> Fluttershy's Desires > by StarkyShy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Lie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy sat with her animal companions behind her cottage, feeding her friends with the seeds and vegetables she grew organically. Today, she decided to wear a gold-colored t-shirt, and olive-green shorts. Her light brown sandals were currently off, showing that her soles had become quite dirty. As the birds ate away at the piles of seeds, several squirrels ran around her, battling for food. With each lap they took, their bushy tails swiftly brushed against her dirty soles. Fluttershy gasped, her toes curling up. “O-Oh my...T-that tickles..." She gently blushed as she giggled. Fluttershy had herself an embarrassing secret that she didn't dare tell anyone else. Others in Ponyville would have a thing for handcuffs, or spanking, or even dressing up in a giant furry suit with massive genitalia. Fluttershy got excited when she was tickling or being tickled. For some reason, tickling gave her pleasure beyond her understanding. Of course, she wouldn't dare tell anyone, it would be far too embarrassing! Her friends might never speak her again if her secret was revealed. She’d be the laughingstock of all of Equestria! Only her closest animal friend Angel Bunny knew. And he would scratch his little paws on her belly and sides in return for rather extravagant salads. Although she was almost certain Rarity knew, but she definitely couldn’t go out to confirm her theory. She always wanted someone just to satisfy her needs, not just a little white annoyed bunny. She longed for the feeling of nimble fingers rushing down her sides, to have a hairbrush take quick, short stroked down her soles as she screamed with laughter, to have a finger lightly circle around her belly button while her tormenter teased the childish words of "Kitchy kitchy koo..." and "Does it tickle here?" After feeding time was over, she stood up, smiling to herself. Fluttershy lightly brushed some of the dirt off her feet and placed them in her sandals. She knew the perfect place to go today. Fluttershy stood before Sugarcube Corner. Her plan was simple, tell Pinkie she couldn't laugh anymore, and let everything else fall in place. It involved using her to her own advantage, but it was for a good reason, right? Besides, there's no real harm done. The toughest part would be keeping a straight face the entire time. Taking a deep breath, she put on a dejected look, and opened the door. "Thank you very much!" A bright bubbly voice sang. Pinkie Pie grinned as the customer walked away with his box. Upon seeing her friend Fluttershy, her smile grew. "Hiya, Fluttershy! What can I do for you?" Fluttershy waved, weakly smiling. "Pinkie, can I talk to you?" In almost an instant, she was there by her side, arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Whatcha need?" Fluttershy frowned, hopefully, she was at least half as good at acting as she was at animal care. "Pinkie...I have a problem..." Pinkie frowned in turn, "Well that's just no good! Just tell me what it is and I'll be sure to fix it up right away." Fluttershy spun a lock of her hair around her fingers, "Well, you see...I can't laugh..." Pinkie gasped. "Can't laugh? Oh that's terrible! Almost as terrible as the time I burned an entire cake by adding too much yeast because I was distracted because Gummy was telling me this story about how he found out he was a really good baseball player and I didn't even know he even played baseball!" She continued, going on and on about something Fluttershy could barely keep up with until she intervened. "Pinkie? C-can you help me laugh again?" Pinkie's eyes widened, nodding her head. "You betcha! I know what'll make you laugh!" Fluttershy almost brightened up in anticipation, "You do?" "Yep! My serenade about a tortilla will make you laugh!" Fluttershy blinked, "A...serenade about a tortilla?" "Well, actually, it's more of a wrap!" Fluttershy bit her tongue, trying not to laugh at that incredibly lame joke. The corners of her mouth twitched as she tried to keep a straight face. The bubbly girl stroked her chin. "Hm...Oh! Oh! Oh! What would bears be without bees?" Fluttershy shrugged in response. "Ears!" "..." "...Nothing?" Fluttershy shook her head, snickering on the inside. "Ooh, this calls for extreme measures!" Pinkie picked up her pet alligator and set it on the counter. "Gummy, you're in charge until I'm back!" Pinkie Pie started marching upstairs, motioning for Fluttershy to follow. When Fluttershy finally got upstairs, Pinkie giggled with glee. "Alright, lie down on the bed and close your eyes, I'll be ready in a jiffy!" Fluttershy almost accidentally squealed with delight as she did as she was told, resting her head back on the pillow as she shut her eyes, anticipating the fun that would follow. Soon, she felt her legs be lifted up and placed on some sort of cushion. Soon there was the sound of wood colliding, and a lock and key turning. She had a pretty good guess of what Pinkie was doing, but she had to play along. "Pinkie? What are you doing?" "Shh...I'm almost done! Ok, lift your arms up!" Fluttershy began to breathe heavily, not out of fear, but out of giddy anticipation as she felt something soft wrap around her wrists and pull tightly. "C-can I open my eyes, yet?" "Yep! Go ahead!" Fluttershy slowly gazed at the situation she was in. Her feet were now locked in a set of stocks, she tried to lift her legs up, but they were obviously sealed. Looking up, her wrists were tied to the corners of the bed with a ribbon, most likely from Rarity's shop. "Pinkie, what did you do? What's going on?" Fluttershy said, trying to feign ignorance. "Well, duh! If telling jokes won't get a laugh out of my friends, I know tickling will! I just have to tie you down so my medicine will be fully effective. Can’t be too careful, ya know?” Fluttershy weakly pulled at her bonds, feigning her struggle, "W-wait! T-tickling?" Pinkie nodded, slipping the sandals off Fluttershy's feet, "Yep! Laughter is the best medicine, and tickling is the best way to get laughter!" Pinkie wiggled her fingers, slowly approaching Fluttershy's feet. Both of them excited for what was to come. She decided to take it slow, taking her sweet time to drag her fingers down her soles. Fluttershy curled her soles to the best of her ability, she wanted to laugh. She wanted to laugh so badly, but if she laughed, the game would end. So she had to do her best to resist, a constant smile holding back her laughter. "Well, we're getting there! Now all we have to get a laugh out of you!" Pinkie beamed, wriggling her nimble fingers underneath the toes of her friend. Fluttershy started to tear up due to the ticklish torment. It seemed that Pinkie Pie was an expert tickler, her fingers making her wriggle and thrash about.. It was heaven for Fluttershy to experience a tickling that she couldn't get anywhere else, but also hell because she couldn't fully enjoy it by laughing her head off. Her eyes shut tight as her grin began to grow. To try to resist breaking, her legs bounced up and down, her head shook back and forth, and her arms tugged at her bonds. She knew it would do nothing to break her free, but it was a somewhat effective strategy at the moment. Pinkie Pie took notice, and decided to switch tactics. She stood up, no longer tickling the bound girl. Fluttershy started panting, it wasn't an exhaustive tickle session, but not laughing took its toll on her. She was confused as to why this wonderful treatment would ever stop. Pinkie smirked, while Fluttershy was off guard, she lifted up her shirt and dived in. She placed her lips over her belly button and blew a raspberry that made Fluttershy's body shake and shiver. “W-why did you st-AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Without any time to prepare, Fluttershy instantly broke out into sweet laughter. It was over, laughter was flowing out of her mouth like a river. "It was fun while it lasted..." Fluttershy thought, disappointed that it was going to end. Pinkie lifted her head up after 6 seconds of raspberrying, smirking at Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked back and blushed with a sheepish smile. "Well...you did laugh..." Pinkie stated. Fluttershy slowly nodded, ready for the absolute worst. “Y-yes...I did...thank y-” "Buuuuuuut...I think we have to keep going. Juuuust to be sure, ok?" Fluttershy blinked in disbelief. If she could, she'd pinch herself to see if it was a dream. All she could do is smile weakly, trying to contain her excitement. Pinkie Pie walked around the bed, wondering where to attack next. Fluttershy took deep breaths, her toes wiggled as her heart raced. The anticipation was killing her, this was a dream come true. To be tied down and at the complete mercy of someone that wanted nothing but to tickle her out of her wits, to have quick and curious fingers explore every centimeter of her body to find the most sensitive spots, to feel complete helplessness as the only action she could do was laugh. It gave her shivers down the spine, and she began to feel more and more aroused. Pinkie's face lit up, she thrust her hands forward and dug her fingers into sides. Fluttershy's midsection shot into the air as high as the ropes could let her as she let out a rather loud squeal. Not long after, she dissolved into hysterics, tears flowing down her face. As Pinkie wriggled her fingers against Fluttershy's sides, she slowly began to see how much fun Fluttershy was having, and decided to have some fun with it as well. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" The pitch in Pinkie's voice steadily rose. At the same time, her fingers began rising up to her wingpits, to her ribs and hit her armpits at the highest tone. Fluttershy's laughter seemed to increase, either due to the ticklishness of her armpits, the playful and teasing nature that Pinkie had while tickling her, or a combination of both. Either way, she began to blush as her body instinctively tried to shoot her arms to her sides. Pinkie Pie began with a high note as she reversed the process, "Doooooowwwwwnnnn..." She went as her fingers retracted back to Fluttershy's sides, tickling her all the way, then finally retracted, skipping away from Fluttershy to retrieve something else. While Fluttershy caught her breath, she turned her head to try to see what Pinkie's doing. Through her tear-stained eyes, she saw Pinkie returning with a rather large silver toolbox. She squirmed on the bed just thinking about what could possibly be in there. Pinkie Pie opened the box, displaying to Fluttershy what seemed to be an endless array of feathers, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, paintbrushes with paint, even several bottles of syrup. Fluttershy could only stare at the contents in awe, drooling with eyes wide open. Pinkie Pie caught Fluttershy's enthusiasm out of the corner of her eye. She rubbed her hands together deviously. She had suspicions when Fluttershy never asked to stop, but this confirmed that her friend wanted this more than ever. Pinkie grinned mischievously, even if she wasn't aware that she was aware, Pinkie was going to take full advantage of it. She reached into her box and pulled out a few stiff pegasus feathers. These would do for now... She then approached Fluttershy's feet, stroking the tips up and down her soles. Fluttershy broke out into uncontrollable giggles, even if the feathers didn't tickle as much as Pinkie's fingers, it was enough to tease her body and keep her in a constant stream of laughs. Pinkie Pie, not fully satisfied, dragged the feathers under her toes slowly, making sure every centimeter of the feather hit the sensitive flesh. Fluttershy practically screamed, her body bucked around and shook. Fluttershy absolutely loved having her tender toes tormented, her toes splayed open as wide as she could, trying to hint to Pinkie on where to strike next. Pinkie could take a hint, after a couple more strokes under her toes. She took eight feathers and displayed them to Fluttershy like a hand of cards. Shortly after, she placed them between the 8 spaces between her toes. Fluttershy gulped, this was a new experience, she had never thought that anyone could tickle between all the spaces between her toes at once, not that she was complaining, not that she could complain, or wanted to. Pinkie resisted the urge to laugh maniacally as she grasped every feather and sawed them between her toes. Fluttershy's reaction was electric, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she cackled. She threw her head back onto the pillow, violently shaking in her bonds, but not once did she beg for Pinkie to stop. It was either due to the fact that she loved it, or she was laughing too hard to even ask for more. Pinkie continued this treatment until Fluttershy fell into silent laughter, when she finally removed the feathers. As she gasped for air, Fluttershy was red in the face, the pillow she rested on stained with sweat and tears of mirth, and judging by the stains on the bed and her panties, she came. Pinkie Pie walked away, getting a glass of water for her. She smiled, fully aware of Fluttershy’s little secret love. Even after she replenished herself, her face was red with embarrassment instead of exhaustion. "Hey, congratulations! It seems you can fully laugh once more!" Pinkie grinned. Fluttershy nodded, unsure of where Pinkie was going. "Buuut, judging by the results, I think you want some more, dontcha?" Fluttershy froze, was it really that obvious? She felt her wetness on the bed. Ok, it was that obvious. She nodded once more. "P-please?" Pinkie Pie winked, reaching into her toolbox of wonder. displaying to her pegasus friend a bottle of chocolate syrup. Fluttershy laid her head back onto the pillow, allowing to let the syrup fall when it may. Fluttershy shivered as she felt the cold liquid drizzle on her belly. She felt it start just under her ribs, then spiral until it reached her belly button. Fluttershy inferred that Pinkie would be taking this route with her tongue. And she was right. Pinkie took quick little licks at the chocolate with her rough tongue, causing Fluttershy to jolt with giggles. The real fun began when she got closer to her belly button, when Pinkie Pie slowly circled her belly like a vortex of tickling, adding to Fluttershy's suspense on when she would hit the center. Pinkie seemed to slow down the closer she got, making her squeal and wriggle in anticipation. When Pinkie finally did get to her destination, she gingerly dipped her tongue in. Fluttershy shuddered, almost moaning at the ticklish teasing. But the party pony, being as unpredictable as she was, quickly blew a raspberry right on her belly button. Fluttershy would have leaped from the bed if the ropes and stocks didn't keep her down. This was a dream come true, to have such a skilled tickler and at her complete and utter mercy. Fluttershy had no idea what her torturer would do, and it would keep her in a constant state of laughter until she physically couldn't handle it anymore. When the last of the chocolate was licked off, Fluttershy was eagerly waiting for what was next. "Alright, last one we have time for!" As Fluttershy gasped for air, she looked at Pinkie disappointed and confused. Mostly disappointed. "Well, we can't expect Gummy to serve all those ponies forever! And you have animals to take care of!" Fluttershy nodded, she did have a point. Good things do have to end, but hopefully this one would end with a bang. And maybe one day they could do this again, or even have the roles reversed... But all the tickling she had received had finally sated a hunger she had for so long. She couldn't wait for Pinkie's last party trick. While Fluttershy was imagining scenarios and possibilities, Pinkie got out several jars of paint, and quite a few brushes. Without dipping her brush in any paint, she stroked the tip of the brush on the canvas that was Fluttershy's right foot. Pinkie kept a good ear for the intensity of Fluttershy's laughter. Fluttershy kept a constant stream of laughter out, increasing when the thick brush hit between her toes, the center of her sole, and just above the ball of her foot. Pinkie took note of these specific spots, but she kept stroking over them just in case she might be wrong. After quadruple-checking the spots, she was ready to create her art. She dipped the tip into the red paint, and started adding color to the targeted spots, stroking in small circles as she hummed to herself. If Fluttershy wasn't tied down, her body would surely betray her love of this and try to stop the brush. She practically screamed with hysterics as her most sensitive spots were repeatedly attacked. When the paint had made its marks, Pinkie Pie rubbed the excess paint off the brush, and dipped into the orange paint. This time, she drew a careful outline around the red spots, creating a new border. Fluttershy still laughed wildly. It wasn't as ticklish as before, but still very ticklish nonetheless. Then Pinkie would rinse and repeat until her right foot was a rainbow diagram of ticklishness from red to green. If there was a witness, it would be a giant sign that displayed the message “Tickle me here, and here, and here!” Of course, Fluttershy still had another foot completely clean... Pinkie took out the largest brushes she had and dipped them in the blue paint. She grinned as she dragged the bristles wildly on her foot. The random action kept Fluttershy restless. She couldn't anticipate where Pinkie would go next, so she was caught off guard the entire time. She felt each bristle stroke against her sole, and she thrashed on the bed until her movements finally slowed down due to fatigue. When Pinkie was finally done, she took a step back to admire her work. Fluttershy's left foot was absolutely covered in blue, not even the top of her foot was safe from the artist's wrath. She took a picture of the Flutterfeet to admire later, and possibly take a note of for future encounters. But the session was almost over, and now it was time to clean the paint off. Almost in a flash, Pinkie was near her feet with a scrub brush and a bucket of soapy water. She dipped it in, and placed the soaked bristles right on Fluttershy's soles. As soon as Fluttershy felt the scrubbing brush move up, she thrashed violently on her bed, almost as if all the energy was back in her body and it was the first time Pinkie Pie had tickled her. Despite her feet flailing, soles scrunching, and toes twitching, her feet couldn't escape the ticklish brush as it slowly wiped the paint away. Pinkie pursed her lip, yes it was effective, but it seemed like to fully clean her soles, she'd have to add a little more elbow grease, which meant more scrubbing, and a lot more tickling. If there were dogs in the area, they would surely be the only ones to probably hear Fluttershy's squeal. The normally soft spoken girl was screaming as loud as her body could handle. Fluttershy's face was more red than yellow from exhaustion and laughter. but her body still struggled uselessly from the ticklish feeling. Pinkie even had to pull her toes back with one hand to effectively scrub the area with the other. By the time Pinkie was done, Fluttershy was almost completely deprived of energy after what seemed like the perfect eternity of tickling and orgasms. Her voice was so weak, she was even more hushed than usual. She closed her eyes, almost slipping away into unconsciousness. Pinkie couldn't help but admire the impressive cleaning job she did on Fluttershy's feet, even rubbing her face against her now smooth, slightly scented soles. She couldn't help it, the opportunity was just too good not to take. She went out of her way to plant a kiss on each of her toes and smiled a bit when she saw them twitch. When she undid the bondage, she gently nudged Fluttershy to alert her, she did have animals to take care of. But Fluttershy didn't budge, she simply shifted her body into a more comfortable sleeping position and began her slumber. Pinkie said nothing, only pulling the sheets away to replace them with a new one. She quietly tucked the tuckered out ticklish girl in and hopped back downstairs to see how well Gummy was doing. Fluttershy would definitely need hours of deep sleep to fully recover. It was one of the best days of her life, and she couldn't thank Pinkie enough for it. Before she started to dream, she had one last thought. "When can we do that again?" > The Workout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Please, Rainbow Dash? You’re the only one I know that can help me out…” Fluttershy grabbed her friend. She wanted to become physically stronger, and she knew that Rainbow Dash had the know-how to build muscle. “Hm...I don’t know…” Rainbow murmured, it would take a lot of work to tone Fluttershy, and given her current physical capabilities, it might just be more frustrating if she tried to give up early. “Rainbow Dash, I know how strong you are, you must have some sort of workout to help me!” “Well…I’ll try to get something together.” Dash shrugged, already thinking of what she could have her do. She already had a few easy workout routines. Hopefully she could do them without quitting. “Oh, thank you, Rainbow Dash! When are you going to be ready?” Fluttershy squealed, wrapping her arms around her friend. Rainbow Dash reluctantly returned the hug, “Tomorrow. At 1 PM, got it?” Fluttershy nodded, “Thank you thank you thank you so much, Rainbow Dash!” Just as Fluttershy left, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, hopefully she could make a workout routine that wouldn’t make her quit before the day ends. She knew Fluttershy wasn’t exactly the overly athletic type, or the athletic type. The very next day, Fluttershy nervously stood at the door to her friend Rainbow Dash’s house. Her workout gear was a white tank top over her push-up bra, black gym shorts, and blue tennis sneakers. She knocked on the door, steeling her nerves so that she didn’t run away in nervous fright. Rainbow Dash quickly opened the door to greet her. She dressed a little more casually than Fluttershy, with her baggy red t-shirt, black basketball shorts and white running shoes. But she wasn’t dressed to work out hard, Fluttershy was. “Hey, Fluttershy, good to see you! Ready to work out?” Dash grinned, inviting her inside. Fluttershy nodded, pumping her fists in determination. “Yeah! Let’s do it!” Although she was nervous, this was something she really wanted to do. She couldn’t back down now. Rainbow Dash chuckled, patting her back. “Alright, sport, let’s get started then! Come on, let’s go to my workout room!” she said, making her way down to her basement, waving her arm to beckon Fluttershy to follow. Downstairs, Rainbow showed Fluttershy the room she would be working out in. It was a slightly small, brightly lit room with a wooden floor and white walls. Lined up one of the walls were several workout machines that Fluttershy couldn’t figure out the purpose of. On the opposite wall was a full length mirror so anyone working out can fix their form or position, or just admire their looks while they work out. “So, whaddya think? Ready to get started?” Fluttershy nodded, “Where do you want me to go first?” “Well, let’s start out by stretching. Gotta warm up, you know?” Dash replied, stretching her arms up as high as she could, wings unfolded, and then tilted her body from side to side. Fluttershy mimicked her actions, already feeling more flexible and relaxed. After the two had stretched, Rainbow led her friend to the first part of the workout: weight lifting. Grabbing a twenty-pound dumbbell in each hand, she slowly curled up her arms, feeling the burn in her biceps, but the moment her arms curled up all the way, she released, dropping the weights back down to her sides. Her struggles repeat for two more reps until Dash intervenes. “Shy, you gotta bring them down slowly, ok? It’s more work, but it makes you stronger.” She nodded, lifting them up again. She tried her best to take her time in bringing them back down, but only got halfway before dropping them on the ground, sighing in defeat. “Hey, it’s alright, why don’t we try something lighter, ok?” Rainbow said, still being patient with her. She picked up the ten-pound dumbbells and handed them to her. Fluttershy did considerably better with raising them and lowering the weights slowly, but after ten reps, her face was red from the strain. “You’re getting better, Fluttershy! I think we can make a stronger pony out of you yet!” She winked, patting her on the back. “You really think so?” “Definitely! Now gimmie ten more reps.” Fluttershy took a deep breath, and slowly lifted up the weights, a burning sensation building up in her biceps. After the arm workout, Fluttershy’s next area to exercise was her abs. Rainbow instructed her to lie down on the floor so she could work on her abs. Dash placed her hands on Fluttershy’s shoes to keep her in place. “Alright, do as many sit-ups as you can without stopping, alright?” Fluttershy only got to twenty in a row before she lay down on the floor, clutching her sides and groaning in agony. “You ok? Come on, you can do it!” Rainbow said, trying to encourage her. “Alright, do as many as you can again, try to at least get to twenty again.” She nodded, steeling herself and her abs to do another set, and then another, and then one more just for good measure, by the time Rainbow finally told her it was time for a break, she felt like she was punched in the gut by a grizzly bear. Dash offered her a bottle of water to replenish her energy, and waited until Fluttershy was ready until they went onto their next part of her routine. She led her to the pull-up machine, which was just a bar that stuck out of the wall and was supported by two frames. “Alright, let’s see how many pull-ups you can do, no wings, got it?” Dash smirked. Fluttershy gulped, raising her arms up to grab the bar. She could easily reach it without stretching, surely pulling her own weight up would be no problem, right? As she started to pull, she felt strain run through her shoulders and biceps, and she let go, rubbing the sore spots for a second before trying again, only to get a similar sensation. She tried her best to lift herself above the bar, but could barely lift herself off the ground. “Come on, Fluttershy! Do at least one!” Dash barked out, reaching out to hoist Fluttershy up by her armpits. As soon as those fingers made contact with her sensitive pits, Fluttershy squealed and lifted her chest over the bar in order to defend her armpits. Rainbow retracted her fingers as her expression went from surprised to smug, “Oh? I think I found a way to get you to do pull-ups…” she chuckled, stepping in front of Fluttershy so that she can show off her wiggling fingers. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, “Wait! Rainbow Dash, I’m not sure that’s a good ideeeeEEEAAAAAA!” she squeaked, raising herself up again above the bars on pure reflex rather than physical strength. “What are you talking about? This is working great!” She chuckled, continuing to poke and prod at her armpits, even the lightest touch made her scream, something that Rainbow had way too much fun with. After Fluttershy effortlessly did twenty pullups in a row, Rainbow Dash figured that Fluttershy had enough tickling and stepped back. “See? I knew you could do it. Maybe I should tickle you for every exercise…” Dash grinned. Fluttershy let go of the bar, trying to catch her breath as she leaned forward, face red from exhaustion, but when her friend suggested an entire workout based off what she loved, her face became even redder. She would absolutely love that, but she could never be brave enough to just tell her that. “Hey, sorry about that Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, offering her the bottle of water. “But it was kinda funny watching you jolt around.” Fluttershy looked up, smiling weakly, “No, it’s ok...What’s next?”” “Actually, I think that’s a good place to stop for today. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok? I’ll give you more workouts then.“ “So...same time tomorrow?” “Same time tomorrow.” Fluttershy nods, stretching out before heading out. “Alright, I’ll be there, thanks Rainbow Dash!” As Rainbow saw her friend leave, she felt a bit confused. It was great that she managed to help Fluttershy out, but she did get curious as to what happened when she was tickling Fluttershy. She could’ve easily let go of the bars, Rainbow definitely would’ve done that if she was in her position, so why didn’t Fluttershy do the obvious thing to prevent being tickled? She had her suspicions, but she didn’t have a surefire way of knowing for sure. Unless… The very next day, Fluttershy knocked on Rainbow Dash’s door, wearing similar clothes, but in different colors. This time it was a grey tank top and blue shorts. Dash opened the door. “Hey! Nice to see you back, Fluttershy!” She smiled, stepping to the side. The two pegasi wasted no time, already getting their stretches done with and out of the way. “Alright, so what’s the first thing I’m doing?” Rainbow smirked, “Well, lay down on the ground, first…” Fluttershy did as she was instructed, “So...am I doing sit-ups again?” “Well...something like that.” she chuckled, standing above Fluttershy, before sitting on her thighs, “Alright, you have to get me to stop tickling you. Ready go!” Rainbow Dash said quickly, digging her fingers into Fluttershy’s sides and wiggling them. “Wait, whaaaaahahahaha!” Fluttershy barely had time to react before squealing, she tried to push her arms away, lifting up her own arms to push. “Ooh, bad move there! Now I get to move here!” Dash chuckled, raising her fingers to attack her now exposed armpits. “P-plehehehehehehease!” Fluttershy begged, her face already turning red from embarrassment. She pressed her palms against Rainbow’s shoulders, but due to the current ticklish situation, her strength was significantly decreased, and it also kept her sensitive armpits open for tickling. “Hey, come on! This is also a double workout, laughter is good for the abs, you know?” she fibbed, while it was true that laughing did work the abdomen, this was just a chance to tease Fluttershy, and also confirm her suspicions. Fluttershy was torn between three options: try to cover her sensitive spots, try to pry Rainbow off, or just submit to the tickles. While the last option was tempting, it might look too suspicious if she didn’t show some resistance, so she let her body react naturally to the tickling, which means she starts shifting side to side, trying to throw Dash off. “Kitchy kitchy koo!” she teased, moving her attack down to Fluttershy’s exposed wings, running the fingers up and down the area where her wings met her back. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, she actually didn’t expect her wingpits to be tickled. She tried to push Rainbow’s wrists away, but all it did was hold them in place for more tickling. Now Rainbow decided to test her theory. She slowly lifted herself off Fluttershy until she didn’t have any weight pressing down on her. Fluttershy finally decided to give in, not even trying to push the tickling hands away anymore. She laughed away as Rainbow continued to get her sensitive wings, not even realizing that she could move away at any time. Dash raised an eyebrow, slightly curious as to why her ticklee hadn’t moved away yet. She decided to lighten up on the intensity; if she could think a bit more clearly, then she might retreat. The tickled pegasus didn’t even notice. The only major change was that she now took deep breaths between her bouts of giggles. Now she was really suspicious. Rainbow stepped over to the left, only tickling the right side of Fluttershy’s body. Fluttershy instinctively rolled to the left, right onto her stomach. Her laughter quickly died out as her eyes widened. She didn’t bump into Rainbow Dash when she rolled, she looked to her side, seeing her friend crossing her arms and smirking. “Uh...did I do it?” Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. “You could’ve gotten away any time you wanted a long time ago.” “Oh? Could I? I...didn’t notice…” She sputtered out, looking at the floor in embarrassment. “Fluttershy, can I ask you something? Do you...like being tickled?” Fluttershy whimpered, curling up like an atomic bomb just went off in the distance. Rainbow walked over to her, trying to comfort her. “Hey, Fluttershy, it’s alright!” Fluttershy looked up, face completely red. “It...it is? You don’t think it’s...weird or anything?” she hyperventilated. “Well, kinda, but I’m not going to judge you on what you like. Come on, I’m your friend, that’s not going to change that fact!” She pats her back, smiling at her. Fluttershy slowly calmed down, breathing returning to a normal pace. “You mean it?” “I mean it.” She reaffirmed, giving her sides a squeeze to tease her. Fluttershy yelped, pushing Rainbow Dash away, relieved that her secret didn’t change anything about their friendship. But she still had a different problem; she was there for a workout, after all. “So...what’s the real workout exercise?” “Right! The workout!” Dash laughed nervously, she had almost forgotten about the actual exercises she had planned. Although, with this new information she had, she could use it to both of their advantage. “You know, I think I can adjust a few of them to fit your little enjoyment.” “Oh, come on, Fluttershy! Besides, don’t you think it’ll be fun?” “Well, yes, I guess so, but-” “Great! Then let’s get started!” Dash grinned, grabbing Fluttershy by the arm and dragging her a sit-up bench. The bench was put on a slant so that whoever was using it had their feet up in the air, with a cushion that would go above the ankles for leverage. Fluttershy lied down on the bench confused and curious, she did sit-ups on the floor before, how would using the bench be different? And what exactly was Rainbow Dash planning? “Alright, Fluttershy, I need you to sit up and grab your toes.” Fluttershy reached forward, trying to sit somewhat upright, but only got halfway before falling back. “Aw, come on, Fluttershy! You can do better than that!” Dash chuckled, removing Fluttershy’s shoes and socks, seeing what she had to work with. Fluttershy’s feet were as clean as Dash expected, seeing as how often her and Rarity went to the spas and got a pedicure nearly every time, not a single blister or rough spot to be found, perfect for tickling. She began skittering her fingers across the soft yellow soles, and waited for the reaction. It didn’t take long for Fluttershy to sit upright with that incentive; almost instantly, her fingers touched her toes. As soon as she did, Rainbow stopped tickling, letting Fluttershy lie back down to rest. Shortly after, she started stroking her ticklish soles again to get Fluttershy to sit up again. Rainbow did feel a bit strange doing this, tickling her friend’s feet just to get her to exercise better, but she was satisfied that Fluttershy was at least enjoying herself during the workout. She had to admit to herself that it was going a lot better than she had originally anticipated. Fluttershy was enamored by this workout. Dash’s motivation giving her the strength and willpower to kick her muscles into gear. Perhaps it was the rush she got from being tickled that helped her out, but right now, she didn’t care. Her abs were on fire from laughing and doing constant crunches. After 40 sit-ups, Rainbow Dash stood up, “Alright, I think you had enough.” She said with a snicker as she walked over to Fluttershy’s side. Fluttershy rubbed her stomach as she continued to lie down on the bench, catching her breath. “O-Ooh...that was...a lot of fun!” She giggled, managing to sit up straight. “Heh, glad you liked it.” Dash smiled, happy that she could help her friend out, albeit in an unorthodox way. Still, she was having a difficult time finding ways to incorporate tickling into her workouts. “Alright, now stand over here and put your arms out to the side.”         After she recovered, she did as she was told. “So, what workout am I supposed to be doing this time?”         “Oh, workout? I don’t have a workout planned this time, I just wanna tickle you!” She snickered, sneaking up from behind and digging her fingers into her sides.         “Wait, you want to whahahahaha!” Fluttershy squealed, clutching her sides as she fell down to her knees.         “Aw, come on, Fluttershy, you’re making this too easy for me to keep tickling ya! Come on, I know you like it, but fight back a little!” She taunted, reaching around to wiggle her fingers on her belly.          Fluttershy tried to ‘fight back’ like Rainbow Dash wanted, but all she managed to do was fall down on the floor, allowing Rainbow Dash to easily pin her down.         “Ooh, bad choice there! Now I have more of an advantage!” Dash said as she leaned forward, raising her arms up to attack her ribs, her fingers poking each rib and the spaces between in a random order.         Through her laughter, messed up hair, and teary eyes, Fluttershy noticed Rainbow Dash’s exposed armpits. Dash wanted her to fight back? Then she’d get just what she wanted... With one swift motion, she shot her arms up to counter the tickling with some of her own.         Rainbow’s eyes widened as her grin changed from one of amusement to one of hilarity. She didn’t actually expect Fluttershy to retaliate, so she froze as the fingers invaded her armpits. Her body tensed up, arms retracting back to her, effectively trapping Fluttershy’s fingers in her hollows. Dash was rendered immobile, trying her best not to laugh.         Those few moments are all Fluttershy needed to recover and take advantage of the situation. She began sitting upright, letting her fingers do most of the work to get the other pegasus off of her; her index and middle fingers rubbed against the hollows while her ring finger and pinkies poked at her top ribs.         As Fluttershy moved forward, Dash fell back. It didn’t take long for her to break out in hysterics, as she erupted with laughter as she fell onto her back. “N-Nooooohoho! Get ‘em out! Pleeeeeheeheeheeheease! Stahahahahahahap it”         “Oh, I’d love to, Dashie, but you’ve trapped them in your armpits! I’m trying my best to get them out!” Fluttershy lied, trying to keep her fingers in her hollows as long as possible as she sat on top of her. She couldn’t help but chuckle to herself at how quickly her friend was already begging for mercy. She wanted to attack Rainbow’s other ticklish spots, but keeping the assault at her armpits made sure she had no chance to retaliate.         “You liahahahahahahahar! Gahahaha! I cahahan’t tahahake it!” Dash tried to fight back, but every time she tried to push Fluttershy’s arms away or attack her armpits, Fluttershy would always intensify the tickling, and force her arms back to her in the same helpless position.         “But Rainbow, you’re supposed to be this super strong athlete! Surely you can take just a little tickling, can’t you?” she teased, before leaning forward to blow a raspberry on Dash’s exposed belly.         What came out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth was a squealing that lasted a good five seconds before she exploded into higher-pitched laughter. It seemed that she had given up on fighting back, as she pounded the floor with both her fists.         The tummy attack didn’t stop, as Fluttershy kept blowing raspberry after raspberry over the exposed navel. When she needed air, she threw her head back like one would do before diving down underwater, and to Fluttershy, Rainbow’s laughing and squealing was the sunken treasure: often sought out, often gained, but always rewarding to find.         Of course, Rainbow Dash would probably not agree with that, as she continued pounding at the floor with force. While the tickling was absolute torture, she did have to admit she was happy Fluttershy was having fun, and a bit surprised that she managed to overpower her. Still, the assault on her upper body was making her blue face red. “Stahahahahap it! I give up! Gihihihihive up! No mohohore!”         Fluttershy lifts her head up, pinning her arms down just in case this was a trap. “Oh Dashie, this is too much fun for me to stop!” She giggled, her face just as red from how much enjoyment she was having. She decided to give her a fighting chance though. She’d give her use of her arms and hands, but considering her next target, she might just be left more helpless than ever.         She turned around, scooting over to sit on Rainbow’s ankles.         Dash tilted her head to the side as she was catching her breath, even when her arms were pinned down, she made no effort to fight back, until she felt the weight shift to her ankles; she already knew what was going to happen. “W-wait...please!”         Fluttershy didn’t bother answering, only slipping off her shoes and socks, tossing them to the corner with a giggle.         “I-I’m warning you!” She stutters, sitting upright as she curls her toes.         Fluttershy’s wings flapped as she placed her fingers on the blue soles, dragging them up teasingly slow.         “NO NO NO NO NO!” Dash screamed in panic, reaching forward to wiggle her fingers against her sides.         Naturally, Fluttershy squealed in shock and delight, still, she wasn’t going to let some resistance stop her, so she dug her fingers under her toes, grinning wildly.         Dash nearly went silent with laughter as she began to buck under Fluttershy’s weight. Trying out all different spots to see which one would be more effective. Her sides, belly, ribs, armpits, and wingpits weren’t spared by Rainbow’s experimenting fingers. Although the armpits and wingpits got the wildest reaction, she was fighting a losing battle. Even if she could tickle more effectively, it probably wouldn’t stop Fluttershy from tickling her oh so sensitive feet. Fluttershy was having too much fun to be diverted with counter-tickling.         Even so, when Dash dug her fingers into her helpless pits, she did freeze up for a moment before continuing her tickle attack on her feet. She scribbled her fingers all over her soles, making them wiggle and writhe in ticklish agony.         Dash’s feet weren’t nearly as clean or as maintained as Fluttershy’s, there were a few tougher spots from running and such. But for some reason, her feet were soft and tender, almost unnaturally so. It was no contest who had the most ticklish feet out of all their friends.         Which was unfortunate for Rainbow Dash, who was writhing and begging uselessly on the floor, tears starting to form in her eyes as she clutched her sides in hysterics. She began to grow desperate, her begging sounding more like babbling. She started slapping Fluttershy’s back in a final attempt to get her to stop.         Finally taking the hint, Fluttershy lifted her hands off of her soles. She stands up, scooting to the side and off Rainbow Dash. “Are you ok?” she asked, rubbing the back of her neck nervously as she sees what a giggling wreck she left Rainbow in.         It took a good twenty seconds of gasping and giggling before she could respond with a thumbs up. “You...ah...are...re...lent...less…” she manages to pant out, letting out a groan as she rubs her belly.         “I’m really sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-” she started to apologize, shrinking back into her more demure personality.         “Didn’t know...you had it in you...ahah…” Dash weakly chuckles, “Gonna have to be more careful around you.”         “Oh, I’m so sorry! I was having so much fun, and-”         “Don’t be...that was...kinda fun, actually.” She says, smiling at her.         “Really?”         “Yeah, just...I think that was the hardest my abs have been worked on…”         Fluttershy helps Rainbow up, waiting for her to catch her breath and calm down. After putting on their socks and shoes, they sat down on a bench together drinking water.         “I think we gotta stop for today…” Dash said with a sharp exhale.         “So, I’ll see you tomorrow then?”                  “Yeah, see you tomorrow!” Dash grins, patting Fluttershy on the back before hugging her.         Fluttershy happily returned her hug, gathering her stuff before leaving to continue with the rest of her day.                  Rainbow began stretching as Fluttershy left. her abs and soles still tingling after the tickling. She certainly didn’t expect any of this to happen this week, and while she couldn’t explain it, she actually did have some fun when they were having that tickle fight. But Rainbow couldn’t waste time thinking about it, she had other things to do today as well. She looked around the room; tomorrow was a new workout day, and she had to prepare. > The Pedicure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy sprinted through Ponyville, kicking up the dirt behind her with her sandals, apologizing to everyone she accidentally bumped along the way. She was so foolish, she had spent way too much time taking care of the cubs, and she had totally forgotten about her spa date with Rarity!         She was at least grateful for all those regular workouts with Rainbow Dash. She would have never kept a sprint for this long if it wasn’t for her training. She wasn’t exactly pro athlete material, but the running drills as well as the reward had increased her endurance significantly.         At last, Fluttershy saw the spa just ahead. Rarity was standing outside, facing the door, rubbing the back of her neck. When Fluttershy reached her friend, she skidded to a halt, not completely exhausted, but panting as she started to apologize. “Rarity...I’m so...sorry I’m late...I completely forgot…” The adrenaline from the shock of being late and the sprinting in sandals made Fluttershy’s body tense, sweaty, and slightly sore. An expert massage and steam seemed heavenly right now…         Rarity turned around, looking at her worriedly. “Oh, Fluttershy, sweetie! No need to apologize. I’m afraid we won’t be able to have our spa-date this week after all…” she said sadly, gesturing to the door.         Fluttershy walked closer, finding a note from Aloe and Lotus. “Terribly sorry, but due to an unfortunate incident involving the jacuzzi, lava shells, and all of the massage tables, we are temporarily closed until further notice.” she read aloud. “Oh no, that’s awful!”         “Yes...well, until they manage to fix this, I’m afraid that it may be quite a while until we’re able to have a proper spa treatment.” Rarity nodded sadly.         Fluttershy let out a dejected sigh, hanging her head by the door. All that rushing and sprinting for nothing.         Rarity stroked her chin, seeing how distraught her friend was. “Hrmmm...however...just because we can’t have our spa date here, doesn’t mean that we still can’t have one!”         Fluttershy turned around, “What do you mean?”         “Well, if you’d like, we could try giving each other spa treatments. I do have some things back at home that we could try. It may not be as luxurious as a session here, but I’d say it’s better than nothing, wouldn’t you?”         Wiping off some of the sweat on her forehead, Fluttershy started to smile. She loved the spa treatments, but she really enjoyed the time she spent with Rarity more. “I’d love that, thank you, Rarity!”         Rarity playfully scoffed. “Oh, think nothing of it, alright? Let’s get back to my place, shall we?” she smiled, walking side by side with Fluttershy as the two talked about their day.         After exchanging stories, the two made it into Carousel Boutique, where Rarity put up a sign noting that she was currently busy. That way no one could disturb their special session.         “Well, before we get started, how about you take a shower and refresh yourself a bit?” Rarity suggested, gesturing to Fluttershy’s sweat-stained body.         “Are you sure? I could help you set up…”         “No no, I will be perfectly fine on my own. Can’t have you feeling divine if you don’t even feel clean, now can we? I’ll get you a spare set of clothes for you when you’re done.”         Fluttershy nodded, Rarity did have a point. She made her way upstairs into the bathroom, disrobing before entering the shower. She turned the handle, letting the water flow for a moment before stepping into the stream, letting out a heavy sigh of relief when the water cascaded down her body.         She began to think about what would happen on a regular spa date, particularly the foot massage and pedicure. It was easily the part of the spa date that Fluttershy both loved the most and hated the most. Fluttershy would always be sent into a giggle fit the way Aloe or Lotus rubbed her feet. She tried so hard to keep her laughter and enjoyment in. Luckily, to her relief, the two would always tone it down before she burst out in hysterics. She would look over to Rarity, noticing she was also having trouble keeping the giggles in. It was just so teasingly short; she wanted to ask for it to tickle more, but that would certainly be an odd request to make. She just hoped that she could hide it better when Rarity would be the one giving the massage.         When the whole room was filled with steam, Fluttershy decided that it was time to step out. She stepped out of the shower room, finding her sweaty, ragged clothes replaced by a simple yellow shirt and light violet skirt folded neatly next to her undergarments. She smiled, Rarity was always so considerate. After putting on her new clothes, she made her way downstairs, where Rarity was waiting.         “Ah, you’re finished! Well, I think we’ve gotten most of it set up for our makeshift spa date!” Rarity exclaimed, clapping her hands together.         Fluttershy looked at the set-up, a chair, an ottoman covered in a towel, a basin filled with what she assumed to be soap and salts, nail polish, oil, lotion, a foot file, and nail clippers. All of it was basic stuff for a pedicure. “Well, I don’t have all the resources the spa does, but I think we can at least manage to do our favorites: a pedicure and massage. Sound good to you?” Fluttershy nodded, “That sounds lovely, thank you Rarity!” “Excellent, take a seat and we can begin!” “Oh, are you sure you don’t want to go first?” “Ah, ah, ah, I insist that you go! It’s why I had you clean up, after all!” Fluttershy shrugged, not willing to argue when she could be relaxing instead. She sat down on the chair and propped her bare feet up on the footstool, rubbing her big toes together. Rarity dragged the basin over, dipping Fluttershy’s feet into the soapy water, letting them soak in. As they soaked, the two continued their conversation about their day. After they soaked for a good five minutes, Rarity took Fluttershy’s right foot out, propping it on the footstool, brandishing the foot file, scrubbing her feet. Fluttershy slowly exhaled as her feet were being scrubbed, her feet twitching. The scrubbing from the file didn’t tickle as much, but it still sent tingles down her spine. She managed to continue the conversation without her voice making noticeable wavers. Rarity didn’t seem to notice Fluttershy’s reactions, she was more focused on giving Fluttershy a decent pedicure. When she was done exfoliating her feet, she set her foot back in the bath, taking out the other foot, repeating the process, eliciting similar reactions from before. Fluttershy figured that she was doing fine so far, nothing tickled as much as she anticipated, although it was a bit disappointing. She shook her head, she was supposed to be relaxing, not trying to seek some perverted fantasy with Rarity! She closed her eyes, her shoulders lowering as she started to relax. However, Rarity suddenly grabbed onto her sole instead of her ankle, the sudden ticklish sensation making her jolt, almost pulling back her foot. “Oh! Terribly sorry about that Fluttershy, did I startle you?” “N-No...it’s fine…” Fluttershy quickly replied, her cheeks turning red. She winced, trying to keep her twitching wings still. Rarity shrugged, continuing to scrub against Fluttershy’s heel, making sure to get the dead skin off. She lets Fluttershy’s feet soak for just a while longer, before taking them out and patting them dry, at the same time, her magic made the tools file and trim her toenails to a suitable length as she squirted a small amount of lotion onto her hand. Fluttershy’s breaths got slightly more forceful. Despite her attempts to keep tickling out of her mind, the image of Rarity’s manicured nails at her exposed soles was one that kept invading her mind. Rarity started to rub the lotion onto Fluttershy’s foot, running her palms up her sole and over her foot. Fluttershy steeled herself, Rarity’s hands going across the top of her feet and across her soles was a light, pleasant sensation, but she knew what was coming soon. “Alright, this might tickle a bit…” Rarity warned, spreading her toes apart. A shiver went down Fluttershy’s spine the moment the t-word was uttered, trying to force her wings to stay folded. She’d rather it either tickle a lot, or not tickle at all. Putting just a little more lotion on her fingertips, Rarity slipped her fingers between Fluttershy’s spread toes. Fluttershy tried to keep a neutral expression. The keyword being tried; she couldn’t help the few giggles that managed to escape her smiling lips. With the lotion worked into Fluttershy’s feet, Rarity pressed her thumbs into her heel, moving around in circles, trying to mimic the technique that Aloe and Lotus used as best as she could. Fluttershy switched from giggles to soft coos of relief. The massage was more relaxing than she thought it would be. She couldn’t help but let out a little moan of happiness, her toes spreading as Rarity hit a few pressure points in just the right way. Rarity took that little moan as positive feedback, starting to work her way up Fluttershy’s feet. Her thumbs moved to her arches, with one thumb moving up her arch while the other moved down. As she massaged, she kept looking up at Fluttershy to check if she was doing right, her constant checks becoming less frequent as she repeatedly saw Fluttershy’s relaxed smile. Fluttershy was fine most of the massage, actually able to relax with Rarity’s thumbs pressing into her soles, but it was when Rarity started handling her toes that she struggled keeping her composure, always letting out a little squeal or wiggle. It seemed that when Rarity was focusing on her toes, it felt like every single movement was meant to tickle her. She didn’t know why, but there was just something about the way Rarity handled her toes that made her squirm so much. As Rarity moved to her toes, she started to notice something that piqued her curiosity. Fluttershy had been squirming and giggling during most of the pedicure, which would be a natural reaction; she knew that Fluttershy was ticklish, and expected a little bit of giggling. But not once has she ever pulled away or asked her to ease up or stop. It was peculiar, but not something she thought needed to be brought up at the moment. Fluttershy tried to keep her laughter in, her toes flexing as Rarity gently pulled and rubbed them. But try as she might, she still couldn’t stop herself from giggling. Starting to get more curious, Rarity grabbed onto Fluttershy’s big toes, wiggling them back and forth. “Is everything good, darling? Am I doing alright so far?” “Yes, the massage is very relaxing, Rarity!” She nodded, her other toes curling up. “Really?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Because to me, it seems that it’s tickling you just a little bit,” she said, slowly dragging her index finger down her sole. “Eeeee!” Fluttershy squealed, jumping in her seat. Her heart started to race, now she was tickling her on purpose? “Fluttershy, I knew you were ticklish, but this...” Rarity shook her head, clicking her tongue as she began making a figure-eight on her sole with her finger, noticing that Fluttershy still wasn’t pulling her foot away. “How do Aloe and Lotus give you pedicures if you’re so sensitive?” “Eeeheehee! I-I can’t help it!” Fluttershy giggled, a lot of the tension from holding back her laughter quickly melting away as she blushed, completely unaware that her wings were now fully spread out. “In fact, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you actually enjoy being tickled!” she joked, teasingly swiping underneath her toes. Fluttershy’s giggles stopped in an instant. She felt her heart stop just for a brief moment before racing to make up for lost beats. Did she really figure it out, too? She quickly hid her beet-red face behind her hands and long hair. Rarity chuckled to herself at her little teasing, before looking up to see how flustered Fluttershy was by that little remark, indicating that there may have been more truth to her statement than she realized. “...Oh.” “I-I’m so sorry, Rarity! I didn’t mean to make this weird!” she spurted out, pulling back her feet as she curled up on the chair. Her wings wrapped around her body, covering her in a cocoon of shame. “No, no, no! Fluttershy, this isn’t weird, this is just...unexpected, that’s all.” Rarity got up, walking over to Fluttershy to try to reassure her. “No, it’s so weird! I tried to hide it but I couldn’t and it feels like I used you!” Fluttershy cried out, her voice muffled by her hands. “Fluttershy dear, it’s really not that big of a deal,” Rarity said, draping her arm over Fluttershy’s shoulder. “R-really? It’s not?” Fluttershy peeked out through her wings. “So you like tickling more than the average pony, so what?” she said with a shrug. “It doesn’t ruin our friendship.” “It’s...it’s actually kinda more of a fetish…” Fluttershy said, her voice getting softer with each word. Being friends with Fluttershy so long, Rarity easily picked up what she was saying despite the lowering volume. Upon hearing the very last word, she started to blush as well. “Ah. Well, still, it’s not the end of the world if I know about it. I’m not making fun of you for it, am I?” Fluttershy slowly shook her head. “I will not judge you because of your kinks, and I will absolutely keep this a secret between the two of us. And if you’d like, I could even help you...indulge,” Rarity said with a wink. Fluttershy blinked, showing more of her face. “Y-you’d do that for m-me?” She said, her ears twitching, trying to make absolutely sure she had heard correctly. “Of course. I may not share your feelings about tickling, but I do know that it’s no good repressing your sexual urges for too long. Plus, I might get some things that I’d love to try on you…” Fluttershy tried to say something, but she was left speechless. It was nice of Rarity to be so understanding, but her offer to not only help her out, but to also go out of her way to get some tickle tools to torment her with… It was almost too much for her to take in. Fluttershy squirmed. That was the third time a friend found out her secret now. She was just grateful that Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were so accepting of it. While it was nice to know that she had friends that would help her indulge in her kinks, she just hoped that Rarity was the last one that found out about it. “But that’s all for when you’re ready. Right now, we have a pedicure to finish up, don’t you agree?” Rarity said, moving back to Fluttershy’s feet. “Um, yes, but…could you...make it tickle a lot?” Fluttershy said with a grin, wiggling her toes. She figured that was what Rarity was planning anyway, but it couldn’t hurt to make sure. She wasn’t exactly used to asking others to tickle her. “Oh, alright. But only because your giggles are adorable,” Rarity chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. She was happy to oblige, skittering her fingernails down her soft soles. “Eeeeeeheehee! T-thank yooouuu!” she squealed, flapping her wings in delight. As Rarity repeatedly raked her fingernails down Fluttershy’s arches, she started to think about the whole situation. Fluttershy having a tickling fetish was certainly unexpected, but in retrospect, there were a few hints. When the two had their spa dates and went for a pedicure, no matter how much Fluttershy giggled, she never pulled back her feet, something that Rarity did frequently whenever her own feet were being massaged and it tickled just a little too much. Also, no matter what, whenever she giggled, her wings slowly started to spread out. They were things that she didn’t pick up on back then, but made total sense to her now. Fluttershy was relieved, not only was Rarity totally fine with her fetish and was going along with it, but it just felt good to laugh out loud instead of restrain herself to giggling. She did feel a little bad that she had turned what was meant to be a pampering pedicure into her personal tickling session, but it seemed that Rarity was also enjoying herself, at least. Rarity grabbed onto her right ankle to make sure Fluttershy couldn’t pull away. She began tapping her fingers against her toes. “Now, what to do with you, hm?” she pondered out loud, lightly tapping the big toe with her index finger. Fluttershy giggled nervously, her toes wiggling in anticipation. She watched Rarity’s hands, trying to figure out where they would go and what they would do. Would they lightly scratch at her toes? Would she start at the heel and move up? Maybe she’d slowly drag down her arches? Rarity smirked, letting the anticipation sink in just a little more before she made her move. She started her attack at her toes. Her thumb and index finger wrapped around her big toe, her middle finger began going back and forth across the stems of her other toes, while her ring finger and pinkie finger stayed curled, scratching against the ball of her foot. Fluttershy burst out into giggles, trying to curl her toes in Rarity’s grasp as the long, slightly sharp fingernails skittered against her feet. Her wings slowly started to extend again, this time she didn’t make an attempt to push them back down. Rarity took her other hand off her ankle, now using it to pull back Fluttershy’s toes, preventing them from wiggling. “Oh, Fluttershy, you have the most adorable ticklish toes!” she cooed. “You’ve left me no choice, I have to keep tickle, tickle, tickling them to get you to squeal!” Rarity’s horn lit up, a comb moving from the other side of the room into her hand. She placed the teeth right underneath her toes, sawing back and forth. Fluttershy let out a high-pitched squeal, trying not to reflexively kick Rarity with her free foot. Her toes desperately tried to wiggle, but were constantly held back by Rarity’s hand pushing against her toes. The comb that was being used on her was a pocket comb, so one half had the teeth closer together than the other half. It was that half that made her laugh the loudest and squirm the most. Rarity was quick to catch what side was more effective. She changed her grip, grabbing onto the wide tooth side, making sure the finer teeth were used as she stuck the comb between her toes. “Ooh, you like this side of the comb, don’t you?” she teased, “It drives you crazy when it moves back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, doesn’t it?” “EEEEE! Yehehehes!” Fluttershy started to tear up. Despite her attempts at staying still, she couldn’t help but jolt around, jumping up in her seat and kicking her free leg out. Rarity was surprisingly good at teasing her, her words always managing to give her a good chill down her spine and make her a flustered mess. “That’s right, laugh for me, Fluttershy,” Rarity said softly, alternating between going underneath and between her toes, each of the finer plastic teeth getting a chance to brush against her sensitive tootsies. “Laugh and tell me who’s a ticklish little pony.” Fluttershy started to grab parts of her hair, making a few more of her locks popping out of place. “Aaaahahahahaha! Meeeeheeheeheehee!” “What was that? I didn’t quite catch what you said,” Rarity grinned, speeding up her movements. “I’m a t-tiiiihihihicklish little pohohohohony! Naaaahahahahahahaha!” Fluttershy screamed, her wings extending to their full length. Rarity smirked, seeing how much Fluttershy was bouncing in her chair, it was quickly becoming clear that her hands alone would not provide proper restraint. Fluttershy was having the time of her life, but she just couldn’t shake this odd feeling she had inside. It just seemed like Rarity was having more fun tickling her than she had expected. She wasn’t exactly complaining, but it started to feel like Rarity was just a little too good at tickling her; it was like she had experience doing this sort of thing before. Suddenly, Rarity let out a gasp, the tickling coming to an immediate stop. “Oh, Fluttershy, I’m terribly sorry!” she said, putting her hands to her cheeks in a melodramatic manner. “H-huh? Sorry...for what?” Fluttershy said in between gasps for air. “It appears that despite my best efforts, I didn’t give your feet the proper cleaning they deserve! Why, I can still see a few dirty spots here...and here...and here...and here…” Rarity said, poking various spots on Fluttershy’s feet just to see her react. Fluttershy jumped in her seat, her feet flinching with each poke. “Eep! A-alright…?” “I clearly have to do a better job of cleaning them this time!” Rarity said with a grin, pulling out some brushes with her magic. Fluttershy started stammering. There were four brushes in total. Two rectangular scrubbing brushes, and two rounded hairbrushes. Her feet curled up on instinct. “O-Oh goodness...” “Now, I have to make sure you stay still, so…” still using her magic, a bundle of black hemp rope came in. It wrapped around Fluttershy’s ankles and under the ottoman, tying a knot underneath. “...Perfect.” Fluttershy was left speechless, still staring at the brushes. All those bristles, ready to scrub all over her feet… She curled her toes as she gripped onto the arms of the chair. “Oh, I almost forgot!” Rarity got a ball of twine, starting to tie all of Fluttershy’s toes back to the rope around her ankles. “Are you ready, darling?” Fluttershy let out a little squeak as her toes were tied back one by one. Now unable to curl her toes, she felt both helpless and excited. She slowly nodded, the small smile on her face turning into an enthusiastic grin. “I’m ready, Rarity!” With Fluttershy’s approval, Rarity began to “clean” Fluttershy’s feet. She decided to start out small, so she took one of the scrubbing brushes. She slipped the handle onto her right hand, so that the bristles faced outward on her palm. She started moving her hand up and down in a slow, but rhythmic pace. “KYEEEEHEEHEEHEE! YEHEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy squealed, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t force her feet to curl. Because her hands weren’t restrained, she began slapping and pounding the arms of her seat, trying not to scratch it out of courtesy. “Oh dear, you’re laughing your pretty little head off already? I’m not sure you’re going to be prepared for what I have planned...not that it’s going to stop me,” Rarity grinned. The scrubbing brush began to move faster, her movements becoming smoother rather than the stiff, robotic movements she applied before. She grabbed the bottle of massage oil, drizzling it down Fluttershy’s feet. Fluttershy’s wings started to twitch, her face starting to turn completely red. In the middle of all her screaming, a little wavering moan snuck in. Another brush was added. This time it was the rounder hairbrush. Rarity held it in her other hand, placing it on her other foot, making similar motions to the scrubbing brush. They both synced up, moving up and down her feet in tandem. Thanks to the lotion, the bristles had no problem gliding up and down her soles. “So tell me, Fluttershy. Which brush tickles more: the hairbrush, or the scrubbing brush? I’ll give you a moment to decide.” “AAIIIEEEHEEHEEHEEEEE!” Tears started to stream down Fluttershy’s cheeks. Weak gasps of air were the only thing that interrupted her laughter. Both sensations on her feet competing for her attention. The brushes were similar, but different enough to tickle in their own unique way. Fluttershy tried to answer Rarity’s question to the best of her ability. “I! I! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! THAAHAHAHA! BAAAHAHAHAHEHEHE!” “I’ll take it that both of them are equally effective,” Rarity said with a smirk. “Very well, I guess both kinds of brushes will be working on your poor, ticklish feet.” Eventually, Rarity slipped the scrubbing brush off of her hand, now using her magic to control it. Her magic also picked up the remaining scrubbing brush and hairbrush not in use. She shifted around a bit, putting a hairbrush in both hands. She began stroking up and down her arches, mirroring her movement with the other hand. The scrubbing brushes moved upwards, moving back and forth across the ball of her foot. “Tickle tickle tickle...the brushes tickle soooo much, don’t they, Fluttershy? It doesn’t matter what you do, these brushes are gonna keep tickling allll over your feet. Up and down and up and down and side to side...there’s no escape from the tickles!” Rarity teased, speaking with complete clarity to make sure that Fluttershy heard every devious word she said. Fluttershy’s body started to tremble. An endless stream of belly-laughs leaving her mouth. Unable to do anything with her arms, she cradled herself, rocking back and forth in her seat. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she felt the pleasure building up, her shivering moans starting to get more frequent. Both scrubbing brushes focused on her toes. With one brush for each foot, they slid side to side underneath her toes, pressing in deeper to make sure that the bristles snuck their way into the spaces between. Rarity’s magic took control of the brush in her left hand, turning it sideways to stroke across her instep. With a brush still in her right hand, she continued to scrub up and down her sole. Her free left hand started to scribble up and down her foot, the manicured nails stroking the sensitive flesh. “Kitchy kitchy koo…I bet this is all driving you crazy, isn’t it? But you love it, don’t you, Fluttershy? You’re so helpless against every movement my brushes and nails make, but you don’t want it to stop, right? You just want it to keep going and going because it all tickles soooo much...” Fluttershy’s stiff wings started to shake. Her mind started to get cloudy, the sensations overwhelming her body. Each brush drove her crazy in their own way. Although it was Rarity’s nails and voice that got to her the most. The way her manicured nails raked down her soft soles, easily gliding down due to the massage oil, each little word she said was heard crystal clear over the sound of her own laughter. It tickled so much, and she absolutely loved it. Her laughter soon turned to moans, and it all became too much for her to handle. “HAAAHAHAAAHAHAHEEHEEHAHA! AAAAAHAHA! AAAH! AAAH! AAAAHHNNNGH!” She lost herself to the orgasmic bliss, bucking her hips as she moaned. When she was finished, she leaned forward, her messed-up hair covering most of her face. Little giggles coming between long gasps for breath. Her toes twitching against the twine. Rarity knew what those sounds meant, she quickly slowed all the brushes to a complete stop, letting them drop on the floor. She walked over to Fluttershy’s side, parting some of the hair that fell in front of her face. “So? Did you have fun, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, lifting up Fluttershy’s face to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “R-Rarity...hehehe...Y-you didn’t h-have to do all that…” Fluttershy giggled, still riding her tickle-high, her breathing still uneven. “You’re right, I didn’t have to,” she nodded. “But I did anyway because...well...we’ve been friends for quite a while, right? We’ve done so much for each other, I figure it would be nice of me to help you out with your fantasies.” “You...ah...you don’t think it’s weird t-to do that?” “Well, it’s perhaps a little odd, but I’m fine doing it for such a good friend like you,” Rarity said with a wink. “So...you wouldn’t mind me asking you to do something like that again?” Fluttershy asked, a small sparkle in her eyes. Rarity chuckled. “I suppose I could…but maybe you could help me out with some fantasies of mine once in a while, too?” Fluttershy jumped up, seemingly filled with newfound energy, and wrapped her arms around Rarity, squeezing her tight. “It’s a deal! Oh, thank you, Rarity!” “The pleasure is all mine, Fluttershy.” Rarity said with a smile, patting her on the back. “Oh, Rarity!” she exclaimed, breaking the hug. She leaned down grabbing one of the brushes Rarity used earlier, spinning it between her thumb and index finger. “I haven’t given you your pedicure yet!” Rarity’s eyes widened. “Oh uh...that’s quite alright. We’ve both had our share of fun for today, and I really should get back to designing and sewing!” she said, her voice wavering as she realized what Fluttershy was planning. “Are you sure? It wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t get a pedicure when I did…” Fluttershy said with a smirk, picking up the half-empty bottle of massage oil. “D-darling, remember that just because you like to be tickled doesn’t mean that I share the same feelings!” Rarity said, nervously backing away. “Really? You seemed to have so much fun tickling and teasing me, I just wanted to see how much fun it was myself. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle…at first.” > The Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh, it’s so nice of you to plan a sleepover for us, Twilight!” Fluttershy said, carrying a backpack with a change of clothes. “But you really didn’t have to go through all this trouble, you know...” “Oh, it’s no trouble at all, really! With the map calling Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to Chicoltgo and with Applejack visiting her family in Applewood, I figure that we could do something fun together, just the four of us!” Twilight said, walking with Fluttershy through the crystal halls of her castle. The two of them walked into one of the larger bedrooms, where there were four beds arranged in a circlefor the sleepover. Spike and Starlight Glimmer sat in the middle of the room, slapping cards down onto a pile in between both of them. There were poker chips haphazardly scattered around them, some of them stacked up as high as they could without the tower falling over. “Oh hey, Fluttershy’s here!” Spike said, carelessly tossing his cards behind him as he rushed towards her, knocking down one of the chip stacks with his tail. “Hi Spike! Hi Starlight!” “Hey, Fluttershy. Been a while, hasn’t it?” Starlight said, standing up and stretching. “Mmhm! Are you excited for this sleepover, Starlight?” “Well, this is kinda my first sleepover, so I don’t really know what to expect.” Starlight said, grinning sheepishly. “Well…” Twilight said, her horn starting to glow. “If you want to know everything about what to do at a sleepover, I have the perfect thing that could help-” “I’m still not reading the book, Twilight.” Starlight said, quickly shooting her idea down. “...Please?” “No.” “Not even just a liiiittle skimming?” “Twilight.” “Fiiiine,” Twilight sighed. “Well, now that Fluttershy’s here, I guess we can officially start the slumber party! “Alright, so what’s the first thing we do?” Starlight asked, crossing her arms. “Well, if you actually wanted to read the book I offered to you several times during the week preceding the sleepover,” Twilight said, giving Starlight an intense stare. “You’d know the first thing that we’d do is-” Before Twilight could finish her sentence, a loud growling filled the room. “...Can we eat first?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sure. What are we gonna have? We could all go to the kitchen and make something together-” “Or we could order pizza,” Spike immediately suggested. “But we could also do something as a group and make something great together,” Twilight said, shooting Spike a glare. “Yeah, or we could order pizza.” Spike said, pointing to his growling belly. “Actually, pizza sounds pretty good right now,” Starlight added. “...What toppings do you guys want?” Twilight sighed, defeated. “Mushrooms!” Spike said, pumping his fists. “Green peppers, please,” Fluttershy said. “Onions,” Starlight chimed in. “Fine, I’ll be back soon...” Twilight grumbles, walking out of the room to place the order. “Ok, so we’re gonna get a pizza, what are we gonna do until it actually gets here?” Starlight asked. “I dunno, Fluttershy’s here. We could play poker or something,” Spike shrugged. “What about Twilight?” “Eh, we can deal her in whenever she gets back,” Spike said, sitting back down near the pile of cards. “Do you know how to play, Fluttershy?” Starlight asked. “Oh, I do, actually. Applejack and I had a little extra time in Las Pegasus, so we played a few games before we came back home.” Starlight gave her a bewildered look, before across from Spike, gathering all of the stray poker chips and cards that were irresponsibly thrown around. Fluttershy took her place around the cards, creating the circle of players. Starlight made sure all the cards in the deck were there and face-down before shuffling them with her magic. Spike grabbed the poker chips, giving the players twenty chips each. Fluttershy tapped her fingers against the floor as she waited for her hand to be dealt. The sleepover was off to an interesting start, and the sun was just starting to set. She felt a little bad that it wasn’t going out the exact way Twilight wanted to, which she guessed was supposed to be quite literally by the books, but she was sure that Twilight would have fun anyway. “Alright, let’s play,” Starlight said with a grin, dealing out the cards. “Big blinds’s two chips.” She gave out two cards to each player, before putting the deck in the middle. Fluttershy peeked at the two cards she was dealt. The two ‘K’s she saw almost made her grin. She knew that she couldn’t look too happy with her cards and tip Spike and Starlight off, but it was going to be difficult to hide her excitement. “Ok, call,” she said, putting two chips forward. “Same,” Spike said, pushing two chips in. Starlight took three cards off the deck and flipped them over. Two sevens and a King. Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat. She just hoped that her face didn’t show that she had a full house. “Check.” “Check.” “Check.” Starlight nodded, flipping over the next card. An ace. “...Check.” “Raise.” Spike put five more chips in, the corner of his lips turning up ever so slightly. “I’m folding.” Starlight said, pushing her cards forward with a pout. Fluttershy decided to risk it. “Call,” she said, pushing five of her chips in. Starlight turned over the final card. A four. At the same time, Fluttershy and Spike turned over their cards. Fluttershy had two kings, Spike had an ace and a nine. “Aw come on!” “Jeez, Fluttershy. How much did you win at Las Pegasus?” Starlight said, gathering the cards to reshuffle them. “Oh, not that much…” Fluttershy said bashfully, pulling the chips in. Fluttershy, Spike, and Starlight continued to play poker as they waited for Twilight to return. Fluttershy didn’t win all the hands she didn’t fold on, she just won enough to make Spike angry whenever she managed to call his bluff. She and Starlight didn’t have the best poker faces, but at least their tail didn’t tap against the floor whenever they tried to bluff. Their mini-gambling game was interrupted by the knocking on the door. “Alright, Pizza’s here!” Twilight called out, entering the room, balancing a pizza box on the palm of her hand. “...Only one pizza?” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow. Twilight scowled at Spike, her horn starting to glow. “Kidding! I’m kidding! Jeez…” Spike said defensively, scooting back as Twilight loomed over him. Twilight set the pizza box down and opened it up. Everyone quickly grabbed a slice, finally able to sate their hunger with greasy, cheesy, oven-baked bites. “So, what were you guys doing while I was gone?” Twilight asked between chewing. “We were playing poker, you want in?” Spike said, his mouth full. “Sure, deal me in.” “Oh, we should probably give Spike his chips back. Right, Fluttershy?” Starlight giggled. “Yeah, yeah, rub it in…” he grumbled. The four of them continued to play poker and eat pizza. As the sun set below the horizon, the stakes were raised, stomachs were filled, and surprisingly only three threats to dropkick someone were made. Soon, Starlight had won all the poker chips and the box had nothing but small crumbs and grease stains. “Alright, so we ordered pizza, played poker, and stuffed ourselves when the food arrived,” Starlight said, rubbing her full stomach. “What do we do n-” Starlight’s question was interrupted by something hitting her in the back of the head. “I’ll tell ya what we do next. PILLOW FIIIIIGHT!” Spike yelled, dual-wielding two pillows and swinging them around. “Oh, you’re gonna get it now!” Starlight laughed, grabbing a nearby pillow, gunning for Spike. Spike hopped onto the bed, bouncing off to slam his pillows down onto Starlight’s head. The impact made Starlight fall back, but she quickly bounced back, uppercutting Spike with a pillow. “Hey, don’t forget about me!” Twilight said, grabbing onto a pillow to join the fray, swinging at both Spike and Starlight. Fluttershy decided to sit on one of the beds that still had pillows on it, calmly observing the carnage from a distance. She smiled and lightly kicked her feet as she watched Starlight lying on the floor as Twilight and Spike yelled and repeatedly slammed their pillows down on her. It wasn’t long until Twilight took a break from fighting to approach Fluttershy. “C’mon, Fluttershy,” she said, offering Fluttershy a pillow. “Don’t you wanna join in?” “Oh, I don’t think that I can do it right…” Fluttershy said, holding the pillow close to her chest. “Aw, c’mon, Fluttershy! These pillows are super soft!” Spike explained, punching the pillow he was holding. “They won’t hurt at all-Ooof!” While Spike was demonstrating, Starlight took the opportunity to whack him in the back of the head with the pillow. “Yeah, it’s fun! You just gotta get into it. Just! Like! This!” Starlight said, smacking Spike with each word for emphasis. “A-Alright…” Fluttershy stood up, walking over to Starlight and Spike. She reared back and swung at Starlight with the pillow. Starlight recoiled, her eyes widened in shock. “Woah, you have a serious swinging arm, Shy…” “Ehehe…” Fluttershy blushed, rubbing the back of her head. Those workouts with Rainbow Dash continued to show results. Spike took the opportunity to get back up and get a free swing at the new contestant. Soon, all four of them were now participating in the pillow fight, often wildly swinging at the closest person nearby, bouncing off the beds for a gravity-aided strike. Fluttershy was taking the brunt of some fluffy strikes from Twilight. While blocking the blows, she notices Spike charging towards her, striking him down before he got close enough. Spike fell to the floor on his back. Before he could sit upright, Fluttershy leaned over him, swinging her pillow down. Fluttershy refused to let up, slamming the pillow down on his face and chest over and over. In the middle of the barrage of hits, Spike suddenly dropped the pillows he was holding, his arms shot up to squeeze Fluttershy’s sides. “Eeeheehee!” Fluttershy giggled, internally panicking because she was almost certain of what that wiggling of fingers against her sides was going to lead to, and was dreading the embarrassing explanation that was sure to follow. “Spike, that’s cheating!” Twilight scolded, blocking a few overhead swings from Starlight. “I didn’t realize there were outlined rules, Twilight.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Besides, now I’m winning!” he chuckled, sitting up as he skittered his fingers across Fluttershy’s belly. “Stahahap! P-Please!” Fluttershy begged, trying to bat Spike away with her pillow. Her strikes were getting weaker due to Spike’s continued tickling, eventually being overpowered enough that she was on the floor on her back, while Spike loomed over her in a relentless assault. “Heheh, I think you like getting tickled, don’t you Fluttershy?” Spike taunted, his fingers crawling up into her armpits, skittering against her. “Aaaaah! N-Nohoho!” Fluttershy stuttered. Maybe if she lied about it, she’d be able to avoid a significant amount of embarrassment. It was an incredibly long shot, but that was her best chance at this point. “You suuuure about that?” “Y-Yes I’m sure!” “Yeah? Then why are your wings out like that?” Spike smirked. Fluttershy looked behind her, seeing her wings popped out, fully extended to show her excitement. Betrayed by her own body. Fluttershy covered her reddened face and let out a dejected sigh. Three friends at once. That is definitely an embarrassing new record. “Spike, what are you trying to do to our sleepover?” Twilight scolded. “No, i-it’s fine, Twilight. Spike’s right, I-I like t-tickling…” Fluttershy spat out, wanting to get the embarrassment over with already. “Wait...you do?” Starlight asked, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, seriously?” Spike interjected, “I was just teasing you about it, I didn’t think I’d actually be right about it. Sorry, Fluttershy, I didn’t think this would be a big thing for you.” Fluttershy let out a little smile. Usually it was her that was the first to apologize when it came to awkward situations. Still, now they all knew about it, and it didn’t make her feel any less embarrassed to be put on the spot like that. “So...what exactly do you like about it?” Starlight asked, prompting Twilight to glare at her. “What? I’m just curious is all. I don’t think it’s wrong, I’m just wondering why.” Fluttershy shifted around a bit, thinking about how to best word her answer. “I...I dunno, I just think that it’s really fun…” she mumbled, not looking any of the three in the eyes. “It...feels good to just laugh and laugh, or just to make someone laugh like that,” she muttered under her breath. “Eheh...I know I kinda sound like Pinkie Pie saying that…” “Hah, does Pinkie Pie know about it?” “Yeah...she’s really good at tickling…” Fluttershy nodded, her voice getting a little louder. “I...I like having tickle fights with her, even though she knows all my weak spots...” Even though she knew Starlight didn’t feel the same way about tickling, talking about it with her made her feel a little more comfortable about it. Sure there was still a bit of embarrassment to it, but it wasn’t like an end-of-the-world kind of embarrassment. “...Hey Twilight, I think I figured out the next thing we could do.” Spike said with a smirk, elbowing Twilight in the ribs. “And what’s that, Spike?” Twilight knew the general direction of where he was going, just not the exact coordinates. Without any warning, Spike stepped behind Twilight, digging his claws into her sides. “Aaaahaahaaa! W-why you little-!” Twilight tried to reach behind her to pry Spike away. Fluttershy and Starlight turned their attention towards Spike and Twilight before looking back at each other. There was a silent exchange of smiles before Starlight pounced on Fluttershy, wiggling her fingers against her belly once she got her pinned down. “Heehahaha! Nohoho, waaaaiiiit!” Fluttershy squealed, trying to push Starlight’s arms away. “Hey, I think I’m starting to see your point, Fluttershy, this really is fun!” Starlight joked, her fingers dancing against her midsection, circling her fingers around her navel. Fluttershy squirmed underneath Starlight, trying to wrestle away. It wasn’t the first time that Fluttershy had been pinned down by a tickler, enough experience tickle fighting with Pinkie Pie allowed her to concentrate long enough to strike underneath Starlight’s armpits. Starlight’s eyes widened when Fluttershy counterattacked. Her body tensed up, and unfortunately for her, she stopped her tickling. Fluttershy quickly followed through once she saw an opportunity, slipping out from underneath Starlight to get on top of her. “So, how fun is it now?” she taunted, keeping her hands safely tucked inside Starlight’s armpits. “W-wahahait! T-Time out, pleheeheease? Aaahahahaha!” Starlight begged. She tried to shoot her arms to the side to prevent Fluttershy’s fingers from moving, but only ending up ensuring Fluttershy never let up. “Ooh, your armpits are super ticklish, Starlight!” Fluttershy cooed, her fingers wiggling against the hollows. “It’s gonna take a lot to get me to stop…” As she struggled to push Fluttershy’s arms away from her armpits, Starlight’s horn started to glow. “T-then how about thihihis?” Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. What could Starlight possibly be doing with her magic? Suddenly, a pillow came flying in out of nowhere, smacking her in the face. Fluttershy had to remove her hands from Starlight’s armpits to toss the pillow aside, that was when Starlight reached forward, her fingers ruffling the feathers in her wings. Fluttershy quickly fell to the counterattack, finding herself dominated by Starlight again. Before they could continue their back and forth exchanges, something else caught their attention. “SPIIIIHIHIHIHIKE! Q-QUIHIHIHIHIT IT!” The two paused, hearing Twilight’s snorting laughter. They decided to call off their fight for now to see how Twilight and Spike were doing. Spike was clearly dominating, his tail was wrapped around Twilight’s ankles, leaving both his hands free for tickling her defenseless feet. He chuckled to himself as he raked his claws underneath her wiggling toes. “EEEEEEHAHAHA! NOHOHO! STAHAHAP IT!” Twilight squealed, weakly trying to free her ankles. She was left lying down, pounding on the floor in helpless hysterics, unable to stop Spike from taking full advantage of her feet. Fluttershy and Starlight smirked at each other, as they decided to give Twilight some assistance. They slowly snuck up behind Spike, still distracted by teasing Twilight’s toes, and once they got close enough, they struck. Fluttershy quickly grabbed onto Spike’s arms, sliding down to his wrists, lifting them up high. Starlight started spidering her fingers against the dragon’s now exposed armpits. “Whahahat the-!? Hehehehey! That’s not faaair!” Spike protested, immediately trying to wriggle free. “C’mon, Twilight, it’s revenge time!” Starlight encouraged, grabbing onto Spike’s ankles so that he couldn’t kick violently. “Oh, don’t mind if I do,” Twilight grinned, sitting upright as he approached Spike with devious intent. “H-hold on! C-can’t we talk this out? Wait wait wait wait-GAAAHAHAHA!” Spike started cackling as Twilight began her revenge, her fingers digging into his sides. Twilight reveled in her revenge, her fingers skittered over Spike’s upperbody, starting at his sides, she worked her way up his ribcage until she was right under his arms, using her index and middle fingers to scratch the hollows of his armpits. She, leaned in, wanting to hear Spike’s laughter loud and clear. “BWAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO! H-HEHEHEHELP MEEHEEHEEHEE!” Spike pleaded. His tail, being the only thing not restrained, started swinging around, hoping that it would eventually hit something, and he’d have a chance to escape. Unfortunately, Flutershy and Starlight’s grip on him was too tight that no amount of tail wagging would deter them from keeping him as immobile and exposed as possible. They eventually lowered him down to pin him to the floor, where it was easier to keep him still. Twilight practically pounced on Spike now that he was grounded, rearing her head back to take a deep breath. Spike gasped, knowing full well what was coming. “Oh no! No no no! Don’t you dare d-AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Spike’s protests were cut short once Twilight’s vibrating lips made contact with Spike’s belly, his tail slamming against the floor. His arms and legs pushed against Fluttershy and Starlight, trying to break free. A few more drawn-out raspberries later, Twilight finally had her fill of revenge and backed off. Fluttershy and Starlight released their grip on Spike, setting him free. Spike put his hands on his belly, trying to catch his breath. “That’s...so...not fair...ganging up on me...like that…” he wheezed, his head flopping to the side in exhaustion. “Oh, don’t be like that, Spike. Besides, Fluttershy’s next,” Twilight chuckled. “...Wait, what?” Twilight’s horn started to glow, and Fluttershy quickly found she couldn’t move her arms, her wrists surrounded by the same magical aura around Twilight’s horn. Fluttershy squeaked when her arms lowered her body down to the floor, flipping her over onto her back. They found their final resting place raised above her head, Starlight quickly caught on, and surrounded Fluttershy’s ankles with her own magic aura, forcing her legs to kick out and stay extended. Before she could fully process the situation, Fluttershy’s arms and legs had been held down by magic, with Spike, Twilight, and Starlight standing above her with ticklish intent. Once she realized what she was in for, her wings fluttered in excitement as their fingers got closer to her body. All three practically pounced on the immobilized Fluttershy. Starlight sat down near Fluttershy’s head, Twilight sat on Fluttershy’s thighs, and Spike hopped onto her ankles, facing her feet. With magic holding Fluttershy down, all three of them were able to tickle her without restraint. Starlight’s fingers started at Fluttershy’s elbows, her index and middle fingers slowly walking down until they reached her armpits, where the rest of her fingers joined in the tickling. Twilight had many options to choose from. With Starlight occupying the upperbody, Twilight opted to take the midsection. She leaned forward, her fingers playfully dancing against her belly. Spike, having two soft feet to play with, decided to show no mercy. WIth his left hand, he pulled back the toes of Fluttershy’s left foot, allowing him to easily rake his fingers underneath with his right hand. All three different tickle attacks happening simultaneously resulted in an explosive reaction from Fluttershy. Unlike Spike’s situation, the magic left her wrists and ankles immobile, leaving very little room for struggle. Though her hands could clench into fists and her feet could wiggle, her wrists and ankles couldn’t move an inch from their positions. Starlight began circling her fingers around Fluttershy’s exposed armpits, before aggressively scribbling into the hollows. She alternated between light teasing and rapid scribbling, smirking as she saw Fluttershy’s hands freak out every time she got aggressive. Though with the other two, her hands were always clenching and clawing. “So, how badly does this tickle?” Twilight went back to her previous method: taking in a deep breath to give tummy buzzes to Fluttershy’s belly, letting all the air run out of her cheeks before taking in another breath. After enough toe tickling, Spike’s claws crawled down to Fluttershy’s heels, before dragging them up underneath her toes, before going back to the heels to start the process all over again. “Heh, enjoying yourself, Fluttershy?” Spike asked, his claws raking against her arches. “YAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy aggressively nodded. She let out a high pitched squeal when the three synced up their actions. Starlight digging her fingers into her armpits, Twilight buzzing her lips right on top of her navel, and Spike raking up her soles  at the same time made her squeal, her outstretched wings flapping briefly, lifting most of her body off the floor. The three decided to change things up, so after Spike gave Fluttershy’s soles one last scribble, they changed positions. Spike now sat near Fluttershy’s head, reaching further past the armpits, his claws poking and prodding at her ribs. Twilight and Starlight positioned themselves at Fluttershy’s sides. Their hands worked in tandem to squeeze and knead their fingers into Fluttershy’s sides and stomach. Twilight’s fingers skittered around her belly button, while Starlight’s fingers dug into her sides. Fluttershy blinked, a few of her tears going down her cheeks. The few moments that they took while taking their new positions was all the break that Fluttershy got. Then the tickling resumed, and with it, her bombastic laughter. “EEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Spike began playing with Fluttershy’s ears, using a single claw to gently tease her flopping ears. His other hand was less delicate, as it slid up Fluttershy’s ribs and into her armpit. Twilight’s fingers began tapping on Fluttershy’s midsection, moving up and down her body as if she was playing random keys on a piano. Her fingers finally dipped into Fluttershy’s navel, before moving on to play on her ribs. Starlight’s actions were similar to Twilight’s, though not directly mirroring them. Her hands also moved up and down Fluttershy’s body, but she went towards Fluttershy’s hips, continuing to squeeze them no matter how much her body shook back and forth. Fluttershy was starting to get light-headed. She was unable to focus on any specific ticklish sensation on her body. Even though the three’s tickling methods were different, it made little difference to Fluttershy. All she could do was laugh and squeal and squeak, and that was just fine with her. The three kept going, their fingers exploring Fluttershy’s ticklish body, free to explore all her sensitive areas without much resistance. The only reason that they stopped was because Fluttershy went into complete silent laughter once Twilight and Starlight dug their fingers to the base of Fluttershy’s wings. Starlight and Twilight disabled their magical hold on Fluttershy’s limbs, and she was free. The first thing she did was curl up into a ball of giggles. “Eeheehee...Hahahee...oooh...T-that was great…” Fluttershy said wearily, finally sitting up straight as she wiped the tears from her eyes and the drool from her mouth. “Heh, yep! Well, that was a lot of fun, but it’s getting pretty late. Think it’s time that we all get ready to sleep, right?” Starlight said, slowly making her way to one of the beds. “Oh, but Starlight, we didn’t get to you or Twilight yet…” Fluttershy said, as Twilight and Spike turned their heads towards Starlight. “Huh? Oh, uh, I didn’t think you’d notice...eheheh…” Starlight laughed nervously, slowly backing away as the other three got up, closing in on her. The four-way tickle fight continued long into the night. Finally ending when all of them were lying on the floor, exhausted from all the wrestling and laughter. Fluttershy was left a giggling mess, her blushing feet still tingling from all the torment they were put through. She could’ve sworn that she was the one that got ganged up on the most, but she didn’t mind, she was overjoyed at all the fun she was having. “Ah...heheh...haaah...oh man, I’m tired…” Spike panted, rolling over onto his back. “Yeah…” Twilight nodded. “I...I think we should really start...getting ready to sleep...agreed?” “Mmhm…” After a much-needed change of clothes, all of them got ready for bed. Tucking themselves in for the night, most of them turned over onto their sides as Twilight turned out the lights. In the middle of the night, Fluttershy opened her eyes. Not because some terrifying nightmares woke her up, but because she was too worked up to stay asleep. She sat up and rubbed her temples. It was getting embarrassing with just how many friends knew about what was supposed to be a secret. She definitely did not have a problem with her friends helping her sate her kinky needs, and they’ve all been very accepting of it, going so far as to give her the tickling she loved, but she would at least like to be able to tell them on her own terms, and not just have them stumble across it, making her give a very awkward explanation every time. Still, now that they knew about it, Fluttershy decided that she might as well indulge in it one more time while they were all still together, and a little extra revenge sounded like a pretty good idea. There was just one problem getting in her way; Twilight, Spike, and Starlight were all sound asleep. Waiting until sunrise didn’t seem to be an option, it’d probably be too late to ask, if she could even muster up the courage to have some more tickle fun, that is. Fluttershy looked over to Starlight’s bed, her feet poked out from underneath the sheets. They looked so soft, so smooth, so exposed. She would just have to be satisfied with teasing them in their sleep. For now, at least. Fluttershy slowly slipped out of bed, trying her best not to make a sound as she snuck towards Starlight. Once she got close enough, Fluttershy stared at them, her eyes still trying to adjust to the darkness in the bedroom. There were still doubts lingering in her mind about whether or not she should follow through on it. If Starlight woke up and she was caught in the act, it’d be a waking nightmare to try and explain that to her. She was worried that her love of tickling was starting to become an unhealthy obsession if she was willing to disturb the sleep of her friends for her own selfish needs. Still, she probably wouldn’t get this opportunity again, at least for a long time. As long as she didn’t wake anyone up, she’d be fine, right? Fluttershy’s fingers approached Starlight’s exposed feet, her index and middle fingers started at Starlight’s heels, slowly gliding down. Starlight’s feet flinched at Fluttershy’s touch, she let out a small grunt, but she was still certainly asleep. Fluttershy paused, watching Starlight’s body instead of her feet just to make sure that she was still sleeping. She started counting the seconds in her head. If she got to ten, she would resume. Her fingers descended back onto her feet, doing slow strokes from heel to toe once more. Starlight’s unconscious movements got larger, a tired chuckle left her lips as she turned over onto her back, her arm draped over her head. “Heheh...s-stop…” Afraid that going any further would wake Starlight up, Fluttershy pulled her hands back. As she waited for Starlight to settle down again, she started to reconsider her approach. Even going lightly, using her fingers was still risky. There had to be something lighter around that she could use. Perhaps a paintbrush? But then she’d have to leave and explore the castle just to find where they would keep them… As she contemplated her choices, she stared at Starlight’s feet. Watching them curl up as she began to relax again. She knew she couldn’t, but she wanted to tie her ankles up with rope, and perhaps tie her big toes together with some string. Then, she’d be free to play with them all she wanted. Maybe she’d take a toothbrush and start scrubbing underneath her toes, listening to her squeal and laugh as she skittered her fingers up her arches... Pomf! ...Of course. Why did she not think of that first? Fluttershy shook her head. She was thinking up a convoluted plan when the obvious solution was right in front of her. Well, behind her. Fluttershy winced as she plucked a feather from her wing. She ran her finger against the vane. It was soft enough that it just might work. She slowly approached Starlight’s sleeping soles once more, stroking the feather up and down her left foot. “Nnn...hehehe...mmph…” Starlight giggled, her other foot lazilly trying to bat the feather away. Fluttershy smiled, the feather was just enough to get some sleepy giggles out of Starlight. It wasn’t much, but it was perfect for the situation. She continued to drag the feather up and down her foot. “Hehehe...q-quit...it…” Starlight mumbled, her feet twitching as the plume stroked against her sole. “Nnn...tickles…” Fluttershy started to blush, what she was doing was incredibly risky, but even those little giggles excited her. She went with slow, long strokes down her feet with the feather. Starlight gently clenched onto the pillow she was holding onto, snickering between her snoring. Fluttershy began making little x marks on Starlight’s foot, sliding the feather in diagonal strokes down her soles. “Heheh...s-stop iiiit…” Starlight muttered, her feet slowly wiggling back and forth, but putting up little resistance otherwise. Fluttershy figured that doing any more might wake Starlight up, and decided to move on, tip-toeing her way to the next bed. Moving onto Spike, Fluttershy didn’t want to risk waking up Spike by trying to use her fingers first. She’d play it safe and stick to using her feather. She started at his arch, slowly sliding it up and down. Spike snorted, his foot twitching as his body shifted a bit underneath the covers. Fluttershy picked things up just a little bit more, increasing her speed, swiping the feather underneath Spike’s toes. Spike’s toes began to wiggle, his legs kicking out as he giggled. “H-Hehehey...knock it off…” Fluttershy squinted, concentrating as she slowly slid the feather between Spike’s toes. Spike shivered, his toes curling up as the feather moved in between them. “Heheh...no...hahaha...n-not the...nnn...” Fluttershy figured that two feathers wouldn’t be enough to wake Spike up. She plucked another feather from her wing, using both to saw between his toes, pulling one back as she pushed the other one forward. “Nnnf...nnnaahahaha...T-Twilight...noooohoho…” Spike chuckled. His tail started to wag, shifting his blanket around. Fluttershy let out a small squeak and quickly backed off, deciding to end things there and move on before she accidentally woke him up. She felt that she may have pushed the boundary a little bit too far with Spike, but as long as he was still asleep, she figured no harm was done. It was finally time to play with Twilight’s feet. Having already teased Starlight and Spike, Fluttershy felt a little more confident in her mission the third time around, though the fact that she could get caught at any time still kept her on edge. But if Starlight and Spike were still soundly asleep, surely she couldn’t screw this up on her last time. Fluttershy slowly peeled back the blankets to get to Twilight’s feet. Her legs bent a bit, a reflex of being exposed to the cool air, but it wasn’t enough to rouse her from her slumber. Not wanting to waste any more time, she began her feather teasing. Twilight was already in light giggles, her toes wiggling as Fluttershy’s feathers went up and down her wrinkled soles. Fluttershy wanted to go further, to scribble her fingers against her feet to turn those giggles into laughter, but she needed to restrain herself, slowing down her strokes just in case. “Heeheehee...I’m sooorry...d-don’t…” Twilight giggled, turning over in her sleep. As she continued stroking Twilight’s soles with her feathers, she felt something prod her side. It took an extraordinary amount of self-control not to scream in fear. Instead, she turned around to see who was trying to catch her attention. If she was lucky, it was either just her imagination, or a ghost. Unfortunately for Fluttershy, it was neither, just Spike, half-awake and groggy. “...What are you doing?” he asked quietly, rubbing his eyes. “Uh….uh…” Fluttershy stammered, her voice wavering. Spike looked at the feathers Fluttershy was holding, and the exposed feet of Twilight, slowly putting two and two together. “Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” he whispered. “Y-Yeah…” Fluttershy whispered. Caught in the act like a pervert. She wasn’t sure what to do now. She thought about just going back to sleep, but she was also expecting Spike to immediately wake up Twilight to ruin her fun. Instead of scolding her or returning back to bed, Spike just smirked. “Heh, I don’t blame ya. Mind if I join in?” Not seeing a good reason not to, Fluttershy handed Spike one of her feathers. Spike examined the feather for a moment before joining Fluttershy at Twilight’s exposed feet, he used the quill end, lazilly tracing the pointed tip across Twilight’s arch. Twilight’s feet curled up, “Nohohoho...I won’t...do it again…” Fluttershy shortly joined in again, using her feather to swipe underneath her toes whenever they were uncurled. Twilight’s wings started to twitch underneath the sheets. No matter how much her body turned, the feathers keep following her. “Heehee...I said...I was...sohohorry…” Fluttershy watched Spike’s actions. The way he used her feather against Twilight’s foot, how he watched Twilight’s movements and knew just when to stop... It was almost as if… “Have...have you done this before, Spike?” she whispered. “Hah, I dunno if I like it as much as you do, but I’ve always kinda liked tickling others...it’s fun, ya know?” Spike nodded, using the tip of the feather to tease the ball of Twilight’s foot. Fluttershy smiled, feeling warm inside. It was nice, bonding with Spike over something they didn’t know they shared. Even if that something was a something that they shouldn’t be doing. Spike flipped back to the quill end of the feather, drawing invisible x’s and o’s on Twilight’s toes. Fluttershy gently pinched Twilight’s big toe, holding it so that she could slide the feather between her toes. “Hehehe...Celestia...nohohoho…” Twilight turned over in her sleep, her legs kicking up in the air. “...Shoot. Bail,” was all Spike said. He knew the telltale signs of when Twilight was about to wake up, and wasted no time leaping back into his bed, hiding himself under the covers and shutting his eyes tight. Fluttershy quickly did the same, getting back into bed as quickly and as quietly as possible. She slipped the feather underneath her pillow to hide the evidence. Tickling her friends while they slept made her feel a bit guilty, but it was thrilling getting to act out one of her fantasies. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, trying to calm herself down to get to sleep faster. If she was lucky, she’d be able to dream of a way to get some proper payback later. > The Craving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy sighed in exhaustion. The heat of the summer sun radiated throughout Ponyville, and more relevantly, Sweet Apple Acres, where she had been spending most of the day working with Applejack. Without any clouds in the sky, she had to resort to using the shade cast by the trees to cool off. She could feel the strain in her arms in each pull of the apple cart across the dirt path. “I appreciate ya helping out with my chores today, Fluttershy. I know you’re probably busy with your own work and all, but I really needed an extra pair of hands to help me out today.” Applejack said, balancing several apple barrels without breaking a sweat. “Oh, it’s no trouble at all, Applejack! I’m always happy to help you out!” Fluttershy said with a forced smile, wiping the sweat off her forehead as she pulled the cart of apples into the barn. She had lost track of exactly how long she had been helping, but it certainly felt like hours. “Just gotta check on the last orchard, gotta make sure that they’re ready for picking tomorrow. I promise that it’s the last thing I need you to do today.” “A-Alright…” Fluttershy said, rubbing her sore biceps, walking with Applejack back into the apple trees. Applejack walked side-by-side with Fluttershy as they went towards their destination. “Just lemmie know if you see anything particularly wrong with the apples, ok?” Fluttershy nodded, then looked towards the trees. As she looked at the apples, her stomach started to rumble. She had been working with apples all day, but for some reason, these ones in particular were making her hungry. Perhaps it was just because she knew that she was almost done with working, and she’d be able to finally eat. “Looking good so far…” Applejack said to herself as they walked through, her eyes scanning each apple to make sure that they were ready to be harvested later. She was so focused on looking at the apples, she didn’t notice Fluttershy practically drooling until she spoke up. “These apples look amazing! So big, and...so juicy!” Fluttershy beamed, staring at the apples. They were so big, she was already imagining herself biting into one of them. She could practically taste the juices splashing in her mouth. “Heh, don’t look too hungry now. Don’t want another Flutterbat situation on my hands,” Applejack chuckled, playfully elbowing Fluttershy in the ribs. Fluttershy responded with a weak, confused laugh. She had the incident explained to her in great detail, but she still had no personal recollection of the event. It’s very unnerving having your friends tell you about the kind of monster that you became under the influence of apples. Sweet, delicious, juicy apples... “Well, looks like everything’s looking good for now. I still got a bit of stuff to do, but I won’t keep ya any longer. You’re free to grab a drink or two in the house before you go! Thanks for your help today, Fluttershy!” “You’re welcome, Applejack! See you soon!” Fluttershy said, making her way out of the orchard. Her eyes kept wandering back to the apples the entire walk back. She decided to take Applejack up on her offer, going inside to fill a mug full of cider to quench her thirst before she left for home. Once Fluttershy made it back to her cottage, she collapsed on her sofa. She still had plenty of things to do for her animals, but after all the manual labor she had to do, she needed a quick break before getting to her own work. Fluttershy propped her feet up, staring at her nail polish as she swayed her toes side to side. She started to think about how long it’s been since her last tickling experience. She considered visiting Pinkie Pie later in the week on one of her days off. Out of all the friends that knew about her secret, Pinkie was obviously the easiest to approach and ask for some tickling fun. Fluttershy realized that Applejack was the only friend left that didn’t know about her tickling kink. Not that she was planning on bringing it up in any sort of conversation the next time they met, but it just felt strange to have one friend not know. She wanted her secret to be kept a secret, but given the circumstances of how her other friends found out, she figured that it was only a matter of time until Applejack somehow discovered it, much to her dismay. She decided to brush her worries off to the side, and get to work tending to her animal friends. After a long and exhausting day, Fluttershy was relieved to finally go to sleep. She hopped into bed and sighed in satisfaction as she lay on the soft mattress and cool pillows. As she closed her eyes to let slumber envelop her, the growling of her stomach interrupted what was going to be a peaceful rest. Fluttershy grumbled, her eyes still shut tight. As much as she wanted to go grab a midnight snack, she knew that doing so would ruin her appetite and her sleep cycle. Despite the protests of her stomach, Fluttershy kept herself in bed, trying to get her mind off her hunger, but the thought of savory food kept invading her mind, especially all those apples she saw earlier. She covered her face with her pillow, screaming in frustration as she tried to force herself to sleep, her growing hunger slowly overwhelming her need to sleep. Meanwhile, Applejack was sleeping peacefully back on Sweet Apple Acres, rolling onto her back as she lightly snored, living out her fantasies in a dream. Applejack was only an hour into her slumber when she suddenly sprung awake, sitting upright on her bed. She had an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong. She looked out towards the orchards, though it was hard to focus in the moonlight, she could clearly see a shadowy figure descending on the trees. Whatever it was, it had to be stopped. Applejack hopped into her boots and ran out of the barn as fast as she could, grabbing her lasso and a flashlight as she went out the door, dashing towards the orchard. Applejack heard the distinct sound of someone, or something, biting into an apple. Her sprinting quickly halted into a cautious tip-toe, hoping to catch whatever it was by surprise. Once she thought she was close enough, she turned on the flashlight, hoping to catch the intruder. By the time she turned the light on, she felt something fly over her head. “What the-?” By the time Applejack turned around, it was gone from her sight. Applejack managed to track down the intruder again. Whatever it was, it was so engaged in the apples on the tree that Applejack managed to get within lasso range. She shined the light on the figure, hoping to catch them red-handed. Applejack’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?” She didn’t want to believe it, but it was hard to deny what she was seeing. Fluttershy was perched atop one of the branches. Though her appearance was significantly altered from her usual look. Her teeth had fangs that tore into the apples she was eating. Her feathery wings had disappeared, replaced with bat wings. Applejack didn’t have time to figure out how or why Flutterbat managed to return, as the moment she heard Applejack voice her confusion, she took off. “Oh, for the love of-” Applejack started sprinting, keeping her eyes trained on the airborne Flutterbat the whole time. The pursuit was difficult for Applejack, seeing as Flutterbat had a significant advantage with her flight, but Applejack knew the layout of the orchards like the back of her hand, allowing her to keep up and concentrate on where Flutterbat was going while effortlessly avoiding running into the trees. Once the chase returned back to the path, Applejack took out her lasso, twirling it above her head, aiming for her torso so she could bring her back down to the ground. Flutterbat looked behind her, flapping her wings faster in an effort to outspeed the lasso. The sudden speed boost was partially successful, as the lasso wrapped around her ankles instead. With a quick tug of the rope, Applejack closed the loop around Flutterbat’s ankles. Once she secured the lasso, she yanked back hard on the rope to try and ground Flutterbat. Though Flutterbat had been caught by the rope, she refused to give up. Though her speed slowed, she kept flying forward towards her goal of more apples. Applejack kept her grip on the rope as she tugged back, her heels making tracks in the dirt as Flutterbat dragged her forward. She tried to keep her feet planted on the ground, hoping that the traction would help slow her down. Her arms were starting to feel strain with how much of a fight Flutterbat was putting up. Seeing as she wasn’t getting herself loose from the rope, Flutterbat tried flying upward, trying to lift Applejack off the ground instead. Applejack could feel her body trying to rise. She dug her heels into the ground to try and anchor herself. She gave the rope a little slack, then yanked it backwards. The trick seemed to work, as Flutterbat was suddenly caught off-balance by the sudden tug and crashed into the dirt, seemingly out cold. Applejack ran over to the downed Flutterbat. “Sorry ‘bout that, but I gotta get you fixed somehow…” Twilight would probably know how to fix this, but given how much of a fight Flutterbat could put up, it would be a challenge to keep Flutterbat under control while dragging her to the castle, but it was the best option she had. Applejack groaned, finding herself in a difficult situation. She couldn’t get her family to help keep Flutterbat restrained; Big Mac was with Sugar Belle, Apple Bloom was staying at Sweetie Belle’s place, and Luna knows Granny Smith wouldn’t be easy to wake up from her sleep at this hour. If she was going to take Flutterbat to Twilight, she’d need a lot more rope. She picked up Flutterbat and carried her to the barn. Once she made it into the barn, Applejack carefully lay Flutterbat down on the floor, making sure she was still unconscious. She began grabbing all the spare lassos and ropes around the barn. The more restrained Flutterbat was, the easier the walk to Twilight’s castle would be. As Applejack kept searching, Flutterbat quickly eventually came to. She checked her surroundings, turning around towards the open barn door. She could smell the juicy apples all the way from the barn. She struggled a bit to get her ankles out from the lasso, but once she freed herself, she made a beeline for the exit. Hearing the sudden movement, Applejack turned around, seeing Flutterbat attempting to escape. “Hey! Get back here!” With Flutterbat still grounded, it made lassoing her in somewhat easier. One expert toss and the loop tightened around Flutterbat’s ankles again, tripping her up. Taking all the ropes she gathered up with her, Applejack ran over to Flutterbat, ready to wrap more ropes around her. “Alright, I’m gonna take you to Twilight, she’ll get you back to normal!” Once Applejack got close enough, Flutterbat lashed out, grabbing onto her shoulders to try and throw her to the floor. “You little-!” Applejack growled, trying to keep herself balanced and regain control so she could tie Flutterbat up. In their struggle, Applejack dug her fingers into Flutterbat’s sides as she tried to pin her down. “Eeeheeheeheeheeheeee!” Applejack paused, she could’ve sworn that she heard a giggle come out of Flutterbat. With Applejack’s hesitation, Flutterbat managed to wrestle herself loose, scrambling towards the door once more, ready to take flight once she got outside. “Oh no you don’t!” Applejack caught up in short time, taking Flutterbat down with a running tackle. She sat on top of her back, keeping her pinned to the ground, Applejack cautiously squeezed Flutterbat’s sides intentionally, just to confirm that she wasn’t hearing things. “Yaaaahaha!” “...Fluttershy?” Flutterbat hissed in response, trying to crawl out underneath Applejack. Applejack squinted, unsure of what to make of what was happening. “Hey, can ya hear me, Fluttershy?” Flutterbat growled, glaring at Applejack with feral anger. She thrashed underneath Applejack, still fighting for her freedom. Applejack skittered her fingers against Flutterbat’s exposed midriff, just to see what would happen. All the anger in Flutterbat’s eyes suddenly disappeared, her body freezing up as she squealed. “Sssstaaahahahap!” Applejack tilted her head in curiosity and confusion. That was definitely Fluttershy’s laugh. She didn’t quite understand it, but tickling seemed to not only keep Flutterbat controlled, but bring out a little bit of Fluttershy as well. She didn’t have any sort of magic to help Flutterbat turn back into Fluttershy, and yet… Once the tickling had stopped, Flutterbat was back to her violent thrashing, though her movement was limited, she still managed to lift her body up with Applejack sitting on her. “Woah, there!” Applejack kicked her legs out, laying them on Flutterbat’s arms to take away her leverage. She looked around the barn, an idea forming in her head. With one of the nearby rope, Applejack quickly tied Flutterbat’s hands above her head. With her previous lasso toss, now all Flutterbat’s limbs were tied up, which made dragging her to one of the barn’s support beams easier. Applejack eyed up and down the beam, visualizing the set-up. With some expert knot tying and ropework, Flutterbat was tied to the beam while sitting down. Her bat wings were tied closed with a rope that wrapped tight around her midsection, just underneath her breasts. Her hands were stuck above her head, tied behind the beam, exposing her underarms. The single lasso that was wrapped around her ankles became a coil of rope that wrapped halfway up her shins, and a few more extra ropes wrapped around her body and the beam just for added precaution. If her plan failed, at least she’d tire Flutterbat out to make it easier to take her to Twilight. Applejack crouched down, looking at the struggling Flutterbat. “Alright, let’s see if this works...” She sat down on Flutterbat’s legs, her hands reaching forward to lightly scritch at her exposed underarms. When Applejack got close and sat on her legs, Flutterbat hissed again. She tried to lunge forward to bite Applejack, but the ropes kept her from getting within range. When Applejack reached forward, she looked at Applejack’s hands in confusion. Once those fingers started teasing her armpits, she grit her teeth, a smile forced on her face. Applejack picked up a little bit of speed, her fingers sliding up and down the hollows of her armpits. Flutterbat found it hard to keep containing her laughter, as girlish giggles started spilling out of her mouth. She could smell the scent of apples wafting through the open barn door, making her all the more furious that she was trapped. Applejack started to wiggle her fingers into her armpits, curious as to how Flutterbat would react to the continued increases in intensity. “Hehehaha! Aahaahaaaaah! S-Stahahap it!” Flutterbat barked out. She tried bringing her arms down to defend herself, but the support beam kept getting in the way. Applejack was fascinated by the fact that Flutterbat was laughing. It was more pleasant to hear than the hissing and snarling, though she still wasn’t sure if she was getting through to Fluttershy this way. She decided to continue scribbling her fingers in Flutterbat’s armpits, trying to draw more of Fluttershy’s laughter out. Flutterbat’s wings started to twitch, trying to extend and break free. She kept trying to charge forward. If she could get one good bite in, then maybe Applejack would stop tickling her and give her a chance to break free. Applejack decided to switch spots. Her eyes wandered to Flutterbat’s exposed midriff, and she decided to give her sides a few more squeezes. Flutterbat jolted with each squeeze, making Applejack bounce on her legs as she yelped. The digging into her sides was unpredictable, making her voice jump each time. “NooOOOooOOOOoo! StahahaHAAAhahap it TIIIhihihickles!” Whether it was a result of Flutterbat’s lack of restraint, or Rainbow Dash’s workout, Applejack was caught off-guard by how high she was being lifted up by Flutterbat’s legs. Flutterbat was certainly putting up a fight. She inched a little closer, risking getting bitten to decrease the leverage. She resumed her tickling treatment, her fingers poking and skittering against her stomach. As Flutterbat cackled, her fangs were starting to recede. Not quite back to her regular set of teeth, but enough to make a noticable difference. “Nohohohahaha! Nohohoho more!” Applejack was too fixated on tickling Flutterbat to notice the physical changes, her fingers approached Flutterbat’s belly button as they tickled inwards. Flutterbat’s ears started to regain their normal fluffiness again. She didn’t even attempt to bite Applejack anymore, despite how close she had gotten. She was more focused on the tickling sensations on her belly and the ropes around her body that were preventing her from stopping them. Bracing herself for the inevitable bucking, Applejack started squeezing Flutterbat’s hips, her thumbs rolling against her sides. Flutterbat started to blush, her toes curling up as she wiggled her hips back and forth. “A-Ahahahapplejahahahack!” Applejack’s eyes widened upon hearing her name being called out. “Fluttershy? Can ya hear me?” If she kept tickling Flutterbat, then there was a chance of communicating with Fluttershy, and possibly tickling her back to normal. The absurdity of the entire situation finally hit Applejack at that moment. Applejack chuckled to herself, shaking her head before blowing a raspberry on Flutterbat’s belly. “AAAHAHAHAAAA! A-AAAAHN! S-STAHAHAHAP!” Applejack looked up in confusion. If Flutterbat was constantly crying out to stop, why did it just sound like she was being turned on by the tickling? Applejack quickly took notice that Flutterbat was looking significantly less batty. Whatever she was doing was clearly working. Though she still had several questions in her mind, it was highly unlikely that Flutterbat had the answers, but Fluttershy just might. She leaned back in to give Flutterbat’s belly another raspberry. Flutterbat let out a shaky moan, her entire body trembling in panic as she tried to swing her body side to side in an attempt to escape Applejack’s lips. “EEEHEEHAAHA! N-NO! OHOHOHOHHH STOP! PLEEEEAAASE! NAHAHAHAT THEEEERE!” Applejack looked back up, trying to see if there were any more physical changes happening. Her hands went back to squeezing her hips to make up for the lack of raspberries. The fact that Flutterbat was now pleading instead of demanding seemed to be good progress. Though she could only get brief glances of it, Applejack noticed that Fluttershy’s eyes were back to their usual cyan, rather than the menacing red irises. “N-NOHOHOHO MOOORE! I-I’M GONNA! GAAAHAAHAAAA!” Flutterbat squealed, thrusting her hips into Applejack’s hands, her cheeks significantly pink. Applejack wasn’t sure what Flutterbat was referring to, but she felt like she was close to something. Her fingers went all the way up to her armpits, scribbling all the way down her ribs, sides, around her belly into her navel, and then finishing by digging into her hips and thighs. “NO! NONONOOOOHOHOHOHO! Y-YOU’RE GONNA MAKE MEEHEEHEEHEE!” Flutterbat violently kicked her legs as much as she could, her arms swung back and forth against the support beam in one final attempt to break free. But it was too late, the constant tickling finally overwhelmed her, and Flutterbat lost control. “AHAHEEHEEHEE! AHAHAAA! AAAAH! AAAHAHAAAAAAAHHH!” Applejack finally stopped, still cautiously sitting on Flutterbat’s thighs, on her guard for whatever came next. She could’ve sworn those last few screams were from arousal, not hysterics. As Flutterbat hung her head low, her wings started to regain their feathers. “Nggh…wha...what’s going on?” Fluttershy raised her head back up, trying to move her arms to rub her eyes. “...Fluttershy?” Applejack asked with hope in her voice. Was she actually successful in bringing Fluttershy back? Fluttershy blinked, looking around in confusion. “H-Huh? W-where am I? Applejack?” Though she felt a bit groggy from just waking up, question after question raced through her mind. Where was she? Why is Applejack here? Why couldn’t she move? Why was she all sweaty? Why did she feel like she was basking in afterglow? “Fluttershy! You’re back!” Applejack sighed in relief, hugging Fluttershy tight. “I...I am ? What’s going on?” Fluttershy quickly regained consciousness, starting to asses her situation. Judging by her surroundings, she was in the barn in Sweet Apple Acres. Her legs, arms, and wings were tied up, which was incredibly concerning. She rubbed her thighs together, feeling an unmistakable wetness. She couldn’t remember anything prior to falling asleep in her own bed, and so her mind tried to fill in the gaps herself before Applejack could explain, and the explanations that she was thinking up were ones she prayed weren’t true. “Oh, right, uh...You really don’t know what happened, huh?” Applejack quickly rolled off Fluttershy’s legs. “Well…Ya somehow turned back into Flutterbat, and started wreaking havoc on my apples. It was lucky that I managed to catch ya and bring ya to the barn.” Fluttershy nodded along. The fact that she turned into Flutterbat again was terrifying, but it still didn’t explain why she was feeling wet. Applejack exhaled sharply, this explanation was going to be a doozy. “Alright, so...while I was trying to tie you up an’ keep ya still, I accidentally started tickling you, and you started giggling. It sounded more like you than Flutterbat.” Fluttershy’s pupils shrank the moment the t-word was uttered. If her secret was found out due to something she had absolutely no control over… Applejack started to blush, the explanation starting to get embarrassing. “So, I figured if I kept tickling you, then there was a chance you’d turn back to normal. So I had to tie you up to one of the support beams and...well, it worked!” “WHAT?!” Fluttershy was both terrified that Applejack might have found out about her secret, and peeved beyond words that she had absolutely no memories of being tickled by Applejack to enjoy. “I’m real sorry, Fluttershy. You kept saying how much you hated it, but it just worked in getting you back to normal, so I had to keep going.” “Huh?” Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean?” “The whole time, ya kept screaming things like ‘Stop it!’ and ‘No more!’ and ‘Not the tummy!’ Stuff like that,” Applejack explained. “...But that doesn’t make any sense, I lo-” Fluttershy quickly shut up, realizing what she let slip out trying to correct Applejack. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “What were you about to say, Fluttershy?” “Nothing! N-nevermind!” Fluttershy looked away in a panic. Why did she have to open her big mouth? Applejack kept staring at Fluttershy, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for an answer. Fluttershy nervously looked back at Applejack’s neutral, but stern face before sighing in defeat. It generally wasn’t a smart idea to lie to Applejack, especially when tied up. “O-Ok...I still don’t know what happened or what I did as Flutterbat...but I...I actually love being tickled…” After what felt like hours of judgmental silence, Applejack smirked. “...Yeah, that makes sense,” she said, nodding. “Y-you mean you already knew?” “Well, uh…” Applejack turned her head away, pointing at Fluttershy’s crotch. “It definitely explains that...” Fluttershy’s face flushed red. “Oh...ri-right...ehehe…” “I’m guessin’ this is something I wasn’t meant to know about, huh?” Applejack asked, starting to feel guilty based on Fluttershy’s reactions. “I’ve been...trying...to keep it a secret…” Fluttershy said, more frustrated than embarrassed at this point. “...Well, if it means anything, I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of. Sure, it caught me off-guard, but I don’t think it’s weird or nothin’.” Applejack said, trying to comfort her. Fluttershy smiled, feeling a huge emotional weight being lifted off her chest. “That actually means a lot, Applejack. Thank you.” It was a weirdly liberating feeling, having your closest friends know and be completely accepting of your secret. Applejack nodded. “Don’t worry about it. Your secret’s safe with me.” “So, um...am I going to be untied soon?” Fluttershy asked, wiggling against the ropes. “Oh! Heh, right, sorry.” Applejack reached her hands forward to untie Fluttershy, only for her hands to stop just as she grabbed onto the knot. “Buuuuut, seeing as you did cause me a whole lot of trouble tonight, I’m thinking a little punishment might be necessary.” “P-Punishment?” Fluttershy’s ears folded to the sides of her head. “Oh yeah. You went through an entire acre of apple trees before I finally managed to stop you. There’s not much left for the next harvest, I’m afraid.” “W-What?!” Fluttershy started to shiver. What kind of monster was she? “Heh, I'm just kidding, you only ate a few apples,” Applejack chuckled. “Seriously though, you did wake me up in the middle of the night and it was mighty difficult to keep you still,” she said with a wink. “Eep…” Fluttershy’s toes curled up, knowing exactly what Applejack was planning. Applejack decided to start the punishment in a spot that she had neglected the entire time. She sat down by Fluttershy’s ankles, lifting them up onto her lap. Her left hand rested on Fluttershy’s toes, her other hand hovering above her soles, fingers curled and ready. Fluttershy started to fidget as she waited, the anticipation making her more shaky. She looked over at Applejack, waiting for her to make her move. Applejack said nothing, not even acknowledging the fact that Fluttershy was looking at her. Her eyes watched Fluttershy’s feet scrunch up impatiently. She used her thumb and index fingers to wrap around Fluttershy’s big toes, locking them together. The corners of Applejack’s lips turned up into a smirk, and she attacked. By the time Fluttershy noticed the smirk on Applejack’s face, her fingers already struck her arches. “Eeeheeheehahaaaa!” Applejack kept up her sly smile, knowing those giggles were from Fluttershy having fun, and not from a struggling Flutterbat. She aligned her fingers vertically, having them slide up and down her arches. Fluttershy tried her best to kick free of Applejack’s grip, but she was no match for her strength, leaving her helpless to the punishment. Not that she minded, of course. Applejack reached over to Fluttershy’s left foot, using sideways swipes to quickly get both feet at the same time with only one hand. ”This good, Fluttershy?” “Y-YEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy rapidly nodded, her legs jolting each time Applejack dragged her fingers across her feet. “Then...how about this?” Applejack freed Fluttershy’s toes from her grip, only because she needed both hands to dig into her soles, raking her fingers all the way from under her toes to her heel. Being in a post-orgasm state left Fluttershy light-headed. Adding in the tickling from Applejack meant Fluttershy’s thoughts were scrambled. The lingering worries of how Flutterbat could’ve possibly returned in her were all fuzzy. There was just one thing she could focus on at the moment… “BWAHAHAHA! THAHAHAT TIHIHIHICKLES SO MUUUUUCH!” With Applejack no longer holding her toes, Fluttershy’s feet began bouncing on her lap. Though it wasn’t enough to fully escape her fingers. Fluttershy could only move her feet around so much, making it easy for Applejack to just predict where they were going to go, then have her fingers follow. Fluttershy’s active bouncing eventually settled down, becoming too tired to keep moving. Her howling laughter eventually died down into tired giggles and gasps as her head hung low in exhaustion. “Alright, I think you’ve had your fun,” Applejack chuckled, placing her feet back down on the ground as she worked on untying all the ropes. “Hah...ahah...Thank...you....” As soon as her arms were free, they lay limp at Fluttershy’s sides, leaning against the support beam to rest. “Heh, gotta admit, Fluttershy. Even though ya woke me up in the middle of the night, this was actually pretty enjoyable!” “R-Really?” Fluttershy weakly turned her head up to look at Applejack. “Yep. I wouldn’t be totally against doing something like this again...If you’re willing to help out on the farm to help make time for it, of course.” “You really mean it?” There was a brief sparkle of excitement that flashed through the fatigue in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Course I do. Just promise me there won’t be any more Flutterbat, ok?” Applejack joked, helping her up on her feet. “Uh...I’ll try my best?” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. Fluttershy managed to get back to her cottage in the middle of the night, more exhausted than her previous trip back. She snuck back into her bed to make sure she wouldn’t wake up the other animals. She quickly slipped back into bed, pulling the covers over her body. There wasn’t much time left until sunrise, but Fluttershy wanted as much sleep as she could get for tomorrow. She closed her eyes, ready for her exhaustion to take her into slumber, but her eyes quickly shot back open in annoyance. She was still hungry... > The Mirror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s note: To make things less confusing, when the two Fluttershys meet, the Fluttershy that goes through the mirror (the one that’s had her friends find out about the tickle fetish) will be referred to as Shy, while the other Fluttershy will be referred to as Flutter. An ancient castle sits deep within the Everfree Forest, looming over the wild woods as a reminder of times gone by, and a hiding place for unusual things, as Twilight and company had experienced practically every time they explored its halls. Inside, Fluttershy was exploring the abandoned servants’ quarters. She carries a notepad, making a survey of the contents of each room, on Twilight's request. She didn't like doing this, every time she entered a room she felt there may be some danger in store. Though Twilight wanted to discover the unknown, the unknown was terrifying. The mare was currently wearing a short, simple, spring green dress that stretches down to just cover her buttery yellow knees, along with a pair of sandals with matching colour. She walked slowly, looking around periodically to be sure she's not being followed by something supernatural. The pegasus walked into the fifth room today, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. The only thing worth taking note of is a mirror, quite a fancy one that's a little bigger than she is. She steps ever so tentatively towards the looking glass, laying a hand on the elegant frame, hoping it doesn’t lead to a hidden trap. Suddenly, the glass of the mirror started to glow white. Somewhere else entirely, Fluttershy was leaving Sugarcube Corner with rosy red cheeks and a bit of a staggered step. Pinkie Pie had lead Fluttershy up into her bedroom, put a blindfold over her eyes, and drove her to tears with tickling. She was always nervous about asking Pinkie Pie for this sort of favor, even if she never raised an objection to it. Fluttershy considered the possibility of asking Rainbow Dash or Rarity for help next time. Fluttershy also happened to be wearing a short, simple green dress and matching pair of sandals, with her sandals being more worn-in. Soon, she makes it back to her own room, kicking off her sandals to rest in her bed. In the corner of her room was a fancy mirror that was found at the old abandoned castle back in the Everfree Forest. Rarity decided to gift it to Fluttershy, seeing as it would have no use in the castle. Suddenly, the glass on the mirror started to glow white. Fluttershy shields her eyes from the glow. She’s wary of the potential danger, yet she’s strangely compelled to get closer. She stands up, slips her sandals back on, and walks towards the mirror, hand outstretched. She puts one hand on the frame, and leans forward to place her other hand on the glass. The bright light messes with her sight, making her unaware that her hand had been passing through the glass. She stumbles forward, tumbling through the mirror and into whatever lies on the other side. Fluttershy squinted her eyes, using her hands to block the blinding glow. She slowly backs towards the door, ready to call Twilight for help from whatever is about to happen.While she can't see much, she does easily hear a thump in the otherwise silent room, and the mirror returns to normal again. Fluttershy blinks, black spots burned in her eyes temporarily, plastered annoyingly to her peripheral vision. She slowly looks down at what appears to be herself, fallen onto the castle floor. Terror immediately strikes into her heart. It’s simply not possible, it can't be her, she's her. Whatever this is, there's only one person who could help. "TWILIGHT!" She calls down the hall for her friend. She knew that coming back to this place was a bad idea. She turns her attention back towards the other her, waiting to see if she moves, not sure if it's some sort of evil monster or simply a clone. The fallen Fluttershy lifts up her head, woozy from the fall. “Ow…what happened?” She looked around, she was certainly not in her bedroom anymore, but where was she? This place felt familiar, and yet different. It looked just like the old castle, but it somehow didn’t feel like the one she knew. “...Where am I? What’s going o-“ her eyes lock with something that looks just like her. She freezes in place, unintentionally copying the shocked expression on her face. Fluttershy's eyes meet with her double’s, silence filling the room as they just stand there staring at each other. From the looks of things, this doppelganger is just as hopelessly confused as she is, which is probably a good sign that she’s not malicious. The silence is disrupted by the sound of rushing footsteps as Twilight bursts into the room. "Fluttershy! What's wrong!? I heard yelling!" The princess asks, looking to her friend, clearly worried for her. She then stops, turning to look at the other yellow pegasus. "Fluttershy?" “Twilight? Is that you?” Shy asks, tilting her head. “Where am I? Is this…the old castle?” she shakes, looking around at her surroundings, trying to look at the other Fluttershy. Twilight looks back and forth between the two again, clearly confused. "Alright...Fluttershys." She says, regaining her bearings and taking charge of this mess, hoping to avoid escalation, as is usually inevitable where magic is involved. "I need you both to tell me exactly what happened here." The standing pegasus starts first. "Well, I entered the room and noticed the weird mirror none of the other bedrooms have." Flutter says, pointing to it. "Then I... touched it and it started glowing.." She admits, the idea seeming really bad in hindsight. The other Fluttershy stands up, dusting herself off. “Well, I came back to my house after spending the day with Pinkie Pie,” Shy starts, blushing a bit at the memories. “Then the mirror in my room started glowing, and…I kinda touched it too…then I stumbled here, somehow....” Twilight raises a curious eyebrow when Shy blushes, but decides to ignore what isn’t her business. "Okay then, so it seems like the mirror was activated when you both touched it." She says to herself, suddenly perking up. "Could this be? A portal to another Equestria?" She asks, looking at the mirror in awe, almost making the mistake of touching it herself. "Oh my goodness, this might be the historic and scientific discovery of a lifetime!" she squeals, momentarily forgetting the immediate problem. She clears her throat and calms herself. "Well, I think with a little study on how this works, I can find a way to open it on command. Then we could get you back home," She says to the other Fluttershy. "Oh, that’s good! Thank you so much, Twilight!" Shy sighs in relief, she then turns to her counterpart. "Um...while Twilight works on that, is it alright if I stayed at your...my...our cottage?" "Oh, of course it’s fine." Flutter nods, a little flustered at having company suddenly stay over, but if she was also Fluttershy, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. "I’m guessing you know the way already?" “Well, if this place is just like my own, then yes, I should. Nothing major changed, right? You reformed Discord and Starlight Glimmer here? And defeated Nightmare Moon, Tirek, and Chrysalis?” Shy asks, trying to ask about major disasters averted in her Equestria. Flutter nods. “Yes, all those things happened here.” "Mmhm. Ok, then I don't think any major changes happened." Shy nods. She's curious as to what exactly is the difference between her world and this world, if there was one at all. “Well, let's go to the cottage, then." Flutter smiles before turning and heading out of the room, guiding herself and herself out of the old castle in the Everfree... it's going to be quite a trek back, as usual. Eventually though, after a long journey of walking and quizzing each other on potential differences between their worlds, the pair finally make it to the comfy looking cottage on the outskirts of town, the light already on to welcome them home, courtesy of Angel, though he never expected her plus-one. Shy lets out a quiet sigh as she enters the cottage. "Well, it's nice to be...home?" She looked around, everything looked the same as her own cottage, but it didn’t feel familiar. She felt like she was checking into a hotel rather than coming back to her own house. Flutter pouts seeing Shy look so uneasy in her home. She couldn’t quite imagine what her other self must be feeling. "Yeah, and to have company. C-can I get you anything? Some tea, a sandwich?" She offers, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Y-Yes, tea and sandwiches would be nice, thank you...." Shy says, looking around, still taken back at how odd it feels to be home but not feel at home. "Alright... Lettuce and tomato?" Flutter asks, giving her own preference of sandwich, wondering if that could be the difference between the two. Honestly, it could be anything, though she still doesn't quite know what yet, and it's causing her curiosity to grow. "Yes, if you don't mind." Shy nods, taking a seat on the couch, removing her sandals to let her feet relax. “Then I’ll be right back!” Flutter heads into the kitchen. After a few minutes, the pegasus returns, carrying an old silver tray filled with sandwiches and teacups. "I'm sorry if the tea isn't to your liking, I just assume that you'd like it how I do." She says, laying the tray gingerly down on the coffee table. "Oh, it's no problem, I'm sure it's lovely!" Shy smiles, grabbing a cup and taking a sip. She’s pleasantly surprised that it’s exactly the way she likes it. Flutter gently lowers herself to sit down beside Shy, deciding to kick off her sandals as well. She grabs onto one of the sandwiches and begins to eat, being terrified of her own reflection sure worked up an appetite. The two Fluttershys sit and eat in near silence, not wanting to start a conversation with tea and sandwiches in their mouths. While Shy was perfectly fine with the quiet tea-time, her eyes kept darting around the room. It was unsettling how alike everything was in this world. She couldn’t explain why, but finding any sort of difference would put her at ease. As her eyes scanned the rug, she started to smile. “Oh, I think I found a difference between us!” Shy says, pointing down to their feet. Flutter takes a look down, wondering what Shy’s referring to. While Flutter’s toenails are painted pink, Shy’s are painted cyan. “Well, how about that? It’s a small difference, but our nails are done differently.” Shy decides to continue the conversation. “Yeah. I usually get mine done during my spa dates with Rarity. You do too, I assume?” Flutter nods. “It’s what we do once a week. A full relaxation course, just the two of us.” “Isn’t it great?” Shy smiles. “Aloe and Lotus just know how to take all the stress away, especially with their foot rubs! Aren’t they so-” “Um, foot rubs?” Shy pauses, tilting her head. “Do...do they not offer you foot massages?” “Not really. They just clean your feet and paint your nails. Rarity and I usually take so much time relaxing in the sauna that it’s all we have time for...” Flutter shrugs, feeling a bit disappointed that her other self seems to have gotten a better deal. Shy thinks for a moment. “Well, sometimes when the spa is closed, Rarity and I do our own spa date at her place. We give each other pedicures there, so...I could give you a foot massage if you wanted...” “That sounds good, actually! My feet are kinda sore from walking all the way there in sandals…” Flutter says with a sheepish grin. Flutter and Shy move to opposite sides of the couch. Flutter props her feet up on Shy’s lap and lies back, waiting for Shy to begin. Shy takes a moment to just look at Flutter’s soles. She’s never really seen her own feet from this angle, even if they aren’t entirely her feet. It’s a fascinating and surreal experience. As Shy is looking at Flutter’s feet, a very intrusive thought invades her mind: Just how ticklish is the other Fluttershy? Flutter raises an eyebrow in curiosity at how long Shy is staring at her feet, but decides not to object, assuming that Shy is still feeling understandably awkward about her situation. She relaxes herself on the armrest, waiting for the massage to start. Shy quickly shakes the thoughts out of her mind. The thought of tickling herself was too weird, even given her current scenario. She grabs onto Flutter’s feet, pressing her thumbs into the center of her arches. Flutter looks down at Shy, letting out a soft grunt as she starts to touch her feet. Shy starts out slow, rubbing her thumbs up and down her arches, making sure to be firm, but not aggressive. Flutter’s toes started to curl. It was weird having another version of her start rubbing her feet, but she couldn’t deny how good it felt. Shy continued to move her thumbs slowly but firmly, pressing into her soles as she stared at her curling toes. The idea of tickling her invaded her mind once more. Her wings started to twitch at the thought. Flutter slowly but surely closes her eyes, trying her best to relax into the massage. Her feet inadvertently squirm under Shy’s thumbs as she presses into her soft soles. Shy notices Flutter start to relax, smiling a bit as she continues her massage. She looks down at Flutter’s feet with a small chuckle to herself. They were so soft to the touch, it was no wonder all of her friends loved tickling her there. Flutter's heartbeat slows in her chest as she closes her eyes, slowly drifting, not to sleep, but to a wonderful level of tranquillity that someone as antsy as her doesn't often get to feel. She continues to stretch and wiggle her toes, now mostly comfortable, but not entirely so yet. Shy starts to move up the feet, gently tugging on her toes, waiting until they give a little pop before moving onto the next. She then pinches the base of her toes, moving her toes in a circular motion. Flutter scrunches her lithe, delicate toes a little as Shy lightly pulls on them, but manages to keep her feet vulnerable and firmly placed on her lap. The corners of her lips start to twitch, though she doesn’t let out a snicker. Shy finds the urge to resist her tickling temptations getting increasingly harder as she watches Flutters toes wiggling in her grip. She tries to slightly sate her needs by gently poking her toes a few times, trying to make it seem natural. Flutter squirms a bit, but keeps her feet relatively still. "...Hehehe." Her toes twitch, but she patiently thinks nothing of it, halfway between being awake and asleep at this point. The struggling pegasus tries to push her stiffened wings down. Though she now knows that Flutter was definitely ticklish, that little chuckle did nothing to keep her temptations in, if anything, she wanted to tickle her more. She exhales sharply, trying to focus on massaging her feet. She didn't want to appear to have an ulterior motive in giving her a foot rub. This universe's mellow yellow mare doesn't seem to notice how much her counterpart is struggling to keep her urges under control. As such, she starts to squirm and wiggle her toes under the skilled fingers, scrunching up her soles on occasion, completely unaware of what she’s doing to Shy, letting out the occasional relaxed giggle. Shy’s eyes were locked on the pair of squirming feet she was holding. The way her toes wiggled filled her mind with paranoid thoughts. Did she know about her tickle fetish all along? Was she doing this just to tease her? With a reddening face and stiff wings, she starts to run her thumbs a bit more roughly down her feet. Flutter's wings also start to spread out quite a bit, mostly from relaxation. With a happy yawn, she stretches her body, toes included, making her soles taut and revealing the vulnerable spots between them. “That’s so niiiice…” She says, ready to fall asleep, completely unaware that she has sealed her own fate. Before Shy can even realize what she’s doing, her manicured fingernails start skittering up and down Flutter’s taut feet the moment she started stretching. Flutter squirms, starting to wiggle and scrunching up her toes tightly as the long, hard fingernails run up and down her feet. She starts giggling, breaking out of her sleepy daze. Shy’s fingers dance up and down the pair of soft soles, unable to stop herself from teasing the feet that have put in her lap, watching her toes wiggle and curl. Flutter still doesn't pull her feet away, the thought that this isn't at all part of the massage not occurring to her yet. Though, keeping her feet nice and still was proving very tricky. "Hehehahaha...T-that tihihihickles..." "Yeah...I bet it does…” Shy says in an almost trance-like tone, moving her fingers up. Her left hand holds Flutter’s big toes together, while her right hand starts tickling underneath the toes. Flutter clutches at the sofa cushion, having to force her soft feet to stay still, and even then, they're twitching and wiggling under her counterparts fingers. She squeezes her toes into her soles the moment that they're touched, unable to take it. "Ehehehehehe! Hahahaaaa!" Shy breaks out into a wide grin, giggling to herself as she continues her assault on Flutter’s feet. Seeing as she hasn’t pulled her feet away yet, Shy rakes her fingers down her arches, getting increasingly more aggressive in her tickling the longer she’s allowed to go. "Kitchy kitchy koo! Ooh, you’re a ticklish one, aren’t you?" she teases, her wings fully outstretched. “Bwahahahahaha! Noohohohahaha!” Likewise, Flutter's wings have been slowly extending as well as the tickling and teasing has gone on. Eventually, Flutter pulls her feet away, her endurance having run out already. "Ehehehehe...hehehaha...oh my gosh...that was..." Once Flutter pulls her feet away, Shy seems to snap back to normal. She gasps in horror when she’s finally aware of what she has just done, and how weird that must’ve been for Flutter. “Oh no! Oh no no no no no I’m so sorry! I-I don’t know what I was thinking!” She said in a frenzied panic, covering her face in shame. Flutter tries to push her wings back down, but they’re stiff and outstretched for the time being. She tries to calm down her other self. “Um, i-it’s alright! You were giving a nice massage! I-I didn’t even mind the tickling for a while!” Shy peeks out through her fingers. “R-really?” “Yeah, I just didn’t expect it, is all...” Flutter says, looking from side to side. Shy lowers her hands down to her lap. She tries to think of something to say to break the awkward silence, but finds nothing. “You...um...seemed to have a lot of fun...t-tickling me, I mean…” Flutter finally murmurs out. Shy opens her mouth to speak, but can’t find a proper response. Trying to deny it would dig herself into a deeper hole, but agreeing would potentially make things even more awkward. Shy quickly nods, hoping that was the end of the conversation. Flutter’s cheeks suddenly get redder. “I-I see...Um, I...c-can you p-please keep this between us?” Shy nods again, her worry turning into confusion. “Well...You see...When you...It’s just that...I…Ireallylikedbeingtickled!” Flutter finally spits out, turning her head away as soon as she’s done talking. Though the words came out fast, Shy understood each one. “Y-You too?” she asks. Flutter meekly nods. “I didn’t expect you to t-tickle my feet like that b-but it felt really good…” She blinks, realizing that Shy had said ‘too’. “...Wait, you also...?” “Yeah!” Shy exclaims with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm. “I...So that means we...we both have a tickle fetish?” Flutter squirms at the mention of it, but she can’t deny it, especially not to her other self. “I guess so…” Now that the topic is out there, Flutter has a question for Shy. “Do you...get tickled often back in your Equestria?” Shy immediately blushes; there were plenty of memories of that. “Mmhm. Usually by my friends...” “R-really? Do...do they know? About...you know?” Flutter asks, now instantly intrigued in the other’s home universe. “Y-yeah, they know. I...told them that I liked it.” Flutter gasps in shock. “How? How do you even tell someone about that?” “I...didn’t exactly have a choice...It was kinda...forced out of me. They usually began tickling until they found out and I had to tell them the truth about it…” Shy laughs nervously, still embarrassed by the memories.. Flutter winces, but her curiosity drives past her second-hand embarrassment to keep asking more questions. “Which...which friends know?” “Um...Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, Starlight, Spike, and Applejack.” “A-All of those...? “ Flutter asks. “How did you...how did you get Pinkie to tickle you?” The idea of asking her friends to tickle her seemed utterly impossible to her, but she wanted to know how the other Fluttershy managed to pull it off. “Well, I kinda lied to her and said that I was unable to laugh. She tried telling jokes, but she ultimately ended up tying me to the bed and tickling me for a long time, even after I started laughing...” Come to think of it, it was almost as if Pinkie knew even before Shy asked. “I see...A-and what about Rarity?” Flutter realizes that she may be prying in on personal affairs, but her curiosity is getting the better of her. Shy doesn’t see any harm in telling Flutter this information. After all, she is her. “Well, one day the spa was closed, so we decided to give each other pedicures. When she started massaging my feet, I couldn’t help it…” “Wow, and do you...do you get to tickle them back?” “Eheheh, sometimes. They usually find it more fun when they’re tickling me, though. They were surprised at how good of a tickler I am.” Flutter looks at Shy in awe and envy. “Wow…” “I’m guessing you’re not as lucky, huh?” Flutter shakes her head. “No one ever does it to me. Rainbow Dash used to do it to tease me when we were in flight school, but that was the last time I think anyone’s ever really tickled me. And I’d never be able to ask for it from them, you know? They’d think I was some sort of freak...” Shy nods in understanding. “Yeah, it was terrifying when they found out, but they’re my friends, and they were fine with it. I’m sure the ones here would be, too.” “I don’t think I’d be able to work up the courage to even admit it…” Flutter says, shrinking in her seat. “Well, I have a feeling your friends would be willing to help out if you asked, but it doesn’t have to be today.” Shy says. “But, since we’re here talking about it...I could tickle you some more, if you wanted.” “Y-Yes, please!” Flutter quickly nods, the chance of finally getting to indulge in her kink was too good to pass up, and the fact that it was with a version of her who seemed to have experience made it even better. With Flutter’s approval, Shy grabs onto her ankles, pulling them back towards her. She picks up her right foot first, preparing herself. Flutter feels her feet being pulled away. "Uh, uhm..." Is all she can muster, the familiar nerves returning. Shy can see how tense Flutter is, as it’s her first time doing anything like this. She doesn’t have a plan of what to do with her, but she wants to ease that tension first and foremost. She starts by skittering her fingers against her toes, holding onto her ankle so that she can’t pull her foot back. Fluttershy's nervous expression quickly turns into an uncontrollable smile as those soft fingers start to glide weightlessly against her toes, causing them to curl up in surprise once again. "Ahahahahahaha! My tohohohoes!" She yelps. "Mmhm, gonna start with your ticklish toes!" she begins teasing, giggling as she gets into the zone. Her fingers begins wiggling against the bridges of her toes as she tickles without restraint. “Ooh, for someone who hasn’t been tickled in forever, you’re still so ticklish!” Flutter guffaws, a sincere happiness to the laughter as she tries to withstand the fingers lightly brushing underneath her oh-so sensitive toes. It had been so long, the pegasus had no idea where she was most ticklish, but she was excited to find out. It takes only a few seconds for Fluttershy to try pulling her feet away again. "Tickle tickle tickle! Who's a ticklish widdle Pegasus?" Shy taunts, continuing to slowly drag her fingers against the bridges of her toes, keeping the grip on her ankle tight to prevent her from yanking her foot away. "IHiHi Ahahaham!" Fluttershy's squees and chuckles from the tickling of her helpless feet are simply adorable. She tries desperately to escape, wiggling her feet from side to side to try and keep her fingers away from that sweet spot. "NotthetoesnotthetoesnottheToHoHoHoHoes!" Shy giggles in delight at how ticklish she was. She figured this was what it was like to be all her friends that got a chance to tickle her silly. Though in this case, she knew exactly how to tease herself. "Oh, yes, your toes! All those pedicures made your feet sooooo soft and sooooo ticklish!" Flutter’s stiff wings give a small, panicked flap behind her back, her eyes glued to her peds and Shy’s menacing fingers. It seems that Rarity's insistence on pampering her silly every week was causing trouble for her right now. Why did the spa ponies have to be so skilled? “Oh, but you love how ticklish your toes are, don’t you? A-tickle tickle tickle!” Shy giggles, sliding her fingers between Flutter’s wiggling toes, showing no signs of letting up soon. It was a challenge to keep Flutter’s foot still while simultaneously tickling her, but Shy managed. After taking a bit more of this tootsie teasing, Flutter tries a last ditch effort to break free. She leans forwards, her hands making a beeline towards Shy’s stomach, scribbling her long fingernails ticklishly all along that cuddly tummy. "Hehehe! Tickle tickle tickle! Can’t escape the ti-EEHEEHEEHEEHEEK!" Shy nearly leaps from the couch, not expecting her to actually fight back. She begins flailing about, trying to push away Flutter's hands away from her belly. With Flutter’s feet freed, she's able to focus on teasing Shy’s tummy now that her own tickling has stopped. "Oh, you're plenty ticklish too I see! Tickle, tickle, tickle your tummy!" she cooes, refusing to relent. "Noooo! Nooohohohoho! Q-Quihihit it!" She squeals, falling back on the couch as she laughs hysterically, still trying to push Fluttershy away, but each motion just opens up another spot for her to tickle. She starts blushing hard, mostly due to her own teasing instantly backfiring on her. Flutter follows as Shy tries to move away, enjoying her first time making anypony else laugh. Her hands dart up to Shy's exposed underarms now, using those long, manicured fingernails to itch and tease gently inside the soft hollows. Suddenly all those spa visits are starting to pay off. “What's wrong, can't take what you give? Tickle, tickle, all over…” Shy starts wildly flailing, throwing her head back as she howls with laughter, her arms shooting to her sides to try to protect her armpits, but unfortunately trapping them in the process. "Bwahahahahahah! N-Nohohoho faaaaair! Eeheeheeheeheeheehee!" Flutter simply gives a sadistic grin, her fingers going wild with the need to tickle every inch of her armpits. "Oh my, ticklish pits too! Is there anywhere you aren't sensitive?" she taunts, surprisingly getting into the role of 'ler easily. She lifts up Shy’s skirt to expose her belly more, giving her navel a quick raspberry. "Ahahahaha! Nohohohohoho!" Shy laughed in response to the question, laughing uncontrollably as she just decides to give in to the tickles, lying down on the couch as tries to let Flutter explore her ticklish body. Of course, she’d flail around, but her resistance only went as far as reflex. Flutter's soft, fine tail-tip suddenly starts to stroke along one of her victim's exposed soles, sweeping along just underneath the toes. The thin hairs have little difficulty slipping between those toes when she decides to tease them. "Oh? I guess I knew that too, because I think I’m the same way!" Flutter admits, before slurping against at her navel. "AHAHAHAHAHA! A-Aaaahhhn!" Shy's toes begin wiggling and curling as she's tickled in three different places at once, all of them extremely ticklish, which makes her arch her back and even moan a bit in arousal. For someone with little experience with tickling, Flutter was deceptively skilled at it. In the back of her mind, Shy began to wonder if there were other Fluttershys in other Equestrias that had tickle kinks, or if she just got extremely lucky. Fluttershy stops, completely taken by surprise at the erotic moaning from her captive. It's then she notices that her counterparts isn't fighting back at this point... and her face completely turns red. She only ceases for a couple of seconds though, as she takes a deep breath the moment she regains her bearings, and blows a long raspberry over Flutter's tummy button, not wanting to stop her fun. Shy takes those few seconds of confusion to catch her breath, her cheeks gradually gets back to it's normal shade. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long, and she's back to a laughing mess as she lets out a loud squeal, her wings flapping excitedly. "EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEE!" Flutter pulls her hands free from the pits, and begins to scribble her fingernails all over her other's ribs. "Let's see where else you're ticklish, shall we?" she says, fluttering her wings threateningly at the pegasus. "I'll admit though, you're taking this like a champ, you must really love being tickled!" Shy is completely helpless against both the tickling and the verbal teasing, back to blushing madly as she begins pounding against the couch as she howls with laughter. She begins thrashing and flapping her wings as her sensitive ribcage is being explored. "AHAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES!" Flutter stops the tickling, only to slowly lower her wings down until they rest gently on Shy’s sides, each stationary fluffy plume a threat to the ticklish mare. They sit there for a few long seconds, wanting to let the anticipation get to her victim. "Well then, I'll just have to tickle, tickle, tickle you all over!" The Pegasus punctuates every time she says tickle by sweeping her tail tip over Shy’s squirming toes. Her hands grab onto Shy’s wrists, pinning them above her head to expose her pits. Shy begins to shiver in anticipation, the feathers resting on her sides already setting her on edge. With each sweep of the tail against her toes, they curl or flinch, and she lets out a little squeak in response. "O-Oh? I-is that so? B-because you’re just so new to the whole tickling thing, I don’t think you could... ” she says, her voice wavering as she waits to be hopefully proven wrong. Flutter gives a cheeky smirk, before suddenly sucking in plenty of air, and blowing a huge raspberry right onto Shy’s navel. "PPPPBBBBBBBTTTTTT!!!" As this happens, her wings shake and quiver a little, fluttering dozens of soft plumes all over the other Shy's soft sides, ribs, and pits. Shy arches her back as she erputs in hysterics, her arms fighting against Flutter’s as the wave of ticklish sensations wash over her upperbody. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOAAHAHAHAHAHAA!" With how effective the wings are, Shy almost regrets taunting her...almost. Flutter's finely manicured hands grab onto her hips, letting the feathers completely take over the upperbody. Instead, they skitter and scribble erratically all over the top of the soft yellow tummy. Her tongue starts to probe deep into her alternate's navel, ticklishly exploring wherever she can, the arching of Shy’s back pushing the belly-button into her tongue. Tears begin to flow down Shy’s cheeks. Although Flutter doesn’t seem to be fully aware of it, she’s pushing all of Shy’s buttons so many times, more aroused moans start to slip out. As the tickling intensifies, her nether regions start to get more and more hot... "Oooh, who has a soft, ticklish tummy?" Flutter asks, lovingly nuzzling her alternate's huggable belly, her fingers scribbling and itching in random patterns all over that soft spot. "Hehehe, had enough yet? Or do I have to start tickle, tickling your feet?" She taunts. Unbeknownst to Shy, she’s also feeling a little hot between her legs, though not nearly to the level of her victim. "I DO! I DOOHOOHOOHOO!" Shy starts to sweat, the arousal slowly taking over more and more. "W-WAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAIT! I-I'M G-GONNA! EEHEEEHEEEHEEHE!" She can't even explain what's about to happen to her, but Flutter was about to find out soon if this was to continue. Flutter, having never done this sort of thing to herself before, isn't aware of how turned on Shy is right now. She turns around, facing her feet, moving her tail to tickle the top of her belly. The currently dominating Pegasus traps both ankles on an arm-lock, and proceeds to skitter her fingers up both soft arches. "Heehee, okay! It's time to tickle all over your feet! Coochie, coochie coo!” “NONONONO-EEEEHAHAHAHAA! AAAHAAHAAA!” Shy starts to panic, the quick tickling on her feet making her hit the point of no return much quicker than she expected. Shy's laughter slowly fades away, being replaced by louder and louder moaning. Her mind starts to get fuzzy, not being able to plead anymore, she loses herself in the climax. "Oh...Ohhhh! AAAAAHHHHN!" She cries out, curling her toes as her back arches. As the laughter slowly starts to turn to erotic moans, Flutter realises what Shy was warning her about. She decides to finish her off rather than leave her needy. To this end, she not only continues racing her nails lightly up and down those arches, she also leans in and starts to tenderly suckle on the left big toe. "Mmmmph..." She moans in happiness, enjoying the other Shy's erotic moans. Shy starts to giggle uncontrollably while basking in the afterglow, the light tickles on her feet feeling heavenly. It takes a while for Shy to snap back to reality, but the moment she does, she’s immediately flustered and apologetic. "O-Oh...oh gosh...I-I'm so sorry..." Flutter simply stops her tickling once her friend has finished enjoying the afterglow, then she looks at her companion, smiling warmly. "It's okay, I had a lot of fun being the tickler... I didn't know you could... just from being tickled." Her face is turning red, the Pegasus surprised at having done that to somepony. "It's...I-I've done it before, but not that fast. It's just that...y-you're so good." she sighs in relief, still a bit woozy as she catches her breath. "Y-you sure you haven't d-done that before? You were a natural!" "N-no, honestly." Flutter says, smiling sheepishly. "Have... you ever tickled someone to orgasm before?" She asks, feeling a little braver around her counterpart, wanting to know what she's getting into. In the heat of the moment, she was saying and doing things she didn’t think she’d ever have the nerve to do. Perhaps it was because her and Shy were so very similar, she felt a certain courage going through her kinks. "U-Um...a few times...P-Pinkie really likes it..." She says. Even though talking about her fetish was still a nervous subject, she feels a lot more comfortable talking with Flutter about it, now that the secret was out and she just went through an intense tickling "Heh, I'm not surprised that Pinkie would love it... how do you... work up the nerve to ask someone though? I mean, after they know about it.” The mare seems to have a lot on her mind right now after all these new developments. “Well, it takes up a lot of courage, but I just have to go out and ask for it. Usually I have to do something for them in return, since it’s usually a favor for me if I’m not asking Pinkie.” "Right... does... anyone else you know like tickling? Anyone you didn’t mention before?” "No, I think I told you the full list, already.” Flutter stops to think for a moment. “...So...not even Discord knows?” “No, I don’t think he knows…but...if he ever did find out...and if he wanted to...he could…” Shy doesn’t even have to finish her sentence for both Fluttershys to shudder. The idea of Discord having total control over their ticklish body gave them chills. Flutter looks away at the corner nervously for a moment, before finally making eye-contact with herself again. "So...Maybe I could get a turn being tickled by you? You sound like you... know what you're doing..." Her voice gets quieter the longer she talks for, having to force out every word of this request. "Oh, I’d love to!" Shy grins a bit, wings fluttering as she already starts planning in her head what she plans to do. “Anything specific you want?” "Well... maybe I should... be restrained." Someone else could almost swear she's shrinking ever so slightly as she says those words, the pegasi’s large, soft yellow wings slowly beginning to part from her back once again. "Oh! Um, sure thing, if that's what you want!" She says, looking around. "Um...do you have anything I could use?” "I'm not sure... I've never... done anything like this. How would we find something to... hold me?" "Uh...let's see...maybe a rope or something?  Something I could use to tie a knot, definitely." Flutter thinks for a moment about what to do next. "Where do you... get your... supplies?" She asks. "I...I got stuff like rope from the hardware store, and some tickle tools from Pinkie and the gag shop, usually…” "Well... I guess we can go out, get some things, then make our way back here then?" The idea of going out to purchase tickling tools seems nerve-wracking and embarrassing, but she couldn't just ignore the opportunity in front of her that she may never get again. "Oh, sure thing then!" Shy says nervously. It was already embarrassing getting those things before, now she had to get them all over again... "So um, anything you want to get?" "Some rope... and some tickle tools, definitely." Flutter says. She's very reluctant to get out the door and go to the gag shop... especially considering how often Pinkie and Rainbow hang out there... what if they see her? "Yeah, that sounds good." Shy says, about to get up before she freezes in place. "Wait, we can’t just go out like this, because it would look really weird if Fluttershy was in two places at once..." “Right...I think I have an idea!” After a quick makeover, Shy is the first to return back, wearing a disguise so as to not mess too much with this Equestria. She didn’t want to ruin Flutter’s reputation by coming off as a pervert. Shy begins taking out her purchases, laying them out on the table. A few pairs of handcuffs, rope, blindfolds, a set of portable foot stocks, some baby oil and lotion, and paintbrushes with matching paint. Though they probably wouldn’t go through all of it, it would help Flutter for later if she ever wanted to get her friends involved. As Shy wonders what her counterpart purchased, Flutter walks in with a brown paper bag, hiding her tools of choice. She moves towards the sofa, wordlessly laying the bag against the coffee table, and slowly sits down. Her face is almost completely red as a cherry tomato. It takes a few seconds for her to talk again. "U-uhm... R-r-r..." Is all she manages to splutter out, looking like a deer in the headlights. "Uh...y-you ok?" Shy puts her hand on Flutter’s shoulder, trying to comfort her. What could’ve happened while she was out? It took a long time of needing to process what happened until Flutter could finally speak. "R-Rarity... knows...S-s-she s-saw wh-what I w-was b-b-buying... and m-must have known what the c-connection w-was..." She finally admits. "S-she didn't tell a-any-one though... b-but she offered..." Even through all this she can't finish that sentence. Flutter is conflicted, this is both her worst nightmare and wildest fantasy all crashing into her life at the same time. “Oh.” Shy says, understanding why Flutter is so flustered. She might’ve fainted on the spot if one of her friends found out like that. Not like she had a good track record of letting them know in a non-embarrassing way… “Well, she didn’t make fun of you, did she?” "N-no... she... she... offered to... l-let me come over so we could... t-t-t-tickle e-each other." Now it's even clearer why Flutter’s so utterly embarrassed. Wordlessly, still seeming many miles away mentally, Flutter reaches into the bag and pulls out a couple of spiky, shiny, Wartenburg wheels. "Sh-she s-suggested I get these." She says, handing them to her counterpart. "Hey, that's a good thing, right?" Shy says, trying to snap her out of it. "She's offering to help you, and that's amazing! Are you going to take her up on that?" She grabs one of the wheels, running the spikes up her arm and shivering. "Ooh, these are niiiice..." It takes another few seconds of thinking before Flutter can respond, slowly nodding. She's known Rarity for years by now, the mere idea of doing something like this is bizarre, even terrifying... but at the same time, this is a chance she can't reject. Shy smiles warmly, patting her on the back. "See? That's not so bad, right? I'm sure Rarity's as great a friend as in your world as she is in mine, now, let's see what you've got." Fluttershy, still blushing, starts to pull out the tools from the bag. Two electric toothbrushes, two large, stiff bristled hairbrushes, a couple of large, soft bristled scrubbing brushes, some maple syrup, a pair of wand vibrators, a straight jacket she'd gotten from the joke shop, and a sleep mask. Flutter shivers especially as she pulls out these last few, fumbling with the mask and dropping it to the floor, having to pick it up again. With an inventory like that, no wonder she went into shock when Rarity caught her. As Fluttershy takes out the tools, Shy’s eyes widen in surprise, especially at the last few items. "Woah, you… you really went all out, didn't you?" She says, chuckling nervously as she imagines those tools used on her. "Y-y-yes." Flutter smiles, starting to slowly loosen up once again after the embarrassing run in with her best friend. Her heart is skipping in her chest in excitement at both her time with Rarity... and her upcoming fun here. "I-I d-didn't think I'd g-get to do this... again," she admits, not knowing anypony else with a tickle fetish. The idea of being alone with these new feelings was honestly very worrying. “I’m sure there are others. I’m certain that you could ask Pinkie, and she’d say yes.” Shy says, trying to assure Flutter. "So...what do you want to do with these first?" Flutter shudders at the idea of being tied up and letting someone like Pinkie tickle her. "Uhm... well... I don't know. I've never... done this... wh-why d-don't y-you pick?" she asks, knowing that her counterpart has had plenty of experience with this, so she'd know much better how to make her squirm, and where to start. Shy nods, her other self giving her free reign over her first intense tickling experience. She was probably going to hold back a bit to not overstimulate her, but she was definitely going to give her something memorable. "Alright then, why don't you put your feet in these, and I'll start setting up." She says, opening the stocks up on the couch. Fluttershy blushes a bit, as she once again starts to pull off her spring-green heels and white cotton socks. She wiggles her freed toes, gently, tentatively lifting them onto the sofa and into the padded indents. Before Shy locks her in, she has an idea. “Oh, do you mind if you...strip naked for this?” Flutter blinks in shock, not expecting such a forward suggestion from herself. "U-uh... g-go ahead." Fluttershy says, wiggling her toes. "But, could you... b-be naked too?" Flutter asks, just barely working up the courage to ask. Her wings are spread out stiff behind her at the mere idea, but it's so enticing she has to ask. The pegasus smiles, a touch nervous but completely willing. Shy blushes furiously, "U-umm...Y-yeah! I can do that..." She stammers, shocked by the response. She starts by stripping herself first, taking off her skirt and panties, before removing her shirt and bra. She then starts to take off the clothes of her counterpart, trying to tune out every confusing thought trying to invade her mind as she does so. Flutter's eyes are glued firmly on the body of her other self, unable to keep herself from staring despite her best attempts. It feels odd, it's like looking into a mirror, same body, same features... but for some reason it's strangely sexy. What gets her even more aroused and flustered though is when it's her turn to be stripped down. She doesn't resist, letting her counterpart slowly expose every last one of her most sensitive spots. "U-uhm... y-you like what you... see?" Fluttershy asks, awkwardly lying on the armrest, trying to give her best sexy pose. Her face is bright red as she realizes that probably isn’t the best line to use on someone that looks just like you. "I...umm...yeah…?" Shy says, tilting her head, her cheeks staring to flush red. The naked body she was looking at was essentially herself, and yet, just like Flutter, she found an odd arousal in seeing it. She hoped that this wasn’t a sign of narcissism. With both of them naked, Shy closes the stocks down on Flutter’s ankles, locking them in place. She then takes her arms and places them above her head, tying her wrists together. Shy then lays Fluttershy down on the couch, tying another rope from the one on her wrists to the legs of the couch, keeping her arms above her head. "Alright, I think that should do it...for now..." Seeing her copy blushing like that, Flutter feels... odd, embarrassed, excited, but also a bit sexy. It's a very rare moment for her, and while she's clearly nervous, the pegasus decides to enjoy this with a little more teasing. "Oh? W-well... I bet you just can’t wait to get me giggling again, h-huh?” She tugs on the rope, testing the ties. There's no way Flutter is getting out of this now. She gulps nervously, scrunching up her soles as she waits. Shy feels her wings twitch. Was she goading her on? She takes a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what she’s about to do. She can’t tickle effectively if she’s a flustered wreck. "Oh, getting cheeky are we? You really think you're in a position to do that?" She says, wiggling a single finger into her exposed armpit. "I think I'm in the perfect p-position to- EHEHEEK!" Flutter begins wiggling and squirming as she feels a finger digging into her left armpit, tracing and exploring all over the sensitive spot. The pony clearly wasn't expecting her captor to begin the tickling so suddenly. "Ehehehehe, thahahat tihickles." The skin in the hollow feels soft to the touch, the dom's fingers easily gliding around against the skin. Worse, in this position, her armpits are completely exposed and taut, unable to stop the teasing there. "It’s supposed to, but I’ve barely even started..." Shy taunts, adding more and more fingers to wiggle against her hollows. Even with the additional fingers, she’s slow and teasing, her goal to just make her jump and jolt with giggles. "Tickle tickle tickle!" She coos, leaning in close, their naked bodies nearly touching as she wiggles her fingers. Flutter's belly rises and falls with her helpless giggling, her large breasts shaking and bouncing a bit from her moving and fidgeting. "Hahahahahehehehe!" She gives a constant stream of giggles, her soft, almost melodious laughter sounding like music to the ears, such loud chuckles rarely heard from her. The teasing talk only makes it worse, forcing her to focus on the wiggling fingers in her pits. "Kitchy kitchy koo! I don't even think your armpits are your most ticklish spot, and you're already a giggling mess? What a shame, I don't think you'll be able to take what I have planned..." Shy whispers in her ear, moving her fingers down, her fingers now tapping against her ribcage, getting more comfortable in her domineering role. Flutter had never been tied up and tickled before, so she had no resistance to what was coming. She tries pressing her legs against her body to protect her tummy, the adorable mare squealing as she feels Shy’s fingernails lightly itching over her chest. The teasing on top of each rib makes the helpless pegasus squeak and struggle, her wings spreading out behind her back. "What's wrong? It’s only a little tickling, you can’t even take that?" Shy grins, suddenly moving back up to her armpits, digging her fingers in harder, starting to escalate the tickling to see how she would react. "Ehehehehehehehe! Aiieehehehehehehe!"" Flutter's struggling is renewed as those nimble fingers go back to dancing in her armpits all of a sudden. She looks at her captor, admiring the nude body of the female that was currently leaning over her, whilst at the same time trying to turn and twist away from those fingernails. "Hm? What’s going on? Weren’t you teasing me earlier? Are you really going to be broken in so easily?" Shy says, her manicured fingernails lightly scratching and shaking in the hollows of her armpits. "N-nohohohohohoho! T-tihihihihihickle mehehehehehe!" Flutter yelps, completely taking herself by surprise. the ticklish sensations are starting to demolish the doubts and fears of getting tickled from her mind, as a rush of excitement takes her. Flutter tries to move her wings and tickle her captive's tummy, but they're much too stiff to move by this point. "Oh? You really want me to tickle you? Very well," She says, shaking her head as she smiles. She lifts up her fingers, wiggling them in front of Flutter just to put her on edge, before reaching around her body to start teasing her stiff wings. The feathers feel soft, with slightly prickly barbs as they brush against Shy fingers with each twitch of the pony's body. Flutter's laughter dies down quite a bit, starting to moan as her tender wings are stroked so delicately. "Mmmmhmhmhm, ooooohoohoo...th-thahat's nihihice." "And you looooove it, don't you?" Shy teases, gently wiggling her fingers into the wing pits. One of the advantages to being a Pegasus with a tickle fetish was having built-in tickle tools. One of the other advantages was having a special tickle spot an exclusive sensitive and erogenous area. Flutter nods, panting and snickering helplessly as the tender, rarely touched pits of her wings are teased so tenderly.Her toes grip and toy with the soft cushions on the couch. "Ooohohohohoho, yeheheah…” "Mmmhmm, you better enjoy these soft moments while you can..." Shy warns, lightly skittering her fingers, alternating between her wing pits and her sides. "Because they won't be lasting long." She says, suddenly lowering herself down, placing her lips right above her belly button and blowing a raspberry. "Ohoho, d-don't w-w-worry, I wi-GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" Flutter immediately snaps out of her erotic daze the very instant that a fierce raspberry is blown right onto her innie navel, the vibrations of her lips send ticklish shockwaves all over her belly, with perhaps her worst spot being the epicentre for the ticklish storm. "NAHAHAT THAHAHA BAAHAHAHATTAHAHAAAN!" she begs. Shy lifts up her head. "Oh? What did you say? 'Not the button'? You mean like thiiiiiiiis?" She grinned evilly, before blowing another long raspberry against her navel, her fingers wiggling and digging into her sides to add even more tickling. Flutter tries to wiggle her belly away from her captor, but wherever she moves there's a set of devilish fingers to dig into her helpless sides, forcing her back towards the raspberry. "BAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOOHOOHOHOHOHO!" She yelps, jumping in shock as another tummy buzz blows ticklish waves all over her stomach. Shy continued to buzz her lips right on Flutter's navel, only stopping to take a breath. Occasionally, after blowing a raspberry, her lips would still stay there, only for her tongue to poke into her belly button and wiggle around inside. At the same time, her fingers kept busy, going from her armpits, to her ribs, sides, and even thighs, before going all the way back up. Flutter kept squealing and squirming through the unending barrage of tummy buzz after tummy buzz. Her mane now a complete mess from all the shaking and wiggling the helpless mare had been doing. She can't help but reward her captor for every teasing touch of her lips, tongue and fingers with a tempting belly-dance, unable to stop herself from moving despite her attempts to invite more tickling. The tongue digging into her navel definitely didn’t help, squealing with ticklish delight as her navel is probed. "NoHoHoHoHo!" She yells, some leftover giggles remaining in her voice. Shy lifts up her head, finally ending the raspberry assault. "You’re a feisty one, hm? Always jumping around...Maybe I should switch places…” she says, tracing a fingertip from her thigh, across her cutie mark, down her legs. “Maybe somewhere like...here," she says, poking her feet. "Yes, I think that this will do just fine, after all, you won't be able to protect your precious, big, soft, and ticklish feet, will you?" Flutter scrunches up her feet upon feeling Shy’s fingernail prod at her soft yellow sole. She feels a shiver shoot up her spine, the overly sensitive mare unable to pull her feet away from the curious finger. "Oh nohoho." Flutter begins giggling from the anticipation. "Oh yes," Shy countered, continuing to lightly tease her soles with only her manicured fingernails. Flutter tries to turn to the side and hide her feet against the couch cushions, but she just can't reach. She squeaks and guffaws as the fingernails lightly dance all over her tender arches and soles. "NoHoHoHoHoHo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Now, let's put some of these things to use, shall we?" she says, grabbing the hairbrushes that Fluttershy got earlier. "I wonder if you bought some good, tickly brushes..." She says, displaying them to her before bringing them to her feet. "Let's find out!" Thankfully, the light finger teasing doesn't last for very long, giving Flutter a chance to regain her strength as Shy grabs the next tool. She lays her head gently against the soft pillow under her, breathing slowly as she tries to slow her thundering heartbeat. Her toes curl as she sees her grab onto the hairbrushes. "N-no, no!" She yelps, knowing begging won’t help her now. With one brush in each hand, Shy hovers them over Flutter’s feet. “Ready or not, here it comes…” Shy says as she slowly starts to drag the brushes down her soles, the many bristles stroking against the soft surface of her feet. "EHEHEHEHEHEEK! YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!" It doesn't take much to make the mare change her tune, the overwhelming feeling of those plastic bristles digging deep into her helpless soles is everything that she could have hoped for, providing an adrenaline rush unlike anything the normally mellow mare was used to. "Hehehe, tickle tickle tickle!" Shy teased, continuing her taunting tickle talk. "I think these brushes are doing a fantastic job, and I think you agree..." She chuckles, continuing to drag the brushes down her soles. Flutter turns into a complete mees, twisting and wriggling in the stocks, trying to get her feet away from the devious brushes, the Pegasi's will about to be broken again. “YAHAHAHA! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” "And just think, this brush was made to expertly go through hair without tangling it or messing it up, but I think it does a much better job of making a ticklish pony like you just scream for more..." Shy chuckles, gradually speeding up the brush strokes. “EEEHEEHEEHEE! M-MOHOHOHOHORE!” Despite her wild flailing and screaming, Flutter desperately begged for more, more scrubbing of her feet, more evil taunting, more of everything. From her state of helplessness to the cruel mindgames, and especially the feelings of tickling flooding her body and forcing her to lose all control, this was a perfect dream come true. Shy let out a shudder, her wings as outstretched and stiff as Flutter’s. even though she was essentially tickling herself, watching her wild reactions and absolute love of being tickled was such a turn-on for her. Flutter slams her eyes shut, unable to witness her own tickling any further. As the torment went on, she could feel her nipples slowly turning erect with each pass of the dozens of bristles digging into her insteps. A single thought, in the non-lucid wasteland of her mind, rang clear to her. If Shy could cum just from being tickled...could she? "Y-you're such a...a naughty girl...begging for tickles like this..." Shy moaned out, becoming more turned on the more her ticklee was. She was no stranger to being a tickler back home, but this was a unique experience. She felt like she already knew all the ways to drive her wild. "IHIHIHI AHAHAHAM!" Flutter yelps. Her eyes open, exploring the body of her captor more as she can hear her alternate's voice shudder a little in arousal.  Flutter's face was slowly turning redder as she can tell how much her captor is enjoying teasing and brushing her helpless feet. "K-kitchy koo!" Shy teased, raking the brushes down her soles, the bristles easily gliding across her quickly reddening soles. The bristles easily slide up and down her feet thanks to the round rubber tips. Flutter somehow manages to uncurl her toes, leaving them wide open for a ticklish assault, hoping that Shy will get the hint. "MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!" There's no doubt at this point, they're the very same tickle-loving pony. "If you say so!" Shy grins, eyeing the vulnerable toes, moving the brushes upward. With the large surface area of the brushes, the bristles are able to cover the balls of her feet to her toes, from the tips to under, and between. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Fluttershy yelps, her extremely ticklish toes now completely unable to curl up against as the bristles push her toes back, at the same time exploring every nook and cranny, every pad, stem and hollow of her sensitive toes. Even though she wasn't the one being tickled, she could still feel all the love and arousal Fluttershy was giving off, wondering to herself how close she was to orgasm. She was so aroused, she was having a difficult time taunting and teasing, but she still tried her best. "Tickle tickle...you absolutely love it, don’t you?" As the erotic tension of every tease slowly starts to wear away at Flutter's resistance, she starts feeling the spot between her legs slowly starting to get hot, just like her cheeks. Every so often a light moan will somehow sneak it's way into her cries and guffaws. "IHIHIHIHIHIHIHI DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" the pegasus admits, so loud that anypony passing by the path outside would have easily heard. Thankfully, nopony is around to hear her scream. "That’s what I thought!" The bristles of the brushes sweep through her toes and hitting every sensitive spot without resistance. Shy continues to brush and brush at her toes, as if there was a muddy spot that simply needed to get out. Flutter had no idea how long the dozens of plastic tipped bristles had been dug into her toes for, 15 minutes? Half an hour? All she knew was that there was just no stopping Shy, no escaping the tickling, no matter how much she begged her to stop, or cried out for more. As she watched Flutter's reactions, Shy considered pushing her into her first ticklegasm, but she decided to just have a little more fun with her first. All of a sudden, the brushing and tickling came to an abrupt stop. As suddenly as it had all started though, the scrubbing stops. Flutter slowly starts to relax, sucking in air desperately as she relaxes. The mare blinks the tears out of her eyes, regaining some idea of where she is. Now, with her head clear, she’s fully aware how stiff her wings are, how wet she is, and how she wants more. “I bet you’re close, aren’t you? You want me to keep going, don’t you?” Shy says with a wink, her fingers tapping against her blushing soles. "Y-yes!" Is her almost immediate answer, the mare giggling gently as those fingers tap her twitching feet. "Ehehe, tihickle meeheehee..." "I thought you might say that…” Shy giggles. As she grabs the brush with her right hand, she plucks one of her own feathers from her stiff wings, holding it in her left hand. Flutter can't help but cringe a tiny bit as Shy plucks out one of her own feathers, unsure if she could do something like that herself so suddenly, even if it is a loose plume. With the feather, Shy begins stroking it under the toes of her right foot, with the hairbrush, she begins to scrub the sole on her left foot, giving Flutter two different, ticklish sensations. Flutter starts gently giggling as she feels the prickly, soft barbs slipping effortlessly under her toes. "Ehehehehehehehe, hehehe-AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!" This light giggling soon turns to mad belly-laughs as the scrubbing of her blushing soles starts once again, the two ticklish sensations contrasting in such a stark way that they both fight for her attention. "Kitchy kitchy koo! The ticklish little Pegasus just loves when her biiiig, soft feet are tickle tickle tickled!" Shy resumes her verbal teasing, trying not to stutter or stumble on her words to keep Flutter in the moment. "You love being tickled so much, you're going to cum from this, aren't you? My, you really do love this...The feather slowly sawing under and between your toes, or this brush mercilessly scrubbing your sole...that drives you wild, doesn't it?" The teasing makes every ticklish sensation all the worse, Flutter feels every touch that's described to her in perfect detail, completely unable to focus on anything else. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! MOHOHOHOHOHORE!" she begs, slowly feeling her lower lips getting damper with every stroke of the feather and brush of the bristles. She's keeping her toes wide open now to let the feather easily dust between them, wanting to laugh until she cries and climaxes. “Oh, I can feel it, you’re about to reach it soon, aren’t you? You’re about to break! Maybe if I slide the feather between your toes like thiiiis…” Shy puts the feather between her big toe, slowly sliding it back and forth, the brush scrubbing at her instep in the meanwhile. Flutter's helpless, bombastic laughter slowly starts to change, turning into a harsh, desperate moaning. Her pussy dribbles pre juices slowly as the unending teasing carries on, soaking into the fabric of the couch and ruining it. Flutter doesn't care though, she doesn't even notice, only able to think about her feet and the growing desire that's taking over her every impulse. Eventually though, it finally happens. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHA! AAH! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Flutter twitches and kicks, shuddering as a wave of pleasure takes over her every muscle, completely giving in to every touch. “Yay, you had your first ticklegasm!" Shy says in delight, “Was it fun?” she asks, still tickling Flutter’s feet. She clearly heard her reach the climax, but she was curious to how she’d react to some post-orgasm tickling. Flutter’s world is a chaos of orgasmic delight that completely clouds up her mind. Eventually though, the haze rises, bringing back the tickling, only this time, it's much... much worse. "BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! AIEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" The tickling Fluttershy continues, though much slower, to not overwhelm her. She starts to eye all their purchases, wondering what to use next. Flutter can't help but stare at the other tools through teary eyes as well, knowing that there's so much more for her feet to be put through, she's far from safe yet. The idea only serves to excite her. The feeling of a ticklegasm, was both torturous, exciting, and amazing all at once, so many feelings fighting in her body all at once for a truly unique, overwhelming experience. "S-SLOHOHOOHOHOHOHOW DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOWN! P-PLEHEHEHEAAASE!" Flutter yells, needing a moment to get over the exhaustion of her first climax. Shy nods, immediately putting a stop to her actions. "Are you ok?" She asks with a bit of concern. She knows her first ticklegasm was intense and exhaustive, so she understood if Flutter needed to be let out for a break. Though she knew they weren’t done yet. "Ehehehe, y-yes! J-just neeheeheeded a break..." The mare manages to speak between her ongoing giggles, even though nothing’s tickling her right now. "Wh-whahahat ahahaha ruhuhuhush!" “Isn’t it? It’s just so...amazing, right?” Shy gushes. "So, um... do you want to go again, or do you want to have a turn tickling me?" As fun as it would be to just keep tickling her, Shy has a feeling that Flutter would love being the tickler just as much as being the ticklee, and the idea of revenge would definitely be on Flutter’s mind. Flutter takes a few deep breaths as she thinks this offer over. On the one hand, after everything that had happened, the mare had a taste for tickling, and she desperately wanted more. But on the other hand, she also wanted revenge, to pay her captor back for every lovely touch, and go absolutely wild on those toes once again. Both idea's were so utterly tempting, that it takes a good minute of thinking before Fluttershy makes up her mind. "I want to tickle you, all over your feet, please" Shy pretty much expected that answer. Who wouldn’t want a chance at revenge? "Alright, let’s get you out, then," She says, giving her feet a quick tickle by scribbling her fingers down her soles before undoing the stocks. She doesn’t stop there, as she starts giving her teasing pokes and prods at her sides and belly as she unties the ropes. These goodbye tickles cause the helpless Flutter to kick and wriggle, yelping in surprise as her tummy and soles are once against played with by the merciless mare. "EEEEE! Yohohou’re a mohohohonster!" She howls, wiggling out of her binds at last, relaxing on the couch... naked, sweating, and basking in afterglow. "I know," Shy giggles, sitting on the couch, helping Flutter sit upright. “So, um...how do you want to tie me up?” "Hmm... I might have an idea. Lie down for a moment," After some deliberation, Flutter decides on a plan of action, as she grabs some of the rope, tying it to the other side of the couch, looking at her. "I'm going to have fun tickling your belly for as long as I want." Shy does as she's told, lying down on the couch as she waits with anticipation. "Eheh thought you were gonna tickle my feet..." She laughs nervously, already trembling. "Of course, but I'm not going to leave any part of you untouched now, am I? Besides... I don't know about you but... I think I like tummy tickling a bit more." Flutter admits, blushing awkwardly as she starts to tie Shy down into an I-position, her feet and hands now trapped. "E-even though I didn't get to tickle all of you, yet?" She asks, testing the bonds to make sure she couldn't break out. Shy never pegged the other Fluttershy for having a tummy preference. She wondered how well she’d be as a tickler. "Oh don't worry, you will. First though, I have to test something." Flutter before picks up Shy’s feather, the very plume that had just recently been dusting her toes. "Guess where this is going?" She asks, teasingly as she looks down her naked body. Of course, Flutter knew of her friend's foot fixation by now, and wasn't about to neglect that. Those feet were in for some serious cleaning, though she would have to get them plenty messy first. "Um...r-right into my belly button?" She asks, curling her toes. With the rope around her ankles and wrists, she had no way to defend her midsection at all. "Oh no, that's for later. I just want to test if you're sensitive... here." With that Flutter lowers the feather down, lower Shy expects, right to her sex. With a sly grin she starts to gently dust against her clit with the pointed tip of the feather, drawing it in slow circles. "Does it tickle? Coochie, coochie, coo..." "W-wait, t-then where are you gonna put I-EEEEEK!" Shy squeals, immediately flinching once the feather makes contact. She never expected Flutter to strike there so quickly, catching her off-guard with a series of giggly moans. "Oh...ohohohoho nooooo…!" "Was that...a giggle?" Flutter asks, leaning over her captive and smiling threateningly, the feather continuing to slowly kiss at Shy's love button. "You wouldn't happen to be... ticklish down there? Are you?" She punctuates her last two words by gently flicking the prickly barbs once up and down each mound between those soft yellow legs. "O-Oooh...Y-yehehehehes!" Shy moans, legs twitching as she arches her back, her body trembling as her clit is teased relentlessly. Her eyes are wide open as she twists and turns, toes curling and wiggling madly to try to distract herself from the intense feathering. After a few more seconds of erotic teasing, the plume stops dusting her tender spot. "Perfect, I'll be sure to give you plenty of love there." That tone of voice, the cruelty of laced in it can only hint at plenty of fun. As much as the teasing with the feather was torture, Shy didn't want it to stop, she let out a loud moan just before the teasing stopped. "A-ah...ah...w-waaaiiiit..." She whimpered, rubbing her thighs together to try to bring herself to orgasm. Flutter slowly drags the plume up her right side, flicking the feather in little x-shaped patterns as she gradually moves up towards her chest. "Let's see where else you're sensitive, first." As soon as the feather hit her side, it was back to ticklish giggles. "E-Eeheeheehee! N-Nohohohohoho...go bahahahahahack!" she whined. "Hmhmhm, no. I'm not letting you cum that easily." Flutter decides to do her best to make her captive even more horny. She does this by flickering the pointed tip of the plume in slow circles around her left nipple, gently dusting the areola. "No matter how much you beg me for more." "P-pleeeaaaase! A-Aaah!" Shy gasps, moaning as she splays her toes out. Her nipples begin to stiffen with each pass the feather makes around as she helplessly shakes and groans. "Aaanghh...p-please let me cum..." The other nipple gets some tender teasing as well. Flutter leans in nice and close to her counterparts chest, and gently starts to stroke at the bud of flesh with her warm, wet tongue, warm breath brushing through the captive Shy's soft fur. "No, not until I say you can. If you do cum without permission though... well... you'll see." Fluttershy purposefully leaves her threat vague, letting Shy’s imagination fill in the rest. Shy shudders uncontrollably with each lick, a wave of pleasure hitting her with each movement of the tongue against her nipples. "Ohgoshohgoshohgoshohgosh..." She sputters, panting out as her disbelief turns into moaning. "Y-You're...s-so eeeevil! Aaahaahaaaa!" "Evil? You shouldn't say things like that, it's really mean." Flutter playfully feigns offence at this remark, her long fingernails starting to flutter gently in the tender hollow of her left pit. "How about an apology?" Shy's eyes widen as her armpits are suddenly attacked, instantly straining and trying to shake her away. "Nohohohohoho! Stahahahahap it! Plehehehehease!" she begs, loving and hating the teasing and tickling at the same time, her pussy soaking wet from the constant teasing and denial. "No. You still need to apologise. Besides, I don't want to stop,” Flutter says, giving her an evil grin. "And I get the feeling you don't want me to either, isn't that right?" Flutter drops the feather, and moves her other hand up to her untouched armpit. She takes a different approach here, her fingertips stroking over the centre of the pit, much more quickly than the slow teasing of her other hand. "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Shy nods her head pitifully, she is at the total mercy, or lack thereof, of her mirror counterpart, and she can only laugh and squirm and moan as she can do whatever she want. She starts cackling uncontrollably, shaking at the conflicting feelings on both her armpits. "NAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE! I-I’M SOORRIIEEHEEHEEHEE!" Thankfully, Flutters decides to stop for the moment, concerned if Shy’s genuinely getting tortured. "I'm so sorry! Are...are you o-okay?" She asks, nervous she may have overstepped a boundary. Shy starts gasp for breath the moment she feels relief, chuckling softly as she's suddenly taken care of. "Ah...ah...it's okay...hehehe." She says between gasps. "Whew...you were doing great, don't...don't worry about it..." She smiles, reassuring her that she didn't do anything wrong. "O-Okay, I’m just making sure." Flutter lowers her hands slowly towards those soft armpits once again, at the same time spreading out her large feathery wings. "Um...before we start again, do you want a safeword, to make sure any of us don't go too far?" she asks, wanting to be certain. She loved tickling her alternate self, but she wanted her to like it too. Shy already shivers in anticipation, watching those fingers get closer and closer to her exposed armpits. The outstretched wings add to the intimidation. "Uh...a-alright. How about...cinnamon?" "Hmm... cinnamon." As Flutter mulls the suggestion over, her fingers gently start to circle in opposing directions inside of those armpits. After a few seconds of teasing, Flutter speaks again. "Okay then. Cinnamon it is. Now, then, I guess I can start to really have fun." The tips of her wings lowering fluttering up and down her sides. "Do you like it when I tickle you with my wings?" "Waitwaitwaitwaitnonononono ahahahahahahahaagh!" Shy’s laughter slowly starts to build up, the fingers and wings descending on her naked body making her squirm. "Y-Yehehehehes! I lohohohohove it! " She admits, the blush on her cheeks getting deeper. "Good. I bet you love being tickled here too, don't you?" Her wings move up, sweeping and dusting lightly all over Shy’s ribs. Occasionally her feathers would travel upwards slightly too far and flicker along underneath her breasts. "You desperately want me to tickle you, don't you?" "Yehehehehes! Tihihihickle me mohohohohohore!" Shy begs, arching her back, shaking back and forth as the soft feathers of Flutter’s wings brush against her body. She lets out particularly loud screams whenever the plumes accidentally brush up against her breasts "I wanna cuhuhuhuhuhuhum!" Hearing these occasional yelps and squeaks only excites Flutter more, the hair on her shoulders standing on end from goosebumps. She leans over Shy, her own breasts resting idly against the tummy as she watches her breasts jiggle from laughing. She decides to encourage this, moving her wings up a little further, flossing a dozen feathers back and forth over her breasts, making sure to pay special attention to her stiff nipples. "More? Of course, I won't stop until you're satisfied. But you can't cum yet, not until the perfect moment." Shy's laughter begins to escalate, screaming as her breasts are now the focus of Flutter’s feathers. Her shaking and thrashing causes even more ticklish sensations to wrack her body, making her thrash harder in a vicious ticklish cycle. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!" "Oooh, you're nice and ticklish there aren't you?" Flutters moves up close to her face, speaking a sultry whisper right into her ear. She gives her cheek a sudden kiss. Her wings never stop dusting every inch of her chest. Her fingers start to gain speed, the fingernails itching rapidly all over those tender underarms. "So, I’m guessing you’ve tickled all your friends in your world, which one of them is the most ticklish?" she asks, curious to see if this information would apply to her own friends. The kiss certainly takes Shy by surprise, enough to make her freeze up in shock for a moment, before returning to flustered hysterics. "W-WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" She laughs, her exposed breasts and armpits being mercilessly and ticklishly exploited. "I-It's! IT'S! AHAHAHAHAHA!" She tries to answer, but the tickling is simply too much for her to answer coherently. Flutter, curious to know the answer, lightens up the tickling a little, now using only her pinion feathers to keep up a constant state of teasing all over the nipples. She peppers her neck with quick, tender kisses, doing her best to arouse and excite her bound captive. "It's...? I'm waiting..." Flutter had her suspicions (Rainbow Dash), but she wants to be sure. Even more though, she wants details. Tickle spots, effective tools, all that good stuff. As the tickling lightens up, and being reduced to giggles, Shy takes a quick breath, looking her in the eyes… "It's..." Flutter stops the tickling completely. “Yes?” Shy could easily reveal the answer, but she finds an opportunity to bargain. "It’s...a secret until I get to cum!" she taunts, sticking her tongue out. "Hmm... no. I think I can just torture it out of you, if that's okay." She brings her hands down, and starts to poke and prod wildly all over her counterparts slim, delicate tummy. It feels just as soft as it looks, perfect for her to tease to her heart’s delight. "I think I'll spend plenty of time with your belly, before mercilessly exploring all over your very, very ticklish feet. They're so ticklish that I'm sure you'll crack soon." Shy starts to sweat, giggling uncontrollably as her bargaining backfires. "W-wahahahahahait! N-Nohohohoho! I just wanna cuhuhuhuhuhuhum! Plehehehehease!" She squeals, shaking back and forth as her belly is poked at, the finely manicured nails gently teasing her tummy. "Well, maybe I'll tickle you to it then? How's that sound? Of course... if you do it without permission..." She grins meanly, leaning in close as she starts to nuzzle Shy’s tender belly. Her tongue laps hungrily in small circles around Shy's navel, threatening to start exploring the sensitive belly-button. At the same time, her tail moves in too, draping over her legs, the fine, soft hairs start to flicker up and down her inner thighs, often getting close to her lower mounds, but never quite reaching. Shy starts to scream in ticklish agony, her legs shaking as she shakes her head back and forth, the fact that she was being tickled in multiple places was torturous enough, but Flutter tickling so close made it all the more maddening. Flutter's wings flutter all over Shy’s breasts, feathering over her stiff nipples. Her fingers keep busy by lightly scratching the hollows of her pits. To make matters worse, Fluttershy's tongue dips into the navel, drilling deep into the sensitive spot, exploring all over the walls and back. She occasionally lets out a moan of delight, now tickling in four spots all at once. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHO! I-I CAHAHAHAN’T! I'M GONNA-!" Shy suddenly screeches out, thrashing violently in her bonds as the intense tickling builds up, pushing her to her limit. She’s still resisting her climax, but it’s a steep, uphill battle. Flutter, hearing the cry of desperation, suddenly stops, letting her lay there, needy and unable to relieve herself of her urges. "Oh, don't worry... not yet." She grins, her pinion feathers dusting her thrusting hips. "I'm sure you want it don't you? To finally release. Every impulse is begging for it..." Shy starts making shaky, desperate moans, the teasing words and strokes making a larger and larger dent in her defenses. “AaaAAAaaAAAaaah...I-I’m...oh...!" Flutter smiles, letting her counterpart desperately trying to resist for just a little longer. Finally, she decides to lean up nice and close to the other Shy's lower lips, using a single feather to tease her swollen clit. "Go ahead." She allows Shy to climax, moving up closer until she finally kisses her down there, her tongue dipping a little ways inside, stroking her outer walls. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-AAAAAHHHH!" With a scream of relief and arousal, Shy climaxes nearly instantly from the slightest stroke of the feather, erupting with a loud, unrestrained moan, shuddering after she finishes, feeling incredibly woozy in the afterglow. Flutter’s tongue slides deep into her friend’s privates, lapping and slurping away at the inner-walls as she gulps down the juice given so generously. All the while, as the afterglow goes on she keeps tickling the clit and licking away deep within her, making sure she has every last drop before she finally stops, letting her friend recover. she licks her lips, moaning in satisfaction and smiling. "W-wow…” she says, her shyness coming back as things settle down. Shy shudders, her mind starting to blank as the clit stimulation overloads her mind. After a few minutes of basking in the afterglow, she returns to reality shaking her head to try to focus her mind. "Aaahh...t-thank you...alright, I'll tell you. It’s a tie between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Dash has the most ticklish feet I’ve ever seen, but Pinkie’s like one big tickle spot. D-does that help you?” Flutter reaches over to the table, and picks up an electric toothbrush, the device looking quite threatening in her hands. "Yes, very much...I-I'd love to get Rainbow Dash's feet at my mercy one day." She smiles, turning the brush on, letting the bristles vibrate. "Of course, I-If that's okay with her…” Shy cringes when the buzzing rings in her ears. "Eeeep...y-you’re not done?" She instinctively tries covering her soles up, still slightly out of breath from her mind-numbing orgasm only a few minutes ago. "Well,I haven't used any tools. I haven't even tickled your feet yet, so..." She slowly lowers the brush as she speaks. “Down, down, down…” The brush hovers only an inch over her navel. She drags the bristles in small, slow circles around her navel for a couple of seconds, before dipping it deep into her belly-button. "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Shy's eyes widen as the brush gets closer and closer to her belly button, she hadn’t been given proper time to recover, and it was starting all over again. "W-wait...waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She screams out again, the orgasm making her body more sensitive. "YOU'RE NAHAHAHAT EVEN AT MY FEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEET!" "Oh, I know that. I-I'm just saving that spot. We both know how ticklish we are down there." Flutter coos, curling up her toes. Her free hand moves down to her left thigh, stroking her long fingernails lightly between her legs. "Can you imagine it though, how this brush would feel being dragged all over your arches? What about in between your toes?" The yellow Pegasus threatens, almost tempted to move to her feet right this second. Shy's eyes start to twitch, her body now shaking as she cackles in ticklish agony, her back arcing as she gazes at her counterpart, the devilish look in her eyes as she's relentlessly teased.  "AAAAHAAHAHAHA! YEHEHEHES PLEHEHEHEASE TICKLE MY FEEHEEHEEHEET!" She starts begging, hoping that she'll make good on her word. "Okay, if you insist." Flutter says with a playful shrug, taking the toothbrush out of her navel. She walks slowly down the naked Pegasus's form, her yellow cheeks burning red as her watery blue eyes explore her counterpart’s frame. Finally, she sits down right beside those bared soles, propped up on the armrest. Shy starts gasping for air, before quickly sighing in relief as she finally gets her wish fulfilled.  "A-aaah...ahh...thank yoooooou..." She happily wiggles her toes, teasing her the moment she notices her gaze shift to her feet. Flutter leans her muzzle in close to those soft arches. Every shy impulse is trying to pull her back, but for some reason, Flutter is drawn closer to Shy’s feet. She briefly sniffs at those tender soles, before dragging her tongue slowly up her arch, getting a taste for her feet. As soon as she feels a tongue slowly lap up her foot, Shy shivers in delight. She’s surprised that Flutter would use her tongue of all things, but Shy had no complaints. Flutter can't help but giggle to herself as her counterpart seems so happy to finally have her feet played with. She was still exploring her tickle fetish, so she was glad to be satisfying some part of her. Even if that part of her was from an alternate Equestria. She slips her fingers right in between each of her soft toes, and grips them gently. She pulls them back slowly until those arches are wrinkle-free, every curve free for her to explore. Flutter wastes no time at all, leaning in close again and starting to sensually lick up and down the restrained arches and soles. Shy went sent into a giggling fit as Flutter began to lap at her feet, it was an unexpected direction Flutter decided to take when she promised to tickle her feet. Although not a disappointing one, as each lick up her foot made her squirm on the couch. Flutter figured that her captive would probably like her to step things up a bit, since she was begging for the tickling. She starts to nibble her soles, lightly enough to tease her. Meanwhile, her right foot assaulted by the fine hairs of her long, pink tail, dusting and sweeping gently all over her tight instep. “Is this better?” Shy shivers in delight, the licking tickling her, but also relaxing her mind at the same time. "Yehehehes...it tihihihihickles so gooooood..." She giggles in her trance-like state. The light sweeping of the tail isn’t enough to snap her out of it. Fluttershy lets up with the foot worship for the moment, and decides to let one set of toes go, for now at least. She reaches for the electric toothbrush again. She flicks it back on again, waiting for a few seconds to let Shy recognize the buzzing, building up the anticipation. "Here we go…” As soon as Shy stopped feeling the tongue against her foot, she looked up as best as she could, her chin resting on her chest. She tilts her head, not able to see what Flutter is holding. As soon as she hears the buzzing, she instantly curls her toes, knowing fully well what’s about to happen. "O-Oh dear…” The soft, pink tail starts to flutter gently against Fluttershy's right, unbound toes, the fine hairs able to cover them and tickle every spot underneath and between the spread digits with ease. Her left foot however, is easily getting the worse treatment. Flutter drags the spinning bristles against the yellow ball of the sensitive, silky foot, drawing a figure-eight pattern in the skin. "Brushie, brushie, brushie! Oooh, you and I are going to have so much fun, your feet are going to blush red when I'm done!" she teases in a sing-song voice. The reaction is quick and explosive. Shy instantly bursts out laughing and screaming, flailing as much as she possibly can in her bound up position. Her free toes are allowed the luxury of wiggling and curling against the tail, the foot getting brushed isn’t so lucky. The two different tickling sensations on each of her feet is enough to break any sort of concentration she might have had. However, the electric toothbrush is certainly winning in terms of getting her attention. "AAAIIIHAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHES! T-TIHIHIHICKLE MEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Flutter doesn't need to be told twice. She holds Fluttershy's left toes so that the biggest are spread apart. She then presses the spinning, vibrating bristles deep in between them, scrubbing in tiny circles. "Okay, me, if you want to be tickled, then I’d be happy to tickle you all day long." Shy's eyes widen, tears flowing down her cheeks and onto the couch as her back arches, the brushing between the toes raising her laughter a full octave. As much as she wouldn’t mind being tickled all day, the desire for payback grows with each second that brush pushes in between her toes. Flutter smiles a little as she watches her friend thrashing about on the sofa. After a bit more teasing and taunting, Flutter finally lowers her tail, and turns the brush off, not wanting to overwhelm her guest. "Umm, are you doing okay? How was that?" She asks, immediately reverting back to timidity. “Ah...heheh...that was...g-great…” Shy pants, her body lying still to help her recover. The gentle yellow pegasus starts to pamper those squirming toes, kissing each one of them gently. "R-really? I- I didn't go overboard?" Flutter asks anxiously, feeling as if she's standing in some kind of spotlight. "O-Ooh...really...you did great..." Shy giggles, her toes twitching with every kiss. As she gets pampered, she starts to relax with deep breaths, still feeling just a bit lightheaded. “I-I still can’t believe this is your first time…” Flutter blushes. “Ehehe...I-I guess I’m a natural?” To help Shy relax, she grips both feet, tenderly pressing her thumbs into herthose soft yellow arches and kneading them slowly. "Do you, um, want to carry on or... uh... s-switch?" "Ah!" Shy gasps, the thumbs relaxing her as she slowly melts away with Flutter's touch. "Oh...s-switch...pleeeaaase...haaaah..." She says in a dreamy daze, almost ready to fall asleep if the massage continued. Flutter tenses up a bit, the massage stopping abruptly. After putting her counterpart through so much punishment, she's very nervous at what kind of revenge she plans on enacting. She doesn't try to talk her way out of it though, she still honestly enjoys being tickled still, after all. Flutter starts to untie her friend's ankles. “A-alright then..." She spends a bit of time struggling to unfasten the rope, but manages to release her captive eventually. As she gets untied, she rubs her wrists, stretching and flexing her body in different positions she couldn't when she was tied up. “Aah, much better. So, how do you want me to tickle you this time?” Flutter seems to lose herself in thought for a little while, the anxious mare looking at the table as she tries to think of how to answer you. She partly wants to ask for something light, and the other part of her mind is dead set on something crueler. "U-uhm... I'd like it if you didn't... g-g-go easy on m-me?" She asks, faltering a little near the end of her sentence as her nerves quickly catch up to her. “Are you sure that’s what you want? Hardcore tickling the entire time?” Shy asks. With all the tools she and Flutter bought, she’d have no problem providing that, she just wanted to make sure Flutter was certain about this. Flutter takes a few seconds to think over what she would like. Her head is practically spinning with all the possibilities. One does come to the forefront of her mind, but it's very, very tricky to say. "Y-Yes, I’m sure. C-can you t-t-tickle me until I... y-you know." She doesn't want to say the word, hopefully the message is clear. Shy knew what was implied, but she decided to tease her a bit. It would also prepare her for when she had to ask one of her other friends for it. “Hm? Until you what?” Flutter lays down on her back, propping her feet up on the arm-rest as she tries to get comfy. Perhaps she’ll be able to say it if she’s relaxed. She takes a deep, steady breath, then exhales in a sigh. "I-I want to b-be tickled... until I-I... O-org-g-gasm." She finally manages to say the word. “Of course,” Shy nods. As she looked at the tools laid out in front of her, she began to plan. Each instrument had its own effectiveness, and yet there may not be enough time to go through them all. “Hm...do you mind if we go to the bedroom for this? I think I have an idea…” Flutter seems a little curious as to where this is going, but she doesn't ask questions. The buttery yellow pegasus takes the shopping bag from earlier and replaces all their newly acquired tools, looking anxiously up at her guest occasionally as she does so. The two Fluttershys carry the bags upstairs, towards her own room. The idea of doing this on her bed made this feel a little more personal for Flutter, yet at the same time more private too. Perhaps it might end up putting her more at ease, though it's too soon to tell yet. Flutter swings open the door to her room. Much like downstairs there's a color scheme of soft, natural greens that are easy on the eyes. She lays the bags down beside her bed, sparing another look to her mirror alternative before finally, slightly reluctantly, laying on the familiar mattress. This certainly felt much comfier, if nothing else. "Yes...I think this is perfect. I can spread you out like this, and it’ll be much easier for me to tease you..." Shy grabs onto the rope, pulling it taut. She places her fingers on Flutter's bare belly, gently tracing down to her marehood as she cooed. "Oh yes, you'd love that, wouldn't you? Having your sensitive clit feathered and teased by one of our own feathers, the pleasure it would give you, and you'd beg for more, and more, and just plead to do anything just to cum..." she says, just to get her in the mood. Flutter keeps silent, the fur on her neck and shoulders standing on end as the sultry whispering excites something within the pegasus. She smiles sheepishly, looking at her counterpart. She quivers under the slow teasing of the fingers, her tummy shaking and heaving slightly as she tries to suppress laughter. She squeaks, pulling her legs back together firmly as the soft hands close in on that spot. She doesn't get up though, or try to move away, trying to present herself wide open to Shy. "I-I, I would." She manages to say, barely. "I know you would, you naughty little pegasus..." She grins, grabbing Flutter’s wrists and ankles, gently guiding them to the corners of the bed, tying them up shortly after, making sure she's tied spread-eagle. Flutters doesn't put up any resistance, letting the other Pegasus guide her arms and legs into place. She's a little reluctant about spreading out her legs again, but nonetheless obliges. It takes a serious effort to not pull her arms away when the ropes are revealed, the Pegasus closing her eyes and trying to calm her thundering heart as her limbs are tied into place. Shy clears her throat, wanting to make her point clear. "Now, I’m about to give you an intense tickling, just like you asked. I want you to beg me to let you cum, I want you to beg for me to tickle you more, to tickle you faster. I want you to laugh. You’re going to be my tickle pet..." She says, grabbing the sleep mask from the bag, slipping it over Flutter’s eyes. Flutter is notably less composed than her already shaky state once her new friend starts to lay out everything to expect from her torturous tickling. She was about to get everything she could ask for out of a first serious session. She stares at the mask as it moves towards her, and then closes her eyes. With that, she's now blind. "Are you ready?" Shy asks, looking over the tools. Flutter takes a deep breath and gives a shuddering sigh. She nods, silently. "Good..." Shy starts out the session by sitting down next to Flutter, staying silent and motionless. Since Fluttershy couldn't see, this was a prime time to let her mind run wild with thoughts of what could happen, rather than thoughts of what was happening. She wanted the anticipation to get to her first. Flutters could feel the presence of her counterpart, in the way the mattress shifted under her weight. And yet... neither of them made a move, for the longest time. Flutter's cheeks started to glow red again, feeling awfully exposed, tied and naked with her new friend looking over her helpless form. She couldn't help but smile and giggle nervously, preemptively feeling the touch of her captor even though she hasn't made a move yet. Shy was tempted to tease her, questioning why she was giggling before the tickling even started, but decided against it. After nearly a minute of stillness and silence, she lifts up a hand, placing it on her bare belly. Flutter jolts in shock, feeling the warm hand of her partner resting idly on her soft, fuzzy tummy. "YIPE!" "Tickle...tickle...tickle..." Shy says softly and slowly, a single index finger making circles around her belly button. The slow movement gets closer and closer to her navel, but backs out and continuing the circle without ever dipping in. The intense tickling would come soon, but first. she would begin by driving her nuts with as little effort as possible. Putting her on the ticklish edge, wanting her captive pegasus to beg for the harsher treatments she had planned. Flutter's ears press against the sides of her head as she tried to mentally block out the verbal teasing. Every utterance of that cruel word only made her feel more vulnerable, more helpless and sensitive. But the verbal teasing was still nothing compared to the devious, soft finger of her friend. She wriggles, squirms, and pulls sharply on the ropes binding her. The shy yellow pegasus seems desperate to avoid even the smallest of touches to her tummy. She's holding on to her laughter for the moment, but every single time the tickler treads close to her navel she snorts or squeaks, getting so dangerously close to laughter without actually breaking. Shy grins when she sees how effective the light teasing is. She starts giving Flutter’s belly gentle pokes and prods, getting closer and closer to that oh-so sensitive navel. Accentuating every single poke with a playful teasing "Boop!" Flutter's smile is nice and wide now, the poor pegasus constantly quivering and giving brief, silent snickering as the playful taunting only carries on with no end in sight. She's so close to breaking, but every time she's right on the edge of her belly-button she moves away and the whole process starts again. Fighting the urge to laugh was already getting exhausting at this point, but she knew she had to resist. As Shy walks her fingers around her belly, she leans in, whispering in Flutter’s ear. "I wonder what this button on your belly does...maybe I should press it and see. Is it a noisemaker? What kind of noise will you make if I push it? Should we find out together?" She tries to turn away from the sultry whisper, but there's no blocking her out. The threat puts a heavy dent in her defenses. "N-no. Please! N-not thehehe nahavehehel." She begs, dreading what comes next in their play session. "Oh really? What's going to happen?" Shy grins, "Or a better question is, what are you gonna do about it?" She keeps up her teasing assault, poking around her navel to watch her jolt with each touch. As a change of pace, she gives her sides a quick squeeze to catch her off-guard. Flutter’s lithe tummy quivers with suppressed giggles at every single prod from her tickler. Flutter bites her bottom lip gently as she feels her resolve gradually breaking down. It was as if the words alone were making her extra sensitive. The goose at her sides though, succeeds in making her crack at last. "EEEEK! Ehehehehehehe!" She can't help but giggle, the helplessness of her situation setting in. There was the crack she was looking for. Now that her defenses were down, she would make it impossible for her to raise it back up. To start increasing the intensity, she began skittering her fingers up and down her sides and across her belly. "Kitchy kitchy koo..." Now that she's laughing away, Flutter just can't stop, every single touch, no matter how light, was met with a constant stream of giddy giggles. Her laughter only gets louder as her counterpart starts to scribble her soft fingers all over her exposed tummy. She bounces and wiggles on the bed, but that's all the control she has now. "Ooh, let’s press the button right now…” Shy’s index finger finally dips into the squirming Flutter’s navel. "EEEEHEHE!" Flutter yelps, tugging extra hard in the ropes in that moment where her navel is probed. Kitchy kitchy koo! Who's a ticklish little pegasus?" Shy taunts, her fingers making their way up to her exposed breasts, wiggling and circling around her nipples. "IHiHiHiHi AHaHaHaHaHaHAHAm!" Flutter's yellow cheeks slowly turn red as those soft fingertips begin to dance all over her breasts. She can't help but feel hot and bothered by this point, getting more and more damp between her legs with each devilish touch that she's powerless to stop, all over her sensitive body. It was a fantasy come true for the helpless yellow mare, one that she can't help but revel in. "Oh? I don't think I heard you properly, who's a ticklish little pegasus" She asks again, her tickle attack switches from her nipples to her armpits. A devious idea makes Shy’s wings stiffen up, an idea she’d be mortified to try with any of her friend, but if it was herself...She pushes her muzzle into Flutter's rack...then..."PBBBBTHH!" Flutter’s wings also spring out suddenly, making a gust of wind that brushes her captor's side. She'd never been close to another mare like this before tonight, not in this way, and now someone's muzzle is snug between her breasts. Her chest heaves with laughter as the other Shy blows a playful buzz right into her cleavage, whilst still fluttering those long nails along her breasts and underarms. The captive Fluttershy can't help but bounce, twist and wiggle on the bed in response. "AIIIYAHAHAHAHA! EHeHeHeHeHe!" Shy lifts her head up, giggling as she moves her fingers down from her armpits right to the base of her wings. "Kitchy kitchy koo...you love it when I tickle you aaaallll over, don’t you, pet?" She then buries her muzzle back down into her cleavage, buzzing her lips as her fingers rake against her wings. Flutter squeals, gritting her teeth and tensing up to try and defend her wingpits. The sensation of soft furred fingers teasingly caressing that tender, constantly protected spot forces an interesting reaction from the mare. A touch reminiscent of when Rarity's horn is teased. Was the alternative Shy erogenous there too? The captive Flutters briefly wonders just how similar they are, only to lose that train of thought almost immediately to the second raspberry into her chest. "EEEEEEEE! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Flutter bursts into hysterics, her toes curling and splaying constantly, grappling with the sheets underneath her. "Mmm...it’s a shame the blindfold’s on you..." Shy mused, scribbling her fingers across the lengths of her wings, then going in deep, digging into the base, the ruffling feathers gently tingling on her fingertips and palms. Flutter squeals and jumps as Shy’s fingers start to really press into her soft underwings, scratching and mercilessly tickling. Her wings can grow more stiff, her belly laughter slowly turning into softer giggles, laced with sultry, lustful moans. She grips the sheets she's laying on with her hands as well, her sweaty body rocking slowly in her bindings. "With that blindfold on, you can't see how much fun I'm having," the mare smirks, tracing her fingers down her body to her sex, gently teasing the clit for a brief moment. "Oh, but I can see how much fun you're having..." She starts to laugh a little more again as the teasing, unseeable fingers skate lightly down her body. The mare shakes and guffaws as they glide over her delicate sides, and her hips, before finally her captor reaches the mares damp crotch. She gives a squeak as a finger toys with her clit, even if for just a second. She's so pent up, she isn't sure how much more she can take before bursting. "Heh, I bet you want to cum so bad, don't you, pet?" She whispers in her ear, a single finger toying with her clit. "Y-yes... please." Flutter whispers back to her captor as she's teasing by the soft finger, and the warm breath beating against her flickering ear. Shy flashes a grin, even though Flutter can’t see it, leaving her pussy alone as she resumes her merciless tickling, squeezing her sides and sticking her index finger in her belly button. She was so close, only needed a little more rubbing and stroking, seconds away... but the other Fluttershy had different plans. Without a hint of remorse, the sensual stroking stops. Instead, the mare sitting atop her body starts to goose her slender tummy, and digs a long, hard fingernail cruelly into her navel, scratching wildly in the overly sensitive spot. "Well, you're going to have to beg for it," Shy says, focusing her tickling on her belly. She grabs an electric toothbrush, the same one Flutter had tormented her with earlier. She turns it on, holding it close to Fluttershy's ear so she can hear the buzzing, before slowly dipping it into her navel. "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Flutter begs, thrashing the hardest she has so far since being strapped to the bed. She grinds her hips against the air but feel no relief. The tickling eases up, only a bit, fingers still kneading all over her squishy tummy. She heard the buzzing right beside her ear, and knew if she was going to cum, she'd have to get begging now. "P-PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! LEHEHEHEHEHET MEEHEEHEEHEE-HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!" She fights so hard through the laughter to talk properly, and gets so close. Before she can finish though, the vibrating, stiff bristles dip into her innie navel, spinning and scrubbing one of her worst tickle spots. "Tsk, tsk...you need to speak full sentences..." She playfully chides, shaking her head. She sets up in a new position, casually relaxing on the side of the bed. With one hand keeping the brush down in her belly button, she uses her free hand to tease whatever other tickle spot she likes, squeezing her sides and thighs, skittering across her breasts, or raking her fingers down her soles. As long as she avoided the flapping wings, she could tickle anywhere she wanted without resistance. To beg properly, she can't stop mid-sentence. Flutter isn't sure if that's possible anymore, not with her belly-button being mercilessly brushed, and those fingernails dancing over every weakness they've found so far. "LEHEHEHEHET! AAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! LEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET!!" On and on it goes, Flutter is unable to make it past the first two words no matter how much she focuses and tries to resist. She keeps having to pull her body away from her owner’s fingers wherever they tease her. That's who they were now, tickle pet and owner. She didn't mind that, she had no problem with being kept as a tickle slave, to torture and play with for as long as her mistress wants. She giggles as her thighs and boobs are strokes, squealing every time a side is pinched gently. Then those claws glide against her feet, and Flutter absolutely loses her mind, bouncing against the mattress. Even though nothing has been done to her body, she can't help but feel like she's only gotten more ticklish since they started. Her soft yellow feet are curling and splaying out again every other second, constantly unsure on whether they want to be punished or are desperate to protect themselves. Eventually, as this goes on though, and the sensitive mare’s love of tickling takes over, she uncurls her feet to invite her dom to do as she wishes. "Hm...that’s a real shame," Shy says, noticing Flutter inviting her to play with her feet. She grabs the shiny wartenburg wheel, still keeping the toothbrush against her belly. "I guess you don't want to cum after all." She kneels on top of the bed, looming over Flutter to get in a more advantageous position. She places the wheel against the heel of her left foot, then slowly drags it up and down her sole, grinning as she makes a track to follow repeatedly against her foot. The electric toothbrush briefly escapes her navel, only to attack directly under her breasts instead. "Tickle tickle tickle...you'll never get to cum unless you ask me for it..." Both of Flutter’s tickle spots were being mercilessly played with, with Shy happily indulging in her complete control over the bound Fluttershy now. It was hard to imagine a better feeling, it had been only yesterday she'd feared what it was like, and now it all felt like a distant memory. But the more it tickled, the more frisky the mare got. She wanted to cum now, she needed it. Flutter tries again, seeming to get quite far this time. "LEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET!! MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!! C-CAH! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Then came the wheel, digging into her feet and rolling up and down her arches. It tickled. It was maddening, the spokes of the wheel digging into her tender feet feeling slightly uncomfortable, but it tickled like crazy. Flutter doesn't just squeal or squeak, she screams, before falling apart into a fit of unending hysterics. It's proving very tricky to keep her feet prone and open to the wartenberg wheel, her untouched foot kicking and curling and wiggling to compensate. The bristles spinning in her tummy and the tracks being drawn into her butter yellow soles was overwhelming. It was almost a relief when the brush moved to clean her ribs, the back of the head vibrating under her breasts. Fluttershy tries to yell something, but it's not begging this time. "SHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI'M G-GOHONNAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She can't quite manage to spit it out. "Hm? What is it?" Shy raises an eyebrow, leaning in. She switches up the direction the wheel is going, now making horizontal strokes across both her feet, taking her sweet time to go under her toes often whenever they were uncurled. She had a feeling of what Flutter was trying to say. She continued to make little circles underneath her large breasts, speaking up so she could her over the buzzing and her howling laughter. "Hmm, if you do cum without asking for my permission though…well...you’ll see,” she says, echoing what Flutter had said to her previously, though she’s not entirely sure the impact of saying those exact words will reach her, seeing as she’s being tickled out of her mind at the moment. Flutter cries in hysterics as those sharp points poke ticklishly underneath her toes. She's now trying to keep both her feet still, wanting to keep her feet open for as much punishment as she could take. Still, even with all that effort her toes won't stop shivering, twitching and occasionally trying to pull away. She didn't mind the idea of further punishment, not at this point. Not just because of a love of all the tickling torture, but because she's extremely desperate by this point. Even with the wheel digging into her overly sensitive toes, and the brush buzzing away underneath her tits, it just wasn't enough. It's then that she says the one thing she never imagined she would when they started. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHRE!" Shy’s eyes widen a bit at the response. She fully expected her to keep trying to beg to orgasm. However, she was not about to deny her what she wished for. "Well, if that's what my tickle pet wants, that's what she gets." She finally removes the spiked wheel and toothbrush from Flutter’s body. She had quite a bit to prepare. Flutter nearly falls apart still once the spiky wheel and electric toothbrush are mercifully lifted off of her body. She's taking deep breaths, not responding to her captor much beyond a meek smile. Her tickle pet... she kinda liked that, being in somepony else's control. It was a bit liberating. Flutter’s sleep mask has been stained with tears, her hair messy and all over the place. Her loins are sticky with the signs of her desires, and her fur is glistening with sweat. It looks like she's in dire need of the rest as her friend prepares for part two. Shy starts off her preparations by tying both her big toes together, in order to reduce wiggling, involuntary or otherwise. Next, she takes out eight of their own largest feathers, making sure they're both the perfect mix of stiff and soft. She then gets out a bottle of baby oil, making sure to slather a generous amount all over her body, especially her tickle spots, giving her armpits and breasts loving pokes and her soles some rubs with her thumbs as she works the oil in. Finally, she gathers the wand and pill vibrators, taping two of the pills on the soles of her feet, and one right in her navel. The worst it gets is the feeling of string flossing through her toes for a brief moment as her big toes are strung together. That and the light fingers grooming her delicate wings for loose plumage, both of these feelings make her smirk and twitch but that's it. She's making the most of this relief clearly. Thankfully, even though it spells her doom later, the way that her owner massages the oil into her body makes sure that she's able to relax. Fluttershy does shiver when her pits and breasts are prodded, making an adorable sound between a moan and a squeak. Then, the toys are slotted into place. Two firmly planted into her arches, and one wedged deep into her navel. Held in with tape to ensure she can't shake them off. "I’ll give you what you want, me, but you're going to have to beg for me to tickle you more, understand?" Shy asks, using the remote control to turn on the pill vibrators at the lowest setting. She wondered how well Flutter would be able to answer her question. If she couldn’t, then she’d just have to keep trying until she could. This was going to be tricky, but she had to cum, her crotch ached for it. Without a single warning, the buzzing started, the vibrators held firmly in her tickle-spots, ensuring there's no moment of relief to be had. "EHeHeHeHeHeHeHeek! Y-Yehehehes!" “Good, then let’s not waste any more time…” Shy starts off slow, planning on only escalating whenever her pet demands it. She uses one of the feathers to lightly dance around her breasts, sweeping the plume against her stiff nipples. She leans in to whisper in Flutter’s ear, hoping to give her even more chills. "Coochie coochie coo...if you want more, you know what you have to do..." She cranks up the intensity on the vibrators up to the next level, but only for a brief three seconds before turning it back down. It was only a small taste of what was to come to make her want more. The yellow mare’s toes scrunch up tightly as she feels the vibrators press against her tickle spots, but it does nothing. She spasms and shudders, tugging on the rope around her wrists, ankles and toes, but she can't shake any of it loose. Flutter can feel her alternate self moving close, practically on top of her as she tickles her nipple. The sensual whispers only make the bound pegasus more desperate, blushing as she's teased, the soft coochie coo forcing her to focus on the feather and vibrators. Then, to drive the situation home, the vibrators shake a little more, constantly buzzing yet never leaving her body alone. This short rise in intensity is enough to make Flutter give her mistress what she wants to hear. "EHEHEHEHEHEHE! M-MoHoHoHoHoHoHoRe!" Upon hearing the request, Shy gives the feather one last stroke against her cleavage before returning it to her side. "Well, if you insist," she says, humming to herself. She turns the vibrators intensity back to level two, and keeps it there. She substitutes the feather for the paintbrush, now stroking against her sides and belly. the soft bristles get close to her navel, but due to the vibrator pill in the way, it never quite gets there. She uses her free hand to gently scratch at her armpits and ribs, using the daintiest touches to poke and stroke them. All the while, she never lets up her verbal assault. "Tickle tickle tickle...you'd do aaaanything I'd want you to do as long as I keep tickling your precious soft, oily body, wouldn't you?" Flutter yelps and dances against the ropes like a wild bull in a rodeo, kicking and bucking as the vibrating toys speed up. To make matters just that little bit worse, the devices grow louder as well, as if to join in with the dominating Shy's verbal teasing. It would be maddening enough if it was all Flutter had to endure, but her mistress clearly has other plans. A small bunch of bristles, as soft as possibly could be, starts to feather her tummy, happily exploring the worst spots on her belly, along with a pair of teasing, fluttery fingernails that rake and wriggle up and down her upperbody, from the bottom ribs to right in her underarms. Flutters seems to get especially squirmy whenever those fingers glide against her bottom three ribs. The oil was doing a wonderful job of making sure those curious nails could effortlessly glide along every tickle spot. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She cries out in response. She wanted nothing more than to be in this position right now. "Aww...you're having so much fun!" Shy coos, scribbling up and down her ribs. "I think you deserve a little reward." She smiles, turning the vibrators up another level. She turns on the wand vibrator, inserting it in her cleavage. The movements with the brush and fingers only get faster, easily gliding through the ticklish skin. She digs her manicured fingernails into her armpits and between her ribs, the brush moving down lower, stroking her inner thighs, but never getting close to her wet pussy. "Kitchy koo...all this tickle tickle tickling must be driving you crazy, huh?" Technically, she’s breaking her own rule by adding without being asked to, but she had a feeling that Flutter wasn’t going to complain about the added intensity. While the pony hadn't actually begged for it like she was supposed to, Flutter is still generously treated to extra torment. She's taken by surprise of course, since she never asked for it, and as such forgets to thank her captor. How rude of her. The vibrators whirr and shake excitedly against her weak points, and the fingers scratch and scribble deeper into her chest. Her breasts, of course, left lonely after the feathery brushing had stopped weren't neglected for long. The vibrator is slotted comfortably between the sizable mammaries, stuck in place quite snugly. The wand starts to shake a little, the vibrating head resting right on the bottom of the chest where she seems to be oh so sensitive. No matter how much the mare twists and kicks, the vibrator never falls loose even though it comes close on occasion. The brush though, was the worst part. Even though it was the most gentle and meek of all the sensations. Of course, that wasn't why it was so terrible, it was unbearable because those bristles were tickling her legs, right where they meet her pelvis. Even a little closer, so tantalizingly near that sweet spot, threatening to finish her off but never quite making it. She was so close now, right on edge, she had to have more, had to beg. "M-MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHRE!!" She barely manages to cry out, taking some time to remember the word through the constant flood of sensation taking over her mind. Words and names and places didn't hold much meaning in this pitch black void where she'd found herself. All that mattered was herself, her friend, and the tickling. "Good, good...I'm glad you still remember..." Shy grins, happy to take all the vibrators up to the next level. She was surprised to have to turn it up after so little time, not that she was complaining. Shy adjusts her position, sitting on Flutter’s hips, facing her feet. She also does another tool switch, discarding the brush in exchange for the feathers. She starts sticking each of them between her wriggling toes. When they were all in position, she grabbed each of the quills, slowly sawing the feathers back and forth between her toes. On occassion, one hand broke away to continue the torment on her thighs, this time getting closer and closer to her pussy, but still so tantalizingly far away from actually making contact. Her extended wings reached backwards, doing small flaps, making sure the feathers stroked on her upper part of her belly and right underneath her breasts when her thrashing exposed them. "Kitchy koo, tickle pet, you're soooo close to cumming, aren’t you? I wonder how much more it's going to take?" If only she was a unicorn, that way she could attack more places at once, but the array of soft fluffy feathers on her wings would have to do. In this position, she was also unable to see the hysterical expression on Flutter’s face, but hearing her laughter would have to do. The various vibrators tickling her breasts, feet and navel suddenly manage to reach an even higher stage, now buzzing loud enough to be heard through her laughing, and quaking as violently as the captive Fluttershy herself. Flutter wasn't sure herself at this point how much it'll take until she finally reaches that ticklegasm. It was something she'd never known was possible before today, but now wanted desperately. Her toes try to scrunch up for a few seconds as the soft pegasus plumes are placed right between her every toe. They have no trouble sawing between her toes. It doesn't take long though for her masochistic side to come out, encouraging her to make the teasing all the worse by splaying out her toes, though it takes an enormous amount of self-control. Her belly and boobs are assaulted by a pair of fluffy, unbelievably soft wings, dozens of feathers sweeping back and forth along her helpless tummy. She couldn't hold on for much longer, the feathers and vibrators and that one dastardly hand all working their magic on her body. Working together to make her suffer as much as possible. Soon, her laughter gets a little more breathy, moaning mixing with hysterical laughter now. Her wriggling slows down a bit, the mare unable to keep herself from scrunching up her toes and clutching at the bedding with her fingers. "SHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIIII! IHIHIHIHIHIHIHI! G-GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Try as she might, she can't form much in the way of words, not enough to warn her counterpart on what's coming, or who’s coming. Shy debates on what to do for a few seconds, but ultimately decides that since she's so close, she might as well have it. With one click, the vibrators are now at maximum intensity, buzzing against her soles, navel, and breasts at a rapid frequency. She continues to saw their feathers between her toes, occasionally giving them a little spin between back and forth motions. Whenever the toes are scrunched up, trying to immobilize the feathers, she simply goes to skitter her fingers against the balls of her feet until she can saw the feathers again. Speaking of feathers, her wings continue to flap, stroking underneath her breasts, occasionally stroking against her nipples, the soft feathers sweeping across her oily upperbody with ease. Despite the increase in intensity, she leaves her pussy untouched, just waiting for the moment she can orgasm without direct contact. She grabs the paintbrush again, leaving the feathers between her toes, and makes circles around her vulva. With Flutter's cackling and the buzzing of the vibrators, it's near impossible to tease her without directly shouting, so Shy decides to stay silent for now, watching and observing, waiting for the magic moment that it happens. She had to commend Flutter for her incredible stamina and willpower. She’s a bit jealous that she isn’t on the receiving end. Flutter had no idea prior to today that vibrators were capable of doing this to a pony. Her soles wrinkle, and her hips shake side to side, but nothing she did would be able to shake away the vibrators on her body, working at their maximum intensity. Of course, the buzzing "massagers" weren't the only ways she was being made to suffer. Her oily toes were currently being assaulted by her own soft quills, the fluffy barbs easily gliding between the slippery piggies. Of course, every now and then she'd try to make it stop by gripping the feathers with her toes, but her captor was prepared, simply digging her claws into her soles proper. It never failed to make her release the feathers, or squeal in shock. She wasn't sure if those dancing fingers or sawing plumes were worse. As good as her endurance may be, she’s clearly at her limits. In fact, at this point, Flutter was trying to resist the urge to cum on the spot, wanting to prolong the torment even if she's desperate for release. Soon though, when the brush is gliding softly down the left side of her cooch, and a pair of the long, big pinion feathers brush right against her nipples, Flutter explodes. She screams as it happens, a rush of adrenaline and pleasure washing over her. The sweaty, oily, messy mare tenses her body up and bucks her hips up a little, her juices ruining the sheets. The tickling of her feet, tits, and tummy had finally overwhelmed her. "Yay, you got that ticklegasm you wanted! I'm so proud of you!" Shy grinned. Even though she reached a climax, she had no intention of stopping. She slowly removes the feathers from her toes, using two of them to start stroking her pussy directly, gliding the feathers across her inner walls, putting one of them on her clit, flicking the tip against the sensitive button. "...But you didn't think the tickles would stop there, did you?" Flutter had expected that when she finally climaxed, the tickling would stop at last. Unfortunately, her mistress clearly had other plans, the dozens of feathers still tickling her tummy, and vibrators mercilessly teasing her. It was worse than before, her body feeling even more sensitive as the orgasmic sweetness fades away. "GYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She's a little grateful when her toes are spared, however when the feathers instead start to glide inside of her, and brush against her clit, Flutter squeals with laughter. "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She attempts to pull her legs together, but the bondage won't allow it. "Oh, I'll keep you like this for a bit longer. I know you won't forget this moment, but I want to make sure,” she chuckles darkly, continuing to stroke away at Flutter's pussy, occasionally giving them a twirl against her inner walls and clit. Flutter continues to shake and cackle as the feathers lightly kiss her soaking wet, quivering quim. Ticklish sweep after sweep of the plumes against her defenceless pussy and love-button keep the poor pony's libido in overdrive. She almost wondered if she could have a second orgasm at this point, but she didn't have that in her, not for some time. It was only thirty seconds of post-orgasm tickling, but Shy let the feathering slow down to a stop, and the vibrators were all turned off. After all that merciless torment, the pegasus deserved a long break. After what feels like 5 whole minutes, or just five seconds, it finally stops. The mare collapses onto the bedding again. It felt so soft and warm and comfy...and very damp from all the oil, tears, sweat and cum. She greedily sucks in the air, needing this break. She twitches and shudders, but that's as much as she's willing to move for the moment. As she’s recovering, Shy starts to undo the bonds and remove the vibrators. She offers Flutter a drink of cool water as she gently rubs her feet, kneading her thumbs into the soles, grabbing onto her toes and giving them small pulls. "Well? How was it? Was it everything you wanted it to be?" It's a little painful as the tape is gently pulled off of her furry tummy and feet, but aside from that, Flutter barely flinches, just taking deep breaths as she slowly calms back down. She doesn't say no to the water, finishing the glass in pretty much one go. She groans a little as her soles are massaged. The once butter yellow soles are now blushing a rosy pink from all of the abuse she's been through. "A-amazing…." is all she can force herself to say, smiling from ear to ear. "Heehee, that’s good," She giggles, not expecting a big response, knowing how exhausting their session must have been on her. "Well, I'm glad you loved it so much. You deserve a nice long rest after all of that..." She says, pressing her thumbs into her arches. "Goodness, they're so tender..." Flutter can't help but smirk, her toes twitching and curling up as her feet are lovingly rubbed. She finally pulls the tear stained sleep-mask off. She blinks, having grown accustomed to the sheer darkness, taking a few seconds to get comfy in the lit up bedroom. "T-thank you. Y-you're really good at... a-aaahhh..." She shudders and moans as all stress and tension is rubbed out of her feet. "Mmm...it's good to give some aftercare..." Shy says, moving over to the other side of the bed to sit behind her, giving her shoulders a massage. She was a bit jealous that she didn’t get to experience all that tickling herself, but she was happy being able to dish it out. "Just relax for a while. We should see how Twilight's doing on how to get me back home, soon." As much as Shy would love to stay and keep having fun with her counterpart, there were still friends and family she cared about in her own world, and would miss her greatly if she remained here. "Wha? O-oh, yes. The portal..." Flutter says, a bit disappointed, and she's not doing too well hiding it despite a good attempt. She sits herself up after a nice long while resting. The Pegasus reaches for her clothes, only to notice how oily she still is. She needs a shower before going out. "Will you still be able to visit? It's just... this is all so new to me and... I don't know if anypony else would ever... do this with me." She asks, standing up. Her legs wobble, but she steadies herself. “I don’t know, hopefully I can come back.” Shy stands up to support the shaky Flutter on her way to the shower. "Maybe Twilight can figure that out, but even if I can't, you already know Rarity’s willing to try it, right? If your friends are as good as mine, then you’ll be fine.” The shower was just what Flutter needed, the warmth flowing into her muscles and joints and taking away all the stress and soreness of the constant struggling. After a few lovely minutes of this, she steps out of the bathroom, fully dressed, mane still a bit wet. As Flutter takes a shower, Shy gets to work cleaning up a bit. changing the sheets and replacing them with new ones. She might as well help out since she's probably too exhausted to do it at the moment. When she's finished taking a shower, Shy sits on the cleaned up bed, waiting. "Alright, ready to go?" Flutters stretches a little as she steps out into the open again, smiling at her new friend. "W-well, yeah. I am." She grins, feeling much more at ease with her guest now that they'd been through so much. She starts to head with her alternate self down the stairs, ready for the long hike to the ancient castle. The two Fluttershys make their way to the ancient castle where it all started. It all seemed like a very bizarre, long dream. When they enter, they find where Twilight is, peeking their heads in curiously. "Hi, Twilight, any progress made yet?" Twilight seems to have never left the room. Various tools and doodads of magical nature are chaotically strewn about the room in a complete state of disarray. Twilight herself is laying on the bed, not sleeping, but clearly exhausted. Twilight suddenly sits up, grinning as she sees the Fluttershys have returned. "Oh? Yes! I pretty much fixed the portal. It basically ran on this really complicated magical matrix that took me ages to figure out. But I did it!" She's beaming with pride. She then looks between the two mares standing before her. "Uh, which one of you is the Fluttershy that isn’t from here?" She asks, unable to distinguish the duo. Shy raises her hand. "That would be me." She says. She leans over to her counterpart. "Make sure she gets some rest, okay? She deserves it." She whispers. "So, Twilight, if one of us wanted to, would it be possible for the portal to be reopened again so that I could come back? "Oh yeah, you can easily hop through this thing at any time you'd like! That's how it was supposed to be, but this mirror was old and needed a lot of love to work right again." Twilight stands up, and offers a handshake to the alternate Shy. It's been great meeting you, Also nice to see Fluttershy getting along so well with someone new... sort of." "That's great! Thank you so much, Twilight." Shy says, shaking Twilight's hand, then hugging her tight. Shy walks over to the mirror, staring at it for a bit. She was concerned about the chance she would just end up somewhere that wasn’t her home, but she had faith in Twilight that it would work, even if it wasn’t exactly her Twilight. She turns around, waving goodbye to Twilight and her alternate self. "Well, see you soon!" Shy puts her hand through the mirror, the rest of her body following. Once there’s only one Fluttershy in the room, Twilight turns to her. “So, what did you two do while you were waiting for me?” Flutter’s cheeks quickly turn red. ‘Um…” On the other side, Shy stumbles back into her room. She checks her surroundings, the items in her room, and outside just to make sure she’s back in her own Equestria. She looks back at the mirror, poking a finger through it to make sure it still worked. One day she would go back, or maybe Flutter would come and visit her. There was a lot they didn’t get to do, but right now, she was just happy to be back home. Either way, she had to get ready. Pinkie Pie needed tickling tomorrow, and she was inspired to try some new things out... > The Mayhem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright, Angel, settle down. I’ll get your food in a moment,” Fluttershy said, patting her impatient bunny on the head, trying to get him to stop throwing a temper tantrum on the table. The rabbit responded by hopping up and down on the table, rubbing his stomach to emphasize that he was starving. Fluttershy sighed and headed towards the kitchen to put his salad together. She swore that she was starting to spoil him again. Still, she couldn’t control when he got hungry. She had been hard at work all day, running and flying about her cottage, tending to the many needs of the animals that stayed there. Needing to deal with her bunny being fussy again put her just the teensiest bit on edge. She worried that she was going to fall behind on her schedule for the day. As she reached into her cupboards to grab a bowl, she felt something squeeze her sides. With a squeal and a jump, Fluttershy turned around to see who had snuck up on her, but found that she was all alone in the kitchen. She scratched her head in confusion, leaving her to wonder if she just imagined it. Fluttershy turned back around, returning back to her original task. She grabbed a bowl and placed it on the counter. She went over to grab the lettuce, but just like before, something had snuck up behind her to dig into her sides. Fluttershy nearly threw the leaves into the air with her jolt. She scanned the room, but once again, Fluttershy found herself seemingly alone. Now knowing that something was up, she put herself on alert, constantly looking left and right to see any trace of who or what kept sneaking up on her. Had her cottage become haunted by ghosts? Who would she even go to in order to get rid of ghosts? Before she could even turn around to try and finish her business, her mysterious assailant struck again, this time digging their fingers into her ribcage. This time, the strike lingered, enough for Fluttershy to burst out into a giggling fit, nearly falling to her knees, before it stopped just as quickly as it started. “Well, it seems that I’ve stumbled across a weak spot or two...” a voice echoed throughout the kitchen, followed by a mischievous chuckle. “Eep…” Fluttershy could recognize that voice anywhere. In a bright flashy poof and a quacking sound effect, her assailant made himself known. The absolute mishmash of animal parts could be no one else but Discord. “My...you’ve certainly been busy, haven’t you? Seems you’ve been having quite a lot of fun with your friends...” “Um, yes, I’ve certainly had my hands full, always needing to take care of the animals and all!” Fluttershy nodded, trying to play dumb to what was being hinted at. “Oh, please, Fluttershy. You and I both know that’s not what I meant.” Discord scoffed as he floated closer, pointing his eagle talon at her. “You’ve done quite a bit on your own, hm? All sorts of deception, and to your friends, no less! I never knew you had it in you…Quite honestly, if I were a worse draconequus, I’d be impressed by your ability for deceit!” “Um, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Fluttershy said, still trying to feign her ignorance. “And yet I’m insulted! All these times you’ve gone off with your other friends helping you, and you’ve never thought to include me in one of your little escapades! Why? You don’t think I’d be a good enough tickler?” Discord flashed a sly grin, wrapping his tail around her legs, the fluffy tip taking advantage of Fluttershy’s exposed midriff, lightly dusting her belly. “D-Discohohord...I-I’m s-sorry I never ahahasked you before. B-But I’m reheeheeheeally busy right now!” Fluttershy squirmed, unable to break free from his constriction. “Oh, you don’t have enough time? Well, you say that as if that’s a problem that I can’t fix!” Discord scoffed, rolling his eyes before he snapped his fingers, removing himself and Fluttershy from the kitchen. Fluttershy looked around at the new location she was transported to. There seemed to be no discernable landmarks, only a single color that slowly changed over time. There was no solid ground below her, yet she felt no sensation of falling, or even floating. The only thing that helped her distinguish “up” and “down” was the fact that the color got darker the further she looked “down”. “Enjoying the color gradient? To be honest, I’m quite fond of the ‘Can’t afford a drawn background’ look.” Discord nodded, watching the colors change with a monocle. “Discord, I know what you’re trying to do, but I really don’t have the time to do this right now!” Fluttershy protested, trying to remember what she still had on her schedule. “Don’t worry about that, Fluttershy. Things like time are simply optional here. We can spend as much time as you want here and not a second will pass back in Ponyville. Convenient little quirk of this place, isn’t it?” Fluttershy looked around, listening closely, she could hear their voices give off a faint echo. “It’s nice, Discord, but...um...you see…” Her words wandered off as she started to second-guess herself. Discord leaned in close, invading Fluttershy’s personal space. “I don’t get it. You’re so gung-ho when it comes to tricking all your other friends to tickle you silly, yet when I’m offering my services to you directly, you’re making up excuses NOT to be tickled! Why is that?” “Oh, it’s not that, Discord! It’s not that I don’t want you to tickle me, I’m just…” Fluttershy gulped. It sounded so ridiculous. “...K-kinda scared of what you might do with me…” Discord’s pouting turned into a smug grin. “Really? That’s all?” Fluttershy meekly nodded. Discord has a lot of power up his nonexistent sleeves, there was probably stuff he could do to her that she couldn’t even imagine. “Mmm, I suppose I can’t blame you for that. There are so many things I could do with you. I could just summon hundreds upon hundreds of tools and have all of them find a different place on your body, I could put you in a pair of shoes that get every square millimeter of your precious feet, and then do the same thing with the rest of your clothes, I could work some voodoo magic and make you tickle yourself, Why, I could even…” Discord paused, before waving his hand dismissively. “No no, I think you’ve heard enough from me.” “W-wait, what else? What else could you do?” Fluttershy floated closer, now getting in Discord’s space, her eyes wide open as her wings flapped in excitement. “Oho, so you are interested in playing with me, after all!” Fluttershy blushed sheepishly. “Well, it’s kinda scary not knowing what you could do to tickle me, but it also makes it kinda exciting, too! And if time isn’t going to pass back in Ponyville, then I’d love to play with you!” “Trust me. I’ll give you an experience only I can provide. You’ll be perfectly fine throughout the whole thing, though I can’t guarantee that you’ll be the same when I’m done,” he said with a mischievous chuckle. The last part of that sentence gave Fluttershy an uneasy chill. The tips of her wings started to tremble as she tried to think of what Discord could possibly do. “So just lie back and relax for a moment…” Fluttershy tried to do as she was told, though it was hard to lie back on anything when you were floating in a void. She tried to lean back without tumbling backwards into a spin, still not used to the awkward weightless limbo she was in. “...Because I guarantee that you won’t be doing much relaxing for a looong time...” With a casual wave of his hand, he summoned a few tools to his side: A paintbrush, toothbrush, and makeup brush. Fluttershy’s tilted her head with a mix of surprise and confusion. She had suspected that Discord would start out with the previously mentioned hundred tickle tools to attack her all at once. Even the tools themselves seemed suspicious. They were just so...ordinary. A few basic tickle tools didn’t seem to fit. He was planning something, she just didn’t know what yet. Discord noticed Fluttershy’s confused look. “Oh, don’t worry, Fluttershy. I assure you that there is plenty more coming. This is merely a small taste of what I can do, so that you can properly beg me for more.” The three brushes pointed their bristles at Fluttershy, then raced toward her body. The paintbrush made contact first, starting just below her navel, making circles around her button. Fluttershy let out a few delighted giggles as she watched the brush slowly trace around her navel, making her hips wiggle side to side. The other two brushes quickly joined in. The toothbrush dived towards her right foot, making swift up and down movement on her arch, while the makeup brush began dusting underneath her toes on the same foot. Fluttershy’s began kicking her leg out of instinct, but her flailing had no effect on the brushes. They followed each of her erratic movements, no matter how hard or fast she kicked. The paintbrush was no different, as it continued to draw lazy circles around her navel. Discord put his claw on her shoulder. “Enjoying yourself, Fluttershy? I’m guessing you want more, right?” “Eeeeeeheehee! Yes, pleeeaaase!” Fluttershy nodded, her toes curled up, but the makeup brush somehow found a way to get under her toes regardless. “Well I guess I can add some more, but only because you asked me nicely,” Discord teased. Another snap of his fingers, and a comb appeared in his hand. He set it between her big toes on her left foot, and pulled it back so that only the furthest teeth were touching her foot. When he let go, the comb started to move on its own, sawing back and forth between her toes, each of the teeth getting a chance to tease the ticklish skin. “Naaaahahahaaaa!” Fluttershy began kicking both legs. Her toes also curling and wiggling, but unable to catch the moving comb. She could only watch helplessly as it moved back and forth at different speeds, shifting at random between a tortuously glacial pace and swift sweeping. Discord waved his finger around, conjuring an electric toothbrush and turning it on. “Well, we can’t have only one on the left foot and two on the right! Doesn’t seem very fair, now does it? Allow me to remedy that.” Fluttershy’s ears flicked when they heard the familiar buzzing noise, practically screaming once Discord had pressed it against her sole. “O-Ohohoho my GAAAHAHAHAHAAA! EEEEHAHAHAHAHA!” “There. Now isn’t that better?” Discord released the toothbrush, letting it work on its own. At first it started to mirror the movements of the regular toothbrush, before going wild all over her sole. Fluttershy began flutter kicking her legs, hugging herself as her feet and belly. Through the haze of hysterical laughter, she wondered what else Discord had in store. This free-floating realm that she was put in and automatic tickling tools was certainly wild, but Discord was capable of so much more. On her right foot, the makeup brush and toothbrush swapped places, with the makeup brush now lightly dusting along her heel and arch, while the toothbrush began scrubbing underneath her toes. Without bondage or gravity, Fluttershy twisted and spun around in ticklish glee. The tools followed her exact movements the instant she made them, never breaking contact for even an instant, continuing the same strokes on her body as if she were forced to stay still. “Ah, right. I nearly forgot! You won’t be needing those, here. I’ll just take care of that!” With a snap of his fingers, Fluttershy’s clothing had vanished in an instant. The moment she noticed her sudden nudity, Fluttershy’s laughing fit was quickly replaced with a shrill shriek. Her entire face going red from embarrassment almost as quickly as the disappearance of her clothes. She crossed her legs and folded her arms over her breasts in an attempt to cover herself. The tools weren’t shaken off their course, continuing to go wherever Discord willed them to go, keeping Fluttershy in a state of laughter, but with more embarrassment and shock. The paintbrush that had been circling her navel finally dipped in, spinning for a moment before moving up her body towards her nude breasts. Discord rolled his eyes. “Honestly, Fluttershy, how did you expect us to have any real fun with your clothes on?” As the paintbrush moved up her belly and closer to her exposed breasts, Fluttershy tried to swat it away. To her shock, her hand simply passed through the handle. She tried again and again to deflect it, even trying to grab onto the handle, but the brush continued on its course, unaffected by Fluttershy’s touch. “H-Hey! Eeehee! No! Whahahahahat?” “Ah, I thought you’d find out sooner, but you being the naughty tickle-lover that you are, I guess it would’ve been a while before you tried to grab them, if ever.” Discord chuckled to himself. “Well, as you figured out, you can’t lay a finger on my tools, but they can obviously touch you all they want.” Even with Fluttershy covering her breasts with her arms, the brush passed on through, the soft bristles stroking against her nipples, sweeping back and forth against both breasts. “Aaahaaah...Nooooohahahahaha! Get! Gehehehet!” Even though it had been established that she couldn’t touch the tools, she kept trying to smack the brush away. But despite her efforts, the bristles kept moving across her nipples, each stroke giving her a shiver of arousal.   Fluttershy felt a maddening sense of helplessness, having full control of her body, yet still at the complete mercy of the brushes. Able to move her arms as freely as she wanted, but unable to even touch the various bristles tickling her. This was definitely something more in tune with Discord’s style. Of course, she couldn’t ignore what was at her feet. The comb jumped between toes, always using all its teeth when it slid back and forth. The toothbrush and makeup brush also moved along her toes, scrubbing and dusting whatever toes the comb wasn’t targeting at the time. The electric toothbrush remained relatively stationary, the vibrating bristles pressed against her arches making her cackle. “NAHAHAAAAA! M-My tohohohohohohoes!” Fluttershy helplessly thrashed her legs around, feet kicking and stomping at a ground that was never there to begin with. Eventually, the makeup brush and electric toothbrush moved past her feet, sliding up her legs and stomach to join the paintbrush at her tits. Fluttershy could only watch in anticipation as she watched and felt the brushes crawl up her body, but to her surprise, they had reached their destination underneath her breasts instead of her nipples or cleavage. “Heeeee-ahaha! O-Ohohohomygosh! EEEEEK!” Though the makeup brush tended to move itself all over her breasts, it seemed more fixated on lightly stroking below. The electric toothbrush, however, was moving at a snail’s pace underneath, making full use of the bristles. The two brushes began moving closer to each other. It was at that moment, Fluttershy got to the next shocking discovery of Discord’s creation. She was getting the feeling of both the vibrating bristles of the electric toothbrush, and the soft sensations of the fuzzy makeup brush underneath her breasts at the same spot at the same time. “Aaaahahack! Whahahahaaaaahaat?!” Discord perked up upon hearing Fluttershy’s confusion. “Oh, I see you found another fun quirk. Remember when I told you that you couldn’t touch these tools of mine? Well, they can’t touch each other either! They just pass right through each other!” he said, phasing his eagle claw through his lion paw to demonstrate his point. “There’s all sorts of different combinations of ticklish tools to feel. Think of it as a fun mix-and-match, like yours truly.” “Ihihihi...It’s s-sohohoho-!” Fluttershy struggled to come up with an appropriate description of the sensation. Confusing came close, but it wasn’t fully accurate. “Now, let’s see what other combinations we can try! Hm...how about this one?” Discord snapped his fingers, and a few more tools appeared beside him. On Fluttershy’s left foot, the comb continued to saw between her toes, now joined by a long white feather. On her right foot, the paintbrush joined together with a spiked wheel to glide up and down her arch. Fluttershy shook her head wildly as she cackled. The softness of the feather and brush clashed with the sharpness of the comb and wheel, both sensations fighting for her attention, amplified by targeting the same spot at the same time. For his next trick, Discord showed off a drill-like device, with a fuzzy ball attached onto it. He pulled the trigger, and much like the electric toothbrush, it spun to life and continued to stay on without Discord’s touch. Even with the clashing sensations on her feet, Discord’s new toy caught Fluttershy’s attention, her wings trembling as it approached her stomach. Upon contact, she let out a loud combination of a howl and a moan. As the fuzzy bit spun, Discord demonstrated the next combination by pressing his face against her stomach, buzzing his lips against her belly. “Dahahahaaaaha! D-Discoooord! Ahaha! Ahaaanngh! Mmmph! Oooh!” “Ah, there’s the sound I was waiting to hear!” Discord chuckled, “Let’s see if I can hear it again!” Discord buried his face back into Fluttershy’s defenseless tummy to blow more raspberries as the fuzzy drill spun inside her navel. More moans started to mix in with Fluttershy’s hysterical laughter. Though she couldn’t grab onto the conjured up tools, Discord’s head was, surprisingly, one of the few things she could touch. She grabbed onto his horns, trying to push him away with her shaky grip on him. Without any solid surface for her to stomp on, her feet uselessly kicked the air. Discord smirked to himself as he felt Fluttershy’s attempt to fight back. He gave Fluttershy’s belly a few more raspberries as the other tools danced along her breasts, soles, and toes, and then snapped his fingers, making everything stop in its tracks. Fluttershy’s entire body shuddered. Her toes curled up as she clenched her fists, preparing herself for the climax, but just before she was about to let out a shuddery moan, Discord halted everything. “H-Hey! What happened? I was almost…” She hesitated on her words, the heat rushing to her ears. “Oh, don’t worry, we’ll get to that very soon. I just thought it’d be a good a time as any to take a little break if you needed it.” As Fluttershy panted to catch her breath, she realized she felt just fine. No shortness of breath or aching sides, she didn’t even feel the slightest bit of exhaustion. “I...I don’t feel tired at all!” “Well, there’s no fun in waiting when there’s so much tickling to do! So, I just did away with all those pesky nuisances.” Discord reached forward, squeezing her sides. ”Please, hold your applause. Your helpless squeals of laughter will serve as thanks.” “Eeeeeheehee! Bwaaaahahahahaha!” “You’re quite welcome! Now, if you’re done with your break...” Discord pointed his finger at Fluttershy’s crotch. The feather, paintbrush, and makeup brush making a beeline to her wet sex, wasting no time targeting her clit. Fluttershy let out a squeal as she kicked out her legs. The sensations from the triple threat of soft tools stroking her clit all at once struck her like lightning. She couldn’t even get out a word to Discord before she hit the first of what she hoped to be many orgasms. “There, wasn’t that worth the little break we had?” Discord smirked. “Now, let’s get to my next trick.” With a wave of his hand, the tools scurried off to the side, and with an eyedropper, he put a few drops of something pink on her stomach. “What...is it?” Fluttershy stared down at whatever Discord dripped on her tummy. As she was about to poke it, the pink droplets started to shake, giving her a light jolt. “Eeep…” “Oh...just a little thing I picked up between dimensions, I’m sure you know by now what it’s going to do to you…” Discord whispered. Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion at Discord’s sudden shift in volume. “Discord? Why-Gyaaah!” She shivered, feeling a squeezing sensation on her stomach. She looked back down at her stomach. She swore there were only a few small drops there before, not a couple of large blobs. Did Discord add some more when she wasn’t looking? “It feels so-Eeeeaahaha!” Fluttershy’s observation was cut short when the pink slime started moving again, the tickling stronger than before. “Gaaaahahaha! W-What ihihihihis thihihihis!?” Fluttershy flailed her legs as the slime seemed to grow again, part of it slipping into her navel. “Noooohoho! Nahahat the button!” It took a moment for it all to click, but Fluttershy finally figured out why Discord was whispering. As a test, Fluttershy puffed up her cheeks to stifle her laughter. Only a few small snorts were let out. The slime stopped entirely, laying dormant on her stomach. She let out a whistle, and the slime responded with more ticklish vibrations. Fluttershy quickly shut her mouth to make the slime stop again. Discord gave a bemused smirk at Fluttershy’s experiments, deciding to interfere. His tail wrapped around her ankle, the fluffy tip brushing against her sole. “Nnnf...D-Discord...s-stop it…” Fluttershy snickered, her toes curling up. “Me? I’m not doing anything…” That slight giggle was enough to start the slime up again. Fluttershy tried to steady herself once more, but each escaping giggle only encouraged the slime to tickle harder, causing louder and more frequent breaks of laughter, trapping her in a seemingly endless feedback loop. She could only watch as each break made the pink slime grow, covering her belly, spreading across her breasts, crawling down to her hips, adding more surface area to tickle every time she lost control of herself again. “Oh Fluttershy, what seems to be the matter? Are you not enjoying your new friend?” Discord whispered in her ear. Fluttershy tried to keep herself together. “Th-the more I-mmph! M-make noise...the more it tihihahahaaa! Eeeeeheehee! I cahahahahan’t!” “Oh, you managed to figure it out!” Discord shouting. “Well, let me congratulate you!” Discord clapped his hands twice, and two speakers that towered above his height appeared by his side. Surrounding him, an entire marching band worth of instruments. Trumpets, trombones, tubas, drums, and whistles. In his hand, a microphone to help broadcast it all. For only an instant, Fluttershy went silent, frozen in shock just long enough to process her own demise. The microphone feedback alone drove the slime wild, almost fully encasing her upperbody. Discord took a deep breath, and then shouted into the microphone, the instruments blaring at full volume just for a split second. “CONGRATULATIONS, FLUTTERSHY!” Discord only said two words, but it was more than enough to do the job. The speakers fully drowned out Fluttershy’s howling laughter. The pink slime enveloped her entire body in a near instant, only keeping her head free to keep supplying it with ear-piercing screams of hysterics. From the neck down, the slime rubbed and vibrated against her naked body, attacking her all over. Tears instantly flowed down Fluttershy’s blushing face, her laughter was more like manic screaming. In Discord’s realm, she never needed a break to catch her breath, so the only interruption was the occasional gasp of shock before the laughter began anew. No part of her body was spared, the slime went deep down in her belly button, covered the entire area between and under her toes, snuck into all the folds of her wings, slid into the rarely touched undersides of her breasts, and though it didn’t fully penetrate her, it was deep enough so that when it vibrated, Fluttershy was hit with a bombardment of erotic, ticklish pleasure. Fluttershy felt overstimulated by the full-body experience. She felt herself orgasm in seconds, but didn’t even have the time to mentally process it before the overwhelming pleasure made her hit another one. Her thoughts were scrambled, unable to focus on any one thought, even the tickling itself was impossible to focus on, as practically every tickle spot on her was being targeted, dividing her attention even more. All she could do was laugh, and keep feeding the thing that drove her wild. She weakly raised her hand up for help, hoping Discord would see. Discord watched in delight for the precious moments that the slime covered Fluttershy’s body. When he saw her raise her hand, he assumed that she was finally done. He swirled his finger around, and all the slime was sucked back into the eyedropper where it came from. “Well? Was that fun or what?” “Hah...thaba...ihwah...I...adaba...” Fluttershy babbled. Even with Discord eliminating fatigue, she needed a long break in order to even think in coherent sentences again. Eventually, Fluttershy’s mind recovered. “That was...so much…It tickled...everywhere. I-I kinda liked it...b-but I thought I...was gonna go crazy from that.” “Oh, but what would be so wrong with that? Spending hours upon hours being tickled out of your mind, never having to worry about anything ever again, as you came over and over as every square millimeter of your body was mercilessly tickle tickle tickled-” “Discord…” “Fine fine fine, how about I do one last thing and we’ll call it a day? I promise it’ll be a trick that’s much more milder.” “Well...alright. I wanna see what you come up with.” Fluttershy nodded, although with Discord, there was no telling how much milder he would go. Discord waved his arms in circles, conjuring up dozens of paintbrushes, each one’s bristles already dripping with a different color of paint. Fluttershy shivered upon seeing so many paintbrushes, but being turned into Discord’s personal canvas didn’t seem nearly as intensive as that pink slime. She spread out her arms and legs, inviting Discord to do his work. “That’s the spirit! This should only take a few moments…” With a flick of Discord’s wrist, the brushes stroked against Fluttershy’s naked body, leaving streaks of paint wherever they went. The stream of giggles flowed from Fluttershy’s lips once more, her body wiggling around as the brushes painted all over. She felt hundreds of soft bristles tease all over her body, and because of Discord’s influence, she was unable to interfere with the painting project. The lighter intensity made her spin around and squeal, rather than writhe and scream. Though they certainly didn’t seem to show any mercy, as several of them teased her stiff nipples and wet marehood at once, painting slowly over the sensitive spots to get her just at the edge of another orgasm, but never quite pushing her off. From her feet to her breasts to her belly to her cutie mark, the brushes covered practically every surface on her imaginable. Not even her ears were spared, as a pair of brushes circled around them as well. Through teary eyes, she could see her body being painted nearly every color of the rainbow. It seemed as though Discord’s masterpiece was finished at last, as he clapped his hands together, and all the brushes vanished with a confetti explosion, complete with a cow mooing sound effect. “There we go! Now close your eyes and just wait for the surprise…” Though she wanted to see what Discord had painted on her, Fluttershy did as she was told, keeping her eyes shut while waiting for whatever he had planned. Discord was starting out relatively normal again, but she knew he was up to something again, but she would never be able to guess what. Though she tensed up in anticipation, the feeling of Discord’s claws stroking against her armpits made her jolt, quickly sticking her hands in her armpits to reflexively defend herself. “What are you doing, Fluttershy? My hands are nowhere near your armpits,” Discord teased. Fluttershy opened her eyes, seeing Discord casually floating by her feet. Discord slid his claw against her toes, sneering as Fluttershy kept her hands by her underarms. “I’m quite clearly tickling your toes, so why are you putting your hands in your armpits like that?” “EEYAAAHAHA! I-I DON’T KNOHOHOHOW!” Fluttershy looked between her feet and her armpits, Discord was clearly at her feet, and as far as she could tell, she saw nothing near her armpits or upperbody at all. Fluttershy did a double take, inspecting her body. There wasn’t a drop of paint on her at all. “Huh? Where did-” “Oh, that was just disappearing paint. I just needed a way to disguise the actual surprise. Just a little switcharoo work going on, and voila! A sensational sensation swap! So, me tickling your toes means you feel it in your pits, like so…” Discord swiped his tail across Fluttershy’s toes to demonstrate, and she jolted, shooting her elbows down to her sides to try and protect her pits in response. “...And of course, the opposite is true, too.” Discord pried through and dug his claws into Fluttershy’s armpits, making her feel those claws digging underneath her toes. “Aaaaiiieeheehee! Ohmygosh!” Fluttershy curled up her toes. Though the tickling wasn’t that intense, the disconnect of where she was being tickled versus where she felt the tickling was enough to start driving her crazy. “Well? Are you curious as to what other parts have been swapped around? Truth be told...so am I…” Discord cracked his knuckles. “So let’s find out together, shall we?” He began stroking Fluttershy’s bare breasts with his tail, wondering what part of her would react. Fluttershy felt the tail on her stomach instead, making her uselessly try to defend it by covering it up with her arms. “Eeeyaaaahahahahaaa!” “Ooh, interesting...” Taking full advantage of this opportunity, Discord’s head darted towards her stomach, blowing a raspberry on her belly. “Gyaaahaha! Nooohohohahaha!” Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she felt the buzzing right in her cleavage. With Discord’s face pressed against her tummy, his forked tongue darted into her navel, curious as to how Fluttershy would handle it. Fluttershy felt the tongue slither between her breasts, sliding up and down, she threw her head back and shuddered with each slurp. “Eehahahaha...ohohohomygosh!” Discord couldn’t resist the opportunity to do the opposite, moving his head just a little bit further up to buzz his lips against her breasts. “EEEE! DISCOOOHOHOHORD!” Fluttershy couldn’t tell if this situation was better or worse. The sensation switching alone confused her enough. With more ticklish areas to test out, and still so close to Fluttershy, Discord reached forward, squeezing her flank. “Eeep!” Fluttershy arched her back, her wings flapped in a panic before stiffening up. Discord’s claws teased Fluttershy’s cutie mark, his fingers tracing the outline of the pink butterflies. As Discord’s fingers went around the butterfly wings, her own wings twitched and shivered, the very tips softly flapping as Fluttershy squirmed around. “Let’s see, I know I’ve been forgetting something…Some other spot I haven’t gotten to yet...” Discord mused to himself as he dragged his fingers down Fluttershy’s legs, lifting them up just before getting to her ankles. His fingers hovered over her feet, ready to rake his claws down her soles. Fluttershy tensed up in anticipation, though she couldn’t quite prepare herself for where she would feel the tickling next. She curled her feet up, a shiver going down her spine as Discord took an agonizing amount of time to resume tickling her. Discord raised his hands up, and Fluttershy braced herself, but Discord suddenly turned around and lightly scratched behind her ears. “Eeeyaah!” Discord caught her off guard with the abrupt target switch, but what shocked her more was what they had swapped with. “...Ohno…” “Hm? Is something the matter, Fluttershy? Are you not feeling anything anywhere right now?” Discord taunted as he slowly teased Fluttershy’s ears, a single finger for each lightly moving up. Fluttershy let out a shaky exhale, clenching her fists. “Mmmph...Ah! Ohhh...why there?” She murmured to herself, resisting the urge to cross her arms over her chest. A wicked grin appeared on Discord’s face as he figured out what she was feeling, he lightly pinched the top of her ears, rubbing his thumbs against the tips. Fluttershy moaned as she hugged herself. Her cheeks had a consistent blush ever since her clothes were gone, but this made them turn a deeper shade of red. “Oh dear, sensitive ears, much?” Discord whispered as he continued to toy with them, his thumbs lightly stroking the tips. “Hnngh...Discooooord!” Fluttershy tried to muffle her moans by covering up her face, but with Discord stroking her ears in just the right way, her arousal only got louder. “Oh, fine. I’ve been holding back on these for too long, anyhow.” Discord rolled his eyes, hovering back towards her ankles. “And there’s only so many tickle spots left on you…” He grabbed onto her left foot, lightly drumming his claws against the sole. Fluttershy went into another giggling fit, her upperbody stiffening up as she wrapped her arms around her chest. Discord hummed to himself as he kept drumming his fingers against her foot, picking up speed with his talon hand as he kept her ankle in his grasp. Fluttershy continued to squirm, feeling each claw poke in the spaces between her ribs no matter how hard she hugged herself. “Interesting! Now, what about this foot?” Discord traced a single claw down Fluttershy’s right sole. There was a short gasp from Fluttershy as her legs kicked out, followed by a heavy and loud moan, her wings popping out with a pomf. “Oh, I was wondering what that swapped with!” Discord grinned with delight. “I think I hit the jackpot with this one!” Discord gave his lion paw a smack, and it started to vibrate. He pressed his hand against Fluttershy’s foot, trying to get as much surface area as he could covered. Fluttershy sputtered and babbled, the vibrations of Discord’s paw sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. She let out a trembling moan with a frequency that nearly matched his vibrating paw. The paw moved around Fluttershy’s foot, moving around the sole before eventually grabbing her by the toes and leaving it there. A high-pitched squeal broke through Fluttershy’s aroused moans once Discord grabbed onto her toes, the armpit tickling combining with the marehood stimulation. Discord wrapped his tail around Fluttershy’s ankle to keep it under his control. With his vibrating paw, he pressed down on her sole, leaving the talons on his other hand to scratch between her toes. Fluttershy’s mind became a jumbled mess once more. Only one of her ankles was immobilized, but no amount of flailing around could stop everything happening to her foot from transferring over to her pits and pussy. The relentless shaking of Discord’s paw drove her mad, and the raking of the claws only accelerated the process as her body shivered to a satisfyingly loud orgasm. Discord let go of Fluttershy’s leg, allowing her to mentally recover. “Well, how was that? Am I worthy enough to join in your circle of kinkiness now?” Fluttershy gave him a somewhat delirious giggle. “O-Of course, Discord. Could we...maybe try something like this again soon?” “I’d enjoy nothing more.” Discord snapped his fingers, “There, everything’s back to normal for you!” he said, giving her sides a squeeze to prove his point. “You’re all set to go back home.” “Heehee! Um, aren’t you forgetting something else, Discord?” “Am I?” Fluttershy gestured to her still naked body, raising an eyebrow. “...Oh! Right!” Another snap of his fingers, and Fluttershy’s clothes returned back on her body. “Thank you!” “Oh, believe me, it was as much my pleasure as it was yours!” He waved his fingers around, and Fluttershy poofed away from Discord’s realm of chaos. In a bright flash, Fluttershy had been dropped back into her kitchen, a bowl of already prepared salad on the counter in front of her. She looked outside, and just as Discord had promised, it was still daytime, like no time had passed at all. Still, that didn’t mean Angel’s patience was any different. Her day had to continue on as normal. As she brought her bunny’s meal to him, she stubbed her toes on the couch...and felt an immediate stinging pain in her armpits. “Gyaaah! DISCORD!” “Whoopsie!” A lion paw stuck itself out of a portal and snapped its fingers, giving Fluttershy a wave before returning back to whence it came. Fluttershy tested her nerves by lightly kicking the couch, thankfully feeling the dull impact on her toes this time. Angel looked up at Fluttershy, making confused gestures between the spot where Discord’s hand was and her. “Oh, um...don’t worry about that, Angel.” Fluttershy set the salad bowl down, letting the bunny eat as she went to do the rest of her chores. She took a look at the schedule she for the day to refresh her memory. To her surprise, ‘Tea Time with Discord’ was the next thing written on her list, and it was meant to take place a few minutes ago. Fluttershy noticed that entry had been tampered with. The e and a had been scribbled out for some reason. It took a moment, but she finally understood why. She rolled up her schedule with a blush and sheepish smile. T-Time with Discord was definitely going to be in her future plans. > The Split > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So...why exactly did you need me to come here, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, looking around the boutique. She didn’t see any mannequins, fabric rolls or sewing equipment, so it didn’t seem like she was going to be modeling for anything. “Because, I wanted to show you...this!” Rarity declared as she held up a gray diamond roughly the size of her palm. Fluttershy squinted, trying to see if there was something special about it. “It’s pretty, but...is that it?” she asked, not seeing any real difference between it and any other gem that Rarity had mined before. “Well, this isn’t just any ordinary gem, Fluttershy!” Rarity said, noticing Fluttershy’s confusion. “This is a refraction stone. Zecora helped me find one. These gems have the power to quite literally cause a split in a pony’s personality, albeit only temporarily.” “Um...alright?” Fluttershy nodded along, not knowing what she meant. “For example, if this were to be used on Rainbow Dash, we might see her athletic and hyper-competitive side, her adventurous Daring Do side, her secret desire to be pampered side…” Rarity whispered the last part, making Fluttershy giggle. “Three different ponies all at once, and they’d all still be our Dashie.” Fluttershy began to understand Rarity’s explanation a little better, but not by much. “So...what exactly are you going to do with it?” “Well, do you recall the time I left you in charge of Rarity For You, and you developed those three different characters in order to run the shop?” Fluttershy looked down at the ground with shame. “...Yes.” “Well, deep down, those characters are a part of you. And truth be told, it was impressive how vastly different their personalities were. And if I used the refraction stone on you here, there’d be no risk of losing customers, so it couldn’t hurt to bring them out again. What do you say, shall we try it out?” Fluttershy remembered all the trouble she caused being all those different characters and cringed. Would Rarity really able to handle three parts of her at once? “I don’t know…isn’t there someone else you could try this with?” “Well, the only other one available today would be Pinkie Pie, and you and I both know why more than one Pinkie is a bad idea.” Fluttershy nodded in complete understanding. “Well...I guess it couldn’t hurt to try it out…” “Wonderful! Let’s get started right away!” “A-alright...how exactly are we going to...do this?” “Just stand up on the modeling stage, I’ll get things started,” Rarity said, her horn now aglow. The blue aura of her magic began flowing into the stone, making it pulsate with the same light. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, this should only last for about an hour or so before it wears off.” With nothing else to do but wait, Fluttershy watched as Rarity powered up the refraction stone. She wondered how being split into different personalities would feel. Would it hurt? Would she remember being split up? “I think it will be fascinating to interact with those different parts of you all at once…” Rarity said, channeling the last of her magic needed into the gem. Fluttershy could feel her heart racing in anticipation, her focus entirely on the stone that will split her apart. “Plus, it’s a nice way for me to get a little revenge.” Rarity grinned as she pointed the stone towards Fluttershy. “Wait, what?” Before Fluttershy could ask any questions, the magic stored up in the crystal released, hitting her square in the forehead and filling the boutique with a bright flash of light. Once the light faded, Rarity saw three Fluttershys where there once was one, each with a different outfit, manestyle, and attitude. “Goodness, I can’t believe it actually worked!” “Woah, I can like, see myself...kinda.” “Can we go back now? I feel my soul dying with every moment I have to stand here...” Rarity cleared her throat to get their attention. “Attention, Fluttershys. I’m glad to see that the refraction stone worked. But I just want to make sure. Are all of you feeling alright?” “Of course, Rarity! I’ve never felt better in my entire life!” Severeshy declared, sticking her nose upward. Hipstershy put her hands on her hips. “Like, totally.” “I’m empty inside, but whatever…” Fluttergoth muttered, her head tilted down towards the floor. “Excellent. Since we only have about an hour, I shall move onto why you are here. Now, the three of you have caused me quite a bit of trouble in Manehattan...” “Well, it’s not our fault that the customers don’t know what they’re looking for, now is it?” Severeshy interrupted. “Those ponies just don’t have a clue about fashion.” “You were supposed to help them out! That was your job!” Rarity chastised. “...Thankfully, you didn’t manage to scare away a customer forever, but it took quite a bit of work on my end to convince them to return. And luckily, I’ve devised the perfect punishment as a consequence for your behavior...” “Okay, but didn’t you, like, fire us already?” Hipstershy pointed out. “Isn’t that like, I don’t know, punishment enough?” “Indeed. Anything else would just be going too far!” Severeshy crossed her arms in a huff. “Does it really matter?” Fluttergoth sighed in dejection. “True, you were all fired,” Rarity nodded. “But given the aftermath of that day, I don’t believe the penalties you received quite match up to the consequences of what I had to go through, and I aim to rectify that.” “Alright, but like, what makes you think you can do, like, anything? There’s three of us, and like, one of you. And I’m pretty sure that three is more than one.” “You are correct on that. However, I am the only one who can do this.” Rarity pointed to her glowing horn. Behind the trio, several strings of rope rose up, wrapping around their ankles and making neat little knots, the same being done to their wrists behind their back before either Fluttershy had the chance to resist. “Wha-!? Rarity, what is the meaning of this?!” “Okay, this is like, not okay.” “...Should’ve seen this coming…” “My apologies for the quick and crude work done, dears. I just wanted to make sure you were secure while I set your punishment up proper.” “Rarity, what sort of punishment involves tying us up like this? It’s as if you were going to…” Severeshy’s eyes widened in panic as she came to her startling realization. ”Oh...Rarity, y-you wouldn’t!” “Oh, but I would, my dear Fluttershy,” Rarity said with a dark chuckle. She added to their bindings by slipping them in wing sleeves to prevent excess flapping. “I may forgive, but I certainly will not forget. Especially that pedicure incident…” Hipstershy scoffed. “Seriously? That was like, forever ago! You’re still not over that?” “Oh, I remember the day vividly,” Rarity nodded as she removed the trio’s footwear. She popped off Severeshy’s high heels, Hipstershy’s flats, and Fluttergoth’s leather boots, then pulled off their socks and stockings. “You tickled me to tears, if I’m not mistaken, despite all my pleading.” “That wasn’t even us that did that. Why bother taking it out on us?” Fluttergoth grumbled. “Oh, make no mistake, this is still primarily for the Manehattan incident. I just feel that this method is the most appropriate. Now then...” Rarity summoned her tools with to her side. Several hairbrushes, makeup brushes, combs, wartenberg wheels, lotion, oils, extra rope and string, and a long fuzzy rope with handles at the end of each side. “Which one of you wants to go first?” The three Fluttershys nervously exchanged looks, neither one of them speaking up to take the fall for their other selves. “No volunteers? Very well, I’ll choose.” Rarity pouted her lips in contemplation, her finger pointing at the three of them as she tried to decide. The process would have been easier if any of them had asked for it like she had anticipated. Her finger ended up pointing towards Hipstershy, prompting a sigh of relief from the other two. “Rare, really? Couldn’t you have like, picked literally anyone else but me?!” Hipstershy complained as she tried to cover one foot with the other. “Sorry, dear. Had to pick someone.” Rarity shrugged, slowly dragging a finger down her arch, easily getting through her “defenses”. “Nnngah…C-cut it out already!” Hipstershy needed to keep switching which foot needed to cover. When she eventually realized she wasn’t going to get anywhere, she began trying to swat Rarity’s hand away instead. Rarity picked up one of the combs and showed it off to Hipstershy with a wicked grin. “Oh, and get to the actual punishment? Well, if you insist!” Hipstershy went into a panic when she saw the comb get closer to her toes. “Wait, that’s not what I meant! I’m like, totally fine with before, so can w-Eeeeyaaaahahahaaa!”  “Oh, it’s far too late to go back now, dear.” Rarity smirked, moving the comb back and forth at a rhythmic pace. Her little revenge plot had a promising start. Her whole body shivered as the comb moved between her toes. Even with her ankles tied up, Hipstershy could still move her feet freely, trying to use her other foot to try and block the comb. “If you continue being so fidgety, Fluttershy, I’m going to have to do something about it,” Rarity warned. She held onto Hipstershy’s big toe to try and keep her still. “I cahahahan’t! This is lihihihike, the worst thing ever!” Hipstershy whined. She wanted to grab the comb with her toes, but knew that such an attempt would end up with both feet getting tickled. Her other foot flailed, swatting at the comb, and occasionally Rarity’s hand if she was lucky. Rarity’s horn lit up with her magical aura. “Very well then, I see I have no choice but to take action.” A piece of string wrapped around her big toes, tying them together. “Perhaps this will help you keep still.” Hipstershy let out a quiet whimper, no longer able to defend herself with her own soles. The best she could manage was curling up her toes and scrunching her feet. Those remaining defenses were quickly circumvented by Rarity simply grabbing onto her big toes and pushing them back, allowing her to saw the comb between her toes uninterrupted. “Nahahahaha! Why my tohohohohoes?” she complained as her legs jerked and kicked with every swift movement of the comb. Rarity chuckled at Hipstershy’s struggle. “Because I love the adorable noises that you make when your toes are tickled like this!“ “Gyahahaaaa! Mahahake it stahahahap!” Even with her big toes tied, Hipstershy kept thrashing. Her body hopping around in place, bumping into her increasingly concerned alter egos. “And here I thought the toe ties would be enough…” Rarity said with a playfully exaggerated sigh. “Darling, I can happily add more restraints if you need them. Is that what you want?” Rarity kept the comb sawing back and forth in the same place between her toes, now using her magic to keep her rhythm uninterrupted. “NooOOOhohoho!” Rarity decided to use her now free hands to idly scritch at her arches, just to make sure that they had something to do. “Then I highly suggest that you stay a little bit more still.” “I cahahahan’t! I lihihihihike, caaahahahan’t!” “Oh, I believe you can, dear. You’re just not trying hard enough,” she teased, before adding a second comb to the mix, the dozens of teeth zipped across the sensitive spaces between her toes. “EEYAAAHAHA! I literally hahahahaaate this sohohoho muuuuch!” Hipstershy thrashed around so much, her glasses fell off her face in the struggle. Now that was something Rarity didn’t think she’d be hearing: Fluttershy saying that she hated being tickled. She assumed that any and all forms of Fluttershy would love to be in her current position, but perhaps it’s just the refraction stone’s doing that caused this attitude adjustment.  Rarity at least gave Hipstershy the courtesy of briefly stopping the combs in order to put the glasses back on her face. It wasn’t like the return of her glasses gave her vision back, the frames didn’t have any lenses. Though the moment of respite allowed her to notice that the combs had moved. Instead of between her toes, they rested underneath instead. “Um, R-Rarity? Can you like, not do tha-AAAHAHAHAAAAA!” Before Hipstershy could complete her protest, Rarity got the combs moving again, resting her chin on her hand as she watched her squirm with a smile on her face. Though her curling toes certainly made it a challenge to keep the combs moving, Rarity found an easy solution. If the combs managed to slow down or stop, she simply dragged her finely manicured nails down her arches. The shock was enough for Hipstershy to uncurl and even splay out her toes so that the combs could continue their work. The other two Fluttershys were rendered speechless. Seeing the torment inflicted on Hipstershy’s toes made them tense up and curl their own toes. They found themselves unable to look away, their gazes fixated on their counterpart’s struggling feet. They wanted to speak up against their collective predicament. But they remained silent, out of fear that any protest would mean that Rarity would target them next. Hipstershy cackled helplessly, constantly swinging her upper-body from side to side, recklessly jostling into her surrounding counterparts. “NO MORE! PLEEEEHEHEHEEEAAASE!” Rarity gave her a playful shrug. “Alright, I suppose you’ve had enough for now,” she said while retracting the combs. ‘Now, which one of you wants to be next?” As an exhausted Hipstershy gasped for breath, Severeshy and Fluttergoth instantly turned their heads away, hoping that Rarity would pick the other one to be the next victim. “What about you?” Rarity asked, looking over to the skulking Fluttergoth. “You look awfully gloomy.” “It’s fine…” she said, trying to shuffle away. “Is it really, though? I’d hate to see you in such a bad mood,” Rarity sat down in front of her and slid her index finger down her arch. Fluttergoth let out a strained grunt, her feet flinched at Rarity’s touch. “N-No! I’m fine...” “Oh, I think Miss Dark And Moody needs to lighten up a bit!” Rarity added another finger to her slow teasing, her middle finger joined the index with slow glides down her scrunching foot. Fluttergoth shut her eyes, a faint smirk appeared on her face before she quickly forced herself to scowl in an effort to resist. “My my, I’m only using two fingers, and you’re already so flustered! Surely you’re not that ticklish, are you?” Rarity taunted, she continued her slow torment, only using her two fingers to scratch down her sole. “Nnngh...I-I’m not!” “Oh, I think you are…” Rarity teased with a mocking melody. She walked her fingers up her sole to the ball of her foot, then slid down to the heel. “Am I going to get you to laugh with just two fingers? Or will I have to step things up a little?” The poking of Rarity’s fingers walking up her foot was light enough that Fluttergoth could gather her composure. But the sliding down her sole meant that she constantly fought not to crack a smile. Rarity decided to skip using only three or four fingers, and went straight to using her entire hand, as she gave Fluttergoth’s feet light swipes across the arches, Fluttergoth’s breath was shaky, still trying to force the corners of her lips down as Rarity upped the intensity. As Rarity drew swirls on her feet, she watched her face to see if there was any change in her reaction. “Well, I’m no Pinkie Pie, but I think I can still get you to smile!” “Rrrgh...Shut up!” Fluttergoth growled through her teeth. She turned her head away, trying to hide the forced grin on her face. “Aha, there’s the smile! I knew I could get it out of you!” Rarity showed off both hands, fingers clawed and ready to deliver more tickling. “Now, let’s see what we should do about getting you to laugh, hm?” Seeing Rarity’s fingers claw made Fluttergoth shudder with dread, a few drops of sweat ran down from her forehead. Her feet curled in a preemptive attempt at defense. She took a deep breath and braced herself for the worst. Rarity had already devised a plan of attack. With her left hand, she raked her fingernails down the sole, while the fingers on her right hand poked and skittered against her toes. She had already broken through and gotten her to smile, getting her to laugh should take no time at all. Fluttergoth already began smiling again, an unfortunate side-effect of the increased intensity. Each little grunt she made was a sign that she was fighting back a laugh. Rarity focused her fingers on Fluttergoth’s soles, her nails making quick swipes downward in her attempt to finally break her. “Oooh, I don’t think you can hold out for much longer...” As tears started to form in Fluttergoth’s eyes, her eyeshadow started to run down her cheeks as she let out a series of strained exhales, each one barely able to contain the building laughter inside. Just as Fluttergoth felt herself reach her limit, Rarity frowned and lifted her fingers away from her soles. “Well, I hate to admit it, but you’re putting up quite the resistance. I don’t think my fingernails will be enough...” Fluttergoth let out a sigh of relief at Rarity’s apparent surrender. “...Luckily, I have more than just my fingernails!” Rarity said, her horn lit up as she pulled the wartenberg wheels to her hand. Fluttergoth only had enough time let out a soft whimper before Rarity started rolling the wheels against her arches. She tried to hold her laughter back, but only managed to sputter for a couple of seconds before the first few decisive giggles slipped out, shortly followed by an explosion of laughter. “There we go! That was surprisingly easy.” Rarity said with a satisfied nod. “Isn’t this much better, Fluttershy?” “Noooohahaha! S-Stahahahap it now! EeeeheeHEEK!” Fluttergoth shook her head wildly as she let out more fits of giggles unbefitting of the dark, brooding persona she had built for herself. “Hmhmhm, why stop now? I just started using these wheels, and I want to make good use of them before I’m done with you!” Rarity said with a twinge of vengeance in her voice. Fluttergoth’s makeup got worse; her sweat and tears ruined her eyeshadow further, leaving darker streaks of tears down her cheeks as the wheels spun into her soles. Up and down, the wheels went, making sure that Fluttergoth was giggling and squealing the entire time. Rarity had run the wheels across the same part of her soles for so long, that she had made a trail of little indents across Fluttergoth’s soles. “Gaaahahaha! NO MORE! Nohohoho more! You got me to lahahahaugh already! Just stahahahap!“ she pleaded, trying to kick her legs in desperation. Rarity purposefully stalled in her decision making, just to hear Fluttergoth squeal for a little bit longer as she continued running the wheels across her soles. She had already accomplished the goal she set for herself, so she decided to let her rest and move on. Fluttergoth’s head hung low as she continued to let out a few wheezy giggles. Even without the wheels making tracks across her feet, she could still feel the tingles. “How come you got it easy?” Hipstershy muttered. “Now then, only one more Fluttershy to punish…” Rarity directed her attention towards Severeshy. Severeshy’s body instantly tried to recoil away. “R-Rarity, please! Can’t we discuss this?” “We could discuss things, true.” Rarity nodded, wasting no time in having her fingers dance across her feet. “...but this is much more entertaining!” Severeshy showed a little bit of resistance against Rarity’s nails, but only lasted a few seconds before bursting out in giggles. Rarity smirked, satisfied that she wouldn’t have to put in work to crack her like Fluttergoth. It gave her more time to focus on more important matters. “Now if I recall, you were the worst offender when running the shop. Not only driving away customers, but also hurting the feelings of the raccoons that live there. What shall we do about that, hm?” Rarity looked over the tools she hadn’t used yet, grabbing the hairbrushes after a bit of thought. Severeshy’s pupils shrunk upon seeing Rarity’s weapon of choice. “N-No...please! Rarity! I-I’m sorry!” Before Rarity pressed the bristles to Severeshy’s feet, she pointed the brush at her. “You know, Fluttershy, I’ve been wondering this for a while... I’ve noticed each one of you has shown resistance. Why is that?” “Resistance? Of course we would show resistance to this, Rarity! Wouldn’t you object to being treated this way?” Severeshy said in indignation, secretly relieved that her tickling had been delayed. “Well, for me, yes, I suppose I would,” Rarity admitted. "However, I figured that you would at least enjoy being tied up and tickled for a bit.” “Me? Don’t be ridiculous, Rarity! I would never!” she scoffed, her cheeks getting a tint of pink. Rarity clicked her tongue. She could hear a slight waver in her voice during her denial. “Really? If I know my Fluttershy, I would say that she would adore being tickled like this.” She shrugged, getting back to her original plan, dragging the hairbrushes down her feet. “EEEEHAHAHA! N-NOHOHOHO! STOHOHOHOP!” Severeshy threw her head back in wild laughter, trying to jump away from Rarity. “I think you’re secretly enjoying this!” Rarity teased as she slowly dragged the brushes down, making sure as many bristles as possible made contact with her soles. Even with all Severeshy’s struggling, a quick pull got her back in position. “I DOHOHOHON’T! Ahahahand I demAHAHAAnd you stop!” Severeshy tried curling her toes and kicking her legs out, but nothing prevented the brushes from driving her wild. “Still not going to say, hm? I’ll find a way to draw the truth out of you one way or another.” Rarity temporarily put down the brushes, carefully considering her next move.  “Well, I haven’t gotten the opportunity to use this yet…” she grinned, picking up the bottle of oil. Severeshy’s feet trembled as the oil started to drizzle down her soles. The slight massage from Rarity to make sure that her feet got covered did nothing to relieve her tension. Once Rarity finished oiling up Severeshy’s feet, it was back to wielding the brushes. This time, she started at her heels and brushed up. Severeshy let out a squeal loud enough to make the other two Fluttershys recoil in fear. She tried to protest, beg, or curse her out, but her mouth refused to form any words. “And you’re positive that you’re not enjoying this, even just a little bit?” Rarity teased, the two brushes effortlessly gliding up and down her flailing feet. “NOHOHO! Y-YEHEHES! I...I...GAHAHAHA! I CAHAHAN’T STAND THIHIHS!” Severeshy finally managed to get out, her entire body twitching. “Is that so? I wonder if that’s truly the case…” To test her theory, Rarity slipped the wing sleeves off of Severeshy. As soon as the sleeves were removed, Severeshy’s wings spread out with a definitive pomf. “Oh? Care to explain that, then?” “T-that’s because...Um…” Severeshy started to sweat as she stammered, she tried to come up with an excuse as she looked back and forth between her outstretched wings and the smug look on Rarity’s face. Rarity reached forward, her fingers brushing against her wings. “Now, remind me... What does it mean when a pegasus has stiff wings and blushing cheeks?” Severeshy became increasingly flustered as Rarity got closer. The sudden wing attention gave her shivers. “Eeeek! N-No! Get away from my wiiings!” As Rarity scritched her fingers against her wings, her magic made sure the brushes didn’t leave her feet alone. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t these the typical symptoms of an excited pegasus? Are you sure you’re not hiding something from me, dear?’ “EEEHEEHAHAHA! FINE! I-I LIKE IT! I LIKE BEING TIHIHIHICKLED!” Severeshy blurted out. As soon as she heard those words, Rarity stopped the tickling. “Now was that really so hard to say?” “T-There...I said it...Are we done now?” Severeshy panted. Rarity backed up to look at the Fluttershys. “Hm...there’s still some time left before the spell wears off…” she mused to herself as she picked up several of the tools, pointing them towards the three pairs of reddened soles. Hipstershy sputtered in disbelief. “Wait, more? Are you like, for real?” With the use of her magic, a few extra ropes, and some clever knot tying, all three Fluttershys had their ankle bondages tied together, both lining up their feet and ensuring that neither one of them could escape their collective tickling. To avoid playing favorites, Rarity’s magic took care of the task of simultaneous tickling. All she had to do was sit back and watch. Fluttergoth received the makeup brushes. The soft and puffy bristles stroked all over her feet. Rarity had the finesse to give them the occasional twirl as they explored her soles. Fluttergoth let out a mixture of giggles and grunts. The brushes tickling just enough to break past her resistances, but not enough to induce full laughter, leaving her in a frustrating situation. The fuzzy rope snaked around Hipstershy’s toes. When Rarity’s magic pulled on either end, the fuzzy surface tickled between, and occasionally under each toe. Even with all the time for recovery, it only took seconds for Hipstershy to be a blushing mess. “EEEHAHAHA! PLEHEHEASE! WHY CAN’T YOU T-TIHIHIHICKLE LIKE, ANYWHERE ELSE!? BWAHAHA NAHAHAT MY TOHOHOES!” Two of the hairbrushes moved towards Severeshy. Instead of her feet, they were headed towards her wings, taking long and slow strokes across. Severeshy shivered as she felt the slow teasing on her wings. Her toes started to splay out and twitch as the brushes got closer to the wingtips. “Hahahahaaaa! Wait! R-Rariteeeheeheeheehee!” As per Hipstershy’s request, another part of her feet got attention. With her toes tied back, her taut arches were the perfect target for the extra hairbrushes. Hipstershy’s pupils shrank when she felt the stiff bristles strike, throwing her head back with wild laughter. “AAAIIIHAHAHAAA! I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BAHAHAHAAACK!” Severeshy’s feet weren’t left alone. The wheels kept them company, starting at her heels and rolling all the way up to her toes, quickly making a dotted track up her soles. The wheels reached her toes at around the same time the brushes reached her wingtips. Each pass made Severeshy’s laughter build up into a loud squeal, before the tools would go back and start again. The combs that previously tortured Hipstershy’s toes went to Fluttergoth’s feet. One slid across the balls of her foot, the other against her heels. The makeup brushes now focused on her arches, bouncing back and forth between the combs. “GahahaHAAAA! T-That’s SOHOHO much worse than the wheeheeheels!” Fluttergoth cackled. She tried to pull her feet away, but being linked to the other two Fluttershys weighed her down. Before Rarity had time to up the intensity, the refraction stone began to glow, indicating that the hour was up. The three Fluttershys were surrounded by the same glow, the light getting stronger until it was nearly blinding. Once the light faded away, there was only one Fluttershy left on the modeling stage. As soon as Fluttershy was back to normal, she fell backwards, wings and legs involuntarily twitching. The combined exhaustion from all three Fluttershys had hit her simultaneously. “Are you alright, Fluttershy?” Rarity rushed over to Fluttershy’s side, lifting her head up to make sure she was still conscious. Fluttershy let out a dazed giggle, her head dizzily rocking back and forth as her body continued to twitch. Rarity waited until Fluttershy had recovered from the experience before trying to carry a conversation with her. “So Fluttershy, how did it feel?” “Oh, it was a bit like dreaming. I can still remember and feel what you did and said to each version of me. After you cast the spell, it was like being in three different places at once, though it still felt off, like I was always missing a part of myself. Sorry, it’s just really hard to put it into words.” “Hm, perhaps we can get Twilight to use the stone on me so I can see what it’s like for myself…” Rarity mused. “Oh? So that I can tie up and tickle all the different Raritys for revenge?” Fluttershy shot Rarity a sly smirk. “Ahaha…M-maybe.” Rarity laughed nervously. “For now, how about we take a trip to the spa? I have a feeling you’d like some pampering right now...” Fluttershy giggled and nodded. “That sounds lovely!” As the two prepared to leave, Fluttershy looked over at the stage. All the ropes and tools were still scattered about. She knew that Rarity would be willing to do something like this again if she just asked, but given how teasy she was when fueled by revenge, it was enough for her to consider giving Rarity another excuse to get even with her. > The Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh as she buried her face in her towel. Flying above the clouds while doing drills for hours on end certainly worked up a sweat, but the feeling of cooling off in the air-conditioned locker room was a relief on her aching muscles. She grabbed one of the water bottles from her locker, popping the cap off and chugging. The ice-water flowing down her throat revitalized her as she downed the entire thing in one go. “Feeling good, Dash? Glad that training’s over?” Fleetfoot asked. “Ahh...Yeah I am! Can’t wait to get back home and catch up with all my friends.” “Well, I hope that break was refreshing enough, cause you’re not done yet.” Rainbow turned around to see Spitfire standing near the door, a few of the other Wonderbolts stood behind her. “Oh, we’re doing more drills?” she asked, stretching her arms above her head in preparation. Spitfire adjusted her shades. “Not exactly. Training’s all done, but we just wanna give you a little parting gift before you go home…” Several of the Wonderbolts behind Spitfire started to chuckle, reaching their hands forward and clawing their fingers as they made a slow, menacing advance towards her. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in horror. “W-wait, again? C’mon, guys, you already did it to me like a couple of days ago!” she laughed nervously, slowly backing herself into a corner. “C-Can’t we pick someone else today?” “We could...but it’s more fun when it’s you,” Spitfire smirked, blowing her whistle, signaling the other Wonderbolts to charge at her. Rainbow Dash tried to make a break for the door, managing to dodge the grabbing hands of a few of her fellow Wonderbolts. Unfortunately, with Spitfire blocking the only exit, she couldn’t evade them forever, and once one of them got a grip on her ankles, the rest were able to restrain her. Four of them grabbed onto each of her limbs, pinning her down to the floor. Two others started taking off her shoes and socks. “No, please! C-can’t we talk this out? How about we do this next week? Or tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash pleaded, struggling against the tight grip of her fellow Wonderbolts as she felt her arms rise up against her will. Spitfire stood over Rainbow with a smug grin, her arm raised high. The room went silent as they waited for her signal. Once Spitfire threw her arm down, the other Wonderbolts descended onto Rainbow Dash. All at once, they struck. Their fingers dug into her sides, armpits, and hips, and scribbled across her belly and wings. Rainbow Dash panicked, her body twisting from side to side to try and break free. “No, please! No no no no nooOOHAAAHAHA!” Once the tickling started, her body tensed up from pure shock before it went back to struggling. Of course, they weren’t going to just leave her feet alone. The other Wonderbolts pushed and shoved each other for a chance to swipe their fingers down her soles. Usually only getting a second or two of tickling in before being pushed aside by another. “Aww look, she’s screaming already!” “You can take a little tickling, can’t ya?” “Move! I wanna tickle her feet next!” Dash didn’t particularly care that her feet were worth fighting over. The process of their fighting didn’t nearly matter as much to her as the result, which was the torturous sensation of fingers sliding across her feet in every direction at every moment. “Stand aside.” Using her authority as Captain, Spitfire pushed the group aside to get a foot all to herself. This gave her the opportunity to give her a more focused tickling. With one hand, her fingers started at the ball of her foot, and slowly raked down to the heel. Once her hand got halfway down, her other hand started at the ball and followed. “C’mon, Dash, it isn’t that bad, is it?” Rainbow Dash let out a shrill scream. “GAHAHAHAHAAAA! PLEHEHEHEEEASE! AAAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHEHELP MEEHEEHEEHEE!” She cried out, knowing that help was not going to be found in anyone currently listening. Down on the ground at the outskirts of Ponyville, Fluttershy was spending her time resting on the couch and drinking tea, thankful that she could have a day without any planned meetings or world-threatening disasters. Just as she laid down and closed her eyes to nap, there came a rapid series of knocks on her door. Fluttershy let out a quiet, resigned sigh, her peaceful day seemingly cut short. She got up off the couch to answer the door. “...Rainbow Dash?” “Hey Fluttershy. You’re not...busy, are you?” Dash said, a nervous smile on her face. “...Can I come in to talk?” “Of course!” Fluttershy welcomed her friend inside. As Rainbow sat down on the couch, Fluttershy poured her a cup of tea. “I didn’t think that you’d be back from the Academy so soon. How are you enjoying being a Wonderbolt?” “It’s great. Pretty much everything I dreamed of,” Dash said flatly as she took a sip of tea. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in suspicion. She expected her response to have a lot more enthusiasm to it. Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy and tried to fake some excitement. “I mean, it’s amazing! Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s real! You learn a lot being a Wonderbolt…” After a few moments, the facade was dropped. There was no easy way to get it out, but the sooner she knew, the better. “...Mostly that they reeeeaaally like tickling…” “T-they what?” Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat. There was no way Rainbow Dash really said that, right? “Yeah. Aside from embarrassing nicknames, it’s pretty much their go-to method of hazing. It’s routine for one of the unlucky Wonderbolts to get mobbed and tickled all over by the rest of the team.” Fluttershy could feel her cheeks burning redder. The mental imagery was enough to put her in a stunned silence. “I mean, it’s great when you get to tickle someone else.” Rainbow rubbed her temples. “But it’s just the worst when you’re the one being held down, unable to move, as what feels like a hundred fingers start poking you everywhere. As they dig their fingers into your armpits and your sides and your wings...Having them hold your toes back as a bunch of wings flap against your feet…” Pomf! “...Yyyeah. Point is, that’s why I need you to help me…” Fluttershy jolted out of her fantasy. “Huh? O-oh! Help you with what, exactly?” Rainbow sighed. “For whatever reason, they love to gang up on me the most. And I know for a fact that you would love to be in that position yourself, so I need you to...help me be a little more like you with tickling…” “You...want me to help you like tickling as much as I do?” Fluttershy asked. The thought of Dash willingly asking to be tickled was enough to make her giggle. Dash scoffed. “I’m pretty sure that’s never gonna happen. Just...making me tolerate it a little bit is enough.” “I...Are you sure?” “Fluttershy, I’m literally asking you to tickle me to my limits. Can you please say yes before I start regretting this?” “Okay let’s get started right away!” Fluttershy immediately sprang up from her seat, grabbed Rainbow Dash by the wrist, and pulled her upstairs to her bedroom. Once they were in her room, Fluttershy quickly got to work, pulling out ropes, wrist cuffs and fuzzy handcuffs out from underneath her bed. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and sighed. “...On ANY other day I would have SO many questions.” Fluttershy tried to fight past the embarrassment as she looked between the ropes and fuzzy handcuffs. “Alright, so...how do they um...restrain you?” “They, uh...usually pin me down to the floor, make sure my armpits are exposed, they take off my shoes and socks…Ugh...cause they like to fight over who gets to tickle my feet...” Fluttershy nodded, putting the handcuffs back under the bed. “Ok, just lie down here and I can get started.” With a resigned sigh, Rainbow Dash jumped onto the bed, spreading out her arms and legs to the position they’re usually restrained to. Once Rainbow Dash was in position, Fluttershy got to work. First she tied the ropes around each of her bedposts, just below the carved hearts, attaching the other end to the four cuffs. The cuffs were then secured on Dash’s wrists and ankles. “How’s that? Can you move?” Dash started to pull against the ropes, giving them a few test tugs. She turned her arms and legs, but the cuffs were put on tight. Tight enough so that she couldn’t slip out, but not to the point of any major discomfort. “No, so I guess that’s good...” “Alright, then I think we’re about ready.” Fluttershy looked over to the foot of her bed. “Just one more thing before we start…” She grabbed onto Rainbow’s sneakers and started pulling them off. Dash could feel her heart rate skyrocket as Fluttershy took off her shoes. “Fluttershy? I miiight start saying things I don’t really mean. So I’m just...apologizing in advance.” Fluttershy nodded as she put the removed shoes onto the floor, getting to work on pulling her socks off. “Alright, I’ll start as soon as you’re ready, but if it gets too much for you, just say ‘blue’ and I’ll stop, alright?” “You promise?” Dash asked, curling her now bare feet. “I promise.” Fluttershy gave her friend a warm smile to comfort her. “Ok...I-I think I’m ready…” Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth, trying to get mentally prepared. As soon as Fluttershy heard Dash give her the green light, her smile changed from one of gentle reassurance to one of mischievous excitement, so eerily similar to the kind Rainbow would get just before the Wonderbolts attacked. “Good, so am I...” Seeing the sudden shift in Fluttershy’s demeanor, along with her hands slowly moving towards her stomach set Dash into an early panic. “WAIT I CHANGED MY MIND THIS WAS A BAD IDEA STOP STOP STOP!” For a split second, Fluttershy hesitated, but since Dash didn’t say the safe word yet, her hands continued on, though her immediate begging made her reconsider her approach. Perhaps if she eased her into it, she’d get used to it faster. Instead of madly skittering her fingers across her belly like she first intended, she walked her index and middle fingers up her sides. The merciful treatment was a small relief on Dash, though she still dreaded the moment when Fluttershy would inevitably make it worse. Fluttershy moved up Dash’s body, getting to her ribs, changing her approach to quick pokes as she moved up, watching in amusement as Dash wiggled around. “Eeehahahaha!” The switch in strategy got Rainbow to crack, she jolted with each poke to her ribs. After Fluttershy hit the top ribs, she moved up to her armpits, only sliding her index and middle fingers against the exposed pits. “W-WAHAHAHAHAIT! GAHAHAHA!” Even with Fluttershy being as gentle as she was, Rainbow’s thrashing put the strength of the ropes to the test. She fought desperately to lower her arms to defend her armpits. She wanted to scream out the safe word right away, but knew that if she tapped out only seconds after it had started, she’d never be able to last against the real thing. The grin on Fluttershy’s face only grew as she started ramping the tickling up. Her fingers slid into the short sleeves of Dash’s shirt, getting directly to her pits. “NONONONONOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAAAAP!” Rainbow Dash kept yanking her arms down, hoping that she could snap the ropes and break free through sheer force of strength alone. Fluttershy giggled, leaning in closer as the speed of her fingers gradually increased. “Goodness, Dashie, I’m barely touching you! You gotta be tougher than that when I start tickling for real!” “BAAAHAHA SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” As much as Dash was struggling now, she knew that Shy was still going easy on her. Fluttershy slowed her tickling back down. Just before she stopped entirely, her hands shot down to dig into her sides. “GAHAAAAAAAWHYYYY!?” The slower tickling made Rainbow drop her guard, so the sudden attack made her wings start flapping in shock. Rainbow’s frantically flapping wings gave Fluttershy a flash of inspiration. After playing with her sides some more, she moved onto her next target, digging her fingers into the base of her outstretched wings. “OHOHO FUHUHUCK NAHAHAHAT THE WIHIHIHINGS! NOHOHOHO STAHAHAHAP!” Rainbow started wildly flailing her arms, trying to take a swing at Fluttershy off pure instinct. Even though she didn’t say the safe word yet, Fluttershy figured it was for the best to give Rainbow Dash a break. “Um...are you alright?” “Y-Yeah...fine…” Dash started gasping for breath, calming herself down. “You’ve...you’ve wanted to do this to me for a while, haven’t you?” “Maaaybe a little bit,” Fluttershy sheepishly admitted, rubbing the back of her head. “Well, at least one of us is having fun...Just...just gimmie a minute...to catch my breath…” “You know, I don’t remember you being this ticklish, Dashie…” Fluttershy teased. Rainbow Dash threw her head back and cursed under her breath. “Ugh, I swear to Celestia if the Wonderbolts somehow made me MORE ticklish…” “Heehee, you’re making me jealous,” Fluttershy grinned, returning back to her fantasy of a gang of pegasi tickling her all over. “I almost want to join the Wonderbolts myself!” “Trust me, if I could let you take my place for this stuff, I would.” “Speaking of, are you ready for me to continue?” With a heavy sigh, Dash nodded. “Yeah, I guess…” Fluttershy gently placed her hands on Dash’s stomach. The instant tensing and squirming upon contact made her smirk just a little bit. One by one, her fingers started tapping against her tummy. Dash tried to keep the giggling inside, but her breath got shakier with each finger added. Once all ten were moving, she clenched her teeth and craned her head back, groaning in frustration. Fluttershy’s fingers started to wiggle against her stomach, gradually picking up speed. She still wanted to ease into the rougher stuff in hopes that Dash would be able to adjust better. A small, nervous giggle slipped past Rainbow’s lips. The slow and gentle tickles were infinitely preferable to the merciless gang tickling from the Wonderbolts, but it was difficult to enjoy it, knowing in the back of her mind that Fluttershy was going to make it worse eventually. Fluttershy’s hands moved down to her hips, still trying to keep a slow pace. As she went back up, she slipped her hands underneath Dash’s shirt, tickling her toned tummy directly. “Gyaaahahahahaaa!” Rainbow arched her back in shock, Feeling Fluttershy’s hands directly touching her stomach felt so much worse, having her underneath her clothes made her feel embarrassingly vulnerable. Fluttershy let out a little squeal of delight. Dash’s stomach was naturally muscular, but even the light touches were enough to get such loud laughs out of her. The tips of her fingers glided across the grooves between her abs, being careful not to drive her too crazy by dipping into her navel. Rainbow started punching the headboard and the pillows nearby as she cackled. Fluttershy’s excited giggling made her even more embarrassed. “WHY WHY WHYYYHAHAHAHA!?” As Fluttershy playfully squeezed Dash’s abs, her gaze slowly wandered to the side. Those blue feet of hers freely wiggling and curling looked so tempting, but at the same time, she knew she’d only have a few precious seconds to tickle them. She hadn’t heard Dash call out the safe word yet, so it was possible she’d be able to handle just a little bit, right? Her hands slipped back out from under Rainbow’s shirt as she took a step closer to the foot of the bed, then another, and another... Rainbow didn’t know why Fluttershy seemingly stopped, but she wasn’t going to complain about another chance to recover. As she was catching her breath, she looked up to see Fluttershy eagerly staring at her feet with fingers at the ready. In an instant, her entire body tensed up. “NO! Don’t you dare! Don’t you d-AHAHAHAHA YOU BIHIHIHITCH!” Fluttershy’s cheeks quickly turned red from being cursed out. It felt like years since she had Dash’s feet at her mercy, and they were just as ticklish as she remembered. Even the light skittering of her fingers got her screaming. “STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP PLEHEHEHEAASE AHAHAHA FUHUHUHUCK!” Unlike the ropes around her arms, the ones around Dash’s ankles were taut. The most she could do to defend her feet was curl them up or try and slap Fluttershy’s hands away. Fluttershy could feel her wings starting to pop open behind her, but she didn’t care, her focus was on getting the most out of every moment she got to tickle her feet. Her fingers clawed up and raked down her helpless soles. She almost felt bad for tickling her crazy. ...Almost. In her panic, Rainbow Dash looked and saw what felt like an evil grin on Fluttershy’s face. “BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! B-BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE!” She prayed that her friend wasn’t too far gone to hear her and keep her promise. True to her word, Fluttershy instantly pulled back. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” Dash’s toes were still twitching, even as Fluttershy went to check up on her. “Yeah...fine…” she gasped for air, rolling her head to the side, “I...I think...I’m done…” Fluttershy nodded in understanding, quickly getting to work undoing the ropes. “I’m so sorry, did I go too far with your feet?” “Kinda?” Dash rubbed her wrists once they were freed. “It’s just...it’s gonna take a while for me to get used to this…” “Get used to what, being tickled, or me having rope and handcuffs underneath my bed?” “...Yes.” As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash giggled to themselves, Dash sat upright. “I can’t believe I asked for this…” “How often do the Wonderbolts...tickle you?” “Like, every other day.” “Oh gosh,” Fluttershy giggled. “Now I’m getting jealous of them, too!” “Yeah, I know you’re having fun with this at least…” Dash sighed as she put her shoes and socks back on. Fluttershy sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. “How is it? I’m not making it worse for you, am I?” “Well, you’re not nearly as bad as all the Wonderbolts at once, so there’s that. You stopped when I told you to, so that’s nice. I think it might be working, but that might be because it wasn’t as horrible as I expected.” Fluttershy looked at Dash with hopeful eyes. “Does that mean we can do this again?” Dash playfully rolled her eyes. “Yes, Fluttershy. I’ll be back tomorrow, alright?” Fluttershy hugged Dash tight, squealing in delight as she lifted her up. “Ooh, this is going to be so much fun!” “For one of us, yes…” Tomorrow came, and Fluttershy went about her regular business, cleaning up and taking care of the animals around her cottage. The time when Rainbow Dash was supposed to meet up again got closer and closer, and Fluttershy started to worry that she wouldn’t show. Not that she would blame her, she did go a little overboard the first time. When she heard a knocking on her front door, she nearly tripped over herself in excitement as she went to open it. “Oh, Rainbow Dash! You’re here!” “Yeah, I can’t believe it either,” Dash joked. “You wanna get started or what?” The two pegasi returned to Fluttershy’s bedroom, and Fluttershy repeated the process of tying Dash down to the bed. As Fluttershy finished tying the last knot, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “W-Wait, Fluttershy? Can you...keep my shoes on this time?” “Of course!” Fluttershy nodded in understanding. As disappointing as it was to not get at those dangerously sensitive feet again, if it got her to like tickling just a little bit more today, it’d be worth it. “A-Alright, whenever you’re ready then, I guess.” Dash took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare herself. “Same thing as last time. Just say ‘blue’, and I’ll stop no matter what.” Fluttershy decided to start off with lighter tickling again. Her fingertips brushed against Dash’s stomach and sides. Dash quickly broke out in a giggle fit, her hips wiggled from side to side, still jolting from the gentle treatment. She tried to get into Fluttershy’s mindset of enjoying it, though her heart raced with fear imagining the kind pegasus going tickle-crazy. Though Dash’s feet were off-limits, her upperbody had plenty of tickle spots to exploit. Fluttershy just had to be careful to not get carried away. Her fingers dug in a little bit harder into Dash’s muscular stomach, hoping to raise the volume of her laughter. She kept relatively quiet to not fluster her too much with verbal teasing, and to make sure she wasn’t accidentally talking over her if she was screaming out the safe word. “Bwahahahaha!” Even with all of her laughter, Dash’s anxiety was still high. She mentally reminded herself that Fluttershy was a friend that would stop whenever she asked her to in order to try and relax herself. Fluttershy’s fingers picked up speed again, sliding back and forth across the grooves of her abs through her shirt, following her movements every time Dash’s body tried to twist away. Dash’s body was still trying hard to fight back on instinct, but no amount of bouncing and twisting on the bed was able to completely shake Fluttershy off of her. With how much Rainbow Dash was thrashing about, Fluttershy had to control her. As Dash was trying to leap off the bed, her hands shifted from her stomach to her sides, giving them a firm squeeze. “EEEEHAHAHAHAAA NOHOHO!” Fluttershy’s plan seemed to work, as the squeeze temporarily immobilized her. But each subsequent squeeze renewed her thrashing. Fluttershy alternated between squeezing Dash’s sides, and little rapid pokes to her hips using her thumbs. “Heehee, you’re so bouncy today, Rainbow.” “NAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP IT!” Rainbow Dash’s cheeks got noticeably redder from Fluttershy’s gentle teasing; she turned her head to the side to try hiding it. Fluttershy eventually let up to give Dash a chance to breathe and calm down. “Are you holding up alright?” “Yeah...I’m fine,” Dash nodded. The little teasing Fluttershy did earlier gave her a horrible idea. “But maybe you-” Wanting to back out of her suggestion as soon as she started talking, Dash quickly shut her mouth, hoping she didn’t hear. “Hm? What is it?” Dash groaned. “I just thought...if I’m gonna get used to the Wonderbolts tickling me, it might help if you acted like them, too. So...ugh, this is gonna sound so stupid…maybe you could talk like Spitfire or something while you do this?” “I...guess it’s worth a shot.” Fluttershy cleared her throat, trying to make her voice lower and gruffer. She went back to squeezing Dash’s sides. “Come on, Dash! I thought you were tougher than this!” Even if it wasn’t a perfect impression, it was enough to evoke memories of being back at the Wonderbolt Academy. It pushed Rainbow Dash to try and steel herself a little bit more. Fluttershy pouted and glared to try and get into character as she tickled more aggressively. She squeezed and kneaded her fingers against her abs. “You aren’t thinking of giving up now, right? Uh…You’re a Wonderbolt now, aren’t you?” “Y-YEHEHEHES MA’AM! EEEEHAHAHAHAHA!” Dash nodded, not realizing that she was now treating Fluttershy as if she was her commanding officer. “Um, I can’t hear you! I’ll...go for your wings next if that’s what you want!” Fluttershy shouted, trying to get into this impromptu roleplaying session. Dash let out a panicked squeal, her eyes widening at the threat. “NOHOHO! P-PLEHEHEHEASE!” “Yeah! And then I’ll…I’ll...” Fluttershy paused, struggling to find the right words to say. As Dash caught her breath, her face reddened with shame rather than exhaustion. “Ugh, I really just said ‘Yes Ma’am’ to you, didn’t I…?” “S-sorry, I don’t know if I can be a good Spitfire if I don’t know her that well.” “Well then just...say something you would normally say, I guess?” “Alright...” The harsh glare on her face turned into a playful grin. Her fingers squeezed her stomach and danced along her abs. “Ooh, I can’t believe you’re still so ticklish, Dashie! Coochie coochie coo! I’m gonna give your tummy soooo many tickles!” “OKAY THAT’S SO MUCH WORSE AAHAAAAHAAA!” Rainbow Dash arched her back with a wild cackle, her cheeks instantly flushed red. “Your laugh is absolutely adorable! Oh, I’m having so much fun tickling you!” Fluttershy giggled as she spidered her fingers across her stomach. Being given permission to do some verbal teasing meant there was a lot to catch up on. “NOOOOOHOHOHO!” Rainbow Dash quickly wished that both of them had just stayed quiet. Fluttershy slipped her fingers underneath her shirt, feeling Dash’s stomach tense up with each little touch before spidering her fingers all over. “Your tummy is so strong, but so very ticklish, too!” “ALRIGHT STOP STOP STOP STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Fluttershy’s teasing wasn’t humiliating like the Wonderbolts’ hazing, yet it still messed with her mind in ways she couldn’t explain. She squealed and tried to roll around on the bed in an attempt to block her voice out. “And that’s just your stomach!” Fluttershy said, taking her hands out of Dash’s shirt. “There’s aaaaall sorts of tickle spots on you that I want to get to! Like your hips!” She demonstrated by digging her fingers in. Rainbow Dash yelped as her body launched itself skyward. If she was talking about the other ticklish spots on her body, she prayed that her shoes stayed on. “And your wings!” Fluttershy’s fingers brushed against Dash’s outstretched wings, running her fingers through the feathers. “Biiiig tickly wings!” The stimulation made Dash’s wings start to stiffen up. “FLUHUHUHUTTERSHYYYYY! JUST STAHAHAHAHAP TALKIIIING!” Dash pleaded with tears in her eyes, each little tease made her body tingle. “Alright...” Fluttershy pulled Dash’s shirt up just enough to expose her midriff, she leaned in closer and took a deep breath. “Wait DON’T-AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Dash realized what Fluttershy was doing a second too late. Her pleas started to come out just as Fluttershy started buzzing her lips against her belly. She shut her eyes tight, feeling the tears flow down her cheeks. Fluttershy made a dramatic point to lift her head up high to take a deep breath, before descending back down to continue blowing raspberries on Dash’s stomach. “BAHAHAHA FUHUHUHUCK YOUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Each raspberry broke Dash’s concentration, leaving her howling and crying on Fluttershy’s bed, until she finally managed to spit out “BLUE!” amidst all her laughter. Fluttershy’s ears perked up, and she quickly got to work freeing Rainbow Dash while she recovered. “Am I doing alright, Dashie?” “Yeah...you’re definitely making it feel like I’m back with the Wonderbolts. Though usually there’s a lot more of them tickling me at once...” Dash’s eyes widened in a horrified realization. “DO NOT GO AND GET ANYONE ELSE TO HELP WITH THIS.” “Heeheehee, I won’t, I promise,” Fluttershy laughed. “So, um, are you starting to...like being tickled?” “Well…” Dash scratched the back of her head. “It wasn’t as bad as yesterday, I guess. It’s kinda alright just cause it’s you, but it’s terrifying how good you are at tickling...” “Um...thanks?” Coming from Rainbow Dash, that was some sort of complement, at least. “All that tickle talk though...I still have chills…” Rainbow Dash forced herself to return to Fluttershy’s cottage each day to be tied down to her bed and be tickled out of her mind in hopes that she would get used to it. For the most part, Fluttershy was merciful, giving her body gentle tickles at first and gradually increasing the intensity over time. Being able to tickle Rainbow every day was like a fantasy come to life for Fluttershy. Of course she wanted to help her, but an opportunity like this was likely never going to come again, so there were moments where she might have got a little carried away by going too intense too early. Progress was being made, after a few days, Rainbow Dash allowed Fluttershy to take off her shoes and socks, even though she could barely take a minute of foot tickling without screaming and swearing before saying the safe word. It was a long and torturous process, but it would be worth it if she had built up her tickling tolerance. Rainbow Dash was set to go back to the academy for rehearsal in a couple of days, so she needed to prove that she was prepared for them. As Fluttershy finished tying the knots around her ankles, Rainbow Dash went over the plan they agreed on for the day. “Alright, five minutes, and then you’re gonna stop, right?” “Mmhm...” Fluttershy nodded, showing Dash the timer already set to five minutes. “And you promise to stop once the five minutes are up?” “Yes, Rainbow Dash, I promise.” Dash let out a few shaky breaths. “A-Alright…” She was putting a lot of trust to be at Fluttershy’s mercy for such a long time. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash with a reassuring smile. “It’ll be alright, Rainbow Dash. I’ll stop if it seems like it’s too much for you, I swear.” Rainbow Dash sighed, trying to mentally reassure herself. “Okay...I...I guess I’m ready.” Fluttershy started the timer and placed it next to the bed. With the clock running, she started off by wiggling her fingers in Dash’s armpits. “Eeeehahahahaha! Nohohoho whyhyhy?” Dash immediately started squealing and yanking against the ropes. Fluttershy going for her pits first did not make her feel confident she was going to last. After all the strain they were put through in the past couple of weeks, the ropes had frayed considerably. Fluttershy hoped that they would stay intact for five more minutes. Out of caution, she continued tickling at the same speed, dancing her fingers against the taut hollows of her armpits. Dash looked at the timer, seeing that only a few seconds had passed since it started. She pulled down harder to try and defend her pits, hoping that the ropes would snap before she did. Fluttershy let her fingers slide down Dash’s athletic body, giving playful pokes against her ribs and sides before she went for her next target: her wings. “AAAAIIIEEEEEEHAHAHA!” Rainbow’s wings popped open once Fluttershy dug her fingers in. Seeing Dash laugh and thrash around made Fluttershy’s wings pop open too. With all that extra room now available, she started stroking her wings, going from the base all the way to the tips. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE NO! NAHAHAHAT THE WIHIHIHINGS!” Dash tried to flap her wings to escape, but they had stiffened up in shock. It only made it easier for Fluttershy to comb her fingers through and ruffle up her feathers. “Oh yes your wings! Your fast and ticklish wings!” Fluttershy said in a singsong tone. Once she reached the wingtips, she reversed course, sliding all the way back down to the base and staying there, scritching at her exposed wingpits. “AAAAAHAHAHAAA! F-FLUTTERSHYYYY!” The tickling to her wings made Dash squirm and yell, but it was the verbal teasing that got her blushing hard. Fluttershy alternated from gentle strokes against her abs and hard diggings into her wing pits, the smile on her face growing the more laughs she drew out of her. “C’mon, Dashie! You can take a little tickling now, can’t you?” Dash took a look at the timer, horrified at how little time had progressed. “P-PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHA! I CAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “You’re doing great so far! It’s just a little bit more, ok?” Fluttershy’s gentle encouragement was in stark contrast with the aggressive tickle methods. “BAHAHAHA IT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUUUCH!” Tears started to form in Dash’s eyes. “Heehee, I bet it does! Coochie coochie coo!” Fluttershy sang, her fingers lightly dancing against her abs. Even though Fluttershy had temporarily eased up on the tickling, all the cutesy talk was flustering Dash. The soft strokes against her belly forced girly squeaks out of her. Fluttershy lifted her hands up off Dash’s stomach, gleefully walking towards the foot of her bed. With the small amount of time Dash had where Fluttershy was not tickling her, “P-Please be gentle…” she whimpered, knowing exactly what Fluttershy was going to do next and knowing there was no stopping her. Fluttershy decided that she had enough time to grant Dash’s request and at least start out gentle. Her fingertips slid down her arches, eager to hear her reaction. “KYAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” With the ropes so taut, all Dash could do with her feet was curl them up in defense. Rainbow’s howling laughter and fidgeting feet made Fluttershy’s wings twitch with excitement. Her fingers started wiggling against her toes to try and get them to open up for more tickling. “Gonna tickle aaaalll over your feet, Dashie…” “NONONONO FLUTTERSHY MERCIHIHIHIEEEHEEHEEHEE! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Dash’s toes uncurled and slightly spread out, much to her dismay. Fluttershy’s words painted a picture in Dash’s mind that made her wings shiver. “Ooh, I love hearing you laugh like this!” Fluttershy was absolutely giddy as she tickled, getting her fingers under and between her twitching toes. “A-tickle tickle tickle your toesies!” Dash’s ears folded to the sides of her head, but she still couldn’t block out Fluttershy’s teasing. She could feel her cheeks burning up as she screamed with laughter. “OHMYGOSH DOHOHOHON’T!” “I’ve always loved how ticklish your feet are!” Fluttershy cooed, having her fingers poke and wiggle against random spots. “Oh, this is so much fun, I don’t want to stop! I wanna keep tickling your cute feet all day long!” Rainbow Dash could feel her blush reaching all the way to her ears with all the verbal teasing Fluttershy was giving her. She wildly swung her arms around, “EEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA! SHY PLEHEHEHEHEASE! TOOHOOHOO MUHUHUHUHUCH! TIHIHIHIHICKLES TOO MUHUHUCH!” As Fluttershy raked her fingers down Rainbow’s soles, her wings trembled. She could also feel the blush on her face burn her cheeks. “Laugh for me, Dashie! Lemmie hear that wonderful ticklish laughter of yours!” Rainbow Dash had no choice but to comply. She screamed, gasped, and cursed, and her laughter echoed throughout Fluttershy’s bedroom. She tried to struggle, but found her feet seemingly immobilized. The rest of her body could thrash around fine, but her feet were helpless against Fluttershy digging her fingers all the way down her feet. All the playful verbal teasing made her mind fuzzy, making it near impossible to focus on anything that wasn’t the intense tickling against her soles. Just as Fluttershy was ready to reach under her bed to get some more tools for her feet, the loud ringing of the alarm indicated that their time was up. She quickly snapped out of her tickle-dom state to free Rainbow Dash from the fraying ropes and give her a much-needed refreshment. Dash was still a mess long after Fluttershy stopped tickling, lying on the bed gasping with wheezy giggles as her toes twitched. It wasn’t until after she chugged down some cool water that she began to calm down. “Are you ok, Rainbow Dash?” “Y-Yeah...I’m fine now. Aaah...I’m pretty sure that was more intense than any drill or tickle attack the Wonderbolts have put me through.” “So, do you enjoy being tickled now?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes twinkling with hope. “Oh, it’s still horrible,” Dash said bluntly, shaking her head. “...But it’s not the worst thing ever anymore. So...thanks, Fluttershy. I hope this helps the next time the Wonderbolts try it on me again.” “Ah…So I guess that’s the last time we do this, huh?” Fluttershy said, trying to hide her disappointment. Rainbow Dash let out a heavy and conflicted sigh. “Well, you made me not hate being tickled entirely...so maybe it’s not impossible for you to help me learn to like it a little bit.” Fluttershy gasped. “R-Really?” “Not any time soon, though.” she interjected. “Please...for the sake of my sanity.” “Heehee, alright, alright.” Fluttershy giggled. “Well, I know I had a lot of fun tickling you, but I really hope that I could help out.” “I guess we’ll see once I get back to the academy…” As Rainbow Dash made her way back home, she realized exactly what she agreed to and froze in shock. “...Oh my gosh, I think I might actually be starting to like this.” Once Rainbow Dash had returned to the Wonderbolt Academy, the biggest thing on her mind was when they would inevitably strike and tickle her senseless. She hoped that all that training with Fluttershy was worth it. As all of them lined up to start their drills, Spitfire matched out in front of them. “Welcome back, team! I hope you all enjoyed your time off, because we’re going to be working your wings to the bone!” Spitfire yelled, standing at attention. “Now then, before I make you do laps, there’s something I think we should do first...” Rainbow Dash felt her heart sink. She could feel all eyes turn towards her. “Since Rainbow Dash is our newest member, I think we should give her a special welcome back!” Spitfire smirked, looking in Dash’s direction. “Just so she feels at home with the team!” Before Dash could try and run. The Wonderbolts next to her grabbed onto her arms and held her down on the nearby grass. It didn’t take long for the Wonderbolts to swarm around her and pull her shoes and socks off. “Please let it be worth it, please let it be worth it…” Dash mentally repeated as she watched the other Wonderbolts push each other aside, wanting to get a good spot to tickle. Without a signal from Spitfire, the Wonderbolts got to work, all of their fingers digging and wiggling all over Dash’s body, waiting to hear that laugh of hers again. As she felt the fingers scribble everywhere from her armpits to her hips, Dash’s previous doubts were quickly cleared up. This was still torture, but thanks to Fluttershy, at least it was a more tolerable torture. It did not prevent her from being any less ticklish and squealing with laughter, however. Most of the Wonderbolts grinned, Dash’s laughter only fueled them to tickle harder, and fight each other to get the opportunity to do so. They dug into and stroked her wings, slid up and down her armpits, and poked around her ribs. Her feet were still the popular spot to target, with over a dozen fingers skittering all over her defenseless soles. “BAAHAHAHA! FUHUHUHUHAHAHAHA!” The grip of the other pegasi gave Dash a little more freedom to struggle compared to Fluttershy’s ropes. She could slip her wrists away for a bit, even if they would just grab her again. As bad as it was being tickled everywhere at once, it was surprisingly nowhere nearly as bad as Fluttershy focusing on one ticklish part of her body. “Huh, usually you’re crying and begging right about now,” Spitfire mused as she watched her team work together to make Dash a ticklish wreck. “Soarin’! Hold her toes back for me, will ya?” Soarin’ did as he was told, pushing the toes on her right foot back. As the other Wonderbolts continued working over her upperbody, Spitfire dug her fingers underneath her restrained toes. “AAAAIIIEEEHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOHOHOHO!” Rainbow Dash violently thrashed against her teammates, trying to kick Spitfire away. “Still as ticklish as ever, aren’t you Dash?” Spitfire spidered her fingers over her soles. “You might have the most ticklish feet I’ve ever seen on a pegasus…” Pomf! Though she wasn’t fully aware of it, Rainbow Dash’s wings sprung open and stiffened up. Spitfire nearly let out a laugh in disbelief. After collecting herself, she slipped her fingers between Rainbow’s toes. “Well, haven’t seen that happen before...” Dash didn’t understand what Spitfire was referring to...until she felt fingers scratching and stroking through her now outstretched wings. “Now why would something like this happen?” Spitfire thought aloud. “The wings, the blush on your face...It’s quite a reaction from someone that hates being tickled, unless…” She looked at her with a knowing smirk. “Did you go through some ‘tickle training’ just for us, Dash?” Dash started to tear up, the question barely registering in her head. “EEEEEHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!” “Answer me!” “GAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHES MA’AHAHAM!” Dash blurted out in a panic. “Well, we were gonna get Fleetfoot tomorrow…” Spitfire said, prompting a shocked “Hey!” from the other pegasus. “But since you’re so used to it, we might be doing this to ya more often. Not all the time of course, but you might just be the first Wonderbolts favorite…” Rainbow Dash mentally cursed herself out. This was definitely not how she wanted her legacy to be as a Wonderbolt. All those sessions with Fluttershy paid off, just not exactly in a way she wanted. “Gotta say, Dash. I’m impressed by the dedication. Didn’t think anyone would willingly put themselves through more tickling,” Spitfire said as she raked down her taut arches. “You must’ve had a friend to help you out, huh?” “AAHAAAA YEHEHEHES! IHIHIT’S FLUTTERSHAAHAHAHAHAHYHYHY!” Dash quickly nodded, more worried about her current situation than the future situation she’s putting Fluttershy in. “Interesting…” Spitfire smirked. Perhaps she should pay a visit to Dash’s friend later... > The Recruit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a typical day in Ponyville, Fluttershy would usually be found outside her cottage, caring for the animals as usual. Today, despite the pleasant weather and complete lack of impending doom threatening Equestria, she had stowed away in her own room, still under the covers, reading the next installment of Daring Do. Though the adventure genre didn’t quite fit in with the rest of her personal library of animal care books, Rainbow Dash’s enthusiasm and meeting the adventuring author face-to-face sparked enough of an interest to get her into the series. It also gave her the ability to visualize wild and fantastic journeys from the comfort and safety of her own bed. Just as she was about to find out how Daring Do would escape from the thorny clutches of Dr. Wisteria, she heard a rapid pounding at her cottage door. With a disappointed sigh, Fluttershy put her book on her bed stand and rolled out of bed, stretching her legs as she went to the door.  As her mind was trying to predict how the cliffhanger would be resolved, she opened the door to an unexpected sight. A yellow pegasus mare with a bright orange and amber spiky mane, a pair of shades, and an athletic tank top and shorts stood there with her arms folded. “Hey, you’re...Fluttershy, right?” the pegasus asked. “Um…yes.” Fluttershy nodded. This pony definitely looked familiar, but it took a while to finally put a name to the face. “And you’re Spitfire?” The mare nodded with a confident smirk on her face. “That’s me. Nice to meet ya.” “Um, are you looking for Rainbow Dash or something?” Fluttershy asked, wondering why the captain of the Wonderbolts was visiting her of all ponies. “Dash? Nah, I came to see you, actually. Wanted to ask for your help with something.”  Fluttershy flinched backwards in surprise. “Huh? M-Me?” “Mmhm. Mind if I come in?” As Fluttershy let Spitfire in, her guest made herself comfortable on the couch. “Um, if you don’t mind asking, what exactly do you need me for? My flying skills aren’t nearly as good as Rainbow Dash or any of the Wonderbolts…” “Heh, I didn’t seek you out cause I needed your flying skills,” Spitfire shrugged. “I got word that you’re a pretty skilled tickler.” The casual and sudden usage of the t-word made Fluttershy’s entire body freeze up. “W-What?” Spitfire chuckled at her flustered reaction. “Yeah, heard that you were something of an expert when it comes to tickling.” “I...wait...expert?” Fluttershy stammered, wondering who was out there telling Spitfire and Celestia-knows how many other ponies about her tickling “skills”. “I mean, if you got Dash of all ponies to willingly ask to be tickled, you gotta be doing something right.”   Fluttershy could feel her entire face turning red. It was embarrassing enough when her trusted friends found out about her fetish, but for someone who’s essentially a total stranger knowing? It was mortifying! “Heh, that’s just what I heard, anyway,” Spitfire casually leaned back on Fluttershy’s sofa. “If it’s not true, then I won’t bother you anymore, Just figured I’d find out for myself.” “Uh…What...exactly did you hear about me?” Fluttershy sheepishly asked, fidgeting her fingers around. Spitfire gave Fluttershy a sly smirk. “Well from what I heard, even though Dash hates being tickled, there was still someone she went to see each day to try and build up a resistance to it. And the way she described it made it sound like they definitely knew what they were doing.” Fluttershy began to blush more out of awkward embarrassment than sheer terror. “So, you came over all this way just to see me?” “Well, with such a glowing endorsement from your friend, I wanted to try it out for myself.” “You...want me to tickle you?” Spitfire let out another chuckle, though this one had a notably nervous waver to it. “Yeah, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to see what you can do.” Fluttershy let out a long exhale. This offer was just as enticing as it was awkward, but it wasn’t an opportunity she was willing to turn down.  “Alright, I’d be happy to show you! J-Just follow me, please.“ Fluttershy brought Spitfire up to her room, her heart pounding with anxiety. “So this is where you’ve been tickling Dash, huh?” Spitfire smirked as she looked around. “Um, pretty much.” The feeling of bringing another mare into the bedroom was incredibly awkward, and knowing it was for fetishistic purposes didn’t make things easier. “So...how do you...want to do this? Like, anything specific you want?” “How ‘bout you just do to me what you did to Rainbow Dash? I wanna go through the same stuff she went through, sounded pretty intense from the way she described it.” “Oh, I, um, I think I can do that,” Fluttershy nodded, recalling the setup from those days. She grabbed the same sets of rope and fuzzy handcuffs from underneath her bed. “Could you lie down on the bed then, please?” Spitfire did as she was asked, chuckling to herself at how fast the flustered pegasus got the bondage tools. “Already prepared, huh? Good sign of things to come...” Just as she did to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy got to work restraining Spitfire. The ropes went around the bedposts, and would later be tied to the cuffs around Spitfire’s wrists and ankles. “So...you like tickling, too?” “More like love it,” Spitfire chuckled, clearly reminiscing as her wrists were cuffed. “Always enjoy making an unsuspecting member beg with laughter in seconds.” The tips of Fluttershy’s wings started twitching. “What about being tickled?” A slight blush appeared on Spitfire’s cheeks. “Yeah, that’s fun, too. Been a long time since I’ve properly gotten tickled, though.” “Oh? I hope I’m good enough to give you what you were looking for...” Fluttershy said as she made sure the last rope was tied securely. “Pfft, don’t worry yourself too much. I’m sure you’ll do just fine. Now c’mon, tickle me good!” “Um, alright. If it gets to be too much, just say ‘blue’.” With a much more enthusiastic pegasus tied to her bed, Fluttershy felt that she didn’t need to ease into the intense stuff. Her fingers went straight for Spitfire’s stomach, digging into her slightly exposed midriff. Spitfire managed to keep the giggling inside as her body started to squirm underneath Fluttershy’s fingers. “Khhh...T-That all you g-got?” She taunted, her hips rocking from side to side. “Oh goodness no, I’m just testing to see how ticklish your tummy is!” Fluttershy grinned, her wings flapping with excitement. Her hands slid underneath Spitfire’s tank top, dancing against her toned tummy. Though no laughter came out from Spitfire’s lips, the wide grin on her face, strained grunting, and tensing of her body meant that Fluttershy’s methods were still proving effective. Fluttershy’s fingers slid against the grooves of her abs, feeling each little tremble at her fingertips. “You can’t hold it in forever…” Spitfire started to sweat. From the little bit she’s experienced, it was clear that Fluttershy knew what she was doing, but Spitfire wanted to see more of what she could do. Fluttershy needed to earn her laughter. Slowly but surely, Fluttershy’s focus was shifting from how awkward the situation was to her towards trying to find a way to break through Spitfire’s defenses. Her fingers dug in a little bit deeper into her abs, vibrating her fingertips in place. A loud sputtering came from Spitfire’s lips, but she quickly shut herself up before she lost her composure completely. The first few beads of sweat started to drip down her forehead. Despite Spitfire seeming so close to cracking, Fluttershy didn’t want to dwell at one place for too long. She decided to move on and see if there was a more ticklish spot she could exploit. Spitfire let out a quick sigh of relief as Fluttershy’s fingers left her stomach, but she still couldn’t breathe easy, as she felt those fingers walking up her ribcage. Her hips jolted with each individual step Fluttershy took. Fluttershy’s fingers moved up and down her ribs, poking at the little gaps between to see if any of them were the key to getting Spitfire to laugh. It was a little easier for Spitfire to keep it together. There were a few quick snorts and a little wiggling, but she kept her cool. She looked up at Fluttershy with a cocky, teasing glint in her eyes. “C-C’mon, thought you’d get me laughing b-by now…!” “Ooh, you’re really asking for it!” WIth a renewed and determined drive, Fluttershy’s fingers moved past her ribcage and started brushing against her armpits. Spitfire’s reaction was immediate. Her pupils shrunk as the rattling of the handcuffs indicated that she tried to forcefully pull her arms down. But what was the most distinct was the sound that slipped past Spitfire’s lips. “Mmmphehehe…” Fluttershy’s ears perked up. “Oh? Did I just hear a giggle out of you?” She leaned in closer, her fingers started at the top of her armpits and slowly traced down, staring Spitfire in the eyes to give her that same cocky look back. “Hnnngh! Eeehee! Ahahahack!” Try as she might, Spitfire couldn’t stop herself from her giggle fit. Even the light teasing of her armpits produced longer and louder bursts of laughter the longer Fluttershy stayed there. “Still trying to keep it in?” Fluttershy grinned, slowly wiggling her fingers as they hovered menacingly above her exposed pits. Despite Fluttershy maintaining eye contact, Spitfire found herself getting quick glances at those wiggling fingers, watching in anticipation. “I wonder if you’ll be able to resist when I...do...this!” “Bwahahahahahahaaaaa!” As soon as Fluttershy finished her sentence, she struck, madly skittering her fingers in Spitfire’s armpits. The speed of her fingers combined with the sudden tickling meant that she finally broke through Spitfire’s defenses. “There it is!” Fluttershy smiled to herself. Even if she didn’t know Spitfire all that well, finally managing to get some laughter out after her resistance still had some satisfaction to it. She kept up her ticklish onslaught, sliding her fingers up and down her armpits. Now that she didn’t have to hold it back anymore, Spitfire happily let loose with laughter. With both of them now getting more comfortable with the situation, she was eager to see what else Fluttershy might have planned for her. There was a bit of thought from Fluttershy to move onto other places now that she got Spitfire laughing, but she wanted to explore her ticklish pits for a while longer. She dug her fingers deeper to push her laughter further. “EEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Spitfire’s cheeks started to burn red as she let out a high-pitched squeal that contrasted her normally gruff speaking voice. Fluttershy briefly recoiled at the outburst, letting out a small surprised squeak of her own. Though taken by surprise, hearing Spitfire laugh that hard started getting her excited. With an eager grin, she skittered her nails in those exposed hollows, wanting to draw out that kind of outburst again. “Tickle tickle tiiiickle…” “OHOHO FUHUHUHAHAHAAA!” Fluttershy’s nimble fingers made Spitfire arch her back, her wings spreading out as if trying to take off from the mattress she was tied to, Seeing Spitfire’s wings pop out gave Fluttershy a quick spark of inspiration. Not waiting on a moment to rest, her fingers went straight from her armpits to her wings, running her fingers through her feathers. “GAAAAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO!” The cracking of her voice and repeated tugging on the ropes meant that there was a tiny bit more desperation from Spitfire once Fluttershy aimed for the new spot. The squeals in Spitfire’s laughter gave Fluttershy the confirmation she was hoping for. “Ooh, what do we have here?” She taunted with a singsong tone, her fingers dancing along her wingtips. “Does the captain of the Wonderbolts have veeeeery ticklish wings?” Spitfire answered with more girly giggling. Though she was far from protesting or saying the safe word, there was some part of her that was getting incredibly worked up, an unexplained frustration deep inside as Fluttershy was literally ruffling her feathers. “Such a tough and fast flier, but still super ticklish, just like Dashie!” Fluttershy noted, giggling at the similarities between the two as her hands wandered around her wings, before digging into the base. Those finely manicured nails hitting her wingpits made Spitfire arch her back and let out a drawn-out, screaming laugh, her body stayed in that position for a good four seconds before her body could move and thrash again. Fluttershy’s wiggling fingers went back to exploring Spitfire's wings, moving up, down, doubling back, and circling around at random, never staying in one place on those pristine feathers for too long. “Who’s a ticklish little pony?” “AHAHAHAHAHA MEHEEHEEHEE! I-I’M A TIHIHIHICKLISH L-LITTLE POHOHONY!” Just as soon as Spitfire blurted out those words, her eyes widened in shock, and the subtle blush on her face intensified in color. Even though she hadn’t said the safe word, Fluttershy decided it was probably for the best to give Spitfire a chance to recover. “Oh my...you weren’t kidding. You really do love tickling...” “Aheh...didn’t become the hazing method of the Wonderbolts out of nowhere…” Spitfire weakly chuckled as she caught her breath. “I think I might be jealous, I mean, having a whole team of ponies that would love to just gang up and tickle you? That sounds like heaven!” “I mean, as much as I like it, I definitely don’t want the rest of my team figuring it out. Can’t exactly lead the team with confidence if everyone knows just how badly I squeal, you know?” “Well, I didn’t think you’d be so ticklish,” Fluttershy teased. “Not nearly as ticklish as Rainbow Dash, but...” It wasn’t the most flattering comparison, but it still felt like high praise. “Heh, yeah, she’s one of our favorites to tickle back at HQ. I’m guessing you love messing with her, too?” “Oh she’s so much fun to tickle! I think her laugh is absolutely adorable!” Fluttershy grinned, the tips of her wings twitched as she talked. “But I’d probably drive her crazy if I got to her as often as I’d like to.” “I can imagine. You sure know what you’re doing.” Spitfire sheepishly chuckled. “I, uh, still can’t believe you got me to say that…” Fluttershy giggled at the memory. “Well, I couldn’t believe it either!” “I bet you could teach me a thing or two about tickling,” Spitfire said half-jokingly. “Heck, the whole team could probably learn something from you!” “W-What? Teach?” Fluttershy tensed up at the idea. “I don’t know, it’s not like I’m some sort of expert or anything…” Spitfire scoffed. “Well you got both Dash and me to squeal like fillies, it’s gotta count for something, right? Doesn’t have to be a whole lecture, you could demonstrate like you did before!” “That...does sound a lot easier…” Hearing Fluttershy start to turn around made Spitfire grin. “I thought it might.” The tips of Fluttershy’s wings started to twitch and stiffen. “Do you want to have a turn, then? I’d um...love to see the techniques of a Wonderbolt...” “Sure, I’m down for a little bit of revenge,” Spitfire joked, already wiggling her fingers in anticipation. In a few minutes, the two pegasi swapped places, with Spitfire standing over Fluttershy, now bound and cuffed to her own bed. “Ya good to go?” Spitfire asked. “Mmhm!” Fluttershy nodded, a nervouscited grin on her face. “Show me what you can do!” Spitfire flashed a mischievous smirk as she sat down on Fluttershy’s thighs. “Alright, just lemme know if it gets to be too much,” Not wanting to waste time and eager for a bit of payback, she leaned over Fluttershy, clawing her fingers to dig right into her sides. “EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Fluttershy’s back arched upwards as she let out a startled scream. The instant squealing reaction got Spitfire excited, squeezing her thrashing hips with more intensity, hoping that the pegasus’s volume would match her efforts. “AAAAAAAH! AHAAAHAAAA! OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!” Fluttershy howled with laughter, her body instinctively twisted and jumped, trying to wriggle out of Spitfire’s grip. “Heh, and you teased me about being ticklish? Just look at you!” Spitfire taunted, swapping spots to scribble her fingers in her armpits, her hands alternating between quick swipes in the taut, exposed hollows. Fluttershy’s voice kept cracking between peals of laughter, only interrupted by a quick gasp of air, before resuming to delighted, ticklish squeals. Spitfire dragged her fingertips down her pits all the way down to her hips, sneaking underneath her shirt and spidering all over her tummy, giving the occasional squeeze to her sides just to make her jump. As Spitfire scribbled her fingers all over her defenseless stomach, Fluttershy started to see where Dash was coming from. Spitfire was quick, aggressive, and relentless. For Fluttershy, it was an absolute treat, but she could see why Dash was being driven crazy. While underneath Fluttershy’s shirt, Spitfire had a flash of inspiration. “Oh, you’re really gonna get it now…” She decided to go a little deeper and sneak behind her back to dig into the wingpits, the same spot that cracked her before. “KYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AIIEEEEHEEHEEHEE!” Fluttershy started taking bigger gasps for air between longer streams of laughter. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes and dripping down her cheeks. Just as Fluttershy started to feel light-headed, Spitfire slowed down and eventually backed off. “You alright? How was that?” “Eeheeheehee...So intense…B-but so fun...You’re real good and, um...intense...” Fluttershy giggled, still recovering from the tickle-high. “It’s very tiring, but in a fun way!” “You really think so?” Spitfire smirked. “Anything you think I should do differently?” “Maybe you could try going a little slower?” Fluttershy suggested. “You were tickling me everywhere and putting everything into making me laugh, and it really worked, but it might be worth it to find the best tickle spots and focus on them.” “Slower, huh? Not sure how well that’d work out when about five other Wonderbolts are tickling at the same time with others waiting to get their turn.” “Well, for now, maybe just try it on me? Take your time and find out where I’m the most ticklish,” Fluttershy said with a little teasing wiggle of her hips. Spitfire’s hand hovered over Fluttershy’s body, ready to take her advice. “Alright, worth a shot.” She started with rapid finger pokes to her hips. Not as aggressive as digging her fingers in, but still enough to draw out laughter. Fluttershy responded with some pleased giggles, the inviting hip wiggles turned into frantic jolts. The volume of her voice jumped with her body whenever Spitfire poked her in just the right spot. Hearing Fluttershy squeak caught Spitfire’s attention. She started poking more methodically, slowing down until she heard her voice raise or her body jolt, focusing more of the light tickling in those specific spots. Soon, Fluttershy was constantly bouncing on her bedsheets, letting out some mirthful laughs despite the lighter approach. After a few more key pokes, Spitfire figured that she got a good sense of how ticklish Fluttershy’s hips were, and moved onto her sides to compare. “Mmmhmmhmmhmm!” Fluttershy’s laughter died down to giggles, though she still shook her hips around on the bed, the tips of her outstretched wings trembling as Spitfire tried out different spots. Seeing that Fluttershy’s sides were significantly less ticklish, Spitfire decided to move on to her ribs, walking her fingers up the spaces in between. “Eeeheeheeheeheeheep!” Fluttershy’s laughter jumped up. Her eyes carefully watched Spitfire’s fingers climbing up her ribs, her body tensing with each rib they passed. While Spitfire was poking around for a potential tickle spot on her ribs, her focus was set a little bit higher. Those exposed armpits were just so tempting, and judging by Fluttershy’s expression as her fingers ascended, she was about to hit a sweet spot. She quickly slid her fingers up to her armpits for a bit more payback.  Despite the fact that she was fully anticipating it, Fluttershy jolted in surprise by the quick shift to her armpits. “EEEYAAAHAHA!” Her response was similar to the first time her armpits were attacked. Spitfire’s nimble finger strokes were relatively lighter compared to the constant scribbling from before, but Fluttershy found herself throwing her head back, squealing with giddy laughter. Spitfire grinned to herself for finally drawing some real laughs out of Fluttershy. Her fingers went down her smooth pits in sequence before returning back up to repeat the motion in less than a second. “EEE! EEEHEEHEEHEEK!” The pitch of Fluttershy’s laugh started rising as the pink on her cheeks started flushing red. With Fluttershy now blushing heavily, Spitfire dialed up the intensity. Her fingers and thumbs honed in on the direct center of her pits, making quick little scratches in one concentrated area. “So, I’m gonna guess your pits are one of your tickle spots, right?” “YAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Fluttershy nodded, her trembling hands making the headboard rattle. “Perfect…” Spitfire grinned, eyeing up her next target. “Now let me see if I can find another one…” Her fingertips traced down her pits to her wings, where she began ruffling her feathers. “Eeeeeheehee! OhmygoshohmygAAAHAHAHAAAAA!” The attention to Fluttershy’s wings made them stiffen up in shock, keeping them spread out like an invitation for Spitfire to keep tickling. Spitfire explored Fluttershy’s wings on a search to find the most ticklish spot, spreading out and going all around, stroking along the tops, skittering against the tips, running through the primary feathers, and scritching at the base. Occasionally, she would revert back to her old technique of wild scribbling, but would eventually remember to restrain herself, even if it took a few protests from her tickled partner. Fluttershy was a constant source of squeals. Turning from side to side couldn’t keep her stiff wings from the ticklish assault, getting especially loud and squirmy whenever Spitfire’s fingers got closer to the base of her wings. Spitfire noted the pegasus’s little struggles, and took full advantage of the learned information, focusing more tickling at her wingpits, “Oh? I think I found another one...” Fluttershy’s wings started flapping in a weak defense. She started making longer gasps for air between screams of laughter. “AAIIIEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” A mental realization had Spitfire back off, giving Fluttershy a chance to breathe. “Heh, it nearly slipped my mind, but I think I can find some more tickle spots of yours…” she turned around a full 180 degrees, sidling closer towards her bare feet. “...right here.” “Eep…!” Fluttershy curled her toes in giddy anticipation. Not being able to see where or when Spitfire would strike first made the wait all the more scary and exciting. Spitfire grabbed onto the toes on Fluttershy’s left foot and pulled them back, making sure she couldn’t wriggle away as she dug her fingers into the center of her sole. With Spitfire sitting on her legs, Fluttershy’s movement for her ticklish thrashing was now severely limited. She was able to wiggle and curl her toes on her other foot, though it gave no sort of defense or relief from Spitfire’s fingers. “EEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” “Woah, did I find one already?” Spitfire teased, feeling Fluttershy’s toes push against the palm of her hand. She applied a little more pressure to keep Fluttershy’s feet stretched out, slowly scritching her nails against her taut sole. Fluttershy’s struggling efforts instantly doubled as she screamed with laughter, a few loose feathers popped out of her wings as they started to flap. “AAAIIIEEE THAT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHOHO MUUUCH!” “Oh, does it now?” Spitfire turned around just to see the look on Fluttershy’s face, noticing the tears dripping down her blushing cheeks. She took a few more slow but deep drags down her foot just to see her face get redder. “Does that drive ya crazy?” “AAAAHAHAHAHAH YEHEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy kept trying to break free from Spitfire’s grip, even to just curl her toes, but she kept applying just enough pressure to make her foot immobile and exposed. Spitfire shifted her fingers to the side to attack her arches and heel next, curious to see just how ticklish the rest of her foot was. Fluttershy’s laughter dipped a significant amount, though given how the pegasus was still helplessly flapping her wings, kicking her feet, and howling with laughter, it didn’t seem to matter that much. With Fluttershy’s toes already restrained, Spitfire finally gave them the attention they deserved, digging at the stems of her toes and fighting against the reactive struggling that ensued. Every time Spitfire’s fingers “accidentally” slipped between her toes, Fluttershy let out a scream that lasted a good second before the laughter resumed. With all the wriggling she was doing, they kept finding their way back between her ticklish toes. Spitfire wanted to keep Fluttershy guessing for a bit, trying to keep the tickling at Fluttershy’s toes by giving them a few quick scritches before letting them slip between during the struggle. “AAAAHAHA OHOHO NOHOHO OHOHO NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Fluttershy started kicking with her other foot, banging her heel against the footboard as she tried to lift and toss Spitfire off her leg, though not getting much progress done due to the poor leverage and the tickling taking away most of her strength. Spitfire let up after one more fierce dig to her sole, turning back around to make sure she was still alright. “So? How was that?” “Ahh...mhmhmhm...m-much better...” she giggled deliriously, her head leaned to the side, caressed by the fluffy pillows as she recovered. “Heh, see? You’re doing a pretty good job teaching me already.” “Mmm...maybe you should come over for some more lessons, then,” Fluttershy said half-jokingly. “Careful, I might just take you up on that,” Spitfire shot back. “So, what now?” After a brief reprieve to catch her breath, Fluttershy responded. “You certainly got the hang of finding tickle spots. I’m trying to wonder what else I’d be able to teach…” Spitfire thought for a bit. “Well, how about you try to break me again? You already know my way of doing things, wouldn’t mind going through another personal demonstration of yours. I’m sure something’ll come to your mind while you’re doing it.” “Ooh, alright!” After looking down at her tormented bare feet, Fluttershy already had a few ideas in mind. After another switching of positions, Spitfire was ready for another round of tickling. “Well, from what I already know, your tickle spots seem to be...here...and here,” Fluttershy said, giving pokes to Spitfire’s abs and armpits, making the mare jolt around and yelp. Spitfire was excited to get tied down to a bed and tickled when she first met Fluttershy. But being at her mercy a second time made Spitfire a little apprehensive, knowing that she was more familiar with most of her tickle spots. “And especially here!” Fluttershy teased, skittering her fingers for a brief moment in Spitfire’s wingpits. “Aaahahahack!” Spitfire’s body tensed up, wondering what Fluttershy was planning with her explanation. “Buuut, there’s still one place I forgot to check…” Fluttershy said, eyeing the foot of the bed, where Spitfire was still wearing her sneakers. Though she followed Fluttershy’s eyesight, Spitfire kept quiet, staring at her own shoes with a growing sense of dread. The little twitching of her shoes and the look on Spitfire’s face told Fluttershy what she needed to know. She slowly pulled on the shoelaces to loosen them up before slipping them off with ease, and her short socks quickly followed. With Spitfire’s feet now bare and exposed, she let out a little worried murmur as her toes defensively curled up. Fluttershy couldn’t help but grin to herself as she indulged in a bit of direct revenge, grabbing onto her toes and pushing them back to keep them taut. “Now, let’s see how ticklish the feet of a captain are…” She kneeled at the foot of the bed and began her exploration of Spitfire’s foot at the heel, skittering her fingers around in little circles. Like before, Spitfire tried to keep her laughter in, but Fluttershy’s fingers dancing along her foot made it near impossible to resist for long, and she quickly succumbed to a giggling fit. Fluttershy walked her fingers up, going up to her sole, listening carefully to detect a change in pitch or volume from Spitfire’s laughter. “Gaaahahahaha!” Spitfire started to struggle and shake her foot, hoping that her own strength would be enough to break free, but Fluttershy’s grip was surprisingly strong, and her foot remained taut and exposed. The sneaky grin on Fluttershy’s face grew as she moved onto her next testing spot, shifting her fingers slightly to the side to get to Spitfire’s arches. “NOOOOOHAHAHAHAHA!” Spitfire’s wings shot open with a pomf as she burst with maddeningly ticklish laughter. She flailed her arms and legs around, uselessly punching and kicking the air as she cackled, with her foot still unable to even get a break from Fluttershy’s tickling. Fluttershy felt her own wings starting to twitch just from hearing Spitfire laugh so loud. She was certain she had all she needed, but just for finality’s sake, she started playing with her toes, alternating between light scritches underneath and snaking in between. Spitfire squealed like a filly the entire time, her toes desperate to curl in order to prevent Fluttershy’s fingers from getting to her sensitive stems, but finding no relief as Fluttershy’s nails skittered along. “Well, that was certainly fun!” Fluttershy giggled, finally letting go of Spitfire’s toes to let them wiggle. The tickling had stopped, but Spitfire knew that it was only temporary. “And now that I know for sure where you’re most ticklish on your feet,” Fluttershy said, aiming her fingers at Spitfire’s arches. “I can keep tickling you there!” “W-Wait, Fluttershy, can’t we tAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BAHAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy focused her tickling on Spitfire’s arches, wiggling her fingers to get her to squeal and squirm as much as she could. “Heehee, does it tickle that badly?” Without Fluttershy holding her toes back, Spitfire had a little more freedom to move around, but it didn’t help her much, as Fluttershy kept close to her feet, never letting her escape for a second. “EEEYAHAHAHAHA YEHEHEHEHES!” “I never imagined that a tough captain like you would have such ticklish feet!” Fluttershy giggled, raking her fingers across her feet. “It’s so adorable!” “BAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHA!” Being called adorable in a cutesy, teasing voice made Spitfire’s cheeks burn red. An electric tingle shot through her entire body, making her shiver. Fluttershy kept piling on the verbal teasing with the relentless skittering against her arches. “I bet Dashie would love to know all this information...how ticklish her captain’s wings and arches are if she ever wanted revenge…” The blush on Spitfire’s cheeks spread quickly across the rest of her face. Her pupils shrunk at the mere suggestion, and she shot her head up to violently shake her head. “NO NO NOHOHOHOHAHAHA!” “Heehee, you look so flustered right now!” Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle seeing how madly Spitfire was blushing. “Your face is redder than your feet are!” She said, raking her nails down her soles. “KYAAAHAHAHAHA! MY FEEHEEHAHAHAHAA!” Spitfire’s feet kept struggling, straining the rope with each kick. The thrashing did nothing to protect her feet, but it did make her tickler’s wings flutter with joy. Fluttershy eased on the tickling, using only her index fingers to poke and scratch at her arches. “I love doing little teases like that, it makes them feel even more ticklish!” Spitfire let out giggly squeaks, her toes twitching and splaying from the light attention. Even with one spot being focused on, she felt tingles on the rest of her soles. “Of course, that’s just how I like doing it,” Fluttershy said, walking back to the side of the bed. “I could always try things your way!” Without a second of waiting, she struck again, digging her fingers into her wingpits. “My WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!?” Spitfire’s whole body leaped in surprise. Fluttershy looked at Spitfire with a playfully evil smile, giving the bases of her wings a rapid poking strike. “BAAAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT MY WIHIHIIIINGS!” Spitfire’s vision was getting blurred by tears. Her stiff wings couldn’t fend off Fluttershy’s fingers no matter how much they flapped. Fluttershy went all over Spitfire’s hot spots, switching between digging into her wingpits, squeezing her hips, spidering over her abs, and scribbling in her armpits, trying to keep the same energetic pace the entire time. She always changed how long she stayed at a particular spot to keep her guessing. “AAAAHAHAA OH FUCK OH FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK!” Spitfire’s whole body jumped off the bed every single time Fluttershy swapped to a different place. She shook her head from side to side, splattering her tears onto the nearby pillows as she let out more mad cackling. With one last squeeze of her hips, Fluttershy moved down to Spitfire’s feet, tickling all over with wild abandon. “A-tickle tickle tickle! No escaping the tickles! Especially when I know aaaaall your tickle spots...” Spitfire nearly went breathless with laughter. She was able to freely wiggle and curl her toes, and kick and scrunch her feet, but none of it was able to spare her feet from Fluttershy’s wicked fingers. Her toes twitched and splayed out through no control of her own, and Fluttershy took full advantage by snaking her fingers in between whenever she got the opportunity. Fluttershy could hear Spitfire struggle to breathe, and let up on the tickling. “Um, How was that? You’re okay, right?” Spitfire let out a few wheezy chuckles as she gasped for air. “Heheh…I think you and I are gonna be real good friends...” “You really think so?” “Definitely. And I know the other Wonderbolts would love to learn something from you, too,” Spitfire said with a wink. Fluttershy still had a few reservations about being introduced to the rest of the Wonderbolts like this, but it also felt exciting. “Aaand if I’m ever in the mood for a good tickling and I have the time, I know who to go to,” Spitfire smirked, seeing Fluttershy blush while in her own fantasy world. “But allow me to pay you back for all the fun…” A couple of days later, Rainbow Dash stretched out her wings as she walked out of the barracks, lining up with the rest of her team. “Alright, listen up!” Spitfire said, marching in front of them. “Before we get started with our training, I want to introduce someone new on our team. So! I’d like you all to meet Fluttershy!” The mare in question landed delicately next to Spitfire, giving a little wave to the others, grinning when she spotted Rainbow Dash in the lineup. “Wait WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash blurted out, quickly shutting herself up before she was chastised for the outburst. “While she’s not an official member of the team, she IS going to be helping out for our endurance exercises. So you better treat her with respect, got it?!” “YES, MA’AM!” “So, how about we give her a little welcoming treat?” Spitfire gave Fluttershy a sly poke to the sides, making her squeak. The other members smirked, slowly walking out of formation to approach the new pegasus. Rainbow Dash was hesitant, but followed behind, welcoming the change of pace. “Not you, Crash.” Spitfire grabbed onto Dash’s arm, pulling her off to the side. “You’re all mine.” “Ah fuck…” As the other Wonderbolts grabbed onto Fluttershy’s limbs, and gently laid her down on the grass, Spitfire pinned Dash down, raising her arms above her head to sit down on them. She hovered her hands above Dash, before skittering into her pits. “AAAAHAHAHA WHYHYHYHY?!” Rainbow immediately started squealing and kicking her legs around, unable to throw Spitfire off due to the lack of leverage. The Wonderbolts were quick to remove Fluttershy’s shoes and socks, and even quicker to start tickling. They attacked from all angles, pairs of hands from mares and stallions alike scribbling all over her stomach, sides, ribs, armpits, hips, and feet. Fluttershy practically screamed with blissful laughter. Her body was unsure of where to turn with all the sudden stimulation from all sides. With the position she was in to keep her pinned, Spitfire was limited to tickling Dash’s upperbody, but she didn’t let that limit her. She danced her fingers along her sides, crawling all the way back up to her pits. “You should count yourself lucky, Dash, it’s just you and me this time. Unless you wanna swap…” “NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Dash shook her head as she wiggled her hips from side to side. She looked over to see the Wonderbolts surrounding Fluttershy like they would her. Her thoughts about what brought her here were constantly interrupted by Spitfire giving her sides a squeeze. The Wonderbolts refused to let up, shoving each other to take a place and a chance to tickle the new girl, to see how loud she’d laugh or how much she’d struggle. Soarin’ and Surprise took turns scribbling their fingers on Fluttershy’s feet, while Thunderland and Fleetfoot dug their fingers into her wingpits and armpits. “EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEP! YAAAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy hardly noticed the fighting. Her eyes were closed tight as the sheer amount of tickling overwhelmed her. All the scribbles and pokes to her stomach and sides blended together. Spitfire’s fingers danced across Dash’s stomach, the uniform allowing her to easily slide across the grooves of her abs. “You know Dash, I think your friend is right. Your laugh is pretty adorable. Coochie coochie coo...” Pomf! As Dash’s wings popped open, her cheeks started to burn red from the verbal teasing from her captain. “Well, what do we have here? A pair of wings just begging to be tickle tickled…” Spitfire chuckled. It was a bit embarrassing to say out loud, especially with the rest of the team nearby, but it was well worth it to run her fingers through Dash’s wings. “GAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHOT THERE! NOHOHOT THAHAHAT!” Dash pleaded, stamping on the ground. It was difficult to focus on, but she definitely heard Spitfire say that Fluttershy told her she had an adorable laugh. She didn’t want to imagine what else Fluttershy might have let slip about her. As a few of the members brushed their wings against Fluttershy’s feet, she could hear them making observations over her own, and Dash’s, laughter. “Ooh, she’s a real ticklish one!” “And cute, too!” “Her feet are super soft!” “Move! I wanna tickle her wings next!” “Let’s try between her toes!” Fluttershy’s mind was getting fuzzy, losing herself in the seemingly endless barrage of tickles all over. She didn’t need to look at Rainbow Dash to know she was most certainly furious at her, but none of that mattered right now. Fluttershy could feel dozens of fingers squeezing, poking, and wiggling all over her most sensitive spots while feathery wings glided over her soles. She heard little teases and compliments about how cute she was. Every bit of movement she tried offered no relief. Each breath she took was only to let out more heavy laughter. It all tickled so much. And it was wonderful. > The Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring Do pushed her way through the jungle, brushing aside the vines to create a path through the untamed wilds. Following not too close behind was her travelling companion for this particular adventure, the ever-timid Fluttershy. “A-are we there yet…?” she muttered, partially to herself, barely getting hit by the brushback of the vines. “We should be getting closer to Wisteria’s hideout,” the adventurer explained. “Shouldn’t be too much longer.” The sudden rustling of some of the leaves nearby made Fluttershy jump in shock, but Daring Do was quick to put a hand above Fluttershy’s mouth to prevent an untimely scream. “It’s fine, Fluttershy,” Daring Do quietly reassured her. “They don’t know we’re here yet, so long as we keep quiet.” The leaves parted away to reveal a lynx that had emerged to examine the commotion. Fluttershy wasted no time crouching down to meet the feline at eye-level. “Aww, hello little guy! We’re looking for somepony, do you know where she is?” The little lynx began to purr, nuzzling up underneath Fluttershy’s chin before pointing its paw over by a clearing in the foliage. “Thank you so much! You take care now, okay?” Fluttershy gently patted the lynx on the head like she would a kitten before sending it off. Daring Do gave her an amused chuckle. “See? Aren’t you glad you decided to come with me on this adventure?” Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile as she saw the lynx walk off. “A-a little bit, yes. Sorry, I know that Rainbow Dash is a lot braver and more adventurous than I am.” “You’re doing great. No offense to Rainbow Dash, but we need to sneak around and be quiet, that’s not exactly her strong suit,” Daring joked. “You’re a lot more suited to help me out. Plus, I did promise you’d see a bunch of different animals in here, right?” Fluttershy giggled. The prospect of exotic animals was one of the bargaining chips Daring Do used in order to convince her to go in the first place. “Mmhm, it’s been wonderful so far!” “Good, now let’s keep going.” The pair of pegasi pushed on, with Daring Do taking the lead. The further they got into the jungle, the more overgrown the plant life had gotten. The leaves of the trees were half their size, and the grass started to reach up to their chins. “Yep, definitely getting closer…” Daring Do noted, finding it harder to push it aside. “I-Is this all Dr. Wisteria’s doing?” Fluttershy asked. “Mmhm, ever since she got ahold of the Pendant of Xochipilli, the plant life goes haywire everywhere she goes,” Daring explained. “I’ve been trying to stop her for a month but she’s always…escaped before I can catch her. Hopefully with your help, we can trap her this time. If we work together, we might be able to corner her to capture her, or at least get that pendant away from her.” Fluttershy looked around at the overgrowth. All the vines had invaded what used to be nests and dens for the animals that lived there. It was a tad selfish, but seeing the damage that Wisteria was causing to the wildlife gave Fluttershy a personal reason to fight back, and helped steel her resolve. Daring Do and Fluttershy went wherever the plant life was the densest, finding it harder to walk without tripping on a thick vine or root underneath. After an exhausting trek, the pair had finally found what they were looking for. The thick jungle had finally given way to the first actual clearing they’ve come across in what seemed like forever. Standing among the towering trees was a temple covered in vines, roots, and flowers. At the center of the temple was a massive tree that had burst through the ceiling, reaching higher and higher as if it were a pillar to the heavens. Outside the temple were a few earth ponies in white labcoats covered in the green of chlorophyll stains. Daring pulled Fluttershy aside, moving back into the thick of the jungle to avoid detection by the guards. “Alright, we found the place. I don’t see Wisteria, but she’s gotta be here.” “S-So what do we do?” Fluttershy whispered, her nerves coming back now that the threatening part of their adventure was right in front of them. “Lemmie think...Alright, there’s a few guards we need to sneak past to get inside. Maybe we could make a distraction and steal their lab coats to disguise as them-” As Daring Do was coming up with an infiltration plan, there was a sudden rustling of the leaves behind her. Before either of them could turn to look, Daring Do was suddenly yanked away, disappearing into the bushes. “Daring DooOOO!?” As Fluttershy reached out for her friend, she felt something wrap around her ankles and drag her in the same direction. Fluttershy felt herself getting dragged through the leaves, bushes, and vines, screaming with fear the entire time. She naturally began flailing her arms in a panic, but started to notice that despite how far she was going, she hadn’t been slammed into any tree or dragged across the ground. After being pulled for what felt like hours, Fluttershy finally came to a stop in another jungle clearing, right next to Daring Do. They had landed in front of another pony, a purple earth pony with a white mane. Like the ponies they saw at the temple, she also had a white labcoat stained with green, but more importantly, around her neck was a crown-shaped emerald that emitted a light glow. “Well, if it isn’t Daring Do! And you’ve brought along a friend this time, too! How lovely!” the mare cackled, looking down at Fluttershy with a crazed grin. “Wisteria…” Daring Do growled. Fluttershy let out a small whimper. They were already face-to-face with who they were supposed to stop, and it was because they got captured. Before either of the pegasi could make a move, Wisteria snapped her fingers, and vines wrapped around their wrists to prevent them from fighting or escaping. “Did you really think you could waltz into MY jungle without me knowing? You truly believe you can take my pendant away from me?” “It’s NOT yours, and you know it.” Daring Do said with a harsh glare, trying to break out of the vines’ grip. “You don’t know what kind of damage you’re causing with that thing!” “Damage!? I’m making things better!” Wisteria barked out. “You just don’t appreciate the beauty of nature, but perhaps when all of Equestria is enveloped in my plants, you’ll see…” “Um, b-but all these giant plants are pushing the animals out of their homes!” Fluttershy spoke up. “You can’t just overrun everything with plant life!” Wisteria looked at Fluttershy, bewildered by her argument. “Hmph, I see that you two are still in need of convincing.” She snapped her fingers again, and her pendant started to glow brighter. She began walking back in the direction the two were dragged from. “Farewell, Daring Do! Perhaps you and your friend will be able to see all the joy my plants can bring after this...” Fluttershy watched in confusion as Wisteria walked away, then turned to Daring Do. “Um...what did she mean by that?” “No...no no no not again, damnit…” Daring Do began cursing under her breath as she struggled against the vines wrapping her up. The vines around their wrists began to pull their arms upwards, keeping them above their heads. “W-What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked, trying to fight back and pull her arms down. “D-don’t panic, I’ll try and get us out of this…” Daring said, trying to be reassuring, but it was clear that she was panicking herself. More vines started to surround the pegasi, crawling towards them on the ground like snakes. Daring grit her teeth, rocking her body side to side to try and escape, but the vines had already surrounded the adventurer, and started sliding into her boots. “What...what are they doing?” Fluttershy looked in every direction, trying to figure out what the vines were up to as they closed in. One of them slithered onto her stomach, prompting an involuntary giggle out of the timid pegasus. In response, the vines poked her stomach again, getting another squeak out of her. Daring Do and Fluttershy felt a sharp pang of dread, both for entirely different reasons. The vines went on the offensive, the tendrils attacked Fluttershy’s stomach first. The way she was suspended above the ground, her midriff was perfectly exposed, allowing plenty of vines to poke and wiggle against her belly and sides. “Eeeeeheeheehee! N-Nohohohohoho!” Fluttershy squeaked and giggled.  Tickling. Why did it have to be tickling? She wiggled around, not strong enough to pull her limbs together and defend herself. With Daring Do, the vines seemed to take their time, slowly wiggling their way into her boots and pushing them off, forcing her to watch as they did the same with her slightly worn socks. “D-Don’t worry, Fluttershy! I’ll save you!” she grunted, already sweating as she tried to fight back against the vines. “O-Ohohohokaaaaaahahahay! Eeeee!” Fluttershy was torn between wanting to escape for the sake of helping out Daring Do, and waiting to see just how many vines were there to tickle her. She could count at least five in total tickling her belly so far, and there were plenty more that still surrounded her. She could feel the tips wiggling around her stomach, though they were starting to explore, going up her shirt to tease her ribs. Daring helplessly watched as two vines wrapped around her toes, uncomfortably grunting as she saw the vines teasingly hovering above her and at her feet. The feeling of two of them sliding up and down her soles made her flinch. “Hnngggh...Nnngh…!” She clenched her teeth, angrily fighting back the laughs building up inside her. Fluttershy’s cheeks were already red from the embarrassing combination of being tickled in front of a friend in an increasingly more intimate places. When she felt them slither up higher to reach her armpits, she let out a loud squeal, her wings popping out with a very noticeable pomf. Daring Do looked over at Fluttershy’s apparent struggle, mentally regretting bringing her along on an adventure that would subject her to this. By the time she looked back, however, the vines decided to increase her own torment with two more vines to slide up and down her arches. Daring was barely able to hold her laughter back, but she couldn’t fight the ticklish grin on her face. The vines over at Fluttershy’s body seemed to take notice of how loud she squealed when they touched her pits, and adjusted accordingly, more of the vines on her belly moving up her shirt to wiggle against her helpless pits, the vines wrapped around her wrists pulling a little more tightly to make sure her pits were nice and taut.  “YAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO!” Fluttershy could feel the vines stretching her arms higher above her head, making the vines tickle even more. Daring desperately tried to keep calm in the situation she was in, but the vines were relentless. Each slow stroke against her soles was maddening. She let out a shaky exhale, barely suppressing the laugh that was building up inside. She watched in horror as another pair of vines slid between her toes, and the adventurer finally broke. “GAHAHAHAHA DAHAHAHAMNIHIHIHIHIT!” Though Fluttershy didn’t look over at what Daring Do was going through, it was a pretty safe guess that she wasn’t also secretly enjoying every moment of this. But she definitely didn’t have Daring’s strength or cleverness, and if she couldn’t break out of the vines, what chance did she have? She barely had the time to worry about escape, as one vine started prodding around in her navel, making her scream and jerk her body around as much as she was able. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHAHAHAAA!” Daring mentally cursed herself. If it were up to her, she’d sacrifice herself and take the brunt of all the tickling to let Fluttershy escape. Unfortunately, Wisteria’s plants were perfectly capable of tormenting both of them. She could feel the vines slithering between her toes, making her throw her head back and cackle with helpless laughter. It seemed like more vines reacted to the sound of Fluttershy’s high-pitched squealing, as more surrounded her to add to the tickling. Just like they did with Daring Do, they slipped into Fluttershy’s footwear, forcing off her boots and dainty socks. “No...nohohohoho! Not my feeEEEHEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEET! AAAHAHAHAAAAHAHA!” Fluttershy’s pleas went ignored. The moment her feet felt the warm and humid jungle air, the vines attacked, wiggling against her slightly sweaty soles. The vines tickling Daring went to explore the rest of her body, sliding down the sleeves of her olive shirt to get to her armpits. Daring clenched her fists, desperately trying to pull her arms down. “YAAAHAHAHA! GET! GET OHOHOHOUT!” Fluttershy felt the vines slipping under her clothes to tickle her ribs and armpits, but plenty of them were content to get at her exposed belly, sides, and feet. She felt the soft yet pointy vine tips poking at her soles and arches, making her scream. “NAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! P-PLEHEHEHEEHEEAAASE! EEEEEEHEEHEE!” Daring Do had started to lose hope that she’d be able to escape, but she felt a couple of the vines stop tickling her. Through teary eyes, she managed to track them slithering all the way towards Fluttershy to tickle her feet instead, much to the yellow pegasi’s secret delight. “AIIIEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAA!?” Fluttershy’s toes splayed out, practically inviting the vines to tickle in between. Each additional vine added only increased her giddy hysterical laughter. “Hehehehehehehe!” The vines didn’t completely leave Daring alone, she could still feel them tickling her soles and armpits, but with less vines tickling her, she could think a little more clearly on how to escape. Fluttershy could feel the vines on nearly every ticklish inch of her body. They stroked her armpits, poked her ribs, rubbed against her sides, and circled her belly. But her feet certainly got the worst of it, with vines on each toe to tickle everywhere on, under, and in between, and making maddeningly slow strokes against her blushing soles. If she wasn’t supposed to be trying to escape, she’d be begging for more. “EEEEHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAAAHAHAAHA! AAAAHAHA DAHAHAHARIIIIHIHIING!” Fluttershy’s helpless ticklish cries had given Daring Do the opportunity she needed. The vines tickling her had left her alone to add to Fluttershy’s torment, leaving Daring Do free to struggle against the vines, pulling her arm down just long enough to grab her pocket knife in her breast pocket. With a few quick slashes, she cut the vines holding her and broke free.  Once she hit the ground, she stood up, threateningly waving her knife at the vines that continued to surround her, keeping them at bay. She slowly walked towards the howling Fluttershy, making sure she wasn’t about to be ambushed by a sneaky green vine. Once she was close enough, she started swinging, releasing Fluttershy from the vines’ tickly grasp. With Fluttershy free, the vines retreated back into the jungle, leaving Fluttershy giggling, panting, and gasping for air while laying on the dirt while Daring kept brandishing her knife. “Sorry you had to go through that,” Daring apologized, helping Fluttershy back up to her feet. “I-It’s fine.” Fluttershy sheepishly giggled. It was probably the best case scenario that she was the one that got tickled the most while Daring was the one to free her, but there was no point in mentioning exactly why. After taking a moment to breathe and put their socks and shoes back on, the adventure continued. “Alright, we got dragged from over there…” Daring said, pointing to one of the openings in the jungle bushes. “Unfortunately, Wisteria knows we’re here now, and that means getting to her is gonna be tougher.” The adventurer let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t usually say this, but if you wanna give up and go home, I won’t stop you. I can try and get her another day. I don’t wanna drag you into more of Wisteria’s torture-” “No!” Fluttershy quickly blurted out. “I-I mean, I’m not going to leave a friend behind. I’m going to help you get Dr. Wisteria, no matter what!” “You sure? This isn’t exactly going to be a walk in the park…” The idea of taking on Wisteria was certainly scary, and she still wasn’t the adventuring type, but Fluttershy didn’t feel afraid of going with Daring Do, even if it was powered by a few selfish private motivations. “I’m sure. I want to help you!” Daring Do smiled warmly. “Thanks, Fluttershy. So! Let’s get going.” She led the way back towards Wisteria’s temple, with Fluttershy following closely behind. After a long walk back, they found themselves back at the temple. Daring Do peeked her head up through the bushes. “Well, good news is that I don’t see any of Wisteria’s guards on patrol outside. Bad news is that means they’re on patrol inside.” “Does...does that mean she’s waiting for us?” “Most likely. Be prepared for anything, Fluttershy.” Keeping a constant lookout for an ambush, Daring and Fluttershy snuck inside the temple. The temple’s interior was covered wall to wall in vines and leaves. Even the floor was littered with plants that Daring and Fluttershy needed to be careful not to trip over. “I don’t see any of Wisteria’s minions...do you think she abandoned the temple?” “I doubt it.” Daring shook her head. “The way she was gloating, I doubt she was scared enough to run. She’s still somewhere here, I know it.” After a bit of silent sneaking around, Fluttershy spoke up again. “Um, Daring? Back when we first met Wisteria and the vines tied us up, you said ‘not again’...What exactly did you mean by that?” Daring pushed the brim of her helmet over her eyes. “Er…L-Like I said, I’ve had plenty of run-ins with her before...” “A-and, did it usually end up with her tickling you?” “...Maybe…” Daring’s response was curt, but it told Fluttershy everything she needed to know. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle a bit. It was understandable why Daring didn’t want to admit that she’d been foiled by her nemesis tickling her on several separate occasions, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of envy. Daring let out a resigned sigh. “...Yeah, I haven’t written about my pursuits of Wisteria because...ugh. It’s humiliating to constantly lose to something like being tickled, let alone write about it happening to you. I mean, who’d want to read about that?” “Oh, I don’t think it’d be so bad…” Fluttershy said, nervously pressing her fingers together. “I-I mean, it should be important to show all the struggles you go through!” she quickly added, realizing what she blurted out. “Yeah, but, I don’t think every little detail about Daring Do’s adventures needs to be published,” Daring softly chuckled. Thankfully, Daring Do was in the front, too busy navigating Wisteria’s temple to turn around to see Fluttershy’s reddening face. The idea of reading an official Daring Do tickle-centered story was incredibly appealing, even if it probably wouldn’t be popular with the reading masses at large. “Still no sign of any of Wisteria’s lackeys…” Daring Do noted, “Wonder if they’re all guarding her…” “So would we have to fight all of them at once?” “Nah, I could probably take them all at once. Maybe while they’re all distracted, you can sneak up and grab the pendant from Wisteria...Though we’ll figure it out when we get there.” The pair traversed through several corridors, trampling through the grass and flowers on the floor. Some of the dead-ends had pitfalls, but wings and quick reflexes meant that they weren’t a problem. Soon, they came across a sealed door that towered above the pegasi. “Well, if Wisteria’s anywhere, it’s gotta be here,” Daring smirked. Fluttershy looked around the corridor. “But there’s no handle on the door, how are we going to get inside?” “Easy,” Daring pointed towards a panel next to the door. It was a large square panel with fifteen different square tiles inside. Each tile had a different sort of pattern on it. Fluttershy touched one of the tiles, sliding it into the one empty slot on the panel. “Oh! I see now!” “Yeah, this is a pretty sorry excuse for a security system! I could solve this in my sleeEEEEEEEEP!?” Fluttershy whipped her head around to see Daring Do once again ensnared by vines. Though these vines were purple instead of the usual green that had been seen around the temple. Fluttershy reached out her hand, trying to rescue her. “No! Don’t! Just solve the puzzle and get inside! That’s more important!” Fluttershy looked back and forth between Daring Do and the door. “I...I can’t just leave you!” “You won’t! I’ll get myself out of this!” Daring grunted, struggling as the vines wasted no time tugging off her boots and socks. Fluttershy stood in front of the sliding puzzle, hands trembling as she could only stare at the tiles. “Oh, I’m not so good at this puzzle solving thing!” Hearing Fluttershy say that didn’t exactly fill Daring Do with confidence, especially as the purple vines slithered up and down her bare feet. “Nnngaaahahahaha!” Daring’s laughter started to get Fluttershy panicked. She slowly slid around the tiles at random, hoping that she’d eventually come across the answer eventually. “C-Cahahan’t you gohoho any fahahahahaster!?” Daring’s arms started to get wrapped up together, forced above her head as the vines stroked against her arches. “I-I’m sorry, I’m trying!” Fluttershy looked at the tiles, trying to figure out what she was supposed to make with the tiles. As Fluttershy was busy looking at the tiles, Daring Do could feel the vines secreting something against her feet as they rubbed up and down. When a vine stroked against her bare sole, Daring’s eyes widened in shock as she screamed. “YAAHAAAHAHAA!?” Fluttershy squinted her eyes, looking at the individual tiles, seeing how the edge of one matched the edge of another. She gasped in epiphany. “Oh! It’s a pitcher plant!” Fluttershy’s little burst of joy quickly faded. She knew what to do, but now she actually had to do it. “NO! NO NO NO NOHOHOHOHOHOHAAAAHAHAHA!” Daring Do cackled, trying to kick her feet helplessly as the vines spread more of their oil across her soles. “STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Fluttershy started to slide the tiles around in a more methodical manner, trying not to get distracted. Though Daring’s heavy laughter sounded enticing, Fluttershy didn’t want to be tempted with a look to watch in envy, or worse, try to join in. “AAAAHAAA IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUUUUCH!” Daring thrashed around, tears began flowing down her cheeks as she felt the vines slide between her toes, and even more purple vines spreading more of their natural oils against her stomach and sides. Fluttershy hoped that Daring Do wasn’t watching too closely, at least not enough to notice her wings twitching behind her back. She had a few tiles correctly in place, but the rest was proving to be difficult. “AHAHAHARE YOU DOHOHOHONE YEHEHEHET!?” Daring shut her eyes tight, flinging around tears and sweat with each shake of her head. The vines spread across the tickly oil across her body, going up her shirt to get to her ribs and armpits. Her heart was racing, feeling more and more of her body suffering the effects of increased sensitivity. Fluttershy was sweating from the pressure. “A-Almost!” Her hands were trembling as she tried to complete the puzzle, but it seemed like whenever she had two tiles left to complete, she had to undo progress just to get them in the right spot. “BAAAHAHAHA COME OHOHOHOHOHOOOOON! DAHAHAHAHAMNIT!” Daring didn’t mean to put so much pressure on Fluttershy, but her current circumstances made it difficult to keep calm. “O-Okay!” Fluttershy muttered to herself as she quickly slid the tiles around. “Come on, you can do this, Fluttershy…!” Vines were tickling Daring Do everywhere against her body. Her armpits, her ribs, sides, stomach, hips, thighs, wings, and especially her feet had slippery vines stroking her oiled up body. She barely had the energy in her to struggle more than twitching and curling her toes. All that came out of her mouth was hysterical laughter. No encouragements or pleas to Fluttershy, just heavy laughs. The only word that she could get out amidst her laugh was a very drawn out “TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Fluttershy gasped, sliding the last tile into place. “I got it!” Sure enough, the walls began to rumble as the door slowly began to open. Though the door to Wisteria’s lair was open, the vines didn’t stop tickling Daring Do. Fluttershy turned to see the sight of Daring ensnared in vines and tickled crazy. “J-JUHUHUHUST GOHOHOHOHO!” She cried out, weakly pointing towards the opening, squealing as she felt the vines stroke her wings. “But...how am I going to stop Wisteria without you?” “I-I’LL BE FIHIHIHINE! I’LL GEHEHEHET! HAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE! GEHEHEHEHEHET OUT OF THIHIHIHIS! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Neither of them exactly believed Daring’s words, but Fluttershy went on ahead, leaving Daring Do behind at the mercy of the vines. Now all alone, and Daring Do’s hysterical laughter getting harder to hear. Fluttershy really felt the pressure of stopping Wisteria. She expected Daring Do to come up with the plan to corner her, but now it felt like she was the one with her back against the wall. “I can do it...I can do it...I can do it…!” she repeated to herself, rushing ahead. At the end of the temple, Fluttershy finally came across Wisteria. “T-There you are! There’s n-nowhere left to run now!” She yelled, though it clearly lacked Daring Do’s confidence. “Oh, I don’t need to run anywhere…” Wisteria chuckled, walking up to Fluttershy with no fear. “I think it’s you who needs to flee…” “I...I’m not going to run away! I’m going to stop you!” Wisteria let out a haughty chortle. “Oh please, if Daring Do could not stop me, what chance do you have? Did she really think that you’d be able to stop me alone? Or perhaps she’s just trapped and hoped that you’d pick up where she failed! Hmhmhmhm, oh to see the look on her face...” As Fluttershy started trembling in her shoes. Wisteria walked circles around her. “Hm, I think I may still have use for you still...” She snapped her fingers, and two of her minions grabbed Fluttershy by the arms. “Let’s see what we can get out of her, boys.” “No! Nooooo!” Fluttershy kicked her legs as she was dragged away. Fluttershy was taken deeper into the temple, at what looked to be an altar room of some sorts at first glance. A massive stone table lay in front of a massive statue, around the table and idol was a pit filled with those purple vines that had taken Daring Do. Fluttershy was shackled down to the table, wrists and ankles spread out to each of the corners. As her minions took off Fluttershy’s shoes and socks, Wisteria rested her fingers on Fluttershy’s stomach. “Well, you’ve been quite friendly with Daring Do, but you must’ve known that I’ve always eluded her grasp. Why not join the winning side for once? I have all this power of the pendant at my fingertips, wouldn’t it be better to aid that power rather than fight it?” “No! Daring Do is my friend! I’d never betray her!” Fluttershy stood firm, though she had no idea how she’d be able to escape without help. “Oh, so you’re her friend?” Wisteria slid an index finger down Fluttershy’s foot. “Then you must have plenty of information on her that I could use to my advantage…” “E-Eeeep…” “And you’re plenty ticklish, apparently…” Wisteria grinned. “So, why don’t you save us both the trouble and tell me all those little secrets of Daring Do. Or don’t, I’ll have fun either way.” “Never!” Fluttershy glared. “You’ll never get that information, and I’ll never join your side!” Wisteria merely smirked at Fluttershy’s defiance. “Very well, with Daring Do out of the picture, I’ll break you eventually…” She wasted no time getting to work, dragging her fingers down Fluttershy’s feet. “Aaack! Eeeheeheeheeheehee!” Fluttershy broke out into a fit of giggles, her toes flexing and curling against Wisteria’s touch. “Oooh, such a cute little giggle you have,” Wisteria teased, raking her nails down those yellow soles. “Oh, this is going to be fun…” Fluttershy wiggled around on the table, trying to break free or at the very least wiggle out of the straps. “Naaahahaha! Nohohohohoho! Hehehehehelp meeheeheehee!” Wisteria clicked her tongue. “Are you expecting Daring Do to burst in and rescue you? The only one stopping this torment is you, dear. Are you going to tell me what I need to know?” “Nehehehehehever!” “Hmmph, suit yourself, more fun for me.” Wisteria chuckled, sliding her fingers in-between Fluttershy’s toes. Fluttershy let out a squeal, one that even made Wisteria flinch in surprise. “YAAAHAHAHAHA! N-NOHOHOHOHOHO! N-NOT THE TOHOHOHOHOES!” “Oh? Have I found a sensitive spot?” Wisteria grinned, now giving some special attention to Fluttershy’s toes. Despite their wiggling and curling, Wisteria’s fingers dug into those sensitive stems, scritching away with no mercy. Fluttershy arched her back, her wings involuntarily popping out to their full length. “EEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! NOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEAAASE!” She hoped that Daring Do found a way to escape, because she didn’t see herself getting out of this situation any time soon. Wisteria casually pushed the toes of Fluttershy’s left foot back. “You already know what will make this stop. And I’m feeling pretty generous today, seeing such a ticklish mare in my clutches.” She wiggled a single index finger up and down Fluttershy’s big toe. “So, last chance to join my side, or I’ll stop playing around. And based on how hard you’re laughing already, I don’t think you’re going to last against a tickling this intense...” Wisteria’s threats made Fluttershy shiver, though not out of fear. The idea of seeing just how far Wisteria could go was actually a bit exciting, even if she’d never actually admit it. “D-Do your worst!” She blurted out, still playing defiant. “Tch. Suit yourself.” Wisteria shook her head as her pendant started to glow. Fluttershy found herself surrounded by purple vines. “I’m sure you’ve seen these beauties before, I bet you’re wondering how devastating they are after seeing them torment Daring Do...Well, it’s your lucky day...” Fluttershy looked at the sheer number of vines that Wisteria summoned, far more than what she saw attacking Daring Do. “Eep…” The tips of her wings twitched in anticipation as they closed in. True to Wisteria’s word, she was doing her worst. The vines struck all at once, slithering into her shirt to tickle her armpits, ribs, and stomach, slathering something over her body at the same time. “AIIIIEEEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAAA!?” Fluttershy was expecting a lot of tickling, but she was still taken by surprise by just how much it tickled. The vines alone tickling all over was one thing, but whatever it was they were spreading on her was bringing her laughter to new heights. “Ah, are you enjoying the sensitization sap?” Wisteria grinned, casually leaning against the table. “Took quite a while to get it just right, but it was quite worth it. Isn’t it great?” Fluttershy almost blurted out a “YES!” on instinct. She could feel the vines spreading more of that sap over her body, but what took more of her attention was the sap’s effects. She twisted and turned on the table, unable to get away from the vines no matter how much she struggled. “GYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! H-HEHEHEHEHEHELP MEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” “Struggle all you want, you’re not escaping me or any of my lovely vines,” Wisteria teased. “If Daring Do fell so easily, what chance do you have?” Fluttershy felt the sap all over her upperbody, the vines even spreading it across her stiffened wings. She screamed with laughter, a torrent of tears going down her crimson cheeks, secretly loving every second of her supposed torture. “Hmm, your armpits, your ribs, stomach, sides, wings...I feel like I’m forgetting something...” Wisteria mused out loud, giving Fluttershy a grin that she could barely see through the tears. “Oh, of course, how silly of me…” With a wave of her fingers, some of the vines slithered away from Fluttershy’s stomach to go lower. Fluttershy lifted up her head, looking down to watch the vines. “Eeeeheeheeeee! Oh no oh NOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!” Fluttershy went back to arcing her back up as high as she could, squealing as the vines wrapped around her toes. “AAAHAAAAHAAA TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” “I hope you’re enjoying yourself, you’re going to be here for a long time…” Wisteria said, leaning on the table near Fluttershy’s head. “Oh, all the different ways I can play with you...Maybe I just double the amount of vines, or have each of my minions take turns having some fun, or I could just focus aaaall the tickling on these toes of yours until you finally break…” Fluttershy was slowly losing herself in sappy, tickly bliss. All of Wisteria’s suggestions sounded heavenly to her. She was torn between the need to help Daring Do, and the love of one of the most intense tickle sessions she’s had in a long time. Of course, without any real way to escape, it wouldn’t hurt to just enjoy the moment for as long as she could, right? “Hmph, I thought you’d have given in by now, but that’s not a problem. Maybe in an hour or two I’ll ask again if you’ve changed your mind on whose side you’d like to be on,” Wisteria smirked. “Just remember that we have all the time in-GUH!” Without any warning, the vines stopped, going completely limp under Fluttershy’s clothes and over her feet and ankles. Fluttershy weakly tilted her head up in confusion. After blinking the tears away, she saw Daring Do, still red in the face, locked in combat with Dr. Wisteria. “But...how?” Wisteria grunted, trying to push back against Daring. “How’d you escape?” Daring smirked, still panting for breath. “Heh...don’t you know me...at all? I always find a way out of anything…” “Well, no matter, because you came all the way here to be doomed once more!” She slowly lifted up one hand, making her pendant glow once more. Fluttershy could feel the vines against her body come to life once more, only this time they had a new target in mind. “D-Daring Do! Watch...out!” she barely managed to call out while panting. With Fluttershy’s warning, Daring looked back and forth between the vines and Wisteria’s raised hand. She rushed towards the doctor, but instead of reaching for the pendant or throwing a punch, she grabbed onto her raised arm, forcing it in place as her other hand went for her exposed pit. “Gyaaahaaa!?” Just on reflex alone, Wisteria instantly lowered her arm, causing the pendant to stop glowing and the vines to fall limp. “Gotcha.” Now without being in danger of the vines, Daring continued her tickle attack. With one hand safely in Wisteria’s armpit, the other one started squeezing her sides. Wisteria weakly pushed against Daring’s arms, giggling and squealing as she couldn’t fully commit to protecting herself from either the armpit or side tickles. “Nahahaha! S-Stahahahap iiiit!” Fluttershy could only watch Daring slowly gain the upper hand via tickling, quietly wondering to herself what it’d be like to get tickled by Daring Do herself. The thought made her wings flutter, even if she would probably never have the courage to ask it. After enough tickling, Daring had Wisteria pinned down. Once she was on the floor, she finally snatched the pendant off of the doctor’s neck, flying up high once it was in her possession. “N-No! Give it to me!” Wisteria cried out, her voice shaky in panic. “Oh, I’ll give it to you, alright…” Safely in the air, Daring raised up her hand to work the pendant’s magic, the vines easily ensnaring Wisteria up. “Y-You can’t do this! That pendant will be mine again!” Wisteria cursed as the vines surrounded her. “I’ll get you Daring DOOHOOHOOHOOHOO! NOHOHOHO NAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHERE!” Daring looked down at Wisteria’s minions, using a few of the purple vines to threaten them and send them running. Once it was just her, Wisteria, and Fluttershy in the room, she landed back down to set Fluttershy free. “Oh dear, I hope Dr. Wisteria likes the taste of her own medicine,” Fluttershy said, sighing in relief as she was released from the shackles. “Hah, that was a good one,” Daring chuckled. “Sorry it took so long to rescue you. I hope it wasn’t too horrible on you.” “Oh, it wasn’t that bad, really,” Fluttershy looked off to the side, not wanting to reveal too much. “I actually had a lot of fun on this adventure!” Daring gave Fluttershy a warm smile, comforted by the fact that her partner was also happy. “Well, glad to hear that, cause I couldn’t have done it without you helping out. I, uh, probably won’t write about what happened here, though,” she sheepishly admitted. Fluttershy giggled and nodded. “I understand. So, what do we do now?” “Well, I’ll take care of Wisteria,” Daring said, gesturing over to the captured laughing mare. “After that, I’ll get ya home.” “What about the pendant?” “I’ll keep it with me for a bit until I can find a safe place for it, somewhere safe and away from ponies like her.” “Aw c’mon, Fluttershy! How come you got to go on a Daring Do adventure and I didn’t?!” Rainbow Dash complained, bewildered at what Fluttershy was telling her. Fluttershy playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, Daring Do wanted me to help sneak around. It was a very thrilling experience!” “Well don’t keep me out of the loop, at least tell me what happened! Can’t you like, reenact the good parts or something?” Fluttershy shot Dash a mischievous smirk, her wings starting to flutter behind her back with excitement. “Oh, if you insist…” > The Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After another long and busy day, Fluttershy let out a sigh of exhausted relief as she watched the sun slowly disappear past the horizon, double-checking to make sure that all her animal friends were asleep before she went to bed herself. She stretched out her arms and wings with a yawn, walking upstairs to her bedroom, letting her mind wander as she began to wind down. It had been around a month since her adventure with Daring Do. Exactly 32 days since that expedition, and she hadn’t had any sort of experience tickling or being tickled ever since. Not that she had been counting, of course. Ever since she returned, her dreams had become increasingly more intense. After a week, it was just simple little fantasies of someone like Pinkie or Rainbow Dash sneaking up from behind and giving her a playful little squeeze to her sides while they were hanging out that maybe lead to a tickle fight. Then they started to grow in complexity and intensity, from Rarity tying her to her bedroom with silk ribbons to oil and brush her soles to Tempest Shadow chaining her up in a dungeon, blindfolding her, and methodically tickling each of her toes, one at a time to see which one was the most ticklish in order to make her scream as loud as she could. It was a bit frustrating and embarrassing for the pegasus. It’s not like she was so desperate to be tickled that she’d be begging one of her closest friends to do it, but at the same time, she kept thinking back to her Daring Do adventure, being ensnared by all those vines, getting between her toes and against her belly, each stroke tickling more and more as time went on as Wisteria tried to get her to submit, it all just felt so wonderful to experience. As intense as her dreams got, it was hardly enough to satiate her tickly needs. Most of her dreams faded from memory within the hour after she woke up. She could remember bits of what happened split seconds of situations she dreamt up, but it all lacked the little tingles she would feel during an actual tickle session. As nice as they were in the moment, they were no better than her idle daydreams, and they almost left her more needy than she was before. That, and it was getting a little tiresome changing her bedsheets so frequently due to how often she’d leave aroused stains on them in the morning.. As she removed her dirty clothes, Fluttershy’s mind began to wander to think of various ways she could get herself into some ticklish mischief. Pinkie Pie would be more than happy to give her a few minutes of playful tickling. Or she could try and go to the Wonderbolts HQ, she knew that Rainbow Dash would be down for some revenge for the many times she tickled her, plus the idea of all the Wonderbolts getting at her all at once made her wings twitch. Though the biggest thing that’s been on her mind for a while was those vines. Wisteria may have been taken care of, but the pendant was still out there. She could never ask Daring Do for something so selfish,especially since she never discovered that she had a tickling kink, but all the possibilities that she could think up with the power of that pendant... Fluttershy shook her head, mentally scolding herself. She needed to focus on something else, she could focus on a way to curb her tickly needs later. She tucked herself underneath the sheets, calming her mind as she closed her eyes, her breath slowing down as she drifted off to sleep. Fluttershy soon found herself in Sugarcube Corner, vibrant music filling the room, the smell of cake and frosting in the air, a party hat on her head. She looked around, despite the noise going on, it seemed that her and Pinkie were the only ones in the room. Pinkie walked towards Fluttershy, bouncing with each step. “Sooooo? How do you like your party so far? You still got a lot of presents you haven’t gotten to yet!” “Oh, it’s very nice, Pinkie, but...it’s not my birthday.” Pinkie only giggled in response, booping her nose. “Silly, it doesn’t have to be your birthday for me to throw a party!” She started pushing Fluttershy towards the wrapped gifts. “C’mon, c’mon! Open this one next!” Fluttershy looked at the carefully colorfully wrapped boxes, with Pinkie putting her in front of a big blue one. She slowly peeled away all the wrapping paper, needing to walk around the box in order to get it all off.  Once she got all the wrapping off, the cardboard walls making the box shape fell apart, revealing a very intricate bondage chair. Comfortable padding to cushion her whole body, a reclining back so that whoever was seated in could lay flat on their back or sitting straight up, adjustable arm bondage to put the victim either high above their head, straight to the sides, or down low, stocks complete with little nubs at the top to tie toes back. Fluttershy’s face instantly went red as her wings popped out with a distinct pomf. “O-Oh my gosh…P-Pinkie…t-this is...eep…” “You liiiiike?” Pinkie grinned as she peered over Fluttershy’s shoulder, slightly pushing her wings down to rest her chin on her shoulder. “Soooo, which one of us gets a turn in it first?” Fluttershy looked back and forth between the chair and Pinkie’s eager grin. On the one hand, that chair looked comfortable and snug, and she’d love to feel Pinkie’s fingers scribble down her taut soles. On the other hand, she was recently gifted some very fun toys that she’d also love to use herself to make Pinkie giggle so hard she’d start snorting… “Oooh...could I be the one tickling you in this?” Fluttershy asked, starting to eagerly dance in place, already excited for the tickle session. “Whoo! That sounds great!” Pinkie quite literally bounced into the chair, waiting for Fluttershy to tie her down. Fluttershy started out by strapping Pinkie’s arms above her head to expose her armpits, already poking and scribbling her fingers once the straps were in place, unable to help herself. “Eeeheeheeheeheehee!” Pinkie giggled, kicking her feet, but unable to pull her arms down. “You’re really excited, aren’t you?” she teased, curling and flexing her feet. Fluttershy started giggling as well. “S-sorry, I’m just too excited to hear you laugh again.” She finished strapping Pinkie down, putting her ankles in the stocks and locking them in place. With her ankles finally strapped down, Pinkie started testing the strength of her present’s restraints, finding that she couldn’t move her arms and legs at all, though her torso was given a little bit of wiggle room, which might come in handy for her later. “You’re not gonna tie up my toesies?” she grinned, wiggling them to be extra teasy. “My super ticklish toesies?” “Oh, I would, but seeing your wiggly toesies is much more fun,” Fluttershy cooed, sliding a finger down her sole. “Especially when I’m tickling your big, cute feetsies!” Pinkie’s foot curled up with a wide grin on her face, shivering with excitement. “Nnnf…!” Despite all the giggling she’s been doing before, now was the time that Pinkie began holding back her laughter. “Is that not enough?” Fluttershy teased, fluffing out her wings. “I think I know what’ll get you in a giggly mood…” “Eeep…!” Seeing Fluttershy’s especially fluffy wings on full display made Pinkie curl up her toes, though she quickly uncurled them to silently invite those wings. “Oh, that got your attention, didn’t it? Then let’s see what happens when I do this...” Fluttershy turned around, slowly running her wings up and down her soles. “HEEEEEE!” Pinkie’s reaction was explosive, her toes splaying out as she felt those feathers slide up the entire length of her feet. All the wiggling and flailing from her feet did nothing to stop Fluttershy’s wings. All those feathers made sure that no matter what she did, her feet were getting a full dose of feathers. As Fluttershy flapped her wings, she looked around the room, eyeing the opened presents she got, considering her possibilities. Admittedly, it was a bit difficult to contemplate her choices when Pinkie’s bombastic laughter kept distracting her. “NAAAHAHAHAAAAAHAAA!” Pinkie tried to arch her back in a fit of cackling, but the straps kept her from going far. She could see Fluttershy looking around, though her mind was in too much of a frenzied state to worry about it for too long. Those wings could easily cover her entire feet, and the slow flapping dragged those feathers up and down her soles and between her toes repeatedly. Fluttershy kept looking between the various tools, thinking about what to do to Pinkie next. There were brushes and wheels and tickle gloves galore. But what really caught her attention was the half-eaten cake in the middle of the room. She walked away to bring the tray back. Pinkie slowly caught her breath, looking at Fluttershy with a confused look on her face, wondering why she decided to stop tickling her just to grab a snack. Fluttershy simply smiled as she approached Pinkie Pie, cutting off a slice, and immediately smearing the cake onto Pinkie’s sole. “Ooooh…” Pinkie finally caught on, eagerly spreading her toes to make sure the frosting got in between, feeling the bits of the cake stick to her toes. Once Pinkie’s foot was all caked up, Fluttershy leaned in, giving Pinkie’s foot a slow lick up her sole. Pinkie’s mane frizzed up, squealing as Fluttershy’s tongue felt extra tickly against her foot. “GYEEHEEHEEHEE!” “Mmm...delicious…” Fluttershy giggles as she licked all the way up Pinkie’s foot, enjoying the strawberry flavor of the frosting and cake, going back down to her heel to take another full lick of cake. Pinkie squirmed and wriggled against the chair, letting out giddy giggles as Fluttershy cleaned up most of her foot with just a couple of licks. Fluttershy went all the way up to Pinkie’s toes, giving them a nibble to get the frosting that she spread in between. “NAAAHAAAAA FLUTTERSHYYYY! AAAAHAAA THAHAHAHAT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Pinkie cackled, throwing her head back in laughter, her toes wiggling against Fluttershy’s tongue. “Mmm, it’s so tasty…” Fluttershy grinned. “Your feet are extra sweet today, Pinkie.” Her own little comment gave her another bit of inspiration. She grabbed the plastic fork and scraped it down her other foot. “BAAAAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Pinkie started snorting between her peals of laughter, truly putting the strength of the straps to the test as her body tried to thrash about, all of her energetic bouncing held back by the sturdy straps. Fluttershy took another lick of the cake on Pinkie’s soles, humming in delight as she heard Pinkie squeal and snort. Giving the gentle prongs of the fork another slow drag down her foot. She licked her lips to savor the butterscotch flavoring. Fluttershy paused, lowering the fork. She could’ve sworn the cake was strawberry flavored. Come to think of it, she didn’t even remember coming into Sugarcube Corner earlier. She hasn’t taken the time to think about it earlier due to how much fun she was having, but something felt off, this whole situation felt unreal. “Ah, looks like you’ve finally become aware.” A voice suddenly started booming from all around her, causing Fluttershy to scream out in shock. From what was meant to be a locked door to Pinkie’s room, a tall regal figure entered the room, with a flowing mane of stars and a dark crown on her head. “P-Princess Luna…!” Fluttershy stood in awe of her presence, but in retrospect, everything did start to make sense knowing that she was dreaming. “My apologies, I don’t mean to intrude while you were so preoccupied.” “Um, no, it’s um...I...oh...eep…” Fluttershy tried to be polite and say that Princess Luna’s appearance wasn’t a big deal, but she quickly realized that Luna had been watching her do all that to Pinkie, indulging in tickling and worshipping her feet. “...Oh no...I-!” Her face instantly went red, unable to speak out of shock. “I get that you are feeling...understandably terrified, realizing that I’ve been watching your dreams.” Princess Luna nodded solemnly. Oh, dreams plural. Fluttershy felt like she could pass out in her own dream out of pure fear. “I-If it’s any consolation…” Now Princess Luna was starting to blush. “Your dreams have been some of my favorite to watch…” Fluttershy’s heart skipped a beat. She must have heard something wrong. “W-What?” “It’s true, you’ve dreamt up some creative and enjoyable scenarios. Some that I wish I’ve thought up myself,” she nervously chuckled, starting to blush herself. Fluttershy’s wings began to twitch. “Wait...d-does that mean you also…?” “Mmhm. I also share a love of tickling.” Luna smiled warmly. “Of course, I know that it’d be quite a shock to you if somepony discovered your fetish, especially a princess like myself in your own dreams.” Fluttershy slowly nodded. Luna didn’t know the half of it. Though it was still a bit of a comfort knowing that she was also a tickle fetishist like Pinkie. It made things a little less embarrassing. “Still, your dreams as of late have been quite...vivid, to say the least, moreso than usual. I thought it’d be an opportune time to get involved to have some fun of my own. I hope that’s okay.” “Oh, I um...guess it’s no problem at all,” Fluttershy said, starting to get more comfortable around Luna. She turned back around, remembering that she had Pinkie strapped down to the bondage chair. “Um, is she…?” “Oh, that is just a dream version of Pinkie Pie,” Luna explained. “...Honestly, I was watching her dream before coming to yours, and they’re very similar. It’s quite fascinating, would you like to see?” Fluttershy’s ears perked up, wondering what Pinkie’s dream involved. “Um, that sounds nice!” Luna stamped her bare foot on the floor, whisking the two away. When the whole world stopped moving around them, Fluttershy found herself in her own bedroom this time, though she was floating above the ceiling, looking down at the scene as a spectator, much like Luna was. Just like Luna had claimed, the scene was very similar. There was an elaborate bondage chair near the bed, quite similar to the one that her own dream Pinkie had gifted her, but it was her in the chair instead. The perky party pony had the dream version of her strapped down with arms above her head. Pinkie was busy scribbling her fingers into her taut armpits, making the pegasus squeal and howl with ticklish delight, begging for more. “A-tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle! Oooh you’re so cute when you’re so tiiiiickliiiish! Heehee!” Pinkie giggled, digging her fingers into her pits, letting each finger stroke down the taut skin. “AIIIEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! M-MOHOHOHORE! T-TIHIHIHIHICKLE MEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” The dream Fluttershy screamed, her toes splaying out as giggled and blushed. “Lucky…” Fluttershy muttered to herself, though it was unclear who she was referring to. Luna softly chuckled to herself. “Well, the night is still young, Fluttershy, there’s plenty of time to have some fun.” “Um...did you um...have something in mind, Princess Luna?” Even with the knowledge that Luna shared her kink, it was still intimidating to speak to her, especially considering the subject matter. “Now that you’re aware that this is a dream, I can make it so that you have a little bit more control of what you want. Though before we get to that, there is one idea I had in mind for you, if you were up for it. I do want you to live out your own fantasies, of course, but perhaps you wanted to try my idea.” “What...What did you have in mind?” “I was thinking of turning a situation that you’d find unpleasant into one you would enjoy much more,” Luna explained. “Turn something terrifying into something more ticklish.” Well, “something that terrified her” didn’t exactly narrow things down. “A-Alright, I guess it’s worth a shot…” “Perfect, allow me a few moments to set the scene up.” As Luna’s horn started to glow, Fluttershy found both of them being whisked away out of Pinkie’s dream and somewhere far away. Their next location at least felt more familiar to her. She instantly recognized it as Ponyville’s town square, though what sort of her fears were meant to be here was beyond her. She did spot something that wasn’t typically found in the waking world, a set of wooden stocks with a set of cushions, very simple compared to the more elaborate bondage chair in her first dream. She looked around, the entire plaza seemed devoid of ponies, but she supposed that was normal for a dream. As she walked over to investigate the stocks, Fluttershy’s body started to move on its own. She let out a startled squeak as she sat herself on the cushions. The stocks opened up and she put her bare feet in the holes, her ankles resting against the leather cushions on the feet holes. Her arms were forced up above her head, feeling something wrap around her wrists. “P-Princess Luna? W-what’s going on?” As she turned to look for the princess, she suddenly felt the presence of several ponies approaching her. “Oh, looks like Fluttershy wants to play!” She could see a crowd of all sorts of familiar faces starting to get closer and closer. Deep down, she knew it was still a part of the dream, but it felt so real. She looked around, watching them approach with an evil tickly grin on each of their faces. She fidgeted around, but the stocks were locked in place. “Such a naughty pony, you’re just begging for tickles, aren’t you?” she heard the voice of Trixie say. Oh gosh, being out in public like this so exposed, this definitely felt more akin to a nightmare. Fluttershy’s face fell flat. Ah, this is what Luna was talking about. Fluttershy couldn’t tell if this made the public aspect more exciting, or the tickling aspect more terrifying. Either way, she could feel her heart pounding so fast, she could hear it in her ears. “You’ve got your feet perfectly exposed, it’d be such a crime to not tickle these beauties…” Trixie cooed, sliding a finger up her sole. Fluttershy let out a squeak as her foot curled. All those eyes were locked on her, watching her giggle, each of them eager to tickle her. It was so terrifying, but at the same time, she felt so excited. Trixie playfully skittered her fingers against Fluttershy’s sole, watching her squirm around with such a light touch. “Ooh, if you’re already this giggly, then I don’t know how you’re going to handle when Trixie starts tickling for real…” The little threats made Fluttershy shiver with delight. Something deep inside her wanted to scream out “Yes! Please! Start tickling me for real! I want it so bad!” But she was still struck with stage fright to do anything but giggle. Trixie started at Fluttershy’s heel, working her fingers all the way up her sole to her toes. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You would love for us to tickle you out of your mind right now…” She looked up at Fluttershy as she dug her nails underneath her toes. “AAAHAAA! Y-YEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy blurted out, nodding her head rapidly without thinking, caught up in the sudden intensity of Trixie aiming for her toes. Fluttershy’s sudden begging made Trixie grin with delight. “Well, since you asked so nicely…” She pushed Fluttershy’s toes back, raising her hand up high to display her clawed nails right before digging them underneath her toes. “NAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Fluttershy threw her head back to scream with laughter, her body tensed up as she felt those fine, sharp nails of hers. When she managed to recover, she saw Trixie hyper-focused on tickling her toes, making sure that none of the toes on her right foot could move. Trixie chuckled to herself. Letting Fluttershy’s toes go. “Well, let’s see where else you’re ticklish, Fluttershy…” The unicorn stood up, walking behind Fluttershy in the stocks. Fluttershy could hear Trixie’s sinister chuckling from behind her. She could feel the magician’s fingers wiggling just above her body. Even without being touched, she started giggling in anticipation. Trixie’s fingers wiggled up and down the air next to her upperbody, from her hips to her pits, all without touching her. Trixie let Fluttershy sit in anticipation, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. All she did was continuously wiggle her fingers up and down, mischievously chuckling. Fluttershy’s whole body started to tingle. The way Trixie was teasing her without touching her was driving her crazy. “T-TrixIIIIEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Trixie waited for Fluttershy to speak up to finally start tickling, her hands were all the way up at Fluttershy’s armpits when she spoke, so that’s where she attacked. “AAAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAT MY PHIHIHIHIHIIIITS!” Fluttershy jumped in her seat as much as the stocks allowed her, thrashing around as she felt Trixie’s nails scribbling in the hollows of her underarms. “Oooh, you’re quite ticklish here, too…” Trixie taunted, letting each of her fingers take a turn sliding down her armpits. “Now let’s see how ticklish the rest of you is…” Fluttershy had assumed that Trixie meant she was going to move her fingers elsewhere, or use her magic to bring in some tools. Instead, Shining Armor stepped forward, crouching down next to her. “This tummy of yours looks awfully ticklish…” Shining mused, poking and prodding at Fluttershy’s stomach. “EEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEK!” Fluttershy shrieked. Trixie hadn’t let up on scribbling in her pits, The addition of Shining’s hands teasing her only added to her already heavy laughter. She could feel Shining’s fingers slowly but surely pick up speed, wiggling all over her stomach. Trixie’s fingers rarely strayed away from Fluttershy’s armpits, but she did briefly do a few digs into her ribs just to keep her surprised. “Such a firm and ticklish tummy you’ve got, Fluttershy…” Shining teased as his fingers skittered all over Fluttershy’s stomach, going all the way up and down, occasionally dipping an index finger into her navel when his hands passed. Fluttershy jumped around in her seat, though she was quickly pulled down by the stocks with every attempt her body made to escape. Her laughter would spike in intensity whenever Trixie sped up in her armpits or when Shining squeezed her hips. Though since the two weren’t moving their fingers in tandem, they kept hitting her hot spots at different intervals, so she kept howling in hysterics the entire time. Trixie peeked her head to the side, watching Fluttershy’s feet curl and wiggle. “Aww, are your feet feeling lonely? Do they want attention?” “We can fix that,” Shining chuckled, digging his fingers into her sides. Fluttershy could see a pair of mares approaching her feet, kneeling down at the stocks. “My, such a delightful display of feet for us,” Octavia mused, already poking and stroking her right sole. “So soft and smooth,” Vinyl said with an evil grin on her face, already scribbling across her left foot. “Just perfect for us to wreck…” “YEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEK!” Fluttershy’s thrashed even more now that the duo were now at her feet. She tried thrashing her feet, but only to half-success.  Octavia was still playfully toying with her foot with both hands, allowing her a limited degree of wiggling around. Vinyl, however, held her toes back in order to scribble her nails down her taut sole. Trixie changed up her ticklish tactics, trying to poke her fingers between her ribs, though with how much she was jumping around in ticklish struggle, it was difficult to get the precise tickling she wanted. Shining dug his fingers against Fluttershy’s toned tummy, before grabbing onto her hips, plunging his head forward to blow a long raspberry, trying to minimize the amount of thrashing to keep his lips there. Octavia’s fingers danced against her foot, stroking against her arches, scritching away while humming to herself. “You’ve got such an adorable laugh, Fluttershy! I could listen to it all day…” Vinyl chuckled as she raked her nails down the middle of her sole. Struggling a bit to keep Fluttershy’s toes still. “Oh, I’m gonna make your foot a blushing mess. I’m just getting started…” With Trixie at her armpits, Shining at her stomach, and Vinyl and Octavia at her feet, Fluttershy’s mind became a giggly haze as she was screaming with laughter, unable to get a word in to any of her current ticklers. She jerked around and screamed, rubbing her legs together as the overwhelming amount of tickling made her hot and bothered. Even still, she felt more familiar faces approaching her, meaning more hands coming forth to tickle her. “Oh gosh, are these what pegasus wings are like?” she heard the voice of Autumn Blaze say, stroking both wings with her fingers, ruffling up her feathers. “AIIIEEEHEE! O-OOHHH!” Fluttershy let out a mix of a squeal and a moan. The kirin’s fingers toying with her wings turned her on even more. Fluttershy could feel a pair of hands going underneath her shirt, going straight for her breasts. “Woah, dude…are your breasts ticklish, too?” Tree Hugger teased, wiggling her fingers underneath her breasts. Despite the multitude of ticklers on her, those touches to her breasts and her wings registered enough to make her shudder, her moans increased in frequency and intensity. As the tickling continued, Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock. A few moments ago, all the ticklish sensations blended together, but now she could feel each of her ticklers’ techniques with total clarity. She could feel Trixie scribbling in her pits, Shining squeezing her hips and buzzing his lips on her tummy, Octavia’s manicured fingernails playfully scritching against her toes, Vinyl evilly scrubbing her fingers against her sole, Autumn curiously stroking her wings, Tree Hugger fondling her breasts. The sudden awareness sent Fluttershy into a frenzied state of hysterics. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! T-TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Fluttershy’s mind was still a bit of a frantic mess, but she could tell all her laughter and moaning was drawing more ponies towards her. All those eyes watching her, enjoying the sight of her squirming, wanting to join in on the tickling...it was equally as terrifying as exciting. The fear of being so exposed was being counted by how amazing the tickling felt. “Tickle tickle, Fluttershy!” Octavia teased as her fingers danced against the ball of her foot. “You’re such a ticklish cutie!” Shining briefly lifted his head up, goosing her sides some more. “Aww, you’re loving every moment of this, aren’t you?” Fluttershy could only nod in agreement to Shining, her cheeks burning red as she let out heavy, shaky moans. “AAHAHAAAAA! EEEHEHEHAHAHAHA! I-I’M GONNAAAHAHAHAHAAA!” “Let it all out, Fluttershy,” Tree Hugger murmured, skittering her fingers in her cleavage. “C’mon, you know you want to…” Fluttershy’s body trembled, her wings twitching as she was overwhelmed by all the fingers wiggling, squeezing, and stroking her tender body. The terror of her being a public tickletoy was being overridden by the absolute joy of her being a public tickletoy. Her toes splayed out as she screamed in ecstasy as a powerful orgasm followed. Only after Fluttershy had reached her climax did Luna finally step in, lifting up Fluttershy’s chin. “So? How was that?” Fluttershy was still delirious from the afterglow. “Sooooo fun…” she giggled. She was surprised at how exciting it felt to be publicly tickled. “I thought you’d enjoy that,” Luna chuckled, snapping her fingers to free Fluttershy from the stocks. Fluttershy stretched her body, shaking off all the tingly feelings on her wings and feet. “So...um...what now?” “Well, I’m sure that you’ve thought up plenty of fantasies you’d like to live out. Perhaps I could make one of them come true for you in your dream?” Quite a few ideas started flooding Fluttershy’s mind. Several of them were bits of dreams that she’s already had. “Um...I think I have an idea…” Her wings hover herself above the ground to whisper her idea into Luna’s ear. Even with the two alone in the dream realm, she was still a bit apprehensive about sharing her idea. Luna listened intently, nodding along as Fluttershy nervously explained her fantasy. “Hm...I see...That’s an easy enough fantasy for me to conjure up. Give me a moment.” Luna’s horn began to glow as she rose above the ground. The town hall setting fading away. Trees began to grow around Fluttershy, towering above her, to the point where she could look straight up and not see the top. The plants around her were massive, like they’ve been growing for an entire year. Fluttershy’s wings started twitching with excitement, recognizing the familiar jungle she’s trekked through before. Fluttershy found herself walking through the jungle with Daring Do once again, with a familiar pendant around the adventurer’s neck. “The Pendant of Xochipilli...I’ve been chasing after this thing so long, I was starting to think I’d never get it out of Wisteria’s hands…” she sighed. Fluttershy quickly adjusted to situate herself in the dream. “I certainly trust you having it more than her…!” “I can’t thank you enough, Fluttershy,” Daring smiled warmly, holding the pendant in her hand. “I think I’d go crazy if I kept getting tickled every single month. Guess you’re pretty lucky.” She flashed a knowing smirk at her. Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat, but then quickly reminded herself that this was still a dream, and that it wasn't the actual Daring Do she was with. At least, she hoped that it wasn’t. Daring walked over to one of the overgrown trees, leaning back against the trunk and stretching her wings out. “You mind if we rest a bit? It’s a long walk back home, and I’m feeling a little worn out right now.” “Actually, that sounds really nice right now…” Fluttershy joined Daring Do as they sat down together in the shade. Daring Do let out a long exhale. “Glad I rescued you when I did. Those vines looked like they were going to drive you crazy.” “Oh, they were. I’m glad you managed to escape Wisteria’s trap, because I sure wasn’t going to on my own,” Fluttershy nodded. “Heh, wasn’t easy. Those vines were tickling me everywhere when you left. They wrapped around each of my toes, tickling under and between all of them, couldn’t even wiggle them a bit!” Fluttershy’s wings began twitching against the tree. “M-Mmhm?” “Oh, and when they slithered into my shirt. I squealed so loud when they started stroking my-” Daring looked down at the pendant. “Actually, I think it’d be better if I just showed you.” Rather than fear, Fluttershy looked at Daring Do with excitement. She began slipping her shoes off as she watched Daring Do activate the pendant’s power. At Daring Do’s command, the various vines in the jungle came to life, surrounding the two pegasi. Unlike their initial encounter with Wisteria, this time the vines targeted Fluttershy. One of them lifted itself up, lightly teasing under her chin. “There we go. I’m getting the hang of this!” Daring said confidently, using a few hand movements to have the vines grab onto Fluttershy’s wrists and ankles, taking her socks off. Fluttershy could feel the tips of the vines brush against her sides and gently sliding against her soles, getting a few giggles out of her. Daring decided not to waste time and upped the intensity, several vines now stroking her soles and poking her sides. “Gyeeeheeheeheehee!” Fluttershy squealed in delight. The vines prevented her from protecting her body, but they didn’t immobilize her. She was able to move her arms around, but couldn’t bring her elbows below her ribs, keeping her armpits exposed enough. The vines slithered underneath her clothes, stroking against her armpits and crawling all over her stomach. “Naaahahahahahaha! Aaaahahaa it tihihihihihickles!” “Oh, I bet it does,” Daring chuckled, wiggling her fingers. “And I’m going to guess this is going to tickle a lot more…” Fluttershy could see distinct purple vines approaching her. Her heart began racing, seeing so much purple interwoven with the green. The purple vines started with her feet, spreading their sap against her soles, tickling her as they made repeated strokes against her tender feet. “YAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy’s laughter ramped up considerably. Thanks to the sensitization sap, each subsequent touch tickled more than the last, making the pegasus squeal louder and more turned on over time. The vines seemed to want to speed up the process, slipping underneath her clothes like the green vines in order to spread the sap all over her body. Fluttershy kept switching between helpless squeals and horny moans. She could feel the vines slithering across her now-stiff nipples and between her cleavage, making the tips of her wings tremble in excitement. A few more adventurous purple vines had slipped into her pants, already slithering into her panties to tease her pussy with the tips of their tendrils. “EEEAAAHAHAHAHAAA! OHMYGOHOHOHOHOSH!” Fluttershy’s body tensed up as she felt the vines teasing her lower lips, nearly overloading her mind with ticklish sensations. She looked over towards Daring Do to see the playful little smirk on her face. She distinctly remembered something Daring said about the vines immobilizing her toes, but so far, they had only coated her feet in the sap... As if Daring had read her mind, two green vines began wrapping around her toes, pulling them back and spreading them out to keep them as still as they were exposed, while the purple vines went for the kill to wiggle in between. Fluttershy looked down at her toes, watching the vines torment them. Her mind was feeling fuzzy with all the tickling, but she remembered that she was still in her own dream. She started to visualize the vines paying extra attention to her pussy, pulling her pants and underwear down to fully expose her bottom half. The vines did just as she imagined, tugging her pants down and discarding them on the ground, her panties following shortly after. The purple vines coated her crotch in the sap, now every stroke to her pussy drew out a largy, horny moan out of her, until she reached a powerful climax. Fluttershy was feeling elated. If she had this much control over the situation, then that might mean... Some of the vines slithered off out of her sight, far beyond the trees. The vines lightly teased her toes as both her and Daring Do waited. “H-Hey! What the-?” Fluttershy could hear the protesting voice getting louder as the vines pulled back their catch, bringing a very surprised Princess Luna in tow. “Well, this is interesting…” Daring Do smirked, using a wave of her hand to wrap a vine around the princess’s horn. “F-Fluttershy, what is the meaning of this?” Luna gasped, trying to break free as the vines wrapped around her wrists and ankles, keeping her spread eagle like Fluttershy was. Her horn tried to light up, but the vine around it kept her magic disabled. “Oh, I just thought it’d be nice if you had some fun with my fantasy too!” Fluttershy giggled, turning to Daring with a wink. “After all, it’d be a shame if you were left out…” Daring Do softly chuckled, gesturing her hand towards Luna’s direction. Luna was surrounded by exclusively purple vines, which didn’t waste time attacking all over her body, sliding and stroking against her stomach, hips, armpits, and especially her feet. All the while, slathering that same sensitization sap over her body, further heightening her ticklishness. “AH! AAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Luna exploded with laughter, her body violently thrashed around in the grip of the vines, her long, slender toes splaying out in shock. Without the use of her magic, she was at the complete mercy of Daring Do, or rather, Fluttershy. Fluttershy grinned in delight, softly giggling as a few green vines lightly poked and stroked her toes. “Wow, I didn’t know that you we’re so ticklish, Princess Luna!” she teased, watching the vines tickle all over the princess’s larger body. “NAAAHAHAAA! F-FLUTTERSHYYYY! S-STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEAAASE!” Luna pleaded, feeling the vines escalating the tickling even further. More purple vines came to poke and tease her wings and sliding between her toes, spreading the sap even further. Every touch caused her to scream in helpless hysterics. The sound of Luna’s booming laughter made Fluttershy blush just hearing it. “Heehee, why should I stop? It sounds like you’re having so much fun!” Luna could feel the vines stroking against her slender toes, the tips especially wiggling in the spaces between and underneath, screaming with laughter. Her toes tried to wiggle away from Fluttershy’s tickly wrath, but it felt like no matter how much her toes moved, they were always in the path of one of those evil purple vines. “HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! O-OH NOHOHOHO! A-AAAHN!” Fluttershy let out a shiver. Knowing that she was making Luna laugh and moan so hard made her feel powerful, even temporarily. It was surprisingly comforting to know that someone as royal and powerful as Luna shared her particular kink. It was also incredibly satisfying to find the princess’s tickle spots. The vines eventually let the pegasus go, with Fluttershy’s focus entirely set on tickling Luna. She began to think, if her own wings were so ticklish, then maybe… As Luna screamed and squealed with the vines at her toes, she could feel another tickly vine tip flick against her butt, drawing a yelp out. Then she felt it slowly crawling up her back. “NO! NO NO NO NO NOHOHOHO!” Luna began to sweat, panicking as she wriggled her upperbody around, trying to shake the vine away. She could feel the vine reach up to the middle of her back, touching the space between her wings. “W-WAIT! FLUTTERSHY, PLEASE!” Luna pleaded, trying to turn her body away to protect her back. “NOT THEHEHEHEHEAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Her back arched as she cackled. The vines between her toes made her squeal, but the simple touch to the space between her wings brought her laughter to a new level of hysterics. “Oooh, looks like I found another tickle spot…” Fluttershy teased, rubbing her hands together, delighted with seeing her squeal so much. “How much does it tickle, Princess Luna?” “BWAHAHAHAHA! I-IT TIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Luna responded, sweat dripping down her face. Thrusting her hips and kicking her legs in a vain attempt to break free. Another vine came by to tease her neck. It didn’t tickle nearly as much as the ones at her toes and back, but the sensitization sap caused it to draw even more laughter out of her. Fluttershy could hear Luna moaning in between all the laughter and gasping, noticing how deep the blush on her cheeks was. Even without ever touching her crotch or breasts, the princess was on the verge of a climax, and Fluttershy planned on pushing her to that brink. Luna saw one more vine approaching her, though her mind was too frazzled to track its movements. As she felt the stroking against her toes and soles, and the teasing her wingpits and her back, she felt one more sensation: a slow teasing to her horn. A vine wriggled against the base. “GYAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! O-OOOOHHHH! FLUTTERSHYHYHYHYHYHY!” The princess’s body jolted and thrashed, the tickling too much for her to handle. She threw her head back, screaming as she reached a ticklegasm. Hearing Luna’s shaky moaning was enough of a hint for Fluttershy to give the princess a break. The vines stopped their tickling assault, but still kept her bound in place. “Ooh, that was quite a sight!” Fluttershy grinned, approaching Luna as she was catching her breath. “Tickling you was so much fun, Princess Luna!” Luna lifted her head up, letting out a short chuckle. “Indeed...You’re quite the skilled and imaginative tickler, Fluttershy…” “Heehee…Y-You really think so?” Fluttershy blushed, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “Mmhm. But now that you’ve had your fun with me...” The vines suddenly released their grip on Luna, the princess now standing tall over the pegasus with a smirk on her face. “I believe that a little payback is in order.” Fluttershy swore that her heart stopped when she saw Luna effortlessly get out of the vines that she thought trapped her. She had remembered that she had a ton of control in her own dream, but completely forgot that dreams were Luna’s entire domain. “...Eep…” Luna’s horn lit up, now holding Fluttershy in place with her magic. With one simple casted spell, Fluttershy’s remaining clothes and the jungle surroundings faded away, leaving them both in Luna’s starry dreamscape. “I must say, I didn’t anticipate you wanting to include me in your ticklish fantasy, but I was very curious as to what you’d do with a ticklish princess in your clutches…” she chuckled, lightly tickling underneath her chin. Fluttershy started to tremble. Luna was looking at her with a mischievous look in her eyes, and the thought of her taking revenge, even the playful kind, was rather terrifying. “I’m impressed, you managed to find quite a few of my most ticklish spots in such little time! But if any of your own previous dreams are any indication, I believe I know a few of your tickle spots as well…” Luna reached her arms around, digging her fingers into the base of her wings. “EEEEYAAAHAHAAAA!” Fluttershy squealed, but Luna’s magic had rendered her immobile, unable to even flap her wings. “Hmhmhm...oh, I think we’re going to enjoy this…” Luna softly chuckled, releasing Fluttershy from her magical hold. “W-We?” Fluttershy gulped. Even with the freedom of movement back, she couldn’t find it in her to back away. Luna nodded as her horn lit up. “Of course. You, me...myself...and I.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock. Where there was one Luna, there were now three. Each of them looking at Fluttershy with tickle-hungry eyes, filling the pegasus with terror and excitement. Two of the Lunas grabbed onto Fluttershy’s wrists with one arm each, holding her arms out to the sides. The third Luna stepped forward, skittering her fingers against her now exposed pits. “Eeeheeheeheeheep! Nohohohoho!” Fluttershy wiggled around, trying to pull her arms down, but the other Lunas effortlessly kept her armpits nice and exposed. All she could achieve was a little jump in place and an adorable giggle fit. “Such a giggly mess already, and I’ve only just started…” Luna teased, dancing her fingers up and down her upperbody, going from up in her pits, and down her ribs to squeeze her sides, then making the trip back up to her armpits.. “Naaaahaaaaa!” Fluttershy stamped her feet in place, each squeeze making her hop around. The entire time, she was treated to the view of Luna’s playful smirk as those tickly fingers teased her. As Fluttershy wiggled around from the Luna in front of her playfully skittering in her armpits, she felt her arms raised up even higher, The other Lunas holding her wrists used their free hands to squeeze her sides. With four hands now tickling her, Fluttershy’s laughter hit an even higher pitch. The Lunas continued skittering their fingers across Fluttershy’s upperbody, never going too harsh on her body and digging their nails in. The Luna in front leaned in, reaching back to ruffle the feathers on her wings. “AIIEEEHEEHAHAHAHAAA!” Fluttershy began actively kicking her legs out. The Lunas squeezed her sides at random intervals, making her jump every single time, but the touches to her wings really made her squeal. “You’re squirming around so much, Fluttershy…” Luna softly cooed, expertly dodging each of Fluttershy’s kicks. “We simply must do something about that…” On her next involuntary kick, Fluttershy felt her leg get caught and held by the ankle, her other leg being swung up and caught without any control from her. She saw two more Lunas, each of them wrapping an arm around her ankle, already pressing their fingers into her soles. “Eeeheeeeee! Ohohoho nooooo…” Her feet curled up, squirming around in the grasp of the multiple princesses. “There we go, much better,” Luna grinned, focusing her tickle attack on Fluttershy’s stomach, poking and wiggling over her toned tummy. The pair of Lunas at her feet went for the kill, tickling the middle of her sole and the ball of her foot with their nimble fingers. “EEEEHEEEHEEHEEHEHEE! MY FEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEET!” Fluttershy cried out, thrashing around, only able to watch helplessly as the Lunas attacked two of her worst spots at once. “Oh, yes, your feet…” Fluttershy could hear Luna’s voice in her ear. “I know how delightfully ticklish your feet are…The balls of your feet...” The Lunas began skittering their fingers in the specific spots she described. “The middle of your soles...and especially your toes…” Fluttershy felt a chill going down her spine. Luna knowing exactly where she was most ticklish combined with the coordinated attacks there made even the light fingertip stroking tickle madly. Luna was far from done playing with the pegasus. More copies of her appeared and surrounded her, giving the poor pegasus a display of wiggling fingers, teasing chuckles or lustful eyes. Fluttershy quivered in anticipatory excitement and dread. With four Lunas holding her arms and legs together, there was no more need to hold her together, which could only mean… The Lunas closed in, finding a different spot on her to tickle. “EEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHAHAHAAAAAA! L-LUNAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Fluttershy could feel fingers squeezing her sides and hips, scritching in the hollows of her armpits, tapping against her ribs, ruffling her wings. Fingers wiggled across every inch of her soles. She screamed in a mix of panic and delight, hit by all the fingers at once sent her heart racing. Using their fingers wasn’t the only thing that the Lunas did to tease her. They kissed and nibbled her neck, the edges of her wings, lapped at the part of her back between her wings, and smooched her inner thighs. She could feel kisses on each of her individual toes. Through her teary eyes, she managed to see a bit of what was happening. In addition to being able to duplicate herself, Luna could change her size as well. Several of the Lunas were small enough to plant their lips on their toes, or turn around and flap their wings at the spaces in between. The Lunas that were holding onto her wrists and ankles had grown in size to hold her still, preventing much in the way of struggling. Though neither of the individual Lunas were doing more than playful teasing, the sheer quantity was absolutely overwhelming. Fluttershy arched her back as much as she could as she squealed. The tickling to her armpits, toes, hips, and the spot right between her wings made her laugh the hardest. Several of the Lunas weren’t just using their lips to physically tease her. They whispered in her ears. Each little sweet nothing being heard clearly in Fluttershy’s mind no matter how loud she laughed. “Tickle tickle tickle…” “Such a lovely, ticklish laugh…” “From a lovely, ticklish pegasus…” “You’re sooooo ticklish, Fluttershy…” “The way your cute toes wiggle and curl…” “How your wings flap helplessly…” “Your hips swaying side to side…” “There’s no escaping the tickles…” “Coochie coo!” “But you love all of it, don’t you?” “So helpless, so ticklish…” Fluttershy’s entire face was burning with a bright blush. The physical and verbal teasing practically overloaded her mind. The flurry of gentle tickles and whispers drew out hard and wild laughter and moans. She could barely get a word out through all the ticklish pleasure, but she managed. “AAAAAAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! EEEEHAHAHAHA LUNAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAA!” The Lunas continued their assault, not letting up on their tickling. Still giving light wiggles and strokes to Fluttershy’s entire body, paying special attention to her hot spots: her wings, pits, hips, toes, and soles. Of course, they continued whispering complements and teases into her ears. “Your feet are so adorable!” “And even more adorable when they’re being tickled…” “Each kiss making you moan and blush more…” “The strokes right between your wings must be driving you wild, hm?” “Tickle tickle tickle…” “Cum for us, Fluttershy…” Even lost in the haze of ticklish hysterics, Fluttershy heard every word Luna was teasing her with. And with a powerful cry and a splay of her toes, she hit her climax. After Fluttershy finished her orgasm, the Lunas gradually stopped their tickling and gently let her down, disappearing one by one until only a single Luna remained. “Hmhmhm, did you enjoy yourself?” Fluttershy’s wings and toes twitched as she giggled in the afterglow. “M-Mmhm…” “Excellent,” Luna smiled proudly, helping Fluttershy to her feet. “That was the most fun I’ve had in a while, too.” Fluttershy was still a bit giggly, but looked at Luna with a bit of sadness in her eyes. “Is something wrong, Fluttershy?” “Well, this was fun and all, but since this is all a dream, won’t I forget it all soon?” Luna softly chuckled. “Under normal circumstances, yes, but I have a feeling that this dream will be quite memorable long after you wake.” Fluttershy’s wings eagerly flapped. “Could we maybe...do something like this again?” “Of course!” Princess Luna nodded. “And I know that my sister is going to love playing with you too…” > The Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up with a shudder. She looked around, finding herself back in her bedroom, most of her pillows knocked to the floor, her bedsheets stained, and with a very bad case of morning wing. Maybe she should consider sleeping with pajamas on more often... As she started cleaning up and getting ready for the day, she was surprised to find that she could still remember the entire dream she had last night, as if she had actually experienced it. The party with Pinkie, the stocks and crowd in town square, the vines, the sea of Lunas kissing and teasing her, she could still remember all of it in great detail. Fluttershy smiled to herself, shivering a bit from reliving the sensations. As she recalled her entire dream, she remembered the last thing that Luna told her before she woke up. She had already experienced what it was like to be at the ticklish mercy of Princess Luna. The idea of Princess Celestia tickling her was as exciting as it was terrifying. Still, she couldn’t spend all day fantasizing or worrying about what it’d be like, she still had things to take care of. She got herself dressed and went off to do her daily chores. After an exhausting morning of taking care of her many animals. Fluttershy finally had a moment to herself to relax, and decided to go out into town. Fluttershy walked through the streets of Ponyville, enjoying the bright and warm sunlight that shone onto her body. As she passed through the town square, she thought back to her dream again, remembering Trixie’s fingers skittering into her armpits, Shining buzzing his lips on her belly, Vinyl and Octavia double-teaming her feet… She quickly moved on from her current train of thought, not wanting to start blushing for seemingly no reason in public. As she continued her leisurely stroll through town, she saw Twilight Sparkle and Spike running towards her, clearly in some sort of rush. Twilight stopped in front of the pegasus, gasping for breath. “Fluttershy! T-There you are!” “Twilight? Spike? Is everything alright?” “Y-Yeah! Just...we got something for you…” Twilight wheezed. “S-Spike?” Spike handed Fluttershy a scroll. “Just got it a while ago,” Spike explained. “We tried looking for you at your house, but…” Fluttershy opened up the scroll, wondering why a letter meant for her went to Twilight and Spike. Curious, she began to read. Dear Fluttershy, I apologize for this unorthodox method of communication, but I needed to reach you as quickly as possible. The reason you are receiving this letter is because you are needed for your services in Canterlot Castle. Please arrive at your earliest convenience. -Princess Celestia “...Oh…” was the only response that Fluttershy could manage. That princess sure worked fast. “I wonder what Princess Celestia needs you for…” Twilight wondered out loud. “Must be super important if she needed to speak to you through me,” Spike said. “Y-Yeah…! I have no clue what she’d want from me!” Fluttershy said nervously, trying to hide how obvious she was lying. Even though Twilight and Spike knew about her tickle fetish, there’s no way she’d tell them that’s the reason why Celestia was summoning her, that wasn’t even going into mentioning the vivid dream she had with Luna. “Well, you better get going! Don’t wanna keep the princess waiting, after all! Good luck!” Twilight encouraged. “R-Right! Thanks Twilight! Thanks Spike!” Fluttershy rushed towards the train station, her short break from her daily duties had just been extended. Fluttershy was a nervous wreck during the entire train ride to Canterlot. She only had a small idea of what she was getting into, but there was no way to know for sure, and her mind started racing towards any possible result that could be reached. Just the idea that both Princesses of Equestria were both ticklephiles like her was already difficult to fully comprehend. Though she’d be lying if the idea of hearing them squeal with ticklish laughter, begging her to stop as she raked her fingers down their soles hadn’t crossed her mind at least once or twice. Though that was totally different, she didn’t actually think she’d be able to live out such a fantasy. She already had a small taste of what Luna was like as a tickler, but what about Celestia? Was she just as mean? Or perhaps even meaner? Was she going to take her to one of the royal bedrooms for a lot of teasy feathering all over her feet, or shackle her down in the dungeons, where she’d be free to scream as loud as she wanted to, completely immobile as the princess used her powerful alicorn magic to tickle her everywhere at once? Fluttershy let out a shudder, quickly covering her mouth in case anyone else on the train was staring at her, sheepishly trying to fold her wings back behind her as she looked back out the window, letting her mind wander once more. Princess Luna was a relentless tickler, though she had the advantage of it all taking place in her dreams, so she was limited only by her kinky imagination. She wondered how Celestia was going to follow that up. Though she’d also be happy with being on the other side of the feather. The princesses always looked so noble and powerful, to be able to make them a giggling mess was… Fluttershy touched her cheek, letting out a little squeak as she realized it was burning hot. She started to hide away against her seat, trying not to fluster herself by overthinking for the rest of the trip. Once the train stopped at Canterlot, Fluttershy walked towards the castle, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to keep from fantasizing too much, or else she’d be even more of a nervous wreck by the time she actually met with the princess. She walked into the throne room, and was instantly greeted by the visage of Princess Celestia herself. Seeing her sitting there, up high on her throne looking down at her, Fluttershy instinctively bowed in respect. Celestia let out a short chuckle, smiling warmly as she descended from the throne to greet Fluttershy up close. “Welcome, Fluttershy, it’s always a pleasure to see you.” “Um…likewise, Princess Celestia!” Fluttershy nodded, unsure when to stop bowing. With a playful roll of her eyes, Celestia lifted up Fluttershy’s chin to prompt her to stand back up straight. “I appreciate you coming here on such short notice. I understand that my letter might have reached you at a busy time…” “Oh, it’s no trouble at all! Knowing what you called me here for, I simply couldn’t say no!” Fluttershy said, trying to keep herself from blushing at the subtext of what she was saying. “Well then, let’s not delay, shall we?” Celestia turned and began walking out of the throne room, beckoning Fluttershy to follow. As soon as the two were no longer within earshot or in the line of sight of any of the guards, Celestia let out a relieved sigh, her whole body relaxing from the stiff regal posture she was typically seen keeping. “Ahhh! Oh I’ve been so excited to meet with you, Fluttershy!” she giggled, her voice also taking quite the transformation to a more excited and bubbly tone. “R-Really?” It hadn’t been that long since she woke up. Was Celestia truly that excited to meet another ticklephile? “Oh yes, Luna’s told me quite a lot about you.” Even with context, hearing that phrase gave Fluttershy a twinge of unease, making her pause in place. “Um…W-what about?” “Hmhm, nothing too detailed. Just how much you love tickling in all its forms,” Celestia winked. “Don’t worry, she didn’t share any of the fantasies you’ve had. Not even the ones involving me,” She joked. Fluttershy nearly choked on air. She was pretty sure she was just kidding about that part, but the part where she was having ticklish fantasies involving Celestia was still true. Celestia wrapped a wing around Fluttershy for reassurance. “Well, whatever those fantasies were, I do hope I can help make a few of them come true today.” The two walked through the castle halls until they came to a stairwell going downwards. Fluttershy instinctively gulped, her “tickle dungeon” theory starting to sound more and more plausible by the second as they walked down. At the very bottom was mostly what Fluttershy had been expecting. It definitely looked like a dungeon or prison, but with a more refurbished feel. The place was well-lit with bright lights, on top of the cobblestone floors were fuzzy rugs to make it more comfortable to walk around barefoot, and though there were sets of handcuffs attached to the walls, they were mostly the fuzzy or padded kinds. Even the metal ones looked like they were given the proper care and maintenance. Not to mention the myriad of bondage furniture lying around. Some of them were straightforward like stocks and x-frames, though others were more of a mystery. She felt like she was going to the gym for the first time, unable to figure out where to sit and position her body. “Impressed?” Celestia chuckled, watching Fluttershy look around in awe. “W-Wow…” was all Fluttershy managed to say as she walked around. For a moment, she thought she was still in Luna’s dream. This entire tickle dungeon felt it was part of a fantasy. “T-This is…oh gosh, this is a lot to take in!” “Hmhmhm, well, feel free to admire it all you want, but when you’re ready to put some of these things to use, let me know.” Fluttershy saw a few drawers in the corner, and decided to investigate. Inside, she saw it was full of tickle tools, neatly organized and not haphazardly shoved in. Some were obvious, like buffers and electric brushes, but there were plenty of things she hadn’t seen before, things that she didn’t know how they functioned. Fluttershy returned, still looking around and taking everything in. “Oh? Are you ready to begin?” “Um, I think so, yes.” Fluttershy nodded, her mind still thinking of the different tickle tools and how they could possibly work. Celestia smiled, gesturing around the room. “Well then. What would you like to start with first?” Fluttershy exhaled sharply. On the one hand, it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have Princess Celestia herself at her ticklish mercy. On the other hand, all those tools must tickle terribly, and there was only one way to experience it at their fullest effect… “I…um…saw a f-few things in that drawer…a-a lot of which I haven’t seen before…” Fluttershy stammered through her sentences. Even with Celestia being as casual and friendly as possible, it wasn’t easy to shake off the fact that she was still talking to a princess. “So…could you maybe…demonstrate some of those…? O-On me?” Celestia wrapped a wing around Fluttershy to calm her, trying to keep her from becoming a nervous wreck. “I’d be delighted to. I assume you want to learn how they work so you can use them against me?” Fluttershy let out a quiet giggle. “Ehehe…s-something like that.” The way that Celestia’s wing wrapped around her was actually calming her down a bit, like a big, kinda tickly hug. “Heh, well, I’ll be sure not to skip out on the details then. Come, tell me how you’d like to be positioned…” Fluttershy looked back around the room at her options, walking towards a padded reclining chair, one that let her lay back, but would keep her feet high up in the air. “Um…this one seems nice…” “Excellent choice,” Celestia nodded. “If you want to strip naked before sitting down, you may do so if you are comfortable. I will say that some of the tools will be more…effective that way.” Fluttershy watched Celestia walk towards the drawer, leaving Fluttershy with another decision. To be naked in front of Princess Celestia is a mortifying thought, but to be at her tickly whims because of it… Fluttershy clenched her teeth and started taking off her clothes. First were her shoes and socks, followed by her dress, and then her underwear. Princess Celestia returned to see Fluttershy naked, sitting on the chair with her wings slightly fluffed out. She was a bit surprised at how quick she was to make her decision, but happy to see how eager she was to get tickled. It was a little bit of proof that her sister’s words rung true. Without showing her what she had brought back, Celestia got Fluttershy strapped in and ready. The pegasus’s arms were outstretched to get access to her armpits before they were strapped in, and her ankles were put in position, raised up and put in the padded stocks. Her wings however, were still free to move around and flap. “Now, if it gets too much to handle, then just say ‘daybreak’, alright?” Fluttershy couldn’t help but fidget around. Partially to test the bondage and get into a comfortable position, but her heart was racing and she simply couldn’t keep still. Her breathing was already starting to accelerate, her toes twitched as she watched Celestia smiling down at her, keeping her hands behind her back, constantly making her wonder what sort of secret weapons she was keeping back there. “Um…O-Ok…” “You know, Fluttershy…” Celestia mused out loud, pacing around the chair. “Luna didn’t tell me exactly which spots you were ticklish, though the way she described things, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were ticklish everywhere…” The pegasus let out a quiet whimper, though there was still a small excited grin on her face. “She did tell me to go for your feet, however…” She said, stopping at the stocks. “So I’m going to take her up on that piece of advice.” She took out her first secret weapon. To Fluttershy, it didn’t look like anything more than some very elaborate pens. They were decorated with some golden trims to fit Celestia’s aesthetic, but she couldn’t tell how they might work from just a glance, other than just her writing on her feet or something. “Now then, let’s see if she was right in saying how ticklish your feet were…” Her thumb clicked on the end of one of the pens, and the nib began to whirr and vibrate. “Eep…” Fluttershy’s feet instinctively tried to move away from the pen, though her soles didn’t get very far. Celestia made it a point to move the vibrating pen towards her soles as slowly as possible, letting the anticipation drive her crazy before the tickling inevitably did. Fluttershy’s whimpers and squeaks became more frequent the closer Celestia’s hand got. She had no idea how much it would tickle, but the look on Celestia’s face told her that it would tickle way more than she’d be expecting. Eventually, the pen disappeared from Fluttershy’s line of sight as it got right in front of her feet, with no way to determine when it would make contact. Overwhelmed by the anticipation, she shut her eyes tight and awaited the inevitable. Seeing Fluttershy close her eyes made Celestia’s mischievous grin grow wider. The pen was just barely about to touch her feet, but with Fluttershy’s eyes shut, she decided to toy with her a bit, leaving the pen in place, not giving it the final push to start the tickling. Fluttershy could hear the buzzing of the pen, but her feet had yet to feel any tickling, or any sensation on her feet of any kind. She kept her feet pushed back as far as possible. But as more time passed with nothing happening, she began to wonder if something had happened to Celestia. She curiously cracked open an eye to peek… And that one little moment of vulnerability was what Celestia was waiting for. Once she saw Fluttershy’s eye open, the princess struck. With very little effort on her part, she pushed the pen forward, letting the little vibrating nib press against her sole. “GYAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!” Fluttershy burst into screaming laughter. She was right, the little pen nub tickled way more than she expected, but goodness, she didn’t think it’d tickle this much! Celestia smirked, idly moving the pen around in small circles around her sole, watching Fluttershy’s feet thrash about in the stocks. “Mmm, the ‘sole-breaker’ seems to be working quite well. Though perhaps that’s just due to the ticklishness of your feet…” Fluttershy wasn’t sure if the involuntary flailing of her feet was making it tickle more, but she couldn’t stop herself. The pen was a concentrated force of tickling power in one little spot on her foot, and the simple act of letting it move along her sole left her howling in pure hysterics. Celestia moved the pen downwards, making figure-eights on her heel, satisfied with moving the sole-breaker at an idle speed. Moving it any faster would possibly break the poor pegasus’s mind a bit too early. “NAAAAHAHAHAHA! OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOHOHOHOHOSH!” Fluttershy’s heels were the least ticklish spot on her feet. Still fairly ticklish, but it would take a lot of effort to get some squeals out of her. This sole-breaker was getting as much laughter as Rarity pulling her own yellow feathers between her toes. “I wonder where you’re most ticklish on these feet of yours, Fluttershy…” Celestia teased, using her free hand to hold Fluttershy’s foot back to bring the sole-breaker up her foot. “AIIIIEEEHAHAHAHAHA! WAITWAITAAAAAAHAHAAAA!” Fluttershy began to panic, trying to use her other foot to push away her hand. The pen on her heel was bad enough. If Celestia got to one of her weakspots… The yellow foot batting at her hand didn’t actually do much to stop Celestia’s advance, but since Fluttershy had yet to say the safe word, she continued onwards. Fluttershy’s resistance was expected, and Celestia had reacted accordingly. “Oh, is your other foot getting lonely? Allow me to fix that and give it some proper attention, then…” When Celestia shifted feet, Fluttershy threw her head back and screamed. The sole-breaker was placed directly on the middle of her foot. Her entire body froze up as the little vibrating tip buzzed against her foot. For just a brief moment, her mind went blank, and the space was quickly filled up with an insane amount of tickly sensations. “Oooh, what’s this? Have I found a tickle spot already?” Celestia curiously asked, pressing the sole-breaker a little further into her foot. “Does it tickle when I put it riiiiiight here?” Fluttershy’s face was blushing up a storm. The sole-breaker was absolutely living up to its name. The movement of the vibrating nub was small, but was incredibly effective. She wanted to know why and how it tickled so much, but Celestia was eager to teach via demonstration, not explanation. “GYAAAAHAHAHAHA YEHEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHICKLES!” Celestia gave Fluttershy a short but sadistic little chuckle. “If that’s the case, I wonder if there’s another spot on your feet that’ll make you scream just like that…” She moved the pen around her foot, going as slowly as possible to listen for the rises in her laughter. “I’m sure I’ll find it eventually.” “EEEEEEE! NO NO NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAAAAA!” The glacial speed of the sole-breaker got Fluttershy’s heart racing. She had no idea if Celestia was going to gun for another weak spot next. All she could do was wait in ticklish anticipation. “Though, since you seem to have plenty of experience being tickled, I’m sure you know all about your own tickle spots, and would have no problem just telling me…” Celestia mused, bringing the sole-breaker up her arch. “Though where’s the fun in that? I wouldn’t get to enjoy finding out for myself…” Fluttershy threw her head back and screamed. Her eyes widened as she could feel the tickling sensations rise up her foot, slowly but surely getting to the ball. Celestia noticed the change in Fluttershy’s facial expression, as well as the more frantic nature of her thrashing and giggling. She knew she was getting close to another spot. Instead of  going directly towards it, she decided to tease her a bit and veer off a little bit away from the ball of her foot. Fluttershy’s heart began pounding faster. She could feel the sole-breaker getting closer and closer to the ball of her foot. She closed her eyes and braced for the inevitable…but it never came. Celestia’s seemed to steer off-course and go sideways across her foot instead of directly upwards. It still tickled like mad, but not nearly as much as she thought it would. Of course, the moment that Fluttershy thought she was going to be spared, Celestia made an instant beeline towards the ball of Fluttershy’s foot. Fluttershy barely had time to react to the sudden shift before she felt the vibrations on the ball of her foot. With a loud shriek, she started shaking her head and thrashing around as much as she was able to. “EEEEHEEHEEHEENOOOOHOHOHOHO NAHAHAHAHAT THEEEEEERE! PLEHEHEEAAAAAASE!” Celestia let out a chuckle of self-satisfaction. Her reactions were so enjoyable to watch. “Oh, but you don’t really mean that, do you? I found another tickle spot, and you want me to stooooop tickling you there?” she teased, drawing little figure-eights on the ball of her foot. As evil as Celestia sounded, she was still right. She didn’t want it to stop. The vibrations against her foot were so intense, but it felt so good. “Though, if you truly insist, I suppose I can bring this somewhere else…” Celestia playfully rolled her eyes, moving the vibrating tickle tool back down her foot. “EEEEEE! W-WAITWAITWAIT GO BAHAHAHAAAACK!” Fluttershy could feel the tickling move away from her hot spot. Just when it was starting to get good, Celestia just had to be a tease and take it away. “Oh, now you want me to tickle you there?” Celestia asked with a knowing tone in her voice. “I’m getting some mixed messages here…it’d be much easier if you just told me what you wanted…” She placed the sole-breaker right between the ball of her foot and the center of her sole, in the middle of two of her tickle spots, teasing her by hitting none of them. Fluttershy let out a little whine among her squealing. She wanted the tickling. Desperately. And she wasn’t too proud to beg for it. “PLEHEHEEHEAAASE! T-TIHIHIHICKLE MEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! I-I WAHAHAHANT IIIIT!” Celestia smirked, quickly moving the sole-breaker back to the ball of Fluttershy’s foot to comply. “Well, since you’re asking for it…” Fluttershy squealed in delight as she felt the intense tickling once more. Her immobile feet kept the vibrations on her most sensitive spot at all times. “Oh, this is a veeeeery ticklish spot, isn’t it, Fluttershy?” Celestia teased, using her free hand to skitter against her arch, just to add a little extra tickling to the mix. Tears of laughter continued to streak down Fluttershy’s cheeks, nodding excitedly, far too occupied with screaming in hysterics to properly answer Celestia’s question. “Hmm, then I wonder what would happen if I put it here then…” The vibrating pen went upwards, settling right between her toes. “The oooone spot on your feet I’ve yet to tickle…” “EEEEEEHEEHEE! OHMYGOSH NAHAHAHAT MY TOHOHOHOHOHOOOOES!” Fluttershy’s toes twitched against the vibrating nub. The poor pegasus needed to take huge gasps to properly get enough air to laugh. Celestia was quick to take notice of Fluttershy’s increasingly weary state, and gave her a break so that she didn’t lose her mind too early. “Not your toes, hm?” Fluttershy’s head hung low as a few excess giggles escaped her lips, trying to catch her breath. She didn’t quite catch what Celestia had just said. She heard the word “toes” and her ears perked up. When Fluttershy looked up, she saw Princess Celestia holding a different tool in her hands. It appeared to be a long, and incredibly fuzzy rope. Long enough to get between each space between her toes. “Impressed? I call this the toe-flosser…” “Oh sweet merciful Celestia…” Fluttershy whimpered. “Oh, I wouldn’t use that word to describe me right now…” Celestia slowly looped the toe-flosser through, making it fit snugly between each of her toes, not moving it to intentionally tickle just yet. Fluttershy squirmed in her seat, the fuzzy rope already made her giggle just placing it between her immobilized toes. The anticipation was already making her wings flap in excitement. “Excited to get your toes tickled, Fluttershy?” The princess giggled, grabbing onto the ends of the rope. “U-Um…maaaaybe a little?” Another nervous giggle came out as she tried to curl her toes. She trembled with each second that Celestia held onto the ropes, but didn’t move them. “P-Please…?” She asked meekly, thinking that Celestia was waiting for her to beg before the tickling would resume. Celestia started out slow, moving the toe-flosser back and forth, letting it brush between each of her toes. Fluttershy’s reaction was explosive. She arched her back and screamed, her body reflexively trying to curl or wiggle her toes as the rope ran rampant between them. Her mind was sent into an immediate frenzy as she tried to process the feeling of having the rope run between her toes. She was in no state to figure out what it was made of, but it did feel super fuzzy against her tender toes. “Hmhmhm…Enjoying yourself, Fluttershy?” Celestia’s voice was loud enough for Fluttershy to hear over her own laughter, but still gentle and teasing so it didn’t feel like a shouting match. “AIIIEEEEHEEHEEHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES!” Fluttershy threw her head back and howled. Her toes kept wiggling out of reflex, only making the tickling much worse for her. She could tell Celestia was barely moving the rope back and forth, and yet she couldn’t stop her toes from wiggling.   Celestia kept the rope going at a steady pace, smirking to herself as continued to plot on what to do with her next. “Good, I would hate for you to think that these precious toes of yours would go untickled…” “GYAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEEHAHAHA MY TOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOES!” Fluttershy’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of crimson. Celestia’s words gave her tingles, from what she was saying down to the way she was saying it. Though the toe flosser was certainly effective, Celestia had so much more planned for the poor, ticklish pegasus. Plus, she still had magic, she could still keep her toes busy while having her hands free. “EEEEEEHEEEEE!” The tears in her eyes blurred Fluttershy’s vision, but a bright yellow glow and the feeling of manicured nails skittering down her arches told the pegasus all she needed to know. “O-OH NOHOHOHOHOHO!” “Oh yes…” Celestia’s expert control of her magic meant that the fuzzy rope could move with swift motions as if she was holding it in her hands, possibly even more so. It also allowed Celestia the chance to use her fingers. Sure, she had plenty of tools that she could use, but nothing could beat the personal intimate feeling of fingers scribbling down your feet. “I’m gonna tickle tickle tickle those cute feet of yours…” And given how red Fluttershy’s cheeks were, Celestia’s methods were proving quite effective. A mix of the intense tickling and intimate cooing kept her squeaking and squirming. But even moreso, little moans kept slipping through her peals of laughter. She started rubbing her inner thighs together, gasping for air as the sharp nails skittered across her feet. Celestia hummed to herself, delighting in the sounds of Fluttershy’s laughter, still taunting her with sweet, honeyed words. “Oh, what should I do with you next?” she giggled, dancing her fingers across her tender arches. “Maybe a big thick brush across your soles? Or maybe a spiky wheel up your arches…Perhaps I could use a special oil to make your feet extra sensitive…Hmhmhm, so much I could do…” All those ideas sounded wonderful to Fluttershy, but as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t quite vocalize her desires as eloquently as she could. “BAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA! AIIIEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAAAA! I! I! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Given the look on Celestia’s face, it seems as though she had already made up her mind on what to do. As she ducked down to keep the surprise intact, she kept the toe-flosser going, sawing it back and forth. Fluttershy shut her eyes tight. The fuzzy rope between her toes started to move even faster, or perhaps this was due to the fact that her toes splayed out due to how intense it all was. She threw her head back, letting out a loud and long squeal of delight. Fluttershy could feel the rope being removed from the spaces between her toes. Of course, it was taken out the very long and slow way. Celestia pulled the toe-flosser all the way so that the handle was right between her pinky toe…and then it was promptly pulled in the opposite direction, tickling each of her toes on the way out. “NAAAAHAHAHAHA NOOOOHOHOHOHO!” The pegasus’s toes twitched long after the flosser was removed. She let out quiet giggles and moans from the residual tingling. She shook her head to get rid of a few of the tears in her eyes, though she still couldn’t get a good view of what Celestia was doing or planning. Celestia eventually returned into view, though she hadn’t shown her hand quite yet. She simply smiled and winked. Fluttershy was left staring awkwardly at the princess, fidgeting and waiting for her to make her move. She was about to speak up, but she finally felt something moving against her heel. Something soft. A feather, most likely, though something felt off. It tickled far more than any ordinary feather. Just one stroke got her screaming her head off. “EEEAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA! W-WHAHAHAAAHAHAAAT?!” Celestia brought the feather all the way up to her toes before finally revealing it to her. “Look familiar, Fluttershy?” “Eep…” Fluttershy let out a little squeak. In between Celestia’s fingers was what she expected, a large feather, though one very familiar to her. It was red with a fiery orange tip. Celestia brought the feather back down to the ball of her foot, where it tickled with the same fiery intensity as before. “NAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEEE IT TIHIHIHIHIIICKLES!” “I bet it does,” Celestia winked. “Phoenix feathers are quite special, aren’t they?” The feather moved slowly across Fluttershy’s sole, the slightest touch sent her nerves ablaze with ticklish sensation, forcing high pitched squeals and heavy screams out of the mare. Her eyes widened once Celestia started making the feather go back up to retrace already tickled grounds, finding that the phoenix feather tickled just as much as it did the first time, possibly even moreso. “And to think, this is just one feather…” Celestia cooed, bringing the tip down to her sole. “If just one is enough to get you screaming…” She didn’t bother to finish her sentence, she was confident that Fluttershy already knew where she was going. Fluttershy’s heart pounded hard and fast in her chest. She was pretty sure she was about to lose her mind with just one phoenix feather tickling her. She didn’t even want to consider what another would do. Though what surprised Fluttershy more was the fact that she saw Celestia bring out eight phoenix feathers out of nowhere. Celestia didn’t plan on using all of them at once, but it was certainly amusing to see Fluttershy freeze up, struggling to decide whether she was excited or terrified. With an amused chuckle to herself, she lowered all but two of the phoenix feathers to alleviate some of Fluttershy’s fears. The initial shock finally wore off, and Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief. Celestia wielding two phoenix feathers was a lot less scary than her using eight, but it was still Celestia wielding two phoenix feathers. With a feather in each hand, Celestia attacked each foot, starting at the balls of her feet, and making slow movements straight down her soles. If anything, those slow movements made the tickling even worse. It was like Fluttershy could feel each individual soft barb as it slid across. Without the rope between her toes, Fluttershy was more free to thrash her feet around. Unfortunately, it only made the tickling worse. The added movement only made it feel like the phoenix feathers were moving faster on her poor feet, despite Celestia’s deliberate attempts to make them go as slow as possible. The feathers strolled down Fluttershy’s feet, down her arches and soles, before stopping at her heels, where Celestia made small circles with the tips. “GYAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOOHAHAHAHAHAAA! EEEEEE! EEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Fluttershy’s heels were the least ticklish part on her feet, and yet the phoenix feathers had her screaming like the toe-flosser running at full speed. Her feet had already gone through plenty. Her yellow soles now sported a nice shade of pink, droplets of sweat dripped down to her heels, but the touch of the feathers made it feel like they were at the start of the tickle session. “Tickle tickle tickle!” Celestia taunted, making figure-eights with the feathers. “Every stroke must feel soooooo good…your feet must be feeling more and more sensitive with each touch…” “EEEEEEE! AAAHAAAHAAHAA! OHMYGOSHOHMYGOHOHOHOHOHOSH!” Fluttershy’s ears pressed into the sides of her head, trying to block out the verbal teasing. She already had a hard enough time enduring the feathers. She wasn’t sure if it was the feathers, or Celestia planting the idea in her mind, but she started to suspect that the feathers really were making her more ticklish. Though the verbal teasing combined with the intensity of the feathers was already starting to have another effect on her. It was a subtle sensation at first, but there was a distinct tingling she was feeling right between her legs. Each stroke of the feather made that tingling even stronger, even without anything directly touching it. If the constant stream of laughter wasn’t making her cheeks as red as the plumes touching her feet, the constant needy feeling between her legs was. “And if it tickles your heels that much, then you can only imagine how much it tickles when I bring it all the way up…” Celestia started the feathers’ journey back up Fluttershy’s feet, with a clear goal in mind. Fluttershy didn’t have to try and imagine for long. The phoenix feathers were practically making a beeline towards her toes, and no amount of wiggling, flailing, or scrunching would stop them. “EEEEEEEEK! NONONONONAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!” The phoenix feathers quickly fit in between Fluttershy’s toes, and unlike the slow strokes from before, Celestia was more than happy to make quick sawing motions at one of Fluttershy’s more ticklish spots. “GYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO PLEEAAAASE IT TIHIHIHIHIIIICKLES!” Fluttershy cackled. Her toes instinctively clenched up to try and stop the feathers, but she was no match for either Celestia’s strength or the tickly power of the feathers. The smallest movement, combined with a little bit of love for the situation she was stuck in, got Fluttershy’s toes to spread out so that Celestia could work her magic. Celestia took Fluttershy’s spread toes as an invitation to bring the other phoenix feathers out. One by one, they slid between the other spaces between her toes, held in place by magic just to make sure that Fluttershy didn’t “accidentally” let one of them fall out. “Ready, Fluttershy?” With each phoenix feather put between her toes, she felt another shiver shoot down her spine, and another tingle in her loins. The feathers didn’t move further past their insertion, but the involuntary twitching of her toes kept her giggling. She watched as the phoenix feathers got surrounded by a warm yellow glow, already squeaking in excitement. “M-mmmph…yes…!” “Very well then.” One by one, the phoenix feathers began to move, sawing each of those soft fiery plumes between her toes, counting slowly to let Fluttershy know just in case she lost track. “One…two…three…four…” It was genuinely difficult for Fluttershy to tell how many feathers were tickling her. Her toes were ablaze with a ticklish intensity, all of it started to melt together into one ticklish mess, like the one she was quickly becoming. “Five…six…seven…” As the other feathers started to move between her toes, the others that were already in motion began to move faster. Fluttershy could no longer properly form words to beg or voice her delight, not that she could form coherent thoughts anymore. The increased speed of the feathers had her thrashing her upperbody as much as the bonds allowed her. With all the screaming laughter she had been doing, it was a wonder that she was still full of energy, perhaps just another benefit of the phoenix feathers. And with that constant energy in her, she could feel how close and needy she was. She felt so close, but despite all the movement between her toes, she still felt like she was always just on the edge, being kept just short of an orgasmic release. She needed it. She needed more. “Aaaand…eight!” Now all the feathers were moving in full swing, swiping between Fluttershy’s tender toes. “AAAIIIIEEEEEAAAAHAHAHAAA! OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSHOHMYGOOHOHOHOHOHOHOSH!” Fluttershy threw her head in every single direction possible. She howled and screamed and moaned, uselessly thrusting her hips into the air, trying to get that last push towards orgasmic bliss. “Kitchy kitchy koo…How much longer will it taaaake?” Celestia sung, watching the feathers do their work. It was only a matter of time, so Celestia idly walked her fingers up and down her soles, watching her toes twitch squirm against the firey plumes. “Oh, it must tickle sooooo muuuuuuch…” Fluttershy’s mind was a frenzied mess, unable to focus on a single sensation at any time. One of the few constants that registered was the gradual buildup of the orgasm she craved. The little taps from Celestia’s fingers made her feet twitch, but it was easily overshadowed by the phoenix feathers. All eight feathers moving at varying speeds drove her crazy, but she couldn’t get enough of it. The firey sensation in her crotch got more and more intense with each stroke of the feather, until it was finally enough to push her over. “AAAH! AAAAAHAHA! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Fluttershy threw her head back as her whole body convulsed. Her howling laughter was overtaken by a screaming moan as she arched her back one more time, squirting and making a sticky mess on the seat she was on. Celestia had the feathers come to an immediate stop, her playful poking and skittering changing to a tender and much-needed foot massage. Her tone of voice also changed back to a warmer, gentler tone. “So? Did you enjoy yourself?” Fluttershy was still panting heavily, but slowly nodded her head as she collected her thoughts. “M-Mmhm…” Her capacity to speak was still limited, her mind still felt fuzzy, and her toes still felt residual tickly tingles. But the massage certainly helped to calm her down, sending a warmer, more comfortable glow against her naked body. Celestia pressed her thumbs into Fluttershy’s soles, making sure to go gently so as to not accidentally set her off again, though her poor soles sported a heavy blush and were dripping with sweat, they were surely oversensitized by the seemingly endless strokes of the phoenix feathers. “Hmhmhm, good. I must admit, I’m surprised you didn’t say the safe word at any point. You truly do love being tickled…” Fluttershy weakly giggled, finding the strength to pick her head up and nod. Celestia’s gentle fingers pushed down on just the right pressure points to make her moan and shudder. “It was…oooh…so intense…a-aaah…I’ve never experienced something like that…well, n-not since Discord and Luna…hehehe…” “And you managed to withstand all eight phoenix feathers all the way up until you came,” Celestia mused, moving up to give some attention to her very abused toes. “Not even Luna can take that much for long…” Fluttershy curled and uncurled her toes with another giggle at the bit of gossip she was hearing. As she felt her toes getting rubbed, she immediately began to picture Princess Luna in the same predicament she was just in. She could only imagine how much Luna would be screaming with phoenix feathers between her toes. A little idea came into her mind. She’d love to see the look on Luna’s face the next time she appeared to her in her dreams, surprising her with a handful of phoenix feathers. Though that was a plan for much later. “I suppose now you want to get your revenge…” Celestia winked, still kneading and rubbing her toes. “Mmmmaybe…Ehehehe…” She’d be lying if she said the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. Though the foot massage was definitely something she didn’t want stopping any time soon. Celestia had a magic touch, giving her a pleasing warmth that washed over her naked body. “Nnnf…maybe in a bit though…” “Very well, I suppose I deserve it,” Celestia playfully rolled her eyes. “Just let me know when you’re ready.” “Nnn…! A-Aaah…oh gosh…” Fluttershy shuddered as she felt Celestia knead right under her toes. The work that the phoenix feathers did made her feet so sensitive, but instead of it making her howl with laughter, it was working to make her shiver and moan, like she was on the verge of another orgasm so quickly. Celestia was willing to take her time to make sure Fluttershy was comfortable. She had no doubt that she did a number on Fluttershy’s soles. The pegasus would definitely have trouble standing up if she was to be let go now. Plus if she was able to provide a good massage, perhaps she’d be spared a bit of Fluttershy’s tickly wrath. Not that Celestia wasn’t curious how far she’d go, but she was certain there was enough vengeance in Fluttershy to make her squeal pretty hard. Fluttershy was struggling to keep herself awake, the massaging hands of the princess relaxed her whole body, despite only touching her feet. Her head hung back forward with heavy eyelids. The constant tingly feeling at her feet was finally starting to fade away. Her chest slowly raised and lowered as she started to drift to sleep… …Until a quick skittering against her soles woke her back up again. “EEEEEEHEEEE!” She perked her head up, met by the smug gaze of Celestia. “About to go to sleep? I certainly hope it wasn’t to try and ask my sister for some advice…” “Eeep…” Fluttershy blushed and curled up her soles. Deep down she knew that she was joking, but she could already feel more tickles coming her way soon if she didn’t get moving. “Well, I suppose now you’re ready to get out of that seat…” Celestia winked, giving Fluttershy’s feet a mix of teasing pokes and gentle rubs. “Y-Yeah…! I-I think I’m good…” Fluttershy sheepishly giggled, her feet flexing and twitching. With a soft giggle, Celestia’s magic started undoing all the latches that held Fluttershy in place, finally releasing her. It took a while for Fluttershy to actually get up, and standing up still proved to be a bit of an issue, but she was up and ready. “Whenever you’re ready, just tell me where you want me, then feel free to grab whatever tools you want,” Celestia said. “If you have any questions, just ask.” Fluttershy looked back around the room. For a moment, she almost forgot that she was down in Canterlot. She took a look at the different possibilities, so many positions she could put the princess in… There were plenty of contenders. Simple stocks, fuzzy handcuffs, shackled tables, and plenty of metal contraptions she didn’t know about. She did find something that caught her attention. “Um…how about this one?” Fluttershy pointed to a black leather bondage seat. The padded cushions suggested the intended victim would have her arms extended out to the side, and legs slightly spread out. Celestia smiled and nodded, “Not a bad choice at all.” As she approached the seat Fluttershy was pointing at, already starting to remove her dress. Fluttershy could feel her cheeks already start to burn up. She wanted Celestia to also get naked in the interest of fairness, and she’s glad that she didn’t have to directly ask her, but still, seeing the princess getting naked in front of her was so flustering. She felt like she needed to turn away or cover her eyes. As Celestia stripped down to her bra and panties, she noticed Fluttershy standing in place, frozen in fear just staring at her. “Perhaps it would be better if you found some tools to use instead of just gawking at me,” she teased, shaking her hips back and forth. Pomf! “Eeeep!” Fluttershy quickly turned her head, feeling the burning blush go all the way to her ears. She made her way to the drawers of tickle tools, trying to resist the urge to look behind her to see the progress on Celestia stripping down. She looked through the catalog of tickle tools. So many choices to go through… There were plenty of tools she was familiar with, feathers, brushes, and vibrators galore, but she couldn’t just ignore all the new toys she now had access to. Though, she had no idea what most of them did, or how they worked. It was so difficult to choose between the more familiar and the shiny and new. Though…why decide on one or the other? She gathered up a few tools, and then returned back, seeing Celestia now stripped naked and sitting comfortably on the chair. “I…Oh…um…oh gosh…!” Fluttershy squeaked, covering up her flustered face with her wings. “I’m the one naked and ready to be strapped down, I figured I was the one that should be blushing up a storm,” Celestia softly chuckled. “Are you sure you’re up for tickling your princess?” Fluttershy let out a quick huff. This was daunting, but she couldn’t let this opportunity slip past her. With a little shudder, she got herself to refocus. Even while totally naked and exposed, silently begging to be tied up, Celestia still felt intimidating to Fluttershy, but she needed to get through it. She began putting the straps on Celestia’s wrists, then to the individual stocks at the ankles. Fluttershy was briefly transfixed with how huge the princess’s feet were. She briefly ran her fingers down her sole, letting out a quiet gasp at how soft and plush they were, though she supposes it was to be expected. Canterlot royalty would have access to only the finest pedicures. Celestia let out a short giggle, flexing her soles as Fluttershy curiously toyed with her feet. Her toes wiggled invitingly, waiting for Fluttershy to start the tickling proper. Fluttershy locked the ankle stocks in place, noticing there were a few notches on the side and top. The top part seemed obvious for things like toe ties, but the ones at the side caught her attention. The notches at the sides did look like they’d fit some of the things she picked up. After a few moments, and Fluttershy continuously being flustered by the whole nudity situation, she finally had Princess Celestia strapped down and at her mercy. The finishing touch was a magic-nullifying ring placed on the princess’s horn. “So, Fluttershy, what will you do with me first?” Celestia giggled, flexing her toes in anticipation. Fluttershy traced a finger up Celestia’s foot, followed up by a quick dig at her arches, slowly trying to get comfortable and into the role of the dom. “U-Um…well, first I want to find out just how ticklish the Princess of Equestria is, a-and where to make her laugh the loudest…” Celestia let out a surprised gasp and squeal, grinning as watched Fluttershy lose a bit of that shyness. “Well, I’m certain you’re going to have a lot of fun with that task, would you like a hint to help?” “Oooh, very tempting…” Fluttershy giggled, wiggling a finger between her toes. “Though, how would I know you’re not lying to me? It’d be much easier if I just tested it for myself…” “Oohoohoo…Well then, go ahead, Fluttershy, there’s quite a lot to test…” Celestia giggled, keeping her toes spread out in case she wanted to do some extensive testing there. Fluttershy’s wings extended in excitement, “T-Then I better not waste any more time!” She kneeled down in front of Celestia’s feet. Her legs were spread out enough to give easy access to her pussy, but at the edge, Fluttershy could easily reach both feet at once. She began to skitter her fingers against Celestia’s soles, eagerly looking up to see what kind of reaction it would get. “A-Aaahahahaha! Ooohohoho, d-don’t hohohold back now!” Celestia laughed happily, wiggling her toes and squirming in her seat. Fluttershy’s fingers were nimbly dancing across her feet, moving at different speeds on each foot. There wasn’t a doubt that Fluttershy was a skilled and experienced tickler.  “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t!” Fluttershy grinned. “Especially when I have these with me…” Celestia tilted her head in confusion, until she felt a fiery tickly feeling brush up her sole, making her instantly explode with laughter. “GYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA?!” Celestia actually felt a twinge of fear. The sudden jump in tickly intensity quickly told her what Fluttershy was holding. Fluttershy giggled to herself, showing off the pair of phoenix feathers in between her fingers. “I figured these would help speed up the process, don’t you think?” “O-Oh! W-Well then…! I-I guess I can’t stop you, can I?” Celestia tried to stay calm and teasy, but she couldn’t hide the waver in her voice, knowing Fluttershy was intending to use those phoenix feathers at the very start. Strangely enough, seeing Celestia get so nervous helped get Fluttershy to calm down. She gave Celestia’s foot another slow stroke. “Hmhm, no, I suppose you can’t…” “EEEHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” “...But I’ll save those for later,” Fluttershy said, putting the feathers back down, showing Celestia her wiggling fingers. “Right now I wanna get up close and personal with these veeeery ticklish princess feet…” Seeing the feathers put away gave Celestia a bit of relief, knowing that Fluttershy was going to at least start off easy on her, but also that she was clearly getting more comfortable as time went on. Fluttershy’s fingers went back to those smooth princess peds, wiggling at a somewhat constant pace against her massive soles, just trying to figure out where on Celestia’s feet was the most ticklish. She kept an ear out for any rises in volume or pitch from the princess, though she did quick little skitters in random places just to make sure that it wasn’t all just the same uniform speed. Celestia certainly didn’t hold back with the ticklish feedback, laughing heartily as Fluttershy’s fingers explored her feet, though the quick little tickle attacks made her jump around on the seat in surprise. “Oooh, you must be soooo ticklish, Princess!” Fluttershy giggled, still listening out for the changes in Celestia’s laughter, going over certain spots just to confirm her suspicions, double-checking, and sometimes triple-checking, even long after she was sure. “Mmmph! A-Aaahaha!” A twinge of pink started to appear on Celestia’s cheeks. It seems like she wasn’t immune to tickle talk either, especially after Fluttershy was starting to target her hot spots more and more. “Especially riiiiight here!” Fluttershy grinned, digging her fingers right underneath Celestia’s toes. “EEEHAHAHAAAA!” Celestia tried to clench her toes to stop Fluttershy’s fingers, but it was far too late. The best she could do was wiggle her feet around to try and shake Fluttershy off. “Ooh…” Hearing Celestia’s squeal that loudly got Fluttershy to squeak in delight, only encouraging her more. “Now what about heeeere? Does that tickle?” She teased, scratching her manicured nails against the direct center of her foot. Celestia frantically curled up her soles, her eyes widened as she frantically started to shake against the straps. “NAAAAHAHAHA! Y-YEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” “Oh, it does, does it? How badly does it tickle?” Ponyville’s spa treatments may not have the reputation of Canterlot’s, but that didn’t diminish the fine sharpness of Fluttershy’s fingernails, especially when they were skittering right at her tickle spots. “AAAAHA! A-A LOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOT!” Fluttershy’s wings slowly started to extend behind her. Celestia’s hysterical laughter was a delight to the ears. “And just think,” she said, stopping the tickling temporarily, leaning in a bit closer to Celestia. “I’m just using my fingers, and you’re already laughing this much…What are you going to do when I bring out all the tools, or even my wings?” she giggled, doing a few big flaps. Celestia only responded with a few breathy chuckles and a small smirk. “Well then, I look forward to seeing what you can do…” Her toes wiggled as she winked, excited to see how far Fluttershy was going to go. She let her imagination run a bit, trying to guess what Fluttershy grabbed from the drawers, hoping that she didn’t have to wait for long. “Well, I think I’ve already figured out the most ticklish spots on your feet…” Fluttershy mused out loud, looking at Celestia’s curling toes with a pout. “Mmhm?” Celestia scrunched up her soles again, anticipating another surprise tickle attack to her feet. Fluttershy’s pout turned into a sly smirk as she took a step forward. “Buuuut, that’s just your feet…I think that there’s a lot of other places you could be very, very ticklish…” Celestia instinctively sucked in her tummy as Fluttershy got closer, watching her wiggling fingers get closer and closer to her midriff. “Oh, I’m sure there’s plenty for you to find…” The pegasus’s eyes did a quick scan up and down Celestia’s body. Now that she was getting into a tickler mood, the fact that both of them were naked didn’t feel quite as horrifying as it used to. “Well, then, why don’t I start…here?” Her hands shot down right to Celestia’s hips, giving them a firm squeeze. “Aaaahaaaaha!” Celestia bucked her hips upwards with a squeaky laugh, unable to keep up the seductive and teasy look. “Oooh, that’s a promising start!” Fluttershy giggled, giving her hips another playful squeeze. “And there’s still so much more left untickled…” “Eeeee! Aaahahack!” Celestia twisted her body, trying to slip away from Fluttershy’s grip, but it didn’t seem like the pegasus was willing to let go, plus her limited movement meant there was very little room for her to go. “Hmm, where next?” Fluttershy mused out loud, her fingers playfully tapping against Celestia’s sides. Short, breathy giggles came out from Celestia’s lips. The little teasing taps didn’t tickle as much, but it was just enough to keep her squirming and just the tiniest bit on edge while Fluttershy decided on where to strike next. Fluttershy kept tapping against Celestia’s body, raising and lowering her hands, going from her hips to her sides, to her armpits, just to see if Celestia would give any tells. Celestia tried to keep a straight face, but her eyes widened considerably every time Fluttershy’s fingers hovered over her belly, with her giggling raising up a little bit higher in pitch with the light tapping. Fluttershy hummed to herself, pretending not to notice Celestia’s terrible attempt at a poker face. She deliberately teased her, keeping her fingers around Celestia’s stomach, but never actually striking in further than a few playful taps. A bead of sweat dripped down from Celestia’s forehead, helpless to watch as Fluttershy kept hovering her hands right over her belly, only lowering it for the occasional poke. After enough teasing and letting the princess stew in anticipation, Fluttershy quickly shifted into a meaner tickling mode, playfully scribbling her fingers across her stomach. “Gahahahahaaaaa! NOooohohohohahahaha!” Celestia squealed and jumped around against the nails dancing against her belly. All that waiting for the tickling to resume made her especially jumpy, which wasn’t helped by Fluttershy targeting another tickle spot. “Hmhmhm, looks like I found another oooone!” Fluttershy taunted, spidering her fingers up and down her stomach. Celestia wiggled her hips from side to side, her wings happily extending out and flapping, showing that her struggles were more a consequence of reflex. “Eeehahahaha! Y-You dihihihihiiiid!” Fluttershy circled her fingers around Celestia’s navel, giggling along with the princess. “Heehee, does the princess have a ticklish tummy?” Celestia’s ears flicked as the blush on her cheeks got deeper and deeper. “Eeee! I doooohoohooohoo! I-I hahahahave a t-tihihihicklish tummy! Eehahahahahaaaa!” “Oh, yes you do! And I bet it’ll tickle sooooo much when I do this!” Celestia’s vision focused just in time to see Fluttershy leaning her head back, taking a big breath and holding onto her hips. She only had a split second to see it coming before she felt Fluttershy’s lips buzzing right onto her stomach. “NAAAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Though she couldn’t keep up the tickle talk while constantly giving raspberries, Fluttershy just upped the intensity to compensate. While she kept her hands on Celestia’s hips to keep her in place, she kept giving them a few squeezes between taking breaths. “EEEEHAHAHAHAAA! EHEHEHEHE! O-OHOHOHO THAHAHAHAT REALLY TIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Celestia howled with laughter. Her body flailed around, rattling the ankle stocks as Fluttershy laid out raspberry after raspberry on her ticklish tummy. After a particularly long tummy buzz, Fluttershy lifted her head back up to let herself and Celestia breathe a bit. Princess Celestia gave a few breathy giggles before looking back up at her tickler with a sly grin. “W-Well, Fluttershy, you’re doing an amazing job so far…” she winked. “Ooh, r-really?” Fluttershy briefly slipped back into a more bashful state. It was high praise to hear that from Princess Celestia herself. “Mmhm!” Celestia nodded. “You’re quite skilled at finding all my weak spots, but what are you going to do now that you know them?” “Hmm…I think I have a few ideas…” Fluttershy looked back down at the pile of tools she gathered. “Oh? Then me and my ticklish body await what you’re planning…” Celestia gave a little wiggle of her hips to tease the pegasus. “Well, let’s see what happens when I do this…” Fluttershy’s wings slowly started to extend out, the tips of her feathers pointed towards Celestia’s entire upperbody. Celestia’s facade cracked once more as she froze in place. Those feathers of Fluttershy looked terribly soft and tickly. “A-tickle tickle tickle…” The pair of yellow wings descended on Celestia’s regal, naked body, doing a full sweep up and down from her armpits down to her hips. “Aiiieeeeheeheeheeheeheeeee!” Celestia arched her back as the flurry of feathers washed over her whole body, pushing herself closer to the tickling. With her wings putting in the work, Fluttershy needed something to do with her now idle hands. She scanned Celestia’s naked body, her gaze settling at her spread legs and bouncing breasts. As she reached forward, she hesitated as her nerves started to get the better of her again. Did she even have permission to touch such an intimate place? Celestia’s giggling died down as the tickling stopped. She looked up to see Fluttershy staring nervously at her crotch, her wings had frozen up. “Something the matter, Fluttershy?” “O-Oh, u-um, I was just wondering if it was alright if…y-you know…” Fluttershy pointed downwards, unable to spit it out and say it properly. “Hmhmhm, do whatever you want to do, Fluttershy…” “Whatever, hm? A-Alright, if you say so…” Fluttershy reached down, pulling out the phoenix feather, gently sliding the tip against her pussy lips. “YAAAAHAHAAAAA!?” Celestia expected Fluttershy to use her wings or something light to tease her. The phoenix feather was such a jump in intensity that she practically leapt off her bondage seat. “Mmhmhmhm, you did say whatever I wanted to do…” Fluttershy’s wings started to move again, stroking up and down the princess’s body. Now that she had permission to get naughty, she made sure that her feathers focused on her breasts and slipped in between her cleavage. All the while, she slowly stroked the tip of the phoenix feather against the princess’s pussy. “NNNNF! EEEHAHAHAHAHAAA! O-OOHOHOHOHOHO Y-YES!” Celestia bucked her hips, trying to get as much pleasure out of the slow strokes as she could. “Ah ah ah…” Fluttershy gently scolded, briefly sliding the phoenix feather between her toes to chastise her. “Not yet…If you’re going to be that impatient, then I’m going to have to punish you…” “O-Oh yeah? Punish me with what, exactly?” Fluttershy reached into her pile, grabbing a metallic rod-like device. She had an idea of what it did, but just to be sure… “Um…what exactly does this do?” “Oh, that’s something Luna and I have been calling ‘The Preener’. You just put that right between my wings and press the button, it’ll do the rest…” Celestia explained, trying to lift herself up and expose her back, should Fluttershy want to see it in action. Well, good thing she asked. “Oh, um…alright...” Fluttershy reached around to put The Preener right between her wings and activated it. After a beeping as it whirred to life, little metal bars came out, sticking to Celestia’s wingspan. From the bars, several little mini brushes popped out, stroking against her pristine white feather. “EEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAAAAHAHAHA!” Celestia’s wings were stuck at their full length, completely outstretched, forced to take all the little brushes scrubbing away at her wings. Fluttershy could only watch in awe, and a little bit of jealousy, as she watched the preener in action. She was getting tingles just imagining what it would do on her own wings, staring in a stunned silence as she watched those wonderful white wings twitch and squirm. “AAAAAAAHAHAHAAA! NOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Celestia’s whole body trembled under the multitude of brushes working all over her wings, it was like every feather of hers was getting a deep brush stroke. Fluttershy snapped out of her trance, trying to think of what to do next. She didn’t want to just stand there awkwardly while that preener did all the work. She looked down to her own wings, and smiled. “Well, your wings seem to be enjoying themselves, I think my wings want in on the fun too!” Celestia looked through her teary eyes to see Fluttershy’s wings spread out wide, fluffing out her feathers with a grin. She tried to suck in her stomach again, anticipating another attack to her midriff, but she saw Fluttershy take a step back instead of forward. “EEEEE! NONONONONOOOOHOHOHO!” “Oh yes…!” Fluttershy giggled, flapping her wings closer to her soles, slowly approaching those huge white soles. Celestia felt Fluttershy’s feathers slowly brushing up her soles. It didn’t tickle as much as the preener, but she definitely still felt it. Her toes tried to scrunch up in defense, but even a little scrubbing to the base of her wings was enough to get her toes to splay out, allowing Fluttershy easy access. “Oooh, you want me to tickle your toes? Your ticklish, ticklish toes?” Fluttershy cooed, expertly sliding her primary feathers under and in-between. “Oh, just look at them squirm and wiggle!” “EEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Celestia thrashed, her majestic mane getting thrown around from side to side, getting messier and more frayed by the second. The loose strands losing the sparkle and flow of the rest of her hair as they got frazzled. “Y-YEHEHEHEHES! G-GET MY TOHOHOHOHOES!” “With pleasure, princess!” Fluttershy giggled, using her free hands to hold back her toes as her wings, just to add that extra bit of helplessness as her soft feathers slipped in between. “That must feel soooo tickly, and I bet you looove it!” “EEHAHAHAHAHAAAA! YES! TIHIHIHICKLE MEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Celestia cried out, her toes twitched against the palms of Fluttershy’s hands as she gave into the lightheaded ticklish bliss. As Fluttershy sawed her wings back and forth, she looked back down at the tools, then to the little notches on the side of the ankle stocks. “Hmm, while I’m busy tickling your toes, your poor soles have been getting neglected! I think I know how to fix thaaaat!” Though she didn’t have experience with the tools she was about to handle, she was pretty confident that she didn’t need to ask Celestia how they worked. Plus she didn’t want to turn that preener off unless she really needed to. She lifted up the simple contraption, a fuzzy roller with bars at the end to attach to something, and a small box to turn it on, off, or change the speeds. Celestia got a brief look at what Fluttershy was holding, letting out a squeak as her soles scrunched up once more, though it didn’t help as Fluttershy locked the rollers in, attaching them to the notches on the ankle stocks, just the feeling of having them pressed against her soles got her squirming, though that was probably due to The Preener still working her wings. Though Fluttershy wasn’t done with her setup yet. She held up the final new bit to show to Celestia: a large, translucent bottle of oil. Before Celestia could get a word in edgewise, Fluttershy had already started the rollers, having the fuzzy surfaces spin against her soles. “AAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” “Ooooh, those must tickle really badly, huh, Celestia?” Fluttershy giggled, watching Celestia’s toes helplessly flailing and wiggling around as she popped open the bottle. “EEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Even with the brushes at her wings and rollers wreaking havoc at her soles, she was still able to communicate rather well through her laughter. Though with Fluttershy drizzling the oil down onto the rollers, that may be changing. With how fast the rollers were spinning, it coated Celestia’s soles in oil in pretty much no time. And as a result, Celestia’s laughter hit a new high. She threw her head back and screamed, arching her back as her whole body temporarily froze up. “EEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” The spinning rollers didn’t just stick in the same spot as they spun, they moved up and down the princess’s large soles on their own to spread out the oil without Fluttershy needing to intervene. Though they did have a bit of trouble getting the spaces in between her toes, something that Flutteshy was very eager to correct. Fluttershy stuck her wings between her toes, making sure that the oil got between all her toes, and continuing to give them a few extra sweeps in between for good measure. “NAHAHAHAHA! EEEEHEEHEEHEHAHAHAHA MY TOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOES!” Celestia cackled, her grasp on speaking clearly getting weaker. Her feet were plenty ticklish before, but that splash of oil was doing plenty to get her screaming in delight, making those tender soles blush a fine pink when they weren’t currently being hit with the fuzzy rollers. With the preener and the rollers doing a lot of the work, Fluttershy still had her hands free. She looked back over at Celestia soaked pussy, and had a pretty good idea on how to get her revenge. She picked up the phoenix feathers once more, holding one in each hand while she sat in between Celestia’s legs. “Now then, let’s see if you can behave enough to get what you want so badly…” Celestia watched as Fluttershy took her sweet time to stroke the tips of the phoenix feathers against her pussy lips, setting her senses on fire. She wanted to buck her hips again out of pure reflex, but knew that she’d quickly be punished again if she did. She had to summon enough willpower to keep her hips as still as possible. Her wings and feet however, were still freely flailing about as much as they could, though most of it was against the brushes and rollers. “Heehee, does it tiiiickle?” Fluttershy teased, wondering if Celestia was able to talk back with a triple dose of intense tickling. “YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES IT TIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHA TIHIHIHICKLES!” “Mmhm?” Fluttershy sped up her strokes just a little bit, using more of the feather to kiss her pussy lips. “Are you a ticklish little princess?” “AAAHAHAHAHAAAACK! I AHAHAHAHAM!” Tears flowed freely down Celestia’s bright pink cheeks, gasping as she felt closer and closer to an orgasm, hoping that Fluttershy was going to be merciful. “I’m sorry, you’re a what?” Fluttershy smirked. “BAHAHAHAHAHA! I-I’M A TIHIHAHAHAHAHA! I’M AAHAHAHAHAHAA! TIHIHIHAAAHAHAHA!” Celestia’s eyes widened, it was only five words, and she was struggling to get past the first two. She was right on the edge, but the rollers slipping underneath her toes kept scrambling up her speech. “Mmm, I guess the princess doesn’t want to orgasm after all, heeheehee…” “NONONONO!” Celestia shook her head in a wild panic, her entire body trembling as she started to jump on her seat. “I-I’M A TIHIHIHIHIHIHICKAAHAHA! I’MATICKLISHLITTLEPRINCESSAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Oooh, yes you are!” Fluttershy flapped her wings in delight. Managing to get Princess Celestia to be so submissive to her felt…really good. Plus now she knew the weakspots of both the royal sisters… Gosh, she hoped that wasn’t a sign she was starting down a path of evil tickles… Still, she needed to give her begging princess the reward she wants so badly. She continued stroking her pussy with the fiery phoenix feathers, though with the intent to send her over, instead of just keeping her at the edge. “AAAAH! Y-YEHEHEHHES! AAAHAAAA FLUTTERSHYYYYY! EEEEHEEHEEHEEEHAHAHAHAA! I-I’M GOING TO AAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Celestia screamed in pleasure. The brushes scrubbing against her pristine feathers, the rollers spinning rapidly against her oily soles and right underneath her sensitive toes, and finally, the phoenix feathers lovingly kissing and stroking her needy pussy. It only took a few strokes to get Celestia to a powerful orgasm. She started to buck and thrust her hips again with a loud, Royal Canterlot scream. Despite all the time she spent laughing, she still had plenty of air left in her to scream. Fluttershy reeled back from Celestia’s orgasmic scream, swearing that the walls of the dungeon were also shaking, too. “W-Woah…so um…was that good, Princess Celestia?” “AAIIIIEEEEEHEEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” “Oh! Um, right…” Fluttershy giggled sheepishly as she hurried to turn off the rollers and preeners to give Celestia time to recover. “Aaah…ehehehe…oooh…That was a wonderful experience, Fluttershy…!” Celestia wearily giggled, her toes and wings still twitching as Fluttershy freed her from her bondage. “R-Really?” Now that she was out of her role as the tickler, Fluttershy quickly fell back to her more reserved personality. “Mmhm! Being an expert tickler and adorable ticklee is quite the appealing combination!” Celestia nodded, her calm smile briefly turned into a frazzled grin as she stood up on her feet again. “I’m glad you accepted my invitation so quickly. Not just anyone gets to be lucky enough to be in the position you’re in.” “Well, I’m really thankful that you invited me over!” Fluttershy beamed. “I never imagined that you and Luna loved tickling so much…Oh, but there are so many different tools and things that I didn’t get the chance to try out yet…” “Hmhmhm, I’m quite certain there will be plenty of time for all of that later,” the princess softly chuckled, putting a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “After all, don’t you want to return back here to try out something new?” Fluttershy let out an excited squeak, happily flapping her wings. “Oh yes, that’d be wonderful!” “Well, if you’re ever in the mood to play with a ticklish princess again, you know where to find me or my sister,” Celestia giggled. “Perhaps you’ll know what it’s like to be on the end of a double princess tickle attack…” > Bonus: The Comeuppance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “See anything you like?” Fluttershy kept looking around the room. There were so many different bondage setups that she could imagine herself in, the choice was almost overwhelming. “Oh, I’m not sure…! There’s just…a lot of choices…” “Perhaps I could make a suggestion, then, Miss Shy?” Dreamy Daze said, already having a few ideas in mind. “You know you can just call me ‘Fluttershy’,” the pegasus giggled, “But…I’m alright with being surprised!” “Then please, follow me. I think I have a fun idea in mind…” Dreamy led Fluttershy to one of the corners of the tickle room set in the back of a Canterlot tavern, gesturing to his chosen bondage setup. Dangling from the ceiling were a set of chains attached to a long, metal bar. The bar itself had its own chains hanging from each end and its center, with padded leather cuffs and spreader bars dangling from those chains. “I figure it’d be fun to do something while in suspension,” Dreamy explained. “Plus being lifted off the floor like this gives plenty of access to other areas…” Fluttershy felt Dreamy’s fingers wiggling right between her wings, making her squeal and dance around in place. “Eeeheeheek! Ooh, that sounds like fun!” Dreamy nodded with a soft chuckle. “Well, just strip down to your comfort level while I go prepare, then I’ll get you strapped in.” The stallion turned away to gather his tools on the other side of the room, allowing the mare a little bit of privacy to start taking off her clothes. Fluttershy was already planning on being nude, to allow Dreamy to do whatever he pleased, but actually stripping down was a lot less nerve-wracking when she wasn’t actively being watched. She started to fantasize about what sort of fate awaited her as she kicked off her flats and pulled down her skirt. Dreamy came back with his selection of tools, seeing that Fluttershy was completely naked, and surprisingly, with a face not completely blushing red yet. He tried to keep as much of the tickle tools as hidden as he could, though he already saw Fluttershy’s eyes naturally wander to his arms due to curiosity. Fluttershy managed to catch a glimpse of a paintbrush, a bottle of oil, and the handle to something before Dreamy quickly threw up a wing to hide it all from view. “Ah ah ah, don’t spoil the surprise for yourself,” Dreamy playfully chided. “Now lemmie help you get strapped in.” Dreamy hid the tools underneath the tickle room’s bed, just in case Fluttershy was still trying to sneak a peek. He lowered the bondage contraption closer to the floor to make things easier for both of them. Fluttershy put her hands through the cuffs so that Dreamy could fasten them, then Dreamy wrapped the strap around her midsection, right underneath her ribcage. The most difficult part was getting her feet secured. Difficult for Fluttershy to keep balancing on one foot while Dreamy secured the cuffs, and difficult for Dreamy to have Fluttershy’s bare foot so close to his face and constantly resisting the urge to tickle it right away. Though now Fluttershy was fully strapped in, dangling just above the floor, the soft amount of momentum swinging her from side to side. With one quick pull of the chain from Dreamy, Fluttershy was lifted up so that she was more at eye level with her tickler. “Everything all good, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy gave her new predicament a few test tugs and wiggles. The spreader bars at her wrists and ankles made moving her limbs more difficult, but the strap around her midsection attached to the middle of the bar made sure her body wasn’t completely sagging due to gravity. She felt cozy and secure, although maybe a little dizzy already from the swaying. “I think so…Do your worst!” Dreamy chuckled, it was pretty unexpected to hear such confidence defiance coming out of the normally timid Fluttershy, but it was a pleasant surprise. He stood at Fluttershy’s side, looking at all the exposed spots on her naked body, playfully wiggling his fingers right above her body, going up and down, so close to tickling her ribs, or her stomach. Fluttershy kept her eyes on Dreamy’s hands the whole time. Her wings tittered just a little bit whenever it looked like Dreamy was about to start tickling her, only to see him move on to a different potential target. The anticipation was already making her squirm and giggly. The way she was suspended, each little wiggle she did made her whole body sway, rocking back and forth. “Mmm, whaaaaaat aboooout…” Dreamy teased, now giving little taps to her sides to make her jolt a little bit more before the main act. “...Here!” The pegasus started with a squeeze to Fluttershy’s hips. “Eeeeeheeheeheeheek!” Fluttershy’s whole body was getting into motion now, her quiet giggles turned into more active squeaks, her body instinctively trying to break out of Dreamy’s grasp. “A-tickle tickle tickle, Fluttershy!” Dreamy sang, digging his fingers at different points on Fluttershy’s upperbody, getting at her hips, sides, and ribs. His hands moved at different paces, just to make the poor pegasus squirm more. While one hand was skittering at her side, the other was sneaking in between her ribcage. The different targeted tickle attacks made Fluttershy’s thrashing more extreme. Her upper half moved one direction to avoid Dreamy’s hand while her lower half moved in the other direction to try and get away from the other. The opposing forces canceled each other out, so instead of swinging around in suspension, she was stuck hanging mostly in place, only making it easier for Dreamy to tickle her. “Soooo many spots for me to tickle, huh? And I’m gonna get to them aaaaall…” Dreamy spidered and sprawled his fingers across her stomach. “Like this cute tummy of yours, how it wiggles around while you laugh…” Fluttershy’s cheeks started to burn red thanks to Dreamy’s verbal teasings, as she was doing exactly what the stallion was currently describing. Her stomach bounced around as she giggled helplessly, her wings starting to stiffen up as the set of fingers skittered around, each time he dipped a finger into her navel, she let out a much higher squeal. Dreamy’s soft chuckles were overshadowed by Fluttershy’s more intense squeaks. “Oh, and I can’t forget that wonderful adorable laugh of yours! The cute little giggles you make when it starts, like you’re trying to hold back all the tickles, but then it explodes into a biiiig adorable mess of laughter when the tickles get reeeaaaal intense like-PBBBBTH!” In the middle of his teasing monologue, Dreamy’s head quickly dove down to buzz his lips against Fluttershy’s stomach. “GYAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Caught off-guard, Fluttershy threw her head back and screamed. The chains that kept her hanging from the ceiling made a rattling racket from her shaking, though her howling laughter was much louder. Fluttershy kept trying to twist her body to break free, but Dreamy kept his hands on her hips to mitigate a bit of the thrashing, and a few squeezes whenever he lifted up his head to take a breath helped make sure that the laughter kept flowing. “EEEEEE! AHAHAHAHA IT TIHIHIHIHIHIIIIIICKLES!” No matter how much Fluttershy hopped around, she couldn’t escape Dreamy’s dreaded raspberries. “Oh, I bet it does…” Dreamy chuckled, “Then I wonder how much this’ll tickle…” “W-what are you gonnaaaAAAA!?” Before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, Dreamy pressed his muzzle against her body again, though this time his lips were buzzing a little higher than her stomach, right in her cleavage, to be precise. Fluttershy’s cheeks immediately turned a deeper shade of red, her giddy giggles were mixed in with surprised and shaky moans. The motorboating definitely tickled, but the feeling put in between her breasts gave her tingles down her spine and made her toes curl up. “Nnnn! O-Oooohoohoohoohoo…A-Aaahaa! Oh my gooooosh!” Dreamy raised up his head to take another quick breath, his cheeks also showing a considerable amount of blush, before he eagerly dove his head back into her cleavage. With his hands free, he decided to attack one of the few places on Fluttershy’s upperbody he had yet to tickle today. Fluttershy closed her eyes as she let the pleasuring tickles take over, her squirming kept to a minimum as she giggled. “Aaaah! O-Oh…t-thahahahat feels sohohoHOHOHOHOHAAAHAHAHAHA!” The relaxation was cut short as she felt those evil fingers of Dreamy dig into her exposed armpits, restarting her thrashing fit. “Hmhmhm, I didn’t quite catch that, it feels so what, Fluttershy?” Dreamy smirked, raking into those smooth hollows before going back to motorboating her. “BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! I-IT FEEHEEHEELS SOHOHOHO TIHIHIHIHIHICKLY!” Fluttershy tried to protect her pits, but the spreader bar at her wrists kept her arms apart, and the chains kept them above her head. She arched her back as she tried to fight against the tickles. Dreamy noticed that Fluttershy was pushing her belly upwards in an attempt to protect her armpits, which gave him a quick idea. His wing popped open, sweeping up and down her belly while skittering into her pits. “AHAHAHAHAAAACK! NO NO NONONOHOHOHOHO!” Feeling a soft set of feathers run across her gave Fluttershy a shock as she immediately tried to defend her tummy, sucking in her stomach as much as she could. Of course, all that did was bring her armpits back up and make it easier for Dreamy to tickle, and he simply retaliated by digging harder into those pits. The armpit tickling made Fluttershy instinctively raise up her belly again, which got her a brush to the belly, making her raise her arms back up, getting her armpits tickled again in a viciously ticklish cycle. Though through her willpower, she managed to break the cycle of switching between armpit and belly tickles. The next time she arched her back, she kept it there, even after getting a full brushing from Dreamy Daze’s wing. Now that Fluttershy was now actively trying to get tickled, Dreamy figured it was as good a time as any to reward her a bit. His muzzle dove back in to buzz his lips in Fluttershy’s cleavage, his fingers stayed at her armpits, though occasionally did a quick dig at her ribs, and his wing slowly slid up and down her stomach. “Oh, does Fluttershy want even mooooore tickles?” He teased between a breath and raspberry. “EEHAHAHAHAHA! A-AAAAHAHAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES! T-TIHIHICKLE MEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Fluttershy howled with hysterical laughter, more horny moans slipping out between her laughs, getting more and more needy with each stroke, scribble, and buzz. “Then I’m more than happy to tickle you more,” Dreamy winked. “There’s still plenty of other spots that need to be tickled…” The stallion leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Like those perfectly soft feet of yours…” “Eeeeheehee…” Fluttershy’s toes already started to curl. "Oh, my feet are soooooo ticklish…" "Hehe, I know…" Dreamy ducked out of Fluttershy’s view for a minute, before popping up again in front of Fluttershy’s feet. Fluttershy turned and twisted her body. She could tell that Dreamy was holding something in his hands, but she couldn’t tell what. The only hint of what he was holding was when it was being directly used on her foot. “EEEHAHAHAAA!” Whatever it was, it had a fine sharp point that was being dragged across her sole. She could narrow it down to a few things, though the constant tickling kept her mind frazzled. Dreamy idly hummed to himself, moving the currently unknown tool at a slow pace, making figure-eights on her right foot. Fluttershy was occupied with trying to figure out what was currently tickling her, but she had a few ideas in mind. Her suspicions were confirmed when the sharp, pinpoint tickling suddenly flipped into a broader, softer sensation. There was no doubt in her mind Dreamy had a quill in his hand. “Mmm, these feet of yours are so big and soft, it’s no wonder why they keep getting tickled…” Dreamy mused. “You must have gotten your feet tickled so many times…so many stories could be written about your ticklish feet…but maybe we can just settle for having a story written on your ticklish feet.” Fluttershy began to blush again, hearing Dreamy gushing over her feet, but his last words gave her a few tingles. She felt the pointed side of the quill press against the side of her foot, getting a sharp stroke downward to make her squeal. “Fluttershy…was a beautiful…timid…pegasus…” Dreamy said aloud, writing his little story on Fluttershy’s right foot. “And she just…loved…to be tickled…” “EEEEHEEHEE! AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Fluttershy’s feet squirmed as she felt the sharp quill writing across her foot, going from left to right. She couldn’t actually tell if Dreamy was actually writing what he was saying. It seemed like a lot of words to put on just one foot. “Ya gotta keep still, Fluttershy! My handwriting’s bad enough as it is without my parchment moving on me!” Dreamy playfully chastised, before resuming his writing. “The cute pegasus loved being tickled everywhere, especially on those sexy and smooth feet of hers…” “Heeheeheeheehee! A-Are you suhuhuhure you’re not just w-writing about yoursehehehelf?” Fluttershy fired back, managing a smug smirk through her giggly laughs. Dreamy opened his mouth to retort, but came up with nothing, only punishing Fluttershy’s snark by swiping the feather underneath her toes before he continued writing. “One day, Fluttershy asked for tickles from the best tickler…and sexiest pegasus  she knew…Dreamy Daze…” Part of Fluttershy’s laughter was due to Dreamy’s corny writing. How he managed to write and say that with a straight face was beyond her. Dreamy started writing on Fluttershy’s other foot. “Luckily, Dreamy knew all of the pegasus’s tickle spots. And the amazing and handsome stallion had plenty of ideas…to make the cute mare squeal.” The intensity of Fluttershy’s laughter varied depending on where Dreamy was “writing”, though his claim of knowing all her tickle spots was certainly no bluff. He made sure to take his time whenever the quill tip was at the ball of her foot or the center of her sole to really draw out the laughs. “NAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” “He would motorboat her tender breasts, scribble his fingers in her armpits, squeeze her hips, and she would love every moment of it…and beg for more. And for her feet…he would…” Dreamy pursed his lip and pouted. “Ah dang, ran out of space,” he mused, tapping the quill tip against her heel. “Hah…aha…ehehe…” Fluttershy giggled, gasping for air with the one break that had been granted to her. “Mm, well, I guess the story was better in my head, anyway,” Dreamy playfully shrugged. “I guess you’ll figure out the ending soon enough. What I have planned next does require your feet to be clean, so…” “E-Eeeep…” Fluttershy shuddered, knowing full well what Dreamy was alluding to. Sure enough, Fluttershy’s soles were met with the harsh bristles of a scrubbing brush. “GYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAAAA!” “I really hope I didn’t accidentally use the permanent ink,” Dreamy joked. “Might have to scrub a little harder just in case…” Fluttershy could kinda tell that Dreamy was joking about the permanent ink thing, but was still not sure if there actually was a mini story written on her soles. Though the way Dreamy was scrubbing, maybe there really was something on her feet he was trying to get off. “Hold on, Fluttershy, I’m aaaalmost done!” Dreamy chuckled. “Just gotta get the last few words off…If you just kept your feet still…” Much to Fluttershy’s horror, she felt Dreamy pushing her toes back. “Oh no…no no no no NOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHES!” Her panicked tone quickly changed into enthusiastic joy once the stiff bristles scrubbed her sole. “Almost there, I promise, just a few more scrubs…!” “EEHAHAHAHAAA! OH MY GOHOHOHOHOSH! EEEHAHAHAHA IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” Fluttershy’s toes wiggled and curled against Dreamy’s palm, instinctively trying to curl up her foot to get some relief from the relentless scrubbing of the brush. Each quick dash up and down made her entire body shudder with ticklish pleasure. “Aaand done!” Dreamy announced, taking a step back to admire his work. “I think your feet are even cleaner than they were before they came in here! Maybe a little redder, but…” “H-Hehehehe…s-so…what did they need to be cleaned up for?” Fluttershy giggled, finally able to wiggle her tired toes. Dreamy was courteous enough to show Fluttershy the tools he was about to use next. She recognized the paintbrush and bottle of oil that she spotted from earlier. “Well, I’m pretty sure ink and oils don’t mix well. I dunno, Flicker’s more of the artist than I am,” Dreamy shrugged. Fluttershy giggled, “I’m sure it’ll make a good story for my soles, at least…” “Hah, I guess so. Then let’s get to making art!” Dreamy popped open the bottle, pouring a generous amount down her feet. Fluttershy let out a shudder as the cool liquid drizzled down her feet. She wiggled her toes to make sure that it got in between. “Well, I’m glad to see you and I are thinking alike,” Dreamy chuckled. “Here, lemmie help you out…” With brush in hand, Dreamy carefully spread out Fluttershy’s toes to let the soft bristles slide in between. “Eeeeee! Nnnf…Oh my gohohohohosh…” Fluttershy let out another fit of giggles as Dreamy did his brushwork. The soft bristles between her toes wasn’t as tickly as the harsher scrubbing brush, but the oil was already starting to work into her feet. Each subsequent stroke tickled more than the last. Dreamy was quite thorough in getting the oil over all Fluttershy’s toes and soles, using long and slow brushstrokes to get into the places that would ordinarily be hidden between the pegasus wrinkling up her feet. Of course, the extra sweeps all around didn’t hurt either. Fluttershy slowly grew from bubby giggles to a stream of laughter. Her legs instinctively tried to kick, but the spreader bar at her ankles made it difficult for her to do much in the way of struggling. Her attempts at flailing about were emphasized by the rattling of the chains from the suspension bar. The stallion continued to spread the oil all over Fluttershy’s feet, even bringing the brush to the tops of her feet for good measure. Once Dreamy got the paintbrush down to her heels, Fluttershy thought that Dreamy was finished with coating her feet in the sensitizing oil…until he started going past her ankles and up her calf. “Oh, you think that the oil was only meant for your feet?” Dreamy smirked as he brushed up Fluttershy’s leg, making a beeline towards her midriff. “Don’t be silly, there’s plenty to go around…and around…and around…” “Eeehahahahahaaa! No no no NONOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA! EEEHEEHEEHEEHEEK!” Fluttershy’s thrashing upped in intensity as Dreamy circled the brush around her bellybutton, each lap tickling more than before. It wasn’t totally consistent, all the thrashing and heavy belly laughs made it so Dreamy wasn’t making perfect circles, but the broad brush head made sure that he was still covering the same general area each time. An extra helping of oil drizzled on her belly didn’t hurt, either. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget about your feet, I just have all of this space to tickle,” Dreamy said, now methodically covering the rest of Fluttershy’s upperbody with the oil. “I’d be a shame not to use it, right?” Fluttershy felt the brush going all around her midriff, her constant twisting and jerking around making the slow strokes tickle even more than they normally would, though part of that was an intentional ploy on Fluttershy’s part. Of course, Dreamy was not one to overlook Fluttershy’s more sensitive areas, that’s why he saved them for last. “AaaaAAAAaaaaaAHA!” A chill washed over Fluttershy’s entire body as she felt the mixture of soft bristles and cool oil touch her sensitive breasts. “O-Ooooh…oh gosh…Eeeeee! D-Dreamyyyyy!” The pegasus began to break out in a mix of giggles and moans again, and just like how the oil made each tickle more intense, it turned what would normally elicit a tiny moan from the pegasus into a heavy shudder. “Yes, Fluttershy?” Dreamy looked over to the mare’s reddening face as he slid the brush in between her cleavage. “Is there something on your mind?” “Gaaaaaah! OoOOOOoooh!” Fluttershy’s body spasmed when the brush passed over her stiff, perky nipples, temporarily scrambling up her mind. “AaaAAAAH! I-It’s sooooOOOOooo GOOOOD!” “Mmm, I bet it is,” Dreamy nodded, finishing up his oil coverage with some swirls in her taut, exposed armpits. “Must be driving you crazy how every single stroke makes you even more ticklish than before…if I had enough of this stuff, I think even the slightest breeze would send you into a giggling fit…You’d probably love that, wouldn’t you?” Fluttershy couldn’t really tell if Dreamy was being entirely serious, though with the way he was swirling the brush in her pits, making her howl and cry with laughter, she was convinced that such a sensitivity could be possible, and it sounded very exciting if it was true. “EEEEHAHAHAHAAAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES!” With one last quick scribble to her armpits, Dreamy finally raised the brush. “There we go, now most of your most ticklish spots are extra sensitive!” he beamed, proud of his work. Fluttershy squirmed around, though the cool room’s breeze blowing through her toes wasn’t getting her to squeal in laughter, there was a definite tingle at her toes that was mirrored at her crotch. “Though…I think I’m forgetting a few important tickle spots…” “Hm?” Fluttershy tried to think, he definitely got her feet, butt, thighs, stomach, ribs, sides, breasts, and armpits, what else was missing? Dreamy got on his knees, slowly walking underneath the suspended Fluttershy, directly dipping the paintbrush into the oil. When Dreamy disappeared from view, Fluttershy began to fidget and turn to try and see what he was doing. It wasn’t until she felt the familiar cool and soft sensation that she realized what his evil plan was. It started around the center of her back, right between her wings. “EeeEEEE! O-Oh no…” “Oh yeah, you didn’t think I’d just neglect your wings, did you? Admittedly, I don’t know if this’ll be as effective on pegasus wings, so this’ll be a fun little experiment for both of us,” Dreamy chuckled. “NAAHAAAAHAHAHAHA! EEEHEEHAHAHAHAHA!” Not being able to see just where Dreamy was going to tickle next left Fluttershy on the edge. Her wings weren’t put under any straps or sleeves, so they were the most active part of her ticklish thrashing, flapping wildly and out of sync, causing more violent rocking around in suspension. “I probably would’ve asked Flicker to test this, but I guess I’ve been too shy to ask,” Dreamy joked as he ran the paintbrush against Fluttershy’s spread out wings, trying not to fray the ends of the bristles too much against her rapidly flapping wings. Fluttershy could feel the oil sinking in and coating her feathery wings, and thankfully for both pegasi, the oil was certainly making her more ticklish, reflected by her heavier laughter and more frantic flaps.  Through Fluttershy’s wild swinging and flapping, and the slightly back and neck straining position, Dreamy managed to cover both sides of her wings with the oil. “Aaaand, there! Now we’re ready for the real fun!” “Ah…aha…r-real fun?” Fluttershy shivered, wondering what the pegasus had in store next. “Mmhm…Gotta make the most out of all that oil I used after all…” Dreamy re-appeared into Fluttershy’s view, immediately noticing something different about his appearance. He was now wearing a pair of gloves, though the palms were lined with plastic hairbrush bristles, and the fingers had a much fuzzier texture to them. “...Oh gosh…” Just looking at the gloves gave Fluttershy tingles. “Aaand, let’s start with those cute feet of yours…” Dreamy walked over, standing in front of Fluttershy’s feet, running his palms against the oily soles. Fluttershy instantly exploded with babbling laughter and screaming. The round, plastic-tipped bristles glided so easily against her hyper-sensitive feet. She kicked and thrashed, but the spreader bar at her ankles made it hard for her feet to get away, or even kick Dreamy in the face. “Ooh, that’s promising…” Dreamy grinned in delight as he continued to scrub at her soles, the bristles doing a swift job at turning those yellow soles a fine blushing pink. “And I just started, Fluttershy, I still have all the rest of your oiled up body to tickle…” “GYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” The pegasus jerked around and swung her limbs with wild abandon, making a cacophony of rattling from the chains holding her from the ceiling. “I bet it dooooees…” Dreamy teased in a sing-song tone, finally sliding his fingers between her toes. The struggling from Fluttershy seemed to die down a little bit, all the rocking around from suspension was taking a physical toll on her. Though it didn’t decrease the volume of her laughter by any bit, especially with Dreamy aiming for her toes. The stallion’s fingers alone would be enough to get her screaming, but the fuzzy texture on the gloves added a whole new ticklish layer. Any amount of wiggling or curling simply made the tickling worse for her. Dreamy hummed to himself as he wiggled his fingers in between each open spot between her toes, only having some mild difficulty due to Fluttershy’s attempts at kicking and squirming. “EEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAAAA! AAAHAAA MY TOHOHOHOHOHOES!” Fluttershy’s head leaned backwards, sweat and tears dripping down from her head, her toes splayed out in shock as she weakly bounced her legs up and down. “So it definitely works on your feet, let’s see where else these gloves work…” Dreamy didn’t stop the tickling entirely, he took his sweet time taking his fingers out from between her toes, causing plenty of squeals. With his wiggling fingers free, Dreamy advanced upwards on Fluttershy’s body, going after those outstretched, stiff wings of hers. Fluttershy could tell from where Dreamy was looking what was about to happen next, and though she tried as hard as she could, she wasn’t able to fold her wings back in to prevent the inevitable fingers ruffling through her feathers. “Oh, these wings definitely need a good preening…” Dreamy said with an evil grin, running his fingers through the entire length of her oiled up wings. “NAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUUUUCH!” Fluttershy cackled, flapping her wings to try and dodge the tickling. “Flap all you want, Fluttershy, you’re not escaping the tickles…” To make his point, Dreamy focused his tickling towards the base of her wings, switching between the fuzzy fingers and the bristly palms. “EEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAAAA! GYAHAHAHA I CAHAHAHAAAAAAN’T! A-AAAAAH!” An aroused moan slipped out at the end of her hysterical laughing fit, complete with a little needy thrust of her hips. Fluttershy’s horniness did not go unnoticed by Dreamy, as he popped open one of his wings with a soft chuckle. “I know you can, Fluttershy, just a little bit longer, ok?” Dreamy’s fluffy wing touched down against her naked body, his soft feathers brushing against her flank and inner thigh. “HNNNGH! A-AAAAHAAA! OH MY GOOOOSH!” She started humping the air more, swinging from suspension as she tried to hasten her orgasm. “Your body is so sensitive now…you must be so desperate to cum…” Dreamy cooed as he got his wing feathers a little closer to her pussy. “All this tickling and teasing must be driving you craaaaazy…” “YEHEHEHES! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUUUCH! I-I WANNA CUHUHUHUM SO BAHAHAHAD!” She pleaded, curling her toes and panting heavily. “Mmm, I guess you deserve it, I mean, you are a ticklish cutie, aren’t you?” “I-I AHAHAHAHAHAM! I’M A TIHIHIHIHICKLISH CUTIE!” Fluttershy immediately blurted out, fueled by desperation as she felt the feathers barely touching her pussy. “Hmhmhmm, so you are…” Dreamy swept his wings against her pussy, sliding his feathers against her slit as he dug into her wings, scribbling and scrubbing all over. A relieved, cathartic scream left Fluttershy’s lips, followed by plenty of giddy laughs and horny moans, thankful for the feathery pleasure as she was granted her orgasm. She bucked her hips upward one more time with a powerful moan, squirting on Dreamy’s wing. Dreamy gradually slowed down the tickling, slipping off the tickle gloves as he went back to her feet to give her soles a loving aftercare massage. “So, did you enjoy yourself, Fluttershy?” “Mmmm…a-aah…” It took a few moments for Fluttershy to come back to reality from relaxing in her post-orgasm haze. “M…more…” Dreamy let out a short chuckle, pressing his thumbs into her blushing arches. “More? I just gave you a tickle-fueled orgasm and you’re already asking for more?” “Ehehehehe…” Fluttershy giggled sheepishly as she scrunched up her soles. “Ever the tickle-masochist…” Dreamy playfully rolled his eyes. “Well, don’t worry, Fluttershy. I definitely have more planned for you…” > The Diplomat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy had been reflecting on the recent events in her life. Mainly how despite how she preferred to live a life of peace and relaxation, adventure and excitement always seemed to find its way to her. Equestria being in peril was one thing, if her friends were in danger, of course she’d have to be brave and save them. There was also the other kind of adventure she’d been having: the kind that always seemed to end up with her tied up and tickled until she was a giggly mess. She didn’t mind those kinds of adventures, but they were never something Fluttershy actively sought out, they always seemed to knock on her door. Today was no exception. “Dragon Lord Ember?” Fluttershy stared at the dragon awkwardly fidgeting in front of her cottage. “Yeah, you’re um…” Ember took a moment to pause and think. “...Butterscotch, right? No, no, wait…uh…Flutterpie?” “It’s…Fluttershy, actually.” Ember snapped her fingers. “Dangit, so close! Sorry, still trying my best on that.” “What brings you all the way to Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked. “Er, all the way to my house?” “Well, I wanted to talk with you about…something,” Ember explained. “I asked Spike how he usually sends messages to faraway friends, and he said he writes them letters. So I tried to do that myself and well…” The dragon held up bits of ash and tiny scraps of burnt parchment. “Ah, yeah…” Fluttershy nodded in understanding as her mind processed the rest of what Ember was saying. “...Wait, talk with me?” “Yeah, it’s…it’s about…” Ember hesitated, “About…I wanted to talk…” Fluttershy tilted her head. Ember looked strained, as if she was fighting herself to try and finish her explanation. She noticed the dragon’s face getting redder, and from how she was stammering, it wasn’t entirely out of frustration. “Ughhh!” Ember stomped the ground, growling in frustration. “Forget it! It’s stupid, anyway!” Fluttershy reached out as Ember turned to fly off. “W-Wait! Hold on, Ember! It sounds like this is something really important to you. I’m sure you’ll feel better after you talk to me about it.” Ember turned back, twiddling her fingers together. “You promise you won’t laugh or think it’s weird?” “I promise.” Ember could tell that Fluttershy was being sincere, though it didn’t make admitting her feeling that much easier. “I…it’s a long story, but…here goes.” Ember took a deep breath. “It’s about…Spike.” “Uhuh…and you need me to help you with…Spike?” Fluttershy was getting a bit wary. She didn’t think Ember needed dating advice, much less think that she was the most qualified candidate to give it to her. Ember quickly realized what sort of dots Fluttershy was connecting. “H-Hey! It’s not like that! That is SO not what I wanted to ask you about!” Fluttershy still wasn’t entirely convinced of Ember’s motivations, but tried to push the mental image aside for the moment. “I don’t exactly remember when it started, but lately Spike’s been having a lot of fun, uh…” Ember quickly shifted her eyes from side to side. “...t-tickling me…” “...Ah.” As soon as Fluttershy heard the t-word come out of Ember, she knew what sort of day this was going to be. She reached behind her back, making sure her wings stayed folded. “He usually gave me nothing but those pony hugs, but one day, he found out how t-ticklish I was, and he’s been trying to ti…ti… Ugh, he’s been teasing me about it ever since!” Ember huffed. “Um…alright. So, what um….what made you come to me about all this?” “Cause when Spike was tic…ti…you know what. I remember him saying something about how I ‘squirm and giggle almost as adorably as you’, so I figured that you’d be able to help, seeing as he clearly has a lot of experience…doing that…to you.” Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed. Ember wasn’t wrong on that front, but still… Ember anxiously rubbed her arm. “Besides, if you’ve been through a lot of it, then maybe you can help me understand all these…weird feelings.” Fluttershy’s ears perked up. “What do you mean? What kind of weird feelings?” “I don’t get why, but ever since it happened, I…I can’t stop thinking about it!” Ember shuddered. “I don’t know what Spike did to me, or why I feel all…weird inside!” Fluttershy blinked in confusion. “...Wait, if that’s the case, why don’t you just ask Spike about it?” “Are you going to help me or not?” “Alright, alright! But can you at least tell me a little more about what exactly is bothering you?” Ember rushed inside, making sure the front door was shut before she started talking again. “Ok, so this is gonna sound crazy, but…I think I…I like being ti…ti…you know,” she winced, wiggling her fingers in front of Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy tried not to smirk in front of Ember. Obviously, it didn’t sound crazy to her at all. “You do? What did you like about Spike tickling you?” Ember visibly winced upon hearing the word being said out loud. “I…I don’t know. I guess…it felt nice to laugh a lot?” Fluttershy saw that Ember’s hands were trembling and her cheeks were a bright red, noting that the dragon really wasn’t good at this whole feelings thing. “Mmhm, it does feel nice to let out a lot of laughter. Anything else?” “Uh…it made me feel…tingly and dizzy? But in like, a good way?” Fluttershy empathetically nodded. “Tingly in the places where Spike was tickling you?” “Y-Yeah. A-At least I think?” Ember winced, still massively uncomfortable with the concept of sharing her feelings. “I don’t know, it’s been a long time and I don’t know how to describe what it felt like or what I’m feeling or…gah!” She clenched her fists, stomping the floor as she growled. Ember’s growing temper started to put Fluttershy on edge. “Um, I think I have a way that can help you out, Ember!” “You do? What?” Ember asked rather obliviously. Fluttershy started going up the stairs, motioning for Ember to come along. “Just follow me, I think you’ll like it.” Fluttershy brought Ember into her bedroom, patting the blankets as an invitation. “Just take a seat right here.” Ember did as she was told, fidgeting and squirming on the soft, cushy mattress until she finally got comfortable. “Alright…what now?” “Now, I’m going to tickle you.” “W-WHAT!?” Ember immediately recoiled, pulling her legs back and hiding her soles against the mattress. “You came to me because you want to understand all those weird emotions you’re feeling about Spike tickling you, right?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, but-” “Well, I can tickle you here and we can figure things out together, or I can take you to Spike and you can ask him yourself.” Ember nearly poked holes in the sheets with how tight her grip was on them. The choice was agonizingly difficult to make. “F-Fine! Just…don’t tell Spike. Or anyone for that matter, okay?” “My lips are sealed!” Fluttershy giggled as she got closer to the bed. Ember reluctantly put her feet back out, though the constant twitching indicated that she was willing to pull them back at any moment, even flinching as Fluttershy brought a finger close to them. It didn’t take much for Fluttershy to see how anxious Ember still was. “If you want me to slow down or stop, just say so, and I’ll do it,” she said, trying to reassure her. “So even though I’m going to be tickling you, you’ll have complete control of the situation.” Ember’s grip on Fluttershy’s blankets slightly loosened. “You’re sure you’ll stop?” Fluttershy softly smiled and nodded. “I’m sure.” “Well…okay…” Ember stuck her feet back out, still slightly tense, but forcing her legs to stay there. “Then…go ahead and ti…tic…you know…” Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a little snort of silent laughter. Maybe before this was all done, Ember would finally work up the courage to actually say the word. The pegasus started out nice and gentle, only using her index fingers to slide up and down Ember’s soles. “EEEHEEE!” Ember immediately demonstrated Spike’s point by letting out a high-pitched squeal, reflexively pulling her feet back at just the slightest touch, the interaction leaving both girls quietly stunned and blushing. Fluttershy’s eyes darted back and forth between Ember’s cheeks and her feet. “Oh, um, you’re a lot more ticklish than I thought…” “Y-Yeah…” Ember hesitantly stuck her feet back out, wanting more, but still lacking the fortitude to actually say it. “I didn’t…tell you to stop…” Fluttershy smiled warmly, nodding as she started back up again, sliding her fingers up and down the dragon’s soles. “Aaaaaahahaha! Eeeeheep!” Despite how gentle Fluttershy was being, Ember couldn’t stop herself from pulling her feet away. Even though she was quick to put them back, it only took a few finger strokes until she naturally recoiled. To Ember’s credit, Fluttershy noticed that she was keeping her feet out for just a little bit longer each time, even if it was only by maybe half a second more, progress was still progress. Eventually, she might be able to make it all the way up her sole before Ember pulled back. Despite being able to hold out for longer, Ember was getting frustrated at how often she kept pulling her legs away, and guessed that Fluttershy shared a similar sentiment. “Rrrgh! It’s no use, I still can’t keep my feet still!” Fluttershy still kept her excited and chipper tone. It was the first time someone else had more tickle-anxiety than her, after all. “Oh, don’t worry, that’s just a natural reaction to tickling, no matter how much you like it!” “But I don’t wanna keep stopping it!” “What if I sit down on your legs?” Fluttershy suggested. “That way, you won’t be able to pull your feet away as easily, and you can feel the tickles uninterrupted!” “...And you’ll still stop if I tell you to…right?” “Of course!” Ember nervously wiggled her toes. “A-Alright…then…go ahead…” Fluttershy hovered up onto the bed, sitting on top of Ember’s ankles. As she looked down at Ember’s feet between her own legs, she hoped that her own body weight would be enough to hold down the strength of the dragon lord. Ember was also hoping that Fluttershy could properly weigh her legs down, and that her feet would get tickled proper. Fluttershy started again with a slow drag up Ember’s soles, still only using her index fingers. “GYAHAHAHA!” Ember was trying desperately to find the willpower to keep her feet still, but as she felt those fingers graze against her arches, she tried to pull her legs away. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she felt weight shift underneath her as Ember started to struggle, putting the pegasus on edge for any more sudden movements. But on the plus side, her fingers finally made it all the way from the heels to the toes uninterrupted. Now it was time to go all the way back down. “EEHEEHEE! NOHOHOHO!” Ember started pounding the bed. Now that she was getting tickled for more than a second, she was starting to get overwhelmed by the tickly sensations, as gentle as they were. Fluttershy was fascinated by just how explosive Ember’s reactions were. She was just using two fingers to lightly stroke her soles. Even Rainbow Dash could withstand a bit more tickling on her super-sensitive feet before she’d be squealing at the levels that Ember was. Ember’s whole body convulsed as her emotions clashed with each small stroke against her feet. The laughter wouldn’t stop pouring from her mouth, and her head was starting to feel all airy and lightheaded, but her legs wouldn’t stop trying to fight back and pull her feet away from Fluttershy. Now that she had Ember settled in for the moment, Fluttershy could gradually up the intensity to test Ember’s limits. She added another finger into the mix, now having her index and middle fingers slide up and down her feet, adding in a few occasional quick little wiggles to spice things up. “AHAHAHA! EEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” A still conflicted Ember started hugging herself, needing something to do with her arms as she squealed. She knew that Fluttershy wasn’t doing much, yet she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Fluttershy’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. If she was tickling Rainbow Dash, she’d be holding on for dear life as Dash would kick her legs and try to fly away. But Ember here was fighting to keep her feet in place. Even if she couldn’t fully express it yet, it was just so exciting to have someone new who was into tickling just like she was. “Ahahahahahack! I-Ihihihit’s sohohohoho…I feeheeheeheel!” As Fluttershy’s fingers went up Ember’s feet, the dragon’s back arched. She knew that Fluttershy was going gentle on her, and not being able to pull her legs back meant that her feet were exposed to all the tickling she could come up with. The feeling of helplessness made Ember feel so humiliated and frustrated, but at the same time, she was having feelings of excitement and pleasure, too. “Does it feel…tickly?” Fluttershy giggled, poking at Ember’s toes, watching them wiggle with each touch. “Y-YEHEHEHEHES!” Ember squeaked as her toes splayed out. “B-But I! I thihihihink I can tahahahake mohohohore!” Now there was a surprise. Fluttershy expected Ember to ask for the tickling to stop long before she ever asked for more. But if that’s what Ember wanted, Fluttershy was more than happy to provide more tickles. Right as soon as the words left Ember’s mouth, she was quick to have second thoughts. “Wait, actually I-GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Fluttershy started wiggling all her fingers against Ember’s feet, immediately feeling the shifting and thrashing that she expected from the dragon. “EEEHEEHEE! W-WAHAHAHAHAHAAAIIII!” Ember frantically flailed around on the bed, eventually falling backwards as she succumbed to the full ten-finger tickling that Fluttershy was giving to her feet. Now that she was fully utilizing all her fingers, Fluttershy finally got a good feel for Ember’s feet, noting all the similarities and differences there were from a pony’s foot.  There was the obvious fact that Ember had three larger, chubbier toes on her foot for starters, but Ember’s feet had another quirk to them that only made Fluttershy more curious. As Fluttershy pressed her fingers into Ember’s sole, she could tell they were soft, but they had a durability to them, too. A dragon’s foot being tough seemed natural; they had to live in rocky and hot environments, after all. But it was strange how her feet felt soft and tough at the same time. It was so mesmerizing, Fluttershy just had to keep on squeezing Ember’s feet and play with her big toes. “NAAAAHAHAHAHA!” Fluttershy’s curiosity meant tons of hysterical laughter from Ember’s side. She tried to sit back up to try and peek over Fluttershy’s shoulder, but once she was down, it was a massive struggle to get up again. Fluttershy smirked as she ran her fingers down Ember’s arches, still fascinated by the feel of her feet. Spike’s feet were much softer than Ember’s, though that could easily be explained by the fact that Spike had a much cushier upbringing. It explained why Spike’s feet were softer, but not why Ember seemed to be more ticklish. “EEHEEHEEHEE! I-IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” Ember cried out, wildly flailing her arms in the air, still attempting to upright herself. “I bet it does!” Fluttershy giggled as she dug her fingers into Ember’s squishy soles. “Is it too much? Did you want me to slow down?” She wanted to remind Ember that she could still tap out at any time, just in case she got too lost in all the tickles. “NOHOHOHO! GOHOHO FAHAHAHASTER!” Fluttershy a double-take and looked back at Ember. “Faster? A-Are you sure?” Ember nodded with conviction. “Yeah, my feet can take it!” Fluttershy finally got a good look at Ember after all the tickling. Ember was sweaty, blushing, and still excited. And with her still asking for more made Fluttershy’s wings flutter behind her back with an equally excited grin on her face. She turned back to her feet, scribbling her fingers over Ember’s soles. “KYAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Ember had taken the few seconds of rest she had to sit back up, but once Fluttershy resumed the tickling, she was already on her back again. Fluttershy still had a few reservations about going all out, but hearing Ember’s exuberant laughter slowly encouraged her to let go of a few more inhibitions. She was raking her fingers down those squishy dragon soles to really get her to scream. “This isn’t too much for you?” Ember pounded the mattress. The intense tickling was riling her up in all sorts of ways. All the tingly feelings at her feet that made her laugh non-stop felt so good, but being so helpless to escape from this gentle pony felt so humiliating and exciting, too. And while Fluttershy’s question came from genuine concern, Ember felt like her ego was being challenged. “NOHOHOHO! KEEHEEHEEP GOHOHOHOING!” Fluttershy stifled a giggle at Ember’s enthusiasm, aiming her fingers right underneath her toes to see if that would make the dragon change her mind. Ember felt something akin to an electric jolt surging through her body once Fluttershy’s fingers dug right underneath her toes. She nearly jumped from her laid out position, slowly starting to embrace how enjoyable it was to be tickled. “M-MOHOHOHOHORE!” “More?” Fluttershy quietly muttered. She wasn’t sure her fingers could go faster. Though that did give her a flash of inspiration. If her fingers couldn’t tickle harder… “Alright, give me a second…” Fluttershy briefly hopped off Ember’s legs to retrieve something from underneath her bed. Ember sat back up, curiously looking over to the side as Fluttershy gave her a break. She let out a heavy exhale as she flexed her toes, still feeling tingles all over her soles. Now that she had a few seconds to herself, she let out a small smile. She was glad that she made the choice to fly all the way to Ponyville, Fluttershy was clearly an expert at tickling. Ember still couldn’t articulate why the tickling felt so good, but she could at least admit to herself that she liked it. Fluttershy reemerged from under the bed, placing a hairbrush, comb, and spiky pinwheel on the mattress near Ember’s feet. “So, are those pony inventions made specifically for tickling?” Ember asked rather innocently. Given how dragons had no need for mane-care, she assumed all three were meant just for tickling. “Um…kiiiinda?” Fluttershy sheepishly grinned. For these specific cosmetic tools, the only time Fluttershy used them was on somepony’s feet. “Oh, wow! I hope they tickle a lot, then!” Ember said, wiggling her feet back and forth as if to tease Fluttershy into continuing. “Don’t worry, they will…” Fluttershy smirked, getting back on Ember’s ankles, making sure that she was secured, especially with the new tools. With the brush in her right hand, she started scrubbing her soles, bracing herself for the reaction that followed. “BWAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA!” Ember’s legs immediately started kicking her legs, bursting out with a loud fit of laughter. The stiff bristles of the brush were much harsher than Fluttershy’s soft but nimble fingers, leading to a lot more flailing. “So, does it tickle a lot?” Fluttershy teased, holding Ember’s toes back so she could scrub with less struggling. Ember frantically nodded her head. “Y-YEHEHEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH!” With one foot restrained, Ember compensated by desperately flailing the other foot. She was fighting hard against Fluttershy’s grip, but the pegasus was stronger than she expected. Fluttershy noticed the wild toe wiggling and sole curling from Ember’s other foot. She could definitely feel the dragon’s struggling to break free, but she wasn’t about to get loose on her watch. Ember could feel Fluttershy’s hand shifting against her toes, making her think that she was winning the battle. She soon found that despite the brush still working on her foot, her toes were now free to wiggle. Ember had a brief moment of pride until she felt something slide between her toes on her other foot that made her eyes go wide. “EEHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHAAA!” Fluttershy only let go of Ember’s foot to grab the comb. With how active Ember’s feet were, it was a bit of a risk with how much the dragon was squirming, but it was quickly turning out to be more than worth it to double the tickling. Ember was going wild on the bed. Her face was feeling heated and her mind was getting fuzzy, unable to concentrate on anything except for the brush scratching her arches and the comb gliding between her toes. “So, if you can still answer me, Ember…What tickles more, the brush or the comb?” Fluttershy made sure to put on her sweetest voice to ask before going all in on the tools. The brush went back and forth between both Ember’s feet, making sure the bristles scraped every inch of her soles. With the comb, it was hard to get the toes with how much they wiggled, but Fluttershy took the chance to strike whenever it splayed, sawing it back and forth between her chubby toes. “EEEHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Ember grabbed onto her horns, she genuinely couldn’t decide what tickled more. Both tools were sending ticklish electricity that tingled all the way up her legs. No matter what she tried to do, she couldn’t halt or dampen the ticklish sensations. “Can’t decide?” Fluttershy put both tools aside, picking up the pinwheel. “What about this, then, does this tickle?” Fluttershy held the toes back on Ember’s other foot, placing the spikes on the ball, before rolling it up and down. “YAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAAAHAHA! I-IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!” The pinwheel’s spikes were pointy, but not enough to cause pain. They were just the right amount to tickle horribly and bring the dragon lord to tears of mirth. Despite Ember not saying the safe word yet and so far showing no signs that she was going to, Fluttershy made the decision to give Ember an actual break. She brought the pinwheel to a slow stop to let Ember cool down. “Aaahh…haaah…aha…” Ember’s toes twitched as she lay exhausted on the bed, still giggling from the tingles she could still feel on her feet. “So? How was it? Did you enjoy being tickled?” Fluttershy asked. Even if the answer was obvious, it was important that Ember said it out loud. “Yeah! It was actually a lot of fun…” Ember felt a little embarrassment burning up her cheeks as she finally managed to get her feelings out. “B-But you didn’t need to stop! I could have definitely taken more!” she said, puffing out her chest in pride to try and save face. “I’m sure,” Fluttershy giggled, slipping off Ember’s ankles. The pegasus took the chance to get a good look at Ember’s soles and how blushy they became because of her. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much now. I didn’t think you’d want to keep testing your limits.” “Well, that’s dragons for ya,” Ember boasted. “Bet your other pony friends couldn’t stand that much tickling!” “And to think just an hour or so ago, you kept pulling your feet away from one finger!” Fluttershy  noted, lightly tracing her finger in circles around her foot. “EEEEEEEEHEEEEE!” With a high-pitched squeal, Ember quickly pulled her feet back. Fluttershy was left stunned once more by Ember’s rather explosive reaction. “Um…are you alright?” “Y-Yeah!” Ember darted her eyes side to side, putting her feet back in front of her. “Probably just…super sensitive after all that tickling.” “Hmm…” Fluttershy had some suspicions brewing, but just to make sure, she grabbed onto Ember’s ankle. “So you don’t mind if I do this?” Ember felt Fluttershy’s lone finger slowly sliding down her foot. “EEEEP! NOHOHOHOHO NO WAHAHAHAIT!” she pleaded, fighting with Fluttershy to free her foot. Fluttershy’s eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. “Is something wrong, Ember? I thought you could take more tickles!” she asked, though her question had a much more teasy tone to it. Ember was starting to feel all those flustered and fuzzy feelings from before, but also a massive amount of confusion as Fluttershy slowly and gently tickled her foot. “AHAHAHA! H-HOLD ON! I-IT’S SOHOHOHO MUHUHUCH!” Fluttershy was just as surprised as Ember was, but she was starting to figure things out. “Could it be…” she said with a dramatic gasp. “That I’ve found a weakness of yours?” Ember’s cheeks immediately went red. Just the implication that she had any sort of weak spot got her flustered. “N-NOHOHO! I-IT’S NOT-GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Oh, I think I did!” Fluttershy was practically singing. “The Great Dragon Lord Ember can’t handle a bit of tickle teasing…” “T-TRY MEHEEHEEHEEHEE! I-I CAN TAHAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT!” Ember blurted it out to challenge Fluttershy’s taunting, but even she was unsure how much longer she could last under this kind of torment. Fluttershy grinned with delight. She never met someone who squealed more from gentler tickling, and she was eager to explore this little quirk. “Alright then! Get ready, because these feetsies are gonna get tiiickled!” Watching Fluttershy wiggling her fingers in front of her feet made Ember’s heart race far more than any of the other previous tickle tools used on her feet before. She was whimpering and squeaking the closer the fingers got. Fluttershy began with a light skitter across Ember’s foot, making sure to hold onto her tight with the other hand in case of thrashing. “AIIIIEEEE! WAITWAITWAAAAHAHAHAIIIIIT!” Fluttershy was right to prepare, because once those fingers hit her feet, Ember was going wild. Her arms, legs, and tail were flailing with reckless abandon. “Heehee, does it really tickle that much? I’m just sloooowly wiggling my fingers against your feet.” Fluttershy couldn’t hold back her amused laugh. On nearly any other pony, this would cause a gigglefit and maybe a squeal or two. But with how Ember was howling and thrashing, you’d think that she had a full-on tickle machine strapped to her feet. “NAHAHAHA! IT! IT! AAHAHAHAHACK!” Fluttershy’s innocent giggle only riled Ember up more. She was feeling the same feelings of humiliation and excitement from the start of the session, but there was something about Fluttershy’s words that just amplified the emotions. “It tiiiiickles?” Fluttershy chimed in, her tone of voice getting much more teasy as she danced her fingers up and down the thrashing sole. Ember grabbed onto her horns for her own support as her other leg kicked up high in the air. “KYAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Y-YEHEHEHEHES! I-IT TIHIHIHICKLES!” Fluttershy started walking her fingers up Ember’s foot, all the way up to her toes. “Hmhmhm, your feet are soooooo very ticklish! You can’t escape from the tickles!” “AAAHAHAHAHAH NONONONOHOHOHOHOHO!” The change in Fluttershy’s tone was subtle, but it was doing a lot to get Ember red in the face. Before, Fluttershy was making sure to not push Ember’s limits, but now the pegasus was doing her best to break her down into a ticklish mess. “Such a big, tough Dragon Lord, and yet look at these soft and ticklish feet!” Fluttershy cooed, getting her face closer to Ember’s captive foot, sliding her finger underneath her toes. Ember covered up her face, feeling the heat from all the blush that rushed to her cheeks. “Q-QUIHIHIHIHIT IT! N-NAHAHAT SO GEHEHEHENTLE!” “And look at these toes wiggle! Oooh, they must be begging for more tickles! A-tickle tickle tickle!” Fluttershy began poking and squeezing Ember’s toes, watching them helplessly squirm in her grasp. “EEEEEEEEEHEEEHEE! D-DOHOHOHON’T!” Ember felt an electric surge across her whole body. Just those last three words were enough to send the poor ticklish dragon into a frenzied thrashing on the bed. “Coochie coochie coo! Soooo very, very ticklish! Oh, I could just tickle tickle tickle them all day!” Fluttershy giggled, sliding her finger up and down Ember’s arch. “I-I CAHAHAHAHA! I CAHAHAHAN’T TAKE IHIHIHIT!” Ember howled, brought to tears by Fluttershy’s gentle teasing. Fluttershy idly traced shapes on the sole, watching how Ember’s toes wiggled and splayed in response. “You know, I think Spike was right, you really do have an adorable ticklish giggle!” All the teasing from Fluttershy was slowly whittling down Ember’s defenses bit by bit, but this was what finally made a huge crack in her armor. She clenched her fists as her entire face went red. “NONONONOHOHOHO I DOHOHOHON’T!” Fluttershy’s eyes lit up once she heard Ember’s desperate squealing, realizing Ember’s exploit at the same time as the dragon. “Oh? You don’t think so? Because that sounds like a very adorable laugh to me…” “I-IT’S NAHAHAAAAHAHAHAT!” “Oh, yes it iiiis!” Fluttershy replied, walking her fingers up Ember’s foot once more. “In fact, you might even call it…cute.” Ember’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks. “EEEEEEHEEE NO IT’S NAHAHAHAT CUHUHUTE!” she screamed, frantically waving her arms in front of her. “Mmm, I think cute is the perfect word to describe you, Ember!” Fluttershy giggled as her fingers went up her arch. “Your soles are so soft and cute, and when I tickle you, you make the cutest giggles and squirm around in such a cute way…” Ember grabbed the nearest pillow to cover up her face. Partially to cover up her ticklish screams, but mostly to try and muffle the sound of Fluttershy’s evil taunting. She knew for a fact that Fluttershy was not tickling her that hard, yet she couldn’t stop laughing at the top of her lungs. “And I know just the way to make your squirming even cuter…” Ember heard a ruffling sound that caused her to peek from behind the pillow, and her jaw dropped. Fluttershy stood there with her wings outstretched, her feathers looked so soft to the touch. She never thought that a pegasi’s wings would make her freeze up in fear. “No! P-PLEASE!” Fluttershy’s wings reached out forward, brushing up Ember’s sole. “What do you think, Ember? Aren’t my feathers sooooo soft and sooooo tickly?” “AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES! IT TICKLES SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH! PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHAHAN’T! CAN’T TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT!” Ember was kicking the air, pounding the bed, even rolling from side to side, but Fluttershy’s wings were inescapable. Her foot was easily covered by the soft feathers delicately stroking up and down. With how much Ember was begging and thrashing around, Fluttershy was wondering if the dragon was reaching her limits. Then again, despite all the words she was pleading with, “stop” was one that never came up. Perhaps this was another bit of a secret enjoyment that Ember wasn’t quite brave enough to admit yet. “I think you can! You’re the super strong Dragon Lord, right? Or are you just a ticklish cutie?” Fluttershy’s taunting riled her up just as much as it turned her to jelly. She wanted to prove that she was tough enough to endure all this, but those pegasus feathers were just so soft and gentle, driving her crazy. Fluttershy was busy concentrating on so many things at once, but one thing that caught her off-guard was feeling something against her other wing. Her vision shifted over, seeing that Ember’s foot was brushing up against her wing, further confirming her suspicions. The only things Ember could focus on were the tickling sensations on both her feet, and the teasing from Fluttershy’s lips whenever she opened her mouth. Everything else was lost in the complete haze that her mind was currently in. “Oooh, your wiggling toes are so cute!” Fluttershy coed “It just makes me wanna…” Ember was getting delirious from all the feathering her feet were taking, but her eyes widened with clarity as she felt Fluttershy’s lips press against her toes. Fluttershy was taking a big risk by boldly kissing Ember’s toes, but she figured that such a gentle and affectionate gesture would be the biggest tease of all. “EEEEEEHEEEEE! EEEEP! AIIEEEHEHEEHEE!” Ember let out a series of squeals every time Fluttershy gave her toes a kiss. She wanted to kick her legs, crawl backwards, or even wiggle her toes, but her body refused to move an inch, too flustered to do anything. Between kisses, Fluttershy made sure to let Ember know how adorable she was. “Coochie coochie coo! You’ve got the most adorable giggle! Oh, you’re such a cute, ticklish dragon, aren’t you?” “OKAY! OKAYOKAYOKAY YOU WIHIHIHIN! IT’S TOO MUHUHUHUCH! NOHOHO MOHOHOHORE! I-I’M A! A CUTE TIHIHICKLISH DRAHAHAHAGON!” Fluttershy took that as a sign that Ember had reached her limit, giving the Dragon Lord a much-needed respite. “Are you alright? I wasn’t, um, too gentle with you, was I?” It took a few minutes of heavy panting and giggling for Ember to process everything. She could still feel the blush burning her entire face. Even if it was just her feet that were tickled, she was tingling all over. Her heart was pounding in her chest from the rush she was still coming down from. “That…was…amazing!” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Ember! You really enjoyed all that gentle tickling?” “Yeah! I mean, when you were using your wings and kissing my toes, I felt like I was going crazy! But like, it was in a good way!” Ember sat up, pointing at Fluttershy. “You must be like, an expert tickler!” Fluttershy blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Oh, I don’t know about that…” she modestly giggled. “Do you mind coming over to the Dragon Lands sometime? I’d love for you to tickle me like that again! I’m sure I can last even longer next time!” Ember grinned with a fire in her eyes, now seeing a new challenge and a new way to have fun. Fluttershy beamed with joy, finding another friend to bond with over tickly things. “That sounds lovely! Will I need to be summoned to tickle your feet?” she said, thinking of when she’d place ‘tickling and teasing Ember’ in her schedule. “Yeah, you can be the official Dragon Lord tickler,” Ember said half-jokingly. “Wow, what an honor!” Fluttershy giggled, responding with the same joking tone. Ember let out a gasp as another idea came to her. “Hey, maybe you can tickle some of the other dragons, too! I bet they’d love it!” she said with complete sincerity. Fluttershy gulped. “A-Are you sure?” “Well, I never knew how much I loved it until you tickled me, so it’s worth a shot! Ooh, we should go tell Spike!” “...Oh dear…” Fluttershy nervously grinned. This was gonna be a very awkward thing to explain to Twilight…