A Unique College Experience

by Twi-Fi Network

First published

Sunset Shimmer and the Human 5 meet their world's Twilight Sparkle at Canterlot University, but she has an interesting secret in her pants that they will each discover.

All of Twilight's human friends have finally graduated from Canterlot High and have made their way into the nearby Canterlot University. Even Celestia has moved up from being a high school principal to a faculty adviser and admissions officer.

Halfway through their freshman year, a familiar face joins them, but not from Equestria. However, as they get to know Twilight Sparkle's human counterpart, they'll find out that she's a little different than the Twilight they met, especially inside her pants.

(Now updated to take Rainbow Rocks into account.)


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“Come in,” Celestia’s rich contralto answered the knock on her office door. She quickly shuffled her previous task away to clear a spot on the desk for the new student’s paperwork. Her appointment book for the day had listed only one meeting, a mid-year enrollment candidate, and her assumption that the student would be several minutes late had turned out false. The knock had come precisely as the clock struck noon.

“Please, take a seat,” Celestia directed, failing to look up in the midst of retrieving the necessary file. She glanced at the name and other biographical details quickly. “Miss Spark—le.” Celestia’s usual smooth, sultry voice developed an odd crack. Her eyes widened as she read the name and her gaze quickly darted up to the young lady sitting across from her.

There was no denying it. From the color of her hair, to her eyes and complexion, this young woman looked exactly like Twilight Sparkle, twice mysterious visitor to Canterlot High School. Even down to her voice, as Celestia learned a moment later. The only real differences were the pair of square-framed glasses perched on her petite nose and the bun she kept her hair in, instead of letting it down.

“Is there something on my face?” Twilight cocked her head to the side, raising a hand to inspect by touch. “I don’t have food stuck in my teeth, do I?”

“I’m sorry?” Celestia asked automatically.

“Well you’ve been staring at me for forty-seven point eight seconds now,” Twilight explained, picking at her teeth with a fingernail.

“Oh!” A slight blush spread over Celestia’s cheeks as she shook her head. “Pardon me. You just happen to bear a striking resemblance to a young lady who was involved in a couple of rather notable incidents at my former job.” Celestia glanced down at the paperwork in front of her and turned to Twilight’s transcripts. “But you don’t seem to be familiar at all with Canterlot High School. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, her eyes betraying the gears suddenly turning in her head at the mention of Canterlot High. “Oh uh, no harm done. Sometimes when I get too into reading the paper, breakfast gets unexpectedly messy,” Twilight said, ceasing to prod at her face and returning her hand to her lap. “And I would have liked to attend CHS. I’d read that it’s quite strong in academics, among other things. But commuting from Manehattan wasn’t exactly practical for a high school student.”

Celestia smiled. “As principal I did strive for outstanding achievement from my students. Part of me didn’t like to leave, but my sister is quite capable of continuing the legacy.” She scanned over the paperwork again. “With your level of scholarship we would have been happy to have you.

“Although I do note a lack of academics during the past twelve months,” Celestia’s brow wrinkled at the odd discrepancy.

“A lack of formal academics. Nothing I can claim for credit, except possibly by examination,” Twilight explained, blinking as she refocused her mind back on her college application. “I graduated halfway through my senior year and spent the last twelve months overseas for medical reasons. I did employ a number of private tutors in a wide range of subjects during my travel, but I had no formal schooling.”

“That is quite an impressive itinerary,” Celestia smiled as she turned the page and read over the appended list of subjects. “There are a few things here we could consider for credit by exam if you feel confident enough in them. We can discuss it in a couple weeks once you’ve had time to settle in to campus life.”

Celestia turned to the final application page, listing medical conditions. She pursed her lips. “You said you spent a year abroad for medical reasons, but there is nothing listed here.” She held up the blank declarations form.

“Because that form specifically specifies academically sensitive conditions. My medical situation doesn’t have any affect on my academic viability.”

Celestia started to apologize, but Twilight continued on.

“Instead, I noted it on my housing survey.”

Celestia flipped through several financial forms until she found the on-campus housing paperwork. She flipped past all the usual matchmaking questions to the write-in section. She blinked. “You’re intersex?”

Twilight nodded. “I identify as female and am a functional female in all respects. Fully functional in theory, though I don’t intend to attempt bearing a child until I finish college at the very least. But in addition, I also have a semi-functioning penis.” Her tone was perfectly matter-of-fact, as if she were discussing something as mundane as the weather.

“Semi-functioning?” Celestia knew that she shouldn’t pry, but part of her was simply too curious.

Twilight ticked off on her fingers. “Arousal, erection, orgasm, and ejaculation. But no chance of fertilization. I have a fully formed prostate, but only partially formed testes. They produce enough testosterone for my penis and prostate to function, but they don’t produce any viable gametes. It’s an incredibly rare combination. My time abroad was spent in part to gather as many additional doctoral opinions as possible.”

“I—I see.” Celestia cleared her throat and tried to cool the heat rising to her cheeks. “I hope I didn’t offend you. I really should not have asked such a question.”

Twilight simply shook her head, seeming quite unfazed.

“Very well.” Celestia cleared her throat. “Canterlot University mainly adopts a hands-off approach to trans individuals, or intersex in your case. Non-binary individuals, let’s say.” Celestia pursed her lips before continuing. “Beyond declaring your preferred gender, the exact makeup of your body is your own business.

“You said you identify as female, and you certainly appear so outwardly. Did you have a specific reason for declaring anything beyond that?”

Twilight nodded. “I felt it was prudent in light of my past. Prior to my high school years, I grew up in a small rural town: Ponyville. Since I’d already decided that being a girl suited me, and my body seemed to be developing that way, my parents decided that it would be best if I simply hid the fact that I had penis.

“I attended public school for everything except PE and Sex Ed, with an acceptable cover story.” Twilight’s steady, resolved gaze dropped to her lap. “Even at a young age, I found the masquerade easy; just be mindful in the bathroom and choose my clothing with care. I was always guarded and liked books better than friends.

“But despite my parents’ robust sex education curriculum, puberty was not something I could prepare for. And since they didn’t know, the school staff were just as shocked as the students when my condition became known. In a small town, news travels fast. Thankfully, my father was able to secure a new astronomy job in Manehattan pretty quickly, a promotion he’d been working toward in any case, but the whole experience made me even more of a recluse in high school.”

Twilight’s head came back up, her eyes back on Celestia. “Since it’s my decision now, I’d rather my situation be known to a couple of trustworthy administrators upfront, in case I’m outed again by mischance. If I hadn’t been assigned to a female advisor, I would have requested a change. I figured that a woman would be more sympathetic.”

“I see, yes.” Celestia nodded, slightly dumbstruck at the long explanation. She rallied quickly, shuffling through the paperwork again and taking a closer look at Twilight’s housing application. “That’s probably a wise decision, and I’ll certainly do my best to find a solution. I see you’re looking for on-campus housing and you’ve requested a single room.”

Twilight nodded.

“I imagine there weren’t many off-campus solutions available at this time of year. Unfortunately, there’s not much left here either.” For the first time, Celestia turned to the computer on her desk. “I’ll have to check to be sure, but we’ve had a record low number of mid-year dropouts this year.”

A few quiet moments went by with the click of the keyboard as the only sound. “As I thought,” Celestia frowned, turning back to Twilight. “There are no singles available, and only a few students in need of a roommate to fill out a double room.

“I see.” Twilight’s lips curled into a frown.

“You’ll probably have a tough time hiding your p—” Celestia couldn’t bring herself to actually say the word ‘penis’ in front of the young woman, “your extra equipment from a roommate.” Twilight nodded her agreement. “And, pardon me for being blunt, but you sound like you might be in need of a few friends.”

At Celestia’s last comment, Twilight blushed quite heavily, breaking her stoicism. “I don’t—I mean, I would like to have some friends, but it’s difficult. It’s much harder to hide my penis now than when I was younger.”

“I can only imagine,” Celestia said with a wry smile. “But I have a few specific people in mind. Several of my former students started here this year, and Pinkie Pie in particular is in need of a new roommate.

“Now, I won’t lie to you.” Celestia held up her hands apologetically. “Pinkie has already been through two other roommates; she’s a bit eccentric and more than a little exuberant. But she’s also absolutely reliable when it comes to keeping a secret and extremely loyal as a friend, second only to Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, that does sound promising. I’ve been told that I study too hard sometimes. All of my less-than-stellar grades came from over-preparedness, not under.” Twilight gave an embarrassed smile, but her expression did brighten a bit. “Is there anything else I should know?”

Celestia grimaced. “Yes, I suppose you’d better find out now.” She sighed, knowing that she’d backed herself into a corner. “Pinkie and the rest of her friends have some history with you, in a way.”

She continued on, ignoring the dumbfounded, but curious expression on Twilight’s face. “They were involved in those incidents I mentioned with the girl who looked like you. In fact, she was you in a way; Twilight Sparkle from another world.” Celestia held up a hand, forestalling any objections. “I know it sounds crazy and not scientifically possible, but you’ll just have to trust me that it’s absolutely true. That’s why I was in such shock when you walked in today.”

Twilight’s teeth clicked shut, finding nothing worth saying in response to all of her aborted, extra-curricular high school research suddenly being so casually confirmed.

“The important point, though,” Celestia said, “is that while I will have to explain the situation to Pinkie before she makes her own assumptions, once I do, she’ll almost certainly be willing and eager to befriend you on the spot. If you’re willing to expend a little effort, it’s an opportunity to make six friends in no time at all. And I happen to know that they’re all quite accepting young women. Would you really want to pass that up?”

Twilight cocked her head and gave a small smile that slowly grew wider. “No, I suppose not.”

“Great!” Celestia beamed. “The rest of your application has already passed all the necessary checks. Pinkie is one of the few students who elected to stay over the break, so give me a few minutes to get your student status officially approved and we can visit the housing office. Normally I’d turn you over to one of their staff, but in your case, I’ll be handling everything personally.”

“Thank you, very much.” Twilight stood and gave a short bow in a manner much more common overseas.

A blush tinged Celestia cheeks and she turned to give her undivided attention to the computer. For a moment as Twilight stood and bent at the waist, Celestia was certain that she’d seen the slight outline of a bulge through the young woman’s slacks.

Celestia knocked on the dorm room door for a third time, the sound of her tightly clenched knuckles against the wood echoing down the hallway. The door itself was plastered with what looked to be about one hundred balloon stickers in a dazzling mixture of pink, yellow, and blue.

“Pinkie Pie, are you around?!” Celestia’s raised voice called out against the door. The students she and Twilight had passed in the lobby all confirmed that Pinkie had just recently come back to the building and they had not seen her leave again. Still no response came from the door.

Celestia sighed. “I’m sorry about delay, Twilight. I should have called her cell phone before we came all the way over here.”

“That wouldn’t have helped you find me! I left it in my room when I went to do my laundry and take a shower!”

Twilight blushed, looking over Celestia’s shoulder and instinctively hiding as best she could behind the taller woman. She watched as the owner of that high pitched, excited voice bounced down the corridor toward them. Her poofy pink hair jiggled just as much as her ample bust, her body covered only by a fairly skimpy yellow and blue striped bath towel.

Celestia’s eyes bulged as she spun around to face the girl she’d been looking for. “Pinkie! What possessed you to be out in the hall naked like this? Don’t you at least have a bathrobe?”

“It’s in the laundry! And I’m not naked, I have a towel.” Pinkie trilled in her brightest singsong voice. “C’mon, this is a girls-only floor, it’s okay!”

“That doesn’t mean there won’t be any male students visiting.” Celestia pressed her fingers to her temples.

Pinkie blew a raspberry, pursing her lips tight. “Pfft. Like the boys are going to complain about a free show.” She emphasized her point by shaking her bust beneath the towel.

Celestia sighed. “Never mind. Just please hurry up and get dressed, I found you a new roommate.”

Twilight took a tentative step to the side and let Pinkie get a good look at her for the first time. In a blur of colors and a cry of “Twilight!” Pinkie wrapped her prospective roommate up in a bone crushing hug.

Between her fast motion and the sudden occupation of her arms in the noble act of hugging, Pinkie’s towel began to slip. The front remained pinned in place, crushed hard against Twilight’s blouse. The back, however, flew open, giving Celestia an unfettered view of Pinkie’s voluptuous and completely naked rear end.

Twilight stood stock still in Pinkie’s grip, as if she’d lost a staring contest with a cockatrice. Her panicking brain tried desperately to conjure images of glaciers and icebergs to halt her body’s inevitable reaction at being pressed against Pinkie’s soft, curvy body with so little cloth separating them.

Letting out a groan as Pinkie eagerly hugged and nuzzled against her supposed friend, Celestia gathered up the loose ends up Pinkie’s towel and held them closed as she herded the two students into Pinkie’s room.

As soon as the door closed, Twilight was flopped unceremoniously onto Pinkie’s bed. She and Celestia watched helplessly as Pinkie tossed aside her towel and stood naked in front of them. Although transfixed herself by the display of exhibitionism, out of the corner of her eye, Celestia noticed Twilight sit up straight and cross her legs.

The whole impromptu strip show lasted only for a moment before Pinkie slipped into her bra and panties and wiggled into solid pink leggings and a long-sleeved white shirt. Celestia briefly reconsidered the wisdom of thrusting Pinkie and Twilight together in light of Pinkie’s demonstrated lack of body modesty and the effect it seemed to have on Twilight’s p—unusual anatomy.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Pinkie, she isn’t the Twilight you think she is.”

Pinkie bounced excitedly, chest still quivering copiously despite wearing a bra. “You mean Princess Twilight came back again?! Did she decide to come to school with us? Isn’t that going to make her pony friends sad?” Tears welled up in Pinkie’s puppy dog eyes.

Celestia blinked, her jaw dropping open. “No, no. This is the Twilight from our world. But how did you know already?”

Pinkie’s expression snapped back to normal as she bounded over to the bed and plopped down next to Twilight, throwing an arm around her and batting at her hair bun. “Duh! Because she’s wearing glasses and has a funny hairdo. Princess Twilight didn’t wear any and she lets her hair hang loose!” She wiggled Twilight’s eyewear and giggled at the dumbstruck look Celestia gave her. “What?! I saw this cutie walking down the street when I visited Manehattan a few years ago. It wasn’t that hard to figure out.”

“A-alright,” Celestia stammered. “Well, if you haven’t scared her to death and she would still like to be your roommate, I was hoping that you might Introduce Twilight to your friends and help make her feel welcome.”

Pinkie saluted with her free arm. “You can count on me Princi—oop, I mean Celestia. What do ya say Twi-Twi?” Pinkie gave Twilight a squeeze and a nuzzle for good measure.

Twilight reached a hand up to straighten her glasses after Pinkie’s exuberancy had knocked them askew. “I-it will take a bit of adjusting, but I’m willing to give it a try.”

Pinkie squealed and wrapped both arms around Twilight again, crushing her ample bosom into the young woman’s upper arm. For a brief moment as Pinkie wrapped her up in the embrace, Twilight’s eyes locked on her new roommate’s soft, pink lips as they appeared to be on a collision course with her own. Thankfully, the potential crisis was mitigated, though not totally averted, as Pinkie aimed for her cheek instead, giving it a quick brush with her lips and giving her another enthusiastic nuzzle.

A blush tinged Twilight’s cheeks, not alone from Pinkie’s warm breath in her ear. The arm wrapped around her was resting right across her own bust, gently squishing against her relatively modest mounds. Twilight had to squeeze her crossed thighs a little tighter together to hide her inevitably growing erection.

The whole spectacle had played out too quickly for Celestia to do anything about it, but now Celestia’s attention was drawn to Twilight’s twitching limbs. A bit of a blush crossed her own cheeks as she realized what the young woman’s tightly crossed legs meant. She took a deep breath to calm herself before interrupting.

“Pinkie, I need to talk to Twilight for a moment, then I can leave you two to get to know each other. Alright?” Celestia stepped forward and placed a hand gently on Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie giggled, leaping away from Twilight and flopping back against her bed. “Have fun! See ya in a bit, Twi-Twi!”

As Celestia moved for the door, she motioned for Twilight to follow. Twilight stood up carefully, doing her best to keep herself pointed away from Pinkie’s line of sight. After a couple of steps, almost as an afterthought, she stopped and looked over her shoulder to gave Pinkie a smile. “Thanks, Pinkie. I’ll be right back.”

Celestia gently clicked the door closed behind Twilight, shutting out the sight and sound of Pinkie squealing and kicking her legs in delight. Checking up and down the corridor to make sure there were no other students in earshot, Celestia leaned in, murmuring just above a whisper.

“I’m sorry if Pinkie was too forward. I forgot just how excitable and touchy-feely she can be.” Celestia sighed. “If you’re having second thoughts, I can try to smooth things over with her.”

Twilight held up her hands, lips curled in an almost pained smile. “No, no. I meant what I said. Meeting her was a bit of a shock, but she seemed nice enough.” A fresh blush spread slowly across her face. “I didn’t expect to see quite so much of her, but I’m sure I can get used to it.”

“Well, if you’re sure, then I’ll wish you good luck.” Celestia reached into her pocket and handed over a room key and building keycard. “I’m sure Pinkie would be thrilled to show you around the various amenities.” She leant in a bit further, lowering her voice another notch. “And concerning your secret, whatever time you think is best to inform her, just remember that if you ask Pinkie to keep it a secret, you can be sure that she will.”

Twilight nodded solemnly. “On that subject, I think I’ll go get the possessions I brought with me first. I could use a little time to calm down.”

As she turned back to the dorm room door, Celestia’s gaze was inevitably drawn toward Twilight’s crotch. There was no mistaking it now, that slight bulge that might have just been a trick of the light before was quite prominent now. Her face lit up red as she noticed Twilight press a palm against it to adjust herself before opening the door again.

“Pinkie, I’ll be right back. I’m going to run down to my car and get my things first.”

“Oooooh! I’ll come help!” The door burst open and slammed closed again as a pink blur rocketed through, snatching up Twilight and propelling her down the corridor. “Just show me where you’re parked!”

Celestia stood for a moment, stunned and still red-faced, as she watched the two girls leave. She couldn’t help squeezing her thighs together as she realized that the heat rising within her body was not confined to her face. She inhaled a deep breath before heading for the building exit herself, her imagination overflowing with images.

A small part of her, smaller than she cared to admit, knew it was wrong to lust after a young woman just over half her age, even if she was legally an adult. But the rest of her, more than she ever would have thought possible, was glad of two facts. Firstly, that her schedule for the day was now completely empty. But second, and more importantly, that her office had its own private, and reasonably soundproofed, washroom attached.

Pinkie Pie

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“Thanks a bunch, Pinkie.” Twilight smiled over her shoulder as she dumped some of her luggage on the empty dorm bed.

“Hey, what are friends for?” Pinkie giggled, adding a couple more suitcases to the pile.

As she unpacked her laptop from her messenger bag, Twilight had to admit that Pinkie’s help had been wonderfully convenient. Together they had only needed one trip to bring up everything Twilight had with her. A nice benefit, even though the original purpose of the trip to her car had been negated.

Thankfully, Pinkie had stayed behind her during the trip down, propelling both of them forward as if they were on wheels. On the way back up, Twilight had been able to carry her laptop bag in front of her groin. And with Pinkie’s hands full, she’d had an easy time calming her erection down.

As if answering a cue in response to Twilight’s thoughts, Pinkie slipped her arms around her roommate again. Her arms crossed and made a full circle just below Twilight’s bust. “Now that you’ve got your stuff, wanna go take a tour of campus? I can show you all the good party spots!”

Twilight bit her lip, suppressing a moan at the feeling of Pinkie’s lips and hot breath by her ear again; then another moan had to be sacrificed when Pinkie squeezed against her, and Twilight swore she could feel nipples poke her shoulder blades, even through several layers of clothing. Her gaze strayed to the side, landing on Pinkie’s bed. Despite being a virgin in every sense of the word, or perhaps because of it, Twilight had to suppress an almost irresistible urge to tackle Pinkie to the mattress and confess about her abnormal body in the most direct way possible.

She clamped her thighs together and took a calming breath while forming a plan. “Alright. Just let me find my coat. It’s colder out than I thought.” It was not, Winter having been steadily losing the battle against an early Spring, but the coat that Twilight retrieved from her luggage ended in a flared, thigh-length skirt. She let out a soft sigh as she buttoned it up and took a tentative step in front of the dress mirror on Pinkie’s closet. She could still feel her penis standing at nearly half-mast, but it was no longer even remotely visible.

Pinkie appeared beside her in the mirror. She had pulled on her own protection against the elements, but rather than hiding a part of her body she didn’t wish to be noticed, the reddish-pink sweater was just tight enough to accentuate and frame her bust. Another stifled moan resulted as Twilight’s upper arm was nestled snugly between Pinkie’s mounds; the young woman clinging tightly and intimately to her arm.

After the initial shock finally wore off, around the time they toured the campus library, and Twilight’s raw physical reaction to Pinkie’s presence had calmed down, she started to find the experience to be rather pleasant. Twilight had never met anyone so physically affectionate before, and to go from a life of introversion to having a cute girl hanging off of her arm and nuzzling her shoulder, all in the space of a couple hours, was the sort of abrupt change she could not have imagined ever preparing for.

By the time they returned to their room, Twilight wore a contented smile. She felt reasonably familiar with the campus, she’d gotten her housing situation settled, she’d made a friend, and she had five more to look forward to in theory.

Only two things marred her good mood. Firstly, the realization that she still needed to find a way to let her cute, bubbly, and affectionate roommate know that she had some unusual anatomy in her pants, before the fact was inadvertently revealed by surprise. And secondly, the fact that after a solid hour of walking in a heavy coat in warmish weather, Twilight desperately needed a shower.

“I think I’m going to go take a shower, Pinkie. I really should have gone for just a sweater like you did.” Twilight, no longer worried about being spotted sporting an erection, unbuttoned her coat and hung it in her closet before rummaging through her luggage for her toiletries and a towel. Her glasses case closed with a satisfying snap before she placed it on her desk.

“Okie dokie lokie! I was thinking of ordering a pizza. Wanna go halfsies?” Pinkie’s voice was temporarily muffled as she pulled first her sweater, then her shirt over her head.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I like hawaiian.” Twilight turned away from the slightly blurry sight of Pinkie’s ample bust only half covered by her bra. She was definitely not eager to walk down the hall having to hide her crotch behind her towel. She had her hand on the door knob when Pinkie called out to stop her.

“Whoa, Twi-Twi! You really don’t want to go shower in your clothes. Don’t you have a bathrobe?” Pinkie waved her arms frantically, standing in nothing but her underwear, her leggings flailing from one hand.

Twilight just stared back at Pinkie, too caught up in the irony of her new roommate asking the exact same question Celestia had asked earlier to feel anything about Pinkie’s state of undress. “Yeah, it’s in my luggage somewhere, but what’s wrong with wearing my clothes to the shower?”

Pinkie waved Twilight closer and leaned in to whisper, as if she might be overheard even in her own room. “There are some real meany-pants girls on this floor, and they’re here over the break. If they catch you in the shower with a pile of clothes, they’ll take your clothes and your towel so you have to run back to your room naked and wet.”

“What?!” Twilight’s eyes flew wide. “Why would they even do that?”

“I dunno. It’s like some kind of hazing thing. They just like to make fun of girls they think are too modest, so I thought I better warn you.” Pinkie punctuated her warning with a hug. “If you go in just your bathrobe you’ll be okay, though.”

“Hasn’t anyone talked to the administrators about them?” Twilight’s mind was so busy trying to come up with a way to change into her bathrobe without getting completely naked herself that she didn’t even register being pressed against Pinkie’s nearly naked body. She settled on moving the suitcase with her bathrobe into the closet so that she could change with her back to Pinkie and partially hidden by the door.

“A couple people have, and we all know who it is, but no one can actually catch them at it. They’re seniors, so they’ll be gone by the end of the year anyway.” Pinkie had perched herself on her bed and started on the process of folding the clothes they’d brought back from the laundry as the last stop on their tour.

Twilight slipped out of her blouse and bra, sneaking a quick glance at Pinkie out of the corner of her eye. Her attention seemed to be completely focused on the pile of shirts she was folding. Twilight slung the bathrobe over her shoulders for some additional coverage before sliding her slacks and panties down together.

Her mostly flaccid penis hung loosely over her vulva, sticking out in plain sight, so she quickly closed her robe over it. Without panties it would have been nearly impossible to keep it tucked in, even without the roller coaster ride it had been subjected to all afternoon.

“I’ll be back. Thanks for the warning, Pinkie.” This time there was nothing stopping her as she strode out and down the hall to the shower.

Despite a lingering terror that her bathrobe and/or towel might disappear at any moment, Twilight made it back to her room without incident, feeling clean and refreshed. Pinkie was still folding laundry, though judging by the size of the pile remaining, she was nearly finished.

“Heya, Twi-Twi! Feeling all squeaky clean?” Pinkie grinned while sorting the last of a pile of socks.

“Yeah.” Twilight made sure her robe was tied tight before she opened her closet to set up her laundry hamper and deposit her damp towel and sweaty clothes. “Thanks for the warning. I think someone did walk back by the shower stalls while I was in there, but they left me alone.”

Twilight rummaged through the luggage on her bed again, looking for her underwear. Behind her, Pinkie had started to fold her own pile of bras and panties.

“Ooh! We should totally compare undies, Twi-Twi! Got anything cute like this?” Pinkie held up a lacy pair of dark pink panties, showing them off front and back. A thin, diagonal band of a lighter pink satin ran across both sides, embroidered with yellow and blue balloons.

Twilight blushed a little, her eyes glancing over the sheer garment and alighting on the matching bra on top of Pinkie’s clothing pile. “I don’t have anything quite like that. All of mine are pretty plain.” Twilight inclined her suitcase toward Pinkie, showing her a mass made almost entirely of plain white cotton.

“How about those purple ones!” Pinkie pointed out one of the only patches of color in the entire sea of white. “I bet you’d look cute in them. Why don’t you put them on and let me see?”

Twilight’s hands stopped in mid-air, the pair of purple satin panties dangling from her grip. The pink and white cluster of stars adorning the front was clearly visible. Her face turned red as she stammered. “Y-you w-want to s-s-see m-me in…” She trailed off, lips still forming half words.

“That’s what I just said, silly.” Pinkie giggled, hopping up from her bed to put away the last of her clothes. “What’s wrong? You’re not embarrassed about your dick, are you?”

Twilight’s purple panties hit the floor with a soft plop. “H-H-How did you k-know?” Her entire body shivered.

“Pinkie Sense,” Pinkie said simply, as if that explained everything. She turned around and sauntered a pace away from Twilight, demonstrating the various bodily tells. “See, first I got an itchy nose and a twitchy thumb in the shower; that meant I was getting a new roommate. But then when I was walking down the hall, I got tickley toes and chattery teeth; that meant there was a secret in someone’s pants.”

Twilight’s trembling terror trailed slowly away as she tried hard to process that, her face contorting with perplexity. “Okay, even ignoring that you’re claiming to have ESP, that is still both oddly specific and completely open-ended. I don’t understand how you thought that applied to me, especially in that way.”

Pinkie’s face came into sharp focus as Twilight felt her new roommate wrap her arms around her neck, just inside the collar of her bathrobe.

“Well, I got one more that tied everything up in a neat package.”

Twilight couldn’t help let out a soft moan. Pinkie nuzzled against her cheek, breath in her ear again, and simultaneously thrust her panty clad crotch against Twilight’s slowly hardening penis.

See, right before you got back just now, I got fluttery lashes and a wavy tongue.” Pinkie purred into Twilight’s ear, her voice dropping an entire, sultry octave. “That one means I’m going to give someone a blowjob. And you’re the only person here.”

“P-Pinkie…” Twilight’s breath came in shallow gasps as her penis tented the bathrobe, poking into Pinkie’s slowly gyrating hips. “I-I don’t know. I’ve n-never…”

“You’ve never had a girl suck your dick?” Pinkie pulled her face back to look into Twilight’s eyes.

Twilight shook her head, biting her lip. “N-never even kissed…”

Pinkie’s doe eyes came back in full force. “Oh, Twi-Twi. That’s awful.” She raised one hand to stroke Twilight’s slightly damp hair. “Can I?” She pulled her face closer until their lips were only barely apart.

Twilight gulped. “It’s m-may I, not c—” As her mouth opened to form the syllable, Pinkie leaned in and stole her breath away.

She was just getting used to the feeling of having a tongue in her mouth that wasn’t hers, when Pinkie’s free hand slipped inside her bathrobe and gently squeezed her right breast. Twilight let out a moan, first into Pinkie’s mouth, then into the open air, as the tip of her hard nipple brushed against the palm of her hand.

Twilight offered no resistance when Pinkie slipped the bathrobe off of her shoulders and let it cascade to the floor. She blushed bright red and pressed her thighs together, but made no move to cover herself from Pinkie’s roving eyes as they scanned down her modest breasts, barely rounded stomach, and finally her hard penis, curving gracefully up from her groin.

She gasped as Pinkie slid forward and hugged her close, pinning her penis between pink satin and bare skin. Precum leaked out into the hollow space formed by their navels which trapped and brushed against the head. Pinkie’s hands found their way to Twilight’s butt and gently kneaded her firm cheeks.

“You’re beautiful, Twi-Twi. You don’t need to hide your body from me.” Pinkie’s tongue flicked at her ear as she spoke.

Twilight murmured an acknowledgement, her head swimming with all the new sensations. More out of instinct than anything else, her arms wrapped around Pinkie’s hugging body. Her hands rested perfectly against the band of her bra, and her fingers somehow found their way to the clasp. Pinkie leaned back, giving her chest a little shake and dropping her arms to discard her bra to the floor. Twilight admired the sight of Pinkie’s round, naked breasts again for a moment before cupping them each in a hand and feeling Pinkie’s tongue slide back into her mouth.

Later on, she would always wonder how she managed to save her first ejaculation that day for Pinkie’s mouth. At the time, she could only moan and breathe hard as Pinkie left a trail of kisses down her body. Each of her nipples shared a brief love affair with Pinkie’s soft lips and firm tongue, while her achingly hard penis throbbed and jumped, being for the first time in the gentle grip of another girl’s hand.

Pinkie finally dropped to her knees and caught sight of the unexpected treasure hidden below Twilight’s hard shaft. She gave a little squeal of delight and giggled at the novelty of licking pussy while a hard cock rested and twitched against her forehead as a result of her efforts.

Afraid that Twilight might blow her load before she’d even had her dick in her mouth, Pinkie dragged her tongue up the underside of her stiff rod. She gave the tip a quick kiss and plunged Twilight’s hard cock into her eager mouth, savoring the sharp hiss of breath and subsequent moan as two hands rested on the back of her head.

From the way her cock twitched, and from sucking a fair number of dicks in her time, Pinkie knew that Twilight wouldn’t last more than a minute or two. She clamped her lips down tight, pressing hard with her tongue and sucking with the same effort she put into drinking a triple thick milkshake through a narrow straw. She slid her mouth up and down the length of Twilight’s shaft only five times before her roommate gave a hard groan and spurt after spurt of thick, sweetly salty semen flooded her tongue. From the volume and consistency, she guessed Twilight hadn’t gotten off for a good, long time.

Pinkie pulled off and flashed Twilight a glimpse of her semen-filled mouth before she swallowed; the boys usually loved to see that. Twilight’s blush deepened, but her lips did curl into a little smile. As she stood up, Pinkie got a surprise that rivaled finding a pretty pussy hiding underneath Twilight’s dick. The boys usually refrained from kissing her until she’d brushed her teeth, but Twilight wasted no time locking lips with her and thrusting a tongue into her mouth. Twilight apparently liked her blowjob.

With a bit of stumbling, the two girls managed to make it to Pinkie’s bed without losing much kissing time. Twilight fell flat on her back onto the plush surface; surprisingly soft for a dorm room bed. Pinkie climbed up and straddled her stomach, her pink panties having visibly gained a considerably sized moist spot.

Pinkie grinned and giggled when Twilight sat up, leaning on one arm to suckle a nipple and squeeze the opposite breast with her free hand. She reached a hand back to gently stroke Twilight’s resting dick and tease her pussy lips with her fingertips.

Twilight let out a moan when she felt Pinkie’s fingers probe her entrance. She bit her lip, looking up at Pinkie and giving her a little shake of her head.

“No?” Pinkie’s fingers pulled back a little.

“I h-haven’t… I mean, I’m still a virgin there.” Twilight’s eyes darted to the side. “I didn’t mind your tongue, and I’m happy to finally be using my penis on a girl, but I think I want a guy to do that.”

Pinkie pulled her hand away and leaned forward to kiss Twilight again, running her fingers along her cheek. “Okay. Is there anything else you would like to do?”

Twilight blushed. “I’ve always wanted to see another girl, a regular girl, close up.”

Pinkie gave another delighted squeal, rolling to the side to slip off her panties. In an instant, she was straddling Twilight’s chest again and inching her way forward, bringing her dripping honeypot toward her face.

Twilight brought a hand up to caress Pinkie’s labia. She smiled when Pinkie hummed happily above her and dipped her finger gently between her lips, feeling the soft skin within. Rather than downward toward her vagina, Twilight’s finger was drawn up toward Pinkie’s clitoris.

She added a second finger to her exploration, gently spreading her lips apart and pushing the hood back to reveal the sensitive nub. Twilight couldn’t help but stare. This was a part of the body she simply did not have, given her unusual anatomy. At least, in a way. She couldn’t help but compare the shape of Pinkie’s clitoris to the glans of her penis; which made sense according to her study of human anatomy.

Pinkie let out a moan and Twilight realized she must have been staring at and gently stroking Pinkie’s clit for a while. She allowed herself a personal chuckle for slipping the slang term into her thoughts as she pulled Pinkie forward by the hips and took the pretty little nub between her lips. Not exactly a blowjob, but Twilight suspected Pinkie would be pleased. By her moans and squeals, she was.

Twilight let out a moan as she used her fingers and tongue to clean up the last of Pinkie’s sweet secretions from her chin. A hand had slid back toward her groin and wrapped its fingers around her revived and fully erect penis.

“Hey Twi-Twi? You said your pussy is a virgin; how about your cock? I mean, aside from your first blowjob.”

Twilight nodded. Her cheeks flushed slightly, but her penis gave a twitch in Pinkie’s hand.

Without a word, Pinkie slid back, raising up on her knees above Twilight’s hips. Her hand grasped the shaft of her cock, pointing it straight at the entrance to her pussy, which she spread wide with her other hand. She watched as Twilight’s wide eyes focused on her aiming arrangements, then slid up her body to meet with her own gaze. Twilight nodded.

An elongated moan left Twilight’s lips as her male virginity flitted away, to be replaced by the hot, smooth tightness of Pinkie’s vagina. She took in a shuddering breath, feeling the flared rim of her glans slide along the walls of Pinkie’s pussy. Her heartbeat pulsed hard in her shaft, and just like inside Pinkie’s mouth, she felt ready to ejaculate at any second. When Pinkie raised up and started to move, thrusting slowly over her length, she had to bite her lip to stop herself from cumming too quickly.

Twilight’s hands gripped Pinkie’s breasts again as her new roommate rode her. First simple vertical thrusts, then horizontal circles, and a rocking motion to and fro for good measure. Their voices reached a crescendo of delight together, Pinkie slamming down hard against her hips with a gasp and a grip of internal musculature as Twilight’s member throbbed and pulsed with her heartbeat and the motion of her own orgasm pumping a stream of semen deep inside Pinkie’s body.

Both girls panted with shallow breaths as they stared at each other with dopey grins.

“I think—I’m going to need—another shower,” Twilight got out between gasps.

“Me too,” Pinkie agreed. “Best reason to need one.”

A knock sounded at the dorm room door. Pinkie bounced up and ran to open it while Twilight scrambled to cover herself with the sheets.

“Ooh! Pizza’s here!”

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“Pinkie, what are we now? Girlfriends?” Twilight perched on her still bare bed, finishing drying her hair and watching Pinkie do the same. After a few slices of pizza, a little cuddling, more sex—missionary now that Twilight was more confident, another round of cuddling, and the last of the pizza, the two of them had finally headed for the showers together. While Twilight relaxed in the hot water and rinsed the sweat from her body, she had time to actually think about what had just happened.

“I dunno,” Pinkie shrugged. “Do you wanna be?”

“You don’t know?! Pinkie, we just had sex!” Twilight had her doubts about why she’d been so willing to just go along with Pinkie’s lead. But she suspected that all of her years of repression, sexually and socially, and a buildup of excess hormones as a result of Pinkie’s mannerisms and extended proximity were a big factor.

“Sex doesn’t have to mean getting into a relationship, Twi-Twi. There’s a lot more to it than that.” Pinkie hopped up, her poofy hair back to its normal volume, and moved to sit next to Twilight on her bed. Neither girl had bothered with clothes yet; there didn’t seem to be much point. “I mean, I’ve had sex with about a dozen people at college so far, but even though it was always fun, I never felt that real spark with any of them.”

Twilight’s mouth opened and closed a few times, trying and utterly failing to form any actual words.

“Don’t worry, Twi-Twi.” Pinkie patted her hand. “I don’t leave everything to my Pinkie Sense. I’ve gotten regular checkups; I’m clean.”

Twilight furrowed her brow, hugging her knees to her chest. She tensed up a little more when Pinkie slipped an arm around her. She felt reassured on one major point, but only the one. “Then what about all that hugging and clinging to my arm while we toured the campus?”

“Well, I am a pretty huggy person.” Pinkie squeezed her shoulder. “But I also think you’re super cute and fun to hang out with. If you want to try dating for real, I’m game. You feel pretty sparky to me.”

Twilight relaxed a little, but was still brooding on some dark thoughts. She locked gazes with Pinkie. “That other Twilight you and Celestia talked about; you had a crush on her, didn’t you?”

Pinkie didn’t even bat an eye. “Yeah, I did. I thought she was cute. I think you’re cute too.” She brushed her fingers against Twilight’s cheek and smiled. “And if you’ll let me, I’d really like to get to know you better.”

Twilight suspected that the clincher was her smile. Pinkie wore her emotions on her sleeves, and that little smile she gave spoke volumes. Twilight leaned over and kissed Pinkie on the cheek, wrapping an arm around her to complete the hug.

Some time later, Twilight noticed Pinkie was speaking again. She could feel it as a buzz against the side of her head.

“Hey, Twi-Twi, what about the thing you mentioned about having a guy pop your cherry?”

Twilight blushed and buried her face in her hands. Chastising Pinkie when she had admitted to wanting to have sex with multiple people herself suddenly left a bad taste in her mouth.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed. I’ll totally help you find a guy. I mean, you’ll need someone who doesn’t mind the dick. I’ll have to scout around, but I’m sure I can dig up a few guys to pick from who swing both ways.”

Twilight looked up, blinking. “What? But I thought you just said you wanted a relationship.”

Pinkie gently bumped foreheads with Twilight, her tongue sticking out. “And I just finished explaining that sex doesn’t have to mean getting into a relationship too. Gotta keep up, Twi-Twi.” Pinkie reached up a hand to play with her hair. “Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean we can’t have some casual sex on the side, as long as we’re both okay with it.

“You said you want a guy to break you in; I’m totally down with helping that happen. And heck, I bet lots of girls around here would like a turn on that meat sword of yours. College is a time to cut loose a little, right?”

Twilight couldn’t help chuckling as Pinkie nuzzled against her. Compared to her life yesterday, even her life less than eight hours ago, everything was already so different. She reached up to tousle a pink lock dangling in front of her face, thinking over everything that had happened since she had met Pinkie.

All through high school, and even before that, she’d been afraid of people. Afraid to know them for fear that they might get to know her. Pinkie smashed that idea to bits. She’d found out about her unusual body, Twilight still had trouble accepting that she’d just known somehow; but instead of being repulsed, Pinkie had wanted to experience it.

Twilight mused that perhaps they had been moving a bit fast, but at the same time, she did have quite a lot of life to catch up on. She’d already decided to take one big risk in letting Celestia know about her abnormality, and so far, that had turned out well. She felt like another risk might be in order.

“Pinkie, I have no idea how you can be so casual and open; it’s all so new to me. But you’re comforting to me. Let’s try it and see how it goes.” Twilight brought a hand to Pinkie’s cheek in return and guided her into a soft kiss. Pinkie happily giggled into it.

“Oh, speaking of my ‘meat sword’,” Twilight was just barely able to say the phrase with a straight face, “can we keep that just between us for now? I don’t think I’m ready yet for everyone to know that I’m anything other than a regular girl.” The earlier conversation with Celestia flitted across her mind; some risks came easier than others.

“Can do!” Pinkie stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth again, her eyes rolling to the side in thought. “Hey, if and when I do find you a guy, do you mind if I try him out first? Y’know, to make sure he isn’t gonna hurt you. First time can be a real pain in the patootie.”

Twilight’s eyebrows arched a bit as she mulled the idea over. She supposed there were some advantages to an open relationship. “Thanks, Pinkie. Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Oh, speaking of guys! I’d better warn you about Flash.” Pinkie pulled back, putting on a serious expression. “Flash Sentry. He went to high school with us. Tallish, blue hair, plays the guitar.”

“What’s wrong, is he some kind of jerk or something?” Twilight’s eyes grew wide.

“Huh? Oh, nononono,” Pinkie waved her arms frantically. “He’s really nice actually. But he had a big crush on Princess Twilight too, like even bigger than mine, so he’s probably going to think you’re her.” Pinkie grimaced. “I mean, if you meet him and wanna try him out, I don’t think he likes dick, but if he doesn’t mind, then go for it! Just, y’know, make sure he knows you’re you instead of other-you first. Otherwise things might get pretty messy, and not in the good way.”

Twilight reached out her arms and hugged Pinkie to her chest. “Thanks for the warning, Pinkie. No matter how many times you explain it, this other-me thing really has me thrown for a loop. I’d probably be totally lost without you.”

“You’re welcome, Twi-Twi.”

Pinkie nuzzled her bare chest which turned into nibbles and kisses before too long. Twilight wondered just how many showers she was going to end up needing that day.

“Guess who’s got a new roommate!” Pinkie called out as she stood in the doorway leading to the Carousel Boutique’s back room. Twilight stood beside her, just out of sight from the room’s inhabitants. Pinkie held Twilight’s hand, both girls clasping firmly to each other.

The little used storage space had become the group’s official hangout ever since Rarity had been hired as a part-time manager by her aunt. In addition to the large table and chairs, they’d added a mini fridge and a small sofa that Rarity had begrudgingly allowed in, but would not sit upon.

The semester was about to begin in only two days and all of them, aside from Pinkie, had spent most of the day getting resettled in their dorm rooms. Now the five girls sat around the table, sipping tea or soda and catching up with each other.

“Again, Pinkie?” Applejack held a palm to her forehead. “Guess we know what the surprise is now. Just how many more roommates are ya gonna go through this year?”

“Oh, I think I’m gonna keep this one.” Pinkie gave Twilight’s hand a little squeeze.

“I dunno why they keep leaving. If Pinkie was my roommate, I’d put up with her Pinkieness to watch her sit around in the buff all day.” Rainbow Dash’s comment was met with an angry glare from Applejack. “What? Pinkie’s hot.”

“You’re sleepin’ in your own bed tonight, sugarcube,” Applejack said flatly.

“What? No way! Why do you think we piled all that stuff on my bed. If I can’t sleep with you, then you’ve gotta move it; half of it is yours anyway,” Rainbow grumbled, squeezing her soda can hard enough to dent it as she took an angry sip.

“Ladies, please,” Rarity interjected. “You should be discussing your sleeping arrangements in private. Right now, Pinkie is quiveringly eager to introduce her new roommate. Literally. She’s shaking so much that I’m afraid she might knock the wall down.”

“Don’t mind the old married couple. Come on in and grab a chair.” Sunset Shimmer sat across from Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The arm she had around Fluttershy’s shoulders gave her girlfriend a reassuring squeeze. Fluttershy just leaned closer to Sunset, gripping her teacup tighter and taking a shaky sip.

“Girls, meet Twilight Sparkle.” There was a collective gasp as Pinkie led her new roommate in with a wide grin on her face.

“Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you.” Twilight’s voice shook a little despite her efforts to remain calm and Pinkie’s reassuring presence.

Twilight’s gaze darted around the group as five pairs of eyes stared back at her, taking in her familiar, and yet unfamiliar, face. With her free hand, she adjusted her glasses from where they had slipped a little during the walk across the parking lot and then gave a tentative wave.

“Twilight? Is it really you?” Fluttershy’s demure, barely audible voice was the first to speak out, if not up.

“Um, sort of, not really,” was the best answer Twilight could give. Even with all of Pinkie’s coaching, she found it difficult to face five people at once who expected her to be someone else. All five pairs of eyes turned on Pinkie as Twilight looked to her new girlfriend for help.

“She’s not Princess Twilight. This is the Twilight from our world. She just moved here from Manehattan and Celestia brought her to be my new roommate!” Pinkie squealed, wrapping Twilight up in a hug. “Come on, let’s grab a soda and sit down! What are we doing tonight, girls? Poker, Rummy, Go Fish?”

“Whoa, whoa whoa, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash held up her hands. “At least give us a little time to clear the smoke after you drop a bombshell like that.” She turned her eyes on Sunset. “You came from the same place, right? So, if there’s another Twilight here, why isn’t there another Sunset Shimmer?”

“There is; I looked her up.” Sunset shrugged with her free hand. “She moved out of the country with her parents way before I showed up.”

“Don’t mind this one, Twi. She can be right ornery when she has a mind.” Applejack wrapped an arm around Rainbow’s neck, pulling her close and silencing her protests with a noogie. “Sit down and take a load off. I’m Applejack, by the way. This gorgeous mop of color here is Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow pushed back against Applejack’s grip enough to be able to look up and grin smugly at the word ‘gorgeous’.

“On the other side of the table, ya got Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy. Those two’re usually joined at the hip as much as me and RD here. And finally ya got Rarity, who’s generously supplyin’ our accommodations here.” Applejack pointed each girl out in turn.

“Quite right. If you’re ever in need of clothes, I can get you some tailor made at wholesale prices. That is, if you’re willing to sit still to be measured and fitted.” Rarity shot a glare at Rainbow. “I’m only the part-time, junior manager right now, but as soon as I finish my business degree, my Aunt is turning the whole place over to me.” She let out an excited squeal, quickly subdued with a cough as her refined facade returned.

While Applejack introduced everyone, Pinkie led Twilight to the one empty chair left at the table before fetching a spare one for herself. Rarity stood to offer her a choice of drink and retrieve a pair of well used packs of cards and a box of poker chips.

“Yep, business major. Meanin’ I’ve gotta take all my classes with her an’ be subjected ta all kinda gossip about ‘boys’.” Applejack shook her head. “Like I’m even the least bit interested in boys.”

“Don’t knock it, ‘til you’ve tried it, Applejack.” Rarity gave her a smug grin.

“That’ll be the day. So what’re you studyin’, Twi?” Applejack turned her attention to Twilight who had just taken the seat beside her, and was sipping her cup of tea.

“It was really hard to pick just one thing. I kind of want to do it all.” Twilight gave a sheepish grin. “But technology and engineering really grabbed ahold of me, so I went with Applied Science. I can pretty much take any science or engineering class I want and have it count toward my major.”

Pinkie pulled up her own chair next to Twilight and snatched up the cards. “Texas hold ’em?” she inquired, receiving a general murmur of assent.

“You’ll probably be seeing me around, then,” Sunset said as Pinkie finished shuffling and started dealing them around the table. “I’m in Graphic Design, so I split my time between the computer labs and the business school. Advertising suits me since I—well, I kinda had a knack for manipulating people.” She hung her head, eyes fixed on the cards in front of her until a gentle hand lifted her chin.

“Shh, Sunny. You’ve changed since then. That’s all in the past now.” Fluttershy cupped Sunset’s cheek and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

Sunset pressed her forehead against Fluttershy’s and ran her fingers through her hair. “Thanks, ‘Shy. I do know it, but sometimes I still need a little reminder. I’m really lucky to have you.”

Pinkie dropped the cards in mid-deal to pull out a handkerchief and dab at her eyes with it. “Aren’t they just adorable together?” she blubbered in a carrying whisper. There were answering nods around the table.

Fluttershy blushed as she realized everyone else was watching them. She seemed to shrink in her seat until Sunset kissed her on the cheek and whispered something in her ear.

“Oh, um, I’m studying Veterinary Science. I’ve been volunteering at the animal shelter for years, and I just want to learn all I can to help them all stay healthy.” Fluttershy sipped her tea and seemed to relax again once she finished being the center of attention.

“Saving the best for last, naturally,” Rainbow smirked as she peeked at her cards while Rarity divided and passed out the chips. “I’m doing Sports Science with a minor in music. I mean, I could have decided to just be a sports star or a rock star, but that just wasn’t awesome enough. Totally gonna be a sports rock star.” She pumped her fist in the air.

Applejack leaned over to whisper to Twilight. “I give her two more semesters before she decides ta dump one or the other. She’s always goin’ a little off the deep end, but she’s got a good heart. It’s kinda hard not ta love her.”

“Oh, yeah. Has Pinkie told you she’s going for Performing Arts?” Rainbow said, tossing her ante into the pot. “Get ready to be a guinea pig whenever she has a rehearsal coming up.”

Twilight chuckled, looking at her cards. “I think I can handle that. Pinkie’s already given me so much, I’d like to be able to give something back.” She leaned over to give Pinkie a nuzzle, prompting a round of raised eyebrows around the table. Before any of them summoned the will to question this new development, however, Twilight pushed a quadruple ante into the pot.

They all understood it was game on.

As the late Winter sun was just starting to dip toward the horizon, Twilight was taking one of Pinkie’s patented shortcuts back to the dorms. As she passed by the imposing, glass fronted athletic center, out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a lone figure waving at her from inside.

“Hey, Twi! You finished with all your classes today?” Rainbow Dash, clad in a matching red sports bra and athletic shorts, leaned out the door to call out to her.

“Just finished. What’s up?” Twilight veered away from her original path to close the gap between herself and her friend.

“If you’re not busy, do ya want to shoot some hoops?” Rainbow propped the door open with her foot as Twilight jogged close, keeping her scantily clad body closer to the relative warmth of the building interior. “AJ usually plays with me, but she’s got an evening class this semester, and there isn’t even anyone else around tonight, some big sale at the mall or something.”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind, but—” Twilight was cut off by a groan from Rainbow.

“Let me guess, Rarity warned you that I play too rough.” Rainbow smacked her forehead with a palm. “Despite what she said, I don’t make everything a competition. I can play a casual game just fine. She just hates getting even a little sweaty unless it involves a sauna.”

Twilight couldn’t help giggling at Rainbow’s fuming. “Rainbow, calm down. All I was going to say is that I’m not dressed for it, but I can go change really quick and come back. I have a big brother, so I’m not totally inept when it comes to sports.”

“Oh. Heh, sorry for jumping on ya.” Rainbow blinked, chuckling nervously and rubbing her neck as she realized her mistake. “I’ve got a spare outfit in my locker if ya don’t want to run back to your room. It’s clean and it should fit; we’re close enough to the same size.”

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. Her heart pounded in her ears as she tried to think her way out of the trap she’d inadvertently fallen into. On the one hand, she could refuse to borrow Rainbow’s clothes and risk hurting her feelings and damaging her brand new friendship. On the other hand, she could accept and risk exposing her abnormal body while changing.

She considered the two options as fast as she could, already seeing a confused look starting to form on Rainbow’s face. Rainbow and Applejack hadn’t made any kind of secret about their relationship, not even in front of a complete stranger. A mostly complete stranger; Twilight couldn’t quite shake the odd little tickle in her stomach whenever she thought about that other-her.

“Thanks, Rainbow. Where’s your locker?” Twilight began to breathe normally again, seeing Dash crack a smile. Celestia had said they were all accepting people, and surely a girl in an open lesbian relationship would have at least some understanding of being different from what was considered normal.

There was an awkward moment after she opened her locker when Twilight thought Rainbow was going to stand there and watch her change. She felt a wave of relief when Rainbow left the locker room of her own accord to go get a basketball out of storage for the game.

Twilight swapped her slacks for the gym shorts first, quickly checking to make sure her penis was still tucked and hidden out of the way. She stripped off her top and pulled the sports bra over her bare chest before folding her clothes and stashing them in the locker.

She found Rainbow’s clothes fit well enough. The bra squished her chest a little, but did keep her from jiggling. The shorts were a little snug, her belly not being as flat as Rainbow’s, but it was nothing the elastic couldn’t handle.

Had they been playing for points, Rainbow would have won by a small margin, but both girls had plenty of fun. Twilight was proud of herself for managing to keep her hormones under control, despite a decent amount of close bodily contact inside the three-point line. However, she had worked up a pretty good sweat; Rainbow had as well.

When Rainbow opened her locker, Twilight was about to grab her clothes and get dressed despite being sweaty; instead Rainbow thrust a towel at her. She stood stunned as Rainbow peeled down to her skin and headed for the showers with a second towel slung over her own shoulder. Twilight heard the water turn on, first spraying against the bare tiles, then against Rainbow’s body.

“Come on, Twi! Ya gonna shower or what?” Rainbow’s voice called over the spray of water.

Twilight’s brain had gone into a meltdown. Even though she’d decided on the risk an hour before, it was one thing for Rainbow to see the bulge of her penis through her panties and have to explain, but it was quite another to strip down and walk into the shower with it on full display.

“You’re not embarrassed, are you?” Rainbow’s voice started to come closer to the spot Twilight stood frozen in. “I mean, you’re Pinkie’s roommate. I know you’ve seen another girl na—AKED!”

Rainbow had been striding purposely toward Twilight with her arm out stretched to take her hand. Most of the tiles were textured to prevent exactly the sort of accident, but Rainbow’s wet foot happened to catch on a smooth spot and her flailing hand caught on the waistband of Twilight’s shorts as she fell.

“Ugh… You okay, Twi?” Rainbow groaned as she started to pick herself up from where she lay across Twilight’s legs. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fa—”

Rainbow stared. In the course of the fall, she’d pulled Twilight’s shorts down to her knees. Underneath, her friend wore a pair of white cotton panties, but that was not what caught her attention. What flopped over the waistband was unmistakably a penis; the base was definitely attached to Twilight’s body. She heard a yelp and the sight was quickly covered up by a cupped hand.

“Whoa,” Rainbow said, just above a whisper. “Twi, are you trans?”

The only response she got was some quiet sobbing.

“Hey, take it easy, Twi.” Rainbow didn’t make any sort of move despite wanting to comfort her friend. “I’m not gonna out you or get mad or anything. Heck, I’m an organizer for the LGBT society on campus. My card’s in my wallet if you wanna take a look.” She pointed up at the still open locker above their heads.

After a minute or so, Twilight’s sobbing started to fade to silence. Slowly and gingerly, Rainbow reached out and brushed fingertips with Twilight’s free hand resting on the floor. Her fingers flinched, shied away a hair’s width, the she reached out to clasp Rainbow’s hand.

Twilight took a deep breath, trying hard to slow her pounding heart. “I’m not trans,” she said, slowly and shakily. Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “I’m intersex.”

Rainbow blinked. “You mean you’ve got, like, both?”

Twilight nodded.

Rainbow’s eyes stared at the spot where Twilight’s hand covered her crotch. The question she desperately wanted to ask hung on the tip of her tongue. Any other time she would have just blurted it out without thinking, but right here, right now, after she’d nearly scared Twi to death, was one of those rare times that she knew better.

“I already showed Pinkie. I guess you probably want to see it too.” Twilight’s voice was still shaky, but there was no malice or sarcasm, just a simple statement.

Rainbow watched as Twilight stood up slowly, the shorts falling to the ground at her feet. Her hands grasped the waistband of her panties and slid them down until they fell away as well. Rainbow sat up. Her eyes were drawn back to Twilight’s dick. She noticed that it wasn’t quite as floppy as it was a few minutes ago.

Her eyes widened and she leaned forward as Twilight grasped the head of her half-erect cock and lifted it to show what lay beneath. Between her legs, her vagina looked mostly like that of a regular girl, her outer lips forming a perfectly smooth slit. Rainbow suspected that she probably still had her v-card, one of them at least.

But at the top where they would normally join together and shroud her clit, each lip blended into the base of her dick and sent out a thin flap of skin that joined in an inverted ‘V’ reminiscent of a clitoral hood, about a half-inch up the underside of her penis. By the time Rainbow took it all in, she noticed Twilight was now a fully hard seven inches long.

“Sorry about this,” Twilight mumbled, turning red, “it’s just that I’m touching it and you’re looking at me and I can’t really help it.

“Don’t be.” Rainbow leaned forward a little more, watching her cock bounce as Twilight let it fall and stick straight out. “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! You dunno how much I wish I could play with it right now.”

Twilight’s blush deepened. “You can if you want to,” she offered, her eyes darting to the side. “Pinkie specifically said you and the rest of our friends were fair game.”

Rainbow chuckled. “That’s Pinkie. We fooled around a little way back in high school, before I got with AJ.” Rainbow gave a pained smile. “I really, really want to, but AJ would kill me. She might be hardcore ‘boys are ew’ lesbian, but she’s totally traditional about almost everything else.”

Standing up from the floor, Rainbow plopped her naked butt down on the closest bench, thinking. “I mean, we’ve sorta talked about a threesome now and then, so I might be able to talk her into one. Dunno how she’d react to a real dick, though, even if it’s on a girl.” Rainbow’s eyes roamed up Twilight’s body again, pausing at her dick, still hard as a rock. “But that doesn’t really help you deal with that thing right now…”

Twilight fidgeted, setting her penis bobbing with the motion. “I can always just go masturbate, I had to do that a lot during high school.”

“Hey, yeah! That’s a great idea!” Rainbow raised her voice a bit too loud and had to quiet herself down, despite being fairly certain the building was empty. “I can watch you jerk off while you watch me finger myself. We were going to see each other naked in the shower anyway, and it’s not like it’s exactly cheating.”

Twilight bit her lip, but her hand drifted back to her penis by instinct. “Are you sure? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

Rainbow waved a hand through the air. “I can totally smooth this out with AJ. I’m just helping you out of a jam,” Rainbow said confidently, standing up. “Let me just go lock the door so no one stumbles in on us.”

“Thanks, Rainbow.” Twilight laid her towel out on the bench to pad it and plopped down, leaning back a bit so her erection was on prominent display. If she was going to show off, she was going to do it right. “I do still want to keep this quiet. Well, maybe not from our friends anymore, if you think they’ll all be okay with it.”

“Totally. But if it makes you feel better, we can talk to Pinkie and work up a game plan to break it to the rest of them.” Rainbow laid out her own towel on the next bench and assumed a similar position, facing Twilight. She got a nod in response.

“Cool. Oh, I should warn you, I’m a squirter.” Rainbow let out a little moan as she dipped her fingers in her pussy and started to rub herself with her moist fingertips. “Hey, maybe we can see who can get the best distance.”

Twilight quirked an eyebrow as her hand started to slide up and down the shaft of her penis. “What happened to ‘I don’t make everything a competition’?”

“Aww, come on. If we can’t fuck, we should at least do something to make this more fun.”

About ten minutes later, one of the strangest sexual competitions ever held anywhere ended in a draw.


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As the days and classes marched on, all seven friends developed a routine, walking together from class to class in varying groups of two or three whenever they had the opportunity. Twilight and Sunset generally walked to their first Tuesday class together, one that they happened to share. Afterward, Sunset would trek over to the business college building and meet up with Applejack and Rarity; a break from each other that both girls were grateful for.

Pinkie and Fluttershy were the least often seen of the group during the day, as their disciplines kept them in wildly different orbits, except when it came to core classes. Conversely, Twilight anticipated testing out of most of her core requirements, but her degree classes kept her around the same cluster of buildings on campus as the majority of her friends.

Twice weekly, Twilight shared her final class of the day with Rainbow Dash; a core chemistry course that she felt she needed to brush up on. Her walk back to the dorm conveniently took her past the music building where Rainbow had band practice.

As Rainbow said goodbye at their usual parting place and turned toward her destination, Twilight blushed. The gesture had been quick, subtle, and probably unnoticeable by anyone not watching for it, but it caught her off guard. Rainbow hadn’t mentioned the incident in the showers, sticking with her agreement to keep Twilight’s secret, but as she walked away, she’d brushed Twilight’s fingertips with her own.

If it had been anyone else, it might have been accidental. But coming from Rainbow, Twilight knew better. She stood stock still as a few other people milled about, her mind awash with memories.

Twilight had no real clue how to make masturbating really interesting to watch, so she just began with her usual technique. Gripping her penis between her thumb on one side and index and middle fingers on the other, she started to stroke them across her skin, already becoming slick with her pre-ejaculate.

On the other hand, Rainbow did have some idea of how to make things interesting. She started off by spreading herself open for Twilight’s eyes. Her own eyes remained glued on the dick so inexplicably attached to such a hot girl, smirking as she watched it jump and twitch in response to her show.

For about five minutes, both girls moved at a languid pace. Rainbow using her fingers to show off and stroke her pink folds and the firm nub of her clit, while Twilight slowly grew bolder, teasing just her glans and frenulum, or rubbing a fingertip in the little triangle of skin between her penis and vulva, and even spreading her own labia with one hand while the other stroked her shaft above.

Classical music had always been a soothing part of her private efforts, and Twilight had just settled into a rhythm for her endgame, switching to her full fist and humming “Ode to Joy” under her breath as she pumped her arm in sync, when Rainbow Dash did something unexpected and outstandingly arousing.

She had been slowly teasing the tips of her middle and index fingers between parted lips, making little circles around the opening to her vagina. But Twilight’s rhythm faltered as Rainbow threw her head back and those two long digits suddenly disappeared, sinking deep into her pussy.

Twilight stroked herself erratically as she leaned forward to watch the display a little closer. She brought two fingers of her free hand to her lips, sucking the tips as she wished she could lay her cheek against Rainbow’s toned thigh to watch her up close.

After a moment of thrusting and twisting inside her wet passage, Rainbow pulled her fingers out and stuck them in her mouth, savoring her own taste as she continued to tease her clit. Twilight lay back again, her own fingers still between her lips as she tried to imagine Rainbow’s taste. Their eyes met, and only a strong sense of willpower kept them from pouncing on each other as their bawdy game reached the final quarter.

Twilight’s face was beet red and her heart thumped madly as she flexed the hand that Rainbow had teased. She realized with a start that the fingers Rainbow had used to brush against her were the same ones she had watched plunge in and out of her vagina. With a warm tightening in her stomach and groin, she scurried off in the direction of her dorm.

Twilight kept her head down as she took off and consequently ran headlong into another student. In a startling display of physics, Twilight’s momentum acted upon the sturdy young man, converting to the potential energy of a compressed spring in his well braced legs, before rebounding with considerable force upon the unfortunate young woman. Twilight’s jean-covered butt bounced off the concrete path twice.

“Careful, there. Need a hand?”

Twilight mumbled an embarrassed thank you as she took the hand offered to her. If her face hadn’t already been red, nor her heart already beating wildly, both would have resulted from locking eyes with the young man before her.

He was handsome, in a casual sort of way; trim and masculine without being intimidating. His arms were toned without being overly muscular, and his hand felt good clasped around her own. There was a sparkle in his eye as he got a good look at her face. His clothing suggested a rebellious streak, but his smile was rather endearing.

“T-Twilight?” his voice hesitated.

He was a tenor, but with enough bass range that it sent a pleasant tickle up Twilight’s spine, despite the uncertainty in his voice. She couldn’t help thinking how nice it would be to listen to him speak with her ear pressed against his bare chest.

Twilight’s eyes left his face and had just started to ogle the rest of his body when she realized three things. First, that he had a messy crown of blue hair; second, that he had a guitar slung over his back; and third, that this total stranger had called her by name. Based on what Pinkie had told her, she felt certain, at least within a ninety-five percent confidence interval, that she could assign a name to the young man.

Thinking of Pinkie Pie and of Flash Sentry’s body inevitably brought to mind her first encounter with her roommate turned girlfriend; part of her wished that the young man before her was nude so that she could compare. There was no denying that she found Flash Sentry to be attractive, in a way nearly equal to but completely different from her initial feelings toward Pinkie. She wondered what might happen if she cultivated those feelings, but her heart seemed to seize up at that thought.

Unfortunately, the rest of her body had not remained idle. Ignited by Rainbow Dash’s surprise and fueled by the sudden shock of running straight into this very handsome young man who sparked her imagination, the lower half of her body had begun to react rather forcefully.

She felt her penis give a twitch, but stronger than that, she felt a quiver in her vagina. Both feelings combined and fed back on each other, spurring her arousal quicker than usual. The prudent course seemed to be a hasty exit, making liberal use of her conveniently repositionable messenger bag to hide the telltales as she bolted home.

“Sorryforrunningintoyougottagobye!” Twilight blurted out, running as fast as her legs would carry her.

“Heya, Twi-Twi. What’s gotcha all door-slammy-shallow-breathy?” Pinkie was stretched out on her bed in her usual lounging attire of not much. Today she wore a matched blue and yellow cotton bra and panty set, rather practical compared to her usual tastes.

For her part, Twilight stood with her back flat to the door, through which she had just made a slam-bang entrance. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried hard to get her heart rate under control.

“Sorry. Got surprised,” Twilight panted between gasps. “Danger of—revealing secret.” She tried hard to force down the thoughts of Flash Sentry that threatened to invade her mind and to concentrate on Pinkie instead.

“Oooooooh,” Pinkie intoned, stretching the syllable ridiculously long as she dropped her eyes to the messenger bag Twilight still had clutched against her hips. “I thought you weren’t having that problem anymore. Do you need more sex? I’m totally okay with more sex.” Pinkie’s eyes sparkled as she licked her lips.

“What? No. Well, maybe. I don’t know,” Twilight spluttered, completely caught off guard. Heart rate mostly under control, she slipped off her bag and backpack, and set them on her bed. The crotch of her slacks still showed the outline of a bulge as she plopped down beside Pinkie who sat up to cuddle her. Twilight relaxed into Pinkie’s arm even as her girlfriend’s free hand moved straight for her thigh and rested tantalizingly close to the sign of her arousal.

“It was a combination of things. I don’t think I could have stopped it.” Twilight sighed, answering more out of instinct than anything else. “Rainbow sort of started it off, but it wasn’t really her fault.” Twilight blushed and turned away. “I don’t know if she told you, but Rainbow accidentally found out about me the other day.”

Pinkie’s hand squeezed her thigh and Twilight looked back toward her girlfriend tentatively. Even having been given license by Pinkie, Twilight felt ill at ease over giving into her hormones with Rainbow, even though they hadn’t actually had sex, nor had they even touched each other. Her fears were unfounded, however, as she found Pinkie grinning like a cheshire cat.

“Eeeee, tell me, tell me, tell me! Did you two bang? How was it? I haven’t played with Dashie in forever!” Pinkie bounced excitedly, her chest almost jiggling right out of her bra and her hand wandering randomly from Twilight’s thigh to the bulge in her pants.

“We didn’t, not really,” Twilight mumbled. “I was really freaked out at the accident at first, but Rainbow managed to calm me down, so I decided to show her properly.” She flexed her fingers, recalling Rainbow’s gentle approach, uncharacteristic for the usually brash athlete. “I was completely erect by then and I had to do something about it, but she didn’t want to risk upsetting Applejack, so she suggested we watch each other masturbate.” Twilight blushed a deep red.

Pinkie’s eyes shimmered, listening to the story while her hand gently caressed Twilight’s cock through her pants. “Aww… Yeah, Applejack’s kinda possessive when it comes to Dashie, but they both ended up a lot happier once they got together back in high school.”

Twilight nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself a bit, difficult now that Pinkie was stimulating her more directly. “But that was all days ago. When she was trying to calm me down, Rainbow was really slow and gentle, just barely brushing fingertips with me at first.” She demonstrated by raising a hand to her shoulder and caressing the hand Pinkie had resting there. “She surprised me by doing that again today as she left to go to band practice.”

Pinkie let out a squeal, nuzzling against Twilight’s cheek. “She must really like you! Oh, I wonder if she’s going to try and talk AJ into a threesome!”

Twilight blushed again. “Yeah, she mentioned wanting to.”

Pinkie bounced excitedly, rubbing her chest up against Twilight’s arm. “Go Twi-Twi! Even I haven’t been able to get an in to that party yet, but AJ might still be a little jealous of me over Dashie, maybe. Good luck!” Pinkie kissed her on the cheek and caressed her crotch a little more firmly. “So, what else made you get all excited, then?”

Twilight blushed as Pinkie’s expression returned to eager listening mode, knowing she would have to confess now, and wishing she hadn’t spoken up so hastily to start with. “I—I ran into Flash, I think.” Twilight’s eyes darted away again; her desire not to meet Pinkie’s gaze was doubly strong now. “I ran away before I asked, but he knew my name and he matched your description.”

“And you must have thought he was hot, right?” Pinkie’s voice still sounded bubblingly excited. There was no hint that Twilight’s hesitance was causing her any sort of upset. “Princess Twi got all blushy around him and she’s not even really the same species!”

“Y—yes. Pinkie, I found him just as attractive as I find you.” Twilight closed her eyes tight, trying to hold back the tears that were forming. “I couldn’t help it. I don’t know what to think. It felt—It still feels like cheating on you.”

“It’s okay, Twi-Twi. Your heart wants what your heart wants.” Pinkie simply held her and made shushing noises. “I mean, that’s kinda how AJ and Dashie got together. Dashie and I were sorta seeing each other, but I knew it was AJ she really liked. Dashie didn’t really want to break up with me, but one day my Pinkie Sense told me that AJ was finally ready to admit she like Dashie, so I let her go, and now they’re both really happy.” Pinkie’s voice became progressively softer as she spoke and when finished, she wiped away a single tear.

Twilight hung her head. “But I really don’t want to do that to you, Pinkie. You’ve made me feel more comfortable with myself than anyone ever has before.” Twilight swallowed, steeling herself to ask the question that had begun nibbling away at her mind. “Does your…” she hesitated, “Does your Pinkie Sense say anything about me right now?” She gave an involuntary shudder as her scientific mind reeled and fumed.

“Nopers!” Pinkie’s voice returned to its full enthusiasm. “Maybe you’ll stick with me. Maybe you’ll end up with Flash. Maybe we’ll make it a threesome, that might be fun! So don’t worry about it right now, okay? If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. It won’t stop me from being your friend.”

Twilight gave a shaky nod.

Pinkie blinked as if a light had just lit up in her brain. “Speaking of boys. I haven’t had any luck yet. I did find one guy who definitely liked dicks, but he’s totally not someone you want breaking you in. I’m still a little sore from the pounding he gave me.” Pinkie wiggled her butt against the bed, giving a comical little wince that may or may not have been for show. “I can’t imagine him topping another guy like that, but maybe he likes to bottom, I dunno.”

Twilight wrinkled her nose, wrapping Pinkie up in a hug. Her mind reeled from the abrupt change in topic, but spending so much time around her girlfriend was already desensitizing her to the phenomenon. “I’m sorry, Pinkie. You don’t need to go getting yourself hurt for my sake.”

“Nah, it’s all good. Sometimes I like it rough.” Pinkie waggled her eyebrows. “It just turned out to be a little too rough. Nothing a little rest won’t fix.”

“Well, uh, as long as you feel okay about it, then.” Twilight shrugged. “I better go take care of this thing myself before I get to my homework. I don’t want to make things worse for you if you’re feeling sore, and I would like to be finished with all my class work before our date tonight.”

Pinkie gave a predatory grin and squeezed Twilight’s bulge. “I totally still gotcha covered, Twi-Twi. Just let me run to the bathroom really quick.”

Twilight let out a little moan before Pinkie hopped up and careened out the dorm room door, grabbing a small bag of toilet articles along the way. In a bit of a daze, Twilight watched the door slam shut, then stood up and started peeling off her outer layers of clothing. She supposed that Pinkie just intended to give her oral sex, although she always felt a little guilty whenever there wasn’t time or opportunity to reciprocate.

By the time Pinkie returned, Twilight had stripped completely and changed into her bathrobe to guard against anyone walking by in the hall when the door opened.

“All ready!” Pinkie cried out as she burst back in, locking the door behind her. Twilight smiled and felt a warmth rise in her chest at the gesture, purely for her own benefit as she knew well.

She stood up as Pinkie approached, and met her girlfriend in a kiss. She let her mouth open to accept Pinkie’s probing tongue with a moan and let her body go slack as Pinkie’s arms slipped inside the bathrobe and wrapped around her naked body. Her own hands were soon busy with the catch of Pinkie’s bra.

Pinkie broke the kiss slowly, letting her hands drift down to cup Twilight’s butt and wrap gently around the stiff shaft of her member. “Still nice and hard,” she cooed. “Good, cause I’ve got a special surprise for you.”

Twilight stood, lost in thought at the comment, and watched as Pinkie slipped completely out of her underwear, grabbed a couple items from her drawer full of sex toys and related items, and hopped up on her bed, assuming a doggy style position.

“Come and get me!” Pinkie singsonged as she looked over her shoulder and grinned.

“But, I thought you were sore.” Twilight approached the bed tentatively, shrugging off her bathrobe, but looking puzzled. “And while your vagina is pretty special, I don’t quite see what’s so surprising.”

“My pussy’s a little sore,” Pinkie nodded in agreement, “but I’ve got two holes back there.” With an even wider grin, she pushed a wrapped condom and a bottle of lube across the bed toward Twilight. “Surprise! I ran off to clean up a little, but I didn’t have time to be thorough, so you’d better wrap it up. You don’t want to go getting an infection or anything.” Pinkie wiggled her butt and Twilight found her wide eyes drawn to the pink, puckered star sitting right above Pinkie’s vagina.

When Pinkie had showed off her drawer full of sex toys, Twilight hadn’t given much thought to the few devices clearly designed for anal use; three cone-shaped butt plugs, a string of rainbow colored anal beads, and two smaller-sized vibrating bullets. Now, with her eyes fixed on Pinkie’s index finger spreading a generous dollop of lube around her pucker and then dipping inside, Twilight couldn’t help but imagine each and every one of the toys in turn, penetrating her girlfriend’s tightest hole while Pinkie let out happy moans and squeals.

Her eyes were still fixed on the same point in space, even when Pinkie’s rounded butt disappeared from her vision. Twilight’s catatonia was ended when she felt a warm wetness engulf her penis. She let out a shuddering breath and looked down to see Pinkie pull her mouth off of and her fingers roll the condom onto her slickened shaft. The rubber lent a cold, detached feeling to Pinkie’s touch.

“P-Pinkie, you don’t have to do that for me,” Twilight protested, her body giving little shakes as Pinkie’s fingers spread some lube over the surface of the condom. “I t-thought you were just going to give me a b-blowjob.” She was rocked by a particularly intense shudder up her spine, feeling Pinkie’s fingers gently rubbing her vulva as she used the colloquial term for fellatio.

“Well, I would, Twi-Twi,” Pinkie chuckled, “but you get super antsy when it’s just me giving you an orgasm. Remember last Tuesday?”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded with a deep blush. She felt Pinkie stand up and move closer until her warm breath tickled her ear.

“Besides,” Pinkie whispered, tracing her tongue around the rim of Twilight’s ear, “I like anal sex, so hurry up and stick that hard cock of yours in my butt.”

Back on the bed, Twilight’s hand trembled slightly as she tried carefully to line up her sheathed erection with Pinkie’s well lubricated sphincter. One hand still guiding, and the other resting on Pinkie’s butt, Twilight pushed her hips forward. There was a pressure resisting her entry, not present in Pinkie’s vagina, and she let out a groan as her penis shaft bent slightly under the force. Twilight closed her eyes with the effort, but kept pressing forward.

Her eyes shot open as, with a pop and a happy moan from Pinkie, the flared head of her penis disappeared inside Pinkie’s ass. Twilight could only imagine what it would feel like bare, but she was pleasantly surprised to find that the tight grip of Pinkie’s anus made up somewhat for the sensory disconnect of the condom.

“Mmm, sorry about the rough entry,” Pinkie half-giggled, half-moaned. “It’s been a while since anybody came knocking at my back door.” She pulled a pillow to her chest for support and let her head and arms rest on the mattress while keeping her butt high in the air. “Just start out kinda slow, and I’ll tell you when you can speed up, okay?”

Twilight gripped Pinkie’s hips with both hands as she gently started to piston herself in and out of Pinkie’s ass. Despite the condom dulling her senses, she found the experience pleasurably different, especially the tight outer ring gripping her shaft.

A few soft moans left her throat, but Pinkie was far louder, especially after she eventually directed Twilight up to a speed high enough that her hips made slapping sounds against Pinkie’s butt.

Twilight began to realize why boys reputedly disliked to wear condoms as her hips began to ache a little from thrusting. The stimulation she was receiving was enough to stay hard, but not quite enough to push her over the edge.

She bent forward over Pinkie’s body, hoping a new angle of attack might help, shifting her grip from Pinkie’s hips to her soft breasts. The change did help Pinkie, whose voice began to pitch up and muscles to clamp down.

“Oh, Twi-Twi. Stop for a minute.” Pinkie let out an elongated moan when she recovered a bit from her orgasm, Twilight’s hard cock still thrusting gently inside her butt. She ignored the disappointed groan from above as she slid free and spun around. Twilight’s tone changed quickly as Pinkie rolled the condom off and eagerly popped her mouth down over Twilight’s hard on.

Just like the first time, it didn’t take Twilight long to cum, and Pinkie drank it down happily. “Mmm, Twi-Twi. One of these days you gotta let me give you a real blowjob. Not one of these two minute jobbies, but a good fifteen-twenty minute cock worship session,” Pinkie cooed. “Or cock and pussy in your case. I’ll have to adapt since you don’t have balls I can get at.”

“That does sound nice.” Twilight let out a happy sigh as her erection began to fade. “Maybe you could give me a lesson in cunnilingus afterward. I’m sure I do alright, but I think I could better with some more guidance.”

“Totally!” Pinkie grinned wide, sitting up to give Twilight a kiss. She pulled back with a grimace only marginally related to her girlfriend. “Hey, Twi-Twi. You mind if I go clean up again while you start your homework?”

Twilight’s eyes widened a bit. “No, go ahead!” Twilight slipped off the bed and snatched Pinkie’s bathrobe off the hook in her closet, helping her girlfriend into it as she got gingerly to her own feet.

“Thanks, Twi-Twi.” Pinkie pecked Twilight on the cheek as the latter girl slipped into her own bathrobe and tied it shut. “Hey, and someday when we have enough time to prep all the way, we can do anal without having to worry about a pesky rubber.”

Twilight gave a nervous chuckle as Pinkie stepped toward the door. “Sounds like I still have a lot to learn about sex. Lucky for me that I have such a great teacher.”

Pinkie just grinned as she closed the door behind her.

Flash Sentry

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“So, how goes guinea pig duty?” Rainbow asked, tossing a hacky sack from hand to hand for amusement as she and Twilight walked together across the courtyard.

“Not bad at all,” Twilight smiled, her eyes turned in the direction of the dorm building that was her eventual destination. “Pinkie’s got all her lines down pat, so we just do a couple scene readings a night for drill.” Twilight giggled as her cheeks flushed slightly. “Not that I mind too much. The big climax ends in a kiss.”

“Nice!” Rainbow cheered, offering a high five. “Totally worth it.”

Twilight’s smile dimmed a little after returning the gesture. “Of course I’m going to miss her while she’s gone on her field trip next week.”

“Oh, yeah. That sucks.” Rainbow stuffed the hacky sack in a pocket and rested a comforting hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “But it won’t be for long, right?”

“Yeah, she’ll only be gone for a few days.” Twilight chuckled softly. “You know, sometimes I can’t believe it’s only been a month since I met Pinkie. And the rest of you girls, of course.”

“Heh, first love is like that. Totally sappy.” Rainbow shook her head and laughed for a moment before her eyes lit up. “Oh, hey. I almost forgot to tell you something awesome, Twi!”

Twilight halted for a moment as Rainbow stopped and craned her neck in all directions. She blushed a little as her friend grabbed her hand, pulling her off the sidewalk and into one of many small alcoves decorating the walls of the adjacent building. Twilight fidgeted a little, shooting glances at the students walking past as Rainbow leaned in close. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a hand cup her ear conspiratorially and Rainbow’s voice whispering.

“If you want some company while Pinkie’s gone, I think I’ve just about convinced AJ to let me invite you over for a night.” Rainbow’s raspy whisper tickled her ear, causing Twilight to squirm a little again.

“That would be fun,” Twilight responded, cupping Rainbow’s ear as well to keep their conference completely private. “It would make me feel a little less guilty about the thing in the locker room. But how’d you manage it if she’s so traditional like you said?”

“Hey, I can be pretty persuasive,” Rainbow chucked into her ear before her voice dropped low again. “But honestly, I think it’s mostly because you’re you.”

“W-what do you mean?”

This time it was Rainbow’s turn to blush. “Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but it sorta has to do with Princess Twilight.” Rainbow paused for a moment, watching Twilight’s expression twist uncomfortably. “We only knew her for a couple days, but we’ve all got this kinda bond with her that’s hard to describe.”

Twilight blinked, arching an eyebrow as Rainbow explained haltingly.

“I know—we know that you’re not her. I mean, you look like her and sometimes you act a little like her, but even though you’re totally a different person, you still kinda feel like her.” Rainbow waved her free hand ineffectively in the air. “I dunno how to really describe it. But, instead of just a couple days, we’ve gotten to know you for almost a month.” Rainbow’s free hand reached out to gently grip Twilight’s. “So, it kinda started out the same, but that bond thing feels like way stronger with you now.

“I dunno for sure about the rest of the girls, but I know I’ve got the hots for you, especially after… y’know.” Rainbow’s blush deepened, but she coupled it with a confident smirk. “No firm guarantees yet, but maybe you saw AJ checking you out at our last card game. I think she’s in the same boat. And I’m pretty sure I’ve caught everyone else sneaking looks at you too, even Rarity.” Rainbow waggled her eyebrows. “Sometimes I don’t think she’s quite as straight as she claims to be.”

“Wow. That’s—wow—that’s a lot to take in.” Twilight’s face flushed like a ripe tomato, her body and mind suddenly much more aware of her proximity to Rainbow Dash. “I know Pinkie had a crush on her, but I didn’t know the rest of you felt the same.”

Rainbow squeezed her hand. “Like I said, I dunno for sure about the other girls. We’ve all got this friendshippy kinda bond with her, and with you too. Me, personally, I’m with Pinkie—you’re prime girlfriend material. But I gotta think about AJ—I’ve already got her and I don’t wanna mess that up.”

As Twilight gazed into Rainbow’s raspberry eyes, images of all their other friends swam through her imagination. For a moment, Applejack stood out in stark relief, the farm girl’s neutral face slowly warming up into a sultry smile in her mind’s eye, until Twilight’s inner vision shifted toward Pinkie, and she suddenly recalled what she’d heard of her girlfriend’s past with Rainbow and AJ.

“Hey, do you think you can you do me a favor?” Twilight whispered, consciously shifting her focus in an effort to calm herself down. She could already feel her body starting to heat up, despite the cool weather.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“Pinkie’s pretty excited that I might get the chance to play with you and AJ, but I think she might be a little bit jealous too.” Without really thinking about it, Twilight brushed her lips against Rainbow’s cheek. “I know it might be tough, but if you can talk AJ into that threesome with me, would you see if you can’t get the same for Pinkie? I know it would mean a lot to her.”

Rainbow’s face lit up with a huge grin, and she brushed Twilight’s bangs with her fingertips. “Totally. Now that Pinkie’s finally got a steady girlfriend, AJ’s a lot less likely to be jealous. Especially if she’s already banged you.” Rainbow copied Twilight’s action, not quite kissing her on the cheek before she pulled back with one last smirk. Leading Twilight behind her, Rainbow stepped back out on to the path and resumed their march toward the music hall.

Twilight followed along, automatically keeping pace with Rainbow, but not really seeing the path ahead. Her mind was lost in a daydream, imagining Rainbow slowly peeling off Applejack’s clothing while she and Pinkie cuddled and watched. The thought that she didn’t actually know what Applejack looked like naked was just distracting enough to keep her libido cool, but it also kept her attention focused well away from the world outside.

“Whoa, Twi! Watch out!”

Twilight barely had time to register Rainbow’s voice before she found herself tipping over backwards. However, instead of crashing to the pavement, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and arrested her fall. A lump formed in her throat as she found herself staring into a barely familiar pair of blue eyes. Flash flashed her an exceedingly cheesy grin.

“We’ve got to stop bumping into each other like this.”

Twilight’s heart thumped in her chest as she stared into Flash Sentry’s eyes. Just as with her last encounter with the handsome young man, she found her body reacting quite favorably toward him. Most especially a pleasant, albeit dangerous, warmth flooding her groin.

Thoughts of Pinkie, AJ, and Rainbow were all but banished from her mind as she began to imagine herself slowly stripping Flash of his clothing and running her hands over his strong, muscled body, working her way closer and closer to the prize he kept inside his boxers. As Twilight stared in fascination at him, Flash’s sparkling eyes gazed back at her and a blush slowly crept across her cheeks.

“Dude, Flash. You really gotta work on those pickup lines.” With a gentle hand on his shoulder, Rainbow Dash popped the tense moment like a soap bubble.

A small blush lit Flash’s cheeks at Rainbow’s words. “It’s not a pickup line. It’s an in-joke between us. Right, Twilight?” His cheesy grin returned, but started to melt as Twilight just stared, unsure how to respond.

“Yeah, about that,” Rainbow broke in, pressing a palm to her forehead. “This isn’t Princess Twilight, she’s still in Equestria. This is Twilight Sparkle from our world.” Rainbow slipped an arm around Twilight’s shoulder, giving her a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “Aaaaand I hate to disappoint you, dude, but Pinkie snatched her up first.”

Flash and Twilight stared awkwardly at each other for a moment, Flash’s confident manner completely shattered, and Twilight looking humbly apologetic. The thick silence was broken by Rainbow’s watch beeping, the shrill announcement signalling the top of the hour. “Aw jeez. I’m late for practice.” Rainbow craned her neck several times between her watch and the music building nearby before turning her gaze on Twilight. “I hate to have to run off. You got things in hand, Twi?”

Twilight gave her a smile before wrapping an arm around Rainbow’s waist. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for setting things straight with Flash for me.” She gave Rainbow a squeeze while discreetly letting her fingers slip under the hem of her shirt to brush against Rainbow’s bare skin.

Rainbow flashed a grin back at her before tearing away toward the music building at a speed that would make most track athletes jealous.

Twilight watched her go for a moment before turning back toward Flash, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. “So, um,” she began awkwardly, “thanks for catching me, and sorry for running into you again.”

“Yeah, no problem.” Flash’s lips began to curve back into his confident smile, even as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry about the—I mean, I wondered about the glasses and the hairdo, but I had no idea.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Twilight waved her hand dismissively, though her face still contorted into a slight grimace. “I’m still getting used to the idea that there was another me running around with all my new friends.

The two of them nodded at each other awkwardly for a moment, eyes darting around as another silence descended upon them.

Flash coughed. “So, you’re dating Pinkie. That’s—that’s a surprise. The, um, the other—I mean Princess Twilight seemed to have a bit of a crush on me.” He watched as Twilight flinched a little at the mention of her other self. “Sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Immersion therapy can sometimes be beneficial.” Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know about her, but I—I’m bisexual. Well, I mean, I haven’t really explored any other potential stimuli, so the label might be too limited, but I do know for sure that I like both women and men.” Color began to rise to her cheeks once more as she rambled on. “That’s, um—to be honest, that’s kind of why I ran away from you before.”

Flash turned to look at her more directly, his head tilted a little to the side and eyebrows raised. “Oh?” was all he could say.

Twilight took another deep, calming breath. When it didn’t work as well as she would have liked, she followed it with one more. “See, Pinkie told me about you and Princess Twilight, and said that I might run into you. I just didn’t expect it would happen so literally. And she described your appearance in general terms so that I’d recognize you, but when I did actually get a good look at you, I—um—well as cliche as it sounds, I liked what I saw.” Twilight gave a little shrug and an apologetic grin.

“Really?!” Flash’s voice cracked a little as the question burst out, and he coughed again to cover the slip. “So that’s cool. But, uh, I guess I’m out of luck since you’re already taken.” He ran a hand through his hair, smoothing the spikes and letting them spring back into place as his eyes darted to the side.

“Maybe not…” Twilight crossed her legs, still standing on her right while she dug the toe of her left shoe into the pathway. “It’s still kinda new to me, and I’m not sure quite how it works, but Pinkie and I sorta have an open relationship in theory,” Twilight muttered with all the conviction she could muster, deliberately not looking at Flash. “And she practically insisted that I at least give you a shot, so uhm, I wouldn’t mind, y’know, hanging out or something sometime and getting to know you.”

“G-great!” Flash nearly squeaked before getting his voice under control again and giving his hair a much more confident stroke of his hand. “That’d be pretty rockin’. Uh, short notice, but got anything going on this weekend?”

Twilight blushed again, sneaking a glance at Flash from under her bangs. “Pinkie and I are going out Sunday night, but we don’t have anything planned Saturday. I don’t have too much homework to get through this week, so I should have time.”

“Saturday night would be perfect!” Flash grinned a bit too widely before his suave look returned. “There aren’t any good movies showing, so how about we just go out to dinner at Canterlot Gardens?”

Twilight gasped. “They’re the envy of every restaurant in Manehattan! Are you sure you can afford it, let alone getting reservations there on such short notice?”

Flash gave his hair another sweep and put on what had to be at least a million dollar smile. “Don’t worry, I’ve got connections. Pick you up at eight in front of your dorm? Which building is it?”

Twilight blushed and bounced a little on her heels, giggling nervously as the details of her upcoming date began to settle in her brain. “F-Fillydelphia H-Hall,” she managed to squeak out as either her head started a slow spin, or the campus itself did. She and Pinkie could only really afford a night out at the Saddlebrook Cafe; a respectable place as far as casual dining went, but it was no five-star restaurant.

“Cool, I’ll see you then.”

Twilight watched as her arm returned Flash’s wave as they parted ways. The ground began to move beneath her feet, though she wasn’t entirely sure she had feet at the moment.

First Rainbow, then Flash, between them she felt like she was walking—or floating, it was still hard to tell—home in the thickest fog instead of the bright, sunny day everyone else seemed to be enjoying.

Rainbow herself and her offer were really no problem, Pinkie had already made her stance on their mutual friends quite clear. With Flash however, Twilight had no idea if their ‘open relationship’ extended as far as accepting a date that would likely be at least five times as extravagant as their own nights out. And to make matters worse, she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know the answer, whatever it happened to be.

Twilight felt eyes watching her from up and down the block as the valet handed her out of Flash’s sports car.

Pinkie had insisted they enlist Rarity’s help once she heard where Twilight’s date was to take place, and Rarity did not disappoint, though she had squealed quite a lot. Twilight was outfitted in a sleek, knee-length dress in a deep, almost-black purple with matching heels. Borrowed silver jewelry and a flowing hair style instead of her usual tight bun completed her look. The whole ensemble seemed to make her the envy of every woman in sight along the street.

Fitting the dress had caused a slight conundrum since Rarity wasn’t yet aware of her anatomical oddity, and the moment seemed inopportune for such a revelation. Thus, much to Rarity’s chagrin, it was Pinkie who helped Twilight in the dressing booth and reported any adjustments that needed to be made.

Twilight tried not to be too slack jawed, taking in the sophisticated atmosphere of the restaurant while Flash secured their reservation. The low ambient lighting and arrangement of greenery let each table be its own secluded island while a live ensemble on a raised stage area projected ambient music evenly throughout the restaurant. Twilight was surprised to see that the pretty, dark grey haired cello player looked to be about her own age.

Before she could get too caught up in admiring the performer, the maître d' seated them in a cozy corner, leaving them to peruse the menu while their drinks were fetched. Twilight browsed the selections with only half a mind while the rest of her attention drifted back to Pinkie.

Twilight had been quite nervous, but resolved in confiding her plans for the evening to her girlfriend. True to her nature, Pinkie had been bubbly and enthusiastic, helping Twilight into her dress, doing her hair and makeup, and most importantly—so she said—making sure Twilight’s penis was calm and tucked away neatly. The former involving a spirited combination of Pinkie’s mouth and cleavage, while the latter involved a roll of medical tape and a trick Pinkie said she learned from a friend she’d scoped out as a candidate for dealing with Twilight’s virginity.

Despite appearances, Twilight’s sharp eye had noticed Pinkie’s hair looking a little less bouncy than normal, and even though she didn’t have a huge amount of experience, Pinkie’s blowjob had almost seemed desperate, like it was the last taste she’d get. Twilight firmly resolved to start setting some money aside, perhaps even asking if her parents would lend her some, in order to treat Pinkie to the same sort of night out that she was experiencing now.

Once their drinks arrived and their meal was ordered, Twilight found herself facing Flash Sentry over a nervous silence. She fidgeted a little, unsure what to do. Even though her friends all evidently had some level of attraction toward her, they were never awkward around her, apart from Fluttershy, but that was usual for her.

On the way over, Flash had chattered a bit about the restaurant and his connection to some DJ through which he got the reservation. By contrast, now that they were seated without any distractions, Flash seemed to be just as nervous as Twilight herself was, and neither of them appeared able to start up a conversation.

“So, uh… How did you and Pinkie hook up?” Flash finally broke the tension.

Twilight very nearly choked on her drink. On one level, it made sense. Since she was already attached, it seemed polite—at least to her—that he expressed some interest in her existing relationship. Unfortunately, the details about that particular event were going to need some creative adjustments.

“Well, believe it or not, it was only a couple hours after I first met her.” Twilight felt her cheeks heat up as she confessed just how fast her love life had blossomed into being. Her mind wandered over the cherished memories of her first sexual encounter, searching for details that might prove useful. “Right after I came back from a shower and started to get dressed, Pinkie got this silly idea to compare clothes, especially underwear. And well, two half-naked, single, bisexual girls posing for each other, the ending practically writes itself.”

Twilight couldn’t help giggling as Flash’s face turned red, inwardly proud of herself for finding a legitimate sounding half-truth. Unfortunately, the slight motion made her aware that her little trip down memory lane was straining Pinkie’s carefully applied tape.

“Heh. I guess I can’t blame Pinkie for snatching you up so quick. Sounds like it was pretty inevitable.” Flash let out an almost forced chuckle, quickly ducking behind his drink glass.

For a crazy moment, Twilight considered offering up her virginity to Flash as quickly as she’d fallen in with Pinkie. She knew about as much about the handsome, if slightly awkward, young man as she had with her now girlfriend—practically nothing save for the good word of a trustworthy authority, but he was pretty adorable.

Before she could muster the courage, however, her mad rush was slowed by the waiter arriving with their food. As they tucked in, Twilight’s rational brain began to reassert itself and decided that perhaps she should at least strike up a little conversation before making any rash moves. The memory of an hour long walk, chatting with Pinkie while she hung on her arm, came bubbling back to the surface, bringing a smile along with it.

“So, do you know Rainbow very well?” Twilight asked between bites—their table had gone silent again as soon as the distraction of food had arrived.

“Yeah, sorta. I mean we both play guitar, so we’ve gotten into some shredding contests before.” Flash demonstrated a little air guitar before picking up his silverware again. “Crowd always seems to pick her, but she’s put in lots of time and effort to get good, so I can’t really complain.”

The conversation dropped off again for a moment, but Twilight was determined now to pick things back up. “What are you studying, apart from the music stuff?”

“Oh, I’ve always been kind of a history buff, so I’ve been taking history classes, anthropology, that sort of thing. Some day, I’d really like to discover something old, like centuries old, that no one has seen before and be the one to show it to the world.”

Twilight smiled. Their conversation might have been slow to get going, but talk of academics was definitely something she could keep running. Through dinner and dessert, they talked back and forth about their scholastic pursuits, trading stories of nightmarish teachers and gruelling assignments.

Flash turned out to have a good head on his shoulders, despite his usual laid back appearance. Even her slice of Baked Alaska couldn’t stop Twilight’s heart from melting.

“I had a really great time tonight.” Twilight smiled across the gap between the front seats of Flash’s car. They were only a minute away from pulling up in front of Fillydelphia Hall and Twilight was still wrestling internally about what to do when they arrived.

On the one hand, her attraction to Flash had gone well beyond the mere physical and she wished to nurture that relationship without relying on suddenly making it physical. On the other hand, finding someone else to pop her cherry in the meantime almost seemed like cheating, Pinkie’s viewpoints aside.

“Yeah, thanks for letting me take you out. And thank Pinkie for me too.” Flash grinned back as he pulled into parking lot and stopped. He started to lean across, but stopped when Twilight pulled away. “Sorry. Guess I should have asked. Goodnight kiss not cool?”

“It’s… complicated,” Twilight sighed and turned to stare at her feet for a moment. Either way, she needed to inform him about her body first, probably visually. If he didn’t run, there wasn’t much point in wasting the opportunity.

Twilight’s resolve hardened. “Flash, you remember how I said Pinkie and I hooked up?”

Flash nodded, a slight blush staining his face once again.

“I know I kept it kinda vague, but I’m sure you guessed that Pinkie and I ended up in bed.” Twilight’s face mirrored Flash’s as both of them turned into tomatoes, but she swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed herself onward. “I—well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but that was the first time I’d ever had sex.”

Twilight turned to face Flash, catching his eye, even as she shook slightly with the effort of putting forward her proposal. “I hadn’t done it with a guy before, still haven’t. I haven’t even let Pinkie stick her fingers in me yet.”

“That’s… that’s—wow. Are you telling me this for why I think you’re telling me this?”

“I want to give my virginity to a guy. I don’t know why exactly, it’s just something I want to do.” Twilight nodded, not breaking eye contact with Flash as she explained. “Pinkie’s been helping me find the right kind of guy, for more reasons than you might think.”

Twilight sighed. “I like you, Flash. Especially after tonight. I’d like you to be my first, if you’re willing.” She held up a hand as Flash’s eyes lit up with excitement. “But I have to be honest with you. There’s something important you have to know about me first.”

“I don’t understand. What is it?”

“It’s something I have to show you, or you won’t believe me. But not here. I’ll show you up in my room, if you want. If you decide to leave after that, no hard feelings.”

In the distance, the university clock tower struck nine. A cold feeling suddenly gripped Twilight’s heart. Her friends had vouched for Flash and he seemed like a nice guy, but all of Pinkie’s precautions about finding a guy who actually liked penises started flooding back. Society still tended to instill guys with an unconscious fear of coming into contact with male anatomy other than their own. Even her brother, despite their closeness, was a bit squeamish about it, though he hid it well. And he’d never so much as seen her penis, as far as she knew. If Flash took it the wrong way, things could go very, very wrong.

Twilight took her phone out of her purse while Flash sat silent. Holding the screen away from his view, she sent a quick text to Rainbow Dash and hoped.

<Going to my room with Flash. Need backup in case of trouble. Can you help? Sorry for short notice.>

Twilight would have preferred asking Pinkie, but she would still be busy with her final rehearsal for another hour. Her phone buzzed.

<Be there, five minutes. Good luck, Twi.>

“Checking up on something?”

Twilight nearly dropped her phone, hearing Flash’s voice suddenly. “Uh, yeah. I was just seeing if Pinkie was still at rehearsals.” She hated having to lie more blatantly this time, but it wasn’t much different than the way she went through life in middle school. “It might have made things easier if Pinkie was here. And I’m sure you wouldn’t have complained about having two girls, right?” Twilight chuckled, though it was a little forced.

“I guess I’ll just have to suffer.” Flash laughed a bit as well. “Uh, I suppose I can’t really decide what to do about this important thing of yours unless I know what it is, so sure. Let’s go to your room.”

Flash parked his car properly and walked Twilight into the dorm building and upstairs, his arm linked with hers. Twilight’s knees quivered a little on the way up, but Flash’s presence still felt nice and seeing the tip of a head of rainbow-colored hair sticking out of the janitor’s closet just down the hall from her room made her feel enormously more calm.

Twilight led Flash into her room, giving him a brief tour of the contents of hers and Pinkie’s living space; her collection of books, tidy workspace, and cute trinkets. She sat Flash down on her own, little-used bed and ducked behind the door of her closet to change out of her dress. After a moment’s thought, she slipped on her bathrobe and discarded her underwear as well.

Carefully, so as not to make any obvious noises, she removed the tape Pinkie had used to tuck back her penis. She gave a small, happy sigh as it hung free once again, no longer uncomfortably bound. She closed and tied her robe. Grabbing her phone, she messaged Rainbow to be ready to listen and barge in if necessary, and stepped into view of an eager, but slightly nervous looking Flash.

“So,” Twilight murmured feeling a veritable mob of butterflies invading her stomach. “So, this is what you should know about me before we do anything. You—you might even have regretted kissing me after this. That’s why I stopped you downstairs.”

As much as Twilight wanted to close her eyes, she forced herself to watch Flash as she opened her robe. “I have a penis.”

Flash’s jaw dropped. “You’re a guy? Or trans or what?” Flash’s expression twisted in confusion. “But you made it sound like you were talking about not letting Pinkie finger your pussy earlier.”

“I did, I was!” Twilight shook her hands frantically, then lifted one foot onto her desk chair and held her penis up and out of the way. “I have a vagina too. I’m intersex.

“I’m a woman, mostly. This is real,” Twilight drew a finger across her labia. “Trust me, I have to deal with periods. These are real too.” Twilight cupped her breasts, pulling gently upward on her nipples to let them bounce. “I just have some male parts on top of that.”

“Huh.” Flash sat rigidly on the bed, staring at Twilight’s body. “This is a lot to take in. I don’t even know what to think right now.”

“You’re not running away. Is that a good sign?” Twilight let her bathrobe fall closed and sat down at her desk chair, facing Flash.

“I guess so, maybe? I’m more confused than anything.” Flash shook his head, as if the simple act would restore a world where he was getting lucky with a cute girl without complications. “Do you think Princess Twilight is the same way?”

Twilight pursed her lips. “I—I don’t know. I kinda hope not. I mean, maybe it’s easier to deal with where she’s from, but it’s made my life complicated.” Twilight gave in and buried her face in her hands. If she had been honest with herself, she should have predicted this, or worse. But she’d indulged in foolish optimism instead.

“I bet.”

For a minute or two the room plunged into silence. Even in her distraught state, Twilight listened for the sound of sudden movement, but heard none.

Flash gave a little cough. “Well, I’m not quite sure about… down there. But I don’t think I would regret kissing you, at least.”

Twilight raised her head up to see Flash patting the bed next to him. Tentatively, she got up and sat down by him, sighing softly as his arm slipped around her shoulders. She leaned against him for a moment, then turned her head to read his expression.

The first kiss seemed to happen in slow motion, or perhaps they were both still hesitant. Flash and Twilight leaned together slowly until their lips met, the angle causing Flash’s nose to knock Twilight’s glasses askew. They chuckled together as they pulled back, Twilight fixing her glasses.

As they leaned in for another kiss, Twilight felt Flash’s free hand brush against her arm. He tensed a little as she moved, but his kiss returned stronger when he found his hand suddenly inside her bathrobe, mere millimeters from her naked breast. Twilight moaned softly as he tickled her nipple and cupped her, his hand neatly covering the whole thing.

“That’s definitely real,” Flash grinned, giving her tit a soft squeeze.

“They’re not very big. I went through puberty kinda late.” Twilight said as Flash bent down toward her chest. She let out a moan, feeling his lips close over her nipple and gently suck and lick at it. She squirmed a little at the attention, feeling herself growing wet, but accordingly also feeling her penis start to swell and rise.

She didn’t think anything of the hand on her thigh—too caught up in the pleasant ministration of her chest—until Flash’s fingers gripped her tightly, almost painfully, and she realized her penis was poking his arm.

“S-sorry. I can’t really help it. Everything all kinda works at once.” Twilight’s eyes started to mist over behind her glasses.

“N-no, it’s alright. Just startled me is all.” His arm shifted, dragging her stiff shaft along with it for a moment before the contact broke. “Does that mean you’re getting wet too?”

Twilight nodded, spreading her legs a little. “You can touch me if you want to, just… just please don’t go past your first knuckle yet.”

Flash’s hand slowly slid from her bathrobe onto bare thigh. She shivered pleasantly at his touch and turned her head to kiss his neck. The attention seemed to help; his hand moved a little less timidly and she felt his fingers brush over her labia.

A little moan escaped her lips as he ran a finger up and down her slit, finally dipping inward just enough to probe her entrance and feel the buildup of her slick sexual fluid.

“That feels pretty real,” he said softly, his finger spreading her slick juice along her slit as he continued to gently caress her.

“Yeah. All real, all functional.” Twilight let out a sigh and cupped a breast, enjoying his continued touch. “Um, you will have to wear protection if we get that far. I trust you to be clean if you say you are, but I most likely can get pregnant and I can’t take birth control. My male parts seem to interfere with it.”

“I’m cool with that.” Flash’s finger trailed up her slit to the very top where her vagina fused into the base of her penis. His touch rested on the little patch of skin at the intersection. His voice took on a rather confused tone. “You don’t have a clit?”

Twilight chuckled in spite of herself. “Strictly speaking, no. If you loosen up the definition, you might say that I have one, but it’s about six inches long.”

Flash laughed softly, then shifted a little on the bed. “I bet you’re glad not to be wearing pants, then.”

Twilight blinked, then her gaze shifted to Flash’s groin. He had pitched a sizable tent in his black slacks. She bit her lip and rested a hand over his bulge, her fingers feeling him up as best she could through the fabric. His soft moan was pleasing to her ears, despite his increased fidgeting. She hoped it was merely due to his confinement, and she was suddenly reminded of her own penis straining against the tape during dinner.

“Um, I know you’re probably still making up your mind, but maybe I can help get you in the mood.”

Flash just looked at her curiously.

Twilight sighed. “I’m really bad at this. Pinkie knows how to just go for it, but I don’t.”

Her eyes fell to the floor until Flash’s hand cupped her cheek. “It’s cool. We’re both kinda nervous, so we’re even. What’s your idea?”

Twilight smiled and she couldn’t help blurting out: “Felatio!” She grinned sheepishly. “Er, I mean I’ve never given a blowjob before, but I’d like to try. And I kinda have the advantage that I know what it feels like to get one. That way you’d at least get something out of it, even if that’s as far as we get, right?”

Flash chuckled and leaned back against the bed. “Can’t really argue with that.”

He grinned as Twilight slid off the bed and stood in front of him. His gaze stayed low as she unbuckled, unzipped, and removed his pants and Twilight couldn’t be sure if he was watching her hands or the hard penis that was still sticking out of the front of her bathrobe or both.

His expression seemed locked until she knelt down, hiding her lower body behind the bed as she brought her eyes and mouth level with his prize.

He had a half-inch on her in length, as well as about the same in circumference, but her eyes were especially drawn down to his scrotum and testicles. Like her exploration of Pinkie’s clitoris, she found herself fascinated by anatomy she didn’t quite possess, and lifted a hand to gently touch and inspect them before even sparing much attention for his penis.

She did note how his shaft twitched as she rolled his gonads between her fingers, feeling the skin of his sack slip over the organs beneath. His skin started out loose and fairly smooth, but suddenly exposed to the cool air, she could feel it starting to tighten up and wrinkle.

Twilight moved her hand up to rest on his shaft as she leaned in, giving his scrotum an experimental kiss and lick. Flash’s soft grunt of pleasure and the neutral taste of clean skin spurred her onward. Her hand wrapped around his member, thumb resting comfortably on his frenulum, while her lips parted and gently sucked one testicle into her mouth.

She let out a soft moan of her own, enjoying the feeling of his stiff, gently pulsating member in her hand while she licked at his balls with the same gentle care she gave to Pinkie’s pussy. Her thumb rubbed at the little confluence of skin on his dick that was her own favorite spot to receive stimulation, penis-wise anyway, and her lips curled into a smile to find that he seemed to like it just as much.

“Mmm, Twilight…”

She took his murmur as a sign to move forward. Following Pinkie’s plentiful examples, she swept her tongue up Flash’s member, curling it tight around the curve of his shaft. It gave a hard twitch, but her hand held it firmly in place until her lips pressed against the tip in a soft kiss.

Calling upon Pinkie’s expertise, Twilight let Flash’s member slide into her mouth, pressing her tongue against him and keeping a firm seal with her lips. For a moment, she simply considered the sensation of his firm, smooth cock as it filled her mouth and gently pulsed against her tongue. She let one hand grip the base and rest against his balls while her other hand dropped between her legs, wrapping around her own hard shaft.

Twilight hadn’t been sure exactly what to expect, apart from Pinkie’s apparent eagerness to give her a blowjob at any excuse. But now that she had a penis in her mouth, she had to agree with Pinkie—it just felt good. She felt Flash’s hand gently rest on her head and knew she had been idle too long—time for action.

Gripping the base, she bobbed her mouth up and down his shaft at a comfortable pace, relying on her experience receiving to guide her lips and tongue. Her usual masturbation hand barely had time to keep her own body stimulated before Flash’s sack started to tighten up under her palm and she felt a familiar rhythmic jerk to his dick that always preceded her own orgasms. In the end, Flash didn’t last long after she got serious and Twilight was reminded of the very first blowjob she’d gotten from Pinkie.

“Nnnnnggg… Twilight! I’m cumming!”

Flash’s groan accompanied a jerk of his hips and suddenly the taste of clean skin and her own saliva was overwhelmed with a musk that was equal parts sweet and bitter with a hint of salty and sour. Flash’s semen didn’t taste too different from her own, though it was a bit more pungent, and there was certainly a bit more than she could produce on an average day. After considering and savoring the taste for a moment, Twilight swallowed.

“Man… Are you sure you’ve never done that before? That was pretty killer.” Flash grinned down at her after he’d taken a moment to catch his breath.

“I’m sure. I just did for you what Pinkie does for me.” Twilight smiled as she stood up. Once again her hard penis was visible, poking out from the folds of her bathrobe.

“Right, yeah, that,” Flash mumbled, his eyes once again fixed on her member.

Twilight adjusted her robe to hide her dick from view, but that only resulted in an obvious tent in the fluffy material. An awkward silence descended as Twilight regarded Flash while his twitching expression betrayed some kind of inner debate.

“Y’know what? Fuck it. I’ll pop your cherry. I mean, how often does a girl make you an offer like that?” Flash stood up, kicking his pants away as they fell around his ankles.

Smiling widely, Twilight discarded her robe and took his place on her bed. As she lay on her back, her cock stood proud even while she spread her legs and pulled them back a bit. “Pinkie keeps a box of condoms in her top drawer,” she said, pointing at the desk opposite.

Flash nodded and retrieved a little plastic package and small bottle of lube from the drawer. Instead of opening it and sheathing himself as she expected, Flash approached the bed and bent toward her. Twilight understood why as she caught a glimpse of his groin before his lips met hers and his hand rested on her chest. His member, still glistening with her saliva, was also still soft.

Twilight mentally kicked herself even as she returned Flash’s kiss. Granted, she wasn’t quite so affected by a refractory period, as Pinkie demonstrated by eating her out to three consecutive vaginal orgasms one night. But her penis had only worked at full capacity for the blowjob just prior to the amazing feat of cunnilingus, so she knew she should have realized sooner.

She reached out an arm and fished blindly, but carefully for Flash’s groin as he kissed his way down her neck and chest. Twilight found his penis and caressed it with her fingertips as he wrapped his lips around her stiff nipple once again.

Twilight could feel him perking up again, but quite slowly. She didn’t mind. All her reference material, including anecdotes from Pinkie, indicated that foreplay was essential to enjoyable first copulation. Her free hand moved to Flash’s head, her fingers gently stroking his hair spikes.

She let out a surprised, but pleased moan when Flash’s hand landed on her thigh and his fingers traced over her smooth skin. Her cock gave a little twitch as his arm brushed against it, but he didn’t flinch this time. Instead, his fingers zeroed in on their target and began to caress her pussy lips.

Twilight gave Flash’s half-hard dick an involuntary squeeze as a single finger eventually started to probe her entrance. She let out a low moan when his fingertip gently pushed in and his first knuckle rested at her threshold. He sucked hard on her nipple while his finger moved in slow outward circles, ever so gently stretching and loosening the start of her tight passage.

Flash turned his head and caught her eye as he gently started to press his finger deeper inside. Twilight bit her lip and nodded. As his finger moved in, still slowly opening her up, her cock gave a twitch against Flash’s arm. Her own fingers traced down to Flash’s balls and caressed them gently, coaxing him further toward a full erection again.

Twilight moaned, her head pressing back into the pillow as Flash gently finger-fucked her. The feeling was difficult to analyze, but to merely say it felt ‘good’ was insufficient.

The way her passage stretched for the first time and the intrusion of a foreign body into the core of her womanhood caused a burning sensation that might have been pain if it were not so muted and diffused. As it was, the hot feeling only increased her sensitivity and heightened the experience by adding contrast.

The texture of Flash’s finger dragging against the slippery walls of her passage reminded her of masturbating her penis, or of fucking Pinkie. Raw sexual stimulation that was pleasure transmitted in a physical form. Twilight whimpered when Flash pulled out, only to give a squeaking cry and start to moan louder when he gently worked a second finger in with the first.

Flash finally pulled his fingers out entirely and Twilight bit her lip disappointedly until she noticed that he had stood up and was rolling a bright yellow condom onto his full erection. Twilight let a hand drift down to her groin to fill in for the temporary lack of stimulation and found that she was wet all over. Her inner thighs and vulva were damp with a mixture of sexual fluid, some coaxed out of her vagina, the rest precum dribbling out of her penis. She wrapped a hand around her firm member, spreading the trail over her skin and milking a bit more out.

Twilight pulled her penis back, cupping it against her stomach as Flash mounted the bed. He guided his cock, wrapped in shiny yellow, to the entrance his fingers had been probing a minute ago. Twilight nodded as he pressed the tip against her hole.

Her passaged stretched, wider than two fingers, as he entered her. Overall the feeling was a cross between having his fingers in her vagina and having his penis in her mouth. She could feel the unique shape of his member rubbing pleasantly inside her as he slowly pressed in and began a gentle thrusting. But the delightful friction that had come with his fingers was muted by the smooth, lubricated latex. Unconsciously, her hand started stroking her penis to fill in the stimulation gap.

As Flash’s thrusting started to press her hips into the plush surface of the bed, she felt his hands sink into the mattress on either side of her shoulders. She moaned into his mouth when he leaned down to kiss her and wrapped both arms around his neck. Free from her confinement, Twilight’s penis pressed against Flash’s stomach, rubbing against his abs as he thrust his cock inside her.

Flash broke the kiss and leaned back again, his eyes drawn down to where his and Twilight’s bodies met. Still thrusting, he watched her slick member pressing against his body. Slowly, almost curiously, he reached a hand down and wrapped it around her penis, giving it a few experimental strokes.

Twilight gasped and cried out. The feeling of a firm male hand on her penis combined with the thrusting cock inside her pussy pushed her over the edge. Her penis throbbed against Flash’s hand and fountained a ribbon of cum against his stomach. Her vagina tensed around his member and her whole body shuddered. Flash groaned, his hand squeezing down on her penis as he stopped thrusting. She could feel him pulsate inside her and the loose tip of the condom swelled.

After a moment of breathing, his eyes locked onto the penis he held in his hand. His eyes darted between it and the trail of cum dripping down his abs. His hand released Twilight and he wiped a finger across one of the rivulets, holding it up to look at.

“Sorry, I didn’t think about that…” Twilight smiled sheepishly. She reached over to her nightstand and handed Flash a box of tissues.

Without a word, he stood and wiped himself clean, removing, tying and trashing the condom before pulling his pants back on.

“Flash?” Twilight bit her lip, looking up from her own cleanup duties. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” he squeaked, sounding anything but. “That was—that was something. I’d uh, I’d better go.”

“Flash, wait!” Before Twilight could stand up, or even move, Flash had turned and bolted out the door. Twilight stared in disbelief at the empty door frame. Oblivious in her distress to the danger that anyone in the hall could look in and see her naked body on display.

“What the fuck, Flash?! Twi, you okay?” Rainbow bolted in through the open door, followed by Pinkie.

“He just left,” Twilight mumbled, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “We did it, all the way, then he just left.” With a sniffle, Twilight began to cry. Pinkie hopped up on the bed and wrapped Twilight up in her arms.

“Pinkie, you take care of Twi. I’m going to go catch up to Romeo and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, okay.”

“Thanks, Dashie. I owe you one.”

Rainbow slammed the door behind her as she took off. For a long moment, the room was silent apart from Twilight’s sobbing.

“Pinkie, you’re not going to leave me, are you?” Twilight’s voice was choked and broken.

“Of course not. I love you, Twi-Twi.” Pinkie pulled Twilight’s naked body tighter against her and nuzzled her neck. Twilight buried her face in Pinkie’s poofy hair and tried her best to calm down.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Pinkie whispered.

Twilight nodded, still busy getting her breathing back under control.

“I really hated having to give up Dashie. I had to so AJ could be happy, but I still didn’t want to. I loved her, but I already love you even more. You’re smart and funny and silly sometimes and we have fun together and you’re so, so pretty. I want to keep you forever.”

Twilight pulled in a sharp intake of breath and let out a long, slow sigh. “I love you too, Pinkie.” She turned her head and caught up Pinkie’s lips in a kiss. “I kept thinking of you the whole time I was with—with Flash.” Twilight closed her hand around Pinkie’s and guided it down to her still damp pussy. “I should have just let you be the first. His fingers felt better than the condom anyway. But now, I want your fingers, Pinkie.”

Pinkie grinned and lowered Twilight against the bed, gently slipping her fingers inside while her other hand gently closed over a breast. “Anything for my Twi-Twi.”

Twilight’s phone rattled against the nightstand, the main chorus of Awesome As I Wanna Be pouring out of the speakers. A hand reached out to grab it.


A pause.

“She’s here, but she’s busy eating me out. Let me put you on speakerphone.”

Rainbow’s voice emitted from the tinny speaker as Pinkie laid it on the bed. “You’re going for a tongue ride and you decided to answer the phone?”

“Well, duh. You might have some important info for Twi-Twi. I ca-HA-n’t keep that from her just because I’m getting some—EEEE—lovin’.”

“Pinkie, you’re crazy,” Rainbow chuckled. “Anyway, Twi, I had to chase him down on my motorcycle, but I made sure Flash is going to keep quiet about you-know-what. Also, he said he got a little freaked out and he’s sorry.” Rainbow’s voice took on a dangerous edge. “I told him he really needed to tell you that himself, but just in case he doesn’t, at least you know.”

Rainbow was quiet for a moment while Pinkie let out a series of high-pitched moans.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re feeling better, and it sounds like Pinkie’s feeling really good. But uh, I’ll understand if you want to keep things just between the two of you for a while.” Rainbow let out a little sigh. “The thing with me and AJ can wait.”

“Don’t think you’re getting off the hook that easily,” Twilight said, finally extracting herself from between Pinkie’s thighs. “Yeah, tonight didn’t go so well, but I trust you and the rest of the girls. Besides, after the locker room, you and I have some unfinished business, and I’m dying to see what AJ looks like out of her clothes.”

“Sweet!” Rainbow cheered. “You’re gonna love her. That ripped cowgirl body does not disappoint.”

Twilight grinned. “Oh, and before I forget, thank you. For keeping a lookout and for going after Flash.” Her voice dropped an octave. “Pinkie is my number one, but I love you too.”

“I think you’re pretty cool too, Twi. I’ll let you know as soon as AJ says yes for sure, then we can get down on some serious lovin’.”

“I’m looking fo-HO-rward to it.” Twilight gasped, letting out a moan a moment later.

“What was that?” Rainbow asked.

“Pinkie just helped herself to a surprise mouthful of my penis.”

“Oh man! That is such an eggheady way of talking about getting head,” Rainbow chortled. “And yet you manage to make it sound sexy.”

The conversation went silent except for Twilight’s moans and Pinkie’s exaggerated slurping noises as she sucked Twilight’s cock.

“Anyway, listening to you two is fucking hot, but I’d better get back to my room before I start flicking the bean right here on the street,” Rainbow said with laugh. “You enjoy your blowjob, and I’ll see you later.”

“Thanks, Rainbow. See you.”

Twilight reached down, running her hands through Pinkie’s bouncing mass of hair, moaning as Pinkie slowly pushed her toward another inevitable orgasm. After a moment, she glanced back at her lit up phone and grinned. Rainbow still hadn’t hung up.