The Things We Need

by Pacce

First published

Lyra is having a rough time getting work and her wife Bon-Bon cheers her up. Sex happens.

Lyra is having a hard time finding work and gets comfort and advice from her wife Bon-Bon. Comfort includes sex.

Chapter 1

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Lyra stared at the door to her home. It was already past sundown, so there was nopony around to ask why the unicorn hovered outside her own front door. She knew what waited for her inside; Bon-Bon would be at the stove, keeping dinner warm, and her little Tootsie Flute would be playing in the middle of the living room floor. Both would ask her about how her auditions went and she’d have to watch the smiles on their faces fall and be replaced by forced cheer after she told them that she’d been turned away. Again.

Lyra knew she couldn’t just wait there all night, so she took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She was relieved to see that Tootsie wasn’t lying in wait as she had thought, but she did glimpse Bon-Bon’s tail through the doorway to the kitchen. Thankful for the additional time before she had to report on her latest failure, her horn glowed as she magically unhitched her saddlebags. The face of the Conductor flashed in her mind and, before she even knew what she was doing, she flung her bag at the far wall with as much force as her magic could muster.

Lyra only had time to gasp, realizing that her delicate lyre would doubtlessly be smashed by the impact, when the bag was snatched out of the air by the able mouth of the cream coloured earth pony that she called wife. Bon-Bon gently sat the bag against the wall before nuzzling open the flap and removing the lyre within. She sat the instrument upon its stand on the small table in the middle of the room, before looking up at Lyra. “That bad, huh?”

Lyra’s cheeks burned with shame at the outburst, but she couldn’t help but smile at the care she’d shown for instrument and the speed at which she’d saved it. Lyra nodded, not ready to talk about it yet. She flopped down on the couch, her neck and shoulders against the back while her legs dangled off the front. From this position, her eyes were level with the middle of the strings of her lyre. This, for some reason, was the only way she felt comfortable playing and it had become a habit. Her horn lit up and she idly plucked at the strings.

Bon-Bon disappeared back into the kitchen and returned moments later with a large plate of cookies on a mounted tray atop her back. “Look what I made for you,” she sing-songed, badly.

Lyra cocked an eyebrow, “For celebration?” Her voice heavy with disappointment.

Bon-Bon gave a crooked smile as she knelt down and slid the tray on the table by the lyre. “Well, yes,” she admitted. “But now they’re comfort food,” she added brightly. She took a cookie in her mouth and settled on the couch next to Lyra, tucking her legs beneath her. She held the cookie out proudly.

Lyra looked from the cookie to her wife’s face and let out a sigh, “I’m not really hungry.” Bon-Bon’s eyes drooped and she munched down the cookie in two bites. “They said my musical stylings were just too individual for their orchestra,” Lyra said staring hard at her instrument. “For a school orchestra,” she added. The glow from her horn dissipated and the lyre went silent.

“I’m the best lyre player in all of Ponyville and I can’t get a job playing for little foals’ plays,” she said looking at Bon-Bon. She felt the hot tears fighting their way out, “It’s a little disappointing.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

Bon-Bon immediately shushed her with a quick peppering of kisses on the lips and nose. “It’s okay sweetie, it’s okay,” she said in barely a whisper. “So long as the ponies in this town keep eating sweets, Sugar Cube Corner will keep on paying all our bills in exchange for my delicious goodies.”

“I’m sorry,” Lyra choked, feeling a rush of disgust with herself, she hated being all “poor me”, but Bon-Bon’s coos and kisses just made her that much more emotional. “I just feel so useless around here, like I’m just a big foal you have to take care of.”

Bon-Bon tucked her head underneath Lyra’s chin, nuzzling her neck. “It’s never easy for an artist to find work, even the really good ones.” Lyra took a moment to breathe in the scent of her mane, it always smelled of baked goods. Bon-Bon popped her head back up, “Hey, did you ever hear back from your sister?”

‘Octavia, the successful one,’ Lyra thought with just a trace of bitterness before her thoughts turned to the letter she’d gotten earlier in the week, the letter she’d been keeping a secret. “Yes, she wrote me back,” Lyra said evenly.

“And,” Bon-Bon demanded impatiently, giving her a small shove.

“She said she’d help me find work,” Lyra tried not to notice how much Bon-Bon’s face lit up before she finished, “in Canterlot.” Lyra stared hard at her belly, “I’m not going to drag you or Tootsie away from your lives just because I’m having trouble, so don’t worry about it.”

Neither of them spoke or moved for several long seconds, when a thought struck Lyra, “Speaking of Little Toot, where is she?”

“She’s at Minty and Berry’s, spending the night with Cherry,” Bon-Bon said distractedly.

“Do you think something might come from that,” Lyra chided, a wicked grin on her face.

Bon-Bon bolted into an upright sitting position. “Don’t even joke about that,” she said breathlessly. “The moment our foal shows an interest in dating, I’m locking her in her room until she’s thirty!”

“Afraid she’ll get into the same mischief we got into,” Lyra asked. Thinking back to those wild days made her smile deeper and brought a warmth to her heart.

Bon-Bon bit her lip and blushed, “Oh Celestia, that first time at the dance.”

Lyra’s face grew hot at that memory, the rest of her was following suit. “You could have warned me how loud you were,” she laughed.

Bon-Bon held her forehooves in front of her face, “I swear I didn’t know!”

Lyra pulled Bon-Bon hooves down and pushed her nosed against hers, “I liked the surprise. My little screamer.” Lyra kissed her, a quick smooch. When she saw herself reflected in Bon-Bon’s eyes, she knew that wasn’t quite enough. She went in slower this time, opening her mouth. Their tongues slid against one another in greeting before they went into their familiar dance. Even after all these years, these kisses still made her feel like a randy teenager.

Lyra pulled back slowly, letting her tongue trace along the underside of her wife’s. A strand of saliva hung in the air, connecting the two tongues. She loved it when that happened and waited for it to break before running her tongue over her lips and settling it back in her mouth. “So we got the house to ourselves tonight,” she stared hungrily into Bon-Bon’s eyes as she said it.

Bon-Bon pulled Lyra onto her side and began kissing her belly. Lyra rolled onto her back scooted beneath Bon-Bon, her tongue trailing as she kept her eyes firmly on her destination. She nipped at the back of Bon-Bon’s legs and she settled her body on top of hers in response. Lyra kissed up her inner thighs as Bon-Bon nuzzled her between Lyra’s haunches.

Lyra found Bon-Bon was only just starting to moisten up, she gave a long slow lap with her tongue to help. Bon-Bon gave her first squeal of the evening, it drove Lyra wild. She buried her nose between Bon-Bons folds greedily. The scent of a mare in the throes of passion, ‘if I could bottle this’, she mused taking in as much as her lungs would allow, ‘I’d make a fortune.’

On the the other end of the universe, Bon-Bon was slowly and wetly kissing around Lyra’s own damp and tender parts. Lyra thought to encourage her along with a rapid movements of her tongue when she felt lips wrap around her most sensitive spot. When they were younger, she’d called it the “little pink horn of pure pony pleasure”, Bon-Bon had made sure that everypony knew that phrase before the week’s end. Lyra was frozen in place as those wet lips delicately worked. Then Bon-Bon sucked.

Lyra threw her head back, throat too tight to even moan. Her legs shook uncontrollably and Bon-Bon just sucked harder. Lyra was pushing against the arms of the couch with her back legs, her hips lifting into the air as much as she could. She was panting hard, her head rolled from side to side, and her tongue dangled out lifelessly.

‘No,’ a tiny voice shouted in her head, ‘she will not get the better of me so easily!’ Summoning all her resolve, Lyra lowered her hips and brought her head back up. Her tongue found new life and curled around Bon-Bon’s own sensitive bit of pink, it was now her lollipop.

Lyra felt Bon-Bon tense up, but she was steadfast. The moans were coming now, muffled from in between Lyra’s legs, but they were getting louder. Each suck was now followed immediately by a puff as Bon-Bon tried to hold back her shrieks. It was now a game of who would break first and Lyra intended to win, her tongue sped up.

Without warning, Bon-Bon pulled her head back and scooted her rump forward so that she was sitting on Lyra’s chest. “What the hay are you doing,” Lyra snapped. “It was getting good!”

Bon-Bon turned to face her, a back leg on either side of Lyra’s head. Her gasping, her musk, and the wetness on her chest and between her own legs was screaming at her to pounce. “Remember last time,” Bon-Bon wheezed.

Lyra’s mind shot back to six months ago. She and Bon-Bon were on the couch, their muzzles buried between each other hind legs. Then the front door opened.

“Moms, I don’t feel so good,” Tootsie had groaned.

Both had whipped their heads to the side to see Tootsie Flute staring at them in confusion. Behind her was Berry Punch, struggling not to laugh, her own foal blessedly asleep on her back. The look on Minty Fresh’s face suggested to Lyra that the pair would be doing something similar the instant they got back to their own house.

Between the two, Bon-Bon and Lyra had weaved a tale of delicious pies that had been tragically sat upon, but were far too good to go to waste. Tootsie had been half asleep and running a fever, so she had seemingly forgotten the whole thing by morning. However, the pair still had to endure two weeks of questions about “delicious pie” from some of the more catty town’s folk.

Lyra clenched her teeth and then let out a long sigh. “Fine,” she breathed. She pointed her back right at the stairs, “Bedroom, now!”

Bon-Bon couldn’t resist sliding forward over Lyra, giving her a very clear look of where she had left off. Bon-Bon looked back and stuck out her tongue before hurrying to the stairs. Incensed, Lyra rolled off the couch and hit the floor running. Catching up to her on the stairs, Lyra put just the faintest bit of magic in her horn and prodded forward. The scream she received was well worth the sprint.

As the pair tried to muscle past each other, Lyra asked, “So where’d you learn that... sucking thing. That was a new one.”

Bon-Bon giggled, “The Ponyville library has some very interesting books.”

Lyra made a mental note to renew her library card as Bon-Bon pushed past her and into the bed room. Bon-Bon leapt into the air, twisting so that she was facing Lyra when she landed on the bed. She pawed at the mattress, “So do you want to finish where we left off?”

Lyra thought about it, as much as her very distracted mind would allow. “I have something else in mind. Turn around.”

Bon-Bon tilted her head back and arched an eyebrow, but she did as she was told. Lyra climbed into bed behind her and gave a loud kiss to Bon-Bon’s cutie mark. “Butt up, Bonnie,” she purred.

Bon-Bon looked back in time to see Lyra give her a wink before she also turned her backside to her. “Oh,” Bon-Bon bit her lip and raised her rump in the air. “We haven’t done this in a while.”

Lyra flicked her tail onto Bon-Bon’s back. Bon-Bon drew her own tail slowly between Lyra’s back legs, the curls at the end tickling in all the right ways, before it settled on Lyra’s back like a small blanket. Lyra slid her forelegs apart and arched her back, her backside lined up with Bon-Bon’s. “Ready,” Lyra cooed.

“Mmmhmm,” Bon-Bon sounded, her face already buried in the pillows.

Lyra took three deep breaths and pushed her hips back. They jostled against each other, blindly seeking out that bit of hot and wet. They kissed, their lips catching and pulling as they moved their hips.

They moved slow at first, getting into rhythm. Then they increased the tempo. Lyra was panting her tongue trailing on the sheets. Behind her, Bon-Bon was crying into the pillow.

Lyra turned her head back, still moving her hips. “None of that tonight,” she said gently.

Bon-Bon raised her muzzle from the pillows, she gasped with every movement. “But the neighbors will hear,” her voice trembled, each syllable was a different octave.

Lyra smiled as broadly as her face would allow, “Then let’s make it a splendid performance!”

Lyra held her tongue between her teeth and carefully guided her hips until they’re most sensitive bits touched. Bon-Bon was breathing rapidly, holding very very still. Lyra pushed, Bon-Bon screamed.

That scream took Lyra back. Bon-Bon had been her first, but when she heard that scream, she knew she’d never want another. Every push, every twitch, Bon-Bon was getting louder. It was better than any thunderous applause she’d received because of her skill with the lyre. Bon-Bon was her instrument now, she played her well.

Lyra’s eyes rolled up as a wave of electric pleasure broke across her body. Then another. And another. And another. Lyra’s legs were jelly now, her forelegs and head lay on the bed and just jostled as Bon-Bon had taken over, getting ever louder. Lyra dully noticed that she could see the neighbor’s lights turn on as Bon-Bon’s crescendo continued. Lyra’s eyes fluttered as Bon-Bon threatened to push her off the bed. The rapid short shrieks broke into one last ear splitting cry which Lyra was only too glad to join in. Bon-Bon collapsed, the duet was over.

Lyra achingly turned around, she brought her tongue out and lapped around Bon-Bon’s quaking thighs. Berry had once called this taste, “the lovers’ unique blend”. Lyra always made sure to sample it, but the exhausted moans she got told her that any more than a taste and her lover would pass out.

Lyra crawled forward across the bed and kissed Bon-Bon’s neck. More teasing than anything, her love was very much a “one show a night” kind of filly.

Lyra finished her crawl and came to a rest staring at her Bon-Bon’s sweat glistened face. “Hi,” she whispered.

Bon-Bon smiled, but it didn’t quite make it to her weary eyes. “I’ve been thinking,”

“Really,” Lyra laughed, interrupting her. “I must be losing my touch.”

Bon-Bon brought up a foreleg to quiet her, Lyra only started licking along the hoof. Bon-Bon brought it down and pushed against Lyra’s chest. “I’m serious.” The firm look on her face took Lyra instantly from her giddy state.

“Lyra,” Bon-Bon began again. “I think you should take your sister up on her offer.”

Lyra sighed, “I told you already, I’m not dragging you and Tootsie away from everything you know.”

Bon-Bon’s eyes shied away. “You wouldn’t have to.”

Lyra’s heart turned to ice, “What are you saying? You want me to leave?”

Bon-Bon turned and put a hoof on her cheek, “No, honey, never.” The panic died in Lyra’s chest and she let Bon-Bon speak. “What I’m saying is, that I don’t want to hold you back. Canterlot isn’t that far and we could come up every weekend and in the off season you could come back down.”

Lyra was crying again, Bon-Bon continued. “We’d still be a family and I’m sure we’d be able to make Tootsie understand.” Bon-Bon kissed her on the nose. “I’ve seen how frustrated you are here. I know that you need this to be happy.”

Lyra stopped crying and giggled. “My Bonnie,” she pressed her horn against her forehead, “My sweet Bonnie. You could chop up my lyre and bake it into a cake and eat it and I wouldn’t care.”

Bon-Bon shook her head, “You don’t need to say-”

Lyra kissed her forehead and moved down her nose, “I could play for Celestia and all the assembled royals and their families and friends every night and none of it would mean a thing to me if I couldn’t kiss you after.” She had reached Bon-Bon’s lips, and continued talking between kisses, “Without my girls, I can’t play. I can’t eat. I can’t breathe. I need your guilting me into third helpings because you cooked too much. I need little Toot telling me all the made up adventures she went on.” She stopped kissing and pulled back so she could see all of Bon-Bon’s face, her eyes were shimmering with held back tears. “Do you get it now? I don’t care if I have to play on street corners for change, because you’re what I need. More than anything.”

From below, Lyra’s stomach grumbled loudly. “Oooo, and I need cookies. Lots of cookies.”

Bon-Bon’s face broke into pure joy and she laughed and wiped at her eyes. “That’s good, because I have a whole ‘nother tray cooling in the oven.”

Lyra rolled onto her back and dangled her legs over the edge of the bed. Bon-Bon kissed the top of her head before getting off the bed. She turned around at the doorway, “Hey, love you.”

Lyra smiled at the ceiling, “You are so mushy.”