyl.” “Yeah, that!” Vinyl briefly wondered what exactly was in the drink she had spent the past hour or two drinking, but she brushed it away. “I just wanted to know why I can’t see a Crystal pony’s insides. I mean, look at him! I can see through him!” “It is the light,” Octavia said matter-of-factly. “A Crystal pony’s coat is different from ours. The way it reflects, refracts, and absorbs light gives them that translucent look.” “Aw…” Vinyl’s ears drooped. “You explaining it sucks all the fun out of it, you know?” The purple eyes rolled under the hood. “Come on. We still have to find that thief.” “Oh yeah! Him!” Vinyl jumped off her stool and, much to her surprise, realized that she was able to remain standing with no effort. “I’m glad you brought that up! He was here!” “And you let him leave?” Octavia asked, shocked. “No, not here-here. I mean he was in the Crystal Empire, but he left.” Vinyl looked back over her shoulder at the bartender. “Joined some sort of expedition heading—” “North…” Octavia whispered. Vinyl blinked and cocked her head to the side. “Yeah. How’d you know?” “I—” “It doesn’t matter.” Vinyl reached out and grabbed Octavia’s foreleg and began pulling her toward the door. She was so close to getting her life back on track that every second they delayed now was torture. “We need to hurry. They left two days ago, but there were a lot of them. They couldn’t have gotten far.” “Vinyl, please, stop and—” “There’s no time, Octy!” Vinyl looked back and nodded her thanks to the bartender, also making sure she had left the proper amount on the counter for the drinks. She dragged Octavia out of the tavern and kept talking. “We need to catch up before the storm covers all of the...uh…” Vinyl stopped talking as she looked around. There wasn’t a single normal pony, Crystal or otherwise, in sight. All the shops were deserted, all the blinds were pulled, and all the doors were closed. The place would have been a ghost town, if not for the fact that dozens of fully armored Crystal pony guards filled the streets and the skies. Bows were pulled tight, swords were drawn, and spear tips were pointed toward the two ponies. “Uh…hi, everypony,” Vinyl said sheepishly as she raised her front hoof to wave. “Don’t move!” one of the guards shouted and Vinyl froze. “Uh, Octy?” she whispered. “Whatever this is about, I swear I didn’t do it.” > Gearing Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m sure it’s nothing, Cadance. Probably just somepony with an overactive imagination. But if it’s not, I’m not taking any chances. Remember what happened to the last Princess of the Crystal Empire.” —Shining Armor, justifying the assembling of the Guard Vinyl stood perfectly still. Vinyl felt her mane begin to itch as she stared at all the hostile faces glaring back at her and Octavia. She barely risked swallowing, because half of the guards looked like they would impale her the first chance they got. She knew she had a bit of a reputation as a troublemaker, but she had no idea it had reached all the way out here. Worse, she couldn’t think of anything she had done that could warrant such an…overwhelming response. Usually just a few local authorities showed up and told her to go home or keep the noise down. She had never had an entire army come after her. “Heh. And I don’t even know what I did,” she joked nervously. She nudged Octavia, but the mare remained perfectly still. “Vinyl!” A familiar voice called. The Unicorn wasn’t certain if she should be glad or terrified at the sound of it. The guards directly parted and a stallion in purple armor came forward. “Uh…hey, Shining Armor,” Vinyl said. She would have waved, but she was pretty sure that some of the archers were tightening their draws. “Um…nice to see you, I think.” Shining Armor stopped at the front of the crowd and stood up straight. His armor gleamed and blinded Vinyl momentarily, reminding her that her glasses were broken. “Are you okay?” Vinyl blinked several times and struggled not to raise her hoof to shield her eyes. “Um…you’re a little bright, but otherwise, I’m good.” “Then get over here. Now.” The tone in the Prince’s voice left no room for debate. “Tell your…companion, to stay there.” “Octy?” Vinyl whispered as she looked over at the cellist. Her hood was still drawn over her head and the shadow seemed to be even deeper, revealing nothing but the gleam of purple from her eyes. “Go, Vinyl,” Octavia whispered with a nod of her head. Vinyl slowly walked away from Octavia and toward Shining Armor. When she reached the Prince, she stopped in front of him and smiled, unsure of what she was supposed to do next. “You’re sure you’re fine?” Shining Armor asked, the stern look on his face vanishing for a moment as he looked over the Unicorn. “Yeah,” Vinyl replied. “Look, Shining, whatever this is about, I’m sure we can talk it over. I didn’t mean to break…well, whatever ancient Crystal Empire tradition I broke. I’ll do whatever I have to to make up for it, so how about you call off the firing squad?” Shining Armor blinked and cocked his head to the side. “Excuse me?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow. “You’re messing with me, right?” She waved her hoof to indicate the guards. “Are you telling me I’m just imagining all of them?” “They have nothing to do with you,” Shining Armor said. Vinyl was about to say that of course they did, but as she looked around, she noticed that not a single guard was looking at her. All of their attention was still focused squarely on Octavia. Baffled, the Unicorn looked back at the cellist and saw that she was still standing perfectly still. “Octavia?” Vinyl asked, stumped. “Okay, now I know you’re joking.” “Octavia?” Shining Armor repeated, looking up at Octavia as well. “You can’t expect me to believe that little goody four-shoes here did something wrong,” Vinyl said. “I don’t think she’s broken a rule in her entire life. And I know I would have heard about something she did in order to get this much attention.” “Take off your hood,” Shining Armor shouted, but Vinyl could tell that the edge was gone from his voice. Octavia slowly raised one hoof and carefully pulled her hood back and Vinyl’s breath caught in her throat. The Earth pony was a complete mess. Her mane was tangled and her coat was scuffed. Her eyes looked worn and heavy, and Vinyl was almost certain she had been crying. What in Equestria had she been up to? Vinyl almost ran to her, but Shining Armor placed a hoof on her shoulder to stop her. A collective gasp rippled through the guards, but they all seemed to relax. The archers lowered their bows and the tips of spears were pointed skyward. They were still on edge, but now it seemed to come from nervousness and embarrassment rather than fear. Shining Armor closed his eyes and let out a long breath. “Thank Celestia,” he whispered. Then he turned to the guards. “Return to your posts. Everything’s under control.” “Yessir!” one of the nearby guards said. He saluted, and then they all started to depart. Many of them gave Octavia lingering looks and Vinyl had the urge to remind them that the cellist was off the market, but then bitterly remembered that she and Octavia weren’t exactly together anymore. After the last of the guards had left, Vinyl spoke. “So you want to tell me what the hay that was all about?” Shining Armor laughed nervously and looked at Octavia. “Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. We were getting reports that—” “It is nothing,” Octavia said as she walked up and put herself between Vinyl and Shining Armor. “I understand the confusion, Your Highness.” “Well I don’t!” Vinyl protested. She tried to move forward, but Octavia swished her tail and slapped Vinyl back. “I would like to speak to Princess Cadance, Prince,” Octavia continued, completely ignoring Vinyl’s attempt to join the conversation. Shining Armor looked between Octavia and Vinyl and nodded. “I think that would be best. If you’ll both follow me.” Vinyl was about to open her mouth to protest again, but Shining Armor and Octavia were already on the move. The Unicorn grumbled to herself and fell in behind them. She remained silent for the entire trip, hoping that one of them would say something to her, but she had no such luck. In a few minutes, Vinyl found herself standing in front of Princess Cadance’s castle. She craned her neck back and let out a low whistle as she stared up at the massive crystal building. “Nice pad.” “Yeah,” Shining Armor said, acknowledging Vinyl for the first time since the trio had left the bar. “But climbing up all those stairs is a real pain sometimes.” “Oh.” Vinyl’s ears fell as she saw the castle in a whole new light. It was tall. Really tall. And Princess Cadance no doubt lived somewhere toward the top. “Guards have to run it in under three minutes every year in order to keep their posts,” Shining Armor said. “It’s a great workout.” “I’ll bet,” Vinyl grumbled. Ten minutes later, Vinyl collapsed on some of the softest plush carpet she had ever felt. They had reached the main floor of the castle and now she was snuggling the red carpet in full view of the Prince, Octavia, and two guards. “Honestly, Vinyl,” Octavia whispered, but Vinyl was pretty sure she saw a hint of a smile tugging at the Earth pony’s lips. “The Princess is directly behind those doors. What if she were to walk out and see you…kissing her carpet?” “But it’s so soft, Octy!” Vinyl said. She rubbed the red fabric against her cheek and sighed. Most of this was her being truly exhausted from the climb, but a small part of her was milking the display in hopes of seeing another smile. “Hate to break it to you, Vinyl, but I don’t think you’re cut out to be a guard,” Shining Armor said with a laugh. “Psh!” Vinyl waved her hoof. “I could have told you that.” She picked herself up off the carpet and brushed herself off. She reached for her glasses, but was reminded yet again that they had broke back when this adventure had first started. “So, we going to see your wife now?” “Yeah. Let me just—” “No,” Octavia said quickly. “Uh, Octy?” Vinyl said as she and Shining Armor looked at each other. “Just in case you forgot, you’re the one who wanted to speak with Princess Cadance.” “I have not forgotten,” Octavia said as she turned away from Vinyl and Shining Armor. “But if you recall, I said I wish to speak with the Princess.” Vinyl’s mouth fell open as she stared at Octavia’s backside. “Come on, Octy. Don’t be like that. I…I promise I’ll behave. I mean, you know I can do it. I’ve been to some of your fancy parties and—” “No, Vinyl,” Octavia said without turning around. “Please?” “I do not want you there,” Octavia said, her voice frosty. “Shining Armor, will you be kind enough to show Vinyl around? I…may be a while.” “Uh…sure?” Shining Armor said as he looked between Octavia and Vinyl. “Um…let me bring you to Cadance. Vinyl, you, uh…” the Prince took one more look at Vinyl “you wait here.” “Yeah,” Vinyl whispered, sitting down on the carpet. “No problem.” She watched Shining Armor and Octavia—who didn’t even spare a look back—open the giant doors to the throne room and she briefly caught a glimpse of Princess Cadance before the doors closed again, locking her out of both the room and Octavia’s life. Again. Vinyl didn’t get a chance to sink into depression though. No sooner had the doors closed and the edge of dark thoughts began to crawl into her mind, than the doors opened again. Shining Armor walked out of the throne room, and when Vinyl stretched her neck to look around him, she thought she saw Octavia looking back at her, but then the doors closed again. “Ready for the tour?” Shining Armor asked with a smile. “Did she say anything?” Vinyl asked. She remained planted on the carpet. “She asked me to show you around, remember?” “That’s not what I meant,” Vinyl shot back, a bit fiercer than she had meant to. “And you know it.” Shining Armor stared at her for a long moment, his blue eyes blinking a few times before he spoke. “No, she didn’t say anything while I was there. Now come on.” He jerked his head to the side and started walking, and Vinyl got up and began to follow. The two ponies walked in silence down the hallway, passing several rooms and descending a flight of stairs before Shining Armor broke the silence. “I figured you wouldn’t want to talk with the guards around,” he said as the walked out onto a balcony. The entire Crystal Empire was in view and Vinyl couldn’t help but gasp at the sight. “So…what was that all about? I mean, I know couples fight, but that was…intense. Even for Octavia.” Vinyl walked up to the edge of the balcony and placed her forelegs on the railing and rested her chin on them. “I screwed up. Big time.” “So I gathered.” “It wasn’t my fault!” Vinyl protested, whipping her head up to glare at Shining Armor, but her anger fizzled instantly. “I mean, yeah, it was, but…I didn’t mean for it to happen. And I’m trying to fix it.” “Whoa there, D.J.,” Shining Armor said, placing a hoof on Vinyl’s shoulder. “Start at the beginning.” Vinyl took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. It wasn’t hard. The event had played out in her mind constantly for the past several days. “Well, you see, Octy got invited to a private gig at Canterlot Castle. For the Princesses! I mean, do you know how big a deal that is?” “Heh.” Shining Armor grinned. “You don’t say.” “So, I decided to throw her a party. We were staying at her parents’ mansion, so she didn’t want anything too big or wild but, well…” Vinyl rubbed the back of her neck and looked down at the city below her. If she had just listened to Octavia, then none of this would have happened. “You’re you,” Shining Armor said with a smirk. “You don’t do quiet.” “Yeah…” Vinyl said. “Before I knew it, it seemed liked half of Canterlot was there. Octy gave me the look at first, but she seemed to be enjoying herself.” “And her parents?” “They were…out of town,” Vinyl said as her cheeks blushed. “It’s part of the reason we had the party at their house.” “I’m guessing you trashed the place,” Shining Armor said. “Hey!” Vinyl said. “I cleaned it up. All of it. After everypony left, I made Octavia go to bed and I cleaned the entire house. That’s when…it happened.” “What?” “I caught a thief. Well, not caught, but I saw him. He was in the one room that Octavia had forbidden anypony from going in to. I confronted him—” “That was risky,” Shining Armor said. “I’m a Unicorn,” Vinyl protested. “I thought I could handle it.” “And it’s that type of attitude that lets other ponies get the drop on Unicorns so often,” Shining Armor countered. Vinyl hung her head. “I’ve never seen a Pegasus move that fast. I mean, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are fast in racing and stuff, but this guy…it was like he was the wind. He dodged all my spells and before I knew it, I was on my back and he was dashing out of the room. I chased after him, but he got away.” “Did you see what he looked like?” Shining Armor asked. “Any details?” “I caught up to him in the living room,” Vinyl replied. “I told him to stop, and he turned to look at him in the doorway. All I saw was that he had a short, blue mane and a dark brown coat. I didn’t get a glimpse at his cutie mark or anything.” “And that’s why Octavia’s mad at you? Because someone broke into her parents’ home?” Vinyl’s ears fell. “Well, not exactly. He…didn’t break in. When I saw his face, I recognized him. I’d let him in myself because it was a party. And to make matters worse, he stole the Melody heirloom bow. So I, uh, decided to get it back. You know, so she’d stop being mad at me.” There was more. Vinyl had fully expected Octavia to be cross with her over the bow, but that hadn’t been what had broken their relationship. It was what had happened afterward, when Octavia’s parents had come home. Vinyl had been about to rush in and apologize profusely, but then she had overheard what they and their daughter had been talking about. That was what had broken not only Vinyl’s relationship, but Vinyl herself. She had been about to reveal that part to Shining Armor, but the stallion spoke first and the urge to talk left her. “So…based on that, you ended up here? I gotta say, that’s some impressive detective work, Vinyl.” “What? No, I went to Hollow Shades first.” Vinyl rubbed the back of her neck and shuddered at the memory of the town. “It…didn’t go exactly like I thought it would. But I got a lead that said the thief had come here.” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “What kind of lead?” “Some local gang leader told me.” Shining Armor raised his other eyebrow. “Do you really think you can trust the word of a pony like that?” Vinyl stomped her hoof. “I had no choice! I have to get this bow back if I’m going to get Octavia back! And even if she won’t take me back, I can’t have her hating me! I…I just can’t.” Vinyl wiped her eyes, surprised to find that they were wet, and swallowed her pain. “Besides, it turned out to be right. The barkeep I was talking to before your army showed up told me that a Pegasus matching that description was here. He joined some sort of expedition heading north a few days ago.” Vinyl wasn’t the best at reading ponies. She knew that. Octavia often told her that she didn’t just lack subtly and tact; she didn’t even have the terms in her dictionary. A pony could slip a lot of things past her because of that, but even she caught the sudden stiffness in Shining Armor’s shoulders. “North, you said?” he asked, and Vinyl knew. Being around Octavia for so many wonderful years, she had picked up on a few tells that most ponies had. “You know something,” she said. “Spit it out.” “I know about the expedition you’re talking about,” Shining Armor replied, tugging at the collar of his armor. “They left two days ago. I take it you intend to follow them?” “Yeah,” Vinyl replied. “But that doesn’t answer my question. You know something.” Shining Armor took a deep breath and closed his blue eyes. For a long time he was silent, but finally he let out a sigh and opened his eyes. “I suppose since you’re going, you should probably know. Ponies are always heading up expeditions into the surrounding snowstorm. They go looking for lost treasures of the Crystal Empire, or just go exploring the snowstorm in hopes of finding adventure. It’s pretty dangerous, which is why we always send two guards out with every trip, but this trip felt…different.” “Different how?” “Most ponies have this excited air about them, but the one that put this expedition together didn’t. He was…cold. Haunted, really. Like something out there was eating at him. He also seemed to be disgusted by anypony that talked to him.” Vinyl shrugged. “So he’s probably a bit anti-social. Ponies sometimes think that about Octy before they get to know her.” “No, Vinyl,” Shining Armor said, his eyes darkening. “There was something seriously wrong with this guy. We almost forbid the expedition, but the money he was offering caused a stir. If we had, he would have just slipped out with the ponies that wanted to go and then we wouldn’t have been able to send the escorts. At least this way, we can keep tabs on him.” “So what’s the problem?” Vinyl asked. “You’ve got guards with him, so there’s nothing to worry about.” “We should have heard back by now. These expeditions don’t usually last for more than a day. Two at most. The snowstorm is just too intense for anypony but the hardest adventurers. I gave the guards strict instructions to turn the party back if they hadn’t found anything by the first day, and if they had, to at least send one of them back. But there’s been no word.” Vinyl swallowed as the dread built up in her stomach. She was going into that same storm. She had already brushed elbows with death once, and now she was about to do it again. She shook the fear away with a shake of her head. “I hope you’re not telling me this to try and stop me from going. If he froze to death out there, it just means I don’t have to chase him anymore.” “I’m telling you this so that you know what you’re getting into,” Shining Armor countered, his voice sterner than Vinyl had ever heard it. “There’s something else going on here, Vinyl. Why would a thief steal the bow and keep it? Why wouldn’t he try to pawn it off? Come to think, how do you even know if he still has the bow? What if he sold it already?” Vinyl opened her mouth to respond, but she couldn’t. That was a very good point. The thief hadn’t struck her as a music-appreciating pony, so he very well could have sold it already. What if this whole thing was just a waste of time and the bow was already in the hooves, claws, talons, or whatever of something else? “And why did he join this expedition?” Shining Armor added. “If I stole something like that, I would have tried to stay out of sight, not join up with a bunch of other ponies. Especially of guards were involved.” Vinyl shook her head and gritted her teeth. All of Shining Armor’s points were starting to eat away at her resolve, and she couldn’t have that. “Look, it doesn’t matter!” she said. “I don’t care if he went to the gates of Tartarus. I’m not giving up until I either have that bow back, or I’m dead. And even then, I’d haunt him until he returned it! And if he sold it, I’ll get the info of the buyer out of him, even if I have to beat it out of him. And then, I’ll track down the buyer. And then I’ll…I’ll…” Vinyl didn’t realize she was shaking until she felt Shining Armor’s hoof touch her shoulder. She looked up, expecting to see him glaring down at her, or perhaps with a look trying to talk her out of her foolishness, but instead all he did was smile. “You love Octavia, right?” Vinyl wiped her eyes, again cursing the fact that her glasses were broken. “Yes. So I have to go.” “Not like that, you’re not,” Shining Armor said as he turned Vinyl around and the two of them began to walk back into the castle. “You’ll freeze in a few hours. And if I’m right, you’re going to need more than warm clothes.” “What else would I need?” “We’re heading to the armory.” * * * Vinyl stood in the middle of the armory. Dozens of suits of armor neatly lined the room, each one polished to a blinding shine. Most were steel blue, almost grey, but there were a few that were golden like the guards back in Canterlot. They all rested on stands, and each one had a helmet with that strange mohawk running across the top of it. Octavia probably new the proper name for it. “Which one’s mine?” she asked as she slowly drifted toward a set that had caught her eye. She was about to touch it with her hoof, her red eyes transfixed with the gleaming metal, but Shining Armor chuckled. “You’re kidding, right?” he said as he looked at her. “What?” Vinyl asked as she turned back to him, her face falling. “I think I’d look good in armor.” “Aside from the fact that you haven’t passed the tests and earned the right to wear it and the guards would probably peel you out of it the moment they saw you,” Shining Armor said with a sympathetic smile, “you’re going to be walking in snow and ice. And snow.” “You said snow twice.” “There’s a lot of snow out there.” Shining Armor pointed toward the wall as he spoke. “So tell me, what do you think happens to a pony who isn’t trained to wear full armor when she just walks around town in it?” “Um…she gets whistled at?” Vinyl offered with a smile and a flick of her tail. “She gets tired,” Shining Armor countered. “Full armor weighs a lot, Vinyl. Now, what do you think that extra weight does to an untrained pony in full armor in snow?” “Makes her even more tired!” Vinyl shouted as she raised her hoof in triumph. “Oh.” “Not only that, but the extra weight would make her sink further into the snow, and depending on where she walked, she might sink beneath the snow and get lost in the blizzard.” Shining Armor walked up to Vinyl and drew himself up to his full height. He easily towered over Vinyl by at least a head. “Now, how do you think that mare’s marefriend would feel if she got lost in the blizzard like that?” Vinyl hung her head and lowered her ears. There was a time she knew the answer to that question instantly. Now though, she wasn’t so sure. “I…guess she’s be upset.” Shining Armor’s eyes flickered for a moment. “Right…” he said. “Anyway, you’re not getting armor. But, I can give you some winter gear.” “Psh,” Vinyl said as her attitude came back. “Is that why you brought me down here? Like I need a scarf from the armory of the Crystal Empire. I live in Manehattan, Shining. I know how to handle the cold.” “Not this cold,” Shining Armor said darkly. “With Cadance on the throne, the immediate area around the Crystal Empire is safe, but you saw the storm raging at our boarders, right? Do you honestly think a little scarf is going to keep you warm enough in that for any length of time?” Vinyl swallowed as she remembered the maelstrom that surrounded the Crystal Empire. She shook her head. “Right. So, take this.” Shining Armor opened a closet and pulled out a thick white cloak. He levitated it over to Vinyl and dropped it. The DJ expected the cloak to be light, but as it collapsed on her she nearly fell to the ground. She shook it off and it sank to the floor with a muffled thud. Shining Armor expected her to travel in this? “If you think that’s bad, just imagine what it would be like if I had given you armor,” the stallion said with a smirk. He quickly pulled out four boots lined with fur and a scarf the same shade of white as the cloak and gave them all to Vinyl. “Uh…” Vinyl said as she struggled to put the boots on her hooves. “I was always taught that you want to wear bright clothes in the snow, in case you get lost.” “And what if you’re trying to hide from somepony?” Shining Armor asked. “Or something?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Vinyl asked as she finally managed to get the first boot on. She was quickly impressed with how comfortable it was. It felt like her hoof was wrapped in a cloud, so she quickly put the other three on. “Much of the Empire is still uncharted,” Shining Armor said as he pulled out another set of winter gear and then closed the closet. “There are things out there that we don’t know about, I’m sure. Twily—er, I mean, Princess Twilight recently went out with another pony to explore a strange cave, and what they found was something that we’ve never seen before. They barely managed to survive.” Again, Vinyl found herself swallowing and wondering if she should just abandon her little quest. She could live with Octavia hating her, right? No… “And that’s also why I’m giving you this.” Shining Armor opened a case and lifted out a sword with his magic. The scabbard was grey, with a golden cross-weave along it. Three striking blue gems, two near the top and one at the bottom, twinkled in the light. The crossguard was designed with same golden motif, only it was woven to look like a mask, with the guard looking like two oversized decorations on the mask. Two smaller blue gems made the eyes. Vinyl couldn’t help but think of one of Zecora’s masks when she looked at it. The hilt was plain, as most made by ponies were since they couldn’t actually hold them. It had a simple dragon design etched into each side, but it lacked the decorative styling of the scabbard or crossguard. “Are…are you sure?” Vinyl asked as she stared at the weapon. “That looks…important.” “Heh.” Shining Armor pulled the blade out of its scabbard and Vinyl got chills on her spine from the sound. Shink. “It’s nothing special, if that’s what you’re worried about. Just an extra blade we have.” “Oh.” Vinyl’s spirits fell a little. She had already started to come up with epic stories in her mind of what the sword had done to earn such an extravagant design, but apparently it was customary for the Crystal Empire to add flare to everything. “But,” Shining Armor added as he put the blade back in its sheath, “it does have plus two sharpness.” “Nerd,” Vinyl said with a grin. She took the sword and its belt with her own magic and tied it around her waist. The moment she did, she felt it bite into her side and she winced. Shining Amror laughed and made a small adjustment so that the blade was parallel to her body instead of hanging down, and Vinyl felt much more comfortable. “Now you look like a real Crystal Empire Adventurer,” Shining Armor said as Vinyl slipped into her hooded cloak. It was a bit warm, but she had to admit that she felt awesome in it. She puffed her chest out and struck a pose and Shining Armor laughed. “All hail Vinyl Scratch, conqueror of the wubs!” “Yes!” Vinyl said as she grabbed the hilt of her new sword and pulled it out with her magic. She raised the blade above her head and stood there proudly for a moment, completely forgetting the sorrow that had been eating her for days. Then she looked down and saw that Shining Armor had set the second set of wear gear on the floor near his hooves. “So, is that set for you?” “No, that’s for her,” Shining Armor said. He nodded and Vinyl turned around. “Octy!” the white Unicorn said in surprise. She almost dropped her sword, but managed to keep her magic locked around it as she stumbled backward. “Um…how…how long were you standing there?” “Not long,” Octavia said as she stared at Vinyl. Her hood was down, but she was still dressed in the same cloak she had been wearing since Hollow Shades. “Your Highness.” “Octavia,” Shining Armor said as he bowed in return. “I figured you wouldn’t let Vinyl go out alone, so I got you a set of gear too.” “No, I cannot let the conqueror of wubs face danger alone,” Octavia replied with a faint smile as her eyes flicked to Vinyl. Vinyl’s cheeks burned and she looked at the floor. “Thank you, Shining Armor.” “You want a sword too, Octy?” Vinyl asked as she showed hers to the Earth pony. “I got mine, with plus two sharpness.” Octavia looked down at the blade, up at Shining Armor, then at Vinyl, and then finally rolled her eyes. “No. I prefer to settle things without violence. I am certain you will protect me if it comes to it though.” “O-Of course,” Vinyl stammered as Octavia blinked twice. “You’ll be safe with me.” “Good.” Octavia walked forward and quickly changed into the same winter gear that Vinyl was wearing. She gave her old cloak to Shining Armor, who hung it up on the wall for her, and then she pulled the hood of her new white garb over her head. “We should be going now. The guard is waiting for us.” “Guard?” Vinyl asked as she, Octavia, and Shining Armor all left the armory. “As it happens, we were about to send out a scout to see if he could fine any trace of the expedition,” Shining Armor explained. He looked up at Octavia. “I take it Cadance suggested that you go with him?” Octavia looked back over her shoulder, her face once again shrouded in shadow from the hood, and Vinyl saw the amethyst eyes focus on her. “Yes, after I explained the…situation.” Vinyl was about to say something, but Shining Armor slapped her on the back. “That’s perfect. Saves me the trouble. What? You didn’t think I was going to send you two out there without a guide, did you?” > Dreams and Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I have told you before that I have…issues with Vinyl. I have kept my opinion to myself regarding that waste of fur, but no longer! She is nothing but trouble, Octavia. She cares nothing for your heritage or your reputation. All a pony like that cares about is what is between your legs. You are a prize to her, a conquest. You are nothing more than an exotic jewel, and once your shine is gone, she will leave you. I had hoped you would realize this on your own and end this ridiculous farce, but that does not seem to be the case. Tell me you disagree. Say so, and I will take it all back...Hmph. I thought not.” —Octavia’s mother, after discovering the robbery Octavia dashed down the dark streets of Manehattan. Everywhere she turned, glowing eyes glared out at her from the shadows. Purple smoke flowed from their edges, choking the air from her lungs as she ran. Long black tendrils reached out for her, grasping at her legs as she drove her body beyond its limit. She screamed, but the sound that escaped her lips was a laugh, and it was not her own. Panic flooded her mind as she looked over her shoulder. Manehattan was gone, replaced with nothing but blackness. Two giant eyes stared at her, and then a mouth formed beneath them. It curled into a wicked smile, lined with teeth sharper than any sword. It opened, and purple smoke spilled from it, threatening to overtake her. Octavia poured on more speed and whipped around a corner. Home! There was her home! She would be safe there. Mother and Father would protect her from this monster. She ran up to the door and pounded on it with her hooves. She banged and banged, tears streaming from her purple eyes, but the door remained closed. She looked over her shoulder and saw the smoke closing in. She turned back to the door and kicked it with her hind legs. It shattered liked crystal and she rolled inside, the smoke and eyes right behind her. Octavia stood and turned, slamming the new door in the hideous monster’s face before it tainted the safety of her home. Relieved, she slouched against the door to catch her breath for a moment. “Mother,” she whispered as she tried to fill her lungs with air. “I…I do not…know how, but…he is back…” When she heard no answer, she turned around. “Mother? Father?” The living room was dark. Not only that, but it was uncommonly cold, and not just in terms of temperature. The color in the home was dimmed. The couch was covered in a fine layer of dust. The candles that her parents always kept lit looked as though they had never been touched. The bookshelf was empty and the flower vase on the coffee table was missing. Her childhood home had always been crisp and clean, but it had still felt like home. This place felt more like a display, as if the house was still on the market and no one lived in it. A clang came from the kitchen. “Mother?” Octavia asked as she carefully made her way through the disturbing living room. She walked into the kitchen and relief flooded her body. Her mother was by the stove, no doubt cooking something for dinner. Which meant that Father would be home any minute and the three of them could sit down and have dinner together. Just like when she was little. “Mother, I am home,” Octavia said. “Home?” her mother replied without turning around. “Whatever do you mean?” Octavia stopped. Mother’s voice sounded wrong. It was like the living room; cold and lifeless. “Mother?” “You keep calling me that, but I am no longer your mother.” The mare by the stove turned around and Octavia froze. Her mother’s face was gone, replaced with the glowing eyes and wicked smile that had chased her home. “I have no daughter.” “No!” Octavia shouted, taking a step back. “That is not true! I am your daughter!” “No you’re not,” Mother said in a dark voice. “No daughter of mine would disobey me like you. You brought him back. You ruined everything our family has worked generations to build.” Mother drew closer with every word until Octavia found herself pressed up against a window. “You have doomed all of Equestria for that Unicorn.” “Do not talk about Vinyl like that!” Octavia shouted back. She felt fury beginning to build up in chest. “Father did not leave you after he found out! Vinyl is no different!” “But she is,” Mother replied, her voice suddenly soft. “She is, and you know it. That is why you haven’t told her. Because deep down, you know she doesn’t really care about you.” “No, you are wrong,” Octavia whimpered. “After all, if Father left you and me,” Mother pulled out a family photo, but the image of her father had been savagely torn out, “why in Equestria would a whore like Vinyl stay with a monster like you? She can have anypony she wants.” “That…that is not…” Octavia swallowed. “You are lying!” “Then go see for yourself!” Mother lunged forward in an instant. Her hooves slammed into Octavia’s chest and shoved the cellist out the window. Octavia cried out in horror as she fell down into the darkness, her eyes looking up at the laughing image of her twisted Mother. Octavia slammed into the ground and covered her ears, trying to keep the tormenting laughter of her Mother out of her skull. Mother was wrong. She had to be wrong. Vinyl loved her. Octavia would prove it. She would go get Vinyl right now and bring her to Mother. That would silence her cursed laughter. The Earth pony stood and ran through the darkness, heading straight for Vinyl’s apartment complex. “Run, daughter, run,” a voice boomed from the darkness, causing her to run faster. She feared that if she looked back, the wicked face would swallow her whole. Octavia reached the D.J.’s apartment and flung the door open. She stumbled into the living room, her mane falling in front of her eyes and her bowtie sagging from her neck, and desperately called Vinyl’s name. “Uh…s’up, Octavia?” Vinyl asked. Octavia brushed her mane from her eyes and pure joy flooded her body. There was Vinyl, lounging on her couch with a soda halfway to her lips. Her glasses were resting comfortably in her blue mane and her red eyes were full of energy like always. Her blinding white coat beamed in the room, chasing away every speck of darkness and bringing warmth to the cellist. “Vinyl, please,” Octavia began, trying to catch her breath. “You have to come with me. Right now.” “Uh, okay?” Vinyl said. She set the soda down and stood. “Where are we going?” “To my parents’ house,” Octavia replied, stepping forward and taking Vinyl by the hoof. She began to walk, but Vinyl did not budge from her spot. “Vinyl?” “Look, Octavia, we’ve been over this…” Vinyl said, her eyes narrowing. No… “No matter how many times you keep coming back, my answer hasn’t changed.” No! No, it is not true! She would never…! “Hey babe,” came a voice from the kitchen. “Who’s out there?” “It’s just Octavia,” Vinyl called back. “Stop calling me that!” Octavia shouted, fighting the despair in her heart. She recognized that voice! “My name is Tavi! You always call me that! I am your Tavi.” “Yeah right,” Vinyl said, yanking her hoof out of Octavia’s. “As if.” “Vinyl’s mine now, Octavia.” Blood drained from Octavia’s face as Spitfire walked out of Vinyl’s kitchen. “Why would she choose to stay with a monster like you when she can have me?” Octavia’s legs collapsed and she fell to the floor. “She’s right,” Vinyl said with a shrug. “I mean, all you do is treat me like dirt. Everything’s always my fault, isn’t it? You wouldn’t even tell me your secret.” Spitfire walked forward and slipped her hoof around Vinyl’s neck. “You can’t really blame her for that, Vinyl. I mean, after all, she knew you’d never want to be with her if you knew. Poor, wretched thing.” “Vinyl…please…” Octavia whispered. “Save your tears, freak,” Vinyl said. The look of disgust on her face tore Octavia’s heart in half. “Get out of my home! Spitfire and I were in the middle of some…alone time.” “Indeed.” Spitfire used her wing to turn Vinyl’s head. The two locked lips and Vinyl wrapped her forelegs around Spitfire’s back. They fell back onto the couch, still locked in a kiss, and Spitfire’s hoof worked its way down Vinyl’s stomach. Vinyl let out a gasp—a gasp that Octavia very familiar with—and then grabbed the Pegasus’ mane with her magic. She yanked her head back, kissing gently down her neck while Spitfire continued to grind on her. “Get out,” Vinyl said as she licked Spitfire’s neck. “Your ride’s waiting for you outside.” Spitfire’s wings fluttered as she let out a moan, but then the door slammed in Octavia’s face. Tears streamed from her eyes as she beat on it, screaming Vinyl’s name and begging her to forgive her and take her back. She hit the door until her hooves bled, but all she heard were the sounds of Vinyl and Spitfire. “It is no use, daughter,” the darkness boomed. “You have no place left here.” Octavia turned around and screamed as the face grew in size. “Your only place is with me!” The mouth opened and rushed forward, swallowing Octavia and her screams. * * * “Wait…you can’t mean that, Octy.” Vinyl stood in Octavia’s living room, a forced smile on her face. “You’re…you’re just kidding right? Ha ha. Yeah, that’s it. Ha. And ponies say you don’t have a sense of humor.” Octavia rolled her purple eyes, her face a twisted mask of disgust. “There you go again,” she said with a huff. “You never take anything seriously. Life is just one big game to you, isn’t it?” “No!” Vinyl said. She reached out with her hoof, but the grey mare slapped it away. “I can be serious! I’m serious about us! I…I’ve never been more serious about—” “Don’t make me laugh,” Octavia said as she held her hoof up to her mouth in a mocking gesture. “You’re only with me because Spitfire got tired of you. Well guess what, little noisemaker. I’m tired of you too.” Vinyl’s ears fell and tears filled her eyes, but she kept smiling. “Okay, Octy. Joke’s not funny anymore.” “And stop calling me that!” Octavia spat. “You and your stupid nicknames. I am not some little filly. My name is not Octy, or that stupid Tavi one. It is Octavia. O-C-T-A-V-I-A. I’m probably wasting my breath spelling it for you.” The first tear slid down Vinyl’s cheek. “But…but…” “Aw, are you going to cry now?” Octavia mocked. “Spare me. My mother was right about you. You’re nothing but a waste of fur. I cannot believe it took me this long to realize it.” Octavia stomped toward her, growing taller with each step, until she stood nearly a head taller than Vinyl. The Unicorn cowered beneath her, looking up into eyes filled with rage. “Get out of my home and out of my life!” “But…” Vinyl whimpered. Her legs were shaking so bad that she could barely stand, and every second she looked up at Octavia’s face, the weight on her shoulders increased. “I…I love you.” “So what?” Octavia roared. “You think that makes me love you back? How stupid can you be? I never loved you! I can’t even stand you! That stupid mane style, those freakish red eyes, and the noise! You call what you do music? It makes my skin crawl. Do you know how many nights I stayed up just wishing I could smash your stupid turntable to pieces?” “But…you said you liked my music,” Vinyl protested. “I lied,” Octavia responded. She leaned forward and slapped Vinyl across the face so hard that the Unicorn fell onto her back. “I can’t stand it. I can’t stand you!” “But…” Vinyl’s mind raced. There had to be something! Something, somewhere that would remind Octavia how much Vinyl cared for her. “But what about making love?” she asked desperately, making sure she used the term that the cellist favored. She remembered the look in Octavia’s eyes every time. There was no way that was fake. A pony couldn’t fake something like that. “Love?” Octavia asked with scorn. “You think love had anything to do that? I used you, just like you used me. Not that it was that hard. Getting you to finish was a piece of cake every time. You get this pathetic little lip quiver whenever you’re close. Honestly, it makes you look like a little girl, and it’s nauseating. I mean, I was banging a little girl!” She threw her head back and laughed. “But…but you—” “But. But. But,” Octavia spat the word over and over. “Is that all you can say? I mean, don’t get me wrong. My plot is pretty damn fantastic. Too good for you, actually.” Vinyl covered her ears and closed her eyes. “You said you liked it! You loved the way I made you feel. The way the blood rushed to your head, the way you got excited whenever you tied me up, the way you—ugh!” “Don’t get the wrong idea, Vinyl,” Octavia said in a quiet voice as she stomped her hoof down on the Unicorn’s throat. “You were amusing, for a time.” She pressed down harder and Vinyl pawed at the hoof, struggling to breathe. “And boy oh boy, could you hit the right spot sometimes.” She quivered with delight, her mane spilling down over her shoulders as she continued to press down. “But you know what really turned me on?” Vinyl felt her tongue being forced out of her mouth as she slammed her hooves against the hoof on her throat. “This. Watching your eyes slowly roll into the back of your head. I can’t tell you the number of times I almost got off just thinking about the idea of choking you to death. And now,” the pony leaned in close and licked Vinyl’s tongue, the look in her eyes cold and evil, “I’m going to do it!” Octavia pressed down as hard as she could on Vinyl’s throat, crushing the last air from her lungs. As Vinyl’s mouth shot open in a silent gasp, Octavia pressed her lips against the Unicorn’s. Her eyes glared down at Vinyl and laughed, holding her in place as her lungs burned. “ENOUGH!” A flash of blinding light tore through the living room and suddenly Vinyl could breathe. She rolled over on her side and coughed continuously. Her sides hurt and as she brought her hoof to her mouth, she saw that she was spitting up blood. Octavia had really tried to kill her! Tears streamed from her eyes, and she couldn’t tell if they were from the agony in her body or her heart. It was over. It really was all over. Vinyl curled up on the floor and sobbed quietly in a ball. Wherever Octavia was, no doubt she would be back to finish the job in a moment. Vinyl supposed she could run, but what was the point? The love of her life had just tried to murder her. What was the point of going any further? “Rise, Vinyl Scratch.” “Just get it over with, bitch,” Vinyl whispered. It felt so liberating to call Octavia that. All of her frustration, all of the anger that had been building in her since this entire affair had started, came pouring out with that one word. “You would do well to remember to whom you are speaking.” Vinyl’s eyes popped fully open when she realized she wasn’t hearing Octavia’s voice. “It is not wise to address your Princess with such a term.” Vinyl rolled over and gasped. There stood Princess Luna, looming over her even more than Octavia had. Her teal eyes were narrowed as she looked down her nose at Vinyl. Her starry mane flowed behind her in a gentle breeze, and every bit of her screamed royalty. “I-I-I’m…” Vinyl stammered, trying to stand. “Dreaming?” Luna offered. She smiled and the royal air about her immediately diminished. She shrank in size until she was her regular height and offered her hoof to Vinyl. “I was going to say sorry,” Vinyl said, taking the hoof and standing up. “But yeah, dreaming works too.” Luna looked around and Vinyl did the same. They were no longer in Octavia’s living room. Instead, they stood in the middle of a star-filled sky. It was actually a little disorienting for Vinyl, because there was nothing but blackness beneath her hooves. “I do not think I would call that a dream,” Luna replied. “I have seen many nightmares in my time, Vinyl. But that one was…intense.” “Yeah, thanks,” Vinyl said, forcing a smile. Her legs were still shaking. Or, her dream legs were still shaking. “I’ve been dealing with a lot lately.” Luna looked down at the Unicorn and offered a soft smile. “I can imagine. Both you and Octavia were having very vivid nightmares.” Vinyl’s ears perked up immediately. “Octy’s having nightmares? Did you already help her?” Luna hung her head. “I…am afraid I was unable to. Her mind is closed to me while you are out in the maelstrom in the Crystal Empire. There is powerful magic out there, and Octavia’s mind is especially sensitive to it. However, I can assure you that she has awoken.” “That’s good,” Vinyl replied. She stared down at the abyss beneath her, losing herself in her thoughts. Soon it felt like she was falling into it, but she didn’t care. Odds were, when Vinyl woke, Octavia wouldn’t even acknowledge the fact that she had had a nightmare. She would just shut Vinyl out just like she’d been doing for a while now. Suddenly, a marble floor appeared beneath Vinyl’s hooves. She jumped and let out a small gasp. “Better?” Luna asked. “Yes,” Vinyl said. She was amazed at how soothing just having a floor to stand on was. “You are still troubled,” Luna said. “I trust it is not because of Octavia?” “Well, sort of,” Vinyl replied. “I must confess, I am a bit disappointed to hear that, Vinyl,” Luna replied. The tone in her voice cut through Vinyl’s depression with such force that the Unicorn’s mouth fell open. “I had thought you above such things.” “Excuse me?” the Unicorn shot back. On a saner day—or night—she would have picked a better tone to address the Princess with, but right now she was pissed. The memory from the nightmare was still in her mind. “It’s not my fault she’s being all mysterious and distant!” Now it was Luna’s turn to be shocked. She pulled her head back and blinked twice. “She shut you out?” “Okay, yeah, it was my fault that the thief stole that family bow, but I told her I’d get it back! And I’m doing my best. I’m not used to questing across Equestria, okay?” Vinyl dug her hooves into the floor and narrowed her eyes at her reflection. “And then…what her mother said about me…” “Bow?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. “What bow?” “Some family heirloom,” Vinyl replied. “It’s been in her family for generations. I guess it’s really valuable.” “It is,” Luna said and a smile came to her face. “It was a gift from my sister and I. Its strings are made from our manes. We gave it to her ancestor to show that we carried no ill will for what had transpired.” Vinyl looked up at the Princess and made a face. “What are you talking about?” Luna’s eyes went wide and her face paled. “You…you do not know?” “Know what?” Luna lowered her head and scratched her chin with her hoof. “I cannot believe it…” she said to herself, and then she looked up at Vinyl. “Octavia has not told you?” “Told me what?” Vinyl demanded, stomping his hoof. “Why is every pony keeping things from me?” “I am sorry, Vinyl, but it is not my place to say.” Luna unfolded her wings just as Vinyl felt the vague sensation of something poking her shoulder. The Princess began to drift up into the sky. “Wait!” Vinyl cried, running across the floor in a vain attempt to catch up with the Princess. “What do you mean? Come back!” * * * “COME BACK!” Vinyl sat up in her sleeping bag, her hoof outstretched and her heart pounding. “Easy there, Vinyl,” said Glint, the Crystal Empire scout who was accompanying them. His brown eyes looked at her with concern. “You were having a nightmare, that’s all.” He pulled his hoof away from her shoulder and stood up. “I…I was…Princess Luna?” Vinyl looked around the tent as her mind began to wake up. A dream. It had really all been a dream. “The Princess came to visit you?” Glint asked, surprised. “That is a very rare thing. You must have been in serious trouble.” “Yeah,” Vinyl said, remembering her conversation with the Princess. Her eyes narrowed and she kicked her way out of her sleeping bag. She stood and looked at the scout. “Where’s Octavia?” “Already awake and dressed.” Glint nodded to the side of the tent. A small plate with two muffins and a cup of milk was resting on a bag. “Breakfast is ready. Eat quickly and then get dressed. We’re only traveling until midday. If we haven’t found any sign of the expedition by then, we’re heading back.” Glint left the tent without another word. Vinyl watched him go, her eyes trying to burn holes into the back of the head. She wasn’t going to turn around. She wasn’t going to stop until she found that thief. The only way Glint would get her to go back was if he killed her and brought her back in a sack. The Unicorn ate the muffins and found that they had crystal berries in them. They were delicious, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was eating rocks. She downed the glass of milk in one swig and then rolled up her sleeping bag. She stuffed it into her pack and then walked outside. And immediately became aware of just how valuable Glint’s spell had been. The scout had said that all Crystal Empire Unicorns that chose to serve had to learn an advanced protection spell. It was like the sound-muffling spell Vinyl used on her room when she was practicing music—or when Octavia was over—but instead of cancelling noise, Glint’s spell cancelled cold. The three of them had spent all day yesterday marching through the snow, to the point where Vinyl’s hooves had started to ache. When Glint had said that they had gone far enough, Vinyl had collapsed, but Glint had dragged her up, saying that she would be dead within an hour if she stayed there. The three of them had found a small cave and pitched their tents, and then Glint had cast the spell on each one of the tents. “Hey soldier boy,” Vinyl called as she pulled the hood of her coat up over her ears. “Any chance you could cast that spell on us?” Glint pulled his goggles down and shook his head. “Sorry, Vinyl. I’m not that skilled. Casting it and maintaining it on a moving object, much less a pony, is high-level magic.” “Right,” Vinyl said. She turned around and used her magic to quickly break down her tent and rolled it up. She placed the tent on her back, thankful that it wasn’t heavy, and moved to the mouth of the cave. Glint was waiting for her, but Octavia was nowhere to be seen. “She’s over there,” Glint said with a nod of his head. Vinyl looked out into the snow and spied what she assumed was Octavia. The white coat she wore made her hard to spot in the snowstorm, but as she drew closer, Vinyl was able to see her more clearly. “Good morning, Vinyl,” Octavia whispered. “Hey,” Vinyl replied. She was about to say more, but then she remembered her dream and came up short. “Find anything?” Glint asked. When Octavia shook her head, the scout nodded. “I didn’t think so. No traces of a campsite here, but it was worth a shot. Okay, let’s get moving. We’ve only got a few hours before we hit the deadline and turn back.” Without another word, Glint walked out into the constant snowstorm. Octavia took one look at Vinyl and then quickly followed. Vinyl’s eyes narrowed at little in spite of herself, and then she slipped her own goggles on and followed the other two ponies out into the storm. The trip today was no less trying than the one yesterday. The wind constantly beat against Vinyl, its chill slowly eating its way through the thick white coat she wore. Her hooves still ached from yesterday, and each time they sank into the snow, it was a struggle to pull them back out. Her nose was so cold that it burned, and even though she was wearing goggles, her eyes still stung from the bitter cold. But she trudged on, keeping her eyes focused on the two ponies in front of her. She had to keep going, even if she began to realize that their quest was hopeless. Her mind began to wander as she trekked through the snow. What was going on? She had thought Octavia’s behavior had just been because of how bad Vinyl had screwed up. She had been positive that was it, but now she wasn’t so sure. Luna had implied that Octavia was keeping something from her. But what could it be? She at least she had a clue. It had something to do with Octavia’s past. Princess Luna had mentioned that the bow they were chasing after had been some sort gift to show that there were no hard feelings. “What the buck does that mean?” Vinyl asked herself as she walked, growing even more frustrated with each step. Hard feelings about what? Had Octavia’s grandmother done something embarrassing? Pulled a prank on Princess Celestia? Used the wrong fork at a royal dinner? Sneezed when some foreign dignitary had been giving a speech? She knew Canterlot put a much bigger emphasis on appearances than where Vinyl came from, but she was having a hard time coming up with something that would warrant the Princesses to give Octavia’s grandmother a special bow. Vinyl stopped in the snow. Something about that thought wasn’t right, but she couldn’t quite place her hoof on it. The Princesses had given Octavia’s grandmother the bow… “What is that?” Glint asked over the roaring wind, derailing Vinyl’s train of thought. She looked up and saw something sticking out of the snow ahead. It looked like jagged mountaintops, but without the rest of the mountain. “Lost civilization?” Vinyl called over the wind. “It’s not on any of the maps,” Glint said as Vinyl walked up to join him and Octavia. She was careful not to look directly at the cellist, but she studied her out of the corner of her eye. “And the snow level hasn’t changed enough for something like this to be uncovered. Which means…” “It is recent,” Octavia said in a quiet voice. The fear in the cellist’s voice made Vinyl colder than the snow around her. “Stay close,” Glint said. The three ponies began to make their way toward the strange formations. The first thing Vinyl noticed as they neared the formations was the weather. The constant snowstorm that surrounded the Crystal Empire had hounded them for the entire journey. It had been such a constant that she had grown numb to it, both physically and mentally. Her body and mind had just accepted that it was cold and moved on. So when the wind suddenly stopped and the snow stopped whipping in her face, she froze too. “Either of you—” “Yes,” Octavia replied without looking back. “Probably not a good sign,” Glint added, but he kept moving and so did Vinyl. As the trio walked, Vinyl grew more and more uneasy. The formations no longer looked like jagged mountain peaks. As she got closer, they reminded her more of dead, twisted trees. They looked like claws reaching up for the sky, each bone in them broken in a horrible way. As she stared up at their tips, she noticed that one of them seemed to have a flag attached to it. It hung there limp, with a fine coating of ice on it. “What do you—” Something crunched beneath Vinyl’s hoof. It was too loud and firm to be ice, so she looked down. It appeared to be some sort of black crystal. Confused as to why such a strange stone would be out in the middle of nowhere, she bent down and looked at it more closely. “Vinyl?” Octavia asked as she looked back over her shoulder. “Did you find something?” “I don’t know…” Vinyl reached out and brushed some of the snow off of the crystal. And then the Unicorn felt all the blood drain from her face and a scream tear through her mind. A face was staring back up at her. The eyes were wide open, locked in a dead stare at the sky. The mouth was forever frozen in a silent scream, and a giant crack ran from the forehead to the chin. The look of fear on the crystal face etched itself into the deepest parts of Vinyl’s mind. Horrified, Vinyl stumbled backward as fast as she could until she fell into the snow. Octavia and Glint rushed to her side, but all she could do was point at the spot. Glint walked over and looked down, and then frantically started digging, but only for a moment. It soon became clear why he had stopped. He pulled the crystal face from the snow, and that was all he had. The rest of the body was nowhere to be found. “What the buck is that?!” Vinyl shouted. She was vaguely aware that Octavia had a hoof on her shoulder, but she shoved it away and stood up. “Looks like one of the ponies from the missing expedition,” Glint replied as he stared at the head. Carefully, he set it back down on the snow and looked at the formations. “Which probably means…” Without another word, the scout made his way over to the formations. “Come on,” Octavia whispered, gently tapping Vinyl on the shoulder before following the scout. Vinyl was about to say something, but then she caught the look on Octavia’s face. It wasn’t a look of horror like it should have been. It was a resigned look; the look of a pony who knew that something was coming and there was no way to stop it. She knows! Princess Luna’s words came flooding back into Vinyl’s head. Octy knows about this! Vinyl’s red eyes narrowed behind her goggles as a simmering rage began to build in her chest. Silently, she followed the other two ponies, careful not to glance down at the severed crystal head as she passed it. When Vinyl caught up to Glint and Octavia, it was all she could do to not throw up. The strange formations were all giant spikes of black crystal. The bodies of ponies hung from many of them, impaled. Their faces were a mix of horror and shock, with some gripping the rock plunging through their stomachs, while others had apparently be caught in the back when they had tried to run. Other bodies had suffered the same fate as the pony that Vinyl had stepped on. All around were bodies made of crystal and all of them were smashed in some way, with a head missing on one or a leg on another. Some were no longer even bodies. Just pieces of crystal scattered in the snow. Vinyl couldn’t help but wonder if they had still been alive, been able to feel, when they had been destroyed. She hoped they hadn’t. After what felt like a lifetime of standing in the middle of the frozen display of death, Glint finally stirred. He shook his head and began to walk around the area, occasionally pausing to examine the shattered remains of a pony, or to look up at the impaled form of another, or sometimes he simply stood and stared at the giant crystal spikes. Once, be began to reach out to touch one, but he stopped just before his hoof made contact with the crystal, as if he suddenly realized that it wasn’t such a good idea. Evenutally, Glint turned to Vinyl and Octavia. Neither had moved or said a word the entire time he had inspected the scene. “We need to head back immediately,” he said, his voice small and quiet. “This…this is bad.” Vinyl’s mind suddenly snapped back to reality and she began to search the area herself. Her stomach churned as she drew closer to one of the crystalized ponies, but she forced the bile down and looked at the shattered remains. This wasn’t the one. Frustrated, she moved on to the next body. “Vinyl, what are you doing?” Octavia asked, but Vinyl simply looked up at her for a moment, and then went back to searching. “You’re wasting your time, Vinyl,” Glint said. “He’s not here.” “How do you know?” Vinyl demanded, thankful for an excuse to look away from the mare impaled above her. “Because you said your thief was a Pegasus, right?” Glint asked. “These are all Earth ponies.” Vinyl stopped, but not because of Glint’s words. She admitted that his statement made this situation even more unnerving, but she didn’t care about that right now. Instead, she was starring at what was laying in the snow directly in front of her, as if it had been left specifically for her to find. Several crystalize feathers had been left laying in the snow in the shape of an O. Two pairs of hoofprints trailed away from the feathers and off into the distance. Vinyl wasn’t sure how, but she knew that she was looking at a message that was meant for her. The thief was still alive, and he was taunting Vinyl by leaving the feathers behind in the slaughter. Without a word, Vinyl began to follow the hoofprints. How they had managed to stay visible, she had no idea, but she hoped that they wouldn’t disappear when she got further away from the bloodbath. “Vinyl, where are you going?” Octavia called, but Vinyl ignored her. If Octavia wanted to keep her secrets, fine. Vinyl still had a mission to complete. “Vinyl Scratch!” Glint yelled. “You will stop right there!” Vinyl stopped, but she didn’t turn around. “No. He’s still out there, and I need to find him.” “Are you mad?” Glint demanded. “Look what’s happened here! Do you seriously think the three of us can stand up to this? We need to go back to the Empire and get help.” “Then go,” Vinyl said, still not turning around. “I’ll track him down for you guys.” “Vinyl, you can’t—” “Go back, Glint,” Octavia said suddenly. “But…but I have orders!” the scout said, stunned to find that Octavia was siding against him. “Your orders were to find out the fate of the expedition,” Octavia said. “And we have.” “Octavia, you can’t be serious!” Glint said, his voice staggering a little from disbelief. “Look around you! You know what this means!” “I am aware,” Octavia replied coolly. Of course you are, Vinyl thought bitterly. But Celestia forbid you tell me any of it! “Then you can’t expect me to just leave you two out here!” “Calm yourself, Glint. You have a duty to report this to Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. You should not concern yourself with two ponies. Besides, Vinyl and I will be behind you shortly.” Vinyl still didn’t turn around, but she could tell that Glint was thinking it over. Finally, she heard the scout speak. “I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?” “We will be along in a moment,” Octavia reassured him. “I just need to speak with Vinyl. Alone.” Glint sighed. “Very well. I’ll make my way back to the cave, but if you two aren’t there within an hour, I’m heading back to the Empire. Because you’re right; I need to report this.” “We will be along shortly.” Vinyl heard the sound of Glint walking away, his hooves crunching in the snow. The sound slowly dimmed, until all Vinyl could hear was the sound of her own breathing. She stood there and waited, staring at the hoofprints in front of her and refusing to turn around. “Vinyl,” Octavia said finally. “What?” “What are you hoping to accomplish?” “You know damn well what I hope to accomplish!” Vinyl shouted. Tears blurred her vision, but she refused to turn around. “I’m going to get that bow back.” “Why are you so determined to get back my family’s heirloom?” Octavia asked. “Are you trying to prove yourself? Do you feel responsible for the actions of a thief?” “No!” Vinyl said. “Then why?” Octavia shouted, using a tone Vinyl had never heard before. “Why are you insisting on risking your life over and over again? You nearly got beaten to death in Hollow Shades, and then you go and get yourself captured by a gang that clearly did not have your best interests at heart.” “And you do?” Vinyl shot back, whipping her head around to glare at the cellist. “How could you even ask that?” Octavia asked, stunned. “Of course I do!” Vinyl finally turned fully around and laughed. “You got a funny way of showing it.” Octavia’s face twisted into a mask of anger. “Oh, I am sorry,” she said, her voice so sarcastic that Vinyl blinked in surprise. “I did not realize that saving your life was not good enough for you!” “I never asked you to!” Octavia stomped her hoof in the snow. “ Do you know what that pony was going to do to you while you were chained to the floor?” “Please,” Vinyl said, waving her hoof dismissively. “Those Bat ponies were right outside. They were all geared up to save me, and then you came trotting along.” “Because I was worried about you! You were being reckless.” “AS IF YOU CARE!” Vinyl shouted so loud that her lungs felt like they were about to tear out of her chest. She gasped for breath over and over, but the pained look on Octavia’s face only fueled her rage. She had hurt Octavia, and she found that she liked it. More. She wanted to hurt her more. “What…what do…?” Octavia stammered, but Vinyl jumped on her words. “Don’t give me that crap!” Vinyl bit her lip so hard that she felt it split and blood began to trickle down her chin. “If I’m so important to you, why are you keeping secrets from me?” Octavia looked a knife had just been thrust into her chest at the question, and again, a primal part of Unicorn relished the agony, but it still wasn’t enough. She needed more. Octavia chewed on her lip for a moment and then forced a weak smile. “Vinyl, please. I…I am not keeping any secrets from you. You are my marefriend.” Vinyl threw her hooves up in the air. “Hilarious! So I take it I’ve just been imagining all the times you’ve been hiding something? Back at the Crystal Empire when the guards showed up. You sure didn’t seemed shocked that the entire army was ready to murder us. Or how about when you left me at the city gates to go do…whatever it was you did.” “That was…a private matter.” Octavia took a small step back. Vinyl pressed forward. The knife was in now, but she wanted to drive it deeper. She needed to. “Riiight. Private,” she mocked. “So private that Princess Luna knows about it?” Octavia’s eyes widened in horror. “She…she told you?” “Told me what?” Vinyl yelled, the blood flying from her mouth as she spit the words. “All she did was make me feel like an idiot. Something you’ve been excelling at lately, by the way. Every pony we’ve come across seems to be in on the joke, and somehow I feel like I’m the butt of it. Even freaking Glint, a pony we just met yesterday, knows whatever it is you’re hiding.” “He doesn’t—” “Oh really? ‘Look around you! You know what this means!’” Vinyl said, mocking Glint’s voice as she rolled her eyes and then narrowed them at Octavia. “Sound familiar?” “He was talking about the crystals!” Octavia shouted back. “He is a Crystal pony. He is well aware of what these rocks and bodies mean for the Empire.” “Then why the buck do YOU know what they mean too? And don’t tell me you don’t, because I saw you. I saw how you looked when I found that pony’s head.” Octavia’s eyes went as wide as Vinyl had ever seen them. Her mouth opened for a moment, but then she covered it with her hoof. She simply stared at Vinyl in silence, her eyes looking like they wanted to jump out of her skull. She took several steps back, her eyes never breaking contact with Vinyl’s. Finally, she closed them and took several deep breaths before opening them again. “Vinyl, can we go? Please?” she asked, blinking her eyes several times. Pain was building in her eyes. “Buck you,” Vinyl said, twisting the knife. It felt good making Octavia hurt like this. “If you want to keep your secrets and play your games, fine. But I won’t. I promised you I’d get that stupid bow back, and I will. But after that, I never want to see you again.” She turned and began marching through the snow, her eyes blurry with tears as she tried to focus on the two sets of hoofprints before her. Part of her was disgusted with how much pleasure she was getting from raking the cellist across the coals so violently, but the rest of her didn’t care. “No!” Vinyl felt a hoof on her shoulder and she stopped, allowing Octavia to slowly turn her around. “Please! Please, do not leave me. We can go back home and forget all this. Forget about that bow. We can…we can go clubbing. We will go to that nightclub you like in Manehattan. I…I will let you play your music as loud as you want.” Tears were streaming from her purple eyes and Vinyl’s fury swam in them. “We can…” “What?” Vinyl scoffed. She couldn’t help but notice that nowhere had Octavia offered to tell her what she was hiding. “We can…call Spitfire. You…you can have both of us at once. You would like that, right? I mean, I know you think she is—” Vinyl moved before she even knew what was happening. A roar escaped her throat. It was so loud and primal that she wasn’t even sure it was hers until she felt her throat go raw from the rush of rage. Her foreleg came up and slammed into Octavia’s face, sending the cellist crashing to the snow-covered ground. Pain erupted in her hoof from the blow, but she didn’t care. She jumped forward, raising her hoof to bring it down on the cellist’s face a second time. Octavia believed it! She believed everything that mare had said! BITCH! Octavia reacted instantly. She brought her hind legs in and slammed them into Vinyl’s stomach. The Unicorn coughed as the wind was knocked out of her, and suddenly she found herself flying through the air as the Earth pony flipped her. She slammed into the snow. Her pack and tent scattered across the snow and she lay there for a moment, her wrath cooled but certainly not calmed, and tried to catch her breath. “I…I knew it,” she laughed as she struggled to stand. Her stomach felt like it had been split in half. Celestia, she knew Earth ponies were strong, and she had seen Octavia take out an entire gang, but she had no idea that she could hit so hard. “You…you agree with her.” Tears fell from her eyes and splashed against the inside of her goggles as she tried to raise her head. “What are you talking about?” Octavia demanded. She looked horrified by what she had done, but she made no move to help Vinyl stand. “Your mother!” Vinyl lunged forward, trying once again to land a punch on Octavia. The cellist simply stepped to the side and tripped Vinyl, causing her to face-plant into the snow a second time. “What does my mother have to do with anything?” Octavia asked, but Vinyl could hear the fear in her voice. The Unicorn had found another her opening to stick a knife in, and she was going to exploit it. “I heard your little conversation,” Vinyl said as she slowly picked herself up. “I was in the hallway, and I heard it all. Your mother thinks I’m trash. And you know what? I am. Compared to you, to her, to all those fancy ponies in Canterlot, I’m probably nothing but something you’d scrape off the bottom of your hoof. And I’m fine with that. I don’t need them, and I sure as buck don’t need their damn approval. But you…I thought you were different.” “Vinyl…I…” “But you’re not, are you? Did you come to my rescue? Did you tell her she was wrong? Did you say anything? NO!” Vinyl was furious with herself when she realized tears were filling her eyes. “You really think the only reason I stay with you is because I like screwing a high-class pony?” “Vinyl, I did not—” Vinyl shook her head and laughed. Her stomach ached, her hoof was throbbing, and her body felt like it was slowly turning to ice, but her anger burned hotter than Luna’s stars. “Well, you’re right. It wasn’t the fact that I felt like I could be myself around you. It wasn’t the way you fell asleep in my hooves while writing music. And it certainly wasn’t the damn bucking fact that you wanted to be with me in spite off all of the scandal and shame it brought you. No, the only reason I wanted to be with you was because you could eat this” Vinyl stood on her hind legs for a moment and gestured between her thighs “soooo much better than Spitfire!” Tears streamed from Octavia’s eyes, and for a brief moment Vinyl wondered if she had gone too far, but she squashed the thought with as much force and anger as when she had punched the cellist. She felt great! Seeing the cellist completely broken down in front of her was cathartic, but it still wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted the pony to break down so completely that she was sobbing in the snow on her knees. And so Vinyl pushed even harder. “Well Spitfire’s not half bad, let me tell you. And she can go a lot longer than you. And the things she can do with those wings? Celestia, you can only imagine it. All you have are your hooves and a tongue. And honestly, you’re not even that good with either. I have to do all the work.” “You…You…” Octavia swallowed several times “You don’t mean that.” “Well, your mother thinks so, you clearly do, so I guess I do too.” Somewhere in the back of Vinyl’s mind, she realized that Octavia had used a contraction in her speech, but she didn’t care. “Every. Bucking. Word.” “Liar!” Before Vinyl knew what was happening, Octavia was in front of her. The mare’s hoof slammed into Vinyl’s chest. She crumpled forward, but a moment later Octavia’s other hoof slammed into her chin, launching her into the air. She landed on her back, hard, and stared up at the storm clouds. A moment later, Octavia was standing over her. Tears flowed from her eyes and fell down onto Vinyl’s face, but the Unicorn felt no sympathy. She simply glared up at the grey face and purple eyes, coughing occasionally, and allowing the pain to focus her mind. “You…don’t mean it…” Octavia whimpered, wiping her eyes over and over and sniffling as she towered over Vinyl. “You…can’t mean it. You just…can’t…” “Bitch,” Vinyl said. She spat up at the Earth pony and took a sick pleasure when it landed on the mare’s cheek. “I meant every word. You don’t care about me. You keep secrets, you pushed me away, you—” “I NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO THIS!” Octavia shouted. Spit, snot, and tears fell onto the Unicorn’s face as the words came out. “I didn’t ask you to get the bow back! I didn’t ask you to go on this stupid quest. I didn’t ask you to leave me with only a stupid promise that you’d get it back!” “Tch.” Vinyl rolled her eyes. She could tell that she had stuck the knife in too deep, and twisted it more than enough, but it still seemed like it wasn’t enough. All she wanted to do was hurt Octavia as much as she could. She was relishing the pain in those purple eyes. “Bullshit. You cut me out of your life the night that thief broke in. You put a wall between us that’s thicker than when we first met. You let your mother say—” “I didn’t want you to find out!” Octavia pleaded, her eyes desperate. “I didn’t want you to leave me!” “Find out what?” Vinyl demanded. She tried to get up, but Octavia pinned her shoulders in the snow. “Celestia, Octavia! I thought you trusted me! I thought you loved me! But you’re still playing you bucking games! What in Equestria could you possibly tell me that would make me leave you, you stuck up, snobby, prudish, bucking Canterlot bitch?” Octavia stared down at Vinyl for a long time. The tears never stopped, and her nose continued to run, ruining her beautiful face. Her lips quivered constantly and her eyes were that of a lost filly too frightened to move. Her mane hung around her head in a ragged mess and her breaths came in hurried, shallow gasps. Eventually, she lowered her head until her forehead was resting on Vinyl’s chest. For another lifetime, she said nothing, simply sobbing silently into Vinyl’s fur, until finally, she spoke in a voice so quiet that Vinyl had to strain to hear her. “Don’t you get it? Don’t you see it every time you look at me? My mane, my coat? My eyes?” Vinyl simply blinked and remained silent. Her fury had left her, and now she felt like she was on the edge of a knife. “Sombra,” Octavia whispered. “I am a descendant of King Sombra.” > Prisoner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Don’t mistake my actions. I’m not doing this out of love. I’m doing this for myself. The Princesses are coming, and I will not yield. If the worse should pass, I will bring them down with me. But my line, my legacy, shall not end. Your job is to protect my seed. Love has nothing to do it. Now go!” —King Sombra, before the Crystal Empire vanished Lyra Heartstrings had a strange, and some ponies would say unhealthy, obsession with creatures called humans. She had books filled with stories about them. She had spent years gathering every scrap of information she could on them. She was basically a certified expert on creatures that didn’t exist. One thing that she always harped on was the thing a human had at the end of its arm. It was apparently a complex structure of bone, tissue, nerves, and muscle that fanned out into five long digits called fingers. It was called a hand, and humans used them for everything, according to Lyra. They used to them to write letters, they used them to carry objects, they used them make music, and they used them to grab things. Now, as Octavia lay on top of Vinyl’s soft chest, she desperately wished that she had those strange appendages. She wanted to run her fingers through the plush white fur. She wanted to feel it between her fingers. She wanted to grab handfuls of it and hold on as tight as she could. She wanted to grasp Vinyl with all her might and never let her go, because she felt like the Unicorn was slipping away from her. But the cellist didn’t have hands. All she could manage was to stroke Vinyl’s chest with her hoof while she buried her face in the mare’s chest. The tears wouldn’t stop, no matter how hard she tried. Vinyl’s words cut into her again and again, tearing her heart to shreds with every breath she took. It hurt in ways that Octavia had not realized were possible, and as she lay there, pinning the love of her life to the snow, she wondered if she would ever be able to stop crying. Vinyl knew the truth. Octavia could not bring herself to raise her head. In her mind, all she could see was the look of loathing on the Unicorn’s face. She feared that if she looked up, she would see nothing but those beautiful red eyes staring back at her, filled with hate. Octavia’s family was filled with stallions leaving her family once they had found out her lineage. Her grandfather had left her grandmother shortly after her mother had been born. When her mother had been born, her mane had been jet black, her coat the color of soot, and her eyes were a dark shade of violet. She had looked exactly like her mother, with no trace of her father’s traits. Octavia’s grandfather had demanded the truth, had demanded to know why his daughter looked nothing like him, and when he had heard it, he had left. As far as Octavia knew, only her father had stayed after finding out. Out of all the generations since Sombra, only one pony had willingly stayed with his descendants. Octavia had always hoped that Vinyl would be the second. The D.J. was so wild, so free, so unlike any other pony Octavia had ever met, that she knew that something like ancient relations would not bother her. Vinyl lived in the present, as hard and as loud as she could, with little concern about things written in scrolls and covered in dust. But Octavia knew now that she had never really believed that. She had never believed in Vinyl. She had let the fear and shame consume her, just as it had every other mare before her. When the moment had come, instead of trusting the mare that she loved, she had doubted her. She had doubted Vinyl’s feelings and her character. A new wave of anguish washed over the pony. She shook as she stayed on Vinyl, too terrified to move. She could not live without Vinyl. The thought of it was too dark. She had experienced that life for a few weeks before, and it had nearly destroyed her. If Vinyl left her for good, she did not know what she— “Octavia?” Vinyl whispered, her voice quiet. Octavia froze. The tears stopped flowing, but she could still feel them building in her eyes. She began to raise her head, her eyes slowly looking up Vinyl’s chest, then her neck, then her chin, then her lips— Pain rocked Octavia’s body. Her left side felt as if a full-grown stallion had kicked her as hard as he could. She found herself airborne for a moment, but just as that thought crystalized, she slammed into the ground and skidded through the snow. She rolled several times and then came to a stop, her body aching and her mind struggling to stay awake. “OCTAVIA!” The cellist heard Vinyl’s scream, but it sounded so far away. She groaned and opened her eyes, shocked at how far she had been thrown. Vinyl was several meters away, scrambling to her hooves. As she stood, she yanked the sword Shining Armor had given her out of its sheathe. So this was the end. Vinyl had attacked her, and now she was going to finish her off. Octavia closed her eyes and let her head rest in the snow. It was for the best, no doubt. She did not want to live in the world if Vinyl hated her. She closed her eyes and waited for the Unicorn to come finish her off. To Octavia’s surprise, the sound of approaching hoofsteps did not come from Vinyl’s direction, but rather off to the side. Confused, and still in pain from the attack, she remained still with her eyes closed. “I told you we need her alive!” an unfamiliar voice hissed. “Why?” another voice said, filled with contempt. “She’s an Earth pony.” “Because…Look, just hope that she’s not dead. Hurry up and grab her.” Octavia heard the sound of snow crunching as one of the ponies came closer. “What about the other one?” “What about her?” “She’s a Unicorn.” “Oh, right. I’m sure the others are taking care of her. Now hurry up.” Octavia heard, and felt, one of the mysterious figures kneel next to her. She snapped her eyes open then, and her gaze locked with a pair of blue eyes. “You will not touch her!” “What the—hey!” Octavia pushed the pain in her side away and reached out with her foreleg. She caught the strange pony’s hoof and pulled. He lost his balance for a second, but that was all Octavia needed. She rolled across her back and whipped her hind legs up into the air, and then used the momentum to bring them crashing down on the stallion’s back. He collapsed in the snow, and as a final measure, Octavia slammed her front hoof into his face. She then stood up, careful not to show any signs of the pain she was feeling, and faced the second pony. “Dammit!” the second pony said, and Octavia only had a split second to react as the dark violet mare fired a blast of magic at her. She ducked the beam and sprang forward. She tilted her shoulder forward a bit so that it slammed into the Unicorn and the two tumbled to the ground. Octavia made sure she stayed on top, and she immediately pressed her hoof down on the throat of the strange mare. “Who are you?” she demanded. The mare glared back up at her, but there was no fear in her eyes. The green pools that stared up at her will filled with contempt and no small amount of smugness. “Does it matter? I know who you are, Octavia.” Octavia’s blood ran cold at the mention of her name. “H…How…?” She eased the pressure on the mare’s throat a little as shock rocked her body. “Daughter of Sombra!” Octavia’s eyes went wide and she reeled back for a moment, but she instantly realized her mistake. She tried to pin the mare down again, but it was too late. The mare’s horn glowed with magic and the blast caught Octavia in the chest. She flew backward and slammed into the snow again, the wind once again knocked from her body. “I need some help over here!” the mare shouted. “This one’s still got some fight in her. Snow Walker is down!” Octavia shook her head to clear it and rose to her hooves again. She coughed and her insides exploded in pain. She covered her mouth with her hoof as something threatened to come up her throat. She forced it back down and looked at her attacker. Or rather, attackers. Five more ponies had appeared alongside the mare. Each one was clad in a dirty white cloak. Octavia was outnumbered. Worse, she quickly noticed that all six of the ponies facing her were Unicorns, and judging by the way they kept their various weapons away from their bodies, they were trained to fight. They weren’t like the thugs she had easily dispatched back in Hollow Shades. “You need help Ice Air?” one of the Unicorns asked, looking over at the mare that had attacked Octavia. “Why didn’t you just blow a hole through her chest like you usually do?” “Because I’m betting this one will fetch a nice ransom,” Ice Air replied, smilingly coolly at Octavia. “I mean, look at her. She practically bleeds stuck up.” “So…alive then?” another Unicorn asked. “Yes,” Ice Air replied. “Although, you’re going to have to get a bit rough with her, I think. She took out Snow Walker like he was nothing.” “Heh. I’m surprised an Earth pony would stoop to something so low,” another Unicorn mocked. “Where…is Vinyl?” Octavia panted. This was not good. Her body was in agony from the two magic blasts, but she had to stay awake. If these ponies had hurt Vinyl, then she would kill them. “Oh, don’t worry,” one of the Unicorns said in a mocking tone. “Your property will be fine. Assuming, of course, she surrenders.” Property? Octavia shook her head at the thought. It did not make sense, but that was not important. What was important was getting out of here, finding Vinyl, and going home. This ridiculous adventure of hers had gone on long enough. “Look, just lay down in the snow,” Ice Air said with a sneer. “It will be a lot easier on you, trust me. After all, ‘alive’ doesn’t mean ‘unharmed’ in my book.” Octavia bit her lip, hoping that the new pain would help her focus. This was very bad. None of these Unicorns had made the same mistake as the one that was collapsed in the snow behind her. They were keeping their distance, and while she knew she could close it in less than a second, and possibly even take out two, but she was going to be hard pressed to keep the rest of them at bay. This was a fight she could not win, but winning was not her goal. She needed to escape. She just needed to cause enough confusion to do that, perhaps slip back into the blizzard, and then if they came after her, she could take them on at her own pace. They would be just as blind as her, and that would render their magic moot. The cellist took a deep breath and slowly began to drag her front hoof through the snow. She moved slowly, hoping that the Unicorns would not notice the snow she was carefully gathering. She would only get one chance at this. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not going to work,” Ice Air said. Octavia decided that Ice Air would be her target. She took a deep breath and relaxed, readying her body to move. Apparently, the Unicorns took her action as a sign that she was giving up, because she saw them lower their guard slightly when she let out her breath. Your mistake, the Earth pony thought. In a flash, Octavia lunged forward. The snow slowed her down a bit, but she could tell that she would make it to Ice Air before the Unicorns had a chance to react. Just like other Unicorns, their reliance on their magic made them slower than an Earth pony when it came to physical feats. Ice Air’s eyes widened ever so slightly, and that was when Octavia struck. She flung the snow she had been gathering with her hoof, aiming the small ball right at the Unicorn’s eyes. It slammed into her and she let out a small yelp. Now is my— Octavia’s thought was cut short as she felt something close around her hind leg. Her face slammed into the snow inches away from Ice Air, and the pain that she had been managing to beat back returned with renewed fury. She coughed and hacked as she lay in the snow. Something swelled up her throat, and this time she was unable to keep it down. Blood and spit exploded from her mouth each time she coughed. “Told you it wouldn’t work,” Ice Air said as she leaned down. She put her lips next to Octavia’s ear and whispered, “Did you really think I’d let you get away after all this?” “What…what are you…?” Octavia whimpered, but the pain tearing through her body was making it impossible for her to finish the question. She struggled to turn her head until she was able to see what had caught her. She saw that her hind leg was encased magic, and to her shock, she saw that it was the Unicorn she had knocked out earlier that was holding her. “Bitch hits hard,” Snow Walker said as he limped over to rejoin the group. “Even for an Earth pony.” “Bet you I hit harder,” Ice Air replied. The remark was directed to Snow Walker, but the Unicorn kept her eyes locked on Octavia. “Let’s find out.” Before Octavia had a chance to so much as blink, Ice Air’s hoof came down on her face. There was a burning moment of pain, and then blackness. * * * Octavia groaned as her mind slowly swam out of the darkness. At first, all she felt was a dull ache everywhere. She felt like she had finished a marathon an hour ago, and her body was just now starting to recover. She tried to force herself back to sleep, to give herself a chance to rest, as adjusted her body. The movement sent pain racing through her entire frame and her purple eyes shot open in shock. Without thinking, she jumped up, but the strain on her muscles hurt even more. She tried to take a step forward, but something tripped her and she tumbled onto the blanket she had been resting on. “What in Equestria?” the mare muttered as she looked down at her legs. It hurt to turn her head, and one of her cheeks felt like she was carrying an apple in it, but the shock of what she saw numbed the pain for a moment. A pair of shackles was around her front legs and another pair was around her hind legs. They were bound together by a chain running under her stomach. Her first thought was that Vinyl had gotten a little too carried with the role playing, but the thought quickly left her mind as her memories came back. It is not a problem, she thought as she kept the pain of her injuries in the back of her mind. I can break them. She began to stretch her legs apart, keeping an eye on the chain running under her stomach. Pain raced through her body, but she forced it down. She had broken Vinyl’s shackles in Hollow Shades without a second thought, so these would not be a problem. “Knock it off!” Something smashed the back of Octavia’s neck and she collapsed again. She looked up, tears in her eyes from the stinging blow, to see a Unicorn in the familiar dirty white cloak standing over her. He sneered down at her. “Awake, huh? Good. Dragging your body through the snow is a lot of work. You can walk the rest of the way. And don’t bother trying to break those chains. Do you really think we’d be dumb enough to use regular ones on an Earth pony?” “Where am I?” Octavia asked, even as she looked around. She appeared to be in a cave, but that was all she could tell. “Like I’m going to tell you anything.” The stallion dropped a bowl of…something in front of her. Bits of it splashed onto her face while the majority of it spilled onto the floor. “Eat up. Ice Air wants to keep you alive for some reason.” Without another word, he turned and walked away. Octavia found the task of sitting up to be rather difficult, given the shackles. She looked down at the bowl of mush and decided that she was not terribly hungry, and pushed it aside. She slowly reached up and touched her swollen cheek, her shackles rattling as she did, and winched as she felt how tender the wound was. Ice Air had not held back apparently. The Earth pony looked over her body as she sat on the ratty blanket. The white coat Prince Shining Armor had loaned her was tattered now, and it had a rather large hole in the side. She assumed that was from where that first magic strike had hit her. The front of her coat was also scorched, no doubt from when Ice Air had blasted her in the chest. Octavia shuddered to think of what would have happened if these Unicorns had not held back. One of them had said that Ice Air made a habit of blowing holes through ponies’ chests… She pushed the thought aside. She needed to focus on escaping and finding Vinyl. These Unicorns were dangerous. Ice Air knew about her heritage, and that meant that what Octavia had feared since the start of this adventure was true. A small fire burning nearby in her cave. While she was in chains, she did not see any bars or anything resembling a cell. That was a good start. If her captors thought she was beat enough to leave her out in the open, that that was their mistake. She was certain they were still in the Frozen North, because even deep inside the cave and with the nearby fire, it was still terribly cold. The question was though, where exactly was she? She knew she was not at the old settlements, because even then, ponies still lived in buildings. She figured that she had to be close to them though, because there was no way any pony could survive for long in the Frozen North without supplies, and the cave appeared to be well stocked. There were crates against a far wall along with a pile of rags, and she was pretty sure she saw some torches burning further down the cave. Plus, the blanket she was resting on and the shackles holding her had to have come from somewhere. She doubted that her captors had just lucked out and found them here. And then there was the food. It was probably eatable, and as far as she knew, there was nothing that could grow out in the middle of the raging snowstorm. Which meant that they either had some sort of secret crop growing in this cave, or they had access to food from another place. The Earth pony began to go over her options. Her first priority was getting out of her bindings. The Unicorn had said that the chains were unbreakable, even for an Earth pony. Normally she would not believe such a statement, but something about these Unicorns was different. Everything they said to her had a contained fury to it, like their words were just barely holding back their wrath. Plus, with the way she was hurting, Octavia doubted she was in any shape to break the chains at the moment. So that meant she had to find the key. She knew these Unicorns were not foolish enough to leave them on the wall if she was not locked in a cell, which probably meant that one of them was carrying the key. She suspected that it was Ice Air. She seemed to be the pony that the others listened to. Octavia started to wonder how she could manage to get the key and escape when she heard hoofsteps echoing through the cave. She hunched over a little, both as a ploy to get whoever this was to lower their guard and because she was hurting, and perked her ears toward the sound. It sounded like at least three ponies were coming. Too many. I will have to wait. Octavia did her best to look broken and beaten as the hoofsteps drew near. If she could play the part well enough, then one of these Unicorns would slip up eventually, and that was when she would make her move. “She’s over here,” came an unfamiliar voice. “Figured you’d want to see her once she woke up.” “Thanks.” That voice Octavia recognized, and despite her intentions, she sat up a little straighter. A second later, three Unicorns walked into view. Two of them were wearing the same dirty white cloak that the stallion had been wearing, but the third one was wearing the same white winter coat she was wearing. “Vinyl!” Octavia said, her ears straightening and a smile coming to lips. “Thank Celestia you are okay. They did not—” “Shut up!” Vinyl reached out and slapped her hoof across Octavia’s cheek, making sure that she struck the swollen side of her face. The blow hurt so bad, in more ways than one, that she tumbled to the ground. She lay there, stunned, and looked up at her marefriend. “Vinyl?” she whispered. “Spare me you fake sympathy,” the D.J. spat. Octavia recoiled at each word, and as she stared up at the red eyes that used to make her heart race, all she saw was rage staring back at her. The gaze hurt so much that she had to close her eyes. “Easy there, babe,” one of the other Unicorns said as he reached out to put a hoof on Vinyl’s chest. “I’m sure she deserved that, and more, but don’t overdo it. When the time comes, you can kill her yourself.” Vinyl’s gaze shifted to the stallion for a split second, and then she nodded. “Good.” “Tch,” came a new voice, but it had not come from the Unicorns. Surprised, Octavia looked behind herself. “You got something to say, bitch?” said the third Unicorn as she stepped forward. She walked past Octavia, taking a second to kick her in the leg, and stopped in front of the pile of rags against the crates. “Speak up!” She kicked the pile of rags as hard as she could and, to Octavia’s surprise, a groan escaped them. “I was just saying that you’re going to pay for this.” Octavia watched as the pile of rags rolled over to reveal another pony. She was either a Pegasus or an Earth pony because she had no horn. “But if you let us go now, I might tell them to go easy on you, Crystal Glade—ooaf!” “You might?” Crystal Glade scoffed as she kicked the pony again and again. She laughed with each blow until she was winded, and then she just stood over the pony. “What makes you think you have any control here, you bitch? The only reason you’re still breathing is because we need a workhorse to drag our stuff around. But now that we have this one,” Crystal Glade gestured toward Octavia, “your future doesn’t seem so certain. So if I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut and pray that we still need you for something.” “You’re going to burn for this, Crystal,” the pony said with a harsh laugh. Crystal Glade kicked the pony one last time and spit on her, and then turned away. “Come on,” she said. “This place is starting to stink. Let’s go join the others. I bet Vinyl here is dying to join our little group.” Without another word, the three Unicorns turned and left the small cave. Octavia wanted to call out to Vinyl, but the flash of anger she had seen in her eyes gave her pause. “I’m going to kill that ungrateful little piece of trash,” the pony mumbled after a while. “You…you know them?” Octavia asked. She blinked and then then tried to raise her hoof to offer it, but was reminded of her shackles. “My apologies. My name is Octavia. I’m from—” “Does that really matter right now?” the pony growled. She walked forward until the firelight fell on her, and Octavia gasped. She was an Earth pony, but she looked horrible. Her face was bruised and covered in wounds, some of them recent. One of her ears looked like it had been ripped off near the top, and her purple mane was nothing short of a hack job. Chunks of it were missing, while other parts of it had grown too long and appeared to have been trimmed with a sharp rock. Her coat, which Octavia assumed was originally a lovely shade of emerald, was scuffed and matted so badly that it looked like she had been dragged through the mud. Judging by the way Crystal Glade had beat her, Octavia would not be surprised if they had dragged this poor soul through the mud just for fun. “I saw what you were doing,” the pony said as she sat down at the fire across from Octavia. Her blue eyes were hard, and without a word she pulled the food bowl over and began eating its contents. “You’re looking for a way out.” “I have no intention of staying here,” Octavia replied. Her companion was devouring the mush in the bowl like she had not eaten in weeks. What could make any pony treat another pony, or anything else, in such a way? “I must get Vinyl back and—” The pony laughed, food spitting from her mouth into the fire. “That white Unicorn? Are you serious? You really think she’s going to want to go back with you?” “Yes…?” Octavia replied, although she had to admit that she was not entirely sure of that now. Her face was still burning from where Vinyl had hit her. “And you’d take her back? After all this?” The mare raised her hooves to show that she too was in shackles. “She must be pretty damn valuable.” Octavia lowered her eyes and stared into the fire. “Very much.” “Whatever.” The Earth pony finished the bowl and tossed it aside. “You want to waste your chance at escape trying to get that Unicorn back, go ahead. I’m not going to help. However, if you want to get out of here, then we have to work together on that part at least. I’ve been waiting for them to capture somepony else, and now’s our best chance.” “Agreed.” Octavia raised her hooves. “First, we must get these off. Do you know who has the key?” “Don’t know his name.” “What does he look like?” “He’s a Unicorn.” Octavia stifled a sigh. She gathered her patience and opened her mouth to speak again, but she heard the sound of more hoofsteps coming. Two more Unicorns walked into the small cave, and Octavia immediately recognized Ice Air. The Unicorn walked straight up to her, a sneer pasted on her face, and stood in front of the cellist. Then, without warning, she fired a blast of magic and hit Octavia in the chest and knocked her to the floor. “Get up,” Ice Air said. She looked over at her companion and nodded toward the other Earth Pony. “We’re moving to another camp.” “I haven’t heard anything about that,” the other Unicorn said as he moved forward. Ice Air’s face twisted for a split second. “Well, we are! Now hurry up and bring her.” Octavia watched everything carefully from the floor, mainly because she was in pain and but also because Ice Air was acting rather strange. Was she trying to hide Octavia’s real identity? Octavia’s eyes widened when the stallion used his magic to pull out a key. He kept his head turned toward Ice Air, but he moved the key down toward the chain that connected Octavia’s front and back shackles. He slid the key in the lock and turned it. Ice Air realized the mistake a second too late. “Stop, you idiot! Keep your distance from her!” Octavia was too fast though. As soon as the lock came off, she jumped into the air and kicked her hind legs forward. The sudden movement felt like it had torn every muscle in her body, but her hooves slammed into the stallion full force and sent him crashing backward. Ice Air readied her magic, but the stallion stumbled into her and broke her concentration. Octavia moved like grey lightning, fighting through the blinding pain every second. Before Ice Air or the other Unicorn even had a chance to begin untangling themselves, she was on them. She put her chained forelegs behind the stallion’s neck and pulled. As she did, she slammed her forehead forward and caught the stallion in a crushing headbutt. The sound of the impact made her sick and she felt dizzy, but she did not let up. She swung her forelegs to the side as hard as she could, using the chain to drag the stunned Unicorn with her. She spun once to get enough momentum and then pulled her forelegs up. The stallion flew to the side, and Octavia hoped she had angled the throw well enough that he would land near the fellow prisoner. With him out of the way, she turned her attention to Ice Air. The dark purple mare was readying a spell, but Octavia could see in her green eyes that she knew she would not make it. The cellist pounced on her, pressing the chain down on her throat. A dark part of Octavia’s mind wanted to keep pressing, wanted to see the life slowly drain out of the Unicorn’s eyes, but she fought the urge back. Ice Air knew more than she had let on. The fact that she seemed to be acting in secret only solidified Octavia’s belief in that. Instead, she jumped her hind legs into the air—making her chain press down even harder on the throat for a second—and then brought them down on Ice Air’s stomach. The Unicorn’s eyes looked like they were about to explode out of her head from the blow. “Get up!” Octavia ordered. When Ice Air did not move, the Earth pony put the chain behind Ice Air’s head and yanked her up. The two mares stood on their hind legs like dance partners, Octavia’s forelegs resting on Ice Air’s shoulders because she was in so much pain, but there was no sense of attraction between the two. “You think you can—” Ice Air started. “I can snap you neck,” Octavia countered darkly as she moved her forelegs closer and cradled Ice Air’s head. The Unicorn swallowed and remained silent. Octavia spun Ice Air around so that the Unicorn’s back was to her and then pulled the chain back like a rein across the Unicor’s neck. Ice Air’s body pressed against Octavia’s and the cellist leaned forward to whisper in the Unicorn’s ear. “Now, you are going to stay perfectly still. If you choose to try anything, from moving to the slightest hint of magic, I will pull back on this chain so hard that it will crush your windpipe in an instant. Do you understand?” Ice Air nodded ever so slightly. Octavia could feel her quivering against her. the arrogance she had been displaying before was nowhere to be found now. “Good. Now, your companion over there is going to unlock the rest of my bonds, and then he’s going to—” “I’m afraid that bastard won’t be doing any of that,” interrupted the other Earth pony. “What?” Octavia looked over and her heart sank. Her fellow prisoner had wrapped her shackles around the stallion’s neck. She was pulling as hard as she could, even though it was obvious that the effort was no longer needed. The Earth pony gave one final tug and the cave filled with a sickening pop, and then she let the stallion fall to the floor. “Now, where’s that key?” “Why did you do that?” Octavia asked as she stared at the body. “Honestly, I don’t know why you haven’t done it yet,” the Earth pony replied as she searched the floor. “Do you have any idea how long these filthy creatures have kept me chained up like this? How long they’ve beaten me? How many times this bastard,” she kicked the corpse as hard as she could with her hind legs and Octavia flinched as it flopped across the floor, “and all the others decided I was just free game?” “You deserved every—” Ice Air started again, but Octavia pulled the chain tight to silence her. It was not just because she did not want to hear what the Unicorn was going to say, but also to protect her. Judging by the look that the Earth pony was giving Ice Air, Octavia suspected that she would not hesitate to beat the Unicorn to death. “Found it,” the Earth pony said. “Hey, freak. Use your magic and unlock these chains. And if she tries anything besides what I told her, you—” “I will,” Octavia said, although she was not entirely sure she could do it. Ice Air was literally shaking against her now, and Octavia could smell the sweat running down her neck. “Just do it,” she whispered to Ice Air, trying to show a small hint of compassion. Ice Air’s horn began to glow as she raised the key. She used it to unlock the other Earth pony’s shackles, and then she unlocked the ones around Octavia’s hind legs. She moved the key up to the ones around Octavia’s forelegs, but Octavia stopped her. “Leave those for now,” she said. “I need you close.” “I-I can’t walk like this,” Ice Air pleaded. “Then I advise you to learn fast,” Octavia said. She gently prodded Ice Air forward. “Start walking.” “Hold it,” the Earth pony said. She stepped in front of Octavia and Ice Air and looked at them. “Need to take care of something first.” “We do not have time!” Octavia protested. “I have to find Vinyl and then we have to—” “It will only take a second.” The Earth pony turned and took a step toward the exit. For a second, Octavia could not figure out what she was doing, but then the cellist saw that pony’s muscles tense. “NO!” Octavia tried to jump back, but holding Ice Air, and her own injuries, slowed her down. She pulled as hard as she could, but the back kick still caught Ice Air full in the chest. Her body slammed into Octavia and the cellist could tell that the blow had been meant to kill the Unicorn. The two ponies fell backward and Octavia did her best to catch Ice Air. The cellist landed hard on her back, gasping in pain as a rock dug into her flesh, and a second later the wind was knocked out of her as Ice Air collapsed on top of her. Horrified, Octavia rolled her off and checked so any sign of life as blood trickled out of the Unicorn’s mouth. She thought she saw the Unicorn’s chest move, but she could not be sure. “Why did you do that?” Octavia demanded as she rounded on the other pony. Ice Air had seemed to know what was going on, and would have probably been an excellent source of information. “What’s wrong with you? She’s just a Unicorn. And a rebel on top of that.” The Earth pony’s eyes widened as if she suddenly understood something. “Oh, I get it. You’re one of those, aren’t you? Huh. I thought we wiped all you sympathizers out, but I guess not.” “What in Equestria are you talking about?” The Earth pony raised an eyebrow. “Equestria?” Octavia shook her head. “It does not matter. We need to get out of here and then—” “Whoa there, girl.” The Earth pony walked over and stood over Octavia. “What makes you think I’m going anywhere with you? For all I know, you might be with them.” “Are you insane?” Octavia asked. She could not believe what she was hearing. Did this pony honestly believe that Octavia was working with her captors? “And even if you’re not, you’ll only slow me down,” the pony continued as she leaned in closer. “I saw the look in your eyes. You don’t have what it takes to get out of here. And since I can’t risk leaving you here because you might tell them where I went, well…” The Earth pony reached out and began to put her hoof on Octavia’s throat. “I’ve been their prisoner for who knows how long now, and I’m not going to risk my one chance at escape because of you.” “You are no better than your captors!” Octavia said. She whipped her forelegs up, catching the Earth pony’s extended hoof with the chain. She yanked, causing the mare to lose her balance, and as she fell forward, Octavia’s hind legs came up hard into her stomach. She launched the Earth pony backward and then flipped up onto her hooves. “You’re comparing me to them? THEM?!” the Earth pony shouted as she got back up. “They’re monsters! They’re nothing more than tools, and they dare to raise their magic against our kind!” The mare charged forward, a blind rage burning in her eyes. “We give them shelter. We give them food. We give them a purpose! All we do is give, and these freaks still think they’re entitled to more!” Octavia did not understand what the mare was talking about, but she realized she did not have time to concern herself with the mad ravings. This mare had made it clear that taking a life was second nature to her, and Octavia knew that this mare would kill her without hesitation. The Earth pony lunged forward, throwing a punch with her front hoof. Octavia whipped her forelegs up and caught the blow with her chain. She twisted her forelegs so that the chain wrapped around the mare’s hoof and rolled to the side. Her attacker crashed onto the floor as she did. “Stop this!” Octavia pleaded as she stood up, her body screaming in agony. The adrenaline that had been pumping through her during her escape was wearing off now, and all of her injuries were making themselves painfully known again. “We do not have time for this! Please! We can still escape this place.” The mare picked herself up and glared at Octavia. “Why? So you can turn me back over to them? I saw the way you looked at me when I killed those two. You’re with them. I WON’T GO BACK TO BEING THEIR SLAVE!” The mad pony charged again, and Octavia readied herself, but her injuries flared up as she shifted her stance. Pain shot through her foreleg and she crumbled forward at the worst possible moment. She instantly realized that she had missed her chance to counter the charge, and all she could do was close her eyes and brace for the blow that was no doubt coming. However, her attacker had been ready for Octavia’s counter, and when it didn’t come, her own timing was thrown off. Her charge faltered for a second. She tried to keep her momentum going, her legs got tangled from the sudden shift in speed, so instead of a full tackle, all she ended up doing was barreling into Octavia like a drunk. The two ponies rolled across the cave floor, doing little more than slapping each other as they attempted to free themselves. The mare tried to pull away from Octavia, but the cellist whipped her shackles around the mare’s neck and pulled her back into the scuffle. When Octavia managed to get on top, she tried to escape but the mare caught her black mane with her teeth and yanked the grey pony back down. The two mares did not stop struggling until they crashed into a wall. They had managed to fight all the way out into the tunnel in the cave, something Octavia had not wanted to do. Somehow, she found herself on top of the heap. Her body felt like a buffalo had dragged it in three different directions, and it was all she could do to keep her head up. “Who’s there?” a voice called, and Octavia could not help but look, not because she was startled, but because she thought she recognized the voice. Down one end of the hallway, she spied two ponies in the familiar white hooded cloaks that Ice Air and the others had been wearing. “There she is!” one of the ponies shouted. “Octavia!” the other pony shouted, and the cellist’s blood ran cold. Ice Air had known who she was, and while her companions didn’t seem to know her, these two clearly did. Where these two ponies also in on whatever Ice Air had been planning? Octavia’s face erupted in a blinding flash of pain as the Earth pony beneath her threw a punch. Her hoof connected solidly with Octavia’s already bruised cheek and the mare stumbled back. Once again, the shackles around her forelegs proved to be her undoing and she landed hard on the cave floor. “Stay with these freaks if you want,” the mare said as she picked herself up. “I’m getting the buck out of here!” She took off running, her hoofsteps echoing throughout the cave. “The prisoners have escaped!” a new voice shouted. Octavia raised her head, her vision still spinning from the blow, and saw several more ponies come rushing down the cave’s passage. The first white-cloaked ponies froze for a second as two of their companions ran past them, and then they joined the pursuit. “Keep her down!” the lead pony ordered as he sprinted past Octavia. Two more ponies ran past her, and then the two that had first appeared stopped in front of her. She was too tired to raise her head to look them in the eyes, so she just lay on the cold stone ground. “She looks terrible,” one of the ponies whispered. “What the hay are you two doing?!” a new voice demanded. “Secure her before she causes any more problems. She beat the snot out of Snow Walker, so you know she’s dangerous!” “Uh, right. Sorry about this, Octavia.” There was a flash of light, a second of unbelievable pain, and then darkness. * * * Once again, Octavia found her mind slowly swimming back to consciousness. A small part of her brain, the part that had been corrupted by Vinyl’s sense of humor, worried that this was becoming a habit, but the rest of her brain was too busy to notice. The first real thought she had was the pain in her cheek. Her tongue immediately shot to the side of her mouth and pressed the side. It felt like she had a bowling ball implanted in her face. Her tongue instantly pulled back and the pain dulled, but it was still enough for her to open her eyes, albeit slowly and painfully. Octavia found herself in a cave again, only this time it was much larger. It was also much more comforting than the little one she had woken up in. There was a long table lined with candles, and several places were set at it. A dozen Unicorns were sitting at the table, but all of their heads were turned away from her. They were all looking toward one end of the cave. Curious, she slowly turned her head in the same direction, fighting her aching muscles every second. There appeared to be some sort of gathering to her left. While a lot of Unicorns were sitting at the table, a few of them were gathered at the far end. They appeared to be on some sort of stage, and a yellow one with a muddy brown mane was walking back and forth, posturing and talking to those assembled. Octavia blinked a few times and strained her ears, trying to hear what was being said. “And so,” the speaker said in a smug voice. Octavia recognized it as Crystal Glade’s, and as her eyes came into focus, she recognized the Unicorn as well. She was standing at the front of the stage, her chest puffed out and a wicked smile on her face. “For the crime of murdering one of our own, harassment, slavery, and just being a general bitch!” Crystal Glade spun around on stage and struck a pony standing behind her. Octavia had a sinking feeling that she knew who it was. “I hereby sentence her to death! Objections?” There was a loud cheer as the Unicorns in the room stomped their hooves. “No!” a single voice shouted. Crystal Glade smirked and stepped aside and Octavia’s heart sank. On the stage was the Earth pony who had been imprisoned with her. Her face was swollen from what must have been a savage beating. Fresh wounds covered her back and neck, and judging by the angle of her leg, it appeared to be broken. “No objections then,” Crystal Glade said, completely ignoring the pony’s pleas. “Bring forth the prisoner!” Two Unicorns shoved the Earth pony forward. Her broken leg gave out and she crashed onto the floor. She screamed in agony, but that just caused the crowd to laugh. Crystal Glade wrapped her magic around the Earth pony’s throat and left her up. Judging by the bulging eyes, Octavia could tell that the Earth pony was being choked. She tried desperately to paw at the magic, but all four of her legs were chained to a heavy weight that still sat on the stage. “Any last words?” Crystal Glade asked loud enough for the rest of the crowd to hear. The Earth pony looked liked she was trying to say something, but Crystal Glade’s magic tightened. “I’m sorry, could you speak up?” she asked and the entire crowd burst into laughter. “Stop,” Octavia cried, but her voice came out as a cracked whisper. Crystal Glade dropped the Earth pony like a sack and she crashed onto the floor, letting out another agonizing scream. “Not so high and mighty now, are you?” she asked. The Earth pony let out a short laugh. “You…you have no idea…what you’re doing,” she said. It looked like every word caused her pain, but she did not care. “You’re all…going to burn for this. When I get out of here, I’m going to see to it that each and everyone one of you are—” Crystal Glade’s eyes flashed with anger. She yanked the Unicorn up with her magic and without hesitating, drove her horn as deep as it would go into the Earth pony’s neck. The Earth pony’s eyes went wide and once again, she tried to get to her throat, but her shackles prevented it. Fear flooded her face and blood began to run down her body. It coated her once emerald coat and began to drip from her body as it pooled on the floor. She made a horrifying gurgling sound for a few moments and kicked her legs frantically, but slowly, the sound faded and her legs went still. The life left her eyes after what seemed like an eternity, and eventually she simply hung there. “I will never listen to you again!” Crystal Glade said, and Octavia shuddered from the pure hatred that filled the Unicorn’s voice. The Unicorn shook her head once, jiggling the corpse on her horn, and then whipped her head to the side. The body pulled off of the horn, leaving a trail of blood in the air for a second, and slammed against the ground. I…never even learned her name, Octavia thought as she stared at the body. While the mare had tried to kill her, and she certainly felt no friendship for her, Octavia still pitied her. No pony should die in such a horrible way, tossed aside like trash. “That felt great!” Crystal Glade shouted as she turned around. Her horn and face were coated in blood. Her eyes were wide with insanity and she smeared the red liquid on her cheeks. After she finished, she raised her blood-coated hoof in the air and cheered. The other Unicorns did the same as the blood dripped from her face, horn, and hoof. “Victory will be ours!” she shouted. Octavia tried to back up, but she found that her hooves would not move. She looked down and saw that she was chained up the same as before. “Now, bring forth the second prisoner!” Crystal Glad shouted, and another cheer erupted from the crowd. Then, as one, every Unicorn turned and looked directly at the cellist. Octavia’s blood ran cold. Once again she tried to back up, but this time she felt two sets of hooves stop her. She whipped her head around, a movement that caused her no end of pain, and saw that two Unicorns were standing behind her. They were both dressed in the familiar hooded cloak that all of them seemed to favor, but unlike the two that she had spied in the hallway, these two had their hoods down. And the grins they were giving Octavia terrified her as they pushed, and then started to drag, her forward to the stage. She tried to struggled, but the weight of her shackles, the two Unicorns carrying her, and her own injuries made the effort almost impossible. As they dragged her up onto the stage, all she could do was stare at the body of the Earth pony who had just been brutally executed. Vinyl! she thought desperately. Her guards brought her to the front of the stage and dropped her. I have to find Vinyl! She collapsed and fell face first onto the stage. Her face landed in something wet, and as she pulled away, she realized it was blood. Vinyl will save me! “Ah, here she is,” Crystal Glade said to the crowd. Octavia felt her mane being twisted into a clump and then she was yanked up by it. The pain made her gasp. “She looks like she used to be a beauty. Right, boys?” Several cheers erupted from the crowd, but Octavia ignored them. Her amethyst eyes were frantically searching the crowd for the white Unicorn. A part of her brain was mocking her, reminding her that Vinyl hated her, and rightly so, but she dared not listen to it. If she did, she knew she would break down in despair. Crystal Glade shook Octavia’s mane once. “Not so much anymore though. I imagine that coat you’re wearing is probably worth more than you are now, huh? I wonder, where did you get it? Did you have your slaves make it for you? How many of them died hunting down the creatures it’s made out of? Did you even care? Did you even notice they were gone?” “V…Vinyl…” Octavia pleaded as Crystal Glade continued to shake her. “Oh, her?” Crystal Glade asked with mock sympathy. She let go of Octavia’s mane and the cellist thudded onto the stage. “Well, I guess we can skip the trial. Ice Air might have wanted you alive, but, well…” Crystal Glade shrugged. “Come on up here!” Cheers erupted and Octavia raised her head. On the far side of the stage, a new pony was walking up. The cellist’s blood froze as she recognized the familiar white coat and blue mane. “No…” she whispered as Vinyl walked up and stood over her. “Vinyl…?” “Vinyl, we don’t know what this…creature did to you, but we all have our own examples,” Crystal Glade said. “As such, I’m sure you’d enjoy this more than anypony else.” Crystal Glade used her magic and floated Vinyl’s sword over to her. “You’re right,” Vinyl said in a flat voice. She grabbed the sword that Shining Armor had given her with her magic and pulled it from its scabbard. She looked down at Octavia once with her red eyes, and then raised the blade above her head. “Vinyl?” Octavia whimpered, tears streaming down her face. “Vinyl, please…” Octavia had fought with the voice in her head ever since Vinyl and her had fought out on the snow. She had denied it over and over, telling it and herself that Vinyl did not really hate her. That the Unicorn could never truly hate her. That Vinyl and her were different and that they would stay together no matter what. As Vinyl brought the sword down, her red eyes burning with rage, Octavia realized with crushing despair that she had been wrong. So very wrong. > Escaping into Myth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Of course you don’t understand. I barely understand. But I know this much. It works. We work. And it’s not just because she’s smoking hot. Believe me, that’s a huge plus, but there’s more to it than that. I…just have trouble putting it into words.” —Vinyl Scratch, when asked about Octavia The two purple eyes looking up at Vinyl disgusted her. Her fur bristled at the sight of them and they only served to fuel the simmering fury that was rumbling inside her chest. She felt sick, sicker than she had ever been in her whole life, as she locked her own eyes with them. The rage in the Unicorn threatened the very core of her being as she walked up on the stage. She could barely contain it as she used her magic to pull out the sword that was being offered to her, never once breaking eye contact with the two purple pools. She felt her own eyes twitch and her entire face slowly contorting into a mask of barely controlled madness as she raised the sword high into the air. You…You bitch! Vinyl brought the sword down as hard as she could, putting all of her anger and hurt into the strike. She screamed, both from anguish and frustration, as the blade found its mark and cleaved it in two. For a brief moment, the entire world seemed to stop. Vinyl’s gaze never faltered from Octavia’s. Red eyes stared at purple ones, both sets filled with so many emotions that they threated to explode. Slowly, Octavia’s face turned from utter despair to shock and disbelief. And that hurt worse than anything Vinyl had endured in her entire life. Seeing the shocked horror in the cellist’s face when Vinyl had visited her under guard had been torture. Seeing the complete hopelessness in her eyes when Vinyl had walked up to execute her had been enough to make Vinyl want to die. But now, as the shackles binding Octavia’s legs together wear broken in two, it was the look of disbelief that caused Vinyl’s heart to crumble. She really thought I was gonna do it! The sheer weight of that thought, and the sense of betrayal it brought, was so great that Vinyl wanted to tackle Octavia to the ground right there. She wanted to drive her hoof into her face as hard as she could, demanding to know how the love of her life could ever possibly think she would do something so terrible. The frozen moment vanished and for a second, nothing but the sound of the chains breaking filled the room. Silence followed for a heartbeat, and then the world jumped into motion. “What are you doing?” Crystal Glade shouted. “Shut up!” Vinyl rounded on the Unicorn and slammed her shoulder into her. The blow caught Crystal Glade completely by surprise and she stumbled backward. She looked up at Vinyl, her face filled with rage, and opened her mouth to start screaming. A beam of golden magic slammed into the Unicorn and launched her across the stage. She crashed into the wall and sank to the floor. She was dazed, but Vinyl doubted she was out of the fight. She looked back toward Octavia and the two Unicorns that had brought her up on the stage. The two guards were recovering from their shock. One had his mouth hanging open and the other was blinking in disbelief, but as their eyes shot between Crystal Glade’s crumbled form and Vinyl, they regained their composure. Both of their horns started to glow as Vinyl raised her sword to them. “Hello, gentlecolts,” a mare said as she ran up between them. They both looked at her, and as soon as they did, she stood up on her hind legs and slammed her front hooves into both of their faces. They dropped instantly, but their attacker was already moving before they hit the ground. The mare ran up to Octavia, pulled out a flask of something, and without saying anything, she jammed it into Octavia’s mouth and tilted her head back, forcing her to swallow it. “Do it now!” the mare shouted as Octavia choked down the liquid. “Right!” a new voice called. Vinyl glanced out at the crowd of Unicorns for a half second. They were just now starting to realize that something wasn’t going according to plan. Some had risen to their hooves while others were drawing weapons or readying spells. None of them noticed the pony running down the middle of the two long tables. She pulled a vial of something from her cloak with her magic and then slammed it down on the ground. The room literally exploded. As the vial hit the floor, it shattered and a cloud of purple smoke flooded the room along with a blinding flash. Vinyl covered her eyes, but the light still dazed her. After a second, she risked opening them again and saw that the entire floor below the stage was shrouded in purple smoke. She saw several glowing Unicorn horns in the murk and sometimes she saw the top of a hood or a head, but there was no way she could make out any real details. A moment later, a pony jumped out of the purple smoke and onto the stage. She wore the same cloak that all the other Unicorns wore, but she had her hood up, just like the one that had come on stage to help Octavia. “How was that?” she asked as she exhaled. “Perfect,” the other pony said. “Yeah!” Vinyl said, amazed at how well the escape was going so far. She sheathed her sword as she spoke. “Nice job, L—” Both of the ponies shot Vinyl a look. “Uh, I mean, nice job.” Right. They told me not to use their names while we’re here, she thought as she sheathed her sword. “Time to go,” the pony next to Octavia said. “You two lead the way, I’ll help Octavia. Remember where the exit is?” “Pssh, of course,” the other hooded pony said with a wave of her hoof. “Vinyl, stay close.” “I…I can walk,” Octavia stammered as she rose to her hooves. Part of Vinyl wanted to rush to help her, but another part froze her in place. Did Octavia even want her help? “Not for long,” the pony next to her said. “That potion’s going to wear off in about fifteen minutes, and we need to be out of here by then. So let’s move it, everypony!” The four ponies darted off of the stage. The Unicorn in front of Vinyl fired a spell as they reached the purple smoke, pushing it out of their path and clearing the way toward the exit. They ran through the smoke as fast as they could, ignoring the Unicorns that came stumbling into their path as they dashed out of the meeting room. “Left!” the lead pony called as they came to the first fork in the cave. The party turned left and ran down the tunnel. Vinyl risked a look back just before she turned the corner and saw that the purple smoke was starting to clear. The group of ponies continued to dart through the tunnels, moving so fast that Vinyl quickly became lost. She had tried during the two days she’d been here to memorize the layout, and she had thought she had done a pretty good job, but she now realized she was wrong. If she got separated from the party, she knew that she would never find her way out. “Room on the right!” the pony helping Octavia called up to the front. “Got it!” her companion called back. “Meet you at the exit.” “Be careful.” The pony leading the group veered to the right as they passed a door. “Hey! What are—argh!” a voice yelled as Vinyl and the others ran past the room. “Where’s she going?” Vinyl asked. She looked over her shoulder, but suddenly found that the other pony was running next to her. “No time,” the pony replied as she took the lead. “I’ll explain everything when we get out of here. Octavia, are you still okay?” “Yes…” came the reply, and Vinyl found herself wanting to stop and comfort the Earth pony, but she dared not for fear of ruining their escape. The trio continued to run for what seemed like a lifetime, but Vinyl noticed that they weren’t turning anymore. There was the occasional slight bend in the path, but as far as she could tell, they were running in a straight line. That had to mean they were coming to the exit. Sure enough, a few moments later, the torchlight began to give way to natural light. Vinyl found herself speeding up, closing the distance between her and the pony that was in the lead. Just a little further and they would finally be out of this dark, depressing cave. As the entrance came into view, it was all Vinyl could do to restrain herself from running full speed ahead. Despite the crushing reality she had endured ever since that bow had been stolen, she felt a smile spreading across her face as the exit drew closer with each step she took. Suddenly, several figures appeared, blocking the exit. They all wore the same tattered cloaks, and as weapons began to float around them, Vinyl knew that they were all Unicorns too. That was bad, because even if the forth member of their escape party was with them, they would still be outnumbered. As it was, there were five Unicorns and only three of them. And Vinyl was the only Unicorn in the current group. Vinyl began to slow as she realized how badly they were outnumbered, but the pony ahead of her didn’t. “Don’t stop!” she shouted as she charged ahead. Vinyl was about to open her mouth in protest, but then Octavia sped by her. She was left watching as the two mares ran headlong at the Unicorns blocking their escape. Octavia was probably barely able to stay on her hooves after everything these Unicorns had done, and the other pony probably wasn’t going to be much of a match for five Unicorns. Vinyl had to help any way she could. She was still furious with Octavia, but she wasn’t about to let these monsters hurt her any more. Vinyl drew her sword and began to follow her two companions into the fight. She wasn’t a fighter beyond a typical street brawling level, but she wasn’t about to let that stop… Vinyl’s thoughts of determination drifted off and her pace slowed as she watched the scene unfold before her red eyes. The pony in the lead reached into her cloak and whipped out a flask of something. She pulled the lid off with her mouth and then tossed it while she ran. The flask landed in front of the five Unicorns and exploded in a flash of light. Lightning spilled into the air and the Unicorns yelped in surprise. One of them caught a bolt in the chest and flew backward out of the cave. A moment later, the hooded pony tackled a second Unicorn to the ground and the two rolled out of sight. The remaining three Unicorns were still trying to recover from bottled lightning when Octavia entered their group. Vinyl had always known that the cellist was graceful, and after sort-of witnessing her take out an entire gang hideout by herself, she knew that Octavia could hold her own as well. But what Vinyl saw was beyond anything she could have expected. Octavia jumped into the air, her body aimed at the guard in the middle of the trio. She did a half flip a moment before she reached her target so that her hind legs were out in front. She kicked as hard as she could, both of her hooves slamming into the Unicorn’s face. He flew backward, a stream of blood flying from his nose as he fell. Octavia didn’t stop though. She used the Unicorn’s face as a launching pad of sorts and stayed in the air. She twisted her entire body so that she was now stretched out along the width of the cave and then rolled herself so that her stomach was facing the ground. As she began to descend from her fall, she shoved her forelegs out as well as her hind legs, making her body even longer. She came down on the two remaining Unicorns. She caught one between her forelegs, and the other with her hind legs. The scene was rather comical for a heartbeat. Octavia was laid out in the air, supported only by the necks of two stunned Unicorns. They both looked at her, their faces contorted in disbelief, as she hung from their necks like a clothesline. The moment didn’t last though. Octavia twisted her body with a violent thrash. She used her own body as a weight as she rolled. The two Unicorns, still caught between her legs, tensed and tried to pull out of her hold, but that only played into their downfall. They shifted their weight back as their heads were pulled forward. A second later, momentum took over and they both began to flip. They looked like they were doing somersaults as their backs flipped into the air and then began to fall forward, followed by their tails, and then hind legs, and finally their forelegs. But the impact as both of the Unicorns hit the ground made it clear that they weren’t doing gymnastics. Vinyl couldn’t help but wince as the last two guards were slammed against the floor. Octavia rolled off of them and sprung up in a single fluid motion. She was panting as she examined her work, but that seemed to be the only strain she had suffered. “How in Equestria did you do that?” Vinyl asked as she trotted forward. Both of the Unicorns were sprawled on the ground. One of them was out cold, but the other was coughing and groaning. Vinyl considered hitting him, either with magic or her hoof, but it was clear it would be a wasted effort. “Look out!” Octavia said as she shoved Vinyl to the side. A second later, a sword cleaved the air where her head had been. “What the?” Vinyl stumbled to the ground and looked out of the cave. The Unicorn that Octavia had kicked in the face was up on his hooves. His face was a mess of blood and spit, but an unbridled rage burned in his eyes. His horn glowed brighter than any horn Vinyl had ever seen and it looked like the magic was burning the fur on his forehead. This was bad. Vinyl began to rise, but she immediately ducked back to the ground as the sword raced toward her head. It slammed into the wall and Vinyl felt pieces of the cave topple down onto her. She looked up and rolled to the side as the sword came down. She scrambled to get to her hooves and jumped away as the blade shaved off a few strands of her tail. “I am your opponent!” Octavia yelled as Vinyl struggled to stay one step ahead of the Unicorn’s attacks. The Unicorn let out a savage yell and switched his focus to Octavia. The sword whipped through the air, threatening to cut her body in two. She stepped aside at the last second, making sure that she dodged toward the Unicorn. She began to race toward him then, but he fired a blast of magic straight at her head. She rolled under it and Vinyl felt the cave shake as the blast impacted the wall. She stared at the spot where the beam had hit, her mouth hanging open. If that blast had hit Octavia… “Octy!” Vinyl called as she tore her gaze away from the display of terrifying power. She found her sword and picked it up with her magic and then raced to join the cellist in the attack. Octavia had made it to the mouth of the cave, but the Unicorn remained out of her reach. He had backed up a few steps and was now using both his sword and his magic in perfect combination. No matter what Octavia tried, she couldn’t get close. In fact, it looked like she was barely able to stay ahead of the attacks. Let’s see if he can keep up with two of us! Vinyl closed the distance in a second, racing up behind Octavia and raising her sword as she did. She would leap over the Earth pony, catch the Unicorn by surprise, and then take him out before he had a chance to recover. Octavia suddenly froze and then doubled over. She collapsed in the snow outside of the cave just as Vinyl was about to make her move. The DJ stopped and stared at the fallen pony. What had happened? As far as she could tell, Octavia hadn’t been struck by anything. Vinyl didn’t have time to ponder Octavia’s sudden collapse. The Unicorn, still well out of reach, sneered as he brought the sword down with his magic. Vinyl screamed and brought her own sword up in a blocking fashion. The two blades clashed and Vinyl’s brain felt like a brick had hit it. The force of the impact on her sword was so violent that she had to struggle to keep her magical grip on the weapon. “What are you doing?!” the Unicorn spat. He fired a blast of magic and the beam slammed into Vinyl’s knee. The leg gave out, but she managed to stay standing and keep her magic in tact. The Unicorn fired again, hitting another one of Vinyl’s knees, and this time she went down. The icy cold of the snow barely registered in her mind as she struggled to keep her concentration. Her two wounded knees felt like they had shattered, and her head throbbed. But she refused to lose her grip. If she did, this Unicorn would cut Octavia to ribbons. “You’re a traitor!” the Unicorn yelled. “A traitor to your entire race! Why are you trying to save that piece of—” A lance of golden magic shot from behind Vinyl and slammed into the Unicorn’s chest. He screamed as he stumbled backward, but he remained standing in the snow. He shook his head and snarled, but a second later two hind legs slammed into the side of his face. He dropped like a sack of bits. “Sweet Celestia, is she hurt?” the pony who had kicked the Unicorn asked as she ran over to Vinyl and Octavia. “I…I don’t know, Bon Bon,” Vinyl said, forgetting what the Earth pony had said about using her name. Her knees were screaming at her as she knelt in the snow, but she managed to push the pain aside and speak. “She just collapsed.” “Octavia?” Bon Bon knelt down and gently lifted the cellist’s head. “Bon…Bon?” Octavia whispered. “How…?” “It’s a long story,” the cream colored pony replied. “Another time. Right now, we need to get out of here before these guys wake up. Lyra!” “On it!” Vinyl looked over her shoulder and saw the mint green Unicorn standing at the mouth of the cave, still clad in the same white tattered robe that all the other Unicorns wore. She lifted two large sacks into the air and flung them toward her three friends, and then turned to face the mouth of the cave. Her horn glowed for an instant and then she fired a long beam of magic across the opening of the cave. Vinyl saw several small explosions and then a wall of snow came crashing down, burying the cave entrance. “Told you it was a good idea to plant a few of those charges around the entrance,” Lyra said as she ran up to group. The avalanche hadn’t been that big, but it had been enough to seal the cave. “It will take them at least an hour to dig out of that.” “But now I’m almost out of potions and flasks,” Bon Bon grumbled. She knelt down and gently lifted Octavia, and then draped the grey pony across her back like a saddlebag. Octavia tried to struggle, but Bon Bon wouldn’t have it. “Easy there, Octavia. That drink I gave you was just a temporary boost, and you burned through its effects faster than I thought. Now all your injuries are going to be coming back, and we can’t wait for you to heal. We have to move.” “Vinyl, grab the other bag,” Lyra said as she lifted one of the sacks into the air with her magic. “What’s in these?” Vinyl asked as she picked up the other sack. She heard something clink as she did. “Some food. And gems.” Vinyl shot Lyra and look of shock. “You risked your life so you could steal treasure from these crazies?” Lyra looked at Vinyl, a dark shadow falling on her face. “Fun fact, Vinyl. Bits aren’t common currency around the world. We need money, and these ponies had enough to spare.” Vinyl blinked. “What the hay are you talking about?” “Vinyl,” Bon Bon said over her shoulder. “Do you have any idea where we are?” “Well, um…somewhere north of the Crystal Empire.” “Correct. And how long was that trip?” “Uh, a few days?” Bon Bon stopped then and turned around to look Vinyl straight in the eye. Her blue eyes weren’t harsh, but the look of determination in them frightened Vinyl. “And then you and Octavia were captured and dragged even further north. All your supplies. All your money. All your food. Gone. Lyra grabbed some of their food stores, but it won’t be enough. To put it simply, if we want to have any chance at making it back to Equestria in this maelstrom, we need to restock.” “And that’s why we needed the gems,” Lyra concluded. “But…I don’t get it,” Vinyl said. “Where in Equestria are we going to be able to get enough food? Or even rest. Octy doesn’t look so good.” She wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it either because of her knees, but she kept silent about them. “That is just the thing, Vinyl,” Octavia whispered as she hung on Bon Bon’s back. “We are not in Equestria anymore.” Vinyl blinked in surprise as the group started to make their way through the snow storm. If they weren’t in Equestria, where were they? Sure, the Crystal Empire was technically it’s own land, but everypony still considered it part of Equestria. As the white Unicorn looked around the bleak, snow-covered landscape, she felt lost, and in more ways than one. All she saw around them was snow. It blanketed the ground they were walking on. Wind whipped it into their faces and the air so much that her cheeks had already gone numb. It fell not in peaceful little flakes, but in hard sheets of white so thick that she feared she would lose sight of her friends if she fell more than a few paces behind. And we’re walking into this. What the buck are we doing? That thought crystalized in Vinyl’s mind so hard and fast that she blinked in shock. What were they doing? Why did everypony else seem to be completely calm, despite the fact that they were, apparently, no longer in their homeland? How did they know that they weren’t lost? And why weren’t they more concerned about the fact that they had just escaped from some pretty psychotic Unicorns? And just what they hay were Lyra and Bon Bon doing all the way out here? “Stop,” Vinyl whispered, and Bon Bon and Lyra both stopped in the snow. All three heads turned to look at her, although Octavia had to crane her neck a little to see. “Vinyl, we can’t stay out here for very long,” Bon Bon said. “You and Octavia might have coats suited for this, but—” “What’s going on?” Vinyl said quietly. Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other, and then Lyra spoke. “Vinyl, Bon Bon’s right. If we don’t hurry, we’re all going to freeze to death.” Vinyl’s rage came boiling back in an instant. All the fury she had spewed at Octavia came rushing back to the front of her mind. Even Bon Bon and Lyra were treating her like an idiot now. They were hiding something from her, just like Octavia. Did every last one of her friends honestly think that she was just some dumb music pony? “So what?” Vinyl growled. “I’m not moving until you three start making some bucking sense!” Vinyl got a small sense of satisfaction when Lyra recoiled slightly, so she continued. “How did you two find us? What are you even doing out here? It took me and Octavia nearly two full days, and then you two just magically show up right when we need you?” “Vinyl, now really isn’t—” Bon Bon started. “Shut up!” Vinyl shouted back. “You’re the same as her!” Vinyl jammed her hoof at Octavia. “What, you girls think I’m too dumb to understand…whatever’s going on? Am I just getting in your way? Fine. I’ll stay here and you three can keep going. Celestia forbid any of you take the time to—” “There is a city about a mile that way,” Octavia whispered. Her voice was so soft, so broken, that it stopped Vinyl cold. Her anger didn’t dim one bit, but she was able to bring it back under control. “That is where we are likely heading. Is that correct, Bon Bon?” “Yes.” Octavia returned her gaze to Vinyl. Her eyes were sunken and the light seemed to have gone out of her pupils. “Do you remember the old Hearth’s Warming Eve story?” “Yeah,” Vinyl said carefully. “Why?” “That is our destination, Vinyl,” Octavia said. “We are heading for where ponies originally came from. And when we arrive, I promise I will tell you everything. You…deserve that much.” Vinyl wanted to shout at her, but the look of exhaustion on the cellist’s face gave her pause. Instead, she simply nodded and the group of ponies resumed their trek through the bitter cold. The rest of the walk was made in silence. Vinyl walked in the back, glaring at the three ponies ahead of her the entire time. Bon Bon kept her gaze straight ahead, never looking back. Lyra occasionally tried to sneak a look back, but every time Vinyl caught her eyes, the green Unicorn went stiff and immediately looked away. Octavia simply rested on Bon Bon’s back, sometimes opening one eye and looking at Vinyl, but never saying anything. As Vinyl’s legs started to go numb from the cold and her knees burned in agony, she began to worry that she couldn’t take another step, but then the weather changed in an instant. The howling wind and whipping snow suddenly vanished. It was like they had walked through an invisible barrier, much like the one that surrounded the Crystal Empire. For a brief moment, Vinyl breathed a sigh of relief, but then she noticed something. The air she inhaled was so cold that it choked her. She thought she had gotten used to breathing the cold air around here, but this was on a whole other level. Her eyes went wide from the shock and she felt her throat tighten as her lungs screamed at her. For a few seconds, her mind screamed that she was drowning and forced her to put her hoof to her throat. Her body tensed, making it even harder for her to breathe as she rubbed her throat. Panicked, Vinyl looked at the other ponies. They had all stopped as well. “What…the…?” Lyra mumbled as she began to shake in the bitter cold. “S-S-So cold…” Bon Bon stammered. She struggled to stay standing and keep Octavia on her back. “Breathe…through something…” Octavia whispered. She put a clump of Bon Bon’s cloak up to her mouth and took several deep breaths through it. “Breathe into it. Make…the air warm.” Vinyl raised her foreleg to her mouth and did as she was told, fighting the screeching pain the motion caused her front knee. The first two breaths brought tears to her red eyes. It felt like her lungs were freezing, but as she exhaled, the warmth lingered against her fur. She sucked it in a third time, and the heat instantly relaxed her body. For several minutes, the group of ponies stood perfectly still, breathing through either their cloaks or their fur, until their bodies finally adjusted to the cold. “What in the world was that?” Vinyl asked as she slowly lowered her foreleg from her mouth. It still hurt to breathe, but it wasn’t as bad as before. “It’s like we just jumped into a frozen lake, but there’s not water.” “I have no idea,” Lyra said. She was hunched over, apparently still trying to get used to the cold and struggling under the weight of her pack. “I’d heard the stories about Windigos, but I had no idea…” Bon Bon said. She had adjusted her cloak to make a makeshift scarf around her mouth. Her breath came out in thick clouds of white vapor. “No, this is not the work of a Windigo,” Octavia whispered. “At least, not anymore.” “How do you know?” Vinyl asked. “Oh, wait. You’re Octavia. Of course you know.” “Vinyl…” Lyra said. Vinyl just glared at the other Unicorn, her sneer refusing to fade. Octavia looked at Vinyl, but said nothing in response. Instead, she turned to the pony carrying her. “Bon Bon, let me down. I can walk the rest of the way.” “You’re sure?” “Yes.” Slowly, Bon Bon lowered herself into the snow and Octavia slid off her back. The cellist took a moment to steady herself, and then she stood. Without looking at Vinyl, she continued talking. “Windigos use their magic to make it storm constantly. Freezing winds, heavy snowfall.” Vinyl suddenly remembered the constant maelstrom that surrounded the Crystal Empire. Were Windigos the cause of that? “But look around,” Octavia continued. She walked up to the top of a small snow hill and waved her hoof. “The air here is calm. No snow, no wind. It is almost as if we have been placed under a dome.” “Do you think it’s magic?” Lyra asked as Vinyl looked around. Sure enough, there wasn’t a hint of a raging snowstorm anywhere before them, but if she looked behind herself, just a few steps back, the storm raged just as violently as ever. “Doubtful,” Octavia replied as she turned around from the three other ponies. “The story said that even the Unicorns’ magic could not keep the cold out. It may be possible that, after so many centuries, they finally found some way of doing it, but I do not believe that.” Vinyl rolled her eyes. “And why not, oh mighty know-it-all?” “Vinyl, I’m getting really tired of your attitude,” Bon Bon growled. “Stuff it, Bonnie,” Vinyl replied in a tone just as threatening. “Let’s see how Lyra acts if you keep secrets from her!” To Vinyl’s surprise, Bon Bon blinked and recoiled a little, and her gaze immediately shot to Lyra. Lyra, for her part, looked down at the ground for a moment, but then she looked at Bon Bon and smiled. What was that about? Vinyl wondered. “Because,” Octavia continued, her voice a little hurt. “If they had found a way to keep the Windigos’ magic out, why is it still so cold? In fact, why is it colder outside of the storm than right in the middle of it? If the whole point of the spell was to keep the Windigo magic in check, making it even colder seems to counter that point.” Vinyl kept her eyes glued on Octavia, but she had to admit that the Earth pony had a point. The air here, while still and clear, was beyond bitter cold. It was almost so bad that she wanted to go back to having the snow and wind whipping in her face again. “So what’s causing this?” Lyra asked. “I do not know, but we may be able to find an answer down there.” Bon Bon, Lyra, and Vinyl all walked up the small hill and joined Octavia at the top. Below them, a small city fanned out. Vinyl could make out many buildings, but what really caught her eye were all the fires. Torches beyond counting burned everywhere, making it look like the city was on fire. Vinyl couldn’t help but lick her lips as she looked at the flames in the city and thought of the warmth they provided. “We’d better get moving,” Lyra said with a weak smile as she adjusted her pack and took the lead. “Bon Bon gets cranky when she gets cold.” “Do not,” Bon Bon said, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Right. You just like to snuggle late at night then.” The look on Bon Bon’s face, even half hidden under her cloak, was frightening as she marched after Lyra in the snow. That left Vinyl and Octavia alone in the bitter cold. Octavia turned and looked at Vinyl. Her purple eyes were pitiful. Several times, she opened her mouth to speak, but all she did was let out a small breath and then close her lips again. “Come on,” Vinyl said once her hooves had gone so numb that they had started to burn. She shifted the pack she was carrying and started down the hill. “You don’t want to collapse out here, because you still have a lot of explaining to do.” With that, Vinyl marched past Octavia. She only stopped when she felt something gently pulling on her tail. “Vinyl, I am—” “Save it,” Vinyl said curtly. “Right now, all I want to do is get warm.” She turned around and looked at the mare that she wanted to love so much, but she couldn’t help narrowing her eyes. “And being around you isn’t doing that.” Vinyl turned and followed Lyra and Bon Bon before she had a chance to really see the broken look on Octavia’s face. As the four ponies approached the city, Vinyl was surprised by how ordinary it was. Granted, it was bigger than Ponyville, but not as large as Manehattan. It had plenty of buildings, streets, and lots of torches in place of lampposts. For a city that was completely cut off from Equestria and its ways, it seemed fairly familiar. The only difference that Vinyl could see was that ice covered everything. Massive icicles hung from every rooftop, while other buildings seemed like they were actually made out of ice, whether it was just a single wall or the entire roof. Ice even covered the streets, but from what Vinyl could tell, it looked like it was only a thin layer. She decided it was closer to permafrost once she and the others finally reached the edge of the city. It was still slippery, but she wouldn’t have to worry about constantly falling on her flank every other step. The first thing the four ponies did was walk up to the nearest torch. Vinyl immediately felt warmth flood her body as she huddled next to the light. For several moments they all stood there, shivering and occasionally blowing on their hooves as their bodies slowly regained a meager amount of comfort. Vinyl noticed that several ponies—all of whom were dressed in thick coats wrapped in fur cloaks—constantly shot them odd looks. She made eye contact with one of them and flashed a smile. The Earth pony’s eyes went wide and his face contorted into a mask of anger and disgust. He huffed once and then turned and marched down the street. That was weird. “Okay, what’s our next move?” Lyra asked as Vinyl’s thoughts returned to the group. “We need to find a place to stay the night,” Bon Bon replied. “Get supplies too. Question is, where do we begin?” “Let’s ask somepony,” Vinyl said as she set her pack down. She saw another pony walking down the street and started after her before the other three had a chance to say anything. She just wanted to get out of the cold as quickly as possible and get off of her hooves. “Excuse me,” Vinyl said as she walked up behind the mare. The mare turned her head slightly, but she didn’t slow down or acknowledge Vinyl in any other way. Vinyl blinked. “Um…excuse me, miss?” Vinyl trotted a bit faster so that she was now walking parallel with the mare. Still the mare ignored her. Frustrated, Vinyl growled and jumped in front of the mare. “Hey! I’m talking to—argh!” Vinyl recoiled as the mare slapped her. The blow stung even more than normal because of the cold. “Lady, what is wrong with you?” “How dare you speak to me!” the mare shouted. The look in her eyes was so fierce that Vinyl couldn’t help but take a small step back. “The nerve of this filth!” “What’s going on here?” a new voice asked. Vinyl looked to her right and saw two stallions walking toward her and the mare. She figured they were this city’s law enforcement, since they had matching cloaks and some sort of white badge on them. “Hey, officers,” Vinyl said as she rubbed her cheek. “I just asked her a question and she hauled off and hit me.” The two stallions, both Earth ponies, looked at each other and then at the mare. “Is that true, ma’am?” The mare nodded. A second later, one of the stallions hit Vinyl square in the jaw as hard as he could. The Unicorn lost her balance and fell onto the frozen ground. She coughed once, but then the air was forced from her lungs when she felt a kick slam into her stomach. The blow sent her skidding across the ground. She came to a stop and curled up into a ball as she tried to suck up as much frozen air as she could. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Bon Bon shouted. Vinyl opened one of her red eyes and saw that she had come to rest just in front of her friends. Bon Bon and Lyra placed themselves between Vinyl’s crumpled body and the two stallions. “You got a problem with that?” one of the stallions said. “Touch her again, and you’ll be the one with the problem, buddy,” Lyra warned. “Did you just threaten me, freak?” The two stallions started walking toward Lyra and Bon Bon, their eyes dangerously narrowed. “You want to spend the next month in the bottom of a pit or something?” “Touch her, and so help me, I will break bones you don’t even know you have!” Bon Bon shouted. That caused the two stallions to stop. They looked at each other for a moment and then back at the two mares opposing them, as if they were trying to decide whether Bon Bon was serious. For a moment, Vinyl worried that they would try to attack anyway, but the look on Bon Bon’s face must had made them reconsider. “Fine,” one of them said as he spit on the ground. “But if you don’t want your property damaged, then you might want to take better care of it.” “It’s bad enough you let them walk around without collars,” the other added as they both turned to walk away. “Get that trash out of the street or we’ll cite you for littering.” Vinyl felt a gentle hoof reach down and slowly lift her up. She looked over and her eyes met Octavia’s. “Are you okay?” the cellist whispered. “Not really,” Vinyl groaned. She was still mad at Octavia, and if she wasn’t in so much pain at the moment, she would have shoved the mare’s help away, but her stomach felt like it had exploded, so she allowed Octavia’s help. “Why is everypony out here straight crazy?” “Come on,” Bon Bon said as she turned around to look at Vinyl and Octavia. “We’d better get off the street and find a place to stay. I get the feeling this city isn’t going to be very safe for outsiders like us.” Outsider. Vinyl had been called that when she had first started this stupid quest. Back then, she had felt a little insulted by it, even after Potions had explained it to here. Now, that term made her fear for her life. She hadn’t fit in in Hollow Shades, but at least it had been part of Equestria, so she could have left at any time. Out here though, she was trapped, and she got the feeling that the ponies living out here had their own set of rules. And if Vinyl was left dead in the street because she broke one of them, she knew that none of these ponies would spare her a second glance. > Generations of Rifts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Greetings, my subjects. I fear I must request that you deviate from your current mission. I am aware that both my sister and I said that your task was of the utmost importance, but a new task has come to light. Thankfully, it will not take you too far out of your way. If you leave now, you should be less than a day behind.” —Princess Luna, speaking in a dream Lyra and Bon Bon had left. They had said they were going to look around the city to try to gather information and restock supplies; and in truth, they most certainly were going to do all of that. But Octavia knew the real reason they had left. As Vinyl closed door to the room they had rented at the inn, Octavia desperately wished that her two friends had stayed behind. But she knew that would not be fair to them, or to Vinyl. The tension between them was at the point where it choked out everything else, and subjecting either Lyra or Bon Bon to that was not something Octavia could bear. She had already torn the bond between her and Vinyl. She could not risk the rest. The door to the room closed with a click that cut through the silence like a dragon’s roar. Octavia sucked in her breath at the sound, and even all of her years of proper upbringing could not stop her from jumping slightly. She tried to steady her breathing, but as she stared at Vinyl’s back, the air refused to come in anything more than twitching gasps. For a long time, Vinyl refused to turn around. The Unicorn simply stood at the door, her back to Octavia. Four times, Octavia opened her mouth to speak, but words never reached her lips. All she could do was stare at the limp blue tail and the Unicorn attached to it as the weight of her entire life slowly crushed her soul. A rush of air echoed through the room, and once again, Octavia jumped. Her eyes darted to the window, fearing that those Unicorns had tracked them down, but then she realized that it had been Vinyl letting out a heavy sigh. Was she ready to talk now? Octavia swallowed as Vinyl began to turn around. She had sworn she would tell Vinyl everything. I promised her. Octavia raised her chin a little, her Canterlot lifestyle taking over as she braced herself. It was a purely defensive act, not one meant to show her superiority or anything. She had been doing this since she was a filly, and she had found that it made it that much harder for other ponies to criticize her when she did. She would be fine. She would be— Every single thought, hope, and dream that made up Octavia’s being drained out of her body when she saw the two red eyes. She considered herself extensively well versed, but the look she saw now defied her attempts to describe it. Vinyl’s entire face looked broken, but not in a physical way. Her cheeks were stretched thin across her bones, and the corners of her mouth looked like they had never felt a smile in their entire existence, but the worst were the eyes. They were sunken, looking as if they had been pulled into Vinyl’s skull a little. Her eyelids were half closed, but they offered no protection from the red pools behind them. The irises looked hollow, as if they had been scraped clean of every trace of light and life, but at the same time they were filled something that Octavia couldn’t define. “Contempt”, or even “hatred”, did not seem to fit, because the look was beyond their definitions. “Loathing” seemed right to a certain degree, but only just. The entire sight was so unsettling that Octavia unwillingly took a step back. Vinyl watched her move, her dead eyes drifting down to Octavia’s hooves and then slowly coming back up to meet her gaze again, but she remained at the door and said nothing. Octavia swallowed yet again as the silence continued to beat her. Her brain began screaming at her for not buying Vinyl a new pair of glasses. She told herself it was because she missed the Unicorn’s signature look and the comfort it brought, but she knew the truth. She wanted Vinyl to have her sunglasses back so that her two red eyes were hidden, and thus Octavia could not see them gutting her. Vinyl took a small step forward. It wasn’t even a step, really. She simply moved her hoof forward a hair. It would not have even been noticeable under normal circumstances, but right now it was enough to make Octavia step back again. Vinyl stopped. She looked down at her hoof and pulled it back. She continued to stare at it, and Octavia she could see the life draining out of the D.J.’s mane. It looked dull, the highlights seemed faded, and her spikes sagged as though she had jus stepped out of an icy river. But Vinyl continued to stare at her hoof and the floor beneath it. She made no more moves, and if Octavia had not known better, she would have believed that Vinyl was nothing more than a statue. Terrified at the Unicorn’s state, Octavia bit her lip so hard that blood trickled into her mouth. The warm liquid tasted bitter, but her tongue lapped it up and then licked the wound. The rush of pain and flavor was finally enough to force her brain to reconnect with her vocal cords. “Vinyl, are you—?” “Talk.” The word was dark, a black so pitch that no light could break it. The tone behind it was filled to the brim with things that Octavia had no names for. It was not a suggestion, or a request, or even an order. It was a demand, the type that could crush lives and ruin nations simply by being said aloud. Octavia took another breath and began. “Vinyl, I am so sorry that—” “Talk.” Vinyl practically spit the word out of her mouth. “Not apologize. Talk!” Octavia winced as Vinyl spoke. “Very well. You are familiar with the history of the Crystal Empire, yes?” Vinyl nodded. “King Sombra overthrew the rightful ruler, Princess Amore. He took over the Empire, enslaved the Crystal ponies, and in turn was defeated by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Octavia paused, wondering if Vinyl had anything to say, but the Unicorn just stared at her with those chilling eyes. “The way the story is told, it sounds like the Princesses showed up within the day and crushed Sombra, but that is not true. Sombra ruled the Empire for an extended time, because the only pony who knew what he had done had to make her way to Canterlot on hoof. Even then, the Princesses did not immediately come to liberate the Empire. They had to prepare for the battle. They asked the survivor questions, learned all they could about him, and slowly prepared themselves for the war.” Again, Octavia stopped, wondering if Vinyl wanted to say anything. When she remained silent, the cellist bit her lip and continued. “During that time, Sombra crushed any pony that tried to oppose him and enslaved the rest. But a few willingly served him. There are always those who will follow the darkness in their hearts. Sombra rewarded them for their loyalty. He gave them positions of power in his new Empire, showered them with riches, and made them lords over their enslaved kin.” Octavia stopped, but this time it was not due to her wanting Vinyl to speak. So far, everything she had said was known in Equestria. But what she was about to tell Vinyl had been a closely guarded secret. How it had even ended up in the family scroll Pinkie Pie had brought over was a mystery to Octavia. Vinyl’s eyes blinked once, but the mare made no other moves. She just waited for Octavia to continue. “But…one Unicorn, he took as his own. Whether she joined him willingly, or he forced her, I…I do not know. But, she carried his child. When the Princesses launched their attack, the mare was already starting to show. Whether out of some small remnant of love, or out of a selfish desire to preserve himself in some way, Sombra sent the mare away when the attack came. He knew what he was going to do, and he did not want the child or the mare to be part of it. “That mare was my ancestor, Harmony Chime. She escaped the Crystal Empire just as Sombra ripped it from Equestria. She tried to make her way through the Frozen North, but when the Empire vanished, the weather became even fiercer. That, added with the unborn foal she was carrying, proved too much for her. She collapsed, and would have frozen to death there, had Princess Celestia and Princess Luna not found her.” Memories of Octavia’s own journey through the Frozen North came to mind. She shuddered as she recalled how unbearably cold it had been—and still was, despite the fact that they were indoors now—and she could not imagine how Harmony must have felt carrying the young life. “The Princesses took her back to Canterlot, under the assumption that she had managed to escape Sombra’s wrath. When they found out that she was pregnant, they were thrilled, because it meant that there was one more survivor from the Empire. It was not until the foal was born that the truth came out.” Octavia looked down at her hooves. A few moments later, she noticed something falling onto the floor. It took her a moment to realize that it was a tear. She blinked and more fell. She looked up at Vinyl, thinking that the Unicorn would come comfort her or at least offer a smile, but Vinyl remained by the door, her face still dark. Of course. Octavia sniffed, rubbed her eyes, and forced a weak smile as she continued. “The baby was a mare. Her mane and tail were as dark as the deepest cave, and her coat was the color of ash; not bright and glowing like a Crystal pony’s should have been. Obviously, the parallels were immediately noticeable, but it was not until the mare opened her eyes that the resemblance was beyond doubt.” Octavia blinked away more tears as she thought about her own eyes, the same eyes that had been passed down to her since that first mare. “Her eyes were the same color as the dark magic that spilled out of Sombra’s constantly. “When Harmony saw the mare, she was heartbroken. She feared that the Princesses would banish her was well, or worse, her child. So, in the middle of the night, she took her baby and tried to flee Canterlot. She made it as far as the castle foyer before the Princesses stopped her. She begged them to show mercy to her daughter. She did not care what happened to her, but she wanted the child to be spared.” Octavia had always wondered what had been going through Harmony’s mind that night. She knew that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were powerful ponies, and she knew that Princess Celestia had banished her own sister, but she could not begin to imagine that either of them would be so cruel as to banish a new mother and her infant. What could have made Harmony so fearful of the Royal Sisters that she felt she had to flee from them? Octavia shook the thought away and continued. “But the Princesses told Harmony that they had always known about the child. Even before the mare had been born, they had been able to sense the dark magic that flowed in her. But they told Harmony that they had never had any intention of banishing her or her baby.” Vinyl blinked, but remained silent. Octavia could feel the mare’s red eyes digging through her fur and muscle now, tearing into the deepest parts of her being. The mare’s silence and the look on her face were becoming unbearable. “To prove it,” Octavia continued, “the Sisters gave Harmony a gift. She was a talented musician, so the Sisters gave her a bow, fashioned with hair from their own tails. Harmony treasured it, and it became a family heirloom; a sign that the Princesses were happy that not all of the Crystal Empire ponies had vanished. It has remained in my family since then. “But that was not the only thing that was passed down. Every child born from Sombra’s bloodline has been a mare. She has always been an Earth pony. It does not matter if the father is a Pegasus or a Unicorn, the child is always an Earth pony. And she always shares Sombra’s appearance. My appearance. Our eyes are always the color of dark magic, our coats are always the color of burned dreams, and our manes and tails are always black with sin. It is our punishment for what Sombra did.” Octavia choked the last words out. She could feel the tears streaming down her face, but she made no effort to stop them. She simply stared at Vinyl and forced a smile to her face. There it was. She had finally told Vinyl the truth. Now all that remained was to see if Vinyl would be like so many stallions in the past, or if she would be like Octavia’s father. Vinyl’s eyes narrowed slightly, to the point where Octavia wondered if she had imagined it, but otherwise she still remained silent. She just stood by the door like a statue and just as mute. Octavia could feel her resolve and her body crumbling as she looked at Vinyl. Finally, she could stand the withering silence no more. “Well?” she asked, her voice cracking as she spoke. Vinyl cocked her head to the side. “So?” Octavia blinked. “Excuse me?” “You heard me,” Vinyl said, her voice dark. Octavia felt something tighten in her chest as she stared at the Unicorn’s face. She had just told Vinyl her family’s darkest secret, and that was all the Unicorn had to say? And the look on her face had not changed the entire time. It was still just a mask of contempt and disgust. “Vinyl, I…what do you mean?” Octavia was at a loss for words. “So you’re related to some ancient villain in Equestria. So what?” the Unicorn replied. The thing that had been tightening in Octavia’s chest snapped. “So what? That is all you have to say?! Did you understand nothing I just told you? I am related to Sombra! My entire family is cursed with his blood! Do you have any idea what it is like to wake up every morning and have your reflection be nothing but a reminder of a nightmare? Did you never notice how only my family has grey coats and black manes? Do you know what it was like for my grandmother when she gave birth to my mother? Do you know what happened? Her husband LEFT her! I have never seen my grandfather outside of photos He wanted nothing to do with her or their child, just like her father left her and her mother! For centuries, my family has struggled to distance themselves from Sombra because they knew what would happen if word spread. When ponies did find out, my family was shunned at best. Worst, they were threatened and even attacked. My mother agonized over telling my father. It nearly destroyed her, because for generations, stallions have always cast my family aside the moment they learned the truth! Some of them even stirred up the mobs that would run the mare out of the town! My father was, as far as I know, the only stallion that stayed. I was worried that you…that you would…” The words caught in Octavia’s throat. She swallowed them and forced out a new sentence. “And that is all you will say? Do you not understand? Do you—” A hoof smacked Octavia’s cheek so fast that she did not even see it coming. “No, YOU don’t understand!” Vinyl shouted. Octavia looked up from the blow but then recoiled in terror. She had thought she had seen the extent of Vinyl’s rage back in the snow, but now she realized she was wrong. The Unicorn fuming at her now was on a completely different level. Her irises were bulging and the red in them threatened to burst into flame. Her nose flared with each raging breath and spit was flying between her teeth. Veins pulsed under her bristling fur as her eyelids twitched with fury. Her hoof, still raised from the strike, was shaking with rage and it looked like it was barely being held back from another strike. “You…! It’s always about you! You, you, YOU!” Vinyl choked the word out, but nothing more. Tears swelled in her eyes as she slowly lowered her hoof back to the floor and hung her head. “You ask if I have any idea what it’s like, but how could I? You never told me! You…you really thought…? After everything we’ve been through, you thought I’d care about something that dumb?” She looked up, her face a contorted mess of rage and pain. “That’s what you think? That I’d be the same as them?” Octavia could do nothing but stare as Vinyl’s words hit her. She watched as the Unicorn turned and opened the door to their room. “Vinyl, where…?” “Like you care,” Vinyl whispered as she walked out and closed the door behind her. Octavia knew she should go after her. She knew the town was not safe, and if what she suspected was true about the theft was true, she knew that the danger was even greater. Vinyl walking around alone was a huge risk, and one she should not let the Unicorn take. But the sight of Vinyl’s twisted face and the sound of despair in her voice sapped all of Octavia’s will. She stared at the door for a long time, afraid to move because she knew she would come apart if she did. She felt like she was made of glass, and she could feel the cracks spreading through her body until they finally met at her heart. Octavia stumbled over to a bed, each step breaking her heart, and crawled into it. She pulled the covers over herself, even though they offered little warmth, and curled up. She blinked a few times, and then the tears came. She shuddered as crying turned to sobbing. Whimpers slowly turned into full cries of anguish as she lay on the bed, realizing that her entire life was ruined. She did not stop for a long time. * * * Vinyl’s mind was in a haze as she walked the freezing streets of the city. The cold creeping through her had nothing to do with the frozen air she breathed. She had fought with Octavia countless times before. Once, Octavia had even broken up their relationship. That had been the worst time in Vinyl’s life and she had been certain that nothing could hurt worse than that. Now though, she was not certain. She had assumed their relationship was over the moment she had overheard the conversation between Octavia and her mother, but she had been under the impression that she could fix it if she just got that bow back. Heck, Octavia had even seemed to be willing to take her back regardless. But now Vinyl didn’t know if she even wanted to go back. There had been a gap growing between the two mares for some time. Vinyl had seen it, but she had chosen to ignore it. She had thought it was just her imagination, but it had turned out to be true. Octavia didn’t know her. The furthest thing from Vinyl’s mind was Octavia’s dusty old legacy. She wanted to be with Octavia. She wanted to be with the mare that rolled her eyes at her antics, but never told her to actually stop. She wanted to be with the girl that carried herself with grace, but wasn’t above blowing bubbles in her milk. She wanted to sleep next to the pony that fell asleep while wrapping her in a bear hug. Even if Octavia had been born in the lowest slums of some distant town, Vinyl wouldn’t have cared. Octavia made her complete in a way she didn’t even know was possible, and that was all she cared about. But apparently Octavia didn’t feel the same way. Despite everything, Octavia didn’t trust her. She hadn’t trusted her enough to tell her a stupid secret about her family, and she hadn’t trusted her to understand when she finally did tell her. Worst of all, Octavia hadn’t trusted her to stay! Vinyl stopped on the street as her rage began to build again. Octavia’s offer regarding Spitfire played through Vinyl’s mind again and she wanted to scream. The cellist really thought that all Vinyl cared about was screwing and that she could be bribed so easily with a offer? That it didn’t matter who she jumped in the sack with, so long as she was getting some? That as long as her juices flowed out of her, she was happy? That she didn’t care about anything else except Octavia’s body and her ability to make her cum? She really feared that Vinyl would run off and find some new pony to screw sideways into the bedpost over some dumb thing that happened over a thousand years ago? All I need to be happy is for some mare to eat me, Octavia? You really think you’re mom was right?! The Unicorn clenched her teeth together so hard that her face hurt. Lies! It was all lies! Every time Octavia had said she loved her, all of her, it had been a lie! Octavia didn’t love her. All she cared about was keeping her damn family secret from Vinyl. Love required trust. Even Vinyl, the pony that everypony thought only wanted to screw, knew that much. And Octavia clearly didn’t trust her beyond her ability to get her off! Well, if that was all Vinyl was good for to her, then Octavia could go do it herself! She had perfectly good hooves, and she knew where to rub herself to make— Somepony bumped into Vinyl and shattered her rage. The Unicorn stumbled a bit on the icy ground, but she managed to remain standing. She looked over her shoulder and saw a stallion looking at her. She glared at him, but then she remembered what had happened last time she had spoken to a pony on these streets, so she turned away and continued walking. “Hey!” the stallion called after her. Vinyl heard him trot up behind her and a moment later she felt a hoof spin her around. “You got something to say?” “No,” Vinyl said as began to turn around to leave, but the stallion reached out and pulled her back. “You better apologize,” he said. Vinyl looked up at the stallion and then looked around. A small crowd was gathering around them, but judging by the looks on their faces, they weren’t there to help. “For what?” she asked when she returned her gaze to the stallion. “You bumped into me, trash.” “Doubtful,” Vinyl replied, “seeing as I was standing still. Try watching where you’re going next time, idiot.” The stallion’s eyes went so wide that Vinyl briefly wondered if he had been kicked in his family jewels, but then the shock turned to anger and Vinyl knew she had touched a nerve. “What did you say?” the stallion demanded. “Deaf and dumb,” Vinyl replied. “Pretty unlucky combination. Your parents must be really disappointed in you.” The stallion lifted Vinyl into the air by the collar of her winter coat. He held her up with one hoof and started to shake her. “You’ve got quite a mouth on you, freak! I’m surprised your owner hasn’t killed you yet!” The stallion threw her to the ground as hard as he could. Vinyl’s head slammed down with so much force that her vision blacked out for a second. “Where is your owner, anyway?” Vinyl blinked to clear the darkness from her eyes as she rose. “What are you talking about?” she asked. She began to channel her magic into her horn. She needed to smash something, and this stallion’s face was the perfect target. “Hold it right there!” a voice shouted. Vinyl and the stallion looked in the direction of the speaker. Two ponies, a mare and another stallion, were forcing their way through the crowd. Vinyl noted that they were both dressed in the same attire as the two guards she had met before. Vinyl spoke without thinking. “This idiot here is trying—” “What did you say?” the mare interrupted. “Do you want us to toss you in the Cavern?” “Where’s your collar?” the other guard asked. “And your owner, for that matter?” “What?” Vinyl asked. Collar? Owner? What in Equestria were these ponies talking about? “Sorry, officers,” the stallion said with a smirk. “I smacked her head a little hard on the ground. These freaks aren’t the brightest lot, and that probably didn’t help her. I’d like to claim her if, if that’s fine. Somepony needs to teach this freak some manners.” “If she can’t produce the papers, she’s all yours,” the mare said as all eyes turned to Vinyl. “Touch me, and I swear I’ll—” Vinyl felt a tap on her shoulder and she whirled around. “What now?” A hoof slammed into her face so hard that it laid her out cold on the ground. * * * Octavia didn’t know how long it had been since Vinyl had left. Long enough for her to stop crying at least, but the hole in her core had only grown bigger. Her ear twitched when she heard the door creak open, but she did not raise her head to look. Instead, she curled up tighter under the covers and waited. Was Vinyl back? If so, what should she say? What would Vinyl say? They were broken, and it was all Octavia’s fault, and she had no idea how to fix it. Apologizing would be a good start, she thought. She knew it would not be enough. Despite her best efforts and intentions, she had driven Vinyl so far away that she could not even see her. She doubted she would ever be able to do enough to make up to Vinyl, but she had to try. Vinyl was worth it. The door flew open with such force that it slammed against the wall. Octavia jumped and sat up. She knew Vinyl was beyond angry, but she had not expected the Unicorn to damage the room they were staying in. “Where’s Vinyl?” Bon Bon shouted. She stormed into the room and rushed to the bathroom. She flung the door open, but there was no sign of Vinyl. She looked back at Octavia, her face a growing mask of panic, and marched over to the bed. “Where is she, Octavia?” “I…I do not…” Octavia’s mind raced to catch up. Bon Bon looked terrified, more than Octavia had ever seen her. “She left. What is wrong?” “Not good,” Lyra said as she entered the room. The green mare looked pale and unsteady on her hooves. She blinked a few times and took several deep breaths. “We have to find her. If somepony else does…” Bon Bon’s panic began to build in Octavia too. She had never seen her friends like this before. “What is wrong? What happened to Vinyl?” “Hopefully nothing,” Bon Bon said as she yanked one of the new coats they had purchased off the wall and threw it at Octavia. “But if we don’t hurry, that’s going to change. Get dressed. Lyra, you’re staying here.” Lyra shook her head and a little color returned to her face. “Not a chance. We need all the eyes we can get. I’ll just make sure I stick extra close to you two.” Bon Bon growled but quickly gave up. “Fine.” She pulled out a piece of paper and quickly scribbled down a message and tossed it on the bed. It told Vinyl that if she came back and they were not there, under no circumstances was she to leave the room. “Hurry up, Octavia!” Octavia struggled to put on her coat as she ran out the door after Bon Bon and Lyra. They made it to the inn’s lobby before Bon Bon came to a halt. “Lyra, go back and get the gems.” “How many?” the Unicorn asked. “All of them! We’ll wait right here. Anypony tries to stop you, you know what to do.” “Right.” Lyra gave a quick salute and dashed back down the hallway. “Bon Bon, what is going on?” Octavia asked as she finally tightened the last buckle across her waist. She stuffed her hair back and pulled the hood up over her head. The coat was not nearly as comfortable as the one she had received from Prince Shining Armor, but it was just as warm. “This place is bad, Octavia,” Bon Bon said as she shook her head. Her eyes glazed over for a second as she stared at the floor. “Really bad. Vinyl can’t be seen wandering around by herself.” “Why not?” Bon Bon was about to answer, but at that moment Lyra came sprinting back. She had a satchel full of their leftover gems and treasure strapped to her back. “Got them.” “I can carry those, Lyra,” Octavia offered as she moved to take the bag from her friend. “No, you can’t,” Bon Bon said. “We don’t want to attract attention.” “What?” “Just follow me. And keep your eyes open for Vinyl.” With that, the cream colored Earth pony ran out of the lobby. Octavia looked back at Lyra, who simply gestured for her to follow Bon Bon, and so Octavia did. The first thing that crossed her mind was the reminder that the entire city was freezing. It was not as bad as when they had first crossed into its boarders, but it still stung the cellist’s face. The fact that she had spent so much time crying did not help because the cold air bit into her raw eyes and froze the snot around her nose. She took a few deep breaths to get her body adjusted and then continued to follow Bon Bon, with Lyra close behind her. The three mares walked briskly down one street and up another. Octavia could tell that Bon Bon wanted to run, but was holding herself back. She wondered why, because she herself wanted to sprint through the city, calling Vinyl’s name everywhere she went. But, judging by Bon Bon’s and Lyra’s attitudes, she got the feeling that screaming for the Unicorn would only make things worse. Instead, Octavia picked out a pony walking along the street and started to walk up to her. Maybe somepony had seen Vinyl and could give them directions, or at least tell them which way the mare had gone. She opened her mouth to say something, but as she stopped, Lyra bumped into her and forced her to keep going. “Not a good idea,” Lyra whispered as she kept her head low and continued to gently encourage Octavia to keep walking. “Trust me. The last thing we want is for other ponies to know Vinyl is out here on her own.” The mares turned a corner and stopped. They had apparently entered the city’s main square. There was a large gathering of ponies in the middle of the square and dozens of torches were lit around them. They all seemed to be yelling, or maybe cheering, about something that was happening on a raised stage in the middle of the crowd. “Oh no,” Bon Bon whispered. “Celestia, please, no!” Without another word, the Earth pony raced toward the crowd and began to force her way into it. “Bon Bon!” Lyra called and took off after her. Octavia followed as fast as she could, but her two friends melted into the crowd before she caught up. A loud roar of approval erupted from the crowd as Octavia reached its edge. She recoiled a little in surprise, but then slowly made her way into the crowd. She could hear somepony talking, but over the noise of the crowd, she could not make out what was being said. Instead, she chose to focus all of her energy on finding Bon Bon and Lyra, both of whom she expected to find at the front. Suddenly, a blood-piercing scream tore through the air. It chilled Octavia more than any weather could ever hope to. It was the type of scream an animal made when it was caught in the jaws of a predator, or one a pony made when all conscious thought was driven away by searing pain. It lasted for several terrible seconds, and when it finally started to fade, Octavia realized it was only because the creature had run out of breath. A few moments later, the scream ripped through the air again. And the ponies around her cheered with glee. Octavia stood stock still as ponies around her stomped their hooves and yelled to the sky in triumph. Finally, she forced herself to keep going, following the gut-wrenching scream as best as she could. Was whatever was causing that noise the reason that her friends had been so worried? A grinding sound that made Octavia’s skin crawl reached her ears as she broke through to the front of the crowd. She looked up at the stage and nearly lost the contents of her stomach. Chained to the stage was Crystal Glade, one of the Unicorns that had held her prisoner. Her face was swollen and bleeding, and judging by the bend in her front leg, she had at least one broken bone. Tears were streaming from her bloodied eyes and she was howling in agony as an Earth pony slowly dragged a saw across her horn. With one final tug, the teeth of the saw cut through the bone and the Unicorn’s horn fell to the stage with a sickening thud. Crystal Glade immediately followed. She stared at her severed horn in horror. She tried to reach for it, but the chains around her legs refused to budge. Her face contorted from what Octavia thought was pain, but then she realized that the Unicorn was trying to use her magic to pick up her body part. “Crystal Glade,” said a stallion standing on stage next to her. “You have been found guilty of treason against the city of Earth, abducting its citizen and your master, Lady Chill, and of murdering her. As such, you are hereby sentenced, as the rest of your conspirators were, to death. Do you have any last words?” “Please,” Crystal Glade whimpered as she tried to crawl across the stage toward her horn. “Give me back my horn. Just give—ARGH!” The stallion brought his hoof down on Crystal Glade’s hind leg so hard that Octavia heard the bone snap. “Apparently not. Very well.” He took his hoof off and stepped back. Another pony stepped forward with a giant axe resting on his back and Octavia’s blood ran cold. “My horn!” Crystal Glade screeched. “Please! Please, just give it back! PLEASE!” Octavia wanted to rush forward and stop this. She wanted to snap the stallion’s neck and sink the axe into the neck of the pony wielding it, but she was too sick to move. All she could do was watch as the pony stood up on his hind legs and raised the axe high above his head. Crystal Glade didn’t even notice him as she continued to struggle like an animal against her chains and reach for her horn. A faint golden glow surrounded the horn suddenly. Octavia doubted anypony else saw it because they were all focused on the axe and cheering. It gently pushed the severed horn forward until is came to rest within reach of the broken Unicorn. Crystal Glade pulled the horn closer with her chin and smiled. She looked up and seemed to meet Octavia’s eyes. Her smile brightened for a— The axe came down and Octavia closed her eyes as the sound burned itself into her memory. She felt a hoof gently rest on her shoulder and she turned, making sure to keep her gaze clear of the stage. Bon Bon was standing next to her, tears swelling in her blue eyes. Lyra was next to her, and Octavia knew who had granted Crystal Glade’s last wish. The crowd cheered again and Octavia saw Crystal Glade’s limp body being dragged away out of the corner of her eye. The stallion who seemed to be leading the procession stepped forward once more, waving his hoof to try and settle the crowd. “We have crushed yet another rebel cell,” the stallion said in a loud voice. The crowd cheered even more, and Octavia wanted to turn and run as they did. “But, despite our clear warnings and demonstrations of the consequences, Unicorns will still flock to these corrupt beings. And so, we must remain vigilant. Keep an eye on your slaves at all times. Know where they go, who they talk to, and what they do. If you suspect anything, tell the guard. We Earth ponies are meant to rule, but there are those who will never accept it. Until they are all cleansed, we will never be safe! And for you Unicorns, here by the good graces of your masters, let this once again be a warning of what awaits you if you step out of line.” Octavia could not believe what she was hearing. She had suspected this city held a less-than-pleasing view of Unicorns based on how Vinyl’s first encounter had gone, but this was on a completely different level. Vinyl! Vinyl is alone here! I have to find her! “Now, for our last order of business,” the stallion continued once the cheering died down again. “We have one more freak to deal with. She claims that she was not part of the rebels and that she was taken along with her master, Lady Chill. However, we can find no records to indicate this. Now, we don’t want to execute an innocent. We aren’t monsters, after all. So we have decided to give her a chance. Bring out the prisoner!” Another Unicorn was shoved up onto the stage and Octavia’s entire body clenched in terror. “However, if no pony is willing to buy her,” the stallion turned to the terrified Unicorn and lifted her chin with his hoof, “then I’m afraid you’re going to share their fate. Better safe than sorry, after all.” * * * Vinyl’s face ached as her mind crawled back to reality. Her cheek felt like it was split open, but at the same time felt like it was holding a walnut. Her vision was still a blurry mess and she didn’t even realize that she was on the icy ground. When she finally figured out that she was sprawled on the turf, she turned her head and pressed her cheek against it. The relief was instant, and it cleared her head enough for her to realize that several ponies were shouting above her head. She blinked once and rolled her eyes up in an attempt to see what was happening. “You!” a voice shouted. A second later, Vinyl’s stomach exploded in pain as a hoof slammed into her gut. “What do you think you’re doing?” Vinyl groaned and did her best to just focus on breathing. A dark hooded form leaned down in her face and Vinyl realized she was looking into the eyes of a pony she didn’t know. “Play along or you’re dead,” the form whispered. Vinyl wanted to ask what that meant, but all she could manage was a low groan. As soon as she finished, a hoof scooped her up by the collar of her coat and threw her onto her hooves. She barely managed to keep her balance. “Your master asked you a question, filth!” a pony shouted. Vinyl blinked again and saw that the pony shouting at her was the same one who had just yanked her up and told her to play along. “I told you to be quick, and you can’t even get that right! I’ve been waiting for you for two minutes!” The pony reached out and shook Vinyl by her coat. “Hey! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” “Uh…” Vinyl said as she tried to get her eyes to focus on the hooded face of the pony that was shaking her. She almost managed it, but then the pony smacked her head just before her vision cleared. All she caught was a flash of blue. “Not in the eye, trash!” Vinyl felt her head forced down so that she was looking at the stallion’s neck. He had a brown coat under the thick cloak he was wearing. “Don’t make me ask you again! What kept you?” “Uh…sorry, sir—” SMACK! “I-I mean, master.” Vinyl’s head was reeling, and she was struggling to keep her thoughts organized. “I was almost back but…I tripped.” “Don’t lie to me!” the stallion said. He had at least stopped shaking Vinyl, but he was still holding on to her coat’s collar. “You’re not clumsy enough to trip! I beat that out of you!” “Sorry, master.” Vinyl looked around and she spied the stallion that had bumped into her and started the whole thing. “That pony over there bumped into me. And then he threatened to buy me.” Vinyl was slowly getting an idea of what was going on, and if she was right, the sickness in her stomach was no longer just from the kick she had suffered. The stallion holding her immediately let go. He whirled around so fast that Vinyl almost lost her balance trying to track the movement. “You. Did. WHAT?” the stallion shouted. “Hey! She bumped into—” “I paid premium price for this Unicorn!” the cloaked stallion growled. “She does not just bump into things! I trained her to be the best, because I only pay for the best. And now I find out that some lowly workhorse is interfering with her? You want to screw her, you come to me!” Vinyl nearly said something, but thankfully the pain swimming in her head dulled her reflexes enough that she was able to realize that her protests were a bad idea. “I mean, I can’t really blame you. Beautiful snowy coat, that one-of-a-kind mane, and that perfectly polished horn. I can see why you’d want to slam her against a wall and part her legs, but first you get my permission for your perverted fantasies!” “As if I’d want to screw something like that!” the stallion protested. Vinyl could not help but get a small sense of satisfaction seeing him squirm. “She just didn’t have her collar so I thought—” “So you thought you’d just get a quick bang in? Buy your own sex toy?” the stallion pressed. “I did not purchase this beast to just whore her out! She is not wearing her magic collar because I need her to use her magic for the tasks I assign her!” “Sir, if that’s true, then we need—” one of the officers started to say, but the stallion rounded on them next. “My papers? Why? Did she use her magic to attack him?” “Well, no, but—” “Did she use it to attack either of you?” “No.” “Good, because she knows the consequences.” The two officers looked at each other uncomfortably for a second, and then the mare cleared her throat. “Regardless, sir, we still need to see your papers.” “No, officer, it is not regardless!” the stallion said, taking a step forward as the two officers, both of whom Vinyl finally noticed were Earth ponies, took a step back. “The law is clear on this point! My property did not harm either you or this baffling sex fiend who gets off at the sight of a bone growing out of a pony’s head.” “I don’t—” “Shut up!” Vinyl’s strange ally shouted at the other stallion before turning back to the guards. “Since there was no harm, indeed not even a single use of illegal magic, I am under no obligation to show you anything. This mare is rightfully mine, and I have no need to prove it to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am already running late because of this stallion’s secret fetish and the incompetence of you two!” The stallion turned and glared at Vinyl. “Move it. I’m late enough as it is.” “Of course, master,” Vinyl said, bowing as low as her aching body would allow. She then followed the stranger down the street, struggling not to look back and gloat at the ponies standing behind her. As the two ponies turned the corner of a street, Vinyl began to speak. “Hey, thanks for—” The pony in front of her spun, caught Vinyl around the neck, pulled her into a doorway, and slammed her against the wall so fast that Vinyl wasn’t sure what had happened until the pony was pressing his foreleg against Vinyl’s chest. “What are you doing here?” he hissed as his hood fell back. Vinyl was about to speak, but then she finally got a good look at the pony in front of her. He had a blue mane that was disheveled and overdue for a trim, but it was clear that he usually wore it short. And his fur was a rich brown. “YOU!” Vinyl shouted. She tried to lunge forward, but the pony kept her pinned against the wall. “You! You ruined my LIFE!” “Keep your voice down,” the Pegasus hissed. “You’d be dead, or worse, right now if it wasn’t for me.” “I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you!” Vinyl shot back. “It was a job,” he replied. “Quick and simple. Or at least it was supposed to be.” The Pegasus released Vinyl and stepped back. “But things have changed.” Vinyl wanted to smash the thief’s face in. She wanted to stomp on his eyes until they popped like grapes beneath her hooves. She wanted to plunge her horn into his neck like the Unicorn back in the cave had done. She wanted to hurt this pony worse than any pony had ever been hurt in history, but something made her hold back. The look of fear in the thief’s eyes was almost tangible. “What are you talking about?” Vinyl asked, barely able to keep her voice under control. “There’s a lot I need to tell you,” the thief replied. He pushed the door they were standing next to open and Vinyl couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Of course it was a tavern. “If I end up chained to the floor again, I will kill you,” the Unicorn mumbled as she followed the thief through the door. * * * Octavia barely recognized Ice Air as the Unicorn collapsed on the stage. Like Crystal Glade, the mare’s face was cut and bruised, though not to the same extent. Her dark purple fur was almost black in places from dried blood and her green eyes were dim. Her auburn shaded mane, which hadn’t been well kept even when Octavia had first met her, looked as though it had been the sole thing used to drag her everywhere. It was matted in some places, while in others it appeared that parts of it had been yanked out. A small ring was strapped around the base of her horn and it looked like it was cutting into her head. Ice Air’s eyes locked with Octavia’s, but the Unicorn showed no sign of recognition. She simply blinked, looked at the blood she was kneeling in, and then hung her head. “Now, I know she’s not in the best shape,” the ringleader said as he stood next to Ice Air. “Those rebels beat her pretty bad, I’m sure.” The crowd laughed as he smiled. “But I’m sure she still has some use left. Don’t you, freak?” The stallion reached down and raised Ice Air’s head for a moment, then shoved it back down. “Come on,” Lyra whispered. “We’re done here.” “What?” Octavia shot back. “Vinyl isn’t here,” Bon Bon added. “You heard him. She’s the last Unicorn they have. We need to hurry up and find her or she might end up just like these ponies.” “We cannot leave her,” Octavia protested. “We have to, Octavia,” Bon Bon said. “We have to find Vinyl as soon as possible, otherwise she may end up like this. Besides, what do you want to do? Storm the stage and rescue her? We’d be caught before we made the street, and then we’d be killed.” “Besides,” Lyra added. “She’s not exactly our friend. Remember what she did to you.” Octavia had not forgotten the pain Ice Air had caused her. Her body still ached from the magic blasts and she had a nasty bruise on her face, but the fate that awaited Ice Air was too cruel. Octavia looked up at the Unicorn and then down at her friends again. Bon Bon was right; they had no chance of escaping with Ice Air. Octavia was still recovering from her own wounds, and Ice Air was in even worse shape. Bon Bon had shown some skill back in the cave, but Octavia doubted her friend could cover both her and Ice Air. Lyra would be a nice trump card with her magic, but even that would probably not be enough, certainly not in the middle of a hostile city. An idea suddenly sprang into Octavia’s mind as she stared at the mint green Unicorn. Bon Bon saw the look and quickly realized what she was thinking. “Octavia, no,” she said. “If Vinyl’s been caught, we might need it to get her back.” “Do I hear five hundred for this, albeit less-than-stunning sack of flesh?” the stallion on the stage called. The smile on his face said it all. He knew that he was just going through the motions now and that there was no way anypony was going to take him up on his offer. “Bon Bon, please,” Octavia said. The mare’s blue eyes softened for a moment, but then she shook her head. “Do you really want to put this mare ahead of Vinyl? What if Vinyl’s been caught? What if we have to pay her fines? Worse, what if we have to bribe whoever is holding her? We have no source of income here. I’m sorry, Octavia. Ice Air is a—” “Bitch,” Lyra said flatly. “Yes. And that doesn’t mean she deserves what’s coming, but you have to ask yourself if saving her is more important than Vinyl.” “Three hundred, and that’s as low as I will go, folks,” the stallion called out. “Just get on with it!” a voice called out from the crowd. Several loud cheers immediately followed. Octavia looked up at Ice Air again. Panic was building in her chest. Bon Bon and Lyra were right; if Vinyl was in trouble, they might need all the money they had to get her out. But that was based on a hypothesis that assumed Vinyl was in trouble. She might not be. She might just be wandering around the city. Ice Air needed help now, and if Octavia did not do something, the mare was going to suffer the same gruesome fate that Crystal Glade had. “She knows!” Octavia suddenly said. “What?” Lyra asked. Bon Bon just raised an eyebrow. “She knows who I am!” Octavia said. “When she first attacked me, she knew my name! She knew—” Octavia was about to say that Ice Air knew that she was related to Sombra, but she stopped short. Lyra and Bon Bon did not know that yet, and she was not sure she should tell them now. It would just add more questions to a situation that was growing desperate every passing second. “How does she know you?” Bon Bon asked. “That’s impossible, right?” “It should have been!” Octavia said. “But she knew my name. Listen to me! Something about this whole thing has seemed off to me ever since the start. I will explain later, but I think there is more going on than the theft of my family’s heirloom. And I believe she could shed some light on my suspicions.” “Going once,” the stallion called over the crowd. “Please!” Octavia plead. Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other. “Going twice.” Bon Bon sighed and nodded. Lyra pulled the bag off her body and floated it to Octavia. “I will take her!” Octavia called as she lifted the bag into the air with her hoof. She could not tell who was more surprised: the stallion or Ice Air. “Are you sure, Miss?” the stallion asked. “I mean, you see her, right? This mare has long outlived her usefulness. And between you and me, I really think she is part of that rebel group we just executed.” “Three hundred, correct?” Octavia asked, ignoring the comments. “That was the price, correct?” “Up front.” Octavia walked up on the stage and pulled out what she hoped was over the required amount. When the stallion looked down at the payment, a sly grin spread across his face. “A very generous tip, Miss. Very well. Executioner! Bring me the papers, as well as the key for this beast’s shackles.” The executioner stepped forward and produced a sheet of paper that the ringleader glanced over, signed, and then stamped at the bottom. He then gave it to Octavia and she put it in her front pocket. She watched as the executioner pony then dragged Ice Air to her hooves—by her mane, Octavia noted—and shoved her toward Octavia. The Unicorn stumbled and began to fall forward, but Octavia reached out and caught her. The stallion raised his eyebrows in contempt. “What?” Octavia asked, putting an edge into her voice. “She’s already in poor shape. I do not need you damaging her any more. I already overpaid her value.” She helped Ice Air stand and together the two made their way down from the stage. As they did, Octavia accidently looked off to the side and saw a wagon full of corpses. She almost threw up, but she quickly looked away and ended up leaning on Ice Air a little for support. As the two mares reached the bottom of the steps, Ice Air spoke. “Great. Couldn’t just let them kill me, huh? Wanted to make sure I suffered even more before you do it yourself?” “I just saved you,” Octavia hissed. “But if you prefer, I can toss you back up there and you can go through the same thing Crystal Glade did.” Ice Air remained silent for a moment, and then asked, “Why?” “This had better be worth it, Octavia,” Bon Bon whispered as she and Lyra met the two ponies at the edge of the crowd. “She had better be worth it.” Octavia looked at the broken mare shivering next to her. “Come on. First we are going to get you cleaned up. A hot bath should help.” “Do hot baths even exist in this wasteland?” Lyra mumbled, and Octavia wondered if she had a point. “Octavia, we don’t have time for that!” Bon Bon protested. “If Vinyl’s been—” “For all we know, Vinyl may be back at the room,” Octavia said smoothly. She wanted that statement to be true more than anything in the world, but even if it was not, one look at Ice Air’s beaten form told her that the mare was in no condition to be dragged around the city. “Fine,” Bon Bon said. “But if she’s not there, I’m heading out right away again. You’ve seen what Earth ponies do to Unicorns here.” Again, Octavia looked at Ice Air’s body. “Agreed. And Ice Air, after we have cleaned you up a bit, you will help us look for Vinyl.” Octavia made sure the Unicorn looked her in the eye for the next part. “And you are going to answer some questions. Starting with how you know who I am, and what I am.” Ice Air let out a dry laugh. “Of course, master. I am yours now, after all. In fact, I’ll answer that right now. I know who you are because I knew you were coming. You don’t honestly think that we stumbled across you by accident out there, do you? I was told to watch for you.” Octavia felt a chill run down her spine. Her worst fears had been realized. “By whom?” she whispered. “My former leader, of course,” Ice Air said, hatred seeping into her voice. “Keket.” > Answers to Questions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You will find a rebel cell at the location marked on the enclosed map. My slave attempted to join them. After I beat the information out of her, I had her strung up. I send this information without my name for fear of bringing the wrath of the noble Earth Guard down for my slave’s mistake. I can assure you that not only is the location accurate, but my slave has been dealt with. I trust the noble Earth Guard will do the right thing.” —An unsigned letter, sent to Earth’s city guard “Who?” Vinyl refused to touch the drink in front of her despite the fact that her new acquaintance was already working on his second cup. She watched him carefully, still fighting the urge to bite his throat out or run him through with her sword. The stallion that had ruined her life was sitting right in front of her. All it would take would be one quick movement, and he’d never ruin Vinyl’s life again. But the Unicorn knew better. The thief had looked terrified in the street, enough to give Vinyl pause, and when he had practically dragged her to this tavern, he had made sure that they were sitting in a far corner and he was facing the door. His hazel eyes only seemed to see Vinyl every few minutes, as the rest of the time they remained fixated on the entrance. It hadn’t been until a haggard Unicorn had come over to take their orders, causing the thief to jump like a rabbit, that he had finally spoke, although just a name hadn’t really been helpful. “She’s the pony that hired me,” the thief said as he set the cup down. His eyes shifted to Vinyl for a brief moment, but then went back to the door. “Tracked me down, told me she needed me for a job. I don’t usually take requests from strangers, but she paid upfront, three times what I would have asked for, and it was simple enough.” “Stealing that bow?” “Yes.” Surprisingly, the thief turned around and rummaged under the cloak he was wearing. A moment later, he pulled out a long tube and rolled it across the table to Vinyl. “That’s it.” Vinyl stared at the tube in front of her. She made a face, but didn’t move to touch it. “Don’t believe me? Go ahead, open it.” “And if it’s a trap?” Vinyl asked darkly. Her magic was already closing around the hilt of her sword. “If I wanted you harmed, or dead, Vinyl Scratch, I would have left you to those guards. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that your kind isn’t treated very well around here.” Vinyl couldn’t argue with that. Unicorns seemed to be second-class citizens here, if that. Whatever this thief was up to, it didn’t seem to like he was trying to harm Vinyl—any more than he already had, anyway. A thought popped into the Unicorn’s head as she began to levitate the tube. She stopped and looked directly at the thief. She waited until he was looking at her and not the door before she spoke. “What’s your name?” “Hm?” “You want me to open this? What’s your name? I need it so I can tell Octavia whose face she can stomp in.” Vinyl expected the Pegasus the dodge the question, or insist that his name wasn’t important, but to her surprised, he answered without missing a beat. “Shadow Walker.” Vinyl’s entire train of thought derailed at the name. She had been ready for some sort of fight, but Shadow Walker’s complete willingness threw her off track. At a loss for words, she slowly popped off the edge of the tube and dumped its contents on the table. There it was; Octavia’s precious bow. The strings glistened in the light, and as Vinyl stared at them, she could see them shimmering. It really was made from Princess Celestia’s and Princess Luna’s hair. Vinyl blinked away tears she didn’t realize had formed as she carefully put the bow back in the case. Finally, it was over. She could take the bow back to Octavia and they could go home. They could go back to being happy and— “We can…call Spitfire. You…you can have both of us at once. You would like that, right?” Octavia’s words shredded Vinyl’s happiness in a second. Yes, she had the bow back, but she knew it wasn’t enough. She doubted they could go back to being happy. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to. “Take it,” Shadow Walker said, snapping Vinyl back from the abyss. “What?” “Take it. I’m giving it back.” Vinyl sneered. “As if I’d let you walk out of here with it.” She took the tube and stuck it under her winter coat. “But…why are you giving it back? After all the effort to steal it, you’re just going to let me have it? What’s your game, Shadow Walker?” The hazel eyes focused so hard on Vinyl that the Unicorn winced. “Because I need you to trust me.” “After everything you’ve done?” Vinyl let out a loud laugh. “You have a better chance of this place thawing out than that happening.” “If you won’t trust me after this, then trust me for your marefriend. For Octavia.” Vinyl froze for a moment. That was right; Shadow Walker had no idea what he had done, what had happened because of his actions. “Octavia’s…not my marefriend.” “You’re lying,” Shadow Walker replied instantly. “And even if you’re not, I can tell you still care about her. A pony doesn’t glaze over like that for just anypony. So you need to trust me when I tell you that she’s in danger. All of Equestria might be in danger.” A primal rage swelled in Vinyl and she leaned across the table. Her fury at Octavia was forgotten as she slammed her forehead against the thief’s. “If you’re threatening her, I will cut you open right here!” “It’s not me, Vinyl!” Shadow Walker said. “It was never me. It was just a job. Get in, steal that bow, and get out. That was all I was told to do—at first!” “What do you mean?” “I thought it was just a quick theft. If I’d known what this was really about, I never would have—oh no…” Vinyl watched the blood drain from Shadow Walker’s face. His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. He was no longer looking at Vinyl, but instead he was transfixed on a spot behind her. Slowly, Vinyl turned her head and followed his gaze. Five Unicorns had just walked into the tavern, and all ten eyes were focused squarely on Vinyl and Shadow Walker. * * * Ice Air sat quietly in the corner, head bowed as she stared at the floor. Octavia, Bon Bon, Lyra, and their new “property”, as everypony seemed to called Ice Air, had returned to the room they were staying. When it was clear that Vinyl had not returned, Bon Bon had left immediately. Lyra had wanted to go too, but Bon Bon had refused, saying that somepony needed to stay behind to make sure Ice Air did not try anything. Under normal circumstances, Octavia would have protested, saying that she was more that capable of dealing with the Unicorn, but right now she knew she was not at her best. Her injuries, although mostly healed, combined with her mental state in regards to Vinyl, were doing her no favors. Even though Ice Air looked like less of a threat than a small kitten, everypony agreed that it was not worth the risk leaving her alone with Octavia. The Unicorn had been given a hot bath, something that was apparently a luxury according to her, and when she had been given food, she had wolfed it down, huddled over her plate with one green eye trained on Lyra and Octavia. Lyra had returned the glare the entire time, practically daring the Unicorn to try something stupid. Octavia, for her part, had not touched her food much. She was not very hungry. Now, after cleaning Ice Air up as best they could and dressing her wounds, the three ponies sat in silence. Lyra refused to look away from Ice Air, who just sat in the corner like a beaten puppy, and Octavia’s mind wandered as she sat on the bed. The silence seemed to go on forever, until Lyra finally broke it. “Start talking,” the green Unicorn said darkly. “About what?” Ice Air whispered. She looked up, and for a brief moment, a small spark of her old rage blazed in her eye, but Lyra growled and the flame died. “Who is Keket?” Octavia asked. She had so many questions for this Unicorn. Her mind felt like it was tearing at the seams, so she decided to start with the newest one. “Of course, Master.” “Stop calling me that.” “I’m afraid I can’t, Master. It’s the law here. I am nothing more than your slave, a piece of—” “Answer your Master’s question then!” Lyra snapped as she stomped her hoof. Ice Air looked at Lyra the way a pony looked at her hoof after stepping in something, but then she turned back to Octavia and hung her head. “She is—was, our leader.” A bitterness filled the Unicorn’s voice as she spoke and she bit her lip. “Not anymore though. All the others are dead, I had to pretend to be Chill’s slave when the Guard came, and now I’m nothing more than your property. She’s probably laughing at me. Thinks this is a just punishment for failing her.” “What do you mean?” Octavia asked. She remembered how odd Ice Air had been behaving back when their roles were reversed. The Unicorn had seemed to be acting separate from the rest of her companions. She had wanted to spirit Octavia away without letting the others know. Had she been planning to bring her to this Keket? She also remembered Lady Chill, and a shiver ran through her body. “She sold us out,” Ice Air spat. “She sold me out! They’re all dead because she couldn’t wait a few days!” Ice Air looked up, a twisted smile on her face. “You know, I bet that was her plan from the beginning. Why risk having me drag you to her by myself, when she could just have the Guard ‘rescue’ you and then send some ponies in to capture you here?” Lyra looked over at Octavia, breaking her gaze with Ice Air for the first time. “What is she talking about?” “Did any of you tell the Guard where we were?” Ice Air asked. “No,” Octavia said. “We ran into two of them when we first arrived, but that was all.” “Not the most pleasant of ponies,” Lyra added. “Probably not to a Unicorn,” Ice Air said, a smug look on her face. “But to you, Master, I’m sure they were all polite and helpful.” Octavia was not sure she would use that word, but the two officers had seemed to treat Bon Bon and Octavia slightly better than Lyra and Vinyl. “As I said, we told no pony about you or your location. Yet.” “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd that the Guard just happened to show almost immediately after we captured you, even though we'd been there for months without being found?” Ice Air asked. Without waiting for either mare to answer, she continued. “I saw the note one of them was carrying. I recognized Keket’s writing, and that’s what saved me life. That, and the fact that you left me beaten in the cell. Those idiots thought I was Chill’s slave, which is why they didn’t cut me in half right away. I threw myself at their hooves, saying they had killed my master and were trying to make me join them, but I had refused.” “Quick thinking,” Lyra said. “So why were they about to execute you here?” Ice Air laughed. It was a cold laugh, the type a pony let out when they were at the end of their rope. “You two really don’t know anything, do you? Where have you been?” “We are not from around here,” Octavia said. “I gathered that,” Ice Air snapped, a twisted gleam in her eye. “I figured you were from some outlying settlement, but you two clearly have no idea how this world works! So where are you from? That mythical Crystal Empire?” “Equestria,” Octavia answered. “Never heard of it. Sounds made up.” “You’ve never heard of Equestria, but you’ve heard of the Crystal Empire?” Lyra asked. “How’s that possible?” Ice Air sneered at Lyra. “Every Unicorn knows the story about the Crystal Empire and its founder, the Good King Sombra.” Octavia tensed at the name, but Ice Air continued speaking. “Parents tell it to their children as a fairytale. A place where Unicorns rule, rightfully and without oppression, and the Earth ponies are where they belong.” “And where is that?” Octavia asked. “In the ground, or working it until they are.” Ice Air’s green eyes tried to bore holes through Octavia, but the cellist chose to ignore the remark. “What about Pegasus ponies?” Lyra asked. “What is wrong with you?” Ice Air asked, turning her head toward Lyra. Her face was a mess of disgust and curiosity. “Did your parents not raise you right? Did you not pay attention is school or something?” “Answer the question, please,” Octavia said. Ice Air blinked in surprised at Octavia’s last word. “You two…you’re really not from around here, are you?” “As I said, we are from Equestria,” Octavia said calmly. “It still sounds fake, but…” the Unicorn looked between the two mares facing her and sighed. “But I guess this will go a lot faster if I just assume you two are telling the truth. That, or you’re both idiots. Actually, I think I prefer that one.” “Watch it,” Lyra warned. “There haven’t been any Pegasus ponies since The Freezing War. They were wiped out. Completely.” Ice Air stated the fact as if she was reciting the answer to a math problem, but the feeling of terror in Octavia’s soul matched the look on Lyra’s face. “They refused to surrender, and like the stubborn ponies that led them, they fought to the last. Except the fillies and colts. Those were just executed.” Octavia was glad she was on the bed otherwise she would have collapsed. Lyra, for her part, sat down on the floor, her eyes wide. “H…How…?” Octavia asked. “Do you know the history of the Three Tribes? Do they at least teach that in your Equestria?” “It’s part of Equestria’s founding,” Lyra whispered. “The leaders of the Tribes found Equestria, learned about friendship, and built a new civilization where they all became one Tribe.” “Well, we tell a different story,” Ice Air said. “Those leaders? They died, or were lost. Same with all the ponies that went with them—which were a lot. They were never seen again, so it’s believed they all wandered into the frozen wasteland and died. Those that stayed, well…relationships were already strained. The only thing keeping the balance was that each Tribe had something to keep the others in check. Earth ponies had the food, Pegasus ponies sort of kept the weather in check, and Unicorns raised the sun and the moon.” “That matches with our story,” Octavia said. “Well, what do you think happens when one of those groups looses its only bargaining chip?” “Which group?” Lyra asked, although Octavia suspected she already knew the answer. “One day, the Unicorns could no longer control the sun or the moon. No matter how hard they tried, or how many tried, they just couldn’t. The sun and moon no longer answered to them.” “The Princesses took over that duty,” Octavia said. “Celestia and Luna.” “Yeah, well, your Princesses bucked the rest of us Unicorns. Without the ability to control the sun, they had nothing to bargain with. The Earth ponies came down hard. They started withholding food. Any Unicorn caught stealing was beaten, sometimes killed, and the food that was given to us was reduced. Finally, barely able to stand, our new leaders were forced to sign our Tribe into slavery. If we wanted to eat, we had to serve the Earth ponies.” “That’s terrible,” Octavia whispered. “Damn,” Lyra added. “For a short while, it was okay. Or as okay as it things get around here. The Unicorns had food in their bellies, and while they weren’t fans of the arrangement, they figured they would just have to use their magic to help Earth ponies with simple tasks.” “But it did not last, did it?” “With the Unicorns firmly under their hoof, the Earth ponies turned their attention to the Pegasus ponies. And, in all honesty, a lot of the Unicorns agree with it.” “Why?” Octavia asked. The clouded look on Ice Air’s face was no longer one of pure contempt and hatred. There was despair mixed in now, and a sense of loss. “The Earth and Unicorn Tribes had been grumbling for a long time about the Pegasus Tribe. Generations even, from what I learned. I mean, have you two looked outside? Everything is ice. A frozen wasteland no matter where you go. So they figured, what good was the Pegasus Tribe? They weren’t controlling the weather. They were barely keeping it in check. So why should the Earth ponies, and now their servants, have to share what precious little food there was with them? Plus, it wasn’t like the Pegasus Tribe helped the Unicorns, or even stood up for them, when the Earth ponies signed them into slavery.” “Bet the Pegasus ponies didn’t take too kindly to that idea,” Lyra said as she narrowed her eyes. “Our stories say they were warriors.” “They were,” Ice Air confirmed. “I think that’s why the Earth ponies waited until they had the Unicorns. Two Tribes versus one? No matter how fierce the Pegasus Tribe was, it was no match for the combined strength of the other two. They didn’t go down without a fight though. The Freezing War lasted for over ten years. At first, the Unicorn Tribe was for it. They fought side-by-side with the Earth ponies, but when it became clear that the Pegasus ponies were beaten and were just fighting out of stubborn pride, some of the Unicorns pressed for peace.” “What happened?” “They were used as pony shields in the final siege. Those that refused to fight were executed, their families thrown out on the streets and left to starve. And so, the Unicorns were forced to make a choice. Help the Earth ponies eradicate every last Pegasus—and I mean every last one—or die. I’m guessing you two are smart enough to figure out which option they picked.” Octavia and Lyra were silent for a while. Eventually, the cellist spoke from the bed. “That is when it started, is it not?” she asked. “What?” “The biting cold that surrounds this city.” “I don’t know,” Ice Air said. “This happened over a thousand years ago. As far as I know, it’s always been like this here.” Octavia nodded. She had had her suspicions that the bone-biting cold that had hit them when they had arrived had not been natural. Now she was certain of it. “It is the Windigos,” she said. “The what?” “Magical ice spirits,” Lyra put in. “They’re what was causing the blizzard that was slowly destroying the Three Tribes’ land. They feed off of hatred and fighting. A war was probably a buffet for them.” “Not war,” Octavia said quietly. “Genocide. The sheer amount of hatred…it must have been unlike anything a Windigo has ever felt. It probably twisted them into something much worse. How they have not destroyed this entire city is beyond me.” “Each year, fifty Unicorns are sacrificed to keep the cold in check,” Ice Air said. “Their blood is spilt and scattered around the edge of the city, and their magic is used to fuel the protection spell.” “That’s…horrible,” Lyra said. She touched her horn for a moment and looked at Ice Air with pity for the first time. “A trade then,” Octavia concluded. “The Windigos keep the city on the brink, feasting on the hatred, and once a year they relish on the wrath that those sacrifices bring.” “And you Earth ponies wonder why we rebels exist,” Ice Air said as she glared at Octavia, but before Lyra could threaten her, the Unicorn hung her head and a tear fell down her cheek. “But what’s the point? Even my own kind tried to kill me. I trusted Keket. I believed in her, in her goal. I believed she’d make my life better, so I followed her. She was the first rebel to have a plan besides ‘Kill Earth ponies’, and she got other leaders to follow her.” Tears were streaming down Ice Air’s purple face now as she stared at the floor. “She made me feel important. Made me feel like I meant something. That’s why I volunteered to spend all those nights in the wilderness, waiting for you. She told me I would change the world, that I would make life for every Unicorn better. But then, she just tossed me aside.” Ice Air looked up and Octavia caught her breath. Gone was the hard-bitten mare that had attacked her in the snow. She had been replaced by a broken pony, with the eyes of a filly that wanted to know why the world was such a cruel place. “Ice Air, I—” Octavia started. “Why?” Ice Air wailed, slamming her hooves on the floor as she collapsed. “WHY? I did everything for her! There wasn’t an order I wouldn’t follow, so tell me! Tell me why she threw me away? She promised me that I’d be part of it! That once I brought you to her, I’d be at her side! But she never wanted me there! Despite everything I did, all she cared about was you! WHY?” Ice Air could take it no longer. She collapsed on the floor in a sobbing mess. She covered her face with her front hooves and wailed into them. Her tail, ripped and tattered from the abuse of her “rescuers”, curled around her body as sobs racked her body. She looked pitiful. Octavia and Lyra stared at each other for a long time, the only sound being Ice Air’s muffled howling. Then, unable to stand the broken pony any longer, Octavia slid off the bed and walked over to the crumpled Unicorn. She stood in front of her for a lifetime until she finally heard a small voice from beneath the hooves. “What?” Octavia did not answer. Instead, she knelt down and rubbed Ice Air’s mane. The Unicorn tensed immediately, and when she tried to pull away, Octavia wrapped her forelegs around the pony’s neck. She expected the Unicorn to resist, and for a few moments she did, but she had no energy left to fight, so she simply hung in Octavia’s embrace, sobbing on her shoulder. “Ice Air, you can come back to Equestria with us,” Octavia whispered as she rubbed the mare’s neck. “The journey will not be easy, and I suspect you will have difficulty adjusting to it, but it is a far better place than this.” “You…” Ice Air sniffled and remained silent for a few seconds before she continued. “You expect me to believe in your little fantasy world?” “It’s rather large, actually,” Lyra said. She had moved closer, but she made no effort to join the hug. “And, you are technically my property while we are still in these lands, so I am insisting that you return with me.” Ice Air said nothing, but she seemed to squeeze Octavia’s shoulder with her chin at the offer. “But first, I need you to tell me a few more things,” the cellist said as she continued to hold the broken Unicorn. “How does Keket know who I am, and what does she want with me?” “You two aren’t the only ones with imaginary dreamlands,” Ice Air said. Octavia expected her to pull away from the hug, but the Unicorn made no effort to do so. “Keket wants to make the myth of the Crystal Empire into a reality, and she needs you to do it.” “Why does she need Octavia?” Lyra asked. “It is a long story, Lyra, but my guess is that it is because I am related to King Sombra.” The look of shock on Lyra’s face was almost comical, but Octavia held up a hoof to stop any questions. “For another time.” “Well, you’re right,” Ice Air whispered, still refusing to wiggle out of Octavia’s embrace. “It’s why I called you that when we first met.” “You mean when you attacked me.” “I wanted to see if it was really you, if you were the one I was looking for. Your reaction said it all. As for how Keket knew who you were, that’s a bit more complicated. She—” Without warning, the door to the room flew open. * * * For a brief moment, Vinyl wondered if Shadow Walker was worried about nothing. Maybe the five Unicorns had just happened to glance in their direction, or maybe they were looking because they had noticed the thief staring at them first. That hope vanished as soon as a rather large stallion walked up to the group. “Hey. I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but it says outside that your kind isn’t allowed without your—” Vinyl wasn’t sure what happened, but the stallion was suddenly on the ground, howling in pain. His front left leg was bleeding, and the hilt of a dagger was sticking out of the wound. He howled, but the five Unicorns paid him no mind as they walked calmly into the tavern. No pony else moved as the five closed on Vinyl and Shadow Walker. The silence, save for the agony of the stallion, was painful as all eyes watched the attackers cross the room. When they reached the edge of the table, they stopped. “Where is it?” one of them asked. Vinyl couldn’t get a great look at their faces because they all had hoods, but she did notice that all of their eyes seemed to be glowing green. She almost dismissed it as a trick of the poor lighting, but no matter who she looked at, all of their eyes remained the exact same. Also, the one that had just spoken sounded off, his voice cracking and clinking, like the sound of a crystal breaking. There was something definitely weird about these Unicorns. They weren’t like the ones that had attacked her and Octavia out in the wilderness. Those ponies, while crazy, had at least still seemed like ponies. These ones brought to mind memories of Changelings, but not quite. Vinyl turned to look at Shadow Walker, waiting to see how the thief would react. She didn’t need to wait very long. No sooner had Vinyl looked his way than the stallion flipped the table up, sending their drinks flying. The move stunned Vinyl and the Unicorns, but Shadow Walker didn’t stop. He charged full force into the table and used it as a battering ram, plowing through the group before letting it land on top of one of the ponies who had been knocked down. “Move!” Shadow Walker yelled. One of the Unicorns was already getting back up on her hooves, so the thief jumped at her and kicked her in the face. She crumpled to the floor once more. “NOW!” Vinyl stumbled out of her seat, tripping over the body of one of the ponies, and began to follow Shadow Walker toward the front exit. The thief looked back to make sure she was following, but then he lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. A second later, a shard of crystal flew threw the air, right where Vinyl’s head had been. It slammed into the doorframe, and that was the spark that started the fire. The entire tavern erupted in a flurry of motion. Half the ponies dove under tables and pressed themselves against the walls, hoping to make themselves smaller. Others screamed as they rushed for the exits. A few—all Earth ponies—rushed the Unicorns and for a moment, Vinyl thought that the fight was over. The first Earth pony to reach the Unicorns slammed into one of them with his shoulder. He carried her across the room and crushed her against a wall with enough force that Vinyl worried he had killed her. She gasped as the air was forced from her body, but the stallion didn’t relent. Still pinning her to the wall with his shoulder, he pulled back his left front hoof and punched the Unicorn in the face several times. When he finally pulled away, her face was a bloody mess. She sank to the floor, and the stallion stood over her, pride practically oozing from his body. A second later, a long spear of crystal was plunged into his side. The tip emerged from the other side, covered in dark blood. The stallion turned his head to look at the wound, his face already going pale, and then he fell to the ground. Vinyl remembered what she and Octavia had found when they came across the remains of the expedition and her blood ran cold. “Get up!” Shadow Walker hissed and he put his hoof under Vinyl’s neck and yanked her up. “We have to get out of here!” “But…but what about them?” Vinyl asked, pointing to the other Earth ponies. Two more of them had already been killed, while another one was pinned underhoof by one of the Unicorns. She kicked and screamed, but her captor paid her no mind as she materialized another chunk of crystal and sank it into her chest, pinning her to the floor like a piece of art. She then took her hoof off the corpse and looked toward Vinyl and Shadow Walker again. “They’re already dead,” Shadow Walker said as the last stallion, currently being levitated into the air by two of the Unicorns, was suddenly turned into a pincushion as three spears emerged from his back. “And we will be too if you don’t move!” Some of the ponies had managed to make out of the tavern, but there was now a jam at the front exit as the remaining ones struggled to get out. Just as Vinyl was starting to wonder how they were going to get through that mess, the floor under her hooves started to shake. A moment later, the crowd of ponies struggling to get out the door exploded in a shower of blood, wood, bodies, and crystal. A giant chunk of pale green crystal, big enough to block the door, had sprung up from the tavern floor, sealing the exit. Thankfully, neither Vinyl nor Shadow Walker had been standing close enough to be harmed, but not everypony was so lucky. “We will not ask again, thief,” the same Unicorn said. He was standing in the middle of a pool of blood, completely oblivious to the death that surrounded him and his three remaining companions. None of them seemed to even notice the ruined form of the fifth one, still struggling to stand after the savage beating the stallion had given her. “Forget it,” Shadow Walker hissed. “I sent it away. You’re all insane! I tried to tell you what really happened, and what you’d get if Keket went through with her plan, but—” “Then there is no reason to keep you alive.” As soon as those words left the Unicorn’s mouth, a dozen crystal spears appeared in the air and raced directly toward Shadow Walker. The thief ducked most of them, but on managed to scrape his back, shredding his cloak. The tattered garment fell away, revealing the thief’s wings, his pony-shadow cutie mark, and a bandolier, stuffed with what appeared to be bottles. Shadow Walker popped one of the bottles out of its compartment and threw it at the Unicorns. They reacted instantly, putting up a magical shield to protect themselves from whatever the bottle meant to do, but that was apparently what the thief had expected, because when the bottle hit the shield, he grinned. There was a loud pop and smoke filled the room, so thick that Vinyl instantly started coughing. She felt a hoof wrap around her foreleg and she allowed herself to be dragged through the room. “Out the window, girl!” she heard Shadow Walker say, and a moment later she felt hooves half lifting, half shoving her out what she could only assume was a window. Cold bit into her face, but the air cleared instantly and she dropped down onto the frozen ground, Shadow Walker right behind her. The two ponies had landed in an alley next to the tavern. Smoke was still bellowing out of the window behind them, and the screams and coughs of the ponies inside echoed fiercely in the narrow space, but at least they were alone for the moment. “What…?” Vinyl asked as she hacked for breath. “What…do they want?” “That bow,” Shadow Walker said. He took off running down the alley, and Vinyl had to struggle to catch up, their hooves echoing as they ran. “Why?” “Because they think it’s the only way to draw Octavia here!” Shadow Walker said. “If they lose it, they lose her, because they think she’ll have no reason to stay here. She’ll just head home—which is what I was hoping for. That’s why I gave it to you. Of course, if they find out who you are, then we’re in real trouble.” “What do you mean?” Vinyl was struggling to keep up. It felt like everypony else in the world was playing chess and she was still trying to figure out checkers. “Bait, Vinyl,” Shadow Walker said. “That’s what this whole thing was about. Bait to get Octavia out here. I mean, I’m the best thief in Equestria. Do you honestly think that you getting a good look at me was an accident?” Vinyl’s body froze as everything started to fall into place. Lefty’s comment back in Hollow Shades about expecting a pony asking about a bow, the big, easy-to-follow expedition from the Crystal Empire, and the crystalized feathers in the snow at the scene of massacre. “This…it was all a trap?” Vinyl asked as she stood stock-still in the alley. “Just figuring that out, huh?” Shadow Walker said as he turned around to face Vinyl, his face twisted with contempt and worry. “I let you get a good look at me because I was told to. Keket wanted you to tell Octavia what I looked like. Meanwhile, that freak back there, Crystalize, went to Hollow Shades thinking that that was where Octavia would look first. I met up with him in the Crystal Empire, but Keket had already gone on ahead. We joined that expedition, but then her right-hoof stallion slaughtered the lot of them. That’s when I made up my mind that I had to get away, but I couldn’t when it was just the two of us. So I waited, playing along until we joined back up with Keket and her followers, and then slipped away. I was gathering supplies for the trip home when I saw you.” “I have to tell Octy,” Vinyl whispered. “We have to get out of here!” “That’s what I’ve been saying! Now stop standing around and—get down!” Once again, Shadow Walker tackled Vinyl to the ground as a bolt of magic sizzled through the air. The two ponies looked back down the alley and saw two of the Unicorns standing there, with a third making her way out of the window. Once she was out, the pony Shadow Walker had called Crystalize emerged and took his position at the front of the group. There was no sign of the fifth Unicorn. Had they really just left her in there? “Out of respect for your abilities, thief, I will go back on my word,” Crystalize said. “One. Chance. Where is it?” “I told—” “You’re not getting it!” Vinyl shouted. She stood up and drew her sword with her magic. She held it in front of her, more as a symbolic threat than a real one since the distance was so great, and placed herself between Shadow Walker and the Unicorns. “Move, slave,” Crystalize said. “We prefer not to hurt our own kind, but we will. “Not going to let this one go, are you?” Shadow Walker called as he picked himself up. “Fine. Just so you know, Crystalize, I never liked you.” “Pegasus,” the Unicorn spat. Vinyl bit her lip. The pony standing beside her, stretching his wings and preparing to attack, may have been responsible for casting her life into this nightmare, but the Unicorn in front of her was the one behind it. One of them, anyway. After she dealt with him, she’d be going after this Keket. The DJ might hate Octavia’s guts, but she still cared about her, and would thrash anypony that threatened her. “All of you, FREEZE!” Vinyl jumped at the new voice coming from behind her and Shadow Walker. While the thief didn’t turn around, Vinyl did, and she couldn’t decide if she should be relieved or worried. Two of the city’s guards were at other end of the alley. They started walking toward Vinyl and Shadow Wing, and the looks on their faces were not encouraging. “You again?” one of them said as she drew closer. Vinyl recognized her as one of the guards that she had run into before meeting Shadow Walker. The mare narrowed her eyes as she looked Vinyl up and down. “Why do you seem to turn up wherever there’s trouble?” “Look, lady, we’re in some serious—” Vinyl started, but then the other guard spoke up. “She’s armed!” the stallion shouted as his eyes jumped out of his head. He stepped back and so did his partner. “I knew there was something off about you!” the mare hissed. “You’re a rebel! Everypony knows that Unicorns aren’t allowed to carry weapons. You!” The mare turned her gaze to Shadow Walker, who still hadn’t turned to face them. “You’re her master, aren’t you? I’m placing you both…under…” The mare trailed off as she saw what were attached to Shadow Walker’s body. Her mouth fell open and all she could do was stare, her breath coming out in small white puffs from her mouth. “You want the rebels, girl?” Shadow Walker asked darkly. “Four of them, right there. They’ve already killed half a dozen inside that tavern, and if you don’t help us stop them, they’re going to kill a lot more.” “How…?” the guard asked. “But…your kind is…how is there a Pegasus? Here?” “Enough,” Crystalize said. Vinyl turned to face him just in time to see one of his crystal spears flying straight for her. Without thinking, she swung her sword toward the rock. The blade caught the attack and shattered it, but the shockwave caused Vinyl’s head to shake. “What the buck is—” The other guard’s question was cut short as another spear dove into his neck. He sank to the ground, dead before his face hit the stone. His partner stared at his body in shock, but Vinyl no longer had time to deal with her. All of her focus shifted to the four Unicorns trying to end her and Shadow Walker’s lives. Shadow Walker moved first. Vinyl had known he was fast, but before she had been on the receiving end of his speed so she hadn’t been able to see it completely. But now, even as her life was in danger, she couldn’t help but be in awe. The Pegasus covered the gap in less time than it took to blink. He went low, aiming for the Unicorn on the far right of the group. He swept the Unicorn’s front hooves out from under him, and as he fell forward, Shadow Walker spun around and delivered a massive hind leg kick to the Unicorn’s face, sending him flying backward. The blow wasn’t enough to knock the Unicorn out, but it left him dazed. Crystalize was the first to react. He turned his head toward Shadow Walker and sent a rain of razor-sharp crystals flying toward him. The Pegasus rolled out of the way and then sprang into the air, avoiding the attack. Shadow Walker then went into a dive, aiming for Crystalize. The lead Unicorn ducked, but Shadow Walker simply changed his approached and tackled another Unicorn instead. Vinyl finally snapped out of her awe and charged forward, her sword drawn. All four of the Unicorns were focused on Shadow Walker, so if she was careful, she could get one, maybe even two of them before they realized what had happened. Vinyl closed the distance and raised her sword, ready to sink it into the flank of the nearest Unicorn. But before the blade could find its target, a large chunk of crystal blocked its path. Horrified that Crystalize had noticed her, she turned to look at who had blocked her strike. But it wasn’t Crystalize. It was the fourth Unicorn, and her eyes glowed green as she stared at Vinyl. “How many of you can use that spell?” Vinyl asked as she swatted the crystal weapon aside. She had thought that this weird crystal-forming spell was something unique to Crystalize, but then she remembered that one of the mares in the tavern had used the spell to kill a pony. Could all of these Unicorns use this type of magic? “By order of Earth Guard, I command you all to—ugh!” The mare guard, who had finally come to her senses, had rushed toward the fray, but the pony that Vinyl had almost cut down saw her coming. He, too, formed a crystal spear and sent it flying toward the guard and impaled against the alley’s wall. She screamed as the crystal dug into her shoulder. At least she’s still alive, Vinyl thought, but a moment later another chunk of crystal was jammed into her stomach and she fell silent. The mare had been beyond nasty to Vinyl, but the DJ couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Vinyl managed to push the thought of the dead mare from her mind as two of the rebels began to attack her in earnest. She ducked and blocked as best she could, lashing out with both her sword and her magic, but she was slowly being overwhelmed. “Shadow!” she yelled as one of the rebels managed slice her front leg open. As soon as the word left Vinyl’s mouth, something smashed against the head of one of her attackers. A second later, the rebel’s head was covered in white smoke that seemed to cling to it, no mater what she tried to do to clear it. “Vinyl!” a new voice cried above the furry, and Vinyl’s ears perked up. She blocked the remaining Unicorn’s crystal attack with her sword, and then slammed her hoof into the stallion’s face. It was enough to break his concentration, and as he staggered, Vinyl fired a blast of magic into his chest. It slammed him against the alley’s wall with enough force that cracks formed in the building’s ice. “Bon Bon?” the DJ asked as she took a moment to catch her breath. She looked past Shadow Walker and his scuffled and saw her friend dashing down the alley. Bon Bon crashed full force into Crystalize and practically bowled him over. She reached into her winter cloak, pulled out a small bottle, and threw it at his face as she ran. It shattered and, just like the Unicorn that had been attacking Vinyl, Crystalize’s head was instantly covered in white smoke. “Thanks,” Vinyl said, grinning as her friend ran up to her. “We were in serious—” “You idiot!” Bon Bon shouted as she slapped Vinyl across the face. “What type of moron goes off in a hostile city by herself? Octavia must really love you to put up with this level of crap!” “NO!” Shadow Walker yelled, and both ponies turned to look at him. He had pulled a dagger during his fight and had just stabbed one of the rebels in the neck. “Stupid mare! Vinyl! Get out of here, NOW!” “I think not,” Crystalize said darkly. Vinyl and Bon Bon turned to face him, but he was no longer thrashing about, trying to clear the smoke from his face. Everything happened in a heartbeat. Bon Bon jumped toward Crystalize, but before she reached him, a blast of magic slammed into her side and sent her skidding down the alley back toward Shadow Walker. Vinyl turned to face the attacker and saw that the first Unicorn Bon Bon had hit had managed to clear her head of the smoke. Vinyl started to turn and face her, but something wrapped around her neck and lifted her into the air. She crashed against the wall, and immediately felt crystal bindings form around her legs and stomach, pinning her. “Interesting,” Crystalize said as the last of the smoke cleared from his face. “Get away from her!” Shadow Walker yelled. He started to charge toward the rebel, but Crystalize was ready this time. “There truly is no reason to keep you alive now, thief.” Crystalize’s eyes flashed bright green, and it was as if the entire alley exploded. Countless spires of crystal erupted from the ground and walls, too many for even a pony of Shadow Walker’s speed to dodge. In less than a second, he was skewered from several angels. The life left his eyes instantly and he hung there, his red blood flowing down the crystal and pooling beneath him. “Crystalize, what do we do with the other mare?” the mare rebel asked as she walked over and helped the pony Vinyl had blasted into the wall stand up. “Kill her,” Crystalize coldly, never breaking eye contact with Vinyl. “No!” Vinyl screamed. “No! Let her go! Please!” Vinyl’s red eyes turned to Bon Bon’s crumpled form. Why they had hit her with magic and not their crystal spell, Vinyl didn’t know, but she couldn’t let them kill her. She had to do something! “I have it!” the DJ said quickly. “I have the bow! It’s right here!” Vinyl gestured with her head to where she had placed the bow. “Now leave her alone!” “Perfect.” Crystalize used his magic to open Vinyl’s coat and pulled out the tube containing the bow. He pulled the bow out and looked it over for a few seconds before his gaze returned to Vinyl. Without saying a work, he snapped it in half and then tossed its broken form over to Bon Bon. “What the buck are you doing?” Vinyl screamed. She struggled against her crystal shackles with so much rage that the one pinning her neck broke. “You bastard! Do you have any idea how much trouble I’ve gone through to get that thing back?!” “We are taking her to Keket,” Crystalize said. “Fracture, silence her.” “As you say,” the mare said. She stood in front of Vinyl and her horn began to glow, but Vinyl didn’t care. All she could do was look at the broken bow near her wounded friend. Something gleamed behind Fracture’s head as her magic grew brighter. Vinyl turned to see what is was and a twisted smile crossed her lips. “Crystalize!” the DJ yelled as she reached out with her magic. She felt the familiar sensation in her mind as she gripped the object and lifted it into the air. She turned her head so that Fracture’s light wasn’t completely blinding her now. The lead rebel stopped and turned to look back at Vinyl, an unconcerned look on his face. Vinyl said nothing. She only grinned as she swung her sword as hard as she could toward the stallion’s neck. The blade bit into the Unicorn’s neck, and Vinyl had the brief satisfaction of seeing the stallion’s eyes go wide before Fracture blasted her with enough magic to make her insides burns. * * * As the room’s door slammed against the wall, Octavia readied herself. While she doubted Ice Air had laid a trap for her, she could not discount the possibility. If some of Ice Air’s rebel allies came in, Octavia was going to need to keep the fight close, less they gain enough distance to use their magic. A Unicorn did come through the door, but not in the way Octavia had been expecting. Instead of charging in, she came in draped over the backside of another pony, her face a mess of bruises and cuts that made Ice Air’s injuries look tame by comparison. The pony carrying her looked better, although she was limping and the right side of her cloak showed signs of a magic attack. “Bon Bon?” Lyra’s voice cracked with worry as she rushed to her wife’s side. “What happened? Are…are you okay?” “I’ve been through worse,” Bon Bon said. She took a brief moment to kiss Lyra on the cheek—Octavia felt a twinge of jealousy at the scene—but then her face hardened as she turned her blue eyes toward Octavia and Ice Air. She practically threw the wounded pony off of her back, and stomped over to Octavia. “Bon Bon, is everything—” Octavia was cut short as Bon Bon shoved her aside. Ice Air managed to let out a small yelp before the Earth pony slammed her against the wall. Bon Bon pressed her front hooves against the Unicorn’s throat and lifted her up until not even her hind legs were able to touch the ground. “One chance!” Bon Bon yelled. “Try to lie, and I will break you in ways not even these ponies here have thought of!” “Bon Bon…” Lyra whispered. The green Unicorn looked horrified at the sight of her wife, but she was too terrified to say more. Octavia was not. “Bon Bon, I do not know what you are doing, but—” “She’s gone, Octavia!” Bon Bon snapped. She whipped her head around to Octavia and the cellist took a step back in surprise. She had never seen Bon Bon this angry before. “They took her!” Ice Air was kicking her hind legs now as Bon Bon held her against the wall. She tugged at the Earth pony’s cream-colored hooves, but she was no match for the enraged pony’s strength. “Who?” Octavia asked, dread swelling in her stomach. “Vinyl! This bitch’s friends took her!” Bon Bon turned back to Ice Air. “Where? Where is she?” “I…I…” Ice Air could not get out anything more than weak stammering. Her breathing was becoming shallow, and Octavia could see the strength leaving the pony’s body. “I know they’re part of your little group!” Bon Bon shouted. “They mentioned Keket. So where did they take her?” Ice Air’s horn began to glow with magic. Bon Bon saw it, pulled one of her hooves away from the mare’s neck, and slammed it into the Unicorn’s stomach. The glowing horn faded instantly. “You’re not pulling any of that!” Bon Bon warned. She pressed harder with her remaining hoof, to the point where Octavia thought she could hear Ice Air’s bones beginning to crack. “Bon Bon, stop!” Octavia said. “You are killing her!” She stepped forward and placed a hoof on Bon Bon’s foreleg. She was prepared to remove the mare by force if she had to, but the touch seemed to be enough to bring her back. She released Ice Air and the Unicorn fell to the floor, hacking and gasping for air. “They…they killed so many,” Bon Bon said as she looked at Ice Air in disgust. “I was searching the city, checking the bars and such, when I heard an explosion. When I got there, the place was…I’ve never seen so many bodies. These rebels are dangerous, Octavia. She’s dangerous.” “Who’s this?” Lyra asked, gesturing to the badly beaten Unicorn Bon Bon had dumped on the floor. Her hooves were tied together, although Octavia was not sure how much good that would do against a Unicorn and her magic. “One of the rebels. I grabbed her once the fight was over in all the confusion. Two others were killed, but two more took Vinyl somewhere.” Bon Bon reached into her cloak and rummaged around until she pulled out what she was looking for. “And they left this by me.” Octavia carefully took the broken remains of her family’s bow. Tears swelled in her violet eyes, but they were not due to the loss of the item. Vinyl, I am so sorry… “Ice Air,” Octavia said as she placed the broken bow on the bed. “Please. Vinyl is…she is my entire world. Please.” Her voice broke as she spoke and tears ran down her cheeks, but she refused to break eye contact with the mare. “You’re…joking, right?” Ice Air asked, a hint of disbelief and contempt in her voice. Bon Bon lunged at her, but Octavia put her hoof out to stop her. “Please,” the cellist whispered. “You…you actually care about her?” the Unicorn asked, and this time her voice was filled with shock. “I thought you only cared about her because she belongs to you. She’s a Unicorn, and you…you’re an Earth pony!” “That does not matter where we come from,” Octavia said quietly. “And even if it did, it would not matter to me.” Ice Air blinked, her eyes darting between Octavia, Lyra, and Bon Bon for several painful seconds before she closed them and sighed. “I can only guess where they took her. I don’t know for sure.” “Where?” Octavia asked. “The old Unicorn castle, back when our kind were still considered royalty.” Ice Air looked up at Bon Bon for a moment, and then she huddled against the wall, trying to make herself smaller. “I…don’t know if they’ll keep her alive though.” “They…will,” new voice strained, and all four heads turned to look. The rebel Bon Bon had brought back with her was struggling to sit up. She pulled her face away from the floor, her bloodied fur making a smacking sound as it separated from the wood. “How do you know?” Bon Bon growled. The Unicorn looked straight at Octavia. “Because she is The Chosen One. Keket needs you to come to her. That is why that was taken.” The Unicorn nodded toward the broken bow. “But is appears that she now has something much more valuable.” “Great,” Lyra said as she rolled her eyes. “We’re walking into a trap.” “We have been walking into it since the beginning,” Octavia whispered. If only she had made Vinyl listen to her. But no, she had refused to tell Vinyl everything from the beginning, and now the D.J. was caught up in her mess. Octavia narrowed her eyes and walked over to the wounded Unicorn. She drew herself up to her full height, raising her chin so that she was looking down at the rebel with an upturned face. “You have two choices,” the cellist said. “You may either be of assistance to my friends and I, as your former companion has chosen, or we give you to the local authorities and this city has another public mutilation and execution today. I will wager a fair amount of bits that this city will be more than happy to make you the scapegoat for all those deaths.” “I didn’t kill anyone!” the mare protested. She tried to scoot back, but Octavia placed her front hoof on her bindings and held her in place. “I was knocked out before all of that!” “I doubt the city guard will care. So,” The cellist leaned in so close that she could have kissed the mare if she wanted to and lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, “you may want to start thinking how you can be of use to us. Because if we arrive too late, if Vinyl has come to any harm, I will not cut off your horn like they do.” Octavia reached out and put her other hoof on the Unicorn’s horn. “I will rip it from your head.” > Have Fun Storming the Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tell me then. Tell me what I have to do. Whatever the cost.” —Keket, speaking to her new ally Vinyl’s head felt like it had been stuck inside a bell that somepony had with a hammer. It wasn’t just her ears that were ringing; it was her entire skull. Groaning, she tried to raise her hooves to cradle her head against the agony, but she quickly found that her hooves were bound together. She tumbled to the freezing floor, which only served to intensify the ringing. Slowly, the Unicorn opened her eyes. The first thing that greeted her was the version of her forelegs chained together, just above the hoof. “Not again,” she mumbled. How many times had this happened to her now? Sure, Octavia liked tying her up, but when she did it, it usually involved a lot more pleasure and a lot less pain. Octavia! The mare’s name snapped everything back into Vinyl’s head. She stood up as fast as she could, careful not to fall a second time, and looked around. She had expected to find herself in a cell of some sort, but instead she was looking around a rather plush—by comparison to everything else she had seen recently anyway—room. A couch and a loveseat framed a small coffee table in the middle of the room. Two cups of hot liquid—Vinyl couldn’t tell what it was and she dared not taste it—sat on the table, their steam wafting into the air in twin pillars. A single plate sat next to them with a few cookies resting on it. Off the right, against a wall, a roaring fire was going in the fireplace. While it was far from warm in the room, its heat was at least making the place bearable when combined with the winter coat Vinyl was still wearing. A massive window, many of its panes smashed and since covered by wood, stood at the far end of the room. At its base was a door, which apparently led out to a balcony that appeared to be mostly intact. Vinyl couldn’t be sure from the distance, but it looked like the edge of it had broken away and crumbled, and no pony had bothered to repair it. She found that odd, since the room seemed to belong to somepony of importance. In fact, the whole room showed signs similar to the balcony. The walls were made from some sort of fancy stone, but parts of it were cracked or scorched. A few pieces of art still hung in high places, but many of them were ripped, while others were just empty frames at this point. Even the brick fireplace was missing bricks here and there. The room gave off the impression of elegance, but that elegance was now buried under a storm of destruction and anger. “Comfortable?” asked a voice and Vinyl’s gaze shot to the side of room. A door was open and a lone pony was walking through it. “I guessed Fracture’s spell would be wearing off about now.” Fracture. Vinyl vaguely remembered the name. It was the name of the Unicorn that had blasted her just before Vinyl had— “How’s Crystalize?” the DJ asked. She didn’t need to pretend about being smug. Her tone said it all. “I commend you on that,” the strange pony said. She hadn’t moved from the door, and the now-familiar hood she was wearing was keeping her face hidden from Vinyl. “While at the same time, I would chastise him, were he still breathing. Apparently, we have spent so much time fighting Earth ponies that we have forgotten how a Unicorn can fight.” Vinyl tucked that little bit of information away in her brain for later. “So I’m guessing you’re…what was it? Cluck Cluck?” “Charming,” the Unicorn said. “I am Keket, yes. And you are Vinyl Scratch, a musical pony of some renown, if I remember correctly.” “My fame reaches all the way out here, huh?” Vinyl looked around the room and gestured with her bound hooves. “I knew I was good, but wow. I had no idea. You know, if you had wanted me to come give you a private show, you could have just asked.” “Hm…” Keket cocked her head to the side and said nothing for a long time. Vinyl began to grow uneasy as she watched the hooded pony. Apparently, the idea of doing exactly what Vinyl had just said had hit some sort of nerve or something. “Now that you mention it, that may have been easier.” “Uh…really?” Vinyl asked. “Because I was just joking, but if you really want a show, I guess I could try. But, uh, first?” Vinyl held up her hooves and shook the shackles binding them. “Kind of hard to work with these.” “But of course,” Keket said. There was a flash of red light under Keket’s hood—Vinyl assumed it was her magic—and a second later, the shackles came loose and fell to the floor. Vinyl stood still and bit her lip. She stared at her freed hooves, and then looked up at the rebel leader who had still not moved from the door. What game was she playing at? If Octy were here, she’d know, the Unicorn thought. But Vinyl wasn’t Octavia. She was just a simple DJ who had gotten involved in something way over her head, and it had cost her everything except her life now. And if she wasn’t careful, Vinyl got the feeling that her life would be next. “Would you like something to drink? Or perhaps to eat?” Keket offered. Without waiting for a response, she finally began to move from the door. Vinyl tensed, but Keket made no threatening moves or tried anything fishy. She simply walked over to the couch in front of Vinyl, sat down, and levitated one of the two drinks up to her mouth. For some reason, even though the light from the fire was at the right angle, her face remained cloaked in shadow as she took a sip from the cup. “What’s going on?” Vinyl finally asked. She refused to sit down or take one of the cups or the cookies. She had not been expecting Keket to be so…so this. She had expected to wake up in a cell, chained to the wall, and beaten for information, or just beaten for fun. In fact, she hadn’t really expected to wake up at all. “Right now?” Keket asked. Her hooded head tilted to the side and she shrugged under her cloak. “You are being rather rude. I am offering you some refreshments, and you are flatly refusing them.” “I don’t want your damn food!” Vinyl shouted. She was stunned by her own voice, but the seal on her emotions was already cracked, so she decided to let loose. “I’m talking about me! I’m talking about Octavia! What do you want with her? Why did you hire Shadow Walker to steal that bow? Why did you have your goons kill him, and all those other ponies? What happened to my friend in the alley? Why am I here? Why are you treating me like this instead of…whatever! WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!” Vinyl’s body shook as she screamed the last question at the top of her lungs. It felt like her soul had finally given out from all the weight. The fights with Octavia, the constant battles and escapes, the execution of the Earth pony in the rebels’ cave, the slaughter of the bar patrons back at the city; all of it came crashing down on her at that moment. She sank to the ground, too tired to even cry, and lay there, struggling to breathe. “You really should eat something, Miss Scratch,” Keket said. She floated a cookie up to her lips and took a small bite before continuing. “You seem rather tired.” “Shut up,” Vinyl whispered without lifting her head. “Very well,” Keket said. “First and foremost, I must apologize. Had I known how important you are, things may have gone smoother.” “What?” “I will spare you the grand speech that I gave my slaves, about bringing a new order and such. I doubt you would believe me, considering where you come from.” “You know about Equestria?” Vinyl asked. “Of course I do,” Keket replied. “I was there, along with Crystalize. Did you think hiring Shadow Walker was something I would leave up to a random slave?” “So then why—?” “I told you I would spare you the speech, and I shall,” Keket cut in. “The short answers to your questions: Your friend from the alley is fine. Bruised, perhaps, but I made sure my slaves left her alive and in good health. I needed her to deliver a message, you see. A message about you, and that I have you. “As for Shadow Walker’s death, he had served his purpose. Once he decided to betray me, his fate was sealed. And the ponies at the bar? Mere casualties, nothing more. Besides, they were Earth ponies, so it is no great loss.” Vinyl wanted to stand up and spit in Keket’s hooded face, but decided against it. “Why do you want Octavia to know you have me? Why do you want her so badly?” “Because I need her!” Keket’s voice seemed to change as she spoke. It grew deeper, dropping several octaves until it boomed from her throat. She coughed a few times and then continued, her voice returning to normal. “It took nearly every resource I had to find Octavia, and when I did, it took everything else simply to hire Shadow Walker.” Keket shook her hooded head and chuckled to herself. “But I knew I should have waited. I should have studied her, even for a bit. But I was blinded by my goal. It was within my hooves, and without thinking, I reached out to take it. “So I had Shadow Walker steal the bow, fully believing Octavia would come after it. It was a prized family treasure, after all. But imagine my surprise when Octavia did not raise a hoof to reclaim her family’s treasure. No, it was some random musical pony that came after it. And then Octavia came after her.” Keket threw her head back and laughed, her voice once again dropping into that deep sound and echoing off the spacious walls in the room. “That was when I realized my mistake. The bow meant nothing to Octavia. But you, Miss Scratch, you mean everything to her. I should have taken you instead. Octavia will go to the end of the world for you, and now that I have you, I simply have to wait for her to come.” Panic rose in Vinyl’s heart and forced her to her hooves. She took several deep breaths, twisting her face into a sneer that she hoped would convince Keket of her words as faced the rebel leader. “Hate to disappoint you, but you’re wrong about her. Maybe there was a time when that was true, but not anymore. I hate her, and she never cared about me. The only thing I was good for was screwing.” Tears began to fall from Vinyl’s eyes as she spoke. “Told me so herself. So…so if you’re expecting her to come save last month’s whore, forget it.” “Interesting,” Keket said, and her casual tone caused Vinyl’s sneer to crack. “I got a rather different impression from her when I spoke to her before coming to see you.” “She’s here?” Vinyl shouted. “Yes, of course,” Keket said as she popped another cookie into her mouth. “She is down in the dungeon. Right now, the guards are taking turns with her, if you know what I mean. She is rather—” Vinyl was across the table and in Keket’s hooded face before the mare could finish speaking. She wanted to choke the life out of her, smash her face in, and tear her eyes out. She wanted to drive her horn into the mare’s neck, just like the rebels had murdered that mare in the caves. She wanted to feel Keket’s blood seep down her horn and cover her head as her body flailed its last dying spasms on her. The only thing that stopped Vinyl was the fact that Keket didn’t so much as flinch when Vinyl lunged at her. Instead, a white smile appeared beneath her hood. “You hate her, do you?” Keket whispered, her smile twisting into a sneer that outclassed the one Vinyl had been wearing before. “Oh yes, you clearly do. And she hates you too, I am certain.” Vinyl stumbled back, tripping over the table, spilling the two drinks, and knocking the cookies onto the floor. She rolled across the table and landed on the floor. “You…she’s not…” Vinyl stammered. “No, Octavia Melody is not here,” Keket said. “But she will be soon, I imagine.” As if her words were a signal, a muffled explosion filled the air and the room seemed to rumble under Vinyl. “In fact, I believe that is her now. Which leaves the question of what we should do now.” Vinyl picked herself up and glared at Keket’s hooded form. “Isn’t it obvious?” “Well, you see, you have a choice. We, or rather you, can sit here in comfort. I will stay for as long as I can, but my services will probably be needed to subdue her. We can be civil about this, and you can walk away without any more injuries. Or—” Vinyl didn’t wait. She fired a blast of magic that caught Keket square in the chest. The rebel tumbled over the back of the couch, knocking the furniture over as she did. “I won’t let you anywhere near Octy!” Vinyl hissed, but the rage she was feeling was quickly quelled when Keket’s laughter floated up from behind the overturned couch. Keket slowly stood up. She pulled her hood back with her hoof and Vinyl’s blood went cold. The mare’s eyes were two blood red jewels floating in a see of neon green. Purple smoke seemed to be creeping out of the edges of them, and her entire face was cracked and blistered, the wounds pulsing with dark magic. Her mane, a rich midnight shade of blue, was flowing behind her despite the lack of wind, and around her neck she wore a necklace with a single red shard. Where the shard touched her white chest, it looked as if spider webs of purple and red magic were shooting outward over her body. “I will be honest with you, Miss Scratch,” Keket said as her horrifying face burned its image into Vinyl’s brain. “I was hoping you would choose this option. It will make Octavia far easier to persuade.” A blast of blood red magic slammed into Vinyl and launched her across the room. * * * Bon Bon wanted to go home. She was tired of being cold all the time, even with top of the line winter gear. She was tired of eating food that barely had any taste, despite her best efforts. She was tired of the hateful looks her wife kept getting. She was tired of the loathing that blanketed the entire region. She was just tired. She wanted to sleep in her own bed again, get back to running her sweet shop in Ponyville, listening to Lyra’s crazy theories, and just being a normal pony again. When she, along with Lyra, had been given an assignment in the Frozen North, it was supposed to be simple. Scout the area for a few days and then report back. It was supposed to be quick and simple, but then halfway through their investigation, Princess Luna had contacted them in a dream and reassigned them to chasing down Vinyl and Octavia. Bon Bon and Lyra were close friends with the mares, so they had immediately rushed to their aid, but if Bon Bon had known what doing so entailed, she would have knocked both the musicians out back at that rebel cave and had Lyra help her drag them home. Too late now, the Earth pony thought as she stood on a small snow bank, looking at a crumbling castle. It hadn’t taken much pressure from Octavia for Snow Drift, the pony Bon Bon had brought back, to reveal where Vinyl had been taken. The Unicorn had been extremely forthcoming, even without the threat of harm. After all, she had said, Keket wanted Octavia to come. “You’re sure that’s the place?” Bon Bon mumbled through her scarf. Snow Drift looked back at her and nodded. “Yes. That is Princess Platinum’s castle. It was the last stronghold of the Unicorns before the Earth ponies signed them into slavery. Master Keket felt it would be a prime place for out base, seeing as it’s kind of taboo for Earth ponies to approach it.” “How do we enter?” Octavia asked. The cellist hadn’t been the same since Vinyl had stormed out of the room. She had been broken at that point, but when Bon Bon had brought news of her capture, the Earth pony had become something else. A razor-sharp air hung about her now, and when she spoke, everypony in the group twitched a little. “For you? You can just walk in, most likely,” Snow Drift said. She then gestured to Bon Bon, Lyra, and Ice Air. “Them? Not sure.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lyra asked. “It means Keket is probably expecting Octavia to either be alone, or under guard,” Snow Drift said, her sky blue eyes twinkling. “And before you try it, Master Keket already knows she’s betrayed us.” Ice Air scowled. “Keket sold me out first. And don’t be surprised if she doesn’t hesitate to wipe you out once she has Octavia.” “Why would she do that?” Snow Drift shot back, an air of superiority surrounding her despite the fact that she was still bound and had a magic collar on her horn. “I am doing exactly what she ordered. I’ve brought Octavia here. If she will just let me escort her down, I’m sure—” “Not happening,” Bon Bon said. “If you think we’re going to let our friend—hey! Octavia, wait!” Bon Bon watched in disbelief as Octavia began to march down the small hill toward the castle. The rest of the party stared at her for a moment, and then rushed to catch up. Bon Bon caught up to her first. “Octavia, listen. I know you’re worried about Vinyl, but shouldn’t we have some sort of plan? This is their home base. Just a few of them managed to decimate a bar. And the only reason we had the upper hoof in that cave is because Lyra and I had the element of surprise.” “I do not care,” Octavia whispered. “I have caused Vinyl no end of trouble simply because I was too afraid to speak to her. I will have her back, and not Keket, or her army, will stand in my way.” Bon Bon swallowed. “And you really think trotting right up to the front door is the best way in?” Octavia’s purple eyes shifted to Bon Bon and the mare suddenly felt even colder. “You have a way to breach that door, I assume?” Bon Bon curled her bottom lip. Octavia knew her too well it seemed. “I do, but it’s the last one. I already used up most of my stock springing you and Vinyl, and Earth didn’t have a lot I could use. Lyra and I weren’t exactly expecting to be out here this long, much less fighting a small army.” “Then we shall have to make every piece count.” With that, Octavia increased her speed and Bon Bon fell back behind her. “If Vinyl ever breaks up wit her, we might need to put her in protective custody,” Lyra whispered as she walked up next to Bon Bon, the snow crunching beneath her hooves. “I mean, you’re scary, but Octavia’s downright frightening when she’s like this.” “Thanks,” Bon Bon said as she rolled her eyes. “So…loud then?” the Unicorn asked. “Loud,” Bon Bon replied. “Very loud.” “What’s that mean?” Bon Bon and Lyra turned around and saw Ice Air following close behind. Bon Bon still didn’t like the idea of the Unicorn staying so close to them, but Octavia had made her a promise, and Bon Bon was in no position to overrule it. “It means things are going to get really complicated, really fast,” Bon Bon said. “So you better make sure you know which side you’re on right now, because if you try anything, I’ll make sure you’re buried in this wasteland.” Ice Air’s green eyes looked down for a moment, but then they met Bon Bon’s hard gaze with their own. “For better or worse, I’m with you. Or at least her.” She nodded toward Octavia. “She’s the only one who hasn’t tried to kill me yet.” Bon Bon decided that was good enough for now. “And you?” “Not much I can do for either side like this,” Snow Drift said with a shrug, indicating her shackles. “Should have just left her back at the room,” Lyra mumbled, but everypony had agreed that doing so was tantamount to signing Snow Drift’s execution order. There were doubtless some survivors from the bar attack, and they would most likely recognize her. And even if that didn’t end up happening, they knew what awaited a rogue Unicorn back in the city. “Here we go,” Lyra whispered, and Bon Bon looked forward once again. The castle of Princess Platinum, no doubt once a testament to Unicorns’ vanity but now scarred from battles and crumbling in dozens of places, stood tall and imposing before them. It was a black obelisk jutting out of the snowy landscape, and Bon Bon felt even colder standing before it. A half dozen Unicorns stood at the main gate of the castle. Octavia had stopped just in front of them, easily within striking distance, Bon Bon noticed. They were all clad in the same white cloak that so many other rebels wore, and each one had their hood up, casting a shadow over their faces. But Bon Bon could make out two faint green orbs under their hoods. The Unicorns that had attacked back in Earth had had the same type of eyes, but these ones were brighter. They almost seemed to be on fire under the hoods. “Master has been expecting you, Lady Octavia,” one of the hooded ponies said. His voice was less gravelly and more like it was being dragged over rocks. Bon Bon got the impression that something was seriously wrong with these ponies. She glanced back at Ice Air and saw that the mare had gone stiff, her eyes wide with shock. Even Snow Drift, who had been completely calm before, looked a little shaken. “We have been instructed to take you to her,” another pony added. “But your companions are…unwelcomed.” “Wait a second!” Snow Drift stepped forward, muscling her way past Lyra and Bon Bon and stepping in front of Octavia. “I brought her here. I’m not going to let you take all—” “Unwelcomed,” all six ponies said in unison, their voices all cracking in unnatural ways. “Back away, Snow Drift,” Octavia said darkly. “These ponies are no longer their own masters. They have been too close to him for too long.” “What are you talking about?” Snow Drift asked, but Bon Bon noticed that she was slowly following Octavia’s advice. “I know these ponies. I was just here last—” “Snow Drift,” one of the ponies said. He pulled his hood back and Bon Bon’s breath caught in her throat. The stallion’s eyes were nothing but glowing green orbs now. Purple smoke crept out of their edges, but there were not signs of a pupil. Veins that looked like they were made of crystal crawled out from his eyes and covered his face. They varied in color, from jet black to blood red, and they all seemed to pulse every other second. “What…?” Snow Drift took a step back too fast and tripped. “What happened…?” “You have served your purpose,” the stallion said. His horn glowed with magic and the ground began to shake. A second later, it split open beneath Snow Drift and a single crystal spire shot up under the mare. Bon Bon immediately recognized it as the same type of magic that the rebels had been using back in the city, and she got a sinking feeling in her gut. Could they all use crystal magic? Bon Bon was too slow to save Snow Drift, but Octavia was not. The cellist jumped forward and clamped down on the mare’s mane with her teeth. She planted her right hooves and spun her body with all her might, dragging Snow Drift across the ground as she did. The spire caught the rebel’s tail, shredding it, but the rest of her was unharmed as Octavia threw her to the side. “Bon Bon!” the grey pony yelled as she completed her spin and launched into an attack. She had already taken out two of the rebels before Bon Bon even had a chance to react. “Down!” Bon Bon shouted as she reached under her coat. She pulled out a small bottle and threw it toward the door. It shattered against the wood, coating it in a sticky substance. A second later, working in perfect harmony, Lyra’s magic shot forth and slammed into door. It mixed with the substance for less than a second, and then— BOOM! The giant wooden gate to Princess Platinum’s ruined castle exploded inward in a thousand pieces of wood. “We’re in!” Bon Bon shouted as she, Lyra, and Ice Air rushed through the remains of the gate. “Octavia, what’s the—Octavia!” “Hold them!” Octavia shouted as she raced across the courtyard, two bodies already behind her as she tackled a third rebel and stomped on his stomach without missing a beat. “I am going to save Vinyl!” Bon Bon wanted to follow her, wanted to yell at her that splitting up without some sort of plan was suicide, but she quickly realized that doing so was no longer an option. Dozens of rebels were pouring into the courtyard now, cutting off the path to Octavia and deeper into the castle. “Ugh,” Lyra groaned as she blasted one of the rebels with her magic. “Could they have at least let us get inside and out of this storm?” “What do we do?” Ice Air asked. Bon Bon found herself surprised that the Unicorn was still with them. “Without Octavia here, I doubt we mean anything to them,” Bon Bon said as she looked at the corrupted rebels slowly encircling them. “So, step one. Try not to die.” “We’ve been pretty good at that so far,” Lyra said as she ducked a magic attack and returned with her own. “Two?” “Ice Air, if you know anything about this castle, anything that can help us, now’s the time.” “Um…” Ice Air raised a magic shield that blocked both magic attacks and several crystal spears. She lowered it and Bon Bon chucked another of her remaining potions, covering a section of the battlefield in a thick purple smoke. “That way! Some of the hallways are kind of narrow, so we can bottleneck them.” “Step two, follow Ice Air,” Bon Bon said and all three ponies charged into the fray, attacking and defending as they made their way into the castle. * * * Killing a pony was a simple matter. Ponies of all three races had plenty of ways to carry out the act. Unicorns had their magic, which opened a world of possibilities. Pegasus ponies, at the very least, could carry a pony up into the skies and drop them. Earth ponies could crush organs and break bones with their strength if they so wished. For Octavia, it was no different. If anything, it was easier for her. Her mother had insisted when she was young that she learned some form of self defense, because “a Lady must know how to defend herself”. Octavia had chosen martial arts, and combined with her rigid upbringing of grace and balance in Canterlot, she had excelled at it. While she had found herself in a few scraps—mostly when Vinyl got a little too tipsy and started something that Octavia had to save her from—the Earth pony had very rarely been forced to go to her full extent, but even in those times, she had never ended the life of her opponent. Every pony—and a few griffons—she had fought in her attempt to help, and now rescue, Vinyl was still alive. Some of them would certainly be walking oddly for a few days, or maybe even forever, and she had come close to squashing Left-Eye’s head in when she had rescued Vinyl from him, but she had never crossed that line. Now though, Octavia was not certain if she could continue to hold back. When Bon Bon’s little potion had blown open the gate, she had tossed Snow Drift aside not to save her life, but because she was in the way. Once that was done, she had torn through the few rebels between her and the castle without hesitation or mercy. While she did not think she had killed any of them, she was not certain. She had stomped on the stomach of one of them with more force than she normally used. Octavia shoved the disquieting thought out of her mind as she rounded a corner in Princess Platinum’s ruined castle and began running down another hallway. She had lost count of how many rebels she had encountered, leaving behind a trail of broken bodies that Lyra and Bon Bon could follow if they managed to evade the rest of the rebels. If they could not, if they were captured, then Octavia would rescue them after she took care of Vinyl. Two rebels appeared before her, both with glowing green eyes, but they had not been expecting to find their prey so suddenly. As such, they skidded to a stop for half a moment, and that proved to be their undoing. Octavia closed the distance between them and herself in that half moment, effectively negating their magic advantage, and before either rebel realized what was happening, Octavia spun on her front hooves and kicked her hind legs straight into the head of one of the rebels. He slammed into the castle wall with a sickening thud while his companion let out a startled yell, but that was all she was able to do. Hind hooves still raised from the kick, Octavia twisted her body so that her back legs wrapped around the other rebel’s neck. With barely any effort, the Earth pony pulled her body forward as if she were doing a flip, bringing the rebel over her body as she did. The rebel flew through the air, caught in Octavia’s legs, and then her body slammed onto the stone floor. Octavia rolled out of the throw and was back on her hooves and running in a heartbeat. The entire encounter had taken less than twelve seconds. Twelve more seconds that put Vinyl in danger. The Earth pony gritted her teeth and pushed herself harder. She reached the end of the hall and turned another corner. Stone stairs were before her, and without thinking, she tore up them. She could feel her injuries from Ice Air’s attack starting to rear their heads once more, but Bon Bon’s potion and Octavia’s own stubbornness pushed the pain back down even as she cursed it. The stairs kept going up in a spiral, and despite her best efforts, Octavia was forced to slow her pace. She wanted to find Vinyl as fast as possible, but she also knew that she needed to conserve her strength. She doubted that this Keket character would simply let her take the Unicorn and leave. And if she is in possession of what I suspect, I will need to be careful. Octavia reached the top of the stairs, her legs just starting to burn from the climb, and stopped for a moment to recover. Judging by the layout of the hallway before her, she suspected she was in the castle’s royal wing, probably the bedchambers. She scowled. She had been trying to find the throne room or the audience hall. She doubted that she would find Keket napping, and it was even more doubtful that she would find Vinyl simply resting on a bed. Octavia turned and was about to go back down the stairs when the ground in front of her exploded. She jumped back, watching as the stairs were swallowed in a mass of crystal. Before she landed, the entire stairwell was blocked off behind a wall of pale green crystal. Octavia suspected she could smash through it, but she decided that she should deal with the pony that had caused it first. The cellist turned around, her muscles tense and ready to dodge, and looked back down the hall. Four ponies had walked out of a few rooms and now stood shoulder to shoulder, taking up the width of the hall, but these ponies were not like the other rebels. Each was lacking the familiar white cloak. Instead, they were all clad in black armor. Two spikes protruded from the shoulder plates, and several more ran along the ponies’ spines. They all wore plated leg guards on each leg, and in the dim light, their outfits seemed to swim in the shadows around them. “Master would be displeased if we let you leave,” one of the ponies said, his voice now sounding like shards breaking with every single syllable. “So she is here?” Octavia asked. She noticed that the purple smoke was practically pouring out of these ponies’ eyes, instead of just seeping out like the rebels at the gate. “Or do you mean another when you say Master?” “Come quietly,” another pony said. “Master prefers you unharmed, but as long as you are still breathing, it is acceptable.” “Is Vinyl with her?” Octavia held her breath as she waited for the answer. If her Unicorn was just beyond these last four ponies, then… “Yes.” Octavia shot forward so fast that she surprised herself. These Unicorns were different from the others she had fought up to this point, because their horns were already glowing as she closed the distance, and one of them even managed to fire off a blast of magic before the Earth pony was within striking distance. She dodged it, and immediately fell on the four armored ponies. The first thing Octavia noticed was that hitting the armor hurt. She jumped into the air and launched a kick with a hind leg that caught one of the rebels in the side. He staggered backward and tumbled into another rebel, but the impact on her hoof stung. As she landed, she made a note to aim for unprotected areas, such as their faces or the backs of their legs. No sooner had she landed than she rolled to the side, remembering that her training had taught her to never stand still. She came out of the roll and sprung up, dropping back into a fighting stance and looking for her next target. A Unicorn fired another blast of magic—Octavia noticed that they were not using the more deadly crystal spears, probably because they needed her alive—and Octavia ducked just in time. The energy scorched her black mane and she felt its heat on her scalp. She heard the blast hit the wall behind her, and she had to fight the urge to turn and look. Instead, she lunged toward her attacker, but before she could get close enough to attack, crystals shot up from the ground, blocking her path. She stopped suddenly, surprised by the block, but then the makeshift barrier exploded toward her as the Unicorn behind it blasted it with magic. Octavia flew backward and countless crystal shards shredded her winter coat and cut into body. She closed her eyes and covered her face with her hooves. She felt an extra large piece cut into her cheek, and then she hit the ground. She rolled a few times, not entirely under her own power, until she hit what she thought was a pillar. She opened her eyes and looked up just in time to see a hoof coming down toward her face. Moving solely on reflex, Octavia’s front hooves shot up. She caught the Unicorn’s hoof just before it stomped on her muzzle. The Unicorn scowled and tried to force his hoof down, but he did not have an Earth pony’s strength. Octavia easily pushed the hoof back up, but she did not release it from her hold. Instead, after she raised it up a bit, she yanked it back down. As the Unicorn lost his balance, Octavia kicked her hind legs up, catching the stallion squarely in the gut. His green eyes went wide and Octavia felt spit splatter her face as his mouth fell open. All the strength left his body, but Octavia was not going to take any chances. She kicked again, harder, and this time the Unicorn went completely limp. The green glow from his eyes vanished, and Octavia found herself staring at pupils that were almost nonexistent. She tossed the armored Unicorn aside and his body clattered to the ground. The cellist began to stand back up, but before she could straighten her legs, something hard smashed against the back of her head. She stumbled forward, struggling to stay standing and not pass out, but she found doing both to be impossible. So she fell onto the floor again and put all of her will into not blacking out. When her vision finally seemed to stabilize, she slowly reached up and felt the back of her head. Doing so sent a sharp pain through her skull, and when she pulled her hoof back and looked at it, it was covered in dark red blood. Octavia swallowed and forced herself to stand, her hoof slipping a little from the blood, and turned to face the three remaining Unicorns. One of them was still levitating what appeared to be the remains of a crystal club. The handle was still intact, but the floor beneath it was covered in bloodiy shards from being smashed against her head. Octavia’s head was swimming now, and she realized she needed to end this fight quick. These ponies had said they would not kill her, but it was clear that they were not above pushing her right to death’s brink. She doubted she’d survive another full blow like that, so she would not need to worry about it happening a second time, but there were plenty of other ways these Unicorns could hurt her and keep her alive. She bit her lip, a stubborn habit that her mother had tried to break her of. She glared at her opponents, but remained silent. Talking was wasted energy, both mentally and physically, and she was struggling to just keep her vision clear. What she was about to do was going to take a lot out of her because of the gash in her head, so she needed every ounce of strength she could summon. “Surrender and—” Octavia did not allow the pony to finish talking. She charged forward and reared up on her hind legs when she was in front of the ponies. Their green eyes went wide as they readied their magic, instinctively taking a few small steps back. Octavia struck out with her right front hoof and landed a solid blow on the pony in the middle of the trio. Blood from her hoof smeared across the rebel’s face as his head spun to the side. He spit and began to turn his head back, but no sooner had Octavia’s first blow ended than her second hoof came up from below and caught his chin. His head snapped up and the front half of his body followed. For a brief moment, it looked as though he was trying to match Octavia’s rearing stance, but as his front hooves left the ground, Octavia pulled both of her hooves back in and slammed them as hard as she could into the stallion’s exposed chest. He flew backward and tumbled down the hall until he came to rest in a jumbled heap. The two remaining rebels didn’t seem to even notice as their comrade fell. Instead, their horns glowered brighter as they aimed for the spot where Octavia would land once she went back to all fours. But the cellist never went back down on her front hooves. She spun like a top on her back legs, and held out her forelegs as she approached the second rebel. Because they were fighting in a hallway, the distance between all of them was nonexistent, and Octavia’s twirl turned into a quick succession of muzzle blows before the second rebel had time to wonder how she was still only on two legs. Octavia caught a glimpse of the second rebel’s face and realized she was dazed, but she doubted she had time to finish her off. She stopped her spin and leaned back until her front hooves touched the ground. Her back arched with her stomach facing the castle’s ceiling, she saw the third rebel behind her. A second later, she pulled her stomach in and lowered her body a little as the rebel fired a blast of magic that, if she had remained standing, would have caught her square in the back. Instead, the magical attack exploded against the wall and Octavia pushed off the ground with her hind legs and swung her body up. She balanced on her front hooves for only a heartbeat, her onyx hair spilling down around her head and the uneasy feeling of blood rushing through her skull filled her senses, and then she allowed gravity to take over. Her hind legs came down and she staggered their descent, so that one of her back hooves smacked the top of the rebel’s head followed immediately by the other. The blow stunned the rebel enough that his next magical attack fizzled on his horn, but Octavia was not finished. Now back on all fours, she pushed off her front hooves again and spun around to face him. As she did, she reached out with her foreleg and caught the stallion in the neck. The clothesline blow, a favorite of her private tutor, knocked the air from the rebel and pulled him from his hooves. She continued to use momentum and spun both herself and the rebel one hundred and eighty degrees so that they were facing the last remaining rebel. Octavia halted her turn and allowed the rebel whose windpipe she had likely just cracked to continue forward. He crashed into the other rebel, who was just starting to come out of her daze. She struggled to hold up her companion, but Octavia was not going to allow it. She jumped straight up and kicked both her hind legs out. The double blow slammed into the stallion’s side and launched him like a barrel into the last rebel. The two smashed against the hallway’s wall and then sank to the floor. Octavia landed and slowly lowered herself back to all fours. Never before had she been so satisfied that her mother had forced her to learn a martial art, and that her instructor had insisted she learn how to stand and fight on her hind legs. The moment of pride quickly faded as adrenaline left her body and she quickly became aware of her injuries. Countless tiny cuts littered her body, and as she tensed, they felt like a million needles pricking her. The hoof she had used to strike the first rebel’s armor was starting to pulse with pain and she winced as she put weight on it. The gash in the back of her head was throbbing in a way that suggested immediate medical attention, and she could feel the weight in her mane from where the blood had soaked in. Octavia looked at her winter coat, now a tattered mess clinging to her body, and gripped a part of its sleeve with her teeth. She tugged until she tore off a long strip. She wrapped it around her head, and then tore off two more strips and did the same. She knew it was not a good solution, but she suspected it would at least stop the bleeding long enough for her to find Vinyl and get out of here. After all, if these four ponies had been waiting for her here, then surely— A door at the end of the hall blew off its hinges and crashed into the opposite wall. It immediately exploded into pieces as a massive blast of magic hit it. “YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!” a voice screamed as the hallway shook under Octavia’s hooves. “Vinyl!” Octavia’s pain vanished as she ran to the end of the hall and rushed into the room. * * * Vinyl’s body felt like it was falling apart. The muscles that she used to stay standing were stretched to their limits. Her flesh was torn in countless places, burned in others. Her horn felt like it had somehow separated from her skull, and she swore she could feel her brain oozing out of her ears. Her chest ached with every breath, and each time air rushed into her lungs, it felt like it started a new inferno deep inside her. Despite all of her pain though, she was smiling, because Keket looked no better than she did. The rebel leader, for all her fearsome appearance, was struggling to stay standing. Her breathing was ragged, and her dark blue mane was matted against her head and neck from blood and sweat. The magical cracks in her face were growing, but the energy that had been seeping out of them had dimmed considerably. Her pupils were still blood red, but the green pools they floated in had faded to a more murky shade. “Guess Crystalize…isn’t the only one…not used to fighting…Unicorns,” Vinyl stammered. “You’re not…looking so hot…” She tried to put as much bravado into her voice as she could, but the way her head was swimming was making it difficult. “That burn…looks painful…” Keket’s red eyes glanced down at her chest, where Vinyl’s original attack had landed. Her fur was singed black just below her necklace, and the DJ was pretty sure she could make out signs of charred skin underneath. “Indeed,” Keket replied. “I imagine you know how it feels.” Vinyl grimaced as she was reminded of the raw burn on her own chest. Both Unicorns had landed solid opening blows on each other, but that had been all. The rest of the fight had been one of endurance and a hundred little cuts adding up until both cold barely stand. Things were clearly not going the way Keket had planned, because despite her combat experience, Vinyl was finding it easier and easier to keep up with her. At first, the DJ had had to put everything she had into dodging and raising shields just to stay in the fight. The thought of attacking had seemed impossible under Keket’s relentless barrage, but as it had continued, Vinyl had started to see cracks in the offensive, and she had exploited them. The look of shock on Keket’s face when one of Vinyl’s attacks had clipped her flank was something Vinyl was going to remember for the rest of her life. “This…is over, Miss Scratch,” Keket heaved. “Octavia is almost…here, and then—” Something in Vinyl snapped when she saw the cruel smile on Keket’s broken face. She screamed and before she realized it, her aching legs had carried her to within hoof-striking distance of Keket. The sudden rush surprised the other Unicorn, for her eyes went wide a second before Vinyl slammed her front hoof into her face. Keket reeled back, but as she did, Vinyl blasted her exposed chest with magic, sending her skidding across the floor. Keket tried to pick herself up, but Vinyl didn’t relent. She was on top of Keket in an instant, striking out with her front hooves with blind rage. Several blows caught the rebel in the face and neck before she managed to get her forelegs up to block, but still Vinyl didn’t stop. Her hooves now blocked, Vinyl lunged down with her head, the tip of her horn aiming for Keket’s neck. The Unicorn managed to turn her head to the side just before Vinyl’s horn dug into her flesh, but a moment later she let out a grunt as Vinyl twisted her head and cut the rebel’s cheek open with her horn. “Enough!” Keket focused and fired a blast of magic into Vinyl’s lower chest. Under normal circumstances, the blast would have punched a hole clean through her, but Keket was wounded, so the attack only flung Vinyl up and backward. Vinyl landed on her back and the impact sent all of her energy fleeing from her body. Her brain screamed at her to stop, to just lie still on the floor and go to sleep, but she refused. She groaned as she rolled onto her side. The fire that had been burning inside her now felt like it was outside as well, and when she managed to tilt her head to look at her chest, she almost choked at the sight of burned fur and flesh. Her four legs feeling a pain beyond imagination, Vinyl forced herself to stand and face the direction she thought Keket was. She did not have the strength to raise her head, instead allowing it to droop toward the floor, giving her a clear view of her chest. For some reason, she was keenly aware of her blue mane sagging around her face, and how it felt like a thousand spiders crawling across her scalp. “It…appears…” Keket began from somewhere in front of Vinyl, but the Unicorn still couldn’t summon the strength to raise her head. Instead, she began drumming as much energy as she could into her horn. “…Octavia has—” “YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Vinyl screeched as she fired the magical attack she had been channeling. She had no idea if it hit Keket. All she knew was that it hit something, because when the beam impacted against it, the shockwave knocked Vinyl backward. She heard something explode, and as she flew through the air, she hoped that Keket had been caught in the blast. The Unicorn hit the ground and blacked out as pain swallowed her mind. She didn’t know how long she was unconscious, but she slowly crawled back to reality when she felt something shaking her, sending rippling waves of pain through her. “Vinyl?” a voice asked. “Vinyl!” A moment later, Vinyl’s eyes shot open as something wrapped around her neck, sending new definitions of pain to her brain. She screamed and tried to pull away, but the restraint gave way immediately and she dropped back onto the floor. “I am sorry!” the voice said, and Vinyl’s eyes finally focused enough to see a grey blob hovering over her. “I thought….never mind. Can you stand? We must leave.” “T-Tavi?” Vinyl asked as she slowly made out the familiar facial features of the grey pony cellist. “It’s…you?” “Who else would tolerate that nickname?” Vinyl’s vision had cleared enough that she could see the tears falling from the mare’s dashing purple eyes now. “Hey…” she said with a weak smile. “Hey yourself,” Octavia whispered. “Vinyl, I know it hurts, but you must stand. If you cannot, I will carry you, but we must leave—” “But you…just got here,” another voice, strained to the point of breaking, chimed in. Vinyl recognized it, and a word that Octavia often chewed her out for escaped her mouth as she forced herself to sit up. “Which means…you beat my four best.” “Bitch…won’t stay…down,” Vinyl said as she glared at the battered form of Keket standing near what Vinyl assumed had once been the door. “Stand aside,” Octavia said, turning to face the rebel leader and planting herself firmly between her and Vinyl. “I assume you are Keket. I do not know why you have gone to all this trouble, but—” “Yes you do,” Keket hissed. She started to laugh, but the effort made her lose her balance and she almost collapsed on the floor. “Still…trying to deny it…even at the end.” “It’s over…freak,” Vinyl said. Despite her better judgment, and the horrified look from Octavia, Vinyl forced herself to stand. She immediately regretted the decision and leaned against the grey pony for support as she continued. “You’re spent. There’s no way…you can take both of us.” Keket started laughing. It was subtle at first, but it slowly grew until Vinyl wondered if she had lost her mind. She felt Octavia tense next to her, but the rebel leader did nothing else. “You’re right, Miss Scratch,” Keket laughed. “In order for our guest of honor to be here, it means that the four guards I had posted outside are done. And while it looks like they gave you some difficulty, Miss Melody, I can tell you are still a pony to be reckoned with.” Vinyl finally noticed the bandage around Octavia’s head and the countless cuts and bruises on her body. “Octy, you okay?” “All of that is true, Keket,” Octavia said, ignoring Vinyl’s question. “Stand down, allow me to take Vinyl, and this need not grow worse for you.” The rebel leader started laughing once again, the crazed look in her eye frightening Vinyl more than she cared to admit. If Vinyl was certain the Unicorn wouldn’t blast them both, she would have turned around and left the room right then. ”You wanted to know why I didn’t just stay in Equestria?” Keket suddenly asked, her laughter ceasing so quickly that it stunned Vinyl. “Right, Miss Scratch? I had just stumbled across a land where our kind weren’t beaten, enslaved, raped, and sacrificed daily. Unicorns were treated the same as everypony else. Even better, in some places. So why didn’t I stay there? Why would I come back to this pit?” “Keket, whatever you are planning…” Octavia warned slowly. “It’s because of this!” Keket ripped the red jewel necklace from her body with her magic and levitated it in front of her. “He made me see! How could I abandon my fellow Unicorns to their fate? How could I be so cruel, when I had the power to save them? He told me to find you, and that with your help, I could save all the Unicorns here. We could all go to Equestria.” “You still can,” Octavia said, but Vinyl caught the hint of fear in her voice. “How?” Keket shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks as a twisted smile crossed her face. “You think the Earth ponies will simply release all of their slaves if I ask them? No! I need power to do it. His power. Your power.” Keket’s eyes grew sad, and the smile on her lips broke into a quivering mess. “He said you wouldn’t help willingly. He said I’d have to train the others, prepare them to capture you. I didn’t want to believe it. How could a pony who lived alongside the other tribes, happily, be so willing to let others suffer?” “Keket, we saved Ice Air!” Octavia protested. “I saved her. She is under my care now. As is Snow Drift. Once—” “Under your care?” Keket spat the words from her mouth. “You mean they’re your slaves now!” “No!” Octavia shouted, and Vinyl saw a tear fall from her eye. “Once we get back to Equestria, they can—” “He was right,” Keket whispered as she ripped the chain from the red jewel and slowly floated it to her forehead. “You were never going to willingly help me; help us. So now, I’m going to make you!” “NO!” Octavia screamed, but there was nothing she or Vinyl could do. Keket plunged the red jewel into her forehead. She screamed as her horn exploded in a shower of bone. The long red jewel instantly took its place, forming a new red horn. Her white coat burned away in an instant, replaced with charcoal ash fur that was a shade darker than Octavia’s. Her midnight blue mane twisted and writhed around her head as darkness began to creep across it, starting at the base of her skull. As the onyx coloring slowly expanded, the wild mane seemed to die, until the farthest ends were coated in black. and the mane hung limp for a moment, before it began to flow, much like the Princesses’. The tattered white cloak caught fire, black flames eating at it until it was burned away, replaced with a blood red mantle that matched the color of Keket’s new horn. Her eyes were back to their fierce green-red mix, only now, purple flames burned out of their sides. “What the—” Before Vinyl could finish her sentence, she felt a powerful magic encase her body. She was instantly yanked away from Octavia and toward Keket. She heard Octavia scream—whether her name or just a scream, Vinyl couldn’t tell—a heartbeat before she was in front of Keket. She had only a moment to look into the Unicorn’s twisted visage before Keket punched her in stomach. Vinyl doubled over in pain as something threatened to spill from her mouth. She had heard something crack, and somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was one of her bones, but the thought was struck from her as another blow landed squarely on the back of her head. Her vision went dark from the impact, and she was vaguely aware of the fact Keket’s magic had let her go a split second before her face smacked into the floor. She tired to stay there, her head now nothing more than a jumbled mess, but she felt her body being lifted into the air again. Vinyl wasn’t sure how many blows she took. She tried to count them, but the first one to her burned chest knocked all sensible thought from her. It wasn’t until she felt a fierce pain in her lower jaw, as Keket delivered an uppercut that flung her toward the ceiling, that her thoughts were able to drift above the blinding pain. She flew up, but before she could hit it, gravity took over and she began to fall. The pain dulled her sense of time, making the fall last for a lifetime, until she felt the familiar magic close around her again. She tried to brace herself for another beating, but all she managed to do was cough and make her body twitch a few times as Keket held her there. Then a pain unlike anything Vinyl had felt so far exploded in her stomach. Somehow, she managed to scream, and she thought she heard another scream join hers. Her body began to shiver as her hind legs went numb. She made eye contact with Keket for a moment; saw her twisted evil smile in a face that wasn’t hers anymore, and then she looked down. A crystal spear was plunged into her stomach. She could see her blood running down it, dripping off it’s jagged edges and collecting on the floor beneath her. Horrified, she tried to reach down for it with her hooves, but Keket twisted the spear and laughed as Vinyl let out a sound that she didn’t know living creatures could make. The last thing Vinyl felt was the sensation of Keket casually tossing her through the air, the spear still firmly lodged in her body. > Go Ahead, Make Your Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You cannot win, Keket. Not without my help. You know what you must do to win.” —Keket’s new ally, moments ago   Bon Bon was starting to have serious doubts about accepting this mission. As another rebel rounded the corner, she swung her foreleg out, caught the Unicorn in the neck, and spun as fast as she could, slamming the pony into the wall. He crumpled with a groan, and Bon Bon ducked back around the corner as the place she had been standing was lit up with magic. “We’re in trouble,” Lyra panted. She fired a blast of magic past Bon Bon’s shoulder and a scream rang out a moment later. “Ice Air!” Bon Bon called to the reformed rebel. “Where are we heading?” Ice Air was further down the hallway than Lyra and Bon Bon. She looked back over her shoulder and waved. “Keep moving! If we stop, they’ll overrun us!” Bon Bon’s body felt like it was coming apart. All she wanted to do was lay down and sleep. All four of her hooves were aching, and blood was leaking out of her from countless places. Her curly tail had chunks missing, and she was fairly certain she was deaf in one ear. She had long ago run out of any semblance of potions, so she had be forced to rely on her close quarter combat skills, which meant that the Unicorns had plenty of chances to land attacks on her before she was in striking distance. Lyra was not much better. Her mint green coat was stained with dirt and matted with blood. Several burn marks scored her body, and her tail was all but gone thanks to a rather powerful attack from before. Her left eye was almost swollen shut, and blood was trickling out of her mouth. The fur around her horn was singed away from so much magic usage, and she looked like she was barely able to stay on her hooves as she half ran, half staggered after Ice Air. Even Ice Air was looking ragged, her body covered in wounds as she reached the end of the castle’s hallway and rounded a corner, vanishing from sight. The first time she had done that, Bon Bon had been certain that she had just taken off to save her own hide. That had been dozens of hallways ago, and since then Bon Bon had seen her save their lives several times. Lyra rounded the corner and Bon Bon quickly followed, the stone floor behind her exploding as another crystal spell erupted from the ground, showering her flank with debris. She pushed her body as hard as she could, willing limbs beyond their limit to reach the end of the hallway. Bon Bon stumbled into a large room and a second later, giant stone doors slammed behind her. She collapsed on what was left of some fancy rug and nearly passed out there. Only Lyra limping over and nuzzling her kept her conscious. She forced her eyes open and met the two pupils staring down at her with a weak smile before she turned her gaze back toward the door. Ice Air was leaning against it, her horn blazing as she struggled to drag the barricade bar across it. When she finally succeeded, she sagged against the stone doors and gasped for breath. She fell to the floor and shivered as her horn dimmed. “What…now?” Bon Bon asked as she tried to stand. She found the effort taxing, even with Lyra’s help, so she stayed where she was. A second later, Lyra collapsed next to her in a heap of tattered mane and clothing. “Ice Air?” the Unicorn called when the rebel didn’t answer. Ice Air remained silent by the door, her body still. For a horrifying moment, Bon Bon thought the mare had succumbed to her wounds and that they would be joining her shortly, but then Ice Air raised her head. “We…wait,” the Unicorn whispered. She slowly picked herself up and staggered toward Bon Bon and Lyra. She looked like she wanted to cry, but was too tired to even attempt it. Simply making her way over to them looked to be killing her, and when she made it to the rug, she fell on her face and didn’t move. “This is…the last point,” she mumbled as her body deflated. “What’s that mean?” Lyra demanded, but Bon Bon thought she knew. She forced herself to look around the room they were in. While all the furniture was smashed, decayed, or simply gone, she did notice a few things. All the windows were high up and narrow, so that the only things able to slip through them were light and small animals. A fireplace was at the far end of the room, so old that not even ash remained in it. A single door was over to the right, no doubt leading to what would have been a private bathroom some time ago. “This is a siege room,” Bon Bon said. “You led us to a dead end.” “It’s…all we have left,” Ice Air mumbled. She rolled her head so one of her eyes appeared beneath her ruined mane. “I couldn’t…go any further. Sorry.” Under normal circumstances, Bon Bon would be furious, but she couldn’t help but agree with the Unicorn’s decision. All three of them were beyond spent. They had been fighting and running through this castle for the past half hour, maybe longer. They were wounded and exhausted, and it had taken all Bon Bon had left to simply make it into this room. She knew full well that if she had been forced to keep running, she would have collapsed and been killed. At least in here, they were safe for the moment. “Those doors should hold for a while,” Bon Bon said. “Great,” Lyra said. “So we either starve to death, or wait for them to break it down.” “Or…wait for…my master,” Ice Air said. “She’ll…come for us.” “You know she doesn’t want you calling her that,” Lyra said with a weak smile. Bon Bon’s thoughts jumped to the ash colored cellist and the fire that had been raging in her eyes when she had stormed into the castle. She had seen Octavia’s skills back when they had rescued Octavia and Vinyl from Ice Air’s cave. To say Octavia was skilled would be an understatement, but Bon Bon doubted that even she was good enough to defeat all the rebels gathering outside the door now. As if to confirm her thoughts, the stone door shook as something slammed against it. The entire room vibrated from the impact, making Bon Bon’s teeth hurt as the three of them huddled on the rug. The door was hit again, the impact louder the second time. “Then she’d better hurry up,” Lyra whispered as all three of them stared at the door. No cracks were showing in its stonework, but with every blow, small amounts of dust and debris fell from its frame.   *                                                  *                                                  *   “Now that we have taken care of—” Octavia’s hoof slammed into Keket’s twisted, cracked face before she had a chance to finish speaking. The Earth pony put every ounce of her strength behind the blow, hoping to at least snap the Unicorn’s neck, if not take her head clean off. Her hoof screamed in protest from the impact, but she paid it no mind. Rage beyond her understanding was the only thing in her mind now, and she was bent on making Keket feel every last part of it. The blow sent the Unicorn flying. She slammed into the wall with enough force to cause the stonework to shift and crack. She stayed there for a moment, blood flowing from her mouth as she adjusted her jaw. Her corrupted eyes rattled around for a moment before they focused on Octavia. “Impressive,” she said with a smile. “I expect nothing less from my—” Octavia was on top of the Unicorn again before she had a chance to finish. She slammed both of her front hooves into the Unicorn’s chest. The room shook for a moment and then the wall gave way. Keket’s body was launched through the stonework and into the hallway. Octavia would have followed, but she was forced to jump back as the wall collapsed. She did not wait long, however. As the last stone fell, she jumped to the top of the rubble, ignoring the burning pain in her body. From her perch, she spied Keket’s body crumpled against the hallway wall. Die! The thought seared its way through Octavia’s mind and into her soul. She let out a roar that would have given a dragon pause as she dove toward Keket a third time. She aimed for the Unicorn’s neck, hoping to crush it beneath her forelegs. She wanted to see the life leave her eyes, wanted to see the fear in them as she realized it was over. She wanted Keket’s last sight to be Octavia standing over her, knowing that her dreams and hopes ended at her hooves. “Hold!” Keket said. Her new red horn glowed the color of blood and a wall of dark crystal sprang up between Octavia and her target, but the cellist did not hesitate. She flipped in the air and kicked her hind leg forward, using both her inertia and training to power the kick. The crystal wall shattered like glass, several shards slicing into Keket’s body as they fell. Keket’s green-red eyes went wide, allowing the purple flames to rage from her sockets as she realized Octavia was not slowing down. She scrambled out of the way of the kick, barely making it to safety before the cellist’s blow landed, cracking the stone of the castle’s wall. “Stop, you—agh!” Keket tried to protest, but before she could get her balance, Octavia delivered a blow to her hind leg that nearly broke it. She rolled forward, but Octavia chased her like a cat hunting a mouse. The Earth pony overtook her in a flash and spun in the air, whipping her hind leg out in a spinning kick that connected with Keket’s face. The blow was so powerful that the Unicorn went flying across the hallway. She would have slammed into the wall again, but Octavia had launched her attack just as the two were passing the door to the room where Vinyl’s body was. Octavia watched as Keket’s body crashed onto the floor and rolled back into the room like a sack of rocks. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew this fight was over, but she paid it no heed. The only thing she wanted now was to hurt Keket in every way possible. She needed to hurt her. She needed to feel the mare’s bones break beneath her hooves and feel the life leave her wretched body. “I grow…” Keket tried to stand, her gravely voice cracking as her body struggled to endure the pain it was in. “I grow…tired of…your disobe—” Octavia charged forward and delivered blow after blow to the Unicorn’s warped body. She did not stop when her hooves started to bleed. She did not stop when blood started to splatter in her face. She did not stop when Keket fired a blast of magic from her red horn that grazed her shoulder. “ENOUGH!” Keket shouted, her voice now deeper than it had ever been. Octavia was thrown back as a wave of magical energy exploded from Keket’s beaten and broken body. She rolled once and then sprang back on her hooves, ignoring the burning pain in her shoulder as well as the aching of every joint in her body. “Do you know who you challenge, you—” Octavia lunged forward again, driving her hoof into the bottom of Keket’s jaw with enough force that all four of the Unicorn’s hooves left floor. Octavia then spun up onto her hind legs and lashed out with a fierce kick. The blow was not meant to send Keket spiraling away, but crush her insides so that she folded over Octavia’s leg. The cellist could not help but get a twisted sense of joy when she heard a bone crack. Finally, as Keket’s body was hunched over Octavia’s hind leg, the cellist spun again, bringing her foreleg out. She caught the back of Keket’s neck with her outstretched limb and pulled her down, slamming the Unicorn’s body as hard as she could on the floor. A fine coating of dust flew into the air from the impact, but Keket’s body remained still. Octavia, her blind rage finally cooling into icy fury, rolled the Unicorn onto her back. The only hint that she was still alive was the rising and falling of her chest, which was now covered in so many wounds that her black fur was almost purple. “I…” Octavia heaved as she stood over Keket’s beaten body. “I…know…who you are…” Octavia reached her hoof out and pressed it against the red jewel that was embedded in Keket’s forehead. She then began to press down on it, slowing crushing it between her hoof and the floor. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” The scream that came from Keket’s mouth was sheer anguish, and Octavia relished it. It almost matched the pain in her heart at the moment. “Feel that?” she asked as she leaned down to whisper in Keket’s ear. “That feeling of your life slipping away? That is what you did to Vinyl!” Octavia pressed down harder. The terrifying sound of the jewel scraping against the stone filled her ears as it mixed in with Keket’s scream. “That is what you have done to me!” “Stop!” Keket screamed. “I demand…you stop!” “You have been nothing but a plague on my family,” Octavia said quietly. “Even when you vanished, we still had to live in fear of you. No more.” Octavia started to put as much pressure as she could on the jewel. She saw that Keket’s wild black mane was starting to revert to its original midnight color, and the purple flames from her eyes were receding. In fact, it looked like all the magic flowing through the Unicorn’s body was slowly pulling back into the jewel in her forehead. “I am ending your reign of terror on my family. Not for them, not for myself, but for the love of my life that you took away from me. This time you will not return.” Octavia put as much force as she could on the jewel. “Die, Somb—” “Your marefried will die!” Keket shouted just before the jewel was crushed. “Vinyl is already…” Octavia could not bring herself to say the word, but the horror of the thought made her stop short of crushing the jewel for a moment. She blinked her purple eyes for a moment and then shook her head, pushing the thought aside for her revenge. “You saw to that.” “She lives!” Keket protested. “Although not for much longer.” Liar! The thought screamed in the Earth pony’s head. She knew what this creature was trying to do. It would say anything to save itself. All she had to do was flex her foreleg and its life would in. The shame would end. The horror would end. But the pain would not. The anguish she had felt as she had watched Vinyl’s limp body being tossed aside would haunt her until the day she died. No matter how much she enjoyed ending this creature’s miserable existence, it would never heal the wound she had suffered. With her thoughts dwelling on Vinyl, Octavia turned her head toward the lifeless pony. She could barely make out the crumpled body across the room because tears were flooding her version. She saw the pool of blood that was slowly staining the D.J.’s beautiful white coat. Octavia closed her eyes and allowed the tears to fall down her face for a moment before she opened them again. She could not leave Vinyl here. She was going to carry her all the way back home, even if it broke her. She would bury her, and she would visit her every day until she joined her again. She would make sure her music was— “No…” Octavia whispered. She had imagined it. Her bereaved mind was tricking her, and the tears in her eyes were helping. Vinyl was dead. That small movement of her chest was just— It happened again. Vinyl’s body moved just a hair. Her chest rose and fell for a brief moment. It was barely visible, and Octavia still refused to believe it. It had to be a trick, or her mind desperately wishing for some sign that the unthinkable had not happened. “See?” Keket groaned beneath her. “If you do not want her—ARGH!” Octavia did not even look in the corrupted Unicorn’s direction. Still pinning her jeweled horn to the floor, the cellist brought her other foreleg down on the Unicorn’s front knee. There was a sickening crack as the joint was crushed, followed by Keket’s agonizing scream. “Stay there,” Octavia said as she pulled her hoof away from the horn, completely ignoring the Unicorn’s thrashing as she cradled her ruined foreleg. “Do not try anything, or I will finish the job.” She took Keket’s screaming as confirmation and then rushed toward Vinyl’s body. When she was only a few steps away, she slowed, terrified that Keket—and her own mind—were playing tricks on her. “V-Vinyl…?” she whispered as she slowly reached out toward the body. She stopped just short of touching it, afraid that if she did, it would vanish along with all of her memories of the Unicorn. And then she saw it. Vinyl’s chest moved again, just barely rising as her lungs tried to fill with air. Octavia heard the desperate gasp, and her body nearly collapsed at that moment. Renewed anguish flooded her limbs as she realized how much pain her love had to be in at the moment, but it was mixed with joy as she realized that Vinyl was still alive. There was still a chance to save her. There was still a chance to save them. They still had a chance at a future, at a family, at a— Octavia was positive she screamed, but she could not remember doing so. Her senses all went white as something slammed into her back. She did not remember flying through the air or skidding across the floor, but she knew that both of those things must have happened, because when her vision cleared, she was no longer standing over Vinyl. She was now almost across the room from her. Her back felt like it was on fire, and when she tried to stand, she found it impossible. Her body had been at its breaking point before the fight had started, and now it refused to obey her anymore. But all of the pain she was in paled when she saw Keket. The beaten, bloodied, and broken Unicorn was standing over Vinyl, using magic to support her crushed leg. Blood seeped from her mouth and a dozen wounds as a twisted smile spread across her ruined face. Her flaming eyes locked with Octavia’s for a moment, and then she slowly lowered her gaze toward Vinyl’s body. “N-No…!” The cellist whispered. She tried to force her body to obey, but her limbs simply could not move any longer. Keket’s jeweled horn glowed a deep crimson, bathing her face in a bloody light. “Please!” Octavia screamed. Her legs refused to stand, so she began to drag her body across the cold stone floor. “I…I…! Not again! Do not take her from me again!” Keket’s horn flashed with a dazzling light and a sound left Octavia’s lungs that she had never heard before.   *                                                  *                                                  *   “Hey…Sweetie Drops?” “Yes?” “Love you.” Bon Bon felt a small kiss on her cheek. “You too.” Bon Bon returned the kiss as the massive door to the room cracked open. The three ponies had been sitting on the rug, struggling to stay awake as the pounding on the door continued. They had watched as the first cracks appeared in it, and with each thud, the cracks had grown, spreading like a disease through the door. Now, with one final blast of magic, the door split open. Massive pieces of it fell to the floor, sending dust and debris flying into the air and tremors through the ground that threatened to knock the three ponies off their hooves. “I…would have liked to see it…” Ice Air whispered. Her auburn colored mane fell past her eyes as she hung her head, and Bon Bon thought she saw a tear fall from beneath the mare’s mane. “What?” Lyra asked, her tone reflecting a kindness that she had not shown Ice Air before. “A land where you two exist,” Ice Air replied quietly. “Where an Earth pony and a Unicorn can be like you two and no pony cares.” Bon Bon looked at her wife, memorizing every curve and line of her body one more time before death claimed them. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice.” The last of the debris fell and the three ponies faced the crumbled doorway. Bon Bon could make out several sets of glowing green eyes through the settling dust, along with half as many glowing horns. She swallowed, the action causing her throat to burn, and readied herself as best she could. She knew this wasn’t going to be a fight, not really. She had no potions left, which meant she had to cross the room before she could even think about fighting back, and she wasn’t sure her body could handle the effort. Under better circumstances, Lyra might be able to raise a magic shield around her as she closed the distance, but the green Unicorn was nearly all used up, along with Ice Air. The three of them stood up not to fight, but to stare death in the face. This was going to be a slaughter. If the Unicorns were smart, they would just blast them right now, pouring enough magic into the room until not even ash remained of the three ponies. “Find me on the other side?” Bon Bon whispered as she moved closer to Lyra. “Not if I find you first,” Lyra replied, and Bon Bon couldn’t help but smile at the Unicorn’s mistake. She would miss Lyra’s free-loving spirit and crazy antics. She always brought a bright side to any situation, and now with their lives about to end, Bon Bon found herself wishing she had told her more often how much she made her smile. “What are you—ugh!” One of the pairs of green eyes suddenly looked away and then a glowing horn vanished. “What happened?” a Unicorn in the front asked. The dust from the collapsed door was beginning to settle, so Bon Bon was able to see him as he turned around to look back. A second later he cried out as a stone the size of a small ball smashed into his head. He staggered for a moment, and the Unicorns around him jumped in surprise, all turning to look at their wounded companion. As the confusion boiled over, Bon Bon noticed one of the Unicorns still had their hood up. She was slowly shifting to the side of the group and making her way forward. She raised her head and Bon Bon was surprised to see that the mare’s eyes weren’t the same glowing green like all the others. When the mare noticed Bon Bon looking at her, she opened her mouth and formed a silent word. “What?” Bon Bon said quietly, cocking her head to the side. Was this Unicorn trying to tell them something? “Who threw that?” the stallion demanded as he rubbed his head. “What happened to her?” another one asked. “I thought they were all trapped in this room?” “Was it Lady Octavia?” The Unicorns all had their backs to Lyra, Ice Air, and Bon Bon now. They seemed to be looking down, and through many sets of legs, Bon Bon thought she saw the form of a pony on the ground. “What’s she doing?” Lyra asked as she nodded toward the hooded Unicorn. Bon Bon looked back at the strange figure and saw her mouthing a word again. This time, she also gestured toward her head. “It was not Lady Octavia. She is with Master now.” “Did they bring reinforcements?” “If they did, it is too late. Kill them.” At those words, Bon Bon’s blood ran cold. The world seemed to slow down as she watched the Unicorns lift their heads. One by one, they began to turn back around, their glowing eyes slowly coming back into view. “Key?” Ice Air mumbled as she stared at the hooded pony. “Key…? Key! Earth pony! The key!” “What?” Bon Bon asked. Ice Air’s statement was so unexpected that she couldn’t help but turn to look at the dark purple mare. “Where are you going?” one of the Unicorns demanded. Bon Bon looked back just in time to see the hooded Unicorn break into a sprint, rushing straight for the trio of exhausted ponies. “Get the key!” the pony yelled. Bon Bon suddenly felt her tattered saddlebag being ripped off of her body. She nearly collapsed, but Lyra steadied her. Both mares turned toward Ice Air as the Unicorn dumped the remaining contents of the saddlebag on the rug in front of them. “Where’s that key?” she said, using her magic to fling stuff away until finally she found a small black key that Bon Bon vaguely recognized. Why had that been in her bag? The sprinting pony threw her hood back, revealing a long snow-white mane with long streaks of silver mixed in spilling from her white head. Bon Bon thought she recognized her too, but just like the key, she couldn’t place remember why. It wasn’t until she saw the magic collar around the running Unicorn’s horn that she suddenly remembered the key’s purpose. “Unlock it!” the Unicorn shouted as she skidded to a stop right in front of the three of them. “Hurry up or we’re all dead!” “Traitor!” “Kill them all!” Bon Bon could only watch as the Unicorns by the door charged their magic. In a moment, it would all be over. She wondered if she’d feel any pain, or if it would happen too fast for even that. The Unicorns fired and a massive blast of magical energy roared toward Bon Bon and her companions. She closed her eyes and leaned on Lyra, taking in one last breath of her scent before she was wiped away from existence. There was a deafening roar and Bon Bon’s teeth rattled against one another as the world shook. The world grew brighter with each passing moment until she was forced to close her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she screamed, but she knew she opened her mouth to do so. She waited for the moment of blinding pain to wash over her. And waited. And waited. After several agonizing seconds, Bon Bon opened one of her blue eyes. She wasn’t dead. None of them were. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of a magic shield surrounding them, still sizzling from the blast it had absorbed. It had cracked in several places, but it was still solid. “What…?” she whispered as she looked around. Her eyes fell on the Unicorn that had come running toward them. Her horn was blazing white with magic and her whole body was trembling with effort. At her hooves was the magic collar, the key still in its lock. “Thanks, Snow Drift,” Ice Air whispered from the floor next to her. “Talk…later,” the Unicorn said, sweat pouring down her face. “Any…pony have a…plan? I…can’t do this…much longer.” Snow Drift. The Unicorn who had lead them to this castle, and whom Octavia had managed to fling out of the way of her comrades’ attack at the last moment. Bon Bon had completely forgotten about her in the heat of battle as they had stormed the castle. What in Celestia’s name had made her decide to come help? Bon Bon quickly pushed the question aside. Snow Drift was right: they needed a plan. Unfortunately, as she looked at the seething faces on the other side of Snow Drift’s shield, it became painfully clear that there was no plan, and that all Snow Drift had accomplished was giving them a few more minutes of life.   *                                                  *                                                  *   Octavia would not rise, even if she were able to. Twice now, she had been forced to come to the crushing realization that she had lost Vinyl. It was cruel beyond measure for her to have her hope restored, only to see it ripped away a second time. Her mind could not take it. She simply wanted to curl up on the floor and vanish from the world. She wanted to find the white Unicorn, wherever her soul was now. “Raise your head, girl,” Keket’s body said. Octavia refused, keeping her muzzle down and her eyes closed. She would not give Keket—or rather, Sombra in Keket’s body—the satisfaction of seeing her hollowed eyes. “I command you to raise your head!” Octavia suddenly felt a tug on her onyx-shaded mane as her head was lifted by Keket’s enhanced magic. She did not try to fight it, nor did she even try to support herself. She just let her body hang limp, the magical grip on her hair the only thing keeping her up. “Pathetic,” Keket said as her red and green eyes looked over Octavia’s beaten form. She shook her head in disgust, but then her magic flickered and went out. Octavia’s head slammed onto the floor, and the magic Keket had been using to support her smashed knee vanished, causing her to collapse on the ground in agony. “You…you must listen to me, child.” “I am not your child,” Octavia mumbled. Her entire body felt loose, as if the only thing keeping her together was the outer layer of her skin, and even that was threatening to come apart from all the pain. But Keket’s use of the word had stirred a cold hatred in Octavia’s core, forcing her to stand in spite of the agony it caused. Kill. Him. Kill. Her. Those four words sounded in her head as she forced herself to take step after step, slowly closing the distance between them. She saw the fear swell up in the Unicorn’s eyes, but she took no joy in it this time. All of her emotions were numb; all that matter was finishing this task, so that neither of these monsters would bother anypony ever again. Behind Keket’s struggling form was a new stone statue. It was not impressive, and if Octavia had seen it in a museum or out in public, she would have wondered what would have caused the creator to make something so dull. It was a statue of a pony, lying on her side with her four legs sprawled out. Her entire form looked like one who had collapsed in a heap on the spot. There was nothing artistic about it, no hidden beauty, and not even some strange interpretation she could think of for it. She would not have even given it a second look under any other circumstances. But instead, Octavia found it impossible for her to look away because it was no statue at all. It was Vinyl, turned to stone by Keket’s possed body. The Unicorn, and the evil being now living in her body, had denied Octavia even the comfort of carrying Vinyl’s body back to Ponyville now, for there was no way she could carry a stone statue of that weight, even if she was uninjured. Vinyl’s final resting place would have to be here, in a forgotten tower that was barely holding together, lost in a land that was ruled by ice and hatred. It was not fair. The wild and exciteable Unicorn deserved to be remembered in her homeland, not forgotten here like some castle decoration. Maybe one day…I can return, Octavia thought as she took a final step toward Keket. She did not even see Keket’s struggling form beneath her, nor did she feel anything when she pinned the Unicorn to the floor by her throat with one front hoof and then slowly began to crush the jewel in her forehead with her other hoof. Everything was simply there for her, coated over in a grey haze as she slowly began to push down. She did not feel the tension beneath her hooves, nor did she hear the sound of stone beginning to crack once more. All the while, her swelling purple eyes remained transfixed on Vinyl’s lifeless body, only a stone’s throw from where she stood now. Just a few more moments, and then it will be over… There was no joy, no sick sense of pleasure, not even the comforting coldness of vengeance flowing through the Earth pony as she slowly crushed the life out of the two beings beneath her. She was beyond rage, beyond grief, beyond satisfaction. She just wanted this nightmare to end, and the small part of her mind that was not adrift knew that for all this to cease, she had to push down slowly, deliberately. Push through the pain. Push through the anguish. Push through the haze. Push. A strange noise suddenly filled Octavia’s ears. She ignored it at first, her mind too broken to pay it any attention, but then something clicked in her head. What she had first thought were more last-minute pleas from the pony beneath her as her throat slowly caved were not pleas. If anything, the noises sounded almost like… Laughter? Octavia could not help but pull her eyes away from Vinyl’s statue and look down at the ruined pony beneath her hooves. The flaming eyes were nearly extinguished, and saliva was running out of her mouth, pooling on the stone floor by her head. She was, for all intents and purposes, at death’s door. The red jewel embedded in her forehead looked no better, with its once fiery red light now little more than a dull ember, and countless cracks were running through it. And yet, Keket was laughing. Or was it Sombra laughing? One of them was laughing. Laughing at her. Laughing at her pain. Laughing at her loss. Laughing at Vinyl! “Stop! LAUGHING!” Octavia shouted. The sound of laughter broke the foggy haze in her head, but as it cleared, a deluge of emotions swarmed into her so fast that she could do nothing by scream. She wanted to kill these two monsters, but she did not want to let them have the final laugh by doing the deed. She wanted Vinyl back, but she was no longer sure if she could face her after everything that had happened between them. She wanted to run away and hide under her covers back home, but she dreaded returning to a place where she and her love had spent countless hours together. “I…ack!” Keket choked between words as one eye slowly rolled up to look at Octavia’s. “Win. My—ack!—My daughter. Hah ha h—ugh!” “I am not your daughter!” Octavia screamed. “Denying…the truth…does not make it…false,” Keket said, although nearly all traces of the Unicorn’s original voice were gone. Now all Octavia could hear was Sombra’s voice, weak though it was. “ARGH! Enough! You are both done speaking!” “Very well,” Sombra’s voice suddenly seemed to grow stronger, causing Octavia to hesitate for just a moment. “I have won, child.” “You have won nothing!” Octavia screamed. “Unless you consider death and damnation victory!” “True,” Sombra’s voice replied from Keket’s throat. He was being surprisingly calm for a tyrant facing execution, and that unnerved Octavia. Everything she had ever heard about this stallion painted him as a coward. “I suppose you could kill me still, but I doubt you will.” “Why is that?” Octavia asked, gritting her teeth. She did not want to listen to this monster talk. She wanted to crush the last trace of his being beneath her hoof and scatter him across the frozen landscape, but he was acting so oddly that she felt like any action she took would only play right into Sombra’s hooves. “Because I am the only pony that is keeping your precious Unicorn alive,” Sombra said as a dark laughter swelled up in Keket’s throat. “You…are lying,” Octavia said, fighting the urge to believe the words. “Am I?” “You…you killed her!” Octavia wanted to press her hoof down, but to her dismay, she found that she was loosening it instead. “You stabbed her in front of me!” “But she was still alive then, was she not?” Keket’s eye narrowed, and a twisted grin spread across her smashed face. “You saw, did you not? She was still breathing.” “She is not anymore,” Octavia spat. “Because of YOU!” “No, but her life blood is no longer spilling out of her body, is it?” Sombra said quietly. “Think about it, child. Even if you had slain me immediately after, do you honestly think that Unicorn would survive the trek back to Equestria?” Octavia opened her mouth. She wanted to shout at this monster, wanted to deny what he said. Vinyl would have been fine. She would have patched her wounds and then they could have— “Do you think those ponies back in Earth would have helped her?” Sombra asked, as if he was intercepting Octavia’s thoughts. “They hate Unicorns. They would have killed her then and there, and simply told you to buy another slave. If they were feeling generous, they may have even paid you a small sum for destroying your ‘property’, but that would have been all.” “No…” Octavia whispered. “I…I would have made them help her!” “You know that would not have happened,” Sombra laughed. Octavia’s hooves were now completely off Keket’s ruined body and the jewel in her forehead. She had no memory of removing herself from her killing position, but she had. “My crystal spell does not kill,” Sombra said. He tried to make Keket’s body stand, but he could not, so he simply remained on the floor. “Not unless I want it to. Your mare is very much alive at the moment. I can sense her life, albeit barely.” “Release her if you want to continue living!” Octavia was ready to jump on Keket once more, but the possessed pony gave her a smile that froze her in place. “I do that, and she dies. You know that.” The look on Keket’s face made Octavia’s blood run cold. She suddenly understood what Sombra had meant when he said he had won. The only thing keeping Vinyl alive—or whatever state of being she was in while she was encased in Sombra’s stone crystal—was Sombra’s magic. He could release it at any time no doubt, but he was right. If he did, or if his magic failed because Octavia crushed the last piece of his essence, Vinyl’s wound would be open once more. She would no doubt die before they could reach any form of help. “Bon Bon!” Octavia suddenly said. “She must have something! She mixes potions together all the time. She could—!” Keket’s eyes galzed over, and the jewel pulsed deep red for a moment. A second later, Sombra let out a small chuckle. “Unexpected, but also in my favor.” “What are you talking about?” “Your other friends are moments away from death as well,” Sombra answered coldly. “I do not think this Bon Bon will be of much help as a corpse.” Tears spilled from Octavia’s purple eyes. She bit her lip hard enough that she felt the blood trickle down her chin. Sombra was right. He had won. Octavia had no move left save for one. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she whispered, “What do you want?” “To reclaim my empire!” Sombra shouted, putting more force behind his voice than Octavia thought possible in his state. “Twice now, it has been stolen from me! I will have it back! And this time, I will keep it under my hoof!” “The Princesses will never allow that,” Octavia whispered. “Naturally,” Sombra replied. “I will have to deal with them eventually, but in order to build a castle, you must lay the foundation first. For that, I need to return to my own form. You will help me with that.” “I…” Octavia wanted to say that she would never do such a thing. She would never help a pony enslave an entire country, nor unleash a power as dreadful as Sombra back into the world. She wanted to smash his jewel on the floor and leave here with Vinyl. She wanted to believe that the Unicorn would be alright, and that the wound was not as bad as it looked, and that Bon Bon, Lyra, and Ice Air were all fine. She wanted to believe, but… “Here is what is going to happen, my child,” Sombra said. “This body has reached its limit. I am going to tear my horn from it. When that happens, you will be left with a choice: pick it up and place it on your own forehead, or leave it, and wait for the last of my magic to fade and all your friends die.” “What will happen to Keket?” Octavia asked, simply as a way to stave off the horrible decision she was moments away from making. “As I said, this body is at its limit,” Sombra replied, forcing a grin. He slowly, painfully, raised a hoof to the glowing red jewel in Keket’s forehead. “So what will it be, my child? Your friends’ lives? Your marefriend’s life? After all, choosing to sacrifice them guarantees that I die here. Surely they will all understand. You let them die for the good of Equestria, for the good of the Crystal Empire. You will likely be honored by the Princesses once they hear of your deeds. You will stand before them, alone, with praises and countless thanks heaped upon you, and all it will take is the death of your loved ones.” Octavia wanted to cry, but she had no more tears to shed. “Or you can save them, and hope that the Princesses are strong enough to stop me. After all, they have done it before. And I am in a weakened state. There is a chance that they will be able to stop me before I even have a chance to put my plan into action. So is it worth the risk?” “I…I do not…” “I look forward to seeing your choice.” With that, Keket’s hoof ripped the red jewel from her forehead. There was a sickening sound of flesh tearing, and a piercing scream that Octavia suspected matched the one she had heard at the execution back in the city, and then Keket’s body sank to the floor like a sack of flour. Her eyes went dark immediately and magical energies fled her body like steam escaping into the air. She lay on the stone floor, still as the castle itself. Clink! Sombra’s red horn hit the floor, and whether through cruel chance or the evil Unicorn’s will, it rolled until it came to rest directly in front of Octavia. There it stayed, pulsing deep red, as the cellist stared down at it. > A New Look > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “For Vinyl…” —Octavia Lyra’s body felt like it was in several different places at once. Her head was throbbing, but for some reason it felt like it was in another room than she was. She could feel a burning sensation around her horn, but at the same time it felt like she had submerged it under ice-cold water. Her throat seemed to be struggling to swallow air, but if she tried too hard to force it, her hind legs seemed to crack as her lungs pressed against her chest. She opened her one eye—the other was completely swollen shut—and found nothing but darkness. She blinked, her mind trying to register the motion, but nothing seemed to be working. All she saw was darkness, no matter how many times she blinked. Am I…dead? The thought rang in her mind, which felt like it was placed somewhere in her stomach at the moment. As she pondered the thought, she found a small sense of annoyance plunging into her stomach. Death was not supposed to be like this. She was not meant to be in pain and disoriented. Everything she had been lead to believe about death implied that it was peaceful, like a long slumber. What if that was all wrong? she wondered, and a cold terror seized her. What if death wasn’t a peaceful slumber, but an eternity of agony? What if she was doomed to feel this way forever, with her mind and body in a permanent state of torment? What if she never got to see Sweetie Drops again? What if she was stuck somewhere in this darkness, in just as much pain as Lyra? “Sweetie…” The name slipped from Lyra’s dry, bleeding lips. It seemed to give her a little strength in her foreleg, and she reached out with it, hoping to find some purchase that she could prop herself up with. Her heart sank when all she found was empty void, and with a collapsed will, she allowed her limb to fall back toward her, the last of her strength gone. Thud! Lyra’s foreleg landed on something hard next to her and pained raced through her entire body. She wanted to scream, but her throat was too dry to allow it, so instead her swollen eye forced itself open as her good one went wide as well. Pain blurred her senses, but then she noticed something. A small hint of light was creeping in through her swollen eye. Lyra closed her eye and opened it again, trying to make her brain focus on her vision in spite of everything else overloading it. Sure enough, every time she opened her swollen eye, no matter how little, a tiny sliver of light seemed to appear. It was like she was opening her eyes inside a dark room. She couldn’t see anything, but there was just enough difference in the level of darkness that she could register it. Maybe…I’m not... The Unicorn closed her eyes and did a breathing technique that her wife had shown her. She focused all her mental energy into her head, forcing her mind to register that it was still in her skull and not in her stomach like she had originally thought. Once she had that sorted, her slowly expanded her awareness to the rest of her body. Pain had made her feel like she was in pieces, but as she focused on the pain, she realized that everything seemed to be in its rightful place, even if it did all feel like it was on fire. A new sensation filled her body then, or at least half of her body. It started in her right cheek, and then slowly spread down her neck, shoulder, and all the way through her body, but only the right side. Coldness crept through her, but as she focused on it, it seemed to slowly grow warmer, or maybe her body was adjusting to it. For a moment, she wondered if it was death reaching out to take her after all, but then why would she only feel it on one side? As Lyra pondered whether only half of her body could die, another feeling began to make itself known. The side of her that was feeling cold also felt firm, as if it was pressed against something, while the left side of her body merely hurt. What in Equestria was—? “Lyra?” a familiar voice called from somewhere far away, but it was enough to clear the last amount of fog from the Unicorn’s brain. She realized that she was lying on her side and that the cold was due to her body being sprawled on the stone floor. The reason her good eye saw nothing but blackness was because that half of her face was pressed to the ground. Groaning, the Unicorn rolled over onto her back and immediately winced as a whole new wave of agony washed over her. It was so intense that a small scream actually escaped her mouth as she stared up at the ceiling above her. “Lyra!” Still reeling from pain, Lyra’s body felt like it exploded as something heavy fell on top of her. She cried out, the pain almost to the point of making her black out, and then the weight was suddenly gone. Gasping for breath and tears streaming from her eyes, she turned her head just enough to see what had happened. Bon Bon was sitting next to hear. To say she looked like a mess would be an understatement. Entire sections of her blue and pink mane had been burned off, while other parts were plastered to her body because of the massive wound running the length of her forehead. A rather large stream of blood was still running down her face, tracing the line of her cheek and dripping off the edge of her chin. Blood wasn’t the only thing dripping off the Earth pony though. Tears were flowing from her blue eyes, and Lyra was positive that they weren’t just because she had found Lyra alive. The rest of Bon Bon’s body was battered, burned, and shredded in horrific ways, and it looked like she would collapse at any moment. She was going to need a very long, very relaxing vacation after this mission to recover from this. “Do I—ahh!” Lyra winced in pain as she tried to talk. She was fairly certain something in her stomach was broken, and she was becoming painfully aware that breathing was not as easy as it should be. “Don’t try to talk,” Bon Bon whispered. She reached out with a battered hoof and gently stroked Lyra’s cheek. “You’re in bad shape. I’m…I’m not sure…” “Is she okay?” a voice called. Lyra’s brain vaguely recognized it, but she couldn’t place the name. “She’s alive,” Bon Bon called back. “But she’s hurt.” Bon Bon turned back to look down at Lyra again, a weak smile barely coming to her lips. “Stupid mare, doing something like that.” Lyra tried to make her brain think. Right. I jumped in front of her… When Snow Drift’s shield had finally failed, Lyra had leapt in front of her wife in a last ditch effort to save her. She couldn’t remember what had happened after that, only a brief moment of searing pain before complete blackness. “We’re not…dead…?” she managed to cough, each syllable feeling like it was tearing itself out of her vocal chords. “No,” the familiar voice said, coming closer this time. A moment later, another pony came into view above Lyra. Green eyes stared down at her through singed auburn hair. “We should be, but…” “Did…Snow Drift—argh—save us?” “Not exactly,” Ice Air replied. She turned her head to look somewhere before returning her gaze to Lyra. Her horn glowed weakly and a small bottle floated above Lyra. “Drink that. It should help dull the pain enough for you to move.” Bon Bon reached out and held the bottle with her hooves. She put it to her mouth and used her teeth to pull the stopper out—an act that Lyra saw caused her visible pain—and then slowly lowered its contents to Lyra’s lips. Lyra tried her best to lean forward to drink it, but all she could do was open her mouth enough for Bon Bon to pour the liquid in. The cool drink splashed in Lyra’s mouth and she immediately started coughing, so Bon Bon eased her pouring to allow the mare to catch her breath. Lyra coughed a few more times, then nodded and tried again. This time, she managed to swallow most of the liquid, although a fair amount spilled out of her mouth and flowed down her face. It had a bitter taste to it, and if the Unicorn had any strength to spare, she believed she would have spat the bottle’s contents out instantly, but it soothed her burning throat and seemed to give her some feeling of peace in her aching body. “Don’t try to move yet,” Bon Bon whispered as she pulled the empty bottle away. “Ice Air said that the medicine takes a moment to fully take hold.” “You won’t be doing anything crazy anytime soon, but you should be able to stand in a few minutes at least,” Ice Air added. “Right,” Lyra groaned. The pain was slowly turning from sheer agony so intense that even existing hurt, to simple levels of never wanting to move again, so Lyra assumed it was working. “But…can we really just…wait for me to get better? What if…?” “I…” Bon Bon started to speak, then she stopped and looked back toward the entrance of the room they had made their final stand in. “I have a feeling we won’t need to worry about them anymore.” Lyra risked raising her head—an act that nearly caused her to pass out again—to follow her wife’s gaze. “What…?” At the front of the room, standing amongst the shattered remains of the siege door, were the many Unicorn rebels that had been so intent on killing the four ponies. Their mouths were still open in rage and their bodies were still reared back in attempts to cast spells. In fact, it looked like a few had managed to do just that, as several crystal spikes had sprung from the floor and many crystal spears appeared to have shattered just in front of Lyra and the others, as if the spells had failed just a second before they had connected. Lyra figured out why simply by looking at the rebels. Every last one had been turned to stone, frozen in place by some strange spell. “Did Snow Drift…do this?” the Unicorn asked, puzzled. “No,” Bon Bon answered quietly. “If we had somepony on our side who could use this level of magic, Unicorns would not be slaves anymore,” Ice Air said as she looked at the statues. “This is…something else.” Lyra looked around the room and tried to figure out what could have done something like this. She had no spells anywhere near this level, and she knew Ice Air didn’t either. Bon Bon might be able to whip up some sort of potion if she were given enough time and some frightening materials, but Lyra knew for a fact that her wife had been preciously short on both of those things during the battle. Snow Drift might have been a possibility, but— Lyra looked around the room again and noticed something. “Where is Snow Drift?” the Unicorn asked after a quick look around. “She said she was going to look around,” Ice Air said as she gazed at the frozen Unicorns. Lyra shot Bon Bon a look. “It’s okay,” the Earth pony replied. “She’s the one that found that medicine for us. And before you ask, Ice Air said it was safe.” “Okay…” Lyra said, not convinced. She trusted Bon Bon with her life, and Ice Air had proved herself enough that Lyra didn’t worry about turning her back to her, but Snow Drift was still an unknown. She had been, after all, on the side of these rebels up until a while ago. Yes she had saved their lives, but she— “Let it go, Lyra,” Bon Bon whispered. “Snow Drift has her own issues to deal with now.” Bon Bon knelt down and gently nuzzled her shoulder under Lyra’s foreleg. Lyra took the hint and adjusted her weight so that she was leaning on her wife, and then together to two of them stood. The effort was enough to make Lyra gasp and tears swim in her eyes, but with Bon Bon’s help she was able to stay upright. “What—ugh!” Lyra nearly collapsed again as something vile threatened to spill from her mouth, but she forced it down and tried again. “What do we do now?” “I think we should find your friend,” Ice Air chimed in, still staring at the statues. “This is dark magic.” Carefully, she reached out and touched the closest one. It cracked immediately, the fissure running all the way down the Unicorn’s neck and into its stomach. Ice Air recoiled instantly, and all three ponies watched as the statue broke apart and fell to the floor, crumbling into dust. “I hope Octavia and Vinyl are okay,” Bon Bon said, her eyes glued to the pile of rubble that had once been a pony. “Me too,” Lyra added. “We should probably try to find Snow Drift too,” Ice Air whispered as she carefully stepped past the statues. “I don’t think we should leave her here alone.” * * * Snow Drift’s mind was on the verge of breaking. Ever since she had woken up a prisoner of those strange ponies, her mind had been running faster than it ever had. She remembered taking part in the raid on Earth, remembered storming into the bar to find the traitor thief and the Unicorn he was with, and she remembered somepony hitting her, hard. But all of that had a strange fog over it, as if she had been watching her actions through the eyes of somepony else. She remembered the pain of the hit, but when she had woken up tied on the floor of Lady Octavia’s— Why do I call her Lady? Had Snow Drift always thought of her that way? Why? Until now, she had never even met the mare, so why did she feel like she needed to treat her with respect? Because Keket had told her to? Keket. Where was Keket? Why had she ordered the guards, Snow Drift’s fellow Unicorns, to attack her without a second thought? Was it because she had been captured? That wasn’t fair. She had brought Lady—Stop thinking of her like that!—Octavia right to their base. And she hadn’t stumbled like that traitor Ice Air had. She was still firmly on Keket’s side. “Right up until they tried to kill me, and La…and Octavia, saved my life,” the Unicorn said bitterly. She could still feel the moment of shock when she had realized that the guard’s attack at the gate was going to kill her. She could still remember the surprise when the Earth pony, the very one they had all be so fixated on capturing, had thrown her out of the way, saving her life. She remembered landing in the freezing snow and finally feeling the last strange haze lift from her mind, as if she had finally awoken from some nightmare. Snow Drift turned a corner in the hallway and stopped. Three statues were in the middle of the path, each on in a different pose of galloping. No doubt they had been on their way to join the others in killing Snow Drift and her strange traveling companions, but the spell seemed to have caught them too. A lump formed in Snow Drift’s throat as she stared at them. If she had been here, if she hadn’t been knocked out and taken prisoner by that wretched Earth pony, would she be a statue now too? Did she owe her life not just to Octavia, but to that cream colored pony as well? The thought made Snow Drift’s blue-white coat shiver. The idea that she owed two Earth ponies her life would have made her sick beyond reason before, but her entire world seemed to be falling apart, so she pushed it aside. She had told Ice Air that she was going to go search Princess Platinum’s castle for more supplies, but the truth of the matter was that she had just wanted to get away. Wanted to get away from a Unicorn who used to be one of Keket’s most loyal followers, but was now working with her enemies. Wanted to get away from the Earth pony that had married a Unicorn, and the Unicorn appeared to love her fully in return. She had wanted to get away from the stone figures of her former comrades who had been moments from killing. She had wanted to get away from the ponies that she had deliberately tried to protect simply because they had shown her a small kindness. She wanted her world to make sense again, and being in that room with all its confusion and contradictions was not helping her. She needed to be alone to think. Something had gone wrong. She was sure of that. Her comrades had openly attacked her without hesitation. They hadn’t seemed like themselves at the gate either, their voices deep and cracking. Even their magic had seemed stronger, and when Snow Drift had hit one in the head with a stone back at the siege room, she had had to use extra power to make the blow knocked the pony down. “Is it some sort of possession?” she wondered as she carefully walked up to the statues. She gazed at their lifeless faces, trying to find some clue as to what had happened. Why had they turned on her, and why were they all stone now? It had to be some sort of magic, but what? And who had cast it? To the best of Snow Drift’s knowledge, Keket didn’t have any spell that could do this; and if she did, why use it on her own followers? Why not turn it on Ice Air and that married couple, or better yet, all the Earth ponies who were oppressing them? A loud boom echoed through the castle, causing the very walls to shake and dust to fall from the ceiling. Ice Air steadied herself against the shaking, and then stared past the stone ponies and further down the hall. She paused for a moment, and then decided to move toward the noise. She wasn’t sure why, and every part of her rational mind was telling her to go back and find Ice Air and the other two so that she wouldn’t be alone, but she pressed on, carefully slipping between the statues blocking her path. As the lone Unicorn made her way down the hallways, winding her way deeper into the castle, she began to hear other noises; sounds of stones cracking, or something being dragged across the floor. She had to stop a few times because the noises began to bounce off the walls around her, but she was certain she was getting closer to their source Soon, other noises began to make their way to her ears. It sounded like somepony talking, mixed with the crackling of lightning and the hum of magic. She turned another corner and found herself standing in what had passed as the dinning hall back when the Unicorn Tribe had been at the pinnacle of its power. The air hung thick with magical energy, and Snow Drift saw why on the far side of the once great hall. A massive hole had been blown through the wall on the far side. Dark purple magic oozed off the stones as if they were melting. Snow Drift watched as a glob of the magical energy fell from the wall and sizzled, green smoke rising from it as it popped and burned on the floor. Now filled with even more doubt, the Unicorn forced her hooves to move across the room and look through the gaping hole. “What am I doing?” she mumbled to herself. Whoever, or whatever, had blasted this hole was powerful. Insanely powerful, and if it was responsible for the magic that had turned all of her fellow rebels into stone, it was not on her side. So what was she hoping to accomplish by following it? Was she hoping that it was Keket, and the mare had just lost control of some new magic spell she had found? Yeah, that was it. Then, she could lead her leader back to the others and… And what? Keket had ordered the guards at the gate to attack her. Ice Air she understood, but Snow Drift herself had only gotten captured. She hadn’t turned on them like Ice Air, and yet she had almost been killed. “And I did turn on them,” the Unicorm whispered as she swallowed the lump in her throat. She had tried to save the invaders just before everything had exploded, no matter how much she tried to deny it. So what was she hoping to find at the end of this path of destruction? There were no answers that would make her happy, and it was entirely possible that she would be killed outright if she kept going. Maybe her best option was to return to Ice Air and the others and just stay with them, but that didn’t sound appealing either. Where would she go? Was she really going to follow them all the way back to wherever they had come from? They were all likely to freeze to death out in the frozen wasteland. The fact that the strange ponies had made it in the first place was still something she couldn’t quite believe, and that was before they had all been pushed to the brink of death. The odds of them making it back, with their bloodied bodies and smashed spirits, were practically zero, right? But what other choice did she have? There were probably other rebel cells somewhere, but Keket was basically the leader, and her force had been completely wiped out. The resistance would no doubt rebuild, but could Snow Drift find them in time, or would she have to spend the rest of her life hiding in Earth, dreading the day she was caught and killed, or worst, returned to a life of slavery? The Unicorn felt tears drip from her eyes before she realized she was crying. It wasn’t fair. Her entire life had been nothing but a cruel fate, going from a beaten and abused slave, to a starving rebel living in miserable conditions, to being a prisoner and then ultimately having her own comrades try to kill her without a second thought. She had nowhere left to go now. She stomped her hoof in frustration and winced as pain shot through her body. She was in better shape than the ponies she had tried to protect because she had managed to keep a shield up around herself, but she had still suffered injuries from the resulting explosion. She let out a curse as her leg throbbed and then shook her hoof in front of her, trying to dull the pain. At first, her ears didn’t hear the steady clop-clop because she was too focused on her hoof. Then her mind told her that it was just the sound of her own hooves echoing off the stone walls and ceiling as she hopped around a little. It wasn’t until the pain in her hoof died down that she realized the noise was getting louder. It was slow, deliberate, like the steady beat of a calm heart, and it was growing stronger with every passing second. The echoes filled the room Snow Drift stood in, filling her with a growing unease. A sweat broke out on her white neck and she found herself trying to swallow something that wasn’t in her mouth. The noise grew louder still, beating on her ears until she folded them down against her skull, trying to drown it out. Her hind leg tried to step backward, but fear froze it in place. She tried to swallow again for the hundredth time, but her throat closed on itself. The only motion she could muster was the tremble in her lip, and that wasn’t even voluntary. The passage ahead of her began to glow with a deep purple light, but instead of illuminating the area, the light seemed to dim everything, sucking what little life there was out of the area. As it grew in brightness—for that was all Snow Drift could think of to describe it—the natural light faded and a coldness that had nothing to do with the temperature sank into the Unicorn’s bones. Two purple flames appeared in the darkness. Both were small, no bigger than specks, and they were so far away that they seemed to flicker in out and out existence randomly, but they never blinked out for long, and as Snow Drift watched, they slowly grew bigger. As the flames drew closer, a third light appeared above them. It was deep red, glowing with light the same shade as freshly spilled blood. It pulsed constantly, sending twisted shadows through the purple light that made Snow Drift’s entire body seize in terror. She wanted to turn and run. She wanted to flee, screaming at the top of her lungs, but she could not tear herself away from the lights. “One of you survived?” a voice asked from the darkness. Its power beat against the Unicorn’s body, forcing her to fall to the ground in spite of the pain it caused. “Interesting. Oh well. You know what to do.” “No…” another voice said. It rang in the strange darkness, like a single bell in the dead of night. For a moment, Snow Drift felt hope dare to show its face in her mind once more. “Do not be foolish, girl!” the first voice said again. “If you want to have the strength to make it back, if you want to save her, you know I need every ounce of my power! You cannot make this trip alone. Now do it!” “I…” the second voice trailed off, and the purple flames burned brighter for a moment. “W-W-Who…?” Snow Drift stammered, fear barely allowing her to form the single word. As if in answer to her frightened question, a lone pony finally came into view. Dark grey armor clung to all four of its legs and it wore a chest piece of the same make. A blood red cloak hung from its back and it seemed to flow despite the lack of air currents. Its coat was a darker grey than the armor, but darker still was the mane. It was a deep onyx, so black that Snow Drift felt like it would swallow her whole if she stared at it too long. Much like the cloak, the pony’s mane flowed on its own will, and small streaks of purple lightning danced through it from time to time, as if magic itself was trying to escape the black void. What Snow Drift had first thought were two purple flames were actually the pony’s eyes. She saw no signs of pupils though, just two purple masses that seemed to be leaking magical energy from the sockets, slowly burning off around the sides of the face. And even though there was no way to tell, Snow Drift knew that those to burning eyes were looking directly at her, slowing turning her to ash in the pony’s mind. But the most frightening thing was this pony’s horn. The blood red light was the glow from this pony’s horn, but it was unlike any Unicorn horn Snow Drift had ever seen. For one, it was longer than Snow Drift’s, or any Unicorn’s she had ever seen. And it didn’t match the pony’s coat color like every other Unicorn, but instead it was the same shade of blood as the light it emitted, and it looked like it had been burned into the pony’s head. The fur near the horn’s base was completely burned away. The skin was cracked, and Snow Drift couldn’t tell if blood was leaking from the cracks or if it was just the horn’s pulsing power, but she did know that it looked horrifically painful. It looked like the horn had been fused to the pony’s head and was slowly eating its way through the skull, drawing power from the pony’s very life force. “If you do not do this, your toy will perish,” the deep, dark voice said. It seemed to be coming from the pony’s mouth, but at the same time it felt to Snow Drift as if the words materialized out of the very air around her. “I need her energy. I need my energy! Now take it!” Snow Drift looked up at the soulless, purple flames and wept silently. She was going to die. Whoever, whatever this pony was, it was going to kill her. She wanted to beg for her life, she wanted to scream, she wanted to run, but all she could do was stare up at it as tears flowed down her face. This was how her life was going to end. Not in glorious battle striking down Earth and its Earth ponies, not held by somepony she loved, not even as a martyr for other Unicorns to rally under. She was going to be murdered the darkest part of Princess Platinum’s castle, her body—if there would even be a body at all—left to freeze on the ground, unknown and forgotten. Snow Drift felt something suddenly close around her neck. Pain raced through her as she was lifted into the air by an invisible force. Air was slowly crushed out of her lungs as the grip on her neck tightened. Her mouth popped open in a desperate attempt to breathe, or call for help, or even simply scream in pain, but all she could manage was a single gasp. She felt her eyes widen as the edge of her vision darkened. A single tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. “She…she does not…have…” the soft voice whispered, and Snow Drift felt the magic around her neck instantly loosen. Air rushed into her lungs and she coughed violently, desperately trying to suck in as much air as she could even though she could still feel the magic holding her neck. “Hm…you are correct,” the deeper voice said, still sounding like it was coming from the walls itself. “Interesting. I can sense my mark on her, but it appears she freed herself somehow. “ What…does that mean? the Unicorn thought as she focused on breathing. The grip on her was lose enough to allow some air, but if she tried to move at all, she knew it would instantly be cut off again. “It matters not,” the dark voice said. “You don’t need her. Snap her neck and be done with these pitiful rebels.” “N-No…” the quiet voice said, and for the first time Snow Drift realized that this voice was coming solely from the pony in front of her, not echoing off the walls like the other. “She is…harmless…” “Harmless?” the voice laughed and Snow Drift’s blood went cold. “She’s one of them! She’s part of the group that took your little toy. They tortured her, and would have tortured you if they were given the chance. They harmed you and your friends, locked you up like some filthy rat. They are nothing but insects, meant to be stepped on.” “I…will not…” “They are murderers, my dear.” The purple flames leaking from the pony’s eyes flared brightly and Snow Drift knew they were burning through her body and into her soul. “She is a murderer.” “She…” Snow Drift felt the magic around her neck tighten ever so slightly. She gasped again, raising her hooves to her throat in a vain attempt to free it. “She is…” Snow Drift didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew that if she wanted to live a second longer, she needed to convince the quiet voice to spare her. She tried to speak, to tell the pony that she had not killed anypony during the raid in the city, but the grip was already too tight. All she could do was lock eyes with the other pony and silently pray that her pleading somehow reached the monster. A blinding light filled Snow Drift’s eyes and she was forced to close them, expecting a moment later to feel nothing but pain, but instead all she felt was the sting of her eyes from the light. A moment later she was back on the floor, coughing and sucking down air once again. Without thinking, she scrambled backward on her flank, but lost her balance and ended up tumbling across the cold stone floor. “Get away from her or…” one voice called from behind Snow Drift. The Unicorn opened her eyes and saw three figures standing behind her. She blinked a few times to clear away tears, but her coughing refused to subside so her vision continued to tear up. “Who are they supposed to—oh, I see,” the dark voice said. Snow Drift could feel the sneer spreading across the pony’s face even though she wasn’t looking toward it. “Your friends.” “Octavia…?” another new voice asked. Snow Drift whipped her head around at the question. It was impossible. Lady Octavia had threatened Snow Drift, but she had never truly harmed her. She had even saved her life. Plus, the mare was an Earth pony. The pony before Snow Drift was clearly a Unicorn. There was no way this monster was… As Snow Drift stared at the towering dark pony behind her, she felt a new type of terror fill her body. She saw it now. Beneath the grey armor she spied the feminine figure that she had been ordered to capture. Taking away the blood red cloak and calming the raging onyx mane revealed the smooth elegance of the cellist’s style. The burning purple eyes and pulsating red horn twisted her normally stoic face into the nightmare it was now, but there were still hints of her beauty hidden in the corners of it. This monster, this pony that clearly wielded power that Snow Drift couldn’t even begin to fathom, was the same one that had threatened to tear her horn off back in the small room at the inn. The one that had willingly walked into the trap to save a Unicorn she claimed to love. The one that had pulled Snow Drift out of harm’s way when her comrades had tried to kill her without a moment’s thought. Was this her true form? Was this why Keket had been so bent on luring her here? How had she ever hoped to control somepony like this? Even with all of them fighting together, Snow Drift doubted that the rebels would have been able to even slow her down. They hadn’t been trying to capture some important Earth pony. They had been luring a monster, and Snow Drift wasn’t sure that even Keket knew her full strength. “What in Equestria happened to her?” Snow Drift suddenly remembered the voices behind her and she turned around. Ice Air, Lyra, and Bon Bon were standing behind her, each one with a different expression of horror on their faces. Snow Drift found herself desperately wanting to get up and run to them, but the terror refused to let her move. She felt that even if she breathed too hard, the monster before her would wipe her from existence. It was all she could do to lay still and pray that these ponies could somehow save her life. “Is that…?” Ice Air began, taking a small step forward, but Bon Bon quickly put her hoof out to stop her. “Careful. I’m not sure that’s Octavia anymore.” “Look at her forehead,” Ice Air said, gesturing with her hoof. “Since when is she a Unicorn?” Lyra asked. Snow Drift could see the mare’s front legs tremble, and she knew it wasn’t just from her injuries. “I’ve heard of ascension before, but this…doesn’t feel right.” “No, this is something different,” Bon Bon said, stepping in front of the wounded Lyra and still keeping her hoof in front of Ice Air. “And whatever it is, I don’t know if we can reverse it.” “Your friends are fools,” the deep voice boomed. “Why would you want to reverse this? Look at the power you now control, daughter!” “Who the buck was that?” Lyra asked, her eyes darting around the room for a moment before returning to Octavia. “Your future ruler, slave!” the deep voice yelled, and the flames in Octavia’s eye sockets blazed with purple energy. “Now, make them bow to you, daughter!” The horn on Octavia’s head glowed deep red and a moment later the three ponies were surrounded by the same aura. They each looked around for a moment, but then Ice Air pushed past Bon Bon’s hoof and her own horn flared with magic. The red aura vanished, but the Unicorn sank to her knees and gasped for air. “That…that’s not a horn,” she panted. “It’s a jewel that Keket found! She made it…into a necklace.” Octavia’s nightmarish face twisted into a smirk. She brought one armored hoof to her head and gently stroked her new horn. “Yes, that pony took care to never let me out of her sight in order to keep me safe. Of course, it made controlling her much easier too, but she never realized that.” Something in the back of Snow Drift’s mind clicked then. Ice Air was right. Their leader had never been without that necklace and that red jewel. And if it was now embedded in Octavia’s skull… Snow Drift swallowed. The resistance really was dead now, and she was no doubt looking at the monster that had caused its destruction. “Right,” Lyra said with a shaky nod. “We get that thing off of her, and…hope she goes back to normal?” “I guess,” Bon Bon replied, but her confidence was wanting. “And we still have to find Vinyl after—” “No!” Octavia shouted. All four ponies jumped at the sound of the mare’s voice, because it was actually hers, not the deep voice that seemed to come from her and the air around them all at once. As Snow Drift watched, the flames blazing from Octavia’s eyes slowly died. Her face twisted and scrunched as if she were in pain as the light around her horn dimmed. The flowing cape behind her neck stopped moving and then began to fade from reality. The grey chest piece and armor leggings she wore cracked and fell away as well, silently turning to dust as they did. Even her onyx mane, which had been billowing behind her in a magnificent display, seemed to shrink and recede back into her skull until it was its normal length once more. All four sets of eyes watched the strange transformation in stunned silence. A moment ago, a pony beyond all of them had been present, radiating power on a level that threatened to crush them. Now that pony was gone, replaced by a haggard grey mare in a tattered cloak, heaving for air. Her head, which she had held so high only a moment ago, now hung low, as if the very weight of it was almost too much for her body. Her purple eyes closed repeatedly, as if she couldn’t stand the low light, but at least they looked like eyes again. Sweat trickled down her forehead, mixing with the black mane that now spilled around her head and hid portions of her face. She was the pony Snow Drift knew as Octavia once again, but she seemed to have aged a decade or more. The red horn was still fused to her head though, its crimson tip poking out from the black mass of her mane. While it wasn’t nearly as bright, there was still a soft red glow emanating from it, giving the mare an unnerving look. “Bon…Bon…” Octavia said as she lifted her head, revealing that the cracks in her body near the horn were still there, scarring her beauty. She forced a smile and tried to take a step, but instantly collapsed. Bon Bon dashed forward and caught her with her shoulder before she hit the ground. “Octavia, is that you?” she whispered as she helped the mare steady herself. “I…am sorry,” the cellist said. She leaned on Bon Bon for moment, then stood on her own. “Especially…to you, Snow Drift. I…did not mean…He is just…so strong.” Snow Drift only swallowed and nodded, afraid that if she spoke, the other Octavia would come out again. “Who is?” Lyra asked, walking up and putting a hoof on Octavia’s shoulder. “What happened? Why is that…thing stuck on your head?” “Sombra,” Octavia answered. “He is…in here.” She raised her hoof to indicate the horn on her head. “Sombra?” Bon Bon asked, stunned. “That Sombra?” Lyra added. “Then we really need to get that thing off of you!” “NO!” Octavia shouted, the purple flames blazing from her eyes once again. She raised herself up to her full height, shoving her friends away in the process. For a moment, Snow Drift was certain the mare was going to transform again, so she buried her head in her hooves and closed her eyes, but when she opened them again, Octavia was back to looking exhausted and tears were welling in her eyes. She also noticed that Ice Air had stepped between her and the mare. “I…am sorry,” the cellist said, hanging her head once again. “Octavia, you have to know what that thing is doing to you,” Bon Bon whispered. She reached out a hoof, but stopped just short of touching her friend. “What he’s doing to you.” “Yeah,” Lyra added. “It’s not healthy. The sooner that thing’s off of you…” “I know!” Octavia raised her voice again, but this time it was in frustration. “I know more than any of you. I can still hear him in my head, telling me to…do things to all of you. It is like a picking at the back of my skull, a pressure on my brain that I cannot relieve. If I could tear this thing off and smash it, condemning that monster to oblivion like he rightly deserves, I would do it.” “Then—” “I would!” Octavia yelled again, although she did not seem to be speaking to anypony present. “And I will! You have tormented my family for generations, and I will see you finally destroyed!” “Master?” Ice Air said, carefully taking a step toward the ranting pony. Octavia’s face whipped around and she glared at the Unicorn. “Do not call me that ever again,” she hissed. “He…likes it when you do. It is as if a snake in slithering through my mind when he laughs.” “Very well,” Ice Air said, taking another slow step forward. “But why won’t you take it off then?” “I…” Octavia’s eyes swelled with tears. She sniffed several times before she blinked them away. Then she turned her head to look through the hole in the wall she had first emerged from. She closed her eyes and focused for a moment, and the horn on her head began to glow brighter. Snow Drift slowly got to her hooves and readied herself—whether to fight or run, she wasn’t sure—and noticed that the other three were doing the same. All eyes were focused on the hole. Slowly, an object surrounded by Octavia’s red magic drifted into view. It was large, the size of a pony. In fact, it looked like a pony as well. As it was drawn closer, Snow Drifted noticed that it seemed to have four legs and possibly a horn sticking out of its head. “What is that?” Ice Air asked, and Snow Drift wondered the same thing. It looked like a simple stone statue of a pony, possibly a decoration ripped from the castle’s walls. Why was Octavia interested in this? Bon Bon gasped and Lyra swore once they got a good look at the statue though. “Sombra’s magic,” Octavia began as she set the statue down carefully, stroking its cheek as she did, “is the only thing keeping Vinyl alive. If I remove the horn, she dies.” > Slipping in Guilt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hungry. So…hungry. Accursed Windigos.” —King Sombra, shortly after being rescued. ‘Do you plan to stare into the fire all night, child?’ Octavia did not answer. The flames were still roaring strong, but she casually tossed another smashed piece of furniture into the fire. The remains of a bedpost snapped and popped as the blaze slowly consumed them, flooding the small room with a new wave of heat. She had to keep the fire going. She had to keep it burning, keep in strong. If it wavered, even a little, then it would be catastrophic. The light had to stay bright. The room had to stay lit. The darkness was constantly threatening to take it over, and if the room fell—if she didn’t keep the darkness back—then her world would fall with it. ‘That is being rather dramatic, child.’ Octavia ignored the voice again, staring intently into the flames. She did not know what time it was, only that it was well past the witching hour. All the others had long since fallen asleep. They had agreed beforehoof to take turns keeping watch—despite reassurances that no pony would find them in Princess Platinum’s castle now—but the cellist did not see the logic in waking the others. She did not plan to sleep. Somepony had to make sure the fire did not go out. The pressure in the back of the Earth pony’s mind shifted a little. Octavia had come to realize it was how the monster inside her laughed. ‘You need to sleep sometime, young one.’ She tossed another bit of fuel into the flames and watched it burn away. “Octavia?” In a flashed, the cellist was standing on all four hooves and facing away from the fire. She had dropped into a low fighting stance in less than a heartbeat, and a vicious glare now covered her face. Was this it? Had he finally made his move? She was positive she had stayed awake, but just a moment of inattention could— “Steady there,” a familiar voice said. Bon Bon stepped forward slowly. She hid it well, but Octavia could see little signs that the mare was ready to attack at a moment’s notice. “Where did you learn that?” the cellist asked as she relaxed. She sat back down on her rump and turned back to watch the fire. “Learn what?” The mare walked up and sat down next to her without a sound, another surprising skill she owned. “I always assumed you were a candy maker, Bon Bon,” Octavia continued as the two gazed into the red and orange dance. “Lyra, I understand. She was always going on some grand escapade, and Equestria is filled with dangers in forgotten corners. But she is…rough, unrefined. A brawler, if a Unicorn can be called such a thing.” “I’m usually the one doing the heavy hitting,” Bon Bon said with a wry smile. “Launching some creature through a window, and smashing somepony through an old wooden floor. You sure I’m not the brawler?” “You know what I mean.” “I do.”’ “How? And before you say that you simply picked it up travelling with Lyra, I know that is not the case. You have been trained.” An odd smile crossed Bon Bon’s face as her eyes glazed over. She looked past the flames, into something that only she could see. “I’m not surprised you spotted it,” she said after a few moments. “You’ve been trained too, but not like me. You know, I’m not supposed to tell anypony this, but considering you laid your darkest secret out there, I’m fairly certain I’ll be forgiven.” For the first time in what felt like years, Octavia felt genuine curiosity wash over her. She turned to look at her friend, momentarily forgetting all of her own burdens, and waited. “Lyra and I are kind of Princess Luna’s secret recon team.” “You jest.” “You don’t think it’s weird that we just happened to find you two out in the Frozen North, with no map and no idea that you were even out there?” Octavia opened her mouth, and then stopped. ‘This mare has a point, it seems.’ “I…had not really thought about that,” the cellist conceded. “I suppose things have been happening too fast for me to truly notice, but you are correct. The odds of you two accomplishing what you did are beyond preposterous.” Bon Bon let out a small laugh. “Yeah, Lyra has a knack for that usually, and not in a good way. But this time, we had help. Princess Luna was able to contact Vinyl before you two truly left the edge of Equestria. She told us about where you two were. We were already out there investigating…”Bon Bon paused for a moment and cleared her throat “Something that I probably shouldn’t talk about yet. But anyway, it was just a matter of following the tracks after Princess Luna told us.” “The Princess…spoke to Vinyl?” Bon Bon turned her head. “Yeah. Didn’t Vinyl tell you?” Octavia hung her head. “Oh.” Bon Bon was silent for a few moments, and then she sighed and turned to completely face her friend. “Look, Octavia. I don’t know what happened between you and Vinyl. Something about a bow, but I can tell there’s a lot more than just that. Something between you two broke.” ‘I like this mare. She does not hold back.’ “Be silent,” Octavia whispered, but when she saw Bon Bon’s scowl, she quickly added, “No, not you. My apologies.” Bon Bon narrowed her blue eyes and then continued. “Whatever this is, whatever happened, you two can fix it.” ‘If she survives, and for that to happen, you need me.’ “Lyra and I have had our fair share of fights, but this is something different. You both were throwing yourselves into danger, saying you were doing it to protect the other one. But the fact is neither of you wanted this, right? Did you want Vinyl to end up nearly dead, kept alive by some monster’s magic?” “No,” Octavia replied quietly. “And I am certain Vinyl would never want you to be possessed like you are now. So ask yourself how you both got to this point? And then, ask yourself how you are going to make sure it never happens again, because this—” the mare gestured with her hoof around the room “—is not healthy. And I’m not just talking about being turned to stone, or beaten to an inch of your life, or possession. If you and Vinyl do not fix your relationship, it’s going to poison both of you.” Octavia hung her head. Her body felt like it was back out in the frozen wasteland, bare against the elements. She felt tears dribble down her cheeks, but she made no effort to stop them. She simply sat there, staring at the stone floor and letting the liquid fall from her eyes in silence. Eventually she closed her purple eyes, both to give them a small rest and to force the tears out faster. “This is all my fault,” she whispered finally. “If I had…if I had just told her everything from the start.” “So why did you not?” Octavia opened her mouth to answer, but the words caught in her throat. She knew the answer. She had gone over it a hundred times in her mind, but to say the words out loud would make them true. They would reveal the ugly part of her, the part she hated more than the monster currently residing within her. Sombra was something she could expel, something she could rid herself of, and she planned to do it the moment Vinyl was safe. But the part of her that had caused all of this, the part of her that had failed not only as a friend but as a lover and mate, was a part of her own being. It lived inside her, and it was her own weakness that had created it. She had tried to push it down, to keep it back, hoping that if she did not acknowledge it, it would vanish. But now she knew that had only given it power, and it had used that power to throw not only her life into chaos, but that of her friends, and her love. “Octy? Why did you not tell me?” “BECAUSE I DID NOT TRUST YOU!” Octavia screamed as she whipped around to face the white Unicorn standing at the edge of the firelight. “Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear? Despite everything you have done for me, despite all the times you have stood up for me, been there for me, swore that you would never leave me, I still did not trust you.” Vinyl took a step forward, her body seeming to glow in the firelight. “Did not trust me with what?” “Not with what,” Octavia said, tears freely streaming from her eyes now. She buried her face in her hooves and shook her head as the cap on her emotions erupted. “I did not trust you to stay!” The cellist slammed her hoof into the floor, causing the stone to crack. “Deep down, I knew how utterly insane that was. We have had our fights. Our relationship has been strained to the breaking point a few times even.” Vinyl remained silent, simply staring at Octavia. “But you, you fought through it all. Time and time again, you came back. You did everything you could to keep us together.” “Even when you pushed me away,” Vinyl whispered. “Exactly!” Octavia cried, fresh tears coming from her eyes. “You kept coming back. You wanted to be with me. You even saved my life in Manehattan. But after all that…” “After all I did, it still was not enough?” Octavia hung her head and shuddered. “I…do you remember what you said? When I finally told you?” Vinyl lowered here sunglasses and shrugged. “If I recall correctly, I did not care.” “Your exact word was, ‘So’.” Octavia let out a small laugh as she rubbed her cheek with her hoof. “It was so infuriating. I had just told you my darkest secret, the weight that my family has carried for generations, and you just brushed it aside. Years of living in fear and quiet shame, and you treated it like it was nothing.” Vinyl shrugged and offered a smile. “What else would you expect of me?” “Nothing,” Octavia whispered. “That is why I was upset with you. You did not care, despite the fact that, deep down, I knew you would not. In truth, part of me was ecstatic. You had just dismissed my fears, but the rest of me was…angry.” “Awfully petty of you, Octy,” Vinyl replied with a sneer. “I know,” the cellist whispered. “I think I always knew that you would react that way; not caring about family history or ancient curses. You live in the moment too much, and I love that about you. And I—” “And that is why you think this is all your fault,” Vinyl finished for her. Before Octavia could respond, the Unicorn continued. “Well, I have news for you, Octavia. You are correct.” “W-What?” Octavia blinked and looked up at her marefriend, only to find a dark scowl staring her down. “This is all your fault. You knew I would not care. Like you said, I have literally risked my life for you. What more proof of my unconditional love could you need?” “Vinyl, I—” “She is right, Octavia,” Lyra added, suddenly appearing from the shadows. “Bon Bon and I have our fights, but we would never question our loyalty.” “Certainly not,” Bon Bon added as she slid seductively up next to her wife. “And now, thanks to your selfishness, we are all out here, half frozen, barely conscious, and running out of food.” “And all of our friends are dead,” Ice Air added as she and Snow Drift came forward, glaring down at the cellist. “I did not—” Octavia started, but Vinyl stepped forward with a purposeful stride. “You could not trust me to stay, despite everything I did for you.” Octavia scooted back as her marefriend drew closer. “Even when I went after that stupid bow, you still could not tell me the truth.” “Vinyl, I…I…” “You what? Were too scared? I faced down a gang, trekked through the Frozen North, and even watched ponies die! How do you think I felt during all of that?” Octavia backed up again, pulling further away from the warmth of the fire. “Oh, but that is right,” Vinyl continued, the sneer on her face warping into a look of disgust. “Tavi here only cares about how she feels. She did not care that I was hurting, or how scared I was, or how her friends wanted to be safe at home instead of chasing after her selfish flank out here. It is all about what she wants.” Octavia wanted to back away, but she had back up against the castle’s wall. All she could do was cower as Vinyl towered over her. “You see this, Tavi?” Vinyl stood up, and Octavia watched in horror as a gaping hole slowly formed in the Unicorn’s stomach. Blood flowed out of it, staining her white coat a dark crimson. Vinyl smiled wickedly and reached into the hole with her hoof, covering it with blood. “This is your fault.” She smeared the blood across her face, laughing as she did. “I am dying because of you!” “Stop! Please, Vinyl, stop!” Vinyl froze for a moment, and a new twisted smile came to her face. She leaned down and slowly brought her face close to Octavia’s. “Oh, does the scared little demon daughter want a kiss? Will that make her feel better?” Octavia tried to get away, but before she could move, Vinyl’s bloody lips were pressed against hers. She felt the liquid trickle down her face. She wanted to scream as it began to fill her mouth, but Vinyl refused to let her go. She felt a hoof caress her cheek and instantly felt her fur matting as the warm liquid mixed with her. A tongue forced its way into her mouth, pinning her own down so that more blood could flow in. Her eyes went wide as it began to gush down her throat, cutting off her air. Finally, when she was certain the blood from her marefriend was going to drown her, Vinyl pulled away. The red liquid spilled from Octavia’s mouth and lungs like a waterfall, and she gasped for air as her insides burned. “A little something to remember me by,” Vinyl said with a small laugh. Octavia looked up to see a horrid sight. Blood was gushing from Vinyl’s mouth in rivers, flowing between her teeth and down her chin, adding to the pool that had already come from her stomach hole. She stood in a puddle of her own crimson fluid, her hooves soaked almost up to her ankles. “Goodbye, Tavi,” the Unicorn said, turning so fast in the blood that it whipped up and splashed the cellist in the face. “Where…? Vinyl, wait!” Octavia plead, but the Unicorn did not look back. “Oh, do not worry, Octavia,” Bon Bon said, draping herself over Vinyl’s back and rubbing her hoof through the mare’s bloodied coat. “We will take care of her,” Lyra added, kissing Vinyl on the mouth and coming back with a bloodied face of her own. “Always wanted to tap that flank,” Bon Bon added, slapping Vinyl’s hindquarters and then giving them a solid squeeze. “She is too good for you anyway.” “Vinyl, please!” Octavia screamed, no longer caring about her blood soaked body. Fresh tears of a despair mixed with the red liquid on her face, turning her elegant features into a grotesque sight. “Good job, you Sombra slut,” Vinyl called as she disappeared into the darkness with the others. “You managed to do the one thing you were trying to avoid. Ha ha ha ha!” Octavia stared in horror as the three ponies faded into the dark. She wanted to go after them, wanted to stand and chase them, or even just call out one more time for them to stop, but she could not. Her body felt heavy, and her hooves seemed glued to the floor. Blood bubbled up in her throat constantly, forcing its way out with each breath, robbing her of any chance to speak. They are correct, she thought in anguish. It is my fault. All of it. “Are we even better off after having met you?” “Our lives were far from perfect, but they were better than this.” Octavia turned to face Ice Air and Snow Drift. The two mares stood far away now, their eyes dark and their horns glowing with red magic. They looked thin, as if they had been starved for weeks and were only able to stand because some invisible force was holding them up. “I was in the main resistance cell,” Snow Drift said, her voice echoing off the darkness. “It was cold, but it was better than life as a slave. Where do I go now?” “You…you come back to Equestria,” Octavia stammered, forcing herself to speak despite the blood in her mouth and the tears in her eyes. “We will never make it,” Ice Air cut in, her voice assaulting the cellist from seemingly everywhere. “Our only options are to freeze to death here—” “—or go back to being slaves,” Snow Drift finished, her black eyes narrowing to slits. “I will never go back to being a slave. I would rather die.” “It was not enough for you to kill your marefriend?” “You had to kill us too?” “No!” Octavia forced herself to stand, although the effort caused the bottom of her hooves to tear off. “Please! You must believe me! If we can reach Equestria—” “If, she says,” Ice Air sneered. “So you would have us freeze to death out there?” Snow Drift added. “I would rather take my chances here. Maybe we will go with the others.” Both Unicorns looked at the ground, at the bloody trail Vinyl’s wound had left in the darkness, and smiled. “Be seeing you, Master,” Ice Air said as she disappeared with a laugh. Snow Drift simply looked at Octavia for a moment, and then she vanished as well. “Ice Air?” Octavia called, terror creeping into her voice. “Snow Drift? Lyra? Bon Bon? Vin—” She hesitated to call the last name. Did she have the right to call out for her anymore, after everything she had done? Did she deserve to have those hooves touch her ever again, or have that coat nuzzle her neck while she slept? Did she warrant having those piercing red eyes look at her, and only her, after all of the trouble her selfish actions had caused? “No…” the cellist whispered to herself. Vinyl was right to hate her. She had killed her. Lyra and Bon Bon were right to leave her behind as well. If not for her, they would no doubt be back home, sharing a nice walk or a warm bed. Of course Vinyl would want to go with them. They would treat her right, better than Octavia ever could. They would not lie to her, they would not hurt her, and they would love her. The D.J. would certainly be in better hooves with them than her. So what if it felt like her heart had just been ripped out? So what if two of her closest friends had just walked out with her mare, fully intending to use her to their hearts’ content? So what if Vinyl had willingly gone with them, waving her flank one last time in Octavia’s face? So what if— “Heh heh heh heh…” Octavia’s head snapped up and she looked around. A few trots away, a fire burned in the darkness. That was right. She had to keep that fire going, otherwise the darkness would win. It did not matter that her friends and lover had abandoned her in this place. She still had to keep the fire going, even if only to save herself now. Slowly, Octavia made her way toward the fire. She felt the warmth on her body as she drew close, but once she reached it and sat down to stare into the flames, the heat seemed to die, replaced with a chill that crept into her bones. She did not mind, though. As long as the purple flames stayed bright, she would be okay. She just had to make sure that they had plenty of fuel to burn. “This should help,” a voice said, and suddenly her family’s heirloom bow was tossed into the flames. “You never cared for that thing much anyway.” “Yes,” Octavia said as she sat down and held her front hooves out to the fire. The flames roared in the darkness as the Princesses’ hair burned to ash. “It has brought me nothing but heartache, it seems.” “Heartache?” A pony sat down next to her in the darkness. Octavia turned to see who it was, but the pony was covered in shadows, as if the dark itself had latched onto its body. “If you mean by reminding you of your true birthright, your true power and how it was denied to you, then I can see it as heartbreak.” “No, that is not—Vinyl left me because of that thing,” Octavia protested. The dark pony next to her scoffed. “You are forgetting the important part of that sentence, my child. That mare left you.” Octavia hung her head, new tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “Exactly.” “Exactly,” the pony repeated. “She chose to leave you. You did not drive her away. She left you. Your friends left you. Even those two Unicorns left you. You did not drive them away. They chose to leave.” “No, I did—” “Were you not just thinking that exact thing?” the other pony cut in. “So what if Vinyl left? So what if she went willingly to be Lyra and Bon Bon’s little slut? Was your rage not building with those thoughts?” Octavia opened her mouth, but then closed it again. The fire burned brighter, pulling away part of the pony’s shadow cloak. A single red horn appeared on the mysterious pony’s forehead. “You know whose fault this really is, do you not?” the pony asked, staring into the fire. “Mine,” Octavia said, but as soon as the word left her mouth, she felt a twinge of anger in her mind. “That is right,” the other pony said, a smile appearing where the mouth would be. “You know it was not your fault. You did not ask Vinyl to run off after that bow, did you?” “No,” Octavia answered, the twinge getting stronger in her mind. “I did not.” The fire burned again, revealing a grey face and flowing black mane. “That is right, you did not. In fact, I believe you told her…” “I told her to forget about it,” Octavia finished, narrowing her eyes as she stared at the purple flames. “I told her to stop, to come back home and forget the whole thing!” “And did she listen?” “No!” The purple flames reached higher now, and Octavia saw two faint eyes looking at her from the pony’s shadow cloak. “If she had just done what she was told! If she had just listened to me! If she had just gone back home like she was supposed to! But no! That stupid mare has to do things her way! She never does anything I ask of her! It is always her fault that—” “Ha,” a single laugh echoed through the dark, and Octavia felt all the anger in her wither in an instant. She knew that laugh. It had haunted her constantly recently, and she knew it would likely haunt her for the rest of her days. “YOU!” Octavia rounded on the pony sitting next to her. She jumped forward, slamming her whole body into the figure next to her, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Octavia struggled to keep herself on top, and when the rolling stopped, she pinned the pony to the ground by the throat. “I do not know how you got out, but I am ending this now! I will not let you poison my mind any more!” “I have done no such thing, my daughter,” a dark voice said from the darkness itself. A chuckle followed the words, and Octavia felt her entire body twitch with revolt. “Liar!” the cellist shouted back, tearing off the dark cloak that surrounded the pony beneath her hooves. “I am going to smash that…No.” A familiar face stared back up at Octavia, but it was not the one she was expecting. “It seems you are more like me than you care to admit,” Sombra said as he strode into the purple light. But Octavia could not tear her eyes away from the face staring up at her. “No. No no no no no!” Octavia found herself looking down at her own body. A blood red horn grew from her forehead, cracking her skin with magical energy that seeped from her wounds. Her purple eyes bled flames of the same color, and two crimson orbs floated among the sea of fire. They glared back up at her, adding to a menacing smirk that made the entire face horrifically alien and disturbingly familiar at the same time. The black mane flowed wildly behind the head, much like the Princesses’, but none of the elegant beauty came with it, instead replaced with a dark energy that threatened to swallow the entire world. “I enjoy this part of you,” Sombra said, coming closer and looking playfully down at the twisted vision before Octavia. “It seems like it, at least, is aware of what you could be.” “No! No, I’m not like this! I’m not, I’m not!” Panic was swelling in Octavia’s mind now, drowning out every other function save for the desperate need to prove Sombra wrong. “Why don’t you just disappear, Octy?” the other Octavia said with a face that burned its way into the cellist’s mind. “No pony cares for you anymore. They all hate you.” “No no no no! I’m not like you!” She jerked her head up to look to Sombra, whether for help or in defiance, she could not tell. “I’m not you!” “Then perhaps it is time I was you instead!” the other Octavia said as the horn on her head glowed with magical energy. “NO! NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO!” Octavia screamed as the magic fired. She felt her grey coat burn away in a flash. She felt her skin blister and pop and then tear away. She felt her blood boil into vapor and her muscle tendons snap and break. She felt her bones melt, until finally her body could take no more and her head was blasted off, vanishing in a brilliant swirl of light and agony. * * * Octavia’s eyes snapped open. Immediately, she saw a pony looming over her and felt two hooves pressing down on her shoulders. Fear boiled up in her for a second, then it was drowned out by rage. She lashed out with her hind legs, putting as much strength behind the kick as her Earth pony body would allow. The blow caught the pony in the stomach, and for a moment the pressure on the cellist’s shoulders eased up. Seizing her chance, the mare twisted her body, sweeping her hind legs out in a flurry to kick the other pony away and give herself some distance, but to her shock, she found her kick blocked. It slammed into the other pony’s foreleg, and while she felt a little give, the impact was not nearly enough to accomplish what she wanted. “Octavia!” a voice shouted. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought it sounded familiar, but she brushed it aside. She had to deal with this mysterious attacker—or more likely, Sombra somehow trying to take full control of her body. She twisted her hind legs, wrapping them around the attacker’s foreleg in an instant. She then rolled to the side, taking the other pony with her. She put extra effort into the throw, making sure she combined her own inertia with gravity so that her attacker slammed into the ground, instead of just falling. But once again, her attacker seemed to anticipate her move and rolled with the blow. “Enough!” the familiar voice yelled, and a second later, Octavia found herself flat on her stomach, a hoof pressed firmly against the back of her head while two more were between her thighs, forcing her hind legs apart to an uncomfortable degree. “Octavia, snap out of it!” the voice yelled. “I don’t want to hurt you! Fight him!” “That is exactly—“ Octavia stopped struggling when she suddenly realized not only who the familiar voice belonged too, but that it was coming from the pony attacking her. “Bon Bon?” “Are you back?” the other Earth pony asked, still pinning Octavia to the floor. “I mean, it’s really you in there, right?” Octavia blinked a few times. “Yes. I…I believe so.” Instantly, the hoof on the back of her head disappeared and the pressure on her thighs with it. She shook her head and then slowly pushed herself up from the floor. “What happened?” “You were having a bad dream, I think,” Bon Bon said, taking a small step back. Her blue eyes scanned Octavia for a moment, making sure that the cellist really was still sane. “You were mumbling in your sleep about stuff, and then you started screaming. I was trying to wake you up and, well…you kick pretty hard.” A dream? “I…fell asleep?” “Yeah, almost as soon as we started talking about Vinyl.” Octavia blinked in surprise. “But I…I cannot fall asleep! Bon Bon, how could you let me?” “Because you were exhausted,” her friend replied, taking a step back as Octavia stepped forward in a small panic. “You know full well you can’t stay up on watch all night. That’s why we agreed to take shifts.” “But…but I cannot! What if…? What if I am…what if he takes over?” “Then we rip that thing out of your forehead and smash it into little pieces,” the candy maker replied, her face darkening. “I still think that sounds like a good idea anyway.” ‘Noted. I will have to be weary of this one.’ Octavia ignored the voice in her head and instead focused on her friend. “I fully intend to do that once we get back to The Crystal Empire, but…” Octavia hung her head, the images from her dream still fresh in her mind. “Bon Bon, I need you to promise me something. If…If I lose myself, if I lose control…” “Don’t talk like that,” Bon Bon said, but Octavia quickly cut her off. “If it happens, you must stop me! Sombra cannot be allowed to return!” “That was the plan from the beginning, Octavia,” Bon Bon replied. “And if it comes down to it, Lyra and I will rip him out of you and smash him, and then we’ll find some way to save Vinyl without his help.” ‘Unlikely, pony, but I shall keep that in mind. She seems to be the biggest threat. Would you agree?’ Keep your voice to yourself! “Besides, I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit, Octavia.” “Bon Bon, you do not understand. I can feel him in my mind, slumbering in a dark corner—” ‘Slumbering? Do you make me sound like some uncivilized beast, child!’ “—like he is simply waiting, watching me for that one chance to take control. You did not see what he did to Keket. At the end, there was nothing left of her soul. It was all him!” ‘Oh, she was still in there, I assure you. Up until the very end. I can still hear her scream as I tore her mind apart when I left.’ “SHUT UP!” Octavia screamed, collapsing on the floor and clamping her forelegs over her head. “I hate you! I will never let you take me! I will sooner—” “Octavia, calm down.” A gentle cream-colored hoof touched Octavia’s head and she immediately felt her mind calm. Slowly, she raised her head and saw the smiling face of her friend staring back at her. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe he is just waiting for the perfect moment, but I don’t think that’s entirely it.” “But he—” “You slept through the whole night, and you’re still you, right?” Octavia’s mouth fell open. “The…whole night?” “Yeah, look.” Bon Bon raised her hoof and pointed toward the window. While it was nowhere near as beautiful—or bright—as back in Equestria, there was still the smallest hint of sunlight seeping in through the storm. Stunned, she turned to look at the fire she had been so focused on keeping alive, only to find that it was little more than smoking ash with dying embers now. In fact, Octavia suddenly noticed that she and Bon Bon were alone in the room they had all slept in. Lyra, Ice Air, and Snow Drift were nowhere to be seen. Panic immediately seized her. Had Sombra done something to them? What if she had done something to them? Or what if this was still a dream, and— “It’s okay, Octavia,” Bon Bon said as she carefully put a hoof on Octavia’s shoulder. “They’re all safe. Even Vinyl.” Octavia turned to where Bon Bon nodded and saw the familiar heartbreaking sight. Vinyl’s stone body was lying on the floor on the far side of the room. Octavia had taken extra care setting it over there the previous night. Sombra had promised her that, as long as he remained fused with her and she did not die, his magic would keep the Unicorn securely encased. While she was like that, nothing could hurt her, but Octavia still did not want to take any risks, so she had made sure Vinyl was far away from everypony else, just in case someone rolled onto her and broke her. ‘I keep assuring you, child. Your precious trophy toy is completely safe. Think of it as hibernation for her. Completely unaware of the world around her.’ “Tell that to Princess Amore,” Octavia hissed. “What?” Bon Bon asked, cocking her head to the side. “It is nothing,” the cellist responded. ‘Oh, so you know of her fate, do you? Yes, I am rather impressed with it myself. Sometimes I wonder what became of her. And whether she can feel her body, despite being in pieces. I imagine it must be excruciating if she can.’ “Well, now that you’re awake, let’s go find the others. Hopefully they managed to find something for us to eat,” Bon Bon said as she turned to leave the room. “You need not wonder what it feels like much longer, monster,” Octavia said as she followed her friend at a distance. “You will share her fate. Once we arrive back in the Crystal Empire, I am going to make certain your precious little gem is smashed into fine dust.” ‘Curious that you choose the same painful demise that I used on that wretch. Perhaps inflicting pain is yet another trait we share?’ Octavia gritted her teeth, but said nothing as she focused her magic on Vinyl, slowly lifting her statue into the air before following Bon Bon. The two mares trudged through the ruined castle’s hall in total silence, and much to Octavia’s relief, even Sombra did not seem to be in the mood for speaking. That gave her time to think, and she knew she needed plenty of it. She had no doubt that Sombra was telling the truth about Vinyl. He needed her to be safe, because the moment she was not, he was dead. Yet he did not seem very concerned with his approaching doom. Once they made it back to the Crystal Empire, Ocatvia knew there would be ponies who could save Vinyl’s life without the dark magic currently sustaining her, and once that happened, she fully intended to make good on her threat of smashing Sombra’s gem. For all his bargaining power at the moment, he was effectively her prisoner, and she was leading him to his execution, yet all he did was mock her. He must be planning some scheme. ‘Of course I am, child. I would be a fool not to be. The question you must concern yourself with is, will you be able to stop me?’ I will. I will make sure your cursed blood never haunts my family again. ‘Seeing as my blood ends with you, I am not certain it will matter much. Or has Equestria found some way for a mare and her whore to bare a child? My, to think magic and science would come so far. Then again, it has been a thousand years.’ Vivid, private images flashed through Octavia’s mind. ‘You enjoy some interesting kinks, my dear. So you like control, do you? Heh. Tying her up like that, holding her down. Imagine what you could do if you could use magic like she can.’ ‘Oh, you HAVE! Does she know about these fantasies? I must admit, that one is even more than I would—’ Stay out of my head! Octavia clamped down on her mind and stray thoughts. She pictured herself slamming in door in Sombra’s face, and catching his hoof in it as she did. It must have worked, because she heard the beast let out a surprised yelp of pain before falling silent. She allowed a little smirk to come to her face as she continued to follow Bon Bon. Eventually, Bon Bon led Octavia into a large room. Like so many other places in the castle, it was in tatters. No signs remained of lavish wealth that Princess Platinum no doubt had. Instead, there were cracks in the walls and dark stains on the floor. Smash chandeliers still rested on the ground, their twisted frames berift of any jewels or precious glass they may have once held. A few broken tables were pushed over to one side of the room next to a fireplace, no doubt having been used by the rebels—or perhaps even Princess Platinum’s servants long ago—for kindling against the bitter cold. While it was hard to tell now, Octavia could still see signs that the tables had been grand, stretching the length of the room, but now there was little more than boxes and stones arranged to look like meager dining spots. Clang! Octavia jumped and whipped her head toward the noise. There was a small room off to the side, and a faint glow was coming from it, along with other banging noises. “Lyra!” Bon Bon called. “You okay in there?” “Yeah,” came the familiar voice. “Although I won’t be held responsible for anypony’s wellbeing after this. Are the others back?” “No, but Octavia’s up.” “Is she still with us?” “I am,” Octavia called, ignoring the chuckle in her head. “Great. Just in time for…I think it’s breakfast, anyway.” A moment later, the Unicorn came out of the small room. She was still covered in cuts and bruises, but she did not look nearly as haggard as yesterday. Still, Octavia could not help but notice that she was walking with a bit of a limp, and even her magic—supporting a massive black pot and several bowls—seemed to be dimmer than normal. Lyra brought the pot and bowls over to one of the makeshift tables and set the pot in the middle, and then placed the bowls around it. Looked up and smiled at Bon Bon and Octavia for a second, and then bowed her head and held out her hoof. “Breakfast is served, my ladies.” “Great,” Bon Bon said as she walked over and sat down next to her wife. She took a hesitant look in the pot and then scowled. “What is it?” “Snow Drift promised me that it was eatable,” Lyra said and she used her magic to fill her bowl and then Bon Bon’s. “She did not, however, vouch for the taste. Said we’ll get used to it.” Octavia opened her mouth to grab the ladle, but before she could she felt the horn embedded in her forehead glow angrily. ‘You have magic, child. Do not debase yourself so!’ Octavia ignored the comment and took the ladle; carefully pouring whatever the liquid was into her own bowl. Steam rose from the dark brown liquid, and she was fairly certain she could see chunks of something floating in it, but she could not deny that the smell was unappetizing. “What is this slop?” Bon Bon asked. “Some sort of root veggie, mixed with a few spices and stuff,” Lyra said with a shrug. She blew on her soup and took put a little in her mouth. To her credit, she did not gag, but the look on her face did Octavia’s appetite no favors. “Look, everypony knows you’re the cook, yet you had me try to whip up breakfast.” “I had…other things to take care of.” Octavia did not miss the quick glance Bon Bon gave her, but she ignored it. Taking a deep breath, she took a small sip of her own bowl. To Lyra’s credit, the taste was not horrible, but it did little to impress either. It was simply…there, sloshing around in Octavia’s mouth for a moment before she swallowed it. Next she tried some of the vegetable, but just like the soup, it had no flavor. She felt like she was eating paste. “At least it is warm,” she offered, allowing the heat to spread through her body for a moment. “Where are Ice Air and Snow Drift?” “They said they were going to check on the rest of the castle,” Lyra offered, taking another big bite of soup. She seemed to want to get it down as fast as possible. “Look for supplies and medicine, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what Snow Drift is hoping to find.” Lyra’s golden eyes turned to Octavia, but the mare simply hung her head. “Well, let’s hope they find something,” Bon Bon added, steering the conversation back on track. “Just getting back to that city is going to be a challenge, and if we don’t have any way of resupplying once we get there, Equestria may as well be a dream.” The three ponies ate in silence after that, fully aware of what Bon Bon meant. They were injured, out of supplies, out of food, and out of funds. Snow Drift had found some more medicine last night and given each pony a bottle of it. It had helped dull the immediate pain, but just looking at her two friends was enough for Octavia to know they needed more. They needed proper rest, real food, and actual healing, and none of that could be found in this cursed castle. Their only chance was to make it back to Earth and try to find help there, but even that came with its own set of risks. The sound of hoofsteps began to echo throughout the room. All three ponies froze, and then slowly turned their ears toward the noise. The only logical conclusion was that Ice Air and Snow Drift were coming back, but after everything that had happened, none of them were willing to let their guard down. They waited in silence, each one shift slightly to get a better angle of attack as the hoofsteps grew louder and closer. “We’re back,” Ice Air called before she came into view. “Please don’t blast us or anything.” A moment later, her head poked out of another hallway, her purple face partly covered by her auburn mane. “Just in time for breakfast,” Lyra said with a wave and a smile. “I did the best I could but…how did you ponies live on this stuff?” “It’s all that really grows out here,” Snow Drift said as she appeared next to Ice Air. “Earth ponies know how to grow other stuff, but…we haven’t had a prisoner out here for a while, so…” Her eyes glanced at Bon Bon and Octavia for a moment, then quickly went to the floor as she followed Ice Air to the table. Octavia noticed that the two mare each set full saddlebags down next to them before pouring themselves some breakfast. “Did you two find anything?” Bon Bon asked, her eyes fixed on the saddlebags as well. “Not as much as you’re hoping,” Ice Air said. She kicked her saddlebag and it jingled with something. “Snow Drift was right. All the food was in the kitchen, so there was none of that.” “We were getting ready for another raid before…” Snow Drift trailed off as she took another mouthful of soup. “Not much in the ways of medicine either,” Ice Air added. “Found some bandages, but that’s about it. I’m starting to think my little cave was better outfitted than this place.” “Keket…changed after she found that,” Snow Drift whispered as she gestured toward Octavia’s forehead. “We all did. Food stopped being important, allies stopped mattering. Even the cause seemed…so small. I don’t understand what happened.” “Sombra happened,” Octavia replied darkly. “It was like…something else was in my head, forcing me to forget everything else that mattered to me. Only what it wanted was what mattered, and I…we all went along with it without question. It just seemed so right.” ‘It was not easy, controlling that many while I am in such a state. It took months of simply feeding off of Keket’s hatred before I could even form words, let alone speak to her. Damn Windigos.’ No pony asked you. “Octavia? Can I…ask you something? Or, can I ask him something?” The entire room froze at Snow Drift’s question. Lyra and Bon Bon shot each other a look before focusing completely on the cellist. Ice Air inhaled sharply and took a step back from the makeshift table, and Octavia herself found that she was holding her breath. There was no way Snow Drift could still hear Sombra’s thoughts, was there? He did not have the poor Unicorn still under his spell, correct? No, it was impossible. He had almost made Octavia kill her yesterday. But then, what if that had all been a ploy? What if he had never planned on actually letting it happen, and simply used the event as a way to ingrain Snow Drift into their good graces? What if she was waiting for the right moment to strike, working under Sombra’s control to help him regain his full power? ‘My, you have a vivid imagination. So…what do you plan to do? If what you fear is true, then perhaps you should destroy her now. Leave her body here to rot along with her friends.’ Octavia forced herself to swallow; and ignore Sombra’s taunt. “First, I must ask you something, Snow Drift,” the mare answered. She looked straight at the other mare, trying to see past her eyes and into her mind. She stared in silence for what felt like a lifetime, looking for something she could not even begin to describe. It was not until Snow Drift started to fidget and look away that Octavia asked her question. “What do you plan to do now?” The white colored pony opened her mouth, but then she closed it and hung her head. She was a far cry from the arrogant prisoner that had guided them to this place before. “Um…I don’t know,” she replied before looking back at Octavia and matching her stare. “That kind of depends on my question, I guess.” “This is ridiculous,” Lyra interrupted as she shook her head. “She’s coming with us, right? Ice Air, you’re coming back to Equestria, right?” “If Octavia orders me to,” the Unicorn answered. Octavia’s ear twitched at the cowed tone in Ice Air’s voice. Ever since she had seen Octavia lose control yesterday, she had slowly been crawling back into her shell. The cellist made a mental note to talk to her later and tell her there was no reason to treat her differently. “Orders you to?” Lyra rolled her eyes at the suggestion. “We’ve been over this already. You’re not her property. If you want to come, you can. And besides, you already said you wanted to, right?” Ice Air nodded, not taking her eyes off of Octavia. “There, see?” Lyra turned back to Snow Drift. “She’s coming, and you’re coming too. This place is horrific and—” Bon Bon put a hoof on Lyra’s outstretched foreleg and gently brought it back down to the table. “Easy, Lyra. Ice Air had her choice. Snow Drift gets one too.” “But why in Celestia’s sweet mane would she—?” “Because this is still her home.” Lyra sighed collapsed on her hindquarters, crossing her forelegs and pouting as she did. Octavia knew she was right, of course. Only a mad pony would willingly stay in this land, so the fact that Snow Drift hesitated seemed completely insane, but Bon Bon had a point. And up until now, no pony had bothered asking for Snow Drift’s opinion. The only reason she was even here was because they had forced her to come. “Okay, Snow Drift, what did you wish to ask me?” Octavia asked. “My…my friends. What happened to them? I know that…thing on your head took control, but what did he do?” ‘I doubt you want to hear the full explanation, my child, so let me say this: it is an ancient ability that I posses from before my time in The Crystal Empire.’ “This monster has always had the ability to influence and control ponies’ minds. He once managed to seize an entire empire back in our land.” Octavia felt a smile come to her face as she added, “In fact, you could say that is what caused his current situation.” Octavia smiled again as she heard the voice in her head scoff. “So then…did everypony turn to stone in that place too?” “No,” Octavia answered shortly. ‘I simply banished them from this realm for a thousand years is all. Ha ha ha!’ “So what happened here?” Snow Drift asked, her eyes glazing over and wandering for a moment as if she was trying to see every single stone pony in the castle. Well? ‘Well what?’ Do not play coy now, beast. I know you are relishing this. Now answer the question, or I will— ‘Yes, yes, I know. Your threats grow meaningless, my child, if you never follow through with them.’ Just answer! Octavia listened as Sombra explained the petrification, and then relayed the answer to Snow Drift. “It had to do with the mind control. He was too weak to use it normally, so he had to put a bit of his essence into it. A little piece of him settled into every pony’s mind and he…he fed off of their hatred, making himself stronger.” You are nothing more than a parasite! “And when Keket finally allowed him to fuse wit her fully…” Octavia trailed off for a moment. She noticed that not only was Snow Drift staring at her in rapt attention, but so where her other companions. It made her uncomfortable, but she pressed ahead. “When that happened, he yanked all of his essence back. Doing so caused a surge of magic that turned all of them to stone.” ‘Truthfully, that was always the plan. I knew that, even with your body, I would not be strong enough to fight my way out of this castle. Not after I killed their leader.’ A failsafe then. You truly deserve to be buried in the snow and ice, lost to the ages. ‘Are you not going to tell her that part? I would love to see the expression on her face.’ Octavia remained silent. “Is…is there a cure?” Snow Drift asked, her ears tipping up just a little. “Can you undo what he did?” ‘Ah, so that is what she was getting at. I see, I see. Oh, you need not worry so, dear child.’ I am not worried! ‘We share the same mind now, Octavia Melody. I can sense your apprehension. You worry that there is a cure, that Snow Drift will ask you to release her friends from their stone tombs, and then you will be surrounded once more by enemies. Fret not. I can assure you they are all quiet dead. When I pulled my essence out, I broke their minds as well. And even if they had survived that, this is not the same stone spell I used on that wretched Princess. I am much stronger now. I made sure they did not survive, and I made sure they felt every last agonizing moment as their hearts stopped and the blood in their veins turned to rock and the air was forced from their lungs!’ “SILENCE!” Octavia screamed, clamping down on her head with her hooves and burying in face in the table. She could feel Sombra’s laughter echoing in her mind. She shared his sick joy as he vividly recalled the terrible death he had bestowed on all the rebels and it made her want to tear her flesh off. She was not like this, not like him! “Um…Miss Octavia?” The grey pony’s head whipped up and she glared at Snow Drift. “I am not like him! Do you hear me? It was his magic!” Snow Drift yelped and fell backward at the sudden verbal outbreak. Octavia lunged toward her, her eyes wide. “I did not do it! He killed them! Not me! Do you understand? I had—” “Octavia!” Suddenly Octavia felt her entire body floating in the air. Her vision cleared and she realized she was looking down at a terrified Snow Drift and a scowling Bon Bon and a grimacing Lyra. The mint green Unicorn’s horn was glowing, but it was clear that the effort of suspending Octavia was too much strain for her wounded body. A second later, her magic fade and the cellist dropped the small distance to the floor. “I…I am…” Octavia stammered. She wanted to comfort Snow Drift, but the fear in the mare’s eyes told her to stay away. Instead, she hung her head and tried to steady her breathing. “You still with us, Octy?” Lyra asked wearily as Bon Bon slipped between her and Octavia, the same scowl still on her face. “Yes,” the cellist answered, her head still low. “I apologize for my outburst.” She raised her head and looked at Snow Drift, who had scooted closer to Ice Air. “I am sorry, Snow Drift, but your friends are gone. The magic Sombra used…it was not meant to sustain them.” Tears came to Snow Drift’s eyes, but they refused to fall. She blinked them away after a moment, and then stood up. She slowly walked back toward the table, but she refused to look at Octavia as she did. “I thought that might be the case. I guess I should thank all of you then. If you hadn’t captured me, then…” She trailed off as she sat down, staring into her soup. “What about Vinyl then?” Ice Air suddenly asked. Octavia turned to look at the statue of her lover, gently resting in the corner, away from any accidents or careless bumps. “Different magic,” Octavia replied. “That is what this whole thing is about. He needs me, needs the magic—his magic—in my blood to regain himself. He is using her as leverage.” “How do you know he’s not lying?” Bon Bon asked, still standing protectively in front of her wife. “What if—” “He is not!” Octavia replied, a little louder than she meant to. She took a calming breath before she continued. “I can…sense Vinyl in there. It is weak, and I fear what will happen when I finally rid myself of this monster, but for now she is still alive.” ‘And she will stay that way, as long as you fulfill your end of the deal.’ Octavia ignored the comment and looked at Snow Drift. “So will you come with us, Snow Drift? I do not see much of a life left for you here.” “Unicorns rarely have much of a life here to begin with,” the pony answered as she took a small bite from her breakfast. “And it seems I have even less than that now. I will go to this Equestria with you, if you will take me.” “Good,” Ice Air replied, sitting down next to the snow colored Unicorn and giving her a small hug. “We can be strangers together there. I just hope we can somehow manage to get enough supplies for the five of us to make it.” She looked at the other four ponies and shook her head. “Like we said earlier, this castle’s pretty bare.” “Right, no food and no medicine,” Lyra said, her ears drooping little as she steered the conversation back to the original topic. “What about winter gear? Coats, boots? Surely living out here means there were plenty of those?” It was true. Out of all of them, only Snow Drift’s outfit remained mostly in tact, and it was nearly in tatters. The battle had reduced their warm winter attire to little more than scraps of fabric, and that would not protect them once they went outside. “A few blankets and cloaks, but it won’t get us far. Not far enough to where I found you, anyway,” Ice Air said. Octavia thought back to when she had first met Ice Air, in battle in the middle of the Frozen North. Vinyl, Glint, and herself had already been marching for over a day when that had happened, and then… “Ice Air, how far did you take me?” Octavia asked. “Carried you through the snow for two days,” the Unicorn replied. “I hit you harder with that spell than I meant to.” “Two days…” Octavia whispered. That meant that they were going to spend at least three days trekking through nothing but sheer blizzard. They would need to get better clothes, or face death by exposure. “So what did you two find?” Bon Bon asked with a frown. “Every last bit of wealth from Keket’ resistance,” Ice Air said, tapping her saddlebag with her hoof. “We should be able to get some gear and food with this stuff.” “Trinkets, jewels, bits,” Snow Drift said as she took another sip of her breakfast. “Anything of value we could get off of our prisoners. Ransom helped too.” A small, sad smirk came to the Unicorn’s face. “Of course, we didn’t always return them alive, but…” Octavia pushed the dark thoughts from her mind. “Okay, so we need to get back to the city, get ourselves sorted, and then get back to Equestria. Does anypony have any suggestions?” “What do you mean?” Lyra asked, pushing her bowl aside and deliberately not looking at the pot. “Seems pretty straight forward to me. I mean, that wealth is still worth stuff back in the city, right?” “And who is going to sell to a group of three real Unicorns, one Earth pony that looks like a Unicorn, and an Earth pony traveling with them that looks like she just got the stuffing beaten out of her?” Bon Bon asked with a raised eyebrow. “We walk into any store right now, and the entire city guard will come down on us.” “Right…” Lyra said as she hung her head. “We’ll need disguises,” Snow Drift said. “And Snow Drift and I think we have the perfect ones.” Without another word, she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a few metal rings. She held them up with her magic. “Magic collars. They’re broken, see?” She slipped one onto her horn, but the magic did not immediately snap off. “We used them all the time to sneak in and out of the city. Put one of these things one, and you’re just another slave.” ‘Such a little toy would never contain my power, even if it was functional. You have nothing to fear.’ I am an Earth pony by birth, Octavia thought back darkly. I have been making due without magic my entire life. > An Evening to Relax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Because somepony has to stay with Vinyl, and we all know you’d be a terrible slave, pretend or otherwise.” —Bon Bon explaining things to her wife. Again. Frigid leaned on his counter and stared at the ceiling. It was another slow day, just like yesterday and the day before. Ponies were staying home, only leaving their houses if they absolutely had to. He understood why, of course. Ever since that rebel attack at the bar a few days back, Earth had been in a state of lock down. Sure, rebel attacks were nothing new. A stray murder here, an attempted slave rescue there; it was all part of living in this frozen pit. But this attack had been something different. The rebels had made no attempt to act covertly. They had stormed the bar, killed several Earth ponies, and then killed a few of the city’s guards before vanishing like ghosts. Only one had been slain—stabbed through the neck by a strange sword—and that had caused the city to call for a lockdown. The idea that the rebels could swoop in and cause so much destruction and then get away without a trace was unnerving, and there were even whispers that their ranks were growing to the point where they could pose a serious threat. Frigid knew that was impossible, but he had to admit that this attack did leave him feeling nervous, but not because of the rebels vanishing. They did that all the time. No, it was the other rumor that was swirling around that made him feel uncomfortable. There were whispers that among the dead, a strange pony had been found. A pony that no pony had seen for hundreds of years, to the point where younger generations believed that it was nothing but a myth. A Pegasus. Frigid didn’t know if the rumor was true, but something deep inside him felt unsettled by it. Why a Pegasus? What crazy scheme had the rebels come up with this time, and what were they hoping to accomplish by pretending to have a Pegasus mixed in? Or…what if the impossible had happened and there was A Pegasus? What if the rebels had found a settlement of them, and together they were planning to— Ding-ding! Frigid’s mind snapped back from his thoughts at the sound of the shop door opening. He stood up straight and prepared his best smile, but froze before he fully put it on. A lone pony had entered his store. He couldn’t tell if it was a stallion or mare because it wore a black cloak over its body, but he did see the telltale bump at the top of its head. The pony looked around for a moment, taking in the store with a single glance, and then brushed the light dusting of snow off its cloak. Frigid scowled as he watched it fall to the floor. Just who did this pony think he was? If he honestly thought that Frigid was going to allow him to just— The pony removed its hood and Frigid’s mind came up short. He had heard that, every once in a while, a Unicorn was born that seemed to inherit the true royal beauty of the race, but he had never understood that until now. Long, deep onyx hair spilled down the mare’s grey neck. It was so smooth that it looked as if her mane was made of liquid obsidian, sparkling whenever the store light hit it just right. Her purple eyes were vivid in color, clashing beautifully with her dark mane as they scanned the room, pausing only for second as they fell on Frigid. His body froze, as if those two amethyst orbs had carved all the way to his soul. Her face was lined in striking ash colored fur, and even from across the store it was plain to see that she groomed it every day, making sure it accentuated the curves of her face and strength of her cheeks. Even the way she stood, not like a slave beaten down but as an empress ruling over a nation, made her steal away any other feeling besides wonder as Frigid stared at her. But by far, the most striking thing about her was her horn. It was a little longer than most Unicorns, and it also had a slight curve to it, but its color demanded attention, just as the mare did. It was blood red, a harsh but stunning contrast to the black mane and grey coat that it nestled in. shined on its own and Frigid swore that he saw it pulse regularly as he gawked at it. He even found himself thinking that the magic collar around it was a shame, as if something so beautiful needed to be set free. “It is safe, Master,” the mare said. Even her voice rang of an elegance and power that Frigid didn’t think was possible for a pony, let alone a Unicorn. The mare turned back toward the entrance and opened the door. Frigid almost jumped across the counter to stop her, fear gripping his heart that such a beautiful creature was about to leave his world, but he stopped when the mare made no further movement. “Thank you, Melody,” another voice said. “This way, you two.” Three more mares walked into the shop, all of them clad in cloaks like the first. They shook them off and removed the hoods, revealing two more Unicorns and an Earth pony. The Unicorns looked much more in line with what Frigid was used to. They kept their heads low, as if the weight of the collars constantly beat them down. The purple one showed signs of being beaten, and the white one seemed skittish, constantly throwing glances toward Frigid. Mm…I’d like to break her, he thought as he stared at the white mare. She looked so soft, so pure, and her constant fright only fueled his desire more. The purple one didn’t look bad either. Maybe, if he played his cards right, he could convince their owner to lend them to him for a night. Not the grey one though. Something told him that he’d be nothing but a whimpering mess if he tried anything with her. Their owner looked around the store once and nodded. “Ice Air, gear. Snow Drift, food.” “Yes, Master,” the purple mare answered, bowing once and then hurrying off to a corner of the store. “Move, Snow Drift, before Melody makes you!” the Earth pony barked, stomping her hoof. “Y-Yes!” the white mare said, scurrying away. Frigid couldn’t help but stare at her flank as she did. Her long white legs, the soft curves of her rump, even the ragged short cut of her tail. Did her master make her keep her tail short for easier access? Frigid knew a few ponies who did that, but he preferred the tail long. Gave him something to hold in his teeth as he held the mare down. The Earth made her way to the counter, and it was the first time Frigid actually looked at her closely. She was a looker all right, with a warm yellow coat and a blue and pink mane. Her frame was solid, a clear sign that she wasn’t some spoiled mare that made her slaves do everything. She was wealthy though. She had to be, if she could afford to have three slaves walking around with her. Most ponies were lucky to own one or two, but this mare had three! Was she some sort of big shot? She certainly wasn’t built like one, but then again, if she grew her own food in this pit, then she’d have to be tough. Or maybe she’s built that way because… Frigid suddenly found himself imagining the Earth pony holding down the white Unicorn and repeatedly using her, and then using the purple one like a toy as well, again and again until they were both exhausted messes on the floor. He licked his lips, hoping he’d be able to get a piece of that himself. “Good day, sir,” the Earth pony said as she walked up. “You are the last stop on my list today. I hope you have what I am here for.” “I hope so to,” Frigid replied with a smile. His eyes then darted to the grey Unicorn. “That’s um…quite a collection you got there.” The mare’s blue eyes blinked for a moment. “Thank you. I made sure Oct—Melody was brought up right. She is the jewel of my stock.” “Indeed ma’am,” Frigid replied, turning his attention back to the Earth pony in front of him. “So what can…I…?” “Is something wrong?” the Earth pony asked. “Forgive me for being rude, but are you okay?” Frigid had just noticed the singed fur and bruises lining the mare’s face. She had done her best to cover them, but this close they were impossible to miss. “Oh, yes,” the mare said, waving her hoof away. “Melody had a little accident with her magic a few days ago. Tried a spell she wasn’t ready for.” “A spell?” Frigid asked, turning to look at the Unicorn by the door. He saw her looking right back at him, a small scowl on her face. “You’re…allowing her to use magic?” “Training, sir. I’m training her.” The mare stood up straighter—Frigid couldn’t help but notice the small wince of pain as she did—and stuck out her chest. “Just as a jeweler polishes a stone to bring out its true worth, I make sure my property is not neglected, but makes use of its full potential. I make sure she is closely watched, of course, but tell me she is not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?” Frigid couldn’t argue with that. “I have found that, under the right conditions, her magic flow can actually increase her beauty.” “Really?” Frigid looked at the Unicorn named Melody again, trying to picture her being more stunning. It was hard to imagine. “Perhaps you could bring her by sometime to show me.” “Perhaps,” the Earth pony replied before turning away from him. “You two! What’s taking so long? You’re wasting my time and this fine gentlecolt’s!” “Here, Master,” one of the Unicorns said. It was the purple one, and she was carrying five of the best coats in all of Earth on her back. She walked up to the counter and gingerly put them aside. “And?” the Earth pony demanded. “Boots? Scarves? Hats? Do you want to freeze to death?” “Sorry, Master,” the Unicorn whispered, scurrying back into Frigid’s shop. “Honestly,” the Earth pony said with a shake of her head. “This is why I had to bring them both with me. Just one of them, and I’d be taking up your time all day. Speaking of which…Snow Drift!” The white Unicorn peered around the end of a far isle. Her sky blue eyes were half hidden behind her snowy white mane, but Frigid still felt his body burning hot. Oh, for just one night with that mare. To leave her broken on the floor, panting, used her again and again… “C-Coming, Master,” Snow Drift whispered. She carefully came around the corner, a full sack draped across her back. She was struggling to carry it, and as Frigid watched, a few apples fell to the ground. “Idiot!” the Earth pony snapped. “Pick them up, now!” With a meek nod, Snow Drift stopped, turned around, and bent down to grab a fallen apple with her mouth. Frigid couldn’t help but stare as she did. “She’s quite a catch,” he said without meaning to. “Indeed,” the Earth pony replied. “I enjoy this view as well.” Frigid smirked. Maybe this Earth pony did do what he fantasied about. Snow Drift finished her display and walked over to the counter. She had enough food in the bag to last a single pony for over a month, but without a word, she turned and went back for more. Just then, the other Unicorn came up with five pairs of boots and several scarves and hats. She silently placed them on the counter and left yet again. “We are planning a bit of an…excursion, you see,” the Earth pony continued. “Melody claims she is ready to try her spell again, but I have my doubts. So, we will be heading outside the city for a few days for some tests beforehoof. Best to be prepared.” “I see, ma’am. A good idea, and you’ve certainly come to the right place.” Frigid rubbed the back of his neck as he stared the growing purchase on his counter. This was his finest stock, from the clothing to the food. The fresh apples alone would set back many ponies several weeks, and this mare wanted a dozen. “I hate to ask this ma’am, but how will you being paying for all of this? I just want to be sure before—” The Earth pony turned around and pulled a rather sizable pouch from her saddlebag. Without a second thought, she dropped it in front of Frigid. It opened as it hit the counter, revealing more jewels and coins than Frigid had ever seen. He couldn’t help but gawk at the display. “I believe that will cover it, but if not, do let me know,” the mare said casually. “Er, yes. Yes, of course it will!” Frigid said. He scooted the bag closer and opened it fully, making sure that it was indeed filled to the brim with wealth. He looked up at the mare again, trying to figure out who she was. He didn’t know everypony in Earth—it was a large city, after all—but he was surprised he’d never heard of… “Excuse me, Madam, but may I have your name?” “Bonnie,” the mare said. “A pleasure doing business with you, Madam Bonnie,” Frigid said, giving her a deep bow. He’d never heard of her before, but if she was paying this well, he had to do his best to make her a regular customer. This amount would be enough to set him up for several months, and if she came back regularly, then at the next slave auction he’d have enough to buy a Unicorn or two. As thoughts of chained Unicorns pinned against a wall filled Frigid’s mind, Snow Drift appeared again, carefully carrying another sack stuff with food. “Excuse my boldness, Madam Bonnie,” Frigid said, “and if my idea is not to your liking, please pretend it never happened, but perhaps I could offer you a deal?” “I am listening,” Madam Bonnie replied with a nod. “I’d very much like to spend some time with that one,” Frigid said as he pointed at the white Unicorn. “I saw how tight she is back there, and I’d love to experience that for myself. One night with her, and that sack she’s carrying is on the house.” Before the mare could answer, the purple Unicorn appeared again, balancing a few more supplies on her back. “If you let me have her too, no cost for the boots, scarves, and hats. I’m afraid the coats are too valuable to let go, but still. So, do we—argh!” Frigid yelped as an apple—a apple!—slammed against his head. His vision went dark for a second, but when it cleared, her whirled around, ready to beat the freezing blood out of whoever had… “Touch me, and I’ll tear it off and stuff it down your throat!” Snow Drift was glaring at him, her timid blue eyes replaced with burning pools of rage. Half the food was out of her sack and on the floor, but worse still was that the other half was levitating above her. She was using magic! While wearing a magic collar on her horn! Frigid’s eyes whipped to the purple Unicorn and he felt terror grip him. She was smirking at him as she casually levitated her supplies onto the counter. “Told you she’d break first,” she said with a shrugged. “I…Bon Bon, I didn’t…Octavia, I’m sorry!” Snow Drift stammered, dropping the remaining food as she sank to the ground, covering her head. She wasn’t looking at Bonnie though. Her blue eyes were locked on Melody, the pony who hadn’t moved from the doorway. “Damn,” Bonnie said as she shook her head. “We were so close, but stallions always think with the wrong head at the wrong time.” “You…you’re rebels!” Frigid said, then he glared at Bonnie, or whatever her name was. “And you’re a sympathizer! Traitor! They’ll string you up, skin you, gut you, and then—ARGH!” Frigid screamed as pain shot through his front hoof. Against his will, it slammed down on the counter with enough force to crack it. Stunned, he looked at it, expecting to find the disgusting glow of Unicorn magic pinning it there, but what he saw was enough to make him lose all train of thought. “Octaiva…” the Earth pony said. She was no longer looking at Frigid, instead turning to face the Unicorn who had remained by the door. “Whatever you’re about to do…” Frigid felt his blood turn to match his name. He whipped his head to look at the last Unicorn, and somehow felt his body grow even colder. The mare was looking at him with eyes that ate away at his mind. Her face was calm, but darkness seemed to be flowing from it, drowning out any other presence around her. Her mane flowed quietly despite the still air, and the red horn hummed in tune with its pulsing light. Frigid felt that the very embodiment of evil was casually looking at him as if he was nothing more than a bug, and it was deciding whether to step on him or not. “Bon Bon, put the rest of the money on this good store owner’s counter,” the Unicorn said as a smile crawled across her face. The sight only served to make Frigid more terrified. Bon Bon, or Bonnie, or whatever the traitor’s name was, produced another hefty bag of payment and carefully placed it on the counter, not once taking her eyes off the Unicorn. “Now, good sir, there are two ways out of this,” the Unicorn said. She strode up to the counter with poise that would have rivaled the ancient royalty of her filthy blood before stopping right in front of Frigid. “There is enough here to cover all of our purchases, fix any damage that caused,” she gestured to his stone hoof and cracked counter beneath it “and possibly allow you to live out your degenerate fantasy for quite some time. Although Snow Drift and Ice Air will not be a part of it.” Frigid vaguely noticed that Snow Drift winced at her name. “But I am sure you can find some other poor mares to…toy with. Take this money and say nothing to anypony. Close up early if you feel like, perhaps go shopping for a slave or—oh, that is right.” The Unicorn looked down and sneered as she placed her hoof firmly on his stone one. “P-Please…” Frigid whispered. He could feel the sweat soaking his face now, despite how cold her felt. “You cannot walk around with that, can you? What will ponies say? Tsk tsk.” The Unicorn shook her head and her horn began to glow even brighter. “No!” Frigid begged. “Octavia, don’t!” Bon Bon shouted, moving to tackle the mare. “There, all better,” Octavia said quietly though, and to Frigid’s amazement, his hoof was restored to normal. The only hint of anything strange was a single thin ring around it, as if he was wearing a bracelet made of stone. “What…?” he stared at it, baffled. He desperately wanted to yank it off, but Octavia was still holding his hoof and he was too frightened to move. “Just a little token of our first—and last—meeting,” Octavia said with a smile that was everything but sweet. “As I said, take this money and go buy your little harem. Use them as you see fit for all we care. Or be smart and buy a better life for yourself. It matters not to any of us. We have no need of any of this, save for what we will need for our rooms at the inn this evening. So take it all, keep your mouth shut for two days, and live like the degenerate you want to be.” Before Frigid could blink at Octaiva’s offer, magic closed around his neck and he was yanked into the air. Air shot from his mouth and his lungs immediately started to burn. He reached for his throat, desperate for relief, but he knew full well that magic could not be dispelled by touch. “As I said, there are two ways out of this,” Octavia said. The fake kindness was gone now, replaced with a terror and threat that truly matched her appearance. Frigid tried to look down at her, but he was so high that all he could do was roll his eyes down. “The other option is as silent as the grave,” she said as her magic tightened around his throat even more. “I end your existence here, we close your shop, and no pony finds your body for several days. At which point, we will have long since left the city. Choose wisely.” “P-Please…” was all Frigid could stammer out before the last of his air escaped. For an agonizing second, he was sure his life was over. His lungs screamed for air. His muscles lost their will to struggle. His eyes threatened to pop from his skull. He felt a single tear form as the last of his consciousness threatened to leave him, but then the pressure was gone. He crashed onto the floor, coughing and sucking in as much air as he could. “As I said, it is your choice,” Octavia’s cold voice drifted down to him on the floor. He dared not look up. It wasn’t until he heard all of the mares slowly walk out of his store that he tried to even stand. It was another five minutes before he ran to the door and locked it, then quickly covered all the windows. He was alone. That demon Unicorn was gone and he had his life. As he tried to steady his breathing, he couldn’t help but turn his eyes toward the two sacks of payment on his counter. It was all stolen, no doubt. Ransom payments, or trinkets taken in the dark of night. It was dirty money through and through. But Octavia was right. It was more than enough for him to live on for a long time, and the thoughts of debauchery and pleasure quickly drowned out the terror that had consumed him moments before. The only reminder he had was the strange bracelet Octavia had forced on him. It itched slightly, but something told him that trying to remove it was not a good idea. * * * “Are we sure leaving them in another room is a good idea?” Bon Bon asked as she stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around her body. Steam flooded the room, and Lyra basked in its warmth. She was so tired of being cold all the time that Bon Bon had been forced to drag her out of the bath after she had been in there for nearly an hour. “I think so,” Lyra replied as she watched her wife walk over to the bed they were sharing. She had wanted to take a bath with her, but both had agreed that leaving Octavia alone right now, even for a few minutes, probably wasn’t the best idea. Lyra had stayed outside of the shop, both to serve as a lookout and keep an eye on Vinyl’s…form. The had been forced to load the stone pony in a sled back at the castle and take turns pulling it back to Earth, but once they had neared the city, Lyra, Snow Drift, and Ice Air had been the only ones pulling. It would have been too suspicious to have Bon Bon do it, and Octavia was not the best choice either, despite her protests. They had thrown a blanket over Vinyl and walked into the city. They had been confront by five guards immediately, but once Bon Bon ‘forced’ the rest of them to show their collars—and a small bribe to cut any red tape—they had been let through with no problems. Things had gone fine up until their little shopping trip, but Octavia had insisted that they had nothing to worry about. Now they were back at the inn, with Lyra and Bon Bon sharing a room with Octavia and Vinyl, and Ice Air and Snow Drift in the room next door. Both mares had promised to keep their collars on just in case, but Lyra wasn’t worried about them. They knew the dangers if they were caught without them. “They said it themselves,” she said, scooting over on the bed so her wife could lie next to her. “They have nowhere to go. Sticking with us is their best chance.” “Hm,” Bon Bon said. She leaned over and Lyra gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I guess you’re right. Besides, even if they did run, they couldn’t turn us in. The guards would arrest them for being runaways.” “True,” Octavia said quietly. She was sitting on the other bed, staring at Vinyl’s stone body that had been placed in the far corner. “We have nothing to fear with them.” “Yeah…”Lyra said. She tried to hide it, but she knew Octavia heard the concern in her voice when the mare’s ear twitched. Lyra hadn’t witnessed Octavia’s outburst in the store, but she had heard about it. She had known the cellist for many years, and while she had seen Octavia upset, she was starting to see sides of her on this trip that frightened her. And now with Sombra firmly inside her head, Lyra was starting to wonder if her friend would ever be able to come back. “It is okay, Lyra,” Octavia whispered. Slowly, she turned around and offered her first genuine smile in what seemed like years. “I…am scared of what I did as well. But, both you and Bon Bon will stop me. Right, Bon Bon?” Bon Bon nodded, but Lyra saw hints in her body language that only she could see. What had happened in the shop shook her wife more than she was letting on. “No worries, Octy,” Lyra said. She stood up and jumped over to the other bed. She scrambled across the covers, deliberately acting like a little filly. When she was next to Octavia, she sensually draped her body across her shoulders. “I’ve got you. You seem pretty tense. How about a massage, hm?” She ran her hoof through the mare’s mane, gently stroking her neck. “And if you like that, maybe we could go take a bath together. I mean, Bon Bon already had hears and she didn’t—mmph!” A pillow slammed into Lyra’s face. She lazily rolled over and found her wife glaring at her. She smirked back and stuck her tongue out. “Somepony’s jealous.” “And you just want more time in the hot water,” Bon Bon countered. “Not true. I want more time in the hot water with a hot mare.” Octavia giggled, and Lyra quickly shot a wink to her wife. He plan was working. “If anypony gets to bathe with Octavia, it’s me,” Bon Bon said, puffing out her chest. “I own all of you, after all. Says so right here on this very official paper.” “That I wrote,” Octavia replied, a hint of a smile spreading across her face. “Besides the point,” Bon Bon said with a wave her hoof as she unrolled the owner’s license. They had received it when they had purchased Ice Air, and with a few extra strokes, it now said that Bon Bon legally owned Octavia, Lyra, and Snow Drift as well. “The point is, I could order you to stand over there and watch as Octavia and I take a bath.” Lyra couldn’t help but swallow. “I’d, uh, actually wouldn’t mind that. As long as I got to join—” “No,” both Bon Bon and Octavia said at the same time. “Not fair!” Lyra squeaked. “I’m the boss,” Bon Bon responded. “My orders are absolute.” “Or,” Octavia said, turning around with a look on her face that made Lyra almost jealous of Vinyl, “you could order bothof us to serve you, Master.” Octavia wiggled out from under Lyra and then draped herself over Lyra’s body, her hooves sliding around the Unicorn’s middle until they were locked in an embrace that Lyra wasn’t entirely sure was a joke. “Um, Octavia…?” she said as she felt the mare’s thighs press against her flank. “You still in there?” Instead of answering, Octavia’s—Sombra’s! Lyar reminded herself—horn glowed red and Bon Bon was suddenly up in the air. Lyra instantly tried to break free, but one twist from the cellist’s hind legs and the Unicorn found herself pinned. A moment later, Bon Bon was flying through the air toward them, still being held firmly by Sombra’s magic. Just as her wife was about to slam into them, she stopped. Her mouth was so close that Lyra could stick her tongue and lick her. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, each one trying not to show the panic that was clearly building inside of them. If Octavia was gone, if Sombra really was in control now… Slowly, Bon Bon was lowered onto the bed. The magic guided her until she was firmly pressed against Lyra, her thigh slipping between Lyra’s hind legs. Lyra felt her foreleg being raised and then lowered around her wife’s back, and then she felt her muzzle nestling into her neck. “You two promised me,” Octavia whispered. “You promised me that you would stop me when the time comes.” “If, Octavia,” Bon Bon said, but Lyra heard the fear in her voice. Lyra’s body tightened around her wife’s. “You two need to remember this,” Octavia continued. “You need to remember what you mean to one another, because if either of you hesitate, he will not. You cannot let your guard down around him. Around…me. I still have control, but I do not know for how long. He is planning something, and while it still feels distant, I cannot be sure. So, promise me again. Here. Now.” “We promise, Octavia,” Bon Bon whispered, her breath tickling Lyra’s neck. “Yeah, we got you,” Lyra added. For a long time, the three mares lay there in silence. Lyra could feel Octavia’s body pressed against her back, the slow rise and fall of her chest calmly massaging her. She was also keenly aware of her wife in her forelegs. Bon Bon’s breathing was rapid, but with a few strokes from Lyra, it was beginning to slow down. Her wife’s embrace was still strong, but there was a layer of fear in it, the type Lyra hadn’t felt for many years. She was scared too, because Octavia had easily overpowered both of them in under a second. The cellist was right. They would need to be more careful around her. “Hey, Octavia?” Bon Bon finally whispered after a while. “Yes, Bon Bon?” “You can stop getting a feel for my wife’s flank any time now.” “Aw, come on,” Lyra said, relief filling her mind now that her wife seemed to be back to making snark remarks. “It’s a great flank! You’ve said so yourself.” “Yes it is.” “Whoa!” Lyra squeak as Octavia gave her rear a very liberal press. “But Bon Bon has more flank to spank.” Slap! Lyra felt her wife jerk, which in turn caused her leg to jerk, rubbing between Lyra’s thighs in all the wrong, and right, ways. She couldn’t help but let out a small moan. “I am going to take a bath,” Octavia said as she finally untangled herself from her friends. “If either of you actually do care to join me, I will not complain, but I think you may have more fun out here.” “Uh…” Lyra stammered, still keenly aware of her wife’s thigh. “Promise you’ll behave?” Bon Bon asked, clinging tighter to Lyra as she spoke. “Only if you two promise you will not,” Octavia countered with a knowing smile. “I will leave the door unlocked though, if you feel you need to check on me.” “Fifteen minutes,” Bon Bon said. “You sure you’d be good for that long?” “Uh, are we—” But before Lyra could finish her sentence, Octavia had floated the owner’s license in front of her face. “Master needs some quality time with you,” the cellist said as she let the paper fall on Lyra’s face. With that, the mare turned and walked into the bathroom. The door wasn’t even fully closed before Lyra felt a tongue forcing it’s way into her mouth. Fiftenn minutes to forget about everything, and just be with her wife. * * * Octavia sat quietly in the hot bath. Every now and then, a muffled moan or a slight gasp slipped through the door, but for the most part she was alone. The water felt soothing on her aching body, and she could feel the stress in her joints melt away as she slowly stretched them out. She lowered her head even further, allowing her black mane to float behind her as she closed her eyes and silently stared at the ceiling. Lyra and Bon Bon needed this time alone. She could give them that, at least. ‘I have told you before, child. I am powerless. You need not fear me taking control here.’ “What happened at—” ‘Careful. You do not wish to interrupt you friends’ playtime.’ Octavia scowled. She did not enjoy speaking with the monster in her head, much less speaking using her mind, but he was correct. What happened back at the shop was not my doing. You—! ‘I merely provided you the means. I may have guided your hoof, but you are the one who raised it. That was your doing.’ Liar! Octavia stuck her entire head under the water. The heat massaged her face, and for a brief moment, she was rid of the voice. She surfaced, taking a deep breath of the steamy air. She relished the feeling of it filling her insides. The bathroom was a far cry from anything back in Equestria, but it was still better than the cave where Ice Air had kept her, or the miserable state of Princess Platinum’s castle, and not only because both of those places lacked running water. Hot coals filled the shallow pit under the bathtub, and Bon Bon had made sure to heat them again when she had finished her bath, thus the room was already steamy when Octavia had entered. The whole room was made of wood save for the tub itself, which seemed to be built of some sort of stone. It was the type of place she would expect to find back in Ponyville, or maybe some other small part of Equestria, but it was still one of the better places in the city. Originally, Octavia had wanted to stay in a smaller inn. She did not want to draw attention to their group, especially after what had transpired at the shop, but Bon Bon and Lyra had suggested that they needed to flaunt their wealth. If one Earth pony showed up to a dive with four Unicorns and a mysterious Unicorn statue, somepony would suspect something. Either they would end up having to fight off muggers, or Earth’s guards would come knocking. And so they had decided on one of the more upscale inns in the city. When Bon Bon had shown enough money to pay for two rooms for an entire week, the staff had been very accommodating, offering her—and her property—the best rooms available. They had not even questioned Vinyl’s body and simply offered to have it carried to one of the rooms. Bon Bon had refused the offer though, saying that she did not want anypony but her slaves handling it. Octavia had thanked her for that once they had reached their room. ‘The only way that Unicorn could be damaged is if you willed it, child. My magic keeps her quite safe.’ You will forgive me if I do not take you at your word. ‘And why is that? I am no fool. The moment something happens to that mare is the moment you destroy me.’ Remember that. Remember that the moment we return to Equestria, I will undo that magic, save her life, and then end yours! ‘Oh, believe me child, I remember. I can feel it burning in you.’ Octavia could feel the slimly shadow grin in the back of her mind. She was not sure why his own impending demise was cause for him to celebrate, but she did not care. She would not let him win. Whatever scheme he thought he had prepared, she would stop him. ‘Or one of those filly foolers will stop us, correct? That is, if they are not busy stuffing their faces between each other’s—’ Enough! You know as well as I do that Bon Bon and Lyra will make sure you die, even if it means I go with you! ‘Would you like to know what they are doing now? I felt your emotions when you seized both of them. Part of you wanted to join them. You are just as pent up as they are, and now they get to release that while you are stuck in here. You are hoping, in that dark part of your mind that you keep hidden, that one of them will join you. That mare of yours is cold stone now, and they are both hot blooded, and possibly willing, given the right circumstances.’ Be silent! I admit the thought has crossed my mind in the past, but it means nothing! ‘How long has it been for you now?’ Not a thousand years, unlike you. Octavia smiled to herself as she felt Sombra recoil in her mind. She waited for him to say more, but she could feel him slither away from her thoughts until he was nothing by an elusive memory hiding in a dark corner. Stay there for a while. Unless you are some pervert that enjoys watching your descendent bathe. When Sombra failed to answer again, Octavia finally relaxed enough to put him out of her mind. She laid out on her back and floated in the hot water, letting the aches and worries of the past several days drift away, if only for a while. Thoughts of supplies and the journey ahead threatened to cloud the cellist’s mind, but she forced them away. Ice Air had said they should have more than enough food to last until the caves and then some, and with their new winter gear—which still was not great compared to what the Equestria ponies had arrived with but better than mere cloaks—they should be able to make it without freezing to death. Worrying about anything more would change nothing, so Octavia drifted in the water and thought of other things. Her family’s bow was gone. A small part of her felt remorse, but the rest felt relief. This whole nightmare had begun because of that thing, and she would have broken it twice over if it meant preventing any of this. It was not like anypony had used it in nearly a thousand years. What was supposed to be a symbol of friendship and trust from the Princesses to her family had slowly mutated into a reminder of their shame. Her mother would no doubt be cross about its loss, but that seemed small compared to the price Vinyl had paid over the thing. Vinyl… Sombra promised her marefriend was fine for now, and as much as Octavia loathed it, she used the magic he gave to verify his words. She could indeed still feel the D.J.’s life. It had not dimmed or flickered once, and that was great relief to her, but it also terrified her. “Like you care,” Octavia muttered to herself. Those had been Vinyl’s last words to her back at the inn, before she had been taken by Keket’s ponies. Before she had been beaten, blasted, and burned. Before she had been impaled and left to bleed out on the stone floor of the castle. Tears swelled in Octavia’s eyes. She cared. She cared so much about that silly mare and her ridiculous mane and odd music that it had driven her to do something stupid. Vinyl was right about her. All she thought about was herself, and how she would feel if Vinyl left her. She had never even considered the Unicorn’s feelings during all of this. “If I had just…told her,” the mare whispered as a tear fell and mixed with the bath. “I am such…Even if I save her, she will never forgive me. I would never forgive me…” Octavia closed her eyes and let the tears fall silently. * * * “Are you really going with them?” Snow Drift asked from her side of the bed. “Yes,” Ice Air replied, not rolling over. They were sharing a queen bed in their own room. Ice Air suspected that this was a chance that was being offered to both her and Snow Drift if they wanted to leave. There was no lock, and it had been over an hour since anypony had come to check on them. Sure, she could hear the occasional muffled conversation from next door, and there was a door connecting their rooms on the inside, but the strange Equestria ponies seemed to be truly leaving them alone. “But…” Snow Drift whispered. Ice Air felt her shift on the bed, but the mare still didn’t turn around. “What if they’re…? What if she…snaps?” Ice Air sighed and finally rolled over to face the other Unicorn. The mare was almost pure white, from coat to mane, with only hints of blue here and there. The only other color on her was the striking sky blue of her eyes, which immediately looked away when they met Ice Air’s. “Snow Drift, look around you.” Ice Air waved a hoof in the air as she spoke. “We have nothing. Keket tried to have me killed. She had the rest of my cell slaughtered, only to end up getting her mind destroyed by the very thing that she swore would save us all. As far as I know, you and I are the only two members of her faction left. We could try reaching out, find another group, but how far do you think two unclaimed Unicorns would get?” “Well…” Snow Drift hung her head, and Ice Air had to admit the gesture did make her look alluring in a way. “Plus, we’ve both gotten to used to using our magic. You slipped up in the store because of that. Do that while we’re outside, and we’d be dead within an hour.” “I-I didn’t mean to—” Snow Drift hugged her body and lay down in the bed, her back turned to Ice Air. It wasn’t long before she started shaking and sniffling, but Ice Air pretended not to notice. She rolled her eyes and flipped back over. “What happened to you?” she asked after the sniffling grew too much. “When Bon Bon caught you, you were defiant. You called me a traitor constantly. You glared at me, and even though you were captured, you showed no signs of being beaten. I could see why Keket kept you in her main force, but now?” “You…” Snow Drift stopped, and it was a moment before she spoke again. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see Lady—I mean, Octavia, or whatever she calls herself now. When she found me in the castle after everything, she…she wasn’t like this. She was a monster. She wanted to…I couldn’t…there was nothing I could do against her. Whatever that jewel on her head is…When I ruined the plan earlier, it all came back; the terror, the feeling of her lifting me up, the pressure on my neck. I knew she was going to kill me, and all I could do was hope it would be quick.” Ice Air sighed again. She knew exactly what Snow Drift meant. If they hadn’t arrived in time, whatever was controlling Octavia—she had heard the name Sombra being tossed around—would have slaughtered Snow Drift and left. “You’re looking at it wrong,” she said after a moment. “Whatever that thing is, she fought it back to save you from it. It’s not Octavia you have to worry about.” Ice Air rolled over and looked at Snow Drifts shivering form. What am I doing? She reached out with her foreleg, wrapped it around the mare, and pulled her into an embrace. Snow Drift’s back pressed against her front, and for a moment the white Unicorn tensed. Seriously? Why the buck did I do this?! Ice Air decided immediately to let go, but Snow Drift’s hoof was suddenly wrapped around her own. A second later, the white Unicorn nuzzled her way closer into her embrace, until they were pressed firmly against each other, flank to thigh and back to chest. “Um..” Ice Air whispered. “Tell me why you’re going,” Snow Drift said. “Tell me why I should go with them and with you.” “No one is forcing you to—” “I know!” Snow Drift snapped. “So tell me why I should!” Ice Air sighed. “Have you…every done this?” “Screwed a mare? Yes.” “Not what I meant,” Ice Air replied, suddenly aware of certain body parts touching. “I mean, have you ever just…lay in a bed and relaxed? Not wondering where your next meal will come from, or if the door was suddenly going to be kicked in and you’d have to fight for your life?” Snow Drift was silent, but Ice Air felt her hoof squeeze her foreleg a little tighter. “I mean, when was the last time you even slept in a bed, let along one this nice? Or had a hot bath? Or ate food that was actually fresh? When was the last time you were full? Genuinely full?” “No pony at the castle ever was a good cook,” Snow Drift whispered. “You see how different those three ponies are. Octavia walked into a trap to rescue a Unicorn she claims she loves, and given how far she says she traveled just to get here, I think she means it. And you see the way Bon Bon and Lyra look at each other.” “The side glances are painfully obvious,” Snow Drift said with a giggle. “They’re not lying about that, so what if they’re not lying about their home? What if Equestria really is a place where Unicorns are not only free, but treated as equals? What if we could have a life where we weren’t looking over our shoulders constantly? Where we were free to use our magic as we wanted, and where the world isn’t a constant frozen cesspit?” “That…would be nice.” Snow Drift nuzzled under Ice Air’s chin, and the Unicorn could feel her breathing on her foreleg. “But what if they’re lying?” “Okay, fine,” Ice Air replied, rubbing her chin on top of Snow Drift’s head as she spoke. “If you don’t want to cling to hope, then let me ask you a question. Where did they come from?” “They say they come from the land of Equestria, but I’ve never heard of it.” “Exactly. But they had to have come from somewhere. I found Octavia wandering out in the middle of the Wastes. When Keket sent me the mission, I thought she was mad. No pony would be wandering out there willingly, but she was. And so was Vinyl. They had gear I’d never seen, even here in Earth, and they didn’t behave like any ponies I’d ever met. Vinyl tried to play the part of a freed slave, but she wasn’t one. So either those two ran away together and had been living out there alone, not only surviving but somehow thriving, or they came from somewhere.” “What if they came from the Crystal Empire?” Snow Drift asked, and Ice Air could hear the hope rise in her voice. “According to them, the Crystal Empire is actually part of Equestria, but it’s not a Unicorn utopia like the legends say.” Now it was Ice Air’s turn to hold Snow Drift tighter. “But still, the fact that they know it give me…hope.” Snow Drift nodded, and the two mares fell silent. Ice Air stayed still, no thoughts really crossing her mind as she held Snow Drift. She was surprised with how happy she was doing nothing. Tomorrow they were going to possibly walk off to their deaths, buried in snow and frozen into the ground, but that was tomorrow. Right now, all she wanted to do was stay the way she was, with a soft bed beneath her, a full belly of actually tasteful food, and a hint of Snow Drift’s clean mane tickling her nose. “I…” Snow Drift started to say something, but stopped and instead just squirmed in the embrace. “I can let go if you want,” Ice Air whispered. “You’re a traitor,” Snow Drift said. Ice Air froze. Her hold on Snow Drift loosened and she wanted to pull away, but her mind was too in shock. After all that, Snow Drift was still— The white Unicorn rolled over until she was facing Ice Air. The blue eyes drilled into Ice Air’s green ones for a long time, and then suddenly Snow Drift shoved her on her back. Before Ice Air could react from the attack, Snow Drift scrambled on top of her and pinned her down with here forelegs. What in Platinum’s name was this mare doing? Had she lost her mind? If they started fighting, the others would rush in and it would be over for Snow Drift. She was in no shape to take on all three of them plus Ice Air, and if she tried anything, they would have no choice but to leave her here, either to die at the hooves of the guards, or worse. Magic! Ice Air suddenly thought. Snow Drift could easily fire off a spell, kill Ice Air, and be out the door before Octavia, Lyra, or Bon Bon even heard anything. Was that what she was hoping for? Didn’t she understand that they’d let her leave without…any… Ice Air’s mind slowed as she glared up at the blue eyes staring down at her. They were trembling, one of them half hidden behind a tattered mane. The face they rested in was shaking, and the throat beneath it was tight, struggling to either swallow something or let something out. The hooves pinning her shoulders where quaking slightly. The body on top of her was straddling her hips. The horn wasn’t glowing. “You’re a traitor now, too,” Ice Air said. Snow Drift leaned down and pressed her mouth against Ice Air’s. It was a quick kiss, one lacking in passion and intent, and before Ice Air could fully process what had just happened, Snow Drift had pulled away. She did not, however, move to get off. “So…?” Ice Air said, keenly aware of Snow Drift’s thighs on her hips. “So,” Snow Drift answered. The determinded, slightly arrogant mare from a few days ago was back, but Ice Air could still catch a hint of the frightened girl in her eyes. “So.” Ice Air bit her lip and waited, keeping eye contact the entire time. Snow Drift was strikingly beautiful, there was no doubt about that. She fully understood that stallion’s twisted request, and she wouldn’t mind having a little fun with her either. But was Snow Drift really up for it? Was this just a mare acting out of fright? Was it some sort of trick so she could slip out later on her own? Was she hoping for something…more out of a quick night together? “So you’re a traitor, but after spending…time with them, I can see why. And Keket is gone. All my friends are gone. I have nowhere to go. You’re the only pony left that I have any connection to and—” “Snow Drift, if you’re about to say you love me, then I think we need to slow way down and—” “I wasn’t done,” Snow Drift said as she firmly put a hoof on Ice Air’s mouth. “And do not flatter yourself. We barely know each other. We are two mares trapped in the same circumstances, and that is all. We don’t know if the ponies we’re following are telling the truth. If they are, we don’t know if we’re going to survive the trip. If we do, we don’t know if this Equestria really will be everything they say it is, and everything you hope for.” Ice Air nodded, her eyes darting between Snow Drift’s face and the hoof on her mouth. It wasn’t pressing down hard. She could easily remove it if she wanted, but she decided against it. Right now, she figured she would just enjoy having this mare sit on her. Need to keep an eye on that horn though. So far Snow Drift had shown no signs of using her magic, but if she did, Ice Air would only have a second to react. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” Snow Drift continued. “I don’t know why you trust them so much.” Snow Drift sighed and removed her hoof from Ice Air’s mouth. She slouched back and Ice Air keenly felt the pressure of her flank on her inner thighs. “What I do know is that you do trust them, and that I can’t survive if I leave. So I’m going to trust your judgment about all of this.” Ice Air nodded as Snow Drift leaned forward once again. “I know a few other things,” she said, blinking her eyes as she firmly placed a hoof in the middle of Ice Air’s chest. “And those are?” Ice Air asked. “I know that I’m attractive. I know you think so too.” “Guilty.” Ice Air couldn’t help but blush. “I know I don’t love you, and you don’t love me.” True enough, Ice Air thought with a shrug. As Snow Drift has said, they barely knew each other. “Good. I also know that I find you attractive, and that I’m terrible at any type of sweet talk or seduction, despite how I look. So, now I have a question.” “And that is?” “We are alone, we are both exhausted from the past few days, we are both attracted to the other, and we both have a lot of stress built up. Do you want to buck? No strings, no commitment. Just the two of us having a physical night together.” “Sure,” Ice Air said. “I mean if you’re sure you—whoa!” Ice Air immediately stopped talking as Snow Drift’s hoof slipped between her thighs.