> Date Night > by Fireflower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lukewarm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was one thing that proved to be noticeable, then it would be the sheer darkness beginning to envelope anything and anyone around itself; however, there were many things that had attempted to keep things on the lighter side. For starters, there were rather a clustering series of cloud bursts in every shape and size possible, some were lighter and others were darker but they all had nothing short of a silver lining in every single one amongst the goldenrod sky. Within a large dream drop distance was a civilization defined in such various materials, most of them being the ones fit for the likes of even three little pigs. The calm gentle breeze surfed across the grassy knoll, the brilliant green surrounding it all on a solid lower plane of existence even at the dirt road guided its way over from a nearby forest, a curvilinear line worth holding as much as it is worth crossing. In the background, there had rested a blue ridged valley of mountains, raging with growth and erosion in the process of their trying times as the sun was starting to set on the horizon. The town has been bustling about with an utter abundance of people from various demographics: age, gender, finances, and social standing being nothing short from the standardized metallurgy of life. As a matter of fact, there had come across a ground zero house that was standing amongst other buildings within its own location. The abode was covered up in a colorful coating, its clear crystalline cerulean creating a cool, calm, and calculative centerpiece to be seen and heard without concern. The hip roof sloped down slightly on all four corners, topped along with shingles made of hay albeit a darker color than normally seen on other houses. Many of the wholesome bay windows were either closed or obscured by blinds while the sunshades hovered over them without even obscuring the viewing of the great outdoors from the inside point of view. It even had a balcony standing far above the ground by mere feet, consisting of a thin pink table with a stripy blue umbrella standing above it as a pair of yellow chairs resided nearby the simplistic ensemble. Only the wine door added the finishing touch to this picturesque residence where one of the townspeople was approaching as of this moment in time already in a long trench coat. Opening the door already, the individual had walked in and shut it back up, now sheltered from the whole wide world; then, the trench coat fall, revealing a woman from underneath the fallen fabric. A clean set of ginger locks were flowing about from her pretty little head to those roughly broad shoulders, remaining ever curly as it was loudly bright like a sack of baby carrots. Glowing green eyes constantly emitted from underneath the woman’s bangs, the most notable bastion of color that domineer the sclera and conjunctiva yet all of them had been aligned in the shape of fallen leaves. Below them were a set of clustered freckles adorning across the bridge of her nose, a slender feature that stood out amongst her well-toned bleached peachy skin and above her rather faint lips. On her slender body was a short obsidian dress that reached down to the waistline, be held in place by two thin straps over the shoulders; however, its length had failed to cover the woman’s own knees. As she started to pick up a tall glass bottle off a table nearby, her kinetic traversing throughout the otherwise humble house from had uncovered a pair of some tight fitting panties matching those very eyes. Trudging onward, the very woman casted aside her brown slippers and walked up the stairs to find a door at the end of the hallway in front; soon, she rested her hand on the doorknob before turned opened to find a room instantly. The background that was serving as the very foundation to the vast yet contained space was but a hot light pink with the lightest of shades already emanating from their epicenters. The flooring took on the form of ligneous cellulose save for a luscious oval tricolor rug, the pudding plum circling around the magenta ring where the yellow remained. The elongated drapes were taupe, bland and darker than even her skin; as a matter of fact, these pieces of fabric were dressing over some sliding door, a simple gateway to the balcony from long ago. A lamp with a conical goldenrod shade over the light bulb resting onto the dresser all at once: its contents being but only an orb of electricity being used to shed some light on this very room all at once. Like such, there was a sleigh bed that rested against the wall, fluffy and large, donned in a true blue comforter adorned with many quartets of hearts flowing about over teal sheets accompanied by lavender pillows which the two of them were aligned neatly. Strangely enough, there was a black laptop opened wide in an obtuse angle as the screen was bright white as an ash like snow but rather far from colorless; it even had a circular lens above itself. She soon quickly found someone in that very room upon entry: another woman just like her with a lighter complexion and a slimmer body frame as the only things shared in common; however, there were many differences that had set them apart. The very inhabitant in question had worn some diminutive blonde tresses that were matching her rather disproportionate eyes who were watching the very equiangular monitor and the visitor as well. Her face was only clean cut and clear like a shiny crystal, a rather stark distinction from the ginger whom had just entered the very room at once already. On her very body was but a gray shirt that reached down to the waistline, its right shoulder sliding away from the location were the left shoulder had basically remained; as a result, it was bared. A longer equilateral pair of some tight fitting knickers was also found on the blonde, albeit colored with a softer dash of cerise but still inches away from her very knees. Unlike the ginger, she had a pair of clean white socks worn on her dainty feet, too short to even reach the shins but nevertheless long enough to cover up those ankles; aside from that, she too didn’t have any other footwear. “Oh hey there Carrot!” the blonde chirped, turning her eyes away from the computer and onto the guest in an instant The giddy ginger had greeted with a thirsty smile across her very lips and carafe in tow of brown fluid, “hey Derpy! Ready for our movie night?” “Oh no!” Derpy had gasped in shock, now standing upwardly straight, “I totally forgot that was tonight! I promised I’d go on a video date already…” “Aww, I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” Carrot moaned exasperated as her arms became limp. Taking notice of the ginger’s now saddened expression, the blonde quickly responded solemnly, “I’m sorry Carrot Top. This date is a big one though… Can we do movie night tomorrow maybe?” “Yeah that’s fine,” Carrot answered Derpy in a new state of melancholy “is it with that girl you met online?” “Yep!” the blonde shouted as she picked up the laptop and showed the screen to the ginger. Soon, Derpy had shut up the small computer gently; in doing so, the object gave out a resounding, “clack.” “This will be our first time seeing each other,” the blonde explained as she started to hug it tightly, “I’m really nervous, but excited too!” “So things are starting to get serious between you two?” Carrot asked as she watched the inhabitant close her eyes. Raising a right leg in a bend, Derpy answered with flush of red under her very eyes, “I guess so. I don’t know, it just seems like she really ‘gets me.’” “That’s… good,” the ginger spoke before leaving the blonde alone, sweat starting to drip downward from her forehead, “well I’ll leave you to it, then. Have fun.” “SLAM…” the door echoed as Carrot made her way out to her own room as she dropped the glass bottle onto the floor; it was one of a similar scheme from Derpy: white pillows, purple sheets, a magenta comforter, and blue carpeting. After flopping on top of the comforter facedown, the ginger started muttering to herself, “happy. I’m happy for her. Right now I bet she’s…” Soon, Carrot started to imagine where the conversation was going with the blonde alone with the computer. “Sure, I can show you my stuff…” the ginger’s visage of Derpy responded as the latter sat on the bed, raising up the gray shirt, “do you like what you see…?” “Ahh… Ah Ahh!” Carrot moaned now that her imagination was running wild, shuffling her right hand downward to her undergarment and tugged them away with her green eyes closed. The now exposed visage started moving closer to the individual and began to whisper, “oh Carrot, you look cute when you do that.” “Right there… D–Derpy… ahn… bite me there…” the ginger began using her left hand to pinch her respective nubbin when a loud knock on the door snapped her back to reality; stumbling off the bed, she began to get herself completely dressed as she were before and found the source responsible: it is the blonde from before and in the flesh who was greeted with a blushing, “h–hey.” “…” Derpy grunted as she made her way past Carrot and plopped onto the bed without a coherent reply. Ignoring the rather still loosen right strap, the ginger followed the blonde and sat down on the lower left corner of the bed and asked, “Derpy? What is it? What is it?” “Carrot, am I ugly?” Derpy soon whimpered, turning her golden eyes to face Carrot in a similar stance, “we started our video chat. She took one look and blocked me. I knew I was a little weird but…” “Bullshit; Derpy you’re gorgeous!” the ginger answered with her irises shrinking in shock. Wiping the corner of the right eye away, the blonde spoke up with confidence, “thanks, but you don’t have to say that. I know what I look like. It just gets… lonely, you know?” “You shouldn’t be lonely!” Carrot exclaimed, placing both her hands on Derpy’s shoulders, “because… because you have me!” Without warning, the ginger started planting her lips onto the blonde, the former’s eyes now closed as the latter widen in shock; suddenly, the gesture was then broken away in a heartbeat. “…!” Derpy gasped as she watched Carrot’s face burn bright and moist with sweat. The ginger pushed herself away from the blonde, waving hands and shrinking irises “I–I’m sorry! I got carried away! I should have asked! I––” Soon, Carrot was quickly interrupted by Derpy climbing on top of her and returning the rather brash gesture, this time with a gentle focus. “I’ve been secretly hoping you’d do that for so long,” the blonde spoke to the ginger, now flushed with such an infectious feeling, “I just never thought you’d actually want me.” “Since we first met… I’ve always wanted you,” Carrot responded without a care in the very world; afterwards, their plain lips grew closer to one another once more, the kiss that they had shared was starting to grow stronger. The pair grew more eager as their mouths finally opened as one another passed; therefore, their tongues finally slipped and they both explored each other’s mouths with such overwhelming ecstasy. Quickly, the ginger took control and had the blonde residing below, continuing for at least over a minute or two tongue-tied before slowly breaking away; within the embrace, it got a little more passionately intimate between the two: the former then transferred her lips from the latter down to her décolletage. Waiting to exhale dioxide, Carrot brought her tongue down Derpy’s neck and started to lick it slowly, the sensation crawling around like a love bug without any regard for the distant future. The ginger started slightly biting her target around the neckline but with no teeth being used whatsoever at all, the blonde giggling with glee. Now Derpy found herself ready for that much waited anticipation since it had just started right about now thanks to a caring friend. Speaking of which, the blonde then whispered in the ginger’s ear, “Come on Carrot; let’s do it right here…!” “Really, now…” Carrot squealed in curiosity, shuffling her bare feet against the socks Derpy was wearing as of this moment, “are you sure?” “Yes, I need this,” the blonde replied with a gentle nod, using her right hand to squeeze the ginger’s cleavage. Soon, Carrot started to use her body weight in order to get herself back up again but for a different reason. Eying the gray shirt, the ginger started to remove it from Derpy slowly; as a result, she found the latter’s bosoms to be smaller than anticipated. Slowly, the blonde watched as Carrot began to raise up her small dress, her bust revealed to be of a larger density than the former’s. Noticing this, Derpy’s hands were then placed on her friend’s jade knickers as the latter started to plant a trail of pecks from the clavicle to the nubbin, hardening in the process. Finding herself completely without a shred of clothing, Carrot started chewing her recipient’s cleavage as the red undergarment was too removed, thinking quietly, “I bet that you won’t regret this one bit.” “Ahhn~ Ah!” the blonde cried out as the ginger worked downward to the sheath were a right hand was aligned, “Nnn~ Right there… Oohhhhh…” Carrot found her tongue slipping out of the mouth and slowly sliding it into Derpy’s whispering eye, legs spread apart by a pair of hands no less. As the ginger started licking the contents of the blonde’s sheath the latter rested the left hand onto the former’s hair, feeling a few fingers tickling alongside before slowly sliding it in. “Mmm… tasty…” Carrot thought as she slurped, finding Derpy’s whispering eye to be tight enough to discharge some achromatic leakage, drooling every time the pink tongue went sliding up and out of it repetitively. Before long, the ginger removed her digits from the blonde’s sheath and placed lips over it in place, the same tongue licking deeper inside as the sheer cold combining with the likes of its contents caused the latter to scream, “C–Carrot! AAAHHHHHNN!! FFFFFF~ That… that was amazing!” “I’m not done with you yet.” Carrot said with a thirsty smile before cleaning off the two fingers; gently, she sat up and began to raise Derpy’s left leg over the former’s right shoulder, “it’s only the beginning.” “Ah; ohh!” the blonde gasped as she felt her saturated whispering eye sharply aligned with the ginger in an instant, hands now resting on the latter’s rippling back and thighs. As the sheaths started milling onto each other, Carrot was started shake more than Derpy due to the collective stance and stuttered “nnnnhh! That’s good. Beg for it.” “Yes!” the blonde whimpered helplessly with delight as she felt the ginger’s left hand rest on the right shoulder as the momentum began to increase, “please, Carrot! Harder!” “AAAAHHH!!!” a loud scream of passion echoed throughout the very room as Carrot soon found herself collapsing back onto Derpy in an instant, panting in overwhelming exhaustion. It wasn’t long until their eyes met one another yet again as they rested near each other: the ginger’s left arm over the blonde’s waist. By then, Carrot kissed Derpy once more, this time with feeling on the cheek as they basked in each other’s warmth and fell into a single solitary slumber for their entirety, arms now around each other in a loving embrace. For a moment, it had seemed as if the ginger was all alone in the darkness that her irises were constrained to seeing; however, this had proven to be not the case as more foreign sound were heard: clacks, jingles, and a creak caused her eyelids to fly open in and instant. Wiping away the corner of the right eye, Derpy’s presence came in full view, slowly earning her a yawn, “Nnh… Hm? What are you doing?” “Kinda sorta waiting for you to wake up,” an answered was heard, confusing Carrot as she felt a resounding, “spring…” “Why?” the ginger asked the blonde. At that moment, Derpy pulled out a collection of items within Carrot’s view: materials consisting of beads, various plastics, leather, and pink fluffy manacles; she soon started to reply, “well I had some stuff lying around. I figured we could test it.” “Well I hope you don’t have any more dates, because this could take all day!” the ginger giggled with glee before crawling toward the blonde, “come here you…”