by Macross84

First published

Sgt Michael Black has found himself in a land far removed from the hellish fighting of the "One Year War". Yet, even here in the land of Equestria, dark clouds of battle loom over the horizon.

Sargent Michael Black has found himself, and his trusty Zaku II Mobile suit in a land far removed from the Hellish war that has claimed half the human population. In this Land, that he would come to find that is called "Equestria", are sentient Ponies with abilities that fit quite nicely in a Fantasy Novel. Yet, in this peaceful land, the dark clouds of Malice are forming on the horizon. Can the presence of one Zaku, and a determined Pilot be enough to stave off the coming Fires of Hatred?

Rated Teen for: Strong Language, and violence.

I want to give very big Thank you to a friend from "E" who has been very kind in proofreading, and Editing this story. I couldn't make this story as good as it is without their help. X3

A Mobile Suit Gundam (UC Era), MLP Crossover
My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro
Mobile Suit Gundam is owned by Bandai Visual

A Zaku In Equestria (Edited)

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A half Century has passed since Humanity began moving its burgeoning population into space. These gigantic colonies orbiting the Earth became a second home for Humanity. Where people were born, and raised, and died.

It is the year 0079 of the Universal Century. The furthest group of colonies from the Earth, known as Side 3, proclaiming themselves as the Principality of Zeon has launched a war of Independence against the Earth Federation. In roughly one month of fighting, the Principality of Zeon, and the Federation Forces saw the loss of half the Human population. Humanity was horrified by its own actions. The War became a stalemate, and little over 8 months have passed with no end in sight. During this war, many have stepped up on both sides to answer the call of duty. With each believing their side is just and their cause is true, they march onwards to fight and shed blood for their Ideals. Some of their names shall be remembered, most will not.

Large heavy footfalls thundered through the forests of Central Europe on the expanding Zeon Front, each one was as loud as an explosion or a crack of thunder, as a Zaku II "J" Type was trying to escape from an ambush that went horribly wrong. Its Pilot was cursing up a storm as he navigated the thick forest with the behemoth he piloted, constantly keeping his suit on the move to prevent it from taking a shot in the back. "Damn Intel! They got it all completely fucking wrong!" He seethed through clenched Teeth. 100mm rounds cracked by the Zaku as they slammed into, and shattered nearby trees like toothpicks, showering the very strong armor of the Zeon Mobile suit in splinters.

The Zaku II was the Principality of Zeon's premier Front line Mobile Suit at the outset of the war. Its design, and versatility easily surprising the Federation Forces, whom had assumed the petty rebellion would be quashed shortly, and thus had nothing that could counter the new weapon. It would be one of the most recognizable Symbols of a blood conflict that would be known through out History as "The One Year War".

The Zaku II was produced by Zeonic Company, and stood 17.5 Meters all. Its bulbous, rounded body was wrapped in Super Hard Steel Alloy that was often painted Olive Drab Green. Though there are models painted a various other colors at their Pilot's decretion, but these were more for Pilots that have distinguished themselves in combat. The most notable being Commander Char Aznable, otherwise known as "The Red Comet". The two main types of Zaku was the "F" type which was made for space Combat, and the "J", or "JC" type that was produced for Terrestrial combat upon the Earth. Though there was some "F" Types operating upon the Earth during the war. The Main differences was that the J/JC Type Zaku did not have the Thrusters in the Feet, nor around the bottom of the legs that the "F" Type did. However, it was given a more powerful Minovsky Particle Ultra Compact Fusion reactor to handle the Earth's Gravity. These two Mobile suits would spawn other variants of Zakus like the High Maneuverability "R" Type, as well as the F2 Type that would see action at the end of the war.

Sgt. Michael Black, and the other members of the four man mobile team he was with were supposed to ambush a Federation Supply convoy that was going to be passing by very close to Zeon held territory. A simple mission, something they had done hundreds of times by now. Intelligence stated that the Convoy was going to be very lightly escorted for the sake of speed. A couple of Tanks, maybe one or two GM suits at worst, but nothing beyond that. Their Leader, a Lieutenant as green as the skin of a Zaku II was eager to make a name for himself, and called the charge into the attack. Sgt. Black was on Heavy Weapons detail, meaning his MS carried not only the 120mm Zaku Machine Gun, but the 280mm Zaku Bazooka. As the other three Zaku's charged into the attack, Sgt Black's Zaku was knelt down on a rise with the Bazooka Shouldered, and aimed at the bend where the Convoy was supposed to round at any moment.

Almost instantly the ambush went wrong. The Convoy was far more heavily guarded than Intel told them. The three Suits that surged forward with Black providing support from the rear found themselves immediately surrounded by GMs, and Guncannons. Black barely had time to get off a couple of shots with the Bazooka before he watched the three members of his team go up like roman Candles. With no back up, or support anywhere nearby, Michael did the only thing he could do, run.


"Are you sure about this, Applebloom? Is this really the way to Zecora's place?" Scootaloo asked as she buzzed behind the other two rambunctious members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Once again, the three were in search of their Cutie Mark. Today's idea was to meet with Zecora the Zebra, and seek her wise council. Applebloom had theorized that since she was a shaman from her homeland, that she must have helped many other young zebras find their cutie marks and would share her knowledge with them. That is, if they could somehow understand the funny way she talks.

"Ah'ma certain its this way!" Applebloom announced as the trio trotted through the Everfree Forest. It was still relatively sunny outside so the forest didn't have the spooky factor it would have if had been later in the day. Even still, the forest still had a forbidden feel to it. That simply being here was just wrong.

"Right, Right. That's what you said last time." Scootaloo huffed as she followed. Applebloom, and Scootaloo, if not for the fact that they were the best of friends. They could be the worst of enemies with how they often fought over things.

"Hey, no fighting!" Sweetie Bell, the peacekeeper of the group, stated firmly as she kept herself between Applebloom, and Scootaloo before they could start butting heads again.

The trio's voices carried far in the dense woods, and caught the attention of a couple hungry predators. Timber wolves glowered at the three little fillies that were moving through their woods. Slowly, they moved out of cover, and started to stalk their prey. The succulent taste of young pony meat was a very rare, and an adored treat for the magical predators of the woods. their feet barely made a sound as they followed. Remaining in the shadows cast by the trees, and bushes.


"What are we all doing here, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked as she hovered impatiently in the air. She could be training, and practicing a new move to try, and impress the Wonderbolts with, or sleeping on her favorite nimbus cloud. The invitation to head to Twilight's Library had been rather sudden, and the others thought that this could have been something very important. Like a Summons from the Princesses, or perhaps another threat to Equestria has appeared.

"Oo, Oo Maybe she's gonna throw us a surprise party!" Pinkie stated as she bounced like her legs were made of springs. The bubblegum pink Earth Pony always seems to be in the midst of a Sugar high so intense that it should have been illegal. It often made the other Ponies wonder how she could keep going at her pace.

"Ah don't reckon so, Pinkie." Apple jack spoke with her trademark drawl. The other ponies were eagerly awaiting what Twilight wanted to show them.

"Just a second." Twilight announced as she turned, but knocked one of her books over. The book landed with a thud, causing the young Alicorn to wince, and grumble at her new appendages. Since recently ascending to Alicornhood, and attaining her wings, she had been knocking everything over with them like it was going out of style. It was getting quite old by now, but not to a certain rainbow haired Pegasis. Rainbow Dash simply laughed as she hovered in mid Air.

"Well, I asked you all here so I could demonstrate my latest spell!" Twilight announced proudly. The others "oo'ed" in response. Though there were a few concerned looks mixed in. "Um, Twilight...Are you sure about this? Considering your recent upgrade to Alicorn status, are you sure you've adjusted to your new powers?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Everything will be fine. Nothing to worry about. I've done all the research for this spell." Twilight assured, but the others didn't look so confident. Twilight took her stance as she started to charge up her spell. The tip of her horn glowing brighter, and brighter as the others started backing away from her. Whatever this spell was, it looked to be a doozy! Twilight gritted her teeth as she concentrated. Sweat starting to bead, and drip down her forehead as the small ball of magic steadily grew until there was suddenly crackoom of energy, a bright flash of light, and magic followed by a gust of mighty wind.


The Trees splintered, and snapped as Michael threw the Zaku into a full fledged run. "Damn tenacious bastards." He seethed as the Feddy Suits were still after him. he guessed that they wanted a kill that badly. The ground quaked with the heavy metal shod footfalls of the Zaku as Michael tried to evade his pursuers. the long tube of the Zaku Bazooka swaying with each step. Michael thought about ditching the weapon for speed, but with this many, he may need the last two rounds to give him an edge.

With a huff, Michael planted his Zaku's right foot and threw the hips around as he turned the MS to face his pursuers. If he was lucky, he may be able to get a snap shot off, and perhaps cripple one of the Feddy Suits. That may discourage the others, and give him an opening to escape. The Zaku II raised the Bazooka to its shoulder, the left hand coming up, around, and grabbing the extra handle to stabilize the unit as Michael made the final adjustments to fire a round into the lead GM. However, before he could even press the Trigger, there was a bright flash of light that shorted his main camera, followed by the sickening feeling of falling, and crashing before all Michael saw was blackness. .


It was getting dark as the Three Fillies of the Cutie Mark Crusaders found themselves at an odd dead end. "Gah, We're lost!" Scootaloo announced to the forest. Her voice being swallowed up by the trees.

"We're not lost!" Applebloom snapped back. Yet, she was uncertain. She was confident that this was the way to Zecora's hut, but she never remembered there being an obstacle here before. She peered at this strange green wall before them as if she stared hard enough, the secrets of the universe would be shown to her, and her friends. It was odd, and didn't feel like anything she knew to be natural. It was too dark to see anything, let alone discern any markings, or details of this strange obstruction to their path.

However, they wouldn't get time to be idle for long as a snarling growl was heard behind them. The three spun on their hooves, and the color drained from their faces as they saw that there was a pack of Timber wolves slowly approaching them. Their glowing green eyes seemingly sapping what little strength they had to flee from them. The three Fillies quickly forgot their own quarrel, and clung to each other. "This is it!" Sweetie Bell whimpered.

"Apple Bloom, I'm sorry I ate your Pudding!" Scootaloo blurted out before tucking her head back into the Huddle. If she was going to be sent to the next life. She wanted to go with a clean heart.

Apple Bloom's eyes popped open as she looked at Scootaloo. "It was you that ate muh apple puddin'!?" Applebloom asked angrily. She had been saving that puddling for a while since it was her favorite flavor, and it was hard to get them.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was so good, and it called out to me with its delicious flavor!" Scootaloo replied with a sheepish grin.

Before Apple Bloom could get even angrier, Sweetie Bell cut in. "Girls, Focus!" She shouted, thrusting a hoof in the direction of their demise. The Timber wolves were continuing to advance slowly. Savoring the fear coming off the three pony fillies. All three started saying prayers for help over, and over again.

Their prayers would be answered, but in a way they couldn't have possibly imagined. From behind them, they heard something move, something big. They continued to cling to each other, their eyes shut. They didn't want to see the attack coming. Suddenly, the ground quaked, and jostled as there came a sickening crunch of one of the timber wolves being crushed underneath a tremendous weight. Sweetie Bell would be the first to open her eye, as a great dark mass could just barely be seen in the Moonlight that filtered down through the Everfree Forest's canopy. One part of the mass was close, within a couple of feet of her. "Whew, that was close!" She said happily. wiping the sweat from just beneath her horn.

However, it would appear that she spoke too soon. The mass moved again, this time, rising off the ground like an awoken god of the forest, finally coming to life after a long sleep. Revealing that it was an enormous hand, much like Minotaurs had. Each one of its dark fingers were as big around as a tree trunk. The hand planted back down upon the ground, and pushed. The three Fillies slowly turned, and looked up as an enormous green giant rose behind them. It just kept getting bigger, and bigger till it towered even over the trees. A bright eye appeared with a strange hum, blazing red angrily. The eye looked right, and then left before seemingly focusing on the three Fillies. Their irises shrank to pinpricks, and their ears folded back against their skulls. Their mouths hung open right before the three let out such a scream, they discovered a new octave. Out of pure fear, and panic, the three fillies ran for their lives back to Ponyville.


"Twilight, are you okay?" A soft voice called in the darkness as the purple Alicorn was slowly coming to her senses. It was Fluttershy, the young Pegasus, and the bearer of the Element of Kindness. She was using her wings to fan air over Twilight as she let out pain filled groans, curling up on the rug in the middle of the Library.

"I...I think I'm going to be ill." Twilight groaned as she tried to get her hoofs beneath her. She felt incredibly weak, and dizzy. It wasn't helping her nausea any. Her normally lavender face turning a rather interesting shade of Green as Fluttershy continued to fan her friend.

"Now Darling, please don't go, and do something unladylike. Spike, could you be a dear, and fetch Twilight some water?" Rarity stated quickly as she looked around, and found a garage bin. Using her magic, she quickly levitated the pail over to Twilight. Rarity held the Bucket before Twilight's muzzle just in case, but made sure she was well away as she had a poor gag reflex.

"Right away Rarity!" Spike stated as he bounded out of the Room. While he was honestly concerned for his "Sister", Twilight. Spike also had the ulterior motive of trying to impress Rarity with his willingness to be useful.

Blessedly Twilight would not lose her last meal as Spike came over with a small glass of water. "Thank you Spike." Twilight stated with a pant as she seemed quite unsteady upon her legs. Using her magic, she took the glass of water from the tiny dragon as slowly she sipped the water as the other ponies gathered around, save for Rainbow Dash whom was quite focused on something outside.

"Take 'er easy, sugacube." Applejack stated as she came to Twilight's side, and gave her something to lean against. The strong Earth Pony easily countering the weight of Twilight as she felt her friend lean against her. "There, there. Just rest easy now." Applejack spoke quietly.

It was about this time that Rainbow Dash decided to speak. "Um, Twilight....what were you trying to do with that fancy spell of yours?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked over her cyan colored shoulder to her still recovering friend.

"I was trying to summon Gummy from Pinkie's place." Twilight stated more easily now that the dizziness, and nausea were beginning to subside. She took a couple of cautionary steps to see if she could regain her balance, but looked more like a new born deer learning to walk for the first time.

"Oooo really!? Cause that would be like...SUPER awesome!" Pinkie bounced with excitement before suddenly darting all over the place. "Gummy!?....Gummy!? Where are you?" She called out as she looked for her beloved pet.

"Yeah, got the scales right. Just not the scale." Rainbow Dash stated as she continued to hover before the window. The other ponies looked up at her, and could only look on in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Rarity asked with a bit of a disgruntled huff at the rainbow haired Pegasus. The very next moment a ear splitting roar could be heard. Four of the five ponies quickly made their way to a window to see what was going on. Fluttershy turned, and dove underneath the nearest table. She didn't need to see what she knew she heard. It was the stuff of her nightmares, a full grown Dragon!

Zaku Vs. Dragon

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Within the darken confines of the Zaku's cockpit, a low groan of pain was heard. "ow!" Michael snarled as he brought his hands to his head. It felt like an entire legion of Zakus were doing the Can-Can on his head. He yanked off the headset, and tossed it somewhere, most likely to get underfoot later. "Ugh, I'm going to hurl." He moaned as he ran his hands through his sweat soaked hair. Having been on Earth for so long, Michael stopped wearing that damnable "Normal" Suit, and wore his normal Duty uniform when he sortied. Doing so made piloting much more comfortable. For several minutes, Michael simply laid on his back in the darkness. He was trying to will his stomach, and his mind to stop spinning. The sense of nausea, and vertigo dredged up bad memories from Zero G training in Basic, and Mobile Suit Pilot training. That was one reason he liked being on Earth, Gravity. Here, Michael knew which way was up.

With a practiced hand, Michael reached out, and flipped the Master switch. He was instantly rewarded with the blinking of his screens coming to life. About 5 feet "below" the cockpit, the Minovsky Particle Fusion Reactor began to warm up. A soft shutter reverberated through the suit as it came back to life. "Okay, I'm alive, and my Mobile suit is still alive. That is good." Michael breathed out in relief as he pulled his hands down over his weary face. "Lets see if I can get her standing." He muttered as he threw a few switches, and started to manipulate the controls. The first movement was the Zaku's right hand, and arm raising up, and moving to support the large mecha as it pushed itself into a sitting position. Unknowingly crushing a Timber Wolf that was intent on a dinner of succulent filly meat. The external pick ups were still offline so Michael didn't hear the screaming of three small quadruped creatures that had front row seats to the Zaku's awakening. "Come on baby, just a little bit more." Michael coaxed as he felt his entire body shift, and move in orientation as the green giant moved to get to its feet.

Slowly but surely the Zaku regained its footing, and now stood tall over the forest that it has found itself in. Michael quickly started to scan for the GM suits that where chasing him. Blessedly, they were no where in sight. "How long was I out for?" he asked as he looked up at the evening sky. The Horizon was painted in orange, reds, and purples as the first stars started to twinkle in the sky. "Wow, it is night fall already?" He asked as he rubbed a growing knot on his head. "I guess those feddies got tired of chasin' little ole me." he chuckled in relief. "now, where am I?" He mused as he tried to contact his anyone from the base. Yet, his only response was static. "The hell?" He muttered in confusion.


Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Applebloom were hell bent for leather to get away from that green giant that crushed one timber wolf, and chased the others off. The three young ponies had no intention of sticking around to see if the Giant had a taste for pony. "Is it following us!?" Scootaloo huffed as her small wings buzzed right behind her. She was too afraid to even risk turning her head.

Applebloom would be the one to summon her courage, and chance the glance behind. Though, it was slow, and hesitant. She was afraid of massive foot falls, and an enormous hand reaching out for the three. However, what she saw was empty woods. her brow scrunched in confusion. Surely the Giant heard them, as loud as they screamed the majority of the forest had hear them. "Ah don see it, but keep goin'!" She called back. hoping that the Giant wasn't moving to cut them off.

They could see the Lights of Ponyville just up ahead. The young Fillies hopes soared for safety "We're almost there girls! Just keep galloping!" Sweetie Bell hollered out as she panted. her heart, and the hearts of her friends felt like they were slamming into their chests, and the air couldn't be pulled into their lungs fast enough. "We got to tell my sister, and the others!" She added, spurring them on as they raced for the distant orange glow.


The Mane Six dashed out of the Library, well Fluttershy had to be dragged out kicking, and screaming, to meet the threat to their home. In the center of the town was a monster drake. Soft green scales that were the color of Jade, and hungry eyes gleamed in the fires that were engulfing Ponyville. Around the town, ponies were darting to, and fro. Either trying to escape the Dragon, help others, or try, and contain the fires that were threatening to rage out of control. The Dragon would punctuate his presence with deafening roars that had everypony clamping their ears shut.

Twilight was quick to take charge of the situation. Her royal purple eyes narrowing as she formulated a plan to try, and contain the beast. "Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly up, and distract the Dragon. Try to lure him away from the town." Twilight instructed, hoping her plan would work. They didn't have a lot of time, and a full grown dragon rampaging through the town was a crisis only dreamed of in nightmares until now. Twilight, and the others would cringe as a couple of earth ponies were scooped up in a large clawed forefoot, and simply tossed into the dragon's maw. The two ponies's screams of terror were abruptly cut off when the dragon's steel trap like maw snapped shut. The sight churned the stomachs of the Mane Six, and reinforced what they had to do.

Rainbow Dash was understandably unnerved by the scene, but she summoned her courage, and called out an acknowledgement before she zoomed off into the darkened skies. Her trademark Rainbow contrail following her like a shadow. Rainbow first made a fast pass in front of the Drake's snout, narrowly missing the snapping jaws, but managed to knock a young Unicorn away from being thrown into the bowels of the beast. The Unicorn would fall into a nearby tree beaten up, but still alive. The Dragon was far from happy that it had its snack taken from it, and let out another roar as it started to focus on Rainbow now. "I got his attention Twilight!" Rainbow shouted as she started to jinx, and juke to avoid being ensnared or devoured.

"Right! AppleJack, Pinkie. I need you two to help get the other ponies out of Ponyville. That Dragon is a Pony eater, making the situation much worse." Twilight instructed.

"Right, we can take em to Sweet Apple Acres! Ah'm sure we can hide them in the orchards." Apple Jack replied before turning to the bouncing Pink pony. She was rather impressed with Twilight having Pinkie Pie accompany her. The pink mare's boundless enthusiasm will help to keep the other ponies, particularly the young'in's calm in this crisis. "Come on, Pinkie! We got townponies to round up!" Apple jack stated as she, and the pink tornado darted off to get the Ponies out of the town, and away from the dragon.

Twilight's hopes were starting to rise as it appears that her leadership skills were improving. Yet, there still was much work to be done. "Spike, I need you to take a letter to princess" Twilight stopped herself, and looked up into the sky. Seeing how it was night, that would change things. "Correction. Take a letter to Princess Luna. Tell her we have a Drake rampaging through Ponyville, and require immediate assistance." Twilight instructed. The young dragon quickly produced some parchment, and a quill, and began scrawling quickly. the scratching of the quill could hardly be heard over the noise of the chaos all around them. After a few scant seconds, Spike rolled up the parchment, and let out a soft green flame to send the letter on its way.

"thank you, Spike. Next...." Twilight started but was quickly cut off by three frantic fillies of the Cutie Mark Crusaders that seemed to materialized right in front of her. They were speaking so fast, and erratically that it was impossible for any one to be heard, let alone understood. "Girls please, I can't understand you when your going off like this!" Twilight stated as she tried to get the three to calm down.

"Twilight, Darling, please let me handle this." Rarity said as she sauntered over, Spike leaning to the side to get a view of her shapely flank. As Rarity came forward the three fillies continued to talk in unison. Rarity took a moment to clear her throat, and took a deep breath. The next thing she did was to let out an ear splitting shriek, "SWEETIE BELL!". Pavlovian reflexes kicked in as the snow white unicorn filly of the group instantly stopped speaking, and planted her plot on the ground. Her fore hooves shooting out, and over the muzzles of the two other fillies to silence them. "Thank you Darling." Rarity spoke as she turned to give Twilight the stage once more. "All yours Twilight." She said daintily.

Twilight blinked, but quickly recovered her composure. "What is it girls!? We have a crisis on our hooves." Twilight stated as she directed their attention to the large Green Drake that Rainbow dash was desperately trying to keep from tearing into the town anymore than it has. While she was doing that, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie could be seen rounding up the other townsponies, and pointing them in the direction of sweet apple acres. The three fillies look to each other for a moment before they each drew in a deep breath. Rarity, and Spike had enough dealings with the Fearsome Threesome to know what was coming, and quickly plugged their ears.


The Three young fillies shouted at the top of their lungs. Twilight bore the brunt of their sonic attack, and staggered back a couple of paces. Even Spike, and Rarity were affected as well. Taking a couple of moments for them to shake the ringing from their ears. "Come now Sweetie Belle. You know there is no such things as Gia...." Rarity started to say, but was cut off as something massive passed over the group of ponies, and one dragon.

A towering green titan seemed to appear through the fires that burned Ponyville. Twilight, Spike, and Rarity were all stunned silent at the sudden emergence of this interloper. Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, and Applebloom shot over to where Fluttershy was hiding, trying not to be noticed. Yet, their Filly curiosity wouldn't let them hide their eyes. they had to see what was going to happen.


If you had asked Michael what he would be doing today, no where on that list would be "Fighting a Dragon". Yet, here he is. Charging into a burning town after an enormous green dragon. Shortly after regaining consciousness Michael found the nearby town by the glowing of the fires. It was strange as there was suppose to be no towns within the operational area of the ambush. Course that could have meant that he was much further off course than he knew cause of his mad retreat from the Feddy suits. Where ever they were, they can stay there for all he cared. However, he was rather dismayed by the fact that he was missing his Zaku Machine Gun, and Bazooka. Leaving him only with his Mobile suit's fists, feet, and his Heat Hawk tomahawk.

Michael threw the Zaku into a run as he approached the burning town, and saw the dragon laying waste. He saw other movement in the periphery of his vision , but his focus was solely upon the enormous reptile. A Zaku stood at 17.5 meters tall, and the Dragon was every bit as tall as the Mobile suit. So this was going to be a challenging fight. Yet the beast was distracted by something buzzing around its head. Michael dismissed the colorful contrail as a malfunction of his camera's processor. The drake's distraction would give Michael the opportunity to draw first blood. He twisted the Zaku's torso around, and brought left shoulder to the front. Michael was intending to give the Dragon a taste of the infamous "Zaku Tackle". At the last 150 feet to his target, Michael ignited the Zaku's backpack thrusters to propel the mobile suit even faster to hit the Dragon harder.

The Drake never saw the hit coming. One moment, it was snapping at Rainbow Dash, and the very next moment, it was flying through the air after being hit by what felt like a runaway freight train. The Zaku's shoulder slammed hard just behind where the Dragon's left foreleg connected to the body. Right below the wing root. There was a very audible crunch of bone as the green Zaku impacted against the side of the dragon. The spike on the top of the shoulder cap intensifying the damage of the hit. Dark crimson ichor stained the spiked shoulder cap, and upper arm of the Zaku's Left arm . The Dragon let out an deafening shriek of pain as it made a very undignified landing. Crushing a couple of vacated houses before coming to a rest.

The Dragon struggled to find its feet. Furious eyes seeking its attacker, believing another dragon has come to try, and take its prize. However, what its eyes fell upon was not another dragon but a towering Cyclops with a burning eye.

A furious roar of challenge was let loose from the drakes's maw, but the Giant didn't appeared to be phased. Returning to its feet with surprising quickness, even after suffering such a hit, the dragon charged the Zaku with its mouth open. Sharp recurved teeth gleaming, and promising death. Michael brought the hands up, and reached out to grab the beast. The Dragon struck the Zaku, driving its own weight into the tackle. The Zaku's auto-stabilization programming caused the MS to back peddle to keep from being toppled onto its back. Powerful jaws clamped down on the Zaku's left forearm. However, it wasn't doing much damage due to the super strong steel alloy that the Zaku was armored in. With sharp jerks, the beast tried to rip out the Zaku's arm since it couldn't simply crunch through it as it kept pushing the mobile suit back.

Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and the others looked on in horror as the Green Giant was being pushed back. His heavy Foot falls causing tremors that could be felt all through the area, but what was worse was the fact that there was an Earth Pony Family trying to get out of the way of the two monsters. Seeing the titans coming their way, they were frozen in fear. The forward section of the Zaku's right foot slammed down just a few feet from the family, but the heel would come down right on top of them. The Ponies looked on in horror as they watched 60 tons of Zeon Engineering slowly coming down right on top of them. The Father held his family, trying to shield them from the grueling death that was coming down right on top of them. The gesture was purely symbolic. The Father knew he wouldn't be able to protect his family. He Jammed his eyes shut, and tucked his head into his Wife's. "Be brave, my Darling. We'll be in Faust's embrace soon." he whispered to his Wife. The foals whimpering in fright. Applejack had to held back by a couple of Unicorns that were preventing her from running out, and trying to save the family. Everypony turned away so as to not see the gory series of events playing themselves out.

Yet, Death would be denied as Michael brought the right metalshod fist of the Zaku across, and drove it hard into the side of the Dragon's face, just below the left eye. Smashing against the bone, and causing the Dragon to release the Mobile suit's left arm. Several couple of his teeth breaking off as he let out a shriek of pain. The Dragon recoiled back, its tail thrashing about, knocking over, or outright smashing several market stalls. Micheal followed up his right hook with a left, sending the Dragon crashing into the ground. Raising the Zaku's foot, Michael brought it down hard on the Dragon's rib cage. Fractured bone from earlier's shoulder check became broken bone as the Dragon let out a gurgling screech.

The Pony father, and his family looked up, and couldn't believe what they were seeing. The Giant somehow avoid stepping on them. "Thank Faust, it is a miracle." The Wife panted. They would be quickly joined by Rainbow Dash whom was pushing them away, and towards Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. "What the buck are you four standing around for!? Get moving!" She growled as the Father, and Mother quickly picked up their Foals in their mouths, and began to run towards safety.

"What do we do Twilight!?" Spike asked as he watched this fight escalate. cringing as he watched one of his own being thrown down.

"I-I don't know Spike." Twilight stated as she felt very, very helpless. "We need to try, and get every pony out of harms way." Twilight stated as she turned towards Fluttershy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The fear that the three fillies were displaying earlier completely evaporated as they were cheering like they had front row seats to the Fight of the Century, and on some level, they did. "Once this fight is over, we may need Fluttershy." Twilight observed before turning back to see how this will all end.

The Dragon didn't take the beating that the Zaku was dishing out laying down. Using its long tail, he struck the left leg of the Zaku, causing the suit to stumble backwards. "Shit!" Michael hissed as he was knocked around the cockpit from the strike. He grunted as his head throbbed from the earlier knock on the head. Once more the beast displayed a quickness defying its size as he came back to its feet, and tried to rend the Zaku to shreds with its enormous claws. However, Michael was able to get the Shield on the Zaku's right shoulder around, and to the front. The claws dug into the strong steel, sparks flying as shallow gouges were left in the dragon's wake. The blow causing the Zaku to continue to stagger backwards, opening up distance between it, and the Dragon. Inside the Cockpit, Michael watched as his adversary took in a very deep breath. "Oh Hell." he stated as he brought the Zaku's arms, and shield around the torso as much as possible to shield from what was obviously coming.

The next moment, the gates of hell were unleashed as the Dragon spewed his fiery breath at the green titan. Inside the cockpit, thermal gauges were quickly rising as warnings began to blare. The entire torso was engulfed in the flame. Michael grunted, and gritted his teeth as he had to endure this hellish assault. The attack only serving to tell him that he had to end this fight, and quickly. The other ponies watched in stunned horror as this giant was taking a direct blast of Dragon's fire. "Just hold out a little bit longer Zaku. Just a little bit longer." Michael pleaded as he nervously watch the reactor gauge tick into the red zone.

Blessedly, the Dragon's fire would stop before any major damage could be done. The Giant lowered his arms, and "exhaled" a gush of steam from the "mouth", purging the built up heat from around the reactor. The once deep forest, and light green skin of the Zaku's torso was scorched, and blackened. "My turn." Michael growled as the right arm of the Zaku reached across itself, and grabbed a handle that was clipped to the left Hip skirt armor of the Zaku. What he produced was single handed Tomahawk, The Zaku's "Heat Hawk"

The blade began to glow a bright yellow orange as intense heat could both be seen, and felt emanating from the ax head. The Dragon snarled as it opened its great wings to take flight, and attack from above. Michael saw this, and threw the Zaku into a charge. If the Dragon got into the Air, than Michael would not be able to win the fight since he didn't have either his machine gun, or bazooka. "Oh no you don't!" He shouted as the mobile suit hefted the super heated ax high into the air. The Dragon lifted off the ground with a powerful down stroke of its mighty wings. Its advantage grew with every foot it rose up into the air. A snarling smirk spread across its lips seeing that his opponent lacked wings to fly with. The advantage was his!

Just because the Zaku didn't have wings, didn't mean it couldn't fly. "Where do you think you're going!?" Michael called out as he squatted the Suit down for a Jump, and ignited the boosters on the backpack before pushing off with his legs. The Zaku was launched into the air with a deafening roar. A surprised squawk erupted from the mouth of the dragon as it watched his opponent rocket up to him on pillars of blue flame. The Ax held high for the attack.

The Dragon tried to evade, but the Zaku too fast. the Left arm wrapped around the back of the Dragon's neck, while the right brought down the ax upon the beast's shoulder, hard. Normally dragon scales were very resistant to extreme heat. However throwing in the shearing force of the massive ax's blade, the super hard dragon scales shattered, and the blade bit into the soft skin just above the dragon's shoulder. A warbling shriek ripped through the night sky along with the smell of burnt blood, and flesh. the heat of the ax's blade cauterizing the wound instantly, and sent searing pain through out every inch of the dragon's body.

The two found that the dragon couldn't keep them both aloft, and they plummeted back to the Earth. The impact shook the ground hard enough to knock all but the sturdiest pony off their hooves. Clouds of dust were thrown up, and obscured the combatants from the watchful eyes of those around the fight. From their hiding places, the Ponies looked to see who came out the victor. Many holding their breath, and wondered what their fate would be if either won. The silence was deafening as hearts thundered behind everyponie's chest.

As the dust settled, the ponies saw the towering form of the Zaku standing over the broken body of the drake. The battle having been decided by the fall as the Zaku brought its entire weight down upon the Dragon's body. rupturing several internal organs, and puncturing one of the lungs. There was no way the dragon would be able to get up now. Michael stood, and looked upon the Dragon. He didn't have hate, nor anger in his eyes. No, it was sympathy that Michael gazed upon with. The Dragon laid at the feet of the towering mobile suit. It was obvious it was not going to live much longer, and its final moments will be very painful.

That is, it would have been if not for Michael being merciful. He moved the Mobile suit over, and brought it to the dragon's head. Kneeling, the Zaku gently placed a large hand upon the dragon's snout to hold the head still as he raised the ax high once more for the final blow. inside the cockpit, Michael could hear the soft groans, and whimpers of pain coming from the beast as it lay dying in the middle of Ponyville. "Go in peace, Warrior" Michael spoke. The speakers of the Zaku conveying his words to the Creature. The dragon looked at the Ax, and then into the burning eye of the Zaku before closing his own. For a moment, Michael could have sworn the Dragon understood him. He didn't dwell on it though as he brought the Ax down hard. There was a loud thwack as the ax severed the dragon's head from his body just behind the skull. The body tensed at the strike, but quickly relaxed and finally went limp for eternity.

Michael was taking ragged gulps of air as he watched the beast pass on to where ever dragons go when they die. He screwed his eyes shut, and let out a deep exhale as he brought the Zaku back to standing position. He moved it away from the body two, or three paces before the Zaku took a knee. The head of the ax coming to rest on the ground, the blade having returned to normal. The Zaku's right hand came rest on the pommel of the Ax, the left arm on its raised knee. The Zaku looked like a weary knight after a long, and grueling crusade.

Micheal looked around to see the damage from the aftermath of the fight. The Zaku's eye, and head turning to survey the town. There was still many fires burning out of control, but the rest were burning themselves out. There was a lot of destroy buildings, but it would appear that the majority of the was spared Michael couldn't help but wonder how many empty beds will there be for whatever people that lived here.

A couple of ponies were digging themselves out of the wreckage that was their home. They were extremely lucky to have not perished in the fight that was happening only a dozen or so yards away. "Are you okay, Bonbon?" Lyra asked as she pushed up on a beam to create an opening for her best friend, and roommate. Bonbon could only groan in reply. The two didn't know how they survived, but they were live, praise be to Faust for that. Bonbon limped from the wreckage that was their house. her right foreleg dangling at a bad angle.

For Michael, the throbbing in his head steadily gotten worse as the adrenaline coursing through his veins tapered off. Michael's hands, and legs felt like wet noodles. a common sensation after a harrowing fight. Sleep, and exhaustion called to the pilot like a siren's song. Soon, the peaceful state would over take Michael as he fell asleep at the controls of his zaku. His hands growing lax, and sliding off the control sticks. Signaling the Zaku to go into an Idle state. the glowing eye dimmed as it appeared to all others, the Zaku itself has fallen asleep.

Looks like we're not in the Universal Century anymore Zaku.

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As the dust began to settle in the aftermath of the climactic clash between the two Titans. Ponies everywhere slowly started to come out of hiding. Many searching for loved ones, hoping that they survived the ordeal. Others simply trying to help the survivors. There would be many needing some sort of medical attention. There was even a group of curious ponies that cautiously approached the kneeling Giant. As they approached, their eyes were glued for any signs of movement. Poised to flee at the first sign of life from the giant.

AppleJack, and Pinkie Pie would rejoin Twilight Sparkle, and the others after calling back the ponies that made it to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight was busy trying to organize the clean up. She sent Fluttershy to take Spike, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell to the Library, and keep an eye on them. Rainbow Dash, and a couple of the other Pegasi were pulling in Rain clouds to help fight the remaining fires. Rarity stood by Twilight to be of whatever assistance the newly ascended Alicorn needed. It was looking like it was going to be a very long night for everypony.

Soon, there was the sound of flapping in the night sky a company of Night Guard swoop down, and landed. Fully armed, and armored, they came loaded for Dragon, but quickly found that they were to late, and the Dragon has already been slain. They were thestrals that served Luna, Princess of the Night. Thestrals were winged ponies much like a Pegasus, but they did not have the feathered wings of their Pegasi cousins. Instead, they had wings much like bats. Skin membrane stretched over long finger like appendages. They also has slit irises that helped them to see in low light conditions. Seeing the carnage was quite shocking, but even more shocking was the Green, and now black, Giant simply kneeling in the towns square like a statue. The group landed well away from the remains of the Dragon, and the Giant, touching down close to the large group of ponies. Though many of ponies backed away from the intimidating looking bat-winged ponies as they touched down.

From the new arrivals, a Thestral in ornate armor came to the front. His size was larger than the others, hinting to some Earth pony mixed into his heritage somewhere along his line. The crest on the large one's helm denoted an Officer. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "I'm looking for Twilight Sparkle." He announced as he looked over the sea of ponies looking at him. he craned his neck to try, and get a better vantage to see the one they came to see.

"Over here! Over here!" A tired voice called out as a lavender Alicorn made her way through the crowd to the Officer. Though it wasn't that difficult as the ponies were already parting for her, and her friends anyways. Twilight quickly approached the Thestral, eager to get things sorted so that Ponyville can be taken care of.

When Officer's eyes fell upon Twilight, he swallowed hard, and quickly bowed. "My apologizes your Majesty. I completely forgotten that you have ascended." The Large thestral declared. His subordinates quickly following suit. Twilight's ascension was quite recent, and many of the Guards were still used to there only being three Princesses.

Twilight felt very awkward as these thestral bowed before her like, well Royalty. "Please, get up." She hissed at the Officer with embarrassment darkening her cheeks. She looked around, and hoped that not too many ponies saw that. Twilight unconsciously tucked in her wings as tight to her body as possible. Hoping to make them less noticeable, if not completely invisible. Course, the entire town saw it. Several even started to whisper among themselves.

The Officer quickly stood back up. "I'm Captain Calm Night of Princess Luna's Night Guard." He introduced himself with a professional nod. Removing his helm, he set it on the ground so that Twilight could get a good look at him. His coat was charcoal grey with a short black mane, and tail. His greenish gold slitted eyes were more open to let more light in, and allow him to see better. On his flank, a couple of soft clouds, and stars could be seen. "We came as quickly as possible once Princess Luna received your distressing letter. She would have come herself, but her duties forced her from doing so. She sends her regrets." Calm Night explained. There was a twinge of disappointment at not arriving in time to be the Hero at the edge of his voice.

"It is quite alright, Lieutenant. I understand it takes time to organize a rescue effort." Twilight replied. She remembered how much work it took for her to organize Ponyville's Winter Wrap up when she first arrived so long ago. "We are going to need your help still. I'm going to need a Search party to look for any surviving ponies in the remains of the damaged buildings. I'm also going to need that dragon carcass removed so to prevent the spread of any diseases as well as security while all that is going on." Twilight stated. Working surprisingly well without her ever present check list. Had Spike been around, he would have made a joke about how today needed to be marked down on a calender.

"Understood your Highness." Calm Night replied before he turned and spoke to his Lieutenants whom broke up the three platoons into their assigned duties. With that out of the way, Calm Night broached about the "Elephant in the Room". "Your Highness, your letter only mentioned a Dragon, but not" he mentioned as he pointed an Armored hoof towards the kneeling Giant. A couple of his guards were already turning back the curious ponies that were drawing closer to it while casting cautionary glares at it in case it should awaken suddenly.

"Yes, well...It arrived immediately after I sent the letter and things escalated from there." Twilight explained. "It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders that first stumbled across it in the Ever Free Forest." She added as an after thought before calling out to Nurse Red Heart to see if she needed any help. Red Heart smiled, and wave her off with a dismissive hoof. She, and the other Doctors had everything well in Hoof.

"Um...Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Calm Night asked. He was fairly knowledgeable on all equestrian Guards, and Militia, and yet he never heard of these Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Twilight let out a giggle. "I'm not surprised you have not heard of them. They're a group of young Fillies that are constantly trying to find ways to get their Cutie Marks to appear. Some of their attempts have been rather entertaining." Twilight giggled again as she remembered the show they put on for the talent show shortly after she arrived in Ponyville.

"I would like to talk with them. Perhaps they can shed some light on where It came from." Calm Night stated. Though he was admittedly curious to these "Attempts" that the Princess seemed to be enjoying reminiscencing about.

Twilight shook her head to clear the whimsical memories away. "They're asleep right now, and I rather not disturb them. I'm quite sure they'll be more than willing to tell you their tale, along with the rest of Ponyville, when they wake up." She stated before moving over to try, and see what she could do to help. "Come on, we have a lot of work to do." She called over to Calm Night. The Thestral quickly trotting to catch up with her.


Morning would come eventually as the last of the fires died out, and the wounded were bandaged. The dead were moved to where they would be given the last rites before Passing on, and those ponies that lost their homes in the night were gladly taken in by those that didn't until their homes could be restored. Through all of this, the Green Giant remained silent, motionless. It was as if it had become a great statue. Some ponies started to think that it possibly has died from wounds inflicted upon it by the Dragon, and many hoped that was the case.

After speaking with Applebloom, and her friends, Calm Night sent a platoon of his Night Guard to investigate the Ever Free forest, and see what they could find out. Afterwards, he approached Twilight sparkle whom was now studying the Giant. She seemed particularly interested in the strange slab on its right shoulder. "What are you looking at, Your Majesty?" Calm Night asked as he looked up at the gouged slab. Making out some strange markings.

Twilight was so engrossed with her observations that she didn't register Calm Night's approach. Twilight had a parchment, and quill suspended in air with her magic, and was staring rather intently at the large flat surface that hung on the Giant's right arm. It had markings that she never seen before. Though a lot of it was obscured from the rends from the dragon's claws, and the the scorching from the fire. There was two rows of symbols below a large half burnt yellow Emblem that survived the fight intact. Perhaps they were letters of some kind. Maybe part of the Giant's Language. she was trying to make out what the markings mean. Though the half burnt Emblem was a bit disconcerting as it had a lot of sharp points, and an Arrowhead facing down. The symbols she was scrawling down on her parchment were:


The markings certainly weren't equestrian, and Twilight could only guess to their meaning. This was something she was going to have to research when she had time. The prospect of a new language intrigued, and excited her. Perhaps the Giant was intelligent, and could be interviewed. She found herself squirming with the possibilities.

Calm Night remained patiently standing next to the princess as she would glance up at the Giant, and then scribbled something down on her parchment. This went on for a few more minutes before he Calm Night gently cleared his throat. This caused Twilight to let out a cute "Eep" in fright before turning around to see the Thestral standing beside her. "Oh, Sorry. Have you been standing there long?" she asked with a liberal amount of abashment in her voice. Sometimes when she was so focused it was hard to get her attention.

"Not Long your Majesty. I was just curious to know what has you so interested in this creature." Calm Night explained. Looking up at the towering titan gave him the chills. Even now, when it was kneeling, it still was taller than a House.

"I was studying the markings on that slab on its shoulder. I think it could be perhaps runes, or letters to a language. What they mean? I don't know. I only hope that Fluttershy could open a dialog with the Giant. It could possibly be a great boon to us to know more about this Giant." She explained with unbridled enthusiasm. Calm Night actually had to take a couple of steps back, but chuckled none the less. What Luna said about Twilight would seem to be very accurate.

"Um....You needed to see me, Twilight?" An impossibly adorable voice broke into the discussion between Calm Night, and the Alicorn. Fluttershy had been watching Spike, and the young fillies through the night before she was asked to see Twilight. Calm Night quietly bowed, and took his leave to make a report for the princesses so that Twilight, and Fluttershy would be undisturbed.

"Yes Fluttershy. Thank you for coming. I know this is sudden, and probably very scary, but I'm going to need you to try, and communicate with the Giant." Twilight stated in a matter of fact tone. It was a long shot, but if any pony could do it, Fluttershy could do it.

Fluttershy's eyes shrank as she tried to make herself as small as ponily possible. She couldn't speak, but made small squeaks of fright as she glanced up at the enormous Giant. Twilight quickly rushed over to her friend, and placed a comforting hoof around her shoulders. "I know it is very scary, Fluttershy, but you have a way with Animals, and ponies." Twilight tried to explain, though conveniently leaving out that the Giant appeared to be neither. "Please Fluttershy? You won't be alone, We're all behind you, I promise." Twilight spoke softly, comfortingly as she pulled Fluttershy into an a hug.

Fluttershy was silent a moment, her hoof drawing small scribbles on the ground as she thought about Twilight's request. The Lavender Alicorn's embrace was emboldening, but still the Giant was so huge, and what it did to a full grown Dragon caused her to shutter. Fluttershy swallowed thickly before looking at Twilight, and her friends. All of them looking at her with encouragement, and unspoken promises of support. Fluttershy let out a soft exhale before turning back to Twilight. "Okay, I'll do it." She stated in that barely audible tone of voice she was known for.

Fluttershy gingerly approached the Kneeling Giant. She spared a glance over her shoulder, and watched as a crowd has gathered to see what was going on. The Night Guard formed a cordon between the Town's ponies, and the Mane Six. Twilight, and the others gave her encouragement, but looked like they were ready to move to help her at a moment's notice. With the assurance that her friends were backing her up, Fluttershy spread her wings, and started to lift off the ground. He flew up right to where the head was. The visor was dark, possibly the giant is asleep. Fluttershy licked her lips, and summoned as much of her courage as possible. She opened her mouth to speak when suddenly the great eye of the Giant glowed to life. Bathing Fluttershy in a fiery red glow.


Michael awoke with a stiff neck, and back. That always seems to happen when he sleeps in his cockpit. He rolled his head around his neck a few times to work the kinks out of it. Making it sound like he was popping popcorn. "Okay, that was a weird dream." He yawned, stretching his hand up over his head. His palms pressing against the ceiling of the spherical chamber. "Fighting dragons." he said with mix of a scoff, and chuckle. That had to be the only possible explanation for what happened, he was merely dreaming it. Sure, it was a helluva dream, but still a dream none the less. There was no way he fought a dragon. Dragons didn't exist.

"I better get my ass back to base. I don't want to be listed as MIA, or AWOL." he mused aloud as he pressed a few controls on his instrument panel, and the screens rezzed back to life. However when he looked up into the main screen, he was given the surprise of his life. If it wasn't for the seat restraints he would have jumped out of his seat, and hit his head upon the control panel overhead. There, upon the main monitor, a butter colored equine face with large deep teal colored eyes was staring right back at him. Michael was stunned motionless for a few minutes. The more he looked, the more unbelievable it appeared. He noticed a long pink mane, and a long tail of matching color. Small wings on either side of the Creature flapping, holding her place in the air? She was flying! Sweet zombie Jesus, there was a Flying horse directly in front of his main camera!

Michael's struggled to find a logical explanation for this, but his mind kept drawing a blank. He panned the Camera away, and watched as the Flying horse shifted out of the screen. He then returned it thinking that it may be possible a trick within the camera. Nope, The Horse was still sitting there. Michael rubbed his eyes. "This can't be happening. This simply cant be happening." He groaned as he opened his eyes once more, and saw that Pegasus still hovering there, but as he looked closely, he saw that she appeared to be terrified. Not that he could blame her considering she was hovering in front of a 60 foot tall Mobile suit. However, the biggest surprise was yet to come.


Fluttershy hovered there in fear for several moments, staring into that enormous eye that was bigger than she was. It burned like piece of coal from a fire. Swallowing thickly, Fluttershy found she lost her voice. The eye unexpectedly turned away from her, facing to the left. That was curious. Did the Giant not see her? How was that possible? She was right there in front. Fluttershy looked down to her friends. They were watching her intently. The Night Guards had their lances ready to attack should the Giant prove to be hostile.

She would turn back just before the eye returned to glaring at her. Her wings continued to flap, and hold her in place as she looked at this creature. Fluttershy's heart raced within her chest. Beating so hard against her rib cage that she feared it would burst forth. For a moment, her mind went blank, and she forgot what she was suppose to do. She Jammed her eyes shut, and forced her rapidly beating heart to slow down enough for her to remember. Remember that she was the Element of Kindness. That she stood up to a Cockatrice, a Minotaur, and reformed Discord. That she even pulled a thorn from a Manticor's paw. She could do this! Fluttershy took a deep breath before she spoke. "Um....Hello?" She called to the giant.

For a moment, there was nothing, no reaction, or sound save for that curious low Humming noise that surrounded the Giant. Fluttershy wondered if the Giant didn't hear her. She looked over to her friends once more, and got a chorus of shrugs, and one over zealous Pinkie waving up to her. The next moment, the torso of the Giant stirred to life, and straightened up. The crowd gasped as the guards readied themselves for anything. The Giant's hand, and arm that was resting on the Knee came up, and moved to the chest. There something moved, a recessed panel slid up, and something emerged from the Giant's chest. A couple of the ponies seemed on the verge of losing their breakfast.

What emerged was a strange creature that was similar to that of a Diamond Dog, or a Minotaur. It walked on two long legs, but it was tall! Twilight estimated that it was as tall as Princess Celestia. At first, it appeared that it had a lumpy green coat of fur, or skin, but Rarity recognized it as clothing, and very dirty clothing at that. "Ew, what drab fashion sense." She observed. The Creature wore green pants with over sized pockets, and a matching green button up shirt that was tucked in. The small round head was topped with a short brown mane, and its eyes were so small, the Ponies were wondering how it could see anything.

Fluttershy squeaked at the emergence of the new creature, but her fear quickly morphed into curiosity as she never seen a creature like this one before her. Slowly she lowered herself from the Head to where the new creature stood in the Giant's hand. When the two were eye level, she saw that he had very clear hazel eyes that seemed to constantly shift between the blues of the ocean, or the green of grass. He was looking directly at her in disbelief. The two simply looked at each other, not fivefeet apart.

Micheal didn't believe his eyes as he stepped out of the cockpit, and upon the Zaku's hand. He was in a very bright, and colorful land. The air was cool, and crisp. Simply breathing it in was invigorating. Though as that Butter colored Pegasus drifted down in front of him. He simply stared at it for a couple of moments. What was one suppose to do in this situation!? A part of him wanted to jump back into the cockpit, and another wanted to wake up from this very weird dream. In the end it would appear his curiosity got the best of him as he reached out, and with one finger gently touched the Pegasus's nose. It felt soft, and warm. He even felt the warm breath as she exhaled upon his hand. The touch brought another reaction, the pegasus giggled. It was barely heard, but Michael certainly heard it. It was like a dainty bell that tickled at the edge of his hearing. "He he. That tickled. I'm Fluttershy." The pegasus spoke once she was able to stop giggling.

Michael stumbled back, and fell on his butt in the palm of the Zaku's hand. The Pegesus spoke, and he understood her! Everything was happening so fast that Michael's head began to spin, and he thought he was going to faint. However, he was able to keep his head as he looked up at "Fluttershy." After a moment, he finally spoke "Looks like we're not in the Universal Century anymore Zaku."

The Test.

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It was another flawless sunrise if Celestia do say so herself. She raised, and set the sun for so long that it has pretty much become second nature to her. Golden clad hooves clicked across the floor from the balcony at the top of Canterlot Castle as Celestia's multihued mane, and tail floated across the tile. Her night's rest has been pleasantly peaceful, and Celestia hoped that today would be peaceful as well. She had an idea of what would be on her itinerary, but she would have to look at it to be sure of the specifics. Celestia had no idea how different this day would be.

Coming downstairs for a light breakfast, she was greeted with an unusual sight. Luna pacing around the breakfast table muttering to herself. "Good morning, dear Sister. It is pleasant to see you. Will you join me for breakfast?" Celestia asked as she glanced at the table to see where the scroll of her daily appointments would normally be waiting for her. However, strangely, the scroll was absent this morning. To think that she had nothing scheduled for the day was absurd. A growing suspicion started to wriggle at the back of Celestia's mind.

A suspicion that Luna would confirm. "There is no time, Sister. I've taken the Liberty to clear your schedule today. An incident has occurred while you were taking your respite the previous evening, and it requires our attention." Luna explained. Celestia looked at her sister with growing worry in her eyes. "A dragon has attacked Ponyville in the night." Luna stated to the shocked gasp of the Solar Diarch. Luna could see the worry that Celestia had for her little ponies, but also the grave worry for one recently ascended purple Alicorn.

"Why wasn't I awoken?" Celestia asked with a bit more edge in her voice than she meant to. Celestia was almost a second mother to Twilight Sparkle, and cared deeply for her student. Her care blossomed to include Twilight's Friends, the Bearers of Harmony. They, along with Twilight, have saved Equestria from many threats.

"Because Sister of mine, as the Celestial Sisters, we have responsibilities, and duties that trump even our own personal feelings, and fears. Duties that can not be simply "put off"." Luna replied with a hint of the weight that she, and Celestia bore from their positions of power. "I have sent a company of my best Guards to assist the Bearers in this crisis immediately upon receiving Princess Sparkle's Letter. However, it would appear that the situation resolved itself before they could arrive on scene." Luna explained. She could already hear the question her sister was about to ask even before Celestia could open her mouth. "The Dragon was already slain upon their arrival." Luna stated.

"Slain!? Surely you mean subdued, yes?" Celestia asked. "Slain" was such a harsh, yet clinically clean term of ending a creature's life. It was something Celestia didn't like to do. Yet, she had to do just that many times in her long reign as punishment for the very gravest of crimes. Still, it was something she wished to avoid if she could.

"No sister, slain. The Dragon has been killed, and its head removed." Luna stated as she approached Celestia. Luna seem the more cold of the two sisters. A given, perhaps, as Luna was the Diarch of the Night. "However, we've wasted enough time. We must make haste. The chariot awaits to take us Ponyville. I'll explain more on the way as I received a report from Captain Calm Night of what transpired there from eyewitness accounts shortly before sunrise." Luna stated as she started to make her way out of the Chamber, Celestia quickly trotting to catch up.


Ponyville was buzzing as Michael's Zaku lowered him to the ground via voice commands. While the Mobile suits were far from autonomous, they were capable of simple commands by registered pilots. Michael was a bit nervous as he could see the many eyes upon him. Sure he had a 17 meter tall robot behind him, but still. it was very disconcerting to be stared at so intently. The Ponies jockeying for position to see this strange interloper into their midst. "It is alright, Mr. Black. No pony is going to hurt you." Fluttershy assured as she could see, and sense his hesitation. Black didn't bother with correcting Fluttershy for his rank as many other NCOs would have done. Michael was a bit more laid back, and it didn't really matter at this point. He merely nodded as he let the butter colored Pegasus lead the way.

Fluttershy just barely reached his hip, and it was a little difficult to find a pace that would match hers without pushing her, or feel like a lumbering neanderthal. She would lead him over to a group of five Multi-colored ponies, and Michael had to wonder if the normal colors for a Horse or Pony didn't apply here, where ever here was. He stopped about 15 feet away as Fluttershy covered the rest of the distance. "This is Michael Black. He is a Hoo-myn." Fluttershy said with wonder in her eyes at meeting a new "Creature". Michael smiled as he was introduced, and was about to say something, but the paling faces of the other ponies alerted him that something was gravely amiss.

To the other ponies, Michael's teeth were fairly alarming. They were sharp teeth, predatory teeth. Michael was carnivore. Carnivores were fairly common around Equestria. Diamond Dogs, Griffons, Dragons, as well as several other beings ate, and enjoyed meat. While, on a whole, the relationships were relatively peaceful, new carnivores were always treated with some caution until it was determined if the're a threat or not.

It would be the Purple Pony with wings, and what looked like a fairly sharp horn on her head that would be the first to step forward. As she did, a couple of the guards tensed up, their weapons at the ready. Being outnumbered, and "outgunned" Michael didn't make any hostile moves. Fluttershy was nice enough, and this purple one didn't seem hostile either. As she approached, she had to crane her neck up to look at him. She opened her mouth to speak when three small bundles of energy suddenly darted out, and ran towards him. They were each approximately the size of a medium-large dog.

The three newcomers skidded to a halt right in front of Michael, and looked up at the strange creature that found his way into their town. Their eyes grew wide as they tried to comprehend everything they just seen. Bursting with that youthful exuberance that made children so adorable. "Whoa!" They all breathed in unison.

"Tarnation yer ginormous!" The yellow pony with a bow tie in her mane declared with an adorable southern twang. It reminded Michael of a mechanic at the base that was originally from Texas Colony, and spoke very similarly.

"Wow, a giant that came out of a giant! That's like....." A small pony with pure white fur, and soft purple, lavender, and white mane started to say, but couldn't seem to come up with an appropriate ending to the statement. Though she wouldn't be left hanging for long.

"GIANT-CEPTION!" The one filly with a tomboyish mane shouted excitedly a she hopped into the air, her tiny wings buzzing like a hummingbird to try, and keep her aloft as gravity slowly brought her back down the ground. She flashed the cheekiest grin she could to her friends. The other two simply looking at her for a moment before putting their hooves to their faces.

The very next moment, they opened a floodgate of questions for Michael. Questions like "Where are you from?", "What are you?", "What is that you came out of?", and every other question that could pop into their heads, and out their mouths. Michael was quickly becoming overwhelmed with it all as he held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your....uh, never mind. Calm down, please." He stated as he slowly knelt down before the three little fillies. Taking a posture that was eerily similar to the one that the Zaku was in.

Before the conversation could be carried out any further, the three fillies each took on a purple aura as they were levitated back behind the purple unicorn-pegasus looking pony. "Girls please, this is a highly delicate, and monumental encounter. This First Contact could effect all of Equestria." Twilight chided the three. Though the smile on her face showed that she wasn't angry with them, more amused really. Michael had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as every single sci-fi movie involving aliens, and first contact popped in his head.

The three fillies were more than willing to voice their disapproval of being torn away from the interesting creature. They all let out with a chorus of "Awwwww, No Fair!" in protest as they were set on the ground just in front of the others. Rarity was quick to come up behind, and take over for Twilight. Keeping the three back while the Bearer of the Element of Magic tried to speak.

With that distraction out of the way, Twilight turned her attention to the stranger, Michael Black, once more. Since he was still knelt down, it was easier for her to look at him, and she didn't feel as intimidated. "Greetings, and Welcome to Ponyville. I'm Twilight Sparkle. My friend, Fluttershy, has told me your name was "Michael Black". Can you please tell us more about yourself." She requested.


The royal Chariot was speeding across the sky, surrounded by a company of Solar, and Night Guards. Celestia was finding it very difficult to believe what her sister has told her. An enormous green giant simply charging out of the Everfree forest to do battle with the Dragon!? It sounded something like a pack of fillies, and colts would think of. Yet, she knew that her sister, nor any of her guard, would create such a wild tale, even in jest. That worrying knot in the back of her mind continued to grow as the chariot couldn't go fast enough. Sure, they could have teleported, but there was still very little known about the situation. Arriving by Chariot was thought to help prepare the Diarchs for what they'll find. Yet, nothing could truly prepare them for that.

As they came upon Ponyville, both Princesses let out a startled gasp at the huge hulking monstrosity in among their beloved ponies. The Chariot came into a long banking descent over the town as the princesses mentally composed themselves. This was going to be a very interesting encounter. "Prepare yourself, Luna. We do not know what we'll find." Celestia spoke softly to her sister.

The Diarch of the night nodded. The scene was a shock to her system as well. Since being imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years. Luna was still trying to catch up with all the advances that the world had undergone in her absence. However, nothing she encountered prepared her for this. "Understood." Luna replied simply as her eyes were fixed upon the Giant.

The Chariot would come to a landing, the wheels creaked against the ground. The guards quickly came around, and formed a defensive ring around the two Rulers of Equestria. Normally Celestia wouldn't have the guards be so defensive, but the situation at hand was far from normal. From the group of ponies, Twilight sparkle quickly approached. Celestia's face lite up seeing that her student was safe. The Guards were quick to let the new Alicorn through. The two came as close to embracing as propriety would allow. Luna smiled to see that her sister's cherished student was safe.


From the moment the two new arrivals touched down, Michael was on edge. Even from the distance he was, he could tell they were the rulers. He could literally feel it. It made the hair on his arms, and the back of his neck stand up. The Zabi family claimed nobility, and distinction, but what Michael was looking at with these two new arrivals was Majesty incarnate. It reminded him when he first arrived in Europe, and saw the Matterhorn in Switzerland. It was an awe inspiring sight. These two were just like that Mountain. It was very frightening.

It was the power they exuded. While the denizens of Equestria were quite used to it, being surrounded by it all the time, Michael has never felt it it before, and he was at quite the loss to know what to do, or say. He had difficulty swallowing a rather large lump in this throat as he watched Twilight talk with these two rather amiably.

"Hey big Fella, relax. It is not like they're going to banish you to the Moon, or something." Rainbow Dash joked with a snicker. Applejack was quick to try, and shush Rainbow Dash with a deep hiss.

The randomness of the comment snapped Michael out of his daze, and he turned to the Cyan colored pony with the Prismatic Mane. Rainbow Dash is what he remembered that Twilight pony calling her. a fitting name since her mane color was like a rainbow, and she seemed chopping at the bit for some action. Though her comment caused him to tilt his head to the side. "What's wrong with the Moon? My family, and I lived there for about four years when I was in Middle School." He stated with a confused tone.

The ponies within earshot looked at him suddenly Some thinking he was a liar, others too surprised to really say anything. "You wanna run that by us again?" AppleJack asked as she looked hard at Michael. She was of the Former group that believed he was lying, and being the Element of Honesty, she was determined to see if he was, in fact, telling the truth.

"I spent a couple of years living in Von Braun on the moon. Not a bad place, if you don't mind living underground. Just gotta know where not to go." He stated with a shrug, though he was thankful that his attention was taken away from the two Rulers. Though his peace would be short lived.


A loud booming voice rumbled across the area like a peal of thunder. Michael's head snapped around to see who called his name. Expecting a robed being with a beard, and long shaggy hair to be descending from on high. Yet what he saw was the dark blue colored pony with the same features as Twilight looking directly at him. Her, and the Large white one's mane, and tail were fluttering in some unfelt breeze. "Shit." he mentally thought before he started to approach.

Michael put on a strong, and proud face. He was a soldier in the noble Zeon Military. On top of that, he was among the Elite, a Mobile Suit pilot. He strode right up to the two Diarches, trying his best to ignore the disconcerting feelings simply being close to them gave him. Once he was ten feet away, he brought his heels together as his left hand came to the seam in his pants. His Right, snapping up to his right eyebrow. Eyes forward, and his back straight. he gave the crispest military salute he could since Basic Training. "Sargent Michael Black. Principality of Zeon Terrestrial Occupation Forces European Theater 43rd Mobile Suit team." he stated with a crispness that was pure military.

The two Alicorns looked at this creature that displayed respectable military bearing. That made him more worrisome. If he is military, than his threat level went up. Celestia, and Luna shared a glance to each other, a glance that had Twilight curious. "Please follow us. We wish to talk to you, in private." Celestia stated with a business like tone. One that broached no disobedience.

"Understood." Michael replied. With the amount of power they gave off, he didn't think he could make it to his Zaku should he decide to make a run for it. Besides, where would he go? He knew for a fact that he wasn't on Earth, or any of the Colonies anymore. So for the time being, he would have to play nice.

Twilight fell in with the group, curious as to what they were going to talk about. The Glance that Luna, and Celestia shared also had her worried. Though they only got a couple of steps before Celestia stopped. "My Dear Twilight, I'm afraid you can not come." Celestia stated with a soft motherly voice. She was protecting Twilight.

"Why should she not come, Sister mine?" Luna asked. "Is she not a Princess too? Even if only recently ascended. She now shares in on the duties that you, I, and Cadence now share. She has every right to come with us for this. She must see what being an Alicorn truly means." Luna stated.

Celestia was about protest, albeit politely since they were in front of the others, but Twilight spoke up. "Please Princess. If I'm to be an Alicorn, I need to know what responsibilities it entails. Otherwise I'll never truly find my place." Twilight stated as she spread her wings to show that she was ready.

Celestia saw that she was fighting a war on two fronts. She let out a soft sigh before lowering her head, and smiled at Twilight. "You're right. Sometimes it is hard to remember that you're not my faithful student anymore." Celestia stated warmly. Twilight smiled back at her, and the four continued their walk towards Twilight's Tree Library.

During their pause, Michael listened, and tried to process what was going on. "Recently ascended? What did that have to do with being a princess?" He thought as he followed the three Equines to a large tree with windows. After everything he seen so far, he was starting to wonder if there would be anything that would surprise him.

Once in the Library, and the main floor was secured from any outside snooping. Luna turned upon Michael, and gave him a cool glare. "You will submit to my inquiry. Make no attempts to veil your true intentions in falsehoods." She stated with a forceful tone as her horn began to glow. Michael didn't even get to do, or say anything before he suddenly collapsed onto the ground much like a marionette with its strings clipped. Winding up in a very undignified Heap.

"MICHAEL!" Twilight gasped as she moved to help, but was stopped when Celestia extended her wing to stop her. "Why did she do that!?" Twilight asked. She looked up at her teacher with confusion, and anger. How could Luna, and Celestia treat Michael this way!? He saved Ponyville for crying out loud!

"This is the darker side of Ruling, Twilight. Something that, if I could have helped it, you would have never had to witness. Luna, and I often have to take steps to ensure the safety of our beloved little ponies." Celestia explained though she didn't expect Twilight to understand. She continued to look upon her sister, and this strange "Hoo-myn" as Twilight told her he was called. She could feel the very disapproving glare from Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight grumbled something under her breath before using her magic to at least lay Michael on his back. Being careful that she doesn't hurt the new arrival. Celestia, and Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Twilight for her consideration.

Soon, a blue aura surrounded MIchael's unconscious form as Luna knelt down beside him, and closed her eyes. She was delving into his mind. Through it she could see what he knows, and learn more about him, and his race. What she saw defied belief. Great wonders of technology, and innovation. She saw Cities with Skyscrapers that eclipsed Manehatten. Communication devices that allowed people to talk to others on the other side of the world in an instant. The more she saw, the more in awe of these Humans, as she learned, she became. They even managed to leave their world, and settle on their moon. They also made artificial worlds where millions of people could live in happiness. Long Cylinders that spun in space. The Cities built on the interior walls to simulate gravity as the object spun. These Celestial Cities, these "Space Colonies", Luna wondered how many centuries it would be before her ponies were capable of such feats.

Twilight, and Celestia watched with interest as Luna's face constantly shifted and she would mutter words of praise like "Amazing!", and "How did they do that?". Twilight looked at Celestia with hopefully eyes. So far, it was looking like Luna was pleased with what she was seeing. Though, as they watched, they saw the shift as her face twisted in fright, and horror.

The pleasant images she saw were quickly being overshadowed with horrors of The One Year War. Such Death, and hatred that Luna was forced to witness. These Humans slaughtering each other with almost a festive glee. It was horrible. Very horrible. Their war was on a scale that Luna, even at her height of being Nightmare Moon, couldn't believe. It spread across an entire planet, and even the space around it. How could these beings kill each other so easily!?

One particularly impressionable scene she saw was when Michael was fighting in a south German town. He was making his way down a side street in his Zaku trying to flank a group of GMs that was making a push on his teammates position. All around the Zaku's feet regular infantry were scrambling with their minor skirmishes. Trying to route out Federation soldiers with Anti-MS weaponry. As the Zaku came to an intersection, Michael poked the MS's head out, and looked down the Street to make sure it was clear. With so much Minovsky particles in the air, Radar was pretty much Useless. Something quickly caught Michael's eye. It was a young girl standing in a dark puddle by two bodies. She was bawling, the Zaku's mics picking up her wails of anguish "MUTTI~, VATI~!"* She cried at the top of her lungs, her face twisted in devastation as Michael realized that the Puddle she was standing in was blood, and the two bodies must've been her parents.

He opened his mouth to call out to her, and tell her to run when suddenly her head snapped to the side. The very next instant, her body went limp, and she simply collapsed upon the other two bodies. An errant bullet snuffing her life like a breeze snuffing the flame of a candle. Yet another victim of the One Year War. Michael simply let out his breath as he turned his Zaku down the street, and started to walk. Taking care to step over the bodies, and not upon them. War was cruel, and unfair. It leaves nothing but death, and destruction in its wake. Its presence was everywhere, all around. enveloping good people, and making them do horrible things. Perhaps the most horrible of all, It rips the humanity from Man.

Even with the Hardships of war, Michael still tried to cling desperately to his Humanity, and some semblance of honor. He, and Luna, witnessed just how cruel humans can be to one another, but at the same time, she saw acts of kindness. Though very rare, and far in between in this war. Michael was charging across a field following his Lieutenant after a successful ambush of a Federation tank column. The tanks lay smashed, and burning as the surviving crews were fleeing on foot towards the tree line. Over his tac-net, Michael could hear the Lieutenant cackle manically, "Run! Run! Run! You're all nothing but insects, and I'm going to crush every one of you!" he shouted as he cut one young soldier from the rest, and was stomping just behind him. Terrorizing the poor bastard, and laughing. Michael grimaced as he couldn't believe what he was about to do. He gave his controls sticks a sharp jerk. Intentionally throwing his Zaku off balance, and right into the Lieutenant's machine. Nearly toppling both machines. "DAMMIT BLACK! What Hell are you thinking!?" The Lieutenant shrieked.

Michael had to take a moment to clear the stars from his vision, and think of an excuse. "Sorry El Tee. The knee joint slipped or something." He quickly called back, and was rewarded by a string of curses as he watched the young soldier disappear into the tree line.

The more Luna witnessed, the more she felt her sanity slipping away. One or two acts of kindness hardly did anything to wash away all the violence, death, and cruelty she had to witness. However, the worst was yet to come as she saw an image that left her mentally reeling. her mind simply could not process the Hate, and Malice that it took for a people to do this, particularly to their own kind. It was so horrific, and yet she couldn't turn away from the image that were playing itself out all around her. Humans weren't the great beings as she originally thought. They were Monsters! Horrible, violent, barbaric Monsters. Before she could tear herself from Michael's mind, The image would flash before her eyes, and haunt her dreaming hours for many days to come.

Luna's eyes snapped open, and she let out a rather undignified whinny as she quickly shot to her hooves, and thrashed her head around wildly. She was trying to forcibly remove the images from her mind. Those horrible, bloody images. Celestia rushed to her side. Luna was only a filly when Celestia last saw her act like this. She quickly wrapped Luna in one of her wings. "Luna it is okay. It is okay. You're safe. You're here with Twilight, and I." Celestia whispered softly as she nuzzled the back of Luna's neck. She could hear Luna's heart pounding in her chest. It sounded like it beating drum.

Twilight was shocked to see such a reaction from the normally unflappable Diarch of the night. Sure, Luna had some trouble with Nightmare Night, but she was normally so Strong, and cool. Twilight wasn't sure what she could do to help. Tentatively, she took a couple of steps forward. "W-Will she be okay?" Twilight asked quietly, barely above a whisper.

Celestia didn't answer, she simply tried to help Luna to calm down. After a few minutes of cooing to her sister, Celestia broke her silence "Yes, she'll be okay." she replied to Twilight with a gentle smile to calm the worried Alicorn. "Tell me Sister, what did you see?" Celestia asked softly.

Luna took a couple of deep breaths as she calmed herself down. "They are monsters!" She breathed as she turned her gaze away from the the sleeping Human on the floor. "They destroy, and kill each other so easily. It is like a game to them." She continued as she screwed her eyes shut. Yet, she can still see those images.

Twilight, and Celestia shared a glance. It was particularly hard to believe for Twilight. While she hadn't had a chance to talk with Michael overly long, he did seem like a nice enough fellow. Celestia took a deep breath, and thought a moment. For the last Thousand years she wanted to harbor a mentality of "Love, and Tolerance" to all creatures. There were incidents that shook that belief, but Celestia wanted to believe that deep down everypony was good. She closed her eyes, and let out her breath. "I'll Test him. To see his true nature." She told the two. "I want you both with me as witnesses." She explained as she stood up, and approached Michael's sleeping form.

Celestia knelt down at the human's head. Luna, and Twilight would come, and kneel down at either side. First Celestia's horn started to glow, then it was followed by both Luna, and Twilight's. The three colors mixed, and started to envelop Michael's body.


Outside, the Cutie mark crusaders were rushing around the base of the Tree library, peeking into all the windows. They wanted to know know what was going on. Yet, every window they looked into they only found empty rooms. "Do you think they've gone upstairs?" Scootaloo asked as she looked to the other two.

That answer would come in the form of Rainbow Dash. "Nope, nothing upstairs either." The cyan colored pony explained with a frustrated grunt. Her curiosity was driving her up the wall. She was dying to know what was going on in there.

"Really darling. I'm sure the princesses put up some sort of anti-paparazzi spell to keep nosy little ponies from snooping. Really, I do must ask them to teach me that spell for when I have high value clients visiting my boutique." Rarity stated as she sauntered over, once again earning her the rapt attention of one pre-adolescent purple Dragon.

"Oh come off it Rarity. I know you're just as curious as I am about what is going on in there." Rainbow huffed as she looked at the stunningly beautiful Unicorn as she approached the group.

"Be that as it may, I also know where not to stick my nose. It is simply rude to snoop." Rarity stated as she gave Sweetie Bell, and her friends a disapproving stare. The three young filly looked down, ashamed.

"Well, what ah wanna know is, where in tarnation it came from. ah ain't never seen the likes of this here Michael feller, nor 'is big green whosits." Applejack stated, showing she was quite curious as well.

Rarity let out an exaggerated groan of frustration. "We will just have to wait and see, Apple Jack. The Princesses know what they're doing, and we have to have faith in their judgement." She stated before fixing the Farm pony with a sultry glance. "Though, if you are that bored. Perhaps a new Wardrobe, and Makeover?" She offered sweetly.

AppleJack's ears flopped down as the color drained from her face. "N-no, that's 'ight. Ah don't need no make over." Applejack stammered out as she backpedaled away from the fashionista.


Micheal was slowly making his way down a corridor. Just beyond the walls, the sound of intense battling could be heard. Guns and beam weapons and beam sabers all echoed like a violent screaming metal concert between hundreds of different bands. Micheal could feel the vibrations from the fighting outside in his very bones and in the pit of his chest. His pistol was drawn, and he moved slowly, not sure of what was about to pop out at the bend just in front of him and not wanting to take any unnecessary risks.

As he made his way down the corridor, Michael couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He would constantly find himself looking over his shoulder, expecting something to be behind him. Yet he would see nothing every time. The corridor quaked violently when a bomb, or artillery shell got too close, Causing Michael to brace himself against the hard concrete wall. He was close, so very close. If he could accomplish this mission, then the war could come to a close much, much sooner. The fighting would stop and the Zeon would get their independence and the Feddies could rebuild their homes and this war would be a memory.

As he reached the Intersection, there was a wooden door with light coming out from beneath the crack of the door. Michael threw himself to one side of it, pressing tightly against the wall, and mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do. His finger was off the trigger, but poised to act at a moment's notice. With a deep breath, Michael turned, and kicked the door down. The world seemed to slow to a crawl as he drew a bead on the one person in the Room, General Revil.

General Johann Abraham Revil, the great leader of the Earth Federation Space Forces. If Michael could take him out, it would greatly shake the resolve of the Federation Military, and cause them to falter. Falter enough for the Zeon war machine to finally finish this war or maybe even make them sue for peace and bring this destructive conflict to an end. Michael was ready, and willing. He had his gun drawn upon Revil's chest. His finger pulling back the trigger. He could feel it. Victory was so close. The end of this mad War was so close. Hundreds of thousands will be spared with the ending of this one life. All it would take was one quick pull of a trigger and the old man’s heart would stop.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" A spritely voice called out as a young girl darted out from behind the door, and clung to Revil's pant's leg. She couldn't have been older than 6 years old. The old man tried to shoo the young girl away or pull her behind him, but she started bawling and squeezing his leg tighter. "No, No! Don't hurt Grandpa!" She cried as she struggled to keep hold of her grandfather's leg. Tears streaming down her cheeks, and soaking the officer's khaki pants. Michael had a clear shot. He could easily kill the General without harming the girl.

‘But, she would see it all.’ Micheal thought. His heart racing as the fighting outside got louder and the sound of Federation mobile suits seemed to increase in number. Michel felt his hand shake as his eyes darted between the general and the girl. She would see him killing her grandfather. She was too far too young to understand the politics behind the death, and would only know that someone killed her Grandfather. Even if she grew up to understand it, this moment would forever haunt her, seeing her grandfather gunned down before her own eyes. A small part of Micheal asked him if that even mattered. It’s not as if she were a child of Zeon, there were plenty of children who had likely seen worse so far. But the shouting and pleading of the girl made him feel filthy.

Michael's finger still held the trigger as he fought another war within himself. He was a Soldier of Zeon, and this was the enemy commander, he believed in his cause and that demanded that he do everything in his power to defeat the Federation. It was one life versus many. He could save so many lives on both sides if he killed the General. Many parents and children forced to fight could go home and live their lives.

However, Michael couldn't decide if that justified killing this little girl's grandfather in front of her. It would have been something if the old man was trying to use her as a shield, but he was trying to get her to run to safety, and to the frightened girl the safest place was with her family, with the General. After what felt like an eternity, Michael lowered his gun. He couldn't do it, he couldn't take the General's life in front of the young girl.

No sooner than the barrel was clear of the two people, the door on the other side of the room burst open as a squad of Federation soldiers rushed in, and raised their weapons. "PROTECT THE GENERAL!" could be heard as the last thing that Michael saw was the small flash of the muzzles on the ends of the rifles before darkness. Everything felt so numb, so horribly numb afterwards. Micheal wondered if this was death, a dark abyss and a terrible sensation of numbing until he lost his mind.

‘Fine then. I have no regrets.’

Will Equestria be your new home Zaku?

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The hours passed as the ponies watched the Library for any signs of what was happening inside. They didn't hear any noises of struggling, or shouting. In fact it was complete silence. After a while the crowd of ponies started to disperse, and go about what they were doing before. There was still so much to clean up, and rebuild. It will be a daunting task. Thankfully,the leader of the the Solar Guard was already talking with Mayor Mare. Assuring her that Canterlot would be sending help in the rebuilding effort. They'll rebuild, and put this incident behind them. Ponies were quite resilient like that.

Having gotten bored of trying to peek in on the meeting, the three Cutie Marker Crusaders decided to investigate the Zaku some more. "Zaku", the three fillies found that name silly, and fun to say. giggling every time they said it. Tagging along behind them was Spike, whom was also curious about the enormous machine. They dashed up to the machine, the Guards that were around it earlier having been given tasks elsewhere to help keep the populace calm. Once more the three Fillies were in awe of the sheer size of the machine as they looked upon it. Instantly, they split up to investigate the various aspects of the machine with the wonder, and courage of a child.

"Be careful." Spike called out as he finally caught up with the three. He was panting as the ponies could easily out pace him, it also didn't hurt that the three fillies did not constantly gorge themselves on sweets. Unlike the crusaders, he was very nervous about approaching the machine as he witnessed it kill one of his own, no easy feat. Even now, lifeless like it was, it was a very imposing sight. He swallowed thickly as he decided where he was was close enough.

"Whoa! What da ya think these things are?" Applebloom mused as she poked, and pushed against the Zaku's middle finger from where the hand was laying on the ground when Michael dismounted earlier. The finger hardly budged and Applebloom's hooves were quickly smudged from the soot from when the Zaku withstood fury of the Dragon's fire for her efforts.

Scootaloo didn't hear her friend as she was staring at the vast powerful back of the Zaku. The MS's thruster pack caught her attention. "If I had something like that, Then I could soar just as fast as Rainbow Dash!" She gushed, her wings buzzing excitedly. Her mind full of images of her zipping through the sky on blue white flames. She could barely contain her excitement and almost began hyperventilating.

Another pony approached the group. "Really now, is this thing really so fascinating?" Rarity asked as she approached Spike who quickly forgotten about the Zaku now that his crush was around. "It looks so...unfashionable." She stated as she looked upon the large robot. "Applebloom, Scootaloo, you two should really not be playing around that thing. It could be quite dangerous." She stated as it was those two fillies she could see.

"Fine~" Both fillies called out as they started to back away from most exciting thing to happen to ponyville since Twilight became an Alicorn.

Rarity started to wonder where her sister went off too. Normally the three were always together. "Sweetie Bell!? Sweetie Bell, where are you?" She called out as she looked around. Craning her neck to see better.

"I'm up here, Sis!" A dainty voice called from above as all three ponies, and one dragon looked up. There, perched on the Shoulder was Sweetie Bell. Somehow she managed to find her way to the top of the Mobile suit. She was standing on the right arm shield looking down, and waving to them.

Rarity gasped as she saw where her sister was. Both Applebloom, and Scootaloo were waving back up at her. "Sweetie bell, you come down this instant!" Rarity demanded as she stamped her hoof.

"But Rarity, It is so cool up here. I can even see your shop from here!" Sweetie Bell called down as she looked around. She could see the whole of Ponyville, and much of the surrounding countryside. She could just barely make out the large red barn at Sweet Apple Acres. It was great being up so high. No wonder Scootaloo wanted to be a better flyer.

"Sweetie Bell!" Rarity snapped, trying to get her sister's attention. yet, her sister's attention was caught by something at the base of the Zaku's neck. Rarity, and the others watched as Sweetie Bell ducked out of sight. "Sweetie Bell?" Rarity called up, now getting worried.


There was the sound of electricity crackling as well as a few sparks from the Zaku's neck. "SWEETIE BELL!" Rarity called, frightened as she started to look for a way up to check on her sister.

"Ima A'ight. Ima A'ight." Sweetie Bell slurred as she drunkenly staggered back into view, the world spinning for her. Her normally pristine white coat was singed while her Mane, and tail made her perfect to take on the role of the Bride of Frankenpony. She looked a little woozy, and she coughed out a bit of smoke.

"Sweetie Bell, you come down right now, or I'll tell Mother, and Father." Rarity threatened, her anger being greatly overshadowed by her worry of her only sister's well being. She started to looked for a way up, to help her sister down.

Meanwhile, Applebloom, and Scootaloo couldn't help but poke fun at their friend.

"Gee, Applebloom, would you say that was an electrifying experience?" Scootaloo called up to the pint sized unicorn, snickering.

"Ah'm gonna go out on a limb, an say it wa's a shocking encounter." Applebloom responded as she joined her friend in the laughter.

Though, Sweetie Bell would prove that she was a Filly with a sense of humor as she sauntered right up to the other two, and dropped her hooves right on to their shoulders. Zapping them with some of the Residual charge she carried. "How's that for an en-Lightening experience?" She asked with a giggle. Soon, all three were laughing in the grass.

Michael slept quietly, his head resting on a pillow that Twilight was kind enough to provide. His features were relaxed, and he looked quite young. He had passed Celestia's test, which had Luna reevaluating what she saw, and shared with the other two. the three agreed that his people had tremendous potential, and just like with any race, that Potential could be used for destructive purposes. Now it was known, and accepted that he was not from this world. That just left the question of how he got there.

Twilight would clear her throat, and draw small circles on the floor nervously. "I...I believe I may know how it happened." She admitted quietly. The other two would look at her in curiosity. Silently urging her to continue. "Last night, I wanted to show my friends a spell I was working on. I intended to "summon" Gummy from Pinkie Pie's house. However, I guess I misjudge how powerful my magic has gotten since I became an Alicorn." She said with embarrassment. She hoped that Celestia, nor Luna were angry with her.

Celesta let out a soft chuckle. "My dearest Twilight. You hold, by far, the most magical potential I have encountered since Starswirl, the Bearded. Yet, I find this to be beyond even your level of Magic. I dare say it is beyond even Luna, and I to make such an occurrence." She explained. It took a great deal of humility to admit her limitations.

"Then how Sister? How could a human find their way into Equestria? If such a creature, and machine had appeared in a large a city, like Manhatten, it would be sure to have cause a great amount of Chaos~." Luna stated, drawing out the last syllable as the answer was so obvious that all three princess's mentally kicked themselves for not realizing it sooner. There was only one being with enough power, and the willingness to do such a thing, reformed or not.

"DISCORD~!!!" All three Princesses called out at once. They then started to look around to see any signs of Discord's arrival. Generally he never missed an opportunity to gloat about any one of his machinations. Yet, for a couple of minutes, there was nothing. Just silence.

Moeaagre GANDAMU!
Kimi yo hashire
Mada ikari ni moeru
Toshi ga aru nara
Kyodai na teki o
Uteyo, uteyo, uteyo
Seigi no ikari o
Butsukero GANDAMU

The three princesses blinked in confusion at the sudden strange song, and spun around to see Discord floating in mid-air. Before him a TV floated showing some strange animated show with bright colors, and flashing lights. Coiled in his tail was a bowl of popcorn. He would occasionally throw a couple of the kernels into his mouth with the feathered tail acting like a extra hand as he watched the TV. Though from the Bowl to his mouth, the Popcorn would suddenly become unpopped, and reverted back to their seed form. Clutched in his paw was a small toy that looked a lot like Michael's Zaku, but painted red with something sticking out of the head. In his taloned other hand, another strange looking figure. it looked a lot different from the other. More blockish instead of the rounded features of the other toy. Its colors were primarily white, and blue with some yellow, and red trim. Discord appeared not to have notice the three. His attention was on the TV, and the two toys in his hand. "Char, I'll get you" He called out before he made the "Pew, Pew, Pew" sounds of The White toy's weapon. "This pilot is skilled!" He said in a completely different voice as the red toy "deftly" avoided the imaginary shots.

The three princesses looked on with confusion. It was always difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend what was going through Discord's mind at anyone point. Twilight, the most frustrated with Discord's antics, growled. She wanted an end to all this. "Discord!" She snapped at him.

Discord instantly froze, and turned to look at the three princesses. His lips outed in what could only be described as annoyance. "Oh of course! Right when I'm in the middle of a good show, and at the best part no less, you all have to interrupt me. Isn't that right, Readers?" He stated with a sigh.

Twilight looked both angry, and confused as Discord seemed to be talking to a random bookshelf. "Discord, I don't know what you're playing at, but why did you bring Michael here?" She asked. Wanting to know why he upended this Human from his own world.

"Why Twilight Sparkle, I'm hurt." Discord stated as the TV, and Bowl of popcorn disappeared. He tossed the two toys up into the air, and they immediately commenced their own battle as if fighting in Zero Gravity. "I can't believe you think that I was the one that did this." he stated acting innocent, and hurt for the allegations. "As a Matter of fact Twilight. You did, in fact, summon our dear Sargent Black. Though, I must say, I'm rather impressed. That is some Alicorn you've become." Discord teased with a chuckle.

"Deceiver! We know that it could not have been Princess Sparkles's doing that brought this Human to our realm. Only you have the power to do such feats, as well as the Will" Luna declared as she glared at the draconequis floating in midair.

Discord simply rolled his eyes, but he had an amused smirk on his lips. "Okay, okay, I'll admit that I did give Twilight a Itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, tinyyyyyyy bit of a push." Discord admitted as his form shrank with each word spoken till he was no higher than 6 inches, and standing on the tip of Twilight's nose. Twilight snorted, and caused Discord to go fluttering through the air like a leaf on the breeze laughing as he floated back to the ground. A couple of inches from the floor, he popped back to his normal size, and striking the pose of a Gymnast making his dismount. "A-ha! And he Sticks the dismount!" Discord declared

Luna stepped forward, ignoring Discord's antics for the moment. "If that be the case, than the two of you should be able to send him back." She stated, her tone more of a command, than a suggestion.

" It would be impossible to send him back as I am now. Not enough power to get him all the way back to his universe, he might end up somewhere else, or lose momentum and get himself trapped in an endless void. Also I wouldn't suggest you lot trying, either. It could turn out quite messy for Sargent Black. And by messy I mean." Discord began and pulled out a rubber band, stretching it out as long as it could go until it snapped in two.

The Princesses looked at him. "Please explain Discord." Celestia asked with a respectful tone. She was giving Discord the benefit of a doubt.

Discord nodded, and took a deep breath. "Since I was freed from my unjust stone imprisonment, I have felt less of a draconequis as of late. Like I'm empty inside." he explained as he grabbed tufts of his fur, and pulled them aside, and revealed an dark void within him. Twilight, out of sheer morbid curiosity, stuck her head into the void. A half second later, she was quickly back pedaling as the two Toys he was playing with earlier zoomed out of the void, and continued their battle up the stairs. A second later, the sound of something crashing could be heard.

The crashing had the effect of rousing Michael. His soft groans filling the others's ears as his body started to shift. "Oo, looks like he's coming to. Best not be around when he wakes. Poor fellow has been through quite a bit, wouldn't you agree? Well, Tata for now." Discord stated as he grabbed the tip of his tail, and gave it a sharp jerk before releasing it. Suddenly he rolled up like a window blind, making a smacking sound as he rolled over a few times before disappearing.

"Phew, I'm glad he's gone." Twilight stated before a sudden loud explosion occurred upstairs. Twilight Jumped in fright. "By Faust! What are those things doing to my room!?" She asked rhetorically before dashing up the stairs to see what carnage those two toys of chaos have unleashed into her bedroom. Leaving the two Princesses alone with the Alien.

Michael sat upright, and rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, Good Afternoon, Sargent. I'm glad to see you have awaken." A soft warm voice spoke, causing the Human to turn around suddenly, and saw the two large Mares behind him. Even inside, their manes, and tails seemed to majestically billow in some unfelt breeze.

Michael looked upon the two with a half sleep addled expression before he managed to mutter out a simple "Hey."

"I must apologize for the behavior which you had to suffer earlier, but My Sister, and I had to ensure that you were not a threat to our beloved little ponies. In our haste, I'm afraid that introductions were not properly given." The large white one spoke. Her voice was much warmer, and friendlier that the blue one was. So that help Michael relax some. "I'm Princess Celestia of Equestria, the realm in which you find yourself. My Sister, Princess Luna, and I rule Equestria together equally under the principles of Love, and Tolerance." Celestia explained. Luna giving small nod in greeting when she was introduced.

Michael tried to stand, but found his legs being uncooperative, so he had to remain sitting for the time. He was quiet a moment before looking up at the two. "Will I be able to go back home?" He asked. He was being blunt, and to the point.

Celestia, and Luna looked at each other a moment. They were not sure how to break the news. It would be Luna that would step forward. She figured it was best handled quickly, and honestly. Much like tearing off a bandage. "Sargent Black, It appears that there is no way to send you home at this time. You have my deepest apologies." She stated softly.

Again Michael looked at the two for a moment. Seeing if he could see any deceit in their faces, but there was none to be seen. They were telling the truth. "Oh...I see." He replied simply before his small eyes trailed down to the ground, his lips turning downward. He took a deep breath, and held it for a few moments before slowly releasing it in a long drawn out exhale. Almost as if he was trying to do a meditative exercise. "Well, things could be worse. I should be thankful really. If i wasn't brought here, I would have been a pile of slag at the hands of five Feddy humantype suits." he stated before trying to stand once more. Finding that he was successful, he turned to the two princesses. "Thank you for your honesty. Please excuse me." He stated before leaving the library.


West, far past Appaloosa, beyond the borders of Equestria is an arid, foreboding place of jagged mountainous landscapes. It was a hard land that few beings could live upon. Ponies had once tried to colonize this place, but found it far too harsh, and unforgiving. The ground wouldn't allow for the growth of crops, and the mountains riches were held onto greedily and too deep for even their best miners. All in all, the ponies that came here ultimately had to give up, and return to Equestria empty hooved or risk their demise.

Yet, that didn't mean this land was completely void of life. With a long awkward gait, a creature of stone, and magic tainted by its creator strode across the dusty land. Ignoring the tufts of scraggly grass that desperately tried to cling to life in this unforgiving environment. The Creature moved much like a gorilla, short stocky legs that carried a stout torso, and two long burly limbs to steady the entire package. Upon the shoulders of the creature, a large sand colored boulder sat situated with dull yellow glowing eyes. Coursing over the stone body were vein like patterns that glowed a matching sickly yellow and pulsed like a very slow heartbeat.

The creature, a Golem, continued its slow walk until it reached the foot of a large mountain. There, a great boulder stood that would take even the mightiest of unicorns to move. With some effort, the Creature moved the boulder aside to reveal the remains of an old Equestrian crystal mine. With the boulder now out of its way, the creature moved in, its sides scraping against the sides of the entrance as it pulled the boulder to cover the entrance once more. All around it, old wood bracing, and scaffolding could be seen as well as dim lanterns. In the distance the sound of digging was heard, echoing off the walls, but the originators of the sounds were not seen.

Upon one of the Scaffords a pony stood, eagerly awaiting the return of the Golem. Even with as high as the scaffolding was above the ground, The Pony only came up to the Golem's waist. "Ah, welcome back, my Creation. I see that you were able to drive away a dragon from its hoard. I've already sent the workers to fetch the gems, that should placate them for a while." a wheezy raspy voice spoke as a stubby horn glowed and shone brighter than all the lanterns currently lit. The Golem turned to its creator, and knelt down. Brings its chest to the scaffold. There, in the chest where the heart would be, a large glowing crystal glowed dully. The Creator sneered happily.

"You should be honored you know. Without your help, my creation could not move and my plan would be nothing more than a pipe dream." He stated with a smile, tapping a hoof against the gem.

From the Stone, a pair of terrified eyes looked back before being followed by a pained, sickly groan. A form trapped within the artificial crystal struggled to move, feeling painfully numb to the point that breathing was becoming a chore but eventually it moved close enough to the edge of the crystal to be seen by the golem's creator. A young 30 year old unicorn mare who looked like she was in her 70s tried to desperately scratch at the crystal and beg the colt to free her, but she no longer had the strength.

Forced to be used as a power source for this Pony's machinations, and powerless to do anything about it. The golem fed off of the small unicorn's lifeforce, and magic to power itself. Slowly draining it away over time, The Creator still didn't know how long the unicorn would last but that's why the Golem was standing before was still his prototype before he fully got to work on the others.

Cutie Mark Crusaders Zaku Pilots (YAY!)

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Michael was left a bit torn as he departed Twilight's home. He barely heard the chaotic crashing as Twilight continued to chase down the two toys of Discord. Much to the entertainment of the Princesses. The Ponies were giving him a wide berth as he crossed the town back to his faithful Mobile Suit. Looking up, he saw it looming over everything. Like a great Knight at rest. Right now it was the only piece of Home he had. This was a lot to take in one day, and he was sure it was going to be a while before he can come to terms with the reality of the situation.

As he approached his Zaku, he noticed a flight of those bat winged ponies returning. Pricking up his ears, he heard the lead one speak to Calm Night. "Sir, we found two strange objects in the forest. Both are very large, larger than our ability to carry. The markings on them are similar to those upon the green Giant." The Thestral informed.

"Was one in the shape of a long tube with two handles?" Michael asked as he came up upon the group with surprising speed. Causing several of the night guard to grab for their weapons.

"Y-Yeah, it was." The lead guard stated as he looked up at Michael. Having to crane his neck completely to see the giant before him.

"What about the other?" Michael asked even as his brain was working to process how to describe it. "It would be smaller than the first one with a disk on the top. It would also have two handles, and one third of its length would be crooked." He stated, hoping he wasn't sounding like an idiot.

The Thestral's eyes grew wide in astonishment. "Yes, that is exactly it! How did you know!?" The pony asked.

"That is the first bit of good news I heard all day! Sounds like you found my suit's weapons." Michael stated with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "So where are they?" Michael asked as he looked back at the batpony before him.

"In the Everfree forest, near a large depression, and broken trees." the Pony stated without really thinking. All the while Calm Night was trying to shut him up. Now that it was known the strange objects were the Giant's weapons, he would have rather talked with the Princesses before letting the "Hoo-myn" have them back.

It was too late for that now as Michael started to rush back to his Zaku. He shouted his thanks to the ponies without even turning back. Approaching the Zaku, Michael called out to it. "ZAKU AWAKEN!". Instantly the reactor spooled to life as the red eye glowed once more. That distinct electrical hum that was a trademark of all Zeon mobile suits could be heard by all in the area. Michael reached the Hand, and stepped on when heard the sound of hurried hoof beats behind him.

Looking behind, he would see those same three fillies from earlier. They looked up at him with large doe-like eyes. While Michael did not have any children of his own, he had enough experience with them to know that these three wanted something. "yes~?" he asked suspiciously, his body leaning away to make an escape should he need too.

"Whar are ya going?" The one with the bowtie in her mane asked as she was seemingly bouncing on her hooves.

"I'm going to collect the rest of my gear in the forest." Michael replied, still suspicious about where this line of questioning was going.

"You're gonna come back, right?" The darker orange one with the purple Mane asked with big pleading eyes.

"I guess. There really isn't anywhere else for me to go." Michael answered honestly. Which was something he rather not think about at the moment. It was too depressing, and worrisome.

The three fillies looked fit to be tied as they seem to burst at the seams with excitement. They looked at each other, and then back at Michael whom got the distinct impression that something big was about to be said.


"Please.Please. Please....." the three fillies started say it a chant. Each one alternating, and hopping up when it was their turn to plead.

Michael couldn't help but feel like he was before a children's amusement park attraction. He blinked stupidly as the three young ponies continued their pleading. "My God, they're so damn adorable!" He gasped as he already felt like he needed to visit a dentist for cavities. He was about to speak when another voice cut over the three.

"Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. What on Equestria do you think you're doing? I thought I told you three to stay away from that thing." A primp white unicorn with perfectly styled royal purple mane, and tail asked as she came trotting up. Her trot was prim, and dainty as her voice had an almost aristocratic lilt to it. She would have fit in well with the Parties of the upper echelon in Zeon Society.

"Awww, we were just seeing if Mr. Black would take us for a ride in his Zaku." The white Filly with purple steaks in her hair stated as she drew circles on the ground. The other two lowering their heads. Just like Human children with the name of Dinosaurs, The Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed to easily pick up the name of Michael's mobile suit.

"Sweetie Bell, be reasonable. We do not know this, person." The Unicorn, Rarity, if Michael understood correctly when Twilight introduced them earlier, stated with concern in her voice.

Michael couldn't blame her. If an Alien with a war machine was standing before him, and his daughter and she wanted to go for a ride. He'll be probably be concerned as well. To be honest, Michael wasn't sure he wanted to babysit three exuberant fillies in a tight cockpit where there was a lot of buttons that could accidentally be pressed. He opened his mouth to speak, but what came out actually surprised even him. "I don't mind. I'm only going into the woods, and coming right back. So it won't be very far. But, if you're that concerned, and I don't blame you, You're welcome to come along as well." He offered.

Rarity's ears flopped back against her skull as her eyes widen. She opened her mouth to politely decline, but the three fillies were now turning the combined might of their Cutie Ray upon her. "Pleaseeeee~" They all chimed in unison. Upping the power from their combined Cutey Beam upon the fashionista.

Rarity was helpless against such an onslaught, and let out loud groan. "Fine~" She finally relented as she hung her head in defeat. Michael could only pity her, and feared what he just got himself into. Rarity then turned to Michael sighed. "Do you promise to take care of them, and bring them right back?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. They'll be perfectly safe with me, Ma'am." Michael replied respectfully, without hesitation. Though he was quick to see that Rarity was not entirely convinced. However, she nodded her head.

"Now you be good Sweetie Bell. That goes for the rest of you as well." Rarity stated as she started to groom Sweetie Bell's mane out of habit. Once she was finished she walked off, but would glance back occasionally as the three fillies waved bye to her.

"Hopefully, I won't worry your mother too much, Sweetie Bell." Michael said offhandedly before stepping onto the Zaku's waiting hand. His hand coming to rest on the index finger and trying to make as much room for the three fillies.

He watched as the three girl's heads slowly turned towards him, he was curious if he said something wrong. Suddenly all three burst out laughing. "Rarity, my Mother!?" Sweetie Belle laugh the loudest. She was having trouble breathing along with her friends. It took about 5 minutes before the three could get their laughter under control. "Rarity is not my mother, she is my older sister." Sweetie Bell explained.

"Yeah, best not let her hear you call her that. She'll accuse you of calling her Old." The orange filly said with an exaggerated shiver.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up." Michael stated as he motioned for them to step onto the Zaku's hand. "Okay, I know her name, but what about you two?" He asked as he pointed to Applebloom, and Scootaloo.

This seemed to make their day. The First would be the Yellow Filly with the bow in her hair. "Ah'm Applebloom!" She declared with an adorable southern twang. She was beaming with a grin that was stretch from ear, to ear.

Almost immediately afterwards was the Orange filly with the Purple Mane. Her wings were buzzing like a humming bird. "I'm Scootaloo!" She said hoping up into the air, wings buzzing away. Michael couldn't help but chuckle at the display.

The first two Fillies were quickly joined by Sweetie Bell. "I'm Sweetie Bell, together we are...." She stated as she looked at her friends to signal them to join in.


Michael had to cover his ears as the three fillies declared their affiliation. "Adorable, and loud." he muttered with a smile. "Okay Girls, stay in the middle of the palm." He instructed before looking up at his Mobile Suit. "Zaku up!" He called, and the Three fillies let out squeals of excitement as they felt the servos whirring to life.

The Zaku raised its hand to just beneath it's chest. There a panel opened, and revealed a chair. Micheal sat down, and buckled himself in. "Alright, Come across one at a time." he instructed. The Fillies, seeing how high up they were, even kneeling, were very nervous. however, the crossed one at time, and climbed onto Michael's lap. tapping a button, The three girls let out a startled yelp as the chair was pulled back into the cavity, and the panel slipped down, and locked into place. The chair gave a slight shift to the side before locking into place. There was a soft hiss of air that showed the cockpit was being pressurized. This is what allowed the zaku to go underwater for limited periods of time as well as survive nuclear fallout, and biological attacks. The darkness of the cockpit was quickly banished as three large screws illuminated, showing a panoramic view of Ponyville.

The Girls all went wide eyed at the array of controls laid out before them as they looked around. "WOW! Button Mash would be in heaven here!" Sweetie Bell declared. Her two friends quickly agreeing with her.

"Okay, I'm going to need two of you to get off my lap. I can't operate the controls with you there." Michael explained. There was a note of disappointment as Applebloom, and Scootaloo slipped off, and sat on either side of the chair. They still had a good view, but they lost their comfy cushion. Sweetie Bell gave them both victorious grins before she snuggled back up against Micheal. "Alright, here we go~!" Michael declared as he gently pressed on the foot pedals.

The others watched as the Zaku slowly, gracefully rose to its feet. The heathawk still clutched in its right hand. Inside, the three fillies were bursting with excitement as they felt themselves rising up. The sensation much like standing in an elevator going up. Michael moving the control stick turned the Zaku in the direction that he used the previous night to enter the town.

"Whoa!" Scootaloo gasped as her wings buzzed, circulating the air within the Cockpit. Her eyes tried to take in everything at once. The ponies on the ground looked so small.

The denizens of Ponyville continued to watch in fascination as the giant seemingly lumbered toward the Ever Free Forest. Though as it reached the edge of Ponyville, Michael smirked. "Hold on." he said as he pushed the throttle forward till the massive machine was in a full sprint. The Fillies cheered as they felt the machine gain speed. Small quakes resulting from each heavy foot fall. Sweetie Bell being pressed further into Michael's chest, and harness, which caused Michael to have to move his head to prevent being jabbed in the chin by her horn.

Though the surprises were far from over as the next moment, The giant machine came to a skidding crouch before the three fillies heard a rumbling as the Backpack thrusters ignited, and the suit rocketed skyward. The fillies squealed with excitement as they watched the ground fall away beneath them, even raising their hooves and waving them around. The Zaku burst through a cloud overhead, scaring three pegasi that were moving it away from Ponyville.

The upward climb slowly gave way to the light weightless feeling of falling as the fillies screamed with excitement as if they were on the downward side of the big hill of a roller coaster. Michael concentrated as he was setting the timing in his mind. Shortly before they landed, he gave a sustained burn from his thrusters to gently cushion the landing. Yes, it was a waste of fuel, but it also kept the the three fillies from getting injured. Even still, the mobile suit landed with an Earth shaking thud.

As the Moble suit came to its standing position, The three Fillies were speechless after such excitement. Michael could feel Sweetie Bell's heart racing through her back. All three fillies were panting as if they just ran twenty miles. Michael didn't move the suit to give them a moment to catch their breaths.

"That was...." Applebloom started to pant as her eyes were the size of dinner plates

"AWESOME!" Scootaloo finished for her friend.

Michael chuckled as the three fillies looked up at him like he was their new hero. Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at that. "Let's go." he beamed as the Zaku started to make its way through the forest once more. The girls watched as the the passing of the Zaku stirred up the forest. Timber wolves bolted from their dens along with one or two manticores. There was one familiar cockatrice that was startled out if its bush. Bravely it tried to stare down the massive green titan, only for it to almost get intimately acquainted with the bottom of the Zaku's foot.

Soon, they reached the area described. Michael quickly recognized it as the area he woke up at the previous night. "Okay, so they're suppose to be around here somewhere." He mused aloud. He wondered why he couldn't find them last night. Maybe they hadn't arrive till recently, or perhaps he simply over looked them in his confused state before. Even the three fillies could be seen swiveling their necks to see if they could find anything.

"Oo, There!" Sweetie Bell shouted, her voice cracking and squeaking for a moment, as she pointed to the screen with her hoof to a black rectangular object jutting out through the canopy of a tree.

"Good eyes." Michael stated as he patted Sweetie Bell on the head. His middle finger, and ring finger split by the young filly's horn. The young one beaming with pride. Moving the Zaku over to the spot, he reached down, and grabbed the object. Pulling, a long cylinder with two flared ends appeared out of the forest. It was almost as long as the Zaku was tall. The 280mm Zaku Bazooka, a mainstay heavy weapon for the front line mobile suit.

"What's that!?" Scootaloo asked, her eyes drinking in the large greyish-black object with fascination.

"It's my Bazooka. I use it against particularly tough opponents." Michael explained as he manipulated the weapon to inspect it for any kind of damage. It didn't look too bad, but he'll still have to look at it later. The Zaku started to move the Bazooka to the back where a tab on the suit's rear armor skirt panel lowered to receive the weapon. Soon as the Bazooka was laid into the cradle, pins slid into place to keep is secured. "Okay, now we have to find the machine gun." Michael stated. Once more, the four started to look, the Zaku slowly turning in place. Michael narrowed his eyes to see better, and even the Ponies were leaning towards the screens. Since the Machine gun was smaller, it was a bit more tricky to locate.

"I think I see it!" Scootaloo announced as she pointed to something to the Zaku's right. It was glint of something shiny. Michael looked around, and saw it too.

Moving the Zaku over, he pulled away a tree that was blocking it. Turns out what Scootaloo saw was the sun's reflection on the Machine Guns's scope. "Way to go, Scoots." Michael chirped as the Zaku picked up the Machine gun from the forest floor. His hand giving her mane a happy toss. "I couldn't have done it without you three." He added, making sure to include Applebloom in the praise, and head pats. The three fillies cooed in happiness at Michael's words.

"Now then, I have to make sure my Machine Gun still works properly. What to test it on?" Michael mused as he looked around for a suitable target. The Three Fillies couldn't believe their ears. Michael was going to fire the gun, and they get to watch! Looking around, Michael spied a large tree with a tall hill behind acting as a backstop. "Excellent." Michael smiled as he brought the machine gun up to the Zaku's shoulder. The Fillies watched expectantly as the left hand came around, and grasped the forward handle. A targeting reticule appeared on the main screen, and Michael moved it to sit right in the middle of the tree. Squeezing the trigger, the group was rewarded with a resounding crack as the chest of the Zaku jerked a bit from the recoil. The very next instant, the tree literally exploded as the 120mm round slammed hard into the trunk, obliterating it.

"WHOA!" All three Fillies gasped at once.


Back at Ponyville, the ponies all were looking up when they heard a peal of thunder. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the Weather team hadn't anything scheduled for another week. Though those thoughts faded as the green form of the Zaku was making its way back to the village. Though it was now carrying what looked like a very long stove pipe on its back, and something else in its hand. The Zaku moved back to where it was that morning, and slowly, deliberately knelt as before.

Seeing the Zaku return, Rarity moved as quickly as fashion would allow her to. She was worried about Sweetie Bell, and her friends. Though she didn't get very close before she was nearly bowled over by her sister. "THAT WAS AMAZING!" Sweetie squealed with delight as she hugged Rarity whom seemed like she was in a daze. Soon all three Fillies were hopping around her excitedly.

"Wha, what happened?" Rarity asked. The last thing she saw was the mobile suit rocketing into the sky. Whether she realized it or not, Rarity just threw open the floodgates as the three fillies regaled her with the tale of their latest adventure.

While Rarity was getting an earful, Fluttershy approached Michael as quietly as a shadow. "Welcome back Michael." She said softly. Her voice as quiet as a summer breeze, and a smile just as warm.

Just behind her was Applejack. "Well ah'll be. ah ain't never see Applebloom so excited before. Ah don suspect she'll be getting a wink of shut eye tonight." She stated with a matching drawl like her younger sibling.

"Sorry it it will be any trouble." Michael stated to the two ponies, giving them both a sheepish smile.

"Oh, don't think nothing of it. Now come along, thar is one more thing before this day is complete." Applejack stated as she bumped Michael with a surprisingly strong hoof, and herded him away from the Zaku with Fluttershy in tow.

The two ponies were leading Michael to what could only be described as a building fashioned into the shape of a huge cake with a cupcake on top. "What is that place?" He asked, though he had a theory.

"That is Sugar Cube Corner, the local sweet shop, and Bakery." Fluttershy explained. She didn't seem as Timid as she was earlier. Michael was thinking that perhaps she saw him more as a curiosity rather than someone to be afraid of. That was a good thing. Michael didn't like people being afraid of him.

"Okay, I like chocolate as much as the next guy, but um...why are we going there?" Michael asked. Yes he loved chocolate, but it was one of those things that he couldn't have too much of, otherwise he will feel sick for hours afterwards.

"Now don' you worry bout nuthin'. Just leave it to us!" Applejack declared as she continued, her tail swishing side to side. Leaving Michael in having to find that delicate balance of a pace that worked with them. The rest of the walk would be carried out in silence.

When they reached Sugar Cube Corner, AppleJack opened the door part way, and gave Michael a very suspicious grin. "Afta' you." She said. Fluttershy's gentle smile not easing the sense of dread that was coming over Michael right then. Swallowing thickly, He took a deep breath, and strode right in. He was a Soldier of Zeon, not a coward.

Inside was darkness. The two other ponies entering after him. The moment the door closed all the light shut out with it. Michael was preparing for anything when the Lights flicked on. "SURPRISE!!!!" an obnoxiously bright pink pony shouted as the entire room was revealed to have denizens of Ponyville there. The Pink pony came bounding up, and pulled on a cord that had a great big banner unfurling that read "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE SPACE INVADER PARTY!". A couple of balloons seemed to appear out of nowhere, and several of the ponies were even sending off party poppers.

Michael was stunned speechless by all this. No one has ever thrown him a surprise party. They had a "Throw-Him-In-The-Stockade" Party, several of those in fact, but a party just to welcome him was probably the most unnerving spectacle yet. The only thing that he could respond with was "Well shit."


There are very few things in Equestria that can travel faster than a certain cyan colored pegasis, and one of those things being News. Within a day of the Zaku being in ponyville, news, and pictures were traveling all over Equestria to the major News entities in places like Manehatten, and Trottingham. The News would even travel as far as the bad lands.

With the Initial test of the Golem complete, and a success, the creator was quite happy with his accomplishment. He put the Golem to sleep so it wouldn't completely consume the Unicorn trapped within its crystalline imprisonment. She would not last much longer, and he'll have to find a replacement. However, the continual abductions of Unicorns will draw too much attention. He'll have to find alternatives.

Pacing in his lab, he continually muttered to himself. He did have one other power source, but he couldn't use it. it was too unstable. Yet, it was still an option. However, there was something in Ancient Equestian lore about a being that was sentenced to Tartarus that could siphon the magic from not only unicorns, but Earth Ponies, and Pegasi as well. The being"s name was Tirek, if he recalled correctly. A creature from another realm that terrorized Equestria before he was subdued. "If i can only figure out how he did it. then I can expand my resources exponentially." He mused as he moved over to his workbench, and looked upon the shelves all around the room..

On the shelves lining the room were numerous small yellow crystals of various shapes, and sizes. Each one pulsing with power. It was part of his Experiments, powers of Chaos that he siphoned from Discord when he was still imprisoned within his stony prison catalyzed into Crystal form. A soft aura surrounded his Hood as it was drawn back to reveal a coat the color of dust, and a gray disheveled mane. Gold eyes were intense with concentration. He looked over his notes as his stubby horn glowed, levitating some of the papers for him to look at.

It was about this time that an intruder with an uncanny knack for bypassing any, and all obstacles put in her way appeared. A flash of grey, and blond. the after image of Bubbles floating. Quickly, a Grey Pegasis was hovering by the unicorn. "I've got ya Mail, and paper, Mr. Shard." She stated in a cheery voice. It was a Pony named Ditzy Do, but everyone simply called her "Derpy".

"That is DOCTOR Shard! Doctor Crystal Shard!" the Unicorn snapped. "I didn't spend nearly 8 years at Canterlot University post-graduate program to be called "Mister"." He barked to the innocent pegasis. His magic snatching the Mail, and Newspaper from her hooves. "Now, begone!" He commanded as he opened the paper.

Derpy shrugged, and turned to leave. She would make it to the door before a magic aura tugged on her tail. "HOLD IT!" Dr. Shard commanded as he left the Mare dangling in mid air. Swinging like lazy pendulum by her tail. Dr. Shard approached with said paper in hoof. "What is this!?" He demanded as he held up the paper. Which looked upside down to the inverted Pegasus.

"Um...the Afternoon edition?" She asked. She really had no clue what he was going on about. This unicorn always seemed rather angry when she delivered his mail, and paper.

Dr. Shard growled as he pointed to the very large picture of a large creature in the center of Ponyville that dominated the front page. The Headline reading "ALIENS AMONG US!". "No! This, This!!!" He demanded. His hoof tapping on the picture so hard it threatened to go right through the paper.

Derpy squinted, and tried to focus though it was rather difficult considering her walleyed affliction, and that she has not ceased swinging. "Um...a rather large picture of the main story." She said proudly.

Dr. Shard's eye began to twitch as he was just barely keeping from blowing his stack. "No. What. Is. The. Picture. of?" he growled, stressing each, and every word through grinding teeth.

"Oh~! That." Derpy replied. "That is a picture of that big thing in Ponyville! It just beat the snot out of a Dragon last night! With a Pow, and a Boom!" Derpy stated as she swung her hooves around like she was boxing. Coming dangerously close a couple of times to hitting Doctor Shards in the Nose.

However, all this was lost on the dust colored Unicorn. What he saw in that picture was vindication! Vindication for his life's work. A chance to throw it all back into the face of that pompous princess. She'll have to get off that ever widening plot of hers, and finally acknowledging him for the genius he is. With a Magical flick, he flung Derpy right out the front door where she landed on her butt in the dust.

Derpy blinked, and looked at the large cave behind her. "I just don't know what went wrong. I answered his question." she stated before gathering all the scattered letters, and parcels to continue on her route.

Crystal Shard galloped back to the main cavern of the mine. "Creature!" He bellowed as he looked into the dimly lit cavern. Soon, what looked like an entire wall of the cavern moved as sickly yellow veins pulsed. The Creature turned, and approached its creator. Crystal held up the newspaper, and pointed to the Picture. "Destroy!" He commanded. The Creature leaned in, its beady little eyes looking at the picture, the Zaku kneeling in the center of Ponyville. "Go to Ponyville, and destroy this invader to our Sacred lands." The Doctor commanded. Inside the crystal heart of the Golem, the Unicorn Mare whimpered as the creature pulled the knowledge from her mind. The Knowledge that would lead it to Ponyville.

The Golem let out a deep bellow before standing up, and turned to exit the Cavernous mine. Dr. Shard grinned as he looked upon his creation. Only him and his creation can truly protect Equestria from all threats. The Princess will have to see that. She'll have to return all that they stripped from him.

Zaku Vs. Golem

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Michael was laying on the shield just above the right shoulder joint of his Zaku. Looking up at the stars in the night sky with his hands behind his head. It was a pleasant evening with a slight coolness in the air. The Princesses were kind enough to display the fact that they, themselves, were the ones to raise the Sun, and Moon. Michael still shuttered at that, and made a mental note not to piss off either one. Lest he finds himself, how do the others put it, banished to the Moon. Apparently it won't be as pleasant in this realm as it would have been in his world.

The display was quite eye opening. Even with this display, the Princesses proved amicable enough. Though it was Celestia that seemed the more warm, and outgoing of the two. Luna seemed more reserved, and cautious. Not that Michael could blame her. The two gave him permission to remain in Equestria, but on the condition that he find something he could do that would aid the citizenry. Now that became the big question.

Michael thought back to the party at Sugar Cube Corner that was thrown for his benefit. It was there that he got to meet the Princesses again, as well as many of the other ponies at the party that was thrown in his honor. The party itself was a very pleasant distraction, and kept his mind off the reality of the situation. That he was basically flung from his reality into a completely different reality.

The Ponies were welcoming, though the most "interesting" encounter of the evening was when he was glomped rather aggressively upon by a mint green unicorn that then proceeded to declare; "I Found one! I found a Human! See, I'm not crazy after all!" Though her outburst did little to dissuade the others that she still had her mental faculties. It took another equine, an Earth pony from what Michael was told, to pull the unicorn that she called Lyra off of him. Though with a cast on one of her legs, it was rather difficult.

The Rest of the night went smoothly after that, pretty much. Michael was surprised to find that ponies had similar musical tastes as humans. As demonstrated by a sophisticated earth pony with her cello, and another with sunglasses, and turntables. Michael had a very eclectic musical taste so he easily enjoyed both varieties. He met so many ponies that lived in Ponyville. Ponies like Nurse Redheart, Mayor Mare, The spa Ponies, Big Mac, and Cheerilee.

Thinking back to it, it was a very fun night, and Pinkie wasn't short on jokes, or games. Yet, it was late, and the ponies were settling into a peaceful night of rest. Michael was wondering what he was going to do for a place to sleep. He could sleep in the cockpit, but that was never comfortable, and he wasn't sure it would be a good idea to ask to bunk with one of the ponies.

"I guess sleeping in the cockpit is my only option. Not that I'm very thrilled with that." He groused a bit as he rolled to sit up.

As he sat up, a soft squeak caught his attention. his head snapped around as he saw Fluttershy peeking out from over top of the Zaku's head. She must've be using her wings to help her look over as the head was nearly as tall as Michael was. "Good evening Fluttershy. How can I help you?" Michael asked as he crossed his legs underneath him. Though the only answer was the soft squeak of surprise as Fluttershy was discovered.

It took some coaxing, but soon Fluttershy was sitting on the top of the shield with Michael. She been watching him look at the stars, and wondered what he was thinking. She drew small circles on the super strong hide of the Zaku's shield for several minutes trying to think of something to say.

" are you getting along?" she asked softly. Curious to see how Michael was acclimating.

Michael could only shrug. "As well as can be expected, I guess. There is really no precedent for this kind of thing to my knowledge, save for fairy tale, and fantasy books. Usually the Protagonist is okay with the situation, or he/she completely flips out. I guess I'm somewhere in between. Just not sure how to react honestly." Michael sighed as he flopped back onto the cool metal. The chill causing him to shiver a bit.

Fluttershy thought it might be best that they change subjects. "Have you thought about what the Princesses said? About you needing to find something to do." She asked as she crossed for forelegs over one another.

"Kinda." Michael started out as he rubbed his chin. "I just not sure what my skill set would be good for. I'm a Mobile suit pilot." He explained as he turned his head to look at Fluttershy. "I rather choose something that allows me to continue to use my Zaku." he added.

"What about construction?" She suggested with a tilt of her head.

Michael looked at her, and suddenly started to laugh. Fluttershy's head recoiled back as her ears folded against the top of her skull. She grimaced as she wondered what she said that was so funny.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy. I'm not laughing at you, but what you said. It was ironic that you would say construction." Michael stated as he rolled over to his side. "When Zeon started to develop the first mobile suits, the "Zaku I"s. Federation inspectors often showed up to see what we were doing. So they told the Federation that the Zakus were construction equipment." Michael explained.

Fluttershy scowled at that story. "So your leaders deliberately lied to this Federation?" she asked.

Michael turned to look at Fluttershy, and simply shrugged. "politics, that is all I can say bout that as It is all over my head. I'm a simple grunt." He replied "But I digress. I'm not sure if my Zaku II would be very effective. I mean, it could, but not sure how beyond very specific situations."

Fluttershy didn't approve of the Human's rather blase attitude towards deliberately lying to this Federation. However, she was also ignorant to everything that was happening in his world so she couldn't wholly comment on it. She remained quiet a moment before she nodded. Believing that not going down that line was probably a good idea. So she tried a different track.

"What about the Guard? You're a soldier, right? That sounds like a Guardspony. So why not join the Royal Guard, and help protect Equestria." She suggested.

Michael scrunched his eyebrows. That was certainly a thought. It would probably get him back into the swing of things, militarily speaking. "That is a good idea, Fluttershy. I'll definitely have to keep that idea to the top of the list." He said with a smile. "Thanks." He added.

Fluttershy smiled as she held up her head a little higher. It was nice to help somepony in need.

"Hello~! Mr. Black, are you up there?" A dainty voice called up as both Michael, and Fluttershy perked up their head. The voice was familiar, but Fluttershy knew who it was.

"Hello Rarity. Yes, Mr. Black is up here with me." Fluttershy called down to the posh fashionista.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing up there?" Rarity asked as she craned her neck to see her friend.

"I was just talking with Mr. Black." Fluttershy explained.

Michael stood up, and sat on the edge of the shield, and looked down. "What can I help you with Miss Rarity?" He called down.

"I do not need any help, but thank you for asking. I was just seeing if you had a place to stay tonight." Rarity called up.

Michael looked at Fluttershy a moment before looking back at Rarity. "No, I do not. I figured I'll just sleep in the cockpit of my Zaku." He called back down.

Rarity looked simply aghast. "In there!?" Rarity exclaimed as he pointed a hoof at the Mobile suit. "Darling, it can't possibly be more comfortable than a warm bed." Rarity protested as she looked at the green behemoth kneeling before her.

Michael laughed a bit. "Yeah, you're right. It isn't very comfortable, but it is sure beats sleeping on the ground." He joked, remembering to keep his language curbed as Rarity seemed to be of a more refined cut.

I, for one, can not let this stand. I insist you come to my house. I have a spare bedroom for when Sweetie Bell stays over. You treated Sweetie Bell, and her friends so good this afternoon by taking them with you. I can not possibly tell you how much they enjoyed the ride you gave them." Rarity stated as she looked up at the two perched on the Zaku's shoulder.

"Thank you, that is very generous of you." Michael called down in appreciation.

It was now Fluttershy's turn to laugh at the irony of the statement. Michael looked at her to see what was so funny, but she waved a hoof. "It's nothing, but it is getting late so I suppose it would be a good idea to make our way to bed." She stated before she spread her wings, and started to float down to meet Rarity on the grass.

"I'm coming down." he called down as he slowly climbed down from the Zaku's shoulder, and down its arm. Landing in the grass he approached the two mares. "Thank you for allowing me to stay with you, Miss Rarity. I appreciate it very much." he said as he stood before the white unicorn with purple mane, almost fascinated with how it looked like the work of twelve hairstylists working together.

"Nonsense Darling. You helped us a great deal with that dragon. It is the least I could do." She explained. "Come along, my home is this way." Rarity stated before turning to Fluttershy. "I hope you have a good evening Fluttershy." She said before she started to walk off.

"Good Night, Miss Fluttershy." Michael stated as he followed the unicorn mare. The butter colored Pegasus waved to them as they walked away.

The walk across the town was quiet as many ponies settled in for the night. Michael spent most of the walk looking around him as he followed Rarity, no matter how much he looked at the town he just couldn't get over how fascinating it was to look at. It made him thing of an very old amusement park he heard about in history classes in school. It was on the North American continent, and was one of the most popular tourist destination in the world during the time it was open. The most curious thing about it all was that it had a mouse for a mascot.

While there was a large portion of the town that showed up at the welcome party. It was also apparent there was a sizable contingent that did not as well. Michael couldn't help but notice the stares that he was getting from some of the ponies that they were passing. They were suspicious stares, worried stares. He could even see a couple of the ponies whispering back, and forth while they passed. He wasn't wholly surprised to be honest. Some suspicion was bound to occur with him. He was an alien to these ponies and landed on their world armed to the teeth. If the situation was reversed, it would have probably been the same. He could only hope that this doesn't lead to trouble later on, he had more than enough of violence for one life time.


"Agh!, this thing is pissing me off!." Michael groaned as he laid out in the cool grass by the large handle on the Zaku's Bazooka. Several large panels were opened to reveal the complex circuitry inside.

A couple of days had passed for Michael in this new world. Days spent trying to acclimate himself to his new surroundings, and neighbors. Michael did find things to do during this time to keep from getting too idle. Mainly check ups, and minor repairs of his Mobile suit. Though he also offered his services to the ponies as well. Some took up his offer and found him to be a great help, and others politely declined.

Today, one large hiccup appeared with the Bazooka. The main firing circuit on the weapon was severed. If it was going to be of any use, he'll have to repair it. Due to how the war was going, the Zeon military was being stretched thinner, and thinner along all battle fronts. So people had to take on more responsibility. MS Pilots were trained in basic field repair, and maintenance of their Mobile Suits along with their normal regimen, and Michael was no exception to this. Granted, major repairs still required a hanger bay, and a dedicated repair crew, but Michael knew enough to at least limp his mobile suit home.

"I guess now is a good a time as any for a break." he groaned as he sat up.

Celestia's golden sun shone down upon Equestria today as a cool breeze graced his sweat covered cheeks, and forehead. "Ah, that's nice." He sighed as he came to his feet, and stretched his arms towards the sky. He could feel several joints popping, and a pleasurable groan slipped from his lips as his tight muscles stretched to the sky.

Equestria was turning out to be a very peaceful land, and Michael was enjoying that. For the most part, these ponies seem very friendly, and social. Sure, there was the odd group that looked at him funny, or shied away, but he didn't grudge them any. He was the alien, and the best way to show that your not a threat is to be not threatening.

"It won't be so bad if I'm stuck here, I suppose." he mused as he looked up at his Mobile Suit. "What do you think, Zaku?" He asked.

The peace of the afternoon would be interrupted however as an ear splitting shriek shattered the calm air. Almost instantly Michael was running towards the sound, his side arm drawn, and ready to protect whom ever was being attacked. Michael came skidding around a corner, and had his gun drawn when he saw what happened. He slowly lowered his gun, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god." He muttered.

"Sweetie Bell! How many times have I told you, and your friends not to try, and scare ponies!?" Rarity chastised her little sister, and her two accomplices in crime.

"Aw, Big Sis. We weren't trying to scare fluttershy. We just wanted to show off these great costumes we made!" Sweetie bell stated. The poor pegasus in question had fainted, and her Rabbit, Angel Bunny, was trying to get her to wake up. Fanning her with a small handkerchief that he liberated off a nearby stallion.

It was now that Michael noticed what the three fillies were up too, and his heart melted at the adorableness of it all. The three girls were wearing homemade Zaku costumes. Each one took some cardboard boxes, and some green, and black paint, and made them into a Head with a red circle for the Zaku's mono-eye. Two flaps of the box taped together made the right arm shield. The Zeon Emblem clumsily drawn onto the painted surface with yellow crayon. Another box was the chest armor, and they even cut the remaining flaps to make the skirt armor around their flanks. To elevate the scene to diabeetus level, Sweet Bell even had a small human shaped doll with the same clothing that Micheal wore riding on her shoulders.

"Okay, I need some insulin after that." He thought as he started to approach, and try, and defuse the situation. "Well, Well, Well. What do we have here? It looks like a squad of Zakus." He said with cheerily tone.

The three adorable Zaku's spun around, and regarded the human. Now Michael knew why they were looking at his Mobile Suit so intently for the past couple of days. Often appearing, whispering among themselves, and disappearing just as quickly.

"Hey Micheal!" Scootaloo chirped, her wings constantly shifting to get comfortable considering her chest armor half obscured them.

"Howdy!" Applebloom greeted warmly, her ever present country twang making her funny, and adorable.

"Hey Michael! What's a "Squad"?" Sweetie Bell both greeted, and asked.

"A squad is a team of three mobile suits. Normally they're accompanied by a sensor truck." Michael explained before he noticed that the eyes of the three little girls started to glaze over. "Uh...nevermind. Very nice costumes." He stated, which had the girls explode with cheer, and laughter. Though Michael would noticed that doll bouncing on Sweetie Belle's back. "What's that?" He asked the rambunctious unicorn.

Sweetie Belle instantly stopped, and looked around. "What's what!?" She asked before starting spinning in circles like a dog chasing its tail. Trying to see what Michael was referring to.

Michael had to shut his eyes a moment, or risk going blind by the cuteness. "This." He indicated with a soft chuckle as he pulled the doll from Sweetie Belle's shoulders.

"Oh, that's Pilot! I made him." Sweetie Bell announced as she sat down, and extended her front hooves out to receive the doll.

Michael smiled as he returned the doll back to the filly, whom hugged it adoringly. "Really? What's the pilot's name?" Michael asked.

"Name? "Pilot" is his name." Scootaloo stated.

"Pilot is a job title. Like Ms. Cake is a "Baker". I'm a "Pilot", but Michael Black is my name." He explained to the three fillies as he knelt down before them so they wouldn't have to look up at him, and strain their necks. Though after a moment's thought, he shook his head.

"Know what, never mind. Pilot is a great name for your doll." Michael stated. "Now then, a Pilot does not ride on his Mobile suit's shoulders. He operates it from within the cockpit." Michael explained tapping Sweetie Belle on the chest box.

"Oh, we know! I even got a door, and everything!" Sweetie Belle announced as she pulled open a small flap in her chest armor, and proceeded to stuff the doll into the hole rather forcefully.

Michael winced as he could hear all the tiny bones in that poor doll's body snap like twigs. 'I feel for ya, buddy.' he thought as Sweetie Belle finished, and closed the flap.

"See! Fits perfectly!" She announced as she thrust her chest out in pride. Only for the doll to fall out of the bottom of the box, and onto the ground with a soft fwump.

"I can see that." Michael chuckled as he picked up the small doll, and return it to the loving, albeit crushing, hooves of its owner. "You'll make a great mobile suit." He said to Sweetie Belle. "All of you would." He added to the other two girls. Which earned him another round of cheers, and a group glomping by the three pint sized Zakus.

"Sweetie Belle" A low growl was heard behind Michael and the three fillies. It would appear that Rarity was not happy about having the Fillies attention diverted from her, and being ignored in the middle of her chastisement.

The three little Zakus looked up, and back at the fashionista, and started to tremble. Michael looked up at Rarity, and he, too, was intimidated by that look on her face. She looked like she was about to have a nuclear meltdown. Thinking quick, he pulled the three girls to him.

"Okay, first lesson on being a Zaku, tactical thinking." he explained. "So I'll give you a hint. In this situation, Zakus would perform a "Tactical Retreat". he explained. The three girls looked at him in confusion. "Run." He whispered. That was the only thing he needed to say.

The three Fillies bolted from the scene, and were nothing more than a dust cloud on the horizon as Michael was coming back to his feet. It was about this time that Fluttershy was starting to come around, muttering about multiplying Zakus as Angel continued to fan her. Rarity didn't look very pleased, and she let it show further as she stamped her hoof into the ground, and let out a huff.

"Don't think this is over, Sweetie Belle! I know where you live! By the way we're having Hayfries for lunch!" Rarity shouted at the retreating image of the three fillies, and one doll.

Rarity sighed as she shook her head. It was so troublesome having such an imaginative little sister. However, the antics of Sweetie Belle, and her friends did prove to be advantageous as it saved Rarity the time, and effort in looking for Michael. Not that a 6' foot tall bipedal Ape-man was hard to find.

"It is all well an good that you are here, Darling. I had something that I've been meaning to talk with you about. If you would please follow me to my boutique." Rarity asked as she started to turn towards her home. "You're more than welcomed to join us, Fluttershy." She added to the wobbly legged Pegasus.

"Yes Ma'am." Michael stated as he started to follow the fashion designer. Rarity had been so kind to him by letting him stay at her place that he made sure to always be available to help her out. Course, after he helped Fluttershy get stable on her legs again.


"No, no! It is not like that!" Scootaloo declared as she shook her head. "It goes like this." She announced as she took a moment to moisten her lips before she let out a soft "breeennnn" sound that caused her lips to tickle.

"Are ya sure? Ah don't think it soun's like that." Applebloom stated uncertainly.

For the past thirty minutes the three Cutie Mark Crusaders were trying to imitate the sound the Zaku made when they watched Michael power it up a few times.

"Yeah! It was more like this." Sweetie Belle interjected as she pursed her lips together like she was about to kiss somepony, and then pull them back over her teeth while trying to make her tongue do backflips, creating a "wonnneeeggg~" like sound.

The three fillies looked at each other, and then the very next instant burst out laughing.

However, the three didn't realize that their loud antics were drawing the attention of another. Their banter, constant shouting and laughter were covering the unnatural silence of the forest they were in. The animals had long since scattered. Even the fierce timber wolves were hiding to prevent being seen by this lumbering intruder in their midst. It wasn't until there was a large crack of a tree that the three fillies realized that they weren't alone anymore. Slowly the three turned towards the forest, peering thought the eye holes in their armor. They were greeted by a enormous pile of rock, and glowing crystal. Their eyes widen as their irises shrank to pin pricks, trembling in fear as they looked up. Their ears folded against their skulls underneath the cardboard helmets they wore and for a moment Sweetie Bell thought she would faint.

The Golem stared down at the three tiny creatures at its feet. Its glowing yellow eyes focused on them. In its mind, he searched, and heard the words of his creator echoing within. To destroy the green one. it remembered the picture that was shown to it. Green skin, and a small red eye. The yellow crystal within its rocky surface pulsed as within the heart of the beast, the trapped unicorn whimpered helplessly as she could only imagine the horrors that were about to be committed against those three little ones that were simply playing make believe.


Michael left the boutique, finally, after talking with the Fashionista. Rarity wanted to make some different clothes for him, something more fashionable, but Michael politely declined. Stating that if the unicorn insisted, then she could make him a couple more uniforms so he'll have something to wear while his other clothes are being cleaned. The afternoon was moving along smoothly, and it seemed the weather had only gotten better. Michael sighed as he felt re-energized to try, and tackle the repair on the bazooka.

Though it would appear that the lazy afternoon that he hoped for would not be as the peaceful afternoon was once again shattered by the sound of screaming. Michael looked up, his hand poised on his sidearm instinctively once more as two familiar figures came barreling down the street. Michael recognized them as Scootaloo, and Applebloom. Large pieces of their costume tearing off as they ran like the Devil was hot on their hooves. Michael's eyes grew wide as he saw they were running right towards him. Before he could even brace himself, the two Fillies launched themselves right into his middle. Knocking him down to the ground with a loud "Oof!"

It would take Michael a moment to get his breath back as he now had two shivering fillies. He quickly started to stroke their manes as he tried to calm them down. It was about this time that other Ponies started approaching. Among them was Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

"Easy now, Easy. What's wrong? Where is Sweetie Belle?" Michael asked as he continued to stroke the little fillies mane.

"Thar's a giant rock monster in da forest! Ah aint never seen anything like it!" Applebloom cried, fear in her eyes.

"Yeah, and it got Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo added.

The gathered ponies gasped. This was terrible news!

"Pssh, yeah Right! Is this another one of your games, Scoots?" Rainbow Dash asked. It wasn't a very far fetched notion considering that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were known to have a very active imagination.

However, Michael saw the honest fear in their eyes, and before another word was spoken, he pulled the two off of him, and shot to his feet before he began sprinting down the road as fast as he could.

"Whar' are ya goin!?" Applejack called out to the retreating form of the Human as both Applebloom, and Scootaloo huddled around her legs.

"I'm going to get my Zaku, and save Sweetie Belle!" Michael called back.


In the forest, Sweetie Belle was shrieking in fear as she was held aloft in three large stony fingers. The Golem let out deep rumbling groan from the sound of large boulders grinding against one another. Holding up its prey to get a better look at it. The creature it held looked like the picture that his creator showed to him, but at the same time it was very different. The Golem was made to follow orders, and fight. Complex thoughts, and ideas were useless to it. He must obey, and that meant that this little creature in is clutches must die.

Sweetie Belle had tears running down her cheeks as she looked upon what was most assuredly her demise. Even if the creature was to simply drop her right now. She'll fall several dozen feet, and at the very least suffer massive bone breakage. As she was held, helpless in the creatures grasp, Sweetie Belle was thankful for one thing. That her friends got away. Hopefully they will go find help.

Sweetie Belle could not have noticed the deep vibrations that shook the grounds as something large was making its way towards them. She was being held against her will in a vice like grip that was slowly becoming rather painful, and making it very difficult to breath. It was only the sharp ear splitting crack of several trees splintering against super strong steel alloy that caught her attention. Turning her head, her eyes grew wide as the Zaku burst into the clearing like an enraged titan. Sweetie Belle's heart soared with hope. Her friends did find help, and Michael came to rescue her! It was like in those romance novels that Rarity always reads, and keep hidden underneath her bed, where the gallant stallion would come in at the last minute and whisk the mare away to safety.

"RETURN SWEETIE BELLE, NOW!" a loud booming voice came from the Zaku's PA system. It sounded like the voice of the Almighty. Michael was livid at the creature that would dare to try, and harm an innocent filly. The Zaku stood there with its Heat Hawk in hand, the blade glowing a bright yellowish red. Michael kept the machine gun back at the Town cause it would have been more of a liability in this situation. Stray 120mm rounds could do a lot of damage.

The Golem looked at Sweetie Belle, then back at the Titan before him. He appeared confused as he constantly turned his head from Sweetie Belle to the Zaku, and back. This confusion was making the Golem angry, and that made it dangerous. Very dangerous.

Sweetie Belle squirmed in the tight grip of the monster. With Michael, and his Zaku here, she felt more emboldened to try to escape. The Monsters anger flared as he started to squeeze the stony fingers together, and crush Sweetie Belle. The poor filly grunting, and groaning as she tried to get free from the tightening death that constricted around her.

However, before anything fatal could happen, the monster stopped. Something was preventing it from carrying it out its grim will. Within the crystal prison, the unicorn mare was focusing as hard as she could. It was taking every ounce of willpower, and strength she had left, but she could not let the monster hurt the young foal. She looked out from her crystal prison, pleading eyes upon the titan that stood before her torment. She prayed to Faust that it'll save the young pony. " her." she mentally pleaded to the one eyed giant.

Michael saw the hesitation, and took the initiative to strike first. He had to get Sweetie Belle to safety, and quickly. Charging in, he moved the Zaku's right shoulder forward, slamming the large steel slab of the shield against the the body of the Golem, staggering it as the Zaku's left hand grabbed at the stone just behind the stone fingers that held Sweetie Belle. The Right arm brought the ax head down, and hard against the stone.

For the young Filly, the world seemed to slow to a crawl as moments blurred into one another. Olive green collided with stone gray causing sparks to spray, and splash all around her. She felt her body jostled violently as strong fingers as thick as telephone poles curled around the rock that held on to her, holding onto it with a death grip. The young filly felt like she was in a daze as she looked upon the face of her savior. the glowing red eye sliding towards her, making contact for what felt like an eternity before sliding back to focus on the Golem. Sweetie Belle had to turn away as the heat from the Heat Hawk washed over her as it came down, connecting against the rock, and finding the crack in the stones. The beveled edge cutting, and spreading the rocks apart, separating them from their source of magic.

With the magical connection severed, the rock began to crumble back into the stones they were made from. Sweetie Belle felt the bone crushingly tight grip around her body slack and then fall away entirely as she began to fall. She only fell about a foot, or so before she landed in the open palm of the Zaku. Taking deep gulps of air, she tried to refill her lungs as she felt herself being drawn towards the Zaku's powerful chest. The Fingers curling ever so slightly to shield the young filly from any harm.

With one last powerful shove, the Zaku broke free from the Golem as it staggered back, crashing into the ground. The mare in the Crystal could only feel slight relief that she was able to aid in the rescue of the young pony, but sadly that was all she could do to help. She was far too weak now to do anything, but hope that this will be the End. In one way, or another.

With the Creature staggered, Michael pulled back a distance before he opened the off set hatch in the Zaku's chest. "Sweetie Belle! Are you alright?" He called out to the small filly wearing the crumpled box armor, Pilot just barely hanging on by an arm.

For the third time that day, Michael was glomped at full force by a tiny pony filly. Sweetie launched herself from the hand, and right onto Michael's lap. Hugging him as hard as he could. He could feel tears of happiness soak into his shirt. Michael hugged Sweetie back, stroking her mane. Trying to calm the frightened filly down.

"It'll be okay. You're safe now." He whispered to the small quaking Unicorn in his arms..

"I was so scared!" Sweetie Belle sniffled which rewarded her with a continuing mane, and head pats.

"I know, I was scared too." Michael stated, patting her on the back or help calm her.

"Really!?" Sweetie Belle stated in surprise. Looking up at her human savior

"Yeah, I was afraid I wouldn't get here in time, and that you may have been hurt. I can't allow that to happen." He replied with a soft gentle voice.

Sweetie Belle giggled, and blushed before curling back into Michael's chest. It was warm, and strong, and she felt safe there. Michael took a moment to undo his harness before loosening it up, and refastening it around him, and Sweetie Belle to secure them both to the seat.

This delay would almost become their undoing. As Michael's attention was focused on the small filly, the Golem was stumbling back to its feet, enraged. it slammed the stump of it severed arm back into the pile of rocks that was once its arm. The magic crackled as the stones rolled back into formation. Forming the arm once more. The creature scraped two pieces of crystal together to let out a threatening high pitched sound that almost made Michael feel like his teeth were going to crack. That sound was like nails on a chalk board to both Michael, and Sweetie Belle. Her ears flattening against her skull to try, and block out the grating sound. Reminding them both that they were not out of the woods yet.

"I guess it was too much to hope that it would give up after I took its arm off." Michael let out a weary groan. Seeing that the arm reformed itself, his scowl deepened. "Hold on really tight Sweetie Belle, this fight just started." he stated as he, and the young unicorn watched the Golem charge at them at full speed, its arms raised high like twin clubs.

To Protect Others.

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The past couple of days had been the most peaceful and relaxing mission imaginable for the two squads of Guard ponies that had been left behind in Ponyville to oversee Sargent Black's acclimation to his new surroundings as well as seeing how the denizens of Ponyville react to having this Human, and his war machine in town. One squad was comprised of Royal Guard, and the other was of Luna's Night guard.

The Royal Guard watched over Michael during the day, and made sure no trouble was started. While Twilight interviewed, studied, and observed Michael, the Royal Guard watched the other denizens of the Town. While for most the principles of "Love, and Tolerance" that were instilled into them by Princess Celestia seemed to hold sway as they were friendly to Michael. There were some pockets that did not seem to like this alien intruder into their midst. The Guards would keep them under watch.

For the Night Guard, their task was a bit easier. They did not have to directly interact with the townsponies. Their duty was mainly to keep unwanted visitors from getting to close to the Mobile Suit when Michael was asleep. Luna was very pragmatic, and knew that other nations would be quite interested in these new arrivals since the papers were so quick to report on the Human's arrival. Particularly the Griffon Empire of Griffonia, and the Empress was not above sending spies, and agents to get a close look at the Machine with possible desire to abscond with it, and its pilot.

However, those peaceful days came to a halt today as the two groups of Guards were now standing at attention in front of a Lavender colored Alicorn, and her five friends. The Guards were quickly assembled, and stood as ridged as they stared forward. Their ears pert on top of their heads, and through their Helms. Waiting for their orders from the pacing Alicorn.

"We have a crisis on our hooves here! A large creature, made of rock, has openly attacked three fillies without provocation. Two managed to escape, and are currently being looked over by Nurse Redheart. However, the condition of one of the fillies still is unknown." Twilight was briefing the twelve guard ponies.

The fact that was she was not saying names was a deliberate attempt to keep her emotions in check as the captured filly, and the other two were close friends of her, and the other elements. The one captured was actually the Sister to the Element of Generosity, and Rarity looked on the verge of fainting.

"At the moment it is believed that Sargent Michael Black has taken his mobile suit, and went to try, and subdue the creature. So what I'm going to need is for you twelve to follow me. If Sargent Black is indeed fighting the Rock Creature, the young Filly could be in danger, and we will have to get her out of there quickly." Twilight finished before turning to the remaining members of the Mane 6.

"Girls, I'm going to need you to remain in town, and keep everyone calm." She instructed before approaching Rarity, and placing a hoof upon her shoulder. "It'll be alright, Rarity. We'll get Sweetie back. Just you way wait, and see." She promised.

"Thank you Twilight. I just don't know what I'll do if anything happened to Sweetie Belle." Rarity said while trying to keep her calm. Yet her closest friends could see that her composure was on the verge of cracking.

"We will save her, I promise." Twilight stated before she sent them on their way towards the town, while the sound of two war giants savagely beating one another to a pulp could clearly be heard. Every blow sounding like the banging of a gong.

Twilight turned back to the guard ponies, and gave them a determined nod before she started to gallop in the direction where Michael's Zaku ran. The sounds of battle were easily heard, and even felt with the soft tremors of multi-ton giants duking it out. While Twilight had wings, she was still very new to them. So for now, she ran on hoof. The Guards broke up into the fastest modes of Travel. The Pegsai, and Thestrals took to the air while two Earth Ponies, and two Unicorns ran just behind Twilight. The Flyers did not fly too far ahead of those on the ground.

"Princess, what are your orders for when we arrive?" Lt. Swift Shield, a rather large Earth Pony asked as he came along side Twilight.

"First we need to see if we can find Sweetie Belle, and ascertain her condition. Hopefully, Sgt. Black is getting that creature away from her, and the town. Once that is out of the way, we have to ensure to keep the two fighting contain...." She explained before she was suddenly snatched up by the two Royal Guard Pegasus.

"INCOMING!!!" A Royal Guard Unicorn shouted as the sky darkened with a massive form careening their way.

The rest of the Ponies scattered as 60 tons Zeon engineering came crashing down to earth. Slamming hard with a sickening metallic crunch as the momentum from flight plowed a deep furrow into the soft earth. The vibrations of the massive impact sent several ponies tumbling to the ground.

The Zaku would come to an halt in an undignified pile of rubble and dirt. From the direction that the Mobile suit came from, The towering Golem tromped forth. It let out a bellow in victory and slammed its hands violently against its chest like a gorilla with a blood lust. The eyes of the Guard ponies grew wide in shock. They all thought the same thing.

"Oh buck me!"


Michael and Sweetie Belle braced for the impact. Micheal brought up the Zaku's arms to shield from the pummeling that was expected. The Golem looked like it was going to bring down its club like appendages right on top of the Zaku's head. So when it swung them down short, that surprised both Sweetie, and Michael. However, it was merely a way to gain momentum as no sooner than the arms came down, than they swung back up. Connecting to the Zaku's abdomen, just below the cockpit's hatch. The blow was so hard that he sent the Zaku flying off its feet to land several dozen meters way.

If not for the fact that both Michael, and Sweetie Belle were both were strapped in, both would have suffered painful contusions from being bounced around the confined space like two pinballs. Michael was stunned for a moment when the wild ride finally came to a stop.

"Sweetie, you alright?" Michael groaned as a hand came up to rub the side of his head. He knew that he was going to feel this fight tomorrow and probably the day after, and the one after that.

"Yea, I think so." Sweetie replied as she writhed a little bit in the ballistic nylon restraints.

"Sumbitch hits hard, don't he?" Michael stated as the blurry vision started to clear, revealing static filled screens.

"Yea~" Sweetie agreed, she had to shake her head a few time to clear her vision.

"How about we show him how hard we hit back." Michael suggested as his lips pulled back revealing ivory colored predatory teeth.

Michael could feel Sweetie Belle tense up, and her looking up at him. He could only imagine the look on her face. At their core, Ponies were prey species, and their Flight, for Flight responses often leaned towards Flight. Michael, and humans were predators, the Apex predator of their world. So Michael was up for a fight. When Sweetie Belle replied, what she said made Michael's predatory smile almost feral.

"Yeah! Get that meanie!" She declared as she threw a hoof into the air.

Deep within Michael Black, something clicked. It was like the proverbial light was finally shone down upon what he was meant for. He was a Mobile suit pilot, a decent one. Here, he could use his Talent, and his Mobile suit for something that he never could back home. With his Zaku, He could protect these ponies from the threats that endanger their peaceful lives. Here, he can be a Protector for good.

Michael's hands reached out, and grasped the controls. The screens flickered back to life as the eye of the Zaku blazed once more. The electronic hum echoing in the area as the multi-sensor did a quick run through its range of motion. The eye sliding from one side of the track to the other before centering again. The Zaku was awake.


Your Majesty, are you alright?" Calm Night asked Twilight as the two pegasi eased the lavender Alicorn back down to the ground.

Twilight groaned a bit at the sudden speed, and direction change. Rainbow was trying to get her to understand that in flying that can be fairly common, and she was going to have to get used to it. However it was still a very unpleasant experience for her that sent her stomach churning and her legs wobbling.

"I'm fine, but what's going on?" She asked. Though as her eyes saw the laid out Zaku, and the towering rock monster lumbering towards them. Her face paled, and her ears flopped back. It was huge!

"Your Majesty, we have to get you out of here. It is not safe here." Calm Night stated as he started to nudge her back to her hooves.

"No. We have to find Sweetie Belle, and stop the creature. If Michael couldn't do it..." Twilight protested as she stood up, but was quickly cut off by another guard.

"The Giant! It moves." She declared as she pointed a hoof in the direction of the now moving Zaku.

Powerful fingers slowly curl, digging deep furrows into the soft moist earth as the Zaku started to slowly sit up. Large clumps of dirt, and grass fall from the torso as the mobile suit moved to straighten up. Curling one leg underneath it, the Zaku came to its feet, and stood once more to challenge the Golem.

"Princess! you're too close to the fighting. We have to go now!" Calm Night almost shouted at Twilight. The Guards heard how the Zaku went toe to toe with a full grown Dragon, and they did not want to get underfoot when it was fighting another monster.

"What about Sweetie Belle!?" Twilight snapped. She did not want to abandon the little sister of one of her closest friends.

"Our top priority is to ensure your safety, your Highness. If we stay around here, we'llall get crushed!" Calm Night replied. He looked to the other guards, and they quickly swarmed the Princess, and hoisted her up before they ran back towards the Town.


The Zaku stood against the Golem, the two titans glaring at each other over the few meters that separated them. From within the crystal, the mare could only whimper, and mentally cheer the Zaku. Praying that this one could do what the Dragon could not, and finally release her from her torment. Even if it meant her death. Large green eyes stared out of the yellow crystal at what could be her only hope for freedom.

On an unheard, or seen, signal the two charged each other. The Golem tromping his way toward the Zaku like an enraged gorilla. The Zaku charging with determination, its heat hawk held up, poised for the swing that would bring it down upon the Golem with vengeance. The Golem raised its arms to try what it did last time, but Michael was ready, and instead of raising its arms to block. He pushed off with the Zaku's right foot, and moved left and brought the Ax down. The ax whistled as it was swung though the air, and connected hard against the creature's middle. A bright streak of super heated rock, and crystal glowed across the surface of the creature's abdomen. The Golem let out a sharp shriek of pain as it ground rock, and crystal together to make the sound.

"Oh, so you can feel pain." Michael sneered evilly, emboldened by this little tidbit of information.

The Golem staggered back, one arm covering its abdomen, and supporting its bulk with the other. A glowing line of melted rock, and crystal cooling in the afternoon air. Inside the crystal, the Unicorn gritted her teeth through the bone jarring impact.

Michael charged the Golem once more. His heat hawk ready to make another cut into the rock. The creature swung its arm to try, and bat the Zaku away, but Micheal brought the shield forward, and angled the plate so that the Golem's appendage bounced, and deflected off. Though the blow did cause the Zaku to stagger. The Golem was quick to capitalize on this turn of events. It brought it other arm around, and struck the Zaku's head. Threatening to tear it clean off of the body. Sparks flew from the hit, and the Zaku staggered more. The auto stabilization systems being pushed to their limit while trying to keep the Zaku from toppling into the ground.

Inside the cockpit, Sweetie Belle let out a scream as she was shook violently against Michael's chest. Her horn ended up cutting a gash just underneath Michael's chin. Blood started to seep from the laceration, and run down Michael's chin, and neck. Some of the blood landing upon Sweetie's mane. The Unicorn looked up as she felt something warm drop into her mane.

"You're Hurt!" She gasped, not realizing that part of her mane has been stained crimson.

Micheal didn't seem to feel the pain. He simply wiped his chin, smearing the crimson liquid across his sleeve.

"I'll be fine." Michael stated back as he kept his eyes focused on the screens. Though he did pat Sweetie Belle on the head. "No monster can take us down, Sweetie." he assured her.

Sweetie looked at him a moment, the patting on her head felt good, and calmed her down a lot. She truly believed what he said. That the two of them could not be beaten. She turned her attention back to the main screen, and gave her fiercest expression. Which only made her more adorable.

The Zaku managed to regain its balance, and footing before Michael charged the Golem one more time, but this time, he started to circle around the construct. His Zaku being far more agile with it longer legs than the Golem with its stumpy legs. The Golem tried to turn with its enemy, but it couldn't move fast enough. Michael kept circling the Golem, goading it to try and keep up. The two continued to circled one another over and over, like two boxers in a ring.

After about the fourth Circuit, Michael planted the right foot of the Zaku, and push off into the Golem. He brought the ax down across the shoulder of the rock monster, burning a bright gouge into the large boulder that made the torso. The blade of the ax coming close to the imprisoned Unicorn, though the crystal shielded her from the intense heat. This vertical strike was immediately followed up by another horizontal strike almost parallel to the first cut given.

The two successive strikes, and the momentum of spinning in place forced the Golem to stagger back, opening up its core to the rampaging green giant. Michael dropped the ax as he moved the Zaku in. Its hands outstretched to grip the shoulder of the creature with the Zaku's left hand, while the right slithered its fingers into the seam of rock between the lower abdomen, and the creature's small hips. The Zaku dropped its own hips as Michael pulled back on the controls, and gritted his teeth. It was like he could almost feel what he was commanding his mobile suit to do.

Slowly, the Zaku started to lift the massive rock construct up, off its feet. The Zaku's own feet starting to sink into the soft earth. Inside the cockpit load indicators were climbing as Michael was putting a lot of the strain on the suits hydraulic systems, and servo motors. From the vents situated around the suit, steam, and excess heat was being vented to try, and keep the systems cool.

"Come on Zaku! Git that bastard up!" Michael grunted. He had instinctively tightened his own stomach muscles against Sweetie Belle's back as if he was the one to pick up the Golem himself.

Inch by inch, the Golem was being hoisted up over the Zaku's head. The construct flailing its limbs but the uneven shape of large rock comprising its main torso area prevented the limbs from striking with anything more damaging than glancing blows. With a mighty heave that took all the strength that the Zaku had, he sent the Golem flying towards the Everfree forest.

The Golem landed with a loud crash of rock, and splintering of wood. All manner of beast darted in all directions away from the prone pile of rubble as it cleared a parking lot sized space in the Everfree. Michael knew it would take a moment for his enemy to get up, and that would give him the time necessary to get something that would put a quick end to this fight.

The Zaku spun around on its feet and started to run for Ponyville, only stopping long enough to scoop up its heat hawk. The deep tremors from its heavy footfalls were causing a shaking that alerted the ponies of the Zaku's approach to the small town. Seeing the green titan rushing towards them, the ponies all scattered to whatever shelter they could find. Michael's destination was quickly apparent as he made a straight line where the Mobile Suit's bazooka, and machine gun lay.

The Zaku knelt down, and reached for the handle of the Machine gun. Just beneath the thumb, a panel slid out of the way as an I/O blade style jack extended forward to mate into a recess in the machine gun's handle. This allowed the Zaku's computers to use the scope on the Machine gun to aim the weapon. It also relays weapon information back to the pilot. Information like ammunition remaining. As the hand picked up the weapon, and the interface clicked, a new recticel appeared in the center of the screen. A bright "99" in the bottom right hand corner of the main view screen also appeared. Signifying how many rounds the Zaku had left in its drum magazine.

With its weapon in hand, the Zaku stood back up, and started back towards the Everfree forest where the creature was thrashing about, trying to get back to its feet. Michael was determined to put down the monster once, and for all. The ponies peeking out from their hiding spots watched as the towering giant started to run back to the forest to continue the fight.

Inside the Cockpit, Sweetie Belle was just awestruck by what she was experiencing. Being inside this thickly armored monster, she couldn't help but feel invincible. Where as before, when something like this happened she could only duck, and wait for everything to blow over. However, inside this Mobile Suit, inside this giant war machine, she felt like she could take on anything the world had to throw at her. It left her with a giddy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked up at Michael. She saw a fierce, and determined expression. He was going to protect her. He was going to protect Ponyville.

The Golem was just now starting to get its legs, and its enormous bulk underneath it to stand up. It turned towards the direction of the approaching mobile suit, its beady yellow eyes glowing brightly with rage. It started to slam its thick rocky arms against the ground, and against his large chest, much like a child throwing a tantrum. Bellowing, and screeching deafening challenges to the green giant it was sent to destroy.

Michael, and Sweetie Belle were not intimidated. The Zaku raised its machine gun. The shoulder stock coming into contact against the Zaku's shoulder. The left hand reaching up, and around to grab the fore grip to steady the weapon. The index finger squeezed the trigger, and the two were rewarded by a loud crack as the weapon fired. A large brass cartridge the size of a pony ejecting out the right side the weapon, and tumbled to the ground. light grey wisps of smoke wafting up from the spent cartridge as the air became pungent with the smell of burnt gunpowder. The 120mm armor piercing round ripped through the air towards the Golem. Slamming hard against the broad rock face that made the creature's chest. breaking off a large chunk of rock near the crystal imprisonment of the Unicorn.

Crack-Crack-Crack. Short controlled bursts from the Zaku's weapon had the Golem stumbling backwards, chunks of rock being ripped away as the Zaku whittled the creature down. Deep pained groans rumbled from the creature. It didn't understand what was going on. The Zaku was way over there, and yet it was hurting it. Something was hitting it that was breaking parts off, and it angered the creature. In an attempt to keep from being defeated, the Golem started to draw more power from the Unicorn. It tried to harden the rock around it. Inside the crystal, the Unicorn writhed as much as it could within its confinement. She could feel her life slipping away as the Golem demanded all of her, and more.

Sweetie Belle watched as the Golem was being torn apart from the Machine Gun. It was a terrifying weapon, and she was thankful that she was not on the receiving end of the barrage. A part of her pitied the Golem, but she also remembered what it tried to do to her, and her friends. Though as she watched, something caught her eye. The Crystal within the creature started to glow. As she stared, she saw something in the large chunk of crystal that was situated in the chest of the Golem. A shadow within the light.

"What's that!?" She asked as she pointed a small hoof to the image of the large crystal on the screen.

"What's what?" Michael stated as he stopped firing, the counter reading "72" Rounds remaining.

"There, in the crystal. There's a shadow." Sweetie explained.

Micheal focused his eyes, and the Zaku's camera on the area in question. Zooming in as a dark shape could be seen.

"it looks like a pony." Michael commented

"You think that pony is trapped inside?" Sweetie asked.

"One way to find out. If nothing else, if we get them out, we can ask 'em questions." Michael stated as he shifted in his seat, his chest brushing up against the back of Sweetie Belle. The Zaku dropped the machine gun, and pulled out its heat hawk once more. The blade glowing as the Zaku prepared for the assault.

Inside the Crystal, the mare gasped as the Golem stopped trying to pull every ounce of magic, and life force from her all at once. She watched as the titan dropped that strange device in its hand, and pulled its ax out once more. Hopefully that meant that the battle will be over soon.

The Golem lowered its arms down as the hellish barrage subsided. Smashing his heavy arms down against the ground, he leaned forward, and glared at the Zaku just in front of it. The Golem wanted this fight finished as much as anyone. the orders of its master still rang out in its mind. Destroy the Intruder. Destroy the intruder, over, and over again it whispered into the golem's mind. Driving it to fight on when others would have retreated.

"Hold on Sweetie." Michael stated as he threw the Zaku into a sprint. He could feel the tiny Unicorn gripping the ballistic nylon straps of the harness as best as she could with her hooves.

The green giant launched forward on its powerful legs, heading straight for the Golem. Michael would bring the left shoulder down, and towards the front. The Zaku's head, and eye turning to keep the creature in the mobile suit's sights. The Golem also charged at the Zaku, believing that it was going to try, and use the ax again. The distance between the two closed at a staggering pace. The Golem raising its arms into the air to use them as bludgeoning clubs. However, the Zaku didn't let up. Instead, Michael activated the suits thrusters on its backpack, and propelled himself forward even faster. Sweetie Belle pressing back against Michael's chest from the acceleration.

The Zaku slammed hard against the Golem. Its shoulder slamming into the golem, and driving it back deeper into the forest. The mobile suits feet continued to pump as it pushed against the stone gladiator before it. Michael pushed until the short legs could no longer compensate for the shift in the creature's center of gravity. Causing it, and the Zaku to tumble down to the ground with the Mobile suit sitting on top of the Golem.

Michael leaned the Zaku forward, moving the left hand to push, and hold the Golem down at the throat, and shoulder. The right hand raised the super heated ax up, and prepare to bring it down. Within the Crystal, the Mare watched with wide expectant eyes. Praying that the Giant strikes true with his weapon, and ends her torment. With all his might, Michael had the Zaku bring down the ax down right on top of the crystal. The Mare closing her eyes as she could only wait, and hope for the sweet release from this Hell.

However, Michael didn't strike with the Ax's cutting head, but with the tapered pommel. He struck where the Rock, and crystal met. Breaking away a large enough chunk for the Zaku's fingers to get a grasp of the crystal enclosure of the suspect pony within. Dropping the Ax, the mobile suit worked its fingers around the crystal, and began to pull. The crystal was embedded tightly, and it didn't budge as the Zaku tried to rip it out.

When the realization dawned on the Golem of the mobile suit's intentions. it let out a ear splitting screech as it started to thrash about wildly to prevent the Zaku from literally tearing its heart out. It smashed its large appendages against the Zaku. Battering it relentless as it desperately tried to keep the MS from removing the crystal. Super strong steel paneling started to dent, and buckle. Revealing the more vulnerable systems inside. The Golem was fighting for its very life now. The crystal started to crack, and break free from its rocky encasement. The Golem constant screeching caused ear piercing feedback over the speakers inside the cockpit of the the Zaku. There wasn't anything that Michael could do about that, but Sweetie Belle folded her ears back against her skull to try, and deaden the noise.


The Golem's cries could be heard in Ponyville as well. The ponies listening, and cringing. Many thankful that they do not have a front row seat to the spectacle like they did when the Zaku fought the dragon. Twilight Sparkle had been fuming mad when she was forced to withdraw by the Guard ponies, and suffer the indignity of being carried back all the way to Town. She wanted Lt. Calm Night, and Swift Shield's stripes for what they did. However, now, she was silently thankful for it. Faust only knows what is going on. So for the moment, She, and the others could only hope for the Zaku's victory, and pray for the safety of Sweetie Belle.


The mare in the crystal was shocked, and couldn't fathom what the green giant was doing. Was it trying to rip the crystal out cause it wanted it? Was it trying to rip it out cause it might end the creature!? Her eyes grew wide as her prison began to crack under the tremendous strength of the Zeon Mobile suit.

Slowly, more, and more of the crystal started to break away from the rock that trapped it. Though it wouldn't be so easily gained as writhing tendrils of pure magical energy began to snake, and arc from the crystal. The magical lightening danced up along the arms of the Zaku, threatening to blow several circuits, and melt connections. The Mobile suit's systems, reading the increase in temperature tried to vent it off as electrical shunts diverted the excess energy to grounds. Inside the cockpit, alarms were going off, indicating faults appearing all around the Suit.

"Come on, Zaku. Just give me a little more." Micheal pleaded to his partner, the groans from the hydraulics, and the whining of servo motors echoing in the confines of the cockpit.

"You can do it, Zaky! You can do it!" Sweetie Belle cheered on, doing her best to provide moral support.

Inside, the crystal, the pony writhed, and wanted to scream in pain. She jammed her eyes shut as she twisted, and pulled. She wanted to get away, get away from the pain that was assaulting her from all sides. As she looked at the large grey hand that has hold of her prison, her vision was starting to get dark. There would be a loud crack right before the pain went away, and all became blackness.

The Crystal gave with a sudden jerk, nearly causing the Zaku to fall backwards. The Golem let out one last shriek right before it crumbled into a large pile of rocks. The Zaku slowly rose over its conquest like a War God. In its right hand was the large chunk of crystal. Holding it up to Celestia's Sun. The two inside the Zaku could definitely see a pony inside the crystal.


All was quiet in Ponyville. The Ponies slowly coming out of their homes, and looking around for any signs of what happened. Many did not want to go anywhere near the Everfree forest at that moment. For Twilight, and her friends, they had to go. They had to find out what happened.

"Okay. We're going in there, and we're getting Sweetie Belle back." Twilight announced to her friends. They all nodded with determined expressions. However, none were more determined than Rarity.

Though they would not get far before the battered, and dented figure of the Zaku approaching the Town was seen. In its left hand was its machine Gun, In its right was a large chunk of crystal. The ponies looked up at the warrior giant as it lumbered towards them. The Zaku set the weapon on the ground by the bazooka before approaching Twilight, and her friends with the large crystal in hand. The Zaku would kneel slowly before the six ponies. Their eyes widening as they took in the damage that the Zaku sustained on their behalf. The Zaku set the crystal on the ground just in front of the Princess. A couple of the girls approached to see what it was, but Rarity approached the Mobile suit.

"S-Sweetie Belle?" She asked of the Giant. Fear tainting her normally dainty voice.

The Zaku didn't respond for a moment. Then the left hand came up to the chest of the Zaku as the hatch opened. From their angle, no pony could see what was going on until the hand started to lower. There standing in the palm was a tiny unicorn filly dressed in a green crumpled box. Though something about her appearance made Rarity on the verge of fainting.

"SWEETIE BELLE! You're hurt!" The Fashionista called out in alarm as she spotted the blood on Sweetie Belle's mane, and horn. Rarity dashed forward along with Fluttershy, and Applejack.

"I'm fine, really!" Sweetie stated as she tried to calm her sister down before she started to hyperventilate.

"But Sweetie, you're covered in blood!" Rarity stated, trying to keep calm, fanning herself with a hoof and wondering where her couch was.

"Oh...that." She admitted as she looked away with a bit of shame. "I um...kinda accidentally, not on purpose, stabbed Mr. Black with my horn when the the monster bashed into us."

If Rarity could have gone any paler, she would have been transparent. She was going to say something, but was quickly cut off as two miniature whirlwinds appeared seemingly out of thin air. Applebloom, and Scootaloo managed to slip from Nurse RedHeart's clutches, and went to meet their friend when they saw the Zaku approaching the town.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" The two cheered happily as they came right up her.

"How did you escape the monster?" Scootaloo asked. Her, and Applebloom's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Michael saved me! He, and his Zaku were awesome! They just charged right in, and were like Give Sweetie Belle back!." Sweetie Belle explained, trying to simulate the booming command of the Zaku. "Then the monster tried to squeeze me to death, but something stopped it. That was when Michael swooped in, and smashed against it, and chopped its arm off! It was just like those books that Rarity likes to read where the Stallion rushes in to save the Mare in distress!" Sweetie said excitedly

"Ya mean dose mushy books Raraty keeps unda her bed?" Applebloom asked.

"Yea, right next to those funny magazines full of pictures of stallions in all those funny positions?" Scootaloo added.

"Yeah! The ones with the same Palomino stallion on the cover!" Sweetie announced, referring to the world famous stallion model, Fabimane.

Rarity's eyes grew wide as a deep rouge started to tint her snow colored cheeks as she started to look around to see if any pony overheard the three girls. "Sweetie Belle, a young lady does not say such things in public." She spoke under her breath, trying not to draw anymore attention to herself.

The three fillies didn't pay Rarity any attention. They were simply happy that they were together again. Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom decided to celebrate being reunited with their best friend by both of them giving her a big hug. The two immediately enacted their plan as they glomped on Sweetie Belle happily. However, for the unicorn, the hug did not bring the warm happy feeling that it usually did. What it brought was a nauseating pain.

"Owwie, Owwie, Owwie." Sweetie Belle seethed as she managed to get out of the overly happy group hug.

Scootaloo, and Applebloom both backed up a couple of paces as they looked at Sweetie Belle as she clung to herself, seemingly short of breath. Rarity came up, and was about to pick up Sweetie Belle in her hooves, but was stopped as someone called out.

"Be careful." A familiar male voice called out. It was Michael, he had dismounted his Mobile Suit, and was approaching the small group of ponies. "She was being crushed by the Creature when I came on the scene. She may be hurt." He stated. He then turned to Fluttershy. "Please get a nurse, or a doctor. She needs to be looked over." He instructed her.

Fluttershy nodded before turning to run off to get Nurse Redheart. in the mean time, Michael knelt by Sweetie. His fingers combing through her mane gently as he tried to comfort her. Rarity, Applejack, Applebloom, and Scootaloo watched with anxious eyes. No one daring to get too close.

"She'll be al'ight, 'ight?" Applejack asked as she rubbed her hoof along Applebloom's mane to assure the young filly.

"Yeah, I think so. She may have some bruising, but she is a tough cookie. I think she will come out alright." Michael said to the others. A soft smile from him helping to reassure the small group of ponies around him.

It was about this time that Fluttershy returned with Nurse Redheart, and a couple of stallions bearing a stretcher. The nurse did not waste any time. She approached Sweetie, and began to exam the young filly carefully. Everyone stood around, and waited anxiously for the Nurse to address them. Minutes seem to slip by like hours as no one said a word. The tension slowly mounting until finally Redheart let out a sigh, and turned to everyone.

"She'll be alright. Just some bruised ribs by the looks of it. She'll need bed rest for a couple of days, but she should be back up, and running around soon." She told the others before turning to Sweetie. "We're going to take you to the Hospital. I'm going to have the doctor do a more thorough examination of you." she explained to Sweetie Belle. Though the young unicorn didn't appear to like that idea very much.

"It'll be okay, Sweetie. I'll be by shortly to check up on you, and you'll have everyone with you during all of this." Michael promised.

"Really? You'll visit?" Sweetie Belle asked him with deep pleading eyes.

"Yes, but you'll have to promise to be good, and do as the Doctor tells you." Michael stated before he gave her mane a friendly tussle, breaking off several flecks of dried blood from her strands of hair.

Sweetie Belle nodded as she was placed upon the stretcher, and started to be carried away. The others following close behind her. Sweetie Belle watched Michael remain behind, waving with a goofy grin on his face.

When Sweetie Belle, and the others were out of sight, Michael made his way over to Twilight whom was examining the crystal, and the pony trapped inside. Every so often, she would send a small magical pulse into the crystal and observe what happened. With her was Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. The Royal, and Lunar Guards were keeping the other ponies back so as to not get in the princess's way. That, and Twilight was not too happy with the guards at the moment.

"So, find anything?" Michael asked as he squatted down on the balls of his feet so the Alicorn wouldn't have to look up at him.

"There is definitely a pony inside, a Unicorn, and a Mare at that." She explained right before sending another pulse into the crystal, and studying the reaction. "She is fairly weak. "Very" would probably be a better description actually. I'm trying to figure out how to break the crystal without harming her. The shards flying around could cut her and I don't want to risk it with her age." Twilight explained, having no idea the mare's actual age was somewhere near her twenties, not 60's.

"Really? That is good. We could ask her some questions considering she was a part of that enormous rock creature." Michael stated as he stood back up. "So, how do we bust this thing open? I don't think you want me to whack it with my ax." he chuckled.

Twilight either didn't seem to understand his humor, or share it as she simply continued on. "The strata of this crystal is all perfectly aligned along the length of the crystal. So if we apply a significant amount of pressure along those lines of strata..." Twilight started to lecture.

"Um, either of y'all know what she's talking about?" Michael asked Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, that's just Twilight being her egghead self. You learn to tune it out eventually." Rainbow Dash explained as she hovered in placed with precise flaps of her wings. Twilight glared at her for the comment.

"Oo, Oo. I know!" Pinkie declared as she started to hop up, and down in place. "Twilight is saying that if you take your awesomely super strong Zaku, and squeeze the Crystal along these strata thingies, then the crystal should split open!" She announced like it was the easiest concept to grasp.

"oh~" Both Rainbow Dash, and Michael said at the same time. Twilight could only place her hoof on her face, and shake her head. She was going to have to seriously reevaluate her theory of Pinkie being some sort of latent genius.

A few minutes later, the Zaku was kneeling, and reaching down for the crystal. Curling its thick fingers around the object, Michael placed the thumb right on top. The bright red eye glowing as if the large mobile suit was concentrating. Inside, Michael was trying to figure out how to best apply the pressure. While the act was not different than popping open a peanut. Far more care, and caution was required so not to crush the pony inside.

"Please, be careful Michael!" Twilight called up as she watched the large hand with trepidation.

Michael did not answer to the Alicorn princess. Leaving her to huff indignantly. Right now, he was far too busy concentrating as he gradually applied more, and more pressure with the thumb of the mobile suit. He was the put just enough pressure to break the crystal, but also be able to stop the digit immediately after the task was complete. Sweat started to run down the back of Michael's neck. He was using every ounce of control he could to do this right.

Around the crystal, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie watched the large hand, and crystal expectantly. Their ears pert, and forward to listen for any sounds of the crystal snapping, or breaking. The first hint was a squeaking sound. It was just at the edge of the ponies hearing, but it steadily gotten louder as the Zaku continued to apply more pressure with its thumb. Soon, the squeaking became tiny cricks, and cracks. A popping here, and there accentuated the effort. Twilight, and Rainbow Dash both set their jaws tightly as Pinkie's smile only gotten wider as she was excited to make a new friend.

Suddenly there was a loud crack as the crystal finally split open. However, what happened next surprised all parties involved. The two halves of the crystal dissolved into a very fine powder, and started to sift through the Zaku's fingers. The three ponies started to gather round, and peer into the palm of the large mobile suit. Michael opening the hand slowly to show what was in its grasp. There, laying in a pile of crystal dust was the still form of a unicorn mare.

Her coat was a soft orange color, but very dull in hue. Her mane was a tattered rats nest of tangles the color of moist earth. Her skin hung onto her bones, and her rib cage could clearly be seen. Upon her flank a bouquet of flowers was prominently shown. For a moment, it was difficult to determine if the mare was even still alive at first. Though close inspection of her barrel showed it rising, and falling weakly. Her eyes remained closed as the girls could just hear a soft wheezing noise. This mare looked older than even Granny Smith. It was hard to believe that this ancient looking emaciated mare was truly within the enormous creature that had attacked three young fillies. Twilight, and her two friends could only look upon this pony, and wonder.

Bonus Chapter: A Hospital Visit.

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Sweetie Belle was gently laid down in a soft hospital bed. Her barrel was wrapped to hold a couple of cool compresses against her bruises which could already be seen through her snow white coat as dark purplish-black splotches. She rested her head upon the pillow as she felt a sharp ache in her body. With her in the room was Nurse Redheart, Applebloom, Scootaloo, AppleJack, and Rarity. The two other members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were leaning against the side of the bed. Their chins resting on the mattress as they stared at their injured friend.

"Sh'll be okay, 'ight?" Applebloom asked, trying to hold back a sniffle and failing.

"Yes, Miss Belle will be just fine. Just needs some rest, and to refrain from any strenuous activity for about a week." Nurse Red Heart stated as she brought over a small cup of water, and some pills. "Here, take this deary. It'll help with the pain." Nurse Red Heart instructed the unicorn filly.

Sweetie Belle took the medicine, and sipped the water without complaint. Soon slipping into a soft sleep before she could even utter a thanks. Nurse Red Heart smiled and withdrew the cup of water, setting it on a near by table with a pitcher of cool water should Sweetie become thirsty later on. She then pulled a light sheet over the sleeping unicorn. Red Heart would approach Rarity, and Applejack, and motion for them to step outside. The two mares agreed, and followed the nurse while Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo sat by Sweetie Belle's bedside. Once outside, Red Heart addressed the two mares.

"Doctor Check Up has looked her over, and has found nothing serious. Mainly just some moderate bruising around her barrel." Red Heart explained.

"Rarity let out a soft sigh. "Well that is a relief darling." She said happily, feeling much more relaxed now that it was known that her little sister is going to be okay.

"See, ah tol'ya so, sugarcube. She's a tough one." Applejack declared as she gave Rarity a friendly tap on her shoulder. Causing the dainty Unicorn to flinch, and chuckle. All while rubbing the new sore spot on her shoulder with her hoof.

"However, the Doctor would like to keep Miss Belle overnight for observation." Red Heart explained. The two mares were not happy to hear that. Rarity's ears even flopped back against her skull. "I-It's nothing serious. The Doctor is merely being cautious is all." Red Heart quickly explained as she saw the two's growing concern. While it still worried Rarity, and Applejack, it would appear that Nurse Red Heart's words helped them to relax, a little.

Suddenly there was a flurry of voices, and ponies as Rarity, and Applejack saw Twilight rushing in with a couple of Ponies carrying a stretcher, and surrounded by doctors, and nurses. They were all talking at once, and sounded frantic as they made their way deeper into the hospital. Apparently something of great importance was upon it. Though none of the three could see what it was. Red Heart watched on as well. Just as confused as the other two.

"Um, excuse me for a second. I have to see what is going on." She said quietly before trotting down the hall to follow the unique parade.

Applejack, and Rarity looked at each other for a moment, and considered following since they saw Twilight mixed in with the group. However, with Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom in the room. Neither felt the desire to leave. They quietly entered the room and looked on as the two Crusaders were simply sitting by the bedside.

"How is Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked.

"She's sleeping and snoring." Scoolatoo reported, a wiry grin upon her muzzle as she tried to sound professional.

"An she's snorts too!" Apple Bloom added with a giggle. Her addendum being punctuated by a soft snort from the sleeping filly.

The four chuckled before Rarity, and Applejack found some place to sit to wait out Sweetie Belle waking up. They knew that she would probably be scared if she woke up with no one around. For Rarity, this was a very much needed time to relax as she laid across the small couch in the room. Today has been a very frightening day for her. Applejack snuggling up with her to show her support, and keep Rarity company. The Unicorn smiled at the stetson wearing earth pony. Very appreciative for Applejack's support. Rarity didn't even mind the dust that she just knew was going to be permeating her coat right then. She would simply make another spa trip for it. Rarity was simply happy that Sweetie Belle, and she had such wonderful friends that were willing to stand by them. The warmth of Applejack's body against hers was so nice, and with the stress from today seeping out of her. The prim unicorn was finding it very difficult to stay awake. Soon, she, and Applejack drifted off to sleep as well.


Sweetie Belle stood upon an enormous grassy plain that seemed to run off into eternity to all points of the compass. The tall blades of grass swaying softy in the breeze, and tickled the sides of her legs. The sun above was warm, and bright as large puffy clouds gently drifted upon the breeze. Slowly crossing the sky lazily, breaking up the endless blue sky. Bringing a sense of calm to the small Unicorn. Sweetie Belle would smile as she started to trot along the plain. Feeling the blades of grass brush across her coat as she found herself giggling at the feeling.

Though her fun would be cut short as the sun seemed to dull, and diminish. the once vibrant colors of the world around her faded almost to a dismal grey. A chill quickly enveloping her as a sense of foreboding began to brush at the back of her mind. She started to lower herself down, make herself small, and hopefully unnoticeable. Her moss green eyes constantly scanning just over the blades of grass. Even the ground felt cold, and uninviting. Sweetie's heart started to hammer in her chest as every fiber of her being was telling her that she was in danger.

As she looked to the distance, she felt a tickle of the fur on the back of her neck. The sensation of something simply looming over her. Slowly, hesitantly, she turned her head to look back. Her eyes immediately widened at what she saw behind her. For there, standing behind her was the Golem that she, and her friends encountered. Its yellow beady eyes glaring down at her with menace, and hateful intent. A gaping hole in its chest where the crystal cocoon once was. Large rocky digits cracked as they opened, and closed. Sweetie Belle quickly started to hyperventilate as she felt panic grip her being. her instinct screaming at her to do the one thing she could do, Run.

With a high pitch scream, Sweetie Belle tore across the grassy plain as fast as her small legs could carry her, the Golem tromping directly behind her. With a deep rumbling roar it began bringing its massive fist down just shy of the fleeing filly. Sweetie looked as she ran. Looked for any place that could slow the monster down, or provide her a hiding place until it goes away. Yet, there was nothing, nothing for as far as her eyes could see. As she ran the blades of grass poked, and felt like they were trying to slice into her legs. In between pants, soft whimpers of fright could be heard. Sweetie Belle could feel it was just behind her, getting closer with each lumbering step. How it has not caught her, she was too scared to even think about that.

Sweetie Belle's terror would gain the notice of another. She looked upon the scene that laid before her. A terrified young filly being pursued by a enormous rock construct. Curious. Deep navy blue hooves stood upon a small raise. An ethereal mane of Stars, and space fluttering in some unfelt breeze. Soulful teal colored eyes watched with pity.

With but a thought, Luna appeared before Sweetie Belle. Causing the young filly to skid to a stop before colliding with Luna's front legs. Just behind her, the Golem appeared to have lost sight of its prey, and started to search around for the small Filly. Smashing its large club like appendages against the ground as if throwing a tantrum. Sweetie Belle could only sit on her hindquarters, and look up at the Princess of the Night, and Dreams. her chest rising, and falling rapidly to catch her breath.

"Princess Luna!" Sweetie Belle gasped in surprise.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle. It is a good thing to see you again." Luna stated with a smile. Her speech being more informal during her time in ponies dreams. Remembering having helped the Unicorn with jealous feelings towards her sister before.

"I-If you're here, then that means..." Sweetie trailed off as the realization dawned on her.

"Yes, my little pony. This is nothing more than a nightmare. Though, I must say, it is a very powerful nightmare. What has made you conjure something like that monstrosity?" Luna asked as she looked at the large golem.

Sweetie Belle began to explain what happened in Ponyville that day in as much excited detail as she could give. It would be news that Luna would receive that night when she met with her sister for their shared meal had she not heard it from the filly. Sweetie Belle explained how she, and her friends made "Perfect" Zaku costumes, and accidentally scared Fluttershy. How Michael helped her escape the Wrath of Rarity, and them trying to mimic the strange hum that the Mobile suit makes when it comes to life. Luna listened with rapt attention to the little filly's story. Listening carefully for any signs of lies, or exaggeration. Yet, even though she knew the young filly was telling the truth, it was still hard to believe. This was a troubling development that her sister needed to be made aware of.

"...and that's when Michael came! He charged in all heroic, and....and...." Sweetie stated before a soft sigh escaped as her lips started a small smile.

Luna's eyebrow raised as Sweetie Belle let out that sigh. It was worrisome to the ancient Alicorn. However, that was not why she was here.

"Sweetie Belle, I can tell that this experience has left an indelible mark upon your memories, and thus your dreams. However, this is but a dream, and you can control it. If such a creature truly instill fear into you, young Sweetie Belle. Then you must summon a avatar. Something or somepony that, to you, embodies your ideals of safety, and protection. Something that gives you a feeling of Hope, and Courage. The image of your parents, or a stuffed animal. I have even seen young foals fashion suits of royal equestrian armor for themselves." Luna explained, offering suggestions to the young filly.

Though For Sweetie Belle, she instantly knew what would become her Champion. Something that no nightmare could stand against as it has already stood up to two, and came out triumphant. A bright beaming smile slowly spread across Sweetie Belle's lips as she watched her chosen champion take form right behind the Princess of the Night.

"Have you chosen your champion?" Luna asked as she looked upon Sweetie Belle.

The young Unicorn only nodded her head glee fully before a prickling sensation tickled at the back of Luna's neck. She noticed that an enormous shadow had befallen over her, and Sweetie Belle. The young filly hopping happily in place at the sight of her champion. Luna turned, and found herself looking up, and up. Till she was staring into the glowing angry eye of the green giant that she had come to know as Zaku.

"I...see." Luna stated slowly as she looked up at the massive mobile suit, her mouth hung open slightly.

She had only ever really seen the mobile suit kneeling so she did not have a good impression of just how huge the Zaku was. Even delving into Michael's mind did not allow her to fully appreciate its scale. Luna cleared her throat, and tore her gaze away from the intimidating sight to Sweetie Belle. The Unicorn showed absolutely no sign of the fear that once permeated her entire being, and that was Luna's objective. A soft smile spread across her lips as she saw that excited look upon Sweetie Belle.

"Your nightmare no longer holds sway you, my little pony. So my work is done. I hope only for pleasant dreams from you for now on." Luna stated as she spread her large wings, and started to raise up into the brightening sky. The sun once more spreading its warmth on the grassy plains as the Princess of the Night left Sweetie Belle to conquer her nightmare with her chosen champion.


Sweetie Belle stirred slightly in the hospital bed. She felt warm, and the fuzziness of sleep was slowly starting to leave her. She was still feeling sore, but it was more of a dull ache now instead of a stabbing pain. As her eyes cracked open, she first saw the dull orange glow of the fading rays of sunlight as it was making its way beyond the horizon. It bathed the room she was in a purplish-orange color. Specks of dust could just be seen dancing in the final rays of the sun.

"Good Evening Sweetie Belle." A familiar, warm voice spoke.

Sweetie Belle turned her head just slightly till she saw a pair of deep blue eyes framed by a royal purple mane looking at her. A smile spread across her lips as she looked upon the face of her sister, Rarity.

"Hiya Sis." Sweetie Belle yawned, and stretched. Though her injuries had her flinching back.

"Take it easy, darling." Rarity replied as she adjusted Sweetie's blanket.

Sweetie Belle let out a a breath as she relaxed again. Resting her head against the pillow. Rarity was stroking her mane in a soothing manner. The two would remain quiet for a moment before Rarity's head would jerk up, and she walk away. Leaving Sweetie Belle to wonder what was going on. She raised her head to look in the direction that Rarity departed in.

"Sargent Black, and I put our heads together, and thought that a gift could help cheer you up. It was actually Sargent Black's Idea." Rarity stated as she came back, her horn glowing a soft blue.

Sweetie Belle looked to see what it was being brought over, and gasped. In Rarity's magical grasp was a plush Zaku doll. Its Head, and chest slightly larger than its arms, and legs. It looked like an deformed version of the fearsome machine that Michael piloted to protect the ponies twice now. To Sweetie Bell, it was utterly adorable. As the doll was brought to just within her reach, she grabbed it in her forehooves, and hugged the doll tightly. A soft squee could be heard.

"Do you like it?" Rarity asked, even though she could see the answer.

"Yes! I love it!" She declared as she continued to hug the doll tightly.

"That is good. Sargent Black saw that you seemed to be having a nightmare when he arrived. He suggested a doll or something to cuddle while you sleep would be helpful. I came up with the idea to pattern the doll after Sargent Black's contraption. You, and your friends were simply so smitten with that thing. Personally, I can't see what is so interesting about it, but if you like it Darling. I'm happy." Rarity said warmly. "Also, it can go along with that doll you made. What was its name, "Pilot"?" Rarity asked which got a nod from Sweetie Belle.

"Wait, you and Michael came up with this?" Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes growing wide as what Rarity said to her completely sunk in.

"Well yes Darling. Sargent Black showed up shortly after AppleJack had to take Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom home." Rarity explained.

Sweetie held the doll up to her face, burying her muzzle in it for a few moments. A happiness came over her that she couldn't describe.

"I-is Michael still here?" Sweetie asked softly. Peeking out from behind her Zaku doll.

Rarity blinked, and looked at her sister in a concerned fashion. "Darling, I'm surprised you haven't noticed the snoring. It is quite loud." Rarity stated.

Now it was Sweetie Belle's turn to blink in confusion. Perking up her ears, she flicked them back, and forth as she turned her head slightly. Yes, There was definitely the sound of deep snoring to be heard. Looking around she found Micheal sleeping in one of the chairs. His feet kicked out, and his head leaned back. Both his arms draped over the sides. He looked like a puppet with its strings clipped. The scene had both Rarity, and Sweetie Belle giggling.

"He snores louder than Applejack." Sweetie teased.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity gasped before she covered her own giggles with a hoof.

The Treading Behemoth

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Within the arid Badlands, down in his semi secret hideout, Dr. Shard eagerly awaited the news of his Golem successful slaying of the green giant. In his mind, the victory was guaranteed even before he sicced his creation upon that heinous abomination that would sow fear, and panic into the ponies of Equestria. He saw himself as the Savior of these lands, and believed that soon, the Ponies of Equestria would see him as such as well. In his Lab, Dr. Shard was holding a private meeting with a very important visitor.

"Oh Doctor Shard, How could I be so short sighted? Your genius far outstrips any other pony in Equestria. Not even my personal student can come close to your brilliance. Can you ever forgive me?" A high pitched nasally female voice asked.

"Why yes, Princess Celestia. I more than welcome your apology. I am a humble super genius after all!" Doctor Shard stated with great flourish. "I can understand that ponies of common intellect, such as you, and your sister, would have great difficulties comprehending my grand visions, and ideals. So do not feel too bad." He continued to gloat.

"Your Golem is so strong, and powerful. It so easily trounced a Dragon, and that green giant. How could I have ever doubted you!?" That same nasally voice asked.

"It is quite easy, my dear Princess Celestia. Visionaries, and Geniuses, such as myself, often are misunderstood in their own times. I'm just happy to see that you, and your Sister, Luna, have wised up enough to recognize the true Genius that I am." Dr. Shard laughed haughtily as he manipulated a couple crudely carved figures in his hooves. One bore a resemblance to himself, although the horn was longer than his actual horn. The other was a misshapened figure of Princess Celestia. The Figure's rump was noticeably larger than its real life counterpart. There was a couple of other figures strewn about the work area as well.

"Oh Dr, I have not noticed this before, but your horn..." The Celestia figure spoke lowly as he moved it a bit closer to the other figure.

"Yes? What about my horn?" He asked, moving the Shard figure closer. A knowing smirk spreading across his lips as he brought the two together.

"It is so...Long, and the spiral is so Tight. The figured cooed as Shard brought them together.

"Kiss kiss kiss" He said with a mischievous smile as he made the two figures lock lips. His excitement quickly making him lose focus of the area around him.

Suddenly he threw his hooves into the air in triumph. "YES! It'll be just like that! That cake sucking princess will grovel at my hooves, crawling across the dirt, begging for my forgiveness." Shard declared. "And will I forgive her? Yes, Yes I will cause I'm magnanimous like that! My Compassion is only matched by my intellect." He laughed out loud. His voice echoing down the halls of the old mine to the point even the enslaved workers heard him and mumbled curses under their breath.

Another laugh would join Shard's. A jolly, happy laugh. Much like the tinkling of a bell. Shard quickly cut his laughter off as he spun around to see who invaded his inner sanctum. It was that gray and blonde mail mare, Ditsy Doo. She was laughing happily even after he had stopped. Shard growled at the interruption, and intrusion. So angry was he, that he had not realized he was still holding his figures.

"What's so funny!?" He snapped at the innocent mare.

Ditsy's laughter instantly stopped a she looked at the doctor. Or, at the very least, her head was pointed in his direction while her eyes were elsewhere. "Um, I don't know. You were laughing so much when I came in, and it was so infectious, and couldn't help myself but laugh along with you." The young mare explained bashfully.

Crystal Shard was about to shout something when he finally noticed that he was still holding his figures. His quickly spun around and set them on the table before addressing the mail mare once more.

"Did you see anything!?" He demanded to know, the lower lid on his left eye twitching as he glared at the small Pegasus.

"See anything?" Ditsy asked in confusion. Her head tilting to the side, one ear flopping down as she blinked.

"Right, of course you didn't. With your eyes, you could sit on Wednesday, and see both Sundays." Shard stated with a deep laugh. Not caring how hurtful his insults could have been to the friendly mare.

However, it would appear either his words were not heard, not understood, or simply ignored as Ditsy fluttered into the air, and approached Dr. Shard's desk. "Oooo, are you playing with your dolls again? Dinky loves playing with her dolls. I can sit and watch her all day, and listen to all the stories she comes up with. I really ought to thank Wood Cutter for making her those dolls all the time. He really is so nice." Ditsy said, making friendly conversation, and showing the pride she had as a mother.

Shard's eyes grew wide as he looked at the Pegasus that was now just hovering over his left shoulder. His cheeks flared red in embarrassment. "Wha!? How?...." He stammered as he tried to hide the evidence by opening a drawer, and quickly depositing the dolls in before slamming it shut. "Is there a reason you're here, or are you trying to waste my precious time?" Shard growled.

Ditsy's eyes widened as she remembered why she was there to begin with. She quickly reached around, and pulled her mail sack to the fore. She started to rummage around in the contents, shuffling the letters, and packages around while she was looking. The rustling quickly starting to get on Shard's nerves as he ground his teeth. Though before he could snap at the mare again, Ditsy once more displayed impeccable timing as she produced a couple of envelopes addressed from his parents, and a news paper. "Your Mail, and paper Mr. Shard sir." She announced as she saluted the unicorn.

"It's Doctor, dammit! How many times do I have to tell you, you derpy pegasus!?" He shouted at her right before snatching the mail from her with his magic, and throwing it on his desk. He would then grab Derpy's tail with his magic, and fling her out of his hide out with all of his might. "NOW GET OUT OF HERE!" He shouted to the quickly retreating form of the grey pegasus.

Ditsy would careen through the air, and out of the old mine to land on her butt in the hot arid sands of the Badlands. However, instead of the harsh, and painful thud of landing on solid ground. What she felt was something soft, and comfortable that she landed on with a dull fwump. Looking down, she saw a large pillow had been situated exactly where she was going to fall. It was thanks to this mysterious pillow that she was able to come away from this delivery unhurt.

Ditsy stood up, and dusted herself off before readjusting her mail bag. Giving her wings a few test flaps, she rose up into the air a few feet before dropping down onto the ground once more with renewed confidence. With a soft smile she flapped her wings once more, and rose into the sky. "Thank you, Doctor." She said to no pony in particular as she continues along her route.

From behind a nearby boulder, a brown earth pony stallion steps out. His dark brown mane arrayed in a wild fashion. Around his neck a teal colored tie, and an hour glass upon his flank. His blue eyes watch as the warm Mail mare slowly disappears into the distance. "You're welcome, Ditsy." He stated with a warm smile before walking off in his own direction and disappearing.


Back in his lab, Shard grumble furiously to himself about how no one respected a pony's privacy anymore. He picked up the stack of letters, and rolled his eyes. Once again, his parents, and some of his distant family were pleading that he give up on his dream, and come home. They didn't understand, they never did. No pony understood his genius, and his visions. Sure, some ponies got injured, and killed before Celestia banished him, but how were they going to grow, and advance in the realms of Magic and Science without some sacrifices? Their Civilization was built upon sacrifice! So he was simply a super genius that will help elevate his fellow ponies in the generations to come.

Shard discarded the unopened letters into a rather large pile that was big enough for him to jump in. Getting up, he made himself some coffee. Watching as the dark brown, almost black liquid dripped into his mug. A deep scowl slowly grew upon his face. It had been sometime already and he had not heard anything about his Golem. It should have destroyed that giant, and returned by now. He began to think of reasons why his Golem could be late, maybe the Unicorn finally gave out, and died. It was a worrisome notion, but only insofar as he'll have to figure out how to recover the Golem without attracting attention to it. It was maddening. Is this what fathers with daughters dating feel like?

Taking his mug of coffee, he brought it back over to the Desk with the still folded paper on it. He takes a sip as the bitter concoction slowly burns down his throat. The caffeine quickly taking effect as Shard felt his mind getting a bit more peppy. Setting his coffee down, he used his magic to open the paper where there was a huge front page spread. He smirked, believing that it was a glorious story about how his Creation chased off, or destroyed that strange green Giant. However, as his eyes read the large bold print, they started to widen as the paper started to tremble in his magical grasp.


Shard quickly scanned the article, and found that his creation attacked three young fillies. The newspaper speculated as to why, but that didn't matter. Those fillies were simply in the way, and his creature was right in dealing with them. The more he read, the more enraged he became. He became so angry that he began tearing apart the paper with his bare hooves and even his mouth.

"No! Nonononono. NO!" He shrieked as he raised up, and stomped upon the remnants of the paper. His hoof smashing into the large picture of the Zaku with the pony that was once captured in the crystal in its hand.

"I, the only super genius of our age, failed!?" He asked himself as his eyes dart here, and there in a panic. "No! That can not be. I can not have failed. My creation was perfect! Not even a dragon could defeat it!" Crystal Shard roared as he kicked the side of his desk with his hoof. However, he misjudge, and bashed the fleshy part just above his hoof. A bolt of pain shot through his leg, and exploded in his mind as a yelp of pain burst from his maw. "GUARDS!" He bellowed.

From the door, two large Diamond Dogs peeked in and looked at their "Employer". It was not a secret that Crystal Shard had no regard for any of the Diamond Dogs in his employ, if you can call it that. They were merely a means to an end. With the use of his first Golem Crystal Shard actually enslaved an entire pack of Diamond Dogs. Using other Dogs whose loyalty he bought with gems to take the weapons from the others and kept the ones enslaved compliant by holding their families hostage. Any that stepped out of line were ruthlessly dealt with. The Offender rarely took the punishment. Instead, Crystal Shard would take the punishment out on the family members. For those that did not have family, they were kept in line by the other slaves cause their families would pay double against their offenses.

"Um, you called Dr. Shard?" One asked as the two lumbered into the room.

"Yes, you dolt! I've injured my leg. Carry me to my Chambers at once." Shard stated with a flourish that would have made a certain purple maned unicorn jealous.

The two dogs looked at each other before approaching the Unicorn, and picking him up rather gruffly before carrying him down the hall towards his room. At least they were getting paid for their humiliating work.

Shard was set down gently onto his bed, and dismissed the two with a wave of his hoof. His anger of the loss of not only his creation, but the large crystal he made to confine the Golem's power source as well, was at a boiling point. It'll take weeks to farm more of the crystals needed to make another. He would likely have to"motivate" the workers again to get the results he wanted, threatening to crush their pups usually did the job though.

'At least..' he thought to himself. 'I put a spell over the mare so she won't remember anything once free of her crystal prison.' Shard tried to plan ahead for everything, it was how he had remained undetected for so long, except by his few friends, family and the mail mare.

As he stewed in his own grumpy attitude, he would soon fall asleep before he even realized he was tired. His eyes growing heavy as his mumbling and cursing continued long past his eyes closing.

Magic can be an incredibly unpredictable mistress sometimes. Particularly when dealing with Chaos Magic from the God of Chaos himself. As he slept, and cursed, Crystal Shard's horn started to glow. His anger causing his Magic to become a bit erratic. The stubby horn flickering like a candle's flame. More mumbling and cursing passed his maw in between snores, and groans. Though Just as quickly as his magic started to manifest, the glow disappeared, and once more the room was plunged into the dim light of the few candles that were burning. His anger channeling into the other gems all around his hideout.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard. The vibrations from the impact were felt all throughout the hideout and even knocked a few stones loose from the ceiling. Shard was instantly awake, his horn glowing as he readied a defensive spell to unleash against any hapless intruder that dared to disturb him. A growl rumbled in his chest as his grey eyes slowly shifted around the room. Taking in everything, and searching for anything, no matter how small, out of the ordinary. His eyes narrowed as he focused to find any trace of intrusion. Though a soft pulsing yellow glow would catch his attention. Drawing him from his bed.

Slowly, he slid from the bed. Ignoring the pain in his leg as he stalked towards the entrance to his chambers. he couldn't hear anything. What were his guards doing if such a glow was going unnoticed? That thought infuriated him, and made him reconsider finding some better "Guards". Griffons were fairly easy to bribe. Shard pushed that thought away as he started down the tunnel, quickly realizing that he was being led to his Lab. "By Celestia's wide plot, what is going on here?" he muttered as he continued down the meandering halls.

Shard would peek into his lab as he was not sure what to expect. His horn continued to glow with his spell prepared. However, what he saw had his brow furrowing. There, in the middle of his lab, one of the larger Crystals he had been holding onto was floating in mid air and pulsing softly like a heartbeat. Shard was cautious, still fearful of an intruder hidden. He would let out a magical pulse that would disrupt any cloaked Ponies, or other creatures, in his Lab. However, the pulse returned with nothing.

Tentatively, Shard entered the room and approached the pulsing crystal that was about the size of a Half-dollar. Though its jagged uncut shape made it easier to grasp with his hoof. Shard came to stand just beneath the floating crystal. His grey eyes focused intently upon it as he tried to decipher what it was doing. Slowly, he reached out with his hoof to touch the crystal. Though before his hoof could make contact, the crystal suddenly sped off down the corridor.

"COME BACK! YOU'RE MINE!" He bellowed before giving chase.

Shard galloped at full speed in pursuit of the crystal. It was only his familiarity with the tunnels that he forced the Diamond Dogs to dig for him that he didn't stumble, nor run into any walls while he gave chase. He passed several guards that watched the Dr. rush past in confusion. Though they would not say anything about it as Dr. Shard was not known to suffer questions that he deemed beneath him to answer. They would simply return to their duties as if nothing ever happened, especially since chasing strange magical things wasn't in their job description.

No matter how hard he galloped, the Crystal was always just out of reach. Though if he slowed down, the Crystal slowed as well. Keeping its exact distance. Letting the Unicorn know that the Crystal's intent was to have the Unicorn follow it. Shard's curiosity was piqued, and he continued to follow the Crystal. Though his almost single minded determination to follow the crystal nearly led to his undoing. As they came out of the latest tunnel, Shard had to come to a skidding halt otherwise he would have barreled right through the wooden railing, and tumbled the nearly four stories to the hard rocky floor of the Mine's grand chamber that once housed the Golem.

"Are you trying to Kill me!?" Shard shouted at the Crystal, but got no response.

The crystal started to pulse, and shine faster, and brighter. Throwing long eerie shadows around the enormous chamber. Shard watched as the light from the crystal grew to such intensity that it was actually physically painful, and he had to shield his eyes with a hoof. Squinting, he tried to see what was going on. However, the light was too bright. A sharp defiant growl escaped his lips as he used his magic to help see.

Slowly shapes, and shadows started to congeal into an enormous shape. As more, and more details stated to appear, Shard's hoof lowered as his jaw slowly fell into a small "o" shape. large bulbous limbs attached to a blocky, thick torso. From the shoulders, two very long protrusions jutted out at slightly off angles. Though it did not carry itself on legs. What Shard saw only reminded him of a carriage with many small wheels. More, and more details started to form as the seconds ticked by. Shard's eyes fell upon the nearly completed creature, and he couldn't help the maniacal laugh that erupted from him. He reared up on his hind legs, and raised his forehooves in the air. His laugh reaching fever pitch as it echoed all throughout the hideout.

"Yes, YES!" He shouted in triumph as he continued to laugh.


In the void where all left socks that are lost in the Dryer, and spare pocket change found in the couch, reside together with that one DVD you can never find, Discord lounged reclined upon a recliner made of Electric eels. The Eels constantly zapping and writhing against his long slender body which solicited soft coos, and jerky spasms from the God's body.

"Oo, Oo yeah. Itch those scratches." he stated with a chuckle.

As Discord relished in his delightful madness, something struck him, literally. A pint sized teddy bear that had the mass of a cinder block collided with his head, making an the sound of an old mechanical car horn that caused the Chaos God to shout in a mix of shock and pain at the sudden impact. Discord rubbed the growing knot on the side of his head as he looked around. Though soon, a realization dawned on him, and a sly smile spread across his lips.

"It would appear that my magic is up to its old tricks, and the fun is just getting started." he narrated in a theatrical voice before summoning a massive 400" Plasma Flatscreen, 5D Glasses, and a large Tub of Popcorn. "Don't want to miss the Fire works." He stated as he set his DVR to record.


August 0079. The fighting with the Terrestrial Zeon forces in Southeast Asia has become a long drawn out slugging match between the two forces, with neither one gaining any true ground. Federation Suits would tromp off into the thick jungles, and rice patties in search of Zeon forces. Small skirmishes would explode here or there, but mostly the encounters were small ones that at most would last fifteen minutes. It was a probing action on the part of Commander Kojima. Trying to find weak spots in the defensive lines of the Zeons. Adding to this was the constant irritation of small bands of guerrillas scattered through out the many small villages of the region. The guerrillas would harass, and steal from both sides of the conflict. They held loyalties to none and made the job harder for both factions.

On the eastern Defense perimeter, a lone Guntank stood stalwart in its watch over a large expanse of Jungle. The RX-75 Guntank was the Mass Produced variant of the RX-75-4 Guntank Prototype that was constructed out of the Federation "V" project, and is currently in Service on board the White Base. Its design intent was a mobile suit used for Artillery, and Fire support missions. Sitting at 15.6 meters tall, the Guntank is shorter than the average Humanoid type Mobile suit that was fielded by both the Federation, and Zeon forces. Yet at 80 tons fully laden, it was one of the Heaviest mobile suits.

Armed with twin "Backpack" mounted 120mm Cannons that incorporate a "Universal" Mounting system. Thus allowing the Guntank to replace one, or both cannons with other auxiliary Weapons, or Equipment such as Heavy Lift Crane arms for Armored recovery. Thus expanding the versatility of the Mobile suit. The Guntank was also equipped with two 4 barreled machine guns upon its arms. Replacing the 40mm Rocket Launchers from the RX-75-4 Prototype and more suitable to the environment it was deployed in.

The main difference of the Mass Production type over the Prototype was the removal of the "Core Block" system. While this did diminish the overall survival rate of the Pilot/Driver of the MS, it did allow for the ability for the Torso Unit to perform a "Torso Twist". Thus being able to turn to engage multiple targets while the Drive Unit can remain in its singular direction of travel.

The morning had been quiet, sunny, and relatively uneventful for the crew of this lone Guntank. Though the heat and unending humidity made their watch almost unbearable. The Climate control on the Guntank was on the fritz, for what felt like the tenth time in so many months, and made its occupants feel like they were in an sauna with the temperature set too high. Sweat dripping off of the two, and soaking into their uniforms.

The Driver, a giant of a man at nearly 6'7" tall was used to this kind of heat as he was born and raised upon the island of Oahu, and was of Samoan descent. Sargent Aleki Vaaulu was a muscular man with deep soulful dark eyes. His dark hair was slicked back into a short pony tail. Just underneath his left eye was dark tattoos done in the Polynesian style. A proud display of his cultural heritage. Formerly a member of the Anti-Mobile suit corps. The large man bore tattoos on each arm baring the name of a squad mate he had lost.

"Gah! Damn it is fucking hot!" A young female voice groused rather loudly.

Aleki turned from looking at the picture of his wife, and new born baby girl, and turned his attention up. Several meters above his cockpit was the Gunner/Co-Pilot's Station.

"It'll only get hotter if you complain about it, Hardeen." Alekia called up with his deep voice.

Staff Sargent Lilith Reynold Hardeen was the Guntank's Gunner, and commander. A shorter woman who was currently removing her blouse to try and use it as a way to fan herself. At 5'7" tall, she was about average height, and build for a woman. Short blond hair lay matted against her scalp cause of the sweat, and headset she was wearing. Her piercing emerald green eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark aviator sunglasses to keep the sun out of her eyes. The Gunner's station had a "Greenhouse" type canopy design which afforded excellent view during combat, and patrols. However, right now, Hardeen had nowhere to hide from the Sun that was slowly climbing just in front of them. The solar rays were making her compartment several degrees warmer than Aleki's. The two crew members took to the lax uniform standards that being out in the field provided. While both wore their pants, and blouses. Usually the blouse was unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up, and a tank top was worn underneath giving them a somewhat less than professional look.

"Oh, did you hear? The 08th Team is getting a new commander! How long do you think this one will last before Joshua runs him or her off?" Hardeen chuckled. It had come to be a bit of a joke around the battalion about Chief Warrant Officer Karen Joshua chasing off Commanders from her squad.

"I don't know. I wonder if she does it to keep from having to go out." Aleki mused before he pulled out a damp handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his face, and neck. The Driver's compartment was getting positively steamy.

"Maybe, but that is her problem. Not ours. We won't run from a fight, right AV?" Hardeen declared with determination. Though after a moment of absolute silence from the Samoan Hardeen let out a huff and threw her arms up in the air. "Fuck this! I'm opening a window!" She stated as she flipped a switch and opened a couple of the side panels on the Canopy. In his own compartment, Aleki opened his hatch as well, unable to take the heat either. Soon a cool breeze was blowing through the twin compartments and felt miraculous.

Normally this action was the equivalent to asking to have someone lob a grenade into your cockpit, or that lucky bullet to find its way in. Yet, the cool breeze was a much needed relief in the sweltering humidity of the mid-morning heat. Along with the cool breeze, the soft rustling of the forest around the Guntank could be heard as well as the birds singing. Helping to take the slight edge off from simply sitting, waiting to be called upon. The occasional radio traffic was not as grating as it was before either.

"Now, this is so much better." Hardeen stated with relief as she leaned back in her seat. Though the dampness was making her skin feel a bit clammy. It almost made her miss living in a home with expensive AC cooling.

Soon, however, a new noise could be heard. It wasn't something natural, since most of the other animals went quiet in response, and it piqued Hardeen's interest as she grabbed her binoculars and climbed out of her cockpit. Quickly and carefully taking a seat upon one of the 120mm cannons that was set on the Guntank's Shoulder, she raised the binoculars and peered through, scanning the area up a nearby road.

The noise was getting louder as a dust trail could be seen raising up from farther down the road. Hardeen would focus her binoculars at the bend, and waited a moment. Her body was poised to leap back into the Cockpit should it be enemy troops and get ready to rain down hell fire upon the Zeon bastards that dared to tread on Earth soil.

'Come on, this baby could use a real workout.' She thought as she waited for the vehicles to come into better view. However, she would quickly relax when she saw it was just a column of Federation Type 61 main battle tanks. A smile spread across her lips as she remembered her time as a Type 61 Gunner/Commander, however short it was.

"Hey! We got little friends coming up the road!" She called over the microphone.

"Roger that. Probably that transfer of tanks we heard about last week." Aleki stated as he relaxed against his chair and watched a local insect land on a tiny Hula Girl he had glued to the top of the console in front of him. A small piece of home that helped reminded him what he was fighting for.

Hardeen would wave to the Tanks as they pass just under the shadow of the tall Guntank. Some of the Tankers waved back, some didn't, it did not bother Hardeen one way or another, at the very least it gave her something to do other than constantly tapping her feet till Aleki yelled at her to knock it off. Though aside from their arrival the tanks did little else of entertaining value,simply continued on towards the base that was further up the road.

Hardeen watched them go by as she let her mind wander a bit, almost feeling sleepy as she counted them the way a person counts sheep to go bed. How long will this war continue on? How many more innocent people will those monster Zekes kill before they're satisfied, or realize that they could never defeat the Federation? All these questions and more rattled around the woman's mind for the umpteenth time that week alone.

Hardeen hated the Zeon with a passion. To her, they were the epitome of Evil in the modern age. Believing in their spacenoid superiority and all that bullshit to justify their slaughter of Federation citizens. She just wanted to stomp the balls of any and all Zekes she came across till they were singing falsetto for life. They were all lying worthless scum in her book. No one could so easily murder the population of an entire colony, and then drop it on a heavily populated city on the Earth, and still be considered Human. As far as she was concerned, she was a modern day monster hunter, and the Zeon were her prey.

'Zekes have got no humanity, so that means they need to be destroyed.' she thought with a grin as she saluted one of the Tankers.

The Tanks would continue on with their business past the Guntank and disappear into the dust they were kicking up while Hardeen's mind was reliving simpler, and more peaceful days. Days she hoped would come back sooner rather than later. When the last of the dust settled, she let out her breath and stood up to return to her station. As soon as she reached the cockpit entrance, a shrill whistle pricked at her ears. Her mind instantly registered what the sound meant. Her Heart rate instantly skyrocketed as she dove into the cockpit. Hitting the canopy button with the heel of her hand.

"INCOMING!" She shouted over the mic as she tore at her harness to get herself buckled in.

Aleki did just the same as the armored panel slid shut a millisecond before the first couple of rounds slammed into the ground around the Guntank. Large plumes of earth, foliage, and shredded animal life erupted from the ground, splattering the mecha in mud, and vegetation. Both Aleki and Hardeen growled, and held on as they endured the first barrage. The vibrations and blastwaves from the rounds landing around them nearly gave them whiplash but their safety harnesses ensured they remained safe throughout the attack.

"Where is it coming from!?" Hardeen demanded as the shelling stopped for the moment. She took this chance to get the weapons online while Aleki searched.

"There! Three Zaku Cannons!" Aleki called as he used his computer to highlight the area for Hardeen to see.

"How the fuck did they get this close!? What are those idiots MS teams doing Letting the Zekes this close?" Hardeen growled as she started to prep for the Guntank to fire. The torso twisting slightly as the dozer unit around the drive chassis flipped up, and out to steady the large firing platform.

In the forest, a couple of klicks North East of Hardeen, and Aleki's position, a team of three MS-06K Zaku Cannons were set up. They managed to get within range without being spotted, and took their time to figure the range, and azimuth for their shots. Allowing them to score some very close shots, but nothing close enough to destory, or at the very least disable the Enemy Mecha. With the corrections made, they quickly worked to reload their cannons, and hopefully score direct hits upon the enemy mecha in the next salvo. They were under the gun, literally, this time as the previous Salvo alerted the crew to their presence, and managed no direct hits. Undoubtedly, they were making preparations to fire their large cannons as well. It would become a race against time to see who can get the shot off first.

"Come on...Come on." Hardeen whispered to her Mecha, encouraging it to turn, and get the bearing on the enemy. The Guntank's backpack opened up as two mechanical arms loaded a pair of 120mm cannon shells from the Guntank's Internal Magazine, and into the two cannons before closing up once more. A green light flashed upon Hardeen's console, signifying that she was ready to fire.

Though as she was about to pull the trigger, she saw the flashes of light in the distance that caused her to hesitate. The Zaku Cannons were just that much faster. Her eyes grew wide as it appeared Time slowed to the crawl. Her heart beat sounding like a drum in her ears as she swore she could see one of those large shells coming right towards her canopy. If it was to strike, there would be no way for her to survive.

For Hardeen, her life flashed before her eyes in that one brief millisecond as that shell slowly started to plummet down upon her position. She brought up her arms in a vain attempt to shield herself from the inevitable. Jamming her eyes shut, she started to whisper a prayer for her, and Aleki as a blinding flash of light washed over the entire canopy. Her final thought was that her friend would forgive her for getting them both killed.

'I should have been faster.'


Aleki, and Hardeen waited for the ear splitting sound of metal tearing, glass shattering, and bone crushing destruction of their unit. The searing pain of the fiery demise that both were confident would be their fate seemed so close that they could taste it. Yet, nothing came to them. No Pain, no heat, not even a single vibration. Were they dead? Did they die instantly? If that was the case, Lilith, and Aleki both had to admit that it was far more pleasant than they expected. Rather anti-climatic really. Not that they would complain. There was an infinite amount of far worse ways to go.

It would be Hardeen that would risk opening her eyes first after a full minute had passed. She slowly lowered her arms from where they were feebly attempting to shield her face and cracked her right eye just enough to get a peek. What greeted her was blackness at first. She couldn't see anything outside her canopy. The dull green glow of her instrument panel being the only illumination she would get. Hesitantly she opened both her eyes, and looked out. She still couldn't see anything at first, but slowly more, and more details started to appear as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"You see anything, Aleki?" She called down with a cracking voice, afraid she was all alone.

"No, my screens are dead." He called back up and took off an immense weight form the woman's shoulders.

As the details of a subterranean landscape started to be discerned in the darkness, a fear started to creep up in the back of Hardeen's mind. It seemed impossible at first, but she failed to see any other conclusion. It began to appear that she and Aleki had died, and what was destined for them was not the bright pearly gates of ever lasting peace. She swallowed hard as she tried to remain calm, but the panic was quickly starting to seep into the fore front of her mind. She gripped the armrests of her chair as tightly as she could and felt her chest start rising and falling faster and faster. Were the walls closing in on her? Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe!?

She wanted to scream, till either the canopy glass shattered or her throat bled, and plead for forgiveness for all her sins, and those sins that Aleki may have committed by extension. They were good people, they didn't deserve to rot in Hell. Especially not with all the Zeon bastards probably looking for vengeance for her sending them there!

Fearful as she may have been, the fact that Hardeen was still in her Guntank emboldened her a bit. With a trembling hand, she took hold of the yoke before her, and slowly started to twist the Guntank's Torso to get a look around. Her mouth felt as dry as a desert she stared intently at what lay just beyond her canopy. Though soon, something caught her eye, and she stopped. She would sit there for a few moments, and simply stare. There, standing on what looked like a wooden cat walk was a small creature. It didn't look like the hellish Imps, Demons, or zombie swarm of evil Zeon she had expected, but the sight was still quite disconcerting to say the least.

"Is that a...unicorn?" She asked in disbelief as she stared at the small unicorn pony that was looking up at her Guntank.

Showdown at Sugarcube Corner.

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After the initial shock of discovering that they were alive and in a another world wore off, Hardeen, and Vaaulu had to come to terms with reality of the situation. The Unicorn, a self proclaimed renowned Healer named Dr. Crystal Shard, has explained to them that they were in the the land of Equestria. A place where Griffons, Dragons, Ponies, and other creatures that were only known in fanciful tales resided. This was quite the bomb shell for the two to take.

For Aleki, he was crushed when he feared that he may never see his Wife, and new born baby girl. He had not even had a chance to hold her yet as he was shipped out before she was born. All he had was her picture. After the introduction Aleki simply sat in his compartment and looked at the picture for hours, his face almost seeming to age years in those hours as he thought over and over at how he might never see his baby girl. For a large as he was, he was really a soulful person.

For Lilith, her sadness was tempered with anger. Yes she was sad that it was looking like she would never see her father again, despite their disagreements she still loved him, but she was also angry that she couldn't fight those Zeon monsters anymore either. She saw herself as an Avenging Angel against the Zeon horde. Yet now, now she was alone in this world it appears. So her dreams of finding a good man to marry, and start her family were dashed if they could not make it back to their own world. Like Aleki, Lilith found herself camped out in her cockpit. Though the longer she stayed there the more angry she found herself becoming. Every second that ticked by her thoughts were filled with ways to kill Zeon and how everything that had happened was their fault. Her nails dug into her chair as she stared ahead with a look that would burn a hole through the rock like a beam saber.

Shard was fascinated by what had happened. Two aliens, and their strange machine just appeared out of nowhere. Brought to Equestria by some of Discord's distilled essence! The ramifications left his mind reeling, and for a moment, he forgot about his life's work, although very briefly. He would leave the two to process the news, and come to terms with the reality of their situation while he thought on how he could turn this all to his favor. Before he left the grand chamber, He left orders with his guards to keep an eye on the humans, and not let them near the slaves, or reveal anything that could damage his plans. He was going to return to his room, and think. Though as he left, the pain in his leg returned doubly so from his recent exertion.


"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Hardeen gushed as she rubbed the bellies of two young Diamond dog pups that were laying on their backs, their tails wagging excitedly as their legs kicked. All around were other diamond Dogs that were laughing and enjoying the company of this kind human. Though they were ever mindful of the presence of the guards hovering over them. Still it was a great relief for them to finally have some being other than Shard hanging around, especially one so kind.

Two days have passed since Hardeen, as she preferred being called, and Aleki arrived in Equestria, and in that time they have not been allowed to leave the cave for reasons that Dr. Shard has been rather ambiguous about. Though he promised details as to why later. Aleki spent the time looking over the Guntank, and making sure it was still functioning properly while Hardeen stumbled upon the families of Dr. Shard's "Employees". So Shard had to let her at least interact with them. Though the threats of reprisals were doubled should any one of them say something they shouldn't. Since she grew up around dogs, she took an instant liking to them, and would spend time with them when she wasn't helping Aleki.

"Who want's to play "Catch"?" Hardeen asked the small pack of Diamond pups that were scampering around around her legs. She was quickly rewarded by sound of a dozen excited pups clamoring to let her know that they would love to play catch. Hardeen could only giggle, and smile at the adorable pups. It made her wish she was back home, playing with her dogs.

However, Her little play time would be interrupted as Aleki entered into the Large chamber. The Other dogs smiled, and greeted him. He was kind as well, but not like Hardeen. A couple of the pups scampered over to him for attention, which he kindly gave with a few scratches behind the ear.

"Sorry to bother ya, But the Doc asked to talk with us. Probably going to tell us why we couldn't leave the cave." Aleki spoke with an almost lazy tone to his voice.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Hardeen stated as she looked to the pups once more before scooping them all up in an enormous hug. Her affection eliciting another torrent of squeals of joy, and wiggling butts. The other Diamond dogs smiling as well and their own tails wagging at the scene. Hardeen brought something into their lives that they not had in a long time, Happiness. It was the cruelest thing Hardeen has ever done.

Hardeen released the whimpering pups, and gave them each a parting pat on the head before waving goodbye to them, and the others. The Mothers wave to the retreating forms of Hardeen, and Vaaulu. A sadness hiding behind their smiles that would quickly manifest shortly after the two were out of eyesight. The Pups quickly retreating back to their mothers to hide from the cruelty of the guards. The happiness that Hardeen was a all too brief reprieve in this hellish existence that these dogs have known for what felt like a lifetime. Which made going back to the way things were all the more disheartening. It truly was the cruelest thing Hardeen could have done, whether she knew it or not.

The two would be escorted to Dr. Shard's lab where they could hear him talking to himself. Constantly muttering about "Fate", and "how it was meant to be". A growing knot of worry began to form in the stomachs of both Aleki, and Hardeen. The two guard dogs didn't say anything, they simply walked along with the two pilots, their long spears acting walking stick as they navigated the winding corridors.

"Excuse me Dr. Shard, the Humans are here as you requested." One of the Dogs stated.

"Very good, you may leave." Shard instructed the guard. Playing his part beautifully. He would then turn to Hardeen, and Aleki. "Please have a seat." He stated, motioning to a nearby couch that was a bit too low for the two to sit comfortably on. It felt like they were squatting rather than sitting as they took their seats and Hardeen could already feel her back aching.

"First off, I must apologize. I have kept things from you both, but please understand that I was being cautious. You both are Aliens in this world, and I did know how you would react. However, watching you interact with the Diamond dogs, I believe you are both Noble, and Kind creatures." He stated behind a mask of sincerity, doing everything in his power not to be condescending to them like he was with everyone else.

"Please know that what I'm about ask, I would have never asked of you both if not for the fact that I can see no other recourse." He continued as he drooped his head low to the ground with visible regret.

"Please, tell us what you need, and we'll see if we can help." Hardeen said softly. Tempted to reach out, and give the weary looking unicorn a gentle touch to assure him. However, she didn't as she noticed that Shard didn't like being touched when she had tried it the first time they interacted.

"Thank you. I appreciate you both at least listening to my request. Shortly before you arrived, a Beast appeared and attacked the village of Diamond Dogs. It was killing, and maiming them with horrendous glee. I was traveling, and learning new ways of healing from around the land when I happened upon the village just as the Beast was leaving. The sight churned my stomach. So many dead, so many wounded. I healed those that I could, and brought them here. They're working to create themselves a new home within this old mine. I agreed to stay, and be their leader, and protect them while they make their new home." Shard stated, weaving his tale thicker, and thicker.

Hardeen, and Vaaulu leaned in, and listened with rapt attention. They both felt for the poor Dogs, the living conditions of the Diamond Dogs after having spent several days with them and seeing how some were overjoyed when the humans shared their rations. It would make anyone pity them. Neither knew that they were actually a subterranean species to begin with. They thought that the Dogs lived on the surface along with the Others. The more Shard spoke, the more determined the two became to help.

"What is this Beast you keep referring to?" Aleki asked. Hardeen nodded as she was curious as well.

"Its a green giant with a glowing red eye. I tried to create a Golem to defeat the Giant so that not only these Diamond Dogs may live in peace, but the whole of Equestria as well. However, it was defeated, and the Golem's "heart", my own brave assistant who volunteered her magic to give the Golem life, was taken as a prize. I fear for what the Giant may do with her." Shard stated as he draped his injured hoof over his muzzle as if he was trying to hold back tears of regret.

While Shard performed his play of "Crocodile Tears", it was only half registered to the two humans. It was the description of the beast that struck them. A "Green Giant with a glowing red eye.". No, it couldn't be, not here. This world was completely removed from their own. There was simply no way that one of Them was here.

"Dr. Shard. Are you sure of the description? A Green Giant with a glowing red eye?" Hardeen asked, praying that it was just a coincidence.

Shard looked up at her, and then looked to the desk with papers scattered around. Using his magic, he levitated an old newspaper before Aleki, and Hardeen. Their eyes widened as their blood began to boil. On the front, it showed a Zaku II mobile suit kneeling with smashed houses in the background. It was the edition of the Paper that came out covering the Dragon attack, and the arrival of Michael's Zaku on Ponyville. Shard saw the darkening expression on both Hardeen, and Aleki's faces. It was actually a bit unnerving to see such a transformation. He would be loathe to admit it, but he felt a tingle of fear as he remembered that Humans were a predator species.

"ZEON." Hardeen spoke with a feral growl as she ground her teeth. Her lips curling back in a aggressive snarl. Her hand clenched into fists so tight that her tendons popped, and her knuckles turned white. The paper with the alien script shook in her hands as she snatched it from the magical spell holding it.

Neither Harden nor Aleki could understand a single word of the written Equestrian Language. But she didn't need to, just the image of the Zaku and the many destroyed buildings around it was all she needed to know. Aleki stared at the image as a couple of veins began throb in his neck, and his forehead. His dark brown eyes darkened, and looked hot like glowing embers.

"What does it say?" Aleki asked with a deep, even tone that could cow any man.

Shard gulped thickly as he started to find himself wanting to open up the distance between himself, and these two. "It says..."Tragedy. Ponyville Destroyed. Populace enslaved." He lied, not realizing how bad the lie was. Yet, it would appear that both Hardeen, and Aleki were too engrossed in their own anger to see it either.

"We'll kill him. We'll crush him beneath our treads. Nothing like a little blood, and guts to grease our tracks with." Hardeen said with a chuckle that would have chilled Sombra to the bone. Her lips being drawn across pearly white teeth into a frightful smile.

Aleki could only nod in agreement to Hardeen's comments.

That tickling feeling of wanting to be away from the two humans quickly crescendoed into cold sweats. "W-Will you help us?" He asked nervously.

"Yes. We will free those poor enslaved ponies!" Hardeen hissed before she stood up, Aleki immediately after her.

"Thank you! you don't know much this will help." Shard stated with an unnoticed sneer. He then held out his Hoof to shake with both Aleki, and Hardeen.

Shard would shake Aleki's hand first with no ill side effects, but the moment he shook Hardeen's a wave of disorientation washed over the two of them. like someone has turned the world on its side, and then snapped it back. Just as quickly as it as it came up, it was gone again. Leaving the pony tingling. He had never liked touching others often but this time was worse than before. Shard made a mental note to scrub his hoof thoroughly and remove any alien cooties the human might have given him.

"Come on, Hardeen. We have a mission." Aleki stated as he made his way towards the door.


"Look out below!" A large Earth pony called down as he and Michael unfastened the last bolt that secured the section of armor to the Zaku's left forearm.

The large piece slid off with a deep groan of protest and a not so gentle prying with large pry bars. When free, the piece fell to the ground and landed in the soft grass with a heavy whump, kicking up dirt and grass into the air and causing some nearby ponies to shield their faces. As the damaged pieces of armor began to be removed, more and more ponies began to gather around in curiosity. The internal workings of the Zaku's arms were still in good condition as the the brunt of the beating was either absorbed, or deflected by the strong armor of the Zaku.

A large hydraulic piston ran along the length of the underside of the Zaku's forearm. An accompanying guide rod along the opposite side. Thick conduit containing miles, and miles of wire that carried the control signals to the hand, and limb coiled around the thick inner structure of the arm. Along with them was the hydraulic hoses that fed the pistons that allowed the arm to move. The two looking like arteries that cris-crossed along the length of the exposed inner skeleton of the Zaku.

"Thanks Tough Nut. The bolts on these panels are always a bitch to get off cause of the abuse the Armor has to take." Michael stated as he replaced the multi-wrench back into the field repair box while Tough Nut replaced his own wrench into his saddle bag.

"No worries. Glad I can help. You saved Ponyville twice now, its the least I can do." Tough Nut stated happily before he started to make his way down back to the ground.

Michael stood up upon the forearm, and looked up at his suit. The armor on both arms had to come off for repair. The only things left back on was the Shoulder housings armor, the spiked pauldron on the left shoulder, and the large shield upon the right along with the back of the Zaku's hands. Below, Unicorns were loading the pieces of armor onto large carts with their magic after a couple of older, more grizzled Earth ponies used chalk to mark what section of the arms the armor came off of. A ways away, a purple alicorn was constantly scribbling on parchment as she looked carefully at the newly exposed inner workings of the Zaku. A mountain of parchment was already stacked neatly by her side chalk full of notes from the few hours she watched the work progress.

Michael would land in the grass after hopping down from the Zaku's arm. A pair of older Earth ponies would approach him. They were a pair of brothers sent over from Canterlot. They were called Hammer and Anvil. Fitting names as far as Michael was concerned as they're always beating on something when he saw them around. They were the armorers for The Royal Guard. They had been tasked by Princess Celestia and Luna to do whatever they could to help repair the battered armor of the Warmachine.

"What can you tell us about his metal, Sir Black? It is unlike any I have ever seen" Hammer asked. He was a dark brown Stallion with a black mane, and tail. A bit of salt and pepper sprinkling through his mane and tail, a telling indicator of his age.

"Please, Its Michael. From what I understand, and they taught us in training. The Engineers call it "Super Strong Steel Alloy". A very imaginative name, if you ask me. Though I believe its also composites with Ceramic." Michael explained as he thought back to his MS training on Side 3.

The two brothers looked down, rubbing their chins in contemplation. This type of metal was completely new to them, so they had to be careful, and methodical in their approach.

"Okay, so this will be a challenge." Anvil stated with an excited grin. Hammer's brother, a stallion with a black coat, and a brown mane and tail with the same sprinkling of salt and pepper in his hair as his brother. The tone of his voice, and the way he held his body, was very telling that he and Hammer were very excited to start working with this material.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it as well ." Hammer stated as he looked at the burdened wagons that their assistants were moving over to their temporary work site. "Princess Sparkle's notes, and our talking with the metal will help us greatly to restore them back to rights. Maybe we'll figure out a way to improve them. We won't know until we try." He stated as the excitement was quickly starting to build within his voice.

Michael gave the two an incredulous look when they mentioned something about "Talking" to the metal. However, he decide to chalk it up to the newly discovered catch-all explanation, "Magic". He would nod, and smile as if he understood even remotely what they were talking about. They would wave as they started to follow the train of carts, and wagons over to their work camp. Michael would stand there a moment, and watch them leave. A part of him was worried about letting these ponies have access to his technology and materials. However, the alternative was to slowly watch the Zaku deteriorate without proper maintenance, and that could be catastrophic. Particularly with its Minovsky particle reactor.

The Zaku's armor wasn't the only thing that Michael was letting the Ponies study and look over. He even let some of Celestia's Unicorn alchemist borrow four 120mm bullets from the Zaku's machine gun to see if they could produce more. The spent shell casings from the battle have been collected and were stacked in a pile next to the Mobile suit. Hopefully to be reloaded should the Alchemist be able to figure out how. Though Michael was not ready to hand over one of the 280mm Rockets for his bazooka since he only had two left.

"Anything new, Princess?" Michael asked as he approached Twilight Sparkle. She was just binding together her notes, and sketches as a Armorer's assistant sat, and waited patiently for the copy.

"No, nothing new so far. The Mare you recovered from the monster still has not woken up." Twilight stated as she finally levitated the tower of notes to the rather worried looking assistant. The pony taking it gingerly, and moved with extreme caution after the caravan back to the work site. Lest he become buried underneath an a landslide of parchment.

"Wow, it's been over a week. Didn't we find anything about her?" Michael asked as he sat down in the grass next to Twilight. The golden rays of Celestia's sun was feeling rather nice today. So much so, that Michael removed the blouse of his uniform so he was only wearing a thin white undershirt.

"Oh Yes, we did find out who she is. Her name is Fire Cracker. She is from Manehattan, single, and ran a Foal toy store. She was also known for her firework displays on special occasions." Twilight explained as she laid down in the grass. "Her family filed a missing pony report nine month ago, but the Guards could find nothing about her disappearance. It was like she completely vanished into thin air." Twilight stated, her confusion over the matter very much evident as she scrunched her nose, and furrowed her brow. "Her family will be arriving later by train tomorrow morning" Twilight stated before she let herself zone out. Her gaze becoming intently focused on a single blade of grass

Michael let out a low whistle. "Damn." was all he could say.

Twilight let out a soft huff as her own musings seemed to be going no where. "Yes, but the kicker is she is only 23 years old." Twilight informed Michael.

"What!? 23!? She looked like she would have been in her 70's if she was a human!" He exclaimed with shock. His eyes locked upon Twilight, looking for any sign that she was joking. Though why she would joke about this was beyond him. Though he knew several people back at the base that had an "interesting" sense of humor.

"Yes 23. I believe that Crystal was designed to siphon not only the mare's magic, but her life force as well to power that Thing." Twilight stated with a visible shudder running up, and down her spine.

"Well I'm glad we got her out of there. Gah, If she was 23, and all, and came out looking like that. I hate to think what would happen if we didn't get her out of there when we did." Michael stated as he laid back down on the grass. Kicking his legs, and arms out to bask in the glow of Celestia's sun.

"She probably would have died." Twilight stated sadly. "But we did save her, and that is something that can not be taken away. Thank you Michael. If you hadn't noticed her in the crystal, then I think the fight would have been quite tragic." Twilight said with a sigh as she rubbed some blades of grass with her hoof.

"Don't thank me, Princess. It is Sweetie Belle that caught that detail. If she hadn't then the Fight would have turned out very differently. I'm a soldier after all." Michael stated, leaving the implication unsaid.

He watched a couple of pegasus move a cloud overhead. While yes, being able to stand, and move on clouds was amazing. Michael missed watching a cloud roll by lazily on the breeze on a spring afternoon. Though he wouldn't get a chance to admire the pegasi handy work for very long before sound of small hooves could be heard moving quickly before a white face suddenly appeared over him, and a weight landed on this chest. Causing Michael to let out a small "Oof!"

"Hiya, Michael!" Sweetie chirped, her voice squeaking and cracking, happily as she sat upon his chest. A beaming grin upon her muzzle, and her plush Zaku held securely in her forehooves with Pilot held in the Zaku's arms, tied there by some strong string knots.

"Heya Sweetie." Michael stated as he reached up, and ruffled Sweetie Belle's mane. which got the filly to giggle, and smile wider. "So you finally escaped the Hospital?" He teased with a grin of his own.

"You would have been released sooner if you didn't tried to get your Cutie Mark in "Hospital Escape", Sweetie Belle. You made your injuries worse trying to climb out the window using bed sheets. Really, why did you try to do that anyways!?" Twilight asked.

"I was sooooo bored! Michael is always busy trying to fix Zaky, and Rarity is busy trying to keep up with all the new Plush Doll orders of my Zaku. Scoots, and Applebloom have school during the day, and can only come over at night, and...and, I get Lonely." Sweetie Belle sniffed as she put on her best puppy dog face.

Seeing the small unicorn filly sniffle made both Twilight, and Michael feel horrible. It had been true that for the past week, Michael has been very busy trying to get the Zaku ready for combat again, as well as talk with Ponies the princesses sent to help. It left him very tired at night, and very little time to visit Sweetie Belle. Twilight was just as busy with all the reports to the princesses about the monster attack, her interviews with Michael about his world, and trying to help with Fire Cracker's condition.

Michael wrapped his arms around Sweetie Belle, and hugged her as he slowly moved to sit up. Letting her slide down onto his lap. "I'm very sorry Sweetie Belle." he stated remorsefully. His hand stroking the young Unicorn's mane. It seemed to help Sweetie Belle calm down. "How about this? I'll hang out with you all afternoon. We can do whatever you want." He offered.

The look in Sweetie Belle's eyes was priceless, and adorable. She simply looked up at Michael with wide eyes. "Really!?" She squeaked.

"Yup, and I'll even sweeten the deal. how about I treat you to something at Sugar Cube Corner as an apology for not being able to see you in the hospital as much as you would have like." He offered.

Instead of Speaking, Sweetie Belle glomped on Michael, and hugged him tightly. He simply laughed, and stroked the young Filly's mane.

"I guess you've got a silver tongue on you Michael. Maybe you should get a job with Filthy Rich, I'm sure he needs shrewd negotiators." Twilight stated with a hint of a tease at the end of her words.

"What can I say? Bribery works every time." Michael stated with a grin as he picked up Sweetie, and his uniform blouse. She resting her head upon his shoulder. She felt so light in his arms, ironically like a stuffed animal. "You want to come with us? You've been working very hard as well Princess. You could use a break to let your, mane down." Michael stated.

Sweetie Belle's eyes popped open for a moment before screwing them shut all the while whispering "Please no, Please no, Please no, Please no."

"Maybe, I'll have to see on that. I have to take these notes back to the Library so Spike can sort them for summary to the Princesses. Then I have to go meet with Pinkie Pie. Apparently her Pinkie Senses are going haywire again. She keeps saying a "Doozy" is coming over and over again." Twilight explained as she rolled her eyes in a crazy way. Her words causing the small unicorn that was being held to let out a squee of delight. "Though If I have time, sure. I'm sure the others would want to take a break too." Twilight stated.

"Okay, No worries. I'll see ya around. Remember, don't work too hard." Michael stated as he walked off with Sweetie Belle in his arms.


Elsewhere within Ponyville, two figures stalked the shadows between homes and in alleyways. It took them a while to get here, including getting lost along the way and going around in circles. But thanks to a small grey Pegasus carrying a mail sack giving them directions, they were able to find Ponyville. So far they managed to go undetected among the busy Ponies, observing and mapping their way around the area. Though they came dangerously close to being discovered as a particularly bright pink "Earth" Pony just suddenly started to wave at them with an enormous smile. Even though they were in the shadow between two homes. The two retreated back into the shadows to try, and circumvent the observant Pink pony. So far, everything they were expecting to find here was absent, which led to both frustration, and confusion.

"I don't get it! These ponies are suppose to be enslaved, according to what the Doc stated." Hardeen huffed in confusion as she looked at her partner, Aleki. The two were hunkered down behind some boxes, and trashcans in an alley.

"We saw that camp outside of town. Those were definitely Zaku parts the ponies were hauling around. It has to be here." Aleki whispered so he wouldn't draw attention by the ponies as it appears they have very sharp ears.

Hardeen growled at the situation. She opted to leave the Guntank hidden in the woods to give her and Aleki a better chance to scout the town, and see if they could possibly catch the Pilot of the Zaku out of the suit. It would be preferable to eliminate him out of it so they don't risk breaching the Suit's reactor. Given the size of Ponyville, if the Zaku went up, the entire town would be nothing more than a smoking crater. However, they were moving slowly. Too slowly for Hardeen's liking. Every minute that they take trying to get close to the Mobile suit, and locate its pilot. The more these poor ponies suffered. If they were suffering.

While the two took a break, they failed to notice that they had indeed been spotted. Applebloom, and Scootaloo crouched in the shadows and peered around a trash can. The two had spotted these strange beings when they were leaving school to check on Sweetie Belle, as they heard she was getting out of the Hospital that day. However their curiosity and the opportunity for them to get a "Trailing Suspicious Pony" Cutie Mark being too tempting an offer to pass up.

"What do ya think they are?" Applebloom asked Scootaloo. "Ya think they're like Sar'ent Black?" She added.

"Nah, can't be. That large one's gotta to be a large hairless gorilla, and the other is too lumpy and curvy." Scootaloo retorted.

"Ah dun know, they do kinda look da same." Applebloom responded as she rubbed her chin.

"Do ya wanna go over, and ask?" Scootaloo huffed in frustration.

Applebloom was about to retort when Scootaloo thrust a hoof in their direction. "They're moving! come on." The pint sized pegasus stated as she slipped around the trash can.

Hardeen and Aleki had caught wind of something wafting through the air. It was sweet, mouth watering, and smelled delicious enough to cause their stomachs to grumble. It had almost been a full day since they last ate. Having ran out of the Guntank's Emergency ration late in the day yesterday. They would have had more, but Hardeen shared some with the Diamond Dogs. Even now, despite their hunger, Aleki and Hardeen would have still done it.

Yet that charity, though heart warming, did little to fill empty stomachs. Peering out, the two checked to make sure the coast was clear before moving out. Just behind them Scootaloo, and Applebloom slipping out behind their cover.

Four would continue their back alley tour of Ponyville. The two humans being led by their nose, and stomachs, while the two fillies following the humans were led by their desire for cutie marks. Stifling their giggles as they discovered that their new game was rather quite fun, the fillies followed the two humans at a safe distance. Particularly when they had to find a hiding spot when ever the large one, or the small one would suddenly turn around to see if they're followed. For the Humans they would only see a small dust cloud. Though every so often, the two humans could have sworn they would hear giggling. It was a bit unsettling.

Eventually, they would make their way to one of the funniest looking buildings they had ever seen outside of a storybook. It was shaped like a Gingerbread house with two cupcakes on top. The two humans looked at each other, and then back at the structure.

"This is some weird ass architecture." Hardeen stated to her partner as she looked over the building, and could only shake her head.

"Weird or not, it is pretty obvious what this place is. Do you think we can pilfer something to eat, and pay them back later when we free the town?" Aleki asked.

Aleki would quickly regret even opening his mouth as the look he got from Hardeen could have melted the shield off of a GM. "We are not thieves." She hissed as she jabbed her finger into his large chest. Punctuating her statement. "I would rather starve than sink so low. Only the filthy Zeon would steal." She growled. very much displeased with Aleki's proposal.

Aleki held up his large hands in a placating gesture. He knew when not to argue with Hardeen and his own stomach was already fighting him. The woman could be very stubborn about things when she put her mind to it. Which also showed her naivete about war in general. Back with Aleki was part of an Anti-MS infantry platoon. He, and his squad mates, had to steal several times when they were on the front and had no access to food. It wasn't pretty but it was reality.

"If anything, we'll talk with the owner, and see if they would be willing to share. We might be able to get some information on the Zaku Pilot." She stated as she turned to the backdoor of the building.

A ways a way, Scootaloo and Applebloom were watching this. Though they could only hear whispering sounds. The tone, and the fact that the smaller one jabbed her weird appendage against the larger one demonstrated that it did something the other didn't like.

"What ya think that was about?" Applebloom asked Scootaloo.

"I don't know. Hmmm...." Scootaloo trailed off before she suddenly jabbed Appleboom with her hoof into the side of her barrel.

The sudden jab caught Applebloom by surprised as she let out a squeak. "Hey! What ya do that fer?" She demanded.

"Did it hurt?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at her friend.

"Well no, but it shure weren't pleasant none either." Applebloom stated as she smoothed out her coat where Scootaloo jabbed her. "Come on, we can't lose 'em" Applebloom stated before looking up, and seeing nothing. "Huh!? Where'd they go?"

While the two were having their argument, Hardeen, and Aleki made their way into the unlocked back door of the building. Ponyville being so peaceful , and almost crime free, most ponies didn't even lock their doors. Even after the town's resident alien moved in. The two decided to use the back door as the front front entrance was too exposed, and since they didn't know if any of the ponies were informants, they couldn't take any chances.

The room they entered was the large kitchen by the looks and smell of it. All around on shelves were some of the finest baked goods in all of Equestria, and it smelled like it too. There were pies cooling, cakes waiting to be frosted, Cookies wanting to be nibbled upon, Cupcakes looking so delicious. Their stomachs began to grumble loudly as they looked upon this pastry paradise. Though through all this, there was no sign of the Baker. That struck the two as odd. Though the oddest thing was the towering multi-tiered cake with the words "Welcome Federation Friends!" in lavish calligraphy, and there looked like what was a crudely made Guntank on the top of the cake.

Hardeen, and Aleki continued through the Kitchen, fighting the temptation to sample the utterly delicious looking tower cake. Soon, they entered the Store front where there was large display cases showcasing the days delectable treats. The two found they instantly liked the place. It was cozy, and warm. Very inviting for the two battle weary soldiers.

In front of the Store was a large window with the Letters in that strange language that these ponies share. Though the window afforded an unparalleled view of the center of town, and from it they saw the Zaku II kneeling. The armor was removed from its arms and it seemed to be powered down. But most importantly, the cockpit was opened! Harden and Aleki couldn't believe their luck. This gave them the perfect place to watch for the Zeon Pilot. Though they wouldn't get a long time to revel in their good fortune as they heard voices approaching.

"I can't wait! The Cakes always makes the very bestest yummies." A young Female voice spoke. It sounded like a young girl

"Yeah, I had some at the welcome party that Pinkie threw for me. They are delicious. I'm glad Rarity gave me some bits for helping around the boutique." A older male voice replied.

"Yeah, sis's really happy for the help." The young girl's voice replied.

The two Federation pilots had no time to find a hiding spot before the door opened with the jangling of the bell, and in walked a tiny unicorn filly accompanied by the Zeon pilot they were looking for.

Michael opened the Door to Sugar Cube Corner, and held it open for Sweetie Belle, which had the young Filly blushing, and giggling girlishly. Her plush Zaku, and Pilot balanced her back as she walked into the bakery.

"My, such a gentlecolt." She teased playfully, mimicking her sister's dainty voice. Though she would stop when she noticed the lack of heavy boot steps behind her, or the deep laugh from her friend.

Turning around, She saw that Michael had stopped mid-step through the door, his face locked onto something in the room, and the color was draining away quickly. Tracing his line of sight, Sweetie Belle saw two more Humans, or at least she thought they were humans, standing just behind the counter with the same shocked expression as Michael.

Suddenly, the room was a flurry of motion and loud voices as Sweetie Belle felt herself being picked up, and put outside right before the thick door was slammed in her face. The last words from Michael ringing in her ears.

"Run Sweetie belle, Run away!"

Sweetie didn't obey at first. She reared up and slammed her front hooves against the door. However, the door was too heavy and thick while she was simply too small. She let out soft grunts as she tried to get the door to open to no avail. Once she realized she couldn't open it she then pressed her ear to the door, and tried to hear what was going on. All she heard was shouting right before something large slammed against the door. Her eyes grew wide as her ears flopped back against her head. Panic started to creep into her mind over the fate of her friend. Sweetie trotted around in circle as her mind frantically searched for a way to help Michael. Without another word, she bolted off the front step of the bakery, her Zaku Plush, and Pilot doll falling off, and landing in the grass by the door.

Inside, Michael had just managed to get Sweetie out of danger, giving both Aleki and Hardeen the time needed to vault over the display and close the distance, both shouting obscenities. Michael didn't even have time to say anything before a ham sized fist came around from left field, and colliding against his cheek, snapping His head to the side. Michael was sent reeling back, and slamming against the door. The first strike was quickly followed up by another to the opposite side of his cheek forcing his head back and bouncing against the wooden frame of the door. Michael was seeing stars by now, his eyes unfocused from the blows, and couldn't offer any resistance as his mind was a blurry mess right then.

After his one two punch. Aleki grabbed the Zeon's wrist, and yanked him up, shoving him into Harden, who was itching to get her licks in. Hardeen would grab the Pilot's shoulders, pulling him into her while she drove her right knee right into is groin. Causing Michael's eyes to nearly bug out of his skull as the paralyzing pain coursed up his spine as it felt like his balls were jammed clear up to his throat. Michael staggered back a few steps as he clutched as his groin. Soft pained whimpers slipping between his lips.

"How do you like it, you fucking zeke?" Hardeen snarled. "You think the Federation is just going to let you set up shop here? We're not going to let these ponies suffer your tyranny!" She spat with a vicious sneer upon her plush lips.

However, before she could revel more in her victory, an olive drab form suddenly darted towards her, and before she knew it. Michael had tackled her, driving his shoulder into her abdomen just beneath her breasts. He pushed her back until her back slammed into the counter just behind her. A loud "gurk" being forced from her lungs. Hardeen quickly grabbed the edge of the counter to prevent herself from being pushed over and forced into a very bad position.

"GET OFF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She shrieked as she brought up one of her feet, and planted it into Michael's stomach. Kicking, she flung Michael off of her, and into the waiting arms of her driver, Aleki. The much larger man then picked up Michael in a move that would impress any wrestler.


"Really Pinkie, do we really have to gallop through Ponyville like a couple of Madponies?" Twilight huffed as she was chasing Pinkie down the main street of Ponyville. The commotion being caused by the pink pony were bringing stares from all around and made her dip her head a bit lower to try and not be so conspicuous. Not that the wings, and horn wasn't doing just a fine job of that alone.

"My Pinkie senses are going haywire, and its a real Doozy!" Pinkie called over her shoulder with glee as her eyes swirled within her head. Immediately after, a loud laugh exploded from her. "I'm so excited to meet our new friends!" She called out happily.

"New Friends!? What new Friends!?" Twilight shouted over the wind.

Pinkie just let out another series of bubbly giggles as the smile on her face broaden almost to maniacal proportions as they neared the side of the bakery window. But Pinkie's smile quickly disappeared as she shoved twilight down as hard as she could and also hit eh deck.

"Moose! I mean Duck!" Pinkie cried out as no less than a second later Michael came crashing through the window and and landing on the ground before rolling to a stop.

"Michael!" Twilight gasped as she wiggled out of Pinkie's hold, and tried to get to him.

"Stay back!" Michael coughed as he struggled to get to his feet. He couldn't let the ponies get involved. They could get hurt. Twilight, and Pinkie did just that. Though the concern was deeply etched upon their faces.

From the smashed main window of the bakery, two more humans came out in completely different clothing. Both looked ready to kill.

"Fuck the Federation! I can't see why you would want to fight for them!. They're just a bunch of thugs!" Michael gasped as he came to his feet. "They trod over us, and look down upon us just cause they live on Earth, and we live in space. The Federation are nothing more than corrupt thieves! Your own General called Them out!" Michael coughed as he choked a mouth full of spit, and blood. The bruises on his face throbbed with each beat of his heart.

"Don't. You. Dare speak ill of the Federation you murderer! You have no right to judge, Zeon!" Hardeen stated as she stormed across the short distance between them before pulling her foot back before launching it forward once more. Driving it home between Michael's legs, effectively ringing his bell. Causing him to almost double over. Aleki came in immediately afterwards, and threw a haymaker uppercut, connecting to Michael's jaw, Sending him flying back with a sickening crunch of bone.

Michael would land a few yards away, sprawled upon the grass. He was coughing up blood, and his body was racked with pain. Once more, he tried to stand up, to not give into these thugs. His eyes glaring at both of the soldiers. even to the end, he would defy the Federation that hurt so many people.

Hardeen saw that defiant look in Michael's eye. She hated it. She hated him. Her hand flew to her side, and grabbed for her side arm. Pulling the pistol free from the holster, she pointed right at him. At this distance, there was no chance of her missing. Her face scrunch into something heinous. Something filled with anger. the edges of her vision were filled with red, nothing but pure hatred towards Zeon. It was like a thousand voices were screaming in her ear to pull the trigger, her adrenaline was pumping so much it was like she was on a drug high.

"Do you have any last words before I remove your filth from this world?" She growled.

"I pity you poor fools that follow corrupt leaders." He spoke before he smiled a defiant smile. "Seig...(pant)... Zeon." He gasped as he prepared for the gun to be fired.

However, that shot never came. A rock came sailing over, and struck Hardeen in the side of head before she could squeeze the trigger. Causing her to fall backwards as she dropped her gun onto the ground between Michael and her.

The blonde woman put her hand where the rock hit her and found a small trickle of blood seeping out. "O...Owie." She whispered, her thoughts scrambled for a moment as she nearly had double vision from the impact. Despite all her anger and fury from before, the blow to the back of her head actually made her want to cry almost, or maybe it was all the anger being replaced by other emotions.

"STOP HURTING MICHAEL YA MEANIES!" Came a loud high pitched demand.

Everyone looked, and saw the three pint sized ponies of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sweetie Belle had a livid expression upon her face, and a couple of Rocks held in a levitation spell. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were standing right next to her with small piles of rocks of their own. Determined expressions upon their own faces. When it was seen they had everyponies attention. The three scrambled between Michael and the federation soldiers. The Rocks still held, and ready to be thrown. The fillies were ready to fight to protect their friend.

"Ya leave Sar'ent Black alone! Ya hear me!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"yeah, otherwise we'll hoof ya one!" Scootaloo declared, backing her two friends up.

Aleki's expression darkened as he started to take a step towards the young ponies. For Michael, he saw something he really never wanted to see in this world. These ponies having to turn violent, drawing blood. This place was too peaceful for that. Michael couldn't let these ponies go down that path. He couldn't let the taint of the One Year War seep into Equestria.

Michael clambered to the fallen fire arm, and stood up between the three Fillies, and the hulking Samoan. Snatching the gun, and thrust it up, and out directly at Aleki's chest. Michael's chested heaved with exertion, and pain as his own training, and instincts to kill the Enemy screamed at him to pull the trigger. To end this battle permanently.

The flashing of the gun instantly had Aleki stopping. He eyed the Zeon wearily. Michael swept the two with the fire arm. Making it clear that he was not afraid to use it. The two feddies tensed as they prepared for the shot that they just knew was coming. Who would it be, Aleki, or Hardeen? The two locked eyes on the barrel constantly swaying side to side. Both of them bracing for the gut wrenching pain of being shot.

"This...Fight!" Michael wheezed, as he lowered the gun.

Hardeen, and Aleki looked at him dumbfounded. Was he sparing their lives!? Michael pulled the gun to him, and with a flick of his thumb, tripped the magazine catch. The gun's magazine falling out the bottom of the handle, and clattered on the ground. From there, Michael pushed back the slide, ejecting the chambered cartridge that would land in the grass a few feet away. The last thing he did was pull the slide catch, and field stripped the gun into two parts. He then tossed them to the ground.

"I'll not let our War endanger these ponies." he declared.

Michael stood there in the middle of everyone. All their eyes upon his wobbly figure. Blood continued to seep from his wounds as his face started to swell as the skin began darkening in bruise. For Michael, the world was starting to sway back, and forth as his head spun. After a moment, Michael started to shake his head, trying to get it to stop spinning. Michael staggered a bit as Twilight gingerly approached him.

"Sargent Black, are you alright?" she asked, leery about touching him.

"I...I...think i need a doctor." Michael groaned before he collapsed onto the ground. As he laid there, his consciousness fading, he could hear voices around him. Though they sounded muted, and far away.

"Michael!" Sweetie screamed

"Sar'ent Black!" Applebloom called out to him.

"Dude, don't die!" Scootaloo urged.

"Quickly Girls, go get Nurse Redheart. Pinkie, you get the Guards. I'll make sure these two don't get away!" Twilight instructed.

"Hey what the hell is this!? Let us out!" Cried the female federation pilot.

Just...just a little rest. Then everything will be okay. With those thoughts floating in mind. Michael slipped off into unconsciousness.

Peace Treaty.

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Luna descended to the private dining area where she and her sister, Celestia, would enjoy their shared meals. It was here that two would normally talk about their day, or night, and anything else they felt like bringing up.

Though there was one rule: No Business at the table. This single room was to be the one place where either princess could talk about everything under the sun, and moon, that they desired without fear of causing an incident or argument, save for royal duties. Though, depending how stressed either one was, this rule was temporarily rescinded to allow the stressed party to vent.

As the lunar princess stepped closer to the private dining room, the air took on a different feel. It was almost oppressive like heavy humidity. Luna quickened her pace slightly to see if something was troubling her elder sister.

Entering the room, Luna would see Celestia sitting upon her favorite cushion. A cup of Tea, and a slice of cake both untouched before her. Celestia had a look of intense concentration upon her normally beautiful features. She was staring at a scroll that was laying just in front of her like it was Starswirl's unsolved theorem. Luna quietly entered and sat upon her favored Cushion. A plush navy blue pillow with stars sprinkled upon it. Using her magic Luna poured herself some tea into a cup and set it down near her end of the table.

"Good Evening dearest sister." Luna said warmly before taking a sip of the tea. however she quickly winced back as she discovered that the tea was quite cold. While wiping her mouth with a napkin, Luna noticed that her sister had ignored her completely. Luna set the tea cup down, and made a mental note to summon a servant to refresh the tea. But first, she had to see what had her Sister so concerned.

"Sister?" Luna called once more before placing a hoof upon Celestia's wither.

This caused Celestia to jump a little bit before turning to her sister. Luna had a concerned look upon her face. Celestia took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. She even extended, and flexed her wings a bit in the same vein of a Human rolling their shoulders. Working some stress out with the movement gave her a small measure of relief but still wouldn't remove the new weight upon her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Luna. Its just that, something of grave importance came to my attention by my Faithful Student." Celestia stated, the worry hanging on her words as she pushed the scroll over for Luna to read. Luna would levitated it up, and begin reading it to herself .

Dear Princess Celestia,

We have had another incident in Ponyville. While it is not something as grave as the dragon attack, nor the Rock Monster, It may be an incident of even graver consequences. Early this afternoon, Sargent Michael Black was attacked inside of Sugar Cube Corner by two assailants. The parties that attacked him were not any pony, but other humans. Further more, these Humans are Federation Soldiers. Members of some opposing political faction in hostilities with Michael's own faction back on his home. Thankfully though, the situation has been stopped before any excessive violence could occur, and the two Federation Soldiers have been placed under house arrest. Lt. Calm Night, and his Guards are currently watching the house. Sargent Black is having his injuries tended to by Nurse Red Heart. I'm worried that the incident that brought Sargent Black to Equestria has also brought these two. If that is the case, has it brought others? Could more be on the way? My experiences in these matters are sorely lacking, and I request advice.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Luna set the letter down. If she had hands they would have been trembling by now. This was truly grave news indeed as the images that she saw of the war going on in Sargent Black's mind came crashing back into her own mind like a tidal wave. That one scene of the colony dropped upon Sydney causing her to shudder and shiver involuntarily.

"Verily, a grave situation we doth found ourselves, dear Sister." Luna stated, slipping back into her old mannerisms. Normally Celestia would have tried to gently correct Luna, but she didn't this time. There were more important things to focus on.

"Yes, we are walking a tight rope. To show favor to one side risks the ire of the other. I would rather keep Equestria, no our whole world out of their horrific fighting." Celestia stated. Luna could only nod in agreement.

"Perhaps a Treaty with the two sides." Celestia mused aloud. "A treaty that declares Equestria a Neutral party in the war, and condemns any fighting here." She continued. Luna listening intently.

"Sister, there is but only three humans at this time. Doth thou think a treaty a bit much?" Luna stated, her mannerisms coming more, and more under control.

"For three, yes. However, for all we know there could be more. Hopefully this treaty will keep Equestria out of any hostilities between the two factions. Or at least lessen any collateral damage." Celestia stated before she used her horn to summon some parchment along with quill, and inkwell.

My Dearest Student,

Yes, this development is grave indeed. I'm having a Treaty drawn up declaring Equestria a Neutral party in their dispute, and will have it sent for the Highest ranking member of each party sign. In the Meantime I ask that you, as the Princess of Friendship, try to foster good will between the humans. Good Will, and Friendship will always have more power than any piece of legal document.

I'll send my messenger with the Treaty as soon as it is completed.

Yours Truly,
Princess Celestia

With the letter written Celestia quickly sent it on its way to Twilight. Her faith in her student's ability to keep the peace still strong. However, that now left many more things to be decided upon. Especially what course of action to take should the other nations in the world learn of this new incident.


A soft groan could be heard from the extra large hospital bed at the Ponyville hospital. Since the occasional Griffon, or Minotaur passing through town does get bumps and bruises while in Ponyville, the Hospital did have accommodations for their non-pony anatomy. Though it also meant that they didn't have a bed in Michael's size and for the moment he had to contend with one much larger than he was accustomed to.

Michael's body still hurt despite being given care by the best doctors in Ponyville, but the pain nullification spell the doctors used did help a bit. Michael's face was swollen, his body ached all over, and his crotch felt like a beat up punching bag. Michael let out another groan as he opened his eyes, and looked around the room. There were a couple of ponies talking nearby, and he could hear only snippets of their conversation, but couldn't understand them cause of a headache he had. The constant thumping in his head nearly had him see stars and made it difficult to focus. Turning his head, Michael saw three sets of eyes staring very intently at him.

"Are ya gunna live?" Apple Bloom asked.

Michael let out a bark of a laugh, before he let out a breath. "Yes, Apple Bloom. I'm going to live. Takes more than a few knocks to put me down." Michael stated as he reached out, and patted her on the head. Thus earning Apple Bloom a slight glare from Sweetie Belle. Though that glare was extinguished when Michael's hand came to her head, and tussled her mane. Sweetie Belle giggling at the attention.

"I'll get the others!" Scootaloo stated as she trotted out of the room, and quickly returned with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Calm Night, and Rainbow Dash.

"It is good to see you are alright, Darling." Rarity stated as she came up to the side of the bed, and patted, and then straightened out Sweetie Belle's mane from where Michael messed it up. "Sweetie Belle, and her friends were simply beside themselves with worry when you collapsed outside Sugar Cube Corner." Rarity continued a she gave Sweetie a reassuring hug.

"Yeah! If only I was there, I would have given those guys the ole One, Two!" Rainbow declared as she reared up on her hind Legs, and boxed with her fore hooves a few times before dropping down all four hooves again. "I mean, come on! You saved Ponyville twice now, as well as saved one of Scoot's friends. I can't leave a buddy hanging." Rainbow stated as she struck a proud pose. Scootaloo stared up at Rainbow with something akin to worship. Causing a couple of the other ponies to fear that the young filly would start prostrating herself before the Flyer.

"The Situation is far more complicated that than, Rainbow. Those two are Federation soldiers. Meaning they belong to the opposing political entity to Michael's Zeon..." Twilight explained.

"What the hay are ya talking about, Egghead?" Rainbow asked, causing Twilight to huff in frustration at being interrupted.

"She means that those two, and I are enemies. We're at war with one another back home, Rainbow Dash. A very big war." Michael stated as he looked over to the cyan pegasus.

"Oh, why didn't you say so!?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Twilight darling, are you alright? You look rather pale." Rariity asked with concern.

Twilight simply stood there motionless for a moment before a very visible shiver run along her back, and caused her tail to flick. The few images that she remembered from Michael's Test when he arrived always left her shuddering. "Yeah, I'm fine." She stated unconvincingly. Thankful that Apple Jack was not there to call her out on her rather blatant fib.

"Have we learned anything about them?" Michael asked with a grunt of pain as he pulled himself up in bed to get a better look at the ponies..

It would be Calm Night that approached. "Not much. They refuse to any answer any question we ask. All they will give us is their name, Rank, and a string of numbers. We don't know what the numbers mean." He explained.

"Serial Number. Basically it's one's personal Identification Number." He explained. "So what are their names?" Micheal asked.

"Um, the one with the blonde mane is apparently Female. She is a Staff Sargent, Lilith Hardeen, and the other, a male, is a Sargent Alicky Va...Vu....Valulu..." Calm Night informed, having difficulty with the Polynesian name. he continued until Michael waved him off.

"Thanks, though "Hardeen". I think I heard of that name before." He mused as he sat there thinking for a few minutes. "Nah, just my imagination." He mused. "Alright. Looks like its time I talk with them!" Michael declared as he ripped the bed sheet off of him.

And instantly felt a breeze where he knew he shouldn't be feeling one. Looking down, his eyes grew wide as he saw that he was as nude as the day he was born. Just as fast as he ripped the sheet off, he yanked it right back on. Blessedly, it appeared that the ponies, particularly the three Fillies closest to his bed side were preoccupied, and didn't see his rather grand display. Something he was very thankful for.

"Um...where are my clothes?" He asked as he tried to fight down the deep blush threatening to turn his face into a tomato.

"Oh, those? The Nurse had to remove them cause you were so cut up from the glass. Rarity took them to mend, and clean." Twilight stated.

"Yes Darling. Though I really wish you would let me make you something far more fashionable. I did bring the other "Uniform" I made for you though. It is right over there by your table." Rarity stated, pointing a dainty hoof to a small pile of clothes that was just out of reach.

"Why do you humans wear so much anyways!? I mean come on, it took Nurse Red Heart, and two others, like thirty minutes to get them off of you. Its more of a serious pain if you ask me." Rainbow grumped.

"Does...does that mean you saw..." Michael asked, not even able to complete his question. His face so red that he was figuring steam was about to pour out of his ears.

"No, we didn't see anything. We weren't allowed in the room while your injuries were being taken care of." Twilight stated, though she was confused to why Michael seemed quite nervous all of a sudden.

Michael let out a soft sigh of relief as it would appear that nopony, aside from Medical staff, saw his naughty bits. He could live with that, hopefully. He asked that the ponies wait outside while he got dressed. The looks of confusion on their faces told him that he would have to explain it later, to which he promised he would. Though the pony least willing to leave would be Sweetie Belle. She had to be dragged out of room by her two friends. Michael only giving her an assuring wave and a smile as he watched them disappear out the door.


Out in the Hall, Calm Night was standing, and waiting for Michael to finish getting dressed. Like the other ponies, he was having a hard time understanding why the Humans always insisted upon being clothed. Twilight, and her friends were discussing the upcoming Gala, and seemed to be wondering if they should attend again, considering the rather loud ruckus they caused the last time. Something that Calm Night was rather hoping would happen again. He had been on Guard Duty that night, and many nights before, and the Gala was always so boring with nothing but posh spoiled ponies talking about business. So seeing the chaos from the six ponies almost had him, and his fellow guards rolling on the floor laughing. He would find out later that Princess Celestia rather enjoyed it as well.

As Calm Night mused, a Unicorn guard approached. "Sir!" The Unicorn stated as he came up, and saluted.

Calm Night looked over, and returned the Salute. "Yes, Corporal. What do you have to report?" He asked.

The Unicorn relaxed a little bit before taking a breath. "Sir, we have finished the scans of the Humans. We have found large traces of Chaos Magic residue, along with some other magic." He explained. Calm Night's eyes narrowed at this, his hoof brought to his chin as he considered the implications.

"What's this I'm hearing about a Scan, and Chaos Magic?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she approached. Her curiosity instantly piqued when the word "Magic" was uttered. Causing both Guards to come to ridged attention.

The Unicorn Guard turned to Calm Night, who gave him a nod. The Unicorn then stepped forward, and bowed before Twilight. Earning him, and the others a blushing princess. Twilight could only chuckle nervously, her wings twitching in apprehension as she felt everyone's eyes upon her. Thankfully, the Guard stood up.

"Your Majesty, I was just informing Lt. Calm Night that we have completed our scans of the two humans, and have found large traces of Chaos Magic." The Guard explained.

"Chaos Magic, Large traces." Twilight mused quietly as she looked down at the ground. "Michael didn't have much Chaos Magic lingering on him when he appeared. That denotes that they did not appear the same way as he did." Twilight muttered with growing excitement in her voice. The excitement extending from the growing belief that she was not responsible for the entirety of this mess.

"Yes Your Highness, but there is more." The Unicorn guard added, breaking Twilight's musings.

"Oh, what else is there?" Twilight asked, her eyes looking very intently at the Unicorn. Causing the Guard to lean back slightly out of fear of being spontaneously turned into a frog, or something.

"The um...other traces of magic we found, closely matched what we found on Fire Cracker when she was brought in after the fight." He stated, the nervousness fighting to break the disciplined composure.

"Then the two cases could be related!" Twilight stated clopping her hooves together excitedly. Her wings fluttering as she lifted off the ground a few inches.

"Simmer down, Twi. We got to git them two talkin' first." Apple Jack stated before the Purple Alicorn could wink herself over to the house, and being her experiments.

Twilight could only give a Forlorn look at her friend before a soft sigh slipped past her lips. Her ears, and wings drooping a bit. Her friends knew why, and could only giggle. "Fine~." She droned dishearteningly. "I just wish Michael would hurry up getting dressed. This is taking forever!" She groaned


Eventually, Michael did emerge, dressed, and ready to go. His clothing were a close copy of his uniform, though Rarity did add a couple of extra Flourishes that made him look rather dashing, If Sweetie did say so herself. The group would walk over to the house that the two Federation soldiers were being kept in. Though it was obvious as they could hear a distinctly feminine voice shouting along with something being banged against repeatedly.

The house the two were being kept in was a rather nice cottage situated towards the outskirts of town. For a Pony, it would have been a very nice home, and it was furnished rather well. Large couches, and beds were available for Hardeen, and Aleki to use. Though sleep was the furthest thing from Hardeen's mind as she continued to bang a tin cup against the door, and window pane, preventing her partner from even considering the nap that he really wanted right now.

"I demand to be released!" She called out to the Guards that stood outside the home. Some of the Unicorns even taken to putting a sound dampening spell upon their ears to tone down the racket the Human female was making. Making them all thankful that the cottage was not closer to the more populated part of the town.

"The Doors are not locked, nor the windows barred." One of the Guards muttered to the other. Hoping that the Human would try, and escape so if nothing else, it will quiet her down.

"I demand to be officially released!" Hardeen shouted almost immediately after the comment by the guard being spoken.

"Well, at least she's an honest prisoner. I wish I could say the same for the others we had to guard." The other guard spoke with a shrug.

As the group of Ponies, and one human approached. Michael couldn't help but start to chuckle. Sweetie Belle, whom was walking along right beside him looked up at him curiously. Soon the others started to look at Michael with concern in their eyes.

"She's a screamer. Nice." Michael chuckled

Sweetie Belle slowed a moment as she blinked. Looking back up at Michael, confusion upon her fair features, she had to ask. "What's a screamer?" It was the innocent curiosity that all young Children, and apparently Foals, had which just seemed to make it worse. Suddenly all the ponies faces turned a bright red as they looked very uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Ya know, I'm startin' to think you're a bad influence on the squirts." Rainbow Dash stated to Michael as she crossed her forelegs across her barrel, giving him the stink eye. It might had been more intimidating if not for the fact that Michael was almost twice her height, and the Pegsus had to keep her wings flapping to maintain her hover.

"Naw ah know ah've dun seen everythang! Rainbow Dash, callin' out somepony on account of bein' a bad influence." Apple Jack teased the chromatic flyer. The pegasus then glared at Apple Jack who could only return a very smug smirk at her.

As the group approached, the guards quickly came to attention, and saluted Calm Night. He quickly returned the salute and then turned to Michael. "My Guards, and I, will be waiting outside. Are you sure you don't want a guard in there with you?" He asked.

Michael was quiet a moment as he considered his options. After a moment, he nodded. "Yes. Some trust has to be extended if they're going to trust me." He spoke to Calm night quietly before turning to Twilight. "Though, Princess Sparkle, I would like you to come with me. I doubt they'll be trusting at first." Michael requested.

"I don't know if that is wise, your Highness!" Calm Night quickly interjected. "They could try to attack you, or you could get caught in the middle if they try to attack Sgt. Black." He stated, concern for both Twilight Sparkle, and his career, in his voice.

Twilight gave the Guard pony a sour look before letting out a frustrated huff. Really!? Considering after everything she, and her friends went through, they honestly think she couldn't take care of herself now that she had wings!? "Everything will be Fine, Lieutenant. Michael if you would be so kind." Twilight stated as she looked back up to the Zeon Pilot.

"Yes, Your majesty." Michael stated as he removed his pistol, and turned it over to Calm Night. "Please keep an eye on this for me, but don't mess with it. It is very dangerous." he stated seriously.

Turning his attention back to the door. Michael gave it a few sharp raps with his fist. "Okay you two. Back away from the door, and don't try anything. I have an Alicorn, and I'm not afraid to use her!" He declared.

Twilight was nodding along with this before he spoke the last part. Then her head whipped around as she looked at Michael in shock. He was stifling laughter. The same laughter that Twilight's friends were enjoying at her expense. Her ears flattened a bit as she let out another huff.

On the other side of the door, they could hear some whispering, and shuffling around. After a moment, Michael slowly reached out, and grabbed the door knob. Turning it, he gently pushed the door open. he really wished the door was see through, or he had a way of knowing exactly where the the Federation soldiers were. Cracking open the door, he peeked to ensure that no one was hiding to one side. Upon seeing that it was clear, he eased the door open more, and more. Even Twilight was being cautious, and peeking around, following Michael's example.

As the Door finally opened wide enough, the two would see both Soldiers sitting behind the table in the middle of the cottage's Kitchen. It would have been quite humorous cause of the size difference if not for the positively hot glare the woman was giving them. If looks could kill, the woman's glare would have incinerated Michael on the spot. The Large man looked more tired than anything. Probably because he couldn't get any sleep with all of other's screaming. Michael let out a sigh as he entered with Twilight Sparkle walking along side him. The woman cast a withering glare towards the Alicorn as well. Why was she helping the bastard that was trying to enslave her town!?

Twilight, and Michael crossed the small expanse of floor before each taking a seat across from the two Federation soldiers. The woman seeming to have a smug smirk as she looked over her, and the man's, handiwork with the bandages still upon Michael's face. The large man kept that same tired, cautious expression. Twilight looked upon the three sets of faces curiously and could see the tension thickening between them. She never felt anything like this. They were staring at someone they wanted to kill, it was frightening. For many minutes, the two parties simply stared at each other with only three feet of wood between them.

It would be Michael that would try, and dispel silence. He took a breath to speak, but was instantly cut off by the woman shouting.

"Hardeen, Lilith. Staff Sargent. 2349890-0" She declared in a practiced, and forceful voice.

Twilight's ears flopped back against her skull from the volume of the woman's voice. Outside, several guards moved to rush in, but was quickly stopped by Lt. Calm Night as he watched through the open front door.

"Vaaulu, Aleki. Sargent. 563243-1" The large man was quick to follow his leader.

Whatever Michael was about to say was gone as he simply let his breath go slowly as he lowered his head, and closed his eyes. It would appear that this might be a bit more difficult than he suspected. Michael thought for a moment as he looked up at the ceiling. It had an open beam design much like log cabins, and older style European homes. It was quaint, homey, and Michael thought this house could be a good home for a family. Even if it is a bit small. After another moment, he looked over at Aleki.

"So, that is how you pronounce your last name. It was giving Lt. Calm Night quite a fit." Michael stated simply out of the blue. Aleki blinked at the rather randomness of the statement. His mouth making a small "o" as if he was about to retort, but couldn't think of anything. Hardeen's gaze continued boring into the side of Michael's head, but he was not letting it bother him.

"Look. I don't care where you were stationed, what you were doing, or even if you were in the middle of a combat-jack during it. At this point, all that, and I do mean all that doesn't matter. We, the three of us, appear to be the only Humans in all of this World. And unless something drastically changes, we're now permanent residents of this world." Michael explained. He was silent a moment as he let what he said sink into the two before him.

For the two, it was a shocking revelation to hear. That is if they could even believe it since it is coming from the mouth of their Enemy. For Aleki, the news, if was truth, would be devastating. It would be his worst fear come to life if it was so. In his mind, the picture of his new born baby Girl seemed to fade to dust and replaced by the image of his wife being forced to raise their daughter alone and his girl never knowing him. Hardeen tried to hide her shock behind bravado. She was thinking that this man was out right lying to her, and Aleki, he had to be. He was a Zeon! The source of all her pain, and yet, she just couldn't find the strength to lunge at him like she had originally planned to.

"He's right. Not even the Celestial Sisters can send you back home." Twilight stated, affirming what Michael just told them. The look of Guilt, and sadness easily seen upon her face.

"For what it's worth. I'm very sorry that you two were torn away from family, and loved ones." Michael stated a sincerely.

The room was draped in an oppressive silence. Lilith, and Aleki simply sitting there in their seats as the news of their predicament sank in. The anger, and bravado slowly evaporated from Lilith right before Michael's, and Twilight's eyes. Michael didn't say anything. What could he say? He thought about leaving right then, letting the two have some time to process it alone, but didn't. The three of them were humans. The Principality of Zeon ,and the Federation, no longer mattered. It was just the three of them now, stuck in this strange land on their own.

Outside the door, Calm Night was joined by three smaller heads peeking into the dimly lit room. The Cutie Mark Crusaders very curious about the meeting going on. Though none more so than Sweetie Belle after she found out from one of the Guards that one of the Prisoners was a Human Female! Something about that news made her anxious, leery, worried. She stared at the golden haired woman intently, trying to decide if she was an "Attractive" member of her race. Though Sweetie Belle remembered that it was the woman that attacked Michael along with the large man. A frown spread across her youthful visage as she worried about what the appearance of this Female meant for her.

"But...we were told that we would be sent back if we destroyed the Zaku, and its pilot." Lilith muttered finally. Her voice cracking as she swirled between anger, and sorrow.

Twilight's ears perked upwards as she heard what Hardeen muttered. She looked at the woman intently. "Who said that'll send you back?" she asked. A knot of worry starting to twist in her stomach. Could it be another was responsible? Who? She remembered what the Unicorn stated about Magic similar to the kind that permeated Fire Cracker, but she couldn't think of who could possibly have that much power.

Aleki, and Lilith both looked at the Alicorn. Her question was simple enough, or so they thought. No sooner than Hardeen opened her mouth than her mind went completely blank. She blinked as her mouth opened, and closed like a fish. The more she tried to remember, the more it all faded away. Much like a strange dream that one wanted to hold onto when they woke, but the more they tried to recall it, the more it disappeared. In its place was a heavy fuzzy feeling, like when she drank.

"I...I don't know." Hardeen admitted as her face twisted in confusion. How could she forget? She had an excellent memory.

"I can't remember either!" Aleki stated. His face just as torn as Hardeen. There was a hint of panic in his face as he feared what was happening. This wasn't some simple slip of the memory, but he could feel it worming around in his mind. It began to fill his mind with terror that something might be wrong.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Michael asked, his voice being surprisingly concerned.

"NO SHITHEAD!" Hardeen barked at him. Causing Michael, Twilight, and Aleki to flinch away. "We don't remember apparently." She growled. Crossing her arms over her chest.

Twilight's eyes narrowed at both Aleki, and Hardeen. Leaning forward, her horn glowing faintly as she looked at both of them, and sensed magic at work within them. She was using a gentle probe spell to see what she can find. That was until her eyes snapped open. Something was wrong, terribly wrong!

"You two, I need you to lay on your backs right now!" Twilight demanded as she stood up in her chair, her wings flared. The look on her face was of deep concern.

"What!? Why the hell should we!?" Hardeen spat back, raising up in her seat, feeling threatened by this overstuffed reject from a girls TV show.

"Just do it. Something may be wrong." Michael stated, He's been around Twilight enough know she wouldn't make a demand lightly.

It appeared that Hardeen was going to resist when a large hand came to rest upon her shoulder. Her head snapped around, and she looked at Aleki. He didn't speak, but simply shook his head. He knew that resisting would only make things harder. Slowly he stood up, and laid upon the ground. However, Hardeen refused, and remained seated. Twilight huffed at the fact that she was going to have her work doubled. However, she was not going to press the issue. Sliding from her seat, she sat by Aleki's side.

"I'm going to perform a deep scan of your mind. I believe someone may have used a very forbidden spell upon you, and Miss..." She started to explain.

"Staff Sargent." Hardeen growled indignantly.

"Staff Sargent Hardeen. I believe the spell has affected your memory." Twilight explained as her horn started to glow brightly. "This will not hurt at all, I think." She stated right before she started to envelope Aleki in a magical cocoon. Aleki didn't look so convinced.

The other two looked on as a magenta light filled the room. Outside, more, and more heads peeked in, almost completely obscuring the door way. They all watched Twilight intently as she performed a Scan that the Unicorn Guards only wished they had the skill to perform. Sweat beaded along Twilight's brow and horn as she concentrated. No pony, or person uttered a word as the Princess of Friendship, and the Element of Magic did her scan.

Soon, after a few more minutes, the glow began to fade as Twilight let out a long held breath. Though the look upon her face was deeply troubled. "I have a suspicion, but I need to scan you, Staff Sargent." Twilight stated as she looked at Hardeen.

"Its alright, Lilith. I'm fine." Aleki spoke as he sat up, rolled his neck from laying on the floor. "My brains aren't scrambled, and I didn't feel a thing." He added to reassure his rather hesitant superior.

Now it appeared all eyes were on Lilith as she was the only one that needed to go under the scan. She was still very hesitant about being subjected to magic. Even if she was subjected to it multiple times already, both known, and unknown. She slowly backed away from the others as Aleki moved to come to his feet. She watched him intently, looking for signs of Thought manipulation. Yet, he still seemed like the over sized Teddy bear he has always been with children.

"Gah-dammit! Fine! But if my brains start leaking out my ears, I'm kicking both your asses!" Lilith declared as she shot venomous looks at both Michael, and Aleki. She simply could not bring herself to glare at the purple Unicorn-Pegasus-Pony-Thing. With a deep scowl, she took the same position on the floor as Aleki did. "Okay, lets get this over with." She growled in frustration.

Twilight once more assumes her position sitting be Lilith on the floor. She closes her eyes, and begin to concentrate. Her horn starts to take its trademark magenta glow. Quickly that glow started to envelope Hardeen as it had with Vaaulu. Twilight took deep even breaths as she concentrated on keeping the spell stable. As like before, no pony spoke, or made a sound.

Twilight would let the spell fade finally as it appeared her fears were confirmed. She quickly started to pace the room as Aleki helped Lilith to her feet. True to his word, Lilith did not feel anything. She looked at Michael whom was still seated behind the table, and the near uncontrollable urge to beat him to a pulp flared. Yup, she was still her.

Michael stood up from the Table, and came around to see what had Twilight pacing like a mad pony. Seeing him move, Sweetie Belle quickly slipped in, narrowly missing a hoof from her sister. Sweetie Belle wanted to get a closer look at this Human woman, and prevent her from getting too close to Michael. She was still miffed with her for attacking him so viciously earlier.

"So Doc, what is it? Brain Tumor, or is did a bug suck their brains out?" Michael teased a bit, hoping to take some of the tension from the room. Looking down at Sweetie Belle smiling, not really questioning her presence, having gotten used to her hanging around him.

That did it! Lilith was not going to say, or do anything, but that little comment set her over the edge again. She started to stomp over to him, her right leg already on its backward arc to be swung forward to ring Michael's bell, again! However, if there was something every MS pilot prided themselves on, it was quick reflexes. No sooner had Lilith started her wind up, then Sweetie Belle miraculously appeared before his groin, held up in Michael's hands. Causing Lilith stop her assault mid-execution and almost fall backwards. She glared at Michael with pure venom in her eyes. Though she could see the fierce determination in the young Unicorn Filly's too.

"Tch! Leave it to a fucking Zeke to take a hostage!" She spat at Michael, her looks fuming with desire to hurt him.

"Hey! Can you blame me? You were going straight for my Vitals!" Michael defended. Though, had it come right down to it. He would have not let Sweetie get hurt on account of him. He was banking that underneath it all, Hardeen was a good person.

"Yeah! You're going for his vydels!" Sweetie Belle declared, Raising a hoof in defiance of Lilith. Yet, the very next moment, she blinked before looking up at Michael' "What's your vydels?" She asked innocently. Completely catching Michael, and Hardeen off guard with her adorableness.

"Um, you don't need to worry about that. Just know that you're officially my Hero, Sweetie Belle." Michael quickly stated, his cheeks blushing before he set her down on the floor once more.

"Yeah! I'm a Hero!" Sweetie Belle declared as she puffed out her chest in triumph.

"Okay, Princess. What has you pacing yourself a hole in the ground?" Michael asked the Princess of Friendship, all the while edging himself away from Hardeen, and keeping a leery eye upon her.

Twilight stopped, and looked at the three humans whom were now all focused upon her. It was a bit disconcerting knowing that Humans were predators, and having three look at you so intently. She quickly ruffled her feathers to shake her mind clear of gory images of what a Human feeding frenzy could look like before she spoke.

"It would appear my suspicion was correct. Staff Sargent Hardeen, and Sargent Vaaulu has come in contact with somepony upon their arrival to Equestria. However, it would appear that this somepony did not want their presence known. The magic signature is Identical to what I found with Fire Cracker." Twilight started to explain. Outside, Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes as she could tell Twilight was about to enter "Egghead Mode" again.

"Excuse me, but what is all this got to do with sudden gaps in our memory." Hardeen interrupted. Her patience wearing very thin having to share the same room, and air with a Zeon far longer than she ever desired too.

"I'm getting to that!" Twilight huffed in indignation. "As I was saying. It would appear that sometime before you came to Ponyville to confront Sargent Black. You two had a spell cast upon you. A spell to affect your memories. I originally thought that the spell was something to simply cloud your memories, and that maybe Princess Celestia, and or Luna could be able to dispel the magic so we can find out who you were in contact with that also had contact with Fire Cracker, but...." Twilight trailed off with a sigh, leaving a very pregnant silence in her wake.

"But....?" Michael asked, Leaning forward. He was curious as well. Lilith, and Aleki were growing very concerned about what Twilight was leaving unsaid.

"But... It appears the spell is worse than that. It is literally destroying your memories associated with this Pony. Meaning we can't recover them." Twilight explained as she plopped down upon her haunches. Once more throwing the room into a deathly silence.

"I won't remember those adorable pack puppies!?" Lilith suddenly squeaked, which was surprisingly cute considering who it came from.

Both Michael, and Twilight looked at Hardeen in confusion over what she just said. Though it would be Aleki that would answer for his Commander. "The "Pack Puppies" is the group of Diamond Dogs we met when we arrived. Hardeen enjoyed playing with the pups of the group, and dubbed them the "Pack Puppies". The other Diamond Dogs appeared to enjoy her company. She even slipped them rations to eat as well." He explained to the audience.

"I can't honestly tell you whether or not the memories of these "Pack Puppies" will be affected by the spell. I simply do not know much of how the spell was made to determine how it works. I'll have to do more research, and possibly consult with the Princess's Archmage." Twilight explained. Feeling a bit down for now being able to give the Human a straight answer. "So my only advice for the time being is to stop trying to remember who you met here. Just focus on those Puppies. It appears to be a very happy memory for you." She stated right before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"So....what happens now?" Aleki asked. looking to Twilight, Hardeen, and lastly to Michael.

"Princess Celestia is drawing up a Cease Fire between The Federation, and the Zeons. Declaring that Equestria is a neutral party in your War. She doesn't want to see the fighting spill out here." Twilight explained as another involuntary shiver ran up, and down her spine directly to her tail. "In the mean time...." She started to say, but was quickly cut off by Michael.

"They should be allowed to move about the town as freely as I am." He stated simply.

"WHAT!?" Those present all shouted at once. For Aleki, and Hardeen that was the last thing they would have expected from the Zeon. The two humans could only stare at the Green clad human with deep suspicion. What was he game? Was he trying to get them to let their guard down? The two didn't trust him, not by a long shot.

"if we're suppose to not kill each other, I suppose we have to start somewhere. Besides, I don't know about you two, but I'll go crazy if I was stuck in a house with nothing to do." He stated before he turned to leave. He figured he forced them to endure his presence long enough. Sweetie Belle walking along side him happily. Thankful of getting him away from that human female.


In the large city of Bolton, there was a small Pastry and Coffee shop upon the outskirts run by a unicorn mare by the name of Cinnamon Bun. She was a well known fixture in the neighborhood as many ponies would stop by on their way to or from work for a cup of coffee, and a delicious cinnamon roll. She would always greet them with a smile, and a warm welcome whenever a pony would enter her humble shop. She was small for a unicorn, with a cinnamon brown coat, and a white icing colored mane and tail that had a natural swirl much like icing on a cinnamon roll. Due to her work with pastries all day, she always had the subtle hint of cinnamon about her, leaving it in the air everywhere she went. Her cutie mark was a plate of three Cinnamon Rolls. All, and all, she enjoyed her life. She wasn't rich but she was happy.

Cinnamon Bun smiled as she closed the door, and locked it before levitating the key back into her Saddlebag. It had been another wonderful day running her shop, Buns and More. A warm smile was upon her lips as she remembered all her happy customers that showed up during the day. It allowed her to look forward to tomorrow when she would be able to do it all over again. Before she started down the street, she looked up into the darkening sky. Celestia's sun has set, and Luna's Moon was on the rise. The stars starting to appear one by one in the deep velvet sky. Cinnamon Bun smiled at the display. She always loved Luna's nights. They were so peaceful. Cinnamon would start walking down the nearly deserted sidewalk. Her apartment was only a couple of blocks away. So it wasn't too much of hassle to walk. Though she wouldn't get very far.

"Pardon me, young Miss." An older stallion voice spoke as a dust colored Unicorn seemed to appear before her. He was wearing a Top Hat, and a cape that was popular among Unicorns in Cantorlot. His eyes focused, and calm as he approached the young Unicorn. "I would appear to be lost, and in need of assistance." He stated calmly as he stopped several feet from Cinnamon.

Cinnamon was startled by the sudden appearance this Older Stallion. He looked harmless at first glance, but something about him was sending chills up, and down her spine. Was it his eyes? They looked different than a normal pony's eyes. In a way they almost reminded her of those rich ponies who would show up trying to buy her shop from time to time, nothing but greed in them, but still there was something more inside of this pony.

"Um, Hello." She greeted politely, though taking a couple of steps backwards. Her dark brown eyes quickly starting to scan the area, and look for any other pony, but she saw none. It was just her, and this strange looking unicorn.

"L-Lost?" She asked. She hoped that being able to give him directions, he may be on his way, and leave her in peace. That look in his eye was very unnerving. It was like looking into the eyes of a Predator. Very unnatural for a pony to have.

"My Dear, are you truly so afraid of me? I'm but an old Stallion. I couldn't harm a fly." The stranger chuckled as he took another step to keep the distance between them only a couple of feet. Forcing the young Mare to continue to backpedal.

Though she would be stopped by something bumping right up against her rump. Her eyes grew wide as she slowly looked up, and saw two large Diamond Dogs. Before she could utter a cry for help, she was quickly gagged, and bound before a large sack was thrown over her.

"Though I can't say the same for my associates." The unicorn chuckled. The last thing the Unicorn would see is a devilish smirk upon the Unicorn's face.

Dr. Shard smiled at their latest Capture. Ever since the Humans left to destroy that green giant that they called a "Zaku", and hopefully get destroyed themselves, He felt more calm, and focused than at any other time he could remember. Course, he remembered to put that Memory Erasure spell upon them both before they left the Mine. He had to be careful still. That spell made sneaking into the Forbidden section of the Cantorlot royal Library worth all the trouble.

"Quickly now. We have to get her back into the tunnel, and to my lab for prep." he urged his Henchdogs. "Oh the great things I have in store for her." He chuckled.

The three quickly made their way down the nearby alley, and towards a large hole that was dug. Another Diamond Dog was standing nearby, keeping watch. Dr. Shard trotted over, and quickly leaped into the tunnel, Followed by his Henchdogs. Immediately afterwards, the Diamond dogs began to fill in the hole, and remove any traces of their presence. Shard would take it a step further, and used his magic to smooth out the top so any pony glancing by wouldn't see a mound of disturbed dirt.


Two days would pass, and the Ponyville's Compliment of Mobile Suits would go up by one. The Guntank's arrival was viewed with great interest by the ponies. Many watching at it lumbered around the town on tracks that was close to a meter, and half wide. It also gave those most interested, namely Twilight Sparkle, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a chance to see the different design notes of the opposing factions. The Guntank being far more blockish, and angular compared to the Zaku's more curvy shape. It brought mixed reviews from everypony. For Sweetie Belle, The Zaku would always be her favorite, for reasons. Scootaloo adored the "Awesome" Shape of the Guntank. Yet, she would always follow it up by how much cooler Rainbow Dash was. To help keep the peace between the factions, orders were left with the guards that Michael was not allowed near the Guntank unless accompanied by either Hardeen, or Vaaulu. The same went for the Federation troopers, and Michael's Zaku.

It would be just past noon as the shadow of the Royal Carriage could be seen sailing over Ponyville being pulled by a team of Royal Guard pegasi. Banking slowly, the carriage would land just in front of the Town Hall. Many of the ponies stopped their daily chores to see what was happening. Though for many minutes, nothing happened. The Pegasi simply stood there, looking this way, and that, for any threats to their charge. Soon though, a subtle "Ahem" could be heard from inside the Carriage. Causing one of the Pegasi to roll his eyes as he unhitched himself from the carriage and moved to the Door. Without much pomp, nor circumstance, the Pegasus opened the door and bowed.

"About time! What, you expect me to do everything? What do we pay you for?" A haughty stallion's voice hissed as he steeped out onto the soft grass. The sensation instantly had him turn up his nose in disgust. "Ugh, What were auntie Celestia, and Luna, thinking when they sent me to this Commoner's Village?" He groaned before lifting one of his perfectly Manicured hooves. "I'm going to have to spend a week getting my Hooves redone." He moaned before he closed his eyes. His long perfectly styled mane wafted luxuriously in the soft breeze of the early afternoon. His white coat shined, and was brushed to an immaculate sheen. A map's compass star shined upon his flank and a small tuxedo like neck piece was on his chest.

With a huff the stallion Looked around in disappointment. There was no Fanfare, no welcoming party!? Did these country bumpkins know how to greet their betters? By Faust's sake there wasn't even a red carpet. How was a stallion of his Royal standing expected properly convey his greatness to these commoners?

"Ah, Prince Blue Blood. Welcome to Ponyville." A happy voice spoke, causing the Prince turn to see who addressed him. His lips grimaced just barely at the latest Princess, Twilight Sparkle. To him, she was "New Blood", and didn't warrant the same amount of deference of his Aunts, or cousin. Yet, still he had to show some respect.

"Yes, Hello Princess Sparkle. I've been given the all too important task of Royal courier. I've brought the Non-aggression Treaty that Aunt Celestia request that the "Hyoo-mins" sign." He stated. "Do you know where they're at?" He asked "So I can get the buck out of here." He finished in his mind.

"Oh, Well Sargents Hardeen and Va...Vu...ah-Aleki. They're at Sugar Cube Corner working off the damage to the shop from the scuffle with Sargent Black. And Sargent Black is probably by his Mobile Suit doing maintenance. Though, given the time, He may be having company." Twilight stated as she looked up at the town's clock tower. Noticing that it was a little bit past the time School lets out.

"Very well. Let us collect them, and have the Pact signed." Blue Blood stated with a defeated sigh. It appeared that he will never make it back to Canterlot at this rate.

The two would walk across the square towards the outskirts of town where the two Mobile Suits were sitting. Blue Blood made the trek very irritating with his constant complaining about how dirty, and common Ponyville is, and how much more splendid the capitol was. The whole ordeal was making it harder and harder for Twilight to keep that friendly smile upon her lips. She had to constantly remind herself that he was Celestia, and Luna's, nephew and that Celesta still had high hopes for him maturing, eventually. Though many Mares would agree that it was a lost cause.

Blue Blood's grumblings would cease the moment he laid his sapphire blue eyes upon the two Mobile suits. He had seen the pictures in the paper, and was told by his Aunts at how big they were, but still! To see them in the flesh was something else entirely. Both towered over him like ancient titans. For the first time in a long time Blue Blood felt small, very small, as he looked at the large Ax hanging off the Zaku's left hip skirt plate. The other truly defied his ability to describe it, and it made him think of crumbling castle walls in the face of an assault by either of these monsters. Blue Blood's wall of Arrogance started to crack at seeing these machines up close. His ears lowering as he found he wanted to be anywhere else but right there.

"Hmm, where could Michael be? He's normally around his Mobile Suit." Twilight puzzled as it seemed the only ones here was a hoofful of pony guards that were tasked to keep an eye upon the two Mobile Suits. One barely stifling a yawn out of boredom. It would appear Ponies were not as prone to sticking their noses where it could easily get broken as humans were.

Blue Blood could only look at Twilight in a mixture of Shock, and awe. Was she not afraid of simply being in the presence of these contraptions that seemed exclusively made for complete destruction? Was her "Alicorn-ness" the reason she could actually be so blase about being near these things!?

Before Blue could think more on the subject, there came a shout, and a hardy cheer right before one of the strangest, and undoubtedly ugliest creature he had ever seen came running around from behind the large green Giant. Just behind it, three smaller creatures, obviously three notorious Fillies in painted cardboard, were in hot pursuit. However, probably the most disturbing part, was that the group was coming right at them! Blue Blood's mind panicked as he started to fumble to get out of the way. The Guards unmoving, watching this all transpire. Subtle smirks, and quick glances betraying their normally stoic expressions.

"Make a hole, make it wide!" The Bipedal Creature shouted in perfect Equestrian.

"GIT'EM!" was the shouted chorus of the three Fillies running down the weaving creature.

The next thing Blue knew, he felt two large appendages upon the back of his head as the creature used him as a vaulting horse, and went up, and over him. The three Fillies hot on his hooves. The action nearly causing Blue Blood to face plant right into the dirt. The Fillies were agile, even in their green cardboard costumes. Threading their way around, and between Twilight Sparkle, and Blue Blood's legs like an obstacle course. Though It would appear the Creature flubbed the landing, and began to stumble forward, trying desperately to regain his balance. This gave the three Fillies the opening they needed as they launched themselves off the ground and into the creature's back, and upper legs. Completely obliterating its last dredges of balance, and sending him nose diving into the grass. The three Fillies riding him down like Slim Picken's did the A-bomb in that old movie.

Michael landed hard in the grass, and slid for about a foot before coming to a rest. On his back, the three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered their Victory.

"CUTIE MARK ZAKUS DEFEAT THE GIANT MONSTER!" The three cheered before two hopped off, strutting around in Victory. though one remained behind. Enjoying the contact before she would slide off as well. The Guards were stifling their laughter at not only the scene of one of the humans being taken down by three Fillies in Cardboard Zaku Armor, but also the look on Prince Blue Blood's face when he was nearly given a mouthful of dirt

Michael rolled onto his back, and let out a gust of exhale. Blades of grass fluttered up from his lips as he simply took a moment to stare up at the sky. More clouds were lazily being moved by the weather team. The Pegasi completely oblivious to the climatic battle that just took place below them. Though Michael's peace would be interrupted by pair of bright moss green eyes looking directly at him.

"Silly Filly." Michael chuckled warmly as he reached up, and tussled Sweetie Belle's mane. Which had the young filly giggling, and blushing brightly before hopping off. Letting Michael Sit up, and see that both Twilight Sparkle, and an rather incensed Unicorn were just a few feet away. Michael inwardly groaned as he could smell a Politician, and knew it wasn't Twilight Sparkle.

"Hello Michael, I see you're having fun with the Crusaders." Twilight stated happily. It was rather nice to see a Male that was so good with Little Foals. Most generally wanted as little to do with Foal Rearing as possible. Had Michael been a pony, he would have been quite a catch for the mares that wanted to form a herd.

"Yup, Not much more I can do with the Zaku until the armor comes back. So far everything is up to snuff. She is fully operational now. Sans the armor of course." Michael stated as he stood up, and dusted himself off. Though his clothes were filthy now.

"Okay, That is good. We have that Treaty that Celesta requests you sign with the Federation pilots." Twilight explained as she looks to Blue Blood. The Stallion glaring at Michael for using him as a vaulting horse.

"Cool, so we sign on the dotted line, and simply go back to what we're doing." Michael shrugged. "Easy peasi." He adds with a grin.

"What!? This is a highly detailed, researched legal document! It took Auntie Celestia's best Scholars of Law, and Diplomacy over a day, and a half to draw this up!" Blue Blood declared, clearly offended by Michael's rather blase attitude about the whole affair.

"Yeah, and it is utterly meaningless should anyone of higher rank appear. Remember, Neither the Feddies, nor I have any diplomatic recognition in our respective governments. We're just grunts." Michael explained. "Granted, I will sign it, and work to keep Peace. So you won't have to worry about me." He added as a reassurance.

"If nothing else, It'll give the Princesses peace of mind, and can serve as proof to any others that may appear that Zeon, and Federation can peacefully coexist." Twilight stated to try, and defuse the situation.

"Fine, Let's just get the other Party, and be done with this! Now, where are they again?" Blue Blood grumbled as he really wanted to get out of town now.

"They're working at Sugar Cube Corner. Paying off the Damage to the Cake's Bakery." Twilight told him again.

"And where is this...Sugar Cube Corner?" Blue blood pressed, a bit irritated as he felt this Princess was trying to deliberately waste his time.

"Oh, It's just on the other side of town." Twilight stated as if it was merely across the street.

Though for Blue Blood, she might as well have said it was on the other side of Equestria, or the Planet. Hell, It might as well been on the moon to him. He closed his eyes, and could only imagine how dirty, and sweaty his immaculate coat, and suit would get from the sheer exertion of walking so very far. Though it wasn't really more than a mile at best.

"I'll return to the Town Hall, and prepare the paperwork. You can retrieve the honorable Representatives for the signing." Blue Blood stated with an overly dramatic sigh. Making Michael wonder if he was somehow related to a certain purple maned Fashionista. Though he would be quickly informed not to bring up any history between Rarity, and Blue Blood.

"Okay. Come on Michael. We have to get Lilith, and Aleki." Twilight stated as she started to down the path with Michael following. The two being trailed by three cardboard quadruped Zakus.

"Be sure to clean up, first!" Blue called out, but wasn't sure if he was heard or not.


Blue Blood would return to the Town Hall, and promptly commandeer the main conference chamber for the signing. He set out the Parchment carefully, and placed down the two sets of golden gilded Quills that will be used to commemorate this Historic event. Each quill sat in an inkwell made of rich blue Sapphire. The Parchment was the finest quality, written in rich calligraphy by the finest Unicorns of the Royal Palace. Blue felt that for a trio of grunts, Celestia, and Luna were going all out. Did they truly expect more to show up?

"This'll show that snarky Cow of the Night that I can actually accomplish something." Blue Blood grumbled darkly as he looked over the table where the Parchment lay, thinking about all the comments Luna spoke against him to Celestia.

Granted, at least half of them were true, but Blue Blood was far to Arrogant to see that. In his mind, he was just as ready, and fit to be a Ruler as his Aunts, and Cousin. At the very least they should consider giving him a province or some mansion somewhere. He spent the last few minutes making minute changes to the arrangement as he waited for the others to arrive. Next to the Parchment were ten Golden slips of paper neatly lined together.

Blue Blood turned when he heard the door open, and the sound of Footsteps, and Hoof steps coming in. Turning he saw Michael, and two others. Though the moment he laid his eyes upon them, his practice smile turned down as he saw the three humans standing with a gaggle of familiar faces. Michael was standing there in the same clothes he wore earlier caked in dirt, and grass. Around his feet was the three Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were all looking around excitedly as this was their first time being in Town Hall in quite a while. They were chatting about possibly meeting the Mayor herself. Next to them, stood two more Bipedal creatures. Both of which were wearing aprons that were far too small for them, and covered in flour, and frosting. They looked particularly irritated at being here, or it could have been cause of the overly rambunctious Pink Earth Pony constantly getting on them about smiling.

"I can't believe this! Don't you have any sense of dignity? You're utterly filthy!" Blue Blood announced. "This is a very important meeting, and as such should be attended with some degree of Decorum." He lectured while staring daggers at the three.

Hardeen could only roll her eyes. Politicians and their damn ceremonies, even on an alien planet it was all the same.

"Sir, with all due respect. If you wanted Decorum, you should've gotten officers. We're NCOs. We actually work for a living." Aleki stated in deep Hawaiian accent.

"What?" Blue Blood could only ask in confusion.

Michael sighed as he spoke next to make it as plain as he possibly could for Blue to understand. "What he means to say is that we don't give a flying...."

"FRISBEE!"Pinkie shouted all of a sudden before looking at everyone. Whom were all staring intently at her. "What~? There are Fillies present, and he was going to say..."

"That's alright, Pinkie." Twilight stated quickly to cut off her friend.

Blue Blood took a couple of deep breaths to get himself calmed down again so they can start the ceremony. "Okay then. I thank you all for coming. The Solar, and Lunar Princesses wishes to welcome Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, and Sargent Alicky Va...Vau..." Blue Blood started to say but was fumbling over his tongue.

Aleki grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Aleki is fine." He stated simply.

"Ahem, Aleki to Equestria." Blue Blood concluded before approaching the table with the Treaty. "If you will please step up, I request the Highest Members of your factions to Sign the Treaty. It signifies that Equestria is a Neutral party in your conflict, and that you will not engage in combat while upon Equestrian soil." Blue Blood explained as he used his Horn to levitate one of the gilded quills, and dipped it in the Ink. He was mid-turn to present the quill when a new sound was heard in the room.


It was immediately followed with the familiar "Skretting" of something scratching against the parchment. Michael was bent over the table scrawling his name, and Rank, upon the document. Fulfilling the Zeon's Requirement, Michael then stood up and turned to Hardeen as she was the highest in rank from the Federation. He offered her a long tapered cylinder in his fingers. Hardeen looked less than thrilled as she took the object. Barely holding it with the tips of her fingers.

"Ugh, Zeon cooties!" She groaned, though in a half joking manner, before she followed suit, and quickly scrawled her name, and rank upon the document. She tossed the cylinder back to Michael who caught it easily. Thought the object caught another's attention too.

"What is that?" Twilight asked as her eyes peered directly at the object in Michael's hand. Thus causing the human to stop the motion of replacing it in his pocket.

"Huh, this?" Michael asked as he held up the object, a humble black plastic ball point pen.

"Yeah, that!" Twilight asked as she stared at the object in wonder.

"It's a pen. Used to write with." Michael explained, feeling a bit weirded out by how intently Twilight was gazing at the pen.

"Does it use ink!? How with no inkwell?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah. The Ink is in a pressurized cartridge inside the pen. It is one of those fancy ones that are issued on Spaceships. It can write in Zero-Gravity, and upside down. I think it can also write underwater, but I've never tried." Michael explained. Looking at the humble writing tool in his hand.

Twilight was starting to drool a bit, causing Michael's eyebrow to arch as a mischievous grin spread across his lips. He moved the pen to the right, Twilight's eyes followed. He then moved it to the left. Again Twilight's eyes followed obediently. No matter where he moved the pen, Twilight's eyes, and head followed, intently focused like a falcon. He even raised it up over his head, causing Twilight to rise up on her hind legs when he did that. An idea came to his mind, and Michael couldn't help himself.

"Fetch!" He called out as he sent the Pen flying out the door.

"MINE!" Twilight announced as she dove after it like a shot. As if she was possessed by her own "Want it, Need it" spell.

"Oh, I'm gonna catch Hell for that, but it was worth it!" Michael stated as he tried to keep his laughter down.

During all this, Blue Blood was looking over the treaty, and ensuring everything was in order. He knew that if even the slightest thing was out of place, Auntie Luna would try to tan his hide, literally. He let out a sigh when he saw that those aliens at least signed on the correct lines. Ink was such pain to remove from parchment for a rewrite. He would then cast a preservation spell upon the parchment so it could not be altered in anyway later. This was to protect The Humans from any slight "Modification" that a noble with less scruples may pull. Only the Royal Sisters could remove the spell to make any changes if need be. Once he ensured the document's preservation, he rolled it back up to be placed in the saddle bag for the return trip to Canterlot. A Trip that couldn't come soon enough. That just left one more order of business.

"Ahem!" Blue Blood called out to get everyone's attention once more. Including Twilight who had just returned from the Hall with her new treasure held in her magical grasp. When everyone looked at him, he continued. "Yes, well. I have also been asked to present to the Hoo-myns with tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. Princess Celestia truly hopes you three can attend. It will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet other nobles, and dignitaries. Helping to dispel any rumors that may be circulating about your intentions here in Equestria." He explained as he levitated the three tickets before each person.

"I have Tickets for Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the other Element Bearers as well. Auntie Celestia stated that if anyone of you needed an extra Ticket for an escort. Simply to let her know." Blue Blood stated as he levitated the remaining Tickets to Twilight sparkle.

Just outside the Room, Lt. Calm Night could be heard snickering to the other guards. "Looks like the Gala is going to be Interesting again this year."

At the Gala (modified)

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It was finally that time of year again. That energized time where the most notable nobles and highborn elites rubbed elbows with the most fashionable of Celebrities in what is touted as the greatest party of the social Calendar, even providing the chance to mix with royals and demigods like the celestial sisters. This meeting was none other than the Grand Galloping Gala! Ponies, Minotaurs, Griffons, and even some Dragons would come at behest of the Princesses to relax, and enjoy themselves for an even of reforging friendly bonds. Diplomats, royals, and foreign Dignitaries had been arriving in Canterlot since the beginning of the week. Renting out all the available rooms in Cantorlot. Fashion Designers jockeyed for their styles to be chosen, and subsequently displayed by those that would attend the Gala, and bring notoriety to the designer.

Yet this year was different. Rumor buzzed all around about the three arrivals in Equestria that the newspapers had reported on. Celestia, and Luna knew they couldn't keep the Humans existence a secret. Especially not with all the pictures of Michael, and his Zaku's exploits already front page news several times already. They only wished they had more discretion about how, and what news was released. It would have helped keep the rumors to a minimum. So the two thought it would be a good start to have the Humans formally introduced during the Gala as there would be many representatives of foreign countries present to meet with them. Hopefully that would ease any worries that the heads of State would have. They could only hope.

The night of the Gala was started off by one of the most beautiful sunsets Celestia had made in recent history. Letting the dark reds, oranges, and purples dance across the sky, painting the large fluffy clouds that dotted the horizon. Luna would follow up with a beautiful Moon rise, and a meteor shower that wowed the early attendees and the rest of Equestria as it could be seen from even the frontier as Ponies and Buffalo looked up at the night sky. A gift from the princesses to their beloved ponies, and the dignitaries that accepted their invitation. Coaches, trolleys, and carriages would line the long road to the Castle. Valets opening the doors to let the occupants disembark, and proceed along the plush Red carpet towards the main entrance of the castle. Meanwhile Ponies lined the Velvet ropes along side the carpet with cameras all to see the whos-who of Ponydom, and what they wore. Among the attendees were the Sheikhs of Saddle Arabia, always happy to see their North-Western neighbors, The Prime Minister of Germaney, and Prance. Those two always seemed at odds even if the rumors were true and they were secretly dating. Also attending was Sir Luscious Snow-Wing, The Empire of Griffonia's equestrian diplomat. He always appeared in the Empress's stead as she always had an excuse not to accept the Princess's Invitation. Though the rumors varied greatly as to why.

Soon, a long Lavender carriage bearing the cutie mark of one Princess Twilight Sparkle arrived and guards made sure no one was too close to it. The Carriage was pulled by a team of White Horses with Spike at the reigns. Twilight had to foresight to make sure Opalescence was securely locked up before transforming the Mice that Fluttershy convinced to help into horses this time around. For the Humans, they had to bite their tongues on the Irony of the situation about horses pulling a carriage of ponies. The Valets would rush over, and place the stepping stool before the carriage, and opened the door.

"Well, this is it everypony. Time to put our best hoof forward." Twilight Sparkle stated as she stepped out of the carriage, and upon the red carpet. She was wearing a new gown created by her good friend Rarity. It was lavender like her coat, and had a more regale twist on it now that She was Princess.

"Quite right, Darling. I do hope I can finally meet my Prince Charming this time." Rarity stated as she followed Twilight out of the Carriage. Her dress would be the flashiest of them all with the amount of gems she had. Which had Spike drooling at the walking smorgasbord.

"Ah wouldn't count on dat, Rares. Ya 'member what happened last time with that there prince ya were all twitter pated ov'r." Applejack stated as she was the third pony to exit the Carriage. She wore the same outfit she had last time, not seeing a need to make a whole new one when the original that Rarity made for her was just perfect. Applejack had a hot apple Pie balanced on her back, a Gift For Soarin as he seemed quite taken with her Family's pies.

"Darling, please! Don't remind me. Prince Blue Blood was such an uncouth arrogant...." Rarity started to rant, but having trouble finding a suitable word to describe him.

"Jerk?" Apple Jack offered as she stood beside Rarity.

"Yes, "Jerk", precisely Apple Jack." Rarity giggled as she gave her friend a playful hip check.


That very same "Jerk" was standing in a corner with a glass of punch taking a breather from all the constant elbow rubbing. Blue Blood had to get away for a moment or two otherwise he felt that he would lose his mind. For the last hour he had been whisked from one group to another to be introduced to dignitaries, and nobles from far away countries. All of them seemingly had unwed daughters that could be just "Perfect" for him to marry. If by perfect they meant fresh out of the surgeon's office after making themselves as prettied up as their bodies could physically handle. He honestly had considered suggesting a law to ban the botox spell. Blue blood shuddered at all the times he had some somepony try and thrust their daughter, or their friend's daughter upon him, some of them were only a day or so of legal age for such things and were instantly being shoved in his face.

"Oh, Prince Blue Blood. What a pleasant surprise bumping into you here!" A cheery female voice spoke up, trying to make it sound like pure coincidence that she just happened to bump into him, and has not in reality been trying to find him all night.

Blue Blood tensed up at the feminine intrusion in to his peace before he quickly summoned the mask of a Prince that he learned from his Aunty Celestia. "Hello, and Good evening to you miss. How are you doing?" He asked with a somewhat forced grin. What is this? the 100th mare that has come up to me tonight? Can't I simply be left alone?

"Good evening to you as well, Your Highness. I must say you're looking rather dashing tonight in your new tux. Did you do something different with your mane? I was just telling my Friend Edith..." Cause every girl has a friend "Edith" "Just how amazing an opportunity it would be to meet you tonight, and that I simply had to tell you..." The mare droned on, and on, and it was only through sheer force of Will that Blue Blood paid any attention. It was the same old drivel that any, and all mares went on about as they tried to ingratiate themselves to him. It was no different with the Element of Generosity when She tried to gain his affections. Expecting him to sweep her off her hooves, and just spend his money on her for the rest of her life. Tartarus! Did she even consider that he might have been allergic to one of the ingredients in the Fritters that she tried to force him to eat!? She, just like every other pony, didn't see Blue Blood. All they saw was the royal blood in him and the possibility of becoming regal.

There were many ponies that would say that Blue Blood was nothing more than a spoiled prince that was ungrateful for the life that he had been blessed with. On a level, they may be right, but it was more of the fact that he was a Prince that had, for his entire life, been pandered to. He never was allowed to work for anything, never had a chance to earn his own achievements or to learn how to pick himself up after falling down. Being groomed from the day he was born, his life planned out to every exacting detail, and any chance of deviation quickly stamped out aggressively. This was the doing of his Parents. The entitlement mentality ingrained into him by Royal, and Pure Blood. Telling him that he was above the common rabble and that they only existed to serve him. It was cause of this sentiment that Celestia took her nephew in before his parents could do more to make him unfit for his title. Though it would be into his early adolescent years before that would happen. So Blue Blood simply became jaded with the opulent life that pretty much had him trapped in his own mind, and in the Palace walls. He thought it best when remembering an old saying, a prison, no matter how well furnished or stocked, was still a prison.

The Mare didn't look like she was about to stop talking, and going on about how amazing she was, any time soon and Blue Blood had enough of indulging her. So he simply left without a word. Leaving the mare stunned, and miffed at his rudeness. Hardly even considering for a moment that it was she who was the rude one. As Blue Blood crossed the room, he could feel the eyes of all the mares upon him, watching him as he moved away from the other mare. Many silently cheering their good fortune that he was not stolen from them. He didn't even have to look at them to know that they were jockeying to see who would get a turn at him next. He simply let out a sigh as he wished for this night to be over, and tried to figure out how long was long enough before he could simply retire back to his room.


After the six mares exited the Carriage, Aleki, and Michael both stepped out to the gasps of the assembled ponies. Their height, and very alien form drawing attention to them instantly. Both were dressed in Full Dress versions of their uniforms, or as close as Rarity could get with the descriptions that both Aleki, and Michael, gave her. Course, that didn't mean she didn't add a few flourishes of her own. Using Gold and matching colored gems to highlight accents upon their uniforms. Though the best was yet to come.

The two men stood ram rod straight on either side of the Carriage door as a long slender leg reached out. At the end was a silver shoe with a very modest heel patterned after a Ballet Flat. Aleki extended his white gloved hand towards the opening as another hand reached out take his.

"Thank you Sargent Vaaulu." A cultured, feminine voice spoke effortlessly as she emerged from the carriage.

Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen decided to forgo her uniform unlike the other two members of her race, and instead chose to appear fully dressed up. Lilith stood there wearing a full length sequinned blue evening gown with silver trim that hugged her body at her bust, waist, and hips. From the hips down, it flowed around around her legs, stopping just at her ankles. The collar was cut low, revealing just a tantalizing hint of cleavage while the back was opened, and stopped at the small of her back. In her left hand a small clutch purse made of diamonds was held daintily, which Lilith secretly swore to kill anyone if they tried to steal it from her. Lilith's normally straight blond hair was styled to have bouncing curls, and shined like spun gold from hours at the Ponyville Spa in preparation for that night. Her nails were polished, and painted a silvery blue, and she had just a soft touch of make up on to accentuate her features.

As she and the other two humans stood before the assembled ponies, camera Flash bulbs flickered, and flashed all over, causing the three humans to blink the spots from their eyes. Alexi took Lilith's arm in his as he acted as her escort to the Gala. Meaning Michael was going Stag. Michael stood a respectable distance away from the other two. While they were under a non-aggression pact, they were still technically enemies. The three stood behind the Mane six as they prepared to make their way into the Gala.

"Ready Girls!? We've finally arrived At the Gala!" Twilight announced theatrically.

And just like that, as if on a cue that all the ponies were waiting on, they started to sing, and dance. Though the three humans could not hear any music it seemed almost as If the ponies had a large musical group supporting their act. Lilith, and Alexi looked on curiously. Their brows furrowing in confusion. Michael simply bobbed his head as they sang, and danced. It looked like a stage performance that belonged on Broadway, almost perfectly timed and choreographed. Michael had to stifle the chuckling as he looked at the expressions on His two Federation compatriot's faces. Apparently this is their first time witnessing this.

"What are they doing?" Hardeen asked finally as her curiosity was killing her.

"I'm not an expert, but I would have to say they're singing, and dancing." Michael stated as he couldn't help but be the smart ass of the group.

Lilith gave him a look that could melt Luna Titanium. "I can see that, but why are they doing it? And don't give me anymore smart ass remarks. Otherwise I will put boot to ass." She Hissed.

"And ruin your pretty slippers?" Michael quipped, leaving out that she would probably hurt her foot in the process. He quickly brought up his hands, and flinched away as Lilith made a fist, and appeared to be drawing back to slug him. "Okay, Okay. From what Twilight told me after the second time I saw it happen. Discord, an ancient Evil tyrant, placed a curse upon the ponies right before he was defeated by the Celestial Sisters that would cause them all to spontaneously start singing, and dancing. When one starts, they all join in if they're nearby." He explained as Hardeen lowered her balled up fist.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?" Lilith growled.

"Cause, my dear, where would be the fun in that?" Another voice spoke up. Causing the three to turn their head to their left. There stood Discord.

The three humans blinked as they looked at him. The being appeared as if a young child started to draw an animal, and changed its mind several times before finishing.

"Who are you!?" Hardeen demanded to know.

"Oh so many questions from you tonight. Are you sure you're not related to a certain Purple Alicorn?" Discord chuckled. "I'm Discord, the God of Chaos. Said ancient Evil Tyrant. Though I must declare that I'm reformed...mostly. Pleasure to meet you three finally." He said as he extended a taloned claw.

Michael, Aleki, and Hardeen shook the Dragonequus's hand, whatever it was. Exchanging pleasantries with respectful smiles, though all were very curious about this strange being.

"Yes, I must say that this particular curse was one of my best. Though I'm not sure you can call it a curse if the victims actually enjoy it." He chuckled as he continued to watch the performance as if he was a judge at a musical competition.

"Maybe they're just used to it cause they can't remove it." Aleki suggested.

Discord smiled brightly at him as if he had been waiting for someone to make that suggestion. "Oh? No, the Princesses could have removed the curse quite easily. I think they let it play on cause they, in particular, enjoy the distraction." He whispered to the three humans in a conspiratorial tone. An almost maniacal grin upon his lips.

"DISCORD!" Twilight suddenly shouted from behind the Dragonequus, causing him to startle-shift into a chicken with a loud Ba-Kaw!

It would appear that the song had come to an end, and Twilight and her friends were about to enter when they saw Discord talking with the humans. Twilight stomped over to the group. She was suspecting that Discord was going to try some of his pranks, and tricks upon the humans. Considering their penchant for Violence, she figured it would be for the best to nip this in the bud before any misunderstandings could lead to disaster at the Gala.

"What do you think you're doing? Are you planning on causing chaos at the Gala!?" Twilight demanded to know.

"Now, now, now Twilight. So quick to jump to conclusions. Besides, you don't need my help to cause chaos at the Gala. Remember what happened last time?" He chuckled.

The six mares quickly started to look very uncomfortable, and couldn't really look at any pony. Twilight in particular was finding the stones upon pathway very interesting.

"What happened last time?" Michael asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'll tell ya later. Over some hard cider." Lt. Calm Night whispered back while doing his best to keep under control despite his excitement. He had come with the group as an escort, and possible body guard for the humans. That was the official story anyways. In reality, he was to make sure the Humans don't kill each other in accordance with the document they signed back in Ponyville. Though the opportunity to see the Gala turned on its head once more was too good to pass up.

"Oh you bet your fuzzy ass you're going to tell us." Michael replied with sly smirk before sharing a Fist to hoof bump with Calm night.

"Now, in answering your first question, Dear Twilight Sparkle. I'm here to meet my date for the gala." Discord stated as he reached up to tug on a tuff of fur, and pulled on his outfit right in front of the girls. Discord would suddenly appear to be wearing a royal Purple velveteen coat over a lavender white ruffled shirt with a large mauve bowtie. Upon his head he had a burnt orange felt top hat, and a black walking stick clutched in his talon. The very final piece of his outfit was a monocle he pulled out of his own ear and put it over his eye, right after using it to blow a few bubbles.

"DATE!?" five of the Six element bearers yelped in shock.

"Shall I escort you, madam?" Discord asked in a snooty accent as he bowed low to the girls. Causing them to look at him in confusion. However, the biggest surprise was yet to come.

"Why thank you Discord. I would be honored." Fluttershy spoke happily as she approached the dressed up Dragonequus, and did the pony version of a curtsy. "You look very handsome tonight, Discord." Fluttershy said warmly.

"Thank you Fluttershy. You look as radiant as a stampeding herd of foxes." Discord stated with his characteristic chuckle.

The two would walk towards the entrance together leaving the other mares flabbergasted, the mouths hanging open in shock.


"Presenting The Princess of Friendship and the Bearer of the Element of Magic. Her Royal Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The Herald called out in a near booming voice as he announced the Entrance of the Bearers of Elements of Harmony one by one. Since there were so many dignitaries, and nobles at the Gala, it was imperative that each was shown the proper respect, and welcome.

"Ready for this, big guy? I still think we can still sneak out, and find us a bar." Michael whispered to Aleki.

Before the large tanker could respond, the two felt a chill run down their spines. Looking over, they could see that Lilith giving them a look that could curdle milk.

"If you two even think of ditching me here alone. I swear upon all that is holy, there will be no place you two can hide that I won't stomp your balls flat." She hissed as she moved forward to be the next one introduced. "Come on, Aleki. We're next." She stated as she hooked her arm around his once more.

"Presenting, from the Earth Federation, Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, and Sargent Aleki Vaaulu." The herald announced, surprising both humans as he pronounced Aleki's last name perfectly. As a Herald, the pony was rather used to odd, and foreign names.

Instantly the entire Gala stopped as all eyes turned towards the entrance where Lilith, and Aleki stood. The Big man was starting to wilt a little bit under the intense gaze of the alien crowd. Strangely though, Lilith wasn't phased at all. She smiled and stood up straight and tall. Lilith was used to this sort of crowd growing up, so this was nothing new to her. With the slightest tug she pulled on Aleki and the two stepped forward, their movements matching each other and as precise as could be. The Gathered Ponies, Griffons, and various other dignitaries all parted as the two entered into the main area.

"Presenting, From the Principality of Zeon, Sargent Michael Black." The Herald announced as Michael took a large portion of the Attention away from the other two Humans.

On the inside, Michael felt like running away the moment his name was called, and saw all those eyes swing around to look upon him. He swallowed thickly as he summoned his courage, and started to enter into the room. He tried to be as confident as possible. Exude the pride, and nobility of The Zeon People. However, it came off more stiff, and almost robotic. He made his way to stand next to the other two humans, and for the first time. Hardeen was not glaring daggers at him. It was starting to sink in that they were the only three Humans, known, here. So it was best to be on their best behavior for now.

From the other side of the Room, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna approached. The crowd parting for them as if by some unheard command. The two Alicorns approached The three humans. For Hardeen, and Vaaulu, it would be their first time meeting the celestial sisters in person. For them, the wild tales about the two sisters being goddesses upon this world did not seem so "wild" after all. Lilith, and Aleki both tensed up as the Grace, and Awe that the two gave off as they approached was something that either of them could say the experienced before. Even Michael, whom met the sisters before, was still awe struck by them.

"Greetings, and welcome. I"m very happy that you three accepted my invitation to attend the Gala. I do apologize for not coming to Ponyville to formally greet you both." Celestia stated with a warm motherly tone, directing the last part to Lilith, and Aleki. Luna smiled softly, and nodded.

The three were quiet a moment before Lilith was able to remember that she could speak. "Thank you for such gracious invitations. Sargent Vaaulu, and I are honored that you would invite us." she said with a smile that both Celestia, and Luna recognized. "As for the other Member of the group...." Lilith stated as she trailed off looking at Michael as if she could melt him into a puddle goo.

"Huh? Oh, right. Thanks!" Michael replied with a nervous chuckle, and a dopey grin.

Lilith groaned, and placed her face into her palm. "Guys like him think they're better than the rest of us?" She groaned.

Celestia and Luna both gave soft chuckles at the scene playing out before them. To tell the truth, both were quite nervous having the three here. Believing that an incident could ensue if the right impetus was added. "I'm very sorry to have to cut this short, but we have to greet the other guests." Celestia stated with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"We do hope we can converse with you later." Luna added as she was curious about Hardeen. There was something about her that sparked recognition about her mannerisms.

The Two Celestial Sisters then slipped back into the crowd as Michael was trying to find a hole for him to crawl into, and wait for an opportune time to slip from the party. He was sure there was a bar somewhere nearby. As he looked across the Gala, he saw the other members of their entourage. Fluttershy, and Discord were sharing a dance on the dance floor, although everyone else around them were giving the two a wide berth. Rarity was talking with several nobles, relishing in rubbing Elbows with the Canterlot elite. One of them being Lord Fancy Pants. Twilight was hunting for Celestia, while Rainbow was trying to smooze her way towards Soarin', and Spitfire. Pinkie was no where to be found, and that worried Michael as to what it could mean. AppleJack mentioned about finding Pinkie, and keeping an eye on her. Cause when Pinkie is quiet, you become very suspicious.

Then something caught Michael's attention. A smell that he instantly recognized, and had his mouth salivating. It was the pungent aroma of cooked, and smoked, meats. Prepared with the skill of a true chef who took pride in his work, the smell was heavenly and called to Michael like the song of a Siren. His eyes darted around the room as he tried to find the succulent meats to satisfy his appetite. Since coming to Equestria, Michael had not had any meat to speak of. Fluttershy, contrary to what he would have thought, had no problem that he was a meat eater. Apparently, since she took care of all types of animals, she was acclimated to some of their more carnivorous needs. Though that usually meant feeding Mr. Bear fish, and Mr. Otter oysters, and Clams. However, Michael was allergic to seafood, it caused him to break out so any meats he that he could consume were strictly land based. Which proved to be more problematic as normally only griffons, and Minotaurs ate red (White in case of Poultry, and Porcine) meat.

Then he saw it! At the end of the long buffet table that took up half of one wall was another smaller table sitting a respectable distance from the main buffet. Behind the Table was a griffon carver with a fine selection of meats kept hot via enchanted gems. The griffon was looking bored out of her skull as most of the parties attendees were herbivores. There was only a really small handful to eat the meat. Celestia had the Carver there to show her willingness to make her guests happy.

Michael started to tap Aleki on the shoulder, the larger man glared at him in a threatening way. "What do you want?" The large Samoan demanded, feeling hostility deep inside as he saw the uniform of Michael and not the man beneath it.

"Do you smell that?" Michael asked as he took a deep whiff.

Aleki stared at the Zeon for a minute, trying to figure out his game. He finally relented, and took a tentative whiff, still suspicious of the Zeke's motives. However, the moment the smell register, a small amount of drool threatened at the corner of his mouth. He knew that smell.

"Shall we?" Michael asked with a hungry grin.

"Yes, lets." Aleki stated as he, and Michael quickly started to make their way to the Carver. Both with empty bellies, and ravenous appetites. The poor Griffon had no idea what was coming.

Lilith smiled, and waved daintily as Celestia, and Luna disappeared into the crowd. She turned to tell Aleki, and Michael to be on their best behavior, but was only greeted by empty space. A quick look around revealed the two slithering their way through the crowd towards the Buffet, or more specifically, a table full of meat. Lilith's face twisted in aggravation as the boys didn't have the courtesy of even asking if she would like some. Fuck, she was starving after that long ass carriage ride from Ponyville.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if I may have a dance." A deep voice spoke behind Lilith, causing her to turn around and look up at a very tall grey Minotaur. "I'm Soft Spoken, The Equestrian Diplomat from the Minotaur Republic. I hear your people are part of a Federation, and I was curious to know more." He explained.

It took a split second for Lilith to speak but she was able to put on that smile once more. "Yes, I would love to." She stated as she offered her hand to the Minotaur. Mean while mentally coaching herself not to runaway as the myths of Minotaurs flashed through her mind.

The Minotaur would take Lilith's hand, and lead her to the dance floor with some ponies looking on in curiosity at the two bipeds moving along gracefully.


Blue Blood slowly made his way up to a Pegasus pony that was chuckling before three mares. The Mares were giggling foolishly before the Pegasus, obliviously entranced by one of his many stories, or at the very least feigning it very well. The Pegasus was a Chocolate Colored pony with Caramel colored hair which sharply contrasted with his emerald green eyes. His name was Upper Crust III, a Duke from a cloud city just north of Trottingham. When Upper Crust looked over to see Blue Blood, his eyes light up and he instantly forgot about the mares beside him.

"Ah, your Royal Highness. How are you tonight?" He asked as he stood before the Three mares whom started to move, and work their way to try and approach the prince.

"I'm..well, I guess." Blue Blood shrugged. Upper Crust was probably the only pony that Blue Blood could remotely consider a friend.

"Oh! How did that "Big Mission" go? I'm sure it was a rousing success. How could it not be since it was you that was pulling it off?" Upper Crust stated grandly while he threw smiles at his Mare Friends, causing them to blush, and act shy.

"Yes, it was success. Quite easy too." Blue Blood stated dismissively as it was a foregone conclusion. It was only a simple errand. A messenger could have done it, and should have done it if you asked his opinion.

"As expected of the Prince himself." Upper Crust announced as he gave the Prince a theatrical bow. Causing Blue Blood to chuckle, and roll his sapphire blue eyes. "So, is the Prince up for a little fun tonight?" Upper Crust asked as he waggled his eyebrows at the prince.

"What kind of "Fun"?" Blue Blood asked as he crooked an eyebrow at the Noble.

"the "fun" kind of fun. Ladies, if you will please excuse us." Upper crust stated as he shooed the three Mares away. They pouted, and whined, but ultimately did as they were told. "Let us see just how good you are at wooing the fairer sex. That is always a treat to see." Upper Crust stated eagerly.

Blue Blood rolled his eyes as he couldn't believe that Upper Crust wanted to see him do that, again. It was not even a challenge really as most of the mares already wanted him. However, Upper Crust could be so whiny if he didn't get his "Fun". "Fine. Which mare should I woo?" He asked, eager to get this game over with.

"Who said anything about mares?" Upper Crust asked as a devilish grin.

"So what? Griffons, Minotaurs?" Blue Blood asked, letting a bit of his irritation show through.

Upper Crust could barely stifle his giggles. "No, how about that new creature that showed up, what were they called? Hyoomins?" He asked. "I understand one of them is a female." He added.

Blue Blood could already see where his friend was going, and he instantly regretted accepting his little "Challenge". He could distinctly remember Lilith. Uncouth, Dirty, and Foul-tempered. ""Human", and yes one of them is a female. I distinctly remember she was of violent disposition." he groaned.

"Perfect. If you could woo that, you're skills would be legendary." Upper Crust announced. His excitement positively consuming him.

"If I do it, would you drop this coltish game?" Blue Blood asked.

"Okay, deal." Upper Crust stated as the two shook on it. "Yet, I don't see how she seems "Dirty", "Uncouth", or "Foul tempered" he mentioned as he started to look at something.

Blue turned his head to look where Upper Crust was looking, and his mouth fell open. It couldn't be, no, impossible. That was not the same thing he saw in Ponyville when he had to go there. What was standing there with the Minotaur Diplomat was a sophisticated looking creature that seemed like she actually belonged here. How was that possible!? It was completely night, and day from what he saw last time. She moved with a grace that could have only come from being raised and groomed by aristocracy, She curtsied before beginning to dance with the diplomat.

Despite being on two legs she moved with just as much care and practice that did not match to the warrior attitude that Blue Blood had seen her before.


Michael was giddy as he carried his plate that was covered in copious amounts of red meat with a sprinkling of greens towards one of the small tables along the periphery of the enormous room. The ponies giving him a wide berth, many turning up their noses, and looking upon him with disgust seeing the mountain of various meats piled high. Oh this was going to be so delicious! Finding an empty table, He plopped down, and set his plate down as well.

"Looks like you gotten yourself quite a haul, Sargent." Calm Night stated as he approached the table carrying what looked like a small red pouch. "May I sit with you?" He asked.

"Sure, be my guest. Hopefully I won't disgust you much with my carnivorous appetite." Michael chuckled as he used his foot to move out the chair opposite from him. Which Calm Night gladly took.

"I won't if you won't be disgusted." Calm Night stated as he took another sip from his red pouch. A soft slurping noise could be heard that indicated the liquid was thicker than water.

"Oh? Why would I be?" Michael asked as he cut himself a large piece of steak to stuff into his gob.

"I'm a Vampire Thestral. I need blood every so often." Calm Night explained before he curled his lip, and revealed some sharp fangs.

Michael blinked as he looked at the Thestral before him a moment. "Wow! So that is blood you're drinking?" Michael asked, knowing it was an obvious answer.

"Yes, O-Positive. My favorite." Calm Night stated as he took another slip, savoring the blood on his tongue before letting it slide down his throat.

"Okay, So I have to ask. Why blood?" Michael asked, honestly intrigued.

Calm Night could only chuckle. "You would be surprised how many ponies are quite afraid to even ask or be in the same room as one of us." He explained before leaning back in his chair to get comfortable. "We Vampire thestrals, there are also fruit ones as well, need the blood to replenish our red blood count. Our bodies can't produce enough red blood cells to transmit air around on our own. So by ingesting blood, we can help our own bodies reproduce the needed red cells." Calm night explained as he was nearing the finish of his blood pack.

"I see, so it is kinda like us humans, and our need of meat for the protein, and amino acids within the meat. How often do you need to feed?" Michael asked as he was more absently eating his meal now.

"About a pint, or two every month. Princess Luna has been very kind in setting up "donation" Centers for us to get some. We have a card we have punched with the date of our last withdrawal to ensure we're not taking more than our needs. Though there are still some old world romantic notions of the fair damsel, and the wicked vampire. Where we visit mare's in the night, and partake directly from the tap, if you catch my drift." Calm Night explained as he set the now empty pouch on the table, and pulled out another to drink from.

"So what happens at these "encounters"?" Michael asked. He wasn't trying to be perverted, but was honestly curious.

Calm Night blushed deeply as he found it hard to look at the Human that had his full attention on him. "Um...well. A mare, or stallion sometimes, would hang up a set of wet socks outside their window as if they were letting them dry over night. That is the signal that the Pony inside is receptive to a "Donation." Though, depending on the situation, some other activities would go on also." Calm Night stated, before clearing his throat with a nervous cough as his cheeks turned as red as the blood he was sipping down.

"Have there been any problems?" Michael continued with interest as he moved to a thick slice of ham, almost forgetting about the wonderful taste, almost.

"Yes, there have been...some issues, but thankfully they're very rare. We thestrals police ourselves heavily, and make sure that the signal wasn't some accident. Usually if it was, an apology is exchanged, and often it is laughed off. All ponies generally know what the signal is, such instances are kept at a minimum. We're trying hard to dispel the rather sorid reputations we garnered for siding with Nightmare Moon a long time ago." He finished.

Michael chewed his food in silent consideration as he pondered what he heard. After a moment, he gave a nod, and a goofy grin to Calm Night. "Okay, no worries. Just for the record, I'm not disgusted in the least. We each have to eat what we have to eat." He stated.

Calm Night smiled as he believed he found someone that would look past the blood sucking part of his being. "Thanks. That means more than you know." Calm night stated as he resumed enjoying his monthly treat. Though something quickly caught his attention. "What's that?" he asked Michael.

Michael looked over, and couldn't help the sinister smile upon his lips. "Something times me the night's entertainment is about to begin." He chuckled


Lilith had to take a break from the dancing, and talking. The Minotaur Diplomat was friendly, and very intelligent. Apparently their forms of government were very similar, though there was the notable exceptions on how corruption was dealt with. With the Federation, the official was generally forced to resign, pay a fine, or a "Slap on the wrist" as punishment cause of all the back room dealings. In the Minotaur Republic, officials that have been found guilty of corruption were subject to public flogging or simply executed. While the Pony nobility thought that it was barbaric, the notion brought a sadistic grin to Lilith's lips.

Behind the buffet, a unicorn bartender was mixing drinks for the guests. "What would you like Ma'dam?" he asked respectfully.

"Do you know what a "Bourbon Highball" is?" Lilith asked as she leaned on the low counter.

"Yes ma'am. Is that what you would like?" He asked.

"Yes, and put some ice in it to chill the whiskey please." She stated, happy that she would be able to get her liquid libation. Now that just left her will wondering where Aleki, and that Zeon Stooge were. Lilith would see Michael across the room gorging himself on a pile of meat with that one Guard pony that watched over their Mobile Suits at night. However, that left Aleki AWOL. "Where is he?" She wondered.

"Here you go ma'am." the Bartender stated as he pushed a tall Highball glass filled with smoky golden liquid, ginger ale and ice. A cherry nestled between two cubes instead of a lemon peel.

"Thank you very much." Lilith stated as she pulled the cherry from the drink, and set it in her mouth. She gently sucked on the cherry to draw its juices out to mix with the whiskey. Holding the cherry in her cheek, she took a sip of her drink, and let it mix in her mouth before rolling down the back of her throat. The warmth starting to permeate her extremities after it went down. The whiskey had a smooth flavor, and made Lilith think of "Jim Bean".

Though she would not get to enjoy her drink for very long before the sound of hooves approaching caught her attention. Looking over her shoulder, she let out an inaudible sigh. It was that spoiled prince, Blue-butt or Blue-balls, whatever the hell his name was. What did he want? Lilith easily remembered him from the signing of the non-aggression pact. However, she was here, and promised to be on her best behavior. "Good evening, Your Highness." She stated respectfully, for the moment letting go of her anger.

"Good evening Miss..." Blue Blood started to say.

"Staff Sargent." Lilith corrected.

"Heheh, Staff Sargent Hardeen. I was hoping you would do the honor of a dance with me." He stated with a theatrical bow. In his own mind, he could already see LIlith flushing like a young filly at the handsome, and noble prince asking her to dance. He could already feel the jealous glances of the other mares in the room looking at the two of them.

"No, thank you." Lilith stated simply, taking another sip of her drink.

"Of course you're honored, and we can just....excuse me!?" Blue asked suddenly as it registered that he, Prince Blue Blood, had been refused.

"No, the opposite of "yes". I have no interest in dancing with you." Lilith elaborated on swirling her drink in her hand and finishing it up.

Blue Blood let out a huff in indignation at Lilith's words. "I'll have you know that I'm the Royal prince!" He announced as he thrust a hoof towards Lilith.

Lilith looked at him out of the corner of her eye as if she was dealing with a petulant child on the verge of throwing a tantrum. "And that makes you so special?" she asked.

Blue's head snapped back as if he had been physically slapped. Was she serious!? Being prince did make him special! For a moment, he couldn't speak, he was so stunned.

"Now see here..." he started to protest, but was interrupted again by Lilith.

"No, you be quiet, and actually open your ears. You may learn something. You're nothing more than a spoiled child, colt, whatever you ponies call your young. You have had your entire life planned out for you, and have been coddled for every single second of it. Never allowed to get so much as a scrapped knee. Probably swaddled in the finest silks too." she stated with gruff. "Either way, you have nothing to show for this life of privilege. You never once earned something with your own effort, and I would bet you never even tried to do it yourself." Lilith stated flatly.

"Where do you come off thinking you can lecture me?" Blue Blood demanded, yet something about this was striking a cord much deeper in him than he realized. It hurt but in a strangely good way, as if deep down he knew that this was true. No pony had ever dared to talk to him like that before! Sure Luna, and Celestia admonished him for his grievances, but still they were never so blunt about it. This Lilith Hardeen was seeing his crown, but was not letting that influence her in how she spoke to him. It was like it didn't matter to her, but why?

"I don't have time for this. If you will please excuse me, I promised Ambassador Soft Spoken another dance." Lilith stated, and started to walk away from Blue Blood without letting him say anything else.

The Prince was left there sputtering nonsensically as his mind was having difficulty processing the fact that he had been snubbed so viciously. From a nearby dark corner of the ballroom, a dark blue form slowly emerged. Luna held one of her wings before her lips to stifle a giggle. She knew it was not nice, but she rather enjoyed seeing Blue Blood get knocked down a peg, or two.

"We like this Lilith of Hardeen." She mused to herself before slipping back into the shadows to see if she could get a couple good scares, and pass it off innocently.


"Well that was interesting. I saw that train wreck all the way over here." Michael chuckle as he, and Calm Night watched Blue Blood go down in flames spectacularly.

Calm Night nodded, but was composed enough not to let his giggles slip. Though soon, Michael saw Calm Night become very rigid.

"Greetings Sargent. I'm happy to see that one of my Sister's Lunar Guards is keeping you company." A soft motherly voice spoke behind him. A voice that he only had to hear once to be able to recognize for the rest of his life, however short it may be now.

Michael slowly turned, and looked up to see Princess Celestia standing behind him. Her ethereal mane billowing in an unfelt breeze behind her. He blinked as his mind struggled to come up with the appropriate actions. The only thing it could come up with is "Stand slow", "look Dumb". Michael did precisely that. He couldn't understand what it was about Celestia that unnerved him to no end. It was like standing in front of a kindly Nun that you knew who knew all your dark secrets, and yet not called you out on any of them.

"Yes, Your majesty? How I can I help you?" He asked, keeping his voice surprisingly steady.

Celestia giggled at Michael trying to be calm, but she could see how nervous he was around her. "I wished to introduce you to the Ambassador to the Griffonia Empire, Luscious Snow-Wing. He's been very interested in meeting you, and the others." Celestia explained as she indicated to a large griffon to her right.

Michael directed his attention to the diplomat, and was awed. He was large, though not as large as Celestia. His body was stocky, and powerfully built. His head was crested with fine golden Feathers that faded to a rich chocolate brown fur on his body. The edges of his wings were lined with large glistening white primary feathers. He had a sharp look about him.

"Good evening Sargent Black. It is a great pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Rumors, and tales about you have reached the ears of Griffons in very lofty places." Luscious stated as he extended his fore talon to shake.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. I hope the Tales, and Rumors are not too terribly bad" Michael joked, and shook the Diplomat's claw.

"No, No, nothing of the sort. However, taking on a full grown Drake, and a Rock monster does earn you some attention. The newspaper articles have been the talk of the Griffon Courts." Luscious Joked.

Michael was worried at what kind of attention he was getting. He was about to say something when something caught his ear, and caused his eye to twitch visibly.

"Why yes, the Earth Federation is quite a magnanimous governing body. If it wasn't for them, our precious Earth would have probably been a barren wasteland. At the time before the colonization of the space around our world, overpopulation was taking a huge toll on our planet. There was famine, wars over living space, food, water, and the rampant spread of disease threatened our people. It was only after the Federation united the Earth that we were ever to get anything done really." It was Lilith, and she was telling Ambassador Soft Spoken about the Earth Federation.

"Um, please excuse me." Michael stated as he turned from the small group he was with, including abandoning his beloved meat mountain to confront Lilith.

Celestia, and Luscious looked at each other, Celestia looking particularly worried since she knew of the disdain that Michael harbored towards the Federation. The two followed, hoping this would escalate into something violent. A fear that was very justified with what she, Luna, and Twilight saw within Michael's mind.

Michael approached, and tapped Lilith upon the shoulder. Causing the woman to turn to face him. "Let me tell you just how full of shit you are." he declared as he thrust an accusatory finger into her face. "You say the Federation is this great governing body, but all it is is nothing more than a "Rich Man's" group full of corrupt fat politicians that don't give a fuck about those of us in space." He barked.

Lilith's eyes narrowed as her crimson lip curled into a snarl. "And the Principality of Zeon is so much better? You people gassed a Colony, murdering millions to drop that colony upon the Earth to murder an entire city of civilians!" Lilith retorted. "I would think Corruption would be better than Genocidal!"

Soft spoken blinked at what he heard as did Luscious, and Celestia. The two humans didn't seem to realize that they were in the middle of a large gathering, and were garnering a lot of attention. More, and more of the attendees were stopping their conversations, and turning their ears towards the two soldiers sniping at each other. Even the very musicians hired to play were playing softly on their instruments to hear what the fuss was about.

"The colony would never needed to be dropped if not for the fact that the Federation treated those in the Colonies like second class citizens." Michael fired back, not backing down one inch. "The Federation Assembly acts like they can push us around. Their jackbooted thugs throwing their weight around the Sides. They continue to demand more, and more us, and if we tell them "No", they sic their "Dogs" on us." He growled.

"If it is so bad, then why don't you move!?" Lilith demanded to know.

"Move? Move where!? It is all the same unless you live on Earth. Oh, wait did you not tell your friend that we were forced to leave the planet, and live in giant cigar tubes?" Michael asked, though the last question was more directed towards Soft Spoken, and anyone else listening than Lilith. "Only the wealthy, and politically connected were allowed to remain on Earth. And those that actually came up to the Colonies thought themselves better than us cause they were born on Earth." He stated.

"You Zeons are nothing more than fascist bastards that believe themselves superior to all others, calling yourselves "Spacenoids". I swear you can't come up with a stupider name for yourselves than that. What do you expect? The rest of us to fall down upon our knees, and worship you like gods? If your Leader, Gihren, is any measure, I swear you would think that the Zeons believed they were descended from on High." Lilith mocked, causing Michael to let out a low growl.

The two had the full attention of the entire Gala. All motion stopped, and even the music was silent. The tension between the two was almost murderous.

"I would rather follow a man of such conviction, and passion for our fight for Independence than a group of cowardly men that hide behind money, politics, and thugs. A group that is responsible for the assassination of our leader, Zeon Daikun. A pacifist that only wished for the right to govern ourselves. The Federation Assembly are nothing more than leeches, and should be exterminated for the good of all mankind." Michael declared.


Michael staggered backwards a step as a throbbing stinging pain erupted upon his left cheek. His hand flew up to the offended area of his face as a bright red hand print started to form upon his face. Michael glared daggers at Lilith for a second before he noticed that she was looking him with pained filled eyes. Tears threatening at the corners. He blinked at that. Was she really so patriotic that she should lash out like that against him?

"My Father is not a corrupt cowardly leech that you so wish to brush him as, and he does not need to be murdered. He is a good man." She defended.

"What?" Michael asked dumbfounded as to why she would bring her father into all this.

"My Father is Assemblyman Robert Evans Hardeen of the North American sector." She declared with pride.

Michael could only stare as Lilith admitted to being the daughter of one of the highest ranking members in the entire Federation Government. The two were silent, and stared at each other before a soft cough broke their trance, and they saw everyone looking at them. Both Hardeen, and Michael realized what they had done. Lilith's cheeks flushed red as she made a hasty retreat to the palace gardens. Leaving Michael there alone before all of Equestria.


Meanwhile, far to the North of Equestria, the winds howled as large puffy snowflakes whirled chaotically in the whipping air. It was a frozen wasteland that dared anypony to try, if they were brave enough, to brave its shifting snowdrifts. This hostile and uninviting lands was one of the main deterrent to any would be conquerors of the Crystal Empire. A bastion of Harmony north of Equestria that was ruled over by the Princess of Love Mi Amor Cadenza, and her husband Prince Shining Armor. The two governing over the peaceful crystal ponies.

However, the waste was not as devoid of life as it would appear. Upon a rise overlooking the magical dome of the Crystal Empire, the magic providing the ponies with warmth and comfort in the cold, unyielding waste, Dr. Crystal Shard looked down upon the peaceful kingdom. His heavy wool cloak made him look like a shadow while it protected him from the frigid temperatures flapping in the howling wind. His eyes looking down his long nose at the gleaming dome of the Crystal Empire. His lips turned down in disgusted scowl as if eh was looking upon a pile of bear droppings.

"Look at them." He spoke to the wind. "Scurrying around without a clue to the injustices of this world. Of Genius unrecognized!" He growled.

Just behind him, a squad of Diamond Dogs were shivering in the cold. their teeth chattering, and their knees knocking. They were looking at each other, wondering why they were in this Celestia-forsaken place with their employer whom had become weirder, if that was even possible, shortly after the Humans left. His fiery temper cooled considerably, but in its absence a chill would roll down the spine of anyone that was too close to him for too long. The "Good" doctor had become very unnerving to be around. Like a presence loomed over them from him, even with his squat stature.

"Yes, you're right. These imbeciles have no idea of my genius." Shard spoke with a sneer.

The Diamond Dogs looked at each other with worry. Dr. Shard had started talking to himself again, and that seemed to make the temperature drop twenty degrees.

" Yes soon, very soon my Genius will be witnessed all the lands. Whether the ponies like it, or not!" Shard stated as he started to let out a deep laugh that was carried upon the wind.

Just behind him, a large form could be seen in the gloom of the ceaseless blizzard. It would be joined by another and together the two would act as a giant wall, blocking the wind and endlessly flowing snow.

Past Self, Future Self

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The soft warm tones of a violin quartet floated through the air of the luxurious ballroom. Pleasant, soothing music adding a refined backdrop for the myriad of conversations that were being exchanged by the many small pockets of people attending this soiree. Many men, and women wearing their finest at this "small" get together of some of the highest ranked officials in the Earth Federation. It was a party to celebrate the coming Christmas holiday season that Lilith's father was throwing at his estate just a little ways north of New York city in the North American Sector. It was approximately two weeks before the start of the One Year War.

"Really Assemblyman Hardeen, this party is simply divine. You really out did yourself this year." An Elderly woman chuckled as her pearls bounced around her flabby neck.

"Thank you Assemblywoman Burnside. I'm pleased that you, and my other guests are enjoying yourself." Robert stated with an eager smile. He took a sip from his champagne glass to moisten his mouth from all the talking.

"Where is your lovely daughter? I was so hoping to meet her, and introduce her to my son. I know they'll get along just wonderfully." Burnside chortled as she took another sip from her glass.

Robert opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a soft angelic voice. "I'm here Father, Assemblywoman Burnside." Lilith spoke quietly so not to be overly disruptive.

The two turned to regard the third person in their growing group. Lilith stood there in a pearlescent evening down that was fairly form fitting. The dress came all the way up to her neck in a broad choker like collar with a small charm that hung from it. Her shoulders, and back was opened, and showed a shapely sculpted back that has yet to see the harsh regimen of military basic training and fighting in the most brutal war in Human history. Yet, it would be partially concealed behind a golden cascade of slightly curled hair that spilled down around her shoulders, and back. Falling to just above the small of her back and the hem of her gown. Like at the gala, she only had a soft touch of make up. Just enough to highlight her natural features. She would approach the two, and give a respectful curtsy

"Good Evening, and Merry Christmas." She said warmly with the same practiced smile her father had. Since her father entered politics when she was very young, Lilith was brought up to never make her father look bad in front of others, and to always be aware of how her actions would reflect upon him. As the daughter of an up, and coming Assemblyman, she had to be just as acutely aware of his image as he himself.

"A Merry Christmas to you as well, Miss Hardeen." Assemblywoman Burnside chuckled. "Now, where is that lazy lout that is my son have disappeared off too. I really think you both should simply meet."

"I would like that Assemblywoman Burnside." Lilith smiled, but inside she was cringing at the prospect of having someone thrust into her arms like her opinion didn't matter. She would then turn to her father. "Father, I was hoping to speak to you about something important." Lilith stated, her smile never leaving her lips.

"Okay, what is it?" He asked.

"I believe this discussion best be taken somewhere else." Lilith said, while trying to keep the Assemblywoman at ease.

"Nonsense. Whatever you have to say, it can be said right here." Robert stated with a chuckle.

"Father, I believe this is important, and should be discussed in private. I wouldn't want to embarrass you or anything." Lilith gently pressed.

"Lilith, out with it." Robert demanded, his stress level was already high tonight for trying to throw the perfect party, and he suspected that whatever Lilith deemed important was actually trivial. He would come to regret that decision.

Lilith let out a sigh, seemingly expecting this. "Is it true that you proposed a bill that would increase the income tax rate for those living in the colonies?" She asked.

Robert was quiet for a moment as he listened to his daughter. When she was finished, he let out a laugh. "Is that all? Yes, I did. We need to pay for those Social Programs some how." He explained so easily. It was a practiced response that he would tell to any reporter, or constituent that asked.

"But Father, the income tax rate for the colonist is already thirty-eight percent. This Tax hike would push that over forty percent. Don't you think that is a bit excessive, counter productive even? How are we to expect them to pay for their daily needs?" Lilith asked.

"Needs? Lilith, we're not trying to get blood from stone here. We're just asking them to pay a little bit more. Just their fair share is all. If there is any trouble, I'm sure the Colonist wouldn't mind cutting out some luxuries." Robert stated dismissively. He felt that this conversation was unimportant, surely his daughter understood that.

"Pay a little bit more", "Their Fair Share", these were the political buzzwords that swarmed through the Federation Assembly, and past governments that acted as a universal excuse to demand more money. Lilith could feel her anger starting to fester deep in her gut at the blase attitude towards the Citizens she had been seeing more, and more recently, particularly from her father.

"My Dear Miss Hardeen. Think of all the starving, and homeless children that these programs will help? I'm sure you wouldn't want them to go hungry, or be left out in the cold, would you?" Assemblywoman Burnside asked, taking on a self-righteous tone.

Yet another political ploy, needling for an emotional response using guilt, particularly with the use of children. Lilith had to curtail her gag reflex at that, or her instinct to quickly retract what she said.

"Where would these Children be that will be helped with these programs?" She asked.

"Why here on Earth of course, where else?" Burnside replied like it was the most blatant answer in the world. A smug look upon her face as she looked down her nose at Lilith.

"What about the homeless children in the colonies? Don't they deserve the same compassion as ones here on Earth?" She questioned.

"Goodness no." Burnside responded quickly. "The Colonies are Climate controlled. What child is worried about being outside there? The weather on Earth is so unpredictable, I just weep for the little darlings." Burnside declared as she placed an overly jeweled hand upon her chest as if she was fighting back tears.

It was apparent that Assemblywoman Burnside never stepped foot on a colony. Many, particularly those used for agriculture cultivation like Texas Colony, had seasons, and varying weather patterns to maintain a healthy Eco system for plant, and animal growth. So a child left out on a colony was just as prone to exposure as a child on Earth.

"And the six percent pay increase for Assembly representatives along with their staff also helps the children? Considering it is the third time this year that The Assembly voted on a pay increase." Lilith asked with a slightly darker tone.

"Excuse me?" Burnside asked indignantly.

"Why can't we find the money from some place else? Like cutting funding to obviously superfluous programs. Really? We need two million credits a year to fund a study on the mating habits of the tsetsey flies in central Africa? Or a hundred thousand credits for the waste paper baskets in the offices. How can we call it "Paying their fair share" when on Earth the highest tax bracket is only twenty two percent, and yet the colonist are expected to pay, on average, thirty eight, and if the bill passes, forty three percent of their income? Over twice that on Earth?" Lilith continued, not seeing the darkening features of her father.

"Young Lady. I don't know who has been filling your head with these ridiculous notions, but you can't expect us to Rule an entire people without just compensation?" He growled.

"Rule"? Father, you told me since I was young that the Assembly does not "Rule" the People, it serves the people." Lilith protested.

Assemblywoman Burnside started to Teeter before falling back into Robert's arms. He quickly started to fan her as the woman started mumbling incoherently.

"The fuck are you trying to do!? Destroy my career? Do you know how much damage control I'll have to do now because of your immature outburst!" He hissed at his Daughter.

"B-But Dad...You cant be serious." Lilith spoke, reaching a hand for her father, only for him to slap it away.

"Get out, I don't want to see you again! No daughter of mine would ever speak of such blasphemy against her Father, and leaders!" Robert spat at Lilith, barely keeping his voice low so not to let the scene spread any further than it already has.

Lilith could only stare at her father in disbelief. Was he really throwing her out!? That knot of betrayal, and shock was causing LIlith's insides to twist, and do flips. It was like the air was being ripped from her lungs. She felt that she would lose it if not for another voice that chose this time to speak.

"Fascinating. It would appear that Michael of Black's accusations of this Federation's corruption to have some grain of truth. Though I find the similarity that this "Christmas" has with our Hearth Warming Eve to be interesting. I wonder what other similarities exist between our worlds." a familiar regal voice spoke.

Lilith spun around from the scene that was now frozen as if someone has pressed "pause" on a video player, and to the intruder into her memories. There stood Princess Luna, her long mane, and tail ever billowing upon the ethereal winds. Its ever present night sky twinkling peacefully as she stood there regarding the scene before her.

"P-Princess Luna!?" Lilith squeaked in surprise. "What are you doing in here!?" She asked.

"Yes, Tis our Name. Please don't over use it, and wear it out." She giggled, horribly butchering a saying that little Fillies, and Colts would say to each other in jest. "I am princess of the night. It is one of our sacred duties to watch over the dreams of our beloved little ponies, and guide them through their nightmares. As this is one such dream." She explained.

"I'm not a pony." Lilith retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know, but your nightmare was such that it demanded my attention. I must say though that this is a scene I did not expect. I can see that this dream stems from a dark memory. Can you please explain it?" Luna asked as she sat upon her Haunches.

Lilith debated a moment on whether to actually tell Luna or not. However, since she was here, Lilith figured she would have other ways to find the information she wanted. So why fight it? "What is there to explain? What you saw pretty much what happened. I questioned my father in front of a very influential member of the Assembly. He's been trying to get in Regina Burnside's good gracious for months to get her vote to pass that bill, and in a ten minute conversation I destroyed that chance. After he ordered me away, I left so he could cool down. I visited friends, and wished them Happy Holidays. He had his blow outs before. It came with stress of the job, really. So I didn't think much of it. When I got back home however..." Lilith trailed off as she hugged herself tightly. This was a very painful memory from what Luna could see.

"When I got back, I found my bags were packed and waiting on the front step. I pounded on the door for hours, and when the butler finally answered. He said that I was not allowed on the grounds anymore. That was my only warning, and if I was caught trespassing in the future. I would have the police called, and be thrown in jail." She finished forcefully, starting to sound as if she couldn't even breathe.

Luna sat there, and listened with rapt attention, though the disappointment on her face was easily readable. A parent's Ego, and "Career" had gotten in the way of their sacred duty to their child. She had seen it happen before with Nobles, and it was always disheartening to see. Luna let out a sigh as she approached the frozen figure of Assemblyman Robert Hardeen. His face was frozen in that visage of dark fury, glaring icy daggers where Lilith would have been standing, or perhaps to her retreating form.

"So this one is your father, correct?" Luna asked Lilith.

The guntanker stood next to the princess of the night, and looked upon the person that helped bring her into the world, and was now casting her out. "Yes, he is." She replied simply. "I know what this looks like, and it is true. Though I can't hate my father. He's my father, and I know he is a good man. He just lost his way." Hardeen explained, wondering whom she was trying to convince. Princess Luna, or herself. "I remember when I was young, and he was first getting into politics. He would say how he would change the Assembly, and make it respectable again. That he would listen to the people, and help them." She continued as she looked upon what her father became. However she looked upon him not with hate, or malice, but with pity, and disappointment.

"I can understand the slow steep of Corruption, and power can be a very corrupting influence. Even the most altruistic person, or pony, can easily fall if they're not careful. My sister, and I must always be on constant vigil against the Corruption, even others that are in positions of power have to be closely watched." Luna stated in a warm caring fashion.

Lilith nodded, and gave Luna an appreciative smile. Lilith could tell that Luna wasn't spouting this, but spoke from actual experience. "I know that my father is part of the problem that plagues my world, and that to everyone, even my own friends, and fellow soldiers, he is nothing more than a corrupt bureaucrat. But to me, he's still my dad....and I still love him." She stated while suppressing a sob. It hurt so much for her to admit she still loved him, despite what he eventually went on to do to her.

Luna was quiet a moment. She understood how painful this was to Lilith. While it was one thing to know that your family was the cause of some direst, it still didn't make it any less painful to hear when someone wished ill upon your family. Luna was about to try, and comfort Lilith, but something caught her attention. Causing her ears to flick back, and the fold back against her skull.

This was not lost on Lilith as she tilted her head, "Something wrong?" She asked, a hint of concern hanging on her words.

"It would appear that a commotion is happening at the castle, and I must see what it is. My apologies for cutting our time short, Lilith of Hardeen. Though before I go, I'll leave you with this. You are not your Father, and his sins are not yours to bear. You are your own Pon, er Person. Live your life for yourself and for what is in your own heart." She stated with a warm tone, and a smile. "Also, Sargent Black is remorseful of his words against you. He truly did not know that your father was who he was, and I ask that you forgive him, continue to work to fostering peaceful dialogue between your factions." Luna stated as she started to fade. "I bid you good night, Staff Sargent Hardeen." Luna stated before she completely evaporated.

"Easier said than done." Lilith grumbled as she waved to retreating form of Luna.


Lilith awoke in her bed with a sigh. It was still very early in the morning, and the distinct snoring of Aleki in the next room could be heard through the walls. Lilith entertained the idea of asking Twilight to sound proof the walls. Lilith rolled her head so she could look out the window by her bed. The stars were still shining bright, and she could just barely make out the Guntank, and Zaku parked near the outskirts of the town in the soft moonlight. With a sigh, Lilith hoisted herself out of bed, and stood up. She figured she was not going to get any more sleep at the moment, and a walk could clear her head.

Lilith closed the door to the house that she, and Aleki were allowed to use while they stayed in Ponyville. It was actually the same one they were put in as a holding cell right after they attacked Michael. Once they were allowed to come, and go as they wished, the house was found to be much nicer than initially thought. Michael was still staying with Rarity in her Guest bedroom. It was considered prudent since Michael, Lilith, and Aleki were enemies. So having them all under one roof was asking for trouble.

The cool night air greeted Lilith as she started to walk away from the house. It wasn't uncomfortable, but refreshing, almost making her feel like she was shedding off the harmful memories like a snake shed its skin. She could already feel the emotions from her nightmare dissipate like the morning mist before the sun. Perhaps this walk was what the doctor ordered. Lilith increased her pace, not really having a destination in mind. She simply let her feet carry her along. Though before long, it would appear she was heading for the Guntank. It was always like a second home to her, and Aleki. So it was natural she would gravitate there, and feel comfortable in the large Mobile Suit's presence.

As she arrived, she could see the Thestrals of Luna's Night Guard performing their duty. Keeping watch over the two Mobile suits in shifts. There was as small group of three laying underneath a tree eating their lunch. One with a small blood packet, and sipping it slowly. Savoring the flavor. The sight was a bit unnerving for Lilith as it brought to mind all the vampire movies she watched when she was younger. However, she hid it well. As She approached, she heard someone, pony speak.

"Halt, who goes there!?" A demanding voice came from the gloom.

Lilith rolled her eyes as she could already see a multitude of jade colored glowing eyes peer in her direction. She should have expected this, but was a bit too lost in her revere to think about it. She quickly recognized the voice. It belonged to private Comet Tail. A young thestral that was recently promoted to the Lunar Guards. This was actually his first assignment, and he was eager to prove himself. He was smaller than the average Lunar Guard with a blazing comet, and tail as his cutie mark. He was a scrappy thestral, Lilith had to give him that.

"Take it is easy Rock butt. It's me." Lilith called back as she simply walked by the Thestral much to his aggravation. Which was funny to watch to be honest.

"Good evening, Staff Sargent. What brings you Here?" Lt. Calm Night asks as he trots up. A half eaten carrot sandwich in the crook of his left forehoof.

"No reason in particular. Just checking on a friend." She replied softly before looking up at the towering Guntank. It stood Stalwart, and proud. Like great titan from ancient myth. All the while, the Zaku was knelt down a dozen yards away with its own guards. Lilith gave it a cursory look, and grimaced. It really was an ugly mobile suit.

"Okay. If you need anything. Please don't hesitate to ask." Calm Night stated before he moved back to finish his lunch.

Lilith would stand there, and look up at her Guntank for a few more minutes before the itch to keep walking became too great to ignore, and she moved off from the two mobile suits to see what else the night had to offer.


Lilith made her way to some of the outer areas of Ponyvillle, and towards the school. She entered the school yard and found the swing set. With a smile she eased herself down, and heard the chains groan with the weight. She rolled her feet to get a soft back, and forth motion. Lilith sat there, and let time tick by lazily as she looked up at the stars. Thoughts swirled in head about her father, and where he could possibly be now. Most likely in a posh bunker waiting out the war with the other Federation Assembly, drinking themselves into a stuper as they pretended that they were still important. The bunch of cowards. And they demand their soldier's loyalty? Bah! Lilith was loyal to her friends, and the ideals of the Federation, of a United Earth and Humanity. Yet, even now, she still hoped that her father was alright, and safe, despite how he probably didn't have the same feelings for her.

A ways away, a small bush rustled quietly as Lilith's observer shifted uncomfortably in the poking, and prodding confines of the bush. Ever since the Gala, there was a tension between Michael,and Lilith that was more than before, and it worried Sweetie Belle. Sure there was that normal level of discomfort between Michael, and the other two Humans, but this was different. She was was young, and inexperienced in such matters, and didn't realize that it was nothing more than animosity towards Michael that Lilith was conveying. The young filly feared that it was perhaps developing feelings, and that Lilith would become a rival for Michael's attention, and affection. Sweetie Belle had to nip that in the bud right now.

She slipped out of the bush to confront Lilith, and let her know exactly where she stood. Though as Sweetie approached the woman, she could see a dour look upon her normally strong features. Sweetie put her own emotions, and feelings on hold as she felt concerned for Lilith. Quietly approaching, she climbed onto the neighboring swing.

"What'cha doing out here?" She asked, as she looked up at woman.

Lilith nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Sweetie speak. Though as she looked over, and saw the fun sized unicorn sitting there, Lilith looked at her sternly. "What are you doing out here?" She demanded. She knew full well that fillies, and colts were suppose to be asleep right now.

"I followed you." Sweetie Belle stated simply.

"you know that is not what I mean. Why are you not in your bed, asleep?" Lilith growled.

"Couldn't sleep, why are ya out here being all gloomy?" Sweetie asked again.

"Its....complicated. You wouldn't understand." Lilith huffed.

"you grown ups all say that!" Sweetie protested as she kicked the ground, and started to swing.

"I know, but it is true. Life gets more complicated as you grow up. Enjoy your time when you're young. You'll wish it was that simple later." Lilith said as she looked down at the ground.

"I bet it is because of that Prince, Blue Butt." Sweetie stated confidently.

"Wha...WHAT!? Where in the sam hell you pull that from!?" Lilith barked.

Sweetie was nonplussed by Lilith's outburst. "My sister. That was all she talked since she came home from the Gala a week ago." Sweetie replied simply. "She said that you "ripped into him", and that she was almost jealous of you. What does 'Ripping into' mean?" Sweetie asked, looking up at Lilith with curious eyes.

"Don't worry about it. It isn't important." Lilith stated as she remembered that arrogant Noble. He was just like all the ones back home. Felt his position was his to do with what he pleased. "He is nothing more than a spoiled noble." Lilith dismissed.

Sweetie shrugged as she rocked back, and forth on the swing for a few more minutes. "Why are you mean to Michael?" She finally asked.

"I'm not mean! Besides, we're enemies. We're not suppose to be friends." She stated. Wondering if Sweetie Belle had ADHD, or something, with all the skipping around.

"Yeah you are. You tried to hurt him when you first met, and then you yell at him a lot even though he doesn't do anything. Why are you enemies?" Sweetie continued.

"He is Zeon, and Aleki, and I are Federation." Lilith huffed, wanting to not talk about that idiot Zeon.

"Him being Zeon, and you Feda'a'shun really that big a deal?" Sweetie Belle asked. Showing that she had the curiosity of all children.

"It's complicated. Just know that Zeons are bad people, very bad people." Lilith replied, not wanting to delve into politics with a young filly.

"Michael's not bad!" Sweetie declared. "He is funny, and kind. He plays with me, and my friends. He never did anything to hurt us! How could you say he's bad!?" She demanded to know.

"He, and the Zeons are responsible for the death of four BILLION people." LIlith retorted.

Sweetie Belle was silent a minute as her mind tried, and failed, to process what Lilith just said.

"Four Billion people? That sounds like a lot." Sweetie stated.

What are kids taught in this world? Lilith mentally groaned as she had to explain how large a billion was. Though as she explained, Sweetie Belle grew paler, and paler. one Billion was so large, she could barely comprehend that much, but four billion dead. It was almost sickening.

"I don't care! Micheal is not like that! He saved me from a giant rock monster, and protected Ponyville twice. He's is gonna be my spec...." Sweetie Belle trailed off as she was getting too choked up. she didn't want to believe that Michael would be part of such a horrible group. She did not believe that Michael was a bad person.

When Lilith saw Sweetie Belle's wide, tearful eyes and quivering lip, she began to feel bad about breaking the image she had of Michael. She was going try, and apologize to Sweetie, but before she could, the sound of rapidly approaching feet, or hooves was heard. Lilith quickly stood up, and put herself between who ever it was, and Sweetie Belle. Though she wished she had her gun, but they were taken when they were arrested a while back.

The sounds got closer, and closer before Michael, and Twilight came trotting out of the gloom. "There you are! We've been looking all over for you." Michael stated as he came to stop several feet away from Lilith.

"Michael!" Sweetie called happily out as she came galloping around Lilith, and towards the Zeon pilot.

"Sweetie!? What are you doing out here?" Michael asked as he reached down, and scooped the bundle of adorableness up into his arms. He started to scratch under her chin which had her giggling, and batting his hand away with her fore hooves.

"I was following Lilith. She was sneaking about suspicishwy." Sweetie Belle explained.

"I was not sneaking! I was having trouble sleeping, and thought a walk would help." Lilith explained with a huff as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, very suspicious." Michael chuckled to Sweetie before tucking her into his arms like a football.

Lilith was staring very intently at Michael for what he said.

"Um, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"I'm trying to blow up his head with the power of my mind!" Lilith growled.

" No! " Twilight stated as she lit up her horn with her magic in an attempt to stop Lilith.

"Relax, Twilight. She can't do that. No human can, as far as I know." Michael explained giving Lilith a smug grin that was causing her blood to boil.

Lilith crossed her arms, and scowled. "What you do you want?" She demanded to know.

"I've been asked to travel North to the Crystal Empire. Strange sightings of a large Creature skulking about has the ponies there spooked. Celestia thinks it may be similar to the creature that attacked here in Ponyville shortly before you arrived." Michael explained.

"Okay, but why tell me?" Lilith asked as she stared at him in an accusatory fashion.

"Because if you, and Sargent Vaaulu help. Then Princess Celestia will pay the balance of what you owe the Cakes for smashing up their shop, and consider your Community Service fulfilled." Twilight answered.

"Aleki already agreed to go, But he needs his Gunner." Michael stated as he closed the distance while reaching behind his back.

Lilith tensed up as Michael approached, and his hand disappearing. Making herself ready for anything. What he would pull out was her service pistol. He held it out to her in a peace offering. Lilith looked at him suspiciously as she tentatively reached out for it. Taking it from him, she quickly check the magazine. It was full, and a round was in the chamber. She nodded and quickly slipped the gun into her waist band.

"Is that a yes?" Micheal asked.

"...Alright. When do we leave?" Lilith asked.

"We leave in the morning. But First, I got to get this little sneak back into bed before her sister finds out, and skins us both." Michael stated as he tussled Sweetie's mane, causing the filly to let out a squeal of giggles.

Michael, and Lilith started to make their way back towards town, Twilight following just behind, watching the two curiously. She was still a bit on edge as Lilith shown to be the more aggressive of the three humans. She wondered if this was a trait of human females, or just Lilith. She moved up to Micheal's side, and whispered up to him.

"Are all human females as antagonistic as her?" She asked quietly while throwing curious glances at Lilith.

"Like a bear, Human women can find great reserves of strength in times of need. Like if their children are threatened. We are predators afterall." Michael explained as they continued down the path, with Lilith getting an uncontrollable grin on her face and feeling a desire to flex her arms.

The three continued to walk in silence for a couple of minutes, the soft swaying of Michael's arm having lulled Sweetie to a soft slumber.

Eventually Michael spoke up, and broke the silence; "I'm sorry about what I said about your father. I did not know he was on the council." Michael said to Lilith. Trying to mend fences. "However, my opinion of the Assembly still stands. They're corrupt, and are only interested in their own pockets." Michael stated as he gave Lilith a sideways glance.

Again, a silence fell over the group. Michael, and Twilight were curious as to what Lilith was thinking. Would she accept the apology, or continue to hold that chip on her shoulder.

"Apology accepted." Lilith replied quietly. "And to be honest, we both share that opinion." Lilith said before continuing on with a soft smile, admitting to herself that it felt rather good to clear the air with him.

The tension around group started to dissipate back to what was considered "normal", and Twilight smiled as she saw that if these two enemies could peacefully coexist, then there was hope for their people after all.

The Battle of the Crystal Empire Pt. 1: Encounter in the Wastes

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The howling winds of the frozen wastes that separated the Crystal Empire from the rest of Equestria screamed like windingos as the snowflakes whipped around stinging at the exposed coats of the squad of Guards sent to greet the Elements, and their "escorts" that Princess Celestia has sent to aid Princess Cadence. The squad of ten ponies trudged through the deep snow rifts towards the prearranged rendezvous point. They were being led by none other than the Prince-Consort, and Captain of the Royal Guards, Prince Shining Armor.

"Captain, why are we in this Celestia forsaken place?" A young Crystal Guard private called out over the howling of the wind.

"Private Star Shine, can it. You know why we're out here. We're to meet the Elements, and the others that Princess Celestia sent to help us." Flash Sentry called back.

"That is quite alright, Lieutenant Sentry. The young private is simply curious." Shining Armor stated calmly. before erecting a shield to protect the group from the howling wind. "Private Shine, we're out here cause there was complications in how the Elements were trying to get here. According to Princess Twilight Sparkle's letter. She wished for us to meet outside the dome so that there would not be any "misunderstandings", nor panic." Shining Armor explained. "I trust my sister's judgement, even if she could be a bit...obsessive. " Shining stated.

"Yes Sir, understood Sir." Private Shine replied back with a salute.

Shining nodded in approval as he took a seat on a blanket that one of the Guards brought with them to wait for the arrival of the Elements. With Shining's Shield up, the bitter cold was a bit more tolerable as it didn't feel like it was cutting right through their armor.

"We'll wait here for the Elements." He instructs as the other ponies take up positions to either stand guard or rest.

An hour would pass before the ponies were able to detect a new sound that was starting to cut through the howling winds. It was an odd metallic sound that prickled at their ears. Sound of clacking metal rang out as a steadily increasing tremor vibrated against their hooves. The tremor only slightly interrupted by deep wumps that almost bounced the Ponies off their hooves. The group strained their ears, and their eyes as they started to gather into a defensive circle with Shining Armor pushed to the center. The Captain would have protested, but he understood that as the Prince-Consort to the Princess of the Crystal Empire, he could not jeopardize his safety recklessly.

The Ponies tensed as they readied their weapons. Earth, and Crystal ponies held long tapered lances while Unicorns brought up, and charged their crossbows. The Pegasi unsheathed their wing blades, and took a stance to thrust themselves into the air, ready to strike. They all slowly turned towards the source of the sound when it gotten close enough to determine its direction. They braced themselves as two gigantic forms could be discerned through the swirling mass of flakes. Jaws clenched as the taller of the two forms stopped, and turned towards them. Its glowing red eye flickered as a strange thum was heard.

"GET THE MONSTER!" Private Star Shine shouted as he reared up on his hind Legs, and charged out of the protective shield. His long lance gleaming in the waning light.

"Private Shine, get back here!" Flash Sentry commanded

However, his command fell upon deaf ears as the battle cry of the Crystal pony was heard, and quickly swallowed up by the howling winds. Yet, the Private was not deterred. He'll take action to protect his beloved home, and his family, chain of command be damned! He charged right at the foot of the tallest creature. His eyes tunneling upon his target, becoming blind to any, and all other threats. His hooves pounded through the deep snow determinedly. His lips curled into a vicious snarl as the olive drab splotch started to become visible.

"Rrrraggh!" Private Shine roared as he plunged his Lance into the Foot of the beast.

And it instantly shattered like a matchstick against the hard armor of the Zaku's foot.

Star Shine skidded to a stop as he looked at the shattered remains of his lance. He stood there in disbelief at how his weapon was almost laughably ineffective. A part of his mind starting to imaging the horrible fate that he blindly charged into. Quickly the other guards came to his aid, and readied their weapons should the creature attack. Shining Armor, and Flash Sentry were bringing up the rear with a couple of Pegasi on bodyguard detail.

"What the hay was all that racket!?" A familiar female voice called out.

"Ah can't rightly tell. The snows too thick ta see." Another spoke.

"Come on girls, lets investigate!" The last voice was the most familiar to The Captain.

"TWILIY!?" He called out into the wind.

"SHINING!?" Twilight Sparkle's voice replied as she, and her friends came trotting out from behind the large foot of the green Zaku.


"I so want to thank you for coming Aunt Luna. I can't tell you how relieved I am." Princess Cadence said as she, and Princess Luna were walking down one of the main corridors of the Crystal palace. "I just hope we can get this situation resolved quickly. I don't wish to upset the citizens any more than they already are."

"Thou art welcome, my niece. Worry not, my sister, and I have sent for the Elements, and they're bringing some aid as well." Luna stated as she held her head high as her ethereal mane, and tail billowed behind her as the two walked.

They would come out to a large balcony that afforded a wonderful view of the capitol city of the Crystal Empire. The two princesses looked down upon the city, and smiled warmly. The crystal ponies were going about their daily lives in peace, and happiness. Having faith that their Princess, and the Shield could protect them from whatever creature that was prowling around outside the dome. It made Cadence so happy to see this, and made her hope she could live up to the expectations of her ponies. She truly hoped that the creature can be dealt with. She, and Shining already lost four whole squads of guards to the creature, and she was concerned that it may be more powerful than originally estimated.

The two looked up when a flutter of wings, and a dark yellow pegasus came to a landing before them. It was Lt. Flash Sentry. Cadence remembered him from how Shining talked about how much potential the young Pegasus had. The Pegasus guard bowed before Luna, and Cadence as both monarchs smiled warmly to him.

"Please rise, Lt. Sentry and give your report." Cadence spoke with a softly motherly tone.

Luna smiled as she observed Cadence. It was evident that she had taken her lessons from Celestia seriously, and was using her sister as an example to be a good ruler. Luna approved.

"Yes, your Majesty. Captain Shining Armor has made contact with the Elements, and their um...."escort"?" Flash Sentry stated though sounded uncertain.

"Explain." Cadence requested softly, curiosity, and concern starting to edge into her soft voice.

"'s um...." Flash started, trying to find the words best to describe. "My apologies, your Majesty. It is best something to see with your own eyes."

Cadence furrowed her brow at Flash Sentry before nodding. "Very well. Please return to Shining Armor, and let him know that Princess Luna, and I will be there to greet them." She stated.

Flash Sentry bowed before the two princesses before flying off to return to the Captain to inform him of the news. When the Pegasus was far enough away, Cadence crooked an eyebrow before slowly turning her attention back to her Aunt. Luna was standing there, her gaze completely entranced by some random spot in Celestia's clear blue sky. Cadence stared hard at her mischievous aunt, noticing the corners of her lips quivering slightly as she was stifling a giggle.

"Dearest Auntie, you would not happen to know anything about theses "Escorts", do you?" Cadence asked with a knowing tone.

Luna looked at her, and blinked as if Cadence had just asked the silliest question in all the world. "Mayhaps dear Niece. Just that one of them has experience dealing with a creature that is similar in description." She informed before trotting to the edge of the Balcony. "Come, we have guests to greet." Luna stated as she spread her wings, and leaped from the Balcony with Cadence following right behind.

The two would fly towards the border of the Protective Dome that kept the frigid wintery wastes out. Flash Sentry was there waiting as the Princesses landed. He gave the two a respectful bow as as they approached. Though It would not be his bowing that got their attention. The two were transfixed upon an enormous shadow darkening the shield directly in front of them. Cadence gulped as her horn started to glow a protective spell. However, a midnight blue hoof stopped her. Cadence looked at Luna in shock, and was about to speak when a small group of Ponies entered the dome.

"Yeah, apparently the Friendship express was not strong enough to pull the two mobile suits so we had to go "Cross-Country", as the humans put it." Twilight was explaining to her brother as the two entered, and shook off the snow. "We also had three little stowaways we had to make sure didn't sneak along in search of their cutie marks." Twilight added with a giggle as she remembered the particularly adorably distraught look upon their faces. Though how Michael got Sweetie Belle to promise to stay behind, and keep the other two out of trouble while they were away was curious. Whatever it was, made Sweetie Belle have the biggest smile upon her face.

"That's amazing Twiliy." Shining stated as he walked along his sister, hanging on her every word about how they got there.

Just behind the two, the other Elements strode in shaking off the snow that had accumulated upon their coats. Around them were the Guards of Shining Armor's detail. Though it would be what came in next that nearly stopped Cadence's heart, regardless of how relaxed Luna appeared. An enormous green clad giant cyclops with a glowing eye. She started to back step away from the creature, and her pace quickened when another rolled in on a very strange looking carriage. Luna was not immune to the shock of it either, she was able to hide it much better. Her experience in Sweetie's dream, she chalked up to Sweetie Belle making her champion larger than life. However, Luna would find out that Sweetie Belle was quite accurate in her scale.

"Oh Cadence! You came to greet us!" Twilight stated excitedly as she saw her old foal-sitter. She broke away from her brother, and ran towards Cadence before she started their "Secret Handshake" that was not quite so secret. "Sunshine, Sunshine, Lady Bugs....awake?" Twilight trailed off as she noticed that Cadence didn't seem to register her presence. "Hello~, Cadence?" Twilight asked as she looked at her Sister in Law.

Cadence had to shake her head to get over her shock before turning her attention back to her favorite sister in law. "Sorry Twilight, I was just taken aback by your escorts." She explained, the nervousness hanging in her words.

Twilight looked behind her at the towering Zaku, and Guntank, and quickly understood before she turned her attention back to Cadence, and chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah, it would appear that you kinda get desensitized after a while if you're around them enough. But I can tell you they're good people, if a bit...unusual." Twilight assured them.

"If you, and Auntie Luna say so." Cadence replied as she took another nervous glance up to two mobile suits. "Well, let's return to the palace to discuss the situation." Cadence suggested as she turned, and started to lead them back down the main thoroughfare towards the Crystal palace.

The denizens of the Crystal empire all stopped what they were doing, and stepped out of their shops, and homes, to see this rather odd parade that was making its way down the center of the street. Tiny Foals looked up at the Guards in their shining armor, and gasped at the enormous giants that followed carefully behind them. Many of the parents held on to their foals to ensure that none did anything dangerous as the procession made their way passed, and towards the crystal palace.

At the foot of the magnificent Tower, the Zaku knelt down as its hand came up to its chest. Shining Armor, Cadence, Luna and the guards all watched as Michael stepped out onto the hand, and it lowered him to the ground. The Guntank was coming to a parked position right next to the Zaku as its own pilots started to dismount. The three Humans soon came before Cadence, Luna, and Shining Armor. Each in their uniform. The three offering a crisp salute.

"Sir, Ma'am. Sargent Michael Black. Principality of Zeon Terrestrial Forces." Michael announced with military precision that was at odds with his normal lackadaisical attitude.

"Sir, Ma'am. Staff Sargent Lilith Hardeen, Earth Federation Forces." Lilith called out with as much Military bearing as her Zeon Counterpart.

"Sir, Ma'am. Sargent Aleki Vaalu, Earth Federation Forces." Aleki called out, his deep voice rumbling like thunder

Shining Armor couldn't help but be impressed. He knew some Guards that could take pointers from these three.

"T-Thank you for coming, and ensuring the safety of the Elements. I would not have requested aid if I not felt the situation warranted it." Cadence explained.

"We know thou art a reliable Ruler, and would not foolishly summon aid if thou didst not need it." Luna stated.

"That's right! From what Princess Celestia told me. It sounds like this creature is similar to the one that attack Ponyville a couple of weeks ago." Twilight stated. "If it is, then there might be a pony trapped inside it." Twilight added.

"Either way, out here is not the place to be discussing such matters." Shining stated as he motioned for the stairs that led into the palace. He then turned to his guards. "Guard those...machines. And don't mess with them!" he ordered his guards.

Though hearing that made the Humans wish that the two squads of Guards from Celestia were still there. They knew what they were doing, and wouldn't be tempted to poke around where their pony noses could get broke.

The small group entered into the palace, and made their way to a small conference room, with all the humans taking in the crystal architecture and scenery. It was amazing, and beautiful at the same time. All the lights, and colors reflecting upon the many faceted surfaces. One would have thought that it would be quite blinding, or too much to take in. However, overall it was quite subdued, humble even. There was nothing like this back in their world. Who, or what ever built this Tower was a master beyond Master.

As they reached the end of a long hallway, several guards opened the doors to the conference room as the group entered. A couple of servants were setting down pitchers of water while several more guards had a very large map of the area laid out for the group before excusing themselves. For the Humans, they recognized the map as crude topographical map of the land around the Crystal Empire. Along the map was several spots marked with red "X"'s. Causing the humans to suspect that those were attack sites.

"Please take your seats, everypony." Shining requested as he levitated the map from the table into the air for the others to see. "the first encounter took place here just over a week ago..." He stated as he indicated to a spot on the map a fair distance outside the protective dome. "This first encounter was very brief. Only a report of a sighting with no contact, or any real details of appearance except that it was "Big". However, that would quickly change two days later here." He continued as another spot on the map glowed. "A squad of ten guards came across the creature, and it attacked them mercilessly. All but one were wiped out. That is how we knew of the second encounter. As well as a description of the creature." Shining explained.

"What became of the survivor?" Luna asked, concern for a Pony showing in her tone.

"She passed away shortly after she returned. She was literally frightened to death. Yet she did manage to give us the report, and a description." Cadence stated sadly. She hated that she lost one of her subjects, let alone ten. That pain was only compounded by the further loss of life she, and her husband had to endure in the subsequent attacks that followed.

"I see." Luna stated with a barely perceptible twinge of sadness. She hoped that they can stop this rash of attacks before anymore lose their life.

"Continuing. The creature was described as taller than any tree. A culmination of large rocks, and a sickly yellow looking crystal. It stumbled about on two squat legs, and steadied itself upon much larger fore appendages. Much like a gorilla, or ape." Shining stated so that they could get the meeting back on track.

Michael narrowed his eyes at the description. It sounded exactly like what he faced to save Sweetie Belle just outside the Everfree.

Shining Armor continued to outline the encounters, and showed them on the map. Explaining about their significance. There was a couple that the squad was completely wiped out, and follow up investigations suggested an attack by the creature. It was starting to appear that this creature was an indiscriminate killer.

"Is there a pattern to the attacks, any commonality?" Lilith asked.

"None that we can see so far. It all appears random around the dome. We have not detected anything trying to breach the dome either." Shining replied as he took another look at the map.

The room grew quiet a moment as everyone seemed deep into their own thoughts. Michael rubbing his chin as Shining Armor, and Aleki were looking at the map. The Attack points were arrayed erratically around the dome, and with no attempts at an incursion made it very difficult to determine where the creature could be.

"Only one has been reported?" Aleki asked.

"Yes. the few survivors say they've only ever encountered one creature. Why?" Shining asked.

"It is just a possibly, but Black encountered one back near Ponyville, and now this one here. I was just curious about the possibility that the attacks are not all done by the same creature." Aleki explained.

"It is a possibility. Certainly a very troubling one if it is true." Shining stated as his brow furrowed in contemplation.

"What about your shield? I know its suppose to keep things out, but what about things from the inside?" Lilith asked.

"What does thou mean, Staff Sargent Hardeen?" Luna asked.

"Our Guntank is a support type Mobile Suit. Meaning we can shoot our guns for a very far distance. So we're most likely going to be providing artillery support for this zeo.....for Sargent Black while he engages with the creature." Lilith explained, having to hold her tongue back before lobbing an insult to Michael. "I just wondering if I could shoot outside the dome without it having to come down." She explained.

"WE CAN TEST THAT!" Twilight suddenly declared with a audible squee. She was quite eager to see the Guntank fire its weapons. Even if the pilots were less than enthusiastic about it cause of the questionable availability of fresh ordinance.

"Yes, we can. That should not pose a problem." Cadence stated while chuckling at how excited Twilight was getting over the prospect of a "Test".

"Yeah, just be careful not to shoot me in the back when I'm out there." Michael stated, giving Lilith a conspiratorial look.

Lilith looked at Michael with a mixture of shock, and offense. "Really!? You have so little trust in my gunnery?" Lilith asked.

"I have complete trust in your gunnery. Its you I don't trust." Michael stated smugly.

"Eww, aren't you a smart one." Lilith quipped instantly as she give Michael a predatory smirk. "Just don't turn your back on me, and you won't have to worry about a dagger." She added.

Cadence, and Shining watched this exchange nervously. The two glanced at each other, and then to Luna whom seemed quite nonplussed by it all.

"Like Twilight hath said, "unusual"." Luna simply stated as she took a sip from her glass of water.

"I want to look at those attack sites some." Michael stated once his little back, and forth with Lilith was completed.

"Why? The grounds would have been covered, and shifted by all the snow." Shining asked.

"More for curiosity sake than anything. Perhaps my Zaku can see something your guards didn't see. Look at it with a fresh set of eyes." Michael replied respectfully as he didn't want to appear to be demeaning the Crystal Empire's guards.

"Very well, I'll send a squad of guards with you to help." Shining stated.

"Don't. they'll slow me down. I can move much faster without them tagging along." Michael stated.

What he said was true, his Zaku could move much faster if he didn't have to constantly wait on the guards to catch up. However, he was also worried considering if the creature was out there, It could run into them. So he wanted to minimize the potential and the risk of stepping on some ponies by accident.

"Then I ask that you at least take my Lieutenant, Flash Sentry, along with you. To reduce any confusion among the guards to your intentions. He is also one of my strongest flyers so he shouldn't slow you down." Shining Armor replied.

"Okay, that doesn't sound like an issue." Michael replied.

"Excuse me Cadence. What should the girls, and I be doing?" Twilight asked.

"We have brought you to help keep the Empire's populace calm in these dark times. As well to show that the Humans, and their War Machines are not a threat to them. That, and should our Human friends fail, we can use the Elements of Harmony, which We hath brought with us, upon the creature, and subdue it that way. Clearly it is a creature of evil intent." Luna stated simply, though imagining the kind of panic that would happen if the elements were not present should a creature attack. It caused her shiver somewhat. Ponies trampling over one another, fires, utter panic.

"O-okay." Twilight stated, she shuddered to think of how powerful the creature could be if it did defeat the Humans, and their machines.

"For right now though, Rest is in order. You all have had a long journey. I'll have Rooms prepared at once, as well as a delicious meal." Cadence declared with a smile.

With that the Meeting was concluded as the group separated to clean up for late lunch. For the Humans, the luxurious baths in each room were a God send. The tubs were enormous, easily able to fit Celestia and Luna at the same time. The Bath water was just the right temperature for the three humans. Causing each one to seemingly melt into their own watery stupor. The rigors, and stresses of the travel, and carrying the six ponies worked a number upon their muscles. So now it was simply time to relax before lunch.

The meal was a glorious, if not slightly disappointing affair for the three Humans. There was a magnificent spread of vegetables, fruits, Flowers and hay. The ripest, and freshest from all over the Crystal Empire. However, the three Humans were starting to get tired of the vegetarian diet that they had to take. How each one of them would have loved a nice juicy steak, or some succulent ham to go with the vegetables. So while they ate, they were more quiet than normal. Not really engaging in the myriad of Conversations that cris-crossed the table.

It seemed that Twilight was still quite enamored with the pen that Michael had given her. Demonstrating its abilities on napkins, and writing random things upside down, vertical, and every which way she could think of. Luna, Cadence, and Shining looked on with keen interest at the simple device. It would make sense because of all their paper work, and not having to worry about constantly dipping a quill, or knocking over an inkpot.

"Mayhaps we can have a closer look at the device?" Luna asked.

The excitement, and happiness in Twilight instantly evaporated as she clutched at the small pen in her hooves noticeably tighter. It was like Luna had asked for her greatest treasure. It was a surprising reaction to such a simple request. One that had the others worried about what Twilight would say.

"Okay, but please, be careful." Twilight replied as she reluctantly released the pen, and levitated it over to Luna for her inspection.

The Blue Alicorn gingerly took the pen with her own magic, and started to inspect it. All the while Twilight was watching her intently to ensure she didn't break, drop, or lose the pen. Twilight actually lost it the day before they left for the Crystal empire, and literally tore the Library Treehouse apart trying to find it. Only to finally locate it on her desk. it had rolled underneath her quill, and the feather concealed it from her. She was quite frantic, and distraught when she thought she lost her pen.

While this was going on, Michael was struck with an idea. He leaned over and nudged Aleki with his elbow. Causing the large Samoan to grunt and look at him in displeasure with a bit of lettuce hanging out of his mouth.

"Are you getting as sick, and tired of all this rabbit food as I am?" Michael whispered to the large man.

Aleki didn't answer. He simply narrowed his eyes as he sucked in the last bit of lettuce.

"I'll take that as a "yes". How about when the ponies go to sleep we sneak on over to the nearest Griffon settlement, and "liberate" a butcher. Fuck it, liberate a butcher, and his shop. The Zaku should be easily capable of picking up the building if it is small enough." Michael whispered in a conspiratorial fashion.

The almost chiseled scowl on the Tanker's thin lips slowly curled into a sinister smirk. He was liking this plan. Yet before he could respond, both men experienced a stinging sensation against the backs of their neck. causing both men to hiss in pain, and look to the source of the pain. It was Lilith, and she was glaring heated daggers at the both of them.

"I'm Not going let you two idiots invade another country just so you can get your grubby little dick skinners on some fresh, succulent meat!" Lilith hissed menacingly at the two, trying not to be overheard by the ponies. Yet the wanting tone in her voice for a thick steak was still evident.

Both Aleki, and Michael winced as they heard the venom in Lilith's voice. She was angry. Probably not enough protein in her diet. Though the three would quickly become aware of a pregnant silence pervading over the group. Slowly the three turned to the ponies situated at the table with them. Each one of them had a deadpan expression as they looked directly at the three. Well, all except Pinkie. She had this huge grin on her face as she started to wave at the three excitedly. Luna narrowed her eyes at the three humans. She could tell that mischief was a-hoof, and she wanted in.

"Pray Tell, what hath you three been conversing about over yonder?" Luna asked as she gazed upon the three humans.

Michael was in the process of opening his mouth to try, and talk his way out of it, but he would be interrupted by Pinkie Pie. Whom had her hoof raised, and bouncing in her seat.

"Oo, Oo! I know! Alicky, and Mikey were gonna wait until we were all asleep, and then sneak over the nearest griffon Settlement, that's Griffonville by the way, to "Liberate" the town's butcher, and butcher shop with Zaky." Pinkie explained as she made hoof quotes in the air. "So by "Liberate", you mean to steal the Butcher, and his supply of meats cause you three gotten tired of eating fruits, and vegetables all the time, right?" Pinkie stated as she looked at the two with a beaming grin.

If it had been anypony other than Pinkie Pie, then everyone would have rightly assumed that it was all choreographed. Right down to the synchronized face palm of two Federation, and one Zeon pilot. They were reminded, once more, that nothing gets by that pink mare.

"Well, tha kinda makes sum sense conside'in that they did give tha poor griffon carver a mighty big fright at tha Gala. I'mma guessin if yer used ta eat'in meat. You kinda miss it afta awhile." Applejack said at last.

Twilight shrunk from view a bit. "I think I forgot to mention to Cadence, and Shining that the Humans are Omnivorous." Twilight admitted.

"Yes, I think you did." Cadence said, but the tone was not angry, but more teasing. "Though, now that we know. I believe we can spare the good town of Griffonville, a late night visit. We wouldn't want to give the Griffons a heart attack." Cadence chuckled before turning to the Humans. "I promise you that at our next meal. There would be more adequate food for you three." She said with a soft smile, and a chuckle as she could only imagine how the griffons would take a late night visit by that green titan.

The three humans all let out a sigh of relief that they were not going to get into trouble. Though Luna held a slightly disappointed grimace on her face for a moment before turning to her more neutral mask. The venture sounded like fun. The rest of the meal would continue amiably as small conversations continued to cris-cross the table as everyone finished their meals, and decided to head outside for the testing of the guntank.


The treads of the Guntank clacked against the crystal road surface as it moved into position for the test firing. A safe distance away, Cadence, Shining Armor, Luna, and the Mane Six all sat, and watched intently. Twilight held some parchment, and her pen. Ready to take down any, and all observations. As the Guntank rolled to a stop, the ponies watched as large plates unfolded from the carriage unit from the front, and the rear. The plates being laid against the ground at an angle. Twilight noted this, and some questions as to what they were used for. Immediately afterwards, the "Backpack" of the Guntank folded down, and became what looked like a platform. A mechanical arm unfolded, and retrieved a long cylinder with a tapered tip. It looked a lot like a bullet from the Zaku's machine gun. In Fact, the projectiles were the same size of 120mm. However, the casing on the Guntank's was much longer. Again, making Twilight take note, and mark down questions to ask later. The cylinder was inserted into the back of the Tank's left shoulder cannon before the arm folded itself back up, and the backpack raised up, and closed.

Though while this was going on, Michael was preparing for his excursion into the wastes. He had a detailed copy of the map of the Land surrounding the Crystal City laid out in his lap. It was as detailed, and accurate as the Unicorns could make it with their magic. He studied the last mapped terrain features, and where the attacks have been reported. He was trying to figure out which site to investigate first.

"Are you not going to watch the firing?" a young voice asked, shaking Michael from this thoughts.

Looking up, Michael would see Flash Sentry on the Zaku's hand, his head poked into the cockpit.

"Believe me. I've been on the receiving end of those barrages. It was not fun, and it isn't anything new to me. Though you may want to cover your ears though." Michael stated as he went back to looking at his map.

"Why?" Flash Sentry asked.

"It's gonna be loud." Michael stated simply without taking his eyes off the map.

"CLEAR!" Lilith's voice rang out on the PA of the tank.

By this time, more ponies started to show up out of curiosity, and gather around the Princesses, and the Elements of Harmony. Shining Armor erected a magical shield as an extra precaution as the ponies watched the left barrel start to elevate to the optimum firing angle.

"FIRING!" Lilith's voice called out once more.

A moment later a titanic boom shattered that air as fire belched forth from the tip of the elevated muzzle. The force of the recoil pushed the tank back a couple of feet, causing the plates to dig into the road surface, and preventing the tank from being pushed back any further. The pressure wave could be felt even through Shining's shield, though it did deaden it considerably. The Round screamed through the air as it streaked towards the shield that covered the City. Slamming hard into the barrier, and passing right through, causing a small ripple to spread outward from the point of impact much like a stone in a calm pond.

"Whoa nelly! That was sure some fireworks!" Applejack declared.

"What!? Darling you're gonna had to speak up!" Rarity stated in a raised voice. Her hoof trying to rub the ringing from her ears.

"WHOO-HOO! That was just like my Party Cannon, but like a thousand times bigger!" Pinkie shouted as she hopped up, and down excitedly.

Fluttershy was not available for comment as she fainted from the loud boom. Though Rainbow Dash would swear she heard the sound of a goat baying right at the same time.

Though the one most affected by it would be, surprisingly, Luna. She stood there stock still as she looked at the massive back of the Guntank. Various gases being expelled from the back through one of the two vents. She felt a quiver run up from the base of her spine, and hooves all the way up to the back of her neck. Causing her skin to prickle as she felt an excitement welling up in her that she has not felt since she was but a young foal. It took everything she had not to emulate Pinkie Pie in her growing excitement. Yet, one thought rang out in her mind. That was AWESOME!

Michael looked out of the off set hatch of the Zaku's cockpit, and looked at Flash Sentry. The Pegasus was furiously rubbing his ears trying to get the ringing to stop.

"I told ya to cover your ears." Michael stated before he leaned back into his chair. He reached up, and tapped a crystal that was dangling from a string from one of the Conduits that ran along the top of his cockpit. "Looks like the Test is successful. I'm going to be heading out." He called out.

"Understood. Do me a favor, and get lost out there." Lilith's voice came back, emanating from the crystal itself.

"Nah, that would actually make you happy. I can't have that.." Michael quipped back with a slight smirk to his lips.

The crystals were created by Twilight as a means for the two Mobile Suits to communicate, as well as She, and the others to communicate with them. The encryption on the MSs radios were such that it was nigh impossible for them to talk to one another over any distance. It made sense if thought from a military stand point in that you didn't want any chance of the Enemy from listening in on your communications. Since neither The Federation Pilots, nor Michael knew how to by pass the radios encryption, Twilight came up with the solution in the enchanted jewels that were now suspended in the three cockpits. This was their first real test. This would also give Twilight, and the others away to communicate with either Mobile Suit. So long as they were in range.

"Okay, closing up now." Michael called out as he closed the cockpit, and raised the towering titan to its feet.

The crystal ponies watched with curiosity as the green giant rose up. the ponies curiosity was piqued further as the giant reached for a long flat black tube from its perch on the back of its hips. It was almost as long as the Giant was tail, and held a flared tip at one end, and four openings at the other. The giant grasped the handle, and set it on its shoulder before turning to walk down the street with the mustard yellow pegasus following closely behind.


Once more the snows whipped at the light olive armor of the Zaku as its trudged out through the deep snow rifts. It's large feet sinking down well past its ankle. It would appear that Michael's ascertain that a squad of ponies would be hard pressed to keep up was truthful as it was moving quite quickly. Flash Sentry given up trying to fly against the wind and keep up with the Mobile suit, and simply hung on to the left spiked shoulder pauldron. They were making good time towards one of the attack sites on the map. The Zaku moving at a light jog.

On a nearby rise, Dr. Crystal Shard was staring at the dome with disgust. For the past couple weeks he'd been slowly working his plan to get the Crystal Heart. He knew that he couldn't simply waltz in, and take it. It would most assuredly sense his hostile intent. That, and its guardians were quite protective of it. A sneer stretched at his dust colored lips. He'll have that heart, but he has to be careful. Can't let these ponies know what it is going on until it is too late. Until then, he'll continue to draw out Guard patrols. Make them look elsewhere other than right under their noses.

"I'm so clever. She says so." He chuckled as he eyed the capitol greedily.

He chuckled as he felt his victory was assured. He could feel the Crystal Heart within his hooves. With it, and the distilled essence of Discord, he can create an army of golems, and there would be nothing that pompous princess could do to stop it. From Shard's throat a chuckle bubbled up, and he released it to only get swallowed up by the wind.

Yet, before he could gloat too much, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps, and a tall looming figure started to be seen in the swirling flakes. Shard stopped his laugh, and squinted to get a better look.

"What do we have here?" he mused softly.

Though his curiosity would quickly turn to anger as the green Giant could be seen approaching. Shard felt his anger start raise further as he watched the thing tromp about. Looking around the area. With it, a Pegasus was flitting about as well. The bright monoeye swiveling right, then left as it scanned the snow like it would give up the secrets it refused to reveal to the guards, and their magic.

"What is that doing here?" He spat in disgust as he glared at the Zaku as if he stared hard enough, he could melt it down to a pile of goo with just his eyes.

Yet, even with his mask of disgust, Shard was intimidated. The Giant was bigger than he imagined. Even the papers didn't depict its scale properly. The Pegasus that had just landed on the Giant's head was doing a marvelous job of that.

It is old, and weak. But I wonder... Can you defeat it?

That thought formed in his mind with an feminine lilt. Causing the good Doctor to snarl, and growl.

"I can, and I will. I'll show you just who is the most powerful!" Shard snapped as he started to channel his magic. His Horn glowing softly beneath his hood.

"Do you see anything?" Flash Sentry shouted over the wind as he moved from the Zaku's head to the shield on its right arm. He wasn't sure how Michael could hear him in all that metal, but it hadn't hindered their conversations so far. he just had to be reasonably close for the microphones to pick up his voice.

"No, but I didn't really think I would either." Michael called back over the suit's speakers as the zaku's monoeye swiveled to the right to look at the pegasus that came for a landing on the top of the mobile's suit's shield where it bend over its shoulder joint.

Flash Sentry was curious as to what Michael was thinking, but before he could ask, an ear splitting shriek cut through the howling winds. Flash had to put his hooves over his ears to try, and block out the sound that felt like needles jabbing into his ear drums

Inside the Zaku's cockpit, it was not much better as the speakers let out painful feed back. Michael cringed, and pulled back as he tucked his head down, trying to drown out the feedback.

As the screech died down, both Looked up to see another large figure looming in snowy wastes approaching them. For Flash Sentry, it looked like a crystalline nightmare. For Michael, it was what he has been searching for. He steeled himself as he looked at the abomination that showed up on his main screen.

"Flash, head to the palace, and let the princesses know what is going on just in case these fancy crystals of Twilight doesn't work." Michael ordered.

"Alright. Be careful!" Flash Sentry replied as he spread his wings, and leaped into the air to fly back to the palace.

Michael shifted in his seat as he leaned forward. On the monitor directly in front, the familiar rock, and crystal amalgamation approached, its thick long arms pounding into the snow with sobering force. Michael reached up, and touched the the Crystal.

"This is Sargent Black. Contact in A-4. Repeat! Contact in A-4!" he called out in a professional tone. Dying in battle is understandable, but losing your composure was unforgivable.

With the notification sent, Micheal brought the Zaku square with the approaching creature. It was rapidly closing the distance between the two. In response, the Zaku brought up the long bazooka, its left hand coming around to hold on to the forward grip as the scope lined up with the Zaku's mono-eye. The cover flipping out of the way to let the Zaku's camera peer through. Michael watched with a held breath as the targeting reticle moved to line up the creature with agonizing slowness. When he heard the tone of a solid aim, Michael pulled the trigger on his control stick, making the Zaku's finger squeeze the trigger on the large weapon. An instant later a loud fwoosh cut through the winds as a jet of bright orange flame spat out the back of the bazooka. In the front, steam and hot gases boiled out the muzzle right before a large rocket screamed out of the tube, and headed for its target.

The Battle for the Crystal Empire Pt. 2: What Skulks Beneath

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Cantorlot Castle

Ever since the Gala, there had been a tension presiding over the sparkling edifice of Cantorlot Castle. The staff had sensed it, as well as visiting nobles though they kept it to themselves. The only two that didn't appear to be aware of this tension was the Celestial sisters. Though it could simply be that they were ignoring it while focusing on more important matters. The source of this oppressive tension that hung over the castle was a young prince by the name of Blue Blood. He was seen skulking about the castle by the many guards and servants of the estate. Constantly mumbling to himself, or in deep thought. His once flippant, flirtatious attitude towards the mares of the palace, or those of high enough birth to catch his eye, pretty much came to a dead halt after the Gala. Leading many to wonder if some kind of spell or hex had befallen the arrogant prince. In a way, they were right.

Blue Blood paced around in circles within his lavish suite. He had dismissed the maid from cleaning as he was far too agitated to suffer her presence. His mind was racing, and broiling with the events that had happened at the Gala, as well as his very public snubbing from that Ma....Hyumin woman! She didn't even give him a sniff! How dare she! Does she know for whom she was addressing!? just the thought of it would cause Blue Blood to start to grind his perfectly polished teeth. He had never once felt, he didn't even have words for what he was feeling!

"How dare she!" He spat with a indignant huff as he marched around in an oblong circle around the room.

Yet, even in the middle of another tantrum, that small voice of his conscience niggled at the back of his mind. Having been given a wake up call from that encounter. It was as annoying as if he had a cricket on his shoulder, one that he hadn't listened to since he was a foal.

What have you done to truly impress her, or any mare?

"I"m the Prince! What more is there!?" Blue Blood spoke to the empty air.

Just outside the room, a couple of maids stopped in their work, and pressed a ear to the door. They could hear the one-sided conversation, and were quite nervous to what it may lead to.

A "prince". A mere title that was granted to you simply cause your parents bucked! How does that grant you favor? How does that grant you your worth?

Blue Blood growled at the sense that his annoying conscience was making. He moved to his tall mirror, and looked deeply at himself. What looked back was not as regal, or as picture perfect as he had striven to be. His mane was not as silky, nor smooth as it normally was. He had the light bags under his eyes from the multitude of sleepless nights as his restless mind kept him awake. His coat was not as shimmering as it normally was. Blue Blood jammed his eyes shut, and shook his head before opening them and throwing the best pose he could. He summoned up every ounce of nobility and majesty he could to remind himself of how wonderful and dashing he was. Why mares threw themselves at him in droves.

However what he saw, while noble, lacked something that was hard to put his hoof on. Something that he saw in that alien woman. It gave her a poise, and grace that he only seen in those like his Aunties. She was smooth, and knew how to work a room. Her words were cultured, and refined. The minotaur ambassador had been so impressed by her that he even sent Auntie Celestia a letter saying he would love to show the human his home and compare it to her home some more. Yet, her tongue was as sharp as a Guard's spear. How could such things exist within one po-er, person. He remembered seeing her for the first time covered in flour. So when she appeared at the gala dressed so beautifully, he could hardly believe the transformation.

"This is madness! Why does that creature vex me so!?" He shouted to the mirror.

It is because she does not see the crown upon your head. She sees the foalish stallion underneath, and found you wanting. She did not pander to your ego as all the other mares had done. All the Mares sought you only for your crown! Even one of the Elements of Harmony fell for your crown, but not her.

It was that same bothersome voice! Why wouldn't it just let Blue Blood stew in his vexation in peace? Why did it have to speak the truth with words that cut like a knife?

Blue walked out to his balcony, taking in the fresh afternoon air for a moment and plopped down upon an opulent lounge chair. With a sigh he gazed over the city, and the large valley below. His eyes spotted various ponies below, scurrying about with a purpose, and a sense of self worth that had been denied him due to his pampered upbringing. He glared down at the common ponies with... Jealousy? No, that can't be right! He was a prince. Some pony every stallion wished they could be, and every mare wishes they could be with! Yet, the image of that woman looking down her nose at him was burned into his memories. Stripping away at that visage of arrogance that he had surrounded himself with for so very long.

You have a choice, Prince. You could remain as you are, and stagnate in your own pampered self absorption. Being ridiculed behind your back, and pitied by your aunt. Knowing that those around you only care for your crown. Or, you can get up, and show them all that you're more than just a crown that somepony else hung upon your head.

"How?" Blue mumbled as if there was another pony there speaking to him, not thinking much on how he was having a full conversation with himself.

That is for you to find out. The answers can not always be given to you. You must go out, and seek them yourself.

Blue Let out a huff, "Stupid conscience."

I heard that!

Blue let his mind relax as he thought about how he was going to show everyone who he truly was. How he was going to show Her she was wrong about him! It was harder than he imagined as he simply let the soft rays of his Aunt's sun warm his white coat.

He would lay there before a spark of an Idea started to smolder into his head. Slowly, his eyes widened as that small spark became an ember. He rose to his feet feeling a resolve that was quickly starting to embolden him to the idea that was tickling at his mind.

"Do you think he is alright? It got awfully quiet in there." One maid whispered as she had her ear pressed to the door.

"I don't know. I'm thinking we may need to get a Guard Captain here." Said the guard that came across the two maids listening in, and couldn't help himself.

"Shush! I hear something!" The other maid spoke as she pressed her ear harder against the door.

The other two followed suit as they strained their ears to listen.

"It sounds like...." the guard started to say.

"hooves! Running hooves! Scatter!" The maid called out as the three duck out of the way just before the doors swung inward with magic, and Blue Blood tore out of the room like his tail was on fire, and his ass was catching.

The three ponies all looked to Blue and each other with curiosity as they wondered what was the matter with him, but knew better than to get involved with things that were above them.
Blue Blood raced through the palace like a stallion possessed. He had to speak with his aunts, and now. Given the time though, Auntie Cele should be finishing up with day court. So Blue hoped that he could get a moment to speak with her before she retired to her inner sugary sanctum of cakes. So he came skidding around the final corner, and felt renewed energy when the grand doors to the throne room could be seen. Blue Blood poured on the steam. The guards at the door looked up in surprise as they saw the prince barreling towards them.

"Your highness whatever is the matter!?" One guard called out.

"Open the door, open the door!" Blue replied.

The two Unicorns quickly scrambled to pull the doors open with their magic. The two large doors slowly creaked open as the unicorns strained to get the doors open. However, as Blue closed in, he could see that they were not going get it open in time. He hit the brakes as hard as he could, but his hooves started to slide against the polished stone floors. His momentum carrying him now.

Celestia was sitting upon her throne listening to her Advisor, Stuffed Shirt, drone on, and on about how many of the nobles were offended that she could not make time for them today. It seemed like these ponies never let up, and she started to wonder how nice it would be to find a deserted island somewhere, and forget the world existed.

"And that is why I....." Stuffed shirt started to say when.


Something smacked against the large doors, and hard, causing both Stuffed Shirt, and Princess Celestia to look up, and wince as they saw the doors were slowly opening.

"My word, how rude." Stuffed Shirt grumbled as he took a couple of steps back when he noticed that Celestia was raising to her hooves to investigate the noise.

As she approached, she saw Blue Blood staggering around the edge of the door, a nice lump near his horn started to form.

"Blue Blood, what is the matter?" Celestia asked as she touched her horn to his lump to make it, and the pain dissipate.

"Auntie, since when is there two of you?" Blue asked as he was looking in distinctly different directions.

Blue shook his head, and regained his footing before looking at his Aunt.

"Auntie, I've made a decision!" Blue Blood announced theatrically. Thrusting a perfectly manicured hoof in the air.

Celestia was rather taken back by this. It was not unusual for Blue Blood to be overly dramatic, but that was normally if he was offended by some slight that he felt directed towards him. A Pony not bowing before him low enough, or his daisy sandwich not prepared just so with the crust cut off, and the sandwich cut in half. To which he would try to get Celestia to "Do" something about it. However, this was different, and that was enough to cause Celestia to worry.

"Oh? What kind of decision is that, Bluey?" Celestia asked him. Using the nickname he used to love as a foal. But since he grew up, he outgrown foalish pet names, or so he states.

"Please Auntie. I'm no longer a foal so please don't call me that. I decided to prove to that hoomyn that I'm no push over stallion! I'll show her! Her, and Auntie Lulu that I am quite capable!" Blue declared, thrusting that hoof out once more for good measure. It would appear that he practiced this pose for quite some time.

Celestia had to stifle a chuckle at the display. Blue was certainly fired up, and Celestia wasn't surprised it was because of a female. However, the surprise came from the fact that it was from that Human female, Hardeen. She did make quite impression at that Gala, and it would appear that she made quite the impression upon her nephew as well.

"How are you going to go about this?" Celestia asked, curious to see how far her nephew would take this.

"I...I don't know, but I will! I swear it upon my crown." Blue Blood stated with surprising conviction.

This should worry Celestia. Blue Blood doesn't normally get this fired up about anything. Normally, he would have tried to convince her that something needed to be done, but to actually do something on his own!? This was serious.

With that declaration, he turned on his hooves, and started to march out of the throne room.

"Blue Blood, Where are you going?" Celestia asked as she trotted to catch up with him.

"I'm going to Ponyville! That is where the Hoomyn Hardeen is at!" Blue Blood declared.

"The humans are not in Ponyville. They're in the Crystal empire helping your cousin along with your Aunt Luna, and the Elements." Celestia stated.

"WHAT!? When was this decided!?" Blue shouted in surprise. Course, it should not have been a surprise as he hardly took any real interest in such things before.

"yes, Sargents Black, Hardeen, and Vaulu have traveled with the Elements to investigate a rash of mysterious creature sightings that resulted in the lost of several squads of Cadences's guards. Luna insisted she went to observe, but I think she went in hopes of seeing a fight. She was always a fan of the Gladiatorial games in the past." Celestia let out with a sigh.

"Very well then. I will use this time to prepare then." Blue Blood stated as he smoothed out his mane with his hoof before giving his aunt a bow. "I'll excuse myself, Auntie" he stated before departing the Throne Room, leaving a understandably worried Celestia behind. "Just you wait Lilith Hardeen. I'll show you just what kind of Stallion I am." He stated as he could imagine that underneath that harsh thorny exterior was a delicate flower that only yearned to be protected and loved.


Crystal Empire

"Hurry it the fuck up, Aleki! My cannons can't blow shit up if we're not in the proper place!" Lilith called down to her driver as the heavy Guntank roared down the main thoroughfare of the city. Its meter wide tracks clawing through the cobble stone streets as it raced to get to a spot that they could set up for fire support.

The call came in a few minutes ago through Twilight's crystal, and caught everyone by surprise. They had not considered meeting the creature soon after their arrival in the Empire. by Twilight's calculations of probability, she figured it would be at least a week before they would encounter the creature.

"We have to move quickly girls! Start to gather the towns ponies, and have them evacuate to beneath the Crystal palace. We don't know how strong this creature is, or how this fight will go. However, we must insure the safety of the townsponies." Twilight stated.

The rest of the Mane Six quickly split up and started to run to all points of the compass. Each one calling out for the Crystal Ponies to hurry to the palace. Telling them that they would be safe there.

Luna, and Cadence watched this play out. Both were just as surprised as the rest that an encounter occurred so quickly. Shining was already giving orders to his Guards to prepare blankets, and to set up stations to check Ponies, and ensure that families are kept together. Cadence had no doubts that her ponies would do what was needed in this time of crisis, even with a great danger literally at their door step.

Shining, Cadence, and Luna looked up as they heard the fluttering of wings above them, and saw Flash Sentry coming for a landing before the three. He bowed before the three rulers.

"Give your report, Lieutenant." Shining ordered.

"Sir. Sgt Black has just encountered the creature in the waste, and has ordered that I return to inform you should the Communication crystal provided by Princess Twilight Sparkle fail to transmit the message." Flash Sentry reported professionally.

"We already received the message via the crystal, but that was good thinking on Black's part to send you as well to make sure. Well done, Lieutenant." Shining stated with an approving nod.

"Shall I return to render assistance to Sargent Black?" Flash asked, his wings already spreading to pull him up into the air should the order come down.

"I don't believe that would be necessary, Lieutenant. I believe Black may have had an additional reason for sending you back aside from simply ensuring a message was being relayed." Luna spoke.

Shining, Cadence, and Flash Sentry looked at the Princess of the Night, silently encouraging her to explain.

"According to Twilight's reports, if this fight plays out like the previous, Flash Sentry would only be getting in the way as two titans clash. Black most likely sent him away so he would not have to worry about him getting under hoof." Luna explained as she watched the proverbial light bulb flick on in the three ponies head. She had to stifle a chuckle at the scene


The rocket flew from the muzzle of the bazooka, and sailed through the whirling winds right at the Golem. Trailing fire, and smoke behind on its kamikaze trajectory towards the creature. Michael watched intently as he prayed the rocket would connect, and at the very least incapacitate the monster. The possibility of there being a pony inside at the fore of his thoughts, however that thought was also tempered with the experience of how tough the previous creature was. He hoped that the rocket would do enough damage to it so that Michael can get close, and see if he could free the pony. Causing the creature to crumble back into a pile of rocks. That was the fastest way, so he thought, to end the fight.

The rocket slammed hard near the creatures right shoulder, the shaped charge that was meant to punch through armor burned, and directed its explosive force directly into the creature's chest. Fire, and smoke washed over the creature as it was sent hurtling back into the snow. Large chunks of rock, and crystal showering the snow covered ground as it let out a pain filled screech that cut right through the Zaku's armor, and into Michael's cockpit.

"Yes! That knocked you on your ass, didn't it!?" Michael barked in triumph as he saw the smoldering remains of Golem laying in the snow.

However, Michael's victory would come at a price as a loud alarm blared in his cockpit. Looking down at a smaller screen on his control HUD, Michael saw a message flash across the smaller auxiliary monitor.


Then screen then showed a diagram where the failure was located. It was in the firing circuit that Michael had such difficulty repairing earlier. The screen would then flash over, and repeat the previous message to eject the Bazooka.

"Shit!" Michael hissed as he pulled on the control sticks.

The Zaku instantly reacted as the right arm snapped outward, the head, and chest ducking as the back end of the bazooka swung over, and around. The hand released the grip, ripping the I/O jack from the slot in a shower of electrical arcs. The Bazooka went sailing through the air before landing with a heavy thump in the snowy bank.

Micheal didn't let up the assault for a moment as he threw the Zaku into a run, charging at the downed Golem. The creature writhed, and tried to pull itself together before the tremendous weight of the Mobile suit pinned it to the ground. Michael looked through out the large torso for any signs of a pony being trapped inside. Going so far as to even switch the main camera over to infrared to see any heat signatures. However he would find none. This was strange. Michael was sure there was a pony being held within this creature. This just made the fight both easier, and much harder at the same time.


Shard staggered back as he felt a sharp burning pain in his horn. For a moment, he magic was interrupted as he tried to stop the pain in his head. A dark growl slipped from his lips as he opened his eyes, and glared at the green giant that did...something to his creature. Whatever it was, it hurt, and bad.

"Blast that foul creature" Shard hissed as the pain started to ebb from his horn finally.

Shard focused back on his creature, and saw that the giant had pinned it to the ground. At first he was curious as to what the giant was doing. However, watching the large red eye swipe left to right as the head moved up, and down. Shard remembered the article about how the Giant saved his previous test subject.

"So~, that is what you're after eh? Sorry to disappoint you, you won't find anypony in there. She has another task." Shard chuckled darkly as he imbued his horn once more with magic. "Lets just see how well you fair against this." Shard mused.


MIchael reached up, and tapped the crystal to call in what he discovered. His Zaku was still holding down the flailing creature as he pondered how to kill it now.

"This is Black, Have subdued the Creature. However, there is no sign of a pony hostage. We may have to rethink this one." He called over the crystal line.

"Damn you Black! Why did you have to go, and win already! Aleki, and I just set up." Came the disgruntled voice of Lilith from the crystal. It sounded quite tinny as it only came from the crystal.

"Sorry, Lily. Just too slow I suspect. I'll bust it up some more and hopefully it will stay down." Michael called out. Though that moments distraction would cost him.

Something slammed hard into the side of the Zaku sending it sailing through the air, and into a snow drift. Burying its upper half as its two legs stuck out rather comically. The Creature used this time to gather itself back together, and gets it feet underneath it so it could fight once more. However, unlike the previous Golem, this ones movements were more clumsy. From his vantage point, Shard grinned manically as he watched his creation return to life.

Inside his cockpit, the Michael groaned as he came back around. "The fuck was that!?" He coughed as he looked around.

His screens were dark, but at least there was no warning alarms going off. Though going by feel, he could tell the Zaku was on its back. Just above his head, he could hear the crystal clack against the roof of the cockpit.

"Hey Lilith? I think I'm going to need your help after all." Michael groaned.

"The hell did you fuck up now?" Lilith replied. However, there was a notable twinge of concern in her voice that was not lost on Michael.

"I need some time to get my Suit back on its feet. Do you think you can stall the creature?" Michael asked as he was trying to get the room to stop spinning.

"Sure, you're at A4-A4, right?" Lilith asked.

Considering the relative crudeness of the maps, Lilith was banking on Michael picking up on the new grid system she started to use right at that minute. Basically each grid square would be then cut into a smaller Grid system equally divided, and numbered.

"Affirmative" Michael groaned as he really wished he did not eat so much at the table.


Lilith was quickly working her controls, twisting the Guntank's body to get it lined up for the shot. The stabilizing arms folded down against the road surface once more as the Guntank's backpack folded down. However this time, two mechanical arms were unfolding themselves, and sliding the shells into the breeches of the two 120mm cannons on the Guntank's shoulders before the backpack closed up, and the Guntank was ready to fire.

Lilith looked at her map, and was running the mental calculations from her Gunnery school through her head. Thank god her instructor was a stickler for Math, and "unaided" proficiency. Stating how there may come a time when you didn't have all sorts of digital maps, GPS, or fancy computers to help you. Lilith didn't think much of it at the time, but she made sure to remember the formulas, and carried a small solar powered calculator with her at all times, that she kept hidden from Twilight Sparkle after seeing what how that mare reacted to something so simple as a Pen.

With last minute adjustments and liberal amounts of "Educated guesses", Lilith felt pretty confident that she had a good firing solution. At least her shots would be in the vicinity of the two. Lilith just wished she had a forward observer to correct her shots. But, for now she would just hope that it would be enough to give Michael breathing room.

"You better watch your head, Zeke!" Lilith barked as she pulled the triggers on her control yoke.

a Instant later, the twin cannons of the guntank let out a earth shattering boom that rippled through the populace of the Crystal Empire as they huddle underneath the powerful shield of Shining Armor. The Royal Guard forming a cordon around the shield just in case.


Shard smiled as he brought his Golem around towards the half buried Giant. He wanted to savor this victory over the opponent that destroyed his first creation, and freed his first subject. The Golem lumbered towards the fallen mobile suit with a rather ungainly gait due to the fact that it was being controlled remotely instead of being given its own autonomy. He felt this fight won as he raised his hoof in mirror to the golem raising its oversized appendage. Oh this was going to feel so good, he thought as he could imagine the Giant screaming in agony while Shard knew that it was He that defeated the giant. The Ponies, and the Princesses should tremble before his might. Though as he started to thrust down his hoof, a shrill whistling could be heard, and steadily getting louder by the second.

"What in the world is that?" Shard paused, and looked around.

He would never see the hit coming as the twin shells landed just shy of his perch. The detonation of the rounds muffled by the deep snow was stills strong enough for it to collapse the rise that Shard had been using to guide his creation. He tumbled down into the snow, and would come to a stop with his head, and shoulders buried. The Golem slowed, and seemed to freeze in place, its club like arm frozen in mid swing. Giving the Zaku time to pull itself from the snow.

The mobile suit's camera was cleared by a wiper that did a quick swipe over the ballistic glass that shielded the Camera, and the delicate electronics in the Zaku's head. The image that appeared upon his monitor when they came back to life gave Michael's heart a start as he saw his screen was almost filled with the rocky appendage of the Golem's arm. Yet, why did it stop? Michael would not wait to question his good fortune as he brought the Zaku's foot up, and kicked out. Connecting with The Golem's forward knee, and toppling it back onto the ground. Opening space between the two towering titans.

Dr. Shard managed to pull his head from the snow just in time to hear an sickening crunching noise. Turning his head, he saw as his construct fall backwards as the green giant slowly rose to its feet. Shard snarled in anger. He didn't know what happened as he didn't expect the Humans he sent after the Giant would actually join him. He started to channel his magic back into his horn. It would be a great effort as it took quite a bit to control the golem. He commanded the golem to rise, and fight once again.

The Zaku would reach its feet just about the same time the golem did. The Zaku's blazing red monoeye swinging over to focus on the Golem. The Golem turned its diminutive head to focus on the mobile suit. the two giants squared off as Michael had the Zaku pull out its heat hawk ax. The hybrid ceramic blade quickly glowing brightly in the waning light of the afternoon. Snowflakes flash evaporated as they fluttered close to the super heated ax, some of the moisture around the hawk causing it to steam menacingly.

Michael threw the Zaku into a head long charge at the Golem, the ax coming back for a horizontal swipe across the abdomen. The Golem brought up its rocky appendages to shield from what it saw coming. Michael, reacting quickly, twisted the Zaku's arm, and moved the shoulder to twist the ax from a horizontal slash, and up for a powerful chop to the creature's head. The ax head came down with devastating force between the creature's bulbous forelimbs. The super heated cutting edge connected dead center, and split the head in two. The force causing the creature's knees to buckle, and stumble back. Michael decided to give it a hand, and twisted the Zaku's hips to bring up the left leg to deliver a powerful kick to the lower abdomen. Sending the creature toppling back into the snow once more with the loud sound of the impact being like a miniature sonic boom. The Zaku standing triumphantly over it.

Shard growled, and gnashed his teeth in frustration. He saw that attack coming, and willed the construct to deflect the attack, but he couldn't move it fast enough. This was the difference between controlling a golem remotely, and giving it its own limited autonomy. The controlled construct was sluggish. Shard concentrated on getting his creation to its feet so it could turn its creator's anger towards the green Giant. Even without a head, the Golem was still very dangerous as it was Shard, and his magic guiding the construct.

The creature swung its large forelimb with all its might to fight off the advancing mobile suit, but it was a few meters too far away to connect with the Zaku, or Michael would have thought. The forelimb suddenly disconnected from the shoulder, and was sent sailing towards the Zaku. Slamming square in the Mobile Suit's chest, threatening to crumple the cockpit, and crush its occupant. The Zaku staggering back several paces, trying to steady itself as its auto balancers kicking into full power. Sparks showered inside the cockpit as Michael was bucked around in his control seat. The ballistic nylon harness creaking, trying to keep his body to secured to the seat. The screens flickered from the blow, but thankfully held.

"Damn!" Michael growled ferally as he glared at the creature before him.

Once more, the Zaku charged the creature. If Shard thought he could defeat this Zeon Titan so easily, he was sorely mistaken. He tried to keep the Golem from moving, but with the absence of the thrown appendage. The Construct had become quite unbalanced, and difficult to keep stable. Requiring even more magic to compensate for the loss. He made the construct use its other arm to act as a shield against the flurry of ax swings that crashed against the hardened crystal that Equestrian weapon would be hard pressed to break. Yet, The Heat Hawk was chipping away at it. Slowly, but strike after strike, damage could be seen accumulating on the appendage.

Michael continued on his assault. The heat hawk almost sang as it cleaved through the frigid air with soft "fwips" right before striking against the crystal coated appendage that shielded the rest of the creature from the powerful blows from Michael, and his Zaku. The creature staggering backwards even as Shard growled, and struggled to turn the tide of the fight. Yet he was weakening. It was taking a lot of Magic to keep the Golem fighting, and he was dangerously close to magical exhaustion.

The Fight would be ended by the very next blow, Michael took several steps before throwing his Mobile Suit into a leaping kick. The backpack thrusters activating allowing the Zaku to perform the infamous "Zaku Kick". The Zaku sailed through the air, and the large foot slammed into the Golem's chest. Sending it flying as its components started to break apart, and disintegrate back into nothing more than a collection of rocks. The Crystal falling away to powder, and blowing away in the wind.


Shard was knocked back to the ground as the Zaku's final attack connected, destroying his creation. His magic nearly depleted, Shard couldn't hold his creature together anymore. His entire body ached as if he just ran several marathons in a row. He would gulp the frosty air greedily as he looked through blurry eyes at the towering Titan that stood over the remains of his creation as if to mock him. It angered him, but he lacked the energy to even raise his hoof in anger.

If would appear that you have been defeated, Shard.

That was the last thing he wanted to hear. Shard wanted to voice his frustration, and anger, but before he could, he felt powerful paws coming to pick him up out of the snow. A couple of his Diamond Dog minions stood there. One quickly leaning in, and whispering into the Doctor's ear. What he heard had the scowl that was etched upon Shard's muzzle twist into sinister smirk.

"It doesn't matter. The creature fulfilled its purpose, and my plans have not been affected." He said triumphantly as he stood there looking down his nose at the Zaku in arrogance. "So what if I have lost a mere construct. With what I'm about to possess, I can produce thousands more." He declared before he let out a deep laugh.

You finally understand.


Hardeen drummed her fingers upon her armrest in annoyance. The cause of her annoyance was the silence. Yes, there was sound. The dull thrum of the Guntank's reactor just below her. The soft whirring of servos as the tank worked to remain stable. But the real source of the irksome silence was from Twilight's infernal crystal. For the last 20 minutes since they first fired, Hardeen was waiting for Michael to call in another fire request. The Guntank's cannons were loaded, and Hardeen's trigger fingers were very itchy. She wanted to hear her babies sing their song of destruction.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on out there?" She snapped.

Just below her, Aleki was keeping his eyes on the gauges, and the suit's Level gauge. Ensuring that the platform was level, and stable. Upon hearing the grousing from up top, He let out a sigh as he knew that Lilith was worried about the Zeke pilot. Sure, they tried to kill him when they first arrived, but since then. Michael has proven to not be like the despicable Zeons that Lilith, and him have encountered in the past. If anything, Michael was kinda lazy and just wanted to have fun.

"I'm sure he is doing fine, Lily. If he is in trouble, he'll call." Aleki stated as he took a moment to glance up at the picture of his wife, and newborn baby girl back home.

He let out a soft sigh as he wondered if they were worried about him. Did they know he was missing, or do they just believe him dead? His large hand reached out to touch the picture, and wish that he was home, holding his daughter.

"If we make it home, I'm putting in my resignation immediately." He mused with a sad sigh.

While these two were focused out beyond the magical shield, they were blind to the real danger below.

Within the shield that protected the town's ponies just beneath the Crystal palace, a couple of fillies were passing the time chasing each other. Sure, the big thing making the REALLY loud noise was amazing, but it hadn't done anything since then, and it was starting to get really boring being stuck inside the Shield. Their giggles spilled over like a cup full of joy as they dashed around the parameter of the shield, and the Palace's legs. Not paying any heed to their mother's warnings. Though they would both come to a skidding halt when something strange was witnessed out of the corner of their eye.

About 50 meters from the edge of the shield, the street bowed upwards before sinking back down. The mortar splitting, and cracking as something was pushing up against it. Loud pops caught the attention of the nearest guards, and a couple of the ponies near that end of the shield. They started to congregate at the edge of the small dome to get a better look at what was going on.

The street rose up once more, higher this time as a loud crack rang out. The Guards lowered their lances, and steeled their wills, preparing for whatever may come.

Suddenly a sickly yellow crystal spire shot out of the road surface. Chunks of mortar, and cobblestones being sent in every which direction. It would immediately be followed by another spire, opening the hole wider than before. From it, the broad torso of an simian like rock monster started to emerge from the ground. The Guards watched wide eyed as it rose up before them. Grinding two large crystal plates, an ear splitting screech ripped through the air. It would quickly be followed up by the screams of the young fillies, and several ponies.

In the Gunner's compartment of the Guntank, Lilith had the side windows open to let a cross breeze through. The air was clean, and refreshing. However, her peace was destroyed by the screech that she, and Aleki could both feel down into their fillings. Lilith cringed when she heard it. Once it died away, she turned in her seat, and watched in shock as an enormous rock monster started to pull itself up out of the ground at the other end of the street!

"Shit! Aleki, get us moving. We have to stop that thing." Lilith called down.

Aleki was already ahead of her as he was pulling up the stabilizing ramps, and bringing up the reactor to full power.

"What about the Zeke!?" He called back.

"I'll get him on the horn, and see where he is at." Lilith replied as she started to lower the 120mm cannons to fire.

The Guntank's treads pulled in opposite directions, spinning the chassis around to turn the tank in the direction of the Rock creature as Lilith brought the torso around to bare on the enemy.


Michael was surveying the remains of the fallen construct, seeing if he could find any clues to its origins, or how it came into being. He knew Twilight would want to interrogate him about the battle, and would find the news about a Ponyless creature both important, and disappointed as it shot a hole in her current theory about these creatures.

"Black! Answer, dammit!" the voice of Lilith shouted over the crystal, causing Michael to jump in his seat.

"This is Black, Creature neutralized. Looking over the remains for any clues to give to Princess Sparkle." He replied in a professional tone, purposely ignoring the overly childish sounding name of "Princess Sparkle". What next, "Princess Butterfly"?

"Forget about that! Another creature just showed up in town. Came right up out of the ground like a motherfucking daisy!" Lilith called back.

Michael's breath caught in his throat when he heard that. "I'm on my way! Just hang in there." He replied as he twisted the controls to turn the Zaku towards the Crystal Empire, and threw it into a run.

The Zaku would only get about six or so paces before it came skidding to a halt. The torso, and then the head twisting, turning to the left. The glowing eye swiveling in the head to scan behind the towering titan. Soldiers who survived long enough on the battlefield learn to trust their instincts, and right now Michael's instincts were telling him that he was being watched.

The snowy scene shifted upon his monitor as he concentrated upon the image. To pick out anything that looked out of place. He even flicked over to infrared. However, nothing turned up at his first glance. Had he the time, he would have searched the area a bit more thoroughly, but with the threat of another creature in the city he had not a moment to lose. He threw the Zaku into a run once more. Stomping though the snow as he raced towards the city.

From his perch, Shard smirked "Fight. Fight till your body breaks, and your soul withers. You're fighting against destiny, my destiny. I have won, and there is nothing you can do about it." He declared before he let out with a tyrannical laugh.

The Battle for the Crystal Empire Pt. 3: Throw Down

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The crystal ponies cried out in fear as the large crystalline golem slowly turned towards them. It loomed over the buildings, and the street like a demonic giant. Its beady, sickly yellow eyes glowed with malice as it regarded the crystal ponies that cowered behind the powerful shield that Luna held. Luna looked down her muzzle at the monster. She was determined to ensure that it would not set one foot beyond the shield. Just outside the shield, the guards readied their weapons. They knew that if they challenged the creature directly, it would easily crush them. Yet, they would gladly make that sacrifice to protect the ponies behind the shield.

The creature let out a blood curdling screech as it ground two large chunks of crystals together. The ponies flopping their ears back against their skulls to try, and deaden the sound that felt like needles stabbing at their eardrums. Not even Luna was immune to the pain as she cringed back in pain. The creature took a large lumbering step towards the shield. Its footfalls sending a small tremor through the ground, causing foals to scurry to their parents to hide beneath them. The guards raised their spears, steeling their resolve as the creature approached.


The sound of twin super heavy machine guns tore though the air, sounding like cloth being ripped, and amplified through a megaphone. The 40mm rounds slamming hard into the broad back of the large creature causing it to howl, and turn its attention to its attacker. Roaring down the boulevard, the Guntank's treads ripped through the cobble stone as it careened directly towards the Golem. Inside both Lilith, and Aleki roared in anger at the creature that would dare to harm the innocent.

The Guntank ceased its assault right before it slammed into the golem. Driving its 80 ton bulk against the crystal monstrosity, the creature sent flying into the ground. The guards quickly scattering so they would not be caught up in the street brawl, and crushed. Inside the mobile suit, both Aleki, and Lilith, were violently jostled around. Just barely kept in their seats by their harnesses. Lilith snapped her head up with a snarl curling her plush lips.

"Git down, and stay down you sumvabitch!" Lilith barked as she watched the Golem try to push itself up.

It would not get very far before a large heavy appendage came crashing down across the back of shoulders, and head. The Lilith drew back the heavy machine gun arm right before bringing down the other arm upon it and slamming the creature with the strength to leave a spider web of cracks upon it, but not much else.

"Reverse! Reverse!" Lilith suddenly called out. Alerting Aleki to a retaliatory attack that was coming their way.

The meter wide tracks of the Guntank clawed into the chewed up street, pulling the mobile suit back, and narrowly avoiding a swipe that would have ripped the right track off the runner. The Guntank continued to reverse as the Golem climbed back to its feet. With a furious screech, it started to give chase to the retreating Guntank, and was quickly gaining upon it.

"What's the plan, Sargent!?" Aleki called up to Lilith.

"We keep it busy, and away from the ponies until Michael gets here. He is the front line fighter, not us." Lilith called back.

"Roger dat!" Aleki called back as he once more focused on his driving. Though the creature was approaching alarmingly fast.

"Faster, we must go faster!" Lilith called down.

"Can't! We only have the one reverse gear." Aleki called back up as he had the accelerator to the floor. The tachometer bouncing at the redline.

Lilith was about to say something, but a flash of yellow caught her eye. When she looked up, she hissed out a curse right before she pulled on her control levers. Instantly the Guntank responded by bringing both of its arms in, and crossed them in front of its torso, trying to block the oncoming assault. it was the Guntank's only real way to try and shield itself. Sparks flew, and heavy armor screamed in protest as crystal, and metal clashed. If not for the fact that the Guntank was constructed to be so bottom heavy to serve as a stable gun platform from the outset, it would have been very likely that that Guntank would have been knocked onto its side, and rendered helpless. However, the most that happened was that the Guntank was lifted off its left track right before it came crashing down again. Yet, it was enough to daze both pilots. Meaning precious time would needed for them to recover. Time that the did not have.

The creature let out a triumphant screech as it appeared that it knocked it opponent senseless. It closed in, ready to deliver the killing blow when something struck its back. Causing the Golem to stagger forward before turning to see what hit it. On the ground was the shattered remains of a ballista bolt. A dull "Fwip" was heard immediately right before another large bolt smashed into the Golem's shoulder. Like the first, it shattered into splinters against the hard crystal surface. The creature turned its attention down the smashed road, and saw the pony guards had set up some defenses while the Guntank was keeping it busy.

"Hurry up, and charge that weapon, Guardpony!" Flash Sentry called out as he held two ballista bolts in his wings.

Three ballista were hastily retrieved from the Palace armory, and set up while the Guntank was leading the golem away. Though ,seeing the blow that the Guntank took, the ponies decided now was time to hit back. To aid those that would do battle on their behalf. The ballista were originally used against heavily armored Griffon cavalry, and smaller dragons. The Crystal Pony crews pulled on the cranks that pulled the thick leather bands tight right before Flash Sentry set a bolt on the rail.

"Ready!" Shining Armor ordered as as he raised his hoof.

The crews locked down last of the cranks before moving away from the sides of the unit to behind it to aim the machines.

"Aim!" Shining Armor commanded as he looked down the line of the three poised siege weapons.

The gleaming tips of the bolts shone in the sun as the firing crews made their last adjustments.

"Fire!" Shining Armor declared as he dropped his hoof.

The air broke with three consecutive thwaks from the large wooden crossbows that sent their deadly payload sailing down range. Both Flash Sentry, and Shining Armor watched each bolt lazily spin while in flight. The expression on the Guard Captain/Prince, and his Lieutenant was grim determination. Each one of the guards, and the ponies that they protected praying that the bolts would at least cripple the beast so that their human friends can take it down for good.

Each bolt slammed, and subsequently shattered against the creature's thick forelimbs as it mimicked the Guntank's defensive posture. The bolts doing nothing more than breaking off a couple chips of crystal of the Golem's limbs.

"Quick! Reload, Reload!" Flash Sentry ordered as several privates were gathering up more bolts to load into the siege weapons.

However, the creature would not let them get off another volley as with a mighty swing of its left arm, a dozen four foot long crystalline spears were sent sailing back at the valiant defenders of the Crystal Empire.

"KISS THE DIRT!" One Guardpony shouted right before he, and the others dove to try, and avoid being speared.

Shining Armor's horn glowed as he concentrated. Quickly, a powerful shield was erected to deflect the incoming spears. Yet, it would be for naught as the spears struck, and shattered Shining's shield like wet tissue paper. Shining Armor would just have enough time move his head just enough to avoid getting it taken off by one of the spears. Yet sparks flew as the spear carved a deep furrow into the side of his helmet before continuing onward behind him.

The Ponies behind the greater shield of Luna's all cried out as they watched their Prince's shield be torn asunder. Luna's horn glowed brighter as she put more power into her own shield. The extra strength stopped the crystal assault, but just barely. Looking down, it was quite sobering for the Princess of the Night to see seven of the crystal spears had pierced halfway through her shield, and were presently lodged there. The other 5 were impaled into the street, and smashed the siege weapons that were used against the golem. One of the pony engineers had also fallen to the crystalline javelins. Pinned in place as his blood started to pool around the body.

The ponies looked on in terror as the Golem was drawing back its right arm to send another volley. Luna was putting more magic into the shield to prevent its breech when the large drum like appendage of the Guntank came crashing down directly on top of the Golem's head. Staggering it into a small house that was crushed underneath the creature's considerable bulk.

"You forgot about us already asshole!? We ain't fucking through with you yet!" Lilith shouted over the Guntank's PA.

The very next instant, the twin heavy Machine guns of the Guntank opened up against the fallen abomination. Not giving it a chance to stand up again. 40mm brass shell casings rain down from the two arms, and clinked against the machine's tracks, and bounced upon the ground.

"Lily, keep an eye on the ammo! We still not sure if the Ponies can make more!" Aleki called up to his partner, hitting buttons and switches with the grace of a conductor directing a symphony.

"Dammit, I know! But we need to keep it occupied until Michael can get here!" Lilith growled back as she stopped firing due to the machine guns getting overheated.


Inside the shield, Luna used her magic to work the spears out of her shield to make it whole again. Luna shivered as she felt the last one slip out. The fact that the spears nearly passed through her shield had surprised her. Had she not reinforced it in time, goodness knows what would have happened to her beloved little ponies. Yet the fact that the attack did partially work disturbed her. Just how powerful was this creature that it could pierce an Alicorn's shield!? What wellspring of evil did it draw strength from?

While Luna's magics tended to lend themselves to more offensive, than defensive tactics. Her shields were only second to her Sister's. This was a very disturbing development, and Celestia had to be notified as soon as possible.

"Auntie, we have to do something!" Cadence's voice cut into Luna's musings.

Luna turned to the Princess of Love, and could see the worry, and concern for her subjects on her face. Cadence was so much like Celestia, and that warmed Luna's heart. She was going to speak, and explain why they were very limited in their options, but another voice cut in, and it had Luna chuckling as it could only belong to one brilliant pony.

"We can't mix magics!" Twilight stated as she joined the two other Alicorns on the balcony.

"What do you mean? Unicorns mix magics all the time. Especially during competition, and duels" Cadence replied, clearly confused.

"Yes, but that is "Unicorn" magic. Essentially the same considering the source. Unicorns are still ponies, and are basically trained in the same types of magic as other Unicorns." She began to explain, as Luna nodded. This was all old hat for her.

"However, what this creature is, and is made from. It possess very highly concentrated amounts of Chaos magic. Chaos magic is inherently unpredictable by itself, and there is absolutely no telling what would happen if we mix Alicorn magic in with it." Twilight stated, clearly concerned.

"What about your fight against Discord? You used magic then, didn't you?" Cadence asked.

"We used the Elements of Harmony against him. And there is very little we know, and understand about the Elements." Twilight replied.

"Tis true. Sister, and I also don't fully understand the Elements of Harmony for they're a magic far older than we ourselves. They're from a time when our mother, Faust, was quite young." Luna affirmed. "But there is also more." She added, causing the two other Alicorns to look at her, begging her to continue.

"It twas a bitter pill that Celestia, and I had to swallow centuries ago when we first took power. At the time, we tried to solve all the worlds problems, no matter how small. Yet, the more problems we solved, the more problems were brought to our hooves. Our beloved little ponies are a growing race, and they still have so much to learn, and do. Yet, for them to truly grow, they have to do for themselves. Over come obstacles on their own, and see for themselves what they're truly capable of." Luna explained before she gestured down to the guards.

The Guards were busy cleaning up the destroyed remains of the ballista with Shining Armor, and Flash Sentry both helping, and directing the other ponies.

"Our little ponies are an amazingly strong race. They can accomplish so much. It is Celestia, and I's greatest wish to see a day when our beloved little ponies will no longer have need for us." Luna admitted with a wistful smile. It was a day both were looking forward to, and were afraid to see come. "They also have valiant protectors in these Humans that appeared." Luna stated with a warm smile. More than willing to take back her previous insults, and thoughts when she peeked into Michael's dreams, and memories.

"Protectors? It appears they're doing just as much damage as the creature." Cadence stated as she gazed down the chewed up boulevard, and the several destroyed buildings that tarnished the once pristine empire.

"A Kingdom is not found within the brick, and mortar of its buildings, but within the hearts, and minds of its subjects." Twilight stated confidently. Causing the other two Alicorns to look at her. A mischievous smirk upon Luna's lips. Twilight quickly blushed, and lowered her head. "I-it's something I heard Princess Celestia say once." She quickly explained.

"Indeed, and quite the wise words." Luna stated before extending one of her wings to point at the ponies below taking shelter just underneath the crystal castle. "Look upon your ponies, dear niece. There is your Kingdom. They're safe, and protected. They witness the selfless act of those that would put their own lives upon the scales for them." Luna announced with pride.

Cadence looked down, and saw that indeed her ponies were safe. Some even cheering the Guntank as it faced off with the Golem that threatened their peace.


The Golem climbed back to its feet as it glared murder, and malice at the clunky thing that would stand in its way. In a fit of rage, it started to thrash its large over sized limbs wildly. Smashing debris, and sending tremors rippling through the ground. Grinding its rock, and crystaline body to cause ear splitting cries.

"Awww, poor baby don't like that he is not the biggest on the block?" Lilith mocked with a snarl.

As if the Creature heard her, it stopped, and glared at the Guntank before it. It took a menacing step towards the Guntank, but Aleki didn't move the mobile suit back. He gripped the controls, and glared right back at the monstrosity. He stared a Zaku II in the eye when he was part of the Federation's fledgling Anti-Mobile suit teams. So this creature was nothing compared to the might of the Zeon Zakus. He could see the ponies huddling, and watching. Foals by their parents looking up with hopeful eyes that the danger may be thwarted, and peace brought back to their simple lives. Aleki will return that peace. Lilith will return that Peace. Michael will return that peace. They have blood on their hands. So what is a little more?

"Damn! I wanna use the big guns, but we're too close, and I don't have time to set up the shot." Lily growled as she stared at the creature as it closed the distance. She switching back to her Heavy Machine guns. The Guntank's arms raised in preparation to fire, and absorb the recoil. "Sure would be nice if MIchael could hurry up, and join us. this is so much fun. She sneered.

Once more the horrendously deafening roar of the Guntank's machine guns tore through the air. Causing many ponies to lay their ears flat against their skulls to try, and soften the noise. Yet it did little to quiet the bedlam as 40mm rounds smashed against Stone, and Crystal. Breaking off minuscule fragments of the crystal that sounded like rain as they showered upon the streets below. The Golem brought its thick arms up once more to shield against the murderous onslaught of the Guntank as it slowly trod forward into the hail of lead being thrown against it. Trying to close the distance for another attack upon its opponent.

"Michael, feel free to join in at anytime!" Lilith growled at the dangling crystal that bounced around on the string. An urgent warning of the quickly diminishing ammo flashing upon her displays trying to draw her attention.

"Ah, and here I thought you wanted all the glory." Michael's voice resonated smugly from the crystal.

The next instant, a three story building to the Golem's right suddenly exploded outward, showering the Golem in masonry, and debris. The Golem didn't even have time to stop, or turn when something huge plowed right into it. From the cloud of debris, the Zaku emerged, and drove its spiked pauldron into the creature's side. In the next instant, Michael brought the Zaku's glowing heat hawk down upon the Golem's shoulder. With its immense strength it succeeded in driving it into the building across the street, a small bakery with an apartment upstairs. The two giants immense weight easily crushed the building completely underneath their titanic bulk. There, before the Golem, and the Guntank, stood the towering titan that was the Zaku II.


As the Golem crashed into the bakery, deep within a consciousness was slowly emerging from the void. Cinnamon colored eyelids slowly opened as dark brown eyes took in the blurry world. Everything was colored in a dingy yellow, and sounds were distinctly muffled.

Where am I?

The thought was uttered through a confused, and weary mind. The consciousness felt weak, and lethargic as limbs that wanted to move wouldn't.

What's going on?

Everything was like a slowly dissipating yellow fog. Though as Cinnamon Bun looked out of her prison, she would see a glowing red orb staring right back at her. In her deepest soul, a chill stabbed at her. Filling her with a dread that numbed her body. She wanted to scream, scream as loud as her lungs could, but all she could muster was silence, and fear. Quickly more, and more of her situation dawned on her as she tried to move, but it wasn't that her limbs wouldn't respond. It was because they simply couldn't move. She was trapped!

Panic threatened to overwhelm her. The towering creature before her holding the glowing ax was not diminishing her panic in any way. What was that thing!? In her panic stricken mind, Cinnamon Bun completely forgotten about the biggest talk that had dominated her patrons's conversations for the last couple of weeks. About the strangers that appeared, and their strange machines. She always simply passed it off as idle gossip. If there was one thing that Cinnamon Bun learned running her shop, Ponies loved their gossip. However, she would now find out that the Reality was stranger than Fiction.


"Thanks for holding the fort, and keeping the ponies safe. I'll take it from here." Michael stated as he moved his Zaku between the battered Guntank, and the Golem that was slowly regaining its feet.

"Gladly, though you didn't tell us that it can hurl crystal spears!" Lilith barked in frustration from having that bit of information withheld from her.

"Do what!?" Michael asked. The Zaku even twisted its torso to look at the Guntank. "The one in ponyville didn't do that." He defended.

"Either way, be careful! That thing packs a wallop!" Lilith stated. "We're going to reposition near the shield. We're low on machine gun ammo, but we'll be a last line of defense." She explained even as Aleki was turning the base of the Tank around to move around the two combatants, and moved the guntank towards the the shield.

"Understood. Hopefully you all weakened it enough that I can finish it off quickly." Michael replied as he turned his attention back to the Golem.

The creature rose back to its feet, and turned towards the Zaku. It let out a crumbling groan as it drug rock against crystal in anger while its beady eyes stared into the brightly glowing monocamera of the Zaku. Though the Golem would not get long to try, and intimidate the green clad giant before the large ax came down hard upon the Golem's left shoulder. Causing the golem to stagger to the left right before a left hook from the Zaku slammed into side of the creature's head. Showering sparks, and chunks of rock all over the ground.


Back at the palace, The three Alicorns watched the fight shift into a new phase with the arrival of the Zaku. Though Cadence was not particularly happy about Michael's entrance, Luna was barely containing her excitement as it was so like the ancient gladiatorial games she frequented when she was much younger. Perhaps she could convince Celestia to bring them back. For Twilight, this was a very educational experience as she wasn't allowed to observe the fight in Ponyville with the last creature. Parchment was flying as her beloved ball point pen scrawled across the rough parchment at a blistering pace.

"I hope Michael remembers to see if he can spot a trapped pony inside the creature." Twilight stated as she watched the fight with a mixture of trepidation, and fascination.

"Twilight Sparkle, do you not have the crystal that would allow you to communicate with the pilot?" Luna reminded her sisters favorite student before she summoned a pair of opera glasses to get a better view of the fight.

Twilight blinked a moment before she realized that yes, she did have a way to communicate to Michael. She levitated the crystal up, and used her magic to trigger it.

"Michael? Michael? Please be careful, there might be a pony trapped inside." Twilight cautioned.


"Michael? Michael? Please be careful, there might be a pony trapped inside." Michael growled a bit as the tinny voice of Twilight Sparkle emanated from the crystal that was swinging wildly from the string that looked in constant danger of snapping in two. This Golem was proving to be even stronger than the last two. His Heathawk was not cutting as deep, and he didn't want to use his Machine Gun inside the city from fear of ricochets or misses.

"Damn it." He seethed before he brought the Zaku's arms in, and the shield plate around front to defend against the Golem's attack.

The twin appendages of the Golem came crashing down hard against the strong armor, and shield of the Zaku, threatening to cause the knees to buckle underneath the tremendous force of the blows. As the Golem drew back its arms for another assault Michael moved the Zaku in, driving the pommel of the Heat Hawk down into the joint between the creature's head, and its torso. He also wedged the Zaku's shoulders between the two arms of the golem to make it difficult for it to get a full swing upon him. With the Creature temporarily immobilized, Michael quickly panned the camera around the torso to see if He could locate a pony inside like the one in Ponyville. He remembered that the one in Ponyville fell to pieces when the pony was removed from the body. He hoped that this would be the same.

"Come On, where are you?" He hissed as he flicked between the types of cameras. Eventually flicking over to Thermals. "Ah ha! There you are!" Michael grinned as he spotted a hot spot that had a very pony shape to it on the left side of the Creature's chest. "Now, just to get you out of there." Michael mused before working the controls once more.

The Zaku pushed the enormous golem back, opening up space between them before drawing its right arm, and the glowing heat hawk back. The Mobile Suit then took a step forward, and threw its weight into the swing. The super heated ax whistled as the blade sliced through the cool air of the Crystal Empire right before it smashed into the shoulder joint, staggering the Golem once more.


From the first story window of a vacated house, three sets of eyes observed the fight with growing apprehension.

"Boss Pony not gonna like this!" Rover stated as he watched the fight waging before the three.

"He gonna yell, and throw magic around." Fido cringed as he peeked over the Window sill.

"What we do!?" Spot asked as he looked at his two cohorts.

"We find crystal that boss pony wants. We take it to him. Then he'll reward us with gems like promised!" Rover declared greedily.

The other two "ooo'd" in delight as they could only imagine the mountain of gems they would be swimming in once they get that pretty pretty crystal!

"Why Boss Pony want Crystal!? Crystal not gem. Crystal stoopid! It not even fit in treasure chest!" Fido gruffed.

"Who cares! Gems! GEMS!" Rover growled back, almost salivating at the prospect of all those Gems. "Come on! We have to get that Crystal!" Rover barked as he started to race for the hole in the floor. The other two quickly following after him down the hole before it was quickly filled in.

The Battle for the Crystal Empire Part 4: Triumphs, and Defeats

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The thunderous cacophony of the fight reverberated through the growing decimation of the main boulevard that led up towards the Crystal Palace. The Golem, and the Zaku tangled in this brawl with the Guntank hanging back close to the Ponies to act as a shield. Every time the Zaku is knocked back from a hard blow delivered by the Golem, the Guntank would fire a burst from its machine guns to keep the Golem from pressing the attack. Allowing Michael to a chance to breath, and consider another avenue of attack. The fact that there was a pony trapped inside is severely tying up his hands, and limiting his options. They had to end this fight, but in a way that wouldn't leave the pony prisoner as a pile of red soup.

The Zaku was thrown down, and dug another furrow in the growing upheaval of the cityscape as it took another blow from the golem right limb to the chest. The super strong steel alloy ceramic hybrid armor soaking up the blows, but even it has its limits. The Golem let out a screech of triumph as Michael was working to get the Zaku back to its feet. The cloth ripping sound of the Guntank's machine guns once more letting him know that both Lilith, and Aleki had his back. They are playing the "Support" role nicely considering the hot headed Lilith wasn't trying rush in to punch the Golem in its nonexistent testicles.

"Michael, I know you're enjoying dancing with this fucker, but can you please move it along? I'm almost out of bullets!" Lilith's voice came out over the small crystal that continued to swing wildly in his cockpit. The worry about the outcome of this fight, and the ponies clearly evident in her voice.

"There's a pony inside, We have to get it out first! Once we do, the Golem should crumble back to dust. At least that's what the one in Ponyville did." Michael replied as he brought the Zaku back to its feet.

The Zaku reached down to grab at the haft of the Heathawk that was sticking out from a pile of rubble. Though as the Zaku pulled something quickly become amiss. A surprisingly lack of resistance, or shifting of rubble. The Zaku's mono-eye shifted around, and looked down at the weapon in its hand only to find the head of the heat hawk was shattered. Wires, and bits of the weapon's internals could be seen sparking as all that was left was more, or less a baton.

"Well shit." Michael said as he looked at the nearly useless object. "I got a problem." He called back to Lilith.

"The hell is it now!?" Lilith spat back.

"My ax bit the dust." Michael called back.

"Damn piece of Zeon shit!" Lilith snarled as she understood that things were going to get much more difficult. "you got any ideas?" Lilith asked as she watched from down the street.


Inside the Golem, Cinnamon Bun jammed her eyes shut. In her mind she was telling herself over, and over again that this was nothing more than a nightmare. A lucid night terror, and at any moment now Princess Luna would arrive to dispel it. In the morning she would wake up, and everything will be back to normal. Her small coffee, and pastry shop will be waiting as well as her regular customers that like to have a cup of coffee, and a roll before they begin their day. Yes, that's it! All she has to do is close her eyes, and wake up.

Yet, she didn't wake up. Her eyes popped open as she felt a violent blow to her prison. The large greenish giant had just delivered a powerful kick to the Golem's leg that caused it to topple over. Jarring Cinnamon Bun with yet another violent crash as the Golem fell through an already crumbled building, grinding it further into dust. The jostling causing Cinnamon Bun to panic. She was going to die. She as going to die in this strange yellow prison, and no pony will know what happened. Not her parents, not her sister, not her friends. Hell, She didn't even get a chance to ask that cute stallion taxi driver out on a date! Her eyes were fixed upon the enormous cyclops as it approached. What she saw was her death.

"GO AWAY!" Cinnamon Bun mentally screamed at the green cyclops.

Cinnamon Bun tried to focus whatever magic she had into the tip of her horn, to do something, anything that could possibly save her. However, just as soon as she tried the magic fizzled out. It was like something was sucking her magic right out of her. Leaving her even weaker than she was before. Right now, all she can do is watch, and wait until the climax of this event plays out, and she is removed from this world. A tear burning at the corner of her eye.


In the Guntank, Lilith was grinding her teeth as she watched the Zaku, and Golem trading blows. As much as she hated to admit it, the Zaku was pretty rugged to be able to withstand this hellish onslaught, and give just as much if not more back. Yet she knew that it couldn't go on much longer. Michael will be tiring out soon. They had to bring this fight to a close, but how!?

Lilith started to pull up status screens on her display. Her eyes scanning for anything they could use to finish this quickly. The fact that she had less than ten percent of her HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) ammo left caused her to frown deeply. She really hope that the ponies will be able to come up with some magical, or sciencey way to make more bullets, and shells. It is going to be hell just trying to collect all the spent brass casings from this battle. Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she looked to her cannon rounds. Thirty six high explosive rounds, ten armor piercing rounds, twenty air dispersal rounds and fifteen "Marker" rounds. What could she do with this?

Lilith chewed on her lower lip as she racked her brain for an idea. Her eyes constantly scanning her load outs, and always stopping at the Marker rounds. The marker rounds were basically pure lead bullets used to verify range, and accuracy before Lilith would send the real payload down range when she "Fired for Effect". As she stared at the Marker Rounds, something started to form in her mind.

"Hey Michael! I have an idea, but its a crazy one!" Lilith called out. The crystal conveying her message, and almost the smile she had on her face. The kind that Aleki was all too familiar with when Lilith decided to throw logic out the window.

"Right now I can do "crazy"." Michael replied.

"Good, when I give the word, Open up space between you, and the creature. Be ready to charge right back in and grab hold of it." Lilith explained.

"Okay, I'm game. What's the catch?" Michael asks, a grunt immediately following his question as He brought the arms of the Zaku in to shield a blow to the Zaku's head. The Zaku would then swing a powerful hay maker in retaliation.

"I'm going to fire an HE shell just a few meters from you two. That should disorientate, and stagger the bastard. When that happens, you get a hold of the Golem, hold him in place while I fire a marking round just below the torso. The impact may be enough to shatter the crystal that makes up the main body, and get the pony out." Lilith explained.

There was a brief pause from the crystal before Michael spoke up again. "You're wrong, that is not crazy. That is insane!"

"Tol' ya." Lilith laughed

"You owe me a peanut butter, and fudge malt at Pinkie's place when we get back." Michael replied simply.

"Fine, just keep keep him busy while I set up." Lilith stated.

The ponies watched in fascination as the large backpack of the guntank pivoted open while the stabilizers unfolded around the base, and cut into the road around the guntank. From the lowered section two clawed arms raised up from their stowed positions, and reached into the guntank's magazine to pull out two large 120mm shells. One with a dark green tip, and the other a dull grey. The arms slip the rounds into the breeches of the two cannons mounted on the guntank's shoulders before folding themselves up, and stowing back into the compartment. Immediately afterwards, the backpack closed up, sealing the breeches. Inside the cockpit, Lilith's screens showed a positive seal on both barrels.

"Twilight, you listening in?" Lilith called out.

"Yes I am, Lilith. What do you need?" Twilight asked.

"We have an idea to bring this fight to a close, but I'll admit it is going to be very dangerous. Who ever is working that fancy shield needs to reinforce it directly behind the Tank. We're gonna fire our cannons, and some of the exhaust gasses are going to be channeled out back. Also clear out any ponies from around the tank just to be safe." Lilith instructed.

"Okay, I'll tell Princess Luna." Twilight replied.

Lilith would see on a rear facing monitor that the dark blue shield behind the tank darkening as more magic is concentrated in the area just behind the Tank. The Guards ponies marshaling the ponies away from the shield wall.


Near the Crystal Pedestal, the dirt, and cobble stone began to shift, and quietly sink in right before Fido, Rover, and Spot all poked their heads up, and over the lip of the hole they made. It would appear that their guess that the Ponies would be too distracted by the fight to pay attention to their surroundings was correct. Good for them, and even better for the three diamond dogs.

"Heh, heh. Stoopid ponies" Fido chuckled as he looked at the backs of all the ponies that watched with awe as the Titans clashed. The guards were also understandably distracted trying to keep the ponies calm.

"Shhh!" Rover hissed at Fido. He didn't want to alert the ponies to their presence.

"Lets jes git the crystal, and high tail it out of here!" Spot urged as he looked at all the guards that were trying to keep order.

The three slowly began to climb out, and crawl over to the pedestal that held up the crystal. The Crystal Heart glowing, and emanating a soft hum.


Lilith concentrated on the targeting scope as the Golem and Zaku threw themselves at each other. Her tongue gripped between her teeth as she waited for the right time. The reticule glowed dimly upon the screen, highlighting an area of broken road surface about twenty feet away from the clashing titans. Lilith could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she forcefully controlled her breathing. Taking in long even breathes. Her finger hovering over the trigger waiting for the most opportune time. She could feel the sweat forming on the back of her neck, and forehead. Down below Aleki was staring at the screen so hard a vein was bulging on his forehead as he ended up holding his breath without realizing it.

"Come on...Come on. Just a little bit more." She coaxed mentally as she could feel her muscles start to ache from being so tense.

She watched as the Zaku delivered a staggering kick to the Golem's groin causing the monster to double over from the force of the blow. There it was, her shot!

"Move NOW!" She barked as her finger squeezed the trigger.

Michael yanked hard on the controls, causing the Zaku to push backwards with its legs. The thruster pack on the Zaku's back igniting, aiding in its retreat. The shield arm was brought around to bring the thick slab of metal between The Zaku's torso and cockpit, and what Lilith had planned. As it landed, the Zaku's legs bent slightly, ready to push off again once the the opening has been provided.

The single 120mm cannon on the Guntank's right shoulder fired with a concussive boom that rippled through the air as fire and smoke belched from the muzzle of the gun. From behind, dark smoke and gases vented out of the Guntank's back, and washed over the shield causing many of the ponies to retreat back. Yet the shield would hold back the force easily, displaying the power of the Lunar Diarch. The ejector port opening and the large shell casing ejected. Tumbling to the ground with a clattering similar to a dumpster being dropped from a two story building.

The high explosive shell screamed across the divide, slamming hard into the broken street between the Zaku, and the Golem. The explosive force of the explosion throwing up hundreds of pounds of dirt, and stones into the air. Preventing the Golem from regaining its balance as it started to tumble. The Golem, and the Zaku peppered by the rain of small stones.

The instant the HE shell struck, Michael commanded the mighty mobile suit forward. The Zaku's legs pushed off from the ground, and its thruster pack burning brightly like a comet's tail. Propelling the mobile suit rapidly through the smoke, falling debris, and directly into the Golem. The Zaku's arms quickly grappling with the creature as Michael pulled, and twisted the suit into putting the Golem into a full nelson. Both arms slipping underneath the upper limbs, and grabbing hold of the shoulders. The head being too small, and tucked in to get a good grip on. The Zaku's longer legs giving it the leverage it needed to manhandle the golem in place. Ready for the second part of Lilith's plan.

Lilith was already setting the second part of the plan into action. Her fingers dancing over the control boards, switching the firing system over to the left 120mm cannon. This was where it got hard. She had to make this shot count. Lilith could feel her hand wanting to tremble as there is so much riding on this one shot. What if it didn't work? What if she kills the Pony inside? Can she live with that on her conscious? Her stomach twisted in knots as doubt gripped her mind, and threatened to sap her will to pull the trigger. her eyes focused intently upon the targeting scope. the cross hairs situated just beneath the torso, and above the groin. she clenched her teeth as she commanded her finger to squeeze the trigger.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the enormous lead bullet exited the muzzle of the cannon. All eyes were watching, hoping for a miraculous outcome for this gambit on the part of the humans. Michael could see the fire, and smoke obscuring the view of the Guntank, and the ponies behind it. He tensed himself, tightening the muscles in his stomach, and legs in preparation for what he expected to be a painful blow. Through clenched teeth, Michael said a prayer hoping that this crazy idea would work.

The round flew true, and struck right where Lilith intended. the soft lead quickly distorting against the magically reinforced crystal, and stone. Driving all the kinetic force into the creature, and overwhelming the magic that kept the rock, and crystal together. Hairline cracks that formed during the fight against the Guntank, and then Zaku, split with an ear splitting CRACK! The force of the Zaku's arms pulling against the Golem's upper arms caused the cracks to split even further apart. The torso breaking apart in a shower of amber colored crystal shards as the Golem, and the Zaku were sent crashing down upon the Zaku's back.

One particularly large shard broke from the chest cavity, and tumbled through the air sailing over the Zaku's head. As it passed in front of the sun, the bright rays of the sun shone through the crystal, and a particular form could be seen inside. Michael's eyes grew wide seeing it. His hands manipulating the controls, releasing the Golem that was already breaking apart into rubble. One large hand coming around, and reaching for the crystal that seemed to be just out of its grasp.

The ponies watched as the round struck home, and the Golem, and Zaku were sent sprawling to the ground. The mobile suit becoming half buried in stone, and rubble as they came to rest in the middle of the devastation. All was silent as everyone watched to see what will happen. Will the pile of stones pull itself back together, and continue the assault, or will the Zaku rise up victorious over its enemy. In the Guntank, Lilith and Aleki watched intently. There several dozen meters before them lay two figures. Both enemies, but only one they wanted to see rise from the rubble.

A gasp was drawn from the crowd of ponies as the stone, and rubble began to shift. Large stones slid, and crashed into each other as they relented to the strength of what is rising beneath them. Scarred, and dented olive green armor slowly became visible as the Zaku moved to a sitting position. Crystal dust, and smaller rocks cascading down from its battered form as it continued to stand up. The ponies watched, hoping that this was a good sign. So far only the Zaku was coming to its feet. The Golem has yet to try, and reform.

For Twilight, Luna, and Cadence, they noticed that the Zaku was holding its right hand rather odd. The Fingers were mostly closed, and the hand itself was tucked close to the chest. It was carrying something, and the three royals hoped as to what it was.

The Zaku would turn towards the Crystal Palace, and begin walking forward. Its steps were slow, an aura of weariness seemingly emanating from the towering machine. Its footsteps sending small tremors through the ground as it approached the assembled group. Luna would drop the shield, and fly down along with Twilight, and Cadence. The three landing just in front of the Guntank to welcome back one of the warriors that fought on their behalf. The other ponies were held back by the guard for their safety.

As the Zaku stood before them, the three princesses looked up at one of the saviors of the city. With natural ease, the Zaku folded its legs as it lowered itself down into a kneeling position before the three alicorns. Its right hand lowering, and extended out towards them. Luna, Cadence, and Twilight all tentatively approached to see what the Zaku held in its hand. Gingerly the large fingers uncurled to reveal a cinnamon brown unicorn mare with a white mane, and tail laying in a large pile of crystal dust. The three looked upon the unconscious form of the Mare before them. Her coat was matted, and dull. Her mane, and tail ragged, and tangled. She looked on the verge of starvation. Yet, as they watched her barrel slowly rise, and fall, they could see that she was alive. She was alive!

Towards the back of the large crowd of ponies, Rarity and Fluttershy watched. Rarity was simply dying of curiosity to see what exactly the Zaku was showing the princesses in its hand. She hoped it was the suspected pony that they thought would be trapped inside the monster.

"Oooo, all this waiting is really starting to bother me! Why won't the princesses tell us what it is that's in the Zaku's hand?" Rarity whined as she craned her neck to try, and see, but all she saw was the multicolored backs of many, many ponies. "Fluttershy, do you think you can fly up, and....Huh?" Rarity started to say when something caught her attention from out of the corner of her eye.

She would turn to see three very familiar Diamond Dogs around the pedestal that supported the Crystal Heart. A Diamond Dog sporting a rather tattered Red vest was just reaching out to take Crystal Heart.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Rarity snapped!

At the Pedestal, Rover just wrapped his dirt encrusted paws around the Heart when that horrid voice cut the three right to the bone. It summoned hellish nightmares of a singular Pony that even to this day filled their hearts full of dread. Memories of her shrill voice inflicting needle like stabbing pain to their eardrum was still quite vivid. Slowly the three diamond dogs turned in the direction of the voice. Each muttering a silent prayer that they have simply imagined the voice. When they laid their eyes upon the ivory unicorn with the perfectly coiffed violet mane, and tail, their eyes shrank it horror.

"Oh no! It's the whiny one!" Rover declared even as Fido, and Spot were whimpering behind him.

Rarity let out a dramatic gasp at their declaration, clearly offended by it. "Why I never! How rude.".

"Quick! Use our "Anti-Whiny-One" defense!" Rover ordered.

The Diamond Dogs reached into their vests, and each one would pull out a pair of over sized cork wine bottle stoppers. They would jam them into their ears to deaden any auditory assault that Rarity could throw their way. Once their defenses were in place, Rover snatch the Crystal Heart off the pedestal as Fido, and Spot were already making their way back to the hole.

"GUARDS! GUARDS! Come quick! The Crystal Heart is being stolen!" Rarity called to the closest guards.

"I'm on it, Rarity! Those pooches don't stand a chance against Equestria's fastest flyer!" Rainbow Dash boasted as she took off after the three. Just behind her a small detachment of crystal ponies wearing armor, and brandishing long spears were charging the Diamond Dogs.

They would not make it however as the moment that Rover dove past the mouth of the hole, it was immediately filled in by the rest of the Diamond Dogs that waited inside the tunnel. The tunnel was quickly disappearing even as the three were making good their escape.

Rainbow Dash barely was able to pull out of her dive in time to prevent splattering herself against the ground. The Guards immediately began to dig after the three thieves, regardless how futile the effort. The Crystal Heart was their empire's greatest treasure. They simply had to get it back.

From the group of ponies that hung back, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence were galloping as fast as they could to the scene. The two came as soon as they heard the call for the Guard. Just behind them was Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of the Elements.

"What happened here?" Shining Armor asked.

"Three Diamond Dogs stole the Crystal Heart, Sir!" one of the guard stated as he stopped digging to give his report.

"S-Shining, what does this mean?" Cadence asked as she could already feel the effects of the Crystal Heart fading with each passing moment taking it further, and further away.

"It means that this was not some random attack." Luna declared as she landed beside the two monarchs of the Crystal Empire. She had just finished giving the unconscious mare a small healing spell to stabilize until a doctor can arrive. "It is apparent that the target was the Crystal Heart all along." She snorted as she looked at the Pedestal, and then to the filled in hole.

"What's going on?" Lilith asked as Aleki, and her approached the group.

The ponies that were congregated around the pedestal all turned their heads as they watched two of the humans approaching. Aleki just a pace or two behind the woman. Michael opted to remain behind, and make sure that the mare that was trapped in the monster was taken care of.

"The Crystal Heart was stolen. Right from underneath our noses." Shining Armor stated. He had to force himself to keep his composure for the sake of their citizens. "Diamond Dogs came up underneath the palace, and swiped the Heart while we had our backs turned."

For the two humans, hearing that Diamond Dogs committed the larceny, it dredged up some very odd feelings for the two. A curious sense of Deja Vu.

"Okay, so what does this mean?" Lilith asked

"It means that this attack was not random, but a deliberate, and regrettably, successful attempt at the Crystal Heart. However who, or what committed this certainly has plans for the heart, and if they're willing to go this far for it. I'm certain it is nothing good." Shining stated, a noticeable hard edge in his voice.

"This changes everything." Aleki said ominously.


Outskirts of Ponyville

The thundering of hooves filled the peaceful afternoon air along with the rhythmic creaking, and rolling of wooden wheels. The normally clear main road towards Ponyville was taken over by a large Carriage gilded in fine accents of gold, and silver that glimmered in Celestia's sun. Causing the carriage to stand out in the more agrarian landscape of Ponyville. One or two ponies who had also been on the road jumped out of the way of the carriage that was pulled along by muscular royal guard ponies. The ponies shouted at the offending carriage in anger or held up a hoof to cover their faces from the cloud of dirt kicked up by the stallions pulling the vehicle along.

From within the carriage itself, Prince Blue Blood sat upon the plush overstuffed bench seat, watching the landscape roll by. He hummed to himself contently as he brought his teacup to his lips with his magic, and sipped it gently without even feeling the slightest bit of trouble from the carriage moving on the bumpy road. Thanks to the unicorn "Driver" that used his magic to smooth out any disturbances in the uneven road surface. The carriage that the Prince sat in was designed to fit royalty and those of the nobility, keeping them in comfort and undisturbed through their trip and the driver was tasked to help ensure that comfort.

With a sigh of relaxation, Blue Blood set the teacup down upon the saucer, using his magic to keep the dish steady. His mind began thinking back to his "Mission", and summoned up his resolve. He would prove that Hyoomin wrong! He would show her that he wasn't just some pompous spoiled brat. He'll show everyone! No pony, or alien for that matter, will be able to question him ever again. He will prove himself worthy of his Title, and Crown. That red maned Lilith, by the end of it, will be swooning over him. Running those exotic fingers of hers through his golden locks as she look into his eyes. Those lovely green gems of hers entrancing him. She will admit to how charming and handsome he was, and...and...wait. What was he thinking about again?

Blue Blood snapped out of his reverie as he realized his mind was wandering again. Something that seemed to be happening quite often lately. He let out an aggravated huff as it appears that he can't keep that belligerent hyoomin mare out of his thoughts! She had somehow bewitched him. Yet according to both Aunty Celestia, and Luna, these hyoomins possessed absolutely no magic. It was frustrating to no end, and yet exhilarating at the same time. Never had he found such a soul in this world. Every mare had thrown themselves at him up till this point. Or rather, they thrown themselves at his crown and asked to be pampered for the rest of their lives while proclaiming to love him. Even the Element of Generosity had expected this of him.

Blue Blood's soft lips turned down at that thought, his crown. Was that all pony kind saw of him? Did any pony actually see him, and not his crown? Was that all there was to him?


There was more to him, and he would prove it! He will show the world. He will show this Lilith Hardeen that he was not some stallion that she could simply brush off!

The Carriage began to slow as it entered into Ponyville. Many of the ponies stopping from their errands, and daily chores to watch the new arrival in the glittering carriage. Whispers quickly began to circulate to its purpose. Though the most popular speculation was a possible suitor for the town's resident Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. This elicited excited squeals as the gossip mill began to grind with a vengeance.

Blue Blood's carriage would finally come to a stop in front of the Town Hall. Mayor Mare quickly trotting out to meet the Prince as a pegasus footpony came around to set a stool down before opening the door. Mayor Mare bowed her head in deference of the Carriage's occupant. She knew whom was coming as she had received the notice in a missive from Princess Celestia several hours prior, so she was ready to receive the Prince.

"Good Afternoon, and welcome to Ponyville Your Highness." Mayor Mare greeted warmly as she approached Blue Blood with a short bow.

"Yes. Good Afternoon, and thank you for your subdued welcome. I feared that you would have planned something extravagant." Blue Blood stated simply as he looked around the town he had visited just before the Gala.

He decided that a good first step was to show that he could be "approachable" to the common ponies. Something his Aunty Celestia prided herself on. Even stopping to personally greet foals when on parade, or out for a stroll among the commoners.

"You're quite welcome, your Highness. Will you be staying with us long?" Mayor Mare asked. The letter had only stated that the Prince was coming, and requested a "simple" reception. It didn't contain the reason for his visit.

"I, Prince Blue Blood, am to act as liaison between the the Royal Crown, and these hyoomins. Ensuring that their needs are met, and that they honor the Cease Fire agreement that they have signed. Also should any business from the Princesses need to be communicated, I'll be the one to set up the meetings to ensure all official obligations are met." Blue blood explained, a prideful tone in his voice as he felt like this was something only he could do.

"Oh, I see." Mayor Mare said with a professional amount of "Awe" in her voice. "That does sound quite important." she added with a confident nod. Though she believed that Princess Twilight Sparkle was probably the better choice for such a job considering that she is the Princess of Friendship.

"Yes, quite important." Blue Blood agreed as he puffed out his chest in pride.

"But the Humans aren't here. They've left with the Elements of Harmony last week, or so." Mayor Mare informed Blue Blood, unsure if he is aware of that.

Blue Blood's eye twitched as he had to choke down a scathing rebuke to the effect that he was not stupid, and knew that already. He would take a deep breath, and slowly let it out before he answered.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. It is because they're fulfilling a request from Princess Celestia on behalf of Princess Cadence that I'm here. Should more of these "Requests" need to be made. They'll have to be done so in such a way that would not reflect poorly upon the Crown before the Noble court." Blue Blood explained.

"Oh~ I see. That explains it. Well then, is there anything I can do in particular to assist you, your Highness?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Yes, I shall need lodgings close to where the Hyoomins dwell. Should anything happen I need to respond quickly." He stated.

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. I believe Mr. Black is currently residing with Miss Rarity at Carousel Boutique. Miss Hardeen, and Mr Vaaulu...well, they just kinda took over the vacant house the guards had them confined in when they arrived. It's the house close to Sugar Cube Corner. I believe there is a rather cozy cottage that is close to the two homes." Mayor Mare said with a smile.

"A "Cottage"?" Blue asked, almost grinding his teeth.

"Yes, a Cottage, they are quite common here your highness." Mayor mare said with the most innocent of faces that hid a devious side she rarely had a chance to indulge in.

"I see. Well, if that is all that is available, then I shall endure it." Blue Blood sighed.

"Thank you for being so understanding, your Highness." Mayor Mare replied. "If you will please follow me, I'll show you to the cottage." She explained before turning to lead the Prince across town. Blue Blood's steward following close behind with prince's luggage levitated in his magical grasp.

Bonus Chapter: Sweetie's Big "Date".

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The warm rays of Celestia's sun slowly began to peek above the eastern horizon at Celestia's command. Casting its loving glow upon the sleepy world below, and banishing shadows and all manner of boogiemares for yet another day while the morning mist receded beneath the protective shade of trees, and valleys. As the light of a new day fell upon the small town of Ponyville, the rays of the sun would creep into one particular window of a boutique that lay near the center of town. Slowly the ray of light slipped through the crack in the curtain, and skulk across the floor towards the sole occupant in the room. In the small bed, a unicorn filly was safely tucked in nice and snug. Her doll, Pilot, held tightly in her forelegs as her plush Zaku had become her new favorite pillow.

Sweetie Belle had been sleeping peacefully, enjoying a rather pleasant dream when the ray of mischievous sunlight brushed across her muzzle, and her eyelid. A soft groan of protest slipped from her muzzle as she turned to bury her face into the large chest of the plush zaku doll. Yet the the ray of sunlight was persistent, and tickled at the corner of her eye. Beckoning her to awaken, and greet the new day. Another groan could be heard as she tried to curl into a small ball. Pilot drawn tightly against her chest.

Suddenly, her eye popped open, and she sat up in bed. Causing the Zaku, and Pilot to tumble out of the bed, and upon the floor in the aftermath. An excitement had taken hold of Sweetie Belle as she found herself instantly awake when she realized what today was. It was the day Michael promised to spend with her for being good, and keeping Applebloom, and Scootaloo from sneaking after the others when they went to the Crystal Empire! Sweetie Belle bucked off the covers, and leaped from her bed before making a mad dash for the door. Her mind filled with all the fun things that she, and Michael were going to do today. But first she needed to clean up, and make herself "presentable".

Down in the Kitchen, Rarity was preparing breakfast for everyone. She hummed softly as she stirred the oatmeal in the pot before adding a dash of brown sugar for flavor. On the counter close by were several large apples that were hoof picked from Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was always so considerate in making sure that her friends had some of the best apples from her orchard. There were two Macintosh apples, and a Granny Smith waiting to be sliced, and added on top of the oatmeal right before being served. Today was shaping out to be another marvelous day.

Soon, Rarity could hear the clopping of small hooves upon the stairs as she knew her sister was coming down for breakfast. Though today she could hear an excited pace from them.

"Good morn...(snirk)." Rarity started to say as she turned around only to be cut off by what she saw. She quickly covered her mouth with her foreleg to keep the laughter from exploding out.

Standing before her was Sweetie Belle in her best dress, but it was what was on her face that had Rarity turning red while stifling her giggles. Her little sister's face was plastered in almost every color of the rainbow in makeup. Rarity bit her lower lip as it was both hilarious, and adorable all at the same time.

"MORNING!" Sweetie Belle announced as she started to strut around the Kitchen.

"Swee...(muffled giggle). Sweetie Belle, what do you have all over your face?" Rarity asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"Its make up. I need to look my very best today." Sweetie Belle declared.

Rarity just smiled, and picked up a moist cloth from the sink before trotting over to Sweetie Belle, and rubbing all the make up off her face.

"Sweetie Belle, you don't put on make up like its paint. Make up is meant to accentuate your features. To draw the other ponies in, and wow them with your natural beauty." Rarity explained as she finished mopping up the make up on Sweetie's face.

Using her magic, she set the rag back by the sink before sitting in front of Sweetie Belle. "Now tell me Sweetie Belle, why were you wearing makeup in the first place?" Rarity asked.

Sweetie Belle quickly became apprehensive as she started to rub her forelegs together as if she was wringing her hands. "Well... Well, I wanted to look nice today." She admitted, her cheeks darkening to an adorable shade of red.

It would take Rarity but a moment to connect the dots as she remembered that Michael promised to spend the entire day with Sweetie today for being a good filly while he was away. It was all Sweetie Belle would talk about ever since they all came back from the Crystal Empire. A coy smile spread across her lips as she could see what had Sweetie so nervous, and yet so determined. She was thinking that this was going to be a "Date". That had Rarity struggling to keep the "D'aww" sound from slipping out, and embarrassing Sweetie Belle even further.

"Yes, this is quite an important day, isn't it?" Rarity asked rhetorically. "Perhaps then I should show you how to put on make up properly." Rarity offered.

Sweetie's eyes quickly grew to the size of saucers as what Rarity had said sunk in. Was her sister really offering to teach her how to put on make up!?

"Really!?" She squeaked.

"Yes, really. As you say, you wish to look your absolute best. As your big sister, I can't simply ignore such a plea for help." Rarity stated with a dramatic flourish. Bring her hoof to her chest before waving Sweetie to follow her.

"Come with me, Sweetie. I'll show you how to properly put on makeup." Rarity instructed as she used her magic to turn down the heat on the oatmeal so it wouldn't burn.

As the two approached the kitchen door, they heard the heavy lumbering steps of Michael as he felt his way down the stairs. While the three humans were honoring a "Cease Fire", they were still technically enemies. So Twilight, and the other princesses, agreed that not having them all under the same roof was the most beneficial. Celestia understood better than most how politics can easily "disrupt" a peaceful home. The Federation Soldiers were lent the use of the house they had originally been locked up in before as their lodgings during their stay. Since Michael was already staying with Rarity, it was only natural that the arrangement continue. Plus, having an entirely new species to make clothes for was a challenge that Rarity simple could not pass up. To help ease any financial burdens that may accrue, the royal sisters granted Rarity a stipend to house Michael while the Cakes took responsibility of the Federation pilots. Even continuing their employment at the bakery part time when they were not dealing with their duties.

"Good morning, Michael. I hope you slept well." Rarity greeted. "Could you do me a tiny favor, and keep an eye on the breakfast. I don't want to risk it burning." She asked.

"Sure, no problem." Michael groaned out as he stretched once more, popping his joints as he easily placed his hands upon the ceiling.

Michael turned to face Rarity, and saw Sweetie Belle standing right next to her. He gave the young a Filly a warm, sleepy smile. "I hope you're ready for today." Michael stated.

"Yeah, I am!" Sweetie Belle declared happily. Though her cheeks still held that blush, causing Michael to worry that Sweetie Belle might have been coming down with something.

However, before he could ask, Rarity quickly ushered Sweetie Belle out of the room leaving him to tend the oatmeal. Rarity could only chuckle to herself as she could see just how big a crush Sweetie had on Michael. Yet, she wasn't really worried. Though Michael had not been around very long, he had went out of his way to be helpful, and he was such a gentlestallion. Granted she didn't particularly like the language he used, but Michael always made an effort not to curse in front of the foals. Even if he didn't always succeed. Rarity could only imagine what their father, Magnum, would have to say about Sweetie's first crush. It was partially cause of Magnum's supected reaction that Rarity was going along with this.

When Rarity was very young, she had the biggest crush on this young handsome Guard that was transferred to Ponyville right after training. Rarity, a young filly in school at the time, would follow the stallion everywhere, and constantly try to spark up conversations with him. Even making him lunch, and snacks on her days off from school. Anything she could do to spend time with the Guard. This worried her father as he didn't know the character of the Stallion in question, and like any good father, worried about his baby filly. Though Magnum would come to discover that his daughter inherited his stubbornness, and the more he tried to keep the two apart, the more persistent Rarity became trying to get closer to the Stallion. It had gotten to the point that Magnum agreed to let Rarity go on one "Date" with the Guard. Hoping that it would get Rarity to stop pursuing the Stallion so intensely.

His plan worked. While the Guardspony was very kind, and treated Rarity like the "Lady" she claimed to be. Being able to spend time with the Stallion also showed her that while he was handsome, and kind. There wasn't really anything between them. He was a noble stallion, but simply was not her "Special Somepony". Rarity hoped that by allowing Sweetie to go on this "Date" with Michael, she too would get this bug out of her system, and return to her normal days of playing with her friends.

Sweetie would follow Rarity back to her bedroom, and watched as her big sister started to go through her closet. Pulling out dresses, and examining them a moment before putting them back. As Rarity did this, Sweetie moved over to her bed, and picked up Pilot, and her plush Zaku off the floor. She set them on her night stand as she made her bed. She was still a bit nervous about to today, and wanted to do something to take her mind off of her nervousness. When she was done, She set Pilot, and Zaky back on the bed just in front of her pillow.

"Sweetie Belle, please come here." Rarity sang right before she held up a robin's egg blue sundress.

"Why are you holding up that dress, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked as she looked up at her sister.

"This is the dress you'll be wearing today." Rarity declared.

"But I already have a dress. I thought you were gonna show me how to put on make up?" Sweetie asked, clearly confused.

"Yes, deary, but that dress is a bit too "Formal" for what you, and Michael will be doing today. Something a bit more casual would do much better." Rarity explained.

Sweetie Belle didn't understand, but she trusted her sister's knowledge of style, and removed the heavily ornate dress she had been wearing. Rarity would take hold of that dress, and put it aside to be properly cleaned, and hung up later before passing along the sundress. Sweetie had a much easier time putting the sundress on than the one she wore previously. She would also admit that it was also much more comfortable as well.

"Okay, what's next?" Sweetie asked, feeling that excitement creep up on her again and wanting to run around with all the energy she felt she had.

"Please have a seat. I'll be right back." Rarity instructed to Sweetie's annoyance.

As Rarity went to fetch whatever it was that she was going for, Sweetie sat upon the rug in the center of her room, and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She didn't feel pretty, nor did she feel special. Yet, remembering the power in Michael's voice that day when he demanded the monster to hand her over, it caused shivers to ripple up, and down her small body. Yes she knew if it had been any other pony he would have been just as determined to rescue them, but she liked the thought that he was extra determined just because it was her.

"Here we are!" Rarity declared as she trotted back into the room with a few items floating in her magical grasp. "Now remember Sweetie Belle. Make up is not something you slather over yourself. You use make up to accent your natural beauty. The adage "Less is More" would fit quite nicely. Do you understand?" Rarity asked as she set the items down, and sat down just in front of Sweetie Belle.

"I..I think I do." Sweetie Belle answered, though to be honest she was still quite confused.

"Just leave it to me, and trust in your big sister." Rarity stated as she brought up a tube of lip gloss.

Fifteen minutes later, Rarity drew back so that Sweetie Belle bell could see herself in the mirror. The young Filly blinked as she looked upon her image. Her eye lashes looked fuller, and longer. The liner seeming to make her moss green eyes more vibrant. Her lips had a soft sheen upon them giving the illusion of moisture. It was very minimal, but the effect was rather fetching as the soft robin's egg blue dress gave Sweetie Belle a very "Spring" aura. Rarity smiled as she felt proud of how wonderful her sister looked.

"Wow!" Sweetie Belle said as she looked upon herself in the mirror. "But this stuff on my lips feels funny. Tastes kind of icky too." She stated as she reached up with her hoof to rub it off. Yet, Rarity's hoof came over, and stopped her.

"I know, but it looks good on you, and you'll get used to it. It will also protect your lips from the harsh sun, and wind. Keeping them soft, and smooth." Rarity explained as she drew back her hoof.

"Okay, Rarity. If you say so." Sweetie Belle replied, though it did feel weird.

"Let's go Sweetie, breakfast is waiting." Rarity stated before trotting out of Sweetie's bed room. Making sure to leave the lip gloss upon Sweetie's vanity before leaving. A gift from an older sister to her younger sister.

Downstairs, the two were greeted by three steaming bowls of Oatmeal, and a tall glass of juice. In each bowl, a small pile of diced apples sat upon the top of the Oatmeal, and cinnamon was lightly dusted over the fruit. It smelled wonderful. Michael was sitting at the table, his food, and drink untouched as he had waited on the two others before starting his meal. Michael stood up as the two Ponies entered the room, and gave them both a warm smile.

"My, what a gentlestallion to wait for us." Rarity tittered as she approached the table.

Michael would pull the Girls's chairs out for for them as Rarity gave him a smile, and a practiced batting of her lashes. As Michael helped Sweetie Belle, He gave her another warm smile.

"You look wonderful this morning Sweetie Belle." He said to her. The tone of his voice honest, and warm.

Sweetie Belle's cheeks exploded in a fetching shade of rouge as she found her mind unable to form a coherent reply. After a moment, she could only mutter a soft "Thank you.".

Rarity watched this with amusement, wondering if she herself had been so shy, and bashful as a filly. If going by what that Guard thought of the purple maned filly that chased him so relentlessly, the answer was "No".

After breakfast, Michael grabbed a quick shower, and changed into some clean clothes. Rarity had gifted him a set of "Civilian" clothes after the Crystal Empire incident, and he was eager to not have to play Soldier for a day. The clothes were a pair of loose fitting khaki cargo pants, the belt was from his duty uniform, but it olive drab actually looked pretty good against the Khaki. The Shirt was simple button up Henley style shirt in deep forest green with a yellow stripe running down the short sleeves. A modest breast pocket was placed over his left breast just over his heart. A plastic pen was strategically perched there, its silver clip reflecting the light in the room. The pen being an old habit of Michael's as he often had to sign forms, and documents in the Zeon Military. Though, sadly, Rarity couldn't get shoes for him so Michael simply had to wear his boots.

"You two have fun, be back before dinner!" Rarity called out as she waved at the two departing figures from the front door of her shop.

Michael, and Sweetie Belle would wave back before continuing on towards the center of town. Sweetie Belle constantly looking up at Michael, thinking that the outfit that her big sister made for him looked very nice on him. Though every time she stare up at him, the butterflies in her stomach would flutter around more vigorously, and her cheeks would darken once more.

It was shaping up to be a beautiful day. The weather team had set a few bright fluffy clouds in the sky to break up the unending sea of blue. A cool breeze was blowing across the land to off set the warmth of Celestia's sun. To Michael, and Sweetie it was simply a wonderful day to be outside, and enjoying each other's wonderful company.

"So whats the plan for today, Sweetie?" He asked as they were making their way towards the center of town, and its market.

Sweetie stopped, and turned to answer but as she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She had nothing! No plan, no schemes, not even an inkling of what they should do. A bolt of panic shot through Sweetie's mind. She had to think of something to do! The young filly racked her brain as the two simply stood there. Michael looking down at his fun size companion and resisted the urge to pat her head, for risk of ruining her hair style or knocking her hat off.

"Hello there!" A friendly voice cried out from up ahead from Equestria's newest princess.

Sweetie was snapped out of her panic as she looked towards the source of the voice, and saw Princess Twilight trotting up to the two of them.

"I was on my way over to Rarity's to talk with you, but finding you here saved me the trip." Twilight stated happily to Michael before noticing Sweetie Belle standing by his side. "Good morning Sweetie Belle. You look nice this morning." Twilight stated genuinely as she gave the young filly a smile.

"Yes, she looks very beautiful. That dress, and sun hat looks really good on her, don't they." Michael agreed.

There were those butterflies again. Sweetie Belle could only smile as Michael not only said she was pretty, but Beautiful . Very beautiful, even. Sweetie Belle made a mental note to really thank Rarity for all her help this morning.

"That they do." Twilight nodded warmly. "Oh, the reason why I was coming to see you was that I wanted to tell you that we're ready to perform a weapon's test with the Guntank! To see if the rounds we reproduced will be usable in your weapon systems." Twilight declared as she sat down to clop her front hooves together in excitement at the prospect of such a large scale test. She was positively radiating with excitement.

"Oh?" Michael replied with a bit of caution in his voice. Twilight had a pretty bad habit of going on rather lengthy explanations, and tangents if you would give her the opportunity.

"Oh yes. It took a bit of study on the intact rounds you, and the others, lent us. The materials used to make the "bullets" aren't that difficult to get our hooves on. Lead for the cores is very common, and used in manufacturing. Brass is also very plentiful so the rounds can be easily "Jacketed"." Twilight explained, clearly enjoying her explanation as well as the new terms she learned from the Federation Soldiers. It was almost as fun for her as listening to one of Celestia's lectures.

"The Gun powder was a bit tricky, but alchemists from Canterlot were able to synthesize the formula. Though the hardest part was creating a stable primer to ignite the gunpowder. Everything that we came up with would have set the gunpowder off too easily. Creating the danger of an explosion in your magazines should the bullets be jostled too much. Though the answer would come from...Trixie, of all ponies." Twilight huffed, clearly not pleased that this "Trixie" was able to come up with the solution. For whatever reason, Michael didn't know, but didn't want to hazard breaking her off topic just to know about a past rivalry.

"Okay, so what is all this have to do with me?" Michael asked, cutting Twilight off before she can pull out her encyclopedia of notes he knew she would have prepared.

"Oh, right hehe" Twilight chuckled with some abashment. "I want you there to observe the firing. Perhaps you can see something that we, or The Federation people missed." She explained, already expecting him to agree, and follow.

When Sweetie heard Twilight asking Michael to follow her, and watch the test. She felt her heart drop as she expected him to go along with the Princess. This Test sounded really important, and who would refuse the request of a Princess?

"Sorry, Your Highness. I can't. I promised to spend the entire day with Sweetie Belle doing what she wants." Michael explained.

"Eh!?" Both Sweetie, and Twilight yelped as they looked up at him.

"But-But the test firing! We need to know if everything works." Twilight explained, trying to press the importance, as she saw this, to Michael.

Michael let out a sigh, and slowly began to lower himself closer to Twilight's eye level. Seeing how his legs folded up like that was always interesting to watch as both Sweetie Belle, and Twilight expected Michael to either fall backwards, or forwards by how unsteady he looked. Yet he remained upon his feet as he looked into Twilight's eyes. His hazel eyes finding Twilight's rich violet eyes, causing the princess to blush a bit.

"Yes, this test is very important. I understand that, Princess." Michael stated

"Then why...." Twilight started to ask, but was stopped as Michael held up his hand.

Then that very same hand would move to gently rest upon Sweetie's withers, causing the filly to look up to him, her moss green eyes finding his from underneath her straw sun hat. Michael would give her a smile that made her heart swell. Her eyes sparkling up at him

"But this is more important." He said with a simple, but soft tone that meant that he wasn't simply fulfilling this request out of obligation. That he wanted to be here with Sweetie Belle.

Twilight appeared that she wanted to protest, but after a moment, she simply let out a long sigh. "Okay. I understand that fulfilling promises is very important too." she would concede.

"Thank you for understanding, Princess. I hope you have good luck at that test." Michael smiled before turning Sweetie Belle. "Let's go, Sweetie." He requested before continuing to make their way towards the center of town.

"Okay!" Sweetie chirped excitedly, eager to continue on their date. "Um, Michael. Why didn't you want to go with Princess Twilight? That Test sounded very impor'ant." Sweetie Belle asked.

"I've been to several weapons tests, and if you're not directly involved It is kinda boring to watch. And if something does go wrong. You sure as he...,er, heck don't want to be anywhere near the place." He explained with an amused chuckle.

As the two walked away, Twilight suddenly remembered what else she was going to tell Michael. The realization causing her to stamp her hoof.

"Oh ponyfeathers! I forgot to tell him that the Princesses were forging him a new ax." She said before facehoofing.

"I'll just have Spike add it to my "To Do" list." She said, and continued off to the test firing zone.

The two would enter the Market, and see all the ponies scurrying about trying to finish their daily errands quickly so that they may, hopefully, have time to talk with friends, or treat themselves to something special at Sugar Cube Corner, or simply so they don't have to worry about it later. The Human, and little filly were hardly noticed. Though there were a few that did wave, and compliment Sweetie Belle on her outfit. However, Michael would notice several strange looks he was getting, particularly from the Mares of the town. As they continued, a large unicorn in brightly gleaming golden armor approached. Seeing the two, he would smile and approach with a spring in his step.

"Good morning, you two seem to be walking around town." The Unicorn Guard stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Yes, Captain Obvious, we are." Michael replied, a smirk on his lips showing that he was being a smart ass.

"how'ja know his name? He just came to Ponyville yesterday." Sweetie asked as she looked up at Michael in awe.

"Huh? Whadda ya mean?" Michael asked, confusion in his voice.

"The name is Blatantly Obvious. I'm the new Captain of the Ponyville Garrison." The Unicorn introduced with pride.

Michael would simply stare at the Captain a moment before he brought his hand up to his face, and shook his head. Soft mumbling of ponies, and their crazy names spoken underneath his breath before he slowly pulled his hand down. A long exhale leaving his lips before he extended his hand to shake the Captain's hoof.

"Sargent Michael Black. Zeon Terrestrial Forces. A pleasure to meet you. I can tell you're gonna be a perfect commanding officer." Michael stated in a friendly manner.

"Yes, I've been told about you, and the two others." Captain Obvious replied as he shook Michael's hand.

"Well I must be going now. I am part of the guard." He said, further pushing the truth of his name.

After that rather interesting introduction, Michael, and Sweetie Belle continued on their way through the market. They didn't have a clear destination. Sweetie had not thought that far ahead, and Michael was simply going with the flow. Letting the adorable little Filly lead the way.

As they were passing the stalls, they would occasionally stop to see what that particular pony was peddling. Some were trying to hand off Flowers, apparently for eating as snacks, while others were selling fruits or vegetables from their gardens. Some would try to sell baskets, or crockery that were 'hoof made'. The two would continue before a pleasantly familiar voice cut over the din of the market. A voice both were very familiar with.


Sweetie smiled as she saw her friend Applebloom standing before her family's apple stall and trying to drum up business. Though where she got all those sparklers, and a beach ball, only Pinkie Pie would know. Sweetie Belle smiled brightly as she trotted ahead of Michael to greet her friend. Michael simply bringing up the rear, and enjoying watching Sweetie Belle being so adorable.

"Heya Apple Bloom!" Sweetie called out as she trotted up to Apple Bloom whom was trying to balance herself on the beach Ball while wearing the sparklers.

Though it would appear that Sweetie Belle was just distracting enough to cause Apple Bloom to lose her concentration, and tumble down to the ground in a heap as the Beach ball bounced away for parts unknown.

"Ah~! Dat was da Fif beech ball dis morning!" Apple Bloom lamented as she dusted herself off before turning to Sweetie Belle. "Howdy Sweetie! You're looking right fancy in dem duds." Apple Bloom stated as she started to walk around Sweetie, the unicorn doing her best model poses for her friend.

"Hey Apps, how are ya doing?" Michael greeted as he approached.

"Ah'm doing great! Sis is off delivering some apples an asked me tah watch da stand." Apple Bloom replied before she could register that Michael was not in his normal uniform.

Apple Bloom would then turn to Sweetie Belle, and back to Michael before her eyes grew wide. She motioned for Sweetie Belle to follow her, and the two would move away from Michael whom appeared to be trying to listen for something.

"Sweetie Belle, are ya on a....?" Apple Bloom started to ask

"A "Date"!? "Sweetie squeaked before nodding vigorously. "Yeah, I think so! I'm so excited. He even refused to go with Twilight for some super duper important test!" Sweetie explained as the smile upon her lips as bright as the sun.

Apple Bloom wasn't sure if getting out of some test over seen by Twilight was actually that big of an shocker. Who liked tests anyways? However, she wasn't gonna ruin her best friend's big day.

"Ah'm happy fer ya. Remember how hard it was tah get Miss Cherilee her special somepony? At least ya got one early befer Heart en Hooves day." Applebloom declared.

Sweetie thought a moment as she remembered the three of them trying to set up Miss Cheerliee with Apple Bloom's Brother, Big Macintosh. It was quite an adventure to say the least. Poor Miss Crack Pot thought that the world of ending when she awoken from her afternoon nap, and found her house on the complete opposite side of Ponyville! Yeah, the girls had quite the punishment for using love poison on the two. Sweetie Belle couldn't believe there was THAT much homework in the entire world!

"Gee, thanks for reminding me." Sweetie said in a completely deadpan manner.

"Sorry, sorry." Apple Bloom stated a she laid a hoof upon Sweetie's wither. "Oh! If'in ya both mosey on by the park, say "Hi" to Scoots. She's with Rainbow Dash practicin' flyin'" Apple Boom would add as a way to change the subject.

"Okay, I'm not sure where we're headin, but I'll make sure to say Hi to Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle promised before giving her friend a hug so she can return to peddling her apples. Course, Apple Bloom wouldn't let the two go without a small bag of apples as it was approaching lunch.

Michael, and Sweetie continued towards the edge of the market when they would run across two more of Ponyville's notorious denizens. Bon Bon and Lyra, who were out, and taking a walk enjoying Celestia's beautiful day. Bon Bon, having just gotten the cast off her leg, was looking forward to walking around more on her own without the help of crutches. Seeing them, Sweetie Belle's eyes lit up, and once more she was trotting away from Michael, leaving him to catch up.

"Hiya Bon Bon, Lyra. Hows the leg?" Sweetie asked as she stopped before the two.

"Hello Sweetie Belle. I'm doing fine. The leg is a little stiff though." Bon Bon explained as she lifted the leg to stretch it out a bit.

"Cool! Does this mean you'll be making candies again!?" Sweetie Belle asked, the excitement clearly evident in the way her eyes twinkled.

Bon Bon could only chuckle softly. "Yes, I'll be starting on them tonight when it cools off a bit. I know you've been eager for more of my milk caramels." Bon Bon would reply, getting an excited squeal from the unicorn filly.

As Michael caught up to Sweetie, Lyra held up her hoof to him. He returned the greeting by balling up his fist, and bumping it against Lyra's hoof, causing Lyra to look at it in excitement for a moment as if her hoof was made of gold.

"Heya Michael, I heard about that fight in the Crystal Empire. So which one of you did the most damage? You, or the monster?" Lyra asked with a teasing lilt to her voice.

"I would have to say it was a pretty even split." Michael would laugh. "I'm just glad they're not expecting me to pay for it."

A flicker of movement in the corner of his eye caught Michael's attention as he turned toward Bon Bon. He swore he saw something moving on top of Bon Bon's head. Yet, all he saw was what looked like a large cotton ball. Was it a hair clip? If it was it looked rather out of place in Bon Bon's hair, but she didn't appear to be bothered by it in the least. Though as he continued to watch that odd cotton ball, he would see it stretch out one long spindly fur covered leg. Followed by another, and another. Five more legs would then stretch out for a total of eight while several large eyes turned towards MIchael. As it finally registered what exactly was on Bon Bon's head, Michael's eyes grew wide as it was a large white spider. The next thing he saw, and he could be imagining it, was that the spider actually waved to him!

"OH WOW!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she looked up, and saw the fuzzy spider. "You brought Scary with you!". Sweetie Belle waved up at the spider, and damn if Michael had not saw it, but that spider waved back to Sweetie. "Hiya Scary!" The filly called up to the spider, waving to the large eight legged cotton ball.

"Yep, I thought it would be a good to get him out of his terrarium for a little bit." Bon Bon explained before bringing a hoof up, and petting Scary a few times before bring it right back down again.

"Michael, are you okay? You're looking kinda pale." Lyra asked as she looked up at him, noticing he appeared to be leaning away from the group.

"Fine...I'm fine. Super fine actually." He replied with a bit of a stutter. Just keep that ball of "nope" away from me. he mentally screamed and nearly wished it had been crushed in his earlier brawl in town against that dragon.

"Well...okay. So long as you're sure." Lyra replied with a nod.

"Sorry we can't stay around any longer, but Lyra and I have to get going. We're suppose to meet some friends for lunch. I hope you, and Mr. Black have a good day, Sweetie Belle." Bon Bon stated. "I'll make sure to have a fresh batch of caramels tomorrow at my stall." Bon Bon promised.

"YAY!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she began to bounce around happily. It was enough to distract Michael from the large spider on top of Bon-Bon's head.

At least until the two mares started to walk away, and Scary waved "Good bye" back to Michael, and Sweetie Belle. The young filly waved back with enthusiasm, though Michael's was a bit subdued. As the two mares disappeared into the crowd, and the spider with them. Michael had to stifle a shutter as he tried to erase the memory of that spider looking at him with its beady eyes. Those a doll's eyes.

"Let's head to the park next! I wanna say "Hi" to Scootaloo." Sweetie said as she looked up at Michael.

"Sure, I'm cool with that. Lead the way. We can share these apples we got from Apple Bloom with Scoots." Michael replied as he extended his hand, and playfully tussled Sweetie's sun hat. Which got his hand being batted away by a pair of small hooves. They walked just a little bit faster as Michael's subconscious was eager to get away from the spider that loved being in hair.

The park was lush, and green with many of the ponies taking a break from their daily toil to enjoy a picnic with friends, and loved ones. Several colts, and fillies were playing on the playground as their parents watched nearby in the shade of a large oak tree. Two colts were working to build a Sand Castle almost twice as tall as they were in the sand box. The young pegasus flying up to place a leaf on top of the tallest tower as a flag.

Sweetie would lead Michael to an enormous field towards the back of the Park where already the two could see rainbow colored streaks zipping across the sky. Scootaloo was sitting with a clip board, and a stop watch timing Rainbow as she slalomed through several rows of Trees.

"Hey Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle called out as she approached her friend.

Scootaloo didn't respond for a moment, her focus was completely upon the Rainbow blur up in the sky. It wasn't until that blur blew past the three, and Scootaloo pressed her hoof on the stopwatch that she turned, and smiled at Sweetie Belle, and Michael.

"Hey-ya! What's up?" She asked before jotting down some numbers on the clipboard and then continued to acknowledge the two arrivals.

"We came to see how you were doing. Apple Bloom said you were practicing some flying with Rainbow." Sweetie explained.

"Yeah, we're taking a break from that while Rainbow works on her fast turns." Scootaloo explained before she looked up, and waved to Michael. The Human waving back, and giving a friendly smile in return. "What ya up to?" Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle.

"Michael is spending the entire day with me! He even wouldn't go with Twilight on one of her tests, and it sounded very important!" Sweetie Belle explained as she buzzed with happiness. "Its a date!" she mouthed to Scootaloo, her excitement robbing her of her voice.

Scootaloo looked from Sweetie Belle to Michael, intent on asking if what Sweetie Belle said was true. However, she noticed that Michael appeared to be listening to something. A moment later, Michael took a large step to the side right before Rainbow Dash dropped out of the sky, and landed on her butt.

"HEY! How d'you do that!?" Rainbow demanded to know as she pulled herself off the ground, and glared at him.

"Simple Rainbow. I'm a mobile suit pilot, I have eyes in the back of my head." Michael answered smugly.

"REALLY!?" The three ponies all yelped with Sweetie trying to get a look behind him.

A sinister smile spread across Michael's lips as he moved his hand to the back of his head as if to lift his hair up. "Ya wanna see?" he asked.

"DO I!? That would be so totally awesome!" Rainbow declared as she was leaning forward to get the best possible view.

Even Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were leaning in, eager to see Michael's other set of eyes.

"Damn, ya'll are no fun." Michael sighed as he lowered his hand, hoping for a far different reaction.

"Huh? What gives?" Rainbow demanded to know as she glared at Michael.

"Rainbow, I don't have eyes in the back of my head. I was messin' with ya" Michael explained.

"WHAT!? Then how did you know that I was gonna drop in on ya?" the chromatic pegasus asked.

"Cause you have a very distinctive hissing laugh when you're about to pull a prank." Michael explained as he booped Rainbow on the nose. Causing the pegasus to rub her nose with her hoof, and Sweetie looked on wishing it had been her nose that had been poked. " Now come on, lets all eat these apples that Apple Bloom was kind enough to give to us for lunch. I'm starving." Michael stated as he held up the bag that Apple Bloom gave them earlier.

With a hardy cheer the three ponies, and one human found a shady spot underneath a large tree. The breeze was a cool, and refreshing reprieve from the warmth of the early afternoon sun. Michael leaned against the trunk of the tree, and smiled as Rainbow was more than willing to tell the other three all about her accomplishments, and how she was destined to be a Wonderbolt. Scootaloo was drinking it all up like a filly dying of thirst. Michael would simply nod, and let Rainbow carry on. He was used to Rainbow's type of personality. He had seen many people like that during training, particularly during his time in MS school, that loved to hear the sound of their own voices. Everyone of them spouting that they're going to be the next Char Aznable, or the pilot to make the infamous Black Tri-stars into the Black Quad-stars. One particularly annoying person he had to go through MS school with was a guy by the name of Jonathan Ridden, or Johnny as he preferred to be called. He wouldn't stop going on, and on about how he was going to surpass Char Aznable, and be known far, and wide as the "Crimson Lightning."

After the Apples were eaten, and some more playful banter. Rainbow Dash would lead Scootaloo away for some more wing exercises to get her stamina up. Leaving Sweetie Belle, and Michael alone underneath their tree to while the afternoon hours away. A comfortable silence would descend upon the two as Michael's hand seemed to instinctively come to rest on Sweetie's withers. His fingers stroking through her velvet soft fur slowly. Moving up to base of her mane, and then slowly back down her back before going up again. The action coaxing a small joyful hum from Sweetie Belle as the ministrations of Michael's hands felt wonderful.

The longer Michael sat there stroking between Sweetie's shoulders, and neck, the more she leaned against him, her head eventually resting against his thigh as the two simply watched the grass sway in the breeze the blew across the land. Sweetie's eyes were slowly getting heavy as the sensation of Michael's fingers were lulling her into a blissful state of relaxation.

A moment later, the soft rustling of the wind through the leaves would be accompanied by a soft humming tune. Sweetie Belle was humming contently as her eyes were simply staring of into the horizon from her comfortable perch upon Michael's thigh. It was a tune that seemed to form in her mind as she lay there. She wasn't even aware that she was humming, just aware of the comfortable breeze, and the feeling of five digits combing through her short coat around her neck, and withers.

"That's a lovely song." Michael would say finally, his fingers continuing in their motion.

"hmm? Wha song?" Sweetie Belle asked as she raised her head to look up at him. Her sun hat sliding off, and coming to rest upon the green grass next her.

"That song you were just humming. It was very nice." Michael explained as his eye rolled down a bit to look at Sweetie Belle. Showing the same amount of relaxation she was just enjoying.

"Oh...I didn't know I was humming." Sweetie replied as she rested her chin back onto Michael's thigh.

"Rarity tells me you like to sing. I would like to hear you sing some time." Michael would say soft as his hand slid up Sweetie Belle's neck, and gently began to comb his fingers through Sweetie's mane.

The feeling was positively luxurious to the young filly, causing her to stretch out her legs, and then pull them back in to curl up against the side of Michael's leg, his thigh becoming her pillow. The sensation of his fingers in her mane was softer than anything he had ever felt, like touching cotton candy mixed with a cloud.

"Okay." was Sweetie's only reply before the relaxing sensation of Michael's fingers lulled her into a peaceful slumber.

Michael would soon join her as his hand slowed to a stop, and rested upon right wither. The two of them slept peacefully under the comforting shade provided by the tree and cooled by the wind that passed by them.


The two would continue to nap undisturbed for the rest of the afternoon. The world passing them by peacefully as the sun continued its magically guided trek across the azure blue sky. Neither one changed a single position, Michael's hand continuing to lay across Sweetie Belle's wither. The warmth from his hand was a welcome sensation for the small Filly. Giving her a sense of safety allowing her to sleep as soundly as she could. Her head resting upon his thigh. As the Sun started to sink towards the western horizon, its warm rays would touch upon the sleeping unicorn's eyes, stirring her to wake, and see a world bathed in the golden light of late afternoon, early evening. The two appeared like statues slowly coming to life before the loving glow of the fading sun.

With a deep yawn, Sweetie Belle shifted a bit as she stretched out her legs, and her back. The pleasant weight of Michael's hand still upon her withers as she looked around to see a nearly deserted park. The majority of the ponies having left to finish their afternoon errands, and get last minute items from the market before returning home to prepare dinner for loved ones returning home from work, or play. Though there was some stragglers hanging around. Mostly young couples watching the sunset together.

Looking up, Sweetie would see that Michael was still asleep, and looking quite tranquil in his slumber. She hated to have to wake him, but Rarity would be cooking dinner about now, and would be wondering where they were. So Sweetie would give Michael a couple of quick pokes in the side with her horn to nudge him awake.

"Wake up Michael. Its time to go home." Sweetie Belle stated quietly.

Michael would let out a low groan as he began to twist, and roll his upper body. A deep yawn escaping from his lips as his eyes fluttered open. Arms were pulled in, and then stretched up to the sky as Michael worked stiff joints.

"Goo~...(yawn), Morning. Sweetie Belle" Michael said sleepily.

A soft giggle slipped from Sweetie's lips as she stood up, and stretched out some more. "It's not morning silly." She told him as she watched Michael slowly wake up, and get his bearings.

The walk back was quiet, and peaceful. Entering the Market, the two could see many of the ponies were starting to close up for the evening. The Flower sisters were giving their plants one last watering before loading them upon a wagon to take back home to their green houses. Though there were still a couple of stalls still open as Ponies were getting last minute ingredients for supper. It was heartwarming watching the ponies eagerly rush home to be with family, and loved ones. Causing a small smile to tug at the corner of Michael's lips, and made him wonder if he would ever have a family of his own someday. His thoughts distracting him from the small unicorn looking up at him as they walked.

The two would continue to move on autopilot until the soft tinkling of bells roused both from their reverie, and they began to look around for the source. At the edge of the Market tucked away in a cozy corner was a group of stalls set up for the more specialized artisans. Jewelers fashioning the most beautiful pieces of horn rings, and bracelets. Bladesmithes selling high quality kitchen knives, and other utensils. Potters with their bowls, vases and mugs. They were in the midst of packing their wares for the evening mean while colorful conversation crisscrossing the small walk way between the stalls as Michael, and Sweetie Belle approached, looking for the source of the tinkling bells.

Their search would bring them to the stall at the end of the row where an aged Earth pony was chuckling to himself as he pressed a small paddle that would make a string of brightly polished bells jingle. Though as the two approached, The Earth pony stopped when he took notice of the two, and slowly retracted his hoof with a hint of embarrassment.

"Oh! Um, greetings. I'm Silver Bell. How may I assist you two?" He requested with slight clearing of his throat to regain his composure.

"We just heard your bells, and came to see what was going on." Michael explained as he looked down upon the table at Silver Bell's wares placed on display for any and all to see.

Set in neat rows were a plethora of various bits, and bobbles. Small figurines such as ballerinas, and guard ponies upon engraved pedestals, spoons with hollowed out bowls designed to hold small pictures, large ornate picture frame, a vanity set with comb, brush, and hoof-held mirror. There was even a set of chess pieces. All deeply engraved, and ornate. The one commonality of the pieces was the material they were made from, Silver. Each one shone brightly like heavenly objects in the sunset and were so clean and shiny that they appeared to have just been made seconds ago.

"Wow, you made all theses?" Sweetie Belle asked as she peeked her head up over the table ledge.

Though immediately afterwards, she found herself lifted up, and held so she could get a better view of the Table's offerings.

"Yes little one, I did. I'm a silver smith, and I simply love working with Silver. You can make such wonderful pieces." Silver Bell said happily. Showing that even after decades of working with his craft, he still loved every minute of it.

Sweetie thought all the pieces were so beautiful, but what really caught her attention, particularly now with her being held up like this, was the string of Bells strung along the top of the Stall. They came in all shapes, and sizes. From the spherical bells that seemed to show up around Hearths Warming Eve, to the more traditional bells. They were all so beautiful with their engravings, and shapes. Each one had its own individual sound that seemed to shimmer as the wind tickled the row of bells. It was almost like how every snowflake was different in its own way. The sound causing Sweetie to giggle as she was tempted to reach up, and tap the bells to listen to them.

"Do you like my bells, little one?" Silver Bell asked as he watched her look upon the string of bells with wonder.

"They're all so pretty." Sweetie Belle replied as her eyes danced between the bells, hypnotized by their radiant beauty.

Though as her eyes reached the end, one particular bell seemed to captivate her. Where all the others were engraved so beautifully with various designs, and scenes. This one bell held no engraving. It was polished to a mirror sheen, but its waist, and soundbow held the tell tale hammer marks of being hoofmade. The impressions smoothed over from the polish, but it was easily seen that they were left behind intentionally. The bell seemed to have placed a spell upon the small Unicorn as she was enraptured with it.

Michael could see how drawn Sweetie was to that small bell. Of all the beautiful artwork on the table, and upon the string of bells, a smile drew across his lips as he could see the Sweetie was drawn not to the flashiest, but the most humble. Looking at Silver Bell, Michael mouthed a question of price on that particular Bell. Silver Bell looked at the Bell in question, and thought a moment before writing down a figure. Michael didn't think he'll ever get used to Ponies writing with their mouths. Once the figure was jotted down, Michael looked down at the piece of paper, and then back at Sweetie Belle. With a hoof reaching out, she gently bumped the bell to hear it tinkle brightly. That was all it took. Michael smiled at the Earth pony Stallion, and nodded his head.

Michael set Sweetie back down on to the ground, and smiled at her. "Could you close your eyes Sweetie Belle?" He asked.

Sweetie looked up at him in confusion, but she didn't protest. She closed her eyes, and even put her hooves over them to show that she couldn't see. She would hear some shuffling, and what sounded like bits being placed on a table, followed by the joyful sounding chorus of the multitude of bells jingling. A moment later, she could feel Michael's hands slide around her neck, and something else sliding along her coat. When Michael drew his hands back, a new weight could be felt hanging from Sweetie's neck.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Michael stated as he held a small mirror before her.

A soft gasp could be heard as Sweetie Belle looked at her reflection in the mirror. There, around her neck on a silver chain was that small simple bell. She reached up, and placed a tentative hoof upon it, causing it to tinkling a bit. Sweetie Belle looked up at Michael, her eyes tearing up with how happy she was.

"Do you like it?" Michael asked.

Sweetie Belle's mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. The very next instant, Sweetie Belle launched herself at Michael, nearly tackling him to the ground as she hugged him as tightly as she could.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Thank you!" Sweetie said, overcome with happiness as she tried to hug the stuffing out of Michael and worse yet, her horn hurt like being punched.

Michael just laughed, and gave Sweetie a hug in return before taking a moment to straighten her sunhat.

"I'm very happy you like it. It looks good on you Sweetie Belle." Michael stated before he shifted her around so he could carry her in one arm.

The two would wave goodbye to Silver Bell as they continued on their way back home. Sweetie kept tapping at the bell to listen to it jingle as she leaned against Michael's chest, enjoying being carried in his arms. Michael was just happy to see how happy Sweetie Belle was. The first stars would start to appear as the two approached Carousel Boutique. The sign on the door saying that the shop was closed for the day, and Rarity was even on the front step looking to see if the two were on their way home. When she saw them approaching, She waved a hoof, and trotted out to meet the two. Michael set Sweetie Belle down upon the ground, and waved back.

"Did you two have fun?" Rarity asked as she looked at how happy her little sister looked. She was positively glowing.

"Yes, Yes, YES!" Sweetie Belle declared as she hopped around Rarity. Causing the fashionista to giggle at the scene.

"Oh! Look, look! Michael got me this today!" Sweetie Belle declared as she held up the bell proudly.

Rarity leaned in, and inspected the bell closely. As if she was an expert appraiser examining a piece of Jewelry.

"Oh my, that is quite the treasure. You best take good care of that, Sweetie Belle." Rarity stated as she gave her sister a hug.

"I will, I promise!" Sweetie stated.

"Very good. Now come along you two, dinner's ready." Rarity stated as she started to turn back towards her Boutique.

"I'm sorry Miss Rarity, but I'm gonna be a bit late for dinner." Michael stated, causing both to turn to look at him.

"I need to talk with the Feddies, and see how the Test went today. Depending on how it went, my Zaku may be next one to be tested." Michael explained.

Rarity nodded in understanding. "Okay, I'll put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm for you." Rarity stated.

"Hopefully it won't take so long." Michael stated before kneeling down, and giving Sweetie Belle a gentle boop on the tip of her nose, causing the young Unicorn to giggle, and rub her nose. Ponies really seemed to like being booped on the nose. "If I don't make it back in time. I hope you have a good night, and sleep tight." He told her and patted her head once more.

"Okay!" Sweetie Belle said before giving Michael another hug.

Later that evening, Sweetie Belle was in her room preparing for bed. She had her bath, and washed off what little make up her sister helped her put on earlier. Now she was standing in her bedroom, and pulling the sheets back so she could climb into bed. She position Zaky for optimum cuddling while Pilot sat to the side, and waited for her to climb into the bed. The last thing Sweetie would do was gingerly slip off the bell, and necklace, setting it on her night stand. She would have to ask Rarity if she had an old Jewelry box she didn't need so that she could put it up in a safe place.

With a deep yawn, Sweetie Belle climbed into her bed, and pulled up the covers as she snuggled up the plush zaku doll. Her eye lids were already getting heavy as she pulled Pilot up to her chest, her small hooves holding him tightly as she looked at the small silver bell on her night stand. Already she was excited about wearing it again tomorrow. With a flicker of her horn, she extinguished the light, and a comforting darkness enveloped her bedroom. The light of Luna's moon slowly pushing away the gloom to shine a silvery glow through the window. Sweetie let her eye lids droop until finally they closed. One last solitary thought floating through her head right before sleep took hold of her.

Best. Day. Ever.

The Celestial Gifts

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The towering Zaku II stood about a mile outside of town. Today was the day that Michael was to test if the new ammunition that Twilight Sparkle, and the alchemists from Canterlot, had created would work in his machine gun or not. So far the tests with the Guntank a couple of days ago had been successful. Emboldening the team, and driving them onward to try and simulate rounds for the Zeon suit as well. The Alchemists, and Twilight, were all standing behind a magical shield that the princess has erected should something happen. With them was one "Great, and Powerful" Trixie who had provided some of the needed materials thanks to her large stock of fireworks.

The Unicorn Magician carried a big, haughty, smile upon her face as she went about observing the fruits of her labor. Having solved the conundrum of replacing spent primers. She had modified a spell that she uses for her firework displays to make a recurring igniter that could only be triggered from an impact of a specific force on one side, something she made after accidentally setting her own traveling cart on fire once. So the effect would be that if the rounds are reloaded, there was minimal chance for accidental discharge.

Inside of the cockpit, Michael waited nervously as the final preparations being made. Twilight wanted to record everything about these tests in order to properly document them for analysis, and prosperity later on. While the testing had been successful with the Federation pilots and their Guntank. Michael wasn't so optimistic when it came to his Suit. The machine gun was the only real weapon he had left next to the Zaku's fists. His Heat Hawk having been smashed in the fight within the Crystal Empire, and the Bazooka lost to the icy wastes of the tundra. Michael forgetting to retrieve it in his haste to return to the Empire at the appearance of the second creature. All of the heavy snowfall at the time quickly covered it up and it was long gone by the time he returned. The Zaku had a series of Anti-personnel mines situated in launch tubes around the MS's waist. Yet those would be worthless against another creature like the ones he and the others faced in Ponyville, and the Crystal Empire.

"Okay Michael. We're ready to begin the test if you are." The voice of Twilight Sparkle could be heard through the cockpit's speakers.

The glowing red mono eye of the Zaku swiveled to look at the assembled group. Sitting at Twilight's hooves behind the shield was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The one white unicorn waving enthusiastically up at the green giant. Rarity originally did not want them present in case something happened, but the assurances from Twilight that her shield was impregnable managed to persuade Rarity to let Sweetie Belle, and her friends watch the Testing. Though it did little to curb her worries as she looked up at the metal war machine now.

"Understood Princess. Initiating test firing." Michael replied calmly. His voice sounding tinny over the Suit's speakers.

The Zaku brought the gun up to its shoulder in one smooth motion, the stock pressing against the curved breast plate of the suit as the left hand came around to grasp the fore grip to get a steady aim. Inside the cockpit, Michael took a couple of deep breaths. In his mind a myriad of catastrophic outcomes appeared from this one test. Anything from detonation inside the firing chamber to a chain fire catching in the circular magazine resting just on top.

"Firing." Michael announced calmly. It was as if he did this on a daily basis.

The ponies watched with expectant eyes as the Zaku's finger came back to press the trigger of the weapon. There was a click and....

(POP! )

There was a lack of an ear splitting "crack" that would normally be heard from the firing of the Zaku's machine gun. Instead it was a whimsical pop that heralded a flurry of brightly colored confetti paper, and a long metal rod that slid out. From the rod, a bright yellow flag unfurled with orange, and red script that spelled out "BANG!".

Immediately after loud laughter could be heard as a familiar trickster declared. "Ha ha You should have seen the looks on your faces! Utterly priceless!" Discord announced as he appeared right next to Twilight Sparkle.

It took a moment for the ponies to register Discord's presence, but once that happened. Everyone of them did a jump back from the Draconiquis. The three fillies quickly rushing behind Rarity. Discord could be hilarious, but also dangerous if they weren't careful. Even Trixie was being noticeably quieter than usual.

"DISCORD!" Twilight barked. Livid that her all important test was interrupted by the Trickster.

"That's my name. Don't wear it out." Discord chuckled as he looked up at the towering mecha. Scratching his chin as he looked at the prank in contemplation. As if judging its worthiness.

"How dare you interrupt an important test!" Twilight was seething now as she glared at the trickster.

A couple of guard ponies slowly stalked up behind Twilight with fire extinguishers ready should her mane, and tail erupt in flames once more. Her reaction to the study of Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense had become the stuff of legend among the Royal Guard.

"Oh pish-posh Twilight. You've really got to learn to lighten up." Discord stated as he placed his claws on his hips. "Besides, I didn't interrupt your little Test." Discord smirked. Seemingly counting down in his head to when Twilight was going to blow her stack.

Twilight was about to ask who it was then when the voice of Michael spoke up from the Zaku. "Um...guys. There is a bubble gum pink unicorn filly having a tea party on top of my magazine!"

There, sitting in the middle of the disc shaped magazine, a tiny pink unicorn filly with a curly purple mane and a propeller beanie on her head ,that seemed to be perpetually turning on its own, was sitting at a small plastic table with four chairs. In one chair was the disembodied head of a human doll with most of its blond hair missing, in another was a three headed golden Hydra-like creature with wings. Puffing out small yellow clouds of smoke at the pink filly whom simply giggled, and batted the smoke from her face. Finally a Teddy Bear garbed in a Top hat, and monocle would round out this little tea party.

"Oh there she is." Discord said with a snap of his claws as if he had been looking for the filly all along. "The little scamp, I swear I can't take her anywhere." He chuckled before pulling a megaphone out of thin air. "Oooh~ scnoochums! Come to daddy!" Discord called out, his voice sounding like it was run through an auto tune mixer.

"DADDY!?" the assembled group of ponies yelped in utter surprise.

From the top of the magazine, The pink filly's head perked right up as she looked to the edge. Inside the cockpit, Michael could see the gears jamming together in whatever crash box transmission was this pony's thought process.

"Don't you do it....don't you dare do it." he muttered as he leaned forward in his seat, his eyes locked upon the filly.

And yet, she did it. Dropping the plastic teacup, the filly sprinted with all her might to the lip of the magazine that was nearly three stories in the air. Like a professional diver, the filly flung herself into the void. Letting gravity direct her impetus downward towards the ground.

"No no no!" Michael yelped as he saw the filly swan dive off the magazine. He was already pulling on the controls to try, and prevent the rather gory conclusion of this dive. The Zaku's hips twisting as its left hand came around, fingers open to catch the plummeting filly. Michael willing the Zaku to make it in time.

On the ground several of the unicorns, Trixie included, were firing up any and all kinds of spells they could think of. Half a dozen pillows, and mattresses suddenly appeared where the Filly was going to land. Meanwhile Discord watched with amusement.

Right as the Zaku's hand was going to scoop the plummeting filly from her free fall, the filly reached for something against her chest. Yanking hard, she held a "D" shaped ring in her hoof with a bit of string attached. From her back, an enormous anvil appeared. Impossibly it slowed her descent just enough to have the Zaku's hand pass harmlessly beneath her as she began to float gently back down to the ground. A small breeze pushing her directly into Discord's outstretched claw, and paw.

"DADDY!" The Filly squealed joyously as she was caught by Discord.

For several moments, the crowd was silent as they just watched the small pink filly wrap her tiny hooves round Discord's neck. Nuzzling him happily as Discord stroked the filly's mane. Though the moment Discord had the Filly securely in his clutches, the anvil suddenly gained all its weight back, and crashed into the soft ground. Sinking a good four inches.

"Discord, you found Screw Ball!" Came the relieved voice from a butter colored Pegasus with pink hair. Fluttershy was coming for a soft landing at the edge of the group, and trotting past everypony to the two. "Screw Ball, sweetie. You can't just disappear like that." Fluttershy said in an admonishing tone. Seemingly completely oblivious to her audience.

Though as Screw Ball turned away from Discord to look upon the Pegasus, she squealed in delight as she flung open her hooves as if to hug Fluttershy. "MOMMA!" She declared.

MOMMA!?" The assembled group of ponies blurted out in shock with one pony even fainting.

However, the sudden exclamation alerted the shy pegasus to her audience. With a "meep" of fright, she leaped behind Discord even as Screw Ball landed on her back to nuzzle her pink Mane.

Twilight shook her head to clear the shock as she approached Fluttershy. "What is going on, Fluttershy? Who is this filly, and why did she call you and Discord Father and Mother?" Twilight looked like her eyes were almost about to pop out of her head or she would burst a blood vessel from today's events.

Fluttershy poked her head out from behind Discord a moment before slowly moving out from behind him. She tried to shrink, and make herself look as small as possible, pulling her face back into her hair as her hoof drew squiggles in the grass. ", you see." She started say. Having so many eyes upon her was making it hard to speak.

"Its alright dearest Fluttershy. I'll tell the Nosy Princess." Discord stated right as Twilight's muzzle grew several inches. "This adorable little bundle of mischief is named "Screw Ball". For the past several years she has been all alone in a Trottingham orphanage." Discord began as several small violins began to play sad music. causing one or two of the stoic guards to break their composure, and sob.

"So, Celestia herself came to me, and asked if I would graciously open my massive heart to the plight of this little one and take the young Filly in. As she saw that only I, Discord! God of Chaos, could so properly raise such a talented unicorn!" Discord announced as the Violins transformed into a large brass ensemble playing a triumphant, and inspiring tune. Screw Ball crashing cymbals together where needed.

Twilight looked on in surprise as the story actually sounded quite possible. Celestia had wisdom beyond ages, so if even if it looked odd, and impossible at first blush. Twilight was sure her Mentor had a reason to entrust such an impressionable young filly to Discord. Though that still didn't explain Fluttershy's involvements.

"Is this true Fluttershy? And if so, why does this have to do with you?" Twilight asked the Pegasus.

"Well um, Princess Celestia asked if I could keep an eye on Discord. Help him if he has any questions on nurturing as he is so inexperienced." Fluttershy explained. Twilight nodding as it was quite the logical decision. No one was a better caretaker than Fluttershy. There was also no one else that could actually make Discord listen when he began to go overboard.

"Um, guys. Can we get this test underway? I still have to get ready for the Princesses shindig this afternoon." Michael asked.

The Royal Sisters were to arrive in Ponyville in four hours to address the Humans, and assembled ponies. Though the strangest aspect of the whole affair was the explicit instructions that both Mobile Suits be present. That meant that the repairs on the Guntank's armor had to be completed, and the Zaku cleaned up as there wasn't time to repair its armor, in time for the royal's arrival and to look good before the cameras.

"Oh alright. If you insist." Discord said with a groan as it was apparent that the fun had come to an end. Turning to Screw Ball, Discord held her aloft right as a ray of Celestia's sun shone down upon her. "Do your thing, Shnookums." Discord instructed.

Screw Ball giggled a bit before clopping her front hooves together as if she was summoning a butler. Causing the flag sticking out of the front of the machine gun to disappear in a shower of confetti, and a blast of a train horn.

"Good job, Screw Ball." Fluttershy praised, causing the little filly to blush, and giggle. "Now, lets go to the playground, and introduce you to Miss Cheerliee. She'll be your new School Teacher while you're here in Ponyville." Fluttershy explained.

"Okay Momma!" Screw Ball chirped happily.

Being called "Momma" gave Fluttershy a sad smile as she knew that the filly was too young to understand that Fluttershy was not going to be her momma. She was just a pony asked to keep an eye upon her Father to ensure he wasn't causing the little filly to stray. But...for right now, Fluttershy guessed it was okay to let the filly think what she wanted. She would eventually sit down, and explain it later to her with Discord. Though for right now, they had to go meet with Miss Cheerliee so that Screw Ball could be enrolled in School.

After that, the Test went off without a hitch. The first Round fired with a deafening crack as the spent casing came tumbling out of the machine gun's ejector port. Upon landing, the Ponies all gathered round, and began to examine the spent casing for any signs of excessive fatigue, cracks, or warping that could be the early signs of a failure to the test. The next step was the use of consecutive shots. This was to test both feeding, and stability of the rounds. Again, deafening cracks ripped through the peaceful air of Ponyville as two more shots were fired. As before, the spent rounds were recovered, and inspected just like the first one. Given what both the Federation Pilots, and Michael said about how dangerous live ammunition could be. The ponies were taking no chances.

It would be an hour before the test was finally completed. The spent shells gathered, and stacked to be reloaded for use later as the Zaku took a couple of steps to the side before kneeling. Its hand coming up to the chest as the offset hatch opened to let Michael out of the cockpit. The cool air felt wonderful upon his face as he stretched, reaching up for the sky with open hands, his back cracking as he did so.

"Mmm, that feels good." He groaned before relaxing back down and letting his body take in the gentle breeze.

The Zaku would lower its pilot down to the ground when Michael gave the verbal command. A display that still "Wowed" the assembled ponies when ever they saw it. As Michael hopped down from the hand, he saw a glint of light flicking out of the corner of his eye. Turning he would see a chilled bottle of Sweet Apple Acres Finest Apple Juice tossed his way. He snatched the bottle out of the air, and pulled the cap off before taking a big chug. The juice cold, and crisp as it danced over his tongue, and down his throat. Pulling the bottle away, he let out a satisfied "Ahh" as he felt more refreshed. It was so smooth it would have fit perfectly with one of the various commercials for Zeon made refreshments back home.

Turning to see whom tossed him the bottle, Michael smiled as he saw Lt. Calm Night sitting not far away. A blood pack in his hoof, and sipping lazily on a straw. Though a couple of the ponies closest to the thestral seemed rather squeamish at the sight. Making Michael wonder if the Lunar guard was doing it on purpose as there seemed to be a hint of satisfaction in his gold colored eyes.

"Thanks Night. Though I'm surprised to see you up so late." Michael stated as he approached the thestral, and somepony he could definitely call a friend. Particularly after that one incident where Michael hid Calm Night when an overly passionate mare had misidentified him for another thestral that she called her "Prince of the Night.".

"No worries, Mike." Calm Night replied as he took another long sip before releasing the straw. Adopting some of the vernacular he has heard from the Humans over the course of their stay. "But yeah, we have both princesses coming into town today for that special thing, so all guards are on duty till after it is completed. Gleaming Shield is willing to let some of his guards overlap into the Night Shift so my guards can get a full day's sleep. I owe him a six pack of cider from Sweet Apple Acres for it, and I don't have any problem in the repaying." He explained.

Michael nodded in understanding. Liking how there is the usual inter service Rivalry between the Solar, and Lunar Guard, particularly when a game of Hoofball is played between them on nice days, but when it comes down to brass Tacks. The two really look out for each other.

"I kinda wish they weren't making such a big deal about it." Michael muttered in frustration. Talking about the ceremony, and all the pomp, and circumstance going along with it. He really didn't like being put on the spot.

"You may be surprised to learn that the Princesses have quite the similar mindset. They rather have something more casual, and personable to show their thanks. However, the pressure for a ceremony is undoubtedly coming from the Nobles. They need to Justify their position somehow I suppose." Calm Night replied before resuming to sip upon his blood pack.

"I suppose." was all Michael could say as he took another refreshing sip of his apple juice.

It would be about this time that Twilight Sparkle would approach with a clipboard held in her magic. "Okay, so looking over the data, and examining the spent cases. I can confidently state that this test was a complete success!" She declared happily. "Even the Primer Spells are stable." She added, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"Well of course! Would you expect any less from the great, and powerful Trrrrixie!?" A pastel blue Unicorn in a conical hat and cape asked, rolling her "R"s for flourish as she came up behind Twilight Sparkle. Causing the Purple Alicorn to grind her teeth into a smile. It seemed that even after Trixie had learned her lesson before, she still had the habit of being a show off.

Michael raised an eyebrow at the newcomer. "She is going to make some Mare, or stallion very happy with that tongue." He commented with a devious smirk.

Calm Night was nodding, a practice from having to listen to know-nothing superior officers drone on, and on for whatever reason. Though as the words sank into his mind, and he registered their meaning. His head slowly stopped nodding as his eyes grew wide. His cheeks darkening as he realized what Michael meant. The sight causing Michael's smirk become down right villainous.

"Uh? What you mean by that?" Twilight asked, the meaning having flown right over her head.

However before anypony could answer her, Rarity quickly made her way to Michael's side. The slight rouge in her cheeks telling in that she understood his meaning. With her magic, she grabbed hold of his hand and began to lead him away from the group.

"I'm terribly sorry Twilight, darling, but Mr. Black needs to come with me so I can finish putting the final touches on his uniform for the ceremony this afternoon." She hastily explained. "He also promised to keep an eye on Sweetie, and her friends so I can concentrate on finishing the Human's clothing. I'm so terribly behind." Rarity added.

Michael was nearly tripping over his own feet to try, and keep up with the hastily retreating fashionista. He would wave his farewells to the others as he finally caught up with Rarity. Taking a second to scoop up Sweetie Bell into his arms to carry her back to Carousel Boutique with Rarity.


Blue Blood collapsed upon the polished hardwood floor of his cottage. He was gasping for air as his legs felt like wet noodles. He could feel every strand of fur on his body, and they ALL ached even as they lay stuck to his side with a generous sheen of sweat. He has never felt this tired, nor achy in his entire life.

"That...(pant) Mare, er Woman is a...(wheeze) a DEMON!" He gasped as he tried to remember why he agreed to this "P" "T" that the humans do.

Blue Blood couldn't fathom what possessed him to go along with Lilith as she challenged him to start working out with them. How many laps did the three of them run around Ponyville? Ten? Twenty? Blue Blood lost count after lap thirteen. Yet the two humans simply kept going and didn't seemed tired till much later. No living creature could possibly have that much energy! They had to be machines! Or at least partially machines. That had to be the explanation. Considering the wonders of their "Mobile Suits", these humans must've been able to make machines on a smaller scale. Perhaps even make parts of their body machines.

Blue Blood slumped his head upon the edge of the carpet as his breathing was evening out. His mind replaying that "Fun Run" that Lilith called that hellish death march she forced upon him. Yet, as he thought about it, he found his mind wandering to her again. When Aleki led the run, it was miserable. Blue Blood wanted nothing more than to quit, and return home. However the moment that Lilith took over, Blue Blood would find a new vigor as he followed her through the town. He found her form hypnotic, and watching her run allowed him to take his mind off the aches in his joints, and how tired he was. At least for a little while. Even when she called him "Bluey", a nickname that never failed to stir his ire, it motivated him to push harder.

Though the memory did cause one to wonder, why do humans always insist on being clothed? Blue Blood had a rather full closet himself, but the Humans literally seem to have an outfit for every occasion! Even for something as mundane as exercising. He remembered vaguely his orientation with Princess Sparkle when he first arrived to Ponyville after she got back from the Crystal Empire. According to her Humans have a social taboo against nudity. Intriguing. She also mentioned something about regulating body temperature or something, but by then Blood Blue attention was elsewhere.

Tired eyes would look up at the simple Cookoo clock on the wall as the the hands struck the hour, and a mini Pinkie Pie came prancing out with two mugs of frosty Cider in her fore hooves. Slamming each one back as she made her way around the top of the clock. Seeing the time, Blue Blood let out a groan as he had to get ready to receive his Aunts.

If Blue Blood thought his legs hurt before he collapsed upon the floor, they were screaming in protest now as he forced his hooves under him, and rose upon wobbly legs to avail himself to the pleasures of a hot shower. While it was not the royal baths of Canterlot, it was something.

The shower head gave a loud hiss as the water came gushing forth. Blue Blood standing just outside the tub as he waited for the water to come to temperature. Really!? How did common ponies simply function without servants to prepare such mundane things as bathes, and meals? Blue Blood had to force himself out of the habit of summoning his butler for every little thing when he first arrived at Ponyville. He wanted to do this on his own, that meant making sacrifices.

Steam began to fill the small bathroom as Blue Blood stepped beneath the spray of the shower head. The curtain drawn with some light magic. The hot water quickly cascaded down his form, and with it sweat, dust, and grime from his toil. The filth from the day's activities fell off of his body with the water and swirled down the drain, like bad memories being forgotten. His long blonde mane, and tail clung to his taunt sore muscles as the pristine white coat was revealed once more. A dull moan of relief slipped from his lips as he tilted his head back, and let the water run over his face, and down his neck, forming small rivers in the valleys of his muscles. He could feel the heat seeping into his exhausted muscles, relaxing them even further.

"Jeeves, I'm ready for...ah fuck." Blue Blood cursed, using a word that both Michael and Lilith were particularly fond of, especially when in the presence of the other, as he remembered that he had no servants here scrub him down with soap, and brushes.

However no sooner than the word slipped his mouth than his hoof slapped against his lips, his eyes wide in shock before he quickly looked around like a foal that said "Horseapples" out loud for the first time. Fear of a disapproving parent appearing from nowhere at the forefront of his mind. When he was sure that nopony heard him say such a harsh word, he relaxed as he leaned into the spray once more. Yet, he felt a sense of excitement from saying the word. A sense of liberation from the shackles of his social station.

The shower would finally come to a refreshing end as Blueblood stepped out of the tub, water dripping off his form upon the absorbent mat on the floor. A towel magically summoned and began to rub against his fur to draw out the water, and dry him off even as several combs, and brushes floated around the pristine white stallion. Waiting for his summons to come forward to groom him into perfection. It would take him just under an hour, and a half to be fully groomed, and dressed for the ceremony.


In the Badlands, Dr Shard paced slowly around his latest prize, the Crystal Heart. A smug grin of satisfaction tugging at his lips as he watched the heart lazily spin as it just hovered an inch or two off the stone pedestal he had created. Surrounding the Heart was eight spindly metal Claws that were embedded into the stone pedestal. They were made from a very rare metal that the Royal Court Mages called "Nullicum". A special metal that had magic dampening properties. Often used to secure dangerous magical artifacts, or rings to place upon unicorns whom have been convicted of a crime against magic. The great vault underneath Canterlot castle had a six inch layer of Nullicum encasing it to keep the magical artifacts inside contained. Dr. Shard was using the metal to conceal the Heart's Magic Signature from any Mage trying to discern its location.

"The pieces are nearly in place. Are you truly ready for what you must do?" A sultry, youthful, female voice whispered at the edge of Shard's hearing.

"Yes, I am. I've been waiting for this day for years. Ever since that fat cow of a princess banished me from her sight. For somepony so long lived, I thought surely she could understand my vision to protect Equestria." Shard spoke to the open air even as his withers bristled at the memory of that day.

"Your genius will never be understood. You have to make them understand." the female voice cooed softly into Shard's ear.

He swore he could even feel the warm breath tickling his ear causing it to flick. However, every time he turned his head in that direction, he would only see empty space and his shadow upon the floor and wall. It was vexing as he truly wanted to know whom he was dealing with.

"Yes. Soon, very soon they'll understand their grave folly at spurning the great Doctor Crystal Shard!" He said with a firm tone as he stared at the slowly spinning Crystal heart.

Just outside, the two Diamond Dog Guards shivered as if a deep arctic wind was blowing through the dug out corridors. Ever since those humans left, Dr. Shard had been acting very strange. He is far more calm, and composed than he was before. He even stopped playing with his dolls. The Guards missed the loud ranting, and grand pronouncements of his impending success against those that caused his down fall. It was rather entertaining to watch at the time. Now, every time they hear him talking to someone that isn't there, a deep sense of dread clawed at the back of their minds.


It was time for the ceremony. The entirety of Ponyville came out to honor their newest heroes. Even school was let out early so that the Colts, and Fillies, could see the ceremony and watch as their resident humans were honored by the princesses themselves. Cheerliee felt it was a good opportunity for the foals to see that yes their Princesses recognize, and appreciate hard honest work. Perhaps that would even have the effect of driving them to work to their fullest potential.

Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna were standing upon a small elevated platform just in front of Town Hall. With them was Mayor Mare, and several Nobles from Canterlot. Blue Blood stood proudly, though he tried to keep the slight wobble in his legs from being seen by his Aunts. Stretching out before them was a the large avenue that both Mobile suits were to come up for the ceremony. Along the edges of the designated area, the town's population were crowded to get the best view. Though the front of the crowd was dominated by all the happily curious foals eager to see the Mobile suits moving again. Some sitting on the backs of their parents to get a better view. Before the mobile suits had arrived, a cordon had been formed by the guards to keep the ponies just far enough to give the suits the room they needed to maneuver.The ponies all talked and moved about excitedly, looking for any sign of the humans and their mighty machines. Some even holding cameras to immortalize the moment. Near the podium the Press of Equestria waited, their camera's ready to capture this historic moment.

It wouldn't be too long before the ponies could feel the approach of the Mobile suits. The ground gave a dull vibration under their collective hooves that was punctuated by deep thumps. The thumps and vibration steadily grew as the sound of metal, and machinery could be heard from down the boulevard. The first to round the corner was the towering Zaku II. Its dull green, and charcoal gray armor showing the battle scars of its previous battles as repairs to the Guntank's armor had taken priority. The Colts, and Fillies looked up at the mecha in awe as it made its slowly deliberate steps towards the town center. Its eye scanned around the area before each step, carefully watching for any Pony, young or old, that may have slipped pasted the cordon to get a closer look.

Even with the sides of the street as crowded as they were, Michael was able to spot the enthusiastic waving of one specific adorable Unicorn filly. Sweetie Belle had made sure she, and her friends, were right at the front to get the best view of the two mobile suits as they enter the town. Though seeing the Zaku lead the procession, Sweetie Belle was beside herself and began waving to get the Pilot's attention. And get his attention she did. The ponies around her would see the glowing red eye of the Zaku turn with its head to focus on the young Unicorn before its right hand came up, and flashed its index finger, and middle finger in a "V" gesture towards the excited filly. Though the meaning of the gesture was unknown to the ponies, Sweetie Belle was fit to be tied as it meant Michael seen her.

Following behind the Zaku was the guntank, with the two Federation pilots continually turning and adjusting their speed to keep up with Michael's suit. They constantly scanned the area around them, both with their own eyes and the cameras built into the tank, to ensure no one had any accidents. But everything had already been accounted for in advance and the ride was smooth, the most that they had to do was slow down slightly as Michael took a moment to wave to Sweetie belle.

As the Two mobile suits entered the main square before Town Hall, the Guntank moved forward, and beside the Zaku as they approached the Podium, matching its speed. For Celestia this was the first time she seen the Zaku at its full height as well as the Guntank. Though she was composed, it would be accurate to state that their size was quite intimidating. Even the Royal Guards that accompanied the Princesses from Canterlot felt a bit uneasy about letting such gigantic war machines so very close to the princesses.

Once the two machines came close enough, the Zaku would display its mechanical dexterity by slowly lowering itself until its left knee rested upon the ground with its right leg just in front in a classic kneeling fashion. The torso, and head tilting forward a bit to show deference. For the Guntank, it made as close a gesture as it could by tilting its torso forward, and lowering its machine gun arms down and away.

From there, the Zaku's left arm would raise up to its chest as a hatch opened to allow Michael to step out upon the hand of the Zaku before he was lowered to the ground. The assembled nobles watched in awe at the sight, one of them even dropping his monocle. Blue Blood couldn't help the smug grin of it all, he had maintained far better composure when he first saw the suits.

Michael was dressed in replica of his full dress uniform with subtle accents made by Rarity. The uniform fit him perfectly, and was very complimentary of his form, and figure. It didn't stretch or resist his movements in any way and thanks to Rarity's skill would rival even the best stylists of Zeon.

Michael would step off the Zaku's hand when it touched the floor and took two steps before waiting on the Federation pilots to dismount their mobile suit as well. Like with Michael, both were dressed in their Full dress uniforms that were made to exacting detail and pleasing accents by Rarity. For Blue Blood, he was finding it hard to take his eyes off of Lilith as her uniform bloused hugged her form, and accentuated her womanly figure. It seemed that her impressive looks at the gala were not a fluke.

The three approached the podium, and stopped approximately fifteen feet away before coming to attention in unison. One would never think they were once the most hated of enemies, given the way they moved together so easily.

"Your Royal Highnesses, Staff Lilith Hardeen, and Sargent Aleki Vaaulu of the Earth Federation." Lilith announced for her, and her driver.

"Your Royal Highnesses, Sargent Michael Black of the Principality of Zeon." Michael would too announce for himself.

The three would hold their salutes until both Celesta, and Luna gave them a nod to which their arms snapped down to their sides.

"Please, at ease." Celestia stated warmly.

Instantly, the three humans moved to Parade Rest. Their feet moving shoulder width apart as their hands were clasped behind their backs. The three were keenly observed by the upper echelon of the Royal Guards whom found their military bearing impressive, and contrary to the reports they have heard of the humans lackadaisical attitude.

Celestia would step forward and regarded the ponies of Ponyville that have taken in the Humans, and their war machines. She was so very proud at how her little ponies were applying the principles of friendship and in doing so allowed two enemies to coexist and cooperate.

"First off, I would like to extend the gratitude of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire. They would be here, but they have to see to their citizens that has been displaced from their home due to the theft of the Crystal Heart. As well as their intensive search for the whereabouts of the Crystal Heart. To which I've have also dedicated many of Equestrias most gifted Mages, and Investigators to aid in their search." She said with all seriousness at the crisis facing the Empire.

"As of this moment the population of the Crystal Empire has been taken in by cities, and towns along Equestria's border with the Empire as well as several refugee camps that have been set up my my Royal Guards." Celestia stated before turning to a nearby page whom quickly trotted forward with a velveteen pillow on its back.

Upon the pillow were three crystal shield shaped medals set with royal purple, and gold accents. Each medal was encased in a golden aura before levitating off the pillow and came to float before each Human.

"The Order of the Crystal Shield, albeit new, is an award given to those that truly go above and beyond the call of duty to put the safety of others before their own. It is my honor, and pleasure, to present each of you with this high award on behalf of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire." Celestia announced so the ponies could hear.

With a light touch, the medals were affixed to the blouses of each of the three humans. Celestia, and Luna gave them both proud smiles as the crowd began to cheer. Dozens of flash bulbs flickered, and flashed from the assembled ponies, and the reporters in the press box. Celesta would allow the ponies to cheer for a little while longer before she held up her wings to silence the crowd. A playful smirk upon her lips. She loved doing that.

"For the next part of the ceremony, I would kindly ask the pilots to return to their mobile suits please." Celestia explained, smiling as the humans had a justifiably confused expressions on their faces.

Celesta would wait until the Pilots were back in their suits before stepping off the podium, much to her Guard's anxiety. She would approach the Zaku first. Looking at the massive kneeling suit, it reminded her of the ancient tales, even in her youth, of the great Titans that once were considered the protectors of the world of Equus and when they were done with their labors, would lie down and become the many mountain ranges of the world.

"Sargent Black, please rise." She instructed Michael, and watched as the Zaku rose to its feet before moving to just between the two Mobile suits. "My sister, and I have requested our finest craftponies, and Mages to create gifts in recognition of your efforts to safe guard our most precious treasure, our little ponies. I hope you three will accept them, and use them to continue to protect those that do not have your strength." She stated, her voice resonating with the majesty of a ruler that truly loved her subjects.

With a subtle gesture two teams of eight Earth ponies began to pull two large covered wagons from a side street where they was kept out of sight.

"Sargent Black. With your "Heat Hawk" having been destroyed in the defense of the Crystal Empire, it was felt that a new weapon be created to replace your Heat Hawk. Originally a sword was recommended for your noble deeds, but my sister advised against it. Stating that your fighting style was...not right for a sword." Celesta stated as she gave her sister a coy glance. "I will defer to her wisdom upon this matter." She stated before pointed to one of the wagons with her wing, and drew back the large tarp with her magic.

Michael's eyes grew wide at what he saw. Unconsciously he maneuvered the controls to reach down, and pick up what was in the wagon. Pulling the object out, the crowd of ponies saw a large pole ax being held aloft by the Zaku. Its deep rose wood hued haft, from tapered counterweight to the head, stood as tall as the Zaku's shoulder from the ground. From the the counter weight up two thirds the way the haft appeared to be wrapped in leather with large brass rivets to keep the wrap tight. The Zaku's hand gripping the ax with an ease that was almost human. A large bearded ax blade dominated one quarter the length of the haft. On one side of the blade, the metal was given a hammered appearance to resemble the pot marked surface of the moon. The other side engraved to depict the rays of the sun. Opposite the ax head a waffled war hammer gave a menacing alternative to the finely honed cutting might of the ax.

"The Celestial Ax. Its haft is made of Diamond Wood from the depths of Whitetail Woods. It will not break easily. I pray that you use it with wisdom, and courage as you continue to protect the innocent." Celesta stated.

Turning her attention to Lilith, and Aleki's, Guntank. Celestia would give the two a soft smile that radiated a matronly warmth that they could feel even within the armored carapace of the tank.

"From what I've come to understand the "Guntank" is not a front line Mobile Suit. Its position is in the rear lending its incredible fire power to support allies. Yet, you both did not hesitate to throw yourselves into the thick of battle against the creature to keep it away from the Innocent until Sargent Black was able to arrive. I commend your bravery, and valor. So I present to you these..." Celestia announced as she drew back the tarp of the other wagon.

For Lilith, and Aleki, they could only look on in wonder at what was in the large wagon. From the Assembled Royal Guards, six unicorns approached and with their combined magics lifted the two large objects into the air before gingerly setting them upon custom made mounts on the Guntank's arms. Lilith now knew what the ponies were doing by making those mounts. What was set upon the Guntank's arms was two large shields to help protect the Mobile suit should it face another encounter. Though their size was immense, the Guntank's systems hardly seemed to register the increased weight. Possibly enchanted to reduce the felt weight. The design of the shield suggested that they were two halves that were designed to be able to come together. On one side, the same pot marked detail to reflect the Moon, and on the other the rays of the sun were engraved.

"The Celestial Shields. May they protect you with the same steadfastness as you both have displayed. And when you bring both shields in front. They will create a mighty bulwark do defend against many an attack." Celestia explained as she gazed up at the large Artillery Mobile Suit.

As if to test what they were told, Lilith brought the Guntank arms together as if to defend from a blow. There was a loud clang as the two shield halves came together. Their beveled edges meshed together perfectly to form a much larger, stronger, Bulwark. The reflecting surfaces were designed more to reflect than completely absorb impacts. The top of the Shield just came up to the Guntank's "Chin". Thus allowing the mobile suit to lower, and fire its cannons should it have a need to.

Princess Celesta would take a couple steps back to allow The three humans to admire their gifts properly. The Zaku held up the Ax as its monoeye seemed to trace along the finely honed edge. Michael remembered seeing combat records from the beginning of the war where one of the Black Tri-Stars wielded an enormous Anti-Ship Pole Heat-hawk. The sight was both terrifying, and awe inspiring to the young Pilot candidate. Though the Celestial Ax was not as big as that Anti-Ship Heat Hawk, there was an elegant simplicity that just made the ax beautiful to wield. The Zaku didn't appear to have any trouble maneuvering it, but Michael would make sure later to learn how to fight properly with a pole ax instead of his heat hawk. As with any weapon, one only mastered it with practice and determination.

For Lilith, and Aleki, the inclusion of the two shields made them feel more at ease about any future engagements. Better protected than the already strong armor of the Guntank, they wouldn't have to rely on using the tank's arms and hoping they would hold. Lilith would bring the shields forward a few times and lower the cannons to see if there was any interference. So far there wasn't much, and what little there was could easily be compensated for with a tilt of the torso. Whomever took the needed measurements had an accurate eye as both Lilith, and Aleki were quite impressed. While the shield did obscure Aleki's main driving camera when they were brought up front, the auxiliary cameras would be found not to be affected.

Once the examinations seemed complete and the Humans were satisfied with their gifts, Celesta would then be joined by Luna as the two princesses looked up at Equestria's newest champions. The Guntank and Zaku saw both princesses standing before them, and gave the two their undivided attention.

"We thank you for all that you have done to protect our precious little ponies. Our hope is that these gifts will aid you all in the future to come, if it comes to be that these recent attacks are simply a prelude to something much, much, darker." She told the humans. The look that Luna gave them echoing her sister's concerns. Although they didn't outright say that something was going to happen, it was clear they were taking precautions in advance of whatever their new enemy had planned.
The Alicorns couldn't have known how justified their fears were.