First Dawn

by Tayman

First published

Equestria is in its infancy, and Celestia has been thrust into power.

Thrust into power after her miracle of raising the sun, Celestia deals with the luxuries and responsibilities of being a ruler. After she loses control of her power, resulting in a national tragedy, she begins to wonder just what it means to be a leader with no pony and nothing to answer to.

(Yay, not a story about immortality!)

Chapter One

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It was a sound one would not expect in the royal bedroom of a supreme ruler: snoring. As the sun peered over the horizon, its light crept further and further up the polished floor, glistening off golden silk sheets. Celestia practically melted into the mattress as she shifted about a little, before her snoring ceased and she pulled herself out of bed, yawning and stretching out her wings, scattering loose feathers all about.

These had better stop molting so much soon, she thought as she stepped over towards the arched window and peered out over the dully lit city of Canterlot. Bright pastel shaded houses stretched out on either side of the castle. Construction ponies were trotting everywhere, levitating all sorts of materials. Muffled hammer whacks and buzzing saws reached Celestia's ears as the laborers went to work on expanding the young central district. She beamed out proudly over her royal city, before turning her gaze towards the stationary sun.

Might as well get this over with. She bowed her horn towards the horizon and closed her eyes, channeling her energy forward. The room flickered with light as Celestia strained, thick beads of sweat running down her forehead. The golden glow suddenly exploded from her horn, illuminating every nook of the town. The ponies below shielded their eyes from the burst of illumination as the sun was thrust high into the sky, its light replacing her own over the city. She finally dropped her head and panted heavily for a few moments, barely noticing the cheers that rang out in the streets.

It's so tiring... but necessary.

Suddenly, the doors to her room swung open and in trotted a unicorn maid with a shimmering silver mane. "Good morning, Princess! Thank you so much for gracing us with your light yet again. Might I ask what you would like for breakfast?" she asked, before bowing down in front of Celestia.

"Silver, I've told you before." Celestia turned and snorted. "Please wait a little longer after the sun rises before you rush in here. It's a very tiring task, and I like to take a few minutes to recover before starting the day."

Silver's cheeks went beet red, and she cowered back a few steps, whinnying softly. "Oh... I'm so sorry, your majesty. A thousand apologies. It won't happen again."

The Sun Princess's glance of annoyance melted into a warm smile. "It is quite alright. I'm still a little new at this. I'm not so used to having favors showered upon me," she chuckled. "But since you are so polite to offer, I will just have some honey toast and milk, if you'll be so kind."

"Of course! I will have that sent up as soon as I can." Silver's face lit up, before she turned and strolled out of the room, the door closing behind her.

Celestia turned to face her personal palace suite. That canopy bed... it must have cost a whole year's salary worth of bits. Besides the golden silk sheets, the mattress and pillows were made of the softest gryphon downy feathers, whiter than the purest clouds; the canopy was made from the finest purple velvet, which shimmered in the sunlight.

They insisted I should have it. She chuckled. This room... it's not anything like what the designers initially had in mind. They wanted a a full walk in closet with the most beautiful dresses in the own personal spa that I could use every morning... everything to be made out of gold... and of course, for this room to be larger than any house in Canterlot. As it stood now, there was only the bed, a small wooden desk, and a large bookshelf, all lined up against one wall perpendicular to the entrance. They said this could always be furnished later at a moment's notice.

"But I don't really need much..." she muttered.

"Princess! Your food is ready!" In trotted Silver, wheeling a cart with a golden tray on top, topped with four slices of golden toast dripping with honey, along with a tall, frothy glass of milk. "Are you sure you don't need more than this? We have a full kitchen stocked with any delicacy you can think of-"

"Silver, I am quite fine. This breakfast looks lovely," the alicorn said abruptly. Her horn glowed as she lifted a few gold coins out of a pouch next to her bed. "Please, take these for your service."

The maid took a step back, mouth agape as she shook her head. "Princess, I can't accept this!"

"Take it," Celestia said firmly, before smiling down at the mare. "And please, just call me Celestia."

"Celestia..." she spoke slowly, her horn taking control of the bits. "Thank you so much for this. You are too kind."

"It is the least I can do. In the meantime, I am headed into Canterlot after I eat. Just keep the castle running smoothly while I am gone." The Princess nodded, beckoning Silver out of the room.

They wanted me to have ten servants, too. At my beck and call at any moment in the day, she thought, before lifting a whole slice of honey toast into her mouth, the delectable creation melting in her mouth and tingling over her tastebuds. She washed the sweet slice down with a large gulp of icy, smooth milk. It only took her five minutes to eat before she wheeled the cart next to her door for Silver to pick up next time she made her rounds.

Still, it's not like I could say no to everything they offered. She smiled, before stepping out of her suite, walking down the stairs over a regal red carpet, passing by a throne made of solid gold. Celestia gazed in awe around the room; she hadn't gotten used to its beauty quite yet. Light shone in through stained glass windows as well as a skylight high above, reflecting off the pure white limestone floor, causing the entire throne room to sparkle.

It's so gorgeous...and it's mine. She beamed, strolling forward towards the two large double doors at the entrance where two pegasi guards were standing. "I am going into town to survey the construction being done in the central district. Take note of any visitors," she instructed, nodding as the two guards bowed their heads in compliance, before stepping out into Canterlot.

"City" was a premature term at the moment. For now, there were only two roads, intersecting in front of the castle. To the left and right were the residential areas, with the retail district straight ahead. Botiques, cafes, dress stores...all types of businesses were being planned. Celestia had objected that it was hasty to plan so many stores this early, but the city planners had insisted that every pony in Equestria would want to move to the City of the Sun. She smiled widely, strolling ahead down the golden path, the sun shining down upon her pastel mane as it billowed out behind her. Ponies gasped and bowed as Celestia passed them by, and she gave them a warm smile and a few kind words in response.

As she continued down the cobbled brick road, warm, graceful music entered her ears as she spotted an quartet of earth ponies performing for a small crowd. The ponies simply bowed their heads towards the Princess as she approached from the back. The performers spotted her while they played, but the music continued, sweet and cheerful like a dozen singing hummingbirds.

When the music ended, its last pitches ringing out for several seconds, Celestia joined in the stomping applause. "That was absolutely lovely." The crowed parted as she stepped forward towards the musicians. "I hope to have music like this fill the streets every day."

"We're so glad you enjoy it, your highness!" a grey maned pony bowed, holding a cello.

"Of course. I shall have to invite you four to play in the palace one day."

A deep shade of crimson spread across the cellist's face . "Th-that would be quite an honor!"

Celestia beamed. "Just keep your ears open," she winked, before continuing on down the road.

The buzzing and hammering rang louder and louder as she approached the developing shops in the retail area. Unicorn mares and stallions trotted every which way, levitating every type of construction material.

"Iron Hide, you're not hitting those nails in all the way! And make sure you-" a fore-stallion barked, before he turned and gasped at the sight of the Princess. He dropped a box of bolts and immediately dipped his head. "Oh, good morning Your Highness! I do hope the building is going along according to your liking."

"It's looking wonderful. I cannot wait to delight in the offerings this street will have to offer in the near future, and just outside my castle no less!" Celestia exclaimed, peering out over the construction, which had come to a standstill, the workers also bowing their heads. "Please, do not let my presence hinder building. I'm just here to see how things are coming along, nothing more!" The buzzing resumed. "Might there be anything I can assist with?" she asked the brown stallion.

"Princess, I'm sure you are far too busy to bother with our affairs," he replied.

"Not at all! My day is quite open, surprisingly. Plus, I would like to have a hoof in the construction of this beautiful city. It wouldn't be very helpful if I simply watched from my window now, would it?"

"Of course, mi'lady." He nodded. "Well, if you insist, you can direct supplies to the construction crews that need them. That way we can focus more on building rather than hauling stuff everywhere."

"Sounds simple enough!" Celestia stepped over to where the construction supplies were stacked; bolts, nails, paint, wooden boards...

"Your highness!" A pegasus guard soared from behind and landed beside Celestia. "There's an urgent message for you from the Canterlot scout team! They said-"

Celestia's smile vanished, replaced by an irritable scowl. "Fighting has broken out between two colonies again. Very well, I will see General Skye." She sighed. "I'm very sorry, ponies. I must attend to royal business. But I shall return when I have a free moment." She turned and spread her snowy wings, flapping up a few feet before soaring down the street, a heavy wind blasting behind her that blew building materials all over the street. Oops. As she approached the castle, the throne doors opened and she zoomed in, dropping to the ground in front of the throne with so much force that the whole room shook, knocking General Skye to the ground as he waited. He stumbled to his hooves, gulping as Celestia towered over him, her mouth set in a hard line of annoyance.

"P-please forgive me Princess, but my scout team just returned. They informed me that troops are gathering between Marebury and Neigh Orleans!" he stuttered.

A heavy, gravelly groan escape from Celestia's throat. Equestria was still in its infancy, and colonies were popping up everywhere. Skirmishes often burst out between two settlements at a moments notice over patches of fertile land. They were usually nothing major, and Celestia had diffused many hostilities simply by sending a handful of ambassadors to help the two sides negotiate. However, Marebury and Neigh Orleans were both fighting for control of the wetlands that lined the Ottertail River. Its soil was not only the richest in Equestria, but its position next to the river meant that crops could be directly loaded onto boats for trade, which meant almost no land transportation costs.

"I have been hearing these reports for the last three months. I have constantly sent delegates to diffuse the fighting. Marebury and Neigh Orleans both know they are being sent under my command. Do they not listen to my authority?" Celestia shouted, stomping her front right hoof down so hard the floor cracked, although it was quickly restored with a brief glow from her horn. Skye cowered and took a step backwards.

"I'm so sorry to disturb your day with this news," Skye stammered, "but I don't think delegates will work this time. Hundreds of troops are gathering between the cities, more than ever before. My flight team had to escape in case arrows started flying!"

Celestia let out a hopeless sigh. "I suppose there's no choice then. I'll go there and stop things myself. They clearly won't listen to reason. I will not send more ambassadors and risk their safety."

"Princess...please forgive me, but is it such a good idea to fly down into a battlefield on your own?"

"I raise the sun each morning. I think I can handle it," Celestia said flatly. "Report to my sister. Tell her where I have gone and to keep the city running smoothly."

She's probably still sleeping. Honestly.

She turned and galloped out of the castle, before leaping into the air, wings unfurling behind her as she soared into the sky, the houses and trees quickly disappearing behind her as every pony below gazed up in awe. She flew with such velocity that she felt the cold sting of the wind tug against her coat and mane; each powerful beat accelerated her faster and faster. It was a three hours carriage ride down from Canterlot to Marebury, but just thirty minutes minutes into her trip two large mosaic masses of troops entered her vision. Ponies, hundreds of them, gathered outside the two cities just north of the wetlands. Celestia sensed so much magic in the air she thought her horn would explode. Above the troops hovered pegasi archers, flying around like a swarm of bees, trying to gain an altitude advantage over the other side.

So pointless, squabbling over some land. Celestia fully extended her legs, diving down, a piercing light shining down from her horn that lit up the already sunny sky. The roar of hundreds of voices suddenly swelled as the two masses of troops began to charge towards one another...and just as quickly, they froze, the air becoming deafeningly silent as they saw the Sun Goddess descending upon them. The pegasi instantly dropped to the ground, joining the masses as they all bowed down before her. Not just a respectful head bow; as they came into sight, Celestia saw their whole bodies lying on the ground, burying their heads between their forelegs, unicorn horns dipped so low they dug into the dirt. She could practically taste the fear in the air. For the first time, she actually felt the power of being a ruler tingle under her coat.

Celestia slammed into the ground between the two sides with such force that a mini crater formed from the impact She took a couple steps forward, glaring at the ponies on either side of her, who simply cowered back, their entire bodies quivering as they stared at the ground. “COMMANDERS. STEP FORWARD. NOW.” The wind began to howl around them, kicking up clouds of dust that swirled around the troops.

From the mass of ponies on each side, two pegasi stallions emerged, walking with shaking legs. They both wore silver plated armor with a quiver of arrows on their backs. The two approached Celestia while staring down at the ground.

“FACE ME. STATE YOUR NAMES.” Celestia’s magically enhanced voice echoed over the entire plains and wetlands, sending flocks of birds scattering.

The commander with blazing red wings spoke up. “I-I’m Commander Firestorm, your highness,” he stuttered, his face twitching as he forced himself to stare into Celestia’s golden glowing eyes.

“My name is Commander Sharpwing, Princess,” the yellow-winged pegasus stated, with a bit more confidence.


“Princess, we have tried. Negotiation can only do so much, and commander Firestorm refused to listen to reason!” Sharpwing snorted and glared at Firestorm. “Marebury is only fighting for the lands that we claimed when we first settled this area!” His voice rose at the end, causing his pony troops to momentarily break out of their fear and stomp and cheer in support of their commander.

“SILENCE!” Celestia shouted, the wind gusting with such force that it blew Firestorm and Sharpwing back several feet. “CLEARLY, I DISAGREED WHEN I SENT THE DELEGATES BACK. SUCH FIGHTING IS UNNECESSARY AND ONLY SHAMES EQUESTRIA. YOU WOULD KILL ONE ANOTHER FOR SOME LAND? ”

I refused to listen to reason?!” Firestorm stomped, having quickly recovered from the burst of wind. “We were patient throughout every session! We even offered a fifth of the wetlands to Marebury! A generous offer, considering Neigh Orleans had been established for two months before your pathetic city had even a single resident!” This time, Firestorm’s troops erupted with deafening cheers.

Sharpwing lashed out at Firestorm. “Such a pathetic offering would leave us all starving! And don’t tell me you were here first!”

ENOUGH! STOP SHOUTING AT ONE ANOTHER!” However, not even her Canterlot voice could silence the growing roars of the two armies. Every pony had pulled out of their bows, and the two commanders were exchanging death glares as they continued to squabble over who was entitled to the land.

Celestia’s frustration swelled within her as she witnessed so many subjects defying her rule. Dust kicked about as an intense heat began to radiate from Celestia's body, the temperature soaring above a hundred degrees. The troops began sweating profusely in their armor, but the Sun Goddess paid no attention to this heat surge. “QUIET! STOP THIS AT ONCE! AS RULER OF EQUESTRIA, I COMMAND YOU!” However, her words were lost, consumed by the growing unrest. Suddenly, Sharpwing leaped at Firestorm, tackling him to the ground, which sparkled both armies to stampede forward, their rallying cries echoing about. As the swarm of ponies closed in on Celestia and the two commanders, her horn began to glow as she channeled all her energy into her voice, driving a hoof into the ground with the force of a thousand stallions.


The stifling heat exploded around them, erupting from Celestia's glowing horn. A golden light burst outwards from her body, along with a shockwave that sent all but the most distant soldiers soaring high through the air, hundreds of bodies slamming into the ground a hundred feet away. A steamy hisssssssss seered around them as the nearby marshlands hit boiling point. The heat was so intense it actually singed the ponies' manes and feathers, flooding the air with a thick, heavy stench. The grass was scorched into a black carbon mess, which the wind kicked into the air. What's going on? Celestia panicked, feeling her body searing with magic, radiating out of every pore as the temperature continued to climb. Stop it, Celestia- STOP IT! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL THEM!

The panic cut through the rage emanating from her form, and the shock wave stopped. Her body tingled all over as she felt the temperature instantly drop to normal.

Oh no... A cold feeling of dread filled her body, like thousands of ice needles pressing up under her skin. No longer were her subjects in organized rows. They had been tossed every which away like ragdolls, bodies bruised and broken, carelessly piled upon one another. The acrid burning stench clung inside her nostrils, and the ground was completely scorched black. Ash and dust kicked through the air in thick, black lines.

What have I done? How did this happen? How could I let so much magic escape like that? Her horn glowed with a blue light, shining brightly over the scattered and piled bodies as she channeled all her magic into a powerful healing spell. She sighed in relief as she saw bruises gradually fade away and singed manes and coats grow back to their original colors. Gently, she managed to lift up every body and carefully set them down so they weren't all stacked on top of one another The ponies slowly stood up one by one, examining their bodies, a few gasping when they realized they were almost fully healed, feeling only dull aches and pains.

However, not all of them stood up. Celestia's heart sank like a stone as she flapped her wings and hovered upwards, surveying the scene below. The live ponies were healed and appeared normal; the dead ones stuck out like a sore thumb. They were the ones that were closest to Celestia's outburst. Their bodies lie limp and lifeless, scorched black and purple. She did a quick count: Fifty. At least. Oh no. No. Please, no.

She gazed over those who remained standing. Her subjects were dead silent, staring up at Celestia with wide terror filled eyes, their bodies shivering. Fear. It was as thick as the ash that blew in the wind, and it bore into Celestia's soul, an empty hollow feeling swelling in her chest. She dropped to the ground, frozen. She looked all around the battlefield, desperately hoping to see more ponies stand up. But everything was still.

I did this.

I killed them.

Just because I couldn't handle my annoyance with them.

Sobs rang in her ears as the survivors broke their gaze from Celestia and began mourning their dead, burying their heads into the lifeless flanks and weeping. Celestia could only stand there.

"I...I'M SO SORRY!" She cried out, before galloping away, pounding her hooves into the ground with as much force as she could muster, before soaring high into the air, rapidly beating her wings. Higher and higher she climbed, bursting through the clouds, quickly settling onto a puffy cumulus, burying her head into it like a pillow as she began to sob, her face burning and swollen as heavy tears rolled down her face.

Chapter Two

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"Princess Luna?" A royal guard knocked at the large double doors. It was early afternoon, but Luna was just stepping out of bed.

“Yes? What is needed of me?” The doors flung open, and the guard uneasily stepped in. The bedroom was at least twice as large as Celestia's humble abode. Besides the same canopy bed, desk, and bookshelves, there was also a small kitchen area where two servants were busy preparing lunch. Luna stepped over to the guard and stared down at him expectantly.

"Please, I hope I didn't wake you." He bowed his head. "Your sister wished for me to inform you that she flew off to Marebury to settle a dispute over the Ottertail Marshlands.

“I see. Did she say if she required my assistance?” Luna said, her face stern.

"N-no, she seemed very confident in her ability to handle it herself."

“Very well then. Thank you for informing me of this. You are dismissed.” The guard nodded and quickly turned to walk away. Luna chuckled to herself as she turned towards the kitchen area. Celestia, you should have done that months ago. Ambassadors don't solve problems. They don't have any real power.

"Princess, your food is ready," a light blue unicorn said, levitating a dandelion sandwich, crisp apple slices, and a tall glass of orange juice onto the regal oak table. She seemed to be unfazed by the formal exchange that had just taken place.

“Thank you very much, Star Pelt.” Luna trotted over and sat down at the table, smiling at the unicorn. “You and Shimmer prepare the most delectable lunches.” She took a bite of the sandwich, savoring the rich, earthy taste. “I hope you two enjoyed a nice breakfast while I was asleep. This kitchen isn’t just for me, of course.”

Shimmer returned from the cupboard and gave a small bow, her bright purple mane glowing in the sunlight. “Of course, Princess Luna. It’s most kind of you to allow us access to your kitchen even while you sleep,” she said with a smile. “Personally, I feel bad for Silver. She has to go all the way down to the kitchen on the main floor to prepare meals. Why in Equestria didn’t Celestia want a kitchen in her suite?”

Luna chuckled, taking a sip of orange juice. “Let’s just say that my sister has always been a bit...simple. Always content with what she has, rarely desiring anything material. She only reluctantly accepted Silver as a servant. She doesn’t want to feel like she’s a burden.”

“But she isn’t at all! Neither of you are!” Star gasped as she stood next to Luna. “Plus, you two couldn’t ever ask for too much! You both returned order and light to Equestria!”

A reminiscent smile tugged at Luna’s lips. “We were lucky to be born with such powerful magic. But let’s not dwell on those days. Let us look to the future.” She pushed in her chair and stood up, hovering the dishes to the sink. “Tell me, what is on the agenda for today?”

Shimmer levitated a sheet of parchment from Luna’s desk and glanced it over. “Well, not too much, Luna. A couple farmers requested that you survey their fields to make sure the crops are to your liking, and the pegasi ponies want your input on how much rain the city should receive this month.”

“Again? Those pegasi should know better than I do about how much rain we need. Tell them to consult with the farmers and begin keeping rainfall records, ” Luna stated as Shimmer scribbled down a note. “And I’m sure the crops are doing fine. Is there nothing else that requires my attention?”

“No, I’m afraid not,” Shimmer replied, double checking the list before setting it down on the table. “The city is still growing, Princess. Everything is very orderly at the moment.”

Luna walked over to the window, peering out over the city as the construction continued to ring about and ponies of every color walked happily through the streets. She smiled. “Well, I suppose I can’t complain about that then, can I?”

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pulsating sensation in her horn, which momentarily glowed a deep shade of blue. Luna grimaced, taking a step backwards and jerking her head down.

“Princess? What’s wrong?” Star asked, as she and Shimmer trotted over to Luna’s side.

The jabbing pain in her horn resided as quickly as it came on. Luna lifted her head, the smile vanishing from her face. “I’m fine. I don’t believe my sister is alright, however. I just felt a large surge of magic from her.” Her horn glowed as she opened the towering windows. “I am going out to see what happened. I trust you two and Silver can run the castle on your own?”

“Of course, your highness,” the two said, with a small bow.

“Good. I will attempt to make haste, but I cannot guarantee how long I will be gone.” With that, Luna leaped out of the window, spreading her wings and sending a flurry of blue feathers showering over the town square as the citizens witnessed an urgent flying princess for the second time in under two hours.

Sister...I hope you haven’t gotten yourself into anything you can’t handle. I’ve never felt such an outburst from you before. What could have happened for you to unleash so much magic? The thought caused her flap her wings with more intensity.

Luna reached cloud level, following her horn towards Celestia. The wide land of Equestria stretched out beneath her, its plains like a soft emerald quilt dotted with blue lake splotches and brown and green patches of forest. Brilliant snowcapped mountains painted the horizon, glistening in the sunlight.

Suddenly, she spotted a burst of color among the pure cloudtops. It was Celestia, her head buried in a cumulus amongst a thick blanket of clouds, her normally shimmering and billowing pastel mane drooped over her body. Muffled sobs reached Luna’s ears, causing her to soar forward and settle on the cloud next to her. “Sister! What’s wrong? What happened to you?”

Celestia slowly pulled her head up, staring at Luna with glistening eyes. “I-I-” she stammered, before bursting into tears once more.

Luna gave her Celestia an affectionate nuzzle. “Sister. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” In all of their years together, Luna had never seen her sister in such distress.

The Sun Princess’s sobs continued to ring out. She didn’t say anything, she only lifted a hoof and pointed forward. Luna cocked her head slightly, before she hovered up, gingerly beating her wings. She continued to fly forward, until she reached the edge of the cloud cover and suddenly stopped, dropping to the edge and staring agape at the sight below her.

Down below, a half mile diameter of land was completely scorched to ash, stinging her nostrils with a burnt stench. Black dust kicked about in the wind, obscuring her view of the land below somewhat. Dozens of ponies were trotting towards their respective cities on either side of the black stain, the unicorns levitating-

“Bodies,” Luna whispered. She couldn’t move a muscle. It was a horrendous sight, one she couldn’t tear her eyes away from as the realization slowly crept up on her, sending a chill down her spine, as if she had just swallowed an ice cube.

My sister did this.

Her eyes narrowed at the sight below, rage bubbling up under her subconsciousness.


It took every ounce of her willpower not to shout it aloud. Luna took several deep breaths, her anger only quelled as she suddenly recalled the sight of her sister: weeping loudly, so distraught that she couldn’t even speak.

No. I mustn’t get angry. I don’t know what happened. It had to be an accident.

Luna flew back over to her sister, whose crying had subsided, the white alicorn only sniffling a couple times now.

“Celestia. Tell me what happened. Start from the beginning. I’m not mad. I’m not judging. I just need to know what lead to this,” Luna spoke slowly and deliberately.

Celestia nodded, staring down at her hooves. “I-I received word this morning that armies were gathering between Marebury and Neigh Orleans. General Skye that fighting could erupt at any moment. All negotiations had failed in the past. I felt like the only thing I could do was fly down and try to stop it myself.”

As she spoke, her sniffling and stammering eventually ceased, her voice becoming calm and rational. “I arrived right as the troops were charging at one another. They stopped as I landed between the two sides. I summoned the two commanders. I asked them why they were fighting despite the fact that I had sent delegates to help with negotiations several times. Then they began to argue, riling up their troops. I couldn’t get them to stop cheering and stomping. They simply wouldn’t listen to me. Then, the two sides charged at one another again as I stood in the middle. I shouted as loud as I could for them to stop...and then...I lost control.”

The two sat in silence for several moments, simply staring into space.

“It wasn’t my fault, Luna,” Celestia whispered, tears leaking down her face once more. “I just wanted them to stop.”

Luna nodded. “I understand. I’m sorry. I will admit, I was furious when I first saw what happened. But I know you would never do such a thing on purpose. You just have to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

“But how can I be sure?” Celestia cried. “Do you realize just how powerful we are? Just how much force we command?”

“I am fully aware, sister.”

“That we alone are responsible for day and night?”


“Doesn’t it worry you?” Celestia said, gaping in disbelief at her sister. “Look what just happened! I simply lost control of my temper, and dozens of ponies died!” Her voice started to crack. “What if it happens again? What if it’s worse next time? What if-”

“Celestia.” Luna cut her off. “Please, calm yourself.”

Celestia took a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I just-never really thought about it before. I worry.”

Luna stared into the distance with forlorn eyes as the cool air whipped all around them. “You’re right to be concerned. We have been incredibly blessed. We have to embrace and control our powers.”

“That’s easy for you to say!” Celestia cried, raising her voice. “You didn’t just murder your subjects out of anger! You’ve never lost control of your power!” She slumped over, head drooping. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t ask to be ruler when we wielded the Elements. I only wanted to restore light to Equestria.

“What’s going to happen now?” she spoke softly. “I just killed my subjects. What do I do? Will there be a revolt? Will everypony hate me now? Will they cower in fear as I pass them in the streets?” She buried her head in the cloud once more, fighting back tears.

Luna gave her sister another affectionate nuzzle. “I know it’ll be extremely hard, but you must face your subjects. You have to admit to what you’ve done. At least that way, there’s a chance for forgiveness.”

Celestia shook her head. “What would I say to them?”

“I can’t decide that for you. But if you say nothing, then they will only fear you.”

“And then revolt, eventually...” Celestia whispered. She couldn’t picture it. Her subjects were so loyal, so happy with her, she couldn’t bear the thought of them hating and rising up against her.

A faint smile graced Luna’s lips. “There will never be a revolt.”

Celestia pulled her head up and turned towards her sister with a confused look. “What do you mean?”

Luna chuckled. “I don’t think you realize how powerful we are. Tell me, what would a revolt against the bearers of day and night accomplish? What if they somehow did manage to murder us? Would the rest of the unicorns be able to progress the day like they did in the past? Or would that power die with us?”

The sky was beginning to fade into glorious shades of orange and violet as the sun dipped towards the horizon, the light dimming over Equestria. Celestia’s eyes widened in realization of her sister’s words. “I-I never thought about that before.”

Luna nodded. “Don't think about it too much, simply keep it in the back of your mind." She then stood up, spreading her sapphire wings. "But it’s getting late. I must prepare to raise the moon in an hour’s time. Are you feeling better?”

Celestia stared out at the setting sun, in deep thought. She dropped through the clouds, gazing down at the scorched earth below. Every soldier had gone back to their respective cities, leaving the land empty and barren, a dark stain upon the earth. She sighed, and shook her head after she rose back through the clouds. “No. I need to think some more. I’m sorry, Luna. I promise, I’ll try to get ahold of myself soon. I won’t leave you to rule alone.”

“You have my faith, sister,” Luna said, as Celestia rose to join her in the sky. “Remember, I’m always here for you.”

The two soared into the fading sky, back towards Canterlot. As they approached, they said their goodbyes, before heading back towards their respective rooms of the castle. Celestia activated her horn and opened her suite window before soaring through it. Her muscles suddenly felt extremely heavy, as if somepony had filled them up with lead. She trudged over to her bed and collapsed onto the soft mattress.

Before she could close her eyes, however, the door swung open and in trotted Silver. “Good evening, Celestia! How was-” she froze upon noticing the Sun Princess collapsed on her bed. “Celestia? Is everything alright?”

Celestia rolled over and gazed into Silver’s concerned eyes. Her own face was limp and lifeless. She sighed. “I’ve had a very long day, Silver. Please, do not disturb me for the rest of the night unless it is absolutely necessary. Call my sister should anything come up.”

Silver, I murdered dozens of ponies today. Please, don’t hate me. Don’t fear me.

The maid nodded, taking a step backward. “Of course. My apologies, I should have realized you would be tired after returning from such a long trip to the marshlands. How did negotiations go with the troops, if I might ask?”

Celestia blinked a couple times, the mare’s innocent words piercing her heart.

The negotiations went well. The battle was completely averted.

She sighed, before closing her eyes, trying to hide the tears that were forming. “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Please, I just want to rest right now.”

Silver took another hesitant step back towards the door. “Princess, are you okay? Do you want to talk about anything?”

“Tomorrow, Silver. Please. I need to sleep.” Her voice cracked, a light sob escaping as she spoke.

The mare slowly turned back towards the suite entrance, but she turned her head back to stare at Celestia’s wet cheeks and drooping mane.

“Of course, your highness.” She trotted out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Celestia shifted about in her bed as the sun dipped over the horizon. She begged for sleep to come, but she couldn’t stop the thoughts pounding in her head, refusing to let her drift into dreamland, where she might escape her torment.

My power.

My people.

My invincibility.

My purpose.


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Dull orange sunlight shone into the study, dimly illuminating the small room. Bookshelves lined every wall, stretching towards the ceiling. Dusty hardcovers of every color littered the floor, brushing against the oak desk that faced the window. A unicorn with a snow white coat and shimmering pink mane sat crouched over the wooden surface, the light glistening off her horn. Despite being nearly twenty years old, her flank was completely bare, as if it were a blank canvas that awaited an artist’s perfect touch. Her eyes were fixed on the book in front of her, one that detailed the workings of magic. She yawned, before levitating the book aside and lifting up another one, her eyes drifting towards the static sun, which only just poked over the horizon.

Is it morning? Afternoon? Night? Does it even matter?

Her focus returned towards the tome, the unicorn blocking everything else from her mind; it was as if the information contained within the book was crucial to her survival. Her eyes drooped and her head dipped as she continued to read, having to jerk herself back up every so often.

A knock came from the door. “Celestia? Are you still in there?” The door swung open, and in trotted a unicorn with a night blue coat and light blue mane, her flank just as bare as her sister’s.

“Just doing some studying, Luna,” Celestia said in a stoic tone, still gazing down at the book.

Luna closed the door and stepped next to her sister. “A History of Magic and its Workings in the World,” Luna said, reading the title printed at the top of the page. She sighed. “Sister, you have to go to bed. Mother needs help with the crops in the morning. She isn’t an Earth pony, and she needs all the assistance she can get.”

Celestia continued to pour over the tome. “I know. I’ll go to bed soon, I promise.”

“That’s what you say every night,” Luna snorted. “How long will ‘soon’ be tonight? An hour? Two? You need to stop obsessing like this. We don’t have time for it.”

Celestia closed the book, returning it to the shelf before hovering another to the desk. “You say ‘obsess’ as if it’s a bad thing. Some ponies aren’t satisfied with an eternal dawn, however.”

“And what do you think you can do about it?” Luna said, her voice rising. “You think you can do the work of a hundred powerful unicorns? It’s impossible, no matter how skilled you may be at magic. You need to come back to reality. Focus on your family, not your silly books.”

Celestia pushed in her chair and stood up, shooting Luna an annoyed glance. “There’s no harm in me simply learning as much as I can about magic. Perhaps if you took your abilities more seriously and studied more often, I wouldn’t have to do all this myself.”

“Studying doesn’t matter right now! Not starving does!” Luna shouted in protest, levitating the book away from Celestia and slamming it shut. “We need food. But you’re always too tired to help with the crops or scout the forest for berries.”

Celestia resisted the urge to yank the book back from her sister, before she sighed and gazed out the window once more. She had been cooped up in the study for hours, yet the sun remained in its stationary position. In the distance rows of corn stalks lined the ground, drooping and withering under the dull rays of the sun. It was a modest patch of farmland, only enough to feed one family. Beyond the crops, emerald green hills stretched to the horizon, bare and lifeless. She turned her attention back towards Luna and sighed. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll get to bed as soon as I can. But I’m still going to focus on these ‘silly books’ whenever I have a spare moment.”

“Thank you,” Luna stated, affectionately nuzzling her sister. “I know you’re passionate about your studies, no matter how hopeless I personally think they are. Just keep your priorities straight. That’s all I ask.”

Celestia nodded, yawning as she trudged towards the door with Luna. “I will. I’ll try to get as much sleep as I can so I’ll be able to help tomorrow.” They stepped out of the room, Celestia closing the door as she turned to make her way towards her bedroom. “Good night, Luna.”

“Good night, Celestia. Sleep well,” Luna said, before stepping into her own room and closing the door.

Celestia stopped outside her own door, glancing over to make sure Luna was in her room, listening for any sign of activity. When it became clear Luna was sleeping, she cast a muffling spell to silence any sound she might make, before stepping back into the study and closing the door. Dropping the spell, she pulled herself back over to her desk and lifted another book in front of her: One Day at a Time: how Unicorns bring Light to the World. Once again, she read with an intense concentration, essentially willing off the urge to sleep. The only sound was a scratching quill as Celestia furiously took notes, quickly filling up the page and setting it inside the desk drawer, packing it in against dozens of other scrolls.

I’m sorry, Luna, but I have different priorities right now. Perhaps one day I’ll figure this out, and we can finally rest in a bright world.

Celestia levitated another book in front of her, before she collapsed on her desk, falling asleep before her head even hit the surface.