Angel Wings

by SeasonTheWiccan

First published

Angel Wings is your typical unicorn, at least that's what Ponyville thinks...but in truth, she hasn't told them everything about herself.


Angel Wings is your typical unicorn, at least that's what Ponyville thinks...but in truth, she hasn't told them everything about herself. She comes to Ponyville in hopes of not making emotional ties to anypony, but when the Mane 6 breaks her and lets her into their circle, she finds it hard to tell them the truth. Things become even more difficult when she becomes romantically involved with Big Mac, how will the truth be spilled?

Proofread by ajvasquezbrony28 and Silver Echo

Inspired by Nicholas Sparks' novels.

WARNING: May make you cry!!

Cover art done by CandySweets90240

Chapter art done by me!

Angel Wings Playlist

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She laid there, staring up at the ceiling, her breaths were shortening; her heart slowing down. But the funny thing was that she knew it was coming. Death was calling her. She thought of her friends who had given so much to her: friendship, love and somepony to make an impact on. To them, she was what they called, 'a walking inspiration,' she never knew what they meant by that. She now knew, she saw death coming and had taken it like ripping off a bandage. Like it wasn't a big deal, like it was something that had to be done. We all live, and then we die. Every part of her looked dead, her coat, her eyes, her hair, even her slight smile as she laid there, waiting for death to take her.

'No more pain,' she thought to herself.

She then thought of Big Mac, who also gave her his time and as much love as one pony could give until the very end. He was the only pony she would bear foals for, the only one she would help provide for, she was now upset with herself that she wouldn't be able to do those things with him. She berated the universe ever since she realized she fell in love with him for only giving her a taste of real love with him. A tear spilled out of the corner of her eye as she thought of her six friends and Big Mac she knew they would miss her and she would miss them; they all knew this was coming, they just weren't expecting it to be now. It was funny, when she came to Ponyville, she never intended to make emotional ties with anypony. But, somehow, six very close friends managed to break her and it eventually led to the romance with Big Mac.

She then thought to herself, 'If only I could stay with them.'

"I can't thank you enough for what you've done..." She croaked to the ceiling. "I will miss you all so much."

She smiled and began to remember how all this even happened as her world became darker and darker and then lighter and lighter.

How All This Happened...

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She was on a train to Ponyville from Manehattan, her parents regretted her decision to leave home but they knew that once their Angel Wings made up her mind about something she couldn't be swayed. She was holding up a book with her unicorn magic the title was A Walk To Remember, her wavy blonde mane resting on her neck and a tiny blue bow near her horn kept it from getting in her face. She began to get tired of waiting and brought up her crossword puzzle book, once again using her magic to hold the book and the quill when a unicorn filly with a blue grey coat and yellow eyes came up to her, "Ma'am, I know you don't work here but I can't find my seat..."

The filly was almost crying, "Sure sweetheart, here, take my hoof."

The filly, charmed by this mare's kind voice and beautiful appearance with her white coat, blonde hair and blue eyes, took her hoof and Angel Wings guided her along the car trying to find the filly's parents.

"Excuse me? Is this anypony's filly?" she asked everypony in the car.

"Oh! There you are Dinky!" said a Pegasus mare with a grey coat, light blonde hair yellow derped eyes and bubbles for a cutie mark.


"Thank you so much miss..."

"Angel Wings."

"Fitting, you look like an angel."

"That's what my parents keep telling me."

"Are you moving to Ponyville?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"I wasn't sure if you were just passing through or not, but we're from Ponyville too!"

"Oh, that's nice."

"Everypony is so nice there, you'll love it. Well, we'd better take our seats, it was nice meeting you Angel Wings!"

"You too!"

'Angel, remember, you're not coming to make any connections...that's the LAST thing you need!'

She shuddered at the thought of everypony wanting to be her friend just because they felt sorry for her and giving her all this charity to the point where she wouldn't be able to take it and leave! Charity was the last thing on the planet that she wanted, she decided early on that she would just shut herself out from society to protect herself and everyone around her. She felt that she was dangerous, because she knew what was coming. A drop of blood spilled from her nose as she thought of all this, she then quickly got a napkin and pressed it to her nostril while wondering how long it was until she got to Ponyville.

They arrived two hours later and the bleeding stopped, as soon as she got off she noticed the friendly atmosphere of the town. She had a total of 5 bags, a few pieces of clothing and items that contained special meanings to her. Items from her foalhood, photos, scrapbooks, anything that could remind her of her life before she leaves.

She got a cart in front of the train station and gently placed all her bags in it, she then looked at the address she was sent from Ponyville's Mayor. She insisted when she wrote her that she wanted to find the house herself, she didn't mention this, but it was because of the fact that she wanted to be as far away from other ponies as possible. What she told the Mayor is that she wanted the challenge of finding the house herself, plus she would get to see where everything in the town was (this part was true) she latched the cart's harness around her waist and headed into town.

First Impressions of Ponyville

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Angel didn't realize two things by the time she reached the center of town, 1. How far her house was from the train station and 2. How heavy the cart was getting. Two factors that she should've thought of earlier, the harness around her waist was now slipping to her flanks and it was irritating her immensely! Even worse, it was stuck on something and no matter how hard Angel pulled, it wouldn't budge. The harness then suddenly slipped off of her, causing her to tumble into the mud. The mud-stained her white coat and blonde hair, she then got up angered and cursed the cart and tried to kick it but miscalculated her kick and ended up on her back. Her eyes were vengeful towards the cart and was about to shout out every curse in the book when she heard a voice, "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?"

She looked over to see a purple unicorn with a dark blue mane with pink and purple streaks in it, she told herself to just say, that she's fine and try to move on.

"I'm okay," she said as she got up and shook the mud off; a little bit got on the unicorn's coat, which she just simply brushed off of herself. Angel then tried to pull on the harness with her mouth in an attempt to get the cart to budge, but try as she may, it wasn't working.

"Do you...need help?" the unicorn asked.

Angel sighed as she gave up, she got more mud on herself in her endeavors, her muscles were aching and she was probably going to have to put some ice on her flanks when she got to her house.

'Some help would be nice......NO! NO! You can't accept help! She's only going to keep coming back to you! No attachments remember?! But this cart IS heavy and I can't do it on my own...So? Give it all you've got! Just DON'T...ACCEPT...HELP!!'

As her mind was arguing with itself, the unicorn was about to walk away from this strange new addition to Ponyville. It was then that Angel made up her mind, "Wait!"

The unicorn turned around to look at her, "Do you know anypony that can help me pull this?" Angel asked shyly.

The unicorn grinned, "Of course," she then looked to her left, "Big Mac! Can you lend me a hoof?"

Angel looked in the same direction and saw a muscular red stallion with half an apple for a cutie mark and orange hair. She suddenly felt her face go hot, she had to admit he was handsome, but she quickly put it out of her mind.

'You're not here for romance!'

Big Mac turned to them and gave a hearty, "Eeyup!"

As he came closer and saw Angel Wings, his face went hot as well and the purple unicorn saw this, she then had a coy smile on her face. Big Mac personally had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life, Rarity was pretty, but this unicorn was gorgeous! If she asked him to follow her, he'd follow her anywhere, if she beckoned him into her house he'd be her slave, he'd do anything for her just to be near her.

"Ummm...can you help pull my cart to my house? It's 2 blocks away...but I don't want to overwhelm you."

"Big Mac can lift anything, trust me...can't you Big Mac?"

He was too mesmerized by the new unicorn to answer.

"Big Mac?"

He shook his head, snapping himself out of it, "Uhh...eeyup!"

He then latched the harness around him and followed the two mares as they talked (namely, the purple unicorn ATTEMPTING to talk to her.)

"I'm Twilight Sparkle by the way."

Angel only nodded silently.

Getting a little impatient, Twilight asked, "What's your name?"

Angel didn't say anything at first but decided that Twilight knowing her name wouldn't hurt, "Angel Wings."

Both Twilight and Big Mac were taken aback at how beautiful her name was, "It certainly fits," said Twilight.


"That's what everyone says..."

'Over and over again,' she thought to herself sarcastically.

They walked some more, Twilight tried to get to know this mare some more by asking questions, only to be answered by one word answers. On the way, Twilight found out that Angel's favorite color was ocean blue, her favorite flowers were roses, the fact that she came from Manehattan, her favorite music was anything with piano instrumentals and she liked to read...a LOT! Two of her bags were just filled with books.

Twilight was delighted by this fact, they talked about their favorite titles and argued when they had different opinions on certain subjects in them. Angel was actually feeling comfortable talking to Twilight, she didn't like it.

'Connections Angel! Connections!' she yelled to herself in her thoughts.

When they finally arrived at the house, which was a simple white cottage-like house with sky blue shutters, Big Mac unstrapped the harness and Angel thanked them.

"Would you like help unpacking or are you all set?" Twilight asked.

"Oh no, I'm all set."

Twilight looked at her bags then back at her quizzically, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Big Mac was even looking a little puzzledly at Angel, he knew that she was clearly hiding something, or else she wouldn't be in a rush to be rid of them. It was written on her face and it was very clear that she didn't want to talk about it, for what reason, it was unknown to him. Angel smiled and nodded curtly as they left and when she was absolutely sure they were gone, she began unloading her luggage. She approached the door to her new house with one of these bags, once she was on the welcome mat she used her magic to extract the antique key from her saddlebag. It unlocked with a satisfying click, once she entered, she now knew that she was completely on her own. It was painful to think that that time at the train station would be the last she saw of her parents, who were the only ones she wanted to grieve for her when the time came. The house looked like it had been sitting abandoned for a while, it was filled with dust and cobwebs and she even saw a spider scurry over her hoof.

'Looks like it's a fixer-upper.'

She went back outside to retrieve the last of her bags and start cleaning the place before she unpacked. She scrubbed, washed and dusted every square inch of the place for 4 hours before it was spotless, she then began to unpack, she placed the books on the bookshelves and her pictures on the fireplace mantle. She also made lists of what she needed to buy when she went to the market next: wood for the fireplace, food (of course), linens for the bed upstairs, and other furnishings to make the place more homely since she was going to be spending a LOT of time there. Her plan may have disturbed most, but it was the only way to ensure her chances of not hurting others when she had to depart. She unpacked her bag of scrapbooks and couldn't help but flip through them, she smiled at herself as a filly, she was a normal little filly back then. She loved playing with the neighbor's puppy, playing hopscotch on Manehattan's sidewalks, playing double dutch with her old friends whom she had grown distant from since one moved away and the other turned against her. She had a normal foalhood, that is, until 2 months after she turned 12. When those memories came up, she quickly closed the scrapbook and didn't dare look in the ones filled with those dark memories. Instead, she put them on a shelf and was about to go to bed when she heard a knock on the door.

She groaned and went to open it; when she did, she saw a light brown mare with grey hair and a tied scroll for a cutie mark.

"May I help you?" Angel asked politely.

"Ms. Angel Wings?" she asked.


"I'm Mayor Mare, I just came to see how you were faring. I heard you had some problems with the cart today."

"Yeah, it kinda got stuck on something."

"I am very sorry about that, I keep telling the train staff to make sure they are properly oiled and make sure they work before hoof but it seems that they sometimes forget."

Angel couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I got some help from somepony named Twilight Sparkle and somepony named Big Mac."

"Oh yes, they're nice ponies, always willing to help others out. I'm glad you came across them."

"Me too..."

"So do you like the house?"

"Yes, thank you. It's lovely!"

"You're very welcome, I will tell you this is an old one. It's been around for the past 200 years."

'That explains the dust and the abandoned look it has.'

"It certainly is rustic," Angel commented.

"Yes it is, that's the charm in it...well, it's late, I'd better let you get some's about goodnight."

"Goodnight Mayor..."

The Mayor turned to leave, then turned to face her again with a smile, "Oh, and Angel Wings?"


"Welcome to Ponyville!"

Angel blushed and smiled, "Thank you."

Angel was almost expecting her to say, 'enjoy your time here,' just so she could say something like, 'I will try to' or 'I bet I will' while really thinking 'I'm not going to be here long.' But she didn't, she simply turned away and left toward her house. Angel couldn't help but admire the friendly atmosphere here in Ponyville, but she chose this place because it was so secluded, so far out in the country that she was expecting to spend the remainder of her time without any interactions. But, like a lot of things, she was wrong. Ponyville was a close-knit town, everypony knew who you were, who you came from, their grandparents grew up together and so on. She would have to be on her guard, she couldn't put up with the idea of making any kind of relationships, especially in her condition.

She went back inside and felt something slither up her throat, she ran to the bathroom and threw up everything in her stomach along with a little bit of blood. After 5 minutes of bile and blood, it stopped, she felt a little woozy but it soon passed. She then went upstairs and went to bed with only 1 throw blanket and a flat pillow, keeping a rusted metal bucket near her just in case. As she laid there, she made the decision to go to the market tomorrow and face the town head on.

'No...personal...interactions,' her inner monologue told her. 'It's funny...I never used to be like this...'

Before she found out that her heartbeats were being counted, she was a very sociable mare. Others, including her parents, used to say that if everypony else around her was in a bad mood, all Angel had to do was walk into the room with a good mood and everypony in the room would feel better! She was also a great piano player, she hadn't played for months now because she couldn't find the drive to do so, but she had composed a few pieces and had actually performed them for others.

Ponies like the royal guards who have been wounded, children in the hospital, and even elder ponies were delighted by her playing and told her to go into the music business. But she politely told them that she did this for no pay and she preferred it that way. Her parents first suggested her volunteering when she was 13 and basically laying around looking miserable, hoping that interacting with other ponies like her and making their day would make her feel better. This plan worked! She was making others feel better when life has given them the worst, she found that she loved volunteering! It made her feel good that she was doing something to give somepony something when they have so little. She also read and talked to foals in the hospital, the wounded royal guards and to elder ponies, just to give them company. They were all enchanted by her kind spirit, her calm voice and her charming laugh. It was when she was 13 that she earned her cutie mark when she first started volunteering.

She was keeping a 4 year old filly named Rose Red company, Her parents both had jobs so they could pay the medical expenses, Rose Red had an inherited form of lung cancer and through the chemotherapy, it was almost gone. Angel was introduced to her a month earlier and they had become close friends, Rose loved to color, talk and read and Angel was always willing to do this with her. It was when Angel had taught Rose to play piano that she got her mark. Rose herself was a fast learner, she learned everything in the course of a month and was at Angel's level of piano and during the course of that month, Angel began to feel like and older sister to Rose.

Rose's mother heard the sound of the piano and thought it was Angel playing and decided to go and listen, she had heard a lot about her playing but never heard it first hoof. As she came closer to the room where the music was coming from and was surprised when she reached the room to see her daughter playing at a professional level! She knew that Rose had been taking lessons from Angel but never expected her to be playing at this level this quickly.

When Rose finished, her mother applauded and both spun around to see her, "Rose...sweetheart that was beautiful!"

"Thanks Mom! It's called Itsumo Nando Demo!"

"Angel...I can't thank you enough!"

"You're welcome...I just thought I'd pass on my wisdom to somepony since I have no siblings."

"Angel, you are truly a living, breathing, real-life angel. No wonder your parents gave you that name."

Angel then thought about that, she really WAS an angel, she gave aid to those in doubt, she had the look of an angel, and she had the kindness and caring spirit of an angel. Volunteering made her who she was, she was a saving grace to everypony she came into contact with. Somepony to talk to, someone who cared, and something beautiful to look at besides the ugly walls of their rooms in the hospital. She then looked at her flank and there was a winged heart with a halo!

Rose made a full recovery and both her and Angel stayed in contact, Angel was especially proud of her when Rose graduated and decided to go to a music school. Angel knew that her wisdom that was passed on to Rose was being put to good use. Rose was happy, so Angel was happy. But since she found out that her time was running out two months ago, at first, she fell out of contact with Rose out of depression. Rose tried to reach out to her after a month and not receiving any letters and wrote her asking what was going on in 3 separate letters, Angel knew she couldn't keep her out of the loop because they were so close, so she wrote back after receiving Rose's letter two weeks ago and told her. Rose took a few weeks to respond; when the letter came she said that she'd quit music school and come to take care of her like how Angel took care of her. But Angel forbade it, telling her that she was not going to allow Rose give up her future over her. Angel also told her that she was going to be staying in Ponyville until the time came. Rose was saddened by this, but trusted her, it broke her heart that she would never see her before she left because Angel wouldn't be allowing any friends or family to come and visit her, write her or make any contact with her. She just wanted to be alone.

Angel laid in the bed in the present and felt a tear roll down her face, she missed Rose and her parents, she missed them all! But quickly brushed it aside, 'No...I'm not going to cry, they had a good life with me, that's what I should be thinking about...'

She then thought of a quote from Shakespony's Romeo and Juliet, 'These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume.'

'I hope my triumph doesn't fail...or turn into a violent end...' She thought just before sleep took her.

The Market

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Angel woke up the next morning feeling a little stiff, yet refreshed. She decided to go to the market that day since the only thing she had for food was the trail mix her Mom packed her before she left. She ate that, got her bag of bits, her list, checked over it again and headed out towards the market which opened in less than 5 minutes and she felt it was probably best to beat the crowd there because it was 2 blocks away from her. She got lost at first and arrived 15 minutes late but the crowd wasn't all that bad and once she entered, she decided to get her food first. She payed for her breads and vegetables and began on her fruits, she stopped at the apple cart and did not expect who she saw, it was none other than Big Mac!

He saw her as soon as she saw him, "Big Mac! Uh...hi!"

Big Mac's face turned a shade redder than he already was and Angel couldn't help but giggle. When she did, Big Mac's heart went faster than a hummingbird's wing, her laugh was so beautiful.

"Big Mac?" Angel asked a little confused.

He then realized that she asked him a question.


Angel couldn't help but think the way he said that was very cute, but her inner monologue snapped her out of it.

'No! No! Ugh! Pull yourself together!'

"I would like a bushel of apples please?"

Another voice came after she said that, "And what kind would ya like there? We've got all kinds of apples. We've got red delicious, golden delicious..."

"Red delicious would be fine."

The pony that spoke had an orange coat, freckles, green eyes, golden hair tied off with a red hairband, three red apples for a cutie mark and a brown cowgirl hat on her head.

"I've got Apple Bloom on the job with yer apples."

Angel saw a butter yellow filly with red hair and a pink bow getting her apples, "Oh...okay."

"I've never seen you around Ponyville before...what did ya say yer name was?"

"I didn't and it's Angel Wings."

"Oh yeah! Twilight was tellin' us about you yesterday, I'm Applejack and you already met ma big brother Big Macintosh."


"That's Granny Smith," Applejack said pointing to a green colored elder pony asleep in a rocking chair.

"And this here is Apple Bloom."

"Hi! And here's yer apples!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Apple Bloom then dragged the basket over to her and Angel took them gratefully and asked if she could pick them up later in the day.

"Of course, that's probably a lot to carry, where do ya live?" asked Applejack.

"I live in the old cottage 2 blocks away from here."

"Well, how about I deliver them to ya afterwards?"

"Oh no, that's fine...I'm stronger than I look."

"Are ya sure Angel?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay then...just come on back when yer ready."


As she turned, Apple Bloom noticed Angel's cutie mark, "Whoa! That's the coolest cutie mark I've ever seen!"

Angel didn't know who she was talking to at first, but she turned, looked around and pointed to herself, "Me?"

"Yeah! I love yer cutie mark! A winged heart with a fits you! I don't have mine yet ya see and I couldn't help it."

"Oh! That's okay and thanks!"

She saw Big Mac smiling at her and she smiled back politely and went on in her shopping. She bought some flowers and vases that would be delivered by lunchtime tomorrow, some ingredients for soups, baked goods and other foods to keep her healthy so there wouldn't be as much speculations; she also went on and bought things for her bedroom, she got some bedding that she really liked, it caught her eye as soon as she passed by it. The quilt was white with tiny vines of roses all over it and the same for the pillow cases, and the sheets were a shade of baby pink. Roses reminded her of her grandmother who passed away when she was 8, she grew roses and taught Angel how to grow them as well. Back then, Angel thought that growing roses would be her talent; even today she laughed at the idea of it. But she loved roses as a reminder of her dear, sweet grandmother.

She then decided to take a break and stopped at a sweet shop that looked promising, it looked like a giant gingerbread house and had a sign that read, 'Sugar Cube Corner.'

Angel felt her stomach growl and her sweet tooth was acting up, so she went inside, there was a long line but she was patient. When it was her turn a cotton candy maned pony said, "Next!"

Angel stepped up and saw that this bubble gum colored earth pony had 3 balloons for a cutie mark.

"What can I getcha?" she asked.

"I think I'll get...a blueberry muffin."

"Okey dokey lokey!"

Angel raised an eyebrow at how enthusiastic this mare was and of course, when she came back, she said that she'd never seen her before and asked for her name just as Applejack had done.

'I'm starting to see a pattern here.'

"Angel Wings."

"Ooh! Pretty! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie Pie then gasped, "If you're new here then you need one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties! If I've never seen you here before that means you're new, because I know everypony here in Ponyville! If you're new here then you must not have any friends and if you don't then you must be lonely!"

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down! Uh...I'm fine...really!"

"Why? Don't you want to meet new ponies?"


Pinkie looked at her like she was crazy, she then grabbed Angel's face and said, "Are you feeling okay? Is it the flu? Cold? Pneumonia? Scarlet fever?"


Just then a raspy voice came to save her, "Pinkie, you're awesome but, leave the poor mare alone."

Pinkie let Angel go and said, "Okey dokey!"

Angel turned to see a rainbow maned pegasus with a cyan blue coat and magenta eyes.

"Thanks," said Angel.

"No prob, just let that be a warning of how extreme Pinkie can be."


"Name's Rainbow Dash and you're Angel Wings right?"

"How did you-"

"I was in line behind you and I heard you."


She heard Pinkie's voice call, "One blueberry muffin!"

Angel went up and paid her and took the muffin, Rainbow came up beside her and said, "Try it, they are legendary."


Angel was honestly starting to feel uncomfortable at how comfortable she was feeling, 'Am I just gonna have to lock myself in my house until...'

She shivered at the thought. She then bit into the muffin and she was won over, it was probably the best muffin she'd ever had!

"Best muffin I've ever tasted!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks! I bake 'em myself with a recipe you'll have to kill me for!"

Angel's eyes widened as Pinkie now had a huge grin on her face.

"She's kidding," said Rainbow Dash.

Angel swallowed then left, hoping she didn't run into anymore ponies that wanted to get to know her.

Her prayers were answered as she then went back to the apple cart at the end of her expedition to pick up her apples and used her magic to levitate them and it followed her the entire 2 blocks to her house, her bedding and other foods in her saddlebags. Once in the house, she placed the food in their respectable spaces and made her bed. She then took her medication which she hated to do, but she had to, she had to take it at noon (she took it yesterday before she left to get on the train to Ponyville) and the reason she disliked taking it is because it sometimes made her drowsy.

Like one time when she first started taking them two months prior, she was alone in a local church and was playing piano and she fell asleep, soon the building caught fire from the candles lit inside it. The only things she remembered was laying on the other side of the street and seeing the building engulfed in flames, which is the reason she has lost the drive to play piano, it only leads back to the reminder of how incompetent she is, so much that she couldn't even stay awake to notice that the flame from a single candle had caught onto a piece of paper and spread throughout the building. Not only that, but she, again, has just lost all drive to do anything; she just wanted to sit in there, wither away and get it over with.


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Angel was not used to the silence of her confinement, at first, it was haunting. Just the slightest creak of the floor under her hooves spooked her, and the fact that the only other pony there was to talk to was herself kinda creeped her out. Although, thanks to her meds, sometimes she slept the whole day and didn't worry about it. But one day she decided that it might be best to get out more than once a week so she wouldn't suffer from cabin fever and go completely insane. So as the weeks came and went, she went out of the house 3 times a week. One day would be for grocery shopping; the other two would just be for getting some fresh air, she would mostly sit in the park for a few hours while reading a book and maybe take a walk around Ponyville while trying to avoid contact. She only went into town for fresh air and when she needed to shop for groceries or for doctor appointments.

This activity made Twilight concerned for her, she had seen Angel walk through town on multiple occasions and had been observing her. She wasn't making any lengthy conversations with anypony, not responding to any 'hellos' given to her, or even saying 'hello' to anypony. At the market, she just selected her merchandise, smiled at the seller, and paid for said merchandise. When she went to the park, she just walked through town to the park; once there, she would crack open her book and not move from that spot for a few hours. Twilight saw that she did that twice a week and if she already did her shopping earlier in the week, she would then go home, close the door and it wouldn't open until the next week. Something Twilight noticed about Angel's house was that everything was closed, the windows were closed, the curtains were closed, and it was clear that she never used the back entrance. Everything was always closed.

"What is that pony doing in there?" Twilight asked herself.

This pattern had been going on for 3 weeks now since Angel arrived in Ponyville and Twilight was certainly puzzled as to why and what she was hiding. She knew it wasn't good for somepony as young as Angel to be locked in and living like herself pre - Ponyville. She decided to approach Angel the next time she came out next week. When she did, she came out to do her grocery shopping in the morning. Twilight was on her way to the local restaurant to meet her friends for breakfast when she saw Angel at the flower stand. She had just bought a dozen red roses that would be in a vase on her dining room table later when Twilight came up to her.

"Hi Angel!"

Angel cringed, and decided to be polite. She turned around to greet Twilight with a fake smile.

"Hi Twilight!"

"How are things going?"


"Great! I was wondering if you'd like to get some breakfast with me and my friends."

Angel's heart skipped a beat, she thought avoiding others when she went out would help to prevent this.

'Make up an excuse! What could I say? Anything! Just anything!'

"I...I can't...I'm sorry."

"Oh, well...maybe tomorrow?"

"I have a doctor's appointment early tomorrow."

That excuse was true.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Angel, are you...okay? If there's anything you need to talk about..."

"No! No...I mean...everything's fine. It's just...I'm not much of a conversationalist."

Lie. Total lie.

"Why do you lock yourself away then? All you have to do! Like you're talking to me right now."

"I don't"

"Look, I know how daunting it can be moving to a new town where you don't know everypony. But you could at least try and give it an effort."

Just so she could quickly steer away from this conversation, she said, "Alright."

"So, what's the doctor's appointment for?"

"It's just a regular checkup...I have to do it since I moved to Ponyville, making sure I'm biggie."

Twilight could tell that she was lying but decided not to press further, "Alright, but...if you wanna hang out with me or my friends, or if you just need to talk...all you have to do is ask."

Angel didn't know how to respond so she simply said, "Okay..."

Twilight nodded and left with a warm smile, Angel was touched that somepony wanted to include her, but she had to be the bad guy right now so nopony got hurt because of her. In truth, she did not intend to contact Twilight about 'hanging out' anytime soon. She then gathered herself and headed home; once there, she arranged the roses in the once empty vase on her dining room table. As she did this, she thought of what Twilight was offering; it was an offer she had to refuse because of the reason why she was there. If she were here for a change of scenery and wasn't disguising herself as an introvert, things would be different. But for now, the only thing she could do was decline and keep declining until they got the message.

Angel went to bed early that evening so she could wake up early in the morning for her appointment, the appointment was at 10 and was 5 blocks away so she had to get an early start. The next morning, she got up at 9, ate a bowl of oatmeal and walked the 5 blocks to the doctor's office. Once there, she checked in with the receptionist who silently gave her clipboard of papers to fill out. Angel sat down and read the papers, it was all personal information like: 'Where do you live?' 'Are you Married?' 'Are you pregnant?' 'Have you had any Exposure to Asbestos?'

Angel honestly had no idea what Asbestos was and she didn't want to know, so she filled out what she could and gave it back to the receptionist and waited for a half hour before the doctor called her in.

"Is there a Ms. Angel Wings here?"

Angel got up and approached him as he introduced himself, "Hello Ms. Wings, I'm Dr. Horse."


They then shook hooves and went into the examination room and began conversing, "And how are you Ms. Wings?"

Angel was still a little hesitant about ponies knowing about how she really was, so she responded half-heartedly, "Good, thank you."

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Ms. Wings...I have your past medical records so I'm very much aware of your condition. Let's not beat around the bush here, tell me how things are REALLY going."

Angel sighed, "Okay, to be honest, I'm throwing up more frequently than I'm used to and am having random nosebleeds."

"Well, that's normal for somepony with your often are you vomiting?"

"About 4 or 5 times a day and sometimes I'm spitting up blood as well."

"How many times out of the 5?"


"Interesting," he said as he wrote this information down in his clipboard.

"And how many times are you getting nose bleeds?"

Angel had to think on this fact, "Um...I'd say...about twice a week."

He nodded and wrote that down, he looked up and had Angel sit on the examination table. He checked her blood pressure, her heartbeat and pretty much everything else to she where she was in her condition. Once he was done writing the last piece of information in his notes, Angel asked the daunting question, "How long do I have?"

"Well, at this rate...I'd say you have until late Autumn."

She only had 4 months left, 'Better sooner than later I guess,' she thought.

"Now, are you taking your medication?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, since your timeline is short here, I am going to make you an offer. There's a medication that, if taken everyday after dinner, it will extend your life by another 4 months."

"How would it be taken?"

"There's a needle with a tube attached to it and it goes in your foreleg above your hoof and you'd attach the hose with the medicine bag and it'd pump the medicine into you."

Angel considered this, but really, what would be the point? She had nothing and nopony to live longer for.

"I'm sorry sir, but, right now...I'm going to have to say no."

He looked at her quizzically, "Are you sure?"


"Can I ask why?"

She paused for a moment, "I have nothing else to live for."

He then removed his glasses, "Angel...what you're doing to yourself...shutting yourself away like that...yes, I know all about it, small town remember? Word gets around quickly. But, I would suggest that you surround yourself with other ponies. Trust me, you're going to need it later on down the road. Closing yourself away isn't going to take the problem away."

"That's not why I'm doing it."

"Oh, then...what's the reason?"

Angel thought for a moment on how she could put this, "Look, think of me as a tornado...if I touch base with anything or anypony...all I'm going to do is destroy and hurt others."

"Angel, you're going about this all wrong."

"How do you suggest I go about this situation then?"

"Get out, make some friends here."


"Doctor's life as normally as possible if you can."

"But, I don't want everypony knowing know..."

"You don't have to tell them right off the bat! Just tell them when you're ready."

Angel sighed, "Alright, alright! I'll...I'll try."

Dr. Horse raised an eyebrow, and Angel quickly corrected herself, "I mean I will."


Angel was then excused from the office and headed home, she thought about what her doctor's orders were and honestly was caught between a rock and a hard place at that moment. On one hoof, she didn't want to argue with the doctor any more than necessary but on the other hoof, she'd have to break her own rule and knock down the walls she built up around her for the protection of herself and others. She thought she could keep herself contained and not risk the feelings of others, but it seemed like brick by brick her fortress was tumbling down.

Late Night Rescue

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Angel sat on the couch in her living room the next morning drinking her hot cocoa thinking about what the doctor said she should do. She had to break her own rule and allow other ponies into her life, but the problem was that she was so out of practice in making friends that she wasn't sure she could do it. How could she approach anypony when she'd already built up walls around her? What would she say? What would she do? Would they even allow her into their lives? She finished off her cocoa and went to the kitchen to wash it, as she did, she looked out the window to see that the summer's sun was shining bright, no clouds in the sky at all; it was a nice day out. She dried and put the mug away and sat at the table with her head in her hooves for another half hour before she finally decided to stop sulking and thinking and go out and make an attempt to make some friends. As soon as the decision was made, she walked over to the door, opened it and walked out with a deep breath. She then closed the door behind her with her magic with a little struggle; she'd been noticing that it took her longer than usual to lift certain objects and close doors, because as the days went by, her magic was wearing down.

She then walked through the town nervously, all eyes glued on her as she walked by the citizens of Ponyville. She just wanted to shrink and not be the center of attention, she knew that there was probably a lot of gossip going around about her, she didn't know what they were and she honestly didn't want to know. She then spotted two ponies conversing with each other and weren't staring at her, one was a mint green unicorn with a green and white mane and a harp for a cutie mark and the other was an earth pony who was a very light shade of yellow with a pink and blue mane and tail with 3 pieces of wrapped candy for a cutie mark. They looked friendly enough, so Angel gulped and walked up to them.

Angel cleared her throat and the two ponies stopped their conversation to look at the newcomer, Angel then got nervous, "Umm...h-hi! I'm Angel Wings."

"Um, hello, I'm Bon Bon and this is Lyra Heartstrings."

"Hey, aren't you the pony who's been stuck in her house for the past month?" asked Lyra.

Angel cringed, "Um...I..."

Bon Bon harshly nudged Lyra, Angel could only say, "It...was nice meeting you!"

Angel then darted away, close to crying, 'I never should've come here!' she thought to herself.

As she left, Bon Bon glared at Lyra, "What did I say?" asked Lyra.

Bon Bon could only face hoof.

Angel soon grew tired of running and stopped in front of a tree converted into a house, she then saw the sign that read: 'Golden Oaks Library,' this lifted her spirits a little and she entered. The inside amazed her! It was as if somepony had carved a library inside the tree! The shelves were a part of the tree, the stairs, to the Celestia dang place! Angel shook herself out of her awe stricken state to look at the books they had, and was surprised to find some books that she'd never heard of before but sounded interesting. She also found some books that she'd seen before but never sounded that interesting to her, but looking at them now, she thought she'd might as well give them a look. She found one on Magical History, her favorite subject as a filly, she was immediately uplifted and dove right into the book. Reading about Starswirl the Bearded and other magical masters brought back so many memories, both good and bad but mostly good. The private lessons with her parents, because of her condition, she had to be homeschooled while in the hospital. Her parents had given up so much for her, their time, their energy, and their lives just to make sure she stayed alive. It was then, in the middle of the library, that Angel felt her first deep pang of homesickness. She missed the city, she missed Rose Red, and most of all, she missed her parents. With this homesickness, she began to cry on the book.

Twilight Sparkle was studying herself upstairs when she thought she heard someone sniffling on the first level, she closed her book and went downstairs expecting Spike to be there maybe with a cold, but what she saw was heartbreaking. Angel Wings was there but she wasn't jumpy or nervous or anything, she was crying. For what reason, it was unknown to Twilight. She walked over to Angel with a look of sympathy and levitated a tissue to the sobbing unicorn. Angel saw the tissue out of the corner of her eye and looked up to see Twilight with a look of genuine sympathy, Angel smiled and took the tissue gratefully, Twilight then offered her hoof to pull her up; which Angel took. Once on all four hooves, Angel dried her tears and threw the tissue away. Twilight put an arm around Angel and said, "Feeling better?"

Angel took a deep breath, "Much. Thank you."

Twilight smiled warmly at her, "Would you like some tea?"

Angel looked at her confusedly, "There's tea allowed in a library?"

Twilight laughed as she led Angel to the kitchen upstairs, "There is if the pony who lives here offers it."

Angel's eyes went wide, ""

"I do, Princess Celestia assigned me to live here to study friendship."

"You know Princess Celestia?"

"I'm her student."

"Wow! So, I'm guessing you're from Canterlot then?"

"I am, I was born and raised there."

As Twilight brewed the tea, Angel couldn't help but ask more questions, " long have you been here?"

"I was here a few months before you came actually,"

"Do you miss your family?"

Twilight brought the tea kettle and two teacups to the table where Angel was sitting, "Everyday, I try to visit when I can...I just can't find the time, we're both a long way from home, you and I."

"I'll say..."

Twilight poured the tea and gave the filled cup to Angel, who levitated two sugar cubes into her cup and sipped it.

"So...why were you crying earlier?" Twilight asked.

Angel hesitated before answering, "Homesickness...I was homeschooled and that was my favorite subject that I was reading."

Twilight listened intently, "So it reminded you of your parents?"

Angel nodded, "Yeah."

"Why not visit them if you're feeling so homesick?"



Angel said the first thing that came to mind, "I left because of a fight we had and I said I would never come I can't."

'Why did I just say that?!'

"Oh...well...I know it's none of my business, but, I think you should at least reconcile with your parents. It's not doing you any good."

"I don't think I can...some REALLY bad things were said that neither of us will be able to take back."

"No parent can just up and stop loving their foal though."

Angel could only watch her hoof draw circles on the floor for 10 seconds thinking about the lie that she just told possibly her only ally when she heard Twilight gasp.

"Angel! Your nose!"

Angel's head shot up, "What? What's wrong?"

"Your nose! It's bleeding!"

"Are you serious?!"


'Oh PLEASE not now!'

"Stay right there, I'll be right back with some tissues."

Twilight then ran down the stairs and was back within half a minute with a wad of tissues; using her magic, she brought it to Angel's nose. Angel took over by pressing her hoof on it and tipping her head forward.

"It must've been from all the crying," Twilight suggested.


'If you only knew.'

After a few minutes, the bleeding stopped and Angel relaxed, she couldn't have Twilight know just yet. Angel removed the tissues from her nose and threw them away, Twilight then asked, "Angel, I was wondering if you would want to...never mind."


"You're going to say 'no.'"

Angel cringed, she'd definitely made a mark for herself, being the secluded mare with a secret. The twist was that nopony knew she HAD a secret.

"What is it you're offering?"

"I...well...I was wondering if you'd be interested in going to Open Mike night with me and my friends at Sugar Cube Corner. I understand if you're busy and you don't have to say yes but..."


"I just don't think anypony should be forced into...wait, what?"

"I'd love to."

Twilight stared at her aghast, what suddenly brought this on?

"You're sure?"

Angel looked at her confused, "Yeeeaaahhh...."

"O-kay...we'll meet you there around 6:30 then, that's a half hour before it starts."

"Deal! I'll meet you there!"

Twilight nodded and waved as Angel left.

Later that night the Mane 6 were sitting at a round table covered with a white tablecloth, Twilight had already explained that Angel was coming and warned everyone to not intimidate her.

"Oooooh! A new friend!! I can't wait to get to know her and be one of her besties and we can have sleepovers and tell scary stories and..."

"Pinkie, calm down! The key is NOT to scare her away!" Rainbow said in an attempt to calm her down.

"Got it! I'll just be chill...calm..."

"Good idea."

"Now who is this pony?" asked Rarity.

"She's the new unicorn that moved here 3 weeks ago, she's wasn't exactly sociable."

"Oh! You're talking about dear Angel Wings! Such a pretty unicorn, too bad she's been locked up in her charming little house though. What could she possibly be doing in there that nopony should know about?"

"Well, I'm not even sure of what it could be...but she'll tell us when she's ready I guess."

Fluttershy then silently spoke, "What time is she supposed to meet us?"


"'s 6:20."

"What?!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Did she make a Pinkie Promise to be here? I will find her if she made a Pinkie Promise and intends to break it!"

"Pinkie...1...she did not make a Pinkie Promise, she doesn't even know what that is! And 2...there's probably a perfectly logical explanation why she's - "

"Here!" came Angel's voice from behind them.

"Angel! Glad you made it!" Twilight exclaimed.

She then saw the others she had also met and two others she hadn't met before since she'd been here. A butter yellow pegasus with a rosy pink mane who just waved at her shyly and a drop dead gorgeous white unicorn with a perfectly styled purple mane and tail. Angel was actually a bit self conscious to be in her presence right now, back in Manehattan, all the stallions would be fawning over her and not paying any attention to Angel.

"Umm...hi?" Angel said shyly.

"Hello Angel Wings! I don't believe we've met, I'm Rarity and this is Fluttershy."

'Fitting for both names!'


She sat down in the empty seat between Twilight and Fluttershy as Mr. Cake stepped up onto the makeshift stage.

"Good evening everypony, we have a great line of acts for you tonight...but...there is one spot open. So anypony who would like to perform tonight please - "

"ANGEL WINGS WOULD LIKE TO SING!!" Pinkie shouted at the top of her lungs.

Angel blushed and hid her face as the others either groaned or face hoofed.

"A-angel Wings! Well! THIS is certainly a surprise! Would you like to come up first?"

Still hiding her face, she felt as if she wanted to dissolve into the floor, it wasn't that she had a terrible singing voice that she was scared to go on stage. She didn't like the fact that she was put on the spot for it, she would've refused but then she would've been forced by the audience anyway.


Angel began to get up when she was stopped by Twilight, "You don't have to do this."

"I know but I'll be forced by the rest of the audience, I have no choice."

She then continued to the stage when Twilight asked Pinkie in whisper, "Why'd you do that?"

"You said she's wasn't really social! I thought it would make her more social!"

"Pinkie, we're trying to do this gradually!"

"Ooooh! Sorry!"

As Angel stepped onto the stage, she could hear the whispers from everypony in the audience; it made her want to faint. Mr. Cake then gave her the microphone, which she levitated with her magic with ease since it was lighter than a door.

"So what are you going to sing for us?" asked Mr. Cake.

"I...uhh..." she stammered, until she saw one pony in the audience. Big Mac. And for some reason she felt a lot calmer looking at him, like every burden she carried was gone. She then took her eyes off of him and answered, "Only Hope please."

Mr. Cake nodded then nodded to a small purple and green dragon at a piano, "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Ms. Angel Wings!"

Only the Mane 6, Big Mac, Derpy and Dinky applauded. The dragon then started playing the opening notes, Angel gulped and began,

"There's a song that's inside of my soul

It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again

I'm awake in the infinite cold

But you sing to me over and over again."

Angel began to grow more confident as the first verse went by and she went into the chorus,

"So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours I pray, to be only yours I know now, you're my only hope."

Spike played the brief instrumental as Angel looked at the Mane 6, their jaws were to the ground in amazement as was the rest of the audience. That was enough for Angel to feel more comfortable on stage,

"Sing to me the song of the stars

Of your galaxy you dancing and laughing and laughing again

When it feels like my dreams are so far...sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again

So I lay my head back down. And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours I pray, to be only yours I know now, you're my only hope."

She then heard a violin from one of the contestants, she looked to see a grey earth pony eyes gently closed as she played. Angel smiled as she continued,

"I give you my destiny

I'm giving you all of me

I want your symphony

Singing in all that I am

At the top of my lungs!

I'm giving it back!

So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hooves and pray

To be only yours I pray, to be only yours I pray to be only yours, I pray to be only yours I know now, you're my only hope."

Angel then gently closed her eyes and hummed until the song was over and the last notes on the piano were played. She heard the applause and opened her eyes with a smile, Twilight and the others were applauding wildly while Big Mac stood there dumbstruck! He thought she sang like a bird! A foreign bird that he'd never heard of before, but once you heard it's singing, you didn't know how to describe it. Her voice was velvet smooth and flawless, someway, somehow, he would have to ask her out. But his shoulders dropped, after that performance and the amount of stallions in the audience and in the wings seeing her beauty that she was clearly unconscious about, she'd probably be getting plenty of knocks on her door for offers. She'd never turn her head for a simple farm pony, he'd have to do something extravagant to get next to the likes of her, which he didn't have the expenses or time for.

After Angel sat down the show went on, the acts of singing and dance routines and stand up comedy were very impressive, but it was clear that Angel stole the entire show. But, Angel's attention was on a group of 6 stallions two tables away from her, they were drinking cider and pointing at her with plotting smiles and one of the stallions who was a golden color with a brown mane was even winking at her. To make clear that she wasn't interested, she turned her head away from them and didn't look at them again. Once the show was over, it was 9 PM and dark out, Angel began to get up and said, "Thank you for inviting me Twilight, I would like to hang out with you guys again, even though the beginning of the night didn't exactly...go according to plan."

Twilight looked genuinely embarrassed, "Angel, I am truly sorry about that..."

"It's no problem, at least I have the town won over!"

Twilight giggled.

"So, you'd like to be in our company?" Rarity asked.


"Phew! THAT'S a relief! Good thing Pinkie didn't scare you off!" teased Rainbow.

"Sorry, but you're not getting rid of me THAT easily."

They all laughed together at her joke.

"Well, it's getting late, I'd better head home."

"Do ya want one of us ta cum witcha? Ponyville can be perty dangerous at night," Applejack asked with a hint of concern.

"I'll be fine, besides, if I do run into something I don't want you to be involved as well. Plus, I'm from Manehattan, I know how to get myself out of a sticky situation."

"Well, as long as you know what you're doing..." Fluttershy said slowly.

"I do, trust me."

"Well, alright, how about breakfast here tomorrow?" Twilight suggested.

"Sounds great."

"Well, good night then."


Angel went through the crowd to get to the door, she was halfway there when she tripped over somepony's hoof. She fell to the floor and heard a deep voice say, "Sorry, ya okay there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered while trying to get up.

"Here let me help ya there."

She felt a hoof take hers and pull her up, she looked into the face of the stallion who helped her and blushed when she saw Big Mac.

'I'm blushing...WHY. AM. I. BLUSHING?!?!? We only talked like, what? Twice?! I shouldn't be blushing!'

"T-thanks, um...good evening to you."

Big Mac was stunned that he was speaking in full sentences now, he only spoke that way with his family and select members of Ponyville. It had been that way since his parents died, but right now, was it him just showing hospitality or something else? But something he did know was that his face was hot, did everypony see his expression right now?

"Big Maaaaaaac...." he heard his sister call.

He saw her and her friends, all with knowing expressions on their faces. Well, that answered his question. Meanwhile, the stallions that were two tables away from Angel and the Mane 6 passed by them and went out the door.

For some bizarre reason, Angel found it difficult to navigate Ponyville in the dark. She was taking an hour trying to get back home, she even began silently talking to herself, "Okay Angel, just breathe, nothing has happened to you yet...knock on wood."

She was then looking at a store called 'Carousel Boutique,' she knew better than to bother somepony for directions so she pressed on and hoped for the best. She entered the town limits and turned down every street with no luck, it was now 11 and Angel was now inwardly FREAKING out. She then heard hoofsteps coming towards her, she looked up and saw a figure coming toward her through the mist, she relaxed at the fact could ask somepony for directions without interrupting anypony's sleep.

But then the single figure turned into three, they were the stallions from Sugar Cube Corner. Not wanting to take a risk, she turned around and walked away hoping to shake them off, she walked for a half hour with them still on her trail when she thought she finally lost them but then she heard them behind her again and turned a corner and skidded to a stop. The place she ended up at had no other exits, she was in an alleyway where the end was blocked off by the other 3 stallions, she finally realized that she was being herded. She gulped and tried to think of a way to escape as the stallion said in a drunken voice, "Hey we saw you at Open Mike!"

The others then joined as they closed in on her, one giving her a cat whistle, and the others saying, "Hey beautiful, where ya going?"

"Hey where're you going?"

"Come with us baby!"

"We'll show you a good time."

They were now circled around her, "Huh? You want a piece of me?"

Angel was trying to pull every piece of self defense out of the deepest part of her mind in her panic; trying to think and panicking don't exactly mix well.

'Okay, hooves apart, hoof thrust upward...hopefully, breaking his nose or putting it into his brain...hoof to the groin...SHUT UP!!'

It was when one of the stallions started rubbing her back with their hoof that she gave them a warning, "Don't touch me!"

She said it in a voice that was supposed to sound strong and fearless, but it sounded like a kitten trying to be a lion.

"C'mon, you know you like this baby!" he said as he continued.

She then spun around and said forcefully, "I said don't touch me!"

She then punched him in the face sending him backwards as the others grabbed her and began pulling her to the ground, "Let me go! Get off of me!" she shouted.

She shouted, cried and called, hoping that they would do so; when they didn't, she felt that she was doomed now. And it was when she was close to giving up that she heard a familiar voice, "Get off of her, or answer to me."

Angel looked up and saw Big Mac.

'How in the name of Tartarus?'

Gradually they got off of her but one of them challenged him, "Oh, and what're YOU gonna do farm boy?"

Big Mac just replied simply, "Go home Caramel, yer drunk."

"No way Mac, what're you gonna do huh? Buck an apple tree over my head?"

The others laughed drunkenly, meanwhile, Big Mac was clearly losing his patience. He grabbed Caramel by his hair and said through gritted teeth, "Now listen here, go home and ya can keep yer job at Sweet Apple Acres and Ah'd better not catch ya doin' sumthin' like this again...if you do, you. Are. SACKED. Got it?"

"Got it," he said with genuine fear in his voice.

He then let him go, thinking Caramel got of easy, Big Mac then kicked him in the groin and said calmly while Caramel howled in pain, "Yeah and I hope they're dead," he then turned to Angel, "C'mon, let's getcha home Angel."

Angel then got up and sprinted to Big Mac who gave an evil glare to Angel's assaulters as they left. When they were out of hearing distance from them, Big Mac asked the million dollar question.

"Angel, answer this, 'cuz Ah'm just curious...Are ya ASKIN' for a death sentence?"

"Look, I had everything PERFECTLY under control."

"Oh! Ah could SEE that as they pinned ya down!"

"Excuse me Mr. Macintosh, but I didn't exactly ASK to be saved."

"Well excuse me fer not askin'! Mah apologies MA'AM! Ah mean, NORMALLY you ASK before ya save somepony's life! MAH BAD MA'AM!"

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, Ah'm statin' what ya just said, THIS is mockin'...Ah'm Angel Wings! Ah stay in mah house all the time 'cuz Ah think Ah'm better than everypony else just 'cuz Ah'm a stuck up Manehattan pony! And when Ah go out Ah'm just askin' to be the damsel in distress!"

Angel was now boiling mad.

"THAT ma' mockin.'"

"So you think you have me all figured out huh? I'm stuck up?"

"Well Ah..."

"That I think I'm better than everypony else?"

"That's just the r-"

"That I'm just BEGGING to be the cliche damsel in distress?!"


Big Mac was now looking very nervous, he just ticked off the mare that he had a crush on, 'You rock Mac. Woo hoo.' he thought to himself in a dull sarcastic manner.

"Well let me tell you THIS Mr. Macintosh, I'm not one who is stuck up first off. I actually loved volunteering back in Manehattan, anywhere I could, in my spare time...that's what I did. Secondly, I don't view myself as being superior to anypony! If I did, I would've insulted you the from the first moment I saw you! And thirdly, I'm not one to be classified as a damsel in distress sir. I've taken goons bigger than them in Manehattan."

"Oh yeah? What'd ya do? Lecture 'em ta death?"

"Watch it Big Mac! Or one day you might find a pear in your sister's mouth!"

"You. Wouldn't. Dare!!"

"Try me!"

That pacified Big Mac for that moment until he saw her home; they walked in an angry silence the entire way there. Once there, Angel sighed in relief and walked up to the door and was about to take the key from under the welcome mat when Big Mac cleared his throat. Angel rolled her eyes and unlocked her house as he continued, "Anything ya would like ta say? Starts with a 'T,' ends with a 'U.'"

Angel opened the door and stepped inside, she then thought of a response to frazzle him a bit she turned around and said to his face, "Alright, if it's a thank you that you it is...Thank you Mr. Macintosh for saving my flank. NOW GOOD NIGHT TO YOU SIR!"

She then slammed the door with such force that the only word to escape Big Mac's mouth was, "Ouch."

Big Mac turned and headed home, wishing he could take the words he said back, he now knew that he blew it. He just blew all chances of possibly dating her.

The Breaking of Shells

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Angel had not spoken to Big Mac since the fight. In Angel's mind, he was trying to impress her by attempting to show his dominance which was a major turn off for her. She continued to go out with Twilight and her friends for the next two weeks, she mentioned what happened between her and Big Mac and Applejack felt immediately embarrassed for her brother's behavior. They all thought that Big Mac had feelings for Angel, yet again, Big Mac wasn't the easiest pony to read.

All was well for Angel and her new friends, they went out for breakfast, she helped Fluttershy with her animals, modeled dresses for Rarity, shared books over tea with Twilight, taste tested recipes with Pinkie (Angel even shared some of her recipes with Pinkie), she didn't know what she had in common with Rainbow Dash; but made an effort nonetheless by critiquing Rainbow's stunts, and since Angel felt she couldn't go over to Sweet Apple Acres without bumping into Big Macintosh, so she and Applejack made do by baking at Angel's house and talking about each other. Angel was very fond of all six of them, but she was particularly fond of Applejack and Twilight, there was just this sense that they would let her breathe and not want to have her around them all the time which was comforting to her.

Once in a while, when she was with her new friends, she often pondered if she was too harsh on Big Mac. He was just trying to help after all, and the things she said to him were really hurtful. The look of shock was on his face before she slammed the door on him, just thinking about it stung Angel's soul a little. But she put it out of her mind, the doctor said to just make friends, not coltfriends. She couldn't afford to have a romantic relationship right now.

But, frankly, she wasn't able to avoid Big Mac forever, she had spent two whole weeks without any contact from him when she realized that she needed to go to the market. She conjured up some waffles that morning and realized that she needed to go shopping that day and, lo and behold! She needed apples.

She groaned with a face hoof, "Why does the balance of the universe hate me?" she asked out loud.

Angel then got her saddle bags and left her house with a heavy sigh, knowing she was about to have a run in with the stallion she was working so hard to avoid. Angel reached the market, doing the rest of her shopping before going to the apple stand, she really did not want to face Big Mac. She approached the stand with an annoyed expression pointed at Big Mac, as she got closer, she noticed how Big Mac was looking around and trying to find a way to escape. When he couldn't he turned to his siblings, both of which denied him their assistance. It was clear that he was trapped, in his defeat, he looked off to the side; not daring to meet her gaze. Angel then realized how badly she hurt him with her words. Her prideful and stubborn Manehattan side of her was still in her system and she felt embarrassed and genuinely ashamed of herself. She now wondered, 'How badly did I hurt him?' and 'How can I make it up to him?'

She was finally at the stand right in front of Big Mac and her mind went blank. The only thing she could bring herself to say was, "Hi, Big Mac."

He only nodded at her in response.

She sighed, 'I'd better do this now,' she told herself in her thoughts.

"Big Mac I..."

She now had his full attention and her mind was suddenly wiped clean as she looked into his gentle green eyes. She closed her eyes, trying to remember what she was going to say, after a few heartbeats, she opened her eyes and continued, "I'm sorry for what I said. It was uncalled for and unkind of me, it was my Manehattan pride and stubbornness taking over me. I'm used to handling situations like that by myself. Can we...possibly...start over?"

He smiled, her apology seemed very real and genuine, he held out his hoof, "Big Macintosh Apple."

Angel smiled back and took his hoof to shake it, "Angel Diamond Wings."

They stared at each other for a moment and let go of each other's hooves, Angel then asked, "So, you forgive me?"

Big Mac thought for a moment and decided that this was his moment to make his move, "Ah'll forgive ya. On one condition."

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Granny were serving other customers and listening at the same time. They were hoping he was going to ask what they thought he was going to ask.

"What's the condition?" Angel asked.

Big Mac grinned, "Ya hafta let me take ya out ta dinner."

Angel was taken aback as she felt herself blush hotly. 'How in the hayseed did we get here?!'

She tried to compose herself and failed, but still, she needed to think on this. It was now obvious to her that he liked her. But why? She wasn't THAT extraordinary; as she thought about it longer, the more and more she became attracted to him. He was handsome, he was kind and that's all she knew about him.

'No NO! You're not going through with this! You accepted the friend thing but do NOT go for the romance!' her inner monologue told her.

'Oh, shut up! You're a part of my mind, I do as I please!'

'Fine! But I wont say 'I told you so' if this goes bad.'

'Oh bite me!'

She was about to answer him when she remembered that there was something that had been bugging her for some time now. It had been gnawing at her backside for two weeks now and there was only one pony who could answer her question, and he was standing right in front of her.

"Okay, but you have to answer something that's been confusing me know."

"Alright, what is it?"

"How did you know where I was?"

"Ah didn't."

Angel looked at him confusedly as he continued, "Ah went to yer house an hour after ya left Sugar Cube Co'nah ta ask ya out. Ah thought long and hard about how ta do it and Ah decided Ah couldn't wait until the next day. When Ah got there and knock on yer door, ya didn't answer; when ya didn't, Ah looked at the time and saw that you were supposed ta be home 30 minutes earlier. That's when Ah started ta panic. Ah spent the next hour searchin' all over Ponyville for ya and when Ah heard ya screamin'..."

His sentence trailed off, Angel then got a hint that he cared for her.

"Ah don't know what came over me, but Ah knew that you were in some kind of trouble and Ah needed ta do sumthin' or...Ah...Ah would live with the guilt fer the rest of my life."

Angel's chest felt warm as he finished.

"Ah'm...Ah'm sorry, Ah'm bein' too forward."

"It's okay...and...yes, I'd love to have dinner with you."

Big Mac's face lit up, "Really?"

Angel nodded, "Mm-hm."

"Alright, does tonight sound?"

"I have nothing planned."

"Great, Ah'll pick ya up at 6 okay?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Angel then ordered a bushel of apples and went on with the rest of her shopping.

As soon as she got home and everything was put away, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see Rarity, who looked like she were about to burst from surprise.

"Hi Rarity! Is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually the question should be: Is there anything I can help you with?"


"You've been keeping a secret haven't you?"

Angel's face went cold, did she find out? How? When?


"Oh darling, don't give me that, I know what you've been hiding," Rarity said with a grin.

Angel took a deep breath, "Rarity, I can explain, I have-"

"Feelings for Big Macintosh? I already knew that darling! In fact, I think everypony knew that."

Angel's body washed over with relief, all panic was out of her body. Her secret was still safe."

"I...uh..." Angel stammered.

"Oh, no need to hide it Angel, Applejack told us how Big Mac courted you."

'Curse you Applejack with the fury of a thousand suns!' Angel screamed in her mind.

"So, why are you here?"

"Why, I'm here to help you get ready for your date of course!"

"You're doing what now?"

"Now what will we do with your mane? Maybe pull it up? Straighten? No, the curls look better and the bow makes it oh-so-adorable!"

"Rarity I-"

She then gasped, "Ideeeeeaaaa!"

Rarity then sat Angel down on a stool and began styling her mane.

"Rarity really, it's fine...I can get myself ready. It's just a date."

Rarity then dropped the lock of hair she had in her hoof then walked around to face Angel, she looked as if Angel announced that she were engaged to a cockitrice.

"Just...a date?"

Angel was a bit frightened now.

"JUST A DATE!" She was now in Angel's face

"You've just been asked to dinner by Big Macintosh, the shiest stallion in Ponyville and who hardly speaks to anypony and you're telling's JUST...a DATE?!"


Rarity quickly composed herself before she exploded, she then went back to work.

"In all seriousness Angel, I shall make you look presentable for your stallion."

"Thank you Rarity but I-"

"Just a date," Rarity murmured with irritation. "Honestly darling, who broke YOUR heart?"

Angel's mouth snapped shut, her eyes nearly to tears, it was broken into shards a year ago by another stallion. Afterwards, she picked the shards up piece by piece over time and stored them away by the time her fate was set and forgot about it. But now that she was reminded of those events, the shards had been released and they were stabbing her internally as well as repeatedly. It was another reason why she'd shunned herself away from others, what if they abandoned her when she needed them most like he did? Ever since then, she'd avoided stallions.

Now, she was worrying, what if it happened again? She didn't think she could take going through that again. But it was too late, she already said 'yes' and she couldn't just simply look Big Mac in the eye and tell him she couldn't date anypony period. She couldn't face those kind and gentle eyes, she didn't want them to be saddened, she didn't want to hurt him. Angel was now stuck between a rock and a hard place, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

She simply had to be cautious, she had to grin and bear it. Which is what she did as Rarity fixed her hair.

The Date

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It was now 6 o'clock and Big Mac was walking up to Angel's house with a bouquet of roses and calla lilies, along with a smile on his face and sweat running down his face and neck. He was clearly nervous.

'Alright Mac, you can do this, if all goes wrong, it was worth a try.'

He smiled at himself when he remembered hearing her sing for the first time and thinking that he'd have to something big to get her attention; in the end, all she needed to do was ask. He then knocked on her door, after a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Rarity. At first, he was confused as to why Rarity was there, he was about to ask when she spoke instead, "Hello Big Mac, I just dropped by to help Angel get ready. Trust me, your patience will be rewarded."

Big Mac waited with Rarity at the foot of the fleet of stairs leading to Angel's bedroom.

"Angel! Big Mac's here!" Rarity called.

Big Mac then took a deep breath and waited for his date, 'Pull yourself together Mac, just be as calm as a pig in the mud.'

He then saw her turn the corner and came down the stairs toward him, her hair was pulled into a side bun with two ringlet curls framing the other side of her face. Another thing he noticed as she came down towards him was how she smelled, 'SHE PUT ON PERFUME?!'

He panicked, he didn't even put on any of his cologne! Which he usually saved for special occasions but now he probably smelled like pigs, mud, compost and sweat.

'STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!' he yelled in his mind, while outwardly he was sweating and had a goofy smile on his face.

"Big Mac? Are you okay?" Angel asked.

"Ah...ah...ah uh...."

"Rarity, I told you the hair was too much! I'll just go upstairs and take it down."

"NO!" Big Mac yelled as she began to turn toward the stairs.

Angel looked back at him, a little surprised as he continued, "It's look...a-amazing."

Angel blushed, "Thanks."

Big Mac then remembered the flowers, "Oh! Uhm...these are fer you."

"Roses and Calla Lilies!"

"Ah couldn't pick which bouquet ta get you, Ah'm sorry if it's too much..."

"They're perfect."

Angel took out the drying roses and gently placed the bouquet in the vase in her dining room, she then crossed over to her front door and feeling a twinge of nervousness. Big Mac smiled as he led Angel out the door, Rarity smiled and wished them both the best of luck as the door closed behind them.

They walked through town as the sun was setting, they walked past all the restaurants and cafes and that's when Angel got a little nervous.

"We're not eating at a restaurant?"

He only looked at her with a soft smile, "Nnope!"

They walked for a few more minutes and they were outside of town, Angel turned her head back toward town and couldn't help but notice how peaceful it looked at this time of day. She felt as if every fear inside her had melted away into the ground she smiled at herself, she hadn't felt this way in a long time. The last time she felt like this was when her father took her to the crown of the Statue of Liberty as a filly and saw Manehattan in the same way she saw Ponyville now. She felt the same warmth in her soul that she had felt as a filly, she was soon taken out of her spell when Big Mac called for her. She looked up at him with a grin and gently took his hoof to lead her to their destination.

They walked for five more minutes, it was now dusk and in front of Angel was a gazebo of some sorts. There were four trees supporting the two tiers of lime green roofing and under the trees and the open roof was a red and white blanket with a lit lantern in the center, the blanket was set for two ponies and off to the side was a basket. Angel didn't know how to respond, 'What do I say? Oh, c'mon Angel...don't look like an idiot!'

Angel could only smile at him warmly as he led her over; with each step, her heart was pounding fiercely. She didn't know what she could say, Big Mac had a reputation for not being the most open about his feelings. He just let certain things slide and not bother him. She sat herself down as Mac went for the basket, he opened it and began pulling food out.

"Big Mac I could do that..."

"It's okay, Ah've got it."

"You're sure?"



Angel looked up and saw the dusk light change the color of the roof from lime green to peach. The scene behind her, filled with pinks, peaches and oranges in every shade imaginable and all the while the sky above her was getting darker. Her attention was back on Big Mac as he pulled out an apple pie. He then took her plate and placed a scoop of Fettuccine Alfredo on it, he then did the same for his plate and while they ate, they talked. At first it was a bit awkward, seeing as they hardly knew anything about each other, Big Mac himself was getting especially nervous until Angel spoke up.

"I'm sorry if I'm being so silent I'm just not used to this I guess..."

"Angel, don't blame yerself...Ah'm the one who forced ya inta this."

"Well, I just wanted to make things right...we kinda got off on bad hooves."

"So...this yer first date?"

Angel then looked as if somepony had slapped her; Big Mac's face held only concern.


"Sorry, uhh...can we move on to a different topic please?"

"Are you...alright?"

"I'm fine."

Big Mac looked unconvinced, "I'm fine, really."

Angel tried to fight back the stinging tears but to no avail, one slipped out and no matter how much she tried to hide it, Big Mac saw it anyway.

"Angel, yer cryin'."

"No I'm not Big Mac, it's just the wind is stinging my eyes a little."

Big Mac then got up and sat by her side, her face turned away from him.

"Angel, what's goin' on?"

Angel sighed, "Back in Manehattan, I was going out with this colt and...I REALLY liked him and we'd been going out for a while when..."

Angel's sentence trailed off, how was she going to put this?

"When what?" Big Mac asked.

"There was...a...a crisis...a family crisis and...he abandoned me when I needed him most."

She remembered when she told him of her condition.

They had just gotten done with a date in Central Park when she told him at first there was shock on his face; then he just looked at her harshly and next came the heartbreak. He was obviously not taking this well.

"So, we've been going out for all this time...and you never told me?!"

"Look...Blazing Saddle I...I was going to tell you...I just...I didn't know how!"

"Oh, and I'm guessing you were just gonna let me know when you DIED huh? Is that it!"

"Blaze PLEASE! I-"

"You know what? Fine! Die! See if I care!"

Angel's head shot up, "What are you saying?"

"We're done!"

He walked past her as she tried to contemplate what just happened, she then turned and tried to reason with him.

"Blaze, please! I need you now more than ever!"

"If you needed me so badly...then you wouldn't be leaving me."

Angel could only watch in tears as he continued to walk away.

Back in the present, her tears were coming out like small streams. She then felt a hoof around her, she looked at Big Mac, whom she had forgotten was there. He looked at her with the face of compassion, he dried her tears on one side of her face with his hoof and the other side by nuzzling her.

"He really hurt you didn't he?"

She nodded as more tears came out.

He gently placed his muzzle under her hers as she sobbed and said, "Ah would NEVER do that to you...Ah'm not gonna leave ya...Ah PROMISE."

Angel's heart fluttered, her soul filled with joy, both of them looked at each other for a moment before trying to continue on.

"So, is there anything Ah don't know aboutcha yet?"

"Well, there is my parents but...I don't know..."

"Well, now that you've told me, I wanna know more!"

"I don't think it's the best thing for you to know-"

"Tell me!"


"Tell me!"


He then began tickling her side and she giggled hysterically.

"Ah'll stop if ya tell me!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you!"

Big Mac then stopped and nuzzled her cheek as she blushed and began, "My Mom's a music teacher back in Manehattan."

"Does she teach at yer house or..."

"No...she...she teaches at a school..." Angel said with hesitation.

"Which school?"

Angel bit her lip, "Foalliard."

Big Mac's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"And what about yer Dad?"

"He's a director on Bridleway."

Big Mac now felt a little intimidated but he put this aside and locked it away, he wouldn't let it ruin his chances with this mare, "Anything he's working on now?"

"Uh...some play called 'Henny of the Hills.'"

Big Mac raised an eyebrow at how silly the title of the play sounded.

"I know it...sounds...silly."

"Alright...anything else?"

"Okay...since you asked...I'm into hoofball."

Big Mac's eyes grew wide, he would have never have expected somepony like Angel to be even remotely interested in a sport like hoofball.

"Surprised?" Angel asked.

"A little."

"All my cousins are boys, and I had to go to all of their games."

"How many cousins do ya have?"

"6, the two on my Mother's side are twins and the rest are on my Dad's side."

"And Ah though mah family was big!"

Angel giggled.

"My family isn't crazy huge, but it is hard to keep track of all the high society friends that my parents have...especially around the holidays."

"Ah can imagine that would be hard."

"All these ponies would approach me and ask me if I remember them and I would be polite and say yes, but in all honesty...I'd only seen them once and...well..."

"Ya hardly knew 'em."


"Is that why ya left?"

"No, not really, it's a small percentage."

"Oh, then...why?"

Angel sighed, "I...I honestly don't want to talk about it."

Big Mac nodded and dropped the subject.

As the sky turned dark, Angel rested her head on Big Mac's neck and smiled as the moon rose. He looked down at her with surprise at first, he then relaxed and nuzzled her affectionately.

A few hours later, after talking back and forth about their favorite hoofball teams and sometimes getting into playful arguments on which team was superior, it was getting close to 10:30. It was then that Big Mac decided it was time to get Angel home by the tired look on her face. Mac let her sleep for a bit while he packed things up and occasionally glancing over at her. The moonlight was hitting her coat and mane just right and gave her an angelic glow, no wonder her parents gave her that name, it suited her. After everything was packed and put away, he nudged Angel gently to wake her up. When she awoke, she smiled sleepily and slowly got up; Big Mac supported her as he walked her home.

Once they were at Angel's house Big Mac offered to help her up to her room, in which she declined. Saying she didn't really feel all too comfortable with it and Big Mac respected her wishes and honestly, that wasn't even his intentions at first. He just wanted to make sure she wasn't going to fall down the stairs and get hurt or something. They said their goodbyes for the night and Angel walked to the door, grabbed the spare key from under the welcome mat, unlocked it and entered. As she closed the door, she saw Big Mac leaving, and couldn't help but notice how her heart was beating a little faster. This was the first time she didn't feel uncomfortable with it, Big Mac had worked his way into her heart with little to no resistance from her. She closed the door softly, feeling as though she had just lost her horn, had grown wings and could walk on the clouds.

Loving an Apple

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Angel had initially told herself that after the next date with Big Mac, she would make up an excuse to decline the next invitation. But, after their second date which was just a simple walk through Ponyville park at sundown and being enwrapped by Big Mac once again, she found herself saying yes to a third date with no hesitation in her voice. Which led to Angel telling herself to do the same after the next one. On their third date he took her to the local swimming hole and she was at first hesitant about swinging on the rope into the water, after some coaxing from Big Mac she finally did it. She resurfaced part of her head in front of Big Mac then sprung up and squirted water in his face from her mouth. She then tried to swim away but Big Mac playfully caught her before she could get away, she was a laughing mess and she could honestly never remember laughing this much in her entire life. She was still laughing when she turned herself to face him, but when she did, their muzzles touched. Both of their eyes widened as they stared at each other, Big Mac had honestly been wondering what it would be like to kiss her but he was hesitant about it, all kinds of questions were going through his mind. 'What if she doesn't like me like that?' 'What if she doesn't like it?'

Before he completely choked, he looked straight into her blue eyes and immediately thought of everything she was. He thought she was the kindest, sweetest, smartest, and most beautiful mare he's ever met. He was staring at Angel a little too long and Angel was feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me?" Angel asked.

As he used his free hoof to brush away some of her damp hair away from her face, he said, "Because yer beautiful."

She blushed with a shy smile as he did the same, he then felt his courage build up and slowly brought his muzzle toward hers. Angel was a little scared at first, but as Big Mac came closer, her fear subsided and her eyes slowly closed as Mac closed his. It felt like it took ten minutes for Big Mac's lips to reach hers, when they did, both of them felt as if they were the only ponies in Equestria. He had never kissed a mare before in his life, and he was enthralled by how it felt, especially with Angel, who right now felt as if she were floating as she wrapped her hooves around his neck as he held her tighter. When their lips parted, their eyes opened and they saw each other anew, her heart was beating faster than she had ever thought possible. While Big Mac looked at her like a blind stallion who was seeing Celestia's sun for the first time, he then leaned in to kiss her again and she didn't even resist or hesitate, she accepted it as her heart pounded harder as if it were trying to escape her chest. They parted again and Angel began to shiver a little.

"You alright?" Big Mac asked.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just getting a little cold."

Big Mac, with Angel still in his arms, swam to shore and released her once they were there. The chilling air was biting at Angel making her shiver even more, luckily Big Mac had brought some blankets with him he wrapped Angel in the warmest one he brought with him and wrapped his arms around her. She turned towards him and when she shivered, he held her closer to him as she snuggled into his chest. His heart beat faster as he felt her damp hair against him, Angel could hear it and smiled, all her ideas of resisting were now gone as she savored this moment.

The two had been going out for only a month and already the two were inseparable. They had gone on dates all over Ponyville, though they had to agree that their favorite spot was the gazebo at sunset, so they went there often for their dates as they ate talked, laughed and yes - kissed. Angel honestly didn't know what it was about him that made her want to be by him so much. It was like catnip to her, she couldn't resist being around him and Mac found himself being the same way around her, he had never felt this way around a mare before. He'd had a few marefriends in the past, but none of them even managed to both enthrall him or enchant him the way she had done. The way she talked made his heart skip a beat, her laugh filled him all the joy in Equestria, and when she looked at him with those azure blue eyes he felt as if he had to slap himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming all of this. But he wasn't, he was dating possibly the most wonderful mare in Equestria, and what's more - he was falling in love with her.

But, at times like any other couple, they disagreed on certain things. Hoofball seemed to be their most frequent argument and sometimes Big Mac would step over the line and say something to her that he shouldn't have. Seeing that pained look on her face instantly made him regret it and do everything he could to amend what he said. All he wanted was to see her happy and wanted to succeed at it that was the easiest part of their relationship, but the hardest part was for Big Mac finding the right moment to tell her of his entire feelings for her. He felt that a month was a bit soon for him to tell her those three pivotal words that could make or break their relationship. He needed to give it some time before saying it, because he didn't know if she felt the same way he did.

Sometimes on their dates, he would ask her to sing for him while she was laying beside him. There was one she always sang for him; it was one that her mother always sang for her when she was awake and in pain after her surgeries, though she did not tell this to him. She merely told him it was a lullaby that her Mother sang to her and he didn't question further.

She sang with her honey sweet voice:

"Early in the morning, I'll come calling, I'll come calling after you

darling if you answer, oh we'll wander, down the garden where it's cool

later we'd discover, all in covers, children silent as the stars

early in the morning, in the morning, everything at once is ours...

early in the morning, I'll come calling, I'll come calling after you

though you seldom answer, still i wonder, what will pass here when you do

delicate in grasses, bright and ashen, breathing sweet a ruby nest

early in the morning, in the morning, withered, singing we will rest

early in the morning, in the morning, I will call for you

even if the words aren't clear,

and even if my voice seems cruel

early in the morning, in the morning, red and almost true

dressing in my finest suit

my cleanest shoes

making sure the crease is true

pressed and fresh and blue."

Big Mac listened to her through the whole song and nuzzled her when she finished, both loved the world they were in now. Just the two of them together. Nothing that could split them.

For now.

Sick Day

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Angel woke up one morning to feeling overheated, it was during the summer so of course she would feel this way, but when she got up she felt like she had a cider or 12. She had a pounding headache to the point where she couldn't walk a straight line and she was actually shivering.

"Ugh, just great, now I have to cancel my lunch date this afternoon..."

She then felt herself going into a dizzy spell due to her headache, "And probably any other dates for the rest of the week."

She then climbed back into bed and went back to sleep, it felt like she only slept a few minutes when she heard knocks on her door. She stretched and clumsily made her way to the door, she opened it to reveal Big Mac whose face went from happiness from seeing her to concern.

"Angel? You alright?"

She groaned from another wave of her dizzying headache, "Sorry Big Mac, I'm not going to be able to make it to lunch...I'm not feeling well today..."

"Here, let me see..."

Reluctantly she let him in and he felt her forehead, "Have ya taken yer temperature?"

Shaking her head, Big Mac then asked where the thermometer was; Angel told him it was in the bathroom upstairs. he took her to the couch and had her sit down while he went to fetch the thermometer. He was only gone a minute when he came back and gently placed it in her mouth, once it was done, the reading was 100.5 degrees.

"How about this, Ah'll stay here and take care of ya."

"Big Mac, you have a farm to tend to..."

"Ah'll explain it to 'em later, right now, you are my only concern."

She smiled as he kissed her forehead, and then scooped her up and carried her with one arm up to her room and placed Angel in her bed.

"Ah'll be downstairs if ya need anything alright?"


Big Mac nuzzled her forehead, "You just get some rest."

"I will..."

Big Mac left and she waited for sleep to take her, which it did in about a few seconds due to her being sick that day and the comfort of her bed; not long after, she began to dream. She dreamt she was someplace underground and someplace steaming hot, she then heard voices screaming bloody murder and moved toward the sound. She was then walking through a tunnel with a fiery glow at the end, she then smelled death as she came closer. She came to the end of the tunnel and was shocked at what she saw, she saw who she guessed was Satan himself. She was literally in… Tartarus!

"! Why...why am I...."

"You have been deceitful, you've lied to honestly thought you were going to heaven?"


"Well tough luck Angel! If only you weren't really thinking of only yourself and told the truth!"

He then stomped the ground with one hoof, which summoned his demons who were ponies whose coats were charcoal black with bat wings and their whole eye was red. Angel began to panic and turned to try and escape, but a demon landed in front of her, hissing and revealing its fangs.

"No escape for sinners!" said Satan.

Angel then noticed that there were shackles around her front hooves.

"Take her to the torture pit, you know the plan for her," Satan addressed the Demons

They nodded as they herded her down the path to the torture pit, she was beyond frightened at this point but decided not to show it. Once they were at the pit, Angel saw the horrors happening there. The souls of dead ponies who had done wrong in their lives being tortured mercilessly.

Angel then found herself being forcefully strapped down to a table; after being tied down for a few seconds, she felt long sharp pains in her midsection that made her scream in agony. She looked to see one of them hold a threaded needle and in her midsection they embroidered the word 'liar.' She screamed even more as the demons continued to sew into her.

Angel woke with a shriek, she felt herself sweating and shaking, was that where she was heading if she kept this up too long?

"Angel? Angel are you alright? Ah'm comin'!" Big Mac called as he ran up the stairs to her room.

Angel didn't hear him, she was too distraught and engrossed in her nightmare that showed her worst fear: not knowing what comes after death. The door quickly opened and Big Mac saw Angel on her bed with her arms crossed over her stomach and slowly rocking back and forth.


She responded to her name by looking at him; he could clearly see the fear in her eyes. She tried but couldn't hold it in anymore and began sobbing and that was when he figured it out.


She only nodded and he was immediately sitting on the foot of her bed and wrapping he held her close to him. "Ah gotcha Angel, nuthin' bad's gonna happen to ya, Ah won't let that happen."

Angel's heart leaped as she hugged her back with all the strength she had and her tears lessened. He held her for what seemed like a long time, but she liked it like this, feeling his warmth and smelling the scent of fresh apples and musk coming off of him. She listened to his steady heartbeat and it managed to calm her down, she looked up at him smiling lovingly; he did the same in return and kissed her forehead.

"Do ya want me ta stay with you till ya fall asleep again?"

Angel thought for a moment, it seemed harmless enough and he knew his boundaries.

"Please? I just don't think I can fall asleep again right now."


Angel laid down again and Big Mac did the same beside her, Angel suddenly felt herself blushing and he noticed.

"Angel, you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just...never done this before and..."

"Angel. You know me, Ah would never pull ya into something ya didn't want."

That made her more calm, "Alright, thank you."

He then covered them both with the quilt, and he held Angel close to him once again. Angel's heart began to flutter as she nuzzled his chest, she wanted to say the words, but she couldn't force them out. What if he felt she was being too forward? What if it was too soon? She just couldn't bring herself to say it yet and what's more, if she did, she would have to tell him, and his heart would be broken. Then what would he do? Another one of her fears? Not knowing the foreseeable future.

The Job

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When Angel woke up a few hours later, his arms were still around her and she heard him snoring like a machine. In which, she had to smile and blush because she found it very cute, she didn't know why, but it just was. He was slowly awoken by Angel wanting to get up; it was then that he realized he had fallen asleep in her bed. Shock and mortification were the only two expressions on his face.

"Angel, Ah'm so sorry! Ah meant ta doze off for a few minutes-"

Angel put a hoof to his mouth to make him stop talking.

"Don't be sorry, I'm not be felt kinda nice actually."

He beamed and took her hoof off his mouth; he then placed it on his chest as Angel rested her head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arms around her as they fell asleep again.

Angel was better and back on her hooves within 4 days, and during that time, he was tending to her every second. After she was healed, she went back to her regular schedule of grocery shopping, dates with Big Mac and going out with her friends. It was when she needed to go grocery shopping that she realized that she was running out of bits. She informed him who immediately offered to give her bits when she needed them with no strings attached.

"Big Mac, I can't do that to your worked hard for that money and I need to do the same."


"Listen, all I need to do is get a job."

"That ain't gonna be easy Angel, there's not a lot of jobs available."

"I could babysit Apple Bloom."


All of a sudden, Pinkie Pie's voice piped in, "OR you could sing!"

Angel took a moment to recover from her confusion and shock, "Pinkie, Open Mike was a one time deal and where am I going to sing professionally in Ponyville?"

Pinkie thought for a moment, "Maybe I can talk the Cakes into letting you do an evening performance! It'd bring in more customers at night and they'd probably pay you enough so you could get by!"

"But Pinkie-"

"I gotta go tell the Cakes!" Pinkie announced as she skipped away to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Pinkie wait!"

It was too late, Pinkie was already gone. Angel turned to Big Mac worried, "What am I gonna do?"

"What do ya mean?"

"I have personal issues with singing on stage."

"What about Open Mike Night?"

"I was forced into that situation and even then I was scared out of my mind."

"How did ya finish the song then?"

"I don't know...I...I honestly don't."

"Well, it looks like you'll be a sure in ta perform now...maybe they'll let ya have some time ta get used ta singin' in front of a crowd."

She considered this, but she wasn't going to be able to do this alone, "But, who's going to teach me how?"

He thought for a moment, then a thought came to mind, "Ah know somepony who can! Come on!"

Slowly failing she tried to keep up but had a hard time keeping up because she was soon feeling a jolting pain in her joints as well as a shortness of breath and it felt like she was going to faint. Big Mac turned and saw her, he ran back to her and had her sit down for a bit.

"Sorry, didn't know yer not much of a runner."

"It's fine, I wasn't the athletic type in school."

He smiled and waited for her to feel better before they walked the rest of the way to their destination.

Big Mac led her to Carousel Boutique which confused Angel at first, "Why are we at Carousel Boutique?"

"Y'see, before ya came ta Ponyville, we had a singin' group called 'The Ponytones,' we were missing a tenor so we weren't that good. So we split up on friendly terms because nopony wanted to fill the tenor's spot."

"Okay, but how does this tie in with my stage fright?"

"Ah had the same problem; Rarity helped me get over it."

"So that's why you're taking me to her?"

Big Mac nodded, "Because Ah don't want you ta be scared and Ah don't want ya ta starve or be kicked outta yer house...cuz that's the last thing Ah want ta see...Ah don't want to wake up ta see ya livin on the streets."

"And if that did happen?" she asked.

"Ah'd take ya in, no questions asked."

Angel smiled as he softly kissed her forehead.

He proudly opened the door for Angel as she walked in, Rarity was putting the final touches on a new dress to sell in the boutique when she saw Angel and Big Mac.

"Oh, hello there you two love birds, what can I do for you?"

"I might be getting a job at Sugar Cube a singer for a late night performance."

"Oh! You need a dress for your performance! Let's see, what do we have here?"

"Rarity, she needs yer help, she has stage fright."

"Oh, well, have a seat dear, I know all about these things mostly because of models."

"But I'm not a model..."

"In a way, yes you are! You see, you are both exhibiting talents. Shift the focus from yourself and your fear to your true purpose...contributing something of value to your audience. And for Celestia's sake, don't scare yourself with things that might go wrong...that'll only make it worse, and most importantly...focus on one pony in the audience and sing like you're singing for that pony and that pony alone."

"Okay, that makes me feel loads better."

"Good! Now, concerning your attire..."

"Rarity, I don't need a dress."

"Yes you do, you need some kind of dress to wear for your performances."


"No ifs, ands, or buts Angel, you are a dear friend of mine and I'm going to make you a gorgeous dress."

Angel rolled her eyes as Rarity walked away to get a design together, her eyes then saw the dress Rarity had been working on before they came in. It was a sparkling sky blue with matching baby blue gloves that were made of the shiniest satin. Angel wasn't even thinking as she got up to take a closer look; she was enwrapped by it, Rarity came in and noticed her taking an interest in it. She smiled and walked over to Angel.

"Would you like to try it on?" Rarity asked.

Angel nodded silently.

Rarity then took it off the mannequin and sent Angel into the dressing room with the gown, she then waited with Big Mac for Angel to come out. He himself couldn't help but look back on the mare Angel Wings was when he met when her and seeing the mare she was now and couldn't help but feel like he'd done something to her, like he'd opened her eyes to a better and brighter world. He couldn't help but smile at this, he did all that unintentionally, it all started because he wanted to know her better, he wasn't expecting to have these feelings for her. It all happened so quickly that even he was in a daze.

He wanted to make her as happy as possible everytime they were together, her smile and laugh was like a drug to him, he needed to see or hear it everyday just to keep him sane. But the thought of Angel not fully returning his affections came to mind and his heart wrenched a little, Angel to him was so delicate and fragile, he felt as if there was one thing worded wrong and it could cost them their relationship. He had to say something, he couldn't just sit there and let his true feelings be unknown, he had to test their relationship to see if it would go anywhere. But before he could think of anything else, Angel was then standing in front of him in the blue dress and he felt his heart go wild, she looked like she should be performing on Bridleway not in small town Ponyville. Rarity then put her hair up in a beautiful bun to top it off, and Big Mac felt he was looking at a real life angel.

"Does it fit?" Rarity asked.

"It fits perfectly Rarity, are you sure this isn't for a client?"

"No worries darling, this was to sell in the boutique."

"Big Mac, are you okay?"

Big Mac then realized he was gawking at her, "Uh...eeyup?"

Angel giggled, "Why were you staring at me?"

Big Mac smiled and said simply and lovingly, "Cuz yer beautiful."

Angel couldn't help but blush and quickly look to the side to hide it.

The next night, Angel's job as a singer began, Angel had found a song she wrote a long time ago and thought it would do for her first performance. She was practicing in Pinkie's Room while pacing back and forth, "And the arms of the ocean are carrying me

And all this devotion was rushing over me..."

She then heard three knocks on the door, "Come in!" she called.

Pinkie Pie popped her head in, "Hey Angel! You ready?"

"Yeah Pinkie, I'll be out in a minute."

"Okie dokie lokie!"

Angel couldn't feel herself breathe she was so nervous, she had to quickly remind herself of the advice Rarity gave her. Big Mac was out there, she didn't want to let him down after all he did for her. Just thinking of his face gave her a sense of hope that things were going to be okay, when in reality they weren't, she was withering away. All the vomiting and blood coming out from her nose and mouth was a constant reminder that things were now becoming more and more difficult. All she could think about when she told him was Blazing Saddle and how he'd abandoned her when she needed him most. She knew Big Mac wasn't like that, even though he was bigger than her, he was always gentle with her like she was a precious flower and when she began to feel uncomfortable, he always respected her. He was very kind, considerate and a pure gentlecolt and she couldn't help but feel like her chest was full of butterflies when she was around him. It was then that she suddenly realized that she was falling in love with him! This was a shock to her, she felt sick to her stomach at this realization.

'How did this happen? Why did this happen?

'Because you let your guard down that's what!'

'I'm such a fool! How could I let this happen?'

'It's too late now, I can't look him in the eye and break up with him!'

'Why? Why is it so difficult?'

'Because...he's kind, he's gentle, he's sweet, he's fun, he's funny, and I surprisingly share a lot of things in common with him...'

'Okay, but why is this stallion worth it?'

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!!!" She shouted out loud, she quickly covered her mouth hoping nopony heard her. She loved him, she didn't believe it could happen but it did, everything about him made her heart soar. His gentle eyes, his deep laugh and her heart always skipped a beat around him.

Pinkie then came in again and said it was time, Angel nodded and followed Pinkie out of her room. Angel stopped at her spot at the top of the stairs as Pinkie bid her a good luck and ran down. Angel took a deep breath and said to herself, "Sing to Big Mac, sing to Big Mac."

She then heard the instrumental she provided which her father helped her create back in Manehattan start playing and began singing at her cue as she came down the stairs, "Looking up from underneath, Fractured moonlight on the sea, Reflections still look the same to me, As before I went under...And it's peaceful in the deep, Cathedral where you cannot breathe, No need to pray, no need to speak, Now I am under all and it's breaking over me, A thousand miles down to the sea bed, Found the place to rest my head..."

She was now at the bottom of the stairs, she spotted Big Mac in the crowd and smiled, feeling a warmth inside her chest replace the cold fear inside her as she walked towards the stage and continued, "And the arms of the ocean are carrying me, And all this devotion was rushing out of me, In the crushes of heaven for a sinner like me, But the arms of the ocean delivered me..."

When she was onstage, she felt no fear as she continued to sing for Big Mac and she sang with all her heart,

Though the pressure's hard to take

It's the only way I can escape

It seems a heavy choice to make

And now I am under all

And it's breaking over me

A thousand miles down to the sea bed

Found the place to rest my head

And the arms of the ocean are carrying me

And all this devotion was rushing out of me

In the crushes of heaven for a sinner like me

But the arms of the ocean delivered me

And it's over

And I'm going under

But I'm not giving up

I'm just giving in

I'm slipping underneath

So cold and so sweet

And the arms of the ocean so sweet and so cold

And all this devotion I never knew at all

In the crushes of heaven for a sinner released

And the arms of the ocean delivered me

She sang improvised lines with the instrumental until the song ended and when she heard the applause, all she could think was, 'I did it! I actually did it!'

Angel had never felt more proud of herself than she did now as she bowed for her audience and gave Big Mac a glimmering and tearful smile.

A Day With the Apples

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Angel was an instant hit at Sugar Cube Corner, everyone who came to eat and hear her melodious singing was immediately enchanted. After her performance for the night, she even mingled with the crowd and commented that she was very sweet and polite. Even somepony who didn’t enjoy her performance only had to see the flash of her smile and be won over by her. Big Mac could not be more proud of her, and she was proud that she learned to conquer her stage fright and put herself out there.

Though, one week later, the Cakes felt it would be best if she only performed on Fridays so she could give her voice a rest this gave Angel more time to spend with her friends and Big Mac.

Angel spent as much time with all of them as she could, going on picnic lunches with her friends and romantic dinners with Big Mac. But all these activities had left her house with cobwebs and dust one morning she came downstairs from her bedroom and noticed this.

“Well, I know what I’m doing today,” she said to herself.

She went over to the cleaning supplies closet and got the mop, mop bucket, rags, sponges, and broom; she then tied her hair up and began cleaning. She scrubbed and swept the floors, dusted the furniture, cleaned the kitchen (and almost gagging in the process of cleaning the sink), she cleaned her bedroom and the dining room. In the process of cleaning her dining room, she bumped her front leg into the table’s leg.

“AH! Sweet Celestia!” she shouted in pain.

She only watched as a spot of her leg turned purple, her head then turned towards the door when she heard 3 knocks. Angel limped towards it and looked through the peephole to see Big Mac, that is when Angel began to panic, she opened the door and hid her bruised leg behind the other in one swift motion.

“Hey Mac, what are you doing—”

“Ah’m gonna take ya ta meet mah family,” he said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

Angel couldn’t hide her shock, “Huh?”

“By the way, yer mane looks cute like that.”

“Big Mac, can you repeat that about meeting your family?”

“Ah’m...gonna take ya ta meet mah family.”

“When exactly?”


Angel’s eyes widened, “Mac, this is kind of short notice...I have cleaning to get done and—”

“What happened to yer leg? You’ve never stood like that before…”

Angel then began to sweat a little, knowing how Big Mac would react to seeing her injured leg. “Mac, since when have you taken notice in my posture?”

He huffed, “Angel, let’s see it…”

He held his hoof out patiently like she were a foal hiding candy behind her back.

She heaved a sigh, “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

She placed her hoof in his and the shock on his face appeared, he saw the bruise that was the size of a baseball on her leg.

“Angel….who did this?”


“When Ah find the pony who did this ta you...Ah’m gonna kick em in the hind quarters so hard I’ll banish them to the Moon!” he said through gritted teeth.

Angel rolled her eyes, “Mac, you want me to leave you and the dining room table alone so you can give it a stern talking to?”

Big Mac blushed, “Oh.”

Angel smiled and let out a small giggle, she found it sweet how protective he was of her.

“But, I’d love to meet your family, but I can’t be gone long I still have cleaning to do.”

“Ah’ll make sure ya don’t come home late, and Ah’ll even do the cleanin’ mahself for ya if yer too tired.”

Angel smiled, “Thanks, I guess I can take a break for a bit.”

“Great, Ah just have ta pick up some supplies here in town and we can get goin’.”

“I can come with you.”

“Alright, sounds good...wait, what’s that on yer face?”


Big Mac reached toward her face toward a spot that looked like another bruise on her cheek, he brushed his hoof over it and it was gone, leaving Angel blushing.

“Don’t worry, it was dust, ready?”


Angel and Big Mac went into town, picked up the supplies, stored them in the wagon and headed out to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Ya nervous?”

“Just a tad, I’ve only talked to Apple Bloom and Granny Smith briefly, I’m just worried of what they’ll think of me…”

“Angel, they’re gonna love’ll see.”

They were halfway there when they heard a bang and Big Mac felt the cart fall to one side. He unstrapped the cart from his collar and went to assess the damage, a wheel had sunk into a mud puddle he had tried to avoid and the entire cart was stuck.

He grunted, “Pony feathers...Ah hate it when this happens.”

“Can I help?” Angel asked.

“Naw, Ah got this.”

He then began pushing the cart only to get it out a little and have it roll back into the mud, Big Mac then got a thick branch and began trying to dig the wheel out, it had been going on for half an hour ending up with Big Mac’s legs and chest covered in mud.

“Everything okay over there, Mac?”

A little irritated, he said with sarcasm, “Yeah, it’s going great.”

Angel laughed a little, “You know, it’s getting late...this is usually the part where Slendermane comes out from behind the bushes and kills us both.”

Big Mac rolled his eyes, “Can ya help me out please?”

Angel snorted a laugh and walked up to the wagon, she then began pulling the cart from the harness. She pulled three times and each time the cart went back in the puddle causing mud to splash onto Big Mac’s face.

“Okay, Angel, that’s enough!” he shouted to Angel as he spat out the mud on his tongue.

Angel let go and more splashed on him, and Angel laughed at how he looked covered in mud. He now reminded her of a caramel apple with the brown on his red coat, he only smiled evilly as he approached Angel she knew what he was up to and began to back away quickly.

“Oh no ya don’t!” Big Mac said playfully, he then ran up to her and hugged her tight with his forearms getting mud all over her as she squealed. He laughed as he let her go and she wanted revenge, Angel scooped up some mud with her hoof and flung it at Big Mac the mud went through the air and splattered all over his face.

“Two can play at that game!” he exclaimed scooping some mud up himself and flinging it at Angel.

Both of them laughed as the mud continued to fly from Angel and Big Mac chucking mud at each other from opposite sides of the cart until their hair was and coats were spotted with brown. Big Mac then decided to use a more tactful and stealthy approach and picked up more mud and snuck around the cart behind Angel who looked confused when she didn’t see Big Mac there getting ready to throw more mud at her. She then felt a cold splat on her back and shrieked, Big Mac ran past her to get away but slipped in the mud puddle and landing on his stomach. Angel fell backwards in the mud next to her coltfriend and both were a laughing mess. They laid there for 5 minutes just laughing before Big Mac helped Angel up and finished getting the cart out by them both pushing on the back of it. Angel helped Big Mac get hitched up to the cart and they were on their way again, but now Angel was more than hesitant to meet Big Mac’s family with her appearance.

“Mac, I think we should go back to my house to get washed up.”

“Angel, we’re already halfway there and we’ve got hoses in the back of the house.”

“Mac, I’m serious, I’m not meeting your family looking like this!”

“They’re not gonna care, they’ll just giggle a little and tell us to hose off.”

“Besides, Ah can’t go inta yer house like this would be more cleanin for you.”

That made Angel back down as Big Mac laughed and they came up to Sweet Apple Acres, Angel had never been this far into the countryside but she thought it was beautiful. The way the sun shone on the barn perched on the hill was peaceful to her, she couldn’t help but smile at it’s rugged beauty.

“Big Mac! Where’ve ya been? And bring the little gal with ya!” an elderly voice called out.

He grinned at Angel, who was now shaking in her hoofprints, Big Mac nuzzled her cheek and whispered, “It’ll be alright.”

“Big Mac! Hurry yer patootie!”

He smiled, gently took her by the hoof and guided her towards the house.

As they got closer, the elderly pony, who Angel recognized as Granny Smith saw the two covered in mud.

“What in the name of Apple Strudels happened ta you two?”

“Had some trouble with the cart,” Angel responded politely.

Granny looked embarrassed and came up to Angel and tried cleaning the mud off of her, “Ah’m so sorry ‘bout that apple dumplin,’ Big Mac, can you go inta the back and hose each other off? Ah’ll bring ya some towels.”

“Ya got it Granny,” Big Mac said saluting.

He led Angel to the back of the house where the hose was and she got a good view of the miles and miles of apple trees covering the rolling hills. She then felt cold water spray on her which made her jump, she heard laughter coming from him which gave her an idea. She grabbed the hose from him and began spraying him with the ice cold water as well.

Angel then came closer to him with the running hose; he began backing away Angel then ran after him and it quickly turned into a chase scene throughout the entire backyard. Big Mac had now taken the hose away from Angel and was now drenching her in water, both of them were sopping wet, but clean. Granny came around the corner with the towels and smiled when she saw the scene in front of her because of the happiness that her grandson had found in this one mare. He was smiling in front of her, he was laughing, his eyes revealed the love and compassion he felt for her and Granny Smith knew he had never felt that way about anypony outside of his own family.

“Here’s yer towels!” She called as she came, about ready to cry.

“Thank you, Ms. Smith,” Angel said politely.

“When Ah hear Ms. Smith Ah look around fer mah Financial Advisor, you can call me Granny. Yer a part of this family now dumplin’.”

Angel giggled, “Okay, Granny.”

“That’s better.”

Granny gave them their towels as a young southern voice could be heard, “Angel! Angel!”

The little filly Angel remembered was named Apple Bloom rounded the corner in a run, “Angel! Yer here!”

“Hey, Apple Bloom!”

Angel embraced the filly in a hug and saw Applejack come around the corner as well, only in a walk.

Apple Bloom was then released from the hug and said excitedly, “It’s a good thing yer here, Big Mac was dreamin’ bout ya last night!”

Angel and Big Mac looked at each other, Angel in surprise and Big Mac in embarrassment.

Big Mac put on the fakest smile he could muster and said with gritted teeth and a fake laugh, “No Ah wasn’t.”

“Yeah ya were! Ah could hear him too, ‘Angel! Angel!’”

Angel and the others could only laugh as Big Mac’s face turned redder than his coat.

When the laughter ceased, Granny suggested that Big Mac showed her around the orchards so he could calm down. He did this happily, he led Angel there as calmly as possible.

“Was that as awkward fer you as it was fer me?”

“I love your family, they’re wonderful!”

“So, how long has the orchard been in your family?”

“Since Granny’s family first moved here.”

Big Mac told the entire of Granny Smith moving to the property, the hardships they went through, as well as the story of the Zap Apples.

“What about your parents? You...never mentioned it.”

He suddenly stopped and hung his head, Angel knew what this meant.

“Oh...I am so sorry, if I said anything—”

“You didn’t…”

He looked into the distance of the northernmost part of the orchard then back at Angel, “Follow me and be careful, you can get lost really easily in here.”

Big Mac took her to a place in the orchards, it was a makeshift fort of some kind made of a series of branches. The fort was lopsided and slanted a bit but it still looked stable, Big Mac stood ahead of Angel silent and still.

“Big Mac, are you okay?” Angel asked.

“Sorry, it’s just...the reason why Ah built this place…”

Angel shouldn’t have been surprised, but she still was, “Why did you build this place?”

“To get away…”

Angel was confused, what would he want to get away from?

“Get away from what?”

He heaved a sigh, “When Ah was 10, mah Mother died from an illness and mah father followed 3 months after...Ah built this to try and avoid everypony givin’ their sympathy. Ah just couldn’t take it anymore. And for a while it worked, until Ah realized that Ah needed ta take over mah farm, mah family, and most of all mah life.”

Angel was taken aback with sadness by his story, she never knew that somepony with as much strength as him could carry an emotional burden like this. She now saw him as a brave and strong soul that she felt immediate compassion for. Somepony that had seen and been through a lot in his time, and while it broke him down, it also spiritually strengthened him.

“I’m sorry.”

“Yer the first mare Ah’ve ever brought here, the reason Ah did was because when Ah’m around you...Ah forget about it all, Ah forget about all mah past problems with mah parents, mah sisters, everypony.”

“What’re you saying?”

Big Mac Turned to face her with the look of a stallion who was seeing heaven’s gates and walked toward her. He then gently took her hoof and said, “Because...I love you. Angel, yer very precious ta me…”

Angel recovered from her shock, he. Loved. Her?

“Ah fell in love with yer kindness, yer willingness to put other first and, everythin’ about you. Yer the best thing that’s ever come inta mah life and...Ah...Ah was scared ta tell ya cuz...I didn’t know if ya felt the same way and..”

“I do…”

Big Mac looked at Angel in the eyes, “Ya do?”

Angel nodded with a warm smile on her face, “I’ve fallen in love with the strength you carry, not in physical strength but with spiritual strength. I also love your kind heart, how you make sure I feel safe and how you’re gentle with me. Before you, I was in a relationship where I was left and I was scared of that happening again...I’m still scared of that happening but not as much anymore.”

“Angel, Ah would never leave you...Ah couldn’t do that…”

“I know, and you should know that I love you too and I feel like this one is actually going to last…”

Big Mac smiled as he saw joyful tears coming from Angel’s eyes, he sat on the ground and kissed her. The kiss lasted longer than usual and Angel didn’t feel uncomfortable whatsoever. Angel sat down with him and gently placed a hoof on the side of his face, their lips parted and they weren’t even apart for a few seconds before Angel kissed him with passion, causing him to fall over and taking Angel with him. They both blushed fiercely once they realized the predicament they were in, Angel rolled off of him and sat up feeling embarrassed.

“Angel, if ya don’t mind, Ah would like to know what it’s like to have ya in mah arms again.”

Angel smiled and laid down in his waiting arms enveloping her and pulling her close to him.

“Did Ah ever tell ya how beautiful Ah think ya are?”

“You’ve said I am but...I thought they were just compliments.”

“Angel, yer beautiful inside and out, ya have the most beautiful soul Ah’ve ever come across in mah life. That’s what Ah meant when Ah said that you were beautiful.”

Angel nuzzled into his chest, hearing his heartbeat fast for her soothed her and made her sleepy. They napped there for a whole hour.

When they woke up, the sun was starting to set and they decided it was time to go back home to get dinner ready. Once they got home, Apple Bloom came up to Big Mac and hugged him, “Yer not mad about earlier are ya?”


Apple Bloom made a sigh of relief.

Big Mac then had a playful smirk on his face, “But yer still gonna get it, c’mere you!”

Apple Bloom let out a playful squeal and ran off with Big Mac chasing her, Apple Bloom got her chance to get behind him and jumped on his back. She then began tickling his sides, he was then laughing loudly as he fell to the ground. The filly then got on his stomach and shouted victoriously, “Gotcha!”

“Oh yeah?”

Big Mac then began tickling her, she laughed and squealed as Big Mac said, “Ya like bein’ tickled? Huh? Ya little tickle monster!”

He then let her go as she got onto his back again and he began jumping around the front yard and Angel took note on how good he was with her. He was patient, gentle and playful; she couldn’t help but giggle at their antics her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Applejack come up to Angel and ask “Hey, Angel...Ah know yer guest and all but Ah was wonderin’ if you’d help me and Granny with dinner?”

“I’d love to. Besides, I need to get to know her somehow!”

Both of them laughed as they went inside, leaving Big Mac and Apple Bloom to their playful antics.

Angel entered the house and was led to the kitchen where Granny was getting the lettuce ready for salads that night.

“Hey there, Angel! Can ye chop up this lettuce fer me?”

“Sure thing!”

Angel began chopping as Granny Smith and Applejack were slicing the apples for the salad. Once the lettuce was done, Granny asked Angel if she could toss it for them while they got the drinks, which Angel was more than happy to oblige. As Angel tossed the salad, she watched as Big Mac and Apple Bloom continue playing in the front yard. It made her think of the things she wanted in life until it was taken away from her. She wanted a nice house with a husband who would come home and kiss her, a family of her own, to grow old with said husband and to sit on a front porch someday and watching their grandchildren. Angel choked back tears as she finished tossing the salad, she turned around, put on a smile and lifted the bowl with her magic. She was almost to the table when she felt her head hurt and the bowl began to drop. Angel tried to get it before it crashed to the ground but couldn’t, luckily Applejack caught it in time.

“You okay there, hun?” Granny asked.

“Yeah, my magic isn’t really the strongest, no worries.”

Both AJ and Granny looked a little skeptical, “Angel...if there’s somethin’ ya wanna tell us, you can,” Applejack offered.

“No! I mean...nothing’s wrong…”

“Are ya sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Applejack felt conflicted on whether or not she should say something else when Big Mac and Apple Bloom came in. Angel came up to them, “You two have fun?”

“Yeah! Big Mac’s tons of fun ta play with!”

Angel laughed then Big Mac pulled her gently into a kiss in front of them all.

“Eew!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Big Mac then picked up a book to cover the sight of them kissing as they all laughed.

“Alright you two, let’s sit down and eat!” Granny said laughing

Angel sat down between Granny and Big Mac, and across from Applejack and Apple Bloom. She felt calm with a twinge of nervousness in her, but all of that melted away as she began conversing with them as she ate. Listening to Apple Bloom’s cutie mark quests with her friends as well as Applejack’s own adventures with her friends.

It was halfway through dinner that Granny said, “She’s a lot purteyer than you said she was Big Mac!”

Big Mac’s face turned red again, he just wanted to sink into the floor while Angel just smiled warmly and took him by the hoof assuringly.

“Thanks, Granny.”

“Hey, ya think she can come over again?” Apple Bloom asked.

Big Mac looked at Angel, expecting her to give him a look that meant ‘no,’ but instead, he got a nod. He then looked at his youngest sister and said, “Eeyup.”

The young filly’s eyes lit up at the thought.

“It’s gettin’ kinda late out, Ah think Ah should get Angel home.”

“Big Mac, before ya do...can Ah talk ta you privately?”

“Uhh...Eeyup? Angel, wait fer me outside?”


Angel then got up and went outside to see that the fireflies had come out, she watched their lights glow and dim softly as she waited for Big Mac.

Granny pulled him aside near the stairs and said, “It’s about yer marefriend…”

“Is somethin’ wrong?”

“Only that she nearly dropped the bowl of salad with her magic, does that happen often?”

“It does, Ah’ve seen it often but her magic isn’t that strong’s nuthin’ new.”

“Well, if that’s all it is, Ah’m okay with it! It concerned me is all. Other than that, she’s a keeper! Keep her, hold her, don’t let her go! Besides, Ah wanna see some great grandbabies!”

Big Mac couldn’t help but want to get Angel out of there before Granny Smith started planning their wedding. Which Big Mac wouldn’t mind except he hadn’t known her that long, he’d only been with her a few months and the thought of marriage now felt like they would be going too fast. He then went outside and walked her home.

Another Doctor's Appointment

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A month after the visit, Summer had came and went, and now Fall was approaching that meant things for the Apples were being kicked into high gear. Big Mac was needed more for the farm, which Angel understood. So on the day’s Big Mac couldn’t take his mare out, she’d come over to Sweet Apple Acres to spend some bonding time with Apple Bloom and Granny Smith until his chores were done. Then they’d snuggle under one of the nearby apple trees in the backyard.

But one day when Angel came for a visit Granny Smith had ended up taking a nap and Apple Bloom had gone out with her Crusader friends, leaving Angel to herself waiting patiently on the stairs for Big Mac. While she waited, she noticed a ragged wall piano in the living area. She hadn’t played in a long time, but something about it put her under a spell that made her approach it. The piano looked as though it had been played a lot, but not in a long time. She slowly lifted the drawer covering the keys and slowly, key by key, began playing.

Big Mac returned to the house later on in a sweaty mess and with a cartful of apples. All he was thinking about was spending time with Angel when he heard the tinkling of a piano coming from inside the house. It sounded like his mother’s playing, when he was young and before his mother died. She would play the piano for him, Applejack, and baby Apple Bloom whenever they were sad. When she fell ill, she tried her best to play for them before bed like always but when her deathbed came closer, she couldn’t.

The song that was being played was one Big Mac had never heard before, not even from his mother’s song books! He unhitched himself from the cart and curiously approached the house. As he got closer, the music became more fast paced and more passionate, as if the player had a secret fire in him/her that needed to be let out and it was coming out through their music.

But then he realized that nopony in the house could play piano. He feared somepony had broken in and was attempting to take their most prized memories of their parents. He raced inside, prepared to defend his loved ones and to fight the intruder. Big Mac followed the sound of the piano; when he got to the living room entrance, what he saw shocked him. He saw Angel at the piano and playing with her eyes closed as if she knew the placement of the keys by heart. She played with such passion and ferocity that he half expected her to be playing for an audience! He looked around for the rest of his family in the living room but saw none of them. He could only look in amazement as the piece ended.

The best way to describe Angel’s expression was as if she had come home after being away for months, years even. Big Mac could tell it had been a long time since she played, Angel then looked up and embarrassment came on her face.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude…”

“Yer not, it was beautiful!”

Angel blushed, “Thank you.”

“How come ya didn’t tell me you could play?”

“I didn’t want to play for the longest time…”


“You see...long before I came to Ponyville, I was playing in a church alone back in Manehattan, there were some candles lit...I fell asleep...the building caught fire, next thing I knew, I was on the other side of the street watching the building burn down and I haven’t played since.”

Big Mac could only look in worry, but Angel assured him, “It was nothing, I was seeing this doctor and she put me on these meds—”

Big Mac’s eyes went wide, “Wait, wait, wait, what doctor? What meds?”

Angel’s spine went cold, she stood there frozen for a moment, ‘Pony feathers! I shouldn’t have let that slip!’

“Big Mac, it’s nothing!”

“Angel, what’s goin’ on?”

“Big Mac, I’m fine.”

“Yer sure?”

Angel nodded, “Positive.”

Angel screamed at herself inside. She hated lying to him, she loathed it with a passion! Honesty and trust were the two big factors in a relationship, and right now she felt as if she didn’t deserve him. She was scared, terrified of losing him like she lost Blazing Saddle. She loved Big Mac with every fiber in her and she didn’t want to lose it and be left to wither away alone. She would die alone, she was not only lying to her coltfriend, but to her best friends! She wanted to die right then and there so she wouldn’t have to explain, she wanted lightning to strike her where she stood, but nothing happened. She could only stand there with a guilty expression on her face while Big Mac continued to stare at her as beads of sweat ran down her main.

“Angel? You alright?” he asked again.

Angel couldn’t speak, she only shook her head as she began tearing up.

Big Mac showed pity, he thought she was crying because of the memories from the fire. He then approached her and enveloped her in his arms as she began sobbing.

“Ssh, it’s okay, Ah’m not gonna let anything happen to you...You are mah life. You are the only thing right now it would hurt to lose.”

Angel felt sick to her stomach. she knew her telling him the truth was coming closer, she just didn’t know when. Should she tell him now or later? Which would be the biggest risk of losing him altogether? But the biggest question remained, would he still love her after he found out? Angel now knew what she had to do to buy herself some more time, and it was something she denied herself of when she first went to the doctor in Ponyville.

Two days later, Angel was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, listening to the calming guitar music wondering if it was too late to request this of her doctor. She was scared and nervous, not just about the possibility of being denied for her request, that she could live with (no pun intended) but her friends and Big Mac’s reaction to her condition. Would they abandon her? Stand with her? Or would they just go and spread the news to the rest of the town? She told herself to calm down or she would have a breakdown.

“Angel Wings?” The nurse called.

She smiled politely and got up, walking to the smiling nurse, she then led Angel to the appointment.

“Doctor Horse will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.”

Angel sat on the examination bed, and waited with agitation, she knew that this medicine was new to Equestrian medicine and had no clue what the side effects were and if the medicine would even work. Her thinking this made her more scared, was she too close that it wouldn’t be worth it? Angel then thought about if it happened in her house and Big Mac or one of her friends found her, the thought brought tears to her eyes.

‘No, I can’t do that to them, any of them...I can’t take ‘no’ for an answer...not now.’

Just as she thought that, the doctor came in and saw the tears fogging up her eyes.

“Ms Wings, are you alright?”

Angel dried up her face, “Yeah, I-I’m fine.”

The doctor looked at her curiously, closed the door, then sat down on his stool, “Is there...something you want to tell me?”

“I...I was wondering if...the life expansion medicine is still an option.”

The doctor looked at her surprised, then composed himself, “Are you sure?”

“When you first asked me...I said ‘I have nothing to live for...’ now I do.”

The doctor took a deep breath, “Alright, the option is still available...but...since you are getting more and more symptoms...there are going to be more side effects.”

Angle flinched in her seat. “Like what?”

He read off his notes. “Increased risk of depression, stiff joints, back pains, migraines, as well as low to no ovulation.”

Angel nodded, “I understand.” she then mumbled to herself, “I wouldn’t have been able to carry a foal full term anyway.”

“This also means you’ll have to take extra pills for the pains, headaches and depression.”

Angel sighed, then held her head up high. “I know, I don’t care if I have to have pills shoved down my throat! I just...I just want more time.”

The doctor nodded. “Alright, if this is really what you want...I’ll write out the prescription for you. Now, it will take a week so I suggest you don’t hesitate in telling your friends and coltfriend.”

Angel nodded again, inside she was bursting with happiness. She now had the time she needed to spend time with all the ponies she met to say her final goodbyes.

Angel left the doctor’s office giddy but still filled with worry on how the others would react. She didn’t know how she would be able to explain the IV on her leg if her friends visited, or even Big Mac. She knew she had to tell one of her friends now, so she decided to tell them one by one. After that, she would ask them not to tell each other till she got to the next one. She would save Big Mac for last since he was going to be the hardest to tell. As Angel pondered on who to tell first, and after a few fast heartbeats later, she knew who.

Twilight was reading a book on Astronomy when she heard knocks on the front door, she closed her book and opened the door to see Angel, out of breath and sweating beads.

“Angel! Did you run here? What’s wrong?”

“Twilight, to you for a minute?”

Twilight stepped aside, “Of course, come in!”

Angel entered panting, she had clearly ran all the way there from the Doctor’s office. Twilight closed the door behind her as Angel sat down. Twilight walked in front of her and lifted Angel’s chin so she was looking at her.

“Is everything alright?”

“Twilight...I need to tell you something, and I need your promise that you won't tell anypony…”

Twilight was then prepared for whatever news Angel had for her, “I promise Angel, now tell me what’s wrong.”

Angel paused, this was it, it was now or never. She took a deep breath and said simply, “I’m sick.”

Twilight looked confused, “Do you have the flu or something—”

“No, Twilight, I mean...I’m really sick…”

Twilight got it as her eyes widened, “You’re…”

Angel lowered her head. “I have leukemia. I’ve had leukemia, I’ve always had it, and I always will until…”

Twilight only stood in shock, “You getting sick all those times...the nosebleeds...the bruising...all this time you said you were fine!”

Angel began to cry, “I’m so sorry Twilight, I kept this hidden because I didn’t want to be your charity project, the doctor told me to live life as normally as possible.”

“Angel...are you—”

“Yes Twilight, I’m dying...2 months before I came to Ponyville, I stopped responding to treatments.”

Twilight’s eyes were then filled with tears, she placed a hoof on her muzzle and began sobbing.

“Twi...I’m so sorry.”

“Please tell me it isn’t true, please…”

Angel looked into her pleading eyes, she wanted to tell her it wasn’t true, she wanted one of her best friends to have that hope that she was going to live.

“I’m sorry, but it’s true.”

Twilight dropped down to her haunches as she began to sob harder, Angel could only release a little of her own tears as she wrapped her arms around Twilight in a hug. She then waited for the scolding, screaming and finally, banning Angel from her presence.

Twilight’s crying began to lessen, “Okay, okay, let’s just...explore our options—”


“No! There has to be another way! You have to live!”

“Twilight! It’s no use!”

Twilight had already raced to her books and began to summon all the books on illnesses in her magic as the library swarmed with opening and closing texts.. “There has to be a way for you to start responding to treatments again…” She looked into a yellow book. “Maybe we can try a blood transfusion.” She shifted to a blue one. “Or maybe we can get some doctor’s in Canterlot who specializes in this!”

“Twilight—” Angel said as she ducked a large red book.

“I’m sure we can do something!” she flipped through book after book as her mane began to split as her eyes widen. “Celestia has to know a spell! We can get that cancer out of you! All we have to do is look into a couple of spells—”


Twilight stiffened as all the books dropped out of her magic and rained onto the floor. she stared back at Angel, eyes puffing up. “You’re… You’ve just given up?”

Angle sighed. “My body can’t fight anymore. So there’s no use in forcing it!”

“No, no, no, no!” She threw herself at Angle. “Don’t say that! Don’t give up!”

Angle sniffled. “Please, just don’t do this...I’ve come to terms with it. So please, Twilight...”

Twilight looked hopeless as she sat down, “Alright...alright...I’m sorry.”

There was silence between them, until Twilight asked, “How long?”

“I’m being put on this medicine that extends my life by 4 months, it’s arriving in 2 weeks.”

“Which will be…”

“Late Winter, early Spring.”

“Are you going to tell anypony else?”

“I know it’s bound to get out but I’m going to tell the others individually starting tomorrow.”

“But you do know that tomorrow is the centennial meteor shower...why don’t you tell them all there?”

Angel backed up and began to shuffle her hooves. “I-I’m scared to.”

Twilight put a hoof on Angel's shoulder. “Just tell them upfront like you told me, you may get a bunch of reactions and some scoldings but at least you’ll have it over with and we will be right by you to help...okay?”

Angel took a deep breath, “Okay.”

“Good, but I have to ask something…”


“Are you scared?”

Angel paused and made a slight smile, “To death.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she laughed while she wiped away a tear. “That’s not… That’s not funny.”

Angel chuckled. “Just lightening the mood.”

Twilight laughed along and then hugged her friend, “If the others don’t stick by you, I will, and so will Big Mac.”

This made Angel smile as hope lifted her upwards. It was the hope that they would all understand and stay beside her.

The Truth Was Bound to Come Out

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Angel slept fitfully that night, hardly sleeping over agitation of the next night. She hadn’t had any nightmares, but she found herself sniffing and wiping her sweaty face and occasionally runny nose with her sheets.

When woke up the next morning after finally getting 3 hours of sleep, the first thing she noticed was a warm a sticky feeling covering her body. At first, she thought it was just sweat, then, she felt that most of the moisture came from her nose.

Shooting up and breathing deeply, she flipped on the light and saw her nose was dripping in blood as nearly her entire body and bed was stained with red. After she screamed, she raced to the bathroom and flipped on the faucet, which was followed by two of her recommended pills down her throat. Once there, she grabbed all the toilet paper she could and put it up to her nose. When she looked up at the mirror, she saw her eyes were bloodshot, as all of her white fur beneath her eyes were now stained red with the blood that continued to drizzle down her mouth and onto her white chest. By then, most of it had already stained and hardened and would have to spend the whole morning cleaning herself and her sheets before she could go out. With that, she threw her hooves onto her face, smearing the blood on her hooves to the rest of her face, and then began to sob.

Twilight assured her that nopony would leave her like this, but what if she was wrong? Looking up at her now bloody face, Angel cringed at the thought. If even one of them rejected her, she was sure it would, break her. She would have nopony, not her friends, Big Mac, Blaze, or even her own parents could help. Her Mom and Daddy wouldn’t forgive her for leaving the way she did, they would probably just turn her away like she did to them.

There was a knock on the door and began to breath heavily. Nopony could not anypony to see her like this. She took the cloth away and blood came out of her nose like a faucet. She quickly put the cloth back up to her face which splattered more blood onto her face. She looked at herself again in the mirror, she looked like she committed a murder.

“Angel?” Twilight’s voice called out.

Angel's breathing began to quicken as her eyes darted from her chest to the door as she heard Twilight walk up the stairs.

“Angel? Are you here?” she called out worried.

With a deep sigh, Angel turned to face her, “Everyday...this is what I deal with…”

Twilight then grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off the floor and wanted to cry right then and there but didn’t.

“Twi...I know what you’re going to say...but know this...I’d rather suffer. At least I would die a warrior…”

“Well,” Twilight said with a smirk, “what would you say, if I… found a way, a certain spell to help you.”

Angel narrowed her eyes. “Twi, we been over this—”

“Yes, yes, but hear me out!”

Angel rest her head on her hoof. “Alright, go ahead, just be quick about it.”

Missing the sarcasm, Twilight said, “Thank you. Now, I know you said you looked into every medical possibility,” Twilight pulled out a book, “But, after talking with Celestia—”

Angel’s eyes widened. “YOU TOLD SOMEONE!” Her breathing became heavy.

“Oh… um, I mean, you said you already asked and…”

Angel rubbed her face. “It’s fine, I… I did, but… I did, but she said… there wasn’t anything she could do.”

Twilight's ears feel back. “Yeah… but, when I… suggested a few things…” she sighed, “I… wasn’t able to find a cure… but I may have a way to give you even more time..”

Attention caught, Angel nearly screamed, “H… What?”

Twilight opened her book. “Well, it’s a bit complex, so much so it might not be possible by most unicorns. However, it’s a cross between a freeze spell and an age spell that would slow down the Leukemia and send your body back a few months as well.”

Angel raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that very advanced magic?”

Twilight chuckled and tapped her horn. “You forget who you’re talking to?”

They chuckled.

Angel’s jaw doped. “Years?”

“Twi… I… I…”

Twilight placed a hoof on her own. “We still have to tell them.”

Angel lowered her head. “I know…I’ll tell them after the shower. I just,” she smiled, “I just feel so happy. I just… I know I said I don’t want to force it but...what if the spell fails?

“It won't, trust me...and if it does, you have every right to blame me.”

Angel smiled, “Alright, let’s do this…thank you for finally giving a ray of hope!”

Twilight smiled back and closed her eyes, horn lighting up.

On a hill far off from Ponyville, Angel, her friends, and Big Mac sat together waiting for the shower to start. Angel meanwhile, was fidgety, nervous for how everyone would react to this whole mess, yet hoping they would set aside their retaliation when they hear the good news. It had been enough to make herself enjoy the day.

“Someone looks extra happy tonight,” Pinkie chirped at Angel.

Angel giggled. “Why wouldn’t it be?” She waved a hoof at the night sky. “It’s a glorious day to be alive!”

The girls giggled, while Twilight only gave a half smile and a reassuring nod to Angel.

She knew she couldn’t put it off, but for now, she just wanted to be happy. She now had a chance, and she was not going to let this good night pass before she had to drop the bomb. They already had done so much before at the pre-party celebration in town, as all the girls had to embarrass her when Big Mac won her a stuffed doll at a ring toss.

Which speaking of, she felt as a large red hoof wrapped itself around her.

Angle nuzzled his chest. “Eeyup.”

Everypony began to take their seat as Big Mac sat down next to Angel on their blanket and kissed her.

“Come now,” Rarity nudged to the girls, “let's get, ‘our’ seats, shall we?”

The all whistle innocently, while Twilight gave her a concerned look.

While Big Mac’s back was turned—setting up their blanket— she whispered, “I promise, in just a little bit, okay?”

Twilight nodded. “Okay, but, would you like…”

Angel raised an eyebrow at her and Twilight nodded. “Okay.” She then gave Angel a devilish grin as Big returned his attention to her. “Don’t have too much fun you two!”

She giggled as the pair blushed bright red. Angel turned to Big Mac, her face still warm as he made a small laugh at her expression.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“Yer face just looks adorable right now…”

Angel blinked and looked shyly at her hooves.

“Angel, you alright?”

“’s just...Big Mac...what if there was something somepony wanted to tell you but didn’t know how and it was something would you react if they told you?”

Big Mac blinked. “Angel...what’s goin’ on?”


Angel choked, this was the moment, but she couldn’t do it. The fear consumed her as she thought of all the negative things that would happen.

“I’ll tell you after the shower...promise…”

Big Mac looked at her confused as she put on the warmest smile she could come up with. This set all his suspicions aside for the moment as he kissed her softly.

Angel smiled then began thinking about how this news would crush Big Mac and began crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing...I just need you to promise me something.”

“What is it?”

“No matter what happens, you need to be strong for me.”

Big Mac was silent for a moment, until at last, he nodded his head. “Ah promise.”

Angel dried her tears as the shower started, never in Angel’s life had she ever seen a meteor shower and was very fortunate to live long enough to see one.

She then saw Big Mac close his eyes, smiling.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Makin’ a wish.”

Angel raised an eyebrow. “What for?”

“If Ah tell ya, it won’t happen!”

Angel snorted a laugh, “Fine.”

She then felt Big Mac take her hoof in his, “But Ah'll tell ya involves you.”

Angel felt all the heat in her body rise to her face, her stomach began to twist, no more hiding, no more choking, she had to tell him.

“Big Mac...I know we were going to wait until after the meteor shower...but I need to tell you now and remember your promise okay?”

She felt his hoof pull away, till he squeezed onto her own more tightly. “Okay.”


Angel suddenly felt something rising up her throat from her stomach.

‘Oh no...not now, PLEASE not now!!’

Big Mac tilted his head. “Angel?”

Instead of responding, she began vomiting everything in her stomach.


Big Mac held her hair back as she continued.

“Ah gotcha, Ah’m here, just let it out.”

When Angel finally stopped, she was panting with wide eyes about what just happened, and who it was in front of. She looked up at him, “I’m so sorry.”

He then looked at her with wide eyes as well, “Yer fine it’s just...yer nose is bleedin’!”

She placed a hoof to her nose, and began to panic, “No…” She knew what was going to happen next.

“Big Mac, go...get...Twilight…”

“Angel what’s happening?”

“Please...I...I—” She was then interrupted by more regurgitation.

He yanked the blanket under her and started to clean her up chin. “Hang on, ah… AH!”

It took Big Mac a second in the dark, but he soon realized that it wasn’t bile she was spitting up, but BLOOD! Once he realized this he held her and screamed and cried for help.

“Somepony, get a doctor!”

He then felt her body go limp as every pony on that hill crowded around them. Mac then heard a loud zoom and saw Rainbow Dash flying to get help. Big Mac felt helpless and clueless as to what was happening to Angel, his sweet innocent Angel. He looked at her face as he held her, her eyes closed and blood framing and dripping from her mouth. He honestly thought she was dead, but all that changed when she croaked, “Big...Mac…”

“Angel!” Even as the blood on his hooves began to dry and crackle as more fresh blood began to stain his coat, even as ponies from all around began to crowd around the scene, he held onto to her.

Eyes openly lightly, she held onto him with all she had, “I...I’m s-sorry.”

“Now, now, ” he assured as the doctors began to arrive. “Must of been something ya ate, no big deal. Ya have nothing ta be sorry for.”

“Believe me...I do…”

Just then, the paramedics parted the crowd and lifted Angel onto a stretcher. Big Mac could only watch as the mare he loved was taken away hurriedly to the hospital.

Telling Big Mac

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Big Mac paced around the hospital’s waiting room, sat down, got up again and paced. This pattern kept going on for the next 3 or 4 hours, they wouldn’t tell him anything, they asked him to wait a little longer. His sister, and her 5 friends sat in the waiting room with Applebloom in AJ’s lap, Sweetie Bell in Rarity’s and Scootaloo in Rainbow’s. AJ then heard Applebloom’s stomach growl a little bit, “Hungry there?” AJ asked concerned.

“Yeah, Ah’ll be fine though.”

AJ then looked to the other two fillies then to Big Mac, “Big Mac, why dontcha take the girls down to the cafeteria and snag ‘em somethin’ ta eat?”

Big Mac smiled a little and nodded, “Alright, c’mon girls.”

He knew what AJ was trying to do: she was trying to keep him busy and keep him calm. Once he was gone, AJ turned to look at a very guilt stricken Twilight, “Twi? You alright?”

Twilight snapped out of it, breathing heavily. “I’m...I’m ok…”

Rainbow didn’t look convinced, “Twi, just tell us, we’re your friends...what’s going on?”

Twilight began sobbing, “It’s my fault, I should’ve just...listened to her!”

Fluttershy, who was sitting next to Twilight, comforted her, “Twilight, there’s no way anypony could have predicted this, it’s not your fault.”

“You don’t understand...she told me what she was going through, I tried to fix it with magic to give her more time and...I made it worse! She wanted to tell you at the shower but...I messed it up for her!”

Rainbow then spoke up, “Wait, wait, wait...tell us what?”

Twilight’s eyes widened, “It’s not my secret to tell…”

“Twilight, just tell us what’s going on please?” Rarity begged.

Twilight took a deep breath, “She’s been going through this ever since she was a filly, she’s been in and out of the hospital, going through surgeries, chemo and such…”

AJ’s eyes widened, “No...please don’t tell me she has cancer…”

Twilight nodded, “Leukemia more specifically…”

All of them were silent for a whole minute, their minds processing this before Rainbow spoke up, “Wha- why didn’t she say anything?!”

“You know how conservative she is, do you think she wanted to be somepony’s charity project? She didn’t want to be in the center of attention and she didn’t want to be a burden to everypony. That’s why she left Manehattan, her parents, everypony! She was going to tell everypony last night but, I gave her a freeze age spell before hoof to rewind her cancer a little and give her more time. But I messed it all up for her and probably made it worse!”

Twilight then placed her head in her hooves and began sobbing, Fluttershy looked at her with sympathy and gently rubbed her back.

They all sat there in shock and disbelief as Twilight sat with a few beads of sweat running down her face.

Rarity looked at Twilight in concern, “Are you alright dear?”

“I will be...I just hope things don’t get worse.”

Just as Twilight said that, the doors to the waiting room opened to reveal Princess Celestia, the hospital staff looked in shock as they bowed. Twilight’s stomach meanwhile, immediately dropped.

Celestia then looked at Twilight, and it wasn’t a face of anger or disappointment, it was a look of concern and understanding.

‘What in the name of—” A nurse began as she noticed the princess. “Pri… Princess Celestia.” She bowed. “We weren't expecting you.”

Celestia raised a hoof. “It’s fine. Though,” she looked to the element bearers, “I heard there was an incident with one of my, pupil’s friends and rushed over.” She then advanced towards the mares. “Would you five give me a moment with Twilight?”

Twilight turned to her friends, “Go ahead and join Big Mac and the girls in the cafeteria…”

They all left with a concerned look on their face, AJ turned to Twilight and gave her a reassuring look before exiting.

Twilight sighed, “Princess, I just wanted to—”

Celestia raised her hoof to silence her, “Spike wrote to me, explaining everything. I will admit, my suspicions were high when you wrote me. I admire why you did it, and I am sorry for your friend, but Twilight, magic can’t change fate.”

Twilight was near to crying, “Her fate is to die, isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry to say this, but it is.. I’m betting you’ve been feeling exhausted. Trying to cast and maintain such a powerful spell?”

Twilight gulped, noticed her breathing had become heavy. “Well, I’m sure it’s not—”

Celestia sighed. “I know what you’re feeling. When I first became an alicorn, and my friends, and even family, began to die around me and Luna, I tried far more drastic things than you have.”

Twilight blinked.

“I could move the sun and stars, but even I had limits, and so do you. I’m sorry, Twilight, but you have to accept, there are limits to what magic can do.”

Defeated, Twilight slumped in her seat. “You’re right. I knew it was foolish. And I won’t deny it, I lied a bit to Angel. My plan wouldn’t have kept her alive for a few more years, but for as long as I lived.” She began to sob. “I knew, deep down, it takes a lot. But I just… I just… I just wanted…”

A soft wing wrapped itself around Twilight’s midsection. With no hesitation, Twilight sobbed into her mentor.

“So,” Twilight began once she calmed down, “so what’s the point?”

Weakly, Celestia gave her a smile. “What’s the point? The point is, she’s here now, and that’s what matters. Your friend has changed the lives of many ponies along the way hasn’t she? I have a feeling she was put on Equestria’s earth do do just that. Change lives, help others, even if it affects her...she puts herself before others.”

“But, isn’t that also a bad thing? She can’t keep putting others before herself, her own health is deteriorating, I don’t understand why she can’t focus on her own health more at least. Why can’t I?”

Celestia smiled, “Because she has accepted it, she knows it’s going to happen, but at the same time wants to spare others feelings of the pain they would feel. I knew ponies like her, if they knew somepony was hurting because of them, they are crushed emotionally.”

Twilight sniffed, “Okay, I can understand that, but are you encouraging it or no?”

Celestia clicked her tongue. “Well, what do you think is right, my dear Twilight?”

Twilight thought for a moment, “Be there for her, like I have been the whole time.”

Celestia nodded slightly.

Twilight smiled slightly and wiped her tears, “Okay, I think I can accept this a bit better now…”

Celestia smiled as well, “Good, now I may not be able to stop you from trying to slow down her cancer, but you must promise me you will put your own health ahead of her's. I don’t want you losing yourself over this, but take care of her at the same time. She is a beautiful and remarkable pony, I will ask that you, your friends and Big Mac do that by taking care of her.”

Twilight furiously nodded. “I will. I promise, to treasure every moment I have with her.”

Celestia nodded, “Good, I will give you some time with Angel, I have a feeling she will awaken soon. I will visit your friends, I already know she will want to tell Big Mac herself.”

“Yes, Princess.”

Celestia smiled then turned to exit to the cafeteria. They were serving white cake today.

Angel’s mind began to focus again in an almost all too familiar experience for her. Surgery, nothing else it could have been. Her mind was still a bit fuzzy; she couldn’t yet move her hooves, but she could already tell there was at least one or two other ponies in the room with her.

Once her mind cleared enough, she tried to say a word and moved a hoof, to which she got an answer to who was with her:

“Angel? Are you alright?”

Angel looked over and saw a purple, fuzzy blob, Angel’s eyes tried to focus with a bit of success, “Twilight?”

Twilight laughed softly, “Hey…”

Angel smiled slightly, “Is...I they know?”

“The girls know, but...not Big Mac, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo.”

Angel nodded, “I wanna tell Big Mac myself…”

“I figured you would, do you want me with you or…”

“No, this is my mess, I have to clean it up.”

Twilight looked at her concerned, “Are you sure?”

Angel nodded, “I am...I’m just a bit scared is all…”

“I understand, and I understand your reasoning for all this as well, but there are times where you need to put your feelings and your health first. Angel, it’s not healthy for you. Was your plan at first to hide in your house and shrivel away?”

Angel took a deep breath as a few tears came out, she then nodded.

“I’m sorry if I said that wrong Angel—”

“No you didn’t...that really was my original plan. But then, you all came in my life and showed me for once in my life what it’s like to have friends that care about me because of me, not my would’ve felt so wrong to me to feel like someone’s charity project.”

“Angel, even if we had known, we would have treated you the same and still offered to help you. When a friend is like this, we do everything to help them. We do it because we care about you, and so does Big Mac. He doesn’t do what he does for you because he has’s because he wants to…”

“I lied to him as well...what makes you think he’ll want to stay with me through all of this after I lied to his face?”

“Because he loves you...he would fight every creature in Equestria for you...I know this because I’ve seen the way he looks at you. That stallion is in love with you.”

Angel sniffed, “Okay...that makes me feel a bit better…”

The door to Angel’s room then opened and the rest of her friends plus Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo entered. Angel gulped down the lump in her throat nervously, “Hey…”

She then noticed Big Mac in the hall and got nervous, AJ turned to him and said, “Big Mac, give us some time with her, she wants to talk with you alone.”

He nodded giving a worried look to Angel as he turned away, Fluttershy then closed the door and all eyes were on Angel and Twilight. Angel got nervous and tightened her grip on Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight looked at her and gave her a reassuring nod, Angel let out a deep breath, “How much do you guys know?”

Applejack looked nervous, “Everythin’.”

Angel’s voice began to shake as tears came out, “I-I’m sorry…”

They all looked sadly at her, Angel looked at the three fillies then at AJ again, “The girls?”

“Ah told them out of Big Mac’s hearin’ range…”

“Big Mac?”

“Nuthin, we thought you’d wanna tell him.”

“Ok...look, I’m sorry for all this. I didn’t mean for it to go this far…”

Rarity spoke up, “What do you mean?”

“I wanted to shut myself out to spare others feelings; it would kill me to even think about the fact that I’m hurting or being a burden to others…”

Angel looked at Dash who was just avoiding even making eye contact with her, and looking like she was holding something back.

Fluttershy then spoke up, “You could never be a burden to us. We’re your friends and we would never do that to you.”

“I know and I should’ve realized this sooner, but I had already been destroyed by those feelings of hurting someone and being left...I was afraid it would happen again.”

Twilight looked at her curiously, “Who are you talking about?”

Angel was growing closer to crying again, “My ex coltfriend, Blazing Saddle...we were dating months before my cancer came back and we cared for each other very much, he treated me like royalty. But when my cancer came back and I found out that it wasn’t even reacting to chemo...I told him, expecting him to understand and want to stick by me. I was wrong, he got angry and broke off our relationship in a fit of anger, it hurt...not just because of him leaving the way he did but I felt it was mostly my fault. And when I came here at first, I wanted nothing to do with romance…”

Angel turned to AJ and Applebloom, “But then your brother came into my life...and I have been terrified of losing I lost Blaze...I can’t take it just thinking about it…”

AJ walked toward her with a look of sympathy, “Now look here…”

Angel looked up at her with tears staining her face as AJ sat on the side of her bed and took her hooves, “Me and Applebloom know Big Mac better than anypony else in this room...and we know that he is not that kind of stallion. When he makes a promise, he will break his back to keep it, and he made a promise to ya to stay by yer side didn’t he?”

Angel sniffed, “Y-yes…”

“Then you can bet my apples that he will keep it Angel...he’s never broken a promise before, and he’s not gonna break one now.”

Angel relaxed a little, “Ok...ok…”

“Ya wanna talk to him now?”

Angel gulped again, “Yeah...yes please.”

AJ nodded.

They soon all left the room, Angel’s heart beat loudly in fear and nervousness. This was it, it now or never. She heard giant hoofsteps come down the hall. As soon as the door opened to reveal Big Mac, her heart stopped. She felt like running but stubbornly made herself stay on the bed.

“Angel? Is everythin’ alright?”

Angel said nothing but she shook her head ready to cry again.

Big Mac approached the bed and sat on the side like AJ did, only he held her and petted her mane gently. Angel began crying again, “Big Mac...I’m so sorry…”

He gently pushed her off of him with a confused look on his face, “What’re ya sorry for?”

“I lied to you…”


“I told you I was fine but...I’m not fine…”

She then began to break down crying, “I have leukemia and I’m dying...I didn’t tell you because I was scared. I hated lying to you this whole time but I was afraid of hurting you...Blaze did it to me when I told him, he left me...I wouldn’t be able to handle it if you left me too...I wanted to die alone at first yes but then I met you and your family and your sister’s friends and...I decided I couldn’t go through with my original plan anymore!”

Big Mac couldn’t say anything at first. He was trying to wrap his head around all this. Angel Wings, the love of his life, was dying. And there was nothing he could do to cure her, he wasn’t mad at her at all, he was mad at the world at that moment, for bringing this beautiful mare into his life only for her to be taken away from him.

“Big Mac...please say something…”

Big Mac looked at her while choking back tears, he then pulled her into a tight hug, “Ah’m not leavin’ you...count on that...Ah will be here for you through the good, bad and ugly...Ah will give ya everythin’ ya won’t get to experience and Ah will be there for yer last breath...till yer heart stops beating...I promise all of this ta you...because...Ah love you so much…”

Angel listened to all this in silence as tears streamed down her face and began to smile slightly, she then began sobbing happily into Big Mac’s arm. Big Mac looked at her worried a little, “A-are ya alright? Ah didn’t mean ta—”

“You don’t need to apologize...I’m just so...happy...and relieved...I was so scared....”

“Ah could never bring mahself ta do that to you...Ah’d rather purposely bust mah leg applebucking than hurt you…”

Angel sniffled, “I love you Big Mac...thank you so much…”

“Ah love ya too...Ah always will…”

Two weeks went by since then, Angel was released from the hospital the day after Big Mac confessed his complete and total loyalty. Since then, a lot of things had happened. Despite the words of caution, and even some resistance from Angel when she learned about how much magic Twilight was really putting into her, and after going over it with some doctors, Twilight still applied some magic to keep Angel alive. While it may no longer be the years (or eternity like Twilight had hoped) It would give Angel more time than before without over straining her friend.

The other thing to happen, was Big Mac’s attitude towards Angel. While he didn’t act any less loving towards her, it was impossible to not notice the changes in him since the truth came out. He acted far more defensively, he would be by her side when she needed to go anywhere and would even carry her through the marketplace if they were there too long so Angel would have some energy left. Not to mention that he talked less, and consistently had bags under his eyes. Angel’s only guess was that he was up late worrying about her. She also noticed that when they were on the dates, whenever he wasn’t talking, he’d just look… lost was a good way to put it. A better seemed to be in deep thought.

Not as if he now didn’t have a lot on his mind, but no matter how many times he would tell her it was fine and that he wasn’t going to leave her, it reached a point where she couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Big Mac, are you alright?” she asked them on a date in Sweet Apple Acres’ orchard.

He responded as he always did when he was in one of his dazes. “Um, eeyup.”

Angel let out a fake cough, and when he flinched she snapped her neck up and narrowed her eyes. “Big Mac…”

He sighed. “Sorry.”

She blinked. “Don’t be. It’s a… a lot to take in, I know.” she nuzzled into his chest. “Talk to me.”

He didn’t, but soon added, “Angel, do you trust me?”

She pulled back and looked at him puzzled. “Of… Of course.”

He heaved a sigh, “Ah...ah need ta take a trip to Manehattan in 2 days.”

Angel’s eyes widened, “What? Why?”

“It’s a business trip ta make a deal ta sell some of our apple products out that way. Ah’ll only be out there a few days, and Ah’m comin’ right back home.”

Angel looked a bit uneasy, Big Mac knew she was going through some PTSD over what happened between her and Blaze.

He wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled her comfortingly, “I promise you that I’m comin’ home, Ah’m not gonna do to you what that coward did...he was a coward to not stick by you. And Ah’m gonna do everythin’ I can to give you what you deserve”

Angel stopped him by kissing him before he started breaking down, Mac soon relaxed in the kiss, knowing that Angel believed him.

Big Mac then felt Angel gently part the kiss he then looked at his beautiful mare that he loved dearly, knowing the inevitable but wanting to savor every moment he had with her.

Two days later, Angel and Big Mac along with the remainder of the Apple Family were at the train station, waiting for Big Mac’s train to depart. He said goodbye to his sisters and Granny, who all had a knowing look in their eyes as they told him, “Good luck.”

He then came to Angel, he then took her hoof in his as he said, “Ah’m gonna be comin’ home...Ah promise.”

Angel nodded, Big Mac then kissed her forehead and said, “AJ’s gonna look after ya while Ah’m gone.”

“Mac, I don’t need to be babysat.”

“Ah already tasked her, yer not gettin’ out of it.”

Angel snorted a laugh, “Fine…”

The conductor then called for everyone to board, Big Mac kissed Angel one last time before boarding.

After he took his seat, he looked out the window at Angel, smiling and nodding once to reassure her before the train started moving, he saw her smiling back and before long she was out of his vision. He then reached into his saddlebag and took out a velvet box and opened it. He looked down smiling at his mother’s antique rose gold wedding ring that he wanted to get fitted at a jeweler’s while in Manehatten, he had a special surprise for her.

When he arrived in Manehattan, he was a little nervous, not only for the bustling around of all the ponies around, but his mission. This was not a business trip for him, he only said that as an excuse to take a special trip here. He had a special surprise for Angel, but there was a couple of ponies he needed to speak to first. He gulped at the thought of it, but he choked back his fears and moved towards the Jeweler’s.

He arrived, gave the ring to the jeweler and asked if it could be fitted to Angel’s horn size within 3 days. The jeweler said he could do that for 500 bits, Big Mac was willing to pay any price so he happily gave him the 500 bits and moved on to his hotel to rest for an hour and contemplate how he was going to approach the next step, Angel’s parents.

Around noon, he decided to go out to Ponybucks for some coffee and a sandwich before going to the Palace Theater on Bridleway. He was able to slip through the back, stating he was one of the crew, the stallion at the door looked at him skeptically. Big Mac then said, that the director hired him as a janitor to clean the stage. The guy bought it and let him through, Mac never knew how big these theaters were until he reached the stage, he was in awe at the size and the detailing in the audience’s seats. Then he saw the director coming towards him and his blood went cold, his mind blank, what was he supposed to say?

“You’re part of the new cleaning crew I presume?”


“Well, good...helping hooves are welcome, I am Curtain Call, the director. Welcome aboard!”

Curtain Call was a lavender earth pony stallion with a royal purple mane and Mac could see Angel’s eyes in him, they were the same sky blue eyes she had. His cutie mark being a green beret that resembled the one he wore on his own head and surrounded by 4 stars. Big Mac noticed the look in his eyes, it looked to be the look of a father that lost something important to him. Mac knew what it was, it was Angel, and he had to find some way to mend this family before it was too late, before Angel was gone and this stallion and his wife would never heal.

“Actually, mister Curtain Call sir...Ah….I wanted to speak to you about somepony, I’m from Ponyville, my name is Big Macintosh Apple and Ah’d like ta speak ta you about yer daughter, Angel Wings.”

Curtain Call froze, “What about Angel? Is she alright? What happened?”

“She’s fine, nothing has happened, she’s alright.”

Curtain heaved a sigh of relief, “Thank Celestia...what did you want to talk to me about with her?”

“Ah….Ah have….Ah have fallen in love with your daughter. And Ah want to give her the most in life before….before the inevitable happens…”

Curtain Call somehow knew where this was going, but wasn’t sure, “What are you asking me?”

“Ta trust me in that Ah will never do anythin’ to hurt her, disrespect her. I want to care for her to the best of my ability before she departs and give her all of life’s experiences and everything she’s wanted in life that she won’t be able to experience. And with this life experience, Ah wanted to be a gentlecolt and do this properly asking for yer blessin’ marry yer daughter.”

Curtain Call’s eyes went wide, “I’m not sure, does Angel know you’re here?”

“She knows I’m here but she thinks Ah’m on a business trip, it’s the only way Ah could do this so she doesn’t know and Ah can surprise her. But, Ah feel it’s only right ta have you and yer wife at the wedding as well, so you have the chance to walk her down the aisle. No matter what she says about avoiding you two so she can’t hurt still deserve ta be there for her on her special day.”

Curtain Call was near tears when Big Mac said he would do what he can to convince Angel to let him be there. “Thank you...that means so much... but, I’m thinking maybe we should discuss this with my wife first and let us get to know you better. How long are you here?”

“3 days sir.”

“Alright then, where are you staying?”

“The Celestia Crowne Plaza, in Times Square”

“Alright then, would you be up for dinner tonight with myself and my wife tonight?”

“Of course.”

“Good man, we’ll pick you up at 6:30.”

Big Mac nodded, “Ya still want me ta clean the stage fer ya?”

“No, you’re fine, just go back to your hotel and be ready for dinner, and don’t worry about being formal, we’re going to get some pizza.”

“Sounds good.”

“See you tonight.”

“Yes sir.”

Big Mac went back to his hotel room and rested, up until he had to get ready for dinner with both of Angel’s parents. The closer the time came, the more nervous he was, he was just some random stranger that was coming up to them asking for their daughter’s hoof. They didn’t know him, he didn’t know them, the question that he kept asking himself in his mind the most was, “Why would they give permission to a stranger?”

He heaved a sigh and murmured to himself, “Hopefully they’ll give me the benefit of the doubt…”

He could’ve eloped with her, but he was raised better than that, unless the parents were departed or cast her out, he had to ask permission for her hoof. He simply took a shower and dried and combed his mane neatly so he didn’t look too rough for Angel’s high society parents. Luckily it was just pizza so he didn’t have to rent a tux and go all out. He took a deep breath and went down to the lobby to wait for Angel’s parents. The wait was tense for him, wondering what all he was going to be asked, how Angel’s mother was going to look at him and if he would gain their blessing. He saw Curtain call walk in with a unicorn mare with a snowy white coat, her blonde hair neatly pulled back and her purple eyes looking uneasily at her husband then at Big Mac. Her cutie mark was a series of piano keys with purple music notes. Angel definitely resembled her mother the most. He gulped and kept a smile as they approached him, Curtain Call spoke when they reached him, “Big Macintosh, this is my wife Ivory Key.”

“Evening ma’am,” he said as he reached out to shake her hoof. Instead of taking it, she hugged him tearfully and said, “Thank you….thank you for looking after my baby….”

Big Mac froze for a second, processing but soon hugged this grieving mother back comfortingly, “Ah assure you, she’s in good hooves…”

“I know…” She calmly broke the hug, and looked at him happily, “When Curtain told me your name, I knew you were part of the Apple Family, one of Angel’s childhood friends is from the Apple family, she has a little sister named Babs.”

“She’s mah cousin.”

“Yes, and I’ve met other ponies from your family and they are all good hearted ponies...ponies I entrust with my daughter in a heartbeat. We may be rich dear, but we are still open to what’s important in life. And you have an immediate yes from me and I convinced her father to say yes as well...but we still want to get to know our future son-in-law while you’re here.”

Big Mac smiled, washed over with relief, “Thank you both...thank you both so much…”

And with that they went to dinner, they spent an hour talking over pizza, asking how their daughter and him met, how he found out about her illness, how he’d been taking care of her, how he plans to take care of her and still work the apple farm, etc. The next two days were spent with each parent separately. Mac went to lunch with Ivory the next day and got to meet Angel’s adopted sister Rose Red at Foalliard and see her perform. Rose Red was a bit uneasy about Big Mac at first but got to know him and felt a bit more comfortable about his union with Angel.

The next day was helping Curtain Call around the stage, sweeping up costume pieces during dress rehearsal so nopony slipped and fell and cleaning the stage after rehearsal while Curtain Call took and reviewed his notes on the actor’s performances, once in a while looking up at Big Mac and being impressed with his work ethic. They then went to a small restaurant for dinner and talked things out about him and his wife being at the wedding.

“I’m not sure she’ll accept that, she’s stubborn in her ways.”

“Ah know that firsthoof, but Ah know that she is gonna want you ta give her away. And even if she says no, Ah’m gonna do it anyway, it’s your right as a father to have that honor. And her mother to witness it.”

He took a deep sigh, “We’ll see what happens…”

“Ah’m gonna ask you and Ivory ta come to Ponyville a week after the proposal, along with Rose Red and we’ll see what Angel’s response is. We never know until we try…”

Curtain thought for a minute, “Alright, but what if she tries to turn us away?”

“Ah will talk ta her, she will listen ta me, but Ah highly doubt it’ll come ta that.”

“I hope you’re right.”

The morning Big Mac left, he picked up the engagement ring from the jeweler’s feeling confident. Angel’s parents gave him a send off at the station, Ivory giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek and Curtain shaking his hoof.

“Ah’ll see you both in 7 days.”

“Of course, we just hope everything turns out alright,” Curtain stated a bit nervous.

“It will…”

Ivory looked at him tearfully, “We’re just so happy and relieved she found you, after Blaze we thought she would never find that again before she leaves us all...we just want to thank you for giving this to her.”

“You’re welcome ma’am, and rest assured, she will be well provided for and I will not ask a cent from you just to show my devotion—”

“No need for that Mac,” Curtain interrupted.

“I will not hear of it, if you need anything...anything at all, just let us know dear,” Ivory insisted.

“Ah will, and Ah promise not to abuse it.”

“Good man.”

Big Mac nodded and boarded his train, he nodded reassuringly to the couple from his window as the train took off.

Once the train arrived back in Ponyville, he saw his family waiting for him but Big Mac’s face lit up when he saw Angel standing there, waiting for him alongside his family. When he got off and was standing on the platform, Angel flung herself at him so hard, he fell over and enveloped him in a hug kissing him repeatedly.

“I missed you so much!”

“Ah did too…”

He kissed her one last time before standing up and greeting Granny Smith and his sisters.

“Everything go smoothly AJ?”

“Everythin’ went really well Big Mac, a couple throw ups and nose bleeds every now and then but nuthin that warranted another visit to the ER.”

Big Mac sighed in relief, “Good...good…”

Granny Smith then spoke up, “Well, let’s ya two back ta the Acres and Mac can tell ya about his trip in private Angel.”

“Sounds great, but maybe Mac should rest first.”

“He can sleep later tonight doll, trust me.”

Angel looked at her suspiciously, “Alright Granny, you ready Mac?”

“Give me a few minutes, Ah have ta get mah saddlebags, wait over at the steps for me.”

Angel raised an eyebrow and went, once she was out of hearing range, Granny asked, “Did ya get their permission? What did they say? Ah hope you were a gentlecolt!”

“Ah was Granny and they know Sunflower, Babs’ sister and they know our family well and they trust us with her care so...they gave me their blessin’.”

Apple Bloom was about to burst with excitement before AJ quietly calmed her, “Don’t spoil the surprise Apple Bloom!”

“’s just….can Ah be the flower girl?”

“It all depends on Angel’s answer at this point, but how can she say no?”

Big Mac felt himself sweating, feeling nervous, ‘Oh, sweet Celestia! Ah didn’t think about that...what if she says NO?!’

AJ laughed nervously, “Forget Ah said that…”

Big Mac gulped and nodded then headed down to Angel and they all walked back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once there, AJ, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith went inside the house to allow Big Mac and Angel some alone time. The couple blushed at each other and headed of into the orchard, they walked until they ended up cuddled next to each other on an empty hill at sundown.

Angel nuzzled him affectionately, “I missed you so much.”

He kissed her forehead lovingly and checked in his saddlebag that the ring was still there, which it was, “Ah did too, but Ah have a confession...Ah wasn’t there fer a business trip…”

Angel looked at him with wide eyes, “What?”

“Ah was there ta talk to yer parents about somethin’ and hear me out before sayin’ anythin’. Ah wanted ta do this the right way, it was the way Ah was raised, and Ah wanted ta be the gentlecolt and ask permission before asking you this…”

Angel only stared at him as a soft breeze blew through, ‘He’s not gonna ask what I think he is, is he?’

“Angel...even in different circumstances, if you were going to live, Ah would have fallen in love with you. Ah would’ve courted you the same way Ah have our entire time together…I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. When Ah think about you, Ah know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do. Angel Diamond Wings...The story of our love is only beginning, and even though it might not end with the happiest ending, I wanna help you write our own happy ending. The only question left is….”

Angel was crying happy tears at this point as he took a velvet box out of his saddle bag, got up, knelt down in front of her as more tears poured out. He then opened it to reveal an ornate rose gold ring with the center diamond cut into a heart and butterflies embellished on either side with tiny rhinestones in them.

“Angel Diamond Wings...Ah promise, to love and cherish you till yer heart stops beating...will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

Angel cried out of happiness for a few more moments before responding, “Yes….a thousand times...yes…”

Big Mac smiled, close to crying himself, took the ring and slipped it over her horn, he then brushed a strand of hair off of her face and kissed her, in which she responded by kissing with more passion. They broke the kiss when they heard Granny Smith, AJ and Apple Bloom celebrating in the distance, they then looked at each other, laughed a bit and kissed again.