
by RaijingtheClockworkPony

First published

A young man must choose between two worlds, but can he?

Samuel is a young man with a good life, but that is changed as he is transported to Equestria. He meets and befriends the inhabitants but is taken back to his world by a strange, well dressed man, and given a simple choice: Pick one world to live in for the rest of his life. Can he choose a world without losing himself in the process?

An Unknown Road

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Samuel was driving over to his friend Roger's house for the bi-monthly party. Roger had gotten a reputation for throwing wild parties, to such a point that he called the police to forewarn them of any potential problems. Roger knew all the cops on a first name basis at this point in his young life. Samuel reflected that for them both being 28 they had had pretty well set up lives.

He had a well set up position at a huge law firm, he lived in a great apartment in Chicago, had an amazing girlfriend and... well he wasn't sure how Roger made his money. As for the party he knew it would be the same as every other party Roger threw: He'll get there early; Get drunk off his arse; and pass out hopefully after Roger. Roger had a tendency to prank the people that passed out at his parties. Samuel recalled when he made that mistake; he ended up duct taped to his ceiling. Though they did end up thanking Roger for that little event because if he hadn't been taped on his ceiling he wouldn't have met Jenny. She was moving into the apartment across the hall that day and heard him calling for help, and after an awkward conversation about how he got there she got him down. As his token of thanks he helped her move in and insisted on taking her out for dinner, and since then they have been dating.

Samuel (Lets call him Sam for now) pulled up to Rogers house. As with every time he pulled up to the house he wondered how he made that much money to buy a home that large, let alone all the booze he needed for his infamous parties. As he approached the door he was wondering if he should have brought Jenny to meet Roger. 'On second thought, Roger will probably just try to get her to sleep with him.' He grimaced at that thought. He reached the door, checked his pocket watch (What? Pocket watches are cool) and started knocking as loud as he could. Whenever Roger had a party he liked to warm himself up with one of his two passions: music, or women. Sam noted that he couldn't hear anything on the inside of the house. The door opened to reveal a half dressed and rather peeved Roger.

"What the hell you doing interrupting my music!? Get in and wait in the party room dude. I'll be right down."

Thus the cycle of the night began as it did every other time. The drinks started to flow, the music breaking noise codes, and the night (and Sam's vision) began to turn into one great alcoholic blur. He was having a great time until he lost consciousness, then it turned into a good sleep.

Sam awoke feeling warm, a cool breeze wafting over his face. 'I must have fallen asleep in his back yard.' He felt the grass against his head and found himself enjoying the sensation. That was what told him something was very wrong; he wasn't hung over like he should have been. He opened his eyes and was met with a sky that wasn't his. As he stared at the sky he just couldn't find a way to describe how it was off, but it was... bluer? Was that even a word he could use? He sat up to look around and found that the usual headache he got from the party wasn't there. How could that be, he had drank enough to kill a mule. Twice. He looked around and noticed something that made him hate Roger even more. He had been pranked again, and this time duct tape would have been preferred. Roger had dumped him into an open field in the middle of nowhere. 'I'm going to kill him when I get back.'

That then raised a question in his mind. Where was he anyways? He took in the surroundings and saw a forest in the distance. 'Well he chose a beautiful spot at least.' He started to search for any signs of a road nearby. After a failed search he headed for the highest point he could see, a small hill off in the distance. On his way to the hill he couldn't help but look at the grass, it was off as well. It was greener... no, brighter than any grass he had ever seen in a long time.
'I need to get out more, maybe start going to a park'

He reached the hill in two minutes and was greeted by a most welcomed sight, a dirt road leading north and south, if his judgment of direction was to be trusted. 'Now I'll just head north and hopefully I'll run into a farmer or something.' He was thankful that Roger had dumped him somewhere near a road. He started off at a brisk jog, heading north was a sure fire way to get closer to home. As he was walking a nagging feeling of familiarity set in as he felt like he had seen it all before. That couldn't be possible on any level. He hadn't been camping since he was 12 and he hated it with a passion, besides this looked nothing like the campsite. Plus when he thought about it he hadn't been to a park in two or three years. So why did this feel like a repeat experience?

He decided to put the thought from his mind for a more pressing matter, the road was turning off to the east and he could make out what looked like rows of trees. ‘A farm! Now I'll just ask them to borrow the phone so I can call Jenny, I bet she's worried... wait I have a cell I'll use that.' As he reached into his pocket he felt his spirits drop, he never brought his phone or wallet into Rogers house when he threw a party. He had made that mistake before, he would have lost a 100$ phone and 200$ in cash. It was a good thing Roger caught the guy or else he would have been screwed.

He continued his walk for another five minutes before he saw the fence of the farm.' Almost there. Maybe I could work on the farm to earn a ride into the nearest town, which would at least make me even with the farmers.' He decided to pick up his pace; the sooner he got home the sooner he could get his revenge on Roger. Something involving his car would be perfect.

"Where’s that gate, there's always a gate to the farm... Aha! Gottcha."

Indeed he did find the gate; he quickly approached the gate and saw that it was closed. 'Well I can't wait here for them to come and welcome me. If I gave it a push...' Low and behold the gate opened easily. His spirits were at an all-time high, if they left the gate unlocked they must be very trusting. He was all but guaranteed a ride home. He might not have to work at all! He looked up at the sign that hung above the gate out of curiosity and saw a name that made the nagging feeling all the stronger. 'Sweet Apple Acres... huh I think I bought some produce from here before.' He set off the road he hoped lead to the house. The path was flanked on each side by apple trees with the largest apples he had seen. The sight of those apples made him realize just how hungry he was at that moment. Maybe asking them for food would be something to try.

He reached a red farmhouse that made the nagging feeling in to a screaming voice. This was all too familiar, but where had he seen it all. He hadn't ever set foot on a real farm, so there was no way he could remember anything like this. 'That nagging voice just needs to shut up.' He walked up to the door and heard voices inside.

"Ah told y'all once Ah'll tell ya again you're not gonna earn your mark as a fire juggler!"

"But AJ I really want my Cutie Mark!"

Sam froze at that. Cutie Mark? Now he knew he had heard that before, and now things we're sliding into place... and those voices. No that wasn't possible. He had to knock on the door and use a phone to call Jenny. His imagination was getting the best of him. He knocked hard, hoping that they would be kind enough to allow the use of the phone.

"Ah'll be right there! Eat your breakfast while Ah deal with this."

'Sounded like a mother to her child. I need to relax.' He stood there when a sudden thought drove the final nail into the coffin of his suspicion. 'Wait... when was Chicago near apple growing country... or down south?' That's when the door opened, and he found himself looking at an equally shocked Applejack.



Now to say that they both received a shock would be an understatement. However they both reacted in different ways. She recoiled and reared up on her hind legs; he stumbled backwards and fell onto his back.

"What are you?"

Applejack may have been frightened but to her credit she managed to keep a calm head when a strange creature interrupted her breakfast. Sam quickly got back up, keeping his hands in front of himself in case she decided that he was a threat but he never got the chance to protect himself from her. Within the instant he got back up something fast, red, and very solid hit him in the left side of his chest. The resulting impact sent him into the air and made an impressive snap to accompany the kick. Now when one is launched into the air very rapidly the senses take time to process the fact that one was just launched rapidly into the air. However the landing is a very different story. Sam landed hard on his right shoulder flipping over sending his feet over his head. Said feet slammed hard into the ground and prevented and further flipping. With all the momentum now diffused he only slide another five feet before coming to a stop. In total the he was, for lack of a better word, displaced a grand total of 30 feet. When he came to a full stop on his back his senses came back in full force. Pain racked his chest, right shoulder, and his right ankle. His hearing also seemed to turn back on.

"What'd go and kick it for? It didn' do anythin' to me!"

"All Ah heard was you screaming and Ah saw him rising at you! It looked like it was lungin' at you. What did you want me to do wait to see if it'd kill you before Ah react?"

“No! But you didn’ need to buck it into next week. You probably just killed the thing!"

Sam lay there listening to them argue over whether Big mac had done the right thing. He then tried to sit up but as a fresh pang of pain stole over his body he let out a ragged gasp. 'Yeah that's a broken rib. Damn that hurts.' Now Sam had had bones broken before but that was his wrist from playing too rough in street hockey and this was a different breed of pain.

"Big Mac, go get Fluttershy. She might be able to help the poor thing."

"Fine but don' get near it."

Big Mac ran off down the path to do as Applejack had asked but he kept turning his head to make sure she wasn't moving toward Sam. Seeing that Sam hadn't moved he galloped off at full pace. Sam just lay there unwilling to move in fear of causing himself more pain, content just to stare at the sky between the trees. Applejack took his lack of motion as a sign that he wasn't going to cause any trouble.

"Y'all okay?"

Sam just lay there wondering if he had it in him to talk. "Not really."

'At least I can talk. Too bad it hurts like hell' Looks like his manners and good will held out.

"Anythin broken?"

"I think my ribs might be broken and my shoulder and ankle are killing me. Other than that I'm just great."

Sam hadn't meant to put that much venom into that last part but people say stupid things when they were in pain. Applejack didn't seem to notice, that or she was thinking along the same line.

"Ah'm really sorry about Big Mac, he is a gentle giant when you get to know him. It musta looked like you were gonna attack me or something to him."

"Yeah I've run into his type before, protective."

As an awkward silence fell between them, Applejack took the opportunity to get a closer look at him. She figured that since he did interrupt her breakfast it was the least he could let her do. She approached slowly though, she had to stay cautious when dealing with an unknown creature.

"So... um what are you?"

Both Applejack and Sam jumped as a much higher voice broke the silent void. Sam lifted his head to see a yellow filly with a red mane. 'Apple... bloom. Yeah that's right.' Sam found that he was surprised that he could remember her name.

"Hello there... little one."

Sam stopped himself in time, best not to raise suspicion by parading the fact he knows everybody, no... ponies, name when they haven't told him that. Better to play dumb then get them pissed at him. He was in no condition to have a bunch of angry ponies attacking him, or worse. As he looked at the pair of ponies he started to remember all the things he had seen in the show. The curiosity of Applebloom came to the forefront of his mind and he decided to feed it. If anything it kept his mind off the pain.

"I'm a human, my name is Samuel. Oh, and I live in the city of Chicago."

Short, sweet, punctual, and to the point. His boss would be so proud. In perfect unison they both asked the question he was expecting.

"What’s a human?"

"That's what we're called. And I was at a party with my friends before this happened, then I wake in a field and walk to a farm and then get kicked by a large red pony; that about sums up my day."

Sam waited for a response but when he didn't receive one he realized that he had rambled on and seemed to lose them in his rant. 'I should probably apologize for that. I didn't mean to vent on them like that.'

"So... um how much longer till Big Mac gets back with Fluttershy?"

"About another five minutes if they are both going their fastest, knowing Fluttershy she is probably moving faster than Big Mac. You're quick on the names there Sam."

"Yeah I'm a smart one."

"You ain't too bright if you went and got yourself kicked. Applebloom get out of the tree!"

Sam followed her gaze and found out that Applebloom was indeed in a tree. ‘Why is she in a tree? Oh right to get a better look at me... wait that makes no sense.'

"Ahh but AJ Ah’m looking out for Fluttershy and Big Mac. ooo look its Rainbow Dash!"

'Rainbow Dash? Wonder why she coming over here... oh well at least I get to meet another of the Mane 6.' Sam found himself to be in a surprisingly good mood for a man with a broken rib. Judging by the pain he would guess two ribs.

"Hey AJ I heard you got some kind of weird looking th- HELLO big guy, yeah Big Mac was right it is weird looking"

"He is weird lookin'... you are a he right?"

Applejack turned to him to get a confirmation. Sam was busy however looking at Rainbow Dash as she landed with ease and was right in his face. Just as soon as she was done staring at his face she moved on to the rest of him.

"Yeah I'm male."

"Okay then, he's a he. But what is he?"

Sam got a nagging suspicion that he was going to get that particular question a lot in the next couple of hours. Fortunately Applebloom saved him from answering it the second time in a minuet, Good thing too as another pang of pain swept over him. It took all of his control not to cry out in pain.

"He's a Huu-man! And he says he’s from a place called Chic-a-go."

Rainbow Dash walked back over to his head so she could look him in the eye. He found himself staring deep into those large eyes of hers, those deep pink eyes.

"And what does a human do exactly? I mean why would you be so tall if you didn't use that height for something. Can humans fly? What about magic?"

Sam felt like he was being put under a microscope. But the interest Rainbow Dash was showing was out of curiosity and with a quick look at both the apple family members that were present it seemed they wanted to hear this answer.

"Well humans can do a lot of things, like farming for instance. We can't fly on our own but we do have machines that fly us around. We also enjoy sports. We hold jobs, and enjoy sports I guess..."

Sam finished somewhat lamely. He was hoping that Fluttershy and Big Mac would get back soon his ribs and shoulder was really starting to hurt. He could barely breathe as well, so why on earth was he talking so much anyways? Applejack asked the next question and he found himself surprised that it wasn't about humans in general.

"So what'dya do for a job then mister Sam?"

"Well I'm a lawyer at a big— Why did everything go pink?"

As he stated Sams vision became a pink blur as Fluttershy move over to his side to inspect the damage Big Mac had caused. Her arrival caught them all by surprise as she had moved so fast no-one realized she had even joined them.

"Oh you poor thing, where does it hurt? I hope I can fix you up, I would feel just awful if I couldn't."

Sam found himself under a gentle assault of prods and pokes. Fluttershy was inspecting him with the lightest of touches and he could barely feel her at all. He also found himself unable to answer her question; his brain seemed to be taking an extremely long time to process that he was being touched by a pony that shouldn't exist in the first place. 'Wait I can't accept Fluttershy helping me but I can accept Big Mac kicking me? Sometimes I wonder if my mind works at all.'

"Wha- Oh yeah right, my ribs and my shoulder hurt the most. My ankle hurts too but not as badly. When did you get here by the way?"

"Well I got here a couple of seconds ago and when I saw you lying there so I rushed over to help..."

She suddenly stopped checking his limbs and looked him in the eyes.

"I need you to um, if it’s okay with you I mean, to um..."

The stuttering she was making may have been lost on the others but Sam caught the meaning of it all quickly. She needed him to remove his jacket and shirt so she could check on his ribs. He started to sit up and was once again surprised by the yellow pegasus once more. Without a sound she moved to help him up and supported his weight and helped him into a sitting position with minimal pain. He reached over with his left hand and started unzipping his jacket when a thought crossed his mind.

"I... uh..."

They all stared at him as he trailed off.

"Yer gonna have to speak up there big guy."

"I need help with my sleeves. Please. Can't move my arm much."

Both Fluttershy and Applejack moved to help him with the sleeve. After the jacket came the shirt naturally followed but what followed after that was probably the most awkward silence in Sam's life. They were all staring at his bare body, and he suddenly felt very self-conscious about a small crowd staring at his bare torso. He was by no means fat or skinny but he wasn't built. He was average in most respects when it came to his physique. Fluttershy quickly went back to checking him for injuries and returned to the right shoulder.

"Oh my... This might hurt a little. If that's okay i mean..."

"Do what you have to Miss Shy."

He regretted those words very quickly. Her touch went from gentle and light to suddenly very firm and full of pressure. With a loud POP as his shoulder returned to its socket. Despite trying to not startle the ponies around him he couldn't stop himself from screaming out in pain. Most of the group jumped back, Fluttershy stayed where she was, but Big Mac put himself between Sam and the rest of the ponies. It seemed he was still cautious about him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to help!"

Through pained gasps Sam answered her "No your fine I told you to do what you needed to do. Just give me a warning next time please."

He tried as hard as he could not to put any malice or pain into his words. 'Why am i trying not to hurt her feelings?' He found his answer in her eyes; she was on the verge of crying. 'She thought she hurt me and I would be mad...' Fluttershy continued her work in silence and the rest of the group simply watched her as she worked. 'She left her home at...' He used his left hand to reach into his pocket to grab his watch. '7:58 in the morning. She really is the living embodiment of kindness and mercy.' All that from watching her work and looking into her eyes. Fluttershy pulled some cloth from a small bag she brought with her and started to make a sling for his arm. After what seemed like an eternity to Sam the silent void that had formed was finally broken by Applejack.

"Hey RD, how did you know that Sam was here anyways?"

Sam and Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash to hear the answer, but if Sam could read anything from Fluttershy's expression it was that she knew the answer to the question.

"I was talking to Fluttershy about joining me for a Wonderbolt show. We we're also trying to come up with a good birthday gift for Twi. When we saw Big Mac coming we met him at the door and after he told us what was going on I rushed ahead and left them in the dust I guess."

Applejack looked over at Fluttershy to get some confirmation on Rainbow's story but seeing as she was busy fixing up Sam's ankle, she simply let it drop. 'I bet she’s thinking the same thing I am. Whatever it is they will tell when it’s ready to be told.' He was taken out of his pensive mood by Fluttershy tapping him on his good shoulder.

“I can't really do anything about your ribs, I'm sorry, but the hospital should be able to help you."

"Okay that's fine with me... Wait how are we going to get me there? I mean if we went through town I would attract a crowd."

At mention of going through town she seemed to be thinking about how get him through without being seen when her train of thought was derailed by Rainbow Dash.

"That's easy, let’s get Twilight to teleport him over to the hospital. I'll go get her, just meet us near town."

And with no other words she lifted off toward Ponyville. Sam looked around and realized that they were now two short of the full group they had a couple of seconds ago.

"What happened to Applebloom?"

At that simple question both of the present members of the apple family started to panic and yell for Applebloom, only to be answered by her return with a bag of apples. Big Mac just simply stood there for a second and then walked off toward the barn without a word. Applejack was much more vocal in her scolding.

"Why'd you run off like that? And what’s with the apples?"

"Ah thought he would be hungry seeing as he came to our door at breakfast... you’re not mad are you?"

Applejack showed her answer by simply walking over and hugging her little sister. Sam looked on to this little family moment with only the sudden realization that he was indeed hungry. Applebloom walked over and handed him an apple. 'I'm gonna have to try and figure out how they hold things without fingers' He took a bite into the apple and almost cried. It was the single greatest apple he had ever tasted, that or he was much hungrier than he thought. They watched him eat the first apple, which he did with great enthusiasm. Sam was on his third apple when Big Mac returned with a stretcher.

"Well let’s get him to the hospital."

After some quick debate over who should carry Sam they decided on Applejack and Big Mac, after all as Applejack pointed out he was hurt because of them. They loaded him into the stretcher without a hitch but as they started to set off down the path leading to the road Applebloom and Big mac got into an argument that she needed to stay home and let Granny smith what had happened. Applebloom was looking mutinous but Sam promised that when he was better he would visit the farm again, and hang out with her the whole day if she wanted. Thrilled at the prospect she went back to the house.

"That was mighty kind of ya to give up a day like that. Are you sure you want to do that though, she can be quite the hand full, even more so when she is with her friends."

"No, it’s not problem at all Applejack. I think I can handle her for a day. Besides they will be too busy asking me questions about what I am to make trouble. I hope."

They got to the main road quickly and started down it at a less than great pace. Both the Apple family members carrying him didn't want to go so slowly but Fluttershy insisted that they went as slow as possible. To say the least this got a small argument going about how heavy Sam was and that the pace would make them collapse. Sam stayed silent, he was lost in his own thoughts of how was he going to get home, if he couldn't get home then how would he live here and so forth. He was broken from his thoughts once again by Fluttershy. 'She keeps doing that. It’s like she knows when I'm thinking just so she can interrupt me.'

"Do humans have Cutie Marks?"

"No. Why?"

"Oh, well I was wondering because of the mark on your back. It's really pretty."

Sam was lost on what she meant. Mark on his back? Then he realized that she meant his tattoo he got at 19.

"That's a tattoo, humans get them whenever they feel like but not everyone has one. People get them if they want them. In a way I guess they are like cutie marks. Mines the Ying and Yang, it means for every positive there is a negative."

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide at his explanation. "That's fascinating. How do you earn it?"

"We don't. We pay someone to put them on us. I got mine when I went to college."

"So what'dya get when you learn your talent then?"

Sam turned to Applejack. "Nothing you just kinda show it by doing whatever it is... or you just tell people if they ask."

They continued down the road for about 10 minutes before they came to an odd sight, for Sam at any rate. A pair of ponies were sitting down on the grass and in full swing of an argument. The pair was out of sight due to a hedge and a turn in the road. The Apples looked at each other and silently decided that they would just have to walk by and try to ignore the couple.

"No, you don't just leave things running for an hour and expect it to just turn off, that's why we had that fire three weeks ago!"

"Nothing even got burned except a couple of dumb books anyways, and they were not even really important."

"NOT IMPORTANT? Those were my favorite sci-fi novels."

The group came around the bend and walked by an opening in the hedges and saw the pair of loud arguers. Sam recognized the pair but the names escaped him at that moment. A bright turquoise unicorn and a cream earth pony returned his interested gaze and matched it with one of equal parts embarrassment and disbelief. Sam just absent mindedly waved to them as the group walked by. The turquoise one simply looked ecstatic at the simple motion. The pair didn't move but their eyes stayed glued on Sam until he passed the opening. "I told you that those novels weren't silly."

They continued down the road without mention of the little fan club that joined them for the journey. The turquoise one had followed them and after two minutes of following got the courage to confront the group on what they were doing and told them her and her friend’s name: Lyra and Bon-bon. Sam answered the normal questions of what he was and why they were carrying him on a stretcher and to his and Fluttershy's amusement every time he answered Lyra lets out what he could only describe as an excited squeak. So the little group had become a small crowd, and Sam was finding that he didn't really mind that he was being carried in a stretcher, had broken ribs, a painful shoulder, and a sprained ankle. He was content with his situation, something he wouldn't have been if he was back home in Chicago. He would have screamed, howled, and used words that would make a sailor blush with shame. But here he was quiet and though he couldn't figure out why, he was at peace.

They reached the edge of town but couldn't see Rainbow Dash or Twilight anywhere. Applejack and Big Mac decided that putting Sam down would be the best thing for them both. 'I must be heavier than I thought. I don't know if I should be insulted or not.' Sam settled on not to be. They did just carry him roughly 2 miles from their home in the middle of breakfast. Fluttershy was the one to voice the very thought on the minds of the original group, Lyra and Bon-bon were too busy getting a look at Sam now that he was at ground level.

"Wonder what’s taking them so long."

"They're probably still at the library Ah bet Twilight is looking through all the books for somethin' on humans."

Sam looked over at the town. 'Looks just like the show. Even the colors are the same. Still a bit off though but that’s probably because I'm used to smog everywhere.' He began to wonder what everyone else was doing in the town and as he thought about that his mind drifted off to when he was younger. He had watched the show for the longest time and he thought of the silly plots of the episodes, how each episode ended in a little life lesson. 'Good times, too bad I had to grow up.'

"Now I know we are in a rush but that's no reason to not be read up on this kind of creature. I mean what if he could shoot spines when in danger? Or if it could burst into flames when it heals itself."

"It's a he Twi. Besides he seems really nice and if he could shoot spins I don't think Big Mac would be perfectly fine."

The group all turned to see Rainbow Dash hovering above a tired but excited Twilight Sparkle. She had three books floating around her and she was attempting to read them all at lightning speed. She was so buried in her books that she hadn't realized she had joined her friends and Sam. That was until one of her books hit Sam in the face, followed by her face into the book. 'Yeah, that seemed planed. Still funny.'

"Oops sorry about that, let me just... OHMYGOSH you're that human!"

Sam could almost hear the squee emanating from Twilight. She was practically bouncing in her excitement. She quickly started circling him and studying him from every angle talking to herself the whole time.

"Tall, no fur, bipedal, flat face, hands but no claws and very skinny. Hmm... you don't mind if I ask you question do you?"

"No problem, but after you get me to the hospital please. Still in pain here."

"Oh right of course. Now I don't know if I can make it that far with this many ponies so its just going to be me and you for this one. Don't want to end up teleporting half of someone and leave the rest of them here. Okay let’s go then, see the rest of you later."

Sam only had time to close his eyes and hope all of him made it. With a loud FUOMP they were gone. Sam experienced many strange things during that short trip. First his shoulder, ribs, and ankle all felt like they had been dipped into boiling lead. The pain was so intense that he wanted only to scream, but couldn't. He felt like his lunges had been drained of air and left to shrivel. The rest of his body seemed to have been turned to nothing more than jelly and sucked down a narrow tube but at the same time like water being spun in a large bowl. Just as quickly as his mind came to experience all these sensations they ended. He reopened his eyes to see they were indeed in front of the hospital. Sam then turned away from Twilight to vomit. A quick "EEK" from Twilight confirmed that she disapproved of this but he couldn't help it.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Shame though."

Twilight started a spell to lift his stretcher off the ground, and as Sam could tell she wasn't use to ponies, or anything for that matter, of his weight. The strain was clear on her face but as a testament to her control she lifted him off the ground and they headed off to the hospital doors.

"What’s a shame?"

"Those apples Applebloom gave me. I really enjoyed them. Shame that's what happened to them."

Twilight looked like she was about to say something but she lost the chance when the doors opened up and a pair colts slightly smaller than Big Mac came out and put the stretcher on their backs. A pony in a lab coat walked out and started to look at Sam.

"Take him to the X-ray room. We need to see what shape those ribs are in."

Sam looked at Twilight with a confused look. "How did they know I'd be here?"

"I sent them a letter telling them to get ready after Dash told me about you."

Sam simply sat there in dumbstruck silence; she was organized to the extreme. No wonder she was the wedding planner for her brother. 'Wonder if that has happened here yet.'

The next 20 minutes of the tale I, your Narrator, shall sum up into a short and to the point form. If you have ever been to a hospital then you know how they work. If not then I shall simply tell you this, they took the x-ray, sent him to his private room and gave him some pills. I shall try to refrain from doing this in the future but if I see the need then I will step in, I shall return you to our heroes in the hospital.

"Now then Mister Sam I will need to warn that this will cause some discomfort for you. But it will help your ribs heal quicker."

"Just do it Doc. I have a promise that I would like to keep as soon as possible."

Sam saw the horn of his assistant glow bright orange and he felt something like a hand in his chest. It grabbed the broken ribs and pulled then back into their proper place. They had thankfully waited to the pain killer to kick in or he would have been screaming like a banshee. All he felt was a strange dull snap in his chest and he let out a ragged gasp.

"There we go. Now you should be out of here in a week. After that I would recommend you take it easy for at least a month. I'll be back later to check up on you."

Sam lay there unable to talk for a minute before he looked at Twilight.

"Twilight can I tell you something?"

"Sure what do you want to tell me?"

"What I'm about to tell you is probably the strangest thing you will hear ever. Where I'm from all of this is a T.V. show, a way to entertain people all over my world. None of this should exist but somehow it does. And now I'm here with no way home. Now that I think about it this is starting to sound like a really crappy fan fiction."

He looked over at Twilight and saw nothing but confusion at his words but then he saw the student in her take over and go back on the offensive.

"Okay that is the strangest thing I've heard but I'm sorry I just can't take your word for it. What’s T.V.? And how can you prove anything that you’re saying? Also what’s a fan fiction?"

"Well T.V. is a form of entertainment, like movies except on a smaller screen and no need to change film on it. You just get shows based on a schedule. Fan fictions are when a fan of something writes a story based on whatever they are a fan of. And I can prove this is all a show where I'm from if you give me a second."

He started to think of something that would prove that he knew it without being shown.

"You are very close with your brother Shining Armor, you are the star pupil of Princess Celestia and you have to write her a letter about friendship whenever you learn one, your pet is an owl, your assistant is a dragon named Spike, Nightmare Moon is really Princess Luna. Need I go on?"

Twilight could only just stand there. How could a creature that had never met any of them know so much about them, let alone personal things like her brother or who Nightmare Moon really was? She slumped to the ground awestruck by this revelation. He had to be telling the truth.

"How did you get here?"

"I wish I knew. But however I got here means this is as real as my world. Kinda makes you think what other worlds are out there to find, maybe with the right spell you could get Rainbow Dash and Daring Do in the same room."

Sam smiled at Twilight to show that he was making a joke. It had a desired effect, she smiled and she rose from her sitting position. She looked at him with a worried look that made his smile falter.

"Have you told anyone else?"

"No. I was hoping you would pass this along to the princess and ask her for help. I have friends back home that I would like to see again."

"I'll do that for you. So what do we do now? I mean if anyone else finds out you might not be welcome."

Sam looked at her. He could only hope that this stayed between him, her, and soon to be Celestia. "Then I guess there is no need to tell the others. I know that this is a bit of a secret to keep from them but I would like to meet them for myself. You can't always believe what you read on someone if you really want to know them right?"

Twilight smiled at him and nodded. "I should go write that letter." She looked at the clock. "Oh and visiting hours are over anyhow. I'll let the others know that you’re okay."

"Thank you, and tell the others thanks as well. Oh and ask Applebloom to bring an apple when she visits. Please."

"I will."

Twilight walked out the door and closed it. Sam lay down so that he could get some sleep. He was surprised that he could be so tired after only being awake for five hours. 'Well to be fair it has been a full five hours. And being full of pain killers doesn't help.' Sam closed his eyes and found himself losing consciousness rather quickly. Then the bliss of sleep took him.


Sam opened his eyes to a great expanse of white. The first thing he felt was nothing. No throbbing ribs no aching shoulder, just nothing except the floor he was laying on. He stood up to look around seeing nothing in every direction. 'Where am I?' He looked around trying to spot anything that might be a landmark. 'There!' He spotted what looked like a mannequin and started off in that direction. As he approached the Mannequin appeared to be changing. As he got closer he started to recognize details. Whatever it was it was in a suit of some kind, black pants, navy blue coat, and the shoes were red on its left foot and green on its right. He was ten feet away when it turned around to face him. It had snow white skin that blended in with the whiteness around them, its hair was jet black on one side and grey on the other. The black side was slicked back and was neat. The grey side looked like something from a mad scientist cartoon. its eyes yellow, the irises a glowing red. And on its mouth a large smile.

"Why hello there my little play thing. How did you enjoy you first taste of Ponyville? I'm certain you loved it just as much as I have."

Sam could only stare. Whatever this thing was it really like to move while it talked. He had to keep turning himself to keep it in view. 'What the hell is it, and what-'

"-Do I mean by first taste? Why my dear human child, where are my manners, I am Mister. At least that's what you'll have to call me for now. I really don't think that giving you my name will help this little game along. I'm the one that brought you here. All for good fun of course."

"So you can read my mind? Great. Okay so what are you then? And where am I?"

Mister moved within a foot of Sam to make his answer. He whispered it into his ear.

"I am a very bored me, and you are in the space between space, if you will. And because of my boredom I decided to play a game with you humans again. Last time I played with humans they started those Crusade-thingy’s. No fun that lot was. But then a wonderful idea popped into my brain. What if I brought one of you silly humans to a world full of these ponies? OH and you haven't disappointed me yet."

Sam recoiled from Mister. He was starting to get creeped out by the fact that this thing had no sense of personal space. It did however make him wonder though...

"So what happens now? You send me back and watch me in amusement?"

The Mister floated four feet away from him. "No! I'm sending you back to your world. But that's the point little man. This whole game comes down to one simple choice for you." A wicked grin took over the mouth of this wicked creature, a smile that just screamed evil.

"What choice? What was the point of sending me there if you were just going to put me back?"

The grin Mister put on only grew wider at his confusion. "Why my dear lad, you must choose which world you want to stay in of course! And I thought you humans had gotten smarter. Oh well."

"And if I made my choice now?"

"Not allowed: All contestants must spend a week in both worlds after the game has begun before a choice can be made. You have six and a half days to go in Equestria before you can choose. Now you need to return to that party you had passed out in. WAIT! What am I doing you need to know the rules first. Rule one: You cannot tell any other humans about this game. Rule two: You cannot wear plaid. EVER. Rule three: Keep your shirt on. I don't want to watch a human prancing about shirtless. If I wanted that I would watch your crappy human vampire movies for that. Rule four: Feel free to share this with the ponies. Only they can know."

Sam stood there unable to process rules two and three as being real but the other two he could. The Mister quickly crossed the small gap between them and put his fingers onto his forehead.

"What are you..."

Sam collapsed once more into the darkness of unconsciousness for the third time that day. And as he fell Mister merely laughed. The Game was indeed going to get good really soon.

Waking up is hard to do

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Sam was starting to hate waking up. He was feeling like crap. His head was pounding and he felt like throwing up again. 'Wait I've felt like this before.' Sam opened his eyes to an all to familiar ceiling. He was back where he started. He almost missed the smell of stale sweat and spilled alcohol, but he had more pressing things on his mind. He needed to turn off the stereo. Every beat it put out made his head throb even worse. He stumbled to the stereo mounted on the wall and started hitting the power button. It took him 5 tries before he realized that he was hitting the CD eject button. After locating the power button he hit it with as much strength as he could muster. When it powered down he slumped up against the wall and surveyed the war-zone that was the room. People were laying everywhere. One man had even found a way to stay on the back of the couch without falling off laying face up. 'That can't be good for his back.' Sam felt the headache start to turn from a throb to a dull ache until he saw the man entering the room.

"Sammy my boy! You are one lucky S.O.B. I put in the good word for you with that playboy bunny I was chatting up and guess what?" Roger put his hands to his head like a cheesy movie psychic. “I see a great double date in our future my main man."

Sam started to rise from his spot along the wall. It took a moment for him to register the fact that Roger was wearing a bathrobe, and only a bathrobe. Quite loosely.

"Dude, close up your robe. I really don't want to see that. Also I have a girlfriend remember."

"Oh yeah, you're whipped. Well it's still a double date for me then."

"Shut up man, I have a headache."

Roger looked at Sam for a second then his eyes brightened up and he started to smile knowingly. "I know what you need. A Hail Mary."

"No. Hell no."

Sam remembered when he and Roger had tried to find a hangover cure. They tried all the traditional recipes but to no avail for Roger. Roger wanted something that was fast and made you 'feel alive' as he called it. Roger had called Sam one day after a week of not trying anything else. He claimed he had a found the hangover cure. Sam went over only to keep Roger from sending him constant texts. When he got there Roger had two glasses of a dark green liquid. Sam inspected the drink as best he could and the only part of the drink he could recognize at the time (and to this day for that matter) was the skittles sitting at the bottom of the glass. He asked about them. Roger said that's where the 'Hail' part of the name 'Hail Mary' came from. Sam merely shrugged and downed the drink. Now Sam has feel moments in his life that he wished he could relive so that they would end differently. This was one of those moments in his life. It was the foulest thing he had ever tasted in his life. He would have spit it out into a sink or the floor if his drinker’s instincts hadn't kicked in and forced him to swallow it. He spent the next half hour coughing and retching until he could breathe. When he regained control of his breathing he then tried to throttle the life out of Roger. Suffice to say he failed at the throttling part. 'How Roger downs that shit is beyond me.'

"Fine, be that way you pansy. Anyways I came down here to find you because Alex called. He said something about work."

"Thanks. See you later then."

Sam headed for the front door when Roger called out to him. “Hey, next time I hook you up with a bunny you better be grateful. I can't keep getting you all the babes forever!"

"Thanks then, you over confident ass!"

Sam opened the front door and nearly tripped on the poor man in front of him. What made this scene worse was not the guy passed out on the welcome mat, but the fact he failed to make it to a toilet to puke in. 'As Roger would say here, 'It's not a party till someone pukes in the bushes.'

Sam leaped over the poor guy and walked to his car. He unlocked it and sat in the driver seat. He then opened the armrest and grabbed his phone and wallet and restored them to his pockets. He checked his missed messages and saw that Alex had left him no less than ten texts telling him to meet with him so they could talk. He started to text Alex saying that they should meet at his apartment. He put the phone on his lap and started up the car. He pulled off the curb and onto the street headed home when he heard a small cough next to him. He turned and was greeted by Mister wearing the same smile he wore when he last saw him in the white void. A short scream and a jump were all Sam used as a hello to his passenger.

"Good lord! How did you get in my car? What if someone sees you?"

Mister simply looked at Sam for a second then looked at the dashboard. He played with the buttons like a young child with a shiny new toy.

“Oh you can be such a pill. I'm an all-powerful being who can transport between dimensions with but a thought. You think something as simple as a door will stop me? Also to put your little human mind at ease, you are the only one who can see me. Oooo what does this one do?"

Sam was too busy trying to drive to look at Mister but he had to concede the point to him, but it didn't stop him from feeling uneasy with him right there. He grabbed his phone and sent the message to Alex.

"Okay then. What do you want?"

"I want to study you humans some more. Last time I was here humans didn't have such fun toys. What's this one?"

At this point he turned on the stereo at full volume. The sound hit Sam like a brick to the face. He reached over, smacked Misters hand, and turned the stereo off. He reached a stop sign and decided that this was as good a spot as any to stop the car.

"Don't touch anything. I'm trying to drive here and you’re not helping at all."

"Oh get over it you pansy."

With a wave of his snow white hand across Sam's face he felt his headache fade away. He could feel the pressure lift from his mind and the throbbing stopped instantly.

"How did you... right you're all powerful."

"Well I can't have you whining the whole time I'm here. Also I like this Roger fellow you are friends with. He's my kind of guy, knows how to have fun. Now I wonder if I should have chosen him for my game, but he did lack the right... qualifications for it."

"What qualifications?"

Mister stopped playing with the dashboard and looked at Sam to answer him.

"He lacked history my good man. Well maybe not good, but you know what I mean."

Sam let the insult slide. "History?"

Mister's smile widened. "You have history with the show, the fans, and best of all you left it all behind to, As you said "grow up". As a bonus for me you once wanted to go to the conventions but never had the courage to. You were always to worried about what people thought of you."

Sam started to drive again. He was thinking about what Mister had said. All of it hurt, but only because it was true. 'So then why pick me if I might not have the guts to stay then?' Sam pulled into the parking lot for his apartment complex. He parked his car and looked over to see what Mister was up to but was surprised to see Mister had vanished. 'At least he's gone now.' Got out of his car and headed into the building. After three flights of stairs he got to his floor. He saw Alex at the end of the hall next to his door. He was very well dressed for a Saturday. Dress pants, a simple dress shirt, a royal purple vest with some kind of leaf pattern on it, and a tie to match. He was holding a brief case as well. He looked down the hall to look at Sam when he approached.

"You look pretty good for a man who just left one of Roger’s parties."

"Yeah, you look pretty good yourself. Going out or something?"

Alex smiled at the compliment. "Yeah I got a date tonight with a stud I found at the bar. We really connected, you know."

Sam smiled at Alex and moved to open the door. He could tell by the dreamy look Alex was wearing that the guy he was going to meet was a good one. 'As least he's got something to look forward to tonight.' They entered the apartment and moved from the small tiled entry way into the living room. Sam’s living room can only be described as a controlled chaos. There were two couches, one made of leather and the other made a bright tan cloth, a sitting chair also leather. A glass coffee table and a collection of wooden crates stacked into the corner to form an end table. Alex sat down on the leather couch and placed the briefcase on the coffee table.

"Hey do you want anything to drink Alex?"

"Milk would be great. Thank you."

Sam walked around the couch to get to the adjoined kitchen on the left side of the room. he reached the tiled floor only to, once again, be greeted by the smiling face of Mister. 'Does he ever not smile?' He walked over to the fridge and got out the milk. He was about to get some glasses but was beaten to it by Mister. He stood there holding the glasses out for Sam to take. Sam took them and hoped that Alex couldn't see any of this.

"So, what is so important that you had to talk to me face to face?"

Alex called from the other room. "Well, as you know, the partners have been trying to open a new firm in New York."

Sam started to fill his glass with water. "Yeah, and?"

“Well they finally got the space they were trying to get. Now the Partners are going to send a small group of people out there to get it off the ground."

Now Sam was paying attention to the fullest of his extent. he re-entered the living room and handed Alex his drink. he sat down on the couch opposite of Alex. Mister had followed him into the room and sat down next to Alex. He looked at the vest Alex wore then opened his suit coat up. His skin was bare under the coat but only for a second before a vest and tie of the same color as Alex's appeared on him. They had some strange pattern that Sam couldn't recognize.

"Okay so what does this have to do with you or me?"

"The partners have chosen the team already and want each of them to know before the meeting they will have on Monday. The team consists of you, me, Sanders, and Smith. They wanted me to tell you that you’re the one who’s going to be the head of the new firm."

Sam choked on his water when Alex said the last part. Alex rose to help him by smacking him on the back, while Mister simply went into a fit of laughter. After roughly 30 seconds of Sam coughing he regained his composure enough to talk.

"Why do they want me to head the new firm? Smith has the most experience out of all of us."

"They told me to tell you that they trust you with this job."

Sam could only smile when Alex said those words. This was huge for him. A pay raise, a new job in New York City, and the partners had said they trusted him with a job this big. He looked at Alex and could only smile to show how excited he was. Mister merely chucked at the news and got up to inspect the things around the room. Alex opened up the brief case he had with him and pulled out a folder. He handed it to Sam.

"That's got all the official paper work that needs to be filled out for you. Now for the fun part..."

Alex went on to tell Sam of his Friday, how he met a guy at the bar, how they seemed to connect and how he got the date he was going to that night. Sam talked about his first date with Jenny and how things went during the date. They both talked about dates they had in the past. Alex was worried and kept asking for advice.

"Like I would know how to impress a guy!"

Both Alex and Mister burst into peals of crippling laughter at Sam. Sam joined them when he realized how silly he sounded. 'I need to think before I talk.' Alex regained control of his lungs, and was clutching at his side when he rose from the couch.

"Well this has been fun but I need to get ready for my date later. I'll see ya Monday and let you know how it goes."

"Yeah see ya later Alex."

Sam got up from the chair and grabbed the now empty glass Alex left on the coffee table. 'Wonder how his date will work out if he'll be moving to New York soon. Oh well maybe he'll let the guy down gently.' He reached the kitchen and put the glasses into the sink and turned around to find Mister Less than a foot from his face.

"Oh boy you humans have gotten so much more fun since I left all those years ago. I never knew humans took mating so seriously, and I would have never guessed they would be so open about same gender mating. You humans are such good fun."

"Not everyone is as tolerating as I am with Alex. I knew him for a month before he told me he was gay. We were roommates back in collage. I figured back then that as long as he didn't try to get in my pants I wouldn't care. When i told him that though he said I wasn't his type."

Mister had to hold himself up on the counter because of how hard he was laughing. Sam walked around him to head to his office. Well he called it his office, it was supposed to be the second bedroom of the apartment but after Alex moved out he had turned it into an office of sorts. When Jenny moved in a week ago it had become a place for her to put some of the extra things that didn't make it into the bedroom they shared or the living room. He reached the hall and took the first door to his right. He walked into the room to once again be greeted by the always smiling Mister, who was reading a file upside down.

"Do you mind I have work to do and I really need to keep these files in order. So put that one back where you found it and facing the correct way. Now."

"You really are a kill joy, a buzz kill, and quite a fun wrecker. Besides, what are you worried about? This one is from two years ago. Do humans really sue people because they are stupid or is this a one-time deal?"

Sam knew which case Mister was holding. It was his first case as a full time lawyer. A man tried to sue a ice cream shop for not warning him that he could get brain-freeze. Suffice to say the case was a flop. But the firm didn't hold it against him; rather they saw it as an amusing joke to tell to any new guys coming in. 'Never did like ice cream anyways.'

"Yeah whatever, just leave."

With a comical POP and a puff of smoke Mister vanished. Sam didn't wait for the smoke to clear before he started working. It was roughly 9 o'clock when he heard the main hallway door open. 'That would be Jenny.' After about thirty seconds the door to the office opened and jenny poked her head in.

"Hey, you been working all day?"

"Only for about three hours, how was your day?"

Sam got up and hugged her. They both went into the living room and Jenny told him about her day out with the girls. They spent the rest of the night talking about their days, though Sam left out everything that had to do with Mister, and watching T.V. At roughly 11 Jenny went to bed stating that she was worn out from her day. Sam was about to join her but the sudden return of Mister prompted him to stay where he was. Mister looked at the leaving form of Jenny and seemed at a loss for words but only for a second.

"Just in case you were worried about me I was looking up your friends and family. Very interesting lot, your father needs to stop cheating on his diet if he wants to lose any of that weight."

“I was thinking about your little game today. I have to tell you I don't think this is going to work out the way you think it is. I have a great life here and it only got better. Jenny and I still need to decide what to do about me going New York but that's about the worst thing to happen me. Face it your game was a flop and you just lost. Thanks for the free trip to Equestria."

The look that took hold of Mister's face made Sam's blood run cold. Pure malice lace Misters inhuman features and his eyes seemed to glow with a strange red light. Sam could only stare at the eyes but every instinct told him to get away from him. Just as quickly as the look appeared on Misters face it was replaced with a smile just as disturbing. 'I wish he was smiling like he was earlier.'

"The game isn't over yet my little pathetic, waste of space. I know the deepest secrets of all your friends. If I have to I will make sure the game gets fun but with the secret I know I won't have to. It’s only a matter of time before someone slips up and breaks your reality. But until that time I'm going to make sure you know how this game works. Well the finer details at least. Every time you fall asleep or lose consciousness you will be taken to the other world."

"Wha... I... What?"

"There will be small time gaps such as when you fall asleep in one world, when you return to it you will be restored to the point when you naturally wake up. To make sure you pass the week in an even fashion you won't be able to fall asleep in that world for a minimum of five hours."

Sam had no idea how to respond to Mister. Mister strode over to the door to the main hallway door and looked back at Sam. "I will not meet you here in this world until something big happens, and If you really need to talk to me just say my name before you fall asleep."

Mister walked through the closed door and was gone. Sam sat there unable to comprehend what had happened. 'He said he knew secrets of my friends but what kind of secrets could he possibly know?' Sam was feeling so very tired at that moment. He walked to his bed room, got into his sleeping pants, and crawled into be next to Jenny. He wasn't looking forward to this week anymore.

The Cycle Begins

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'Let me sleep, please I only just closed my eyes.' Sam could feel someone tapping his shoulder and a distant voice calling his name. He felt strange; he had only just lain down next to Jenny. Now he was feeling a hand on his shoulder shaking him, trying to wake him up.

No, not a hand. A hoof.

Sam’s eyes snapped open to a ceiling he knew wasn't from Earth. He was back in Equestria just like Mister said he would. He stared up at the tiled ceiling with a mild interest until the voice that called his name said it once more.

"Mister Samuel? Are you awake and are you okay?"

Sam turned his head to face the voice. He was looking at the doctor who had performed the operation, or rather the magic, on his ribs. "Yeah I'm fine doc. What time is it?"

"It is 3 o'clock. You have a visitor Sam and she needs to talk to you."

Sam started to realize that he wasn't alone with the doctor and now that he looked closely at him he seemed rather uncomfortable about something. He looked away from the nervous pony to look at the other five visitors he had. Four tall, unhappy looking royal guard stood around his bed completely surrounding him. 'If they are here then that means only one thing...' Sam looked at the foot of his bed to look at the pony that required such an intimidating escort and was surprised to see not Princess Celestia but her sister Princess Luna. She didn't look all too happy with him at that moment.

"Mister Samuel I presume? I am Princess Luna, my sister sends her apologies for not being here in person but she is very busy with other more pressing business. I have been sent to deal with you."

Sam could only stare at her. Princess Celestia was busy? With what? Why did Luna looked pissed at him? He hoped this didn't mean trouble for him because if it did he would be unable to do anything to stop her from doing whatever she wanted. He sat up in his bed and bowed his head to her hoping that it would look respectful.

"Yeah that's me. If I may be so bold as to say that you look upset about something, I hope I'm not the cause."

"We have been trying to wake you for the past hour. You must be a very heavy sleeper. Are you well enough to answer some questions?"

"Yeah I'll answer any questions you have. And I apologize for not waking up I was... having a good dream."

Sam hoped that she bought the lie. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stretched them. 'How did I sleep in a bed this small? My legs are so cramped.' He stood up and the room seemed to explode in rapid movement of fur. All four of the guards quickly surrounded the half of the bed he stepped away from; forming a wall of muscle that he was certain could deal with him. He raised his hands in peace. 'I really need to think before I leap...' He looked at Luna then back to the guards then put on his best lawyer act.

"Gentlemen I am not a threat, I'm merely stretching my legs. Need a little stretch after my nap."

"Guards I think I can handle him by myself."

The largest one of the guards looked at Luna, concern and duty written clearly on his black furred face. "Your majesty with all due respect-"

"That was an order Captain. I can handle one lone human. If he meant anypony harm he wouldn't have left the citizens unharmed. Please go. Have a nice break, the flight here must have been exhausting for you all."

The Captain gave Sam a look that he could clearly read: Do anything funny he would make sure Sam didn't wake up again. 'Message received.' With a heavy sigh the guards left the room. Sam turned to look at the princess he had been left with. She was looking back with a scanning look. He felt like she was looking through him. Sam looked to the chair that was nearby the bed. He spotted his shirt and shoes sitting on it. He walked over to them pulled his arm out of the sling, threw the sling back on the bed and put his shirt back on. He left his shoes off, he liked having bare feet.

"Doctor would you be so kind as to leave as well? I need this conversation to be private."

Sam turned around to see that the doctor was still in the room and staring intensely at him. The look on the doctor’s face was clearly one of shock that Sam was moving about after a wound that would have crippled any other pony.

"Doctor, leave please."

"Wha... oh yes, of course princess. Will you need anything else?"

"I will need you to clear the west garden for me please."

The medical pony stared at Sam on his way to the door. Sam could hear him mutter something about how Sam shouldn't even be able to sit up like he had. After the door had shut Sam returned his gaze to Luna, only to find her in a much different mood. Her demeanor had changed from one of a diplomat to that of a very tired teenager. She gave him a weary smile.

"Sorry about them. Wasn't my idea to come here with the Night Guard but Celestia felt that I needed protection."

Sam noticed some annoyance in her voice at the mention of Celestia. "You seem upset. Anything I can do to help?"

Luna sighed at his response. "No. Not unless you know how to get the griffins and dragons from going at each other’s throats over a land dispute. But that isn't why I'm here, you are."

Sam stood there and wondered what she meant by that. 'Did they consider me a threat? I wonder if they have encountered humans before and if... no that's not possible. Mister said that our worlds never met before.' As the thought died in Sam's head there was a knock at the door. Luna was the one to respond in an almost motherly voice.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal a cart with a covered plate and a white pony with a nurse outfit on and a red cross on her flank. She looked at Sam who was still standing in the same spot by the bed. She smiled at him.

"I brought you lunch, but I guess at this point it’s an early dinner. Oh hello Princess Luna, if I had known that you would be here I would have brought something for you."

"No that's quite alright. I'm here on business but I thank you for the offer."

"Mister Sam would you like milk or water with your meal?"

Sam was surprised by how well she held herself in the presence of a monster and royalty. "Milk would be fine."

Luna smiled gently at the nurse that Sam couldn't remember the name of. The nurse placed the plate and a glass of milk on a small tray next to his bed. She turned and left the room with one last glance at the pair. 'Not every day when you see a human with a princess I guess.' Sam looked back to Luna once again to see her changed. She was looking at the plate and as he wondered what she why she was looking at it he smelled the food. The smell was all it took to get his mouth to water. He opened the plate to see a plate with three simple foods: lasagna, mixed green vegetables, and mashed potatoes. 'I wonder what the lasagna has in it.' His thoughts were broken by the growling of a stomach but it wasn't his. He looked at Luna who smiled sheepishly at him.

"Here you can have some. I'm not that hungry anyways."

Luna didn't buy his lie but did levitate the fork into the air to take a bite of the lasagna. Sam moved the tray closer to Luna so that she didn't have to move the fork so far. He took a seat back on the corner closest to the door. Luna finished with her first bite before she spoke to him.

"Thank you for sharing this with me. I guess it really was a long flight."

"No problem your Highness. So what does Celestia have to do with some griffons and dragons?"

"They have been disputing land and wish for Celestia and I to mediate. Unfortunately both sides do not trust us. They both will barely listen to us."

Silence fell between them as they both ate the food. Sam had found a spoon next to the spot that Luna had acquired the fork she was using to delicately maim the lasagna. Luna finished her portion of the meal before she broke the silence that Sam was rather enjoying.

"You have the voice and attitude of a politician Samuel. My I inquire as to what your job is?"

Sam finished his bite before he answered. "I'm a lawyer back home and if my bosses are to be believed I'm a good one."

"And how is it you know so much about us if no human has ever been here before?"

There was the question he was expecting. Sam cleared his throat after taking a quick sip of his milk. "Well as I'm certain Twilight told you I'm from a different place. All of this is a T.V. show meant for kids around ten years old. Roughly filly age I guess. I watched the show for a while and that's how I know."

"So all of this is entertainment for you where you come from... and where do you come from?"

"We call our planet Earth. Its home to six billion humans and I'm one of them." Sam finished the statement rather lamely.

"How long do humans live?"

Sam wasn't expecting a question like that at all. "We um... live for roughly eighty years if given the right conditions. Not everyone lives at the same wealth level and that affects how much food and —"

"Yes I know about simple things like that. We have the same problems here as well. Could you explain this entertainment for me? I don't seem to get what Twilight meant by 'movies in your home'. Her letter was very hastily written by the looks of it."

Sam spent the next couple of minutes explaining television and how shows worked. He then started to explain the fan base of the show Friendship is Magic. Luna found his explanation perplexing.

"And these humans are how old?"

"Sixteen to twenty-five. We called ourselves bronies."

His response to her question only received great amounts of laughter from Luna. She rolled on the floor for what seemed like an hour to Sam. Sam felt himself become warm as she laughed on. She managed to regain control of herself and she picked herself up off the floor.

"Bronies? That is adorable. So what does a brony do? And please don't spare any details."

Sam started to talk about how the fan base made art, music, and how the gathered just to talk and celebrate the show. As Sam talked Luna's face grew gentle and relaxed. Luna was listening intently to everything he was talking about. 'To bad Jenny never lets me talk about legal stuff I could go on for hours about that.' She just found everything he was saying so interesting. Sam finished and saw the look on her face. She was contemplating everything he had said.

"What do the bronies think of me?"

Sam was once again caught off guard by Luna's question. He wasn't expecting her to really care about that kind of thing. 'Then again if I learned that my life was a really popular show I would be interested in what people thought of me too.'

"They really loved you. You really had a strong fan base. People liked to write fan fics about you and the art for you was some of the best in my opinion."

"I see. Well we should get down to the garden for the real questions. Come along Samuel."

Sam rose from his spot on the bed and followed Luna out of the room. He had no clue where the garden was so he walked slightly behind her. As they walked through the building every pony they walked past couldn't seem to make up their mid to bow to Luna or to stare at Sam. They didn't say a word to each other until they reached a pair of glass doors. Luna turned to him with the look and air of a trained diplomat.

"Now Mister Samuel I would like to remind you that you're in a very unique situation and have put Celestia and I into a difficult position. But if you are truthful with me in the following hour this whole thing will be resolved as quickly as possible."

"Understood. Could you please just call me Sam? I prefer it."

Luna's face slipped back to the gentler face she had during the conversation they had earlier. She smiled at him then returned her face to diplomat mode. "Very well then Sam. Follow me please."

Luna lead him into a enclosed garden with a fountain in the center portraying a pony holding what looked like a stethoscope in the air. As he walked closer to the fountain he saw a small plaque that read "A gift from Her Majesty Princess Celestia. Good health and a long life to all." Sam took a seat on a nearby bench and surveyed the rest of the garden. He saw that it had four paths that lead from the four entrances to the fountain. Each path was a different color and had flowers of the same color lining the path on each side. He had walked in on the red path. The other paths were yellow, green, and a deep purple. Each path had small pools that had running water to create a trickling noise that filled the whole space. 'Very peaceful, wonder how long it took to build.'

He was inspecting a nearby flower bed when he felt the gentle breeze that was rolling through the garden stop suddenly. Normally he wouldn't have cared except that when the wind died all he could hear was a dull buzzing from behind him. He knew that whatever stopped the wind wasn't a natural thing. He turned to look at Luna who was now staring up into the bright sky with her eyes and horn glowing a deep blue. He followed her gaze and saw a dark purple orb in the sky. It rose in to the air and centered itself above the fountain. It then spread out until it touched the walls forming a roof to the garden. After a moment of the force simply sitting there smaller orbs went out and covered all of the windows that over looked the garden and all of the doors that were the exits. Sam recognized the spell for the two things it was. First: it was a spell to give them privacy. Second: it was a show of power meant to both impress him and intimidate, both of which he was. When the spell finished its work the garden was now in a forced night, complete with stars on the "roof" of the dome the spell had formed. Sam only let out a low whistle to show how he felt. Luna merely smiled at his reaction and cleared her voice to grab his attention.

"Now let’s begin. The spell is a silencing and privacy spell, with a personal touch. Twilight's letter said you had no clue how you got here but your knowledge of this place would tell me otherwise. Now Sam I would like to know everything."

Sam looked away from the impressive show of magic and looked back at Luna. She was standing with the poise and air of everything a princess should during a diplomatic meeting. Sam could only frown at the implied accusation that he was lying to them. He told her everything from when passed out at Roger’s party to waking back up in the hospital.

"This Mister you speak of, what is he?"

"I have no clue. All I know is that he has done this to me just for fun. Seems to think that sending me here was the best thing for his kicks."

"Does... does this mean we are not real?"

Sam was stunned by the deep pain he saw in Luna's face when she asked him the question. He could only stand there and look at her. 'I bet I know who knows the answer to this question.' Sam swallowed before he spoke.

"I believe that this world is as real as mine is. At least I hope it is."

Now it was time for Luna to be caught off guard by her partner in this conversation. She wasn't expecting him to look so sad when he said the final part of his statement. She studied him closer now and what she saw was a strange human deep in thought and in genuine distress at the thought that this world he was in wasn't real. He clearly loved the show and, if possible, really had grown attached to it when he was younger.

"You really liked the show didn't you Sam."

Sam noticed that her tone had shifted to that of a friend trying to comfort someone they liked. He was touched that she was trying to make him feel better but it didn't silence the voice nagging at him. 'Mister is an all-powerful being. What if this isn't real and if it is then what about my world? What if mine isn't real? I'm going to have to talk to mister soon.'

"Loved it, it was a great show before they ended it. I really missed the show but I had to move on with life. But that's a conversation for another time."

"I see. Well now we need to discuss your future here in Ponyville, which is if you wish to stay here for your... um, visit. I believe that you may want to stay but you are more than welcome at the castle. I'm certain Celestia would be interested in meeting you."

"I would uh... would like to stay here. I made a promise that I intend to keep. Am I the first human you have met?"

Luna eyebrow rose at the question. "Yes. In my memory I cannot recall anything even close to you. You would seem to be unique."

"Just my luck."

"Sam before we leave I would like to tell you that I am responsible for you. I took the chance to come here to talk to you and because of that I will be keeping an eye on you. I am taking this very seriously and intend to help you how I can but you must try to fit in around here. What you know may frighten some of the locals and if they attack like Big Macintosh did then I may not be able to help you."

"So you're... what my babysitter? Warden? Am I in trouble?"

Luna smiled at his questions. "No you're not in trouble, merely a creature of interest and we are just being cautious for now. I would rather use the term friend if anything. I would like for you to trust me rather than fear or hate me."

Sam looked back up at the magic night sky Luna had summoned. Everything she said he knew was honest. That led him to his next line of thought. He needed a place to stay and he had the perfect place in mind.

"I think I can accept you as a friend if you would be so kind as to accompany me to the Sweet Apple Acres. I am hoping that they would be willing to let me stay there."

"I would be honored to join you."

Luna's eyes glowed once again and when they finished the shell that her magic had formed dissipated and the sun shined on the garden once more.


Sam was walking into Ponyville with a smile on his face and the first official friend he had made that day. Luna had brought him out of the hospital and decided to leave the royal escort behind. 'Wonder how they will react when they find out.' They walked on the road for roughly a minuet before Luna started talking about the first time she had raised the moon.

"It was strange. I had a feeling that I was a massive force. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. Nearly brought the moon down onto the planet. Celestia yelled at me for an hour after that. She would have kept going if our mother hadn't told her to stop. She told us that she was nearby just in case I couldn't handle it."

"You have a mother? I thought you and Celestia were gods..."

"No. We had parents but they died a long time ago. Before the Age of Chaos they did the job we now do. Our mother and father were from two long lines that stayed apart for obvious reasons. I mean if you raised the sun then why would you mingle with a moon raiser right? But our mother fell in love with our father and now we do the job that was once done by two people that were never related."

"Do you plan to pass on the job to a son or daughter?"

"For now, no. I have been gone for one thousand years and I would like to make up for the time I lost."

They subject shifted to their respective childhoods and the things they did with much clouded nostalgia. Then the conversation shifted once more to family. Luna was very interested in Sam's family seeing as he already knew about Celestia.

"My parents live in a place called Maine. It’s part of a larger nation called the United States. My sister lives in the city of Miami and my brother still lives with my parents but he's about to move out and go on to college."

"Do you get to see them often?"

"Most holidays and sometimes if I'm in the area near their house, but that's generally every three or four months at a time. That is until the end of the year. Christmas and Thanksgiving happen so close that it's the one exception."


"It’s a day given to spending time with the family and celebrating all the good things that have happened to all. It typically begins with a feast of good food."

They reached the town so deep in the conversation that it took them running into a group of ponies standing in line for a small fruit stand that they realized they had made it. The reactions of the group were mixed, the brown one with a bright green mane they ran into turned to yell at them. What would have been a great insult turned into a terrified look as he realized he was looking at a strange creature about double his height and the princess of the moon. He quickly apologized for being in the way and hurried away, the fruit he was planning to buy completely forgotten. The rest of the line, and the rest of the market place, had a mixed reaction. Half could only stare at Sam due to his height and strange looks, when compared to the ponies. The others saw Luna and bowed to her. Luna and Sam looked at each other and read the looks on each other’s faces. Both thought the same thing and merely started to smile. Laughter quickly followed and quickly after that was the Mayor of Ponyville herself.

"You m-majesty I didn't know we would receive a visit, if I had we w-would have set up a greeting. Who is your... guest?"

Sam could see that the situation he and Luna had caused was clearly getting to the Mayor. He smiled at her to show he was friendly. This only seemed to drive up the stress levels of the Mayor further. Luckily Luna saved the moment.

"This is more of a social visit than an official one. I'm in town to say hello to Twilight and her friends before I leave and this is Sam. He is a good friend who will be staying in town for a while. I was hoping that you would treat him as you would treat any other pony."

Mayor looked at the pair of them with a look that said 'are you bucking kidding me' but she smiled. "Of course you highness. Do you require anything else?"

"No, but I thank you for the offer."

The Mayor gave them both one more look then started to walk away. At this point the rest of the market seemed to return to a resemblance of normalcy but many kept turning to look at the pair. Luna and Sam shared a look at each other barley contained mirth written on both their faces. The mood was broken by Sam's stomach rumbling.

"Guess I'm still hungry. Want to go to the Sugar Cube Corner?"

"That would be nice."

They both set off in the direction of the bakery, Luna in the lead since she knew her way around the town. Sam reached into his pocket to grab his wallet only to find the lone pocket watch. 'Oh... right. I tried this earlier today and didn't find it. I'm a moron sometimes.' Sam slowed down his pace and tried to think of a way to pay. Luna noticed that he slowed down. She turned to look at him with a curious glance.

"Is there a problem Sam?"

"I have no money. It's rude not to pay for a meal when you're the one to invite someone to it."

"I have some bits on me, so there's no need to worry. Is this a human custom or a male thing?"

Sam thought about the question before he answered it. "Well I would say it’s a human custom but it's more of a personal philosophy than anything else. As for the male thing that would imply a date or a special event like a birthday. Are you hitting on me Princess?"

Confusion was clear on Luna's face. "I am not hitting you merely asking you a question about human customs. As for the date I have no inclination to date or hit you anytime soon."

Sam couldn't help but laugh at Luna's confusion. "I was joking about the date thing. The phrase 'hitting on someone' means to make a reference to the fact you wish to engage in a relationship with them."

"Oooooh. I still don't get why that would mean such a thing but I guess that's a human thing."

Sam was going to make a retort but they reached the bakery. Sam moved ahead of her to open the door. 'My manners win again for the second time today.' Luna nodded her head in silent thanks and walked in. Sam quickly followed and was met with a scene that he found quite familiar. The bakery had a scattered assortment of customers, many of whom Sam didn't recognize, that is until he spotted a couple talking in a hushed and rapid conversation. Bon-bon was facing the door, and when she looked up from the conversation, waved to Sam. Lyra quickly turned around to see who Bon-bon was waving to and looked as if she was going to get up to greet him but that's when they both caught sight of Luna. The rest of the bakery seemed oblivious to the fact that royalty had walked in the building. That blissful illusion was broken when Luna walked up to the counter to order some food. Luna reached the counter without incident but when she met eyes with Mrs. Cake the situation hit the fan.

"Hello can I he- Princess Luna I-I-I HONEY GET OUT HERE NOW!!"

With speed that would make even Rainbow Dash jealous Mr. Cake appeared from the kitchen. "What is it de— P-P-Princess Luna what an honor t-to see you here."

Then they spotted Sam standing a few feet back. The reaction of both was more than enough to make Sam crack a smile at the predicament they were in. Mr. Cake fainted in the most coltish manner possible, while Mrs. Cake rushed around the corner to greet Luna. Her eyes never left Sam on the way until she talked to Luna. She wore a smile that screamed forced on the highest levels, sweat pouring from her veins.

"What could we do for you and your...mons-I mean guest."

"I would like a doughnut please. Sam, what do you want?"

Sam had to take a deep breath before he spoke to keep himself from laughing. "I'll have two cupcakes. Thank you for paying for this. I'll pay you back, I promise."

Luna turned to look at Sam. "Nonsense. This is my treat. What will the total for that be?"

Luna had turned back to Mrs. Cake who couldn't seem to stop sweating. "O-On the house your majesty."

Luna let out a sigh and smiled to Mrs. Cake. Sam could read the unsaid stress in Luna's body language. 'I guess she didn't want the royal treatment this time.' Mrs. Cake had produced a platter with the ordered food. Luna walked over to a empty table and sat down the platter in the middle. Sam took this moment to look around the room. Just like the market the reactions were mixed between staring at him and cowering from Luna. Sam felt like he was in an old episode of the show except instead of some minor problem about telling the truth or asking permission he was dealing with an all-powerful being with a sick sense of humor. Sam walked over to Luna's table near the back of the store. He sat down across from her and grabbed his cupcake. 'Wonder if they are as good as the show claims them to b- HOLY SHIT THAT'S GOOD!'

"So Sam tell me about yourself some more."

"What do you want to know? We covered my family, my job, and some of my hobbies. What else would you like to know?"

"You mentioned 'hitting on' outside so I guess human rituals of dating would be a good place to start."

Sam almost choked on his cupcake. 'She has a one track mind, this one.'

"You want to run that by me again princess?"

"Human dating rituals. How do they work, and how do you rank amongst humans, I mean are you ugly or handsome?"

"Uh... well they work the same as your dating does here... I guess. Two people meet somewhere; talk about things they like and get to know each other, and then one of them asks the other on a date. What do you mean ugly or handsome? Worried that you'll be seen with an ugly human?"

"Well that depends, are you an ugly human? If you are then I don't think this friendship will survive."

"Well to put your mind at ease I'm not ugly by human standards. According to my sister's friends I was a heart breaker back in school. They told me that most girls thought I was cute. Never did give dating a real try until college."

"And why didn't you?"

"Never put much stock into trying something knowing that it will fail in due time. Even when I tried dating in college I never really tried to make it last. Now though I'm trying to keep my relationship with Jenny going."

"This Jenny is your mate?"

"We use the term girlfriend, and yes she is."

Luna picked up her doughnut and took a bite. She was busy thinking up another question for Sam when she looked at the clock. Sam was too busy eating the second cupcake to notice her expression change. She looked back at Sam with a more serious look on her face.

"Do you have a place to stay the night?"

Sam looked up from his cupcake. "No. I was thinking though that I could ask Applejack if I could crash there for the night."

"Well then we must go see if she will. If that fails then I will just have to leave you an open invitation to the castle."

"Thank you. I don't think that Applebloom will let Applejack say no. I made a promise to spend a day with her for giving me an apple and I plan to keep it."

Luna smiled at him, but Sam could see that his turning down of the invite seemed to sadden her. 'She must be enjoying this free time away from those negotiations. They must be bad.' The both rose from the table and headed for the door but were stopped by the Cakes. They were holding a pair of bags and looked nervous.

"We hope you both enjoyed your time here. Take these as a sign of gratitude for your visit."

Luna took both of the bags telekinetically and handed them to Sam. "This is very kind of you but I was wondering where is Pinkie Pie?"

The same question suddenly came to Sam's mind as well. He knew that Pinkie enjoyed meeting new people regardless of what they were, so why hadn't she come out to meet him. And if that wasn't a reason for her to come out then surely she would come out to talk to Luna, a pony she was friends with.

"Oh she went to talk to Zecora. She said something about a super-duper cake for Twilight."

"Thank you."

Sam was at the door opening it for Luna when he looked back at the cakes. "Take good care of those foals of yours and thank you for the cupcakes."

The stunned looks on their faces was priceless and was only made better by watching Mrs. Cake faint into the hooves of Mr. Cake. Sam closed the door of the bakery and jogged to catch up to Luna who was waiting for him three yards away. When he caught back up to her he looked to the sky to see that the sun was already on its way to setting. He pulled his pocket watch out to check the time and was pleasantly shocked to see that it was almost 8 O'clock. 'Wow this day has flown by.' They set off down the road that led to the farm without a single word. Sam spent more time trying to mesmerize the road and route they were taking than watching Luna but when he did look at her he could tell something was troubling her.

"Luna you okay?"

"Wha- yes I'm fine. I was just thinking about everything you have told me. If what you say is true then at the end of this week you will be gone and we will never see you again."

"I... wait what? What makes you think that I'll just be gone like that?"

"Well you have told me so much about your world and by the sound of it you have a great life. If I was in your position I would choose to go back home to my family. Unless something happened that would keep me away from them but I doubt very much that would happen to you."

The pieces of the puzzle hit home all of a sudden. Luna considered him a friend and didn't want to lose him. He felt the same way. He knew that losing a friend could be hard but she had a point there was almost nothing that would keep him here, except for her and Appleloom.

"Luna I... I still have a week to decide. A lot can happen in a week. We will worry about that hill when we get to it."

"What hill?"

Sam laughed at her statement. They spent the rest of the journey talking about some human phrases that Luna couldn't wrap her mind around. They reached the farm house in twenty minutes. When they knocked on the door Applejack opened it up to find a very confused and annoyed Luna and Sam with mirth and barely contained enjoyment on his face.

"I still don't see why one would take their heart out and use it as clothing. It makes no sense."

"Luna I think you're missing the point of an idiom."

Applejack cleared her throat to grab the pair’s attention. "Ah don't recon tha' you two would stop bickerin' like a old pair of mares for me to say hello?"

Luna blushed at the implied age insult. "It is nice to see you too Applejack. Sam is looking for a place to stay for the night. Would you be willing to take him in?"

Before Applejack could answer the question a small yellow and red blur flew past her and impacted with Sam. Following the blur was a very loud shouting that sounded something like "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!" The blur hit Sam full on in the chest but this time instead of being launched back he had braced himself for the impact. The bracing only reduced the impact force to enough to knock him on his arse. Applebloom was hugging Sam when his brain came out of crisis mode.

"Sam! Ah thought you were stuck in the hospital for the week? How did you get out so soon?"

"The doctors are better than I thought, that and I'm a lucky guy. If you don't mind I would appreciate it if I got a warning when you Apples are planning to do something like that."

Applebloom finished her hug and hopped off of his chest. She smiled at him with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "Of course you can stay! Come on in. The guest room should be big enough for you."

With Applebloom grabbing at his hand with her hooves, and more force than he thought she could possibly have, he was being lead into the farm house. He managed to stop long enough to ask Luna if she could get a guard to bring his shoes and socks from the hospital. She told him she would. After that he was forced into a spacious and comfy looking living room. He was only barely aware that he had reached the room when Big Mac entered the room.

"Ah heard the door open. What’s goin’ on Applebloom?"

"Mister Sam is goin' to stay with us for the night! Isn't that great!?"

Big Mac looked from her to Sam with a cocked eyebrow. Sam returned the gaze with his best 'I'm the victim' look. Big Mac only smiled as he watched Applebloom pull at his arm.

"Luna is outside if you want to talk to her."

The look of sudden panic that passed over Big Macs face was enough for Sam to no longer care that he had broken his ribs. He was unable to enjoy the moment however when Applebloom started to pull him towards the stairs in the hallway. He did however get to watch Big Mac rush to the front hallway to talk to Luna. He was pulled up the stairs and marched to the room on the far end of the hall.

"Your room will be right over here and that's the bathroom right there. Oh wait you don't mind getting up early do you? We are a early rising family on account of the farm work."

"I'll be fine. I get up early as well. I like to get to work early."

Applebloom opened the door to a small but well-furnished room. The bed was made and looked larger than the hospital bed but still too small for a human his size. 'I really hope that bed is bigger than it looks.' Applebloom was going on about something that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were planning but he was busy testing out the bed. When Applebloom looked at him to ask him a question she saw him fast asleep. She walked over to him and pulled the blanket over him to keep him warm.

"Good night Sam. Ah'll see ya in the mornin'. "

Sunday is a Slow Day

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Sam's eyes snapped back open. "Applebloom, I blanked there for a second, what were you..."

Sam looked around the room he was in. His bedroom was in the same state of a sorry mess it was when he went to sleep the previous night. He glanced to the empty spot beside him. Jenny was at church now but Sam still checked the time just to put his mind at ease. 11:24. 'Damn I slept in late today.' He stepped out of the bed and started to get dressed. His mind started to drift back to everything that had happened in Equestria. He felt a creeping guilt at two things. First: He had fallen asleep in the middle of Applebloom talking to him. 'That was so rude. I hope she isn't mad at me for that.' Second: Luna considered him a friend. He had saved her from either a boring day of negotiations or normal royal duties. Either way she enjoyed herself because of him. He felt a warm pride at that point, but that’s also meant that if he chose not to stay there he would be forced to abandon her which was something he didn't want to do to her. He found himself feeling pressure. 'This is what Mister wants from me. He wants the choice to be hard for me to make.'

Sam walked into his office and sat down to work. He pulled out some cases that need the last minute fixes and the final bits of paper work but he found himself drifting in his work. His thoughts kept going back to his youth and the show he used to enjoy. He kept shaking the thoughts out of his work and pressed on. By 2:00 he had finished and instead of his normal routine of watching T.V. or reading a book he went to the internet. He was going to do something that he hadn't done in years: Go to Equestria Daily and check up on the bronies, a community that he hadn't been a part of since his high school years. He spent hours just watching episodes and listening to the music that they created. He was lost in his own world that he never noticed his phone vibrating from the constant texts he was receiving from Jenny. It wasn't until about 6:20 that he finally checked his phone and came back to the real world. 'Real world... why do I get the feeling that I need to do something with that phrase? Oh well.' Sam checked his phone only to see the texts were just a curtsey text letting him know that Jenny wouldn't be home until late.

Sam was sitting in the living room. His thoughts had gone very grim. He was thinking on the last thing Mister had told him: His friends and family had secrets and Mister knew them all. He knew that Mister seemed to be the type to cheat at a game when things didn't go his way. He may be planning to force his family and friends to reveal the secrets to make the game harder for him. The choice was already going in the favor of staying on Earth but what would happen if one of the secrets shattered his view for the worse? He couldn't think about that. He had to keep a calm head in this 'game' or else he might not be able to choose. 'What if that's what Mister wants, just make me a mental case to the point that I have some kind of break down? He would probably find that funny.' Sam heard the front door open. He turned to watch Jenny stumble in. 'She's drunk, ironic considering the day.'

"Heey... Whatsh up you?"

She was really, really drunk. "Hey sexy, how'd it go with the girls?"

Jenny closed the door and slouched over to the armchair across from Sam. "It went great... *hic* they were gentle with the booze..."

'Gentle? Right...' Sam walked over to her and picked her up in her arms. She tried to say something but Sam couldn't understand her. He caught the meaning of her mumbles when she turned her head away from him and vomited on the floor. 'At least she hit the tiles instead of the carpet, this time.' He brought her to the bathroom and set her down next to the toilet.

"I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to- *UUUGGH!*

Sam looked at her for a second with a weary smile. "It's ok. When you feel better just let me know. I'll take you to bed."

Sam spent the next hour cleaning the 'mess' Jenny had made. He had done this before, and sure it stank like hell, but his mind was still drifting from the day he had in Equstria to the taunting words of Mister. He finished up the cleaning when he heard a faint moan from the bathroom. 'I guess she's empty now.' Sam joined her, flushed the toilet, picked her up and brought her to the bed. She passed out within seconds of her head hitting the bed. Sam took a glance at the clock. 9:26. He wasn't tired but he knew that he couldn't leave Jenny in here by herself. She may need him. He lay down next to her in bed and she started to cuddle up with him. 'So much for passed out.' They lay there in each other’s arms for roughly an hour before Sam finally drifted off to sleep. His Sunday had passed quickly but he had a lot on his mind. If he had a dream for that night it would have been a troubling one.


Sam awoke with a strange pressure on his chest. 'What on earth...' As quickly as he noticed the pressure it disappeared. And then returned and disappeared. Sam opened his eyes to see what it was and was met with the smiling face of Applebloom, who was busy jumping on his chest.

"Mornin'! You'd better get up quickly or you'll miss breakfast."

"Fine but could you stop jumping on me."

Applebloom stopped jumping on him long enough to hope down off the bed. She then proceeded to bounce up and down on the floor. She was excited about the day that was to come. Sam sat up so that he could watch her. The smile she wore only grew as he stood up.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep while you were talking. My day must have been more exasperating than I thought."

"Oh it's no big deal. Ah'm sure you were just tired from walking around with the princess and getting put in a hospital."

He couldn't believe how frank she was being with him. He shrugged and started walking. He reached the stairs before he smelled the food. The warm inviting smell of cinnamon reached his nostrils and made his mouth water. 'Wonder what’s for breakfast.' Sam reached the bottom of the stairs and was about to enter the kitchen when a strong hoof grabbed him on his shoulder. He was forced into the living room by Big Mac. Applebloom followed them into the room.

"Applebloom go get some food. I need to talk to Sam for a second."

"Okay. Just make sure you don't break him this time."

With a mischievous grin on her face she left the room and left the pair alone. Big Mac pointed at the couch and Sam took a seat.

"Ah understand you made a promise to spend the day with Applebloom and her friends today."

"Indeed I did."

"Ah respect ya for keeping that promise but Ah'm not letting you go out there with them alone without you promisin' me that nothing bad will happen to them."

Sam hadn't expected Big Mac to get so forceful with his demand. "I promise, nothing bad will happen to them today. I won't allow it."

Big Mac seemed to lighten up a bit. "Ah'm just letting you know that you’re completely responsible for them. So be on your best with them. They can be a handful at best."

Sam nodded. After that little chat Sam was feeling even hungrier than before. They both walked into the kitchen and saw Applebloom and Apple Jack enjoying a sweet apple strata and some milk. He and Big Mac took a seat at the table that was already prepared for them. He noticed that there was no silverware on the table. Without another thought he just simply started to use his hands. He was halfway through the strata, which was so good it nearly brought him to tears, before he noticed the three ponies watching him. He swallowed the current mouthful before he spoke.


"Nothin'. Just fascinatin' to watch a critter eat is all."

"Very funny Applejack. This is delicious by the way. I need to learn this recipe if you would be willing to teach me."

Apple Jack smiled at the complement. "Ah would be more than happy to teach ya. Anypony... uh critter, that would be willing to spend a day keeping Applebloom out of trouble, is more than deserving of this old recipe."

Sam was busy digging into his third helping when a knocking was heard at the front door. A yellow blur was the one to answer it. Delighted squeals soon followed the sound of a closing door. The yellow blur soon returned accompanied by a orange and white one. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had joined the Apple family and Sam for breakfast.

"See Ah told ya he was real. Best part is he will be joining us to day!"

"Whoa! You never said anything about how tall he is!"

Sam continued eating his strata, only absently listening to the three of them as they talked about him. He finished with his final helping and turned to Applebloom to silence a nagging voice that had started in his head.

"What exactly are we doing today?"

"Yer gonna help us earn our cutie mark!"

Sam raised his eyebrow at her. He rose from his seat and put his dishes in the sink. "How am I supposed to help you with that?"

All three of the crusaders seemed at a loss for words. None of them had thought this through. 'Maybe if I can keep them from thinking of something that will kill us then this day may just be enjoyable.' Sam walked back over to the table and received a pair of looks from the older of the two Apples in the room. Both read a very simple message: good luck. 'I'm going to need it'

"Well Sam Ah think we should get goin'. We got a lot of things to try to earn our cutie marks."


Sam was having a rough day. He thought that the CMC had done everything in their power before he showed up but they proved him wrong in a heartbeat. They are undying balls of energy that seemed to never slow down or take a moment to rest. Sam had chased them out of the Everfree forest no less than six times in five hours. He stopped them from bungee jumping, mostly due to the fact they had too much rope. He also had to prevent Scootaloo from falling in the river just north of the farm. After getting them down from a tree, something they said would earn them a 'tree jumper' cutie mark, He brought them into the town and headed for Sugar Cube Corner. He was hoping the presence of some other ponies might calm them down enough for him to catch his breath. They were an odd site as they walked through town. Sam was in the middle of the group. The three fillies were bouncing around him talking animatedly. Sam was also a bit of a wreck due to his ripped cloths and dirt on him.

"Maybe we can try cooking! Baking isn't that hard."

"Ah don't know. Last time Ah baked half of Ponyville got sick."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah but you were by yourself that time. Now you have us and Sam to help you. Can you cook Sam?"

Sam looked down into the trio of expectant faces. "Yeah I can cook a little. I used to help my mother during the holidays."

If they made a reply Sam never heard it. He was busy with dealing with yet another impact from a brightly colored blur. This time it was pink. The first thing he knew for certain that had happened was that he was now on his back and a large pink blur was rapidly talking on top of him.

"Wow I heard we had a new thing in town but, man, are you nothing like what everyone was saying. You are defiantly not 7 feet tall you’re more like 5' 10'' at best. OOOO we should measure you just to see how tall you really are. Hey girls have you met this guy yet? Oh wait never mind you were walking with him. So what’s your name big guy? What do you like to do? Got any hobbies?"

"Get off my chest."

"What? Oh right silly me."

Pinkie Pie jumped off his chest and landed with a very cartoon-ish *Poof* next to him. He started to dust himself off as he rose to greet her. "I'm Sam. I would like it if you ponies would stop crashing into me like that. I don't really have time for hobbies. So what brings you around this part of town?"

"Well I was looking for you but now that I found you, I wanted to welcome you to Ponyville."

Sam reached out to keep her mouth shut. If there was something that he didn't miss about the show it was her singing. "Please don't sing. I'm really not in the mood."

"But... I brought the Welcome Wagon along just for this."

Her hair seemed to deflate all of a sudden. 'Crap. If the fics are true about anything then I need to keep her cheerful.' He stood up and removed his hand from her mouth. 'Wait... how could she talk if I hand my hand... I don't want to know.'

"I have had a full day and these three would like to learn how to cook. Would you be willing to help me out here?"

Her eyes brightened up and she started bouncing on her hooves. "I would love to help. I have a super new and secret recipe that I would like to try out. Come on girls! Let’s get cooking!"

With that the four of them ran off leaving Sam sitting there by himself. He looked around and saw that the passerby's were just as shell shocked as he was by the turn of events. He looked around hoping that something would grab his interest or guide him to something new but nothing did. 'I should stay with the crusaders; I promised Big Mac that I wouldn't let them get hurt. But they are with Pinkie. She can handle them for an hour right?' Sam set off into the town to sight see. He reached the town square without incident but when he turned to go visit the library he nearly ran into a very distracted Rarity. Following close behind her were Spike the dragon and Twilight.

"And then they had the gall to say that the seams weren't straight. I swear I have never been more insulted by anypony who claimed to have a since of fashion."

"I understand Rarity. You still didn't have to yell at them like that. Or kick them out of your boutique. Oh hey Sam! What are you doing out of the hospital so soon?"

"You have some really good doctors. What are you three up to?"

Twilight gave him a skeptical look but let it slide, she was just happy that he was walking around instead of being stuck in a bed. "Well we were just getting some things for the boutique. What about you?"

He shrugged. "I was looking after Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo but Pinkie kinda came along and high jacked them. I was going to sight see for a bit then go back and collect them."

The whole time that he was talking to Twilight, Rarity was walking around him with a look of pure horror. Sam finally noticed her when she completed her third round about. Sam took a second to look at his refection in a nearby window. His shirt was little more than a rag by this point and his pants were only barely better. Rarity let out a small cry before she turned to look at him in the eyes.

"You will come with me this instant. I will not let someone who is taking care of my sister and her friends wear such rags! I guess a bath will be in order as well."

Sam and Twilight exchanged a confused look. "Is she always this pushy with people?"

"Only if she gets to make a new set of clothes out of it, it seems you’re making friends here rather quickly Sam."

"Lucky me."

They reached the Carousel Boutique within a minute and they entered it swiftly, ushered in by Rarity. "Now Mister Sam I want you to discard those dreadful rags and head up stairs to the bathroom. Take a quick clean please then we can get down to making you something fabulous."

Sam felt self-conscious about stripping in front of the two ponies and the young dragon. "Um... which door is the bathroom when I get up there?"

Rarity was too busy digging for cloth to look at him when she responded. "Third door to your right darling, just throw those rags into that corner, I'll deal with them later."

Sam walked into the bathroom and started the shower up. As he waited for the water to warm up he took a look at the shampoo collection that was sitting near the shower. He inspected them to make sure they had roughly the same ingredients as human shampoo. When he found a bottle that passed his inspection he started to take off his clothes. He finished with his pants and was about to remove his undergarment when he caught himself in the vanity mirror. He was sporting a fine collection of bruises and cuts from his adventures throughout the day. 'This shower is going to hurt, but at least I won't smell bad anymore.'

After ten minutes in the shower he heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

Spike was the one at the door. "Hey Rarity wanted me to check up on you and to tell you she is ready for you."

"Thanks. Hey before you leave could you toss me that towel there?"

Spike tossed him the towel and turned to leave the room. Sam stepped out of the shower and started drying himself off. 'I should probably keep the underwear on at least. No point in going down there naked.' He put the garment on and headed down the stairs. He was greeted with a measuring tape flying up to his waist, taking a measurement. He was then rushed onto the small dais surrounded by mirrors.

"Hmmm... I've done bi-pedals before but none as tall as you. Maybe if I..."

Rarity went on like this for 20 minutes before she finally stopped poking and prodding him. She walked over to a table and went to work. Sam stood there for another minute before he walked over to sit next to Twilight who was buried in a book.

"What you reading?"

"Mercal's Theory on Mass Displacement and Reconstruction. It’s a really good read. Would you like to borrow it sometime?"

"Ahh... no. I would however like to borrow a book on Equestrian law. I would like to see how it compares to human law."

"Mister Sam Would you return to the dais please? I have something for you to try on."

Sam did as he was told. The next ten minutes were a cycle of try something on, Rarity thinks it doesn't work for him, talk to Twilight for a couple of seconds, rinse, and repeat. They found him a three piece suit that both he and Rarity agreed was just perfect for him. He checked his watch, which he had to run back upstairs for, and noticed that he had spent an hour here.

"Well I better go get the girls. Thank you for the suit Rarity."

"Oh now problem at all darling, it was fun. Besides it gives me ideas for next time you visit and you could always use some casual clothes."

Sam left the three of them at the boutique and headed for the bakery. He arrived to see it was still standing. 'Well I guess that means Pinkie can handle the three of them.' He walked in was met with the same mixed reaction from yesterday. Half of them seemed to be worried that he would attack and the others looked like he was just another thing that happened around town. Mrs. Cake walked from around the counter to greet him with a forced smile.

"I take it your here to join the girls?"

"To collect them, is more like. It’s starting to get late and they need to get headed home. They haven't been a problem?"

"Well... no more than normal."

Sam and Mrs. Cake walked toward the kitchen when they heard a large crash from within. They both broke into a sprint to make sure no one was hurt. When Sam entered the room he was met with a war zone of a kitchen. Flour was everywhere along with bits of dough and chocolate chips. A shattered bowl was lying in the epicenter of the mess. Mrs. Cake looked to be on the verge of tears and the guilty looks plastered on the three filly's told Sam who made the mess. Pinkie Pie was busy bouncing in her own little world near the oven waiting for it to finish. 'I was wrong. Pinkie can't handle them at all.' All of them were surprised when it was Sam that spoke sternly to the four guilty members.

"Alright this has gone far enough for one day. I want to see a all four of you clean this place until it shines! After that we are headed to the boutique so that the three of you can learn to behave in someone's home. Mrs. Cake where do you keep the cleaning supplies?"

"In the closet by the second stove."

The three fillies in the room had their heads hung low. They knew that what they did was wrong and now they had to clean up the mess. Sam walked over to the closet and grabbed the broom and mop and handed them to Pinkie.

"You get the mop. Give the broom to the other three. What were you thinking letting them loose in here without thinking?"

"I was thinking we would make super-duper yummy cookies and cupcakes. I guess we just got carried away."

Sam saw stunned at how oblivious she was to the whole mess. He shrugged and walked over to the three crusaders to hand them a pair of sponges and a bucket. "Now I know you girls didn't make this mess on purpose but you did make it. And when you make a mess you better be willing to clean it up, because if you don't want to clean it then nobody else will."

"Ah'm really sorry Sam. We didn't mean to drop the flour like that. We were just trying to earn our cutie marks."

Sam set down the cleaning tools to hug the three flour covered fillies. "I know. I'm not mad at you. I was just worried one of you might have been hurt. I promised you brother I would take care of you and i meant it. Now let’s clean this up."

The next hour was the most intense cleaning that Sam had ever done in his life. Pinkie had somehow managed to even clean the ceiling without the use of a ladder. His suit coat and pants were covered in flour and water and the crusaders were in desperate need of a bath. But as they looked upon their handy work, from the shining floor to the sparkling cabinets, a sense of pride came over them all. Sam put all the cleaning supplies away and herded up the crusaders.

"Alright, now we just need to get you three clean and then it’s off to home with you three."

The trio let out an "Aaaaa" In perfect unison but didn't try to argue with him. Sam was willing to use the shower in the bakery but Mrs. Cake wanted them out. They went to the boutique as it was the nearest place they could take a shower. They arrived and headed inside. Rarity was hysterical when she saw the condition the suit was in. Sam sent the three of them up to the shower and turned to face his certain doom.

"I know it looks bad but it can be cleaned out. I have suits back home that have suffered far worse than this."

"That's not the point. I just finished that an hour ago and you went and ruined it! For shame Sam."

Rarity forced him to take the entire suit off so she could clean it. Between the trio of trouble makers were getting clean and Sam's suit being clean, Sam knew that he had some time to kill. So he struck up a conversation with Rarity about the finer details of their respective professions. From the tailoring aspect to the finer points of how to approach a jury during a big case, they jumped from subject to subject with much relish and enjoyment. It wasn't until the crusaders came down all nice and clean that they realized that time was passing.

"Well I better get Scootaloo and Applebloom home. I'm sure you can handle Sweetie Belle on your own."

"I certainly hope so Sam. I better go make sure they didn't destroy my bathroom."

Sam motioned for the aforementioned two to join him. They were about to exit the building when a shrill scream pierced the air. "GIIIIIIIIIIIIIRLS!!!!"

Sam turned to the two with him. "Run for it!"


Sam and Applebloom reached the front door of the farmhouse at around 8:00. Sam was disappointed that he didn't get to meet Scootaloo's parents but she said she didn't need someone to guide her home. Sam didn't try to argue with her so he gave her a hug and told her to be safe. He and Applebloom entered the house and set themselves down onto the sofas in the living room. Sam studied Applebloom. Despite the whole time of them walking home of her saying that she wasn't tired she was quickly drifting off to sleep on the sofa. 'She hasn't even had dinner.' He got back to his feet and scooped her up into his arms. 'I hope she doesn't do what Jenny did. I don't think I have the stomach for that.' He reached the top of the stairs when he was met by the sight of Big Mac and Granny Smith. He passed them by without a word but he did catch the looks they both wore. Big Mac had a look of respect, while Granny smith had a motherly smile on her wizened face. He brought her into her room and tucked her into the bed. He then left the room making sure to turn out the light. He walked to his room, took off all but his under garment and lay down in the bed. He drifted off to sleep knowing that he was only making the final choice all the harder the more he spent time with the locals.


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Sam was jolted awake by his alarm. He bolted up in his bed and turned to look around the room. For some reason he was full of energy and he needed to expend it in any way he can. He quickly got up and dressed at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash jealous. He rushed into the kitchen to make himself a quick breakfast and it wasn't until his third bowl of fruit loops that he remembered that Jenny was still in his bed. He walked back into the room and made sure she was tucked in and still asleep. He grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door.

He reached the office building without so much as a single thing to ruin his mood of endless amusement. He just couldn't figure himself out. 'Why do I feel so damn good? I should be worried about the game but I'm not. All i feel is a need to shout for joy.' Needless he didn't shout inside the firm. He reached his office on the fifth floor humming 'Smile Smile Smile' and he didn't even care if anyone recognized it. He sat down and began to work when he received a memo asking him to head up to the seventh floor conference room. He already knew where this was going and he was right. He and Alex and the other two were being briefed on what to expect when they got out to New York. When the basic briefing was finished they pulled Sam aside to inform him that they trusted this to him and if it went downhill then they would only have one choice of what to do with his future in the firm. 'Great way of letting me feel no pressure. Now I have that to bog my mood, and all this before lunch. Sam returned to his office and worked on the final paperwork of the last case he had. He was so busy working that Alex had to walk into his office and knock on his desk to break him from his work.

"Man you are just in a working mood today. What did you eat for breakfast?"

"Three bowls of cereal. Why?"

Alex let out a short laugh. "Anyways I'm heading out for lunch and I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up anything?"

"Yeah I could use a burger. Oh and could you swing by my apartment? I forgot a file that I need. Also could you check up on Jenny? She was pretty hung over from last night."

Alex raised an eyebrow at the mention of Jenny being wasted. "I didn't peg her for a 'wasted on Sunday' kind of gal. Sure, I'll check up on her."

Sam tossed Alex his keys and set back off to work. It was another half hour before another distraction came along in the form of a text from Alex. It read: Meet me down in the quad. We need to talk. Sam had to reread it to make sure he read it correctly. He knew that Alex hated to eat outdoors and unless he missed something he knew that he didn't do anything to piss Alex off. If it was Roger, on the other hand, then he would believe it. He walked to the elevator and while he was waiting his mind raced with what the possible subject could be that Alex needed to talk to him somewhere semi-private. He reached the quad and saw Alex standing there with a strange look on his face. He looked like he was having an internal battle of some sort and by the looks of it he was about to lose.

"Hey, what’s going on dude? Your text was all nice and cryptic, so I figure something has to be up."

Alex looked at him and then pulled out his phone. "I... I'm about to do something that I wished I would never have to do. But you need to know. You'll have every right to be mad at me when I do."

"Alex, buddy your starting to worry me. What’s going on man?"

Alex didn't answer him with words, at least not at first. He handed his phone to Sam. "First folder, just look at the pics."

Now as your narrator I feel that the contents of the pictures are best left to the imagination, however the dialog between the two should be a good indicator for the content.

Sam was speechless. No he was beyond all such things as speechless. His mind went numb. He felt his blood run cold and he couldn't register a single thing he saw.

"When did you take these?"

Alex Stood there for a moment not wanting to answer. Sam looked on at the unmentionable photos. He flipped through them with an almost systematic approach.

"Alex answer me. When the f*** did you take these?!"

"Less than 15 minutes ago. I was heading over to the apartment to pick up the file and I nearly walked on Jenny and that... guy."

Sam could feel the tears in his eyes but his mind failed to register it all. How could this happen? He loved her and she did this to him. Sam looked up at Alex from the nearby bench that he hadn't realized that he sat down on. That's when he heard the sneering voice that made him want to scream.

"OOOooo, the human stages of grief. Let me guess which stage you’re on now. Um... denial. No wait, anger. Throw me a bone here Sam I'm drowning in your sorrow."

Sam looked over to his left to see Mister sitting in an all-black version of his suit. His face was an ugly parody of mourning widow. Sam felt sick to his stomach when he saw him. It must have shown because Alex put his hand on his shoulder.

"Take the rest of the day off and deal with this. The longer you wait the more painful it will be. I'll cover for you."

Sam could only nod as he stood up. He walked past Mister who was wearing the Sam sick smile that he wore every other time. The walk to his car was the longest in his life. He thanked every holy power he could think of that Mister didn't say anything. He reached his apartment and walked up to the door and stopped. 'What if they are still in there?'

"Kill him then. That's what you're thinking."

"Shut the hell up. Just don't."

He could almost feel the smile grow on Misters face. "No. Not unless you open that door and do what you need to."

That's what Sam did. He walked into his apartment to find Jenny sitting on the couch and there was no sign of anyone else in the apartment. He didn't give a chance to explain. He started to yell at her and true to form she started to yell back. Insults and pointless questions flew through the air. It was well over an hour before he finished the argument with a swift statement.

"You better find a place to stay because if you ever step back into this apartment I'll have you arrested! You have one hour to get all your shit out of here."

That was the final nail in the coffin. She didn't try to argue or fight with him anymore. She just started grabbing her things and after an hour all that remained in that apartment that spoke of a second occupant was the sofa in the living room and the empty dresser in the bedroom. Her final act of vengeance was throwing her set of keys in his face. He didn't flinch or care. He only wanted her out of his life and gone for good. When he heard the door shut for the final time he let the tears flow without restraint. He held his head in his hands as he cried. The only person that could see him in his weakest moment was Mister, who walked over to him and handed him a box of tissues.

"I'm truly sorry that you had to go through that. That's never easy, no matter how many time I see it happen it always makes me realize that you mortals are not as foolish as we thought. I want you to know that I never wanted this to be discovered, even after I found out."

Sam could hear the sincerity in his voice. He looked up to see that Mister was no longer smiling. He wore a look of deep depression that mirrored how Sam felt. "Why the hell didn't you tell me when you did find out?"

"Because you wouldn't believe me. If you had to find out you would need proof. Why do you think Alex took those photos? He knew that about you as well. So aside from this little... bump in the road of life, how are you enjoying Equestria?"

Sam could only scowl at him. "Why are you so eager to change the subject now? Every other time we met we only talked about what you wanted to talk about. Then when I have something you ditch it at the first chance. No, just no. Leave, I'm not in the mood to deal with you."

Sam was expecting Mister to argue or to grow mad at him but what he got was a hand on the shoulder and then he was gone. Sam sat there for what felt like an eternity. He finally got to his, pulled out his phone and sent a message to Alex and, after a short internal debate, Roger asking them both to come over to help him move Jenny's furniture out to the curb. He didn't care if they got ruined by the weather or if someone took them, he just wanted them gone. He began to move the sofa so that they would have an easier time with it but he decided that he should just wait. He felt drained all of a sudden, all the energy he had throughout the day suddenly gone. He sat down on the sofa he was about to throw out and waited for his friends.

Alex was the first to arrive and he just walked up to Sam and hugged him. "How you holding up?"

"I'm alive. Roger will be over in a minute, and then we can throw this thing out."

The broke the hug and sat down. Alex kept apologizing to him about the whole thing and Sam kept telling him this wasn't his fault. Jenny was the one to cheat on him so it was her fault. "Alex just shut up about this whole thing. You were just the unlucky one to find out first but you did the right thing by telling me."

With that matter settled they both waited for Roger in silence. Roger arrived about ten minutes later than he said he would but neither of them cared. Roger just like Alex when it came to helping Sam out. He asked him how he was and was even willing to offer a hug. Sam turned down the hug. The three of them moved the couch out to the curb much to Roger’s disappointment. He wanted to throw it out the window.

"No. it’s to big anyways... but the dresser isn't."

With an unceremonious crash on the street the dresser ceased to exist. Sam couldn't help but smile at the small display of vengeance the mangled pile of wood represent. Alex and Roger stayed with him until roughly 8 O'clock. They both said their good-byes and told him that if he needed to talk to call them. 'Same old shit you hear in every crappy romantic movie. They are good friends though.' Sam walked into the bedroom and removed the sheets. No sense in sleeping in sheets that Jenny betrayed him in. He rummaged around in his closet to find another set but when he found them still in their packaging he decided not to bother until the next day. He lay down on his bed and drifted off into the bliss of unconsciousness.


Sam opened his eyes but was only greeted by darkness. At first he thought that he hadn't opened his eyes at all but he opened and close them rapidly and noticed that he was indeed capable of opening them. with that minor discovery out of the way he sat up and realized that he woke up in the middle of the night. He tried to look around for a clock but he realized that Equestria didn't have digital clocks, so he just got up and headed for the front door. He didn't bother with grabbing his shirt or jacket; the night air would feel better that way. He pasted Applebloom's room and heard a slight whimper from within. He turned and entered without a second thought of what it could mean. He saw her tossing and turning in her bed. He walked over and laid a hand on her head. At the feeling of his touch she grew still and seemed to calm down. 'At least she won't go and break some poor colt’s heart.' He sat there with her for a minute before he stood up and continued to leave the house. He opened and closed the front door as gently as possible so not to disturb the slumber of the house. After he was certain that none of them were going to wake up and discover his little walk he strode off into the night.

Sam reached the main road and headed south, the same direction that he came into the town two days ago. He walked refusing to let his mind wander from anything but his need to walk. He knew that if he let it wander it would go back to what happened on Earth. It still hurt, he could feel his chest hurt at the very thought of it. He looked up hoping to be distracted by the night sky and when he laid eyes on the sky he was blown away by the beauty of the night sky. It was nothing like the sky back home. There were no street lights of city buildings to toss around light pollution. He could see everything with perfect clarity. He picked out some of the constellations that he was certain had different names than the ones back home.

He walked for a while and when he reached a pond he decided to stop and take a rest. He looked at the ponds surface and saw a perfect reflection of the moon. Luna's moon. His thoughts started to drift, and before he could even stop himself he was screaming. It was a primal scream, filled with rage and pain. He ran to the edge of the pool and started to gab anything he could and started to throw them into the pool. He had to break that mirror like smoothness of the pool. His mind was nothing but thoughts of breaking, and destruction. He was screaming the whole time. He didn't know how long he stayed in that state but he did know that when it ended he was sobbing on a log with his hands coated in mud and he was sweating heavily. His attention was drawn to his right when the darkness grew. It condensed into an almost solid looking sphere and then it dissipated only to be replaced with Princess Luna. She was looking at Sam with a look of pity.

"What's going on Sam?"

Sam could only sob his way through the story. Every word was a struggle, but as he talked he felt a weight lift from him. He knew that he needed this more than anything else. She walked over to sit next to him on the log. He turned to look at her as she settled next to him.

"What kind of person does that? I helped her when she was at her lowest and she saw me at my weak points. Why would she betray me like that!?"

Sam was shouting again and he didn't care if it was aimed at Luna or if it was just at the mud, he relished the feeling of being able to scream in his rage. Luna simply sat there and let him run his course. She knew he needed to vent himself.

"Sam I know how you feel. When I became Nightmare Moon I thought my life would be great. Ponies would finally get to praise my night, but when Celestia banished me I felt like she betrayed me. I thought she would have been the one pony that would understand how I felt. When I realized that I was going to be stuck on the moon for what I thought was going to be the rest of my life I felt nothing but rage. And when I broke free from my banishment I tried again to cover all of Equestria in eternal night. Then Twilight Sparkle and her friends freed my mind from my rage. I learned that anger is appropriate at times but we all must move on in our lives."

Sam sat there and listened to her talk. He could see that as she talked resentment about something was rising in her voice. This still hurt her.

"Now I'm the princess of the night once more. It has been slow to be accepted by my subjects but I'm patient. I have to learn from the mistakes that I have made. My nights are still over shadowed by Celestia's days but I have grown used to that as well. I used to speak in old Equestrian; it took me months to learn how to speak again."

Sam looked into her eyes and saw tears. She was opening up to him and all he could do was listen to her like she listened to him. 'No. She can't cry. I won't let that happen.'

"Your nights would be loved back on Earth. People don't get to see this kind of beauty. Hell there entire divisions of governments that dedicate their time to studying the stars and all the mysteries they contain. Tell you the truth I wish I had these kinds of nights back where I'm from."

Both of them sat there in silence as there gazes shifted to the sky above them. The stars twinkled and the moon shone in its full phased glory. Sam felt all his anger start to fade from him. He felt a calmness sweep over him.

"Did you mean what you said?"

"Yes. Humans have always had their eyes to the stars; one of mankind's greatest achievements was putting people on the moon. We wish we could understand the secrets of the universe. If you could join me on Earth you would be a celebrity in a heartbeat. But the whole pony thing wouldn't go over well."

Both of them let out chuckles at the idea of Luna walking around on Earth, despite the fact Luna knew next to nothing about it. They both started talking about the sky. Sam talked about all the things humans knew about stars and other bodies in space. Over the course of their conversation the scooted closer to each other. They were sitting hip to hip by the time the stopped talking long enough for them to turn the gaze from the sky to the pool that he had assaulted with rocks, sticks, and mud. The water had settled to the mirror like quality.

"Sam... I haven't really gotten to talk to anyone about how I feel about my nights. Even Celestia never really just sat down and talk to me about them. Thank you."

Sam was about to answer her when he felt a pair on lips plant a kiss on his cheek. He turned to face Luna who had a smile on her face. "No problem. Thank you for dealing with me. I hope what you saw doesn't change our friendship."

Luna put her head on his shoulder. "You needed to vent. I know how it feels to just want to scream at the world. Unfortunately for this world when I scream it’s in the Royal Canterlot voice. That's a lot harder to hide than your voice."

Sam chuckled. He looked to the horizon and saw the first rays of the sun. "I guess you need to get back to Canterlot. It was nice to have someone to talk to."

She rose from the log and strode away from him. "It was nice. If you need to talk again just look to the moon. I'll be able to find you. And Sam I would like if you didn't attack unsuspecting ponds."

The darkness swirled around her condensed until she was no more than a blur and then dispersed leaving nothing left. Sam rose from the log feeling the Sun's warmth against his bare chest. He walked back to the road and headed back to the farm. He still felt a bitterness to what had happened to him on earth but as he walked he realized that Luna had more reason to be mad than he ever would. That thought made him feel sorry for her more than he had ever felt for anyone else.

Eggs and Day.

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Sam was surprised that he wasn't the only one up when he reached the house. He walked into the house to smell the scent of apples and feel the distinct heat of the oven. He walked to the kitchen to find Applejack already hard at work making breakfast. He reached into his pocket to check the time now that he had enough light to do so. 5:26. 'Damn I was out late.' He walked over to Applejack and was about to say hello when she spoke first.

"Mornin' Sam. What were you up to so early in the mornin'?"

Sam took a seat at the table. "I needed to get some fresh air. Had a good walk."

"Well since you’re up and moving how 'bout Ah teach you how to cook that strata?"

Sam rose and took up a spot at her side. She started to show him how to cut the apples, how much cinnamon he should use and showed him how to lay it all out. They were talking the whole time about this and that until they put the strata in the oven.

"So how was your walk?"

Sam wondered if he could tell her what had happened. Part of him wanted to tell her because of how much it meant to him, but another part wanted to keep it private. 'Well I can tell her the basics of it at least.'

"I went south down the road. Stopped off by a little pond and killed some time trying to skip rocks across the surface. Then Luna Showed up and we talked for a bit."

"Two things there big guy. Skipping rocks?"

"It's when you take a smooth rock and try to get it to skip across the surface of a pond or lake. You've never done that?"

"Nah. That sounds like a human thing there, sugarcube. Okay for that then. Now what did Luna want to talk about?"

Sam sat there having an argument with himself. On one hand she was being open and honest with him but on the other hand he really didn't know how she would react to any of it. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"We talked about something that happened to me recently..."

Sam explained to her the whole mess with Jenny and how he went berserk at the pond. Just like Luna she stayed silent as he talked. He reached the part of the kiss before he stopped.

"... and then she..."

"She what? I won't tell anypony if you don't want me to."

He took another breath. "She kissed me. On the cheek, then she laid her head on my shoulder."

Sam was almost expecting a sudden gasp from her but she just looked out the nearby window, watching the sun rise. She looked back at him with a thoughtful look on her face. She tilted her hat back on her head, and then turned to face him. She wore a deep thoughtful look.

"And how did you react?"

"I just let her... I didn't pull away from her or anything really. I just accepted it and... I kinda enjoyed her being near me."

Applejack looked at him then smiled. It was a knowing smile that he had seen on the face of many women in his life. The kind of smile that meant understanding that only a woman can have, and men can never reach. 'The female smile... transcends worlds as well.' He didn't bother asking her what she was smiling about, because like every other time he saw that smile, he knew she would say.

"She's a good friend. A bit hard to reach Ah'd gather, but she was there when you needed her. You should thank her some time."

Sam grabbed another apple to cut up. "How? I have no money and I doubt I'd be able to get a reservation anywhere she would like to go."

Applejack bumped him on the shoulder playfully. "Well then just take her on a picnic or a fancy walk. As long as you just say thanks Ah'm sure she'll be happy with it."

Sam sat there for a moment when he was hit with a sudden thought. "Are you telling me I should take her out on a date?"

The smile on her face turned from knowing to wickedly playful. "Maybe Ah'm or maybe Ah'm not."

"I'm not in love with the princess. We are just friends, besides... I don't think I'm her type."

Applejack could barely hold back her laughter at Sam's sudden protests. "Ah think your protesting a little too much there big guy."

Sam grabbed another apple to start slicing up. "Whatever. Even if I did like her, there's no way it would work. We just aren't... compatible."

Applejack raised an eyebrow at him. "Ah'm afraid Ah don't follow."

"Nevermind. Since you want to dive into my 'love life', why don't I dive into yours? Got a special someone?"

As he spoke he noticed that her ears splayed down. This wasn't something that she wanted to talk about. 'Oops.' He was about to tell her to forget the question when she looked him in the eyes with a fierce look.

"What Ah'm about to tell you never leaves this kitchen. Got it?"

"As long as everything else stays here too."

Applejack smiled at him. "Deal. Ah've had my eye on a pony for a long time but Ah don't think they like me the same way."

Sam watched as her smile faded away to a look of deepening sorrow. She was clearly hurt by the aforementioned pony. "What’s their name?"

She looked up at him. He could see that she was struggling with a way to tell him. "It's... Rarity."

Sam was stunned, but not surprised. He had read a good amount of fan fictions and knew that shipping was a popular thing with bronies. He was stunned by the fact that this one was real.

"Rarity. The fashion mare with her head in the cloth, Rarity. The two of you would make a cute couple."

It was Applejacks turn to be stunned, by his sheer honesty. Sam watched the look of surprise turn to a reading look. She had thought of him one way and turned out to have been wrong.

"You’re not shocked by that at all?"

"Well to tell you the truth I was shocked by the fact you haven't asked her out yet."

Applejack blushed. "I don't think she is really into mares."

Sam shrugged. "Not homosexual then. Well there's always another one arou- Why are you looking at me like that?"

Applejack's face went from to the sadness she was wearing to a stern look. "We don't label ponies like that Sam. Ah would like it if you didn't either."

Sam returned her gaze with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't mean to offend, guess it’s a culture thing. Still why wouldn't Rarity like you?"

"Well she did have a crush on that prince what’s-his-face. When that didn't really work out she just sorta dropped off the dating scene. Ah haven't heard her talk about anypony since then."

Sam watched her as she turned her head back to the window. She looked like she didn't have an answer for him or herself. She looked out the window, deep in thought. 'Searching for an answer. Like I will have to when this week ends.' He wanted to tell her to go for it but part of him knew better. He thought the same thing when he asked Jenny out and look where that had gotten him. 'But they have known each other for a long time. This wouldn't be rushing anything; this would be making sure they knew one another before taking that leap.'

"You should tell her how you feel. If she feels the same way then you can take it from there."

"Ah don't think that she will just accept my feelings without a second thought. She and Ah are just too different. She's into fashion and Ah'm a farmin' kind a gal. Maybe Ah should wait for my special somepony."

"Who's a special somepony?"

Both Applejack and Sam wiped around to see Applebloom standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was rubbing her eyes trying to wake herself up. Sam looked at Applejack and she caught the hint that she was the one to distract Applebloom.

"We were just talking about... the dating customs of humans and ponies. Sam was just telling me about one of the differences they have. Sam?"

Sam gave a sarcastic smile to Applejack that Applebloom failed to catch. "I was telling her about... uh... in some parts of my world people have arranged marriages."

Both of the Apple's looked at him with the same curious expression. "An arranged marriage is one where the parents choose who the child marries, instead of the child choosing for themselves. It's quite common in the more populated countries."

"Huh, that's kinda... strange. Do they not trust their kids to find the right one?"

"It's got nothing to do with trust. I think it has to do with tradition and the parents making sure they live in a good home."

Applebloom sat there with a confused look and was about to ask another question when Applejack cut her off. "Applebloom you might want to go get washed up for school."

She grumbled at her sister then left the room. Applejack walked over to the table to set it for breakfast. Sam joined her in setting out the plates when she turned to him with a very serious look written on her face.

"Hey Sam, Ah would appreciate it if everything Ah said stayed private. Ah just don't feel comfortable if ponies went around talking about my feelin's, and Ah promise not to tell anypony what you said either."

Sam nudged her on the shoulder. "No prob. I can keep a secret when I need to."

Breakfast consisted mostly of the Apple family taste testing the food that Sam had helped prepare. The reactions ranged from passing to 'blah', as Big Mac put it. Sam didn't mind the rather harsh criticism from Big Mac because he was just happy that he hadn't burnt the strata or that one of them had choked on it. He and Applebloom where on the third helping before Applejack started to rush Applebloom out the door.

"You need to get to school. And Ah don't want Cheerilee sending home another note saying you've blown up a desk or something."

"Ah didn't blow up a desk! Ah only broke a chair and it's not like anypony got hurt."

Sam looked over at Big Mac with a look the asked the question on his mind: How bad was it? Big Mac gave him the answer with a silent look of his own: You don't want to know. 'That bad huh... how much can that filly break?' Sam was pulled out of the silent conversation with Big Mac by Applejack calling his name. He walked to the front door to find Applebloom wearing her school bag and an irritated looking Applejack. She turned to him and handed him a pouch.

"Sam could you go into town and deliver this to Sugarcube Corner? Ah been meanin' to send this to them for a while but Ah've been busy here on the farm."

Sam took the pouch. "Sure I have nothing planned for the day."

Sam walked alongside Applebloom and the pair set off towards the road. She started talking about her school work and the lessons that were planned for this week. She talked for the whole trip and was about to tell him about the field trip to the Museum of Science and Magical Industry in Canterlot when they came up on the school house. When they drew close the fillies and colts in the playground stopped in the middle of their games and stared at Sam. He tried to act like nothing was going on but when the crowd of young ponies rushed him he couldn't help but be slightly panicked by the sight. It wasn't every day a horde of ponies charges a man. He talked to them for only a couple of seconds before a loud voice called them all into the school house. The teacher of the school, Cheerilee, walked over to him after making sure all of the students were inside.

"Saved by the bell. Hi I'm Samuel."

"Cheerilee. I heard about you yesterday while I was in town, you're staying with the Apples over on the farm right?"

"Yup. I'm running an errand for Applejack, need to deliver this to Sugarcube Corner."

Sam lifted the pouch to show her. She nodded at it without really looking at it. 'This is going better than I would have thought.' She looked up at him with a questioning look then seemed to decide something.

"Mister Sam I know this is short notice but would you be willing to come in some day to talk to the kids? Knowing them you're all they will be able to talk about for the next few days so I think this would be a prime catch for them to learn about you and your species."

Sam nodded his head with her and realized that he needed to have something to do that week so he might as well say yes. "Sure thing. Just tell Applebloom the day and she’ll surly pass that along to me. But I would like it if no personal questions be asked if you don't mind."

"Oh of course dear. No problem at all. Thank you so much!"

With that they both said a hasty farewell and went off on their own ways, Cheerilee to teach all the ponies standing at the windows watching them and Sam to town. He was surprised at how quickly word had gotten around town, and the fact that he was already the next 'show and tell' for the school ponies. 'Word moves quickly here too. Might as well just go with the flow.' He reached the town with nothing of worth for him to note. He walked through the town waving at any pony that pasted him on the street. Most waved back with a strange smile on their face but Sam really didn't notice it. He knew that he wasn't something any of them really knew about, aside from the local gossip. Now that he had thought about it he was wondering what they were saying about him since the only times he had been seen in public was with the Crusaders and Princess Luna. 'Royal foal-sitter? Seems legit to me.' He let his mind wander on the more outrageous of ideas in his mind when he reached the bakery, and as per the norm for a bakery in the morning, it was packed with hungry ponies having breakfast. He didn't get the chance to enter the bakery due to him catching sight of a pink blur heading straight for him. He did have time to react this time and braced himself for the impact of Pinkie Pie.

"What'cha doing Sam?"

He opened his eyes to see Pinkie Pie standing in front of him. He let his guard down and resumed a normal stance. He looked down at her smiling face to reply.

"Well Applejack wanted me to give you this. She didn't really say what it was though."

"OH!! Those are the final pieces of the decorations! She knew a pony that could get them for me so she ordered them and now they’re here!! Yay!"

"You’re throwing a party? What’s the occasion for this one?"

Sam knew that the first part of his question was stupid, it was Pinkie, and of course she was throwing a party for someone. However the second part was the one he really cared about, because now she sparked his curiosity about the contents of the pouch he had just given her. She motioned for him to follow her into the shop. They walked into the store and headed towards the back and when they reached the kitchen they took a sharp turn right back around and went up the stairs. They reached the second level of the building when Pinkie turned around to face Sam.

"Can you keep a secret?"


She motioned for him to come closer. "Like a super-duper mega secret. Nopony can find out."

"I promise not to tell."

She looked around the room to make sure no one else was there. Sam was starting to smile at Pinkie's antics due to the fact they were alone in the room.

"We are going to a really big surprise party for Twilight! She hasn't figured it out yet and now that we have the final decorations we can get ready for the final stage of the party. Oh, that reminds me will you come to the party as well?"

"Yeah totally. Wouldn't miss a Pinkie Pie party for the world. When is it going to happen?"

She laughed at him and rolled her eyes in a very exaggerated manner. "It's a surprise silly, I can't just tell you! I thought you would at least know what a surprise party is... oh and Twilight wanted me to tell you that she has that book you wanted to barrow."

Before Sam could say anything he was rushed out of the building and told to hurry to the library. He decided not to even try to argue with Pinkie. She could shatter the fourth wall like it was nothing and he was just a simple lawyer, what chance did he have at winning an argument with her? As he walked away from the bakery he put his hands into his pockets only to find that someone, or rather somepony, had put a stack of wrapped cookies into his left pocket. 'When... how... never mind. Bet they taste great.' He was happy to be proven correct when he took his first bite. He finished the cookies when he reached the door of the tree home of Twilight. He reached to knock on the door but was met by the door rapidly opening and Spike the dragon welcoming him inside.

"Hi. Pinkie Pie said that Twilight had a book for me."

Spike stared at him for a, what felt to Sam, as a small eternity then snapped back to reality. "Yeah she's inside. Did you really stop Scootaloo from trying to earn a river diving cutie mark?"

Sam walked into the tree home the turned to face Spike. Spike was still staring at him with a mix of curiosity and childlike wonder. "Yeah. She didn't realize that the river wasn't deep enough for that kind of thing."

"Hey Sam, I was wondering when you would show. I have the texts you wanted over on the desk."

Twilight was walking down the staircase that lead to the second floor levitating a set of scales and three separate books. Sam only looked at her for a second then went to the desk to pick up the book, but was surprised to find a stack of books waiting for him. He looked at each one to read the names. 'Equestrian Law and You: Know your rights. The Essential Guide to Law: Vol. 1 through 5. She really wants to make sure I have it all.'

"I hope that those will be enough for you to start with. I tried to find more but this library doesn't have a very big legal section. I could write to Celestia if you want more."

"No this will be fine. I could use a bag for these though."

"Spike, get a bag for him please. So what are your plans for today Sam?"

Sam opened up the first volume and started the preface. "I thought I would just walk around the town... maybe visit Rarity and Sweetie Belle. What do you have planned?"

She set down the books and the scales on the table in the center of the room. "Well I need to work on a theory of mine. After that I need to help the mayor with planning the next Running of the Leaves, and then I have to help Applejack balance the account of the Sweet Apple Acres. Aside from those few thing nothing really."

Sam raised an eyebrow at her then shrugged. 'Nothing new with Twilight then.' He finished the preface of the tome when Spike handed him a bag for the books. Sam packed the books away then turned to face Spike. "So what exactly do you do in your free time Spike?"

"Oh, nothing much. I usually clean this place up, help out around town, and generally have fun with the other ponies."

Sam leaned in closer to Spike so that he could still hear him when he lowered his voice. "She didn't say anything about planning something for her birthday. Is that why Pinkie is throwing her the party?"

Spike whispered back to him after checking over his shoulder if Twilight was looking at them. "Yeah. She gets so busy that really important things can get left behind. I was the one who told the others about her schedule lacking a birthday date."

Sam looked back up at Twilight, who had her face buried in a one of the books, and smiled to himself. 'She has her heart in the right place but still hasn't learned how to have fun.' Sam stayed in the tree library until noon rolled around then he got up to leave. Spike was disappointed he wouldn't stay longer but he needed to stretch his legs and he had a plan that needed to be attended to. He said his farewells to both of them then set off to the Carousel Boutique.

Renewed Hope

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Sam reached the boutique without indecent, he entered the building and sat down in the waiting chair. He heard a call from deeper in the store.

"I'll be right with you."

"Take your time."

"Sam? What are you doing here? I swear if you messed up that suit again I swear I'll take it back!"

Rarity entered the room levitating a pair of scissors and a rather angry looking Opal. Sam took a step back from Opal before she could get any closer. He didn't want to deal with that moody and often temperamental cat.

"No I didn't get the suit dirty, I came over here to talk to you about something. I have a feeling you’re the pony to talk to about this."

"And what would this be?"

Sam took a deep breath. "I need a way to tell Luna thank you. Do something nice for her. I talked to Applejack about..."

Sam told her the same story he told Applejack. The reaction from her however was completely the opposite of Applejack's. She was practically bouncing around the room and only seemed to keep herself from squealing in joy because it would be 'unladylike.' When she regained control of herself she looked at Sam with the same knowing look Applejack had worn, but this one was accompanied with a smile.

"Darling I think I have just the thing for you. Well now that I think about it you two do make an interesting couple but I guess love can take any shape it wants."

"This isn't a date. I just want to thank her with something nice. I hardly think she would fall in love with someone she's only known for barely two days."

She rolled her eyes at him and adopted a sarcastic tone. "Of course darling. Now I think you should start with a nice dinner then move on to a simple two person event... let's see... a walk in the park seems simple but it's cliché. You could always see a movie but getting a private showing would be hard to do, but then again she is royalty."

He sat down in a chair to listen to her talk. After the first minute he realized that she was planning the whole thing for him, with or without his consent. He was happy to let her deal with the details because the 'date' with Luna wasn't why he was here. 'It's not a date. Why am I calling it that?' He was here to get his revenge for the taunting from Applejack in his own way. He waited for Rarity to take a breath so he could intervene.

"Hey, we can plan the details out later. I wanted to talk to you about a problem a friend of mine has."

She switched gears flawlessly going from dating expert to advice giver mode without missing a beat. "Oh of course. What kind of problem do they have?"

'Easy as pie.' He cleared his throat. "Well, they like someone but they don't know if the person in question likes them in the same way. They are scared that the other might not return the feelings and they don't want to ruin the friendship they have."

"What kind of 'feelings' are we talking about here Sam?"

He looked her dead in the eyes. "They admire this pony. I guess love may be a word to use here but I don't know for certain. All I can say is that they are terrified that if the other found out that they may not get a chance to find out if it could work."

She gave him a searching look then smiled gently at him. "Sam I think this person should tell the other how they feel. It's better to find out if it will or won't work out than never knowing. This person should take the leap of faith."

He smiled back at her. "Good because you’re the person that they admire from afar."

Her look changed to one of blank confusion. "I'm what?"

"The pony I'm talking about admires your beauty but can't work up the guts to tell you. They are scared stiff with the thoughts of rejection. If I'm read their expressions right. Either way I thought you should know."

He rose from the seat and grabbed his bag of books. He started walking to the front door when Rarity ran in front of him and stood up on her hind legs and smacked her front legs on his chest. All of her ladylike dignity seemed to have been left behind on the stool she was sitting on.

"Hold up there Sam. You can't just drop that kind of bombshell on me then just leave. If you are serious about this then you should, no NEED, to tell me the name of this pony. Now!"

He looked down at here and put on a frown. "I don't know. I think I shouldn't have told you in the first place. If you knew they felt this way about you then started acting differently to them then they will know I told you. I couldn't live with myself if my friendship with them ended on a bad note like that."

He feigned distress at the situation he had made up. Rarity put on a pleading look. "Please Sam! I simply must know. I swear by Celestia herself that I will not act differently to the pony you name. I shall stay the same lady I have always been to them."

"Pinkie Promise?"

She didn't even waste time trying to protest with him. She dropped down and began the movements. "Cross my heart hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye. Now tell me the name Sam."

"It's Applejack."

Her face changed yet again. She sat down on her haunches wearing a look of stunned disbelief on her face. Sam put the bag of books back down of the floor and took a seat next to her. She stared off into space for several seconds before she spoken again in a hushed voice.

"Did she say how long she felt this way?"

"No, but I could tell that she's had these feelings for a long time. I guess in her mind the two of you couldn't work."

She turned to him and said in a harsh voice that surprised. "What's that supposed to mean! Are you saying that we couldn't be a great couple!"

He scooted away from her before he made his answer. "No! I was just saying I can see why she wouldn't tell you. You and her are opposites on the extreme. I mean just look at your jobs! She's a farmer and you’re a fashion designer, and a damn good one. She worried that that little fact will keep it from working."

"Well... I have no idea what to do."

"Talk to her. Take her out for a night, just the two of you. Take the leap of faith."

She looked at him with fear in her eyes. "What if it doesn't work out? I don't want to ruin what we have."

He moved back over to her and wrapped an arm around her. "That's why it’s called the leap. It may hurt but then you will know."

"You think I should take her out with on a date?"

"If it will make you feel better, we could do a double date. Though mine wouldn't really be a date..."

They stood up and she walked over to his bag. "If that's the case then we will need to get together to plan this. Thursday at 3. I have an opening in my schedule."

"You'll need to ask her at some point. Also you can't tell her that I said anything."

"I promised, remember. I'll think of something to say when I ask her."

She walked over to him with his bag. He took it from her and he turn to leave when he felt her grab him by the shirt. He turned around and received a hug from the white mare. He returned the hug and when they broke he saw that she was smiling.

"Thanks. What was that for?"

"You just gave me hope for a better future."

He blushed at the simple statement. He turned away from the still smiling mare and headed for the door.


Sam spent the next four hours reading his small collection of books. He had been walking around the town, going from spot to spot but kept getting surrounded by crowds of curious ponies. He was about to give up hope of reading the books outside when he was struck with inspiration. He walked to the out skirts of town after losing the crowd and climbed up a nearby tree. He sat down on the largest branch halfway up the oak tree he had found. The hours pasted without incident until the sound of weight landing on a branch tore his attention from the current paragraph on building restrictions. He looked around but couldn't see anything. He shrugged his shoulders and returned to his page when a voice yelled at him from above.

"Hey! You’re in my best sleeping spot."

He jumped and nearly fell out of the tree. He looked up at the cyan pegasus that was offended by his presence. Rainbow Dash move to the same branch he was sitting on and looked at him with a irritated look.

"I was trying read. I can move if you want me to."

"Nah your fine here. So what you reading?"

"Some law books Twilight loaned me. I'm surprised at how similar Equestrian law is to human law. Did you know that floating or flying homes are not permitted to go over school houses on the first of each month?"

"No I didn't. I guess I'll have to keep that in mind when I move my house anywhere. So why would you read a boring book like that when you could have read something like Daring Do instead?"

Sam hadn't thought about that. "This was the first thing that popped into my mind I guess. So what are you doing?"

She looked at the base of the tree and the nearby area then back up at him. She motioned for him to move closer. He played along due to the fact that he lost all interest of the law text he was holding. He leaned down so she could whisper to him.

"I'm avoiding Fluttershy right now. She wants me to help her with cleaning chickens. I can stand those birds."

"I certain the chicken coop isn't that bad."

"No not the coop. The chickens themselves. She gives the things baths and she wants me to help her. I can't stand to tell her no but I really hate those birds."

Sam couldn't help but chuckle at her predicament. He sat back up and leaned up against the trunk of the tree. "Well... does she know your avoiding her?"

"No. There's no way I would do that to her. Why?"

"You could always just tell her that you don't like the chickens. That way she won't ask you to help her with that, and you could always offer to help her with other chores."

"Yeah I guess. You seem chock full of advice."

"I’ve been giving a lot out today. It's always strange how when something bad happens in your life you feel like the wisest person all of a sudden."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You lost me."

"Well, have you ever had something bad happen to you then after it you feel like you could advise anyone?"

"Yeah I guess. What happened to you that made you into this wise super guru?"

He sighed. He didn't feel like telling the whole story for the third time that day. He told her about Jenny but skipped everything that had to do with Luna or the other two he had talked to. She sat there and listened to him with rapt attention. He was expecting a reaction along the lines of Applejack's but was surprised by the anger he saw on her face.

"Okay that's just pure bovine fertilizer. That chick needs a lesson in manners and how to be a decent pony-er, human. How can humans like that even exist!? I mean come on! How could anyone do that to you, you’re a totally cool dude."

"Sometimes things like that just happen. Everyone just tells you to move, that it's a part of life. Thanks for listening to me rant on about this though."

"No problem. I'm gonna head up a branch or two. If anypony comes looking send them the other way. See ya round."

Sam chuckled and watched her lift off into the higher reaches of the tree. He reopened the book and continued reading. Occasionally he would hear a passerby down below or a rustling in the tree above him but he just stayed where he was and read his book. 'I've had an interesting day so far. Two ponies think I have the hots for Luna, Rainbow Dash wants to kill my ex, and I'm reading a law book in a tree. I still have to talk to Mister later as well. I'm fed up with his bullshit, I need answers and he will give them to me.'


Sam arrived back at the farm with the bag of books and a tired expression on his face. He walked up the stairs and entered his room. He put the bag on the dresser and took a seat on the bed. He was about to say Mister's name when a knocking came from the door. On the other side of the door Applejack talked with concern in her voice.

"Sam? You okay there big guy?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just tired."

"Would you like some dinner? Ah could warm something up for you."

"No. I just need some sleep."

He could hear her shuffle at the door then after a few seconds then leave. He laid his head down on the pillow and took a deep breath.

"Mister I need to talk to you."

He waited for a second expecting something to happen. Nothing did. He was about to sit up and go get some food when he felt a sudden heaviness on his eyelids and before he could even wonder what was going on he fell back onto the bed in the bliss of unconsciousness.


"Wake up my little human. That just doesn't have the same ring as the ponies. Shame. Either way wake up now you sad sack, I'm bored and you need to talk."

Sam opened his eyes and was met with a strange scene. He was in the same white void as the first time but instead of nothing in the vast expanse on nothing there was an office but there were no walls. All the furniture was sitting in an orderly fashion and there were hanging painting but no walls for them to hang from. He sat up and walked over to the collection of furniture. It took him a second to realize that it was set up just like the old film noire office. He smiled to himself at the great films he had watched when he was younger until he saw Mister sitting behind the desk with a glass in his hand.

"Please come on in. My office is open to all."

"Sure, why not."

He walked into the 'room' and took a seat in front of the desk. When he sat down Mister held out a glass with a strange color changing liquid in it. Sam shook his head and Mister shrugged at him.

"Your loss. This stuff is beyond great, it will make you wish everything tasted as good as it did. On second thought maybe you shouldn't have this. It is the nectar of the gods, so to speak."

Sam watched Mister as he drank from the glass. He could see the liquid go down his throat and it made him feel sick. He cleared his throat loudly when Mister started to moan with pleasure from the drink. He frowned at him then put the glass down and motioned for Sam to speak.

"I have a couple of questions and I want answers. Real answers. No bullshit, just answers."

Mister let out a childlike giggle then nodded his head.

"First: Where are we?"

Mister rose from behind the desk and gestured around the 'room' they were in. "The Void my dear mortal. It is the space between dimensions and realities. Also this is your subconscious providing the rather nice furnishings."

"My subconscious provided the furniture?"

"Yes it's a curious trait the Void holds. It shapes itself to what the closest conscious mind wants. Apparently you wanted to be in this office when you talked to me, though walls would have been a nice touch."

Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Okay whatever. Why haven't you bothered to annoy me in Equestria, you seemed quite fond of it on earth?"

A dark mournful look passed over the smile of Mister's face. "Because of them."


"Yes them. There are powerful beings like myself on that world and I would like to avoid them for now."

'Wonder who he’s tal- Celestia and Luna! He doesn't want them to know he's there, but why?' Sam was struck by a question that hadn't passed through his mind yet. 'How could I have not thought of it?'

"I know who you are! You're Discord!"

The laughter that flowed from Mister was exactly what Sam was expecting. The doubling over and practically crying into the carpet wasn't. Mister was on the floor doubled over for nearly five minutes before he regained control of himself.

"He he he, you think that I am that moron! That's the best joke I have heard in so long! No my dear mortal I am not the god of chaos. I am the god of laughter and trickery."

Sam was unable to comprehend how he had gotten that wrong. "The god of laughter and trickery? Isn't that the same thing as what Discord does?"

The smile vanished to be replaced by a scowl. "That moron has no idea what true laughter is! And you dare to mistake me for that avatar!? No, I would never do what he has done. I would never give up this for a silly pursuit, being mortal."

He moved away from Sam and waved his hand at the Void around them. "Why would any of my kin give up this? This power and glory! Instead so many of them have given up this for the simple 'pleasure' of being a mortal. That's what Discord and the Princesses are Sam. They are mortal, flesh and blood."

Sam watched as deranged god before him went on a rant. "We were the very stuff of reality. Our thoughts where law. We created everything we wanted, and yet they started to grow bored. It all started with them you know. The one's you call Luna and Celestia. They are just the left over essence of Light and Darkness."

Mister's face softened from the rage that had taken over his body. "They fell in love those two. They had many a grand time. They grew bored and if I could be so bold to say envious of the mortals. They thought the notion of dying with their loved one was the single most romantic thing they could ever do. After many a millennia of life they killed themselves, and spread their essence and love across all of creation."

Sam watched as a single tear left the eye of Mister. He waited to see if Mister would continue and when he saw that Mister was going to stay silent he took his chance.

"So that makes Luna and Celestia reincarnations of Light and Darkness?"

"Indeed. There are many reincarnations across the great expanse of the realities. This is one of the few pairs that ended up being family instead of lovers."

"And what is Discord exactly?"

"He is the god of chaos. He was the only god to take the option of becoming a mortal without killing himself. All the others died in the process, all by choice. He chose to contain all of his power into one single reality."

"That sorta leads into my other question. Which world is real? Mine or theirs?"

Mister looked at him with the old smile back on his face. "Didn't you hear me? The god of chaos chose to contain himself in one single reality . If it wasn't real then he couldn't have done it. Perhaps I should explain some of the basic workings of reality to you. All that exists because something thought of it. Now some realities don't last long because the thought wasn't strong enough or they chose to destroy the thought. The ones that survive however are the ones that form a multiverse and once that is created it can only be destroyed by a god. Earth is one of the multiverses as is Equestria."

Sam's mind was barely able to process all that was being told to him. All that he knew was that he could tell Luna that her world was as real as his. The more that Mister talked though only lead to him to wanting to ask more questions about the multiverses. What kinds of worlds were out there besides Earth?

"Wait you said that Equestria is a multiverse. I'm not on the original am I?"

"No. If I did that then it would affect the rest of the multiverse and all of that reality would crumble and become corrupted. I would be forced to destroy it. Oh, and you as well."

Sam was taken aback by that sudden confession. "Why me?"

"You would be the corrupting influence. If you went back to Earth you would damage that multiverse as well. It's easier that way."

Sam let that rest. He didn't want to press Mister any more than he already had. "You knew that the thing with Jenny was going to happen. Why would you just let that happen?"

The smile grew sadistic. "Because, as you said when this week began, you have a good life. Why would you ever want to stay in Equestria if you had everything you wanted back on Earth? And I didn't know that you would find out about her this week, but I did know that you would eventually find out. I was hoping that you would find out during the week but I was thinking it would happen later in the week. Again I have to say I am truly sorry for what you had to feel when it happened but I'm not sorry that it did. However before you get all pissed at me for saying that, I would like you to know that the next disaster your life will face is unavoidable."

Mister rushed over to Sam before he could even begin to think about responding and put his palm on Sam's forehead.

"I also noticed that you have the hots for the princess, Interesting choice for the rebound Sammy boy."

Sam felt himself grow tired under the grasp of Mister. "I don't have the hots for..."

He collapsed to the floor leaving Mister standing over him. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that. You should speak up."

Change in Plans

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Sam awoke the blaring noise of his alarm. 'Well that was a complete waste of my time. All he did was spout nonsense and then send me back here.' He rose from the bed and began the morning routine that he had performed so many other times in his life. However his morning routine was interrupted by Mister sitting on his couch. Sam tried his best to ignore him but when he started to clear his throat loudly he changed his approach.

"Can I help you?"

The smile on Mister's face didn't change at all despite the heavy sarcasm in Sam's voice. "Why yes, you can. I was hoping that our conversation was to your liking. I would feel just awful if it didn't."

Sam looked at him for a minute. "Are you planning on following me for long?"

"All day. I want to see what it's like in a day in the life of a human."

"Okay then. You said you are a god; what kind of god exactly?"

With an extravagant wave of his hands Mister stood up and bowed to Sam. "I am the god of laughter and trickery."

"You already said that. I mean what is it you do exactly?"

Mister opened the door for Sam. "I am the living embodiment of joy. I do whatever makes me happy and will give me a good laugh regardless of what happens to others. You humans came up with some names for me. Your Norse called me Loki."

Sam walked through the door and went through the hall. Along the way he watched as Mister seemed to lose himself in a long winded rant about himself and the other gods.

"At one point there were hundreds of us. We were everything, from a god of color to a god of smell. We existed long before time was even a thing. We created the very first worlds and from them sprang the other realities. And that's when it all started to go wrong, as I have told you. It was a real shame. So many of us started to end our own existence just to fulfill a silly notion. Granted Death had a field day when they all started."

Sam tried his best to stay focused on the road but something in Misters tone made him want to listen to him. He wasn't arrogant or rude as he normally was. He was, for lack of a better word, sad almost depressed. They reached the parking lot of the office building. Sam was hoping that Mister would grow bored and leave but when he closed his door Mister was already standing next to him.

"So what will we be doing today Sam? I hope it's something fun! Oh, I know let’s turn this building into a boat. That would be fantastic."

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please don't. I have work that I need to do."

Mister floated along next to him is a sitting position. "Now don't be so boring Sam. You should do something to lift your sad spirits. I mean that date of yours is still a few days away and until then-"

Sam cut him off. "It's not a date. Why does every one think that I'm in love with her? Even if I was it could never work. I'm human and she's... well you know what she is. It's just weird."

Sam glanced at Mister and saw that his smile had vanished replaced with a look of cold fury. Sam froze in his place in an unnamable terror that washed over him. Mister put his feet back on the ground and the sky went suddenly dark. Sam couldn't tare his eyes away from Misters.

"I knew you were a simple creature and I'm willing to overlook that but you will never insult my intellect or the intellect of Love ever again with a statement that stupid again. How DARE you even think that love only matters if the one you love is the same species as yourself. Love transcends things as simple as that. The both of you are sentient creatures capable of so much and just because you aren't the same you shut it down!? Shallow and stupid."

The sky above them brightened back to normal and the smile returned to Misters face but seemed sarcastic and forced now. Sam felt his senses return and he continued walking, humbled by the outburst of wisdom that Mister had given him. Mister on the other hand seemed perfectly happy to continue talking with a sickly cheerful tune.

"Speaking of Love, I once had a fling with that gal. Now that was some of the best times I have ever had. Not to mention the s-"

Mister was cut off by Alex running over to Sam. "Hey Sam! I texted you earlier but I guess you must have missed it. I was wondering if you were coming in considering..."

Sam shrugged. "A little break up shouldn't keep me from working. It will take my mind off of it."

Mister looked at Alex and looked bored. 'I guess he doesn't like being cut off.' Sam and Alex walked into the building and headed to the elevator. Sam was looking for something to shift the conversation to something less depressing than his love life.

"You never did tell me how your date went."

"It went well but I told him that it would either have to be a long distance relationship or just a quick fling."

Sam looked at him with a slight smile. "So what did he choose?"

A wicked smile passed over both Alex’s and Misters faces. "We went to his place and had one hell of a time, if you catch my drift."

Sam couldn't help but laugh with Mister. Alex stood there with a proud smile on his face. The elevator opened and Sam walked off and headed to his office. He sat down and started on some paper work while Mister wandered around the office. He was looking at the books when Sam got up. Mister checked the clock and was surprised that it was already pass 3:00 P.M. Sam was heading to the door before Mister spoke up. 'So much for being quite for a while… he was having a good run to.'

"Where you heading Sammy boy?"

"I need to talk with my boss. Just try not to break anything."

Mister let out a cartoonish sinister chuckle. "I'll do my best."

Sam walked through the building and made his way to his boss’s office. He made some small chit-chat before he went right to the point. He talked about the accommodations in New York and the time frame in which he and the rest needed to get there. He told him that he was planning on leave for New York by the end of the week. He handed in a file and told him that all of his work had been finished aside from the paper work needed for the NY firm.

He returned to the office to find that Mister rearranged everything in the room even the bookcases that had been bolted into the wall. His desk had been moved to the opposite wall and was upside down, his books were all standing in a pillar next to the window, and his knick-knacks were all sitting on the ceiling. Sam stood in his door way for a second before he closed the door and moved over to Mister.


Mister looked disappointed. "I was hoping that you'd freaked out. You’re no fun when your all calm and business like. Oh well."

He snapped his fingers and everything floated back to their original spots. Sam had to move out of the desks way so it wouldn't hit him. Sam collected up his things and headed back to the door. Mister float next to him with his feet in the air. His clothes defied gravity and stayed normal but with Misters head now at the same level as Sam's ankles. Mister walked to the door, walking being a relative term at this point.

"I think this is more fun. You should try it some time."

Sam looked down at him then rolled his eyes. They made their way out to the parking building before Sam spoke.

"I think I lack that ability. Also why are you still here? I figured you would have gotten bored and left by now."

Mister corrected himself so that he was right side up again. "Well I wanted to see what your day was like and I have to say you are a very boring creature. Also your friend Alex has a damn good taste in clothes. By the way why would you want to go to New York so soon? Would it be because you don't want to stay here with the memories of Jenny?"

"Partially. I have nothing more to do here and I might as well get out there and get started. I've been put in charge and I should set a good example."

Mister raised her eyebrow but didn't speak.


Sam was sitting at his computer randomly browsing the internet going from site to site but not really paying attention to what he was doing. Mister was talking but Sam didn't really care to listen. He was busy thinking on what Mister had said earlier in the day. 'If I did fall in love with Luna... why would I not want to pursue a relationship? She is nice but she's a pony. That is just... bizarre to think about. Well after the date I should be able to just move on and not think about that kind of thing. Damnit Mister now I can't stop calling it a date.' Sam sighed and turned off the computer. He figured that Mister would leave when he went to bed. Much to his dismay Mister was sitting in the bed patting it with his hand.

"Care to join me lover boy?"

"Get the hell out and don't call me that."

Mister put on a fake pout. "Why not grumpy? I know that the only thing on your mind is Luna. Come on admit it you want to at least try to have a relationship with her."

Sam watched Mister act like a stereotypical teenage girl who want to get her friend to admit to a crush. "Yes I have been thinking about how silly it is. She's a pony princess and I'm a human lawyer. I don't think I would fit in at Canterlot."

"So it's no longer a species thing, now it’s a job and social status thing. I understand that you may feel unworthy of her but keep at it and you'll earn her love."

Sam took off his shirt then sat on the bed making sure he was more than arm’s length away from Mister. "Whatever makes you feel better. Now leave I need to sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow."

"I'm certain. You can deny your feelings all you like but deep down you know that you will take a leap of faith. When you do I'll be watching and waiting to see what happens."

Mister dissolved into nothing leaving Sam on the bed feeling like the week could be going more slowly.


Sam awoke on the farm to the smell of baking apples. for the briefest of moments he considered just staying in the bed for the whole day. 'What would be the point of that? Might as well go out and have some fun or at least talk to Rarity. She probably has ideas for my date... thank you for Luna.' He got up and put on the jacket for the suit. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror in the room. His hair was an absolute mess and he had what looked like a week’s worth of growth on his face. He decided that a trip to Rarity's would be a good thing since he really needed a shave. He walked down the stairs to find that all of the Apples were there eating their meal.

"Mornin' big guy. I was wonderin' if ya would wake up this mornin' but since you’re up Ah got something for ya."

Applejack went over to the table and picked up a scroll then handed it to Sam. He sat down and opened it. It was a formal invitation to Twilight's party. 'Leave it to Pinkie to go the extra mile.' He rolled the scroll back up and put in the inside pocket of his jacket. He rose from the table and headed for the door. Applebloom called out to him when she realized that he was no longer in the room.

"Hey Sam, where ya going?"

"I figured I would... see if Fluttershy needs help with anything. I still need to thank her for fixing me up."

They all shouted a goodbye to him and he set off towards the road. He reached the road and had been walking for a minute before he remembered that he had no idea where Fluttershy lived. He stopped on the road and looked up in the sky while he tried to create a mental map of Ponyville much to no avail. 'Maybe after I visit Rarity she could point me in the right direction.' He set off to town but was distracted by the sudden noise of someone or rather somepony moving through a bush. He turned around to see the source of the noise and was greeted by a rather upset looking brown pony with an hourglass on his flank. The ponies attention wasn't on Sam however, it was on the mare that emerged from the bush behind him. The stallions name Sam couldn't remember but the mares he could. Derpy was stumbling out of the bush with a confused smile on her face when she caught sight of Sam. The brown pony however went on with something he had said earlier.

"And further more my dear I don't think that it really matters what type of bake good you want to bring to the brunch. I would like to get there on time and... oh, well hello there!"

He finally noticed Sam's presence by following the gaze of one of Derpy’s eyes. Both showed mild amusement at the fact Sam was standing on the road. The stallion adjusted the bow tie he was wearing then addressed Sam.

"Hello. This is Derpy and my name is-"

"The Doctor!"

The doctor stood there stunned by the sudden outburst. "Well... yes. Have we met? I usually remember a face."

"No we haven't. I'm Sam. I don't really know if you have heard but I've been staying with the Apples on the orchard."

The Doctor walked around Sam inspecting him from head to toe. "Yes I've heard that a human was in town. Interesting completely bipedal creature without fur. Good taste in clothes, rather tall, and needs a shave."

Sam felt the growth on his face and nodded his head in agreement. 'I really could use a good shave.' He looked from Derpy to the Doctor. He had no clue if the Doctor was supposed to be this worlds version of a Timelord or whatever that British show called them or just a pony with a strange name but at this moment no matter how much he wanted to talk to them he had more important things to do.

"Do you know how to get to Fluttershy's house from here?"

Derpy jumped up and down in excitement. "I do! You just go down this road a ways and when you reach the fork you take a left. From there the animal noises should help you along."


He walked away but he couldn't help but over hear their continued conversation. "Now we need to head this way and no more short cuts Derpy. I'm tired of getting lost in the bushes."

Sam walked along at a leisurely pace. He knew that he all day to get something done but he just didn't really feel like doing anything. He felt tired and his mind was sluggish but he could think of why that would be. He had slept well enough... then again he never really did get to sleep. 'Every time I fall asleep I just wake up instantly. Does that mean my mind isn't resting? Certainly feels like it hasn't.' He was deep in an internal debate over whether he was tired or not when he stopped and looked back on the path. He had missed the turn in the he needed to make. He went back and took the correct turn. 'That settles it. I'm really tired.' He reached a small brook when he heard the sound of hooves on hard earth toward him. He looked up from the brook to see Fluttershy running up to him.

"Sam what are you doing up so soon? Is your shoulder fixed?"

"Yeah. I'm all better now."

"But that kind of shoulder injury should have taken at least a week. Do humans have fast healing?"

Sam smiled and looked up into the sky. "Just call it divine intervention. I wanted to say thank you for fixing me up and I figured the best way was to help out here, if you don't mind me doing so."

He looked back down to see that she had looked up into the sky with him. She looked back down to him and smiled kindly at him. "You’re very welcome and I would love to have some help here. Are you good with dogs?"

"They don't hate me if that's what you mean."

"Oh don't worry. This group is very tame."

She led him into the tree home and into the main room. When he entered he was assaulted by a pack of dogs. From under the attack of fur and lickings Sam tried to call for Fluttershy to call them off. She was too busy giggling at the sight to help him. After struggling for a minute Sam emerged from the dogs.

"I think they like you."

He was petting the largest of the dogs. "Dog is man’s best friend. That holds true no matter what I guess."

She told him that the task she needed help with was washing the dogs. Sam did a head count. Thirteen dogs. He helped her herd them out behind the tree home and they started with the smaller dogs. At first they were silent as they cleaned them but when the silence got the most annoying to Sam he decided to talk.



"Are you good with giving advice?"

She looked over at him. "I've given advice before but I don't really know if it was the best. Why?"

Sam was wiping down a poodle when it shook itself. After quickly wiping away the water from his eyes he looked over to her. "Well... I'm having conflicting feeling about someone. Everybody I have talked to keeps telling me that I like them but I don't know if I do. I mean where I'm from that kind of thing is frowned upon."

She was silent for a moment. "If this pony, erm... someone was a human would you give them a chance?"

Sam sat there. It was a simple train of thought. Hell, he remembered Mister saying something along those lines. He looked down at the now clean poodle. He reach for a towel still thinking about his answer.

"I guess I would. I know that I wouldn't be double guessing myself like this."

She was drying off a Labrador pup when she answered him. "I would say that you should treat this affection just like you would back in your home."

He sat there trying to accept the advice she had given him. 'Could it work? I know that I can't treat it just like a relationship back on Earth but the important stuff would still be there. All the romance would still be able to happen.' He felt a sudden shame. Fluttershy watched as his expression changed from one of hope to a much darker grimace. He looked over to her with the shame burning on his face.

"Does this make me a bad person? Not wanting to reach for love because of something like a difference in looks."

She could see something was haunting him. Something more than just the confused feelings. "Sam, are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

Sam was feeling like something was crushing his mind. He didn't know what was going on but he felt like he was suffocating. His vision suddenly started to go blurry on him and he felt a sudden dizziness. He fought through the sensation and tried to focus as best he could.

"I haven't slept in a long time. I feel like my head is going to explode, my girlfriend of two months cheated on me, I'm in love with a alicorn, and a demented god of laughter is f***ing around with me for his sick kicks. Aside from that I"M JUST FINE!"

Fluttershy started to back away from him. When he started shouting she realized what he was suffering from. He was suffering from some form of sleep deprivation. When he finished his rant she moved closer to him.

"Feel better?"

"I still feel like crap but that helped. I'm sorry for going off on you like that."

Sam explained everything that had happened to him that week but in a much more condensed version. She was the perfect listener, she was silent when he needed her to be and she would comfort him when parts of the story got rough. He finished sobbing. He felt that everything was crashing down on him and he knew that something was going to make the week worse. Mister had promised him that.

Fluttershy and Sam finished cleaning the dogs. "I want you to go back to the farm and just get some sleep. Just ask that Mister fellow to let you sleep normally for once; I'm certain he will let you."

Sam knelt down and hugged her. She returned the gesture. He set off toward the fork in the road when his mind stumbled on a thought. He only had three more days left. If he was going to date Luna he would have to try it before Friday. He walked along the road lost in thought, not bothering to correct himself for once. He reached the edge of town and stopped. His vision blurred again and he felt like he was going to be sick. He sat down on the side of the road and mumbled to himself.

"Mister... I need some help here."

"And what kind of help will you need?"

Sam opened his eyes and looked around. He was still on the side of the Ponyville road with no one around. He looked around trying to find where Mister was sitting. Mister spoke again in a sarcastic and almost bored way.

"You won't find me. I'm just talking to you this way. You said you needed help so I'm here in your head to give it."

Sam held his head in his hands. A dull throbbing had started and was getting worse by the second. "I need some rest. Real rest, not this moving of my mind shit you have going here."

"You humans must be frailer than I thought... but then again there are very few creatures that can go for so long without resting. Very well, I shall let you rest your weary head and because I'm so nice this won't transfer you over to Earth."

Sam was about to thank Mister when his eyes forced themselves shut and his mind when blank.


Sam awoke from his forced sleep. His mind was trying to process how long he had been asleep when he looked around only to notice that everything on the road looked the same as when he closed his eyes. 'How can that work. I've got to have been out for at least 5 hours. Then again it is Mister that did this.' He rose to his feet and noticed that he was no longer dizzy nor was his head throbbing. His mind felt sharp and fresh. He stretched his arms and legs then set off to the boutique.

Mister’s voice sounded once more in his head. "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"Yeah, how is it that no time passed?"

Sam could practically feel Misters smile in the voice. "I took your mind and let it rest in the Void. Then when it finished I put it back in that body."

Sam decided to let the conversation die right there. He had more important things on his mind and he didn't want to get distracted by Mister. He reached the boutique without any further words to Mister. He opened the door and was met with a trio of eyes looking at him. The first pair he recognized was those of Rarity's. The other was of a pair mares both of whom Sam could only assume were customers. Rarity looked at him with a cocked eyebrow then addressed him in a rather agitated tone.

"Just take a seat over there Sam. I need to help these two."

She turned back to the pair, both of which were staring at Sam. He sat on the ground crossed legged and simply stared at the wall deep in thought. The three ponies left Sam sitting there and went about their business. It was well over an hour later that they left. Rarity was still agitated but was trying to stay pleasant.

"So Sam what can I help you with?"

"My date with Luna needs to be moved up."

She sighed then moved a stool over so she could sit on it. "Why would that be necessary?"

"I may not be here after Friday. So I think I should move it up to tomorrow, which is if she even says yes."

Her mood shifted to one of curiosity. "Why wouldn't you be here after Friday?"

"That's not important. I just wanted you to know. I'll plan the date out so you won't have to worry."

She was looking at him with a worried expression. She could tell that whatever brought this on was worrying him much more that it showed. Sam rose from the floor and walked to the door.

"Hey do you know where Spike would be?"

She got up from the stool to answer him. "He's at the library. Are you okay Sam?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just worried she won't say yes."

He didn't give Rarity a chance to say anything as he set off to find Spike. He noticed that streets were emptier than the day before but he figured that something must be happening. He reached the tree library and knocked on the door. He could faintly hear a voice inside that yelled. "Spike! Could you get that please?" The door opened and Sam was greeted by Spike.

"Hey Sam! Did you need to talk to Twilight?"

He looked down at the smiling dragon. "Well actually I needed to ask you something."

Spike motioned for him to come in. Sam took a few steps in and sat down on the floor. Even when on the floor he was still taller than Spike. He could see an eager look in Spikes eyes.

"What do you need?"

"Well I was hoping that you could send a letter for Princess Luna for me."

Spike raised his eyebrow at Sam. "Well... I don't really know if I could send it to her directly but I could send it to Celestia and then she could give it to Luna."

Sam shrugged. "Close enough. Alrighty then, Spike take a letter."

Spike went over to the desk and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. Sam was smiling to himself at the fact he got to do something that he was certain almost every brony in the world would kill to say. Spike returned to the spot that Sam was sitting in and raised his quill in a way saying: I'm ready.

"Dear Princess Luna. I would like to cordially invite you to dinner and walk in the park as a form of thanks. I am very grateful that you have been patient with me, even when I am acting less than polite to ponds. I eagerly await your reply. Sincerely, Sam Batesfill"

Spike finished the letter and wrapped it up. Before he blew on it he put a small note saying that it was meant for Luna. Sam watched the green fire consume the letter, hoping that Luna would say yes before the quickly approaching Friday. Spike went over to the desk and placed the quill down.

"So Sam do you have anything else to do today?"

Sam looked away from the window that the smoke flew out of. "Not really. I could help you out around here if you want."

Spikes face brightened. "Sure! I could always use the help. Are you any good at organizing books?"

A Lovly Reply.

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Sam had never really liked libraries and after helping Spike with the cleaning of the tree library he had more than enough reasons to hate them now. He and Spike had finished organizing the non-fiction section and now had to move on the fiction section when Twilight came down from the upper floor.

"How's it going boys?"

Sam lifted a tome almost the size of Spike and put it on the shelf. "Pretty good. There's a stack over there that we didn't know what to do with. They didn't have titles and most of them look pretty old."

Twilight went over to the stack that he'd pointed at and started to look them over. The next few seconds were silent, save for the occasional sound of a turning page or a book being placed on a shelf. The working trio were interrupted by the sudden belch from Spike. Sam watched as the small puff of green flame became a pair of scrolls. As Twilight was the usual recipient of letters in this fashion she was the one to grab them. Sam was hopeful but while he waited to see what the letter was about he took out his pocket watch and checked the time. 'Nearly five. I've been busy.'

"Hey Sam. This is for you and this one is for you Spike."

Sam looked up from his watch to see the scroll floating right in front of him. He took the scroll and read the contents. The writing was very neat and almost looked rushed.

Dear Samuel,

I was surprised by your rather sudden letter. However after some thought, and a small amount of council with Celestia, I have decided to accept your offer of dinner. I await your reply.

Your friend, Princess Luna.

Sam reread the letter several times to confirm every word. He had asked Luna, a princess no less, to dinner and she said yes. He felt to very distinct feelings at the same time. His heart did a back-flip while the bottom of his stomach dropped out. As he read the letter twilight became interested in Spikes letter.

"What does it say Spike?"

He looked up from his letter and passed the scroll to Twilight so she could read it herself. "It's from Celestia telling me how to send letters to anyone. Now I can send letters to anypony in the world!"

She looked at the letter and smiled down at the bouncing dragon. "That's wonderful! What about yours Sam?"

Sam merely handed her the letter. She looked it over then quickly looked at him then back to the scroll. She repeated this several times before she spoke to him, surprise in her tone.

"You're going out to dinner... with LUNA?"

Sam nodded his head. Spike looked at him then at Twilight with a look that clearly showed that he was wondering how this would play out. 'I'm thinking the same thing.' Twilight looked at him so intently that he was certain she was reading his mind.

"Yes. I needed to thank her for helping me."

Twilight smiled gently at him. "Do you have anything special planned for this dinner?"

Sam suddenly realized that he had no idea where he could possibly take Luna for the date. "Um... not exactly. I don't really know any of the local places. Would you be willing to help me?"

Twilight looked at his sheepish grin with a look of outrage and pity. "How could you not have something planned for this? You don't just ask a royal family member to dinner and not plan it out ahead! Everything will need to be perfect, now if I got a reservation at the..."

Twilight went on for an hour planning everything for the dinner, even going as far as to have a schedule that was broken down to the minute. Sam nodded along to her rambling trying to remember as much as he could but after ten minutes he gave up. He turned to Spike who was sitting nearby trying to finish his work in the library.

"How do you deal with this every day?"

He shrugged. "You just sorta get used to it. So are you and Luna dating or something?"

Sam was about to say no but something stopped him. He had never really thought about if Luna shared the feelings he had been feeling. 'I wonder if that has even pasted through her mind at all.'

"I'm just thanking her as a friend. I would like just be friends at this point."

Sam saw the skeptical look on Spikes face. Spike let it drop however. Sam was pulled back into the conversation that Twilight was unaware that he left by her asking him to write a letter to Luna letting her know how everything was going to work out. He nodded as a show that he had heard her. He turned to Spike who had grabbed a quill and another piece of parchment. Sam started the letter off friendly but he had no idea what Twilight had said so when he stopped he just sat there for a second wondering how to make it sound like he had paid attention. Luckily for him Twilight had taken it upon herself to write the letter due his lack of formality in his wording.

"I think you should be polite and formal for this. You are asking a princess out to dinner after all."

Sam was more than happy to let Twilight go nuts on the letter, as it allowed him to hear exactly what Twilight had planned for them to do on the date. The evening was to begin with dinner at a fine dining restaurant in town then after that meal they would go to the local ice cream shop for dessert and then finish the night off with a romantic moon light stroll. He was impressed by how simple it all sounded and yet it was romantic. He knew that despite all his worrying and all the grief he was getting from Mister that at the very least the date would give him good memories with a good friend. Spike sent the letter off to Luna when a knocking came from the front door. Twilight went to the door and answered it. Sam couldn't see the visitor but he could hear them just fine from his spot on the floor.

"I'll get it. Oh hello Applebloom. What are you up to?"

"Is Sam here?"

"Yeah he's right over there. Come on in."

Sam turned to see a rather excited Applebloom running toward him. She stopped just short of ramming him with a wide grin on her face.

"Guess what Sam!?"

He couldn't help but smile back at the adorable face in front of him. "What?"

"Yer supposed to guess!"

He chuckled to himself as he thought of the first question that came to his mind. "Fine. Did meet someone really interesting today?"


"Did you break a record of some kind?"


Sam pretended to be thoughtful for a moment. "Do I have to go to school with you?"

She was jumping in the air by this point. "Yep! You can come over to the school house tomorrow and talk to the class! Miss Cheerile told me to invite you! Isn't this great?"

"Indeed it is."

She jumped up and hugged him. He returned the gesture with enthusiasm. 'I've haven't been here for a week and I already have friends and a date. I'm must have the greatest luck in the world.' They broke the embrace and Applebloom started tugging at his arm.

"Now come on Sam we need to get to the farm."

Sam rose from his spot on the floor, making Applebloom let go of his arm and resume tugging at his pants as they were the only thing in reach, and walked alongside her.


"We need you to practice what yer going to say! We gotta make it all cool sounding!"

Sam made a quick good-bye to Twilight and Spike as he left the library. They walked through town occasionally stopping for Applebloom to show Sam something in town. From a stall that sold here favorite candy's, made by Bon-bon, to the Apple family cart which was being operated by Big Macintosh on that day. They walked along the road to the orchard when Applebloom nudged Sam on his leg. He looked down at her and saw that she had a look that was a cross between excited and embarrassed. He smiled gently at her to show that he was willing to listen.

"Mister Sam?"


"Ah overheard part of yours and Applejack's conversation you had Monday mornin'. Do you really like Princess Luna?"

Sam stopped walking and stared at Applebloom, while he thought over his answer. Mistaking his sudden halt of movent for anger Applebloom's ears splayed to her skull.

"Ah didn't mean to snoop on ya but it just sorta happened. Ah'm really sorry."

He went down on his knee so that he could get closer to eye level with her. "I'm not mad. I've been debating with myself over that same question. I haven't told anyone...pony this aside from Luna. I might not be here at the end of the week and that has left me feeling that if I tried to get serious with Luna I would only break her heart by me having to leave."

Applebloom put her forelegs on Sam's knee so she could attempt to look him in the eye. He had looked away as he felt tears begin to form in his eyes. He had finally said the very thing he was worried about the whole time. It wasn't about species or if it was taboo to date a princess. It was about not breaking her heart if he chose to stay on Earth the whole time. He could feel the tears stream down his face as he felt the understanding sink in. Applebloom poked him rather roughly in the side to get him to look at her.

"Sam Ah don't know much about love but from what Ah've seen and heard it’s that you can't just worry about the if's and but's. You have to try."

Sam hugged Applebloom in the tightest and possibly teariest hug he had ever been a part of. She returned it with enthusiasm. Sam was certain that she could feel his tears but if it offended her she didn't speak.

"Thank you. From the mouth of babes comes the greatest wisdom."

She pulled from the embrace with a confused look on her face. "Pardon?"

He smiled again at her. “It’s an old saying on Earth. Sometimes the wisest things come from the youngest people or in this case pony."

He lifted her up and placed her on his back giving her a piggy back ride. At first she screamed but once she realized that she was getting a free ride and a new perspective of the road she started to giggle and tell him where he should go. What should have been a simple ten minute walk turned into a half hour adventure. Sam could feel his worrying fade as he focused on the words Applebloom had spoken then thought about what Mister had said as well. He would be given reasons to stay in Equestria and reasons to leave Earth. 'But are these reasons strong enough to stay here. I guess I'll just have to find out.'

They reached the farm house laughing. Applebloom had grabbed Sam by the ears and was trying to drive him around. Sam was worried about her hurting himself due to the fact he was trying to figure out how she was holding his ears with her hooves. She 'drove' him into the home and they made there way into the living room. They plopped down on the sofa giggling at the silliness of their actions. Sam felt like a child again and the more he enjoyed his time here the better he felt about everything that was happening. 'I guess I really needed to unwind.' He sat up and the sofa and cleared his throat.

"So... what exactly did you have in mind for me to say tomorrow?"

"Well something cool like how humans can fly or maybe you could show us a really cool trick that humans and do."

They sat there for the rest of the evening talking about silly things that Sam could do for the class until Applejack walked in the door. Applebloom was in the middle of telling Sam that he should crawl along the wall like a spider and then do a black flip. When Applejack walked in she was met by the sight of Sam rolling on the sofa laughing and Applebloom talking about that after the back flip he could shoot fire out of his mouth.

"What in tarnation are you two talking about?"

"Sam is coming to school tomorrow to talk to my class for Miss Cheerile! Ah was just telling him how to make a really fancy entrance."

Sam was still chuckling to himself as he tried to regain control of his voice. "You missed some of the better ones. She wanted me to take a pear and PFFTT-"

He was overcome once more by a fit of laughter that Applebloom joined him in. Applejack could only smile at the pair of laughing fools that now occupied the sofa.

"Ah swear if Ah didn't know any better Sam Ah would say your just a child."

The remainder of Sam's night consisted of helping Applejack cook dinner and entertaining Applebloom. When he finally went to bed he didn't feel nearly as tired as he had at any other point of his life. Sleep came swiftly as he made himself comfortable under the clean and faintly apple smelling sheets.


Sam found himself awake early in the morning on Wednesday. He rose from his bed and shut off the alarm before it could go off. He was about to call into work before he remembered that he had taken the week off so that he could get a flight to New York. His morning went by quickly as he booked a flight out to New York with surprising ease. He had even found a flight that was leaving on the upcoming Friday. He was about to comment on his luck when he was greeted by the ever smiling face of Mister. 'I knew it.'

"Good morning Sam. I hope you found that little rest of yours relaxing. By the way what did you end up doing after your little rest?"

Sam raised his eyebrow at Mister. "I thought you were an all-powerful god that knew everything about me."

Mister merely shrugged while his smile stayed exactly the same. "That's very true but what fun is there in watching a story when you already know what’s about to happen?"

Sam opened his mouth to argue but he knew that mister had a good point. He sat down on his sofa and motioned for Mister to do the same. Mister took his own seat and looked at Sam with a smile that Sam could only describe as forced. Mister cleared his throat then spoke.

"I have something important to discuss with you. I'm certain this has pasted through your puny little mortal mind. I'll give you a chance to think of it. I'll even give you the chance to ask it."

Sam could only sit there wondering what Mister was going on about. Then a little voice in his mind told him exactly what Mister was talking about.

"What happens to me on the world I don't stay on?"

His smile grew wicked. "Well simply put the body on that world will die."

Sam was shocked by how straight forward Mister was being with him. "I'll..."

"Die. Yes. I had wondered how long it would take you to ask such a simple question like that, but then again you are a mortal. Your only thoughts are on simple things like 'how will I make more money' or 'OW! I was shot'. Silly really."

Sam was still on the dying thing. "What do you mean I'll die? What about the people that know me? They'll have to deal with my death."

Mister sighed then looked at the television that was currently off. "Not my concern. Mortals die every second and most of them don't get so much as a passing glance. Besides you humans and ponies will move on after a time."

Sam wasn't comfortable with how casually Mister spoke about death and that almost sadistic smile on his face didn't help at all. Sam shook his head then rose from his seat to find something to do. He stopped and looked back at Mister with an amused half smile on his face.

"Thanks by the way."

Mister raised an eyebrow at him. "For what?"

"For helping me get that flight out to New York. It’s not easy to get a flight booked that quickly."

Mister let out a light chuckle. "That wasn't me. That was Luck. That old bastard has been around as long as I have and must have given you pity. Still it’s nice to get a thank you every now and then."

Sam was about to make a reply when Mister just dissolved like a sand sculpture exposed to a powerful gust of wind. Sam watched the 'dust' of Mister fade away then went to his office. 'Pleasure as always. So... Whichever world I choose will have me there and the other will see me die? That just makes it all the worse for this choice.' He sat down next to his computer and began to surf the web.

Hours blurred by as he relived his childhood once more only this time he had a goal in mind. As he browsed through all some the fan made content he had a sudden thought. Where in the FiM time line was he? Before the series ended or just after? He tried to find a time frame he could use but his lack of knowledge of the recent events in the world he was forced into he could only come up with a rough time frame. He didn't know why he was so set on figuring this out but it allowed him to fill his time well.

It was almost 3:30 in the evening when he got a call. He checked his phone and saw to his surprise that it was his mother. He answered it not wanting to get an earful of how he shouldn't take so long to answer his mother.

"Hey mom. I wasn't expecting a call from you today. What’s up?"

"Honey... we need to talk."

He was instantly alert. He could tell by her voice alone that something was wrong. She sounded as if she was fighting back tears. He also hadn't been called honey since he was in high school.

"Mom, what’s wrong?"

"... It’s your father. He had a heart attack last night. I'm in the hospital right now..."

Sam sat up in his chair. "What happened? I thought dad was getting healthier because of the..."

The haunting words of Mister came back. 'You're father needs to stop cheating on his diet.'

"Mom... is he alright?"

She sniffed hard on the other side. With a choked voice she answered him. "He's passed honey."

Sam knew that those words were coming but they still hurt like hell. He felt like someone had reached into his chest and gripped his heart tightly. His eyes began to water as he drew in a ragged breath. In a voice strangled by his sobs he asked the only question that was on his mind.


With a sob of her own she replied. "This morning. The doctors tried their best but they couldn't..."

Sam spent the next few minutes talking with his mother, trying to console her as best he could through the phone. After a goodbye he found more painful than he could have ever thought. His night pasted without his knowing. He reached his bed and collapsed into it and was consumed by the black void that was sleep.

Some Nights

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"Sam? Sam, are you okay?"

He could hear the voices but couldn't make sense of them. A much lighter voice grabbed his attention as he tried to put a face to the voice.

"Sam! Sam, please wake up!"

Sam opened his eyes to see a very concerned Apple Bloom and Applejack standing by his bed, or rather Applejack was by the bed and Apple Bloom was standing on it next to Sam.

"Apple Bloom... what's the matter?"

Applejack was the one to answer him. "We heard you moanin' and cryin'. We came in and you just sorta sat there doing that for a couple of minutes then you just stopped. Did you have a nightmare or somethin'?"

Sam sat up and rubbed his eyes only to find that his face was wet with tears and plenty of them. He wiped his eyes and looked at Apple Bloom.

"Can you give me a few moments to talk to Applejack?"

Much to Sam’s surprise she didn't argue with him or ask why. All she did was give him a gentle hug and hopped off the bed. When the door closed Sam looked over to Applejack. He swung his legs over the bed and reach for his shirt. Applejack beat him to it and grabbed the shirt first.

"It wasn't a dream was it?"

He took the shirt from her. "No. Luna told you about what happens when I sleep right?"

She gave a quick nod. "Yup. Ah don't really understand how it possible but then again with all the stuff that happens to me and mah friends Ah shouldn't be surprised that something like this can happen."

He finished putting his shirt one and placed his face in his hands. As he sat there for what felt like the longest time to both of them he finally spoke in a strangled voice.

"My father died... and now my mother has to deal with the pain all alone. I should be there for her but instead I'm here. Even if I was back home I would still be half a damn continent away."

He devolved in to pained sobs. Applejack moved closer to him and wrapped her front legs around his neck in the most comforting hug he had ever felt.

"Ah know how you feel. Losing the ones we love is never easy."

They sat there for a few moments until Sam could regain composure. He broke the embrace and gave Applejack a weak smile.

"Thank you... I think we should get ready for the day now."

Sam finished getting dressed while Applejack opened the door. Apple Bloom rushed into the room past Applejack and stood close to Sam. Sam gave her a smile and gave Applejack a quick glance. As she was walking out of the room Sam caught sight of Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, both of whom were looking at Applejack. Applejack muttered something to them and motioned for Sam and Apple Bloom to come out to the hall.

"Ah reckon you two should go eat breakfast so you won't be late to school."

Apple Bloom grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled him along. "Come on I don't wanna be late! Cheerliee is waiting for us!"

Sam walked with her but when he reached the stairs he glanced over to see Applejack talking quietly to Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Sam reached the bottom of the stairs and joined Apple Bloom in the kitchen. Apple Bloom was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when Sam sat down. She gave him a quick glance then went back to her food. Sam just sat there looking out of the window as the morning bird chirped. He felt a small hoof nudge him in the side after a few moments. He looked over to see Apple Bloom giving him a concerned look that was identical to her sisters.

"You should eat somethin'. It'll make ya feel better."

Sam would have told her that he wasn't hungry but those puppy dog eyes of hers stopped him in his tracks. He let out a defeated sigh and poured himself some cereal. Apple Bloom gave him a quick smile then went back to her own bowl. Sam took a bite and was amazed by how hungry he really was. He ate the rest of the bowl with the same enthusiasm that Pinkie Pie has for eating cupcakes. He barely finished his bowl when Applejack and Big Mac walked into the kitchen. Applejack was carrying Apple Bloom's saddlebag.

"Now hurry up you two. You don't want Sam to be late for his first day of school here in Ponyville."

Apple Bloom leaped up from her spot and rushed over to grab he bag and then grabbed Sam's hand once more. "Come on Sam! We gotta get there NOW!"

Sam couldn't help but smile when her voice made the same whine it had when she had tried to get Twilight make her cutie mark appear before its time. He rose from his chair but a hoof on his shoulder kept him in the chair.

"I need to talk to him. He'll catch up in a moment."

Sam didn't know what worried him more. The serious tone the voice carried or who the voice belonged to. He looked behind him to see Big Mac smiling gently to Apple Bloom. She gave them both a small pout but left the room without arguing. Big Mac then looked at Sam with understanding in his features.

"You gonna be alright?"

Sam sighed. "I don't really know. I've dealt with deaths in the family before but this is..."

Big Mac finished for him. "Closer to home. Ah understand. If you need anypony to talk to just ask. We'd be more than willin' to talk."

The clear concern in Big Macs voice was a stark contrast to the threatening tone he had used on him less than a week ago. He gave Big Mac a thankful smile. He glanced over to see Applejack smiling warmly at the pair of them. Sam left the room feeling much better than he had before. He knew that he had friends both in Equestria and Earth that would be there to help him through this. That simple thought gave him strength to face the day ahead of himself.

Sam reached the road to Ponyville and found Apple Bloom standing there waiting for him. She stood near the fence on the side of the road with a frown that Sam thought looked out of place. He gave her a smile but her frown stayed.

"You ready for school Apple Bloom?"

She didn't say anything as she started walking along the road. Sam was shocked that she was so silent; this couldn't be the happy little filly he had become friends with.

"Apple Bloom?"

She stopped and gave him a searching look. The sadness in her eyes nearly broke Sam's heart.

"Who did you lose?"

Sam couldn't believe how 'grown up' Apple Bloom sounded. Her voice was heavy with concern but also the concern of one that has also suffered loss. He paused for a moment and looked up to the sky. Clear and perfect, the opposite of how he felt.

"I lost my father. I knew he was having health issues but this... I just never thought it would happen so soon."

The both moved to the side of the road and sat in the grass. They turned their collective gazes to the morning sky, and Sam realized something that had been nagging at him since Applejack had hugged him back at the house.

"Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah Sam?"

"How did you lose your parents?"

She sighed and gazed off to the trees back at the orchard. "Ah never really got to meet my parents. My ma died in childbirth. Ah found out about that when I was three. Ah kept asking Applejack and Big Mac to tell me where momma was but they never would. So one day Ah stormed up to Granny Smith and asked her."

She looked down at her hooves. "She told me there was a 'complication'. My ma didn't make it."

Sam watched as she started to break down into a silent fit of crying. He scooted closer to her and brought her into a hug he hoped was comforting. She laid her head onto his chest. She took several deep breaths to calm herself before she spoke again.

"We lost pa' a year later. He went off to help find a new orchard site. He was out near where Appleloosa is now. All Granny would tell us is that there was an accident and pa..."

She started to cry once more. Sam hugged her close telling her that it was okay. He pulled out his watch and checked the time. He looked at the watch without really reading it. It didn't matter if they were late or not. He could let Apple Bloom cry like this. She hugged him more tightly as a fresh wave of tears left her eyes. Sam could only return the hug and hope that he could think of something to make her feel better.

"If you want we can just ditch school today."

She looked up at him shocked but still with tears in her eyes. "Why would we ditch school?"

"Well I think that since you're crying and I've been crying that maybe we should just skip school and just do something fun."

She started wiping the tears from her eyes. "But what about Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? We can't have fun without them. They're our friends and we can't leave them behind."

She rose from their small spot in the grass and took a brave stance. "Ah'm okay. Ah can go to school."

She turned to look at Sam who was both concerned but amused by the sudden change in Apple Bloom’s demeanor. She wiped her eyes a final time and grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him to the road.

"Let's go Sam. You can cry later."

Sam joined her in walking along the road. Sam watched as her mood improved with every step they took and soon she was practically jumping circles around him, driving him nuts, and all around having a good time. They reached the schoolhouse and were greeted by Cheerilee.

"Hello there Apple Bloom and hello Sam! It’s so nice that you were able to make it. Class will start in about twenty minutes but I was wondering if you'd be willing to talk for a few seconds?"

Apple Bloom gave Sam a quick wave then joined the small, but quickly growing, group of ponies that were staring at Sam. Cheerilee lead Sam inside the schoolhouse then closed the door so that the younger ponies wouldn't follow them in.

"So Miss Cheerilee what did you want to talk about?"

She giggled at his formal address. "You can just call me Cheerilee. I was wondering what you had planned for the kids?"

Sam sat there for a second wondering what she meant until he realized that he wasn't just tagging along with Apple Bloom. He was more or less a show and tell.


She raised an eyebrow at him in a playfully mocking way. "You have no clue do you?"

Smiling sheepishly he nodded. "No clue, but I guess the best way to handle this is to let them ask questions. That way they can find out what they want to know."

She gave him a look that reminded him of that rage face they made out of a picture of President Obama. 'What was it called? Not bad... impressive?' and shrugged.

"Well that's better than trying to wing it." She paused for a moment as if having an internal debate. "Is it true that you and Princess Luna are having dinner?"

Sam blinked a few times in surprise. "How did you hear about that?"

She laughed for a second. "You planned it out with Rarity. She has a knack for gossip, particularly the juicy stuff. Couldn't you tell?"

He let out a chuckle and nodded. "I guess I should have seen this coming. So when will class start?"

Cheerilee looked at the windows of the school house and watched as the group of fillies and colts ducked under the sill to avoid being seen. She smirked and shrugged.

"I supposed we could start class early."

Sam shrugged at Cheerilee to show he didn't mind. She then walked over to the door and let the young ponies in. They all filed in looking at Sam, who had taken a seat on top on Cheerilee's desk, and went to their seats. On the way to their desks Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle waved to him. He gave them a wave and a smile in return. He caught the jealous look that Diamond Tiara was wearing and he tried his best to hide a smirk. When the last of the colts and fillies got to their desks Cheerilee walked up to Sam and cleared her throat. Sam looked over at her and noticed the slight frown on her face. It took him a moment but he realized that was sitting on her desk. He got up instantly and apologized.

The younger ponies in the room found his embarrassment amusing. Sam couldn't help but chuckle as well.


To say that Sam was exhausted when the school let out was an understatement. He knew that there would have been plenty of questions and maybe a few of them being an example of what a human could physically do but he wasn't expecting nearly as much. From the endless questions of how old he was to the constant asking for piggyback rides, he would have to get revenge on Scootaloo for that. Recess was even worse with all of them wanting him to show off and race them all no less than a hundred times.

Sam did however get a nice time to relax after the school day had ended. Sweetie Belle had offered that Sam could join her and the other two at the Boutique. Sam was eager to accept seeing that he had some time to get ready before the dinner with Luna. They arrived at the Boutique and the three girls ran upstairs to talk and most likely plan their next crusade. Sam walked around the main room looking at the outfits when Rarity entered the room. She watched him for a moment as he looked at a red dress designed for a pegasus.

"What do you think; did I go to heavy on the Rubies?"

Sam looked up from the dress. "Well I think it looks amazing but I certain that it’s perfect. I was also thinking that I should get this suit cleaned before dinner tonight. Wanna make a good impression after all."

Rarity looked at his suit and frowned at him. The more she looked however the more the frown became a look of terror.


Sam could only smile sheepishly as Rarity fussed over him and over dramatically complaining about how he had dirtied the suit. Sam found himself once more sitting on a stool in nothing but his boxers as Rarity worked her magic, both literally and figuratively. They exchange small talk and Sam told her about his day at the school.

"So then one of them asks if I could carry all of them at once. Well when she said that they all rushed me and started jumping all over me. Five minutes later Cheerilee pulled me out of the giggling pile of fillies and colts."

Rarity looked up from the table she was working at. "They didn't hurt you did they? I know that they wouldn't mean to but if they are anything like Sweetie Belle and her friends... well you know how they are."

Sam nodded. "Yeah I know. They didn't hurt me, but I think they tried to tickle me to death."

Silence fell between them as Rarity started using her magic to clean the suit carefully. Sam could do nothing but twiddle his thumbs as he tried to think of something to talk about. Rarity broke the silence with the last thing he was expecting.

"I talked to Applejack today."

Sam looked at her so face his neck popped. "You did?"

She focused her magic on the jacket of the suit. "Yes, I did."


She turned her gaze to the pants. "Well I talked to her about how I feel about her. We talked for a while as she worked."

Sam leaned forward on the stool. He never really cared about shipping when he was younger but this was different. He was actually there watching a relationship form.


She finished her work on the suit and turned to face Sam. She was smiling so wide Sam was worrying that her face would get stuck that way.

"We have agreed to a date and shall see where this relationship takes us."

She rushed forward and hugged Sam. What reached Sam's ears next, aside from what he was certain was his ribs cracking, was the single girlish, no Rarity-ish squeal ever.

"I HAVE A DATE!!! I have never been so excited in my life, but I'm so nervous as well. Is this how you feel about tonight?"

Sam tried his best to breath. "Kinda. Could you loosen the grip a bit? I'm rather fond of my lungs."

She let go then went over to the suit. "Look at me. Hugging a nearly unclothed client when he needs to get ready for a date with a princess. On my honor as a lady I won't rest until you look absolutely perfect for this date!"

Sam, thankful for the ability to breath once more, rubbed the back of his head. "You can feel free to talk about it; I kinda want to hear what you have planned.


As Sam waited for Luna at the restaurant, L'amende Cheval, He wondered if the last few hours were a form of torture or some of the funniest moments of Rarity only he would ever get to experience, outside of her family and soon to be Applejack. When Rarity started on her idea for a date for herself and Applejack Sam was expecting her to talk time thinking about it but she talked a mile a minute that would put even the chattiest teenage girl to shame. She would only stop to give Sam some advice on how to act and would adjust his tie for the thousandth time in an hour.

Sam was brought out of remembering the madness that is Rarity in love by a soft voice behind him.

"Hello Sam. I hope I'm not late."

Sam turned to see Luna standing behind him and he was surprised by how, for lack of a better word in his mind, pretty she looked. She was wearing a deep blue dress that was the same shade as her coat. She lacks the royal regalia that she normally wore and instead opted for shoes that looked remarkably close to what Rainbow Dash wore for the Grand Galloping Gala only in a bright silver and a silver pendent that was in the shape of the crescent moon.

It took Sam a moment to recover. "Uh... no you’re right on time. You look nice. Shall we go in?"

Luna blushed at his compliment. "Thank you. It was Celestia's idea. Otherwise I would have just shown up in my normal attire."

Sam grinned at her. "I would say the same but I think Rarity would've had a heart attack if I did."

They both entered the restaurant and were guided to their table by a rather shocked waiter. After all it's not every day you get a table for both a Princess alicorn and a human. Much to the credit of the young waiter he put them in a private room. Sam pulled out Luna's seat for her then seated himself opposite of her. 'Okay, so far so good.'

"So tell me Sam, why did you ask me to this dinner? I know in your letter you were rather... blunt but I hope that there is more of a reason then just to say thank you. You did that more than enough at the pond."

"Well... I just thought that this was a better way to say it. So is there anything on this menu you think I might like?"

The conversation was dominated by Sam regaling her with his exploits of the last few days and of what had happened around Ponyville. Then the food arrived and they spoke between bites of food. Sam had a salad that was the single greatest salad of his life. 'Must be something they do to the lettuce.' The conversation then turned from Sam's week to Luna's.

"Then the dragon ambassador slips a snide comment about the griffons and we had to break up a fight. Dragon blood is corrosive enough but the smell it leaves behind just makes it all the worse."

From the annoyed look on her face Sam could tell that she wasn't exactly thrilled. "So I take it that it set you back quite a bit?"

Luna gave him a sarcastic smile. "Only just a bit. Well I'm finished with my meal, shall be depart?"

Sam nodded. "I guess we could."

He rose from his seat and helped Luna from hers. She gave him a confused look. "Sam shouldn't you pay first?"

Sam shook his head. "Don't have to. Rarity was kind enough to pay for us. She worked something out with the manager, probably something like a free dress of his wife."

They reached the street and set off in the direction of the park. Luna and Sam walked side by side talking rapidly about one of the few things they both understood well: Law. They were so absorbed by the conversation that they reached the center of the park in what felt like only mere minutes. Same coincided the point Luna was making on weather laws and the accountability of pegasus workers. Both of them turned their gazes skywards. The stars were shining brightly and the moon was even brighter. Sam looked at Luna then back to the sky.


Luna shrugged. "Celestia does not do the sky justice like I do but it is passable."

"I wasn't talking about the sky."

Luna looked at him, her cheeks turning crimson, and smiled. "Thank you. You don't need to keep complimenting me like that though."

Sam returned the smile. "I know but I want to. Luna... There is another reason for asking you to dinner."

She playfully tapped him on the arm. "Like what?"

Sam looked back to the sky. "Well... I guess after we talked on that log I saw you in a different light. You weren't a princess to me, or a pony. You were just a beautiful person that I could talk to and share a moment with. Then you kissed me on the cheek..."

Sam looked back to her and saw that she had her hoof to her mouth. Sam was worried that for a moment she was upset with him but then she looked up at him with her cyan eyes.

"You mean this was a... and Celestia made me dress up like this because..."

Sam couldn't read her expression for a second but then Luna's action answered his question. She leaped up and hugged him bone crushingly tight.


For the second time in a day Sam was unable to breath. This rather unpleasant sensation was coupled with the sudden loss of hearing he was no dealing with. He knew that the Royal Canterlot Voice was loud but the show never really showed how loud it was. The closest thing he could compare it to was a 747 lifting off.

"Luna... air!"

She released him and took a step back. "My apologies I didn't mean to over react like that. I meant to say that I accept you proposal of courtship... however I am worried about something."

She paused for a moment then looked Sam in the eyes. "I have never been in a relationship, let alone with a non-pony. What if I don't know how to do this?"

Sam smiled down at her. "Hey I'm in the same boat. I've never dated a princess, or a pony for that matter. The best way to go about this is just see if it works out. If not then at least we gave it a shot."

They walked over to a bench and sat together watching the night sky. Luna laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled closer and a wave of contentment washed over Sam.

Only Human

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Sam awoke in his bed on Earth. He sat up and looked around the room. 'Well... That went better than I thought.' He rubbed his left cheek where Luna had kissed him good night. He sat on his bed for a moment remembering how Applejack and Apple Bloom wouldn't leave him alone, demanding every detail of the night. He had told them everything from the dinner to Luna saying good bye just before the gate to the farm.

He smiled as he got dress. He had just successfully had a date with a Princess pony from a cartoon show. 'Wow that's weird to say.' Sam rose from the bed and went to the closet to grab a bag. After all that had happened to him and how perfectly last night in Ponyville went he was surprised that the first thing on his mind was packing. He didn't really know why until he finished putting most of his shirts in the bag.

"Packing for New York I see. Well I suppose that's the best way to spend your day."

Sam sighed and resumed packing his clothes. "Mister would you please just this once not be a pain in my arse. I would like to keep my sanity."

Sam turned to see Mister chuckle and float above the bed. They went back and forth for a hour talking, or rather Mister taunting Sam and Sam telling Mister to shut up. Sam closed the final bag and placed it in his living room and glanced around at all the things he would have to return for later in the year. 'If I come back at all...'

Sam made himself a quick lunch of ramen noodles while Mister amused himself with changing the color of the walls to whatever he found to suit the moment. Mister had just changed the walls to a bright puce when Sam reached annoyance with him.

"Would you stop that!"

Mister only gave him a shit eating grin. "Why? I think this fits quite nicely given its occupant. Besides what do you care, you may never return here anyways. By the way you and Luna are indeed a cute couple."

Sam gave him a look the dripped with as much sarcasm as his voice. "So glad I have your approval. That's all I wanted in life."

Mister gave him a mirror of his sarcastic smile. "So nice to hear that. I'm so unloved around here these days."

Sam rolled his eyes and went to the living room. Mister followed him after turning the kitchen into a bright shade of blue. Sam sat down on his sofa and grabbed a magazine that was sitting on the coffee table. He flipped through the articles not really interested in what they went on about but he was hoping that Mister would grow bored and leave him in peace.

"Stop ignoring me."

Sam kept looking at the article about some stupid reality star getting married for the ninth time. He made sure he didn't look up from the magazine lest he see something he would regret. However he wasn't able to stay the way he way because the magazine burst into flames. He yelped and threw the ball of fire away from himself. When it hit the floor he rushed to put it out by grabbing a pillow but when he turned back to the flame it was gone. He looked at Mister, who was standing off to the side.

"What the hell?"

"I don't like it when you ignore me. Besides we draw closer to the choice you have to make. I know it's been on your mind and regardless of how much you think you know about your choice I would like to throw this little tidbit into your head. You’re only HUMAN. You’re only the human."

Sam sat there confused by what Mister was saying. 'I'm only human? Really what is that supposed to mean...' Sam gave Mister a skeptical look. Mister merely smiled at him.

"Give it a moment."

Sam sat there for a moment before something clicked in the back of his mind. "I'm only the human..." Something about one of those words made him suddenly uncomfortable. 'I'm only human... only the human...' He looked up quickly as the realization hit him harder than Big Macintosh.

"If I stay there I'll stay human!"

Mister lounged on the couch. "And?"

"If Luna and I are now a thing. What if she wants to take it to the next..."

The sudden implication that struck Sam's mind was something he had never thought about. "What is she wants kids, er... foals?"

Mister smiled as he always did. "What if, indeed. Do you think she has already come to that conclusion or is she avoiding thinking about that like you did? That's the one thing every little mortal creature forgets when they fall in love with another species. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that."

Sam put his head in his hands as he thought about what that could mean. He looked up when another thought ran past his mind.

"Why am I worrying about this now? Luna and I are just barely into the first day of 'courtship' and we haven't even done anything even close to that. Hell we haven't even kissed. IF I stay then We'll face that challenge when we get to it."

Mister leaned forward on the couch and his smile grew into something akin to a father proud of his son. "Now you're thinking like a real lover. What if I told you I could offer you something to make that issue never need be worried about?"

Sam gave a halfhearted chuckle. "Like what turn me into a pony or something?"

Mister joined him in the chuckle and nodded. "Yes. That or bring Luna here."

Sam's mind seemed to shut down at that point. "Wha..."

Mister rose from the sofa and started circling Sam like a beast on the prowl. "Come now. I'm a god. I sent you to another dimension where colored ponies are the dominant race and you have been going back and forth every time you fall asleep. Is it really that hard to believe I could change you into a pony, or for that matter turn Luna into a human and bring her here for you?"

Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was too good to be true. 'Way to good.'

"Why would you do something like that for me?"

Mister gave Sam a cold smile. "Because my dear Sam I have grown fond of you, like a cat grows fond of a mouse. Besides it the least I could do for you seeing as I have already turned your life upside down and there's no going back."

Sam grew silent as he thought it over. His silence only prompted Mister to keep talking.

"But of course that leads to a much darker question doesn't it? Would you be willing to give up the one thing that makes you unique in there, no her world just so that you could stay with her, to give her a family if she so wishes? To abandon your species in the hope that you could fit in. Or would you be so thoughtless to drag her here and take her away from her friends and family so that you could keep yours."

Sam sat there trying his best to take it all in. "You're not making this any easier."

Mister continued to smile. "It's not supposed to be an easy choice. That's the point my dear stupid mortal. This was never going to be easy, nor was it ever going to be painless."

A brief silence overtook them as Sam mulled over everything that Mister had said. He didn't know how long he sat there thinking but when Mister spoke again he jumped. He had been so busy thinking that he had forgotten that Mister was even there in his apartment.

"I know that when it comes down to making the choice however that you will make the right decision. You humans have a knack for doing that when it comes down to what you really want from life. For better, for worse. I'll give you this advice before I leave you for now. Talk to the one you trust most."

Before Sam could say anything Mister disappeared in a puff of smoke as well as a loud bark. Sam Sat there for a moment trying to figure out what type of animal the bark had come from but then realized that it was a moot point. He pulled out his cell phone and made a call to the closest human friend he had.

"Hey Alex. I need to talk to you."

The next hour of Sam's life was filled with making up a scenario to explain everything that had happened to him in the past week. He was technically breaking the 'Don't tell any humans' rule but he wasn't saying that it was real, merely a thought exercise he was working on.

"Well... I would say that I would stay on the island. Sure I would miss my family and friends but I would make new friends and start a family of my own. Is this all due to going to New York so early, because it's not nearly as drastic as your making it out to be."

Sam could almost see the cocky smile that Alex must have been wearing when finish his last statement, and if his amused tone was anything to go by he was going to hold this against him next time they talked.

"No. I was just on the internet and someone posted it up and it got me thinking. So you would really give up your "religion" for this person?" Sam had used religion as a replacement for 'turn onto a pony.'

"If they are the one person I could spend the rest of my life with then yes. I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant being happy and seeing them happy."

Sam gave Alex a quick good-bye and thanked him for talking with him. 'Well that went better than I could have hoped.' He considered calling Roger to ask him as well but when he thought about it for more than three seconds he knew that all Roger would ask about is 'How hot are the chicks there?' Sam sighed and continued with what he was going to do with his day before Mister derailed it and made him even more of a nervous wreck: packing up his stuff. As he packed he considered every possible outcome he could, each becoming even more outlandish than the last.

"Where would she even get a banjo?"

Exhausted from a combination of packing, thinking, and more packing Sam settled down for the night wondering how this would play out.


Sam awoke to the sounds of two very familiar voices talking just outside his door. He couldn't quite tell what they were saying but when the voices got closer to the door he could just catch the tail end of the conversation. The first of the two voices he heard was of the youngest of the Apple clan.

"And did the two of you kiss? Like under the stars all romantically?"

For a scant second he was wondering if it was Applejack she was talking to but when the other half of the conversation spoke his thoughts were put to rest.

"We shared a fine moment under the stars and I did kiss him on the cheek. Now if you would please excuse me I wish to speak with him."

'Shit' Luna was on the other side of that door and Sam was in nothing but his boxers. He sat up and frantically started putting on his pants. He was interrupted in his rushing to get dressed by a knocking on the door.

"Sam? Are you awake?"

Sam stopped for a moment. "Eh... Yeah. Just give me a sec."

He finished putting his shirt on then went to let her in. When he opened the door he was surprised by a sudden hug. Luna broke the hug after a moment and gazed up at Sam. He could only smile back and wonder why she was here. Before he could even vocalize his curiosity Luna started to grab his hand.

"Come on Sam! We should get going."

Sam could only follow; Luna was much stronger than she looked. "Where are we going?"

"You still owe me ice cream."

And with that Luna dragged Sam down to the lower level of the house, only letting Sam pause to give Apple's a quick good-bye. They reached the road before Sam could regain use of his arm. Massaging feeling back into his arm he got a chance to really look at Luna. She was once more out of the royal regalia but wasn't wearing anything to replace it. She was simply standing there like any other pony.

"So... uh, Luna I thought you would have some, uh, princess stuff to do today. Not that I'm not happy to see you because I am-"

She cut him off by placing a hoof over his mouth. "I just wanted to spend some more time with you, and technically I'm not here right now."

Sam cocked an eyebrow at her and noticed the sudden playful glint in her eye. "And how is that possible?"

She playfully shrugged and looked around as if she was checking that they were alone. "Well... I didn't tell anypony that I was going to be here. In truth I should be back at the castle working on something I'm certain. I just thought we could spend today just doing something fun, and I wouldn't have to have all the pomp and circumstance that being a princess brings."

Sam couldn't help but feel touched that she did this just to spend some time with him. "But last night you weren't treated any differently than I was. I would say that our night was pomp-less."

She smiled up at him. "Well the pomp I'm talking about has to do with the guards. They follow me everywhere and sometimes it's nice to get away from them. This isn't even the first time that I've done this; even Celestia does this every now and then."

Sam could see how that would be annoying but thought about what that meant about last night. "So we were being watched last night?"

Luna looked guilty as she nodded. "Celestia insisted, but at least she told them to stay a good distance so that we could have some privacy. That's why I'm here right now; I would like to just have a nice day without worrying that a guard will show up and ruin the mood."

The two of them continued down the road and were soon upon the outskirts of town. Luna motioned for them to take on of the smaller streets off to their left. When Sam asked why they were heading this way she told him about a small shoppe that she had found when she was in town at the last Nightmare Night. As she explained why she loved this place over any other ice cream shoppe she was practically bouncing in place in a manner that a royal should have been embarrassed by.

"And he had these little candies that would glow when you put them in a special soda he only makes during that time of the year. I hope he still has some in stock, because that soda was beyond anything I have ever tasted in all of my years."

They arrived at a small shop that looked like an ice cream cone tipped upside down. Sam Opened the door for Luna, needing to be a gentleman for his companion, and followed her in. The layout of the shoppe reminded Sam of those old 50's styled restaurants. Much to both of their surprise they weren't the only customers. Sitting at the 'bar' was Pinkie Pie chatting animatedly to the owner of the establishment. The stallion she was talking to was bright orange with a lime green mane. His cutie mark was of a milkshake with a candy cane in it. The pair of confectioners looked over to Sam and Luna as they walked in.

"Oh, hiya Luna, hi Sam. I was just about to go looking for you. Well just looking for Sam. Not that it isn't nice to see you to Luna but I really needed to see Sam and talk to him about the ‘’you know what’’ tomorrow."

Luna gave Sam a quick look then returned her gaze to Pinkie and the stallion. "Good to see you Pinkie and it is good to see you again Cream Float. I hope you have had a good year so far?"

The stallion gave her a friendly smile. "Hello again your Majesty. It is good to see you too; I have been having a good year. I take it you're here for some of my famous soda?"

The sly smile that played over Cream Floats face showed that he knew Luna loved the soda, and more to the point it was a weak spot of hers that was amusing to them both. Luna giggled and nodded. Cream pointed to a pair of stools at the bar for them to sit down at.

"Lucky for you I keep a few bottles in reserve just in case I get a request from a good customer. Let me go get some."

He walked into a back room leaving the two mares and Sam alone. Pinkie didn't waste any time in jumping over to Sam.

"So Sam I need you to distract Twilight for me for about an hour tomorrow. We need that time to set up her-"

She stopped to look at Luna as if she finally realized she was there. She swiftly moved to Luna and was less than an inch from her face.

"Can you keep a secret? Oh, wait of course you can I invited you to the party. Whoops my mistake." She turned to look at Sam again. "-Party. It wouldn't take nearly as long as normal but this is Twilight and her birthday needs to extra super special this year. She worked really hard and really deserves a good break. OOOO I should teach her how to break dance, or how to dance at all. I mean really have you seen her dance, poor Twilight looks like she's throwing a fit."

At some point of Pinkies long winded speech Cream returned with two bottles of slightly glowing cola. He placed them down on the counter for Luna and Sam then quickly grabbed a candy bar of some sort and shoved it into Pinkies mouth to silence her.

"Now Pinkie, will you be needing anything more for the party or is 40 gallons of punch more than enough?"

She chewed on the candy bar with a thoughtful expression. "No I think 40 should be enough. If we need more I could come and get some more. Anyways remember Sam, distract her for an hour tomorrow."

She started for the door and right as she reached it Sam realized he was missing a crucial part of the plan. "Uh... Pinkie? When should I distract her?"

She stopped for a moment with her hoof on her chin. "At least an hour before the party silly. See ya tomorrow Sam, bye Luna. Thanks for the help Creamy!"

With that she was out the door leaving Sam at the bar rubbing the bridge of his nose. 'Should have seen that coming. The time of the party is probably on the invite. Stupid question I guess.' He looked up to notice Cream standing behind the bar looking at him with interest plain on his face. Sam smiled then opened the bottle and placed it to his lips. The taste was nothing like what he was expecting. It was somewhere between hot cocoa and root beer mixed together with jelly babies. The sweet smooth taste hit his tongue hard and amazed him. 'No wonder Luna loves this stuff! This is the single greatest soda I have ever tasted.'

Cream chuckled to himself when he saw Sam's obvious reaction to the soda. He turned his attention to Luna, who was equally enjoying her drink.

"So your Majesty what brings you to my shoppe so far from Nightmare Night, and with the human I have heard about?"

She placed the bottle back on the counter and licked her lips. "Well I wished to show Sam here the best soda Equestria had ever known and I couldn't think of anywhere better than here. I'm spending the day with Sam as well."

Cream raised an eyebrow and a playful smile crept onto his lips. "So I take it that the rumors of you two dating are true then?"

Luna blushed and Sam joined her in that action. Luna was the first to recover. "Well, yes. We are a couple. How did you hear about... Rarity?"

Cream let out a short laugh. "Rarity. I have to say you two are an odd couple but who am I to judge. I dated a griffin for three years. Anyways would you two like something to eat?"

Luna ordered a tofu burger and Sam ordered the onion rings. Sam was glad to have a chance at food that he was used to back on Earth. As the pair of them ate they talked about this and that. The conversation was mostly about what Sam would do to distract Twilight.

"Tell you the truth I have no clue. I might just make something up about wanting a demonstration on magic or something. I dunno but I'll think of something."

After they finished their meal they said there good byes and left the small shoppe. Luna had insisted on paying but Cream told them it was on the house. They walked around the town, more or less just wandering around until they ended up at the same park bench they had become a couple on. As they sat there talking about random things Luna laid her head on Sam's shoulder. Sam looked down at her and saw the content smile on her face. Just looking at it made his heart melt.



"I've been thinking."

She sighed. "I've heard that's a dangerous pastime. What have you been thinking about?"

He let the comment slide. "I was thinking about the choice I have to make real soon."

She kept her head on his shoulder but did glance up at him. She didn't say anything, prompting him to continue.

"I don't know how I can choose. There's so much that makes me want to stay, and yet..."

"You have reasons to stay on your own world." She finished for him. He nodded. She shifted so that she could look him in the eyes.

"What are your thoughts? Share them with me."

He's explained everything that had changed since the week had started, about how he felt conflicted about the death of his father, Jenny breaking his heart, about how he had made friends with the Apples and others in town, and finally how he had fallen for her.

"I just don't know what to do. I want to be there for my mother but I don't want to leave you or Apple Bloom, or this place. I have a good life back on Earth but here... This could be a second chance of sorts."

He paused for a moment sighing deeply due to frustration. "I wish I knew what choice to make."

Luna listened to him thinking deeply, but when she heard the defeated tone in Sam's voice she couldn't stay silent. She leaned over to him and wrapped her legs around his torso, hugging him tightly.

"Sam. I know that this is hard for you, but I know that whatever choice you make will be the right one for you. I trust you completely and I want you to know that if you choose your home that I would only think the best of you. I know that if Celestia was in pain or needed me I would be there for her."

Sam gently unwrapped himself. "But I want to be here with you just as much. I don't want to lose this just as soon as I got it."

She silenced him with a kiss on the cheek. "Let's not worry about that right now. We have the rest of this day for ourselves. Come, let’s go have some fun."

Sam let the conversation drop as Luna grabbed his arm, forcing him up from the bench. She lead him to a small hill in the park.

"Stay still. I don't want to mess this up."

Sam was about to ask her what she was about to do when he noticed her horn begin to glow a gentle cobalt. Within seconds the aura covered the ground around Luna and Sam. Then everything went dark, dark as the blackest of nights. A tingling sensation went across Sam's body and a sudden feeling of nausea hit him. He barely had time to feel either sensation when he felt an incredible pressure all over that made him feel like he was being shoved into a bottle. The sensation ended after a few moments but left Sam winded. Light returned to him and he fell to his knees as he tried his best to catch his breath.

"Here we are Sam."

Luna Finished her teleportation spell and let the last of the magical energies fade. She glanced over at him to see him breathing heavily on his knees. She rushed over to him and placed her hoof on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Sam took a moment to catch his breath. "I don't think magic agrees with me."

Luna's face was filled with concern as she helped Sam to his feet. "I have never seen such a reaction to magic. This may be due to your world’s lack of magic."

Sam rubbed his temple as he nodded his head in agreement. "Well, when we head back let’s take the scenic route."

She giggled nervously hoping that he was joking. Sam took a steadying breath, then another. He rose to his feet and gave Luna the best smile he could.

"So, where is it you've kidnapped me to?"

Sam almost missed the confusion on Luna's face as she worked out what he meant by 'kidnapped.' Her face brightened in understanding once she made the connection.

"Oh! I brought you to the Crystal Caves. I wanted to show you something that not many living ponies get to see."

Sam looked around the dimly lit cave and recognized that it was similar to the same caves that Cadence had been held captive in on her wedding. He was busy studying one of the closer crystals when he noticed the cave growing brighter. He turned to find that the source of light was Luna. Her horn began to glow as she drew energy into a tiny orb of deep midnight blue. After a few seconds the orb grew from the size of a marble to roughly the size of a baseball. Once it reached full size Luna directed it into a large column that was made purely of the softly glowing crystal.

"Behold. The Light of Eternity."

The orb moved away from Luna and into the column. The light the orb was making faded instantly leaving the pair in semi-darkness. For a moment Sam thought that whatever spell Luna had cast had failed. His doubts in her power were eradicated less than a second after the thought had passed through his mind. The column began to shine with its own light that surpassed that of the orb, each individual crystal a unique color many of which Sam had never seen with his own eyes. Bright reds, vibrant greens and breath taking blues filled the cavern, to only name a few of the colors coming from the column. Soon other crystals in the cave began to glow. Brighter and brighter until they all shone light the moon itself. Sam looked away from the column and noticed that Luna had moved farther down the cave. She looked over to him and motioned for him to join her where she was standing.

Sam walked over to her wondering what could possibly surpass the column, but as with his foolish thought about the spell his mind was blown wide open. In front of him and Luna was a vast cavern that was beyond anything Sam had ever read about or seen. The cavern was impossibly large, large enough to make Sam that all of New York and Chicago could share it and still have plenty of room for quite a few other cities to join them. The cavern had several hundred of the columns that the other cave had, only these were on a massive scale. The one in the smaller cave was maybe a few feet taller than Sam but these were all beyond using feet to measure.

The light from the cave danced on what little of the walls he could see. The colors swirled and danced as if they had a life of their own. Sam didn't know how long he sat there with Luna or when she wrapped her wing around his shoulder, all he knew is that there was nothing that could ever truly compare to what he was watching. After a long, happy time the lights started to slow their movements and faded to a dull glow that made everything they touched seem much more peaceful.


Luna's voice was like the sweetest music to Sam. He tilted his head to look at her and was once again by how pretty she looked.


She blushed and looked at the ground for a second. The simple action reminded Sam of those cheesy teenage romance movies.

"I wanted to give you something special. Something you could always remember, regardless of where you are."

She didn't look up at Sam but started to make small circles with her hoof on the cave floor. Sam gave her a gentle squeeze that he hoped showed his thanks.

"I wanted to make this moment special for both of us and make it something that we could always look back on with fondness and joy."

Sam shifted closer to her. "Luna I-"

She placed her hoof on his lips. "I'm not finished yet. I made you this."

She held up a crescent made from a pure white crystal just like the ones around them both. Despite the fading light levels it shined with a joy that the other crystals didn't match. Sam gazed at it speechless. Luna placed the crescent over his neck and let it hang over his chest. Sam only barely noticed the white chain that held the crescent.

"I don't know what to sa-"

He was silenced once more by Luna, only this time with her lips to his own. Sam's mind went blank and he stiffened for only a moment. Once that moment passed he found himself melting into the kiss. It was simple and romantic. His mind was only focusing on showing how much he cared about Luna with the kiss and it seemed Luna was intent to do the same. After a blissful eternity with their lips seal together they broke apart gasping for air. Sam wanted to say something but all he could do was look into her eyes. The smile on her face was all he needed for the rest of his life.

"Sam. I have a request of you."

All he could do was raise an eyebrow. "I want you to stay with me tonight. I know it might be sudden but I want to spend as much time with you before you leave."

Sam's heart plummeted as he saw the smile fade and a frown begin to take hold of her face. He lifted her chin so he could look her in the eyes as he spoke.

"I'm not leaving you. I'll always be here for you."

He brought her lips to his own for another kiss. they broke apart much to soon for either if their likings as the last of the light faded. Luna let out a giggle.

"Shall I take us to our quarters then?"

Sam gave a smile that Luna could barely see. "Sure, but can we take the scenic route?"

Luna's laughter was all Sam got as a response as he felt magic flow over him once more.


Sam rematerialized inside a spacious circular room that was easily just as much a piece of artwork as it was a bedroom. The ceiling was a perfect recreation of the night sky. So much so that Sam thought that there was no ceiling in there room until he glanced at one of the taller bookcases in the room. The second thing he noticed about the room after the ceiling was that there were a lot of bookcases. He walked up to one of the cases and had his eye caught by a perticular series of books. 'Daring Do and the Ziggurat of Souls... Daring Do and the Temple of Lost Hope. Huh... how many of these does she have?'

"I contacted Twilight Sparkle and told her to notify the Apples of your changed sleeping arrangement."

She noticed his studying her collection. "See anything to your liking?"

He looked up from the shelf. "I never knew you were a fan of literature. Your collection is amazing."

She smiled and joined him at the shelf. "When I returned from the moon I had a lot of free time. I started reading to try and fill some of it up and now I can't go a week without buying a new book or re-reading some of my favorites."

They spent the remainder of the night talking about their favorite stories and debating on which characters were better. Luna had surrendered trying to convince him that Daring Do was a much better character than Harry Potter. Sam likewise couldn't get her to understand the complexities of the Odyssey. After long hours of debate and agreement to disagree, Luna noticed the time.

"I must raise the moon. Excuse me for a moment. While I'm busy you could get ready to retire for the night."

Sam sat down on the bed before a chilling thought raced through his mind. 'What if she wants to... NO. She hasn't made any hints at that. How could I think of such a thing with her.' He removed his shirt but stopped at that. Luna walked back from the balcony.

"Do most humans wear so much clothing when they sleep?"

Sam glanced up at her then took off his shoes. "Some do, some don't."

Luna floated onto the bed next to Sam and began to get under the covers. "Well I guess that makes sense. You do lack a fur coat to keep you warm."

Sam finished with removing his clothes and sat on the edge in his boxers. Before he could say anything to her about his worries she spoke with a tired voice that was strangely sweet as well.

"Sam. I was wondering if we... that is to say I was wondering if it would be alright if we... cuddled."

Whatever it was that Sam was prepared to hear it wasn't that. "Cuddle? You mean you want to fall asleep. Holding each other, and that's it."

She blushed deeply and nodded. "I think it would be the best way to end this night, that is if you would let me."

Sam slipped under the blankets and wrapped his arms around her neck, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"I couldn't agree more."

A Choice and a Party

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Sam awoke to find himself inside the Void once more. After a moment he realized that he was sitting in the chair that Mister had been sitting in last time he was here, his legs propped up on the desk. He placed his feet on the floor and started rubbing his face and eyes to wake himself up. As he did that his mind went back to the day before. How he had spent the entire day with Luna, how she had told him some of her most private thoughts and feelings to her, how she had shown him that cave filled with those breath taking crystals. Then he thought about the kiss they had shared, the hours they spent reading, and finally the feeling of sleeping in Luna's bed with his arms wrapped around her. As he thought of it all a smile broke out on his face that he just couldn't control or stop. Not that he wanted to.

"You've made your choice."

Sam glanced up to see Mister walk into the 'room' and sit down in the chair across from Sam. His smile was warm and welcoming. Sam watched him for a moment and remembered the last thing that went through his mind. 'I made my choice.'

"Yes. I have."

Mister adjusted his tie. "And?"

"I... I choose Luna, or at least I choose Equestria. I'll live out the rest of my life there."

Mister leaned forward in his seat, pressing the tips of his fingers together. "I see. Have you made a choice on my offer yesterday on Earth?"

Sam hadn't given his offer any thought at all. Sure he could stay a human and be unique in that way but that brought his old worry to mind. 'What if she wants a family?' He looked into Mister's eyes with a set and determined look in his own eyes. 'Damn the consequences!'

"Make me a pony. I want to be part of her world and humans aren't in Equestria and I shouldn't change that."

The smile on Misters face grew wider and strangely brotherly. "So be it. I shall change you to a pony and return you to Luna's bed."

He rose from his seat and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam felt a pleasant warmth spread from the touch.

"Do you have any questions before I leave you for the final time?"

Sam voiced the first concern that came to his mind. "What happens to me on Earth?"

Mister let out a sigh though the smile didn't fade or lose any of its friendliness. "Well to put it simply you'll die. It could be a simple accident to you just dropping dead of a heart attack. That is all I can say. Now anything else?"

Sam waited for a second. "Before I die on Earth just let me... the other me, tell my family I love them. That's all I ask."

Mister gripped Sam's shoulder tightly. "I can do that. Now return to your love. I can handle the rest."


Sam's mind was sluggish and slow as he awoke. He felt a dull ache over his body that was quickly fading away as his mind approached consciousness. He opened his eyes slowly and smile as his field of vision was filled with Luna's sleeping, smiling face. He shifted where he lay but felt something... off. He couldn't tell what it was but something felt weird. He pondered what it could have been for a few seconds but then Luna woke up. He gave her a smile.


He watched as Luna's face went from a beautiful smile to a look of pure shock, then to rage.


Sam could only register the ringing in his ears before he was gripped by a powerful magic and thrown across the room. He hit the wall hard, breath knocked from his lungs. His first instinct was to grab at the force holding him to the wall but when he brought his hand to his chest he discovered something. He didn't have hands. He looked down the best he could due to the strong force holding him to the wall. At the end of his forelimbs were two dark purple hooves. His mind went numb as he tried his best to grasp that simple fact.

Luna watched the strange stallion she was pinning against the wall as he stared at his hooves in wonder. She looked away from him to scan the rest of the room. It took her less than a second to figure out that Sam was no longer in the room. She returned her attention to the stallion who was now studying his fur coat with the enthusiasm and wonder of a foal on Hearth's Warming morning.

"Who are you, and what have you..."

She stopped mid-sentence as she looked from his head to his back. He was an alicorn. That thought made her mind go blank and that caused her magical grip faded. Sam noticed the change in magic instantly as he fell to the floor.

"Ow! A little warning next time please? I think I landed on my tail."

He stopped for a moment then quickly tried to stand to get a look at his tail only to fall over a moment later. She watched as he struggled to stand back up on his hooves and tried to figure out what was going on at that moment. 'Sam isn't here and there's this new alicorn that I have never seen before in my bed where Sam was. That voice of his sounds exactly likes Sam's but that can't be possible... could it?"


The alicorn stopped staring at his flank and tail and turned to look at her. "Yes?"

She looked him up and down then looked back into his eyes imploringly. "What happened?"

"What do you... OH! Right this."

Sam finally realized how Luna was seeing this. The form of him she fell in love with was gone and there was a strange looking pony in her bed that she has never seen before. He didn't blame her for throwing him across the room.

"Well... I made my choice. I chose to stay here, with you."

She took a tentative step closer. "Prove that you’re Sam!"

He raised an eyebrow but didn't argue with her. 'She has a point, I would be kinda paranoid if I woke up with someone I didn't know.' He sat there for a moment before looking down at his chest. The amulet she gave him the day before was still there.

"You gave me this after you showed me the Light of Eternity. Then we kissed for the first time."

Luna's expression changed from caution to excitement and confusion. Luna took a few steps closer. "How did this happen? I thought you still had one day left."

Sam could only smile at her confusion. She was cute when she was confused. "I don't think one more day on Earth could change my mind about you. I love you and I don't want to leave you."

She took a few steps closer and was now within hoof reach. "So this is what you look like as a pony?"

She reached out and gently placed her hoof on his face. "I like it. The mane could use a trim but the colors are nice."

Sam blushed at her compliment. He glanced up trying to see as much of his hair as he could but was surprised by what he saw, a horn. He looked back to Luna, noticing that they were no very close to the same height though he was still slightly taller now, and started to bounce on his hooves. This sudden bouncing caused him to fall over. Luna moved to his side and helped him back to his hooves.

"Huh, I guess I'm going to need to learn how to walk again, but still I'm a unicorn. That's pretty cool."

Luna smiled and pointed to his back. "I think you should take another look."

He followed her hoof and was stunned by what she pointed to. A pair of deep purple wings that matched his equally purple coat. He moved as best he could to the mirror in the corner of the room near the closet to get a better look at himself. After stumbling his way across the room, with much help from Luna, he got a first look at himself. He was deep purple as he already saw on his wings and flank. His horn was the same color as well. What caught his attention was his mane. It was a light blue with three colored stripes running through it. Two of the stripes were bright red and the one in the middle was a bright green. He took a quick glance at his tail to see the same.

"Wow. That's really cool."

He saw through the mirror that Luna was looking at his flank. He turned to her and gave her a playful smile.

"Enjoying the view back there?"

She gave him a playfully annoyed look. "I was seeing what your cutie mark was, and yes I am."

Sam followed her gaze to his flank to see what mark he had. He was rather surprised by what he saw. It was a pair of crossed hands, one holding a scroll dripping black ink and the other holding a crescent moon. Both of the alicorns looked at each other, then back to the mark. Luna was the first to voice her thoughts.

"So... what do you think it means?"

He shrugged. "Well, if I had to hazard a guess I would say that the scroll means lawyer or something close to that. The hands are to show I am, was human, and the moon... to show I will never let you go."

Luna blushed at his final thought. "You are such a flirt."

"You started it."

Luna leaned closer. "Well I'm gonna finish it."

Sam leaned to her and their lips met for the first kiss they would share as alicorns. A short eternity later they were interrupted by the door opening and a concerned voice reaching them.

"Luna I was wondering if you planned on setting the moon an- WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!"

The pair of kissing ponies quickly pulled apart. Luna and Sam blushing deeply. This only lasted for a second as Sam felt a magical force once more grab him and fling him to the wall. 'Ow. They both really need to learn how to react to surprising situations better.' Luna immediately voiced her disapproval.

"CELESTIA! Put him down! That's Sam!"

Celestia looked from Luna to Sam then back. "What? How can that be Sam? He looks nothing like what you or Twilight described to me. For that matter how can there be another alicorn?"

Luna quickly explained everything that she knew about Sam's transformation. Celestia didn't let Sam go until Luna finished. After hearing everything she gently placed Sam back on the ground. Sam took a moment to regain his balance and when he did he gave Celestia a smile he hoped was the friendliest he could give.

"Pleasure to meet you Princess Celestia."

She gave him a nod then returned her gaze to Luna. "I think you need to go do something important."

Luna looked confused for a moment then remembered why Celestia had barged in on them in the first place. "OH!"

She rushed out onto the balcony leaving her sister and Sam alone. Sam could only shuffle awkwardly as he tried to think of something to say. Celestia beat him to the punch.

"How did you get here?"

"Luna teleported us here yesterday."

Sam instantly regretted saying that when he saw Celestia's expression change. She looked very alert and her eyes flashed with danger.

"Yesterday. So you spent the night here, in Luna's bed?"

Sam swallowed hard. "Yes."

"Did you two-"

"NO! I mean no. We didn't. We just slept in each other’s arms... legs... we fell asleep holding each other."

He hadn't meant to shout but he knew where Celestia was going with that question and didn't really want to think about that nor did he want her to think that was what they did. Celestia raised an eyebrow at him which he took as a prompt to explain himself.

"We had a wonderful time yesterday and last night and when she suggested that we sleep in the same bed I thought she meant, well you know, but she just wanted to fall asleep in my grasp and to be honest I think that was the best way to end the night. Heck she even gave me this."

He pointed to the amulet around his neck. Celestia walked closer to him so that she could study the amulet herself. Sam felt a wave of self-consciousness as she stared at the amulet. She muttered something to herself that Sam didn't catch.


She looked at him with a amused smile. "I said she must really like you to give you that amulet. I think you two will be happy together."

Sam couldn't help but smile at her acceptance of his and Luna's love. "Thank you."

They both looked to the balcony to see Luna walking back her gaze to the dawn. She looked at Celestia and gave a bashful smile.

"I have finished my task. Your turn my sister."

Celestia walked out to the balcony leaving Sam and Luna alone once more. Sam tried to walk over to Luna but found his progress to be almost painfully slow. Luna walked over to him and silently showed him the rhythm to walking. They made it to the doorway of the balcony and watched as Celestia raised the sun. Sam turned to Luna and gave her a small kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you."

She turned to him with a confused but warm smile. "For what?"

"For helping me walk. I'm going to need to learn how to walk and run again, not to mention magic and flying..."

He trailed off, walking slowly over to the railing of the balcony looking over Canterlot. Luna took up a spot next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I could teach you. The walking thing wouldn't be that difficult, the flying would take some time but it's not like I don't have free time to spare and the magic, well that will be fun."

He nuzzled her with a smile. "Oh? Why would magic be fun? Magic didn't really agree with me last time."

She merely giggled at him. "You'll find out when we get to that. However I do believe that you have a job to do today."


She nudged him gently. "Pinkie wanted you to distract Twilight. Remember?"

Celestia joined them at the railing and looked out over the city below them. "Ah, yes Twilight's party is today. I hope you can come up with something worthy enough to drag her away from her studies."

Sam looked between both of the alicorns and his smile grew wider. "I think I have a good idea."


Waiting was something Sam usually was patient with. This time however he found himself being rather impatient and though he knew why, he still found himself pacing. Well pacing would be a kind term. He was more or less taking a step forward falling getting back up, taking another step, falling then turning around. Rinse repeat. He went on like this for roughly half an hour until Luna walked over and showed him the rhythm of walking again. They walked around the room a few times side by side then Luna let him do a walk on his own.

"You're really starting to get it, by next year you might be able to walk without a foalsitter."

A sarcastic laugh was the only answer she got from him. He walked over to her and flexed his wings trying to get used to them. He wasn't exactly used to having a third set of limbs. He was about to say something he hoped would be a great comeback but his stomach decided to make its presence known.

Luna giggle at first then he own stomach agreed with Sam's. "I think breakfast would be a good idea. Don't you?"

Sam nodded. "Can't argue with that."

They walked through the halls of the castle, Luna talking about every little tapestry and vase they pasted. Halfway to their destination Luna took to trotting circles around Sam as she talked about everything. It wasn't until they pasted a group of chambermaids did Luna stop talking.

"Your Majesty, who is your guest? Is he family?"

Luna stopped to look at the brown mare but was cut off by Sam. "My name is... Pluto. I'm a guest here, no blood relation. Pleasure to meet you miss..."

The chambermaid blushed. "Nightingale. Mrs. Nightingale. Pleasures all mine."

After giving each of the alicorns small bow the group left. Luna waited for them to be out of earshot before she started giggling at Sam.

"Pluto? What kind of name is that? That the sort of name I would give a dog or maybe a mouse."

Sam waited for the fit of giggling that took hold of Luna to subside before he gave his reason.

"Thought that since I'm a pony now I should have a pony name. You don't like it do you?"

She stopped giggling when she heard the hurt tone in his voice. She felt her heart plummet when she saw his ears drooping. She walked closer and gently placed her hoof on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It really is a nice name. Does it have some special meaning to humans?"

He lifted his head. "It's the name of a dwarf planet from Earth. It was named after an ancient god."

"So do you want me to call you Pluto at all times or Sam?"

He leaned forward with a mischievous smile. "You can call me whatever you want."

She rolled her eyes playfully and gave him a quick kiss. "You are such a flirt this morning. Maybe this alicorn thing has gotten to your head."

They continued down the halls of the castle until they reached a large dining hall. It was every bit of the stereotypical royal dining room would be. There was a large fireplace at one end of the room, large windows overlooking the Canterlot Gardens, and the finest looking tableware imaginable. However what was unexpected was the couple eating at the table. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Shining was standing at attention whereas Cadance was sitting at the table eating an omelet.

"Princess Luna I must voice my complaints at having a guest within the castle and not notifying myself or even a single member of the Guard."

Luna guided Sam (Or maybe we should call him Pluto now) to a seat at the table then returned her attention to Shining Armour.

"Your complaint has been noted. Do you have any further information to report?"

Shining looked from Luna to Pluto then back. "No your Majesty."

Pluto looked from Shining to Cadance wondering what they were thinking about all of this. Luna took a seat next to him and she turned her gaze to a servant that appeared at the table. She ordered French toast for the both of them. Shinning was still standing when Luna followed Pluto's gaze to him.

"At ease Captain, you know well enough by now that you don't need to be so formal."

Shining visibly relaxed and gave them a friendly smile. "Just doing my job your Majesty, now that we have that out of the way could you please give us the honor of introducing your guest?"

She returned the smile with much more enthusiasm. "This is Pluto. He and I are courting."

Pluto had to try his hardest not to laugh at the reaction of Cadance and Shining. Shining was in the middle of taking a drink and when she mentioned the courting part he started coughing into the drink. Cadance however was beside herself with excitement. Bouncing up and down in her chair she started asking a barrage of questions.

"Really? Where did you to meet? How long have you to been a couple? Oh, and tell me everything about your first date. You have been on a date right?"

Luna went on to tell them how they had met, how they had ended up talking at the pond, and a brief summary of both the dates they had been on. As she talked the grin on Cadance's face grew wider, and after the story of the second date Shining couldn't help but grin a little as well. No sooner than when she finished the story of their second date the food she had ordered arrived for herself and Pluto.

Pluto leaned over to Luna to mutter in her ear. "Um... I can't use utensils... I don't know how."

She whispered instructions in his ear. "Just concentrate on holding the object. When you feel a sort of tingle in your hoof then you'll know that you did it right."

He watched as she placed his hoof on the fork sitting on the table. "Just concentrate. You'll get it."

He took a deep breath and placed the image of his hoof holding the fork in his mind. 'I can do this. It's simple; all I have to do is concentrate.' He breathed out slowly and slowly put a little more pressure on the fork. After a second he felt something happen in his hoof. It was a bizarre sensation almost like when his leg or arm would fall asleep but not as unpleasant. This was somewhat comforting. He lifted his hoof up and to his amazement the fork stayed with it. He sat there staring at it for a second with the largest grin he had ever worn in his life. 'I just performed simple magic! This is so cool'

He spent only a few seconds having a minor fanboy moment when his stomach reminded him why he and Luna had come down to the hall to begin with. He started on the toast with the enthusiasm of the starved. Cadance and Shining were watching him with interest as he ate. Cadance cleared her throat to get his attention.

"So Pluto how are you adjusting to being a pony now? I imagine that going from bipedal to quadruped is quite strange."

Pluto swallowed and wiped his mouth before he spoke. "It has taken some getting used to. I'm still getting the hang of some of the simple stuff like walking and picking things up. The weirdest part is having wings now."

He gave a small flap of his wings to demonstrate his point. Cadance was about to ask another question to Pluto when a loud *BAMPF* interrupted her. All of the ponies in the hall jumped and looked around for the source. Pluto found it first when Twilight Sparkle started poking and prodding him while taking down notes on a floating clipboard.

"This shouldn't be possible, you're not possible and yet here I am studying you. Everything seems to be correct even down to the cutie mark. Mane resembles Cadances more than that of the sisters, much larger than an average pony but still not as tall as Celestia-"

Twilight was cut off by Shining placing his hoof on her mouth. "Twily what are you doing here?"

Her expression changed from studious to suddenly surprised to overjoyed. She leaped at Shinning and started hugging as if she would never get another chance.

"SHINY! What are you doing here?"

He gave her a deadpan grin. "I work here remember?"

She blushed. "Oh right..."

Luna cleared here throat so as to catch the room’s attention once more. Twilight and Shining separated and turned to face her both of them slightly blushing.

"I see you got my letter. I hope this hasn't inconvenienced you in anyway."

Twilight went into full student mode. "Not at all. I had nothing planned for the day and the letter you sent me was something I couldn't pass up. So how did this happen?"

Luna walked over to her. "The how and why is not the reason I asked you here. I wish for you to help me teach him some of the more basic points in magic. I believe we should move into the garden for the lessons now."

Luna motioned for Pluto and Twilight to join her. They did so but not without Pluto nearly tripping on the chair. He gave a short laugh and moved to join both of the mares at the door. He was almost their when a hoof gripped his shoulder. He turned to see Shining next to him.

"Princess Luna do you mind if I talk to him for a second?"

Luna nodded. He led Pluto into the hallway and went out of earshot of Luna and Twilight, both of whom were standing in the doorway. They stopped and looked at each other for what felt like an hour within a second.

"You love Luna?"

A nod was his answer. "And you would do whatever you could to protect her?"

Another nod. Shining gave him a much more serious look. "And you will do nothing to harm Twilight or any of her friends?"

It was almost a statement. Pluto looked into Shining's eyes and saw an emotion he couldn't quite describe. It was somewhere between passion and protective brother. Pluto drew himself up to his full height, which was still considerably taller than Shinning.

"I will do nothing to harm anyone that I meet. I would rather put my life on the line than to harm Luna, or Twilight for that matter. You have my word."

Shining gave him a satisfied smile. "Then in that case, welcome to Canterlot. I'm going to have to get you some security clearance for the rest of the castle so Luna doesn't have to foalsit you all the time. I think I'll see you at Twily's party."

Pluto returned the nod as they both walked back to the three mares standing at the doorway. Shinning walked over to Cadance and whispered something into her ear. She giggled and gave Twilight a quick hug.

"I'll see you later Twilight. You will be joining your parents and us for lunch next week right?"

Twilight returned the hug with much enthusiasm. "I will. It was nice seeing you both again."

Shining gave Twilight a hug as well and set off with Cadance down the hall, the pair of them talking quietly. Pluto turned to the pair of mares that were now his teachers. 'Great, and here I was thinking I was done with school for the rest of my life.' The trio walked out into the gardens and began the lesson.

"Now Sam what you need to do is—"


She looked at him. "What?"

He gave his wings a stretch. "Call me Pluto now."

She looked at him for a few seconds then her face brightened up in a realization. "Oh, you gave yourself a pony name. I read a study on that sort of thing. When a creature is in an environment that they are the only one of their kind they tend to adapt some if not most of the culture to fit in—"

Luna silenced Twilight by placing her hoof to her mouth. "I'm certain that this is very interesting but I think we should focus on the task at hoof."

Twilight blushed and cleared her throat. "Of course. Sam, er... Pluto, let's begin with telekinesis."

The hour passed very quickly for the trio. Pluto was surprised by how quickly he was picking up on the basics of magic, Twilight was having a great time being the teacher instead of the student for a change and Luna was watching the foal like grin on Pluto's face get wider and wider with every successful use of magic.

As the hour passed Pluto only got better and better with his magic. When Luna walked over to him and tapped his shoulder he was levitating no less than ten books around himself. He looked up from the books and gave her a bashful smile.

"Too much?"

She shook her head and leaned closer. "No, you're doing fine. I think we should get heading to the party. Pinkie did say only an hour. I already sent a message ahead to let them know we are coming."

He placed the books down into a neat stack. "Alright."

Luna walked over to Twilight, who was busy writing in a notebook, and cleared her throat. "Twilight?"

She looked up from her notes. "Yes Luna?"

"I think it would be for the best if we went to your library to retrieve some books for Pluto to use."

Confusion pasted over Twilight's and Pluto's face. Twilight however was the one to speak the thought that ran through both of their minds.

"Why does he need to borrow books from the Ponyville Library? I'm certain the Royal Library has almost every book ever printed in its collection."

Luna gave her a gentle smile. "That is true. From what Celestia has told me you have read a good portion of those books however I have made a decision to take a small vacation to Ponyville for a while. It would be easier for him to return borrowed books this way."

The lavender unicorn nodded at the logic. "Okay. Should I cast the teleportation or should you?"

Luna waved her hoof dismissively. "I shall cast it. You have been so patient with Pluto that it's the least I could do to repay you."

The three of them stood close together. As the energy rushed over them Pluto braced himself, but when he did he felt a wing lay itself over his back. He looked over to see Luna giving him a reassuring smile. The spell finished with a flash and when their eyes readjusted to the light they were all standing in front of a very familiar tree.

"Alright let’s just go on in and get you those books." Twilight beamed. The pride of getting to lend books to royalty clear on her face.

The trio made it to the door in less than a second. The next second when the door opened was a blast of sound that made the Royal Canterlot Voice look like Fluttershy's whisper.


Twilight was stunned. "Whu.. what's going on?"

Naturally Pinkie was the first one to reach the guest of honor. "Well DUH! it's a party for you and not just a normal party but a birthday bash extravaganza of a party! It's all for you, the bestest of best pony's! Spike told us you didn't have anything planned for your birthdays so we all got together and said 'well that can't happen' and then we all planned this super-duper party for ya. So are you surprised? Are ya, are ya, are ya?"

Twilight grew silent and sat on the floor. From where Pluto and Luna were standing they couldn't see what was going on but could tell from her body shaking slightly that she was now crying. Before any of the ponies in the room could react Twilight's horn glowed and grabbed five ponies from around the room. They all were dragged into her out stretched hooves and received a warm and loving hug. Over the 'dwaaa's' and 'that's so sweet's' Pluto could just barely hear the words 'You are my best friends. Thank you'.

After the hug the party went into full swing. Music, dancing, sweets, and presents like only Pinkie could do. Celestia entered the building flanked by Shining and Cadance. As soon as Twilight saw them she rushed over and hugged each of them. Soon after that she was busy talking to Celestia about her studies and thanking her for coming to the party. Almost everypony that Twilight had ever made friends with were there having a good time.

Luna and Pluto watched from near a bookcase the pair of them simply cuddling when a hoof tapped Luna on her side. She looked down to see all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing there.

"What can I do for you young ones?"

Apple Bloom took a calming breath and took a small step forward. "We were wondering if you knew where Sam is. Ah haven't seen him since yesterday."

Luna glanced over at Pluto. He was looking at the three of them with a smile on his face. "I think my friend here can answer that for you. I think I hear the Mayor calling my name."

She rose from her seat and walked into the crowd leaving Pluto and the three fillies. He looked down at the trio and gave them a smile.

"I'll give you three guess's to get my name right."

All three of them let out a scream of delight and pounced on him. He was knocked down due to both his own lack of balance and the weight of three fillies ramming into him. The giggling and dog pile style hugging didn't go unnoticed by a very pink pony. Pluto felt another weight join into the pile and in a few moments he was pulled into a sitting position with Apple Bloom on his head and Pinkie bouncing in front of him wearing a smile that made him smile as well.

"OMYGOSH! How did I not notice your new hair cut Sam! I should have said something earlier but I was busy getting hugged by Twilight. Did you know she can really hug? OOO! We should go show your new style to Rarity!"

Pluto found himself being dragged through the crowd at a speed he didn't think was possible. He soon found himself standing next to Rarity and having nearly every set of eyes on him. The rest of the party was filled with Pluto talking to everypony and explaining the change that happened to him. It was almost three hours later that he was able to extract himself from the party and take a breather on the balcony.

"So are you gonna move up to Canterlot now?"

He turned around to see Apple Bloom standing there with a small frown on her face. He waved her over to stand next to him. She sat there and joined him at watching the clouds roll by.

"I might move there."

She moved closer to him. "If you did would you visit?"

He looked down and noticed small tears beginning to form in her amber eyes. He reached down and hugged her. "Of course I would. You were my first friend here aside from Luna. Don't worry about that yet because I think Luna wanted to spend some time here in Ponyville before we make our relationship official."

Apple Bloom hugged him tightly. "You're my friend to Sam. I was worried that I wasn't gonna see you again without saying good-bye."

He was touched by the gesture. There moment was ended when Luna sat down on his other side. "Apple Bloom would you please give me a Pluto a moment?"

Apple Bloom nodded and gave the couple a smile as she walked back to the party.

"She seems fond of you."

He gave her a playful smile. "Worried about competition?"

She playfully hit him with her hoof. "Of course not. I was merely remarking on the fact that you managed to make friends with one so young. I myself have made friends with Pipsqueak and many of the other children here in Ponyville."

He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I was just joking."

She nuzzled him back. "I know. So I know moving here to Ponyville might seem sorta sudden but I was hoping that it would give us some time to get to know each other a little better and you could get used to your new body before we make a public announcement."

He moved closer to her. "That's fine. Whatever makes you happy will make me happy as well."

He glanced over to the doorway and noticed a rather large group of fillies and colts watching them. The leaders of the group were Pipsqueak and Apple Bloom, both of whom were giggling.

"I think we have a fan club." He muttered to Luna.

She cast her gaze over to the group. "Then let’s go entertain them."

They both rose and ran after the group. The children went screaming and laughing as they ran. Pluto knew that this party was the beginning of becoming part of the Ponyville, and in fact all of Equestrian life. He wouldn't have it any other way.

When Gods Talk

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Mister sat on a small chair on a rather calm and beautiful night. The stars shone brightly and the moonlight was almost playful in a way. He reached over to lift a cup of tea to his lips. It was rather good all things considered to him.

"Could use some more sugar though."

He heard the door to the balcony open behind him. He placed the cup gently back down on its saucer and turned to greet the alicorn that had just walked outside.

"Looking radiant as ever Celestia. Would you like me to get you something to eat?"

She shook her head. "No thank you. I'm fine. I must admit, however, that I was surprised that you wanted to see me again. I thought you would be off doing whatever it is that you tend to do."

She sat down across the table from him and used her magic to prepare her own cup of tea. Mister adjusted his tie and took another sip before pressing on.

"I was wondering how the love birds are doing?"

She finished her sip and gave him a welcoming smile. "They are set to get married on the Solstice. All of Equestria couldn't be more happy for them. I must say I approve of the stallion you chose for Luna but that does bring me to the question that has nagged me since you made—"

"—the offer to do anyone thing you wanted me to? Let's just say that I made a promise to an old friend and I intend to uphold my end of the deal."

He noticed her raised eyebrow. He sighed, leaned forward, and placed his elbows on the table. "I made a promise to a dying friend that I would help out their... descendents for the rest of time. So I go around all of reality helping them by giving them favors."

Celestia saw his expression change to remorseful, his smile even faded. She reached across the table and gently touched his hand. His smile returned. He chuckled a little and patted her hoof.

"Thank you for your support but I must say I have accepted this fate. The Solstice huh... I suppose that would make the most sense. Longest night of the year. Clever pair those two, planning the wedding on that date. Must have something planned for the night."

He watched with amusement as Celestia blushed deeply at the implied action. "I don't think that is appropriate to talk about. However I must thank you for bringing Pluto to her. I have never seen her happier."

Mister chuckled to himself but was interupted in his amusement by another question. "Why an alicorn? Wouldn't any other type have worked just as well?"

He tilted his hat back. "That was your doing actually"

Celestia gave him a confused look. He leaned forward some more and spoke in her voice. "'I want you to find somepony she can love for the rest of her life. Somepony she will always be happy with.' Can you see my logic now?"

She let a small gasp. "So he's..."

Mister nodded. "Yup. He's immortal because she's immortal. Can't love someone until you die if you don't die."

Celestia looked at him with a thankful smile. He leaned back in the chair and sighed. "Though I will never understand why you chose to make her happy instead of yourself. I could have found you the perfect stallion."

Celestia let out small laugh. "I have already found a 'stallion' for me. I just need some time to convince him to change a little bit for me. Thank you for what you have done."

Mister chuckled and rose from his seat. "Well I guess you could have time for that if he could just stop being stoned for a moment or two to listen to you." He removed his hat and bowed to her, "I must bid you a fond farewell. I hope that this will stay a secret between us, and also I'll give you my well wishes for the happy couple seeing as I can't."

With a flash and the sound of a whoopee cushion deflating mister disappeared. Celestia finished her tea and cast her gaze down to the gardens where a very familiar statue was sitting.

"I hope so too."