> Hope/ The Final Battle > by brandsca123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It's Starting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one It's starting The shadow awakened in the clearing he was in. "They are coming, I guess that means I should make my grand entrance." He laughed. "Soon this world too will fall into the darkness." ><><><><><><><><><><>< Flora, Matsu and Lumin made their way back to the ship, the Lullaby flute was hidden carefully inside Lumins pocket. Xorn was in his chamber with the other four members, Goro, Aqua, Blaze and Jester sat in their respective places. The other three joined in. Jester was just that, a jester. His white makeup only added to his disturbing appearance. His purple clothes had bells on odd places. His three pronged hat also had bells. He had a sinister toothy grin plastered on his face, and his left eye was surrounded by a black star. Blaze sat with with pride. He had dark tan skin, red and crimson hair that spiked up like a flame and his yellow eyes looked like they could burn right through you. He wore a yellow jacket and pants, with orange and red markings around them. He looked like a living flame. Aqua, held a blue umbrella over her head at all times due to the fact that a raincloud was always over her head. Her long blue hair matched her dark blue eyes. She wore a blue dress with white frills sticking out a the ends. A never ending look of sadness was always on her face. She had a habit of stating of sentences with the words "Drip, drop, drip, drop,". Goro, looked like he was made of stone. He wore a brown cloth over his bottom torso, his light brown skin cracked and chipped at certain places. His eyes were empty black holes, and he never showed emotion. Xorn was sitting at the front, getting ready for a speech, he cleared his throat and said. "As we all know, the young Arch-Angel Hope poses a huge threat to us. We the fallen, former angels who now have nothing need to destroy her. Every living blood relative of princess Hormony must be eradicated. Also the last celestial knight Jane, has taken up residence near the child. He has performed a mind merge with one of the natives of this world. He too poses a threat and must be dealt with. We will ready the Colossus for attack, so I need everyone to be in position for the attack. We leave tomorrow." The group roared in agreement as the ship started making its way to the planet. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Celestia and Luna watched the sky carefully, they both had a feeling of impending doom coming to their kingdom. "Ready the knights for war, I have a feeling that a great battle is about to commence." Luna said to one of the guards. Celestia just stared out into the sky. A heavy feeling of dread was in her heart. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope, Fluttershy and Rarity were at the cottage. Hope just stared out the window. "Hope what are you thinking darling." Rarity said. Hope just continued to stare. "I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach." Hope said. Fluttershy hoovered over to her and hugged her. "If it makes you feel any better, I do too." Fluttershy said. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Twilight was busy reading a book when the she heard knocking on her door. She went up to it and opened it, only to find a surprised looking Applejack staring at her. "Twi, ya gatta come quick, somethin attacked the farm and it has a weird symbol on it. Ah need ya to come see this and tell me what it means." Applejack said between gasps. Twilight only nodded and got a couple books, and her saddle bag. Both went out the door and started their way to Sweet Apple Acres. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane was sitting in the corner of a room in the Ponyville Hospital. Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were laying down bandaged up, from the aftermath of the battle with Matsu. Jane sighed and shifted a little, he too had a feeling of dread. "I only hope, the little girl is okay." He said ><><><><><><><><>< At Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom and her brother Big Macintosh were sitting in the house. Granny Smith was sleeping in her chair, and Winonia was sitting by the door. She was whining like mad and pawed at the ground, her tail was between her legs. "Big brother, somtin's botherin Winonia, she keeps actin strange." Applebloom pointed to the dog who was now pacing back and forth while whining. Big Mac just stared, he didn't say anything at all. He too was feeling uneasy, he hugged his sister close and stared out the window. ><><><><><><><><><><>< All around Ponyville, animals left and right were acting strange, birds didn't sing and most of the smaller animals ran away and hid. Sweatiebell who was at the Carisel Boutique, was busy watching Opalessence. The white cat was waging her tail in frustration and let out small meows of distress. She was pacing all around the Boutique and occasionally stopped to look around nervously. Sweetiebell also felt uneasy, she didn't want to leave the house and she was now shaking with fright. "Big sis, where are you." She said. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Zeccora, Ponyvilles resident zebra was pacing back and forth in her hut. She too noticed the animals acting strange, just a few moments ago she noticed an adult dragon one of Equestria's most feared monsters, hiding under an overhang obviously startled by something. It kept looking to the sky as if in prayer. Zeccora knew this wasn't normal dragon behavior, and she too felt uneasy. She looked out her window and muttered eight simple words. "The strength of four will save us all." A/N: Okay, final book in the triligy. Afterwards I will focus on other stories for the time being. I Hope you like it and I congratulate you for sticking with me so far. Give yourself a pat on the back and sit back and enjoy the final part of Hope/ An Angel in Equestria. Also if you have any questions just PM me okay. Thank you for your support and read on as the chapters get posted. > Colossus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Colossus Applejack and Twilight ran to Sweet Apple Acres. They came upon the robot and Twilight went to work, getting her books out and examining it. "Thats strange, there is no record of anything like this in any of my books, and I can't seem to find the symbol you told me about." Applejack looked stunned, "What do ya mean can't find it, the symbol is right there." Twilight and Applejack looked, but the symbol has disappeared. "Well thats strange. Symbols don't just disappear." Twilight said "Uhhh, sugercube. Ah think we may have a small problem." Applejack pointed a hoof to the sky. Twilight looked and went wide eyed in shock. Coming down from the sky in the middle of the everfree was a giant black twister. ><><><><><><><><><><>< The streets of Ponyville were in a panic, it seems everypony has noticed the animals acting strange. Rainbow Dash had regained control of her body and was outside with Jane. Pinkie Pie was still in the hospital, recovering from the battle with Matsu. "What the hay is going on?" Rainbow Dash yelled over the fleeing ponies. Jane pointed to the sky and said, "Look." Rainbow Dash looked up and gasped. A huge black cloud in the shape of a funel came slowly towards them. "A twister, the weather didn't call for one today." Rainbow Dash was fuming, but was shushed by Jane. "Rainbow Dash, do you remember what I said about me being captured by the fallen." "Yeah, why?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Well thats the ship I was on." Jane answered. Rainbow Dashes jaw dropped, as she took a closer look. The twister looked metallic in structure, and in its center was a huge canon. Black mist spewed around it providing cover, and scouts were flying all around it. The metal robots zoomed around it attacking anything that went near it. "Mother of Celestia." Rainbow Dash said with a mix of awe and fear. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Rarity was running to her boutique when a scared looking Sweetiebell burst out of the door and clung to her sister. "Big sis, Opal is acting strange and a big black cloud is coming down to the ground." Rarity looked at her sister in confusion. "Sweetiebell what could you possibly mea......" Rarity turned her head as she heard the sound of wind rushing past. Then she saw it, the big cloud Sweetiebell was talking about. Her mouth dropped and she let out a scream. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Fluttershy was panicking, animals left and right were screeching and making a scene. Hope was at the window looking outside with Angel Bunny. "Oh, dear...please settle down...ummm everything is going to be okay." Fluttershy was running back and forth trying to calm the animals down, when hope blurtes out. "Mamashy look." Fluttershy looked out the window and squeaked in surprise. The black twister was nearing the ground and the earth was shaking. Both Hope and Fluttershy were scared, and they took cover behind the couch. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Celestia looked on in shock as the twister came closer to the ground. She was in the courtyard surrounded by guards, each ready for battle. Her sister Luna was beside her. Both sisters were sporting armor, Luna was wearing her black lunar armor while Celestia was wearing her golden celestial armor. "ON OUR MARK WE LEAVE FOR BATTLE. PREPARE THYSELVES." Luna said loudly in the royal canterlot voice. The guards surrounding them tensed for the upcoming battle. The Princess's raised their wings and took off, the guards that could fly followed some carrying armored unicorns in carriages. They made their way to the twister in the distance. The colossus had landed. > Matsu and Flora defeated > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Matsu and Flora Defeated The army of royal guards was nearing the colossus, scouts flew at them trying to protect the ship. The sky was littered with explosions and falling pegasi. The two princess's also joined the battle, Luna and Celestia knocked back wave after wave of scouts, sending them flying back at their comrades creating a domino effect of explosions. Metal chunks flew everywhere as the scouts were destroyed. ><><><><><><><><><><>< Back on the ground Jane and Rainbow Dash were running past fleeing ponies trying to get to the battle. Just then a large object landed in front of them sending dust everywhere. Matsu stood before them. "Rainbow Dash, run. I will deal with him." Jane said. "No can do Jane, we are in this together so I will stick by your side." Rainbow Dash replied. "It doesn't matter, I will take on both of you and I will win." Matsu shouted, he charged forward but both Rainbow Dash and Jane dodged the attack. "I am under orders from master Xorn to destroy you two." Matsu said. "Very well, in that case I will not let you." Jane answered back. Both men charged at eachother and exchanged blow after blow. The forces of their punches knocking eachother back. Rainbow Dash took this as an opportunity to get in a free kick on Matsu sending him flying back into a building, shattering the wall. "Give up Matsu, you can't win against both of us." Rainbow Dash said. Matsu wiped some blood away from his face as he glared back at them. "Then I will come at you full force." Matsu then started his transformation into his true form as sparks of electricity flew everwhere. "Rainbow Dash get ready." Jane said as Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope and Fluttershy went outside to see the damage and were relieved to find none. Though most of the animals were shaken. Just then a thorny vine shot out from the everfree and went straight for Hope. "Hope look out!" Fluttershy pushed her out of the way and took the full force of the hit, sending her flying back and crashing into the wall of her cottage. "Mamashy!" Hope got her spear ready for whatever had just attacked them. Just then another vine shot forth, but Hope was ready for it this time. She jumped back and stabbed the vine sending magical energy into it. The vine disintegrated as Flora came out from the cover of the forest. "It seems our little angel has gotten stronger since we last met." Flora grinned. "Not quite, your just a bad shot." Hope retorted. "You little brat, I'll splatter you guts." Flora screamed. Flora though was taken by surprise when an angry Fluttershy delivered a kick to her face. "You will not touch her!" Fluttershy said. "Fine, I'll just splatter both your guts." Flora then went on the attack. Hope and Fluttershy jumped through the middle of the vines, avoiding every single one. Hopes spear was pointed directly at Flora. "Pierce through my Harmonic spear, LOVING SLASH." The spear streatched out words and pierced through Floras heart. "So this is the power.....of angels......I guess this is goodbye." Flora said as she started to disappear into nothing. "My death won't be in vain though, other fallen angels will come. I doubt you can handle them though......." With that she vanished, leaving Hope and Fluttershy alone. Hope heard an explosion in the direction of Ponyville. "Come on Mamashy, others are in danger." Hope said as she started to run. Fluttershy nodded and followed after her. "Don't worry Hope, I will always try to protect the ones I love." Fluttershy said as they disappeared down the road. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Jane and Rainbow Dash were facing of against a fully powered Matsu. Holes littered the ground due to the fight. "I have to admit, you two lasted longer than I expected." Matsu said between pants. Both Jane and Rainbow Dash tensed to attack, Matsu did the same. Rainbow Dash had activated the symbol on her right leg which was now engulfed in the flames of emotion. The magic flame snaked their way up her leg without burning her. Janes blue fire was around both his hands. Both thrust forward, fist and hoof at the ready. It connected, Matsu braced himself as the attack went through. "BURNING LOYALTY" Both Jane and Dash shouted as both flames intensified, Matsu screamed in pain as he was sent flying back through a wall. Matsu collapsed to the ground defeated, black smoke rising from his skin. "I guess this is the end for me." Matsu said as he too disappeared. "Xorn, it's up to you now, destroy this world." Matsu disappeared, his last words echoing through the wind. "Jane, Rainbow Dash." An exited voice said. Both of them turned around to see Pinkie Pie running towards them. "What was that shake their I haven't felt anything like.......*Gasp*" Pinkie stopped when she saw the giant ship in the distance. Then she saw the holes in the ground. "Did I miss something?" Pinkie asked. Jane was about to answer when he was tackled from behind. Fluttershy had snuck up behind him, Hope was in the back ground laughing. "That's for disappearing on me and my friends." Jane looked up and glared. "Though I'm glad your okay." "Don't forget about us partner." Everybody turned to see Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack running towards them. "Don't think we would let you face this alone now darling." Rarity said. "Thats right, besides the princess is fighting without us, and I'm sure she would need all the help she can get." Twilight said. "Anyway where did you and Pinkie disappear too, Jane?" Jane looked at Pinkie and she nodded. "I think it's about time I told you the truth." Jane explained the story he told Pinkie Pie,(see book 2). "Those people sound dreadful, I'm so sorry to hear about that Jane." Rarity said. "Well then in that case we need to stop them varments before they do the same to Equestria." Applejack said. "Then it's settled, we will go help Jabe and Hope get to the colossus and stop these fallen angels in their tracks." Rainbow Dash said. Everyone nodded and started running to the colossus, the battle still raging on the distance. It wasn't going to be easy but they had to do it, it was now or never. > Split Paths > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They had decided to split their forces into two teams of four. Hope, Fluttershy, Jane and Rainbow Dash are the first group. They are supposed to get inside the colossus and shut it down, thus turning off all scouts. The second team consists of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. They're supposed to provide cover for the other team by distracting the scouts. They split up and ran into the everfree forest. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The princess's forces were forced back by the shear number of scouts. "Pull back! There are to many of them to fight all at once!" Luna shouted "But what about them." One of the guards pointed in the direction of the colossus. Celestia and Luna went wide eyed at what they saw, The main six, Hope and a creature they never saw before were running towards the colossus. They seemed to be doing a better job at holding off the robots than them. "In that case, we provide cover, make sure they get to the ship." Celestia said. The guards agreed and the battle continued. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Xorn looked on his monitor and saw the group. He banged his fist on his chair. "Blaze, Goro go deal with these fools on the ground. Aqua get ready to fire the eclipse cannon." ".....aye sir......" Aqua pushed a series of buttons as the cannon started to hum. "Eclipse cannon ready." Aqua said. "FIRE!" ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Hope and the others were busy running through the forest knocking back scout after scout in order to get to the ship. Suddenly Jane stopped. Hope saw this and said. "Wait, Jane senses something," Everypony stopped and listened. Just then two men landed in front of them. Blaze and goro were standing in front of them. In the distance the Eclipse cannon was getting ready to fire. Just the Twilight and Applejack spoke up. "You guys go ahead we'll deal with these two, right Applejack." "Darn tutin." Blaze and goro only laughed. "So the little pony thinks she can beat us." Goro said. "I'd say we burn them to ash." Blaze said. Just then Jane spoke up. "Careful you two thats Goro of the earth and Blaze of the flame. Together they can be a handful." "Don't worry bout us, we will hold em off." Applejack said. With that Jane nodded. "Right lets go." The rest of them ran off in the direction of the colossus, leaving Applejack and Twilight alone to deal with these fallen angels. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The princess's were busy fighting when Celestia saw the cannon. "Luna what's that?" Luna looked over to see a bright red beam coming towards them. "Incoming." Luna yelled. Both of them dodged as well as some guards, but those caught in the blast soon fell down to earth defeated. "Your majesties, it looks like this might be harder than we thought." The general said. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Blaze and Goro attacked both Twilight and Applejack at the same time. "Whoa nelly." Applejack said as she narrowly avoided Blaze's flames. "Twi ah think we may have bitten off more we can chew here." Twilight grunted as she blasted back a large boulder thrown at her by Goro. "We just have to stay alive until the others shut that thing off." "Ah know that Twi, but I'm more worried about us surviven this battle." Applejack sounded worried. "Come on Hope, Jane please hurry up." Twilight said. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The rest of the group managed to get close enough to the ship, but someone stood in their way. Jester stood in front of the entrance and refused to let them past. "If inside you wish to be, then one of you must stay to fight." Jester said with a mocking shrill tone. "You guys go ahead, I will give this clown a taste of the Pinkie Pie." Pinkie said while taking a stand. "So the pink one wishes to stay, this should be fun." Jester said. "Be careful Auntie Pie." Hope said. Pinkie only smiled as the five of them ran inside the ship. "Right lets get this show on the road." Pinkie pulled out her trusty bazooka and aimed it at Jester. "Eat frosting freak!" ><><><><><><><><><><><>< Xorn looked at the battle laid before him and smiled. "......We have intruders........" Aqua said. "Sir, shall I go deal with them." Lumin said. "No, I think Aqua should go. I want you to stay and guard the entrance to this room." Xorn said. Aqua took a bow and left out the door, while Lumin took his place outside. ><><><><><><><><><><><>< The group was thinning fast, only five of them were left. Suddenly Aqua landed in front of them. ".........You shall not pass........." She sounded sad, depressed and full of sorrow. "........I feel sorry for you ugly little bugs for you are about to be drowned out by my rain........." Rarity took a stand, "How dare you call me ugly, you guys go, I'll deal with this bitch." Rarity sounded pissed. The last four ran ahead to leave Rarity to deal with Aqua. "I'll show you who's ugly!" Rarity lunged at Aqua. Stay tuned for more. A/N: Right I want to get this fic over with so don't judge me if it's sloppy or going to fast.