> The Sword Of The Princess > by Longshanks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sword of the Princess- Chapter One And come she shall, no matter whatte Forces of Chaos stande againste her. Yea and verily, upon the fifth Year of the Greate Battle the Grey Knighte shall return to the Kingdomme of Two Sisters, and bring about everlasting Peace. And her Flanke shall bear the symbol of Bubble Wrappe; and her Eyes shall be forever Crossed. Bear it well, for this be the Marke of the Once and Future Pegasus. -Elements 8:13 Princess Celestia sighed. Atop the piles of campaign maps and wartime charts, the Wonderbolts’ combat manouvers and specially-developed shielding spells, sat the yellowed scrap of parchment. Despite writing down the details her strange dream nearly five years ago, she was no closer to deciphering the old- fashioned prophecy- or even who the “Grey Knighte” was. She knew she had more important tasks at hand, but something about the note kept drawing her back. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, perhaps it was sheer desperation after five years of war. But if there was truth to the legend, and the key to defeating Discord was right in front of her... Her little sister pushed open the library door, levitating a stack of letters in front of her. “Lots of mail today, Sis- Twilight’s weekly field report, diagrams and calculations from the Unicorn Artillery, and it says here that Captain Spitfire has gone down behind enemy lines-“ There was a sharp intake of breath from the older Princess. Spitfire was a good mare, and the thought of her captured- or worse- sent a tear rolling down her cheek. However, Celestia brushed the rest of the scrolls aside, and motioned for her little sister to sit down next to her. “What’s wrong, Tia?” Luna asked, a worried expression on her face. “Come, take a look at this.” Celestia indicated the scrap of paper. “I know it’s more than a dream... much more.” “You mean like a prophecy? I don’t recognize the grammar from any of the old books,” Luna said. “Maybe it’s some kind of riddle? ‘The Once and Future Pegasus’- It can’t mean Rainbow Dash, can it?” Luna studied the paper again. “No, that’s not right- Do we know anypony with bubble wrap as a cutie mark?” Celestia pondered this for a minute. There was one pony she could think of... but the awkward, kindhearted mailmare was hardly “Grey Knight” material. Poor girl, it wasn’t her fault her eyes turned out the way they did... She looked out at the fortified walls of Canterlot, and the smoke trailing from Trottingham and Manehattan in the distance. Ridiculous prophecy or not, this war had to end. “Luna,” she commanded. “Please summon Derpy Hooves to my tower immediately.” Ponyville’s resident mailmare rubbed her eyes and rolled over, coming face-to-face not with her alarm clock, but with a sweet little unicorn, a freshly-baked muffin in her mouth. “Morning, Mommy! Guess what? Guess what?! Auntie Carrot made us MUFFINS!” Derpy ruffled her daughter’s mane, smiling in spite of the early hour. “Morning good, little one. Sleep OK?” Dinky nodded, climbing onto the bed to give her mother a good-morning hug. “Actually, Mommy, Auntie Carrot wanted to talk to you about something. It must’ve been really important or something, ‘cause she wouldn’t tell me anything except that it’s really important.” She paused, frowning an adorable little frown. “Promise me you’ll tell me?” “Of course, sweetness.” The gray pegasus stretched her wings and flopped out of bed, zigzagging down the hallway towards the kitchen. Her older sister was already wide-awake, pulling another tray of carrot-cake muffins out of the oven. “Well, look who’s awake,” the earth pony smiled. “Good morning, sis!” “Morning, Carrot,” Derpy replied, popping another muffin into her mouth. “Glomf nomnom mmph mmph mmmph?” “Excuse me?” Carrot Top giggled. Her sister finished chewing and swallowed the muffin whole. “Said I... um... What you wanted to talk about me with?” “Well, it just so happens that you got a letter today, Miss Mailmare. And it’s addressed by Princess Celestia herself! Her Highness wants to see you, little sister.” Derpy smiled. She’d only met the princess briefly before, but she’d been genuinely kind to her and hadn’t mentioned her crossed eyes at all. If there was anything she could do for Princess Celestia, she’d jump at the chance. Especially if it involved mail... or muffins... And so, bidding one final goodbye to her precious daughter, Derpy Hooves set off for the palace at Canterlot. She wondered idly what her top-secret mission would be. Maybe the Princess’ army needed a mail carrier? Or a muffin tester? As she flew over the burned-out plains beyond Sweet Apple Acres, her heart grew heavier. This was the world she had to protect Dinky from. Equestria had become a dangerous place... However, the grey pegasus made it to Canterlot without any incidents, and soon found herself hopping up the stairs to the Princess’s study. “Miss Hooves,” Celestia said, extending a hoof. “It’s very good to see you.” “It... very... It is good to see you too... Princess,” Derpy replied as she shook the hoof. She spoke slower to better articulate her sentences. “Job... you... have... a job for me?” “Um... Perhaps you’d better sit down.” Derpy sat, curious. “I know you’re wondering why I called you here, but please allow me to explain. I promise you’ll understand afterwards.” “Five years ago, after Discord was released from his prison, Equestria stood on the brink of war, and neither I nor the Elements of Harmony could prevent it from happening. There were no formalities, no declarations of intent... for the first time in over a thousand years, the army of Equestria was called into action. “However, within the first week Discord’s army had siezed half of Manehattan, and moved into Trottingham and Fillydelphia. Luna and I were awake for weeks on end, raising armies, giving aid, and arguing over strategy. I’m ashamed to say that I’d developed quite a fever from my efforts, and soon after Luna took command to let me rest. That night, I was plagued by strange visions- whether they were dreams or something more, I couldn’t tell. I saw Canterlot burn, my kingdom locked in endless battle. And then, as my fever intensified, I heard the prophetess’ voice in my head: On the fifth year of the Greate Battle, the Grey Knighte shalle returne to the Kingdomme of the Two Sisters, and bring about everlasting Peace.And her flanke shalle bear the symbol of Bubble Wrappe; and her eyes shalle remaine forever Crossed.” Derpy’s ears perked up. Was the princess telling her... she was a hero? “The voice continued. ‘Seek ye oute the Once and Future Pegasus, for a Quest she must complete. Journey to the lands of the Northe she must, and Retrieve ye Sword of the Princess.’ Derpy Hooves, after much deliberation... I believe you are the Grey Knight of Equestria.” “No...no...just a mailmare...Can’t go on a quest.” Derpy shook her head furiously. The prophecy obviously meant somepony else. But a tiny voice in the back of her head told her it was true, her destiny was right in front of her. After all, how many pegasi had bubble wrap as a cutie mark? “...OK. Quest go this on... correction, I will go on this quest.” Celestia smiled a tired smile. “I knew you would, brave one. Now, your journey to the northern lands will not be an easy one... And so, packing her saddlebag for the long trip ahead, Derpy set out on the first leg of her journey. Carrot Top knocked lightly on her sister’s door. “Well. You’re really going through with this, then?” The grey mare turned her protuberant eyes on her roommate. “Of course. Duty to Equestria said Princess. Prophecy part of I am.” She looked over at Carrot, who shifted her weight uncomfortably. “Sad don’t be. Soon be back.” “It’s not me you have to worry about,” the cream-colored earth pony frowned. “What are you going to tell Dinky? We’re in the middle of a WAR! She needs her mother more than ever! What am I supposed to tell her when you leave? What if...” she blinked back a tear. “What if you don’t come back?” Derpy licked her face affectionately. “I talk to her, OK?” As if on cue, the front door burst open and a small grey unicorn rushed in, dumping her books on the couch. “Hi, Mommy! Hi, Auntie Carrot!” Carrot patted Dinky on the head before excusing herself. This was something Derpy needed to say alone. “Hello, loves,” Derpy replied, scooping her daughter into her lap. “How was Canterlot, Mommy? Did you see the Princess? What’s she like? What did you talk about? Did you...” She broke off, noticing her mother’s mournful expression. “Are you OK, Mommy?” “Sweetness...” Derpy began to say. “Mommy... go away for a couple days needs to. Like business trip for post office. Super important! Daughter be OK staying with Berry Punch and Ruby?” Dinky’s ears perked up at the mention of the other unicorn. “I guess so... But isn’t it dangerous out there? Why would Princess Celestia tell you to go do something dangerous? Unless...” Her eyes lit up. “Unless you’re a spy! Are ya? Are ya? Huh?” Her mother chuckled gently. “No, no... Just a mailmare is Mommy. Not spy.” Dinky looked disappointed. “And handle danger I can, too! Live with you doesn’t I?” “OK,” said the unicorn, smiling again. She handed her mother a few muffins for the road and a long, fuzzy scarf. “Be careful, OK, Mommy?” “Promise,” said Derpy, tying the scarf around her neck. Her wings beat once, twice, and she was airborne... just enough to bump her head on the ceiling. Laughing, she blew her daughter one more kiss before taking off into the night, traveling north to Stalliongrad.