> The Love of Rainbows: Time is on our Whooves. > by Shadowflash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Canada, Ontario -- Unknown Highschool -- One year after Carl's disappearance Kieran walked into the cafeteria, tired, and spotted his group of friends. Scott, Dylan, Jacob and Chandler. Unfortunately, Kieran was missing one. His best friend: Carl. It's been a year since he, or any of his other friends, have seen him. Carl's family worries everyday where he might be, and everyone still mourns the disappearance of him. Kieran approached the large, blue, table in which his friends were sitting at. There was a large gap between that group and the rest of the cafe. Everyone knew to stay away from them. In fact, ever since Carl left, everyone has started to stay away from each other. Gaps between seated students are spotted everywhere. Teachers have stopped talking to each other, besides work related items, and there hasn't been a single laugh heard throughout the school. "Hey, guys...", Kieran sat down at the end of the table, next to Scott. "Hey, Kieran. We were just discussing some Physics; want to join in?", Dylan adjusted his boxy glasses. "Don't you guys ever miss Carl? All you do is seem to forget he's not here.", Kieran slammed his hand onto the table. "Kieran, of course we miss Carl. But, sometimes, we need to move on.", Scott queued. Scott threw his sandwich at Chandler, and Chandler started to eat it. "Besides, Carl was a great friend.", Chandler mumbled with a mouth full of bread and meats. "Yeah, but, don't you ever wonder where he went? Why he left?", Kieran asked. "Probably to his land of ponies.", Scott laughed a little. Was a first in an entire year that laughter was heard. "Scott, that's not funny. I can't believe you guys right now. Carl was our best friend, and you decide to forget about him? Just like that? God, you guys suck.", Kieran stood up, picking up his backpack, and walked out of the cafeteria in a fit of rage. The group just shrugged. This was normal to them. Kieran would always bring up the subject; hoping something new would pop up. Instead, just the same results. _______________________________________________________________ The day went by with unease. It seemed very long, and very boring. Kieran attended all his classes, usually never talking. Unless the teacher called on him. Kieran didn't bother attending his football practice, though. He decided that he was more interested in going home and sleeping. Which he always did. "Hey buddy.", Kieran's Dad called out. "Hey, Dad.", Kieran gave a fake smile, as he propped up the stairs in a quickened pace. Kieran entered his cluttered, and dark, room. He bunked with his brother, but, his brother was at soccer practice tonight. So; he was all alone. Kieran took of his glasses and laid down on the bed. He look up at the white, plastered, ceiling. Carl... If you're out there.. Please.. Come back. We... I... Miss you. So very much.. You were, and still are, my greatest friend.. I'd do anything to see you., Kieran thought to himself. Everyday, after school, Kieran would continue to say this. Hoping for a miracle. Instead, he just fell asleep. But, tonight was going to be different... A lot different. ????? -- ?????? -- ??/??/?? Kieran woke up and yawned. The sun was beating down on his face. He reached out to the table in which his glasses were and slid them onto his face. Wait, the sun was beating down on his face?! Kieran went erect immediately, looking around to find himself within a large, green and yellow, meadow of flowers and grass. He went wide eyed to all of this. Is this a dream...?, Kieran thought. He stood up from his bed, still in his school uniform, and his feet hit the yellow rock ground. Thankfully, his football shoes were on the table as well, so, he slid them on. Kieran, being curious, decided to walk down the path. It seemed to lead somewhere, as he could see a town in the distance. Right foot forward, left foot forward. Kieran paced himself accordingly. Thinking this was a dream, he made nothing of anything he saw. Until ... Something popped up. "Well, Hi there! I've never seen you before!", Kieran jumped and fell onto the ground. "Woops! Didn't mean to scare you!", A girly giggle was heard. Kieran whipped around to be greeted by a cotton-candy smelling, pink mane and coat... Pony! "Ahhh!", Kieran backed up. Is this a joke?!, Kieran thought "What? Never seen a pony before? Hehe!", The pink pony bounced around Kieran. Kieran's eyes were saucered in confusion. "My name's Pinkie Pie! What's yours?", 'Pinkie Pie's' face was in Kieran's. Pinkie Pie?! Carl always talked about this pony! How am I here?! This has to be a dream! Play it cool.. Play it cool.., Kieran calmed himself and answered. "I'm Kieran.", Kieran let out a hand and Pinkie Pie shook it with both her hooves. "Nice to meet you! Ooo! You remind me of somepony!", Pinkie Pie sat on her rump, thinking. "Who was it... Was it Lyra? No.. She's too pony-ie... Was it Twilight? No.. Too sparkle-y... Was it.. OH! I KNOW!", Pinkie Pie bounced into Kieran's face. "You're Carl's friend! That's who you remind me of!", Pinkie Pie giggled loudly. "Wait, what?!", Kieran's eyes were now content on getting an answer. "Carl is here?!", Kieran stood up, lightly towering over the mare. "Well, yeah! Didn't you know that?", Pinkie Pie smiled. "He's been missing for a year! No one knew where he was! Bring me to him! Please!", Kieran begged the pink mare. "Oh.. Well.. I don't know..", Pinkie Pie turned away from Kieran. "Please... I'm his best friend. I need to see him. I'll do anything.", Kieran begged again. "Anything...?", Pinkie Pie turned around with a look of excitement on her face. "Uhm.. Yeah.. Anything.", Kieran said. "Then you can come to my next party! C'mon! Follow me!", Pinkie Pie started to bounce, up and down, down the yellow path. Kieran ran after her. > Chapter 1: Exciting Remarks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville -- Entrance of Ponyville. -- ??/??/?? "Welcome to Ponyville!", Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced further into the town. "Ponyville? How original.", Kieran grunted lightly, as he looked around. The town was lively with radiant colours. Pink, blue, yellow, green. They all co-ordinate well with each other. The reds on greens, the oranges on blues, the whites on blacks. Everything. It was a change of the usual, dull, scenery from his world. If this was a dream or not, Kieran couldn't tell. Kieran and Pinkie lead themselves down the main road and to a large, grand tree, house. Pinkie Pie pointed to it. "This is my friends house! She'll know where Carl is!", Pinkie Pie giggled. "Let's hope.", Kieran said lightly. Pinkie Pie burst through the main door of Twilight's house and into the library. A small, green and purple scaled, dragon was thrown back and books went flying everywhere. The library ground floor seemed to be littered for cleaning and Pinkie Pie seemed to have forgotten that today was cleaning day. "Pinkie... You know today is cleaning day.", A lavender unicorn said, who was standing on top of a ladder. "Oh, I know! But look!", Pinkie Pie immediately grabbed Kieran and threw him into the library. "I found Carl's friend!", Pinkie Pie went bouncing in the sea of books. "Wait, what?", The lavender unicorn jumped down from the ladder and forwarded herself to Kieran. "You know Carl?", The unicorn asked. "Yes, of course. He's my best friend. He's been gone for over a year, now!", Kieran looked down into the lavender unicorn's purple eyes. "Well.. I know where he is. But, let me introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Pleasure to meet you...?" "Kieran.", Kieran answered Twilight's run-on question. "Kieran. Carl is just hanging out with my friend, Rainbow Dash. I can bring you to them; if you'd like.", Twilight smiled. "Hey! We have books to clean, Twilight!", The small dragon popped up from a pile of books. "It'll only take a minute, Spike.", Twilight smiled. "Fine...", 'Spike' said, in annoyance. "C'mon, this way, Kieran.", Pinkie Pie bounced behind Twilight, and Kieran followed. Finally.. I get to see my friend.. After so long..., Kieran thought, as they made their way out of Ponyville. Ponyville Outskirts -- Rocky Meadows -- ??/??/?? "Look, Carl, this isn't a joke! I really have to practice!", A rainbow coloured pegasus was yelling at Carl. "I'm not laughing, Rainbow Dash. I'm just trying to cheer you on!", Carl argued back to 'Rainbow Dash'. "'Cheer me on'? You can't even cheer! You're too shy to do it! You'll make me look like a fool in front of all the Wonderbolts!", Rainbow Dash yelled. "Wonderbolts? That's all you ever talk about! I mean, I know that's your dream, but you talk about them as if you want to have sex with them!", Carl's face was going red with anger. "Maybe I do. Who wants to know?", Rainbow Dash crossed her forelimbs. "How can you say that? We're together. Are you saying you'd cheat on me, Dash?", Carl's face flushed down into a pale colour. "Maybe I would.", Rainbow Dash looked away from Carl. "I... Really..?", Carl asked. "Mmm-Hmm.", Rainbow Dash nodded, looking up at the sky with her eyes closed. "Wow.. I.. Guess you don't really love me.. I..", Carl's eyes started to water, as he ran in the opposite direction. Rainbow Dash just flew off, in a fit of rage. "Well, there goes that encounter.", Twilight said in a smug. "Wait... Carl... Is dating a ... What?", Kieran said in confusion. "I know, it's weird, but, they were cute together... I don't know what's gotten into them.", Twilight looked up at Kieran. "Well.. I wish he noticed I was here...", Kieran said. "C'mon. Let's chase him. He didn't go to far.", Twilight started to run in the direction Carl went. Pinkie Pie and Kieran followed. After a few minutes of running down the meadow, and into some light, bushy, woods, they found Carl. He was hunched over, looking down at his feet, sitting on a rock. There was a pool forming in-between his feet as if he was crying. Twilight slowly went forward and placed a hoof on his shoulderblade. "What's wrong, Carl", Twilight decided to play dumb for now. "Rainbow Dash...", Carl sniffed. "What happened?", Twilight asked lightly. "S-she... Wants to cheat on me... After everything I've tried to do for her.. She..", Carl let out a shivering sob. "Hey... She was just mad. I promise, Rainbow Dash would never do that to you, Carl.", Twilight tried to cheer Carl up. Carl turned and wrapped his arms around the lavender pony, and Twilight returned the hug. Carl's eyes opened to see Kieran, standing right there. "Kieran?!", Carl sniffed in confusion. "Carl! I've been looking everywhere for you!", Kieran exclaimed. "W-what are you doing here?!", Carl let go of the hug, standing up, wiping his tears away. "You've been gone for over a year! Everyone is worried about you, Carl. Please.. Come back!", Kieran pleaded with Carl. "N... No.. I.. I like it here. I don't need to take my pills here. I don't need to worry about anything here. I... I love somepony here.", Carl said confidently. "It doesn't seem that 'pony'... Likes you very much.", Kieran regretted saying that part. He was a bit confused in all of this. "She does... We.. Just.. Have a problem.. That's all.", Carl said in a saddened tone. "Please.. Carl.. Come back. I miss you so much!", Kieran pleaded again. "Then stay here, Kieran. You know how great it is here? Not having to worry about anything? I mean.. I miss my parents. But I love it here. I have everything I've ever wanted. And I'm healthier than before, back on Earth.", Carl retorted lightly to Kieran. "Kieran, I'm not going back. I made that decision a year ago... Even if Rainbow Dash is losing interest in me... Now, if you'll excuse me.. I have some .. 'things'... To do.", Carl ran off, out of the light bush and directly at Ponyville. Kieran sighed. "But... How could he do this?... My friend.. My best friend.. Doesn't even want to come back...", Kieran thumped onto the ground, curling in a light fettle position. Pinkie Pie wrapped her forelimbs around Kieran. "Don't worry, Kieran! We're here for you!", Pinkie Pie tried to cheer Kieran up. "Just smile, smile, smile!", Pinkie Pie gave a light tune. Kieran just laughed lightly. "See! There you go!", Pinkie Pie grinned brightly. Her teeth had a slight glint to it, as if it was a sword being raised to the sun. "Maybe.. I can make the best of it here.. And see what's so great before I ask him to come back..", Kieran said lightly. Pinkie jumped up and down. "I'll show you everything that's great here!", Pinkie Pie bounced around Kieran. Kieran couldn't help but laugh. "All right. I'll head back to the library and help Spike clean up. In the meantime, you two be safe.", Twilight slowly headed back to Ponyville, as Pinkie Pie started talking to Kieran. > Chapter 2: Rainbow's Overture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's cloudhouse -- Master bedroom -- ??/??/?? Rainbow Dash was crying into her pillow. The pillow was soaking wet with salty tears as she slammed her hooves into the bed. She constantly looked up, and around, the room to spot the pictures of Carl and her hugging, kissing, out to dinners, et cetera. Everything with Carl was perfect until today. "How could I be so stupid?!", Rainbow Dash cried into her pillow again. Her mattress slammed against the cloudwall, making a light puff of smoke. "Everything was perfect! Why did I do that?!", Rainbow Dash cried again, and again. She continued to cry for the next twenty minutes. Until she heard something walk into the room. "Rainbow Dash?", A raspy voice was heard. Rainbow Dash erected upwards and turned around. "S-Soarin?!", Rainbow Dash's eyes went wild with excitement. "Sorry to barge in. But, I was flying by on my way to a routine and heard crying. I thought somepony was in trouble.", Soarin walked a bit closer. "No.. Just.. A bad day.", Rainbow Dash sighed. One of her heroes was in her room, but, she needed to vent to somepony. "I assume you got into a fight with somepony?", Soarin queued. "Yeah.. I accidently told them... That I'd cheat on them..", Rainbow Dash looked down at her hooves, hunched over on the bed. Soarin was at Rainbow Dash's side now, looking at her. "Would you?", Soarin asked. "What?", Rainbow Dash looked at him. "Would you cheat on somepony?", Soarin repeated. "What kind of question is that?", Rainbow Dash defended. "Answer. Yes.. Or no.", Soarin smiled lightly. "I..", But, before Rainbow Dash could answer, she felt Soarin's lips come in contact with her. Soarin pressed Rainbow Dash down onto the bed as he climbed on top of her, kissing her full-heartily. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes for a moment. And saw the image of Carl. What was she doing?! Rainbow Dash immediately pushed Soarin off of her. "Soarin! No! I... I can't. Not with you. Not with anypony. I love Carl... He's.. Everything.", Rainbow Dash wiped her lips of Soarin's saliva. "Oh, c'mon, have a bit of fun. Likewise he'll know.", Soarin smiled lightly. "N-", but, before Rainbow Dash could finish, she felt Soarin's hoof immediately touching her g-spot. Rainbow Dash gave out a light sigh, but again, pushed Soarin off. "Stop it! I don't want this!", Rainbow Dash cried and immediately zipped out of her house. "Tough to get, eh?", Soarin started to follow her. Rainbow Dash burst out of her house a zipped down into Ponyville. Soarin was right behind her. "C'mon! You know you want some fun!", Rainbow Dash quickly did a fake-out zip, flying behind a house. Soarin flew by her. "Well, Hello there.", Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash with a smile. "Rarity! Help me! Soarin is trying to .. Touch my.. Y'know!", Rainbow Dash panicked. Rarity was stunned. "Oh my! Come in, dear!", Rarity knocked on the door to the house and Applejack opened up. Rainbow Dash rushed in and Rarity closed the door behind her gently. Like a lady. The house was a light pink and purple, with a few closets at the end. Their weren't many furnishings besides a chair or two and a table. Seemed like this place was just built. "RD, what in the hay are you doing here? Today was me an' Rarity's private day.", Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash in anger. "Soarin is trying to make me cheat on Carl!", Rainbow Dash lightly yelled. "What in the? Soarin? Now why on Equestria's green plains would he do that?", Applejack angered. "I don't know! I told Carl I might cheat on him.. But I regret saying it! I'm such an idiot! Now Soarin wants to ... Stick his pie in my oven!", Rainbow Dash placed here hooves on her face. "Oh...!", Applejack's eyes went wide. "Well--", a knock was heard at the door. "Rarity? Applejack? It's me, Carl. May I come in? I know it's your private time, but, I need to talk.", Carl yelled through the door. Rainbow Dash quickly hid in a closet. "Why, it's quite all right. Come in.", Rarity announced. Carl walked in and sat down on one of the small chairs. "What seems to be th' matter sugar cube?", Applejack asked. "It's... Rainbow Dash... I.. Don't think she wants me anymore.. And .. I need your help packing.", Carl said. "Packing?!", Rarity and Applejack lightly exclaimed. "Yeah.. I'm.. Just going to leave. I don't want Rainbow Dash knowing. I know she wants other ponies. Not me. So.. I'm going to live somewhere else. Where nopony will be bothered.", Carl said in a light frown. "But.. We wa--" "No. I need your help packing. I can't live here anymore.", Carl interrupted Rarity. "W-well.. All right.. Come on..", Applejack and Rarity lead their way out the door. Carl followed. After a minute of silence, Rainbow Dash opened the closet door, silently. "He... Doesn't.. Think I want him.. He wants to...", Rainbow Dash started to cry. "He...Wants to...", Dash lowered herself to the floor and placed her hooves on her face. "...Leave..." Ponyville -- Carl's Hut -- ??/??/?? Carl, Rarity and Applejack entered the small shack. Carl already had a bag and some items laid out. "I just want everything packed. Besides the pictures.", Carl said. Rarity and Applejack didn't protest. They started to neatly fold the clothes that Rarity made, pack the presents that Applejack gave Carl, slide the books that Twilight lent Carl, into his bag. Everything was slowly removed from the entire hut. All that remained was the many pictures of Carl with everypony. Most of them were Rainbow Dash. Carl gave them a small bag of bits. "Thanks... I better be going.",Carl slugged his bag onto his back. Rarity and Applejack only looked at each other with a saddened look on their faces. Carl exited the hut and headed southward from the town. Where everything began for him. And where everything will end. "What do we do?", Applejack asked Rarity. "Nothing. He's... Choosing what's best for him. It's the only way.", Rarity answered. "I just hope.. Everything will be all right.", Rarity sighed. > Chapter 3: Pinkie Pie's Secret Ingredient I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville -- Sugar Cube Corner -- ??/??/?? Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in the kitchen of Sugar Cube Corner. Mister and Misses Cake were out with their two kids and she was ready to bake something. "Okay, first off, we need to bake a cake!", Pinkie Pie bounced. "Uhm.. A cake? Why?", Kieran asked. "For the party! Duuuh!", Pinkie Pie gave a joking frown. "Oh, okay. Well.. What do we need?", Kieran asked. "We need... Flower... Some vanilla extract... Sugar... Icing.. Milk.. A dozen eggs.. Aaaaaaand my secret ingredient!", Pinkie Pie gathered everything. "What's the se--" "I can't tell you!", Pinkie Pie interrupted. "It's secret! Now, help me mix this together!", Pinkie Pie giggled. Kieran grabbed a bowl and Pinkie Pie started to pour some flower in. Afterwards, she cracked all the eggs into the bowl, and then some milk. Kieran started to stir, and Pinkie Pie slowly started to pour sprinkles of sugar. "Perfect!", She mumbled, as she held the sugar bag in her mouth. After a few minutes of stirring, the contents of the bowl turned into a beautiful, sparkly, mixture. "Alright, now, put it in this cake tin!", Pinkie Pie placed a cake tin out. Kieran poured it in and it neatly moulded into it. "All right, now.. The vanilla extract!", Pinkie Pie flipped a spoon into the cake tin and gently mixed it around. She neatly fixed the mould of the cake afterwards. "So, now the oven?", Kieran asked. "No. The secret ingredient, silly!", Pinkie Pie smiled. "Well, what is it?", Kieran asked. "Oh, wait, my bad. I forgot. In the oven it goes!", Pinkie Pie opened the oven and put the cake inside. Kieran just rolled his eyes in confusion and slight annoyance. "Now what do we do?", Kieran inquired, sitting down on a stool. "We wait!... Buuuut, that's boring. So, I need some help getting my secret ingredient.", Pinkie Pie giggled. "And, what is it?", Kieran frowned. "Well.. If you promise not to tell annnnyyyypony, I'll tell you!", Pinkie Pie looked up at him with an inquisitive look. "I promise.", Kieran said. "Cross your heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye?!", Pinkie Pie frowned. "Uhm.. Yeah.", Kieran just agreed. "Okay! My secret ingredient is...", Pinkie Pie nudged him very close to her. "Something only males can make...", Whispered Pinkie Pie. OH DEAR GOD?! WHAT?! No! Don't tell me she means... "Uhm.. Does it start with.. A 's'...?", Kieran cringed at the thought of it. "Mhm!", Pinkie Pie nodded. "I need your help getting it! Seeing as though you can make it!", Pinkie Pie placed her hooves on his knees. "Noo! I can't have sex with a pony! That's just wrong!", Kieran wanted to back away, but couldn't. "We're not having sex, silly!", Pinkie Pie laughed. "I don't want oral sex either!", Kieran just shook his head. "Puh-leeeease?! I need this ingredient! It'll make the cake cook faster! Only you can help me!", Pinkie Pie begged. "And where has your mouth been? On other ponies too?!", Kieran asked. "No...", Pinkie Pie sighed. "I just.. Well..", Pinkie Pie looked around. "I just want to try it... Rainbow Dash said it's fun. I like fun!", Pinkie Pie smiled. Kieran only sighed. Why do I get myself into these things?, Kieran thought. "If... I let you... Do .. Oral sex.. Will you never ask for it again?", Kieran inquired with a cringe. "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!", Pinkie Pie smiled. Kieran sighed again. "Fine. Fine.", Kieran slowly stood up and Pinkie sat back on her rump. "Yay!", She thumped her hooves together as Kieran slowly undid his pants. Kieran's pants dropped down to the ground to reveal his boxer briefs. Pinkie started to tug at the right leg of his briefs, pulling them down slowly. Oddly enough, Kieran was erect from this. How is this turning me on? She's a pony!... All well. No one will know., Kieran watched Pinkie Pie pull his briefs down fully. "Oooo, wow! That's what it looks like!", Pinkie Pie giggled as she looked at Kieran's penis. "Yeah...", Kieran rolled his eyes a bit. It's like being around a four year old. "May I?", Pinkie Pie looked up at him. Kieran only nodded. What has he gotten himself into? Ponyville -- Fluttershy's House -- ??/??/?? Carl slowly walked down the yellow path, lightly slumped over. He looked at his feet as he walked and started to notice little critters under him. "Oh, hello, Carl.", A light voice appeared next to him. Carl looked up and over at Fluttershy. "Hey, Fluttershy. How're you?", He asked nicely. "Oh, I'm terrific. All my routines are complete for today. I was just heading into Ponyville.", Fluttershy smiled. "Well, I'm not stopping you.", Carl gave a fake smile. "Oh, I know. I'm just wondering where you're going.", Fluttershy inquired. Carl sighed. "I'm leaving. Rainbow Dash doesn't want me. She said she'd even cheat on me. I can't handle that.. I love her too much. If she doesn't want me.. I.. I'm just going to leave. Maybe find some sort of banished town in the Everfree Forest.", Carl sighed as he continued his walk. Fluttershy flew in front of him. "I can't let you leave! Rainbow Dash would never cheat on you, Carl! She loves you! Leaving will make it worse!", Fluttershy protested. "Or better.", Carl continued past her. Fluttershy only landed and didn't try to stop him further. "Oh.. Dear...", Angel was next to Fluttershy with a saddened look. "I hope.. Everything turns out for the better.. C'mon, Angel.", Fluttershy started to trot towards Ponyville. As Carl went separate from Fluttershy, he did what he said he would. He went directly into the Everfree Forest. He walked down the large, intertwined path. He could care less if it was threatening or not. Carl heard light roars from animals, growling from timber wolves, and the shaking of trees that made the wind sound like a ghost. Carl only shoved it off as he took a right turn, and down a muddy path. A sign labelled; "Town of the Banished" was next to the path. He continued down it. Carl heard some voices as he neared a little outcrop of houses. He was surprised to see that many ponies were living here. Then again, who knows what they did. "Well, hello there. Banished newcomer?", A scarred up pegasus was floating next to Carl. "Sure. Let's just say that. I'm Carl.", Carl said in a grunt. "I'm Scar Pace.", 'Scar Pace' introduced. "Pleasure...", Carl rolled his eyes and walked further into the makeshift town. "Well, dunno if we have room for one more, but, you're welcome at my place.", Scar Pace said. "It'll do for now.", Carl looked at Scar. Scar started to lead him to a small hut. The wood looked fresh, but, it was covered in moss as if it was made of bark. "Not much. But, the inside is better.", Scar opened the door and Carl walked in. There were two beds, and a fireplace with a cooking kettle over it. The fireplace was thickly stoned and the inside was well carved out. For a makeshift town, they had great taste. "Better on this inside.", Carl said, setting his stuff down. "Yup. Anyways, make yourself cozy.", Scar smiled. "Out of curiousity, why were you banished?", Carl sprung a question. "I... Well.. I accidently tried to overthrow Celestia. It wasn't my fault. But, I took the banishment to Everfree, than the moon.", Scar answered. "Better than murdering somepony.", Carl retorted lightly. "True. Anyways, we all have jobs here, so, tomorrow, we'll set you up with one!", Scar smiled lightly. "All right. I'll rest up, then.", Carl flopped down onto the bed that was neatly made still. He assumed this one was his. "Righty. I'll see you tomorrow, then.", Scar zipped out of the house as Carl started to rest. Carl turned over and over... Thinking. > Chapter 4: Banishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of the Banished -- Town Square -- Day: 22nd / Year: 2013 / Month: April "Everypony, I'd like to welcome our newcomer, Carl!", Scar Pace fluttered next to Carl. "Welcome Carl!", Everypony seemed to be ecstatic about him being here. "Hello.", Carl nicely waved back. "Carl is going to be here with us now, and we'll be setting him up with a job. So, who wants to find something he could do?", Scar Pace looked to the crowd. "He could help me fish. He has those amazing hands, so, it could be easier to reel in some of them!", A large stallion announced. "Perfect! Carl, you'll help with fishing for today.", Scar smiled at Carl. "All right. Let's get going, then.", Carl gave a fake smile as he went to the large stallion. "Name's Leaf Grinder. I use to be an alchemist, but, things went bad when I was banished. Nothing like murdering, thankfully. Just.. Accidents. You know.", Leaf Grinder announced to Carl. "Yeah... Accidents. Anyways, let's get this show on the road.", Carl followed Leaf Grinder as they went out of the town and down a makeshift pathway. The path was wide and stable, thankfully, and it lead them all the way to a stream. "This is where we catch salmon.", Leaf Grinder pointed to a small dock. There were multiple fishing rods and worm baits. "Well, let's get started.", Carl immediately ran to the dock and sat down on the end, after removing his shoes and rolling up his pant legs. Leaf Grinder did the same. They both cast their rods after aligning the baits on the proper hooks. Carl wasn't good at fishing, but, he felt a tug right away. Both Carl and Leaf Grinder reeled in a large salmon, and it flopped around on the docks. "Woo! You must be a good luck charm!", Leaf said as they threw the salmon into a bucket. One-by-one, they kept catching salmon. Every cast, a salmon. The fish may have been big, or small, but it worked well. After they had four buckets full of salmon, they called it quits. "Wow! The entire town will eat tonight! Thanks for the help, Carl! You'll be a great addition!", Leaf smiled and put out his hoof. Carl shook it politely and helped carry two of the buckets of salmon. They both walked into town. "Hey! Everypony! Guess who's eating tonight?!", Leaf Grinder yelled out. "Who?", They all called back. "EVERYPONY IS!", Leaf and the entire town cheered as they looked at the piles of salmon they caught. Each pony in the small, but amazingly large, town took one fish. By the end, there was ten fish left. "I think those are your fish, Carl. You've earned them already!", Scar smiled as he fluttered next to Leaf. "Wow, this is the first time we all get to eat. Thanks a bundle.", Scar helped carry the fish into his house with a big grin. Carl followed. They both sat down and gutted each salmon. They hung them up a large poles to let them humidify so they don't rot as easily. "Wow... Carl, I'm really glad you came here.", Scar gave a pat on the back to Carl. "Well.. It was a personal choice. I can head back when I want to. But.. I felt the need to leave.", Carl said lightly. "You're not fully banished?", Scar asked. "I'm not banished at all. I just chose to be here.", Carl looked at Scar. "Well, either way, you're fully welcomed here. We may have done bad things to be banished, but, we eventually became good ponies.", Scar smiled. "Everypony deserves a second chance.", Carl laid back on his bed. "Yeah.. If only Princess Celestia knew.", Scar did the same to his own bed. They both fell asleep immediately. It was a perfect day for the both of them. Town of the Banished -- Herbalist Shop -- Day: 23rd / Year: 2013 / Month: April Carl walked into the Herbalist Shop. There was a mare with a bright blue mane that flowed down her back -- much like Dash -- and a bright white coat. She was looking over a large alchemist table, with Alembics and Retorts. She looked like she had no clue what was going on as she placed her hooves on her face, groaning. Carl looked around the shop to notice the shelves were filled with a mass of ingredients. It reminded him of a game he use to play on Earth. She turned around as she heard Carl enter. She was a unicorn, as well. "Why, hello there.", The mare smiled with bright yellow eyes. "Hello. I'm here to help you out. I'm Carl.", Carl let out a hand. "I'm Lust Equine.", 'Lust Equine' let out her hoof and Carl shook it. "So, what needs help around here?", Carl asked. "Well, I need help mixing some brews together. A few ponies have been arising with Pony-Pox and Pony-Flu. I have the herbs.. But.. I can't mix them properly... I don't know how.", Lust looked to the ground. A bit saddened. "Well, I have a book that shows how.", Carl thankfully brought a book about herbs; labelled 'The Natural Herb Environment'. "Ooo! Yay!", Lust thumped her hooves in excitement. "This should show us how to mix them. C'mon.", Carl sat down on a chair with Lust and flipped open the book. Inside was everything from Pony-Pox to Chicken-Flu, to the Pony-Flu and Athletes Hoof. "Wow. This is perfect.", Lust levitated the ingredients for the Pony-Pox and Pony-Flu brews. "Okay, so, ground up that dragon's tooth...", Carl started. After a minute of grinding up ingredients, mixing them together in a pestle and mortar, and then dumping them into a vat to strain away the excess powders; they had created five Pony-Pox and Flu cures. "Wow! This is amazing! Thank you so much!", Lust planted a kiss on Carl's cheek. Carl just shrugged. "Anything. You can borrow the book if you'd like.", Carl offered. "Ohhh! That'd be perfect! Do you think you can help me brew some more potions later? I know a few ponies suffering from Athletes Hoof.", Lust asked. "Sure. I am here for a while.", Carl answered with a light smile. "Yay!", Lust immediately wrapped her arms around Carl, kissing his cheek softly. "Uhm..", Carl started to flush lightly red. The only pony to ever do this was Rainbow Dash. But, he shrugged it off for just a simple friend thing. "Out of curiousity, why were you banished?", Carl questioned. "I.. Well.. I wanted to get back at my sister. So... I may have sent her lover to the moon.. Celestia brought him back and sent me here to learn my lesson.", Lust answered. "Seems a bit odd for a beautiful mare to want to do that to her sister.", Carl said. He didn't realise he just complimented her looks. "You think.. I'm.. Beautiful?", Lust asked. "Well.. You're not ugly. So, yeah, I do.", Carl said lightly. He just wanted to compliment her to cheer her up. "Wow.. That.. Really means a lot... Uhm.. Thank you..", Lust started to blush lightly, looking away. "Anything. Anyways, I'll be back later, Lust. I'm going to help Scar gather some firewood.", Carl stood up and left the shop. Lust was majorly confused. > Chapter 5: Pinkie Pie's Secret Ingredient II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville -- Sugar Cube Corner -- Day: 23rd / Year: 2013 / Month: April "Ready?", Pinkie Pie asked in excitement. "Yeah..", Kieran leaned back a bit. He wasn't ready, but, it was the only way she'd leave him alone about it. Slowly, Pinkie Pie enveloped her mouth around Kieran's penis. Her velvet mouth and tongue slowly wrapped around his penis and caressed it. "Oh.. Wow...", Kieran said, as he let out a sigh. Pinkie Pie mumbled a giggle as she slowly rubbed the tip of his penis with her velvet tongue, gently licking around the rim of his cock. Slowly, she bobbed back and forth on his shaft, caressing his manhood slowly. Gently and gingerly, Kieran placed his right hand on her mane, gently brushing it. It was soft; as if you were petting a kitten. Pinkie pulled off a second. "Like it?", She giggled. "Y-yeah..", Kieran stuttered. It felt amazing, if wrong. Slowly, Pinkie Pie started to speed up, slurping the head of his cock with a bit of pressure. This felt perfect for Kieran. The repetitive motions made his penis erect with more blood, and caused him to relax. Letting out a sigh and moan. "Oh.. God.. Yes..", Kieran blurted lightly. Pinkie went faster and faster, soon, she deep throated Kieran, and Kieran couldn't contain himself as Pinkie started to lick his testicles. "GaaaaaH!", Kieran ejaculated into Pinkie's throat. Pinkie coughed as she backed off of his cock, and then after a minute, she giggle. "That was fun!", A ding was heard as Pinkie Pie turned around. "Yay! The cake is ready!", She bounced up and over to the oven, and opened it, pulling out the hot cake. Kieran slowly fell to the ground. He felt disgusted, yet he felt fulfilled. That was the best feeling he's had in a long time. "Tired?", Pinkie Pie asked. "No.. That.. Just.. Okay.. Maybe a little.", Kieran answered lightly. "Hehe! Don't worry, I have a bed at my place you can use!", Pinkie tried to help Kieran put his briefs and pants back up. Kieran had different plans, however. Kieran gently grabbed Pinkie's face and started to kiss her slowly. Pinkie returned with a soft kiss on his lips, making out mildly. Slowly, Kieran pulled her closer and soon, her vagina was close to his cock. Kieran's throbbing penis was beating lightly against the lips of her pink crevice, and she started to giggle. "Kieran! That's tickling my .. Y'know!", Pinkie pushed her vagina against his penis more. "But.. I like it..", Pinkie winked as she let Kieran slide his penis directly into her. Kieran wrapped his arms around her soft coat, gently thrusting into her pussy. He kisses her neck softly, pumping slowly and whole-heartily into her. She moaned lightly as she took Kieran's manhood directly into her. "Ohh.. Celestia.. That's better than cake!", Pinkie lightly yelled and giggled as Kieran continued his pushing motion into her. Kieran let out a moan of pleasure and pushed harder into her. Her clitoris brushed fully onto his cock and a moistening fluid encased Kieran's cock. Kieran started to thrust faster and faster, his heart rate racing. He could feel Pinkie Pie's racing as well. He pushed himself past his limit and pulled out of her. He ejaculated again and it hit Pinkie Pie's stomach. Thankfully, she orgasmed with him, and fluid drained out of her pussy, onto his lap. "Oh.. God.. Yes..", Kieran leaned back. He was breathing heavily as Pinkie Pie fell on him. "That.. Was waaaay better than cake..", Pinkie Pie giggled as she let out a long sigh. "Oh.. Yeah..", Kieran said, relaxing now. Ponyville -- Twilight Sparkle's House -- Day: 23rd / Year: 2013 / Month: April "It's horrible!", Rainbow Dash cried into Twilight's pillows. Twilight was standing next to Dash on the top floor of the library. She was gently brushing Rainbow Dash's mane. "He left.. And I don't know where... He thinks I don't want him. Worst of all, Soarin is chasing me to try and put his icing on my cake!", Rainbow Dash cried again. "It'll be all right, Rainbow. I promise. He's safe. I know he is.", Twilight ensured Rainbow Dash. "How can you tell?", Rainbow Dash sniffed. "I just know. He's a big boy. I know he'll survive.", Twilight smiled again. "He loves you. He just needs time to think. Kind of like us girls when we need to be alone.", Twilight gently brushed her hoof against Rainbow Dash's eyes. "Yeah.. You're right.. But.. May I stay here? I don't want Soarin doing anything with me.. If Carl is alone, then I'm alone. With you.", Rainbow Dash queued. "Of course, Dash.", Twilight smiled, and gave her friend a big hug. "Thanks, Twilight. I'm glad you're always here for me when I need it.", Rainbow Dash smiled lightly. "Anything, Rainbow Dash. I'd never turn on you.", She hugged Dash again. After a couple minutes of talking and calming down, Twilight and Rainbow Dash settled in for the night. It was going to be a long night. For everypony. Ponyville -- Twilight Sparkle's House -- Day 24 / Year: 2013 / Month: April Rainbow Dash woke up with a sigh. She's normally up and about at this time in the morning. Usually hanging out with Carl. This is the first time they've been a part. Rainbow Dash noticed Twilight was already making some breakfast. She fluttered down and chucked an apple into her mouth, chomping down immediately. It tasted delicious, as usual. "Morning.", Twilight smiled. "Morning...", Rainbow Dash yawned loudly, as she chomped down on another apple. "How was your sleep?", Twilight asked. "It--", But, before Rainbow Dash could finish, a knock was heard at the door. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, I know you're in there!", A familiar voice yelled. Rainbow Dash stayed quiet. Twilight went to the door and opened up. It was Soarin. "Soarin, what are you doing here?", Twilight asked. "I'm looking for Rainbow Dash. Her and I have some unfinished business to attend.", Soarin laughed lowly. "Uhm.. Well, you have the wrong house, Soarin.", Twilight said. "No, I can smell Rainbow Dash's scent in here. Let me in. I want to see her.", Soarin gently pushed Twilight out of the way. "There you are!", Soarin piped up. "Soarin.. Leave me alone.", Rainbow Dash said. "I have to thank you properly for saving my pie, you know that.", Soarin said, chuckling. "I don't want to be thanked. Just leave. I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans.", Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on her forehead. "Well, maybe Twilight could join in on our fun?", Soarin laughed lightly. "No thanks. Your idea of fun is different from mine. Now leave.", Twilight levitated Soarin out of her house and tossed him into the streets of Ponyville. "Uhg. No fun!", Soarin zipped off in a different direction. Finally leaving them alone. Dash sighed. "It's okay. He won't bother you as long as I'm here.", Rainbow Dash smiled lightly as Twilight said this. > Chapter 6: The Lust of an Equine I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of the Banished -- Herbalist Shop -- Day: 24th / Year: 2013 / Month: April Carl entered the shop of Lust Equine. He was greeted by the smell of brewing potions and an assortment of large plants now in the vicinity. Guess that book helped her a lot. Carl thought. "Oh, hey!", Lust popped up from behind the counter where her Alembics were. "Hey. You wanted me to stop by tonight; so I came.", Carl smiled lightly, sitting down. "Perfect. I need your help with some more of these potions. Some of them I just don't understand.", Lust plopped herself in a chair next to Carl, placing the book on the table. She used her magic to flip it open to a page, labelled "Lust Cure". "Lust Cure?", Carl looked at Lust with a furrowed brow. "Yeah. I know a few ponies here who have lust for.. Well.. Other ponies. So.. They want this. I just don't understand how to make it.", Lust smiled nervously. "Well, here.. Grab these ingredients: Dragon's Flower, Ground Dragon's Tooth, Dragon scale dust, Feather of a Phoenix, a Fire Lilly and some water.", Carl looked at her. She was floating the ingredients over as he called them out. "Here they are.", Lust smiled lightly. "All right. The book states to mix the Ground Dragon's tooth with the Dragon's Flower.", Carl said. "That's what I don't get.", Lust frowned lightly. "It means that you put the Flower into the water first; as it'll act as a strainer for bad chemicals. Then; you put the Dragon's Tooth into the water and shake it up. Like so...", Carl grabbed the vial of water and uncorked it. He stuffed the Dragon's Flower into the mixture and then poured the Ground Dragon's Tooth into the vial. He re-corked it and shook it up until the mixture was light yellow. "Now, the next part says we add the Feather of the Phoenix and Fire Lilly together. I'm going to need another vial of water.", Carl smiled lightly. Lust, with enthusiasm, floated an uncorked vial of water over to him. Carl put the Phoenix Feather in first, then the Fire Lilly. He placed his thumb on the top of the vial, and shook it gently. The mixture turned a bright red. "Third, we mix the two mixtures together. May I have a Mortar and Pestle?", Carl asked. "Of course.", Lust smiled as she levitated one over to him. He uncorked the first mixture and gingerly poured each mixture into the mortar. After both vials were empty, he stirred it with the pestle. The mixture was now orange, like fire. "Last, we add Dragon Scale dust.", Slowly, Carl put in sprinkles of Dragon Scale dust. The mixture lit on fire for a second, then died down. The Lust Cure was animated lightly, as the image of fire was seen within it. "There's the Lust Cure. Use it on anypony that has a major lust for something.", Carl slowly poured it into one of the empty vials, gently corking it. "Wow... Thanks so much, Carl.", Lust smiled lightly. "Anything. Was that all you needed for tonight?", Carl asked. "Uhm...", Lust looked down at her forehooves. "What is it?", Carl asked. "I need.. Another favour..", Lust was lightly blushing. "Anything. Ask away.", Carl smiled a bit. "Will... You ... Give me a massage..?", Lust looked away. Carl couldn't see it, but, she was blushing furiously. "A-a massage? Why would you need that?", Carl asked. "B-because.. My back hurts a lot.. I tried making a potion for it, but,.. There wasn't one in the book.. You're the only one with hands that can hit my vertebrae correctly.", Lust turned around. Her cheeks were only the brightest of reds. "Please..?", Lust asked. Her yellow eyes sparkled lightly. "Well... You are a friend. It wouldn't hurt.", Carl smiled. "Thank you.", Lust wrapped her forelimbs around Carl, giving him a hug. Carl returned the hug. "C'mon, my bed is upstairs.", Lust hopped off the chair and she tugged a curtain out of the way. A set of stairs was revealed and Lust lead Carl up them. The stairs were rickety, but stable, and they creaked with every step. As they reached the top, they entered Lust's room. It was filled with the typical mares things: Make-up, some jewellery, pictures of family and friends; and a large bed. "This is my room.", Lust propped herself onto the bed, laying down on her stomach. "Well.. It's not amazing; but, probably the best in this entire town.", Carl let out a laugh. "Anyways, let's get started.", Carl said as he sat on the bed where Lust was laying down. Carl placed himself at Lust's rump. He noticed her cutie mark was that of a moon. He didn't bother asking, but instead slid his hands onto her back, and started to question something else. "Is this where you want me to start?", Carl started to push his thumbs into her upper, C-3, vertebrae's. "Oooh.. Yeah..", Lust was sighing in relaxation. Slowly, Carl pressed down on each vertebrae down her back. He slowly rubbed back upwards and pushed his thumbs into the back of Lust's neck, gently rubbing in a circular motion. Carl slowly rubbed her sides, pushing his hands softly into them. She gently let out another sigh as he did this. Carl could feel that she was very tense. Her muscles felt rock hard, as if she had been stuck in a pseudo phase for too long. He started to press the area's in which he knew was way too tense. As he did this, he could feel her tension slide away from her. The muscles gently softened up and his hands could start to feel the true softness of her coat. "Oh.. Wow.. You're really good at this..", Lust commented. Carl just laughed lightly, rubbing down her spine again. He gently caressed he thigh on accident and quickly, but slowly, drove his hand back up her spine. "Wait.. Go back down.. That felt nice..", Lust gave out a plea. Carl couldn't deny it. Carl swayed his hand down to her thigh, gently caressing it with his right hand, pressing softly into it. She started to moan lightly. Is this turning her on?, Carl thought. And, with that thought, Lust flipped over and stared Carl right in his grey eyes. "Carl... Fuck me.", Lust said with extreme prowess in her voice. > Chapter 7: The Time Lord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville -- Twilight Sparkle's House -- Day: 24th / Year: 2013 / Month: April A chestnut coloured pony darted right into Twilight Sparkle's house. He panicked and looked around the library ground floor. Twilight was stunned to see him. "Doctor?", Twilight and Rainbow Dash stared at him. "Ahhh.. Ahh.. Haaa.. Uhgg.. One..", The Doctor's British accept spoke with gasps. "Twilight.. Problem.. Equestria.. Humans.. Time..", The Doctor caught his breath. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What's wrong?", Twilight asked, helping the chestnut coloured earth pony sit down. "You know Carl, right? Been here for a year and what-not?", The Doctor started to explain. "Yeah, of course. Why?", Twilight looked at him with a furrowed brow. "Well, since his friend, Kieran -- That I've heard 'bout -- came here, there's been a major shift in time. Space is starting to collapse all over! Their presence in Equestria is causing this world, and other alike, to shift. The only way to stop it is by getting rid of the humans.", The Doctor looked at the two. "We can't get rid of Carl! He's my .. My everything!", Rainbow Dash protested. "We have to, Dash. I don't want to do it, but we must! I have the TARDIS ready for action!", The Doctor's eyes glared over at Twilight. "I really.. Don't know what to say. Whether to believe you or not.", Twilight said. "You have to! Time is slowly collapsing. Haven't you noticed that it's night at 5pm?!", The Doctor pointed outside. The moon was brightly shining. "Maybe Luna raised the moon too early?", Twilight tried to make an excuse. "No! Luna and Celestia, as well as everypony else's clocks are all wrong! Because time has shifted entirely!", The Doctor went on. "We have to get rid of Carl and Kieran imme--" "Oh my, my, my. Our poor Doctor Whooves is in a predicament, is he?", A dark, bellowing, voice interrupted The Doctor. "It seems that time is going to collapse. All because of two siwwy wittle humans!", The voice chilled with laughter. "Who's there?! Show yourself!", Doctor Whooves yelled. "I'm right here, Doctor.", A small rift opened and there the voice was. It was a black coated, green mane, red eyed earth pony, leaning out. His cutie mark was that of an hour glass. "Oh, didn't expect me, did you? You can't imprison somepony forever.", The voice laughed. "Who are you?!", Everypony in the room yelled. "I am Nexus. Shifter of Time. I took the opposite form of Doctor Whooves so that it looks like he'll be causing all the trouble. Those humans just make my job easier. You'll never be able to catch me. There's nothing in Equestria that can travel at the speed of light! But, I'm dabbling. I have some.. Fun to be made. See you!", With that, the rift closed up and Nexus' laugh flowed in the room. Doctor Whooves only stood there in anger. "GRRR! Now I'm going to be falsified all over the universe! We need to stop him, Twilight!", Doctor Whooves looked over at Twilight. "But, he travels at the speed of light. How can we catch up to that?", Twilight asked. "Nopony underestimates the TARDIS!", Doctor Whooves ran outside of the house. Rainbow Dash and Twilight couldn't help but follow. Ponyville -- Pinkie Pie's house -- Day: 24 / Year: 2013 / Month: April Kieran got up from his bed, looking around. He saw the time was 5pm. It was odd for it to be night right now. He noticed that the room was blue with pink polka dots everywhere. Mostly girly stuff for him; but, it had pictures of Pinkie Pie with all her friends and a crocodile He also noticed Pinkie Pie was right next to him. "Hello!", She lightly whispered. "How.. Did I get here?", Kieran asked, looking at her bright blue eyes. "Well, after you passed out, I washed you up and brought you here, silly!", Pinkie Pie giggled. "Oh.. Well.. I have to say.. That was fun..", Kieran smiled lightly, and nervously. "Yeah, it was! We should do it again sometime!", Pinkie Pie smiled brightly. "Yeah.. We'll see.", Kieran laid backed down, resting his head on the soft, cotton, pillow. "Sleepy?", Pinkie Pie rested her head on Kieran's chest. "Yeah...", Kieran answered, closing his eyes. "Hope you don't mind if I sleep with you tonight.", Pinkie Pie snuggled up, under Kieran's chin. Her cotton-candy smelling mane gently brushed his neck and chin and Kieran just smiled. This was weird. But, it felt amazing. Pinkie Pie lightly snored as she fell asleep. All Kieran could do was think of Carl. How much he wanted to be near him right now. Kieran's family must be worried about him so much. Kieran thought about his brother and sister; how much he missed them. He thought about his other friends, as well. School. Family. Friends. Everything. It flooded to his brain and he started to cry softly. Tears dripped onto Pinkie Pie's mussel. It woke her up instantly. Pinkie Pie slowly erected, looking at Kieran. "Hey.. What's wrong?", Pinkie Pie looked at him with a frown. "I.. ", Kieran sniffed. "I miss my family and friends.. I missed Carl so much I totally forgot about home..", Kieran started to cry and then he hugged Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie could only return the hug, patting his back with her hoof. "It's okay, Kieran. I'll cheer you up. They may miss you, but, you'll be safe here. I promise. Nopony will hurt you here in Ponyville.", Pinkie Pie gently pushed him away, looking into his eyes. "Promise..?", Kieran asked. Pinkie Pie silently crossed her heart, then made a motion of flying, then she put her hoof to her eye. Kieran laughed and hugged Pinkie Pie again. Pinkie Pie just giggled. The TARDIS -- Space Continuum -- Day: ?? / Year: ???? / Month: ? The group entered a small, telephone booth shaped, building. It was labelled "TARDIS" and it had a deep shade of blue to colour it. Inside, it seemed massive. Glowing lights everywhere, millions of switches and a bright portal that was on the ceiling. "This is the TARDIS?", Rainbow Dash question, and exclaimed in awe. "Yup! Amazing 'in't?", Doctor Whooves exclaimed as he pressed a few buttons. "Exactly how do you know where he is?", Twilight asked. "Well, if he's me and I'm him and him being me is him, him, I, me and us will be where we always are!", Doctor Whooves pressed a large red button. "Uh...?", Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked confused at Doctor Whooves. "The Space Continuum! It's not far. Just a few hundred light-years!", Immediately after that, the TARDIS started to warp all of them and eventually disappeared. > Chapter 8: The Lust of an Equine II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of the Banished -- Lust's room -- Day: 24th / Year: 2013 / Month: April "You.. What..?", Carl asked. "Please.. Carl.. Do it.. I want you so bad. I want the pleasure inside me. You're the most amazing.. 'Person' ever. I don't think anypony compares to you. Please..", Lust pleaded. "I.. I don't know.. I mean... I love somepony already.", Carl said slowly. "It'll just be a one time thing. One time. She'll never know, Carl. Please..", Lust pleaded again. Is this right to do?.. Cheat on the one I love.. I would never do this.. I can't do this.. But.. Rainbow Dash is probably with some other pony right now.. I.. I don't know.., Carl's thoughts raced as he looked into Lust's yellow eyes. "I.. Really am unsure...", Carl stood up and walked out of her room. She sat up on her rump. "Dang it.. You did it again.. Screwed up... But this time, he isn't leaving. I'm going to convince him somehow!", Lust whispered to herself. Town of the Banished -- Town Square -- Day: 25 / Yeah: 2013 / Month: April Carl was in the middle of the town square. He was raising an axe above his head as he slammed it down and smashed a log into halves. A pony quickly took them away and replaced it with more wood. "Keep that shirt on, you'll over heat.", The green pony said. "Good point.", Carl then took off his shirt and set it to the side. His body was lightly glistening with beads of sweat and he was in good shape, none the less. Carl raised the axe above his head again as he slammed it back down and split another log in half. "Carl.", Scar called to him. Carl set down the axe and turn around. "Yeah?", Carl asked. "Where were you last night? You didn't come home until 8 PM.", Scar said, worried. "Lust needed some help with her potions. She made the Lust Cure with me. After that, I went home.", Carl said. "She wanted a massage, didn't she?", Scar asked. "How did you know that?", Carl asked. "Well, every newcomer that helps her, she seems to fall in love with. It's nothing new. Usually, they leave the next day. I'm surprised you're still here.", Scar said. "Hmm. Well, I was just thinking about some things. I gave her a massage, but, the request afterwards made me think over a few thinks. I don't know. I really don't want to talk about it right now.", Carl turned around and readied the axe again. "If you don't talk about it, it'll haunt you.", Scar said, confidently. Carl put the axe down and sighed. "I guess you're right. Mind taking over?", Carl turned to the green pony. "Sure.", The green pony gave the axe to a large stallion as Scar and Carl walked away, as Carl put his shirt back on. _____________________________________________________________________ "Look, Carl, Lust Equine is a great girl, but.. She's.. A bit.. Off the rocker. She has wild requests a lot. She wants to basically .. Screw everything. She has literally asked everypony in this town. She's.. A whore, pretty much.", Scar looked up at Carl. Carl's face never changed. "I don't like that word. Brings bad thoughts to mind.", Carl sat down at a nearby table. Scar joined. "Sorry. But, it's true. She's driven off any hope of business in this town. When new banished ponies come, they run away because of her. There's nothing special she finds within you. She just wants to have sex and throw you away.", Scar said, slicing his hoof across the air. "And, you know, how?", Carl inquired. "Well.. I.. Uhm.. Don't.", Scar smiled nervously. "Then, you can't spread rumours. Maybe some of the reasons why ponies get banished is because they falsify them, and then accuse them of things they never did. I had the same problem back where I came from. They accused each others of things they didn't do, and then eventually killed themselves.", Carl sighed. "I guess you're right. I shouldn't say things like that. That's just what I've heard from other ponies here. She really is a nice girl. I just.. Don't like being an outcast of the outcasts.", Scar said lowly. "I know what you mean. But, look at me, I'm not even a pony, yet, you all accept me for who I am. You all have no reason to judge each other when you're all banished. You've survived for quite sometime here. So, that makes up for something.", Carl gave a light smile. "Yeah, it's something. But... What are you going to do about Lust?", Scar asked. "I don't know... I love another pony. But.. She said she'd cheat on me if she wanted to.. So.. I don't know what to do. Take this opportunity to get it on, or just.. Pass it down and hope the one I love so much still wants me.", Carl said softly. "Why not just .. Do it? She hasn't come looking for you, so, she doesn't.. Care enough about you.", Scar said. "If she said she'd cheat on you if she could, why not do the same?", Scar then questioned. "I don't like seeking revenge. She's a beautiful mare. But.. Maybe if I just.. Let Lust have her fun; this will all blow over..I don't know. I'll have to see.", Carl stood up from the table. "Good luck, Carl.", Scar said, as he flew slightly upwards, then through the small town. ______________________________________________________________________ "Lust?", Carl called out in the empty shop. He didn't see signs of her anywhere. He stepped into the shop a bit more and looked around. He didn't see any notes besides the ones on recipes. Carl decided to open the curtain and go upstairs. The stairs creaked with every step, as they did last night, and he entered the room of the white-unicorn. He saw Lust laying on her bed. Sleeping. Carl slowly walked over to her bed and laid down on the opposite side of her. He wrapped his arm around her and felt her shake slight. She turned over and slowly opened her eyes to see Carl. "You.. Came back..", Lust looked into Carl's eyes. "I.. Thought it over a bit.. I think.. Just this once.. It'd be okay.. But.. You can't tell anypony. Promise me you won't. Okay?", Carl begged lightly. Lust only smiled and nodded. "I promise.", She said. Carl slowly moved his head in to kiss her. His lips contacted with hers and they started to lightly make out. He slid his tongue into her mouth and rubbed the palette of her mouth. Her tongue contacted with his and it felt soft as velvet -- although licking velvet is weird -- and she let out a light moan. Carl slowly trickled his hand down her side, gently caressing her ribs, then moving further downward. Carl slid his hand between her inner thighs and gently started to rub the lips of her pussy. Lust let out a quiet moan. Carl held the kiss as he started to gently vibrate his fingers against the wonderfully wet vagina. He took the liberty of sliding his ring and middle finger in, gently and slowly pulling them back out as he kissed her. Lust pulled away from the kiss, and moaned lightly. "Oh.. Yes.. More..", She pleaded. Carl slowly fingered her deeper, his fingers pressing against the underside of her clitoris and the back of her vagina. He moved his thumb to the outside of her vagina and brushed the clitoris softly and slowly. "Oooo-Ohhh!", Lust let out a lightly high pitched moan. Carl slowly kisses her neck as he moved down on her. He kissed her chest, then down to her stomach and finally to her vagina. He pulled his fingers out and started to lick her pussy slowly. "Ohhh.. Celestia..Yes..", She moaned loudly. Carl gently pressed his lips against her clitoris, sucking on it softly, then diving his tongue into her vaginal cavity, gently caressing the walls of her wonderfully moist vagina. "Ohh.. More.. Moree!", Lust yelped. Carl obliged and pushed his tongue deeper. The top of his tongue softly brushed her clitoris, from side to side, and his lips gently massaged the outside of her vagina. She couldn't contain herself. She pulled him upwards to her eye level. "Pull off your .. Pants.. Please..", She sighed lowly and waited for Carl to do so. Carl undid the buttons on his pants. He slid them off and kicked them away. Afterwards, Carl took his shirt off, throwing it to the side. Lust looked at him in excitement. "Your.. Undergarments..", Lust smiled lightly. Slowly, Carl took off his boxers. He revealed his erect penis and Lust went giddy with excitement. "Wooow. That's amazing.", Lust said as she looked at it. "Put it in me.. Please..", She begged Carl as she leaned back further. Carl only obliged, slowly sliding it into her moist crevice. She moaned loudly with excitement and pleasure. Carl lightly grunted as he thrust into her. Lust's moans increased as Carl pushed deeper into her. Her crevice moistened even more as Carl pushed deep into her. The head of his cock pressed against her cervix and she moaned even louder. Lust could only yell in pleasure now as she was breathing harder and harder. As Carl reached his breaking point, he slowed down and ejaculated into her. Lust's horn shined brightly as she orgasmed. The juices lightly dripped onto the bed and Carl pulled out, laying down next to her now. > Chapter 9: The Lords of Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space -- The Space Time Continuum -- Day: ?? / Year: ?? / Month: ? As the TARDIS warped to a dark plain of existance, the three ponies walked out. Although it seemed like they weren't standing on anything, they were standing on fabrics of the universe. Places where everypony, and everything, that passed through would be warped around to different places. In the middle, there was a large structure that was bolting with electricity. A pegasus was standing in front of it laughing. This must be Nexus. "That structure is what controls time. We have to stop Nexus from doing anything else to it! Come on!", Doctor Whoove launched himself with the other two ponies. Nexus turned around as the three ponies clashed against an invisible barrier. "Oh, woe is you. You're too late, Doctor! I will destroy the time device and all of the universes will be wiped out! Hahaha!", Nexus flew upwards. with laughter. "Not on my watch!", Doctor Whooves yelled. "Oh, my, hahahaha! That was a good one! Get it? Not on my watch? Err.. Ahem. Never fret about that. Nexus, get down here and face us!", Doctor Whooves called out. "Oh, do you think you can defeat me? I am your significant other, Doctor. I know everything you have planned for me. And I know that I will win!", Nexus laughed. "No. Because I have two others that you couldn't quite match up to. Twilight, dispel his barrier!", Doctor Whooves commanded. "You got it!", Twilight's horn lit up as the invisible barrier was cracked away by the magic that shot out at it. Rainbow Dash took the liberty of flying upwards and taking Nexus to the ground. Nexus was weak and Rainbow Dash overpowered him with ease. "We got you now, Nexus! Rainbow Dash, hold him in place while I turn off the over-surge.", Doctor Whooves ran past Rainbow Dash and up to the large device. There was a small box that was feeding unwanted energy. Doctor Whooves quickly smashed it and the surging electricity stopped. Time came to a halt for a mere millisecond. But then, it re-aligned itself and started again. "No! How can this be possible?! I was suppose to win!", Nexus yelled. "I guess you forgot to take into account of us. Now then, I think banishment is in order!", Twilight placed her horn on Nexus' forehead. It went bright for a second and Nexus warped into stone, with a final yell of despair. "There. That was easy, Doctor.", Twilight and Rainbow Dash smiled. "All in a days work!", The Doctor looked back at the device. "So, this must control time, then? Can we rewind time with it?", Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes.. But.. That would be silly. Rewinding time would only cause even more problems in all the universes. But, we can view what's going on in Equestria if you'd like. It's always interesting to see what everypony is up to. Ha! I said it again. Never gets too old.", Doctor Whooves gently pressed a button on the machine. A large, portal-like, screen appeared. "Ask what you'd like to see.", Doctor Whooves smiled. "...I..", Rainbow Dash cringed. "I want to see.. Carl in Equestria.", Rainbow Dash looked up at the screen with only one eye opened. "Displaying Carl in Equestria.", The screen emitted a voice. A second or two later, the screen showed Carl. Laying in bed with his clothes on now next to a white unicorn. He was yawning tiredly. "Thank you for everything, Carl. You made me feel a lot better about myself. But.. You never told me who your lover was.", The white unicorn said. "Her name is Rainbow Dash. She's.. Really everything to me. I would never want to betray her.. I just hope she isn't betraying me right now... I would hate it so much..", Carl sighed lightly. "Maybe you should head back to her? Tell her how you really feel.", The white unicorn smiled lightly. "Maybe you're right. My time her was good.. But.. I think it's time to head back. To tell Rainbow Dash everything.. Even.. What we did..", Carl erected and sighed. "But, you made m--" "I have to tell her, Lust. I don't.. I can't live with it. I hope she.. Just understands. If I come back, she doesn't want me. If I don't come back.. Then, I'll send you a letter. And maybe convince Princess Celestia of giving you ponies a second chance in the world.", The screen turned off as Carl ended his sentence. Rainbow Dash was silent. "Rainbow.. I'm.. I'm sorry.", Twilight said. "He.. He actually thought I'd.. Cheat on him.. Oh.. Celestia.. Why?! I made him cheat on me! Noo!", Rainbow Dash cried on the non-existant floor. "Rainbow, it's okay. He's coming back to you. He still loves you.", Twilight tried to cheer her up. "No! He hates me! He doesn't want me! He never wanted me! I just want to go home and die! Let me go home!", With that, a bright surge went throughout the group and they all disappeared. Canterlot Mountains -- High Point Peak -- Day: 25 / Year: 2013 / Month: April Rainbow Dash woke up on top of the highest known mountain in the entire world. She looked down the steep cliff to see Canterlot. And to her right, she saw the opened plains that lead out to the rest of the lands. She sighed. "Well.. This.. Is goodbye.. I don't.. Want to live anymore... I'll just starve myself here..", Rainbow Dash laid back down. She sobbed lightly into her hooves. There was nothing left for her. Canterlot -- City Gates -- Day: 26 / Year: 2013 / Month: April "How in Equestria..?", Carl stood up, rubbing his forehead. The royal guards at the gate stared at him. "You just appeared here. We're just as curious as you, human.", The guards said. "Uhg.. Why am I even here? I was in Everfree then suddenly appeared.. Uhg..", Carl gingerly looked up at the Canterlot mountain, yawning. "Carl?", Twilight looked at Carl as she clicked forward. "Twilight? How'd I get here? What'd you do?", Carl asked. "I was stopping some pony named Nexus with Doctor Whooves. Rainbow Dash was with me and then when she said she.. Wanted to kill herself... We just teleported away. Maybe you were altered near here for a reason. The only place I know Rainbow Dash would go to do such a drastic thing is up on Canterlot Mountain.", Twilight looked upwards to the mountain. "Think you can teleport us up there, then?", Carl asked. "The air would be very thick. We'd only have a couple minutes up there.", Twilight answered. "It's.. Good enough for me.", Carl said, sighing. "Carl.. What did you do with that mare? Lust.", Twilight asked. "How did you kno--" "Don't ask. Just answer.", Twilight said, with command in her voice. "I... Fooled around with her.. I.. Well.. Y'know.. I regret it, though.. I just.. Rainbow Dash said she'd cheat on me..", Carl sighed. "It's okay. Let's just go to Rainbow Dash. We need to help her as quick as we can.", Twilight looked back up at the Canterlot Mountain, letting out a sigh. > Chapter 10: Self-Righteous Suicide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Mountain -- High Peak Point -- Day: 26 / Year: 2013 / Month: April "Rainbow Dash!", Carl coughed as the thick air that surrounded the mountain filled his lungs. "Carl..?", Rainbow Dash turned around. She was shaking. She was cold. She was dying. "Please, don't do this, Dash! I love you! I'm so sorry.. You're my everything. Please!", Carl yelled, coughing. "I.. You don't love me.. You're lying.. I made you cheat on me.. And.. I.. It's ..", Dash started to cry. "I've made my decision, Carl.. I don't want to live.. Anymore. I want to die. I don't want any of this. I don't want you upset. I don't want me upset. I don't want to be around anypony..", Dash's tears turned into rage. "I just want to die! It's my self-righteous suicide!", Dash yelled at Carl. Carl coughed, trying to take in the thick air. "Dash.. Please.. I really do love you..", Carl stated sincerely. "Stop lying to me! Why have you forsaken me? In your eyes; forsaken me!", Dash yelled back. "In heart: Forsaken me. I'll trust in my self-righteous suicide! I cry when angels deserve to die. And I deserve it. I deserve to die. I deserve to DIE!", Rainbow Dash turned around and ran off the cliff, locking her wings against her body. "NO!", Carl ran forward and dived after her. "Carl!!", Twilight yelled as she looked over the cliff. What was she supposed to do? Carl went into a pencil dive to catch up with the pegasus. He wrapped his arms around her and she looked at him. "I don't want to live without you, Rainbow Dash!", Carl yelled as the wind rushed by them. They were descending to the ground further and further. As they reached it; a bright light emitted. It came out of nowhere. [Omitted Lyrics. Those are against the rules!] Silence -- Silence -- Silence Silence. It was all that was heard between the two. They stood up. Rainbow Dash on her hooves. Carl on his feet. They looked around. It was bright. It was blue. It was cloudy. Was this heaven? "No.", a voice of a goddess called. "Celestia..?", Rainbow Dash walked past Carl and saw the goddess of the sun standing there. "Indeed, my subject.", Celestia answered. "What.. Are you doing here?", Rainbow Dash and Carl both inquired. "I saved you two. I saw that you were falling from Canterlot Mountain. I knew you couldn't support Carl and you almost killed yourselves by falling off that mountain. Why were you up there?", Celestia looked at the two inquisitively. "I.. Was trying to save Rainbow Dash from killing herself..", Carl said. "But, Rainbow Dash is an excellent flier. Do you, human, doubt her abilities?", Celestia protested. "No.. I was trying to kill myself. He dove after me... I didn't think he would.. It stunned me when he grabbed me.", Rainbow Dash was looking at the cloudy ground. "Why would one of my subjects want to harm herself?", Celestia looked closer to Rainbow Dash. "Especially one so loyal as you.", Celestia stated. "Because.. I made Carl not want to be with me anymore.. And it caused him to cheat on me.. It's --" "Rainbow Dash, I still love you. I've always loved you. I regret doing it. I promise never to do that again. I'm so, so, so, so sorry.. If I could undo it, I would. But.. It's already there. And I didn't enjoy it at all... Doesn't it make up for something that I'm telling you of my mistake?", Carl pleaded Rainbow Dash as he was now eye level with here. "Rainbow Dash. He really does love you. He's admitting to his mistake and wanting you to forgive him. He may be human, but, he's accepted in my kingdom. And you of all ponies know that he is loyal to you. He made a mistake and begs forgiveness.", Celestia smiled lightly. "I..", Rainbow Dash looked back and forth between Celestia and Carl. "Carl.. I..", Rainbow Dash started to tear up and wrapped her forelimbs around him, peppering him with kisses. "I missed you so much, Carl! So very much! I love you and I forgive you! I promise not to make the same mistake again! I promise not to get angry with you! I promise.. I promise so much..", Rainbow Dash was crying in his shoulder. "It's okay, Rainbow Dash... I love you so much..", Carl gently stroked Rainbow Dash's mane. Another bright light emitted from the group and they disappeared from the Silence. Back into Ponyville. Ponyville -- Ponyville Town Square -- Day: 13th / Year: 2013 / Month: March They were all gathered in Ponyville town square. A large town picnic was taking place and everypony was pulling out mats and laying out their baked goods and food. It was a massive party in Pinkie's mind. "See? It isn't so bad Kieran!", Pinkie bounced as she laid down on the large mat her friends had placed. "Yeah. You're right.", Kieran said. He waved to Carl and Carl smiled back. "Well.. Another trouble fixed. Everything is back to the way it should be.", Twilight smiled. to everypony, and human, there. "Yeah...", Rainbow Dash sighed as she rested her head on Carl's thigh. Carl just laughed. "Hey, Kieran, are you deciding to stay?", Carl asked. "I.. Don't know.. I... think so.. I don't want to leave if I've already had so much fun here. And I get to see you again. So.. No, I don't think I'm leaving.", Kieran smiled. "Cheers to that.", Carl lifted a glass of milk and took a sip. "Hey, that was my milk you ruffian!", Rarity yelled. "Woops. Hehe.", Carl placed it back down and grabbed his own. "That's better.", Rarity let out a puff. Twilight only laughed. "Spike, take a letter.", Twilight called out to Spike as he finished eating his gem sandwich. "Gotchya!", Spike pulled out a parchment and quill, and readied to write... Dear Princess Celestia, I know I never wrote about this in my last few reports, but, it slipped my mind: The events that transpired in April! I'm sorry I forgot about it. But, let me start. The thing I learned about friendship that short week was that you need to be able to watch what you say as those around you might take you serious. The endeavours that may occur may cause you to do something drastic! But, as long as you have your friends around, you'll always have support to get you through those types of times. Your student, Twilight Sparkle. "There. Got it!", Spike finished writing. Spike rolled up the parchment, sealed it, then blew a huff of green smoke. It flew off to Canterlot. Where the Princess will read it. And forever remember the day she helped re-kindle Rainbow Dash and Carl... And welcomed Kieran as a new addition to her kingdom. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot -- Wesley's Restaurant -- Day: 22nd / Year: 2013 / Month: October It was October and was Carl's birthday. Kieran's already passed and they were ready to celebrate by going to one of the most fanciest restaurants in all of Canterlot. It was a special treat the main six have been planning for a while. "Surprise! Happy birthday!", Carl was greeted by the large group of ponies, Kieran, and Spike. "Whoa, hey, hey, who ordered this?", Carl laughed as he took a seat at one of the tables. "Well, we've all planned a little piece of it. But, most of the work was Rainbow Dash's.", Rarity said as she pointed to Rainbow Dash. "Always the one to do most of the effort again, Rainbow Dash? Well, thanks a lot girls, Kieran and Spike.", Carl smiled at them. "We didn't get you a present this year, though. We had to chip in a lot of bits to get a spot here.", Pinkie Pie frowned. "It's okay. Being around you all in an amazing restaurant is enough for my 17th birthday. Besides, what could be better to have my best friend here as well?", Carl smiled as he patted Kieran on the back. They all gathered around the table, Kieran and Rainbow Dash at each side of Carl, and everypony else -- along with Spike -- on the other ends. The restaurant was very large, and furnished, with gilded mahogany and velvet-cotton cushions. Most of the chandeliers glinted with a bright light as the gems and gold encrested onto them reflected throughout the restaurant. It was extraordinary. As the dinner was served, everypony was laughing and talking. Dash leaned in to Carl and whispered. "Carl.. There's something I want to talk to you about..", Carl leaned down to her. "What is it?", Carl asked. "Well.. I've been thinking.. We've been together for two years now.. And.. I was wondering if..", Rainbow Dash lightly blushed. "You wanted to.. Step up the level a notch.", She gave a nervous smile. "You mean get married?", Carl said, stunned a bit. He wouldn't expect a girl to ask a guy to get married. "Well.. Yeah..", Her face flushed the most brightest of reds. "Hehe..", Carl stood up, gently tapping the glass. Everypony settled down. "Everypony, I'd like to announce something.", Carl smiled and looked at the ongoing eyes. "Rainbow Dash and I have decided.. We're going to get married. I know it seems rushed, only been two years; right? But.. We've decided that it's out best interest to. Besides, who else better to marry than her?", Carl smiled and everypony thumped their hooves together. "Well, well, well, Rainbow Dash getting married? Looks like I'm going to have to show you how to be a proper lady at the wedding then.", Rarity giggled. "Oooh! I get to throw another party, then!", Pinkie Pie jumped up and down in her seat. Kieran was laughing. "Kieran and Spike will be my best 'men'. I think it's suitable. Don't you?", Carl looked to the pair. "Yeah, it's fine with me!", Spike smiled. "I couldn't think of anything better, Carl.", Kieran smiled. "Then it's settled. Rainbow Dash...", Carl went on one knee next to her. It's amazing that I actually was going to ask her tonight, anyways.. No matter, Carl thought. Carl pulled out a small box. He opened it, presenting its contents to Rainbow Dash. Inside, was a ring with a rainbow coloured gemstone in the shape of a lightning bolt. "Rainbow Dash... Will you marry me?", Carl smiled. Rainbow Dash was expecting this, but, she couldn't help but lightly cry tears of joy. "Yes! Of course I will!", Rainbow Dash wrapped her forelimbs around Carl, kissing him slowly. "Well, I be darned. RD gettin' married. Hope I get catering duty.", Applejack laughed, as well as everypony else. ________________________________________________________________ Looks like everything turned all right for the pair. Even Kieran had an enjoyable relationship with Pinkie Pie -- And he still does. What happened to Nexus? His stone body was thrown into the vaults of Canterlot Castle. Doctor Whooves was finally awarded his credit for stopping him and Carl and Rainbow Dash respectively got married. They weren't able to bare children, for obvious reasons, but instead, they adopted a little filly. Her name was Star Grazer. She was a little blue pegasus with bright green eyes. She was only two years old and was just learning to fly. Star Grazer would learn from one of the best fliers in all of Equestria, too. So, what better parent could there be? Back to Kieran, he enjoyed his relationship with Pinkie Pie. After that fiasco in Sugar Cube Corner, he loved it. Kieran never had a fetish for animals, but, it felt okay with him to be dating -- and having sex with -- a pony. She was crazy. Wild. Everything Kieran loved. Someone optimistic about everything. The rest of the gang went through their daily lives. All though it seemed like they were lonely, they weren't. Every now and then they'd gather up to have their regular parties or group talk. And, by the way, don't think Carl forgot Lust! Carl pleaded Princess Celestia to unbanish those ponies and give them a second chance. She allowed it and kept them in Canterlot. They worked their lives in the wonderful city. They eventually proved themselves ready to go back to the rest of pony-society. When they went back, they were greeted with hugs by their family members. Lust sometimes visits Carl. She apologized to Rainbow Dash for what she did, and is now foal sitting Star Grazer. They were their own little group of friends. Sometimes, Lust would help out around Ponyville as well; seeing as though she is almost a permanent member. I know, it seems odd to me too, but, you gotta love a happy ending... Yup. Everything is perfect. Nothing to fear. Nothing to worry. The only worries for any of the ponies is when their next gathering will be! I don't think you trust.. In.. My self-righteous suicide... I.... Cry when angels deserve to ... Die... The Abyss -- ????? -- ??/??/?? "Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements; back where you began...", ???????