What if...

by FangTheBatPony

First published

What if certain objects did or didn't exist in Equestria? Well, let's find out. What if there were cellphone? Would they be addicted? What if there were no farms? Would they just eat plant off the street? Well, let's find out!

What if there were phones in Equestria? Would they be addicted?
What if they no longer used carts and other ponies? Would some ponies be out of jobs?
Read to find out!


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If cellphones existed in Equestria...

Twilight walked home happily, holding her new cellphone up high. All her friends had a phone, and the day has come that she gets one. It was the highest grade available, complete with internet, a camera, and even had a GPS. Courtesy of Princess Celestia. As she walked she began to slowly peel away the tape in excitement. Every pony looked at her. She looked as if she's never owned a cellphone before - which she hasn't. She looked up and realized that she already pulled it halfway out of the box. She stopped for a second and put it carefully back in, and kept walking with the biggest grin ever.

When she finally got home she ran upstairs to wash her hooves in the bathroom, leaving the phone downstairs so it won't get wet, then went back down, letting out fangirl-ish squeals the whole time, waking up Spike from his nap.

Spiked walked down the stairs rubbing his eyes "Twi? What's that your holding? Did Pinkie give you a new type of cake? Does it have-" Spike was interrupted by Twilight putting a hoof to his mouth.

"It's my new phone!" Twilight said, sounding more and more excited while her smile got bigger "Celestia finally caved in and got my one! Eek!"

"How nice of her. Can I get one?" Spike asked, eyeing the box. Twilight moved it away with her hoof in a very motherly way. As if he was a very small child asking for a cookie before dinner.

"Work harder and we'll see," she answered with a smirk.

"What kind is it anyway?" he asked.

Twilight looked at the box "A Pon-phone 4," was her answer. She ran back upstairs, sat on her bed, and immediately opened it. She took off the tape, which was still surprisingly sticky. She dumped out all the contents and read the instructions.

The instructions read:


Charging: It can run on magic, or you can plug it in with the charger. WARNING: HIGH VOLTAGE.

Internet: Tap the internet option, select your browser and connection point in the option. Make sure the point is near by, or else it won't work properly.

Contacts: Enter a number and press save. Then give them a nickname.'

"Pretty self explanatory if you ask me." Twilight murmured. She turned on the black phone and the first thing she saw was pop-up reading:


"That makes more sense," she said. She charged it up with magic, which was probably the fastest way. The screen flashed to life. She used magic to pull out the phone book from her nightstand. She looked through it and added the numbers of Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. She simply put their names down as "AJ", "Pinkie", "Rainbow", "Flutters," and "Rarity". She decided to text Pinkie first.

Unfortunately she got a pop-up reading:

'Please set up your user options and make sure this pony has your number. Thank you.'

"Ugh. Who knew this was so hard," she murmured. She filled out the personal information and put down her name. She got up with a grin on her face and tucked the phone carefully into her saddlebags. She was gonna go give the others her phone number and run to the store for a cellphone case.

She trotted downstairs and saw Spike. She thought about saying bye, but he took what she said to heart and started working even harder, and she didn't want to interrupt him. All Spike heard was Twilight closing the door.

When she walked out the door she searched the sky for Rainbow Dash. Looked like she was done with her work for the day. Then Twilight remembered, she has wings now. She flew far and fast, flying through a few clouds, putting a protective spell on the phone and dampening her fur, until she found Cloudsdale. Unfortunately, she still hasn't seen Rainbow's home. Then once again, she remembered that her phone has a GPS.

When she found Rainbow Dash's home she knocked on the door. Sadly, being made of clouds, it didn't help. Then she noticed the doorbell and rung it.

Rainbow opened the door. "Yeah Twi?"

"Guess what! Celestia got me a phone!" Twilight shouted. She looked around and blushed when she realized how many ponies could probably hear her.

"Awesome. Now why'd you come here to tell me that?"

Twilight then realized that she could probably ask Rainbow to text everypony her number. "Can you please text every pony my number?"

"Okay," Rainbow went and got Twilight some writing material. "Here, right your number down on here," she said as she handed Twilight the piece of paper.

Twilight took the piece of paper. "Thank you," she said as she down her number, "I believe you know what to do with that."

Twilight flew back down after saying her goodbyes, putting a protective spell on the phone again. When she reached to ground she used her magic to pull the cellphone out of her saddlebag. She tried texting Pinkie again, and it worked!

Here's how the conversation went while she walked to the phone store for a cellphone case and almost got hurt a few times from being too absorbed in it:

'Twilight: Hey, Pinkie. Look, Celestia got me a cellphone. I am in love with the autocorrect option. Now my grammar and spelling is even better! It's like a dream come true.
Pinkie: YAY! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. OOPSIES. CAPS. Better. How do you like it? Is it fun? What apps have you gotten on it? I have Angry dragons on here. What color is it? What kind is it? Does it have internet? Tellmetellmetellmetellme. Teeelll. Meeeeeeeeee.
Twilight: Woah. Calm down pinkie. Yes I like it. That's been the most exiting thing for me today. I haven't gotten any apps yet. I don't even know what those are. It's black Pon-phone 4, and I'm going to get it a purple case for it, and finally, yes, it does have internet.
Pinkie: WHAAAAAA?! You don't know what apps are? They're like the funnest thing ever! They're games for your phone. *pouts*
Twilight: Nah, I'm pretty sure books are the best thing ever.
Pinkie: Fine. They cost money anyway.
Twilight: Books cost money too.
Pinkie: Yeah, but you used to live in a library. Whatever books that survived are still free!
Twilight: True. Well, I got to run. I'm at the phone store. Heh, I ran into a lot of stuff on accident. I think I may have a problem...'

She put the phone away and went straight towards the back wall, which was full of cellphone cases. They appeared to have been organized by color. There were plenty of purple cases, but none were the safe she was looking for.

The shop owner popped up from behind the counter holding a box of phone related objects. He was a unicorn that looked a little older than most with a beige and grey streaked coat and white hair. "Miss Sparkle. We've been expecting you," the stallion said walking to the backroom.

"Why?" she asked.

He walked back in using magic to hold up a lavender case with a pink, purple, and navy blue rainbow on it "Princess Celestia put this on hold for you. It's a custom for you,"

"Thank you. I will tell her that I got it," she said sounding as formal as possible.

When she walked out somepony began texting her again. This time it was Rainbow Dash:

'Rainbow: Twi.
Rainbow: Twiiiii.
Rainbow: Twwwwiiiiilllliiigggghhhhttttt.
Twilight: Calm down. For crying out loud, these text are like two seconds apart. Sheesh.
Rainbow: K. Dude, I need to ask u if I can give the CMC yo number.
Twilight: CMC? And what's with how you're typing?
Rainbow: Cutie Mark crusaders. And I'm trying to save time.
Twilight: Already? Aren't they a little young for such a responsibility?
Rainbow: So what? I ain't their mom.
Twilight: True. Anyway, sure, you can give them my number.
Rainbow: K, Bye.
Twilight: Bye. :D'

Twilight came home to find Spike curled up on a shelf holding a duster. She walked upstairs while she used her magic to move him into his tiny bed in her room. He was adorable.

She set the phone on vibrate, so when she pulled it out of her saddle bag it was full of messages. She flopped into bed and started texting.

The next morning Spike woke up to the sound of a vibrating phone. He looked up at Twilight. Her mane was a mess, she had bags under her eyes, and was quickly tapping the phone with her hooves because her horn got tired. "Twilight? Did you even sleep last night?"

"Nope. I've been up texting with Princess Luna. And Fluttershy. Did you know that Fluttershy stays up for her animals? I wonder when she get to sleep then," she answered.

"I dunno, but I think you have a problem," he stated

"No I don't. Sleep isn't important. Bonding is," she declared.

"What? What are you even talking about Twi? Without sleep you can't even bond with anyone," he replied.

"Mehmehmehmeh," she went in a mocking tone.

"Twilight. Get some sleep."


"Twilight. Please. You have to keep you kingdom running."


One week later...

"How did this happen!" Spike yelled. He and Twilight stood before a burning castle.

Twilight stood near Spike texting. "Oh, uh, I dunno. I was just cooking then Applejack texted me and, yeah, I dunno."


Cars vs. Carts

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If there were cars in Equestria...

Big Mac walked down to the car dealership. He was gonna trade his old cart for a car. Unfortunately, the cutie mark crusaders wanted to try the new car, so they rode the cart, adding some weight and making him go a little slower.

"Y'all ready to see the new car? My sister showed me a picture of it. It looks awesome. And Big Mac is gonna take driving classes!" Apple Bloom said to the other crusaders.

"Why do you guys even need a car? You guys are just as good a car." Sweetie Belle asked, admiring how steady Big Mac was going.

"Because, plenty of ponies have switched to cars." Apple Bloom answered.

"True. Plus it'll probably be even faster!" Scootaloo shouted, jumping up for a second, fluttering her wings.

"How will you get it home though?" asked Sweetie Belle, putting her tiny hoof out.

"I guess none of us thought of that." answered Apple Bloom.

The cart came to a stop, and Big Mac motioned for them to get down. The cutie mark crusaders got down and skipped merrily inside the dealership, following Big Macintosh.

The sales pony had white fur, covered in grease stains, and his short black hair was full of gray streaks.

He walked up to the desk and cleared his throat, darting his eyes from left to right, "I-Im here to pick up a car," he stuttered.

The sales-pony looked up at him "Big Macintosh?"

"E'up." Big Mac said sweating.

"What was your car again?"

The red Stalion gulped "A red 2014 Stalion."

"Right over here sir," the sales pony said, going behind a curtain "follow me."

Big Mac motioned for the CMC to stay put, which they did for the most part, although they were still bouncing with joy, then he walked past the curtain.

The car had an old look to it, while still somehow looking brand new. "Here is your brand new car!" the salespony said, handing Big Macintosh the keys.

"Th-thank you," he stuttered as he pulled out a bag of bits and gave them to the salespony, who quickly snatched it up and counted the money.

Big Macintosh walked out to find the Cutie mark crusaders merrily skipping around the room, discussing where they wanted to go with the car. He cleared his throat to get their attention and said "Nope."

The three fillies began pouting "Why?" Apple Bloom pleaded, then she remembered that her brother didn't have a license, "Oooh... Then how are we getting home?..."

The stalion stood outside and waited until a figure came into view. He pointed at the young mare, who was revealed to be Rarity when she got closer. "I'll drive you home," she stated in a sing-song voice.

In the car, the five ponies sat comfortably. For the most part. Someone nearly hit them at a stop sign and Rarity was cursing and swearing while honking on the horn so the kids wouldn't hear, but other than that, she was good. Big Mac observed how she drove and tried to memorize it.

When they got to Sweet apple acres Rarity dropped the keys in Big Mac's right hoof and hopped in the passenger seat "Your turn good sir."

A week later...

"O-okay kids, where to now?" Big Macintosh asked while driving away from the mall.

The girls looked at each other and whispered to one another. "Home," they said in unison. There had been a lot of car wrecks recently due to some unidentified maniac.

Big Macintosh nodded and turned left. Then, BOOM. The maniac struck again, but, no harm done. To the ponies at least. The car was a wreck. They all climbed out to find that the mystery pony's car was also wrecked. Seemed like the masked pony was too preoccupied trying to start the car to notice that there were police sirens blaring. Or that their victims were getting away.

A police pony with a bushy brown mustache pulled them out of the car and pulled their mask off to reveal - Pinkie Pie! But not just Pinkie Pie, her hair was strait and her eyes looked deadly.

"I'll get you for this!" she yelled before entering the police car.

A police pony walked up to Big Macintosh "Thank you for catching the maniac. If you'd like we'll pay to repair your car."

He looked around "Nope," after the danger of today, he didn't think it'd be wise. He gathered the kids and walked them home. The sun was setting. One thought crossed the large stallion's mind: I hate cars

The end!